The Cause and Cure of Divisions OR, The way and means for all Christ [...] (However they are Distinguished [...] Named) to come to Unity.
Demonstrated and Pointed out from the Scriptures of Truth; By RICHARD STAFFORD, a Scribe Instructed therein.

THE Necessity and Obligation of all that call themselves Christians unto Unity, may be un­derstood from what is Written, Endeavouring to keep the Ʋnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace. But observe here how the Apostle enforces the Exhortation. There is one Body and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one Hope of your Calling, one Lord, one Faith [...]e Baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all, Ephes. 4.3, 4, 5, 6. There cannot be greater Arguments and Motives then these here mentioned, why that all Christians should keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace, because that the Apostle here saith, There is one Body and one Spirit. And like as one outward Sun doth enlighten ma­ [...]y Millions of Inhabitants of this Earth: Even so one and the self same Spirit of God and of Christ, doth actu­ate all the Children and Servants of God in all their seve­ral Generations, and the Places of their Respective Habi­tations. Even so it is meet and right, and follows of [Page 2]necessary Consequence, that they should be one in Love, Heart and Affection (for so much doth Unity signify) and also where they live near one another, they should do as the first Christians did, that is to say, Meet and be all with one accord in one Place, and all they that believed were together, and they continued daily with one accord in the Temple, Acts 2.1, 44, 46. For the Worship of that Great and one God. Hear O Israel, and so hear this all ye that are in Deed and in Truth his Servants, The Lord is one God, Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. So that of the same right Conse­quence again, If one God is in you all, then also ye should be one, as ye serve and worship, and have Relati­on unto that one God, who is in you all. And so like­wise it would be, if as there is one faith, so they did all keep and adhere only unto that one Rule of Faith and Worship, and Manners, which God hath given unto us all in the Holy Scriptures: And if they had all the alike knowledge, and more especially if they were Universally Obedient and Conformable unto it, as the first Christi­ans were. For that Book of the Lord is but one Truth also, and in all things consistent and agreeable with it self.

But in the Parable, unto which the Kingdom of Hea­ven is likened by that Great Oracle of Truth, the Lord Jesus Christ, The Servants of the Housholder came and said unto him, Sir, Didst thou not sow good Seed in thy Field? From whence then hath it tares? He said unto them, an Enemy hath done this, Mat. 13.27, 28. Even so the Good Man of the House (for so he is called, in Mat. 20.11.) The Great Lord and Creatour and Governour of this Great House of the World; He did first of all and from the beginning make and constitute one Church, and that they should be one fold, even under one Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ; And also he did Sowe Good Seed in that Field, as to preserve and continue that Unity which he had begun and established among them; as so it doth abundantly appear, by that Law and Precepts he hath given us. By this shall all Men know that ye are my Dis­ciples, if ye Love one another. But from whence then ha [...] it tares? He saith unto them, an Enemy hath done this. So [Page 3]here it may be [...]urmised and asked, from whence came these Divisions and that Biting and Devouring one ano­ther, amongst those who call themselves Members of the Christian Visible Church (for the Divisions whereof all one as of Reuben, who herein was unstable as water, and tossed to and fro with every wind of Doctrine) There was great thought and searchings of Heart. Why, An Enemy hath done all this; even the Spirit which worketh in the Children of Disobedience. They do disobey some part or other of the written word; and thereupon arise Divisi­ons, and strife and every Evil work. As the Apostle James asks the Question, From whence come Wars and Fightings among you? Come they not hence, even of your Lusts that War in your Members. Even so in like manner it may be asked, from whence come that Hatred, Vari­ance, Emulations, Wrath and Strife, (all which are the works of the flesh and they exclude from the Kingdom of God, Gal. 5.20, 21.) And Divisions which are now amongst those who call themselves of the outward visi­ble Christian Church, Come they not hence, even of your Lusts (which signifies an Inordinate Coveting, or Sinful Transgression) that are in their Souls? Come they not hence, even from the Spirit of Disobedience, which works in the children thereof? They do proceed from some kind of Disobedience or other. Like Diotrephes, who Loved the Preheminence, or some sinful and indirect thing or other do lead them aside.

Or as the wise Man saith, Lo, this have I found, that God made Man upright, but he hath sought out many Inven­tions. Even so he did make Man to Worship himself; and in the beginning he did ordain and constitute this Worship to be in Spirit and in Truth; For God is a Spi­rit and they that Worship him, must Worship him in Spirit and in Truth. And in order to this, He hath given a Rule and Direction for his worship in his word, which is very pure and true, or truth it self. But Alas! Herein Man hath found out many Inventions. In their setting of their threshold by my thresholds, and their Post by my Posts, Ezek. 43.8. He hath intermingled and added many things into the Worship of God, which God never Com­manded, nor came they into his mind, as himself saith by his [Page 4]Prophet Jeremiah. As to which Jesus Christ the Son of God, and consequently he best knows his mind and will, who is also the High Priest of our Profession, and much greater in the House or Church of God then Moses; For this Man was therein as a Servant, but Christ as a Son: This same Jesus Christ saith, In vain do they Worship me, teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of Men, Mat. 15.9. And a little after he saith, which relates also unto the same subject matter, Every Plant which my hea­venly father hath not Planted, shall be Rooted up, ver. 13. So that both God and his Son Jesus Christ do express a reproof and dislike of these things. What things? That any thing should be offered up unto him in Worship, or Sacrifice, or as a Type of Worship, Which he Commanded not, nor entered into his mind, and which he never required at their hands. And that they should either teach for Doctrines, or use for Worship the Commandments of Men; as to which, every Plant that my Heavenly Father hath not Planted, shall be Rooted up.

Now God Almighty declaring his will to be on this manner, it follows by the same true and necessary con­sequence, that every and each thing in the Worship of God, which is not of his own Immediate Divine Institu­tion and Appointment, should be laid aside and not used. And it is upon this Account only and for this reason only, that they who truly fear God and fear his Name, who are indeed the Disciples and followers of Je­sus Christ, so as to Learn of him and to do the things which he saith, do not care to comply with, nor conform unto what is the Commandments and Impositions of Men in the Worship of God.

As for mine own Part, altho I do just barely go unto the Church of England way and place of Worship; Like as Jesus Christ our Lord gave us an Ensample herein. For of him it is Written, That as his Custom was, he went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath Day, Luke 4.16. And strait way on the Sabbath Day, he went into the Synagogu [...] and Taught, Mark 1.21. For as may be understood, from Acts 13.15. They were more Noble then those now adays of our National Church. For they would allow of any one who was able so to do, To speak a Word of Ex­hortation [Page 5]unto the People. But these confine it only to such a sort of Clergy, who most of them are either Ignorant or Unfaithful in the work of the Ministry, and they are Blind leaders of the Blind. As to which Jesus Christ saith, If the Blind leadth Blind, both shall fall into the Ditch; Such Priests and People shall fall into the Bot­tomless Pit: Yet Nevertheless, Jesus Christ, as his custom was, went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath Day; Al­tho the worshippers therein, both Priests and People, had Corrupted their way. So my custom hath been from my youth up and is at this Day, to go unto the Parish Sy­nagogues, or Churches, as they are commonly called, altho there are some things therein used, which have a shew of will Worship, and after the Ordinances and Precept of Men; which I speak according to my Judgment, and that also Guided by the written Word of Truth, I could wish were laid aside. For according to the afore-menti­oned Aphorism of Divine Truth, Every Plant that my Heavenly Father hath not Planted, should be Rooted up. And also the Ministry and Teaching thereof in too many Places (I do in no wise say that it is so every where) is grown and become De [...]d, dull and formal. It continues to be fulfilled at this Day what Jeremiah spoke of in his time, that the Pastours were become Brutish. The Priests said not, Where is the Lord? And they that handie the Law knew me not: The Pastours also Transgressed against me, and walked after things that do not profit, Jer. 2.8. And some of them at this Day and even in this Nation, Do not Pro­fit the People at all, Jer. 23.32. Or very little, but both Priests and People have Corrupted their way, having a form of Godliness, but denying the Power thereof. So that, altho from the Example of Christ and by what he saith, Mat. 23.2, 3. I can just go unto their Assemblies, yet I can in no wise consent unto all their ways without Violating Faith and a Good Conscience. And because I do fear [...] Oath (which the Spirit of God, in Eccles. 9.2. Doth [...]em to commend and prefer before him that feareth not [...] Oath) and I would also willingly stand fast in that Liberty, wherewith Christ hath made us free, According [...]o that Rule and Command of the Divinely inspired Apostle, therefore only it is, that I am not allowed, nor [...]lited of to Preach in the usual Places of Preaching. [Page 6]But as Paul did, so I do Preach in an House, Acts 28.30, 31. The Kingdom of God, and Teach those things which concern Jesus Christ. And because, that on me also is laid a necessity to Preach the Gospel, and Wo unto me, if I Preach it not, I had rather therefore utter my Voice in the streets, and cry in the chief Place of Concourse, and in the opening of the Gates, and in the City utter my Words, Prov. 1.20, 21. And Teach in the streets, Luke 13.26. Accord­ing to that Gospel method (all which shall turn for a Testimony against them) rather then wholly neglect it. If those of our National Priesthood would impose and require no more then what Christ and his Apostles did Ordain, Institute, Impose and Require, Perhaps I might be of their Number; but seeing that they do require and insist upon such and such things, which the Gospel doth not insist on nor require; As to which they shall give Account before him, that is ready to Judge the Quick and Dead at his appearing. And as for my Part, I had rather be a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true Tabernacle which the Lord hath pitched and not Man, Heb. 8.2. Know­ing and Believing, that that Tabernacle which Man hath Pitched and not the Lord (by which the Worship of God is signified; for that was the place wherein God is Worshipped) is false, for it is opposite unto the other, and will be rejected and disallowed by him.

As it is Written, Then verily the first Covenant had also Ordinances (in the Margent there it is Ceremonies) Of Divine service and a Worldly sanctuary, Heb. 9.1. So it may be affirmed at this Day, that what is called the Na­tional Church, or the Church of England, hath truly Or­dinances or Ceremonies of Divine Service, and a World­y kind of Religion, modelled after the fashion of and according to the Course of this World. Now as People may in their reason conceive, that if one should now Worship God after the manner of the first Covenant, which had Ordinances, or Ceremonies of Divine Service and a Worldly sanctuary, Do ye think that the Lord would accept thereof and be well pleased therewith? In no wise. And so it is to be feared and may be thought as to that manner of Worship now a-days, which hath▪ Ordinances and Ceremonies of Divine Service and a [Page 7]Worldly sanctuary, that God in these latter days under the dispensation of his Son, doth find fault with that al­so, for the same reason as he doth the other. For as the Divinely inspired Apostle Argues and Reasons concern­ing that, Which was a Figure for the Time then present, in which were offered both Gifts and Sacrifices, that could not make them that did the service perfect as pertaining to the Conscience. Which stood only in Meats and Drinks, and Divers washings, and Carnal Ordinances (In the Mar­gent there again, it is Rites or Ceremonies) Imposed on them until the Time of Reformation, Heb. 9.9, 10. Now to use and retain the figure still, when the thing figured is come, this must be Nonsense and Absurdity, and God is not pleased with, nor yet doth accept of the Sacrifice of Fools. And so if there is any thing in such a way of Worship, which cannot make him that doth the service, or uses that kind of worship perfect, as pertaining to the Conscience, it is evident that here People should not al­ways rest therein, but go further and press still after the mark of the high Calling, after those things which can, or at least in more measure, make them that do the Ser­vice, or use the Worship Perfect, as pertaining unto the Conscience. And as the Jewish Worship did stand only in Meats and Drinks, and Divers Washings, and Carnal Ordinances Imposed on them until the time of Reforma­tion: So it may be observed, that the National Worship doth somewhat consist in Meats; for it doth prescribe its Meat days and its Fish days; and in Divers Bowings and Gestures, and such and such kind of Rites and Ceremo­nies, are to be observed and imposed upon the People by the Precept of Men, Isa. 29.13. Not here throughly considering and attending unto the last Words. Which should indeed cut off and alrogate them all, Ʋntil the time of Reformation, which now being fully come under the Gospel, the Dispensation of the Son of God, Jesus Christ being the High Priest of our Profession, and who is Greater in the House of God then Moses was, for he was as a Servant, but this Man as a Son; It doth, or should follow of Consequence, that if we would (to which we are Commanded) stand fast in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free. In order to that, [Page 8]we should admit or suffer nothing to be imposed on us after the way of Carnal Ordinances, or as Ordinances of Divine service, or by way of Rites and Ceremonies; By the Ordinances of Men, unless Christ hath also ordained the same in his Gospel. For that also serves unto the Example and Shadow of Heavenly things. As Moses was Admonished of God, when he was about to make the Tabernacle; for see (saith he) that thou make all things according to the Pattern shewed to thee in the Mount, Heb. 8.5. But as Jesus Christ himself saith, But the hour com­eth and now is, when the true Worshippers shall Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth: For the Father seeketh such to Worship him. God is a Spirit, and they that Wor­ship him, must Worship him in Spirit and in Truth, John 4.23, 24. So now the fullness of time is come and un­der this Dispensation of his Son, all things in, or pertain­ing to the Worship of God and of Jesus Christ, ought to be done according to the Pattern shewed to us in his Gospel. I say and repeat it again, that People may more attend unto and observe the same, That in these Days, every thing in the Worship of God and of his Son Jesus Christ, ought to be made and done according to the Pattern shewed to us in the Gospel. This I do teach and affirm constantly.

So that, as aforenoted, such and such things were im­posed on People, until the Time of Reformation. But that being now fully come, It follows from hence, that there should be yet a further Reformation even in our reformed Churches, that is, to bring them up or back a­gain unto a Greater Degree of Spirituality and Truth; And to do all things according to the Pattern shewed to us in the Gospel. For then only Primitive times would return (When they were all with one accord in one Place, and all that believed were together) When things shall be once again done according to the Primitive Rule and Manner. When as it is Written, A great Number of the Priests were Obedient unto the Faith. So again some Good thing might be then expected for the Church of God, and for the Unity thereof. If the Priests or Cler­gy of this Nation were so Universally Obedient unto the faith of Jesus Christ, as to prefer the Truth of his Wor­ship [Page 9]before their own temporal Livelihood, Corrupt In­terest, or filthy Lucre, 1 Pet. 5.2. So that there might be the same mind in them also which was in the Apostle Paul; As to count all things but Loss or Dung, for the excellency of the Knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord. And as he saith, For I could wish my self were accursed from Christ for my Brethren, my Kinsmen according to the flesh. So they could be contented to be devested of all things for the Glory of God, and for the Truth of his Worship, then indeed, but not until then some good thing might be expected for the Church of God and for the Unity thereof.

But as long as Corrupt Interest hath the prevailing and upper hand, things will still continue as they are. For this hath been the subtlety of Satan the old Serpent, who herein, was more subtle then any Beast of the Field. To get his threshold, or a threshold of Mans making and de­vising, To be set by Gods thresholds, which his Prophet doth reprove and find fault with, in Ezek. 43.8. And their Post by my Posts; and then Satan the Enemy gets it to be confirmed and established by Annexing such a Nati­onal Maintenance and Livelihood, and such and such Preferments unto it. For those outward things, as the Kingdoms and Power and Glory of this World (under which Riches and Money, the greatest Idol thereof is al­so included) Are delivered unto him; so that to whomso­ever he will, he gives it, according to what is Written, Luke 4.6.

Thus and hereby it comes to pass, that those great As­sertors and Vindicators of Rites and Ceremonies, and of those Ordinances and Institutions of Men, who are Mini­sters of the Worldly sanctuary, which Man hath pitched and not the Lord, who have set their threshold by Gods thresholds, and their Post by his Posts, do therefore con­tend with might and main for their own Traditions and Impositions, and their own Interminglings with the Worship of God, whereby they have Corrupted it from its Simplicity and Purity, as it was in Christ Jesus, in the first times. Nevertheless they will in no wise consent, nor yet admit of it, that they should be laid aside, nor yet that those Plants which our Heavenly father hath [Page 10]not Planted, should be Rooted up. Altho it be accord­ing to his express Will and Declaration, that they should be laid aside; yet nevertheless they do and will retain them, Any Law or Ordinance of God to the contrary Not­withstanding, whereby it is evident, that they do Pro­voke the Lord to Jealousy and Indignation; So that he will not accept of their Worship.

But yet for all, they do thus and thus, for the same and alike reason, which we read of, in Acts 19. And the same time there arose no small stir about that way. For a certain Man Named Demetrius, a Silversmith, which made Silver shrines for Dian [...], brought no small Gain unto the Crafts-men whom he called together with the Work-men of the like O [...]pation; and said, Sirs, ye know that by this Craft, we have our wealth. Moreover ye see and hear that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath perswaded and turned away much People, saying, that they be no Gods which are made with hands. So that not only this our Craft is in danger to be set at naught; but also that the Temple of the Great Goddess Diana; should be despised, and her Magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the World Worshippeth. So that this was in a matter of Worship also. But further, since that the Na­tions have been brought over from the Worship of Dumb Idols unto the true living and only God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and of all things therein; yet still there hath been all along no small stir about the way and manner of the worship of this true God. The main Con­troversie, Question and Doubt therein hath been chiefly as to this Point, whither God is to be served and wor­shipped according to the Pattern shewed to us in the Gospel, as Moses was Admonished of God, for saith he see that thou do all things according to the Partern shew­ed to thee in the Mount. And now in these last days un­der the Dispensation of the Son of God, All the Rudi­ments of the World, with all the Jewish Ordinances and Observances (Which all are to Perish with the using) the Commandments and Doctrines of Men, Col. 2.22. They having been all abolished and done away, ever since that Jesus Christ, the High Priest of our Profession said that it was finished on the Cross; which is so as to all that dis­pensation [Page 11]and way of Worship. But now the hour being come, wherein People are not to Worship at Jerusalem, nor yet at yonder Mountain. But the hour cometh and now is, when the true Worshippers shall worship the father in Spirit and in Truth, for the father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit, and they that worship him, must wor­ship him in Spirit and in Truth, John 4.23, 24. From this place again, it is evident and manifest, that all things now in the Worship of God and of his Son Jesus Christ, ought to be done according to the Pattern shewed to us in the Gospel. For that is Spiritual and True, yea, Spi­rit and Truth it self.

So that the stir which hath been all along in the Christian Churches about the way and manner of the worship of God, hath been as to this Question, whither God ought only to be worshipped according to the Pat­tern shewed to us in the Gospel; or whither he is to be worshipped by the meer Ordinances and Inventions of Men; or whither they also should be brought in and in­termingled therewith? As to which, they that contend earnestly for the faith (wherein also is the worship of God included) which was once delivered unto the Saints, do al­so contend earnestly that God ought to be worshipped on­ly the first way; and they are for having every Plant in his worship which our Heavenly father hath not Plan­ted, to be Rooted up. But as for the others again, who have sought and found out many Inventions in the wor­ship of God after the Commandments and Doctrines of Men, they are for keeping unto them still, thinking with­in themselves and alledging to one another, as Demetrius did to his fellow Crafts-men, Ye know that by this Craft, we have our wealth. And so it is, By these Liturgies, Rites, Ceremonies, Traditions and Institutions of our own, we have our Church Preferments and Livelihood; And if we should once yield or consent unto them, who go about to perswade and turn away the People, That as Paul said, they be no Gods which are made with hands: So that is not the worship of the true God, which is the Circumcision made with hands. That is not the worship of the true God (for he is not pleased therewith, nor will accept of it) which is made and devised by Man. [Page 12]However, this Foundation and Truth stands firm, it be­ing an Eternal Maxim fixed in the Heavens; Notwith­standing Men through Corrupt Interest would gainsay, or distinguish against it. But if this truth were once Uni­versally received into the minds of Men, as indeed it ought to be, so as for them to obey it and do according­ly, what would be the Consequence of all? It follows, So that not only this our Craft is in danger to be set at naught; We should not only be in danger to lose our Tythes and Church Revenues, and our Cathedral service would be despised, and the Magnificence and outward shew and Pomp of our worship would be destroyed. Which the Rich and Chief of the People are most of all for. Such being the Vanity of their minds, as to falsely think that God is altogether such an one as themselves, Psal. 50.21. So that because they like nothing but what is costly, and makes a Goodly outward shew, thereupon they wrongly imagine as if God was not pleased with any worship, but what did make an outward shew. As to which it is thus Written, The Kings Daughter (whereby Mystically and Spiritually is signified the Church of God) is all Glorious within, Psal. 45.13. The Kingdom of God cometh not with Observation (in the Margent there it is with outward shew) Neither shall they say, Lo here, or Lo there; for behold the Kingdom of God is within you, Luke 17.21. The true worship of God doth not stand, nor consist in Divers washings or sprinklings, or in Car­nal Ordinances imposed on the worshippers until the Time of Reformation (which words do imply that they should be utterly laid aside now the Time of Reformati­on is fully come under the Gospel) nor yet doth the true worship of God stand or consist so much in Divers Bow­ings and Cringings, or Gestures, but it is an inward thing; for what is Spiritual or in Spirit, is inward. But they being vainly puffed up in their fleshy mind, Colos. 2.18. Would have Gospel worship, which is altogether an Inward and Spiritual thing, to be so modelled and fram­ed, as to make a fair shew in the flesh; and they have got their Worldly Interest and Livelihood to be interwo­ven and mixed therewith.

This is the very reason why the Errour and Corruption of the Papacy hath been and continued so long, even unto this Day, and the end thereof is not as yet. The Priests and Clergy Men thereof, who may be stiled the Corrupters of all, what was before true and undefiled Religion, have got into their hands and possessions such and such Revenues and Riches and Tythes, and yearly Estate, called St. Peters Patrimony, and the Patrimony of the Church; and they well knowing the conveniency thereof, and they being in no wise willing to part with them, this makes them to stickle might and main for their own Errours and Corrupti­ons. And these Leaders of the People cause them to err, as so many Thousands blindly and miserably do in what is called a great Part of the Christian World. The like Errour and Cor­ruption, altho it be in a much less degree and measure, remains as yet even in the reformed Church of England. For if it were once modelled according to the Pure Word of God, or if all things therein were done according to the Pattern shewed to us in the Gospel; It should be yet further Reformed even from those Rites and Ceremonies, and Carnal Ordinances and Imposi­tions of Men. But since that there is such a Maintenance and Livelihood set out by a National Law to the Clergy-Men thereof, for using and keeping those Rites and Ceremonies, and Carnal Ordinances, and Humane Impositions. As they have been kept and retained hitherto for this reason, so in all Likelihood and Probability they will be kept and retained yet longer, any Law or Ordinance of God to the contrary Notwithstanding. Altho herein also our first Reformers from out of Popery, seemed to have used the like method as the Apostles and first Christians did in reforming from Judaism. For as they did retain for some time a few Jewish Ceremonies, that they might hereby the sooner gain and bring over the Jews, as Paul for this fame reason did Circumcise Timothy: All which Jewish Ceremonies, the Christi­an Church did by degrees and at length utterly lay aside, when there was no Hopes or Likelihood further, to Convert the Jews unto the saith. So our first Reformers from Popery, did retain some Popish Ceremonies and a great Part of the Liturgy which was the same in the Mass Book; but such as had nothing of the Leaven or Errour of Popery therein. As the Cross in Baptism, wearing the Surplice, Bowing towards the Altar and such like; If hereby they might sooner bring over the Papists unto their Communion, and accordingly many were, and almost all of them did come to their Parish Church, until they were forbid to do so, by a Bell of the Pope. But since that long process of time, it being above an Hundred and Fifty years since the Reformation, these is no great Likelihood further of bringing them over by this way and kind of Condescention; It is therefore now high time, if they [Page 14]would do as the Apostles and Primitive Church did, whilst it was Pure and Uncorrupted, so that now they should lay aside e­ven those Popish Rites and Ceremonies, and Carnal Ordinances, and whatever is meerly an Invention, Doctrine, or Command­ment of Men, that all things may be done exactly according to the Pattern shewed unto us in the Gospel. This I do again teach and affirm constantly.

And indeed it is written, For the day of the Lord of Hosts shall be upon every one that is Proud and Lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up, and he shall be brought low: And the Idols he shall utterly Abolish, Isa. 2.12, 18. Now whatsoever is meerly of Mans making and devising in the Worship of God, that is an Idol. So that by true and neces­sary consequence, whatever is meerly and only of Mans making and devising in the Worship of God, that same should, yea, at length it shall be utterly Abolished and done away.

And as it is elsewhere written, Many also of them which used cu­rious Arts, brought their Books together and burned them before all Men, and they counted the Price of them and found it fifty thousand Pieces of Silver: So mightily grew the Word of God and Prevailed, Acts 19.19, 20. So the time will come that many of those which used humane Inventions in the Worship of God, altho they had their outward Worldly, Livelihood and Preferments by them, will cast them away to the Moles and the Bats (which being blind Crea­tures, so these were fit only for Blind and Ignorant Worshippers) and they will be apt to burn the Books, in which those Inventi­ons of Men were, that they should not be produced and brought forth as a Witness and Evidence against them in the day of the Lords Judgment and Indignation, For fear of the Lord and for the Glory of His Majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the Earth, Isa. 2.21. And so they would do now, if the Word of God did grow mightily and prevail in their Hearts more then the God of this World, or the Spirit which ruleth in the Children of Disobedi­ence. For altho those who used Curious Arts did get their out­ward Livelihood by them, like as Astrologers and Stage Players do at this day; Yet when they once come to wisely and throughly consider, Shall I only to get a little outward Worldly Livelihood for a short time, or for a moment, (for what is our Life but a Va­pour which passeth away) thereby lose that Blessing, which the Lord our Creatour hath Commanded for such as are his Obedi­ent Children, who keep and do according to his Laws, even Life for evermore? Even so the Priests of the Worldly sanctuary, and of that Tabernacle which Man hath Pitched and not the Lord, I mean all those aforenamed, might thus reason and consider throughly within themselves, Shall I, and so another may say, Shall I, altho I have my outward Livelihood and Preferment by such a way of Worship, which is made up of the Inventions or Intermixtures of Men, thereby provoke the Lord to Jealousie [Page 15]and Indignation, so that he will not accept of my Worship; and then it will not become unto me a Worship to the saving of my Soul, so that in short, I shall lose Life Eternal, only to get a short Temporal Livelihood in this World. God forbid, far be it from me, this wisdom can never be justified of her Children, for in­deed it is the greatest Folly. Accordingly to what Christ Jesus, the wisdom of the Father, herein spake, What shall it profit a Man if he should Gain the whole World and lose his Soul? And what shall he give in exchange for his Soul? And thereupon each one should smite upon his thigh, and frame a right conclusion that I would not commit Sin nor Practise Errour, to get the greatest Bishop­rick or Arch-Bishoprick, or even so much Revenues as the Pope himself hath. For even he hath not the Thousandth Part of the Revenues of the whole Earth; and if one had that, yet it could not be a sufficient Compensation for the loss of our Soul. And then by consequence, I for my Part, and so another should say, till the same mind was in them, as was in Luther and the other Godly Reformers, I will not consent with, nor yet bear a Part in that false and erroneous Worship, altho any Ecclesiastical Dignity or Preferment might be bestowed on me for the same. If our Priests also were so Obedient to the faith, and zealous for the Truth of his Worship, so that this mind were once in the Bishops and Clergy of the Romish, or of our National Church (which is much better then that, altho she is not clean come out from all the Dregs and Defilements of Popery) then indeed some good thing might be expected for the Church of God, and for the Unity thereof.

May it not at this day be truly said unto the Church of Eng­land, what John was Commanded, Unto the Church of Thyatira write, these things saith the Son of God, who hath his Eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine Brass, I know thy Works and Charity, and Service and Faith, and thy Patience and thy Works, and the last to be more then the first. Notwithstanding, I have a few things against thee, Rev. 2.18, 19, 20. Notwithstanding the Church of England hath done several things well, and she hath many things according to the Pattern of the Gospel, and of the Pure and Pri­mitive Church; Yet nevertheless the Spirit of God hath a few things against her, because she hath not come so clean out of Sodom (to the Abominations, whereof the Roman Church may be com­pared, for she hath committed Spiritual Whordom and Fornica­tion, and Uncleanness in departing away from the Laws and Com­mandments of God) so as not to leave an hoof behind. For there should not be in her the least rellick, or remainder of Popery, or what is meerly the Popes, nor yet any other Mans Institutions. But she should have hearkened fully and throughly unto the Call and Requiring of God, so as to have done accordingly. Where­fore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and [Page 16]touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you. 2 Cor. 6.17. For even the very Monuments of Idolatry, should be taken away and defaced. The Altars and Groves were to be burnt cut down [...] destroyed. And we are Commanded not to mention other [...]ods, nor yet to use their Names within our Lips. And we are to abstain from all appearance of Evil, and we keep our selves as far as ever we can from the Accursed thing, [...]nd so it should be of every thing that displeaseth the Lord. So likewise every thing should be laid aside in his Worship, which is a great thing relating to that God with whom we have to do, which he hath not Commanded, nor Required, nor entred into his [...]

Notwithst [...] these things ought to be so, yet still by rea­son of custom [...]nd continuance, and when people have been long used unto a thing, they will not be perswaded off from it, altho it be the express Commandment of God to turn away from these Idols and Inventions of their own (which also they make an Idol of in cleaving unto them in opposition to his Commands) and chiefly, because by this Craft and Usage they get their Living; There­fore People will still go on in their own ways, and their Soul de­lighteth in their Abominations, Isa. 66.3. And so they will keep un­to their Inventions Imposed on us, by the Precept of Men, Any Law or Ordinance of God to the contrary Notwith­standing; as here it hath been alledged to the contrary from the Scriptures of Truth, which contain the Declaration and Mind of the most high God, who saith by his Son Jesus Christ, In vain [...] they Worship me, Teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of [...], Mat. 15.9. As to which, again it may be truly reasoned and in­ferred, that such People, who in vain do Worship God, Let not those People think, that they shall receive any thing of the Lord.

Whether People will comply therewith or not, Nevertheless the Foundation of God standeth sure, and his Truth endureth to all Generati­ons firm and unchangeable; Notwithstanding the People of this World are Contentious and do not obey the Truth, through the Temp­tation of Corrupt Interest, and filthy Lucre, yet still and all a­long, the only way and means, which can be understood from the Scriptures (which were given by Inspiration of God, and to make us wise unto salvation) for all Christians however they are Nam­ed or Distinguished) to come unto Unity, that they may with one Heart and Mind Glorify God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, is to have all things in his worship done according to the Pa [...]tern shewed to us in the Gospel, and that every Plant which our Heavenly Fa­ther hath not Planted be Rooted up; And that all the Doctrines and Commandments, and Inventions of Men be utterly abolished and laid as [...]e, and not used at all, That the Lord alone may be Exalted in that D [...].

LONDON, Printed in the Year. 1699.

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