Something written in Answer to a Lying, Scandalous Book printed for E. B. in Pauls Church-yard, as he calls it, whose lies and slanders are denied by the children of Light, who in scorn are called Quakers, which Book is proved to be a work of darkness? The Author of it is said to be called Powel, who sold a Copy of it for Ten shillings, and now and then a flagon of Beer, and would not have his name declared: So here your fruits is known of your Trees, which are to be cut down and cast into the fire, and when you are there, remember you were warned.

Also a Declaration against the Lies and Slanders which are Printed for G: Horton, that upon the truth they should not rest, but with the power and life of God be denyed; and who sees the end of them who makes lies their Refuge, who are swept away with the Beesom of de­struction; which shall be witnessed with that of God in every one of your Consciences: And them whom you in scorn call Quakers, from them is given forth who are in the Light that comprehends your deceits, seeth them that they are to be condemned with the Light.

A Slanderous Book printed for E. B. at the Angel in Pauls Church Yard, at he calls it, but no name set to the Book: So to all the Children of Light, it doth appear and is seen to be the works of darkness; and he to be one of the venomous Crea­tures that appears not in the day, who privily slanders in the dark: Certain men of account in the eyes of the Lord, was sent to E. B. his shop, to know who was the Author of the Book, and that gave him the Copy of Lies and Slanders against the People called Quakers, and it was said to them that he had vowed not to tell his name, and promised; then after another went, to E. B. his shop, and inquired of the Author of the Book against the Quakers; and after certain words it was told him, it was one Powel that had been a Priest, which had Ten shillings for his Copy, and 40, or 50. Books, and he was a poor man, and did it for money, and a flagon of [Page 2]Beer now and then. Here all may see which be in the Light, how he sells his lies, and E. B. hath printed his Lies to get gain by, and so slanders the People of God: And the Title of Powels Book, he calleth it the Quakers Mountebanck, which is Powels own; or the Jesuits turn'd Quakers. All the honest hearted and right minded that love and fear God, will witness against thee to be a Lyar, and that in thy conscience shall witness against thee in the day of thy condemnation for thy lies, who art the wicked one that sows the evil seed: And them that in scorn thou call'st Quakers, their Rise thou knowest not, neither their Doctrine nor their Language; but hast discovered thy self and thy Ignorance, and Envy, Prophaneness, Dis­simulation, Uncharitableness, evil Behavior, Gesture, Alms, and Ends for Money; as it was said thou hadst for the Copy 10. s. and here thy foolish wit, and folly hath manifested thy self. None of them that fear the Lord, and loveth the truth, and are not given over to believe Lies, will not give thy paper the reading, except to see thy folly: And the Country men who be in the light and life of our Lord Jesus Christ, may all take notice of thy silliness, and in what a delusion thou art, insnared in subtilty, and led ca­ptive by the will of the Devil, and sells thy lies for money; and hast not, nor darest not to set thy name to thy lies and works of darkness. And a­gain Powel, thou art vexing and fretting thy self at the meeting of the people of God (that thou in scorn call Quakers) at a place which they have hired; which thou callst Chappel or Tavern, which now is neither, but the people of God there have met and do meet, which maketh such un­savory Spirits as thine utter forth their venomn, rage and folly; for it was the Apostles practice, who taught in his own hired house two years toge­ther the Kingdom of God, who denyed the Temple and Jewish Synagogues, and witnessed Christ Jesus the second Priesthood, at whose practice the Heathen raged, as now they do, such as are given over to believe lies; and Powel, thou hast bewitcht the people with thy lies for money, like the Doctor Simon Magus: But now thy God is known, what thou servest and whom you serve; the Children of Light with thy lies thou canst not deceive. In the beginning of thy Book, thou sets some Scriptures for thy cloak to blinde the peoples eyes with a form of Godliness: But in the Life that gave forth the Scriptures, thou art judged and eke condemned who hast got the sheeps clothing, but inwardly art a ravening Wolf, and thy speech is known, who art he that sows the Tares, the Enemy and the ly­ing spirit, which the spirit of the Lord ever judged, and thou sayest they shall deceive the very Elect: Proclaimed thou art here Lyar, to be con­trary to Christs words, who saith, If it were possible, they should deceive the very Elect; and doth not say as thou saist, they shall deceive the very Elect; and here recorded thou art with the Spirit of the Lord God to be the lying spirit and the false, which the Children of Light are to beware of, and with the light condemned, for now out of thy mouth, thou false Prophet, comes the Blasphemy. But many shall say, We have prophesied in thy Name, but he shall say unto you, I know you not, Depart; and many we see are transforming themselves into an Angel of Light, and as the Mini­sters [Page 3]of Righteousness, getting their form; and he that hath the form and not the power, turn away from such, saith the Apostle, and with the life and power we are brought to turn away from such, according to the Apo­stles Command; which makes the Heathen to rage, which hath a form of godliness, but not the power; and thou maist prevail with thy lying Spirit, with such as are given over to believe lies; but the Children of Light do comprehend and see thee with the light, which condemns thee and thy lies: Thou talkest, The man is blest that meditates in the Law of God day and night, but thou art far from that: and then thou fallest a railing against them thou callest Quakers and Tremblers: David was a Trembler, that delighted in the Law of God, who had Songs made of him by the ge­neration of Lyars, of which thou art one in nature: And thou saist, we refuse Dignities and Magistrates, and reject the word; how is lie added to lie? and despise and reject all books and learning, here is heaps of thy lies; and saist, they cast away the Counsel of Christ, here is another lie; but in this thou hast, and taken money for thy lies, Judas like; and thou art he who springs up in the night, whose works are seen in the night, who art tormented that the Children of light goeth from City to City, which preacheth the fear of God, the everlasting Gospel to men that dwell upon the earth, which discovers thy works of darkness; whose mouth barks out the swelling nonsence as thou speakst of, as beforementioned may be read, who wouldst devour like the fox, but thou art chained; who barks in the night, yet stands nameless; thou saist they never keep time nor method. Thy method, and that which feeds all your wisdom, is with the spirit of the Lord denied, who are in the consounded language of Babel, where the Beast sits; and thou and thy mother of harlots, which are both judged with the life of God, who art the man thou speakest of full of words, which shall not prosper. And friend, in thy calamity remember those words, and in the day of thy distress, when thou enters into that where there is no Rest; from him who saith, Depart, of thy blood I am clear, upon thy own head let it be; and all thy jeers, scorns, and unsavory speeches, to thy self shall return home; and Dignity and Ministery of God is owned, as the Scripture declares, with the life that gave forth the Scriptures: and thou art he who loves the dark, whose light and lightness, thou in thy liberty hast uttered forth, who in the doctrine of the Devil art found; and many words in that which thou callest the Doctrine, is not worth mentioning: And that which thou callest their language and discipline, is thy own, and shall stand for thy self: And that which thou callest their policy, manifesteth thy own nakedness and folly, and proves it, who appears in the last days, whose froath now foam out, but is afraid of the pot; but a fire is kindling, and many are scumming of the filth, and this message shall stand, that in thy conscience shall witness, that which governs thee is Antichrist and ungod­ly; and thou that caust not witness the spirit of the Lord poured upon thee, as openly thou hast declared; with it thou art recorded in the lying spirit thou art, whose madness appears, but with the light reproved, and thy End is seen: and that which thou callest presumption, is thy own, and whom [Page 4]to thy self shall return, who hath the head where is the names of Blasphe­my; and that which thou calls the merit, is denyed by that which bridles the will, where free-grace is received; who art worse then Balaam, who hath taken money to slander, and belye, and reproach the people of God; but thy filthy dreams thou speakest of shall home to thy self return, who art one of the unclean spirits which out of the bottomless pit comes, which hath long caused our Nation and Land to stinck with such unsavory smells. And whereas thou speakest of their prophaneness and uncleanness, this as is said to thee before, shall home to thy self return, who art Esau like, as is manifest; and of Israel we are and of the house of God, and it we do not go about to pluck down; but thy old house now comes to be shaken which is upon the sands, who turns the grace of God into lasciviousness: and there is no Scripture speaks of a Sacrament; and them that are able to try Ministers, the Children of Light do own, and not deny them as thou saist: and here the lying spirit is tryed, and many other lyes thou hast declared which be not worth mentioning, thou hast such an unsavory smell. And the Ordinances which God hath set apart is witnessed, which the lying spirit doth not, who art as black as the pitch thou speakest of seen with the light: And whereas thou saist, their dissimulation, envy and uncharitable­ness, shall stand for thy self; for thy envy thou hast uttered, and thy un­charitableness thou hast uttered and proclaimed abroad, and thy dissimu­lation is seen by all the children of light; for which dissembling thou hast money, and of the world thou must have a praise, which lies in wick­edness. But now the chief Sheepherd is risen, which keeps the Lambs from thy mouth, and the Law and Gospel is witnessed, and thou seen to be given up to believe lies, whose foundations must be razed down, which the foundation of God stands sure, which all your windes, maliciousness and reviles cannot shake; the Lord forgive thee, we revile not, but speak the truth in thy conscience, that this great sin may not be laid to thy charge, and the Printers which published the lies; for this brings in your gains Diana-like, in publishing your sorcery and lies: Fine Crafts men! but chil­dren of light will buy none of thy ware, but see thy folly, and with them art judged; and thou hast manifested of what Colledge thou art of, and what School thou hast learned, and who is thy Master; which is denyed with the Children of Light, who witness Christ the Master, and learn of him: And whereas again thou saist [their Ignorance] this again is thy own, and in this thou hast shewed it, and the darkness, as in the state of the Night, Bats and Owls thou speakst of, who loves the darkness more then the light, whose evil deeds appears, and among the Prophets of the Lord God comes not, in their way, life and light, which with it art condemned; so the blinde leading the blinde, shall not both fall into the ditch: And as thou saist, their behavior, gesture, alms and ends, this stands for thy self; thy gesture is known, thy ends is seen, and thy behavior recorded, unlearn­ed, an enemy to Israels Commonwealth, and the Lyon roars because he wants his prey: Thou who speaks of a Call; that which doth call to holi­ness, thou art an enemy to, who rails and lies for money, backbites for [Page 5]money, and slanders the Children of Light for money: So the fear of God is not before thy eyes, who maketh a scoff at inspiration-teaching. Here thou hast shewed thy ground; thou hast shewed thy Principles, and shewed thy Religion; and who hath been thy School-master, who art unnurtered in the things of God; but from them separated, who saith, the revilings against God, Christ and Scriptures, which are lies, and all the lies and unsavory Expressions which thou speakest of, we deny, and the untruths which thou slandereth the people of God withal, which meet at the place called the Mouth, are condemned by the light, home to thy self to return, with all thy lying stories: and whereas thou saist [their Gestures] this is thy own, who art shameless and not in thy modesty, and the yellings, whin­ings, when thou art in thy misery, Remember what thou scoffest at in thy life time, and hast made a trade in uttering Lyes and Slanders against the children of light for money; and whereas thou speakest of their alms and ends, those whom thou scornfully callst Quakers, their ends thou seest not who thy self seest not, and thou hast shot with thy arrows, but hast not hit: But the arrows of the Almighty shall at thee be shot, and in thee stick whose bow is bent: And in the pure Religion, thy divisions thou canst not sow among the children of Light, neither doth thy delusions enter, and to thy self inrich thee little credit. And all the Magistrates which fear the living God will us own, and witness to be of God; we have a witness of God in all your consciences: And here we have brought your works to light, and deny the works of darkness, and are justified in the fight of God and all consciences, and are bold in the Lord to declare against thy lies and slanders; and their charity may and shall judge thee and all thy ge­neration. Was there some made to go naked amongst you, as a sign and figure of your nakedness, which wanted the cloathing of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of Righteousness, which to you and among you was a sign and a wonder, as the servant of the Lord God Israel was: And whereas Pharaohs lean ill-favored kine, which devours the fat and the fair ones, [Religion] this needs no further interpretation, but the light which mani­festeth thou and thy generation to be in the steps, who eats up the fat and devours them that are fed, seen with the light, and with it comprehended, as the Goals in England may witness against thy generation of Teachers, which serves not the Lord Jesus Christ, but your own bellies which is your God, who glory in your shame, whose mouths must be stopped; who speaks great swelling words, having the persons of men in admiration because of your advantage; but none you have from the children of Light, who are in the Spirit who gave forth the Scriptures. And many other lies is in the Book, as Jesuits and Papists, which all are denyed with the Light, which are not worth a mentioning, but home to thy self return, by them whom the world in scorn calls Quakers, who are in the light, life and power that doth shake and remove that which must be shaken, that that which cannot be shaken may appear and remain: So without the Government of Christ thou art, and all such as believe thy Doctrine, which makes lies thy re­fuge, which must be swept away with the Beesom of destruction: So you [Page 6]Printers and Stationers, Beware lest you be found under that Prophesie, which saith, Report, and we will Report; ye all with the light will be seen and manifest; which light shall be witnessed with the light in your con­sciences, in the great day of the Lord. So now you have time, prize it, least you say you had time, and it is past; This is the day of your visitation: But if you say, our craft must go down, so said Diana, when the truth was preached, which truth now throws down all deceits; and remember E. B. thou in thy life time art warned, and Powel who art with the light seen, and thy smell is savored, thy Language is known, and thy lie is seen, and thou weighed in the ballance, and thou found too light, and thy measure is too short, and thy weights is too light, who the Serpent must feed, but the seed of God canst not, but with it art bruised.

G. Horton, A Paper is printed by thee, and no other Name subscribed to it, it therefore thou must father; all thy slanders in it, upon thee we lay, for it is the fruit that comes out of the old bottle, and from the envious man, which is that evil seed which grows upon the thorny ground, and the stony ground, and that which brings forth Bryars and Thorns, thy seed may receive, which is nigh unto curfing, and to be rejected, and the Title of thy paper thou call'st, The Quakers Beacon fired, and many un­favory expressions in it, which be not worth mentioning, which the honest simple-hearted will not give ear to the reading of it, except to discover thy folly; but now it doth appear how the wicked fret themselves and gnaw their tongues, such as are wholly given up to believe lies, cast out all their filthy stuff upon the Children of light, but praised be God it doth not touch them nor stain their garments, who are made white with the blood of the Lamb; for though now the Sea roars and foams, and the Lyons roars because they have not their prey, yet God it is that stops their their mouthes, and hath set the bounds of the Sea that the waves they can­not pass. And those which you in scorn calls Quakers, do witness, Qua­king and shaking away that which must be shaken, and winnowing of that which must be winnowed, according to the Scriptures, which the holy men of God did witness, and a Hell, and the Beesom of destruction which sweeps all that makes lies their refuge; for such forgets God, and must be turned into Hell, and that doth wickedly: and this shalt thou witness, G. Horton: and the Ministers of Jesus Christ we own according to the Scriptures, and Revelations we own according to the Scriptures, for none knows the Son but the Father, neither knows any man the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son reveals him: and thou that makes a scoff at this, makes a scoff at the Revelation of the Son of God, and the end of thy Religion is seen; and Heaven is Gods Throne, and Earth is his footstool, and all the Laws that are good we own, which thou says we sweep away; but the custom of thy sin hath taken away the sense of it. And then thou speakest much of a people called Ranters, and much thou bringest of their con­ditions and practices against them, which thou in scorn callst Quakers; but their condition and thy condition is denyed with the spirit of truth. And thou saist, they despise the Ministers of the Word, that is another of [Page 7]thy lies, for the Ministers of the Letter is denyed by them, which thou in scorn calls Quakers, which are the Ministers of the word, who are made able Ministers of the Spirit, but not of the Letter; and that of Jude shall stand for thy self, being one that is separated from the Spirit of God, and a Reprobate concerning the Faith; and Faith that works by love is owned. And the last Paper put forth against your lies, clears and shews the re­surrection and witnessing of it: And the Faith, the gift of God is received, which Faith works by love: And your Ordinances of men are denied, and are not to be touched nor tasted, as the Apostle saith, and the Churches of the world are denyed, and that Church which is in God is witnessed, Thess. 1.1. And them that are deceived by you, are bewitched as the Gallathians was; and who are kept under thy lies, are deceived by thee as Simon Magus was; but the light of God is risen (glory to him for ever) and thy Lies are discovered, and them that makes lies their refuge; and the Swine do cry, and the Dogs bark, and the Beasts do run, which makes many people to admire and wonder, and despise at the works of the Lord, which makes many ears to tingle; but wonderers and despisers perish: and you which are quite run besides Scripture, sense and reasonables, have set your selves as a Beacon for all to look at; a Generation of Lyars, which saith, the Devils Ministers hath transformed themselves into the Ministers of Righteousness, when the Scripture doth not say so. O Blasphemers, for if the Devil can transform himself into Righteousness, let all the up­right judge whether this be not quite contrary to the Scriptures; but this is like unto the rest of the lies in thy book, which is not worth mention­ing; but in the day of thy calamity remember, how in thy prosperity how fruitful thou was in the works of darkness, and sowing thy lies; but the way of the wicked shall be stopped, which shall into Hell be turned, who art seen to be one of them to come under the Prophesie, who saith, Report, and we will report, whose Tongues are bent to tell lies, and slanders their Neighbors privily: Against whom, the Lords hand is turned, and his Bow bent, when his Arrows stick fast in your sides: Remember in the day of your slaughter, in your life-time you was warned, and this was love to your souls; and many unsavory words be in thy paper which is not worth men­tioning, but home to thy self shall return, but thy unsavory smell is into the Nation ascended, which comes from the unclean Spirit, which such long have caused the Nation to stinck. But the Lord is rising by his mighty power, who will take away these filthy and noisom smells, by and in whose power we are preserved, which drives away the refuge of lies, and the Ly­ars to the Lake of fire, and that in your Consciences in the day of con­demnation and calamity shall witness us (whom you in scorn call Quakers; whom you in your life-time make a trade in Printing lies, slanders, and false reports against them) to be friends of your souls, and your eternal Good, and so the Lord forgive you that this great sin be not laid to your charge: Every one shall have reward according to their works: Your re­ward will be great and heavy, though now you may lead your life as him that Christ spoke of, who went into the torment and fire, who had plea­sure [Page 8]in his life-time, there is an example for you; but at this you may snuff, as the wilde Ass spoken of in Jeremy: but there is a moneth when you shall be taken, and then think on us: Consider what was spoken in thy life-time, from them whom you in scorn call Quakers.

And in the Scout is printed by R. Wood for G. Horton; In it is found many lies and slanders against those people whom he scornfully calls Quakers, but all the lies and slanders is condemned with the Light, and the Lyars with them: G. Horton, mention the woman that is gone beyond the Sea, the Pilgrimage as thou saist; else for ever let thy mouth be stopt.

Also more slanderous Speeches is uttered by thou Walker, as the Quakers black Error, which black Error is thy own, for to the truth we are con­verted from thy black Error: Therefore the venomn thou hast uttered forth against the children of Light, with which Light, thou lyar and thy lies are condemned to the Lake of Fire, which burns, which cannot be quenched.

From them whom you in scorn call Quakers.
  • Amos Stodard.
  • John Bolton.
  • Simon Dring.
  • Gerrard Roberts.
  • Robert Rich.
  • Robert Dring.
In the Name of themselves and the rest.

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