INSTRUCTIONS FROM THE COMMITTEE OF ESTATES, TO The Colonels and Committees of warre in the severall Sheriffedomes of this Kingdome.

WHereas by the Instructions of the first of Sep­tember 1643. the number of men foot and horse are designed to come out of every Shire, for the encouragement and enabling whereof there is allowed two Dollars to every foot-man, and one hundreth pounds to every horse­man, well mounted with a good Horse, and sufficient Armes, and six shillings of transport-money for every twelve miles to the foot-man; There is likewise allowed one carriage horse for every twelve foot-men, and one carriage man for every two horses, ap­pointing fifty Marks to be payed at the Rendezvous of the Shire for every one of the said carriage horses (they being worth fifty pounds) and the horse to pertaine to the owner: As also there is to be allowed two Dollars for every carriage man, and a Souldi­ers pay.

The Committee of Estates considering that by the saids In­structions there is no way prescribed when and how the said [Page 2] levie money and carriage horse prices shall be payed, have there­fore thought fit to declare the same to be in maner afterspecified.

In respect it was the offer of all the Shires, rather to advance their Loan and Taxt, then to borrow money, or send in band to the Committee; Therefore the Comittee appoints the whole Loan and Taxt to bee advanced by every severall Shire and Burgh within the same, betwixt and the 15. day of November next, to the said Subcollector within the said Shire, for advance­ment whereof there is two of the hundred to be rebated and al­lowed for annuall-rent to the advancers, and no retention to be allowed to any particular person, for any cause whatsoever.

Every one shall advance his owne part, or otherwise one or more in every Parish to undertake and advance the proportion of that Parish, to whom is allowed the said two of the hundred for annuall-rent, and two of the hundred for Collector fee.

The money being thus advanced, the said Subcollector is to pay to every foot-man, who being sworne to their colours, shall march out of the Shire under command by order, the said two dollars, extending to eight Marks Scottish money; and to every horse-man well mounted and armed, as said is, one hundred pounds money foresaid: And to the owner of every carriage horse (worth fifty pounds) fiftie Marks: And to every carriage­man eight Marks of levie money: And to every foot-man, and carriage-man, sixe shillings for every twelve miles, conforme to the particular note and exact count thereof, subscribed by the Clerk of the said collection, sent to the Subcollector of every Shire, respectivè, the double whereof is herewith sent.

And because by Act of Convention, these who have lent mo­ney, advanced victuall or other provision for Ireland, are ordain­ed to be payed by the said Loan; The said Committee findes this way of advancing the same to the Subcollectors to be most advantageous for the furtherance of the work in hand, and for sa­tisfaction to the saids persons who have lent money, or advan­ced for Ireland, as said is.

And that each Shire and Burgh within the same, may be assu­red, that the foresaid summe of money allotted for the Levies, price of carriage horses, and transport-money, shall not be em­ployed for any other use, then as is aforesaid; The Generall Col­lector, with advice and command of the said Committee of E­state, gives warrand and power to the Sub-collectors within ilk Shire, after receipt of the money so to be advanced, to give band and securitie, to keep the said proportion of money in his own hand, and not to dispose thereupon, untill further order come for marching or mustering of the said men, Foot and Horse, with carriage horses, and men conforme: At which time, he shall deliver the same in manner above-written as the Colonels [Page 3] and Committees of Warre shall appoint for the uses aforesaid, the remanent alwayes of the whole summe being advanced, as said is: To the effect these who have lent money, and advanced victuall and provision for Ireland, may be satisfied, conforme to the renour of the said Act of Convention.

And siclike the said Committees of Warre within the whole Kingdome are entreated to have their Regiments and Troupes of Foot and Horse, aswell these who are to come out upon ad­vertisement, as these who stayes within, (where the same is not alreadie done) formed, enrolled, put under command, exerci­sed, and made in readinesse, That upon fourtie eight houres war­ning, their numbers appointed may be ready to march, with their carriage horses, armes, and all other provision contained in the former instructions of the first of September last.

And the Colonels and Committees in every Shire are to take speciall care, as they would make conscience of the Cove­nant, and regard the cause in hand, that the said Loane and Taxt be advanced: And that the Souldiers appointed to come forth, be of the ablest and most vigorous men in each Parish: And that they doe not upon any termes admit old nor weak men, nor young boyes and naughtie bodies to come forth. And if any such person shall be offered to them, that they refuse him, and unlesse the Heritor furnish an able man in his place, it shall be lawfull to the Committee and Colonel, to take the ablest man or servant that belongeth to the said Heritor. And the Com­mittees are to cause the Heritors provide them Souldiers with Arms, two part Muskets, and third part Pikes. And that the Colonels cause their Captains to be busie in training and exerci­sing their Souldiers to handle their Arms: And also to be carefull that as many be made choice of, of these who served in the last expedition, both Officers & Souldiers, as can be conveniently had.

And because every Regiment must carry their own Ammuni­tion, and draw their own fielding-pieces, and other materialls; the Committee ordains that ilk Shire and Division shall either buy 12. horses for every Regiment, upon the expences of the Shire or Division, or hire them to be payed by the publick after they come to the Generall Rendezvous, as other carriage horses of the Artillerie, viz. allowing a man for every two horse, who is to have pay as a common Souldier, and for each horse twelve shillings. Every horse-man is to have eighteen shillings scots in their transport, for every twenty miles from their Rendezvous in the Shire, to the Generall Rendezvous.

And it is ordained that report be made hereof by the Commit­tees of Warre in ilk Shire (to whom the same is recommended) aswell anent the advance of the Loane and Taxt, as anent the o­ther particulars foresaids, with all convenient diligence, after the receipt hereof.

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