The Lord Willoughby of Parham, his Letter to an Honorable Member of the House of Parliament.

His Majesties Letter to the Lord Willoughby of Parham.

The Lord Willoughby of Parham his Letter, in answer, to His Maiesties.

WITH The Message of the Lords to the House of Commons upon the said Letters.

As also The Lord of Warwicks Letter to his brother the Earle of Holland.

AND The Declaration or Resolution of the Officers in the County of Essex, to the Earle of Warwick, Lord Lievte­nant of that County.

With the Approbation of both Houses concerning the same.

Printed for Joseph Hunscott, and Iohn Wright.

ORdered by the Lords in Parliament, That these severall Letters, and Resolutions shall be forthwith Printed and Published.

Joh. Brown, Cler. Parliament.
My Lord,

I Received a Letter from your Lord­ship, in which the House is pleased to do me a very great Honour, farre above any desert of mine, and little expected by me: for my Lord, I well know my obedience tyes me to fulfill their Commands, and in that I have done, I have done but my duty, and that which every honest man ought to do, and oweth of right to the Parliament; and whosoever hath that principle in him, it will dictate to him as much, and keep him from other by-wayes: And for my own part, my heart ever was, and shall ever be, both forward and ready to obey their Lordships Commands in all things, both with Integrity and Industry, and Gods curse light upon him and his, that carryes any other heart about him. My Lord, it is too mean a way for me to expresse my acknowledgement in paper, to the House for this high favour which I have received by your Lordships Letter. I hope to make it appear by my actions that then Lordships see, I am not an ungratefull servant. It is a great encouragement to these parts, their Lordships Resolutions, in giving their Commands to have the rest of the Militia put in present execution; and truly, my Lord, it was out of that regard that I did intimate it to my Lord of Essex, as holding it a thing much conducing to the publike good, and the on­ly [Page 4]remedy to cure these distractions which the Kingdom is in, not out of any regard to my self; for I know, if I suffer in executing their Lordships commands, it must be against their wills, and when that day comes, I will not give a straw for all I have, were I but a looker on. My Lord, as I was this day at Lincoln, where I appointed to begin to Muster, there came a Messenger from His Ma­jesty, with this Letter, which I held it my duty to ac­quaint the House with, and likewise my answer, and am for Lincoln, where, as in all other places, I shall be ready to serve your Lordship,

As your most humble servant, F. WILLOUGHBY.
MY Lord,

ere my Letter was sealed up, I could not but give your Lordship an accompt, in how good a Posture I found the Trained Bind of Lincoln, which was farre beyond my expectation, considering the unhappinesse in the sicknesse, being dispersed in the Town, which hindred the appearance of some; But truly my Lord that was fully supplyed by a Company of Voluntiers, equall in number and goodnesse of Arms to the Trained Bands.

[...] SOIT QVI MAL Y PEN [...]
RIght trusty and welbeloved, We greet you well.

Whereas We understand, That you have begun to assemble, Train, and Muster the Trained-Bands of our County of Lincoln, under pretence of an Ordinance of Parliament, whereto We have not given our Consent; Which is not only contrary to Law, but to Our Com­mand and Pleasure, signified by Our Proclamation sent to the high Sheriff of that Our County: Wherefore, That you may not hereafter plead Ignorance of such Our Prohibition; We do, by these Our Letters, Com­mand, and charge you, upon your Allegiance, to desist and forbear to Raise, Muster, Train, Exercise, or Assemble together any part of the Trained Bands of that Our County, either by your self, or by any others imployed under you, or by Warrant from you. And because you may, for what you have already done, con­cerning [Page 6]the Militia of that Our County, plead, that you had not so particular a Command, We shall passe by what you have already done therin, So as presently upon your receipt hereof, you shall desist and give over med­ling any further with any thing belonging to the Mili­tia of that Our County; But if you shall not presently desist, and forbear medling therewith, We are resolved to call you to a strict Accompt for your Disobedience therein, after so many particular and legall Commands given you, upon your Allegiance to the contrary, and shall esteem and proceed against you as a disturber of the peace of Our Kingdom.

To Our right trusty and welbeloved the Lord Willoughby of Parham.

AS there can be nothing of greater unhappi­nesse to me, then to receive a Command from your Majestie, whereunto my endea­vours cannot give so ready an obedience, as my affections: so I must confesse the diffi­culty at this time not a little, how to ex­presse that duty which I owe to your Majesties late Com­mands, and not falsifie that Trust reposed in me by your high Court of Parliament; through whose particular di­rections I am now come into this County to settle the Militia, according to the Ordinance of Parliament, which by the Votes of my Lord Littleton and others in the House of Peers, better versed in the Laws then my self, passed as a Legall thing; and hath since been confirm­ed (if I mistake not) by his example, and your Majesties Chief Justice, Sir John Banks, both in accepting their Ordinance, and nominating their Deputy-Lieutenants: how much farther they proceeded, I know not.

But Sir, if the opinions of those great Lawyers drew me into an act unsuitable to your Majesties liking: I hope the wart of yeers will excuse my want of judgement. And since the Command of the Parliament, I am now so far ingaged in their service as the sending out Warrants to summon the County to meet me this day at Lincoln, and [Page 8]afterwards in other places: I do most humbly beseech your Majesty not to impose that Command on me, which must needs render me false to those that relve on me, and so make me more unhappier then any other misery can fall upon me.

These things, Sir, I once more humbly beseech your Majestie may be taken into your gracious consideration, and that you would never be pleased to harbour any mis­conceit of me, or of this action, since nothing hath yet passed by my Commands here, or ever shall; but what shall tend to the honour and safety of your Majesties Per­son, to the preservation of the peace of your Kingdom, and to the content (I hope) of all your Majesties Subjects in these parts; amongst which I remain

YOUR MAJESTIES Most humble, and most dutifull SƲBJECT and SERVANT, F. WILLOVGHBY.

THE MESSAGE OF THE LORDS TO THE House of Commons, UPON The Lord WILLOUGHBY of Parham, His Letter and service in the execution of the Ordinance, concerning the MILITIA.

THe Lords have thought fit to let you know, how much they valew and approve the endeavors of this Lord, in a service so much impor­ting the safety of this Kingdome; and they doubt not of your readinesse to concurre with them, upon all occasions to manifest; the sence they have, and shall retaine of his deservings, [Page]which appeares the greater, by how much the difficulties (by those circumstances you have heard read) have been greater. And as my Lords resolve to make his interest their owne, in this service, for the publique good, and safe­ [...] of this Kingdome, so they desire you to joyne with them, in so good and necessary a worke.

Resolved by the House of Commons to joyne with the Lords in this vote, and doe make the like resolution for the deputy Lieu­tenants for the County of Lincolne, and desire the Lords concurrence therein.

Ordered by the Lords in Parliament, That they agree with the House of Commons, for the resolution concerning the Deputy-Lieu­tenants of the County of Lincolne.

TO My Noble Brother the Earle of HOLLAND.


IN obedience to the order of both Houses of Par­liament, I this day repaired to Burntwood (where about one fourth part of the Trayned bands of Essex, were appointed to meete) for putting of the ordinance for the Militia of this County in execution. I saw five Compaines drawne out, being of the ordinary trayned Bands (and all that were designed to this place) whole numbers I found full, and their Armies compleat. For though about three­score Armes had beene formerly taken out of each company for the late service about Scotland, yet a full supply was made by Volunteers, and one of the said five Compaines (being under the conduct of Sir VVilliam Mashams sonne) was double to the usuall list. A sixth Company was drawne out, which consisted of neere five hundred able men, who came as volun­teers under the command of Sir Thomas Baringtons younger son. I caused the Declaration of both houses made for their indemnity, to be read at the head of each company. And required the Captaines, Officers, and Souldiers to be obedient to such directions as should be conveyed to them from me, or my deputy Lieutenants, according to the said ordinance for the [Page]service of his Majesty and the Parliament in defence of the Kingdome. To which they did unanimously manifest a resolution and respect, and a cheerfull readi­nesse, therein to spend their lives and fortunes. Here­of I thought fit to give your Lordship this briefe ac­compt praying you to communicate the same to their Lordships, I having desired my deputy Lieutenants to doe the same to the House of Commons. I have this day received a petition from the Captaines and Liev­tenants of the severall companies here assembled, in the name of all the persons belonging to the said tray­ned bands, and with their full consent expressed upon the reading of it, by their generall acclamations, and applause, in their severall Companies, whereof I send your Lordship a copy here inclosed, And so desiring from God a blessing upon all your counsells, I rest,

Your Lordships affectionate Brother, WARVVICK.

TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE, ROBERT Earle of Warwicke, Lord Lieutenant of the County, of Essex: and to the Right Worshipfull and worthy Gentlemen, the Deputy Li [...]utenants of the same County, confided in by the most Honourable, the High Court of Parliament.

WE the Captaines and Lieutenants with the full consent of the Trained-Bands and Vo­lontiers of the said County now assembled, having before the accesse of this present Par­liament seen our Religion, our Lawes our liberties and estates brought to the brinke of ruine and subversion by the results of most desperate and wicked Councels, could not but with exceeding joy behold the assembling and continu­ance of so great and faithfull a Councell (the representative body of this Kingdome) and with most certaine confidence commit therero all that was deere unto us.

And having also seen the late hellish designes and actings of a M [...]lignant party of this Kingdome, and the bloody rebellion in Ireland, all working to retard the progresse, or subvert the, being of this worthy Parliament, and therein to bereave us of all our hopes of Reformation, or future peace or happinesse to th [...]s Church or Kingdome, We cannot but ascribe all glory and praise unto the Lord of Lords, and expresse most hearty thankfulnesse unto his blessed Instruments that great Assembly, for their un­danted Resolutions, unparalleld endeavours, and happy procee­dings for the common good. And herein (as not the least meanes of our safety) for the most necessary and seasonable Ordinance of theirs touching the ordering of the Militi [...], whereby we are put under the command and guidance of so Noble a Lord, and [Page]such worthy Gentlemen, whereunto We humbly desire this pre­sent day and meeting may be an Evidence and pledge of our free and willing obedience.

And having entrusted our Religion, our Lawes, and all into the hands of that great and most faithfull Councell the Parlia­ment, whose care and fidelity we have so abundantly found, we even bleed to see the heart and actions of our Royall King (con­trary to his owne Royall expressions) declining from the Coun­cels of His Parliament, and carried after other Counsels, whom, as the Lawes and Constitutions of this Land have not knowne, nor reposed upon: so we (for our owne parts) neither will nor dare intrust with our Religion or Lawes. And whom we verily beleeve, could they prevaile against that highest Court (under God our chiefest Bulwarke and defence) would soone deprive us both of Religion and Law, and (notwithstanding all their speci­ous pretences) reduce us to a condition no lesse miserable then slavish.

From the deepe apprehensions of all which we doe freely and heartily promise and tender our persons and estates to assist and defend (to the uttermost) the high Court of Parliament now as­sembled, the members, power, and priviledges thereof, and there­in His Majesties person and authority, and the Kingdomes peace, (according to our late Protestation) against all contrary counsels, power, and force of Armes whatsoever, which shall be reard up, or attempted against them.

And this our humble acknowledgement and resolution (which we doubt not will be accorded unto by all good subjects) we humbly desire your Honour and Worships to tender on our be­halfe unto that most Honourable Assembly of Parliament.

For whose happy progresse and successe we shal daily pray.

  • Captaine Kitely.
  • Captaine Henry Farr.
  • Captaine Iohn Ballet.
  • Captaine Iohn Fleming.
  • Captaine W. Marsham.
  • Lieutenant. Tho. Harper.
  • Lieutenant. Jo. VVoodcock.
  • Lieutenant. Rich. Lawrence.
  • Lieutenant. Geo. Colwell.
  • Lieutenant. Tho. Clarke.
  • Robert Barington, Captaine.
  • William Burls, Lieutenant.

THe Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, being advertised by the Lord Lievtenant, and Deputy Lieutenants of the County of Essex, of their ready, full, and forward meeting of the Tray-Bands of that County; and of a cheerefull accesse, of a very considerable number of Volunteers, at their first appearing; Have thought fit, to expresse unto them, the good sence they hold of their proceed­ings, so much conducing to the Generall safty of this Kingdome; And having likewise received from them a Declaration full of affections, and good inclina­tions, to maintaine our Religion, Lawes, Liberties, and Priveledges of Parliament; Which they observe to be invaided by pernicious Councell, as indeed they have beene of late, in a more dangerous, and high manner then any age can parallel: And ha­ving very prudently observed, in a right under­standing, That the Kingdome, and the Kings autho­rity and Person, can be no wayes maintained, but by the upholding the power and priviledges of Parlia­ment: as by the late Protestation they acknowledge themselves bound unto, against all contrary Coun­cils, Power, and force of Armes whatsoever. This just and faithfull resolution of theirs, to the publique [Page]good; The Lords and Commons doe not onely ap­prove, but commend, assuring them, that as their en­deavors have been for the peace and happinesse of the King and Kingdome; So they will persist, in discharge of the great and publique trust, which lies upon them; to goe through all difficulties which may oppose the publique peace and welfare of this Kingdome; And will upon all occasions, bee ready to expresse particularly, to those persons, that respect which is due to persons from whom they have receaved such assurance of their affections and fidelities.


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