Some Queries propounded to this profes­sing Generation the people called Bap­tists, or any of the Professors upon the earth for them to answer and heedfully to weigh and consider.

1 IS there any live but who eat, or can any live [...] of the Son of man and drink his blood, or have my eternall life in them? and can any eat of the flesh of the Son of man or drink his blood unto whom he is not yet come, or have such eternall life in them that eat and drink not, how can they live then unto whom he is not yet come?

2 AND whether you that say your bread and wine is the figure of Christ to come are yet come to the substance, who rest in the figures and sha­dows, and so is it not in that which is weake beggerly and to vanish away wherein you dwell, or can figures [...]eed you or give you life.

3 AND whether the feeding upon that which dyes of it self and is perish­ing be that which can give life yea or nay, or whether the body of Christ be that which is to be seen with the carnall eye, or can the naturall man dis­cerne it, or is it to be eaten with the carnall mouth yea or nay?

4 AND whether they doe not eat and drink unworthily that discerne not the Lords body, and if so, with what eye must it be discerned?

5 IS there any thing short of the flesh of Christ that can give life unto the world, and doth not he that eateth of his flesh live for ever, or whether there be any thing that can give life but it, or doe any live but they who come to feed upon it?

6 BƲT do they who eat of your bread and drink of your wine live for ever: such who eat of that bread doe they not dye; but shall they ever dye that feed upon the bread of life, is not your bread then another then that and so doth not give life?

7 MAY not drunkards, swearers, lyers and prophane persons eat of your bread and drink of your wine, and sit at your table, and have such eternall life? and whether the true worshippers are not them which worship [Page 2]the father in spirit and in truth that which the Devill abode no tin, nor can get into, and whether he may not get into the outward things and visible things which is in the deceit yea or nay? or whether their faith will not fail them at the last, or they doe not deceive themselves, that have no surer foundation to build upon?

8 IS your eating and drinking together the body of Christ, or his blood, seeing that he himselfe saith whosoever eateth of his flesh and drinketh of his blood hath eternall life?

9 AND if you say this you are to doe till Christ come or his kingdome come; but doth his kingdome come with observation, observing this or the other thing? and if he be not yet come unto you, how have you eternall life, or will the bread and wine bring him to you or bring you to eternall life, if so, then why may not the vil [...]st man that is eating of your bread and drinking of your wine which he may doe as well as you not come also to have eternall life?

10 AND do you not make the words of Christ void by you traditions who said the kingdome of God cometh not with observation, and except you eat of the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you, can any thing short of it give life, or the observing of any outward thing doe it.

11 MƲst not this then be another manner of eating and another kind of food then what you are feeding on that must bring man again to life or have life in him, or are they Saints whose communion is not in the light, that walk not in the light, or can such witnesse the blood that cleanseth?

12 ARE you Saints and do not witnesse Christ come unto you, or if he be come what hath he destroyed in you, or can you call your selves Saints if Christ be not come unto you how came you then to be Saints, sanctified or washed, for doth not Christ say except I wash thee thou hast no part in me: how came you then to be washed if Christ be not come unto you, and if you be not sanctified washed nor cleansed by Christ how came you to be Saints?

13 IS there any sanctification or cleansing but by and through him alone who is the light and life or is this work wrought without him, if not how is this work wrought in you that say he is not come unto you, for the Saints they knew he was come unto them, and are you Saints or can you call your selves Saints, and is he not come unto you, what kind of Saints are you then?

14 AND the Saints witnessed eternall life the life of Christ mode manifest in their mortall flesh, it doth not say it was in the Scriptures in the breed or in the wine to be found which you keep to, or can you expect therein to find life that will not come unto Christ the anointing within to teach you that you may have life?

15 AND doth not the scripture say in him was life, and the life was the light of men, it doth not say in the bread and wine was life, but it saith in­deed in Christ the anointed of God was life, who said to them that searched the scriptures which testifie of Christ that they would not come to him that they might have life, or is there any coming again to the life but through the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world?

16 BƲT the eating bread and drinking wine though long time it hath and may be follow [...]d, doth it give or will it bring at last unto life or any out­ward observation, if not, then is it not high time for all people to follow that which will bring them there unto, 17 the light wherewith Christ hath enlighten­ed them, who saith I am the light of the world he doth not say of the Saints only, he that followeth me shall not abide in darkness but shall have the light of life.

ARE not such to be found among the number of the foolish Virgins that were shut out, that have a profession but not the possession of what they doe professe that had Lamps but not the oile slumbring and sleeping in the earth a [...]d se [...]ed on the lees in security, or may such expect to find any entrance in, when the Bridegroome cometh, that are found in such an estate.

18 OR are you come any further yet then they were, or the Pharisees were then, who looked for his coming in outward observation and sought for him there, one crying loe here and another loe there, and so mist him when he was come, as the professors and disputers doe now?

19 AND doe you beleive Christ to be the true Prophet, if so, why seeke you the kingdome without when he taught the kingdome of heaven was with­in, and bid not to goe forth, and you that do go forth do you abide in his do­ctrine or learn of him, when he bids do one thing and you to do another?

20 ARE such leaders then to be followed that lead people out of Christs do­ctrine, or are they not rather to follow him who was given for a leader unto the people to see what he will lead them into, then to receive things by tradition to doe this or the other thing because others have done it before?

21 IS there any coming to the Power but by the light and receiving it wherewith Christ hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world, which John bare testimony off, and said to as many as received him to them he gave power to become the Sons of God?

22 AND whether it be bodily exercise that profiteth or can profit, or what have you more then bodily exercise in your outward observation: is that any longer then to be followed that profits not, but perisheth with the using?

23 AND doth not Christ say the flesh profiteth nothing, and yet your eyes are abroad after a fleshly Christ, when as the Apostle saith though I have known Christ after the flesh henceforth know I him so no more?

24 IS not all your knowledge then unprefitable and brutish that you know natu­rally and fleshly, and what would it profit you if you did know more of that which is naturall and fleshly, what would it tend unto, unlesse to puffe you up more and to feed your curious minds, and so feed upon that which is carnall, and that dyes of it selfe, and is it not hence that you call the light carnall?

25 BƲT if you would be knowing then come to that which must give you the knowledge, the light that shines in your hearts which convinceth of sin and evill, or is there any other thing can give the knowledge of God, and of his glory, but the light that shines in the heart is that then carnall, or is Christ spirituall and his light carnall, or is Christ divided?

26 IF that light be a carnall or a naturall light which convinceth of sin and e­vill which then is the spirituall. Is that carnall or naturall that must open the understanding in the things of God, or doth the natural man perceive the things of God, or are they not foolishnesse unto him or can man discerne the things of God with the carnall eye, the evill eye, or with that which is at enmity with him;

27 AND do not you shew your selves to be the naturall man that perceives not the things of God, that can see no farther then with a carnall eye and so think Christ to be such a one as your selves, and call the light carnall and naturall that comes from him. But that which quickens or awakens man sleeping in the dust of the earth, is that carnall or naturall that comes from the quickening spirit the Lord from heaven?

28 WHen Christ was made manifest in the flesh did the world know him then, was he not hid from the carnall and naturall men from the dis­puters and wise ones then as he is now, for were not they the persecuting and carnall Preists and professors that rise up against him then?

29 OR doth it not shew you to be carnally minded, that dare call the light carnall that must give again the knowledge of God, and is not the only true God a spirit, and is there any knowing of him but in that which is spirituall?

30 CAN you call that carnall or naturall which convinceth of sin and evill in the secrets of the heart and conscience, and bears witness against the carnall inclinations of fallen man, and against his fleshly desires?

31 OR is that a carnall Christ that condemneth sin in the flesh, and testifi­eth against that which is fleshly and carnall, the lusts of the eye, the lusts of the flesh, and pride of life which is in the world whose works are evill?

AND what doe you judge of the water that purifieth the heart and wash­eth it, and purgeth the conscience from dead works, 32 and the pure water that cleanseth the body, is that outward and carnall that sprinkles the heart from an evill conscience: seeing the Saints who were washed and cleansed did not say they came through it by outward water, or that which was carnall and naturall, but in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and through the spirit of our God, and the true Church gathered out of the world up again unto God was in God, and so it is now, and in our Lord Jesus Christ, and God was in them, & this Church was sanctified and cleansed with the washing of water by the word

IS your Church then any other than worldly and outward, that outward. water can cleanse it, and are you yet come any further than the outward Court that dwell in the outward things; when as the true Church, 33 though a time was for the use of the visibles, said, we looke not at the things, which are seen, for the things which are seen are temporall, but the things which are not seen are eternall. Therefore you that can see no further then that which is visible, but stand alwayes in it, doth it not shew that your eye is not yet o­pen which should let you see the invisible things?

AND your Church as you call it which stands in the outward washing and so without is it not full of spots blemishes and wrinckles and many such things, 34 but the Church of the first born according to their growth in the measure of grace received, witnesse washing and cleansing and are cleane through the word presented without spot or blemish: But they whom the out­ward water washeth, are they cleane, seeing no uncleane thing must enter, if so whether the vilest and wickedst men upon earth may not go into the water and be washed and cleansed as well as you if that an outward washing will serve the turn? or are they yet come to the cleansing who are vain, light, wanton, scoffing, and given to foolish laughter yea or nay?

BƲT if you say that John did baptise with water, and many were baptised with water so did Paul circumcise but what is that to you, you have it by tradition, 35 John had a Commission for so doing who saith he was sent [...] baptise with water, but to whom hath God given or Christ given since him commission to baptise with water, make it ap­peare if you can by plaine proofe of Scripture. Paul declares plaine­ly who himselfe was an Apostle that be was not sent to baptise who [Page 6]sent you then, and said the baptisme is one, and who come through this one baptisme by the one Spirit into the one body are one, but who are after the many baptismes are not in the onenesse, neither is there true unity one with another.

36 AND the other Apostles before him were bid to go forth into all Nations and teach them, but are you come forth into this worke yet, seeing you will pretend to take a part of it upon you, why do you not go through with it? and t [...]e [...] whom they had taught, he doth not say they were to be baptised with water, but in the name of the Father the Son and the holy Ghost, marke, it was in the name, and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the spirit of our God were the Saints sanctified washed and cleansed which were sometimes uncleane with the washing of water by the word; but what is this to you all this while that run from the word within, into the water without you for w [...]shing, when there is no mention made of water outwardly, and would be found setting up your selves in the Apostles seat, and seem to be found doing their worke when as they though they had a Command yet stirred not untill they were indued with power from on high. But you have neither the Apostles command nor yet their power therefore your work is your own who required it at your hands what have you to do with their worke or set your selves in their seat that are out of their life and power, when he that was in the life and in the power and one with them declares he was not sent to baptise?

37 AND is that which you are so much pleading for and contending about, and would have held up any more then elementary, and therefore to be dissolved the time of it's dissolution must come, for are not the elements to melt with fervent heat, and is that which is to be melted and must come to it's dissolution worth while so much to be contended about, laboured after, and and wrangled for: while you are so doing do you any more then spend your mony for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which satisfieth not? For what satisfaction hath your many years travell ministred unto you being from that which gives the satisfaction, not harkening diligently to the Law of God which restoreth the soul which law is light that your souls may live, and so are striving and contending about the Commands and not yet come to know the Commander Christ the light of the world the Saviour thereof who was given for a leader and Commander [...] the people who light­eth every man that cometh into the world, and talking about ordinances and are not yet come to the Fathers house being from the light and not walk­ing in it whe [...] with Christ hath enlightened you for God who is light, dwell­eth [Page 7]in the light, which you yet manifest your selves strangers unto, therefore first come to the house and then you shall know the ordinances of the house the out-goings, and in-comings thereof, for is not that first necessary to be known or how many things doe you make necessary unto life and salvation?

38 BƲT if you have been in the water and done the thing you are so much contending about are you alwayes to stick there, come on to perfection; for if you stand in the elements and keep your station there when will you come to perfection, or be perfect as Christ command­ed his to be? Is that which stands in meates and drinkes outward observa­tions and carnoll ordinances able ever to make perfect as pertaining to the conscience, to make the comers thereunto perfect, if not why strive you so much to have people come unto it? Ought you not rather to bring people to Christ the lightithat doth increase to grow up in the increase of God then to keep people out of it, and neither come to it your selves nor suffer them that would, that keep them in a talk of that which doth decrease, or will that ever bring you to perfection or make you perfect which doth decrease, and perish with the using?

Gods Kingdome is within, which the light within leads again into, without which the entrance cannot be found.

Or the way to the Kingdom discovered, which is the first thing to be sought after.

MAny shall strive to enter but shall not be able, such are not turned to the light who are the unable wherewith Christ hath enlightened them, who is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him, Heb. 7.25. Mans ability is lost or strength to get in, for whosoever findeth the strength he hath found the power of God in which the strength is in which is everlasting strength. And nene taste of the power of God and receive it, but who beleive in the light and receive it wherewith Christ hath enlightened them, who is the true light of the world, and light­eth every man that cometh into the world, that all through him might beleive and who beleive in the light and receive it wherewith they are enlightened; to them he gives the power, such have the power given unto them, to them ability is given to enter, and strength to get which is found in the power that is given unto them who are turned to the light, and it receive which cometh from Christ to whom all power in heaven and earth is given. For [Page 8]in the fall and driven out state man hath lost the power; he hath lost the strength to get in, his ability is lost and is become weake he cannot enter, for the flaming sword at Edens gate turneth every way to keepe the way of the tree of life; soe that there is no entrance in, but through the death to the life, to come to the tree of life. And mans willing and running availes not, his striving cannot get in, it is only the tender mercy of God availes which is made manifest in the light of his Son, where the mercy comes to be shewed the light sheweth it, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world, which is only able to bring man in again; for man in his willing and running obtains not, his willing cannot get in but waiting in the light receiving it and being turned to it wherewith he is enlightened,, he comes to find a graft­ing in again upon the right stock juice and body naturall, the light sheweth wherein the tender mercy of God is found that brings man in again, without his willing running and striving. Therefore all yee professors disputers and people who cannot say this you have found, the ter der mercy of God unto your soules, wait in the light wherewith Christ you hath enlightened, and turn to it, that sheweth it. Come to the search for he that seeketh, findeth, keep to the light which is the eye wherein the tender mercy of God is seene, the light sheweth it, whereby the entrance comes again to be found, in the light stand still, come to stillnesse coolenesse quietnesse in your own spirits, out of all heats buslings and strivings, for that obtains it not, it doth not give the en­trance in, stand still in the light, and will nothing that sheweth the mercy, be silent out of your own thoughts and comprehensions or reachings out, and wait to be gathered in, in the light wherewith Christ hath enlightened you, for all flesh is to be silent before the Lord God, and you kept on the watch waiting in the light and obedience, thereunto the entrance in again will find which is out of your own willing and runing, and only of God that sheweth the mercy, which is shewed in the light which will guide your feet into the way of peace, the peace of God which passeth all understanding which neither the world can give nor take away, the light of the Son of God leades into who lighteth every man that cometh into the world. And to lead that life to live for ever which is not the worlds life which lyes in the wickednesse, or to lead such a life as this or the other man lives, but to lead such a life as the light wherwith every one is enlightened leads into; and every one being found doing of the will of God which is mode manifest in the light of the Son of God, he shall know of the doctrine, so an entrance shall be ministred into the everlasting kingdome of the deare Son of God, which light obeying it leads [Page 9]into all godliness and honesty where the quiet and peaceble life is injoyed and felt, for who is here is in the feeling life, feel and see one another in the body and in the life which stands not in words meates nor drinks but in power, for thy own willing running and doing to create thee a peace obtaines not, it is the election obtaines which is in the seed, but to stand still in the light and to will nothing neither to doe but what is required of thee, here is thy first step unto peace being turned to the light to stand still and see thy salvation, thy strength is to sit still, to come to stillnesse, believing in the light, for he that believes, makes not hast, for who are in the hast, are from the light which brings the salvation, and so see not the salvation, nor feele the strength which is found in Christ the light and life of men, and who are here, feele and see one another in the life, and in the body which is above the Elements and things below in another body, and here see over the world, and things that are below, and feele and see all things in their place and order, out of the forwardnesse to be doing, striving, speaking, or climbing up in the beleiving and obedience to Christ Jesus the light and life.

For thou that art out of the peace thy selfe how canst thou bring others into it? for Gods Kingdome stands in the peace which thou art out of which sheweth thou art out of the kingdome where all buslings strivings tossings climbings heats and colds, upps and downes cease and have their end, which thou art yet in, and so in the elementary body where these things are, out of the life and feeling body which brings over these things and sets them in their place; for if thou give thy body to be burned, and thy goods to the poore, in a voluntary humility, and yet out of the light and love out of the body, this shall profit thee nothing, where if not a word be spoken, yet that which is right is felt, and that which is wrong and out of it's place is seen and felt, for here all things come to be set aright in their place, where is no schisme jar nor confusion in the body and life, for who are in the tossings are in the un­setled state, out of the peace, and so short of the Kingdome. For the light which convinceth of sin and evill in the secrets of the heart and conscience maketh manifest what is out of the peace, out of the agreement out of the covenant, which is to be departed from, and the filthy uncleane nature which hath been out from God in the transgression, in which state all mans striving willing running nor climbing availes not, it can [...]ot enter. But comming to silence quietnesse stillnesse to stand still in the light which sheweth that nature which hath adulterated and transgressed upon which condemnation must passe abiding quietly in the meeknesse to be led through the judgement the entrance [Page 10]comes again to be found wherein the peace is witnessed, which is out of mans power his willing or running and onely in the mercy of God which is tender, the entrance comes again to be found, so that here is the first step unto peace to stand still and will nothing, before there be a returning to that which is gone from to stand still, to come to stillnesse, and to be drawn off from all thoughts, wandrings, imaginations. Therefore come down keep lowe in the light, be lowe, and so you will come out of your own thoughts and imaginations above, for to feele the mercy of God in the lowlinesse meekenesse and stillnesse of your spirits which mercy man is seperated from in the haughtinesse and loftinesse of mind in the driven out state from God in the earth, untill be with the light find his grafting in his entrance in for the light which leadeth out of the darknesse where is the tribulation and anguish will guide the feet into the way of peace. And the mercy of God is from generation to generation towards them that feare him in the feare of God in the mercy of God, but who are out of his feare are out of his mercy, and the feare of God is to depart from evill.

W. S.

For man being turned again unto God, in covenant with him, comes a­gain to have right, unto the things of God, unto all the creatures. As in the beginning every thing that was made was good and subjected in it's place so in the light Gods covenant with man: every creature of God is good and nothing to be refused, marke, but to be received, which God hath created to be received of them which believe and obey the truth.


LONDON: Printed for M. W. in the Year, 1659.

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