Marginall Antidotes, TO BE Affixed over against the lines of R. H. and E. B. their PAMPHLET, ENTITULED, The Rebukes of a Reviler.

Written and Prescribed by JOHN STALHAM of Terling.

PROV. 26.4, 5.
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.
Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

LONDON, Printed for Edward Brewster, and are to be sold at his shop at the Signe of the Crane in St. Pauls Church-yard 1657.

Marginal Antidotes, &c. Their Pamphlet thus Prefaceth. page 3.

[ WHereas the ancient of dayes hath appeared, &c.]

A transform­ing mist, to a­maze the sim­ple Reader pag. 3. 4. 5. 6. as afterwards, pag. 18, 19, 20.

Pag. 7. [shamelesly stiling the pure light of Christ, perverse principle, and selfe-adorning-light]

Quakers adore their own light, and magnify natural light, as if it were Gospel-saving light: this is from the perverse principle of their fleshly wise­dome.

Pag. 8. [O! How fain would J. S. sinfull indeed]

In the sence that Regenerate men have acknowledged. see Pag. 149. of my Book, entituled, The Reviler rebuked.

Ibid, [Whether he meanes any one may not, (I determine not) strike them Corporally, &c.]

Not any but those authori­zed, and that either Se defendendo, or for a criminall offence.

Pag. 9. [Would wickedly make men believe, that these mens Tenents, sc. the Quaker's: are as Reprobate stuff as the Je­suites]

Some of their Tenents, I said' witness their Doctrine of Justification.

[Page 2] [Their blasphemies as horrid as the Popish Parasites.]

Witness Jam. Nayler and his followers.

Pag. 10. [Would have some Stigmatized]

For their crimes (I said, not bare opinions) which are notorious, and grosse seandalous practises.

Ibid. [Who art a reviler of the light of Christ, calling it per­verse Principle]

The liberty these men take to wrest, adde, or detract, is hereby evident; for, I never called the light of Christ perverse Principle, but (as above) in that they set up something in the room, of Christ. i. e. themselves and their common candle-light of reason, which they worship and adore (as some have of old the light of the Firmament) this self-adoring light is their perverse Principle.

Pag. 11. [In the sight of his Church, that his shame may not appear before them]

The Church here is asha­med of your Doctrines and walkings.

Pag. 12. [All are Reprobates, but such in whom Christ is within them]

Then all the E­lect are Repro­bates before Conversion.

Ibid. [I ask a proof of this, sc. Christ's blessing of Infant-Baptisme]

Many thou­sands have & wil seal unto it.

Pag. 13. [He seemes to charge the Scripture with false Translations]

The Scripture in the true sence, is the believers Rule. True Translations may vary in words, yet not Deviate from the true sence.

Pag. 14. [His wickednesse appeares by reproching, and reviling dead men, such as H. N. Jacob B. W. E.]

This is no judgment (in my Epistle) pass'd upon the men, but upon and according to their Doctrines.

Pag. 15. [ Shall the honest Reader receive this for truth, that the light of Christ Jesus is a perverse Principle]

This the fifth time the An­swerer hath falsified my sence and words, as to this one passage. See Antidote upon his page 7. and 10.

Ibid. [Wee demand what these Jesuiticall plots and designs are, we do carry on]

They are your scattering seeds of Popery, and fomenting seeds of division among Protestants and Puritans in profession, to carry them more and more back to Babylon.

Pag. 16. [ We do not allow that J. S. be our Interpreter]

Your words compared, one Book, and page with another, and all examined by Scripture, interpret themselves. which was J. S. his faithfullness to discover how contradictious they are.

Ibid. [His judgment is but out of his old lying heart]

This is their charity (if we confesse we have something of the old man in us) to judg that all we write and speak, proceed from the old principle, and nothing from the new creature.

[Page 3] Pag. 17. [Not in the light of the Spirit, do we in any one particular insisted upon by him, contradict the Scripture.]

You do not see your con­tradictions, through want of Spirituall light, and eyes together.

Ibid. [Out of J. S. deceitfull heart]

*I shall not re­tort, but pray for all simple Readers, and Revilers.

Pag. [ 18, 19. For as much as many have been moved]

Another transforming mist, and a bold, but feigned imitation of Luke Chap. 1.1. &c.

Pag. 20. [ And now as the Prophet Joel Prophesied, is it come and coming to passe, Joel, 2 2, 3, 4. 10, 11.]

An abuse of the Prophet Joel, who is literally to be understood in the place quoted, and Chap. 2. to be Expounded by Chap. 1. ver. 3.6.12. &c.

Pag. 21. [The ground in him, and the heart, out of which this abundance of words in his book proceeds, is the root of all errour]

see 2 d Ani­madversion up­on pag. 16.

Ibid. [ Yet the root of all sin is in him, and seen by him not mortified]

Becaus Paul, said there dwelt no good thing in his flesh, did he therefore write no truth in his Epistles? It followeth as well as these mens reasoning. An old Heart and a new, are both at the same time; not raigning, but the old remaining in part, and the new raigning over the old, in the same Christian. See 113. 114. pages of my Book,

Pag. 22. [Such who be in the state as J. S. confesseth he is]

J. S. said not that he is in the state of sin, but that sin (the root of every sin) is in him, and others during the state of naturall Life.

Pag. 23. [The Letter taken strictly, being legall, &c. The Spirit is given by this]

Not by this, but by that part of the word which is the Gospel promise. See my Book pag, 4. Yet the Spirit work­eth by the Legall Letter, see how page 6.

Pag. 24. [Though J. S. say, that not one man in the World knows God to be God, till he findes him in the Scripture,

If he had so said, it were to be taken in, the sence given in my Book, pag. 66. but my words are to be read as they are pag. 69. Not one man &c. knows him (speaking of Christ) to be God, till he finds him in the Scripture. John 1.45.

Pag. 25. [Again, I. S. saith, that the Authority of the Scrip­tures is owned among the Jewes to this day]

The Autho­rity of Moses and the Prophets. I onely speak of. see my 13. page.

Ibid. [ J. S. saith, as deep things as the Spirit hath revea­led, they are all in the Scripture. Answer, Nay.]

As Gold pieces of 10. and 20. are in the gold One.

Ibid. [There was things revealed which was unutterable, and many things written which is not in the Scriptures, as the Book of Nathan the Prophet. &c.

we know by Scripture the e was such things revealed, and such Books written. see my 17. & 18. with 67. pages.

[Page 4] Pag. 26. [Why doth he not as well hear witnesse that Pauls Epistle to the Laodiceans was read as the Word of the Lord a­mongst the Colossians?]

Because he is no Jesuite, nor one that would be wise above what is written.

Ib. [Why doth he not read to his people that which was written to the Laodiceans?]

Paul speaks not of any E­pistle that himself, or any other (appointed as Pen men of Scripture) did write to the Laodiceans, but of one sent from Laodicea. Let the deluded read Colos. 4.16. once more.

Pag. 27. [ We know John's Testimony is true, Joh. 21.25.]

John meaneth nor, that there was any substantial truth necessary to be known to salvation, which is not revealed in the written Word, but that the Spirit ordered the copious mysteries of the Gospel (with respect unto our infirmitie) to be contracted within a narrow compass of lines. R. H. in this and former pag. doth but murmure and object, as the popish Rhe­mists, The Hereticks will needs have all in Scripture.

Pag. 28. [Working all their works in them, and for them ac­cording to the Scriptures.]

Agreed, in true Scripture-sens.

Ibid. [See if the sword of the Spirit was ever in the Divel's mouth.]

The Divel takes up the sword without the Spirits aim and edge.

Pag. 29. [By this Scripture Prov. 22.19, 20, 21. the Lord is made the ground of faith, and not the letter.]

See the true explanation of this Scripture in my 32 page.

Page 31. [He here adding his own, &c.]

R. F. sure meaneth what he speaks of, viz. Every mans light, and this he saith is pure: Can it bee pure and not purifie, and renew?

Ib. [ We never have said, that every man's judgment is re­newed with the light.]

What then is that which G. F. hath prompted to his Novices in his Catechism? pag. 22. which light (speaking of every man's light, if owned) gives them the knowledge of the glory of God, and brings them to true judgment.

Ib. & Pag. 32. [ 2 Pet. 1.20. To this J. S. adds, not heart-prophesie, nor breast-prophesie.]

Arising and residing onely in the mind, but written down in books, &c. J. S. added also; As the Apostle excludes not heart-prophesie, so he includes expresly Scripture-prophesie.

Ibid. [The Apostle did not bid them wait till the Day-star did arise in the Scriptures.]

No, but till the Day-star did arise in their minds, by the reading and heeding of the Scriptures, that's his plain mean­ing.

Pag. 33. [And in another translation saith, that he is the express figure of the Fathers substance.]

The Popish English Rhe­mists.

[Page 5] Ib. [Till he find the word three Persons, and Trinity in the Scriptures, let him own his own rule to judge him to be no mes­senger sent by God's Spirit.]

If we find the word [ [...]e son] in one place, and the word [Three] in another; where Father, Word and Spirit are spoken of, it is enough to justifie the use of the word [Trinity] and to prove the thing.

Ib. [Mark this, A person dwell in the Saints not personally.]

No, not so, as to make the Holy Spirit and a Saint one person, doth he dwell; but mystically, as in his spiritual Temple.

Pag. 34. [Saying, that the Godhead-light is not the Redem­ption-light.]

Objectively so called (not Subjectively) that is, light or knowledge given to every man about the God-head.

Pag. 35. [As God is, so is his light, and so is his Godhead, not created, &c.]

God's own es­sential light is, uncreated, and his very nature. The light that Adam was qualified with before the Fall and which every man (as a man) hath a spark of since the Fall, was and is given from the Creation, and by the things that are made. Read Rom. 1.20. and believe.

Ibid. [ In page 64. saying, Light without Scripture is no light.]

i. e. Besides, or not according to Scripture, as is explained in that page.

Ibid. [Was the saving light made by that wich was written.]

I never said [made] but made known it is by the Scripture, and there to be found.

Page 36. [ As page 68. he saith, That God was, and is the Word, according to Joh 1.1.]

I said not so, nor is it so ex­prest, Joh. 1.1. But the Word was [and is] God, yet God the Father is not the Word.

Ib. [ In page 70. saith, Christ is more in the Scriptures, then in the Saints, which is false.]

There is more of Christs puri­ty in the Scriptures, then in the Saints, yet is he greater then the Saints, and the Scrip­tures also.

Ibid. [ In pag. 73. he saith, Christ speaking in the Scripture, saveth by the Scripture, which is false, &c.

Christ saveth by his life and grace meritoriously, and efficaciously, by the Scripture declaratively, through faith, giv'n as a means of our application of him. All this witness is true.

Page 37. [Neither is there such a word written in the Bible, that say, men is saved by Scriptures]

Read Acts 11.14. with Acts 26.22. and understand.

Ibid. [Doth that light (of Scripture) &c. darken mens minds.]

Yes, by acci­dent, (as the Sun dazleth and dimmeth weak eies) but of it self, and from the Spirit, it en­lightneth mens dark understandings.

Ib. [ He saith 75 page, Gospel-light never entered, never shined into mens hearts.

i. e. By the power & pro­duct of nature, read my 75 page to this effect.

Ib. [To this let all take notice, and consider whether of these two (Contraries) they are to believe; the one saying, God shineth in their hearts by Gospel-light; and the other saith, It never en­tred into mens hearts.]

Both are to be believed, al­though Para­doxes to car­nal reason.

[Page 6] Pag. 38. [Priest J. Stelham &c.

Or what you will call him.

Ibid. [The Scripture speakes of no such distinction as of a Moral Law, &c. And Ceremoniall &c.]

Gross igno­rance or wilful blindnesse.

Pag. 39 [But I say that Covenant in which Adam was &c. he stood in that, and by that &c.]

But you know not what to call it, whether that of works, or Christ's of grace.

Ibid. [He speaks of three Covenants]

not so, see my 90 p.

Pag. 40. [I say that there is but two Covenants spoken of in Scripture, as the Apostle to the Hebrews; In that he saith a new covenant, he maketh the first old.]

These (men­tioned, Heb. 8. last) are but two different Administrations of one and the same Covenant of grace; the one antiquated and out of date, the other in force: see my 91. page.

Ibid. [That which said, do this and live, promised life, and mention'd Christ]

J. Nayler did not so under­stand it, See my 104. page.

Ibid. [And such denyed which speake of a Covenant, that mentions nothing of a Saviour: and that to be the Rule of true believers.]

The morall Law, or deca­logue, in it's Rigour, and as a covenant of works formally is not a believers rule: but materially, or in respect of good things, and evill things forbidden therein, It is Christ's rule to every true Believer, and none of his Commandements, are grievous to the Regenerate heart, and part.

Pag. 41. [ The more a soul is sanctified, the more he sees a Mote, to be a Mote; and a Beam, to be a Beam]

Yet he sees so much in his Motes which was my expression ( in my 112. pag.) that he sees more evill in a sin of a thought, a vain thought, then another will, or can see in a wicked oath, or blasphemy: and he will aggravate them in confession, according to due circumstance, as a Beam.

Ibid. [ Paul had not victory over sin and death, while he groaned under it]

How boldly and falsly is this spoken? When as (with one breath) Paul is both groaning and giving thanks about his present condition. Rom. 7.24.25. see it farther cleared in my 114. 115. pages.

Ibid. [God never justified any as a sinner, but as made o­bedient through faith]

What will you make of those Scriptures? Rom. 4.5. and chap. 5. ver. 8.10. see my 120. 121. pages.

Pag. 42. [The ungodly, they were first called (out of their ungodlinesse) as whom he called, them he also justified]

Whom he calleth he justi­fieth, but he calleth sinners, them therefore he justifieth; He calleth sinners, that they may believe to their justification from guilt, to their sanctification from filth, and them he glorifieth, First in Title, last in Possession.

Ibid. [ J. S. Would set the Law, & justice of God at a difference with the Gospel, &c.]

This Scribler Rants here (if you observe it) with his Pen, as if he understood neither Law nor Gospel.

[Page 7] Ibid. [The Righteousnesse of God, will not leave men disobe­drent, nor sinners, if ever they come to mercy]

But till they come to mercy doth Law-Justice set them free? Gospel-Justice indeed, for Christ's, the sureties sake, moved by mercy, absolves them; But the Justice of God unsatisfied by mens best con­formity to the Law, finds them guilty, binds them hand and foot over to condemnation, and execution.

Ibid. [That Doctrine is accurst from God, which saith, the Justice of God's Law, finds men sinners and leaves men so]

Let sinners tremble (who believe not on true Gospel-justifying righteousnesse in Christ alone) nor at this mans Cursing, but at the Curse of Gods Law, Gal. 3.10.

Pag. 42. 43. [He concludes, it had been better the Scripture had not been known or written.]

It had been better (I said) for him that shuts out Scripture from being Christ's Organ, or the Spirits Instrument, and meanes of Regeneration, that he had never known the Scripture, or written a word about it, see my 138. page, and observe a meer forgery in this Answer.

Pag. 43. [ J. S. Saying, the Saints in Heaven hoped for the perfection of their bodies: at the Resurrection, and again con­tradicts that saying, that at death they have a finall perfection, &c.

not at all, for the Saints per­fection at death is onely in their Spirits, or souls separated from their bodies; which Bodies though they be perfectly redeemed already by prayers, yet not so by power: till the Resurrection.

Ibid. [ If people mind the Scriptur, there is no such Do­ctrine in it, as the Saints have not received the Redemption of their bodies.]

If the blind lead the blind, what will fol­low? Let people turne to Rom. 8.23, 24, 25. And preserve their eye-sight, or recover is, if lost.

Pag. 45. [If any turne from the truth into any act of un­cleanness: then they take that as a proof against those that a­bide in the truth]

It is proof sufficient a gainst absolute perfection in this life, from which none (had they it) shall ever fall, as did Adam, and the Angels.

Pag. 46. [These are they that plead for a life in sin, while here: and that say, the Saintes glorified in Heaven do yet hope, &c.

Christ him­self expecteth the finall prosternation of his enemies, Heb. 10.13. The Saints glorified may well hope for the Resurection of their bodies, when Death, the last enemy, shall be destroyed.

Ibid. [He speakes of a warfare (which yet he himself ne­ver came unto)

How then feels he himselfe to be sinfull, and hates the body of sin, so as to desire and wait for the utter extirpation of it in himselfe?

Ibid. [It is not sin that is the Condemnation, but the light: which lets men see their sinnes.]

We must pardon his Ig­norance (who thus writes) for sin is the proper cause, and light but the accidentall casion of mens condemnation.

[Page 8] Ibid [ This I shall affirm, that none comes unto godly sorrow, but they deny dwelling sin; and they that do not deny in-dwelling sin, denies godly sorrow.]

Here is a pretty subtilty couch't under ambiguous terms; but know, it is one thing to deny pleasure in consent, love and obedi­ence to in-dwelling sin, as do all humble godly-sorrowing Saints, and another thing to deny that sin dwelleth, or remaineth in all the Saints upon earth, as hath been the Quakers Doctrine, the consequence whereof is to disclaim godly sorrow, for fin dwel­ing in them; for have they any cause to be sorry (as to themselves) for that which is not radically in them?

Pag. 47. [He is setting up obligations]

No legal ones

Ibid. [Of Reading, Hearing, Praying, Preaching, to which he saith, Life and Salvation is promised]

As they are ordeined meanes of grace, to which God hath annexed his promise in their right order and use, not as meer duties done with a legall frame of Spirit.

Ibid. Page. 47. [All promises are to the seed]

What seed? but that one Seed Jesus Christ, primarily, Gal. 3.16. and to all at Second-Hand, who are Christ's true seed. Gal. 3. last.

Ibid. [Who reads his Book, may see his proofs for Infant-Bap­tisme; By consequence, he would have Scripture speak &c]

So let him read, and search the Scriptures, where many a truth is onely taught by consequence.

Pag 48. [He never commanded them to be Baptised with water.]

This is as true as that the Ho­ly Ghost is no Person.

Ibid. [He cannot prove in Justice, that ever Infants-Bap­tisme, was either commanded, or practised]

with what equity or reason can you call for a command for water-Baptisme to Jnfants, who deny it to the Adulti, or them of yeares?

Pag. 49. [ J.S. Proves not that any thing which Christ instituted amongst the Saints onely, was practised in the World, among such who are not called]

He never un­dertook to prove the Lord's Supper, (for which R. H. is speaking) to be common to all.

[Pag. 50.] Wast paper.

Pag. 51. [He hath condemned all his own praying, who confesseth he is wicked, &c.]

Wicked was not his expres­sion [...], but sinfull; it is his shame, and grief to be so; but it's his glory and comfort that he [...] himself to be so.

Ibid.] All the saints upon earth, who have the Spirit of Christ, shall witnesse against J.S.]

[...] is a wide [...] as any [...] pamphlet is stuffed withall.

Pag. 52. [What is this to the purpose, to prove the world must sing]

[...] The Reader will here find much waste paper.

[Page 9] Page. 54. [The Call to the true Ministory and Eldership is not by man, nor of man, but by the Lord, according to Gal. 1.1.

That Scripture is vindicated and cleared in my 211 page.

[Pag. 54.55.]

More waste paper.

Pag. 56. [When the Law of the Land ceases to maintein them, which will come sooner then they expect, then may they beg their bread, or perish for want.]

This man may as well prove a fals Prophet as false Teacher

Pag. 57. [If he have not the same Call, by the same Spirit, as the Apostles had, he is no Minister of Christ.]

Are all Apo­stles? or is this man blinded with—

Pag. 58. [God promised to teach his people himself, and this man holds forth that he intended it not, &c.]

He intended it not onely by an immediate way. God teacheth his people himself, when he teacheth them by the Mi­nistry of men of his sending, Mat. 23.24.

Pag. 58. [Which Spirit is immediate.]

He comes im­mediately from the Father, and the Son, yet gives out himself ordinarily, and onely by means of his own appointment.

Pag. 59. [He separates betwixt the words and the voice, or breath.]

By voice Joh. 5.37. is not meant breath, or Spirit, but what you read of Deut. 4 12. Mat. 3. last. & 17.5.2 Pet. 1.18. Christ distinguisheth between God's written Word, and his immediate voice from hea­ven, and yet divides not his Spirit and Breath from either. His Word is not his Spirit, yet his Spirit is in his Word: his voice is not his breath, and yet it is not without it.

Pag. 60. Waste Paper.

Pag. 61. [As if there were two righteousnesses of Christ.

Yes, as well as two natures.

Ibid. The righteousness of Christ is but one, by which all the Saints are justified.]

More truly said then you are aware of.

Ibid. Acts of holiness, &c. this is a righteousness of ours, saith he.]

Yes, in themat­ter of justifica­tion not to be admitted.

Ibid. Let men see his ignorance.]

Blind men.

Ibid. Though it be wrought by the strength of Christ in us, yet as to justification, Paul (he saith) would not be sound in it. This mark again, Reader, canst thou see any thing here but igno­rance?]

The blinded Reader he must needs be, whose eies the Lord open, & then he may see a mysterie of godlinesse in our doctrine, and a mysterie of iniquitie in yours.

Ibid. Mark again, What was the converting of many hun­dred of souls by Paul, and many other works of God wrought by him but dung and loss, so J.S. holds forth, i.e. in the matter of Justification, this is ignorance indeed, &c.]

None but your Ignoramus's will believe you.

[Page 10] Ib. The Question is, what this honour is that he calls civil?

When you com to you selvs you will understand it.

Pag. 63. Neither Major nor minor proved.]

They were proved before in the whole discourse about swearing, from pag. 235. to 241.

Ibid. They that charge Christ and the Apostles with contra­dicting Scripture, are enemies to God, &c. but J.S. hath done so, ergo.

When you prove your mi­nor, your con­clusion may be true.

Ibid. He charges us, that we contradict our selvs, which ac­cusation we bear with as much patience as we do his former.

That is, none at all, that is visible in your writings.

Pag. 64. These things I leave with the Reader.]

Wise and in­telligent let him be, and not one of your Novices.

Ibid. To deny Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Johns declara­tions of the Gospel, to be Gospel, is no denial of the Scripture.]

You neither know what you deny, nor what you affirm, but go to School (in time) to Mark 1.1, 2. and know what that meaneth.

Pag. 65. rightly paged. [The example of Abrahams ser­vant is nothing &c.]

It is somthing to prove my servant may and cought to call me, as I am, his Master.

Ibid [ J.N. doth not say the Letter is the Believers wit­nesse?]

Where learnt J.N. that the believers witnesse is in himself, but from the Scripture, see my 245, 246 pages.

Ibid. [ Joh. 5.39. Doth say, the Scripture testifieth of him, but it doth not say, that he is revealed in the Scripture, &c.]

What diffe­rence is there between testifying and revealing, in this case especially? You, and your whole sect love to contend about words.

Pag. 66. The Apostles of Christ did not preach what they had gathered from Scripture.]

Go learn what that Sermon of Paul means, Act. 13. and whence he had his Quotations, verf. 18, &c. vers. 22, 33, 34, 35, & vers. 40.

Ibid. [In the next he will be proved a false Prophet.]

When the Scri­pture is found false, from whence I preach, then I shall be found a false Prophet.

Ibid. [That E.B. compiled a book out of Scripture-Collecti­ons is false.]

I supposed you would pretend to it, at least, who affixe above a hundred Texrs of Scripture to your warning to Under-Barrow: Did the Spirit bring every Chapter and Verse to mind? and did you read none of the Quorations before vou wrote them? Did the Spirit teach you to misapply them?

Ibid. [Neither is this selfe Contradiction, to aske which of the Saints had witnesse of their soules union, to seek in the Letter, and yet to affirme the Spirit opens, and brings that which is spoken to remembrance]

The contra­diction is di­scovered in my 253.254. pag.

[Page 11] Pag. 67. [Let J.S. first answer the Quere in plainnesse, which is an honest Quere.]

The Quere (not over ho­nest, while put forth in disparagement of the Scriptures) was plainly answered in my first Book, to this effect: The witnesse of a souls union is not in the Letter onely, but also in the Counter-pane written in a believers heart. See contradictions of Quakers pag. 21.

Ibid. [Who saith, the Spirit is in the Letter]

See how clear­ed in the Reviler rebuked, page 4. and 254.

Ibid. [He hath also slandered Christ to be imperfectly holy]

Christ was none of the Pen-men nor are the Secretaries of the Holy Ghost slandered, if judged in­feriour, in wisedom and holiness: to what they wrote.

Pag. 68. [And though we say the Saints teacher cannot be removed into a corner, as saith the Scripture: and that the Saints will find their Teacher as they lye in their beds, both these are true]

The Scripture saith not [can­not] but [shall not] see Isai. 30.20. speak­ing of the teaching Levites, Prophets, and men of God: But if your Saints. Teacher cannot but be publicke, how will you find him in so private a place as your beds?

Pag. 69. Rightly Paged, [Undervaluing words of the pure light of Christ]

Ibid. [It is no contradiction to say, that every man is lightned by Christ with the true light, True saving light, turns men out of their naturall condition. Act. 26.18. and yet to say, some men are living in a naturall condition.]

But compa­ratively in re­spect of Christ himselfe, and Gospel-saving-light.

Pag. 69. [He that lighteth every man, &c. Is not base beggerly scraps, as J.S. it is.]

Learn I be­seech you, at last, to distinguish between the Light-given, and the Light-Giver.

Pag. 70. [I would know of him where the Gospel works, if not in men's Consciences.]

Albeit Gospel­conviction is feated in the Conscience, yet it works about the conviction, which ariseth meerly from a naturall Conscience, as such, see my 266. pag.

Ibid. [He that can understand that Scripture John 1.5. Shall see the truth, &c.]

Whether you understand it or no, let the judicious Reader observ by the context opened in my 54. page.

Ibid. [The rule of the Spirit of God is above the Scripture]

Asmuch as to say, he Scripture is above the Scripture. But the naked truth is, the spirit of God ruleth by the Scriptures. He is above his Rule, but the Saints (even as such) are under it.

Pag. 71. [Let him charge them that are guilty sc. for putting off that for redemption light, which is but old-creation light.]

That is R.H. and E.B. with men of their deluded and deluding perswasion.

Ibid. [His whole Section I leave to be read in his Book]

See my 276. p. I understand not this non­sence.

Ibid. [Neither did we ever affirme, that Christ is not in the Reprobate, and so is not in all]

[Page 12] Ibid. [Neither do we concerning Justification contradict our selves.]

You must take their word for it, who will, not or cannot try their Doctrines by the Scripture Touch-stone, and compare one of their sayings with another.

Ibid. [What would J.S. have said of John, who told them they needed no man to teach them.]

The Apostles meaning 1. Jo [...] 2.27. is vindicated from these men, and cleared in my 41. pag.

Pag. 74. [Though God spake by G.F. to him (viz. E. Bor.) ough) this doth not contradict the teaching of the Sporit of God]

It clearly sheweth that E.B. had not all by the immediate teaching of the Spirit, and still your contradiction holds, as I have demonstrated it, in my 280.281. pages, or if you'l say, and it be your meaning, that God teacheth mediately here, to bring us to immediate teachings altogether in Heaven; and that outward teaching, leades to inward, and inward to outward: while we are here, it will argue ingenuity, a concession of truth, and an eating of former clashing expressions.

Pag. 73. Rightly paged [ E.B. doth never say, that the light of Christ is natur all and carnall, but the light of man]

Who gave man that light? Answer E.B. for your self, and others.

Ib. [ E.B. Speaks of mans light, and J.S. foolishly opposeth him, &c.]

Who, I ask again, gaveman that light?

Ibid. [Neither Christ nor his blood, is in Scripture.]

This is your ignorant Blasphemy.

Ibid. [Let it be moved.]

Where and whither? If it be moved at the Mouth by Alder-gate, let a room be built for it in the Land of Shinar.

Pag. 74. [He saith the Scripture was given by the Spirit for a Rule, this we desire a proof of by plain Scripture, till then we deny it]

If any man wil be ignorant and obstinate: Let him be ignorant and Obstinate.

Ib. [He saith, the Spirit gives out himself by Scripture, and yet he saith, he never said the Scripture did give the Spirit, and this is an absolute contradiction]

In your appre­hension, who knew not what a contradiction is, and what it is not.

Ib, [He saith, our possessing perfection, and Quaking after Moses example, cross shins on the other.]

Professing (I said) yet I will hold, in your languager, much more.

Ibid. [But wherein he doth not shew]

The thing shews it selfe; see my first Book, page 25.

Pag. 75. [And yet doth own Prayer in the Spirit, and who are moved by the Spirit morning or evening, or at meales, or other­wise]

The Spirit moveth to payer (as to each other duty) by the Scripture-Rule, and according to it 1. Thes. 17.18. Tim. 4.4. Act. 27.35. Rom 14.6.

[Page 13] Pag. 76. [And this is truth, let J.S. gather what he can from it.]

J.S. gathers, that you would engrosse the Spirit to your selves, which if it breath in your praiers, well; hee is sure it breaths not in your Writings.

Ib. [Speaking that which is not in the Spirit, we check.]

You check the Spirit in others, and grieve the Spirit (where it is) in any of your selves.

Page 77. [According to the light of Christ Jesus in every man's conscience, which is but one in all.]

This helps your non­sence, page 71. (rightly paged) but contradicts what was there delivered [ Christ is not in the Reprobate.]

Ibid. By these words [No Law must be concerning Reli­gion] we do not mean, that we should not have a Law according to Religion, but no Law to limit to, or from this or that man­ner of Religion.]

It appears by this you do not alwaies mean as you speak: but it were well your meanings were better then your sayings; now learn to write and speak better, and we shall the better judg of your meanings.

Pag. 78. [Wee are not they that would have any Magistrates to bind themselves from striking at offenders, who are truly able to judge of offences.]

Agreed, and then all in my Epistle Dedi­catorie (charged with lies, slanders, presumption, arrogancy, flattery and cruelty) will stand good against your charge.

Ibid. and Pag. 79. [As for the rest of his Book (sc. the Appendiz.) &c. His lyes I do deny, from first to 8. Animad­version]

Here is all a­long, but your nay, against my yea: Whereof I give too home proof, for your patience to bear it. Let my Appendix be viewed and reviewed.

Pag. 79. [So that from the first of his Book to his last, his whole work is borne witnesse against not to be of God, but of the Devill]

If R H. (as it seems by the posture of let­ters) listed himselfe to fight in the Front of the Pamphlet, and E.B. in the Rear, al­though they toss and racket my name up and down as a Tennis-ball, from the beginning to the end, yet they do but beat the Aire, and strike at themselves, and hurt not me; For pag. 50. one saith, he pursues me not in every Argument; the other saith, From the first of my Book to the last, my whole work is born witnesse against. How these things accord, let the Reader judg. Now R.H. and E.B. if you can receive the censure of a discerning Christian (of no inferiour rank) it was this; All the reason of this your Book may be put into an Egge-shell, and for my part, I have no more taste of it (except in such few passages, where you are reduced to a better explication of your minds) then of the white of an Egge.

Pag. 80, 81, 82, 83. [Ah! J.S. against whom hast thou set thy self, &c]

To all these four last pages (with many other passages in the book) it is the King of Heavens commandement, Prov. 26.4. not to answer you a word.


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