SOME PASSAGES IN THE PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. CONCERNING The Treaty, and Agreement between them and their KING.

ALSO, A Declaration and Engagement, Signed by all the Members of Parliament, Noblemen, Barons, Burgesses and all other Subjects and Inhabitants of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND.

TOGETHER, With a Declaration of the Presbyterian Ministers, And a report made to the House by the Lord DUNFARLIN.

LONDON, Printed for J. C. And are to be sold at the Royall-Exchange, and in the Old-Bayley, 1650.


THe Lord Dunfarlin hath made report to the PARLIAMENT, concerning the Treaty with their declared King at Breda, and many Papers have been read, which passed between the King and them; it is thought they will not sit above twenty days longer. They are drawing up of a Declaration touching the said Treaty, and what is agreed between them and their King consisting of several heads, and a Preface thus.

We the Estates of Parliament now convened, finding [Page 2]the strong endeavors and attempts, of disaffected persons and enemies of truth, to blast and obstruct our labors, in performance of our duties are therefore obliged to vindi­cate our selves from all unjust aspersions, and to clear and evidence to this Kingdom, our constancy and firmnes to the cause of God, &c. And resolve to pursue all the ends of the Covenant, &c.

The Royal party do hang down their heads at the severe execution of Montross. It is reported, that a Messenger will be sent with all speed to Breda, where do yet remain some of the Scots Commissioners, in whose behalf the report before mentioned to be made was to this effect, viz.

We have from time to time as occasion hath been offer­ed, given your Lordships and the Committee of Estates a particular account of our diligence, and of the progress of those affairs which it pleased your Lordships to trust us with, which had been done more frequently, if the passage had not been so difficult and uncertain, that we could not get our Papers conveyed to your Lordships with that speed as we desired. And although our former Papers do bear much of the report, yet that the Parliament may have at once a recent and intire review of the whole business toge­ther, we shall shortly resume the substance of what hath been at several times communicated, and the papers which have not been as yet transmitted to your Lordships. After this several Papers were read, which had passed be­tween the Commissioners and their King, which are not yet committed to publick view; but it appears by the enclosed, that so far as the Commissioners have proceeded according to their Instructions, is well re­scented.

An Ast of approbation of the Commissio­ners faithfulness in their service to the Treaty.

THe Estates of Parliament now presently conve­vened, having a report of the proceedings of their Commissioners with the King, and read the Pa­pers delivered to this Parliament; and being fully sa­tisfied with their integrety, faithfulness and diligence, in contributing their utmost endeavors for prosecu­ting their Instructions, and for obtaining satisfaction to the Desires of this Kingdom; Do therefore unani­mously and hastily acknowledg their faithfulness and diligence, and approve their proceedings, and render to them the hearty thanks of this Kingdom for the same.

Sic Subscribiter Arch. Johnston Cler. Regist.

A Declaration of the Ministers of the Presbytery of ORKNEY.

WE the Ministers of the Presbytery of Orkney, un­der-subscribers, considering and finding it conve­nient to us, and all of our calling, to give publick testi­mony [Page 4]to the conscientiousness and justice of his Majesties service, now presently depending, and for the good excuse of others, and removing of whatsoever Scruples from the minds of all men: We willingly, freely and with candor declare, That we do from our soul detest that continual re­bellion, maliciously hatched, and wickedly prosecuted a­gainst his sacred Majesty of blessed and happy memory; and do from our hearts abhor His delivering over to bon­dage, imprisonment, horrid and execrable murder, and all damnable and pernicious practises, executed against him, by the rebellious Faction of both Kingdoms; The which we shall never fail hereafter to preach unto our peo­ple, and witness on every day of our calling; and also of our fruitful acknowledgment, prayers and wishes, for the happy establishment of His present Majesty, unto all His just Rights; and particularly it may please God to give a blessing to this present expedition of his Excellency James Gratham Marquess of Montross, and Capt. General to his Majesty, within the Kingdom of Scotland: All which we shall faithfully stand to advance, without giving the least thought or practice to the contrary.

So help us God. Vera Copia.

A Declaration of the Estates at EDENBƲRGH.

THe Estates of Parliament now conve­ned, considering how necessary it is, to establish their union in the preser­vation and maintainance of the Religion, Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom, and to prevent all factions and contention, and divisions, which may arise in prejudice there­of, from malicious suggestions and misin­formations of their adversaries, Do hereby testify and Declare their resolution and obli­gation, to acknowledg this present Parlia­to have been, and to be a free and lawful Par­liament. Like as, they bind and oblige themselves upon their honors and credit, and as they desire to be, and to be true Lovers of their Country, and of the Lawes and Liber­ties thereof, efaudlie and faithfully to the ut­most of their power, to joyn and concur, with their persons and estates, every one accord­ing to their several stations and callings, in [Page 6]the maintenance of the freedom and lawful­ness of this aforesaid Parliament, and in the advancement, furtherance and assistance of the execution, obedience and observation of the Acts and constitutions thereof, as the most fit and necessary remedies of the by­gone and present evils and distractions of this Kirk and Kingdom, and for the preserva­tion of Religion Laws and Liberties thereof, And have ordained, and ordains this present Act, to be subscribed by all the Members of Parliament present and absent, Noblemen, Barons and Burgesses, and all other Subjects and Inhabitants of this Kingdom, with certi­fication that such as refuse, or postpone, and delay to subscribe the same, shall be holden as enemies and opposites to the common Cause, consisting in the maintenance of the true reformed Religion, and of the Laws and liberties of this Kingdom.

Signed, Alex. Gibson, Cler. Regist.

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