COSMETICK OR, The Beautifying Part OF PHYSICK.

By which all Deformities of Nature in Men and Women are corrected, Age renewed, Youth prolonged, and the least Impediment, from a Hair to a Tooth, fairly amended.

With the most absolute Physical Rarities for all Ages.

Being familiar Remedies, for which every one may be his own Apothecary.

All extracted out of that eminent Physician John Jeams Wecker, never yet extant in the English Tongue before, but was promised to the world by Mr. Nic. Culpeper.

London, Printed by Tho. Johnson, at the White Cock in Rood-lane. 1660.

To all truly vertuous LADIES.


THe suspition and jea­lousie that every man has of himself, when he is to publish any thing of no­velty to the world, makes a man always willing at that time to speak something for himself, and in the be­half [Page]of what he writes. As for the presumption of this Address, I am confident it will be easily excused in me, doing no more than what all the world does, while they endeavour to serve, with the utmost of their diligence, that Sex, for whose reading this little VVork was chiefly inten­ded. For these Secrets of Nature by which Nature hath taught us how to beautifie, and make her self [Page]more comely, coming to my hands, I could not chuse but disperse them for the Benefit of those to whom I owe so great a re­spect. To speak of the things themselves, they are such, as the most diligent Searchers into Natures Se­crets, have delved out of her most hidden and con­cealed Bowels, and com­posed by them with so much Art, and Experience, that for the certainty of [Page]their Operation, they sur­pass, I may boldly say, what ever has been to this purpose yet made. Nor let any think it irreligion, to make Age endure comely and graceful, or to cover those deformities by which the decay of Time renders a person not only unhand­som, but despicable? why should a woman loose one of the chiefest Ornaments of her whole frame, a long Train of disheveled Hair, [Page]if that can be restored by Art, which has been lost by the malice of some Dis­ease? VVhy should not the height of Cleanliness be as much in commenda­tion, as the height of Slut­tishness is discommended? Briefly therefore we shall say once more of this Trea­tise, That there is nothing therein contained, but what the poor, as far as they are concerned (for all Physick it self is not for their purse) [Page]may use with profit, and the Rich both to their profit and pleasure. Therefore Ladies, buy these few Re­ceipts, and make use of 'um, and if they fail, then never believe me another time; which displeasure of yours I would not willingly in­cur, out of my zeal always to appear,

Your most faithful and devoted Servant, L. D.


  • Balls against the Plague and Pestilence. Page 137.
  • Burns. Page 102
  • Biles and botches. Page 92, 93
  • Beaurifie the face. Page 107, 108
  • Breasts made small. Page 116, 117
  • made less. Page 118
  • to hinder their growth. ibid.
  • to harden them. Page 119, 120
  • to make the smooth. Page 117
  • for those that hang down. Page 119
  • Black and blewness of the Eyes and Eyelids. Page 84
  • Beard caused. Page 69, 70
  • Baldness. Page 65, 66, 68
  • Brighten the face. Page 21, 24
  • Black the face. Page 35
  • Bunches in the face. Page 37, 93
  • [Page] Body fatted. Page 39
  • Baths for the body. Page 40, 41
  • Baths for the Cholerick. Page 40
  • for the skin. ibid.
  • sweet for great men. ibid.
  • COuntess of Arnsburgs Perfume. Page 138
  • Colour hair and beard black. Page 49
  • Cold. Page 59
  • Cleopatra's Ointment. Page 64, 87, 88
  • Clefts of the lips. Page 97
  • Colouring for the face. Page 107, 108
  • Clefts of the hands &c. Page 113, 114
  • Clefts of the nibbels. Page 119
  • Candels to Perfume. Page 135
  • DArkness of sight. Page 14
  • Dander and Sores Page 87, 90
  • Dentifrices. Page 125, 126, 127
  • EYs faulty. Page 10
  • Eys red▪ Page 11, 86, 87
  • [Page] Eys pained. Page 11
  • Eys bloud-shed. Page 13
  • Eys dropping. Page 86
  • FAce adorned. Page 15
  • Face beautified. Page 17 to 25, 53, 54
  • made fair. Page 25
  • whitend. Page 25 to 30, 54
  • Freckels. Page 30, 31, 38
  • Fucus of the Duke of Millains. Page 26
  • Face red. Page 31, 50, 54
  • Face made red. Page 32
  • made youthful. Page 35, 36
  • Face bunched. Page 36, 37
  • Fatten the body. Page 39
  • Face Coloured. Page 42
  • Fair hands. Page 111
  • HAnds swell'd. Page 112
  • Hair taken away. Page 74, 75, 76, 77
  • to grow again. Page 64, 67, 69
  • made thick. Page 52
  • made black. Page 48, 60
  • [Page] to grow long. Page 5. 45. 57, 58
  • made black. Page 6. 56. 60
  • made yellow. Page 7, 8. 42. 46. 58
  • made red. Page 8. 50. 58.
  • made white. Page 8. 50
  • increased. Page 9. 50, 51. 53, 54. 57
  • shedding of it. Page 9, 10. 59, 60, 61 62
  • growth hindered. Page 10. 52. 74
  • made of a Gold colour. Page 47, 48, 49
  • of a Saffron colour. Page 44, 45
  • to curl it. Page 45 52
  • hardness of the feet. Page 121
  • ITalian Damask-water. Page 3
  • KNobs under the skin. Page 100
  • LEanness caused. Page 21. 39
  • Lotions or Lyes. Page 42
  • Lice in the Eye-brows. Page 82, 83
  • Lice. Page 90
  • Leprous. Page 100
  • MUsk-water. Page 1, 2
  • Mark of the small Pox. Page 38. 104
  • NIts. Page 91
  • Nails leprous. Page 114
  • contused. ibid.
  • cleft. ibid.
  • shedding. Page 115
  • made to fall. ibid.
  • OIntments brave-scented. Page 122, 123
  • to yellow hairs. Page 78
  • to whiten hair. Page 79. 81
  • to black the hair. Page 79
  • to black the beard. ibid.
  • to black gray hairs. Page 80
  • to red the hairs. Page 81
  • to curl the hair. Page 81, 82
  • for falling of the hair. Page 82, 83
  • to make it grow again. Page 83
  • PImples in the face. Page 57, 92
  • Pain from clefts. Page 119
  • Powders for the teeth. Page 124
  • to whiten Page 127
  • to fasten them Page 127
  • Powders to adorn the hands. Page 126
  • to whiten them. ibid.
  • Perfumes. Page 129
  • Pomanders for the Pestilence. Page 133, 134
  • Purging Pomander. Page 134
  • against the Plague. ibid.
  • Perfuming Candels. Page 135
  • Perfumes in the form of birds. Page 139
  • to make Candels or Troches. ibid.
  • REd hair caused. Page 8
  • Red face cured. Page 32, 91, 98, 99
  • Red face caused. Page 32, 33, 34, 35
  • Ring-wormes. Page 37, 55, 95, 96, 97, 101
  • SCabs in children. Page 106
  • Scalds and burns. Page 102 103
  • face smoothed after burns. Page 103
  • Scabby face. Page 99, 105
  • Scurf in childrens heads. Page 89
  • Sores of the head. Page 87, 88
  • Shedding of the beard &c. Page 84
  • Sweet Waters. Page 1, 2
  • Sight preserved. Page 11
  • restored. Page 12
  • darkned. Page 13
  • Sun-burns. Page 25, 97, 100
  • Skars of the face. Page 27, 28, 54
  • Spots in the face. Page 55
  • Speckels in the face. Page 97
  • Sweet smelling Soap Page 122
  • Soap muskified. Page 123, 136
  • Sweet and white. Page 123, 124
  • Sweet bags. Page 129
  • TEares of the eyes. Page 13, 85
  • Teeth whiten'd. Page 13
  • [Page] strengthen'd. Page 14
  • fasten'd. Page 15
  • Thickness of the face. Page 94
  • Tetters. Page 102
  • Troches for Perfumes. Page 137, 138
  • VIolet powder. Page 129, 130, 131, 132
  • WHiten Hair. Page 8
  • Whiten Teeth. Page 13, 14
  • Warts in the Face. Page 36. 95, 96 97
  • Wrinkles of the face. Page 36, 37. 54.92
  • Whiten Freckles. Page 37
  • Worms and Scabs of the head. Page 89
  • Whiten Skars. Page 93
  • Whiten the face. Page 108
  • the hands. Page 109, 110, 111
  • Warts in the hand. Page 116
  • Wrinkles after Childe-bearing. Page 120

OF Ornamental VVaters.


SECTION I. A sweet Water for the Body or Garments.

TAke of Rose-water, of Orange-flowers, of Myrtels, of Musk-wa­ter, each a pint, Powder of Orien­tal Orrice one ounce, Sivet a dram, mix them and boil them in a Glass vessel, till a third part be wasted, then keep in a Glass vessel very well stopt.

Another sweet Water.

Take of Rose-water as much as is suf­ficient, of Musk one scruple, Sivet and Amber-greece, each a little, set them in a Glass vessel by the fire till they are hot, then stop it well, and keep it for your use.

Another of the same Authors.

Take rose-water four pints, benjamin, styrax, cloves, camphire, wood of aloes, each one ounce, musk and sivet each one scruple, mix them in a glass vessel well stopt, and boil them four hours in Balneo Mariae, then when it is cold, strain it, and put it in ano­ther glass vessel well stopt, and set it in the Sun five dayes, adding fifteen grains more of musk.

The Authors Musk-water.

Take of the best rose-water two pints, the best musk one ounce and a half, mix them and still them in Bal. Mariae with a ve­ry gentle fire, then keep it in a vessel well stopt.


Take of rose-water twelve pints, water of lavender, cloves, cynamon, each one dram, mace, cardamoms, musk, ambergreece, each half a scruple, citron pill, yellow saun­ders, orrice, each half a dram, benjamin, sto­rax-calamite, each one scruple, mix them all in a glass vial, and put them in Bal. Mariae ten dayes, then set it in the Sun fifteen days more, and it will be most excellent.

Another of the same.

Take of rose-water four pints, lavender-water six ounces, the water of jasmine-flow­ers [Page 3]three pints, musk one scruple, mix them, and when they have been well stopt up ten dayes in a vessel, then distil them in Bal. Mariae, and keep it for your use.

A sweet water of the Italians, which they call Damask-water.

TAke of cynamon one ounce, cloves half an ounce, sweet-marjoram, rosemary, lavender, Bay-leaves, penny-royal, green province roses, each a handful, mallego wine, rose-water, each a pint and a half, cut the green things, powder the dry ones, and set them in the Sun six dayes, then distill them in a double vessel: some adde to them citron pill, storax calamite, o [...]rice, each one dram, and flowers of jasmine, they sprinkle this water on their garments, linnen, hands, and nostrils.


Take of cloves half an ounce, rose-water a pint and half, mix and distil them.

Another pretty fancy.

Put twelve grains of musk into a vessel with a narrow mouth, and put roses or vio­lets into another vessel, join the mouths of these vessels together, and set them in the Sun, so that the roses be uppermost, but let their mouths be parted with a linnen cloth; [Page 4]some bruise the roses a little, instead of musk you may use cloves and cynamon.


Let the lowest part of the glass be filled with roses, then strew on lillies, and let every row have cloves strewed on, and a lit­tle musk, but let the uppermost row be of roses, and so distil them.

Or this way is made a most sweet Water.

Take of Roses cut three pound, Cynamon, Cloves, each two drams, Camphure half a dram, Orrice root half an ounce, Nutmeg, Mace each two drams, put them in a glass, and pour upon them Candy-wine, Rose, and Lavender-water, each three ounces, steep them eight dayes, and distil them, rellish it with a scruple of Musk, and digest it in the Sun five dayes: you may adde also Storax-calamite and Benjamin.

Another compounded of the former.

Take of rose-water a pint, of damask-wa­ter, of water of citron pills, of orrice, each one ounce, storax-calamite half an ounce, cloves two drams, musk, amber-greece, sivet, each one scruple, set them in the Sun fifteen dayes, shaking the glass every day, it is ex­cellent for the heart, brain, and stomach.

Of Waters that make the Hair grow long.

TAke of lard as much as is sufficient, shave it very thin, then beat it in a marble morter, that it may be like paste, then distil it in an Alembick, and you shall receive a white liquor, with which you must anoint the Hair.

Another to lengthen the Hair.

Take of streined honey three pints, forty yelks of eggs, mix them and distil them, and anoint the hair with it.

Another of the same.

Take of fresh Maiden-hair bruised, one handful, of the best honey as much as is suf­ficient, mix them in the form of a paste, and distil them.

Of Waters that colour the Hair.

A Water to make the Hair black.

TAke of Gum-arabick four ounces, chebul and emblick, myrobalanes, each half a pound; being powdred and distilled by a gen­tle fire, set them in the sun two hours, and the head being washt with a Ly, and dried, last of all wet the hairs with wine and salt, and wash them with the distilled water, but let it not touch the skin.

Another of the same.

Take of Gum-arabick four ounces, chebul, myrobalanes, roses, each half a pound, being bruised, distil them with a gentle fire, and let the head, being first washt with water, and not exactly dried again, be washed with this distilled water.

Another to black the Hair.

Take of privet and date-stones powder'd, each alike, of the water in which bean rindes and gauls have been boyled, as much as is sufficient, mix them.

Another of the same.

Take of Cypress nuts as many as are suf­ficient, of red wine, red vinegar, each alike, boyl them together, and with this Decoction wash the hairs.

Another of the same.

Take of the spume of silver, as much as is sufficient, of vinegar, or the juice of Citrons or Lemons as much as is sufficient, boil them together half an hour, then wash the hair with it.


Take of the filings of iron, as much as is sufficient, put it into the sharpest vineger for ten days, then wet the hair with it.


Take of the dross of iron, filings of lead, as much as is sufficient, boyl them in vineger [Page 7]till one half be wasted, strein it, and wash the hairs.

Another of the same.

Take of Caper roots as much as is suffici­ent, boil them in Asses milk till a third be wasted, wash the hairs, and let them alone all night.


Take of salt Gemm, scales of brass, privet, each alike, powder them, and distil them in an Alembick.


Take of salt Gemm one pound, Romane Vitriol half a pound, salt Niter four ounces, the green roots of Celandine two pound, be­ing bruised and powdred, draw a water with an Alembick; cast away that which comes out first, but the next colours the hairs, being first washt and dried in the hot Sun.

Another most excellent.

Take of Aqua-fortis half an ounce, fine sil­ver two drams, mix them, and when the sil­ver is dissolved, adde of Rose-water three ounces, and wash the hair.

A Water to make the Hair yellow.

Take of the best honey two pints, Gum-arabick two ounces, distil them with a gentle fire; the water which comes forth first, doth whiten the face, the second and third makes the hair yellow.


Take of the shaving [...] of Box, French La­vender, Citron, Liquorish powder'd, the roots of Colts-foot, Maidenhair, each as much as is sufficient, a little Saffron; boil them all to­gether till a third be wasted.


Take of Agrimony one ounce, one stone of a horse dried, boil them in spring water and distil them, and use it, the head being first washt.

Another of the same.

Take of vinegar two pints, salt niter half a pound, and distil them.

A Water to make Hair red.

Take of the water of raddish, of privet as much as is sufficient, mix them and wash the hair.

A Water to make the Hair white.

Take of the greater Cento [...]y four ounces, the lees of Allom eight ounces, Roch-allom, Gum-arabick, each two ounces; clean white soap, Gum-tragacanth, each four ounces, wa­ter six ounces, boil them to one half and strein it, and the head being washt with it, and dried by the sun, last of all wash it with Lye.

Of Waters that increase the Hair.

A Water to make Hair grow.

TAke of the flesh of snails, wasps, bees, horsleeches, burnt salt, each alike quan­tity, put them in a glazed Vessel, having small holes at the bottom like a sieve, and put under that another glazed vessel, which may receive the moisture which will drop forth in many days by degrees; take that and rub the places that have no hair with it.

A Water against shedding the Hair.

Take of pure honey, candy wine, a boyes urine, milk, each one pint, and distil a wa­ter, with which you must wash the places from whence the hairs fall.

Another more effectual.

Take of mountain hyssop, mountain cala­mint, the leaves of southernwood, each two handfuls, rich Candy wine, piss, honey, milk, each two pints, mustard-seed half a pound, powder those things which ought to be, then mix them, and let them steep three days, af­terwards distil the water; the use of which will suddenly bring forth a beard, and restore hair to bald places.

Of waters that hinder the growing of Hair.

Take of the blood of Frogs, sealed earth, sumach, roses, each a sufficient quantity; [Page 10]vineger, juice of house-leek, each enough, steep them 24 hours, then distil them, and bathe the part often with it.

Another of the same.

Take of a Cowes horn, roch-allom, black Poppy powder'd, each a sufficient quantity, fresh Cows blood two pints, steep and distil them: use it every night.


Take the decoction of Spurge made with vineger, unslaked lime, and mallows.


Take of Henbane powder'd half a pound, put it in a moist place, and after a time ad­ding two ounces of the leaves of Orpin, distil it, and the hairs being pull'd out, often bathe the bare place with it.

Of Waters that take away the faults of the Eyes.

Against tears of the Eyes.

TAke of ripe Strawberries, as much as is sufficient, steep them in horse dung, fif­teen days, then distil them.

Another of the same.

Take of the flowers of white thorn, the flowers or tops of Sallows, and the leaves of [Page 11]Sallow, each a sufficient quantity, and distil them in a glass vessel.

Against redness of the Eyes.

Take the juices of Celandine, Vervin, Rue, Fennel, each three ounces, the tops of Rose-leaves as much as is sufficient, Sugar-candy three ounces, the best Tutty and Dra­gons blood, each four ounces, prepare them and distil them.

A Water to preserve the Sight.

Take of Myrrhe one ounce, Aloes two drams, Saffron one dram, Frankincense, Gin­ger, Sarcocol, Camphure powder'd, each a lit­tle, put them into water and keep it for your use.


Take of Fennel, Vervin, Eybright, Endive, Betony, red Roses, Maidenhair, each three handfulls, bruise them and steep them a day in white wine, and then distil them.

Another of the same.

Take of Fennel, Celandine, Sage, Rose­mary, Vervin, Rue, each a like quantity, di­stil them in an Alembick.

A Water against pains of the Eyes.

Take of Rose-water, Eyebright, Celandine, each one ounce, Tutty prepared one dram, mix them: the water from a vine cut, is good for the same.

A Water to restore the sight.

Take of Fennel, Celandine, Vervin, Rue, leaves of Elecampan, each one handful, small wilde Teasel, Milfoil, each a handful, Cam­phure half a dram; distil then in an Alembick.

A Water to dry up tears from the Eyes.

Take of Tutty prepared one ounce, the blood-stone half an ounce; Dragons blood, Acacia, Antimony, each a dram, Camphure two scruples, sealed earth a dram, Frankin­cense, Mastick, white Pepper, each half a scruple, water of Fennel, Eyebright, each one ounce; water of Violets, Roses, each two ounces, old wine three ounces, boil them all in a double vessel till half be consumed, and then strein it.

A Water for the redness of the Eyes.

Take of the juice of unripe Grapes two ounces, Aloes a dram and half, binde it in a linnen Cloth, and steep it in the said juice, and at night wet the eyes with it.

A Water against darkness of the sight.

Take of Tutty prepared four ounces, the juice of unripe Grapes half an ounce, or five drams, set them in the Sun fifteen days, and adding half an ounce of Rose-water, sun it fifteen days more, and five days with Eye­bright water, afterwards powder the Tutty, and strein it through a fine cotton cloth, and keep it for your use.

A Water against blood-shed Eyes.

Take the pieces of a Marchesite and burn them, then quench them in old, clear, com­mon oyl, powder them and distil them, and powder them over again with the reffuse, and distil it again.

Another of the same.

Take of Benjamin one ounce, pure white honey half a pint, Fennel and Rue water each twelve drams, water of Sweet-marjo­ram half an ounce, distil them in an Alem­bick.

A Water for swellings of the Eye-lids, and tears of the Eyes.

Take of Agrimony, Vervin, Fennel, Roses, Celandine, each a sufficient quantity, being all cut and sprinkled with a little white wine, distil them.

Of Waters that whiten the Teeth.

TAke of salt Arabick, salt Gem, each half a pound, sugar'd Allom three ounces, powder and distil them, and rub the teeth with a scarlet cloth dipt in the water.

Another of the same.

Take of Roch-allom, salt Niter, each one pound, a little Vinegar, being powder'd, dis­solve them with Vinegar, and distil them: [Page 14]to every ounce of the water, adde four oun­ces of juice of Lemons, and rub the teeth with it.


Take of red Allom six ounces, common Salt three ounces, Mastick one ounce, Myrrhe half an ounce, Cloves six drams, mix and di­stil them, with which rub the teeth.


Take of Salt clensed and bruised, one pound, of Ice-alume one ounce, distil them in an Alembick, with an ounce of this water mix an ounce of plantane water, and rub the teeth with a Cotton cloth dipt in it.

Another precious one.

Take of the first water of honey distilled, which is white, one pint, white Salt one ounce, Allom half a pound, salt Niter one ounce, water of the leaves of the Mastick tree one pint, Mastick, White-wine-vineger, each two ounces, distil them all in Bal: Mar: then rub the teeth with a Mastick stick dipt in it.


Take of white Wine six ounces, the tops of Myrtil, Servas-tree, Cypress, each three ounces, Pomgranate flowers, the bark of Nut tree roots, Pellitory of Spain, Dragons blood, Date stones burnt, red Rose-buds, Cyna­mon, each one ounce, bruise them and distil [Page 15]them with a gentle fire; mix with two oun­ces of this water, one ounce of burnt Harts-horn, and one ounce of Dragons blood, and set them in the sun four days, then rub your teeth with it.

A Water to strengthen the Teeth.

Take three Nutmegs, two roots of Gin­ger, a little Mastick, Pellitory of Spain, sweet Marjoram, Hyssop, Mint, Rosemary, Sage, Salt, each half an ounce, put them all into sweet wine, and let them boil till a third part be consumed, then strein it well, and use it hot.

A Decoction to fasten the Teeth, cleanse, and strengthen the Gums.

Take of the water of Mastick tree leaves, of Rosemary, distilled Vineger, each half a pint, Myrrhe, Mastick, Bolearmenick, Dra­gons blood, burnt Alume, each one ounce, choice Cynamon half a dram, Rain-water three pints, mix them all and boil them with a very slow fire a quarter of an hour, adding of despumed Honey half a pint, a little Ben­jamin: wash the teeth often with this, hold­ing it in your mouth a while.

Of Waters that adorn the Face.

TAke of the Crum of Barley-bread two pound, of Goats milk three pints, white [Page 16]wine half a pint, of the four greater cold seeds bruised, each three ounces, Frankin­cense, Mastick, Myrrhe, each one ounce, fresh Beans two pound, or Beans-flowers three small handfuls, or of dryed Beans and red Cicers, each two pound; Rice half a pound, flowers of water Lillies, Violets, white Roses, each two small handfuls; ten Eggs, distil them in Bal. Mar. If you adde Turpentine before you distil it, the liquor will be the better, and preserve the face the longer.

Another of the same.

Take of the Decoction of a Chicken, Ca­pon, or Hen, three pints of the juice of Lem­mons, one pint White wine vineger, half a pint Bean and Water-lilly-flowers, each three small handfuls; Camphure and whites of Eggs, each two drams; mix them and di­stil them with an Alembick. In stead of the Decoction of a Capon or Hen, you may use the milk of a white Goat.

Another of the same.

Take of Bran separated from the best grain, and of the strongest Vineger, each a suffici­ent quantity, mix them and make a paste; to which adde in the mixing twelve whites of Eggs, and distil it.

A water to beautifie the Face.

Let the water made of the whites of new Eggs through a sponge, with an equal quan­tity of Juice of Lemmons, be distilled as Rose-water; afterwards adde to this water two ounces or thereabouts, of common Lye, and put into it a whole Lemmon bruised, af­ter eight days preserve the Juice from it, and mix it with the water; let the face be first washt with common water and dried, and then with this distilled water.


Take of Rosemary, white Tartar, white Wine, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and distil them in an Alembick.

A water to make the face very fair.

Take two young Pigeons, two pound of Veal, Spurge-seeds clensed four ounces, Pine Nuts, sweet and bitter Almonds, the Roots of white and blew Lillies, Beans bruised and cleansed, Ox-gaul, the Root of Grass Plan­tane, bastard Dittany, each as much as is suf­ficient; one Lemmon cut and cleansed, the crum of white Bread steeped in Milk, Gum­armoniack dissolved in Vineger, Privet flow­ers, each a sufficient quantity; mix them and distil them with a gentle fire, and put a little Musk and Benjamin about the top [Page 18]of the neck of the Receiver, and keep it in a vessel well stopt.


Take of green Pine-nuts cleansed and cut, as much as is sufficient, put them in milk three days, every day adding new milk, then distil it with the things following, viz. Glass powder'd four ounces, red Coral three oun­ces, Sugar-candy four ounces, Allom one ounce, mix them and make a powder, then take of Quicksilver killed with spittle, one ounce and a half, twelve new laid Eggs shels and all, broken and beaten together, Tur­pentine nine times washt four ounces, white Sea-periwinkles which Perfumers sell, two ounces, Earth-snails fifty, bruise them all, and mix them, then put in part into a Glass­goard, and then part of the powder, after­wards part of the Turpentine, last of all part of the snails, thus laying one upon another till the Goard be full, then adde a sufficient quantity of white Wine, and with a slow fire distil it for your use.

A Mellon Water to beautifie the Face.

Take of white Mellons cleansed from the Rine, as many as needs, and cut them into pieces a finger thick, then take of Sugar'd-allom four ounces, Burnt-allom, Quicksilver kill'd, each one ounce, white Sea-periwinkles [Page 19]two ounces, washt Turpentine one ounce, twelve new laid Egges bruised with their shells, white Lemmons cut in pieces, as ma­ny as you please, Sugar four ounces, Goats milk, white wine, each a sufficient quantity, put all these in a Glass-goard, one upon an­other, as hath been said, then distil them with a gentle fire, and keep it in a glass vessel for your use.

A compleat Goard-water.

Take as many Goards as you please, clean­sed from the Rines, and cut in round pieces, Sugar'd-alume six ounces, Alume one ounce, Myrrhe a dram, washt Turpentine half an ounce, four new laid Eggs bruised, six Lem­mons sliced, Snailes as many as you please, white Wine a sufficient quantity. Powder what is to be powder'd and mix them, laying the first row with Sugar, then with powders, the third with Snails, the last with Wine, Lemmons, and Eggs, and so distil them with a gentle fire, then keep it in a glass vessel eight or fifteen days.

A water to set forth the Face.

Take two Calves feet, twelve pints of rain water, boyl away half, then adde one pound of Rice, the Crumb of one Loaf softned in Milk, two pound of fresh Butter, ten whites of Eggs with the shells, mix them all and [Page 20]boyl them, then distil them; to which at last adde a little Camphure and Sugar'd-alume, and it will be excellent.

Another of the same.

Take of Chrysocol or Borax two ounces, of Roche-alume, Scissil, Squammous, each one ounce, Camphure two drams, powder them all, then mix them, and put them in a glass vial filled with spring-water, and close stopt, then set it to the fire two hours, then take it away, and when it is cold put it into another vial, adding two whites of new laid Eggs beaten well together with the Juice of unripe Grapes, and you will have a most compleat water.

A water to adorn the Face.

Take Eggs cut in pieces, Orange-pills, the roots of Mellons, each as much as is suffici­ent, in a large vessel with a long neck distil it by an Alembick with a strong and careful fire.


Take of Bean-flowers six handfuls, Lem­mon water one pint, Lilly roots eight ounces, Bean-flour one pound, Gum-arabick and Tragacanth, each one ounce, distil them, and use it.


Take of Fennel, Rue, Vervin, Eyebright, Endive, Betony, Mountain-siler, red Roses, [Page 21]Maidenhair, each six handfuls, infuse them a day and night in white wine, then distil them in an Alembick.


Take of white Beanes cleansed from the Rine, as much as you please, steep them in white Wine nine days, then bruise them and put them in again; to which adde Rice boyl­ed in Goats milk, whites of Eggs, each a suf­ficient quantity, mix them all, & distil them.


Take of fresh unripe Barley, Goats milk, whites of Egges, each a sufficient quantity, mix and distil them.


Take of Lemmons, dried Beans, steeped in Wine, Honey, Goats milk, the whites of Eggs, each a sufficient quantity, mix and di­stil them.

Another of the same.

Take of Cowes milk in the moneth of May two pints, three Oranges, five Lemmons, cut them small, then adde of Alume, Sugar, each one ounce, mix them all, then distil them.

Another to make the Face bright.

Take of the Crumb of white Bread two pound, Bean-flowers one pint, flowers of Ro­ses, Water-lillies, Lillies, each four pints, Goats milk six drams, Venetian Flower-de­luce [Page 22]one ounce, distil them in Balneo Mariae.

Another of the same.

Take of Turpentine, the whitest Mastick, Tutty prepared, Camphure, Alume, each four ounces, infuse them three days in sharp Vineger, then distil them in an Alembick.


Take of fresh Grass-plantane one ounce, Rue one handful, Ground-ivy two handfuls, Borax one ounce, Wood of Aloes one dram, Styrax-calamite half an ounce, Musk half a scruple, Unguent three ounces, Camphure six drams, the flesh of a Capon two ounces, Lemmon and Orange Pill, each one pound: distil them.


Take of Camphure three drams, red Alume, Borax, each six ounces, Musk two scruples, bruise them all, and then adde of Tartar one ounce and half, Rose-water two pints, mix them well with a spattle, then distil it tho­row a Filter, and keep it in a Vial well shut, then with a cloth take a drop or two of the water, and rub the face.

Of Waters that colour and whiten the face.

Take of wilde Rue, Fennel, Vervin, roots of Betony, Rose-leaves, Maidenhair, each alike parts, steep them all night in fragrant white wine, and distil them in an Alembi [...]k.

Another of the same.

Take of Cuckow-pintle as much as is suf­ficient, bruise the thicker parts, & with Rose-water dry them by the Sun three or four times, and pouring more Rose-water on it, use it.


Take the white of an Egg, of rocky Borax, Salt, Roche-alume, each one ounce, powder them severally, mix them with the whites of Eggs and distil them, and so use it.

Another of the same.

Take of Roche-alume powder'd three oun­ces, whites of Eggs as much as is sufficient, mix and distil them.


Take the Flowers of Water-lilly, white Thorn, Elder, Beans, Violets, Maidenhair, each equal parts, mix and distil them.

Another of the same.

Take of Lytharge powder'd half a pound, boyl it in three ounces of white wine Vine­ger, and strein it through a cloth, and put it in a glass vessel, then adde Camphure, Jasmine, Alume, Borax, Oyl of Tartar, each alike parts, Rose-water as much as is sufficient, mix them and distil them.

Another approved one of the Authors.

Take of distilled Turpentine two pound, Frankincense three ounces, Maftick, Dra­gons, [Page 24]each half an ounce, powder them and mix them with Turpentine-water and distil them again; then take of fresh Hogs-grease melted, one pound, Cloves two drams, three Nutmegs, Gold one dram, Silver two drams, powder them finely and distil them in an Alembick.


Take of Bean-leaves ten handfuls, Roche-alume one pound and a half, Sugar'd-alume five drams; Endive, Alume, four ounces and a half, salt Niter three ounces, the Lees of Alume six ounces, Quicksilver killed three ounces; distil it with a slow fire, and when it begins to drop increase the fire.

Another of the same.

Take of Jasmine, Alume, Borax, Roche-alume, all powder'd, each three ounces, the whites of Eggs as much as is sufficient; distil them.


Take of choice Silver, Quicksilver, each one ounce, powder them on a Marble­stone, and adding a little Sublimate, set them in a moist place, and distil in an Alembick that which is melted.

Another to make the Face bright.

Take of the roots of Lillies, Cuckow-pin­tle, Dragons, each half a pound; the Water of Bean-flowers a pint and a half, Rose-wa­ter eight ounces; distil them, adding Musk, [Page 25]Cynamon, each two drams, and wash the face twice a day.

A Water to make the face look white.

Take of live Sulphur one ounce, white Frankincense two ounces, Camphure one dram, Rose-water a pint, powder them and mix them, and set them in the sun fifteen days, and wash the face with it at night, but in the morning wash it with the Decoction of Bran and Roses.

A Water to whiten the Skin, and take away Sun-burn.

Take of Rain-water, the Juice of unripe Grapes, each alike quantity, boyl them to­gether till one half be consumed, then whises it boyls adde so much Juice of Lemmons as was boyled away before, then when it is boy­led enough, take it from the fire and adde four whites of Eggs after it is cold, and keep it for your use.

Another to whiten Freckles, and Skars of the Face.

Take of Aquavitae four times distilled, three parts, the tops of Rosemary-flowers, two parts, steep them together a day and a night in a vessel well stopt, then distil them.

The Water of a certain Noble-woman.

Take of Sublimate one ounce, Camphure one dram, powder them very wel, then infuse [Page 26]them in the Juice of Lemmons, Rose-water, white Lilly, Goard, and Bean-flower-water, each half a pint, set them in the sun fifteen days, and keep it for your use.

A Fucus or Colouring of the Duke of Millaines.

Take of Goats milk three pints, the Crum of two white Loaves, mix them together six hours, then adde Lemmons cleansed from their pill, twelve whites of Eggs, Lime, Egg-shell, Venus-shell, each half an ounce, Cam­phure, Alume, red Corral, each two drams, Borax one ounce, Cerusse three ounces, mix them and distil them with care.

Another of the same Authors.

Take of the Flowers of Beans, of Water-lillies, each one pound, the Crum of white Bread, the Flower of Rice, of Orrice root, of wilde Cowcumber, each six ounces, honey one pint, white Wine, Spring-water, each three pints, mix them and distil them in Bal. Mariae, adding Goard-seeds cleansed three ounces; Frankincense, Myrrhe, each one ounce, and keep it for your use.

Another to whiten Skars.

Take of the roots of Orrice, wilde Cow-cumber, each three pound, the roots of Marsh mallows, Lillies, each two pound, ripe Grapes half a pound, Dittander roots three ounces, [Page 27]the plant of Beanes, Pellitory of the wall, each one handful; the Flowers of Water-lillies, Mallows, each a small handful; Bar­ley bread one pound, steep them in white Wine or Goats whey, and distil them; then add of Raddish half an ounce, the four grea­ter cold Seeds, each one dram, a Boys urine half a pint; set them in the sun, and keep them for your use.


Take of Brimstone, Salt, each half an ounce, Camphure, Tutty, each one dram; Rose-water two ounces and a half, powder them and mix them.

A Water to whiten the Face.

Take of the Juice of Lemmons one ounce, of Venus-shell five ounces, steep them till they are dissolved, then adde twelve Lem­mons sliced, ten whites of Eggs, Camphure, Borax, each one dram and a half; Water of Pine-apples half a pint, mix and distil them.

Another of the same Authors.

Take of the scum of Silver half a pound, white wine vineger three pints, boyl them till a third part be consumed and distil them, then adde to the distilled water Camphure half an ounce, Endive, Alume, Oyl of Tar­tar, Sugar'd-alume, each one ounce, leave them so till they are dissolved, afterwards [Page 28]strein it, and keep it safe for your use.

A Water for a Red-face.

Take of the roots of round Birthwort, of white and red spatling poppy, each half an ounce, Orrice roots five ounces, Lilly roots six ounces, red Vetches, burnt Lupines, each half a pugil; Nutmeg, Cynamon, each half a dram, bitter Almonds bruised two ounces, Oyl of Tartar four ounces, Rain-water two pints, the blood of a Hare, as much as is suf­ficient, powder and distil them.

A Water to whiten the Face.

Take of white Roses, the Flowers of Wa­ter-lillies, Elder, white Lillies, each one pound, Bean-flower water half a pint, the crum of bread a sufficient quantity, twelve whites of Eggs; Frankincense two ounces, powder of Cerusse one pound, mix them and distil them.

Another of the same.

Take of Goats milk, Flour of Bread-corn, each a sufficient quantity, work them into the form of a Loaf, and bake it in an Oven, then take the Crum of this Bread steeped in Goats milk, twelve whites of Eggs and distil them; adde to the distilled water, of Lime one ounce, Camphure, Sugar'd-alume, white Curral, each two drams, powder and mix them, and distil them again.


Take of white Tartar, white Wine, Rose­mary flowers, each a sufficient quantity; mix and distil them.

Another very good one.

Take six new laid Eggs, half a pint of Mallego wine, young Pigeons, new Cheese without salt, each one, eight Oranges, Oyl of Tartar three ounces, Cerusse one ounce, bruise them, mix them and distil them.

Another of the same Authors.

Take thirty Snailes, two pints of Goats milk, Hogs-grease three ounces, Camphure one dram; powder the Camphure by it self, them bruise them all together & distil them.


Take the crum of white bread steeped in a sufficient quantity of Goats or Asses milk, & distil it.


Take of Myrrhe two ounces, Frankincense, Mastick, each half an ounce, white Ginger three drams, choice Cynamon, Sublimate, each two drams, Camphure one dram, the whites of Eggs one pint; powder them & put them in the belly of a hen, adding three pints of Goats or Asses milk, and distil them.

A Water to whiten the Face, and take away Freckles.

Take of Borax one ounce, Camphure one [Page 30]dram, Roche-alume three drams, Gum-ara­bick, Tragacanth, each half an ounce; Sarco­col, [...]weet Asa, each two ounces, Cerusse four ounces, powder them and adde the Water of Grass-plantain; of Lilly flowers, of Broom flowers, of Water-lillies, each half a pint, mix and distil them.

Another for the same.

Take four young Pigeons, fresh Butter, or the fat of Milk four ounces, the whites of twelve new laid Eggs, the root of Salomons-seal twelve drams, Borax two ounces, Flour of Crystal three ounces; Camphure, Endive, Alume, Sugar'd-alume, each half an ounce; water of Goards twelve ounces, water of sowr Grapes three ounces; powder what is to be powder'd, then mix and distil them.

Another excellent one of the same Authors.

Take two pints of white wine vineger, one pint of Rose-water, water of Orenge-pills, and Orenge-flowers, each six ounces, Whore­hound one handful, honey half a pint, Musk three graines, Cloves four drams, Sugar'd-alume two ounces, Mastick one ounce, pow­der and distil them.


Take four Lemmons, Sugar-candy half an ounce, the Juice of wilde Grapes one pint four ounces, Asses milk half a pint, the whites [Page 31]of eight new laid Eggs, the Crum of white Bread three ounces, Camphure one dram and a half, Bean-flowers two pound, mix and distil them.


Take the Juice of green Cane, the Juice of Gentian, of Housleek, of Lemmons, each two ounces; Asses milk six ounces, Bean-flower water two pints, white Curral three ounces; Venus-shell dissolved in Juice of Lemmons one ounce, Borax half an ounce; powder and distil them.

Of Waters that make the Face red.

To make the face ruddy, use shavings of Brazzeel dissolved in Rose-water with a lit­tle Camphure.

A Water to colour the Face.

Take white young Pigeons, feed them fif­teen days with Pine-nuts, then open them, cast away their heads, feet and bowels, and then take half a loaf, Sugar'd-alume as much as is sufficient; five hundred leaves of Gold, three hundred of Silver, the crum of four white loaves soaked in the milk of sweet Al­monds, the marrow of a Calf, or Ox, or Hogs­grease one pound, mix them and distil them.

A red Water for the Face.

Take five and twenty whites of Eggs boyl­ed hard, a cup full of the milk of Figs, mix [Page 32]and distil them; then adde to this water for every pint, two ounces of Scissil-alume, Dy­ers Grain half an ounce, Berries with which Silk is dyed, two drams; mix them and put them in a glass Vial well stopt, in dung, or in warm water for eight days, then take them out, and strein and press them very well; which being done, add again as much Alume and Berries as before, and put it likewise in dung or warm water for eight days, and strein them again as formerly; which when it is done three times, add half an ounce of Gum-arabick to one pint of water, & leave it eight days in a warm place, as before; and last of all strein it and keep it for your use.

Another more ease, and of less price.

Take of the Glew of fishes dissolved five or six days in white wine, two ounces, Brazzeel slized, as much as is sufficient, Spring-water a sufficient quantity, mix and boyl them with a very slow fire till it is enough, then adde powder of Alume one ounce, Gum-arabick two drams; mix them, then taking it from the fire, keep it in a vessel very well stopt.

Another to make the face red.

Take of the Root of Salomons-seal ten ounces, the roots of Sows-bread five ounces, of Grass-plantane or Cuckow-pintle, one ounce; clean Lard one ounce and a half, five [Page 33]Lemmons sliced, the Crum of white Bread steeped in milk, as much as is sufficient; Sublimate, Endive, Alume, each two ounces Roche-alume one ounce and a half, Venus shell dissolved in the Juice of Lemmons, one ounce; mix and distil them.


Take of the roots of the greater Grass-plantane cleansed and bruised, as much as is sufficient, Spring-water a sufficient quantity; mix and boyl them till a fourth part be con­sumed, then take it from the fire, and keep it in a vessel well stopt: also the water distil­led from the roots of Grass-plantane, the roots of Bryony, and the roots of Sows-bread do make the face red.


Take of the roots of Dragons, or Grass plantane, of white Lillies, of fresh Lard, each half a pound; Bean-flower water four oun­ces, Rose-water eight ounces, Musk, Cyna­nom, each one dram; powder and distil them.

Another of the same.

Take of Borax one dram, Sublimate two ounces, Camphure half a dram, salt Gem one dram, salt Alkali, Roche-alume, Endive, A­lume, each two ounces; Plumed-alume, Su­gar'd-alume, each half an ounce, Rose-water as much as is sufficient; boyl them in a glass [Page 34]vessel till half be consumed, and keep it for your use.

Another to colour the Face.

Take two ounces of Aquavitae, Bean-flower water, Rose-water, each four ounces; water of the Flowers of Water-lillies six ounces, Tragacanth powder'd one dram, mix them and set them in the sun for six or eight days, then strein it and keep it for use: let the face be first washed before you use it.

Another of the same Authors.

Take of Goats milk two pints, one hot white Loaf, the root of Dragons, or Grass-plantane, the root of Salomons-seal, each half a pound; the head of one Wether cut, Borax, Endive, Alume, each half an ounce, the Juice of Lemmons, Venus-shell dissol­ved in the same, Cerusse, each one ounce; Litharge, Sublimate, each half an ounce; pow­der what is to be powder'd, and cut small that which is to be cut, then mix and distil them.


Take of Cerusse two ounces, Sublimate one ounce, Plumed-alume, Endive, Alume, each half an ounce, Borax two drams, Camphure one dram Sugar-candy two scruples, Roche-alume one scruple; powder them and tye them up in a linnen cloth, then adde a young white Pigeon cleansed and cut in small pie­ces, [Page 35]boyl them all together in Goats or Asses milk till the flesh be severed from the bones, afterwards distil them all in an Alembick.


Take of Snails, salt Gem, Juice of Lem­mons, each a sufficient quantity, being cut and powder'd mix them well, and distil them in Balneo Mariae.


Take 12 Lemons sliced, the Juice of Bryo­ny, white wine, each a sufficient quantity, the whites of three Eggs, mix and distil them.

Of Waters that black the Face.

With Chymical Instruments extract a most clear water, from green Walnut-shells and Gaules; with which if you wet the face or hands, they grow black by degrees, like to an Aethiopian; which if afterwards you would restore to their former whiteness, you must distil Vineger, Juice of Lemmons and Colo­phonia, and washing with that will take off the blackness.

Of Waters that make the face youthful.

Take of Live-sulphur one ounce, Oliba­num, Myrrhe, each two ounces, Ambergreece six drams, powder and mix them, adding a pint of Rose-water, then distil them and keep the water in a vessel well stopr [...]; which if any one will use, at night when he goes to [Page 36]bed let him wash his face, and in the morn­ing with spring water, and it will be most comely.


Take two Calves feet, River-water nine quarts, boyl them till one half be wasted, then adde one pound of Rice, the crum of a Loaf mollified in milk, fresh Butter two pound, ten whites of Eggs with their shels, mix them all and boyl them, then distil all the water from them; to which add at last Camphure and Sugar'd-alume, each a little, and it will be excellent.


Take two ounces of Aquavitae, Bean-flower water, and Rose-water, each four ounces; water of Water-lillies six ounces, mix them all, and adde to them one dram of the whitest Tragacanth, set it in the sun six dayes, then strein it through a fine linen cloth: you must use it in the morning, and not wipe it off.

Of Waters that take away spots in the Face.

A Water for Warts and bunchings out in the Face.

TAke of salt Ammoniack, Roman Vitriol, Verdegrease, each two ounces, red A­lume an ounce, unslaked Lime half an ounce, [Page 37]distil them in a glass Alembick; cast away the first liquor, the second is more effectual, and to be kept for your use.

A Water for wrinkles of the Face.

Take of the Decoction of Bryony and Figs, each alike quantity, & wash the face with it.

For Ring-worms of the Face.

Take 4 ounces of the water of sowr Dock, Borax three drams, common salt one dram, Vineger of Squills one ounce, mix them.

To prevent them.

Take of the best white Wine-vineger three ounces, the Juice of sowr Dock, the Juice of Lemmons, each three drams, Lytharge of Gold one pound, boyl them gently, then di­stil them and keep it for use.

A Water to whiten the Specks or Frec­kels of the Face.

Take three parts of the best Aquavitae, two parts of Rosemary-flower, steep them toge­ther a day and a night, then distil them.

A Water that takes away all troubles what­soever from the Face.

Work the Flour of Bread-corn with Goats milk, bake a Loaf of it gently, and draw it before it be too much, leave the crum of this bread broken into small pieces, steeping in fresh Goats milk for six hours, mix with it the water of twelve whites of Eggs made with a [Page 38]spunge, Egg-shells calcined one ounce, Cam­phure, Sugar'd-alume, white Corral, each two ounces; powder them all, incorporate them with the liquors, and distil them in a glass Alembick.

Another for Wrinckles.

Take one Pomegranate, hollow it and cleanse it from the inward parts, then infuse it in whey and wine, each a sufficient quan­tity, and boyl them till the wine be evapo­rated, then use it.

For Freckles of the face.

Take Rose-water, Juice of Lemmons, each eight ounces Sublimate two drams, four whites of Eggs, mix them all well, then set it in the sun for eight days, and keep it for your use.


Take four pints of Asses milk, one pint of white Wine, the crum of two new Loaves, twelve Eggs with their shells, Sugar-candy three drams, bruise and distil them.

A Water to take away the marks of the Small-pox.

Take of Mastick, Myrrhe, Hepatick-Aloes, Nard, Dragons blood, Olibanum, Opoponax, Bdellium, Carpobalsame, Saffron, Gum-ara­bick, liquid Styrax, each two drams and a half, powder them all, and with Turpentine the weight of them all, distil a liquor with [Page 39]glass instrumen [...]s. Water from Beans, Calves, Ram [...], Hogs feet, of Honey, of the root of Grass-plantane, Lemmons, O enges, Bean-flowers, Egg-shells, will do the same.

Of Potions that adorn the Body.

A Potion to make the Body fat.

TAke of the flour of Vetches, Beans, Bar­ley, Rice, each alike parts, flour of Len­tils, white Poppy, each half as much: flour of bread corn, Turky-millet, each alike quan­tity, Sugar twice as much, boyl them in a suf­ficient quantity of Sheeps milk, of which let him take one cup every morning fasting, slee­ping upon it half an hour.

Another of the same.

Take of Milk, Spring-water, each one pint, boyl them together till the water be consu­med, then adde Sugar of Penidies, fresh Butter, each one ounce, Oyl of sweet Al­monds newly drawn, half an ounce, give them one boyling more, and so let it be taken fa­sting, and sleeping upon it.

A Drink to make the body lean.

Take of round Birthwort one dram, the lesser Centory one scruple, Gentian, Poly, Parsley, each three drams, powder them and take them with white Wine fasting.

Of Baths to mundifie the Body.

Take of Pellitory of the wall, Mallows, Bears-breech, Violet leaves, each one hand­ful, whole Barley two pugils; Violet, Cha­memel-flowers, each three pugils; make a Decoction in rain-water, and with that make a Bath, with which wash fasting, afterwards when the Body hath sweated in the bed, wipe it carefully.

Another to cleanse the Body, and make it comely.

Take of Sage, Lavender-flowers, Rose-flowers, each two handfuls, a little Salt, boyl them in water or in a Lye, and make a Bath not too hot, in which bathe the body two hours before meat.

Another of the same.

Take of Rose-water, Vineger, Salt, each as much as is sufficient, make a Decoction with Spring-water; of which take two cups full, and a sufficient quantity of Bran, mix them and rub the body with it, then wash with warm water, or with a sweet Bath.

A Bath for faults of the Skin in Cho­lerick Bodies.

Take of Barley cleansed three pugils, of Marsh-mallows, Mallows, Violet leaves, each three handfuls, Beets, Pellitory of the wall, Bugloss, Burrage, each one handful, the seeds [Page 41]of Goard, Citrul, Mellon, Cowcumber, Flax, Fenigreek, each two drams, flowers of Vio­lets, Roses, Water-lillies, Lillies, each two handfuls; make a Decoction with the head and feet of a ram, and make a warm Bath.

A stronger Bath for faults of the Skin.

Take of the roots of Lillies, Grass-plan­tane, Bryony, each one pound, Burrage, Bug­loss, Fumitory, Sope-wort, each two hand­fulls, Pellitory of the Wall, Maidenhair, Mallows, Violet leaves, each one handful; whole Barley, Beans blanched, Rice, each three ounces; Flowers of Melilot, Chame­mel, Rosemary, Mallowes, Violets, each two pugils; roots of Orrice, Niter, each a sufficient quantity, make a Decoction for a Bath.

A sweet-scented Bath for Noble-women.

Take of Roses, Citron pill, Citron flowers, Orenge flowers, Jasmine, Bays, Rosemary, Lavender, Mint, Pennyroyal, Spring-water, each a sufficient quantity, boyl them toge­ther gently and make a Bath, to which adde Oyl of Spike six drops, Musk five grains, Am­bergreece three grains, sweet Asa one ounce; let her go into the Bath two houres before meat.

Of Lotions or Lyes that adorn the Hair.

A Lye to make the Hair fair.

IF you would have your hair fair, and sweet cented, wash your head with Galens Lye, called The distilled Lye, which is made of a little ashes of a Vine burnt, of the Knots of Ba ley straw, and liquorish Sowes-bread, and whiles the head is combed, sprinkle the hair with the powder of Cloves, Roses, Nutmeg, Cardamom and Galingale, with Rose-water, dipping the Comb also in it: also they are made fair, being often washt with the De­coction of Beech-tree nuts.

Another to make the Hair yellow.

Take of Dyers Madder, yellow French La­vender, Maidenhair, Wormwood, Lupines, each a sufficient quantity, put them in water or a Lye, in a glass vessel for nine days, stir­ring of it every day twice, and steep a spunge in it, with which wash the hair, and after it is dryed, wash it with warm water and soap.

To make the Hair of a Gold colour.

Take of Barley straw, the rine of Liquorish, shavings of Box, leaves of Box, Saffron, Cum­min, each a sufficient quantity; the Lye of the ashes of prunings of Vines, as much as is sufficient, boyl them all well and make a [Page 43]Lye, with which if the hairs be often washt, they will be exceeding yellow, and like the colour of gold.

To make it yellow.

Take of the Lye of Vines, as much as is sufficient, to wash the hairs once, the flowers of Mullein, French Lavender, the roots of Celandine, each one pugil, boyl them toge­ther; let the head be first washt with a com­mon Lye, and being dried, wash it with this decoction, and dry it by degrees with hot lin­nen clothes. The Italian women boyl in a common lye the flowers of French Lavender bruised, and the shavings of yellow Sanders.

Another for the same.

Take of the shavings of Box, French La­vender, Citron pill, Liquorish powder'd, the roots of Coltsfoot, Maidenhair, each a suf­ficient quantity, a little Saffron, boyl them in water till a third part be consumed, strein it and wash the head, and anoint the comb with it.

Another of the same Authors.

Take of Barley straw, as much as is suffi­cient, Myrtle-flowers, shavings of Box, Saf­fron, Cummin, Privet, each three drams, boyl them in a Lye of Vines, with which wash the head.


Take of Lupines one ounce and a half, [Page 44]Myrrhe one ounce, Stavesacer, white Tar­tar, each half an ounce, boyl them in a Lye, and wash the hair.


Take of Oat straw, the roots of Celan­dine, Agrimony, the shavings of Box, Vine-ashes, Oat ashes, each a sufficient quanti­ty, make a Lye with warm water, and wash the head.

A Lye to dye the hair of a Saffron colour.

Take Lye in which a little Rubarb hath bin dissolv'd, wil dye the hair of a Saffron colour.


Raw Lupines anointed on the hair with wa­ter and Niter, do make them yellow, saith Galen.


Take of Lupines powder'd, Myrrhe, each five drams, salt Niter, white Tartar burnt, each three drams; the Lye of prunings of Vines, a sufficient quantity, mix them and with this wash the haires in the sun with a spunge or comb.


Take the rine of Barberries half an ounce, the root of Liquorish two ounces and a half, Spleen-wort, Oakfern, each one handful; make a Decoction in water or Lye, strein it, and to one pound, adde common honey one ounce, water of Grass-plantane, of Cuckow-pintle, [Page 45]each half an ounce, mix them and with a spunge or comb dye the hairs in the sun.


Take of Tartar calcined half an ounce, the roots of privet two ounces, Raddish roots three ounces, bruise them well & boyl them, rub the hairs when you go to bed, and in the morning wash it with the Lye of Vines.


Take the Lye of the ashes of the wood of Ivy unbarked, wash the head often, and the hair will become yellow.

A Lye to make the hair red and curled.

In Bononia they wash them in a Lye of prunings of Vines, in which the shavings of Box and Citron pill are steeped. In Ita­ly also they say, that a Gentian root will do the same.

A Lye to make the hair yellow, bright, and long; and to help the Memory.

Take so much common Lye as will wash the head ten times, six sweet Orange pills, Citron pill as much as you please, Chame­mel flowers, Bay-leaves, Maidenhair, each one handful, Agrymony half a handful, Bar­ley straw cut, three handfuls, dry Lupines a handful, Fenigreek two handfuls, burnt Tar­tar half a pound, Flowers of Matweed five [Page 46]handfuls, mix them and put them in some great vessel, and keep it for your use: when you would use it, take a little out of the ves­sel, and heat it in another vessel, and adde if you please, a little Myrrhe and Cynamon, and so it will be excellent.

A Lotion for the Hair.

Take the lees of Alume eight ounces, Cen­tory one pound, Gum-arabick, Starch-corn, each three ounces, white Soap one ounce, River-water one pint, mix them and boyl them till a fourth part be wasted; after that the head hath been washt with a Lye, let this water dye them with a spunge in the sun.

A Lye to make the hair yellow.

Take the flowers of Mullein one handful, Fenigreek two ounces, Vine ashes, the wood of Ivy ashes, each one handful, Rain-water ten points, boyl them together till one half be consumed; strein it, and adde four pound of the whitest Soap, Saffron two drams, mix them and set them in the sun for one month, with which dye the hair in the sun with a spunge or comb.

Another for the same.

Take of the Lye made of the ashes of the wood of Ivy, as much as is sufficient, the flowers of Mullein, St. Johns-wort, Feni­greek, each as much as is sufficient, boyl [Page 47]them and make a Lye, with which wash the hair.


Take of the Lye of prunings of Vines, the flowers of Mullein, French Lavender, the shavings of Butchers-broom, the roots of Ce­landine, each a sufficient quantity, boyl them and wash the hair.

A Lye to make a Gold colour.

Powder the stems and roots of Coleworts, and mix them with the shavings of Box or Ivory powder'd, and with those Powders make a Lye, which will do the business.

Another for the same.

Take of the Lye of Vine ashes, as much as is sufficient, Saffron, white Soap, each a suf­ficient quantity, mix them.


Take of the Lye of prunings of Vines, Pen­nyroyal, each a sufficient quantity; mix, boyl them, and wash the hair.


Take of the Lye made of Colewort ashes, a sufficient quantity, the roots of Agrimony, Salt, each as much as will suffice, a little A­loes, boyl them together, then adde Saffron, Rubarb powder'd, each a little, mix them and make a Lye, with which wash the head at night, and wrap it up with a hor linen cloth, and next morning they will be yellow.

Of Lyes that colour the Hair black.

Take of the Juice of the rine of Walnuts, three pints, Litharge powder'd one pound, mix them together with a Lye, and wash the hairs.


Take of the rines of Fig-tree, Gauls, Date­tree, Brambles, Cypress, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and make a Lye to wash the hair.

Another for the same.

Take of Fig-tree leaves, of black Vine, of Mulberry leaves, each one pound, Rain­water a sufficient quantity, steep them one day, then boyl them and wash the hair.


Take a sufficient quantity of common Lye, leaves of Beets one handful, Sage three or four handfuls, Myrrhe, Bay-leaves, the rines of green Nuts, each a sufficient quantity, mix and boyl them, and so wash the head; then in the end wash the face and neck with a simple Lye.


Take of Myrtle-berries, Sumach, Sage, Cy­press Nuts, Citrine, and Chebul, Myrobalans, common Lye, each a sufficient quantity, boyl them all together till a third part be consu­med, and make a Lye to wash the head.


Take of Indian Myrobalanes, Gauls, Cy­press Nuts, Pomegranate flowers, Myrtle­berries, each one ounce; Roche-alume half an ounce, salt Gem one dram, powder them and boyl them in water, with which wash the hair.


Take of common Lye a sufficient quanti­ty, Litharge of Gold one pound, boyl them awhile together, then take them from the fire, and adde Oyl of Tartar half an ounce, mix them and anoint the hair.


Take of common Lye two parts, the ashes of Mast-tree, salt Niter, each one part, mix them and wash the hair.

Another to colour the hair and beard.

Take of the scum of Silver, burnt Brass, each one part, of the strongest Lye four parts, boyl them with a gentle fire, and when it rises in bubbles, wash the hair, and when they are drid again, sprinkle them with warm water.


Take the water of Stillatory, in which put four iron needles till they are dissolved, and yellow Arsnick powder'd, and with a feather wet the comb with the same water, and comb the hair by the fire side, or in the sun, but so as it touch not the skin.

Of Lyes to colour the Hair red.

Take of Lupines powder'd ten drams, Myrrhe half a dram, the flowers of Sallow, burnt Tartar, each three drams, being pow­der'd, put them in a Lye, and boyl them till they are thick, with which dye the hairs.


Take of Sumach two ounces, Gauls three ounces, Madder two ounces, Maidenhair, Wormwood, each one ounce, Lupines husked two handfuls, water ten pints, steep them for some days, then wash the hair.

Of Lyes that colour the Hair white.

Take of the greater Centory four ounces, the Lees of Alume eight ounces, Roche-alume, Gum-arabick, each two ounces, clean white Soap, Gum-tragacanth, each four oun­ces, clear water six ounces, boyl half away then strein it, and the head being washt with that, and dried in the sun, last of all wash it with a Lye.


Take of Vine ashes one pound, water six pints, and make a Lye.

Of Lyes to lengthen the Hair.

Take of Agrimony, Elm bark, Vervin, Rain­water, each a sufficient quantity, mix and boil them till a third part be wasted, with which wash the hair once every week.

Another for the same.

Take the rine of Sallow, Wormwood, Sou­thernwood, dried Roses, Water, each a suf­ficient quantity, mix and steep them for a whole Friday and Sunday, boyl them till a third part be wasted, and wash the hair.


Take a sufficient quantity of Goats Milk Whey, the ashes of a Cane, Flax-seed, each a sufficient quantity, boyl them together, strein it, and make a Lotion for the hair.


Take of Maidenhair, Emblick, Myrobalanes, Sorrel, each a sufficient quantity, boyl them in water, strein it and adde a little Myrrhe, and make a Lotion for the hair.

Of Lyes to increase the Hair.

Take of Agrimony, Elm bark, the roots of Sallow, Southernwood, Marsh-mallowes, white Popler buds, ashes of Colewort-stalks, water, each a sufficient quantity; make a Lye to wash the hair.

Another of the same.

Take of Bears-breech, common Lye, each a sufficient quantity, boyl them and wash the hair.

Another to make the hair thick.

Take of Agrimony, Elm bark, roots of Vervin, roots of Sallow, Southernwood, [Page 52]Flax-seed burnt, Cane-roots, each a suffici­ty, mix them all and boyl them in Goats milk or water, and wash the hair.

A Lotion to increase the hair.

Take of Maidenhair three ounces, Labda­num, Myrtle, a Goard burnt, each one ounce, ten pints of water, powder them and steep them twenty days, every day mixing them, then boyl them till a third part be consumed, and make a Lye to wash the head.


Take a sufficient quantity of white Wine, the ashes of Maidenhair burnt, a pretty good quantity, boil them together to wash the hair.

A Lotion to hinder the growth of hair.

Take the Decoction of Spurge, mixt with Vineger, unslaked Lime, and Mallows.

A Lotion to make the hair curl.

Take the roots of Marsh-mallows boyled in water, press them and strein them, and add to it the seed of Flax, Fleawort, each a suf­ficient quantity, afterwards strein it and mix it exactly, and rhen wash the hair.


Take the flour of Fenegrick, Henbane, Li­tharge of gold, each equal parts, put them in a Lye, with which wash the hair.


Take of the roots of Fern, the leaves of [Page 53]Beets, each a sufficient quantity, boyl them together till a third part be consumed, then take it from the fire, and add of Gum-ara­bick as much as will suffice, mix them and make a Lotion, with which wash the hair, and when they are dried, wet them with Oyl of Myrtles.

Of Oyls that adorn the Face.

An Oyl to beautifie and take away black Pustels.

TAke Tartar of white Wine broke into pieces, wrapt in a linnen cloth wet with strong vineger, or wrapt in Colewort leaves and course Flax under the hot ashes, till it may be reduced into an exact Powder; which set in an earthen vessel bending downwards four or five dayes in the sun, then with the Oyl that doth distil anoint the face, it being first washt with warm water and Soap, and then dried with Bran-water.

Another used by the Venetian Curtizans.

Take of burnt Tartar half a pound, powder it and dry it as they do salt, then take that salt and put it within the whites of Egges boyled.

An Oyl to clear and whiten the Face.

Take twelve yelks of Eggs boyled hard, [Page 54]half a cup of Oyl of the Mastick tree, a dou­ble quantity of Turpentine washt, mix them and boyl them awhile together, then draw an Oyl with a press, with which anoint the face at night.

An Oyl to cure a red Face.

Take four ounces of Peach Kernels, Goard­seed two ounces, bruise them & make an Oyl to anoint the face morning and evening.

An Oyl to colour the Face.

Take of common Oyl, Rosemary-flowers, each one part, mix them and put them in a glass vial under horse dung, for three weeks or a moneth, then strein it and set it in the sun for some days, and so use it.

Oyls to take away the wrinkles of the face.

Oyl of Turky-miller, and the Decoction of its Berries, do distend, mollifie, and consoli­date wrinkles; also Oyl of Nuts is good.


Oyl of Tartar takes away wrinckles of the face; also Oyl of bitter Almonds, and Oyl of Lillies.

An Oyl to take away Skars.

Oyl of Dates avails much to blot out the marks of the Skars.

An Oyl for Pimples of the face.

Bruise Walnuts and boyl them, till an Oyl from them doth swim above water, which use

An Oyl for Spots in the face.

Take of Rosemary-slowers, as much as is sufficient, bury them in a glass vessel under dung safe from rain, keep it thirty days, and that which is dissolved, expose to the sun for nine days, with powder of Polypodie mixt, as much as you can take in three fingers; of which take every day for a moneth.

An Oyl for a Ringworm in the face.

Take a green live Lizard, boyl it in wine and oyl, till the wine be consumed, then strein it and use it. Oyl of Mezereon, Oyl of Ash, Oyl of Eggs, do likewise take away all spots and speckles of the face.

Oyls to preserve and increase the Hair.

FIll a wild Goard, (casting away that which is in it) with Oyl of Bayes, and adding Henbane-feed and yellow Arsnick, anoint the hairs.

To increase the Hair.

Take the seeds of Marsh-mallows, a suffi­cient quantity, boyl them in common Oyl, with which anoint the hairs.


Also the Oyl of Earth-vvorms doth increase the hair.


Take of sowr Grapes juiced, six ounces, Oyl of Mastick, Oyl of Myrtle, Oyl of Lab­danum, each two ounces, Maidenhair four ounces, boyl them till the Juice of Grapes be consumed, and anoint the hair with the Oyl.


Take a wilde Goard cleansed from the in­ward parts, in the hollow of which put as much Oyl of Mastick-tree as it can contain, a little Saffron, boyl them together till a third part be consumed, and use it.

Oyl of Southernwood doth produce hair.

It is made as Oyl of Rue, it is good to cause hair grow; and in shedding of hair it is an­ointed with Labdanum and Bears fat.

Of Oyls that colour the Hair.

An Oyl to black it.

OYl made of green Lizards doth black the hair.


Take of Privet, Vitriol, common Oyl, each a sufficient quantity, set them to the fire till they begin to boyl, then keep it to anoint the hair.


Take of the Juice of the rines of Sallow, common oyl, or Oyl of Costmary, each a suf­ficient quantity, mix them and anoint the hair.


Take a hundred green Nuts, common Oyl a pint and a half, liquid Alume three pound, put all these together into a new earthen vessel first made wet, and being carefully anointed about, set is in a place not too moist nor too hot, and let it be under the earth three moneths, then take it away and use the Oyl.


Take the Juice of red Poppy, the Juice of green Nuts, Oyl of Myrtles, Oyl of Cost­mary, each one part, boyl it a while and an­oint the hair.


Take of Emblick, Myrobalanes one ounce, of the binding Bean-tree ten drams, Gauls, Acorn-cups, Myrtle-berries, Sumach, each ten drams, Oyl of unripe Olives, Oyl of sweet Almonds, each eleven ounces, Labda­num three ounces, a little Vineger; mix them and boyl it till the Vineger be consumed, and so use it.


If a wilde Goard, the seeds being taken out, be filled with Oyl, or as others will have it, with Oyl of Bays, and the whole seeds of black Henbane, and be set so a day and a night in a warm place, and the hairs be anoin­ted with the oyl, it blacks them, and keeps off gray hairs.

An Oyl to make the hair yellow.

Take of choice Myrrhe, the root of the grea­ter Madder, the root of Celandine, each alike parts, powder them all, and boyl them in oyl in which shavings or pieces of Box and Saftron have been first boyled; with this an­noint the hair, being often washt with a Lye made of the spirits of Beans and Barley.

Another to make them long, yellow, and as bright as Gold.

Take of Oyl of Turkey-millet one mea­sure, flowers of Matweed cut, three ounces; white Lilly-seeds one ounce, Turmerick two drams, Saffron half a dram, Cynamon, Ben­jamin, Musk, Sivet, each a little; mix them all and put them in a glass Vial, and set it in the sun a whole summer; with this Oyl an­noint the comb, then comb the hair in the sun, and cover the head combed with a warm cloth gen [...]ly that it do not press it.

An Oyl to dye the hair red.

Take of burnt Tartar, Oyl of Mastick, Ro­zen of the Pine-tree, each as much as is suf­ficient, mix and anoint the hair with it.

Oyls to lengthen the hair.

Take three green Lizards, Oyl of Myrtles, as much as is sufficient, boyl them together till their flesh be dissolved, and anoint the comb.

Another of the same Authors.

Take of Emblick, Myrobalanes, a suffici­ent quantity, steep them in Oyl of Turky-millet till they swell, then boyl them toge­ther a quarter of an hour.

An Oyl to preserve Travellers from cold.

First chafe the extream parts well, then an­noint them with the oyl of Euphorbium hea­ted, with oyl of Pellitory of Spain, and oyl of Peppers.

Of Ointments that hinder shedding the hair.

Take of Labdanum steeped in [...]owr wine, and powder'd, a sufficient quantity, Oyl of Myrtles what will suffice; mix them and make an Unguent, wi [...]h which anoint the hair before bathing.

Another of the same.

Take two parts of Labdanum, Oyl of Myr­tles, Wine, each a sufficient quantity, Mai­denhair one part, make an Unguent.


Take of Myrtle-berries, Labdanum, each three ounces; with the Decoction of bind­ing Bean-tree, boyl it to a thickness, then adde Oyl of Nard or Myrtles, a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.

Another to preserve the hair, and make them black.

Take of Myrtle-berries, seeds of Smallage, [Page 60]Beets, sprouts of Myrtles, each a pint and a half; Maidenhair, Labdanum, each twelve ounces, black wine seven pints, boyl them till they are wholly dissolved; and when a third part is remaining, adde four pints and a half of Oyl of Myrtles, and boyl it again till it is thick.

Another to preserve the hair.

Take a pint and a half of Candy-wine sod­den, Labdanum one ounce, the [...]ine of Pine­nuts burnt, two ounces; Maidenhair burnt, one ounce, Bears-grease one pound, juice of Beets three cups full, boyl the Labdanum and Wine till they come into one body, then put in the rest, and taking them away, keep it in a leaden vessel.


Take Small age seeds two ounces, Maiden­hair, Frankincense, each two ounces, fifteen Walnuts, Labdanum two ounces, rines of Pine-nuts one pound, put them all into a new earthen vessel well stopt with clay, and burn them in the furnace of a bath, then take them out and powder them, and add of Bears fat one pound, work them into a body and put them in an oaken or Cypress Box; and at time of use, take as much as will be needful, and beat it up with what sweet ointment you please, & anoint the head with it twice a day


Take of dried Coleworts a sufficient quan­tity, powder it, and with water bring it into the form of an Unguent, and use it.


Take Labdanum sprinkled with sowr wine, powder it, and with Oyl of Myrtles and wine poured to it by course, bring it to the thick­ness of Honey, and anoint the head with it before and after a bath.


Take Juice of sowr Grapes, or unripe wine, a pint and a half, Labdanum one ounce, the rine of Pine-nuts burnt two ounces, Maiden­hair burnt three ounces, the fat of a Bear or Duck four ounces, Juice of Night-shade half an ounce; boyl the Wine and Labdanum to­gether, then add the rest and keep it for use.


Take of Labdanum, Maidenhair, Oyl of Myrtles, each one dram, Rue two drams, old wine a sufficient quantity, bruise and mix them, then adde enough Bears fat, and make an Unguent.

Archigene's Ointment against falling of the Hair.

Take of Labdanum, Wormwood, each e­qual parts, ten Juniper-berries, Oyl as much as is sufficient; bruise, mix them, and reduce [Page 62]them into the form of an Unguent.

Another of the same Authors.

Take of black Maidenhair, black Myrtles, each equal parts, the double quantity of Gauls; with Oyl of Mastick or Myrtles, bring to the thickness of Honey, and use it.


Take of Frankincense, Vitriol, Gauls, Mai­denhair, each equal parts, powder them in the sun and bring them with Wine to the thick­ness of Honey, or boyl them gently till they look black, then mix them with Oyl of Ma­stick or Myrtles, and so use it.


Take of Wormwood, the rine of Pine-nuts, leaves of Myrtle, Maidenhair, each a suffici­ent quantity, burn them to ashes; to which adde Labdanum powder'd, Myrrhe, each e­qual parts; Oyl of Raddish-seeds, old wine, each as much as is sufficient, make an Un­guent.


Take of Labdanum steeped in wine and powder'd Oyl of Myrtles, each one part, mix them and make an Unguent.


Take the Juice of binding Bean-tree, Lab­danum, each three drams, Oyl of Myrtles, Wine, each half an ounce, mix them to an Unguent.


Take of Gauls, Indian Myrobalanes, leaves of Myrtles, each equal parts, boyl them in Wine, strein them, and boyl it again to a thickness, then add Labdanum, Mastick, each one ounce, oyl of unripe Olives, water, each one pint, boyl them again to a thickness.


Take of Labdanum th [...]e ounces, Gaules, Myrrhe, Mastick, Frankincense, each one dram, wilde Carduus two drams, dissolve them all in oyl of Roses, and so use it.


Take of the Juice of Myrtle-leaves, the Juice of wilde Olives, each two ounces, dried Roses half an ounce, Romane Wormwood two drams, Vineger half a pint, boyl them together till one half be consumed, strein it, and add Labdanum two ounces; to all which well bruised, adde Oyl of Myrtles, Juice of sowr Grapes, as much as will suffice to make it thick as honey, Maidenhair powder'd three drams, Gallia Moschata one dram or two, and make an Ointment.


Take of Myrtle-berries, the rine of Reeds burnt, the rine of Pine-nuts burnt, each half an ounce; leaves of Myrtles, Wormwood, each two drams, powder and mix them with [Page 64]Oyl of Myrtles to the form of an Unguent.


Take of Maidenhair burnt, Myrtle-leaves, the rine of Pine burnt, each equal parts; Frankincense, Labdanum alike, powder them and mix them with the oyl of Raddish-seeds and Wine, into the form of an Unguent.

Of Ointments to restore the Hair.

Cleopatra's Ointment to ingender Hair.

WHen you have bruised the roots of tender Reeds, press forth the Juice and mix dried Flies with it into a pulstise, and when you have wrought it together and mixt it with Bears fat and oyl of Cedars, use it to anoint with; but to take away the smell of it, pour some wine to it.

Another of Cleopatra's.

Burn dried Flax seed together with the stubble of Flax, and being powder'd, lay it on with oyl of Turky-millet.


Lay upon the Hair burnt Bees mixt with Honey.

Another to make the hair grow again.

Take oyl of Juniper, oyl of Nuts, each one ounce, white honey, juice of Dock, each half an ounce, Smallage-seeds, Asarabacca pow­der'd, [Page 65]each two ounces, incorporate them and anoint the place.


Take the roughest foam of the Sea burnt, and powder'd and smoothed with oyl, lay it on the place, but especially let it be Lamp­oyl.


The shells of Sea Hedge-hogs burnt, and wrought together with Bears-grease, lay up­on the places, being first rubbed.


Take the roots of Reeds burnt, mix them with Bears-grease, and lay it on the place.

Another of Orestinus against an old Baldness.

Take of Mouseturd, Frankincense, each two ounces, dissolve them in the sharpest Vine­ger, and anoint the place, first shaved.

Another of the same.

Take of Sea-Hedge-hogs burnt together with their shells, unripe Gauls, bitter Al­monds burnt, each two ounces, Mouseturd one dram, powder them well and dissolve them in vineger, and lay them on.


Take the hairs of a Bear burnt, Maidenhair burnt, the roots of Reeds burnt, the leaves of Missletoe burnt, shreds of Hair-cloth burnt, each equal parts, mix it up with [Page 66]Bears-grease and Rozen of Cedar-tree.

Another of Ortho the Sicilian.

Take of the ashes of the least Frogs burnt in an earthen pot, one part; Mouseturd, white Hellebore, the roots of Reeds burnt, white pepper, each alike parts, mix them with vine­ger, and apply them to the place first rubb'd and shaved.


Take of the ashes of Goats hoofs burnt, the Juice of Thapsia, the foam of the Sea, Mouseturd, the scum of Niter, Myrrhe, white Pepper, Ginger, each alike parts, powder them well and mix them up with Goats gaul.


Take the Juice of the leaves of Sallow, the Juice of Myrtle leaves, each half an ounce, Labdanum one ounce, Oyl of Myrtles as much as will suffice to make it into an Un­guent, mix them and use it.


Take of Bees burnt, Maidenhair burnt, Oyl of Roses, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.

An Ointment to make hairs grow on those troubled with an Elephantiasis.

Take the ashes of a Moul, of Wasps, of Hens, each two drams, Oyl of Flower-de­luce two ounces; Labdanum one ounce and [Page 67]a half, a little Wax, and make a Liniment.

An Ointment to produce hair.

Take the rine of Reeds, scum of Niter, each half an ounce, mix them up with Tar, and use it, but you must daily scrape the place, and rub it with a Cloth; for so it will cause the hair very quickly.


Take of House-mice burnt one part; shreds of flaxen-cloth burnt one part, rine of Reeds one part, these being all dried, powder them, and mixing them with honey, reduce them to the consistence of it, and then adde mar­row and fat melted, and put them in a brass Box, & rub the bald place till the hair comes.


Take of red Poppy, leaves of Myrtle, Mai­denhair, Lavender, Cyperus, Smallage-seeds, Emblick, Myrobalanes, Cypress-nuts, each one dram, water three pints, boyl them all till two pints be wasted, strein it, and adde Oyl of Myrtles one pound, boyl them again till the water be consumed, and adde the rines of Pine-nuts, Labdanum, each one scru­ple, mix them and make an Unguent.


Take the head or hide of an Earth-Hedge­hog burnt, powder it and work it up with ho­ney, and anoint the place.


Burn together a Sea-horse and a little Ni­ter, mix them up with Goose-grease, and the place being prepared with Niter, anoint it.


Take of Sword-flag a sufficient quantity, burn the leaves in a pot, then mix it up with Rozen and Pine-ashes, scarifie the bald place and lay it on, and binde it.

Another of Soranus.

Take of Bears-grease, the ashes of Reed­leaves burnt, the powder of Brass, each one part, Vineger, old Oyl, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.


Take the ashes of Reed burnt, the hairs of a Bear, Maidenhair, Bears-grease, Tar, Goats hairs burnt, Rozen of Cedar, each alike parts, mix them together, and anoint the place rub­bed before.


Take the leaves of Greek-reed burnt, half an ounce, Mouseturd two drams, Hedge-hogs burnt one dram, powder them, mix them with Vineger, lay it on.

An Ointment for Baldness.

Take of Bulls fat sunned one pound, the froth that cleaveth to Canes, one ounce, the juice of Thapsia an ounce and a half, Myrrhe [Page 69]one ounce, Maidenhair one pound, an Asses member, an Asses spleen, Labdanum, each one pound, steep the Labdanum in a little wine, and melt the fat with the steem of water, burn the Asses member and shave it, but burn the Spleen in a new pot with Mai­denhair, and powder and searce what ought to be, then make them with new wine, and use it before bathing, the head being first comb'd.

An approved Ointment to cause a Beard.

Take of Oyl of sweet Almonds, Myrrhe, each an ounce, the rine of the roots of Reeds burnt, Maidenhair burnt, each two drams, heads of Flies burnt, Bees bruised in their emptiness, each half a dram, Labdanum two drams, Honey one ounce, powder them, and with a little Wax, make a Liniment.

Another for the same.

Take the ashes of a Mole dried in an oven, two ounces, the ashes of Bees, of Filberds burnt, each one dram and a half, Mouseturd two drams, Labdanum a dram and a half, the best Honey one ounce, Oyl of Nard, Wax, each a sufficient quantity; make a Liniment, but in the morning following you must wash your face with this Decoction: Take of Mai­denhair, male Southernwood, Rosemary, Myrtle-leaves, the rine of Reed roots▪ Flow­ers of Chamemel, red Roses, leaves of sowre [Page 70]Dock, each one handful, Pockwood half a pound, make a Decoction and use it as hath been said.


Take of Fenigreek six pints, Flax-seed three pints, Labdanum eight ounces, the Juice of binding Bean-tree two ounces, of the Indian leaf two ounces, twenty Gauls, Aromatical Onyx two ounces, Syrian Cane two ounces and a half, Bdellium two ounces, Myrtle burnt twenty four ounces, Musk three oun­ces, Florence Flower-de-luce two ounces, powder them severally, searce them and mix them.

Another to cause Hair.

Take the ashes of Grashoppers burnt, of Bees burnt, Oyl of Myrtles or fat, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and make an Unguent.

Of Ointments that hinder the growth of hair.

Take the Decoction of Spurge mixt with Vineger, unslaked Lime and Mallows.


Take the Gum of Ivy, Ants Eggs, yellow Arsnick, Colophony, each one ounce, Leeches burnt half an ounce, powder them and mix them with the blood of Frogs, and make an Ointment.


Take the blood of Bats, the Juice of Ivy, [Page 71]the Juice of Radish, Goats Suet, each a suf­ficient quantity, mix them and make an oint­ment.


Take the fat of Frogs, of a Mole, a Bat, Gum of Ivy, each a sufficient quantity, make an Ointment.


Take of Opium, Henbane, each a suffici­ent quantity, powder them, and with Vine­ger bring them into the form of an Unguent, with which anoint the hairs daily.


Take a sufficient quantity of Castor, scum'd Honey enough to make it into an ointment.


Take a whole Hedge-hog, boyl it in oyl till the flesh be parted from the bones, strein it, and with the aforesaid oyl mix Ants Eggs, and anoint it.


Take of Hemlock-seed a sufficient quan­tity, powder them, and with the blood of a Bat, bring them to the form of an Unguent.


Take the Gum of Ivy one ounce, yellow Arsnick, Colophony, Hemlock-seed, each half an ounce, Castor two drams, Opium one dram, Henbane one dram and a half; Juice of Hemlock, the blood of a Bat, each a suf­ficient [Page 72]quantity, make an Ointment to an­noint the bare places.


Take of the blood of a Bat, of mans blood, new Cassia, each alike parts, Ants Eggs, Hen­bane-seed, black Poppy-seed, each alike parts, pouder what is fit, and mix with the rest.


Take of Cimolian earth, Cerusse, each one part, Roche-alume half a part, juice of Hen­bane a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.


Take of white Tartar pouder'd, scum'd Ho­ney, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and anoint.


Take the Gum of white Vine, Gum of Ivy, Bryony, pouder them and mix them with oyl into the form of an Unguent.


Take of Ants Eggs, the blood of Frogs, the rust of Iron, mix them up with spittle.


Take the Gaul of a Hedge-hog, the Gaul of a Co [...]morant, Sea-shells burnt and pouder'd, the blood of a Bat, each a sufficient quantity; make an Ointment.


Take the ashes of Swallows burnt, the milk of Spurge, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.


Take of Gum-arabick, Tragacanth, burnt Brass, Verdigrease, Arsnick, Long-pepper, white, black Pepper, Blood-stone, Starch-corn, Dyers Madder, Scales of Brass burnt, each two drams, Dragons blood, Juice of binding Bean-tree, each a dram and a half, Frankincense, Spike, burnt Gauls, each one dram, Sarcocol, Ammoniacum, dissolved in Aquavitae, each half an ounce, pouder them and mix them with the Juice of Citrons or Lemmons, and make an Unguent.


Take of Henbane, Dragons blood, Gum­arabick, white Frankincense, each six drams, Night-shade water a sufficient quantity, pou­der them and mix them to the form of an Unguent.


Take of burnt Dates two drams, Spike one dram and a half, pouder and mix them with Honey, and the turd of a Mole, to the form of an Unguent.


Take the rust of Iron, Sea-shells burnt, each a sufficient quantity, mix them with fasting spittle.

An Ointment to make the Hair shed, and grow no more.

Take of yellow Arsnick, Ants Eggs, Gum­arabick, [Page 74]each half an ounce, Gum of Ivy two ounces; with the blood of a Bat, or Juice of Henbane, make an Unguent, apply it, the hairs being first cut.

Of Ointments that take away the hair.

Take of gold coloured Arsnick, seven or ten scruples, unslaked Lime the same quan­tity, Starch-corn two ounces, Selinusian earth an ounce, powder them and fine searse them; when you would use it, take a sufficient quantity and shake it together with water, then lay it on, and see that it burn not.


Take two parts of unslaked Lime, yellow Arsnick, one part, put them into a leaden morter, and powder them with water or the juice of Ptisan poured to them, and when they are black, command them to be laid on hot, especially in a Bath.


Take of Sandarach one dram, unslaked Lime, eighteen ounces, pounder them and boyl them carefully with water, and when they begin to boyl, take it off and use it.


Take of Starch-corn, unslaked Lime, yel­low Arsnick, each one ounce, pouder, searse them and lay them by, and use them as hath been said.

Another that presently takes away the hair by the roots.

Take of unslaked Lime, Cimolian earth, a burnt Pummy-stone, each eighteen ounces, yellow Arsnick three ounces, pouder them and lay them by; when you have occasion to use them, dilute them with water, and so use it.

Another to take away the Hair, and thin the Skin.

Take the juice of the leaves of wilde Cow­cumber, milk of Almonds, unslaked Lime, yellow Arsnick, Galbanum steept in Wine, and streined, each a sufficient quantity; when they are boyled, adde to them Oyl of Roses, Mastick, each a sufficient quantity; Frankin­cense, the Gumm of Juniper-tree, Roses, Cloves, Cummin, Nutmeg, Cynamon, each a little, mix them and make an Unguent.

Another of the same.

Take of the ashes of Mast-tree, two parts, yellow Arsnick one part, boyl them in Ri­ver water.


Take of black Soap one pound, Tartar, one ounce and a half, yellow Arsnick six oun­ces, juice of Cyperus fifteen drams, unslaked Lime half an ounce, capital Lees one ounce, put the Lime in the Lees, strein it, and mix it with the rest.


Take Gum of Ivy two ounces, yellow Ars­nick, Ants Eggs, Gum-arabick, each three drams, pouder them and mix them with strong Vineger.


Take of yellow Arsnick three ounces, un­slaked Lime one dram, strong Lye a suffici­ent quantity, boyl them till the feathers come off, a quill dipt in it.

Another to take hair off the face.

Take of Colophony two ounces, Mastick, Ammoniacum cleansed, each one ounce, dis­solve them in a clean earthen vessel, and stre [...]n it upon cold water, take it and work it together, and dissolve a little of it over the fire, and apply it warm, letting it lye on for two hours, and then take it away.

Another to take away the hair.

Take of the powder of an Owl one ounce, Cummin, the blood of a Bat, each three oun­ces, Musk one scruple, make a Liniment: we must have a special care that the part to which the Ointment must be applied, be first washed with the Lye made of Vine ashes, and if an itching be left in the part after applica­tion of the Medicine, anoint it with Rhases, white Ointment, or with the Decoction of Henbane-seeds, or of Colewort-seeds.


Take the blood of a Tortoise, of Frogs, of a Bat, Ants Eggs, red Ar [...]nick, Gum of Ivy, each a sufficient quantity, mix them with Vineger, and anoint it discreetly, that it do not excoriate.

Another of the same.

Take of yellow Arsnick, Juice of Hen­bane, each alike parts, mix them and anoint the part.

An Ointment to take away hairs from any part of the Body.

Take three whites of Eggs bruised, unsla­ked Lime eight ounces, yellow Arsnick one ounce, a sufficient quantity of Lye, make an Unguent, with which besmearing a feather, a­noint the hairy parts, but when they have been anointed a quarter of an hour, wash off the Unguent with warm water.


Take of Ants Eggs, Juice of Henbane, Hemlock, seeds of Fleawort, the blood of a Bat, of a Tortoise, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and anoint the place: others run over the place with a plate of Gold red hot, so that no Doun any more appear.

Of Ointments that colour the Hair.

To make the Hair yellow.

RAw Lupines laid on with water and Ni­ter, do make the Hair yellow.


Take the middle Bark of Elder, Flowers of Broom, Saffron, yelks of Eggs, each a suffi­cient quantity, boyl them in water, and ga­ther that which swims a top, and so anoint the hair.


Take of white Tartar burnt, Oyl of Acorns, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent, with which anoint the haires in the sun, by combing.


Take of Myrrhe one ounce, white Salt half an ounce, pouder and mix them with Oyl of Acorns into the form of an Unguent.


Take the Flowers of Mullein one handful, Fenigreek two ounces, Vine ashes, and of the wood of Ivy, each one handful, ten pints of water, boyl them all till one half be con­sumed, strein it, and add of the whitest Soap three pound, Saffron two drams, leave them so in the sun for a moneth, mixing them eve­ry day with a stick; with this anoint the hairs in the sun.

A Liniment to clarifie and whiten the Hair.

Take of Swallows dung, the roots of Ele­campane, Radish-seeds, Brimstone, flowers of Capers, Frankincense, each half an ounce, incorporate them all together with the like quantity of the Gaul or a white Ox; rub the hairs with it, being first washt with the Lye of Vines, and dried, and while the haires are dried of their own accord after the Lotion, rubbing them, wash them again in the same Lye, and dry them by degrees with a hot cloth.

Of Ointments that dye the hair black.

Take of the scum of silver, Limolian earth, liquid Alume, each alike parts, the haires being first washt and dried, anoint them over night, and binde over them Beets leaves.


Take of Selinusian earth, scum of silver, Lime, each alike parts, reduce them with wa­ter to the thickness of Honey, and when you have first washt the hairs with a Lye, then anoint them; and likewise laying on the leaves of Beets, binde them up, and in the morning comb them out.

Ano [...]her to black the Beard.

Dried and burnt Lead mixt with the juice of crude Beets, to the thickness of Honey, [Page 80]laid on, and let alone till dinner time, then washt off.


Take of Gauls, Frankincense, Gith, each two drams, pouder them and put them in a Quince hollowed, close it up, and wrap it in Bread-paste, and bake it in an oven, till it is burnt, pouder it and mix the ashes with oyl.


Take of Gauls burnt with common oyl, two ounces, Roche-alume two drams, salt Gem one dram, with Oyl of Costmary make an Ointment.

A Liniment that will make gray Hairs black.

Take of Black, Emblick, Myrobalanes, Gauls, each twenty, Labdanum a sufficient quantity, Leaves and Berries of Myrtle, each threescore, pouder and searse them, and in­fuse them in three pints of Oyl for three days, then boyl them till they grow thick, and anoint the roots of the hair with it.


Take of the dross of Iron, filing of Lead, each a sufficient quantity, boyl them in Vi­neger till one half be consumed, strein it an anoint the parts: an unction of burnt Lead made with the juice of Beets to the consist­ence of honey, will make the Beard black.

Of Ointments that dy the hair white.

Take of Swallows dung, the Gaul of a Bull, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and make an Ointment.


Take of Elecampane, the rine of Radish-root, Alume, Glew, each one part, mix them and anoint.


Take of Swallowes dung, Radish-seed, Brimstone, the bark of Caper-roots, a Cows Gaul, the best Vineger, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.

An Ointment to colour the hair red.

Take of burnt Tartar pouder'd, Oyl of wilde Cucumber, each a sufficient quantity, make a Liniment to anoint the hair.

Of Ointments to curl the hair.

Take a sufficient quantity of Rams horns, cut it and pouder it with Oyl, and anoint the hair.


Take of the root of Danewort, and pou­der it with Oyl, then anoint the head, and binde leaves of the same over it.


Take the juice of Beets, of Myrtles, com­mon Oyl, each a sufficient quantity, mix and anoint.


Take Pine-kernels burnt and pouder'd, Oyl of Myrtles, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and make an ointment.


Take of the scum of Salt, which is gathe­red in boyling, Myrrhe pouder'd, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and make an Unguent.


Take of Myrrhe, Gum-arabick, Oyl of Fe­nigreek, Oyl of Henbane, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and make an Ointment for the hair.

Of Ointments to take away the faults of the Eye-brows.

For the falling of the hair off the Eye-brows.

TAke of the filings of Lead, of Drakes fat, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and make an Unguent.


Take of Filberds rosted and pouder'd, the fat of a Goat or Bear, each a sufficient quan­tity, mix them to an Ointment.


Take the seeds of black Henbane two drams, Maidenhair one dram Ointment of Flower-de-luce three spoonfuls, pouder and mix them to the form of an Ointment.

An Ointment to make the hair of the Eye­brows grow again.

Take of Henbane-seed burnt, a sufficient quantity, with water make an Unguent.


Take of Bees burnt and pounder'd, a suffi­cient quantity, and with Oyl make a Lini­ment for the Eye-brows.

An Ointment for Lice in the Eye-brows.

Take the yelk of an Egg boyled hard, a lit­tle Aloes, mix them and anoint.


Take of Quicksilver killed with spittle, Stavesacer, each half an ounce, butter a suf­ficient quantity, make an Unguent.


Take one Apple roasted and cleansed, Quicksilver killed with spittle, a sufficient quantity, mix them well and anoint.


Take of Stavesacer one ounce, Oyl of Wormwood two ounces, Wax a sufficient quantity, make a Liniment.


Take of Sugar'd-alume, Aloes, Stavesacer, Vineger of Squills, each a sufficient quanti­ty, make an Ointment.

Of Ointments that take away the black and blewness of the Eye-lids and Eyes.

Take of Beans husked and pouder'd, a suf­ficient quantity, Honey what is convenient, mix them and make an Unguent.


Take a sufficient quantity of yelks of Eggs boyled hard, Honey what is convenient, and beat them together to the form of an Oint­ment, with which anoint the parts.


Take of Cerusse, Cummin, Bean, each a suf­ficient quantity, pouder them, and with the juice of Coriander make an Unguent.

An Ointment for the shedding of the hairs of the Eye-lids.

Take of Stibium burnt, and quencht in womans milk thirteen drams, Aloes, Myrrhe, Spikenard, each two drams, burnt Barley half an ounce, pouder them and mix them with a sufficient quantity of water.


Take the Marrow of the right leg of an Ox, of Sut, each a sufficient quantity, and mix them.

For the shedding of the Eye-brows and Beard.

Take of Henbane two drams, Mouseturd one dram, Maidenhair two drams, Oyl of Flower-de-luce a sufficient quantity, pouder and mix them with the Oyl, foment the part and then anoint it.

An Ointment for dropping of the Eyes.

Take of Myrrhe, Cummin, Frankincense, Mastick, Ammoniacum, Bolearmenick, each half an ounce, Saffron 2 drams, pouder them all and mix them with the whites of Eggs, and lay them on the forehead and tempels.

Another of the same.

Take of Frankincense, Mastick, Gum-ara­bick, Tragacanth, Bolearmenick, Tutty, Dra­gons blood, each half an ounce, pouder and mix them with the whites of Eggs, and apply them to to the forehead and tempels.

Ointments to stop droppings of the Eyes.

Take of Celandine, Rue, Vervin, the bark of Fennel-roots, each one handful, bruise them, and make a paste with old Hogs­grease, which boyl in white Wine till the wine be almost consumed, strein it, and adde [Page 86]new white Wax, Aloes, each three drams; Verdegrease, Saffron, each one dram, Frank­incense three drams, Mastick four drams, Camphure one dram, make an Ointment to anoint the eyes.

Another of the same.

Take of Aloes, Sarcocol, Frankincense, each a sufficient quantity, pouden and mix them with the Juice of Fennel.

An Ointment for tears of the Eyes.

Take of Tutty prepared Sarcocol, Myrrhe, Frankincense, Styrax-calamite, Amber­greece, each one scruple; dried Roses, Su­mach, Dragons blood, each six drams, pou­der them, and with the mucilage of Gum­tragacan [...]n and Arabick make an Ointment, of which put a little in the eyes.

An Ointment for red Eyes.

Take of Cummin poude [...]'d, a sufficient quantity, mix it with Wax, and lay it on the eyes when they are asleep.

Another of the same.

Take of Tragacanth, Gum-arabick, Roses pouder'd, Starch-corn, Cerusse, each two ounces, Opium one scruple, pouder them and mix them with womans milk.

Of Ointments that cure the faults of the skin of the Head.

For Running-sores of the Head.

TAke of Cerusse six drams, scum of Silver half a dram, Brimstone six drams, Oyl of Roses or Myrtles, Wax a sufficient quan­tity, make an Unguent.


Take the scum of Silver one dram, tender leaves of Rue, five and twenty drams, Vi­neger, Oyl of Roses or Myrtles, each a suf­ficient quantity, mix them and anoint with a feather.

Another of the same.

Take of burnt Ce [...]usse, Rue, Manna, Frankincense, each a hundred drams, Bark of Pine-tree fifty drams, Oyl of Myrtles three pints, and as much Vineger, mix them.


Take of the filings of Lead, Vine-branches, Frankincense, Myrrhe, scum of Niter, each fifty drams, Oyl of Myrtles, Vineger as much as is sufficient, mix them.

An Ointment of Queen Cleopatra's for the same.

Take of rub'd Cerusse, Frankincense, each [Page 88]two drams, brimstone one dram, powder them and with Oyl lay them on.

Another for Sores and Dander.

Take of Niter Copperas, each one dram, Oyl a sufficient quantity, powder and mix them.

Another of Cleopatra's.

Take of live Sulphur six drams, male Fran­kincense, cleft Allom, wilde Stavesacer, rock­et, scum of Niter, Copperas, each one dram, three forigs of Rue, Oyl of Bayes or Myrtels, Vineger, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.


Take of live Sulphur, scum of Silver, Ce­russe, each alike part, Saffron half so much, powder them and use them with Candy wine.


Take scum of Silver, unslaked Lime, each twenty five drams, Vinegar or Oyl, three parts of a pint, powder and mix them.


Take of Copperas two drams, Sandarach half an ounce, scum of Silver one dram, Oyl of Myrtels, Vinegar, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and make an Unguent.

Another for Sores and Worms.

Take of juice of Beets, of Celandine, Hogs­grease, each two ounces, white Hellebore [Page 89]two ounces two drams, mix them and make an Ointment.

Another for Worms and Scabs.

Take of white and black Hellebore, live Sulphure, yellow Arsnick, Litharge, unslaked Lime, Vitriol, Alume, Gauls, Sut, each half an ounce, Quick-silver killed, Verdegrease, each two drams, juice of Fumitory, Oyl, each a suf­ficient quantity, make an Unguent.

Another for Worms.

Take of Fenigreek one pound, Dragons blood pouder'd, one ounce, Pummy-stone one pound, Turpentine five ounces, Honey one ounce, four yelks of Eggs, Oyl of Roses two ounces, mix them and make an Unguent; which use, the head being first shaved, and washt with a childes urine, and cleansed with a spunge, and anointed over with Oyl of Flax-seed.

Another for the same.

Take of Celandine three parts, Sowes­grease as much, white Hellebore one part, mix them.

An Ointment for scurf in childrens Heads.

Take of Myrrhe, Orrice-root, black Helle­bore, Oyl of Eggs, each a sufficient quantity, powder them and mix them into the form of an Unguent, also Oyl of Bread-corn is good.

For Dander in the Head.

Take flour of Vetches, Fenigreek, Niter, Bran, Myrtles, Mustard-seed, each fifteen drams, common Oyl▪ as much as is suffici­ent, Vineger, Water, each a little, make an Unguent, with which anoint the head, first washt and shaved.


Take scum of Niter, Copperas, each alike parts, wine a sufficient quantity, mix them & rub the head three o [...] four times a moneth.


Take of Lee [...] of Wine, a Pummy stone, Niter, Lupines, each one part, mix them.


Take of Cimolian earth, the Gaul of an Ox or Sow, Vineger, each a sufficient quan­tity, mix them.

An Ointment for Lice.

Take of Stavesacer two parts, Sandarach, Niter, each one part; Oyl, Vineger each a sufficient quantity, mix them and make an Unguent.


Take of white Hellebore, Stavesacer, Niter, each alike parts; Oyl a sufficient quantity, mix them, and apply them in a Bath.

An Ointment for Lice and Nits.

Take of Stavesacer, Quicksilver killed [Page 91]with spittle, each three drams, common Oyl three ounces, Wax one ounce, make an Un­guent, with which anoint the head in stead of Soap, when it is washt.


Take of Sandarach, Niter, each one dram, Stavesacer two drams; Oyl, Vineger, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.


Take Oyl of Bays, Radish-seeds, each two drams; Pepper, Saffron, each a sufficient quantity, mix them.

An Ointment for red Specks in the face.

Take the roots of Dock, Sows-grease, each two ounces, white wax one ounce, melt them and adde Quicksilver kill'd, Camphure, each a little; Juice of Wormwood, Honey, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.

Another for a red face.

Take of live Sulphur, yellow Arsnick, Turky Soap, each half a dram, Sut two drams, mix them.

Another of the same.

Take the Juice of seven Oranges, Juice of Night-shade, water of Water-lillies, Snail-water, each two drams, white Wax half an ounce, the fat of a Hen, and a Ram, each one ounce and a half, the green roots of [...] two drams, make an Unguent.

An Ointment for Wrinckles and Pimples of the Face.

Mix the Gaul of a Goat with the flour of Lupines, and at night rub the face.


Take of white Curral half an ounce, salt Gem, Cerusse, Camphure, each two drams, white Wax one dram, Rose-water an ounce, the fat of a Hen washt, two ounces, pouder and mix them for your use.

Another for Pimples.

Take of white wax one pound, oyl of violets one ounce, Quicksilver half an ounce, Ma­stick one dram and a half, a little Camphure, Litharge one dram, make a Liniment.

Another for Biles or Botches.

Take the flour of Lupines, Beans, white Vetches, everlasting Pease, each two drams, flour of Barley, of Lentils, each one dram, Radish-seed, Tragacanth, Starch-corn, each half a dram; Melon-seeds husked three drams, Saffron half a scruple, pouder them and work them with womans milk, at night anoint the face, and in the morning wash it with the water of the rines of Melons and Violets.

An Ointment that takes away all Bunchings and Speckles of tho Face.

Take of the roots of Ass-cowcumber, white Been, Bryony, Lupines, each half an ounce, Cerusse, Litharge, Tartar, each one dram; Cane-roots, Serapine, Pigeons dung, each two scruples, Oyl of Turky-millet three ounces, Oyl of Juniper, Oyl of Bread-corn, each two ounces and a half; Juice of Oren­ges four ounces, pouder what is to be pou­der'd, and fine searse them, then boyl them all till the Juice is consumed, then take them from the fire, alwayes stirring them with a spattle till they are cold, then add the white of one new laid Egg beaten and streined; Camphure pouder'd one dram, always mix­ing them, then wash it in one pint of water, prest from yong Canes, washing it ten times in that water, and stirring it with a spattle, and it is excellent.

For Botches and Worms of the Face.

Take of Hens fat, Betony, each as much as is sufficient, mix them and beat them to­gether.

An Ointment to whiten Skars.

Take of Oyl of Tartar, seeds of Fleawort, each one ounce, infuse them in the mucilage of Borax, or salt Gem dissolved in Oyl of Ro­ses, an ounce.

A Liniment for high red Skars.

Take Oyl of Litharge two drams, Oyl of Tartar, Balsom of Saturn, each one dram, camphure one scruple, Spermacety one dram, Oyl of Eggs two ounces, mix them and make a liniment, use it four times a day; the rich­er sort may use Oyl of Talc, which is most excellent for all blemishes.

An Ointment to take away the thickness of the face.

Take of fresh Butter, Turpentine, each one ounce, Lilly roots roasted in the leaves of Beets under the ashes, three ounces unslaked Lime five times washt in Rose-water, or the juice of Balm, fresh Hogs-grease melted in Rose-water, each one ounce, mix them and make an Unguent.

Another for the tenderer sort.

Take of Lilly roots rosted under the ashes one pound, bruise them in a morter, to which adde Sugar-Candy three ounces, make an Ointment to apply to the face.

An Ointment for Warts in the face.

Take of Athenian Honey, the sharpest Vi­negar, each twelve drams, mix them carefully and anoint them, rubbing them with the fin­gers.

Another of the same.

Take the scum of Quicksilver three drams, pure Turpentine the quantity of an Egyptian bean, a little Oyl; mix them, and when you have cleansed the face, take a little on your finger, then bruise it well, and anoint them.


Take of Allom cut and well pouder'd, Turpentine, each as much as it sufficient, mix them.


Take of Indian Costus bruised and searsed, a Goats Gaul, each a sufficient quantity, make an ointment, with which anoint them towards night, and in the morning wash the face with milk.

An Ointment for Ringworms in the face.

Take of Vineger of Squills two ounces, Aloes, the Juice of sowre Dock, Oyl of Tar­tar, each three drams, make a Liniment.


Take the distilled water of sowr Dock four ounces, Borax three drams, common Salt one dram, Vineger of Squills one ounce, mix them, and make an Unguent.


Take Dock-roots three ounces, roast them under the ashes, afterwards with Vineger [Page 96]of Squills make a Liniment; if this cure not, adde of Quicksilver half a dram, or Subli­mate one scruple; wash the face often with the water of Myrtles, or of Rose-seeds, after­wards adde also a little white of an Egg, that the skin may resist it the better.


Take of Tartar two drams, pouder it and apply it with the whites of Eggs, or with three drams of burnt Alume do the like.

An Ointment for callous Warts.

Take of French Soap half an ounce, Am­moniacum, Styrax, Frankincense, each one dram, dissolve them in water and make it to the thickness of a Cerot, then anoint with it, and after one hour, wash it off with warm water.


Take of red Niter, Hyssope, Pennyroyal, Salt digged up, each equal parts, beat them and searse them, make it up with Cerot of Roses, and use it.


Take the seeds of Bastil, red Niter, green Pennyroyal, cleft Alume, Indian Costus, each alike parts, pouder and searse them, and mix them with a sufficient quantity of Goat, or Hens-grease, to the form of an Un­guent.


Take of burnt Salt, Pennyroyal, Hyssope, Ammoniacum, Sumach, each equal parts, oyl of Roses as much as is sufficient, make an Unguent.

An Ointment for Ringworms of the face.

Take of Aloes two drams, dissolve it in Vi­neger of Squills to the form of a Liniment, anoint the parts affected at night.


Take the roots of Bryony, as many as are sufficient, work them up with salt in the shar­pest Vineger, and apply it.

Another approved one.

Take of sharp Dock two parts, Gentian one part, boyl them in water, then strein them, and mixing it with Calves-grease, boyl it again with a slow fire, to the consistence of an Unguent.

An Ointment for Surn-burns, Clefts of the Lips, and Speckles in the Face.

Take twenty Snailes with their shells, bruise them, then adde the weight of them in Cerusse, new Wax three ounces, Harts­horn one ounce, make a Liniment, then wash the face.

An Ointment for Warts in the Face.

Take the roots of Asarabacca, temper them in Rose-water two dayes, bake them and anoint the part.


Take the roots of Celandine, as much as is sufficient pouder'd, mixt with grease and ap­plied, it wastes and takes them away.

For a red Face.

Take Brimstone one ounce, Cerusse washt two drams, Juice of Lemmons one ounce, ap­ply it at night with the Decoction of Bran.


Take Oyl of Tartar, Oyl of Roses, Juice of sowr Dock, of Bays, of Grass-plantane, each four ounces, Cerusse one ounce and a half, Litharge of Gold two drams, Quicksilver killed one ounce and a half, roots of Aspho­del burnt under the ashes two ounces, make a Liniment in a leaden morter.


Take of Citrine ointment half a pound, Li­tharge four ounces, Cerusse washt two oun­ces, Cotton, Alume burnt, Tartar calcined, each one ounce and a half, the Juice of Ele­campane roots, the Juice of sowr Dock, Sows­bread, Lemons, each five ounces, Camphure three drams, oyl of Roses a pound and a half, mix them.


Take the Juice of Fumitory, Plantane, Sor­rel, each three ounces, Oyl of Roses one ounce, Gum-tragacanth, Arabick, each half a dram, Dragons blood two drams, new Wax as much as is sufficient, make an Ointment to use going to bed, and the next day wash with the Decoction of Beans.


Take of Litharge twice or thrice infused in Vineger, one ounce, nourish it with white Wine and Goard-seed, and stir it till it be brought to the form of an Unguent, adde of Camphure dissolved in Rose-water half an ounce, anoint the face, and in the morn wash it with the Decoction of Beans.

A Liniment for a scabby face.

Take of Litharge of Gold one ounce and a half, Cerusse washt in Plantane-water, and Horse-tail two ounces, Oyl of Roses three ounces, boyl the Oyl, and with white Wax make a Liniment.

For redness and bunchings in the face.

Take Oyl of Roses, Oyl of Tartar, each four ounces, juice of Wood-sorrel three oun­ces, Cerusse washt one dram and a half, Li­tharge of Gold two ounces, Quicksilver kil­led one ounce and a half, roots of Asphodel [Page 100]burnt under the ashes, make a Liniment in a leaden morter.

For leprous Faces.

Take the powders of Citrine-ungent, Li­tharge of Gold, each four ounces, Cerusse washt two ounces, Borax, Alume burnt, Tar­tar calcined, each one ounce and a half, the juice of Elecampane-roots, of sowre Dock, Sows-bread, Lemmons, each five ounces, oyl of Roses one pound, Quicksilver kill'd with spittle four ounces; make an Unguent.


Take the ashes of the root of Birthwort, Grass-plantane the fine taken off and washt nine days in spring-water, then searse it all, and take what you please, and dissolve it in Plantane, or Purslane-water, and anoint the face.

An Ointment for Knobs appearing un­der the Skin.

Take the roots of Saffron, mix them with womans milk, and apply it.

An Ointment for Surn-burns.

Take Juice of Plantane, Night-shade, each one dram and a half, Litharge of Gold, of Silver, each one dram, burnt Lead an ounce, Tutty prepared six drams, Camphure half a dram, oyl of Roses, Wax, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.

An Ointments for Ringworms.

Take of Vitriol, Frankincense, Myrrhe, cleft Alume, each one ounce; Aloes, live Sulphur, each half an ounce, make it up with wine to a convenient thickness, and twice or thrice a day anoint the parts first rubbed.


Take of Vitriol half an ounce, Juice of bin­ding Bean-tree two drams, scales of Brass half an ounce, live Sulphur six drams, white Vitriol, Gum each one ounce, Vineger, as much as is sufficient, in which when you have dissolv'd the Gum and mixt the other things, adde the Lees of Oyl.


Take of live Brimstone, Frankincense, Myrrhe; Copperas, raw Vitriol, each two drams, Gum half an ounce; Vineger, Oyl of Cedar, each a sufficient quantity, mix them.


Take the Gum of Ethiopian-olive, five and twenty drams, Gum forty drams, Cop­peras sixteen drams, live Brimstone, Frank­incense, rust of Brass, the Juice of binding Bean-tree, white Myrrhe, each ten drams, Vineger as much as is sufficient, when they [Page 102]are all dissolved, mix them up with thick Lees of Oyl.

An Ointment for old Tetters.

Take of Copperas, Fenigreek mollified, Cardamoms, each two drams, Gith, Fig­tree leaves, each one dram and a half, the sharpest Vineger, as much as is sufficient, powder them, and bring them to the thick­ness of Honey.

An Ointment for Burns.

Take Oyl of Roses, Rose-water, whites of Eggs, each a sufficient quantity; mix them, and for four days apply them to the burnt place, the fifth day lay on the following pla­ster: Take of Oyl of Nuts, new Wax, each one ounce, melt them together.

An Ointment for Scalds and Burns.

Take of the middle barke of Elder, six drams, Oyl of Roses one ounce and a half, Mastick, Frankincense, each half a dram, white Wax, two ounces, boyl them in four pints of water till one half be wasted, scum'd, and cooled, that which swims a top is fit to apply to the burn.

Another for a Burn.

Take of the juice of Night-shade, Plan­tane, each two ounces, the middle bark of Elder, Oyl, each one ounce, boyl them in a [Page 103]double vessel till the juices be wasted, then add Cerusse washt in Rose-water, Litharge of Gold, each a dram and a half, Tutty prepa­red, three drams; the bark of Frankincense two drams, fresh Hogs-grease w [...]sht in Rose-water, ten drams, white Wax as much as is sufficient, make a Liniment; towards the end adde three whites of Eggs, Camphure half a dram.


Take of new Lime washt in Rose-water, three pound, Juice of Roses, Juice of Plan­tane, each two pound, mix them and make an Unguent.


Take Oyl of Roses two ounces, Oyl prest from Goard-seeds, one ounce and a half, white Wax as much as is sufficient, make an Unguent.

An Ointment to smooth the Face af­ter a Burn.

Take of Pomatum, Oyl of Roses, each four ounces, ointment of Roses two ounces, make a Liniment.


Take of Pomatum four ounces, Oyl of Ro­ses three ounces, Citrine ointment half an ounce, make a Liniment.

Another for Burns and Scalds.

Take old Lard, and put it upon a red hot iron, then receive the hot drops falling into cold water, and take the fat which swims a top, and w [...]k it with Rose-water, and lay it on the Burn.

Another for a Scald.

Take of Cerusse washt in Rose-water, one ounce, Lime washt in Rose-water, three drams, the powder of Citrine Ointment half an ounce, the mucilage of the seeds of Quin­ces and Peares extracted with Rose-water, three ounces, beat them all in a morter to the form of a Liniment.

An Ointment to take away the marks of the Small-pox in children.

Take Oyl of Lillies one pint, Fat four oun­ces, Oyl of Roses one ounce, wash them a good-while with the water of Roses and Lil­lies, then take four whites of Eggs, prepare them in their shells, and coagulare them a little by the fire, then mix them in a morter with the former, then add of sweet and bit­ter Almonds blanched, each one ounce, then beat and incorporate them with the former, and adde the roots of Reeds two drams and a half; Sarcocol, Melon-seeds cleansed, Li­tharge [Page 105]of Gold, Sugar, Marrow, Anise, Chalk, each one dram, mix them all in a morter to the form of a Liniment.

Of Ointments for Scabs.

Take of live Sulphur half a pound, as much Salt, Hogs-grease two pound, Oyl of Bays half a pint, mix them.

Another more powerful for the Scab and salt Fleag [...].

Take of Litharge, yellow Arsnick, Quick­silver, Tartar, Mastick, Olibanum, live Sul­phur, each half an ounce, old Hogs-grease six ounces, Oyl of Bays two ounce, a little Vi­neger, mix them and make an Unguent.

Another free from all danger.

Take of Turpentine washt in Rose-water, three drams, Oyl of Roses four ounces, Juice of Orenges, a sufficient quantity, three yelks of Eggs, mix them and make an Unguent.


Take of fresh Butter six drams, Jasmine, Alume, common Salt, each two drams, the Juice of sowre Dock, of Fumitory, each half an ounce, three yelks of Eggs, powder of Orrice two drams, liquid Styrax six drams, mix them.

Another approved one against any Scab, Ringworm, or Tetter.

Take of Litharge, Alume, Quicksilver, each half a dram, Roses, Cerusse, Savine, the fish Sepia, Cadmian earth, each one dram; the ashes of Mastick-tree, Calamint, each half a dram, mix them with Juice of Mint, and boyl them with Oyl of Roses to a third part, adding a little Wax.

Another for Scabs in children.

Take of washt Turpentine, one ounce, the yelk of an Egg, Oyl of Flax, one ounce and a half, mix them.


Take of washt Butter two ounces, washt Turpentine three ounces, Salt, yelks of Eggs, Oyl of Roses, each one ounce, mix them.


Take of fresh Butter washt with Fumito­ry-water, washt Turpentine, common Salt, each three ounces, two yelks of Eggs, Juice of orenges as much as is sufficient, mix them.

Of Ointments that beautifie the face.

To make the Face bright.

TAke Oyl of Tartar three ounces, seeds of Fleawort one ounce, infuse them in [Page 107]the mucilage, mix and dissolve with them in an ounce of Oyl of Roses, Borax, salt Gem, each one dram, and make a Liniment.

A Colouring for the Face.

Take of Citrine Ointment fresh made three ounces, sweet Almonds very well brui­sed, flour of Beans, each one dram, the bone of the fish Sepia, Harts-horn, Barley flour, each two drams, incorporate them all with Honey.


Take of Sea-frogs without their shell, put them in a glass vessel, and sprinkle them with the pouder of salt Gem, and cover them with Lemmon-water, and set them so long in the sun till they become like an Oint­ment, with which anoint the face, afterwards wash it with Bean-flower water.


Take of Citrine Ointment four ounces, Pomatum two ounces, mix and anoint night and morn, then wash with Bean-flower wa­ter.

A Liniment after the manner of Virgins milk, to adorn the Face.

Take of Litharge of Gold two ounces, boyl it in a little leaden vessel, with six oun­ces of white wine vineger distilled, stirring [Page 108]it all the while with a stick, strein it through a linnen cloth, and keep the water; at last take of Salt, or Oyl, or Tartar, one ounce, and dissolve it in a glass with four ounces of Water of Lillies, then take in your hand three or four drops of each of the afore­said waters, and they will turn to a Vir­gins milk, with which rub the face, and let it dry in.

An Ointment to illustrate the face.

Take the Oyl of the Marrow of a Hart, two ounces, Oyl of Goard-seeds one ounce, Goats far, washt Turpentine, each half an ounce, new Wax three drams, melt them by the fire, then adde Mastick, Borax burnt, each two drams, mix them and make an Unguent, with which anoint the face at night, and in the morning wash it with Bran­water.

To whiten the face.

Take of Virgins milk two ounces, Oyl of Tartar one ounce, mix them and anoint the face at night going to sleep, in the morning wash it, and it will be clear, bright and fair.

Of Ointments to whiten the hands.

Take of salt Lard bruised and steeped in a Lye three days, (changing the Lye twice a [Page 109]day) a sufficient quantity, white Wax a lit­tle, white Lilly-roots roasted under the ashes and bruised, two; melt them by the fire, then pass it through a thin searse, into cold water, wash it well, changing the water five or six times, afterwards keep it in a glass vessel for your use.


Take Goats far or suer cleansed, and steep­ed in Rose-water two dayes, and very well washt, a sufficient quantity, bruise it in a morter, continually washing it with Rose-water, then add white Wax, Musk, Sivet, each as much as sufficient melt them together, and diffuse it in Rose-water, or some other sweet water, then keep it for your use.


Take Oyl of bitter Almonds well washt in Rose- or Violet-water, a sufficient quantity, white Wax enough, mix them by the fire, and make an Unguent.


Take of Melon and Goard-seeds cleansed, Pine-nuts cleansed, Peach-kernels, Barley­flour, each one part, bruise them all well, then with one pint of Honey, mix them to the form of an Unguent, with which anoint the hands at night, and wash in the morn.


Take Oyl of sweet Almonds well washt, white Wax, each a sufficient quantity, Cam­phure one dram, mix them and make an Un­guent.


Take the root of white Orrice one ounce, Lilly-roots three ounces, white Sugar one ounce, bruise them all well, and make them up to the form of a paste, with which rub the hands, then wash them.


Take Oyl of Tartar, Oyl of sweet Al­monds, white Wax, each a sufficient quanti­ty, dissolve them by the fire, and adde Myrrhe pouder'd, one dram, Mastick brui­sed two drams, mix and infuse them in Rose-water, wash them, and then adde Musk, Ambergreece, Camphure, each a little, make an Unguent.


Take the seeds of Goards, Melons husked, Pine-nuts cleansed, Peach-Kernels, each six ounces, Barley-bran a sufficient quantity, pouder them and mix them with the best Honey.


Take of Pine-nuts cleansed and bruised, [Page 111]one pound, Mustard-seed one ounce, Fige three ounces, Camphure two drams, beat them all well and mix them, and make a paste to rub the hands.

An Ointment to make the hands fair.

Take of common Oyl washt, fresh Butter washt, Goats fat washt, each one part, steep them together four and twenty houres in Rose-water, then dissolve them by the fire, and adde white Wax a sufficient quantity, a little Musk, make an Unguent.


Take the crum of Bread, Rice, red Vet­ches, each three ounces or four, soft Soap an ounce and a half, scum'd Honey a sufficient quantity, make a paste.


Take Juice of Pompions a sufficient quan­tity, bitter Almonds infused in Whey, as much as is sufficient, a hundred Figs infu­sed in the same, Mustard-seed two ounces, Orrice-roots one ounce, Ox Gaul five drams, incorporate them and make a paste.


Take a pint of water in an earthen vessel, leaded and well covered, and boyl half away, then adde Juice of Lemmons six ounces, Ho­ney, [Page 112]Oyl of bitter Almonds, each two oun­ces, mix them and make an Unguent.

An Ointment for hands swelled with cold.

Take the grease of Wooll, Goose, and Ducks grease, the mucilage of Quince-seeds, each two ounces, Starch-corn six drams, Tur­pentine one ounce and a half, Oyl of Roses, Oyl of yelks of Eggs, each two ounces, yel­low Wax a little, make a Liniment.

Another to wash the hands.

Take of Pine-nuts cleansed, powder of Mustard-seed, each three ounces, the best Honey half a pint, mix them and make a paste.

Another for hands swelled with cold.

Take the seeds of Flax, Fenigreek, Marsh­mallows, each half a dram, of Mucilage ex­tracted of Lilly-water, and the fore-menti­oned ointment, each one ounce, oyl of Dill, oyl of sweet Almonds, each half an ounce, make a Liniment for the hands with course Wooll.

For Clefts of the hands.

Take ointment of Litharge, of Cerusse, each one dram, mix them.


Take of Rams-grease, Starch-corn, Li­tharge, [Page 113]Oyl, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.


Take of Litharge of Silver, Myrrhe, Gin­ger, each a like parts; Honey, Wax, Oyl, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.

Another for clefts of the Hands and cold.

Take of common Oyl four ounces, white Frankincense, clean Wax, each one ounce, the Juice of Elder-leaves three ounces, well scented white wine four ounces, boyl an Ap­ple in the Wine, Oyl and Juice of Elder, afterwards adde the Frankincense and Wax, and then strein it.


Anoint them with the roots of soure Dock and Sows-grease.

Another for the clefts of the hands.

Take of Mastick, Oyl of Roses, white Wax, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.


Take of Bran burnt to ashes, the hairs of a Horse tail burnt, each one part, Honey as much as is sufficient, make an Unguent.


Take of Tutty, Cerusse, Litharge, each half a dram, Arsnick, Sublimate three granes, [Page 114]Lead, Alume, each half a scruple, Wa­ter of Roses, Plantane, Purslane, each a suf­ficient quantity, the white of one Egg, make a mixture.


Take of Tragacanth one scruple, flour of Starch-corn half an ounce, Juice of Plan­tane two drams, with Syrup of Roses make a mixture.

An Ointment for scabby and leprous Nails.

Take of Rams fat, Colophony, each two drams, mix them.

A Cerot for the same.

Take of Turpentine, Cummin, each one dram, mix them.


Take Oyl of Mastick, unripe Olives, each two ounces, Cynamon one dram, Cerusse washt, burnt Lead, each half a dram, Tutty prepared six drams, white Wax, Rozen washt with wine, each one ounce, mix them.

An Ointment for a contusion of the nails.

Take of new Wax, Cummin, Costmary, each a sufficient quantity, pouder them and mix them up with the Wax.


Take of Ducks-grease, Bears fat, Euphor­bium [Page 115]pouder'd, each a sufficient quantity, make an Unguent.

An Ointment for Clefts of the nails.

Take of Diachylon, Oyl of Almonds, Oyl of Been, Mastick, Raisons, each a sufficient quantity, make a Plaister.


Take of Flax-seed, Honey, each a suffici­ent quantity, mix them to the form of a Plaister.

For leprous Nails.

Take of Pitch and Wax, each a sufficient quantity, melt them together, and make an Unguent.


Take of Goats Suet, Sandarach pouder'd, each a sufficient quantity.

For pill'd Nails.

Take of Salt, Flour of Barley, Costmary powder'd, each one part, Honey a sufficient quantity, mix them.

An Ointment after shedding of the nails.

Take of Flax-seed one ounce, Cardamoms three drams, Honey a sufficient quantity, mix them.

An Ointment to make the nails fall.

Take ointment of Roses, Cantharides, each a sufficient quantity, mix them.


Take Missletoe of the oak, Arsnick, each a sufficient quantity, mix them.

An Ointment for warts in the Hands.

Take the roots of a Vine, sheeps-dung, and Goats-dung, each one part, the milk of Figs or of Spurge, as much as is sufficient, make an Unguent.


Take the Lees of Oyl, Sugar-alume, each one ounce, Verdegrease two ounces, Tar half an ounce, mix them and use them.


Take rust of Brass, yellow Arsnick, Dates, unslaked Lime, froth of the Sea, Tartar, Vi­triol, Pigeons-dung, the floure of Rie, of Gith, each equal parts, Bulls-gaul, as much as is sufficient, make an Unguent to lay on the Warts first scarified.


The bark of Sallow burnt, and mixt with Vinegar, and laid on; also a Dogs-turd with Wax.

Of Ointments that adorn the Brest.

To keep the Breasts small.

TAke of Roch-alume pouder'd a sufficient quantity, Oyl of Roses as much as is [Page 117]sufficient, mix them and anoint the breast.


Take of Bolearmenick pouder'd, green Gauls bruised, each one part, Honey a suffi­cient quantity, make an Unguent.


Take of Cerusse, white Marble, each one part, Oyl of Myrtels a sufficient quantity, pouder them and mix them.

To make the Brests decrease or grow less.

The juice of Hemlock mixt with Camp­hure and layd on, makes them less; also white Frankincense with Navel-wort and sharp Vinegar, hinders their growth.

An Ointment to hinder their growth.

Take a sufficient quantity of Dyers-earth, boyl it with Honey, and make a thick Poul­tesse, and apply it from morning to night, then lay over it a Spunge soaked in cold wa­ter till the Poultesse be taken off, and if you would have it more effectual, mix with it ten unripe Gauls, it will make them right and streight.

To harden soft and loose Breasts.

Take clay, the white of an Egge, unripe, Gauls, Mastick, Frankincense, each a suffici­ent quantity, bruise them all and mix them with hot Vinegar, and anoint the breast, [Page 118]and suffer it to lye on all night; if once will not do, do it again.

To hinder the growth of the Breasts.

Bruise Hemlock, and let a Mass of it with Vineger be laid on a Virgins breast, it will so confine them that they grow not, though at the time of milk coming in them.

A Liniment to smooth flaggy, wrinckled Breasts.

Take Lees of Oyl, as much as is sufficient, Gum-arabick, Tragacanth, Mastick, each a little, Camphure a very little, mix them.

To make the Breasts less and hard.

Take of green Mint, dryed Roses, wilde Pears, Medlars, Servaces, Slooes, Juice of binding Bean-tree, Pomegranate-flowers, Pomegranate-rinde, unripe Pine-nuts, Plan­tane, Flowers of Archangel, each alike parts, bruise them and boyl them in Vineger, then adde flour of Beans, as much as is sufficient, make a Plaister.

Another for the same.

Take of Quinces, unripe Plums, each a suf­ficient quantity, bruise them very well, and adde Bolearmenick, Plantane-seed, Anise­seed, Fennel, Cummin, each a little, Juice [Page 119]of Plantane, Vineger, each a sufficient quan­tity, mix them.

An Ointment for Breasts that hang down.

Take of Bean-flower, Frankincense, Ma­stick, Juice of Housleek, hot Vineger, whites of Eggs, each a sufficient quantity, mix them.

Another for the same.

Take of dried Figs, Raisons, Cummin, Vineger, each as much as is sufficient, bruise them and boyl them to the form of a Plai­ster.


Take of Gauls, Mastick, Frankincense, whites of Eggs, hot Vineger, each as much as will suffice, mix them: Bran boyled with Vineger and laid on the Breasts, will do the like.

An Ointment for Clefts of the Nibbles.

Take Oyl of Roses, the middle rinde of Elder, each one ounce, Wax as much as is sufficient, mix them.

Another for pain proceeding of Clefts.

Take Oyl of Violets, or Oyl of sweet Almonds, white Frankincense, Wax, each [Page 120]two drams, and then mix them.

Another for Clefts.

Take Badgers fat half an ounce, Martia­lum, and Agrippa's Ointment, Ointment of Marsh [...]mallowes, and that called Anodyne, each one dram, Oyl of Nard one ounce and a half, mix them.


Take Oyl of Roses two ounces, new Wax half an ounce, Litharge, Frankincense, each one dram, mix them.


Take of Tragacanth one scruple, flour of Starch-corn two ounces, Juice of Plan­tane three drams, mix them and anoint.

Ointments to adorn the Belly and Feet.

To take away the Wrinckles of the Belly after Childe bearing.

TAke of burnt Harts-horn, the stone Amiantus, Ammoniack, Salt, Myrrhe, Frankincense, M [...]stick, each as much as is sufficient, pouder and mix them with Honey.

Another of the same.

Take of Rams Suet, nine times washt in cold water, one pound, two whites of Egges, a little Butter, bruise them all very well, then adde Mastick, Olibanum, each two drams, mix them and make an Ointment for the Belly.


Take of Sea-onion burnt, burnt Harts-horn, Plumed-Alume, Ammoniack. Salt, Myrrhe, Olibanum, Mastick, Gith, Barley-flour, each a like parts, pouder and mix them with honey.

An Ointment for hardness of the feet.

Take the flour of Gith, the flour of old Bread-corn, Wax, each a sufficient quantity, mix them, and make a Cerot to lay on the place.


Take of Drink made with Vineger and Honey, Ammoniacum, each one ounce Bdel­lium, Sagapen, each two drams, Turpentine three drams, Oyl of Orrice, two ounces, mix them and make an Unguent.


Take the ashes of the rinde of Sallow, Vi­neger, each as much as will suffice, mix them and anoint the place.


Take the green leaves of Rue, Raifons, each a sufficient quantity, bruise them toge­gether, and make a Plaister.


Take of Galbanum, Wax, each a suffici­ent quantity, and mix them.

A brave-scented Ointment.

Take of Musk, Ambergreece, Sivet, each four granes, with Oyl of sweet Almonds, re­duce them to the form of an Ointment.

Or thus:

Take Oyl of Nutmegs made by a Press, one dram, the best Sivet one scruple, choice Musk six granes, Oyl of Spike, Lavender, each two or three drops, mix them and make an Ointment to anoint the Nostrils, Fore-head, and principal parts, to fortifie them.

Of Soaps that Beautifie.

A white Sweet-smelling Soap.

TAke of old Venetian Soap scraped, and six days set in the sun, as much as is suf­ficient, [Page 123]beat it very well with one pint of the best Rose-water, then dissolve it by a gentle fire, and adde powder of Orrice four ounces, Starch-corn six ounces, white Saun­ders two ounces, liquid Styrax, Oyl of Spike, each one ounce, mix them very well, and when it is cold, make balls.

A muskified Soap.

Take of the best Soap scraped one pound, choice Cynamon, Nutmeg, Cane, Styrax, each one ounce, wood of Aloes two drams, Benjamin two ounces, Cloves one ounce, beat them all to a fine powder, and adde powder of Cy [...]erus one dram, Musk, Siver, each a little, dip them in Rose-water, after­wards set them in the sun for forty days, and make Balls, which must be kept in Cotton in woodden vessels.

A white sweet Soap.

Take of old common Soap scraped, a suf­ficient quantity, dry it well for eight dayes or ten, then bruise it and searse it, and adde Powder of Orrice four ounces, white Saun­ders three ounces, Mahaleb two ounces, flour of Starch-corn one omnce, powder them all and mix them, and put them in a [Page 124]morter together, with one ounce of liquid Styrax, and a little Oyl of Spike, beat them all well together, and at last with the Flour of Starch-corn; make Balls, dry them in the shade, and keep them for your use.

Another most excellent one.

Take six granes of Musk dissolved in Rose-water, Sivet four granes, mix them with the fore-mentioned Soap, but the Musk must be hot in the Rose-water.

Another to whiten the hands.

Take of bitter Almonds cleansed and brui­sed one pound, Turky-soap the bigness of an Egg, Mustard-seed one spoonful, pouder them all and mix them.

Of Powders to adorn the Teeth.

A Powder to make them white.

TAke of red Co [...]al. Date-stone Pummy­stone, the bones of the fish Sepia, burnt Salt, each a sufficient quantity, mix them and make a Powder.

Another to fasten the Teeth, and strengthen the Gums.

Take of red Corral, Pearl, Dragons blood, Bolearmenick, Frankincense, Crabs shells, each one part, mix them and make a Powder.

An excellent Dentifrice.

Take of Hyssope, Organy, Mint, each two ounces, cleft Alume, Harts-horn, com­mon Salt, each one dram, take them and burn them in a pot to coales, then adde Pepper, Pummy-stone, Pellitory of Spain, Mastick, each half a dram, Myrrhe, Cy­namon, each one scruple, make a fine Powder.

A Powder to whiten the Teeth.

Take the bones of the fish Sepia, white Marble burnt, each one ounce, Cloves, Cy­namon, Pellitory of Spain, each three oun­ces, Spunge, Pummy-stone, Salt, each one ounce, mix them and make a fine Powder to rub the Teeth.


Take of Ginger, Cynamon, Cloves, Pum­mystone, wood of Aloes, Nutmeg, Mace, each [Page 126]half an ounce, Pepper, Pellitory of Spain, Mustard-seed, Stavesacer, each three oun­ces, Spunge, white Marble, each half an ounce, Date-stones burnt white Hellebore, each two ounces, Barley bread burnt with Salt and Honey, half an ounce; red Tyles, burnt Harts-horn, Feather'd-alume, Olive­stones burnt, Myrobalane-stones burnt, each three ounces, mix them and make a fine Powder.

Of Powders to adorn the Hands,

To make the Hands white.

TAke the flour of Beans, of Lupines, of Starch-corn, Rice, small Beanes, Or­rice, each six ounces, mix them and make a Powder, with which wash the hands in water.


Take of Pine-nuts cleansed and bruised two ounces, Mustard-seed one pound, Al­monds cleansed and bruised two ounces; make a Powder and dry it in the sun, with which rub the hands with the Juice of Lem­mons, and then with water.


Take the seeds of Rocket six ounces, Or­rice, Cummin, each one ounce, dregs of Alume half an ounce, Sugar-candy, Tra­gacanth, each one ounce, Camphure one scruple, Pine-nuts, Almonds cleansed three ounces, the crum of white bread half an ounce, old Soap scraped two ounces, pou­der them all and mix them, and make a Pow­der to wash the hands.

A Dentifrice to whiten the Teeth.

Take of Rosemary, Mint, Pennyroyal, each half a dram, Orrice-roots, Cammels­hay, each one scruple; Nard, Pepper, each half a scruple, Pummy-stone, burnt Salt, Harts-horn, each two scruples, make them up with Tragacanth steeped in Rose-water. Sticks of the Mastick-tree may be found fit to cleanse and strengthen the teeth.


Take of red Corral one ounce, Majori­can earth half an ounce, the bones of the fish Sepia, Pummy-stone, each two drams; Cloves, Cynamon, Mastick, each one scru­ple, choice Pearl one dram, Dragons blood two drams, Musk one grane, pouder them [Page 128]and work them into a mass with Tragacanth steeped in Rose-water; of which make Den­tifrices like pensils.


Take of Harts-horn, a Horses teeth, each two ounces, Sea-shells, common Salt, Cy­press nuts, each one ounce, burn them to­gether in an Oven, and make a Powder, to be wrought up with the mucilage of Gum­tragacanth.

Another in Powder.

Take of Myrrhe, Mastick, Frankincense, each half an ounce, Harts-horn burnt and washt, red Corral, Roses, Musky-Saun­ders, Cloves, each two scruples, the bone of the fish Sepia, Roche-alume burnt, each two drams, Pummy-stone one dram and a half, common Salt burnt one dram, make a Powder; you may use it with a Mallow­root prepared.

Another eminent one.

Take the tops of Myrtle, of Mastick-tree, Wilde-Olive, Sage, Rosemary, each one handful; red Corral, Ivory, Horses-teeth, each half an ounce, common Salt [Page 129]one pugil, burn them together in an earthen vessel till they be white, then pouder them and adde of Cloves, Roses, thick Cynamon, each three ounces, mix them and rub the Teeth, or with the Cremor of Tragacanth make long Pensils.

Of Perfumes.

A sweet Bag.

TAke of Cubebs half a dram, Cloves one scruple, Gith burnt one ounce and a half, Mace two scruples, pouder them and put them into silk.

A Violet Powder.

Take Orrice of Florence half a pound, Roses four ounces. Cyperus half an ounce, Marjoram, Cloves, each half a dram; sweet-scented white Saunders, Benjamin, each four ounces, Styrax-calamite one ounce, pouder them and put them in silk for a scent.


Take Florentine Flower-de-luce four pound, dried Marjoram one fourth, Ca­lamus-Aromaticus three ounces, Roses, [Page 130]Violets, each five drams; Cloves half an ounce, Musk one dram, pouder them and put them in silk.


Take Orrice of Florence two pound, red Roses one pound, Styrax-calamite, Cloves, white Saunders, Aromatick, Cane, Co­riander, Cyperus, each four ounces; Mar­joram, Lavender, each six drams; Sivet, Musk, each a sufficient quantity, then mix them.

A Pomander.

Take of Styrax-calamita one ounce, Cloves two drams, Benjamin half an ounce, Ambergreece half a dram, Musk fifteen granes, of the aforesaid Violet-powder a sufficient quantity, Rose-water as much as will make it up.


Take of Styrax-calamita one ounce and a half, Benjamin two ounces, Labdanum half an ounce, Cloves, white Saunders, each three drams; Roses, Marjoram, each two drams and a half; Musk, Amber­greece, each one scruple; make a Pomander [Page 131]with the infusion of Gum-tragacanth in Rose-water.


Take of Styrax-calamite, liquid Styrax, Benjamin, Gallia Moschata, Alipta Mos­chata, Labdanum, each one ounce, choice Cynamon, Cloves, white Saunders, each half an ounce, red Roses, Nutmeg, Mace, Wood of Aloes, Cardamoms, Marjoram, Gum-Elemni, Gith-seed, Zedoary, each a dram and a half, Turpentine as much as is sufficient, with a little infusion of Traga­canth made in Rose-water, then make a mass.


Take of yellow Saunders six drams two scruples, Wood of Aloes half an ounce, red Roses, Basilicon, Lavender, Rosema­ry-flowers, Marjoram, each three drams one scruple, Citron-pill seven drams; Cyna­mon, Nutmeg, Mace, Cloves, Coriander­seed prepared, Cardamoms, each three drams one scruple; pure Labdanum eight ounces, Styrax-calamita six drams two scru­ples, liquid Styrax three ounces, Benjamin ten drams, yellow Wax one ounce and a [Page 132]half, Turpentine four ounces, Rose-water two ounces and a half, Musk of Alexandria, Ambergreece, each two scruples and a half, make a mass.


Take Powder of Violets a dram and a half, Roses, Marjoram, Styrax-calamite, Labda­num, each one dram, Cloves two drams, Benjamin, Nutmegs, each one scruple; Am­bergreece half a scruple, make a mass with Rose-water, in which Tragacanth and Gum­arabick have been steeped, and sprinkle it with a little Oyl, either of Cynamon, or Cloves, or Nutmegs.


Take Styrax three drams, Cloves, Cy­namon, each two drams, Mace, Nutmeg, each one dram, Wood of Aloes half a dram, Musk, Ambergreece, each three granes, Mastick one dram and a half, pou­der and searse them, then make them up with the distilled Water of Marjoram, and liquid Styrax, and make round sweet Balls.


Take of Virgins Wax four ounces, Oyl of Olives, Turpentine, each half an ounce, Labdanum three drams, Olibanum, Ma­stick, each a dram and a half, Myrrhe, Sty­rax-calamite, each two drams, white and red Been, red Roses, dried Mint, Marjo­ram, Cloves, Cardamoms, white and red Saunders, Cynamon, Nutmeg, Wood of Aloes, Camphure, each one dram, Amber­greece, Musk, each half a dram, pouder them and make a Pomander.

A Pomander for the time of Pestilence.

Take of Labdanum, Styrax-calamite, each one dram, Cloves half a dram, Camphure, Nard, Nutmeg, each seven granes, bruise them all to a fine pouder, and mix them with Rose-water in which Tragacanth and Gum­arabick have been steeped, and make Balls.


Take of Labdanum three ounces, Sty­rax-calamite one ounce, Benjamin half an ounce, Cloves three drams, red Roses two drams, Wood of Aloes, white Saun­ders, each one dram, Majoram, Lavender, Gith-seeds, each half a dram, Camphure three granes, liquid Styrax half an ounce, [Page 134]with the infusion of Gum-tragacanth in Rose-water make a Pomander, the rich may adde a little Musk and Ambergreece.

A Pomander that will purge.

Take of Scammony, Aloes, Myrrhe, each one dram, Spurge, Coloquintida, each one dram and a half, powder and searse them, and with the Juice of Coriander make two Pomanders; which hold in your hands, often changing them from one hand into the other, that they may be hot and alter the air.

Another against the Plague.

Take the Flowers of Water-lillies, Bug­loss, Violers, Roses, each one dram, Pome­citron rinde one dram and a half, Mace half a dram, all the Saunders, each a dram and a half, white Poppy one scruple, Cam­phure half a scruple, Labdanum two drams, Ambe regreece four granes, powder them and make them up with the distilled Wa­ter of Lettice and liquid Styrax, and make sweet Balls.


Take of Styrax-calamita, Benjamin, [Page 135]eace one ounce, Labdanum, Mastick, each half an ounce, Cloves, Wood of Aloes, yel­low Saunders, each one dram; Gith-seeds two drams, with a little Venice-Turpentine, make sweet balls, and aromatize them with a little Musk, and Amber-greece dissolved in Oyl of Cloves.

A sweet Ointment.

Take of Musk, Ambergreece, Sivet, each four granes, Oyl of sweet Almonds, as much as is sufficient, make a Liniment.


Take Oyl of Nurmeg made by a press, one dram, the best Sivet one scruple, choice Musk six granes, Oyl of Spike, Oyl of Laven­der, each two drops or three, make an Ointment, to anoint the forehead, nostrils, and other principal parts.

A Candle for a Perfume.

Take of sweet Asa, Styrax-calamita, each four ounces, red Styrax, Olibanum, each twelve ounces, Labdanum eighteen ounces, Cloves one ounce and a half, Gith one ounce, Coriander prepared, Juniper-berries, each half an ounce, liquid Styrax six-ounces, [Page 136]Turpentine half an ounce, Coales of Line­tree or Sallow, thirty ounces, with the in­fusion of Gum-tragacanth made in Rose-water, make Candles.

Perfuming Candles against Poyson and Pestilence.

Take of Labdanum three ounce, Styrax­calamita ten drams, sweet Asa six drams, Frankincense one ounce and a half, French Lavender two ounces, red Roses, Cloves, each three ounces, Pomecitron-pills, yellow Saun­ders, each two drams, Juniper-berries half an ounce, Amber-greece, Musk, each half a scruple, Coals of Line-tree one pound and a half, mix them all with Gum-tragacanth and Rose-water warm, and bring them into a Masse, then make small Candles out of it, and dry them gently.

A Muskified Soap.

Take of Venetian Soap four pound, cut it very small, and add pouder of Cloves, white Saunders, each two ounces, Benjamin one ounce, Musk twenty granes, temper them with Rose-water, some add a few drops of Oyl of Spike, but Oyl of Cloves or Mace will do better.

Balls against the Plague or Pestilence.

Take of Labdanum three drams, powder of Roses, Aromatick-cane, Orrice, the true Dittander, Angelica, Cynamon, sweet Saun­ders, Nutmegs, each two scruples, Benjamin, two drams and a half, Amber-greece one scruple, Musk twenty granes, Styrax-cala­mita, half an ounce, with six ounces of Gum-Arabick or Tragacanth, infused in one ounce of Rose-water, make Balls according to Art, and anoint them with Oyl of Ben­jamin.

Of sweet Scents or Perfumes.

Troches for Perfumes.

TAke Wood of Aloes, Labdanum, Ben­jamin, each two drams, Styrax-cala­mite half a dram, Sugar-candy three oun­ces, Musk two granes, mix them with Rose-water into a Paiste, and make Troches, which will smell the better if you sprinkle a little Rose-water on them when you use them.

Troches of Gallia Moschata.

Take raw Wood of Aloes, choice and good, five parts, Ambergreece three parts, good Musk one part, Mucilage of Traga­canth dissolved in Rose-water, as much as will suffice to make them up, and make Troches of the figure of a Myrtle-leaf, seal them up, and put them in an Earthen Ves­sel.

Troches of Benjamin.

Take of Benjamin six ounces, Wood of Aloes eight ounces, Styrax-calamite three ounces, Musk half a dram, Or­rice two ounces, Sugar-candy three pound, powder them, and with Rose-water make Troches.

The Countess of Arnsburg's Perfume.

Take fresh white Roses bruised four ounces, Benjamin steeped in Rose-water a day and a night, two ounces; Amber­greece three granes, Musk two granes, Siver one grane, powder and beat them with the Roses, then adde of the best Su­gar [Page 139]half an ounce, then let them alone in a morter, well covered for two dayes, then work them into a mass, and make Troches; but you must mix a little Gum­tragacanth steeped in Rose-water, and Gum­dragon to make them stick together the better.

A Perfume made in the form of little Birds.

Take of red Styrax half a pound, liquid Styrax one ounce, Styrax-calamite one ounce and a half, coals of Sallow, Tra­gacanth, each two drams; let the powder of the Coals and the Tragacanth be stee­ped three days in Rose-water, then work them into a mass, of which make the figures of Birds.

An excellent Perfume for Candles or Troches.

Take of sweet Asa half an ounce, Pow­der of Orrice two drams, Wood of Aloes, Nutmeg, Cloves, Mastick, each one dram, Styrax-calamite two drams, all the Saun­ders, each half a scruple, Camphure five [Page 140]granes, Ambergreece, Musk, each four granes, white Sugar four ounces, with the mucilage of Tragacanth and a little liquid Styrax and Rose-water with Musk, make Candles or Troches.


The Contents of the Book.

IT teacheth to make variety of sweet Waters, for the Body or Garments, to illustrate and adorn the face, to take away Freckles, Skars, Sun-burns, Pimples, Redness; with the Art of making several Colourings or Fucusses, also how to take away Spots, Bunchings, Warts; to kill Ring worms, to smooth Wrinkles, raze out the marks of the small Pox; with Potions to make the Body fat or lean, sweet Baths to cleanse the body, also how to colour the Hair of any colour whatsoever, to make it grow thick, to make it curl, to lengthen it, to cause it to grow where it is wanting, and take it away where it is super­fluous, to hinder the shedding of it; also to cure all blemishes or infirmities of the eyes and teeth, with Dentrifrices and Powders to cleanse and whiten them: to make Lotions, Lyes, and Oint­ments; As also to cure sore Heads, Dander, Nits, Lice, Scabs, Scars, Leprosies, Tetters, Scalds and Burns; to whiten the hands, to take away all deformities of womens breasts: how to make sweet and muskified Soaps to wash with; also Perfumes, sweet Bags, Pomanders for de­light, and those that will purge by smelling to them, Candles that perfume as they burn, and several Troches for Perfumes.

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