SINNES SUFFERED FOR, But not Remitted, before they be Committed. OR, A Confession of Faith, different from those that hold it not lawfull to pray for the Pardon of SINNE.



LONDGN, Printed by E. P. for George Whittington, and are to be sold at the Shop of Nicholas Bourne, at the South entrance of the Exchange. 1645.

SINNES SVFFERED FOR, But not Remitted, before they be Committed.

FIrst, Wee believe, Eph. 1.4. that there is a People that are chosen before the world, was in Christ; that is, in the Covenant of his peace (in him) that is, that wee should in time be in him, as new Creatures; after we were old, and should become new, 2 Cor. 5.17. And also not before Creation, but after wee were Creatures; which choice, wee understand that God did fore-know, what he himselfe d [...]d intend to create and bring to passe, and not what was made, for then he did but know; If fore-know, then before wee had a being he did know; which fore-knowledge of his, was upon all things to be, because he is the Author of all things: 1 Cor. 11.12. and nothing whatsoever could come to passe without his determination; so, that meanes and ends are all ordained by him.

Wee believe, Iohn 1.3. that this people are chosen to salva­tion; but after this choice, many things doe intervene: [Page 2] their Election, and the Injoyment of a full salvation, as Creation, before which they were not; Sin, which is an Act, or Neglect after they were, which is called the transgression of the Law, a washing from that Sin, Pardon, Healing, Forgivenesse, Remitting, &c. after they were, and sinnes severally by them committed, by looking up to Christ, believing.

Rom. 3.Wee believe, that Remission of Sin is an Act that floweth from the Revelation of the righteousnesse of Christ, viz. as the Sunne in the Firmament, sending forth his beames, will part two things that are frozen together, Hosea 1.5 so the righteousnesse of the Sonne of God appearing, parts the guilt of sinne, and the soule; but forgivenesse of sinne consists of two parts, remit­ting of their depravity, or disorder, that is caused in the soule by sin, whose poysoned sting doth as it were dis-joynt and benumn the whole soule, 13.2. making it vnfit for any Communion with God or Saints, causing it to run away from God, untill Christ our good Shep­heard seek us up, and it is well wee have him; for were it not for him, wee should never leave running from God, to Hell and destruction, untill wee perished eternally; for it is not our turning, but Christs tur­ning us, whereby wee are delivered.

Rom. 3.25.THe second is, delivering us from the curse of the Law, which is either inward, as Pangs, Torments, blindnesse of Mind, hardnesse of Heart, &c. or out­ward Judgements for sinne: in the former, man is delivered at the time of his Justification wholly, for all that is past: But, from the last, I meane outward [Page 3] Judgements, many of the deare Saints, whose sinne in all other senses may be pardoned, yet in this, I meane in delivering from outward Judgements, which are the debts for sinne (the forgivenesse whereof, Christ bids us pray for) for ought I know, may not be par­doned a great part of, or all their life time; 2 Sam. 2.10. 2 Sam. 16.22. as Davids sinne pardoned, yet Gods Judgement for it, (the Sword shall never depart, &c. and his wives layne withall in the sight of the Sunne) continued.

Moyses, the Servant of the Lord, yet did die upon Mount Pisga, for the sinne of unbeliefe, and many a redeemed Saint are yet capable of death, and outward affliction, as Child-bearing in sorrow, &c. which are the rewards of Adams sinne; so that the Child-bea­ring woman, may cry for pardon or ease, and say in Judgement remember mercie; Psa. 119.11. yet these are so farre from being curses, that God turnes them all into blessings, and makes the elect enjoy them as Servants, for their good: It is good (saith David) that I have beene afflicted, for thereby I learned thy statutes; Rom, 8.28. all things being ordered by our Christ, works together for our good; and this is brought to passe by that God, whose love cannot be taken from us, by our sinnes: but as a Father shewes most love, when his Children are sick, and lame; so Gods healing mercies appeare, when wee are wounded: when seven Divells is in a Mary Magda­len, they could not turne off Gods love, but he turnes them out of doores, because of his eternall love, and through his love be unmoveable: yet he never promi­sed to keepe them, that they should not sinne; but when they sinne, to restore them; pardoning is the [Page 4] continuall portion of a Child, when the wicked shall perish.

Wee believe, that sinne was not before the sinning person had a being, and could not be forgiven him before he was, nor remitted before it was fastened to the soule; the word remit, signifies to let goe againe, and could that be, before it had a place?

Mark 11.24.25. [...]6.Wee believe, that the person that hath the strongest faith that can be, that is, so knowing, that he can believe that whilst he prayeth, that he hath the thing he pray­eth for, is capable to receive pardon from God; there­fore not pardoned, before he sinne.

1 Iohn 2▪ 2.Wee believe, that the Advocate hath nothing to doe for us concerning sinne, except wee commit it; but if wee sinne, wee have an Advocate: which if im­plies, 1 Iohn. 1.8.9. that after sinne be committed, Christ doth Ad­vocate for us; if wee confesse our sinnes, he is faith­full and just to forgive our sinnes, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousnesse: where it is proved, that sin may be seene, Confessed, and Pardoned, after Com­mitted, and all from a fore-going Covenant, for faith­fulnesse implyeth the performance of what was pur­chased; so that wee put a difference betwixt the pur­chase, and the faithfull performing of it, which is for­giving sinne; and the inheritance of Heaven was pur­chased, and they may as well say, they have that now, as to say, that they have pardon for sinne, before it be Committed.

[Page 5]I confesse, the Popes Bulls was in that manner; sins past, present, and to come; and by that they pardon the murthering of a Prince, before it be done; But the Scripture hath no such language, it speakes onely of sinnes past, Rom. 3.25. Ier. 8.22. Mal. 4.2. Wee minde a difference be­tweene the salve in the Chirurgians Box, and the hea­ling of the wound; the salve may be made, before the wound that it shall heale be made, but the wound is not heal'd before it be made: therefore there may be Balme in Gilead, and yet the health of Gods people not recovered.

Wee believe, that the Fountaine that is to be, Zach. 13.1. or is, set open for Iudah and Ierusalem to wash in, is, be­cause some, whose sins Christ bore upon the Crosse, are yet unwashed.

Wee believe, that the same Christ, Mal 3.2. which dyed at Ierusalem for the sinnes of his people, doth sit as a re­finer, to doe the worke upon his Saints, in purifying them as often as they shall be defiled with sinne.

Wee believe, that Christ being yet a Priest for ever, Heb. 6.20. there is no time contained in this ever (that is, so long as time shall be) in which he hath not something to doe for Saints concerning sinne; which Priest­hood, and advocation, is one and the same, which is in case of sinne, and in case of Saints sinning, that are in a Church estate: In case Iohn, or any other that hath that experience that is spoken of, in the 1.2.3 verses, of his first Epistle, Wee, saith he, in the first verse of 2. Chapter, of the same Epistle; so that the same Christ [Page 6] that was exalted on the right hand, doth now give re­mission of sinnes, and repentance; so that which was bought at his death, was given after his ascension: and therefore Christ did not forgive at his death men their sinnes, Acts 5.31. that was borne and sinned after his death, but hee forgives them after.

Revel▪ 3.19.Notwithstanding, all this wee believe, that Saints shall have no evill befall them to destruction, but punishment for sinne, from love, unto amendment: as if he should say, thou Laodicea, thou needst nothing, but art rich (as they that needs not pray for par­don, because of Gods love) but my love, if thou sinne, cannot excuse thee from my rebuke, looke to it therefore.

Mat. 12.31.Wee believe, that all the sinnes the Saints shall commit, shall be pardoned; (shall be, is not) our happinesse consists in being helped, Micha 7.8. when wee shall fall, and no Emunitie wee have from falling; wee say, Dan. 11.35. that is Scripture phrase, to say, sinne to come shall be pardoned, but not to say, it is; if it be, then (it is true) it is a meere mocking of God, to aske him to do that, that he hath done already: And those that will not follow the direction of Christ, in praying for the pardon of sinne, are by this ground excused, and Christs direction is vaine.

NOw, wee desire to consider of some full Texts, that those that oppose this Truth, say, is a­gainst it.

First, That of the Hebrewes, the 9, and 28. to beare the sinnes of many; wee acknowledge it to our comfort, whilst God is glorified therefore, that Christ did figuratively beare our sinnes, they being fore-seene, he satisfied for all that the Saints should commit: But there is a difference betwixt bea­ring them, and giving us pardon for them; as the fore-named Text proves, Act. 5. vers. 3. That he gave to Israel forgivenesse of sinnes after hee was exalted.

The second Text, Timothy 1, 9. We acknowledge, that our salvation was given in Christ for us before, for it is in the hand of a Mediator; But the same Text speakes according to his purpose and grace; pur­pose, implyes to doe something in time to come: So that salvation, and all the concomitance thereof, as peace with God, pardon of sinne, washing from sinne, Justification, Sanctification, Glorificati­on, was purposed to be acted aforetime, and acted in time.

[Page 8]A third Text, is the first of the Ephesians, the 4.5. We acknowledge, according to this Text, that we were chosen before time, that wee should bee holy without blam; there our blamelesnesse was to be when we were, to be brought to passe in time after our choice; we were chosen to be such; to be is not yet: And therefore all this while pardon of sinne is not proved, before it hath a being.

A fourth Text is, Isaiah 53. All we like sheepe have gone astray: we have turned everie one to his owne way, and he hath layd on him the iniquities of us all. This Text speakes to persons in being, whose severall sinnes is acted; We have turned everie one to his owne wayes: therefore this Text proves nothing for them. How­ever wee acknowledge, that whatsoever Christ did for them, hee doth the same act, and did beare the sinnes of all that should bee on the Crosse fi­guratively, as aforesaid; but this is not a giving par­don to us.

A fifth Text is, 26 of Matthew, 28. This is my blood of the new Testament, whech is shed for manie for the remission of sinnes: That it is shed for, and it is the whole price of our Redemption. Wee acknowledge the price he payd, purchased, and the Sonne of Man hath power to remit sinnes: And if a message shall come from him, [...] 15.3. saying, Be thou cleane, then are we clean through the words that he speakes to us, which clean­sing is from a Covenant, and the faithfulnesse of God is tyed to performe it to his Elect, in or after Con­fession: first Epistle of Iohn, 1 Chapter, 9 vers. If we [Page 9] confesse our sinnes, he is faithfull and just, to forgive us.

The sixth Text is, the 10 of the Hebrews, 10. By the which will we are Sanctified, through the offering of the bodie of Christ once for all. This Text doth not prove sinne pardoned, before Committed; It proves that the will of God produced the comming of Christ and his sufferings; and that act was but once, and for all: that imply'd that act satisfied God, and was all that he did require of Christ: But still the discer­ning betwixt the death of Christ, which was the pur­chase and the act of pardoning, which is convey­ed by the spirit, stands; the first, being no where called pardon, but the latter in manie places of Scriptures, is called the pardon or forgivenesse of sinnes.

In the 14 verse, By one offering hee hath perfected for ever them that were sanctified: Wee may not un­derstand this perfecting to be the pardon of sinne, though hee purchased such a perfect happinesse for them, as that nothing can change their conditi­on, and hath wholly the authoritie: as the 1 of Corinth. 6. the 11. Such were some of you, but ye are wa­shed, but you are justified, but you are sanctified in the name of the Lord Iesus, and by the Spirit of our God: As in the name is meant, in the power and authoritie of the Lord Jesus, these persons were perfected; but not so, as to take away their sinne before they were sinners▪ for there you find them spoken of, that they were sinners, and then washed.

[Page 10]O, but they say, Gods people cannot sinne in Gods account, and therefore they alledge, Numbers 23.24. We answer, that Balaam shewes Balak why they were so blessed; and that was, bec [...]use they stood guiltie of no sinne: But if you looke in the 25 of Numbers, you shall see that the people sinned, and God saw, and was angry, and punished it, hanging up all the heads of the peo­ple, and caused a great slaughter, with the Plague a­mongst the rest: So the Text proves no more: but while Israel stood without sinne, they prospe­red: but when Israel sinned by Achan, they must flye before the men of Ai.

And also they alledge, the first Epistle of Iohn, the 3.9. and the fifth of the same Epistle, the 18 vers. the words of both saith, Whosoever is borne of God sinneth not; now we also in the same Epistle alledge 3 Texts that prove they doe sinne; in the first Chapter, 8.9. vers. 2 Chapter vers. 1.5. Chapter vers. 16. of the same Epistle.

Now to reconcile this seeming contradiction, Iohn, and those that hee calls wee, were borne of God; yet he saith, If we say, that we have no sinne: Those that are called little Children, are borne of God; yet he implyes a possibilitie of their sinning, Thirdly, He that is a brother indeed is borne of God, and that shall have life; and yet hee implyeth, that he may sinne.

[Page 11]And now to reconcile this, let Iohn expound himselfe, and it will be plaine in the 16 vers. of the 5 Chapter; where hee grants, that a brother may sinne, That is not unto death; then the re­sult must needs be, that he that is borne of God, cannot sinne the sinne that is unto death, or the unpardonable sinne, that sinne that is not to bee prayed for, so we shall say with Moses, the Lord pardon our sinnes, as hee hath pardoned our for­mer sinnes, Numbers 14. Chapter, 19. vers.

NOw followeth certaine Reasons, why wee can­not have Communion with them that pray not for the pardon of sinne, nor with those that say, sinne is pardoned before it be committed.

For the first, because they that know not the posture of a redeeming Child in Christ, and there­fore though they talke of God with their mouths, Iohn 16.26. have life from him, and in asking and receiving, they taste not: the same God, whose Covenant revealed rejoyces the heart, doth also rejoyce the heart in the continuall performance of it.

The second Reason, those that doe not aske Gods pardon for sinne, and receive it after they have committed it, it is apparent, that they nei­ther felt the sence of sinne, (for if they did, they would cry to God) nor the sweetnesse of pardon [Page 12] for they would know, that asking in faith, they doe receive forgivenesse of their sinnes.

For the Second, they darken councell with words without knowledge, Job 38.2. saying, sinne is par­doned before it bee committed. Christ coun­cells us to pray for the pardon of sinne, and they by words, without knowledge, saying, That sinne is pardoned before it be committed, dark­neth the councell of Christ to the former people, who justly say, if it be pardoned, it need not to be prayed for: and wee judge them as upright as those which say, it is pardoned, and yet can pray for the pardon of it.

The second sort of people, that say, it is pardoned before it is committed, adde to the Word of God, for they say in Gods name, that which no Scripture holds forth; that sinne is pardoned before it is committed, and they cause the first to take from the word; that is, to make the wordes of Christ of no use, who bids us pray for the pardon of sinne, and so are under a curse.

Reve. 2.14.Thirdly, they lay a stumbling block before the eyes of the weake, and cause them to stumble at the asking pardon for their sinnes.


GEntle Reader, I intreat you to correct these omissions escaped in Printing, page 11. line 15. for, because they that know, read, because they know. pag. ibid. line 16. for redeeming read re­deemed, page ibid. line 18. for, have life from him, and, read life from him.

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