THE ARMIES LAST PROPOSITIONS To the COMMONS of ENGLAND: WHEREIN THEY DECLARE, Their further Resolution, touching the Confines of LONDON, and their marching up towards the said City; for the setling of His Majesty in His Royall Palace at Westminster, and se­curing of the Rights, Liberties, and Peace of the KINGDOME.

PRinted and published, to be communicated to the Free-borne Subjects within the Kingdome of England, and Principa­lity of Wales.

LONDON: Printe [...] for EDWARD SIMPSON. 1647.


Kinde Sir,

THese are to certifie[?] you, that part of our army quarters about Reading, Henly, Windsor, and those parts, where we expect the rest of our Forces, there to re­main (as I suppose) untill such time, that an answer be returned from the Pa [...] [...] the late [Page] Declaration or Remonstrance of the Army, Wherein is declared, (in the name of the whole army) to the Kingdome of England, their candid intentions and resolutione, and what their desires are, as members of the Common-wealth, in behalf of themselves & all others, for the clearing, setling, and secu­ring of the Rights, Liberties, and peace of the Kingdome.

And it is further proposed, to the hono­rable houses of Parliament, as followeth:

1. That the Declaration inviting men to desert the army and promising their arrears in case they do so, be forthwith recalled.

2. That his Maj coming to Richmond may be suspended, untill things be better setled and composed; and in the meane time no place may be appointed for his Majesties residence to be any nearer to London, then the army will allow the quarters of the army to be. 3. That the Members charged may be forth with suspended the house 4. That those that have deserted the army may be instant­ly discharged and dispierst, and receive no more of their [...] till the army be first [Page] satisfied. 5. That both Pa [...] and City may be speedily and effectually freed from those multitudes of Reformadoes and other soul­diers that flock together about London, by a speedy dispatch and discharging of them from the City.

6. That all such Listings, or raising of new Forces, or drawing together of any parties, and all preparati­ons towards a new war, may be effectually declared a­gainst and suppressed, as also all invitations or endea­vours to draw in forraign Forces.

7. That the King may enjoy his just priviledges, and that mercy may be shewed to his Majesties friends, who have formerly adhered to him.

These Propositions are desired to be forthwith prin­ted and published, for generall satisfaction of all free-born Subjects within the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales.

For further particulars, I referre you to the ensuing Papers, wherein is set forth thei [...] Grievances and late Desires of the Army. VIZ.

First, that being sensible of the sub­tilty of the aforesaid party, and having per­fectly discovered their private actions for contriving of a new war against this Army, who (by the Power of Heaven) hath beene the chiefe and instrumentall meanes of de­livering the people of England from per­petuall slavery; therefore, for the prevent­ing [Page] of all conspiracies and dangers that may arise tending to the prejudice of the P [...] of this Kingdome, it is declared in the name of the whole army, that they cannot [...] descend or yeeld to the votes of both Houses of Parliament, touching the Guard expressed therein, but shall with all faithfulnesse and diligence endeavour to preserve his Maje­sties Royall person from danger, and to that end hath appointed a competent number of faithfull, zealous, and religious men, chose out of severall Regiments in the army, to guard and secure his Majesties person at his Court at Richmond.

Secondly, that the army is sensible of the great malice and inveteracy of divers per­sons against them, who indeavour to in­volve and embroyle this Nation in a new war, by which means, if once effected, would prove prejudiciall and destructive to the fundamental Lawes of this Kingdom, & the liberty and propriety of the Subject.

Thirdly, that they have bin very active in several parts of the Kingdom, to raise forces and to that end hath endeavoured to re­possesse themselves of divers strong Holds, [Page] throughout this Realm; as also their endea­vours, to raise a division in the army, and to withdraw the hearts of the souldiers from the Officers, which indeed is a thing im­possible for thousands to do, their hearts being so firmly knit and united together.

Fourthly, that so soon as they could have accomplished their wicked design, for set­ting of an Army on foot, their intents were to randezvou [...] near the City of W [...].

Fifthly, they further desire that the Kings Majesty may be restored to his for­mer Rights, and tryumphantly brought to his Royal Palace at White hall.

Lastly, they professe and declare to the Ci­tizens of London, that they have no evill in­tent against them, neither will they injure any, either by stopping of provision, or hin­dering of traffique, unlesse they be forced & constrained thereunto.

All which fore going Reasons are declared to be the chiefe cause of the Armies neare approach towards the City of London.

Divers other particulars were propoun­ded, viz.

[Page] 1. That they have not received a satisfa­ctory answer, touching their former Pap [...] and Representations, humbly proposed to the honourable Houses of Parliament.

2. That Justice may be executed, and a legall tryall appointed for the Eleven Mem­bers, which now stands charged by the ar­my.

And thirdly, touching some souldiers be­longing to Sir Robert Pyes Regiment.

Divers Regiments of the army are upon their march towards Uxbridge, and so either to Kingston or Windsor for a Head-quarter. God grant a happy conclusion of Englands distractions, and a good correspondency be­twixt the Parliament, City, and army, that so Peace and truth may flourish within his Maiesties Realms and Dominions, which is the earnest desire of him, who remaines

Yours, to serve you, THO: SMITH.

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