Corrupted COYN Made Good by CAESAR: Corrupted MAN Made Good by CHRIST the Power of GOD.

ON the 15th and 16th of the Eleventh Month, 1695/6. The Lamentable Confu­sion and Distraction of the People of this Land, about the badness of the Coyn, was before the view of my Mind; and how earnest they are to have it Reme­died, some Projecting this way, others that, generally concluding the best way is, to call in the Old (which is abused) and melt it down by Fire, and separate the Base from the Fine, and so make the Fine into New, putting thereon the true Value, Figure and Fine­ness by Caesar's Authority; so the Cause of Confusion and Distraction being removed, the Effects thereof would cease.

Whereupon, It ran through my Mind to this Effect; Even after this manner will the Lord deal with the People (not only of this Land, but with all People) of all Lands and Nations, who are in the sight of the Lord grown Corrupted, are out of, or have lost his Image of Purity and Holiness; some retaining only the likeness thereof, and that very dimly too, hardly to be discern'd, being much Clipt and Deformed, that there is an ex­ceeding want of Weight and Value (being weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary) be­cause of which the Lord is displeased, and remains so to be, until the Cause be removed.

Others are so grosly Corrupted, even to that degree, as that they cannot be in the sight of God allowed Currant and Passable; but Reprobate Silver (God doth, and) Men shall call them, because the Lord hath rejected them, Jer, 6. 30. And the chief Cause and Reason thereof is Peoples Sins, which they love, and wherein they live, many not yet being willing to live out of them while they live on this side the Grave, though Christ Jesus, the Lord from Heaven, the quickening Spirit, is come to put an end to Sin, and bring in everlasting Righteousness, according to Daniel's Prophecy, Dan. 9. 24. and 1 Joh. 3. 8.

For that day which the Prophets saw, and through the Holy Ghost Prophesied should come (Zech. 13. 1, 2, 9. and Mal. 3. 2. 3.) is certainly come, because the light thereof doth shine into the dark Hearts of People, without respect of Persons, shewing unto every one, at one time or other, their present States and Conditions; insomuch that a Child which is capable to use its Tongue to tell a Lye, by virtue of the in-shining there­of, is measurably able to Judge, that a Lye is not Good, but Bad, as also the Lyer; and that telling Truth is not Bad, but Good. The same sheweth the Drunkard, that Drunkenness is Bad, and not Good, and that God is not the mover thereunto, but the Devil, &c.

Now if all People would believe in the Light of Christ Jesus, wherewith he hath Enlight­ened every Man that cometh into the World, John 1. 9. and obey it, and walk therein, 1 John 1. 7. as the Nations of them that are Saved shall, Rev. 21. 24. They would find that Virtue and Power therein, which is able to Consume, Burn up and Separate, the Dross and Tin, which is their Sins, and purifie them throughout in Body, Soul, and Spirit, from all Corruptions and Defilements, and stamp upon them the Image and Likeness of the Living God, to wit, Purity and Holiness, without which none shall ever see the Lord, Heb. 12. 14. and in which all ever have, do, and for ever shall see, and find acceptance with God; which that all may do, who yet do not, is the true de­sire of my Soul.

Richard Scoryer.

AS Silver mixt with Dross, is unacceptable unto Man; so is Man, being mixt with Sin, unacceptable unto God. And as such Silver must be Refined by Fire to make it acceptable with Man; so must Man be Refined by the Spirit of Judgment and Burn­ing, Isa. 4. 4. before he can find acceptance with God.

The Fining-Pot is for Silver, and the Furnace for Gold, but the Lord trieth the Heart, Prov. 17. 3.

London, Printed and Sold by T. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-street, 1696.

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