A SHORT CATECHISME, OR THE Examination of Communicants concerning their knowledge before they be admitted to the Sacrament of the LORDS Supper, being according to the Rules in the Ordi­nance of Parliament, ( Octob. 20. 1645.) the heads whereof are these: viz.

  • 1. Concerning God.
  • 2. Concerning Man.
  • 3. Concerning the Medi­atour.
  • 4. Concerning the Applica­cation of Christ and his benefits by Faith, and what Faith is.
  • 5. Concerning those who do truly repent.
  • 6. Concerning a godly life.
  • 7. Concerning the Sacra­ments, and more fully concerning the Lords Supper.
  • 8. Concerning the sta [...] of men and women after death.

With an Appendix containing some Questions and Answers for the further unsolding the Doctrine of the Sacraments.

It is desired that the Scripture-proofs be perfectly learned

The third Edition corrected and much inlarged.

⟨march. 11 thPrinted for William Ley, and are to be sold at his shop at Pauls-Chaine. 1647. ⟨1646⟩

A Short Catechisme.

1. Quest. WHat ought such as are to bee admitted to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, to know con­cerning God?


  • 1. That there is a God, Heb. 11.6.
  • 2. That there is but one true God, 1 Cor. 8.4, 6.
  • 3. That the true God is an ever-living God.
    • Living, Jer. 10.10.
    • Everliving, 1 Tim. 1.17.
  • 4. The maker of heaven and earth, Exod. 20.11.
  • 5. And governour of al things, Ps. 67.4. & 135.5, 6. Prov. 16.33.
  • 6. That this only true God is the God whom we worship.
  • 7. That this one true God is three distinct Persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Mat. 28.19.
  • 8. All these three persons are equally God:
    • The Father is God, Ephes. 1.3.
    • The Son is God, Rom. 9.5.
    • The Holy Ghost is God, Acts 5.3, 4.

2. Q. What ought such to know concerning Man?


  • 1. That God created Man, Gen. 1.27. Ps. 100.3.
  • 2. After his owne Image, Gen. 1.27.
  • [Page 2] 3.
    • In Knowledge,
    • Righteousness,
    • And true Holiness.
    Col. 3.10. Ephes. 4.24.
  • 4. That by one man sin entred into the world,
  • 5. And death by sin,
  • 6. And so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned, Rom. 5.12.
  • 7. That thereby they are all dead in trespasses and sins, Ephes. 2.1, 5.
  • 8. And are by nature the children of wrath, Eph. 2.3. and so liable to eternall death, which is the wages of every sin, Rom. 6.23.

3. Q. What ought such to know concerning the Medi­atour between God and Man?


  • 1. That there is a Mediatour between God and and Man. 1 Tim. 2.5.
  • 2. There is but one Mediator. 1 Tim. 2.5.
  • 3. This Mediatour is the man Christ Jesus. 1 Tim. 2.5.
  • 4. Who is also over all, God blessed for ever, Rom. 9.5.
  • 5. Neither is there salvation in any other, Act. 4.2.
  • 6. That hee was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Mat. 1.18.20.
  • 7. And borne of the Virgin Mary, Luc. 1.27.31. and 2.6, 7.
  • 8. That he died upon the crosse, Mat. 27.50.
  • 9. That he dyed to save his people from their sins, Rom. 4.25. 1 Cor. 15.3. 1 Pet. 3.18.
  • 10. That he rose againe the third day from the [Page 3]dead, Acts 10.40. 1 Cor. 15.4.
  • 11. Ascended into heaven, Luc. 24.51.
  • 12. Sits at the right hand of God, Rom. 8.34.
  • 13. And makes continual intercession for us Rom. 8.34.
  • 14. Of whose fulness we receive all grace, Ioh. 1.16.

4. Quest. What ought such to know concerning the application of Christ and his benesits, and what faith is?


  • 1. That Christ Jesus and his benefits are appli­ed only by faith, Joh. 1.12. Rom. 3.25. Gal. 3.26.
  • 2. That faith is the gift of God, Eph. 2.8. Phil. 1.29. and that we have it not of our selves, Ioh. 6.44. But it is wrought in us by the Word, Rom. 10.17. and Spirit of God, 1 Cor. 3.6.
  • 3.

    That faith is that grace whereby we believe and trust in Christ for remission of sins, and life ever­lasting, Acts 10.43. and 13.38, 39. and 15.11. Rom. 3.25.

    According to the promise of the Gospell, Joh. 3 [...] 15. and 16.

  • 4. And whosoever beleeves not on the Sonne of God shall not see life, but shal perish eternally, Mar. 16.16. Iohn 3.18, 36.

5. Q. What ought such to know concerning those who do truly repent of their sins?

A. That they who do truly repent of their sins,

  • 1. Do see them, Act. 26.18. Psal. 51.3, 4.
  • 2. Sorrow for them, Psal 38.18. 2 Cor. 7.9, 10, 11.
  • 3. And turne from them to the Lord, Esa. 55.7. Lam. 3.40.
  • [Page 4] 4. And that except men repent, they shall surely perish, Luc. 13.2, 5. Rom. 2.4, 5.

6. Q. What ought such to know concerning a godly life?


  • 1. That a godly life is conscionably ordered according to the Word of God, Psal. 119.4, 5, 9, 133.
  • 2. In holinesse and righteousnesse, Luc. 1.74, 75. Tit. 2.12.
  • 3. Without which no man shal see God, Heb. 12.14. 1 Cor. 6.9.

7. Q. What ought such to know concerning the Sa­craments, and more fully concerning the Lords Supper?


  • 1. That the Sacraments are Seales of the Covenant of Grace in the blood of Christ, Rom. 4.11. Acts 2.38. 1 Cor. 10.16. and 11, 15.
  • 2. That the Sacraments of the New Testament are
    • 1. Baptisme, Mat, 28.19,
    • 2. and the Lords Supper, Mat. 26.26, 27, 28.
  • 3. That the outward Elements in the Lords Sup­per are Bread and Wine, Mat. 26.26, 27, 28, 29.
  • 4. That this Bread and Wine doe signifie the Body and Blood of Christ crucified, Mat. 26.26, 27, 28.
  • 5. Which the worthy receiver by faith doth par­take of in this Sacrament, 1 Cor. 10, 16.
  • 6 That Christ likewise ordained this Bread and [Page 5]Wine for a remembrance of his death, 1 Cor [...] 11, 24, 25.
  • 7. That whosoever eats and drinkes unworthily is guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord, 1 Cor. 11.27.
  • 8.

    And therefore that every one is to examine himselfe, 1 Cor. 11.28.

    Least hee eat and drinke judgement to himselfe, not discerning the Lords Body, 1 Cor. 11.29.

8. Q. What ought such to know, concerning the state of men and women after death?


  • 1. That the souls of the faithful after death do immediately live with Christ in blessednesse, Luk. 16.22. & 23.43. Phil. 1.23.
  • 2. And that the souls of the wicked do immediate­ly go into hell-torments; Luk. 16.22, 23.
  • 3. That there shal be a Resurrection of the bodies both of the Just and Unjust at the last day, Joh. 5.28, 29.
  • 4 At which time all shall appear before the Judg­ment seat of Christ, Mat 25.32. Rom. 14.10. 2 Cor. 5.10.
  • 5. To receive according to what they have done in the body, whether it be good or evill, Joh. 5.28.29. 2 Cor. 5.10.
  • 6. And that the righteous shall go into life eter­nall, Mat. 25.46.
  • 7. And the wicked into everlasting punishment Joh. 5.29.

An Appendix containing some other Questions and Answers for the further unfolding of the Doctrine of both the Sacraments.

Q. WHerein do the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lords Supper differ?

A. Baptisme is to be administred,

  • 1. Onely once.
  • 2. In one Element of water, Mat. 3.11. Joh. 1.33. Act. 8.36. & 10.47.
  • 3.

    To unbeleevers converted to the faith, Act. 8.12.13, 37, 38, & 2.41.

    And to infants of one or both Christian Pa­rents, Mat. 28.19. 1 Cor. 7.14. Rom. 11.16. Act. 2.39. Mar. 10.14.

  • 4. Hereby they are visibly entred, and by the Church acknowledged to bee of Gods hous­hould, Act. 2.41. & 8.37, 38. Mat. 28.19.

But the Lords Supper is to be administred,

  • 1. Often, 1 Cor. 26.
  • 2. In two Elements of Bread and Wine, Mat. 26.26, 27, 28.
  • 3. Onely to them that (being baptized) can exa­mine themselves, 1 Cor. 11.28.
  • 4. For their further nourishing in the Church, 1 Cor. 11.24. & 10.16.

[Page 7] Q. Are the Sacraments necessary to Salvation?

A. They are necessary in a twofold respect,

  • 1. In respect of Gods Commandement. Mat. 28.19. Mat. 26, 26, 27.
  • 2. As they are meanes for the strengthening of faith.

But they are not of absolute necessity, so as who­soever partakes not of them must of necessity perish, Mar. 16.16. Luc. 23.43. Iosh. 5.5, 6. neither do they of themselves confer grace, Act. 8.13.23

Q. To whom doth the administration of the Sacra­ments belong?

A. Onely to such as are guifted, and called to make knowne the Covenant, Mat. 28.19. Heb. 5.4. 2 Sam. 6, 7. 2 Chron. 26.16, 17, &c.

Q. What is to be done by the Minister in and about the administration of Baptisme?

A. Three things;

  • 1. To declare the institution,
  • 2. To pray for a blessing,
  • 3. To baptize the party with water (by dipping or sprinkling) in the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, and of the Holy Ghost, Mat. 28.19.

Q. For what use serves Baptisme?


  • 1. To bee an outward badge for distinction of those who are within the visible Church, from those that are without.
  • 2. To signifie and to seale by such visible washing of the body.
    • [Page 8]1.

      The washing away the guilt of all sins, Act. 2.38. & 22.16. by the bloodshed of Christ, Heb. 9.14. 1 Joh. 1.7.

      And the imputation of Christs righteousnesse, Rom. 4.11.

    • 2. The washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost, Mat. 3.11. Luc. 3.16. 1 Pet. 3.21. Tit. 3.5.
    • 3. To oblige the party baptized,
      • 1. To beleeve in Christ, Act. 8.37.
      • 2. To dye to sin, and to rise up to newnesse of life, Mat. 3.11. Rom. 6.3, 4.

Q. VVhen may a man be said to have saving benefit by his Baptisme?

A. When he putteth on Christ by faith, Mar. 16.16. Gal. 3.27. such onely can plead it, though all the elect have right to be washed in time.

Q. VVhat is to be done by the Parent that would have his child baptized?


  • 1. Seasonably to present his child to the ordi­nance of Baptisme.
  • 2. To be deeply affected with the sinfull, and de­servedly miserable condition of himselfe, and his childs by nature.
  • 3. To blesse God for his Covenant of Grace, for Christ the Mediatour, and for this Ordinance.
  • 4. To renew the acting of his faith in the Co­venant.
  • 5. To make confession of that Faith (if by the [Page 9]Minister it bee required) into the profession whereof hee would have his child to bee ad­mitted.
  • 6. To lift up his heart in prayer to God for the Infant.
  • 7. To declare his resolution (the Lord assisting him) to traine up his child in the true Religion.
  • 8. Accordingly, to pray for it; to instruct it as it shall be capable, to watch over it, to give it good example, &c.

Q. VVhat is the duty of the rest of the Members?


  • 1. To afford their presence at the Ordinance.
  • 2. To eye and attend the Administration.
  • 3. To renew their owne Covenant.
  • 4. To joyne in prayer with the Minister for the Infant.
  • 5. To put to their best furtherance that it and theirs may answer their Baptisme, if spared to live to years of discretion.

Q. VVhen and where is it fittest this Sacrament should be administred?

A. Though by Gods Word neither time nor place be particularly prescribed and limited, yet most fitting it is to be speedily and publikely performed in the Assembly and view of Gods people.

Q. VVhen and by whom was the Sacrament of the Lords Supper ordained?

A. By the Lord Jesus Christ, in the same night [Page 10]wherein hee was betrayed, Mat 26.26. 1 Cor. 11.23, 24, 25, 26.

Q. For what ends did Christ administer, and insti­tute. Bread and Wine to be administred and re­ceived in this Sacrament?


  • 1. To put us in minde of himselfe and his suf­ferings to death it selfe for the redemption of his chosen, Luc. 22.19, 20. 1 Corin. 11.24, 25, 26.
  • 2. To be as seales to assure the consciences of true Beleevers of their part in Christ, and of all those good things contained in the Covenant of Mercy, 1 Cor. 10.16. Mat. 26.28. 1 Cor. 11.24, 25.
  • 3. To assure us that Christ is full and sufficient nourishment to our Soules, as Bread and Wine eating and drinking, are to our bodies, Iohn 6.35. &c. Psa. 104.15.
  • 4. To declare our communion and agreement with our brethren, 1 Cor. 10.17.

Q. What be the outward actions to be performed by the Minister in the administration of this Sa­crament?


  • 1. He is to take and set the Bread and Wine a­part from common use.
  • 2. He is to sanctfie them by declaring the World of Institution, with thanksgiving and prayer.
  • 3. He should visibly breake the bread and powre forth the wine.
  • [Page 11] 4. He is to give the same unto, or so to dispose of them, as they may be taken by the receivers.
  • 5. He is to require them to take and eat the Bread and drink the Wine.
  • 6. He is to declare unto them the ends of that their taking, eating, and drinking, according to the first Institution, Mat. 26.26, 27, 28, 1 Cor. 11.23, 24, 25, 26.

Q. What are the outward actions that are to be per­formed by the receivers?


  • 1. They are to take the Bread and Wine. Mat. 26.26. &c. 1 Cor. 11.23. &c.
  • 2. They are to eat the Bread and drink the Wine. Mat. 26.26. &c. 1 Cor. 11.23. &c.

Q. Is it fit for those who have charge of soules to try the fitnesse of such as they admit to the Table of the Lord?

A. Yes, it is very fit it shouid be so, 2 Chron. 35. 6. compared with Chap. 30.17. Ier. 15.9. Mat. 7. 6. Act. 20.28. 1 Tim. 5.22.

And their flock should be ready and willing to sub­mit thereunto, 1 Pet. 3.15.1 Thes. 5.12. Heb. 3.17.

Q. Who may be admitted to partake of this Sacra­ment, and who may not?


  • 1. Such as having been baptized may bee ad­mit­ted.
  • 2. Having competent Knowledge, may bee ad­mit­ted.
  • 3. Performe religious duties, may bee ad­mit­ted.
  • 4. That stand not lawfully excommunicated may bee ad­mit­ted.
  • 5. And live without scandall. may bee ad­mit­ted.

[Page 12] But

  • 1. Ignorant, ought to be debarred.
  • 2. Scandalous persons, ought to be debarred.
  • 3. And such as stand worthily excommunicated. ought to be debarred.

Q. Should not every particular Communicant exa­mine himselfe before he eat of this bread, and drink of this cup?

A. Yes; 1 Cor. 11.28. and upon. examination he should be able to finde that he comes thereunto

  • 1. Not of meere custome, or constraint, But
  • 2. For conscience sake, and willingly,
  • 3. To right ends,
  • 4. With knowledge,
  • 5. With faith in Christ,
  • 6. With repentance,
  • 7. With With love,
  • 8. With an earnest desire,
  • 9. With a thankfull heart,
  • 10. And with earnest prayer to God for a blessing.

VVhat is required of true beleevers (besides their taking, eating and drinking) when they are come to the Table of the Lord?


  • 1. Reverent behaviour of the whole man Ps. 5.7. Heb. 12.28.
  • 2. Heedfull observation of the
    • Elements, Exod. 24.8.
    • Words, Exod. 24.8.
    • Actions. Exod. 24.8.
  • [Page 13] 3. Meditation according to the Sacramentall Re­lation, 1 Cor. 11.24, 25.
  • A Melting, Zach. 12.10.
    • Thankfull, Psal. 103.1, 2, 3, 4.
    • And rejoycing heart, Dent. 16.15. Phil. 4.4.
  • 5. Sacramentall Faith, applying that for them­selves which God hath promised, and Christ hath purchased.

Q. VVhat is the duty of beleevers after they have received and when they are departed the Table of the Lord?


  • 1. Earnest suing to God for a blessing, 1 Thes. 5.17
  • 2. Examination how they have sped, Ps. 119.59. Hag. 1.7. Lam. 3.40.
  • 3. Thankfulnesse for Christ, and the Sacrament, Ps. 103.2, 3. Phil. 4.6.
  • 4. A firmer cleaving unto God for time to come, Deut. 30.20. Act. 11.23.
    • 1. By affiance, Rom. 4.11, 18, 19, 20, 21.
    • 2. Love, Ps. 18.1. & 116.1.1 John 4.19.
    • 3. And holy endeavour of more fruitfull obe­dience, Deut. 10.12. Luc. 1.74, 75. Rom. 12.1.

And fitting it were that somthing were laid a­part for the reliefe of the poore and needy, 1 Cor. 16.2. Nehem. 8.10. Heb. 13.16.

Q. How often are true beleevers to celebrate, and partake of the Lords Supper?

A. Though the certaine number of daies be not strictly and particularly prescribed, yet fitting it is that it should be often administred and re­ceived, 1 Cor. 11.25, 26.

[Page 14] Q. Doe these outward Elements still remaine Bread and Wine in the time of their administration and receiving, or are they not changed into the body and blood of Christ?

A. They do remaine Bread and Wine, and are not changed into his Body and blood, but are one­ly Signes thereof, and Seales of the Covenant to true beleevers.

Q. What difference is there then betwixt this Bread and Wine, and that we partake of at our ordinary tables?

A. None in nature, onely in use, these being set apart for holy use, 1 Cor. 11.26. & 10.16.

Q. How long doth the Bread and VVine continue to be the signes of the body and blood of Christ?

A. Only during the time of celebration and ad­ministration of the Sacrament, and no longer.

Q. Doth ones coming fasting commend one any thing the more to God in approaching the Table of the Lord?

A. No, in its selfe it is nothing availeable, neither for conscience sake is it to be observed, Mat. 26.26. 1 Cor. 11.34. Rom. 14.17. 1 Cor. 8.8. any further Then tends to edification, 1 Cor. 14.26. 1 Cor. 10.31.

Q. How long is this Sacrament to be in use in the Church?

A. Till Christ his coming againe, 1 Cor. 11, 26.


John Downame.

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