BANNERS of LOVE Displaied over the Church of Christ, walking in the Order of the Gospel at HEXHAM: By the out-stretched Arm of the King of Saints, a­gainst the Jesuitical Design lately attempted by the false IEW. OR, An Answer to a Narrative stuff'd with Untruths, by four Newcastle GENTLEMEN.


And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of Mount Sion, and upon her assemblies, a Cloud by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defence.

ISAIAH 54.17.

No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgement, thou shalt condemn.

REV. 2.2.

Thou hast tryed them which say they are Apostles, and are not, and hast found them lyars.

LONDON, Printed by Hen. Hills, and are to be sold at his house at the sign of Sir John Old Castle in Py-Corner, 1654.

To the Church of Christ walking in the Order of the Gospel at HEXHAM.


THe Crown of my rejoicing in Christ, through whom he is plea­sed to convey divine consolations, for the sweet refreshing of my weather-beaten soul, surrounded with storms on every hand; from Rome, from the World, and (which is most sad) from my late fa­miliar friends, the professed servants of the same God whom we a­dore. O my Beloved, what measure have you and I met with, from unreasonable and wicked men, since, by a separation from the world, we made a visible profession of the faith of the Gospel? You know the many plotted lies that have been invented, and ven­ted by Satan and his children, That there were 12 persons to be baptized at Naward Castle, whom I called my Apostles, and said that I was their God; That I have taken 12.14.20. a person for baptizing them; That some have seen me drunk on the Rod [...]; That I robbed a man neer unto Corbridge; That I was sent for to Newcastle, and so to London, to suffer; That some whom I baptized, presently run mad, had the Palsie, were blind, have been drowned, have hanged themselves, and many such like untruths: But, Deut. 33.16. Isa. 43.1, 2. through the good will of him that dwelt in the Bush, you have been preserved in the midst of these flames, so that from the first day until now, you have been living Monu­ments of his unspeakable mercy, not a hair of any of your heads perished; being more than conquerours through him that loveth us; his banners of l ve have been continually over us; he hath drawn out the hearts and affections of his Churches to own you; their gra­tious spiritual Epistles (from London, Lempster, Leith, Stokes­ley, Lancashire, and Cheshire) have raised and exceedingly re­freshed your spirits; and the Lord return seven fold into the bosoms of those precious ones. O what a rich stock of prayers have you go­ing? a mighty interest in the Churches of Christ, who are terri­ble [Page]as an Army with Banners. The late Jesuitical attempt to ruin you, Christ discovered seasonably, and blasted the Adversary, yea, and turned it to your singular advantage, and wonderful in­crease in number and grace; who could imagine that so many pre­tious souls should be added to the Church of Hexham upon this de­tection of the Impostor? most men thought it would have been your ruin: but as (upon the discovery of those grand Hypocrites) in the first pure Church; Acts 5.14. so hath the Almighty blessed and pro­spered you. But now alas your flourishing condition hath (I fear) stirred up a spirit of emulation, in those congregations that dif­fer from your judgement; who under a pretence of publishing the false Jew, have mightily laboured in his design, to supplant you, who being but a young Vine, and of tender Grapes, had more need of careful dressing, and constant dews of consolation, and instru­ction, than such discouragements and defamations; as that you readily imbrace any (whether Sheep or Goats) if they be but of your opinion in Baptism, that you (even the whole Congregation) are given up of God to believe lies. These, and such like aspersions are sad and grievous, especially from those who have pretended to build with you, giving a secret stab (as it were) in the midst of a brotherly salute; but tis your mercy that Christ deals better, cherishing your souls with his most sweet and chaste imbraces, as his most loving faithful Spouse, carrying you in his blessed Arms, and folding you in his bosome of love (that Nest and Hive of sweetness) taking all your reproaches, affronts, and in­dignities, as done unto himself, while he leads you through the green Pastures, and feeds you with marrow full of fatness, by the still waters, hiding you in his Pavilion, and in the secret of his Ta­bernacle from the strife of tongues: thus the Eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the Everlasting Arms. Wherefore be incouraged in the Lord, ye children of the most High, and remem­ber what I have sometimes taught you, That the Saints trials shall end in triumph, your Night of Misery will have a most glorious Morning of Victory: And though it be sad to suffer by Professors, yet consider, that Christ suffered by his own professed people, so did Paul, Acts 21.20 with 28. and other pretious Saints. Did you ever hear of a Church increasing, as God increaseth you, without great afflicti­ons and persecutions? Do not consult with flesh and blood, but behold the works and wonders of the Lord, how he baffles the car­nal [Page]conceits of men. Remember what a signal token of divine approbation was shewed but a moneth since at Muggleswick, in the cheerful submission of many pretious souls to your despised Ordinance of Baptism (the very same day that it was cryed down by a Boanargis, who soon fell sick, and so dyed) the whole night following being spent in Prayer, and declaring the work of grace upon their souls (a Vigil to be observed) and in the morning bu­ried with Christ in Baptism. Some of you have been secretly in­structed, and marvellously convinced of Disciple-baptism onely, while you have been under the preaching of Infant-springling. Live up to these mercies, you pretious Saints; let your holy, hum­ble walking crown Christ, 1 Peter 2.12. and more and more confute the adver­sary. So stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved: And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. You, Phil. 4.1. Rom. 16.20. whose prayers prevailed for my life, from a late extreme sickness, would surely have me live; Why now I live, 1 Thes. 3.8. 2 Cor. 11.2. if you stand fast in the Lord, I have espoused you to one Husband. O my dearest, let your shining conversation so adorn your profession, that I may give up my account with joy, and present you as a chaste Virgin to Christ, when transported on Angels wings to the Kings Pa­lace, we shall be lovingly received into our Masters joy, with Well done, and Well come. This is the life, the joy, the hope of him, who intirely and unfeignedly loves you,

Your servant for Jesus sake, to live and dy with you, THO. TILLAM.

‘Hear the Word of the Lord ye that tremble at his Word, your Brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my names sake, said, Let the Lord be glorified; but he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed.’ Isa. 66.5.

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