SOBER ADVICE TO MOCKERS: Shewing the Unspeakable Danger of SCOFFING at any of Christ's Faithful Ministers.

I'D have you, which too often do come here
To Laugh, and at Christ's Minister to Jeer;
Know, that 'tis
Luk. 10. [...]6.
God and Christ which you despise,
Who shortly will hide all Grace from your Eyes.
Of Scoffing, you'll find little cause to Boast;
When Death and Judgment doth your Souls Accost.
The Devil then and Conscience will Agree,
To shew you Sin in its Deformity:
And when you see your Sins without Disguise,
Your Guilty Souls with Horror they'll Surprize:
And then those Fools that make a Mock at Sin,
Will find, the Great God's Mocking-time begin.
When ye're distress'd, and for his Mercy Cry,
Prov. 1. [...]6, 27.
Laugh, and Mock at your Calamity.
Now you God's Counsels and Reproofs won't hear;
And then he will your Angry Judge appear.
Tho' God forbear long, he hath set a Day,
In which he'll Vengeance to all Scoffers Pay.
Don't God Provoke, in whose hand is your Breath;
Lest whil'st you're Scoffing, he strike you with Death.
Forty two Children were destroyed all,
That only did God's Prophet
2 King. [...] 23, 24.
Bald-head call;
And how much sorer Punishment do you
Deserve, that know much better what you do?
When God calls you at Judgment to Account,
You'l find your Sins the Sodomites surmount;
And that it will
Matth. the 11th, from the 20 to the 25th.
more tolerable be
For Tyre and Sidon, in that day, than thee:
They never Sin'd against the Gospel-Light,
Nor did the Offers of a Saviour slight,
As you have done; And pray consider well,
How you can with eternal Burnings dwell?
If any Place in Hell be Hotter, sure
Slighters of Gospel-Grace must it indure:
Believe and Tremble, and no longer dare
Contempts of Christ so boldly to declare;
But be Advis'd Sincerely to Repent,
Lest you in Hell Eternally Lament.
For you will find, that Heaven is too High,
To reach, with Lord have Mercy, when you Die.
If you Affect to be esteem'd Sententious,
Find other Theams, and do not be Contentious.
With Divine Truths; you'll find they are Edge-tools,
That none dare Trifle with, but Satan's Fools.
If you have Parts without Truce Saving Grace;
They will but add Confusion to your Face.
These Advertisements cannot prove in vain;
They must Reform you, or Augment your Pain.
If they don't prove Effectual to Persuade;
You'll find in Hell your Conscience they'll Upbraid.
Weigh these Truths with the Reason of a Man;
And then Persist in Scoffing, if you can.
I'll Sum up all, with this Request; I Pray,
If you won't be Attentive, keep away.
We hither come, desiring to draw near
The Great God, and to Worship him with Fear:
Thro' Christ to Praise him, and his Grace Implore;
T'accept his Mercy, and his Love Adore.
These are the Ends for which we here Attend;
And doubtless Satan doth you hither send,
On purpose, to Disturb and hinder those,
That he fears will with Gospel-Offers close;
But still Remember, 'tis Christ you Oppose:
And in his Name, once more, I you desire,
Not to Forget,
Heb: 12. 29.
God's a Consuming Fire, &c.

London, Printed for T. Snowden. 1692.

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