In Memorie of that Lively Patterne of true Pietie, and unstain'd Loyaltie, M rs SƲSANNA HARRIS, The Vertuous Wife of Capt. JOHN HARRIS, who dyed the last day of October, 1649.

WIthin this sacred Dust SUSANNA lies
Obscur'd from false-accusing-Elders eies:
Once Independent, as are they that be
The Servants of One-God, and none but He.
A Leveller in Folio, such an one
As Lov'd to Levell an Ʋsurped-Throne
A Royallist besides, (and here is all
The Sable that attends her Funerall.)
For, She her Crown, her Country, and her Mate,
Preferr'd and Fancy'd more then Earthly State.
But now she's gone: 'tis meant her Better-part;
The rest lies here, to Crucifie His Heart
VVho Wounded Hers; Death hath dissolv'd the band
VVhich Life and Love had knit 'twixt heart and hand.
"Happy those Husbands thus in Women blest!
"Thrice happy Wives, which merit such a Test!
Rest Glorious Saint! and may her vertuous life
Last the Choise Embleme of the Rarest Wife:
Untill the Trumpet sound, and bid, Arise,
T'imbrace that Blessed union never dies.
Good Lives and Actions usher us to Blisse,
And not Cull'd Language, or Rich vanities:
So that Vaine Praises were an uselesse sound,
A sprinkling Water upon Holier Ground.
Let such whose ill-spent-Lives have rendred cause
Of just Suspition, leane on fraile Applause,
She needs no Gawdy-Fictions: Nor is't fit
Her Graces be Profan'd in Home-spun-wit.
Since faire SUSANNA in her Garden-Bowrs
VVas not more Pious, or more Chast than Ours.
W. G.

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