THAURAM TANJAH his Speech in his Claim, verbatim.

AS concerning England, to that Speech prin­ted I now say, What I did demand, I do affirm: What I have written, I have writ­ten: And the same I do here maintain, not by force of Arms, but by wisdom from the Spirit of God.

Secondly, I do demand the Crown of FRANCE, as lineally descended from CHARLES of Castile, who was son-in-law unto CHARLES the Great.

Next, I demand the Crown both of REME and ROME, from my ancient Parent Pope NICOLAS of the House of AUSTRIA, who married the Flamina of Flandriah; in whose RIGHT lies included the TITLE unto NAPLES, SISSILIAH, and JERUSALEM, THE INHERITANCE OF ALL MY BRE­THREN the Jews.

ThauRam Tanjah, Leader of the Peoples, the LORD's Host, for their Return.
Robert Norwood, and William Finch,
do witness: These are the words read by Mr. Tauny, with the POINT of his Sword DOWNWARD: And with his Sword HOSTILE, when he CLAIMED the CROWN of FRANCE, with the Ensuing Titles. This 8 of June, 1654.
[amalgam of blazons or coats of arms]

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