MONTROSSE Totally Routed at Tividale IN SCOTLAND On Saturday last,

By Lieutenant Generall LESLY,

Where were taken and kill'd, Two thou­sand Foot, Eight hundred Horse, and Nine Knights;

And all the Kings Papers and Writings sent to MONTROSSE are taken.

SEnt to a Member of the Honorable House of Commons, and appointed to be forthwith printed.

London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons, Sept. 18. 1645.

TO THE VVORSHIPFULL Edmund Prideaux Esquire, One of the Honorable House of COMMONS.


I Think it my duty to give you notice at present, of the good News come hither this Night out of the North by Sir Iames Hachet, of a Battell fought in Tividale, on Saturday last in the morning, betwixt Montrosse, and Lieutenant Gene­rall David Lesly, where Montrosse, after a [Page 4] short dispute, was totally Routed, his Ar­my consisting of One thousand Horse, and Two thousand of his prime Foot, of which not twenty escaped, about Two hundred of his Horse with himself, saved themselves by flight: There are 9. Knights taken Prisoners, amongst which, Sir Da­vid Murrey, Sir Alexander Lesly, Sir William Rog, Sir William Tewes slain, with whom is found all the Writings from the King to Montrosse.

We had this News about nine this night, and to second it, we Received yours about eleven at Night, of the taking of Bristoll, which was welcome News here; for which I expresse my thankfulnesse, and rest

Your humble Servant, VVilliam Thompson.



IN few words, Montrosse had this day One thou­sand four hundred Foot, and One thou­sand horse, or thereabouts in the Field; the Foot are most of them killed, many of the Horse are esca­ped; Lanerick took Spotwood priso­ner, with the Seal of Secretary in his pocket: One thousand four hundred Foot and Horse were sent by Monroe into the Highlands, and six hundred another way, being confident that Lieutenant Generall [Page 6] Lesly was South of Newcastle, when in truth he was in Scotland. All Montrosse his Papers are taken: Two thousand two hundred Scottish sent for into Ireland, are landed in the North of Scotland: VVe hear no further news of a meeting about our businesse; my service to your Master▪

From your Servant.

The good service of some Eng­lish in Commissary Generall Mid­dletons Regiment is much spoken of.


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