SWEARING DENYED IN THE New Covenant, And its pretended foundation RASED.

VVith the remnant of lies swept away. And the great and glorious name of Jesus highly exalted, above every name, to which powerful Name, all Swearers, and false Swearers, and Lyars, Fighters, Plotters, and Persecutors, who are in the strife against the Son of God, must bow and sub­mit, or be broken in pieces, for his wrath is kindled and his glittering sword is whet, to take venge­ance of all those that will not have him to reign over them, in Truth and Righteousnesse, to the glory of God the Father.

By Morgan Watkins.

LONDON, Printed for Robert Wilson at the Sign of the Black-Spread-Eagle and Windmill in Martins Le-Grand.

Swearing denyed in the New Covenant, and its preten­ded Foundation rased; with the Remnant of lyes swept away.

JEsus Christ, the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever; him hath God the Father high­ly exalted, and given him a name, which is a­bove every Name, that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, &c. and that every tongue should confesse, that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father, Phil. 29.10.11. Now if he be Lord, wherein is he honoured? is it not in obeying his Com­mands, and doing the thing that he saith? as he saith con­cerning the disobedient; Why call you me Lord Lord, and do not the things which I say? so it appeareth he that obeyes him not, hath nothing to do to call him Lord, for he whom he obeyes is his Lord; as its written, his Servants ye are whom ye obey; he only enters the Kingdome that doth the will of the Father, and this is the will of the Father, that we should hear his Son; For this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, heare ye him, of him Moses Prophesied saying, him shall ye heare in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you, and every soul that will not hear that Prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people, Act. 3.22, 23. And this is the day of tryal in this Nation, who will heare him, or refuse him; Who will chuse to obey him, or man; who will fear him, or fear man: And saith Solomon, the fear of man bringeth a snare, Pro. 29.25. which thing is now witnessed, whereby Thousands are catched, and under Condemnations; but who so putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe, which thing also is known to the obedient, and shall also be known to the sorrow of the disobedient, for he will suddenly appear for us and plead our cause, and make the innocency of it appear to the Na­tions round about, that they may fear and tremble before him; who will make his Name glorious, which the Father [Page 4]hath given him, and is, and shall be known to be above very Name, which Name is a strong Tower, and he that be­lieveth not in this Name, is condemned already; and this is the condemnation, that Light is come into the world, &c. Into which those that are gathered, and fly unto, are safe, for his presence and Power is felt in the middest of them, and his glorious voice is heard in Sion; where he raign­eth, let the people tremble at his great and terrible Name, for it is holy and great in Sion, and he is high above all peo­ple; Therefore exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy Hill, for the Earth shall know we are his people, and the Sheep of his Pasture, and his truth (into which we are gathered) shall be exalted to all Generations; but the way of the wicked shall be turned upside down, and that vain wor­ship, that teaches for Doctrines the Commandments of men, Mat 15.9. These be the blind guides that lead the blind people into the ditch; but Christ teacheth his Disciples to beware of their leaven, that was their Doctrine, which then would have made voyd the commands of God, and now would make voyd, or of no effect the Commands of his Son whom the Father hath given for a Commander to his peo­ple, and he that obeyes him not, shall be cut off from his people; but his Sheep heare his voyce, and keep his sayings, who saith, swear not at all; And herein is he acknowledged to be Lord, by the doing of the thing he saith, Luk. 6.46. and this is to the glory of God the Father, who hath highly ex­alted him, and given him a Name above every Name, a­bove Abraham, above Moses, above David, above the Pro­phets, and above the Angels, above every tongue of men & Angels, that have sworn, who must bow to his Commands (who saith swear not at all) and confess that he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, to the glory of God the Father, who saith every knee shall bow, and let all the Angels of God worship him, whose throne is for ever and ever; A Scepter of righteousness is the Scepter of thy Kingdome, Heb. 1.6.8. who said, Lo I come to do thy will O God, he taketh away the first, that he may establish the second, Heb. 10.9.

Now that which was an ordinance in old time, he taketh away, saying it hath been said by them of old time, thou [Page 5]shalt not for-swear thy self, but shalt perform unto the Lord thy Oaths; this of old was a service of God under the first Covenant which was of works) to swear and per­form their oaths; this was a work acceptable to God, But the second Covenant being established upon better premises, wherin God freely gave his own Son to be his Salvation to the ends of the Earth; to bring that forth in man, which he requireth of him; By writing his Law in his heart, and putting his words in his inward parts, whereby he comes to know the Lord, and be taught of him to know himself to be nothing, but what he is in, and through him, who hath all power; So of our selves we can do nothing, therefore we cannot properly swear, being not our own, ( Mark) nor of abillity to perform of our selves, any good thing, much less an Oath to the Lord, for we who are come into the true rest, are not to think our own thoughts, nor speak our own words, for Christ commanded to take no thought for our life, what to eat or drink or put on, because we have not power of ourselves, to add to ourselves; for which of you by taking thought can add one Cubit to his Stature, therefore take no thought, or promise to your selves, nor swear to do this, or that, or the other, for the power is in another, by whom you draw your breath; Therefore we cannot promise any thing ab­solutely, being not our own, nor born of the will of man, (then how can we swear) that stand not in our own wills, but in the will of him who saith swear not at all; for the Apostle James reproveth absolute promising, without relation to him who hath the power, go to now ye that say, To day and to morrow we will do such a thing, James, 4.13. Whereas ye know not whether ye shall live till to morrow, for that ye ought to say if the Lord will, verse the 15. Now to say, I will swear if the Lord will, or if the Lord help me, is a tempting of God, and wil­ling of him to help to break his own command, or to help him to perform that, which he commands him not to do; therefore leave off now ye swearers, and false swearers, and forcers to swear, for the Lord will rebuke you with his fiery indignation.

For the power that should perform the Oath is in him who is the Oath, Truth and Covenant of God to us, & ends the Jews Oaths and Covenant, who saith swear not at all, [Page 6](why) because saith Christ, (that hath all power) thou canst not make one hair white or black, so here is man's power and absoluteness denyed; who could not keep the first Cove­nant, which became to him unprofitable, in that it was weak, Heb. 7.18. So he who required perfect obedience, finding fault with it, which could make nothing perfect, took it away, that he might establish the second in which alone God's power Christ Jesus is absolute: who hath obtained it, by the denyal of his own will as he was man, and in that his State of humiliation, took not upon him absoluteness, but said I can do nothing of my self, Joh. 5.30. and here sware not, or as I may say from his own words, could not swear of himself, for himself he denyed, but confessed, (which word Confesse under the Law was Swear) to the glory of the God the Father, in whom the power was absolute, and therefore he might swear, who was of all power to perform his Oaths, Who is the head of Christ, 1 Cor. 11.3. who sware not, and com­manded all whose head he is, not to swear at all, so he that swears dishonoureth his head, and doth contrary to his Command, and also his example, who whilest he walked upon Earth, it cannot be proved he sware at all, and the Apostle saith, he that saith he abideth in him, ought himself also so to walk even as he walked, 1 Joh. 2.6. Now he that swears breaks his Com­mand, dishonours him whom he calls Lord, and walks con­trary to him, who is given to his people for an example and leader, a Commander, and the Captain of their Salvation, the oath of God, who ends oaths, and did not swear, but made a good Confession, to the glory of the Father, and said swear not at all.

Object. But if any say, though we have not power, and are not absolute of our selves, we swear but to our power, and so say, help me God.

Answ. If thou hast not power thou art not to swear, least thou forswear thy self; and if thy power be in Christ, thou canst not expect that he will give it thee, to break his com­mand, for saith Christ, without me ye can do nothing, John 15.5. that is to say well-pleasing to God; but it is not well-pleasing to him to break his Commands, (as many can now witness that have done it to their misery, who are under dreadful [Page 7]Judgement tormented:) Now he that swears sins, and doth it against Christ, and so without him, for in him is no sin; but the power of darknesse being head, and the eye blind, where­by the Command should be seen and felt to be the will of God, the understanding comes to be darkned, and man takes counsel in this state of his enemy, the Judas in his own heart, who betrayes him by a pretence of liberty, and thereby brings him in to bondage, and condemnation; but where the power is witnessed the Command is kept, which denieth swearing, and cannot call God to help to break the Command of his Son, whom he hath sent to do his will, in whom he is well pleased.

Object. But the Prophet Isaiah spake of swearing, and as we judge, hath relation to the Gospel times, Isaiah 65.16.

Answ. Christ Jesus our great High-Priest, Prophet, and King is come, is whom the Law and the Prophets are fulfilled and ended, and he that is in him is in Truth, and as he walks in Truth he answers the witnesse of God in all mens Consciences, which is a surer Testimony then an Oath, be­cause it stands in the power of God, and the endlesse life; so that the life of the Son of God, manifested in man, and reaching to the witnesse of God in all Consciences, ends the occasion of an Oath, caused through unbelief, or doubting of the Truth in a man; for one who is in Christ, to put his Brother who is in Christ to swear, because he cannot believe him, is as it were to undervalue or put a lye upon the Truth, and dishonour the holy Name by which he is called, for he that is in Christ, knoweth that he which is born of him cannot lye, for he is kept by the mighty power of God, that the wicked one toucheth him not, John 5.18. so among the Brethren in Christ there is no place for an Oath, for there is no strife, there is no lye, there is no fighter, plotter, killer, murtherer, nor disorder­ly person, but here is the true fear of God, and they that honour the King, here is Christ the head of his Church, and every Member is his own order: & those who trouble them, when they have all said, & done, scandalized, reproached, & per­secuted them, and tormented themselves with their vain labour, must lye down in sorrow and confesse, these are the Kings best Subjects, who lift not a hand against him, neither [Page 8]can plot, nor contrive the least evil against his Person and just power; for what they do against his Person, or just power, they do against their own life, and the Truth they do pro­fesse; for as we abide in the Truth, we can do no wrong to him nor any man else, for Truth cannot wrong any man, neither those that are in it, but labours for the good of all men, that all might come to the knowledge of it and be saved, for he that walks in this path must do to every man, as he would have every man to do to him, and this Law shall out-live all Laws to the contrary, and this way, and they that walk in it, shall prosper, and all other shall soon decay.

Object. But some may say, though some may be believed that walk as Christians, yet others that walk in deceit are not to be believed.

Answ. I say, that those who are not in Truth are not to be believed though they swear, for being in the transgression are captivated by the power of darknesse, who rules in the Children of disobedience, and these make little Conscience of an Oath, and lesse to break it; for it is grown a fashion or custom to take it, and also to break it, for you may see how little stead it stood the King in formerly, and how little it advantaged all the several powers since, and it will stand them in as little stead now, who trust to it; for how did the Magistrates under the former powers, swear against King and House of Lords, (and it may be had sworn once or twice before) and now swear for that which formerly they swore against, there are but few but who are in the Truth that will loose any thing for want of swearing, as is made manifest to all that can see; and also those that love the Pope, and those that love the works of the Devil, are unlikely by swearing to come to love the King, or be made true Subjects to him, but those that love God, and keep his Commands, are they that truly honour the King, and will be found faithful to him.

But something further to the Prophet Isaiah his words, which are, and be that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of Truth, but he that is redeemed from the earth sweareth not in the earth, but abiding in the Truth swears not at all, for the former things are past away, and the Son of God is come, the promise of God in whom the Prophets end, and all the pro­mises [Page 9]o [...] God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us, 2 Cor. 1.20. for the word of God, the Son of God, Jesus Christ the Truth of God, who was preached among the Co­riuths by the Apostle and others, was not yea and nay, but in him was yea; and he that abides in the word, and the word in him, as in the Son of God, who is yea, and amen, in Truth and Righteousnesse is in yea, but against Truth and Righ­teousnesse is in nay, and what is more then this cometh of evil; but he that is in swearing is in the transgression, out of the Truth, and fallen under Condemnation.

Isaiah prophecying in the time of the Law, when swearing was lawful, as Circumcision, and other Ordinances were, as meats, and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal Ordinances imposed on them until the time of Reformation, Heb. 9. [...]0. and the Prophet speaking of the calling of the Gentiles, who knew not God, nor sware by his Name, but by their Idols and false Gods, and also of a remnant of the Jews that he would bring forth, out of a great number who were departed from him, that were as a smoke in his nose, whose Name should be left for a curse, whom the Lord should slay and call his Servants (both Jews and Gentiles that sought him) by another Name, who were to inherit his holy Mountain; the which glory he men­tions by way of illustrating the Jews worship in its purity, which was to speak to their capacity, figuring forth the glory to come, (which was to them invisible) by their worship in its purity, which was visible and outward, and also that they should build houses, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them, and should enjoy the work of their hands, and it should be (speaking by way of comparison) as the chil­dren of Israel bring an Offering in a clean vessel into the bonse of the Lord, Isa. 66.20. And I will take of them for Priests, and for Levites, and it shall come to passe, that from one new Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me saith the Lord, vers. 21, 23. so here you may see the things mentioned under the Law, which are but the shadow of the good things under the Gospel, and where the substance is come, the shadows are abolished; and again, when it is said under the Law, every tongue shall swear, when the Apostle Paul mentions the same Scripture in the time of the Gospel (Mark) he saith every [Page 10]tongue shall confesse to God, as for example, Rom. 14 11. For it is written, as I live saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall onfesse to God; Now see how it is written by the Prophet, where Paul quotes it, Isa. 45.23. where it is written, every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear, here you may see plainly the Apostle changeth it from swear, to confess, because swearing was not to among Christians, and Paul again in the Philippians 2.10, 11. where it is again mentioned in these words, that every tongue shall confesse (and not swear) that Jesus is the Lord, and here you may plainly see, that the Commandement being changed, there was as necessity that the words should be changed, according to the command of him who said swear not at all, that his Name may be known to be above every Name of men and Angels; Now this were enough for those that are not blind, to see the Command changed by the Apostle himself, but those that will not hear the voice of his Son, who speaks in their Consciences, will hard­ly hear the voice of his Servants, though they speak by his Spirit.

Now I come to lay before you the Command of the Apo­stle James, who saith, But above all things my Brethren swear not, neither by Heaven, neither by the Earth, (Mark) neither by any other Oath, but let your yea be yea, and your nay nay, least ye fall into Condemnation, James 5.12.

Consider, above all things, is a word of mighty impor­tance, that above all snares of the Devil, we keep out of this, which above all things brings such dishonour to our Lord Christ; (but those that know not his glorious Name, are blind in this thing) for above all things in this his glory is chiefly concerned, who is Gods Oath, and Covenant in righte­ousnesse, and truth, and every true Christian is in Christ, Gods Covenant, in righteousnesse and truth, first being in the Cove­nant (is not in himself) but in the power of God. 2. Being in his Righteousnesse, can do no wicked thing, and therefore an Oath is uselesse here, for it undervalues the power and righteousnesse of God, his Oath and Covenant, which is to cre­ate us again in his own image, in his Son Christ Jesus, which is the birth that sins not, which the wicked one cannot touch, 1 John 5.18.

Thirdly, he that is in the Truth Christ, is in that which the Devil is out of, and there is no lye in Christ the Truth, and the that is in him speaks the Truth, and doth the Truth that he is in, the Spirit of Truth that cannot lye; but he that swears he will be true, answers not the witnesse of God in mens Consciences, but rather judges himself not true, but will be, and this will which is out of the truth is mans, in which the power is not, for 'tis not in him that willeth, Rom. 9.16. for Christ the Truth is the will of the Father, brought forth in every true Christian, which will is our sanctification, 1 Thess. 4.3. The word is truth which sanctifies, sanctifie them through thy word, thy Word is Truth, John 17.17. and he that is sanctified through the Truth, sheweth forth the Life, Truth, and Righteousnesse of God, which ends Promises and Oaths, in him who is Yea and Amen for ever and ever.

But the true honour, in which God the Father is glorified, is in confessing that his Son Jesus Christ is Lord, in bowing and submitting to his great Name, (which is his power) in giving obedience to his Commands, though it cost us the losse of all, even the laying down of our outward lives; this is a good confession, and as Christ himself who sware not, but made a good confession before Pontius Pilate, in the obedience of his Fathers Commands, and submitted to the death, and abode in his Love, and obtained a Name, which is above every name, and as he abode in his Fathers love, so we must abide in his love, which is by giving up to the obedience of his Commands, who saith swear not at all, and those who love him, and follow him, obey and honour him.

And the Apostle James, who spake by his spirit, said, above all things my Brethren swear not, and saith Christ if ye love me keep my Commandements, Joh. 14, 1. and saith Paul, if any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be acursed, 1 Cor. 16.22. But they who imprison and persecute the people of God, because they will not break the Commands of Christ, they love not the Lord Jesus Christ, and wo is their portion, it had been better they had never been born; for as many as are come into Christ, their yea is yea, and their nay nay, and are out of Condemnation; for there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ, but where their yea is not yea, nor their nay nay, [Page 12]they are out of the truth, and there is the lying, swearing, and for-swearing, and swearing cannot bring into the truth, for it is against Christ the Truth, and James his Com­mand the Apostle of truth, and is under the Condemnation.

But the Common Objection among men (who know not the truth) is this, which Paul mentions in the 6. of the Heb. and the 16. In these words; for men verily swear by the greater, and an Oath for Confirmation is to them (mark not to us) an end of all strife

Answ. The Apostle in this place mentioning the practices of men, which sware in the old time, who sware by the greater, that it might be the greater ingagement to them to perform their Oaths, and to confess the God of Heaven to be the greater, because it was the practice among men to swear by the greater, and a command to the Jews ; and so the Lord willing more abundantly to confirm his promises to the seed, sware to man by himself, who was the greatest, (that in old time) men were to swear by; but in the new Covenant old things were done away, and all things were become new.

Object. But if it be said the Apostle spake to the present practice among men.

Answ. I say it may be the practice among the Jews at this day, who are in the unbelief cut off; but if it be, it is sin to them, as is all the rest of their Ordinances which are ended in Christ, being that thereby they go about, (by the practice of them) to establish a righteousness of their own, endeavor­ing to make voyd the righteousness of Christ, who by their practice deny him to be come, to whom Christ said, If ye believe not that I am he, you shall dye in your sin, and whither I go ye cannot come, Job. 8.21.24.

Object. And again if it be said, that it was then a practice among men, and an Oath or Confimation is to them an end of all strife.

Answ. I say it is a practice among men at this day, who are in strife, but both these practices, swearing, and strife, are evil, and under Condemnation, being both out of the truth, against Christs Command & practice, and against the Apostles Command, and the practice of them who walked in truth, and it is so common now, that it is grown into a form [Page 13]of ungodlinesse, and all in it are far from truth, that they cannot believe one another, without an oath, nor then neither; for as swearing is common, so also is for-swearing, for without an oath little Law or Justice is to be had, nor then neither, for him who is in truth; but if a man can swear, he may soon have a Lawyer to lye for him, if he be well paid before-hand, for he can draw up a form of lyes, and say it is a form of Law; And this is the way men take to end their money, and to begin the strife, which many times continues while their money lasts, and then it may soon be ended at home, by their neighbours, for these things the Land mourns, and grones under these heavy burthens.

Again, if it were a practice among men, let us consider what men it were, that it was practiced among, whether they are men of the World, or men in Christ, (which were new men) but I shall make it appear, to be among the men of the World, the carnal men who were in strife, and there the oath, and swearing was to end it; but Christ the Truth, where he is received, and witnessed, strife comes to be ended, & the Oath not to be used; but that it may ap­pear what men it were, read Jam. 3.14, 15, 16. But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lye not a­gainst the Truth; this wisdome is earthly, sensual and divelish, for where envying and strife is (mark) there is Confusion and every evil work. Can any be so blind as to think these things were among the Apostles, and owned and practiced among the Brethren of Christ, who walked in the Spirit? for these were the fruits of the flesh, the works of Babylon, which is Confusion, and there is every evil work, which was not a­mong the elect People of God; for those that are carnal, walk as men saith Paul, what men? Such that are in strife, and swearing, 1 Cor. 3 3. For ye are yet carnal, for whereas there is among you, envying and strife, and Divisions, are ye not carnal and walk as men? Here is the word men, answering the words, for men verily swear, which men you see the A­postles reproves here and in divers places, and in Rom. 13.12.13. Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the Armor of Light, let us walk honestly as in the day, not [Page 14]in Rioting and drunkenuess, nor in Chambering and wantonness, (mark) not in strife and envying, but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ; Here you may see that strife is condemned to be one of the works of darkness, in such who had not put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and these be the men that have not put on Christ, who are in strife and swear to end it, and saith Paul, let nothing be done through strife, &c. Phil 2, 3. And the Servant of the Lord must not strive, Tim. 2.2. So it is sufficently proved, that the Oath and Swearing was among them that walked not in Christ the Truth, but among such that were Carnal, and walked in darkness, in which they are now that are in envying and Strife, which be evil works; and they that swear do another evil work to end it, and here the beginning and the end is evil, being the work of the Devil.

But the Children of the Light, (whom the dark World in scorn call Quakers) are come to the word which was in the beginning, (who ends the first Covenant) even to Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things then the blood of Abel; and we cannot refuse, nor turn away from his voyce, who now speaks from Heaven (which shakes both Heaven and Earth) for we who are faithfull, and hear the beloved Son of God, (who saith swear not at all, we do receive a Kingdome which cannot be mo­ved (which is not of this World, therefore the World seeth it not) and having grace whereby we may serve him ac­ceptably, cannot but obey, reverence, and fear our God, who as a consuming sire; And now for the obedience of his Com­mands, whom we serve, reverence and fear, are we persecuted and imprisoned, (by those who neither serve nor fear him) and our goods spoyled, contrary to the Law of God, and also of the Nation; but in all these things we rejoyce, and are more then Conquerers, thorow him that hath loved us, whose power and glorious presence is witnessed among us; and his love is felt, in filling of us with the joy of his spirit, by which we can freely forgive all our enemies, and pray that those who dispitefully use us, may come to see their wicked way, to the way of righteousnesse, where they may find mercy and be saved; But if they will not hear, nor re­pent, nor speedily leave off the evil of their doings; I say Our God who is a consuming fire, the Lord who is risen to plead [Page 15]the Innocency of our cause, which is come before him, who is the God of the whole Earth, to whom all vengance belongs, he will recompence them according to their deeds.

And is it not a shame for men, who would be called Christians, to persecute, and imprison those who obey Christ, and keep his Commands, for obeying him, and keeping his Commands, and walking as they have him, and his Apostles, for an example? who said let us hold fast the Profession of our faith without wavering, not forsakeing the Assem­bling of our selves together, as the manner of sum is, but exhort one a nother, following peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord; and who is he that can accuse us, that we have not followed peace in our meetings, and holi­ness in our conversations? but they it be who neither love peace, nor holiness in their Conversations, that disturb us in our peaceable meetings, and Assemblies, as the manner of the Churches of Christ were, and now are, who worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, and as we are kept and abide in the truth, we can injure no man; but walking in love, and doing to all men, as we would have all men should do to us; But all men (though they may be called Christians) have not faith, and these are the unreasonable men, who make warr against the Lamb and his followers; because they do shew forth that life, which they that persecute them do professe, and therein they are unreasonable and cruel; For if every one who names the Name of Jesus, did depart from iniquity, per­secution would soon cease, & Love would increase; but wo to the wicked, it shall be ill with him; but his blessing is, & shall be with his seed, and his spiritual presence with his off-spring, which hath blossomed, and budded, and shall fill the face of the Earth with fruit.

From one who waits to see the Lord exalt himself, over all this Enemies.

Morgan Watkins.
Where I now suffer bonds for the truth of God, and the Testi­mony of Jesus.

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