THE following Report was made to the Royal Society at Gresham Colledg the Third of April, 1700. by the Ingenious Dr. Hook.

That he had consider'd the Use of the Portable Scale, Invented by Mr. Tho. Wastell, and finds it to be Ingenious, and of good Use for the more expeditious Performance of the Operations mentioned, to be thereby per­formable in the Title of his Book.

THE APPLICATION OF A New Portable SCALE, (Being the First of this Nature) In Resolving Questions in the fol­lowing Particulars, viz.

  • INTEREST, For any Sum, Time or Rate.
  • DISCOUNT, Of Bills, Tallies, Stock, &c.
  • FACTORIDGE At all Rates.
  • BROKERIDGE At all Rates.
  • COMMISSION At all Rates.
  • EXCHANGE, &c. At all Rates.
  • VALUE Of any Quantity of Goods, Mer­chandize, or any Fractional part of an Intiger. Of any Num­ber of Pistols, Dollers, or other Foreign Coin. Of Wages due to any Workmen or Seamen, for any Time or Rate: As also Short Allowance.
  • NUMBER, Of Days in any distance of Time.
  • PROPORTION, Of any Sum per Annum, to One or any Number of Dayes. And several other profitable USES.

The Second Edition, with Additions.

Invented by THO. WASTELL.

London, Printed for the Author, and Sold by Richard Mount, at the Postern on Tower-Hill. 1700.

To the Honoured Charles Sergison, Esq CLERK of the Acts OF HIS Majesty's Royal Navy.

THis Scale (which is the Product of some vacant Minutes) is in Grateful Acknow­ledgment of many Fa­vours most humbly de­dicated and presented by

His most Dutiful and Obedient Servant Tho. Wastell.

How to Tabulate any Number on this SCALE.

EAch of the six Reds hath the nine Digits, and a proper Sum to each Digitt on the right hand of it; which Rods are numbred on the outermost end with 1. 10. 100. 1000. 10000, &c. and are to be drawn out 'till the proper Figure (and the Sum appertaining) come into the vacancy on the right hand end of the Scale, clear of any other Sum: All Units are to be found on the Unit-Rod, Tens on 10 Rods, Hundreds on 100 Rod, and Thousands on the 1000 Rod, &c. To Tabulate 743, pull out the 100 Rod to 7, 10 Rod to 4, and Unit Rod to 3; and place the Numbers exactly one under another, and add the Sums to answer the Ques­tion, and the like for any other Sum.

In shifting the Sides, turn the Rods one by one into their own Places.

Interest at any Rate, for any Time or Sum. Found on the First Side.

RƲLE. MUltiply the Sum by the Number of Days, and the Product by the Rate of Interest, Tabulate this last Product as before, and add the several Sums found, for the Interest required.

Interest of Shillings is found by the same Rule, dividing the last Product by 20.

Three Quarters, Half, a Quarter, and Half Quarter per Cent. Is that proportion of the Pro­duct of the Sum, Multiplied by the Number of Days, and to be added to the Product when multiplied by the even Rate.

Note, Farthings are express'd by Dotts, and fifth part of Farthings by (‴) and where four fifths happen, one ought to be added.

The last Figure on the right hand need not to be Tabulated, in any Operation on the First Side; therefore the Unite-Rod is omitted.

Examples at large.

What 354 l. at 5 per Cent. for 321 days, [...]

What 67 ∶ 16 ∶ 0 for 73 days at 9 per Cent. [...]

Or by one Operation, if Shillings and Pence be turn'd into Decimals.

Discount of Bills, Tallies, or Stocks.
On the First Side.

RƲLE. Multiply the Sum by 365, and the Product by the Rate of Discount, which last Product Tabulate, and Subtract the Interest found, out of the Principal.

Note. Fractions either in Sum or Rate are re­solved as in Interest.

Examples at large.

What 230 l. at 7 per Cent. Discount. [...]

What 150 l. at 4½ per Cent. Discount [...]

What 2123 l. at 2¾ per Cent. Discount. [...]

What 315 l. at 17 per Cent. Advance. [...]

Brokeridge, Factoridge, Commis­sion, Exchange, &c.
On the First Side.

Are all performed by the same RƲLE.


What 7562 l. at 1½ and ½ Quarter ptr Cent. [...]

What 412 l. at 5 per Cent. [...]

Gold or Foreign Coin to cast up.
On the Second Side.

Pistols at 17 s. 6 d. Multiply their Number by 7, and then by 30, and Tabulate as above.

Dollers, Pieces of Eight, &c. Multiply their Number by the value of Pence in each, and Tabulate.


What 513 Pistols at 00 ∶ 17 ∶ 6 each. [...]

What 1714 Dollers at 54 d. each. [...]

Value of Goods or Merchandize.
On the Second Side.

Multiply the Number of Yards, Ells, Pounds, Ounces, &c. by the Value of one, in Pence, and Tabulate the Product.

Half pence or Farthings, Take Half, Quar­ter, or three Quarters of the Numbet or Quan­tity, and add to the Product.


What 227 Ounces at 5 d. per Ounce? [...]

What 1345 Yards at 20 l. per Yard. [...]

What 5602 Feet at 2 d. ½ per Foot. [...]

What 730 at 4 d. ¼ each. [...]

Or, if the Price of the Commodity, &c. con­sist but of one Figure, Tabulate the Number or Quantity given, and multiply it by the said Figure on the Scale, by beginning at Units, removing the Rod to the proper Figure when multiplied, and carry the Tens to the next Rod, and so on; adding up the Sums apper­taining to the Product for answering the Ques­tion.

Wages to Workmen at Day-work.
On the Second Side.

Multiply the Number of Days, by the Num­ber of Pence for one Day, and Tabulate; Fractions, found as the last.

What 83 Days at 21 d. per Diem? [...]

What 365 Days at 2 s. 2 d. per Diem? [...]

Wages to Workmen by the Year.
On the First Side.

Multiply the Sum per Annum by the Number of Days required, add two Cyphers to the right hand of the Product and Tabulate.


At 24 per Annum, what 77 Days? [...]


At 36 10 per Annum, what 112 Days? [...]

Note, No Cyphers are to be added where Decimals are used.

Seamen's Wages by the Year.
On the the First Side.

Multiply the Decimal of the Sum per Annum by the Number of Days, Tabulate the Pro­duct, omitting the last Figure to the right Hand.


What 28 Days at l. 24 ∶ 8 ∶ 10 per Annum. [...]

What 90 Days at Ditto. [...]

What One Day at Ditto. [...]

Wages to Seamen per Mensem.
On the Second Side.

As 280 is to the Rate per Month, in Pence, so is the Number of Days to a Number re­quired; to which add a (0) to the right Hand and Tabulate.

The Pence may be taken Full or Nett.

Note, Cut off the odd pence of the Sum found.


What 365 Days at 24 s. per Mensem. [...]

What 1210 Days at 4 ∶ 6 ∶ 2 per Mensem. [...]

Short Allowance.
On the Second Side.

Multiply the Number of Days by the Num­ber of Pence for one Day, and Tabulate: For Fractions, add the proportion of the Number of Days.


What 307 Days at ⅔ of all Provisions. [...]

What 145 Days at ½ Allow. of all Provisions. [...]

A Yearly Sum, Pension, Sala­ry, &c. being given, to find the Proportion to any Number of Days.
On the first Side.

Multiply the Sum by the Number of Days, add (00) to the right hand of the Product and Tabulate.


At 450 l. per Annum, what 49 Days? [...]

At 60 l. per Annum, what 99 Days? [...]

If there be Shillings in the Yearly Sum, take the Decimal and work as before, without ad­ding the (00)


At l. 11 ∶ 17 ∶ 0 per Ann. what 32 Days? [...]

For one Day, add (00) to the Sum per Ann. if an even Sum, and Tabulate; but if a De­cimal Tabulate the Decimal.


At 70 l. per Ann. what a Day? 7000 Tab. gives 0 ∶ 3 ∶ 10.

At 48 ∶ 10 ∶ per Ann. what one Day? 4850 Tab. l. 0 ∶ 2 ∶ 3¼.

The Price of a Load of Timber, be­ing given, to find the Value of any Number of Feet under a Load.
On the First Side.

Multiply the Price per Load (in Decimals) by (73) and that by the Number of Feet, cut off two Figures to the right hand of the Pro­duct, and Tabulate the Remainder.


At 3 ∶ 7 ∶ 6 per Load, what 17 Feet? [...]

At l. 5 ∶ 10 ∶ 9 per Load, what 11 Feet, and what one Foot? [...]

Or if by the Tun or 40 Feet, Multiply by 912, 5.

Common Multiplicands, to find the Value of any Number of Feet, of Plank of any Thickness under a Load, at any Price per Load: By the foregoing Rule.

Inches thick. Multipl. Inches. thick. Multipl.
10 608,33 5 304,1
577,97 279,43
9 550,52 4 243,33
521,43 212,92
8 486,66 3 182,5
456,25 152,1
7 425,85 2 121,65
392,62 91,25
6 365, 1 60,83

And by the same Rule may the value of any part or proportion of the Particulars following be resolved at any Rate.

  • Great Hundred or (112) if multiplied by 326,
  • Neat Hundred, or (100) W t. or N o. by 365,
  • 6 Score to the C. or (120) W t. or N o. by 304,2
  • If to the Hundred (108) W t. or N o. by 337,96
  • For a Hogshead of (63) Gall.—by 579,38
  • For a Tun of —(252) Gall.—by 144,84

Or any other Denomination whatsoever; first finding out its common Multiplier by this Rule, Divide 36500, by the Number or parts in the Denomination, and if any Fraction re­main, add Cyphers to the Dividend, and pro­ceed as far as it will allow, seperating the Quotes got by the Addition of Cyphers, for Decimal parts, and the Quotient will be the common Multiplier to that Denomination.

Note, That in all Operations where Deci­mals are multiplied; as many places to the right hand of the Product be cut off, as there are Decimals in the Multiplicand, and Multi­plier, and the rest only Tabulated on the Scale.

Time to Cast into Days.
On the back side of the Rule.

The Number on the right hand of the Dia­gonal Line, are the Number of Days from the first of January to the first of the Month over it; the Number on the left hand are from the [Page 21] last of December to the last of the Month; the Days in the Month to be added or subtracted.

From the Number of Days to the last Day given; subtract the Number of Days to the first Day, from the first of January.

This Table is cast for Four Years.

From 1 January [...]

To 17 October [...]

From 12 April [...]

To 31 December [...]

From 1 January 9 8/9 [...]

To 23 November 1700 [...]

From 1 January [...]

To 10 May 97 [...]

From 11 June 98 [...]

To 9 May 99 [...]

From 3 April 96 [...]

To 21 December 99 [...]

From 1 October 97 [...]

To 19 January 9 8/9 [...]

For Reducing Shillings, Pence and Farthings into Decimals, the Intiger being One Pound.

Sh.   Sh.   Sh.   d.  
19 9500 10 5000 1 0500 4 0168
18 9000 9 4500 d.   3 0125
17 8500 8 4000 11 0458 2 0083
16 8000 7 3500 10 0417 1 0042
15 7500 6 3000 9 0375 far.  
14 7000 5 2500 8 0333 3 0031
13 6500 4 2000 7 0292 2 0021
12 6000 3 1500 6 0250 1 0010
11 5500 2 1000 5 0208    

Or, if the Shillings be even, take half for the first Figure of the Decimal; if odd, add 5 for the second Figure; reduce the Pence into Far­things, [Page 23] to which add the Farthings (if any to be reduc'd) and add the Tens to the second Figure whether 0 or 5, and put the Remainder in the third Place: But if the Number of Farthings be above 24, one more ought always to be added.

Any Decimal given are reduced into Shil­lings, Pence and Farthings, by the Reverse of this Rule.


Some further Uses this SCALE is applicable to, Occur'd since the First Edition, VIZ. • Compound Interest, or Rebate. , • Annuities, Forbearance, Discount or Purchase. , • Division, to Three Decimal Parts. , • Rule of Three, Direct or Inverse. , • Reduction, Ascending or Descending. , • Fellowship, Loss or Gain. , • Exchange, Inwards or Outwards. , • Tare and Trett. , • Equation of Payments, and , and • Further Directions for Casting Seamens Wages, at any Rate per Mensem, &c. 

Compound Interest at 6 per Cent.

Years. Increase of Money. Rebate of Money. Forbearance of Annuities. Discount of Annuities. Purchase of Annuities.
1 2190,00 34433,85 0000,00 34433,85 38690,00
2 4511,40 32484,85 2190,00 66917,70 19908,19
3 6971,86 30646,09 6701,40 97564,93 13415,01
4 9579,15 28911,39 13673,26 126476,33 10533,53
5 12345,03 27184,81 23253,78 153751,24 8664,73
6 15275,61 25731,04 35588,81 179482,32 7422,64
7 18382,49 24274,48 50874,79 20375 [...],90 6538,25
8 20675,16 22760,53 69257,29 226657,40 5877,59
9 25165,65 21604,27 90932,81 248261,72 5366,23
10 28865,56 20381,27 116098,83 268646,13 4958,89
11 32787,58 19227,72 144964,86 287870,86 4627,83
12 36944,93 18139,36 177752,81 306010,26 4353,35
13 41351,58 17112,62 214697,74 323122,89 4123,04
14 45022,85 16143,95 256049,69 339266,87 3926,67
15 50974,07 15130,17 302072,54 354497,05 3758,04
26 56222,77 14368,07 353046,98 368865,45 3611,67
17 61786,10 13554,78 409269,75 382420,20 3483,56
18 67683,04 12787,41 471056,22 395207,47 3370,77
19 73934,03 12163,68 578739,63 407271,19 3271,13
20 80560,24 11380,84 612674,03 418652,08 3182,07
21 87570,94 10736,62 693224,28 429393,30 3102,50

THroughout the First Part the Operations are all performed at large, and is, I hope, sufficient to explain the Nature of the Scale, and its application to the several Uses therein mentioned, as well as to render this Part more brief, by allowing the use of these [Page 27] few Characters undermentioned, in the several Examples performed therein; which I doubt not but will be as acceptable to the Ingenious, and answer my Design, in rendering the whole Por­table (as well as the Scale) on any occasion.

  • For multiplied by ×
  • Sum or Product z
  • Equal to =
  • Added to +
  • First side of the Scale A
  • Second side of the Scale B

Compound Interest or increase of a Sum of Money, forborn at 6 per Cent. Side A.

Rule. Multiply the Tabular Number against the Year forborn, by the Sum; cut off the De­cimals, and Tabulate the Integers, adding the Principal to the Sum found.


What doth 34. l. 8. s. 0. d. amount to, being for­born 9 Years, at 6 per Cent. per Ann. Compound Interest.

  l. s. d.
9=25165,65x34,4z865698[360= 23. 14.
Principal + 34. 8. 0.
Answer l. 58. 2. 4¼.

What is the amount of 100 l. forborn, 21 Years at 6 Ditto?

21=87570,94x100z8757094[00= 239. 18. 4¾.
Principal + 100. 0. 0.
Answer l. 339. 18. 4¾.

10 l. forborn 7 Years at Ditto Rate.

7=18382,49x10z183824[9= 5. 0. 8½.
Principal + 10. 0. 0.
Answer l. 15. 0. 8½.

Compound Rebate or Discount at 6 per Cent. Side A.

Multiply the Tabular Number against the Year by the Sum, cut off the Decimals and Ta­bulate.


What is the present worth of 50 l. due 11 Years hence at 6 per Cent. Compound Interest?

  l. s. d.
11=19227,72x50z961386[00= 26. 6. 9¼.

126. l. 10. s. 00 d. due 6 Years hence, What is its pre­sent worth at Ditto Rate?

  l. s. d.
6=25731,04.x126,5.z3254976[560= 89. 3.

What is the present worth of 37 l. 16 s. 00 d. due 13 Years hence at Ditto Rate?

  l. s. d.
13=17112,62x37,8.z646857[036= 17. 14.

One Pound due 7 Years hence, What is it now worth at Ditto Rate?

  l. s. d.
7=24274,48x1.z24274[48= 00. 13.

Forbearance of Annuities at 6 per C. Compound Interest. Side A.

Rule 1. Multiply the Number against the Years forborn, by the Yearly Annuity; cut off the Decimals and Tabulate.

2dly, Multiply the Annuity by the Number of Years, and add the Product to the Sum before found.


A Yearly Rent, Annuity, Pension, &c. of 20 l. being forborn 5 Years, What does it amount to at 6 per Cent Compound Interest?

5=23253,78x20z465075[60= l. 12. 14. 10
5×20=100 100. 00. 00
Answer 112. 14. 10

A Yearly Rent of 13 l. 10 s. having lain 7 Years in the Tenants hands, What must now be receiv'd at Ditto Rate?

7=50874,79x13,5.z686809[665= 18. 16. 04
13,5x7=94,5= 94. 10. 00
Answer 113. 06. 04

Discount of Annuities at 6 per Cent. Compound Interest. Side A.

Rule. Multiply the Number in the Table a­gainst the Year, by the Annuity, cut off the De­cimal parts and Tabulate.


What is the present worth of an Annuity, Pen­sion, &c. of 60 l. to continue 4 Years?

4=126476,33x60z7588579[80= l. 207. 18. 1½

What an Annuity of l. 32 10 00 for 7 Years Dit.

7=203756,90x32,5.z6622099[250= l. 181. 8. 6½

What is the present worth of l. 17. 07. 06. An­nuity to continue 12 Years at Ditto?

12=306010,26x17,375.z5316928[26750= l. 144. 15. 4 ¾

What one Pound to continue 21 Years at Dit.

21=429393,30x1z429393[30= l. 11. 15. 3¼

Purchase of Annuities at 6 per Cent. Compound Interest. Side A.

Rule. Multiply the Number in the Table a­gainst the Year, by the Sum you have to purchase with, cut off the Decimals and Tabu­bulate.


What will be the Annuity 300 l. will purchase, to continue 7 Years?

7=6538,25.x300z1961475[00= l. 53. 14. 09.

What will 1000 l. purchase, to continue five Years?

5=8664,73x1000z8664730[00= l. 237. 7.9½

What will one Pound purchase, to continue 21 Years at Ditto?

21=3102,50x1.z3102[50= l. 00 01 8 1/ [...]

A Table of Proportion to the Side A.
  1 10 20 30 40
0 00000 3650,0 1825,0 1216,6 912,50
1 36500 3318,2 1738,1 1177,4 890,24
2 18250 3041,5 1659,0 1140,5 869,05
3 12166 2807,6 1586,9 1106,0 848,28
4 9125,0 2607,1 1520,8 1073,5 829,54
5 7300,0 2433,3 1460,0 1042,7 811,12
6 6083,3 2281,2 1403,8 1013,9 793,48
7 5214,2 2147,0 1351,8 986,48 776,59
8 4562,5 2027,7 1303,2 960,52 760,41
9 4055,5 1921,0 1258,6 935,90 743,18
  50 60 70 80 90
0 730,00 608,33 521,43 456,25 405,55
1 715,68 598,36 514,08 450,81 401,09
2 701,91 588,71 506,94 445,12 396,74
3 688,68 579,36 500,00 439,65 393,37
4 675,92 570,31 493,24 434,52 388,29
5 663,62 561,53 486,66 429,41 384,21
6 651,78 552,90 480,26 424,41 380,20
7 640,35 544,77 474,02 419,54 376,28
8 629,31 536,76 467,74 414,74 372,44
9 618,64 528,99 462,02 410,11 368,68

Division on the Side A.

Rule. Multiply the Number found in the pre­cedent Table against the Divisior by the Dividend, [Page 33] cut off the Decimals and Tabulate. The Pounds found will be Integers, and the Shillings and Pence Decimals.


What will be the Quote of 821 divided by 31?


Ditto 2000 divided by 98.


There is 323 l. 10 s. 00 d. to be equally di­vided among 73 Men, What is each Man's share?

73=500,00x323,5z161750[000= 04 l. 08 s.d.

There is 10 l. to be divided amongst 78 Men, What is each Man's share?

78=467,74x10z4677[4= 00 l. 02 s.d.

Rule of Three Direct. Side A.

Rule. Multiply the Tabular Number to the first Term, by the 2d Term, and the Product by, the 3d Term, cut off the Decimals and Tabu­late.


If 12 Yards, Ells, &c. cost 15 l. what will 17 cost?

12=3041,5x15x17z775582[5= l. 21 05 00

If 26 Acres of Land give 64 l. what will 36 of the same give?

26=1403,8x64x36z3234355[2= l. 88 12 3¾

If the Diameter of a Circle be 7, and its Cir­cumference 22, What is the Circumference of another Circle, whose Diameter is 13?


If 54 Yards, Ells, Pounds, &c. cost 11 l. 14 s. 9 d. What will one cost?

54=675,92x11,737x1.z7933[27304= l. 0 4 4¼

Rule of Three Inverse. Side A.

Rule. Multiply the Tabular Number to the last Term by the 2d Term, and the Product by the 1st Term, cut of the Decimals and Tabu­late.


If 45 Men build a Wall in 30 Days, in how many Days will 270 build it?

270=135,18x30x45z182493[00=5 Days.

If 12 Men perform a Work in 5 Days, in what time will 7 Men perform it?

7=5214,2x5x12z.312852[0= 8 d. 13½ h.

Reduction ascending. Side B.

Rule. Tabulate any Number of Pence on the Scale, gives how many Pounds, Shillings and Pence.


In 375022 Pence, how many Pounds, Shil­lings and Pence.

375022 Tabulated= l. 1562. 11. 10.

So 39325 d. Tab.= l. 163. 17. 1.

In 79462 Farthings, how many l. s. d.

19485 Tab.= l. 811. 18. 9½.

Reduction Descending.

Rule. Tabulate the Sum, and the Index shews the Pence.

In 250 l. how many Pence, 250 l.=60000 d.

In l. 79. 5. 7. how many Pence, Tab. the next less, till the Sum is compleated.

  • 41. 13. 4.
  • 37. 10. 0.
  • 1. 8.
  • 7.

= Index 19027 d.

Fellowship, Gain. Side A.

Rule. Multiply the Tabular Number to the whole Stock by the whole Gain, and the Pro­duct by each Man's Stock gives his Gain, viz.


A 100 l. B 40 l. C 10 l. the whole Stock 150 l. and the whole Gain — 43 What is each Man's Proportion of it?

150=243,33x43x100z1046319[00= l. 28. 13. 3¾ A

40z418527[60= l. 11. 9. 4 B

10z104631[90= l. 2. 17. 4 C


By the same Rule placing, and working the Loss as in the Gain.

All Questions of Fellowship with time, may be resolved by the same Rule.

First, Multiplying each Man's share by the N o of Months it was in the Stock, and work as before.

Exchange, Foreign into Sterling. Side B.

Rule. Multiply the Number of Dollers, &c. by the Number of Pence, in the Rate of each, and Tabulate.


What is 1000 Doll. at 53 Pence per Doller?

1000x53z53000= l. 220. 16. 8.

But by reason, that many times the following Fractions happen in the Rate, it will not be a­miss to give the Decimal proper to each; which after Multiplication are to be cut off, viz.


  • ½=5.
  • ⅜=375
  • ¼=25
  • ⅝=625
  • ¾=75
  • ⅞=875


What 2300 pieces 8/8 at 57 ⅝ per piece.

2300x57,625,z132537[500= l. 552. 4. 9.

What 729 Doll. at 55 ⅞ per Doll.

729x55,875z40732[875= l. 169. 14. 4⅞

English into Foreign.

Rule. Reduce the Rate of one Pound Flemish into a Decimal; which multiply by (240) and that by the Number of Pounds Sterling to be remitted, cut off the Decimals and Tabulate.


For how many Pounds Flemish, must a Bill be drawn for, to remit to Rotterdam 100 l. Sterling at 34 s. 2 d. Flemish.

240x1,708x100z40992[000= l. 170. 16. 0.

Tare. Side A.

Rule. Multiply the Tabular N o to 112, which is (325,89) by the Rate of Tare, and that by the N o of gross Pounds, cut off the Decimals and Tabulate.


What is the Tare of 1071 l. gross at 14 l. to every 112 l.?


Tret. Side A.

Rule. Multiply 693,83 by any Number of subtle Pounds and Tabulate, cutting off the De­cimals.


What is the Tret of 2420 l. gross?

693,83x2420z1679068[60=46 l. Tret.

Equation of Payments. Side A.

Rule. 1. Multiply each Sum by the time of its becoming due, and add the several Products for a Multiplier.

2. Multiply the Tabular Number to the Sum of the whole Debt by the said Agregate, cut off the Decimals and Tabulate.


One oweth me 5 l. to be paid 3 Months hence.

3 6
10 9
36 12

At what time ought the whole to be paid at one Payment.


The Monthly Wages allowed to Seamen in all Rates.

per Month. Decim. per Month. Decim.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
7 0 0 91,250 1 16 0 23,462
6 6 0 82,125 1 15 0 22,762
4 13 8 61,050 1 14 0 22,158
4 6 2 56,158 1 13 9 21,995
4 0 0 52,141 1 12 0 20,854
3 17 6 50,512 1 10 0 19,550
3 10 0 45,625 1 8 0 18,250
3 6 0 42,016 1 6 8 17,379
3 1 5 40,029 1 6 0 16,945
3 0 0 39,104 1 5 0 16,291
2 16 2 36,608 1 4 0 15,641
2 10 0 32,587 1 3 4 15,208
2 7 10 31,175 1 0 8 13,467
2 5 0 29,329 1 0 0 13,033
2 2 0 27,375 0 19 0 12,382
2 0 0 26,070 0 14 3 9,287
1 17 6 24,441 0 9 6 6,291
1 16 8 23,895        

Seamen's Wages. Side A.

Rule. Multiply the Tabular Number against any Rate per Mensem, by the Number of Days; cut off one Figure to the Right-hand and Tabu­late.


At l. 1. 17. 6 per Month, what 202 Days?

1.17.6=24,441x202z493708[2= l. 13. 10. 6¼.

At l. 1.3.4. per Month, what 341 Days?

1.3.4=15,208x341z518592[8= l. 14. 4. 2.

If the Tabular Number to any Sum per Men­sem, be Tabulated on the Scale, first cutting off one Figure to the Right-hand, gives what per Diem.


At l. 3.17.6. per Month, what one Day?

3.17.6=5051[2= l. 0. 2. 9.

Simple Interest for Quarters.

  • For a Quarter of a Year × by 91,25
  • For Six Months × by 182,5
  • For Nine Months × by 273,75

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