YOU that be Magistrates which do cast Christ into prison and wil not visit him when you have done, nor suffer his friends and brethren to visit him in prison, and there you keep him in prison til he hunger and thirst, and you prison him as a Vagabond, who hath no place to lye his head, sick and in prison, and you visit him not; but the Corner stone is set up, and the Rock of Ages manifest, and him who bears the Government upon his shoulders, whose Kingdom is without end, and Dominion which hath no end, which is an ever­lasting Dominion, which Dominion is over all Dominions; whose Scepter is Righteousness; whose Law Royal stands over all, answereth that of God in all, and respects no Mans Person, but is Holy, Just and Righteous, Perfect and Good, whose Priesthood is Royal everlasting, that never changeth, who ligh­teth every man that cometh into the World, that men might believe and see the Way out of the World, Christ, the Light, the Way, the Truth, who is the Covenant of Light, of Peace, and of Life: Was not Christ crucified in Sodome and Gomorrah spiritually? and are not they Sodomites that imprison him? and are not the Sodomites them that live in fulness of bread, and Idleness, and the filthy conversation, which the Righteous Soul grieves and vexeth, which Christ is Shepheard of, and the Bishop, who is a Witness in all Consciences, which witnesseth against the Lusts which war against the Soul: Was not all the Profession of Christ before he was manifested in the flesh, and when he was ma­nifest in the flesh, hypocrisie among them that profess him in words, and did not believe in him who was the Light, but cast him into Prison, and he was sick, and they visited him not; and was hungry, and they fed him not; and he was naked, and they cloathed him not; such as neither knew his voice, nor the Prophets that shewed the coming of him? And is not all the profession of Christ now hypocrisie among them that profess him in words, and do not believe in him who is the light, that lightneth every man that cometh into the world, but cast him into prisons, and holes, & dungeons, and he is sick, & you visit him not; and hungry, and you feed him not; and thirstie, and you give him no drink; and naked, & you cloath him not, but into prison cast him as a Vagabond, who hath no place to lay his head; the Foxes have holes, and the Birds of the ayre have nests, but the son of man hath no place to lay his head; Christ, the same yesterday, to day, and for ever. Therefore awake ye Rulers, and fear the Lord God, and hear the voice of the Son of God, that you may live; for now is Christ come to raign, the same as ever was, whom into prison you do cast, and with your wils would not suffer him to raign; but Christ wil raign, who is not born by the will of man, who is King and Ruler, and now raigns in his kingdom and dominion, which is with­out end, and in his power, and in his fulness, who filleth all things, & thousands of his fulness have received, and of his power (as many as have received him) to become the Sons of God.

LONDON, Printed in the Yeer, 1656,

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