Seasonable CONSIDERATIONS From the Gentlemen Apprentices, and young men of the City of London to the ARMY.

1. THat 20. millions of money have been at least received since this warre: [you] know best what [you] have received.

2. That a Letter be sent speedily from THE Army to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Councel, to secure all the monies in ALL their Halles, (or otherwise) untill the Ar­my give further order.

3. To secure ALL the Ports, that no Treasure be conveyed out of the Land, and that no person may be withdrawne from Common Justice.

4. That a timely course be taken to prevent all Scottish dan­gerous designes.

5. That the person of all Committee-men, Excise-men, Se­questraters, and Customers, and all other interessed in the pub­like receipts be secured.

6. The TWO Houses having attempted all meanes by force to suppresse THE ARMY, and not prevailling therein, do now apply themselves to disband them by fraudulent promises, knowing that when they disband, they are at their mercy.

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