COme let us cheere our hearts with lusty wine,
Though Papists at the Parliament repine;
And Rattle-Heads so busily combine
That thou canst call thy Wife and Children thine,
Thanke the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
Like silly Sheepe they did us daily sheare,
Like Asses strong our backes were made to beare,
Intollerable burdens, yeare by yeare,
No hope, no helpe, no comfort did appeare,
But from the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
With taxes, and Monopolies opprest,
Ship-mony, Souldiers, Knighthood, and the rest,
The Coate and Conduct-mony was no jest,
Then think good neighbour how much we are blest
In the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
Were not these plagues worse then a sweeping rot,
O how unkindly did they use the Scot;
But those bould blades did prove so fiery hot
This swinging Bowle to them, this other Pot
To the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
Who did regard our povertie, our teares,
Our wants, our miseries, our many feares,
Whipt, stript, and fairely banisht as appeares;
You that are masters, now of your owne eares
Blesse the great Gounsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
Great paine to till the land ere it be sowne,
And yet the bread we eate was not our owne,
So greedy were those Catterpillers growne,
But now the nest of filthy Birds are flowne
From the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
At Country men, they had a deadly sting
They would have pul'd us bare both taile and wing,
And all for sooth for profit of the King,
Are they not found false knaves in every thing
By the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
Had not these theeves an Ore in every Boate,
And still their wicked mallice is afloate,
Would they not now perswad's to cut our throate,
By printed Proclamations 'gainst the Vote,
Of the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
See how this wise Assembly they abuse,
And fill our heads with tittle tattle Newes,
As if they were farre worse than Turkes and Jewes,
Because they are the men whom we did chuse,
For the great Councell of the King;
And the Kings great Counsell.
The bloody Papists act their Tragicke part,
Though covered close with Subtilty and Art,
The Prelates have their Spoke in the same Cart,
Both ayming now to wound us to the heart,
In the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
Simion and Levy, Twins together joyn'd,
In Alter-worship, let their flockes be pin'd,
Why should men preach who have so little minde?
This makes these Wolves so eagerly inclin'd
'Gainst the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
Now tell me Tom, shall we thus cheated be,
By Athiests, Papists, and the Hirarchie
To fall from those who strive to set us free,
And undergoe such care for thee and me,
That great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
Where's our defence if we cut off our hand,
Shall we to fire our houses light a brand,
And joyne with those who would destroy the Land,
For my part I resolve to fall or stand,
With the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
They goe in feare of poyson and of knives.
Are slaves themselves to free our feete from gyves,
Neglect their owne to save us and our wives,
I'le loose them all, had I a thousand lives,
For the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.
Come Drawer quickly bring us up our score
We will not pay in Chalke behind the doore,
The Sun is sleeping on the Westerne Shore,
Meete me to morrow I will tell thee more
Of the great Counsell of the King,
And the Kings great Counsell.

LONDON, Printed for Thomas Underhill, at the Signe of the Bible in Woodstreet. 1642.

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