THE BLOODY TENENT YET More Bloody: BY Mr Cottons endevour to wash it white in the BLOOD of the LAMBE; Of whose precious Blood, spilt in the Blood of his Servants; and Of the blood of Millions spilt in former and later Wars for Conscience sake, THAT Most Bloody Tenent of Persecution for cause of Conscience, upon a second Tryal, is found now more apparently and more notoriously guilty.

In this Rejoynder to Mr Cotton, are principally

  • I. The Nature of Persecution, Examined;
  • II. The Power of the Civill Sword in Spirituals Examined;
  • III. The Parliaments permission of Dissenting Consciences Justified.

Also (as a Testimony to M r Clarks Narrative) is added a Letter to Mr Endicet Governor of the Massachusets in N. E.

By R. WILLIAMS of Providence in New-England.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the black-spread-Eagle at the West-end of Pauls, 1652.


Most Noble Senators,

ONE of the greatest Spirits, and as active as later times have yeelded, Charles the fifth, tired out with Affairs of State, resigns up all, and sits down to The Parliaments Labours and Labyri [...]ths, end his dayes in quiet Contem­plation. I doubt not but many of your Honorable Heads have felt the thorny Crown (of these late years troubles) so sharp, so weighty, that your tired Spirits would joyfully embrace, if not (with Charles the fifth) a totall Cessation, yet like some faithfull tired Judge, (after so long and trou­blesome a Tearm) at least some breathing short Va­cation.

Although I dare not (as to Englands peace and safety) admit desires of your Totall. Cessation, or long vacation: yet common Gratitude for such incompa­rable [Page] labours, expences, hazards, &c. from whence the God of heaven hath vouchsafed such rare and incomparable preservations, deliverances, enjoy­ments, &c. I say common gratitude cannot onely wish you heartily & pray for earnestly your eternal Rest, and most joyfull Harvest in the Heavens, but also, all the possible breathing hours, and cool reti­red shades of Contemplation and self-enjoyment a­midst the scorching Travels of so many vexing and tedious Actions. You cannot (ever renowned Patri­ots) but like some grave Commanders of Fleets and Armies, who have brought their Ships and followers through tempestuous st [...]rms and bloody fights, to joyful Rest and Harbours! You cannot but look back with Admirings, with Praisings, with Resolvings to cast you Crowns, and Heads, and Hearts, and Hands, (for the remaining Minutes of the short Candle of your life) at his Feet, in whose most High and most gracious Hands have all your Breaths and wayes been.

In the review of the multitude of your Act­ings and Sufferings, your Battells and Victories, Dan­gers▪ and Deliverances, you cannot, (no man can) but observe and see (a naked)▪ Arm from Two Subsidies granted by the Parliament to the King of Kings. Heaven fighting for you, but most especially since the times and houres you gratified the most High Eternall King of Kings (now more then ever Englands King) with these two famous Subsi­dies (if I may in humble Reverence so call them.)

The first, of Mercy and Moderation to the The first Sub­sidy. [Page] poor oppressed Consciences of the English Nati­on, amidst the throng of which he graciously will, yea he hath acknowledged, that some of his own dear Children (the Sonnes and Daughters of the God of Heaven) have been relieved and suc­coured by you.

The second your high and impartiall drawing The second Sub­sid [...]. of the Sword of Justice upon the great and high­est offendors: Since which two wonderfull Sub­sidies, the most wilfully blind must be forced to see the glorious Goings of the God of Heaven with your Councels and Armies, and the discharge of his holy promise in honouring you, who have so highly, (in so rare and unparalleld Travels and Ha­zards) honored him.

Concerning the first of these Subsidies, I was humbly bold some few yeares since, to present you with a Conference between Peace and Truth, touching a most bloudy Murtherous Ma­lefactor, The Bloody Tenent a com­mon Pyrat. the bloody Tenent of Persecution for cause of Conscience: (a notorious and common Pyrate, that takes and robbs, that fires and sinkes the (Spirituall Shipps and Vessels) the Consci­ences of all men, of all sorts, of all Religions and Per­swasions whatsoever.

It hath pleased Master Cotton, (a Man in­comparably too worthy for such a service) to attempt the washing of this bloody Tenent, (as hee speakes) in the blood of the Lamb Mr. Cottons Reply. CHRIST JESUS (though one part of the [Page] Conference, to wit, the Examination of a N. English Modell of Church and Civill Power, he leaveth to the washing of some other of the N. English Ministers, the Authors of that Modell, of whose washings as yet I have not heard of:) This present discourse pre­sents your Honours with the second part of the Con­ference between Peace and Truth, and hath examined Mr. Cottons Reply and washings.

I summe up the multitude of my Thoughts touch­ing your Honours Consideration of this point, in these three most humble Petitions.

First, I most humbly and earnestly beseech your The first Peti­tion. Honours to mind the Difference between State Necessi­ty of Freedome to different Consciences, and the Equity and Piety of such a Freedome.

State Policie and Necessity of Affairs drew from Difference be­tween the Piety and Mercy, and State-necessity of granting free­d [...]m to mens Consciences. great Constantine (with his Colleague Licinius) that famous Edict of Freedome to all mens Consciences, whom yet afterward he persecuted: But a Succes­sor of his (of late years) Maximilian the second, comes neerer the Life of the Businesse, when he con­scientiously profest in a solemne Speech to the Bi­shop Constantines and Maximilians acts compared, of Olmuts in Bohemia, There is no sin ordinarily greater against God, said he, then to use violence against the Consciences of men.

Your Honours will find (if the Father of Spirits please to spare you time and Spirits, to mind this Cause and Controversie, that all violence to Conscience turns upon these two Hinges.

First, of Restraining from that worshipping of a Two wayes of oppressing con­science in Reli­gion. God or Gods, which the Consciences of men in their respective worships (all the world over) believes to be true.

[Page]Secondly, of Constraining to the practising or coun­tenancing of that whereof their Consciences are not perswaded.

In the practice of both these, the Histories of our own Nation will tell us (besides the forraigne) how sharp and zealous the strongest Swords of England have ever us'd to be.

And yet of the practice of both, what a Propheticall The late King Charles his conscience to op­presse the consci­ences of others, no small occasion of the ruine of him and his. passage of our late troubles and King, did the fore­said Maximilian expresse to Henry the third of France, (in his passage from Poland to France to claim the French Crown) to this effect, Sir, remember that when men think to get Heaven by using violence to the Consciences of men, they oftentimes lose The Bishops kild the King. that which they might peaceably have kept on Earth. Some have said that worldly policie perswaded, as well as State-necessity compelled the States of Holland to a prudent permission of different Consci­ences. Hollands policy. And that the said State-Policie perswaded some Dutch to wish that England might not tolerate, least a permission of Conscience in England should break down the Bridge and Passage into their parts of Freedome in causes of Conscience.

Those prudent and prosperous States have gone The permission of conscience in Holland. far (though driven by Spanish persecution) to it) in taking off the yoak from the necks of Dutch & Eng­lish, French yea, Popish & Jewish consciences. For all which (though but Mercy, though but Justice and humanity to fellow mankind) he that runs may read the truth of Gods never failing Promises, Blessed are the Mercifull for they shall obtain Mercy.

Their own Chronicles tell us of a wonderfull walk [Page] of the God of Heaven between three of their most Gods wonderful goings in Hol­land from Stafore, undone by Pride and Unthankfulness, eminent Towns or Cities, First Stafore was the wondrous Wealthy City, their golden Citie, til a proud wealthy, Merchants widow, caused a whole ships loa­ding of wheat (which her ship brought home and she despised) to be thrown over into the Harbour, which (with other Accidents of water and weather, Gods most righteous providences) so choak'd up the Haven, that Vessels of Burthen durst never frequent that Citie (by this occasion) most won­drously impoverish'd) since.

From Stafore God carries all the Shipping and To Enchuysin, undone by the bloody Tenent of Persecution: wealth to Enchuysin, whose Zealous, over-zealous and furious Clergie provoke the Civil Magistrates to persecute dissenting, non conforming consciences: A­mongst the rest 'tis rare (if ever) that the most glo­rious Son of God himself escapes.

From Enchuysin therefore (a Den of persecuting From Enchuy­sin to Amster­dam, raised to its present hight and glory, by mercy to the per­secuted. Lyons, and mountain of Leopards) the persecuted fled to Amsterdam, a poor fishing Town, yet harborous and favourable to the flying, though dissenting con­sciences: This confluence of the persecuted, by Gods most gracious coming with them, drew Boats, drew Trade, drew Shipping, and that so mightily in so short a time, that Shipping, Trading, wealth, Great­nesse, Honour (almost to astonishment in the Eyes of all Europe, and the world) have appeared to fall as out of Heaven in a Crown or Garland upon the head of that poor Fisher-Town.

O ye the prime of English men and English worthies, whose sences have so oft perceived the everlasting Arms of the Invincible and Eternal King, when [Page] your Ships Hold hath been full with water, yea with Blood, when storms without, fires and mutinies with­in, whence he hath beaten upon some Rocky Hearts Englands ship got into Har­bour. and passages, as if she would have staved and split into a thousand pieces; yet this so neer stav'd, so neer fired, so neer split, foundred, sinking Nation, hath the God of Heaven (by your most valiant and carefull hands) brought safe to Peace her Harbour! Why now should any duty possible be impossible? yea, why not impossibilities possible? Why should your English Seas contend with a neighbour Dutch­man Striking of Colours. for the motion of a piece of Silk, &c▪ and not ten thousand fold much more your English Spirits with theirs for the Crown of that State-piety and Wisdome which may make your faces more to shine, not only with a common lustre after a Dutch Presi­sident, but (if it be the holy will of God, and I hum­bly hope it may be) with a glory far transcending all your fairest neighbours Copies.

The States of Holland having smarted deeply, and paid so dearly for the purchase of their freedomes, reach to the neighbour Nations and the world, a tast of such their dainties. And yet (with due reve­rence to so wise a State, and with due thankfulnesse for mercy and relief to many poor oppressed Con­sciences) The States of Holland yet to seek in the mat­ters of liberty of Conscience. I say their Piety nor Policie could ever yet reach so far, nor could they in all their School of Warre (as their Countries have been call'd, learn that one poor Lesson of setting absolutely the consciences of all men free.

'Tis true, they vouchsafed to the Papists and Ar­minians the liberty (as I may so speak) of the prison, [Page] and sometimes to go abroad (as I may say) with a Keeper, &c. But why should not such a parliament as England never had, (and who knows whether ever Touching abso­lute freedome to every mans con­science imparti­ally. will the like) why should not the piety and policie of such Statesmen out shoot and teach their Neigh­bours, by framing a safe communication of free­dome of Conscience in worship, even to them to whom with good security of Civill peace) it is as due as to any other Consciences or Worshippers in the World) the Papists and Arminians them­selves. Of the Piety and Policie of such a freedom I have discoursed more largely in the answering of Freedome of Po­pish consciences. S [...] Chap. 59 more particu­larly. some Objections of Mr. Cotton in Chapter 59. of this Book: and proved that such a freedom of the Conscience of each member of the Commonweal, and such a Commonweal as Englands now is, especi­ally, cannot in all probability prove so dangerous and prejudiciall as many do imagine and discourse, but contrarily many wayes prove beneficiall, and marvellously advantageous.

Your Honors know what bloody bickerings and bloodsheds have been in later times in Germany, in the Low-Countries, in France, in England, in Polonia, in Hungaria, Bohemia, Transilvania, &c. about the Free­dome of mens Consciences and Worship?

The God of Heaven may also please graciously to remember you, that it hath been the fatall er­rour of all Reformers that England or other States have seen, to doe as the Portugals did in the Old images puld down, and new set up. East-Indies, who pull'd down the Images of the Pa­gans whom they conquered, and set up their own I­mages of Portugall in their stead and places.

[Page]It is agreed on all hands that subscribe to one GOD, that his worship is but one, and that all be­sides that one true GOD, are idols, and all worship All Images must down. beside his own (but one) are Images: And you know the fiery jealousie of the Eternall will not e­ver endure an Image (though never so fair) his Ri­vall: Hence in the many former Changes of estates, and State-worships (by Gods just and jealous permis­sion) the childrens work hath been to tumble down their fathers buildings. Nor can your most prudent Heads, and potent Hands possibly erect that Fabrick, which the next Age (it may be the next Parlia­ment) may not tumble down. And yet so may the God of Heaven so please to guide you in the high matters that concern the worship of God, and the Consciences of men, that (what ever be the pre­sent or future consequences) your own Conscien­ces may reap the joyfull harvest of their present and eternall Requiems.

The Pope, the Turk, the King of Spain, the Emperour, and the rest of Persecutors, build among the Eagles, and the Starres, yet while they pra­ctice violence to the Souls of Men, and make their Swords of Steele Corrivals with the two­edged Spirituall Sword of the Sonne of GOD: the Basis of their Highest Pillars, the Foundation of their glorious Palaces, are but Drosse and Rotten­nesse. And however in our poore Arithmeticke, their Kingdomes Number seem great, yet in the All violent courses must break. onely wise account of the Eternall, their Ages are but Minutes, and their short Periods are neer accomplished; for herein the Maxime is most [Page] true (in the matters of Religion and Consciences of men, especially:) the violent motion must break.

But Light from the Father of Lights hath shined on your eyes: Mercy from the Father of Mercies hath softned your breasts, to be tender of the ten­derest part of Man, his Conscience: for indeed The Act for Civill Engage­ment of great necessity. there is no true Reason of Policy or Piety (as this Dis­course discovereth) why that man that will sub­scribe (and give assurance for honest meaning) to that most prudent Act of Civill Engagement, (what ever his Conscience be) should be depriv'd and rob'd of the liberty of it, in Spirituall and Religi­ous matters.

I have (I fear) been long in my first Petition, my second shall be brief, is this.

I most humbly and earnestly beseech your Ho­nours The second Pettion. in all the straits and difficulties which yet you are to passe (concerning this great point of mens Consciences, or other high affairs) steere carefuly off from one sunk Rock, on which so many gallant Ves­sels have miscarried. This Rock lies deeper then o­thers, and seldom hath appeared but at some Dead­low water, when the most high Judge of the whole world reckons with Men or States; in low conditi­tions and debasements.

I humbly beg from God the gracious continuance of his mighty Angels guard about your sitting, to preserve your Honours from the flames of Wars a­broad, and from such flames at home: from Risings, from Tumults, from Mutini [...]s, from Pistols, from Stabs, Worldly wisdome in straits a most dangerous rock. from Powder-plots, from Poyson, &c. but above all, from your own Wisdome and Policies in straits and difficulties.

[Page]The holy History tells, that on this Rock (in a State strait) strook the great Statist Jeroboam, to the ruine of himself and his posterity.

On this Rock split that famous and zealous Re­former Jehu.

This pluckt the Crown from Sauls high head, when his own wisdome in straits made him presum­tuous about the worship of God.

This pluckt off the Crown, and pluck out the eyes of Zedekiah, when in a strait he trusted not in God, as Solomon speaks, but leaned to his own under­standing for his safety.

To which purpose my third Petition is, that in the The third Peti­tion. midst of so many great Negotiations of Justice, of Mer­cy to the Bodies and Estates, or Spirits & Conscien­ces of so many thousands and ten thousand, you for­get not to deal justly, & to shew mercy to your selves: Oh how lamentable and dreadful wil it prove, if af­ter all your high Employments (as the State-Agents & Soul shipwrack. Factors for the Commonweal!) if in the midst of all your cares and fears, and tossings about the Souls and Consciences and salvations of others, your own most dear and pretious selves make an eternal shipwrack?

Your Honors know, that although men have chosen and cull'd you out as wise and noble, yet God hath not chosen (if Paul say true) many wise and noble to eter­nall life and blessednesse.

Who can love and honor you, and not cry to the God of Heaven for you, and to your selves for your selves: Be not so busie about the Earthly estate, no nor the Heavenly estate of others, as to forget to make sure your own vocation and election, & to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

[Page]Oh let not this bold cry offend, and though offend, yet let it throughly awake your noble spirits to know your dangers & hindrances (more then other mens) Dangers of Par­liament men. from a world of distractions from without, from pride & self-confidence from within, from the flatteries of such who (hoping for rewards & morsels from you) proclaim abroad (that you may hear it) O blessed Christian Magistrates, Christian Kings & Queens, Christi­an States, Christian Parliaments, Christian Armies, so lul­ling your pretious souls into an eternall sleep.

I need not remember your Honours of that most wonderful summa totalis of all the castings up of Solo­mons choice particulars (his wisdom, works, riches, peace and pleasures,) Vanity and vexation of spirit. I need not Wonderfull Con­fessions of two mighty Kings. remember you of that wonderfull Confession of Phi­lip the 2 nd of Spain (neer his last) to his successor and son Philip the 3 rd, to this effect: I have had and ex­pended (about the time of these 30 years) 594. mil­lions of Treasure, and yet gained nothing for my self but heart sorrow, and vexation of Spirit. Your own observant eyes and ears (in the late most wonderfull changes and tossings of all affairs and things) cannot but read a thousand Lectures to your most serious midnight and morning Thoughts of the most certain uncertainties of Friends, Treasures, Revenues, Ar­mies, Forts, Magazines, Castles, Ships and Navies, Crowns and Lives.

Why then should your renowned wisdom & pru­dence excel the folly of others as much as light excel­leth darkness, in searching of the root and causes of matters, in fore-seeing Events and Consequences, in True Heavenly wisdome. raising Monies and Armies, in choosing Agents, in framing Laws, in managing great affairs at home & abroad, in discovering plots, in preventing dangers, & [Page] finall overthrows by sure retreats, &c. If yet, alas, that wisdome make not out a saving discovery of the most holy and only wise, the Alpha & Omega, the first of cau­ses and last of Ends (in whose hand is all your breath and ways:) in raising spiritual supplies against your spiritually devouring adversaries, in discovering their methods, de­signes, deceits, in preventing that (that) fatall overthrow, and eternall defeat ( remediless, hopeless) where the worm never dies, and the fire never goes out?

O why should your renowned valors so glory in the The onely valour or cowar­dize. conquest of Cities, Castles, Ships & Armies, if your selves are led capti [...]e in the spiritual chains of lusts & passions, a more lamentable, and more to be deplored object, then the poorest slaves in the Spanish and Turkish Gallies.

What shall avail your admired diligence and activity in managing & quick dispatching so many and so high True and best dili­gence. affairs, by day and night, catching hold of all occasions, redeeming all oportunities, improving all advantages, if you lose the fair Gales, and oreslip and sleep away the pretious and inestimable seasons and calls, and knocks and offers of your own eternal Mercies?

What boots your exemplary and impartiall justice on so many and so high Delinquents, if your own bosomes True Ju­stice and Righte­ousness. are found traiterous to the State of Heaven, rebellious to the King, to the God of spirits, and if in that most high Court of Justice from Gods most dreadful tribunal you hear that thunder (which oh that you may never hear) [...]o ye cursed, &c.

'Tis true your mercies have been eminent to the poor, to the opressed, to the captive, to the maimed, to the Heavenly mercy. wounded, to the fatherless, widows, &c. But will you now be cruel to your selves, incompassionate to your own bowels, insensible of your own wounds and miseries? O search and see, and be perswaded of [Page] your infinite want of Crummes falling from your Table of Mercy! of the infinite price and value of the wine & oyl of the mercifull (though despised Samaritan) to ease and supple, to cleanse and heale your broken Hearts and wounded Spirits.

The flames of your zeal for the God of Israel (as that famous Iehu said) have been so bright, and mounted so high against two mighty Factions of the Kings and Queens (the Prelats & the Popes) that those flames have not only dazled and amazed all British eys (the English Late zea­lous Re­formati­ons. & the Scotch) but or'e the Seas, and or'e the Alps, and or'e the Pirenean mountains, and Romes own 7 hils haue flown & fild all Protestant and Popish ears, and hearts, and tongues, with either admiration & exulting, or furious rage and indignation! Yet what avails these glorious flames, and furious whirling of your zealous Chariots, if yet they are but Jehu's? If Sathan the God of this world possesse the Throne of Pride and Ostentation in your bo­soms (Come see my zeal which I have for the God of Israel) yea though you should go on where Jehu left, and shoot home where he fell short, yet what avails it that the God of Israel be in Iehu's mouth, when God­selfe, God-honour, &c. fill his breast & heart? What gains he by the slaughter of Princes, Priests and Gods, when Israel it self is but an Apostate state from the true wor­ship Jehu his zeal and reward. of the God of Israel, and Iehu himself (according to the purity of Gods word and ordinances at Ierusalem) re­formed not so much as his own priv [...]t heart & censcience?

Alas, what solid joy (most zealous Worthies) shall a Crown of leaves (a temporal reward, Iehu's wages) bring to your Noble Heads & Breasts, if you heare not at last that saving Call to all humble and selfe-denying Fol­lowers of Jesus Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

[Page]Your admired publick patience so wonderfully assaulted, so wonderfully loaden with such mightie Trials from Mans, from Gods hand, with such migh­ty Losses, mighty Defeats, mighty Labours & Hazards, Of the Parlia­ments patience. mighty Reproaches, &c. I say your unwearied Pati­ence hath stood (like some mighty Rock, or Anvill) invincible: Yet who can stile this Patince, or State­policie! if your private Howses and Breasts swell and swarm with rebellious Passions, Impatiences, Re­venges! If in the furnaces of your own private af­flictions, and in the powrings out and changes of the most High upon you, your Drosse and Lees of un­mortified, unsanctified Spirits remain uncleansed! if you most humbly kisse not the Rods of the most High chastising you by sicknesses, by lesses, and other trialls, humbly thankfull, and longing to declare the Spirits of true Children, truly desiring more and more to partake of his Divine Nature and Ho­linesse?

Yea, what avails the Crown of your enduring Con­stancy, that have rid out so long a storm, held out Of the Crown of true Con­stancy. so long a siege, not fainted in such tedious Travels, Labours, Oppositions, Treacheries, Discouragements, but gloriously cast Anchor in the Port of Patience; if yet your personall Righteousness passe away as the morning dew melted with the warme beams of vi­ctorious and prosperous Success? If your own pro­fessions of Christ Jesus prove but a fading colour, and not died in the right Grain of the pretious blood of the Son of God?

Your Honours well remember, that the main point of Luthers Reformation, (and before him of the [Page] Hussites in Germany and Bohemia, and before them of the Wicklevists in England, and before them of the Waldenses in France, consisted chiefly about Repen­tance and Faith in the blood of Christ: That the main Contentions of Calvin, and since him of the most Reformers, have turn'd upon the hinge of The Controver­sies of late years about Religion. the Form of the Church, and the Administrations thereof, the lamentable though pretious Fuell of those fires of strife among the wisest, holiest, and learnedst of the Followers of Christ Jesus in these times. You know the Lord Jesus prophesied, That So many opposite Churches, so many opposite Christs to the onely true. many false Christs should arise, and the Scriptures more then once give the title of Christ to the Ghurch; whence it is evident, That every severall Modell, Platform, and profession of a Church, is the profession of a various and different Christ. Your Honours also know he spake most true (being Truth it Selfe) that said, That which is most highly esteemed a­mongst men, is abomination in the sight of God, Luke 16. Hence, such may the glorious profession of Christs or Churches be, as may ravish the eyes and hearts of men, and from which the jealous eys of the true Lord Jesus turn away as from the false and counterfeit with indignation. Beside the Coun­terfeit in holy Scripture, how famous was the Page­ant of that counterfeit King of England, which so The Pageant of Perken Warbeck in K. H. 7. his dayes, a picture of false Christs, or Churches. haunted with long vexations one of the wisest of Englands Kings ( Henry the seventh?) How won­derfully (even to astonishment) did the imposture of Richard Duke of York (proclaiming Henry an usurper and [...]alse.) I say, how wonderfully did that monstrous imposture take, that not [Page] onely Foraigners where that Counterfeit most kept (the Arch-Duke, the King of France, the King of Scots, the King of Romanes, the Irish Nation, &c.) were deceived with that feigned King, but also so many gallant men of our own Nation, even to the wisest and highest (as that famous Stanley Lord Chamberlain, the Preserver and R [...]iser of King Henry himselfe) lamentably lost their Heads and Lives a­bout that pretended King? Now counterfeit Spiri­tuall delusions of false and counterfeit Christs, as they are deeper and stronger, so they find more easie posses­sion of the Ears and Souls of men, so wofully prepa­red by naturall self-deceivings.

On six principall Pillars or [...]. The six funda­mentals of Chri­stian Religion. Heb. 6. Foundations (saith the holy Spirit, Heb. 6. 6.) is built the fabrick of of true Christianity: On Repentance, on Faith, on Baptismes, on laying on of Hands, on the Resurrection, and the Eternall Judgement.

Concerning the two middle ones of these there are and have been mighty and lamentable differences among the Scholars of Jesus, who yet agree in the other foure, of Repentance and Faith, the Resurrection and Eternall Judgement.

Whatsoever your Honours apprehensions are of with or without the first two, sal­vation or no sal­vation. the foure last, I beseech you (as you love your lives to Eternity) make sure of the two first, and ply (with Sails and Oars) day and nights, and give not rest to your souls till you have anchored in some blessed assurance, that although you find not satisfaction in the many frames of Churches pretending; yet that you have saved (as once you know a wise and ho­norable personage said) the Bird in your Bosome: and [Page] that those your very eyes which have seen so much of Christ Jesus, and so many wonderfull changes, and have been rotten awhile in their holes (in Death) shall joyfully possesse, and fill their holes again, and be gloriously blessed with the sight of a Redeemer, when these Heavens and this Earth shal passe away. For which humbly and uncessantly prayes

Your Honours most unworthy, yet unfainedly devoted, Roger Williams.

Your Honours (wanting time to read much) may please to view in a few minutes the Portraicture and Map of the whole Bloody Tenent in the latter end of the last Chapt. Chap. 79.

To the several Respective General Courts, especially that of the Massachusets in N. ENGLAND.

Honored and beloved Friends and Countreymen,

WHile You sit drie on your safe American N, England Priviledge. Shoars (by Gods most gracious Providence) and have beheld the dolefull tossings of so many of Europs Nations, yea of our dearest Mother, aged England, in a Sea of Tears and Bloud, I am humbly bold to present your Eyes and Hearts with this (not unseasonable) discourse of Bloud, of the Bloudy Tenents of Persecution, Oppression, and Violence, in the Cause and matters of Conscience and Religion.

It is a Second Conference of Peace and Truth, an Exa­mination of the worthily honoured and beloved Mr. Cottons Whole Nation of Lyons or Persecutors. Reply to a former Conference and Treatise of this Subject. And although it concern all Nations, which have persecuted and shed the Bloud of Jesus, the Bloudie Roman Empire, with all the Savage Lyons thereof, Emperours and Popes, the bloudie Monarchies of Spain and France, and the rest of Europs Kingdoms and States (which under their several Vizards and Preteness of Service to God, have in so many thousands of his Servants, Murthered so many thousand times over, his dear Son) yea although it concern that Blou­die Turkish Monarchy, and all the Nations of the World who practise violence to the Conscience of any Christian, or Anti­christians, [Page] Jews or Pagans; yet it concerns your selves (with all due respect otherwise be it spoken) in some more emi­nent The Bloudy Te­nent more espe­cially concerns N. E. degrees: Partly, as so many of yours of chief note (be­side Mr. Cotton) are engaged in it; partly as N. England (in respect of Spiritual and Civil State) professeth to draw nearer to Christ Jesus then other States and Churches, and partly as N. England is believed to hold and practise such a Bloudie Doctrine, notwithstanding Mr Cottons Vails and Pre­tences of not persecuting men for conscience, but punishing them only for sinning against conscience! and of but so and so, not persecuting, but punishing Hereticks, Blasphemers, Idolators, Seducers, &c.

It is Mr. Cottons great mistake and forgetfulnesse, to charge The occasion of the present con­ [...]versie. me with a publick examination of his privat Letter to me; whereas in Truth, there never passed such Letters between himself and me about this Subject; as he alledgeth: But the Prisoners Arguments against Persecution, with Mr. Cottons Answer thereunto (which I examined) I say these were un­expectedly, and solemnly sent to me, as no privat thing, with earnest desire of my consideration or Animadversions on them.

These Agitations between Mr. Cotton and others, so sent unto me, as also the Model of Church and Civil Power by Gods Providence coming to hand, I say they seem'd to me to be of too too Publick a nature: And in which my soul not only heard the dolefull cry of the souls under the Altar to the Lord for Vengeance, but their earnest sollicitations, yea and the command of the Lord Jesus for Vindication of their blouds and lives spilt and destroyed, by this Bloudie Tenent, though under never so Fair and Glorious Shewes and Co­lours.

The most holy and allseeing knowes how bitterly I resent This Contesta­tion is not with persons, but a­gainst their bloo­dy Doctrins and Tenents. the least difference with Mr. Cotton, yea with the least of the followers of Jesus, of what conscience or worship soever: How mournfully I remember this stroak (as I believe) on Mr. Cot­tons eye, and the eyes of so many of Gods precious children and servants, in these and other parts; that those eyes so [Page] peircing and heavenly (in other holy and precious Truths of God) should yet be so over-clouded and bloudshotten in this: I grieve I must contest, and maintain this contestation with (in other respects) so dearly beloved and so worthy Adver­saries.

And yet why mention I or respect I man that is but Grass, and the children of men that must die, whose Brains, Eyes and Tongues (even the holyest and the highest) must shortly sink and rot in their skuls and holes.

Without remembring therefore who my Adversarie is, nor all the Wormwood and the Gall so frequently in Mr. Cottons Reply against me; I fully and only level with an upright and single eye (the Lord Jesus graciously assisting) against that fowl and monstrous bloudie Tenent and Doctrin, which hath so slily (like the old Serpent the Author of it) crept under the shade and shelter of Mr. Cottons Patronage and Pro­tection.

My end is to discover and proclaim the crying and horri­ble The end of this Treatise. guilt of the bloudie Doctrin, as one of the most Seditious, Destructive, Blasphemous, and Bloudiest in any or in all the Nations of the World, notwithstanding the many fine Vails, Pretences and Colours of not persecuting Christ Jesus, but Hereticks, not Gods Truth or Servants, but Blasphemers, Se­ducers: not Persecuting men for their Conscience, but for sinning against their Conscience, &c.

My end is to perswade Gods Judah (especially) to wash their hands from Bloud, to cleanse their hearts and wayes The cry of the Lord Jesus. from such Ʋnchristian practices, toward all that is man, ca­pable of a Religion and a Conscience, but most of all toward Christ Jesus, who cries out (as he did to Saul) in the suffe­rings of the least of his Servants: Old England, Old Eng­land, New England, New England, King, King, Parlia­ments, Parliaments, General Courts, General Courts, Presby­terians, Presbyterians, Independents, Independents, &c. Why persecute you me? It is hard for you to kick against the Pricks.

My end is to prepare the Servants and Witnesses of Jesus [Page] (what Truth soever of his they testifie) for that great and ge­neral and most dreadfull slaughter of the witnesses, which I cannot but humbly fear, and almost believe, is near approaching, and will be Ʋshered in, provoak'd and hastned by the preud security, worldly pomp, fleshly confidence, and bloudy violences of Gods own children, wofully exercised each against other, and so rendred wofully ripe for such an Ʋniversal and dreadfull Storm and Tempest!

My end and scope is to put a Christian barr, and just and mer­ciful A Bar against Persecution. Spoaks in the wheels of such zealous reforming Jehues, who (under the Vizard and Name of Baals Priests) may possibly be induced to account it good service unto God, to kill and burn his precious Servants.

My end is, that the greatest Sons of Bloud (the Papists) may know, when ever (as the Saints in Queen Maries days confessed) when ever it shall please the jealous God for the Or a Testimony against it, espe­cially in the Pa­pists. sins of his Saints to turn the Wheels of his most deep and ho­ly Providences, and to give the Power to the Paw of the Beast, against his Saints and Truths, for their last dreadfull slaugh­ter (as Daniel and John do clearly seem to tell us) I say those Sons of Bloud, the bloudie Papists, may know, that their bloudy Doctrin of persecution, was disclaimed by some, whom they call Sectaries: That equall and impartiall favour was pleaded to the Catholicks, as wel as to their own or other mens Souls and Consciences: And that if that great Whore shall yet proceed not only to drink the wine of their carnal Jolli­tie, in the Bowles of the holy Ordinances of Christs Temple and Sanctuary; but also to drink more drunk in the bloud of his Saints and witnesses! This Testimony may stand as a Cha­racter of Bloud, fixed by the hand of Gods eternal Truth and Peace, upon the Gates of their bloudie Courts, and upon the forehead of their bloudie Judges, who (under what pretence soever) hunt and persecute the Souls and Consciences of any Child of God or Man.

My truly honoured and beloved Countrimen, vouchsafe me A double prison, of prejudice and Conscience. I beseech you that humane and Christian Libertie to say, that I fear your Spirits are lock'd up in a double prison from any [Page] serious Audience to ought of mine presented to you. The first of Prejudice against such and such a person. The se­cond of Conscience, against such and such a matter; and that while my Conscience or another mans saith, Let me be Heretick, Blasphemer, Idolater, Seducer, with Christ Jesus, with his Apostles, Saints and Witnesses: Let me (for his sake) bear Frowns, Censures, and Persecutions, from men so dear, so excellent, so holy! Your Consciences plead for equall Li­bertie of opposing in your way, all such erroneous or wandring Consciences.

For answer, It is but Humanity, it is but Christianity to exercise meeknesse and moderation to all men: It is humane and Christian Wisdom to listen to a serious Alarm against a Common Enemy: Prove the Alarm false, it may be but trou­blesome: Prove it true, it may be Destruction to have despis­ed it.

As the wounds of a Lover are better then the Kisses of an Enemy: So saith the same Spirit, an open Rebuke is better then secret Love.

But yet your Consciences (as all mens) must be satisfied, 2 Foundamen­tall Hints a­gainst Persecu­tion. I have therefore in all these Agitations humbly presen­ted (amongst others) two Foundamental Hints or Conside­rations.

First that the People (the Original of all free Power and Government) are not invested with Power from Christ Jesus, to rule his Wife or Church, to keep it pure, to punish Opposites by force of Armes, &c.

Secondly, that the Pattern of the National Church of Is­rael, was a None-such, unimitable by any Civil State, in all or any of the Nations of the World beside: In this latter hint I insisted more largely in my former Considerations upon Church and Civil Power in N. E. unto which Mr. Cotton replyed not (and of any other Replyes of any (to whom Mr. Cotton refers it) do I yet not know of.)

I Add, it is a glorious Character of every true Disciple or Scholler of Christ Jesus, to be never too old to learn.

It is the Command of Christ Jesus to his Schollars, to try [Page] all things: And Libertie of trying what a Friend, yea what an (esteemed) Enemie presents, hath ever (in point of Chri­stianity) proved one especiall means of attaining to the truth of Christ.

For I dare confidently appeal to the consciences of Gods most knowing servants, if that observation be not true, to Libertie of try­ing forbidden Books, &c. wit, that it hath been the common way of the Father of Lights, to inclose the Light of his holy Truths, in dark and obscure, yea and ordinarily in forbidden Books, persons and Meetings, by Sathan stiled Conventicles.

New English Voyages, have taught most of our Old English spirits, how to put due prices upon the most common and or­dinary undervalued mercies; how precious with some hath New Englands Lessons. been a little water? how dainty with others a piece of bread: How welcome to some the poorest howsing? Yea the very Land and Earth, after long and tedious passages?

There is one commoditie for the sake of which most of Gods children in N. England have run their mighty hazards; a commoditie marvellously scarce in former times (though in some late years by Gods most gracious and mighty hand more plentifull) in our native Countrey: It is a Libertie of search­ing after Gods most holy mind and pleasure.

Out of this most precious and invaluable Jewel, if you suffer Sathan (that grand thief and cheater to bereave you, and that it shall be a crime, humbly and peaceably to question even Liberty of searching our Truth, hardly got, and as hard­ly kept. Lawes and Statutes, or what ever is even publickly taught and delivered, you will most certainly find your selves after all your long Run (like that little Frenchman who kill'd the Duke of Guise, and was taken next morning neare the place from whence he had fled upon a swift horse all night) Jan le petit. I say you will most certainly find your selves, but where you were, enslav'd and captivated in the Chains of those Popish Darknesses, [to wit, Ignorance is the mother of Devotion, and we must believe as the Church believes, &c.]

Remember therefore (O ye the Cream and Flower of English Plantations in America) what a black and direfull a cole it was with which it pleased the Spirit of God in Haba­cuck, [Page] to brand the Assirian Monarchie, to wit [a Bitter and hastie Nation] but in the spirit of meeknesse, in the meeknesse of wisdom, be pleased to remember that possible it is for Gods The wonderfull deceitfulnesse of the hearts of Gods only peo­ple. visible, only people in the world to have very foul and blou­die hands, full of Bloud (Isa. 1.)! To build up Zion and Je­rusalem (that is, to erect the Visible Church and Kingdom of God) with Bloud (Mic. 3.) and with Iniquitie, That the Heads and Judges of Gods People, may judge for a reward (and the deceitfull heart of man graspeth at rewards more then of one sort) that the Priests and Prophets thereof may teach and Prophesie (and it may be frequently and excellent­ly, but yet for) an hire and for money; And that yet their consciences may lean upon Jehovah, and they may say with confidence, is not the Lord amongst us? None evil shall come unto us; &c. O remember that your Gifts are rare, your Professions of Religion (in such way) rare, your Persecuti­ons Mic. 3. N. England must be singular, as in Mercies, so in Judgments. and hidings from the storms abroad, rare and wonderfull: So in proportion your Transgressions, estate and publick­sins cannot but be of a rare and extraordinary Guilt: Nor will New England's sorrowes (when sins are ripe and full) be other then the Dregs of Germanie's, of Ireland's, of Eng­land's, and of Scotland's Tears and Calamities.

Amongst the crying sins of our own or other sinfull Na­tions: those two are ever amongst the lowdest, to wit, In­vented Devotions to the God of Heaven. Secondly, Violence and Oppression on the Sons of men (especially (if his sons) for 2 of the loudest State. crying sins. dissenting, and against both these, and that the impartial and dreadfull hand of the most holy and Jealous God (a consuming fire) tear and burn not up at last the Roots of these Plantations, but graciously discovering the Plants which are not his, he may graciously fructifie and cause to flourish what his Right hand will own: I say this is the humble and unfeigned desire and cry (at the Throne of Grace) of your so long despised Out-cast:


To the Merciful and Compassi­nate READER.

WHile the unmercifull Priests and Levits turn away their cruel Eyes and Feet from their Soul wounds, the deepest. poor wounded neighbours (the oppressed for matters of Religion and Worship) it will be no ingratefull act to present thy tender heart and Ear (Compassionate Samaritane) with the dolefull cry of the Souls under the Altar [How long Lord before thou avenge our bloud on them that dwell upon the Earth] and to pray thy mournfull view of the Akelde­mae's and fields of Blood, where thousands and ten thousand times ten thousands of the pretious Saints (Servants and Witnesses of Jesus) lie slaughtered in their bloudie Gore, in all Ages and in all Nations, where the Trumpet of the Son of God hath sounded:

Here and there among these slaughtered heaps of Saints lie (thin and rare) the slaughtered Carkasses of some poor Arrians or Papists, or other poor deluding and deluded souls: This seeming colour of Impartiall Justice serves (wo­fully) The Akelda­maes, or fields of Bloud, caused by the Bloudy Te­nent of Persecu­tion. that murtherous enemy of all Mankind for a Stale or Covert under which his bloudie Game goes on, of persecuting (or hunting) the harmless Deer, the children of the living God.

For the sake then of the dear Saints and Followers of Jesus, for his holy sake and Truth, for the holy name and Truth of the most holy Father of Lights, the God of it, thy compassio­nate eye is here presented with a Second Conference and [Page] view of Mr. Cottons Reply, and artificial bloudie washing of the Bloudie Tenent.

The Battel about any Truth of God in Christ, is fought and managed by that most high and glorious Michael the Arch-Angel and Son of God, attended with all his Holy Angels, the Messengers and Witnesses of his Truth on the one side: On the other side by that great red Dragon, whose bloudie Fol­lowers, Michael, the son of God, and Sathan the red Dragon, the two great Generals. Devils and men of all sorts and Nations, but especial­ly the Roman bloudie Emperor, and Roman Popes (with Lyon-like Furie, and Fox-like craft) have suck'd the Bloud and broke the Bones, and devoured the Flesh of so many hundred thousand, thousands of the King of Kings his spi­ritual Hinds and Roes in this their bloudie hunting: So that aptly (I had almost said Prophetically) wrote one of their own Roman Poets of the lamentable condition of the harm­lesse Deer above other Creatures: Dente tuetur Aper, defen­dunt, Cornua Taurum, Imbelles Damae quid nisi Praeda sumus?

'Tis a lamentable and cruel sight to see the sons of one poor man and woman, (all the Globe of the world over (like Ba­bels builders) so vastly disagreeing about a God and his Wor­ship.

'Tis lamentable to see these one Mans sons Murthered and Massacred (in mutual slaughters) as for other pretended Causes: So this especially of Conscience and Religion.

'Tis yet more lamentable and never enough to be lamen­ted, Lamentable discord [...] about Religion, even among the ser­vants of the true and living God. that while the Sons of Men do but their kind! the Sons of God, the sons of the God of Place, the Lillies, Doves and Spouses of Jesus should thus discord and jart about this Christ their hope! that (like the very Turks and Persians conten­ding about their Mahomet his Successors) the Children of God should tear out each others Throats about the last Will and Testament of the Son of God their elder brother: That Ephraim should be against Manasseh, and Manasseh against Ephraim, and both against Judah; yet all sons of one, and professors of one God of Israel:

But oh the low and shallow comprehensions of the sons of The Israelites divided. men, who as a Rotten thing (saith Job) consumeth▪ Oh the [Page] depths of the Councels and workings of the most High, most Holy, and only wise, outshooting all the Generations of men, who heat and know no more then Jonathans Lad, Is not the Arrow beyond thee? &c.

His holy Wisdom hath an heavenly Reason (to touch a lit­tle upon this sorrowfull string) of that bloudie Device and Joseph sold by his brethren. Sale of innocent Joseph by his own Brethren, the sons of one Israel and God.

He knowes why so holy a Leader of such a miraculous People (as I may truly call them) why Aaron (I say) was so left to the horrible, ungratefull, and outragious importuni­ties Israel force Aaron to make them Gods. of this (then the only) People of God, as to frame a Beastly worship, and to turn the most glorious and dreadfull Godhead into the similitude of a Beast that ea [...]eth grasse.

He knowes why the Israel of God) Rebels, as Moses passi­onately called them) should so often grieve the holy Spirit of Israels murmu­rings. God with their murmurings, and be so near to dash out the brains of their most faithfull Leaders.

He knowes why two Parts or Angles of that Heavenly Triangle (Moses, Aaron, and Miriam so neer in Earthly and Heavenly Relations) I say why that rare Pair, Aaron and Aaron and Mi­riam against Moses. Miriam should yet envie and mutiny against their so dear a Brother, and so meek and heavenly a Ruler, Moses.

His heavenly wisdom hath a reason of that wonderfull Shrinking of an Army of 32 thousand Israelits, into one poor 300 left behind, and found only fit for Gods battels a­gainst An Armie of 32000 Israe­lites shrunk into 300. the Midianits.

A reason why those two famous Champions, Samson and David should find so great discouragement to their fighting of Gods Battels, the men of Judah basely binding Samson, Samson and Da­vid discoura­ged by their own brethren. Benjamin almost destroyed by the 11 Tribes. Israels rejecting of Samuel & the Lord himself. and the chief of Davids own Brethren flying in his face with open Railings.

A reason of that all most utter consumption of one whole Tribe of Israels 12. by the furious flames of the Zeal and In­dignation of the eleven.

These things happened not by chance, but as the Apostle speaks in Types (in curious and wonderfull figures) so that [Page] his holy wisdom knowes: why Israel must be so weary of Sa­muel and himself, and (like the Nations of the World) must have a King to be their Champion and fight their Battels:

Why Saul this desired King, the King of Gods own choice and Israels, why yet he must hunt an innocent David, as a Saul persecuting David. Flea in the bosom, or a Partridg on the mountains, until he hath slain himself to set the Crown on Davids head.

A reason of that long continued Faction of so many Tribes against this Davids Crown, and that Israel (so importunate, so impatient for a King) should now powre out each others Ishbosheth and Israel against David and Ju­dah. blood about a Successor, whether a David, or (the son of Per­secution, Saul) Ishbosheth.

A reason (when David wears both Crowns in one, and hath all that a most gracious God could espie out fit for Da­vid to receive, that yet he wants a wife that had so many, and rather then a Davids sinfull Desires and Whordomes shall David stabbing Ʋriah with his Pen. want a Covering, the blood of Ʋriah (that is fire or zeal of God) shall die and make up one to cover them.

O the Depths of the Councels of the holy one of Israel why (there being but 12 Tribes in all) 10 Tribes of his own The divisions & dispersions of the Tribes. people should tear away from 2, and after many Captivities of the one and the other, both the one and the other now are scattered from each other upon the face of the Earth, and as yet no certain Tidings what's befaln to the 10 Tribes of the Israel of God.

He knowes why to leave an upright perfect Asa [...]'s heart to such folly and wrath, as to lay a Faithfull Prophet (admonish­ing him from God) by the heels.

Yea, why the Followers of the meek Lamb of God, should Asa imprisoning the Prophet. burn in such Ʋnchristian Flames, as to call for fire from Hea­ven to consume the contemners and despis [...]rs of their Lord Christs Disciples destrous of fire from heaven, &c and Master, who quencheth the fire of their rash zeal with this mild Check, You know not of what Spirit you are of.

Why such [...] ( Bitternesse as the Word is) should rise between two Turtle Doves, Paul and Barrabas, and that a­bout Bitterness be­tween Saul and Barrabas. their most laborious and most dangerous Ministeries.

Why one cries Paul, another Apollo, another Caphas, ano­ther [Page] Christ, even in the first established Churches.

This holy Plot, this heavenly designe of the most holy and only wise God, thus to permit the contentions and divisions Gods mercy drawes one ma­ny sweet fruits from the bitter contentions of his servants. of his own Servants, as it displaies Himself only Perfect and Excellent, and all (the best of) men in all Ages, but farthing­candles, yea smoaking Firebrands: As it brightly proves the admirable consent and Angelical Harmony of the holy Scri­pture, relating Histories, and in those Histories infolding Prophesies, fulfill'd before mens daily view thousands of years after: As it makes us see our spiritual Povertie and Begga­ry, and infinit need of Mercy and Grace, and Peace from Heaven, and drives us to continual Prayers and cries, for mercifull supplies from thence! As it disrelisheth this pre­sent sweetest life, yea the very life of Spiritual Love, in the Communion of the Saints of God themselves, if compared with the most pure and spiritual and absolute Joyes and Life approaching.

So doth this heavenly Councel of the most High, aboun­dantly stop the mouths of all malicious, who (although they delight to scratch their Athenian Itch of hearing Novelties, new things, Newes, yet) stumble they at this stumbling-block of Novelties, new Churches, new Ministers, new Discipline, new Baptism, new Light: The ancient of days (say they) the God of Peace and Love cannot be in such Divisions: The old Bishops were better, the old Popes themselves more tol­lerable.

But this is but the barking of malice against Gods holyness which his true servants desire to partake of! Against Gods Truth, which his servants must contend for, (yea though it be one against another) against Gods Councels who hath so laid his holy project, that what he now sets out in a clear Light and fairer Print, is the very same (had we inlightned eyes to see it (with the old edition of former times, more dark and rude in Ceremonies, Types, and figures.

I cannot but foresee variety of divers Passions and Affecti­ons, Various affecti­ons of Readers expected. in a Variety of Beholders of this present Controversie: Some will please themselves and their curiosities in the No­veltie [Page] of such discourses: some will rejoice to see the light appear, and yet mourn in the lamentable differences of such who profess the same God and Christ about it: Some will be angry and cry out of Blasphemy against their Gods, their Bellies, and their Titles, &c. Some will fear distur­bances of the Civil, and some of the Spiritual peace and Christianity: Yet some will truely desire, to search and know the will of God, humbly desirous to do it on earth, as the Angels doe it in heaven.

The Courteous Reader may please to see, that in the The Model of N. English Church and Ci­vil Power. first Conference of Peace and Truth, there was Discust, a Modell of New English Church and Civill Power, which Mr. Cotton in his Reply waved and referred to o­thers of the New English Elders to Reply unto, which whether they have so done as yet I have not heard:

Together with Mr. Cottons Reply to the Bloudy Te­nent, Of Mr. Cottons Reply to the An­swer to his Let­ter. there was also added a Reply of Mr. Cotton to an Answer of his Letter: The Examination of this Reply I desired, and intended should have been here pre­sented; But the streights of time (being constantly drunk up by necessary Labours for bread for many depending on me, the discharge of Engagements, and wanting helps of transcribing) I say the streights of time were such, that the Examination of that Reply could not together with this, be fitted for Publick view, though with the Lords assistance will not delay to follow:

Touching Mr. Cotton I present two words: First for his Person, Secondly for his Work.

For his Person, although I rejoyce that since it plea­sed Gods wisdom adored in the Discussing of the Bloudie Tenent. God to lay a Command on my Conscience to come in as his poor Witnesse in this great Cause: I say I rejoice it hath pleased him to appoint so able, and excellent, and Conscionable an Instrument to bolt out the Truth to the bran: So I can humbly say it in his holy presence, it is my constant heaviness and souls grief as to differ from any fea­ring God; so much more ten thousand times from Mr: Cotton, whom I have ever desired and still desire highly to [Page] esteem, and dearly to respect, for so great a portion of mercy and grace vouchsafed unto him, and so many Truths of Christ Iesus maintained by him. And therefore (notwithstanding that some (of no common Judgement and respect to him, have said, that he wrote his washing of the Bloudie Te­nent in Bloud against Christ Iesus, and Gall against me, yet) if upon so slippery and narrow a passage I have slpit (notwithstanding my constant resolution to the contrary) into any Tearm or Expression unbeseeming his Person, or the Matter (the cause of the most high in hand conside­red) I humbly crave pardon of God, and Mr. Cotton also.

Secondly concerning his Work, I call to mind a speech of one of eminent Note in N. England (observing a dispositi­on in men for one man to deifie another, and that some of A memorable Speech touching Mr. Cotton. no small note had said they could hardly believe that God would suffer Mr. Cotton to err) the Speech was this [I fear that God may leave Mr. Cotton to some great error, that men may see he is a man] &c.

But concerning his Work, the observant Reader will soon discover, that whatever Mr. Cottons Stand is, yet he most weakly provides himself of very strange Reserves, and Retreats: to point with the finger at 2 or 3 most frequent and remarkable.

First when he seems to be overwhelmed with the lamen­table and doleful cries of the Souls under the Altar, crying The strange re­treats Mr. Cot­ton makes in this controversie. out for Vengeance on their Persecutors that dwell upon the Earth! He often retreats, and professeth to hold no such Doctrin of persecuting the Saints, no nor of any for cause of Conscience, nor that the Magistrate should draw forth his Sword in matters of Religion.

When it is urged that through this whole Book he Per­secutes or Hunts (by name) the Idolater, the Blasphemer, the Heretick, the Seducer, and that to Death or Banish­ment: The rearing of Lyon like perse­cution, pag. and amongst other Expressions useth this for one [If there be stones in the streets, the Magistrate need not run for a Sword to the Smiths shop, nor to the Ropier for an Halter to punish Hereticks, &c.] Mr. Cotton retreats into [Page] the Land of Israel, and calls up Moses and his Laws against Idolaters, Blasphemers, Seducers, &c:

When he is Challenged (and that by his own frequent confession in his Book) for producing the Pattern of a Na­tional Church when he stands only for a Congregationall! for producing that national church of Israel, so miraculous, so typical, as a Copie or Samplar for the Nations and Peoples of the World (who have no such miraculous and Typicall respect upon them) Mr. Cotton retreats to Moral Equity, that the Seducer and he that kills a Soul should die.

When it is urged that Christ Iesus at his so long typed out coming, abolished those National shadowes, and erect­ed The strange re­luctancies of the Lamb. like spi­rit of Mr. Cotton forced to against the Persecuting Lyon. his Spiritual Kingdom of Israel, appinted Spiritual Offi­cers, Punishments, &c. and that those Scriptures, Tit. 3▪ a­gainst the Hereticks; and Rev. 2. against Baalam and Ieza­bel prove only a spiritual death and cutting off from Christ Jesus his holy land of life and peace, his church & kingdom. Mr. Cotton retreats and confesseth Christs Kingdom is spi­ritual, not national, but congregational, and that those Scri­ptures hold forth a Spiritual cutting off, and he so produceth them to prove the heretick so to be cut off, alledging that the question was put in general tearms, that he knew not what Persecution should be intended, and that an unjust ex­communication is as sore a persecution as an unjust banish­ment. When he is urged with the nature of the consciences (even of all men to God or Gods in their worships, he pro­fesseth that he is wronged, & that he doth not hold that any man should be persecuted for his conscience, but for sinning against his conscience. When al the consciences in the world cry out against him for setting up the civil power & officers, and Courts of civil Iustice, to judg of the conviction of mens souls and consciences! Mr. Cotton retreats to his last refuge, and saith that although this be the duty of all the Magistrates in the world, yet not any of them must meddle to punish in Religion, untill they be informed which is (upon the point) untill he is sure they will draw their swords for his Consci­ence, Church, &c. against all other as heretical, blasphemous.

[Page]The monstrous Partiality of such suspending, &c. of Monstrous par­tiality, as touching the Magistracy. hanging up all the Magistrates in the world, (except a few of his own perswasion) and that from so principall and main a part of their Office, and that so many thousands in the Na­tions of the world all the world over, and that constantly and perpetually all their dayes. If it please the most jealous and righteous God to hide it (I say the monstrousnesse of such a Suspension) from Mr. Cottons eyes, yet thousand and ten thousands will behold and wonder at it.

But (fearing to exceed in discourse at dore) let every mercifull and compassionate Reader freely enter in, and search the in most Rooms and Closets:

If thou truly love the Truth and Peace, thou art too neer of kin to the Prince of Peace and Truth it self, long to escape the Hunters. If the fourty two moneths of the The slaughter of the Witnesses, Revel. 2. 10. Beasts reign, and the two hundred and threescore dayes of the prophesie of the Witnesses of Jesus in Sackcloth be ex­pired: yet I fear the three dayes and a halfe of the greatest slaughter of the Witnesses is not over: Yet fear not what must be suffered, although the Devill cast (not onely some, but) all Christs Witnesses into Prison: yea, although he murther and fling out the Karkasses of the Saints to shame and injury, yet the mighty Spirit of God will raise them on their feet again, and into heavenly glory, out of this shame shall they ascend in the sight of their bloody ene­mies.

How many and how various are the Disputings, &c. about what should be this three dayes and a halfes calami­ty? How many hope this storm is over? how many fear it is now a breeding? Yet why should we fear so short a draught (though) of a bitter Cup, when tempered by the gracious hand of an Heavenly Father, begun by so dear an Elder Brother, so sweet a Saviour? The Revelations of John, and the Revelations of Gods wonderfull Provi­dences, seem to proclaim wonderfull and dreadfull Disco­veries of the Son of God approaching. And it is as sure [Page] as that there is a Lord Jesus Christ, that God will subdue all his enemies, that he will shortly break Christ Jesus shortly ruining the two dread­full Empites of the bloody Turk and Pope. (and make all his followers tread on) the proudest Necks born up this day in the world, even the grandest Seigniories of the Turkish and Popish Em­pires, the two so mighty opposers of the Son of God. And it is not improbable, both their ruines and downfall must be from some top and pinacle of glorious prosperity and furious outrage against their (Antichristian and Christian) enemies.

The chiefest European enemies of the All devou­ring Turk (though all that bear the name of Christ The Turks so­rest enemies in Euope. are his enemies) are more especially the Pope, the Emperour, the King of Spain and the Venetians, by whom Christ Jesus (probably) will dash that migh­ty Empire into pieces, as he seems to have prophe­sied of old by his servant Daniel: yet probably, as I said before, this downfall must be from some more eminent height of Turkish bloody pride and glory, which that blasphemous and bloody Monarchy shall immediatly before attain unto.

The sorest enemies of the Roman Popes, are the The Popes so­rest enemies. witnesses of the Truths of Jesus, whom he hath not left himself without, during the 42 moneths of the reign of this mighty and dreadfull Beast. Against these blessed followers of the Lamb must (probably) the rage of this bloody Beast rise high in that his great slaughter of them and triumph three days and an half over them, ( Rev. 11.) and this not long be­fore his own eternall downfall.

Many have been the Interpretations of that pro­phesie, and some late Applications of the witnesses and Time to particular persons and Times of late.

[Page]But (with all due respect to the Apprehensions of any studious of the truth of Jesus) I conceive the matter is of a more generall consideration.

For in all that world over that wondred after the Beast, hath Christ Jesus raised up a Generation or kind of Witnesses bearing testimony against him. This witnesse (more or lesse) to the severall Truths of Jesus, he hath been pleased to maintain, before and since Luthers time, especially: The finishing of the Testimony must (probably) be generall, not only in England, but in the rest of the Protestant Nations; which finishing of the witnesse (probably) wil consist in the matters of the purity of his worship, and the Government of the Lord Jesus in his own holy Ap­pointments and Institutions. The slaughter of these witnesses must also (probably) be generall, and in the three dayes and half triumph over them ge­nerall: upon which follows that most glorious and generall rising of the witnesses unto their glory pro­mised, Rev. 11.

I confess in this plea for freedom to all Consciences Freedome of Conscience in worship due even to the Pa­pists themselvs. See Chap. in matters (meerly) of worship, I have impartially pleaded for the freedom of the consciences of the Pa­pists themselves, the greatest enemies and persecutors (in Europe) of the Saints and Truths of Jesus: Yet I have pleaded for no more then is their due and right, and (what ever else shall be the Consequent) it shall stand for a monument and testimony against them, and be an aggravation of their former, pre­sent, or future cruelties against Christ Jesus the Head, and all that uprightly love him, his true Dis­ciples and Followers.

It is true, I have not satisfaction in the clear dis­covery [Page] of those holy Prophesies & Periods set down and prefixed by the holy Spirit in Daniel, John, &c. concerning the Kingdom of Christ Jesus: Yet two things I professe in the holy presence of God, An­gels and Men.

First, my humble Desires and Resolution (the Lord assisting) to contend for the true and visible worship of the true and living God, according to the Insti­tution and Appointment of the last will and Testa­ment of Christ Jesus.

2. I beleeve and profess, that such persons, such Churches are got neerest to Christ Jesus, on whose forehead are written these blessed characters of the true Lord Jesus Christ; First, content with a poor and low condition in worldly things. 2. An holy clean­sing from the filthines of false worships and worldly conversations. 3. An humble and constant endeavour to attain (in their simplicity & purity) to the Ordi­nances and appointments of Christ Iesus. 4. Are so far from smiting, killing, and wounding the Opposites of their profession and worship, that they resolve themselves patiently to bear and carry the Cross and Gallows of their Lord and Master, and patiently to suffer with him. In the number of such his poor servants who as unfeignedly desire (not­withstanding my plea against Persecutors and Perse­cution) I say as unfeignedly desire to suffer as cheerfully with Christ Iesus, as gloriously to reign with him, desires to be,

Thine unfeigned, though unworthiest of all the Followers of IESUS. Roger Williams.

[Page] [Page 1] The Bloody Tenent yet more Bloody, By Master Cottons attempting to wash it with the Blood of the Lambe.

Examination of CHAP. I.


BLest be the God of truth and peace (sweet peace) that once againe, we finde a corner and a few hours to entertaine our sweet embraces and discourses about that Bloody Tenent of Persecution for cause of conscience.


It is indeed Jehovah's work, and it is marvellous in our eyes, that 'midst this worlds combustions, such a corner and such hours are found.


Dear friends, the longer absent, meet the sweeter; and Truth & peace rarely meet in this vale of tears. have cause to spend each minute to his praise, who wonders works, and this not the least, that we two see each others face at all in these tempestuous dayes and vale of tears.

[Page 2]How harshly were our last conferrings entertained by some? How were our selves suspected, and traduced for counterfeits; and our pious and peaceable Meditations, cruelly condemned to the devouring flames?


That ever was our portion, ever since the earthen pots arose against their glorious Potter; and no better lot we must ex­pect, while the time doth last that is determined.


Mean while tis yet our lamentation, that so many of Many dear Saints of God plead for per­secution: Oh how righteous is it with God to send them persecution! our darlings, whom we have tendred as our eyes, have both in Print and Pulpit, cried out against us; and amongst the rest, one of thy dearest eldest children, (too too worthy to be) the defender of the Bloody Tenent of Persecution.


Our love shall cover his shame and nakedness; and our wisdoms pity his heavy labour, Blackamore-washings, and so great expence of precious time and spirit, in labouring to wash this so deeply bloody, and Blackamore- Tenent, in the blood of the Lamb of God.


So parents and true friends love and pity theirs, though sick, though froward and distracted; and let our Bowels yearne over him, who teares out ours: who knows but once before he sleep his last, in the pit of rottenness, he may awake and give glory to the God of peace and truth, of patience and long suffering; whose thoughts, whose wayes, whose love, whose pity hath no bounds, nor limits, toward them whom he hath loved before the worlds foundation.

O let these blessed buds, of hope and sweet desires (dear Truth) put forth in pious fruits of renewed endeavors, and let me once a­gaine prefer my suit for your impartial weighing of what replies, objections, pleadings, he hath brought against us.


For the God of Peace, for the Prince of Peace his sake, yea for his servants sake, for Zions sake, I will not be silent, and know (at last) I shall prevaile to scatter and dispell the mists and fogs, that for a while arise to cloud and choak us.


First, then, what cause should move this so able a defen­dant Quaere why Master Cotton leaps over the Epistles to the Parliament and Reader. to leap over all our first addresses both to the high Court of Parliament, and to every Reader? and what may be conjectured, why himself directs a word to neither in this controversie?


I desire my Rejoynder may be as full of love as truth; [Page 3] yet some say Master Cotton is wise, and knows in what door the wind blows of late; he is not ignorant what sad complaints in let­ters, printings, conferences, so many of Gods people (and of his N. E. Persecu­tion guilty of the persecution in old, especially (since this Re­joynder) by their Law for Ban­ishing such as hold not chil­drens Baptisme, and their late fourscore and ten bloody lashes to the body of the Lord Jesus in the sufferings of his faithful witness, Oba­diah Holines at Boston, meerly about that point of Baptisme. own conscience and judgement of Independency) have poured forth against New Englands persecuting, &c. He knows what Bars New Englands bloody Tenent and practice may put to his brethrens just desires and suits for moderation and toleration, to non-conforming consciences.

Tis true, his conscience, and the credit of his way, compels his reply, but the times advise him, with as little noise as may be, and it seems with no great willingness, that that high and searching house of Englands Parliament should search and scan his Me­ditations.


Well, if the name of God were truely called upon them and (as his title intimateth) the great controversies of these pre­sent times are herein handled; If all that is here presented, be truly practised; and he desire to buy and sell by one measure and to be no otherwaies measured unto, then he measureth unto others: why should not that renowned Court be more particularly and expresly attended with so high and needful examinations? But now enough of that, I long to see that weighed, which is presented, take up those holy weights of thine, which may faithfully discover how light or ponderous each parcel is in Gods most holy presence. Master Cotton first complaines against the publishing of his pri­vate letter, with an Answer thereunto: he faulteth the discusser for punishing his conscience, against the discussers own Tenent of liberty of conscience, for breach of rule, in first publishing to the world before private admonition, and telling the Church.


How justly may I begin with the defenders own con­clusion of this first Chapter! He that setteth forth of his way in the first entrance of his journey, no marvel if he wander all the day after. For,

First, the discusser never wrote any such letter to Master Cot­ton, as Master Cotton so often affirms, and mentioneth throughout his Book.

The like mistake he fals into, in some other passages, which shall be gently toucht at, and passed by, as the failing of memory.


It is often seen, that small matters in the first steps and [Page 4] entrance of a business, prove ominous; and although love bids us lay the blame on memory: yet since Nil sine providentia & Deus est maximus in minimis, and not a Sparow nor a Haire fals with­out him; methinks such a stumble in the threshold should have one sad consideration in Master Cottons brest, so long as he re­sides in the chamber of this discourse.


To my knowledge there was no such letter or inter­course passed between Master Cotton and the discusser; but what I have heard, is This▪ One Master Hall of Roxbury, presented the prisoners Arguments against persecution to Master Cotton, who [...]he occasion of [...]blishing the [...]oody Tenent. gave this present controverted Answer; with the which Master Hall not being satisfied, he sends them unto the discusser, who never saw the said Hall, nor those Arguments in writing; (though he well remember that he saw them in print some yeers since) and ap­prehending no other, but that Master Cottons Answer was as pub­like, as Master Cottons profession and practice of the same Tenent was and is, what breach of rule can Master Cotton say it was, to answer that in the streets which Master Cotton proclaimeth on the House top?


But grant it had been a private letter, and the discourse and the opinion private: yet why doth he charge the discusser with breach of rule, in not using orderly wayes of Admonition, and telling the Church, when Master Cotton himself in this Book Master Cotton blames the dis­cusser for not walking in con­tradictions. blames the discusser for disclaiming Communion with their Church, and they also (after he was driven by banishment from civil habitation amongst them) had sent forth a bull of excommu­nication against him in his absence.

Such practise the Lord Jesus and his first Apostles or Messen­gers never taught, nor any that are truely their successors ever will. But to end this Chapter, in the last place, why doth Master Cotton complaine of the loss of the liberty of his conscience, and of the punishing of his conscience, by the publishing of his letter; aggravating it, because the discusser pleads for liberty of consci­ence? Ʋnchristian par­tiality. Is he indeed on the Lord Jesus mind for the sparing mens bodies, and present life, for their souls and eternal lives sake? Doth he indeed plead for liberty of conscience? Let the follow­ing discourse, and this present passage manifest how tender he is of his own conscience, and of the liberty of it; But how censo­rious [Page 5] and senseless of the pangs and agonies of other mens consci­ence and spirits, and sorrows? As if his alone were the Apple of his eye, but Theirs like the brawny hoofs of the roaring Bulls of Bashan.


Complaines Master Cotton of persecution for such Master Cotton complaining of being persecut­ed by the dis­cusser. dealing against him? I never heard that disputing, discoursing and examining mens Tenents or Doctrines by the word of God, was (in proper English acceptation of the word) persecution for con­science: well had it been for New England, that no servant of God, nor witness of Christ Jesus, could justly take up no other complaint against New England for other kinds of persecution: surely the voice of Christ Jesus to Paul; Saul, Saul, why per­secutest thou me? was for another kind of persecution.


Deare Peace if the Bishops of Old England or new had never stirred up the Civil Magistrate to any other suppressing of mens consciences, nor no other persecuting, then discussing, dis­puting &c. they should never have needed to have been charged so publikely in the face of the world, with the bloody Tenent of persecution for cause of conscience.

Examination of CHAP. II.


IN this Chapter Master Cotton much complaines, that he is charged in the Title to maintaine persecution for cause of con­science, and professeth, That he would have none be punished for conscience, unless his errour be fundamental, or seditiously; or turbulenly promoted, and that after due conviction of consci­ence, and that it may appear he is not punished for his conscience, but for sinning against his conscience.


Persecution for conscience, is in plaine English, hun­ting for conscience; and Master Cotton being a son of wine (as the Jews speak in their Proverb) is loth to be counted a son of Persecution in plaine English is hunting. vinegar, and therefore would avoid the word persecuting or hunting (as something too wilde and fierce an expression, more sutable to the bloody sons of vinegar and gall the Roman Emper­ors, Popes and Bishops) and he much desires to have the word perse­cuting [Page 6] changed for the word punishing, a tearm more proper to Master Cottons tender consci­ence, can hard­ly digest to be a persecutor, but a punisher. true Justice.

But is not this the guise and profession of all that ever persecu­ted or hunted men for their Religion and conscience? are not all histories and experiences full of the pathetical speeches of persecutors to this purpose? You will say you are persecuted for your conscience, you plead conscience; Thou art a heretick the devil hath deceived thee, thy conscience is deluded, &c. And

2. Whether such punishing as Master Cotton assigneth to that threefold degree of heretical wickedness, chap. 5. to wit. To hold a fundamental error, To persist therein after conviction, and lastly, To seduce others thereunto, Or these five summed up ( page 186 of his book) subverters of the Christian Faith, per­sisters therein after conviction, blasphemers, idolaters, seducers; I say, such a punishing which he affirmes to be death and killing, will not amount to make up a persecution for cause of conscience let the Spanish Inquisitions be an instance, who when they tor­ture and rack, and kill and burn for such crimes, yet varnish they and guild all over with the painted Title of Gods Glory, holy zeal, just punishment of hereticks, blasphemers, &c.


But Master Cotton blameth, that he should be charged with the Doctrine of persecution by consequence.


Let his whole book, and the prosecuting of this con­troversie be judge, whether it be only drawn from consequen­ces, and not express Tearms. And for the washing of this bloody Tenent in the blood of the Lambe, Time hath and will discover that such a Blackamore cannot be washed in the blood of Christ himself, without Repentance; for they that washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb (Revelations the 7.) were true peni­tents: untill therefore that persecutors repent of this bloody Do­ctrine and practice, they must hear (as the men of Judah did) the prophet Isaiahs thunder, Isa. 1. Your hands are defiled with blood; wash you, make you clean. &c.

Examination of CHAP. III.


BUt what knot in a Bulrush is that, which Master Cotton ob­serves the discusser findes in his first distinction of persecuti­on for cause of conscience?


For the matter upon the point, they both agree, as Master Cotton hath penned himself, that persecution for cause of conscience, is not onely when a man is punished for professing such Doctrines and Worships, as he believes to be of God, but also when he is punished for renouncing such Doctrine, and not practising such Worships, which he believes are not of God, &c.

All the difference is this that the discusser saith. This should have been expressed in the distinction; Master Cotton saith, it was implied, and therefore the observing of the not expressing of it, was but a knot in a Bulrush.


Tis wofully true, that the peace of the Saints, and the peace of the world, hath been lamentably, broake and distracted, in punishing or persecuting of men, but especially the Saints, upon both these grounds: but yet the records of time and experience will tell us, that since the Apostasie from the truth of Jesus, the Gods children commonly per­secuted for not yeelding to State-worships. rising of Antichrist, and the setting up of many State- Religions, the forest and frequentest punishing or hunting of the children of God hath been (as in the case of Nebuchadnezzars Image) for not bowing down to the State-Images, for not coming to Church, for not obeying the Laws, for withstanding the Kings, o [...] Queens, or Parliaments proceedings.


Your observation is most serious and seasonable, and your complaint as true as lamentable: for since all States and Go­vernments of the world (which lies in wickedness) set up their State or Commonweal-Religions, Nebuchadnezzars golden Images, and Jeroboams golden Calves (the types of the State-Worships of after Ages) whereby others are made to sin and bow down to their seeming glorious worships; and since the dissenters, refusers, non­conformers, non-covenanters (the witnesses of God against such abominations) are but few; and what positive worship they [Page 8] hold or practice (commonly) is most retired, and flying into private corners by reason of the violence of the persecution; they are hence, soonest in all places of their abode, and more speedily and immediately called for and sought out, in the several Parish-towns where they live to bow down to the common-Image, the beastly and Calvish inventions of the Ieroboams of this perishing world; and for refusing to subscribe, to conforme, to come to Church, to do as their neighbours, for being wiser then their Teachers, their Fathers, their Magistrates, the Country, the Parliament, the Kingdome (and sometimes the whole world, in their Oecumenical, or worldly Councels) they are thus punished and hunted for their conscience, for Gods, for Jesus sake; which is a point Master Cotton will say (if the blood of his dear Redeemer split in the blood of his servants, kindly affect him) of greater weight then knots in bulrushes.

Examination of CHAP. IV.


IN the second distinction (to wit, of fundamentals, without right belief whereof, a man cannot be saved) Master Cotton upon the point confesseth it was a just reproof, and saith, that he meant only of the first sort of foundations, that concern salvation, and not of those that concerne the foundation of the Church, and Christian Religion.


It is strange that Master Cotton should so distinguish of foundations, when the holy Scripture attributes salvation to those foundations of the Church, and the order of it: The Lord Act. 2. 2 Pet. 3. added to the Church such as should be saved, and the like figure whereunto Baptisme now saveth us; and concerning the resurrecti­on that we are saved by hope, Rom. 8.

Besides, are not those first foundations, which he saith concerne salvation, foundations also of the Christian Religion? If not of the Christian, then I demand of what Religion are they foun­dations?


It cannot therefore be denyed, but that his distinction of fundamentals, was most dangerous, tending directly to con­demne [Page 9] the generation of the righteous, who have been generally for many generations ignorant of the Christian way of worship. But what say you to this reply, touching how far the New English (implicite) Parishes compare and partake with those of old?


How far those Churches cannot be cleered from not comming out from the Parish-worship, from being themselves (implicitely) Parish-Churches (notwithstanding their Fig-leaves, &c.) and from being persecutors of such as endeavour to cover their nakedness with better clothing, will appear, with Christs as­sistance, in the examination of his reply to the Answer of his Letter.

Examination of CHAP. V.


THe discourse of this chapter is larger and more controversi­al, and therefore ( dear Truth) requires your most serious and deeper examination of it. Master Cotton here distinguisheth worship into true and false, and infers, that if true worship, fellowship with God is held; but if false, fellowship with God is lost. And whereas he was thereupon minded by the discusser to have lived in a false Ministery in England, and to have practised the false wor­ship of the Common Prayer, he labours to clear both, and in par­ticular he saith, It is not truly said, that the Spirit of God maketh the Ministery one of the foundations of the Christian religion, (Heb. 6.) For it is (saith he) only a foundation of Christian or­der, not of faith or religion: and he adds, The Apostle puts an ex­press difference between faith and order, Col. 2. 5. What can be said thereunto?


1. Alas, what buildings can weak souls expect from such Master-builders, when Master Cotton is so confounded about the very foundations? In the former Chapter, he distinguisheth between foundations that concern salvation, and those that concern the the Church and Christian religion: here he distinguisheth be­tween those of Christian order, and those of Faith, or Christian religion. In the former, he opposeth faith against religion and [Page 10] order; here he opposeth faith and religion to order. Grant his memory (in so short a turn) failed him, yet doubtless his mistakes about the foundation of Christian religion, are most gross and in­excusable.


2. I finde no such distinction in the Testament of Christ Jesus, between the Christian order, and the Christian religion; as if the order of the Church of God (I might say, the Church it self, and the Ministery of it) were no part of the Christian religion.

It is true, Coloss. 2. speaks of faith and order, but yet denies not the Christian Church, and the order of it, to be any part of the Christian religion. It is true, that sometimes faith implies the particular grace of believing, and yet sometimes it is put for the whole Christian religion (as Jude 1. contend for the faith once delivered) so that if Master Cotton confesseth the Ministery of the Word (Heb. 6.) to be a foundation of Christian or Church-or­der, he cannot deny it to be a foundation of the Christian reli­gion or worship reduced to those two, of Faith and Order.


What answer you to his saying, It is not a true and a safe speech, to call the fellowship and blessing of God vouchsafed to corrupt Churches or Ministers, or ministrations unpromised, or beyond a word of promise, of God? Against which he alleadg­eth ( Ier. 13.) That God will be merciful to his peoples iniquities, and 2 Chron. 30. Gods mercy to every one that prepareth his heart, &c. although he be not cleansed after the preparation, &c.


The promises hold forth no blessing or fellowship of God to false worships; against which all the holy Scripture de­nounceth cursings, both in the old and new Testament; nor in particular doth that of Ieremy promise any pardon of sin, but to the repentant, though most true also is that distinction of particu­lar repentance for known sins, and general for sins unknown. Such was the sin (it may be) of the Israelites, 2 Chron. 30. in their want of such their legal cleansing.

But I add, how can that one act of covering or conniving at ce­remoniall uncleanness (about a true worship) be brought to prove a promise of Gods blessing and fellowship, to a constant course of a false and invented way of prayer by the Latine or English Masse-book, as some have rightly called it?

[Page 11]

Concerning Ordination, Master Cotton saith, that it is no essential part of a call to the Ministery; no more then Corona­tion is essential to the Office of a King▪ And Jehoshua the high priest did not lose fellowship with God, though he was clothed with filthy garments, Zech. 3.


I answer, Ordination or laying on of hands, compriz­eth the whole Ministery, Heb. 6. wherein if Election or Ordina­tion be false, I see not how the Ministery is true, any more then a marriage can be true, where either consent o [...] solemnity by a true power is wanting: or a King rightly instituted in his Kingly office, when either election or coronation is given or made by a false power.

2. But further, Ordination is not well represented by a Kings Ordination of Christs Mini­stry undfily compared to the coronation of Kings. coronation (to say nothing of the statcliness of the simile) for a King may administer by successive election and consent (in some States) before coronation, and coronation is but for publike state and cere­mony; but a Minister cannot administer before ordination (no more then a husband enjoy his spouse before marriage) which is the puting of him into, and the investing of him with his Authori­ty, as we see both in the priests of the law, and the Ministers of the Gospel.

Concerning Jehoshua his garments; This kind of confession is not after the patterne of Ezra, Nehemiah, David, Daniel. &c. but with mincing and excusing. Moreover, in this place of Zecha­ry, God only comforts his people with the promise of better times, and more new and costly garments: for the High priest now re­turning from captivity, his garments were torne, foule and filthy.

Lastly, These were the garments of the Lords appointing, though in a poor and afflicted condition: what is this to a fools cap or coate (the cap or surplice) what is this to the office of Ie­roboams priests, which never were of God, though happily some of them might studiously give themselves to attaine and teach the knowledge of God, and might (in a kind) separate from the false, 2 Chron. 13. and some good thing might be found in some, as in Ieroboams child, and happily many others as in these our times?


Concerning common prayer, he pleades the time of their Master Cotton pleads for Com­mon prayer. ignorance; as also that the high places were removed, 2 Chron. [Page 12] 14. and knows not of any such faithful admonition as was men­tioned.


God winketh at some ignorance, but is not blind to pass by all: The high places were an high sin, and in Gods time dis­covered, repented of, and removed; but ever by God disclaimed, &c. And although the discusser acknowledgeth himself unwor­thy to speak for God to Master Cotton or any, yet possibly Master Cotton may call to minde, that the discusser (riding with himself and one other of precious memorie (Master Hooker) to and from Sempringham) presented his Arguments from Scripture, why he durst not joyn with them in their use of Common prayer; and all the Answer that yet can be remembred the discusser received from Master Cotton, was, that he selected the good and best prayers in his use of that Book, as the Author of the Councel of Trent was used to do, in his using of the Masse-book.


Yea but further (saith Master Cotton) Numbers 20. Moses used an unwarrantable way of prophesying, and yet God Examination of Num. 6. 20. gave water; therefore set formes of prayer may bring a blessing down.


Moses his calling was true in a true Church; his fail­ing was in point of passion and unbeliefe. What is this to the Common prayer, where all were Idols, both the society or com­munion; in which the priest himself, and the worship were but in­ventions? &c.


But, saith he, Common prayer is not such a fundamen­tall errour.


The word and prayer are those two great services of Acts 6. God, which even the Apostles themselves gave themselves unto: And if Master Cotton intend not that his Argument shall stand good against Master Ball, to prove the falseness of such a maine worship of God, let him shew what that worship of God is, which he intendeth, when he so distinguisheth of some false worship where­in fellowship with God is lost.


To end this Chapter, Master Cotton, to clear him­self from partiality, and that he never useth to measure that to any, which he would not have measured to himself▪ He proposeth a threefold wickedness, which he saith God never left him to fall into.

[Page 13]First, Any fundamental errour. Secondly, persisting therein after admonition and conviction. Thirdly, seducing of others. And lastly, he professeth; that if he should so fall, it were better for him to be cut off by death or banishment, then the flocke of Christ to be seduced by his heretical wickedness.


I here first observe (as also in other places) Master Cot­tons acknowledgement and profession of what a man may be puni­shed Three causes for which Master-Cotton main­taines persecu­tion. for: to wit, a fundamental errour, persisting in it, and se­ducing others; all which are spiritual matters, of religion and worship, for which he decrees from the Magistrate, death or banishment; and yet elsewhere in many other passages, he profes­seth against all persecution for conscience.

Secondly, If Master Cotton should so fall, and be so dealt with­all by the civil state.

First, would not Master Cotton conscientiously be perswaded of the Truth of what he held, though accounted by others funda­mental error, obstinacy, heresie? &c.

Secondly, Will Master Cotton think that death or banishment would be wholesome and Christian meanes and remedies to change and heal his conscience?

Thirdly, He (to prevent the infection of others) granting the civil Magistrate must punish him with death or banishment, doth he not make the Magistrate, yea the Civil State (what State so­ever he live in) the Judge of his conscience and errors?

Fourthly, Confessing it now, that to worship God with a Com­mon prayer, was his sin, and yet it was his conscience, that he might so do: If the Magistrate had judged it to be a fundamen­tal error, he grants he might then have put him to death or ban­ishment, if persisting, &c. though yet he hath a proviso, and a re­treat against this assault, professing, that if the Magistrate be not rightly informed, he must stay his proceedings: of which after­ward.


What is this, but, in plaine English, to profess that all the Magistrates and Civil powers, throughout the whole world, al­though they have command and power from Christ Jesus, to judge in matters of conscience, religion, and worship, and live in daily sin, that they do not cut off the heretick, blasphemer, seducer, &c. yet except they be of Master Cottons minde and conscience, to [Page 14] account and judge to be, they must suspend their duty and office in this case, until they be better informed, that is, untill they be of his mind?

Examination of CHAP. VI.


BUt to proceed to the sixth Chapter, in which is handled that which more especially concerns my self. It is too lamentably known, how the furious troopes of persecutors in all States, Cities, Towns &c. have ever marched under my name, the white colours of peace, civil peace, publike peace.


Yet Master Cotton confesseth, that the Cities peace is an humane and civil peace, as was further explained in many instances from Babylon, Ephesus, Smyrna, &c. against which Master Cotton excepts not.


The difference or controversie in this Chapter lies in two things. First, In the similitudes used from companies and so­cieties, voluntarily entering into combinations, which are distinct from the City.

2. In the nature of the Church, which he maintaines to be a society, whose order the City is bound to preserve, as well as any of their civil orders or societies.


To begin with the first, Master Cotton replies, ‘That although such societies be not of the essence of the City, yet they are of the integral and conservant causes of the City, and so the disturbance of any of those orders or societies in the City, disturbes the City it self.’

But I answer, The similitude was used more especially from a Christs Church may be gather­ed and dissolv­ed without dis­turbance of ci­vil Peace. colledge of Physitians, or a society of Merchants, Turkish, East-Endies, &c. and consequently any other of that kinde, vo­luntarily combining together for the better inriching of themselves in the improvement of their faculties for publike good (at least so pretended.) It was never intended, that if such necessary Trades, Callings &c. as he mentioneth, be dissolved and ruined, that there would be no disturbance of the peace of the City: But that if such o [...] such a way and order of men of those faculties I mentioned, [Page 15] voluntarily combine, and voluntarily also dissolve; yet all this may may be, without any breach of civil and publike peace.


If so, much more the church of Christ, which is a spi­ritual society voluntarily uniting, may dissolve; I say, much more, without the breach of the peace of the city, which is of a civil and humane nature, as is confessed, and was urged in the instances of Ephesus &c.


2. We are wont when we speak of keeping or breaking the Peace, to speake of Words or Actions of Violence, Sedition, Ʋproare, &c. for, Actions of the Cases, Pleas, and Traverses may be, and yet no peace broken, when men submit to the Rule of State, for the composing of such differences, &c. Therefore it is that I affirme, that if any of Christs Church have difference with a­ny other man in civill and humane things, he ought to be judged by the Law: But if the Church have spiritual controversies a­mong themselves or with any other, or if God take away the Can­dlestick as he threatned the Church in Ephesus, all this may be, The doctrine and practise of Persecution, breaks the peace where­ever it comes. and yet no civil peace broken: Yea, amongst those that profess the same God and Christ, as the Papists and Protestants, or the same Mahomet, as the Turks and Persians, there would no civil Peace be broken, notwithstanding their differences in Religion, were it not for the bloody Doctrine of Persecution, which alone breaks the bounds of civil peace, and makes Spiritual causes the causes of their bloodie dissentions.

I observe therefore, a twofold Fallacie in Master Cottons reply. First, he fallaciously mingles Peace and Prosperity together: for though it be true, that under the terme Peace all good things are sometimes concluded, yet when we speak of Hereticks or Schisma­ticks The Civil peace of a place or people is one thing, and the welfare or pre­sperity in health wealth, &c. an­other. breaking the civil peace, or strowing Doctrines tending to break the civill peace, we must understand some such words or acts of violence, wherein the bounds and orders of the City, Laws, and Courts are violated; taking it for granted (for this is the Sup­position) that the Lawes of the City be meerly civil and humane. Hence then I affirme, that there is no Doctrine, no Tenent so direct­ly tending to break the Cities peace, as this Doctrine of persecu­ting or punishing each other for the cause of conscience or Reli­gion.

Againe, it is a second Fallacie to urge your order of the Church, [Page 16] and the Excellency thereof, and that therefore it is a Breach of the civil peace, when the Order of the church is not preserved: For although it is most true, that sooner or later the God of heaven pun­isheth The Cities of the world enjoy peace and pro­sperity, where Christ is not heard of. the nations of the world▪ for their Idolatries, Superstitions, &c. yet Master Cotton himself acknowledgeth (as was affirmed) that many glorious flourishing cities there are all the world over, wherein no church of Christ is extant: Yea, that the Common­weale of Rome flourished five hundred years together, before ever the name of Christ was heard in it; which so great a Glory of so great a continuance, mightily evinceth the distinction of the civill peace of a State from that which is Christian Religion.

It is true (as Master Cotton tells us) that the Turks have plagu­ed the Antichristian world, for their Idolatries: Yet History tels us, that one of their Emperours (Mahomet) was the man that first broke up and desolated two most glorious ancient cities, Constantinople (which had flourished 1120 yeares (since its first building by Constantine) and Athens, which from Solons giving of it Laws, had flourished two thousand yeares, notwithstanding their Idolatries, &c.


It is apparent that then the Christian Religion glori­ously flourished (contrary to Master Cottons observation) when the Roman Emperours too not power to themselves to reform the Christianity lost most under such Emperours as claimed Christs power to reform the Church, &c. abuses in the Christian Church, but persecuted it; and then the church was ruined and overwhelmed with Apostacy and Anti­christianism, when the Emperours took that power unto them­selves: And then it was (as Master Cotton elsewhere confesseth) that Christianitie lost more, even in Constantines time, then under bloody Nero, Domitian, &c.


It cannot be denied (dear Truth) but that the Peace of a civil State (of all States, excepting that of typical Israel) was and is meerly and essentially civil. But Master Cotton saith further, Although the Inward Peace of a church is Spiritual, yet the out­ward Peace of it, Magistrates must keep in a way of Godliness and Honestie, 1 Tim. 2. 1.


The Peace of a church of Christ (the onely true Christian State, Nation, Kingdom, or city) is Spiritual, whether internal in the Soul, or external in the administration of it; as the peace of a civil State is civil, internal in the mindes of men, and [Page 17] external in the administration and conversation of it; and for that place of Timothy, it hath been fully spoken to in this discourse, and the Discusser hath as yet seen no exception against what hath been spoken.


But further, saith Master Cotton, although the peace of a Country be civil, yet it is distracted by disturbing the peace of the Church for God cut short the Coasts of the civil State when Jehu shortned his Reformation, 2 King. 10. 31, 32.


Master Cotton denies not (but confessed in his discourse concerning Baptism) that Canaan was Typical, and to be cast out of that Land, was to be cast out of Gods [...]ight: which proves thus much, That the church of Christ, the Israel now, neglecting to reform, God will cut this Israel short. But what is this to a meer­ly civil State, which may flourish many hundreds, yea some thousands of yeers together (as I before instanced) when the Name of the true Lord Jesus Christ is not so much as heard of within it?


Lastly, (saith he) the church is a Society, as well as the Societies of Merchants, Drapers, &c. and it is just to preserve the Society of the church, as well as any other Society.


When we speak of the balances of Justice, we must di­stinguish between the Balances of the Sanctuary and the Balances of the World or civil States. It is spiritual justice to preserve spiritual right; and for that end, the spiritual King thereof hath taken care. It is civil Justice to preserve the civil rights; and the Rights of a civil society ought justly to be preserved by a ci­vil State: (and yet if a company of men combine themselves into a civil society by voluntary agreement, and voluntarily dissolve it, it is not justice to force them to continue together.)


The church can least of all be forced: for as it is a spi­ritual The Societies or Churches of the Saints are meer­ly voluntary in combinning or, dissolving. society, and not subject to any civil Judicature; (though some say that a church in New England was cited to appear before a civil Court:) so is the combination of it voluntary, and the dissolution of it in part or whole is voluntary, and endures no Civil violence, but as a virgin (in point of marriage) nec cogit, nec cogitur, she forceth not, nor can be forced by any civil power.


But lastly, if it be justice to preserve the Society of the church, is it not partiality in a meer civil State to preserve one [Page 18] onely society, and not the persons of other Religious societies and consciences also? But the Truth is, this mingling of the church and the world together, and their orders and societies together, doth plainly discover, that such churches were never called out Christs Church is called out of the world. from the world, and that this is only a secret policy of flesh and blood, to get protection from the world, and so to keep (with some little stilling of conscience) from the Cross or Gallowes of Jesus Christ.


Yea, but hear (saith Master Cotton) those excellent penmen of the Spirit (both the Father and the Son) David and Solomon. First David (Psalme 122) They shall prosper that love the peace of Jerusalem: and Solomon, Where the righteous rejoyce, there is great glory, Prov. 28. Now (saith he) what is the church but a congregation of righteous men? If the rejoy­cing of the Church be the glory of a Nation, surely the disturbing, and destroying, and dissolving the church is the shame and confusi­on of a Nation.


The outward prosperity of a Nation, was a typical figu­rative blessing, of that national and figurative church of Israel in Canaan. It is now made good spiritually to them that love the spiritual Jerusalem: for though godliness hath a promise of things of this life convenient; yet persecution is the common and ordina­ry portion of the Saints under the Gospel, though [...] that cup be The flourishing of civil states. infinitely sweetned also to them that drink of it with Christ Jesus, by the measure and increase of a hundred fold for one, even with persecution in this life.

2. It is true, the rejoycing of a Church of Christ, is the glory of any Nation, and the contrary a shame: yet this proveth not that God vouchsafeth to no state, civil peace, and temporal glory, except it establish and keep up a Church of Christ by force of armes; for the contrary we have mentioned, and Master Cotton confesseth the flourishing of States ignorant of Christ, from Age to Age, yea, and as I have mentioned, even to two thousand yeers in Athens; six generations before it heard of Christ, and fourteen generations since▪ with the sprinking (for some time) of the know­ledge of Christ Jesus in it.


2. But consider (saith Master Cotton) the excellency and preheminence of the church, that the world is for it, and would not subsist but for it, &c.

[Page 19]

Tis true, glorious things are spoken of the City of God, &c. yet for many Ages together Master Cotton confesseth the No Civil state can either by Christs Testimo­ny, or true rea­son, be judge of the Ecclesiasti­cal and spiri­tual. Nations of the world may subsist & flourish without it; and though it be the duty of the Nations of the world to countenance and cherish the church of Christ; yet where is there any commission, either in the New or Old Testament, that the Nations of the world should be the judges, governors, and defenders of Christ Iesus his spiritual kingdome, and so bound to take up Armes and smite with the civil sword (among so many pretenders) for that which they believe to be the church of Christ?


3. (saith he) It is matter of just displeasure to God, and sad grief of heart to the church, when civil states looke at the state of the church, as of little or no concernment to themselves, Zech. 1. 19. Lam. 1. 13.


Grant this, and that the most jealous God will awake in his season, for these sins, and for the persecutions, idolatries, and blasphemies; which the Nations live in: yet what is this for warrant to the Nations (as before) to judge and rule the church of Christ, yea, and under the colour of defending Christs faith, and preserving Christs church pure, to tear Christ out of hea­ven, by persecuting of his Saints on earth; and to fire the world with devouring flames of bloody wars, and this onely for the sweet sake of the prince of peace?


Dear Truth, we are now upon an high point, and that which neerly concerns my self, the peace of the world, and the Nations of it. Master Cotton saith further, God winketh at the Nations in the time of their ignorance, and suffers the Nation to flourish many hundred yeers together, as did the Empire of Rome; yet when the church of Christ comes to be planted amongst them, then, as he brought the Turkes upon the Romans, for their perse­cuting the church, and not preserving it in purity; so consequent­ly will he do unto the Nations of the world.


I answer, the most righteous Judge of the whole world hath plauged the Nations of the world, both before Christs com­ing, and since, for their pride and cruelty against his people, for their idolateries, blasphemies, &c. Yet Master Cotton acknow­ledgeth that many states have flourished many hundred yeers to­gether, when no true church of Christ hath been found in them: [Page 20] and Master Cotton will never prove, that God ever commanded the Nations and governments of the world, to gather or constitute his churches, and to preserve them in purity: For God gave his or­dinances, both before and since Christ, to his people onely, whom he chuseth and calleth out of the World, and the Nations of it: and he hath punished and dissolved them for their obstinate neglect thereof. And for the Roman Empire, and the Emperors thereof, the Christian Religion, and the purity thereof, never lost so much, as when the Emperors were perswaded of Master Cottons bloody Tenent, as Master Cotton and all men seen in History and Chri­stianity must confess.


But further, although (saith Master Cotton) the peace of the church be a spiritual inward peace, yet there is an outward peace of the church due to them from Princes and Magistrates, in a way of godliness and honesty, 1 Tim. 2. But in a way of ungodliness and idolatry, it is an wholesome faithfulness to the church, if Princes trouble the outward peace of the church, that so the church finding themselves wounded, and pricked in the house of their friends, they may repent, and return to their first husband, Zech. 13. Hof. 2.


The peace of the Church is not only inward, between God and themselves; but as the Argument importeth, to which Master Cotton answereth, the peace of the Church external and Difference of spiritual and ci­vil peace. outward, is spiritual, essentially differing from the peace of the civil state, which is meerly civil and humane. When the peace of the churches, Antioch, Corinth, Galatia, was disturbed by spiritual oppositions, the Lord never sent his Saints for civil help to maintaine their spirituall peace, though the Lord did send Paul to the higher civil powers, to preserve his civil peace, when he was molested and oppressed by the Jews and Romans.

2. For that place of Timothy, though I have fully spoken to it in this discourse elswhere, yet this now: It proves not, because the church must pray for civil Rulers, that so they may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, that therefore ci­vil rulers are supream rulers and judges Ecclesiastical, next unto Christ Jesus, of what is godliness, holiness, &c. since God hath chosen few wise or noble, to know godliness: And although it is true that Gods end of vouchsafing peace and quietness, is, that [Page 21] his Churches might walk in his fear, and in the wayes of godli­ness; yet it doth not hence follow, that Magistrates were the causes of the Churches walking in the fear of God, and being edified, but only of enjoying Rest from Persecution, Act. 9.

3. Although Gods chastisement call to repentance, and al­though the false Prophet in the church of Israel was to be woun­ded and slaine (as they are now to be cut off spiritually from the church of spiritual Israel) yet was it so in all the other Nations of the world? Or did Christ Iesus appoint it to be so in all the Nations of the world, since his coming, which is the great questi­on in difference?

4. And indeed, what is this, but to add coals to coals, and wood to fire, to teach the Nations of the world, to be briars and thorns, butchers and tormentors to the Lilies and Lambes of the most holy and innocent Lamb of God Christ Iesus?


But God (saith Master Cotton) cut Israel short in their civil state or Nation, when they cut short their reformati­on, 1 King. 10.


Master Cotton elswhere denying a National church, which is bounded with natural and earthly limits, it is a wonder how he can apply that instance of National Israel, to the now spi­ritual Nation and Israel of God? May he not as well promise earthly peace and prosperity then most to abound to Gods people, When Gods peo­ple flourish most in godli­ness then most persecuted. when they most prosper and flourish in holiness, zeal, &c. The contrary whereof, to wit, persecution, is most evident in all the New Testament, and all mens new and fresh experience.


To end this Chapter, Master Cotton affirmes, that civil peace (to speak properly) is not only a peace in civil things for the object, but the peace of all the persons in the City for the subject. The church is one society in the City, as well as the society of Merchants, Drapers &c. And if it be civil justice to protect one, then the other also.


Civil peace will never be proved to be the peace of all the subjects or Citizens of a City in spiritual Things: The civil state may bring into order, make orders, preserve in civil order all her members: But who ordained, that either the spiritual estate should bring in and force the civil state to keep civil order, o [...] that the civil state should sit, judge, [Page 22] and force any of her subjects to keep spiritual order?

The true and living God, is the God of order, spiritual, civil and natural: Natural is the same ever and perpetual: civil al­ters according to the constitutions of peoples and nations: spiri­tual he hath changed from the national in one figurative-land of Canaan, to particular and congregational churches all the world over; which order spiritual, natural or civil▪ to confound and abrogate, is to exalt mans folly against the most holy and incom­prehensible wisdome of God, &c.

Examination of CHAP. VII.


IN his description of Arrogancy and impetuousness, Master Cotton tels us, that he that refuseth to subject his Spirit to the Spirit of the prophets, that shall oppose such as dissent with clubs swords and censorious reproaches, or reject communion with the church, &c. his practise tends to the disturbing of civil or church-peace, or both.


It is a fallacious mingling of clubs, swords, reproaches, &c. with refusing to submit to the Spirit of prophecie in the Pro­phets, and rejecting of communion, &c. For a man may out of true and upright conscience to God (as Master Cotton will not de­ny) A monstrous mingling of spi­ritual and civil resistance or di­sturbance. refuse to submit to a whole true church, having the Truth of God on his side; and may withdraw from communion with a church obstinate in sin, and this without breach of civil peace; and therefore the mingling or confounding of these spiritual resistances or disturbances with guns, swords, &c. is a mingling and con­founding of heaven and earth together.

2. In that he saith, these wayes tend to the disturbance of either civil or church-peace, or both; he speakes too like the doubtful oracles of Apollo, which will be true however the event fall out; but yet he toucheth not the Truth of the question, which concernes civil peace only; against the disturbers of which, I grant the civil powers to be armed with a civil sword, not in vaine, and concern­ing which divers cases were propounded of seeming Arrogance and impetuousness in Gods servants, and yet they fell not justly under a­ny censure of breach of civil peace.

[Page 23]

Tis true (saith Master Cotton) because they were not wayes of Arrogance not Impetuousness.


But will Master Cotton give way that any conscience but his own may freely preach and dispute against the state-reli­gion, freely reprove the highest, in sharpest language, for mat­ter of religion, refuse conformity to the common established reli­gion Six instances of holy zeal in Scripture, far from arrogance or impetuous­ness. These were aleadged from Scripture in the bloody Tenent and acknow­ledged by Ma­ster Cotton. and worship, disclaime subjection to the civil powers, in spi­ritual cases, preach against the common policy and seeming wis­dome of the State, even to a seeming hazarding of all, and last­ly occasion great tumults and uproars (which were the six cases al­leadged?) If Master Cotton granteth this freedome to other consciences beside his own, why preacheth he persecution against such a liberty, which other consciences beside his own, believe they justly challenge? If to no other conscience then his own, it is not his saying ten thousand times, that his conscience is true, and others false, nor any other distinction in the world, can clear him from most unrighteous and unchristian partiality.

Examination of CHAP. VIII.


IN this Chapter (dear Truth) lies a charge concerning thy self. For whereas thou answerest an objection, that this distinction concerns not Truth or errour, but the manner of holding or di­vulging, Master Cotton affirmes the distinction to speak expres­ly of things unlawfull and erroneous, and therefore that it can­not be said with Truth, that the distinction concernes not truth and error.


The truth is this, the former distinction speakes of matter, and this distinction seems wholly to intend the manner of holding forth. The words were these: [Again, in points of Do­ctrine and Worship less principal, either they are held forth in a meek and peaceable way (though the things be erroneous and un­lawful) or they are held forth with such Arrogance and Impetu­ousness as tendeth to the disturbance of civil peace.] In which al­though things erroneous and unlawful are mentioned; yet who [Page 24] sees not but that those words are brought in by the way of Paren­thesis, which may or may not be left out, and the distinction be whole and intire? And therefore Master Cotton doth not well to spend precious time and life upon seeming advantages.


Yea, but (saith he) why is this distinction blamed, when the discusser himself acknowledgeth, that there may be a way and manner of holding forth, which may tend to break the civil peace.


That which was excepted most against in the distincti­on, was the persecuting language of [ arrogance, impetuousness, boisterousness,] without declaring what that was: to which Master Cotton answers, that the discussers request, was not that he should compile a discourse, but return an answer to the letter of his friend; as also that he charged none of Gods children with such things.

I reply (as formerly) Master Cotton's memory (though otherwise excellent) herein faileth; for, such a request the discusser never made unto him, by letter or otherwise. 2. Although he charged not Gods people with arrogance and impetuousness, yet mostly and commonly Gods children (though meek and peaceable) are accused to be arrogant, impetuous &c. and 'tis the common noto­rious language of persecutors against them.


Concering those six instances wherein Gods children were occasion of great opposition and spiritual hostility, yea and of breach of civil peace, notwithstanding the matter delivered was holy, and the manner peaceable, Master Cotton answers, they no­thing concern the distinction which speaks of holding forth things erroneous and unlawful for the matter, and for the manner in a way of arrogance and impetuousness, to the disturbance of civil peace.


I reply, first, it speaks not only of erroneous and un­lawful things (though erroneous and unlawful things be admitted in way of Parenthesis, as before.) 2. He describes not what this arrogance and impetuousness is, but wraps up all in one general dark cloud, wherein the best and most zealous of Gods Prophets and servants are easily wrapt up as proud, arrogant, and impe­tuous.

Examination of CHAP. IX.


IN this Chapter I remember you affirmed, that one cause of ci­vil dissention and uproar, was the lying of a State under false worship, whence it endures not the preaching of light and truth, &c. Master Cotton answers, This is not to the purpose, because this is by accident.


It is as much to the purpose to declare (in the examina­tion of the breach of civil peace about matters of Religion) I say, to declare the true cause of such troubles and uproares, as it is in the search after the leaks of a ship, to declare where the leake is indeed, when many are said to be where they are not.

2. Whereas he confesseth that vigilant and faithful ones are not so troubled at the false Religion of Jew or Gentile, as not to The Indians prosessing sub­jection to the English in New England per­mited in their devillish wor­ships, when En­glish fearing God, persecuted. tolerate them amongst them in a civil body, he alleadgeth for in­stance, that the Indians subjected to their government, are not compelled to the confession or acknowledgement of their Religion: I reply, first, who sees not herein unchristian partiality, that Pa­gans, Barbarians (who happily might more easily be brought from their natural Religion to a new forme, then any other) I say, that they should be tolerated in their hideous worships of creatures and devils, while civil people (his countrymen yea it may be the precious sons and daughters of the most high God) shall be cour­ted fined, whipt banished &c. for the matters of their conscience and worship to the true and living God?

2. Is not this passage contradictory to all Master Cottons whole discourse in this book, which pleades for the purity of Religion to be maintained by all Magistrates and civil governments within their jurisdictions, and the suppressing of the contrary, un­der the penalty of the destruction of their lands and countries, and accordingly hath not the practice of New England answered such a doctrine? and yet, saith he, we tolerate the false Religion of Jew or Gentile.


Possibly (Dear Truth) the distinction between Jew, Pagan, and Christian, may satisfie (for the present) Master Cot­tons conscience so to write and practise: for thus he addeth, But [Page 26] if Christians shall apostate, or if Jews and Pagans be blasphe­mous and seducing, then &c.


Who knows not but that the very Religion of Jew or Pagan is a blaspheming of the true Religion? Revel. 2. I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue or church of Sathan.

And whereas Master Cotton alleadgeth for proof of this, Pauls blaming of false teachers, for being troublers to the churches of Galatia, Gal. 5. and Acts 15 &c. Who, that puts this inference into Christs balance, but will see the lightness of it, thus? The Ʋnchristian conclusions. churches of Christ are to draw forth the sword and power of Christ, and are not to suffer such as with false doctrine trouble their peace, Ergo: Therefore the civil state must not permit such persons to live in the world, &c.


The second cause I remember, you alleadged of civil disturbances and hubbubs about Religion, was the praeposterous way of healing of corruptions in Religion, as by whips, stocks, imprisonment, &c. unto this Master Cotton answers, Then the Ma­riners Jonahs casting over-boord, a ground of per­secution, &c. ex­amined. casting Jonah over-boord, for his sin was the cause of the storme.


I answer, if that extraordinary and miraculous in­stance, be sufficient ground for Magistrates casting over-boord whomsoever they judge Hereticks, then all civil states and ships must so practise in stormes and troubles on sea or shore, to wit, throw over-boord, put to death, not only Hereticks, Blasphe­mers, Seducers &c. but the best of Gods Prophets or servants, for neglect of their duty, Ministery, &c. which was Jonahs case.

And if so, doth not this set up (and all the world over) by land or sea, all Kings and Magistrates, all Masters of ships and captaines, to be the spiritual and Ecclesiastical Judges of the religion and spiritual neglects of all their subjects or Passengers? Such doctrine I cannot imagine would have relished with Master Cotton in his passage to New England; and I hum­bly desire of God, that he may never tast the bitter fruit of this Tree, of which yet so many thousands of Gods servants have fed, and himself not a little (to the Lords praise and his own) in former times.

[Page 27]

Whereas you argued it to be light alone, that was able to dispell and scatter the mists and fogs of darkness in the souls and consciences of men, Master Cotton answers, The judge­ments of God are as light that goeth forth, Hos. 6. 3. Isa. 26. 9. and the false Prophet repenting will acknowledge this Zech. 13. 6. Thus was I wounded in the house of my friends.


But doth Master Cotton indeed believe that not only The killing of the false Pro­phet. Zech. 13. 6. ex­amined. publike Magistrates, but also each private father and mother (as that place of Zechary, literately, taken carries it) must now in the dayes of the Gospel wound and pierce; yea run through and kill their Son the false Prophet? would he justifie a parent so practising though it were in the neglect of the publike Magistrate, who happily may be of the same Religion with the false prophet? Will not this doctrine reach & extend to the pulling down deposing and killing of all such governors and governments, which God in his gracious providence hath set up amongst all peoples in all parts and dominions of the world, yea and harden the heart of Pharoah, the very Pope himself, in his King-killing and State-kill­ing doctrine?


If ever Master Cotton wake in this point, he will tell all the world, that it is more Gospel-like that Parents, Bre­thren, Fathers, Friends, impartially fulfill this of Zechary 13. and Deut. 13. spiritually, in the friendly wounding, yea and zea­lous slaying by the two-edged sword of the Spirit of God, which is the word of God comming forth of the mouth of Christ Jesus, Ephes. 5. Revel. 1.


And it is most true (as Master Cotton saith) that the judgements of God, legally executed, or more terribly poured Esa. 26. & Hos. 6. 2. examined. forth in the vials of sword, plague, and famine, they are as hea­venly lights shining out from the Father of lights, teaching the inhabitants of the world righteousness.

Yea the creation it self, or each creature, are as candles and glasses to light and shew us the invisible God and creator: but yet these are not the ordinances of Christ Jesus given to his church. These are not the Preachings of the word, and the open­ing of the mysteries of salvation, which give light and under­standing to the simple, and convert the soul: These are nor that marvailous light unto which the call of Christ Jesus, in the [Page 28] preaching of the word, had brought the Saints unto whom Pe­ter writes: The weapons of Pauls fighting, whereby to batter down the high thoughts and imaginations of the sons of men a­gainst the sons of God, were of another nature, 3 Cor. 10. and his 2 Cor. 10. directions to Timothy and Titus, how to deal with Hereticks and Gainsayers were never heard of to be such, till the son of man, and son of perdition, brought forth such bloody weapons and bloody doctrines in the affaires of Christ Jesus.

Examination of CHAP. X.


IN this passage Master Cotton will subscribe to the whole matter, saying, This Chapter may stand for us without impeachment, and yet in this Chapter is reported the persecution, which both rightly informed and erroneous consciences suffer, and the blind estate of such blinde guides and blinded consciences who so preach and practice.


These first words [ We approve no persecution for con­science] fight against his whole endeavour in this book, which is to set up the civil throne and judgement-seat over the con­sciences and soules of men, under the pretence of preserving the church of Christ pure, and punishing the evil of heresie, blas­phemy &c.

2. They fight against their fellows, which follow, thus [unless the conscience be convinced of the error and perniciousness there­of] which is all one, as to say, We hold no man is to be persecuted for his conscience, unless it be for a conscience which we judge dangerous to our Religion. No man is to be persecuted for his conscience, unless we judge that we have convinced or conquered his conscience.

Tis true, all errour is perniciots many wayes to Gods glory, to a mans owne soul, to other mens souls and consciences: yet I understand Master Cotton to say, Except we judge the error to be conviction of conscience. so and so mischievous. Tis true, there is a self-conviction which some consciences smite and wound themselves with? But to sub­mit [Page 29] these consciences to the tribunal of the civil Magistrate, and Powers of the World, how can Master Cotton do this, and yet say no man is to be persecuted for his conscience?


Alas, how many thousands and millions of conscien­ces have been persecuted in all Ages and Times i [...] a judicial war, and how have their Judges pretended victory and triumph, crying out, We have convinced (or conquered) them, and yet are they obstinate.


Hence came that hellish Proverb, That nothing was more obstinate then a Christian: under which cloud of reproach hath been overwhelmed the most faithful, zealous, and constant witnesses of Jesus Christ.


But saith Master Cotton, Some blinded consciences are so judicially punished by God, as his in Irelond that burnt his child in imitation of Abraham.


In such cases it may be truly said, the Magistrate beares not the sword in vaine, either for the punishing or prevent­ing The violation of civil peace though out of conscienc [...] ▪ to be punished. of such sins, whether uncleanness, theft, cruelty, or perse­cution.

And therefore such consciences as are so hardned by Gods judgement, as to smite their fellow-servants, under the pretence of zeale and conscience (as in the instance of Saul his zeal for the children of Israel against the Gibeonites) they ought to be supprest and punished, to be restrained and prevented.

And hence is seasonable the saying of King Iames, that he desired to be secured of the Papists concerning civil obedience, which security, by wholesome Lawes, and other wayes: accor­ding to the wisdome of each state, each state is to provide for it self even against the delusions of hardned consciences, in any attempt which meerly concernes the civil state and Common­weale.

Examination of CHAP. XI.


IN this Chapter Master Cotton takes himself wronged, that he should be thought to lay this down, as a conclusion, viz. that it is not lawful to persecute Iesus Christ.


What difference is there in saying, It is not lawful to persecute a conscience rightly informed, and to say, It is not law­ful to persecute Christ Iesus; was it not all one in effect for Christ to say, Take up thy bed and walk, as to say, Thy sins are forgiven thee?


He adds, It is no matter of wonder to lay down the principles of Religion for a proof, as Gamaliel did.


Who sees not a vast difference between Master Cottons and Gamaliels speech? Gamaliel speaks of that particular con­troversie concerning Christs person and profession, which the Iews so gainsayed and persecuted. Gamaliel fitly aggravateth An over-ruling finger of God, ordering Ma­ster Cotton to alleadge Gama­liel, sure he had forgotten Ma­ster John Good­wins excellent labour in his [...] or fighting a­gainst God. their opposition by the danger of their course, if possibly it might prove to be the Truth, which they persecuted. Master Cotton is to lay down not a particular answer, but general conclusions; and notwithstanding that in the course of his Book he maintaines such and such persecution, yet he layes this down as his first con­clusion: ‘It is not lawful to persecute a conscience rightly infor­med,’ that is, Christ Iesus in his Truths and Servants; and that, I say never persecutor professed to do without a Maske or co­vering.


What of that saith Master Cotton, for although they do not persecute Christ as Christ, yet they do it, and it is no mat­ter of wonder to tell them as Christ tells Paul, It is not lawful for them so to do.


Doubtless whatever persecutors profess, and what Apologies soever they make in all the particular cases for which Gods servants are persecuted; yet the Saints of God have dealt faithfully to tell Persecuters that they persecute Christ himself, and to breath out the fire of Gods judgements against them, even out of their own mouth.

But what is this to a conclusion laid down? for so Christ laid [Page 31] not down his expostulation with Paul as a conclusion, as Master Cotton doth by way of teaching, but as a conviction, by way of reproofe.


Yet persecutors (saith he) have persecuted Christ as Christ; for the Scribes and Pharises said, This is the heir, come, let us kill him: and Iulian persecuted Iesus as Iesus: And if a Christian in Turkie shall seek to gaine a Turke to Christiani­ty, they will persecute such a Christian, and in him Iesus as Iesus.


It is said Acts 3. that the Iews persecuted Christ out of ignorance; for though they had sufficient knowledge to con­vince Christ Jesus ne­ver persecuted as Christ but as a deceiver, brasphemer, se­duced. them, yet did they not persecute Christ out of a clearely con­vinced conscience, for then it could not be out of ignorance. And yet it was sufficient, that so great a power of Gods Spirit appeared in the evidence of Christs works, as to make their sin to be a­gainst the Spirit of God: yet had they their mask and covering (as is evident:) For, this is not the true Christ or Messiah, say they, but a deceiver, a witch, working by the power of the devil, a blasphemer, a seducer, a Traitor, &c.

Againe, although wretched Iulian persecuted the very name of Christ and Iesus (whom formerly he had acknowledged and pro­fessed) Yet was it still under a mask or covering, to wit, that he was not the true Son of God, nor his worship the Truth, but his Roman gods were true &c. And the same say the Turkes in persecuting Christians, and in them Christ Iesus as a [...] Prophet inferiour to their onely great and true Prophet Mahomet.

And lastly, neither Scribes, nor Pharisees, nor Iulian, nor Turkes did or do persecute Christ Iesus otherwise then as they were and are bound so to do by Master Cottons doctrine, as shall further appear, notwithstanding his plea, that such Magistrates must forbeare to punish untill they be better informed.


But let tyrants and persecutors profess what they will (saith Master Cotton,) yet this varieth not the truth, nor impeach­eth the wisdome of the conclusion.


Sweet peace, how can I here chuse, but in the first Cant. 5. I sleep yet my heart waketh. place observe that great mystery of the waking sleep of the most precious servants of the most high God, in the affaires of his wor­ship; and the Kingdome of his dear Son? Awake; for what fiery [Page 32] censures justly poureth forth this our excellent Adversarie against the oppressours of conscience, entituling them with the names of tyrants and persecutors, notwithstanding their vaine professions, pretences, apologies and pleas for their tyranny and Bloodshed? Againe, how fast asleep, in his so zealous pleading for the greatest tyranny in the world (throughout his whole book) though painted and washed over with faire pretences &c?

2. He granteth upon the point the truth, which was affirmed, and he denyed, to wit, that no persecutor of Christ ever persecu­ted him as the Son of God▪ as Iesus▪ but under some mask or covering as thousands of black and bloody clouds of persecuting witnesses in this case most lamentably make it evident and ap­parent.


Master Cottons next charge is very heavy against the discusser, for exalting himself above God in the discerning of Ma­ster Cottons fellowship with persecutors, notwithstanding his pro­fession against such persecution.


The Lord Jesus saw in the Iews such a contrariety be­tween their professions and practises (even in this case of persecu­tion) Mat. 23.

2. Himself in effect, but even now, said the same of all persecu­tors: What ever pretences they make, saith he▪ and they will pre­tend great things of love to Christ, and kiss him ten thousand A deep mystery in persecution. times, when treasons and slaughters are is in their courses. And will Master Cotton say that Christ Iesus exalted himself above God, inspying out so great a mystery? It is no new thing, that Master Cotton should be apt to say with David. That man that hath done this thing shall die, not duely considering and pondering that our selves are sons of blood, and children of death, condemned by our own mouth, if the righteous Iudge of the whole world should deal severely with us.


But Master Cotton (for a close of this Chapter) com­plaines of his own suffering of bitter persecution, and the Lord Ie­sus in him, being unjustly slandered, except the discusser can prove, that any doctrine of his tendeth to persecute any of the servants of Christ.


Let a mans doctrine and practise be his witnesses, and let every soul judge in the fear of God, whether the doctrine of [Page 33] this Book maintaining such and such a persecution to be an holy truth wash'd white in the blood of the Lamb, agree not lamen­tably with all their imprisonings, banishings &c. inflicted upon so many several sorts of their own countrimen friends and bre­thren in the wilderness, for matter of Religion and conscience; amongst which the Lord Jesus will be heard at last to have said, Why persecutest thou me? why banishest and whippest thou me▪ &c?

2. Will not all persecuting prelates, Popes &c. take heart from hence (according to their several religions and consciences) to persecute the heretick, blasphemer, seducer &c. although they all will say with Master Cotton, It is not lawful to persecute a conscience rightly informed, that is, Christ Jesus in his truths or servants?


But the discusser (saith Master Cotton) is a bitter perse­cutor, in slandering him, and Christ Jesus in him, for a perse­cutor.


I see not but Master Cotton (though of Davids spirit) may be guilty of Sauls lamentable complaint, that David perse­cuted him, and that he could finde none to pity him? Who knows not that all and our own Popish Bishops in Queen Maries, yea Wolves com­plaining that the sheep perse­cute them. and of late times our Protestant Bishops against the non-conformists have been wont to cry out, what bitter persecution themselves have suffered from the slanderous censures and reproaches of the servants of Christ Jesus against them? Who yet have shot no other arrowes at them but the faithful declarations and discove­ries of Gods holy truth, and the evil of the opposing and persecu­ting of it, and the professors of it? And how neer will Master Cotton be found to close with that late bloody Woolfe (so far as his chaine reached) Bishop Laud, who being an instrument of the bloody hunting and worrying of those three famous witnesses of Christ, Master Prin, Master Bastwick, and Master Burton; yet at their publike sentence in the Star-chamber, he lamentably com­plained that those poor Lambs did bark and bite him with unjust reproaches, slanders, &c,

Examination of CHAP. XII.


MAster Cotton here first complaineth that his words are mis­reported concerning the punishment of the heretick after once or twice admonition, Tit. 3. 10.


I desire that others may judge in three particu­lars.

First, whether the summ and pith of the words are not ren­dred.

2. Whether this Titus 3. was brought by Master Cotton to prove (as is now pretended) that an Heretick might be persecu­ted with an excommunication after once or twice admonition: or whether the question be not of another kind of persecution.

3. Whether that Tit. 3. 11. do hold forth, That although a man be a heretick, blasphemer, seducer, he may be punished with a Civil or corporeal punishment, yea though he sin against his own conscience.

I add a fourth, whether indeed (as Master Cotton intimates) the discusser makes this Tit. 3, a refuge for hereticks. Great sound and noise makes this word heretick, heretick. I dare appeal to The blood of the souls under the Altar is a seal­ed mystery, Rev. 6. Master Cottons conscience and memory, whether the reading of histories, and the experience of time will not evince and prove, that hereticks and Christians, hereticks and Martyrs (or wit­nesses of Christ) have not been the same men and women: I say againe, that such as have been ordinarily and commonly account­ed and persecuted for hereticks, have been the servants of the most high God, and the followers and witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ.


You know ( dear truth) the catalogues of heresies and hereticks extant &c.


Grant it (sweet peace) that some in all times have suf­fered for erroneous conscience. Yet I dare challenge the father of A challenge to the devil him­self. lies himself to disprove this assertion, That the most of such (beyond all comparison) that have ever suffered in this world for hereticks, have been the disciples and followers of Christ Jesus. And on that not only the Lions, Leopards, the Bears, Woolves, and Ty­gers [Page 35] (the bloody Pharoahs, Sauls, Herods, Neroes, Popes, Pre­lates &c.) should fetch from hence, their persecuting arrows and All Antichri­stian [...] persecutors make Tit. 3. their den and Fortress. commissions, but that even the Davids, the men after Gods own heart, the Asa's (whose hearts are perfect with God) that such as are the sheep and lambs of Christ, should be so monstrously changed and transformed into lyons, beares, &c. yea and should flie to this holy Scripture of Tit. 3. for this their unnatural and monstrous change and transformation.

Examination of CHAP. XIII.


IN this 13 Chapter, dear truth, you argue the great mistake of the world in their common clamour, an heretick, an heretick, a Tit. 3. Dis­cussed. person obstinate in fundamentals; and you prove that this word heretick intends no more then a person obstinate against the admo­nitions of the Lord, although in lesser matters: upon this Master Cotton concludes in this 13 Chapter, that the discusser gives a larg­er allowance for proceeding against erroneous persons then himself did.


I must deny that the discusser gives a larger allowance then Master Cotton, or any at all, that the hereticks or obstinate person should be dealt withall by the Civil Magistrates of Crete, but onely by the spiritual power of the Lord Jesus.

1. For first, What though I granted that an obstinate person, contending about Genealogies, ought not to be suffered, but after once or twice admonition ought to be rejected? And,

2. What though I grant that after such faithful admonitions once or twice, he cannot but be condemned of himself? yet ac­cording to his third answer, how will it appear that I grant, that an heretick is rightly defined to be one obstinate in fundamen­tals, when I maintaine, and Master Cotton seemeth to grant, that the heretick may be such an one as is obstinate in lesser points and practises?

3. Further, let the word [...] imply an overturning, yet will it not follow, that therefore an heretick is he, who is wil­fully [Page 36] obstinate, in holding forth such errors as subvert the founda­tion of the Christian religion: For however that Master Cotton saith, That such disputes may tend to overthrow Christianity, yet that is but in remote possibility, as the prick of a finger may kill the heart, if it ranckle and fester, and so go on from member to member without means applyed: yet this cannot be said to be a mortal wound at first. So is it in the body of Christ.


The Apostle discoursing of meats and drinks, of eating and drinking with offence, calls an offensive eating a destruction of the soul for which Christ died▪ and yet I suppose he will not say that that difference was a fundamental difference.


It hath been a gross and barbarous mistake of the mo­nopolizers of learning, both divine and humane, The Clergy both of Popish and Protestant factions and worships: And how The horrible a­busing and pro­faning of that word Heretick. Great sins of Gods own chil­dren. many are the thousands of millions of abuses, prophanations and blasphemies against the God of heaven in all (the Antichristian) Christendome, in all preachings, writings, proceedings, and processes, touching this name heretick, heresie, &c? By the im­partial censure of the Lord, he is an heretick, who wilfully per­sists in any sinful doctrine against the due admonitions of the Lord; for every bit and parcell of leaven is to be purged out of the house of God, as well as the greater and fundamentall lumps.

Examination of CHAP. XIV.


IT is a falshood (saith Master Cotton) that I call the slight list­nings of Gods people to the checks of their consciences, their sinning against their conscience: for I speak not (saith he) of the sinning of Gods people against conscience, but of an heretick sub­verted, much less do I call their slight listening to conscience an heretical sinning against conscience, least of all do I say, that for slight listening to the checks of conscience, he may lawfully be persecuted as for sinning against his conscience. And he adds this gall to the former vinegar, Thus men that have time and leasure at will, set up images of clouts▪ and then shoot at them.

[Page 37]

Master Cotton, elsewhere, granteth that Gods children may (through passion, &c.) be carried on to despise admonition, and may be excommunicated, and if so, how can they refusing of Christs admonition in the church, be excused from sinning against the self- condemning of themselves? For if a child of God may possibly be excommunicated for obstinacy in some passion, temp­tations &c. then may he be this heretick or wilfull man in this Tit. 3.

Tis true, that in an houre of great temptations, Gods people may sin against clear light of conviction, and sentence of conscience, as David and Peter, &c. But (as I conceive) the holy Spirit of God in this 3 of Titns intends not such a clearness of self-condemning, but either that the admonitions of the Lord are so evident and clear, that either if he in his own conscience before God improved them seriously and duely, they would clear up the truth of God unto him: or else the checks of conscience are such as are recorded to have been ( Cant. 5.) in the members of Christ, in the Church of the Jews; and Master Cotton cannot render a sufficient reason, why they may not also be found in the members of the churches of the Christians.


I perceive indeed (dear truth) the wonderful effects of a strange tongue, in the church of Christ: The noise and sound of a Greek word heretick, in poor English [...]ares, hath begot a con­clusion that a person refusing once or twice admonition for some A child of God may possibly be an Heretick. point of Doctrine, is such an heretick or monster, that he cannot possibly be a child of God; whereas Master Cotton granting that a child of God may possibly refuse once and twice admonition, and so come to be excommunicated; What doth he then in plaine En­glish, but say, that a child of God may be obstinate to excom­munication or rejection (that is in Greek) be an heretick? And what is this but contrary to his former Assertion, that a childe of God cannot be heretically obstinate to rejection, &c.


Questionless no child of God, but in temptation, may sin heretically, that is, obstinately upon once or twice admonition, against the checks and whisperings of his own conscience, and a­gainst that evidence of light, which (afterward) he wondreth how he could despise▪ and this rejecting or casting forth of the visible society of Christ Jesus and his servants, is not for destructi­on [Page 38] but humiliation and salvation, in the day of the Lord Jesus.


I judge, that no son of peace, in a sober and peaceable minde, can judge, as Master Cotton here doth, this to be an image of clouts.


Nor can I learn, that the discusser so abounded in time and leasure, as to make such images (as Master Cotton insinuates.) It is not unknown to many witnesses in Plymmouth, Salem, and Providence, that the discussers time hath not been spent (though as much as any others whosoever) altogether in spiritual labours, and publike exercise of the word, but day and night▪ at home and abroad, on the land and water, at the How, at the Oare, for bread; yea and I can tell, that when these discussions were prepared for publike in London, his time was eaten up in attendance upon the service of the Parliament and City, for the supply of the poor of the City with wood (during the stop of coale from Newcastle, and the mutinies of the poor for firing.) Tis true, he might have run the rode of preferment, as well in Old as New England, and have had the leasure and time of such who eat and drink with the drunk­en, For which ser­vice through the hurry of the times, and the necessity of his departure, he lost his recom­pence to this day. The straights of the discussers time in compo­sing of the Bloo­dy Tenent. and smite with the fist of wickedness their fellow servants; But God is a most holy witness, that these meditations were fitted for publike view in change of roomes and corners, yea sometimes (upon occasion of travel in the country, concering that business of fuell) in variety of strange houses, sometimes in the fields, in the midst of travel; where he hath been forced to gather and scatter his loose thoughts and papers.


Well (notwithstanding Master Cottons bitter censure) some persons of no contemptible note nor intelligence, have by letters from England, informed the discusser, that these Images of clouts it hath pleased God to make use of to stop no small leakes of persecution, that lately began to flow in upon dissenting consciences, and (amongst others) to Master Cottons own, and to the peace and quietness of the Independants, which they have so long, and so wonderfully enjoyed.


I will end this Chapter, with that famous distinction of the Lord Jesus; I prejudice not the free and comfortable supplies of tem­porals, which the Saints ought to make so their Teachers in spirituals▪ only I affirme, that such as will not teach will out money, they must and do beg or steal. Digging, Begging, Stealing, are the three wayes by the which all that pretend to be Christs Stewards are maintained. They that cannot digg can begg the glittering pre­ferments [Page 39] of this present evil world, and the wages of Balaam. They that cannot dig, can steal, in the wayes of fraud oppression, Christ Jesus his distinction of Diggers, Beg­gers, Stealers. extortion, &c. But by the mercy of the most high, the discusser hath been inabled to get his bread by as hard digging, as most diggers in New or old England have been put to: and let all men judge, whe­ther such as can beg or steal and cannot dig; or such as chuse neither to beg nor steal, but dig, have most time and leasure to make such images of clouts, &c.

Examination of CHAP. XV.


IN this passage (Dear Truth) we hear a sound of Agreement; Master Cotton consenteth, that this third of Titus evinceth no civil rejection, but excommunication out of the Church of Christ; and he saith, That no sillable of his conclusion lookes at more.

And whereas it might be objected, That excommunication cannot fitly be called persecution: he answers yes, and quotes Luk. 21. 12. John 16. 2.


Were it not for the fierce hands of angry Esaus, this shril sweet voice might pass for Jacobs. What ever Master Cot­tons ends and intentions were (of which I cannot but judge cha­titably) the eye of God alone discerneth, but for Master Cottons words, sillables and arguings, let all impartial readers and con­sciences judge of these four considerations.

First, Whether the word persecution, do not in all proper and ordinary speech signifie penal and corporal punishment and af­fliction.

2. Whether the point in question agitated between the prisoner and Master Cotton throughout the book, concern not only penal Persecution, not properly, no [...] us­ually taken for any spiritual punishment. and corporal afliction: and whether it can be imagined, that the prisoner, or the discusser, or any that plead for the purity of Christs ordinances, could ever plead against excommunicating an here­tick or wilful offendor out of the Church of Christ: And al­though the Scriptures by Master Cotton quoted, do mention ex­communication, [Page 40] as an unjust oppression; yet they speak also o [...] corporal afflictions, imprisonments, bringing before judgement­seats, and killing also.

3. It could be told in what countrey, at a publike sentence of banishment of a certaine person, a text of Scripture, Rom. 16. 17. (parrallel with this of Tit. 3.) was alleadged by the chief judge in court for a ground (not of spiritual excommunication, but) of civil, out of the Commonweal.

4. Were it not more for the name of God, for the honour of his truth, and the comfort of Master Cotton, plainely and ingenuously to acknowledge his misapplying of this holy Scripture of Tit. 3. then to cover it by so thin and poor a plea, viz. that he intends by persecution, excommunication out of the Church of Christ?

Examination of CHAP. XVI.


MAster Cotton here grants a toleration to Jews, Turkes, Pagans, yea and Antichristians, with one exception, to wit, so that they continue not to seduce &c.


But it must be remembred, that before and after he maintaines persecution against Apostates, blasphemers, and ido­latours, and then who knows not how all these four sorts, Jews, Turkes, Pagans, and Antichristians, are full of blasphemy and idolatry? Now in case rhey seduce not, they are to be persecuted as idolaters and blasphemers, how then are they to be tolera­ted?


It could not be (had not this holy man been catcht with sipping at the bloody cup of the great whore) that Master Cot­tons affirmations and doctrines should thus quarrel among them­selves.

But further, I see not the equality of his yoaking the Oxe and the Asse together, when he further coupleth seducing of people into worship of false Gods, confidence of a mans own merit, &c. (which are spiritual matters) with seducing into seditions conspiracies against the lives and estates of such Princes [Page 41] as will not submit their conscience to the Bishop of Rome.


Your observation ( dear peace) is seasonable; the for­mer are meer Religious and spiritual, the latter are meerly civil, against which the civil state is bound to defend it self with civil weapons.


In the next place Master Cotton chargeth the discusser with want of reason truth, and candor, for observing how unfit­ly those Scriptures of Phil. 3. Rom. 14. are produced to prove a tolleration of lesser errors: And he affirmes, that he never intend­ed, that what the Churches might not tolerate, the Cities might not, &c.


The point is tolerating or persecuting by the civil state; whatever therefore be Master Cottons intentions, it is ap­parant, unless the Cities and Churches of Rome and Philippi be Examination of Phil. 3. and Rom. 14. confounded together (as commonly they are in case of persecuti­on) I say it is then apparent that there is no Scripture brought for the civil state its tolerating of points of lesser moment, nor are these Scriptures brought to any purpose in hand, but pro­phaned.


But observe his Argument, The civil state tollerates petty theeves and lyers, to live in Towns, Cities &c.


No well ordered State or City can suffer petty Theeves and lyers without some punishment, and we know how severely in the State of England, even theeves have been punished even Very severe, but not Christian, more then Ju­daical punish­ment of Theeves in England. with death it self; but Master Cotton is against such cruelty, for he pleades for tollerating of lesser errors, even in points of Religion and worship.

2. If tollerating of lesser errours be granted upon this ground, viz. till God may be pleased to manifest his truth; is not the same a ground for tollerating of greater, as the holy spirit of God argues 2 Tim. 2. trying if God may be pleased to give repen­tance?


Yea but (saith he) the greater will infect, and so is more dangerous, and the tolleration is the more unmerciful and cruel to the souls of many.


Lyars and Theeves infect also, even the Civil state, and a little leaven will leaven the whole lumpe, and therefore as the Commonweal ought not upon that ground to tollerate petty [Page 42] theeves and lyars, so hath Christ Jesus provided in his holy king­dom and City against lesser evils, and upon this ground, that a little leaven will leaven the whole lumpe. But yet Christ Jesus hath not spoken (where he gives command for this thing to the Co­rinthians or Galatians, that such persons so leavened, should (to­gether with their being put out of the Church for obstinacy in a little leaven) be put out of the world or civil state: (The one (the Church (being his Garden, the other, the Commonweal, being the high wayes, Field, &c. the proper place for men as men to abide in.)

Examination of CHAP. XVII.


COncerning the holding forth of errour with an arrogant and boysterous spirit to the disturbance of civil peace, Master Cotton moderates the matter, that he would not have such put to death, unless the civil peace be destroyed, to the destruction of the lives and souls of men.


I cannot but here first observe the confounding of hea­ven The civil and spiritual life confounded. and earth together, the Church and the world, lives and souls, &c. as if all were of one nature.

2. Neither blessed Paul, nor I, need to be accused of cruelty in that grant of Paul, if alleadged ( Acts 25.) for there will not be found ought but a willingness to bear a righteous sentence of death in some crimes committed against the civil state.

3. Master Cotton may here observe, how justly (as he speaks of the heretick) he condemnes himself, for it is too bloody a Tenent (saith he) that every man that holdeth errour in a boysterous and arrogant way, to the disturbance of civil peace, ought to be pu­nished with death. Is not this the whole scope of his discourse from Deut. 13. and other abrogated repealed laws, to prove (what was just and righteous in the land of Israel) so bloody a Tenent and course to be inforced in all Nations all the world over?


Master Cotton excepteth against that speech [But if the [Page 43] matter be of a spiritual or divine nature.] There is no error, saith he, can be of divine nature, though it may be spiritual.


Master Cotton may hear Solomon here saying unto him. Be not overwise &c.

For first, the words are not, If the errour be of a divine nature, but if the matter (that is, the controversie, cause &c.) be of a spiri­tual or divine nature: which distinction between humane and God & Caesar. divine things, I conceive is the same with that of wisdome it self dividing between God and Caesar: Give to God, &c. And so, though no errour be of a spiritual or divine nature (taking the words in their highth) yet the matter in question may be of some spiritual or divine consideration, belonging to God, and his wor­ship; and not concerning the Commonweal or Civil state of men, which belong to Caesars care.

2. Taking spiritual as it is used sometimes in the holy Scripture as opposite to flesh and blood, I see no ground for that distinction, between spiritual and divine: God is a spirit, and the spiritual man discerneth All things: In such places and their like (to my un­derstanding) spiritual and divine are the same thing.


But I marvel at the next passage: how can Master Cot­ton with any colour of reason or charity conceive the discusser so reasonless and senceless, as to intend by these words, ▪Such onely break the Cities or Kingdomes peace, as call for prison, and sword against hereticks?▪ as if (as Master Cotton infers and saith) that murtherers, seditious persons, rebels, traitors, were none of them such, viz. Peace-breakers.


This word [onely] can onely have a faire respect to such as are charged by their opinions of Religion and worship to break the Peace of the Commonweale, who (of what conscience soever they are) may freely enjoy their conscience and worship (ei­ther The great peace breakers. of many and false Gods, or of the true God in a false way) and yet not be guilty of the breach of civil peace, but onely they (I say they onely in this consideration) who by their doctrine and pra­ctice cry out for prison, and fire and sword, against hereticks, &c.


As the devil appeared an Angel of light in Samuels mantle, So John Hus and Jerome of Prage, are declared for devils with the pictured devils upon their heads; and under this cloud of heresie and black name of hereticks, most commonly have [Page 44] suffered in all ages the true messengers of Christ Jesus. Thus cryed they out, Acts 17. These are they that have turned the world upside down, and are come hither also; and thus did they set the City all on an uproare. And Acts 19. not the worshippers of Christ fill'd the whole City with confusion, but the worshipers of Diana, who filled the heavens with that Bedlam Outery of two houres continuance, Great is Diana of the Ephesians.


With as little reason and peaceableness of spirit hath English Dia­na's. our English Nation used to cry Great is the Church of Rome, Great is our holy Father the Pope, Great the Mass, Great the Virgin Mary, Great the General Councels &c. And in later times, Great the Church of England, Great the Christian Ma­gistrate, Great the Ministery and Bishops of England, Great the swearing and covenant of the people, &c. and such as dissent from us in these points and practices, persecute them as hereticks, and disturbers of the common civil peace.


In the rest of this Chapter, Master Cotton makes three grants with his exceptions annexed.


Please you ( dear peace) to mention them in one, and accordingly I shall weigh them in the balance together.


1. Saith he, The many causes which the discusser before wrote of, are all of them allowed, but none of them concern hold­ing forth of errors, which is the point in hand.

2. Saith he, It is easily granted that they do break the Cities Gross partiality to private inte­rests. or kingdoms peace, who cry out for prisons and swords against such who cross their judgement or practice in religion, to wit, saith he, unless their religion be of God, and the crossing of it be such as destroyeth and subverteth the Religion of God.

3. It is also easily granted (saith he) that many complaine most who are most in fault themselves.


To these three I may answer thus in one. The Myste­ry of preaching or holding forth the witness of the Truth of Jesus, is interpreted by many to be the Mystery of the first seal, the white horse; and the being persecuted or slaughtered for the word of God and testimony of Jesus, to be the Mystery of the third seal, where the souls under the Altar cry to the Lord for vengeance against their persecutors. These mysteries are sealed up, and they are the Lords letters, not to be opened and read by every [Page 45] one, but (as sealed letters be) by such to whom they are di­rected.


It follows therefore, that in the midst of all the cries of Iews, Pagans, Turkes, and Antichristians [Our Religion is the Religion of God: You are an heretick, you are a persecutor, We are true Christians, we are persecuted, &c.] that the hearts of Gods children must be comforted and staid up with the sight of this Mystery. And doubtless it is most commonly (though not al­wayes) true, that the imprisoned, fined, whipt, banished, hanged, burned, &c. in point of Religion have been so inhumanely oppressed for the word of God and the Testimony of Iesus.

Our own Chronicles, Records of England, and blessed Master Fox will in part evidence to us, that scarce a King or Queen of England in all Ages guilty of much persecuti­on. England hath past since Richard the second his time, but the blood of the witnesses of Iesus more or less hath been spilt in their Raignes, as the blood of Hereticks, Schismaticks &c. and but few drops of the blood of any Heretick indeed have faln to the ground.


The discusser therefore humbly (to my knowledge) de­sireth according to Master Cottons wish to reflect upon his own Two seasonable petitions of any pers [...]outed. way, and humbly to beg of God two things for himself, and all in any measure censured and persecuted as hereticks.

First, Iosephs innocency, purity, chastity, in all those points and questions wherein they are charged and condemned un­clean.

Secondly, Iesephs patience to bear the accusations, censures, imprisonments &c. from the tongues and hands of them who are notoriously unclean and guilty before the zealous and revenging eye and hand of God.

Examination of CHAP. XVIII.


MAny of the following leaves and Chapters ( dear truth) are spent upon that great and heavenly parable of the Tares, a knot about which so many holy fingers, dead and living, have been so laboriously exercised, all professing to unty, yet some by seeming to untie, have tyed the knot the faster.


It is no wonder ( sweet peace) to finde Master Cotton so intangled both in his answers and replies touching this Parable; for men of all sorts in former ages, have been so intangled before The Parable of the Tares. him: To which purpose, with thy patience I shall relate a notable passage recorded by that excellent witness (or Martyr) of God, Master Fox in his book of Acts and Monuments: tis this. In the story of Master George Wisehart (that famous Scotch witness of Christ Iesus) in the dayes of King Henry the eighth, there preach­ed at the arraignment of the said Wiseheart, one Iohn Winryme, subprior of the Abbey of Saint Andrews, he discoursed on the Pa­rable of the Tares, he interpreted the Tares to be hereticks; and yet contrary to this very Scripture (as Master Fox himself ob­serveth, though elswhere himself also maintaining it the duty of the civil Magistrate to suppress hereticks) I say the said Winryme The Parable of Tares grosly a­bused. concludeth that hereticks ought not to be let alone until the har­vest, but to be supprest by the power of the civil Magistrate: So that memorable it is that both the Popish Prior, and that true­ly Christian Fox, were intangled in contradictions to their own writings about the interpreting of this Heavenly Scrip­ture.


O what cause therefore have all that follow Iesus to beg of Iesus (as the Disciples did) the blessed Key of David to unloose this holy mistery? In the entrance therefore of this dis­course, the discusser observing Master Cottons exposition to be fal­lacious, and the Tares to be interpreted, either persons, or do­ctrines, or practices, he blames that Master Cotton gives no argu­ment for proof of such an interpretation: Master Cotton re­plies.

First, Neither did the Author of the letter give reason for his in­terpretation. [Page 47] 2. That they both gave one interpretation. For the Author of the letter said, that some expounded the Wheat and Tares, to signifie such as walk in truth, and such as walk in lyes: now are not (saith Master Cotton) hypocrites and some corrupt doctrines and practices coincident with such as walk in lyes, &c?


I answer, First it might be both their failing, not to strengthen their interpretations with some light and evidence from Scripture or reason, although the Prisoners failing the less, as being forced to write by shifts and difficulties in prison, and so the shorter, when Master Cotton had free liberty to inlarge and con­firm without control, &c.

2. When the prisoner interprets the Tares to be such as walk in lyes, it will be found evident upon examination, that he mean­eth such as manifestly, openly, visibly walk in the true profession of Christianity; and such as openly and visibly walk in the lyes of Hypocrisie se­cret and open hypocrisie. false and Antichristian doctrine and worship. That distinction of secret and open Hypocrisie is seasonable: secret, implies such a dissimulation as may lie hid under the true outward profession of Christ Jesus, as in Judas, Simon Magus, Ananias and Sap­phira &c. Open hypocrisie implies the profession of the man of sin, sitting in the Temple of God (or over the Temple of God) pretend­ing the Name of Christ, and yet apparantly and visibly, false and counterfeit, and but pretending, when such pretences and shewes are brought to the Touchstone of true Christianity.


Your observation is true, as also a second, That these hypocritical doctrines and practices are to be tollerated to the end of the world, this he sets down in general, not instancing in parti­cular what doctrine and practises are to be tollerated: and on the other hand, the whole drift of his Booke maintaineth, that such persons, doctrines or practices, that are idolatrous, or blasphe­mous, or infectious, are not to be tollerated or permitted at all; which passages to my understanding have not harmony among themselves: For what is all the whole Religion of every Antichrist, but a Mass or Chaos of Hypocrisie, Idolatry, Heresie, Blasphemy, Poysons? &c.

Besides, Master Cotton had dealt more plainly with this holy Scripture, if he had explained what he meant by such doctrines [Page 48] and practises [comming neer the truth] and set down the bounds, how neer as to make them Tares.


Dear Peace, Who knows not that the weeds of the wilderness come neer the flowers of the Garden, the counterfeit may come neer the life, and the false mettal the true gold? And though it be true that some doctrines and practices be not so gross as other, yet they differ but (as the Scripture speaks) as whores and whoremongers, amongst themselves; some are more proper, and fine, and young, and painted; some are old, deformed &c. And yet the finest weeds, counterfeits and whores are unsufferable in the Gar­den, Spiritual whore­dome in worship may and doth in all Nations sub­sist with Civil Beings, Relati­ons, &c. in the Commonweale, house, and bed of Christ: Though yet in the civil Commonweale, the vilest spiritual strumpet may chal­lenge a civil Being, if in civil things unreproveable.

Examination of CHAP. XIX.


BUt in this Chapter, Master Cotton in the issue granteth, that the Tares signifie persons, by Christs own interpretation: For [them that do iniquity] may seem to be an explanation of [...], All scandals, that is, persons holding forth of scan­dalous and corrupt doctrines and practices, like unto true and sound.


Yet withall he chargeth the discusser with lightness and inconstancy, for endeavouring to prove that corrupt doctrines and practices▪ are not to be tollerated, and yet, saith he, the discusser pleades that such persons ought to be tollerated. Whereas the discusser twice in this Chapter expresly distinguisheth between to­leration in the Church, and tolleration in the world, and affirm­eth, that although the Church of Christ Jesus cannot tollerate ei­ther persons or practices which are false and Antichristian, yet the civil state, the world, ought to tolerate and permit both.

And therefore Master Cottons inconsiderate charge of contra­diction will not stick, because of those divers respects or States, the spiritual and civil, as it was no contradiction in Christ Ie­sus, to affirme that Iohn Baptist was Elias, when Iohn himself affirmeth, that he was not Elias▪ For in several respects the [Page 49] Negative of John, and the Affirmative of Jesus were both true.

Examination of CHAP. XX.


IN this passage (to my understanding) Master Cotton after much seeming contestation and disagreement, yet in conclusion he shakes hands and agrees with the discusser in the maine point in question.


Your observation reacheth home; for let it be granted, that the Greek word [...] should not signifie All weeds sprung up with the wheat, but one kind of weed, and that in spe­cial which Master Cotton saith Dioscorides describeth: Let it be granted to be the same with Lolium, and that there is a great si­militude between the Tares and the Wheat, while they are in the Of the Tares. blade (some of which particulars are controversial:) yet it no way opposeth that which the discusser maintaineth, to wit, the easi­ness of discerning these tares to be tares, when they are grown up to blade and fruit. And therefore Master Cotton at the last, con­fesseth that even these tares (unknown hypocrites) (according to his own exposition) ought to be suffered in the church of Christ to the harvest or end of the world.


I cannot but wonder how Master Cotton should once imagine, that it might possibly stand with the order, piety, and safety of the profession of Christ Jesus, that such a generation of known hypocrites should be perpetually suffered.


Doubtless the Lord Jesus was not of Master Cottons minde, who so vehemently warned his followers to take heed of the leaven of hypocrisie. Beside, if known hypocrites may be suffe­red and not cast out, Why may not known hypocrites be taken in? And what is then become of the true matter of the church, to wit, true living stones of a spiritual life and nature, so far as outward­ly can be discerned?


This assertion hath so foule a representation, that Ma­ster Cotton is forced to draw this vaile over, and therefore he adds, untill the fruits of hypocrites grow notoriously scandalous.

[Page 50]

I cannot fathom how these two agree: First, known hypocrites may be tolerated untill the worlds end; 2. Tolerated no longer, then untill the fruits of the hypocrisie grow notoriously scandalous: For will not all reason and experience ask this que­stion: How comes it that this friend, subject, and Spouse of Christ is now a known dissembler, traitor, whore, unless by some scandalous fruits so declaring and uncasing of them? If the shame­ful fruits of the unclean person, 1 Cor. 5. were sufficient to deno­minate him a wicked person, why were they not sufficient to war­rant Paul to say, Put away therefore that wicked person from amongst you?


But let us mind the Scripture quoted: If (saith Master Cotton) foolish Virgins be cast out of the church, the wise Vir­gins may be found sometimes sleeping as well as they.


Neither good wheate, nor wise Virgins are to be cast out of the church of Christ, while they appear to be so: yet since Of the wise and foolish Virgius. Master Cotton elsewhere grants, that a child of God (good wheat, and a wise Virgin) may so stand out against the church of Christ (in some passion) that he may be cast out. &c. How much more then ought the tares and foolish Virgins (while so appearing) be excluded?

2. If the wise Virgins be received into heaven, as the foolish shut out, will it not evidently follow (even the contrary to that for which Master Cotton alleadgeth this Scripture) to wit. That when hypocrites are discovered, they are to be kept out, and consequent­ly to be cast out of the church of Christ? except Master Cotton will say, that the kingdome of Christ on earth, may receive and keep in her bosome such stinking weedes, declared so to be, which the kingdome of Christ in heaven abhors.

Who questions, but while the hypocrisie of these foolish Vir­gins lay hid in their empty vessels, that outwardly they appear­ed as wise as the wise Virgins? But when the fruits of their hy­pocrisie discovered them to be fools, how can Master Cotton (ac­cording to the truth as it is in Jesus) affirme, that foolish Virgins (known hypocrites) are to be kept in and not cast out of the church of Christ unto the end of the world?


O how contrary is this to the very fundamentals, es­sence, nature and being of a church or Spouse of Christ Jesus, [Page 51] which is (by the confession of Papists and Protestants) a society of wise Virgins, visibly Saints holy and faithful persons, a society of such persons as outwardly profess to love Christ Jesus uprightly ( Cant. 1.) and to be espoused to him, 1 Cor. 11.


Yea, and how contrary is this to the nature of Christ Iesus, whose heart is all one fire towards the daughters of Ie­rusalem (Cant. 4.) and how contrary to the charge, that great and No true church of Christ consist­ing of visible hypocrites. solemn charge of the Lord Iesus to all his followers, to take heed of that leaven which is hypocrisie, which if suffered, will leaven the whole lumpe, and render the garden and spouse of Christ a filthy dunghill and whore-house of rotten and stinking whores and hypocrites.

Examination of CHAP. XXI.


MAster Cotton here endeavors to prove (as many have done before) that the Field which the Lord Iesus interprets the world, was meant by him to be the Church, as he is said to love the world, Iohn 3. to be propitiation for the sins of the world, 1 Ioh. 2.


In these and many other places of like nature, it pleaseth the Spirit of God to set forth his love to mankinde, distinct from all other creatures: As also the impartiality of his love, calling his chosen out of all sorts of sinners, mankinde all the world over: and yet it cannot be denyed, but that the Scriptures speak frequent­ly The field of the World. of the world and of the church in a far distinct and contrary acceptation. So, as when he nameth the church, it cannot signi­fie the world; and when the world, he cannot be said to intend the church, the reasons therefore on either side must be expended and weighed in the fear of God, why the Field here called by Christ the world, cannot be intended to be the church of Christ.


Your right distinguishing, is a right dividing of the word of Truth; but (saith Master Cotton) it cannot be the world in proper signification; for which he aleadgeth three reasons.

[Page 52]First. Because there had been (saith he) no place for the servants wonder at the appearing of the tares verse 27. for what wonder that the world should be so full of fornicators, &c? Was it ever o­therwise?


It is true, that the world lyeth in wickedness, and is full of fornicators, idolaters &c. and yet it was some thousands of yeers when the world was not full of Christian, that is, anointed, or holy fornicators, holy idolaters &c. That is indeed and truth Antichristian, and that alone is the point in question, about which this answer of Master Cotton hovers, but comes not neer it. This is indeed a most dreadful and wonderful point of the wisdome, justice, and patience of God, so to suffer so many millions of The mystery of Antichristians or false Chri­stians. men and women, to arrogate to themselves the name and professi­on of the most holy living God, and his holy Son Christ Iesus, to be called Christians, anointed or holy, and yet upon the point to hate the holiness, truth, and spirit of Christ Iesus.


This is doubtless to me (what ere Master Cotton im­agines) a wonderful mystery in all Ages since these tares were first sown, to see, I say, so many millions of holy idolaters, holy mur­therers, holy whoremongers, holy theeves &c.

The blasphemy of this is so wonderful and dreadful, that I cannot sufficiently wonder at him that wonders, not how this comes to pass.


The like I answer to his second Reason, that it is true that we read not that ever any of the Ministers or Prophets of Christ ever essayed to pluck up all such vicious notorious persons out of the world, as they demanded concerning the tares, for then indeed as the Spirit implies, 1 Cor. 5. the whole state of the world would be overthrown; but yet this hinders not, but there may be a desire in Gods servants to pluck up this or that sect or sort of peo­ple, Jews, Turks, or Antichristians.


Dear Truth, you make me call to minde the desire of Christs disciples, that fire might descend from heaven, not to consume all fornicators, idolaters, all cruel and unclean persons out of the world, yet that particular, unmerciful, superstitions Town of the Samaritans, they desired that fire might come from heaven and consume them.


Indeed this desire of the disciples is no strange desire, [Page 53] for what else do All they desire, which permit not in the civil state, Master Cotton knows not his own desire. any Religion, worship or conscience but their own? Nay far be­yond that, were the whole worlds neck under their imperial yoake (the many millions of millions of blasphemers, and idolaters of all sorts) if they will not be convinced at their word, must be cut off from all natural and civil being in the world, by Fire and Sword.


His third reason is, That the discusser reckoned up as paralel goats and sheep, wheate and tares (as generally, said he, others do) and he addeth, that in the purest church after the ruine of Antichrist, there shall be goats and sheep, wise and foolish Virgins, untill the coming of Christ to judgement, Mat. 25.


Although the discusser spake of that eternal separati­on between wheat and tares, sheep and goats approaching; yet he never said, that the tares and goats signified hypocrites in the Church, which is the point in question: Nor dare I subscribe to that opinion, that after the destruction of Antichrist, when purest times of the church shall come, that there shall be such a mixt estate in the church of Christ, untill the coming of Christ to judgement.

For first, Although goats were clean for food and sacrifice, yet it is apparant, that as they are for the left hand, So they are visi­bly known by every child, where goats and sheep are kept. And to image that visible hypocrites, such as tares goats, unprofitable servants, foolish Virgins &c. shall in a mixt way make up Christs churoh, and that in the purest times of the church, of which there are so many and wonderful prophecies, is to me not onely to frame a church estate point blank cross to the purity of those churches, but even to the first Apostolical churches, yea and against that frame of church estate in New England, where Ma­ster Cotton hath professed (though now it is said the door is wider) against▪ receiving in such members as are visibly foolish Virgins, goats &c.


Master Cottons second answer is, that if the Field be the world, as the tares Antichristians and false Christians, yet they were first sown in the field of the church.


Not so: for although there might be many infirmi­ties and distempers, yea some great corruptions in the first Chri­stian [Page 54] body the church of Christ; notwithstanding that Antichrist is an Apostate, yet it will not follow, that the tares were first sown in The first rise of Antichristians argued. the true church, because Sathan might easily raise up some profes­sors of the name of Christ, which the true church would never admit. And as Sathan might raise up persons, congregations, worships, which were not according to Christ; So might he easily raise up churches, congregations and societies of such tares with whom the churches of Christ might refuse society. So saith John, There are many Antichrists, whom yet we cannot well imagine that they were in the churches of the Lord Jesus.

There came false Apostles to the Church at Ephesus, but yet that church examined and found them lyars. And so long as the churches were watchful, those tares kept in the world. But when the churches began to be sleepy, the Tares might undiscerned creep into the church

This may be as well, as when Apostates fall off from the church, go out from it, because they were never of it: and also as well as that the church of Christ may drowzily neglect to purge out the old leaven of persons and things, which may soon overspread and over-run the whole lumpe and garden of the church of Christ, untill it be turned againe into one common field of the world to­gether.


Master Cottons third answer is, That Antichristians must not be tolerated unto the end of the world, because God will put it into the heart of faithful princes to hate the whore; and after that, we read of a visible state of New Jerusalem before the end of the world, Rev. 20. 21, 22.


It is not said, that those princes that shall hate the whore shall be faithful princes: and since Master Cotton seems to hold that by way of ordinance (and so in obedience) the Kings of the earth shall with the sword destroy Antichrist, I desire his proof for any such prophecy. For,

1. It is not said, that God will put it into their hearts, to hate the whore. And we finde that they shall hate the lambe, as well as hate the whore. For they shall make war with the lambe, and the lamb shall overcome them, as comes to pass after the ruine of the who [...]e, Rev. 19.

2. Judgement may be executed upon the whore by way of [Page 55] mutual judgement each upon others, when in the midst of their spiritual whoredoms, and drunkenness with the Saints blood, The judgement of the great whore. they shall fall out with the whore (as useth to be in whoredome) and turn their whorish loves into outragious fury; and the very description of their fury looks this way, for it is not the property of sober and faithful men (though repenting of their whoredoms) to make a woman naked (though a whore) and to eat her flesh, as it is said, those shall do.

But grant (as we most hopefully do) the whores consumption by the ten hornes of the Beast, and the flourishing of new Jerusa­lem upon the earth ( Rev. 20. 21, 22.) before the end of the world (all which are great disputes among the people of God) yet I judge it necessary that two or three queries be satisfied for the further clearing of the holy minde of the Lord in this parti­cular.

1. Whether (as some have and do argue) the end of the world in this Parable and other Scriptures do expresly and undeniably sig­nifie the end of the world and judgement-day literally, and not some other mystical period of time, since the word [...] (usual­ly translated world) is of various signification, and sometimes sig­nifies and Age.

2. Whether those ten Kings which shall destroy the whore, shall be absolutely Christian, true Saints, followers of Jesus they and their Armies, or else remaining Antichristian hornes of the Beast, shall yet execute the judgement of God upon the great whore: as Jehu remaining both hypocritical and idolatrous, yet dashe out the braines of that great whore Iezabel, and executed judgement upon Baals Priests: yea and even as Henry the eighth tumbled the Pope out of his chaire in England, and thousands of his Popelings with him, he supprest and threw the whore Iezabel the church of Rome out of Englands window, and yet con­tinued to burn the Saints of Iesus upon his six Popish and bloody Articles.

3. Whether that mighty Army of Gog and Magog, which is mustered up after the thousand yeers raigne of Christ, be not in part made up of the [...]en hornes, even after the whore of Romes consumption (as before in Henry the eighth his case) which horns with their peoples Christ will have yet to be tolerated as Tares in [Page 56] the field of the world, though not in the Church of Christ.


What think you of Master Cottons grant, that the first fruits of Antichristians may be tares sown in the field of the church, which afterwards grow to be Briars and Thornes?


I observe that to be tares, of Antichristian worship­pers, and briars and thornes (oppressers and persecutors) are both of them of a false and Antichristian nature, which ought to be far from imitation of the Rose of Sharon, or the Lily of the vallies.

But 2. Are there no tares, that is, hypocrites, but in the church; and must all the briars and thornes (oppressors and persecutors, &c.) have no root from the wilde world, but from the garden of Christs church?


Now whereas it was urged, that it stood not with the wisdome and love of Christ, interpreting this parable, and opening what the field was, to call the field the world, when he meant the church: Master Cotton answers, that Paul by the same wisdome useth the same word, 2 Cor. 5. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.


Paul in using that figure of the world for all sorts of men in the world, doth not undertake to interpret a Parable, which before he had proposed unto (and at the request of) the Corinthians, as the Lord Iesus doth at the request of his disciples.

And where Master Cotton saith, that it is no more an improper speech to call the church the world, then to speak of Christ as dying for the world, when he dyed for the church.


I finde it not to be said, that Christ died for the world, but grant that it hath pleased the Lord in his most infinite wisdome, to cause the tearm of the world to be used in various significati­ons; yet let any instance be given of any Scripture, wherein the Lord opposing the church to the world, the wheat to tares, doth not distinguish between the church redeemed out of the world, and the world it self, which is said to lye in wickedness, and to be such as for which Christ Jesus would not pray, Iohn 17.

Examination of CHAP. XXII.


IN this Chapter was urged the scope of the Lord Jesus, to wit, to foretell the Antichristian state opposing the true Christian Christs Church by [...] properly consist­ing of good ground. church and worship as also to comfort and strengthen the hearts of his followers, against the grievances ari [...]ing therefrom; and where it was urged that the church consisteth onely of good ground, and that the three sorts of Bad ground visibly so declared, are properly in the world, and not in the church, Master Cotton answers,

First, Did not Christ preach to all these sorts of hearers in the church of the Jews?


That national church of the Iews, in its first visible constitution, consisted onely of good ground. Now that the other The [...]u [...]e of Jewish Church. three sorts of hearers were in the church of the Iews, it was an accident and corruption: when they grew incurable, and received not the admonitions of the Lord, by the Lord Iesus and his ser­vants, preaching unto them, the Lord cast them out of his sight, destroyed that nationall church, and established the Christian church.

Now what is this to the permitting of known hypocrites in the Christian church to the worlds end? since that the proper seat of known hypocrisie, and of all other wickedness, is the world, which indeed properly consisteth of the three sorts of Bad ground, as the church and Garden of Christ, of the honest and good ground.


But further, If (saith Master Cotton) the children of the church-members be in the church, then they growing up to yeers, become some of them like the high-way, and some like the stony, and some like the thorny ground.


Admit the Christian church were constituted of the natural seed and off-spring (which yet Master Cotton knows will never be granted to him, and I believe will never be proved by him:) yet he knows, that upon the discovery of any such portion of ground in the church, the church is bound to admonish, and [Page 58] upon impenitency (after admonition) to cast them into the world, the proper place of such kind of hearers and professors.


Master Cotton proceeds to a third answer, to wit, Though it be not the proper work of the church to bring up their own children to become the sincere people of God, And Christ hath given his Church and his Gospel preached to it, to lye like leaven in three pecks of meal, till all be leavened, Mat. 13. 31. And he hath given Pastors and Teachers, as well for the ga­thering of the Saints, as for the edification of the Body of Christ.


I answer, the proper work of the Pastors and Teachers, is to feed the sheep and flock, and not the Heards, the wild Beasts in the world. And although it is the duty of parents to bring up their children in the nurture and fear of the Lord; yet what if The nature of Christs true A­postles. those children refuse to frequent the Assemblies of the Church, and what if those three sorts of bad ground or hearers will not come within the bounds of the Pastors and Teachers feeding; hath not the Lord Iesus appointed other Officers (in the same Ephes. 4.) for the gathering of the Saints, that is sending out of the Church of Christ, Apostles, or Messengers, to preach Christ Iesus to the three sorts of bad ground, to labour to turn them into good ground?

But alas, to salve up all this, the civil sword is commonly run for, to force all sorts of ground to come to church, instead of the sending forth ( Rom. 10.) the heavenly sowers, according to the Or­dinance of Christ Iesus.


But what say you to his fourth answer, viz. There is no such Resemblance between the high-way-ground and good ground, as between the Tares and the wheate, nor would the ser­vants wonder at Tares in the high-way, nor ask about their pluck­ing up.


I answer, Let the high-way, stony, and thorny ground be considered in their several qualities of prophaneness, stouiness and worldliness, and all the sons of men throughout the whole world naturally are such; and tis no wonder, nor would the ser­vants of Christ be so troubled, as to desire their plucking up out of the world. But yet againe consider all these sorts of men as professing the name and anointing of Christ Iesus in a false and [Page 59] counterfeit Antichristian way, and then it may well be wondred, whence such monstrous kind of Christians or anointed ones Antichristians monsters in re­religion. arose: And Gods people may easily be tempted rather to desire their rooting out of the world, then the rooting out of any such sorts of ground or men professing any other Religion, Jewish, Maho­metan or Pagan, Antichristian and false Christians being more opposite to the kingdome of Christ Jesus, and more dangerous, by how much more a counterfeit and Traytor is worse then a pro­fessed Fox, an Antichristian (whether Papist or Protestant) worse then a Jew, a Pagan, Whether Indian, Turke or Per­sian.

Examination of CHAP. XXIII.

Still of the Tares.

THese tares (saith Master Cotton) are not such sinners as are opposite and contrary, for then none should be opposite or contrary but they.


I acknowledge (as Master Cotton here observeth) two sorts of persons opposite and contrary to Christ Jesus and his Kingdome.

First, All sorts of sinners scandalous in their lives and Two sorts of sinners. courses.

2. More especially opposite in point of Religion and worship, as all idolaters, and especially Antichristians.

Now every man by nature, the best and wisest, is opposite and contrary to Christ, his word and kingdome; but an idolater and Antichristian is more especially opposite to his glorious Name, Truth, and Ordinances.

And therein properly lyes the mystery of iniquity, brought in by the man of sin, that lawless person, 2 Thess. 2. most opposite or contrary to Christ Jesus the Son of God, and Son of Righ­teousness.


But this is a begging of the question (saith Master Cot­ton) for the question is about visible worshippers, such as were discovered and declared to be what they were, as well by their fruit [Page 60] as by their clads, and therefore againe (saith Master Cotton) these tares were the seed and children of the Devil; for why should they be called the seed of the One, and the children of the Other?


I answer, the Lord Jesus distinguisheth, thus, He that soweth the good seed, is the Son of man; and the good seed are the children of the Kingdome: he that soweth the tares is the devil, and these tares are the children of the evil or evil one; Hence by way of opposition, these children of evil or evil ones being visibly such as are opposite to the children of the kingdome, they cannot be hypocrites in the church, untill they are discovered: These children therefore of the evil one op­posite to the visible kingdome, and so to visible Christ Jesus in point of his kingdome, church, and worship (though they be the children of the devil in a sence, yet) can they be no other, but the children of the false Christ or Antichrist, in the way of a false church and worship.


Yea but lastly (saith Master Cotton) that word [...] translated the children of the wicked one or wickedness, will agree to hypocrites.


It will indeed, if we respect their inside, which is only visible to the invisible King, as Judas in his profession: but it Two sorts of hy­pocrites. cannot agree to such hypocrites as are undiscovered by their fruits in the church, but unto such hypocrites as are discovered in their blades and fruit, and so consequently are not fit to live with other sinners in the world: I doubt not but Master Cotton will say, That although a member of a Church prove a theife, adulterer, murtherer, in the eyes of a Brother, that sees and knows his se­cret wickedness, yet that brother is censurable as a slanderer, if he should report these evils, though to the Church, untill ac­cording to visible order he could produce good proof and evi­dence.

Examination of CHAP. XXIV.

Still of the Tares.

MAster Cotton here seems to me (with the Familists) to con­found heaven and earth together, the matters of Worship, and Ordinances of Religion, with the affaires and businesses of this life: for saith he, such as stand for the kingdome of Satan (as all evil men do) they stand in opposition to the Kingdome of Christ.


Master Cotton is not now to be taught the distinction between the church and Commonweale; nor that a national church is not of Christ Jesus his institution: yet as this discourse strong­ly inclines to erect a national church, so doth this present answer to the confusion both of Church and Commonweale.

It is true, a covetuous Iew, that blasphemeth Christ Jesus, stands for Satan against Christ. But by his covetousness in one kinde, as covetousness is opposite to Righteousness and conten­tation, &c. and for Sathan against Christ in another sence, that Two sorts of opposites to Christ Jesus. is in a Religious and Spiritual sence, as he prefers Moses be­fore Christ Jesus, and denies the true Messiah to be yet come in the flesh.

A cruel Turk stands for Satan against Christ, by his cruelty in one sence, to wit, in opposition to Christs mercy, gentleness, patience, &c. but by his belief in Mahomet, preferring him before Christ, he opposeth him in his Kingdome and Wor­ship.

To come neerer, a drunken English, Dutch or Frenchman, stands for Satan against Christ, as their drunkenness is opposite to Christs sobriety, temperance, &c. but against Christ in ano­ther sence, as they profess the wayes of Antichristian idolatry and superstition: And not to observe this distinction, is (with some Familists) to run upon quick-sands of confounding the spi­ritual kingdome of Christ Jesus, his worship and ordinances, with the kingdomes of this world, and the common affaires thereof in natural and civil consideration.


But though Christ (saith Master Cotton) should com­mand [Page 62] other offenders to be let alone beside Antichristians, yet he should not contradict any ordinances for the punishment of of­fenders &c. because, saith he, No law of God, nor just law of man commands the the rooting out of hypocrites, though the church be bound to endeavour (as much as in them lies) to heale their hypocrisie.


Hypocrisie discovered in the fruit of it, is not to be let alone in the church or State: For neither church of Christ nor civil state can long continue safe, if hypocrites or traitors (under what pretence soever) be permitted to break forth in them, without due punishment and rooting out; this hypocrisie being especially that great sin against which Christ Iesus so frequently and so ve­hemently inveighed, and against which he denounced the sorest of plagues [...]nd judgements.


By whose command, and by what meanes and ordi­nances, by whose power and authority, but by the command, meanes and power of Christ Jesus?

And I further aske, If faithful admonition be not one good means of healing, and if that lye not in the churches power; and if the hypocrite after faithful admonition once or twice, submit not to the voice of Christ Iesus, I ask where the Lord Iesus com­mandeth to make a stop, and not to cast forth and reject whomso­ever wilfully obstinate?


Doubtless (dear Truth) many will be apt to say Master Cotton intends secret and close hypocrisie.


And I doubt not but himself will say, That this is not our question, but of known and unmasked hypocrisie, as himself hath formerly declared, and such as here he expresseth come under ordinances of healing.


But further (saith Master Cotton) it is not true, that An­tichristians are to be let alone untill the end of the world, Why? Because Christ commanded excommunication, &c.


I am astonisht, and wonder why Master Cotton here speaketh of excommunication, a spiritual ordinance of Christ Iesus in his spiritual kingdome or city, when the dispute onely concerns temporal excommunication or cutting off? Let them alone, that is, in civil State?

I wonder also how he should imagine the discusser in this Chap­ter [Page 63] to affirme, that Antichristians are to be let alone in the church unto the end of the world, when it was the very scope of his argument in this Chapter, to prove, that the speech of Christ Jesus, [let them alone] must needs be understood of letting idola­ters and Antichristians alone in the civil state, and in the world, because otherwise, if he had meant, [Let them alone in the church] he should contradict himself, who hath appointed meanes for the disturbing and purging out the corrupt leaven both of persons and practices out of his church and kingdome.


The same answer indeed will easily be returned to his last supposition of any Popish spirit conspiring against the life of King and Parliament. The whole scope of this book professeth, and in this Chapter the discusser professedly argueth, that Christ Jesus hath appointed that civil offenders against the civil state, ought not to be let alone.

But Master Cotton adds, If Popish Priests and Jesuits be ‘rightly expounded to be the Rivers and fountaines of water, which drive the dead sea of Antichristian pollutions up and down all Nations in Europe, and in some cases are to drink blood; Then are they not to be let alone, but duely supprest and cut off from conveying up and down idolatrous, heretical and sediti­ous wickedness,’ Rev. 16. 4. 7.


The exposition of this Scripture will be further ex­amined The rivers and fountaines of blood, Rev. 16. in the sequel, and found no true exposition▪ That Rivers and fountaines of water drive the sea up and down: For rivers and fountaines however they come from the salt-water, yet lose they the savour of the salt-sea, and yeeld a savour of the earth through which they make their passages; and again they run into the sea, and are themselves driven up and down, and swallowed up in the sea: Nor will it be found a true exposition according to Godliness and Christianity, which commandeth patience and waiting, not fire and sword to gaine sayers and opposites: Nor lastly, will it be found a true exposition agreeing with Master Cottons own profession in some passage of this book, where­in he holds forth great toleration and gentleness to other consci­ences, both English and Barbarians.

Examination of CHAP. XXV.


IN this Chapter Master Cotton affirms, that hypocrites (even) they that are discerned to be such, yet they are not to be purged out, except they break forth into such notorious fruits of hypocrisie as tend to the leavening of the whole lumpe: for otherwise (saith he) we may roote out the best wheate in Gods field, &c.


I answer, s [...] hypocrites and all hypocrisie is so odi­ous in Gods sight, and so vehemently inveighed against by Christ Of hypocrites in profession of Christianity. Jesus, what should be the cause why the leaven of the Phari­sees, which is hypocrisie, should finde greater favour and conni­vence in the church of Christ, then the leaven of any other sin, since all ought to be purged out? 1 Cor. 5.

2. Contrary to what Master Cotton saith, [to wit, That no man meerly for hypocrisie and want of life and power of Godliness ought to be proceeded against] the Spirit of God by Paul saith, That such kind of professours of the name of Christ should arise, that should pretend a form of godliness, but not shew forth the power thereof, from which he commandeth us to turn away, 1 Tim. 3.


But Master Cotton excepteth, Except (saith he) they break forth into some notorious scandalous fruits of hypo­crisie.


How shall an hypocrite be discovered and known to be an hypocrite or traitor in church or civil state, but by some such notorious scandalous fruits as tend to the leavening of the whole lumpe? Come to particulars; was Iudas, Ananias and Sapphira, Simon Magus, Demas, or any other discovered to be Hypocrites, when they broke forth into treachery, lying, covet­ousness? and might the church proceed against such? If it be denied, I ask to what end the Lord hath given those holy rules of admonition? &c. will it prove ought but prophaning of the name of the Lord, to pretend our clear discerning of the Scripture and ordinances, and not to practise them? If it be yeelded against these fruits of hypocrisie, discovering men to be hypocrites, why do we plead for a dispensation, and (not for the wheat of the Field, [Page 65] and flowers of the garden, but) for the most stinking and loathsome tares and weeds to be continued in the holy garden of Christ Jesus?


But many hypocrites (saith Master Cotton) fall not within the censure of that Scripture, 2 Thess. 3. 6. Withdraw from every brother that walketh disorderly; for many hypocrites follow their callings, and are so far from being burthensome unto others, that they are after choaked with the cares and businesses of the world, and yet are not behind in liberal contribution to pious uses.


But is not this halting between God and Baal? yea is not this pleading for Baal, for hypocrisie, hypocrites and dissemblers, false and Antichristian counterfeits, to be permitted not onely in the wilderness of the world (which I contend for) but also even in the Garden, House, Bed, and bosome of God? What if men be civil and follow their callings? Men that know not God, so do. What though they be liberal to pious uses (millions of Papists are and have been so according to their consciences) when as yet they are choaked with cares and businesses of this world?

How express is the charge of the Lord Jesus, to with-draw from such, notwithstanding their forme of Godliness, and con­tribution to Godly uses, when they declare not the power of god­liness, 1 Tim. 3. 2. Not to eate with them, and therefore to se­perate from such a brother as is covetuous, 1 Cor. 5. as well as from an idolater, drunkard, &c.

The Church of Christ is a congregation of Saints, a flock of sheep, humble, meek, patient, contented, with whom it is mon­strous and impossible, to couple cruel and persecuting lyons, subtle and hypocritical Foxes, contentious biting dogs or greedy and rooting swine, so visibly declared and apparant.

Examination of CHAP. XXI.


IN this Chapter four answers were given by the discusser to that great objection of the mischief that the Tares will do in the field of the world, if let alone and not pluckt up.

[Page 66]The first was, That if the tares offend against Civility or ci­vil state, God hath armed the civil state with a civil sword, &c.

Master Cotton replies, what if their conscience incite them to civil offences?

I answer, the conscience of the civil Magistrate must incite him to civil punishment, as a Lord Maior of London once an­swered, That he was born to be a Judge, to a Thief that pleaded he was born to be a thief. If the conscience of the wor­shippers of the Beast incite them to prejudice prince or state, Al­though these consciences be not as the conscience of a thief (com­monly convinced of the evil of his fact, but) perswaded of the Corrupt consci­ences distingui­shed. lawfulness of their actions; yet so far as the civil state is en­dammaged or endangered, I say the sword of God in the hand of civil Authority is strong enough to defend it self, either by im­prisoning or disarming, or other wholesome meanes, &c. while yet their consciences ought to be permitted in what is meerly point of worship, as prayer, and other services and admini­strations.

Hence the wisdome of God, in that 13 Rom. (reckoned by Ma­ster Cotton the Mag [...]a Charta for civil Magistrates dealing in matters of Religion) I say, there it pleaseth God expresly to reckon up the particulars of the second table, chalking out (as it were) by his own finger, the civil sphear or circle, in which the civil Magistrate ought to act and execute his civil power and Authority.


The second answer of the discusser was, that the church or spiritual City hath laws and Armories to defend it self.

Master Cotton excepteth, saying, That if their members be leavened with Antichristian Idolatry and Superstition, and yet must be tolerated in their idolatry, and superstitious worship, will not a litle leaven leaven the whole lumpe? and how then is the Tolleration of idolaters consi­dered. church guarded?


The question is, whether idolatrous and Antichristi­an worshippers may be tolerated in civil state, in the City, in the Kingdome, &c. under any civil power: Master Cotton answers no, they will do mischief. The reply is, against any civil mis­chief [Page 67] (though wrought conscientiously) the civil state is strongly guarded. Secondly, Against the spiritual mischief, the church or City of Christ is guarded with heavenly Armories, wherein there hang a thousand Bucklers▪ Cant. 4. and most mighty wea­pons, 2 Cor. 10. In the church of Christ such worshippers ought not to be tolerated, but cast out, &c.

That is true, saith Master Cotton, but yet their leaven will spread.

I answer, What is this, but to make the most powerful appoint­ments Civil weapons in spirituals, blur and flight the spiritual. of Christ Jesus, those mighty weapons of God, terrible censures and soul- punishments in his kingdome, but as so many woodden daggers and leaden swords, childrens Bull-beggars, and scarcrows, and upon the point so base and beggarly, that without the help of the Cutlers shop or Smiths forge, the church or kingdome of Christ cannot be purged from the leaven of idolatry and superstition?


Me thinks the Lord Jesus was of another mind▪ Mat. 18. when he accounted it sufficient to cut off the obstinate, Let him be as a Gentile or publican: and in the very similitude of leaven (here used by Master Cotton) Paul counted it sufficient to purge out the leaven, 1 Cor. 5. if that evil person were put away from the midst of them, that is, from their holy and spiritual society. Paul never asks (as Master Cotton doth) since we have not to our spiritual armes, armes of flesh, and a civil sword to help our spiritual, how shall the safety of the church be guarded?

But let's proceed. The third Answer was, That the elect cannot be finally deceived: Master Cotton replies. It is true, but God pro­vides meanes of preservation, &c. And Jezabels tolerating in Thiatira made the church guilty.


This Argument was not used in derogation of Gods meanes, spiritual in spiritual things, civil in civil, &c. but by way of supposition of the worst, as Job spake in another case, How helpest thou the Arme that hath no strength? Not but that in ordinary submission to means, man ought to help the Lord a­gainst the mighty. The sum is this, rather let the Lord alone to help himself without meanes, then to help the Lord to save his elect (who cannot by vertue of his love and decree finally be de­ceived) by any such means as are none of his own appointing.

[Page 68]2. It is true, that the church at Thyatira, tolerating Jezabel to seduce, was guilty, yea and I add the City of Thiatira was guilty also if it tolerated Iezabel to seduce to fornication. But The tolleration of Jezabel in Thyatira. what is this to the point of the issue [to wit, Whether the City of Thiatria should be guilty or not in tolerating Iezabel in that which the City judgeth to be idolatry and false worship? Jezabels corporal whoredoms (sinning against civility or state of the City) the City by her Officers ought to punish, lest civil order be broken, and civility be infected &c. but Iezabels spiritual whoredomes, the civil state ought not to deal with but (there being a church of Christ then in Thiatria, and the spiritual whoredomes there taught and practised) I say the church in Thyatira, which in the name and power of Christ was armed sufficiently to pass and inflict a dreadful spiritual censure, which God will confirme and ratifie most assuredly and undoubtedly in heaven.


Two reasons more were alleadged out of the Text. The first was, that by plucking up the tares, the good wheate it self by such hurries and persecutions about Religion, should be in­dangered to be plucked up; which Master Cotton salveth thus: to wit, If Gods people themselves, for their idolatry and super­stition, should be cut off, it will be for warning unto o­thers, &c.


Oh ungodly, unchristian, that is bloody and Anti­christian doctrin, by which (under pretence of punishing hereticks, schis [...]aticks, and seditious persons) the Son of God, the Lord of Christ Jesus under pretence persecuted. Lords, and King of Kings, hath so many millions of times, in his servants been persecuted, slaine, and crucified! As for the world, it lies in wickedness, is a wilderness of sin over-grown with idolatry and superstition. The Antichristian (falsly called Christian world) in most abundant and over-flowing measure hath wondred after and magnified the Beast, Rev. 13. The two witnesses prophesie in sackcloth against this beast, in all parts of his dominion, by whom also they are persecuted and slaine, and yet we read not that they judge or censure, or fight for themselves The weapons of the Saints, Rev. with any other weapons then by the word of their prophecie, the blood of the Lamb, their patient sufferings, the not loving of their lives unto the death.


The second reason out of the parable was, That the▪ [Page 69] Angels of God have in charge to bundle up these tares for the burning. Master Cotton replies two things. First, so these An­gels will gather into bundles for the burning murtherers robbers, &c. who are not yet to be tolerated.


I answer, If a man call Master Cotton murtherer, witch, &c. with respect to civil matters, I say the civil state must judge and punish the offender, else the civil state cannot stand, but must return to barbarisme. But if a man call Master Cotton murtherer, witch &c. in spirttual matters, as deceiv­ing The difference between civil and spiritual slander. and bewitching the peoples souls, if he can prove his charge, Master Cotton ought to give God the glory, and and repent of such wickedness. If he cannot prove his charge, but slander Master Cotton, yet is the slander of no civil nature, and so not proper to any civil court, but is to be cast out (as we see commonly suits of law are rejected, when brought into Courts which take no proper cognizance of such cases.)


What relief then hath Master Cotton or any so charged in this case?


The court of heaven, the church of Christ, calls such a slanderer to repentance (whether he be within the church or without, though orderly proceeding lies only against him that is within) If he be obstinate, how dreadful is the sentence against such a slanderer, both in earth and in heaven? how dreadful the delivering up to hardness of heart (a greater plague on Pha­raoh, then all the devouring plagues of Egypt) how dreadful the The dreadful nature of Christs spiritual punish­ments. delivering up to Satan, the paw and jaw of the roaring Lyon (in­finitely far more terrible, had we eyes to see it, then to be thrown with Daniel to the devouring Lyon:) There is no reason in the world therefore, for theeves and murtherers to be tolerated un­to the last day without sentence and punishment, because trans­gressors against spiritual state may be tolerated to live in the world, yet punished for spiritual transgression with a greater censure and sorer punishment, then if all their bones and flesh were rackt and torn in pieces with burning pincers.


Master Cotton and others will say. The idolaters and seducers were censured spiritually under Moses, and yet were they also put to death.

[Page 70]

I desire Master Cotton to shew me under Moses, such spiritual censures and punishments beside the cutting off by the civil sword: which if he cannot do, and that since the Christian Church antitypes the Israelitish, and the Christian laws and pun­ishments Not such spiri­tual punish­ments in the national church of Israel. the laws and punishments of Israel concerning religion, I may truely affirme, that that civil state which may not justly to­lerate civil offenders, &c. yet may most justly tolerate spiritual offenders, of whose Delinquency it hath no proper cogni­zance.


Lastly, Master Cotton urgeth, that [...] (2 Thess. 2.) should rather be translated presence then coming.


Admit it (though many able translators in divers lan­guages rather translate it coming) and that Antichrist shall not be consumed by the breath of the mouth of the Lord Jesus before his last coming to judgement; yet then Master Cotton must give ano­ther interpretation of this end of the world, and the Angels, and the fire, then is usually given: however the tares shall be bundled up for the everlasting burnings, and are at present under a dread­ful sentence and punishment, and therefore (not offending in ci­vil things) the civil state may the better tolerate them in matters of religion and conscience; and Paul himself (if opposed by them) might the better wait with patience, if God peradventure will give them repentance &c.

Examination of CHAP. XXVII.


IN this Chapter, those three particulars by which the Ministers of Christ are commanded to let the Tares alone, Master Cotton evades by calling them so many slippery evasions, &c.


I believe neither the interpretations nor the intenti­ons of the Author were evasive: for a faithful witness will not lye though a false witness will utter deceit; however the fire shall try. The truth is, the greater part, and especially the former of Master Cottons answer in this Chapter, comes not neer the point of the issue, for that is not whether the Saints may pray or prophecy a­gainst idolaters and false worshippers, but whether or no for [Page 71] their present temporal destruction and extirpation.


Unto this Master Cotton saith, Yes, for the present de­struction of some or other Antichristian idolaters in every age: and he adds, it might as well be said, that a Minister of Christ Prayer against present de­struction of tares. should not denounce present or speedy destruction to any mur­therers, whoremongers, &c. because though some of them may fall under grievous plagues, yet there will never want a company of such evil doers, untill the great harvest or end of the world.

Againe, saith he, Though a Minister denounce not present de­struction, yet he cannot let them alone, no more then the feller of an Oake, that gives many a stroake before the last, &c.

2. It is not credible (saith he) that some of the Angels that poure out their vials upon the Antichristian state, shall not be Ministers: And when the ten horns shall burn the City of Rome, it is not credible, that they will do it without some excitement from the Angels.


The instance brought of murtherers, whoremongers &c. is most improper, because we all agree that present corporal or civil punishment is due to murtherers, whoremongers, &c. and other like transgressors against the civil state of all Nations and peoples all the world over, and this in all Ages and Times: but Master Cotton himself acknowledgeth, that many prophecies and periods are set for the continuance of the Antichristian state, and the idolatry and desolations thereof, and that those perieds shall be accomplished before the judgement day: nor will it ap­pear that those ten Kings that shall in the fulfilling of this prophecy burn the whore, shall do it by way of ordinance and obedience to Gods command, otherwise then he permitted Nebuchadnezzar and Cyrus, and other Tyrants of the world (as the fishes of the sea one to devoure and swallow up another.) And for that instance of the wood-man selling of the Oake, I grant that the prayers of the Saints▪ hasten the whores downfal, and the opening of these pro­phecies make way for Gods time; but what is this to a present downfal before the time appointed?

Againe, That it is not credible but that some of the Angels Pastors and Teachers not Apostles and messengers. should be messengers of the Gospel, I answer, Master Cotton knows that the English word messengers, and the Greek word Apostles, are the same; but no such messengers Master Cotton al­lows [Page 72] of: And that the word messengers in the Apostles sence should imply. Pastors and Teachers (which Master Cotton now only allows of) I finde not in the Testament of Christ Jesus. That those Angels should be the witnesses, and the Prophets in sack­cloth, seemes more credible.

And I may well affirme the contrary to Master Cottons credi­ble, that it is incredible that any servant or messenger of the King of Peace should stir up the civil Magistrate to cut off those by the civil sword, whose repentance he is bound to wait for with patience, bearing in the interim their oppositions and gainsayings, 2 Tim. 2.


Tis most true, according to the testimony of Christ Je­sus (and most contrary to the tenents and practice of the Romish bloody Popes, and their followers) that Christs Ministers are wisdomes Maidens (Prov. 9.) sent forth in heavenly Beauty and chastity, with meek and loving, yet vehement perswasions, to call in the foolish of the world to partake of wisdomes dainties: but (dear truth) deliver your minde concerning the last passage, to wit, Elijah stirring up Ahab to slay the Baalites. Elijahs act in stirring up Ahab to kill all the Priests and prophets of Baal: This act (saith Master Cotton) was not figurative, but moral; for (saith he) Ahab could not be a figure of Christ, nor Israel after their Apostacie, a type of the true Church: Beside, blasphemers ought to die by the law, and Ahab forfeited his own life, because he did not put Benhadad to death for his blasphemy, 1 Kings 20.


Christ Jesus is considered two wayes, Christ in his per­son, and Christ mystical in his church, represented by the Gover­nors thereof. Some say, that Israel was not in Ahabs time excom­municated Concerning Is­rael in the Apo­stacy of Jerobo­am. and cut off from Gods sight, untill their final carrying out of the land of Canaan, 2 Kings 17. and that Israel remain­ed (though none of Gods in respect of her apostacy, yet) Gods in respect of covenant, untill the execution of the sentence of ex­communication or divorce: And therefore that Ahab, as King of Israel, Gods people (untill Israel ceased to be Israel) was a figure of Christ, that is, Christ in his presence, in his governors, in his church, though faln to idolatry under admonition, not yet cast off.

But (2.) grant the church false, and Ahab King of a false [Page 73] church, how will it appear that Elijahs Act was a moral act, and so presidential to all Kings and Nations?


Because (saith Master Cotton) it is moral equity, that blasphemers, and apostate idolaters, seducing others to idola­try, should be put to death; Levit. 24. 16. Deut. 13. 5.


Those Scriptures concern a ceremonial land in a cere­monial time, before Christ; and in the same Lev. 24. the com­mand is equally given for the lampe in the Tabernacle, and the shew-bread, as well as for the idolater.


But Benhadad (saith Master Cotton) was no Isra­elite, nor was his blasphemy belched out in the land of Is­rael.


It is most true, that blasphemers in Israel, and blas­phemers against Israel and the God of it, were put to death. It is also true in the antitype and substance since the coming of Christ, that blasphemers in Israel, and blasphemers against Israel (the church of God) are spiritually to be put to death by the two­edged sword coming forth of the mouth of Christ, Rev. 1. and this Gospel-punishment is much more dreadful and terrible, then the punishment of the first blasphemers under Moses or the pre­phets. * Hence Baalls Priests, Monks, Friars, and Bi­shops have not been civilly actually slaine in England, &c. but spiritually by Gods word, the sword of his spirit cashiered and cut off e­ternally.


Methinks also, if Ahab were now presidentiall, and that which he should have done to Benhadad presidential▪ then is there now no spiritual or mystical Israel, no spiritual Canaan, but the letter, ceremony, and figure yet in force, and Christ Je­sus the mystical and spiritual King of Israel is not yet come in the flesh.


Yea then not onely a few in a City or Kingdome (sup­pose hundreths or thousands) but millions of millions of blasphe­mers, idolaters, seducers, throughout the whole wide world, ought corporally to be put to death.


Against this methinks Master Cotton should be▪ and I am sure against this Christ Iesus was, who professed in answer to the rash zeal of his disciples (Luk. 9.) That he came not to destroy mens lives, but to save them: but how relish you Master Cottons interpretation, of Let them alone (which he sees pleaseth some so well) to wit, Let them alone is no precept, but per­mission?

[Page 74]

I answer, If let them alone were onely by permission in way of providence, Why is also a word of prohibition added, to wit▪ That such should not be medled with, for these and these reasons, whereas although God permitteth evil doers in spiritual and eivil state in the world, yet there lies a word of ordinance to purge them out. Here is no ordinance for their plucking up, but for their letting alone, and that in a merciful respect of sparing the good wheate▪ who might be indangered to be pluckt up by the roots out of the world, by such rash and furious zeale of plucking up the tares.

Examination of CHAP. XXIX.


MAster Cotton referring the 28 Chapter to former agitations, seems to invite us to pass on to Chapter 29.


Let the 28 Chapter recapitulating the former, and the whole controversies, be referred to the consciences of such to whom these passages by any providence of the most holy wise shall be presented, and let it graciously please the Father of lights, to help all his sons of light, to be truely studious of his truth in the love of it, to cast up all particulars aright in his fear, by the onely Arithmetick of his own most holy and unerring spirit.


In this Chapter first ariseth a question concerning the Apostles privacy.


Master Cotton acknowledgeth them to be called to a publike Ministery, let others judge then of their privacy.


But they were not sent (saith Master Cotton) [...]o the Scribes and Pharisees, and so consequently were to let them Touching Christs Apostles or mes­sengers. alone.


I answer, Let it be considered, how he that grants men are sent to the sheep, can rightly say they have nothing to do with the Wolves and Foxes.


In this controversie, Master Cotton elsewhere, will not onely have sheep sed, but the Wolves driven from the sold, their braines beaten out, &c. and that not onely by the Pastors or sheapherds spiritually, but also by the civil Magistrate, and [Page 75] to that end, he is to be stirred up by the Shepherds and Ministers of Christ.


Such exciting and stirring up of the civil Magistrate if it were Christs will, how can the Apostles be excused, or the Lord Jesus himself, for not stirring up the Civil Magistrate to his duty against these Scribes and Pharisees, the Wolves and Foxes, as Master Cotton here cals them?


Neither the doctrine, nor their offence at it (saith Ma­ster Cotton) was fundamental; nor had the civil Magistrate a law established about doctrine or offences of this nature. Besides, Touching fun­damentals. Christ gave his disciples a charge to be wise as Serpents, and himself would not meddle with the Pharisees, untill the last year of his Ministery, lest their exasperation might have been some hin­derance to his Minstery before his hour was come.


I should desire Master Cotton againe to ponder whe­ther the notorious hypocrisie of the Pharisees (now brought into a Proverb) and also whether the notorious transgressing (and upon the point abolishing) of the fifth commandment, and so conse­quently of all civil obedience (with the Papists) under pretence of Gods service (although indeed but their own superstition) be not of a fundamental guilt, both against spiritual and civil state.


I remember Master Cotton argued against tolleration of the Papists, because their conscience excites them against the civil powers.


And whither tended these principles of the Pha­risees, but to overthrow all Family, yea and (if they be fol­lowed home) all Towne, or City, and Kingdome-Govern­ment?


Yea, But the Romane Magistrate (saith he) had no established law about doctrines or offences of that Na­ture.


Master Cotton in all this controversie, pleades, that they ought to have: and though he saith, that Magistrates may suspend their duty▪ untill they be informed, yet he never saith, that the Ministers of Christ may suspend their duty of humble infor­mation, and stirring up them up to so high a part of their Duty; as concerns the souls of their subjects and the worship of God▪

[Page 76]

I remember, that Gardiner and Boner, &c. could not make the fire burn to consume the people of God, and witnesses of Jesus, untill Edwards laws were repealed, and Maries bloody Laws for perse­cuting of Christ Jesus. laws were established; and so they were forced to suspend a while untill they had conjured up a Parliament to do both the one and the other, as their slaves and drudges, for them: And tis true, what the Spirit of God in David pronounceth ( Psal. 82.) that under the maske or colour of a law (which carries with it the name and sound of reason and righteousness) the wickedness of the world is established: And hence the people and servants, and Saints of the most high God, feele the weight of the violence of the Nimrod persecutors or hunters.

But this I wonder at, that Master Cotton subjoyneth, that Christ Jesus himself, and his disciples (under the notion of not exasperating the Pharisees) should not reprove the Scribes and Pharisees.


It cannot sink with me, That the Spirit of God in Christ Jesus himself, and his messengers, should so far differ from himself in all his former messengers and prophets, who spared not to reprove the highest Priests, Princes, Kings and kingdoms; nor doth the practice of the Lord Jesus in so many places of Matthew (before his thunder bolts shot forth against them, Mat. 23.) give any countenance to so loose an opinion.


Master Cotton, who argues so much against the permitting▪ of blasphemers to live in the world, may here call to minde, that if The Pharisees blaspheming of Christ Jesus. ever blasphemy were uttered against the Son of God, it was uttered by the Pharisees in the 12 of Matthew, when they imputed the casting out of the devils to the power of the devil in Christ Jesus, and yet we finde not that Christ Jesus stirred up the civil Ma­gistrates to any such duty of his to put the blasphemers to death, nor the hereticks the Sadduces, who denied that fundamental, the resurrection.


It is most true, that the cause needeth no such weapons, nor spared he the Pharisees for fear of their exasperations, but poured forth on their faces and bosoms the sorest vials of the heaviest doom and censure that can be suffered by the children of men, to wit, an impossibility of repentance and forgiveness of sins either in this or the world to come. And for the present, at e­very [Page 77] turn he concludes them hypocrites, blind guides, which could not escape the judgement of Hell.

So that all other sences of those words [ Let them alone] that is, of not reprooving them cannot stand: nor if it were the duty of the Ministers of Christ to stir up the civil Magistrate against such hypocritical and blasphemous Pharisees, could Christ Je­sus himself or his servants the Apostles be excused for not com­plaining to the Romane State against them; So leaving the blame upon the conscience of the governors, if the land were not purged of such blasphemers and fundamental opposers of the Son of God.

Let me me end ( sweet peace) with the bottome of all such per­secutions, Satan rageth against God and his Christ; that devil that cast the Saints into prison, Rev. 2. ( Magistrates, kings, high priests: Herod, [...]ad kings, good kings, &c. what instruments soever he useth) would cast Christ himself into prison againe, and to the gallows againe, if he came again in person into any (the most refi­ned) persecuting state in the world.

Examination of CHAP. XXX.


I Doubt not ( dear truth) in the first place, but you cast an ob­servant eye on Master Cottons collections in this Chapter, from Pauls words Acts 25. 11. I will mention the two first.

1. That a man may be such an offender in matters of Religion against the law of God (against the Church) as well as in civil matters against Caesar, as to be worthy of death.

2. That if a servant of God should commit any such offence, he would not refuse judgement to the death, vers. 11.


Paul onely saith in the general▪ If I have committed ought worthy of death, I refuse not to die: Now therefore as Acts 25. 11. considered. Paul said, No man (that is, no man justly) may deliver me to the Jews; So say I, no man from these words of Paul (without wronging him and his Master the God of Truth) can draw such a conclusion, as if Paul had acknowledged it evil in him to have preached against the laws of the Jews or the temple, which the Lord Jesus and his servants after him, so abundantly did, al­though [Page 78] at this time (in point of fact) Paul might well say, he had not done ought against the law of the Jews. I mean the ceremoni­al law and the Temple, for he had now observed the ceremonies of the Law, and the holiness of the Temple: although for this some use to blame him▪ not discerning that Paul knew there was a time to honour those ceremonies, even after Christs death, and a time as much to debase, dishonour, and abolish them.


His third collection is, That it is lawfull even in Ecclesiastical causes to appeale to a Pagan Magistrate.


As I utterly renounce such a conclusion (any otherwise then in respect of civil violence offered for a mans conscience, which violence Caesar ought to see revenged and punished) so nei­ther will this instance of Paul prove it: for in appealing to an higher Judge, a man alwayes presupposeth (if not skill perfect, yet) No appeals to the civil powers in matters meer­ly spiritual. competent skill, and a true power committed from God, to judge in such cases, which Paul for many reasons, both in this Chapter, and elsewhere manifested, could not suppose in the Romane Caesars, or any civil Magistrate.


Master Cotton urgeth, that these words ( verse 9.) [These Things] imply matters of Religion as well as civil things.


Those words [These Things] were not the words of Paul, but the words of Festus.

2. Grant them Pauls words, yet if for those things the Jews seek his life, Paul well appeals to Caesar against them, for Caesar is bound to protect the bodies, goods, or good names of his sub­jects, either from false accusations in civil things, or persecution for matters of conscience, which is a violence against the civil state, of which Caesar was the supreme officer.


His fourth collection is, that civil Magistrates may and ought to [...]e acquainted with all matters of Religion, especially capital.


In twenty five parts of the world of thirty, civil Magi­strates cannot possibly be thus acquainted; for the sound of Christ Jesus is not there to be heard, as the best Historians and Cosmographers yeeld.


It seemes strange, if Christ Jesus had intended any such delegation of spiritual power to civil Magistrates, that he [Page 79] should keep the very sound of his name from them.

Againe, in the other five parts of the world▪ where his name Few Magi­strates in the world know Christ Jesus. is sounded, how rarely hath he acquainted any civil Magistrate with the saving knowledge of his will?


I add, that such rare ones, that savingly know Christ Jesus and his will, are no judges in such cases over the consciences of their brethren, or any, by way of civil judicature, this very instance of Pauls appealing to Caesar hath and shall further de­clare and mainfest.


But what should be the reason why Master Cotton affirmeth, That the civil Magistrate ought to be able to judge of all capital offences against Religion, but not of all que­stions?


The truth is, if the civil Magistrate were a Surgeon appointed of Christ Iesus to judge in causes that concern cutting of life and limbe, &c. he would beyond all question be able to judge of petty cuts, wounds, &c. But Satan that old deceiver, that Mystical and cruel Surgery. knew (by Gods permission) how to cozen Adam, David, Solo­mon, Peter (the most perfect, wise, and holiest of Gods servants) is not now to learn how to cheat Master Cotton also: Satan well [...]ees, if Master Cotton should grant it the Magistrates duty to judge in lesser questions, the hope of Benefices and Livings were gone, and the trade of Synods would down: And if he should not grant it to be the Magistrates duty to judge in capitals, the Pope, the Bishops, and all persecuting priests, would want the secular power, the servile executioners of their most wicked and most bloody decrees and sentences.


In the next place Master Cotton seemes to charge a con­tradiction upon the discusser, for saying, that civil Magistrates were never appointed by God defenders of the faith of Iesus, and yet every one is bound to put forth his utmost powers in Gods business.


Love hath charged the discusser to spare the [...]rm of contradiction in many passages of Master Cottons writing, where he hath (to his understanding) observed them, to prevent exaspera­tions &c. contrarily Master Cotton against the discusser, straines the text and Margin to sound out contradictions, contradictions, to all passengers.

[Page 80]But let us examine. And first, Master Cotton will not deny, but The title of de­fender of the faith. the son of perdition, the Pope of Rome (whose coming and practice is by the work of the devil) was the blasphemous author (he and his Cardinals in Councel together) of that title defender of the faith sent with great gratitude and solemnity to Henry the eighth, as a kingly popelike reward, for penning (or bearing the name of) a blasphemous writing against Christ Iesus in his holy truth proclaimed by Luther.


With what eyes and eares such blasphemous and bloody titles are to be lookt upon and heard by the chaste eyes and ears of Christs Doves, Christ Iesus will one day, and shortly make appear.


But what contradiction will be in the later, to wit, [That every one must do his utmost in Gods business] when this for­mer (to wit, to be a defender of the Faith) is constantly denied to To serve God withal our might, literally taken, horribly abused. be any of the businesses of civil officers, and the preservation of the civil state, which charge and worke by the civil state can only lawfully (and therefore possibly) be committed to them? For otherwise to take these words in a literal sence, without respect to the rules and limits of Gods order and righteonsness, what is it but to fire the world with wild-fire of blind zeale, and to tum­ble down all Gods beauteous structures and buildings into a Chaos and confusion of Antichristian Babylon? And this espe­cially by the meanes of such who think and say, that they cannot serve God with all their might except they punish blaspemers, and fight against blasphemous nations, and subdue (not only the holy land from the Turk, but) even all the world from their idolatries and blasphemies, if it lie in their power; which spirit whether it be the spirit of the Son of God, and Prince of peace, or the spirit of the world, the spirit of the son of perdition, let every mans own spirit search and judge in the holy fear and presence of God.


But further (saith Master Cotton) it was unnecessary, yea folly and preposterous to have complained to Herod, Pilate, Caesar, against the Heresies of the Pharisees: For if a poor sheep should complain to the Wolves of the Wolves heresies, would not the whole kennel of Wolves rise up against him, &c? Would it not have disturbed the civil state, by putting them into jealousies of a [Page 81] new kingdome, and it was necessary the Gospel should first be known and received, believed and professed, before any could be complained of for Apostacie from it into heresie.


Master Cotton cannot deny, but that most of the Ma­gistrates of the world (by far) are such as Herod, Pilate, Caesar Christ Jesus hath rarely fur­nished his peo­ple with godly Magistrates. were, without God, and enemies to him, yea also in that little pa [...]t of the world which is called Protestant. Now if they are but ken­nels of Wolves (compared with Christs sheep) as Master Cotton expresseth, I first demand how poorely hath Christ Jesus in all ages provided for and furnished his people with such main pillars of their spiritual joyes, light and confidence, as godly and Chri­stian Magistrates?


It is as cleer as the Sun beams, that if ever Christ Je­sus had intended such an ordinance in and over his church, he would never have been so mistaken, as to supply his sheep in all ages, and in all parts of the world, with kennels of Wolves in stead of godly and Christian Shepherds.


But secondly, Grant them to be kennels of Wolves in Master Cottons sence, yet what bar is this to any from presenting, and to them from receiving such complaints as are proper to their cognizance, to their duty and calling (were they truely called of God and Christ to such a service) to wit, to govern in spiritual, Ecclesiastical or Church causes? what though a Magistrate be a drunkard, whoremonger, opperssour, is it not the duty of the peo­ple to complain to him of drunkards, thieves, whoremongers, op­pressors? whom if he punish not, but countenance, &c. yet have such petitioners discharged their consciences, and left the guilt upon the right head, who should be an head of civil righteous­ness, but is an head of wickedness and iniquity.


By this argument of Master Cottons, the poor widow, that sued for right to the unjust Judge, that neither feared God, nor regarded man, took a foolish and a prestoperous course, though commended by the Lord Jesus, Luk. 18.


Indeed (as Master Cotton saith) If we look at the pro­bability of any wholesome fruit from such trees, we cannot expect grapes from such briars, not figs from such thistles: But looking at the providence of God, who ruleth and over ruleth the hearts of Kings and all Magistrates (as in the case of the poor widow and [Page 82] thousand others) as also at what is their Duty and profession, to wit, to invite cheerfully their subjects to bring their complaints to them; as also what is the duty of the wronged and oppressed, to wit, to deliver and discharge their own souls▪ I see not but it is safe, sea sonable, and a duty, to cry even to the unjust Judge for Justice, as that poor woman did.


Yea, were Caesar, Herod▪ Pilate (by virtue of their places, offices, and duties) Ecclesiastical Judges, and ought to have suppressed the heresies and blasphemies of the Pharisees? why should it be impossible, but they might have removed the Pharisees offence, as many Kings of England and France (though evil themselves) have stirred mightily upon complaints of their subjects against the Popish Pharisees of their times, yea the highest of them the Pope himself? And if Master Cottons doctrine be true, why must not the Magistrate be sought unto, that a true Gospel be received and believed? Why may not the civil power be a judge in the first receiving of the Gospel, as afterward for the preserving and restoring of it?


Such is the brightness of the Gospel of Christ Iesus, and the dread and the power of the two-edged sword coming out of his mouth, subduing and slaying the highest opposites and adver­saries, that it will prove to be unnecessary, foolish and preposte­rous to run to any other sword or censures, then those alone of Christs, so mighty, and so powerful, were they rightly ad­ministred, as the Popish and Protestant world pretendeth.


Lastly, Master Cotton professeth he knows not how Magistrates can know the Son, and kiss him, and acknowledge his kingdome, and submit their crowns to it, love his truth, be nursing Fathers and Mothers to his church, and yet not be de­fenders of it.


If kings must submit their crowns to this kingdome of Christ, must it not undeniablly follow, that the kingdom of Christ Iesus is far greater and higher then their thrones and crowns? (for none will submit to the lesser, weaker, &c.) And if so, what weak­ness is it yet to expect, that the inferiour power and authority, to Defendor of the faith. wit, civil and earthly, must defend the highest and most glorious crown and throne of Christ Iesus? Like as if a poor Indian Canon should submit it self to some Royal Navy, and yet must be [Page 83] this Navies defender; or a few naked Americans submit to some Army or kingdome, and yet these poor naked ones must bear (and that seriously without I [...]sting) the title of their defen­ders.


Master Cotton and those of his bloody judgement are not contented that the civil powers defend the bodies and goods of the Saints from oppressors, from persecutors, &c. that love and affection by all gracious means be exprest more to the Saints then to other people of their dominions, that all true Christian meanes be used for the spreading of the name and truth of the Lord Iesus; I say, this serves not the turn, and gives not content, except also the Magistrate defend by civil sword, the purity of the doctrine, and the ordinances of Christ Iesus in his church, in punishing and suppressing the contrary by arme of flesh, whether within or without the church.


In this last respect I must speak an high and bold word, to wit, That the poorest youth or maid, who hath more know­ledge A bold, but a true word. and gra [...]e of Christ then a king or Emperour hath (as well sometimes it hath and may come to pass) may be a greater conten­der for the truth, and a great defender of the faith of Iesus, then the king or Emperor, and so consequently then all the kings of the whole world.


Paul was set for the defence of the Gospel and conse­quently every believer in Iesus (according to his measure of grace received) and therefore, your word is not more bold then true. For spiritual defences are most proper to a spiritual estate, and so ac­cordingly most potent, prevalent, and mighty.

Examination of CHAP. XXXI.


HEre first Master Cotton will not own it, that the title of Iudges of spiritual causes be given to Civil Magistrate.


The Parliament of England established King Henry the eighth supreame head and Governor over the church of Eng­land, and what is this but supreme Iudge in all Ecclesiastical causes? What though the tearme judge be stumbled at by some, [Page 84] and the tearm head will not down with others? yet take but what Master Cotton grant [...]: And (as the devil himself, lay hid under The title of su­pream head, oath of supre­macy, &c. Samuels mantle, so) under Master Cottons tearm of fathers, mothers, shepherds (that is, spiritual fathers, mothers, shep­herds) must of necessity be concluded an headship, and power, and office of judging, when this child doth a miss, when these sheep go astray, who are schismaticks, who hereticks, who sheep, who Wolves, that the sheep may be corrected and reduced, and the Wolves braines knockt out.


They may judge (saith Master Cotton) but (not with a church) but politick power, and for want of which, and for giving their kingdome to the Beast (Revel. 17. 12, 13.) God (saith he) opened a way for the Turkes to break in and destroy the third part of Christendome, Rev. 9. 14. to 21.


Let it be under what cloake, or colour, or notion soever, let it be politick (indeed) and subtle, or plaine and simple, yet it seemes it is true, that he must judge, which will not be owned in plaine tearms, but as a Protector, a Father or a Shep­heard.

Secondly, Those Scriptures quoted do not lay a guilt upon the ten horns or kings for suffering the beast in their dominions, but for giving their power and authority unto him.

Thirdly, the civil peace was not dissolved but preserved for many hundred yeers before the Turkes rose, to punish either the Eastern or Western part of Antichristian Christendome: So that a false religion doth not immediately and instantly dissolve the civil peace, but kingdomes and states professing false religions The plague of the Turkes upon the Antichristi­stian world. may flourish. Tis true, God in his deep councels and times brings judgements, eternal and temporal, upon false worshipping states, especially where the truth of Christ is presented and perse­cuted; Yet divers ages of temporal prosperity to the Antichri­stian kingdom, prove that common Assumption and maxime false, to wit, that the church and Commonweale▪ are like Hipocrates twins, weep and laugh, flourish and fade, live and▪ die toge­ther.


I cannot reach the bottome of this next passage of Master Cotton, viz. that Magistrates may be subject to the church, and lick the dust of her feet, and yet be supreme governors of the [Page 85] church also: In spiritual matters (saith he) and in a right admi­nistration of them, he is subject; but is civil things, and in the corrupt administration of church-affaires (so far corrupt as tend­eth to the disturbance of civil peace) there the Magistrates (saith he) are supream governors, even over the churches in their own dominions.


Who sees not here, but by this Doctrine Magistrates must judge, when the church is rightly administred, and when it is corruptly administred: And that whatever the Ministers of the The Civil Ma­gistrate no go­vernor over the spiritual king­dome of Christ. church, or the whole church judge, that is nothing, for the Magistrate if he be supream governor, he must judge? and what is this but even in the very same respect, I say in one and the same respect, to make them high and low up and down, mountaines and vallies? supream governors, and so above the church, anon age [...] to lick the dust of the feet of the church; which Master Cotton will as soon make good, as bring the East and the West toge­ther.

Besides (as elsewhere I observed) what if the people will have no kings, governors &c. nay no Parliament, nor general courts, but leave vast interregnums or Ruptures of government, yea con­clude upon frequent changes (as all nations of the world have had great changes this way) shall the churches of Christ Jesus be without an head, a governor, defender, protector? What a sla­very doth this bloody doctrine bring the faire Spouse of Christ into?


In the passage concerning Saul, Master Cotton ob­serveth, that Saul was not taken away for exercising civil power against spiritual wickedness in the case of witches▪


Saul was king of Israel, the church of God, and a ty­pical king, the anointed or Christ of God; and Master Cotton himself will subcribe to the confession of Nathaniel to Christ Ie­sus▪ Whether Saul a type of Christ. Thou art the king of Israel, which he was and is in his own most holy person, as also in his Ministers and governors during his absence. It was now Sauls duty to put literal witches to death in his Christian Israel, his church and Congregation.

It is true, Saul forsaking the God of Israel, perished for other wickedness, and among other his sins▪ for persecuting or hunting righteous David, and therein Saul is a type and warning to all [Page 86] the apostates and persecuting Sauls of the earth, that despera­tion and desperate self-destruction attend them.


But whither tends this last passage concerning David? We read not (saith Master Cotton) that he did exercise any spiri­tual power as a King, but as a prophet. Will he commend Sauls kingly acting in spiritual things, as just; and shall not David (whose name and throne were most eminently figurative of Christ Jesus) be found a king in Israel, the house and church of God?


The patern of David, Solomon, and the good kings of Israel and Judah, is the common and great argument of all that plead for Magistrates power in spiritual cases: And indeed, The kings of Is­rael and Judah types. what power was that but spiritual, which he exercised in bringing up the Arke, expresly said to be done by king David? 2 Sam. 6. What power was that but kingly, put forth in ordering and disposing the services of the Priests and Levites, and singers, 1 Chron. 16?


Master Cotton not ignorant of this, it may be was not pleased with that passage, viz. [That God will take away such stayes, upon whom Gods people rest in his wrath, that king David, that is, Christ Jesus the Antitype, in his own spiritual power in the hands of his Saints, may spiritually, and for ever be ad­vanced.]


This power the General Councels, the Popes, the Prelates, the kings of the earth, the civil courts and Magistrates, lay claime unto, and most of them with bloody hands, yea and Gods servants have too long leaned unto, and longed after, such an arme of flesh, which proves (most commonly) but Sauls arme, an oppressing and persecuting, and a self- killing and de­stroying power at the last.

Examination of CHAP. XXXII.


THis Chapter containes, a twofold denyal: First (saith Master Cotton) we hold it not lawful for a Christian Magistrate [Page 87] to compell by civil sword, either Pharisee, or Pagan, or Jew, to profess his religion.


He that is deceived himself with a bad commodity, puts it off as good to others: Master Cotton believes, and would make o­thers believe, that it is no compulsion, to make laws with penal­ties for all to come to church, and to publike worship; which was ever in our fathers dayes, held a sufficient trial of their religion, and of consenting to or dissenting from the religion of the times. Hence by some is that of Luk. 14. alledged Compel them to come in, sufficiently fulfilled, if they be so far compelled, as to be conformable to come to church, though it be under the pretence and mask of comming only to hear the word, whereby they may be conver­ted.

But it is needless to stand guessing and guessing at the weight, when the scales are at hand, the holy word of God, by which we all profess to have our weight, or to be found too light.


Master Cotton therefore (Secondly) denies that a blind Pharisee may be a good subject, and as peaceable and profitable to the civil state as any, since they destroyed the civil state by de­stroying Christ.


When we speak of civil state, and their admini­strations, it is most improper and fallacious to wind or weave in the consideration of their true or false religions.

It is true, idolatry brings judgement in Gods time (and so do other sins, for we read not of idolatry in Sodoms punishment, Ezek. 16.) notwithstanding there is a present civil state of men combined to live together there in a commonweale, which Gods people are commanded to pray for ( Jerm. 29.) whatever be the religion there publikly professed. Beside, the Pharisees destroying Christ, were guilty of blood and persecution, which is more then idolatry, &c. and cries to heaven for vengeance.


It cannot therefore with any shew of charity be denyed, but that divers priests of Babel, might be civil and peaceable, notwithstanding their religion and conscience.


Yea it is known by experience, that many thousands of Mahumetan, Popish and Pagan Priests are in their persons both of as civil and courteous and peaceable a nature, as any of the sub­jects in the state they live in.

[Page 88]The truth is, that herein all the priests in the world, Mahume­tan, The priests and Clergy in all Nations the greatest peace­breakers. Pepish, Pagan and Protestant, are the greatest peace-break­ers in the world as they (fearing their own cause) never rest stir­ring up Princes and people against any (whether Gods or the devils instruments) that shall oppose their own religion and conscience, that is in plaine English, their profits, honours and bellies.

Examination of CHAP. XXXIII.


THe entrance of this Chapter ( dear truth) looks in mine eye like one of the bloody fathers of the inquisition, and breaths (like Paul in his mad zeal and frenzy) slaughters against the Son of God himself, though under the name or brand of a seducer, as all persecutors have ever done: For (saith Master Cotton) he that corrupteth a soul with a corrupt religion layeth a spreading lea­ven Touching the seducer. which corrupteth a state, as Michals idolatry corrupted Laish▪ Judg. 19. and that Apostacy was the captivity of the land; and the worshipping of images brought the plague of the Turkes, and therefore it is lex talionis, that calleth for not only soul for soul, but life for life.


Thy tender braine and heart cannot let flie an ar­row sharpe enough to pierce the bowels of such a Bloody Te­nent.


The flaming jealousie of that most holy and righ­teous Judge, who is a consuming fire, will not ever hear such Tenents, and behold such practices in silence.


Sweet peace, long and long may the Almond-tree flourish on Master Cottons head in the armes of true Christianity and true Christian honour; And let New- Englands Colonies flourish also (if Christ so please) untill he come againe the second time: But that he who is love it self, would please to tell Master Cotton and the Colonies, and the world, the untrueness, unchari­tableness, numercifulness, and unpeaceableness of such conclusions▪ For is not this the plaine, English and the bottome, to wit, If the spirit of Christ Jesus in any of his servants, sons o [...] daughters, [Page 89] witnessing against the abominations or stinks of Antichrist, shall perswade one soul, man or woman, to fear God, to come out of Ba­bell &c. to refuse to bow down to, and to come out from com­munion with a state-golden-image, and not to touch what it is perswaded is an unclean thing.

That man or woman who was the Lambs and the Spirits in­struments thus to inlighten and perswade one soul, he hath (saith Of seducing. this tenent) laid a leaven, which corrupteth the state, that is, the laud, town, city, kingdome, or Empire of the world; that leaven shall bring the captivity, ruine and destruction of the state, and therefore Lex Talionis, not only soul for soul in the next, but life for life also in this present world.


All thy witnesses (dear truth) in all ages have borne the brand and black mark of seducers, and still shall, even Christ Jesus himself, to the last of his holy army and followers against his enemies.


How famous, or rather abominably infamous hath been the practice of all persecutors this way? I shall pick out one instance, a very stinking weed out of Babels desart (to let pass all the bloody, bulls and their roarings and threatning of Councels, Popes and Emperors, Kings, Bishops, Commissaries &c. against the Waldensians, Wicklevia [...]s, the Hussites, Hugonites, Luther­aus, Calvinists &c.) their infections and seducings. To let pass former and latter persecutions in our own English Nation, which hath been (as France, Spaine, Italy, Low-countries, &c. also) a slaughter-house of Christs lambs; one instance more pertinent then many, we have (in the raigne of that wise and mighty prince Henry the eighth) of bloody Longland, Lincolnes Bishop, acting to the life Master Cottons Tenent against seducers throughout his Diocess. What oaths did he exact? what articles did he in­vent, Bishop Long­lands subtle Oaths of inqui­sition. to find out the meetings the conventicles, the conferences, of any poor servants of God, men and women, day or night; whe­ther the father read to the child, or the childe to the father, the husband to the wife, or the wife to the husband? Yea, whether they spake any thing (though never so little) out of any line of holy Scriptures, or any of Wickliffes books, or any good English writings: By which abhorred practices, the fathers (caught in this bloody Bishops oath, vehemently forced upon all suspected) [Page 90] the fathers, I say were forced to accuse and betray their children, the children their fathers, husbands their wives, wives their husbands, for fear of horrible death on the one side, or else of running upon the rocks of Perjury on the other side.


Hold ( dear truth) and stop; my spirit is wounded with such relations.


O how were the Saints, and Christ Jesus in them, wounded with such tenents and practices!


Master Cotton will salve this up (with what he elsewhere saith) thus: Longlands, and the Papists religion, and the reli­gion of England, was then false in that kings time.


What then? No pious and sober man can hold all m [...]n devoid of conscience to God, except himself. In all religions, sects, and consciences, the sons of men are more or less zealous and precise, though it be in falshood.

2. But let it be granted, that the religion persecuted is false, and that a false religion like leaven, will spread, as did this idolatry of Michal, Jeroboam, and others; and grant that this idolatry will bring judgements from heaven in the end, yet I desire Ma­ster Cotton, or any knowing man, to answer to these two que­stions.

1. Where finde we, since the comming of Christ Jesus, a land like Canaan, a state-religion, a City, or Town-religion, wherein the Townes, or Cities, or kingdomes apostacie may be feared (as Master Cotton here writes of L [...]sh) and consequently the Townes or Cities captivity for that sin?

2. Where read we of the destruction of a land for idolatry, or images, without a ripeness in other sins, and especially of violence and oppression (of which persecution is the greatest?) And there­fore to follow Master Cottons instance of the Turks beside idolatry Canses of de­struction to a Nation. (which saith Master Cotton brought the plague of the Turks, Rev. 9.) read we not also in that Scripture, and in all histories, of their detestable and wonderful whoredomes, witchcrafts, thefts, slaughters, and murthers, amongst which this bloody Tenent of persecution was ever in most high esteem? &c.


Indeed B [...] hath been filled with blood of all sorts R [...]lations the 18. but in especial manner hath the wh [...]re [Page 91] been drunk with the blood of the Saints, and witnesses of Jesus, Revel. 17.


Hence then not idolatry onely, but that bloody do­ctrine of persecution (the great fire-brand and incendiary of all Nations and Commonweals) brought in the bloody Turkes to re­venge Gods truth and witnesses slaine by the idolatrous and bloo­dy Antichristians.


I something question, that it can be proved, that the most righteous Judge of the whole world ever destroyed state or nation for idolatry; but where this bloody doctrine of persecuti­on was joyned with it, that is, until he had graciously sent wit­nesses against such idolatries, and till such witnesses were despised and persecuted, and therefore here comes in seasonably the sad ex­probration of the Lord Jesus, against Jerusalem, threatning the ruine and desolation of it, Oh Ierusalem, Ierusalem, which killest the Prophets; and stonest them which were sent unto thee &c!


I add lastly, Let it be granted that a soul is corrupted with a false religion, and that that false Religion, like a leaven, in time hath corrupted the state;

Yet first, that state or land is none else but a part of the world, and if so (since every part more or less in degree follows the nature All nations Ci­ties, Towns, &c. are part of the world. of the whole) it is but natural, and so lieth as the whole world doth in wickedness; and so, as a state or part of the world, cannot but alter from one false way or path to another (upon this supposition (as before) that no whole state, kingdome, City, or Town is Christian in the new Testament.

Secondly, Grant this state to be so corrupted or altered from one corrupt religion to another, yet that state may many ages en­joy civil peace and worldly prosperity, as all histories and experi­ence testifies.

Thirdly, That idolatry may be rooted out, and another idola­trous religion of the conquerer (as in the Ro [...]a [...]e and other con­quests) Change of Reli­gions. brought: in or the religion may be changed something to the better▪ by the coming of new Princes to the crown, as we see in Henry the eighth, King Edward, and Queen Elizabeth, in our own Nation, and of late times▪

Lastly, A soul o [...] souls thus leavened, may be reduced [Page 92] by repentance (as often it pleaseth God so to work, why then should there (as Master Cotton intimates) such a peremptory bloody sentence be thundred out as life for life, &c.


But, saith Master Cotton, false prophets, in the old Testament, were to die, but for attempting; and the reason was not from any typical holiness of the land, but from the dangerous wickedness of the attempting to thrust away a soul from God, which is a greater injury, then to deprive a man of bodily life.


The reason to me appears plainly typical, with respect to that holy nation, and the seducers seeking to turn the soul away from the Lord their God, who had brought them forth from the land of Egypt, by such signes, miracles, &c. Let Master Cotton The state of Is­rael unparlleld. now produce any such nation in the whole world, whom God in the New Testament hath literally and miraculously brought forth of Egypt, or from one land into another, to the truth and purity of his worship, &c. then far be it, but I should acknowledge that the seducer is fit to be put to death. But draw away the curtaine of the shadow, and let the substance appear, not a whole Nation, City, &c. but the Christian church, brought by spiritual signes and wonders from the Egypt of this world in all nations of the The punish­ments of Christ sorer then the punishments of Moses. world, where the Gospel comes. Justly therefore he that seduceth a soul from his God in Christ, and so endangereth to leaven that on­ly true Christian state or kingdome the church of Christ, he ought to die (upon his obstinacy) without mercy, as well under Christ, as under Moses. Yea, he is worthy of a sorer punishment (as saith the Spirit of God) who trampleth under feet the blood of Christ: such a deceiver or seducer (except he repent) is to be cut from the presence of the Lord, and to lose an eternal life: He that is cut off from material Israel, might yet repent and live e­ternally, but he that is cut off from mystical Israel under the Gospel, that is, for obstinacy in sin (the proper hereticke) he is cut off to all eternity; which punishment as it is infinitely trans­cendent and more dreadful in the nature and kind of it, so answer­eth it fully and infinitely that clause of Master Cotton, to wit, To thrust a soul from God is a greater injury then to deprive a man of his bodily life.


Now whereas the discusser added, That dead men can­not [Page 93] die, nor be infected with false doctrine, and such is the State of all men, all nations, all the world over, until the life of Christ Je­sus quicken them; Master Cotten replies,

‘First, Dead men may be made worse, and more the children of hell then before, Mat. 23. and therefore such as so corrupt them, are worthy in a way of due proceeding of a twofold death.’

‘Secondly, Such as profess the truth of the doctrine and wor­ship of Christ, they live a kind of spiritual life, though not such as accompany salvation, else how are false teachers, and such as are led by them, said to be twice dead, pluckt up by the roots, Jud. 12.


Dead men may be made worse, that is, more to rot and stink; yet this is no taking away of any life. And therefore there is no proportionable reason, why the seducers should suffer a tem­poral death, having neither taken away spiritual nor natural life; Of Seducing. only thus he may be justly liable to a spiritual death, for endeavou­ring to hinder a spiritual life, by furthering any in their natural state of spiritual death.

2. For that place of Iude, Master Cotton knows that Beza What meant by twice dead. propounds two senses.

First, Twice dead, that is a certaine number for an uncer­taine.

Secondly, This sence urged by Master Cotton, which if it be to be admitted, yet is it but in appearance, as his life which in hypocri­sie he professed, was but in shew and appearance, he being never raised up from the spiritual death to a spiritual life, and there­fore really never suffered the loss of a spiritual life, which he never had: And yet as in typical Israel, it stood with Gods justice to take away the life of the seducer, which seduced an Israelite from the God of Israel, or but attempted to do it: so stands it with the holy justice of God, to cut him off eternally, who but at­tempteth to take away or hinders the spiritual and eternal life of any.


Master Cotton in the next place presumes on advantage that the discusser should say, that none are infected with na­tural plagues or spiritual, but such are thereto appoin­ted, &c.

[Page 94]

It is plaine that the discusser alleadged not that, to di­minish or lessen sin (let it have its due aggravation) but as was said before in case of the not final deceiving of the elect, so was it here spoken not to derogate f [...]om Gods meanes and remedies a­gainst natural or spiritual infection, but to abate the needless feares of men, who are apt to cry out, Except the civil sword be drawn (and so therewith the world set together by the eares) the world cannot be preserved from infection.


Whereas the discusser had affirmed, that Christ Jesus had not left his people destitute of spiritual means against spiritu­al infections; This is true (saith Master Cotton) but it falleth out sometimes, that when the church hath cast out an heretick, yet he may destroy the faith of many, as did Hymeneus and Phile­tus (2 Tim. 2. 17.) and if the Magistrates sword do here rust, &c. such leaven may leaven the whole country &c. as Arri­anisme leavened the world by Constantines indulgence.

Againe, saith he, it may be the heretick was never a member of the church; how then shall the church do?


Who can marvel at this, that the dunghill of this world, worldly men under the power of Satan, unto whom the obstinate person the heretick is cast, I say, that they, many of them, receive worldly doctrine, which the church as filth casts out? &c.

2. As Paul saith concerning the salvation of Gods children: Let the world perish, yet the foundation of God remaineth sure, he knows who are his, and how to provide meanes to save them, though the world still act it self, wallowing and tumbling Of Infection. (like Swine) in one puddle of wickedness after another.

3. Master Cotton should read a little further in the same Scrip­ture quoted by him, where he finds not a tittle of Pauls directing Timothy to stir up the secular power (as the Pope speakes) to cut off Hymeneus and Philetus, to prevent infection; but tels him, that the servants of God must not strive, but must quiet themselves with patience, waiting if peradventure God will please to give repen­tance.


Methinks this Answer may also [...]ully satisfie his se­cond supposition▪ to wit, if that the heretick was never of the church.

[Page 95]

Yea what hath the church to do (that is, judicially) with him that is without? and what hath the civil state to judge him for who in civil matters hath not transgrest? In vaine there­fore doth Master Cotton suggest a persecuting or hunting after the souls or lives of such, as being cast out of the church, keep private conventicles &c.


How grievous is this language of Master Cotton, as if he had been nourished in the chappels and cloisters of persecuting prelates▪ and priests, the Scribes and Pharisees? As if he never had heard of Jesus Christ in truth and meekness: For surely (as the discusser observed) Christ Jesus never appointed the civil sword an Antidote or remedy in such a case, notwithstanding Ma­ster Cotton replies that the civil sword was appointed a remedy in this case, by Moses, not Christ, Deut. 13.


Moses in the old Testament was Christs servant, yet Moses being but a servant, dispensed his power by carnal rites and ceremonies, laws, rewards and punishments in that holy nation, and that one land of Canaan: But when the Lord Jesus the Son and Lord himself was come, to bring the truth, and life, and sub­stance of all those shadowes, to break down the partition-wall be­tween Jew and Gentile, and to establish the Christian worship and kingdome in all Nations of the world, Master Cotton will ne­ver prove from any of the books and institutions of the New Te­stament, that unto those spiritual remedies appointed by Christ Jesus against spiritual maladies, he added the help of the carnal sword.


But Christ (saith Master Cotton) never abrogated the carnal sword in the new, which he appointed in the old Testa­ment, and the reason of the law, to wit, an offence of thrusting a­way from the Lord, is perpetual.


If it appear (as evidently it doth) that this king ( Jesus the King of Israel, wears his sword (the Antitype of the Kings of Israel their swords) in his mouth, being a sharpe two-edged The sword of typical Israel a type of Christs spiritual sword. sword, then the answer is as clear as the Sun, that scatters the clouds and darkeness of the night.

Besides, Master Cotton needs not flie to the Popes argument for childrens baptisme, to wit, to say that Christ never abrogated D [...]. 13. therefore, &c. For Master Cotton knows the professi­on [Page 96] of the Lord Jesus, Iohn 18. that his kingdome was not earth­thly, and therefore his sword cannot be earthly: Master Cotton knows that Christ Iesus commanded a sword to be put up when it was drawn in the cause of Christ, and addeth a dreadful threat­ning, that all that take the sword (that is the carnal sword for his cause) shall perish by it.


And for the perpetuity of the reason of the law, you formerly fully satisfied, that even in the dayes of grace, for him that shall thrust away an Israelite from his God, there is upon his obstinacy a greater punishment beyond all imagination (to wit, a spiritual cutting off from the land of Canaan) then under Moses, which was but from the temporall, the type and shadow.

But Master Cotton proceedeth, alleadging, that the Minister of God must have in a readiness to execute vengeance on him that doth evil; and evil it is (saith he) to thurst away Gods people from him.


Every lawful Magistrate, whether succeeding or e­lected, is not only the Minister of God, but the Minister or Magistrates cannot receive from the people a spiritual pow­er. servant of the people also (what people or nation soever they be all the world over) and that Minister or Magistrate goes beyond his commission, who intermeddles with that which cannot be given him in commission from the people, unless Master Cotton can prove that all the people and inhabitants of all nations in the world have spiritual power, Christs power, naturally, fundamentally and o­riginally residing in them (as they are people and inhabitants of this world) to rule Christs Spouse the church, and to give spiri­tual power to their officers to exercise their spiritual laws and commands; otherwise it is but prophaning the holy name of the most high. It is but flattering of Magistrates, it is but the accursed trusting to an arme of flesh, to perswade the rulers of the earth, that they are Kings of the Israel or church of God, who were in their institutions and government immediately from God, the rulers and gavernors of his holy church and people.


Grant (saith Master Cotton) that the evil be spiritual, and concern the inner man, and not the civil state, yet that evill will be destructive to such a City, it shall not rise up the second [...]ime, N [...]h [...]s. 1. 9.


Although that it pleaseth God sometimes to bring a [Page 97] people to utter destruction for their idolatry against himself, and cruelty against his people; yet we see the Lord doth not presently and instantly do this, but after a long course of many ages and ge­nerations, as was seen in Nineve her self, and since in Athens, Constantinople, and Rome both Pagan and Antichristian. And therefore the example here by Master Cotton produced, gives not the least colour of warrant for the civil state presently and im­mediately to execute vengeance for idolatry or heresie upon per­sons or Cities now all the world over, as he gave commandment to that typical nation of Israel, which is now also to be fulfilled spiritually upon the spiritual Israelite, or Israelitish City, a par­ticular church or people falling away from the living God in Christ Jesus.


Whereas it was said by the discusser, that the civil Ma­gistrate hath the charge of the bodies and goods of the subjects, The charge of the civil Magi­strate. and the spiritual officers of the church or kingdome of Christ, the charge of their souls and soul safety, Master Cotton answers, First, If it were so that the civil Magistrate had the charge of the bodies and goods onely of the subject, yet that might justly excite to watchfulness against such pollution of religion as tends to apostacy, for God will visit city and country with publike ca­lamity, if not with captivity, for the churches sake. The idola­try and worship of Christians (saith he) brought the Turkish captivity upon the citys and countries of Asia.


By soul and soul safety, I think Master Cotton under­stands the same with the discusser, to wit, the matters of religi­on and spiritual worship. If the Magistrate hath received any such charge or commission from God in spiritual things, doubt­less (as before) the people have received it originally and funda­mentally as they are a people: But now if neither the nations of the world, as peoples and nations, have received this power origi­nally, and fundamentally; nor can they derive it Ministerially, to their civil officers (by what name or title, high or low, soever they be distinguished) Oh what presumption, what prophaning of Gods most holy name, what usurpation over the souls and con­sciences of men, though it come under the vaile or vizard of sav­ing the City or kingdome, yea of saving of souls, and honoring of God himself?

[Page 98]Beside, God is not wont to visit any country or people in general for the sin of his people but for their own idolatries and cruelty toward his people, as all histories will prove. And for this in­stance of the Turkes, I say it was not the idolatry and image-wor­ship The plague of the Turkes. alone of the Antichristians, but joyned with their other sins, which brought Gods vengeance by the Turks upon them as was said above, from Revel. 9. and especially their Antichristian cruelty grounded upon this bloody doctrine of persecution.

Both these Antichristian states, and since also the Turkish Monarchy, have flourished many generations in external and out­ward prosperity and glory, notwithstanding their religion is false, and although it is true, that in the time and period appointed, all nations shall drink of the cup of Gods wrath, for their nationall sins, both against the first and second table, in matters concerning God and man.


How satisfie you Master Cottons second answer or question, to wit, Did ever God commit the charge of the body to any Governor, to whom he did not commit in his way the care of their souls also?


There is a twofold care and charge of souls manifested in holy Scripture.

First, That which in common belongs to all, to love our neigh­bor as our selves, to endeavor the present and eternal welfare A twofold care and charge of souls. both of superiors, inferiors, equals, friends and enemies; and this by prayers, exhortations, reproofs, examples of justice, loving kindness, sobriety, godliness &c.

But what is this to the second charge by way of office, which in the old Testament was given▪ not only to Priests and Levites, but to the governors and rulers of the Iewish state: of which state (being mixed of spiritual and civil) they were the head and go­vernors, as it was Israel, a nation of worshippers of the true God: And therein were they the types and forerunners of Christ Jesus Christ the true King of Israel. the true King of Israel, as he is called, Joh. 1. The cure and charge of souls, now (saith Master Cotton) in this Chapter, belongeth by vertue of office to the spiritual officers of Christs kingdom: I add, and during the desolation of Zion, and the time of the apostacy from Christs visible kingdome, belongeth to the two Prophets and witnesses of truth, Rev. 11. but not to the kings, rulers, [Page 99] nations, and civil states of the world, who can be no true paral­lel or antitype to the Israel or people of God.


Master Cotton objects Jehosaphat sent abroad prea­chers throughout all the Cities▪ of Judah; and if that were a type of Christ, it were to act that now, which typed out Christ, and he fulfilled in his own person.


Christ Jesus sends out preachers three waies. Christs three­fold sending of preachers.

First, In his own person, as the twelve and the seventy.

Secondly, By his visible, kingly power, left in the hand of his true churches, and the officers and governors thereof: In which sence that church of Antioch, and the governors thereof, rightly invested with the kingly power of Christ Jesus, sent forth Paul and Barnabas with prayer and fasting, and saying on of hands: And Paul and others of Christs messengers▪ being furnished with this kingly power, not only planted churches, but also ordained elders visited these churches or visible cities of Judah; that know­ledge and teaching, and the word of God might dwel plenteously among them.

Thirdly, Christ Iesus as king of his church, and head of his body, during the distractions of his house and kingdome under Antichrists apostacy, immediately by his own holy Spirit, stirs up and sends out those fiery witnesses (Rev. 11.) to testifie against Antichrist and his several abominations: For as for lawful call­ing to a true ordinary Ministery, neither Wickliff in England, nor Wald [...] in France, nor Iohn Hus and Ierome of Prauge in [...]o other true office of the Mi­nistery, since the apostacie, but that of prophe­cy and opening the Testament of Christ against the falshood of Antichrist. Bohemia, nor Luther in Germany, nor multitudes more▪ of fam­ous preachers and prophets of Christ, both in these countries and also in Spaine, Italy &c. I say, no true ordinary Ministerial calling can they ever shew; but Christ Jesus by the secret motion of his own holy Spirit extraordinarily excited, in couraged and sent them abroad as an Angel or messenger (Rev. 14.) with the ever­lasting Gospel &c.


To apply these three wayes, or any of them, to the civil Magistrates and rulers of the world (of whom Iehosaphat in that his act should be a type) is but to prophane the holy name of God, to leane upon and [...]dolize an arme of flesh, &c.


I grant, the civil Magistrate is bound to coun­tenance the true Ministers of Christ Iesus, to incourage, protect, [Page 100] and defend them from injuries, but to send them armed (as the Popes Legats and Priests) with a sword of steel, and to com­pel people to hear and obey them, this savours more of the spirit of the Pope, his courses and practises, Yea of Mahomet his Mussel-men, D [...]rg [...]es, &c. then the Lambe of God and his followers.


What Iehosophat. Asa. Hezekiah, Iosiah, &c. did, they did not only by perswasion, countenance, example (by which all are bound to further the preaching of Christ Iesus) but also by force of armes and corporal punishments.


Yea even to the death it self▪ and this is not a bare send­ing out of Ministers (as Master Cotton gives the instance:) For by his argument, all rulers, kings, and Emperors, and other states of the world ought to embrue their hands in the blood of the ma­ny thousands and millions of millions of the poor people, if they forsake not their idolatry and embrace the religion which they say is Christian and the only true.


No, saith Master Cotton, this ought not to be, be­cause only godly and truly Christian Magistrates may so put forth this power of Christ; others must stay until they be in­formed.


Can it enter into any Christian heart, to believe, that Christ Jesus should so loosly provide for his affaires, so slightly A foule imputa­tion put upon Christ Jesus. for his name and Fathers work and so regardlesly for his dearest Spouse, as to leave so high a care and charge with such as (gene­rally and constantly throughout the whole world) are ignorant of, yea and opposite to the very name of Christ and true Christi­anity?


Surely if this payment were offered to the governour (as Malachy saith) to the world, or governments of it, it would not pass.


I never knew a king or captaine councellor or consta­ble, officers of high or low condition, rightly called according to to God, who were not invested with ability more or less for the maine and principal points of their charge and duty.


It seemes indeed a marvelous, and yet it is Master Cot­tons) conclusion, that such Magistrates, yea all or most of the Magistrates that ever have been since Christ, and now extant [Page 101] upon the face of the earth, must sit down, stay and suspend, and that all their life long, from the executing of the maine and princi­pal part of their office, to wit▪ in matters concerning the consci­ence, religion, and worship▪ of the people.


Yea (Secondly) in a due survey of the whole universe and globe of this world, will one of a thousand or ten thousand (according to Master Cottons disabling of them from the chief part of their office) be found▪ I will not say fit to be, but to be at all lawful civil Magistrates or rulers according to Gods ordinance of Magistracy but meer shadows or images set on high with emp­ty names or titles only of Magistrates?


Master Cotton adds, Although the good of souls is the proper or adequate object of the spiritual officers of Christ, and the bodies and goods of the people, the proper or adequate ob­ject of the civil Magistrate; yet in order to the good of their souls▪ he ought to procure spiritual helpes, and to prevent spiritual evils.


I reply, If he mean (as it is clear he doth) that the ci­vil Magistrate ought to do this not only as a Christian by spiri­tual Pretended or­der, mo [...]t [...]o [...]s disorder. meanes, but as a civil Magistrate by force of armes, It is not in order, but monstrous disorder, for then he (the civil Ma­gistrate) must sit Judge (judicially and formally) in those spiri­tual causes and cases, which Master Cotton grants are proper and adequate objects of the spiritual officers which Christ hath appointed.


Yea, why may not (saith Master Cotton) the Magistrate use his power (spiritually) in order to the good of bodies, as the officers of Christ dehort from idleness and intemperance of meats and drinks &c. in order to the good of souls?


The spiritual officers in dehorting from these evils or any other of that kind, interfere not, nor take cognizance of that which belongs not to their spiritual court; for holiness in all manner of conversation is the circle wherein they ought to see all their spiritual subjects to walk. If the spiritual officers should cause by force of armes their people to walk justly, temperately, &c. as Master Cotton saith the civil Magistrate in order to the good of bodies ought to deal in spiritual and soul-matters, I say then the eyes of the civil Magistrate would begin to open [Page 201] and to see the horrible disorder and Babylonish confusion of that which is here masked under the abused name of or­der.


Master Cotton closeth up this chapter with very bitter censures against the discusser.


The discusser may well reply, that although since the apostacy he sees not the visible thrones and tribunals of Christ Jesus (according to his first institution) erected, and although the civil Magistrate hath not the power of Christ in matters of religion, yet they that slay the Lords sheep are not exempted from The Parlia­ments high ju­stice aggainst oppressors. all judgement: For, if the offenders slay them corporally, the Lord hath armed the civil Magistrate with the sword of God to take vengeance on them. In which respect God hath crowned the su­pream court of Parliament with everlasting honour, in breaking the jaws of the oppressing Bishops, &c. Oh that such glorious Justice may not be blemished, by erecting in their stead a more refined, but yet as cruel an Episcopacy.

2. If the offence be of a spiritual nature, is there no spiritual way of judging, except the church of Christ be granted visible during Antichrists Apostacy? Hath not Christ Jesus given power to his two prophets (even all the Raigne of the Beast) to speak fire, Revelations the 11. to shut up heaven, to turn the waters into blood, to smite the earth with all manner of plagues, and this untill the time of the finishing of their pro­phecie or Testimony, when their great slaughters shall prepare the way for the downfal of Antichrist and their own most glorious raising and exaltation?

There was no Chapter 34 (which probably was Master Cottons oversight, or the Printers) therefore I pass to Chap­ter 35.

Examination of CHAP. XXXV.


HEre, whereas it was said, if it were the Magistrates duty or office to punish hereticks &c. then he is both a temporal and Ecclesiastical officers: Master Cotton answers, It follows not: except the Magistrate were to punish with Ecclesiastical censures, his punishment is meerly civil, whether imprisonment, banishment, or death.


I reply, first, the statutes of the English nation, and the oath of supremacy, have proved the Kings and Queens of England heads and governors of the church of England: And if The title head of the Church. to be an head or governor be not an office, let Master Cotton be againe requested to ponder the instance given, which he passeth by in silence; deny it ingenuously he cannot, and to justifie it I hope his light from heaven will not suffer him, although yet he would [...]aine excuse it, by saying, they punish only with civil punishment, im­prisonment, banishment or death. Therefore,

2. Here lies the mystery of iniquity, and the Babel and confu­sion of it, that either according to Popish Tenents the kings of the earth must give their power to the beast, and enslave themselves under the name and vizard of the secular power to be the Popes executioners, or according to Protestant Tenents, to wit, that Kings and Governours be heads of the church and yet be furnished with no Church-power nor spirituall cen­sures.


It would be thought some mystical and monstrous thing, that Kings and Governors should be obliged to act in ci­vil Judicature, and yet be furnished with no civil power, but ought to punish onely with spirituall or Church-cen­sures.


The blinde and the lame mans robbing the Orchard is here verified. The Minister (though a blindeguide) he is the seer, but wanting legs and strength of civil power, he is carried upon the ci­vil Magistrates shoulders, whose blindness the subtle Clergy abuseth, &c. but both together rob the Orchard of the most high and sure­a [...]enging God.

[Page 104]

I conceive it true, that the Kings and Governors of the national church of Israel had a national power; and had the The civil Me­gistrate no spi­ritual officer, now as in Isra­el. Kord Jesus been pleased to have continued national churches the Lings and governors of such states might well (as they of Israel were) have been both Temporal and Ecclesiastical officers.


But now the Lord Jesus abolishing that national state, and instituting and appointing his worshippers and followers to be the Israel of God, the holy nation and proper Antitype of the former Israel; it seems most unchristian, that either the work or the title should remaine, whether with open or a masked face or vizard.


Therefore as it pleased God in wonderful wisdome and inconcei [...]eable depths of councel for a while to continue a national church national covenant &c. and to take them away as unsuf­ficient, beggarly, and weak, either for the further advancement of his own glory, or salvation of men: so hath he taken away the administration thereof by carnal weapons, armes of flesh &c. In stead of fire and sword, and stoning the opposit [...]es in stead of im­prisonment, banishment death, he hath appointed exhortations, reprehensions, denunciations▪ excommunications, and together with preaching, patient waiting, if God peradventure will give re­pentance.

Lastly, If the civil Magistrate must imprison and banish▪ and put to death in spiritual cases; and the civil Magistrate, is but a Minister or servant of the people (and so of God) and if the The peoples power. people make the laws, and give the Magistrate his commission and power; doth it not follow by this doctrine, that the people of the nations of the world▪ are fundamentally and originally both Temporal and Ecclesiastical? And then what is become of the foundations of the Christian faith? And also are not hereby the people and nations of the world (whatever care be had to the con­trary to restraine) incouraged, according to their several consci­ences, I say encouraged and hardened in their bloody wars, im­prisonings, banishings, and putting to death for cause of consci­ence?


Whereas it was said to be Babel or confusion, for the church to punish the offences of such as are not within its juris­diction with spiritual censures, or the civil state spiritual of­fences [Page 105] with corporal or temporal weapons, Master Cotton an­swers, No confusion, for so Paul directs the church of Co­rinth.


That very Parenthesis which Master Cotton stumbl­eth at, takes away his answer. For as it would be confusion for the church to censure such matters, and of such persons as belong not to the church: So is it confusion for the state to punish spiri­tual All Common­weals that ever have been, are or shal be in the World (except­ing that of typi­cal Israel) meer­ly civil. offenders, for they are not within the sphear of a civil juris­diction. The body or Commonweal is meerly civil, the Magi­strate or head is a civil head, and each member is a civil mem­ber: and so far forth as any of this civil body are spiritual, or act spiritually, they and their actions fall under a spiritual cogni­zance and judicature.


The reason (saith Master Cotton) is the same, for there be offences which tend to provoke wrath against the civil state, Ezra 7. Why should there be wrath against the king or his sons?


This reason indeed Master Cotton often inculcates and beates upon it, that the Pagan kings of Persia were of his mind [...] The Decrees of Pagan kings for Israel, and the God of it, consi­dered. I believe Master Cotton out of a zeal to God, but the Pagan kings out of a slavish terror, which never prevailed so far (that I know of) as to bring them to a kindly repentance of their own idolatries, or a true love to the God of Israel or his people.


However your former answer is to me sufficient; to wit, that thousands of famous Towns, Cities and Kingdomes have flourished in peace and tranquillity for many ages and gene­rations, where God hath had no house, and not only where it was by the civil state neglected, but also wholly persecuted.


In the time appointed and full ripeness of their sins, the vengeance of God (after patience many generations abused) hath surely and fearefully visited, yet in the interim, it is clear it is no ground of a necessity of present punishing of false worshippers and idolaters, least present wrath fall upon the King or his Son.


Now whereas it was said an intollerable burthen laid The Ministers lay heavy loads upon the Magi­strates back. upon the Magistrates back, together with the care of the Com­monweal to be charged also with the spiritual, &c. Master Cot­ton answers, 1. That the Magistrate ought to seek out meane [...] [Page 106] of grace for the people. 2. To remove idolatry and idolatrous Teachers. 3. It is commonly added, that he ought to preserve the church pure by reformation.


I reply, This work charged upon the kings, governors, and Magistrates in the world, makes the weight of their care and charge far greater, then ever was the charge of the kings of Is­rael and Judah, For their people were miraculously brought into covenant with God, to their hands, like a bridge, or house, or ship ready built; and needed only keeping up in reparation: yea an heavier yoak▪ then either their or our fathers were able to bear, considering all the several different consciences, religions, and worships of all mankind naturally, and the many different opinions, factions, and sects, which daily do arise, and that conscien­tiously and zealously unto death: All these must by Master Cottons doctrine) lie before the bar, beside all civil cases, &c.


Tis memorable that Paul himself, that had the care of all the churches, would not be intangled with civil affaires, fur­ther then his own necessities did call for; and sometimes the ne­cessities of his companions: but this yoak put upon the necks of Magistrates, is as full of temporal as spiritual care: And as it is impossible for them to bear▪ So the Lord in his holy season, may please to teach them (as he hath taught some already through his grace) to lay that spiritual Burthen upon the shoulders of their only King of Saints Christ Jesus, to whom the supream power and care of souls and churches doth alone belong.

Whereas it was further said, that the Magistrate is to cherish, and to cleave unto the Saints, and to defend them from civil vio­lence, but the spiritual care of them belongs to spiritual officers appointed by Christ Jesus to that end, Master Cotton replies, this is but a pretence, because the discusser acknowledgeth no churches extant, &c.


Although amongst so many pretending churches, the discusser be not able to satisfie himself in the rightly gathering of the Churches, according to the true order of Christ Je­sus, yet this is far from a pretence▪ because the institution of any state government, order, &c. is one thing, and the administra­tion [Page 107] and execution, which may be interrupted and eclipsed, is a­nother.


Indeed Ieremy could not rightly have been judged a pretender, when he mourned for, and lamented the desolations of A time when no visible Church of God in the world for the right forme and order, &c. the temple, priests, elders, altar, sacrifice, &c. and neither he nor Daniel, nor any of Gods prophets or servants, could (during the time of the desolation and captivity) acknowledge either tem­ple, or altar, or sacrifice right, extant upon the face of the earth.


He that saith the Sun (Christ Jesus) is not to be seen in our Horizon or Hemisphere, in his absence, or when he suffers an Eclipse, cannot be said to deny that the Lord Jesus his holy ordinances ought to be visible in the worship and service of God: Although the discusser be not satisfied in the period of the times, and the manner of his glorious appearing, yet his soul uprightly desires to see and adore, and to be thankful to Master Cotton, yea to the least of the disciples of Christ Jesus, for any coal or sparke of true light, amongst so many false and pretended candles and candlesticks, pretending the glorious name of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Next, Master Cotton demands what reason can be gi­ven, why the Magistrate ought to break the teeth of lyons (ought to suppress such as offer civil violence) and not of the Wolves, that make havock of their souls, who are more mischievous then the lyon, as the Pope of Rome, then the Pagan Emperors? He wonders the discusser should favor the Pope more then the Emper­our, except it be that he symbolizeth rather with Antichrist then with Caesar.


It may here suffice to say two things (not to repeat o­ther passages.)

First, The civil state and Magistrate are meerly and essential­ly civil; and therefore cannot reach (without the transgressing the bounds of civility) to judge in matters spiritual, which are of a­nother sphere and nature then civility is: Now it is most just and proper, that if any member of a civil body be opprest, the body should relieve it: As also it is just and proper, that the spirituall state or body should relieve the soul of any in that spiritual combi­nation oppressed.

[Page 108]Therefore (Secondly) for spiritual and religious oppressions, the king of kings Christ Iesus hath sufficient providedly in his spi­ritual kingdome: therefore ( Acts 20) Paul gives the charge a­gainst those spiritual Wolves to the elders of the church at Ephe­sus, The wolves at Ephesus, Act. 20. and not to civil Magistrates of the city, which Paul should have done (notwithstanding they were worshippers of Diana) if it had been their duty to have broke the teeth of those spirituall Wolves &c.


It is (indeed) one thing to prohibite the Pope, the pre­lates, the Presbyterians, the Independents, or any from forcing The duty of ci­vil power in matters of Re­ligion. any in the matters of their respective consciences, and accordingly to take the sword from such mens hands, or (as their executi­oners) to refuse to use it for them: It is another thing to leave them freely to their own consciences, to defend themselves as well as they can, by the two-edged sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, which all the several sorts of pretenders say they have re­ceived from Iesus Christ.


The renowned Parliament of England hath justly deserved a crown of honour to all posterity, for breaking the teeth of the oppressing Bishops and their courts; but to wring the sword The changing of persecutors is onething, the a­bolishing of per­secution ano­ther. out of the hands of a few prelates, and to suffer it (willingly) to be wrung out of their own hands, by many thousand Presbyterians, or Independants, what is it but to change one wolfe or lyon for another, or in stead of one, to let loose the Dens of thou­sands?


But why should Master Cotton insinuate the discusser to glance a more obsequious eye upon the Pope, then upon the Emperor?


I fear Master Cotton would create some evil opinion in the heart of the civil Magistrate, that the discusser is (as the bloody Iews told Pilate) no friend to Caesar: whereas upon a due The persecuting Cleargy no cor­dial friends to Magistracie. search it will be sound clear as the light, that it is impossible that any that subscribe ex animo to the bloody Tenent of persecution, can ( ex animo) be a friend to Magistracy. The reason is, all persecutors, whether priests or people, care onely for such Ma­gistrates as suite the end, the great bloody end of persecution, of whom they either hope to borrow the sword, or whom they hope to make their executioners. Their very principles also ( Papist [Page 109] and Protestant) lead them necessarily to dispose and kill their he­retical, Apostate, blaspheming Magistrates.


But why should Master Cotton [...] sinuate any affection in the discusser to that Tyrant of all earthly Tyrants, the Pope?


To my knowledge Master Cotton and others have thought the discusser too zealous against the bloody beast: yea, and who knows not this to be the ground of so much sorrowful difference between Master Cotton and the discusser, to wit that the discusser grounds his separation from their churches upon their not seperating from that man of sin? For Old England having Neither Old nor New Eng­land state­churches sepa­rate from the Pope. compelled all to church, compel'd the Papists▪ and the Pope him­self in them: The daughter New England, separaring from her mother in Old England, yet maintaines and practises communion with the Parishes in Old▪ Who sees not then, but by the links of this mystical chaine, New England Churches are still fastned to the Pope himself?


Master Cottons third reply is this▪ that it is not like that such Christians will be faithful to their prince, who grow false and Master Cotton and Bellarmine all one, for the deposing hereti­cal princes, &c. disloyal to their God▪ and therefore consequently the civil Magi­strate must see that the church degenerate and apostate not, at least so far as to provoke Christ to depart from them.


This is indeed the down right most bloody and Popish Tenent of persecuting the degenerate, heretical and Apostate people: of deposing, yea and killing Apostatical and heretical princee and rulers.

The truth is, the great Gods of this world are God-belly God­peace▪ God-wealth, God-honour, God-pleasure &c. These Gods must not be blasphemed, that is▪ evil spoke of, no not provoked, &c. The gods of this World. The servants of the living God being true to their Lord and Ma­ster, have opposed his glory, greatness, honour &c. to these Gods, and to such religions, worships, and services, as commonly are made but as a mask or vaile, or covering of these Gods.


I have long been satisfied, that hence proceeds the mad cry of every Demetrius and crafts-Master of false worship in the world, Great is our Diana &c. These men blaspheme our goddess, disturbe our City▪ They are false to our Gods, how▪ will they be true to us?

[Page 110]Hence that bloody Act of Parliament in Henry the fifth his dayes made purposely against that true servant and witness of The Lord Cob­ham his troubles in Henry the 5. dayes. God (in those points of Christianity which he knew) and other servants of God with him, the Lord Cobham, concluding Lollardy not only to be heresie, (that is, indeed true Christianity) but also treason against the Kings person: whence it followed, that these The best of our late Bishops, as Bishop Hall have not spared to render here­ticks and Trai­tors all one. poor Lollards (the servants of the most high God) were not on­ly to be burnt as hereticks, but hanged as traitors.


Accordingly it pleased God to honour that noble Lord Cobham, both with hanging and burning, as an heretick against the church, as a traiter against the king: And hence those divel­ish accusations and bloody huntings of the poor servants of God in the reign of Francis the second in Paris, because it was said that their meetings were to cousult and act against the life of the king.


If this be the touchstone of all obedience, will it not be the cut-throat of all civil relations, unions and covenants be­tween Princes and people, and between the people and people? Civil society pluckt up by the rootes. For may not Master Cotton also say, he will not be a faithful ser­vant, nor she a faithful wife, nor he a faithful husband, who grow false and disloyal to their God? And indeed what doth this, yea, what hath this truly-ranting doctrine (that plucks up all relations) wrought but confusion and combustion all the world over?


Concerning faithfulness, it is most true, that godliness is profitable for all things, all estates, all relations: yet there is a civil faithfulness, obedience, honesty, chastity, &c. even a­mongst such as own not God nor Christ: else Abraham and Isaac Civil honesty may stand with dishonesty a­gainst God and Christ in mat­ters of Religion. dealt foolishly to make leagues with ungodly Princes. Besides, the whole Scripture commands a continuance in all Relations of go­vernment, marriage, service, notwithstanding that the grace of Christ had appeared to some, and the rest (it may be an husband, a wife, a Magistrate, a Master, a servant) were false and dis­loyal in their several kinds and wayes unto God, or wholly igno­rant of him.

4. Grant people and Princes to be like Iulian, Apostate from the true service of God, and consequently to grow less faithful in their places and respective services, yet what ground is there, from the Testament of Christ Jesus, upon this ground of their Apo­stacie, [Page 111] to prosecute them, as Master Cotton saith, The civil Ma­gistrate must keep the church from Apostatizing so, as to cause Christ to depart from them.

5. Can the sword of steel or arme of flesh make men faithful or loyal to God? Or careth God for the outward Loyalty or Faithfullness, when the inward-man is false and treache­rous?

Or is there not more danger (in all matters of trust in this A turn-coat in Religion more faithless then a resolved Jew, Turk or Papist. world) from an hyyocrite, a dissembler, a turncoat in his religi­on (from the fear or favour of men) then from a resolved Jew, Turke or Papist, who holds firme unto his principles? &c.

Or lastly, if one Magistrate, King or Parliament call this or that heresie, apostacie, &c. and make men [...]ay so will not a stronger Magistrate, King, Parliament, Army (that is, a stronger arm, or longer and more prosperous sword) call that heresie and Apostacie Heresie and a­postacie often change their names to truth, and Christiani­ty, &c. Truth and Christianity, and make men call it so? and do not all experiences, and our own most lamentable, in the changes of our English Religions, confirme this?

6. Lastly, As carnal policy ever fals into the pit, it digs and trips up its own heels, so I shall end this passage with two para­doxes, and yet (dear peace) thou and I have found them most la­mentably true in all ages.


God delights to befool the wise and high in their own conceit with paradoxes, even such as the wisdome of this world thinks madness: but I attend to hear them.


First then, The straining of mens cinsciences by civil Who knows not that the many turnings of Do. Pearne in Cam­bridge, brought it into a pro­verb, to wit, to p [...]nifie. power, is so far from making men faithful to God or man, that it is the ready way to render a man false to both: my ground is this: civil and corporal punishment do usually cause men to play the hypocrite, and dissemble in their Religion, to turn and return with the tide, as all experience in the nations of the world doth testifie now.

This binding and rebinding of conscience, contrary or without its own perswasion, so weakens and defiles it, that it (as all other faculties) loseth its strength, and the very nature of a common ho­nest Consciences yeelding to be forced or ravi­shed, loosen all conscience. conscience: Hence it is, that even our own histories testifie, that where the civil sword, and carnal power, hath made a change up­on the consciences of men, those consciences have been given up, [Page 112] not only to spiritual, but even to corporal filthiness, and bloody, and mad oppressing each other, as in the Marian bloody times &c.


Indeed no people so inforced as the Papists and the Ma­hume [...]ans: and no people more filthy in soul and body, and no people in the world more bloody and persecuting: but I listen for your second paradox.


Secondly, This Tenent of the Magistrates keeping the church from Apostatizing, by practising civil force upon the consciences of men, is so far from preserving Religion pure, that it 2 Paradoxes. is a mighty Bulwark or Barricado to keep out all true Religi­on▪ yea and all godly Magistrates for ever coming into the World.


Doubtless this will seem a hard riddle, yet I presume not too hard for the fingers of time and truth to unty, and render easie.


Thus I unty it: If the civil Magistrate must keep the church pure, then all the people of the Cities, Nations, and kingdomes of the world must do the same much more, for primari­ly and fundamentally they are the civil Magistrate: Now the world (saith John) lyeth or is situated in wickedness, and consc­quently according to its disposition endures not the light of Christ, nor his golden candlestick the true Church, nor easily chooseth a true Christian to be her officer or Megistrate, for she accounts such false to her Gods and Religion, and suspects their faithful­ness &c.


Hence indeed is it (as I now conceive) that so rarely this world admit [...]eth or not long continueth a true servant of God in any place of trust [...]d credit, except some extraordinary hand of God over-power, or else his servants by some base staires of Flat­tery or worldly compliance, ascend the chaire of Civil­power.

But (to proceed) saith Master Cotton, ‘It was the duty of Je­hosaphat▪ Hezekiah &c. to reduce the people of Israel from their backslidings because they were an holy people, and is it not the duty of godly Princes to reduce their backsliding Churches to their primitive purity? It is true (saith he) David and Solomon were types of Christ, but so were not the other Kings of Israel [Page 113] and Judah, who were the one (the kings of Israel) all Apo­states, and the other (the kings of Judah) many of them Apo­state from Christ: And Secondly, If they were (saith he) all types of Christ, yet Christ being the Antitype, Christ hath aboli­shed them all, and so it were sacriledge or Antichristian usur­pation for any king to be set over Christians: Or if they were types of Christ in respect of their kingly office over the Church alone was it typical in Solomon to put Joab a murtherer to death, or Adonijah a traitor? and so consequently unlawful for Chri­stian Princes to put murtherers and traitors to death? Further, saith he, What those kings might do in type, Christ Jesus might much more do in his own person, as the Antitype: but he put no man to death in his own person, and therefore they were not types but servants of Christ, and paterns and examples to Christian Ma­gistrates, yea, Ahab, who should have put Benhadad to death for his blasphemy.’


I understand those kings of Israel and Judah, untill How the kings of Israel and Judah were types and figures of Christ to come. their cutting off or excommunicating out of the land of Canaan, to be yet visible members of the church of Israel and Judah, and as kings of Israel and Judah types of Christ Je­sus, partly in his own person, who did that (being the true spiri­tual king of Israel) which they did or should have done, in that typical national church or land of Israel▪ and (2) partly in the officers of his kingly power and government of his church, which officers and church falling away, untill an absolute cutting off, are the Antitypes (in respect of visible government) of those for­mer kings of Israel and Judah.


Can it be imagined that those wicked Kings, Je­roboam▪ Baasha, Ahab &c. were figures of Christ Jesus?

Truth. Master Cotton himself grants David and Solomon types of Christ Jesus, and yet, how abominable and monstrous some of their practices? we must therefore distinguish between their persons, and sins, and frailties.

As kings of Israel (Gods Church and people) doubtless they were the figures of (the K. of Israel) Christ Iesus: yea it is probable that the land of Canaan, with the officers and governors thereof, before Christ time, was but a figure of the spiritual land or Christian church, with the officers governors & administrations therof good and [Page 114] evil: Although the applying of the times and persons each to o­ther The types of the old Testament many and deep. requires a more then ordinary guidance of the finger or holy Spirit of God.


I remember that some of eminent note for knowledge and godliness have not stuck to affirme, that the Gentile Prince Cyrus called Christ, a figure of Christ. Cyrus as he was called Gods servant, anointed, or Christ (Isa. 44) I say, that he in a respect, as a restorer of Gods people was a figure of Christ Iesus.


It is not improbable, but that the most holy and only wise (whose works are known unto himself from the beginning of the world) did by such famous instruments of mercy to the literal Iew, type out Christ Iesus and his heavenly instruments, mercy and goodness to the mystical and spiritual, Christian Iews &c.

Examination of CHAP. XXXVI, and XXXVII.


IN these passages Master Cotton first questions (having not his copy by him) the truth of some expressions printed as his.


It is at hand for Master Cotton or any to see that copy which he gave forth and corrected in some places with his own hand, and every word verbati [...] here published.

2. To the answer it self, or reproof of the Lord Iesus given to his disciples for their bloody and rash zeal desiring fire to come down from heaven, &c. we both agree that Christs rebuking of his disciples did not hinder the Ministers of the Gospel from proceed­ing in a Church-way &c. 2. That false [...]persecution in a church ­way is as odious and dreadful a persecution, as any prosecution [...] a court of civil justice, as also that this is not the point intended, though it be reckoned up with the rest.


I marvel at that which follows, where Master Cotton saith, that it never fell from his pen in any writing of his, viz. that it is lawful for a eivil Magistrate to inflict corporal punishment upon such as are contrary indeed in matters of Religion: and therefore he passeth by the discussers reasons as which might well have been spared, being brought but against a shadow of his own fancy.

[Page 115]

I am not able to imagine what Master Cotton meanes by such as are contrary minded, against whom he will not (in this Chapter) maintaine any corporal punishment to be inflicted, when in so many of his writings, and throughout his whole book he main­taines corporal punishment, and that to death it self in many cases, against the idolatrous, the blasphemous, the heretical, the sedu­cing, yea the degenerate and Apostate.


Love bids us take this passage as a pang of reluctancy The fire from heaven, Rev. 13 (in his other wise-holy and peaceable breast) against such unholy bloody Tenents.

But what say you to the passage about the second beast, bring­ing fire from heaven? (Rev. 13.) This was no wonder (saith Master Cotton) for Constantine had done the like before to here­ticks, the Arrian Bishops against the Orthodox Saints. Also, it is related as a different matter from the former ( vers. 15.) that he had power to cause, that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And this fire comes not down upon the Saints, but the earth.


Master Cotton I think knows that the discusser is not alone in this interpretation: If he propose any other more suitable to Christ Iesus, I hope the discusser desires thankfully to embrace it. But this fire being not literal, but mystical, in imitation of the true prophet Elijah, and also as the true witnesses cause fiery judgements descend from heaven upon the enemies of the truth: so the false witnesses cause fire to descend against the faithful: and sure it is (as the discusser related) that the Popish Bishops in France, and England and other places have ever constantly cryed out, that the just judgements of God are brought down by them upon the hereticks, which is no smal wonder that the hearts of the sons of men should be so hardened against the light of truth in truths witnesses, notwithstanding the acts of Constantine and the Arrian Bishops long before.


But this fire (saith Master Cotton) comes down from heaven upon the earth.


True, but it may well imply no more, then in the open view and face of all men in this world.


And lastly (saith he) it is said, that he causeth that as [Page 116] as many as would not worship the Image of the Beast should be killed, which is a different effect.


Because it comes from a different cause, with respect, not to the first Beast himself, but only to his picture or image, and implies, that fiery judgements descend not onely upon such as re­fuse to worship the first or second beast, but the very picture of the beast likewise.

Examination of CHAP. XXXVIII.


MAster Cotton here first observing the discussers agreement with him, that this instruction (2 Tim. 2.) to be meek and patient to all men, is properly directive to the Ministers of the Gospel, he concludes that therefore hitherto his answer was not per­plext and ravelled.


Many plaine threads may be drawn forth of a perplext and ravelled string, as it seemes to me the many particulars of different natures here wrapt up together were.


Yea, but he seems to disown those words [ unconverted Christians in Crete) and more then once in the Chapter toucheth the discussers credit, &c.


I know the discusser desires unfainedly (with the Lords assistance) rather to die a thousand deaths, then willingly to im­peach the least of holy or civil truths; and therefore affirmeth in this case, that at his pleasure the copy (not which he received from All Truth, hea­venly, moral, ci­vil, &c. preci­ous. Master Cotton for there never passed such writings between them as Master Cotton often affirmeth, but) which he received from another, with the correction of Master Cottons own hand to it, shall be ready for himself or any to view.


However, Master Cotton maintaining the tearms of un­converted converts from Ier. 3. 10. (Iudah turned unto me, but not with all her heart, but fainedly:) so Iudas, An [...]as, and Sapphira, Balaam, the Ni [...]laitans, Iezabel in Thyatira, as al­so the children of believing parents born in the Church, who though holy, yet cannot be conceived to be truely holy.


Were the question about hypocrites, counterfeits and [Page 117] trayters in the church and kingdome of Christ, these words might here rightly be alleadged; but Master Cottons words being Ʋnconverted Christians visi­bly a paradox. these [ unconverted Christians in Crete▪ whom Titus as an Evan­gelist was to seek and to convert] I conceive that Master Cotton will not affirm that the office of an Evangelist was to seek to convert the church (though possibly an hypocrite may be turned from his hypocrisie by an Evangelist or private man in the church.)

2. He makes in the very words a distinction between these, un­converted Christians, and those Iews and Gentiles in the Church, who (saith he) though carnal, yet were not convinced of the error of their way.

And to conclude this Chapter, the discusser readily with thanks acknowledgeth Master Cottons words, that it is not probable that Timothy was now at Ephesus, and that the subscription added to the second Epistle of Timothy in the English translation, is just­ly to be suspected.

Examination of CHAP. XXXIX.


MAster Cotton here argues, That if the Magistrate be a Pro­phet, Many excellent Magistrates of the Parliament, of the Councel, of the Army, of the City, of the Country, are al­so excellent pro­phets or inter­preters of Scrip­ture, & yet may not use a civil but a spiritual sword in spiri­tuals. and opposed in his doctrine, he ought (from this Scripture, 2 Tim. 2.) meekly to bear the opposition, waiting if God peradventure will give repentance; yet withal by the way he ob­serveth, that if the Magistrate be a prophet, he may do some things as a Magistrate, which he may not do as a Pro­phet.


Of this no question? but what is this to a coercive Magisterial power in spiritual things, which is the que­stion?

2. Since that Master Cotton acknowledgeth that Magistrates may be prophets, and that divers Magistrates of New English churches have spoken as prophets (eminently able in their Magistrates may be prophets in Christs Church. churches) what should be the reason (I ask by the way) that their Churches hear no more of such their propheticall gifts, but that their talent's wrapt up? &c.

[Page 118]

Of this let their consciences give account to Jesus Christ▪ whom they call the King of their churches, and the foun­taine of such heavenly abilities: But to proceed, Master Cotton grants that Magistrates ought to bear in the church oppositions against their prophecyings, but not continued opposings nor, sedu­ings &c.


What is then the waiting here commanded, until God peradventure will give repentance?


It is true (saith Master Cotton) it is not in the power of man to give repentance but God alone: Neither is it in mans power (saith he) to give repentance to scandalous persons against the ci­vil state; and yet the discusser acknowledgeth that the civil Ma­gistrate ought to punish these.


It is not the Magistrates work and office in the civil state, to convert the heart in true repentance unto God and Christ: More confi­dence com­monly put in the civil sword then the spiritu­al. The civil state respecteth conformity and obedience to civil laws, though indeed the works and office of the Ministers of Christ Jesus are commonly laid upon the Magistrates shoulders, and they pretending themselves the Ministers of Christ Jesus, armed with the two-edged sword of the Spirit of God (the Word of God) do commonly flye unto and put more confidence in the sword of steel in the hand of their civil Ministers, the Magi­strates.


The sword of steel hath done wonderful things through­out the whole world in matters of Religion▪ and woful and wonderful (as was formerly observed) hath Religious changes Engl. changes in Religion ex­cused by those of Judah, but not justly. been in the English nation, and that by the power of the ci­vil sword▪ backward and forward▪ and that in the space of a few yeers, in the reigne of four or five Princes: But this (saith Master Cotton) is no more then befell the church of Iudah in the dayes of Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, and Io­siah.


Englands changes will be found upon examination in­comparably greater, and wrought in the eighth part of the time that the changes of the church of Iudah were. And yet this instance will not infringe that the civil sword of the Magistrate, in a national way, is ordinarily able to turn about a Nation to and againe, to and from a truth of God, in national hypocrisie, and [Page 119] therefore most wisely hath the most holy and only wise, by the most golrious brightness of his person and wisdom of the Father (Christ Jesus) abolished his own national and state- church, whether ex­plicit or implicit, that the two-edged sword of the word of the Lord in the mouths of his true messengers, might alone be bran­dished and magnified.


Master Cotton concludeth this Chapter with the obser­vation▪ that the revolt of England againe to Popery wanteth Scripture-light.


He that loves Christ Iesus in sincerity, cannot but long▪ Whether Eng­land may [...] receive the Po [...] againe. that Christ Iesus would speedily be pleased with the breath of his mouth to consume that man of sin: But yet that worthy servant of God (according to his conscience) Master Archer▪ doth not barely propose his opinion▪ but also his Scripture-grounds, which I be­lieve, compared with all former experiences, will seem to be of great and weighty consideration, and call all that wait for Christ Iesus to beg his Spirit deeply to weigh and ponder them.

Examination of CHAP. XL.


TO the several allegations concerning the woful slavery of all opposites of Christ Iesus, and the mighty power of free grace, only able to release them; Master Cotton replies▪ So is it with scandalous offenders against the Civil state▪ and yet this doth not restraine Magistrates from executing just judgements upon them &c. And he adds, that better a dead soul in a dead body, and that seducers die without faith, then murther and se­duce many precious souls from the faith.


The Lord Iesus commanding to give God the things that be Gods▪ and to Caesar the things that be Caesars▪ gives all his followers a clear and glorious torch of light to distinguish Things of God and Caesar. between offenders against God in a spiritual way, and offenders against Caesar, his Lawes, state and government in a civil way.

Tis true, slatterers and time-servers use to make Religion and [Page 120] justice, the two pillars of a State, and so indeed do all such states in the world as maintaine a state-Religion, invented and Religions of the world, politick inventions to maintaine a ci­vil state. maintained in civil policy to maintaine a civil state. But all men that have tasted of history or travel, are witnesses sufficient of these two particulars.

First concerning justice, that if the sword and balances▪ of justice (in a sort or measure) be not drawn and held forth, against The a [...]so [...]u [...]e necessi [...]y of some order of govern­ment all the world over. scandalous offenders against civil state, that civil state must dis­solve by little and little from civility to barbarisme, which is a wil­derness of life and manners.


Yea the very barbarians and Pagans of the world themselves are forced for their holding and hanging together in bar­barous compaines, to use the ties and knots, and bands of a kind of civil justice against scandalous offenders against their Com­monweale and profit.


But too many thousands of Cities and states in the world have and do flourish for many generations and ages of men, wherein (whatever Caesar gets) God cannot get one penny of his due in any bare permission or toleration of his religion and worship.


Dear Truth▪ these two points being so constantly pro­ved, I can but wonder that Master Cotton or any servant of Christ Iesus, should cry out to the Caesars of this world to help the eternal God to get his due, because Christ Iesus grants them a ci­vil sword in civil cases, to preserve their civil states from bar­barisme and confusion.


That worthy Emperor, Antoninus Pius, in his letters for the Christians, plainly tels the governors of his provinces, that the gods were able to punish those that sinned against their worship; Antoninus Pius his distinction. evidently declaring, by that light of conscience and knowledge which God had lighted up in his soul, the vast difference between offenders in the civil state, and offendors against the true and only religion and worship, about which the whole world disa­greeth, and is hist together (by this bloody tenent) I say hist together by the ears and throat, in blood and fire, as the tide of times, major vote armies and armes of flesh prevaile.


Ah (Dear truth) is there is no Balme in G [...]ead, no balances, no sword of spiritual justice in the City, and kingdome of Christ Jesus, but that the officers thereof must run to borrow [Page 121] Caesar? Are the Armories of the true king Solomon Christ Je­sus disarmed? Are there no spiritual swords girt upon the thighs The degeneracy of Christianity now professed. of those valiant ones, that should guard his heavenly bed, except the sword of steel be run for from the cutlers shop? Is the Reli­gion of Christ Jesus so poor and so weak and feeble grown, so cowardly and base (since Paul spake so gloriously of it, and the weapons of it (2 Cor. 10.) that neither the souldiers nor Com­manders in Christs Army have any courage or skill to withstand sufficiently in all points a false teacher, a false prophet, a spiritual cheater or deceiver?


This must all that follow Jesus bitterly lament, that not a spiritual sword or spear is to be found in the spiritual Israel of God, but that his poor Israelites are forced down to the Phi­listins of this worlds Smiths▪ &c. And that the princes of Zion are become feeble like harts without pasture, as Jeremy complain­eth in his Lamentations.


Now whereas it was added, that a civil sword hardens the followers of false teachers in the suffering of their leaders, and begets an impression of the falshood of that religion, which can­not uphold it self all the world over, but with such instruments of violence, &c. Master Cotton replies, that the Magistrate ought not to draw out his sword against seducers, untill he hath used all good means for conviction, &c. and then (saith he) he should be cruel to Christs Lambs in sparing the Foxes, &c.


Who knows not this to be the plea and practise of all Popish persecutors in all ages, to compass sea and land to reduce the heretick to the union and bosome of the church, not only with The loathsome hypocrisie of persecutors. promises▪ threatnings▪ &c, but oftimes with solemn disputations, and sometimes writings and waitings, before they come to the definitive sentence and deliver him to the secular power▪ and so to the use of those desperate remedies of hanging, burning, &c. How do the bloody Popes and the bloody Bonners in their hypocritical letters and bloody sentences, profess their lamentable grief at er­rors and heresies; their clemency and mercy, and great pains taken to reduce that wandring, to return the lost childe, to heal the scabbed sheep? yea and when they are forced (as they say) for the saving of the flock from infection to deliver such sheep to the secu­lar power, as their butchers and executioners; yet beseech they [Page 122] that power, and that (most hypocritically without shame) in the bowels of Christ Jesus▪ to Minister justice with such modera­tion, In their bloody sentence, and proceedings with the perse­cuted. that if it be possible the hereticks soul may be saved▪ but however the flock may be preserved from such [...]damnable Do­ctrine.


Master Cotton will here blame the alleadging of this: for the Popish Religion is false, but their true &c.


Tis true, the Papists Religion is false, yet Master Cotton cannot pass without suspition to be too neer of kin to the bloody Papist, to whom they are so neer in practice: The Lord Jesus gave an everlasting rule to his poor servants, to discern all false prophets by, to wit, their fruits and bloody practices. But,

Secondly, The holy Spirit of God in this 2 to Tim. now insist­ed on, not only commands Timothy to exhort the opposite, but patiently to wait and attend Gods will▪ if peradventure God will give repentance, and that they may recover them­selves &c.


Master Cotton will not deny, together with meek ex­hortation, patient waiting, &c.


Why then doth he limit the holy one of Israel to dayes or moneths? Three months was by the law (in Massachusets in New England) the time of patience to the excommunicate, be­fore the secular power was to deal with him: But we finde no time Too short a time set for repen­tance in New England. limited, nor no direction given to Timothy or his successors to prosecute the opposite before Caesar bar, in case God vouchsafed not repentance upon their means and waiting.

3. Christ Jesus hath not been without bowels of compassion in all his gracious care and provision he hath made for his sheep and lambs, against the spiritual Wolves and Foxes; although we read not a word of the arme of flesh and sword of steel appointed by himself for their defence in his most blessed last Will and Testa­ment.

4. Lastly, to that instance of the Donatists and Papists sup­pressed False teachers commonly hard­ned by persecu­tion. by the civil sword, no question but (as before) a civil sword is able, among civil people, to make a whole nation, or world of hypocrites: and yet experience also testifies (however Master Cotton makes it but accidental) that it is the common and ordinary [...]ffect of the civil sword drawn forth (as they speak) [Page 123] against hereticks seducers &c. to harden the seducers and sedu­ced by their sufferings, and to beget no other opinion in their hearts, then of the cruelty and weakness of the heart and cause of their persecutors.


There hath been no small noise of Master Go [...]ons and The great suf­ferings of Ma­ster Gorton and his friends in New England. his friends being disciplined (or as the Papists call it, discipled in the Schoole of the New English churches: It is worth the inquiry to ask what conviction and conversion hath all their hostilities, captivatings, courtings, imprisonings▪ chainings, banishings, &c. wrought upon them?


Shall I speak my thoughts without partiality? I am no more of Master Gortons Religion then of Master Cottons: and yet if Master Cotton complaine of their obstinacy in their way, I cannot but impute it to this bloody tenent and practice, which ordinarily doth give strength and vigour, spirit and resolution to the most erroneous, when such unrighteous and most unchristian proceedings are exercised against them.


Touching the Edict of Antoninus Pius concerning Antoninus Pius his Edict a­gainst persecu­tion. persecution of Christians, and the opinion it begat in their hearts of the cruelty of their persecutors, Master Cotton answers, first the Pagan Religion is not of God but the Religion of Christi­ans came down from Heaven in the Gospel-truth.


This is most true, to him that believeth that there is but one God, one Lord, one Spirit, one baptism, one body, &c. ac­cording to Christ Jesus his institution; and that from that blessed estate the Apostacy hath been made; and that all other Gods, Lords, Spirits Faiths, Baptisms or churches, are false: But what is this to many millions of men and women, in so many kingdomes and na­tions, Cities and parts of the world, who believe as confidently their lies of many Gods and Christs, all which they believe (as the Ephesians of their Diana, and of the image of Jupiter, and (as Master Cotton of the way of his Religion) that they come down from heaven?


Doubtless, according to their belief, all the peoples of those nations, kingdoms and countries, wherein the name of Christ is sounded, whether of the greek church or the latine, whether of Popish or Protestant profession, will say as Master Cotton, my reli­gion came down from heaven in the Gospel of Truth, &c.

[Page 124]

Now then either the sword of steel must decide this controversie (according to the bloody tenent of persecution) in the suppressing of hereticks, blasphemers, idolaters and seducers, by the strength of an arme of flesh: or else the two-edged-sword of the Spirit of God, the word of God coming out of the mouth of Christ Jesus in the mouths of his servants, which will either hum­ble and subdue the Rebels, or cut most deep, and kill with an eter­nal vengeance.


But (saith Master Cotton) it will beget an opinion of cruelty to murther innocents, but not to put to death murtherers The difference between spiri­tual and corpo­ral murther. of souls.


I answer, beside that great and common difference of civil murther, and spiritual▪ there is a second, to wit, that in the murther of an innocent, the conscience of a murtherer is opened, and commonly the mouth confesseth I am a murtherer, I have killed an innocent: but run through all the coasts and quarters of the whole world, and the very consciences of so many thousands of soul- murtherers are rootedly satisfied and perswaded, that they are so far from being murtherers as that they are so many savi­ours of the souls of men, and Priests and Ministers of the most high God or Gods, &c.


For instance, if a man say Master Cotton is a subject of the state of England, and a Minister of that worship, which he believeth to be true, confirmed by argument and light sufficient to his understanding soul and conscience: How many thousand are there fellow- subjects with Master Cotton to the English state▪ yet of a contrary mind to Master Cotton in matter of Gods worship? yea how many are there (it may be thousands) professing a Ministery contrary to Master Cottons? and the like may be found in other nations and parts of the world.


What true reason of justice, peace▪ or common safety of the whole, can be rendred to the world why Master Cottons Civil justice ought imparti­ally to permit one conscience as well as ano­ther. conscience and Ministry must be maintained by the sword, more then the consciences and Ministeries of his other fellow-subjects? Why should he be accounted (I mean at the bar of civil justice) I say accounted a soul Saviour, and all other Ministers of other Religions and consciences, soul-murtherers, and so be executed as murtherers, or forced to temporize or turn from their Religi­on, [Page 125] which is but hypocrisie in Religion against their conscience, which is ten thousand times worse, and renders men, when they sin against their conscience, not only hypocrites, but Atheists, and so fit for the practise of any evil, murthers, adulteries, trea­sons, &c?


Master Cottons second Answer is that the persecuting Emperors and governors of Provinces under them, attended not The difference of the persecu­tion of the Ro­man Emperors and the Roman Popes. to the conviction of christians▪ nor did they endeavour to make it appear that the Christians sinned against the light of their consci­ences, and therefore no marvel if it bred in the people a just opinion of the cruelty of persecutors, and of the innocency of christians.


Let it be granted that the Roman Emperors did not attend to, nor endeavour this, yet the Roman Popes, and all the Antichrist governors of their mystical Provinces, Bishops and Preists, have professedly compassed Sea and Land to make a Proselyte.


Tis true, the history of the death of the Saints, slaugh­tered by such persecutors abundantly testifie this, and yet their per­secution will be found no other then cruelty and murther, and the opinion of it will never be razed out of the heart of Gods people, whatever the whole world (which wonders after and worships the beast) think to the contrary.


And I add, that herein Master Cottons former position, to wit [that hereticks must be punished by the civil sword, for sinning against the light of their own conscience] accords fully with the Popish clamors, [the hereticks mouths are stopped, they are convinced, they have not a word to say, and yet they are obstinate; away with them, hang them▪ burn them.]


Master Cotton saith, It is an untrue intimation of the discusser, that Antoninus forbod the persecuting of christians upon any such ground.


That it may not rest upon the discussers credit or dis­credit, I think it not unseasonable if I present to English eyes the English testimony of the diligent and praise worthy-Chronicler John Speede, who also ingageth Eusebi [...]s his credit, and thus relateth the effect of Antoninus his mind in these words▪

The Emperor Caesar, Marcus, Au [...]l [...]us, Antoninus, &c. Unto the Commons of Asia,

Sendeth Greeting.

I Doudt not, but the Gods themselves have a care that wick­ed persons shall be brought to light; for it doth much more appertaine to them, then it doth to you, to punish such as re­fuse to yeeld them worship: but this course which you take, doth confirme them whom you persecute in this their opinion Antoninus Pius his famo [...] [...] ­dict for liberty to the Christians related by that praise-worthy Master John Speede out of Eusebi [...]s. of you, That you are impious men, and meer Atheists; whereby it commeth to pass, that they desire in the quarrel of their GOD, rather to die then to yeeld to the will of such as you are, and to embrace your form of Religion: Let it not seem unseasonable to call to your remembrance the Earthquakes which lately have happsned, and which are yet, to your great terrour and grief; because I understand, that in such like Accidents, you [...]ast the Envy of such common mis­fortune, upon their Shoulders; whereby their confidence, and trust in their GOD is much the more increased: Where­as, you being ignorant of the true causes of such things, do both neglect the worship of the other Gods, and also banish and persecute the servants of the immortal GOD, whom the Christians do worship; and you persecute to the death all the embracers of that profession. In the behalf of these men, ma­ny of the Provinces President have written before to my Fa­ther of famous memory, to whom he answered, That they should not be molested, unless they were proved to have practis­ed Treason against the Imperial State; and concerning the same matter, some have given notice to me, to whom I answered with like moderation as my Father did before me: And by our Edict, do ordaine, That if any hereafter be found thus busie in molesting these kind of men, without any their offence, We command that he that is accused upon this point, be ab­solved; albeit he be proved to be such an one as he is charged to be, that is, a Christian; and he that is his accuser, shall suffer the san [...]e Punishment which he sought to procure unto the other.

[Page 127]

In this passage the wise and experienced Emperor observeth many reasons for the toleration of Christians, and insinuates that the persecuting of the Christians, confirmed them in their opinion, that their persecutors were not only cruel (for that is the least that can be implied in persecution) but also as the words run, impious men and meer Atheists.


Dear Truth, your observation forceth from my peace­able The persecuted ever no [...]ish an h [...]rd con [...]it of [...] and Ty­ranay in their persecutors, whereas Male­factors confess frequently the justice of their condemners. mind, this Testimony, which oft to my grief and horror, mine eares have heard many persons (I hope in their persons chosen of the Lord) having as they conceived, suffered persecution from the hands, and by the means of many worthy men both of Magistra­cy and Ministry of New England: I say, they have been by such persecution so far from being wrought on &c. that they have been moulded into a strong apprehension, that it was impossible that such their persecutors should be men of any fear of God▪ but meer dissemblers, time-servers, Jehues reformers, for their own ends of honor ease, and liberty from the cross of Christ: which apprehension although the discusser (to my knowledge) hath often labored to root out of many, yet could he hardly prevaile to stir it, so groslly, odious▪ unchristian, or antichristian, appears the ugly face of persecution &c.

Examination of CHAP. XLI.


IN the discussing of the prophecy of Isaiah and Micah, concern­ing the breaking of swords into plowshares, and speares into pruning-hooks, truely interpreted to foretell the meek temper of Christians in bringing others to Christ Jesus, Master Cotton ex­cepts against the discussers observation upon Master Cottons simi­litude from Wolves which he would have driven out from the sheepfold: The observation was this, or to this effect, [That if civil power might force the wolves out, it might force the sheep in.]


The discusser denied not the use of Christs spiritual power for the life of his sheep, and destruction of the Wolves: but heaven and earth shall fall before this truth, to wit, [That power that driveth Wolves out, may drive sheep in.] If spiritual [Page 128] power drive out the wolfe spiritual, also drives in the sheep▪ but if If Civil power may force cut of the church, it may also force in. civil power (to wit, by swords whips, prisons, burnings &c.) drives out the spiritual or mystical Wolfe, the same undeniably must drive in the sheep.


Yea, but Master Cotton (too too weakly) would please himself upon the word [ same:] a father, saith he, with a staffe or sword may drive away dogs that might by the way worry or bite his children going to School, may he therefore with a staffe or sword drive his children to School? and are wolves to be driven away, and sheep brought into the fold by the same instruments? The dog that teares a wolfe, if he tear the sheep also, will finde an halter, &c.


Master Cotton hath had a name for a man of Moses spirit, of a meek and gentle temper; he cannot but know he hath lost that name with thousands [...]earing God, by not putting that dif­ference, between the Wolves and the sheep, the Egyptians and the Israelites, as Moses did: Moses killed the Egyptian, he reproves the Every true Mo­ses will make a difference be­tween Israelites and Egyptians. Israelite: All that contradict Master Cottons church way (though before dear brethren, familiar and intimate) he not only drives them out, as wolves blasphemers▪ seducers &c. by his pretended spiritual weapons of Christ Jesus, but also by civil sword, im­prisoning banishing, whipping &c.

But more particularly, The discusser indeed useth this word the same power, but not as Master Cotton seemeth to understand it, for the same weapon. He hath in this very place printed the discussers words, that a staff is for the wolfe, and a rod or hook for the sheep. The dog that teares the wolf, is but to affright the sheep and consequently the father that hath a stick or rod for the child; But yet these swords, staves-sticks, and rods, are all of the same na­ture in general, that is of a material, temporal and civil nature, which may be used about natural wolves▪ sheep, children &c. And if they may be used also about spiritual or mystical wolves, to force them out; it is as cleare as the Sun-Beames, that they may be used, that is such civil weapons as are fit for my­stical wolves, to force them into the sheepfold: And thus have all Popish persecutors practised in our own and other countries, to wit, by civil power (as well as by their own pretended spiritual) in forcing their supposed sheep to church, and to conformity, as well as by whips, and Prisons, Ropes and Fires, driving out the sup­posed wolves or hereticks.

[Page 129]

In the close of this, Master Cotton adds▪ that ( Rev. 6. 6.) the Antichristian wolves shall drink blood, for they are worthy.


I have in former passages declared the misconceit of Master Cotton and others▪ as touching that Scripture and that, although they shall drink blood filled out of the cups of Gods righteous vengeance, yet not by judicial prosecution in civil courts for spiritual offences, although yet it is most righteous for the kings and powers of the earth▪ meerly with respect to these wolves their oppressions and bloodsheddings, to repay them again with the like smart and paine, and kinds of punishment.


Yea and tis for ever memorable, that while the kings of the earth have given their power to the beast, against the bodies of the Saints, what cups of blood hath the righteous hand of the Cups of Blood given into the hand of perse­cuting nations. most high filled to Antichristian kings and kingdomes, by the bloody Turkes, and by their own more bloody wars▪ sometimes for the empty puffs of their titles and honors, but as frequently for God (as they pretend) and for his Religion.

Examination of CHAP. XLII.


IN this Chapter Master Cotton chargeth the discusser for making Whether a com­monweal pros­per in divers re­ligions permit­ted. work, to wit, for examining more particularly the similitude of wolves brought in by Master Cotton himself: yet he consenteth with him in the first quaery, that those Wolves of which Paul warns the elders at Ephesus, were mystical and spiritual wolves; yet he adds that such cannot be good subjects, loving neighbors, faire dealers, because they spiritually are not such; and he argues, that then it will be no advantage to civil states▪ when the king­domes of the earth shall become the kingdomes of the Lord: and that then they may do as good service to the civil state, who bring the wrath of God upon them by their apostacy, as they that bring dow blessings from heaven by profession and practise of the true religion in purity.


I desire that this reply be well pondred, for it will be found dangerously dest [...]ctive to the very roots of all civil relati­ons, [Page 130] converse and dealing; yea, and any civil being of the world it self.

For, if none be peaceable subjects, loving neighbors, faire deal­ers, but such of Master Cottons conscience and religion (which Men may be very faire and peaceable, though not of the only one religion. he conceives to be the only true religion) what will become of all other states, governments, cities, towns, peoples families neigh­bors, upon the face of the earth? I say, what will become of them (especially if power were in Master Cottons hand to deal with them as Wolves?)


Alas, too too frequent experience tels us in all parts of the world, that many thousands are far more peaceable subjects, more loving and helpful neighbors, and more true and fair dealers in civil conversation, then many who account themselves to be the only religious people in the world.


But againe, What the state of things shall be, and what the manner of the administration of Christs kingdome, when the kingdomes of the earth shall become the kingdomes of the Lord Master Cotton doth not express: and for wrath brought upon civil states for their apostacy, I' desire Master Cotton to shew, where ever God destroyed any Nation in the world (one only excepted) for Apostacy from his truth and worship? Yea and where was ever Israel (the only true national church that Master Cotton will acknowledge) meerly for apostasie destroyed, without general ripeness in other sins also, and especially for their persecuting of such, as declared their apostasie, superstition, and will-worship from God unto them.


In the next place Master Cotton granting that the charge given to watch against these Wolves, was not given to the Magi­strates of the City of Ephesus, but to the elders of the church of Christ in Ephesus, he yet chargeth the discusser with a palpa­ble and notorious slander, for saying, that many of those charges and exhortations given by the Lord Jesus to the shepherds and Ministers of the churches, are commonly attributed by the an­swerer in this discourse to the civil Magistrate.


This heavy charge of Master Cottons against the dis­cusser, will be found to be a fruit of Anger and passion, and not of reason and moderation; as also his denyal that one of those charges given to Ministers, were directed by him to Magistrates.

[Page 131]For if Master Cotton, or any please to view over Master Cottons allegations from the New Testament in this discourse, he shall finde Scriptures per­verted from the church to the civil state. that ( Tit. 3.) reject the heretick a charge given by the Lord Jesus to Titus and the church at Crete is brought for the proof of the Magistrates punishing, imprisoning banishing, killing the heretick idolater &c.

The like charges of Christ Jesus sent to the Ministers and churches of Asia, for tolerating amongst them Balaam and Je­zabel▪ are produced to prove prosecutions against false Prophets and professors in the City and Commonweal.

Yea although Master Cotton name not Act. 20. yet in that Master Cotton affirmeth that Magistrates with the civil sword must drive away Wolves from the sheepfold of Christ the church, meaning spiritual wolves, false teachers, he may be truly said to quote all such Scriptures as give charge against such Wolves.


Indeed Master Cotton more then once pleaseth himself with this similitude of Wolves▪ to prove the Magistrates piety and pity to the sheep, in slaying and driving away the wolves▪ false teachers, &c.


Hence was it (for commonly where state-Religions are The Magistrate usually the Cleargies Cane, &c. set up, the Magistrate is but the Ministers Cane through whom the Clergy speaks) I say probably hence from such misapplyed Scriptures in their churches, that in their solemn civil general court, at the banishment of one poor man amongst them, hunted out as a wolf or heretick, the governor who then was, standing up alleadged for a ground of their duty to drive away such by banishment, that famous charge of Christ Jesus to his Ministers and Church at Rome (Rom. 16) Marke them that cause divisi­ons contrary to the doctrine which you have received, and avoid, Rom. 16. 17. grosly abused by a governor in New England. that is, by banishment: By all which and more it may be found, how Sathan hath abused their godly minds and apprehensions in causing them so to abuse the holy writings of truth and Testament of Christ Jesus, and that how ever they deny it in express tearms, yet by most impregnable consequence and implication they make up a kind of national church, and (as the phrase is) a Christian state and government of church and Commonweale, that is, of Christ and the world together.


To proceed, it being further inquired into, whether in [Page 132] all the New Testament of Christ Jesus there be any such word of Christ, either by way of command, Promise, or example▪ coun­tenancing the civil state to meddle with these mystical Wolves, if in civil things peaceable and obedient. Master Cotton replieth, that this condition of peaceable and obedient, implies a contra­diction to the nature and practise of wolves. How can, saith he, wolves be peaceable and obedient, unless restrained? Can there be peace, Jehu▪ so long as the whoredomes of Jezabel and her witch­crafts are so many? And when it might be objected that spiritual whoredomes and witchcrafts might stand with civil peace, He answers, No verily▪ for the whoredomes and witchcrafts of the Jezabel of Rome took away civil peace from the earth, and brought the Turks to oppress both the peace of Christian churches and Commonweals, Rev. 9. 15, 21.


I wonder since Master Cotton in this very passage men­tioneth the spiritual wolves, whores, and witches, as well as na­tural and moral▪ How he can imagine that a spiritual wolf or witch (to wit so or so in matters of spiritual worship and reli­gion) might not possibly be peaceable and obedient in civil things.


Yea but he alleadgeth the whoredomes of the Jezabel of Rome.


Why, was not the State of England, the Kings and Queens▪ and Parliaments thereof, lawful as kings and states, though overwhelmed and overspread universally with the Romish abominations? If such wolves, whores, and witches could yeeld no civil obedience, could they then exercise (by the same argu­ment) any civil authority? And shall we then conclude all the The bloody Te­nent plucks up the nations and all civil being, &c. former Popish kings and Parliaments (and consequently lawes) unlawful, because in spiritual things they were as Wolves, &c. tearing and burning the poor sheep of Christ? will it not then be unlawful for any man, that is perswaded the whole nation where he lives is idolatrous, spiritually whorish, &c. I say unlawful for him to live in such a state, although he might with freedome to his own conscience? whither will such kind of arguing drive at last, but to pluck up up the roots of all states and peoples in the world, as not capable to yeeld civil obedience, or exercise civil authority, except such people, Magistrates, &c. as are of Master Cottons church and religion.

[Page 133]

Methinks experience (were there no Scripture nor reason) might tell us how peaceable and just neighbors and dealers many thousands and millions of Jews, Turks, Antichristians, and Pagans are to be found, notwithstanding their spiritual whore­doms▪ witchcrafts, &c.


Yea, and why doth Master Cotton alleadge the Jeza­bel of Rome, and the comming in of the Turks? It is true, God The plague of the Turkes. brought in the Armies of the Turkes upon the Eastern Empire, which yet flourished many ages (even in their apostacies) before their destruction by the Turkes. And how many ages and ge­nerations hath Iezabel of Rome sitten as a Queen in triumphant Romes glory and downfal. peace and glory, even since the rising of the Turks (and so shall sit probably in greater and greater, untill the time of her appointed judgement and downfal? If Christ Jesus were a true Prophet ( Iohn 16.) outward peace, prosperity▪ riches, honor, is the por­tion of this world, notwithanding their idolatries, apostacies, blas­phemies: But the portion of Christs followers (like his own, and both like a woman in travel) paine and sorrow, yea poverty and persecution, untill the great day of refreshing, neer approach­ing.


Master Cotton againe sends us to Revelations the 16. 4, 5, 6, 7.


And I must also send Master Cotton and the Reader to our disproving of that proof abovesaid.

Further, whereas he calls Rom. 13. the great Charter for all Magistrates to deal in spiritual matters, I have and shall mani­fest in the examinations upon that place, how weak a warrant it is for the civil state▪ and the officers thereof, to conceive themselves spiritual Physitians, by vertue of their office, appointed by God, in spiritual and soul-evils.


Whereas it was urged, that Magistrates beside their skil in civil laws and government, must be able (if Master Cottons The civil state and officers thereof cannot be spiritual judges. bloody tenent be true) as judges and heads to determine spiritual causes and controversies▪ and that by the sight of his own eyes, and not other mens; Master Cotton replies, that Magistrates ought to be skilled in the fundamentals of religion, and that their ignorance excuseth not.


In this passage Master Cotton wa [...]eth that inference [Page 134] [That then Magistrates must be heads and judges in spiritual causes:] That inference cannot possibly be avoided if we grant it their duty (as Master Cotton seemes to do) to pass sentence in the fundamentals of religion, and in those points which have been and are so greatly controverted among all sorts of men that name the name of Christ.

2. If Magistrates must thus judge, reforme &c. where hath been the care of Christ Iesus to appoint in all parts of the world, such Magistrates as might take care of his religion and worship? Foul neglects cast upon Christ Jesus. why hath he not furnished them with some capacity and ability to the work?


It is lamentable to think that most of the Magistrates in the world (beyond compare) know not so much as whether there be a Christ or no.


If Christ Iesus had forgotten himself for three hund­red yeers together, furnishing his church with no other heads, but of Wolves, Bear, Lyons, and Tygers, the Romane Emperors yet (after a little refreshing by Constantine, Theodosius &c.) why should he still forget himself (even a thousand yeers together, pro­viding no other heads, but bloody and Popish kings and Em­perors?


What think you ( dear truth) of Master Cottons grant The case of Gallio. of Gallios not being bound to judge in matters of religion, because he had no Law from Caesar whose deputy he was?


I answer what if he had not a law from Caesar, if yet he had a law from Christ Iesus, as Master Cotton implies? Or will Master Cotton suspend the execution of Christs will, upon the kings states, or peoples minds that choose such Magistrates to be their deputies in the Commonweale? But the truth is, con­cerning Gallio▪ whatever he was in his person, and however he did evil in suffering the peace to be broken; yet will Master Cotton never prove, that he had calling from either God or man, to go be­yond his civil Magistracy and office to intermeddle with matters of a spiritual nature and that Gallio knew well enough, and o­ther Magistrates of the world shall know in the Lords most gra­cious appointed season.


The discusser ending this Chapter with the infallible safe­ty of Gods chosen, notwithstanding all ravenous wolves, &c. [Page 135] Master Cotton replies from Deut. 13. that God was able to keep his sheep in Israel, yet they that seduced them were to be put to death.


That argument was not alleadged with the derogati­on to any of Gods holy ordinances, which concern the calling or preserving of such whom God hath chosen to salvation, but on­ly to discover the over-busie fear of Gods loosing any of his chosen to salvation, by the jaws of spiritual wolves, &c. For Deut. 13. Let Master Cotton produce such a miraculous nation or people (as I may call it) so brought out of the land of Egypt into covenant with God &c. and I shall readily grant that sedu­cers of such a people from such a God, are worthy to die a thou­sand deaths: But if Master Cotton will now tell me that the Chri­stian congregational church is the Israel of God, and the com­ing forth of Egypt is now mystical and spiritual, why will he not content himself with a mystical and spiritual death to be inflicted upon him that shall seduce an Israelite from the Lord his God?

Examination of CHAP. XLIII.


UPon the fifth query to wit, whether the elders of the church at Ephesus were not sufficiently furnished by the Lord Jesus to Shameful weakness cast upon the spiri­tual Artillery of Christ Jesus. drive away these spiritual and mystical wolves, Master Cotton replies, by granting, that they were furnished with sufficient power to cast them out of the church; but being cast out, they had not sufficient power to drive them away from conferring and corrup­ting the members of the church, or other godly ones out of the church; and he adds, that it is no dishonour to Christ, nor im­peachment to the sufficiency of his ordinances left by Christ, that in such a case the minister of justice in the civil state, should assist the Ministers of the Gospel in the church state.


This grant and this addition do as ill agree, as light and darkeness, Christ and Belial together. For, is the church or kingdome of Christ Jesus sufficiently furnished (that is, in it [Page 136] self without the help of the civil Magistrate) to excommunicate, to cast these wolves out of the Fold: Oh let M. Cotton then, and The spiritual li­berties of Christs people in spiri­tual causes. all that love Christ Jesus in truth, observe what evidently follows▪ then is this church of Christ sufficiently furnished to receive such persons in againe upon repentance, then sufficiently furnished at first to be congregated together by Christs means to ordaine their officers, to judge of doctrines and persons, and all this (necessarily upon Master Cottons grant) without the help of the civil Magi­strates.


Yea, and it seemes to me incredible, and unreasonable, that Christ Jesus should have left power and authority sufficient to take and bind a rebel against his kingdome, to arraigne him and pass sentence upon him▪ yea and execute him in the cutting off such an offendor from the land of the living, delivering him over into the power of that roaring Lyon the devil; And yet that The mighty power of spiri­tual weapons. Christ Iesus should not have left power sufficient (in such publick▪ high and solmne actions of his kingdome) to declare sufficient cause of such proceedings, by which all men may see, the goings of the Son of God in his church and kingdome, or if willfully blind, may justly be further hardned.


The place from Titus alleadged (unto which many other Scriptures testifie) I say that place doth evidently shew, that the power of Christ Iesus left in the hand of his churches and elders, was not only sufficient to cast out such wolves, but even to stop or muzzle their mouthes (whatever their gainsaying be, whe­ther by conferring, preaching, printing &c.) which takes off the plea of the great need of the civil sword, to correct the conference A vaine fear of false teachers. of such persons &c. when by the words of Paul it is here plaine, that they can perform such conferences, no otherwise, but with a stopt or muzled mouth.

Let it be produced where Christ Iesus in such cases writes to the Magistrates (either of Crete, or Ephesus, or any other civil juris­diction Christ Jesus nor Paul adrest themselves to the civil state. where the churches were resident) to help the Ministers and churches with their civil powers, after they had cast forth any person obstinate: Doubtless Christ Iesus in Paul and other of his servants would have written to some or such Magistrates in some place or others having occasion to write to so many churches about such cases.

[Page 137]

It will (possibly) be said, it had been in vaine, for they were idolaters and persecutors.


The Lord is pleased throughout the whole Scripture in the mouths of his servants and prophets to call for duties at the hands of all men, notwithstanding their natural hardness and in­ability, that so he might drive them to see their duty and misery, and remedy alone in God by Christ Jesus.


I see now, that this hindring of conference &c. by the Turk and Pope and all Pro­stants against free conference. civil sword is nothing else but a conformity with the Pope in de­fending his Canons, and with the Turk in guarding his Alcoran by fire and sword; with whom, and their ways Christ Jesus hath no conformity nor communion, nor with their carnal sword, his two-edged sword that proceedeth out of his mouth Rev. 1. Be­side▪ Christ Jesus hath not onely furnished his church with power sufficient to excommunicate, but every one of his followers with The ammuni­tion of Christs souldiers. a compleat armour from head to foot (helmet▪ breast-plate sword and Target, and and spiritual shoes ( Ephes. 6.) in which respect the least of Christs servants are inabled to stop the mouth of Pa­pists, Pope, Turks and devils.


Yea all experience shews how Christ Jesus (little Da­vid) in the least of his servants, hath been able with those plaine David and Go­liah types. smooth stones out of the brook of holy Scripture, to lay groveling in their spiritual gore, the stoutest Champions (Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Doctors) of the Antichristian Philistins.


I add, if the elders, and churches, and ordinances of Christ have such need of the civil sword for their maintenance and protection (I mean in spiritual things) sure the Lord Jesus Christ cannot be excused for not being careful either to express this great ordinance in his will and Testament, or else to have furni­shed the civil state and officers thereof with ability and hearts for this their great duty and employment, to which he hath called them; the contrary whereof in all Ages, in all nations, and in all experience, hath ever been most lamentably true.


I am not clear ( dear truth) in the distinction, Master Cotton makes of Christs Ministers in the Gospel, and Christs Ministers in the civil state.


There is a mistake in it, for although Christ hath all power delivered to him in heave and earth, yet as touching his [Page 138] spiritual church or kingdome he disclaimes it to be of the world, or worldly. Hence cannot the civil state or officers thereof be called Christs▪ as if they were of Christs institution and appoint­ment, himself being their spiritual head. And therefore it is that Difference be­tween spiritual and civil Mi­nisters. the Spirit of God cals him the head of the body, which is the church, and the Ministers and officers of this his kingdome and body Christs Ministers or servants. Beside, Master Cotton will not say that the kingdomes of the world are yet become the Lord Christs: In what manner also those kingdomes shall become his, we have need of the holy Spirit to evidence and demonstrate to us.


To the fifth query, whether (as men deal with wolves) these wolves at Ephesus were intended by Paul to be killed, their braines dasht out with stones, staves, halberts, guns, &c. in the hands of the elders of Ephesus: Master Cotton replies, Elders must keep within the bounds of their calling: But such courses were commanded the people of God by order from the Judges, Deut. 13. And where it was added, that comparing Things spi­ritual with spiritual, spiritual and mystical wolves should be spiritually and mystically slaine. Master Cotton replies True, but in destroying religion they also disturbe the civil state, and ac­cordingly are to be dealt withal by civil Justice, as Achan was for troubling Israel, Iosh. 7. 25.


This acknowledgement of Master Cotton, that these wolves must spiritually be killed, their braines dasht out by the elders and Saints might (if the Lord should graciously so please) Israels corporal killing types of spiritual. easily satisfie himself and all men, that the type of Israel stoning and killing corporally, is here fulfilled in all dreadful abundance spiri­tually.


Yea, but saith Master Cotton, they disturbe the civil state as Achan did.


I answer, Achan troubling of Israel, the people of the Lord, must figure out any such like troubling Gods Israel, the Achans troub­ling of Israel a figure of troub­ling the Israel or Church of Christ now. church of Christ, for which he is accordingly to be spiritually stoned or executed: For, as touching the civil state of the nations of the world, who can prove (and Master Cotton will not affirme) that they are as the national church of the Iews was? but being meerly civil, are armed with civil power and weapons for their civil defence against all distur­bers [Page 139] of their civil state, as also Master Cotton confesseth the spiritual state is furnished with spiritual power against all the disturbers of its spiritual peace and safety.


Now whereas it was further added, that under pretence The day of the civil state in ma [...]ters of wor­ship. of driving away the wolves, and preserving the sheep that streams of the blood of Saints have been spilt &c. Master Cotton replies, belike it is a milky, and peaceable, and Gospel-like Doctrine, that the wolves ( hereticks) are to be tolerated, not an haire strook from their heads; but for the poor sheep, for whom Christ died, let them perish, unless Christ mean to preserve them alone with his im­mediate hand and no care of them belongs to the civil Magistrate.


I have here in this discourse shewed with what honor­able and tender respect every civil Magistrate is bound to honor and tender Christ Iesus in his christian sheep and shepherds, but withall, that it is against christianity for the civil Magistrate or civil state, to imagine that all a whole nation was or ever will be called to the union of Gods Spirit in communion with God in Christ: Also, that it is against civil justice for the civil state or officers thereof to deal so partially in matters of God, as to per­mit to some the freedome of their consciences and worships, but to curbe and suppress the consciences and souls of all others of their free-born people &c.


To end this Chapter: whereas it was said, is not this to take Christ▪ and to make him a temporal king by force? Is not this to make his kingdom of this world, and to set up a civil and temporal Israel? To bound out a new holy land of Canaan? yea and to set up a Spanish inquisition in all parts of the world, to the speedy destruction of millions of souls, and to the frustrating of the sweet end of the coming of the Lord Iesus, which was to save mens souls (and to that end not to destroy mens bodies) by his own blood.

To this Master Cotton replies, when the kingdomes of the earth shall become the kingdomes of the Lord (Rev. 11.) it is not by making Christ a temporal king, but by making temporal kings nursing fathers to the Church. Concerning the kingdomes of the world be­coming the king­doms of Christ Rev. 11.


If the Scripture [At the sound of the seventh trumpet] which is the last of the great woes, when the time of Gods wrath shall be come, be to be understood of the removing of the king­domes of the world unto Christ, Master Cotton cannot excuse [Page 140] Christ Iesus from being a temporal king, and the kings of the earth to be but as inferior and subordinate officers: For if they administer Christs kingdome temporally, as deputies officers or Ministers temporally, he is much more then himself a temporal king and Monarch.


Methinks also; if that committing of all judgement to the Son (Iohn 5.) be meant of Temporal judgement in spiritual things, then can he not be said, not to be a temporal king, then can he not be said (when those words were spoken and ever since) not to have exercised a temporal government. The contrary where­of Christ no tem­poral King. is most true, both at his first coming, and ever since, in all gene­rations, it having been his portion, and the portion of his follow­ers to be judged by this world, although himself and his judge the world spiritually, and will shortly pass an eternal sentence upon all the children of men.


Master Cotton addeth, this will not set up a civil or temporal Israel, unless all the members of the Commonwealth be compelled to be members of the church.


If that will do it then Christ must be a temporal king, I say▪ then, when the kingdomes of the earth shall become the king­doms of the Lord, for shall not the kings of the earth compel all Christs sheep to submit unto Christ Iesus their heavenly shepherd?


Yea secondly, will it not prove that all those common­weals, where men are compelled explicitly or implicitly to be members of the church, are holy lands of Canaan, and if so, Oh that Master Cotton and other worthy servants of God, may timely consider, whether an explicit forcing of all men to come to Touching forc­ing men to church. church, because men cannot be denied to be members (at least by implication) with such members and congregations, with whom they do ordinarily assemble and congregate▪ although they be inju­riously (indeed but injuriously) kept off from communion and participation of all ordinances, which is indeed their right and due if they be (though but implicitly) constrained and forced to partake of any.

Againe (saith Master Cotton) it is no Spanish inquisition to preserve the sheep of Christ from the ravening of the wolves, but this rather (which is the practice of the discusser) to promote the princi­pal end of the Spanish inquisition, to advance the Romish tyranny, [Page 141] idolatry and apostacie▪ by proclaiming impunity to their who­rish and wolvish emissaries.


If the Nations of the world must judge (as they must by Master Cottons doctrine) who are Christs sheep, and who are wolves, which is a whore (spiritually) and which the true Spouse of Christ, and accordingly persecute the whores and wolves, this then they must do according to their conscience, or else (as Master Cotton elsewhere) they must suspend. What is this A Spanish In­quisition all the world. but either to set up a Spanish inquisition in all territories, or else to hang up all matters of religion (by this suspension he speakes of) untill the civil states of the world become christian, and godly, and able to judge, &c. and what is this in effect, but to practise the very thing which he chargeth on the discusser, to wit, a proclaimning an impunity, all the world over, except only in some very few and rare places, where some few godly Magistrates may be found rightly informed, that is according to his own con­science and religion.


Yea further (which I cannot without great horror ob­serve) what is this but to give a woful occasion at least to all Ma­gistrates A twofold fire kindled. in the world (who will not suspend their bloody hands from persecuting, until Master Cotton shall absolve them from their suspension, and declare them godly, and informed, and fit to draw their swords in matters of religion) I say occasion (at least) to all the civil powers in the world, to persecute (as most com­monly they have ever done and do) Christ himself, the Son of God in his poor Saints and servants.


Yea, if Master Cotton and his friends of his consci­ence should be cast by Gods providence (whose wheels turn about That may con­sume the kind­lers. continually in the depth of his councels wonderfully) I say should they be cast under the reach of opposite swords, will they not pro­duce Master Cottons own bloody tenent and doctrine to warrant them (according to their consciences) to deal with him as a wolfe▪ an idolater, an heretick, and as dangerous an emissary and sedu­cer as any whom Master Cotton so accounteth?

But lastly, Master Cotton hath no reason to charge the discusser with an indulgence or partiality toward Romish and wolvish emissaries, his judgement and practise is known so far different, that for departing too far from them (as is pretended) he suffers [Page 142] the brands and bears the marks of one of Christs poor persecuted hereticks to this day: All that he pleaded for▪ is an impartial li­berty to their consciences in worshiping God as well as to the con­sciences and worships of other their fellow-subjects.


When Mathias the second king of Hungary Bohe­mia &c. (afterward Emperor) granted to his Protestant subjects the liberty of their consciences, doubtless it had been neither pru­dence Mathias the se­cond Emperor granting liberty of conscience. nor justice▪ to have denyed equal liberty to all of them im­partially. But to finish this Chapter, Master Cotton lastly affirm­eth, that it is not frustrating of the sweet end of Christs coming which was to save souls, but rather a direct advancing of it, to destroy (if need be) the bodies of those wolves, who seek to de­stroy the souls of those for whom Christ died, and whom he bought with his own blood.


The place referred to, was Luk. 9. where the Lord Jesus professeth unto the rash zeal of his Disciples (desiring that fire might come down from heaven upon the refusers of Christ) Christ came not to destroy mens bodies, though to save their souls. that he came not to destroy mens lives but to save them: from whence it appears that Christ Jesus had no such intent (as Master Cotton seems to make him to have had) to wit, to save souls by de­stroying of bodies: but to save soul and body, and that for soul sake, for religion sake, for his sake, the bodies of none should be destroyed, but permitted to enjoy a temporal being▪ which also might prove a means of their eternal life and salvation, as it may be was the very case of some of those Samaritans.

Examination of CHAP. XLIV.


THe next Scripture produced by the prisoner against persecuti­on Christian wea­pons consider­ed. for cause of conscience was 2 Cor. 10. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, &c. unto which Master Cotton answers, that he speaks not there of civil Magistrates.

It was replied, True, for in spiritual things the civil weapons were improper, though in civil things most proper and suitable.

Master Cotton now replying grants, that it is indeed improper [Page 143] for a Magistrate to draw his sword in matters spiritual, yet saith he, about matters spiritual they may, as to protect in peace, and to stave of disturbers and destroyers of them: And he adds, if it were unfitting for carpenters to bring axes and hammers to build up the spiritual kingdome of the church of Christ, yet their tooles are fit to build Scaffolds for hearing.


It is strange, and in my understanding suits not with the rest of Master Cottons discurse, to wit, that which Master Cotton here acknowledgeth, that a Magistrate is not to draw his sword in spiritual things, but only about them: when through­out the discourse he maintaines, that the Magistrate must sup­press the heretick▪ blasphemer, idolater, seducer▪ that he must re­forme the church, punish the apostate, and keep the church in her purity; which whether they be spiritual matters or no, let such as be spiritual judge.


He is (saith Master Cotton) to draw his sword about spiritual matters, to protect in peace, as a carpenter may build Scaffolds, &c.


If Master Cotton mean civil peace, he knows we A fallacious distinction of using the civil sword, not in, but about spiri­tual matters. agree, for all the officers of peace and justice ought to attend that work: But if he mean spiritual, to wit, that by his sword he is to provide, that no man dispute against his religion, that no man preach nor write against it, let it be well weighed, whether the sword be not now used in spiritual matters: As also whether in such cases and others before mentioned; the civil Magistrate be not bound by Master Cottons doctrine to interpose as Judge in these controversies, to pass sentence and to punish whom he judg­eth delinquent, notwithstanding that both parties and both reli­gions are right, and righteous and holy in their own perswasions and consciences.


Beside, I know you deny not civil conveniences in Gods worship, and (therefore when there is need upon occasion) the help of a carpenter to build Scaffolds.


True, but since Master Cotton compares the work of Strange Carpen­ters. the Magistrate to the building of a carpenters Scaffold, let us in the fear of God consider, if this similitude (like some Scaffolds) be not all too weak▪ whereon to hazard so mighty a weight and burthen: For what should we think of such a carpenter, that [Page 144] after he hath built his Scaffold for people more conveniently to hear the word of God suffers no man to preach in the whole coun­try (where his Scaffolds are set up) but whom he pleaseth, nor no doctrine to be taught but what he liketh; no church to be gathe­red, no persons to make up this church, no persons to receive the Sacrament but what he approves of: yea and further with broad axes and hammers▪ and other tooles of violence▪ should compel all persons (directly or indirectly) to come to church, to make use of his Scaffold &c. Whether this be not the true state of the bu­siness▪ the Carpenters Son Christ Jesus will shortly more and more discover, and break, and tumble down those painted Scaffolds and fairest houses▪ which are not built and framed according to the first most blessed line and rule of his holy institution and appointments.

Examination of CHAP. XLV.


UPon the unfitness (alleadged) of spiritual weapons to batter a natural or artificial hold, and consequently the unfitness of natural and carnal weapons to batter the spiritual strong holds in the heart, Master Cotton replies, that he allows not the civil state to make use of their civil weapons to batter down idolatry and he­resie in the souls of men: But if (saith he) the idolater or here­tick grow obstinate, worseand worse, deceiving himself, &c. Now, he maketh not use of stocks and whips (which will but exasperate the malady) but of death and banishment, that may cut him off from the opportunity of spreading his leaven, &c.


Methinks in this passage, Master Cotton resembleth an armed man, who being almost convinced, or overcome by the Spi­rit of God in the former part of this passage (granting how un­proper and unfit carnal weapons be in spiritual matters) yet being The bloody te­nent in plaine English. loath to yeeld, and holding up the goodness of his cause, he re­covers again, and grows more fierce and violent: for bearing more gentle stroaks of stocks and whips, he cuts deeper with no less then quick and dreadful gashings of death or Banishment, that the world (were he one of the worlds Monarchs) may be rid of such [...]

[Page 145]

Oh, How can Master Cotton wash this Tenent from blood!


Yea whether this tenent be not invented (as once that learned chancellor of England said of all violence against consci­ence) All civil vio­lence in spiritu­als, is for inte­rest. for an end or interest: or as (that incarnate devil) the Pope said more plainly of the fable of Christ, for honor and profit, shall further be examined.


But who can read the bloody colour in this book, and yet believe what Master Cotton elsewhere saith, that he holds not persecution for cause of conscience?


Lastly, I aske, whether is it not the same skill and power of Physick and Surgery, that preserves the body and each mem­ber in health and welfare, with that which cuts off (as Master Cotton speaks) the Gangrene &c? and (since also tis in vaine to go about when the next way is as good or better) what means then Master Cotton to bring in the Magistrate using spiritual means in all lenity and wisdome against heresie and idolatry in the souls of men, since death or banishment will effect the cure so quickely?


To proceed, whereas it was urged, that although civil weapons were proper in spiritual matters, yet they were not ne­cessary &c. Master Cotton replies, this is but a meer pretence, because the discusser (saith he) denies all Church officers and Church weapons.


This formerly was cleered from all appearance of pre­tence, because during all the reign of the beast▪ the discusser grant­eth the impregnable power of the spiritual weapons of Christs Christs spiritual weapons never wanting. witnesses, Rev. 11. although he see not extant the true form and order of the kingdome of Christ Jesus which at first he was pleased to establish.


Master Cotton adds, Although spiritual weapons are mighty to purge out leaven, and to mortifie the flesh of offenders▪ yet that is not a supersedeas to civil Magistrates to neglect to punish those sins, which the church hath censured, if the person censured do proceed to subvert the truth of the Gospel, or the peace of the church, or the souls of the people.


Why must the Magistrate stay until the party censur­ed do proceed so and so? Why could not he have spared the draw­ing [Page 146] forth of any spiritual weapons; since they are so effectual to do that which was not in the power and reach of the spiritual? Why The civil▪ sword esteemed more powerful then the spiritual. was not the first obstinacy (which merited the spiritual stroaks and cersures) worthy of the exercise of the civil Magistrates power and zeale?


Me thinks this is an evident demonstration that men re­pose more confidence (however they deceive themselves to the con­trary) in the sword of steel that hangs by the side of the civil of­ficer, then in the two-edged sword proceeding out of the mouth of Christ Jesus, Rev. 1.


The truth is, such doctrine makes Christs spiritual sword but serviceable and subordinate unto the temporal or worldly powers: and presents the church but making essayes and trials of that cure which death and banishment (gilded over with pretence of Gods glory, &c.) they think will not faile to effect, &c.


More plainly therefore writes another Author (of Ma­ster Cottons mind) thus: It is known by experience that one re­proof or threatning from the Magistrate, hath been known to do more then an hundred admonitions from the Minister.


Yea no question, to force a nation or a world of men to play the idolaters▪ hypocrites, &c. but Gods true servants (of whom these three famous Jews are type▪ Dan. 3.) know that God whom they serve is able to deliver them from such fiery threat­nings and executions. But if he please to try them (as his gold) in such fiery tryals, they will not bow down to invented gods or worships.


Methinks (dear truth) such Ministers deal upon the point and in effect with the civil Magistrate▪ just as that ambi­tious Pope with the Emperors to wit, make them hold the stir­rop while they mount, &c. But I grieve &c. What think you therefore of Master Cottons censure of the rest of the discourse in this Chapter, to wit, that it is but (as Jude speaks) clouds without waters, words without matter, &c.


I will say no more, but this▪ Happily (through Gods mercy) Master Cottons censure may occasion some to view what he despiseth, yea and happily to finde some heavenly drops out of those contemned empty clouds▪

Examination of CHAP. XLVI.


THe 13 to the Rom. which the answerer quotes, is a fort of of such importance▪ in so many controversies depending be­tween the Papist and the Protestant, and between many Protest­ants Rom. 13. Con­sidered. among themselves, that all seek to gaine and win it: In this present controversive I finde a wonderful wresting of this holy Scrip­ture even by many holy and peaceable (though herein violent and sinful) hands: and let the charge be examined in the fear of God, whether slanderous (as Master Cotton intimates) or true and righteous.

Master Cotton freely grants, that this 13 to the Rom. exhort­eth unto subjection to Magistrates, and love to all men, which The great fort of The civil Ma­gistrate not charged with the keeping of the seed tables. are duties of the second table: But yet withal he answers, that is will not follow, that Magistrates have nothing to do with the vio­lation of the first table; and further saith, that it is a plaine case that amongst the duties of the second table, people may be ex­horted to honor their Magistrates, and children may be exhor­ted to honour their Parents; but will it (saith he) thence follow, that Magistrates have nothing to do with matters of religion in the church, or parents in the family?


I answer, the scope of the discourse was to prove, that it pleaseth the Spirit of God in Paul here only to treat of the duties of the second table, unto which limitation or restriction Master Cotton speaks not at all, but only granteth in general, that it speak­eth of the duties of the second table: And I still urge and argue, that the spirit of God discoursing so largely in this Scripture of the duties of Magistrates and people, and treating only of civil things, in that civil relation between Magistrates and people, points as with a finger of God at their error, that wrest this Scrip­ture to maintaine the power of Magistrates and civil states in the spiritual and church estate of the kingdome of Christ.


But what may be said to Master Cottons argument?


I answer, If people are bound to yeeld obedience in ci­vil things to civil officers of the state, Christians are much more bound to yeeld obedience (according to God, to the spiritual of­ficers [Page 148] of Christs kingdome: But how weak is this argument to prove that therefore the civil officers of the state are constituted rulers or governors, preservers and reformers of the Christian and spiritual state, which differs as much from the civil, as the heavens are out of the reach of this earthly Globe and Ele­ment?

Examination of CHAP. XLVII.


AGainst the Judgement of those blessed worthies alleadged, ( Calvin and Beza) confining this passage of Rom. 13. to the Calvin and Be­za's judgement on Rom. 13. second table, Master Cotton here opposeth their judgement for the Magistrates power in matters of religion in other writings of theirs▪ yea and from this very Scripture.


This their judgement for the Magistrates power was granted and premised before; yet let the expressions of those wor­thy men (produced by the discusser on this Chapter) be faithfully weighed, and it will cleerly appear, that (as James speaks) those excellent men endeavoured to bring from the same fountaines sweet water and bitter, which is monstrous and contradictory.


The pith of what Master Cotton further saith in this Chapter, I conceive is couched in these demands: Are not (saith he) all duties of righteousness to man commanded in the second table, as well as all duties of holiness to God are commanded in the first table? Is it not a duty of righteousness belonging to the people of God, to enjoy the free passage of religion? &c. Is it not an injurious dealing to the people of God, to disturbe the truth of religion with heresie, the holiness of worship with idolatry, the purity of government with tyranny? and he concludes, If so, then these wayes of unrighteousness are justly punishable by the second table.


I answer, It hath pleased the Father of lights to open the eyes of thousands of his servants in th [...]se later times to discerne Ʋn [...]ighteous­ness civil and spiritual. a fine spun fallacy in the tearm of unrighteousness and injury which being twofold spiritual against religion or spiritual state, [Page 149] civil against the worldly or civil state: It is no civil injury (which he grants is the business of this 13 to the Romanes in mat­ters of the second table) for any man to disturbe or oppose a doctrine worship or government spiritual: Christ Jesus and his Spiritual wars without civil disturbance. messengers and servants did▪ and do profess a spiritual war a­gainst the doctrine, worship and government of the Jewish the Turkish and other Pagan and Antichristian religions of all sorts and sects, churches and societies: These all againe oppose and fight against his doctrine, worship, government: And yet this war may be so managed (were men but humane civil and peace­able) that no civil injury may be commieted on either side.


We may then well take up (as Master Cotton doth) Beza's own words on Rom. 13. 4. The civil sword must take vengeance on them that do evil: It must therefore follow that hereticks are not evil doers (which is gross &c.) Or else that Pauls speech is to be restrained to a certaine sort of evil deeds, to wit, such as they call corporal sins, of which he saith, he disputeth largely elsewhere.


And so (through the help of the most high) shall I▪ in proving, that the second sort, to wit, external, corporal, civil e­vils between man and man▪ city and city, kingdomes and Na­tions (in this faln estate of mankind▪ wherein all civility, and hu­manity it self are violated) are alone, and only intended in this Scripture by the holy Spirit of God and Paul his penman.

Examination of CHAP. XLVIII.


TO the second argument, to wit, the incompetency of those higher powers to which Paul requires subjection, which in his time were the ignorant and Pagan persecuting Emperors, and their subordinate governors under them, Master Cotton re­plies.

First, It is one thing to yeeld subjection to the righteous de­crees of ignorant and Pagan Magistrates: And another thing to obey their ordinances in matters of faith and worship, and go­vernment of the church: The former of these, Christians did [Page 150] yeeld unto the Romane Magistrates, even subjection unto the death; the other they did not, nor ought to yeeld, as knowing God was rather to be obeyed then man.


Subjection may be either to lawful governors, or but pretenders and usurpers: Again subjection to lawful rulers may be in cases pertaining to their cognizance, or in cases which belong not to their▪ but another court or tribunal; which undue proceeding is not tolerable in all well-ordered states.

We use also to say, that subjection is either▪ active or passive: Now although we finde the Lord requiring and his servants yeeld­ing, The nature of twice subjecti­on to civil pow­ers. all active or passive obedience to the Romane Emperors, and their deputies, yet finde we not a tittle of the Lords requiring, or his people yeelding any kind of subjection to those Romane Em­perors or their deputies in the matters of Christian religion, ex­cept it be of so many hundred thousand of their bodies, as the bodies of Lambs to the devouring jaws of those bloody lyons and devillish Monsters, of more then barbarous cruelty.


But (Secondly, saith Master Cotton) although the Ro­man Emperors were incompetent Judges, yet the Word of Christ Of the Roman Emperors power in spirituals. which commandeth a duty, commandeth also the necessary means which tend to that duty, and therefore giving them a power and charge to execute vengeance on evil doers, and that in matters of spiritual unrighteousness against the Church, as in matters of civil unrighteousness against the Commonweal, it behooved them to try and listen after the true Religion, to heare and try all.


Master Cotton may here be intreated to take notice of his own distinction of unrighteousness (which a little before he seemed to me to forget) for here he rightly distinguisheth between spiritual matters of unrighteousness against the church, and ci­vil unrighteousness against the Commonweal: I therefore urge (as before) that the civil Magistrate, although he punish (accor­ding to his civil place and calling) civil unrighteousness against the state, yet he hath no warrant from Master Cottons argument, nor any from the Lord Jesus Christ, to punish spiritual unrighte­ousness against the church; and why then should that tearm of un­righteousness so generally and fallaciously go undistinguished, and Master Cotton thus promis [...]uo [...]sly proclaime idolatry is unrighte­ousness, heresie is unrighteonsness, and therefore the civil Ma­gistrate is bound to punish, &c?

[Page 151]2. But oh that this maxime alleadged by Master Cotton might receive its due weight and consideration! hath Christ commanded all means, as well as the duty? what then is the reason that since (as Master Cotton argues) that Christ hath commanded all the civil powers of the world such a spiritual duty, and yet (I say) Foule imputati­ons against Christ Jesus. that all or most of the civil states of the world (beyond compari­son) are not furnished by Christ with those chief means, of grace and light, whereby to try and search, as Master Cotton ex­horteth? Or▪ (in some few places, where means of light are vouchsafed) with hearts and spirits unto such a duty? May we not here say, that men make Christ Jesus (in appointing such of­ficers, such a duty, without furnishing them accordingly) to forget that maxime of his Type Solomon (Prov. 26.) He that sendeth a message by the hand of a fool cutteth off the leg, and drinketh dammage? Did not Christ know (as well as John) that all the world lay in wickedness, that all the world (in a respect) was then Roman Paganish▪ and that all the world in after-ages would won­der after the beast, and become Roman Popish? Or can we im­agine Christ permit­eth Tyrants o­ver his churches Saints, but ap­pointeth none but his true spi­ritual Mini­sters. that Christ Jesus did not foresee the cutting off of legs, and the cup of dammage and loss which he must drink, in sending his minde and will into the world by such foolish instruments?


Surely Master Cotton would never advise the civil state ty send a weighty cause and the lives of souldiers with such captaines: Nor will he set an unruly childe under the rod of such teachers or reformers: He will not set forth his Farme or be­trust his cattel no not his very hogs to such keepers.


On the other hand▪ let the government of Christs Christ Jesus his careful and most wise pro­vision for his kingdome. kingdome be laid upon the right shoulders, and we shall finde the admirable wisdome and care of Christ, in the affaires of his kingdom, in appointing such messengers or Apostles to gather and found his churches, as also ordinary Pastors Shepherds or teach­ers, for their feeding and building up &c.

The qualification of these the Spirit of God hath expresly and exactly recorded wherein (according to the principle mentioned by Master Cotton) Christ Jesus his highest care and wisdome shines most gloriously in appointing the means as well as the duty it self.


But Master Cotton addeth, that the causes of religion, [Page 152] wherein we allow the civil Magistrate to be Judges, are so fun­damental and palpable▪ that no Magistrate studious of Religion in the fear of God, cannot but judge: such as cannot, they ought to forbear, &c. the exercise of their power, either in protecting or punishing matters of Religion▪ till they learn so much knowledge of the truth, as may inable them to discerne of things that differ. This forbearance of theirs (saith he) is not for want of authority in their callings, nor for want of duty in their consciences▪ but want of evidence to them in the cause: In which case Magistrates are wont to forbear their exercise of power and judgement even in civil cases.


O the miserable allowance which Master Cotton hath brought the kings and governors of the world unto! We allow them (saith he) to judge in such fundamentals and palpable The Cleargies evil dealing with the civil Magistrate. causes, &c. Oh with what proud and domineering feet do all Popes tread upon the necks even of the highest kings and Emperors! The Magistrate must wait at their gates for their poor allowance: They shall judge, and they shall not judge: They shall judge that which is gross and palpable, and enough to hold the people in slavery, and to force them to sacrifice to the Priests belly; but the more sublime and nicer mysteries they must not judge or touch, but attend upon the tables of the Priests infallibility.


Concerning fundamentals (dear truth) you have well observed, that since the apostacy, and the worlds wondring after The nature of a church, but late­ly discovered since the apo­stasie. the beast, even Gods servants themselves (untill yesterday) have not so much as heard of such a kind of church (and so consequent­ly of such a Christ the head of it) as Master Cotton now profess­eth: For▪ no other matter and forme of a church (about which Master Cotton justly contends) was known I say among Gods peo­ple themselves, (till yesterday) then the matter and form of the stone or woodden Parish-church.


Yea an happy man were Mr. Cotton could he rectifie and settle those foundations which are yet so controverted amongst Gods servants, to wit, the Doctrine of Baptismes, and laying on of hands.


You may also mention other foundations, which want not their great disputes among the servants of Christ.


But further, that Christ Jesus the wisdome of the [Page 153] Father, should commit his wife, his church▪ to be governed in his absence by such who generally know not the church and Saints but cruelly and blasphemously persecute them with fire and sword, and this with charge to suspend most Magistrates of the world, and Monstrous Sus­pentions. that all their dayes from generation to generation, as appeareth in all parts of the world which is such a monstrous and blasphemous Paradox, that common reason cannot digest, nor suffer.


If Merchants and owners of ships should commit their vessels to such men as wanted ability to steer their courses, nay could not tell what a ship was yea were never like to know all their dayes surely it were not only matter of admiration, but even of laughter and derision, among all the sons of men.


But further, How weak is that distinstion which Master Cotton makes between authority of calling, and duty and evi­dence in the cause, when in all judicatures in the whole world, even amongst the Pagans, there is necessarily supposed beside these three, Spiritual courts and Judges. a fourth to wit, ability or skill of discerning or judging in such cases: Now cognizance of the cause or evidence of the cause may be wanting in most able judges, where matters are not proper or not ripe for hearing and trials; whereas our dispute is of the very ability or skil of judging, which Master Cotton himself con­fesseth is wanting, except in such Magistrates as fear God, which will be found to be but a little flock, especially compared with the many thousands and ten thousands of those who neither know God nor Christ, nor care to know them, and this in all the states, regions and civil governments of the world.

Eamination of CHAP. XLIX.


COncerning Pauls appeale to Caesar▪ it was argued that Paul appealed to Caesar even in spiritual things; which that Paul did not nor could not do without the committing of five great evils, was pleaded in this Chapter, Master Cotton [...]phes no more but this The reasons are but Bulrushes.


Whether they are so or no, or rather the Bulrushes and weak things of God, which the gates of hell shall never be able to shake▪ let the Saints judge in the fear of God.


Master Cotton adds further in this Chapter▪ that Paul pleadeth he was not guilty in any of those things whereof the Jews accused him: those things (saith he) concerned the Law of the Jews and the Temple, which were matters of religion; and for trial thereof he appealed to Caesar.


Lysias the chief captaine in his letter to Felix the Go­vernor (Chap. 24.) distinguisheth (vers. 29.) into questions of the Jews, Law▪ and (secondly) matters worthy of death or bonds: Touching Paul appealing to Caesar. Now tis true the Jews charged Paul with offences against religi­on their Law and the Temple: Secondly, against the civil state, and with sedition. For the first although it is apparent that all the scope of Pauls preaching▪ was to exalt Christ Jesus, and to preach down Moses [...]aw; yet at this present time of his apprehen­sion, he had seen cause to honour Moses his institutions at Jeru­salem (which was the wisdome of God in him for a season, for the Jews sake, and his own glory-sake:) And he had not at this present so much as disputed with any in the temple (which was not so hainous a matter in Pauls eye, as it is well known by his con­stant practice.) Secondly, for matters of civil crime, he pleadeth that he stirred up no m [...]n▪ [...]o [...] in the Synagogue nor City, and pre­fesseth (Chap. 25.) that if he had committed ought worthy of death, he would not wave death: Tis true that Paul was charged by the Iews with both these kinds of offences, religious and civil (according to Lysius his distinction) but that Paul appealed to Caesar for tryal, that is, for trial of his person and cause in any religious respect, as it cannot be collected from the Scripture or [Page 155] Paul own words: so those five reasons against it▪ will evidently disprove it, if they be well and throughly weighed in the balance of the Sanctuary in the sight and fear of God.


I cannot in my understanding clear Master Cottons own Pauls appeal to Caesar. words from destroying one another. Tis true (saith he) those five sins might have been charged upon Paul with some colour, if he had appealed to Caesar whether his religion or Ministery, or Mi­nistration were of God or no? But yet (saith he) he might ap­peal whether his religion, Ministry or Ministration were guilty of any capital crime against the Law of the Iews, or the temple, or against Caesar.


Indeed what difference is there between the judging whether this Ministery deserve death (supposing a false Ministery is worthy of death) or judging whether it be of God, or false and idolatrous? must not he that sits judge of the desert and punish­ment, judge also of the crime and fact, whether so or not?


When Master Cotton shall affirme (and truly) that the Magistrates of Israel were to judge a false prophet to death, will he not also grant that they were to judge whether such persons so charged were false prophets or no?


Yea, and when Master Cotton shall affirme (as unjust­ly) that civil Magistrates in all nations of the world ought to kill or banish hereticks, blasphemers, seducers, out of their do­minions and jurisdictions, doth he intend that they shall try and examine, whether they be such and such or no? But blessed be the Father of lights, who hath now opened the eyes of so many thou­sands of his people to discern the difference between the Forts and Bulwarks of God▪ here called Bulrushes, and those strong holds and high imaginations of men (erected against the crown and kingdome of the Lord Iesus) which in Gods holy season shall more and more be found to be but straws and Bulrushes.

Examination of CHAP. L.


TO the arguing against the Magistrates civil power in Spiri­tual causes taken from the nature of the Magistrates wea­pons (a material earthly and worldly sword, distinguished from the two-edged sword of Christs spiritual power in the mouth of Christ) Master Cotton replies.

First, the Magistrate must governe his people in Righteousness, and it is Righteous to defend his people in their Spiritual Rights, as well as in their civil Rights.

This distinction of spiritual and civil Righteousness doth Spiritual rights and civil. truely anatomize the cause; It is righteous for the Magistrates to defend their subjects in their civil Rights, for it is within the compass of his calling, being essentially civil: And unless we also grant him a spiritual calling and office (which is the Point denied) 'tis beyond his calling and compass to judge of what is spiritual Right and wrong, and accordingly to pass a spiritual sentence, and and execute and inflict spiritual punishment.


Methinks I may add, if the Magistrate be bound to de­fend his Subjects in their spiritual rights, then as he is bound im­partially to defend all his subjects in their several and respective civil Rights, so is he bound as impartially to defend all his sub­jects The civil Ma­gistrate not bound to defend spiritual rights. in their several and respective spiritual Rights; and so ac­cordingly to defend the Iews, the Papists, and all several sores of Protestants in their severall and respective consciences; or else, he must sit down in Christs stead, and produce a Royal charter from the New Testament of Christ Iesus to judge difinitively which is the onely right, to pass sentence, and execute spiritual punishment on all offenders &c.


But Master Cotton adds a second, the sword was Ma­terial and civil in the Old Testament.

I answer, If Master Cotton granted a national church under the Gospel▪ his Argument were good; but when he grants that natio­nal church under the Jews (as afterward in this chapter he doth) did type▪ out the Christian church or churches in the Gospel, why must he not grant that material Sword of the Church of Is­rael [Page 157] types out the spiritual sword of Christ Iesus▪ proceeding out of his mouth, and cutting off offenders spiritually with spiri­tual Israel a type of the Chrristian Church. and soul- punishments? And I add, As the sword was mate­rial, so also was the Tabernacle and Temple worldly and mate­rial; which he denies not to be typical of the spiritual Temple of Christ and his Church in the New Testament.


Master Cotton adds (Thirdly) that the Magistrates Sword may well be call'd the Sword of God, as the Sword of War, Iudg. 7.


As it was call'd Iehovahs Sword in that typical Land; The [...]me and odely Christen­dome. So must it needs be typical as well as the Land it self, which is also called by the Prophets Ichovah's Land Emanuels land; which names and titles I think Master Cotton will not say are com­petent and appliable to any other Lands or Countries under the Gospel but onely to the Spiritual Canaan or Israel, the Church and people of God, the true and onely Christendome.


But (Fourthly) saith he, they are called Gods, and shall they not attend Gods work?


In the state of Israel they were Gods deputies to attend the causes of Israel, the then onely Church of God: But Master Cotton can produce no parallel to that, but the Christian Churches and people of God, not national but Congregational▪ &c.

2. Grant the Magistrates to be as Gods, or strong ones in a Resemblance to God in all Nations of the world, yet that is still within the compass of their calling, which being confessed to be essentially civil the civil work of these servants of the Common­weal is Gods work, as well as Paul calls (in a sence) the work of the servants of the Family, Gods work, for which he pays the wa­ges, Eph. 5.

Lastly, for spiritual causes we know the Lord Iesus is call'd God, Psal. 45. Heb. 1. whose Scepter and Kingdome being essentially spiritual▪ the administrations which he hath appointed are also spiritual, and of an heavenly and soul Nature.


Master Cotton (Fifthly) adds, Revel. 17. The King­doms of the World are become the Kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ.


How the Kingdomes of the World▪ shall become the Kingdomes of Christ, is no smal mystery and controversie; but [Page 158] grant it to be true, that either Christ Iesus personally, or by his Deputies the Saints, shall rule all the Nations of the world in hearing and determining all civil Controversies: Yet why doth Master Cotton draw an Argument from this Prophecie, of what shall be in one Age or Time of the World, and to come, to prove an Ʋniversal power and Exercise of such power in all Ages and times since Christ Iesus his first comming to this day?


Me thinks Master Cotton may as well argue, that be­cause it was prophesied that a Virgin should conceive, and bring forth a child in Gods appointed season, that therefore all Virgins must so conceive and so being in forth all ages of the world.

But, (Lastly) saith Master Cotton▪ although the nations have not that typical holiness which the nation of Israel had; Yet all the Churches of the Saints have as much truth and realty of holi­ness as Israel had: And therefore, what holy care of Religion lay upon the Kings of Israel in the Old Testament, the same ly­eth now upon Christian Kings in the New Testament, to pro­tect the same in their Churches.


Oh how neer the precious Iewels, and Bargains of Christ Jesus in himself and his spiritual officers the onely Key of Israel. Truth, come sometimes Gods Saints, and yet miss of the finding and going through with it! The chucrhes of the New Testament, Master Cotton grants succeed the Church of Israel; The Kings and Governours therefore of the churches of Christ must succeed those Kings What King and Governours of Israel are now to be found in the Gospel, but Christ Iesus and his Servants, deputed in his absence, which are all of a spiritual consideration? What is this to the Nations, Kings, and Governours of the world; where few Kings▪ few Nobles, few Wise, are cald to profess Christ? Is not Christ Iesus the onely King of Israel; and are not all his holy ones made Kings and Priests unto God? And unto his Saints▪ and his spiritual officers Administration in the midst of them, is his Kingdomes power committed in his absence. This spiritual power, however the Pope and prelates, Kings and Princes. Parliaments and General Courts, and their respective Officers of Justice (to be honoured and obeyed in civil things,) I say however they have challenged and assumed this Kingly Pow­er Christ Jesus ro [...]d of his crown. of the Son of God▪ yet the King▪ of Kings▪ Christ Jesus hath begun to discover, and will never leave until he hath made it clear as [Page 159] the Sun Beames that he is robd of his crown, and will shake, and break▪ all the nations and Powers of the world until his Heavenly crown be again restored.

Examination of CHAP. LI.


TO the fourth Argument (Rom. 13.) from the civil rewards due to Magistrates; to wit▪ custom▪ Tribute &c. Master Cotton replies▪ That even the contributions of the Saints, are cal­led carnal things; shall therefore their work be called carnal? Of custome tribute, &c. It is true (saith he) the contributions of the Saints are called holy, because they are given to God for his service about holy things; So the reward given to Magistrates, is for their service about Righteous things: And it is righteous (saith he) to preserve the purity of Doctrine VVorship and Government▪ which if Magi­strates do not, they do not deserve all their wages.


It is true that money or monies-worth is the same for value in the contribution of the Saints, and in that of custome, tribute and yet Master Cotton grants a Holiness of the Saints contribution, which he doth not affirme of custome, tribute, &c.

There is also a two fold way disputed, of preserving of the puri­ty Spiritual de­fence for spiri­tual right, &c. of Doctrine▪ worship, &c.

First, That which I plead for, by spiritual weapons appointed by Christ Iesus.

Secondly, that of Civil weapons, Force of Armes &c. which Master Cotton affirmes, and I deny to be ever appointed by Christ Iesus, or able to accomplish a spiritual end, but the Contrary.


Me thinks Master Cottons addition not a little con­cernes my self in the peace of all Citties and Kingdomes: for if (as Master Cotton saith) Magistrates shall not deserve all their wages except they preserve the purity of Doctrine, worship &c. (which up­on the point is that Doctrine Worship and Government Master Cotton approves of) what is this (in effect) but to deny tribute, cu­stome subsidies, &c. to Caesar, the Kings and Governours of the Earth, if they prove Hereticks, Idolaters? &c. I cannot see, but [Page 160] this in plaine English tendeth to little less then the Popish bloudy Doctrine of deposing heretical Kings &c.

But Master Cotton further adds, that spiritual wages are to be paid to Magistrates. 1 Tim. 2. to wit, Prayers, Intercessions &c. Touching pray­er for all au­thority [...] Tim. [...]. If therefore (saith he) the Magistrates suffer their Subjects to live a quiet life in ungodliness and Dishanesty, the Magistrate fals short of returning spiritual recompence for the spiritual Duties and services performed for them.


Those prayers are not the proper wages paid to Magi­strates for their work; for then should they not be paid (as the Spi­rit of God there exhorteth) to all men, whether Magistrates or not.


And I may add, nor paid to those Magistrates that are Idolatrous, Blasphemous, Persecutors: But those prayers were to be poured forth for such Magistrates (such as most of the Ma­gistrates in the world then were and are.) Those prayers then were a general Duty to be paid to all men, and especially to the chiefe and principal, Kings and all that are in Authority.


Now further, wherein it is said, that such Magistrates as suffer the people to live in ungodliness, fall short in returning spiri­tual Recompence: I answer, By this Doctrine, most of the free In­habitants Cross Slavery. of the world who live in ignorance of God and in abo­minable Religions without him must yet be supposed to choose and set up such Ministers or Servants of civil Justice amongst them, who during their termes of administration or service, should not suffer their Choosers and Makers to enjoy their owne Conscience, but force them to that, which their Officers shall judge to be Godliness; but the neck of no free people can bow to such a Yoak and Tyrany.


But (lastly) to that Argument of Rom. 13. from the title which God gives to Magistrates to wit, Gods Ministers, and to the Distinction of Spiritual Ministers for spiritual, and ci­vil Ministers for civil matters; Master Cotton replies. If Magi­strates be Gods Ministers or Servants then must they do his Civil Ministers and Spiritual. work, and be for God in matters of Religion: And further saith he, Magistracy is of God, for light of Nature, and not onely for civil things▪ but also in matters of Religion▪ and he produceth divers instantces of Pagans zeal for their Religion, and worship.


Because Magistrates are Gods Servants▪ or Ministers [Page 161] civil, and receive civil wages for their civil service; will it there­fore follow that they must attend, and that chiefly, and princi­pally The God of heaven hath se­veral sorts of Ministers. a spiritual work? That noble-man or Lord, that sets one to keep his children, and another to keep his sheep▪ expects not of him appointed to keep his sheep (though a Minister or Servant) to attend upon the keeping of his children, nor expects he of the waiter on his children, to attend the keeping of his sheep.

Tis true, that Magistrasie is of God, but yet no otherwise then Mariage is being an estate meerly civil and humane, and law­full to all Nations of the World, that know not God.

Tis true that Magistrates be of God from the light of nature; but yet, as the Religions of the World, and the worlds zealous contending for them, with persecuting of others, are from Ordinarily the Truth is perse­cuted. the Father of lies and murther from the beginning; so seldome is it seen, that the nations of the world have persecuted or punished any for error, but for the truth, condemned for error.


Alas, who sees not that all nations and people bow down to Idels and Images (as all the world did to Nebuchaduezzars Image.) If any amongst them differ from them, it is commonly in in some truths, which God hath sent amongst them, for witnessing of which they are persecuted.


Your observation (deare peace) is evident from the cases of those Philosophers, by Master Cotton alledged; how weak and poor therefore is that Argument from the zeal of Pagans, &c. It is evident that such Builders, frame by no other then that of nature depraved and rotten, and not by the Goulden reed of the glorious gospel of Christ Jesus.

Examination of CHAP. LI.


IN the discourse concerning that terme, Evil, Master Cotton pro­duceth Pareus, who makes that Evil punishable by the Magi­strate, fourfold, natural, civil, moral, and spiritual.

Truth. That excellent and holy witness of Christ Jesus (in many of his precious truths) Pareus being here produced without Scripture or Argument, for the Magistrates punishing of the fourth sort of evil; to wit spiritual: nor answering my Arguments brought against such an Interpretation, gives me occasion of no further an­swer to Master Cotton or him in this place.


Whereas it was alleadged, that the Elders of the New English Churches, in the model prohibite ( expresly) the Magi­strates from the punishing or taking notice of some Evils, and that Touching the [...]ar [...] Evil, Rom. 13. therefore as they ascribe to the Civil Magistrates, more then God gives, so they take away and disrobe him of that Authority, which God hath cloathed him with: Master Cotton replies, when we say that the Magistrate is an avenger of evil, we mean of all sorts or kindes of evil, and not every particular of each kind; and further he saith, that domestick evils may be healed in a domestick way.


I readily concur with him, that the Magistrate may not punish evils that he knowes not of in a due and orderly way suf­ficiently proved before him; as also, that many domestick evils are best healed in a domestick way; but yet that Limitation added, to wit, without acquainting the Church first) seems to bind the Magistrates hand, where no true Church of Christ is, to acquaint The civil Ma­gistrate robbed of his civil power. with such things) yea and further where it is why should the Magi­strate be denied, to exercise his power in cases meerly civil (the old practice of the Popish Church?) And to whom should the Servant or Child or Wife, petition and complaine against oppression, unless to the publike Father, Master, and Husband of the Common­weal? And therefore from their own Interpretation▪ they may well spare that strict and literal aception of the word evil▪ and cease to cry Heresie is evil, Idolatrie evil, Blasphemie evill, &c.

Examination of CHAP. LIII; Answering to Chap. LIII, LIV, LV.


IN these three Chapters, the last Reason which the Author of the Arguments against persecution produced was discussed; to wit, that the dis [...]ples of Christ should be so far from persecuting, that contrariwise they ought to bless such as curse them, &c. and that because of the freeness of Gods grace, and the deepness of his counsels, calling home them that be enemies, persecutors, no peo­ple, yea some at the last hour. In answer to which, Master Cotton complaineth that two of his Answers were omitted; and suspect­eth that as children skip over hard places, so they were skipt over, &c.


It is true, those two answers were omitted, not because the chapter was too hard &c. but because the Discusser saw (nor sees) not any controversie or difference between Master Cotton and himself in those passages; and also studying brevity and con­traction, as Master Cotton himself hath done omitting far more, and contracting three Chapters in one in this very passage.

Upon the same ground, I see no need of mentioning his Reply in these three Chapters, wherein Master Cotton concurs in the point of the necessity of tolerating even notorious offenders in the State in some cases.


The result of all agitations in this passage is this: Ma­ster Cotton denies not but that in some cases a notorious malefactor may be tolerated, and consequently (as I understand him) an [...] ­re [...]i [...]k, Of tolleration which Master Cotton in cases makes large e­nough. seducer, &c. But that ordinarily it is not lawful to tolerate a seducing teacher, and that from the clearness of Gods command Deut. 13. and from the reason of it, vers. 10, Because he hath sought to turn thee away from the Lord thy God. Withal he concludes, that all Moses capital Politicks are eternal.


Thus far is gained, that it was no vain exception against Master Cotton's general proposition▪ to wit, that it is evil to tolerate [Page 164] notorious evil doers, seducing teachers, scandalous livers, be­cause he sees cause of toleration in some cases.


Yea but, saith he, In ordinary cases it is not lawful to to­lerate, from Deut. 13.


I am of Master Cotton's minde: It is not lawful for Is­rael The land of Is­rael a type. that is, the Church of God, to tolerate: and the reason it pleaseth the Lord to alleadge, is eternal. But what is this to the nations of the world, the states, cities▪ and kingdoms thereof? Let Master Cotton finde out any such land or state that is the Church and Israel of God: Yea Master Cotton confesseth in a fore-going passage, that the Church is the Israel of God: Then must he with me acknowledge that this Deut. 13. only concerns the Israel or Church of God, whom Christ Jesus furnished with spi­ritual weapons against such spiritual offenders.


But I wonder that Master Cotton should say that Moses capitals are eternal.


I wonder not, because I have seen in print sixteen or seventeen capital evils (a great part of them of a spiritual nature) censured with death in New England.

And yet again, me thinks it is wonderful, since Master Cotton knows how many of Moses capitals were of a ceremonial na­ture. The breach of the sabbath, the not coming to keep the passe­over, (for neglect whereof the Israelites were to be put to death) how can Master Cotton make these eternal in all nations?


How many millions of millions of Heads (and not a few of the highest) in our own and other Nations, would soon feel the capital calamity of such a capital bloody Tenent, if Ma­ster Cotton swayed the Scepter of some of the worlds former or present Caesars?


And yet I readily affirm, that spiritually and mystical­ly in the Church and Kingdom of Christ, such evils are to be spi­ritually (and so eternally) punished.

CHAP. LIV, Replying to Chap. LVI. Examined.


IN this 56 Chap. were observed two evils in Mr. Cottons conjoy­ning of seducing teachers, and scandalous livers, as the proper and adequate object of the Magistrates care and work to suppress and punish: Unto which Master Cotton replies, First, That he no where makes it the proper and adequate object of the Magi­strates care and work to suppress seducing teachers, and scanda­lous livers saying, that it ought to be the care of the church to suppress and punish seducing teachers, and scandalous livers in a church-way, as well as the Magistrates in a civil way.


By this Doctrine, Master Cotton will seem to deny it, Touching false and seducing Teachers. to be the Magistrates proper and adequate object to punish scan­dalous livers, because the church also (saith he) is to make it her work also.

It is true, if a scandalous liver be of the church, and fall into any scandal, she by the ruls and power of Christ ought to reco­ver him in the spirit of meekness: but yet the punishing of him with temporal punishment, who will deny it to be the proper work of the civil state?

But (Secondly) what if the seducing teacher, or scandalous liver, be neither of them members of the Church (and the church hath nought to do to judge them without) will not Master Cotton then affirm the seducing Teacher, or scandalous, liver to be the pro­per and adequate object of the Magistrates care and work?


When it was excepted against that things of such a different nature and kind, as seducing Teachers, and scandalous livers, should be coupled together at the civil Bar? Master Cotton replies▪ that both these agree in one common kind, to wit, they are evil and destructive to the common good of Gods people, which ought to be preserved both in church and Commonweal: If a man shall say (saith he) that the work of creation on the sixth day, was either of man or of Beast, is here any such commi [...] ­ture. Monstrous Mixture.


Were Master Cotton the worlds Monarch, what [Page 166] bloody reformations or destructions rather, would he fill the world withal▪ if he walk by such rules and principles? for, what religi­ons or almost men (all the world over) would he finde not opposite and destructive to Gods people.

2. But (Secondly) an historical narration of Gods works on man or Beast, Birds, Fishes, and all creatures Coelestial and Ter­restial The great dif­ference of evil and sin, as a­gainst the civil or spiritual e­state. is one thing: But to mix them together in doings or suf­ferings inconsistent with▪ and improper to their kinds is another thing, far different and insufferable: As for a man to affirme that a man and a beast [...]in'd against their Maker, and therefore were justly punished with spiritual blindness and hardness of heart, loss of Gods Image &c. The same difference and no less is between transgressors against the heavenly state and kingdome of Christ, and the earthly state or Commonweal of Cities, king­domes, &c.


Master Cotton adds, that it is more tolerable for seduc­ing Teachers to seduce those who are in the same gall of bitterness, as for Pagans to seduce Pagans &c.


That is but in the degree, and so (according to his sup­position) must be punished gradually; but what is this to prove seducing Teachers as well as scandalous livers, the joynt object of the civil sword?


Why doth Master say it is more tolerable for Pagans to seduce Pagans Antichristians Antichristians? What Scripture doth he produce for this toleration this indulgence, this partiality? All that is here said, is this, We look at it as more tolerable?


One thing is shroudly to be suspect in this matter, and Gross partiali­ty the bloody do­ctrine of perse­bution. that is a most unchristian partiality, in directing the sword of the Magistrate to fall heaviest on such seducers only, as trouble his conscience, his Doctrine▪ Worship, and Government: suppose in some of the Cities of Holland, Poland, or Turkie (where some freedome is) that Jews▪ Pagans, Antichristians and Christians (that is Christians of Master Cottons conscience) together with Turkes were commingled in civil cohabitation and commerce toge­ther: Why now shall that Turke that hath seduced one of Master Cottons conscience to Mahumetani [...]me be more punished for that crime then for turning a Jew▪ Pagan or Papist to his Relief and worship? What warrant shall the Magistrate of such a city or [Page 167] place finde to their souls, either for striking at all with the civil sword in such a case? or else in dealing such partial blows among the people?


I fear that Gods own people (of this opinion) see not the deceitfulness of their own heart, crying up the Christian Magi­strate, the Christian Magistrate, Nursing fathers, Nursing mo­thers▪ &c. when all is but to escape the bitter sweeting of Christs Great shifting [...]o [...]s [...]: Christs cross. cross, so dashing in pieces the most wise councels of the father, concerning his blessed Son and his followers, to whom he hath (ordinarily) alotted in this world, the portion of sorrow and suffering, and of raigning and triumphing, after the battel fought and victory obtained in the world approaching.


But Master Cotton will say, that in such fore-mentioned cases, such Magistrates must suspend punishments for religion, &c.


I say, consequently all or most of the Magistrates in the world must suspend and none but some few of his conscience (by his doctrine) shall be found fit, to use the civil sword, in mat­ter of Religion, and that is (in plaine English) to fight only for his conscience.


But to proceed it will be hard (saith Master Cotton) for the discusser to finde Antichristian seducers clear from disobedi­ence to the civil laws of the state, in case that Antichrist (to whom they are sworn) shall excommunicate the civil magistrate, and prescribe the civil state to the invasion of his followers.


Most properly seducing teachers sin against the church and spiritual kingdome of Christ Jesus, which if erected and go­verned according to Christ Jesus, she is a Castel or Fort suffici­ently Christian wea­pons. provided with all sorts of heavenly ammunition against all sorts of her spiritual adversaries: yea and in the desolation of the churches (during the Apostacy) Christ Jesus (as I have else­where observed) hath not left his witnesses destitute of terrible defence against all gainesayers: But grant (what Master Cotton supposeth) such seducers from obedience to the civil state &c. Such as the Seminaries and bringers over of Pope Pius the 5 his Bul a­gainst Queen Elizabeth &c. The answer is short and pla [...] ▪ civil officers bear not the sword in vain, when the civil state is assaulted as the spiritual officers and governors of the church bear not in [Page 168] vain the spiritual and two-edged sword coming out of the mouth of Christ.


Whereas now (secondly) there▪ was observed by the Dis­cusser in such coupling of [ seducing teachers & scandalous livers] a silent and implicite justification of the Jews and Gentiles their coupling Christ Jesus and his followers, as seducing teachers with scandalous livers, Christ between two thieves, &c. The sum of what Master Cotton replies, is▪ that the Lord Jesus and his follow­ers suffering under those names, weakens not the hand of Authori­ty to punish such who are seducing teachers & scandalous livers. Christ Jesus betwen two Thieves.


It hath ever been the portion of the Lord Jesus and his followers (for the most part theirs onely) to be accounted seducing teachers, deceivers and cheaters of the people, blasphemous a­gainst God, seditious against the State; and accordingly to be num­bred (as Christ Jesus between two thieves) both in esteem and punishment with scandalous and notorious malefactors; and this for no other cause, but cause of conscience in spiritual matters, and most commonly for differing from and witnessing against the several State and City-Religions and Worships wherein they lived.


If the Jews (notwithstanding their fair colours to the contrary) walking in the doctrine of Persecution for conscience, justified their fathers for murthering the Prophets, &c. I cannot ( dear Truth) but subscribe to your sorrowful observation that Ma­ster Cotton and others (otherwise excellent servants of God) in coupling seducing teachers and scandalous livers, as the proper object for the civil sword to strike at, they do no other but act the Jews true Antitype, coupling Christ Jesus the seducing teacher with Barabbas the scandalous liver and murtherer.


Yea, and who sees not how often Barabbas the scan­dalous liver is cried out of the Magistrates hands by the scandal­ous people, while Christ Jesus in his servants is cried to the Cross, to the Gallows, to the Stake, to Banishment, &c. Their Persecutors also are applauded, for (not persecuting men for their Consciences, but) righteously, legally (and with great sorrow) punishing them The horible Hypocrisie of all persecutors for sinning against their own conscience, for disturbing of the civil State and peace, for contemning of Magistrates, Kings Queens, and Parliaments, for blaspheming God, and for seducing and de­stroying the souls of the people.

CHAP. 55. Replying to CHAP. 66. Exam:


THe Discusser admired in this Chap: how M r. Cotton Christs charge to Pergamus and Thiatira against. Tollera­tion examined. should alledge ( Revel. 2.) Christs charge against the Church of Pergamus for tollerating them that hould the Do­ctrine of Balaam, and against the Church of Thiatira for tollera­ting Jezabell to teach and seduce: M r Cotton here replies, that he meant not in alledging those Scriptures to prove it unlaw­full for Magistrates to tollerate seducing Teachers, but unlaw­full for Churches: adding that the Letter of the Prisoner was so stated, in generall tearmes that he knew not (upon the point) what Tolleration or Persecution should be meant or intended, otherwise then generall against all Persecution for Conscience, withall affirming that an unjust Excommunication is as true Per­secution as unjust Banishment.


It is true what M r Cotton saith, An unjust Excommuni­cation False Excom­munication one kinde of perse­cution. is as true Persecution as an unjust Banishment, and therefore some may justly complaine against M r Cotton and others, for practicing such persecution in both kindes, being not onely ba­nished from their civill State, but unjustly (and after the Popes way) Excommunicated also, from their Churches, but of that more elsewhere.

2. We doe not in ordinarie English read, but that the word The word Per­secution how ordinarily it is taken. Persecution is taken for civill corporall violence and punishment inflicted on the body for some spirituall and religious matter; according to the Lord Christ his words to Paul, Act [...] 9. Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

3. The passages in the Letter shew that the whole scope of the Letter was to contend against outward violence and corporall af­fliction in matters of Conscience▪


It may not be a lost Labour (Deare Truth) to draw a taste of some passages in the Letter.


For further satisfaction, my paines shall be a pleasure; and first

From the Arguments from holy Scripture, observe Luc. 9. the Lord Christ reproving his two zealous Disciples, You know not of what Spirit you are of: The Son of Man is not come to de­stroy mens lives, but to save them.

[Page 170]Againe, That of the Prophets, Isaiah and Micah, They shall Persecution or­dinarily implies corporall vio­lence. breake their Swords into Mattocks, and their Speares into Sithes.

Againe, Christs charge unto his Disciples, that they should be so farre from persecuting those that would not be of their Religion, that when they were persecuted, they should pray and blesse, &c.


These holy Passages (Me thinks) are not unlike the Stones in Davids sling, smooth and plaine enough, yet power­full and dreadfull, both against this Goliah Tenent of persecuti­on, and also prove a corporall persecution intended.


Now a taste of the speeches of severall Kings produ­ced by the prisoner.

1. That of King James; God never loves to plant his Church by Violence and Bloudshed.

2. That of Stephen King of Poland; I am King of Men, not Speeches of Princes against Persecution. of Consciences, of Bodies, not of Soules.

3. Of the King of Bohemia; When ever Men have attempted any thing in this violent course, the issue hath been ever perni­cious, and the cause of great and wonderfull Innovations.

4. Another of King James; That he was resolved not to persecute or molest, or suffer to be persecuted or molested any Per­son whatsoever, for matter of Religion.

In the third place, a taste of the Speeches of the ancient Wri­ters produced by the Prisoner.

1. That of Hilarius: That Church which formerly by en­during misery and imprisonment, was knowne to be the true Church, doth now terrifie others by imprisonment, banishment, and miserie.

2. Of Jerome; Heresie must be cut off with the Sword of the Spirit, Let us strike through with the Arrowes of the Spirit; implying, not with other weapons.

3. Of Luther in his Booke of the Civill Magistrate; The Lawes of the Civill Magistrate extend no further, then over the Bodies and Goods. And againe upon Luk. 22. It is not the true Ca­tholike church which is defended by the Secular Arme or humane Power.

Lastly, The Papists in their Booke for Tolleration; When Christ bids his Disciples to say, peace to this house, he doth not send Pursevants to ransack or spoyle the house.

[Page 171]Lastly, The Prisoner in answering some Objections, conclu­deth; It is no prejudice to the Common-wealth, if Libertie of Conscience were granted to such as feare God indeed: He also alledged that many Sects lived under the Government of Caesar, being nothing hurtfull unto the Common-weale.


From these severall Tasts (Deare Truth) I cannot imagine how the Prisoner can be understood to cast the least glance unto spirituall persecution or prosecution, as M r Cotton in this Chap: calls it: But to end this Chapter: When as the Power of Christ Jesus in his Church was argued sufficient for spirituall ends, M r Cotton grants both for the healing of sinners, and for keeping of the Church from Guilt, but not for the preventing of the spreading of false Doctrine, among those out of the Church, and in private among Church-Members: nor sufficient to cleare the Magistrates of a Christian State from the Guilt of Apostasie in suffering such Apostates amongst them, &c.


I have in other Passages of this Discourse proved;

1. That Christ Jesus (whiles his Churches and Ordinances flourished, and since the Apostasie of Antichrist in the hands of his Witnesses) hath gloriously and sufficiently furnished his Servants for all spirituall cases of all sorts, defending, offending, &c.

2. That there is no other Christian State acknowledged in No Civill Chri­stian State. the New Testament, but that of the Christian Church or King­dome, and that not Nationall but Congregationall.

3. That the Apostles or Messengers of Christ Jesus never ad­dressed Christs Sword. themselves by Word or Writing to any of the Civill States wherein they lived and taught, and were mightily oppo­sed and blasphemed. I say they never ran to borrow the Civill Sword, to helpe the two edged Sword of Christ Jesus, against Opposers, Schismaticks, Hereticks. The Lord Jesus was a wiser King then Solomon, even Wisdome it selfe, and cannot without great Dishonour and Derogation to his Wisdome and Love, be ima­gined to leave open such Gaps, such Leakes, such Breaches in the Ship and Garden of his Church and Kingdome.

The Exam: of Chap. 56. replying to 58. & 59.


TO the first observation, that M r Cotton urgeth that Princes are nurcing Fathers to feede and correct (and consequently must judge of feeding and correction, and all men are bound to submit to such their feeding and correction:) M r Cotton sayth, This is false and fraudulent so to collect, and these are devised Calumnies.


It will evidently appeare, how greatly M r Cotton for­gets the Matter and Himselfe, when he so deeply chargeth, for all this he granteth in this his Reply, onely with this Limitati­on, that Subjects are bound to submit to them herein when they judge according to the Word. This Limitation takes not away the observation, for it is alway implyed in subjection to all Civill Rulers, Fathers, Husbands, Masters, that it be according to the Word.


Yea but sayth he, it is a Notorious Calumnie so to represent M r Cottons dealing with Princes, as if he made his owne Judgement and practice the Rule of the proceeding of Princes.


Let it be laid in the Ballance, and seene where the Ca­lumnie or slander lies: Princes or Civill Rulers, saith M r Cotton, are Fathers to feed and correct, and their Judgement ought Nurcing Fa­thers-dealt withall as children. therein to be obeyed according to the Word. Now some Princes and Rulers declare themselves against M r Cottons Tenent of persecution for conscience. M r Cotton will answer; The pro­fession and practice of Princes is no rule to Conscience. I reply, and ask, who shall judge of Princes profession and practice, when they thus feed and judge in spirituall matters? whether their pro­fession and practice be according to the Word or no? M r Cotton (when Princes are alleadged against his judgement and consci­ence) pleads, that Princes profession and practice is no rule: Let all men judge whether his judgement and conscience be not made the Rule to the consciences and practices of Princes, whom yet he makes the nurcing Fathers.


When it was further demanded, whether M r Cotton and others of his minde could submit in spirituall cases to any Magistrates in the world, but onely to those just of his owne Con­science? [Page 173] He answers, they will submit to any in Active or Pas­sive obedience.


But how can M r Cotton suppose Active obedience in Active obedi­ence cannot be given but to a competent Judge. spirituall things to such Magistrates, who are Pagans, Turkish, Antichristian, and unable to judge, and bound (by his Doctrine) to suspend their Dealings upon matter of Religion, untill they be better informed? What Active obedience can I be supposed to give to him that hath no Activitie nor Abilitie to command and rule me? And must it not evidently follow, that Active obedience in these cases (according to his Judgement) must one­ly be yeelded to such Magistrates as are able to judge the true Religion and way of Worship; That is, the Religion and Worship which he takes to be of God.


Whereas it was said, will it not follow that all other Consciences in the world, besides their owne must be persecuted by such their Magistrates (were power in their hand)? M r Cot­ton replyes, no; except all Mens consciences in the world did erre fundamentally against the Principles of Christian Religion, or fun­damentally against Church-Order, and Civill Order, and that in a tumultuous and factious manner; for in these cases onely (sayth he) we allow Magistrates to punish in matters of Religion.


I have and must observe the Evill of that Distinction between Christian Religion and Christian Order, as not finding any such in the Testament of the Sonne of God, but finding Church-Order a principall part of the Christian Religion, as well as Repentance and Faith, Heb. 6.

But (2.) grant once M r Cottons Religion and way of Wor­ship Persecutors, if it were in their power, would, and are bound to persecute all Consciences and Religions in the World. to be the onely true Religion and way of Gods Worship, and all other Religions and wayes of Worship false, how can that Errour be otherwise then fundamentall? And if other mens Consciences attend not to M r Cottons convictions, but obstinately maintaine their blasphemous Religions, how can the Magistrates of his conscience be dispenced with and absolved from perse­cuting such obstinate Consciences throughout the whole World beside?


When it was further demanded▪ if this were not to make Magistrates Staires and Stirrops for themselves (the Cler­gie) to mount up in the seats and sadles of their great and set­led Maintenance? M r Cotton replyes, this is rather to make [Page 174] them Swords and Staves to punish them (if need be) for Here­ticall Delinquencie: 2. Their Magistrates themselves fall short of great and setled Maintenance: And lastly, Himselfe liveth upon no great and setled Maintenance.


It is true M r Cotton allowes the same Power to Magi­strates to punish all Hereticks, Blasphemers, Seducers, one as well as another: But what if it should fall out that his Magistrates should declare themselves for the Pope, or for the Prelates, or for the Presbyters, yea, or for some other way then is profes­sed: and left it free for each mans conscience to worship as he be­lieved, and to pay or not pay toward this or that Worship or All persecutors hould the Popes trayterous Do­ctrine of depo­sing haereticall Princes. Ministrie, according to his owne perswasion more or lesse, any thing or nothing, will not M r Cotton then plead that such Magi­strates themselves (Apostatizing from the Truth of God, and turning Enemies (as the Pope clamours) to the holy Church) I say, that such ought not onely to be accursed with the lesser and greater Censures of Suspention and Excommunication, but al­so punished with Imprisonment, Banishment, and Death: Or if they finde the mercy of Life and Favour of an Office (by some over-ruling Providence) will not M r Cotton then pleade that such Magistrates ought to suspend their Power to hould their hands, and not to medle untill they be better informed, &c. Into such poore withered Strawes and Reedes will the Allow­ance of Swords and Staves, M r Cotton here speakes of come to? Concerning the seats and sadles of great and setled maintenance of Magistrates, the Discusser spake not, but heartily wisheth their Maintenance as great and setled, as he knowes their Labours and Travells and Dangers be: He spake onely of Ministers great▪ and setled maintenance.


O Truth, this is the Apple of the Eye, the true cause of so much combustion all the World over, especially Popish and Pro­testants.


Indeed this was the cause (as Erasmus told the Duke of Saxonie, that Luther was so stormed at) because he medled The Popish and Protestant Cler­gie set the Po­pish and Prote­stant World on fire for their Maintenance. with the Popes Crowne and the Monkes Bellies. To obtaine these warme and soft and rich seats and sadles (who ever stand or goe on foote, or creepe, or beg, or Starve) the Prelates practi­ces all Ages know. Yea and other practices of some of late, who (with the Evill Steward providing wisely) first made sure of [Page 175] an Ordinance of Parliament for Tithes and Maintenance, before any Ordinance for God Himselfe.


This is that indeed which the Politick State of Holland The Dutch de­vice to winne their Clergie to Tolleration of other Religions. well foresaw, when they were lamentably whipt by the King of Spaines (and Gods) Scourge, Duke D'alva, into a Tolerati­on of other mens Consciences: The Politick States-men, I say, saw a necessitie of stopping their Dominies Mouths with sure and setled Maintenance out of the States purse. Hence it is the Dutch Ministers zeale is not so hot against the Toleration of Here­ticks in the Civill State, as the English hath been.


To this purpose (sweet Peace) how fitly did that All that professe to be Christs Ministers, must Dig, or Beg, or Steale. learned Prideaux once tell his Sons the Oxford Doctors, at one of their Superstitious Creations, that since they could not dig, and were ashamed to beg, they had great need (therefore) of setled Maintenance, This was but the Evil Stewards device, and (I adde) little better then stealing.


Yea but sayth M r Cotton, I live not so, &c.


One Swallow makes not a Summer: what others have done and doe, and what practices have been and are for a for­ced setled maintenance (as firme and setled as ever was the Pa­rish maintenance of Old England) hath been, to the shame of Chri­stianitie, too apparant: For M r Cotton himselfe, as I envie not the faines of his morsells, nor the sweetnes of his Cups, but wish him as large a purse, as I beleeve he hath an Heart, and a desire to doe good with it: Yet it hath been said, that his case is no Praesident, because what he looseth in the Shire, he gets in the Hundreth, and sits in as soft and rich a sadle as any throughout the whole Countrey, through the greatnes and Richnes of the Marchandize of the Towne of Boston, above other parts of the Land. The truth is, there is no Tryall of the good or Evill Servant in this case, untill it comes to Digging or Begging, or the third way, viz: of couzening of the great Lord & Master Christ Jesus; by running to carnall meanes and carnall weapons, to force mens purses for a rich and setled Maintenance.

Chap. 57. (replying to Chap. 60.) Examined.


COncerning Princes M r Cotton addeth, that Princes out of State policie, doe sometimes tollerate what [Page 176] suits not with Christianitie (as David did Joab) against their wills.

Unto this it was answered, that this agrees not with his former generall Proposition, to wit, that it was evill to Tolle­rate seducing Teachers, and scandalous livers; M r Cotton replyes; Yes, for Moses laid downe in generall, Who so sheddeth mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed; yet Joab was tollerated to live, &c.


If Moses had said; It is not lawfull to tollerate a Murtherer; and yet afterward had tollerated a Murtherer, his later practice would not have seemed harmonious to his former speech, but Moses did not so, and therefore I conceive is not rightly alledged.


Whereas it was further alledged, that that State po­licie, and State necessitie, which permitted the consciences of Men, will be found to agree most punctually with the Rules of the best politician that ever the world saw (the Lord Jesus himselfe) who commanded the permitting of the Tares.

M r Cotton replyes, that he is not against the permitting of some Antichristians, or false Christians, unlesse they main­taine fundamentall Heresie against the Foundation of Religion, and that obstinately after conviction, and withall seduce others: But for such Hereticks and seducing Teachers, they are none of those Tares, of which Christ sayth, Let them alone.

Besides, sayth he, If by Tares are meant grosse offenders: then the speech of Christ, Let them alone, is not a word of com­mand, but a word of permission and praediction; like that Luc. 22. 36. He that hath no Sword, let him sell his Garment and buy a Sword.


I answer, that there should be Antichristians, or false All Antichristi­ans are funda­mentally opposite to Christ Jesus. Christians, which maintaine not fundamentall Heresie against Foundation of Religion, I thinke is new to the New Testament of Christ Jesus, and to the Tryalls the holy Spirit proposeth by John in his Epistles, discovering such to be the Hereticks and Apostates, as deny the Lord Jesus (as all Antichristians or false Christians doe more or lesse) to be come in the Flesh the true Messiah, and anointed King, Priest, and Teacher to his Church.


If M r Cotton will make good his word, to wit, that he will permit some Antichristians or false Christians, methinks, [Page 177] the whole Tryall of this matter might well turne upon this Hinge, so that the true or false Christian be tryed by the Rules of the New Testament.


If so, he must undeniably subscribe to this great and Christian policie of permission or Tolleration: As for the Exceptions following [Unlesse they maintaine Fundamentall Heresie, and unlesse they sin actually] These pull backe againe with the Left hand what merciful Freedome he had given before with the Right.

3. But lastly, by this Interpretation of, Let them alone, by Touching the Tares. way of permission and praediction, it appeares that M r Cottons Thoughts are not without checks and doubtings what these Tares might be: For (sayth he) [if by Tares are meant grosse offendours] whereas before he spent much precious time to prove the Tares to be a kinde of closer Hypocrite.

Moreover, all permission is of Evill, for some Good, so he, the permission of Tares for the Wheate sake: In which respect (as I conceive) the good Wheate is not so tendred, nor the Word of Christ so attended to by such, as presume (in pretence for the good wheate sake) to pluck up those Tares, unto whom Christ Jesus for▪ the good Wheate sake, hath for a Time granted a permission.

Exam: of Chap. 58. replying to Chap. 61.


VVHereas the Discusser professedly waved any Ar­gument from the number of Princes witnessing in profession or practice against persecution for cause of Conscience, M r Cotton replyes, that this is a yeelding of the Invaliditie of the Argument: But 2. that he urgeth not the number, but the grea­ter pietie and presence of God with those Princes who have pro­fessed and practiced against Tolleration.


As I would not use an Argument from the number of Princes about an heavenly matter (as knowing that the Kings and Rulers of the Earth commonly minde their▪ owne Policie store, but Pietie rare in Princes. Crownes, Honours, and Dominions, more then Gods; and such Princes as are called Christian, use Gods Name, Crowne, and Ordi­nances, [Page 178] as Jeroboam used Gods Name, and Jezabell used Fasting and prayer, for the advancement of their owne Crownes, and perse­cuting of the Innocent and Righteous) So neither would I rest in the Qualitie, Greatnes or Goodnes of any. That which I attend in this Argument is the Ground and Reasons of their Speeches; which may also have this Consideration to boote, that they are the Speeches of such who sit at the helme of great States, and were not ignorant of the Affaires of States, and what might conduce to the peace or disturbance, to the wealth or woe of a Common-weale. To their Ground and Reasons therefore I attend in the next Chapter.

Exam: of Chap. 59. replying to Chap. 62.


IN this Chap. the Consideration of the Speeches them­selves, M r Cotton sayth, he passed by, because, either the Reasons wanted waight, or did not impugne the cause in hand, as

First, That Speech of King James; God never loved to plant his A Speech of King James considered. Church by Bloud: It is farre from us (sayth M r Cotton) to com­pell men to yeeld to the Fellowship of the Church by bloudie Lawes or Penalties: Neverthelesse, this hindreth not but that his Blood may justly fall upon his owne head that shall goe about to supplant and destroy the Church of Christ.


How light or how impertinent soever these Speeches may seems to M r Cotton, yet to others (fearing God also) they are most sollid and waighty.

This Speech of King James seemes impertinent in this cause▪ because (sayth M r Cotton) we compell no man by bloudy Lawes and Penalties to yeeld themselves to the Fellowship of the Church.

I answer, as Saul by persecuting of David in the Land of Canaan, and thrusting him forth of Gods Heritage, did as it were bid him goe serve other Gods in other Countries: So he that No Man to he forced from his owne worship, [...] &c. shall by bloudie Lawes and Penalties force any man from his owne Conscience and Worship, doth upon the point, say unto him, in a language▪ of bloud, Come be of my Religion, &c.

2. Peace.
[Page 179]

Why should not Men as well be forced to the Truth, as forced from their Errours and Erroneous practices? Since (to keepe to the Similitude) it is the same Power that sets a plant, and plucks up weedes, which is true (mystically) in the spiri­tuall worke of Christ Jesus, in his heavenly planting by his Word and Spirit.

3. Truth.

I adde, if men be compelled to come to Church Touching com­pelling to come to Church and to heare. under such a penaltie, for Absence (as hath been practiced in Old and New England) How can M r Cotton say, there is no for­cing to the Fellowship of the Church; when (howsoever with the Papists) he makes so great difference, which Christ never made, between the Lords Supper, and the Word and Prayer, and say, that men may be forced to the hearing of the Word, but not to the Supper. Yet the consciences of thousands will testifie, that it is as truely grievous to them to be forced to the one as to the other, and that they had as lief be forced to the meat as to the Broth, to the more inward and retired chambers and closets, as into the Hall or Parlor, being but part [...] of the same house, &c.


And I may adde (Deare Truth) that the bloudie Im­prisonments, Whippings and Banishments, that have cryed, and will cry in New England, will not be stild untill the cry of Repen­tance, and the bloud of the Lambe Christ Jesus, put that cry to silence. But to the second Speech of King James, No marvell A second Speech of King James. (sayth M r Cotton) that I past by that Speech, to wit, [that Civill obedience may be performed by the Papists,] for I found it not in the Letter; and beside, how can Civill obedience be per­formed by Papists, when the Bishop of Rome shall Excommunicate a Protestant Prince, dissolve the Subjects Oath, &c.


I answer; King James professing concerning the Papists may yeeld Civill obedience. Oath of Allegiance (which he tendred to the Papists, and which so many Papists tooke,) that he desired onely to be secured for Civill Obedience▪ to my understanding did as much as say, that he beleeved that a Papist might yeeld Civill obedience, as they did in taking this Oath, as quiet and peaceable Subjects, some of them being employed in places of Trust, both in his and in Queene Elizabeths dayes▪

What though it be a Popish Te [...]e [...], that the Pope may so doe, and what though Bellarmine▪ and others, have maintained such [Page 180] bloudie Tenents, yet it is no Generall Tenent of all Papists, and The Parliament at Paris, al­though Popish, yet condemned Bookes and Te­nents against Civill obedi­ence. it is well knowne that a famous Popish Kingdome, the whole Kingdome of France assembled in Parliament in the yeare (so calld) 1610. condemned to the Fire the booke of Johannes Marianus for mainteining that very Tenent. And two moneths after Bellarmines booke it selfe was condemned to the Fire al­so, by the same Parliament for the same detestable Doctrine, as the Parliament calld it, as tending to destroy the higher Powers, which God hath ordained, stirring up the Subjects against their Princes, absolving them from their Obedience, stirring them up to attempt against their Persons, and to disturbe the com­mon peace and quiet: Therefore all Persons who ever under Paine of High Treason, were forbidden to print, sell, or keepe that booke, &c.


This passage being so late, and so famous in so neere a Popish Countrie, I wonder how M r Cotton could chaine up all Papists in an Impossibilitie of yeelding Civill obedience, when a whole Popish Kingdome breakes and abhorres the chaines of such bloudy and unpeaceable Doctrines and Practices.

2. Experience hath proved it possible for Men to hould other All England Papists, and yet the Pope re­nounced. maine and fundamentall Doctrines of that Religion, and yet re­nounce the Authoritie of the Pope, as all England did under King Henry 8. when the six bloudie Articles were maintained and practiced, and in them the Substance of that Idolatrous Re­ligion, although the Power of the Pope of Rome was generally acknowledged no other, then of a forreigne Bishop in his owne Diocesse.

3. But grant the English Catholicks maintaine the Supreame Authoritie of the Pope, even in England, it must be considered and declared how farre: If so farre, as to owne his Power of ab­solving from obedience (against which the aforesaid Parliament A twofold hold­ing the Pope as Head. of Paris declared) the wisdome of the State knowes how to se­cure it selfe against such Persons. But if onely as Head of the Church in spirituall matters, & they give Assurance for Civill obe­dience, why should their Consciences more then others be op­pressed?


M r Cotton, (as all men and too justly in this Contro­versie) alledgeth the Papists practices, what ever professions o­therwise have been▪ So long as they hould the Pope, they are [Page 181] sure of a Dispensation to take any Oath, subscribe to any Engage­ment, and of Absolution for the Acting of any Crime of Treason or Murther against the chiefest States-men, and the State it selfe.


What is it that hath rendred the Papists so inraged and desperate in England, Ireland, &c? What is it that hath so imbittered and exasperated their minds, but the Lawes against their Consciences and Worships?


The two Sisters Lawes compared, Maries and Eliza­beths, The two Sisters Lawes concern­ing Conscience. concerning mens Consciences, while Maries were certain­ly written with bloud against the Protestants, Elizabeths may seeme to be written with milke against the Papists.


Deare Peace, Chaines of Gold and Diamonds are chaines, and may pinch and gall as sore and deepe, as those of Brasse and Iron, &c. all Lawes to force even the grossest Conscience (of the most besotted Idolaters in the world, Jew or Turke, Papist or Pagan) I say, all such Lawes, restraining from or constraining to Worship, and in matters meerly Spirituall, and of no Civill na­ture, such Lawes, such Acts, are chaine [...], are yoakes, not possi­bly to be fitted to the Soules neck, without oppression, and ex­asperation.


It is no wonder indeed that the Brains of those of the Popish Faith are so distempered and enraged by yoakes clapt on the neck of their Consciences, when Solomon the wisest ob­serves it common: that Civill oppression (how much more Soule-oppression, the most grievous and intollerable) doth use to render the Braines of men (otherwayes most sober and judici­ous) madde and desperate.

2. Truth.

I answer (secondly) grant the Practices of the Ceales of mode­ration and kind­nesse, may melt an Enemie, as David melted Saul, &c. Papists against the Civill State, fowle, dangerous, &c. yet why should there not be hope (according to the rules of pietie in Scripture, and policie in Experience) that the coales of mercy and moderation may melt the Head of an Enemie, as hard as any stone or mettall, and render imbittered Enemies, loving Friends, com­bined and resolved for their common safetie and Liberties.

Thirdly, Against the feare of Evill practices the Wisdome of Cautions for preventing of disturbance by Papists, &c. the State may securely provide, by just cautions and provisoes, as of Subscribing the Civill Engagement▪ of yeelding up their Armes, the Instruments of mischiefe and disturbance; of being [Page 182] noted (as the Jewes are in some parts) by some distinction of or on their Garments, or otherwise, according to the Wisdome of the State. And without such or the like sufficient cautions given, it is not Civill Justice to permit justly suspected persons, dangerous to the civill peace, to abide out of places of Securi­tie and safe Restraint.


If such a course were steered with the Consciences of that Religion, yet are there some Objections waighty concern­ing the Body of the People.

First, There will be alwayes danger of tum [...]l [...]s and uproares between the Papists and the Protestants▪

1. Truth.

Sweet Peace, thou mayst justly be tender of the quiet repose and secure Tranquilitie of all men, and with All men (if it be possible, as the Scripture speakes) as thou art [...]n Sufficient Pro­visions are made in other Nati­ons, against Di­stractions and Tumults from opposite Consci­ences and Wor­ships. heavenly daughter of the God of peace and love. But yet thou knowest the Wisdome of the English State need [...] not be taught from abroad (where Li [...]ertie abroad is granted to the Popish o [...] Protestan [...] Consciences) of making safe and sufficient pro­vision against all Tumults, and feare of uproares.

2. But secondly, it is too too fully and lamentably true, that the Congregations or Churches of the severall sort [...] of such as in whole or in part seperate from the Parish worship and [...]orshipper [...], are [...]arr [...] more odious to, and doe more ex [...]sper [...]e a thousand times, the Parish Assemblies, then the Papist [...] or Ca­tholiques themselues are or doe: So that if the People were let loose to take their choice of exercising violence and furie, either upon▪ a [...]opish o [...] a Protestant Seperate Assembly, it is cleare from the greater corrivation and competition (made by the Protestants that seperate▪) to the true Church, true Government, true Worship, true Ministrie, true Seales, &c. the rage of the People would mount up incomparably fiercer against the one then the other. Hence i [...] was the Papists ever found more favour with the last N [...]er [...] Com [...] ­tition▪ & home­bred oppositions most of all ex­ [...]sperate, &c. two Kings and thei [...] Bishops, then the Puritants (so called) did, and the seperate Assembl [...]es were not so maligned by them as the Noncon [...]ormists, no [...] they so much as the very conform­ing Puritants. And therefore suitably it was b [...]lcht out from a fowle-mouth [...] a Chapl [...]ine to one of the late Bishops; A [...]plagu [...] (said [...]) on all Conforming Puritants, they doe us most mischiefe▪ Notwithstanding all this, and the bitter In­dignation [Page 183] of People against these Sectaries (so called) and their Assemblies, yet the most holy wisdome of the Father of Lights The admired Prudence of the Parliament in preserving Ci­vill Peace. hath taught the Parliament of England that wonderfull skill (in the midst of so many Spirituall oppositions) to preserve the Civill peace from the danger [...] and occasions of civill Tumults and Distractions.


Admit the civill peace be kept inviolate, yet how sa­tisfie we the feares and jealousies of many who cry out of dan­ger of Infection, and that Jezabels Doctrine will leaven and se­duce the Land, &c.


I will not here repeate what in other parts of this booke I have presented touching that Point of Infection. At present, I answer;

First, It is to me most improbable, that (except the Body Increase of Pa­pists unlikely in England. of the Nation face about from Protestanisme to Poperie) (as in Queene Maries dayes) that the number of Protestants turning Papists, will be great in a Protestant Nation, especially if such securitie be taken, as was above-mentioned, and otherwise, as the State shall order, &c. together with such publick notes and markes (before mentioned) on the People of that Way, because of their former practices.

Secondly, Yea, why should not rather the glorious Beames of the Sunne of Righteousnesse in the free Conferrings, Disputings and Preachings of the Gospel of Truth, be more hopefully like to expell those Mists and Fogs out of the minds of Men, and that Papists, Jewes, Turkes, Pagans, be brought home, not onely into the common roade and way of Protestanisme, but to the grace of true Repentance and Life in Christ. I say, why not this more likely, by farre, then that the mists and fogs of Poperie should over cloud and conquer that most glorious Light.


'Tis true, the holy Historie tells us of one Sampson laying heapes upon heapes of the proudest Philistims; of one David, and of his Worthies, encountring with and slaying their stoutest Gyant [...] and Champions, yet it is feared such is the de­praved nature of all mankinde (and not of the English onely) that like a corrupted full Body, it sooner sucks in a poysoned breath of Infection, then the purest Ayre of Truth, &c.


Grant this, I answer therefore (thirdly) If any of many conscientiously turne Papists. I alledge the Experience [Page 184] of a holy, wise, and learned man, experienced in our owne M r John Ro­binson (decea­sed) his Testi­monie in a Ma­nus: from Hol­land. and other States affaires, who affirmes that he knew but few Papists increase, where much Libertie to Papists was granted, yea fewer then where they were restrained: Yet further, that in his Conscience and Judgement he believed and observed that such Persons as conscientiously turned Papists, (as believing Pope­rie the truer way to Heaven and Salvation) I say, such Persons were ordinarily more conscionable, loving, and peaceable in their dealings, and neerer to Heaven then thousands that fol­low a bare common trade and roade and name of Protestant Re­ligion, and yet live without all Life of Conscience and Devoti­on to God, and consequently with as little love and faithfulnesse unto Men.


But now to proceed; a third Speech of King James A third Speech of King James considered. was, [ Persecution is the note of a false Church, the wicked are Besiegers, the Faithfull are besieged, upon Revel. 20.] M r Cotton here grants, that it is indeed a Note of a false Church, but not a certaine One; for, sayth he, which of all the Prophets did not the Church of the Old Testament persecute?


M r Cotton granting persecution to be a degree of False­hood Persecution or­dinarily the marke of a False Church. and Apostacie, as he doth in his following words, he must also grant, that where such a Doctrine and practice prevailes, and the Church growes obstinate after all the Lords meanes used to reclaime, such a Church will proceede to further degrees, untill the whole be leavened with Falshood and Apostacie, and the Lord divorceth her, and casts her out of his Heart and Sight; as he dealt with Israel and Judah: And it will be found no false, but a dutifull part of a faithfull childe to abhorre the whoredomes of such an one, though his own Mother, who for her obstinacie in whoredomes is justly put away by his hea­venly Father, but of that (the Lord assisting) more in its place.


Further, Whereas it was said, that M r Cotton had passed by King Stephen of Poland his Speech, to wit, the true Difference between the Civill and Spirituall Government, M r Cotton answers, that it is true, that the Magistrate cannot command Stephen King ▪ Poland his [...] their Soules, nor binde their Consciences, nor punish their Spi­rits: All that he can doe is to punish the Bodies of Men for de­stroying or disturbing Religion.

[Page 185]

It is true, the Lord alone reacheth the Soules or Spi­rits of Men, but he doth it two wayes.

First, Immediately stirring up the Spirits of the Prophets, by Visions, Dreames, &c.

Secondly, By instituted Meanes and Ordinances: of which The Spirituall Power of Christ Jesus betrusted not with Civill but spirituall Ministers. is the Question: Now Stephen King of Poland professed that he was King of bodies, and not of Consciences: It being most true, that the Lord Jesus hath appointed spirituall Rulers and Gover­nours, to binde and loose Soules and Consciences, to wound and kill, Comfort and save alive the Spirits and Consciences of Men. This power Christ Jesus committed to his true Messengers; but oh, how many are there that pretend to this Apostleship or Mi­nistrie, who yet have sold away this spirituall Power to the Earthly or worldly powers, upon an (implyed secret) Condition or Proviso, to receive a broken Reed an Arme of Flesh, (in stead of the Everlasting Armes of Mercy,) to protect them.


With your leave (Deare Truth) let me adde a se­cond: If the Magistrate (as M r Cotton sayth) punish the body for a spirituall offence, why doth he not punish by a spirituall pow­er as a spirituall Officer, with a spirituall Censure and punishment?


M r Cotton will tell us that the bodies of the Israelites were punished for spirituall offences: And we may againe truely affirme, that the very cutting off by the materiall Sword out of the typicall Land of Canaan, was in the type, a spirituall punish­ment.


M r Cotton is not ignorant of this, and hath often taught of these Types from Passages on Genesis and other bookes of Moses, &c.


The Father of Lights graciously be pleased to set home the light he hath vouchsafed him, & fix and imprint the beames thereof in his heart and affections also.


This Argument (of punishing the body for the soules An Argument used in Parlia­ment against the Persecuting Bishops. good) I remember was feelingly resented by an honourable Gentleman in the parliament against the Bishops, urging how con­trary unto Christ Jesus those Prelates were; for Christ Jesus did make way for his working upon Mens soules, by shewing kind­nesse to their bodies, &c. but Prelates contrarily, &c.


All the Angells' of God will one day witnesse, that Christ Jesus was never Captain to Pope, nor Prelate, Presbyter, no [Page 186] nor Independent, Emperour nor King, Parliament, nor Generall Court, who punish and afflict, persecute and torture the bodies of Men under pretence of a spirituall and religious medicine.


Yea, but sayth M r Cotton, Religion is disturbed and destroyed, what shall be done?


Religion is disturbed and destroyed two wayes. Of disturbance of Religion.

First, When the Professors or Assemblies thereof are persecu­ted, that is hunted and driven up and downe out of the world: Against such Destroyers or Disturbers (being Tyrants and Op­pressours,) the Civill Sword ought to be drawen.


The drawing of the Sword of Justice against such Ty­rants, The Bishops as Tyrants justly suppressed, and the Parliament therein prospered from Heaven. I believe hath prevailed in Heaven, for the Parliaments successes and prosperitie: The turning from the violence that was in the hands of those Men of Bloud the Bishops, (as in the Men of Ninivies case) hath laid the long and violent storme of Fire and Bloud, &c.


Yea let the most renowned Parliament of England, and all England know, that when they cease to listen to Daniells counsell to Belshazzar, to wit, to shew Mercy to the poore, (even Daniells Coun­sel to Bel-shaz­zar preserveth Parliaments & Kingdomes. the poorest and most afflicted in the World) the Consciences of Men, then is their Parliamentarie Glory and Tranquillitie ecclip­sed: Till then I confidently believe, their Government (which hath now so many yeares with so many Wonders continued) shall not be numbred, nor another fatall change surprize them.

But now (2) the Disturbance or Destruction of Religion is spirituall, by false Teachers, false Prophets, by spirituall Rebells and Traytors against the Worship and Kingdome of Christ Jesus: Against which Disturbers or Destroyers, if Christ Jesus have not provided sufficient spirituall Defence, let Moses (his ancient Type,) be said to exceede him in Faithfulnesse, David in holy zeale and affection to the house of God, and Solomon in wisdome and heavenly prudence, in ordering the Affaires of the holy Wor­ship of God.


But further, whereas it was said, that to confound these (to wit, a Civill and Spirituall Government) was Babell and Jewish: M r Cotton replyes, That is Babell to tollerate and advance Idolatrie. 2. (Sayth he) though Christ hath abolished a Nationall Church-State, which Moses set up in the Land of Ca­naan, [Page 187] yet Christ never abolished a Nationall Civill State, nor the Judiciall Lawes of Moses, which were of Morall Equitie, and therefore (sayth he) If the true Christs bloud goe for the plant­ing of the Church, let the false Christs goe for supplanting it.


I answer; Babell was infamous for Pride, for Confusi­on or Disorder, for Idolatrie, for Tyrannie: Now let all persecu­ting Cities and Kingdomes be examined and see if they have been Touching the Nationall Church of Israell. cleare from any of these: and especially from Babells confusion and disorder, from monstrous mingling of Spirituall and Civill, the Devills Worship with Gods vessells: It was no Confusion in the Nationall Church of Israel for the Power of that Nation, in the hands of Kings and Civill Rulers, to purge that Nationall Church by Nationall force of weapons and Death: But since M r Cotton ac­knowledgeth that Christ hath abolished that Nationall Church, and established Congregationall Churches, (in some of which pos­sibly may be no Civill Magistrate fearing God, for few wise or no­ble are called, and consequently few godly or Christian Magistrates professing Christ Jesus▪) What is this but Babell or a Babylonish mixture of the Old and New Testament, Nationall and Congrega­tionall Churches power and practices together?


2. What if Christ Jesus have not abolished a Nationall Church State, it is sufficient that he hath abolished a Nationall Church. And if so, then in Church matters those Nationall Judi­cialls, and the use of those Nationall Weapons and Punishments, in Israell a mira­culous Nation. attending upon such a Nationall Church: Yea what colour of Morall Equitie is there that all the Nations of the World (most of which never heard of Christ) should be ruled by such Lawes and Punishments as were peculiarly and miraculously given and appoin­ted to one selected and culd out Nation, conceived, borne, and brought up (as I may so speake) from first to last, by extra­ordinarie, and miraculous dispensation?


There may be (sayth M r Cotton) difference between the Nations professing Christianitie, and other Nations.


There is indeed great Difference: There are two Two sorts of the Nations of the World. sorts of Nations or Peoples of the World, which shall be Fewell for the devouring flames of the Lord Jesus, 2 Thess. 1. First, such as know not Christ Jesus, of which sort the greatest part of the Nations of the World (beyond all colour of comparison) con­sist. 2. Such as have heard a sound, and make some profes­sion [Page 188] of the Name of Christ Jesus, and yet obey him not as Lord and King, &c.

Now it is true at the Tribunall of this dreadfull Judge, Tyre and Sidon, Sodome and Gomorra, shall finde an easier doome, then shall Bethsaida, Chorazin, Capernaum, Jerusalem, &c. And M r Cot­ton need not feare the escaping of a false Christ, when all Nations professing Christianitie (Papist or Protestant▪) (if yet found diso­bedient to the true Christ) shall passe under a more fierie Sen­tence then all Mahumetane and Pagan Countries.


M r Cotton will not stick to subscribe to this; But, the false Christs bloud (sayth he) ought now, to be spilt.


Since there are so many false Christs (as the true Christ Touching the true and false Christs. Prophesied) M r Cotton must unavoydably name and detect and convict those false Christs, Popish and Protestant, &c. upon whom he passeth such a present Sentence. He must also direct the way how the true Christ may shed the bloud of the false Christs. When M r Cotton hath done this faithfully and impartially (according to his Conscience and present Judgement) what Reader will not at first view see rising up from such Premises these foure Conclusions?

First, Amongst so many Christs extant (that is visible Christs Head and Body) in the Christian Antichristian World, there can but One Christ be found to be true.

Secondly, That Christ which M r Cotton professeth (accord­ing to his Conscience) will be He.

Thirdly, All such Christs as are extant, beside M r Cottons, Head and Body, ought impartially to be put to Death, as false, counterfeit, blasphemous, &c.

Fourthly, Such as embrace his Christ, that is, be of his Church and Conscience, are bound (if they once get power in their hands) to pursue with fire and sword, and to shed the bloud of all the false Christs, that is, the severall sorts of false or Antichristian Worshippers.


Oh how wise and Righteous is the Lord, in letting loose the Wolfe and Lyon (persecutors and Hunters) upon his Sheepe and People, that by their owne painfull sence of such bloudie violence and crueltie, he may graciously purge out the Malignant venemous Humours of such fowle Antichristian and bloudie Doctrines? But to the next, the King of Bohemia his say­ing. [Page 189] Whereas it was said that in this Kings Speech M r Cotton King of Bo­hemia his Speech. had passed by that Foundation in Grace and Nature, to wit, that Conscience ought not to be violated or forced, and that such forcing is no other then a Spirituall Rape.

M r Cotton replyes, ‘It was not passed by, but prevented in stating the Question, where it was said, It is not lawfull to Censure any, no not for Errour in Fundamentall Points of Doctrine or Worship, till the Conscience of the offendour be first convinced (out of the Word of God) of the dangerous Er­rour of his way, and then if he will persist, it is not out of Conscience, but against his Conscience, as the Apostle sayth, ( Tit. 3. 11.) and so he is not persecuted for cause of Con­science, but for sinning against his Conscience.’

1. Truth.

I answer, the forcing of a Woman, that is, the vio­lent Spirituall Rapes. Acting of uneleannesse upon her bodie against her will, we count a Rape: By Proportion that is a Spirituall or Soule-rape, which is a forcing of the Conscience of any Person, to Acts of Worship, which the Scripture entitles by the name of the Mar­riage bed, Cant. 1.

This forcing of Conscience was in an high measure the bran­ded sinne of that great typicall Machiavel Jeroboam, who made Israel to Worship before the Golden Calves: And this is the abo­minable practice of the Second Beast, who compells all to take the Marke of the first Beast, and this is the sinne of (the mysti­call Ammon) the Princes of Europe, and of the Antichristian World, those mysticall effeminate Ahabs, who give their power to the Beast, themselves (together with that Man of Sinne and Filthinesse (the Pope) Practicing most odious spirituall un­cleannesse upon the Consciences of the Nations of the Earth.

2. Peace.

Deare Truth, who knowes not whose voyce and All persecutours contumeliously object against Conscience. Song this is, but that, of all the bloudie Bonners, Gardiners, and most devouring persecutours that ever have or shall legally in way and pretence of Justice, persecute. [You pretend Conscience that you dare not come to Church because of Conscience, that so to sweare, submit, subscribe, or conforme, is against your Consci­ence, that you are persecuted for your Conscience, and forced against your Conscience.


Indeed, what is this before the flaming eyes of Christ; but as ( Amnon-like in the type) some lustfull Ravisher deales [Page 190] with a beautifull Woman, first [...]using all subtle Arguments and Amnon his ra­vishing of Ta­mar, a Type. gentle perswasions, to allure unto their spirituall Lust and Fil­thinesse, and where the Conscience freely cannot yeeld to such Lust and Folly (as Tamar said to Amnon) then a forcing it by Penalties, Penall Lawes and Statutes? Yea, what is this but more filthy and abominable then is commonly practiced against ra­vished Women, to wit, a perswading a Conscience that it is obsti­nate, obstinate against its knowledge, that a man might law­fully have yeelded, that he is convinced of the lawfulnesse of the Act, and therefore may justly be punished for repelling such Arguments, and resisting such perswasions against the Conviction of his owne Conscience.

3. Peace.

It is a common Question, made by most, who shall be Judge of this Convicted Conscience; shall the lustfull Ravisher (the Persecutor) be Judge? Will the burning Rage of his Spi­rituall A Query, who shall judge, whether Consci­ence be convict. Filthinesse and Antichristian Beastialitie cause no shaking of the scales of Justice? And will M r Cotton indeed (except he su­spend them) have all the Civill Magistrates, or Civill States, or Generall Assemblies, or Courts of People in the World (according to their severall Constitutions) sit Judges o're Conscience, to wit, when the poore ravished Consciences of Men are convinced.


What is this, but (in truth) to submit the Soules and Consciences of the Saints (yea the Conscience of the Lord Je­sus in them,) unto the World that lyes in wickednesse (and to the Devill in it) out of which God hath chosen; but few, that are wise, or that are Great, Rich, or Noble.

4. And to end this Passage, what is this, but to destroy that distinction of a true and false Conscience, which the holy Spirit expressely maketh, relling (2 Thessal: 2.) of Antichristians that make Conscience of Lyes, believing them conscientiously for Truths. What is it now to force a Papist to Church, but a Rape, a Soule-Rape? he comes to Church, that is, comes to that Worship, which Church Papists and Protestants also ravished. his Conscience tells him is false, and this to save his Estate, Cre­dit, &c. What is this in a Papist, but a yeelding unwillingly to be forced and ravished? Take an instance of holy Cranmer, and many other faithfull Witnesses of the truth of Jesus, who being forced or ravished by terrour of Death, subscribed, abjured, went to Masse, but yet against their Wills and Consciences. In both these Instances of Papist and Protestant, M r Cotton must con­fesse [Page 191] a Soule-Ravishment; for, th [...] Conscience of a Papist is not con­vinced that it is his Dutie to worship God by the English common Prayer-Booke, or Directorie, &c. And the Consciences of many are not convinced but that it is their sinne to come at either the Papists or common Protestants Worship. So both Papist and Protestant are forced and ravished by force of Armes, (as a Wo­man by a Lustfull Ravisher) against their Soules and Consci­ences.


Againe, in that King of Bohemia's Speech M r Cotton pas­sed by that most true and lamentable experience of all Ages, to wit, that persecution, for cause of Conscience, hath ever proved pernicious, and hath been the cause of great Alterations and changes in States and Kingdomes. To this M r Cotton replyes, No experience in any Age did ever prove it pernicious to punish Seducing Apostates, after due Conviction of the Errour of their way: And he asks, wherein did the burning of Servetus prove pernicious to Geneva, or the just Execution of many Popish Priests to Queene Elizabeth, or the English State?


I answer, though no Historie did expresse what hor­rible and pernicious mischiefes the persecuting of the Arians and others caused in the World: yet is it lamentably sufficient Wars for Reli­gion. to the Point, that all Ages testifie (and I had almost said all Nations) how pernicious this Doctrine hath been in raising the devouring flames of Fire and Sword, about Hereticks, Apostates, Idolaters, Blasphemers, &c.


Later Times have rendred the observation of that King most lamentably true, in the many great Desolations, in Germany, Poland, Hungaria, Transilvania, Bohemia, France, Eng­land, Scotland, Ireland, Low Countries (not to speake of the mighty warres between those dreafull Monarchies of the Turkes and Persians, and other Nations) to the Flames where of although other causes have intermingled, the Matters of Heresie, Blas­phemie, Idolatrie, &c. have been the chiefest sparkes and Bellowes.


It is true (as M r Cotton sayth,) it hath pleased the God of Heaven to spare some particular places, and to preserve wonderfully for his Name and Mercy sake, Geneva, England, &c. &c. When they have been besieged and invaded: Yet M r Cotton confesseth, that Queene Elizabeth by that course had like to have fired the Christian World in Combustion, which though it [Page 192] pleased God to prevent, yet later times have shewen how per­nicious The bloudie Te­nent Guiltie of all the bloud of Papists and Protestants lately spilt. this Doctrine hath proved unto England, Scotland, Ire­land, &c. in the slaughter of so many hundreth thousand Pa­pists and Protestants, upon the very point (principally) of He­resie, Idolatrie, &c.


To end this Chapter: To that observation that Per­secution for cause of Conscience was practiced most in England, and such places where Poperie reignes, implying that such practices proceed from the great Whore, and her Daughters: M r Cotton replyes, it is no marvaile he passed by this observation in the Kings speech, for it was not the Speech of the King, but of the Prisoner, and it was not the persecuting of Antichristians, but of Nicknamed Puritans, and of them too without Conviction of the Errour of their way: He addeth that he could never see ‘Warrant to call that Church an Whore, that worshipped the true God onely in the name of Jesus, and depended on him alone for Righteousnesse and Salvation, and that it is (at least) a base part of a childe to call his Mother whore, who bred him and bred him to know no other Father, but her lawfull Hus­band the Lord Jesus Christ


Whether the Observation was the Kings, or the Priso­ners, yet it was passed by: And if those Puritants or Protestants persecuted, were not convinced, Himselfe (as he here sayth) never saw Warrant, that is, was convinced, for to call such a The strongest Arme & sword the ordinarie Judge of the Conviction of Conscience. Church as he here describeth, an Whore, yet not a few of his op­posites will say, and that aloud, that He and they were or might have been convinced, what ever He or they themselves thought. The truth is, the carnall Sword is commonly the Judge of the conviction or obstinacie of all supposed Hereticks. Hence the faith­full Witnesses of Christ, Cranmer, Ridley, Latimer, had not a word to say in the Disputations at Oxford: Hence the Non-conformists were cryed out as obstinate Men, abundantly convinced by the Writings of Whitgift and others: And so in the Conference before King James at Hampton Court, &c.

But concerning the Church of England, whether a daughter or no of the Great Whore of Rome, It is not here seasonable to Touching the Nationall Church of England. repeate what the Witnesses of Christ to Bonds, Banishments, and Death (whom M r Cotton here calls the rigid Seperation) have alledged in this case. I thinke it here sufficient to say two [Page 193] things. First, M r Cotton himselfe is thought to believe that it is not a profession of words containing many fundamentall Do­ctrines that makes a people a true Church, who professing to Reall denying, the greatest de­nying of Christ Jesus. know God, yet in workes deny him; notwithstanding that amongst them by Gods gracious Dispensation much good may be wrought by many.

2. M r Cotton himselfe will not say that ever Christ Jesus was married to a Nationall Church▪ which all men know the Church of England ever was, and M r Cotton elsewhere acknowledgeth (as Nationall) to be none of Christs, but onely Churches Con­gregationall.

Exam: of Chap. 60. Concerning the Romane Em­perours, which did or did not persecute.


VVHereas it was answered, that Godly Persons (as some Godly Emperours) might doe evill, to wit, in persecuting: And ungodly Emperours in not persecuting, might doe well, &c. M r Cotton replyes, This begs the Question, to say that Kings alledged by the Prisoner did that which was good, but Kings alledged by M r Cotton (though better persons) did that which was Evill.


I think M r Cotton mistakes the poore Prisoner if he con­ceives him to have argued from the Number, or (by way of comparison) the Qualitie or Goodnesse of the Kings. I am sure he mistaketh the Discusser, who argues neither from their Persons, nor Number, nor Practices, but from the waight of their Speeches, qualified onely with the consideration of their State: Their Spee­ches M r Cotton passed by, but now hath waighed, though not so fully as it may please God to cause Himselfe, or others to doe hereafter.


I conceive it to be a further mistake, to thinke the Discusser accounted the Persons alledged by M r Cotton better Persons then those alledged by the Prisoner.


The Discusser compared them not, but desired that their Speeches and Arguments might have their just and due waight, and then I believe it will be found, not a begging, but a winning of the Question, even from the Testimonie of some Kings themselves.

Chap. 61. replying to Chap. 64. Examined.


IN this Chapter God is pleased to leave M r Cotton to fall into two Evills, then which (ordinarily) greater can­not be among the sonnes of Men: I speake not of the Aggrava­tions of malice and obstinacie, which I hope the most gracious Lord will keepe him from, but of the sinnes themselves in them­selves: The One is monstrous Blasphemie and abominable pro­fanation of the most holy Name of his most High and holy Maker, &c. The second extreamest Crueltie and Tyrannie against Men his fellow Creatures.

For the first, after a new refined fashion and dress, he projects Two high Trans­gressions object­ed against M r Cotton. how to turne this whole Dunghill of the corrupt and rotten World, into a most sweet and fragrant Garden of the Church, or Dove of Christ.

For the second, he contents not Himselfe with the Severitie and Crueltie of former times exercised by the Emperours profes­sing the Name of Christ, against such, whom they reputed He­reticks, but blames them for applying too favourable and gen­tle Medicines of Exile and Banishment, and in plaine tearmes he sayth, It had been better they had put them to death.


Your observation (sweet Peace) is full of pietie and Mercy: It is most true, that a private opinion, or an Act of Anti­christianisme and Idolatrie, like a dead flie, may cause a sweet pot of Christian Oyntment, to yeeld a stincking savour, but such a Doctrine, of such a generall Nature and extent, as reaches to all men, to all the World (in my apprehension) should cause Men to feare and tremble at such Rocks, against which such Gallant vessells may strike, and split, if the most holy and jealous God, be pleased a little to withdraw his holy hand from the steering of them.


Let me (Deare Truth) summe up the Heads, to which I shall request your Consideration.

It is true (sayth M r Cotton:) when God advanced Constantine Touching the Romane Empe­rours practices in Religious. Affaires. and other Christian Emperours to sit on the Throne, the Church soone became a Wildernesse, and he also seemeth to consent ‘that the unknowing zeale of Constantine and other good Empe­rours did more hurt to Christianitie, then the raging fury of [Page 195] bloudie Neroes: But withall he addeth that their unknowing zeale did not lye in punishing notorious Hereticks, Seducers, &c. And he sayth, that the Church never had hurt by such punishments. He affirmeth that it is no Sollecisme in Religion for the whole World to become Christian: that the World be­came Antichristian by the tolleration of Princes, and their ad­vancing of Church affaires, together with the unwatchfullnesse of such being advanced: that if the World had renounced Paganisme, and professed Christ to be the Sonne of God, but yet had been kept from the Fellowship of the Church till they had approved their profession by a sincere conversation, it had been no Sollecisme, &c.’

Further, He sayth, ‘the Christian Emperours did permit Here­ticks ;to live in the field of the World, that they seldome or never put them to Death for hereticall pravitie (though it had been better (sayth he) they had so done with some of them, but onely expelled them from populous Cities and Countries, where the Gangrene might spread, &c.’


You have well summd up ( Sweet Peace) I shall Christs Garden gaines by vio­lent Stormes, and looseth by sweete Sun­shines. briefly touch these Heads, with Gods assistance; and first con­cerning the zeale of the Romane Emperours. It is confest by M r Cotton, that upon the good Emperours coming to the Throne, the Church soone became a Wildernesse, and that was a greater hurt and mischiefe then ever befell the Saints and Churches under the fierie persecution of the most bloudie Neroes; surely such zeale that brought forth such fruit to Christianitie might seeme justly to be suspected not to be kindled from Heaven, but from Men.

2. It seemes not reasonable to the weakest understanding, nor The Romane Emperours. suitable to the wisdome and constant care and love of Christ Je­sus to his Wife and Spouse in his absence, that the Romane Empe­rours should be such Godly Persons, and that also neither by Christ Jesus nor his Apostles or Messengers the least word should be directed to them, when, as yet, they were extant, in Christs and his Messengers times; and (by the bloudie Tenent) must be sup­posed invested with so high a calling too, so high a worke and dutie, as higher is not to be performed in the whole World (and that Ex Officio) to wit, the Establishing, Governing, Reforming, &c. the Church, the Spouse, and Kingdome of Christ Jesus.

Peace. 2.
[Page 196]

The Church and Servants of Christ had great hurt (notwithstanding M r Cottons contrary beliefe) by the Empe­rours The Arrians persecuted and persecuting. persecuting, of whom they judged hereticall, partly in that the Arrians were hardned by their sufferings, and Arrianisme in­creased by the sufferings of the professours of it; as also that the Christians were more severely persecuted (as hath often also come to passe (in the Interchanges between the Papist and the Protestant) when the Arrians came to weare the Sword, and the Orthodox Christians were under Hatches.

Truth. 3.

But that the whole World that wonders after and worshippeth the Beast, should yet possibly be of the small Num­ber, that follow the Lambe, and stand opposite to the Beast, on Mount Zion: That the World upon whom the vialls of plagues and vengeance are to be powred according to the infallible Pro­phecies (not to speak of the World from other Scriptures) that The great Dif­ference between this World and Christ. this whole World (I say) should be brought into such an One­nes with Christ Jesus, seemes so crosse to the fundamentall Enmi­tie between Christs Seede and the Serpents, to the priviledges of the Saints, to the puritie of Christ, to the streame of Scripture, and in particular to the sweete last Will and Testament of the Lord Jesus, and the nature of his particular Flocks, &c. That I can­not wonder sufficiently, how any man professing but a small Knowledge of the Mysteries and Kingdome of Christ Jesus, should be so vailed, so obscured, so to write of the state of Christs Church and the World, as M r Cotton doth?


Christ Jesus (Blessed Truth) gave not thankes to his most holy, most wise Father in vaine, for hiding from Wise and Prudent, and opening to Babes and Sucklings.

Truth. 4.

But further, Such a Conversion of People from A Christianitie strange from Christ. Idolatrie to Christianitie, as fits them to be professours of the Sonne of God, but yet not fits them for the Fellowship of Christians in Church State, I finde not in the Testament of Christ Jesus. Surely the Conversion of the Thessalonians was not such, 2 Thess. 1. Who turned not onely from Idolls; but to serve the living and true God, which service of God in Christ no Soule uprightly in love with Christ Jesus, but (in its measure) longs after, as vehe­mently and cordially as ever chast Spouse after her dearest earth­ly Husbands presence and Enjoyment, Cant. 1. & 3. & 5.


Gods Spirit (in John) describes one Difference, &c. [Page 197] between the true Spirit and Professours, and the f [...]se, to wit, that such as acknowledge (that is truely as I conceive) Christ Je­sus to become in the flesh, are borne of God.


Yea therefore consequently such a Spirit cannot be Antichristian Christianitie. of Jesus, that makes such a profession of Christ Jesus as the De­vills themselves may make, and (even for want of Regenera­tion and Personall Grace,) the professours are not fit for the Fel­lowship of the true Christian Worship, and Worshippers.

5. But lastly, if M r Cotton, or any of his bloudie Judgement woare the Imperiall Crowne of the Worlds Majestie, what slaugh­ters shall we imagine the World should heare and feele? Whe­ther would such fierie zeale transport Men? Yea what an Earth­ly Dunghill Religion and Worship should the most High God be ser­ved with, fit onely for the Dunghill Gods and Goddesses, whom all Asi [...] (as the Towne-clarke speakes) and the World worship­peth.


If the Report of M r Cottons interpreting that Scrip­ture of Serving God with all our Might, &c. be true, to wit, of The bloudie Te­nent tends to an universall Conquest of the whole World. employing our Civill Armes and Forces to the utmost, and that against other Peoples professing Idolatrie and Antichristianisme: His Conscience (as I conceive) must needs force on and presse after, an universall Conquest of all Consciences, and under that (like those bloudie Spaniards, Turkes and Popes) lay un­der that faire cloake, the Rule and Dominion over all the Nations of the Earth.


But may not M r Cotton better listen to the voyce of The bloudie Te­nent in its co­lours. the Lord Jesus, saying to him and such of his bloudie Tenent, You know not of what Spirit you are of: Were the Emperours too favourable (as M r Cotton sayth) in but Banishing? How keene a Sword would M r Cotton draw against so many Millions of Gangreene Soules throughout the Turkish and the Popish World?


Oh, how farre different would M r Cottons Sword be from the Sword of the Spirit of God, proceeding from the Mouth of Christ Jesus, yet sharpe enough with two edges, piercing be­tween Soule and Spirit, &c.


Yea how farre different from the Meeke Spirit of the Lambe of God, who came not to destroy Mens lives, but to save them, yea how different from the former make and noted gen­tle [Page 198] Temper of M r Cottons own Spirit, now over-heat and enfla­med by his unmercifull and bloudie Tenent?

Exam: of Chap. 62. replying to Chap. 65.


VVHen M r Cotton was justly observed to use the Language of Lyon-like persecution in these words, ‘[More and greater Princes then these you mention have not tollerated Hereticks and Schismaticks, notwithstanding their pretence of Conscience, and their arrogating the Crowne of Martyrdome to their suffrings]’ He defendeth such Language by the Scripture Freedome in such Tearmes against Sinners, which sayth he, the Discusser acknowledgeth.


In holy Scripture are many Expressions full of Holi­nesse, No Booke or Writing ever so abused as the holy Writing & Scripture of God is. Gravitie, Love, Meeknesse, &c. which yet are wrested by us poore Men to unholy and unchristian Ends and purposes. How ma­ny wofully pervert many grave and heavenly Passages and Ex­pressions of holy Scripture to base and filthy Jeasting? How many from some sharp Expressions of Christ Jesus and Paul (in cases) take licence to raile and call Men all to naught, in Wrath, Revenge, and Passion? And how many out of pride and false zeale tram­pling upon the Heads and Consciences of all Men, are ready (not in an holy Meeke and Christian way but) in a Pharisaicall, Bi­shop-like The Language of persecutours. and Pope-like way, to roare and thunder out against Gods meekest Servants the odious tearmes of Hereticks, Schisma­ticks, Blasphemers, Seducers, &c. Which tearmes though used in holy Scripture, yet never in such a way, as commonly and con­stantly the bloudie and persecuting expresse themselves in.


But what or whom meanes M r Cotton in this passage, what Language have they learned, who in point of worship have left Zion, but not the Gates and Suburbes of Babylon, for they set up Bull-warkes of Impunitie to secure them.


Surely M r Cotton knowes that none that plead against the Civill Power and Weapons in Spirituall Matters, but they also maintaine, that, there ought to be in vigorous use the Spirituall and two edged Sword that comes forth of Christs Mouth (not for the Impunitie but) for the Ruine and Destruction of all Babells [...]ra [...]s and Abominations.

[Page 199]

M r Cotton spends many lines, and quotes Austin to prove, that Julians End of tollerating Heresie to grow, was to choake Christianitie.


What ever were Julians End, yet I deny that Tollera­tion Julian his Tol­leration. of the weedes of Heresie and blasphemous Religion (Paga­nish, Turkish, Jewish, Popish) in the field of the Civill State and World, hath power to choake the vitalls of Christianitie in the Garden or Bodie the Church of Christ Jesus.

And concerning Infection, It is to be observed that when Touching Infe­ction of false Doctrine, &c. the holy Scripture speakes by the Similitudes of Leaven, Gan­grene, or Poysonfull weedes, of Wolves, or scabbed sheepe, &c. it is commonly with respect to such Evills got in among the Saints and Churches, the Flocks and Gardens of Christ, where such Lea­ven, weedes, &c. tollerated may spread and infect: But what is this to the Lyons, Beares, or Wolves, not to be suffered in the Wildernesse, or Swine, or Dogs, in the common high wayes; or weedes in the Common or Forest, which all may be, and yet the Garden, Body, and Flock of Christ be pure and safe from such In­fection.


One passage more is very Considerable. In former Discourse about the Tares M r Cotton was large in proving the permission of weedes, even in the Church of Christ, and that untill Christs Comming, and that after they be discovered to be Hypo­crites.


O what a Distance is between that Doctrine and this Hypocrites tol­lerated in the Church, but not in the World. here? There the Tares must not be touched in the Garden of the Church, here they must not be suffred abroad in the field of the World, for feare of choaking the good plants in the Garden of Christ. Who can finde out how these Doctrines suit with God­linesse, with Reason, or Themselves?


But now you speake of suiting: It is (sayth M r Cot­ton) (for a close) a plaine Contradiction of the Discussers for­mer Speech to say, that persecuting of others was a meanes of choaking Christianitie, whereas he had said, that Constantines un­knowing zeale did more hurt to Christs Kingdome, then the ra­ging furie of the most bloudie Neroes.


Let the words be well weighed, and no such Affirma­tion will be found: The words are, [It was not when Chri­stians lodged in cold Prisons, but in Down [...] Beds of Ease, and [Page 200] persecuted others.] The Discusser made not persecution to be a meanes of choaking Christianitie, but attributes the Losse of Chri­stians Life and Love, to those Beds of their abused Sweete pro­speritie.

2. If he had made persecution a meanes to choake Christianitie, it had been the persecution of Christians among Themselves, and not the persecution of bloudie Neroes: Which yet if it had been so, it might yet be no Contradiction, for Neroes persecution might doe hurt, although Constantines unknowing zeale might doe much more.

Exam: of Chap. 63. replying to Chap. 66.


MAster Cotton here being understood to smile on Q: Elizabeth for persecuting the Papists, and to [...]wne on K: James for persecuting the (so named) Puritans, he denies neither, but insists onely upon the Number, that as many and as great Princes are against Tolleration as for it, and in particular Q: Elizabeth and K: James.


I say (as before) I should never use an Argument Touching the Persecution of K: James and Q: Elizabeth. from the Number of Princes (no more then from the Number of any other men) for any truth of Christ Jesus: Who as he was not pleased himselfe to be borne of the sons of Nobles, so hath he not chosen many Nobles and Wise men of this World to be borne of him: Yet 2. If that be his Argument, he hath not sa­tisfied, in naming these two, for more were named by the Pri­soner, and besides one of those Witnesses, K: James abundantly declared himselfe, not onely against persecuting of Papists, but against all persecution in generall, what ever otherwise or after­wards his practices were against some Persons, as M r Cotton too truely alledgeth.


In the next Passage the Discusser having objected that both Q: Elizabeth and K: James did persecute according to their Consciences, and arguing why should the one (namely) K: James be more blamed for persecuting according to his Con­science, then Q: Elizabeth for persecuting according to hers: M r Cotton distinguisheth of Consciences: The Queenes sayth he, was rightly informed, but the Kings was not. When it was reply­ed, [Page 201] that either K: James, and such Princes whose Consciences (according to M r Cottons Conscience) are ill informed, must act according to their Consciences, or else they want the Qua­lification and Fitnes for such places: M r Cotton answers two Things.

First, that such Qualifications are not Essentiall, but Inte­grall.

Secondly, That such Princes must forbeare all Civill Cen­sures in matters of Religion untill they be better informed.


It is most true as M r Cotton sayth, if we speake of the right of Succession, a childe may be a Lawfull King (as K. James himselfe was being but a yeare old) But if we speake of the Qualifications of the minde, by which a King is enabled to rule his State (as is supposed Ecclesiasticall and Civill, and to judge un­der Christ Jesus in all Causes Ecclesiasticall as well as Civill: Sure­ly, he that knowes not which is the true Church, true Ministrie, true Ordinances; yea and persecutes the true Church, Ministrie, and Worship, what ever his Qualifications be for the Government of the Touching the Qualification of Princes. Civill State, yet can it never be made good that he is furnished with any Essentiall Qualification for the Spirituall Administration, any more then He that undertakes to be a Guide, and yet is blinde, and never set foote in the way, and knowes not the true from the false: Or to be a Captaine Generall, yea or but a Shep­heard, &c. 2. Beside, Christ Jesus never calld any person to any Employment of his, to any Worke, whom he inables not in a Measure proportionably, &c.


In such cases (sayth M r Cotton) Princes are called to suspend and forbeare all Execution of Civill Censures in the matters of Religion, till they be better informed, least they doe persecute the Son of God in stead of the Son of Perdition.


I answer: First, Then M r Cotton hath cut off K: James from acting, though so long esteemed and sworne Supreame in all Causes Ecclesiasticall.

Secondly, I aske, how many shall forbeare, and how long, Touching Magi­strates suspend­ing from acting in matters of Religion. for evident then it is that most (beyond all comparison) of all the Princes and Magistrates in the World, must not meddle with this pretended chiefe part of their Dutie and Office, and that (if they convert not) for the whole Course and Race of their Life: In particular, that no Pagan Magistrate (of all the ten thou­sands [Page 202] in the World, no Persian, Turkish, Popish, nor Protestant (if Prelaticall or Presbyterian,) ought to exercise any of this High and Glorious Power, but onely such Princes and Magistrates as are of M r Cottons Conscience; for otherwise what Prince in the world more learned King in his time then King James, yet was not he of M r Cottons Conscience.


Deare Truth: The fall of this partialitie is so apparant, Monstrous par­tialitie. and withall so fowle, that I thinke it impossible, but ere long it must needs be condemned by Men on Earth, as doubtless it is ab­hord by the most holy and impartiall God, and his holy Angells in Heaven: Upon this occasion I call to minde that famous Act of the so greatly renowned Constantine, who in his first wearing of the Diademe, put forth (his Colleauge Licinius concurring al­so) Constantines Edict. a famous and most solemne Charter and Edict, that no man throughout the whole Empire should be constraind in his Re­ligion.


M r Cotton (according to his proviso of suspension) must doubtles applaud Constantine for this his Forbearance untill he were better informed, whereas afterward his Edicts against Ar­rius and Arrianisme, testifie his practice to the contrary. But he that shall reade seriously in Gods presence that first Edict of Con­stantine and Licinius, will there finde Constantine to use such Ar­guments, as might for ever have caused him to have forbore per­secution, to have still suspended, to have gratified the Subjects of all his Empire with Libertie and Freedome in the Point of Wor­ship and Religion.

But I will End this Passage with this Querie; If Christ Jesus have left such Power with the Civill Rulers of the World, King­domes, Foule imputati­ons cast on Christ Jesus. and Countries, of or for the Establishing, Governing, and Reforming his Church, what is become of his Care and Love, Wisdome and Faithfulnesse, since in all Ages (since he left the Earth) for the generall, beyond all exception, he hath left her destitute of such qualified Princes and Governours, and in the Course of his Providence furnished her with such, whom he knew would be, and all men finde as fit, as Wolves to protect and feede his Sheepe and People.

Exam: of Chap. 64. replying to Chap. 67.


VVHen it was questioned, what good to the Soules or Bodies of their Subjects did those Princes bring in persecuting! M r Cotton produceth a good [...]i [...]fold that is brought to Princes and Subjects by the due punishment of Apo­states, Seducers, Idolaters, and Blasphemers.


Let all that feare God and M r Cotton himselfe be per­swaded to observe, whether under this faire cloake of punishing these and these spirituall sinners, he maintaine not strongly (what elsewhere he denies) to wit, Persecution for cause of Conscience. But we know the Evasion. It is not for Apostatizing, seducing out of Conscience, but after Conviction, against their Con­science, &c.


You have before satisfied me (besides other Passages) Ʋnchristian Tribunalls. with this one, that to this End of discerning the poore Here­ticks sinning against his Conscience, the Civill State, the Earth, the World must necessarily Erect its Tribunall, to judge not onely Civill Things, but even the Heart and Conscience also; but now to M r Cottons five-fold good.

First (sayth he) it puts away Evill from the People, by cut­ting off a Gangrene which would spread to further ungodlinesse, Deut. 13. 5. 2 Tim. 2. 1. 6. 7. 13.


I answer, these Scriptures (though pure and holy in Dent. 13. 5. & 2 Tim. 2. 16. Ʋnchristianly conjoyned. their places, yet) are here coupled together as Linsey Wollsey, contrary to the Law. Deut. 13. which concerns the typicall Na­tionall Church, using Nationall & temporall Weapons: The 2 Tim. 2. concernes the Particular Congregations or Churches of Christians, using onely the Sword of Gods Spirit, the Word of God, &c.

Beside, Deut. 13. concerned such a People whom the Lord brought forth of Aegypt with Miracles, into Canaan, &c. Let any such People be now produced, excepting the Christian (particular) Churches. Why doth M r Cotton then alledge this Scripture so frequently, and in these five Reasons brings two from hence; This the first; and the Third, to wit, that all the People may heare and feare, &c. which is alone made good in the Antitype or Christian Church; according to that 1 Tim. 5. 20. Rebuke them that sinne openly, that others may learne to feare.

2. Peace.
[Page 204]

M r Cotton mentioneth a second good, which is dri­ving away Wolves from worrying and scattering the Sheepe of Christ.


This was largely answered in discoursing the nature of mysticall or spirituall Wolves, upon that very place which he quotes, Acts 20. From whence it may evidently appeare that from the literall urging of such mysticall Scriptures, all Peoples and Nations are enforced (and that Conscientiously) like Wolves and Lyons to teare and devoure each other.

3. Peace.

M r Cotton addes, that Punishments are wholesome Medicines to such as are curable of such Evills, Zach. 13. 4, 5, 6.


I answer; All the holy Appointments of God are most powerfull (in their severall respective seasons, and manner of Dispensations, to his owne most holy Ends and purposes, &c. The Materiall Nationall Sword in the Nationall Church of Israel before Christ: and the Spirituall Sword, in the spirituall and Christian Church since his comming to abolish those shadowes.

As it was therefore in vaine to have cut off or Excommunica­ted Touching Ex­communication in Israel. spiritually in that Nationall State: So is it in vaine to use the materiall or carnall Sword in the spirituall. Wherefore (ac­cording to this place of Zach.) a true penitent will blesse God for the Wounds of Friends and Lovers (faithfull and sharpe deal­ing) and for Deliverance from the Kisse of deceitfull flatterie: But what is this to prove (that which is so much denied) to wit, Corporall Death or Wounds now to be inflicted upon false Teachers in these times of the Gospel, and that in all parts and Nations of the World.

4. Peace.

The punishment, sayth M r Cotton, executed upon false Prophets and seducing Teachers, doe bring downe Showres of Gods blessing upon the Civill State, 1 King. 18. 40, 41.


If that Nationall State of Israell, and that Nationall or Ans: Corporeall killing of so many hundreth false Prophets, and that literall drouth and literall showres of Raine and plentie were fi­gures of no other Prophets and slaughters, drouth and showers, but literall, materiall, and corporeall, (now since the Body and Sub­stance Christ Jesus is come): What should hinder but that those Priests of Israel, and Sacrifices, and Temple, and Nationall Church should all be in force, for our Imitation, literally, the one as well as [...]he other?

[Page 205]

I cannot possibly conceive but that (all being of the same Nature,) the one is Typicall as well as the other, and that they must flourish and be glorious (as Gods Ordinances,) or vanish and disappeare (giving place to brighter dispensations) at the arising of Christ Jesus the Son of Righteousnesse.


Hence false Apostles, false Teachers, false Prophets, are Spirituall Bles­sings and Curses the Antitypes of Corporall before Christ. Spiritually cut off, Revel. 2. 2 Pet. 2. Gal. 4. And spirituall showres of Blessings descend upon the Israel of God; for although corporeall Blessings of Food and Raiment and plentie, are Gods blessings, yet principally under the Gospel God blesseth his Israel, the Antitype with spirituall Blessings, Eph. 1. Houses, Lands, Fa­thers, Mothers, Children, &c. with persecution, Mark. 10.


Me thinks (Deare Truth) If Christ Jesus had appoin­ted Great over­sight imputed to Christ Jesus. such punishments, such executions, literall, in the Christian Church, he would also have appointed Offices and Officers suita­ble and proper for such Ends and purposes, such punishments, such executions.


It cannot otherwise with Reason and common pru­dence If civill punish­ments for spiri­tuall offences: they must be in­flicted by holy and Christian Instruments and Officers. be supposed, but that, if Christ Jesus had appointed (which we finde not in his holy Testament) holy and Christian Magistrates for those great decrees and sentences, wee should also have read of his holy Constables, holy Sergeants, holy Prisons, holy Stocks, holy Whipping Posts, holy Gibbets, and holy Ty­burnes; together also with holy Hangmen, the spirituall Instru­ments and Officers of Christ Jesus, for the Executions of his holy punishments upon Apostates, Hereticks, Blasphemers, Idolaters, Se­ducers, &c.

5. Peace.

Gods Justice (sayth M r Cotton) is honoured in the Execution of such Judgements, Revel. 16. 5, 6.

1. Truth.

I have (to my understanding) formerly shewed M r Cottons mistake in his expounding of this third Violl, and have presented an Exposition more agreeable with the scope of this Prophecie.

Peace. 2.

God was honoured in all his Judgements which the Tyrants of the World have executed, (the Babylonian, Persian, Grecian, Romane) yet not by way of Law and Ordinance, but in the way of his holy providence and just permission.

3. Truth.

Yea the Witnesses of Jesus, by the two-edged Sword of God in their Mouths, execute Gods Judgements, to the vindi­cating [Page 206] of Gods Glory, and their Innocencie, (Revel. 11.) although they used no carnall Weapon.

4. The holy Name of God is much dishonoured and prophaned, when the Inventions of Men are set up, against his holy Appoint­ments, A true Christ, a true Sword; a false Christ, a false Sword. and when the Sword of Steele (in spirituall cases) is drawen in stead of the spirituall Sword, proceeding out of the Mouth of Christ Jesus in his servants Testimonie. All such wor­ship, is but vaine or idle worship ( Mark. 7.) and such is the carnall Sword and Executions of it.


Whereas it was observed, that M r Cotton acknow­ledged that Queene Elizabeth had well neere fired all Europe, by such Executions, M r Cotton answers, God bore witnesse to his Truth in Deliverances: And when it was replyed, that Successe doth not prove causes true, M r Cotton answers, yes; Psal. 1. 3, 4. Jer. 22. 15, 16, 17.


I reply, Temporall prosperitie, successe, &c. were proper in that Temporall and Civill State, of that Nationall Church, and spirituall Blessing and prosperitie proper in the Gospel now, Ephes. 1.

Peace. 2.

It was answered that God had given victorie to the Papists, especially against the Waldenses (and the Beast makes warre against the Witnesses, Revel. 11. and overcomes them, &c.) M r Cotton herein first observeth a Contradiction, in the words, to wit, that the Papists ever had the victorie, and yet their suc­cesse hath been various.


I reply; the words are not that the Papists had ever the Victory, but that they ever had both Victory and Dominion; which words may be true, although that the Event were some­times various.

2. Peace.

Againe (sayth M r Cotton) Queene Elizabeth ever had the Victorie against the Papists.


I answer; Many gracious Deliverances God vouch­safed Q: Elizabeth her wars against the Papists. to Q: Elizabeth, yet sometimes her Armies prospered not against the Papists, as in that famous Expedition of Essex, Drake and Norris (though in a most righteous cause,) against the Pa­pists of Spaine and Portugall, as also against the Papists in Ireland and the Low Countries, at sometimes.

2. Grant not onely Deliverances, but Victories and Successe, Her cause (how ever intermingled) was civill Defence of her [Page 207] Kingdome, against Invation and Ambition, Dominion and Conquest, by practices of Tyrannie and oppression, both against the English and the Hollanders (especially) as appeared by the horrible Exactions, Outrages, Murthers and Slaughters committed upon them by D'alva the King of Spaines Generall.


But although the Papists (sayth M r Cotton) fought with various successe, yet it is Gods manner to nurture his Peo­ple with some crosses, to teach them not to fight in their owne strength, &c.


Yea and it might also teach them not to fight but with Christs Weapons in Christs Cause; who hath said, That all that take the Sword, that is, (as I conceive) in Christs cause, shall perish by it, Matth. 26. 52.

3. Peace.

Concerning the Walldenses M r Cotton sayth, They The Warres of the Walden­ses. never lost Victorie, but when they complied with the Papists, and trusted more to their false praetences, then to the Lord. And he adds, that it is not true, that the finall successe of Victorie fell to the Papists, to the utter extirpation of those Walldenses; for sayth he, those Witnesses were not extirpated but dispersed.


For their Complying with Papists, alas, what can Gods little flock, his two Witnesses doe with carnall weapons, un­lesse assisted by carnall Men, to whom this carnall course causeth them to bow downe, dissemble, lye, &c. as holy David with Achish and his Philistims.

2. For the Successe it is evident that the Waldenses and their Adherents, were so defeated by the Popes Armies, that in respect of any power to resist, the Armies of the Waldenses were wholly extirpated, although it is true (through Gods o're-powring hand) the Truths of Christ (which the holy Waldensian Witnesses testified) were more and more propagated by their Dispersions, Acts 8. & 11. Christ Jesus gaines more by preaching his Truth in a flying perse­cuted dispersion, then by fighting on Horsbacke with carnall wea­pons in carnall companies, &c.

4. Peace.

But, whereas it was observed from Daniell and John their Prophecies, that Antichrist was foretold to obtaine great successe against Christ Jesus, for a time determined: M r Cotton sayth, Not against Christ Jesus, but his Servants, and that either in Suffring for his Truth, or when they ill handled his Cause.

[Page 208]

Be it so, yet the Prophesies were true, and truely were fullfilled, and it is Gods Counsell that for the time appointed, Christ Jesus in his Truths and Servants is despised, Psal. 89. &c. How can then temporall victorie and prosperitie be expected by Christs followers for Christs Cause, or the temporall Sword be an Ordinance for Christs spirituall Kingdome and Worship?

5. Peace.

Now lastly, when the weapons of the Saints Victo­ries Christian wea­pons. were mentioned three; ( Revel. 12.) 1. Christs Bloud. 2. The Word of their Testimonie. 3. Their owne Bloud: M r Cot­ton answers; this is true in private Christians: But (sayth he) the Sword of Gideon, the publike Magistrate is the Lords Sword, &c. when drawen out for Gods cause and Worship, according to God, is Victorious, Revel. 17. with Revel. 19. 14. 19, 20.


I answer; Gideons Sword (if well examined) will be found a Figure of that sharpe Sword of that great Captaine and Generall Christ Jesus. This Sword comes forth of his Mouth in the Christs Sword. Preachings and Writings of his Servants: other sword we never finde he used in all his Battells against all his Adversaries: yea even against the Devill himselfe and his Instruments.


Yea, those very Victories of the Saints, Revel. 19. are Christs Warres and Victories, Revel. 17. expressely won with that Sword which comes forth of his Mouth: And his owne white Horse, and the Horses of his Fol­lowers, and the white Linnen with which they are clothed, can­not with any shew of Christian Reason hould forth the carnall praeparation of white Horses, (literally) Guns, Swords, &c. But of the Word of Meeknesse, Innocencie and Righteousnesse (which is interpreted the Fine Linnen, vers. 8.)


To shut up this Chapter, Gideons Armie and Artillerie and Victorie, cannot be type of such Materiall Armies, Artillerie, Gideons Army typicall. and Victories, but of a Spirituall Armie, fighting with the Light and Testimonie of Gods Truth openly proclaimed, and the cheare­full breaking of the earthen Vessells of their Bodies for Christs Cause, when in conclusion, the Antichristian Midianites (by their Divisions and Combustions) run their Swords in each others Bow­ells, with mutuall slaughters and Destructions; as woefull experi­ences hath declared.

Exam: of Chap. 65. replying to Chap. 68.


FRom the Argument of the Testimonie of Kings and Princes concerning persecution for matters of Religion in their Kingdomes and Dominions, the Prisoner descended to the Argument from ancient Writers: unto some of which sayth the Discusser, the Answerer pleaseth to make Answer: Unto this M r Cotton replyes; As if any of them were omitted, or as if all of them were not answered: Compare the Prisoners Letter and mine together, and see if I have balked any one of them.


M r Cotton would here insinuate a false Charge: I have compared the Prisoners Letter, and the Answer, and although M r Cotton hath said some-thing to some-thing, which every one of them spake: Yet he that impartially will view the Passages shall finde, that although in strictnesse of Gammar Rules, he may not be said to omit to say something to each of them, yet in re­spect of Matter and Argument, he hath toucht but some, and that but lightly, as the Candle of Examination will make it ap­peare.


Hilarius words in the Letter are these: ‘The Christian The Christian Church doth not persecute, but is persecuted. Church doth not persecute, but is persecuted: and lamentable it is to see the great folly of these Times, and to figh at the foo­lish opinion of this World, in that Men thinke by humane ayde to helpe God, and with worldly pompe and power to un­dertake to defend the Christian Church: I aske you Bishops, what helpe used the Apostles in the publishing of the Gospel? With the ayde of what power did they Preach Christ, and con­vert the Heathen from their Idolatrie to God? When they were in prisons, and lay in chaines, did they praise or give thankes to God for any Dignities or Graces and Favours received from the Court? Or doe you thinke that Paul went about with Regall Mandates or Kingly Authoritie, to gather and establish the Church of Christ? Sought he protection from Nero, Vespatian, &c? The Apostles wrought with their own hands for their Main­tenance, travelled by Land, and wandred from Towne to Ci­tie to preach Christ: Yea the more they were forbidden, the more they taught and preached Christ: But now alas Humane helpe must assist and protect the Faith, and give countenance to it, [Page 210] and by vaine and worldly Honours doe men seeke to defend the Church of Christ, as if he by his power were unable to per­forme it.’


How many goulden heavenly Sentences (like so ma­ny precious Jewells) are treasured up, in the Cabinet of this holy Testimonie of Hilarius? And yet, but some of them, nay onely one of them doth M r Cotton choose to answer, to wit, this, The Christian Church doth not persecute, but is persecuted.


Deare Peace, Each inch and shread of heavenly Gold is precious, forget not therefore the Addition in the Letter, Hilarie against the Arrians thus: ‘The Church which formerly by en­during miserie and Imprisonment, was knowne to be the true Worldly glory and persecution characters of the false Church. Church, doth now terrifie others by Imprisonment, Banishment, and Miserie, and boasteth that [...]hee is highly esteemed of the World, whereas the true Church cannot but be hated of the same.’ In which and other Passages of Hilarius M r Cotton might see as in a Glasse, the foule spots of his owne and New Englands face, in a most lively Testimonie against both bloudie Tenents and practices.


To close upon the Point: M r Cotton sayth, He can­not make it a marke of a Christian Church to be persecuted, for ( Acts 9 31.) the Churches had rest, &c. Nor a marke of a false Church to persecute; for, Asa persecuted the Prophet (2 Chron. 16. 10.) Acts 7. 51. the true Church persecuted the Prophets.


When the Scripture or common Reason speakes of a common marke or Character, proper to one they deny not; but in an Act, or unusuall cases that Marke or Character may be The sins of Gods children. worne by the Contraries. Noah was drunk; Abraham lyes; Da­vid commits Adulterie: yet lying, drunkennesse and whoredome were not their ordinarie Characters, but the Markes of the common Lyars, Drunkards and Adulterers of this World: David stobd Ʋriah with his Pen, and Asa imprisoned the Prophet; yet these Acts were not their ordinarie Badges, but rather Spots or Blemishes, Warts, or Scabs, which grew on and were cast off (like Pauls Viper) without the note of a constant marke or character.

It is the propertie of Fire to ascend, and Water to descend, yet the Scripture relates of the descending of Fire, and the ascend­ing of Water, which takes not away the ordinarie Nature of the [Page 211] marke and character of Fires ascending, and Waters descending the Hills and Mountaines.

An arrant Whore is not alwayes in actuall Whoredome and Bloud, though both are her Markes and Dispositions: A chast wife or Virgin abhorres both, and yet by force or great Temptation, may be vanquished (as Bathsheba) which afterwards the Teares of godly Sorrow and Repentance wash away.


Yea but, the Question is (sayth M r Cotton) whether Magistrates may not punish arrogant Hereticks and Seducers?


In all ages God hath permitted, Goulden Images (like Christs Wit­nesses. Nebuchadnezzars) to be set up, I say State Worships and Religi­ons! And he hath also provided his Witnesses to testifie his Truth against such Abominations: Such Witnesses dissenting, Non­conforming, and refusing to come to the Common Assemblies of such Worshippers (to come to Church in plaine English) to yeeld Conformitie, to Subscribe, to Sweare, &c. are commonly cryed downe for Hereticks, Schismaticks, &c. And if they open their Lips in defence of their owne Conscience, and profession of Gods Truth! Seducers, Seducers, Blasphemers, Blasphemers.

2. Peace.

But 2. sayth M r Cotton) it is another begging of the Question, to take it for granted, that it is a marke of no true Church to procure the Civill punishment of incorrigible, obstinate Hereticks and Seducers.


I intend by a marke of character, an inbred constant disposition, put forth in a constant and ordinarie practice: And then A true Wife of Christ no perse­cutour. I dare challenge M r Cotton to produce any true Church of Christ, eyther in Scripture or Historie, that did ordinarily and constantly professe and practice to stirre up the Civill Magistrate against such whom they judged incorrigible obstinate Hereticks and Sedu­cers.


That which follows is full of Wonder and Astonish­ment, for M r Cotton confessing the Christian Church doth not persecute, that is (sayth he) persecute in Excommunicating the Touching perse­cution what it is. Heretick) it was replyed; this is but an Evasion, for who de­nies Power to Christs Church to Excommunicate? or who under­stands by Excommunication, persecution for Conscience? M r Cotton answers; the Prisoner did nōt expresse himselfe, what persecu­tion he meant, and also since false Excommunication is a great persecution, and so Christ Jesus himselfe esteemes of it, Luk. 21. 22.

[Page 212]

I have formerly and must againe appeale to the na­ture of the word, commonly used and taken, and aske, if perse­cution properly so taken be not a corporeall violence, or hunting for Religion and Conscience sake! And then halfe an eye will see through this poore and thin excuse and covering, notwithstand­ing that false excommunication be a spirituall persecution, and the abuse of the spirituall Sword be also deeper and fouler then the abuse of the civill and materiall.


To this (upon the Point) M r Cotton consented, to wit, that Hilarius complaint, speaketh not to Excommunication, but civill censures, and therefore answers, first by proportion that excommunication of an Heretick is no persecution, and therefore by proportion neither is the civill punishment of an Heretick, perse­cution. By concession of Hilaries words, that the Apostles did not, and we may not propagate Religion by the Sword.


The Question with Hilarie was not whether a true Church did persecute an Heretick Idolater, Blasphemer, &c. but whether a true Church persecuted at all by civill censures: Now Difference be­tween a civill and spirituall State. there being two States, the Civill or Corporeall, and the Ecclesia­sticall or spirituall: There are conseqnently two sorts of Lawes, two sorts of Transgressions, two sorts of punishments, to wit, Ci­vill and Spirituall, and there must of necessitie be two sorts of false or corrupt punishments, which are not just punishments, but oppressions, persecutions or huntings, to wit, the Civill persecution and the spirituall: Now M r Cotton (confounding Heaven and Earth together) deceives himselfe and others by a notion of spi­rituall persecution, to wit, by Excommunication, contrary to Hila­ries scope, and the scope of this whole Dispute and Controversie.

I may illustrate it thus: Some Tutours of Kings Children, not being authorized to correct the Bodies of such young Princes, are said sometimes (not without some desert) to correct the Bodies of Inferiours (the young Princes Favourites,) by which the minds of such young Princes smarted sufficiently, if not exceed­ingly. The nature of spirituall pu­nishment. I parallell not the similitude in all respects, but to illu­strate the difference and distinction, between a spirituall punish­ment of the minde, and spirit, soule and affections, with which Christ Jesus hath furnished his Churches: and that Civill or cor­porall punishment, which he never gave them power to inflict (unlesse in miraculous dispensation) over the Bodies of any, di­rectly or indirectly by Themselves or others.

[Page 213]

It is an everlasting Truth; Rightly distinguish, rightly Teach: but let us view M r Cottons Second Answer, He grante that the Christian Religion was not, nor is not to be propagated by the Sword.


Then let Heaven and Earth judge, if M r Cotton may not (in this case) out of his owne mouth be judged, since in this whole Discourse he sets the visible Headship of Christ Jesus (that golden Head, Cant. 5.) over the Church and all her Offi­cers, The nature of Christs spiritu­all Government. Doctrines and Practices, (in the power of Correcting, Refor­ming, &c.) on the shoulders of the Civill State, the Ministers and Officers thereof: provided that they execute not this Headship or Government, except they be able to judge, that is, (in Eng­lish) provided they be of his Conscience and Judgement, and so consequently will judge and execute, according to the Clergies (though implicite) decree and sentence.


It is not much unlike that M r Cotton affirmeth in the The Civill Powers and Officers the Clergies Exe­cutioners. words following: for although he confesseth it is not proper for Christian Churches to inflict Civill punishments by Themselves, yet makes he (as all Popes and Popish persecutours have done) the Magistrates and Civill powers, their servants and slaves for exe­cution, &c.


This M r Cotton covers over with this Similitude, say­ing that although it is not proper for Lambes to teare Wolves, yet if they were reasonable they would run to their Shepheards to send out their Dogs after them.

Now under this fine Paint and vizard of Lambe like dispositi­ons of Shepheards, the Bishops, Presbyterians, and Independents, may render the Civill Magistrate not as Shepheards, but no other upon the point and in plaine English, then their servants and Executioners, to punish such on whom the Clergie first have past their Sentence. The bloudie Papists have commonly used to persecute Christ Jesus formally and judicially, delivering over Christ Jesus (in his Servants,) orderly to Pontius Pilate, the Secular Power. The Protestant persecutors use a finer vaile (every ugly vizard will not so deceive) for though they practice not so above boord, in respect of a formall and judiciall delivering of Christ (the Heretick) unto their Shepheard Pontius Pilate the Secular power, yet they doe it, and doe it as substantially and fully by preaching and chalking out to then servants the Magi­strates, [Page 214] their task, I say, as fully as ever the bloudie Popes, the Bishops; or their Chancellours did.


But why (sayth M r Cotton) should a Christian Church spare an Idolater tempting of her now, any more then the eye of an holy Israelite was to spare the like Tempters in the dayes of old, Deut. 13. 3?


M r Cotton cannot get over this block, though it be but a shadow, yea the shadow of a shadow, abolished by Christ Je­sus: Spirituall Judgements more terrible since Christ, then corporall before his com­ing. M r Cotton a little before grants that the power of spirituall chaines far exceeds the power of materiall, and if so how cleere is it, that the spirituall impartialitie and severitie of a Virgin Israe­lite now, is incomparablie sharper and more dreadfull, by put­ting spiritually to Death such as Tempt them from the Lord their God, who hath brought them forth of Aegypt into spirituall Ca­naan, then the impartialitie and severitie of any literall Israelite, against such as tempted them from the Lord, who in a Type had brought them forth of materiall Aegypt into materiall Canaan?

I adde (sweete Peace) to end this Chapter, If the Father of Lights graciously please to open a crevis of Light to that (other­wise) excellent and piercing eye of M r Cotton in this Controversie, he will confesse concerning this cutting off in Israel these two things.

First, that the cutting off in materiall Israel, was by Swords, The cutting off or Excommuni­cating from the holy Land of Israel figurative and typicall. Stones, &c. a cutting off from the holy Land, and a casting out of Gods sight, which cutting off God executed either by legall Judgement and Sentence among Themselves, or by furi­ous hand of persecutours and oppressours, slaughtering or captiva­ting that People.

Secondly, That there is no other cutting off in the Gospel, but by the spirituall Sword of the Word & Ordinances of Christ, or the violent hand of Oppressours, Antichristians, &c. carrying Gods Israel captive into mysticall Babylon, or Aegypt of false Worship, or worldly corruption, which is ten thousand-fold more terri­ble and dreadfull, then the literall and materiall Captivitie of Israel.

Exam: of Chap. 66. replying to Chap. 69.


HEre M r Cotton complaines of wrong, in that the Discusser chargeth him to plead for persecution, and yet confesseth that he agrees with Hilarie.


M r Cotton indeed agrees with Hilarie in generall pro­fession, that the Gospel is not to be propagated by Sword, but in particulars he affirmes, the Blasphemer, the Idolater, the Heretick, the Seducer is to be persecuted. In the generall he saith, the Ma­gistrate may not constraine any to believe & professe the Truth, yet in particulars; thus far saith he, a man may be constrained by the A twofold w [...]y of constraint. Magistrates withdrawing Countenance and Favour, Incouragement and Employment from him, which affirming, what doth he else but affirme that he may be constrained, deposed, punished, that is, persecuted.


Indeed such kinde of punishment, as to displace men, to keepe them out from all offices, or places of Trust and Credit (because of difference of Conscience) may prove in the particu­lar a greater affliction and punishment, then a Censure, a Fine, Im­prisonment, yea sometimes more bitter to some Spirits then Death it selfe.


Yea and M r Cottons ground is both unsafe and darke, and needs a candle of Light to discover the bottome and com­passe of it: Such, saith he, as walke not according to their Light, are neither true servants to God nor Man, but

First, what meanes here M r Cotton by Light? Light in this What it is to walke accord­ing to a mans Light. sence is commonly taken two wayes.

First, For that is Light indeed, to wit, the precious Light of Gods revealed will.

Secondly, That which so appeares to be, to a mans minde and Conscience, but may be a falshood, a lye, a mistake, and dark­nesse. M r Cotton had done well to have distinguished, for (be­fore) he blamed King James for walking according to his Light: and although (upon the point) he makes the Civill Ma­gistrates in all parts of the World, the Heads, Protectours, and Go­vernours of Christs Church, yet if the eyes of these Heads see not by his Light, he cuts off these Heads, forbidding them to act as Heads, and to walke according to their Light, they must (as [Page 216] often he tells us) suspend, untill they have Light, &c.

2. Peace.

Beside, it comes oft to passe, that the Light which Conviction two­fold: Sufficient in it selfe: or to the partie effi­cacious. shines by preaching or practice of others, although it be a meane sufficient to convince, if God please to blesse it, yet untill the Consciences of men be convinced of the Light of it, I Judge it can­not properly be said to be the Light of their Consciences, nor they to sin against the Light of their Consciences.

3. Truth.

Yea, and there is a morall vertue, a morall fidelitie, abi­litie and honestie, which other men (beside Church members) are, by good nature and education, by good Lawes and good examples nourished and trained up in, that Civill places of Trust and Credit need not to be Monopolized into the hands of Church-Members (who sometimes are not fitted for them) and all others deprived and despoiled of their naturall & Civill Rights and Liberties.


But what say you (Deare Truth) to M r Cottons Apo­logie for New England (for as for constraint in old he is silent) he sayth he knowes not of any constraint upon any to come to Church, to pay Church Duties, and sayth it is not so in his Towne.


If M r Cotton be forgetfull, sure he can hardly be igno­rant of the Lawes and Penalties extant in New England that are (or if repeald have been) against such as absent Themselves from Church Morning and Evening, and for Non-payment of Church-Duties, although no Members.

For a Freedome of Not paying in his Towne, it is to their com­mendation Touching the Maintenance of the new English Ministers. and Gods praise, who hath shewed him and others more of his holy Truth: Yet who can be ignorant of the Sess­ments upon all in other Townes, of the many Suits and Sen­tences in Courts (for Non-payment of Church-Duties) even against such as are no Church Members? Of the Motions and pleadings of some (not the meanest of their Ministers) for Tithes? And how ever for my part I beleeve M r Cotton ingeni­ously willing, that none be forced expresly to pay to his Main­tenance, yet I question whether he would work if he were not well payd: And I could relate also what is commonly repor­ted abroad, to wit, that the rich Merchants and people of Boston would never give so freely, if they were forced, yet now they are forced to give for shame (I take it) in the Publike Congre­gation.

[Page 217]The Indians of this Countrie have a Way calld Nanówwe, or Giving their Commodities freely, by which they get better bar­gaines, then if they stood stiffly on their Tearmes of Anaqúshento, or Trading: And when not satisfied to the utmost, they grudge, revile, &c. It cannot be, but that to such Deceitfulnesse of Heart M r Cotton is subject as well as others, though Love bids me, and others, to hope the best.


The close of this Chapter seemes strange and wonder­full, Of propagating Religion by the Sword. for M r Cotton acknowledged that Propagation of Religion ought not to be by the Sword, and yet instantly againe main­taines he the use of the Sword ‘when persons (which then must be judged by the Civill State) blaspheme the true God and the true Religion, and also seduce others to damnable Heresie and Idolatrie: But this (sayth he) is not the Propa­gation of Religion, but the preserving of it, and if it doe conduce to Propagation, it is onely Removendo prohibens.


What is this Removendo prohibens, but as the weeding of a Field or Garden? And every Husbandman will say, that the end of such his work, is the propagation and increase of his graine and fruit, as well as the making of his fence, and planting and sowing of his Field or Garden: What therefore is this Confession, (though with this Distinction) but in truth an acknowledge­ment of what in Words and Tearmes, he yet denies (with Hila­rie) to wit, a propagating of Christian Religion and Truth by the Civill Sword?

2. Besides it is the same hand and power that plucks up the weedes, and plants the Corne, and consequently, that same hand and Sword that destroyes the Heretick, may make the Christian, &c.

Exam: of Chap. 67. replying to Chap. 70.


COncerning Tertullians speech, and especially that Branch, to win, that [By the Law of naturall equitie, Men are not to be compelled to any Religion, but permitted to believe or not believe at all] M r. Cotton answers, that they doe permit the Indians, but it will not therefore be safe to toller▪ te the publicke Worship of Devills or Idolls. The Discusser replied, [Page 218] that they doe permit the Indians in their Paganish Worship, and Touching the Indians of New-England therefore were partiall to their Countrymen and others: M r Cot­ton answers; that it is not true, that they doe so permit the Indians, what ever they may doe privately: That the Indians submit to the ten Commandements, and that some of their Mini­sters have preached to them in English, which hath been inter­preted: That one now preacheth in their owne Language: Further, That they permit strangers in their Worship. And for their Countrymen, for the most part that they worship God with them: They which are distant have Libertie of publike prayer and preaching, by such as themselves choose without distur­bance.


Concerning the Indians, it is most true, that the Monahigganéucks, Mishawomêucks, Pawtuckséucks, and Cawsum­séucks (who professe to submit to the English) continue in their publike Paganish Worship of Devills, I say openly and con­stantly.


Yea but (saith M r Cotton) they have submitted to the ten Commandements.


I answer; the ten Commandements containe a Renun­ciation of all salse Gods and Worships, and a Worshipping of the true God, according to his owne Institutions and Appointments, which their practice is as farre from, as Mid-night is from Mid­day.

2. To put men upon observations of Gods Worship, as Prayer, Worshipping of God and Christ before the foun­dation of Re­pentance, is no­thing but Anti­christian dis­order. &c. before the Foundations of Repentance from dead workes (their worshipping of Idolls, &c.) is as farre from the Order of Christ Jesus, and his Christian principles (whereof Repentance from dead workes is the first) as the building of an House or Palace, without the first Groundsell or Foundation laid.


M r Cotton therefore saith, they preach unto them.


I from my soule wish that all the Lords people in New England were Prophets, yea true Apostolicall Ministers or Preachers, truely furnished with Christs Abilities, and Christs Commission, to goe forth to convert and baptize the Nations, even these Wildest of the Nations of Adams Children: But Con­version of Nations M r Cotton sayth (upon Revel. 15.) untill the seaven plagues of the seaven Angells be fullfilled, will not be great.

[Page 219]This Interpretation I acknowledge to be very probable, so far as concernes any great Conversion of the Nations before the downfall of Antichrist, and in the meane season I commend the pious Endeavours of any (professing Ministery or not) to doe good to the Soules of all Men as We have opportunitie. But that any of the Ministers spoken of are furnished with true Apo­stolicall Commission (Matth. 28.) I see not for these Reasons.

First, The Minister or Ministers, whom M r Cotton I conceive Touching prea­ching to the In­dians in New-England. intends, professe an ordinarie Office in the Church of Christ, which is cleerely distinct, yea and another thing from the of­fice of an Apostle, or one sent forth to preach and baptize, Ephes. 4. & 1 Cor. 12.

Secondly, Such Churches as are invested with the power of Christ, and so authoriz'd to send forth, are seperate from the World, which many thousands of Gods people (dead and li­ving) have seene just Reasons to deny those Churches so to be.

Thirdly, Were the Church true, and the Messenger or Apostle rightly sent forth with prayer and fasting, according to Act. 13. yet I believe that none of the Ministers of New England, nor any person in the whole Countrey is able to open the Mysteries of Christ Jesus in any proprietie of their speech or Language, with­out which proprietie it cannot be imagined that Christ Jesus sent forth his first Apostles or Messengers, and without which no people in the World are long willing to heare of difficult and heavenly matters. That none is so fitted;

First, The Natives themselves affirme, as I could instance in many particulars.

Secondly, The Experience of the Discusser and of many others testifie how hard it is for any man to attaine a little proprietie of their Language in common things (so as to escape Derision amongst them) in many yeares, without abundance of conversing with them, in Eating, travelling and lodging with them, &c. which none of their Ministers (other affaires not permitting) ever could doe.


There being no helpes of Art and learning amongst them, I see not how without constant use or a Miracle, any man is able to attaine to any proprietie of speech amongst them, even in common things. And without proprietie (as before) who knowes not how hardly all men (especially Barbarians) [Page 220] are brought to heare matters of Heaven (so strange and contrary Proprietie of Language ne­cessary to the true preaching of Christ Jesus to any people. to Nature) yea, even matters of the Earth, except profit and other worldly ends compell them to spell out Mens minds and meaning?

Truth. 3.

I may truely adde a third, an Instance in the booke of their Conversion, written by M r Tho: Shepheard, there M r Eliot (the ablest amongst them in the Indian Speech) pro­mising an old Indian a suit of Cloths, the man (sayth the rela­tion) not well understanding M r Eliots speech, asked another Indian what M r Eliot said.


Me thinks, the Native not understanding such a com­mon and wellcome promise of cloths upon Gift, would farre more hardly understand M r Eliots preaching of the garment of Righteousnesse Christ Jesus, unto which Men mutually turne the deafe Eare, &c.


Neither you (sweet Peace) nor I Expresse thus much to dampe M r Eliot or any from doing all the good they can, whiles opportunitie lasts in any truely Christian way, but to shew how great that mistake is, that pretends such a true preaching of Christ Jesus to them in their owne Language.


But to proceed, in the next Passage M r Cotton affirmes their Impartialitie in permitting others as well as the In­dians.


I answer; it is one thing to connive at a strange Pa­pist in private devotions on shoare, or in their vessells at Anchor, &c. Another thing to permit Papists, Jewes, Turkes, &c. the free and constant Exercise of their Religion and Worship, in their respective Orders and Assemblies, were such Inhabitants amongst them.


Doubtlesse the bloudie Tenent cannot permit this Li­bertie, neither to the Papists, Jewes, Turkes, &c. nor to the In­dians, nor doth their practice toward their Countrymen hould forth a shew of such a freedome or permission.


I wonder why M r Cotton writes, that the most part of the English worship God with them, and the rest absent have Libertie to choose their Preachers! Since M r Cotton knowes the Petition and Petitions that have been presented for Libertie of Conscience in New England, and he cannot but also know the Imprisoning and Fining of some of the Petitioners, &c.

[Page 221]

It may be M r Cotton will use the common objection, that some part of their Petition tended to Disturbance in Civill Things.


Some of their Petitions were purely for Libertie of Conscience to God in Worship a close Prisoner in New-Eng­land, and no Petitioner could obtaine its Li­bertie. Conscience, which some in Office, both in Church and State fa­voured, as is reported, if not promoted. If others or some part of them might be judged offensive against Lawes made, yet why then hath not the Libertie of their Conscience (in point of Worship) been granted to them? When they have complai­ned (amongst other Passages) that they have been forced to stay the baptizing of other Mens children, while their owne might not be admitted, and therefore earnestly sued for Mini­sters and Congregations after their owne free choice and Consci­ences, which have ever been denyed to them.


It is said, that their Ministers being consulted with, utterly denied to yeeld to any such Libertie.


They might justly feare, that if such a window were opened (as once Bishop Gardiner spake in another case) that the New English Congregations and Churches would be as thin; as the Presbyterians complained theirs to have been, when the people once began to taste the Freedome and Libertie of their Consciences, from the slaves whip, &c.


In the next Passage, the Discusser having excepted against M r Cottons distinguishing betweene Members of the Church, and such as have given their names to Christ; M r Cot­ton replies; they are not all one, and quotes, Esa. 65. 5, 6.


Let the place be viewed, and that place will be found Publik [...] marri­age, or giving ones selfe to Christ. to speake of no such Difference: It speaks of the Lords promise to Eunuches and Strangers, laying hould on the Lords Covenant, and joyning themselves to the Lord, which I conceive M r Cot­ton will not deny to be in a Church way; in which condition the Lord gives the Eunuches a name better then of Sonnes and Daughters.


In the next Passage M r Cotton upon Tertullians speech, affirmes, that a false Religion will hurt, because the Red Horse followes the White, &c.


I answer; Gods Judgements (by Warre, Famine, Pesti­lence) plaguing false Religions in his time (though after many hundreth yeares patience, as hath form [...]ly been opened) is [Page 222] one thing: and the present hurting or profiting of others, is ano­ther.


In the next place M r Cotton takes offence that the Dis­cusser should insinuate M r Cotton to have a hand in the Modell of Church Government.


I answer; M r Cottons words in the End of his An­swer to the Prisoner, (where he speakes of this Treatise or Mo­dell, sent to some of the Brethren of Salem) seemed to hould out the probabilitie of it. How ever M r Cotton subscribeth to the rest of the Elders, (as he here sayth) their words being rightly un­derstood.


Further, M r Cotton here affirmes, that the want of a Law for Religion in any State provokes the Wrath of God, as the want of a King in Israel, Judg. 21. 25. Judges 21. 25 Considered.


This Scripture proves no more, but that the want of a King, Magistrate, Governour, or Civill Officer of Justice, pro­vokes the Wrath of God, and endangereth the people, against which the Discusser never affirmed, but against their Kingly or Civill Authoritie in spirituall cases, since Christ Jesus abolished that Nationall Church.


But sayth M r Cotton, the best Good of a Citie is Religi­on, and therefore there should be a Law for it.


To this I have spoken largely in discussing of that Modell, unto which I know not of any Reply yet made by Himselfe, or any of those worthy men whom he makes the Authours of it.


But further, whereas the Discusser had said that the Supreame Au­thoritie in Spi­ritualls. weedes of the Wildernesse will not hurt the Garden, nor poyson the Body, if not suffred to grow in the Garden, nor taken into the Body, M r Cotton grants that Christ hath ordained Gardiners for his Garden, and Physick and Physicians for his Body: Yet withall he makes the Civill Officers, to be as Supervisors, Super­intendents, and consequently, Bishops, Governours, and Heads of the Church or Churches, and over the spirituall Officers of Christ Jesus.


What is this but to establish Henry the 8. a Spirituall Civill Magistrate, and Head of the Church, in the roome of the Pope? Contrary to which I have discoursed in the discussing of the Modell in the bloudie Tenent.

[Page 223]

But what thinke you of M r Cottons interpretation of Tertullians minde, to wit, that Tertullian should meane, that the Christian Religion would not hurt nor disturbe the Romane Civill State?


I conceive it cannot stand, for although it be true Tertullians Speech of one Religion, not hurting or profi­ting another Considered. that the Christian Religion hurts no Civill State (but infinitly the contrary) yet M r Cotton will not deny that the Christian Religion (not of it selfe, but through the corruption of the Civill State) may provoke a Civill State many wayes, and therefore Tertullian must meane otherwayes, to wit, every Man must stand or fall in his owne Religion, and the Religion of one man will neither hurt nor save another: Therefore (to end this Passage) Tertullians words may not unfitly be thus appli­ed: The Religion of the Protestants, if permitted by the Papists, will neither hurt nor profit the Papists: The Religion of the In­dependents will nether hurt nor profit the Presbyterians, if they permitted it: And the Religion and Worship of other Conscien­ces in old or New England, will neither hurt nor profit the In­dependents, where the power of tollerating or not tollerating lies in the hands and power of the Independents.

Exam: of Chap. 68. replying to Chap. 71.


HEre M r Cotton urgeth two mistakes: First in the quoting of Jerome: secondly, in naming Tertul­lian for Jerome.


Possible it is, they are neither the mistakes of the Pri­soner, nor Discusser, but either the Scribe or Printers may share with them; or if they were their owne mistakes (although the Prisoner wrote in close prison in Newgate, and the Discusser in multitude of Distractions, yet) they are justly to be blamed for their least sleepines in the handling of the matters of the most High.


But, Jeromes words (saith M r Cotton) imply more then a spirituall cutting off; for Jerome immediatly subjoyneth these words! Arius was but a sparke, but because he was not speedily supprest, his Flame depopulated all the World, which [Page 224] cannot be meant (sayth he) of cutting off by Excommunicati­on, which proceeded against him once and twice.


I cannot be easily induced to believe that Jerome in­tended to complaine of Constantine, who was not sparing at the first to put forth his temporall Arme and power against Arrius: But this is certaine, his words are these, [ Heresie must be cut off with the Sword of the Spirit: and the Scriptures quoted by him (1 Cor. 5. Gal. 5.) as M r Cotton yeeldeth] prove onely a spiri­tuall cutting off: So that it seemes not rationall for Jerome to run from the Spirituall Sword, about which he is now conver­sant, to the carnall and temporall Sword, of which those Scrip­tures (as M r Cotton acknowledgeth) discourse not.


‘But let no man say (sayth M r Cotton) that this grant of his [That Heresie must be cut off by the Sword of the Spirit] doth imply an absolute sufficiencie in the Sword of the Spirit, to cut it downe according to 2 Cor. 10. [...] 5. For though spirituall Weapons be absolutely sufficient to the End for which God hath appointed them, as hath been opened above, to wit, for the conviction, and (if he belong to God) for the conversion of the offendour, for the mortifying of his flesh, and for the saving of his Soule, and for the cleansing of the Church from the Fellowship of that Guilt: Yet if an Here­tick will still continue obstinate, and persist in seducing, creepe into Houses, leade captive sillie Soules, and destroy the Faith of some, it may be of many, such M r Cottons and Mr Ed­wards Gan­grenes have little differd Gangrenes would be cut off by another Sword, which in the hand of the Magistrate is not borne in vaine.


This answer of M r Cotton lookes too too like that Distinction of the bloudie Bishop against the poore Martyr or Witnes of Jesus (which M r Fox mentioneth) The Scripture is Blasphemie against the holy Scripture. sufficient for Salvation, but not for Instruction: There is need of Tradition, &c. The Sword of the Spirit (sayth M r Cotton) is ab­solutely sufficient, for these foure, to wit, the Conviction, Con­version, Mortification, and Salvation of the offendour, the Heretick, yea, and for a fifth, for Expiation, and cleansing of the Church from the Fellowship of that Guilt, but there is a sixth, to wit, In­fection, and there the Sword of the Spirit is too weake, and the Sword of the Magistrate must helpe.


What sound and modest Reason can be (almost) [Page 225] pretended, why the holy Ordinances, Appointments and provisions of the Lord Jesus (who is the Wisdome of the Father, whose is all power in Heaven and in Earth, and whose Heart is all on Fire with Love to his people) should be so weake in suppressing the Enemies of his Kingdome, that, all the Counsell, Order, and Power he hath left in his Absence, are not able to resist the Infection of false Doctrine, without the helpe of the Powers of the World his professed Enemie, unto whom who so is a Friend (sayth John) he cannot but be an Enemie unto God. Oh what should be the mysterie that the two-edged Sword of Gods mighty Spirit, is sufficient for Conviction, for Conversion, Mortification, Expiation, Salvation, but yet not powerfull enough against Infection?


There is written evidently, on the Forehead of this Mysteries of false Christs. plea, as on the forehead of the great Whore (Revel. 17.) Myste­rie. The Aegyptian Onions (as I may so speake) are full of Spirituall Infoldings, or Mysteries: One or two I shall briefly unfold or peele.

First, the Clergie (sacrilegiously so called) in all Ages since the Apostasie, have (like some proud and daintie Servants) dis­dain'd The true Christ despised for his povertie. to serve a poore despised Christ, a Carpenter, one that came at last to the Gallowes, &c. And therefore have they ever framed to Themselves rich and Lordly, pompous and Princely, tem­porall and Worldly Christs, in stead of the true Lord Jesus Christ, the spirituall King of his Saints and people. And however it suits well the common End to retaine the Name of Christ (as the Lord Jesus prophesied many false Christs, should arise, and many should come in his Name, &c.) yet most sure it will be found, that a temporall Crowne and Dignitie, Sword and Authoritie, Wealth and Prosperitie, is the White that most of those called Scholars, Ministers, Bishops, aime and levell at: How many thou­sand of them will readily subscribe to the pleas of the French Bishops against the Lord Peter, disputing before Philip the French King for temporall Jurisdiction, and Peters two Swords in the hands of Christs Ministers?


M r Cotton is not far off, for howsoever He and some will say with him, one Sword is enough for a Presbyter or El­der, A base esteeme of the Spirituall Sword. enough for Conviction, Conversion, Mortification, Expiation, and Salvation, yet one Sword is not enough against Infection, and therefore it is needfull (though we are not of the opinion [Page 226] of those French Prelates and others, that challenged to them­selves the Sword of temporall jurisdiction into their owne hands, yet) it is needfull that it be at our call in the hands of our Ex­ecutioners the Civill Magistrates.


It is impossible that temporal and worldly Christs should walke with the legs of a spirituall supportment, but as (in respect Earthly Christs need earthly sup­ports. of outward Government) they spring from the Earth and the World, it is impossible I say but their Feeding and Aliment, De­fence and Protection should be of the nature of the Root and Eli­ment from whence they arise.


It is objected, was the Church of the Jewes temporall that was assisted and protected with a temporall Sword?


The Spirit of God tels us ( Heb. 8 & 10.) of a worldly Sanctuary, of a weake and old vanishing: Covenant, to wit, a Natio­nall Covenant, and Ordinances of a Jewish Church.


It is againe said how can the Discusser extoll the Sword of the Spirit only, and acknowledge no Churches.


Although the Discusser cannot to his Souls satisfaction conclude any of the various and severall sorts of Churches ex­tant to be those pure golden Candlesticks framed after the first patterne, Rev. 1. Yet doth he acknowledge golden Candlesticks of The state of Christianity during the reigne of Antichrist. Christ Jesus extant; those golden Olive trees and candlesticks, his Martyrs or Witnesses, standing before the Lord, and testifying his holy Truth during all the Reign of the Beast, Rev. 11. Hence, although we have not satisfaction that Luther or Calvin, or other precious Witnesses of Christ Jesus, erected Churches or Ministeries, after the first patterne (as they conceived they did) yet doth he affirm them to have been Prophets and witnesses against the Beast, and furnished sufficiently with spirituall Fire in their mouthes, mightily able to consume or humble their Enemies, as Eliah did with the Captains sent out against him.


I will object no more, please you ( Dear Truth) to passe on to the 2nd. viz. the Ministry of the Spirits pretended insuffi­ciency against Infection: why should not the spiritual power of the Lord Jesus be powerful enough against creepers into Houses, against such as lead captive silly souls, against such as destroy the faith of some, &c. as well as in the first Churches and Assemblies, professing his holy name and worship?


Search his Will and Testament, and we find no other [Page 227] but spiritual means prescribed and bequeathed by the Lord Jesus, to Paul to Peter, or any of the holy Apostles or Messengers.


I must needs acknowledge that the poor servants of Christ, for some hundereth of years after the departure of the Constantines peace a grea­ter tryal and danger to Christians, then 300 years persecu­tion. Lord enjoyed no other power, no other Sword nor Shield but spirituall, until it pleased the Lord to try his children with Li­berty and ease under Constantine (a soarer Tryall then befell them in 300 years persecution) under which temporall protection, mu­nificence and bounty of Constantine, together with his temporall Sword, drawne out against her spirituall enemies, the Church of Christ soon surfeited of the too much honey of worldly ease, au­thority, profit, pleasure, &c.


Deare Peace, the second mistery is this. In all ages, the world hath been o'respread with the delusions and abomina­tions of false worship, invented by Sathan and his Instruments in Sathans two wayes of quenching the Candle of Christianity. opposition to the pure worship of the God of Heaven: Against these the Lord Jesus hath not been wanting to stir up his wit­nesses, servants and souldiers, fighting for their Lord and Master spiritually, &c.

These witnesses, when Sathan hath not been able to vanquish and overcome them by disputing, writing, &c. (but hath ever lost that way) he hath been forced to run to the fleshly Armories of temporall weapons and punishments, and to fetch in the pow­ers of the world; So hoping to dash out the Candle of Truth and break the candlesticks thereof the witnesses of Christ Jesus: This Sathan hath ever practised one of these two wayes, some­times by (pretended) legall tryals and executions of Justice, sometimes by most horrid and dreadfull murthers and massa­cres


Thus hath Christ Jesus indeed been vanquished, and driven out of this world by the powers of Caesars, Kings and o­ther earthly Governours and Rulers.


'Tis a fresh and bleeding History of that famous dispu­tation between the Cardinal and Prelates of France and Beza The French Massacre must doe what their preten­ded disputati­on could not▪ effect. with his protestant assistants under Charles the 9 th. And not long after of that most barbarous and horrible murther and massacre of about 30000 Innocents, to finish and compleat that victo­ry which the pretended Disputation and spirituall arme could never effect.

[Page 228]

Yea in the bloody Marian dayes, there must be Convo­cations cald at London, and downe must these famous witnesses Pretended disputes in Q. Maries days, ending in fiery flames. of Jesus, Cranmer, Ridley, Latimer to dispute at Oxford but faith­full Philpot for his free disputing in the Convocation at London, and Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley for not yeelding away the truth at Oxford, they must all feel the rage of the fiery furnace, who bow not downe to the golden Image.

And (without offence of civill Authority, or disrespect against any mans person be it spoken) in the late great disputes between the Presbyterians and Independents at VVestminster; what a Tem­pest raised, what Earthquakes and Thunders cal'd for, from Earth and Heaven, ihat the second sword of the magistrate (herein the The late Sy­nodicall dis­putes. Presbiterians Servant and Executioner) might effect that which all the power of the pretended sword of Gods Spirit was never able to reach to.


To proceed, M Cot. is greatly offended at this word: to wit [the Eye of the Answerer could never be so obscured, as to run to the Smiths-shop for a sword of Iron, and steel to help the Sword, of the Spirit; if the Sun of Ryghteousnes had pleased to shew him that a Nationall Church, &c.] And his anger breaths forth, A bloody and most unchri­stian speech. first against all Hereticks thus: If there be stones of the streets, the Magistrate need not run for a Sword from the Smiths shop, nor an Halter from the Ropiers to punish an Heretick.


It is true, the warehouse of persecution is so abundant­ly filled with all sorts of bloody Instruments, besides Swords and Ropes, that the Primitive and Latter times have told us how ma­ny severall sorts of sorrows, pains and torments the servants of the living God, have felt by severall Instruments of Blood and Death, besides Ropes and Swords, &c. and all to punish (as Master Cotton sayth) the Heretick, the Heretick, Blasphemer, Seducer &c.


What is this Anger but Fury, Ira furor brevis est? And what weapons can be wanting to Fury, not the stones in the streets (saith Master Cotton) Furor arma ministrat, for the magistrate needs not (saith he) stay so long as to run to a Smiths­shop for a sword, or to the Ropiers for a halter, &c.


O the mysteries of iniquitie and cozenage of sin, that a Lambe of Christ should thus roar out like a Lyon, and (at the speech may be construed by some) so far as in him lies to pro­voke [Page 229] the civill powers, yea the people in the streets to furious outrage, and not so much as to attend proceedings in preten­ded The rash fury and madnesse of persecutors even against themselves. legal Trials and executions, but in the madnesse of Barba­rous murthers and massacres, and that even upon himselfe and the Independants in their meetings, &c.


But 2dly. he finds fault with the Discussers wit, for bringing such light conceits into grave discourses and disputes a­bout the holy things of God.


If there be any thing savouring of wit in the Discus­sors speech, let all men judge whether there be not a double, yea a treble portion in this of Master Cottons; I acknowledge, Non est major confusio quam serij & Joci. The Discussor dares not wil­lingly to prophane the holy name of the most high with lightnes, no not with those fine turnings of wit which the word forbids, Pleasantnesse of wit sanctifi­ed, glorifies the giver. ( [...], Ephes. 5.) which becomes not Christs schollars, but rather the giving of thanks: And yet there is an holy wit and pleasantnes in Samsons Riddle, in Jothams and Jesus his Parables, yea, and in Eliah his sharpe and cutting language, which cut as deep to their deluding consciences, as the Knives and Lances of their Idolatrous backs and bodies: Yet none of these were (as Mast. Cotton insinuates against the Discusser) for naming of Smiths­shop) playings with feathers, &c.


But what think you of his confidence, touching his New-England Diana, to wit, that the Discusser will never be a­ble to make it good: that the Church in New-England is impli­citly, a Nationall and State Church?


His own words seem to prove it, for if it be a Church The pretend­ed particul [...]r Churches of N. E. indeed but a Nation­all Church. and not Churches of N. England, as elsewhere he speaks (and as the Scripture ordinarily speaks, the Churches of Judea, Gala­tia, &c.) it cannot be no other but a Nationall, as the English-Church, Scotch-Church, French-Church, &c. But possibly it being a mistake, I answer, A Nation in the common and large extent, I dare not call New-England, but thus, the severall Plantations or Colonies of one Religion, or way of worship make up one Colo­nie or Province of English-men in this part or tract of America. I cannot therefore call the Church of New-England (properly) a Nationall Church, but a Provinciall Church, a State-Church; cast into the mould of a Nationall Church, distinct into so many Pa­rishes, I say not expresly and explicitly, but implicitly and se­cretly, [Page 230] which the son of righteousnesse will at last reveal, as clear­ly and brightly in the eyes of all men, as the sun that shines at Noon-day.

At present, I affirm (what ever are the pretences, pleas and co­verings to the contrary) that that Church estate, that religion and worship w ch is commanded or permitted to be but one in a country, nation or province (as was the Jews religion in that typical land of Canan) that Church is not in the nature of the particular Church­es of Christ, but in the nature of a Nationall or state Church: the nature of a particular Church of Christ, is to be one, 2 or 3 (more No permissi­on of any Re­ligion or wor­ship but one in N. E. there­fore are the Churches, but a Nationall Church in the mould them, &c. Where the Supream Au­thority in a Church is Ci­vill, the Body cannot but be like the head, and all make up but one Civil or Nati­onall mixt Church, like the Jewish Nationall Church. The purging a Countrey of Hereticks de­clares that Countrey is explicitly or implicitly a National Church. or lesse) in Townes or Cities (as in all the instances of the New-Testament, but the nature of the State Church is when the whole State is turn'd into a State Church in so many Parishes or Divi­sions of worshippers: and it is made odious & intolerable for any part of this City, state, &ce. not to attend the common worship of the City, sanctifie the holy times, and contribute to the holy Offi­cers, and to walke in another way, which is the generall state and practise of New-England.

2 That is a nationall and state Church where the Civill power is constituted the Head thereof, to see to the conforming or reforming of the Church, the truth or falshood of the Churches, Mini­stries or ministrations, ordinances, Doctrine, &c.

In the particular Churches of Christ Jesus, wee finde not a tittle of the power of the civill magistrate or civill sword in spiri­tuall cases. It is impossible but a Nationall and Civil head must be head of a Nationall or State Church, which (upon the point is but a civill or temporall Church (like the head thereof) and not a heavenly and spirituall: I say, a Civil or temporall Church, subject to the changes of a changeable Court or Countrey, and the interpre­tings and expoundings of Scripture, to what the Court or Countrey is subject to approve ot disprove of.

3 It is a Nationall or State Church, where the opposite or gain-sayer, the pretended Heretick, Blasphemer, Seducer, &c. is some way or other punished, put forth of the State or Coun­trey it selfe by death or banishment: whereas particular Churches put forth no further then from their particular societies, and the Heretick, &c. may still live in the Countrey or Countreys un­molested by them.

4 That Church cannot be otherwise then a Nationall or [Page 231] State Church, where the maintenance of the Worship, Priests and A State Main­tenance proveth a State Church. Officers, is a State maintenance, provided by the care and power of the State, who (upon the point) payes their Ministers or Servants their wages; whereas the maintenance of the Worship and Officers of a particular Church, we finde by Christs Testament to be cared for sufficiently by Christs power, and meanes in his Church.

5 That Church is a Nationall or State Church, whose whole Synods assem­bled by Civill Power, prove the Churches of the same Nature with the Head that acts and calls them. Assemblies, in Synods, Councells, Provinciall, Nationall, &c. If M r Cotton can disprove the truth and substance of these and other particulars alledged, so farre as concernes the generall and Body of the Countrey combined (whatsoever little variation some particular Townes may make) the Discusser must acknow­ledge his Errour, but if M r Cotton cannot doe it, as I believe he cannot (what ever flourish a wit may pretend) the God of mercy pardon what by M r Cotton is done in Ignorance, and awaken him and others, who cause his people to goe astray; according to that of the Prophet; Their Shepheards cause this people to goe astray.


O that all Gods sheepe in New England, and such as judge themselves their Shepheards, may truely judge them­selves at the tribunall of their owne Consciences in the presence of the Lord, in the upright Examination of these particulars: But to leave New England, and to returne to the Land of Israel: ‘I should thinke (sayth M r Cotton) not onely mine eye obscu­red, but the sight of it utterly put out, if I should conceive (as the Discusser doth) that the Nationall Church State of the Jewes did necessarily call for such weapons to punish Here­tiques more then the Congregationall State of particular Chur­ches doth call for the same now in the dayes of the New Testament.


It is a strange Speech to proceede from so knowing a Man, but let us ponder his Reasons in the feare of God.


Was not (sayth M r Cotton) the Nationall Church of the Jewes compleatly furnished with Spirituall Armour to de­fend it selfe, and oppose Men and Devills, as well as particular Churches of the New Testament? Had they not power to con­vince false Prophets, as Elijah did the Prophets of Baal? had they not power to seperate Evill Doers from the Fellowship of [Page 232] their Congregations? And he addeth, an uncleane Person, al­though he might not Enter into the Temple, with the rest of the Israelites to worship the Lord, yet he was permitted to live in the Common-weale of Israel, Men uncircumcised both in Heart and Flesh.

He addeth further, that the Nationall Church of Israel was Touching the difference be­tween the Church of the Jewes and the Christian Chur­ches. powerfully able by the Sword of the Spirit to defend it selfe, and to offend Men and Devills, for which he quoteth, Zach. 4. 6. And he asketh, doth not the Discusser himselfe observe that time was, in the Nationall Church of the Land of Canaan, when there was neither Carnall Sword nor Speare to be found, 1 Sam. 13? And was not then the Nationall Church powerful­ly able by the Spirit of God to defend it selfe, and to offend Men and Devills as well as particular Churches now?


I answer: First, As much as the shadow of a Man falls short of a Man himselfe, so did all their Ordinances (which were but shadowes of spirituall things to come) fall short of that bright enjoyment of Christ Jesus, and spirituall and heavenly things in him, now brought to Light by Christ Jesus in the Go­spel or New Testament.

2. M r Cotton will never demonstrate that the putting forth, or Excommunicating of a person from the Church of God amongst them, was other then cutting off from the Land by Death, and the Civill Sword, the same being spiritually executed now in the Israel of God, 1 Cor. 5. Gal. 5. 12.

Thirdly, Although the Stranger uncircumcised might live The holy Land of Canaan a Nonesuch. amongst them, yet none of the Native Israelites might so live, nor yet might the Stranger prophane the holinesse of the Lord by labour on the Sabbath, which M r Cotton will never prove ought A Figure of the Chr [...]stian. now to be kept by all Countries of the world, and that under such Penalties, as was in the Land of Canaan, the holy Land: Nor that they had spirituall power sufficient to punish the will­full breach of any Morall or Ceremoniall dutie, without the helpe of the Carnall Sword, the contrary to which is plaine in the New Testament, 1 Cor. 5. 2 Cor. 10.

Fourthly, For the Scripture, Zach. 4. 6. Not by might nor Power, &c. The Prophet doth not here oppose the Spirit to might or power, so as to deny the use of Carnall weapons, might or power, which God had vouchsafed to them against all Ene­mies [Page 233] within and without, but sheweth it to be the work of The weapons of the Jewes and Christians compared. Gods own finger or Spirit in the use of carnall meanes which they used for the raising of the Materiall Temple and Civill defence of Themselves against all Opposers, Hinderers, &c. Whereas 2 Cor. 10. the Apostle flatly opposeth Spirituall Weapons against Carnall, and M r Cotton will never prove that the Corinthians or any of the Saints of Christ, did enjoy other Weapons, in that first or the Ages next after, but onely the Spirituall Weapons and Artillery which the Apostle mentioneth.

Lastly, To that of 1 Sam. 13. I answer, That when there was no Speare nor Sword in Israell, the Israelites were not No Speare nor Sword in Israel. powerfully able to defend Themselves against their Enemies, except that God was pleased extraordinarily to stirre up meanes of their preservation, as wee see in the case of Jonathan and his Armour-bearer against the Philistims. In like manner I believe that where the ordinary power of Gods hand in his holy Ordi­nances is withdrawen, it is his extraordinarie and immediate power that preserveth and supporteth his people against Men and Devills; as in particular, during the reigne of Antichrist in stirring up and supporting the two Witnesses.

Exam: of Chap. 69. replying to Chap. 72. Touching the Testimony of Brentius.


IT is untrue, sayth M r Cotton, that we restraine Men from Worship according to Conscience, or constraine them to Worship against Conscience, or that such is my Tenent or practice.


Notwithstanding M r Cottons cloake, to wit, that they will not meddle with the Heretick before he hath sinned against his owne Conscience, and so persecute him onely for sinning against his owne Conscience, yet I earnestly beseech every Reader seriously to ponder the whole streame and series of M r Cottons▪ Discourse, Propositions, Affirmations, &c. through the whole booke, and he shall then be able to judge whether it be untrue that his Doctrine tends not to constraine, nor restraine Conscience.

[Page 234]2. For the matter of fact, how can he with any Humilitie before the staming eyes of the most High, cry out, no such pra­ctice, when

First, Their Lawes cry out a Command under Penaltie for all New-England loath to be accounted persecutours. to come to Church, though not to be Members, which in truth (as hath been opened) is but a colour and visard, deceiving him­selfe and others: And a cruell Law is yet extant against Christ Jesus, muffled up under the hood or vaile of a Law against Ana­baptistrie, &c.

Secondly, Their practice cryes, their Imprisonments, Finings, Whippings, Banishments cry in the Eares of the Lord of Hosts, and the louder because of such unchristian figleave, cloakes, &c.


Let it be granted (sayth M r Cotton) that we did both, yet this did not make Lawes to binde Conscience, but the outward man onely! Nor would we (sayth he) think it fit to binde the outward man against Conscience.


I cannot discerne the Coherence of these three Affir­mations: 1. We restraine no man from Worship according to Conscience. 2. We make Lawes but to binde the outward man onely. And yet againe (3) we thinke not meete to binde the outward man against Conscience. M r Cotton lived once under a Popish Law, to weare a fooles Coat or Surplice on his back, and to Lawes con­cerning Gods Worship. make a Conjuring Crosse with his Fingers, why should he say, that this Law went beyond his back and his fingers, and came even to his Conscience? If these pettie bonds did binde his Con­science, as well as his back and his fingers; Oh let not M r Cotton so farre put off the Bowells of Compassion toward Christ Jesus and his Followers, yea toward all men, as to binde their backs, and their Necks, their Knees and Hands backward and forward, to or from Worship, and yet say he binds but the outward man, Dangerous distinctions. &c.

Yea and oh let not such uprightnes, candor, and Integritie, as M r Cotton hath been noted for, be blemished with such an Eva­sion as this, to wit, when it comes to selfe, that Conscience his owne or his Friends be offred to be bound, &c. then he shall flie to his third Evasion, saying, We think it not meete to binde the outward man against Conscience, that is, against our Consci­ences, &c. What ever becomes (sinck or swim) of other Mens.

[Page 235]

In the next Passage, God needs not (sayth M r Cotton) the helpe of the Magistrate more in the Second, then in the first Table.


God needeth not absolutely for the matters of the Se­cond Touching keeping of both Tables. Table, though respectively, because he hath appointed Ordi­nances, unto which he hath graciously referd himselfe. But for the first Table, he hath no neede at all, of carnall weapons, no not respectively, because he hath appointed Ordinances to thousand­fold more potent, suitable and sufficient.


Whereas it was urged, that if Magistrates must use their materiall Sword in keeping of both Tables, they must be able to judge of both: M r Cotton replies, that it is enough, Of Magistrates Judgement in Spirituals, &c. that they be able to judge in Principles and Foundations, and of the Arrogancie of a tumultuous Spirit; for such want not Judge­ment to censure Apostasie or Heresie, Idolatrie, &c.


It is not like that a Carpenter who hath skill suffici­ent to judge the Principles and Foundations of a house or Building, should be unable to judge about the Beames, Posts, &c.

2. With what great darknes, have the best of Gods children themselves been covered these many hundreth yeares, touch­ing the very Fundamentalls of Gods Worship!


Whereas it was said further, that either they are not Of Qualificati­ons of Magi­strates. fitly qualified Magistrates and Common-weales, that want this abilitie to judge, &c. Or else they must judge according to their Conscience! M r Cotton replyes; Many Qualifications are requi­red in Husbands, Wives, Children, Servants, Ministers, Churches, the want whereof may make them sinfull, but not unlawfull.


I answer; some Relations are Passive, as that of chil­dren, who may be true and lawfull children, although they know not that they are children. But, such Relations as are active in their choice and consent, as of Husband, Wife, Magistrate, &c. these cannot be lawfull, unles they be fitted and qualified to performe the maine and essentiall duties of Husbands, Wives, Servants, Magistrates. That Husband, Wife, Servant cannot be lawfull, that are engaged to other Husbands, Wives, Masters: Nor can that Magistrate be lawfull, who is a mad-man or Ideot, not able to discerne between Right and Wrong: and truely (were Magistrates bound, as to the chiefe part of their Dutie and Office) to establish the true Religion, &c. he were no more then [Page 236] a mad-man (as to the first Table) that were not spiritually in­dued with ability of discerning the true Church, Ministry, Wor­ship, &c.


Now whereas it was further urged that then the Common-weale, the Civil, Naturall state, hath more Light con­cerning Of Magi­strates Abili­ties. the Church of Christ then the Church it self, &c Master Cotton replies, it followes not, because that is a weak Church that knowes no more light then that of the Principles; and beside; what light the Common-wealth hath it may have received from the Church.


I answer, If Kings and Queens, &c. be nurcing Fa­thers and Mothers (in a spirituall respect) over the Church, as is usually alleadged; can it be expected but that the Nurse, Fa­ther or Physician should know more of the Childs state then the Child or Patient himselfe, who oftentimes knows not his sick­nesse, nor that he is sick, (as oft may be the case of a Church of Christ) It is impossible, but they must have more light then the Child, yea and much more impossible that they should receive their Light and direction from the Child, &c.


We see, saith Master Cotton, that Magistrates sometimes have more Light in matters of Religion then the Church it self, as David and Hezekiah.


This (1) confirmes what I said, that these Kings be­ing appointed by God, Formers and Reformers of the Church of Judah, they must needs have more light in the matter of Refor­mation David and Hezekiah fi­gurative Kings, &c. then the Church it selfe to be reformed.

2 I must deny that David and Hezekiah were other then types of Christ Jesus, both in his owne person and in such, who in his absence are by him deputed to manage the spirituall power and sword of his holy and spirituall Kingdome.


Yea, but alas, saith Master Cotton, there is no colour, that because Magistrates are bound to discerne and serve Christ with their power, that therefore they may punish Christ and Christians.


True, therefore, Master Cotton elsewhere saith, they must suspend to deal in Church matters untill they can judge, &c.

And this, First implies their light and judgement (absolutely necessary) in all such matters of the Church, about which they are to Judge and act as often I affirme

[Page 237]2 I aske what kind of spirituall Physicians will Master Cotton have, who shall be bound to suspend their power, all their lives long, unlesse they have skill to judge of Diseases? will not the Magistrates suspending in matters of Religion. similitude hold against such spirituall Fathers, Nurces, Physici­ans, who all their life long (yea the greatest number beyond compare of all their spirituall Fathers upon the face of the Earth) must wholly suspend from acting in spirituall diseases or cases, to wit, in reforming, establishing, &c.

3 Although it excuseth not ('tis true) such Magistates, Princes Common-wealths, for making this Doctrine their ground of persecuting Christ and Christians, yet doubtlesse it makes their sin the greater who feed them with such bloody Doctrines, and so consequently occasion them upon the rocks of such fals and dangerous and bloudy practices.

Exam: of Chap. 70. replying to Chap. 73.


IN this Chap. ( Dear Truth) lye many stones of offence, at which the feet of the unwary most easily many stum­ble; I hope your carefull and steady hand may be a blessed In­strument of their Removall: As First, although Master Cotton subscribe unto Luther that the Government of the Civill Magi­strate doth extend no further, then over the Bodies and Goods of the subject, yet (saith he) he may and ought to improve that power over their Bodies and Goods to the good of their Souls.


Sweet Peace my hand (the hand of Christ assisting) shall not be wanting: but what offence can be taken at the propositions?


The proposition like an aple of Sodom, is fair and specious untill you crush it by examination: For, by maintaining the Magistrates power over the Bodies and Goods of the subject, for the good of his Soul, it is clear in this Chapter and others foregoing and following, that Master Cottons words drive at no lesse then a seising upon, and plundering of the goods, the Imprisoning, whipping, Banishing and killing the Bodies, of the Wofull Soul­saving. poor people, and this under the Cloak and colour of saving their Souls in the day of the Lord Jesus.


The Civil State, and Common-weal may be compared to [Page 238] a peice of Tapistry, or rich Arras, made up of the severall parts and parcels of the Families thereof. Now by the Law of God, Nature and Nations▪ a Father hath a power over his Child, the Husband over the Wife, the Master over, &c. and doubtlesse they are to improve that power and Authority for the good of the souls of their Children, Yoak-fellows, &c. But shall we The power of Parents, Hus­bands, Magi­strates in spi­rituals. therefore say that the Father and the Husband hath power un­der Christ over the conscienies and religion of the Child or Wife, as a Father or Husband had under Moses Numb. 30. Parents are commanded in the Gospel to bring up their Children in the in­struction and fear of the Lord; the Husband is commanded to 1 Cor. 7. labour to win and save his Wife (with no other power then the Wife also her Husband) whether Turke or Jew, Antichristian or Pagan: but such a power and sword to be improved (as M r. Cotton here pretends) for soul-good, Master Cotton will never finde in the Testament of Christ Jesus.

The Plain English is (what ever be the Cloak or cover which the States, Kings and Rulers of this world use in this case) this terme [for souls good] is no more then the old Popish Jesa­bels The tearme [ Souls-good] commonly but a paint, &c. painting, pro salute animae, pro redemptione animae, or as that noble St. John observed in a speech at Guild-hall, that the Kings party made use of the name of Peace, as the Papists used the name of God, In nomine Domini, &c.


It is most lamentable to see how the Kings of the Earth are grosly flattered by their Clergy, into as grosse a be­lief that they are most Catholick Kings as in Spain, most Christian Kings as in France, Defendors of the Faith in England. Hence those two bloody Persecutors of Luther, Charles the Fifth, and Henry the Eighth, were celebrated even upon the posts of the doors in Guild-Hall: Carolus, Henricus vivant, defensor uturque,

Henricus Fidei, Carolus Ecclesiae.

And yet to what other end have or doe (ordinarily) the Kings of the Earth use their power and authority over the Bodies and Goods of their Subjects, but for the filling of their pau [...]ches like Wolves or Lions, never pacified unlesse the peoples bodies, goods and Souls be sacrificed to their God-belly, and their owne Gods of profit, honour, pleasure &c.


But in the second place Master Cotton affirmes, that by procuring the good of their souls, they may much advance [Page 239] the good of their bodies and outward man also.


This Proposition is as fair as the former, but in the searching and crushing is as rotten, for however it is most true (as he quoteth 1 Tim. 4.) that Godlinesse hath the promise of The promi­ses of tempo­rall mercies considered. this Life, and of a better, and also that such as seek first the Kingdome of God, may expect outward mercies to be cast upon them, yet these promises can never by any rule of Christ, be stretched to proue outward prosperity and flourishing to the followers of Christ Jesus in this present evill world.


He that is in a pleasant Bed and Dreame, though he talke Idly and insensibly, yet is loath to be awaked.


Those sweet promises supply Gods servants with what outward blessings his holy Wisdome seeth they have need of for his service: But when wil Master Cotton indeed witnesse against a Nationall Church, and cease to mingle Heaven and Earth, the Church and worldly state together? when will he cease to pro­pose the rich and peaceable, victorious and flourishing Natio­nall State of the Jewes as the Type of the Carnall peace and worldly▪ wealth and honour of the spirituall Nation and Kingdome of Christ Jesus? when will he more plainely and simply conforme the members to the head Christ Jesus in the Holinesse, Glory of his spirituall poverty, shame and sufferings?


I have in the experience of many Ages observed the flourishing prosperity of many Cities, Common wealths and Nati­ons, where no sound of Christ hath come, and that for hun­dreths, yea, some thousands of years together, as hath former­in this discourse been instanced.


You have found that when the Red and Black and Pale horse of War, Famine and Death have thundered upon the Nations, it hath not been upon the decay of a State Religion, but most commonly upon the rejecting and persecuting of the Preach­ers and Witnesses against it.


Yea Master Cotton himselfe observeth that such of Gods servants as grow fattest in Godlinesse, grow not outwardly in wealth, but God keepeth them low in outward estate. Worldly pro­sperity ever dangerous to Gods chil­dren.


I conclude this passage with an observation of con­stant experience, ever since the Son of God ascended the Heauens. The neerer Christs followers have approached to worldly wealth, ease, liberty, honour, pleasure, &c. the neerer they [Page 240] have approached to Impatience, Pride, Anger and Violence against such as are opposite to their Doctrine and Profession of Religion: And (2) The further and further have they departed from God, from his Truth, from the Simplicitie, Power and Puritie of Christ Jesus and true Christianitie.


In the next Passage M r Cotton (though with another heart, yet) in the Language and Tongue of the Pharisees, seemes to take part with the Prophets against the persecuting Fathers, and amongst many things he prohibites Magistrates this one, to wit, that he must not make Lawes to binde Conscience.


What is a Law, but a binding Word, a Commandement? Of Lawes binding Con­science. What is a Law to binde Conscience, but a Commandement that calls for Obedience? And must wee raise up such Tumults, such Tragedies, and fill the face of the World with streames of bloud, about the Christian M [...]gistrates reforming Religion, establishing Re­ligion, killing the Heretick, Blasphemer, Idolater, Seducer, and yet all this without a Law, that may in the name of Christ exact obedience?


I wonder what we shall thinke of those Lawes and Statutes of Parliament, in old or New England that have bound the peoples Consciences, at least so farre, as to come to the Pa­rish Church, improving (as M r Cotton sayth) the power and Au­thoritie over their Bodies, for their Soules good? What shall wee call all those Lawes, Commandements, Statutes, Injunctions, Di­rections, and Orders, that concerne Religion and Conscience?


The plaine truth is, M r Cottons former reforming zeale, cannot be so utterly extinguished, as to forget the name and Notion of Christian Libertie, although in this bloudie Dis­course, he hath well nigh, (if not wholly) sold away the Thing! The Conscience (sayth he) must not be bound to a Ceremonie (to a pretended indifferent Ceremonie): And yet loe, through­out this Discourse, he pleades for the binding of it from these and these Doctrines, from these and these Worships, and binding to this or that Worship, I meane, to come to the publike Towne or Countrey Worship! Just for all the world, as if a Woman should not be bound to make a Curtsie, or Salutation to such a Man, but yet shee should be bound (will she nill she) to come to his bed at his pleasure. Worship is a true of false Bed, Cant. 1. 16.


It is observable in the next place, what M r Cotton [Page 241] observeth, concerning the Principles of saving Truth, to wit, that no good Christian, much l [...]sse good Magistrate can be igno­rant of them.


In the Consideration of the Modell, this Goodnesse or Badnes of the Magistrate is Examined, and easily it is proved (to my understanding) that this Assertion confounding the nature of Civill and Morall goodnesse with Religious, is as farre from Goodnes as Darknes is from Light.


To this Issue tends M r Cottons Conclusion of this passage [verily the Lord will build up and establish the House and Kingdome of such Princes, as doe thus build up his.]


The promise of God to David concerning his House and Kingdome in the Letter, is most true in the Mystery and Anti­type, as to the Spirituall House and Kingdome of King David, King Jesus, in such Princes or Propheticall Kingly Spirits, who Spiri­tually, in the Word of Prophesie (the Sword of Gods Spirit) con­tend, for the Spirituall Kingdome of Christ Jesus: God will esta­blish them in Spirituall Dignitie and Authoritie: But take this Persecution the ordinarie Portion of Christs Fol­lowers. literally (as M r Cotton carries it) and as he never will finde any such Dutie lying upon Princes in the Gospell, nor any such promise of temporall prosperitie, but holy praedictions & foretellings of the crosse and persecution ordinarily to all that will live God­ly in Christ Jesus, and the greater persecution to the most zealous and faithfull Servants of Christ Jesus: So neither can he give any true Instance (truely proper and parallell) to this pur­pose.


Me thinks [...]hough successe be no constant rule to walke by, yet Gods providence in successe of Journies, Victories, &c. are with great care and feare to be attended to and pondered, and the Hand and Eye of God to be observed in them, of what sort or Nature so ever they be. Two States wonderfully favoured by God, upon mercy shewed to oppressed Consciences, formerly Hol­land and now the State of England.


Two instances of greatest successe and temporall pro­speritie we have presented to us on the publike stage of this world, before our owne Dores, crowning the Heads of such States and States-men, as have attended to mercy and freedome toward oppressed Consciences.

The first is that of the State of Holland: The second of our owne Native England, whose renowned Parliament and victori­ous Armie never so prospered, as since their Declaration and pra­ctice [Page 242] of pitie and mercy to Consciences oppressed by M r Cottons bloudie Tenent.


In the next Passage, it being a Grievance that M r Cot­ton should grant with Luther the Magistrates power to extend Bodies and Goods the Magistrates object. no further then the Bodies and Goods of the Subject, and yet withall maintaineth, that they must punish Christians for sin­ning against the Light of Faith and Conscience: M r Cotton an­swers;

First; He supposeth the chiefe good to be that of Christian Faith and Good Conscience.

Secondly; Suppose (sayth he) by Goods were meant out­ward Goods, yet the Magistrate may punish such in their Bodies and Goods, as seduce, &c. for (sayth he) in seeking Gods King­dome and the Righteousnesse thereof, Men prosper in their out­ward Estates, Matth. 6. 23. Otherwise they decay.

Lastly, He remembers not the proposition to be his, [The Magistrates power extendeth no further, then the Bodies and Goods of the Subject] He answereth it is true in respect of the Object, though not in respect of the End, which (sayth he) is [...], Bene administrare Rempublicam. And he asketh if it be well with a Common-weale, enjoying bodily health and worldly wealth, without a Church, without Christ! And he concludes with the Instance of the Romane Empire, which had it not cast away Idolatrie (sayth he) had been ruined.


For answer; First, the distinction is famous among all Men of the Bona or Goods of Animi, Corporis, Fortunae: and againe, that of the Minde, Soule, and Conscience within, and that of the Body and Goods without, that it can be no lesse then a Civill as well as a Spirituall Babell to confound them.

Secondly, To his Supposition, suppose (sayth he) by Goods Oppression in Bodies Goods and Minde. were meant outward Goods, yet the Magistrate may punish such in their Bodies and Goods, as doe Seduce, &c. I see not how these Cohere any better then the grant of some Papists, that the Churches power extends no further then the matters of Faith and Conscience: But yet (say they) they may punish such in their Bodies and Goods as seduce, &c. M r Cottons Suppositions and the Papists come both out of the same Babylonian Quiver.

But thirdly, let us minde his Reason from Matth. 6. In seek­ing Gods Kingdome men prosper in outward estate, otherwise not: [Page 243] I answer, this Proposition would better befit the pen of a Jew then a Christian, a follower of Moses, then of Jesus Christ, who although he will not fayle to take care for his in Earthly Pro­vidences, that make it their chiefe worke to seeke his Kingdome, yet he maketh (as I may say) Christs Crosse the first Figure in his Alphabet, taking up his Crosse and Gallowes (in most ordinarie persecution,) which with selfe-deniall, are the assured Tearmes his Servants must resolve to looke for.

'Tis true, he promiseth and makes good, an hundreth Fa­thers, Wealth, Ho­nour, and Pro­speritie sel­dome attend­ing Christs true Follow­ers. Mothers, Brothers, Sisters, Wives, Children, Houses and Lands: But M r Cotton well knowes, it is [with persecution]. And how this outward prosperitie, agrees with Imprisonments, Banishments, hanging, burning, for Christs sake: the Martyrs or Witnes of Jesus in all Ages, and the cry of the Soules under the Altar, may bring againe to his Remembrance, if New Englands peace, profit, plea­sure and Honour, have lulld him into a Forgetfulnesse of the prin­ciples of the true Lord Jesus Christ.


But M r Cotton remembreth not the Proposition to be his, to wit, that the Magistrates power extendeth no further then the Bodies and Goods of the Subject.


M r Cotton hinted not his least dissent from Luther (as he otherwayes useth to doe if he disowne,) &c.

Secondly, He grants it true in the object, to wit, that the ob­ject of the Magistrates power is the Body and Goods of the Subject, though not in the End which he saith is [...], well to ad­minister the Common-weale: Now I aske what is this Common­weale?


The Spirit of God distinguisheth in the New Testament What is the Cōmon weale of Israel. between the Common weales of the Nations of the World, and the Common-weale of Israel. The Common-weale of Israel, M r Cotton will not affirme now to be a Church Provinciall, Nationall, O [...]cu­menicall, but Particular and Congregationall.


If so, then the finall cause of both these Common weales or States cannot be the same. But although the End of the Ci­vill Magistrate be excellent, to wit, well to administer the Com­mon-weale, yet the end of the Spirituall Common-weale of Israel and the Officers thereof, is as different and transcendent as the Heaven is from the Earth.


But how (sayth M r Cotton) can it be well with the [Page 244] Common-wealth that injoyes bodily health, and worldly wealth, if there be no Christ, no Church there? and how was it with the Romane Empire which the Red-horse of War, and Black horse of Famine, and Pale horse of Pestilence would have ruined, if she had not cast away her Idols.


Concerning this instance of Rome Master Cotton here acknowledgeth it abounded in worldly blessings, till the Lord Je­sus came riding forth upon the White Horse of the Gospel. And Master Cotton may remember that from the Foundation of her The Roman Empire flou­risheth in worldly glory without Christ rising and Glory, laid by Romulus untill Christs time, it flourish­ed about 750 years in a long chaine of generations succeeding each other in worldly prosperity, and yet no Church nor Christ to uphold it, so far is Master Cottons Romish instance from counte­nancing M r. Cottons Roman Doctrine.


But when Christ came (saith Master Cotton) and was neglected, then the Red and Black and Pale horse had almost de­stroyed her, if she had not cast away her Idols.


I answer, Rome the head of the Empire cannot be said to neglect Christ (untill the bloody Tenent of persecution a­rose amongst them) I say, not to neglect Christ more, nor so The Citie of Rome famous for prosessing Christ Jesus. much as other States, for there were so many of the Romanes, and so glorious professors of Christ Jesus, that all the world over the Faith and Christian obedience of the Romanes was re­nowned.

2 The Roman Impire cannot be said to cast away her Idols, but to change (as the Portugals did in the East-Indies) her Idols her more grosse and Pagan Idols, for more refined & beautified Idols, painted over with the name of Christ, the true God, holines, &c. and this in the glorious dayes of Constantine, or not long after. The Church of Christ Jesus which under persecution remained Christs Spouse most chast under perse­cution. a wise and spouse of Christ Jesus, now degenerates and apostates into an Whore, in the times of her ease, security and prosperi­ty. (Whole Cities, Nations, and the whole world forced and ravished into a whore or Antichristian Christian.)

3 As far as the East is from the West, so far is the world and nations and Empire of it from the holinesse of Christ Jesus, holy Spirit▪ Truth and Saints: With what appearance then of Christs holinesse, glory, &c. can Master Cotton advance the world (the Roman Empire) to be (as he here speaks) the Advan­cer of the scepter of Christ Jesus?

[Page 245]

If this Roman Empire be that dreadfull Beast, (in Dani­els prophecy) more strange and terrible then the rest, yea, and The Roman Monarchy bloody to the Saints. more terrible to Christ Jesus and his servants, then was the for­mer Babilonian Lion, or Persian Beare, or Grecian Leopard, what truth of Jesus is this, that advanceth this dreadfull bloody Beast to be the Advancer of the Scepter, that is, the Church and Government, the Truth and Saints of Christ Je­sus.


Glorious things (Dear Truth) are recorded of Constan ­tine and other glorious Emperors.

Truth. The Beast was (sweet Peace) the Beast still, although Constantine a friend and e­nemy to Christs Spouse. it pleased God to give some refreshing and reviving to his per­secuted servants, by Constantine and other blessed instruments yet Constantines favour was a bitter sweeting, his superstiti [...]us zeal laying the Foundation for after Ʋsurpations and Abominati­ons.

4 But further, for neer 1000 years together, both before and after Christs time, Rome grew and flourished (with little al­terations The state of the Romane Empire be­fore and after Christ. of her glory in comparison) untill this very time that Master Cotton cals the casting away of her Idols: For not before, but after Constantines advancing of Christians to wealth and ho­nour, &c. I say neer about 300 years together (interchanga­bly) after his time, untill Pipinus, and Charles the Great, the City and state of Rome was almost ruined and destroyed, by the often dreadfull incursions of the Goths and Vandals, Huns, Lon­gobards, and other furious Nations: So contrary to the truth of Jesus is this fleshly doctrine of worldly wealth and prospe­rity, and also this very instance of Rome and her glory here discussed.


Master Cotton ends with prayer and blessing to God (as James speakes) and bitter and cutting cursings and censures to man, the poor Discusser, who (saith Master Cotton) seduceth himselfe and others and delights to doe it, and against the light of grace and conscience, against reason and experience.


The Discusser is as humbly confident of Grace and Conscience, Reason and Experience, yea, the God of all Grace, Christ Jesus, his holy Spirit, Angels, Truth and Saints to be on his side, as Master Cotton otherwise can be: but the day shall try, the Fire and Time shall try which is the Gold of Truth and [Page 246] Faithfulnesse, and which the Drosse and Stubble of Lyes and Er­rour.

In the meane time I dare pronounce from the Testimony of Christ Jesus, that in all Controversies of Religion: That Soul that most possesseth it selfe in patient suffering, and dependeth not on the arme of flesh, but upon the arme of God, Christ Jesus, for his comfort and protection, that Soul is most likely (in my observation) to see and stand for the Truth of Christ Jesus.


In the next place Master Cotton denyes to compell to the Truth by penalties, but onely by withdrawing such favours as are comely and safe for such persons.


I have formerly answered, and doe, that a great Load may be made up by Parcels and particulars, as well as by one masse or bulke; and that the backs of some men, espe­cially Merchants may be broke, by a withdrawing from them some Civill priviledges and rights (which are their due) as well as by afflicting them in their Purses, or Flesh upon their backs.

2 Christ Jesus was of another opinion (who distinguisheth between Gods due and Caesars due: and therfore (with respect to God will not wrong, nor have Caesar wronged. God his cause and Religion) it is not lawfull to deprive Caesar the Civil Magisteate, nor any that belong to him of their Civil and Earthly rights. I say in this respect, although that a man is not Godly, a Christian, sincere, a Church member, yet to deprive him of any Civill right or Priviledge, due to him as a Man, a Subject, a Citizen, is to take from Caesar, that which is Caesars, which God indures not though it be given to himselfe.


Experience oft-times tell us, that however the stream of just Priviledges and Rights hath (out of Carnal Policy) been stopt by Gods people, when they▪ have got the Staffe▪ into their hands (in divers Lands and Countreys) yet hath that streame ever returned, to the greater calamity and tryal of Gods peo­ple.


But (thirdly) it hath been noted that even in New-England, penalties by Law have been set to force all to come to Church, which will appear upon a due search to be nothing else but an outward profession of force and violence, for that Doctrine which they suppose is the Truth.

[Page 247]

Concerning coming to Church: wee tolerate (saith Master Cotton) Indians, Presbyterians, Antinomians, and Anabap­tists: and compell none to come to Church against their consci­ence, and none are restrained from hearing even in England.


Compelling to come to Church is apparant whether Concerning toleration in New England. with or against their Conscience, let every man look to it. The toleration of Indians is against professed principles, and a­gainst the stream of all his present dispute as before I proved.

Touching the Magistrates duty of suppressing Idolatry, Witch­craft, Blasphemy, &c. such Indians as are (pofessedly subject to En­glish) in N. England, notoriously continue and abound in the same which if they should not permit, it as apparant, their sub­jection is hazarded.

Tis true, this Toleration is a Duty from God, but a sin in them because they professe it their Duty to suppresse Idolatry, Blasphe­my; (adde, Master Cotton may say, we not onely tolerate the Indians in their abominable and barbarous worships, but (which may seem most incredible) we tolerate the Indians also in that which by our civil principles we ought to tolerate no subject in, that is, in abominable lying, whoring, cursing, thieving, without any active course of restraint, &c.

Tis true, Those Indians submitting to their Government (as it may be Master Cotton will say to the ten Commandements) yet living in all kind of Barbarisme, live some miles more re­mote: how ever they are (they say) their subjects) were every miles distance an hundreth.


But is there any such and professed tolleration of An­tinomians, Presbyterians, Anabaptists, as is here insinuated?


I know of no toleration of Presbyterian, Antinomians, Witnesse the bloody whip­ping of Oba­diah Homes for the point of Baptisme lately at Boston [...] Anabaptists, worshipping God in any meetings, separate from the common Assemblies. If any such persons be amongst them (like Church-Papists) it is their sin, that they separate not from such opposite Assemblies and Worships, and it is the sin of such assemblies to tolerate such persons after due admonitions, in the name of Christ, rejected.

But further, Master Cotton grants a Communion in hearing in a Church-Estate by Church members, but not in any as are no Church-members, but come in as the Pagan, Infidell, 1 Cor. 14.


Communion is twofold▪ First; open and professed [Page 248] among Church-Members: Secondly, Secret and implicite in all Communion Spirituall, two-fold. such as give their presence to such Worships without witnessing against them. For otherwise, how can a Church-Papist satisfie the Law, compelling him to come to Church, or a Protestant satisfie a Popish Law in Popish Countries, but by this Cloake or Covering, hiding and saving of themselves by bodily presence at Worship, though their Heart be farre from it.


Whereas it was said, that Conscionable Papists, and all The great Triall among Papists & Pro­testants con­cerning com­ming to Church. Protestants have suffered upon this ground, especially of refu­sing to come to each others Church or meeting. M r Cotton re­plies; They have suffred upon other points, and such as have refused to come to Church, have not refused because such hear­ing implanted them into Church-Estate, but out of feare to be leavened.


'Tis true, many have suffred upon other points, but upon due Examination it will appeare that the great and most universall Tryall hath been, amongst both Papists and Protestants about coming to Church, and that not out of feare of being leavened (for what Religion is ordinarily so distrustfull of its owne strength?) as of Countenancing what they believe false, by their presence and appearance.

Exam: of Chap. 71. replying to Chap. 74.


COncerning the Papists testimonie against persecution; M r Cotton replyes: First, why may not their Testimo­nie be wicked, as well as their Booke, confest so to be? Secondly, He grants, that Conversion of Soules ought not to be but by Spirituall meanes.


It is true, the Authour of the Letter calls their booke wicked, and themselves the Authours of persecution, yet their Te­stimonie is in part acknowledged by M r Cotton to be true, and will further appeare so to be upon Examination: But whether M r Cotton allow of no other Armes, then Spirituall to be used about Spirituall conversion, it hath and will be further exa­mined.


Whereas the Papists alledge ( Matth. 10.) that Christ [Page 249] Jesus sent his Ministers as sheepe among Wolves, not as Wolves among sheepe, to kill, imprison, &c. M r Cotton grants this true, yet adds that this hindreth not Excommunication, Tit. 3. nor miraculous Vengeance against Spirituall Wolves (Acts 13.) where there is a gift: nor their Prayers against such, 2 Tim. 4. 4. nor their stirring up of the Civill power against them, as Elijah did Ahab and the people against the Prophets of Baal, 1 Kings 18. 40.


Concerning the two first we agree, for the third, the Touching prayers for Vengeance upon Gods Enemies. Prayers of Gods people against Gods Enemies, we finde two-fold: First, Generall against all; secondly, Particular against some; and that two-fold; First, for Gods Vengeance in Gods time, lea­ving it to his holy Wisdome; as Paul prayd against Alexander. Secondly, For present Vengeance; as the Disciples desired in the case of Christ, Luke 9. And against such Prayers the Discusser did and doth contend.

For the fourth, in Stirring up of the Civill State against false Stirring up of the Civill State to per­secure. Prophets, I must answer as before, Let M r Cotton produce any such Civill State in the World, as that Extraordinarie and miracu­lous State of Israel was, and I yeeld it: otherwise, if the passage be extraordinarie and typing, why doth M r Cotton adde fuell to Nebuchadnezzars fierie furnace, which hath been so dreadfully hot already, and hath devoured so many millions of Gods people?


Further out of Matth. 10. Whereas the Papists booke says, Christs Ministers should be delivered, but should not deliver up, those whom they are sent unto to convert, unto Councells or Prisons, or to make their Religion Felonie or Treason; M r Cotton answers; What is this to Apostates, who seeke to subvert the Faith they have profest? What is this to them that seeke to subvert States, and kill Kings; which Doctrine, in downe­right tearmes, he at last chargeth upon the Authour of the Let­ter, and the Discusser.


But how falls an Antichristian or Apostate more di­rectly under the stroake of the Civill Sword, then a Jew or Turke or Pagan? By what rule of God or Christ hath a Magistrate of this World, Authoritie, so to punish the one above the other? And where hath M r Cotton found one Title, either in the Letter or in the Discusser, which forbids the Magistrate to punish Felonie [Page 250] or Treason, whether it be in practice, or in Doctrine, leading to it? Doth not every Leafe and Line breath the contrary to what M r Cotton here insinuateth? The Truth is, as Potiphars wife accu­sing The bloudie Tenent of per­secution is alone the King killing and Stare-kil­ling Doctrine. Joseph was not cleare her selfe, so let this charge be well examined, and this will be the Result of it; The Papists and the Discusser agree together in asserting one Truth in this Chapter, to wit, that Gods Messengers ought not to deliver any to Prisons or Councells. But in the Doctrine of killing hereticall Kings or Magistrates, who sees not but such Papists as [...]hould that Do­ctrine, and M r Cotton meete in the end? For if the Magistrate prove an Apostate, Blasphemer, Idolater, Heretick, Seducer (accor­ding to M r Cottons Doctrine, as well as the Papists) such Kings and Magistrates ought (as well as thousands of his Subjects in like case) be put to Death.


Againe, where the Papists booke argued from Matth. 10 that Christ bids his Ministers to salute an house with peace, he sends no Pursevant to ransack and spoile it: M r Cotton answers: True, but if Seducers be there, or Rebells or Conspiratours be there, God hath armed the Magistrate, Rom. 13.


M r Cotton (too too like the bloudie persecutours of Christ Jesus in all Ages) still couples the Seducer and the Re­bells together, as the Jewes coupled Christ and Barrabbas, though Barrabbas finds more favor then the Son of God, for Christ as a se­ducer, a D [...]ceiver, &c. is commonly executed, & Barrabas released.

'Tis true the Magistrates Commission is from God, even in the time of the Gospel, but Christ Jesus never gave Commission to Ma­gistrates to send Pursevants to ransack an house, to search for Seducers and Idolaters, who transgresse onely against the Spiri­tuall Kingdome of Christ Jesus, but not against Civilitie and the Civill State.


This Distinction of Evills▪ I remember it pleased God to open some of the Romane Emperours eyes to see, upon the oc­casion of his poore servants Apologies presented unto them.


You seasonably remember this (Deare Peace) for al­though Amoninus Pi­us his Edict for the Chri­stians. we finde not Antoninus Pius or Aurelius Antoninus to have been Believers in Christ Jesus, yet they gave forth their Edicts, tha [...] no Christian should be punished meerely for that he was a Christian, except some other crime against the Civill State were proved against him: And the later of these gave in Ex­presse [Page 251] charge, that such as were their Accusers should be burnt alive.


If such an Edict or any farre more moderate should come forth in our Time, against the great troublers of all Ci­vill Transgression against the Spirituall or Civill peace. States, to wit, Informers, Accusers and Maintainers of the bloudie Doctrine of persecution: Doubtles thousands and ten thousands of Men, yea not a few of the most zealous Hunters or persecutors would easily submit to the Truth of the Distin­ction between the crime of a Religion contrary to a State Reli­gion, and a crime against the Civill State thereof.

But to the Papists againe, they (lastly) alledged, John 10. that the true Shepheard comes not to kill the sheepe, &c. Upon this Master Cotton queries. But what if the Wolfe, the Thiefe come, shall the Shepheard use Spirituall Censures, when they are not capeable of such stroakes, or shall he not seeke helpe from the Magistrate, who is to see Gods people live a quiet and peaceable Life in all Godlines and Honestie, 1 Tim. 2.?


I answer, and cry out, how long, how long Lord, Persecutours of Christs Sheepe pre­tend to save them and kill none but Wolves. before thou avenge the bloud of thy holy ones, against them that dwell on the Earth, both bloudie Papists and bloudie Protestants? Out of their owne Mouthes shall Papists and Protestants be con­demned, for slaughtering Christ Jesus (the Shepheard) in his poore Sheepe and Servants, and especially the bloudie Papist, for alledging that Scripture, for the Popes bloudie Butcherie, [Arise Peter, kill and Eate:] yet all pretending to save the sheepe, and onely to resist Wolves, Thieves, &c.

But more punctually Master Cotton well knowes, that in the Antichristian Ministers great Thieves. Mysterie of Antichristianisme, many thousand Antichristian Wolves pretend strongly to be the harmeles sheepe of Christ Jesus, yea his tender and carefull Shepheards, yet are but Antichristian Thieves and Robbers, who cannot dig and to beg are ashamed, and therefore finde it best to steale and rob [...], whole Parishes and Provinces, whole Nations, &c. for Livings, for Benefices, for Bi­shopricks, Cardinalships, Popedomes, &c.


What kinde of Sheepe and Shepheards (Christ Jesus Hireling Ministers. will finde out shortly) are all those Hirelings, Papists or Prote­stant, who no longer peny, no longer paternoster, no longer pay, no longer pray, no [...] preach, no [...] fast, nor convert, &c.


These Babylonian Rivers shall at last be stopt: God and [Page 252] Man shall agree to stop them: The truth of that holy Mysterie of that great Exchange shall be opened, Revel. 10. And Peo­ples eyes shall be opened to see, how these mysticall Marchants of the Earth (pretending to be the great Sellers of Truth) have been the greatest Deceivers, and Cheators, the greatest Thieves and Robbers in the World.


But M r Cotton will say, Gods people would live at peace in Godlinesse and Honestie, 1 Tim. 2. 1. as Paul professeth, Acts 25. 8.


I remember when old Chaucer puts this Querie to Fryars in Chancers time and the Clear­gie in our time considered. the foure chiefe sorts of Fryers in his Time [which of the foure sorts is the best] he finds every sort applauding it selfe, and concluding the other three sorts of Fryers to be Liars: whence in Conclusion he finds them all guilty of Lying (in a round) before God, for all profest themselves to be the only godly men.

I may now ask, who among all the sorts of Churches and Ministers applaud not themselves (like the Fryars in Chaucers dayes) to be Christs onely Churches, Christs Ministers, &c. And who among the severall sorts of such as are Gods people indeed, believe not their own Godlines (or worshipping of God) to be onely right and Christian?


What now if each sort should enjoy Magistrates of their owne profession and Way?


The bloudie Tenent will unavoydably set them alto­gether by the Eares, to try out by the longest Sword, and strongest Arme, which Godlines must live in peace and quietnes: But as for that Scripture, 1 Tim. 2. I have (as I believe) fully deba­ted it, in the Examination of the Modell, and made it evident how farre from all Godlines and Honestie that holy Scripture is perverted.


M r Cotton in the next passage being charged with par­tiall dealing, and a double waight and measure, one for him­selfe and another for others; M r Cotton in effect answereth, that it is a true and just Complaint against persecution and per­secutours, but not against them, for they are Righteous and not Apostates, Seducers, Hereticks, Idolaters, Blasphemers, &c.


What doth Master Cotton answer, but what all religi­ons, sects▪ and severall sorts of worshippers in the world▪ all religious Priests and Church-men plead, We are Righteous?

[Page 253]

Yea, the very Turkes and Mahumetans challenge to The Turkes themselves will be Musle­manni, or right beleevers. The horrible partialite of persecutors. themselves true Faith in God, yea, whether Jews, Antichristians or Christians, they all call themselves Muselmanni that is the right beleevers.


It is not so great wonder then if the popish and prote­stant sects, and ministers of worship cry out (as men use to doe in suits of Law and pretences to the Crowne) We are righteous, my title is good, and the best. We are holy, we are Orthodox and god­ly: You must spare us, beleeve us, honour us, feed us, protect and defend us in peace and quietnesse. Others are Hereticks, A­postates, Seducers, Idolators, Blasphemers, starve them, imprison them, banish them, yea hang them, burne them with fire and sword pursue them.


When it was urged (by way of prevention) that per­sons truly professing Christ Jesus be his sheep, and they cannot persecute;

First, Because it is against the nature of Sheep to hunt, no not the Wolves that have hunted themselves, &c. Master Cotton answers, First if the similitude be so stretched, then if a Magi­strate be a sheep, he ought not to punish, robbers, adulterers, mur­therers, &c.

2 Paul was a sheep, and yet he strook Elimas with blind­nesse, Acts 13.’

3 ‘(Saith he) when the Wolfe runs upon the sheep, it is not a­gainst the nature of the true sheep to run to the true sheepherd, and is it against the nature of the true Sheepherd to send forth his Dogs, to worrie such a VVolfe, without incurring the re­proach of a persecutour.


To the first, the finger of true Distinction will easily untie these seeming knots. Misticall sheep.

Sheep therefore are two-fold, naturall and misticall.

Againe, misticall are two-fold, First, Civill, and so all Magi­strates have rightly been called Sheepherds and the people sheep.

2 Spirituall, and so Christ Jesus gave pastors, that is Sheep­heards and Teachers, and all Believers and followers of Jesus are sheep▪

On the contrary there are naturall and misticall wolves: of misticall some oppose the spirituall, and some the Civill State, and some both, who must be resisted by the proper sheepheads, and [Page 254] proper weapons in each kind, and to confound these is to deceive and to be deceived.


Upon the ground of this Distinction we may easily perceive, that a Shepheard in Civil state, of what Religion soe­ver he be, as a Shepheard of the people he ought to defend them by force of Civill arms, from all oppressions of body, goods, chastily, name, &c. This doth the Magistrate as a Shepheard of the Civil state and people, considered in a Civil respect and capacity, and this ought all the Magistrates in the world to doe, whether they be sheep or no themselves in another respect, that is in a spirituall and Christian.


Yea, and if a Magistrate be a sheep or a true Christian, who seeth not that he punisheth not the robber, adulterer, mur­therer as a spirituall shepheard with spirituall weapons, but as a Civil Shepheard with a C [...]vill stasse, sword, &c?

Tis true, Paul was a sheep, that is, a spirituall sheep; he also Paul his stri­king Elimas blind consi­dered. was a spirituall Shepheard, and Elimas was a wolfe opposing spiritually, and Paul in his opposition strook him blind. Striking is two-fold, spirituall and corporall: And all the sheep of Christ as spirituall, are also Lyons and armed men, and so doe strike spiritually.


It will be said that Paul strook both spiritually and corporally.


Corporal stroaks may be considered either ordinary or mediate, by force of armes, fire and sword, &c. or extraordina­ry and immediate, such as it pleased God to use himselfe, and his holy Prophets and Apostles by his power: Now 'tis true, in this second way, (even in spirituall cases) Gods sheep which have been inducd with power above nature, that is of mira­cles, have plagued Egypt, have burnt up Captaines and their Fifties, yea pluckt up Nations and Kingdomes as Jeremie: Peter kild Ananias and his wife, Paul strook Elimas blind, and the two witnesses consume their Enemies with fire out of their mouths. Of the power of miracles.

If either of these should doe this ordinarily, that is, by or­dinary means (for instance, if Peter had killed Ananias with a Sword, or Paul beat out Elimas his eyes with a Fist or stone) they ought to have been punished by the Civil state, as oppressors of the people, and transgressors against Civill peace, &c. But per­forming [Page 255] these executions, by a spirituall, divine and miracu­lous power, above humane reach: all that heard were to ac­knowledge, and feare and tremble at the holy Spirits might: of this gift of miracles, I say as the Lord Jesus spake touching the gift of Continency, he that can receive it, let him receive it.


By what hath been said, I see Master Cottons last an­swer will be more easily satisfied: when the VVolfe runneth ra­venously (saith he) upon the sheep, is it against the nature of the true sheep to run to their Shepheards? and it is not against the nature of the true Sheepherd to send forth his Doggs to worrie such a VVolfe, &c?


Master Cotton (doubtlesse) here intends misticall sheep, and Shepheards, and VVolves and Doggs, and presseth the simili­tude from the naturall sheep in Civill respect, he cannot here mean (for that is not the Question) whether Wolvish-men oppres­sing the Civill state are to be resisted and suppressed by civill wea­pons, &c.

Concerning Spiritual sheep then: the first question is: If the Spirituall sheep and wolves con­sidered. wolfe runs ravenously upon the Sheep, is it against the nature of the true Sheep to run to their Shepheard? I answer, a spiri­tual Wolfe (a false Teacher, &c.) may be said to run ravenously upon a spirituall sheep, by spiritual assault of Argument, Dispute, Reproach, &c. The same man as a civil wolfe (for so we must speake to speake properly) may also run upon a sheep of Christ by Civill Armes, that is in a Civil respect, upon Body and Go [...], &c,

If now the Wolfe ravin the first way, the sh [...]ep of Christ may and ought to run, to the Lord Jesus (the great M r. Shepheard) and to such under and in inferiour Shepheards as he hath ap­pointed (if he can attain to them.)

If the second way, the sheep (beside running to Christ Jesus by prayer, and to his Ordinances and Officers for advice and com­fort) may run to the Civil Magistrate (appealing to Caesar, &c.) against such uncivill violence and oppression.


Mine heart joyfully acknowledgeth the Light mine eye seeth, in that true and necessary distinction: Now to the Se­cond Question, is it against the nature of the true Shepheard (saith M r. Cotton) to send forth his Doggs to worrie such a wolfe, &c.

[Page 256]

M r Cotton here discoursing of Christs sheepe, and Christs Shepheards, Reason would perswade, that the Shepheards or Pa­stours here intended should be the Shepheards or Pastours appoin­ted by Christ Jesus, Ephes. 4.


If so he should intend, it well suits with the spirit of some proud and scornfull (pretended) Shepheards of Christ Je­sus in the World, who have used to call their Clarkes, Sumners, Proctors, and Pursevants, their hunting Dogs, &c.


But such Dogs, (as yet) the Independent Pastours or Shepheards, keepe not.


Yea but the Pope (to speake in M r Cottons phrase, The Pope and, all proud Po­pish Priests and Cleargie use the Civill Powers but as Dogs. yet with all humble respect to Civill Authoritie, the blessed Or­dinance of God and Man) I say the Pope keeps such Dogs good store, yea Dogs of all sorts, not onely of those lesser kindes, but whom he useth as his Dogs, the Emperours, Kings, and Ma­gistrates of the World, whom he teacheth and forceth to crouch, to lie downe, to creepe, and kisse his foote, and from thence at his beck to flie upon such greedie Wolves, as the Waldenses, Wickle­vists, Hussites, Hugonites, Lutherans, Calvinists, Protestants, Puri­tans, Sectaries, &c. to imprison, to whip, to banish, to hang, to head, to burne, to blow up such vile Hereticks, Apostates, Seducers, Blasphemers, &c.

But I forget, it will be said, the Protestants Grounds and practices differ from the Popes as far as Light from Darknes, and how ever the Pope useth the secular power and Magistrates there­of, but as Dogs and Hangmen, yet the Reformed Churches teach and practice better.


'Tis true (sweet Peace) the Protestants professe grea­ter The Prote­stant Cleargie their dealing with Magi­strates. honour and subjection to the Civill Magistrate: But let plaine English be spoken and it will be found that the Protestant clear­gie (as they will be calld) ride the backs and necks of Civill Magistrates, as fully and as heavily (though not so pompously) as ever the great Whore sat the backs of Popish Princes.


The Protestant Cleargie hath yeelded up the temporall sword into the hand of the temporall State, Kings, Governours, &c. They proclaime the Magistrates, Head of the Church, Defenders of their Faith, the Supreame Judges in all causes as well Ecclesia­sticall as Civill.


'Tis true, they make the Magistrate Head of the [Page 257] Church, but yet of what Church they please to make and fa­shion.

They make him Defendour of the Faith, but of what Faith, what Doctrine, what Discipline, what Members they please to admit and account of: And this under the penaltie of being accounted either hereticall (and so Magistrates worthy them­selves to be put to Death) or ignorant, and so not fit to act (as M r Cotton sayth) but must suspend their power, untill they sub­mit to the Cleargies pretended Light, and so be learnd to see and read with the Cleargies Spectacles.


To this purpose (indeed) agrees the next passage, wherein M r Cotton affirmeth, that although all the Magistrates A suspending or hanging up of Magistrates in the World, ought to punish Blasphemers, Idolaters, Seducers, yet this must they not doe while their Consciences are blinde and ignorant of the Truth, and yet they cease not to be Magistrates (sayth he) although they cannot performe all the Duties of Magistrates.


Concerning this stated Dutie of all Magistrates, and yet suspending of all ignorant Magistrates from acting, according to this their Dutie I have spoken to before and often, I now add, according to M r Cottons similitude, if the Errours of others be as motes in comparison of the beames of this ignorance and blindnesse in Magistrates, which he calleth Beames, it will be found that he renders thousands of the Magistrates of the World as uncapable to be true Magistrates, as an heape of Timber to be an House, which wants the beames and principalls.


The summe of the Difference in the last passage is not great, nor any in words, for sayth M r Cottons Conclusion, If the Difference be onely in the way and manner of the Administration of Christ, and the Difference be held forth in a peaceable and Christian way, God forbid a Staffe should be shaken against such, or a Sword unsheathed.


Alas, where hath lien the great Difference between the Prelates and Presbyterians, the Presbyterians and Indepen­dants, but about the way and Administration of Christs King­dome (for as for matter of Doctrine according to the 39 Arti­cles The great spi­rituall diffe­rences of these late Times. of the Church of England, they have little differd)? Yea wherein for matter of Doctrine, of Faith, Repentance and Holi­nesse) have the Churches which make whole seperation, or such [Page 258] as goe further to a new Baptisme, wherein have they differd from the former? and yet we know what Lawes have been and are extant in Old and New England against them, and what practices have been felt, and may justly be expected both from the Mother and the Daughter, if a jealous God and heavenly Fa­ther (for our unthankfullnesse) should once be pleased to finish this late and wonderfull calme and moderation: Which yet may Of rest from persecution. justly be feard to prove, (as Sea-men use to observe) but a Winters calme, and they ray, a Winters calme (for then stormes are breeding) is as bad as a Summers storme.

Exam: of Chap. 72. replying to Chap. 75. Concerning the Testimonie of Austin.


MAster Cotton finds two faults in the first entrance. First, that Antichrist should be said to be too hard for Christ at voting: 2. That Austins Testimonie should be put off as a Rhetoricall Evasion.


To the first, it will shortly appeare as the Light at Noone day, what packing of Votes, and listing, and mustring up of Numbers have been in all Ages, in all Councells, in all Synods, in all Parliaments, and in all (falsely so called) Christian Coun­tries, against the Lord, his Christ and Servants.


But M r Cotton marvailes that when the case concernes tolleration of Hereticks and Antichristians, that Antichrist should procure more Votes against Antichristians, and that Christ should procure any Vote, though fewer, for them.


To expound this ridle; It was never affirmed, that Christ hath any Votes for the tollerating of Hereticks or Anti­christians in the Religious State or Church of Christ, but in the Civil State or Common-weale, that is, in the common field of the world together.

Secondly, Not onely Antichrist may oppose some Anti­christians, Gods children may possibly fight each a­gainst the o­ther. [...] but the Israel of God may oppose Israel: Ephraim may be against Manasseh, and Manasseh against Ephraim, and both against Judah in severall respects. Have not the Presbyterians been against the Independents, and the Independents against the Presbyterians, and both against such a [...] seperate from the un­cleannesses of them both?

[Page 259]No wonder then when one Antichristian Faction prevailes to crush another, (and therein wraps up Christ Jesus himselfe as Antichristians against Anti­christians, but principally a­gainst Christ. an Antichristian,) that Christ Jesus should finde some Friends and Votes against the Oppressing Faction, though the number of the oppressours doe farre exceede, and cast the cause (most com­monly) against Christ Jesus, as a Male factor, a Drunkard, a Glut­ton, a Deceiver, a mad-man possest with a Devill, a Seducer, a Blas­phemer, &c.


But to the second, let us Examine the Reasons against Austins Argument with M r Cottons defence of them.

The first answer was, that soule-killing was of a large extent Touching spi­rituall mur­ther. in Scripture, which may reach to many sins that are not capi­tall; M r Cotton replyes; the Answer reacheth not the point; for as every killing of the Body is not a capitall crime, so neither is every killing of the soule, but such as is more voluntary and presumptuous, and joyned with some grosse and murtherous in­tent.


Austin and M r Cotton spake in generall, without di­stinction of soule-murther and killing: the Title and sound of soule­murther and soule-killing, should not be cast abroad like Thun­der and Lightning, with a late excuse that we intend not every soule-murther and killing.


Your second Argument was from the Dissimilitude of bodily and spirituall Death: Body-killing is but once and for ever, but a soule killed may recover, &c. M r Cotton replyes, that the very attempt of soule-killing is capitall, Deut. 13. 10.


First, then the Dissimilitude or Difference remaines good, between the murthering of the body, and the killing of the soule or inner man; contrary to his Answer foregoing.

Secondly, Concerning this attempting I have spoken else­where, Touching Seducers. and proved that spiritually it may be made good, against a Christian Israelite, falling away from Christ, and seducing o­thers; but literally, against such attempting against any mans present Religion or Worship, (in any Civill State all the World o­ver) it cannot be taken, because the whole world, the Nations and peoples of it cannot parallell this State of Israel, whence this plea is taken.


I presume (Deare Truth) you would not excuse and extenuate the punishment of a Soule-Traitour and seducer, now un­der the Gospel.

[Page 260]

No; I aggravate the least attempt of soule-murther, The hainous­nes of spiritu­all stumbling blocks. and the least prejudice or hindrance to Eternall Life, infinitly above what is temporall and corporall murther, when either Hus­band or Wife, Brother or Sister, King or Queene, Synod or Parlia­ment shall lay a stumbling block in the heavenly way, or grieve or offend the least of the littles ones of Christ Jesus, and such dread­full punishment shall all even the highest and greatest finde, who now seeme to forget the Millstone.


The third argument was from the different punish­ment Punishing of Seducers. which Christ Jesus hath appointed for Soul-killing, to wit, by the two edged sword, which comes out of Christs mouth, which is able to cut downe Heresie, and to slay the soul of He­reticks everlastingly.

Master Cotton replies, this answer hath been removed above: Church censures are sufficient to heal the Heretick, if he belong to God, and to remove the guilt of his wickednesse from the Church, but not to prevent spreading, &c. nor to cle [...]se the Common-wealth from such rebellion as hath been taught by him against the Lord.


Above hath also been shewen the soveraigne excellen­cy Common­weale two­fold, and Re­bellion two­fold. and power of Christs spirituall meanes against spirituall in­fection: Above hath also been shewen the two-fold Common­wealth; First, the Civil and natural; Secondly, the spiritual, re­ligious and Christian.

Rebellion also against the Lord hath been proved, two-fold, First, spirituall, against himselfe in point of his more immedi­ate worship and service, for which he hath provided not onely the vengeance of eternall fire approaching (according to the de­grees and hainousnesse of such rebellion) but also present spiri­tuall punishment, far exceeding all corporall punishment and torment in the world.

2 Rebellion against God is temporall and more mediate, as it is a resistance, opposition or violation of any Civil state or order ap­pointed by God or Men. Now to confound these together, (and to hover in generall tearms of Rebellion against the Lord) is to blow out the Candle or Light, and to make a noise in the dark, with a sound and cry of a guilty Land; a guilty State, soul-murthe­rers, soul-killers, hereticks, blasphemers, seducers, rebels against the Lord, kill them, kill them, &c.

Suppose these soul-murthering Hereticks, Seducers, &c. be as [Page 261] full of vexation and mischief as the Musketoes or Wolves in New Mysticall Wolves and Muskeetoes. England or other Countries; It were to be wished, (but never can be hoped in this world) that every Civil state, City and Towne in the world, were free from such mysticall and soul-ver­min: The poor Planter and Farmer is glad, if his house and chamber, if his yard and field, his family and cattel, may be tolerably clear from such annoyances, however the Woods and Wildernes abound with them: They that are of such fierie pragmaticall restles spirits, that they content not themselves to keep the Farme and House of the Church of Christ free from such Infection & annoyance, but rage that such vermin are suffered in the worlds Wood, &c. It is pity but they had their ful employment and taske, to catch and kill even all the swarmes and Heards of all the Muskeetoes and Wolves, which either the Wildernes of America, or the whole World can afford them.

4. Peace.

Accordingly the Fourth Argument was from Christs tolerating of soule-killers to live in the field of the World, though not in the Garden of the Church: M r Cotton replyes, this hath been largely and fully refeld above.


It is true, the Discusser alledged, and M r Cotton refu­ted the Exposition of this Parable, but whether of them accord­ing to the minde of Christ Jesus, let every reader uprightly judge with feare and trembling at the word of the Lord.


The Fifth Argument was from the Impossibilitie of killing and soule by a Heretick: M r Cotton answers, this is against Paul himselfe, 1 Cor. 8. 11.


As I spake unto the Argument of the Impossibilitie of the perishing of any of Gods Elect, so here, the using of such an Of Soule-kil­ling. Argument is far from undervaluing or neglecting of any of the meanes or Ordinances, naturall or spirituall, which God hath gra­ciously appointed, but to condemne the over-wise and over-busie Heads and Hands of Men, adding their Inventions to Gods Ap­pointments, as if weake and insufficient: whereas Gods number of living and dead are certaine, and though the meanes which he hath appointed for life should faile, and notwithstanding all other meanes in the World used by men as helps and hindrances, yet his holy End shall not be disappointed, but fulfilled.

Beside the Difference between soule-killing and body-killing, is but (as M r Cotton here useth the word) so much as in us lieth, [Page 262] that is, by attempt or endeavour, which may be many wayes fru­strated, and disappointed by the holy hand of God, and the soule yet saved and live in the day of the Lord Jesus.


Whereas you said, that the imprisoning of Men in a Touching State Religi­ons. Nationall or State Religion is guiltie of their Destruction, together with the monstrous sword of Civill Warres, which cuts off Men from all meanes of Repentance.

M r Cotton answers; If the Religion be good, it is no Imprison­ment: If it be naught, then there should be no Imprisonment.

To the second (sayth he) this Feare is causeles, for if Men belong to God, he will give Repentance, and how ever (sayth he) God [...] revealed Will is fullfilled in their just Executions.


I could here ask M r Cotton where (amongst all the Religions and Worships of the sonnes of men) he ever met in the whole World, with above one Nation, which Nationally profest a true Religion; and where ever, since Christ Jesus, ending of the Gods children Gods Citie, Nation and Kingdome. shadowes, any State, Religion, or Nationall Worship can be found true; notwithstanding M r Cotton knowes I grant Gods people, in Kingdomes, Nations, Cities, Townes, &c. to be Gods Kingdome, Nation, Citie, &c.


And since M r Cotton speakes thus of Imprisonment, me-thinkes that every peaceable man and woman may bring in here against him, at the Tribunall of Christ Jesus, an Action of A State Reli­gion a prison. false Imprisonment (indeed false every way) not onely of the sensible and outward man, but of the most noble and inner part, the minde, the spirit, and Conscience; for who knowes not that Jerusalem it selfe may be a prison to false-hearted Shimei? Who hath not found a pallace a prison, when forc't to keepe within it? yea confine a man to his own house and home, though deare and familiar, and most intimate to him, his owne house during that force and restraint, is a prison to him.


Yea it is most wofully found evident, that the best Religion (like the fairest Whores, and the most golden and costlie Images) yea the most holy and pure and onely true Religion A forc't Re­ligion. and Worship, appointed by God himselfe, is a Torment to that Soule and Conscience, that is forc't against its owne free love, and choice, to embrace and observe it: And therefore whether the Religion be good o [...] [...]aught (as M r Cotton here distingui­sheth) there ought to be no forcing, but the soule and minde and [Page 263] conscience of man, that is indeed the man, ought to be left free, as in his Earthly marriage-choice, so here ten thousand times ra­ther in his heavenly and spirituall.


But what say you to his unmercifull conclusion, in the bloudshed and destruction of so many thousands and millions, for­merly Of the late Warres. and lately slaine and murthered by this bloudie Tenent of persecution? Yea the late and lamentable streames of English bloud, and the bloud of our neighbours, friends, Brethren, Parents, pow­red forth by these late Episcopall or Bishops Warres? M r Cottons conclusion is, The revealed will of God (sayth he) is fullfilled in their just Execution, whether they belong to God or no.


I wish M r Cotton more mercy from God, and a more mercifull minde toward the afflicted, and I say as the Lord Je­sus The bloudie Tenent guilty of the Rivers of Bloud, &c. said in the case of offence: Great offences, Nationall offences will come for Religions sake, for Nationall Religion sake, but woe unto those that beare the guilt of so many thousand slaughters, murthers, ravishings, plunderings, &c. The Pope, the Bishops, the Presbyterians, the Independants, so farre as they have been Au­thours or Actors in these horrible Calamities, out of the perswasion of the bloudie Tenent of persecution for Religion and Conscience; the voyce of so many Rivers of bloud cry to Heaven for ven­geance against them.


But may not (blessed Truth) the sword of Civill power Warres for Religion. which is from God (Rom. 13.) be drawne and drunke with bloud for Christ his sake. What say you (among the many Ex­amples of Religions Warres) to the most famous Battles of Con­stantine against the bloudie persecutour Maxentius? Was not Constantine Christs Champion, as once that valiant Scanderbeg cald himselfe against the bloudie Turks?


Sweet Peace, the sword of Civill power was Gods sword Constantines warres for the Christians. committed by Gods most wise Providence into the hands of that famous Constantine: Doubtles his warre was righteous and pi­ous, so farre as he broke the Jawes of the oppressing persecuting Lyons that devoured Christs tender Lambes and sheepe: And fa­mous was his Christian Edict (wherein Licinius joyned with him) when he put forth that imperiall Christian Decree, that Constantines E­dict against forcing in Religion. no mane Conscience should be forced, and for his Religion (whether to the Romane Gods, or the Christian) no man should be persecuted or hunted: When Constantine broke the bounds [Page 262] [...] [Page 263] [...] [Page 264] of this his owne and Gods Edict, and drawes the sword of Civill power in the suppressing of other Consciences for the establishing of the Christian, then began the great Mysterie of the Churches sleepe, the Gardens of Christs Churches turned into the Wildernesse of Nationall Religion, and the World (under Constantines Domi­nion) to the most unchristian Christendome.


I am unquestionably satisfied, that there was never Never any true Natio­nall Religion in the World but one. any Nationall Religion good in this world but one, and since the Desolation of that Nation, there was never, there shall be never any Nationall Religion good againe: and this will be most evi­dent to such as hould the Truth of the continuance of Christs visi­ble Church in the way of particular Congregations.

6. But now to the Sixt Argument, which M r Cotton thus re­peats from the possibilitie of a false Teacher, & a spirituall Wolves recoverie from the estate of a soule-killer to become a soule-Savi­our, as it was in the case of Paul: And thus he answers; If men Touching Pauls blasphe­my before his Conversion. be such Blasphemers, and such Wolves, as Paul was before his Conversion, neither the Law of God nor man would put such a Man to death, who sinned of Ignorance, and walked (as him­selfe professed) in all good Conscience, even in his former evill times, Acts 23. But as for such as apostate from the knowne truth of Religion, and seeke to subvert the foundation of it, and to draw away others from it, to plead for their Tolleration in hope of their Conversion, is as much as to proclaime a generall pardon to all malefactours (save onely such as sin against the Holy Spirit) for he that is a willfull murtherer and adulterer now, may come to be converted, and die a martyr hereafter.


I see not why M r Cotton should passe a more charita­ble censure on Pauls Conscience, then on other Mens professing Conscience also and the feare of God: nor an harder censure upon other Men (to wit, that they are convinced, and sinne a­gainst their owne Conscience) more then upon Paul himselfe: Heard he not that famous powerfull Sermon of Stephen? Saw he not his glorious and most heavenly Death? and having so much to doe with the Saints, could he otherwise choose, but heare and see many heavenly passages tending to his soules con­viction?


Yea why should M r Cotton pinch upon Apostates from the truth of Religion and Seducers? he cannot choose but know Of Apostates. [Page 265] how many thousands and millions of men and women in the world, are Hereticall, Blasphemers, Seducers, that never yet made profession of that which he accounteth True Religion?


Yea and (to plead thy case Deare Peace) why should Fallacious mixture and confusion. M r Cotton couple Murtherers and Adulterers with Apostates and Seducers? Doth not even the naturall Conscience and Reason of all men put a Difference? Doe not even the most bloudie Popes and Cardinalls, Gardiners and Bonners, put a difference be­tween the crimes of Murther, Treason, Adulterie (for which al­though the offendour repent, &c. yet he suffers punishment) and the crimes of Heresie, Blasphemie, &c. which upon Recanta­tion and Confession, are frequently remitted?


I remember it was high Treason in H. 8. his dayes to deny the Kings spirituall Supremacie, as well as to kill his person, and yet upon Confession and Recantation we finde, that the very Conscience of those bloudy men could distinguish between these Treasons.


'Tis true this bloudie Tenent of persecution was lamen­tably Spirituall Treason re­canted, for­given: but not so (by way ofcourse) the Civill. drunke with bloud in the dayes of that Henry, as well as afterwards in the dayes of his bloudie daughter Marie, and yet in Henry his dayes we finde John Haywood recanting his (so cald) Treason against the Kings Supreamacie in spirituall things, and is cleared. When famous and faithfull Cromwell, for words pre­tended to be spoken by him against the Kings person, must pay his noble Head. But to End this Chapter, most true it is, that An Instance from [...]: Hay­wood and the Lord Cromwell in King Henry the 8. his dayes. multitudes of people in all parts of bloudie Christendome, and not a few in England in Henry the 7. and Henry the 8. his dayes; have escaped with a Recantation and Abjuration, for spirituall Treasons, when principles of Reason and Civill Government have taught men, for their common safetie, to thinke of other punishments for Murtherers, Adulterers, Traytours.

Exam: of Chap. 73. replying to Chap. 76. Discussing the Testimonie of Optatus.


MAster Cotton having alledged Optatus, justifying Macarius his putting Hereticks to Death, from the Example of Moses, Phinehas, and Elijah; it was answered, that [Page 266] these shafts were drawen not out of Christs, but Moses Quiver: M r Cotton replyes; did ever any Apostle or Evangelist make the Judiciall Lawes of Moses concerning Life and Death ceremoniall and typicall?


What ever the Apostles of Christ did in this matter, Of Moses Ju­dicialls. yet sure it is Evident, that M r Cotton himselfe makes some of Moses Lawes, which he calls Judiciall, to be but ceremoniall and typicall.


Me thinks M r Cotton should never grant that, who layes so much waight upon Moses practices, and the morall and perpetuall ground of them.


Well take for an Instance this very case of putting to Death, Idolaters and false Prophets, he grants this in this very Chapter to be typicall in the State of the Jewes; ‘for Israell (sayth he) being the Church of God, and in Convenant with God, their Example will onely extend to the like Execution of all the false Prophets in the Church of God.


Such a Candle lighted up in the Conscience and Judge­ment and Confession of M r Cotton, may (if the Father of Lights so please,) light up many Candles more, to M r Cottons owne and the eyes of others.


Yea if the Father of Lights so please, M r Cotton will looke back and see, that if the Example of Israel extend no fur­ther then to the Church of God, then those Lawes of Moses con­cerning Religion, cannot but be typicall and ceremoniall; for, what is morall and perpetuall, none can deny to concerne all Men in all Nations, where no Church or House of God was ever erected.

2. Peace.

If M r Cotton say it extends but to the Church of God, what Church of God can M r Cotton meane, but a particular Congregation (for he professeth against Nationall, Provinciall, &c.) And yet how can he meane a particular Church, since he grants the Church of Christ armed with no other weapons then spirituall, like unto the Head and King thereof Christ Jesus?

3. Truth.

If M r Cotton will grant the Church of Christ to have The first three hundred years after Christ. been extant upon Earth during the first three hundred yeares of her fiery tryalls, he must grant that then the Church of Christ was furnished by Christ Jesus with no other weapons but spirituall, for all the Civill powers of the World seemed to be against them. [Page 267] All which time by M r Cottons Doctrine, the Church of Christ his The Primitive Church the purest, and yet without a Ci­vill Sword. heavenly Garden must needs be over-growne with Hereticks, Idolaters, false Prophets, for want of a Civill Sword, &c. Or if they were not (as sure it is, the Spouse and Garden of Christ was never fairer since): As M r Cotton grants the Example typicall, and extending onely to the Church of God, so must he then also grant these false Prophets and Idolaters to be put to Death by the Churches power, which is onely spirituall, and Israels materiall Sword will then appeare to be a type of the two-edged sword of Christ Jesus in the Gospel.


It is true (sayth Master Cotton,) what the Discusser Christ no Au­thor of Civill violence for Religion. sayth, that Christ Jesus gave no Ordinance, Precept or President in the Gospel for killing men for Religion, and no more (sayth he) for the breach of Civill Justice: Civill Magistrates therefore must either walke without Rule, or fetch their Rules of Righte­ousnesse from Moses and the Prophets, who have expounded him in the Old Testament.


If M r Cotton please more awfully to observe & weigh the minde of Christ Jesus his New Testament in this point, he will not onely heare himselfe subscribing to Caesars Right in Civill matters, but also by his servant Peter establishing all other formes of Civill Government, which the peoples or Nations of the World shall invent or create for their civill being, Common-weale or wellfare. Yea he may remember that Christ Jesus by his Ser­vant Paul commandeth the Magistrate, to punish Murther, Theft, Adulterie, &c. for he expresly nameth these Civill Trans­gressions together with the civill Sword the Avenger of them, Rom. 13.


I cannot well conceive what M r Cotton meanes by saying, that Moses and the Prophets expounded Christ Jesus in the Old Testament.


Nor I: They did speake or prophecie of Christ, they did type or figure him to come, with his sufferings and Glory, but (as John sayth) Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ, that is, the fullfilling, opening, and expounding came by Jesus Christ.


Hence indeed I remember that Christ Jesus (Luc. 24.) expounded to his Disciples, out of Moses and the Prophets, the things written of him. But more particularly touching Mo­ses: [Page 268] Macarius did well (sayth M r Cotton) in putting Hereticks to Death, from the Example of Moses putting Idolaters to Death, Exod 32. and the Idolater to Death, Levit. 24.


These Instances (by M r Cottons Confession) extend The Levites killing 3000. Exod 32. ty­picall. no further then the Church of God, and then I desire my above­said Answer may be uprightly weighed. And I adde the for­mer Instance of putting Death the three thousand Israelites about the Goulden C [...]lfe by the hand of the Levites, may most lively seeme to typifie, the zealous Execution of spirituall Justice in (the Israel of God) the Church of Christ, by the true Mini­sters of Christ Jesus, the true Antitype of that zealous Tribe of Levi.


Concerning Phineas, whereas it was said that the Phineas his Act. flaying of the Israelitish Prince and Daughter of Midian, was not for spirituall but for corporall fulthinesse, Master Cotton answereth and urgeth the Israelites eating of their Sacrifices, and joyn­ing to Baal-peor: Also that single Fornication was no capitall crime.


It is most true, the people committed both spirituall and corporall Filthines (as very often they goe together) but the Justice of God reckoned with these two sinners, for and in the midst of their corporall Filthines, which although it were not capitall in Israell, yet the committing of it with so high an hand of presumption (and small sinnes committed presumptuously in Israell were Death) was enough to make it worthy of so sharpe and sudden a Destruction.


Concerning Phineas his act M r Cotton acknowledgeth that it is no president for Ministers of the Gospel so to act, but withall sayth it is praesidentiall for Magistrates.


Phineas his Act (whether of ordinarie or extraordi­nary Justice) how can it be praesidentiall to the Civill Magi­strate in a particular Church, where the weapons are onely spiritu­all? And M r Cotton grants these Examples extend no further then the Church: Such as maintaine a Nationall Church (which M r Cotton doth not) have some colour to urge this Example The spirituall & Civill State vastly different in their frame, Lawes, Offi­cers, &c. for a president: for in a civill State, civill Officers, civill Lawes, civill Weapons, civill punishments and rewards are proper, as are also (and onely) Spirituall Officers, spirituall Lawes, spirituall punishments and Rewards in a spirituall State.

[Page 269]

Concerning Eliah, M r Cotton excepteth against the number eight hundred and fiftie, as too many by halfe.


It is true, the number of Baals Prophets were foure Elijah and the Baalites. hundred and fiftie ( false Prophets enough to one poore true) but yet Eliah numbers Jezabells foure hundred trencher Chap­lins with them; for, sayth he, Now therefore send and ga­ther unto me all Israel unto Mount Carmel, and the Prophets of Baal foure hundred and fiftie, and the Prophets of the Grove foure hundred, which eate at Jezabells Table.


But how ever (sayth M r Cotton) here was no type nor Figure for Actions of morall Justice, (though sometimes ex­traordinary) yet they are never figurative, but with such as turne all the Scripture into an Allegorie.


To make the shadowes of the old Testament and the Sub­stance The types and figures of the old Testament or Body of the New, all one, is but to confound and min­gle Heaven and Earth together, for the state of the Law was ceremoniall and figurative, having a worldly Tabernacle with va­nishing and beggarly Rudiments: And I believe it might not one­ly be said, that Abrahams lying with his handmaid Hagar, was an Allegorie, but that the whole Church of Israell, Roote and Branch, from first to last included figurative and Allegoricall Ker­nells, were the Husks and Shells disclosed with more humbly diligent and spirituall teeth and fingers.


I cannot but assent unto you, that to render the old Testament Allegoricall in an humble sobrietie, your Instance with many more give sufficient warrant.


Yet I adde (in answer to M r Cottons charge of turn­ing all Scripture into an Allegorie) that to deny the Historie of either Old or New Testament, or to render the New Testament (which expounds and fullfills the ancient figures) Allegoricalls are both absurd and impious.


But how (sayth M r Cotton) can an Act of morall righ­teousnesse be figurative?


There is a Fallacie in this tearme [ morall Righteous­nesse] Righteousnes two fold. for M r Cotton himselfe hath [...]knowledged a Righteous­nesse two-fold, A Spirituall Righteousnesse of the Church, and a civill of the Common-weale: M r Cotton also acknowledgeth Is­rael The state o [...] Israel typi­call. to be a Typicall people, their land a typicall Land, their Mi­nistry and Worship typicall! How can M r Cotton then deny, but [Page 270] that the weapons of this people, their punishments and rewards, &c. (so far as concerned this their mixed figurative and typicall state) were figurative and ceremoniall also? And so not parts of morall civill Righteousnesse, or common to all other Nati­ons and peoples in the World.


I cannot readily assent to M r Cotton, that morall Acti­ons of Civill Righteousnesse could not be figurative with this cere­moniall, typicall and figurative people: for their warre it selfe (which if lawfull, is an Act of civill morall Righteousnesse) Paul seemes to make figurative of the spirituall Warres of the Christian Israel and Church of God.


Yea and it is easie to observe that not onely their Not only mo­rall but natu­rall Actions of the Israe­lites typicall. spirituall Worship, &c. not onely Acts of morall and civill Righ­teousnesse in peace and warre, &c. but even their very naturall Actions and Excrements (in warres against their Enemies) were figurative and typicall, full of heavenly and spirituall Instruction, which the unbelieving Jewes then saw not, but the believing saw, as they saw Christ Jesus in the Sacrifices, and all their ob­servations leading to the blessed Son of God, the Messiah, the An­nointed, or Christ to come, and his Eternall Kingdome.


M r Cotton in the next place takes offence that the Fact of Elijah should be called miraculous, and askes if it be a miracle for Elijah with the aide of so many thousand Israelites to put to Death foure hundred and fiftie men?


M r Cotton mistakes the word, for the word is not Whether Eli­ahs procuring the slaughter of the Baalites was Typicall or Morall. fact but passage, which compriseth not onely the slaughter of these their Priests, but the whole matter and busines, as the put­ting of the Worship of the true God, to the Tryall of Fire from Heaven, the descending of Fire from Heaven, the devouring of the Sacrifice, and licking up of so much water, and upon this so great a number of their Priests (the Fathers, Shepheards, and Gods of the people) so thunder-smitten as from Heaven, with so sudden and dreadfull a slaughter, what can these be but an extraordinary Inspiration in the Prophet, a supernaturall descent and operation of Fire, yea and an extraordinary and wonderfull change in the heart of the People? And I doubt not but M r Cotton doth sometimes give an heavenly and spirituall signification, to all these figurative and miraculous Mysteries.


But I wonder at the next words; Though Christ [Page 271] (sayth he) gave no such Commission to Ministers of the Gospel to put false Prophets to Death, as Elijah did, yet the Act of Dutie was an ordinary dutie of morall Righteousnesse, belonging to such as beare the Sword. Anon againe he writes; This Example will not extend to the Idolaters of the World.

‘First, Because many thousand thousand of them are ex­empt from the civill Magistracie of Christians. Secondly, They were never in Covenant with God, to whom onely the Law of Moses concerning the punishment of Idolaters extended. Thirdly, Though the Israelites were Idolaters, yet Elijah spared them, because of their simplicitie and Ignorance.

I answer, first, if Christ Jesus gave no such Commission No Commissi­on from Christ for corporall punishment in religious mat­ters. (as is confessed) then woe to all those Popish and Protestant Priests, who have (by theft, or flatterie, or other evill meanes) got Commissions from the Civill powers of the World, whereby (to maintaine their own honours, and profits of Bishopricks and Bene­fices, &c.) they smite with the fist and sword, of wickednes: or under a pretence of holy Orders in themselves, put over the drud­gery of Execution to their enslaved Seculars!

Secondly, If these need no Commission, because to put to Death the false Prophets and Idolaters, is an Act of morall Righte­ousnesse, how agrees that Position and these three together.

First, onely Christian Magistrates (said M r Cotton) must act in these cases.

Secondly, They must act against such onely as are Church­members.

Thirdly, They must not act against such Church-members as commit Idolatrie out of simplicitie or Ignorance.


Deare Truth, if it passe your capacitie to reconcile these in point of Truth, it must needs passe mine to see how such Doctrines can stand with any civill peace or order in the world.


To affirme such Actions to be ordinarie duties of mo­rall Strange and monstrous▪ duties of Mo­rall Righte­ousnesse. Righteousnesse, belonging to such as beare the Sword, and yet not to be practiced but by such Magistrates as are most rare­ly found in the World, and on such a people in such an Order as is most rare in the Nations of the World, is to me all one, as to call all Fathers and Masters in the World to such ordinary Duties as belong to every Father and Master of a Familie: Or to call [Page 272] Masters and Commanders of Ships to such ordinary duties as belong to all Masters of Ships in the World: Or Captaines and Commanders in Warre to such ordinarie Duties as belong to all Captaines and Commanders in the World, and then at last to tell them: It is true, the Duties are ordinary and common, to all Fa­thers, Masters, Commanders, Captaines, but these Duties are to be performed onely by such Fathers, Masters, Captaines and Com­manders, and in such Families, Ships, and Armies as are not or­dinarie to be found in the World.


I see not but the Similitude doth fully reach, for in­deed although such a people so and so in Covenant with God, according to M r Cotton, were true visible Churches according to Christs Institution, and so consequently their Magistrates truely Christian, yet compare such Magistrates with the rest of the Magistrates of the World, who as lawfully beare the Sword as Gods children are wonders and monsters accounted. Themselves, and compare such a people so and so in Church-Covenant, with the rest of the people and Nations of the World, and we shall not finde them ordinary and common, but rather as six fingers, wonders and monsters to all other parts of the World, yea even to the very Popish and Protestant parts of the World also.

But to end this Chapter; The other fact of Elijah in slaying the Captaines with their fifties, M r Cotton acknowledgeth not to be alledged by any other Authour in this Controversie, but one­ly by the Discusser, to make himselfe work in such Cobweb-Evasions.


M r Cotton forgetteth, for Elijah his Act (from Luc. 9.) Elijah his slay­ing the Cap­taines and their fifties. hath been mentioned by others, and answered too by Ma­ster Cotton in this present Booke and Controversie. And for the Cob-webs, let the poore Witnesses of Christ be esteemed as Spiders, and their Testimonie and Witnes but as Cob-webs, yet let them not be discouraged, but lay hould (like Solomons Spider) with the hand of spirituall Diligence, and let all such their heavenly Wonderfull Spiders and Cobwebs. Prov▪ 30▪ Cob-webs be in Kings Pallaces. And let them know their Cob­webs be of such a strength, that how ever the cruell Beezome of persceution may sweepe them downe, out of this World, yet in pomt of Truth and true Christian power and worth, neither Pope nor Prelate, neither Presbyterian, nor Independent persecutour, nor Baalzebub himselfe (the God of Flies) shall ever be able to sweepe them downe, or breake through them.

Exam: of Chap. 74. and 75. replying to Chap. 77. and 78.


IN Chap. 74. One passage cannot be past by, to wit, [God hath laid this charge upon Magistrates in the Old Touching Seducers, and their punishments. Testament to punish Seducers, and the Lord Jesus never tooke off this Charge in the New Testament: Who is this Discusser, that he should account Paul himselfe, or an Angel from Heaven accursed, that should leave this Charge upon Magistrates, which God laid on, and Christ never tooke off?]


This is but a Repetition of what hath formerly been examined: unto which therefore I briefly say, It will never be found true, that God hath laid this charge upon all Magistrates in the World, as he did upon the Magistrates in Israel, to punish Seducers.

Secondly, God laying this charge upon the Governours and Magistrates in Israel, the Church of God (in the type) lays it still upon Christ Jesus and his Governours spirituall under him in his spirituall Israel, which Kingdome he administreth, with Lawes, Punishments and Weapons Spirituall. All this M r Cotton in this Controversie hath acknowledged.

Thirdly, When he saith, Christ Jesus never tooke off this Charge.

First, I answer, let that Parable which he mentioneth be the Tryall of it in the feare of God.

Secondly, God having now in these last times declared his Christ Jesus abolished for­mer figures, though he name not each of them in particular. will by his Sonne: Where hath his blessed Sonne spoken to us, to build no more Temples, to erect no more Altars, to offer no more Sacrifices? And yet these and the whole frame of that ty­picall State we justly abrogate, both from the words of Christ and his first Messengers, which are plaine and easie enough to such whose eyes it pleaseth God to open, although (in expresse Tearmes) Christ Jesus hath not given an expresse Catalogue of all such particulars to be abolished.


In the next passage M r Cotton deeply chargeth the poore Discusser with partialitie & falshood; upon which Grounds he turnes off all the Consequences, which the Discusser observed to follow upon M r Cottons Conclusions.


It is true, the Authour of the Letter expresseth Liber­tie [Page 274] of Conscience to such as feare God indeed: M r Cotton sub­scribes, but presently razeth out his Subscription in these words following, which he hath againe now reprinted, to wit, ‘But the Question is whether an Heretick after once or twice Admonition (and so after Conviction) and any other scandalous and hainous offendour, may be tollerated, either in the Church without Excommunication, or in the Common-weale without such punishment, as may preserve others from dange­rous and damnable Infection.


Who sees not but this bloudie Tenent (I meane these The Mysterie of the Bloudy Tenent. words now recited) doth not onely restraine Libertie of Con­science to such as feare God indeed, and speakes fire and fagot to all the world beside: But also (under the name of Heretick and Seducer) throwes into the Furnace (most commonly and ordinarily) all such as feare God (Christ Jesus and his Mes­sengers and Ministers not excepted) who have alwayes been and are accounted, the chiefest Hereticks, Blasphemers, Decei­vers and Seducers in this World?


I adde the Consequences therefore remaine good, that The bloudie consequences of the bloudy Tenent. either All the Inhabitants of the World must come into the estate of men fearing God: Or else dissemble Religion, and fearing God, in hypocrisie: Or else, be driven out of the World. Then al­so the Civill State must judge of the Spirituall, and of Magistrates fearing or not fearing God: The People must judge (I say) who feare God indeed, and are by them to be permitted, and who are the Hereticks, and to be punished, which who may not see to be the driving of the world out of it selfe, and the bloudie rou­ting up of all Societies of Men?


This charge of partialitie and falshood, you have (Deare Truth) to my understanding shielded the poore Discusser from, Can you now helpe his Forehead, and his Heart, which M r Got­ton in the next passage chargeth with another notorious and im­pudent falshood, in relating out of a printed booke an Answer of the New English Ministers to Questions sent unto them from their Brethren in old, which answer M r Cotton sayth he cannot The sad Ef­fects of the bloudie Te­nent on M r Cottons owne Spirit. finde.


So much Gall and Vinegar hath M r Cotton powred forth in this whole passage from the first to the last of it, that no sober minded man fearing God, and knowing M r Cottons [Page 275] former temper of Spirit, but will confesse two things:

First, that this bloudie Tenent of persecution hath infected and A lamentable Character of the change of M r Cottons Spirit. inflamed his very naturall Temper and former sweet peaceable disposition.

Secondly, his Eye (being thus bloudshot) is so weakened in its former (and otherwise excellent sight) that it now que­stions no Difference between the Mountaines and the Molehills, for at the worst, in common probabilitie of Reason, there can be but a mistake in the Discusser concerning this passage.


If the Discusser have no sparke of the feare of God, yet if but common crvilitie and honestie, or least respect of common credit among men, it were impossible for him to forge so grossely in matters lately printed, publike and obvious to every eye.


The truth is, whether there be different Editions or different Copies printed, let M r Cotton and whom it concerns take care of it, for the Discusser is confidently resolved that if this passage (for the substance of it) be not printed and to be read in print of all men, in their names, he will then willingly beare and lye under the charge of a false forehead and heart, which M r Cotton in such heate and anger imputes unto him.

Exam: of Chap. 76. replying to Chap. 79.


IN this short Chapter the Discusser is charged with Ignorance and uncharitablenes, for thinking amisse of the Penmen of the Answer to the Questions, to wit, that he should conceive that the passage to New England should change the Judgement or Consciences of Men.


The Discusser professeth (and I know in truth) to bewaile his Ignorance and uncharitablenes, yet upon a second review of the words, it will be found there was not an Impu­tation of such a conceit, to those worthy Authors, or any man, but an Item unto all men, occasioned by the Confidence ex­pressed, that they doubted not, but those godly brethren of old England should agree with them here in New, if they were in New England together. This Item or Caveat will appeare to be [Page 276] given, not by way of positive Charge, nor in the least deroga­ting from the holy and blessed use of free and humble Confe­rence, but to take off the Edge of such Confidence of agreeing in New England, when the Differences of Gods people have been and Differences of Gods own children in Old and New England. are yet so great in Old and New, and so many Conferences and Disputations of Truth and Peace have not yet raised that blessed Agreement of which the Answer to the Questions would make no doubt.


Me-thinkes there should be little hope of their com­ming to New-England when the New-English Ministers had got the Advantage of the higher ground, and Carnall Sword for their Religion to Friend, and had exprest their Judgement of their conceiving it not safe, that, (if they should not agree,) their severall wayes of Worshipping God, should be permitted in one Common-weale.


Yea and I believe still the Consequence was truely ga­thered by the Discusser (how ever M r Cotton hath so charged his Forehead and Heart for it) to wit, That the New English Ministers could not (as their Conscience stood) advise the Magi­strates of New-England to permit that which their Consciences and Judgements taught them was not safe, &c.


These passages occasion me to remember a serious Profession of Christ Jesus in New-England, not so like to be true as that (which was persecuted) in Old. Question which many fearing God have made, to wit, Whether the promise of Gods Spirit, blessing Conferences, be so comforta­bly to be Expected in New-England, because of those many pub­like sinnes which most of Gods people in New-England lye under, and one especially, to wit, the framing a Gospel or Christ to themselves without a crosse, not professing nor practicing that in Old (except of late in times of Libertie) which they professed­ly come over to enjoy with Peace and Libertie from any crosse of Christ in New.


I know those thoughts have deeply possessed, not a few, considering also the sinne of the Pattents, wherein Christian Kings (so calld) are invested with Right by virtue of their The great [...]in of New-Eng­lands former Pattents. Christianitie, to take and give away the Lands and Countries of other men; As also considering, the unchristian Oaths swallowed downe, at their comming forth from old England, especially in superstitious Land his time and domineering.

And I know these thoughts so deeply afflicted the Soule and [Page 277] Conscience of the Discusser in the time of his Walking in the Way of New Englands Worship, that at last he came to a perswa­sion, that such sinnes could not be Expiated, without returning againe into England: or a publike acknowledgement and Con­fession The Authours tryalls about the Pattents of New-Eng­land. of the Evill of so and so departing: To this purpose be­fore his Troubles and Banishment, he drew up a Letter (not with­out the Approbation of some of the Chiefe of New-England, then tender also upon this point before God) directed unto the King himselfe, humbly acknowledging the Evill of that part of the Pattent which respects the Donation of Land, &c.

This Letter and other Endeavours (tending to wash off pub­like sinnes, to give warning to others, and above all, to pacifie and to give Glory unto God) it may be that Councell from Flesh and Bloud supprest, and Worldly policie at last prevailed: for this very cause (amongst others afterward re-examined) to banish the Discusser from such their Coasts and Territories.


But from Violence to the Discusser, or any other, M r Cotton (in the next passage) protests his Innocencie, and insinu­ates the Discusser to be no other then (a Devill) an Accuser of the Brethren, for imputing to them any such Evill, &c.


He that reads how hard the Heart of holy David Gods children may be guilty of bloudy per­secution for the hiding of their spirituall uncleannessee. grew, in the sinne of Whoredome and Murther, untill the Lord awakened him, will lesse wonder, that Spirituall Whoredome and murtherous violence, may possesse the Heart of Gods Davids and holiest Servants now, and that without blush, or shame, or least appearance of Relenting: Doth not all this whole Tra­verse of M r Cotton maintaine a persecution even unto Death, of such whom the Civill State shall judge Hereticks, Blasphemers, Idolaters, Seducers, &c.

Doth not this very Chapter expressely justifie persecution up­on the Subverters of the Christian Faith, obstinate after Convicti­on? upon Blasphemers, Idolaters, Seducers? And is M r Cotton not Gods mercy in stopping New-Englands persecution, by the mercy of old England, the mother to dissenting Consciences. informed, what successe his Doctrine hath had, that (if a mer­cifull God had not prevented) not Courting, nor Fining, nor Im­prisoning, nor Whipping nor Banishing had been punishment suffi­cient, to men and women, for cause of Conscience in New-Eng­land, but even Death it selfe, (according to the Principles of persecution) had been inflicted.


M r Cotton will urge that Gods people will not be such Hereticks, &c.

[Page 278]

I might urge M r Cottons owne grant of such sinnes in Gods owne people, for which they may be justly Excommuni­cated; but I will rather produce an Instance in our Nation of England. None fearing God will easily deny the Eminent God­lines Holy Cranmer and Cromwell joyning with persecutours of Christ Je­sus out of great weak­nes in H. 8. his dayes. of Cranmer & Cromwell in King Henry the eight his dayes; At that very time when King Henry himselfe disputed in so famous an Assembly against the blessed witnesse of Christ Jesus, John Lambert! Finde we not also holy Cranmer disputing be­fore the King and that Stately Assembly, against this poore Ser­vant of God, for that horrible and monstrous Idoll of Transub­stantiation?


Finde we not then also holy and zealous Cromwell (at the Kings command) reading that bloudie Sentence of Death against that blessed Lambe of Christ Jesus, who was thus worried to Death, not onely by the bloudie Wolves the Bishops, but even by those holy Lambes of Christ, Cranmer and Cromwell also!


This was that blessed Lambert, a true Follower of the The most fa­mous passages of Cromwell & Lambert in H. the 8. his dayes. Lambe of God Christ Jesus, who cryed out in the midst of the Flames, None but Christ, None but Christ: and well might he so cry: Not Cranmer, not Cromwell, who after so much Light in Disputations, yet persisted in their Heresie and Idolatry, and par­taking with violence against this holy man, that he might well cry out, None but Christ, None but Christ.

Exam: of Chap. 77. replying to Chap. 80.


AS it is (Deare Truth) oftentimes in Journies, the worst way and saddest weather attends the Journies End: So here M r Cotton (neere our close) chargeth upon the Discusser a threefold wresting of his words, and accordingly so much false-dealing.


It is sad on the Discussers part, if this be done by him, either by a willfull or a negligent hand.


Yea and it is sad on M r Cottons part, if the Charge be not reall and substantiall.


M r Cotton acknowledgeth his words to be these The Godly will not persist in Heresie or turbulent Schisme, [Page 279] when they are convinced in Conscience of the sinfullnesse of their way] The first charge therefore against the Discusser is that he confoundeth Admonition with Conviction, for (saith M r Cotton) Admonition ought not to be dispenced, untill the offendour be convinced in his own Conscience of the sinfullnesse of his Way.


For answer hereunto the Discusser to my know­ledge humbly appealeth to the Searcher of all Hearts, that he hath not willingly nor wittingly falsified M r Cottons words in a tearme or syllable. And indeed whether he hath wronged him at all, or be not rather unjustly trampled under the feete of weake and passionate charges, the Discusser appealeth to M r Cot­tons owne Conscience, awaked (if God so please) out of this bloudie Dreame.


Yea but (sayth M r Cotton) Admonition is one thing, Of Admoniti­on and Con­viction. and Conviction in their owne Conscience is another; for though sayth he, Admonition ought not to be dispenced till after Conviction, yet it may fall out that the Church (through mistake) proceedeth to Admonition before the offendour be convinced in his own Consci­ence of the sinfulnesse of his Way.


Passing gently by the want of Equitie in M r Cotton to the Discusser, in condemning him of falshood, for taking Admo­nition for Conviction, when he makes it but a mistake in the Church to practice the one for, or before the other:

I answer, I know not that sutable Distinction between Admo­nition and Conviction, as M r Cotton carrieth it, saying, that how ever the Church may through mistake practice Admonition be­fore Conviction, yet Admonition ought not to proceede, untill after Conviction in a mans owne Conscience, for finde we not the words of Reprooving, Rebuking, Admonishing, Exhorting a bro­ther, indifferently used both in the Old and New Testament? And doth not that very word [...] ( Matth. 18. Reprove him) imply Conviction as well as Reproofe or Admonition, for doth it not signifie Convincingly reprove him?


I have heard indeed, that Conviction is twofold: Conviction two-fold. First, Externall and legall before men in Civill or Spirituall Judicature.

Secondly, Effectuall and inward in the Court of a mans own Conscience before God, which internall, alwayes followes not the Externall.

[Page 280]

No, such Externall Conviction may be legall before men, but not in the fight of God, and a mans owne Conscience, as we see in the case of Naboth, who was legally convict of Blasphemy, when acquitted by God and his owne Conscience: As also in those Consciences (of which Paul speakes) seared with hot irons, which Consciences (notwithstanding the a­bundance of Light from heaven convincing, yet) are not brought from believing Lyes.


Yea, but it seemes by M r Cottons words, that the Church, Of Conviction of Hereticks. that is, (according to his way) the Major part of the Church must judge that the Heretick is convinced in his own Conscience of the sinfullnesse of his way before she proceedeth to Admoni­tion.


For my part I cannot reconcile these three Propositions, comprized by M r Cotton in these few lines.

First, the Godly will not persist in Heresie, or turbulent Schisme, when they are convinced in Conscience of the sinfull­nesse thereof.

Secondly, The Church is to judge of the Conviction of such a Godly mans Conscience.

Thirdly, Although such a Godly man be convinced of the sinfulnesse of his way, yea although he will not persist in Here­sie or turbulent Schisme, when he is thus convinced in Conscience of the sinfulnesse thereof, yet then is the Church to proceede to Admonition. For thus he sayth, Admonition ought not to be dis­penced till after Conviction.


If M r Cotton spake of the first Conviction, to wit, the Externall, I could subscribe, but now speaking of that internall Conviction sufficient, ex­ternall by the word, and ef­ficient inter­nall by Gods Spirit. in a mans owne Conscience, I see it pleaseth God, most holy and onely wise to permit the best and wisest of his Servants, to in­trap, intangle, and bewilder themselves, that they may learne to confesse him onely and infinitly wise, and be more humble in themselves, as fooles and lyars, and lesse bitter in their Judge­ments and Censures on the poore Ʋnderlings and Outcasts.


O that M r Cotton, who grants the Godly may fall into such fowle sinnes of Heresie and Schisme, may also be godly jealous over himselfe and others fearing God in old or New Eng­land, that also possibly they may fall, into the very sinne of persecuting the Sonne of God himselfe, especially since it is the [Page 281] Lot of Christ Jesus (beyond all compare) both in Himselfe Christ Jesus (accounted) the greatest Heretick, Blasphemer, Seducer, and Deceiver that ever was in this world. and his Followers, to be accounted the greatest Heretick, Blas­phemer, Seducer and Deceiver.


To the second and third Charge M r Cotton complains of false dealing, in that the Discusser should render his words, as if he charged such to be obstinate persons, that yeelded not to once or twice Admonition, and that for every Errour, when he speakes onely of persisting in Heresie, or turbulent Schisme.


For answer, let M r Cottons Conclusions in the begin­ning of this Booke be remembred. Wherein he maintaines that a Man of an Erroueous and blind Conscience in Fundamentall and weighty points, and persisting in the Errour of his way, is not persecuted for cause of Conscience, but for sinning against his Conscience. Whence it followes that the Civill Courts of the World must judge: whether the matter be fundamentall and weighty: whether the partie have been rightly once and twice admonished: and whether he persist in the Errour of his Way: that is, whether he be obstinate after such Admonition, and must then be persecuted, though (as the Conclusion wofully conclu­deth) not for cause of Conscience, but for sinning against his Conscience.


Yea but the Discusser (sayth M r Cotton) dealeth falsly, in carrying my words, as if I had said, that Godly persons in whatsoever Errour they hould, if they yeeld not to once or twice Admonition, they must needs be obstinate: whereas (he saith) he speakes not of every Errour, but of persisting in Here­sie and turbulent Schisme.


The Discusser did not so say, or so carry it as M r Cotton insinuates, but this he saith, that even in the place of Righteousnesse and Judgement (as Salomon saith) Iniquitie, and such Iniquitie (in all civill Courts of the World, and in all Ages Small matters accounted Heresies. of the World) usually hath been found, that as in multiplying glasses a Flea is made an Elephant, &c. So the poore witnesses of Christ have been proclaimed and persecuted for Hereticks, Blasphe­mers, Seducers, &c. not onely for not houlding the Popes Tran­substantiation, Auricular Confession, Purgatorie, and those waigh­tier points of the Beasts worship: but reading a piece of a Leafe of Scripture or any good booke is Heresie. Eating a piece of Flesh in Lent, yea the slight breaches of the smallest Traditions of the [Page 282] Elders and State Worships, accounted Heresie, Blasphemie, &c.


Hence was it I think, that the Naturalist could tell us in the Fable of the Fox and the Lyon, that the Fox ran not away in vaine upon the Proclamation of the departure of all horned Beasts, as knowing that if the bloudie persecutours of the World shall say, the plainest Ears are hornes (that is, the smallest Errours, yea the plainest Truths are Heresies) it is in vaine for any Inno­cent to plead they are but Eares, &c.


Yea hence it was that in that famous, or rather most The barba­rous usage of John Hus in the Councell at Constance. infamous Councell of Constance, the blessed Servant and witnes of Christ Jesus, John Hus, was as it were stobd to Death (before his burning) with tearmes of Heresie, Heretick, Heresiarck, yea though he held as the Pope and the Councell held, even in those points for which they condemned him, because (beside their hatred of his Holines, witnessing against their Filthines) them­selves would say from his writings, that he did hould so and so against their Popish Tenents, which he himselfe profest he never did.


In the next place (Deare Truth) are two Passages re­lated by the Discusser from New England. To which M r Cotton gives no credit.

2. He sayth, If such words were spoken, they might be spo­ken upon such waights as might hould waight, &c.


For the Stories and the Discussers mistakes (willing mistakes, as M r Cotton seemes to insinuate) I know the Discus­ser humbly desires like a true Traveller to his heavenly Countrey, to heare of, and see and acknowledge, and forsake every false path and step (by the helpe of Christ) that the poorest childe, though but a naked Pagan shall hint him of: But why should the Stories seeme incredible that suite so wofully fit with the Common Tenents?


It may be M r Cotton will not believe it, nor approve it: But there are not two, but ten witnesses, to testifie such Stories, were it seasonable to relate and inlarge such parti­culars.


Let M r Cotton then please to understand (to passe by particular names of the former Stories, which are ready to be declared to any charitable and loving Enquirie) that his bloudie Tenent is a bitter Roote of many bitter branches, not onely bitter [Page 283] to spirituall tasts, but even to the tast of Civilitie and Humanitie it The bloudie Tenent de­stroying civi­litie and hu­mane Societie out of the World. selfe. But since the names of persons are so desired, I shall re­late (not out of any personall disrespect to M r Streete and the people of Cohannet, aliàs Taunton, my loving friends) what many testifie, that the said (reputed) Minister M r Streete, publikely and earnestly perswaded his Church-members to give Land to none but such, as might be fit for Church-members: yea not to receive such English into the Towne, or if in the Towne, yet not to Land, that if they lived in the Towne or place, yet they might be knowne to be but as Gibeonites, hewers of wood, and drawers of water for the service of them that were of the Church.


I know what troublesome Effects followed in the same place, and what Breaches of Civill and humane Societie? What Departures of divers, and Barres to the comming of others, to the spoile and hindrance of a most likely and growing Plantation.

But to proceede (Deare Truth) you cannot more faithfully and carefully labour to discharge the Discusser of falshoods, then M r Cotton endeavours to lay them on: For to the former three, behould in the next passage foure more.

‘For, first the Discusser is charged to report M r Cotton as ex­pressing Confidence in this cause, which M r Cotton sayth he expressed not.’ ‘Secondly, He reports M r Cotton to say, that he (to wit, M r Cotton) had removed the grounds of this Errour, whereas M r Cotton (saith he) said not so, but that he had spoken so much for that End.

‘Thirdly, He foisteth in the name of great Errour, which though it be so,’ yet M r Cotton did not so stile it.

‘Fourthly, That M r Cotton should conclude, that to be a great Errour, that persons are not to be persecuted for cause of Conscience, when he states the Question so, that none ought to be persecuted at all for cause of Conscience, but for sinning a­gainst their Conscience.

Sweet Peace, he that hath a minde to beate a Dog, will soone finde a cudgell, &c. If M r Cotton had not esteemed the Discusser as a Dog, and had not had as great a minde as a Dog to use him, he would never have so catcht at every line and word, to finde out (such) the Discussers Lyes and Fals­hoods.

[Page 284]For, first, it is apparant that the Discusser here undertooke not to repeate M r Cottons words, but upon such and such words of M r Cottons (compared with all former Agitations) to col­lect according to his understanding such a Conclusion.


But whether he hath rightly and without breach of All Men are confident in their owne opinions. Truth or Love so and so collected, let it be (briefly) in the feare of God examined.


First then, hath not M r Cotton through all this dis­course, exprest a Confidence (some have called it imperious and insulting) against the poore Hereticks, Blasphemers, Seducers? And doo not these words [for avoyding the grounds of your Errour] import so much?

Secondly, Doth not M r Cottons words imply that in his opinion such a Tenent is an Errour, and that by speaking so much against it, he hath removed it, what ever his opponent thinks to the contrary?

Thirdly, Why may not the Discusser, or any man say, that M r Cotton counts that a great Errour, which M r Cotton endea­vours so to represent to all men?


But the fourth (sayth M r Cotton) is an evident falshood in the Discusser to say, that M r Cotton should conclude this to be the great Errour, that persons are not to be persecuted for cause of Conscience.


The Father of Lights hath of late been graciously pleased to open the eyes of not a few of his servants to see that M r Cottons Distinction [of not persecuting a man for his Consci­ence, but for sinning against his Conscience] is but a Figleafe to hide the nakednes of that bloudie Tenent, for, the Civill Court must then judge when a man sinnes against his Conscience, or els he must take it from the Cleargie upon trust, that the poore repu­ted Heretick doth so sinne.


M r Cotton adds that it is an Aggravation of sinne to hould or practice Evill out of Conscience. The persecu­tour of Turks, Pagans, Jewes, or Antichristi­ane, is in a greater errour then any of them.


True, but I also aske, Doth not that persecutour that hunts or persecuteth a Turke, a Jew, a Pagan, an Antichristian (under pretence that this Pagan, this Turke, this Jew, this An­tichristian sins against his owne Conscience,) doth not this perse­cutour, I say, hould a greater Errour then any of the foure, be­cause he hardens such Consciences in their Errours by such his [Page 285] persecution, and that also to the overthrowing of the civill and humane Societie of the Nations of the World, in point of civill peace?


Well you may (deare Truth) enjoy your owne holy and peaceable Thoughts, but M r Cotton ends this Chapter with hope that the reputed bloudie Tenent, appeares now whiled in the bloud of the Lambe, and tends to save Christs sheepe from de­vouring, to defend Christs truth, and to maintaine and preserve peace in Church and Common-weale.


Sweet Peace, that which hath in all Ages powred out The bloudie Fruits of the bloudie Tenent. the precious bloud of the Sonne of God, in the bloud of his poore sheepe, shall never be found whited (as M r Cotton insinuates) in the bloud of this most heavenly Shepheard: That which hath maintained the workes of Darknes 1600 yeares under the bloudie Romane Emperours, and more bloudie Romane Popes, hath never tended to destroy, but build and fortifie such hellish workes. That which all Experience (since Christs time) hath shewen to be the great Fire-brand or Incendiarie of the Nations, hath powred out so many Rivers of bloud about Religion, and that amongst the (so called) Christian Nations. That Tenent, I say, will never be found a preserver, but a bloudie destroyer both of Spirituall and civill peace.

Exam: of Chap. 78. replying to Chap. 81.


VVE are now (Deare Truth) through the mercie of the Father of mercies, arrived, at the last Chapter of this Sorrowfull Agitation: M r Cotton finds nothing Touching confidence in opinions. in this worth the while to speake to: yet thinks he it good to finde time to blame the Discusser for selfe. Applauses, vaine-glo­rious Triumph, and confident perswasion, which before he had noted M r Cotton for.


That which was noted in M r Cotton was not meerly a perswasion or confidence, but indeed an imperious and insulting confidence, over the poore and oppressed, and an adding of V [...]megar to the Gall of the Sonne of God, persecuted in his poore Saints and Members.

[Page 286]

But may there not seeme to be too in the Discusser, too great a confidence of the converting and turning of the blou­die Storme of Warres about Conscience, into mercifull calmes of peace, and of the returne of Christs dove, with Olive branches of civill peace?


Then let thousands and ten thousands, French, Po­lonians, Hungarians, Transilvanians, Bohemians, Netherlanders, Freedome of Conscience hath ever been a Peace­maker in all Natiōs where it hath appeared. and others, and now at last (through Gods gracious smiling upon this holy Truth of his) I say, many thousand English men set to their seale and witnes, to wit, that Freedome to the Consci­ences of men, (from all other but spirituall opposition) hath stuck many Millions of Browes and Houses with Olive branches, that were before beblubbered and overwhelmed with teares and bloud.


I cannot but confidently see and say, that doubtles, had not the prudent and zealous care of Englands Parliament and Armie subscribed to this blessed meanes of peace, restored to Lands and Countries embroyled in bloudie civill Warres about Re­ligion, And especially at this houre in England. doubtles, the streame of Warre which hath run so long with bloud between the Prelates and the Puritans (so calld) had run as fresh and furious in all devouring flames between the Presbyterians and the Independents.


Oh blessed be the God of peace, who hath more pitie upon the unpeaceable Sonnes of Men, then they have on Them­selves.


M r Cotton in the next place addeth, that one passage he may not let passe, because the name of Christ is interessed in it, and dishonoured by it, to wit, [ Christ delighteth not in the bloud of men, but shed his own bloud for his bloudiest enemies:] M r Cotton answers; It is true that Christ delighteth not in the How Christ delights in bloud. bloud of men, while they gainsay and bloudily persecute him and his, out of Ignorance: but he delights in the bloud of such, who after the acknowledgement of his Truth, doe tread the bloud of his Covenant under-foote, and wittingly and willingly reject him from raigning over them: The contrary whereof he sayth Proclaimes the Gospel to the seede of the Serpent: Sows pillowes under all ellbowes, makes the Heart of the Righteous sad, streng­thens the hand of the wicked, and proclaimes peace to Jezabell, and her whoredomes and witchcrafts, and concludes with prayer [Page 287] against such a bewitching of the Whores Cup, where, by open profession she is rejected, but let in by the back-doore of Tollera­tion.


I perceive (Sweet Peace) that in the winding up of this Discourse M r Cotton winds up, resolveth and reduceth his former pleaded for persecuting of Hereticks, Blasphemers, Idola­ters, Of persecuting Apostates. Seducers, into the persecuting onely of Apostates, who af­ter the acknowledging of the Truth, doe tread the bloud of Christs Covenant underfoote, &c. To which I answer: If so then the discerning & judging between such as gainsay Christ, and blaspheame him out of Ignorance, (such as M r Cotton makes the Jewes, who put him to Death) and such as willingly and wittingly reject him: I say, the judging of this must then rest at the Barre of the Civill Courts and Judicatures of the World, which necessarily implies a supposition of power of Judging in all the Nations of the World, and so consequently in Naturall men contrary to the Scriptures, which conclude all Mankinde (while in their naturall estate,) uncapable of the things of Gods Spirit.


Yea and also (to my understanding) it implies, a submitting and subjecting of the Crowne and Scepter and affaires of Christ Jesus, to the Civill and humane Crownes and Scepters and Tribunalls of the Nations of this World, and that in spirituall and heavenly things, the proper affaires of his owne Spirituall King­dome, in the which, the wisest of this world are ignorant, and extreamly opposite.


For this, you know M r Cotton hath a broken Refuge, to wit, [the Nations of the World, & Naturall men must not judge untill they be better informed] In which, what a wonderfull and menstrous suspension doth he put upon the affaires of Christ A monstrous suspension or hanging up of Magistrates. Jesus all the world over, and leaves the matters of Christ Jesus in worse case, and more poorely provided for by Christ Jesus, then the matters and affaires of any King or Kingdome in the World, beyond compare and Imagination.


Yet, me-thinks those Scriptures quoted by M r Cotton Luc. 17. Those mine Enemies, &c. and Revel. 16. Bloudie ven­geance upon Antichristian Emissaries, are very considerable.


Doubtles all Scripture seriously alledged by the most Allegations of Scriptures ought serious­ly to be mad and answered. ignorant and unworthy (how much more from so learned and conscientious) ought seriously and awfully to be pondered in [Page 288] the holy presence of God: The Warrants and Authorities of civill powers (though but pretended) are not without due respect to be examined, although rejected (in the end) as insufficient, &c. But consider in the Examination of those Scriptures: Is it credible that all that resist Christ Jesus, his Kingdome and Go­vernment, are Apostate and Antichristian Emissaries, against whom Millions of Turks, Jewes, and Antichri­stians are far from the due charge of A­postasie. he powres out that Violl? Have they first acknowledged the Co­venant of Jesus, and then trod the precious bloud of that High Covenant under feete?


The East is not so farre from the West, as those Scrip­tures from such a Conclusion.


Yea how many hundreth thousands of Jewes and Turkes and Antichristians perish temporally and eternally, and that for refusing Christ Jesus to be King, and for shedding his bloud in his servants, who can never be brought under this guilt of Apo­stacie, after they have once acknowledged the truth of Christs Government and Kingdome.


Me-thinks to understand the Scriptures in M r Cottons sence, were a wonderfull penning up and straightning the holy Scripture.


Sweet Peace, as soone may we immure the glorious Sun in a darke dungeon, as confine those bright Scriptures in the dark Cels of Apostacie: but I further observe, that Christ Jesus not only praid and dyed for his Enemies, who bloudily persecuted him and his out of Ignorance, but gave this reason against bodily Death to be inflicted on any for his cause and sake, Luc. 9. The Son of Man is not come to destroy Mens lives: and I might returne the Question to M r Cotton, not unfitly, Are not these the words o [...] Him that delighteth not in the bloud of his bloudiest enemies and Gainsayers?


It will be said, What slaughters, what drinking of Bloud is that which Christ Jesus in these Scriptures intendeth?


I answer, although the Sword of Christs Kingdome, that sharpe Sword with two edges is a Spirituall Sword, and is carried in his Mouth, yet all power in Heaven and Earth being given into his hands by his Father, he ruleth and over-ruleth in a way of power and providence, all the powers of the World. The mysterie of the red Horse of War.

There is therefore a great Sword given to him that rideth upon the white Horse, (Revel. 6.) by which, for the resisting [Page 289] of him that rideth upon the white Horse, (in the gainsaying and persecuting of Christ in his Members) Christ Jesus takes peace from the Earth, and suffers the Turkes to plague the Anti­christian World, (Papists and carnall Protestants) to plague each other, and to fill Cups of Bloud each to other, while they contend and fight, first against God, and then one a­gainst another, for their severall false Prophets and Reli­gions.


Me-thinks then M r Cotton might have spared to charge the Discusser with proclaiming of peace to Jezabell, &c.


There is a Spirituall peace in the matters of Christs A spirituall and Civill peace. Kingdome and Worship, and in the particular Consciences and Soules of his Servants. There is a Civill peace in the quiet enjoy­ment of each mans proprietie, in the Combination of Townes, Cities, Kingdomes, &c. But neither of these three will M r Cotton prove the Discusser proclaimeth to such Antichristians or ene­mies of Christ Jesus, who persecute and oppresse Jew or Gentile upon any civill or spirituall pretence.

'Tis true, the Consciences and Worships of all men peaceable in their way, he affirmes ought not to be molested, and though not approved yet permitted, and (although no spiritu­all, yet) a civill peace proclaimed to their outward man while peaceable in civill commerce.

To persecutours, he not onely proclaimes Gods Judgements spirituall and eternall, but temporall also, and affirmeth that all persecutours of all sorts (and especially the bloudie Whore of Rome (who hath so long been drunk with the bloud of the Saints,) ought by the Civill Sword to be restrained and punished (as the Destroyers of Mankinde and all civill and peaceable being in the World,) according to the hight of their cruell and mur­therous Oppressions.


But Tolleration of her (sayth M r Cotton brings) her in at the back dore, and so we may come to drink deeply of the Cup of the Lords wrath, and be filled with the Cup of her plagues.


There are two opinions which have bewitched the Two wofull opinions be­witching the Nations. Nations professing the name of Christ.

First, That a Nationall Church or State, is of Christs appoint­ing.

[Page 290]Secondly, That such a Nationall Church or State must be maintained pure by the power of the Sword. While M r Cotton prayes against the bewitching of the Whores cup, O that the Father of Lights might graciously please to shew him the depth of her witchcrafts, and his owne most wofull Delusions in both these.

In vaine doth M r Cotton feare partaking of her sinnes and plagues by a tollerating (meerly) of her Worship in a civill State, while he forgets the three great causes of her downfall and desola­tion, The 3 great Causes of the downfall of the Church of Rome. and partakes of any of them ( Revel. 18.) to wit, Her worldly pompe and pleasure: Her spirituall Whoredomes and invented Worships, and her crueltie and bloudshed, more especially against the Consciences of the Saints or holy ones of Jesus.

Exam: of Chap. 79. Touching the Modell of Church and Civill power, Examined in the first part of the bloudie Tenent, but not defended by M r Cot­ton, or any, that the Discusser knowes of.


I Had hoped ( Deare Truth) that we had gained a Touching a New English Modell of Church and civill power. peaceable and quiet harbour, after all our tempestu­ous Tossings in the boysterous Seas of this bloudie Tenent, yet now behold a sharpe and cutting winde of M r Cottons continuall Censures; For I was not (sayth M r Cotton) of those that composed the Modell: and secondly, the Ministers say it was not sent by them to Salem, and therefore the Discusser is left of God to a double falshood.


Sweete Peace, till sweete Death, in and (often) for Christ, close up the Eyes of his servants, they must not expect to rest fully from their Labours, and expect their workes to follow them.

Once againe therefore let us heare the Discussers plea for himselfe against this blustering charge of double falshood. Ma­ster Cottons owne words in the End of his Answer to the Priso­ners▪ Letter, are these; ‘I forbeare adding Reasons to justifie the Truth, because you may finde that done to your hand in a Treatise sent to some of the Brethren, late of Salem, who doubted as Writing to [...] M r Hall. you doe.’

[Page 291]

To my knowledge it was reported (according to this hint of M r Cottons) that from the Ministers of the Churches (pretended) such a Modell composed by them was sent to Sa­lem: Hereupon it was that the Discusser wrote on purpose to his worthy friend M r Sharpe (Elder of the Church of Salem, (so called) for the sight of it, who accordingly sent it to him.


If this Modell, of such consequence, were so composed and so sent to Salem, if M r Cotton directs others thither to re­paire to make use of it, if he thus approve and promote it, I see not why it might not probably be collected, that M r Cotton (not the last in such great and publike matters) was amongst, if not chiefe amongst the composers of it, and that he and they were not ignorant of the conveyance of it to Salem.


But grant M r Cotton should have been imagined to Deepe Cen­sures for none or innocent mistakes. have been left out in this so great and publike a service, and that all the former probabilities faile: yet doubtles M r Cotton will be cast at the barre of Christian Love and Moderation, for so bitter a charge upon the poore Discusser for so easie and harm­les Mistakes.


Such fierce flashes might well issue from the bloudie French Cardinalls against the poore Hugenots, from the English bloudie Bishops against the poore Lollards, from the bloudie Popes against the Hereticks and Lutherans: but a gentler Breath and stile might well beseeme a Protestant to a Protestant, enga­ged in common principles and Testimonies and sufferings of Jesus against those bloudie Tyrants.

But to the Modell, M r Cotton seemes highly offended, that the Discusser should say, that the Modell awaketh Moses from his unknowne Grave, and denies Jesus yet to have seene the Earth. For, Moses his Lawes were of force (sayth he) to the Israelites in the Land of Canaan, when Moses was dead: and againe, Christ came not to destroy the Law of Moses, not the Morall Law, nor the Judicialls, such as are of common Equitie: Or els (sayth he) the Conscience of the Civill Magistrate could never doe any act of civill Justice out of Faith, because he should have no word of God to be the Ground of his Act, if the Lawes of Judgement were abrogated, and none extant in the New.


I answer; that speech of the Discusser was neither [Page 292] unreasonable, nor untrue, as M r Cotton alledgeth: for grant Touching Moses his Judicialls. Christ came not to destroy the Morall Law of the ten Commands (for the Substance of it, for all materiall circumstances therein M r Cotton will not urge nor practice). Nor secondly, the Judicialls of Morall Equitie, that is, such as in deed concerne Life and Manners, according to the Nature and Constitution of the severall Nations and Peoples of the World.


Pardon me ( Deare Truth) before you proceede, a word of Explication: your Addition [according to the Nature and Constitution of the Peoples and Nations of the World] will not he allowed of.


Without this I cannot allow of Moses his Judicialls to binde all Nations of the World, then before, or since Christ Jesus: my reason is: That people of Israel (to which those Israel in a kinde a mira­culous peo­ple. Judiciall Lawes and punishments were prescribed) was as I may say, a miraculous people or Nation, miraculously brought from one Nation, (the Land of Aegypt) into another (the Land of Canaan) both types, a people furnished with miraculous food and cloathing during their fortie yeares Travell through the Wildernes: The seaven Nations of Canaan wondrously and mi­raculously destroyed before them; Their Lawes and Institutions miraculously delivered to them, &c.

Beside (not to wade deeper into this Controversie, as in the Examination of the Modell I have done) their Land was typi­cally holy, and that people the Church of God, the onely Church of God in the World. And therefore being a people of such miraculous considerations, Meanes and Obligations, the breach even of Morall Lawes concerning Life and Manners and civill Estate, might be more transcendently hainous and odious in them, then in the other severall Nations and peoples of the World, many thousands and millions whereof never so much as heard of the Name of the God of Israel.


If men see cause to ordaine a Court of Chancerie, and erect a Mercy-seate to moderate the rigour of Lawes, which can­not be justly executed, without the moderate and equall con­sideration of persons and other circumstances! Me-thinks, the Father of Mercies (though he be Justice it selfe, yet) cannot be justly imagined to carrie all Judiciall or Civill Lawes or Sen­tences, by one universall strictnes through all the Nations of the Earth.

[Page 293]

The Lord Jesus tells us of a more tollerable Sentence, (even for the Sodomites in the day of Judgement, then for the Jewes, who were the people and Church of God: and Paul his servant layes heavier load ( Rom. 2.) upon such Adulterers, Thieves, as professe to be Teachers unto others, &c. of the con­trary Graces and Vertues.


Deare Truth, the Scriptures are full, and many Argu­ments might be drawne out this way, but please you to pitch upon an Instance, whereby we may the sooner finish this Di­gression.


Take that great case of the punishment of Adulterie, Touching punishment of Adulterie. and I confidently affirme, that the Conscience of the Magistrate, may out of Faith, execute other punishments beside (stoning to) Death, which was the punishment of that sinne in Israell. For although (as M r Cotton sayth) That was the Law of Judge­ment in the Old Testament, and there is no other particularly exprest in the New, yet the Conscience of the Magistrate may know,

First, That the carriage of the Lord Jesus about this case, when the Question was precisely put to him, was extraordinary and strange: For (although unto other Questions, even of the Pharisees, Herodians, Sadduces, the High Priest, and Pilate, he gave more or lesse, first or last, punctuall Resolutions, yet) here, he condemnes the sinne, yet he neither confirmes, nor dis­anulls this punishment, but leaves the Question (in all proba­bilitie) and leaves the severall Nations of the World, to their owne severall Lawes and Agreements (as is most probable) according to their severall Natures, Dispositions and Constitutions, and their common peace and wellfare.

Secondly, The Lord Jesus (1 Pet. 2.) approveth of the severall All Civill Government Gods Ordi­nance. humane Ordinances (or Creations) which the severall peoples and Nations of the World shall agree upon for their common peace and subsistence. Hence are the severall sorts of Governments in the Nations of the World, which are not framed after Israels Patterne. And hence consequently, the Lawes, Rewards and Punishments of severall Nations vastly differ from those of Israell, which doubtles were unlawfull for Gods people to submit unto, except Christ Jesus had (at least in generall) appro­ved such humane Ordinances and Creations of Men for their common peace and wellfare.

[Page 294]

Me-thinks M r Cotton, and such as literally stick to the punishment of Adultery, Witchcraft, &c. by Death, must either deny the severall Governments of the World to be law­full (according to that of Peter) and that the Nature and Constitutions of peoples and Nations, are not to be respected, but all promiscuously forced to one common Law, or els they must see cause to moderate this their Tenent, which else proves as bloudie a Tenent in civill affaires, as persecution in af­faires religious.


Yea, of what wofull consequence must this prove to True Repub­likes & Com­mon-weales without Kings. the state of Holland and Low-Countries, to the State of Venice, to the Cantons of Switzerland, to our owne deare State of Eng­land, and others who have no King, as Israells last established Government had, especially no King immediately designed, as Israells (in the Roote) was? Yea what becomes of all Christianitie, and of Christs Church and Kingdome in the World for ever, if it want the Government of a King: for sayth Bi­shop A wonderfull [...] saying of Bi­shop Hall. Hall (in his Contemplation on Michaes Idolatrie) in plaine and expresse words: No King, therefore no Church.


To end this passage, upon the former grounds, me­thinks the Conscience of a New English Magistrate (being calld to be a Magistrate in Old England) may in Faith execute any other punishment (according to Law established) beside Death, upon Adulterers. And the New English Colonies may be exhorted to rectifie their wayes, and to moderate such their Lawes, which cannot possibly put on the face of morall Equitie from Moses, &c.


Your Satisfaction (Deare Peace) now praesupposed The State of Israel. I proceed and grant (with that Limitation forementioned) that Christ Jesus neither abrogated Moses Moralls, nor Judicialls, yet who will deny that Moses established, (beside the two for­mer) a third, to wit, Lawes meerly figurative, typicall and cere­moniall, proper and peculiar to that Land and people of Israel? Those Lawes necessarily wrapt up that Nation and people in a mixt constitution, of Spirituall and Temporall, Religious and Civill, so that their Governours of Civill State were Governours of the Church, and the very Land and People were by such Governours to be compelled to observe a ceremoniall puritie and Holines. But Christ Jesus erected another Common-weale, the Common­weale [Page 295] of Israel, the Christian Common-weale or Church, to wit, not whole Nations, but in every Nation (where he pleaseth) his Christian Congregation, &c.


Deare Truth, I cannot count him a peaceable childe of mine, that rests not herewith satisfied: M r Cottons next Exception is against your excepting against a Magistrates Mem­bership in a Church-estate, joyned with an Head-ship over it, to establish, reforme, &c. (as being impossible that a Magi­strate should sit Head and Supreame on the spirituall Bench, Of Magistrates being nursing Fathers, &c. & yet stand as a delinquent at the spirituall Barre of Christ Jesus) M r Cotton answers, that in severall respects, a Magistrate may be a nursing Father and Judge in causes Ecclesiastiall, and yet be subject to Christs censure in the offensive Government of himselfe against the Rules of the Gospel. And where it might be said, that the Church is subject to the Magistrate in civill causes, and the Magistrate is subject to the Church in spirituall cases, M r Cotton Of Magistrates Power in Spi­ritualls. answers, this easeth not the Difficultie, for suppose, sayth he, the Magistrate fall into Murther, Adulterie, &c. which are civill Abuses, shall the Church tollerate him herein? And he con­cludes, Let the like Power be granted to the civill Magistrate to deale faithfully with the Church in the notorious Trans­gression of the first Table, as is granted to the Church to deale with the Magistrate in the notorious Transgression of the second Table, and the Controversie is ended.


This Answer and instance of M r Cotton carries a seem­ing Beautie with it, but bring it to the Triall of the Testament of Christ Jesus, and it will appeare to be, but a vanishing Co­lour. For, there is a vast Difference: The sins of each Church­member, Of the sins of Magistrates. whether against the first or second Table, are proper to the Cognizance and Judgement of the Church, as the sinne of the Incestuous person was punished by Christs Ordinances (in the Church at Corinth) as well as the Abuse of the Lords Supper. But it is not so with the civill Magistrate, whose Office is essen­tially civill, one and the same, all the world over, among all Nations and people: For, having no spirituall power (as the Au­thours of the Modell afterwards acknowledge) he cannot possibly act as a Civill Magistrate in spirituall matters, though as a Church­member, he may in Church-estate, as also may the rest of the Members of that spirituall Body.

[Page 296]

Me-thinks it it cleare as the Light, that if that in­cestuous person in the Church of Corinth had beene a Magistrate of the Citie of Corinth, the Church might justly have procee­ded against him, because all sinne is directly opposite to the A case touch­ing the Magi­strates punish­ing the Sin of Church mem­bers. holy Kingdome of Christ. But in that abuse of the Lords Supper (which was meerly unchristian) neither that Magistrate, nor all the Magistrates of Corinth, or the World to helpe him, could justly punish the Church, because that Supper (in the Institution, and Spirituall use of it) was not onely of the Nature of the Suppers, of the meates and drinks of the Citie of Corinth, but also of a divine and spirituall Institution, of a heavenly and mysticall Nature and Observation. But to Conclude this piece and the whole, M r Cotton corrects himselfe for putting in his Sickle into the Harvest of his Brethren, unto whom he refers the defence of their Modell, and for himselfe ends with desires that Christ Jesus would blast that peace which he sayth the Examiner proclaimeth to all the wayes of false Religion, to Heresie in Doctrine, &c.


If Christ Jesus shall please (for the further manifesta­tion of his holy Truth and Glory) to permit those able and worthy men, to proceed to fortifie and defend their Modell: I hope he will also please to assist the Discusser, or some other of his poore servants, to batter downe (with the Spirituall Artil­lerie of his Word and Testament) such weake and loose and un­christian Fortifications.


But with what a deepe and unrighteous charge doth M r Cotton end against the poore Discusser, as a Proclaimer of peace to all the wayes of false Religion, to Heresie in Doctrine, &c.


Grant M r Cotton (in many excellent Truths of Je­sus) a sweet sounding Silver Trumpet: Grant the Discusser as base a Rams-horne harsh and contemptible: Grant that (for the peace of the Civill State, the being of the Nations, and the World, the safetie of the good Wheate the Righteous, and the calling home of the Elect to God, Jewes and Gentiles!) the Discusser proclaimes a civill being, and civill peace to Erroneous Consciences, not sinning against humane and civill Principles: Yet what Peace hath this Rams-horne proclaimed (as M r Cot­ton insinuates) when throughout this whole Booke, from [Page 297] first to last, the Proclamation soundeth ou [...] open warre against all false Worshippers.


I am a joyfull witnes of warre proclaimed from the God of Truth, from the Sun of Righteousnesse, from the Spirit of The direfull state of false Worshippers. Holines, from the flames of Fire, those mighty Angells, from all the Saints and Witnesses of Jesus, from all his holy Truths and Ordinances. Warre to their Consciences, Preachings, Writings, Disputations, a warre present, a warre perpetuall, and (without Repentance) a warre eternall and everlasting.


Deare Peace, our goulden sand is out, we now must part with an holy Kisse of heavenly Peace and Love: M r Cot­ton speakes and writes his Conscience: Yet the Father of Lights may please to shew him that what he highly esteemes as a Te­nent washt white in the Lambes bloud, is yet more black and abominable, in the most pure and jealous eye of God.


The Blackmores Darknes differs not in the darke from the fayrest white.


Christ Jesus the Sun of Righteousnesse hath broke forth, The Portrai­ture of the Bloudie Tenent. and dayly, will, to a brighter and brighter Discoverie of this de­formed Ethiopian: And for my selfe I must proclaime, before the most holy God, Angells and Men, that (what ever other white and heavenly Tenents M r Cotton houlds) yet this is a fowle, a black, and a bloudie Tenent.

A Tenent of high Blasphemie against the God of Peace, the God of Order, who hath of one Bloud, made all Mankinde, to dwell upon the face of the Earth, now, all confounded and de­stroyed in their Civill Beings and Subsistences, by mutuall flames o [...] warre from their severall respective Religions and Consci­ences.

A Tenent warring against the Prince of Peace, Christ Jesus, de­nying his Appearance and Comming in the Flesh, to put an end to, and abolish the shadowes of that ceremoniall and typicall Land of Canaan.

A Tenent fighting against the sweete end of his comming, which was not to destroy mens Lives, for their Religions, out Euc. 9. to save them, by the meeke and peaceable Invitations and per­swasions Prov. 9. of his peaceable Wisdomes Maide [...].

[Page 298]A Tenent fowly charging his Wisedome, Faithfullnes and The Portrai­ture of the bloudie Tenent. Love, in so poorly providing such Magistrates and Civill Powers all the World over, as might effect so great a charge pretended to be committed to them.

A Tenent lamentably guilty of his most precious bloud, shed in the bloud of so many hundreth thousand of his poore servants by the civill powers of the World, pretending to sup­presse Blasphemies, Heresies, Idolatries, Superstition, &c.

A Tenent fighting with the Spirit of Love, Holines, and Meek­nes, by kindling fiery Spirits of false zeale and Furie, when yet such Spirits know not of what Spirit they are.

A Tenent fighting with those mighty Angels who stand up for the peace of the Saints, against Persia, Grecia, &c. and so consequently, all other Nations, who fighting for their seve­rall Religions, and against the Truth, leave no Roome for such as feare and love the Lord on the Earth.

A Tenent, against which the blessed Soules under the Altar The Portrai­ture of the bloudie Tenent. cry loud for vengeance, this Tenent having cut their Throats, torne out their Hearts, and powred forth their Bloud in all Ages, as the onely Heretickes and Blasphemers in the World.

A Tenent which no Ʋncleannes, no Adulterie, Incest, Sodomie, or Beastialitie can equall, this ravishing and forcing ( explicitly or implicitly) the very Soules and Consciences of all the Nations and Inhabitants of the World.

A Tenent that puts out the very eye of all true Faith, which cannot but be as free and voluntarie as any Virgin in the World, in refusing or embracing any spirituall offer or ob­ject.

A Tenent loathsome and ugly (in the eyes of the God of Heaven, and serious sonnes of men) I say, loathsome with the palpable filihs of grosse dissimulation and bypocrisie: Thou­sands of Peoples and whole Nations, compelled by this Tenent to put on the fowle vizard of Religious bypocrisie, for feare of [Page 299] Lawes, losses and punishments, and for the keeping and hoping for of favour, libertie, worldly commoditie, &c.

A Tenent wofully guiltie of hardning all false and deluded The Portrai­ture of the bloudie Tenent. Consciences (of whatsoever Sect, Faction, Heresie, or Idolatrie, though never so horrid and blasphemous) by cruelties and vio­lences practiced against them: all false Teachers and their Fol­lowers (ordinarily) contracting a Brawnie and steelie hardnesse from their sufferings for their Consciences.

A Tenent that shuts and bars out the gracious prophesies and promises and discoveries of the most glorious Sun of Righteousues, Christ Jesus, that burnes up the holy Scriptures, and forbids them (upon the point) to be read in English, or that any tryall or search, or (truly) free disquisition be made by them: when the most able, diligent and conscionable Readers must pluck forth their owne eyes, and be forced to reade by the (which soever praedominant) Cleargies Spectacles.

A Tenent that seales up the spirituall graves of all men, Jewes and Gentiles, (and consequently stands guiltie of the damnation of all men) since no Preachers, nor Trumpets of Christ himselfe may call them out, but such as the severall and respective Na­tions of the World themselves allow of.

A Tenent that fights against the common principles of all Civi­litie, The Portrai­ture of the bloudie Tenent. and the very civill being and combinations of men in Nations, Cities, &c. by commixing ( explicitly or implicitly) a spirituall and civill State together, and so confounding and overthrow­ing the puritie and strength of both.

A Tenent that kindles the devouring flames of combustions and warres in most Nations of the World, and (if God were not infinitly gracious) had almost ruind the English, French, the Scotch and Irish, and many other Nations, Germane, Polonian, Hungarian, Bohemian, &c.

A Tenent that bowes downe the backs and necks of all civill States and Magistrates, Kings and Emperours, under the proud feete of that man and monster of sinne and pride the Pope, and all [Page 300] Popish and proud Cleargie-men, rendring such Laicks and Secu­lars (as they call them) but slavish Executioners (upon the point) of their most imperious Synodicall Decrees and Sen­tences.

A Tenent that renders the highest civill Magistrates and Mini­sters The Portrai­ture of the bloudie Tenent. of Justice (the Fathers and Gods of their Countries) either odious or lamentably grievous unto the very best Subjects by either elapping or keeping on, the iron yoakes of cruellest op­pression. No yoake or bondage comparably so grievous, as that upon the Soules necke of mens Religion and Consciences.

A Tenent, all besprinckled with the bloudie murthers, stob [...], poysonings, pistollings, powder-plots, &c. against many famous Kings, Princes, and States, either actually performed or at­tempted, in France, England, Scotland, Low-Countries, and other Nations.

A Tenent all red and bloudie with those most barbarous and Tyger like Massacres, of so many thousand and ten thousands formerly in France, and other parts, and so lately and so hor­ribly in Ireland: of which, what ever causes be assigned, this chiefly will be found the true, and while this continues (to wit, violence against Conscience) this bloudie Issue, sooner or later, must breake forth againe (except God wonderfully stop it) in Ireland and other places too.

A Tenent that stunts the growth and flourishing of the most The Portrai­ture of the bloudie Tenent. likely and hopefullest Common weales and Countries, while Consciences, the best, and the best deserving Subjects are forct to flie (by enforced or voluntary Banishment) from their native Countries; The lamentable proofe whereof England hath felt in the flight of so many worthy English, into the Low Coun­tries and New-England, and from New-England into old againe and other forraigne parts.

A Tenent whose grosse partialitie denies the Principles of common Justice, while Men waigh out to the Consciences of all others, that which they judge not fit not right to be waighed out to their owne: Since the persecutours Rule is, to take and persecute all Consciences, onely, himselfe must not be tou­ched.

[Page 301]A Tenent that is but Machevilisme, and makes a Religion, but a cloake o [...] stalking horse to policie and private Ends of Jerobo­ams Crowne, and the Priests Benefice, &c.

A Tenent that corrupts and spoiles the very Civill Honestie and Naturall Conscience of a Nation. Since Conscience to God violated, proves (without Repentance) ever after, a very Jade, a Drug, loose and unconscionable in all converse with men.

Lastly, a Tenent in England most unseasonable, as powring Oyle upon those Flames which the high Wisedome of the Parlia­ment, (by easing the yoakes on Mens Consciences) had begun to quench.

In the sad Consideration of all which (Deare Peace) let Peace her Repose and Tabernacle. Heaven and Earth judge of the washing and colour of this Tenent. For thee ( sweete heavenly Guest) goe lodge thee in the breasts of the peaceable and humble Witnesses of Jesus, that love the Truth in peace! Hide thee from the Worlds Tumults and Com­bustions, in the breasts of thy truely noble children, who professe and endeavour to breake the irony and insupportable yoakes up­on the Soules and Consciences of any of the sonnes of Men.


Me-thinks (Deare Truth) if any of the least of these deepe charges be found against this Tenent, you doe not wrong it when you stile it bloudie: But since, in the wofull proofe of all Ages past, since Nimrod (the Hunter or persecutour before the Lord) these and more are lamentably evident and undeniable: it gives me wonder that so many and so excellent eyes of Gods servants should not espie so fowle a monster, especially consi­dering the universall opposition this Tenent makes against Gods Glory, and the Good of all mankinde.


There have been many fowle opinions, with which the old Serpent hath infected and bewitched the sonnes of men (touching God, Christ the Spirit, the Church, against Holines, against Peace, against civill Obedience, against chastitie) in so The Bloudie Tenent of per­secution com­pared. much, that even Sodomie it selfe hath been a Tenent maintained in print by some of the very pillars of the Church of Rome: But this Tenent is so universally opposite to God and man, so per­nicious and destructive to both (as hath been declared) that [Page 302] like the Powder-plot, it threatens to blow up all Religion, all civilitie, all humanitie, yea the very Being of the World, and the Nations thereof at once.


He that is the Father of Lies, and a murtherer from the beginning, he knowes this well, and that this ugly Blackmore needs a maske or vizard.


Yea the bloudines and inhumanitie of it is such, that not onely M r Cottons more tender and holy Breast, but even the most bloudie Bonners and Gardiners have been forced to arme The maskes and vizards of the bloudie Tenent. themselves with the faire shewes and glorious pretences, of the Glory of God, and zeale for that Glory, the Love of his Truth, the Gospel of Christ Jesus, love and pitie to mens soules, the peace of the Church, uniformitie, Order, the peace of the Common-weale, the Wisedome of the State, the Kings, Queenes, and Parliaments proceedings, the odiousnesse of Sects, Heresies, Blasphemies, Novel­ties, Seducers, and their Infections: the obstinacie of Heretick [...], af­ter all Meanes, Disputations, Examinations, Synods, yea and after Conviction in the poore Hereticks owne Conscience: Add to these the flattring sound of those glosing Titles, the Godly Magistrate, the Christian Magistrate, the Nurcing Fathers and Mothers of the Church, Christian Kings and Queenes. But all other Kings and Magistrates (even all the Nations of the World over, as M r Cotton pleads) must suspend and hould their hands, and not meddle in matters of Religion, untill they be informed, &c.


The dreadfull righteous hand of God, the Eternall and avenging God, is pulling off these maskes and vizards, that thou­sands, and the World may see this bloudie Tenents Beautie.


But see (my heavenly Sister, and true stranger in this Truth & Peace, their meet­ings seldome and short in this world. Sea-like restles, raging World) see here what Fires and Swords are come to part us! Well; Our meetings in the Heavens shall not thus be interrupted, our Kisses thus distracted, and our eyes and cheekes thus we [...], unwiped: For me, though censured, threat­ned, persecuted, I must professe, while Heaven and Earth lasts, that no one Tenent that either London, England, or the World doth harbour, is so hereticall, blasphemous, seditious, and dangerous to the corporall, to the spirituall, to the present, to the Eternall Good of all M [...]n, as is the bloudie Tenent (how ever wash't and whi­ted) I say, as is the bloudie Tenent of persecution for cause of Conscience.

The Copie of a Letter of R. Willi­ams of Providence in New England, to Major Endicot, Governour of the Massachusets, upon occasion of the late persecution against M r Clarke and Obadiah Holmes, and others at Boston the chiefe Towne of the Massachusets in New England.


HAving done with our transitorie Earthly Matters touching the p [...]ce of the English and In­dians, about which the said Governour did write to R. W. Af­faires (as touching the English and the Indians) which in Comparison of heavenly and Eternall you will say are but as dung and drosse, &c. Let me now be humbly bold to remember that Humanitie and pietie, which I and others have formerly observed in you, and in that hopefull Remembrance to crave your gentle audience with patience and mildnes, with in­genuitie, equanimitie and candour, to him that ever truely and deeply loved you and yours, and as in the awfull presence of his holy Eye, whose dreadfull hand hath formed us to the praise of his mercy or Justice to all Eternitie.

Sir, I have often feared and said within my Soule, Have I so Great love formerly be­tween the said Governour Endicot, and R. W. before his Banishment. deeply loved and respected? Was I also so well beloved? Or was all counterfeit, and but guilded or'e with earthly Respects, Worldly ends, &c. Why am I silent? my Letters are not Ba­nished! may be wellcome, may be seene and heard, and if nei­ther, yet will back againe (together with my prayers and cries) into my Bosome.

Thus while I have sometimes mused and resolved! Objections, Obstructi [...]ns, and a thousand hindrances (I feare from Sathan as Paul said) have prest in, held my hand, &c.

Sir, It hath pleased the Father of Spirits at this present to smite my heart in the very breaking up of your Letter: This The Seale wherewith the Governours Leter to R. W. was sealed. Deaths Head tells that loving Hand that seald it, and mine that opens your Letter, that our Eyes, our Hands, our Tongues, [Page 304] our Braines are flying hence to the hole or pit of Rottennes: Why should not therefore such our Letters, such our Speeches, such our Actings be▪ as may become our last minutes, our Death­beds? &c.

If so, how meeke and humble, how plaine and serious, how faithfull and zealous, and yet how tender and loving should the Spirits and Speeches be of dying and departing Men?

Sir, While something of this Nature I muse over your Deaths head, I meete (in the Entrance of your Letter) with this passage ‘[ Were I as free in my spirit as formerly I have been to write unto you, you should have received another manner of Salutation then now with a good Conscience I can Expresse; However God knoweth who are his, and what he is pleased to hide from sinfull man in this life, shall in that great Day be manifested to All.]’

Sir, At the reading of this Line, (I cannot but hope I have your leave to tell you) The speech of that wise Woman of Tekoah unto David came fresh unto my Thoughts: Speakes not the King this Thing as one that is Guiltie? For will my honou­red and beloved friend not know me for feare of being dis­owned by his Conscience? Shall the Goodnes and Integritie of his Conscience to God cause him to forget me? Doth he quiet his minde with this; [ God knoweth who are his? God hides from sinfull man, God will reveale before All?] Oh how comes it Persecutours conclude no Conscience in the whole World but their owne. then that I have heard so often, and heard so lately, and heard so much, that he that speakes so tenderly for his owne, hath yet so little respect, mercie or pitie to the like consciencious perswasions of other Men? Are all the Thousands of millions of millions of Consciences, at home and abroad, fuell onely for a prison, for a whip, for a stake, for a Gallowes? Are no Consciences to breath the Aire, but such as suit and sample his? May not the most High be pleased to hide from his as well as from the eyes of his fellow- Servants, fellow- mankinde, fellow- English? And if God hide from his, from any, who can discover? Who can shut when he will open? and who can open, when he that hath the key of David will shut? All this and more (honoured Sir) your words will warrant me to say, without any just offence or straining.

Object. But what makes this to Heretickes, Blasphemers, Se­ducers, to them that sin against their Conscience (as M r Cotton [Page 305] sayth) after Conviction? What makes this to stobbers of Kings and Princes, to blowers up of Parliaments out of Conscience?

First, I answer, He was a Tyrant that put an Innocent Man into a Beares-skin, and so caused him as a wild Beast to be baited to Death.

Secondly, I say, this is the common cry of Hunters or perse­cutours All persecu­tours render the most in­nocent most odious. [ Hereticks, Hereticks, Blasphemers, &c.] and why, but for crossing the persecutours Consciences, (it may be but their superstitions, &c.) whether Turkish, Popish, Protestant, &c.

This is the Outcry of the Pope and Prelates, and of the Scotch Presbyterians, who would fire all the world, to be avenged on the Sectarian Heretickes, the blasphemous Heretickes, the se­ducing Heretickes, &c. had it not pleased the God of Heaven who bounds the insolent Rage of the furious Ocean, to raise up a second Cromwell (like a mighty and mercifull Wall or Cromwell the second, a Re­fuge of the oppressed. Bullwark) to stay the Furie of the Oppressour, whether English, Scottish, Popish, Presbyterian, Independent, &c.

Lastly, I have said much and lately, and given particular Answers to all such pleas, in my Second Reply or Answer to This Rejoyn­der was sent to England long since, and hoped to have been published. M r Cottons washing of the Bloudie Tenent in the Lambes bloud, which it may be is not yet come to your sight and Hand.

'Tis true, I have to say elsewhere about the Causes of my Banishment: As to the calling of Naturall Men to the exercise of those holy Ordinances of Prayers, Oathes, &c. As to the fre­quenting of Parish Churches, under the pretence of hearing some Ministers: As to the matter of the Patent, and King James his Christianitie and Title to these parts, and bestowing it on his Subjects by vertue of his being a Christian King, &c.

At present, let it not be offensive in your eyes, that I single out another, a fourth point, a cause of my Banishment also, where­in I greatly feare one or two sad evills, which have befallen your Soule and Conscience.

The point is that of the Civill Magistrates dealing in matters of Conscience and Religion, as also of persecuting and hunting any for any matter meerly Spirituall and Religious.

The two Evills intimated are these; First, I feare you can­not after so much Light, and so much profession to the con­trary (not onely to my selfe, and so often in private, but) before so many Witnesses; I say, I feare you cannot say and [Page 306] act so much, against so many severall Consciences, former and later, but with great Checks, great Threatnings, great Blowes and Throwes of inward Conscience.

Secondly, If you shall thanke God, that it is not so with Abuse of light most dange­rous. you, but that you doe what Conscience bids you in Gods pre­sence, upon Gods warrant, I must then be humbly faithfull to tell you, that I feare your underprizing of holy Light, hath put out the Candle, and the Eye of Conscience in these particu­lars, and that Delusions, strong Delusions, and that from God (by Sathans subtletie) hath seasd upon your very Soules be­liefe, because you priz'd not lov'd not the indangered perse­cuted Son of God in his despised Truths and Servants.

Sir, With Man (as the Lord Jesus said of the Rich man) I know it is impossible for the (otherwise piercing) eye of your understanding to see into these things, for it is discoloured, as in some Diseases and Glasses; It is impossible for your Will to be willing to see, for that's in a thousand chaines resolved (as once you spake heroically and heavenly in a better way) to spend your dearest Heart bloud in your way, &c. Yet with God all things are possible, and they that laughed the Lord Jesus to scorne when he said, the Damsell is not dead but sleepeth, were afterwards confounded, when they saw her raised by his hea­venly voice.

His holy pleasure I know not, nor doe I know which way the Glory of his great Name will more appeare, either in final­ly suffering so great a fall and ruine of so strong a pillar, that Flesh may not Glory, but that his strength and Glory onely may be seene in Weaknesse. Or else in your holy Rising and Reviving from the Bed of so much spirituall filthines, and from so bloudie a minde, and lip, and hand, against all withstanders or Disturbers in it. That so the short Remainder of your Candle may hould out to the World, the Riches of his Mercy, at whose words the holyest of his Servants ought to tremble, and to work out their Salvation with feare and trembling: I say (I desire to say it; tremblingly and mournfully) I know not which way he will please to raise his Glory) onely I know my Dutie, my Con­stience, my Love, all which inforce me to knock, to call to cry at the Gate of Heaven, and at Yours, and to present you with this loving, though lowd and faithfull noyse and sound of a [Page 307] few Grounds of deeper Examination of both our Soules and Consciences uprightly and impartially at the holy and dread­full Tribunall of Him that is appointed the Judge of all the Li­ving and the Dead.

Be pleased then (honoured Sir) to remember that that thing which we call Conscience is of such a Nature (especially in English-men) as once a Pope of Rome at the suffering of an English-man in Rome, himselfe observed) that although it be groundles, false, and deluded, yet is it not by any Arguments or Torments easily removed.

I speake not of the streame of the multitude of all Nations, The power of Conscience though Erro­neous. which have their ebbings and flowings in Religion, (as the longest Sword, and strongest Arme of Flesh carries it) But I speake of Conscience, a perswasion fixed in the minde and heart of a man, which inforceth him to judge (as Paul said of himselfe a perse­cutour) and to doe so and so, with respect to God, his worship, &c.

This Conscience is found in all mankinde, more or lesse, in Jewes, Turkes, Papists, Protestants, Pagans, &c. And to this pur­pose let me freely without offence remember you (as I did M r Clarke newly come up from his sufferings amongst you) I say, remember you of the same Story I did him, twas that of William Hartly in Queene Elizabeth her dayes, who receiving the Sen­tence of hanging, drawing, &c. spake confidently (as afterward he suffered) what tell you me of hanging, &c. If I had ten thou­sand millions of lives, I would spend them all for the Faith of Rome, &c.

Sir, I am far from glancing the least Countenance on the Consciences of Papists, yea or on some Scotch and English Prote­stants too, who turne up all Rootes, and lay all levell and in bloud, for exaltation of their owne way and Conscience. All that I observe is, that Boldnes and Confidence, Zeale and Resolu­tion, as it is commendable in a kinde when it seriously respects a Dietie, so also, the greatest Confidence hath sometimes need of the greatest Search and Examination.

I confesse, that for Confidence no Romish Priest hath ever ex­ceeded True & false Witnesses both Confi­dent. the holy Martyrs or Witnesses of Jesus: Witnes (amongst so many) that holy English Woman, who cryed out, that if every haire of her head were a life or man, they should burne [Page 308] for the Name of the Lord Jesus: But Sir, your Principles and Conscience binde you, not to respect Romish or English, Saints or Sinners: William Heartly, and that Woman, with all their lives, you are bound by your Conscience to punish (and it may be) to hang or burne, if they transgresse against your Consci­ence, and that because (according to M r Cottons monstrous Di­stinction (as some of his chiefe Brethren to my knowledge have called it) not because they sinne in matters of Conscience, (which he denies the Magistrate to deale in) but because they sinne against their Conscience.

Secondly, It is so notoriously knowne, that the Conscien­ces of the most holy men, zealous for God & his Christ to Death and Admiration, yea even in our owne Countrey, and in Queen Maries dayes especially, have been so grossly mislead by mi­staken Consciences in matters concerning the worship of God, the comming out of the Antichristian Babell, and the Rebuilding of the spirituall Jerusalem, that I need but hint who were they The Common Prayers & the Composers of it. that pend the Common prayer (in its Time, as glorious an Idoll, and as much adored by Godly persons, as any Invention now ex­tant) I say, who they were that lived and dyed (five in the flames) zealous for their Bishopricks, yea and some too too zea­lous for their Popish Ceremonies, against the doubting Conscien­ces of their Brethren: At which and more, we that now have risen in our Fath [...]rs stead, wonder and admire how such pier­cing eyes could be deceived, such Watchmen blinded and delu­ded. But

Thirdly, We shall not so much wonder when we lift up our trembling eyes to Heaven, and remember our selves (poore What's sweet with man, st [...]nks (often) in Gods no­strills. dust) that our Thoughts are not as the Thoughts of our Maker, that, that which in the eyes of man (as the Lord Jesus tells us, Luc. 16.) is of high and sweet esteeme, it stincks and is abo­mination with God: Hence such Worships, such Churches, such glorious professions & practices may be, as may ravish themselves and the behoulders, when with the piercing eyes of the most High, they may looke counterfeit and ugly, and be found but (spiritually) Whores, and Abominations.

Fourthly, Wise men use to inquire, what Motives, what Occasions, what Snares, what Temptations were there, which mooved, which drew, which allured, &c. This is the Apologie [Page 309] which the five Apologists (M r Goodwin, M r Nye, &c.) made to the Parliament, to wit, That they were not tempted with the moulding of New Common-wealths, after which they might be mooved to frame their Religion, &c.

Surely Sir, the Baits, the Temptations, the Snares laid to catch Sathans poli­cie in propo­sing Motives and Baits to wise and ex­cellent Saints. you, were not few, nor common, nor laid to every foote. Saul pretended zeale to the Name of God, and love to Israel in perse­cuting the poore Gibeonites to death, but Honour me before the people, was the maine Engine that turned the Wheeles of all his Actions and Devotions. What set Jeroboams braines to consult and plot the Invention of a new Religion, Worship, Priests, &c. but Honour, & the feare of the losse of his gained honour? What mo­ved Jehu to be false and halting with God after so much glori­ous zeale in Reformation? Yea I had almost said, what mooved David to stob Ʋriah (the fire of God) with his pen, but the feare of dishonour in the Discovery of his sin, though doubtles there was some mixtures of the feare of his Gods displeasure and dis­honour also?

Sir, it is no small offer, the choice and applause and Rule over so many Townes, so many holy, so many wise, in such a holy way as you believe you are in: To say nothing of strong drinkes and wines, the fat and sweet of this and other Lands: These and o­thers are snares which without abundant strength from God will catch and hould the strongest feete: Sir, I have knowne you strong, in repelling strong Temptations, but I cannot but feare and lament, that some of these and others have been too strong and potent with you.

Fifthly, We not onely use to say proverbially, but the Spi­rit of God expressly tells us, that there is a minde-bewitching, a Spirituall Witchcraft. betwitching of the very Consciences and spirits of men. That as in Witchcraft, a stronger and supernaturall power layes hould upon the powers of Nature, with a suppressing or elevating of those powers beneath or above themselves: So is it with the very Spirits and Consciences of the most Intelligent and Conscientious, when the Father of Spirits is pleased in his righteous displea­sure and jealousie, so to suffer it to be with ours.

Sir, I from my Soule honour and love the persons of such, whom I, you, and themselves may see have been Instrumentall in your bewitchin [...] Why should it be thought inconsistent with [Page 310] the holy wisdome of God to permit wise and holy and learned persons to wander themselves and mislead others; when the ho­ly Scripture and Experience tells us of the dangerous Councells and wayes of as wife and learned and holy as now breath in either Old or New English aire?

Sir, I had thought to have named one or two, who may just­ly be suspected (though otherwise worthily beloved) but I have chose rather to present an hint, for thats enough to so in­telligent a Breast, if but willing to make an Impartiall Review and Examination of Passages between the most High and your in most Soule in secret.

Therefore sixthly, for a sixt ground of suspecting your Soule and Spirit and Conscience in this particular of persecution, which I now instance in, may you please, Sir, without offence to re­member, that as it is in such as have exceeded in Wine, their Mysticall Drunkennesse and the drun­ken Language of it. speech will bewray them: So it is in Spirituall Cups and In­toxications.

The Maker and Searcher of our hearts knowes with what Bitternes I write, as with Bitternes of Soule I have heard such Language as this to proceed from your selfe and others, who The language of persecu­tours. formerly have fled from (with crying out against) persecu­tours! [you will say, this is your Conscience: You will say, you are persecuted, and you are persecuted for your Conscience: No, you are Conventiclers, Hereticks, Blasphemers, Seducers: You deserve to be hanged, rather then one shall be wanting to hang him I will hang him my selfe: I am resolved not to leave an Heretick in the Countrey; I had rather so many Whores and VVhoremongers and Thieves came amongst us:] Oh Sir, you cannot forget what Language and Dialect this is, whether not the same unsavourie, and ungodly, blasphemous and bloudie, which the Gardiners and Bonners both former and later used to all that bowed not to the State goulden Image of what Consci­ence soever they were. And indetd, Sir, if the most High be pleased to awaken you to render unto his holy Majestie his due praises, in your truely broken-hearted Confessions and Suppli­cations, you will then proclaime to all the VVorld, that what profession soever you made of the Lambe, yet these Expressions could not proceed but from the Dragons mouth.

Oh remember, and the most holy Lord bring it to your Re­membrance, [Page 311] that you have now a great price in your hand, to A price and a Heart blessed Companions. bring great Glory to his holy Name, great Rejoycing to so gra­cious a Redeemer (in whom you professe is all your Healing and Salvation) great Rejoycing to the holy Spirit of all true Consolation, whom yet so long you have grieved and sadded, great Rejoycing to those blessed Spirits (attending upon the Lambe, and all his, and terrible to his persecutours) great Re­joycing and Instruction to all that love, the true Lord Jesus (not­withstanding their wandrings among so many false Christs) mourning and lamenting after him in all parts of the World where his Name is sounded: Your Tallents are great, your Fall hath been so: Your Eminencie is great, the Glory of the most High in Mercy or Justice toward you will be great also.

Oh remember it is a dangerous Combat for the Potsheards of The horrible & dangerous path which all persecu­tours or Hun­ters walke in. the Earth to fight with their dreadfull Potter: It is a dismall Battle for poore naked feete to kick against the Pricks; It is a dreadfull voyce from the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, Endi­cot, Endicot, why huntest thou me? why imprisonest thou me? why finest, why so bloudily whippest, why wouldest thou (did not I hould thy bloudie hands) hang and burne me? Yea Sir, I beseech you remember that it is a dangerous thing to put this to the may be, to the venture or hazzard, to the possibilitie: Is it possible (may you well say) that since I hunt, I hunt not the life of my Saviour, and the bloud of the Lambe of God: I have fought against many severall sorts of Consciences, is it beyond all possibilitie and hazard, that I have not fought against God, that I have not persecuted Jesus in some of them?

Sir, I must be humbly bold to say, that 'tis impossible for any Man or Men to maintaine their Christ by the Sword, and to worship a true Christ! to fight against all Consciences oppo­site to theirs, and not to fight against God in some of them, and to hunt after the precious life of the true Lord Jesus Christ. Oh remember whether your Principles and Consciences must in The least [...] sparke of per­secution tends to bloud, and will proceed, except God mightlly stop it. time and opportunitie force you. 'Tis but worldly policie and Compliance with Men and Times ( Gods mercy over-ruling) that houlds your hands from murthering of thousands and ten thousands were your Power and Command as great as once the bloudie Roman Emperours was.

The truth is (and your selfe and others have said it) by your [Page 312] Principles such whom you count Hereticks, Blasphemers, Seducers, ought to be put to Death; You cannot be faithfull to your Principles and Consciences, if you satisfie them with but impri­soning, fining, whipping and banishing the Hereticks, and by saying that banishing is a kinde of Death, as some chiefe with you (in my case formerly) have said it.

Sir, 'Tis like you knew or have heard of the man that said he would never Conforme publikely, although he did subscribe in private for his Libertie sake of Preaching: That, although he did conforme in some things, yet in all he never would: That, although he did himselfe yeeld, yet he would not molest and inforce others: That although he yeelded, that others did molest them, yet himselfe would never perse­cute, and yet did all.

But oh poore dust and Ashes, like stones once roling downe the Alpes, like the Indian Canoes or English Boats loose and a­drist, where stop we untill infinite mercy stop us, especially when a false fire of zeale and Conscience drives us, (though a­gainst the most holy and eternall himselfe?)

Oh remember the black Catalogues it hath pleased the most Gods most dreadfull Judgements against perse­cutours. jealous and righteous God to make of his fierie Judgements and most dreadfull stoakes on Eminent and remarkeable persecu­tours even in this life. It hath been his way and course in all Countries, in Germanie, France and England, (especially) what ever their pretences have been against Hereticks, Rebells, Schismaticks, Blasphemers, Seducers, &c. How hath he left them to be their owne Accusers, Judges, Executioners, some by hang­ing, some by stobbing, some by drowning and poysoning themselves, some by running mad, and some by drinking in the very same Cup which they had filld to others?

Some may say, Such persecutours hunted God and Christ, but I, but we, &c. I answer, the Lord Jesus Christ foretold how wonderfully the wisest of the World, should be mistaken in the things of Christ, and a true visible Christ Jesus! When did we see thee naked, hungry, thirstie, sicke, inprison, &. How easie, how common, how dreadfull these mistakes?

Oh remember once againe (as I began) and I humbly desire to remember with you, that every gray haire now on both our Death is a Boanerges. heads, is a Boanerges, a sonne of Thunder, and a warning piece [Page 313] to prepare us, for the waighing of our last Anchors, and to be gone from hence, as if we had never been.

'Twas mercy infinite, that stopt provoked Justice from blow­ing Gray hayres are Gods Alarums. out our Candles in our youths, but now the feeding Substance of the Candle's gone, and 'tis impossible (without repentance,) to recall our Actions! nay, with repentance, to recall our minutes past us.

Sir, I know I have much presumed upon your many waigh­ty affaires and thoughts, I end with an humble cry to the Fa­ther of mercies, that you may take Davids Counsell, and silently commune with your owne heart upon your Bed, reflect upon your owne spirit, and believe Him that said it to his over­zealous Disciples, You know not what spirit you are of: That, no sleepe may seize upon your eyes, nor slumber upon your eye-lids, untill your serious thoughts have seriously, calmely, and unchangeably (through helpe from Christ Jesus) fixed.

First, On a Moderation toward the Spirits and Consciences of all mankinde, meerly differing from or opposing yours with onely Religious and Spirituall opposition.

Secondly, A deepe and cordiall Resolution (in these wonderfull searching, disputing, and dissenting times) to search, to listen, to pray, to fast, and more fearefully, more tremblingly to enquire what the holy pleasure, and the ho­ly mysteries of the most Holy are; In whom I humbly desire to be

Your poore fellow-Servant, unfainedly, respective and faithfull, R. VVilliams.

An APPENDIX: To the Cleargie of the foure great Parties (professing the Name of Christ Jesus) in England, Scotland, and Ireland, viz. The Po­pish, Prelaticall, Presbyterian, and Independent.


I Have pleaded the Cause of your seve­rall and respective Consciences (against the bloudie Doctrine of Persecution) in my former Labours, and in this my present Rejoynder to M r Cotton:

And yet I must pray leave without offence to say, I have impartially oppos'd and charg'd your Consciences also, so farre as Guiltie of that bloudie Doctrine of persecuting each other for your Consciences.

You foure have torne the seameles Coate of the Son of God The seameles Coat of Christ Jesus torne into foure pie­ces, and the three Nations torne into Thousands. into foure pieces, and (to say nothing of former Times and Tearings) you foure have torne the three Nations into thousands of pieces and Distractions.

The two former of you, the Popish and ( Protestant) Prelati­call, are Brethren: So are the latter, the Presbyterian and Inde­pendent: But, oh, how Rara est, &c? What Concord, what Love, what pitie hath ever yet appear'd amongst you, when the pro­vidence of the most High and onely wise hath granted you your Pattents of mutuall and successive Dominion and precedencie?

Just like two men, whom I have knowne breake out to Blowes and Wrastling, so have the Protestant Bishops fought and The Battells of the Clear­gie. wrastled with the Popish, and the Popish with the Protestant! The Presbyterian▪ with the Independent, and the Independent with the [Page 315] Presbyterian! And our Chronicles and Experiences have told this Nation, and the World, how he whose Turne it is to be brought under, hath ever felt an heavie wrathfull hand of an unbrotherly and unchristian persecutour:

Meane while, what outcries for a Sword, a Sword at any price, All Court the Magistrate for his Sword, & his Money. on any Tearmes, wherewith to take finall Revenges, on such their Blasphemous and Hereticall Adversaries and Corrivalls?

Hence is it, that the Magistrate hath been so courted, his per­son adored and Deified, and his Religion magnified and Exal­ted.

Amongst the People, some have thought and said, How hath the shining of the Magistrates Money and Sword, out-shin'd the Nobilitie of his person, or the Christianitie of his Conscience? For when the person changes and Religion too, how grossely noto­rious have been the Cleargies Changes also? For Instance, how For which, any person and Religion hath serv'd the Turne. have they Pernified, tack't and turn'd about (as the wind hath blowne) from Poperie to Protestanisme, from Protestanisme to Poperie, and from Poperie to Protestanisme againe, and this with­in the Compasse of about a dozen yeares; as the Purse and Sword-Bearers were changed, what ever the persons of those Princes (male or female, Men or Children, or their Consciences, Popish or Protestant) were.

Yea, how justly in the late Kings book (if his) are the Clear­gie The late K. charging his Cleargie, &c. of England charged with horrible breach of Vows and Oaths of canonicall obedience to their Fathers the Bishops, against whom (in the Turne of the Times and the Sword-Bearers) they turned to the Scotch Presbyters, their fathers dreadful Enemies and per­secutours?

Now as to the persecuting each of other, I confesse the Wolfe (the persecutour,) devoures the Goate, the Swine, yea the very The Wolfe in plea with the Lambe, will be alwaies Judge. Fox, and other Creatures, as well as the inoffensive Sheepe and Lambe? Yet (as the Lord Jesus made use of that excellent Fa­ble or Similitude of a Wolfe getting on a Sheepes-skin, so) may I not unseasonably make use of that of the Wolfe and the poore Lambe coming downe to drinke, upon the same Brooke and Streame together: The Wolfe cruell and strong drinks above and aloft: The Lambe innocent and weake, drinks upon the Streame below: The Wolfe questions and quarrells the Lambe for corrupting and defiling the Waters: The Lambe [Page 316] (not daring to plead how easily the Wolfe drinking higher might transfer Defilement downeward, but) pleads Improbabi­litie and Impossibilitie, that the waters descending could convey defilement upwards: This is the Controversie, This the plea: But who shall judge? Be the Lambe never so innocent, his plea never so just, his Adversary the Wolfe will be his Judge, and be­ing so cruell and so strong soone teares the Lambe in pieces.

Thus the cruell Beast arm'd with the power of the Kings (Revel. 17.) sits Judge in his owne Quarrels against the Lambe, about the drinking at the Waters. And thus (sayth M r Cotton) the Judgement ought to passe upon the Heretick, not for mat­ter of Conscience, but for sinning against his Conscience.

Object. M [...] ▪ thinks I heare, the great charge against the Independent partie to be the great pleaders for Libertie of Con­science, &c.

Answ. Oh the horrible Deceipt of the hearts of the sons of Men! And, what Excellent Physick can we prescribe to others, till our Soule (as Job said) come to be in their soules cases? What need have we to be more vile (with Job) before God, to walke in holy sence of selfe▪ Insufficiencie, to cry for the blessed Leadings of the holy Spirit of God, to guide and leade our Heads and Hearts uprightly?

For (to draw the Curtaine, and let in the Light alittle) doe The wonder­full Mysterie of Libertie of Conscience. not all persecutours themselves zealously plead for Freedome, for Libertie, for Mercie to Mens Consciences, when themselves are in the Grates, and Pits, and under Hatches?

Doth not Ges [...]er tell us of a Gentleman in Germanie, who fitting his Pitfall for Wilde Beasts, found in the morning a Wo­man, a Wolfe, and a Fox in three severall Corners, as full of Which all persecutours themselves (in their turnes) plead for. Feare, and as quiet, and as desirous of Libertie one as well as another?

Thus bloudie Gardiner and Bonner (prisoners, during King Edwards dayes) yea and that bloudie Queene Mary her selfe, all plead the Freedome of their Consciences. What most humble Supplications, and indeed unanswerable Arguments for Liber­tie K. Charles and his Chaplains forced to sub­scribe to Li­bertie of Con­science. of Conscience have the Papists (when in Restraint) presented, (and especially) in King James his time? Yea what excellent Subscriptions to this Soule-Freedome, are interwoven in many passages of the late Kings Booke (if his)? Yea and one of his [Page 317] Chaplaines (so cald) Doctor Jer. Taylour, what an Everlasting Monumentall Testimony did he publish to this Truth, in that his excellent Discourse, of the Libertie of Prophesying? Yea the (for­merly) Non-conforming Presbyterian and Independent, Scotch and English, Old and New, what most humble and pious Addres­ses have they made before the whole World, to Princes and Par­liaments, for just mercy (in true Petitions of Right) to their Consciences? But, let this present Discourse, and M r Cottons About Twen­ty years perse­cution in New England. Fig-leave Evasions and Distinctions: Let the practices (of the Massachusets) in New England, in twenty yeares persecution: and this last of M r Clarke, Obadiah Holmes, and others be Exa­mined: Yea let the Independent Ministers late Proposalls be waighed, with the double waight of Gods Sanctuary, and it will appeare what Mercy the poore Soules of all Men, and Jesus Christ in any of them, may expect from the very Indepen­dents Cleargie themselves.

Object. But doth not their Proposalls provide a Libertie to such as feare God, viz. that they may freely preach without an Or­dination! and that such as are not free to the publike Assemblies may have Libertie to meete in private.

Answ. It may so please the Father of Lights to shew them that their Lines and Modells, and New-Englands Copie also (af­ter The persecu­tion of the New and Old English Inde­pendent Clear­gie. which they write and pensill,) are but more and more re­fined Images, whereby to worship the Invisible God: and that still (as before) the Wolfe (the persecutour) must judge of the Lambes drinking!

For instance; New Englands Lawes (lately published in M r Clarks Narrative) tell us how free it shall be for people to gather themselves into Church-estate? how free to choose their owne Ministers? how free to enjoy all the Ordinances of Christ Jesus, &c? But yet, provided, so- and so (upon the point) that the Civill State must judge of the Spirituall, to wit, Whether persons be▪ fit for Church-estate, Whether the Gathering be right, Whether the peoples choice be right, Doctrines right, and what is this in truth, but to sweare that blasphemous Oath of Supremacie againe, to the Kings and Queenes and Magistrates of this and other Nations in stead of the Pope, &c?

Into these Prisons, and Cages, doe those (otherwise worthy and excellent Men, the) Independents, put all the Children of [Page 318] God, and all the Children of Men in the whole World, and then bid them flie and walke at Libertie (to wit, within the Conjured Circle) so far as they please.

To particularize briefely: When they have in their six seve­rall Circuits ejected (according to their Proposalls) it may be A briefe touch upon the 15 Proposalls of the (so calld) Independent Ministers. hundreths, it may be thousands (if impartiall) of Episcopall and Presbyterian Ministers, and that without & against their Peoples consent, to the present Distressing of thousands, and inraging (through such Soul-oppressions) the whole Nation! Then, say they, it shalbe free for all that be able, &c. to be Preachers, though not ordained, &c. But, provided, that two Ministers hands (at least, The Indepen­dents implicit­ly and silently challenge the power of Or­dination. which upon the point, is instead of an Ordination) be to their Approbation, &c. Upon this lock any shall be free to preach Christ Jesus, upon this point of the Compasse (as I may in humble reve­rence, and with sorrow speake it) the Spirit of God shall be free to breath and operate in the Soules of Men! By this Plummet and Line, Rule and Square, and (seeming) Goulden Reede and Meete­wand, the Sanctuary must be built and measured, &c.

But further, if any shall be of tender Consciences, and that the common size will not serve their foote, if they shall thinke the Independents Foundations too weak, or it may be too strong for their weake Beliefe, if they cannot bow downe to their Goulden Image, though of the finest and latest Edition and Fashion: Why God forbid they should be forc'd to Church The Danger of pawning spirituall Li­berties to Ci­vill powers. as others, they shall enjoy their Libertie, and meeteapart in private: But, provided, they acquaint the Civill Magistrate, that is, as it may fall out (who knows how soon?) and too too often hath faln out, the poore Sheepe and Deere of Christ must take Licence of and betray themselves unto the pawes and jawes of their Lyon-like persecutours.

Heare Oh Heavens, give Eare O Earth! What is this but like The Dutch Attempts, and the Indepen­dents, on their Friends, com­pared. the Treacherous Dutchmen, who Capitulate of Leagues of Peace and Amitie, with their Neighbour English, and in the midst of State Complements (some say, out of malicious wrath, others say twas out of drunken Intoxications at the best) thunder out Broad-sides of Fire and Smoake of persecution?

Object. Some possibly may say, Your just suffring from the Independents in New England makes you speake Revenges against them in Old.

[Page 319] Answ. What I have suffred in my Estate, Body, Name, Spirit, I hope through helpe from Christ, and for his sake I have desi­red to beare with a Spirit of patience and of respect and love, even to my persecutours. As to particulars, I have, and must (if God so will) further debate them with my truely honoured and beloved Adversarie M r Cotton.

But as to you, worthy Sirs, (men of Learning, and men of personall Holines many of you) I truely desire to be far from envying your Honours, pleasures, and Revenues, from whence the two former Popish & Prelaticall are ejected, unto which the two later Presbyterian and Independent are advanced: Nor would I The Authours desire as to the Ministrie of the Land now possessed. move a Tongue or pen that any of you now possessed, should be removed or disturbed, untill your Consciences by the holy Spi­rit of God, or the Consciences of the people, to whom you serve or minister, shall be otherwayes (then as you are yet) perswaded.

Much rather would I make another humble plea (and that I believe with all the Reason and Justice in the World) that such And as to that Ejected. who are ejected, undone, impoverished, might some way from the State or you receive reliefe and succour: Considering, that the very Nations Constitution hath occasioned parents to traine up, & persons to give themselves to studies (though in truth, but in a way of Trade & Bargaining, before God) yet, 'tis according to the Custome of the Nation, who ought therefore to share also, in the fault of such Priests and Ministers who in all changes are ejected.

I end with humble begging to the Father of Spirits, to per­swade The Authour begs three things of God for the Clear­gie of England. and possesse yours with a true sence of three particulars.

First, of the yoakes of Soule-oppression, which lye upon the necks of most of the Inhabitants of the 3 Nations, & of the whole world: as if Chams Curse from Noah were upon them, Servants of Servants are they, and that in the matters of the Soules Af­fection unto God, which call for the purest Libertie: I confesse the World lyes in wickednesse, and loveth darknesse more then Soule Bon­dage the greatest. light: but why should you helpe on those yoaks, and force them to receive a Doctrine, to pray, to give thanks, &c. without an Heart? yea and (in the many changes and cases incident) against their Heart and Soules Consent?

Secondly, of the bloudines of that most bloudie Doctrine of persecution for cause of Conscience, with all the Winding Staires and back dores of it, &c. Some professors true and false, Sheepe [Page 320] and Goats, are daily found to differ in their Apprehensions, per­swasions, professions, and that to Bonds and Death.

What now, shall these be wrackt, their Soules, their Bodies, their purses, &c? Yea if they refuse, deny, oppose the Doctrine of Christ Jesus, whether Jewes or Gentiles, why should you call for Fire from Heaven, which suits not with Christ Jesus his Spi­rit The Bloudi­nesse of the Bloudie Tenent. or Ends? Why should you compell them to come in, with any other Sword, but that of the Spirit of God, who alone per­swaded Japhet to come into the Tents of Shem, and can in his holy season prevaile with Shem to come into the Tents of Ja­phet?

Thirdly, Of that Biass of selfe-love which hales and swayes our minds to hould so fast this bloudie Tenent: You know it is the Spirit of Love from Christ Jesus, that turns our feete from the Tradition of Fathers, &c. That sets the Heart and Tongue and Pen and Hands too (as Pauls) day and night to work, rather Little of the Spirit of Love from Christ Jesus yet ex­tant, and our selfe-love bi­asseth us to Inventions, Traditions, and Doctrines of persecuti­ons. then the progresse and puritie and simplicitie of the Crowne of Christ Jesus should be debased or hindred.

This Spirit will cause you leave (with joy) Benefices, and Bishopricks, Worlds and Lives for his sake: the Heights and Depths, Lengths and Breadths, of whose Love you know doth infinitely passe your most knowing Comprehensions and Imaginations. There is but little of this Spirit extant, I feare will not be, un­till we see Christ Jesus slaine in the slaughter of the Witnesses: Then Joseph will goe boldly unto Pilate for the slaughtered bodie of most precious Saviour: and Nicodemus, will goe by day, to buy and bestow his sweetest spices, on his infinitly sweeter Soules beloved. The full breathings of that heavenly Spirit, unfeinedly and heartily wisheth you,

Your most unworthy Countriman, R. Williams.

The Principal CONTENTS.

  • TRuth and peace rarely meet page 1
  • Many excellent men plead for persecution p. 2
  • New Englands persecution guilty of the persecution in Old p. 3
  • The first occasion of publishing the bloody tenent p 4
  • Master Cotton complains of being persecuted, and yet writes so much for persecution p. 5
  • The word persecution ( in plain English) what it is ibi.
  • Master Cotton would change the word persecuting into punishing. p. 6
  • State worships the ordinary occasion of persecution p. 7
  • Ordination of Ministers and Coronation of Kings un­fitly compared p. 11
  • Master Cotton pleading for Common Prayer p. 11, 12
  • Three causes for which Master Cotton pleads for persecu­tion p. 13
  • Christs church may be gathered and dissolved with no di­sturbance of civil peace p. 14
  • [Page]Persecution breaks all civil peace p. 15
  • Civil peace may be kept long and flourish even where Christ is not heard of, yea disowned, &c. p. 16
  • Christianity lost most under reforming Emperors ibid.
  • The societies or Churches of Saints are meerly voluntary in combining or dissolving p. 17
  • Christs Spouse is chosen out of this world p. 18
  • No civil state can judge the spiritual p. 19
  • The difference of spiritual and civil peace p. 20
  • When Gods people flourish most in godliness, then most persecuted; and, when most persecuted, then flourish most in godliness p. 21
  • A monstrous mingling of spiritual and civil disturbance p. 22
  • Six instances of zeal in Scripture (charged with, yet) free from breach of civil peace p. 23
  • The Indians ( subjected to the English) permitted, while English fearing God in New England persecuted p. 25
  • Jonah's casting over board, pleaded by Master Cotton as a ground for persecution, examined p. 26
  • The killing of the false prophet, Zech. 13. 6. p. 27
  • Conviction of conscience p. 28
  • The violation of civil peace, though out of conscience, to be punished. p. 29
  • Gamaliells councel considered p. 30
  • Christ Jesus never persecuted as Christ, but as a deceiver, blasphemer, seducer, &c. p. 31
  • Gods people fast asleep, and yet awake ibid:
  • A deep mystery in persecution p. 32
  • Wolves complaining of being persecuted by the sheep p. 33
  • The blood of the souls under the Altar is a sealed Mystery p. 34
  • [Page] A challenge to the Devil himself, touching the persecution of hereticks p. 34
  • All Antichristian hunters make Titus the third their Den or Fortress p. 35
  • The horrible abusing and prophaning of that word Heretick p. 36
  • A child of God may possible be an Heretick p. 37
  • The straights in which the bloody tenent (and this Re­joynder also) were composed p. 38
  • Th [...]se Preachers who will not Preach without money, must beg or steal ibid.
  • Christ Jesus his distinction of Diggers, Beggers, stealers p. 39
  • Persecution usually taken for a corporal, not a spiritual punishment ibid.
  • Very severe, but not Christian, and more then Judaical punishment of Theeves in England p. 41
  • The civil and spirituall life confounded p. 42
  • Gods right and Caesars p. 43
  • The great peace breakers ibid.
  • English Diana's p. 44.
  • Gross partiality to private interests ibid.
  • England in all ages guilty of much persecution p. 45
  • Two seasonable Petitions of any persecuted ibid.
  • The Parable of the Tares grosly abused p. 46
  • Hypocrisie both open and secret p. 47
  • Spiritual whoredome against God in his worship, may be in the midst of pure civil relations. p. 48
  • The parable of the wise and foolish Virgins p. 50.
  • A true church or society of Christ cannot consist of visible Hypocrites p. 51
  • The Field of the World ibid:
  • The Mystery of christians and antichriastians p. 52
  • [Page] The first rise of Antichristians argued p. 54
  • Touching the judgement of the great whore p. 55
  • Christs church by institution properly consisting of good ground p. 57.
  • The nature of the Jewish church ibid.
  • The nature of Christs true Apostles or Messengers p. 58
  • Antichristians, monsters in Religion p. 59
  • Two sorts of sinners p. 60
  • Two sorts of Hypocrites ibid.
  • Two sorts of opposites to Christ Jesus p. 61
  • The Rivers and Fountaines of Blood, Rev. 16. p. 63
  • Of hypocrites in the profession of Christianity p. 64
  • Corrupt consciences distinguished p. 66
  • Toleration of idolaters considered ibid.
  • Civil weapons in spirituals blur and slight the spiritual p. 67
  • The toleration of Jezabel in Thyatria p. 68
  • The difference between spiritual and civil slander p. 69
  • The dreadful nature of Christs spiritual punishments ibi.
  • The punishments in the national Church of Israel were ma­terial and corporeal p. 70
  • Touching Prayer against present destruction of the Tares p. 71
  • Pastors and teachers are not Apostles or messengers ib.
  • Elijah stirring up Ahab to slay the Baalites p. 72
  • Touching the state of Israel in the Apostacy of Jeroboam, and more of the Baalites p. 72
  • Touching Apostles or Messengers p. 74
  • Touching fundamentals p. 75
  • Persecuting of Christ Jesus by a Law p. 76
  • The greatest blasphemy against Christ Jesus that ever was, yet not punished but spiritually ibid.
  • Pauls appeal to Caesar more examined p. 78
  • [Page] Few Magistrates in the world that bear the very name of of Christ Jesus. p. 79
  • Fewer truely Christians ibid.
  • Mystical and most cruel Surgery ibid.
  • To serve God with all our might, literally taken, horribly abused p. 80
  • The title of defender of the Faith in England p. 81
  • A bold, but true Word touching defend or of the faith p. 83
  • The title of supream head of the church examined p. 84
  • The plague of the Turkes upon the antichristian world p. 84
  • Whether Saul was a type of Christ, and the Kings of Is­rael, &c. p. 85
  • The Priests and Clergy in all nations the greatest peace­breakers p. 88
  • Touching the seducer and seducing p. 89
  • Bishop Longlands subtle and bloody oaths of inquisition against seducing (christians) ibid.
  • Causes of destruction to a nation p. 90
  • All nations, Cities, and Towns of the world, parts of the world &c. p. 91
  • Changes of state Religions ibid.
  • The state of Israel unparalleled p. 92
  • The punishments of Christ sorer then the punishments of Moses ibi.
  • That of Jude, twice dead, examined p. 93
  • Of spiritual infection p. 94
  • The sword of typical Israel a type of Christs spiritual sword p. 95
  • Magistrates cannot receive from the people a spiritual power p. 69
  • The proper charge of the civil Magistrate p. 97
  • The plague of the Turke upon the Antichristian world p. 98
  • [Page]A twofoldcare and charge of souls ibid.
  • Christ the true King of Israel ibid.
  • Christs threefold sending of Preachers p. 99
  • No true office of Ministery, since the Apostacy, but that of Prophesie ibid.
  • Great neglects charged on Christ Jesus. p. 100
  • Pretended order, monstrous disorder p. 101
  • The Parliaments high justice against oppressors p. 102
  • The title head of the church p. 103
  • The civil Magistrate no spiritual officer now, as in Israel p. 104
  • All commonweals that ever have been, are, or shall be in the world (excepting that of typical Israel) meerly civil p. 105
  • The decrees of Pagan kings for Israel and the God of it, considered ibid.
  • The Ministers lay heavy load upon the Magistrates back ibid.
  • The great desolation of the visible order of Christs Saints and servants p. 107
  • The Wolves at Ephesus considered, Act. 20 p. 108
  • The duty of the civil Magistrate in spirituals ibid.
  • The changing of Persecutors is one thing, the abolishing of persecution another ibid.
  • The persecuting cleargy no cordial friends to Magistracy ibid:
  • Master Cotton and Bellarmine all one for the deposing heretical princes p 109
  • The Lord Cobham his troubles in Henry the fifths dayes p 110
  • Civil society plucke up by the roots ibid.
  • A turn-coat in Religion more faithless then a resolved Jew, Turk or Papist 111
  • [Page] Doctor Pearnes turning and returning, and turning againe in Religion p. 111
  • Consciences yeelding to be forced lose all conscience ibid.
  • Two strange Paradoxes about force in spirituals p. 112
  • How the kings of Israel and Judah were Types [...]f Jesus Christ to come p. 113
  • Cyrus called Christ, a figure of Christ p. 114
  • The fire from Heaven, Revel. 13. p. 115
  • All truth, not only heavenly, but moral, civil, &c. precious p. 116
  • Many excellent Prophets in eminency and power, and yet may not use a civil but a spiritual sword in spirituals p. 117
  • More confidence commonly put in the civil sword then the spi­ritual p. 118
  • Englands changes in Religion compared with those of Ju­dah ibid.
  • Whether England may not possibly receive the Pope againe 119
  • The Religions of the world, politick inventions to maintaine a civil state p. 120
  • The absolute necessity of some order of Government all the world over ibid.
  • The Emperor Antoninus Pius his distinction and Edict a­gainst persecution p. 120, 123
  • The degeneracy of Christianity now professed p. 121
  • The horrible d [...]ss [...]mbling of some persecutors ibid.
  • Too short a time set for repentance in New England p. 122
  • False Teachers commonly hardned by persecution ibid.
  • The great sufferings of Master Gotton and his friends in England p. 123
  • The difference between spiritual and corporal murther p. 124
  • [Page] Civil Justice ought impartially to permit one conscience as well as another p. 124
  • The difference of the persecution of the Romane Emperors and Roman Popes p. 125
  • The difference between the persecuted for conscience, and punished for civil crimes p. 127
  • Every true Moses will make a difference between Israelites and Egyptians p. 128
  • Whether a Commonweal may prosper in the permission of divers Religions p. 129
  • Cups of blood given into the hand of persecuting nations p. 129
  • Scripture perverted from the spiritual to the civil state p. 131
  • The Magistrate usually but the Clergies Cane and Trum­pet ibid.
  • Rom. 16. 17. grosly abused by a Governor in New Eng­land ibid.
  • The bloody Tenent plucks up the Nations and all civil being p. 132
  • Romes glory and downfal p. 133
  • The civil state and officers thereof cannot be spiritual Judges ibid.
  • The case of Gallio p. 134
  • The sufficiency of Christs spiritual weapons p. 135
  • A vaine fear of false Teachers p 136
  • Christ Iesus nor Paul addrest themselves to the civil state ibid.
  • Turke and Pope and the generality of all Protestants a­gainst free conference p. 137
  • David and Goliah Types ibid.
  • Difference between spiritual and civil Ministers p. 138
  • Israels corporcal killing, types of spiritual ibid.
  • [Page] The duty of the civil state in spirituals p. 139
  • The kingdomes of the world becoming Christs ibid.
  • Touching forcing men to Church p. 140
  • A Spanish inquisition all the world over p. 141
  • Master Cotton kindling a twofold fire ibid.
  • Mathias the second Emperor, granting liberty of conscience p. 142
  • Christian weapons considered ibid.
  • A fallacious distinction of using the civil sword, not in, but about spiritual matters p. 143
  • Wonderful strange Carpenters p. 144
  • Master Cotton slights stocks and whips, &c. and provokes to banish and kil hereticks &c. ibid.
  • All civil violence in spirituals, is for an interest p. 145
  • The civil sword esteemed more powerful then the spiritual p. 146
  • That great fort of Rom. 13. considered p. 147
  • The civil Magistrate not charged with the keeping of two tables ibid.
  • Calvin and Beza's judgement on Rom. 13. p. 148
  • Ʋnrighteousness civil and spiritual ibid.
  • Spiritual wars without civil disturbance p. 149
  • Of the Romane Emperors power in spirituals p. 150
  • Foul imputation against Christ Jesus, and yet his wise provisi­on for his Kingdome p. 151
  • The Clergies evil dealing with the civil magistrate p. 152
  • The nature of the Church, and of Christs true order, but lately discovered since the Apostacy ibid.
  • Spiritual Courts and Judges p. 153
  • Touching Pauls appeal to Caesar p. 154, 155.
  • Spiritual rights and civil p. 156
  • The true and only Christendome p. 157
  • Christ Jesus robbed of his crown p. 158
  • Of custome tribute, &c. p. 159
  • Of praying for Magistrates p. 160
  • Civil Ministers and spiritual ibid.
  • The God of heaven hath many sorts of Ministers p. 161
  • Ordinarily the truth is persecuted ibid.
  • [Page] Touching the tearm evil, Rom. 13. p. 162
  • The civil Magistrate robbed of his civil power ibid.
  • Of toleration, which Master Cotton in cases makes large e­nough p. 163
  • The land of Israel a type p. 164
  • Touching false and seducing teachers p. 165
  • The great difference of sin against the civil or spiritual estate p. 166
  • The gross partiality of the bloody doctrine of persecution ibid.
  • Gods children much labor to shift off the cross of Christ p. 167
  • Christ Jesus between two theeves p. 168
  • The horrible hyp [...]c [...]isie of all persecutors ibid.
  • Christs charge to Pergamus and Thyatira against toleration, ex­amined p. 169
  • The word persecution how ordinarily taken ibid.
  • Famous speeches of some kings against persecution p. 170
  • No civil state or country can be truly called Christian, although true Christians be in it p. 171
  • Nursing fathers dealt with all as children p. 172
  • Persecutors, if it were in their power would and are bound to per­secute all consciences and Religions in the world p. 173
  • All persecutors hold the Popes traiterous doctrine of deposing Hereticks, &c. p. 174
  • The Popish and Protestant Clargy, set the Popish and Protestant world on fire for their maintenance ibid.
  • The Dutch device to win their Clergy to toleration of other Re­ligions p. 175
  • All that profess to be Christs Ministers, must resolve to dig or beg, or steal ibid.
  • All Antichristians are fundamentally opposite to Christ Jesus p. 176
  • Of letting the Tares alone p. 177
  • A speech of King James considered p. 178
  • Touching compelling to come to Church to hear p. 179
  • A second speech of King James proving it possible that a Papist may yeeld civil obedience ibid.
  • The Parliament at Paris, although Popish, yet condemned books against civil obedience p. 180
  • [Page] All England was Catholick, and yet the Pope renounced ibid.
  • A twofold holding the Pope as head ibid.
  • The two English sisters Laws concerning conscience p. 181
  • Cautions for preventing disturbance by Papists ibid.
  • Other Nations well provide against distractions and tumults from opposite consciences p. 182
  • Neerer competitors to the truth among our selves, then the Papist ibid.
  • The admired prudence of the Parliament in preserving civil peace p. 183.
  • Increase of Papists unlikely (as things stand) in England ibid
  • Master Jo. Robinson from Holland as touching permission of Papists, his testimony p. 184
  • A third speech of King James considered ibid.
  • Persecution (ordinarily) the mark of a false Church ibid.
  • Stephen King of Poland his speech ibid.
  • The spiritual power of Christ intrusted, not with civil but spiri­tual Ministers p. 185
  • An excellent argument used in Parliament against the persecut­ing Bishops ibid.
  • Two wayes of disturbing and destroying Religion p. 186
  • The Bishops as Tyrants justly suppressed, and the Parliament therein prospered from heaven ibid.
  • Daniels councel to Belshazzar, preserveth Parliaments and nati­ons ibid.
  • Israel a miraculous nation p. 187
  • Two sorts of nations in the world ibid.
  • Touching the true Christ, and the false p. 188
  • The King of Bohemia his speech p. 189
  • Spiritual Rapts and violence upon conscience p. 189
  • Amnon his ravishing of Tamat a Type p. 190
  • The Judge of conviction of conscience ibid.
  • Wars for Religion p. 191
  • The bloody tenent guilty of all the blood of Papists and Protest­ants formerly and lately spilt p. 192
  • Touching national Churches ibid.
  • Practical denying of Christ Jesus the greatest p. 193
  • Two high transgressions objected against Master Cotton p. 194
  • [Page] Touching Julian his toleration p. 199
  • Touching the infection of false doctrine ibid.
  • King James and Queen Elizabeth their persecutions compared p. 200
  • Fit qualification of Princes p. 201
  • Master Cotton suspends most part of the Magistrates in the world from acting in matters of Religion ib.
  • Constantines Edict as to Religion p. 202
  • Foule imputations cast on Christ Jesus ibid.
  • Ʋnchristian Tribunals and proceedings p. 203
  • Touching excommunication in Israel p. 204
  • Spiritual blessings and cursings the Antitypes of Corporal in Israel p. 205
  • Holy and spiritual Constables, prisons, stocks, posts, gibbets, Tyburnes, &c. ibid.
  • A true Christ, a true sword; a false Christ, a false sword p. 206
  • Queen Elizabeth her wars against the Papists ibid.
  • The Wars of the Waldenses p. 207
  • Christian weapons, wars and victories p. 208
  • Gideons army typical ibid.
  • The Christian Church doth not persecute, but is persecuted p. 209
  • Poverty and persecution, the most common companions of Gods Church. p. 210
  • The sins of Gods children ibid.
  • Christs witnesses in all Ages. p. 211
  • A true wife of Christ no persecuter ibid.
  • The difference between excommunication and persecution ibid.
  • Difference between a spiritual and civil state p. 212
  • The civil powers made the Clergies executioners p. 213
  • Spiritual judgements more terrible since Christ, then corporal before his coming p. 214
  • A twofold way of constraint p. 215
  • What it is to walk according to mans light ibid.
  • Conviction twofold p. 216
  • The maintenance of the New English Ministers ibid.
  • Of propagating Religion by the sword p. 217
  • [Page] Touching the Indians of New England p. 218, 219
  • Propriety of Language necessary to all Preachers p. 220▪
  • Conscience a close prisoner in New England, &c. p. 221
  • Publike Marriage of a soul to Christ ibid.
  • Spream Authority in spirituals p. 222
  • Mysteries of false Christs p. 225
  • The true Christ despised for his poverty ibid.
  • A base esteem of the spiritual sword ibid.
  • Earthly Christs need earthly supports p. 226
  • The state of Christianity during the reigne of Antichrist ibid.
  • Satans two wayes of quenching the candle of Christianity p. 227
  • A note of the French Massacre ibid.
  • The pretended disputes in Queen Maries dayes p. 228
  • The late Synodical disputes ibid.
  • A bloody and most unchristian speech ibid.
  • The rash madness of persecutors against themselves p. 229
  • Pleasantness of wit sanctified, &c. ibid.
  • The Churches of New England proved an implicite national Church ibid.
  • A civil state maintenance proveth a state Church p. 231
  • Synods assembled by civil power, cannot be but civil also p. 231
  • The holy Land and Country of Canaan a None-such p. 232
  • The weapons of the Jews and Christians compared p. 233
  • New English loath to be accounted persecutors p. 234
  • Laws concerning Gods worship p. 234, 240
  • Touching the Magistrates keeping of both Tables p. 235
  • Of Magistrates suspending in matters of Religion p. 237
  • Woful soul-saving ibid.
  • The tearm [souls Good] commonly but a paint p. 238
  • Worldly prosperity ever dangerous to Gods children p. 239
  • Holland and England wonderfully prospered upon mercy shewn to consciences p. 241
  • Bodies and goods ( not conscience) subject to civil powers p. 242
  • What is the Commonweal of Isreal p. 243
  • The Romane Emperor flourished long, though without Christ p. 244
  • [Page]Christs spouse most chast under persecution ibid.
  • Constantine a friend and an enemy to Christs spouse p. 245
  • Concerning toleration in New England p. 247
  • Papists and Protestants both force to Church p. 248
  • Prayers for vengeance upon persecutors p. 249
  • The bloody Tenent of persecution is a King-killing and Sure kil­ling p. 250
  • P [...]rsecutors pretend to save but kill p. 251
  • Hireling Ministers. ibid.
  • Friers in Chaucers time, and the Clergy in our time considered The Turkes will be Muselmanni, that is, true believers p. 253
  • Mystical sheep and wolves p. 253, 254
  • Pauls striking Elimas blind considered p. 254
  • The Clergy using the Magistrate as dogs p. 256
  • The great spiritual differences of these times p. 257
  • Gods children may possibly fight each against other p. 258
  • Spiritual murtherers and seducers p. 259, 261
  • Commonweal and Common-woe twofold p. 259
  • Mystical wolves and Muskeeto's p. 261
  • A state and forc't Religion a prison p. 262
  • Of Constantines wars for the Christians p. 263
  • Never any true Religion in the world, but one p. 264
  • Touching Pauls blasphemy before his conversion ibid.
  • An instance from John Haywood and the Lord Cromwel in K. Henry the eighth his days p. 265
  • Of Moses Judicials p. 266
  • The first Christians the purest and yet the civil sword was against them p. 267
  • The Levites killing 3000, Exod. 32, typical. p. 268
  • Phineas [...] his act considered ibid.
  • Elijah and the Baalites, and other figurative passages of the Old Testament p. 269, 270
  • Strange and monstrous duties of Moral righteousness p. 271
  • Gods children are monsters accounted, &c. p. 272
  • Elijah his slaying the Captains and their Fifties ibid.
  • Wonderful Spiders and Cobwebs ibid.
  • Touching Seducers and their punishments p. 273
  • The sad effects of the Bloody Tenent on M. Cotton's own spirit p. 274, 275
  • [Page] The differences of Gods people in Old and New England p. 276
  • The great sin of New Englands former Patents p. 276, 277
  • Old England curbing New Englands persecutions ibid.
  • Holy Cranmer, and Cromwel, joyning with bloody persecutors in Hen. 8. his days p. 278
  • The famous passages of Cromwel and Lambert in Hen. 8. his days p. 278
  • Conviction twofold p. 279, 280
  • Christ Jesus accounted the greatest Heretick, Blasphemer, and Se­ducer in the world p. 381
  • Small matters accounted Heresies ibid.
  • The barbarous usage of John Hus in the Councel at Constance p. 282
  • The Bloody Tenent destroys civility out of the world p. 282, 285
  • All men confident in their own way p. 284
  • He that persecutes Jews, Turks Pagans, or Antichristians, is in a greater errour then any of them ibid.
  • Freedom of conscience a great peace-maker p. 286, 287
  • Of persecuting Apostates p. 287▪ 288
  • Two woful opinions bewitching the Nations p. 289
  • Three great causes of the downfal of the Church of Rome p. 290
  • Touching the New English model of Church and Civil power p. 290
  • M. Cotton' s too deep censuring p. 291
  • Israel a miraculous people p. 292
  • Touching the punishment of adultery among the Jews p. 293
  • All civil Government Gods Ordinance ibid.
  • True Commonweals many without Kings p. 294
  • A wonderful saying of Bishop Hall ibid.
  • Magistrates nursing fathers and their sins p. 295, 296
  • The Pourtraicture of the Bloody Tenent p. 297, &c.
  • Compared with other Opinions and Practices p, 301.
  • The Maskes and Vizards of the Bloody Tenent p. 302.
  • Truth and Peace their meeting seldom, and short in this World ibid.
  • The Letter of R. W. to Major Endico [...] Governor of the Massa­chuset ( in N. E.) upon occasion of the late Persecution at Boston p. 303
  • [Page] Persecutors approve no persecution in the World but their own p. 304
  • All Persecutors render the innocent most odious p. 305
  • Cromwel the 2 d a Refuge for the oppessed p. 306
  • This Rejoynder formerly sent out of N. Eng. but not till now published ibid.
  • Abuse of Light most dangerous ibid.
  • The power of Conscience though erroneous p. 307
  • The Common Prayer and the Composers of it p. 308
  • Perfumes with man, stinks with God ibid.
  • Of Spiritual Baites and Snares p. 309
  • Spiritual Witchcraft ibid.
  • Spiritual Drunkenness and the persecuting Language of it p. 310
  • The horrible Path which Persecutors walk in p. 311
  • The least beginning of Persecution tends to Blood.
  • Gods dreadful judgement against Persecutors p. 312
  • Gray haires are Gods Alarums p. 313
  • An appendix to the Cleargie of (old and New) England Scotland and Ireland p. 314
  • The Cleargie Court the Magistrate for his Sword and his money 315
  • The late Kings charge against his Clergie ibid.
  • The Woolf pleading with the Lamb will be judge ibid.
  • All prosecutors ( in their turns) plead for libertie of conscience p. 316
  • King Charles and his Chaplaias subscribe to libertie of Conscience ibid.
  • About twenty years persecution in New England p. 317
  • The persecution of the New and old English independent Cleargie p. 317
  • A briefe touch upon the fifteen proposals of the (so called) Inde­pendent Ministers p. 318
  • They silently challenge the power of ordination in all England, &c. ibid.
  • They sell the Spiritual Libertie of Christ ibid

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