Vpon sight and consideration of the Votes of Parliament Dated Die Veneris 20. Feb! 1645. and upon the Ordinance Dated Die Sabbathi, 14. Martij. 1645. intituled an Ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, For keeping of Scandalous persons from the Sacrament of the Lords supper, the enab [...]ing of Congregations, for the choice of Elders, And supplying defects in former Ordi­nances and directions of Parliament concerning Church Gov [...]rnment.

Resolved by Tender Conscience with the consent of Gods holy Word and Spirit assem­bled together.

That the word of Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament without the Word of Lord of Heaven and Earth, is no warrant for Tender Conscience to joyne with ungodly Pa­rishes in the choice of Spirituall Elders or Officers to governe Gods Spirituall house.

Resolved &c. That the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament have the Ci­vil Government o [...]er the bodies and estates, in Civil things: But the Lord Jesus in Spiritu­all.

Resolved &c. That the Kingdome of England, and Dominion of Wales, and the Parish Churches and Chappels therein have not been yet proved to Tender Conscience to be Churches of Christ. Nor have the Directio [...]s that passed both Houses bearing Date 19. August, 1645. Nor the supplying Ordinance since, nor hath any thing of that nature been porved to be according to the Word of God. And that Tender Conscience never read of Classes, nor of Parochiall Congregations in the Bible.

Resolved &c. That therefore such election of Parochiall and Congregationall Elders, the warning thereof, and the Sermon preparitory before, is (in the iudgement of Ten­der Conscience) a taking Gods name in vaine.

Resolved &c. That the Maior part of the Parishes, beeing ungodly, will choose un­godly Elders. That [all] such as have taken the Nationall Covenant are not sit to choose Godly Elders▪ That many persons under age, and servants without Families are more God­ly then their parents and Masters that keep families, and in Christs Church not to be ac­cepted against in the choice of Church Officers, seeing all Saints, both Jewes and Gentiles, bond and free, male and female, are all one in Christ Jesus. Gal. 3. 28. and that his Saints are not to have the faith of Iesus Christ, the Lord of glory in respect of persons. Iam. 2. 1.

Resolved &c. That the Lord Major and Cities presidents, (or any preseden [...]s) which tend, or have tended, to the taking away, or obstruction of the setlement or establishment of the ancient bounds of Liberty of Conscience, cannot amount in the least, to bee any binding pre­sedent for Tender Conscience.

Finally, it is Resolved, &c. That the Lord of Tender Conscience, is LORD above al Lords and Lawes, and never made any man lawlesse, nor Ordained any to bring any thing into his Worship but that which first was his own by institution: And that therefo [...]e all Acts, Ordi­nances, Votes, Protestations, Declarations &c. made or which hereafter, without the Word of God, shall be made, by any person, or persons whatsoever; shall be of no force against Tender Conscience, in the worship of God, And that though such humane Acts Ordinances &c. take hold of all those men that beare the mark of the Beast, yet Tender Conscience, and the friends thereof, shall be exempted therefrom

Ordered to be Printed Clark to Tender Conscience.

The more ye wound my dear & pretious Heart The more y [...] seered on's shall feel most bitter smart. ‘All three to Injure me as mortall foe Encaseth yo [...] eternall woe, woe, woe’ C.8 Reve: v. 13

Tender Conscience Religiously affected Papa Antichristian Presbiter Prelat Latin Mass [...] Liturgy

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