THE DIVINE RIGHT OF Church-Government AND Excommunication: OR A peaceable DISPUTE for the perfection of the holy Scripture in point of Ceremonies and Church-Government; IN WHICH The removal of the Service-book is justifi'd, The six Books of Tho: Erastus against Excommunication are briefly examin'd; with a Vindication of that eminent Divine Theod: Beza against the Aspersions of Erastus, The Arguments of Mr. William Pryn, Rich: Hooker, Dr. Morton, Dr. Jackson, Dr. John Forbes, and The Doctors of Aberdeen; Touching Will-worship, Ceremonies, Imagery, Idolatry, Things Indifferent, An Ambulatory Government; The due and just Power of the Magistrate in matters of Religion, and The Arguments of Mr. Pryn, in so far as they side with Erastus, are modestly discussed.

To which is added, A brief Tractate of SCANDAL; with an Answer to the new Doctrine of the Doctors of Aberdeen, touching Scandal.

By SAMUEL RUTHERFURD, Professor of Divinity in the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts,
Zach. 4. 6.
Veritas claudi & ligari potest, vinci non potest. Hieronymus comment. ad Ierem. in Prefati. ad Eusebium.
Occultari ad tempus potest veritas, vinci non potest, florere potest ad tempus iniquitas, per manere non potest.
Augustinus ad Psal. 61.

Published by AUTHORITY

London▪ Printed by JOHN FIELD for Christopher Meredith at the Crane in Pauls Church yard. MDCXLVI.

TO The Right Honorable and Noble Lord, The EARL of LOVDEN, Chancellor of Scotland; AND Chancellor of the University of St. Andrews, Grace, Mercy and Peace.


AS Jesus Christ the wonderful, the Isa. 9. 6. Counsellor, the mighty God driveth on his great State-design in the whole Earth, and now in these Kingdoms, to to save an afflicted people, to dye his Garments in the blood of his Enemies, and to [Page] build the Tabernacle of God amongst men, and cause the wildernes blossome as a Rose, that the Isa. 35 1, 2. glory of Lebanon, and the excellency of Carmel and Sharon may in a spiritual manner be given to Zi­on; So he still acteth in his own sphere of Righteousnes, and all inferior wheels in their revolutions move toward his most eminent end; for the Courtiers and Royal At­tendants Psal. 97. 1. of his Throne are Righteousnes and Judge­ment. And he desireth that the motions and wayes of his people may be concentrick to his own heart, and Vel luben­tes, vel vi attracti de­creta Dei se quamur necesse est. move in the same Orb with himself; we must either walk, or be drawn to the end of Jesus Christ, his end cannot come down and comply with our policy. When men go with one head, and two faces, and two hearts, Providence can beguil them: we are then safe, and do sail at the Haven of the Sea when we walk with God, and our way draweth a straight line to the heart of Je­sus Christ. These two Kingdoms have before them an end▪ the Covenant to be a people to God; this we did Swear with our Hands lifted up to the most High; the stones of the field shall witnes against us, and the Sword of the Lord avenge the quarrel of his Covenant, if we dally with the Lord, as if the Vow of God, that the Lord may be one, and his Name [Page] one in both Kingdoms had been on us, when we were low only, and our Oath had a date only till the Year 1645. and then our Vow must exspire, as did the Law of shad­dows, when the Body Jesus Christ came. As successe is a poor and waxy Kalender for Religion, so the low condition of our Kingdom, I hope, shall not move us to forsake the Lords cause, or to blame God, because good causes have sometimes sad events; for beside that Heathens said, that God cannot erre, because Ma­rius ex culpâ gloriam reportavit, Marius was made glorious by ill-doing, and one hath a Crosse, Ille crucem sceleris pretium tulit, hic diadema. Iuven. Saty. 10. another a Kings Crown for a reward of wic­kednesse, we know that God, however it be, is good to Israel. If that which was intended for Vnion, shall by mens wickednesse, turn to a sad Division between the Kingdoms, I shall believe, that the truly Godly of either Kingdoms, can scarce be capable of such bloody intentions, as shall leave a Legacy of perpetuated blood to the Posterity; and sure, though for the present guiltinesse, strength prevail, yet habent Deum ulto­rem, men on Earth cannot long be strong against Ven­geance from Heaven. As successe doth inebriate, so extremity of a low condition is a wicked Counsellor; and evil Iealousie, as Hell, thinketh alwayes evil. All whose [Page] bowels are moved for the Desolation, Graves, multipli­ed Widows and Orphans of both Kingdoms will not dare (Judgement from the Almighty being a terrour to them) to adde affliction to the people of God already afflicted. Blessed shall they be of the Lord, who medi­ate for preventing of National ruptures, and for the continuance of the Brotherly Covenant. Christ Je­sus is a uniting Saviour, one God, one Faith, one Lord Jesus, one Religion should be, and I beseech the God of Peace, they may be Chains of Gold to tie these tipo Nations and Churches together in uno tertio, that they may be concentered and united in one Lord Jesus. O that that precious Dew of Hermon, that showers of Love and Peace may lie all the night upon the Branches of the two Olive Trees, that the warm­nesse, heat, and influence of one Sun of Righteousnesse with healing in his wings, may make the Lilly amongst the Thorns, the Rose of Sharon, that is planted by the Lord, the Spouse of Jesus Christ in both King­doms to spred its Root, and cast its Smell, as green and flourishing to all the Nations round about. The Kingdom of God is Peace. The Lord is about a great work in Britain, why should Divisions that proceed from the lusts of men▪ and the enemies of the Lord re­tard [Page] the wheels of the Chariot of Christ? Let us not water the Lilly with blood again. The Sons of Babel have shed our blood in great abundance, for the which doth the Church of God in the three Kingdoms stand, and Pray and Prophecy in sackcloth. The violence Ier. 51. 35. done to me and to my flesh be upon Babylon, shall the Inhabitants of Zion say: And my blood upon the Woman arrayed in Purple and Scarlet, the Mother of Harlots and Abomina­tions Rev 17. 3. 5. of the Earth, shall Ierusalem say. Happy we, if we could for the second Temple builded, and the Lord repairing the old waste places, and the Gentiles Isa. 62. 1, 2▪ beholding the Righteousnesse of the Elder Sister the Church of the Jews, and both as a Crown of Glory in the hand of the Lord, and as a Royal Diadem in the hand of our God.

I shall not need, I hope, either of an Apology for In­tituling this Piece, such as it is, (others can, and I hope will adde riper Animadversions to Erastus) to Your Ho­nours Name, or of a word of incitement, that Your Lordship co-operate with Your serious Endeavours, for a right understanding between both Kingdoms, and for the carrying on the work of the right arm of the Lord, [Page] the Lords creating of glory on every Assembly on Mount Zion, (for we are witnesses of Your Honours Travels for both) that glory may dwell in our Land.

Your Honours at all respective obser­vance in the Lord, S. R.

To the Ingenuous and Equitable Reader.

IT lieth obvious to any ordinary under­derstanding (worthy Reader) that as al­wayes we see a little portion of God; so now, the Lord our God in his acting on Kingdoms and Churches, maketh Darknesse his Pavilion, to finde out the [...] and the Demonstrative Causes and true Principles of such bloody conclusions and horrible vastations, as the Sove­raign Majesty of Heaven and Earth hath made in Ger­many, Bohemiah, and the Palatinate, as if they were greater sinners then we are; and why the windows of Divine Justice have been opened to send down such a deluge of blood on Ireland; and why in Scotland the Pestilence hath destroyed in the City, and the Sword of the Lord, not a few in the fields, (their Lovers and Friends standing aloof from their calamities) is from the Lord who is won­derful in Counsel; but to finde reasons to quiet the under­standing, is not an easie scrutiny: matters are rolled on Iob 37. 23. Iob 33. 13. invisible wheels. It is enough to us [...] no Men, no Angels can hunt out the tracings of Divine Pro­vidence; Nor can we set a day of Law, nor erect a Court to implead this Lord, who is not holden in Law, to an­swer for any of his matters: It were our wisdom to ac­knowledge that the actions of our Lord, ad extrà, are so twisted and interwoven thred over thred, that we can see but little of the walls and out-works of his unsearchable [Page] counsels; sure, Divine Providence hath now many irons in one fire, and with one touch of his finger he stirt [...]h all the wheels in Heaven and Earth.

I speak this, if happily this little piece may cast it self in the eye of the Noble and Celebrious Judges and Sena­tors who now sit at the [...]e [...]m▪ for I hope they consider, it is but a short and sorry Line, or rather a poor Circle, Job 1. 21. Gen. 3. 19. between the Womb and the Grave, between Dust and Dust▪ and that they then act most like themselves ( Psal. 82. 6. I have said ye are Gods) when they remember they are sinful men, and when they reckon it for gain, that the King of Ages gives them a Diurnal of 24 hours to build the House of the Lord, to cause the heart of a Widow Church (though her Husband live for evermore) to sing for joy, and are eyes to the blinde, and legs to the lame; and withall do minde, that when the Spirit is within half a Cubit, or the sixth part of a Span to Eternity, and Death cannot adjou [...]n for six hours▪ to repent▪ or do any more service to Christ in the body, the welcom and testimony of God, shall be incompa­rably above the Hosanna's of men. Undeniable it is, that we destroy again what we have builded, if we behead the Pope, and divest him of his Vicarious Supremacy, and soader the Man of Sins head, in the Ecclesiastical Govern­ment, to the shoulders of any Man, or Society of men on Earth. It is not an enriching spoyl to pluck a Rose or Flower from the Crown of the Prince of the Kings of the Earth. Diamonds and Rubi [...]s picked out of the Royal Diadem of Jesus Christ, addeth but a poor and sorry Lustre to Earthly Supremacy; it is Baldnesse in stea [...] of Beauty.

An Arbitrary power in any, whether in Prince or [...] re­lats, is intolerable. Now to cast ou [...] Domination in one, [Page] and to take it in in another, is not to put away the Evil of our doings, but to Barter and Exchange one sin with ano­ther, and mockingly to expiate the Obligation of one Arrear to God, by contracting new Debt. Again, how glorious is it, that Shields of the Earth lay all their Royal­ty and Power level with the dust before him that sitteth on the Throne, and to make their Highnesse but a Scaffold to heighten the Throne of the Son of God? Yea, if Do­mination by the Sword be the Magistrates Birth-right, as the Word of Truth teacheth us, Luke 22. 25, 26. Psal. 82. 1, 6. Rom. 13. 4. and the Sword can never draw blood of the Conscience; It is evident that the Lord Je­sus alloweth not Carnal weapons to be used within the walls of his Spiritual Kingdom; and if Power be an enchanting Witch, and like strong Drink, which is dolo­sus luctator, a cosening Wrestler, we are to be the more cautelous and circumspect, that it incroach not upon Je­sus Christ, for fear that we provoke the eyes of his glory, and cause Jerusalem to be plowed, and Zion become heaps, and many houses great and fair, desolate.

Let the Appeal be to the Spirit that speaketh to the Churches in the Word: The Golden Reed can measure every Cubit of the Temple; as well the outer Porch, as the Holy of Holiest, and all the dimensions, the length and bredth of the City which is named [...] ▪ The Lord is there. If the Scripture be no Rule of Church Govern­ment, but the Magistrates Sword be upon the shoulders of Christ, as the prime Magistrate; we come too near to the Jewish, Earthly, and Temporary Mes [...]iah. And if Ex­communication and Censures, and that Ministerial Go­verning which was undeniably in the Apostolick Church, be Fictions, we are in the dark. I confesse, we know not whether the Vessels of the House should be of Gold and [Page] Silver, or if they should be but Earthen Pitchers.

It is said, That all this is but a Plea for a Dominion of an higher Nature, even over the Consciences of men by Censures. But why a Dominion? Because a power of Censures? Surely, if they were not Spiritual Censures, and such as hath influence on the Conscience, we should yield a Do­mination were the businesse. But this power of Cen­suring Spiritually, is as strong as Authoritative in Dis­pensing Rebukes, Threats, Gospel-charges and Com­mands in the Word Preached, as in Censures; The power is Ministerial only in the Word, not Lordly; and why should it be deemed a Dominion, and an Arbitrary power in the one, and not in the other?

If the will of the Magistrate may carve out any Go­vernment that seems good to him, and the Word of God in this plea be laid aside, as perfect in Doctrine, but imperfect and uselesse in Government, we fall from the Cause. But if the Word of God stand as a Rule in matters of Church-Government; then the Question is only, on whose shoulders the Ark should be carried; and by whose Ministery doth Jesus the Lord and King of the House punish (if I may use this word) Scandalous men? And whether doth the Head of the Church Christ, in laying Judgement to the Line, and Righteousnesse to the Plummet, use the Magistrates Sword for a Spiritual and Supernatural end of the Service and Ministery of his Church; or doth he send Pastors and Teachers as his Ambassadors for this end? But if you were not Disputing your self, and not Christ (say some) to make Preachers the Alpha and Omega of mens Consciences, and the Circle which beginneth and endeth at it self, you would be satisfied, if Scandals be punished by the Magistrate: Is not the Magistrate a Christian as you are? Paul was glad [Page] that the Gospel was Preached, he made no account by whom. But I should be grieved that such a hard conclusion should be drawn out of such innocent Principles: This were to extract Blood out of Milk, a Domination out of a meer Ministery; and I confesse, Self is a great Sophist in De­bates, and that any man is inclinable to miscount him­self, and to think he may stand for an hundred, when the product is scarce one, if not a cypher. I conceive nothing is here taught, that may reach a blow to the Honour and Majesty of the Godly Magistrate. The Magistrate is a Christian as well as the Preacher; and in some sense, so all the People were holy, as were Moses, Aaron and the Levites. Uzziah who burned Incense was a Member of the Church of the Jews, and Circumcised no lesse then the Sons of Aaron: Yet I hope these stretched themselves beyond their line, when they usurped what was due to the Priests and Levites. Its another thing to punish evil doing with the Sword, the Magistrate is to do this. But there is a Spiritual removing of Scandals, by the saving of the Spi­rit in the day of the Lord, 1 Cor. 5. 5. Matth. 18. 15. 2 Cor. 10. 8. and a gaining of the Soul of an Offender. This Spiritual removing of Scandals, doth only bring Christ and the Gospel in request, in the hearts of both such as are within and without the Church; as Scandals raiseth up an evil report of Christ and the Truth. Now the Sword can never this way remove Scandals; and be­cause Christ hath appointed Spiritual means, and Spi­ritual Censures, to restore the Lord Jesus to his Honour, 2 Cor. 2. It is presumption (with all submission I speak it) for men to horse out, and decourt such Censures Spi­ritual as the Apostles in the Spirit and Wisdom of Christ used as most sutable to that end, and which the Lord commandeth in the second Command, and to substitute [Page] in their room, nothing but a Sword void of all activity on the Conscience.

I do also here plead for the perfection of the Word of God against Humane Ceremonies, which are deservedly by the Honorable Houses of Parliament, and Reverend Assembly laid aside; Religion needeth not any such Orna­ments, except men would make the Worship of God, when naked, under shame, and so under sin (for Justice Married shame and sin once.) But as Roses, Lillies, the Sun, and other glorious Creatures, are most beautiful without Garments, and not capable of shame; so is the Worship of God. I confesse, Ceremonies were the Seas and Rivers that Prelats delighted to swim in; and if their Element be dried up, they have the lesse pleasure to live: But if they would repent of their bloody Per­secution, that their Souls might be saved, no matter. Ce­remonies, as they have nothing of Christ in them, so have they been injurious to Magistrates. It is but a Ceremony that the Emperour kisse the sole of the Popes foot, be­cause there is indented on it a curious Crucifix. And when Prelacy was yong, and its beard not grown, a Deacon was sent to Theodosius the Emperor by the Prelats to chide him, because he presumed to sit in the Chancel, a place too holy for Lay-men.

What I have here said against Erastus, a friend too dear to worthy Bullinger and Rodolp. Gualther, (often we love both the Friend and his Error) I humbly submit to the Judgement of the Godly and Learned: But I con­ceive, I am unwilling that Error should lodge with me willingly; and I professe I am afraid, that wrath is gone out from the Lord against the Rulers, if they shall after a Reformation obtained with the Lives, Blood, Tears and Prayers of so many of the Saints, whereof a great num­ber [Page] are asleep in the Lord, rear up a building to the Lord so maimed and lame, as Jesus Christ shall say, Offer it now Mal. 1. 8. to your Governour, will he be pleased with you, or accept your persons?

But it is a Controversie (say some) whether the Government of the Church of the New-Testament belong to the Magistrate or to the Church? to which I say; 1. It was a Contro­versie created by men willing to please Princes, with more power in the Courts of Christ, then ever the Law­giver and Apostles gave them, and that against the minde of glorious Lights, the first Reformers, and the whole Troops of Protestant Divines, who Studied the Contro­versie against the usurped Monarchy of the Man of sin, more exactly then one Physitian, who in a cursory way, diverted off his road of Medicine of which he wrote Learnedly, and broke in on the By upon the deepest Po­lemicks of Divinity, and reached a Riders blow una­wares to his friends. 2. In things doubtful, Conscience hath refuge to the surest side: Now its granted by all, and not controverted by any, That in the Apostolick Church, the Government of the Church of the New Testament was in the hands of Apostles, Pastors, Teachers; and there­fore Conscience would sway to that in which there can be no Error, except on supposal of abuse; and Christi­an Rulers would not do well to venture upon Eternity, Wrath, the Judgement to come, confiding on the poor Plea of an Erastian Distinction, to incroach upon the Prerogative Royal of Jesus Christ. This very God of Peace build Zion, and make her an Habitation of Peace▪

Yours in Jesus Christ, S. R.

A Table of the CONTENTS of the Book.

Introduction, SECT. 1.
  • CHrist hath not instituted a mutable Church-Government, Page 1, 2
  • Some things moral, some things natu­ral in Gods worship, Ibid.
  • Physical Circumstances are all easily known and numbred, p. 2
  • Circumstances, and such and such Circum­stances, p. 3
  • Time and place of Ceremonies need not be proved by Scripture, as being supposed, p. 4, 5
  • 1. Argument to prove, that the platform of Ch. governm [...]is not mutable at mens wil, p. 7
  • The Script. way of teaching that indifferent things are alterable, is it self unalterable, p. 8
  • 2. Argument, p. 9
  • The Scripture shall not teach when we sin, in Church-policy, when not, if the platform be alterable at mens will, Ibid.
  • There is no reason why some things positive are alterable in Ch.-policy, some not, p. 10
  • 3. Argument, ibid.
  • The place 1 Tim. 6. 13. touching the unviolable cōmand given to Timothy discussed, p. 10, 11, 12
  • Pauls cloak of lesse consequence then Positions of policy, p. 11
  • Widows, p. 12
SECT. 2.
  • 4. Argument, p. 13
  • Christ is the head of the Church, even in the external policy thereof, p. 13, 14
  • A promise of pardon of sin made to the right: use of the Keys, proveth Discipline to be a part of the Gospel, p. 15, 16
  • The will of Christ as King, is the rule of the Government of his house, p. 17, 18
  • Things of policy, because lesse weighty then the greater things of the Law, are not there­fore alterable at the will of men, p. 19, 20
  • Order requireth not a Monarchical p [...]elate, p. 21, 22
  • How the care & wisdom of Christ hath left an immutable platform of Discipline, p. 22, 23
  • Christ the onely immediate King, Head, and Law-giver of his Church, without any de­puty heads or Vicars, p. 24, 25
SECT. 3.
  • 5. Argument, p. 26, 27
  • Moses and David might not alter or devise any thing in Worship or Government, nor may the Church now, p. 27, 28
  • Two notes of Divinity ought to be in the New Testament. Ceremonials, as were in the Old, p. 29, 30
  • How Moses his doing all according to the pa­tern, proveth an immutable platform. The Objections of Mr. Hooker and Mr. Pryn an­swered at length, p. 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, &c.
  • Gods care to us leadeth us to think he hath gi­ven us a better guide thē natural Reason in all morals of Church-Discipline, p. 33, 34
  • The occasional writing of things in Scripture, no reason why they are alterable, p. 35, 36
  • Papists pretend, as Formalists do, that things are not written in the Word, because of the various occurrences of providence, p. 36, 37
  • That there was no uniform platform of Go­vernment written in the time of Moses and the Apostles, is no Argument that there is none now, p. 39, 40
  • Fundamentals, because successively delivered, are not alterable, p 41, 42
  • The Church of Ierusalem, as perfect in Do­ctrine and Discipline, is our patern, p. 42, 43
  • The indifferency of some things in the Apo­stolick Church, cannot infer that the Go­vernment is alterable, p. 45, 46
  • The Argument of Moses his doing all in the Tabernacle, to the least pin, according to special direction, further considered, p. 47. 50
  • The Ark of Noah proveth the same, ib.
  • Formalists acknowledge Additions to the Scripture, contrary to Deut. 4. 2. & 12. 32. the same way that Papists do, p. 51,-56, &c.
  • Moses and Canonick Writers are not Law­givers under God, but Organs of God, in writing, and meer reporters of the Law of God, p. 62, 63
  • Papists say that the Church is limited in the making of Ceremonies, both in the matter [Page] and the number, and so do Formalists, p 62, 63, 64
  • Four wayes Positives are alterable, but by God onely, p. 64
  • All things, never so small, are alike unalte­rable, if they be stamped with Gods autho­rity, speaking in the Scripture, p. 64, 65
  • By what authority Canonical Additions of the Prophets and Apostles were added to the Books of Moses, p. 65
  • Canonick Writers how immediately led by God, p 66
  • The Characters of Formalists Ceremonies & Papists Traditions one and the same, p. 67
  • What is it to be contained in Scripture, and how far it maketh any thing lawful, accord­ing to Hooker, p. 68
  • The Fathers teach, that all things are to be re­jected that are not in Scripture, p. 69, 70
  • [...]t derogateth nothing f [...]om the honour of God, in Scripture, that hee be consulted in the meanest things, p. 70
  • How things are in Scripture, p. 71
  • Some actions are supernaturally moral, some naturally or civilly moral, some mixt. p. 72
  • Some habitual reference to Scripture is requi­red in all our moral actions. p 73
  • Works of Supererogation holden by Hooker, p. 77
  • Whether our obedience be resolved, in all Church policy, in This saith the Lord in his Word, or in This saith the Church. p. 79
  • Two thing [...] in the external worship, 1. Sub­stantials. 2. Accidentals or Circumstan­tials, p. 80
SECT. 5.
  • The question who should be judge of things necessary or indifferent, in Church-policy, not to purpose, in this question. p. 81, 82, &c.
SECT. 6.
  • What are Honour, Praise, Glory, Reverence, Veneration, Devotion, Religion, Service, Worship, Love, Adoration. p. 82, 83, 84, 85
  • Two acts of Religion imperated and elicite. p. 83
  • Honouring of holy men is not worship, p 84
  • The Religions object with the act of reve­rencing, maketh adoration to be Religious; but a civil object, except the intention con­cu [...]s, maketh not religious adoration of a civil object. p. 85, 86
  • What Worship is. p. 86, 87
  • Worship is an immediate honouring of God, but some worship honoureth him more im­mediately, some lesse. p. 87, 88
  • A twofold intention in worship. p. 88, 89
  • Vncovering the head is veneration, not ado­ration, p. 89
  • Consecration of Churches taken two wayes condemned. p. 90
  • Master Hookers moral grounds of the holinesse of Temples, under the N. T. answered. p. 92
  • The place 1 Cor. 11. Have ye not houses to eat and drink in, &c. maketh nothing for hal­lowing of Churches. p. 93
  • Nor the place Psa. 74 8. p. 94
  • The Synagogue not Gods house, as the Tem­ple was. ib.
Question 1.
  • The negative argument from Scripture valid. p 95
  • Not to command is to forbid. p. 96
  • How far Davids purpose to build the Temple was lawful. p. 97
  • Of additions to the Word. p. 98
  • Even perfecting additions of men are unlaw­ful. p. 99
  • Every moral action is to be warranted by the Word. p. 102
  • What is man's, in worship, is not lawful p. 103
  • Not all actions in man, as actions of meer nature, of arts or trades of sciences, but on­ly moral actions are regulated by Scripture. p 104
  • Helps of faith, and the formal object of faith are different. p 105
  • What certitude of saith is required in all our actions of our daily conversation. p. 107
  • The Scripture a Warrant for the morality of our acts, of the second Table. p. 107
  • Many actions of the second Table are purely moral, all actions of the first Table are purely moral. p. 107, 108
  • What ever is beside the Word of God, in [Page] morals, is contrary to it. p. 109
  • The vanity of the perfection of Scriptures in Essentials, not in Accidentals. p. 110
  • Whatsoever is not of faith, how true, p. 110, 111
  • Doubting condemneth. p 113
  • Papists say▪ the Scripture in general is perfect, but not in particulars, and so Form lists. p 114
  • What is onely negative in Gods worship, can­not be commanded. ibid.
  • Opinion of sanctity and divine necessity, not essential to false-worship. ibid.
  • The distinction of worship, essential, and ac­cidental, of Gods general and particular will, is to be rejected. p. 118, 119
  • The distinction of divine and apostolike tra­ditions rejected. p. 125, 126
  • Circumstances not positive, religious obser­vances, as ceremonies are. p. 127
  • Ceremonies usurpe essential properties of di­vine Ordinances. p. 128, 129, 130
  • We owe subjection of conscience collateral onely to Gods Ordinances. p. 135
  • The spirit worketh not with Ceremonies. p. 136
  • The place Matth. 15. concerning the traditi­ons of the Elders, discussed. p 137, 138
  • Ceremonies Magical. p. 141
  • If the third command shall enjoyn decency in general, then must it enjoyn this special decency, Crosse and Surplice. p. 141, 142
  • Iewish and Popish Ceremonies, are fruitlesse professions of unlawful worship. p. 142, 143
  • Whether the Ceremonies be Idolatry. p 144
  • Of religious kneeling. ibid.
  • Four things in adoration. ibid.
  • Intention of worship, not essential to wor­ship. p. 145
  • Religious bowing, of its nature, and not by mans arbitrary and free intention, signifieth divine adoration. p. 147, 148
  • Objections of Swarez contending, that inten­tion of adoration is essential to adoration, removed. p. 148, 149
  • Of the Idolatrous worship of the Iews and Papists. p. 150
  • The relative expressiō of God in the creature, is no ground of adoring the creature, p. 151
  • The Iews beleeved not the Golden calt to be really God. p. 151, 152
  • The adoring of Images not forbidden by the Ceremonial law, but by the Moral law. p 154
  • The evasions of Bellarmine and Swarez an­swered. p. 155
  • Papists did of old adore before, or at the pre­sence of the Image, as a memorative signe and yet were Idolators. p. 158
  • Two sort of signes. ibid.
  • Divers evasions of Papists touching the ado­ring of Images. p. 161, 162, scq.
  • Swarez is not content at the hungry expressi­ons of Durandus, Mirandula, Hulcot, in the worshipping of Images. p. 165, 166
  • The place ( worship at his footstool) discussed, Psal. 99, ibid.
  • Prayer may as lawfully be given to the crea­ture, as Adoration. p. 169, 170
  • Divers Fables touching Images. p. 179, 180
  • The original of Images, p. 181
  • Images not in the ancient Church, neither worshippe [...] therein, p. 182, [...]83, 184, &c.
  • Vasquez will have all things to be adored. p. 190
  • Joan. d [...] Lugo proveth the same by four Rea­sons. p. 191
  • Whether sitting or kneeling, be the most con­venient and lawful gesture, in the act of re­ceiving the Sacrament of Christs Body and Blood. p. 192
  • Sitting the onely convenient and lawful gesture. p. 193
  • What is occasional in the first Supper. ibid.
  • Christ sate at the first Supper. p. 194, 195
  • Sitting a sign of our coheirship. p. 197, 198, 199
  • A signe of our coheirship may well consist with our inferiority in worshipping Christ, p. 198
  • Ceremonies fail against the Authority of Rulers. p. 201
  • Whether humane Laws binde the conscience, or not. p. 201, 202, seq.
  • How civil positive Laws binde not the con­science: p. 202, 203
  • A twofold goodnesse. p. 207
  • [Page]The will of created Authority cannot create goodnesse in things. p. 204, 205
  • Humane Laws obli [...]ge onely in so far, as they agree with the Law of God. p. 206
  • A twofold consideration of Humane Laws. p. 208
  • How Rulers are subordinate to God in com­manding. p. 209
  • Humane authority is not the nearest, nor the instrumental cause of Laws. p. 208, 209
  • A double obedience due to Rulers, objective, and subjective. p. 210
  • Objective obedience no more due to Rulers, then to equals. p 210, 211
  • False Rules of obedience to Rulers, proposed by D. Jackson, refuted. p. 212.
  • The goodnesse of supposed obedience to Rulers, cannot countervalue the evil in the sinful manner of doing, with a doubting conscience. p. 214
  • Other arguments for the obligation of hu­mane Laws answered. p. 216
  • What it is to resist to Ruler. p. 217
  • Why men cannot make Laws that layeth a tie on the conscience. p. 219
  • That Christ hath a spiritual Kingdom, not onely in the power of Preaching, but also in the power of the Keys, by censures. p. 220
  • That there is such a divine Ordinance as Ex­communication. p. 223
  • Objections against Excommunication re­moved. p. 224
  • How we are to rebuke our Brother. p. 225
  • The Church, Matth. 18. is not the civil Sane­drim. p. 226, 227, 229
  • How Heathen and Publicans were excluded from the Church. p. 230
  • Binding and loosing acts judicial, p. 235, 236
  • Excommunication is a divine Ordinance, proved by 1 Cor. 5. p. 238, 239, & seq. fuse.
  • To deliver to Satan, is not miraculous killing, p. 238, 239
  • The essentials of Excommunication, 1 Cor. 5. p. 238, 239, &c.
  • Whether the Word doth warrant censures, and exclusion from the Seals? ibid.
  • Cutting off, not alwayes killing. p. 241
  • Moral scandals excluded men from holy things, amongst the Iews. p. 243
  • The prophecy, Ezek 44. 11, 12, &c. to be ful­filled under the New Testament. p. 244, 245
  • Ceremonial exclusion from holy things un­der the old, did typi [...]ie exclusion for moral uncleannesse under the N. Test. p. 247, 248
  • The Churches exclusion from the Seals de­clarative, non coactive by violence. ibid.
  • Censures applyed to some by name. ibid.
  • Eschuing the society of scandalous Church­members, must be a Church-censure, p. 249
  • The hindering of Jezabel by preaching, not sufficient. p. 251
  • Debarring of the scandalous from the Seals, proved. p. 252. seq.
  • It belongeth not to the Magistrate to debar from the Seals. p. 253
  • Erastus against exclusion from the Sacraments refuted. p. 253▪ seq. fuse.
  • By Erastus his way, we cannot deny the Seals to a Turk. p. 258, 259
  • To exclude from the Kingdom of Heaven not one with Excommunication. p. 260
  • Excommunication is no real separation of one from Christs invisible body. p. 261, 262, 264
  • Though Excommunication be onely declara­tive, yet its not empty. p. 266
  • Putting out 1 Cor. 5. p. 269
  • Whether Erastus doth prove, that none were excluded amongst the Iews, for moral un­cleannesse, from the holy things of God. p. 271
  • A twofold forgivenesse. p. 273
  • All are invited to come to the Sacraments, but not that they come any way. p. 274
  • The question whether all should be admitted to the Lords Supper, perverted by Erastus. p. 275
  • Two sort of signes amongst the Iews, some purely holy, some partly holy, partly ne­cessary for the bodily life; the latter clean and unclean might eat, but not the former. p. 277
  • All are commanded to hear, but not to [...]ome to the Supper. p. 280
  • [Page]Whether Erastus doth justly deny Excommu­cation to be typified of Old. p. 281
  • Ceremonial uncleannesse typified exclusion out of the visible Church for scandals, not out of the Kingdom of Heaven▪ p 287, 288
  • Legal uncleannesse was sin, p. 289
  • The scope and sense of Matth. 18. perverted by Erastus, p. 290
  • Our Saviour speaketh of all, not of private or lesser scandals onely, p. 291
  • By the word (Brother) is not meaned a Iew onely, ib.
  • Christs speaking in the second person, argueth not the privacy of the scandal, p. 294
  • A twofold forgiving, p. 295
  • Christ speaketh not of such sins as private men may forgive, as Erastus dreameth, p. 297
  • Christs scope spiritual, Erastus his way carnal, p. 298
  • A Publican most odious to the Iews, p. 305
  • Its not private forgivenesse which is holden forth, Matth. 18. 17. p. 308
  • Binding and loosing proper to Stewarts, p. 309
  • To excommunicate is not formally to debar from the Seals, p. 311
  • Christ might well give directions touching a Church not yet erected, p. 314, &c.
  • The place 1 Cor. 5. vindicated from Erastus his glosse, p. 316, 317, &c.
  • The prayers of the Church intervene not for this particular miracle, p. 318, 319
  • Faith of miracles not in all the faithful at Corinth, p. 320
  • Delivering to Satan not miraculous, p. 321
  • The Church, not Paul alone, had hand in de­livering the man to Satan, p. 326
  • What delivering to Satan is, p. 327
  • The destruction of the flesh, what it is, p. 328
  • Hymeneus and Alexander not killed by Satan, p. 332
  • Delivering to Satan not miraclous, p 336
  • [...], to put away, not alwayes to kill, p. 337
  • To eschew the scandalous, a mean to save them, p. 339
  • The similitude of a cut off member to hold forth Excommunication vindicated, p. 340
  • No warrant that the Apostles killed any, by the ministery of Satan, p. 341
  • No miraculous faith required in the Corin­thians, to pray for the killing of the man, p. 342, &c.
  • Of the Leaven, 1 Cor. 5. p. 344
  • What it is to purge out the Leaven, none kil­led for eating Leavened Bread, p. 346
  • To eat the Passeover with Leavened Bread, a violation of that Sacrament, p. 348, &c.
  • Putting away of Leaven, p. 349
  • What is meaned by the whole lump, and what by leaven. p. 352, 533
  • Hymeneus and Alexander, not miraculously killed by Satan. p. 354, 355
  • Erastus his expositions, all without ground in Scripture. p. 354
  • Withdrawing from scandalous Brethren, argu­eth Excommunication. p. 357
  • How eschewing intimate fellowship with a scandalous Brother is a Church-Censure, p. 357, 358, 359
  • Sacraments, though helps of piety, yet not to be given to all. p. 361, 362
  • Erastus his contradiction in excluding both some, and none at all from the Sacraments, p. 363
  • How withdrawing from scandalous Brethren, may infer Excommunication. p. 365
  • The scandalous are forbidden to come to the Sacraments, p. 368
  • An evident contradiction in Erastus thorow his whole Book. p. 369
  • Whom Erastus excludeth from the Sacraments, p. 370
  • Some on earth must try who are to be admit­ted to the Sacrament, who not, p. 371
  • Other arguments for Excommunication vin­dicated, p. 37 [...]
  • The place Gal. 5. 12. vindicated. p. 373
  • Paul did not judicially condemn the incestu­ous man, 1 Cor. 5. p 374
  • To eschew the scandalous is materially to excommunicate them▪ p. 377
  • What Presbyteries Erastus yeeldeth. p. 379
  • A Presbytery at Corinth. p. 380
  • Erastus granteth an Examination of such as [Page] are admitted to the Sacraments, and yet de­nieth that any should be debar'd, p. 382, 383
  • The places Deut. 17. and 2 Chro. 19. do prove two different Iudicatures, p. 383, 384
  • How the Kingly and Priestly office are diffe­rent. p. 384, 385
  • Erastus denyeth the Ministery to be peculiar to some, but proper to all under the New Testament. p. 385, 386
  • Two distinct Iudicatures, 2 Chron. 19. page 386, 387
  • The Magistrates are not to dispence the Word and Sacraments, as Erastus saith. p. 391, 392
  • The Magistrate is not to judge who is to be admitted to the Sacrament, who not; nor hath he power of Church Discipline, page 394, 395
  • How Erastus confuteth a Presbytery. p. 398
  • A Church Iudicature in the Iewish Church, Deut. 17. ibid.
  • The [...]iest put no man to death. p. 401
  • Teaching and Judging not one. p. 406
  • The Civil Iudge as a Iudge, cannot teach, p. 406, 407
  • Erastus maketh the Magistrate or Priest, and Pastor, formally one, p. 406
  • What are the Matters of the Lord, and of the King, 2 Chro. 19. p. 411, 412
  • Levites sometimes imployed in civil busines­ses, p. 414
  • The power of the civil Magistrate, p. 417
  • Men haue need of two sort of Governors, ib.
  • Magistracy and Ministery both Supreme in their own kinde, p. 417, 418
  • Erastus alloweth no Government, but Pope­dom and Monarchy, p 418, 419
  • Christs kingdom, how not of this world, p. 421
  • Moses, David, Salomon, appointed to the Priests nothing as Kings, p. 423
  • The Priests onely judged de questione juris, of the questiō of law in matters of death, p. 424
  • The Priests and Levites had no Law-power, by Gods Law, or from Caesar, to put Christ to death, p. 426, 427
  • The Sanedrim had no Law-power against Ste­v [...] to stone him, p▪ 427
  • The like of their dealing with Paul, true, ib.
  • How the Christian Magistrat is to be acquain­ted with Excommunication, p. 429, 430
  • A Colledge of Church rulers in the New Testament, p. 431
  • The place, 1 Cor. 5. again vindicated, no miraculous killing, 1 Cor. 5. p 435, 436
Cap. 19. Quest 15.
  • Of the use of Excommunication, p. 437
  • Erastus yeeldeth there is a Presbytery, p. 43 [...]
  • The Magistrate under Church-discipline, ib.
  • The Magistrate not a Church-officer, p▪ 440
  • A Iudicature proper to the Priest as Priest, ib.
  • The Magistrate under Ch.-discipline, p. 443
  • How the Magistrates consent is requisite in Excommunication, ib.
  • The Magistrates Sword no kindly mean of gaining souls, p. 445
  • The Scandalous are forbidden to partake of holy things, p. 448
  • The morally unclean debarred out of the Temple, 452, 453
  • No price of a Whore to be offered to God, and what is meant, p. 454, 455
  • Our chief Argument for Excommunication not answered, p. 456
  • The place, Mat. 5. When thou bringest thy gift, &c. discussed, p. 457
  • How men do judge of inward actions, p. 460
  • A frequent contradiction in Erastus, p. 462
  • What it is to be cast out of the Synagogue, p. 464
  • Christ and the Apostles not cast out of the Sy­nagogue that we read, as Erastus dreams, 467
  • Ministers subject to the Magistrate, 471, 472
  • Morally unclean debarred from the holy things, ibid.
  • Tell the Church discussed, p▪ 476, se (que)
  • Though there was no Christian Church, yet Christ might say, Tell the Church, p. 480
  • There was no more a right consti [...]uted Sane­drim in Christs time then a Christian Church, ibid.
  • External Government of the Church not in the hands of the Magistrate, 481, 482
  • Rebuking of Princes argue no lesse [...]u [...]isdicti­on then all that the Presbytery doth, p. 484
  • Whō Erastus e [...]cludeth from the Sacrament, ib
  • [Page]Magistrates, if Scandalous, are to be debarred from the Sacrament, p. 487
  • Every profession maketh not men capable of the holy things of God, p. 492
  • All sins punished with death in the Old Te­stament▪ are not therefore so punished under the New Testament, p. 493
  • How great sins debar men from the Sacrament, p 497
  • The Scandalous among the Iews, debarred from the holy things, p. 498
  • The Magistrate cannot admit to, or debar from the Sacraments, 499
  • The Sword no intrinsecal and kindly mean of gaining souls, p. 500
  • Of the power of the Christian Magistrate in Ecclesiastical Discipline, p. 503, &c.
  • Idolaters and Apostates are to be excommu­nicated, as Erastus saith, ibid.
  • The Church as the Church, not subordinate to the Magistrate, ibid.
  • Government peculiar to Church-officers, as to Priests and Levites, p. 506
  • The Epistles to Timothy & Titus must chiefly be written to the Emperor and Magistrate, if Pastors be but servants of the Magistrate, p. 507, 508
  • Civil and Ecclesiastical powers immediatly from God, p 510, 511
  • The Magistrate not subordinate to Christ as Mediator, ibid.
  • The patern-Church of the Apostles, not ruled by the Magistrate, p. 513
  • Erastus and Mr. Pryn grant there is such an ordinance as Excommunication, ibid.
  • Suspension, ex naturá rei, may be where there is no Excommunication, ibid.
  • Christs admitting Judas to the Supper no rule to us, p. 516, 517
  • The Gospel preached to those to whom the Sacraments cannot be dispensed, ibid.
  • The Sacrament a confirming ordinance, p, 518
  • We partake of the sins of many, in dispensing to the unworthy the Sacraments, and not in preaching the Word to them, p. 520
  • We know no extraordinary▪ conversion by mi­racles, without the Word, p. 522
  • The Sacrament not a first converting ordi­nance, yet a confirming one, ibid.
  • The Lords Supper presupposeth Faith and Conversion in the vvorthy Receiver in a Church-profession, p. 523, &c.
  • The Magistrate subject to the Church, p. 528
  • The Church a perfit society without the Ma­gistrate, p. 529, 530
  • God efficacious by Preachers, not by Magi­strates. p. 532
  • Differences between the Preachers, and the Magistrate, p. 532, &c.
  • The Magistrate cannot limit the Pastors in the exercise of their calling, p▪ 535
  • That Magistrates are more hot against the Churches punishing of sin, then against sin­ful omissions, argueth that they are unpati­ent of Christs yoke, rather then that they desire to vindicate the liberty of the Subject, p. 536, &c.
  • Of the Reciprocation of the Subordinations of Magistrates and Church-Officers to each other, ibid.
  • Not any power or office subject to any, but to God immediately subjection is properly of persons, p. 538
  • A Magistrate and a Christian Magistrate, dif­ferent. p. 539
  • Two things in a Christian Magistrate, jus, authority, aptitudo, hability, p. 539, &c.
  • Christianity maketh no new power of Magi­stracy. p. 542
  • A fourfold consideration of the exercise of Ministerial power most necessary, upon which, and the former distinction follow­eth ten very considerable assertions, page 542, &c.
  • The Magistrate as the Magistrate, command­eth the exercise of the Ministerial power, but not the spiritual and sincere manner of the exercise▪ p. 544
  • Magistrates as godly men, not as Magistrates command sincerity and zeal in the manner of the exercise of Ministerial power, p. 545, &c.
  • A twofold goodnesse in a Christian Magi­strate, essential, accidential, p. 548
  • [Page]The Magistrate as such, commandeth onely in order to temporary rewards and punish­ments, nor holdeth he forth commands to the conscience. p. 549, &c.
  • Magistrates as Magistrates, forbid not sin as sin, under the pain of eternal wrath, p. 550
  • Two sorts of Subordinations, Civil, Eccle­siastick, p 553
  • Subordination of Magistrate and Church, to each others, p. 554, &c.
  • Church Offices as such, not subordinate to the Magistrate, ibid.
  • What power Erastians give to Magistrates in Church matters. p. 557
  • The minde of Arminians touching the power of the Magistrate in Church matters, ibid.
  • A threefold consideration of the Magistrate in relation to the Church. p. 558
  • Reciprocation of subordinations between Church and Magistrate. p. 560
  • The Ministers as Ministers, neither Magistrates nor Subjects. p. 564, &c.
  • The Magistrate as such, neither manageth his office under Christ as mediator, nor under Satan, but under God as Creator. ibid.
  • The Prince as a gifted Christian may Preach, and spred the Gospel to a Land where the Gospel hath not been heard before, page 570, &c.
  • The King and the Priest kept the Law, but in a far different way, p. 572, &c.
  • The Pastors and the Iudges do reciprocally judge and censure one another. p. 574, &c.
  • God hath not given power to the Magistrate and Church, to Iudge contrary wayes justly and unjustly in one and the same cause, p. 577
  • Whether Appeals may ly from Church-assem­bles to the Civil Magistrate, p. 578
  • Of Pauls appeal to Caesar. ibid.
  • Divers opinions of the Magistrates power in Causes Ecclesiastical. p. 579, &c.
  • It is one thing to complain, another thing to appeal, p. 580
  • What an appeal is, ibid.
  • Refuge to the Magistrate is not an Appeal, p. 581
  • A twofold appeal, p. 582
  • The Magistrates power of punishing or his, interest of faith proveth him not to be a Iudge in Synods. p. 585, &c.
  • Pauls appeal proveth nothing against appeals, for appeals from the Church to the Christi­an Magistrate. p. 587
  • Paul appealed from an inferiour Civil Iudge, to a superior Civil Heathen Iudge in a matter of his head and life, not in a contro­versie of Religion, p. 588
  • What power a conqueror hath to set up a Re­ligion in a conquered Nation. p 590
  • There were no appeals made to the godly Emperours of old. p. 594
  • To lay bands on the conscience of the Magi­strate, to ty him to blinde obedience, the Pa­pists, not our Doctrine. p 595
  • Subjection of Magistrates to the Church, no Papal tyranny, p. 600, &c.
  • The Magistrate as a Magistrate, cannot forbid sin as sin, ibid.
  • The Magistrate pomoteth Christs mediatory Kingdom. ibid.
  • The Magistrate as such, not the Vicar of the mediator Christ, p. 601
  • The Adversaries in the Doctrine of the Ma­gistrate Popish, not we at all, ibid.
  • Pastors are made inferiour Magistrates in their whole Ministery, by the Adversaries, p. 603, &c.
  • Christian Magistracy no Ecclesiastical Ad­ministration, p. 604
  • The Magistrate as such, not the Vicar of the mediatory Kingdom, ibid.
  • Heathen Magistrates as such, are not oblieged to promote Christs mediatory Kingdom, p. 606
  • Magistracy from the Law of Nations, p. 608
  • The Adversaries must teach universal Re­demption, p 610
  • Magistrates as such, not members of the Church, p. 613
  • Christ mediator not a temporary King, p 614
  • The Magistrat not the servant of the Church, p. 616
  • The adequate and complete cause why the [Page] Magistrate is subject to the Church, p. 617
  • That the Magistrate is subject to the Rebukes and censures of the Church, is proved from the Word, p. 618, &c.
  • The supreme and principal power of Church-affairs not in either Magistrate or Church, p 620
  • Though the Magistrate punish Ecclesiastical scandals, yet his power to Iudge and punish is not Ecclesiastical and spiritual, as the Church censureth breaches of the second Table, and yet the Churches power, is not Civil for that, p. 622
  • People as people may give power to a Magi­strate to adde his auxiliary power to defend the Church, to judge and punish offenders therein, p. 625
  • A Governour of, or over the Church; a Go­vernour in the Church, a Governour for the Church, different, p. 628
  • The distinction of a Doctrinal or Declara­tive, and of a Punitive part of Church-Government, of which, the former is given to Pastors, the latter to the Magistrate, a heedless [...] and senselesse notion, p. 629, &c.
  • That the Magistrates punishing with the sword scandalous persons, should be a part of Church-government, a reasonlesse con­ceit, p. 631
  • There is neither coaction nor punishment properly so called in the Church, p. 632
  • Bullinger not of the minde of Erastus, p. 634
  • The Iudgement of Wolf [...]ag, Musculus, Are­tius, and Gualther, p. 634, &c.
  • The Errour of Gualther to please the usur­ping Magistrate, p. 638
  • Their minde different from Erastus, p. 639
  • The Christian Magistrates sword cannot sup­ply the place of Excommunication in the Church, p. 640
  • The confessions of the Protestant Church for this way, p. 642, &c.
  • The testimony of Salmasius, p. 644
  • Of Simlerus, p. 645
  • Lavater, Ioan. Wolphius, ibid.
  • Of R [...]b. Burhillus. 646

The Contents of the Tractate or Dispute touching Scandal.

  • WHether things indifferent, can be com­manded. Introduction, p. 1
  • Indifferent things as such, not the Matter of a Church-constitution. Introd.
  • Actions are not indifferent because their cir­cumstances are indifferent. Introd.
  • Marrying not indifferent, Introd.
  • Indifferency Metaphysical and Theological, Introd.
  • Necessity of obeying the Church in things onely necessary for the Churches Com­mandment, is neither a lawful nor obliging necessity. Introd.
  • Actions meerly indifferent, cannot be done in faith. Introd.
  • The unlawfulnesse unseparably adhering to actions indifferent, maketh them unlawful, Introd.
  • How exsuperancy of goodnesse is to sway the will of Rulers and people. Introd.
  • The will of Rulers not a law to us, in things indifferent, Introd.
  • The definition of a Scandal, p. [...]
  • Propositions touching Scandal from Rom. 14. p, 4, 5, 6
  • Propositions and Rules touching Scandal, from 1 Cor. 7. and 8, and 10. p. 7, 8, 9
  • An object scandalous two wayes, p. 9
  • Four things may be scandalous objects. ibid.
  • What is malum aparens, appearance of evil, p. 11
  • Rules touching Scandal, p. 12, 13, 14
  • Whether or no we may deny obedience to the Laws of Superiors for fear of Scandal causelesly taken, p. 15, 16, 17
  • Whether Information can remove Scandal from things not necessary, but only through the necessity of mans commandment, p. 20, 21
  • Whether the precept of obedience to superiors, [Page] or the precept of eschewing Scandal be more obligatory, p. 28, 29, &c.
  • The essence of an active Scandal, p. 36, 37
  • How the fifth Commandment is more obli­gatory then following precepts, and how no [...], p. 46, 47, &c.
  • Whether or not in every indifferent things we are to eschew the Scandal of all, even of the malicious? Affirmatur, p. 53, &c.
  • Occasions of sins as occasions, are forbidden, p. 56
  • What is Christian liberty in things indiffe­rent, p. 57, 58
  • A further consideration of things not necessa­ry, how they he scandalous, p. 60
  • Of the necessity of things which remove Scandal, p. 61, 62
  • Some things necessary from the onely p [...]i [...]ive Will of God, some thing necessary from something in the things themselves, p. 62
  • Two sorts of monuments of Idolatry, p. 63
  • We cannot devise the use of any thing in wor­ship, when we cannot devise the thing it self, p 63
  • The place Deut. 7. 25. The graven Image of their gods, shall ye burn with fire cleared, p. 64
  • How House [...] and Temples builded to Saints, are not to be demolished, p. 65
  • Temples and Houses have a like physical use in Gods worship; as out of Gods worship, p. 65, 66
  • No Houses, no Temple, no Creatures, are now unclean under the New Testament, p. 67
  • How things not necessary are to be abstained from, or used, in the case of Scandal, p 67, &c
  • Things scandalous under the New Testament are forbidden in a far other sense; then meats, dayes, and other things in the Cere­monial Law, p. 73
  • How far a Moral, and perpetual reason maketh a Law perpetual, p 74, 75
  • Difusing of houses because abused to idolatry a Iudaising, p. 75, 76, 77
  • Bells for convening of the people to publike worship, not to be abolished, though they haye been abused to superstition, p. 77, &c.
  • A most necessary rule to be observed in the doctrine of Scandal, That emergent provi­dences of natural necessity, are to us in place of divine commands in some cases. p. 81
  • Eight considerable Rules touching the kindes and degrees of necessity in eschewing Scan­dal, p. 82, 83, 84
  • The 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Rule, p. 82, 83,
  • the 6. Rule, ib.
  • A scandal may flow from ignorance and cor­ruption, and so be taken, when it also kindly issueth from the sinful or unseasonable fact of another, and so is also kindly given, p. 84, 85.
  • the 7. Rule 84
  • A false rule of Papists that men may co ope­rate in a sinful act, and be free of scandal, because of some necessity, p. 85
  • No relation of servant or c [...]ptive can render it lawfu [...]: to cooperate with sin, p. 86
  • What things not necessary are to be removed from the worship of God as scandalous, p. 87,
  • the 8. Rule, ibid.
  • Ceremonies not so much as necessary by way of disjunction, which necessity agreeth to many circumstances of worship in the Di­rectory, p. 8 [...]
  • Religious monuments of Idolatry are to be removed, p. 89, 90, &c.
  • What conformity with Idolaters is unlawful, p 93
  • Conformity with Idolaters in things, in Gods worship not necessary, unlawful, p. 94, 95
  • The same Ceremonies in Idolaters, and in the true Church, may be judged the same three wayes, p. 96
  • Formalists grant conformity with Heathen and Idolaters in Ceremonies, cloathed with a scriptural signification, p. 96, 97, 98
  • How the Scripture is a Rule, p. 99
  • Church-Government properly an Institution, ibid.
  • The worship of God needeth no religious Ceremonies, but what God hath himself prescribed, p. 100, 101
  • We need not say, that conformity with Idola­ters, was the onely cause why God forbad his people heathenish rites, p. 102, 103

❧ Places of Scripture cleared in both these [...]REATISES.

Ch. Ver. Page.
6. 14. 51
17. 11 129
9. 13 ibid.
Ch. Ver. Page.
32. 22 117
20. 4 130
32. 4, 5 151, 152
12. 8, 15 347, 348
18. 15. 16 404, 405, 406
Ch. Ver. Page.
4. 5, 6 439, 440
6. 4, 5, 6 289, 290
8. 6, 7, 8, 384, 385
  9, &c.  
10. 11 398, 399
10. 10 379, 380
    453, 242
9. 13 347, 348
16. 2, 3, 285
4, 5, &c.    
18. 3, 4 94, 9 [...]
19. 19 ibid.
22. 20, 21 455
22. 10 470
21. 2, 3, 288, 289
  4, 5  
23. 27, 28 286, 287
19. 11 282, 283
13. 3. 4 386
Ch. Ver. Page.
5. 1, 2 41, 242
9. 3, 4, 5, 6 [...]48
9. 6, 7 [...]53
8. 6, 7, 8, 9 391, 39 [...]
11. 16, 17 [...]04, 405
16. 9 91, 392
25. 7, 8 [...]28
35. what [...]76, 477, 478
[...] [...] 12  
31 21, 22 [...]7, 78
Ch. Ver. Page.
1. 16 404, 415
[...] [...] 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, &c. 98, 99, 100
4. 5 155, 156, 157
12. 32 51, 52, 53, &c.
7. 25, 26 64, 65, T [...]. of Scan. 66, 67, 74
14. 1, 2 362, 363
17. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 340, 402, 303, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 505
17. 18, 547, 548, 571, 572
19, 20.  
20. 19 66, 67
22. 9 ibid.
23. 18 455, 456
32. 2 455
Ch. Ver. Page.
1 2 507
22. 15, 16 ibid.
Ch. Ver. Page.
18. 17 567
1 Sam.
Ch. Ver. Page.
8. 7 208, 209, 210
3. 13 453, 454
15. 1, 2, 3 65, 66.
1 Kings.
Ch. Ver. Page.
8. 17 96, 97, 98
11. 12 571, 572
12. 27 127
18. 40, 41 428
2 Kings.
Ch. Ver. Page.
11. 1 [...], 18 572
1 Chron.
Ch. Ver. Page.
26 [...], &c. 410, 411
28. 11 27, 28
26. 30, 31 414, 415
29. 20 159, 170
2 Chron
Ch. Ver. Page.
10. 8 468, 469
15. 12, 13 463, 464
19. 9 545
23. 19 241, 242
19. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 386, 387, 388, 389, &c. 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 507
30. 6, 7 346, 347
30. 18, 19 348
Ch. Ver. Page.
9. 21, 22 242, 243
6. 9 290
10. 11, 12 ibid.
Ch. Ver. Page.
2. 8, 9 605, 606, 607▪ 610, 611
34. 11 202
50 1 [...] 272, 368
79. 8 93, 94
99. 5 171, 172
106. 19, 20 152, 153
115 8 159, 160
119. 105 9
Ch. Ver. Page.
2. 9 9, 104
4. 11 ibid.
12▪ 6, 23 ibid.
Ch. Ver. Page.
22. 2 [...] 14, 15, 61 [...]
31. 3 156, 158
[...] 18 129, 130, 157, 158, 164, 165, 153, 15 [...]
6. [...], [...] 155
49. 23 547, 572, 573
52. 11 136
Ch. Ver. Page.
2. 27 158, 159, 173
5. 31 387
7. 8, 9 246, 272
10. 8 129, 158, 159
26. 7, 9, 10 387, 424, 425
22. 2, 3 388, 389▪
Ch. Ver. Page.
3. 13, 19 252
14. 15 24 [...]
22. 25, 26 247, 347, 34 [...]
23. 39 452, 453, 496
34. 1 533
40. 41, 42 28
44. 8, &c. 244, 245, 194
Ch. Ver. Page.
3. 18 147, 148, 17 [...]
6. 6 449, 450, 451
8. 6 103, 104
13. 2 ibid.
Ch. Ver. Page.
2. 18, 19 129, 154
2. 11, 12 272, 347, 348, 387
Ch. Ver. Page.
3. 7 4 [...]9
Ch. Ver. Page.
[...]. 2, 7 572, 583
Ch. Ver. Page.
5. 23 448, 450, 458, 459
[...]. 6 254, 255, 476, 638, 477, 478
15. 14, 15 103, 104, 137, 138, 139
16. 17, 18, 19 4 [...], 14, 15
[Page]16. 19 308, 309, 310, 311, 235, 236, 295
10. 5, 6, 10 518, 519
12. 5, 6 51
18. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, &c 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 127▪ 128, 129, 465, 466, 467, 396, 397, 611, 612, 635, 636, 637, 638▪
23. 3 19
28. 18, 19 393, 396, 397
Ch. Ver. Page.
7. 6, 7, 8, 9 137, 138, 139
Ch. Ver. Page.
[...]. 1, 2, 3 361
12. 13, 14 428, 602, 603, 392, 393
17. 3 223, 224, 297, 298
22. 21 197, 198
ib. 24 428, 602, 603
ib. 26 617
Ch. Ver. Page.
9. 22 464, 465, 466, 467
15. 22 606, 607
18. 31, 36 [...]25, 426, 421, 422, 510, 511, 603
20. 23 235, 236, 293
Ch. Ver. Page.
4. 1, 20 558
5. 31 612
6. 6 12
7. 1, 2, 51, 52 426, 427
10. 15 67, 68
14. 11, 12, 13 146, 147, 148
15. 22, 23, 24, 25, 8, 45, 251, 25 [...], 581, 586, 92, 2 [...]2
17. 29, 30 162, 155, 158, 159, 162, 168, 170
20. 28, 29 431, 533. 534, 569
25. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 587, 588, 589
26. 10 427, 428
Ro [...]ans.
Ch. Ver. Page.
12. 8 433
13. 4 [...]06, 407
b. 4, 5 541, [...]16, 217, 534, 547, 549, 630, 631
14. 14, 20 8, 1
b. 14, 23 110, 111, 112, 113, 14, In­troduction to Scandal.
16. 17 249, 269, 356, 336, 337
[...] Corinth.
Ch. Ver. Page.
5. 1, 2, 3, [...], 5, 6, 7, [...], 9, 10, 11, 12 238, 239, 240, 250, 255, 256, 268, 269, 317, 318, 319, 320, &c. 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 34 [...], 344, 345
5. 1, 2, 3, &c. 346, 347, 356, 366, 367, 374, 375, 376, 380, 381, 382, 431, 43 [...], 436, 636, 637, 638
6. 1, 2, 3, [...] 299, 210
9. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 [...]r [...]ise of [...], 39, 40, 41 [...] 45.
10. 27, 28 Of Scand. 3.
11. 29, 30 346, 347
10. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 276, 277, 278
11. 27, 28 278, 279, 280, 458, 459
14. 31 385, 386
16. 22 372, 373
2 Corinth.
Ch. Ver. Page.
2. 6 221
7. 17 281, 282
10. 4, 5 393, 406, 603, 604
12. 20, 21 333, 334
Ch. Ver. Page.
1. 8 57, 58
4. 6 430
5. 12 336, 337
5. 11, 12 353, 373, 374, 416
Ch. Ver. Page.
4. 11, 12, 13 24, 44, 393, 431, 508, 609, 610, 619, 620
5. 21, 22 24
Ch. Ver. Page.
1. 15, &c. 460, 462
2. 9 612, 613
Col [...]ssians.
Ch. Ver. Page.
1. 17, 18 14
[...]b. 18 586, 587, 613
2 Thessal.
Ch. Ver. Page.
3. 14, 15 250, 256, 258, 259, 360, 36 [...], 378 56 [...]
1 Tim.
Ch. Ver. Page.
1. 19, 20 354, 355,
2. 2 543, 552, 573
4. 4 65, 66
5. 17 432, 434, 534
5. 19, 20 222, 223
6. 3, 4, 5 378, 379
2 Tim.
Ch. Ver. Page.
2. 15 253, 547
5. 21 11
Ch. Ver. Page.
1. 10 533
3. 10 378, 379
Ch. Ver. Page.
3▪ 1, 2, 3 26
5. 4 253, 391, 39 [...] ▪ 61 [...]
8. 2, 3 48, 49
8. 5 26, 27
9. 8 129
13. 7, 13 628
ib. 17. 533, 560, 57, 571, 5 [...]3
1 Pet.
Ch. Ver. Page.
2. 13▪ &c 609, 610
ib. 2 [...] 202
5. 1, 2, 3 534
5. 4 552
1 John [...].
Ch. Ver. Page.
4. 1 587
2 John.
Ch. Ver. Page.
2 Ioh. 10 358
Ch. Ver. Page.
2. 14, &c. 9
ib. 14, 20 250, 251
ib. 22 245, 246
19. 10 167, 168


PAge [...] ▪ L [...] [...]4. for puring, read [...]rim, p. 37. read [...]ullis in Marg. p. 46. l. [...]8. for Nor [...]. But, p. 50 l. 10. [...]. patrons, p. 51. l. 1 [...]. 1. Answered, p. 96. r▪ a D [...]o in marg. p. 1 [...]7. l. 5. for rellgiously r. religious, p. 121. l. 1. for antecedent r. assumption, p. 139. l. [...]0. delenor, p. [...]6. l 24 for 37. r. [...], p. 210 l. [...]. dele then they are bou [...] to beleeve and obey me, p. [...]13. l 22. for ar [...] r. [...], p 227. l 10. for o [...] [...]. are, p. 267. l. 2 for 5 [...]0. [...]. 108. p 274. l. [...]. dele is, p. 289. l. 34. for 99▪ r. 8, [...], p. [...]86. l. 8. adde be, p 399. l. 6. r. 19, p. 521. l. 1. for 5. r. 7, p. 53 [...]. l. 2. for [...], [...]. r. 13. [...], p. 533. l. 14. for ha [...] dominion r. hath no dominion, p. 537. l. 23. [...]. reciprocation, p. 548. l. 8. dele not, l. 3 [...]. dele [...] Tim. 5 17. Matth. 10. 10. p. 571. l. 26. for Walens, p. 588. l. 34. for of life and death r. in a matter of religion, p 63 [...] ▪ l. 2 [...]. r. rebuke.

In Treatist of Scandal, p. 15. l. [...]9 for [...]andalously r. causelesly▪ p. 2 [...]. l 3. [...] ▪ also▪ p. 78. l. 24. for to eat▪ r. not to eat.

The Introduction.

SECTION I. Certain Introductory Conclusions, tending to clear the perfection of the Scriptures in all things, as well Ce­remoniall, as Non-Ceremoniall.

1. Conclusion.

CHrist Jesus hath so far forth set down, and sta­blished Christ hath not insti­tuted a mutable Church Govern­ment. a perfect Plat-forme of Church-Govern­ment in all Morals, not only both for the inward, but also for the outward, and externall Govern­ment of his House, that he hath left no Liberty or Latitude to Magistrates, or Churches whatsoever to choose and settle such an orderly Forme of Church-Government or Discipline, as is most suitable to their parti­cular Civill-Government, Laws, Manners, and Customes, so this Forme be not repugnant to the Word of God.

I shall first explaine the Tearmes of the Conclusion: 2. Con­firme it: 3. Vindicate it from the objections of Adversaries.

1. The Church-Government of which I here speak, is a Church-Government Some things Morall, some things na­turall in Gods wor­ship. in its Morals: To exclude those things that are meer­ly Physicall and Humane in this Government, as a Pulpit of this or that matter, Stone or Timber, or of this Timber, or of any other kinde; a Communion-Table of this, or that forme; a Cup of wood, or of metall, as Silver, Tin, &c. It is a Morall thing, either Morally good or evil, that there be an Officer in the Church that Christ hath not appointed, or that there be none but such as Christ hath appointed: yet is it not Morall that a Pastor be such or such a [Page 2] Country man, so he be apt to teach, and holy; Crossing, signifying the dedication of the Baptized Childe to the service of Christ must be Morall, but what sort of River the [...]ter of Baptisme be, is meerly Physicall, not Morall.

So there be two sort of things in Gods Worship, things either Circum­stances either meerly morall, or 2 meer­ly Physi­call, or 3. mixt. meerly Morall, or meerly Naturall.

And here also we consider things Circumstantiall, as Time, Place, &c. And circumstances are either meerly Physicall, or 2. meerly Morall, or 3. mixt, partly Morall, partly Physicall; Circum­stances meerly Physicall are such adjuncts of divine worship, as are common and unseparable concomitants of both civil, naturall, and Religious or Sacred actions performed by men, and as they are such, contribute no Morall goodnesse, or badnesse to the action or Agent in the performance thereof, such as I take to be the seven indivi­duall proprieties of every man; Forma, figura, locus, tempus strips, patria, nomen, under Forme and figure: The first two, I compre­hend, such a proportion of body, a man of a high stature, or low; a man beautifull, or not beautifull, to which I crave leave to reduce all externall Formes of habites, as cloathes, the head covered, or not covered, the situation of the body, as as they are in them­selves, meer Physicall acts; kneeling, sitting, standing; the eyes cast down to the earth, or lifted up; the hands lifted up, or not lifted up, the knocking on the breast, or not knocking, motions of the soul, that are naturall Time, Place, Fami­ly, Country, Name, as such a person, Thomas, not Iohn: the son of such a man, not of such a man; 1. All these are common con­comitants of Civill, Naturall, and Religious actions, for all actions performed by man of what kinde soever, as naturall, to eat, sleep; or civill, to declaime an oration before the people; or religious, to preach or pray, must be done by some persons, Iohn or Thomas, men of some Family, in some time, in some place, for they are not actions eternall, and so must be done in time and place so▪ the Agents must, have some habite, some gesture in the doing of all these actions, and they are unseparable Adjuncts of all these actions because neither actions naturall, civill, nor Religious, can be performed, but by some persons, in some habite and gesture, in some time, in some place: and lastly, they are meere circumstantials, and contribute no Morall goodnesse or badnesse to the actions, as they are but common and [Page 3] unseparable circumstances; for because he preacheth in time, or in place simply, the preaching is neither Morally good, nor ill, better or worse, because Thomas prayeth in Gown or Cloak in this place, rather then that place (so it be not, Locus ut sic, of intention, such a Re­ligious place, before the Image of Christ, or the Father, or the Virgin Mary) the praying is neither the more, or the lesse acceptable to God because of these common and unseparable adjuncts: Hence there can be no such force in these circumstances, as to make the actions indif­ferent: Such as contend for the lawfulnesse of Ceremonies, say our circumstances of time, place and the like, is nothing but a meerblinde; for we cannot (say they) enumerate all these circumstances, for habite, ge­sture, person, are not meer circumstances and they mustcome in under the lap of this general, &c. or the like: To which I answer, that to my know­ledge all these that are meer Physical circumstances, are particularly enumerated, such as are, 1. Time: 2. Place, 3. Person, or Agent: 4▪ Name. 5. Family: 6. Condition, as Country, Family, House: 7. Habits or Gar­ments: 8. Gestures, as sitting, standing, lifting of the eyes or hands, Our Phy­sic [...] Cir­cumstances are all easi­ly known and num­bred. knocking on the breast, kneeling, and there is no blinde in this enu­meration, for there be no other particulars that can be enumerated, except this time of the day, eight or ten of clock, this place, not any other, this person not another, and these are only considered here as circumstances, not as such and such circumstances, but the truth is, the enumeration of Symbolicall Rites, as Crosse, Surplice, and the like, is really a blinde, and is an enumeration with a wide belly, and includeth species, and not individuals only, as Symboli­call Ceremonies, such as are Crossing, Bells, Oyle, Salt, Spettle, Milk, turning to the East, toward the people, from the people, toward the Altar, with a high voice, with a low voice, and a thousand the like; yea, all the old Ceremonies of Moses with a new face, all the toyes of the Masse, of the Dedication of Churches, which would fill a Volumne like the Rationale of Durandus: 2. Some Cir­cumstances are meerely Morall, for as Divines distinguish Time and Place; in Time as Time, and as such a Religious Time, the Lords Sabbath, Tempus, & tempus ut sic, and Place as Place, or such a Religious place, Locus, & locus ut sic▪ Circum­stances, and such and such cir­cumstances So we may distinguish here, between circumstances in common or in grosse, and such and such circumstances; As time is a common adjunct of Divine Worship: But such a time, to wit, the Lords­day, [Page 4] is both the time of Worship, and Worship it self. So there is place of Worship, and there is such a Religious place, The holy of holiest, the Temple. A habit is a meer accident of Worship, the person, John or Thomas, is also an accident; but if God com­mand such an Ephod as Aaron and the Priests were to wear, this is not a meer circumstance; that the person who administreth the Lords-Supper, be John or Thomas, is a meer circumstance; but that this person be a called Pastor, not a private man, is more then a circumstance. And therefore these circumstances, taken in com­mon and their Universall nature, are meerly Physicall circumstances; but taken in their particular and determinate restrictions, as such circumstances, they may be meerly Morall circumstances, such as are the common adjunct of the time of Worship, the place, and the Sabbath time and the Temple for Iewish Worship. The former are circumstances meerly Physicall, the latter meerly Morall; I mean, as they are restricted other wayes: The Temple of Jerusalem served as our meeting places do, to sence off the injuries of Heaven and Sun; but that is as a place, not as such a place.

3. There be some mixt circumstances, as these same Physicall circumstances, clothed with their own seasonable conveniences; so time for Worship, and due and convenient time is required, there may be some Scandalous and Superstitious time for Worship. A ha­bit in the Preacher is required, and that a grave one; a place is re­quired for private Worship, and a fit place, such as is not the Mar­ket-street for private Praying; the inconveniency of the circum­stance may vitiate the Worship.

I did say that Christ Iesus hath set down in the Word, a perfect Plat-form of Church-Government, in all Morals; I say in all Mo­rals, The Scrip­ture teach­eth not meer cir­cumstan­ces, but supposeth them. because the Word doth not teach us any thing of circumstan­ces, Physicall as Physicall. Scriptura talia non ponit, sed supponit: The Scripture saith not, That the Worship of God must have a time, a place, when, and where its to be performed, a person, who is to perform it, a habit, or garments on the person that Worship­peth; the Scripture teacheth none of these, but supposeth that they are and must be; because nature teacheth, that without time, place, person, habit, gesture, its unpossible that these or any humane acti­ons can be; and therefore Prelaticall Formalists, do without all sense or reason, require that we should prove by Scripture, the law­fulnesse [Page 5] of time, place, person, habit, gesture in Gods Worship; for these are presupposed in all actions, Naturall, Civill, Religious, Pri­vate, Publike, Lawfull, unlawfull, in acts of Arts, Sciences, of Mo­rall conversing and all; yea, there is as good reason, that they de­mand Scripture to prove he must be a living man, who hath a rea­sonable soul, and senses, and is born of a woman, who Preacheth and Administrateth Sacraments, which is presupposed by nature.

When the Heretick willeth me to prove from Scripture that Christ is very man; it is a vain thing he should demand of me be­side to prove by Scripture, that Christ is such a one also as can laugh, weep, admire, sing, sigh, &c. for these are presupposed to follow mans nature; and if Scripture prove Christ to be a true man, it presupposeth by natures light, that he can laugh, he can weep, and that in some time, some place, in some habit, in some ge­sture, so he be a man; for that is presupposed by the light of na­ture, and known by the most Barbarous who never heard of Scrip­ture; and therefore there is no greater reason to put us to prove all the naturall and unseparable circumstances of Worship, such as time and place, without which it is impossible any action at all can be performed; then that we should presse Prelats to prove by Scrip­ture, that Iames Ʋsher is born of English or Irish Parents, for sense and nature can prove all these without Scripture: But because their Ceremonies of Crossing, bowing to Altars, Festivall dayes, Oyl, Salt, Spittle, Masse▪ clothes, are nothing warrantable by natures light, and must have Morall and Symbolicall influence in Worship, as positive Religious observances, having some spirituall signification and use, (except they be reasonlesse fancies) we have just reason to demand a warrant and speciall Charter for all Morals, and so for their Ceremonies in the Scripture, and to call their &c. humane Ceremonies and the like, a blind: For if Prelats can prove these Ce­remonies to be from Christ, and warranted by his Testament, we shal yield that their natural circumstances of time, when you should Bow to Altars, and Crosse a Baptized Infant, and where, or in what place you should wear Surplice; and that the person that useth Oyl, Spittle, Salt, in Baptisme, must do it in some habit, and with some gesture, either sitting, standing, lying, or kneeling, are all warrantable and lawfull from the light of nature; for if Gods light of Scripture, warrant wearing of a Surplice, as it doth warrant [Page 6] Sacramentall eating and drinking, the light of nature must warrant these concreated, naturall, and unseparable circumstances of time, place, person, habit, gesture used in both the former and the latter.

But because I said that circumstances of time and place have a Time and place of Ceremo­nies need not be pro­ved. threefold consideration, Physicall, Morall, and Mixt: and I have spoken onely of these circumstances in a Physicall or naturall consi­deration; therefore in the other two considerations there being in­volved some Morall goodnesse, and because there is no Morall good­nesse imaginable, but it must have its essentiall form and being from a Law or word of God; therefore all the former circumstances, as they are clothed with either morall conveniency and expediency, or with some Religious positive goodnesse, must be warranted by the Word of God, or the Rules of sinlesse and spirituall Prudence, which can­not deviate from the word of God: For circumstances clothed with Religious Positive goodnesse, such as are the Sabbath day, the holy of Holiest, the Temple; these are not meer circumstances, but worship it self: So a Religious habit, as an Ephod or a Surplice, is not a meer circumstance, or a meer habit, but a worship, or such a part or limb of worship as must be warranted by the word of truth, else it is nothing but a will-device, and a forgery, and so to be rejected. And as touch­ing things of Prudence, they are things properly mixt, as at what hour Sermon shall begin in such a Church, at eight, or nine, or ten of the clock; how the worship shall be ordered, whether you should begin the Worship with a word of Prayer, or a word of Praising, or a word of Exhorting to stir up for the duty of the day, is a matter of Prudence; and because God hath not laid the band of a Precept on us, to begin with either of the three; therefore it would seem, that though the things themselves be Morall, and must be war­ranted by a Word of God; yet the order is not Morall, but Pruden­tiall, and so cannot fall under a command of the Church; for to me it is hard, that men and the Church should lay on a tie or bond of a Precept where God hath laid on no such bond; The Church, in these mixt things, where the Morality is not clear, at farthest, can but go on to directive advises, as Paul doth, 1 Cor. 7. 6. 12. Not to imposing of Laws, nor to injunctions or Command­ments under the pain of Church-censures; for Christ must bind and ratifie in Heaven, all Church-censures on earth, and so the Church cannot command nor censure, but as Christ himself would command or censure.

[Page 7]Now because the rest of the conclusion shall be farther cleared; I prove that Christ hath so far forth set down a perfect Plat-form of Church-Government in the Scripture, as he hath not given a liber­ty to Rulers, Prelats, or to the Church her self, to set up a variable Plat-form sutable to their particular Civill Government, Laws, Manners and Customes.

1 Arg. What ever maketh the man of God perfect, thorowly fur­nished 1. Argum. to prove that the Platform of Church-Govern­ment, is not mu­table at mens will. unto all good workes, and is written for this end, that any Timo­thy or Faithfull Pastor, might know how he ought to behave himself in the House of God. That must make the man of God perfect in this good work, of holy walking, as a perfect Governour, or a perfect Church-member, to be governed in all Morall acts of Discipline and godly behaviour, according to the spirituall policie of the Lords house, and so must hold forth a perfect Plat-form of Disci­pline, which doth not varie, ebbe and flow, and alter according to the Civill Government, Laws, Manners and Customs of men: But the Scriptures of God doth so instruct all Members of the visible Church, both Governours and governed, 2 Tim. 3. 16, 17. 1 Tim. 3. 14, 15. Ergo, the Scripture must hold forth a perfect form of Discipline which doth not varie, ebbe, flow, and alter according to the Civill Governments, Laws, Manners and Customes of men. The Proposition is made good: Because, 1. to walk according to the spirituall Policie of the Lords house, must be a good work, and so a Morall and Lawfull work, and a due conversing in the spiritu­all Society of the Church, according to the Rule of the Word. 2. If this Morall walking be according to a Rule that may crook, bow and varie according as Civill Customes of men and Cities al­ter and varie at mens pleasure, It is a Morall walking, no more ac­cording to the Rule of Scripture, then the contradic [...]nt thereof is according to this Rule, but falleth and riseth, hath its ups and downs at the meer nod and pleasure of men, who may change Customes and Manners every year twice, if so it please them. For what Scripture teacheth me a Civill Custome of a City, as not to carry Ar­mour in the night, to take up the Names of all between sixteen years of age and sixty? Or what Scripture teacheth me, a Bishop may be above the Pastors of the Church, or a Bishop may not be? Surplice, Cros­sing, Bowing and Cringing to wooden Altars, may be or may not be? Deacons may be, or may not be? even as customes and guises of [Page 8] the Civill State, appear as Meteors in the Aire, and in the fourth part of a night, disappear and vanish to nothing; to say, that the word teacheth the Church to abstain from blood, is a part of the Act. 15. perfection of the Scripture, and yet the Scripture teaches that ab­stinence from blood, not as an eternall, and unalterable Law, for we are not now tied to abstain from blood, therefore the Scripture may make the man of God perfect in some works that are alterable The Scrip­tures way of teach­ing that in­different things are alterable, is it self unalte­rable. and changeable: This (I say) is no Answer, for saying that God should now make abstinence from blood, and things strangled, in­different, as he made them in that intervall of time, Acts 15. When the Ceremonies were mortall, but not deadly and unlawfull, as is clear in that Paul, Act. 16. 1, 2, 3. circumcised Timothy, that Rite being then indifferent; and yet he writeth in another case, when the Gospel is now fully promulgated, that to be circumcised maketh a man a debtor in conscience, to keep the whole Law of Moses, and so to abstaine from eating of blood, and things strang­led, must be a falling from the Grace of Christ, and an Apostacy from the Gospel, Gal. 5▪ 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6▪ 7. The like I say of observing of dayes, which, Rom. 14. 5, 6. were indifferent, and in another case, Gal. 4. 9, 10. Col. 2. 16, 17. Deadly, unlawfull, and not necessary, so the matter, Acts 15. which in the case of scandilizing the weak, is abstinence from things indifferent, say that they are indifferent, bindeth as a perpetuall Law to the end of the world, and bindeth us this same very day, Rom. 14. 20. In the Morality of it, as abstinence from murthering, One for whom Christ died, Rom. 14. 15. 1 Cor. 8. 12, 13. 1 Cor. 10. 26, 27, 28. And upon the ground laid by Prelates, which is most false and untrue, to wit, that many Positive things in Church-Government, such as are Prelats deemed to be warranted by Apostolick, though not by Divine right: Ceremonies, and Cros­sing, kneeling to bread, Altars, Surplice, Rochet, corner-Cap, yea, and Circumcision, a Passeover-Lambe, and all the Jewish Ceremo­nies, though with another spirit and intention, then to shadow forth Christ to come in the flesh, imagined to be indifferent, and alterable things, we hold that all these are to be abstained from, as eating of blood, and things strangled of old were, if you say they are as in­different, as blood, and some meats were in the case, Act. 15. Rom. 14. 1 Cor. 8. 1 Cor. 10. Its a most false principle as we shall hear, and therefore the Scripture, if it make the man of God perfect to e­very [Page 9] good work, as the Apostle saith, it must teach us to abstain from all these as scandalous, and must set down as perfect and particular directions for Church-Government, as Paul doth, Rom. 14. Set down a particular Platform, how we shall eschew Murther; for scandalizing our Brethren in the use of things indifferent, is spiritu­all Murther, Rom. 14. 15. 20.

2. Arg. That which is a lamp to the feet, and a light to the path, 2, Argum. Psal. 119. 105. And causeth us understand Equity, Iudgement, Righ­teousnesse, and every good way, Prov. 2. 9. And to walk safely, so that our feet stumble not, Prov. 3. 25. Prov. 4, 11, 12. Prov. 6. 23. That must be a lamp and light to our feet, and walking in a Platform of Church-Discipline, so as we shall not erre, sin or stumble therein: But if the light be so various, doubtfull, alterable, as we may walk this way, or the contrary way, according to the Civill Laws, altera­ble The Scrip­ture shall not teach when we sin in Church Policie, when not, if the Plat­form be al­terable at mens wi [...]. Customes and Manners of the people, we shall not so be guided in our path, as our feet shall not stumble; the Church might then suf­fer Jezabell to Prophecie, and these that hath the Doctrine of Ba­laam, or not suffer them, as the Civill Laws, and alterable Customes of the people should require: Now the Scriptures doth clearly insi­nuate, that the Law and will of God revealed in the Word, is a Rule of walking straightly and of declining sin, and any stumbling in our way, which deserveth a rebuke and a threatning, such as Christ uttereth against the Church of Pergamos, Rev. 2. 14, 15, 16. And of Thyatira, v. 17, 18. Now if these Churches had no certain Rule or Word of God, from which they should deviate and erre in their path of Discipline, but the Customes and alterable Ci­vill Laws and Manners of men, they were unjustly rebuked by Christ, which to aver were Blasphemy.

Prelats say, Some things in Church-Policie, are Fundamentals, not to be altered; but there be other things alterable. And of things of Policie of the former notion, we have a certain Platform in Scripture; but of the latter, not any at all is necessary; and the not suffering of false Teachers in the Church, is of the former sort. But I Answer, some Scripture or reason ought to be given of this distinction: If all be Morall and unalterable that are necessary to Salvation, its good▪ But to suppresse Jezabell and false teachers, is not necessary, Neces­sitate medii; for then the Salvation of that Church were desperate, and past remedy, which should suffer false teachers; surely then [Page 10] Pergamos and Thyatira, were in a certain irremed [...]l [...]sse way of E­ternall There is no reason why some things Po­sitive of Church-Policie are alterable, some not. Damnation, as are these who are void of all Faith and know­ledge of Fundamentall Articles; I conceive Prelats will hold their hand, and not be so rash as to say this; If these other things of Po­licie be necessary, necessitate precepti, in regard that Iesus Christ hath commanded them to be observed, why then are some things alterable which Christ hath commanded to be observed some things unalter­able? Crosse & Surplice, which Prelats say have been in the Church these twelve hundred yeers, are in themselves as positive, & have as small affinity with the Civil Laws, Customes & Manners of Nations (except they mean sinfull Customes) as Sacramentall eating and drinking. And the like may be said of all the alterable Ceremonies sometimes in use, in England, and now in force amongst Papists.

3. Arg. That Commandement which Timothy is [...]o keep without 3. Argum. spot unrebukeable, untill the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ 1 Tim. 6. 13. is no alterable command that falleth and riseth with the Cu­stomes, Civill Laws and Manners of men. But Paul commandeth under that, every Positive Law of Church-Discipline to be thus kept, of which he speaketh in these Epistles to Timothy.

Mr. Hooker denyeth the assumption; For Paul (saith he) restrain­eth 3. Book, Eccles. Polic, pag. 117, 118. The place, 1 Tim, 6. 13. discus­sed. the words to one speciall Commandment amongst many; and there­fore it is not said, keep the Ordinances, Laws, Constitutions, which thou hast received; but [...], that great Commandment, which doth principally concern thee and thy calling, that Commandment that Christ did so often inculcate unto Peter (Feed my sheep) and that Act. 20. Attend to your selves and all the flock, &c. And that, 2 Tim. 4. 1. I charge thee in the sight of God, &c. Preach the word, and teach the Gospel without mixture, &c. And these words (till the appearance of Christ) doth not import the time wherein it should be kept; but rather the time whereunto the finall reward for keeping it was reserved according to that, henceforth is laid up for me a crown of Righteousnesse. It doth not import perpetuall observation of the A­postles Commandment, for it bindeth not to the Precept of choosing of Widows, as the Adversaries grant. We do not deny, but certain things were Commanded to be, though Positive, yet perpetuall in the Church. Ans. 1. If Paul restrain this to one speciall Commandment, sure it is so generall and comprehensive a Commandment of feeding the Flock, as taketh in all the speciall Positive Commandments be­longing [Page 11] to feeding, by both Word and Discipline, which is enough for the perpetuity of all Positive precepts of Discipline and Policie, even till Christs appearance to judge the world; and I wonder that Hooker expoundeth this by 2. Tim. 4. 1. As if Paul did mean the precept of Preaching only, and that soundly and without mix­ture; and yet passe by the Parallel place, 1 Tim. 5 21. A [...]lmostin the same stile of Language, in which place he speaketh of many spe­ciall Positive precepts and Rules of Policie, as of poor widows, the Almes to be given to them; the not rebuking of an Elder, the office of Elders Governing, and of Elders labouring in the Word and Do­ctrine, the not receiving an accusation against an Elder, but under two or three Witnesses, the publike rebuking of those who offend publikely, the not admitting to the Ministry raw and green souldiers not tryed, and many other particulars of Policie, of all which he saith gravely, v. 21. I charge thee before God and the Lord Iesus Christ, and the Elect Angels, that thou observe these things &c. Cer­tainly, [...], these things was not one Commandment, but all the precepts of Faith, and of Church-Government spoken of in this E­pistle; and truly [...] shall think that Paul who particular [...]z [...]th that Timothy should not drink water, but a little wine because of his infir­mity, and of bringing with him the cloak that he left at Troas, and the Pauls cloak of lesse conse­quence, then Posi­tives of po­licie. parchments, 2 Tim. 4 doth far more spec [...]fi [...] all the positives of poli­cie, and writ, how all the Timothies and Pastors are to behave them­selves in the Church of God: If Ceremonies and all these alterable trifles had not been excluded out of the Platforme; for a Religious Masse-Surplice, is of far more consequence then Pauls old cloak, and yet Paul spake of the one in Canonick-Scripture, never of the other; and Oyle, Spittle, Salt, Crosse in Baptisme being positive significant Rites, and having continued in the Church so many hun­dred years, should far rather have been specified in Scripture then Timothies drinking of water: yea, and if all the alterable positive things of Policy, as Crosse, Surplice, be commanded as necessary in the generall, though not in this or that particular, as Hooker and o­ther Formalists do teach, then sure the meaning must be: I give to thee, O Timothy, charge in the sight of God who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, &c. That thou▪ keep this Commandment of Crossing, Surplice, bowing to Altars, of corner-Cap, or of the equi­valent of these, without spot irrebukeable to the appearance of Jesus [Page 12] Christ; for the precept of feeding the Flock, must include all these; and though Ceremonies in particular be alterable, and not comman­ded in Hythothesie; yet that in generall there should be such posi­tive Ceremonies is necessary, and the Apostle (say they) comman­deth them, 1 Cor. 14. 40. Yea, (as Dunam saith) humane Holy­dayes, are commanded in the fourth Commandment, and Burges saith, all the Ceremonies are commanded in the third Command­ment, and Formalists; who denyed the Prelate to be of Divine in­stitution, made a Ceremony of him, and made him a decent and orderly thing; which as the Poet said, to me is like the act of death, that brought Great Alexander, to whom the whole world was not sufficient, in small bounds, in the Grave under two foot of earth, and this maketh the great Pope, the Catholick Bishop of the earth a little Ceremony: But this little Ceremony hath these many hundred years infested the whole earth. 2. If this precept be not a perpetu­all binding precept till Christs second appearance, but only rewar­ded with life eternall at Christs appearance, yet shall it follow that all things included in the precept of feeding the flock, and so all the Surplice, Crossing, Will-worship or their equivalent, without which, feeding cannot be in a decent and orderly way (as they say from, 1 Cor. 14. 40.) must be rewarded with life eternall: let For­malists wait at the day of judgement for a reward, of a Garment of glory for wearing a linning Surplice, my faith cannot reach it.

3. For the choosing of Widovves that are poor to take care of the poor and sicke in Hospitals; we think it just as necessary now as then, though no wayes, if there be none sick, and poor in the Church: But that Widows were Church-Officers ordained, as were Deacons, Act. 6. 6. we never thought, and therefore we do not see that the wanting of such Widows, is the want of a Positive institution of Church-Policy; for other positive things of policy that should be of perpetuall use, and not all of the same kinde, and of equall ne­cessity: I see no reason (which I speak for Apostles) which were necessary then, and not now; But if from thence Formalists infer, that many positive things of policy are alterable, I can infer with equall strength of reason, that then Pastors, and Teachers are al­terable by the Church, for if the one have a Divine institution to warrant it, Eph. 4. 11, 12, 13. so hath the other; and if Prelates may come themselves into the Church without any warrant but this, [Page 13] that Apostles are alterable, and may put out Pastors and Teachers, because God hath put out Apostles; we have a new world of alte­rable Church-Policy. 5. Reverent Beza referreth the Command­ment to the Platforme of Discipline: So Ambrose in Loc. and Chry­sostome Homil. 18. so Diodat. This Commandment which is, ver. 11, 12. Or generally all other Commandments, which are contained in this E­pistle; Popish Writers confesse the same, though to the disadvan­tage of their Cause, who maintain unwritten Church-Policy and Ceremonies: So Lyra and Nicol. Gorran. Mandatum quod Deus, & ego mandavimus, the Commandment of the Lord, and of me his Apostle, Corne [...]a lapide: Quicquid tibi, O Episcope, hac Epistolâ pre­scripsi, & demandavi, hoc serva: Salmeron, alii per mandatum in­telligunt, Quecunque mandavi spectantia ad munus boni Episcopi.


THE Adversaries amongst these things of Church-Policy, do Bilson of perpetuall Gover. c. 3. Hooker of Eccles. Po­lic. l. 3. reckon such things as concerne the outward man, and externals only; and therefore Bilson, Hooker and the rest, as Cameron and others, will have Christs kingdom altogether Spirituall, Mysticall, and invisible, and Christ to them is not a King to binde the externall man, nor doth he as King take care of the externall government of his own house, that belongeth (say they) as other externall things to the Civill Magistrate, who with advise and counsell of the Church, Bishops and their unhallowed Members, may make Lawes in all externals, for the Government of the Church, and all these externals though Positive, are alterable; yea, and added to the word, though not as additions corrupting, but as perfecting and a­dorning the word of God and his worship.

In opposition to this, our fourth Argument shall be, he who is 4. Arg. Christ the Head of hi [...] Church i [...] the exter­nall poli [...]y thereof. the only Head, Lord, and King of his Church, must governe the po­litick, externall body his Church, perfectly by Laws of his own spi­rituall policy, and that more perfectly then any earthly Monarch, or State doth their subjects, or any Commanders, or any Lord or Master of Family, doth their Army, Souldiers, and members of their Family.

But Christ is the head and only head of the Church, for by what title Christ is before all things, he in whom all things consist, and is the beginning, the first borne fram the dead, and hath the preheminence in [Page 14] all things; and he is onely, so [...]ely and absolutely all these, by the same title he is the Head, and so the onely Head of the Body the Church, Col. 1. 17, 18. And he is the head of his Politick body, and so a head in all externals, as well as of mysticall and inv [...]sible body, for if his Church be an externall Politicall body, and ruled by Or­gans, Eyes, Watchmen, Rulers, Feeders, and such as externally guideth the flock, as it is, Eph. 4▪ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 1 Cor. 12. 28. Matth. 16▪ 17, 18. A society to which Christ hath given the keys of his House, and so externall power in a visible Politick Court on earth to binde and loose, to take in and put out, to open and shut the doors of his visible Politick house; then this Politick body must have a head in externall policy, and this head in externals must as a head governe by Laws all the members in their externall society; for a body without a head is a monster, and a Politick body, with­out a head Politick, and one that ruleth Politically, is a Monster. And Christ is the King, yea the only King of his own Kingdom, ei­ther as this Kingdom is mysticall and invisible, or as it is Politick, externall, and visible on earth, as these Scriptures proveth, 1. Mat. 28. 18. Iesus [...]aith unto me, is all power given in Heaven and in earth: I hope this power is only given to Christ, not to Pope or earthly Prince: It is the name above all names, Phil. 2. 9. King of Kings▪ Rev. 17. 14. And upon this Kingly power, Christ doth an ex [...]ernall Act of Royall power, and giveth not only an inward but also a Politicall, externall power to his disciples, ver. [...]9. Go Teach, and Baptize all Nations: Is this only inward and heart- [...]eaching, and inward Baptizing by the spirit? I think not, God hath reserved that to himself only, Isa. 54. 13. Ioh. 6 44. 45. Joh. 1. 33. and Ioh. 20, 21. 22. Upon this that the Father sent Christ, and so set him his King upon his holy hill of Zion, Psa. 2. 6. Christ performeth an externall Politick mission, and sendeth his disciples with power in a Politick externall way to remit and retain sins, in an externall way, for there is clearly two remittings and retainings of sins in the Text: None can say of the Church, its my Church, but he who is King of the Church; and Christ saith, Matth, 16. 18. that it is his Church, and up­on this it is his Kingdom, and the keyes are his keys, and they are keys of a Kingdom visible and Politick on earth, as is evident, ver. 19. I will give unto thee, the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt binde on earth, (in an externall Politicall court [Page 15] of Church Rulers, as it is differenced from an internal, and mysticall binding in Heaven) shall be bound in Heaven, &c. For it is clear that there is an internall binding in Heaven, and a Politicall and ex­ternall binding on earth, and both are done by the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven: But Christ can have or give no Politi­call or ex [...]ernall keys of an externall and Politicall King, but as he is a King: Yea, and Excommunication doth not only binde the inward man in Heaven, but also the externall man on earth, ex­cluding him from the Society of the Church as a Heathen, and a Publican, and purging him out from the externall communion of the Church, as if he were now no brother, Matth. 18. [...]7▪ 18. 1 Cor. 5. 7. 10, 11, 12. Now this externall separating and judging of an of­fender by the Church is done by the keys of the Kingdom; Ergo, by Christ as a King, ruling the externall man Political­ly, and so by the key of the house of David, which is laid upon Christs shoulder, Isa. 22. 22. And by a Royall Act of him, upon whose shoulder is the Government, Is▪ 9 6. Who sitteth upon the throne of David to order the kingdom, & to establish it with judgement & justice. For the Church doth bind and loose in the externall Court, either by a Commission from him who as head of the Church, and who as King gave to her the Keys of the Kingdom; or by a generall Arbi­trary power given to the Magistrate and Church, to do in these things as they please; so they do nothing contrary to the Word, though not according to the Word, as they are to do in Doctrinals; if the former be said, then must the externall Government be upon the shoulder of Christ as King, which is that which we teach: If the latter be said, then might the Magistrate & Church appoint such an Ordinance as excommunication, and so they may by their Artitrary A promise of Pardo­ning of sin made to the right use of the keys pro­veth disci­pline to be a part of the Gos­pel. power, make a Gospel Promise of ratifying an Ordinance in heaven, and of pardoning sins in heaven; for he that can make the ordinance, can make also the Gospel-Promise, and he that can by an Arbitrary power make one Promise or part of the Gospel, may make all. And if either Magistrate or Church can appoint such an Ordinance as hath a Promise of b [...]nding & loosing made good in heaven, they may also take away such Ordinances and Gospel Promises; for it is the same power to make and adde, to unmake and destroy Ordinances. Hence also I argue for the Immutabili [...]y of a Scripturall Platform, that the Church cannot alter at her will: thus, That must be of Di­vine [Page 16] institution which is an essentiall part of the Gospel; but the Platform of Church-Government in the word is such, and so must be no lesse Immutable then the Gospel. I make good the major Pro­position thus: That which essentially includeth a Promise of the New Testament, that must be a part of the Gospel which consisteth especi­ally of Promises, Heb. 8. 6. 2 Cor. 7. 1. Gal. 3. 17. Gal. 4. 23, 24. But there's a Promise of forgiving sins in Heaven made to the Church, using the Keys aright, and of Christs presence in the excercise of the Keys, as walking amongst the golden Candlesticks, Matth. 18. 18, 19. 20. Math. 16. 18, 19. Iob. 20. 23. Rev. 2. 1. Now if any shall object, this Argument proveth only that which is not denyed, to wit, that some part of Discipline only, is of Divine institution which is not denyed, for a power of binding and loosing, of remit­ting and retaining sins, is of Divine institution: But hence it is not concluded that the whole Platform, and all the limbs, joynts, bones, and toes are of Divine institution, they being matters of smaller concernment. I Answer, As from a part of the Doctrine of the Law and Gospel that is of Divine institution; for Example, that I keep, observe and do the Law, that I believe and repent, which are things of Divine institution: I infer that the whole Platform of Law and Gospel, is of Divine institution, and the particulars of Obedi­ence and Faith, are not Arbitrary to the Church; just so in Disci­pline, I say the like, there is no more reason for one part written by God, then for another.

Farther, if the Church be a visible Politick Kingdom, as it is, Mat. 13. v. 45, 46, 47, 48. Matth. 16. 19. Matth. 8. 12. And if the Word be the Word, Scepter and Law of the Kingdom, as it is, Matth. 6. 10. Matth. 13. 11. Luk. 4. 43. Matth. 4. 23. Mark 13. 8. Luk. 21. 10. 14. Luk. 8. 10. Yea, the Sword and Royall power of the King, Rev. 1. 16. Rev. 19. 15. By which he Ruleth and Raigneth in his Church, Isa. 11. v. 4. Psal. 110. 2. Heb. 1. 8, 9. Psal. 45. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7. Isa. 61. 1, 2. 2 Cor. 10. 4, 5, 6. 1 Pet. 2. 4, 5, 6, 7. And if by this Word the King Raigneth, bindeth, looseth, and conquereth souls and sub­dueth his Enemies, Matth. 18. 18, 19, 20. Matth. 16. 19. Rev. 6. 2. Then certainly Christ must Raign Politically, and externally in his Church, and walk in the midst of the golden Candlesticks, Rev. 2. 1. And if Christ Ascending to Heaven as a Victorious King, Leading Captivity Captive, gave gifts to men, and appointed an externall [Page 17] policie, for the gathering of his Saints by the Ministery of certain of­ficers of his Kingdom, as it is, Psal. 68. 18. Even that the Lord God might dwell amongst them, Eph. 4. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Then he must Raign in the externall Policie of Pastors, Teachers, Elders, by Word, Sacraments, and Discipline. Now the King himself, the Lord who Raigneth in this externall Policie, must be the only Law­giver, Iam. 4. 12. Isa. 33. v. 22. There can be no Rabbies or Do­ctors on earth, who as little Kings can make Laws under him, Mat. 23. v. 8, 9, 10. Yea, not Apostles who can teach how the Worship should externally be ordered, but what they receive of the King of the Church, 1 Cor. 11. 23. Act. 15. v. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. How the house should be Governed, Heb. 3. 1, 2. 4, 5. Yea, nothing more reasonable, then that Whatsoever is commanded by the God of Heaven, should be done in, and for the house of the God of Heaven, under the pain of his Wrath, Ezr. 7. 23. 1. That there should be Officers in a Kingdom, and Laws to Govern the Subjects, beside the will of the Prince or Judges of the Land, or that the Members of a Family, or Souldiers in an Army should be Governed by any Rule, Custome, or Law, beside or without the will of the Master of the House, and of the Generall & Commanders, is all one, as if Sub­jects, Families and Souldiers, should be Ruled and Governed by their own will and wisdome, and not by their King, Iudges, Ma­sters and Commanders; for the question is upon this undeniable The will of Christ as King, is the Rule of the Go­vernment of his house. supposition, that Christ is the only Head and King of his Church, and so the Head and King of Prelats (if they be of the body) and of the Rulers, Guides, and Pastors of the Church, which are to be Governed and Ruled by certain Laws, no lesse then the people, whither or no this Representative Church of Rulers, being Sub­jects and Members of the Head and King of the Church, are to be Ruled by the wisdome, Laws, and Commandments of this King the Lord Jesus; or if they have granted to them a vast Arbitrary po­wer to Govern both themselves and the people, by adding Positive Mandats of Arbitrary Commanders, such as Prelats are (in the minde of those who think they have no patent of any Divine right) and of Surplice, Crossing, kneeling for reverence to wood, to bread and wine. The matter cannot be helped, by saying that Christ is the Mysticall, Invisible King, (some doubt if he be the only King of the Church, which is too grosse to be resuted) of the Church in [Page 18] things spirituall, and in regard of the inward operation of the Spi­rit; but he is not a Politicall and visible Head in regard of exter­nall Policie; this distinction must hold also in regard of the people, who as Christians and believers are rather under Christ as a My­sticall and invisible Head, then the Rulers who are not as Rulers, but only in so far as they are believers, Mysticall Members of the Head Christ; for Christ exerciseth no Mysticall and Internall operations of saving Grace upon Rulers as Rulers; but upon Ru­lers as believers, then he cannot be the Mysticall and invisible King of Rulers as Rulers, to give them as a King, an Arbitrary power to be little Kings under him, to Govern as they please; and the truth is, Christ is a Politicall Head and King of his Church, not properly a visible Head, 2 Cor. 5. 16. Except that he is a visible Head in this sense, in that he Raigneth and Ruleth, even in the externall visible Policie of his Church, through all the Catholick visible Church, in his Officers, Lawfull Synods, Ordinances, giving them Laws in all Positive externals, which place the Beast, the King of the Bottom­lesse Pit, the Pope usurpeth: But I would gladly be informed of Formalists, how the King is the Head and Vicegerent of Christ o­ver the Church; if Christs Kingdom be only spirituall, Mysticall Internall, not Politicall, not externall; for sure the King as King, exerciseth no internall and Mysticall operations upon the conscien­ces of men under Jesus Christ, his power is only Politicall and Ci­villy Politicall, about, or without the Church, not properly within the Church: Surely if Rulers be Subjects and Members under Christ the Head and King: I shall believe that Christ must in all Positive things of externall Policie, give to them Particular Laws in the Scripture, and Rule them; and that they being Members, not the Head, must as particularly be Ruled in all externals Positive, by the will and Law of the Head Christ, and that they are not Kings, Heads and Law givers, and Rulers to themselves: And especially upon these considerations. This King and Head must be particular in an im­mutable, perpetuall, and unalterable Platform of Church-Govern­ment. 1. Salomon for wisdome in the order, degrees, number, at­tire of his servants and Policie of his house to the admiration of the Queen of Sheba, in this we conceive was a type of a greater then Salomon. 2. The Positives of the policie of Christs house, must be congruous to a supernaturall end, the edification of souls, and that [Page 19] Symbolicall Rites of mens devising, speak supernaturall duties, that Christ hath already spoken in the Scripture, as that Crossing spell out Dedication to Christs Service, Surplice, pastorall holinesse, which both are Gospel truths, 1. Pet. 1. 18. 1 Pet. 2. 24. Isa. 52. 11. Is as supernaturall a mean for edification, as that bread and wine signifie Christs body and blood; & therefore the one more then the other ought not to be left to humane reason, but must be expresly set down in Scripture. 3. All these must lay a tie upon the conscience; but if they have their rise from the vain will of Prelats and men, they can never bind my conscience; for how can they bind my conscience as the Scripture bindeth them on me, and yet Rulers as Rulers in the name of Christ the King, cannot presse them upon me? Formalists give divers Replies to this: As, 1. Hooker: You are Hooker, Eccles. Policie, l. 3. 123, 124. constrained to say that of many things of Church-Policie, some are of great weight, some of lesse, that what hath been urged of immutability of Laws, it extendeth in truth no farther then only to Laws, wherein things of greater moment are prescribed; as Pastors, Lay-Elders, Deacons, Synods, Widows; else come to particulars, and shew if all yours be perpetuall, and our particulars unlawfull. Ans. 1. Things of greater and lesse weight, we acknowledge in Church-Policie, and in Doctrinals too; but in this sense only: 1. That they be things Positive. 2. They be both things that are unchangeable by any, except by God himself, and oblige us Necessitate precepti, by the necessity of a Divine Commandment, as Matth. 23. 23. To pay tythe of Mint, Annise, and Cummin, is a lesse matter then the weigh­tier Things of Policie, be­cause lesse weighty then the greater things of the Law, are not therefore mutable at the plea­sure of men. duties of the Law, Iudgement, Mercy, and Faith: But there is nothing so small in either Doctrinals or Policie, so as men may alter, omit, and leave off these smallest Positive things that God hath commanded; for Christ saith, Paying of tythe of Mint, ought not to be omitted, though the Church of Pharisees should neglect it, and command some other petty small things in place thereof: If there­fore Prelats should obliterate the Office of Ruling Elders which Christ the Lord instituted in his Church, and put themselves in as Governours in their Room, they may put out Pastors and Sacra­ments, and take in for them, Turkish Priests, and Circumcision, with a signification that Christ is already come in the flesh: We urge the immutability of Christs Laws, as well in the smallest as greatest things, though the Commandments of Christ be greater or lesse in [Page 20] regard of the intrinsecall matter, as to use water in Baptisme, or to Baptise is lesse then to Preach Christ, and believe in him, 1 Cor. 1. 17. Yet they are both alike great, in regard of the Authority of Christ the Commander, Matth. 28. 18, 19. And its too great bold­nesse to alter any Commandment of Christ, for the smallnesse of the matter, for it lieth upon our conscience, not because it is a greater or a lesser thing, and hath degrees of obligatory necessity, lying in it for the matter; but it tyeth us for the Authority of the Law-gi­ver: Now Gods Authority is the same when he saith, ( You shall not Worship false Gods, but me the only true God) And when he saith, ( You shall not adde of your own one ring or pin to the Ark, Tabernacle Temple) yea, either to break or teach others, to break one of the least of the Commandments of God, maketh men the least in the Kingdom of God, Matth. 5. 18. And to offend in one is to offend in all, Iam. 2. 10. 2. That our things of Church-Policie are perpe­tuall, we prove, and that what we hold of this kinde, we make good to be contained in the Scripture, either expresly, or by due con­sequence; and, so the Church and their Rulers, act nothing in our way, but as Subordinate to Christ as King and Head of the Church, and Surplice, humane Prelats, Crossing, we hold unlawfull in the house of God, because they are not warranted by the King and Head Christs word; and because the devisers and practisers of these do neither devise nor act, in these, as Subordinate to Jesus Christ as King, Priest, or Prophet, by the grant of our Adversaries.

Hooker, l. 3. Eccles. Pol. pag. 124. The matters wherein Church-Policy are conversant, are the publick Religious duties of the Church, as administration of the Word, Sacraments, Prayers, spirituall cen­sures of the Church and the like, to these the Church stand alwayes bound; and where Policy is, it cannot but appoint, some to be leaders of others, and some to be led; If the blinde lead the blinde, they both perish: and where the Clergy is any great multitude, order requireth that they be distinguished by degrees, as Apostles and Pastors were in the Apostolick Church: And number of specialities there are which▪ make for the more convenient being of these principall parts of Policy.

Ans. 1. If Christ as King have appointed word and Sacraments in generall, and Censures; he hath appointed the Word, Sacra­ments and Censure in speciall; to wit, such a word, such Sacra­ments, [Page 21] Baptisme, the Lords-Supper, such Censures, Excommunica­tion, admonition, or then he hath left the Specialities of written and unwritten Word, to the arbitriment of men, and that there be Excommunication, or no Excommunication; and this Doctrinall and the like he hath left to mens devising; to wit, (Crossing is a Dedication of the childe to Christ) now Jerome Advers. Helvid. saith Vt hec que scripta sunt non negamus, ita ea quae non sunt scripta re­ [...]nuimus, and August. Lib. de pasto. c. 11. Quicquid inde (è scriptura) Andieritis, hoc nobis bene sapiat, Quicquid extraest, respuite, n [...] er­retis in nebulâ. Now to say, we may receive some truths of things Arbitrary or mutable, crosseth Cyrill. Allexand. Glaphyre in Gen. l. 2. [...].

That which the holy Scripture hath not said, by what means should we receive, and account it amongst these things that be true? Cyrill would deny all your Ceremonies to speak any thing, but lies; and Basil. l. de Fide. so would I: Yea, to bring in any thing that is not written, Basilius saith, it is [...], a demonstration of Pride, and Origen in Levit. Hom. 5. Si quid autem, superfuerit, quod non Divina Scrip­tura decernat, nullam aliam debere tertiam Scripturam ad autorita­tem scientiae suscipi (licet) I think some third Scripture which is neither the old or the New-Testament must be sought to make good the Doctrines, that dumbe humane Ceremonies teach us: 2. That the blind lead the blinde is not safe; but it is no Argument to prove that this is an immutable thing in policy, that there should be Lea­ders, and some that are led, except you suppose the Prelates to be the seeing men, and the Pastors and People to be blinde. 3. I ut­terly deny this consequence: The Clergy is a great multitude; Ergo, order necessarily requireth, that by degrees they be distinguished in Prelates and Pastors; for the Prelats are a multitude; Ergo, or­der requireth that one be Pope to command all the rest: The A­postles were a multitude; Ergo, There was a necessi [...]y of a Mo­narch-Apostle, the Prelaticall Government is Monarchicall; doth Order re­quireth not a Monar­chical Pre­late. order require in all multitude no Government but a Monarchy? Nor do we finde any warrant that Apostles had jurisdiction over Pastors in the Scripture, nor in any Ecclesiasticall Records; but where Papacy was working; Paul, as if he had been to go out of this life, and never to see the faces of the Elders of Ephesus, Act. 20. 25. [Page 22] Left unto them as Elders all of equall degrees of power of juris­diction, the feeding and Governing of the Church of God, Act. 20. 28, 29, 30. 4. The particulars of Policy, as Surplice, Crossing are no more circumstances of Worship then Aarons Ephod, a vesture is a circumstance, but a Religious vesture teaching us of Pastorall ho­linesse, is worship, not a Circumstance: Men can place no Religion in Circumstances.

Hooker, Eccle. Poli. l. 3. p. 125. It is in vain to argue from Christs office, if there be an immutable Platforme in Scripture, it is as if one should demand a Legacy by vertue of some written Testament, wherein there being no such thing specified; he plead­eth that there it must needs be, and bringeth Arguments from love and good will, which awayes the Testator bore him, ima­gining that these or the like proofes will convict a Testament to have that in it, which other men can no where by reading finde, its our part to admire what he hath done, rather then to dispute what he in congruity of reason, ought to do: how unsearchable are How the care and wisdom of Christ pro­veth, that Christ hath left an un­alterable platforme in his te­stament, his judgements?

Ans. 1. It is very true, a Platforme of discipline is questio facti, A question of Fact, rather then Law; we hear nothing in this comparison, but what Papists with equall strength of reason do bring for their unwritten Traditions; for they say Protestants are to prove a fact and deed of Jesus Christ, that he hath left in his writ­ten Testament a perfect and immutable Platforme of Doctrine and manners, to which nothing can be added; and this they prove from the care, wisdom and love of Christ to his Church, for he ought to reveale his will perfectly, and compleatly in his Scripture, other­wise he hath not the love, care, and wisdom of a Law-giver to his own people, if he leave them in the mist, and in the dark, and write not down all things touching Faith and manners: Now we can no where finde by reading Scripture, any thing for the Baptizing of In­fants, or a remedy for women to be cured of Originall sin in the Old-Testament in lieu of circumcision; we finde no warrant for the Feast of Dedication, in the Law of Moses, nor for the dayes of puring, ob­served by the Iewes, nor for Images, invocation of Saints, Prayer for the dead, the perpetuall Virginity of the Virgin Mary, and many such Doctrines which the Church believeth. But we answer, because these vain doctrines (we except the Baptizing of Infants, warranted [Page 23] by Scripture) are not in Scripture, they are the vaine and saplesse doctrines of men, and will-worship: But to presse the compari­son, If any should demand a Legacy by vertue of a Testament, in which the Testator hath testified his good will, wisdom, care to his Brethren in such a manner, that he had said; I have left in my Testa­ment to my Brethren, my mind to instruct them, for every good worke, to lead them in all truth, to teach them every good way, to understand equity, judgement and righteousnesse, to cause them walke safely, so that their feet shall not stumble, and I have left them my word to be a Lamp, and light to their feet in walking: Then I would inferre from this Testament two things: 1. That the love and care of our Testa­tor Christ, so revealed, warranteth us to plead for light in Christs Testament, how to walk in every good way, and so how to walk in all the wayes of the orderly worship of God, and of Govern­ing of Gods house, by Pastors, Teachers, Elders, Deacons, by their Lawfull calling, qualifications, duties; by the Churches Courts in admonition, excommunication, by the use of the keys: 2. Because the Testament is perfect to instruct in every good way, particular­ly, and in all duties of worship, and this Testament forbiddeth all adding and diminishing, and speaketh not one word of Crossing, Cringing, and bowing to Altars, of wearing of Surplice: There­fore these are not Gods Lawfull wayes, and if I walk in them, I can do nothing but fall and stumble: 3. We do not here argue sim­ply from the wise, and congruous dealing of God, what he ought to do, nor from the love of Christ, as a King and he [...]d simply, but from the love, care and wisdom of Christ, as he is such a King and Head, upon whose shoulder is the whole Government, and upon whom are all the vessels of the house, great and small: 4. It is no lesse then blasphemy to ascribe the not particularizing of Ce­remonies, such as Crossing, Surplice, humane Feasts to the unsear­chable Wisdom, and wayes of God, to which Paul, Romanes 11. re­ferreth the great deeps of Supernaturall Providence in Gods E­lection and Reprobation, his calling of the Gentiles and rejecting of the Iewes; and observe (I pray) this consequence; the wayes of the Lord past finding out; Ergo, The Lord hath set down no Platforme of Church-Policy in his Sons Testament; but hath left it to the wisdom of the Church to devise, Crossing, kneeling to Crea­tures, Surplice, or some such like: But since we have a pattern of [Page 24] perfectly formed Churches in the Apostles times, who had power even, In actu excercit [...], of Discipline and Church-worship, and the Apostles mention things of an inferiour nature: How is it that we have no hint of Crossing, Kneeling, Surplice, corner. Cap, nor any such, like unto these? And yet they were as necessary for decency then, 1 Cor. 5. Col. 2. 5. 1 Cor. 11. 20. &c. Rev. 2. 1. 2, 14, 18, 20, 21. 1 Cor. 14. 40. as now,

Others of great learning reply, that Christ is not the only immedi­ate Mr. Prynne Truth tri­umphing over false­hood, p, 113. 114. Head, King, Law-giver, and Governour of the Church, for that is quite contrary to Gods Ordinance in establishing Kings, Magistrates, higher powers, nurse-Fathers, Pastors, Doctors, Elders; for by this, there should be no Kings, Parliaments, Synods, no power of juris­diction in them to make Lawes, to suppresse and punish all manner of Idolatry, Superstition, Heresies. But I answer, that Christ is the on­ly immediate Head, King, Law-giver, and Governour of his Church, as upon his shoulder only is the Government, Isa. 9. 6. And the key of the house of David, Isa. 22. 22. And by what right he is the head of all things; and set above all▪ principalities and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this vvorld, but also in that vvhich is t [...] come; He is the head of the Catholick Church which is his body, Eph. 1. 21, 22, 23. And he is such a head even in externals, in giving Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers, who for the vvork of the ministery, perfecteth the Saints, Collat. Roinal. cum, Io. Hartio. Sect. 2. p 40 Christ the only im­mediate King and head, and Law-giver of his Church without any depu­ty heads or Vi­cars, D. Roinald. 16. d. 41. in vvhom the vvhole body (of the Church) is fitly joyned together and compacted by that which every joynt supplieth, according to the effectu­all vvorking, in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body, to the edifying of it self in love, Ephes. 4. 11, 12▪ 13, 14, 15, 16. Now these places maketh Christ the only immediate head in exter­nals, and internall operation of that body which is the fulnesse of Christ: Let any of the Formalists, if Christ be not the only im­mediate Head, Shew us of King or Bishop who is the Mediate, Ministeriall, inferior Head of the Catholick Church, even in exter­nall Government: For Iohn Hart in his conference with D. Roi­nald, saith, Christ is the only principall, imperiall, and invisible Head; but the Pope (saith he) is the visible and Ministeriall Head; So do all Papists say; but our Protestant Divines Answer, That it is a re­pugnancy that a Subject or a Member of the King and Head, should be in any sense both a Subject and a King, a part or Member and a [Page 25] Head; and Roynald saith, This name to be Head of the Church is the Royall Prerogative of Jesus Christ; Yea, the head, in externals, must be with the Catholick body, as Christ hath promised to be with his Church to the end of the world; neither King nor Pope can in the externall Government be with the particular Churches to the end: It is true, the King may be with his Church by his Laws and power; yea, but so may the Pope be, if all Pastors on earth be but his De­puties, and if Pastors be but the Kings Deputies, and sent by the King, so is the King the Head of the Church; but then the Catho­lick Church hath as many heads, as there be lawfull Kings on earth; But we desire to know, what mediate acts of Law-giving which is essentiall to Kings and Parliaments in civill things, doth agree to Kings, Parliaments, and Synods; Christ hath not made Pastors under-Kings to create any Laws morally obliging the conscience to obedience in the Court of God, which God hath not made to their hand; if the King and Synods only declare and propound, by a power of jurisdiction, that which God in the Law of nature or the written word hath commanded; they are not the Law-makers, nor creators of that morality in the Law, which layeth bonds on the conscience; yea, they have no Organicall, nor inferiour influence in creating that morality, God only by an immediate act as the on­ly immediate King, made the morality, and if King, Parliaments, and Synods, be under Kings and under Law-givers, they must have an under-action, and a Ministeriall subservient active influence un­der Christ in creating as second causes, that which is the formall reason, and essence of all Lawes binding the conscience, and that is the morality that obligeth the soul to eternal wrath, though King, Parliament, Pastors or Synods, should never command such a Mo­rall thing: Now to propound, or declare, that Gods will is to be done in such an act, or Synodicall Directory or Canon, and to command it to be observed under Civill and Ecclesiasticall paine, is not to make a Law, it is indeed to act authoritatively under Christ as King: but it maketh them neither Kings, nor Law-givers, no more then Heralds are little Kings, or inferiour Law-givers, and Parliaments, because in the name and Authority of King and Par­liament they Promulgate the Lawes of King and Parlia­ment: the Heralds are meer servants, and do indeed represent King and Parliament, and therefore to wrong them, in the pro­mulgation of Lawes, is to wrong King and Parliament; but the [Page 26] Heralds had no action, no hand at all in making the Laws, they may be made when all the Heralds are sleeping, and so by no pro­priety of speech can Heralds be called mediat Kings, under-Law­givers, just so here, as touching the morality of all humane Laws, whether Civill or Ecclesiasticall, God himself immediatly; yea, from Eternity by an Act of his free-pleasure made that without ad­vice of men or Angels, for who instructed him? neither Moses, nor Prophet, nor Apostle; yea, all here are Meri precones, only He­ralds; yet are not all these Heralds who declare the morality of Lawes, equals may declare them charitative, By way of charity to equals, but these only are to be obeyed as Heralds of Laws, whom God hath placed in Authority, as Kings, Parliaments, Synods, the Church, Masters, Fathers, Captains; And it followeth no wayes that we disclaime the Authority of all these, because we will not inthrone them in the chaire of the Supreame and only Lawgiver, and head of the Church, they are not under-Law-givers and little Kings to create Laws, the morality of which bindeth the conscience (for this God only can do) Ergo, there be no Parliaments, no Kings, no Rulers, that have Authority over men, it is a most unjust con­sequence; for all our Divines against Papists, deny that humane Laws as humane, do binde the conscience▪ but they deny not, but assert the power of jurisdiction in Kings, Parliaments, Synods, Pastors.


IF Iesus Christ be as Faithfull as Moses and above him, as the Lord of the house above the servant, Heb. 3. 1, 2, 3, 4. Then as Moses was admonished of God, when he was about to make the 5. Arg. As Moses and David were not to follow their own spirit, far lesse is the will of the Church a rule to shape an unalterable Govern­ment. Tabernacle, for (saith he) See thou make all things according to the pattern [...] shewed unto thee in the mount, Heb. 8. 5. And was not to follow his own spirit, but was to follow the patterne that God shewed him in the Mount, then far lesse hath Christ the Apostle and high Priest of our Profession giving us a Platforme of the Church and Government of the New-Testament variable, & shaped according to the alterable laws, customes & manners of divers nations, for as Moses though a Prophet was not to make one pin of the Tabernacle, but ac­cording to the samplar & patern that God did shew him, so Christ ma­nifested to his Disciples, all that he had heard, and seen of the Father, Ioh. 15. But it is not to be supposed, that the Father shew to Christ an alterable tabernacle in the new Testament, that men might alter, chop and change at their pleasure, as the customes of Nations are changed: [Page 27] If God thought Religion should run a hazard, if the greatest of Prophets (except Christ) might have leave to mold and shape all the Leviticall Service, and Ceremonies, (for as the judicious and Lear­ned Interpreter Mr. David Dickson saith, all the Leviticall Service Da. Dick­sonus, Ex­pos. Ana­lyti. in E­pist, a [...] heb. c. [...]. v. 5. is comprehended under the name of the Tabernacle, Exod. 25. 40.) according as he pleased, far more should all be corrupted, if erring men, far inferior to Moses, Prelats and Pastors, should have leave to draw the Lineaments of the New Testament, Tabernacle, Church, Service, Officers, Censures, and all the Positives of Policie accor­ding to no patern shown by Christ; but only the Fashions, alterable Laws, Customes, & forms of nations: Now all the pins of the Taber­nacle were but shadows, and Types of Morall and Heavenly things, Heb. 8. 5. Heb. 10. 1. Heb. 9. 9. And they were to be changed and done away by Christ, Col. 2. 17. Heb. 7. 12. 2 Cor. 3. 11. Yet could nei­ther be devised by Moses, nor altered by any mortall man, Church or Priests; how can we imagine that men may now devise and set up an alterable and changeable New Testament-frame, of Prelats, Altars, Religious dayes, Surplice, Crossing, or any the like toyes? And though David was a Prophet, and a man according to Gods heart; yet in the externals of the Temple, nothing was left to his spirit; he might neither in the least jot adde or omit, 1 Chron. 28. 11. Then David gave to Solomon his Son, the patern of the Porch, and of the houses thereof, and of the Treasuries thereof, and of the upper Chambers thereof, and of the inner Parlors thereof, & of the place of the Mercy-Seat. Here be many particulars; But whence had David all these? From the patern according to which, Crosse, Surplice, Altars, and humane Prelats are shapen? Alas, no; therefore it is added, v. 12. And (he shewed) the patern of all that he had by the spirit, of the courts of the house of the Lord, and of all the chambers round about v. 19. All this (said David) the Lord made me understand in writing by his hand upon me, even all the works of this patern. I see no rea­son to deny, that the form of the Temple was written by the hand of God; as the Ten Commandments were written in two Tables of stone by him; the Text seemeth to say no lesse, [...] Pagni, and Ar. Mont. ren­der it, Omnia in Scriptura, de manu domini, super me intellegere fecit. So Jerome, Omnia venerunt, Scripta manu domini ad me. Vatablus in notis, Omnia ista dominus Scripsit manu, su [...] et digito, [...]u [...] ut me fa­miliarius [Page 28] do [...]eret: We shall not contend with Tostatus, who saith, Pag [...]i, Ari­ [...]ont. Vata­blus in notis, To­status in 1 Chron 18. 19. 2. 7. Ista Scrip­tura tam poterat fieri per Angelos quam per de­um. Tostatus, Q. 1. ibid. Cornel, a Lapide, com. 1. Pa­ralip, 29. 19. D [...]us ergo in ta­bula de­scripsittotam ideam, Tem­pli alioqui delincatio [...] Davide vix intelligi po­tuisset. Degrees de Templ. Ded. p. 73. Lavater, Ex [...]o quod, [...]dificium et vasa secun­dum for­mam sibi ostensam fa­cere debuit, significatur in [...]ultu dei non secun­dum hum [...] ­nam ratio­ [...]m, sed ver­bum dei a­gendum esse, quo pa­tefecit quo­modo coliv [...] ­lit. Si Sa­lomon su­as imagina­tiones fuis­set sequitus Templum a­liâ form â construxis­set, vasa ali­ter fecisset et plura quam deus prescripse­rat. It might have been written by Angels; though we go not from the letter of the Text, we have from this Papist Tostatus, all we desire; for he saith: We must say that it was not by Davids own thought, that he builded all; for David durst not build a Temple to the Lord of his own heart; because he knew not if that would please God, but by Divine Revelation: And therefore the old Translation is corrupt in this, as in many things, which rendreth, v. 12. Thus: Dedit David, Salamoni descriptionem p [...]rti [...]us, &c. Nec non et om­nium que cogitaverat: As if Davids thought had been his guide; for [...] by the spirit, by Tostatus, Corneli. a Lapide, Lyra, is meant, not Davids spirit, but the spirit of Revelation from the Lord; and Lyra saith, on v. 12. Per hoc designatur; quod deus pater dedit homi­ni Christo notitiam omnium agendorum in ecclesiâ. And Pet. Mar­tyr, our own Doctor saith, on 1 King. 8. It cannot be told how un­pleasant the institution of new worship is to God: And, there should be nothing in Baptisme but the Word and the Elements; any thing added (as Crossing, Oyl, Salt,) came from the Prelats: Lavater, in 1. Par. c. 28. ver. 14. condemneth all additions, even though Solomon should have added them, Ezech. 43. 11. Thou Son of man, shew the house to the house of Israel,—12. And if they be ashamed of all that they have done, shew them the form of the house, and the fa­shion thereof, and goings out thereof, and the comings in thereof, and all the forms thereof, and all the Ordinances thereof, and all the forms there­of, & all the Laws thereof; And write it in their sight, that they may keep the whole form thereof, & all the Ordinances thereof, and do them. Now it is most considerable, that the Form, Fabrick, and Structure of the Temple, Ezech. c. 40. In the visions of God, is shewn to the Prophet by a man, by Christ the great Angel of the Covenant; who with a measu­ring reed of six cubits, measured the Temple; and in these chapters, c. 40, 41, 42. Christ sheweth to Ezekiel all the patern and form which evidently typifieth the Church of the New Testament, the Bride the Lambs Wife in the Kingdom of Grace, and glorified in Heaven, revealed by the Angel to John, Rev. 21. 9, 10, 11. It may be thought that the Porches, Chambers, length and bredth of them East, West, South, and North, the Laws about the Priests, their linnen garments, Sacrifices, washing and the like, are of lesse concernment then the Doctrine of Christs nature, person, offices of Faith, Repentance, [Page 29] Iudgement, Heaven &c. And therefore being not so necessary, nor so weighty; there was no necessity that all the like Positive exter­nals of Church-Policie, written to a rude and carnall people, should be written to us, who are now more spirituall, and upon whom the day-spring from above doth shine, the shadows now being past; and who have greater liberty then they had, who were as children under Tutors. Ans. 1. I do not deny, but all Ceremonials are of lesse weight then the Morals; but the question is, if they be of lesse Divine authority, so as we may devise of our own Spirit such Ceremonials, and may alter, omit, or remove these, or any new Ceremonials in the Sacraments under the New Testament; for New Testament Ceremonials, as to take Bread, Eat and drink, are not so necessary, nor so weighty to us under the New-Testament, as the precept of believing in Christ, and of repentance from dead works, yet I hope it shall be a weak inference, from thence to inser, we may therefore alter and change any thing of the Sacrament, for the same Christ who commanded us to believe in him, said also, Drink Ceremo­nials of Moses his Law, are of lesse weight then Mo­rals, but not of lesse divine au­thority. ye all of this; and if we may not remove drinking from the last Sup­per, because injoyned by Christ upon the authority of the Law­giver, as signifying the spirituall drinking of Christs Blood, how can any dare to adde Crossing to Baptisme, which signifieth the dedication of the Baptized to Christs service? But 1. Divine Ce­remonials, and positives which were to be changed, have these notes and impressions of God, which Surplice, Crosse in Baptisme, Corner-cap, (which by Analogie answereth to Moses his Ceremo­nies) hath not; and yet if they be of the New Testament, and so Two notes of Divini­ty ought to be in the New Te­stament Ceremoni­als, which were in Divine Ceremo­nies. of a more excellent spirits devising then the people of the Iews were capable of, in regard of their Bondage under Carnall Precepts, they ought to have them in a more excellent man­ner: As 1. In regard of the manner of Revelation; all the Laws and Ceremoniall Ordinances were revealed to Moses when he was forty dayes in the Mount with God, and was in Heaven and above men, Exod. 25. 40. Heb. 8. 5. The length measure and patern of the Temple was revealed to Ezechiel when he was in the spirit, and saw the Visions of God, Ezech. 40. 2, 3. And a writing of the form of the Temple by Gods hand, was delivered to David, 1 Chro. 28. 19. Now if a more free and glorious spirit teach the Positives of poli­cy, under the New-Testament, such as Surplice, Crossing, then Pre­lates [Page 30] must be in a higher mount with God, then Moses was, and in a deeper extasie of the visions of God, then Ezechiel was in, Ezec. 40. 1, 2, 3. When they are in the childe-birth pain of devising, and bring forth such defaced and dirty whelpes, as Surplice, Crossing, Altars, &c. 1. I should think it blasphemy so to think: 2. In re­gard of the Doctrine revealed: When I read the 40, 41, 42. Chap­ters of Ezekiel touching the forme of the Temple, and the Anti­tipe, Chapters the Revelation, c. 21. c. 22. Yea, and the very Ce­remoniall Laws of Moses, as the scape-goats going to the wilder­nesse with the sins of the people of God, and all the rest of the Lawes that pointeth at Christ to be slain for us, and the heavenly mysteries of the Gospel explained especially in the Epistle to the He­brews: when I read these, I finde a strong smell of the ointments of a precious Redeemer, the extream love of God to man: the Majesty, the divinity and efficacy of divine power in these, as in other Scriptures: But should our Prelats, put in Print by the spirit of the new Testament, some Epistles touching Ceremonies in Generall, or of Surplice, Corner-cap, Crossing, and their heavenly relation to the mysteries of the Gospel in particular, I should not think men would dare to say a nobler spirit speaketh like God and heaven in these then in the other.

It is without all Warrant to expound Christian Liberty of a po­wer of devising a mutable Church-Policy, and lawes not warran­ted in Gods word, seeing Christian Liberty expresly exempteth us altogether from obedience to mens Laws not warranted by Christs word, Gal. 5. 1. Col. 2. 20, &c.

Let us hear what Hooker saith, for his mutable Policie under Eccles. Po­licy, book 3. pag. 122. the New Testament: Christ is not lesse faithfull then Moses, because Moses delivered to the Iewes some Lawes that were durable, and Christ some Laws that are changeable, otherwayes by this reason Christ shall be lesse faithfull then Moses; for Moses erected in the How Mo­ses doing all accord­ing to the pattern proveth an immutable platforme. wildernesse a Tabernacle, which was moveable from place to place; Solomon a stately Temple, which was not moveabl [...]: Therefore So­lomon was faithfuller then Moses, which no man indued with reason will think: Christ was faithfull, and saith, I have given to them the words that thou gavest me: He concealed not any part of his Fathers will: But did any part of that will require the immutability of Laws concerning Church-Policy?

[Page 31] Ans. I answer, as Christ did to the Jews in another case, Ioh. 6. 32. Moses gave you not that bread from heaven, but my Father gi­veth you that true bread: So in this, neither Moses nor Solomon e­rected either that Tabernacle or Temple, as Law-givers, but the Father of our Lord Iesus, as the true Law-giver: Now both were but meer servants and Heralds in all that they did, for God shewed to Moses the pattern of the Tabernacle, and to David and Solomon the forme of the Temple, in all the pins, rings, chambers, cubits, length and breadth, Exod. 24 40. 1 Chron. 28. 11, 19. And the que­stion is not if ever the Lord himself delivered mutable or immu­table Laws, either in Doctrine or Policy: We grant he did, and may deliver Laws changeable and to indure for a time only in both the old and new Testament, Heb. 7. 18. Col. 2. 17. Act. 15. 28, 29. But the question is, if Moses as a man, if Christ as a man only, if the Church of Prelates, yea, or of Lawfull Officers can be faithfull, if they deliver lawes to the Church, which may be altered, without the expresse will of God, speaking in his word at the pleasure of men, and which are positives of worship and Policy, such as hu­mane Prelates, Surplice, Crosse, &c. which varieth, dieth and li­veth, falleth and riseth with the climate, Nation, civill-Government, Lawes, Manners, and customes of People; and this is all one, as to move the question, whither the Ambassadour as a man, may alter the Articles of his Commission, according to his own private lust, without an expresse and evident Warrant of the Prince and State, whose servant and Messenger he is in all that he doth, and if he be a faithfull Ambassadour, who doth his own will, and not the will of those that sent him, and if Christ be as faithfull as Moses, if he had given Laws of policy under the New-Testament to be altered with­out an expresse and evident Warrant from the will of the Father, at the pleasure and will of men? This we deny; and certainly, say that Moses had erected a changeable Tabernacle at the will of man, and Solomon a Temple unchangeable at the will, and expresse Com­mandment of God, then had Solomon been faithfuller then Moses; our Arguments nerves do not consist in the immutability, or the mu­tability of things themselves, or of the Laws, but on the immutabi­lity or mutability of things positive, or Laws positive, under this re­duplication, so as they be immutable or mutable at the pleasure and will of men, without and beside the word of God, such as Crosse [Page 32] and Surplice, and such like Romish stuffe are pretended to be. 2. Certain it is, that Christ concealed not any part of his Fathers will, Ioh. 17. 8. But delivered all, and this place, with the place, Ioh. 15. 15. We urge against the traditions of Papists, and say, because Christ spake nothing from his Father either in his own person, or his Apostles in the New-Testament, or in the old by Moses and the Prophets, of invocation of Saints, Purgatory, Worshipping of Images, and Reliques and the rest of their unwritten Traditions, these being positives of worship, and more then unseparable, and connaturall attendants, such as are common, Time, Place, Person, Name, Country, Habite, Gesture, are therefore unlawfull, because Christ neither heard them of the Father, nor spake them to the A­postles, and just the like say we of Surplice, Crosse, &c. That they are no part of the will of God, which the Father revealed to Christ, and these same Texts Papists use, to prove that the Scriptures are not perfect, because they speak nothing of the Traditions of the Church; so Bellarmine, Because the Counsell of Trent, Andradius, Stapleton, and all the rest, and they prove as well, if Crosse and Surplice, and humane Offices, as Prelates, stand good and lawfull, that yet the Scriptures are unperfect: 3. We say that the whole will of God revealed by the Father to Christ, and by Christ to the Prophets and Apostles, requireth the immutability of all Laws of Church-Policy in this sence, that men should not dare to make and unmake, erect, command, alter, and injoyne positive Laws, of do­ctrine or policy at their pleasure.

Hooker, ibid. p. 113. There is more reason to say that God hath a lesse care of the Church under the New-Testament, then under the Old; then a Philosopher had to say, because God hath provided better for beasts that are born with hornes, skins, hair and garments by na­ture, then man who is born without these, that therefore nature is a carefull mother to beasts, and a hard-hearted Step-dame to man: for Gods affection consisteth not in these, for even herein shineth his wis­dom, that though the wayes of his providence be many, yet the end which he bringeth all at the length unto, is one and the self same: yea, it should follow that because God hath not prescribed Rites, and Laws of civill Policy to us, as to the Iews, that he hath lesse love to us, and lesse care of our Temporall estate in the world then of theirs.

Ans. 1. Its true indeed, God should have lesse care of man, who [Page 33] is born naked, then of beasts born with hair in lieu of garments, if God had not given reason to man according to which by nature, he may provide garments for himself, and the comparison should go Gods care for us lead­eth us to think he hath given us a better guide then naturall reason, in all Positive Morals of Church-Policie. aptly on four feet, God should have lesse love, and should declare lesse love to some of mankinde, if he gave some naturall reason to devise a Bible and a Religion of their own that they might walk to heaven in the light of a fire of their own kindling, without the Scrip­tures of God (which is a false supposition) and if he had denied rea­son to another part of mankinde, surely all would say, God had so far forth been more carefull of the salvation of the former, as he should have willed their salvation, and loved those in a higher measure to whom he gave reason on these termes, and should have been lesse carefull of the salvation of those to whom he denied reason, as he he had no more created such capable of salvation and of his love for the saving of them, then brute beasts are: and this answer lay­eth down a ground that naturall reason is sufficient without the light of Scripture to guide us in all these things of policy that are alterable, then (say I) God did take a great deal of needlesse and superfluous pains in setting down so many particular Laws of Ce­remonies and Civill Policy, for the Iews, if with the help of reason, they might have steerd their course to Christ and salvation, by the help of the star light of reason, as a man though born naked may by help of reason, make shift for garments to infants, which beasts void of reason cannot do: for thus the comparison must run, and it shall be indeed a cavilling at Gods wisdom, as Papists do calling the Scriptures inky Divinity: 2. The word of God maketh it a Theologia, Atramen­taria. great love of God, and a work of Free grace, that the great things of Gods Law are written to Ephraim, Hos. 8. 12. And their sin the greater, that they should dare to multiply Altars, v. 11. without warrant of Gods word, as Formalists multiplied, Altars, Saints­dayes, Surplices, &c. And it is an act of singular love, that God gave his judgements, Word, and Statutes, even of Ceremonies, and policy to Israel and Iacob, and did not so to every Nation, Psal. 149. 19, 20. Ezek. 20. 11, 12, 13. This was Israels excellency above all Nations on earth, Deut. 4. 6. Deut. 20. 33. Rom. 3. 1, 2. Rom. 9. 4. that God gave them particular Lawes, Iudgements, Statutes, not only in Morals, but also in Ceremonials, and Policy: yet Hooker dare say, We may not measure the affection of God towards us, by [Page 30] [...] [Page 31] [...] [Page 32] [...] [Page 33] [...] [Page 34] such differences. 3. It shall not hence follow God hath a greater love to the Iews then to us, because he gave them Laws, concer­ning civill policy, which he gave not to us. Except the Lord had given us power to make civill Laws, which laid Morall obligation on our consciences, even in civill things, which morality He expressed in particular Laws written to them, and not to us, as Formalists teach, for then he hath left us in Moralls, to the darknesse of naturall rea­son, in which condition we could not but erre and sin, and make that morally good and obligatory of conscience, which is morally evil, for reason knoweth not what is positive Morally good, except the light of Gods Word teach us; and in Morals, such as judiciall Laws were to the Jews, the Lord should have been more carefull in his particular directing of them, then of us, and more tender to have them preserved from the sin of will-worship, then us, which cannot consist with the Dispensation of lesse light; greater obscu­rity in regard of types and shadows toward them, and of the Day­light of the Gospel, and the arising of the Day-star, and the filling of the earth with knowledge of the Lord toward us, under the New Testament: But the comparison must go upon this supposition, that the Lord purposed to make Politick Laws in their Positives, Morall and Obligatory of the Conscience of the Jews, and the Civill Laws of the Gentiles under the New Testament in their Positives (such as is not to carry Armour in the night, and the like) not to be Morall nor Obligatory of the Conscience. But as touching that which is Morall in all Civill Laws, the Lord is as carefull of our Temporall state, as of theirs, in condescending to particularize all Morals to us, as well as to them.

Hooker, That Christ did not mean to set down particular Positive Book of Eccles. Po­lici [...], 3. pag. 113, 114. Laws for all things, in such sort as Moses did; the very different manner of delivering the Laws of Moses and the Laws of Christ, doth plainly shew, Moses had Commandement to gather the Ordinances of God to­gether distinctly, and orderly to set them down according to their kindes, for each Publique duty and Law: But the Laws of Christ we rather finde mentioned by occasion in the writings of the Apostles, then any solemn thing directly written to comprehend them in a Legall sort. 1. The Law Moral and Ceremonial were not delivered one & the same way; the former was uttered by the Voice of God, in the hearing of six hundred thousand. 2. Written with Gods finger. 3. Termed [...]a Co­venant. [Page 35] 4. Given to be kept without time, how long, or place where. The latter not so, and restricted to the Land of Jury, Deut. 4. 5. 12. Deut. 5. 22. And if God had respect in Positive Laws, to time and place, and the Manners of that Nation, seeing Nations are not all a­like, then the giving of one kinde of Positive Laws unto one only people, without any Liberty to alter them, is but a slender proof, that therefore one kinde should be given to serve everlastingly for all. Ans. This Argument reduced to form, shall want both matter, and form, and reason. If the Laws of Moses be distinctly and orderly set down, and gathered together according to their severall kindes for each Duty; and The occa­sionall writing of things in Scripture, no reason why they are altera­ble. the Laws of Christ be occasionally only written; then Christ did not mean to set down particular Positive Laws, for all things in such sort as Moses did. But this difference is true, Ergo, &c. Both the Ma­jor Proposition and the Assumption are false, and neither of them can be proved: For the occasionall writing of some Articles of Faith, and of Dogmaticall points, should then prove that Christ meant not to set down all Articles of Faith particularly; for Christ, Matth. 22. upon occasion of the Saduces tempting; Paul, upon occasion of some at Corinth who denied the Resurrecti­on, 1 Cor. 15. And of some that mourned for the dead, 1 Thess. 4. Set down and proved an Article of Faith, to wit, the Resurrection of the dead: By this Argument the Scripture is not full and perfect, in Fundamentals, as Moses is in Ceremonials, but hath left such and such Fundamentals to be altered, added or omitted by the Church, in that way, that Surplice, Crosse, and Altars, are alterable things. Most of Dogmatick points concerning Christs sufferings, are occasionall, as his taking, his betraying by Judas, who knew the place he was in, the valuing of him at Thirty pieces, the giving him Gall and Vinegar, a punishment not intended by the Iudge, but oc­casionall, in that Christ said he thirsted; Yea, the Crucifying of him rather then Barrabas, upon occasion of the malice of the people, when Pilate had scourged him upon a Policie, to see if the people would demand he might be released, the casting Lots for his gar­ment, the Crucifying of him between two Theeves, the not breaking of his bones upon occasion he was dead, the piercing of his side; all which in regard of second causes, were occasionall, and so though Dogmaticall and Doctrinall, these must be all such alterable and Ambulatory points of Doctrine, as the Church and Prelats may [Page 36] change at their godly discretion, and Christ meant not in these, to set down particular Positive Laws in such sort as Moses did. Yea, the Evangel according to Luke, is set forth occasionally; because many have taken in hand to set forth in order a Declaration of these things which are most firmly believed; therefore is seemed good to Luke also to write, Luk. 1. 1, 2, 3, 4. Upon occasion of Onesimus his fleeing from his master; The Epistle to Philemon was written upon occasion of the un­constancy of the Galathians, whose faith was perverted by false tea­chers, that of Iustification by Faith, without the works of the Law: And the Epistle to the Galathians was written, most, if not all the Canonic [...] Epistles were written either upon occasion of false Teach­ers, or for fear they should be scandalized at Pauls bonds. By this vain Argument, the most part of Canonick Scripture should be al­terable, imperfect, not particular in most Doctrinals, no lesse then in Ceremonials; And so the Major Proposition is most false, for its a vain thing to Collect Christs meaning, to set down particulars of either Doctrine or Ceremonies, from occasions of Providence; for most of the Scripture is penned upon occasions from men, and from second causes, shall these things leave off to be of Divine In­stitution, that hath their rise from occasions, even sinfull occasions? Yea, the death of Christ is occasioned from mans fall in sin. What then? Is it an alterable Doctrine left to the determination of the Church that Christ died? But this is no other then the shift of Pa­pists for their unwritten Tradition. Sanderus de Visib. Monarch. Lib. 1. c. 5. pag. 13. Si ergo per solas conscriptas leges dei civitas Papists pretend that things are not written in the word, because of the various occurrences of Provi­dence. gubernaretur in valdè magnâ parte corum que passim contingunt, quid faceret, nesciret, quia legem de his loquent [...]m non haberet; Imo si tantum una Lex toti reipub: necessaria esse posset, eaque ipsa scriberetur a prudentissimis viris, ac singulis annis ab orbe condito novae interpre­tationes eidem adderentur: tamen nunquam eveniret, ut ea lex tam plenè interpretata foret, quin causae novae possent intervenire▪ ob quas lex et legis interpretatio novam iterim postularet interpretationem, a­deo et foecunda est natura in suis eventis, et Angustum ingenium huma­num, et varia surisperitorum sententia, et verba tum pauca, tum am­bigua. All cometh to this, that this Papist saith, That there cannot be one written unchangeable Law that is necessary for the whole Church, for new events, occasions and occurences of Providence, should so change the case, that there should be a necessity of a new [Page 37] interpretation, and of a new Law. 2. Nor can we say that Laws made upon occasion, as that Law of transferring the inheritance to the Daughter, made upon occasion of the Daughters of Zelophehad, are in this sense occasionall, that the Iews might at their pleasure alter, or change a Law made by God, and substitute one of their own in place thereof; for then might the Iews change all the Ceremonies and Iudgements that God gave them for a time and occasionally: Now then they might have abolished Circumcision, the passeover, and substitute other Sacraments in their place, for these Sacraments were not given by Gods own voice. 2. Nor written by Gods own finger. Nor, 3. Are they termed a Covenant, in that sense that Horantius Loc. Com. lib. 2. c. 11. fol. 129. Quaecunque audi [...]t, lo­qu [...]tur, & que futura sunt, annun­ciabit vobis, quasi dice­r [...], Quoti [...]s r [...]i occasio fuerit, reve­labit vobis. Quae [...] re vestra esse viderit, sug­gerit, ac quoties re­velare expe­d [...]e [...]it. l. 2. c. 12. fol. 132. Sed quis non vi­de [...] multa verbo esse tradita, quae Ecclesiae so­lum memo­riae, & muli­us [...]mirum Scriptis sunt man­data? the Morall Law is termed a Covenant. 4. Nor are they given without limitting of time and place, expresly when and where: Now if the Church of the Iews could change Sacraments at their pleasure, because their Sacraments were no part of the Eternall Law Morall, they might alter all Gods Law, as the Church may al­ter Surplice, Crossing; and I see not, but the Church of the New Testament upon the same ground, may alter the Sacraments of the New Testament. Papists, as Vasquez Becanus, and others say, that neither the Pope nor the Church can adde or devise a new Article of Faith: Yet doth Horantius Loco Catholice. l. 2. c. 11. fol. 129. teach, That Christ hath not taught us all fully in the New Testament, but that the holy spirit, shall to the end of the world, teach other new things as occasion shall require. And this he bringeth as an Argu­ment to prove, that there must be unwritten Traditions, not contained in Scripture; even as the Formalists contend for unwritten Posi­tives of Church-Policie.

3. Morals of the Law of nature and the Morall Law, do more respect occasions of Providence, customes, Laws, and the manners of people (they doing so nearly concerne our Morall practise) then any Ceremonies of Moses his Law which did shadow out Christ to us, and therefore this reason shall prove the just contrary of that for which its alledged; for the Morall Law should be ra­ther alterable at the Churches lust, then Ceremonials, for there be far more occurrences of Providence in regard of which the Laws Morall touching, what is Sabbath breaking, whether is leading an Ox to the water on the Sabbath a breach of the Sabbath? (the Jews held the affirmative, Christ the negative) touching obedience to Su­periors, [Page 38] Homicide, Polygamie, Incest, Fornication, Oppression, Ly­ing, Equivocating: Then there can be occasions to change the Law of sacrificing, which clearly did adumbrat Christ, who was to be of­fered as a sacrifice for the sins of the world; yea, all significant Sym­bolicall Ceremonies have their spirituall signification independent from all occasions of Providence, and depending on the meer will of the Instituter; Surplice, or white linnen, signifieth the Priests holinesse, without any regard to time, place, or nationall customes; for Christ might have made an immutable Law, touching the Sym­bolicall, and Religious signification, and use of Saints-dayes, white linnen, Crossing, and all the rest of humane Ceremonies, which should stand to Christs second coming, notwithstanding of any oc­currences of Providence, no lesse then he made an immutable Law, touching the Sacramentall obsignation of water in Baptisme, and of Bread and Wine in the Lords Supper, if it had not been his will never to burden his Churches with such dumb and tooth-lesse myste­ries as humane positives: 4. The assumption is false, for divers Ce­remoniall Laws now altered were made without any regard to oc­casions of Providence, and many Doctrinals that are unalterable were made with speciall regard to such occurrences: 5. If positives of Policy be alterable, because the occasions of such are alterable by God; it shall follow that God who hath all revolutions of Pro­vidence in his hand, must change these Positives, and not the Au­thority of the Church: and thus Doctrinals are alterable by God, not by men, which is now our question; for Christ hath given a Commandment; Take ye, Eat ye, Drink ye all of this: Yet hath he not tyed us in the time of persecution to conveen in publick, and Celebrate the Lords Supper; but the Church doth not then change the Law, nor liberate us from obedience to a Command given by God, but God liberateth us himself.

Hooker. But that which most of all maketh to the clearing of this Hooker, 3. Book, pag. 114. 115. point, is, that the Iews who had Laws so particularly determining, and so fully instructing them in all affairs what to do, were not withstanding continually inured with causes exorbitant, and such as their Laws had not provided for, and so for one thing, which we have left to the order of the Church; they had twenty which were undecided by the expresse word of God; so that by this reason, if we may devise one Law, they may devise twenty: Before the Fact of the sons of Shelomith, there [Page 39] was no Law that did appoint any punishment for blasphemers, nor what should be done to the man that gathered sticks on the Sabbath. And by this means God instructed them in all things from heaven, what to do: Shall we against experience think that God must keep the same, or a course by Analogy answering thereunto with us as with them? Or should we not rather admire the various and harmonious dissimilitude of Gods wayes in guiding his Church from age to age; Others would not only have the Church of the Iews a pattern to us, but they would (as learned Master Prynne with them saith) take out of our hand the Apostolick Church, that it should be no rule to us; for saith he, There was no Ʋniforme Church-government in the Apostles times, at the first they had only Apostles and Brethren, Acts 1. 13. no Elders, or Deacons: Their Churches increasing, they ordained D [...]a­cons, Act. 6. And long after the Apostles ordained Elders in every Church, after that widowes in some Churches, not at all. In the pri­mitive times some Congregations had Apostles, Acts 4. 11, 12. 1 Cor. 12. 4. to 33. Evangelists, Prophets, workers of miracles, Healers, &c. Horantius, loc. Catho. Lib. 2. c. 12 f [...]l. 131. Turrian. to. de fide, spe. et Charit. disp, 20. duo. 2. Bell [...]rm. de Verb dei non script. l. 4. c. 3. That there was no V­nif [...]rm Platform of Govern­ment in the time of Moses and the Apostles, is no Argument that there is none now. Other Churches at that time had none of these Officers or Members, and all Churches have been deprived of them since those dayes. Ans. 1. What Hooker saith, is that which Bellarmine, Sanderus, Ho­rantius, and all Popists say, for their Traditions against the perfection of the word, to wit, that the word of God, for 2373. years between Adam and Moses (saith Horantius) was not written, so Turrianus, Bellarmine, and the reason is just nothing, to say the Jews might de­vise twenty Laws, where we may devise one, because the Jews were continually inured with causes exorbitant, such as their written Laws had not provided for. This must be said which is in question, and so is a begging of the controversie, that the Iews of their own head, and Moses without any speciall word from God, or without any pattern shown in the mount, might devise what Laws they pleased, and might punish the blasphemer, and the man that gathered st [...]cks on the Sabbath, and determine, without God, the matter of the Daughters o [...] Zelophehad, as the Formalists teach, that the Church without any word of God or pattern from the word, may devise humane Ceremonial Prelats, Officers of Gods house shapen in a shop on earth, in the Antichrists head, and the Kings Court, the Surplice, the Crosse in Baptisme, and the like. Now we answer both them and Papists with one answer, that it is true, there was no writ­ten [Page 40] Scripture between Adam and Moses which was some thousands of years: Yea, nor a long time after till God wrote the Law on Mount Sinai: But withall, what God spake in visions, dreams, and apparitions to the Patriarchs, was as binding and obliging a pattern interditing men then to adde the visions of their own brain to what he spake from heaven, as the written word is to us, so that the Iews might neither devise twenty Laws nor any one of their own head, without expresse warrant of Gods immediate Tradition, which was the same very will and truth of God, which Moses committed to writing; if then Formalists will assure us of that which Pa­pists could never assure us, we shall receive both the un­written Traditions of the one, and the unwritten Positive in­ventions of Crosse and Surplice, devised by the other: as 1. Make us sure, as God himself immediatly spake to the Patriarchs, and to Moses, nothing but what after was committed to writing by Moses and the Prophets at Gods speciall Commandment, as Papists say, their unwritten Traditions are agreeable to the word, and though be­side Scripture, yet not against it: And the very will of God no lesse then the written word; and let Formalists assure us, that their positive additaments of Surplice and Crosse are the same which God commandeth in the Scriptures, by the Prophets and Apostles, and though beside, yet not contrary to the vvord: But I pray you what better is the distinction of beside the vvord, not contrary to the vvord of God, out of the mouth of Papists, to maintain unvvritten Traditions, which to them is the expresse word of God, then out of the mouth of Formalists, for their unwritten Positives, which are worse then Popish Traditions in that they are not the expresse word of God, by their own grant? 2. Let the Formalist assure us, that after this, some Moses and Elias shall arise and write Scripture tou­ching the Surplice and Crosse, that they are the very minde of God, as the Lord could assure the Church between Adam and Moses, that all Divine truths which he had delivered by Tradition, should in Gods due time be written in Scripture, by Moses, the Prophets and Apostles: I think they shall here fail in their undertakings. Hence the Argument standeth strong, the Jevvs might devise nothing in doctrine, Worship, or Government; nay, neither the Patriarchs nor Moses, nor the Prophets of their own head, without Gods im­mediate Tradition, or the written Scripture (which are all one) [Page 41] Ergo, Neither can the Church, except she would be wiser then God in the Scriptures. 2. Hookers Various and Harmonious Dissimili­cude of Gods g [...]iding his Ch [...]rch, is his fancy: This variety we ad­mire, as it is expressed, He [...]. 1. 1. But Hooker would say (for he hath reference to that place) God at sundry times, and in divers manners, spake in time past unto the Fathers by the Prophets, and now to us by hi [...] Son: But test of all, he hath revealed his Will, by the Pope of Rome, and his cursed Clergy, that we should Worship Images, pray to Saints, and for the dead, beleeve Purgatory, &c. and now by humane Pre­lates, he hath shown his will to us, touching Crossing, Surplice: Now Papists, as Horantius, Sanderus, Malderus, Bellarmine, and others Horantius, in loe. Ca­tholic▪ l▪ 2. c. 12. fol. 1 [...]1. Sanderus, de visib. Monarch. l. 1. c. 5. [...]. 13. Malderus▪ in 22. de virtu. The­olog. q. 1. de Object. fi­dei tract. de trad. q. unic. dub. 1. Funda­mentals were by succession delivered to the church, yet are they not altera­ble. say, Most of the points that are in Question between them and Pro­testants, and particularly Church-Ceremonies, are unwritten Tradi­tions delivered by the Church; beside the warrant of Scripture▪ 3. We grant that there was no Uniform Church-Government in the Apostles time, Deacons were not at the first, Elders were not ordained [...], in every Church: But this is nothing against a Plat­form of Ʋniform Government▪ which cannot be altered in Gods Word. For by this reason the Learned and Reverend Mr. Prynne, because points of Government did grow by succession of time; cannot infer therefore that Government which the immediately inspired Apo­stles did ordain in Scripture, is alterable by men; then because, 1. Fundamentals of Faith and Salvation, were not all delivered at first by God; there is no Uniform, no unalterable Platform of Do­ctrinals and Fundamentals set down in Scripture. For first, the Ar­ticle of Christs death and incarnation, was obscurely delivered to the Church in Paradise: Sure the Article of Christs making his Grave with the wicked, of his being put to death for out Transgres­sions, though he himself was innocent; his justifying of many by Faith, were after delivered by Isaiah, Chap. 53. And by succession [...]f time, many other Fundamentals, as the Doctrine of the written Moral Law, in the Moral Positives thereof, were delivered to the Church: But I hope from this successive Addition of Fundamentals, no man can infer▪ 1. There is no Uniform Platform of the doctrine of Faith, set down in the Old Testament. 2. None can hence infer, because all points▪ Fundamental were not delivered to the Church at first; the refore the Church▪ without any expresse warrant from God, may alter the Platform of Fundamentals of Faith, as they take [Page 42] on them to adde Surplice, Crossing, &c. and many other Positives to the Government of Christ without any expresse warrant of the Word. 3. Our Argument is close mistaken, we argue not from the Patern of Government, which was in the Apostles times, at the lay­ing of the first stone in that Church; then the Apostolike Church had indeed no Officers; but the Apostles and the seventy Disciples we reason not from one peece, but from the whole frame, as perfect­ed by the Ministery of the Lords Apostles. 2. We argue not from the Apostolike Church, as it is such a Church; for Apostles were ne­cessary then, as was community of goods, miracles, speaking with tongues, &c. but we draw an argument from the Apostolike Church; as the first Christian Church, and since the Law was to come from The church of Ierusa­lem as per­fected in Doctrine, and Disci­pline, is our patern. Acts 1. 4. Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem, Isai. 2. 3. And the Lord was to reign in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem before his An­cients gloriously, Isai. 24. 23. And the Lord was to reign over his people in Mount Zion, from henceforth and for ever, Micah 4. 2, 7. And Christ for that gave a special command to his Disciples, not to depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which they had heard from Christ; therefore this Church of Jerusalem was to be a rule, a patern and copy for the Government of the Vi­sible Kingdom and Church of Christ, in which Christ was to reign by his own Word▪ and Law, Mi [...]. 4. 2, 7. And so the Spirit descended upon the Apostles in the framing and Governing of the first Church, in so far, as it was a Christian Church, and they were to act all, not of their own heads, but as the Holy Ghost led them in all Truth, in these things that are of perpetual necessity; and in such as these, the first Church is propounded as imitable: Now we do not say in Apostles, which had infallibility of writing Canonick Scripture, in Miracles, speaking with Tongues, and such like, that agreed to the Apostolike Church, not as a Church, but as such a de­terminate Church in relation to these times, when the Gospel and Mystery of God, now manifested in the flesh, was new taught, and never heard of before, did require Miracles, gift of Tongues, that the Gospel might openly be preached to the Gentiles, we do not (I say) urge the Apost [...]like Church and all the particulars for Govern­ment in it, for a rule and patern to be imitated. And if Master Prynne deny, that there is an Uniform Government in the Apostles [Page 43] times, because God himself added to them Deacons & Elders, which at first they had not, & removed Apostles, miracles, gifts of healing, and tongues: then say I; First, the Canonick Scripture is not Uniform and perpetual: Why, for certainly once there was no Canonick Scripture but the Books of Moses, and after the holy Ghost added the Book of the Psalmes, and the Prophets; and after the Nativity and As­cension of our Lord to Heaven, the Apostles did write Canonick Scripture: I hope, this is but a poor Argument to infer, that there is no Vniform and unalterable Platform of Divinity in the Old and New Testament, and yet the Argument is as concludent the one way, as it is the other: 3. We do not so contend for an Vniform and unalterable Platform of Church-Government in the Word; as it was not free to the Lord and Law-giver to adde, and alter at his pleasure, only we hold it so Vniform and unalterable, that this Platform is not shaped like a coat to the Moon, or alterable at the will of men, without expresse warrant of the Lords Word, and to rise and fall with the climate, and the elevation of Nationall cu­stomes; and therefore the Argument is nothing concludent, and judge what can be made of these words of the learned Mr. Prynne: Mr. Prynne, Truth Tri­umphing, &c. p. 128. The Government and Officers of all Churches, not being De facto, one and the same in all particulars in the very Primitive times, as well as since, it can never be proved to be of Divine right, and the self same in all succeeding Ages, without the least variation, [...]inee it was not so in the Apostles dayes: For this is all one as to say, the Canonick Scripture was not one and the same, in the Apostles and Prophets times, but admitted of divers additions; Ergo, now in our daies Canonick Scripture is not one and the same, but may also suffer the like additions: 2. Because God himself added to Canonick Scripture, and to the Government of the Church in the Apostles dayes; Ergo, men may without Warrant from God, adde in our dayes to Canonick Scripture, and to the Government and Officers of the Church: 3. The Government and Officers in the Apostles time were not of Divine right, but alterable by God; Ergo, A­postles, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, Workers of miracles were not of Divine right in the Apostles times, but might have been alte­red by men, without the expresse Warrant of God: But will any wise man believe that Pauls Apostleship was alterable, and might be changed by the Church? Since he saith, Gal. [...]. 1. Paul an Apostle, [Page 44] not of men, neither by men, but by Iesus Christ, and 1 Cor. 12. 28. When Paul saith, And God hath set [...], or instituted some in the Church; first, Apostles, secondly, Prophets, thirdly, Teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, &c. and Eph. 4. 11. When Christ ascended on high, he gave some Apostles, some Prophets, and some Evangelists, and some to be Pastors and Teachers, 12. For the per­fecting of the Saints, &c. Can it enter into the head of any man to say, some Churches had Apostles and Evangelists, and Pastors, and miracles, and some not; Ergo, Apostles, and Pastors, are not by Divine right; Ergo, because they were not in all Churches, there­fore they were alterable at the will of men? and a Surplice, and Crosse in Baptisme hath as much of Divine institution, as the cal­ling of the Apostle, or of a Pastor, and truly to me, it is bold Di­vinity to say, that Pastors set over the flock by the holy Ghost, Act. 20. 28. and whose due qualifications are so specified, 1 Tim. 3. and Elders, 1 Tim. 5. 17. and Teachers placed by God in the Church, 1 Cor. 12 28. may be all turned out of the Church, by men, as ha­ving no Divine right to be there, and that men may set up other al­terable Officers in their place; for by this reason the Apostles, by that ordinary spirit, that is now in Church-Rulers, might without their Apostolick spirit, or any immediate Warrant from Christ, have altered the whole frame of Apostolick-Government, and Church-Officers, as the Church may upon motives from themselves not warranted from the word, turne out Surplice, Crosse, and all such stuffe out of the Church.

Master Prynne. The Apostles speech, 1 Cor▪ 12. 4, 5, 6. There are Mr. Prynne, Truth Tri­umphing, p. 128. diversity of gifts, but the same spirit, there are diversity of operations, but the same God, compared with chap. 8. to 13. and c. 9. v. 19. to 24. I made my self a servant to all, that I might gain all, &c. parallel'd with Act. 15. 1, 2, 5, 6, 10. to 32. and chap. 21. 18. to 30. The Churches of Judea did retain the use of Circumcision, Purification, and other Iewish Rites, which the Gentiles by the Apostles resolution were not to observe, and Act. 2. 22. The Apostles frequented the Iewish Temple, and Synagogues (conforming themselves to the Order and Discipline thereof) and their own private Christian Assemblies; all this will clear, that all Churches had not one and the self same Church-Govern­ment. Ans. If diversity of Gifts, as to be a speaker with Tongues, a Prophet, a Pastor, will prove the Discipline to be alterable at the [Page 45] Churches will, as are Surplice, Crosse, &c. I shall think men may infer any thing they please out of the Scripture; and that to be A­postles, Past [...]rs, are as indifferent and variable as eating of meats, 1 Cor. 8. and Pauls taking of wages at Corinth, 1 Cor. 9. Which none can say; for if the Church should now command us to abstain from such and such meats, as the Apostle doth, 1 Cor. 8. We should call that, and do call it, in the Romish Church, a Doctrine of Devils, 1 Tim. 4▪ 1, 2, 3. All brought for this, from Act. 15. Act. 21. tendeth to this, the Lord himself for the then weaknesse of the Jews, of meer The indif­ferency of some things in the A­postolick Church, cannot in­fer that the Govern­ment is al­terable. indulgence appointed some things to be indifferent, and abstained from, in the case of scandall: Therefore Circumcision, Purifica­tion, Sacrifices of Bullocks, and sheep; And all the Ceremonies of Moses his Law, may be commanded by the Church, so they have another signification then they had before, and shadow out Christ who is already come: But because God hath made some things in­different, shall it follow that the Pope, yea, or any Church on earth can create an indifferency in things? they must then take from things their Morall goodnesse or conveniency with Gods Law, and take from them their moral badnes, & disconveniency to Gods Law, which to me is to change the nature of things, and to abrogate and change Gods Laws: it is true, P. Martyr, 1 Cor. 9. 19. saith, Paul was made all things to all men, Quoad Ceremonias, & res medias, in that he Circumcised Timotheus: The Law (saith he) was abro­gated, V [...]rum id non adhuc Judaeis liquebat; The Jews were to be spa­red for a time, but only for a time, and therefore when the Gospel was sufficiently promulgated; Paul said, Gal. 5. to be Circumcised was to lose Christ, and he refused to be a servant to Peter in his sinful Iudaizing, Gal. 2. And withstood him in the face: Now, certain it is, Peter knew Christ was come in the flesh, and that his Iudaizing did not lay bands on his conscience, he preached the contrary, Act. 11. And if Peter did Iudaize, as Formalists observe Ceremonies, and the Galathians were circumcised the same way (for they knew Cir­cumcision had no Typicall Relation to Christ to come, they belie­ved he was already come) then without cause, Paul, Gal. 2. and 5. did rebuke, and argue either Peter or the Galathians of sinfull Iu­daizing; which to say, were to speak against the Gospel. But cer­tainly the Vniformity, and immutability of all these Ceremonies was, that then when the Gospel was sufficiently Proclaimed to all, [Page 46] to be under the Law of Ceremonies in any sort was damnable, and so is it now: And as the Apostles and Church then set up no Cere­monies, no Surplice, no Crossing, because they had no word of Christ to warrant them, neither can we do the like now; and they complyed for a time with the Iewish Ceremonies, being yet indif­ferent, but not but by warrant of the commandment and resolu­tion of the Apostles, and the like are we obliged unto now, had we a Warrant of the like indifferency of Prelates, Surplice, Crosse, and that we were obliged to use them to gain the weak, in regard: 1. They were once obligatory Ordinances of God: 2. And if the day light of the Gospel were not yet sufficiently risen to shine upon those who are not wilfully ignorant, and had not yet acknowledged the Gospel to be Gods word, we should also be obliged to Cere­monies; yea, we durst not yield to any Law to lay them aside, as many Formalists, who hold them lawfull, have done.

Mr. Prynne. From the Creation till Moses, there was no one Ʋni­versall Ibid. set Form of Church-Government, to be observed in all the world: Nor one Form of Discipline under the Tabernacle, another under the Temple.

Ans. All this concludeth not what is in question; its but the Po­pish Argument: This is to be concluded, that Enoch, Seth, Noah, Abraham, the Patriarchs and Moses did set up a Church-Govern­ment of such timber as Humane Prelates, Crosse, Surplice, without any expresse Warrant from Gods mouth, and which they might al­ter by their own spirit; for this Argument is, God might alter; Ergo, The Church now may alter without a warrant from God. And shall we believe that the Patriarchs and Moses by their own spirit without any Commandment of God, might at their pleasure set up, and put down Prophets, Circumcision, Tabernacle, Temple, Laws for Sacrifices, Priests, Levites, Arke, putting the Leaper in, or putting him out of the Campe, cutting any soul off from the Congregation of the Lord, as our men will cry up, and down Ceremonies, and put on them the weight of a Talent, or a Feather, without any word of God? The Scripture cryeth the contrary so often, saying, And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, speak thou unto the children of Israel: Could Formalists say that, and Christ spake unto the Prelats, and the Church, and said, Command the Pastor to crosse the Infant, and ap­point unto your selves a Prelate over the Pastors: I should gladly a­gree [Page 47] to the mutable frame of humane Government.

Mr. Prynne. There are but for the most part, generall rules pre­scribed Ib. p. 129. to us for the very ordering and regulating of our thoughts, words, actions, lives, apparell, Children, servants, families, calling, &c. in the Word; Ergo, there be but generall rules for Discipline and Church-Government, which admit variety; the former do more im­mediately concern every man, the other more remotely.

Ans. If the Word of God do not more particularly regulate our thoughts, as, Psal. 10. 4. Psal. 5. 9. Isa. 55. 7. Ier. 4. 14. Act. 8. 22. And our words and actions by which we must be judged, Isa. 3. 8. Ier. 8. 6. Mal. 3. 13. Ier. 9. 3. Matth. 12. 36, 37. Rev. 22. 12. Rev. 20. 13. 2 Cor. 5. 10. Prov. 5. 21. 1 Sam. 2, 3. Psal. 119. 9. Prov. 3. 23, 24. Then the Scripture doth warrant Surplice, and Crossing, and kneeling to Creatures, and humane Prelats, which are changeable, and alterable circumstances and adjuncts of Worship, that may be, and may not be, and things indifferent; it shall follow, that for the most part, it is indifferent to do evil or well, sin or not sin, in thought, word and actions; and we have no warrant in Scripture for eschewing sin, or not eschewing it in the most of our actions. I confesse there is little need to walk, [...] accurately, Eph. 5. 15. And to cleanse our wayes, Psal. 119. 9. according to the Word; If words, thoughts and actions, may go at random, as if they were va­riable and indifferent Ceremonies, God throweth not men in hells torments, to be eternally miserable, for circumstances▪ 2. For the acts of our calling, if they be Morall, they are regulated as particu­larly by the word, as to believe, love and fear God, or the crea­ture; Mr. Prynne, Truth tri­uphing, p. 130, 131, 132, 133. The Ar­gument of Moses his doing all to the least pin, in the Tabernacle by speciall direction, considered. if artificiall, they are not of our consideration. 3. That Mo­rall acts of decent usage of the Ordinances, do not immediately concern men, is admirable to me.

Mr. Prynne: To the Argument of Moses his doing all according to the patern shown in the Mount, It is Answered: 1. The Tabernacle wa [...] no part of the Church of the Israelites; but only the place of meeting for Worship, answerable to our Churches and Chappels, and so was the Temple; But I pray you, God prescribed the height, length, bredth, form of Tabernacles, Ark, Altar, of every Pin, Ergo, Hath Christ as punctually prescribed to all Christians, and Nations, in expresse words, the form, matter, dimensions of all Christian Churches, Tem­ples, Chappels, Tables, Challices, Pulpits, Pews, not varying in one [Page 48] pin. 2. God named the men, Bezaliel, and Aholiah, who should make the Tabernacle and all the implements thereof. 3. God expressed the frame, fashion, colours, of the holy Garments of Aaron and his sons: shall it follow, Ergo, only the Artificers whom God nameth, immediate­ly, and none but Embroyderers, Goldsmiths, Carpenters, &c. Not Pastors and Elders are to build up the spirituall Churches of Christ, Ergo, The form, matter and colour of Ministers, and Elders garments are particularly set down in the New Testament. 4. The Taberna­cle and Temple were corporall things made by mens hands, not spiritu­all buildings of mens spirits. 5. All these of the patern were delivered to Moses the Temporall Magistrate, not to Aaron the Priest; Ergo, the Church under the Gospel is not a spirituall building, whose maker and builder is God; and all is to be ordered by the Civill Magistrate, and Lay-Artificers, not by Pastors: I wonder also you alledge not Noahs Ark: And all in the New Testament, are not so particularly set down, as in the Old. Ans. The Tabernacle was no part of the Church; but being a Type and the implements of it, to the least pin, particu­larly expressed by God to Moses; far more must we have from God an expresse for every Ceremony, not to retort this also, that a Cor­ner-Cap, or a Surplice, is no part of the Church, and is indeed a teaching sign, and so should not be counted a Positive of Church-Policy. 2. Most false it is that the Tabernacle and Temple were nothing but a meeting place of the people for Worship, as our Churches or Chappels, are, 1. Because it is to Argue the Holy Ghost of want of wisdom, to spend so much Canonick Scripture in setting down things idely, not tending, at all to edification, and tea­ching us nothing of God, and in specifying the Form, Height, Length, Bredth, Curtains, Candlesticks, Sockets, Rings, of naturall places that contained their bodies; for what should it edifie us, if God should describe so particularly all the Churches and meeting places of the people under the New Testament? Now certain it is, What­soever things were written afore time, were written for our Learning, Rom. 15. 4. 2. Many things in the Tabernacle, as Candles in day light, Rings, Sockets, Shew-bread, belonged nothing to a na­turall place, as our Chappels, or Meeting houses do. 3. Expresly the Scripture maketh them more then places; to wit, Holy, Religi­ous, and Typicall signes of Divine institution; as the Tahernacle was a Type, Heb. 8. 2. 5. Heb. 9. 1, 2. &c. Heb. 10. 1, 2, 3. And the [Page 49] Temple a Type of Christs body, Ioh. 2. 19. Ioh. 1. 14, 15. And all these were Types and shadows of Heavenly things, Heb. chap. 8, 9, 10. Gal. 4. 1. 2. &c. Col. 2. 16. 17. Which our Churches and Chappels are not, being only places common to sacred and Civill actions. 2. God therefore can no more in expresse words set down, the form, matter, dimensions of Christian Churches and Chappels, then of the Synagogues of the Iews which had no Morall use for e­dification and instruction. 3. Yea, because the Tabernacle and Tem­ple and their implements, were teaching shadows of good things to come, and our Churches and Chappels are not so, nor have they any Morall or Religious use or influence on our spirits as the Taberna­cle and Temple had; therefore the Lord, who is expresse in all Mo­rals, which of their own nature do teach and edifie; he behoved to name Bezaliel, and Aholiah, and the form and colour of the Priests garments, which also are Typicall, and could not name our Elders, or the colour or form of their Garments. 4. All these weak retortions, suppose that the Tabernacle and Temple were types of our meeting houses for Worship, which is a meer conjecture; they were no more types of our Chappels, then of the Iewish Synagogues; we may not expound types at will, but as the Holy Ghost expound­eth them to us in the New Testament: And this is a conjecturall Exposition, and a dream to make Bezaliel and Aholiah, types of Embroyderers and Tradesmen.

5. We know the Tabernacle and Temple were corporall things made with hands, and that they are things different from the spiri­tuall things that they signifie; as the sign and the thing signified; as therefore the Lord is expresse in the elements and Rites of the Supper of the Lord, because all of them, Bread, Wine, taking, eating, breaking, pouring out the Wine, drinking, are teaching and edifying signes; and our Lord never left it to the wisdom of men, to devise signes to teach themselves: so in like manner, should the Lord ex­presly specifie all the teaching and signifying signes in the Old Te­stament; and as Moses might devise none of his own, but was tyed to follow the patern, which the Lord himself shewed to him in the Mount: So are we now under the New Testament, tyed to the patern of that same will revealed in the Word; and it is laid on us, Not to be wise above that which was written; and it is of perpe­tuall equity: The supream Law-giver, never left it to the wisdom [Page 50] of Angels, or Men, or Prophet, Apostle or Church, to serve and Worship God as they thought good: But he himself particularly prescribed the way, signes, and means: And because God hath not been pleased in the New Testament to specifie types of Christ in­carnate, and come in the flesh already; therefore are we obliged in Conscience to believe, and practise no more, either in Doctrinals, or teaching types, or Positives of Church-Policy, then our Patern in the Mount, the Scripture hath warranted to us, to be the will of God, and in this and this only, standeth the force of the present Argument unanswered by paterns of unwritten Traditions, and not in these loose consequences, that we under the New Testament should have these types and Policy that the Church of the Iews had, which is the Doctrine of Papists and Formalists following them, not ours; for they prove their Pope and Prelat from the Ie­wish High Priest, their Surplice, from the linnen Ephod of Jewish Priests; their Humane Holidayes, from the Iewish dayes; their kneeling to bread, from their bowing toward the Ark. 6. It is not true, that the Tabernacle and Temple were meer corporall things, no more then bread and wine in their spirituall relation, are meer corporall things: The Lords end, use and intent, in the Tabernacle and Temple, was, that they should be to the people Images, and shadows of heavenly and spirituall things, Heb. 8. 5. Heb. 10. 1. 7. That all the things of the Tabernacle, were delivered to Moses as a King, and not as a Prophet and writer of Canonick Scripture, Heb. 3. 5. Heb. 8. Luk. 24. 44. 27. Luk. 16. 31. is an untruth, ex­cept Formalists make the King so the head of the Church, in pre­scribing Laws for the Policy thereof, as they make him a Canonick writer, as were David, Moses, Solomon, from whose example they would prove the King to be the head of the Church: But I judge Moses saw the patern in the Mount, and God face to face, as a Prophet whose words are Scripture to us, Deut. 34. 10. And there arose not a Prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knevv face to face; And as a Prophet, not as a King, his face did shine, Exod. 34▪ 27, 28, 29. And he was commanded as a Prophet, to write the Law not as a King, Numb. 12. 6. 7. Moses is made the most eminent Prophet that was in the Old Testament. And why? Because God spake to other Prophets by Dreams and Visions▪ But he spake the Law and written Scripture to Moses, mouth to mouth: This [Page 51] should not be a comparison between Prophet and Prophet, but be­tween The Ark of Noah pro­veth the same. Prophet and King, by this learning. 8. We judge Noahs Ark doth prove the same, it being a speciall type of the Church, 1 Pet. 3. 20, 21. And he built it by Faith, Heb. 11. 7. And so by a Word of God, and at Gods speciall direction, in all the length, bredth, formes of it, and not of his own head, Gen. 6. 14, 15, &c. And is Calvin, Com. in Gen. 6. 22. Quare dis­camus per omnegenus impedimen­ta perrum­p [...]re, nec lo­cum dare pravis cogi­tationibus quae s [...] Dei verbo opponunt, hunc enim honorem haberi sibi, flagitat Deus, ut [...]um si [...]am [...]s pronobis seper [...]. P. Martyr in loc. Nihil negligit fides, omnia pro viribus exoquitur, quaecunque scit deum v [...]lle: Musculus Moses fidem & obedientiam Noah comprehendit, qua secundum verbum dei arcam con­struxit, Vatablus Hebraismus pro, quo fecit Noah prorsus, ut ci preceperat deus. commended by the spirit of God for so doing, Gen. 6. 22. Thus did Noah according to all that God commanded him, so did he. And For­malists should deserve the like Testimony, if it could be said of them, And as the Lord commanded the Church, in creating Prelats, Surplice, and all the positives of Church-policy; so did she. And so saith Calvin, on Genesis. 6. 22. And P. Martyr, and Musculus piously on this place: and with them, Vatablus. Hence I judge all other things in this, and the following Arguments Answer.


ANy Positives not warranted by some speciall word of God Horantius in loc. Ca­tholic. l. 2. c. 12. so. 13 [...] Constatcom plura Dei spiritum post Christi ascensionem ecclesiam do euisse, quo­rum, etsi a Christo uni­versal [...]m quandam, & in genere cognitionem habuissent fideles: non tamen in specie aut certè in numero, & singulariter unde universa fidei nostrae mysteria, & que ad religionem spectarent (intelligit Ceremonias Ecclesiae) omnia literis con­scripta esse non sine igno ratione affirmare potest (Calvinus.) shall be additions to the word of God: But these are expresly forbidden, Deut. 4. 2. Deut. 12. 32. Prov. 30. 6. Rev. 22. 18, 19. To this Formalists answer: 1. They have a generall Commandment of God, though not a speciall. Ans. So have all the unwritten Tradi­tions of Papists; hear the Church, she is Magistra fidei; so doth the Papist Horantius answer Calvin, That the spirit of God hath gi­ven a generall and universall knowledge of mysteries of Faith and Ce­remonies belonging to Religion, but many particulars are to be recei­ved by tradition from the Church: but of this hereafter. 2. Master Prynne answereth that is a wresting, These Texts (saith he) speak only of additions to books or doctrines of Canonical Scriptures then written, not of Church-Government or Ceremonies; yea, God him­self [Page 52] after the writing of Deutronomy caused many Canonicall books of the old and New Testament to be written: Many additions were made to the service of God in the Temple not mentioned by Moses. Another answer R. Hooker giveth, teaching with Papists, Bellarmine (as in another place after I cite) with Cajetane, Tannerus and others; That additions that corrupt the word are here forbidden, not additions that expound and perfect the word: True it is, concerning the word of God, whither it be by misconstruction of the sense, or by falcification of the words, wittingly to endeavor that any thing may seem Divine, which is not, or any thing not seem, which is, were plainly to abuse even to falcifie divine evidence: To quote by-speeches in some Historicall nar­ration, Mr. Prynne, Truth Tri­umphing p. 134. Hooker, 3. book Eccle. pol. p 93. as if they were written in some exact form of Law, is to adde to the Law of God. We must condemn (if we condemn all adding) the Jevvs dividing the supper in tvvo courses: their lifting up of hands un­vvashed to God in Prayer, as Aristaeus saith, Their Fasting every Festi­vall day till the sixth hour. Though there be no expresse word for every thing in speciality, yet there are general Commandments for all things; say the Puritans, observing general Rules, of 1. Not scandalizing: 2. Of decency: 3. Of edification: 4. Of doing all for Gods glory. The Prelate Vsher, in the question touching traditions; We speak not of Rites & Ce­remonies, Usher in his Answer to the Jesuits challenge of Tradi­tions pag. 3 [...], 36. vvhich are left to the disposition of the Church, and be not of Divine, but of Positive and Humane right: But that traditions should be obtruded for Articles of Religion, parts of Worship, or parcels of Gods vvord beside the Scriptures, and such Doctrines as are either in Scriptures expresly, or by good inference we have reason to gainsay.

Here is a good will, to make all Popish Traditions that are only beside, not contrary to Scripture (and in the Popish way all are on­ly Formalists acknow­ledge ad­ditions to the word of God, con­tra [...]y to Deut 4. 2. & 12. 32. The same way that Papists do. beside Scripture) as Lawfull, as our Ceremoniall additions, so they be not urged as parts of Canonicall Scripture: Well, the places Deut. 4. & 12. Prov. 30. Rev. 22. (say our Masters of mutable Po­licy) forbid only Scripturall, or Canonicall additions, not Ceremonial additions: But I wonder who took on them to adde additionals Scripturall: if Baals Priests should adde a worship of Iehovah, and not equall it with Scripture, nor obtrude it as a part of Moses's Books, by this means they should not violate this precept: Thou shalt not adde to the word, &c. 2. Additions explaining the Word, or beside the Word, as Crossing the bread in the Lords-Supper are Lawfull, only additions corrupting, or detracting from the word, and [Page 53] everting the sense of it, are here forbidden, and in effect these are detractions from the word, and so no additions at all by this distincti­on are forbidden, but only detractions: The word for all this wil not be mocked, it saith, Thou shalt not add, Thou shalt not diminish.

But the truth is, a Nation of Papists answer this very thing for their Traditions. 1. Bishop Ans. to the 2. part of Refor. Catho. of Trad. §. 5. pag. 848. The words signifie no more, but that we must not either by addition, or substraction, change or pervert Gods Command­ments, be they written, or unwritten: Else why were the Books of the Old Testament written aftervvard; if God had forbidden any more to be written or taught, beside▪ that one Book of Deutronomy? Shall we think that none of the Prophets that lived and wrote many Vo­lumns after this, had read these vvords, or understood them not, or did vvilfully transgresse them? D. Abbot answereth, What the Pro­phets vvrote, serve to explain the Law, they added no point of Doctrine to Moses Lavv, for Exod. 24, 4. Moses vvrote all the vvords of God, Deut. 31. 9, 10. Moses wrote this Lavv, then he vvrote not a part of the Law, and left another part unvvritten. The Iesuit Tannerus an­swereth the same in terminis with the Formalists: Colloquio Ratis­bonensi foll. 11. & 13. D. Gretserus, ad dicta, Resp. Prohiberi addi­tionem quae repugnet verbo scripto, non autem illam, quae verbo scripto est consentanea cujusmodi sunt traditiones—Post pentateuchum acces­serunt libri josue, Prophetarum, &c. Tamen nemo reprehendit, quia illi libri fuerunt consentanei sacrae Scripturae: Additions contrary (say they) to the vvord are forbidden, not such as agree vvith the vvord, such as are all the traditions of the Church; for after Deutro­nomy vvere vvritten the Books of Ioshua and the Prophets; so Caje­tan. Coment in Loc. Prohibemur ne [...]ingamus contineri in lege, quod in ea non continetur, nec subtrahamus, quod in ea continetur, Gloss. Interline: Non prohibet veritatem veritati addere, sed falsitatem om­nino removet. Lira. Hic prohibetur additio depr [...]vans intellectum le­gis, non autem additio declarns aut clucidans, Tostatus in Loc. Q. 2. Ille (pecat) qui addit, addit tanquam aliquid de textu, vel necessarium, sicut alia qu [...] sunt in textu velut dictum a spiritu sancto, & hoc voca­tur propriè addere. Formalists (as Dr. Morton say) It is sin to adde to the vvord any thing, as a part of the written vvord, as if Ceremo­nies were a part of the vvritten Scripture, and spoken by the imme­diate inspiring spirit that dyteth Canonick Scripture, they come only a [...] [Page 54] Arbitrary and ambulatory adjuncts of Worship from the ordinary spi­rit of the Church, and are not added as necessary parts of Scripture, or as Doctrinals; so Papists say, their traditions are not additions to the written vvord, nor necessary parts of the vvritten Scripture, but inferiour to the Scripture. 1. They say their Traditions are no part of the written word or Scripture; for they divide the word of God in two parts, as Bellarmine, Turrian, Tannerus, Stapleton, Becanus, all of them say, Aliud est verbum dei scriptum & dicitur Scriptura sacra, aliud est verbum dei non scriptum, & dicitur ecclesiae traditio; There is one vvord of God vvritten, called the holy Scripture; And there is another vvord of God not vvritten, and it is called the Tradition of the Church.

Now their Tradition is no more a part of the Scripture (but ano­ther part of the word of God contradistinguished from Scripture) then the body is a part of the soul, or Scotland a part of England, for both England and Scotland are collaterall parts of great Brit­tain; the Scripture (say they) is the unperfect rule of Faith, and not the compleat will of God, as touching Faith or manners, but Scrip­ture and Tradition together, are the perfect and totall rule: so say Formalists, that Scripture is the compleat and perfect rule of Faith and manners to regulate all our Morall acts; But the other part of the distinction is, that Scripture is not a compleat and full rule to regulate all our Morall Acts whatsoever, whither of Faith or manners or Church-Policy, as it is no rule to my conscience and practise to believe, for orders, cause and obedience to my Superiours, and for decency that I am to wear a Religious sig­nificant linnen creature called a Surplice, or not to wear it, or that I am to excercise, or not exercise that grave action of drawing my thumb Crosse the Air above the face of a Baptized Childe vvhile I baptize, to betoken his dedication to Christs service: And hitherto neither Traditions, nor Positives of Church-Policy are added, as necessary parts of written Scripture: 2. Traditions are not added to the Scripture, by Papists, as coming from the immediatly inspi­ring spirit that dyted and wrote Scripture, more then our Ceremo­niall Positives of policy: Its true, Papists say they come from an in­fallible spirit: But Formalists (I hope) refer not their unwritten Positives to so noble blood; yet in this, they agree that Traditions are not added by them, as descending from the immediate inspi­ring [Page 55] spirit of written Scripture: Therefore Cornelius a Lapide saith, Non addetis ad verbum quod vobis loquor, aliquid, scilicet tanquam meum, vel a me dictum aut jussum, nulli enim homini licet prescripta aut precepta sua pro preceptis a deo (a spiritu sancto immediatè in­spirante) dictatis, aut pro Scripturis sacris addere; It is not lavvfull for any man to adde to the vvord any thing of his ovvn, as his ovvn, or as spoken and commanded by himself: For no man may broach his own injunctions and precepts, as if they were the precepts taught by the immediate inspiring spirit, speaking in the Scriptures. Hence Papists teach that their Traditions flow from a little lower Spring, then from the immediately inspiring Scripturall spirit; So I make this good from famous Iesuites; Cornelius a Lapide, in Deut. 4. 1, 2. saith, Sed et ipsi judaei multa addiderunt legi, ut coela­turas, omnemque ornatum templi; ut festum sortium sub Eester, fe­stum dati ignis, festum Encaeniorum &c. Hec enim non a de [...], sed a judaeis sancita et instituta sunt, denique hec non sunt addita, sed potius inclusa legi dei: Quia Lex jubet obedire parentibus, Magistratibu [...], pontificibus eorumque legibus. The Jevvs (saith he, objecting the instances of Formalists) added many things to the Lavv, as the in­graving and adorning of the Temple, the feast of Purim, of Dedica­tion &c. And these traditions vvere not ordained and instituted by God (Ergo, not by the immediate inspiring spirit, as is the Holy Scrip­ture) but by the Iews, and they were not added to the Law, but included in the Law, because the Law biddeth obey Superiors and their Laws; whence it is evident, that these very Ceremoniall traditions of Papists, for which Formalists contend, are not added to the word as coming from God, or the immediatly inspiring spirit that diteth scripture; but from the Church, without warrant of Scripture, just as Popish traditions, which we count un­lawfull additions to the word. And Tannerus the Iesuit saith, Tom. 3. in 22. de fide, spe et cha. dis. 1. de fide Q. 1. Dub. 8. That the assistance of the spirit that the Church hath in proposing unwritten traditions, requireth no positive inspiration or speech made by God to the Church; but it is enough that the Church have a very negativehelp of God only, by which she is permitted not to erre: His words are these: Nam assistentia illa dei, quà ecclesiae adest, ne e­jusmodo rebus fidei (in traditionibus non scriptis) proponendis erret, por se non dicit, nec requirit positivam inspirationem, se [...], locu [...]on [...]m [Page 56] Divinam ipsi ecclesiae factam, sed contenta est quovis auxilio dei etiam mere negativo, quo fit ut ecclesia ijs in rebuus non sinatur errare: Cum tamen nova revelatio utique novam inspirrtionem seu Locutionem dei aliquid positivè notificantem significet. And the like saith Malderus, in 22. de virtu. Theolog. That, though traditions come from an infal­lible spirit, no lesse then Scripture; yet traditions are the Word of God, because they are heard and constantly believed: But the Holy Scripture is the Word of God, because written by the inspiration of the holy spirit. Q. 2. Art. 1. Dub. 4. pag. 83. And therefore he maketh two sorts of traditions, some meerly Divine, vvhich the Apostles re­ceived either immediately from the Holy Ghost, or from the mouth of Christ, as those touching the matter and form of the Sacraments: O­thers (saith he) are properly Apostolick, as those touching the Lent Fast, instituted by the Apostles. ib. tract. de trad. Q. Vnic. Dub. 1. Traditiones (inquit) per apostolos traditae, aliae sunt Divin [...], quas im­mediatè ipsi a spiritu sancto dictante, v [...]l ex ore Christi acceperunt; ut de materia et potissimum de formis sacramentorum; aliae autem pro­pri [...] dicuntur Apostolica, ut de Iejunijo Quadragesimali, quod Apo­stoli I [...]stituerunt. Hence it is evident, if Papists cannot but be con­demned of impious additions to the Scriptures, by these places, Deut. 4. Deut. 12. Formalists are equally deep in the same crime: and the same is the answer of Malderus, ibid. Dub. 2. vetat. Apoc. 22. Ne quis audeat Divinam prophetiam depravare, assuendo aliquid aut abradendo. Turrianus, tom. de fide. spe. et cha. de traditio. disp. 20. Dub. 2. pag. 255. Respondetur Joannem planè probibere corrup­tionem Libri illius, non tamen prohibet ne alij Libri scribantur, vel alia Dogmata tradantur. Stapletonus, Relect. Prin. fidei Doct. Contaver. 4. q. 1▪ Art. 3. Sed non prohibet vel legis interpretatio­nem per sacerdotes faciendam (imò hoc disertè prescribit, Deut. 17.) Vel aliquid aliud in fidem admittendum qúod lege scriptâ non conti­neatur. Alioqui quicquid postea prophet [...] predicaverunt, et Divinis Scripturis adjectum est, contra hoc dei mandatum factum cense­ri debet.

Learned D. Roynald Answereth, Apolog. Thes. de sac. Script. pag. 211, 212. and saith: This very Law of Moses promiseth life Eternall to those that love the Lord vvith all their heart, and, that the Prophets added to the Writings of Moses, no Article of Faith ne­cessary to be believed▪ but did expound and apply to the use of the [Page 57] Church, in all the parts of piety and Religion, that vvhich Moses had taught. Lorinus, followeth them in Deut. 4. 1. Christus (inquit) et Apostoli pentateucho, plura adjecerunt, immò in vetere Testamento, Iosue, Prophetae, Reges, Christ (saith he) and the Apostles added many things to the five Books of Moses; yea, in the Old Testament, Ioshua, the Prophets and the Kings, David and Solomon, did also adde to Moses. But the truth is, suppose any should arise after Moses, not called of God to be a Canonick writer, Prophet, or A­postle, and should take on him to write Canonick Scripture, though his additions for matter were the same Orthodox and sound Do­ctrine of Faith and manners, which are contained in the Law of Moses and the Prophets; he should violate this Commandment of God: Thou shalt not adde. For Scripture containeth more then the sound matter of Faith; it containeth a formall, a heavenly form, stile, Majesty and expression of Language, which for the form, is sharper then a two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joynts and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, Heb. 4. 12. If therefore, the Prophets and Apostles had not had a Commandment of God to write Canonick Scripture, which may be proved from many places of the Word, they could not have added Canonick Scripture to the writings of Moses. But the Answer of D. Roynald, is sufficient and valid against Papists, who hold that their Traditions are beside, not contrary to the Scripture; just as Formalists do, who say the same for their unwritten Positives of Church-policy: But our Di­vines Answer, That traditions beside the Scripture, are also traditions against the Scripture, according to that, Gal. 1. 8. But if we or an Angel from Heaven preach any other Gospel, [...], beside that which we have preached unto you, Let him be accursed: And Papists more ingenious then Formalists in this, confesse, That, if that of the A­postles, Gal. 1. 8. be not restricted to the written Word, but ap­plyed to the Word of God in its Latitude, as it comprehendeth both the written word or Scripture, and the unwritten word or Traditions; then beside the word is all one with this, contrary to the word, which Formalists constantly deny. For Lorinus the Je­suit saith, Comment. In Deut. 4. 2. Quo pacto Paulus Anathèma dicit, Gal. 1. 8. Iis, qui aliud Evangelizant preter id quod ipsi Evan­gelizaverit, id est, adversum et contrarium. So doth Cornelius a La­pide, [Page 58] and Estius expound the place, Gal. 1. 8. And they say, that Paul doth denounce a Curse against those that would bring in a new Religion and Judaism beside the Gospel: But withall, they teach, that the Traditions of the Church are not contrary to Scripture, but beside Scripture; and that the Church which cannot e [...]re, and is led in all truth, can no more be accused of adding to the Scripture, then the Prophets, Apostles and Evangelists who wrote after Moses, can be accused of adding to Moses his writings; because the Pro­phets, Apostles and Evangelists, had the same very warrant to write Canonick Scripture, that Moses had; and so the Church hath the same warrant to adde Traditions to that which the Prophets, Evan­gelists and Apostles did write; which they had to adde to Moses; And therefore the Councel of Trent saith, S. 4. c. 1. That, unwrit­ten traditions coming either from the mouth of Christ, or the ditement of the holy spirit, are to be recieved and Religiously Reverenced with the like pious affection and Reverence that the holy Scriptures are received, Pari pietatis affectu ac Reverentiâ; And the truth is, laying down this ground, that the Scripture is unperfect, and not an adequat rule of Faith and manners, as Papists do; then it must be inconse­quent, that because Traditions are beside the Scripture, which is to to them but the half of the Word of God; Yea, it followeth not, this Popish ground supposed, that Traditions are therefore contrary to the Scripture, because beside the Scripture, no more then it fol­loweth that the Sacraments of the New Testament, Baptisme, and the Supper of the Lord, in all their positive Rites and Elements are not ordained and instituted in the Old Testament; and in that sense [...], beside the Old Testament; that therefore they are against the Old Testament; though we should imagine they had been added in the New Testament, without all warrant of speciall direction from God, by the sole will of men; or because some Ceremonials commanded of God, are not commanded in the Morall Law or Decalogue, either expresly or by consequence; and so these Ceremonials, though instituted by the Lord, be beside the Morall Law; that therefore they are contrary to the Morall Law: Yea, to come nearer, because the third Chapter of the Book of Ge­nesis, containing the Doctrine of mans fall and misery, and Redemp­tion by the promised seed, is beside the first and second Chapters of the same Book, it doth not follow that it is contrary, or that Moses [Page 59] adding the third Chapter, and all the rest of the five Books, did therefore [...]ail against this precept, Thou shalt not adde to that which I command thee: for certain it is, that there are new Articles of Faith in the third chapter of Genesis, which are neither in the first two Chapters expresly, nor by just consequence; but if the Church or any other of Jews or Gentiles should take upon them to adde the third Chapter of Genesis to the first and second, except they had the same warrant of Divine inspiration that Moses had to adde it, that addition had been contrary to the first two Chapters, and beside also, and a violation of the Command­ment of not adding to the word; so do Formalists and the Prelate Vsher in the place cited presuppose that the Scripture excludeth all Traditions of Papists, because the Scripture is perfect in all things be­longing to faith and manners, but it excludeth not all Ceremonies, which are left to the disposition of the Church, and be not of Divine, but of Positive and humane Right: Hence it must infer the principle of Papists, that the Scripture is not perfect in all Morals, for it is a Morall of Decency and Religious signification, that a childe be dedi­cated to the service of Christ, by the sign of the crosse. Now what can be said to thi [...], I know not, but that the sufficiency, and perfection of scripture doth no whit consist in holding forth Ceremonials; but on­ly in setting down doctrinals. Why? and Papists say the same, that the scripture is perfect, though it teach us not any thing of tradionals in speciall, yet in generall it doth hold forth the traditions of the church.

So Tostat. Abulens. in Deut. 4. v. 2. ad lit. saith, Hic commendatur lex ex perfectione, quia perfecto, nec addi potest, nec auferri debet: Here the Law of God is commended (saith he) from its perfection, and that is perfect, to which nothing can be added, and from which nothing should be taken: Yea, so far forth is the scripture perfect, in the Ar­ticles of Faith, that Castro in summa. c. 8. Canus locor. Theolog. l. 2. c. 7. and l. 4. c. 4. and Tannerus tom. 3. in 22. disp. 1. de fide. Q. 1. dub. 7. saith, We are not now to wait for any new revelation of any veri­ty unknown to the Apostles, Et nihil novi definiri ab ecclesia Apostolis incognitum, and all verities now revealed were implicitely believed by the Apostles, and contained in Ʋniversall generall precepts, as that the Saints are to be worshipped, that Canonicall Books containeth the word of God: the Bishops of Rome are the true successors of Peter, and Catholick pastors, &c. and he saith, Quod ecclesia non posset no­vum [Page 60] fidei articulum condere, communiter etiam docent Scholastici in 3. dis. 25. & he subscribeth to that truth of Vincentius Lyrinensis, c. 17. In ecclesia nulla nova Dogmata procudi, sed pretiosam divini Dogma­tis Gemmam exsculpi, fideliter cooptari, adornari sapienter, ut intel­ligatur illustrius, quod antea obscurius credebatur: No new points of saith, or manners are forged in the Church, but the precious pearl of divine truth is in it polished, faithfully applied and wisely illustrated, that they may be more clearly understood, which before was more ob­scurely beleeved; so that to say, the perfection of scripture consist­eth not in particularizing all the small positives of policy, is no more then Papists say of the perfection of the scripture in their traditions. 2. Moses speaketh both of the Morall and Ceremoniall Law, cal­led by the names of [...] Statutes rights, and [...] Judge­ments and Laws whatsoever extolled by David, Psal. 119. As his delight, his joy, his heritage, his songs in the house of his pilgrimages, and of both he saith, that there is life in keeping them: Now the Cere­monies of Moses had an exceeding great excellency in looking to Christ, and being shadows of good things to come, Heb. 10. 1. And our Ceremonies have the same aspect upon Christ: Why? but the day of the commemoration of Christs Death, Nativity, Ascension; Dedi­cation to Christ, by a Crosse in the Aire, should have the same influ­ence and impression on our hearts (if they be lawfull) that the like Ceremonies and Laws had upon Davids spirit, Christ being the ob­ject and soul of both? 2. Of these Ceremonies and Laws, Moses faith, [...] v. 6. for this is your wisdom, and your understanding in the sight of the Nations: Why? but these same Ceremonies looking with a broader and fuller face on Christ already come (if Christ have put any life of lawfulnesse in them) then their dim shadows of old, should also be our: wisdom in the hearing of Pagans, who know not God? 3. It is a wonder to me that the learned Master Prynne should say that the place, Deut. 4. speaketh nothing of Church-Government and Ceremonies, but only of Doctrines of Canonicall Books: For that is as much as to say the place speaketh nothing of Divine Ceremonies, but only of divine Ceremonies, for what a number of Divine Ceremonies and Laws are in the Law of Moses, which were given by the Lord himself? as is clear by the words, ver. 1. Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the Statutes and judgements that I teach you, that ye may live, and v. 5. Behold I have taught you Statutes and judgments, which the Lord [Page 61] my God commanded me, v. 8. And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgements so Righteous, as all this Law which I set before you this day? Now of all this Law the Lord saith, v. 2. Ye shall not adde unto the Word which I commanded you, Neither shall ey diminish. The Learned and Reverend Mr Prynne, must restrict this word of the Law, which can admit of no addition, to some speciall Law, either the Morall only, or the judiciall and Ceremo­niall only, not to the former; for then additions to the Decalogue only, should be forbidden; this never man taught: Stapleton, in­deed, Relect. Prin. fid. Doctrin, cont. 4. Q. 1. Art. 3. restricteth it to the Ceremoniall Law only; but Moses maketh it a Law as large, v. 2. as the word which God Commandeth: And, as (saith he) v. 5. the statutes and the judgements which the Lord Commanded me, v. 8. All this Law, Deut. 31. 9. This written Law delivered to the Priests and kept in the Ark, the Law that all Israel heard read, v. 11. Of which it is said, v. 24. When Moses had made an end of writing of the words of this Law in a Book, untill they were finished. Now this was the whole five Books of Moses: And were there nothing of Church-Government in Moses Law? What shall we then say of the High Priest, his calling, Office, habit, of the Priests, Levites, their charge, calling, attire, of the Law of the Leaper, his healing, his extrusion out of the Camp, of the Law of those that were defiled with the dead, of their qualification who were to be Circumcised, who were to eat the Passeover, or who not, who were to enter into the house of God, and Congregation, who not; not a few of these, touching Church-Government, are included in the Law that God Comman­ded Israel, as their wisdom. 4. That there were many additions made to the service of God in the Temple, not mentioned by Moses, is nothing to purpose, except it be proved that these additions were made by the Church, without any word of God, the con [...]rary whereof is evident, for the Temple and whole patern thereof, was delivered in writing by the Lord to David, 1 Chron. 28. 11. 19. If Formalists will have no Laws made but by Moses, as the only Law­giver, they have as good reason to say, That Moses was the only Canonick writer, and none but he, which is absurd. Or, 2. That Moses by his own spirit was a Law-giver, and had active influence in excogitating the Law; We conceive that Protestants are to own this Doctrine, which Tostatus imputes to us as Hereticks, Com. in [Page 62] Loc. Q. 2. Quasi Moses nudus minister & relator verborum (dti) Moses and Canonick writers, are not Law­givers un­der God, but organs of God in writing, & meer repor­ters of the Law of God. esset, & non legem conderet: As if Moses were a meer servant, and a naked reporter of the Lords Law and words, and not a Law-maker. For in the making of Laws and Divine institutions, we judge that all the Canonick writers were meer patients, as the people are; for God is the Commander, and Moses the person Commanded, and a meer servant, Deut. 4. 5. Mal. 4. 4. Heb. 3. 3, 4, 5. And Moses and all Canonick writers were only to receive the word at Gods mouth, and to hear it, Ezek. 3. 8. As meer servants; and in this the Church of Prophets and of Apostles, and the Church that now is, were alike: I know no Authority of the one above the other. In­deed, in writing and relating to the Church, the will of God, and the Scriptures; Canonick writers are agents inspired with the Ho­ly spirit, immediately breathing on them in Prophecying and in writing Scripture. But the Proclaimer of a Law, as such hath no influence in making the Law: Let it be also remembred, that as Pa­pists Papists say, that the Chrch is limited in making Ceremo­nies, both in matter and num­ber, and so do Forma lists. say two things to the place, so do Formalists. 1. That it is not against Ceremonies. 2. That the Church is limited in making Ceremonies beside the Word, that they may not make them too numerous and burdensome: This I make good in the words of a famous Iesuit, who citeth the words of a Learned Papist, approving them.

Lorinus, Coment. in Loc. Refellit idem Oleaster Hereticos hinc inserentes institui, non, posse Ceremonias ac ritus novos circa cul­tum dei: Quam vis ipse optat moderationem in preceptis ac censuris, ut facilius & suavius possint servari: To whom I oppose that gol­den sentence of a man, endued with the spirit of God above any Pa­pist. Calvin. Com. in Deut. 4. v. 2. Insignis locus, quo apertè dam­natur quicquid hominum ingenio excogitari potest. Ibid. Quoniam preposter â lasciviâ rapitur totus ferè mundus ad cultus fictitios, qui tamen precise une verbo damnantur, ubi deus ita jubet suos acquiesce­re positae legi, ne justiores esse appetant, quam illic docentur. All Wor­ship is precisely condemned here, or any thing devised about the Wor­ship by the wit of men. I would here meet with a Grand exception of Mr. Hooker, Eccles. Polic. 3. Book, pag. 111. Their distinction of matters of substance, and of circumstance, though true, will not serve; for be they great things, or be they small, if God have Commanded them in the Gospel, and (if) his Commanding them in the Gospel do make [Page 63] them unchangeable, there is no reason that we should change the one more then the other; if the authority of the maker do prove their unchan­geablenesse which God hath made, then must all Laws which he hath made, be necessarily for ever permanent, though they be but of cir­cumstances only, and not of Substance.

Ans. 1. Our distinction of matters of substance and circumstance rightly taken, will serve the turn: But the mistake is, in that 1. Ma­ny things are but circumstances of worship, such as are Positives and Religious significant Ceremonies to Formalists, that are not so to us, for to wear a surplice in sacrificing to Jupiter, were to make the Act of wearing that Religious habit, an act of Religious honour­ing of Jupiter, but to wear Surplice and to sacrifice in that habit to Iupiter at eight of clock in the morning, rather then at ten, in this place Physicall, rather then this, is no worshipping of Iupiter, but a meer Physicall circumstance, neither up, nor down to the wor­ship, and time and place Physicall, are neither worship, nor Religi­ous means of worship: 2. Time, and Place, Name, Country, Form, Figure, Habit or Garments, to hold off injuries of Sun and Heaven as such [...]re never commanded, never forbidden of God, and there­fore the change of these circumstances can be no change of a Com­mandment of God: We never advanced circumstances, as such to the orbe and spheare of Morals; Formalists do so advance their Ceremonies, and therefore if God command Surplice, though by the intervening authority of his Church, such cannot be altered, ex­cept God command to alter the Religious signification of white lin­nen, but we know not where God hath commanded the alteration of any Ceremonies, except that, the Lords coming in the flesh, as a thing to come, must alter all Ceremonies which shadow forth Christ to come, when the body Christ is come already: Let us know such a ground for alteration of corner Cap, Altar, Surplice, except to drive such Oxen out of the Temple. 3. We hold that the Lords commanding such a thing in the Gospel, is a reason why it should be necessarily permanent for ever, except the Lord hath com­manded it should be for a time only, as he commanded Moses's Ceremonies, and so Gods Authority of commanding a thing to be un­changeably in his worship, is a reason why it should be unchange­ably in his worship; and his commanding any thing to be for a time only, and alterably in his worship, is a reason why it should be for a [Page 64] time only, & alterably in his worship; so to us Gods Commandment is a reason, why his own Ceremonies and Sacraments of the New Te­stament should be in the Church, because the Law-giver hath in scripture commanded them to be: and the reason why Hookers sur­plice and crossing should not be, is because he hath command­ed no such thing: Now the reasons of alteration of any Laws in the Gospel, is from God, never from the Church: as 1. If God immediately inspire Moses to make a tabernacle, and thereafter inspire David and Solomon to make the Temple in the place of the tabernacle, and give them no Commandment for a tabernacle, its evident that God hath altered and removed the Tabernacle, and that the alteration is not from David nor Solomon: 2. If God command types and Ceremonies to be in his Church, till the body Christ come, Col. 2. 17. then when Christ is come, and his coming sufficiently published to the world, then are his own Ceremonies altered, and removed; but not by Four wayes po­sitives are alterable by God only. the discretion of Peter and Paul, or the Church, but by God himself. 3. When God commandeth such Offices to be in his house, which dependeth immediately upon his own immediate will of gi­ving gifts essentially required to these Offices, then these offices are so long in his Church, as God is pleased by his immediate will to give these gifts; and when God denyeth these gifts essentially re­quisite, sure it is, his immediate wil hath altered and removed the of­fice, not the will of the Church, so the Lord hath alterd and removed these Offices and gifts of Apostles, who could speak with tongues, and seal their doctrine with Miracles, Evangelists, Prophets extraordi­narily inspired, gifts of healing, &c. 4. Some things are not matters of worship at all, but of goods, as the community of goods, love-Feasts, All things though ne­ver so smal, are a like unaltera­ble, if they be stamped with Gods authority▪ speaking in the Scrip­ture. matters of civill conversation, these are only in their mora­lity, as touching distribution to the necessities of the Saints, and brotherly kindenesse, unalterable, and no otherwise.

Now for these things that are smaller or weightier, we hold they are not in their weightinesse or smallnesse of importance to be con­sidered, but as the Authority of God hath imprinted a necessity on them, so are they obligatory to us: I am obliged to receive this as scripture, that Paul left his cloak at Troas; no lesse then this, Christ came into the world to save sinners, in regard of Canonicall authori­ty stamped upon both: R. Hooker with other Formalists, Will have [Page 65] the lightnesse of matter to make the Law alterable: Truly to eat of the Tree of knowledge of good and ill, being put in the ballance with the love of God in it self, is but a light thing; yet the breach of that Law involved all the world in condemnation.

And what else is this, but that which Papists say, that there be two sort of things in scripture? so saith Cornelius a Lapide Comem. on 2 Tim. 3. 16. 1. The Law and the Prophets, these God revealed and dyted to Moses and the Prophets; but there are other things in Scripture, as Histories and morall exhortations, which Canonick wri­ters learned either by hearing, seeing, reading or meditation, there was no need these should be dyted, by the inspiration of the holy Spirit, for they know them themselves, though they were assisted: 2. Excited by the holy spirit to write; Conceptum, & memoriam eorum quae sciebant, non iis suggessit spiritus sanctus, sed inspiravit ut hunc potius conceptum, quam illum scriberent, & omnes eorum sententias & conceptus ordi­navit, digessit, & direxit spiritus sanctus, v. g. Vt hanc sententiam primò, illam secundò, aliam tertiò collocarent: Yet Estius saith on the place, The Scriptures are given by divine inspiration, ita ut non solum sententiae, sed & verba singula & verborum ordo, ac tota dispo­sitio fit a deo, tanquam per seipsum loquente ac▪ scribente: So as not only the sentences, but every word, and the order and disposition of words is of, or from God, as if he were speaking and writing himself.

Now for the additions Canonicall, that the Prophets and Apostles By what authority Canoni­call additi­ons of the Prophets and Apo­stles were added to the Books of Moses. made to the writing of Moses: I hope Papists and Formalists can­not with any forehead alledge them, to prove that the Church may adde Traditions, and alterable Positives of Church-Policy to the written word of God, except upon the same ground, they conclude, That the Church now hath the same immediatly inspired spirit, that the Prophets and Apostles had, and that our Prelats saw the visions of God, when they saw but the visiones aulae; the visions of Court, and that their calling was, as Pauls was, Gal. 1. 1. not of men, neither by men, but by Iesus Christ: When as it is not by Di­vine right, and was both of the King, and by Court: 2. Except they infer that the Church that now is, may adde Canonicall and Scripturall additions to the Scripture; for such additions the Pro­phets and Apostles added to the writings of Moses: and 3. that that precept, Thou shalt not adde, &c. was given to the Lord himself to binde up his hands, that no Canonick Scripture should ever be, [Page 62] [...] [Page 63] [...] [Page 64] [...] [Page 65] [...] [Page 66] but the only writings of Moses, which is (as some write) the dream of Saduces, whereas inhibition is given to the Church of God, not to God himself, for what the Prophets and Apostles added, God him­self added; yea, to me it is a doubt (while I be better informed) if the Lord did ever give any power of adding to his Scripture at all, without his own immediate inspiration, to either Prophet or Apostle; or that God did never command Moses, or Prophet or Apostle to write Canonick Scripture of their own head, or that his Com­mandment to write Scripture, was any other then an immediate inspiration, which essentially did include every syllable and word that the Apostles and Prophets were to write: For I do not coa­ceive, that 1. God gave to Apostles and Prophets power to devise a Gospel and write it: I suppose Angels or men could not have devi­sed it; yea, that they could no more have devised the very Law of nature, then they could create such a piece, as a reasonable soul, which to me is a rare and curious book, on which essentially is writ­ten by the immediate finger of God, that naturall Theology, that we had in our first creation. 2. I do not conceive, that as Princes and Canonick writers how imme­diatly led by God. Nobles do give the Contents, or rude thoughts of a curious Epistle to a Forraign Prince, to their Secretary, and go to bed and sleep, and leaves it to the wit and eloquence of the Secretary, to put it in forme and stile, and then signes it, and seals it without any more a­do; so the Lord gave the rude draughts of Law and Gospel, and all the pins of Tabernacle and Temple, Church-officers, and Govern­ment, and left it to the wit and eloquence of Shepherds, Heardsmen, Fishers, such as were the Prophets, Moses, David, Amos; and Peter and divers of the Apostles, who were unlettered men, to write words and stile as they pleased, but that in writing every jot, tittle, or word of Scripture, they were immediatly inspired, as touching the matter, words, phrases, expression, order, method, majesty, stile and all: So I think they were but Organs, the mouth, pen and Amanuenses; God as it were, immediately dyting, and leading their hand at the pen, Deut 4. 5. Deut. 31. 24, 25, 26. Mal. 4. 4. 2 Pet. 1. 19. 20, 21. 2 Tim. 3. 16. Gal. 1. 11, 12. 1 Cor. 11. 23. so Luk. 1. 70. God borrowed the mouth of the Prophets; As he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets, which hath been since the world began: Now when we ask from Prelates what sort of additionall, or acci­dentall worship, touching Surplice, Crosse, and other Religious Po­sitives [Page 67] of Church▪ Policy, it is, that they are warranted to adde to the word, and how they are distinguished from Scriptures, Doctri­nals: They give us these Characters of it, 1. God is the Author of Doctrinals, and hath expressed them fully in scripture: But the The Cha­racters of Forma­lists, Cere­monies, & Papists Traditions one and the same. Church is the Author of their Accidentals, and this is essentiall to it, that it is not specified particularly in scripture, as Bread and Wine, Taking and Eating in the Lords Supper is; for then it should be a Doctrinall point, and not Accidentall. 2. It is not in the particu­lar a point of faith and manners, as Doctrinals are: But hear the very Language of Papists; for Papists putteth this essentiall Cha­racter on their Tradition, that it is not written, but by word of mouth derived from the Apostles, and so distinguished from the written word; for if it were written in scripture, it should not be a Tradition.

So the Jesuit Malderus, in 22. tom. de virtut. de obj. fidei Q. 1. Dub. 3. Pro Apostolica traditione habendum est, quod eum non inve­neatur in Divinis literis, tamen Vniversa tenet ecclesia, nec consiliis in­stitutum, sed semper retentum 2. That the Traditions are necessa­ry, and how far Papists do clear, as I have before said; for the Church may coin no Articles of faith, these are all in Scripture. For the Iews two Suppers, and their additions to the passeover, as Hooker saith, and their fasting till the sixth hour every Feast day, we reject as dreams, because they are not warranted by any word of institu­tion; not to adde, that the Church of the Jews never took on them to command the observation of these forgeries, under the pain of Church-censures, as Papists and prelats did their Crossing and their Surplice.

Hooker saith, A Question it is, whither containing in Scripture, 1 Book, eccles. Pol. p. 42. do import expresse setting down in plain terms, or else comprehending in such sort, that by reason, we may thence conclude all things which are necessary to salvation. The Faith of the Trinity, the Co-eternity of the Son with the Father, are not the former way in Scripture; for the other, let us not think, that as long as the World doth indure, the wit of man shall be able to sound to the bottom of that which may be concluded out of Scripture.—Traditions we do not reject, because they are not Pag. 44. in Scripture; but because they are neither in Scripture, nor can other­wise sufficiently, by any reason, be proved to be of God. That which is of God, and may be evidently proved to be so, we deny not; but it [Page 68] hath in its kinde, although unwritten, yet the self same force and au­thority with the Written Laws of God.—Such as are alterable Rites and Cystomes, for being Apostolicall, it is not the manner of delivering them to the Church; but the Author from whom they proceed, which gave them their force and credit.

Ans. 1. The consequences of Scriptures are doublesse many, and What is it to be con­tained in Scripture, and how far it ma­keth any thing un­lawfull ac­cording to Hooker. more then are known to us, and the particulars of that Government that we contend for, are in Scripture, that is, there should be no Go­vernment, but what is either expresly in Scripture, or may be made our, by just consequence, we believe, if they cannot be proved from Scripture, let them fall as mens hay and stubble. But in the mean time, these are two different questions: Whither there be an immu­table Platform of Discipline in the Word? Or whither ours be the only Platform and no other? If we carry the first, Ceremonies must fall. And certainly, in all reason, we are on the surest side: If we cannot observe all that is written, it is not like that God hath laid upon us unwritten burdens. 2. Hooker doth not reject all the Po­pish Traditions, as our Divines Reformed do; because they are not warranted by the Word; so, that if the Images of God and Christ, and the Worshipping of them, and Purgatory, and the Suprema­cy of the Pope, can be proved to be of God, though they be no more in Scripture, then Crossing and Surplice; then would he receive all these, as Having the self same force and authority with the Written Laws. Now we know no other weightier Argument to prove there's no Purgatory, but because the scripture speaketh of Heaven and Hell, and is silent of Purgatory. 2. That naturall reason can warrant a positive instituted Worship, such as Surplice, betokening Pastorall Holinesse, without any Scripture, is a great untruth▪ for naturall reason may warrant new Sacraments, as well as new Sa­cramentals. 3. If Traditions have their force and credit from God, not from the manner of delivering them, that is, from being contained in scripture, or not contained in it; then certainly they must be of the same Divine necessity with scripture: For whither Christ Command that the Baereans believe in the Messiah, by the Vocall Preaching of Paul, or by the written scriptures of the Pro­phets and Apostles, it is all one, it is the same word, and coming from Christ, must be of the same Divine authority: But this is to beg the question, for that we are to believe no unwritten tradition; [Page 69] because it is unwritten, to have the self same force and authority with the Written Laws of God. For Lorinus, Cornelius a Lapide, Com. in 4. Deuter. Estius, Com. in. 2. Thes 2. 15. Bellarmine, Tan­nerus, Malderus, Becanus, say, Whither the Lord deliver his minde to us in his Written Scripture, or by Tradition, it is still the Word of God, and hath authority from God. But the truth is, to us it is not the Word of God, if it be not a part of the Counsel of God written in Moses, or the Prophets and Apostles; for though the Word have authority only from God, not from the Church, nor from men, or the manner of delivering of it, by word or writ; yet we with the Fa­thers and Protestant Divines, and evidence of scripture, stand to that The Fa­thers teach that all things in Worship, are to be rejected that are no [...] in scripture of Basilius, Homil. 29. Advers. c [...]l [...]mnian [...]es. S. Trinit. [...]; Believe what are written, vvhat are not vvritten [...]eek not after: And so, seek not after Sur [...]lice, Crossi [...]g, and the like: And that [...]; Every word (and so this, That Crossing Surplice, are Religious signes of spirituall duties) and every thing or action, must be made good by the Testimony of the hea­venly inspired Scripture; these things that are good (and so Religi­ously Basil. in Ethicis, Reg 26. decent and significant) may be fully confirmed, and these that are evil, corfounded: And to us, for our Faith and practise, if it be not Law and Testimony, it is darknesse, and not light. And as Gre­gor. Nyssen. the Brother of Basyl saith, Dialog. de anim. et Resur­rect. tom. 2. ed. Grecola [...]. pag. 639. Edit. Gre [...]. pag. 325. That only must be acknowledged for truth, in which is the [...], the seal of the Scriptures Testimony, [...]. And how shall it Cyril Alex. Glaphyro in G [...]t. l. 2. [...]. be true to us i [...] Scripture say it not? Or how shall it appear to us to be from God? For Cyril Alexandrin. saith, What the holy Scripture saith not (such as are your Positives of mens devising) how shall we receive it, and account it, amongst things that are true? And it is not that which Hereticks of old said, for their Heresies to say ( [...]s Hooker doth) that any thing may be proved to be of God, which is not written in Scripture: For saith Hieronimus, in Hag. c. 1. Sed & alia quae absque authoritate & testimoniis Scripturarum, quasi Tradi­tione Apostolica sponte reperiunt atque confingunt, percutit Gladius dei. The Scripture doth bar the door upon Hereticks, saith Chryso­stome, [Page 70]And he is a Theef that taketh another unlawfull way then Chrys. hom. 10. in Ioan. 59. [...]. the Scripture. And by what Argument can reason without Scripture prove that Crosse and Suplice are of God: But by that same reason, Papists without Scripture, can, and may prove their Traditions to be of God? And if we admit reason, and exclude Scripture, it is as easie to prove their Traditions, as our Positive additions to Wor­ship: And what Answers Papists give for their Traditions, to [...]lude the power of Scripture, and evidence of Testimonies of fathers, all these same are given by Prelats for their additions; to say nothing that Hooker asserteth unwritten Traditions to be Gods Word; and in the very stile of the Councel of Trent, we are to acknowledge Traditions, though unwritten, yet to have the self same authority and force with the Written Laws of God. And shal the Surplice and Crosse Concilen▪ Tridenti. c. 1. Sess. 4. Synodus traditiones [...]ine scripto, atque scrip­turam pari­pictat is af­fectu, ac reverentia suscipit ac veneratur. Ibib. p. 46. and such stuffe, be of the self same force and authority with the Evan­gel according to Luke and John: But what wonder? For Hooker holdeth, that we have no other way to know the scripture to be the Word of God, but by Tradition, which Popish Assertion holden by him and Chillingworth, to me, is to make the Traditions of men the object of our Faith.

Hooker: About things easie and manifest to all men by Common sense, there needeth no higher Consultation, because a man whose wis­dom is for weighty affairs admired, would take it in some disdain to have his Counsel solemnly asked about a toy; so the meannesse of some things is such, that to search the Scriptures of God for the ordering of them, were to derogate from the Reverend Authority of the Scripture, no lesse then they do, by whom Scriptures are in ordinary talking very idely applied unto vain and Childish trifles.

Ans. 1. It is a vain comparison to resemble God to an earthly wise It deroga­teth no­thing from the honour of God in Scripture. that he be consulted in the mean­est things. man in this; for a King of Kings, such as Artaxerxes, if he were building a stately Palace for his Honour and Magnificence, would commit the drawing of it, the frame, the small pins, rings, bowles, to the wisdom of a Master of work, skilled in the Mathematicks, and not trouble his own Princely head with every small pin; but this is because he is a man, and cometh short of the wisdom, skill, and learning of his servants. 2. Because, how his Honour and Magnificence be declared in every small pin of that Palace, is a bu­sinesse that taketh not much up the thoughts of a stately Prince. The contrary of both these are true in the Lord our God, his wisdom [Page 71] is above the wisdom of Moses, and Moses cannot frame a Taberna­cle or a Temple for Gods Honour in the least pin or s [...]uffer, with such wisdom as the only wise God can do. 2. The Lord is more jealous and tender of his own Honour, in the meanes and smallest way of Illustrating of it: Yea, in the smallest Pin, then earthly Princes are, for earthly Princes may Communi­cate with their inferiours the glory of curious works set forth, as speaking monuments of their honour; the Lord who will not give his glory to another; never did communicate the glory of devising worship, or the Religious means of worshipping and ho­nouring his glorious Majesty to men. 2. God hath thus [...]ar condis­cended in his wisdom, to speak particularly in written Oracles of every Pin, Ring, tittle, Officer of his house, of every Signe, Sacra­ment, Sacramentall never so mean and small; Ergo, It is no dero­gation from the dignity of Scripture, to have a mouth to aske coun­sell, where God hath opened his mouth to give Counsell in written Oracles: 3. There is nothing positive in Gods worship so small, as that we may dare to take on us to devise it of our own head. 4. Hooker contradicteth himself; he said the Ceremonies have their authority from God, and though unwritten have the self same force and authority with the written Laws of God, pag. 44. Here he will have the unwritten positives so small and far inferiour to written Scripture, that to aske for scripture to warrant such small toys, is to derogate from the reverend Authority and Dignity of the Scrip­ture: so Ceremonies pag. 46. are but Toyes, unworthy to be written with Scripture, but p. 44. They have the self same force and authori­ty with written Scripture.

Hooker. It is unpossible to be proved, that only the Schoole of Christ Hooker l. 2. p. 60. in his word is able to resolve us, what is good and evil: for what if it were true concerning things indifferent, that unlesse the word of the Lord had determined of the free use of them, there could have been no Lawfull use of them at all, which notwithstanding is untrue; because it is not the Scriptures setting down things indifferent, but their not set­ting them down as necessary, that doth make them to be indifferent.

Ans. Then because the scrip [...]ure hath not forbidden the killing How things are in Scrip­ture. of our children to God, as a [...]alse worship against the second Commandment, but only as an act of Homicide against the sixth Com­mandment, and hath not forbidden all the Jewish Ceremonies, so they [Page 72] have a new signification to point forth Christ already come in the flesh, these must all be indifferent: For let Formalists give me a Scripture to prove, that Circumcision, killing of Children, sacrificing of Beasts, are any wayes forbidden in this notion, but in that they are not commanded, or set down in the word as not necessary? 2. Such Divinity I have not read; That only the Schoole of Christ is not able to resolve us what is good and evil: I mean Morally good and evil. For Hooker pag. 54. Book 2. saith, The controversie would end, in which we contend, that all our actions are ruled by the word: If 1. we would keep our selves vvithin the compasse of morall actions, actions which have in them vice or vertue: 2. If we vvould not exact at their hands for every action, the knowledge of some place of Scripture, out of vvhich vve must stand bound to deduce it. Then it is like the School of Christ, the word can and doth teach us, what is a Morall acti­on good or ill, an action in vvhich there is vertue or vice; and to me it is a wonder, that the Old and New Testament, which containeth an exact systeme and body of all Morals, whither naturall or Ci­vill, or supernaturall, should not be the only rule of all Morals.

Now I finde that Mr. Hooker saith two things to this; 1. That Scripture doth regulate all our Morall actions but not scripture only, Pag. 56. for the Lavv of nature, and the most concealed instincts of nature, and other principles may vvarrant our actions: We move, (saith he) we sleep, vve take the Cup at the hand of our friend; a number of things vve often do, only to satisfie some naturall desire, vvithout present expresse and actuall reference to any Commandment of God; unto his glory, even these things are done vvhich vve naturally perform, and not only that vvhich naturally and spiritually vve do, for by every ef­fect proceeding from the most concealed instincts of nature, his povver is made manifest. But it doth not therefore follovv, that of necessity we shall sin, unlesse vve expresly intend the glory of God, in every such particular. Some acti­ons super naturally morall, some mo­rall natu­rally or ci­villy, o­thers are mixt.

Ans. I speak of these more distinctly hereafter, here I answer, that as there be some actions in man purely and spiritually, but super­naturally morall, as to believe in Christ for Remission of sins, to love God in Christ: These the Gospel doth regulate. 2. There be some actions naturally morall in the substance of the act, as many things commanded, and forbidden in the Morall Law; and these are to be regulated by the Law of nature and the Morall Law: 3. There be [Page 73] some actions mixed, as such actions in which nature, or concealed instincts of nature are the chief principles, yet in, and about these actions, as in their modification of time, place, and manner, and measure, there is a speciall morality, in regard of which they are to be ruled by the word, such mixed actions as these, that are mentio­ned by Hooker, As to move, sleep, take the cup at the hand of a friend, cannot be called simply morall, for to move may be purely naturall, as if a man against his will fall off a high place, or off a horse, to start in the sleep are so naturall, that I know not any morality in them; but sure I am, for Nathaniel to come to Christ, which was also done by a naturall motion, is not a meer naturall action, pro­ceeding from the most concealed instincts of nature; so to sleep hath somewhat naturall in it, for beasts do sleep, beasts do move; I grant they cannot take a cup at the hand of a friend, they cannot sa­lute one another: (It is Hookers instance) but fancy sometimes in men do these, whereas conscience should do them: What is natu­rall in moving and sleeping, and what is common to men with beasts, I grant, Scripture doth not direct or regulate these acts of moving and sleeping; we grant actions naturall and common to us, with beasts, need not the rule of the Word to regulate them: But this I must say (I speak it, my Record is in Heaven, not to offend any) Formalists, as such, and as Prelaticall, are irreligious and Profane: One of them asked a godly man, Will you have Scripture for gi­ving your horse a peck of Oats, and for breaking winde, and easing or obeying nature? And therefore they bring in these instances to make sport: But I conceive, sleeping moderately, to inable you to the service of God, as eating, drinking, that God may be glorified, 1 Cor. 10. 31. are also in the measure, & manner of doing, Morall, & so ruled by Scripture, and Scripture only, and not regulated by na­turall instincts: But what is all this to the purpose? are Surplice, Crossing, Saints-dayes, such actions as are common to us with beasts, as moving and sleeping are? Or is there no more need that the Pre­late be regulated in wearing his corner-Cap, his Surplice in Crossing, Some habi­tuall refe­rence to Scripture is required in all our Morall actions. then a beast is to be ruled by Scripture in moving, in sleeping, in eating grasse?

2. Expresse and actuall reference and intention to every Com­mandment of God, or to Gods glory in every particular action; I do not urge, a habituall reference and intention I conceive is hol­den [Page 74] forth to us in Scripture: 1 Cor. 10. 31. 3. God by every effect, proceeding from the most concealed instinct of nature is made manifest in his power. What then? the power of God is manifest in the Swallows building her nest; Ergo, neither the Swallow in building her nest, nor the Prelate in Crossing an Infant in Baptisme to dedi­cate him to Christ, have need of any expresse or actuall reference to any Commandment of God or Gods glory: Truly, it is a vain con­sequence in the latter part, except Hooker make Surplice, Crossing, and all the mutable Frame of Church-Government to proceed from the most concealed instincts of nature, which shall be n [...]w Divinity to both Protestants and Papists: And I pray you, what power of God is manifest in a Surplice? I conceive it is a strong Argument against this mutable frame of Government, that it is not in the power of men to devise, what Positive signes they please, without the word to manifest the power, wisdom and other attributes of God: For what other thing doth the two Books opened to us, Psal. 19. The Book of Creation and Providence; and the Book of the Scripture, but manifest God in his nature and works, and mans misery and Re­demption in Christ?

Now the Prelats and Papists devise a third blanke book of un­written Traditions and mutable Ceremonials▪ We see no Warrant for this book: 4. Hooker maketh a man in many Morall Actions, as in wearing a Surplice, in many actions flowing from concealed in­stincts of nature, as in moving, sleeping, like either the Philosophers, Civilian or Morall Athiest, or like a beast to act things, or to do by the meer instinct of nature. Whereas being created according to Gods Image, especially, he living in the visible Church, he is to do all his actions deliberate, even naturall and morall in Faith, and with a Warrant from scripture, to make good their Morality, Psa. 119. 9. Prov. 3. 23, 24. 2 Cor. 5. 7. And truly Formalists give men in their Morals to live at random, and to walk, without taking heed to their wayes, according to Gods word.

Hooker. It sufficeth that our Morall actions be framed, according Book [...]. Eccl. pol. p. 54. to the Law of reason; the generall axiomes, rules, and principles of which being so frequent in holy Scripture, there is no let, but in that regard, oven out of Scripture, such duties may be deduced by some kinde of consequence (as by long circuit of deduction it may be, that even all truth out of any truth may be concluded) howbeit no man be bound in [Page 75] such sort to deduce all his actions out of Scripture, as if either the place be to him unknown, whereon they may be concluded, or the reference to that place, not presently considered of, the action shall in that be con­demned as unlawfull.

Ans. 1. The Law of reason in Morals (for of such we now speak) is nothing but the Morall Law and will of God, contained fully in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament; and therefore is not to be divided from the Scriptures; if a man be ruled in that, he is ruled by Scripture: for a great part of the Bible, of the De­calogue, is Printed in the reasonable soul▪ of man: As when he loveth his Parents, obeyeth his superiors, saveth his Neighbour in extream danger of death, because he doth these according to the Law of Reason, shall it follow that these actions which are expresly cal­led [...], Rom. 2. 14. the things or duties of the Law, are not warranted by expresse Scripture, because they are done ac­cording to the Law of naturall reason? I should think the contra­ry most true. 2. Such duties (saith he) Morall duties (I hope he must mean) to God and our Neighbour, may be deduced by some kinde of consequence out of Scripture: But by what consequence? Such as to Argue, Quidlibet ex quolibet. The Catechisme taught me long ago of duties to God and my Neighbour, that they are taught in the ten Commandments. Now if some Morall duties to God and man be taught in the ten Commandments, and some not taught there: 1. Who made this distinction of duties? None surely but the Prelats and the Papists; if the Scripture warrant some duties to God and our Neighbour, and do not warrant some, the Scrip­ture must be unperfect. 2. The warranting of actions that may be service to God, or will-worship, or homicide by no better ground then Surplice and Crosse, can be warranted, or by such a conse­quence, as you may deduce all truth out of any truth, is no warrant at all; the Traditions of Papists may thus be warranted. 3. Nor is the action to be condemned, as unlawfull in it self, because the agent cannot see by what consequence it is warranted by Scripture, it fol­loweth only to him that so doth, it is unlawfull, Rom. 14. 14. In that he doth Bonum, non benè, a thing lawfull, not lawfully. 4. It is unpossible to deduce all truth out of any truth: For then because the Sun riseth to day, it should follow, Ergo, Crosse and Surplice are Law­full: I might as well deduce the contrary, Ergo, they are unlawfull.

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Hooker: Some things are good in so mean a degree of goodnesse, 2. Book. p. 78. that men are only not disproved, nor disallowed of God for them, as, Eph. 5. 20. No man hateth his own flesh, Matth. 5. 46. If ye do good unto them that do so to you, the very Publicans themselves do as much: They are worse then Infidels that provide not for their own, 1. Tim. 5. 8. The light of nature alone, maketh these actions in the sight of God al­lowable. 2. Some things are required to salvation by way of direct, immediate and proper necessity finall, so that without performance of them, we cannot in ordinary course be saved.—In these, our chiefest direction is from Scipture, for nature is no sufficient director what we should do to attain life Eternall. 3. Some things although not so re­quired of necessity, that to leave them undone excludeth from salvati­on, are yet of so great dignity and acceptation with God, that most am­ple reward is laid up in Heaven for them, as Matth. 10. A Cup of cold Water shall not go unrewarded: And the first Christians sold their possessions, and 1 Thess. 2. 7. 9. Paul would not be burdensome to the Thessalonians: Hence nothing can be evil that God approveth, and he approveth much more then he doth Command, and the precepts of the law of Nature may be otherwise known then by the Scripture, then the bare mandat of Scripture is not the only rule of all good and evil, in the actions of Morall men.

Ans. 1. The Popery in this Author (in disputing for a Plat­form of Government) that is up and down, and changeable at the will of men, made me first out of love with their way: for his first classe of things allowable by the light of Nature without Scripture, is far wide; for Eph. 5. 20. That a man love his own flesh, is Com­manded in the sixth Commandment, and the contrary forbidden: otherwise for a man to kill himself, which is self-hatred, should not be forbidden in Scripture, the very light of nature alone will for­bid ungratitude in Publicans, and condemn a man that provideth not for his own: But that this light of nature excludeth Scripture and the Doctrine of Faith, is an untruth: for Hooker leaveth out the words that are in the Text, and most against his cause: He that provideth not for his own, is worse then an Infidel, and hath denied the Faith: Ergo, the Doctrine of Faith commandeth a man to provide for his own. What Morall goodnesse nature teacheth, that same doth the Morall Law teach, so the one excludeth not the other. 2. It is false, that Scripture only as con [...]adistinguished from the [Page 77] Law of Nature, doth direct us to Heaven: for both concurreth in a speciall manner, nor is the one exclusive of the other. 3. For his third classe its expresly the Popish Works of supererogation, of which Hooker and Papists both give two Characters. 1. That they are not Commanded 2. That they merit a greater degree of glory: Both Works of Superoga­tion hol­den by Hooker. are false: To give a Cup of cold water to a needy Disciple, is com­manded in Scripture, Isa. 57. 9, 10. Matth. 25. 41, 42. And the con­trary punished with everlasting fire in Hell: For Paul not to be bur­densome to the Thessalonians, and not to take stipend or wages for Preaching, is commanded, for considering the condition that Paul was in, was, 1 Thess. 2. 6. To seek glory of men, was a thing forbidden in Scripture, and so the contrary cannot be a thing not commanded; and not to be gentle, v. 7. As the servant of God ought to be, even to the enemies of the truth, 1 Tim. 2. 24. Not to be affe­ctionately desirous to impart soul & Gospel and all, to those to whom he Preached, as it is v. 8. is a sin forbidden, and for the merit of in­crease of glory, it is a dream. Hence I draw an Argument against this mutable form of Government: The changeable Positives of this Government, such as Crossing, Surplice and the like, are none of these three enumerated by Hooker. 1. They are not warranted by the Law of nature, for then all Nations should know by the light of nature, that God is decently worshipped in Crosse and linnen Surplice, which is against experience. 2. That these Positives are not necessary to salvation, with a proper finall necessity, as I take, is granted by all. 3. I think Crosse and Surplice, cannot deserve a greater measure of glory: for Formalists deny either merit or effi­cacy to their Positives. The Jesuit Tannerus, confirmeth all which is said by Hooker, as did Aquinas before him: And E [...]ki [...]s in his conference with Luther, and Oecolampadius, who say, for ima­gery Tanner. in 22. to 3. disp. 5. de Relig. q. 2. Dub. 3. Aquinas 22. q. 25. Art. 3. Quando dicitur adorationem imaginum, non esse Scriptam adeoque non esse lici­tam in cultu dei respondetur. Apostoli familiari spiritus instinctu quaedam ecclesiis tradiderunt servanda, quae non reliquerunt in scriptis; sed in observatione fidelium per successionem: Collo­quio Helv [...]tiorum ita. Eckius, Collat. 44. concl. 4. Audet▪ Hen. Linick disserit enim. Cont. Luther, Zwinglium) dicere deum in nostris imaginibus Christianis nullam habere Complacentiam: Quis [...]oe ei retulit, sacrae literae non contradicunt. and their Traditions; that it is sufficient that the Church say such a thing is truth and to be done, and the scripture doth not gain-say it.


Morall Obedience resolved ultimately in Scripture.

FOR farther light in this point, it is a Question: What is the for­mall object of our obedience in all our our Morall actions? that is, Whether is the Faith practicall of our obedience, & the obedience itself, in all the externals of Church Government resolved in this ul­timately and finally. This and this we do, and this point of Government Whither our obedi­ence in Church­policy, be ultimately resolved in this saith the Lord, or in this saith the church. we believe and practise: because the Lord hath so appointed it, in an immutable Platform of Government in Scripture: or because the Church hath so appointed, or because there is an intrinsecall conve­niency in the thing it self, which is discernable by the light of na­ture? Ans. This Question is near of blood to the Controversie between Papists and us, concerning the formall object of our faith▪ that is, Whither are we to believe the scripture to be the Word of God, because so saith the Church: or upon this objective ground, because the Lord so speaketh in his own Word: Now we hold, that scripture it self furnisheth light and faith of it self, from it self; and that the Church doth but hold forth the light: as I see the light of the Candle, because of the light itself, not because of the Candlestick. Hence in this same very Question, the Iews were not to believe, that the smallest pin of the Tabernacle, or that any officer, High-Priest, Priest or Levite, were necessary, nor were they to obey in the smallest Ceremoniall observance; because Moses and the Priests or Church, at their godly discretion, without Gods own spe­ciall warrant said so: But, because so the Lord spake to Moses, so the Lord gave in writing to David and Solomon, 1 Chron. 28. 11. 19. And so must it be in the Church of the New Testament, in all the Positives of Government; otherwise, if we observe Saints­dayes, and believe Crossing and Surplice, hath this Religious signifi­cation, because the Church saith so; then is our obedience of con­science finally resolved in the Testimony of men so speaking, at their own discretion without any warrant of scripture. 2. To believe and obey in any Religious Positives, because it is the pleasure of men so to Command, is to be servants of men, and to make their will the formall reason of our obedience, which is unlawfull. If it be said, that we are to believe and Practise many things in naturall neces­sity, as to eat, move, sleep, and many circumstantials of Church-Po­licy, because the Law of naturall reason saith so; and because there [Page 79] is an intrinsecall conveniency, and an aptitude to edifie, & to decore and beautifie in an orderly and a decent way the service of God, and not simply, because the Church saith so, nor yet because the Lord speaketh so in the Scripture, and therefore all our obedience is not Ultimately and finally resolved into the Testimony of the Scripture. I Answer, That there be some things that the Law of Nature commandeth, as to move, eat, sleepe; and here with leave I distinguish Factum, the common practise of men from the jus, what men in conscience ought to do, as concerning the former, mo­rall and naturall mens practise is all resolved in their own carnall will, and lusts, and so they eat, move and sleep, because nature, and carnall will, leadeth them thereinto, not because God in the Law of nature (which I humbly conceive to be a part of the first ele­ments and principles of the Morall Law, or Decalogue, and so a part of Scripture) doth so warrant us to do; and therefore the moving, eating, drinking of naturall Moralists, are materially lawfull and conforme to scripture, for God by the Law of nature commandeth both Heathen men, and pure Moralists within the vi­sible Church, to do naturall acts of this kinde; because the Lord hath revealed that to be his will in the Book of nature: But these Heathen do these acts, because they are suitable to their Lusts and carnall will, and not because God hath commanded them so to do in the Book of nature; and this is their sin in the manner of doing though materially, Et quod substantiam actus, the action be good; and the same is the sin of naturall men within the visible Church, and a greater sin; for God not only commandeth them in the Law of nature, but also in Scripture to do all these naturall acts, because God hath revealed his will in these naturall actions, as they are mo­rall to naturall men within the visible Church, both in the Law of nature, and in the scripture, and De jure they ought to obey, because God so commandeth in both, and in regard all within the visible Church, are obliged to all naturall actions in a spirituall way, though their eating, moving, sleeping be lawfull materially, Et quod substan­tiam actus, yet because they do them without any the least habituall reference to God, so commanding in natures Law and scripture, they are in the manner of doing, sinfull; otherwise Formalists go on with Papists and Arminians to justifie the actions of the unregene­rated, as simply Lawfull and good, though performed by them with [Page 80] no respect to God or his Commandment: 2. As concerning actions of Church-Policy, that cannot be warranted by the light of nature, and yet have intrinsecall conveniency and aptitude to edifie and de­cently to Accomodate the worship of God. I conceive these may be done, but not because the Church so commandeth, as if their com­mandment were the formall reason of our obedience, but because partly the light of the Law of reason, partly scripture doth warrant them; but that Crosse and Surplice can be thus warranted is utter­ly denied: Again I conceive that there be two sort of positives in the externals of Government or worship: 1. Some Divine, as that there be in the Publique Worship, Prayers, Praising, Preaching, Sa­craments, and these are substantials; that there be such Officers, Pastors, Teachers, Elders and Deacons; that there be such censures, as rebuking, Excommunication and the like, are morally Divine, or Divinely Morall: and when the Church formeth a Directory for worship and Government, the Directory it self is in the Form not simply Divine. And if it be said that neither the Church of the Jews, nor the Church Apostolique had more a written Directory, nor Two things in the ex­ternall worship. 1. Substan­tials. 2. Ac­cidentals. they had a written Leiturgy or book of Common Prayers or Publick Church-service: I answer, nor had either the Iewish or Apostolick Church any written Creed or systeme, written of fundamentall Ar­ticles, such as is that, which is commonly called the Apostolick Creed; but they had materially in the scripture the Apostolick Creed; and the Directory they had also the same way, for they practised all the Ordinances directed, though they had no written Directory in a formall contexture or frame: for Prayers, Preaching, Praising, Sacraments and Censures never Church wanted in some one order or other▪ though we cannot say that the Apostolick Church had this same very order and forme: But a Leiturgy which is a commanded, imposed, stinted Form, in such words and no other, is another thing then a Directory as an unlawfull thing is different from a Lawfull: 2. There be some things Positive humane, as the Ordering of some parts, or worship, or Prayer, the forme of words or phrases, and some things of the Circumstantials of the Sacra­ment, as what Cups, Wood or Mettall, in these the Directory lay­eth a tie upon no man, nor can the Church in this make a Directory to be a Church Compulsory to strain men: And this way the Di­rectory is not ordered and commanded in the frame and contexture, [Page 81] as was the Service-Book; and the Pastor or people in these, are not properly Morall Agents, nor do we presse that scripture should re­gulate men in these. But sure in Crossing, in Surplice men must be Morall Agents, no lesse then in eating and drinking at the Lords-Supper, and therefore they ought to be as particularly regulated by Scripture in the one, as in the other.

Quest. But who shall be judge of these things which you say are Circumstantials only, as time, place, &c. and of these that Forma­lists say are adjuncts and Circumstances of worship, though also they have a Symbolicall and Religious signification: must not the Church judge, what things are indifferent, what necessary, what are expedient, what Lawfull? Answer, There is no such question imaginable, but in the Synagogue of Antichrist; For as concerning Norma judi [...]andi, the Rule of judging, without all exception, the scripture ought to be the only rule and measure of all practicall truths, how Formalists can make the Scripture the rule of judging of unwritten Ceremonies which have no warrant in Scrip­ture, more then Papists can admit scripture to regulate and warrant their unwritten Traditions, I see not, we yield that the Church is the Politick, Ministeriall, and visible judge of things necessary and The que­stion who should be judge of things ne­cessary or indifferent is nothing to the pre­sent con­troversie. expedient, or of things not necessary and expedient: But we know no such question in this Controversie, as who shall be judge: but supposing the Church to be a ministeriall judge, and the Scrip­ture the infallible Rule, the question is, whether this judge have any such power, as to prescribe Laws touching things in­different, and to injoyne these, though they have no warrant from Scripture, as things necessary, and to binde where God hath not bound.

Quest. But doth not the Church determine things, that of them­selves are indifferent; as whether Sermon should begin at nine of clock, or ten in the morning, and after the Church hath past a de­termination for the dyet of ten a clock, the indifferency of either nine or ten is removed, and the practise without any warrant of Scripture restricted to one, for order and peace sake; and why may not the like be done in Positives of Church-Government? Ans. The truth is, the Church by her will putteth no determination on the time, but only ministerially declareth that which Gods provi­dence accomodating it self to the season, climate, the conveniency [Page 28] of the congregation as they lie in distance from the place of mee­ting, hath determined already: But neither Providence, scripture, nor naturall reason hath determined, that there should be in every Diocesan Church a Monarch-Prelate, Pastor of Pastors, with ma­jority of power of jurisdiction and ordination over Pastors, more then there should be one Pope, Catholick Pastor of the Catholick visible Church, or that Crossing should betoken Dedication to Christs service, only will as will must determine positive Religious observances, such as these are.


What Honour, Praise, Glory, Reverence, Veneration, Devotion, Service, Worship, &c. are.

FOr the more clear opening of the ensuing Treatise, it is ne­cessary to speak somewhat of worship and Adoration, and espe­cially of these, 1. Honour. 2. Praise. 3. Glory, 4. Reverence. 5. Ve­neration. 1. Honour. 2. Praise. 3. Glory. 4. Reve­rence. 5. Venera­tion. 6. Devo­tion. 7. Religion 8. Service. 9. Worship 10. Love. 11. Ado­ration, what they are. 6. Devotion. 7. Religion. 8. Service. 9. Worship. 10. Love. 11. Obedience. 12. Adoration. 1. Honour, is a testification of the ex­cellency of any, Arist. Ethic. l. 8. c. 8. Aquinas. Honos est signum quod­dam excellentiae. Honour is a signe or expression of Excellency in any, it doth not import any superiority in the party whom we honor, as Adoration doth. Praise, is a speciall honouring of any, consisting in words. Glory, is formally the effect of Honour, though it be taken, Pro claritatè, for the celebrity or renownednesse of any; yet glo­ry seemeth to be founded upon celebrity, as its foundation. Reve­rence is a sort of Veneration of a person for excellency connotating a sort of fear. Veneration is a sort of fear, and reverencing of a per­son: I see not well any difference between Reverence and Venera­tion, except that Veneration seemeth to be some more, and cometh nearer to Adoration: Devotion is the promptitude, cheerfulnesse, or spirituall propension of the will to serve God; Religion is formally in this, when a man subjecteth himself to God, as to his supreame Lord, and thence ariseth to give him honour, as his God, and abso­lute Lord. The two integral parts of Religion, are the subjection of the reasonable creature to God. 2. An exhibition of honour; if any object that the subjection of the creature to God is humility, not Re­ligion, Raphael de la Torres in 22. tom. 1. de obj. adorat. q. 81. art. 1. disp. unic. n. 8. answereth that subjection to God, as it issueth from [Page 83] a principle of tendering due Honour to God for his excellency, its Religion; but as it abandoneth the passion of hope in the way of attaining honour, it is an act of humility to God, as the giving of money for the paying of debt, is an act of justice; but as it is given to Two acts of Religi­on, impe­rated, or command­ed, and eli­cite▪ moderate the desire of money, it is an act of Liberality. The acts of Riligion are of two sorts, some internall and elicite, as to Adore, Sacrifice, Pray, by these a man is rightly ordered toward the Honouring of God only: But there be other acts imperated and Commanded by Religion, which flow immediately from other vertues, as it may be from mercy and compassion to our brother, but are Commanded by Religion, as Jam. 1. 27. Pure Religion and un­defiled before God and the Father, is this, to visit the father lesse and the widows, &c. Service is from the bond of subjection, to reverence God as an inferior or servant doth his Lord and Master: A ser­vant doth properly do the will of his Master, for the gain or profit that redoundeth to his Master; but, because we cannot be profi­table to the Almighty by way of gain; therefore we are to serve him in relation to an higher end, then accession of gain (of which the Lord is not capable, Psal. 16. 2. Iob 22. 3.) For the declaration of his glory: For Worship formally is to give reverence to God for his excellency; in one and the same act we may both Worship God and serve him. Only service doth include the obligation of a servant to a Lord. As concerning Love, Faith and Hope, they are internall Worship, not properly Adoration: Love as Love doth ra­ther import an equality with the thing loved, and a desire of an U­nion, rather then a submission. It is true, there is a perfection in that which we Love, but not essentially to perfect the Lover, that possibly may agree to the Love between man and man, but not to Love as Love: for the Father Loves Christ his Son, and did delight in him from eternity, Prov. 8. 30. A superior Angel may Love an inferior; yet the Father cannot be perfected by Loving Christ, nor a superior Ang [...]l, by Loving any inferior; Faith and Hope may suppose a resting on a helper as a helper, and so are internall Worship; if they be adoration formally may be a Question.

It is an untruth which Raphael de la Torres, with other school­men Raphael. to. [...]. in 22. q. 81. Art. 4. disp. vnica. say, That with the same Religion by which we Honour holy men, we Honour God; upon this reason, because holinesse in them is a parti­cipation of the Divine Nature, therefore God must be the intrinsecall [Page 84] end, and formall reason, for which we Honour the Saints. For Holi­nesse Honoring of Holy men is not worship. in Saints, is a participation of the Divine nature; but it is a Temporary and a created participation, it is not the same very ho­linesse that is in God; but the created effect thereof: and so the Love I bear to any Creature, because there is somewhat of God in every Creature; And the Love to our Neighbour, Commanded in the second Table of the Law, should be the Love of God, Comman­ded in the first Table of the Law. 2. When I bow to the gray­haired, and to the King; I then do an act of obedience to the fifth Commandment: No man can say, that when I bow to the King, or to an holy man, that I am then bowing to the God of heaven, and Worshipping God: No acts terminated upon Saints living or dead, are acts of Worshipping God; yea, reverencing of the Or­dinances of God, as the delighting in, or trembling at the Word, are not properly acts of adoring God.

Obedience is founded, not formally upon Gods excellency, pro­perly Obedience. so called; but upon his jurisdiction and Authority to Com­mand.

Adoration is the subjection or prostration of soul or body to God Adoration. in the due recognition and acknowledgement of his absolute supre­macy. There is no need, that Vasquez should deny, that there is any internall Adoration, for that Adoration is only an externall and bo­dily Worship of God, can hardly be defended; for there may be, and is Adoration in the blessed Angels, as may be gathered from Isa. 6. 1, 2, 3. H [...]b. 1. 6. And it is hard to say, that the glorified spi­rits loosed out of the body, and received by Christ, Act. 7. 59. Psal. 73. 27. Into Paradice, Luk. 23. 43. And so with him, Philip. 1. 23. And Praying under the Altar, Rev. 6. 9, 10. And falling down before the Lamb, and acknowledging that he hath Redeemed them, Rev. 5. 8, 9, 10. do not Adore God and his Son Christ; be­cause they have nor bodies and knees to bow to him, and yet they Adore him, Phil. 2. 9, 10. in a way suitable to their spirituall estate. It is an untruth that Rapha. de la Torres, in 22. q. 84. Art. 2. disp. 2. n. 1. saith, That Protestants detest all externall Worship now under the New Testament, as contrary to Grace, and Adoration of God in spirit and truth. For things subordinate are not contrary; we should deny the necessity of Baptisme, and the Lords Supper, and of vocall praying and praising under the New Testament, which are in their [Page 85] externals, externall worship. I grant internall Adoration, is more hardly known: But 'tis enough for us to say, as externall Adora­tion is an act by which we offer our bodies to God, and subject the utter man to him, in sign of service and reverence to so supream a Lord; so there is a heart-prostration, and inward bowing of the soul, answerable thereunto.

As the profession, whither actuall or habituall, in a locall and bodily approach, or in verball titles of Honour, in which we Ho­nour great personages, by bowing to them, in prostration and kneel­ing, is an act in its state Civill, not Religious, we intending (I presse not the necessity of a [...]ormall or actuall intention) only to conciliate Honour to them, suitable to their place and dignity: so a profession, whither actuall or habituall, in a Religious bodily approach to God, either by prayer or prostration, or in [...]lination of the body tending to the Honour of God is a Religious act. Now bodily prostration of it self, is a thing in its nature indifferent, and according as is the ob­ject, so is it either Artificiall: as if one should stoop down to drive a wedge in an image; or civill, if one bow to Honour the King; or Religious, when God and Divine things are the object thereof: But with this difference, the intention of the minde, added to ex­ternall prostration to a creature reasonable, may make that prostra­tion idolatrous, and more then civill honour. Thus bowing to Ha­man, The Reli­gious object, with the act of reve­rencing, maketh a­doration to be Religi­ous; but a civill ob­ject, except the inten­tion concur maketh not Religious adoration of a civill object. Honoured by Ahasuerus, who hath power to confer honours, if people bow to him as to God, is more then civill honour: And Cornelius his bowing to Peter, Act. 10. as to more then a man, is Idolatrous, and not civill honour; and the Carpenters bowing to an Image, as to a piece of Timber formed by Art, is only Artificiall bowing; and if any stumble at a stone before an Image, and so fall before it, it is a casuall and naturall fall; whereas a falling down with intention to Adore, had been Religious Adoring: But when the object of bodily prostration or kneeling, is God, or any Reli­gious representation of God, whither it be the elements of bread and wine, which are Lawfull Images of Christ, or devised pictures or portraicts of God or Christ; because these objects are not capa­ble of artificiall, naturall, or civill prostration, if therefore they be terminating objects of bodily kneeling or prostration; these Religi­ous objects, to wit, God, and Religious things, must so specifie these bodily acts, as that they must make them Religious, not civill acts, [Page 86] though there be no intention to bow to God; for bowing to God hath from the object, that it is a Religious bowing, though you in­tend not to direct that bowing to God, as bowing to Jupiters Por­traict, is a Religious Worshipping of that Portraict, though you intend not to worship the Portraict: for the act and Religious ob­ject together, maketh the act of prostration or kneeling, to be es­sentially Religious, though there be no intention to bow to these; indeed the intention to bow to God, maketh kneeling to God to be more Morally good, laudable and acceptable before God, then if therewere no such intention, but the want of the intention, maketh it not to be no Religious worship, nor can it make it to be civill worship. Hence let this be observed, that intention of bowing can, or may change that bowing which otherwayes were but civill (if there were no such intention of over-esteeming the creature) into a Reli­gious bowing, but neither our over or under-intention can change a Religious kneeling to God, or to an Image into a civill kneeling, because civill or naturall bowing to creatures, is more under the power of an humane and voluntary institution of men, then Reli­gious bowing, which hath from God without any act of mans free will, its compleat nature. When we kneel to Kings, we signifie by that gesture, that we submit our selves to higher powers, not sim­ply (saith P. Martyr.) but in so far as they Command not things Martyr, comment. in 1 King. c. 1. v. 16. against the Word of the Lord. When we Adore God, we Adore him as the Supream Majesty, being ready to obey him in what he shall Command, without any exception; the Adoration of men, sig­nifieth a submission limited, if it go above bounds, it is the sinfull in­tention of the Adorer, who may change the civil Adoration into Re­ligious, and may ascend: But the Aderation of God cannot so des­cend, as it can turn into Civill Adoration, only keeping the same object it had before.

Worship is an action, or performance, or thing, by which we ten­der What wor­ship is? our immediate honour to God, from the nature of the thing it self: 1. I call it an action, because the passion of dying or suffering, is not formally worship; but only dying comparatively, rather then denying of Christ, or dying so, and so qualified, dying with Patience and Faith, may be called a worship. 2. I call it not an action only, but a performance or thing; because an office, as the Priest­hood, the Ministery is a worship, and yet not an action; Some­time, [Page 87] Time it self, as the Sabbath Day is a Worship; yet it is not an action: So the Lord calleth it His Holy Day: and undenyably the lewish dayes, the High Priests garment, and many things of that kinde, were Divine or Religious performances, things, or adjuncts of Divine Worship, but so, as they are not meer­ly adjuncts of Worship, but also worship; for the High Priests E­phod was not only a civil ornament, nor was it a meer Physicall or naturall means to [...]ence off the injuries of sun, and Heaven, we do not think that the Lord in all, or any place of the Old or New Testament setteth down any Laws concerning garments simply, as they do fence off cold or heat, that belongeth to Art, only he speaketh of garments as contrary to gravity, as signes of vanity and lightnesse, Isa. 3. 16, &c. Zepha. 1. 8. 1 Pet. 3. 3, 4. And of garments as Religious observances, of which sort was the attire and garments of the Priests and High-Priests in their service, in which conside­ration the Religious times, holy places, and Mosaicall garments were Divine Worship, by which God was immediatly honored, but not adjuncts only, or actions; but Religious things or performan­ces. 3. It is such a performance, as from thence honour doth imme­diatly redound to God, but that this may be the clearer; I conceive Worship is an imme­diate hono­ring of God, but some wor­ship hon [...] ­reth him more im­mediately, some lesse. that there is a twofold immediate honouring of God, in the wor­ship of God: 1. An honouring of God lesse immediate, as hearing of the word, is an immediate honouring of God, because honour floweth immediatly from God, both Ex conditione operis, and Ex conditione operantis; from the nature of the work, and intention of the worker: yet it is a lesse immediate honouring of God, in re­gard, that I may also hear the word even from the condition of the work, and so from the intrinsecall end of the worker, that I may learn to know God, and believe, for thus far I am led to honour God immediatly in hearing the word; that action of its own nature conveying honour to God; there interveeneth also a medium amidst between me and honouring of God, to wit, the Preacher, or the Bible; to which no externall adoration is due: There is ano­ther more immediate worship, to wit, praising of God, from which by an immediate result, God is honoured, and in worship especi­ally strictly immediate, God is immediatly honoured both in the in­tention of the work, and the intrinsecall end of it, and the inten­tion of the worker; though no other thing be done, and others be [Page 88] not edified either in knowledge, increase of Faith, or any other wayes: And in this, duties of the second Table, of mercy and ju­stice, differ from worship, in that such acts of love and mercy, as to give almes to save the life of my brother, or of his beast, are not acts of worshipping God; their intrinsecall end, and the nature of the work being to do good to the creature, principally, Ex naturâ, & conditione operis, though God also thereby be honoured; yet in a more secundary consideration: For I praying to God, do immedi­ately from the nature of the action honour God, though no good should either redound to my self, or to the creature; thereby, it is true, God, by acts of love and mercy to our neighbour, is honoured two wayes: 1. In that men seeing our good works do thence take occasion to glorifie our Heavenly [...]ather, whose truth teacheth us by the grace of God to do these works, but the intrinsecall and proper use of these, is to do good to our selves as in works of sobrie­ty, and to our neighbour, as in works of righteous dealing, but not immediatly, and i [...] the first and primary consideration to honour God, as in works of Piety, holinesse and worship, the honouring of God by secondary resultance, doth issue also from these duties of righteousnesse, but not as from the acts of praying, praising, Sacra­mentall eating, drinking. 2. The doer of these acts of mercy, may, and is to intend the honouring of God.

There is a twofold intention in worship, one formall and proper­ly A twofold intention in worship. Religious, and is expounded Morall, Ex naturâ rei, to be Reli­gious, it being such an intention, as can have no other state in wor­ship, but a Religious State, as if the three Children should bow at the Commmandment of the King of Babylon, though inten­ding to worship the true God. Here should be an intrinsecall in­tention, Ex naturâ & conditione operis, to worship, and that from two grounds conjoyned together: 1. Here is bowing down: 2. Bowing down to a Religious Object, commanded by a Prince, and so cometh under the Morall notion of the command of a Judge. When the object of bowing down is Religious, the signi­cation that we give divine honour to God by kneeling is as insepa­rable (saith Raphael de la Torres) from kneeling or bowing down, as a bearing testimony by word, that God is true, and knoweth all secrets, and will be avenged on perjury, is inseparable from vocall swearing by the name of God, or as any man should be an Idolater, [Page 89] who in expresse words should say to an Idol, O my God Jupiter help De la Tor. tom. 2. in 22. q. 94. Art. 2. Si quis in­ter [...]ellarit i­dolum di­cens expres­sis verbis, Jupiter, de­us meus ad­juva me, quamvis co­narctur fin­gere istam invocatio­nem, de [...]e­stans interi­us Jovem, et omnes falsos d [...]os, vere idolatra es­set, quia ab illis verbis in separabi­lis est signi­ficatio ex hibendi cul­tum Divi­num idolo. me, though that Adoration were fained, and he who so prayeth, should in his heart abhor and detest Jupiter and all false Gods: But there is another intention not Religious; if a Childe reade a Chap­ter of the Bible, that he may learn to read and spell, that is an acti­on of Art, not of Worship; because the object of the Childes rea­ding, is not Scripture as Scripture, but only the Printed Characters as they are, Signa rerum ut rerum, non ut rerum sacrarum, signes of things, not of holy things, and here the object not being Religious, the intrinsecall operation cannot raise up any Religious intention of the Childe. Upon this ground, it is easie to determine whether or no an intention of Worship be essentiall to Worship or not, the former intention which is intrinsecall, and Intentio operis, may be essentiall, it resulting from the object; but the latter intention of the worker, is so far extraneous to Worship, as whether it be, or be not, the nature of Worship is not impaired nor violated.

Hence, Adoration is worship; But every worship is not Ado­ration. Uncovering the head, seemeth to be little older then Pauls Epistles to the Corinthians. The Learned Salmasius, thinketh it but a Nationall sign of honour, no wayes universally received: But certainly it is not Adoration: Though therefore we receive the Supper of the Lord uncovered, no man can conclude from thence Adoration of the Elements, as we do from kneeling conclude the same, as we shall here for all bodily worship or expression of our af­fection to the means of graces (though these means be but crea­tures) is not Adoration properly either of God, or of these means, it is Lawfull to tremble at the word, and for Josiah to weep before the Book of the Law read, and for the Martyrs to kisse the Stake, Vncover­ing of the head, is Ve­neration, not Adora­tion. as the Instrument by which they glorified God, in dying for the truth; all these being Objectam quo, and means by the which they conveyed their worship to the true God, and naturall and Lawfull expressions of their affection to God: For uncovering the head, it is a sort of Veneration or Reverence, not Adoration; and Paul insinuateth so much when he saith, 1 Cor. 11. 4. Every man praying and prophecying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head: But it is not his meaning, that he dishonoreth God. 2. The Jewes to this day, as of old, used not uncovering the head as a sign of honour: But by the contrary, covering was a sign of honour: If therefore [Page 90] the Jews, being made a visible Church, shall receive the Lords Sup­per, and Pray and Prophecy with covered heads, men would judge it no dishonouring of their head, or not of dis-respect of the Ordi­nances of God: Though Paul having regard to a Nationall Custome in Corinth, did so esteem of it.

Antonius Corduba a Franciscan, enumerateth nine externall acts Corduba, l. 1. q. 5. dub. 6. of Adoration, but speaketh nothing of uncovering the head; as 1. Sa­crificing. 2. Martyrdome. 3. Giving and Receiving the Sacraments. 4. Suiting of Pardon. 5. Suiting of Grace. 6. Smiting the breast. 7. Building of Churches. 8. Institution of Feasts. 9. Vows and Oaths. Prelaticall Formalists side with them, in Building and Consecrating of Churches, and Holy-dayes, which are but will▪worship, as used by them: And for Martyrdome, it is formally an act of Christian fortitude, not worship, the confession of Gods truth a Conc [...] ­mitant of Martyrdome, is indeed worship. How suiting of Pardon, and suiting of Grace are two externall acts of Adoration, I see not: for by this way, if we regard the multitude of things that we suit, Consecra­tion of Churches taken two wayes. there should be moe then two: Consecrating of Churches is taken two wayes: 1. For a meer dedication or Civill destination of any thing to its end and use: As when a house is builded, a garment is first put on, when we refresh our selves with a draught of water, we may pray for a blessing on these, and on all the Creatures for our use, and the very habituall intention of the builder of an house to dwell in, is a Civill dedication of it to that use for which it is Or­dained. Prayer added to it for a blessing of it in the use, maketh not a Consecrated thing; for then my clothes every day put on, my sleep, my dayly walking in and out, my Physick, my meals, my horse, my ship I sail in, should all be Holy, Consecrated, and Reli­gious things, which I were to Reverence as Religious things; for all these may be blessed in their use: But here is that we condemn Consecra­tion of Churches condemned in Religious dedication of Churches: 1. That the end being sacred, to wit, the habituall worshipping of God in that place. 2. The praying for the Church or house of worship, to say nothing of the vain Ceremonies used in the dedication of Churches: These two are applyed to make the Church holy, and to denominate it the house of God, and capable of Religious veneration, and salutation: Then certainly, all the Synagogues of Judea, should be Religiously holy, as was the Temple. 2. And Prayers should be more accept­able [Page 91] to God in the Synagogue for the houses sake, then prayers in any other place. 3. God shall binde himself by promise to hear prayers in the Synagogue, or made with the face toward the Syna­gogue, as he did toward the Temple: we were obliged in the New Testament to pray with our faces toward the Churches or meeting places in the New Testament, and we should have one fa­mous and celebrious Church for all Iews and Gentiles, more ho­ly then all the little holy Temples now consecrated as holy places, and where shall this be? And what typicall signification shall it have? It must signifie Christ to come, or already come, both is un­lawfull.

2. Again, if habituall Dedication by vertue of Prayer make a place holy, by the same reason actuall Dedication should make a place holy; and the belly of the Whale should have been holy be­cause there Jonah prayed, and every place a believer prayeth shall be holy, his closet, a private corner of his Orchard or Garden where he prayeth shall be holy, for these may be habitually desti­ned and appointed (if you call this Dedication) for prayer only, and it shall be unlawfull to do any civill businesse there, more then it is unlawfull (as Formalists teach) to do any other civil businesse in the Churches, or places of meeting in the New-Testament: 3. God himself appointed the place, the Time when it should be built, the person, by whom, by Solomon, not David; the length, the breadth, the Chambers, Porches, Ornaments of the only holy place at Jeru­salem; he hath no where appointed and prescribed these for the meeting places of the New Testament, but hath said that all places are alike, as touching any Religious holinesse, Ioh. 4. 23. 1 Tim. 2. 8. 4. Shall we think God is not acceptably served, and that the Syna­gogues of the Iews, of which we read not any patern or rule for Dedication, are Prophane, because they are not Dedicated by the Durand▪ Rati. l. 1. c. 6. Eusebius, l. 8. c. 8. 9, l. 10. c. 2, 3. Bishops laying the first foundation stone of the house? Or be­cause they want the ornaments of whorish Ceremonies, that Du­randus enumerateth? or because they have not the surpassing beau­ty of admirable Temples, that Christians now a little overswelling with the zeal of prosperity builded for the worship of God, out of superlative detestation of Dioclesian, and Maximinus, who had de­molished all the Churches which Christians had leave to build un­der tollerable Emperors, such as Severus, Gordianus, Philip, and [Page 92] Galienus, as Eusebius teacheth? Or that we are to give a Testimo­ny of as cheerfull affection for the beautifying of Temples, void of all typicall relation to the glory of Iesus Christ, as David did show, 1 Chron. 28 14. 2 Chron. 2. 5. And that it is Morall and perpetual­ly obligatory under the New Testament; that we bestow charges upon sumptuous Temples, upon these fancied grounds of Master Hooker? For his first Morall ground is, Nothing is too dear to be be­stowed about the furniture of Gods service: 2. Because sumptuous Temples serve to the world for a witnesse of his almightinesse, whom we outwardly serve, and honour with the chiefest of outward things, as being of all things himself incomparably the greatest: 3. It were Hooker. ecl. pol. 5. book p, 208. Mr. Hookers fancied Morall grounds of the holi­nesse of Churches under the New Te­stament answered. strange, that God should have made such store of glorious creatures on earth, & leave them all to be consumed on secular vanity, allowing none but the baser sort to be imployed in his own service: 4. Rarest and most gorgeous treasures are too little for earthly Kings. 5. If the cor­ruptible Temples of the holy spirit are to be served with rich almes, what should be done for houses to edifie the living Temples redeemed by Iesus Christ: To all which I say: 1. The Temple of Ierusalem in its glory, proportion and beauty, was a Positive worship, and so must be warranted by the positive Warrant of the Word, and the like Warrant must all our Churches in the New-Testament have: 2. If we must extend our liberality and bounty towards God to the highest, and to testifie the greatnesse and Almightinesse of him whom we serve: then did David and Solomon in both fail, there were more glorious and rich houses on earth, and divers times have been builded to the honour of false gods, and to declare the Royall mag­nificence of mortall Kings: God never for his own honour appoin­ted such a banquet as Ahasureosh did, to continue for an hundred and fourscore dayes, Esther 1. 4. More might, and ought to have been done by David and Solomon, if it had been a morall ground to build a house, to be a witnesse of Almightinesse: 3. And God ap­pointed sacrifices, and Sacraments in both Testaments, as Testimo­nies of the great Lord Iesus; yet in base and obvious creatures; we may not devise Symbols or witnessing Images of the Almightinesse of that God whom we serve, at our pleasure: 4. If our Lord love mercy better then Sacrifice, especially under the New Testament, when his worship must be more spirituall: Then the Argument may be strongly retorted, we are to bestow more on feeding [Page 93] the living Members of Christs body (which yet is not secular vani­ty) then on dead stones; except Master Hooker can warrant us to serve God under the New Testament in precious stones and gold, for which we can see no Warrant: 5. All these Arguments are broadly used by Papists, for Images and rich Churches: Nor doth Hooker give us any Argument for this, but what Papists gave before The place 1 Cor 11. Have ye not houses, &c. Makethno­thing for hallowing of Chur­ches. him: Have ye not houses (saith he) to eat and drink in; Ergo, He teacheth a difference between house and house, and what is fit for the dwelling place of God, and what for mans habitation, the one for com­mon food, the other for none but for heavenly food.

Ans. That there was publick meeting places and Churches in Corinth, now under Heathen Rulers, 1 Cor. 6. is denyed, by all both Protestant and Popish writers, far lesse had they then any consecra­ted Churches, and from the inconveniency of taking their Supper while some were full and drunk in the place where the Lords Sup­per was Celebrated, whereas they ought to have Supped in their own houses: to infer that the Church is a holier place, then their own house, I professe is Logick, I do not understand, it only con­cludes these two sort of houses are destinated from two sort of dif­ferent uses, sacred and prophane and no more.

Neither am I much moved at that, Psal. 74. which is said, ver. 8. [...] Nor the place, Psal. 74. 8. They have burnt all the convening places, or all the Congregations of God in the land: Vatablus, expoundeth it of the Temple: Exusse­runt totum Templum Dei terrenum: Or all the question will be, why the Synagogues are called Gods Synagogues, as they called the Temple, Ier. 7. 4. [...] The Temple of the Lord, and [...], The house of the Lord: Whither because every Syna­gogue was no lesse in its own kinde a house holy to the Lord then the Temple: Certainly there is no rationall ground to say, that Sy­nagogues were Typicall, that the people were to pray with their faces toward the Synagogue, and to offer Sacrifices in the Syna­gogue: But that a Synagogue is called the house of God, from the use and end, because it was ordained for the worship of God, as that which God hath appointed for a speciall end and work, in that the Lord assumeth the propriety thereof to himself, so saith the Lord of Cyrus, Isa. 45. 1. Thus saith the Lord to his Anointed, to Cyrus whose right hand I have holden; yet was not Cyrus Typically, or Religiously holy, as the Temple of Ierusalem, and c. 44. v. 28. He [Page 94] saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd: and why? He shall perform all The Syna­gue not Gods house as the Temple was. my pleasure, so Hos. 2. 9. Therefore will I returne (saith God) and take away my corne in the time thereof, and my wine in the season thereof, and will recover my wool and my flax (given) to cover her nakednesse, To say nothing that all the holy land was Gods land, Hos. 9. 3. They shall not dwell in the Lords land; and consequently all the Synago­gues were Gods houses; and the enemy of whom the Church com­plaineth to God in that Psalme, was thus bold, as notwithstanding Canaan was Gods Heritage and proper Land in a speciall manner, yet it was destroyed and burnt by the enemies, even these houses that God was worshipped in, not being spared; But how God was so present in every Synagogue, and that even when there were no actuall worship of God in it, as he was in the Temple, and that it was so holy a place, as they were to put off there shooes who came into the Synagogue, God shewing his own immediate presence in e­very synagogue, as he did, Exod. 3. 5. To Moses in the burning bush, Exod. 5. 1. v. 12. Is a thing that hath no warrant in the word of God; for if every synagogue had been thus holy: 1. It should have been a house dedicated to God in a Religious way, as was the Temple: 2. God should dwell in every Synagogue then, & in every Church un­der the New Testament now, as he said he would dwell in the Tem­ple. 3. Then must Heathens and the uncircumcised be forbidden to come into any Synagogue, or any Church under the New Testa­ment, the contrary whereof was evident in scripture; none were for­bidden to enter in the Synagogues, Paul, 1 Cor. 14. 23, 24. alloweth that Heathens come into the Churches or meetings where Christi­ans are worshipping God. 4. If either the Temple of Ierusulem was holy for the worship in it, or for that it was a Type of our Materiall Temples under the New Testament, then our Churches under the New Testament shall be more holy, yea, our private houses in which we may worship God shal be more holy, as our worship is more spi­rituall then carnall Commandments of the Leviticall Law were, and the body must be more holy then the shadow; yea, all the earth now from the rising of the sun, to the going down of the same, in regard of more spirituall worship, even the Stables and Alehouses, where we may offer the Incense of Prayer to God, and offer the sacrifices of praises, Mal. 1. 11. shall be alike holy, as either our Churches or the Temple was of old.


Q. 1. Whether or not Humane Ceremonies in Gods Worship, can consist with the perfection of Gods Word?

THese humane Ceremonies we cannot but reject upon these grounds;

Our first Argument is: Every positive and Reli­gious observance, and Rite in Gods worship, not Arg. 1. warranted by Gods Word, is unlawfull: But humane Ceremonies are such: Ergo,

The Proposition is sure, the holy Spirit useth a Negative Argu­ment, The nega­tive Argu­ment from Scripture valid. Act. 15. 24. We gave no such Commandment, Levit. 10. 1. Jer. 7. 30. and 19. 5, 6. and 32. 35. 2 Sam. 7. 7. 1 Chron. 15. 13. The Lord Commanded not this, Ergo, It is not Lawfull.

Formalists, Answer: Every worship holden to be of Divine ne­cessity and yet not Commanded by God, is unlawfull; but not every worship holden as free, and not binding the Conscience, requireth that God Command it.

Ans. 1. Gods Consequence is from the want of a Lawfull effi­cient and Author; you make him to reason from an Adjunct of the worship: But all worship hath necessity, and Divinity, and a bin­ding power only from the Author God. For why is it Lawfull to Abraham to kill or intend to kill his Son? Why is not eating the forbidden fruit Lawfull? Only because God Commandeth; and if God forbid Abraham to kill his Son, and Command Adam to eat, it is Lawfull. 2. If this be good, observe all the Ceremoniall Law, so you lay not Divine necessity upon the observance thereof; offer Sacrifices to God under the New Testament, and you cannot fail in the worship against the Institutor▪ So slaying of the Children to Molech, so you count it free and changeable, shall not fail against [Page 96] Gods Commandments of the first Table ( I Command it not.) They Answer, To kill Children, is Man slaughter; but I Reply: God doth no [...], Ier. 7. Reason against Offering the seed to Molech, as it was murther and forbidden in the sixth Commandment: but as false worship, and forbidden in the second Commandment: Else he proveth not, that it was unlawfull worship against piety, but that it was an act of cruelty: Yea, so it be thought free and bind not the Conscience, it may be Lawfull worship, and is not condemned by this ( God Commanded it not) Ergo, It is not Lawfull.

I Commanded not, (saith Morton defense of Cere. gener. q▪ 1. Sect. 12. Morton, and Burges, rejoynder, p. 41. D. Burges.) that is, I discommanded, or forbade. Ans. So Gregor. de Valent. to. 3 dis 6. q. 2. re [...]. ad. 2. obj. Constat quandoquo dici non preceptum id quod adeo non est pre­ceptum, ut sit etiam con­tra precep­tum. saith the Iesuit Valen­tia; but so, Circumcising of women, boyling of the Paschall Lambe, another Ark then Moses made, should not be unlawfull, for these are not expresly discommanded. But Gods Commanding to Cir­cumcise the Male-childe, to Roast the Paschall Lambe, to make this Ark: and his silence of Circumcision of women, and boyling the Passeover, and silence of another Ark, is a Command. 2. The Text, Jer. 7. Is wronged, I Commanded not, neither came it in my heart to Command this Abomination: That is, I never purposed it as worship: else they knew, to kill their Children, except to God, as Abraham was Commanded, was unlawfull, as Isa. 63. 4. The Not to command, is to forbid day of Vengeance is in mine heart, 2 King. 10. 30. 1 King. 8. 18. Gen▪ 27. 41. To be in ones heart, is to purpose a thing. 3. Valentia saith, Exod. 18. 20. I Commanded not the false Prophet to speak; But how? By not sending or calling him: Else God did not say by a Positive Commandment to every false Prophet, Prophecy not; but because God b [...]de him not Prophecy, he was to know God forbade him: Else to speak Arbitrary Doctrines and Prophesies, not tying the Conscience, were no false Prophecying.

They Object, 1 King. 8. 17. It was well that it was in Davids heart to build a house to God, and yet David had no warrant in Gods Word, for to build an house to God. So Morton Morton gener. defe, c. 1. Sect. 6, 7. Burges Burges, rejoynder, c. 1. Sect. 7. p. 34. Of Davids purpose to build the Temple, how far it was law­full. Ans. David had a twofold will and purpose to build Gods house: 1. Con­ditionall: It was revealed to David, that God would have an house built, therefore David might conditionally purpose to build it; so it was Gods will he should be the man. This wanteth not Gods word: We may desire what ever may promove Gods glory condi­tionally. As that Petition teacheth ( Thy Kingdom come.) This was [Page 97] recommended of God and approved▪ 2 Kin. 8. 17. 2. A resolute will upon Nathans mistake, the blinde leading the blinde, this was not Commanded, though the desire of the end was good, that is, that a house should be built.

Morton, 16. It was Lawfull upon common equity, considering Gods mercy to him, in subduing his enemies, and that he dwelt in Cedars, whereas God wanted an house, but he could not actually perform it, without Gods word: So Burges.

Ans. 1. The consequence without Gods word, is as good to con­clude, that David might actually build Gods house, as to will and purpose to build it: Because the word is a perfect rule to our thoughts and purposes, no lesse then to our actions; if to build without Gods Word was unlawfull: Ergo, to purpose this without Gods Word was unlawfull. A purpose of sin, as of Adultery, is sin, a purpose of will worship, is will-worship and sin. 2. A man of blood is as unfit to purpose to be a type of a peaceable Saviour, as to be a type of a Saviour, 3. If God reprove Samuels light for judging according to the eye, 1 Sam. 16. 7. Far more he rebuketh his purpose to Anoint a man without his word, Who giveth King­doms to whom he pleaseth: Yet Samuel had a good intention, and Gods word in generall, that one of Iesse's Sons should be King. 4. I [...] that good purpose had remained with David deliberately to build the Lords house, after the Lord had said, Solomon, not David, must build the house, it would have been sinfull; yet the reasons upon common equity, and a generall warrant that God would have an house, had been as good as before: if Mortons consequence be once good, its ever good. 5. By this, without the warrant of the Word, we may purpose to glorifie God: The Baptist without Gods warrant, may purpose a New Sacrament, Cajaphas may purpose that he shall be the man who shall dye for the people: I may pur­pose to glorifie God, by a thousand new means of worshipping: Pa­pists have good intentions in all they do. 6. A purpose of heart is an inward substantiall worship warranted by Gods Word, Psal. 19. 14. Psal. 50. 21. Psal. 74. 11. Ier. 4. 14. Gen. 8. 2. Eccles. 2, 3. Isa. 55. 7. Ergo, The word is not a rule in substantiall and Morall Duties; heart-purposes cannot be indifferent heart-ceremonies. 7. David needed not aske counsell at Gods mouth and word, for an indifferent heart-purpose, grounded upon sufficient warrant of [Page 98] common equity, whether he should act it or no [...]; that which war­ranteth the good purpose, warranteth the enacting of the good pur­pose. 8. Who knoweth if God rewardeth additions to the word, with a sure house, and all indifferent Ceremonies?

All additions to Gods Word are unlawfull▪ Deut. 4▪ [...]. Deut. 12. Arg. 2. Of Addi­tions. 32. Prov. 30. 6. Rev. 22. 18. Ioh. 20. 31. Luk. 16. 29, 30. 2 Tim 3▪ 17. Psalme 19. 7, 8. So, Basil. in morall. Basilius, Hieron. in Matth. 23. Hieron, Cyprian epist. 68. Cy­prian, Chrys. in 2 Tim. 1. Chrysostome, Procopi­us, in Deut. 12. Procopius, Tur­tullian, de prescript adver. he­ret. Turtullian, All the Fa­thers, all Protestant Divines opposing Traditions▪ put their seal and Pen to the plenitude of Scripture: But humane Rites are Ad­ditions to Gods word. Morton, Burges, su­pra. c. 2, 3. p. 136. Morton and Burges say, God forbiddeth in the foresaid places, additions of any thing, as Divine and a part of Gods Word, or additions contrary to Gods Word, and corrupting the sense thereof, but not additions perfecting and [...]plaining his Word▪ a [...] Commentaries and Annotations of the text.

So do Papists Answer, Duvallius, Duval­lius, 2. de­legibus, q. 5. art. 1. res. ad. 3. Hoc tantum fa­cito, id est, non offer as alia victi­marum ge­nera filios aut fili [...]s d [...]o, ut Gentiles. a Sorbonist▪ He forbiddeth o­ther new Sacrifices, as of the Gentiles, who offered their Sons and Daughters: So Valent. tom. 3. disp. 6. q. 2. resp. ad. 2▪ Valentia, Vasquez, tom▪ 2. in 12. desp. 152. c. 14. Qui addit novum, non dicitur declinare. Vasquez, Bellarm. de pont. l. 4. c. 17. Moses non alloquitur Principes, quorum est leges condere (et sic addere) sed populum e [...]ius est obedire. Bellarmine, Suarez de trip. virit. disp. 5. Sect. 4. Additiones non▪ corrumpentes sed per­ficientes, non sunt additiones, dat [...] enim sunt a Spiritu sancto. Suarez, Ita Cajeta. Cajetan, They are not added which the Church addeth▪ they are from the spirit of God: So Bannes, in 22. q. 1. Art. 10. Non adduntur▪ verbis dei ipsa dei verba. Bannes; but all these do elude, not expound the Texts: 1. Because▪ if the Iewish Princes had Commanded Arbitrary and conditionall Ar [...]s, Sacrifices, pla­ces of worship, so they add [...] not heathenish and wicked, as the Gentiles Sacrificing their Children, they had no [...] failed by this an­swer; yet Moses the Prince, is Commanded to make all according to the Patern in the Mount. 2. God speaketh to all Israel, and not to the Princes only, Deut. 4. 1. Hearken O Israel, he speaketh to these who are bidden to keep their soul diligently, v. 6. 3. It is Bellar­mines groundlesse charity, to think private heads who were not Princes and Law-givers, did not take on an h [...]iry Mantle to de­ceive, Zach. 13. 4. And say, Thus saith the Lord▪ when God had not spoken to them, Ier. 23. 16. 32. Yea, and Private women added their [Page 99] own dreams to the word of God, Ezech. 13. 17, 18. 3. They say Tra­ditions All additi­ons, even these which perfecteth the word are unlaw­full. are from Gods Spirit: But hath Gods Spirit lost all Maje­sty, Divinity and power in speaking? If the Popes Decretals, the Councels, the dirty Traditions, wanting life, Language, and power, be from Gods Spirit: Formalists admit Traditions from an humane spirit, and in this are shamed even by Papists, who say, God only [...]an adde to his own Word, whereas they say, men, and the worst of men, Prelates may adde to Gods vvord: 4. But that additions per­fecting are forbidden is clear: 1. Additions perfecting, as Dido­clavius Didocl. in alt. Da­masc. p. 504, 505. saith, argueth the word of imperfection, and that Bap­tisme is not perfect without Crossing. 2. It is Gods Prerogative to adde Canonick Scripture to the five books of Moses, and the Nevv-Testament, and the doctrine of the Sacraments which cannot be Syllogistically deduced out of the Old Testament, Matth. 28. 19, 20. Ioh. 21. 31. Heb. 3. 2. Rev. 1. 19. and these are perfecting and ex­plaining additions, therefore men may by as good reason adde Ca­nonick Scripture to the Revelation, as adde new Positive Doctrines like this ( The holy Surplice is a sacred signe of Pastorall Holinesse) (Crossing is a signe of dedicating the childe to Christs service) for Pa­pists [...]ay, even Vasquez Vasqu. to. 2. in 12. disp. 154. cap. 3. Respondetu [...] pontificem quidem nec extra gene­rale concili­um nec inill [...] posse Statu­ere aliquid de fide quod non conti­neatur in principiis & articulis re­velatis aut certissime ex iis colli­gatur. That the Pope neither in a generall Coun­cell, nor out of it, can ordain any nevv points of Faith, vvhich are not contained in the principles or Articles revealed, and may not be evi­dently concluded out of them.

Formalists answer, It is not lavvfull to adde any thing as a part of divine worship, but it is Lawfull to add [...] something as an indifferent Rite, coming from Authority grounded upon common equity▪ And this is the ansvver of the Jesuite Vasquez Vasq. ib. The Pope and Church cannot make an Article of Faith, for that is believed by divine Faith, to come from God only, but as Law­givers they may give Laws that bindeth the conscience, and yet are not altogether essentiall in worship. If additions, as divine parts of Gods worship (say we) be forbidden; God then forbidding to adde such Traditions, forbiddeth his own spirit to adde to Gods word, for no man but God can adde additions Divine, that is, coming from God, but God himself, & by good consequence the forbidding men to add additions, as really coming from God, should forbid men to be Gods, for divine additions are essentially additions coming from God; but if he forbid additions only of mens divising, but obtruded to [Page 100] have the like efficacy and power over the conscience, that Canonick Scripture hath, then were it lawfull to adde killing of our children to Molech, so it were counted not really to come from God, with o­pinion of divine necessity; and by this, God should not forbid things to be added to his Word, by either private or publick men, but only he should forbid things to be added with such a quality, as that they should by Divine Faith be received as coming from God, and having the heavenly stamp of Canonick Scripture, when as they are come only from the Pope and his bastard Bishops; so all the fables of the Evangell of Nicodemus; The materials of the Iewish and Tur­kish Religion might be received as lawfull additions, so they do not contradict the Scripture, as contrary to what is written, but only beside what is written, and with all, so they be received as from the Church: Also 3. Additions contrary to the word, are diminutions; to adde to the eight Command this addition (The Church saith it is lawfull to steal) were no addition to the ten Commandments, but should destroy the eight Commandment, and make nine Command­ments only, and the meaning of Gods precept, Deut. 12. Thou shalt neither adde, nor diminish; should be, Thou shalt neither diminish, neither shalt thou diminish: And so our Masters make Moses to for­bid no additions at all: 6. Commentaries and Expositions of the Word, if sound, shall be the word of God it self; the true sense of a speech, is the form and essence of a speech, and so no additions thereunto but explanations, except you make all sound Sermons, Ar­bitrary Ceremonies and Traditions, whereas Articles of Faith ex­pounded are Sermons, and so the Scripture it self materially taken, is but a Tradition.


Whether Scripture be such a perfect rule of all our Morall Actions; a [...] that the distinction of essentiall and necessary, and of accidentall and Arbitrary worship cannot stand? And if it forbid all worship not only contrary, but also beside the word of God as false, though it be not reputed as divine and necessary.

FOrmalists do acknowledge, as Morton, Burges, Hooker, and o­thers teach us, that Ceremonies which are meer Ceremonies, in­different in nature and opinion, are not forbidden: yea, that in the ge­nerall [Page 101] they are commanded upon common equity, and in particular ac­cording to their specification, Surplice, Crossing, Kn [...]eling before con­secrated Images, and representations of Christ are not forbidden, and negatively Lawfull, having Gods allowing if not his commanding will; but only God forbiddeth such Ceremonies, wherein men place opinion of divine necessity, holinesse and efficacy, in which case they become Doctri­nall, and essentiall, and so mens inventions are not Arbitrary and acci­dentall worship: But let these considerations be weighed.

1. Distinct. The Word of Go▪ being given to man, as a Morall A­gent, is a rule of all his Morall Actions, but not of actions of Art, Sciences, Disciplines; yea, on of meer nature.

2. Distinct. (Beside the Word) in actions Morall, and in Gods worship, is all one with that (which is contrary to the Word) and what is not commanded is forbidden, as not seeing in a creature capable of all the five senses is down right blindenesse.

3. Lawfulnesse is essentiall to worship instituted of God, but it is not essentiall to worship i [...] generall: neither is opinion of sanctity, efficacy, or Divine necessity essentiall to worship, but only to Divine worship, and its opinion not actuall nor formall, but fundamentall and materiall.

4. Seeing the Apostles were no lesse immediatly inspired of God, then the Prophets, it is a vain thing to seek a knot in a rush, and put a diffe­rence betwixt Apostolick Commandments or Traditions and divine Commandments, as it is a vain and Scripturelesse curiosity to difference betwixt the Propheticall truths of Moses, Samuel, Isaiah, Ieremiah, Ezekiel, &c. And Divine Prophecies, which is, as if you would dif­ference betwixt the fair writing of Titus the writer, and the writing made by the pen of Titus, or betwixt Peters words, and the words spo­ken by Pete [...] tongue, mouth and lips, for Prophets and Apostles were both Gods mouth.

5. Worship essentiall, and Worship Arbitrary, vvhich Formalists inculcate; or worship positively lavvfull, or negatively lavvfull, are to be acknowledged as worship Lawfull, and Will-worship, and vvor­ship Lawfull and unlawfull.

6. What is vvarranted by naturall reason, is vvarranted by Scrip­ture, for the Law of nature is but a part of Scripture.

7. Actions are either purely morall, or purely not morall, or mixed of both: The first hath vvarrant in Scripture, the second none at all, the third requireth not a vvarrant of Scripture every vvay concludent, but only in so far as they be Morall.

[Page 102]8. Matters of meer fact, knovvn by sence and humane testimonie, are to be considered according to their Physicall existence if they be done or not done; if Titus did such a thing or not, such are not in that no­tion to be proved by Scripture: 2. They may be considered according to their essence and Morall quality of good and lawfull, [...]ad or unlaw­full, and so they are to be warranted by Scripture.

9. There is a generall vvarrant in Scripture for Worship and morall actions, tvvofold: either vvhen the Major proposition is only in Scrip­ture, and the Assumption is the vvill of men, or vvhen both the Propo­sition and Assumption are warranted by Scripture: the former vvar­rant I think not sufficient, and therefore the latter is necessary to prove the thing lavvfull.

Hence our 1. conclusion. Every worship, and Positive obser­vance of Religion, and all Morall actions are to be made good, by [...] (according as it is vvritten) though their individuall circumstances be not in the word.

2. The offering, for the Babe Iesus, tvvo Turtle Doves, and [...]vvo Every Mo­rall Act is to be war­ranted by the word. Pigeons, are according as it is vvritten in the Lavv, and yet Ioseph and Mary, the Priest the Offerer, the day and hour when the male childe Iesus for whom are not in the Law, Exod. 13. 1. Numbers 8. 26. In the second Table Amaziah his Fact of mer­cy in not killing the children for the Fathers sin is said to be, 2 Kin. 24. 6. performed by the King; [...] As it is vvritten in the Book of the Law of Moses: yet in that Law, Deut, 24. 6. There is not a word of Amaziah, or the chil­dren whom he spared: because these be Physicall, and not Mo­rall circumstances, as concerning the essence of the Law of God. Hence in the Categorie of all Lawfull Worship and Mo­rall actions: both Proposition and Assumption is made good by this, As it is vvritten, even to the lowest specifice degree of mo­rality as all these.

1. The Worship of God. 2. Sacramentall worship under that. 3. Under that, participation of the Lords Supper. 4. Under all, the most speciall participation of the Lords Supper by Iohn, Anna, in such a Congregation, such a day; All these I say, both in Proposition and Assumption are proved by [...]: And can bid this (accor­ding as it is written) the like I may instance in all other Worship, in all acts of Discipline, in all Morall acts of justice and mercy, in the [Page 103] second Table: But come to the Prelats Kalendar, They cry (Order and decency is Commanded in Gods Worship.) And we hear Pauls cry, not theirs; but under this is, 2. (Orderly and decent Ceremo­nies of humane institution;) And here they have lost Pauls cry, and the Scriptures (as it is written) 3. Under this (be Symbolicall signes of Religious worship instituted by men) (according as it is writ­ten) is to seek. And 4. under all, (Thomas his Crossing of such an Infant) is written on the back of the Prelats Bible, or Service book, but no where else: So do Papists say, What ever the Church teach, that is Divine truth. Under this cometh in, invocations of Saints, Purgatory, and all other fatherlesse Traditions, which though Pa­pists should teach to be Arbitrary and indifferent; yet would we never allow them room in Gods house, seeing they cannot abide Arg. 3. What is mans in worship is not Law­full. this touchstone▪ (according as it is written.) 2. Because Scripture condemneth in Gods Worship, what ever is ours, as will-worship, Hence, 2. All worship and new Positive means of worship, de­vised by men, are unlawfull; but humane Ceremonies, are such, Ergo,

The Proposition is proved many wayes: as, 1. What is mans in Gods Worship, and came from Lord-man, is challenged as false, vain, and unlawfull, because not from God, as Idols, according to their own understanding, Hos. 13. 2. So, from Israel it was, the workman made it, Hos. 8. 6. Hence, Zanchi­us, Com. in Hos. Col­ligimus bin [...] omnes cultus qui non sunt ex Deo, ex vo­luntate Dei, ex cius ver­bo legeque desumpti, sed ex nobis ali­isqite homi­nibus exeo­gitati sine Dei verbo damnari. Zanchius, and Pareus, Humanum inventum. What is ours in Gods wor­ship, is un­lawfull. Pareus infer, all invented by men, are false and vain, and so are condemned, Ier. 18. 12. The imaginations of their [...]vil heart, and, Psal. 106. 39. Their own devises, their ovvn vvorks, their ovvn inventions, as, Act. 7. 41. Figures vvhich y [...] made, Act. 7. 43. Had they been figures of Gods making, as the Cherubins and Oxen in the Temple, as 1 King. 7. They had been Lawfull▪ dayes devised by I [...]rob [...]ams heart, 1 King. 12. 32, 33. The light of your ovv [...]ir [...], Isa. 50. 11. A plant that the Heavenly Father planted not; Ergo, By man, Math. 15. 14.

2. The Proposition is proved from the wisdom of Christ, who is no lesse faithfull then Moses, who followed his Copy that he saw in the Mount, Exod. 40. 19. 21. 23. Exod. 25. 40. Heb. 8. 5. Heb. 3. 1, 2. Ioh. 15. 15. Or Solomon, 2 Chron. 29. 25. 1. Chron. 28. 11, 12. Gal. 3. 15.

Also, I prove our Conclusion. 3. thus: If the word be a rule to direct a young mans vvay, Psal. 119. 9. A light to the Paths of men, [Page 104] v. 105. If the Wisdom of God cause us to understand Equity, Iudge­ment, Scripture teacheth us us every practicall way. Righteousnesse, and every good vvay, Prov. 2. 9. And cause us vvalk safely, so that our feet stumble not, Prov. 3. 25. So that vvhen vve go, our steps shall not be straightned, and vvhen vve run, our feet shall not stumble, Prov. 4. 11, 12. If wisdom lead us as a Lamp, and and a Light, Prov. 6. 23. Then all our actions Morall▪ of first or se­cond Table, all the Worship, and right means of the Worship, must be ruled by this, ( according as it is Written) else in our actions we walk in darknesse, we fall, stumble, go aside, and are taught some good way, and instructed about the use of some holy Crossing, some Doctrine of Purgatory, and Saint-worship, without the light of the Word: But this latter is absurd: Ergo, So is the former.

It is poor what Rich. Hooker, dis­cip. book 2. p. 55, 56. 58, 59. 8. Hooker saith against us: If Wisdom of Scrip­ture teach us every good path, Prov. 2. 9. By Sccripture onely, and by no other mean, then there is no art and trade, but Sripture should teach: But Wisdom teacheth something by Scripture, something by spirituall influence, something by Worldy experience, Thomas believed Christ vvas risen by sence, because he savv him, not by Scripture, the Ievvs believed by Christs miracles.

Ans. 1. Some actions in man are meerly naturall, as to grow; Not all a­ctions in man, but Morall a­ctions one­ly are re­gulated by the word. these are not regulated by the word. 2. Some agree to man, as he liveth, as to sleep, eat, drink, and these are considered as animall actions, Actiones animales, and do not belong to our Question: But as they are in man, they be two wayes regulated by the word. 1. According to the substance of the act, the Law of nature, and consequently, the word of God Commandeth them: If one should kill himself through totall abstinence from meat and sleep, he should sin against the Law of nature. 2. These actions according as they are to be moderated by reason, are to be performed soberly, and are in Gods word Commanded. Eccles. 3, 4. 2. 4. Luk. 21. 24 1 Thess. 5, 6, 7. 3. Some actions agree to man, as he is an Artificiall, or Scientifick agent, as to speak right Latine, to make accurate demonstrations in Geometry, and these are ruled by Art, man in these, as they be such, is not a Mo­rall Agent, but an Artificiall Agent, I say as they are such, because while one speaketh Latine according to the Art of Disputer or Li­nacer, he should not lie, and all morality in these actions are to be ruled by Gods vvord, and as actions of Art, they are not every good path, or every good Morall vvay that Solomon speaketh of, Prov. 2. 9. [Page 105] and therefore it is a vain Argument against the perfection of Gods word.

‘2. Hooker saith, God teacheth us something by spirituall influence Ans. If without the word, by only influence, spirituall, as he taught the Prophets; it was a vain instance, for influence, visions, inspirations were of old in place of Scripture. If Ceremonies, as Crossing & Sur­plice come this way from God, they be as nobly born, as the Old and New-Testament: If God teach any thing now by influence spirituall without Scripture. Hooker is an Enthusiast, and an Anabaptist: If experience and sense teach many things now, which Scripture doth not teach, and yet is worship, or a Morall Action, we desire to know these: 3. The instance of Thomas, learning that Christ is ri­sen from the dead, by sence and not by Scripture, and of the Iews believing by miracles, and not by Scripture, might make a Iesuit blush, for Christs Resurrection, and the Doctrine of the Gospel confirmed by Miracles, are not Arbitrary Rites beside Gods word, Helps of faith, and the formall object of faith are different. but fundamentals of salvation: Hence the man will have us believe God revealeth Articles of faith to us, by other means then by his word: Thomas was helped by his sense, and some Iews to believe Christs Death and Resurrection by miracles: But the formall Ob­ject of their Faith, was the Lord speaking in his scriptures.

2. Hooker Objecteth; When many meats are set before me in the Table, all are indifferent, none unlawfull, if I must be ruled by Scrip­ture, and eat in faith, and not by natures light, and common discre­tion: I shall sin in eating one meat before another. How many things (saith Sander­son in his Sermon. Sanderson) do Parents and Masters command their ser­vants and sons? Shall they disobey, while they finde a warrant from Scripture?

Ans. For eating in measure, the Scripture doth regulate us, for eating for Gods glory, the scripture also doth regulate us, and the action of eating according to the substance of the action, is war­ranted by the Law of nature, which is a part of the word; the meer order in eating is not a Morall action, and so without the lists of the question. If the question be of the order of eating, I think not that a Morall action: 2. Eating of divers meats is a mixt action, and so requireth not a warrant in the Morality every way; if you eat such meats (where there be variety to choose) as you know doth ingen­der a Stone, or a Cholick, you sin against the sixth Commandment: [Page 106] 3. Masters, Parents, Commanders of Armies may command Ap­prentices, servants, sons, souldiers, many Artificiall actions, in Trades, in War, where both Commanders and obeyers are artificiall, not morall Agents, and so they touch not the question, but what is mo­rall in all actions of Art, Oeconomy, Sciences, is ruled by the word, except our Masters offend that Paul said, Children should obey their Parents in the Lord: That men are not both in commanding inferi­ours, and obeying Superiours vexed with scruples, cometh not from the insufficiency of Gods word, but from this, that mens consciences are all made of stoutnesse. But if this be true, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Shem, could not eat nor sleep (saith Hooker 2 book, Ec­cles. Pol. p. 60, 61. Hooker) but by revelation which was Scripture to them.

Answer, Supernaturall Revelation was to these Fathers the rule of Gods worship, and all their actions supernaturall, and of all their actions morall, in relation to the last end; but for eating and drink­ing, they being actions naturall, they were to be regulated in these; by naturall reason, and the Law of nature, which was apart then of the Divine Tradition that then ruled the Church, while as yet the word was not written. Hooker urgeth thus; It will follow that Mo­ses, Naturall reason is a part of Scripture. the Prophets and Apostles should not have used naturall Argu­ments, to move people to do their dutie; they should only have used this Argument (As it is written) else they taught them other grounds and warrants for their actions then Scripture. Ans. None can deny naturall Arguments to be a part of the word of God, as is clear, Rom. 1. 19. 1 Cor. 15. 36, 37. 1 Cor. 11. 14. Yea, Christ, Mat. 7. 12. teacheth, that this principle of nature (whatsoever ye would men should do to you, do ye so to them) is the Law and the Prophets, because it is a great part of the Law and the Prophets, and therefore they say in effect ( As it vvritten in the Scripture) when they say ( as it is written in mans heart by nature.) 2. Principles▪ of nature, are made scripture by the Pen-men of the holy Ghost, and do binde as the Scripture. 3. It will be long ere the Law of nature teach Crossing, and kneeling to bread, to be good Ceremonie.

They Object. I could not then ride ten miles to solace my self with Iackson on the Creed, 1. Part. my friends, except I had warrant from Scripture, and seeing the Scrip­ture is as perfect in acts of the second Table, as in acts of the first; I must have a reason of all the businesse betwixt man and man, of all humane and municipall Laws, but it is certain (saith Sanderson) faith Sanderson. [Page 107] as certain as Logick can make it, is not required in these, but onely E­thicall and Conjecturall faith, whereby we know things to be Lawfull Negatively: Its not required that we know them to be Positively con­form to Gods Word.

Ans. If you ride ten miles with your friend and do not advise What cer­titude of Faith is re­quired in all our acti­ons of our daily con­versation. with his word, who sayes ( Redeem the time) you must give account for idle actions, if Christ say, you must give an account for idle Words. 2. Though there seem to be more Liberty in actions of the second Table, then of the first; because there be far moe Positive actions, not meerly Morall, which concerneth the second Table, because of Oeconomy, Policy, Municipall and Civill Laws, Arts, Sciences, Contracts amongst men, that are not in the first Table; yet the Morallity of the second Table, is as expresly in Gods Word, as the Worship of the first Table. 1. Because what is justice and mercy, and love toward man in the second Table, doth no more depend upon mans sole will, but upon Gods Morall Law & the Law of nature, then it dependeth upon mans will or human wisdom, how God should be worshipped according to the first Table. For Gods will in his Word, is called by our Divines, a perfect Canon and rule of Faith, and also of Manners: And as the grace of God, Tit 2. Tit. 2. 11. 12. The Scrip­ture a war­rant for the morality of our acts of the se­cond table, as for the acts of worship. teacheth us what is Piety, so also what is Righteousnesse and Sobrie­ty. 2. Because as Gods Word condemneth will-worship, which is come of no Nobler blood, then mans will, so condemneth it idle words, and idle actions, which are but will-works, and will-words, and deeds of will-justice, and will-mercy: and a will-conscience in the second Table, putteth no lesse a rub upon the wisdom of the Lord, the Law▪giver, then a will conscience in the first Table. But For­malists say, If mans will and authority cannot appoint Crossing, Holy humane-dayes, Surplice, and such, the decent expressions and incite­ments of Devotion, in the kinde of Arbitrary, Mutable, and Ambula­tory Many acti­ons of the 2. table are mixt, and not purely Morall, all the actions of the first table are purely mo­rall. Worship; but they must be therein guilty of adding to the Doctrine of Piety and Religion in the first Table: by that same reason they can­not make humane Civill and Positive Laws in War and Peace, to be means of conserving justice and mercy tovvard humane societies in the kinde of duties of Righteousnesse and sobriety tovvards our selves and Neighbours; but they must be guilty of adding to the Doctrine of the second Table. I Answer: 1. The case is not alike, we cannot be Agents in the performing of any worship to God; nor can we use [Page 114] any Religious means for honouring God, which belong to the first The con­tr [...]ry is the clear judgement of Papists, as S [...]rc [...] teacheth us, tom. de virt. et statu Relig. l. 2. de superst. Cap. 1. Scriptura ipsa praecipit [...]bscr [...]are vot [...] que qua tamen voluntarie non ex precepto promittuntur, et ratio naturalis dictat, non solum esse facienda bona prae­cepta, sed etiam esse utile, plura bona et honesta facere, quam prec [...]pta sunt.—Und [...] etiam H [...]r [...]tici ipsi suos pe [...]uliares modos et ritus introducunt in modo colendi Deum, qui non sunt in Evangelio vel Divina lege praecepti, imo nec ipsi inter se in bujusmodi ritibus comveniunt, &c. Table: But in these we are Morall Agents, doing with speciall re­ference to conscience, and to true happinesse and the glory of God, as the ends both of the work and workers: and therefore in these we are precisely ruled by the wisdom of God, who hath in his word set down what Worship, and what means of exciting Devotion, and decoring of his Worship pleaseth him, and hath not left men to Lord-will, or Lord-wit; but in many actions that belong to hu­mane societies, we are not Morall Agents, but often Agents by Art, as in Military discipline, Trades usefull for mans life, Oeconomy and Policy in Kingdoms and Cities, in Sciences, as Logick, Physick, Mathematicks, in these Finis operis, the end of the work is opera­tion, according to the principles of Arts and Policy, and we are not in them Morall Agents, and so not to be regulated by Gods Word.

For the Scripture giveth not to us, precepts of Grammar, of War, of Trades, and Arts, teaching us to speak right Latine, to make accurat demonstrations: nor is the end of the work here a thing that pitcheth upon that tender and excellentest peece in us, our Conscience, and our Morall duties to God and men, but to make such humane Laws, just and suitable with sobriety and justice, is not left to Lord-will, but right reason, the principles of a naturall Conscience (which are parts to us of Scripture) and the Word of God it self hath determined; whether, to carry Armour in the The Iesuit speaketh of the Cere­monies of Lutherans▪ and the Prelaticall faction in England. night, in such a case? Whether to eat flesh in such a season of the year▪ when the eating thereof hurteth the Common-Wealth, and the like belong to works of justice and mercy, or no? Now it is no marvel that in things belonging to our naturall life, peace, societies, policy, where the end of the work is naturall or civill, and belongeth not, as such, to the Conscience, and Salvation of the soul, that there men be Artificers or Agents according to Art, Oeconomy, Policy, where­as the end of the work, Finis operis, in the Worship of God, is Mo­rall, and a matter of an higher nature; and so the means and man­ner of Worship here, are determined by Gods Word. But when [Page 119] actions of Arts, Sciences, Trades, Oeconomy, Policy, and Laws po­sitive, are elevated above themselves, Ad finem operantium, to the end that Agents are to look unto, as they be Morall Agents; Gods Word is as perfect a rule for acts of good manners in the second Table, as in the first: For example, that I speak good Latine, I am to see to Disputers Precepts; but that I lie not, and speak not Scandals or Blasphemies, while I speak Latine, there I am to look to Gods Law given by Moses. That a Tradesman make works according to Art, he is to advise with Art, but that he sell not his work at too dear a price, he is to advise with the eight Command­ment; and when all these acts of Art are referred to Conscience▪ Salvation, and the glory of God, as they ought to be Respectus finis operantis▪ in respect of the Morall intention of the doer, all their Morallity is squared by Gods-Word. Hence there be no actions of Worshipping God, but they be purely Morall, Et respectu finis ope­ris, Et respectu finis operantiis; but many actions belonging to the second Table, are either purely not Morall, as actions of meer Art, or they be mixed, and Respectu finis operis, in respect of the end of the work, they are not Morall, nor to be squared by the Word at all; and in respect of the Morall intention of the doer, they be Mo­rall, and so mixed actions, and partly ruled by the Word, and partly ruled by Art or Policy, according to our seventh distinction.

II. Conclusion: In actions or Religious means of Worship, and actions Morall, whatever is beside the Word of God, is against the What is beside the Word of God in Morals, is contrary to the Word of God. Word of God; I say in Religious means, for there be means of Worship, or Circumstances Physicall, not Morall, not Religious, as whether the Pulpit be of stone or of timber, the Bell of this or this Mettall, the house of Worship stand thus or thus in Situation.

Our Formalists will have it in the power of rulers to Command in the matter of Worship, that which is beside the Word of God, and so is negatively Lawfull, though it be not Positively conform to Gods Word, nor Commanded or warranted by practice; which I grant is a witty way of Romes devising, to make entry for Religious humane Ceremonies.

But 1. Whatever is not of Faith, and a sure perswasion, that what I do pleaseth God, is sin, Rom. 14. 14. 23. And therefore nei­ther can be Commanded by Rulers, nor practiced by inferiours: But things besides Scripture, and negatively Lawfull, are things not [Page 110] of Faith; Ergo, The Assumption I Prove: 1. I doubt if Lord-will, be the Lord-carver, of what pleaseth God. 2. If it may stand with the wisdom of Christ the Law-giver; for no Ceremonies maketh Christ a perfect Law-giver: 3. In things doubtsome, abstinence is the surest side; Ergo; Rulers ought not to command them: 4. Samuel, David, even wicked Saul abstained in things doubtsome, while the Oracle of God removed the doubts, and answered him. 5. Paul in eating or not eating, which are things most indifferent, requireth a certain perswasion of positive assu­rance, Rom. 14. 14. I know, and am perswaded by the Lord Iesus, that there is nothing unclean of it self, but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, it is unclean.

Sander­son Sermo. Master Sanderson saith, In things substantiall of Gods Wor­ship, and in things to be done upon necessity of salvation, what is not of Faith; certainly assuring us it is conforme positively to Gods word, it is sin, so we abhor Popish Additions: But in the actions of our life, as the lifting of a straw, and in Ceremoniall worship, or accidentals, it holdeth not ( saith Morton Burges Supra. Morton, and Doctor Burges) not in all par­ticulars (saith Paybod. par. 2. S. 14. p. 45. Paybodie) for there should be no end (saith D. Iack­son on the Creed, l. 3. c▪ 7. p. 275. Doct. Iackson) of doubting, for Papists might doubt to assist our King a­gainst Roman Catholicks.

Ans. 1. Let Formalists explain themselves; Doctrinals, Substan­tials, and essentiall worship, is such as God hath commanded in the Proposition, and in the Assumption, and particularly in Gods word; Accidentals are such, as he hath commanded in generall, but left particulars to mens will, so they define, like M [...]sters of Arts.

But this our Masters say, in all that Christ hath particularly Com­manded, his Testament is perfect, and so I believe, what God hath set down, he hath set down, and so we have Scripture right down as per­fect as the Fables of Esop, & Nasoes Metamorphosis: what is in Esopes and Nasoes books, is in their books, and what they command you, The vani­ty of the perfection of Scrip­ture in es­sentials, not in ac­cidentals. are with certainty of Faith to believe they command, and what the Prophets and Apostles writ, that they writ, and that is essentiall worship; what they writ not, they writ not. 2. Mr. Sandersons lifting up a straw, is a straw for an instance; actions of imagination are not Morall, we give him leave to ruh his beard without Faith, as he weareth white sheets above his garments in Divine service against Faith. 3. To do in Faith, is to know, that, in that I serve Christ, and [Page 111] am accepted of God, Rom. 14. 2. To do that which condemneth me not, and maketh me happy in the doing thereof, v. 21. 3. It is a Faith that I have before God in my conscience, v. 2 [...]. 4. It is a perswasion by the Lord Iesus, that it is clean. 5. It is such, as I know is positive­ly Lawfull by Scriptures expresse warrant, 1▪ Cor. 10. 26. The earth is the Lords and the fulnesse thereof; Ergo, I have certainty of faith, that it is positively conform to Scripture what I do: but in things nega­tively Lawfull, as lifting a straw, wearing a Surplice, I have no per­swasion by the Lord Iesus, that I serve Christ, and am accepted of God in so doing, and know not from Psa. 24. 1. or from any other scripture, that it is lawfull what I do. 3. A generall warrant is either when the major Proposition only is sure by Scripture, but you must take the Assumption upon the Formalists Merchant-word, or where both Proposition and assumption can indure, [...] according as it is written; this latter wee imbrace with both our hands, but Formalists deny it to us: The first is their meaning. This, what is decent and not contrary to Gods Word, that the Rulers may command: But Surplice, Crossing, &c. are decent and not contrary to Gods Word; Ergo. So one Giles Widdows Giles Widows, in his law­lesse kneel­les Puritan saith▪ Man and Wife are one flesh: Ergo, the Ring in Marriage is good. And, Fine linnen is the Righteousnesse of the Saints, Rev. 19. Ergo, a Surplice is good. And, Matth. 16. Take up your crosse: Ergo, the Crossing in Baptisme is lawfull. Enough of this▪ But so the worship of the Devil is lawfull▪ and, Aarons golden Calf is lawfull; for I can finde a major Proposition for them in Scripture, of which you have a Faith both Negative and Positive; as this, Whatever God (g) Bannes to. 3. 22. q. 1. art. 1. Omne quod non est ex fide, idest, quod fit con­tra propriam conscienti [...] est pecca­tum. commandeth in his Word, that is lawfull: But God commandeth the In­dians Devil vvorship in his Word: Ergo, &c. I am not holden to give my Faith for the Assumption: Yet it is as good as our Masters reasoning. 4. Jackson is wide in his lawfull Negatives, for to fight against Roman Catholicks, at our Kings Command, upon good grounds, is not an indifferent thing, Except to kill men, and shed blood, be indifferent and lawfull Negatively: I thought, to make War, had been amongst the Substantials, and Positively conform to Gods Word. 5. The Fathers, as Origen, Ambrose, Chrysostom, Theo­phylact, Oecumenius, Theodoret, Anselm and Ierome, upon the place Rom. 14. 23. as Vasquez saith Vasquez to. 1. 12. dis. 59. q. 19. Art 6. c. 2. from this place, Rom: 14▪ 23. that What any doth, must be warranted by the light of the conscience as law­full. [Page 121] If Formalist; stand to this, they must give us some things a­gainst conscience, and something beside conscience, that is morally lawfull, and therefore if conscience see not such a thing against Scripture, though it have no warrant in Scripture, yet it is lawfull, and done in a certain perswasion of a well informed conscience; but these who eat things thought to be unclean by Gods Law, to the scandall of others, who knew these meats were not against Piety and Gods Lavv, nor yet that the eating of them was against charity, while Paul delivered the Doctrine of Scandall, yet their eating was unlawfull. 6. Formalists say nothing here, but what Papists said before them, they say, Men may go to War, doubting of the lawfulnesse thereof; and therefore Vasquez to. 1. disp. 65. c. 1. Vasquez, Angelus verbo Du­bium c. 1. Angelus, Corduba l. 3. q. 4. Corduba, and Navir. in cap. de Penitentia dub. 7. n. 8. Navarr. will us, While the doubt remaineth, to choose the surest side, as conscience ought to do: And Vasquez to. 1. disp. 66. cap. 9. Nec subdi­tus dubius de justitia belli potest parere, quamdiu dubius manet. Vasquez saith, Manente dubio, &c. To do so long as the doubt remaineth, is to do against the judgement of conscience: And Adrianus in quod libet, punct. 2. ad art. 2. Milites dubii cligerent sic partem dubiam & expo [...]erent se periculo injuste occidendi et praedandi non eundo tantum pecearent non obediendo. Adrianus saith, While they doubt, and yet go to War, they expose themselves to the danger of Man-slaughter, and by not going to War, they should onely sin by not obeying. Suarez de Tripl. virt. Theol. Tract. 3. disp. 14. Sect. 6. Suarez saith, It is a speculative doubt, vvhen Superiors commandeth it: And Sil­vester verbo belli. 3. q. 1, c. 4. Sylvester saith, Such a doubt should be ex­pelled at the commandment of Superiors. And no marvell the com­mand of Superiors to Papists is an Oracle, and blinde obedience is good meriting; therefore Gratian. d. 23. quest. 1. Quod culpatur. Gratian and the Iesuit Sanches je­suita Cordubensis in decal. Tom. 2. lib. 6. cap. 3. Num. 3. Sanches saith, Inferiors are not holden to examine the commandments of Superiors.

5. Iackson saith, This (Whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin) holdeth in omission of good, as in commission of evil: Ergo, Your not practi­sing What­soever is not of faith, &c. how true. indifferent Ceremonies, is not of Faith, and so Sin. Ans. He that obeyeth doubtingly, is condemned, and he that obeyeth not doubt­ingly, is condemned; But, Master Doctor, your enumeration is not sufficient, and may strike against doubting to worship a Romish Idol, at the command of Superiors; for I shew you a third, and [Page 113] its Pauls way, Eat not, obey not, and abstain with perswasion of Faith, that what you do is agreeable Positively to Gods Word.

Jackson saith, They sin, not by doubting, if the fear of evil after ma­ture deliberation, be not extraordinary, and such as cannot be recom­penced by the goodnes which appeareth in the act of Obedience. Doubt­ing is no internall part or essentiall cause of sin, vve sin not because vve doubt, but because vvhile vve doubt, vve prefer an evil, or a lesse good, before a good, or a greater good. So their sin vvas not doubting, but they preferred not eating, vvhich vvas a bodily losse onely, to the evil feared, vvhich vvas to be partakers of the Table of Devils, and being Apostates from the Israel of God. Ans. Paul expresly saith, doubting is sin, and condemneth it ver. 23. and requireth, ver. 5. Let every man be perswaded in his conscience, v. 21. Happy is he that con­demneth not himself in that which he alloweth, v. 23. Whatsoever (more or lesse in Morall actions) is not of Faith, is sin: 2. Internall perswasion, Rom. 14. 14. Is an internall cause of obedience, as v. 21. And therefore doubting being a sin that condemneth, Rom. 14. 23. must be such a sinfull ingredient, as maketh the action sinfull. 3. We both sin, because we doubt, and also because we prefer a lesse Doubting condem­neth. good, or an evil to a greater good. 4. No feared evil, though never so evil, whether of sin or punishment if it follow not kindly, but only by accident, and through the corruption of our nature, should or can make us do any thing doubtingly or sinfully, for then we might do evil, that good might come of it: No good of obedience can warrant me to sin, and disobey God, nor should that be called obedience, nor is it obedience to men, which is disobedience to God. 5. It is an untruth that non-eating was only a bodily losse, for non-eating Physicall, is a bodily losse, but Paul urgeth non-eating morall, to eschew the fall of one for whom Christ died. 6. The Do­ctor saith Ibidem. No power under the Heaven could make a Law o­ver the Romans, injoyning such meats, because Gods law (as they conceive) condemned them. Now how pleasant are right words? I assume, we conceive God hath denounced all the plagues written in his Book, upon practisers of humane Ceremonies, as upon adders to the word of God, Rev. 22. 19. Yea Heresies, to with, that Christ is not the consubstantiall Son of God, may seem probable to us; shall the good of obedience in believing my Pastor, whom God hath set over me, hinder me to obey? 7. Papists say also, that Scripture is [Page 114] perfect in generall, allowing that Ceremonies should be, when Papists say the Srcip­ture in ge­nerall is perfect, but not in par­ticulars of worship, and so say Formalists. Paul saith, Let all things be done in order and decency, 1 Cor. 14. But the Scripture giveth no particular warrant for these, but one­ly the Churches determination. So Scotus, Prolog. in senten. q. 3. ad art. 3. Terminus praefixus [Theologiae] quantum ad revelationem▪ Divinam est [...]orum qu [...] [...]u [...] in [...]sadra Scriptura, sicut habetur ult. Apocalyps. Si quis [...]pposucrit ad ista, apponet ei Deus plagas quae contine [...]ur in Scriptura, & que possunt clici de ipsis Scotus, Suarez de tripl. virt. Theolog. Tract. 1. disp. 5. Sect. 4. Ad perfectionem non est, quod omnia credenda contineat explicite, satis est enim quod contineat my­steria nostrae redemptionis, & substantialia fundamenta Ecclesiae, cum mediis necessarijs ad salu­tem. Suarez, Bellar. de Effec. Sacrament. cap▪ 32. respons. ad Arg. 2. Christus ad plenum nos in­struxit (in Scriptura) de vcro Dei cultu. Bellar. Respondet, id verum est de instructione gene­rali, non autem de particulari. Bel­larmine Vasquez Tom. 2. in 1▪ 2. disp. 151. cap. 3. Nihil novi (pro­positi) Statuere possunt, quod non pertineat ad pristi [...]um statum cujusque conservandum—pro libito ferre legem certe non licet. Vasquez Bannes To. 3. in 22. q. 1. Art. 10. ad. arg. 3. Scriptura in­dicat nobis Divini [...]uminis sensum, non tamen in individuo, & in specie sed in communi & generali quadam ratione. Bannes, And Duvallius in 2. Thomae. tract. de legib. q. 5. Art. 1. ad Arg. 2. Scriptura est sufficiens, quia ipsa omnia, tam ered [...]da quam agenda impli [...]ite contineat, & propterea expresse ad Ecclesiam tanquam ad Columnam veritatis, tam in fide, quam in preceptis bene vivendi nos remittit. and Duvallius. The Scrip­ture implicitely, and generally containeth all the substantials necessary for salvation, but not traditions in particular, that is the Churches part, just as Formalists say, order and decency is commanded in the word, but Crossing, Surplice, Humane dayes and such are left to the Prelates Kalender, to fill up what his Lordship thinketh good. So Hooker (c) Speech is necessary, but it is not necessary that all speak one kinde of Language, Government is necessary, but the particulars, Surplice, Crossing, &c. Are left to the Church.

2. What is negatively Lawfull here, cannot be admitted; If What is only nega­tive in Gods wor­ship, can­not be comman­ded. Rulers may Command one thing that is negatively Lawfull, they may Command all things; because what they Command un­der this formall reason, as not against Scripture, they should not adde nor devise new worship, though they Command all of that kinde: But the latter is absurd, for so they might Command in Gods worship. 1. The actions of sole imagination, the lifting of a straw, and all idle actions that cannot edifie. 2. They might Com­mand a new Ark to represent Christ incarnat, as the Jews Ark did represent him to be incarnat, a new Passeover, to represent the Lambe already slain, and all the materials of the Ceremoniall Law [Page 115] with reference to Christ already incarnat, dead, and risen again: For all these are by Formalists Learning negatively Lawfull; Shew us a Scripture where they are forbidden, more then Surplice, Cros­sing, except because they be not Commanded. If it be said, They do not Command things negatively Lawfull, as such, but as they edifie and teach: Well then, 1. As they edifie and teach, they are posi­tively good, and apt to edifie, and so must be proved by the Word as Commanded, and so not negatively Lawfull, and not as beside, but as Commanded in the Word. 2. Yet it will follow, that all these may be used in Faith, that is, out of a sure perswasion that they are not contrary to Gods Word, and so Lawfull. I might dance in a new linnen Ephod, before a new Iewish Ark, representing Christ al­ready incarnat, and that in the negative Faith of Mr. Sanderson, Hooker, and Jackson, for this Ark is not against Scripture, yet this Ark is not Commanded, and so not forbidden. 3. Idle actions that have no use or end, might be Lawfully Commanded by this, be­cause they are not forbidden, yet are such unlawfull, Quia carent justâ necessitate et utilitate, as Gregorius saith: I prove the connexi­on, because an action Morall, such as ( to Sign with the Crosse) per­formed by a Subject of Christs visible Kingdom, for Gods glory and edification of the Church, which yet is neither Commanded nor forbidden by God, nor Commanded by natures light (for none but those that are beside reason will say this) nor light of Gods word, or the habit of Religion, hath no more reason, then the ma­king or forming a Syllogisme in Barbara, which of it self cometh only from Art; and as such hath no Morall use, and by as good rea­son may the Church Command dancing before a new devised Ark; yea, such an action involveth a contradiction, and is Morall, and not Morall: for of its own nature it tendeth to no edification, for then it might be proved by good reason to be edificative, and an action cannot be edificative from the will of men, for Gods will, not mens will▪ giveth being to things.

4. What is beside Scripture, as a thing not repugnant thereunto, wanteth that by which every thing is essentially Lawfull: Ergo, It is not Lawfull. The Consequence is sure, I prove the Antecedent: Gods Commanding will, doth essentially constitute a thing Lawfull, Gods Commanding will only maketh eating and drinking bread and wine in the Lords Supper Lawfull, and the Lords forbidding [Page 116] will should make it unlawfull; and Gods forbidding to eat of the Fruit of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil, maketh the non-eating obedience, and the eating disobedience. As the killing of Isaac by Abraham, is Lawfull, and that because God Command­eth it; and the not killing of him, again is Lawfull, when God for­biddeth it. But things negatively Lawfull and beside the word of God, wanteth Gods Commanding will; for God Commandeth not the materials of Jewish Ceremonies to represent Christ already come, and such like: for if he should Command them, they should be according to the word of God, and not beside the word of God: If it be said they have Gods Commanding will, in so far that he doth not forbid any thing not contrary to his own word; but hath gi­ven the Church Authority to adde to his worship, things not con­trary to his word, as they shall see they do promove godlinesse, or may edifie the Church: But then if the Church must see by the light of reason, and naturall judgement, aptitude in these to promove godlinesse, they are Commanded by God, who hath even stamped in them that aptitude to edifie, and so are not beside Gods word. 4. Our Divines condemne all the Traditions of the Church of Rome; as Purgatory, Prayer for the dead, Imagery, Adoring of Re­liques, all the Crossing, Holy water, Chrisme, Oyl, Babies, Bells, Beads, &c. Because God hath no where Commanded them, and sins veniall and beside the Law, and sins mortall and contrary to the Law, we condemne; because, as what is capable of seeing, and life, Opinion of sanctity & Divine necessity, not essenti­all to false worship. and hearing, and yet doth not see, live, nor hear, that in good rea­son we call blinde, dead, and deaf; all beside the word are capable of Morall goodnesse, and yet not Morally good, because not war­ranted by Gods word, therefore they must be Morally evil.

III. Conclus. Opinion of Sanctity, holinesse and Divine necessi­ty, is not essentiall to false worship. Formalists will have their Ceremonies innocent and Lawfull, so they be not contrary to the word of God. 2. So they be not instamped with an opinion that they binde the Conscience, and are of Divine necessity, holinesse and efficacy; So Morton, Innocency of ceremo­nies gene­rall defense c. 1. S. 15. Morton their Prelat, for opinion of justice, necessity, effi­cacy and merit, (saith he) make them Doctrinals and so unlawfull: But this is but that which Papists say: So Suarez Suarcz, to. de trip. vi [...]t. theol. tract. 1. dis. 5. S. 4. Haec vero & similia (traditionalia non scripta) non adduntur scripturis ut fiant qua [...]i partes [...]jus (quod potest etiam censeri prohibitum) sed adduntur ut cr [...]denda & servanda. saith, That their [Page 117] unwritten Traditions are not added to the word of God, as parts of the word of God; but as things to be believed and observed by the Chur­ches Commandment; and these who did swear by Jehovah and Malcom, Zeph. 1. esteemed Malcom, and an oath by Malcom, not so Religiously and so holy, as an oath by Jehovah and Malcom; and yet no doubt, they ascribed some necessity to oaths by Malcom and Jehoram saying, ( Am I Jehovah to kill and make alive) who yet worshipped Ieroboams Calves, esteemed the worshipping of these Calves lesse necessary, and lesse holy and meritorious, then the worshipping of the true Yehovah; yet the Calves called their gods, which brought them out of the Land of Aegypt, had some necessity and opinion of holinesse.

For 1. Aaron in making a Calf, and Proclaiming a Feast to the Calf, committed false worship; but Aaron placed not holinesse, justice, or merit in that worship: Because, Exod. 32. 22. for fear of the people who in a tumult gathered themselves together against him, he committed that Idolatry; Ergo, necessity of Sanctity, Me­rit, and Divine obligation, is not essentiall to false worship: Iero­boam Committed Idolatry in saying, These are thy Gods O Israel; but he placed no efficacy or merit therein, because, 1 King. 12. 27. He did it, least the people going to Ierusalem, should return to Reho­boam, and kill him; And the Philistims dis-worship in handling the Ark unreverently, had no such opinion, they doubting whither God or Fortune ruled the Ark, 1 Sam. 6. 9. It were strange if these who say in their heart, There is no God, Ezech. 9. 9. Psal. 94. 6. And so fail against inward worship due to God, should think that the denying of God were service and meritorious service to God; and that Peter denying Christ, and Iudaizing, Gal. 2. 12. for fear, thought and believed he did meritorious service to Christ therein: Pilate in condemning Christ; Iudas in selling him; the Souldiers in scourging him, did dis-worship to their Creator, the Lord of glo­ry: Shall we think that Pilate, who for fear of the people did this▪ believed he was performing necessary, Divine and Meritorious worship to God? 2. If opinion of necessity Divine, of Merit and sanctity, as touching the conscience, were essentiall to false worship; it were impossible for gain and glory, to Commit Idolatry, to preach lies in the Name of the Lord for a handfull of barley, as Ezek. 13. 19. Mic. 3. 5. 1 Kin. 22. 6. 1 Tim. 4▪1, 2. Tit. 1. 11. For its a contradiction to [Page 118] Preach Arrianisme, Turcisme, Popery, against the light of the minde only for gain; and yet to think that in so doing, they be perfor­ming meritorious service to God: Yea, they who devise will-wor­ship, know their own will to be the Lord-carver of that worship, at least they may know it; yet shall we think they hold themselves necessitated, by a Religious obligation so to do? Else it were im­possible, that men could believe the burning their Children were will-worship, indifferent and Arbitrary to the worshippers, which is open war against reason: Now a worship cannot be false, wanting that which is essentaill to false worship. 3. False worship is false worship by order of nature, before we have any opinion, either that there is Religious necessity in it, or meer indifferency: Ergo, Such an opinion is not of the essence of false worship. 4. By that same reason, opinion of unjustice, or opinion of doing justice, should be of the essence of unjustice; Cains killing of his Brother, should not be Man-slaughter, except Cain placed some divine Sanctity in that wic­ked fact, which is against all reason; and the reason is alike in both Gods Commanding will and his forbidding will. They Answer, Gods will constituteth Lawfulnesse in essentiall worship, and mans will in things arbitrary; but this is to beg the question, for when we ask what is essentiall worship, they say, it is that which God commandeth, and what is accidental or arbitrary, it is that which human authority com­mandeth, & this is just, Gods wil is the essentiall cause of that worship whereof it is the essentiall cause, & mans will is the essentiall cause of that, whereof it is the essentiall cause. 5. All the materials of Jewish and Turkish worship, might be appointed for right worship, so we held them to be Arbitrary. 6. God cannot forbid false worship, but in that tenure, that he commandeth true worship; but whether we e­steem it true, or not, holy, or not; he cōmandeth true worship, Erg. &c.

IV. Conclusion, It is a vain and unwarrantable distinction to di­vide The distin­ction of worship es­sentiall and accidentall of Gods generall and parti­cular will is to be re­jected. worship in essentiall, which hath Gods; 1. Particular appro­ving will to be the Warrant thereof, and worship accidentall or Ar­bitrary, which hath only Gods generall and permissive will, and hath mans will for its father; so Ceremonies (say they) ‘In these, hath Gods generall will, according to their specification, whether a Sur­plice be decent, or not, is from mans will, therefore they are called wor­ship reductively, because in their particulars, they have no Divine in­stitution, and they tend to the honouring of God, not as worship, but as [Page 119] adjuncts of worship; so Morton gener. def. cap. 1. S. 22. Morton; so Burges Treatise of kneeling. cap. 2. p. 2. Burges.’

Ans. As Sacramentall worship is lawfull essentiall worship, so that this element, bread and wine, and this water is not Arbitrary; Ergo, If decency be of divine institution, and Gods approving will, then that Surplice or Crossing, or not Surplice and Crossing be de­cent, is not Arbitrary, and only from Gods permitting will: If the generall must be warranted by the word, so also specials under the generall, else mens will may make a horned Bullock a decent Sa­crifice to represent Christ already come in the f [...]sh; for if the writ­ten word warrant not the specials of Religious observances, a door is open for all humane inventions: The uniting of these two ( The Crossing of the finger in the Air above a childes face) and (the dedication of the childe to Christs service) are every way like to the uniting, Of Bread and Wine eaten and drunken, and the souls nourishing by Christ crucified and apprehended by Faith: If there be oddes, it is in the Authority of the institutors: Our Formalists say, the one is essentiall, because ordained by Christ, and so bindeth the conscience, and the other Arbitrary, accidentall and of lesse au­thority: We owe them thanks indeed, the sin is the greater that the Authority is the lesse, but the externall worship is alike. There be oddes betwixt the kissing of a wife by a stranger, and the kissing by her own husband, and oddes betwixt an act of Royall Majesty performed by the King, and that same Act performed by a Traitor faining the same Act, as there be oddes betwixt money stroken by a Tinker, and by the Kings master of Coyne; will this distinction serve the whorish woman, the kisses of a strange man be Arbitrary, indifferent and accidentall: but the kisses of my own husband be essentiall and kindely. And the Tinker might save his head for his false coyne, the Kings money is essentially Legall and currant, but money stroken by me, is Arbitrary and of lesse Authority, then the Kings Lawfull Coyn. 2. If it be necessary and good to honour God by decency and order, the particular goodnesse and holynesse of Surplice and Crossing is also good and holy. But God hath parti­cularly, Micah 6. 8. Shewed thee what is good O man; Ergo, he hath also shewed what is particularly holy. But God hath not shewed us in his Word any goodnesse in Crossing, Surplice, because they are of mans devising: If it be said, the particular goodnesse of Sur­plice and Crossing is good and shewed to us in the generall. I An­swer, [Page 120] goodnesse of indifferent Rites, is, Repugnantia in adjecto, and a flat contradiction, as who would say, cold fire, indifferent is nei­ther good nor evil, neither Lawfull, nor unlawfull: 2. Then God hath not shewed us all Morall goodnesse in his word, because he hath not shewed to us the goodnesse of Ceremonies. 3. Lawfulnesse is an essentiall property of Divine worship resulting from Gods particular approving will in his word, as is clear, Hosea 8. 5. 1 Chro. 15. 13. Lev. 10. 1. 2 Sam. 7. 7. Ier. 7. 30. Act. 15. 24. Ergo, Arbitrary worship must have Gods approving will, commanding it, else it is not Lawfull: I prove the Antecedent from the causes of worship: 1. The end of worship, which is the honouring of God maketh not worship Lawfull; Idolaters may intend to honour God in their Idolatry, as well as true worshippers. 2. The matter of wor­ship is not essentiall to Lawfull worship, for Lawfull and unlawfull worship may have the same common matter, as Solomons Calves in the Temple were lawfull, because ordained of God, and Samaria's Calves were unlawfull, because they were from men, the matter of both might be one and the same mettall, Hosea 8. 3. The Form of worship in generall, is not the essentiall and specifice Form of Law­full worship, as the specifice Form of a living creature is not the spe­cifice form of a man, the specifice form of a man is not the specifice form of a just man, as just. Also I may conceive Sacramentall eating in generall, and not conceive whether it be Lawfull or unlawfull: For if Lawfulnesse were the specifice form of worship, I could not conceive worship, but I behooved to conceive Lawfulnesse in it. Now then Gods commanding will, being wanting to Arbitrary worship, it can­not be Lawfull; Ergo, unlawfull. If it be answered, Ceremo­nies are negatively lawfull, not positively lawfull, and the Argument proceedeth of Lawfulnesse positive, which is commanded in the word. But this is, 1. a begging of the question. 2. Negative Law­fulnesse, is from mans will, which should not be a Creatrix of the goodnesse of things or of Lawfulnesse, nor can it Create goodnesse, except you make man to be God: 4. Arbitrary goodnesse and Law­fulnesse hath either a particular warrant and cause of its goodnesse, and Lawfulnesse from Gods expresse Commandment, or 2. From the light of nature, or 3. From the sole will of men, or 4. partly from natures light, partly from mans will, but any of these wayes it can­not [Page 121] be Lawfull, I prove the Antecedent: for it cannot have its war­rant from Gods generall will whereby the Proposition of a Syllo­gisme is warranted, but not the Assumption▪ for thu [...] the golden Calse of Ieroboam; the worshipping of Satan should be lawfull: for I can forme a Syllogisme to it from Scripture ( all worship com­manded in the Word is Lawfull▪ but Ieroboams golden Calf is Commanded in the Word; Ergo, It is Lawfull. And if both Major▪ Proposition and Assumption be warranted by the Word, then are Ceremonies essentiall and not Arbitrary wor­ship. If Ceremonies be warranted by the light of nature, this is a part of Gods Word, and Rom. 1. 19, 20. God hath shewed it to us, as, Rom. 2. 14, 15. We would see natures light to prove that whitenesse of linnen signifieth Pastorall holinesse, rather then white­nesse in the wall, and that the crosse signifieth dedication of a childe to Christs service, rather then lifting up of the childe toward Hea­ven signifieth the same; and yet Ceremonie [...] must be by this reason essentiall worship; yea, to Sacrifice a sheep to represent Christ al­ready Crucified▪ is as Lawfull this way as all our Ceremonies. If the third be said, that Ceremonies have their goodnesse and Lawful­nesse from the sole will of men; then Ceremonies are Will-wor­ship: for worship instituted by the sole will of men, without light of Scripture, or nature, is Will-worship. 2. The devisers of them are either Brutish, or void of reason, and the practicers are ser­vants of men, because they serve will, or rather lust of men, without any reason Commanding. 3. If Ceremonies come partly from mens will, partly from the light of reason▪ then do they conclude the Lawfulnesse of Ceremonies either [...]allibly or necessarily: If the former be said, we have little warrant of conscience to practice them; nor can God be honoured, nor these things Lawfull, good, and edificative, more then unlawfull, evil and unapt to edifie, seeing there be no light of Scripture, or nature to make them good to us▪ and because a fallible and unnecessary consequence, is over fallible and unnecessary, and standeth (as Aristotle faith well) in an in­divisible point. It is a non-consequence, and so mens will is the best house that Ceremonies are descended of. If they can be pro­ved by a necessary and infallible consequence, we desire to hear it, for it must be thus or the like: Things not contrary to the Word, and commanded as apt to edifie, may be Lawfull Arbitrary Worship: But [Page 122] Ceremonies are such; Ergo, the Proposition is not true▪ because Ru­lers judge either such things apt to edifie, because they see them to be so in themselves, or because they judge them to be so in them­selves, therefore they are so in themselves: the former cannot be said, because this light whereby Rulers see Ceremonies to be apt to edifie, is either light of Scripture, or nature, or both: If this be said, they can make others see this light. Also, if there be goodnesse and aptitude to edifie souls in Ceremonies by natures light, sound reason, or the Word of God, they cannot be Arbitrary or indiffe­rent worship: but must be essentiall worship, having warrant and Commandment from God▪ for what natures light, or Scripture Commandeth, that God himself Commandeth, and what God Commandeth is essentiall, not Arbitrary worship. 2. And second­ly, they are not Arbitrary things, but necessary and Lawfull by na­tures light, by Scripture, or both, which they deny; if the latter be true, then is the will of Rulers, that which maketh Ceremonies good and Lawfull▪ a [...]in and blasphemous assertion, for Pope or Prince, or mens pleasure finde pre-existent goodnesse and Lawful­nesse in things, and they do not make them good: It is proper to God alone, who calleth things that are not, to create both beings and goodnesse of beings. 5. If Arbitrary goodnesse and Lawful­nesse of Ceremonies be thus warrantable, because nor contrary to the word, and esteemed Arbitrary; I might fail against the first four Commandments, by superstition and idolary: so I esteem these, to wit, Idolatry and superstition Arbitrary, and not of Divine ne­cessity, and yet in so doing, I should neither sin, nor commit acts of false worship; because superstition and Idolatry are indeed forbid­den, but superstition and Idolatry, with the opinion, that they have neither holinesse, merit, nor Divine necessity, but are meerly Arbi­trary, are no where forbidden in the word. Let Formalists by their grounds, shew us a Scripture for it; for they cannot by their Do­ctrine be forbidden as false worship, seeing they want that which essentially constituteth false worship (as they teach) for they (as the Argument supposeth) want opinion of necessity, Divine merit and holinesse. 6. If the Churches will, commanding Crossing, and Surplice, make them Lawfull; then their forbidding them shall make them unlawfull, and mans will shall be a Pope and God. 7. If Rulers conclude them Lawfull, then either upon Nationall [Page 123] reasons concerning Britain rather then other Nations, or upon rea­sons immutable & eternal▪ if the latter be said, they be essential wor­ship, not Arbitrary▪ if the former be said, they be more apt to stir up the dull senses of Brittish men, then othe [...]s, which is a dream. Dull senses are alike every where, sin originall alike in all places, and God in his perfect word hath provided alike remedies against naturall dulnesse to all mankinde, else we in Britaine do superero­gate, and the word▪ must be perfect to some Nations, in that which is common to all, and not to others. 8. By as good reason, Arbitrary mercy, and Arbittary justice is holden as Arbitrary worship; for the Lords word is as perfect in works of charity for the second Table, as in works of Religion for the first, and if so be, then it were in mens will to do things conducing for the murthering, or not mur­thering of our brethren, of their own wit and will, without the word of God, and there should be some lawfull acts of will-love, or will-murther. 9. Laws oblige (as Papists grant) as Driedo de Libert Christ. l. 3. c. 3. ad arg. 3. Non est in potestate le­gislatoris prout volue­rit obligare ad mortale & veniale sed hoe pro­vient ex materiaegra­vitate. Driedo, and Vasquez Tom. 2. in 12. disput. 154. c. 3. Neque enim in voluntate legislator is est obligare vel non ob­ligare. Vasquez say, after Gerson, Occam, Almain, and other Pa­pists, from the goodnesse of the matter commanded in the Law, not from the will of the Law-giver: If then the generall will and command of God constitute Arbitrary worship, this worship from Gods will layeth a band on the conscience, no lesse then essentiall worship: For Hezechiah is no lesse obliged in conscience to apply Figs to his boyle, and Moses to make every little ring in the Tabernacle: when God commandeth these, then the Prophets are to write Ca­nonick Scripture: for Gods Authority in Commanding, is equall in all, though in respect of the matter, there be great things, and lesse things of the Law: therefore Gods generall permissive-will, doth no lesse oblige the conscience, then his approving will. 10. To this Arbitrary worship agreeth all the properties of will-worship; as 1 Colos. 2. 18. It beguileth us of our reward; for no promise of God is made of a Bishoprick for conformity▪ 2. It is will-humili­ty, to be devouter then God willeth us. 3. It intrudeth in things not known in the word. 4. It holdeth not the head Christ, for it maketh him not a perfect Law-giver, if Prelares under him give Laws ad­ded to his word, and that after the Traditions of men. 5. It inthral­leth men dead with Christ, to a yoak. They object, But not to yoak upon the conscience. Answer; yea, but we are in Christ freed also from the externall yoak, as from shedding of blood in Circumci­sion, [Page 124] removall out of the Campe seven dayes, many Ceremoniall Sabbaths, presenting of the male-children, and going up to sacrifica at Jerusalem; yea, expensive offerings, all called burdens, Act. 15. 10. Col. 2. 20. Gal▪ 4. 3, 4, 5. Col. 2. 14. 15. And multiplied holy dayes, Surplice, Crossing, keeping us in that same bondage; though lesse (they may say) Magis, & minus non variant speciem. 6. This wor­ship perisheth vvith the use: 7. Subjecteth us to the Ordinances of men. 8. Hath a shew of wisdom, Mr. Burges Burges rejoynd c. 2. S. 7. p. 179. saith, Some will-worship i [...] not unlavvfull, a [...] three Sermons in one day. The free-vvill offerings and vows vvere in some sort vvill-Worship. The Church at her godly discretion, and will, may appoint some Formalities to attend the Wor­ship. Answer, Gregor▪ de valent saith, That some Idolatry is Lawfull, some unlawfull: This man saith, some will-worship is lawfull, some unlawfull, that is, some sin is Lawfull, some unlawfull: 2. Three preachings come from zeal, not from will, and is no new worship different from preaching, and there may be reason therefore, where all cannot be present in one day at all the three, there is reason for three preachings, none for Crossing: 3. Will as will, is carver of will-worship: Will createth not the worship, but determineth the circumstances according to the light of reason, in Lawfull worship. But where will, as will, void of reason hath influence in the worship, it is wills brood: 4▪ The Freewill offerings were determined by God, the poor should offer a pair of Doves, in the Free-will offe­ring: But the rich a Lamb, and it was sin for the rich to offer a pair of doves, and therefore will was not determinatrix in this. 5. The man jumbleth together godly discretion and will: they be much different; but for godlinesse in short sleeves, and Crossing a finger in the Aire, I understand it not, nor can reason dream of any warrant for it, but will, as will, that is, mans lust made it.

Neither do Formalists go from Suarez de relig. to. 2. de houest v [...]ti lib. 1. c. 1. n. 8. 9. Suarez, and Bellar. de esfic. Sacram. l. 2 c. 32. ad arg. 2. Bellar­mine, who call that will-worship, which is devised only by a man [...] wit, and is not conforme to the principles of Faith, and wanteth all reason, and the received use of the Church.

But we are disputing here against the Churches use, as if it were not yet a received use. But upon these grounds I go: 1. Reason not binding and strongly concluding, is no reason, but meer will. So Ce­remonies have no reason: If the reason binde, they are essentiall worship: 2. Authority is only ministeriall in ordering Gods wor­ship, [Page 125] and hath no place to invent new worship. 3. Authority as Authority especially humane, giveth no light, nor no warrant of conscience to obey, and therefore authority naked and void of scrip­tures-light is here bastard authority. 11. In all this Formalists but give the Papists distinction of Divine and Apostolick Traditions: for power of inventing Ceremonies to them is Apostolick, but not infallible and Divine: Suarez de tripl. virtut. tract. 1. dis. 5. Sect. 4. Suarez giveth the difference: God saith he, Is the Immediate Author of Divine Traditions, and the Apostles only publishers: But the Apostles are immediate Authors of Aposto­lick Traditions, God in speciall manner guiding their will. So Cajetan opusc. to. 1. tract. 27. Ca­jetan Sotus de justific. l. 7 c. 6. ar. 1 Sotus Bellar. de verbo non Scripto. Bellar. So our Formalists Douna. l. 3. c. 36. Duname 3 Book p. 153. Hoo­ker Sutlu­vius, de Presbyt. c. 11. p. 67. Sutluvius; But I like better what Cyprian epist. 74. Vnde ista traditio? &c. si in Evangelio praecipitur, aut in Apo­stolorum Epistolis, aut actibus continetur, & observe­tur Divina et sanctahaes traditio. The distin­ction of di­vine and of Apostolick Traditions rejected. Cyprian saith, That no Tradition, but what is in the word of God, is to be received: But this distinction is blasphemous, and contrary to Scripture, 1 Cor▪ 14▪ 57. The things▪ that I write unto you: (even of decency and order, as v. 29. 40.) Are the Commandment of the Lord, 2. Pet. 3. 2. Peter willeth them to be mindefull of the vvords which were spoken before, by the holy Prophets, and of the Commandments of us the A­postles of the Lord and S [...]vio [...]: Then the Apostles Commandments are equall with the Commandments of the Prophets. But in the Old Testament, there were not some Traditions Divine, and some not every way Divine, but Propheticall, for the Prophets were the mouth of God, as is clear, 2 Pet. [...]. 19, 20, 21. Luk. 1. 70. Rom. 1. 2. So 1 Tim. 6. 13. I give thee charge in the sight of God—14. That thou keep this Commandment without spot, unrebukable, untill the ap­pearing of the Lord Iesus. Now the Commandment (as Beza Beza an in loc. no­teth) Are all that he writ of discipline, which Formalists say, are for the most Apostolicke, but not Divine Traditions. 2. If Ceremonies seem good to the holy Ghost▪ as they say they do from Act. 15. then they must seeme good to the Father and the Son, as the Canon is Act. 15. But that Canon was proved from expresse Scripture; as Peter proveth, v. 7, 8, 9. and James v. 13, 14, 15, 16. If they come from the Spirit, inspiring the Apostles, they cannot erre in such Traditions; If from the spirit guided by the holy Ghost, they come from Scrip­ture. 3. If these traditions come from no spirit led by light of Scrip­ture, we shall not know, whether they be Lawfull, or not, for the Scripture is a Canonick rule of lawfull and unlawfull. 4. If any Apostolick spirit be given to Authors of Ceremonies, why not also [Page 126] in preaching and praying? How then do many of them turn Ar­minians, Papists, Socinians? 5. The Apostolick spirit leading institu­tors of Ceremonies, doth either infuse light naturall, supernaturall, or Scripturall in devising Ceremonies, and so Eatenus, in so far they were essential worship▪ or the Apostolick spirit doth lead them, with no light at all, which is brutish Enthusiasme: or 3. Gods Aposto­lick spirit infuseth the generall equity, and negative Lawfulnesse of these truths ( Surplice is an Apostolicall signe of Pastorall holinesse) and ( Crossing a signe of Dedication of a childe to Christs service) Now light, for this we would exceedingly have. If this light be im­mediatly infused, then Surplice, Crossing are as Divine, as if God spake them; for truths immediatly inspired lost no divinity, because they come through sinfull men; for Balaam his Prophesie of the star of Jacob, was as Divine, in regard of Authority, as if God had spoken it, but if these trash come from an inferiour spirit, we desire to know what spirit speaketh without the word. But some may ob­ject; The preaching of the word is somewhat humane, because its not from the infallible spirit that dited the word; Ergo, Ceremo­nies may come from the holy Spirit, though they be not as lawfull as Scripture. Ans. Let them be proved to be from the warrant, that the word is preached, and we yeeld to all▪ 5. Apostolick Ceremo­nies, but not Divine have Gods generall allowing will for the accept­ing of them. Now Sampsons mother, Judg. 13. 23. proveth well, The Lord hath accepted our offering; Ergo, it is Lawfull, and he will not kill us. So God atcepted Abel, and Noah their Sacrifices; Ergo, they were Lawfull, and Divine worship. So Hosea 8. 8. They sacri­fice flesh for the sacrifices of my offerings, and they eat it, but the Lord accepteth them not. Ergo, offerings of flesh without offering of them­selves as living sacrifices to God are now unlawfull: If God ac­cept of Ceremonies, they must be Divine service, if he accept them not, they must be unlawfull. They Answer, He accepteth them as Arbitrary worship, not as essentiall: I Answer, God might have ac­cepted so Sampsons sacrifice, and Noahs, as arbitrary worship, and yet not be gracious to them, nor reward their sacrificing, as good service, contrary to the Texts alledged; but I doubt much, if the Lord be gracious to men, and accept in Christ corner Caps, Surplice, Crossing, humane holy dayes.

They object, Our Circumstances of time, place, persons, &c. are [Page 127] no more warranted by the Scripture, then Ceremonies are. And God might in his wisdom ( [...]aith Burges rejoynder, cap. 1. Sect. 16. p. 90. Circum­stances not positive re­ligious ob­servances as Ceremo­nies are. Burges) have calculated the order of times and places, such climats and seasons; but he hath left these, as he hath left our Ceremonies to the Churches liberty.

Ans. Time and place (as I observed already) being circumstan­ces Physicall, not Morall, nor having any Religious influence to make the worship new and different in nature, from that which is commanded in the Law, though they be not expresly in the Word, do not hinder, but you may say, Such an act of worship is according as it is written: for as Praying, Preaching, hearing, is according as it is written: so is Praying and Preaching in this con­venient place, proved by that same Scripture ( As it is written) but one and the same Scripture doth not warrant Order and Surplice. 2. The question is not, what Gods wisdom can do, for he could setdown all the names of Preaching Pastors, Doctors, Deacons, Elders in the Word; but his wisdom thus should have made ten Bibles more then there be: But all our Ceremonies might have been Comprehended in one Chapter of the Revelation, if God had thought good to Honour them with inserting them in the Canon. 3. He hath determined these by natures light, and prudence, which dwelleth with that light, revealed in the Word; That a Bi­shop be thus qualified, as 1 Tim. 3. is Morall and determined; but that they call him John, Thomas, and be of such Parents, Country, stature of body, is Physicall and in Christs wisdom, is not deter­mined, nor could it be conveninetly. Lastly, that generall per­missive will of God, is good, for all the Ceremonies of Rome, taught by Papists; As for ours, as Suarez de Trip lic. virt. tract. 1. disp. 2. Sect. 6. n. 3. Dicendum fidem quoad substantiam credibilium semper fuisse eandem a principio generis humani. And so faith Alensis, 3. p. q. 69. Lombard. 3. dist. 25. and Durandus, 3. dist. 25. Bonaventu­ra, 16. Art. 2. q. 1. Hugo de sancto victore de sacram, [...]. 1. part. 10. cap. 4. This they have from the Fathers, Vincentius Lyrinensis, co [...]t▪ prop. voc. nov. cap. 37. Jreneus, contr. hereticos, lib. 3. cap. 2. Hy­erom in Psal. 86. Aug. de civitate, Dei lib. 11. cap. 3. lib. 14. cap. 7. Chrysost. de Lazero homil. 4. Cyprianus sermone de Baptismo. Op­tatus Milevitanus, contr. parmeni. de caelo, l. 5. And I might cite many others, who all affirm, All truth Divine is in Scripture, all not in Scripture is to be rejected: So Suarez, de leg. tom. 4. cap. 1. [Page 128] Haec enim praecepta Ecclesiastica pro universali. Ecclesia tantum sunt quatuor, qut quin (que), quae solum sunt determinationes quaedam juris Divini moraliter necessaria homini.—Reliqua omnia vel pertinent ad particulares status qui voluntarie suscipiuntur, vel ad ordinem ju­dicial [...]m. Et id [...]m contra seotae Anglica. Erro. lib. 2. cap. 16. Di­cimus authoritatem Dei (in benedictione Campanarum) non de esse, saltem in radice & origine, quia ipse dedit authoritatem Pastoribus Ecclesiae ad regendam Ecclesiam, & disponenda, eaequae ad accidenta­rios ritus Ecclesiae pertinent. Bannes, tom. 3. in 22. q. 10. dub. 2. Notandum quod ne (que) Pontifex, ne (que) tota Ecclesia possunt novum arti­culum, novum dogma quoad substantiam, aut novum Sacramentum instituere. Andr. Duvallius, in 2. de legib. q. 4. Art. 2. Ceremo­niae & judicialia in vetere lege erant juris Divini, in Nova lege sunt juris tantum Ecclesiastici: And Valdensis de Doctrina fidei, l. 2. cap. 22. Ecclesia non potest Novum articulum proponere: So Alphas. a Castro in summa, lib. 1. cap. 8. And Canus, loc. lib. 2. cap. 7. Ca­meracensis, 2. sentent. q. 1. Art. 1. Principia Theologia sunt ipsae s [...] ­cri Canonis veritates, quoniam adipsa fit ultima resoluti [...] Theologici discursus, & ex iis primo singulae propositiones Theologiae deducuntur.

V. Conclus. Matters of fact are not, and need not be proved by Scripture: 1. Because sense maketh them known to us. 2. Their Morality is sufficiently known from Gods Word. 3. In matters offact there may be invincible ignorance: Christs Resurrection is not a matter of fact, as Hogo Grotius de jure belli, l. c. 20. n. 48. Hugo Grotius saith, but also a matter of Law, as all the miracles and Histories in the Word, and to be belie­ved, because God hath so spoken in the Word.


Whether Ceremonies have any Divinity in them?

ALL means of worship devised by men pretending holinesse, by Arg. 4. Against humane Ceremo­nies, be­cause they usurp the essential properties of Divine ordinances. teaching, exciting our dull affections to Devotion, as if they were powerfull means of grace, and did lay a band on the consci­ence, when as yet they be no such thing, and want all warrant from God, and are contrary to devotion, are unlawfull.

But humane Ceremonies be such: Ergo,

The Proposition is certain: I prove the Assumption by parts: 1. Whatever holinesse be pretended to be in Ceremonies; yet God [Page 129] onely sanctifieth people, offices in his house, as the sons of Aaron, Altars, Temples, Vestures, Sacrifices by his expresse institution, as we are taught, Levit. 20. 8. Exod. 20. 11. 16, 17. Exod. 29. 29. 33. 36, 37. Exod. 40. 9. cap. 2. 10. cap. 26. 1, 2, 3. cap. 27. 1, 2. yet are Ceremonies holy; their Author be the Apostles successours. 2. Their end to honour God. 3. Their matter is not civill or naturall. 4. Their signification mysticall, is Religious. 2. They be means of teaching and stirring up the dull af­fections to the remembrance of duties, by some notable and speciall signi­fication, whereby the beholders may be edified; and since to stir up the minde, as a memorative object be the word of Gods due property, or the works of Providence and Creation; would not a Prelat in his Epistle to his under-Pastors, speak Peter-like, as, 2 Pet. 1. 13. I think it meet, so long as I am in this Tabernacle, to stir up your dull mindes, by way of remembrance to your Christian duty, by Cros­sing, kneeling to Gods board and Altar, and Surplice; To be memori­als were due to Phylacteries Commanded in the Law, to minde heavenly duties, Numb. 15. 38, 39. Deut. 22. 12. And the twelve stones set up by Gods speciall Commandment, Ioshu. 4. 2, 3. to be a memoriall of their miraculous entry into the holy Land, and Manna Commanded to be kept in the Ark, as a sign of Gods feeding his people with Christ the bread of life, Joh. 6. 48, 49. 51. are Ordi­nances of God, to call to remembrance duties and speciall mercies: And Sacraments do signifie as tokens ordained of God, Gen. 17. 11. Gen. 9. 13. Heb. 9. 8. The Holy Ghost thus signifying, that the way to the holiest, was not yet made manifest: So Heb. 8. 5. Heb. 10. 1. And so must it be here said. The holy Prelats thus signifying, that Cros­sing should betoken the childes dedication to Christs service: So Hooker, Book 3. p. 129. Hooker: Actions leave a more deep and strong impression then the word. What blasphemy? that Crossing and Surplice leave a deeper impression in the soul, then Gods Word, the power of God to salvation, Rom. 1. 16. And mighty through God to cast down strong holds in the soul, 2 Cor. 10. 4? I wonder if Crossing Capping; kneeling to stocks, can bring every thought Captive to the Obedience of Christ. 3. It is essentiall to the word to teach, and make wise the simple, Psal. 19. 7. Psal. 119. 99. Prov. 6. 23. And Ceremonies are made Symbolicall and Religious teaching signes, yet is the stock called a Doctrine of lies, Jer. 10. 8. Habac. 2. 18. Though it teach and represent the same Iehovah that the Word teacheth, Isa. 40. 18. So it is not a living teacher, because it representeth a false god, or not the true [Page 130] God: for the true Iehovah saith, To whom will ye liken me? But now the stock by mans institution took on it, without a warrant from God, to represent God. Now if God had warranted the stock to be an image representing God, as he warranteth the Tem­ple, the Ark, Bread and Wine, to be images and representations of the true God Iesus Christ, the stock should be a Doctrine of truth, and not of lies; so Surplice is a Doctrine of lies, not because what it teacheth is a lie, for what it teacheth is Scripture, Isa. 52. 11. That these who beareth the Vessels of the Lord, (that is Pastors) should be holy: but it is a Doctrine of lies, because it representeth Pastorall ho­linesse by humane institution, without all warrant of the Word of God. And when Paul calleth holidayes Elements, Gal. 4. 6. He meaneth that they spell to us, and teach us some truth, as Estius, 1, 3. dist. 37. S. 14. Estius saith, That holidayes do teach us Articles of Faith: To which mean­ing, Palud. m. 3. d. 9. q. 1. art. 2. Paludanus, Cajet. in 3. q. 25. art. 3. Cajetan, Vasquez to. 3. de Ado. disp. 103. c. 4. Vasquez say, God may well be painted in such expressions, as Scripture putteth on God, as in the like­nesse of a Dove, as a man with hands, eyes, ears, feet, all which are given to God in Scripture. 4. It is essentiall to the Word to set down the means of Gods worship, which is the very scope of the second Commandment; and therefore the Iews washings and Tra­ditions are condemned, because they be Doctrines of men, appoin­ted by men to be means of the fear or worship of God, as Math. 15. 9. Mar. 7. 8. Isa. 29. 13. Hence we owe subjection of Conscience to Ceremonies, as to lawfull means of Worship. 1. Stirring up our dull senses: And 2. as lawfull signes representing in a Sacramentall signification, holy things: 3. As teaching signes: 4. As means of Gods fear and worship: Whereas God (as Ains­worth, com­mu. of Saints. Ainsworth ob­serveth well) in the second Commandment forbiddeth all images and representations: 2. All shapes, Exod. 20. 4. Temniah. 3. Forms of figures, Tabuith, Deut. 4. 16. 5. Any type of shadow, Tselem, Ezek. 7. 20. 16, 17. 6. Any pictured shape, Maskith, Levit. 26. 1. Any Statue, Monument, Pillar, Mattesebah, any Graven, or Molten Portraict, Hos. 13. 2.

5. We are obliged to obey the Word, Exod. 20. 7. Prov. 3. 20, 21. Prov. 8. 13. Ier. 6. 16. Ier. 5. 7. 2. We owe to the Word be­lief, Luk. 1. 20. Love, Psal. 119. 49. 81. Hope: 3. And are to ex­pect a reward therefore, Psal. 19. 11. Rev. 2. 7. 10. 27, 28. Gal. 4. 11. Rom. 6. 23. Coloss. 2. 18. Hebrew. 11. 25. Psal. 34. 9. [Page 131] Psalme 58. 11. Then if Decency be commanded, and order, in the third Commandment, Ergo, this, and that orderly mean of Worship, as Surplice; But can we say, I hope in the Surplice? O how love I crossing and Capping? can we believe in Ceremonies, as means of Gods worship? 6. The word is Gods mean to work su­pernaturall effects, to convert the soul, Psal. 19. 7. To work Faith, John 20. 3. To edifie, Act. 20. 32. To save, Rom. 1. 16. The obedi­ence to Gods word, bringeth Peace, Psal. 119. 165. Comfort, v. 50. Gen. 49. 18. Isa. 38. 3. But Ceremonies, being apt to stir up the dull minde, must be apt to remove Naturall dulnesse, which is a superna­turall effect, and so to bring, Peace, joy, comfort: Organs are now holden by the same right, that they were in Moses-Law, then they must stir up supernaturall joy: There must be peace and comfort in practising them: Hear how this soundeth, This is my comfort, O Lord, in my affliction, that thy Surplice, Organs, and holy-dayes have quickened my dull heart. Now what comfort, except comfort in the Scriptures? Rom. 15. 4. Ceremonies be innocent of all Scriptures.

What joy (a proper fruit of the Kingdom of heaven, Rom. 14. 17.) can be in saplesse Ceremonies? yea, observe, 1. Who truly conver­red from Popery, who inwardly humbled in soul, doth not abhor Ceremonies, by the instinct of the new birth? 2. What slave of hell and prophane person call not for Ceremonies? 3. Who hath peace in dying, that Ceremonies were their joy? 7. All Lawfull Ordinances may by prayer be recommended to God for a blessed successe as all the means of salvation, Psal. 119. 18. Matth. 26. 26. Act. 4. 29, 30. 2. We may thank God for a blessed successe, which they have by the working of the spirit of Grace, 2 Cor. 2. 24. 1 Cor. 1. 4, 5. 2 Thes. 1. 2, 3. Ephes. 1. 3. 3. We are to have heat of zeal against propha­ning of word, Sacraments, Prayer, or other Ordinances of God: But what faith in praying, Lord work with Crossing, Capping, Sur­plice? For where the word is not, nor any promise, there be no Faith, Rom. 10. 14. What praising can there be for Ceremonies working upon the soul? What zeal (except void of knowledge and light of the word, and so but wilde-fire? Gal. 4. 17, 18. Phil. 3. 6. 2 Sam. 21. 2.) can there be, though the Surplice be imployed to cleanse Cups, and Crossing be scorned? If the subject be nothing, the accidents be lesse; if Surplice be not commanded, nor forbidden, the reverent or irreverent usage thereof, cannot be forbidden, nor [Page 132] commanded, true zeal is incensed only at sin, and kindled toward Gods warranted service. 8. I take it to be Gods appointment, that the Spirit worketh by a supernaturall operation, with his own Ordi­nances, in the regenerated, but we desire to know how the Spirit worketh with Ceremonies: Formalists are forced by these grounds to maintain the Lawfulnesse of Images: So 1. They be not adored: 2. If they be reputed as indifferent memorative Objects, and books to help the memory. But 1. It shall be proved that at first, Papists did give no adoration to Images, nor doth Durandus, Hulcot, Pic. Mirandula acknowledge any adoration due to them, but proper to God▪ before the Images as objects. 2. We may liken God and Christ to a stock, so we count it indifferent, to make, or not to make such an image, yet likening him to any thing is forbidden, Isa 40. 18. Al­so we esteem it Idolatry interpretative, to take Gods place in his word, and to make any thing to be a mean of grace, except Gods own Ordinances: Against all these Formalists have diverse exceptions.

As 1. Our Ceremonies (say they) do not respect the honour of God immediatly, and in themselves, but by accident, and as parts of Divine worship by reduction, as it containeth all the adjuncts of worship.

Ans. Such Logick was never heard of: 1. If he mean a Surplice in the materials, to wit, Linnen and Crossing Physically considered, as separated from their signification, do not tend imme­diatly to the honour of God, but as an adjunct, he speaketh non­sense, for so Bread, Wine, eating, drinking, Water in Baptisme do not immediatly respect the honour of God, but only as they have a Morall consideration and stand under Divine institution. But yet so the materiall of worship is not the adjunct thereof, but the mat­ter, as the body of a living man is not one adjunct of a man. If he mean, that Ceremonies in a Morall (not in a Physicall) considera­tion do not immediatly respect the honour of God, but reductive­ly, and by accident. Let him show us, if the Surplice doth not as im­mediatly, and without the intervening mediation of any other thing, signifie and stir up our mindes to the remembrance of Pastorall holi­nesse, as eating all of one bread, doth immediatly stir up our mindes to the remembrance of our Communion of love, that we be all one body in Christ, 1 Cor. 10. 16. 2. If he mean Ceremonies as such spe­ciall [Page 133] materialls, to wit, Surplice, &c. as ordained of man, who may ordain another Ceremony, doth not immediatly respect the honour of God. 1. This is to beg the question: 2. A white garment upon a priest of Jupiter Sacrificing to that Idoll should immediatly re­spect the honour of Iupiter, though the Priest might honour Iupiter with garments of white Roses, or some other like device, while he officiateth. So bowing of the knee in prayer doth immediatly honour God, though I may pray sitting or standing. 3. It is a dream that the honour of the subject is given to the adjunct, yea, and pro­perly is the adjunct, and agreeth to the adjunct, as Surplice hath the very Office and place of Gods word and Sacrament [...], to teach and signifie, and yet they are but adjuncts, if a mans Coat, or his Hat, or Shooes could discourse and reason, as only the man can do, in reason we should say the Coat is the man.

2. They say, God forbiddeth efficient and operative means of wor­ship, and grace in the second Commandment, or means immediate which worketh by vertue in themselves, or wrapped in them, for so the word and Sacraments are means of grace and worship; yea, the Sacraments be exhibitive seals, and therefore we owe to such means subjection of conscience immediatly, both to the things instituted, and particular means of admonition, and to the duties admonished or called to our re­membrance by them, for they have vertue residing, and inherent in them, by divine institution to work upon us. But God forbiddeth not, in the second Commandment, means that teach occasionally, as Ob­jectum a quo, therefore we owe subjection of conscience to the things ad­monished, but not to the particular means of admonition, therefore we are tied in conscience to Ceremonies only collaterally and propter aliud, they be only externall objects or occasions. For whoever (saith he) ex­pected that men should be stirred up by Ceremonies, as by causes, or any otherwayes, but as by sensible objects, as we are by the sight of the creatures, or other memorials? therefore (saith he) they are not means, by the which grace is wrought by the power of God wrapped in them, but resident in God himself, that freely giveth the grace, by the right use of them: so D. Burges. Burges Rejoinder c. 3. Sect. 9. p. 279. And in a Treatise of kneeling, c. 18. q. 4. p. 57.

Ans. All cometh to this, Ceremonies taketh the place of Word and Sacraments, but cannot fill the chaire, and discharge the office so well as Gods Ordinances doth: A Clown taketh on the Crown, and usurpeth the Throne, and cannot do Regall Acts, with such [Page 134] grace of Royall Majesty, as the Lawfull King, what, is he for that no usurping Traitor? 2. He will not have Ceremonies to be causes of worship, but occasions so do Papists say: Images (saith Vasquez 3. p. To. 1. de ador. 103. c. 4. Cum nos eas form as qui­bus Deus ap­paruit d [...] ­pingimus, nolumus aliud quam bistoriam illam, & effectum ob oculos po­n [...]re. Vas­quez) do only set before us the History and effects of God. Bellarmine, Suarez (as all know) do say, That Images cannot so represent Ieho­vah; as he is in himself, or described in his word, nor can the Idoll or I­mage of▪ God represent God, as a cause, but onely as an object externall and occasion, and yet God forbiddeth it, Isa. 40. 18. Hab. 2. 19. 20. 2. Gods word to the reprobate is a sealed Book, and is, as if you would teach letters, to a new weaned childe, Isa. 29. 11. c. 29. 9. It worketh by no inherent vertue wrapped in it self, but though it be mighty, yet is it mighty through God, 2 Cor. 10. 4. Ioshuahs twelve stones, the Phylacteries, the Manna, the Rainbow, did only, (as Aquin. 12. q. 102. art. 6. ad. 7. Et idco per aspectum hujus signi induccban­tur in me­moriam suae legis. Aquinas saith well) worke upon the senses and memory. The word it self doth but work morally or objectively, and is not a cause having the power of God wrapped in it. If Surplice work only as an occasion, the Preachers, Napkin, the bands of women doth so excite the memo­ry and the affection: 3. All our Divines teach, that the Sacraments are exhibitive seals, but not of themselves, or by any vertue inherent in them (as Papists say) but by the power of God, which worketh by the right receiving of the Sacraments, and the Sacraments Actu Primo and essentially are only signes, which worketh objectively and occasionally, as you say your unhallowed Ceremonies do: 1. be­cause they are Sacraments essentially, whether they be received by Faith, or not, and they are exhibitive seals only to believers. 2. Vn­believers should not prophane the Sacraments by their unworthy receiving of them, if they were not Sacraments to them only signi­fying, and if they were exhibiting seals to them, then should they receive them worthily, which is against what we suppose: 3. The Fathers, as Just. Martyre Dialog. cum Tryph. ante medium. Justine Martyr Irenaeus l. 4. c. 30. Ireneus Epipha­nius heres. Epi­phanius Chrys. hom. 27. in Gen. Chrysostom Ambros lib. 1. de Abraham cap. 4. Ambrose prove, that Circum­cision, in its nature, except to believers, did only signifie Grace.

5. Here be a most vilde distinction, That we owe subjection of con­science to the thing admonished, but not to Surplice, or to such means and particular admonishers, but only collaterally: But [...]. is the Church ordaining Ceremonies a collaterall Mistresse over the con­science, & who is the other collaterall judge here? who but Christ? [Page 135] 2. We owe this collaterall subjection of Conscience to the Image of We owe subjection of Consci­ence, colla­terall only to the word. the Trinity: for though we owe not subjection of Conscience to the image, as such an admonisher, or such an exhorting object; seeing the Word of God may also admonish us of God, yet we owe subje­ction of conscience to the thing admonished, to wit, to the blessed tri­nity. 3. Neither owe we subjection of conscience to the word, as writ­ten with ink on paper, nor to the sound of the word Preached; yea, nor do we owe subjection of Faith to the Word as the Word; but only collaterall: when we say, ( I hope in the Word, (I believe the Word,) I rejoyce in the Word of God) we take the Word, for Obje­tum quo, and God for Objectum quod, for the word is not the for­mall object of any subjection of Conscience; I owe to the Word, not a subjection of Conscience collaterall or coequall with the sub­jection that I owe to▪ God, but only subordinate as to a mean, and to the Word for God, and because it is instituted by God; but I owe subjection of Conscience to God solely, independently, and onely; yea, subjection of Conscience is not due to the Word for its manner of working, and not due to the Ceremonies; because they work not as the Word of God doth (as no wonder, they being but hay and stubble) but subjection of Conscience is due to the Word, because God is the Author of it, and speaketh in it himself, as is clear, Ier. 13. 15. Amos 3. 8. Heb. 2. 3. Hear, for the Lord hath spo­ken, and it is to be received only, and in Conscience yielded un­to, as it is the Word of God, Isa. 1. 2. 1 Thess. 2. 13. Now because we cannot receive the Surplice, Crossing, Capping, as the Surplice of God, and as the Crossing of Christ; therefore are we not to submit at all to the Doctrines which these unlawfull teaching means doth bring to our memory, because they have no warrant of Christ, to speak or spell us the very language and minde of God, which God hath spoken in his word by his holy Prophets and Apostles: Yea, though crosses and afflictions work only upon us, as occasions, and externall objects; yet are we to submit our Conscience to them, as to warnings, because they be sent as Gods Messengers appointed by him, as Mic. 6. 9. Hear the Rod, and who hath appointed it. 4. Ce­remonies [...] work (saith Burges) as sensible objects, and as other Crea­tures; yea, but he is far wide, the Creature doth book (as the word is, Psal. 19. v. 1.) the glory of God, and that which may be known of God, is made manifest in them: and God hath manifested ( [...]) these [Page 136] things by the Creatures, Rom. 1. 19. But Ceremonies are not books of Gods writing, God hath not written nor booked this upon a Sur­plice ( Be holy, ye who bear the Vessels of the Lord) he hath written it in Isaiahs book, c. 52. 11. And we submit to the teaching of the Creatures, though they work not upon the soul, as the Word and Sacraments do, because God hath appointed such books to teach us; Erg [...], we are in no sort to submit to the Devils books, Printed by Prelats, or to their Ceremoniall Volumnes, because God hath written nothing upon them; and here by the way, I say it is un­lawfull, yea▪ and Hypocrisie to be devouter then God will have us, as to enlarge the Phylacteries, and make them above Gods mea­sure, Numb. 15. 38. To be humble by a mean not appointed of God, Ioh. 13. Or to do what God only should do, as to make An­nointing Oyl besides Gods Oyl, Exod. 30. 31, 32, 33. Or to set a threshold and a post, beside Gods own threshold, Ezek. 43. 8. is pre­sumption.

Lastly, Gods spirit worketh not with Ceremonies, and so they The spirit worketh not with Ceremo­nies. are as the offering of Swines blood, and the slaying of a man; and so Abomination to God, Isa. 66. 1, 2. The holy spirit is merited to us by Christ, Ioh. 16. 14. He shall receive of mine, and shew unto you: But who can say that the grace of joy in the holy Ghost, wrought by the droning of Organs, and the holinesse taught by Surplice, is a work of the spirit merited by Christ as our High Priest? 3. God hath made no promise that he will work by Ceremonies, for the spirit worketh not without the Word; so then I might resist the working of the spirit, and not sin against the Word; and this is Anabaptists Enthusiasme: If God work not by them, they be vain and fruitlesse; and the Idol is unlawfull for this, that it profiteth not. Also, the spirits action is either naturall or supernaturall here: If naturall, it is a naturall work, and a naturall spirit, and to be rejected: If supernaturall, we may devise means to produce su­pernaturall effects, mens Ceremonies can produce supernaturall joy, comfort, peace, and acts of grace purchased to us by Christs merit; this is a miracle.

3. They say, All this may be said against your Circumstances of time and place, for they are appropriated to Religious uses, and not for that made holy parts of Divine Worship. 2. Time and place, are new things as our Ceremonies are. 3. Spirituall signification maketh [Page 137] Ceremonies so much the better, but hindreth them not, but that they Burges, re­joynder, c. 1. S. 15. p. 57, 58. may be Rites of meer Order: Burges.

Ans. Time, Place, Pulpit, Table-cloath, are new, Physically, of­ten, not new Morally, or Religiously, they have no Spirituall influ­ence in worship. A civill declamation hath the same time, place, (b) Ammes, his fresh suit against Ceremo­nies, ib. pulpit with a Preaching; for then, if for application, you call them Religious, as D. Ammes saith well, An hill whereon a Preacher Preacheth, a Iudge perswadeth a Law, a Captain speaketh to his Soul­diers, is both a Sacred, a judiciall, a Military hill, 2. Signification spirituall, maketh Ceremonies capable of being ordered: for Sur­plice wearing, and Crossing, being Doctrinall, as teaching signify­ing, stirring up the dull affections, as doth the Word and Sacrament, they require order and decency: Now things of meer order, re­quireth no ordering, as time & place require not other time & place to circumstance them right. 2. This is that which Papists say (as Suarez, tom. de le­gib. lib. 4. cap. 1. n. 10. Praecepta Ecclesiastica feruntur quatenus convenienti [...] sunt ad bo­nos mores, ut res sacrae cum debito honore fiant; consequenter vero interdum habent significationem moralem, quae homines excitat ad virtutem & spem gloriae. Su­arez) that by consequent only, they have signification putupon them.

Now fourthly, The place, Matth. 15. where Christ reproveth The place, Matth. 15. touching Traditions of the El­ders dis­cussed. the Traditions of Pharisees, as Doctrines of men. The Jesuit Vasquez his Answer is their Answer: Vasquez, Tom. 2. in 12. disp. 152. cap. 4. That Christ reproveth them not because they kept the Tradi­tions of the Elders; Sed quod in falsis praeceptis Divinae legi contrari is­putarent esse summam Religionis: Because they believed all Religion to stand in their Traditions, which were contrary to Gods Law, and for their own, omitted Gods Commandments. And Suarez, Tom. de legib. lib 4. cap. 2. He reproveth what they added, Tanquam nova, as new things: Corduba, Ad. victor. rel. 1. de potestate Ecclesiae, q. 3. Prop. 6. But Chrysostom, Hom. 32. in Matth. Thinketh bet­ter that they had no power to make Laws; yea, Janse­ [...]ius, Con­cord. Evan­ge. p. 120. Becanus the Iesuit, in opusc. to. 2. de. Analog. vet. et New Test. cap. 1. q. 7. n. 13, 14, 15. reckoneth out three causes, why Christ reproved all the Traditions of the Pharisees▪ 1. Because they sought vain glory in some of them, Matth. 23. v. 5. 2. They sought gain of others of their Traditions, Matth. 23. 14. [...]3. They preferred some of them to weightier matters of Gods Law. Ans. None of these toucheth the point in this text, because the Tradition of washing hands, is reproved by Christ for want of a lawfull Author, and so the matter of it also was unlawfull; for Christ calleth it a Doctrine of men. he condem­neth the Laws written in their forehead.

[Page 138]But this exposition is false: 1. They brought in Traditions at first for vain glory, to be called Rabbi, Matth. 23. 7, 8. Ergo, they thought them not at first of Religious necessity: 2. Mark saith, cap. 7. 5. Why walk not thy Disciples according to the Traditions of the Elders? Therefore the externall practice, and not the inter­nall opinion of necessity and holinesse is condemned, as is clear. And when the Pharisees saw some of the Disciples eat bread with unwash­en hands, they found fault. The challenge was for an external omission of an outward observance, which may be seen with the eyes; Ergo, these Traditions are not condemned by Christ, because they were contrary to Gods Word, or impious; but in this, that they were contrary, because not Commanded; for in the externall Religious act of washing hands, there was no other impiety of a wicked opi­nion objected to Christs Disciples: for if the Pharisees eye had been satisfied in that the Disciples should wash before they eat, they would not have contended with Christs Disciples, about the Piety of these Traditions, nor about any inward opinion, that they added under this Reduplication as new, as Suarez saith: But the Church which cannot erre, including the Jewish Pope, the High Priest, can adde nothing as new contrary to Gods Law; nor is there any que­stion betwixt the Pharisees and the Lords Disciples: Whether the Traditions of the Elders, should be esteemed the marrow and sum of all Religion, as Vasquez saith; But only anent externall conformity with walking in the Traditions of the Elders, or not walking, as is most clear in the Text: It is true, Christ objected they accounted more of mens Traditions, nor of Gods Commandments, as Papists and Formalists do: But that was not the state of the question betwixt the Disciples of Christ and the Pharisees. 2. Christ rejecteth these Traditions, by an Argument taken from the want of a lawfull Au­thor, while he calleth them Precepts of men, opposed to the Com­mandments of God, and while he saith v. 13. That every plant not rooted by his heavenly Father, shall be rooted out; Yea, and Christ expresly proveth their worship vain, because they taught the fear and worship of God, by the precepts of men, and not by the word of God; and Ceremonies are the precepts of men. 3. Mar. 7. 10, 11, 12. He alledgeth their corrupt and false exposition of the fifth Com­mandment, in saying, It is a gift whereby Parents may benefit, which Children offer to God, though they help not their Parents in their po­verty; [Page 139] & necessity, & so you free them from obedience to the fifth Com­mandment of God, by setting up your false glosse (saith Christ) which is a human tradition. Then to Christ this is a good argument, your cor­rupting of the fift Cōmandment with your false glosses is a rejecting of Gods 5. Commandment; why? because it is a doctrine of men, and one of the Pharisees Traditions: For whether they placed operative sanctity in preferring mens Commandment to Gods or not; none can deny but Christ reasoneth against these evils, because they were mens Traditions, otherway Formalists shall be forced to say, that if the Pharisees have esteemed them Arbitrary, and of no operative sanctity, mens Commandments had not been vain worship; Christs Argument from Isa. 29. should prove nothing, for false glosses and corrupting the fifth Commandment is not vain worship, because it is a doctrine of men; for Doctrines of men as only coming from men, and esteemed Arbitrary, are not vain, saith Formalists; yea, except they be contrary in the matter to Gods Law, and proffered or equalized in the opinion of sanctity to Gods Law, they are not a whit vain, because they come from men, or are doctrines of men. 4. Christ defendeth his Disciples practice in abstaining from exter­nall not-washing; Ergo, he esteemed the externall washing unlaw­full: But if the Disciples abstinence was because of the impiety of washing, and the opinion of sanctity put upon washing, otherwayes Lawfull; he should have defended his Disciples in a thing unlaw­full; for to disobey the Elders and Church-guides, who sate in Mo­ses's chair, and were to he obeyed, Matth. 23. 2, 3. in an externall indifferent act of washing not contrary to the washings comman­ded in Moses Law, and so negatively conforme to Gods Law, is Lawfull, as Formalists and Papists both teach; but Christ defended his Disciples in their non-obedience externall, for they were not challenged, for denying the opinion of operative holinesse to these Ceremonies: Christ who commanded obedience to sitters in Moses his chair in all things Lawfull, would have obeyed himself, and clea­red his Disciples in so far, as they ought to obey, or not to obey. 5. Vasquez sayes, These Traditions were unlawfull, because they were invented, Sola voluntate hominum absque ratione, by the sole will of men without reason. But so are Popish Ceremonies, for if they can be proved by the word of God, and the light of nature, they are es­sentiall parts of Gods word, and not accidentall, nor left to the [Page 140] Churches will. 2. It is good then the Iesuit confesseth the Church from sole will, and so the Pope and Prelat can make no Laws, but either Scripture or natures light must warrant them, and sole will cannot rule them: 3. They had as good reason in generall from Moses his writings, and the Law-washings, as Pope and Prelats have for their Traditions. But saith Vasquez, Christ complaineth of these traditions, because they held them to be, Summam Religionis, the mar­row of Religion, and took no care of Gods Law. Ans. That will no more prove them to be vain worship, and that the Disciples were to be justified in their non-conformity to these Church washings, then that Gods Disciples, and sound believers under the Old Testament should abstain from keeping Gods Sabbaths, his new-Moons, and from offering Sacrifices, because the people placed all holinesse in these of old, and neglected works of mercy and justice, Isa. 1. 11, &c. Jer. 7. 4, 5, 6. But (say Formalists) Christ condemneth them because the Pharisees thought, eating with unwashen hands defiled the conscience, and meat defiled the soul, when the eaters did not wash as the elders commanded: Whereas Christ saith, It is not that which goeth in at the mouth, which defileth the man, but the wickednesse that cometh out at the heart. Ans. It is true, and I think Pharisees be­lieved meat eaten contrary to the Elders Traditions, defiled the conscience, as is clear, Mat. 15. 16, 17, 18. And that also Christ con­demneth, as a Doctrine of men, and of ignorant men, and so doth non-conformity to your Ceremonies pollute the conscience as a breach of the fifth, and second Command as you say.


Whether humane Ceremonies can consist with Order, Decency, and the sincerity of our profession of true Religion?

CEremonies fight with Order and Decency. 1. These Rites pre­tended IV. Arg. by Gods command, to adde order and decency to Gods worship, and yet deface his worship, and addeth none thereunto be unlawfull: But humane Ceremonies be such; Ergo, That they pretend Order is proved. D. Burges saith, They have no place in all the New-Testament, save only, 1 Cor. 14. 26. Let all things be done in order, and decency, a place as ( a) Estius citeth, Magnified by Pa­pists, Estius l. 3. [...]. 37. p. 139 for all their Ceremonies: The Major is undeniable, I prove [Page 141] the Assumption: 1. Because Magick-like Rites honoured with Gods name as Christian-Masse, Christs-Masse, an Adored Tree called Gods board, when there is no use for a Table, a Crossing ho­noured with dedication to Christs service, is like Gods name used by sorcerers in Charming, Spelling, Divining, where vertue is ascri­bed to signes, characters and words, which have no such vertue from God or nature, and this Valentia justly calleth Superstition. Gregor▪ de valent, to. 3. dis 6. q 13. pun. 1. S [...] effectus intentus superet vim­medii, erit superstitio. Ceremo­nies Magi­call▪ So the Iews called the Calfe Jehovah, Papists call a creature of their making, Agnus Dei, a stile due to Christ only, Joh. 1. 29. 2. All creatures are means of glorifying God, Rev. 4. 11. Prov. 16. 4. Rom. 11. 36. And may be invited to praise God, as Psal. 148. Now it were strange bleating, to say, O Crossing, Surplice, Praise ye the Lord, when things ordained by mans sole will, and so idle and sinfull, are made means to glorifie God; with as good reason dancing in the Church, and blowing feathers in the Aire, which have by nature or reason, no aptitude for these ends, may be decent means of glori­fying God. 2. Order and decency supernaturall in the Church is in the Word, Cant. 6. 4. Clear as the Sun, terrible as an Army with Banners: Nothing wanting Gods institution can reach a superna­turall end, as our Ceremonies are: 2. But also Ceremonies relative­ly sacred in Religious state must be more then civilly decent, as also If the third Commād­ment, com­mand De­cency in its generality, as they say, then it must com­mand de­cency in this, or this Rite, as in Surplice, Crossing, &c. right order produceth supernaturall joy, Gal. 2. 5. Civill order can­not do this: Or 3. Ceremonies adde naturall order, but this is not in colour, Religions colour is supernaturally white, ingenuous, not whorish: 2. Or then it addeth order of parts, and this is by right, grave, and convenient circumstantiating of things in Gods wor­ship, and Paul dreamed never of Crossing to grace baptizing: 3. Or it addeth due quantity, Religious worship hath no quantity but time. 4. It is against sense, that order is commanded in the third Commandment, but not Surplice, Crossing, because they are by ac­cident orderly; what agreeth essentially to the generall, agreeth not essentially and necessarily to the speces and particulars which are by accident under that generall, as what agreeth to a man, a­greeth not to white and black men. Decency is commanded, but by accident, and by mans will Surplice is decent. But then God commanding Sacraments, should not command Bread and Wine, sor they are by accident, and by Gods will Sacraments, he might have chosen other Elements, yet the will of God commanding Sacra­ments, [Page 142] commandeth this and this Sacrament also: What agreeth essentially to man, agreeth essentially to all men black and white. If Gods will essentially concur to constitute decency in his own worship, then must that same will essentially concur to constitute this decency, in Surplice, Crossing. 2. It supposeth a great untruth, that Crossing is not worship, because not ordained of God, but that proveth it is not Lawfull worship, but not, that it is non-worship, for Crossing used to the honour of Baal, and to edifie souls in per­forming their duty to Baal, is essentially a worshipping of Baal, otherwayes worshipping of Idols is not Worship, and yet it is an Act of Religious honouring of the Idol. 3. The Command that commandeth, or forbiddeth the end, commandeth and forbiddeth the means ( Thou shalt not murther) forbiddeth the Master, not to command his servant to ride an extreamly deep and impetuous Ri­ver, though the not riding of such a River be not set down in the word, and it is not forbidden as an Arbitrary action: If therefore decency binde the conscience, then the decency of this Rite, to wit, Crossing bindeth the conscience; Our Ceremonies are not Natio­nall; for Crossing being a Religious Rite, in all the world its alike decent; Ergo, non▪ Crossing in some Country cannot be undecent; Things meerly Religious, as all significant Ceremonies are of alike nature every where, and admit not of heat and cold with divers climates, are of good or evil manners, with divers Nations, there­fore they must be determined in the word; the man who Pre [...]aced on our Service book said, without some Ceremonies it is impossible to keep any order, or quiet Discipline in the Church. I am sure he must think that Paul preached in some Surplice that he might teach ho­linesse with his garments one way or other, he hath a stronger Faith then I can reach; without circumstances worship cannot be, but without Romish dirt, the Worship and Discipline are better kept▪ then with such whorish busking.

Also whatever is a profession in fact, of a false Religion by V. Arg. Iewish and Popish Ce­remonies are profes­sions of a false Reli­gion. Ceremonies indifferent, and yet proper to a false Religion, is a denying of the true Religion, but the using of these Cere­monies, used by Papists and Iews is such; Ergo, The Proposition is Scripture, Gal. 2. 14. Peter lived after the manner of the Iews, in using the Religious materials of the Jews, though he had no Iewish intention or opinion; yea, Acts 10. he disputeth against that: So [Page 143] Circumcision, Galathians 6. 14, 15▪ is put for the Jewish Church. Now Altars, Organs, Iewish Ephods, or Surplice, Masse▪ cloaths, and Romish Crossing, bowing to Altars, Images, are badges of Iewish and Popish Religion: We know the dispute betwixt Augustine and Ierome, who defended Peters d [...]ssimulation, Gal. 2. to gain the Iews: But Augustine saith, Epist. 9. Si propterea illa Sacramen­ta celebravit (Paulus) quia simularet se judaeum, ut illos lucrifaceret, cur non etiam Sacrificavit cum Gentibus, quia & iis, qui sine lege erant, tanquam sine lege factus est, ut eos quo (que) lucrifaceret▪ Yea, then (as Augustine saith to Ierome, Epist▪ ad Hyeronym, 19.) We might use all the Iewish Ceremonies to gain the Ievvs, and so fall in the Herersie of Ebion and the Nazarites. Duvallius, 2. Thom tract. de legib. q. 3. Art. 3. would defend Peter in that; but he saith, Magis placet Barronii Responsio. Tom. 1. Annal. an. 51. Petrum ve­nialiter peccasse: As for Pauls Circumcising of Timothy, Papists clear him. Vasquez, Tom. 1. in 12. disp. 181. cap. 8. Lo [...]o & tem­pore accomodato, He did it when he could not offend the Gentiles: Aquinas, 12. q. 103. Art. 4. Yea, so the Fathers, as Augustine, Epist. 19. Chrysostom, Cyrill, Hyeronym.

Also Papists, Bensonius, tractat▪ de fuga, lib. 1. disp. 1. q. 4. ad Articul. 4. Vasquez, Tom▪ 1. 12. disp. 182. cap. 4. Brove to use Iewish Ceremonies, though with no Iewish minde is unlawfull: Suarez Tom. de legib. lib. 9. de leg. Divin. pos. cap. 14. Ʋsus Circumcisi­onis ex prohibitione est factus malus, & actus malus non honestatur propter intentionem bonam. Aquinas 22. q. 11. c [...] 12. q. 103. Art. 4. As one should mortally sin, who should say, Christum nunc nas [...]itu­rum, Christ is yet to be incarnat, So the using of the Iewish Ceremo­nies were a lie in fact. Cajetan, and Toletus, acknowledge a lie in fact. Salmeron, in Gal. 5. q. 2. saith, It is unlawfull to use the Iewish Ceremonies. Aegidius Comick▪ de actib. supernatural. lib. 2. disp. 15. dub. 3. [...]. 39. Nullo modo licet obullum▪ finem, uti Ceremoniis propriis falsae Religionis. Vasquez, 12. disp. 182. [...]. 48. Patres & Doctores communiter tenent non licere: Lodo. Meratius Iesuita, to. 1. in Thom. tract. de legib. disp. 19. Sect. 2. n. 5. Mentiti fuissent Apostoli usurpantes exteriores legis Mosaicae Ceremonias si non ex ani­m [...] usurpabant, tanquam sibi vere licitas, ex animo vere colendi Deum per illas, sicut ab aliis per easdem colebatur. So Grego. Ʋalent. Tom. 2. disp. 7. punct. 7. q. 7. Soto de justif. l. 2. q. 5.

[Page 144]It is a Religious scandall to the users of these Ceremonies: for Arg. 6. Ceremonies devised by men, of no necessary use in Gods worship, are monuments of Idolatry, snares drawing the practisers to Idola­try, and so unlawfull, as the High places, Groves, Images, though not Adored of the Canaanites. This Argument is so learnedly D. Ammes fresh suit. prosecuted by D. Ammes, that I adde nothing to it.


Whether the Ceremonies, especially kneeling in the act of receiving the Sacrament, be guilty of idolatry?

VVHoever presumeth to invent a worship of his own, com­mitteth Arg. 7. Idolatry interpretatively, because he worshippeth a God whom he conceiveth is pleased with false worship: But that is not the true God, for he is pleased with no worship, but what he hath prescribed himself; but all inventers and practisers of hu­mane Ceremonies, worship such a God: Also, all who usurpeth Of Religi­ous kneel­ing. the room and place of God, give the glory of God to creatures; but all Authors and practisers of humane Ceremonies, take the room and place of God, from God, and give it to creatures, because to ordain worship; and all Religious means of worship, is proper to the only wise Law-giver: But for the clearing of this Question, I divide it in some subordinate Questions.


Whether Religious kneeling, laying aside our intention and will to Adore that before which we kneel, of its own nature be Adoration?

This Question is most necessary, both against Papists and Forma­lists: But first remember, that Ratha­el de la Torres, or▪ din. prae­dicat. tom. 1. in 22. Tho. q. 84. tra. 2. disp. 5. Raphael de la Torres, a late School­man, maketh seaven Adorations: 1. Bowing of the knee. 2. Pro­stration. 3. The lifting up of the eyes. 4. Of the hands to Hea­ven. 5. Kissing. 6. Knocking on the Breast. 7. Uncovering of the head: Though this last be not Adoration, but a Nationall sign of Reverence, and is not every where Adoration; yet Abu­lensis in Le­vit. cap. 13. q. 10. A­bulensis saith, the Iews did pray and Sacrifice with covered heads: So saith Virgil. An. 3. Et capiteante aras phry­gio velatus amictu. Virgill, and Lod. vi­ves com. in August. de civit. dei lib. 15. c. 2. Lod. Vives: Therefore the Corinthians had this from the Grecians as a civil sign of gravity, which should not be banished from Gods worship; and if it be appropriate to an I­dol, it should in that case be made Veneration: But no Reverence [Page 145] at all is due to an Idol. Jesuits, as Suarez. Tom. 1. in 3. Thom. q. 25 art. 5. Sect. 4. Suarez▪ and others, and Formalists, Morton, Burges, Hooker teach us, That Religious bow­ing before a creature, if there be no intention of Adoring, is not A­doration: But it is to be considered;

1. Bowing of the knee Physically or civilly▪ is indifferent and is not Adoration: for we bow to Kings, and Artificers may bow the knee to drive a nail in a bed, and yet are not Adoring; but Religious Adoration, whither ye will or not by natures impression is a Religious note of Religious submission.

2. I consider four acts of the soul that may convoy externall A­doration. Four things in Adoration. 1. One of the minde, a consideration of the excellency of what we Adore: 2. A will to submit to this excellency: 3. The judgements diting this to be honest to submit: 4. A purpose or intention habituall or actuall of Adoring; many of these may be where there is no Adoring: and the Religious externall bowing of the body is essentially Adoring, when that bowing is in a state of worship: kneeling before consecrated Elements for Reverence of either God or the Elements, must be Adoration, though we should wash it with foul water, and say, that there is no intention to ten­der Gods glory to these Elements.

3. Let it be considered what is said by the Joannes de Lugo, de myster. in­carna [...], dis. 23. Sect. 2. n. 23. Jesuit Joannes de Lu­go, the Popes Professor at Rome, which I propound with some change: 1. There is a purpose of externall Adoring, with an inward submis­sion of the heart; whether this be an habituall or actuall intention, it▪ is sure it is an Adoration, when it cometh forth in a gesture of A­doring. 2. A will to bow the body in scorn and derision, as the Souldiers bowed the knee before Iesus; and this being not in a state of worshipping, but in a state and [...]ase of disgracing, is not Religi­ous bowing or Adoration: This is not a naturall expression of in­ward submission, but rather of disgrace. 3. There is a willed or voluntary Religious bowing for fear, for gain, or for glory; yet without any internall estimation of the excellency of the thing A­dored. This Suarez denyeth to be worshipping, it being only a faining of worship, not a worshipping. Intention of worship not essen­tiall to worship.

But I prove the contrary: 1. Because then no enacted wor­shipping of Idols, were indeed a worshipping of an Idol, and yet all the time that the Adorer boweth his knee to the Idol, though he have no inward purpose of heart to Adore the externall bowing, [Page 146] must be a naturall expression of actuall submission to the thing be­fore which we bow, and a conciliating of an opinion with others, of Religious eminency and subjection of Divine dignity, to that thing before which we kneel. 2. Religious kissing of the Calves of Samaria, Hos. 8. is a naturall expression of Religious love to these Calves, though the kisser have no intention of worshipping▪ 3. Act. 14. 11, 12, 13. The men of Lystra are reproved for Sacri­ficing, and so for Adoring-men; 15. Sirs, Why do ye these things for we also, are men of like passions as you, and Preach to you that ye should turn from these Vanities to the living God? Barnabas and Paul rebuketh the men of Lystra, because they worshipped men with humane passions; yet did they not intend to worship men, for they were to them in that act of worshipping, Gods in mens shape, as they say, v. 11. Gods are come down to us in the likenesse of men; if they conceived them not to be men indeed, but Gods come down from heaven; then could they not intend to worship men, but Gods: So Iohn would not, nor had any purpose to worship a cre­ated Angel; but taking him to be God, he fell down and worship­ped, as is clear by the Angels reproofe, Rev. 19. 10. He said unto me, See thou do it not, I am thy fellow servant: Likewise, Act. 17. The Athenians set up an Altar not to the Pourtraict of gold, which yet they worshipped, v. 2. 4, 5. but intended not to worship it; Also to in­tend wor­ship is es­sentiall to worship, as sincere and hearty; Ergo, [...] is not essen­tiall to worship in generall, as what is es­sentiall to the spece as such, is not essentiall to the general that com prehendeth that sp [...]ce. But the God which made heaven and earth, whom Paul preached: So are the Gentiles said to offer to Devils, not to God▪ what they offer, 1 Cor. 10. 20. Deut. 37. 17. Psal. 106. 37. and 2 Chron. 11. 15. Peroboams Calves are Devils; and yet they intended not to wor­ship Devils, but God, that brought them out of the Land of Aegypt, 1 King. 12. 28.

4. If Religious kneeling require that we intend to worship eve­ry thing, before which; as an object, we do Religiously kneel; then Religious kneeling should not signifie in ernall submission of the heart by natures impression or Divine institution; but by the vo­luntary and the free institution of him that kneeleth: But this [...]a [...] ­ter is absurd, for if kneeling should signifie, what it doth signifie by our free and voluntary appointment: Then we might 1. put upon naturall gestures what sig [...]ific [...]tion we pleased, and were not to stand to the signification which God and nature have put upon kneeling. 2. So it were in mans power to impose upon Religious [Page 147] kneeling to God, civill curtesie, such as a subject expresseth to his Prince, or a son to his Father, and it were free to us to kneel to a stock, and that Religiously, and yet put upon kneeling the negative reverence, that we give to the Bible; and it were in the three chil­drens will to kneel to N [...]buchadnezzars Image, and impose this signification on the g [...]sture, that they were kneeling to God only, all which are manifestly false: so Field of the Church, 4. book cap. 31. Field saith, kneeling hath in­stitution from the instinct of nature.

They Object, 1. The externall act of kneeling signifyeth the in­ward submission of heart, but there is no inward submission of the heart to a thing to which we kneel, when we are compelled to kneel on­ly for fear of men, or induced to kneel for hope of glory, or some by­respect without any intention or purpose to adore, therefore this exter­nall Adoration is a false signe, and signifieth not a thing as it is, and so is no worship.

Ans. That externall bowing is not true, but false: I distinguish, it is not true Morally, because it is a false signe, and a sinfull abu­sing of worship, for there ought to be a bow [...]d heart, when there is a bowed knee, but if the meaning be, this externall bowing is not true metaphysically, and partaketh not of the nature of Religious worshipping, it is false, for it is truly worship, and the essence and definition of worship agreeth to it: for from Religious bowing there resulteth by the nature of the externall Act, which is of di­vine institution, an honouring of that before which we do bow, as before a proposed object, what ever be the present purpose or intention of the bower: else if I bow to an Idol intending, and conveying in my heart-purpose all honour to God only, I should not worship an Idol: The three Children cast into the fiery Fur­nace did but refuse externall bowing to Nebuchadnezzar, and would hazard upon burning quick, before they should give that to the Religious bowing of its nature, not by mans free and Arbi­trary in­tention sig­nifieth di­vine Ado­ration. Image; for the Kings commandment was not, that all should give and convey in purpose of heart to that Image all divine glory, but only Religious prostration before it; yet the three Children say, Dan. 3. Well, be it known to thee, O king, that we will not serve thy Gods, nor worship thy golden Image, [...] They expresly re­fuse knee-bowing, & the reason is, because if ye bow your knee Re­ligiously to a stock, it is not in your power or free choice, to stay the flux and motion of Religious honour off, or from the stock; but [Page 148] because Religious bowing doth not convey honour to the thing be­fore which ye bow by your free will, but by God and natures in­stitution, even as weeping naturally expresseth sorrow, laughing, gladnesse, so doth Religious bowing signifie Religious honouring, without any act of the free choice of the worshipped intervening. It is impossible to adore God, in and through an Image, and give no Religious reverence to the Image at all; as it is impossible to hear the word and tremble at it; and yet none of that Religious trem­bling be bounded and terminated upon the Word; as it is impossible to kneel to the Kings Ambassador conveying all and whole that ci­vill honour to the King, but some honour must redound to the Am­bassador; a father cannot love the Doctor for his sons cause, but some love he must confer really upon the Doctor, if not absolute, yet relative, for his sons cause. Jacob could not kisse Joseph his sons coat, and yet refer that whole expressed affection to Ioseph and no­thing at all to the coat, for then should there be no reason, why he should kisse the coat, rather then the skin of the beast supposed to be the devourer of his son; if therefore the Communicant should kisse the Sacramentall Bread, as he boweth Religiously before it, as the object of his Sacramentall worship, which he receiveth, I hope it would be thought very like the kissing of the Calves of Sa­maria, and a Religious expression of love to the bread, and by the same case, Religious bowing to God, by the interveening of bread a representative object, must be an expression of Religious ho­nouring of Bread, but no Religious honouring by Religious bowing can be expressed, but Adoration of bread; for as I have proved, it is not in our free Election that Religious kneeling signifie what ho­nour we please, as if it were in our power, that Religious kneel­ing signifie Religious, or civill honour, or more, or lesse Religious honour, but our will or thoughts cannot change the nature of things; kneeling is essentially Religious, as Ioannes de Lugo, de mystei incarnat, disp. 13. S. 2. n. 14. Iohannes Delugo de­fineth it, Nota submission is internae.

2. Suarez to. 1. in 3. q. 25. art. 5. S. 4. Objection of Suarez contending that inten­tion of a­doring is essentiall to Adora­tion, remo­ved. Suarez objecteth, Adoration is a voluntary action proceed­ing from the will of the Adorer; and therefore excluding this will, it is not Adorations, but only the materiall action of adoring; also ado­ration is honouring, but none can honour without an intention of hono­ring, and therefore he who externally giveth signes of honour to an Idol without an intention to honour the Idol, doth not truly honour and adore the Idol, but only dissembleth.

[Page 149] Ans. Qui bené distinguit benè solvit: Our third distinction doth well answer this: The naked materiall action of bowing Physically considered, wanting all Religious will of adoring is not an honou­ring; if a Carpenter bow before an Image to drive a naile in it, he doth not worship the Image, because that is an action, In statu artis, non in statu Religionis; In a state of Art, not in [...] Religi­ous state: But the voluntary bowing before any thing in a state of worship, or Religion, as its here, is Adoration; for there is vo­luntary bowing in a Religious way of a state, but there is not re­quired a particular intention to Adore the signe, that is accidentall to the nature of worship.

Suarez objecteth, The e [...]nce of Adoration requireth the inten­tion of the Adorer, therefore the adoring of this, or that thing, requi­reth a proportionable intention of adoring the thing.

Ans. 1. The Antecedent is not universally true, and is a begging of the question, because externall adoring of an Idol may be without intention to adore an Idol. 2. Though the Antece­dent were true; that an absolute Adoration of God requi­reth the intention of the doer, as it is not true; Lawfull and sincere Adoration indeed requireth the intention, but not ab­solute adoration: Though (I say) it were true, yet it followeth not that a relative adoration requireth an intention of giving co-adora­tion or relative worship to the signe.

Suarez. 3. Objecteth: The honouring of one thing cannot proper­ly be called the honouring of another thing different therefrom, except that honouring be some way referred by the minde, to that other thing, or except they be partakers one of another; but the Image, and first samplar, or prototype are different things, therefore the honouring of the first samplar cannot be called the honouring of the Image, except the honouring by the intention be referred to the Image. I answer, The Image and Samplar are one in a sinfull imagination, as Jehovah and the Golden Calf are one, but it followeth not, that there must be two distinct intentions, one in adoring the Prototype, and in co­adoring the Image another: But he who intendeth to honour the King in his Ambassadors person, needeth not two intentions, one by which he intendeth to honour the King, another whereby he in­tendeth to honour his Ambassador.


Whether the Idolatrous Jevvs were charged with the crime of Idola­try, because they adored the creature as such, or because they ado­red the Godhead in, with, or under the creatures shape? and whe­ther or no, do Papists commit Idolatry with them in this point:

LEt these considerations go before.

1. That the Jews believed the Image to be God by vvay of Of the I­dolatrous worship of the Iews and Pa­pists. representation, not essentially or really; they believed the Image to be God objective, commemorative, representative, relative, declarative, significative; Non essentialiter, non per se, non realiter.

2. There is an honour or negative r [...]verence due to any Image of God, ordained by himself, or to any mean of honouring God, because it is such, though it cannot be expressed in the act of Adoration; but the question is, if the honour of adoration, either relative or absolute be due to the Image?

3. The Jews intended to honour Jehovah in their Images, what inferiour intention they had to honour the Image, we are now to inquire.

4. We bow our knee two wayes before a creature, either be­fore a creature as an object by accident, as while we pray, there of ne­cessity must be before us some creature, a wall, a Table, a Pulpit, none of these are adored, because they are before us by accident, as ha­ving no Religious state. The Image before the Iew, and the Sacra­mentall elements before the kneeler, cannot be thus present: 2. The creature is before the kneeler, of Religious purpose, as a Religious object.

5. The Creature is Religiously present before the kneeler two wayes, 1. Active. 2. Passive. 1. In the meer and naked act of teaching and exciting the memory, so that when that act is past, I turne from the creature, and adore the Creator; So at the sight of the Sun or Moon being taught and instructed of the wisdom and power of God, in crea­ting such excellent creatures, I am to turn from them, and adore the Lord of these creatures. Thus the creatures are kindely and per se objects in the act of teaching, but not objects at all in the act of ado­ration: 2. The creatures are objects passive, when bodily bowing in a religious state is directed toward the creatures really and bodily present by a commandment of the Church, or of purpose, and so they are made objects of Adoration.

[Page 151] I. Conclusion. The relative expression of God which is in the The rela­tive ex­pression of God in the creature, no ground of Adoring the crea­ture. works of God, is no formall ground of any Adoration of the crea­tures. 1. Because Adoration upon this ground, though the crea­tures, the Hoast of Heaven be excellent, is forbidden, Deut. 4. 19. 2. Not only Images (which cannot represent God) and the Sa­craments, but all the creatures, even, Rats, Mice, Flyes, Frogs, Worms, Iudas and wicked men, yea, and Devils are to be worship­ped, because all things having being, are shadows and footsteps of God, their cause, first Author, and last end, Psal. 19. 1. Psal. 103. 22. Rom. 1. 19, 20. Act. 17. 27, 28, Prov. 16. 4. Rev. 4. 11. Rom. 11. 36, 37▪ 3. Because God is really, and by the diffusion of his blessed essenc [...], present in all creatures, it followeth not that we should A­dore them: The Formalists upon this ground, that Christ is re­ally present in the Sacrament, though the manner we know not, think that Christ should be Adored in the Sacrament, according to that, Verbum audimus, motum sentimus, modum nescimus. But if this be good Logick, because we know not the way of the Spirit, and how the bones grow in a woman with childe, Eccles. 11. v. 5. And God, where he worketh, is present by the immediation of es­sence and power, though we know not the way of his presence, we are to Adore the soul of man, and the bones of a young childe in a womans belly; & though they should say that God-man Christ is in a more powerfull and efficacious manner present in the Sacrament, then in the works of nature; yet should it follow, that God is to be worshipped in the works of nature also▪ for Magis & minus non variant speciem, for then we could not conclude any thing but this: Though there be not so reall a ground of Adoring Lice and Frogs, as Adoring of the Sacrament: Yet there is a ground, seeing God is, in the realli [...]y of his blessed essence, present in all creature [...].

II. Con [...]lusion. The Idolatrous Jews did not. Adore the golden The Iews believed not the golden Calf to be really God. Calf, as a crea [...]ure, but as God by representation, Exod. 32. 4. And when Aaron had made thereof a golden Calf, they said, These be thy Gods O Israel, which brought thee up out of the Land of Aegypt. 5. And when Aaron saw it, he built an Altar before it, and Aaron made Proclamation, and said▪ To morrow is a Feast to Iehovah. Now that they believed not the golden Calf to be really and essentially Iehovah, is more then evident: 1. Because they believed not Mo­ses to be essentially God, but their guide and leader under God; but [Page 152] this Calf they made to supply the want of Moses, v. 1. The people gathered themselves together against Aaron, and said unto him, Ʋp▪ make us gods which shall go before us: For as for this Moses the man that brought us up out of the Land of Aegypt, we know not what is become of him. They made then the Calf only a visible God un­der Iehovah, to lead them in Moses his place. 2. There is no rea­son why they should have made Aaron rather the maker of the Calf then another; but because he being the Lords Priest, they thought by his holinesse, the God head of Jehovah did slide into this Calf; and so they held the Calf to be a thing different from Iehovah. 3. They say to Aaron, Make us gods: Ergo, they believed Iehovah to be before this made Calf. 4. They saw the Calf melted before their eyes, & knew it was made of their ear-rings. 5. They call it Iehovah, & yet they made it Iehovah, and therefore they differenced betwixt the Calf & Iehovah: for they knew that Iehovah brought them out of Aegypt before the Calf was framed, but the Calf was an Image of that Iehovah. Bellar. contr. tom. 2. l. 2 c. 13. Bellar. and Gregor. de Valent. to. 3. dis. 6. q. 11. de I­dolat. punct. 6. Gregor. de Valent. say, They worship­ped not Iehovah, but a vain Idol: Else how is it said, Psa. 106. when they made this Calf, that they forgot the Lord, if they worshipped God in the Calf, they were mindefull of God. It is vain reasoning this, the wife that taketh another Husband to bed with her, Morally forgetteth her husband; and to worship God in a memorative signe forbidden of God, is a forgetting of God, and a false God indeed. 2. Those who acknowledge that the Heathen believe that some Godhead dwelt in Images, and gave Responses and Answers out of them; do there­by acknowledge, that the Image it self had not the honour of giving Responses, as God hath, but that the inclosed Godhead gave these Responses, and therefore the inclosed Godhead was that which they worshipped. So Aqui­nas, par. 3. q. 25. art. 3. ad. 2. A­dorabant Gentiles ip­sas imagi­nes ut res quasdans, credcutes iis in esse al [...] ▪ quid numi nis propter responsa quae daemones in ipsis dabant, & alios mirabilcs effectus. Aquinas, and Vasquez, in 3. tom. 1. q. 25. disp. 91. art. 3. Ver [...]ssimum est quod tradit Augustinus Gentiles pro dijs habuisse ipsamet simulachra, putantes in ipsis numen aliquod latere, cum illis responsa darent. Vasquez saith, The Heathen acknowledged a Godhead to dwell in the Images: And Bellar. ibid. Bel­larmine saith, It is not improbable that the Iews believed that they worshipped the true God in an Idol: Papists then may take to them Heathens Idolatry, for Heathens worshipped God in Images, and not Images as they are such: and Abulensis, in Exodus 23. Abulensis, and Cajetan, in Exodus 23. Caje­tan [Page 153] in the Commentaries of the first Edition, on Exodus, said this same. 3. Though the Iews believed the Calf to be essentially God, yet it was God as God▪ that they intended to worship, not the work of mens hands as such: Papists believe that the Image is not God, and yet give the highest worship that is to them. 4. Bel­larmine saith with us, when he saith, They saw a Calf in Aegypt and Adored it, they believed Jehovah himself to be a Calf, therefore they made the image of a Calf, and Dedicated it to Jehovah. But (I Answer) That Image so Dedicated, they worshipped as Ieho­vah, and called the very materiall Calf Iehovah, and Dedicated it to the Honour of Iehovah; therefore they believed the Lord Ie­hovah, and the Calf Dedicated to his Honour, (which Calf also they worshipped) to be two divers things, as the Image and the thing signified are Relata and opposite: Ergo, they believed not that that Image which Aaron had made, was Iehovah essentially; therefore in setting up that Image, they worshipped it not as a crea­ture. All the Prophets (saith he) proveth that the Idols are not gods, because they speak not, they neither see, nor hear, Isa. 46. Psal. 113. But (say some Papists) there was no question if they did see and hear by way of naked representation, because they represented gods and men in shape, who see and hear. Ans. first, If all granted they were li­ving things, which did hear and see by representation; the Pro­phets did well to prove, they should not be trusted in, nor feared as Images, nor should that Godhead within them inclosed, be feared, because it cannot speak with the mouth, nor see, nor hear, nor walk, with their eyes, eares, and feet: and so it was a vain thing to make it a representation of God, who by serving these dead things did help them. But the Prophets strongly prove these Ima­ges, and the supposed Godheads in them, were dumbe, deafe, blinde, and dead; and therefore neither sign, nor supposed deity repre­sented by the sign, was to be Adored. Also, Isa. 40. 18. To whom then will ye liken God? Or what likenesse will ye compare unto him? 19. The Workman melteth a graven Image, and the Goldsmith sprea­deth it over with gold, &c. Isa. 46. 5, 6. To whom will ye liken me? and make me equall, and compare me, that we may be alike? 9. I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me. Then it is more then clear that they made a likenesse, a comparison, and a similitude betwixt the golden Image and Iehovah: Ergo, they be­lieved [Page 154] not that the Image was essentially God; for every thing like to another, must be divers from that to which it is like (they being relatives and opposites) the one cannot be essentially the other; and he proveth they are not God by representation, Isa. 46. They cannot move out of their places, except they be born upon Asses or mens shoul­ders: And this is the Holy Ghosts Argument, I am God, Ergo, there is none like me by representation to be worshipped: All assimila­tion or comparative likenesse made by man, betwixt Iehovah and God, is an Idolatrous assimilation; yea the Lords Argument, Isa. 46. is this, every thing made like unto me, before which ye fall down to worship, as a memorative Image of me, must be a living thing at least, that can move out of his place, and answer your cry when ye pray, and save you out of trouble, ver. 7. Isa. 46. And yet it is but a likenesse of God, ver. 6. Now I Assume, but the Papists Image, and the Formalists Sacramentall elements before which they Religiously kneel, cannot move out of their place, nor answer the Prayers of those who bow to them, nor save them out of trouble: Ergo, they cannot be Adored as Images, with Religious bowing▪ nor can they say, the Images or Sacramentall elements can teach and represent God. I Answer, So did the Iewish Images repre­sent God, and yet God convinceth them of Idolatry, Isa. 40. 18. Isa. 46. 6, 7. Ier. 10. They were but Doctrines of Vanity and Lyes, and Hab. 2 19. Woe be to him who saith to the Wood, Awake, and to the dumbe stone, Arise, it shall teach. And though the Sacramentall elements be lawfull teaching and representing signes, as being the Ordinances of Christ Jesus; yet the office of teaching cannot ele­vate and extoll them to the state of Religious worship, because though the elements be lawfull Images, and in this they differ from Iewish and Popish Images; yet that which is Adored must be such as can hear Prayers, Isa. 46. 7. though it be the Image of God. But the Sacramentall elements are not such as can hear Prayer, &c.

Also, that the Adoring of Images is not forbidden by a Ceremo­niall The Ado­ring of I­mages not forbidden by the Ce­remoniall, but by the Mo­rall Law. Law only, is clear: 1. By Gods Argument, (Isa. 40. 18.) To whom will ye liken me? That is, no created thing can represent God, which is of mans devising (for the elements of Gods institu­tion do represent Christ) and Isa. 46. 9. I am God, and there is none be­side me: Ergo, no invention of man can represent me. This Argu­ment is taken from Gods nature, and therefore is of perpetuall ve­rity. [Page 155] 2. The Apostle Paul in the New-Testament repeateth this same Argument, Act. 17. to the heathen Athenians who were tyed by no Ceremoniall Law of God, ver. 29. We ought not to think that the God-head is like unto Gold; You see these people are challenged of Idolatry, who did but erect an Altar to the golden likenesse and Image of God, and yet they did not worship that golden Image, as such; but they worshipped in, and by the Image, v. 23, 24. The God preached by Paul who made the world.

Hear what Suarez tom. 3. q. 25. dis. 1. in 54. art. 3 Sect. 2. Suarez Bellar. to. 2. de re­lig. sanct. lib. 2. c. 8. The eva­sions of Bellarmine and Suarez answered. Bellarmine and Papists say, It is not Lawfull to represent God by a proper and formall similitude, which re­presenteth his essence; but it is Lawfull to represent him by Images Analogically, signifying such a forme or shape in the which he appea­red in Scripture, according to these metaphors, and mysticall significa­tions, that are given to him in Gods word.

Ans. 1. Why should not unwritten Traditions (which to Papists are Gods word) expresse to us Gods nature in Images, no lesse then the written word? 2. The Heathen did represent God by the I­mage of a man, with eyes, nose, tongue, ears, head, hands, feet, heart, understanding, all which are given to God in Scripture, yet were they Idolaters in so doing, because God saith, Isa. 46. 9. I am God, and there is none like to me. 3. If we may portraict▪ God accor­ding to all metaphors given unto him in Scripture, then ye may Por­traict him, in the shape of a Lyon, a Leopard, a Bear, a Man full of wine, a Theef stealing in the night, an unjust Iudge, a Gyant, a man of War on horse-back, &c. All which were folly; and we might worship a Lyon, a Bear, an unjust Iudge, a theef stealing in the night, a man mad with the spirit of jealousie. 4. The Essence and spe­cifick nature of nothing in Heaven and earth, can be portraicted or painted, no more then Gods essence; all painted things are but such and such things by externall proportion and shape; and it is unreasonable to say that Portraicts and Pictures of God, Physically impossible to the Art of Craftsmen, are forbidden only (whereas the Lords word setteth down to us no precepts for Art, as for pain­ting, Musick, speaking right Latine) whereas the Lord forbiddeth universally Gods pictures in any thing in heaven, on earth, or under the earth, Deut. 4. 15. Take ye therefore good heed to your selves, for ye saw no manner of Image on the day that the Lord spake to you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire.

[Page 156]

Gregor de Valent. saith, We give not divine honour to the creature (c)Joannes Rotnaldus de idolatri [...] Ecclesiae Roman, lib. 2. cap. 9. as to God, or to Christ, for that honour pertaineth to God or Christ, which conciliateth to him reverence due to God only, and that opinion of divine honour is conciliated to God, or Christ, Coram, & in imagi­nibus, before, and in, or through the Image.

Ans. The people of God had not that opinion every way of E­gypt, (d) Valent. ibid. and their horses, that they had of God; and yet when they, (c) Lindsey pretended Bishop of Edinbrough parth. As­sembly, pag. 29. Isa. 31. give that to Egypt and horses, which is due to God, to wit, their Faith and confidence, that they could save in the time of trouble, therefore interpretatively they made Gods of them; other­wayes they knew literally, that Pharaohs horses were flesh and not spirit: but Morally and spiritually they knew them not to be no Gods to save them: It is no more absurd that the Prophets say, The Idol hath eyes and see not, and that it is not God, though by sense they knew it not to be God, but by representation they trusting in the Idol as in God, then it was for Isaiah to say, The horses of Egypt are flesh and not spirit: A wife, if she give her body to a stranger, though not with that opinion of love and respect which is only due to her husband, is yet an harlot, and the people who sware by Ie­hovah, and by Malcome, who worship Iehovah, and Ieroboams Calves, and those who worship the Image of an Ash-Tree, repre­senting Iehovah, Isa. 40. 18. Isa. 46. 6, 7. did not give honour to Malcom, to the Calves, to the Images, Sicut Iehovae, as to God. See Roinalds Answer. But (saith he) we cannot worship God, but we must conceive some Image of God in our minde, are we therefore Ido­laters, because in these Images we worship God? and Valent. saith, and so doth the Formalist Lindsey say, That God may be adored before the Sacramentall elements as Images. Ans. We are not for­bidden to adore God in the inward conception of minde, Deut. 4. Ye saw no manner of similitude, but not, yea thought no manner of thoughts of God. 2. The internall image of God in the minde is the objective conception of God as conceived in the minde there is no hazard of Idolatry there, for that Image is not adorable at all, because then it must be conceived by a new different Image, and that new different Image must be cognoscible by another new I­mage, and so in infinitum. The externall Image is both made an active object to represent God, and when we religiously bow to it, it is made an object passive, that is adored with God.

[Page 157]Lastly, If the Iews and heathen had adored their Images, as they were such creatures consecrated, and as essentially Gods, the Lord would not have rebuked them for making an Ash Tree the simili­tude of a God, as he doth, Isa. 40. 18. Isa. 44. 9, &c. And all that I said in the former question proveth the same. So that though Di­vine honour in the Act of kneeling before the elements be intended to Christ, yet because the elements are there as actuall signes, and Vicegerent Images of Christ, if we kneel to Christ Religiously through them, we give them divine honour, though we should in­tend to honour Christ Iesus only.


Whether Papists and Formalists give that divine honour that is proper only to God and his son Iesus Christ to Images, and the elements of Bread and Wine?

I. Con. TO adore Images is to give worship to God before I­mages, or, in, or through the Images without any Faith of a Godhead, or divine power in the Image according to the Do­ctrine of the Church of Rome. I prove this out of their Councels. Concil. triden. Sess. 25. Statuimus imagines in templis ha­bendas & retinendas ijs (que)debitum honorem & vencratio­nem imperti­endam; non quod creda­tur esse ali­qua in his di vinitas, vel virtus prop­ter quam sint colendae: sed quoniam honos qui iis exhibetur, refectur ad Prototypa, quae illa re­praesentant, ut per ima­gines quas osculamur, et coram qui bus caput a­perimus & procumbi­mus, Chri­stum adorc­mus & san­ctos, quorum illasimilitu­dinem ge­runt. The Councell of Trent saith, Due honour and veneration is due to the Images, not because it is believed, that there is any Divinity and vertue in them, for the which they should be worshipped; but because the honour given to them is referred to the samplar, which they repre­sent; that by these Images vvhich vve kisse, and before vvhich vve uncover our head and bow dovvn; vve may adore Christ, and the Saints which these Images resembleth: Hence 1. the Image doth but, as a memorative object, excite the affection to give honour to God, in, and through the Images; but 2. Let these words be exa­mined, the Councell denyeth any divinity to be in Images, but if they mean no divinity really to be in Images, so they say nothing against us; for we do not ascribe to Papists that they teach there is a reall God-head in the Image, but that all that is really in it, is Wood, Gold, or Mettall, and so did the Gentiles believe their Images to be teaching books, Hab. 29. Ier. 10, 8. Deut. 4. 19. Isa. 40. 18. & 46. 6, 7. Act. 17. 29. and gold and silver; but say they, What needed the Prophets to prove that gold and silver could not see, nor hear, nor de­liver in time of trouble, reason would here convince them to be ten [Page 158] times blinde, who believed any such thing. Ans. The Prophets do Papists did of old adore before, or at the pre­sence of the Image as a memora­tive signe, and yet were Ido­laters. well to do so: Nor that the Heathen believed there was any God­head in them formally, but because they ascribed actions to these images, that were due to living creatures, and made them to be such as did see, hear, move, deliver; So Isaiah proveth Egypts horses not to be God, but flesh, yet they did not believe there was a Godhead in the horses, but Consequenter, by good consequence, when they laid that hope on the horse, that they were to lay upon God, he had need to say the horse vvas flesh and not God: So when men give to these things, bowing of the body, and say unto a stock, Thou art my Father: God may prove the stock is not a living man, and hath no sences, to convince them the more, that they can far lesse be Gods Vi­car; for a Vicar or Deputy creature representing the living God, should be such as can do what God doth; else we should put on it the honour due to God: But if the Councell mean, They have no divinity in them, but by way of representation, because they be Vicaria dei signa, signes resembling the Creator God; Now if this be denyed, the images must be naked memorials before which people do adore God, as Mirandula, Durandus and others said, and yet latter Papists say more of their own Images: But I would have it remembred, that there be two sorts of deputed or Vicar-Ima­ges; some that do only signifie, as the darknesse of the Skie go­ing before the morning light in the East, that doth nothing at all which the morning light doth, but nakedly signifieth that the Sun is rising: There be other Depute signes that can exercise acts, Two sort of signes. which the samplar would do, if it were present, as the deputy is not a naked Vicar or depute signe of the King, for he doth not on­ly signifie the Kings minde, but can do Royall Acts in the Kings name: Images are depute signes of God, of the first sort, that do only rub the memory and understanding, and therefore deserve no honour except the honour due to the means of worship, as the Bible, Sacraments, which deserve not Adoration, but onely a Negative Reverence, or a not dispising or con­temptuous handling of them, Images being unlawfull meanes, and not Commanded of God, deserve no Veneration at all; and though it be true, that the Ambassadour deserve Princely Honour, for the Princes Place, whom he represen­teth; yet he can act the person of the Prince, and is not a naked de­puted [Page 159] sign, but Images are therefore convinced to be unlawfull de­puties representing (as Idolaters made them to be, Isa. 40. 18. Isa. 46. 6, 7.) Because they can do no acts at all, nor exercise any actions proper to the samplar, for Psal. 115. v. 6. They have mouths, but they speak not, eyes they have, but they see not, 7. They have eares, but they hear not; and therefore should not be trusted in, as in means and deputed representations of God, for which cause the Prophet inferreth ver. 8. They that made them, are like unto them, so are every one that trusteth in them. ver. 9. O Israel trust thou in the Lord. Therefore Religious trusting in them is Idolatry: But the Canon of Trent saith this same of their Images, to wit, that there be no Godhead or vertue in them. 2. If the worship of [...], the higher service due to God, be given to Images, as I prove hereafter, then also some deity or Divine vertue; for Gods highest honour can no more be communicated to any, save to God, then the Godhead it self; for a Relative Godhead is as due to stocks, as a relative worship. 3. If the Tridentine Canonists will have divine Adora­tion given to God Coram imaginibus, before Images, or at their presence, as only memorative signes, & active objects exciting us to worship God, then is our Thesis proved: But if they mean that God is Adored, Coram imaginibus, before images, as not only memorative and active objects, but also before them as passive objects, that are compartners under God of some divine adoration; then I say 1. they contradicted themselves, for Gods highest honour called [...], can not be given to them but by a figure, because they are Gods, & have divinity in them only by a figure, and not really: for Suarez & Vas­quez denieth that we can fix our hope and faith in Images, or make prayers to them, Nisi modo figurativo & tropo duriore, by a figure, and a hard troop, and most improperly and by that same reason must be given to stocks and stones most improperly, and that is, men do religiously bow before them, as before memorative objects. 2. Gabriel Vasquez tom. 1. in 3. art. 3. dis. 108. cap. 8. In imagine praeter ipsius prototypi excellentiam non potest esse aliqua virtus, cui cultus debeatur­est enim in imagine solum irrationale & inanimatum excellenciae & sanctitatis exemplar, cui ho­mo nequit digne sese submittere Adoratione. Vasquez saith well, There can be no footstep of holi­nesse in the image, beside the excellency of the samplar, nor any divine vertue wherefore it should be worshipped; for there is nothing in the [Page 160] image of it self, but that which is senslesse, and lifelesse, and spiritlesse and no man can in a Religious way submit himself to such a creature? Hence it must be a naked memorative sign, and therefore the kis­sing of the Image, though Physically it be reall, and not Metaphysi­call, yet moral it is not propper, seeing all religious affection in that kissing is transferred to God. And we know Vasquez alloweth, that every thing, as it is a being, and resembleth God the first being, is to be Adored, and so stones,—Frogs, the Devil, Judas lips that kis­sed Christ, are to be Adored.

So their seventh pretended Synod 7. Syno­dus, Quo scilicet per banc imagi­num picta­rum inspe­ctionem, om­nes qui con­templantur, ad prototy­porum me­moriam & desiderium veniant, il­lisque Ado­rationem honorariam exhibeant, non secun­dum fidem nostram, ve­ram latrei­am. faith, That the Honour due to God is not to be given to images, according to our faith, only at the be­holding of Pictures we are put in minde of the samplar: And the same saith Mr. Lindesey, is the way of Adoring God in the Sacra­ment. But so the Gentiles, as saith Arno­bius lib. 6. Gentes A­dorabans statuas, non quod as, aurum, argentum & similes statuarum materi [...] dij sint, sed quod corum, quae alias invisibiles sunt, praesentia per simulachra exhibeatur. Arnobius, and Lactantius, de institut. ad Constantium. lib. 2. cap. 2. Non ipsa (inquiunt Gentes) simulachra tim [...]nus, sed ea ad quo­rum imaginem facta, & quorum nominibus consecrata sunt. Resp. Lactantius nempe [...]deo t [...]me­tis quod cos in caelis esse Arbitramini, cur igitur o [...]ul [...]s in caelum non tollitis? Cur ad parictes lig [...]a & lapides potius, quam e [...] spectatis, ubi eos esse creditis. Lactan­tius, yea, and the Apostle Act, 17. 29. Paul [...]aith Adored images; yea, and God would Deut. 4. 15. Isa. 40. 18. & 46. 6, 7, 8, 9. not forbid similitudes of God to be Adored, except he did teach that the heathen Idolaters worshipped similitudes, and so the Papists in that vulgar verse said, they Adored not the Ima­ges, but the thing signified by the Images.

Effigiem Christi dum transis, semper Adora:
Non tamen effigiem, sed quod designat, Honora.

Let me adde these reasons to prove they cannot Adore the Image, but as a memorative sign: 1. The Image and the elements in any consideration, either as creatures, or as the honourable act of re­presentation is put upon them, are but creatures; for the act of re­presentation is a temporary Godhead, and maketh them but Time-Gods; Ergo, they cannot be Adored. 2. If there be two Adora­tions here, one given to God, and another to the Image, and if both be divine honour, there must be two collaterall Gods; if Adora­tion prove Christ to be God, two divine honours put upon things, one upon God, and another upon the Creature; there must be [Page 161] two Gods, or then the Creature remaining a Creature, must have Communion with Gods high honour, which is Idolatry. 3. Ima­ges and elements are either worshipped for themselves▪ or for some other thing; if for themselves, they are God, for only God for him­self is worshipped with Divine honour; if for God they be wor­shipped, then it is an inferiotr, and improper worship, and there­fore they must be worshipped as memorative objects. 4. Images and elements, if they partake of externall worship proper to God: Why may not Sacrifices and Incense be offered unto them, and faith and hope fixed on Images? They do not partake of internall wor­ship: for as Vasquez saith well, inward worship consisteth in Ap­prehensione primi principii, & in motu ad illud; in apprehension of the first Author and Creator of all things, and in the wills motion toward it. But this apprehension cannot be put upon Images or elements, therefore they be here significant objects only.

So their second Councell Conci­lium Ni­cen. 2. Qu [...]d si in recordatio­nem atquc memoriam, ita quod sa­lutari quâ­dam affecti­one in ipsa prototypa fe­rebantur (Catholici) salutaverint & honorifi­cè A [...]ora­verint imag­gines, non tamen ob id ill is latrei­am exhibue­ra [...]t, aut Divinam Venerationem adscripserunt, absit haec calumnia. of Nice, as Epiphanius a Deacon, in name of the Synod saith, Images were present before the kneelers, as our elements are, only as memorative objects. 2. That the singu­lar affection of Adoring, was bounded only upon God: And Concilium S [...]nense Cap. 14. Definit imagines debere adorari non quia in illis aliquid numinis creditur inesse, sed ob recordationem exemplaris. Concilium Senonense saith, Images are to be Adored, not because there is any Godhead in them, but for the memory of the samplar: And Concilium Mogunt. Cap. 41. Pastores nostri populum accurate moncant imagnes non ad id proponi, ut adoremus aut colamus cas, sed ut quod adorare & col [...]re aut qua­rum rerum utiliter,—meminisse debemus, per imagines recordemur. Concilium Moguntinum, Images are not propounded that we should worship them, but that we may call to minde the things which we are to worship. If therefore we Adore God at the presence of the ele­ments, as memorative signes we do Adore the elements; but if the kneeler direct all his worship before the elements, to Christ up at the right hand of the Father: Why then (as Lactantius said well to the Gentiles) do they not turn away their senses and eyes off the elements? For Christ is not substantially inclosed in them, and lift them up toward heaven, where they believe Christ to be? But in so doing the elements should not be received as Sacraments, for in the act of receiving we are to fixe our souls upon the visible ele­ments: If the Athenians did believe the golden image, Act. 17. 29. [Page 162] was essentially God, and kneeled to it as to God; Paul did in vain rebuke them for believing that the Godhead was like silver or gold; and if the men of Lystra believed the shapes of men, and the like­nesse of men to be essentially God, and in that respect gave the ho­nour of Sacrificing due to God, to these shapes; then the Scrip­ture in vain should bring these men of Lystra in, as putting a diffe­rence betwixt the shapes of men, and the Godhead of Jupiter and Mercurius, to which they were about to give Divine Sacrifice. And if Formalists kneel before the elements, and give a transitive glory to Christ through them, they are in the same sense Idolaters that the Gentiles were. So the Councel of Moguntine, Concil. Mogunt. ib. Sect. 2. Co­di [...]m oculis perlustrans, cum ad ve­nerabile & tremendum nomen, Iesu devenerit, caput aperit, inclinatur, & suspi­rans in cae­lum oculos attolit, & ob id omni reprehensio­ne & Ido­latriae su­spicione ca­ret; siqui­dem non li­teras qu [...] vili atramento pinguntur, honorat, sed cogitatione & veneratione mentis suae ad eum honorandum & venerandum rapitur, cujus memoriam hae literae ei suggerunt. and Alphon­sus de Castro Alphons. de Castro heraes. 1. denique adoratio ipsa, et si coram cruce fi [...], meus tamen nostra ad id solum refertur quod crux ipsa repr [...]sentat. deny that they Adore the letters of the Name (Jesus) drawn with base ink▪ or the Tree of the Crosse; but they Adore the signified thing: Yea, saith Thom. Waldens▪ de sacram. tom. 3. cap. 156. nu. 6. Waldensis, He that beholdeth the i­mage, almost forgetteth the image, while as he is ravished with the thing signified: as many see a man clothed, and yet being asked, they cannot declare the colour of his clothes, the minde is so much set upon the man: Yea, the Adorer may hate the painted image of Christ, be­cause the rude ignorance of the painter, when he Adoreth Christ in the same image, though he may love some morall representation in it. This Doctrine is taught by Grego. lib. 7. Epist. ad Secund. q. 53. Gregorius, and by Adrianus, de imaginibus, cap. 12. Adrianus, and Concilium Romanum sub Stephano 3. Et nos quidem non quasi ante Divinitatem, ante illam (imaginem aut elementa sacramentalia) prosternimur, sed illam adoramus, quem per imaginem natum, passum, aut in throno seden [...]em recordamur. approved by a Councel at Rome under Stephanus the third.

II. Conclusion. Grosser Papists go a subtiler way to work, and do avouch that the very Latreia and supream worship that is proper to God, is given to the Image.

Though the creature saith Suarez; Tom 3. in 1. disp. 54. Sect. 4. Suarez cannot, Primo, & per se, principally, kindly, and of it self be worshipped or adored with Latreia, the supream worship due to God, yet it may be co-adored, with the same honour that is given to Christ, as is the Kings purple Robe: So the first Distinction is of Adoration and co-Adoration, or Adoration kinde­ly, [Page 163] and by it self, and Adoration with another. Henriquez Henri­quez sum. Theolog. Moral. lib. 8. cap. 32. Male qui­dam negant praedican▪ dum populo, quod image Christi si [...] adoranda. Latreia. saith, It is a fault that it is not preached to the people, that the image of Christ is to be adored with supream worship called Latreia Cabrera, in 3. pag. Thom. q. 25. Art. 3. disp. 3.. Cra­brera saith, many Schoolmen are of this mind; and so doth Azo­rius instit. Moral. to. 1. l. 9. c. 60. Azorius Arch­angel. Ru­beo in 3. sent. d. 9. Archangelus Rubeo Jacob de Graphijs, Decisio. aur. p. i. l. 2. cap. 2. num. 15. Vnam­quanque imaginem, eodem cultu, quo illum cujus est image, vere­reremur. Iacobus de Graphiis, Let us worship (saith he) every Image with that same worship, with which we worship the samplar: That is, let us bestow the worship highest of Latreia, up­on the Image of God and Christ, and the signe of the Crosse, as it bringeth us in minde of Christs suffering: The second distinction is, that the Image is truly properly adored, as the materiall object no lesse then the samplar: Hence they reprove Durandus, Picus Mirandula, Hulcot, and others, who say that Images are improper­ly adored, & Raphael de la Torres, sum. Theolog. de relig. to. 1. in 22. q. 84. art. 2. disp. 5. q. 94. dub. 5. Respondetur modus iste dicendi (per accidens adorantur) [...]ic debet intelligi, idest per aliud, vel (quod idem est) ratione alterius; hoc autem non arguit improprietatem adorationis, sed nega [...] adorationem excellentiae proprie & residentis in re adorata; sic adoratur humanitas Christi. See also Bellarm. de imag c. 21. c. 25. Neque dicendum eas impropre venerandas esse, quia quod non dicitur nisi improprie, simpliciter negari potest. Raphael de la Torres answering to that of Durandus and Mirandula, That Images are adored by accident, in respect that be­fore them, and at their naked presence, as before memorative objects, we adore God and Christ (saith he) (are adored by accident) is thus to be understood, Images are adored, Ratione Alterius, by reason of another, Vel per aliud, by another thing, but this argueth not that Images are improperly adored, hereby onely is denyed that there is any adoration of the proper excellency of the thing adored. Hence he would say that the borrowed honour of Adoration given to the Image is truly and properly the Adoration that is due to God, but it is given to the I­mage in reference to God, and not for any inherent Excellency that is in the Image: For (saith he) If we do not properly adore the Image, we do but exercise the materiall action of kissing and kneeling to the image, without any internall affection of submission to the Sam­plar: He addeth that it is enough that the intention of submission is referred to the samplar, and the external Adoration to the Image, for if any shall (saith he) kisse the earth (as the rude multitude in some place doth) upon an intention of inward submission of heart to God, Nequaquam vere & proprie adorat terram, he doth not truly and properly adore the earth, but only he exerciseth a materiall action [Page 164] of kissing toward the earth: But I answer, all this is vanity, for such Diverseva­sions of Papists touching the wor­shipping of images. a one worshippeth the earth, but referreth the internall submissi­on to God, and all this, is to say the Image doth truly partake of the Religious honour ( Latreia) due to God only.

A third distinction is here, of Gabriel Bi [...]l in can▪ missae. lect. 49. fol. 92. Gabriel Biel on the Canon of the Masse, In the Adoring of images (saith he) and of other things which are adored by accident, though there be an externall act of bow­ing both to the images and the samplar, yet there be two internall acts which are different, vvhereof one is terminated and bounded upon the image, not absolutely as it is such a materiall thing of stone, or mettall, but as it is an image: This is an acknowledgement whereby I esteem the Image a thing ordained to represent Christ, or a complacency whereby I rest on such a thing, as to be honoured for Christ, and the other i [...] a recognition, and acknowledgement immediatly ter­minated and bounded upon the samplar, whereby it is acknowled­ged to be the chiefest good. But the truth is, Religious geniculation before the image, or at the presence of the image (saith Duran. lib. 3. dist. 9. q. 2. [...]. 10. Sed quia lo­qendum est ut plures, i­deo commune dictum sic exponendum est, quod pro­tanto dicitur imago sub ratione ima­ginis adora­ri eadem a­doratione cum re, cujus est imago, quia ad prae­sentiā imaginis seu signifit rem [...]mo­ratio rei, quam reme­moratam a­doramus, eadem ado­ratione ac si presens esset in se▪ [...]t ideo concedi potest quod signa et imagines a­dorantur. Durandus) as if the samplar were there present, is one and the same adoration gi­ven to the image and the samplar; and all that Greg. [...]9. de Val [...]. to. 3. dis. 6. q. 11. de idol pun. 6. Gregorius de Va­lentia saith against this, is, that Durandus minus circumspect [...] locutus, he spake not so warily, as need were: And so did their Sept. Syn. ar. 14. seventh pre­tended synod speak, as L [...]n. lib. 5. Apol. Syn. 7. ar. 14. Leontius expoundeth them, Non liguo­rum aut colorum naturam adoro, absit, and Vasq. in 3. q. 25. ar. 3. dis. 106. c. 1. Vasquez saith, They displease some in so speaking, but they mean well: They meant all that which our Formalists do▪ and there is no discord (saith G. Bi [...] in can. mis. lect. 49. fol. 94. Ga­briel Biel) in re, in the matter it self; for both say; 1. that the creature should not be adored with the highest honour ( Lateria) of it self, as if it were the object of Adoration: 2. Both teach that the minde and affection is carried toward the samplar, which is adored: 3. Both mean that the adorer exerciseth some act upon the image, as it representeth the samplar, only the diversity is, if this act termina­ted on the Image, should be called an adoring of the Image; and all these three Formalists do to the elements in the supper: Hence I require of the Formalists, one difference betwixt the objective presence of the elements before the kneeler, in the act of receiving, and the objective presence of the Heathens image of God, Isa. 40. [Page 165] 18. & 46. 6, 7, 8. and the Papists image of dumb wood, and blinde stone: Mr. Lindsey answered me once in a conference, That the ele­ments were present as the Ordinances of God, but the Popish and Hea­then images as the inventions of men. I replied to him, That is no answer: for images and elements (I know) do differ, Physicâ specie; The Sun adored by Persians, and Satan by Indians differ. Satan and the Sun, are not Ejusdem speciei, of that same nature, but it is ido­latry to worship either; images and bread in the kind of means of worship differ, but, as touching the objective presence before the kneeler kneeling to these, there is no difference: as 1. To memo­rative objects: 2. As to objects vicarious and standing in the room of Christ: 3. At their presence and through them God is adored. Suarez tom. 1. in 3. quest. 25 art. 3. disp. 53. Sect. 3. Qui visa pulchrae cre­aturae specie animo in­surgit ad considerati­onem creato­ris, & illum laudat ac­diligit, non potest vere dic [...] landere ac diligore creaturam, etiam si pre­sentia crea­turae exci­taverit a [...]-rem creato­ris; ideoque tantum ( [...]ic) propter me­moriam re­tinendae imagines. Suarez, is not content with the doctrine of Durandus here, By this, images are (saith he) but occasions, Vel signa excitantia homi­nem ad prototypum adorandum, non vero [...]es quae adorantur, or signes moving the m [...]n to adore the samplar, but they are not things adored: for (saith he) the man, vvho seeing a beautifull creature, ariseth in [...]is minde to the consideration of the Creator, and there­fore praiseth and loveth th [...] Creator, cannot be truly said to praise and love that fair creature, thoug [...] the presence of that creature have stirred up the love of the Creator, and by this means images are reser­ved only for memory. Thus he will have images adored with the same worship that is given to God: But I answer: 1. if he shall kisse that creature and direct Religious bowing toward it, and and through that external Religious act, convey his worship to God, and give no other externall adoration and signe of heart submission to God, then that which is tyed and alligated of purpose to that fair creature, as Papists and Jews did of old, who kissed the calves, and fell down before the images, as Isa. 44. 17. which yet were but memorials of Iehovah teaching them of Iehovah, Esa. 40. 18. Esa. 46. 6, 7. Hab. 2. 18, 19. Such a one should also worship that fair Suarez is not con­tent at the hungry and unproper expressione of Duran­dus, Mir [...]n­dula, H [...]l­cot. creature: Our Formalists do not make the elements memorative signes representing Christ, for that they have by divine institution, but upon that ground they kneel before them, and tie, by the Churches Commandment, the externall Religious bowing toward them, and that (saith the act of our new Assembly at Perth) in reve­rence of God, and in due regard (Religious regard they must mean) of so divine a mystery, and in remembrance of so mysticall a union: [Page 164] [...] [Page 165] [...] [Page 166] 2. God hath no other externall bowing made to him in the act of re­ceiving, then is made before these elements, in due regard of so di­vine a mystery, and because of so mysticall union; the union is reall, whether it be by consubstantiation, or transubstantiation, they wil not define, the Lord Iesus is present in the elements, in a more reall and spirituall manner, then he is in any groundlesse image of mettall or wood; and therefore the image and elements do most really par­take even by Durandus and Hulcot, and Mirandula their minde of that worship of ( Latreia) due to God; only Durandus (as Vas­quez, and Gregor. Valent. say) spake not so warily, but not so grosse­ly, as to say, What ever is given to God, is given to the image: 2. It is not in the Adorers power that kneeling should be a signe of lesse worship, as referred to the image, and of greater, as referred to God; for the same materiall kissing, and Religious Prostration, which would immediatly be conveyed to Christ, if he were in per­son present in the image and elements, is done to the image and elements, and Religious kissing, and Religious kneeling signifieth internall divine submission of heart to God, as the first author of all, and the last end, not by mans will, but by divine institution. 3. Kneeling to God is a protestation (saith Gregor. de Valent. to. 3. disp. 6. q. 11. de idolat. punct. 6. Cum autem per idem officium & motum animi veré etiam dicimus honorem exhiberi imagini, ver­bo, illi exhiberi, hoc sub est, nos Prototypon ex imagine cogitantes, coram ipsâ actionem honorifi­cam proinde ac si prototypon similiter esset praesens, exercentes, velle prototypi excellentia protestari, adcoque de ipso excitare opinionem excellentem, ut est quodammodo, nimirum relative in imagine suâ. Gregor, de Valent.) That we are willing to raise an opinion of excellency in God, as this ex­cellency is in some manner, and relatively in the image. If therefore kneeling of its own nature, without any act of mans will, or the Churches institution, wanting Gods Word, do conciliate an opini­on What need we dispute? to give that externall knee-wor­ship to bread, which we would give to Christ substantially and personally present, is to adore bread. of excellency; to whomsoever kneeling is directed, in this it must conciliate the same opinion: if then it it be given to Images and elements, it must be a protestation that we are willing to con­ciliate an opinion of Divine excellency in these lifelesse creatures, which is all we give to God by kneeling. 4. It is not enough that Valentia saith, This honour belongeth to Christ, in so far as it concili­ateth [Page 167] to Christ the honour due only to God, and is expressed by kneeling, & it belongeth to the images so, as Coram, & in illis, before, and in them this opinion is conciliated to Christ: But if the image be God only representatively, and by way of signification, then is it not God of it self and really, Quod est tale tantum significativé, non est tale per se, & realiter, as a painted man is not of it self, and really a man; the word ( Iesus) as written with base ink, is not infinite Iesus, the migh­ty God, the Prince of Peace, really, but only in meer signification: therefore to give Gods honour and externall Religious bowing (which essentially doth note the highest excellency of God) to them, is Idolatry: It is a vain thing to say, The Ambassadour is not really the King; yet the reall honour due to the King, is done to him. I Answer, where the King declareth that it is his will, that his Am­bassadour be really honoured as himself; this is not the giving of the Kings glory to another against his will: But here expresly con­trary to that ( Thou shalt not bow down to them) expounded especi­ally of similitudes, Deut. 4. 15. Ye saw no manner of similitude. The glory of Religious bowing contrary to Gods will, ( Who will not give his glory to another) is given to images, and to Bread. 2. It redoundeth kindely to the King, who is absent, and to be obeyed in his absence, that His Vicegerent and Deputy be honoured as him­self, and presupposeth an infirmity in the King that he cannot be in many places to receive immediately the honour due to him, and therefore will have that due paid to himself, mediately, by the ho­noured person of a Deputy. God infinite is in all places, to receive immediately the pay of Religious knee-honour, and it dishonoureth God to have his glory laid down in the hand of any creature; as it dishonoureth the Husband that his wife give her body to another, representing his person: For this cause Bernar. Puiol. de ador. disp. 3. Sect. 7. Quarto col­ligitur con­tra Duran­dum ipsas imagines proprie ado­rari. Bernardus Puiol faith, Images are properly to be Adored, contrary to that which Durandus saith: And Azor. instit. mo­ral. tom. 1. lib. 9. c. 6. 4. Distin. Azorius saith, It is the common opinion that Ima­ges are to be worshipped with (Latreia) the highest honour due to God: So (saith he) Thomas, Alexander, Bonaventura, Richardus, Albertus, Paludanus, Alman, Marsilius, Capreolus, Cajetanus, & caeteri ju­niores sic sentiunt.

The fourth expression of wit, is this distinction of Vasquez ut supr. dis. 108. Per totum. Vasquez, That that internall submission to God, as to the Creator and chief God, is due to God only; and that the image, seeing it is a Creature, is not [Page 168] capable of that high honour. But the externall act of kissing and kneeling, he will have due to the image, for the excellency of the Samplar. And so he denyeth contrary to Suarez, That the image separated from the Samplar, or the humanity of Christ separated from Divinity, can be Adored: But if externall Adoration may be given to images; so also internall submission: ( Thou shalt not bow down to them) Religiously it is expounded in the second Command­ment, ( Thou shalt not Worship them.) It is grossenesse in Vasquez to say, The Worshipping of images was forbidden the Iews in the se­cond Commandment, as a Ceremoniall inhibition, because of the Iews propension to idolatry: But Act. 17. 29. Paul expoundeth the second Commandment, Forbidding the similitude of God: And the Athe­nians were not under the Law of Ceremonies. Ioannes Joannes de Lugo, de myst. incar. disp. 34. Sect. 2. n. 29. de Lu­go saith, This is a probable opinion: But it is clear, Cornelius a de­vout man, one who feared and worshipped God, whose Prayers were heard in heaven for Christs sake, knew that Peter was a man which lodged in the house of Simon a Tanner; yet his Religious externall bowing (though he knew Peter was not God, but a Di­vine man resembling God) by Peter is rebuked as idolatry, Act. 10. v. 25, 26. I cannot help Ioan. Ibid. disp. 35. Sect. 1. n. 6. de Lugo, to say, That Peter for­bade Cornelius to worship him, not because it was a sin, but for mo­desties cause. But 1. Peters Argument striketh against idolatry, ver. 26. ( Stand up, (he forbiddeth Religious kneeling) for I my self also a man) The very Argument that Paul and Barnabas useth, Act. 14. [...]er. 15. We also are men &c. and used against the idolatry of Lystra, expresly condemned in that place: And the Angels Ar­gument against the idolatry of Iohn, Rev. 19. 10. I am thy fellow servant, Worship God; Ergo, externall Religious bowing should not be given to any, save to God. 2. Peter and the Angel should have opened the Jesuits and Formalists distinction, if worshipping of Saints and dumbe images be worshipping of God, and the ho­nour principally of inward acknowledgment of the Supremacy and Soveraignty of God, be intended, in bowing to images, and modesty should not forbid honouring of God: And whereas Ioannes de Lu­go Joannes de Lugo, ibid. saith, Iohn was forbidden to Worship the Angel, to signifie that our nature in Christ was advanced to a dignity above the Angels. But 1. then it is unlawfull to any to worship Angels. 2. Nor is it Law­full to give the Virgine Mary Divine worship, as Suarez saith: [Page 169] 1. For her excellency in touching Christ. 2. For her Grace and San­ctity. 3. For her mothers place in bearing Christ; because her na­ture in Christ is not exalted above the nature of other believers, for the nature common to all believers, and Eadem specie, was as­sumed by Christ. 3. The Angel saith, ( Worship God) he therefore believed the Worshipping of Angels was not the Worshipping of God. All these fight against Religious bowing before the elements, in due regard of so Divine mysteries: the Bread would say (if it could speak) See thou do it not, for I also am a Creature.

The fifth trick of wit, is a distinction of Suarez, part. 3. to. 1. disp. 54. Sect. 3. Actus [A­dorandi] respectu prototypi est proprie La­treia &c. Respectu vero imagi­nis est infe­rior Venera­tio. Suarez, That one 5. Distin. and the same act of Adoration may be given, and is given in externall Worship to the image and to God, but in reference to God, it is Latreia, the high Honouring of God, and in reference to the image, it is an in­ferior Veneration: So do our Formalists say, as Burges, Lawfulnes of kneeling cap. 8. p. 14, 15. Burges saith▪ Adoration and Veneration differ not but by mens will; and if it be lawfull to Adore God before the Ark, p. 34, 35. Why not at the Sacrament? The Bread and the Wine are Christ significative, (as the Ark had the title of Iehovah) by occasion of the elements, not as they are, but as they signify; we may tender a knee-worship, not at all to them, but only to God or Christ. And again, p. 84, 85. he holdeth it lawfull to Adore the elements, but then Adoration as given to the elements, is Venera­tion, and Adoration in a large sence, 1 Chron. 29. 20. The people Worshipped God and the King: The outward Adoration was one, as the word by which it is expressed was one; but the Religious and Ci­vill worship were distinct in the minde and intention of the worshippers. Edward, the 6. Book Ed­ward, 6. book of Engl. serv. rubr. 5. saith, Kneeling is to eschew prophaning of the Sacrament. Opposit to prophaning is externall Religious ho­nouring, expressed by kneeling, and that is Adoring. Hence one and that same Adoration and externall bowing, is given to Bread and to Christ; but the minde and will of the Adorer maketh the same act in reference to Christ, Adoration, or Latreia, of the high­est degree of honour; but in reference to the Bread, lawfull Ve­neration of an inferior nature. Answer 1. If it were possible that the Wise could transmit her body in the act of Harlotry, by, or through a strange Lover to her Husband, her will and minde might change Adultery; if she saith, she giveth her body to a stran­ger, but in her minde and will intendeth to bring forth children to her own Husband: So if divers acts of the minde, make Religious [Page 170] kneeling to a stock or Bread lawfull, if one should Adore the man Iudas as a memoriall of Christ, his intention of will might save his Soul; if he say, I give one and the same externall worship to Iudas and to Christ: Or if Cornelius should say, I give one and the same knee▪ worship, to Peter and to Christ; but in my intention they be far different: For I Worship Iudas and Peter in that act with Civill homage Commanded in the fifth Commandment, as they be Christs Apostles, and represent him; but in that same I Worship Christ with the highest honour, called Latreia: Vasquez and Burges make them one externall Worship. The three Children might have knee­led to the Image of Nebuchadnezzer, for their minde and will (as Formalists say) might have put another signification of honouring the Lord Iehovah, upon their knee-worship; and externall knee­ling could not have been denyed to the Lord Iehovah; and so the three Children should not have given Divine honour and knee­glory to the Image, and they were fooles who did hazard their bo­dies to the fire: But wisemen think, if they had given knee-wor­ship (what ever their heart thought) they should have obeyed the King, yet they professe disobedience, Dan. 3. 18. We will not wor­ship thy graven image. 2. Neither think we the Athenians gave that same honour to the similitude Act. 17. 29. of God, that they gave to the God that Paul Preached, who made Heaven and earth, v. 23, 24. Yet in giving Worship externall to both, they were Idolaters, ver. 29. Nor did the men of Lystra give the same heart-honour to the Deities of Iupiter and Mercury, which they gave to the shapes of men; yet are they Idolaters in that. 3. Mr. Burges saith, Isra­el 1 Chron. 29. 20. in one and the same act (externall) Worshipped God and the King, because one and the same word expresseth honour both to God and the King. But how shall we call that act? Civill, or Religious, or mixt? and did they transmit Latreia, divine honour through the King to God? he hath a Metaphysicall faith who be­leeveth such dreames, because one word is used to expresse both the worshipping of God and the King, therefore it was one externall act of worshipping, and differenced in the minde and intention of the worshippers; the consequence is most weake, 1 Sam. 12. 18. All the people greatly feared the Lord and Samuel, Prov. 24. 21. My son, feare the Lord and the King, is it one manner of feare really, that is both religious to God, and to Samuel, and to the Lord, and the [Page 171] King▪ because one word expresseth both? I see not but one & the same action of bowing may be made to God, to Christ, to the water in Baptisme, to the Bible, to the Sun and Moon, and we might kneel and Adore a Toad, a straw, and Satan, as they represent Gods wis­dom and power, and through that same externall knee-worship al­so Adore God: What, may we not then Religiously Adore all things and Creatures, as they represent God the first being.

Presentem (que) refert quaelibet herba Deum. A man may Adore himself, his own hands, his legs, his Mothers Wombe that bare him, &c.

As for Adoring of the Ark and foot-stool of God: 1. Ioan. Joan. Giseniue in [...]uo Patis­i [...]o, disp. 25, n. 40. Gisenius, a Lutheran saith, The Iews had precept and promise to Worship God before the Ark, we have no Command to tye externall Adoration to any place or Creature. 2. Didocl. in Altari damasc. Hospinianus de originc festorum Christian. contra. Gretser. Profeste corporis Christi, fol: 94. 7. Arca non est bab [...]a pro d [...] vivente,—nec propterea adorata. So answereth Molinaus in his buckler of faith of Images, Sect. 118. and Fran. Whites way to the Church, Cap. 9. pag. 3. Didoclavius saith, It is lawfull to Adore God before the Ark, and the Symboles of his imme­diate presence, because God is there to receive his own Worship him­self, by an immediate indwelling presence: For saith Weames 3. Volumn of the Ceremon. Law, Cap. 3. pag. 12. Mr. Weames, He appeared in glory above the Ark, betwixt the Cherubims, and it The place (worship at his foot­stool) dis­cussed. was a type of Christ who dvvelt in our flesh; but it is not lavvfull to Worship him, before the Symboles of his grace. 3. The Ark was a type in the act of teaching, we grant; but that it was in the act of Adoring, God who was immediately present, and a Symboll Vice­gerent of God, we reade not. There is no need of mediate signes, where God is immediately present, and Adored as he was in the Ark; they were to fixe both senses and thoughts immediate­ly upon God. 4. They were to worship, not the Ark, but the precept is, & incurvate vos scabello, Worship tovvard the Ark. Arias Montanus. [...]. A­rias Mont. turneth it, Worship to the Ark: The Greek Fathers of the second Nicen. Councel, ignorant of the Hebrew Tongue, would have the Lord Commanding to Adore his foot-stool; whereas the Particle ( [...]) is a note of the Dative case, and often it signi­fieth motion to a thing, or at a place, [...] ad dextram, and doth not absolutely signifie the accusative case. Mus­culus. Musculus ad Sca­bellum, [Page 172] he maketh it the Ark of the Testament. Calvine, Calvine comment. in Psal. 99. 5. the Tem­ple. Iunius, Junius, Annotation ibid. Lyranus a dorandam Deum aute arcam, non ipsam arcam. Tylenus in syntag nat. de preca. disp. 49. th. 2. nu. 29. particula. [...]. Notat idem quod versus. Vatablus a­dorate ad scabellum, i. e. in templo ante arcam. maketh it well to signifie the measure of bowing, bow to the foot-stool, or ground, or pavement of the Temple where the Lords feet are, as he sate on the Cherubims, 1 Chron. 28. 1. For there is no ground for Adoring the Ark; but the words are to be read, Exalt the Lord our God, and bow your selves, (to wit, to Ieho­vah, who sheweth himself, or dwelleth at his foot-stool) that is, betwixt the Cherubims, 2 Sam. 6. 1. For the word [...] at his foot-stool, is not constructed with the Verb, [...] incurvate vos: Jesuits and Formalists, devised that construction, but it is to be constructed with the word, [...] which is to be repeated from the former part of the verse, Bow your selves to Jehovah who dwelleth in the Ark, or in the Temple: A familiar eleipsis to the Hebrews, Psal. 5. 8. I will bow my self (to the Iehovah dwelling) in the Temple of thy holinesse, as we are taught, Our Father which art in Heaven: So [...] and it is a description of God from the place where he dwelt, and exhibited his presence to his rude people. 4. It is ignorance in Burges to prove God may be A­dored in the elements, because they are as excellent Symbols of Gods presence as the Ark: for created excellency is no ground of Ado­ring the elements, except it be a Godhead, and uncreated excellen­cy: We condemne Pope Gratian de conser. dist. 1. cap. 68. Prayer may as lawfully be given to the Crea­ture as A­doration. There is a Prayer made to the image of the face of Jesus writ­ten in linnen, Salve Sancta facies nostri redemptoris salve vultus domini imago beata,—nos de­duc ad propria [...] felix figura, ad videndum faciem qua est Christi pura. Anastasius, who directeth Reverend bowing at the hearing of the Gospel, and not of the Epistles, as if the Gospel were holier then the Epistles.

But if Adoration may be given to the elements, because knee­worship signifieth according to humane institution, and mans will, and are taken from customes of men, and so doth signifie lesse ho­nour then is due to God: Let me be resolved of this doubt, words of Prayer signifie according to mens institution and their will, no lesse then Religious gestures do, and we may say to a stock, ( Thou art my Father) and it is in our will that ( Father) signifie a representa­tive Father, not an infinite and Independent Father, such as God only is.

And if the image in externall kneeling, be Adored Per aliud, or co-adored with the Samplar, because it is one with the Samplar; Why may we not pray to the image, and fixe our faith and hope on [Page 173] the image and elements by co-adoration, or in relative praying and trusting in them? Yet Conci­lium Tri­dentinum Sessione, 25. the Fathers of Trent for shame deny that we should pray to images, and put our trust in them: yet do For­malists turn the enunciative words of Christ ( This is my body) in an optative mood, and a Prayer, The body and blood of Christ (they mean the elements in their hands) preserve thee to eternall life: And we are not ignorant, that faith and hope are ascribed to the Crosse, and this sung in the Church of Rome:

O crux ave spes unica,
Hoc passion is tempore,
Auge pi [...] justitiam,
Reis (que) dona veniam.

A Learned Papist, Raphael de la Torres in 22. q. 95 art 2. disp. 6. dub. 5. Eusebius, lib. 3. De praeparat. Evang. teacheth us, that Rudio­res tantum ad ligna & lapides re­spiciunt, sa­pientes au­tem (Genti­les) volue­runt Deum & dci vir­tutes sensi­bus nostris per imagines nobis fami­liariter de­ferri. They made Images books of God. Athanasius in orat. contr. idolat. Dieunt Philosophi statuas quidem non essedcos, sed simu­lacbra deorum, ideo baberi ut dys sub istis imaginibus respondeant. Raphael de la Torres saith plainly, It is lawfull to pray to images, so the inward devotion be directed to God: But if the Iews in their Idolatrous worship acknoweledged the image to be but a representation of God, and a Book, Jer. 10. 8. They did no wrong who said Ier. 2. ver. 27. to a stock, Thou art my fa­ther, and to a stone, Thou hast brought me forth: For condition maketh all, if they speak by a figure; for the Papists when they speak to the Crosse, and call the Crosse their only hope, the Crosse is not bet­ter born nor a stock, it is but timber or dumbe wood: Now how doth not the dumbe wood to which Prayers are made, as if Christ himself were present, partake of Prayers and Gods honour, in an inferior and relative way? For the wood standeth before him who prayeth to it, as God by representation, and as an actuall Vicege­rent, and tree-deputy of God and Christ; it is no lesse worship­full by mouth-worship, by praying to it, as to the passive object of Adoration, as capable of knee-worship by bowing down to it; and a distinction may save idolatry in the one, as well as in the other: And our Formalists bowing Religiously to bread, do not Adore bread, (as our half Papists say) and so may they pray to bread, and not Adore bread, for they are as well masters of Grammar, to im­pose significations at their will upon words, as they be Lords of gestures and Ceremonies, to cause kneeling expresse Veneration to the images, and to elements, and not Divine Adoration.

[Page 174]Here two great Iesuites, Suarez and Vasquez helpe the matter for Suarez, in 3. Tho. q. 25. art. 3. disp. 54. Sect. 4. Suarez saith, There be some acts of worship as faith and prayer, which precisely respect a reasonable and intelligent person, therefore this pray­er (Haile O crux ave. crosse) it is a figurative speech, and a Metonymie, conti­nens pro re contenta; and the speech is directed to him who was cruci­fied, and therefore a prayer (saith this Idolater) is considered ut peti­tio, vel ut honor quidam, either as a petition, and so it is not directed but to God, but as prayer is an honour expressed in such words and signes, the image also is thought to be honoured by praying to it, as the samplar to wit Christ, is honoured; soft words. Answ. 1. If praying and be­leeving We may pray to I­mages and the ele­ments in the Supper, as well as we may kneel to them. doe properly respect a reasonable creature, so doth positive honouring which is esteemed, by the law of nature, praemium virtu­tis, a reward of vertue; now vertue morall to be a foundation of ho­nour, is as vainly given to a tree, or a stocke, as faith and prayer, but to speak to any in prayer, and make our requests known to them may be thought proper onely to a reasonable person, who onely can understand our prayer, and in reason answer our necessities, which a stock cannot doe: but secondly, I answer a stock is by Analogie, and as it is God representatively, as capable of rea­son to answer, and helpe us, and pitty us, in respect it can no­tably well represent the Majestie of God, who can answer, helpe, and pitty, as our Idolaters teach, as it is capable of knee-worship, and that honour which is given to God, though in an higher de­gree; for the formall reason why Images and elements are capable of knee-glory, due to him who sweareth that all knees shall how to him, is, because they represent God, and not because of themselves they have any divinity or Godhead in them. Now the same formall reason holdeth here, for the crosse, stone, tree, or elements that are prayed unto in that religious state, as they are the object of praying, doe represent God, therefore they are also capable of faith and pray­er, glory, as of knee-worship, or knee-glory. 2. Faith, hope, and charity (as Suarez de tripli. virt. & supr. dis▪ 51. Sect. 1. pag. 757. Suarez saith) in so farre as they are given to God, for giving of honour to him as to the supream Lord, they put on the nature of adoration, and in that same place he defineth adoration to be the exhibition of honour due to any in the acknowlegement of ex­cellency and submission and service due to him: Now Suarez reproo­veth Durandus and Pic. Mirandula, because they denied that the Image was adored, but would onely have honour given to [Page 175] God, at the naked presence of the Image, as a memorable signe, but it is certaine, as to trust in God, and to pray to him is incom­municable to the creature, so to adore any in acknowledgement of supreame excellencie is incommunicable to the creature, therefore either the image is adored with the same knee-worship that is given to God, and that improperly and by a figure, as Durandus and Mi­randula taught contrary to the mind of Suarez, and idolatrous Iesu­ites and F [...]rmalists, or else prayers may be made to wood and stone, as to God, and that properly and without a figure; as knee-wor­ship is tendered to wood and stone by Iesuits doctrine, prope [...]y and without a figure. 3. Papists deny that sacrifices may be offered to Images, yet they burne incense to images; but that is not, saith Antoni­us Capellus, adversuspri­matum Re­gis, Angliae contrav. 2. Cap. 30. a Fransciscan Antonius Capellus, a sacrifice, for it is tendred to men, to dead carions, and to things that are blessed, and requireth nei­ther Altar, nor Priest: It is true, they say so, but burning incense to the brazen Serpent is condemned as Idolatry, and Altar and Priest is not of the essence of a sacrifice; but however as sacrifi­cing is a recognition that we hold all we have of God, and there­fore we sacrifice creatures to him, so any adoring of stocks is an ac­knowledgement that these stocks or stones are by way of represen­tation, that God of whom we hold all the creatures: and doe not Papists for the honour of God, make oblations to Ministers, and burn incense to Saints? and why may not prayers be offered to them also? 4. It is a wild distinction where he faith that prayers as honour may be tendered to Images, but not prayers as petitions, whereas the very act of calling upon God in the day of trouble, Psal. 50. 15. is an honouring and glorifying God, and praying to God is due to God, as he is to be beleeved in, and to be preached amongst men, Rom. 10. 14. 15. And so is he worthy to be glorified as the subject of preaching; then it is a vaine thing to difference betwixt peti [...]ioning to God, and honouring God, because in that I petition God, in my ne­cessities, I submit to him as to God, who can answer and heare pray­ers: If therefore the Image and the wood be capable of the honour of praying, it is also capable of the honour of petitioning, so as we may as properly petition and supplicate the stocke, as give to it the glory of prayers. 5. If Formalists say in the third person, ( the body Sacramentall of the Lord save thee,) they may upon the same ground say, ( O thou Sacramentall body of the Lord save me) for this [Page 176] is a prayer to God, (O that God would save his people,) no lesse then this, (O God save thy people,) the variation of persons in the Grammar, maketh not the one to be a prayer, and not the o­ther. Vasquez Vasquez to. 1 part. 3. q 25. art. 23. disp. 109. cap. 4. saith, There is not alike reason, why praises, prayers, and Sacrifices should be tendred to Idols, & knee-worship & Adoration, because from the affection of Adoring the samplar, there is derived an externall note of submission to the image, which by a common name is called the honour, Worship and Adoration tendred to the image in a bodily manner, and being done before the image, tendeth to the honour­ing of the samplar; but the outward action of Praising, Praying, Sa­crificing, is commonly called Praising, Praying, Sacrificing, in relation to the Samplar, to wit, God, and no way in relation to the image, or to things without life; neither are they by accident referred to the ima­ges, only they be tendred to God before images, Coram illis. But I Answer, This is but to beg the Question, for we deny, that from A­doring the image, there resulteth any Adoring of God, but a great dishonouring of his Name. 2. Durandus, Mirandula, Hulcot, de­ny that Adoring of God, Coram imaginibus tanquam signis memora­tivis, before the images as memorials of God, should be an Adoring of the images: And Suarez saith, If images be only remembrances and memorials in the act of Adoration, this taketh much honour from the images, and is, saith Suarez tom. 1. in 3. q. 25. art. 3. disp. 54. Sect. 5. Si tantum coram ima­ginibus A­doratur de­us, hoc mul­tum derogat imaginum venerationi, nam [...]x eo non tantum sequitur imagines [clementa Sacramentalia] minus coli, quam exemplaria, sed etiam sequitur illas non coli omnius,—sed exemplaria tantum. he, An Adoring of the Samplar, but not an Adoring of the image: Though Vasquez, tom. 1. part. 3. q. 25. disp. 108. cap. 14. Nam iconomachi qui ad solam recordationem imaginibus utuntur, ante illas genu [...] a non flectunt nec se prostemunt; sic enim ipsas not [...] exteriore adorarent, sed erecti absque ullo corporis gestu, qui reverentiam indicet, [...]oram imagine exemplaris recordantur, & ipsum spiritu solum adorant. Vasquez; expounding Gre­gories minde, (which superstitious man calleth them, Gregorius Mag. l. 7. Epist. 53. if these be his Epistles. good books) contradict Suarez in this, yea, and himself also; for he saith, The enemies of images (he meaneth the Reformed Churches) who use them only for memorials and books, (it is a lye that we use them as books,) will not bow their knee to them, for then (saith he) they should Adore them; and therefore (saith Vasquez,) if Christ be not in very deed, in his presence in the Sacrament present, the knee-worship is tendred to bread and wine, which is (saith he) Idolatry; therefore either our Formalists are Transubstantiators, or Idolaters, or both; [Page 177] by this learned Iesuites judgement, and why by this same reason may we not say against Vasquez ibid. Hee who ado­reth a saint (saith Ioan. d [...] lugo de myster. in­incarnat disp. 36. sect. 3. n. 29.) for friendship and grace which hee hath argui­tivè, by conse­quence hee worshipeth God of whom the man hath grace, yet it is not needfull that he for­mally a­dore God, and in recto in so doing for he may honour the saint and not for­mally ho­nour God, for the saint and God are two divers objects. Answ. This proveth our point, that when I adore an I­mage, intending to adore God, some [...]oule-adoration adhereth to the Image, and that is a taste of Gods proper glory given to a stocke, or a stone. Vasquez, that the bodily offerings of prayers, prayses, and sacrifices to God, before the Image as the I­mage, is an honouring of the Image by prayer, they say to the tree of the Crosse.

Auge piis justitiam, reis (que) dona veniam.

Increase righteousnesse in us, and give remission of sinnes, O tree crosse to guilty sinners. Names at Rome goe as men will, but the honour it selfe is put upon the dumbe wood, which is due to Christ. O it is but a figure (say they) yea but (say we) prayers and praises in a bodily manner, and vocally are tendred to the wood, yet if the wife commit adultery with her husbands brother, because he re­presenteth her husband, I thinke the matter should be washen with Inke, and badly excused to say, O the loving wife for strong love to her husband committeth figurative adultery, and that bodily har­lotry is referred to the brother of her husband by accident, and to her husband kindly, and per se, for himselfe. The same way, if Formalists bow their knee to bread, that such a holy mystery be not prophaned. We know they cannot understand civill or countrey non-prophanation, that they intend; for kneeling and evill maners at the Lords table doe well consist together. Now religious non­prophanation by knee-worship, is adoring of these mysterious ele­ments. Ergo they make prayers and sing praises, and offer sacrifi­ces to the bread, Let them see to this and answer to it if they can. The sixt evasion of wit, I find in Ioan. de lugo. de myst. incar. disp. 36. sect. 3. n. 25, 26, 27. & seq. Respectus imaginis est quasi materialis & inanimatus, quia sic ap [...]rimus caput imagini, ut per illam actionem nihil velimus imagini dicere aut significare, sed soli exemplari, ad quod dirigitur ille actus pro ut significativus & prout civilis communicatio; & ideo respectu illius solum videtur esse actio animata. De Lugo ibid. Hoc enim esset stultum men­dacium, quia absoluté loquend [...] meliores sumus nos quam Imago sancti Petri. And conforme to this the seventh pretended and bastard Councell calleth them halfe holy, and halfe true, halfe false worshipers of God, Antonius Capellus citeth it, Advers. prim. regis Anglia, c. 30. Who will have Images to stand onely for memorialls, but not to be worshipped. Johannes de Lugo, who saith, 1. That the image and samplar making one and the same object, by aggregation, the inward affection besides externall knee-worship is gi­ven to both, but to the Image relatively, and for God or the samplar, and not for proper divine excellencie in it, and therefore the Councels (saith he) call it not adoration in spiritu, but it is tendered to God ab­solutely. [Page 178] 2. We give adoration of internall submission to God, or the samplar as the debt of potestative justice, but we doe not so worship the Image, we have no civill or politick communication with the Image, Concil. se­venth art. 1. p. 458. Qui vero dicunt su [...] ­ [...]icere usum imaginum ad memori­am solum, non vero ad salutationem [...]as habentes illud qui­dem recipi­entes, hoc ve­ro re [...]icien­ [...]es, s [...]mipro­bi quadante­nus, & falso v [...]ti [ut ita dicam] de­prehendun­tur. because it is not a reasonable creature, and therefore the worship of the Image is as it were a materiall and livelesse action; when we uncover our head to the Image, by that action we would say or signifie nothing to the Image, but to the samplar, or to God onely. 3. The inward sub­mission that we tender to the Image, is not that we submit to it, as to a thing more excellent then we, for that were a foolish lye; yet (saith he) (that the man might fulfill the cup of the iniquity of his Fathers) we kisse not the Image in recto directly tendring honour to it, but to God and the samplar before it. 1. Because then I should adore my owne breast when I knocke upon it adoring the Eucharist. 2. Because so I bow to the wall before me. 3. If I have no honourable opinion of the I­mage, I doe not adore it at all. 4. By kneeling to the Image, I have a will of submitting externally my affection to the Image, I yeeld to it▪ as a thing above me, giving to it the higher place 4. The act of adora­tion is simply terminated upon the Image, as a thing contra distingui­shed from the samplar, though it be adored with the same action with which the samplar is adored. Thus the [...]e [...]uite.

Answ. But here all men may see many contradictions, and that he casteth downe all that formerly he hath said, [...]. Images even as Answ. they represent God are dead things, and lesse then a redeemed Saint, Ergo, I can give them no submission of externall honour. 2. I signifie and say nothing of honour to the Image, even as it respecteth God, and representeth him, because the dignity of representing God doth not elevate it to be a reasonable creature, therefore I can­not honour it, and it were a foolish lye to say that the Image as re­presenting God, were a reasonable creature. 3. As it representeth God, it cannot heare payers, nor deliver in trouble, as the Holy One of Israel can doe; Ergo by the Holy Ghosts argument, I cannot bow to a lye, Esa. 44. 17. and 46. 9. Hab. 2. 19. 20. it made not the heaven and the earth, but by a figure, because it representeth the maker of heaven and earth, wherefore it should have but figurative honour at the best, and that is no reall honour, Jer. 10. 8, 11, 12, 4. There is no debt of justice due to the dumb wood, or element, ho­nour of externall submission is a debt of potestative justice due to a superiour, the Images and Elements are not my superiour. [Page 179] 1. They be meanes, I the end. 2. They bee void of life and reason which I have. 3. They are not redeemed, sanctified, and to be glo­rified as I am. Ioan. de Lugo answereth, As I may love Peter for the goodnesse that is not in Peter but in another, as I may love and desire good to Peter, for the goodnesse that is in his father, and not in himself, and so pay the debt of affection to him for another, so I may honour an Image for the debt of honour that I owe to the samplar represented by the Image, therefore it is not required to the essence of adoration, that we acknowledge debt due to every thing adored for another; it is suffici­ent a debt be acknowledged, either to the Image, or the samplar. Answ. The debt of love and the debt of honour are not alike. I owe ho­nour to superiours onely as superiours, I owe love to superiours, equals, inferiours. If I truly adore an Image, I truly acknowledge excellency in the Image, I truly yeeld to it, a worthier place then I deserve to have my selfe, (saith De Lugo ibid. 39. imagi [...]s ve­re cedo exte­rius, daudo illi meliorē & superio­rem lo [...]um honorifice eam tracta [...] ­do. de Lugo) Ergo, by the fifth Commandement according to the debt of justice, I owe feare, honour, and reverence to it, else I adore it by a figure, which the Iesuite doth deny.

I am not afraid that they say, Damascen, Orat. 5. d [...] imagin. a superstitious Monke alloweth Images to be adored. So doeth 7. Synod act. 4. that preten­ded seventh Synod, or ( u) the second Nicene Synod, and Iuo 4. part. sui de­cret. c. 38. Ste­phanus and Adrianus, as we may read in Juo. Nice­phorus hist. lib. 2. c. 17. Nicephorus speak­eth many fables for Images, he sheweth us that Luke the Evangelist should have painted the Images of Christ and the Virgin Mary. Nice­phorus hist. li. 2. c. 43. lib. 6. c. [...]6. And that Lib. 7. c. 33. holy Silvester had the Images of Peter and Paul, and shewed them to the Emperour Constantine, and Canisius lib. 5. De Beata vir­gine, c. 22. Divers Fa­bles touch­ing Ima­ges. Canisius a fabulous man saith, there appeared to Silvester at the dedication feast of Saint Salvators church the picture of Christ in the Wall, but the originall of Images seemeth to be the vanity of man, saith S [...]p. 14. the Wiseman. 2. The keeping of the dead in memory, saith De idolo vanit. Cy­prian, ad defunctorum vultus per imaginem detinendos expressa sunt simulachra, inde posteris facta sunt sacra quae primitus assumpta fue­runt solatia, in aliis codicibus ad solatia. 3. The blinde heathen wan­ting the light of Scripture, began to worship Images. Euseb. lib. 7. c. 8. Eusebius saith it began first [...], from the Heathenish custome it came that Peter and Pauls Images were first made. Men did it saith August. contra Ada­mant c. 13. Augustine, ut Paganorum concilient benevolentiam, to conci­liate the favour of Pagans, it may bee seene out of Gregorius

[Page 180] Gregor. mag. Epist, ad Serenum Massilien sem lib. 7. Ep. 109. Magnus, saith Voetius in desper. caus. papat. lib. 3. c. 6. sect. 2. Voetius, that the worshiping of Images crept in but the sixt age. In the first three hundred yeeres, Images were not admitted (saith our Country-man Sympson 6. Century of the worshipping of Images, p. 38. Patrick Sympson) into the place of worship, in the fourth, fifth and sixt Centurie, they were ad­mitted into temples, but for the most part without opinion of adoration. In the second Nicene Councell, an obscure age, (saith Pet. Molin [...]us Buckler of Faith of Images, Sect. 118. pag. 308. Petrus Moli­naeus) when the scriptures were taken away, it is ordained that Images should be adored, but not the Images of the Father. Quoniamquis sit non novimus, dei (que) natura spectanda proponi non potest ac pingi. But onely the Image of the Son. This Councell was Anno 787. as saith Bellarm de scrip. in Chron. Bellarmine. But this wicked Fathers argument proves also that the Image of God the Father may be painted, while they prove wor­shipping of Images, because the Psalmist saith, The Lord arose as a mighty man after Wine. But Gene­brard [...]hron. an. 794. p. 308. Genebrard saith this Councell of Nice, was controuled by a Councell in the West. Barro­nius An. 726. Observe that Aene­as Sylvius epist. 301. saith, ante▪ Nicenam Synodum unusquis (que) sibi vivebat, quemadmodum sibi visum est, & paro [...]s respectus ad Romanam ecclesiam [...]abe [...]atur, a Metropolitan Bishop, a step to the Popedome, was first created here in Romes Car [...]bage, Constantin [...]ple, Antiochia. Barronius mentioneth two Epistles written by Gregorious 2. a defender of Images, wherein he saith, the Sonne may be painted, not the Fa­ther. This Councell was approved by Constantine, Ireneus, and a Greeke copie of the Synod sent to Pontific. Adrian the Pope. But 1. this wicked Synod did not maintaine adoration of Images, such as Suarez, Bellarmine, Vasquez, Peri [...]rius, &c. now hold, but onely veneration. 2. Images were placed in the Churches, saith Paulus diaconus lib. 13. Paul. Diaconus, multis contra dicentibus, many speaking a­gainst i [...]. And Bergo­mensis lib. 10. Bergomens. saith, the Emperour Constantine himselfe not long after did abrogate the Acts of this Synod, and Synod Franckford. the Synod of Franckford condemned this Synod. See Aventinus lib. 4. Aventinus; Hincmarus cap. 20. con­tra Iandu [...]ns [...]m. Hincmarus saith it is true they of Franckford allowed Images to be in Churches, but not to be adored. Vrspergens. in Histor. Vrspergensis saith that this synod did write a book against the second Councell of Nice, called otherwise the seventh generall Councell. A booke came out▪ in France, and after in Germany under the name of Charles the Great, condemning by strong reasons the adoration of Images, and answereth all the arguments of the Nicene Fathers on the contra­ry, Tannerus the Iesuite saith this was a forged Booke. But against fa­mous [Page 181] and learned Authors saying the contrary, and so Hinc­marin. Archiepis­copus Remo­rum c. 10. cont. Hinc­marin. [...]andunen­sem Episcop. Hinc­marius and Eccius in E [...]chirid. Ectius make mention of this book, and Pope Adrianus (as Hospin. d [...] orig. i­mag. p 197. Hospinianus doth well observe) doth approve of this Synod of Francford by his Letters written to the Emperour of Constantinople, and the Patriarch Tharasius.

The first five hundred years (saith Calvin. justit. lib. 1. cap. 11. Sect. 13. Calvin) images were not worshipped. Caj [...]s Caligula a proud Tyrant, commanded the Iews to set up his image in the Temple: the Iews answered they should rather die then pollute the Temple of God with images, as [...]aith Iosephus antiq lib. 18. cap. 11. Iosephus and Euse [...]. bistor. lib. 2. cap. 6. Eusebius, and this fell out while the A­postles lived.

Ann. 108. Plunius 2. writeth to Trajanus under the third Persecu­tion, That Christians were men of good conversation, and detested vices, worshipped Christ, and would not worship Images Epist. Plinii. 2 ad Imporat Trajan., as that Letter beareth: and Euseb. Histor. lib. 3. cap. 33. Eusebius, reporteth Adrian had a purpose, (as saith Bucol [...]. in Alexand. severo. Bucol.) to build a Church for the honour of Christ void of Images. See Symson 1. Century cap. 1. Symson that ancient Writer: Justin. Martyr. in Dialog. cum. Trypho. & apolog. 2. Justine Martyr in this Age; Omnes imagines ad cultum proposit as simplici­ter damnant Christiani. Tertullian. apo. cap. 30. Tertullian, a most ancient writer, who lived under Severus in time of the fifth Persecution, as Magdeburgens. cent. 3. cap. 10. the Magdeburgenses testifie; saith, Nos adoramus oculis ad caelum sub­latis, non adimagines seu picturas, and, indignum ut imago Dei vivi imagini idoli, & mortu: fiat similis, (saith Apol. 1. 9. 11. he also) and not only thinketh it unlawfull to represent God by an Image, but also saith, that Craftsmen, who professe themselves Christians, ought no [...] to make Images of God. An ancient Writer Clemens Alexand. in Paraenetico. Clemens Alexan­drinus, Non est nobis imago sensibilis de materiâ sensibili, nisi quae precipitur intelligentiâ. Deus enim qui solus est verè Deas, intelli­gentiâ precipitur, non sensu: We have no sensible Image of sensible matter, because God is taken up by the understanding, not by the sense: and in s. Stromat. Nihil in rebus genitis potest referre Dei imaginem. This an­cient Writer flourished, saith Ca­tolog. testium veritat. lib. 2. pag. 87. Catolog. Testium veritat. Anno 150. or as Hospinian. d [...] origine imag. cap. 10. pag. 155▪ Hospinian saith Ann, 200. and Iren [...]us, l. 1. cap. 24. Ireneus, the dis­ciple [Page 182] of Polycarpus, an hearer of John the Apostle maketh it the Heresie of the Gnosticks, that they held that Pilate made the Image of Iesus: Et quod imagines baberent Christi, Apostolorum atque Philosophorum▪ easque coronarent, ac colendas propo [...]erent. Cyprian cont. de▪metria­num. 1. Cy­prian saith, Idols, or Images, be not only against the Law of God, but against the nature of man; Origen. cont. cel. sum. l. 8. Origen said, The Images of Christi­ans are Christians indeed, with Gods Image: and, Nos veno ideo non honor amus simulachrá, quia quantū possumus, cavemnus, ne in [...]idamus in eam crudelitatem, ut et iis tribuamus divinitatis aliquid. Atha­nas. advers. gentes. Grave Athanasius saith, [...] The invention of Images is from an evil fountain, and not from good, and whatsoever hath a bad beginning, cannot be deemed in any thing good, being altogether bad: The Papist Harding bringeth in a counterfeit Dialogue of Athanasius, betwixt Christ and his Church; and Christ comforting his Church, be­cause she was persecuted for worshipping Christs Image; but when and where this persecution was, none knoweth, for many times hath the Church been persecured for not worship­ping Images; but see the answer of the learned Jewell against Harding 14. art. of adora [...]. pag. 506, 507. Jewell there­unto; Epipha­nius lib. 3. cont. Colly­ridianos. Epiphanius, who lived, Anno 370. proveth against the [f] Idem ibid. Collyridiams, That Mary nor no creature should be adored. Ʋnde est simulachrificum hoc studium et diabolious conantus? praetext [...] enim (g) Lactan­tius, insti­tut. l. 2. cap. 2. Etenim hominis i­mago neces­saria tum videtur, cum procul abest, super­vacua futu­ra cum presto est, dei autem cujus spiritus ac numen ubi­que diffu­sum, abesse nunquam potest, semper utique imago supervacua est. The Arguments of the an­cients against Images. justitiae sempersubiens hominum, mentem drabolus, mortalem natu­ram in hominum oculis deificans, Statuas humanas, imagines pre se ferentes per artum, veritatem expressit, et mortui quidem sunt qui adorantur: Item, Revera sanctum erat corpus Mariae, non tamen Deus, honorata, non in adorationem data. Mary was not God, and therefore is not to be adored: He professeth that he did rive a vail, that had painted in it the Image of Christ, or of some man▪ Cum ego videssem in Ecclesia Christi▪ contra authoritatem scriptura­rum, hominis pendere imaginem, scidi illud, &c.

Lactantius Formianus, Images are to represent these who are absent. God is every where present, it is vanity therefore to forme an image of God. Also Lactantius lib. 2. cap. 19. There is no Religion, where there is an image: Also [Page 183] Ib. Cur ad parietes & signa, & lapides po­tissimum quam illo spectatis, ubi cos esse cre­datis. ib. instit. div. l. 2. c. 1. your gods be either in Heaven, or not; if they be not in Heaven, why do ye worship them? If they be in Heaven, why do ye not lift your eyes to Heaven while you adore them? Why do you convert your eyes toward walls, stocks and stones, rather then toward that place where you imagine your gods to be?

instit. l. 2. c. 2. His Arguments against Images be these: Ibid. 1. They forget reason, when they fear the work of their own hands: 2. Instit. l 2. c. 3. God is not absent, but present every where: 3. Instit. l. 2. c. 4. The image is a dead thing void of sense, God is the eternall and everliving God: 4. Instit. l. 2. c. 18. Nothing mortall should be worshipped. 5. Ibid. What vanity to hope for protection from these things, which cannot defend themselves [...] 6. Instit. l. 6. c. 11. The image is lesse and viler then the worshipper: 7. Ambros. officior l. 2. cap. 21. Man according to Gods image, is the image of God. 8. (s) God needeth nothing, neither torches because he made the light, nor images. This man lived, Anno 300. Before which time the Church of Christ being persecuted, they had no Churches, nor Images to be ornaments in their Churches, as saith ( t) Ambrosius, and also Chrys. l. 2. epist. 246. Chrysostom, who was displeased with the fooleries in Temples in his time, and saith, They were not like the Templ [...]s of the Apostolick Churches: and Tertul­lian apol et c [...]nt. valent. Tertullian, and Eusebi­us hist. ec. l. 9. c 10. Eusebius saith, They had then, Simplices domos, Simple houses, void of paintries and pictures: And the want of Temples was objected against Christian Religion, as Origen cont. cles. l. 9. c. 4. Ori­gen cleareth in the time of Constantine, the son of Chlorus, as saith, Sozomen l. 1. c. 8. Sozomen, and Euseb. in vita constan. l. [...]. Eusebius, Temples were builded, but as Joan Armitants in explan [...]io can 5. concilii gangren Joan. Quintinus expoundeth Tertullian, without the ornaments of images, and Tertull. lib. de Idol. Plutarch in vitae Numae non dum ingenia Grecorum atque Tuscorum fingendis simulachris urbem inundaverunt, ita Tertullian, Apol. c. 25. Tertullian himself maketh building of Altars, and portracts, Idol [...]tricos cultus, Idolatrous worship. In the fourty years space, betwixt the reign of Valerian, and the 19. year of Diccle­sian, there were Oratories and Temples builded, but neither painted Pictures, nor Images in them, as saith [ e] Eusebius: Yea, of thirty Bishops of Rome, even from Peter and Paul to Sylvester, and Con­stantine the Emperour; to wit, three hundred years, there were none, who were not persecuted to blood, or to death, or some other way. It is a vain thing to say, they had breathing time to build (f) Euseb. Hist. eccles. l. 8. c. 1. [Page 184] Temples, and erect Altars, and golden Images of Christ, and the Virgin Mary, and the Saints. It is true, in the two hundreth year after Christ, under Alexander Severus, Gordianus, Philippus, Gal­lienus; Churches were builded, as Nice­phorus l. 7. c. 2. Nicephorus saith, but a­gain under Dioclesian they were demolished to the ground, but ob­serve well there were no Images of Christ broken, which that Ty­rant in despite of Christ, would not have omitted; see Euseb. l. 8. c. 2. Euse­bius, they were builded again under great Constantine, so Sozo­men tripart. histor. l. 1. c. 9. Sozo­men, Otto Phrisingen­sis l. 4. c. 3. Otho Phrisingensis Nice­phorus l. 8. c. 27. and Nicephorus. The dream of Platina, for the building of a Church, by the donation of Con­stantine, with twelve portions of earth, equall to the number of the twelve Apostles, and of another Church, with the title of the holy Crosse at Ierusalem, which Helena found in that place, and Con­stantine placed in this Church at Rome, is refuted by Hospi­nian d [...] O­rig. Templo cap. 6. pag. 34. Hospi­nian: yet is there no word of any Images in these Churches.

Arnob. cont. gent. lib. 2. Arnobius An. 330. maintaineth against the heathen, that the Christians ought to have no Images: 1. Because the device of images is a novelty, and was not before two thousand years, but God and Religion are no new things. 2. Ib. lib. 6. & lib. 7. Because either the Gods dwel­leth in their images, against their will, or of their own accord; if the former be said, they are compelled, which is absurd. If the latter, then they do either bide alwayes in their images, and so are miserable, or they go out of the images when they please, and then the images are empty things.

Euseb. Caesariens. Epist. ad Constantiam Augustam. Eusebius Caesariensis who lived, An. 300. when Constantia Augusta wrote to him for the Image of Christ, answered.

That could not be: 1. Because his manhood was joyned with his Godhead, and could not be separated therefrom. 2. Because his God­head cannot be represented, Mortuis, & inanimatis coloribus, with dead and livelesse colours. Hycron. cont. Vigi­lantium, ad Riparum Presbiter. Hieronimus, who lived, An. 331. under Constantine, denyeth that any Creature, Angel, or Virgin Mary should be worshipped. Ruffi­us hist. eccl. l. 1. c. 8. Ruffinus faith, Helena the mother of Constantine adored crucified Christ, but antiquity saith not, that she adored the nails that fixed him to the Crosse, because they were but creatures.

Ambro. in cap. 1. epist. ad Rom. Ambrosius, who lived, Anno 370. condemneth Images. 1. Be­cause they change the images of the dead, in the glory of God, who worshippeth images: 2. The living serve the dead. 3. They take from [Page 185] stocks and stones what they are, and give to them, what they are not. 4. Ambros. offices l. 1. c. 26. Idols are unclean. 5. It is undecent Ibid., to worship what men maketh with their hands. 6. Because Ibid. images are but shadows.

Aug. Epist. 49. Augustine condemneth Images. 1. Because they infect the vveak mindes of rude people, to worship them. 2. They have eyes and see not. 3. The creatures are images of God, not stocks. 4. Idols Aug. de doct. Chri­sti. lib. 3. c. 7 are huskes and empty. 5. These De Civit. dei l. 4. c. 9. who brought in Images, tooke a­way the feare of God, and increased error. 6. Martyrs De civi [...]. dei lib. 22. c. 10. are not gods. 7. Confounded August. in Ps. 96. be they who worship stones, our living stone Christ is in heaven.

8. August. in Psal. 96. Though worshippers of Images say, they worship God in Images, yet they worship devills; for good men, as Paul and Barnabas, Angels, and Cornelius forbade men to worship them. 9. It is a shame to adore a beast endowed with sense and life, farre more to adore a dumbe and livelesse creature, August, ps. 113. Chrysost. hom. 49. in Math. Chrysostome is against Images. 1. Because the Law of God forbiddeth them. 2. Idem ho­mil. 51. in Math. God must be honou­red, as he willeth himselfe. 3. It is Idem hom. 33. in Mat. a depressing of soules to wor­ship Images. Hom. 1. ad pop. an. It commeth from Satan to take Gods glory from him, In 3. c. Is. it is mockerie that man should be the creator of God, the Creator of all things.

Damascen de Imagin. orat. 2. Cyrillus Alexandrin. who lived An. 415. saith, We neither be­leeve the martyrs to be gods, nor doe we adore them.

Gregor. lin. 9. ep. 9. Perlatum est ad nos, quod inconsider [...] ­to zelo suc­census san­ctorum ma­gines sub bac, quasi excusatione, ne adorari debuissent, confregeris, & quidem, quia cas adorari, ve­t [...]isses omnino laudamus, fregisse vero reprehendimus. Damascen a superstitious man much for Images acknowledg­eth two things. 1. That Images are but [...] unwritten traditions. 2. He ackowledgeth that the brazen Serpent, the Cheru­bims were made for signification, not for imitation or adoration.

(i)Gregorius Magnus, though he be alledged by Papists for ado­ration of Images. Yet in his Epistle to Serenus Bishop of Massilia, An. 600. he forbiddeth the adoration of Images, and alloweth onely the Historicall use of them, as is observed by Fran. Whites way to the Church, ch. 9, sect. 2. p. 114. Fran. White, Hospinian de Origen Imag. p. 174. by Hospinian and Catol. test. veritat l. 6. p. 562. Catol. testum veritatis, and Greg. mag. lib. 9. ep. 9. this man being the first who brought Images into the Church hath this Ca­veat, atque indica (saith he to Sirenus) quod non tibi, ipsa visio historiae quae, pictura teste, pandebatur, displicueri [...]: sed illa adoratio quae pictu­ris [Page 186] fuerit in competenter exhibita, & si quis imagines facere voluerit, minimè prohibe, adorare vero imagines omnibus modis divita, sed hoc solicitè admoneas, ut ex visione rei gestae, ardorem conjunctionis per­cipiant, & in adoratione solius Trinitatis prosternantur. It is cleare that this man teacheth an adoration of Images, though he make them onely bookes to the rude. This same Greg mag. lib. 3. dialo. Gregorius will have the signe of the crosse adored, because when the Devill came to a Iew sleeping in the night in the Temple of an Idoll, the Iew being afraid, signed himselfe with the Crosse, and the Divell fled; but when doth Iewes come in any Christian Churches, or Idoll-Tem­ples, who abhorre the name of Christ, and so hate both the Crosse and Christ, and what can be proved from a fact of Sathan?

In the eighth age, Beda l. 2. c. 21. ad peragenda nostrae salu­tis mysteria nullum pe­nitus offici­um habere n [...]scuntur. Beda Imaginum cultus & adoratio, the worshipping and adoring of Images is unlawfull. 1. Because they have no office in the doctrine of the Gospell. 2. Beda l. 1. c. 9. adorare, salutare, co­lare, inhibe­mur pene in cunctis scripturae locis. We are for­bidden to adore, salute, or worship them. 3. The (d) Idem. l. 1. c. 21. Church is not taught to seeke the Lord by Images, but by faith and good workes. 4. The Idem l. 1. c. 24. Idem l. 6. c. 21. Apostolique Church did not worship God in Images. 5. Images Ibid. want, documento antiquitatis, antiquity, example, and the Scripture. 6. We Cod. l. 8. tit. 12. leg. 20. Theodos. Valentinian frustrate God of worship due to him. 7. Peter Lib. 2. cap. 2 [...]. Paul, Angels forbad to worship them, but God only.

We forbid the Church (saith the civill Law) to be obscured with Images. Have the Image of God, (saith Ephrem. secunde. Ephrem) in thy heart, non colorum varietate in ligno, not in Images and colours. Who can make (saith Damascen de fid. Or­thod. l. 4. c. 17. Damascen) a representation of the invisible God. Gretser. lib. 1. de [...]ru [...]. c. 44. Gretserus saith, the Iewes would not admit of Ensignes and Trophies of the Romans for fear Images should be hidden under them. So said Jo­sephus Ioseph lib. 18. c. 6. before him. Their own men say with us, Hulcot in lib. sup. lect. 148. Ioan. Pic. Mirandula conclus. 3. Hulcot who lived an. 1346. saith Latreia, divine worship belongeth to God onely, the Image is not God, neither the Crosse; (saith Ioan. Pic. Mirandula, Concl. 3.) nor the Image of Christ is to be adored (adoratione Latreia eo modo quo ponit Thomas) with divine worship, the guise of Thomas Aquinas Peresius Ajala de trad. pag. 3. De Imagine (que) scripturam ne (que) traditionem, ne (que) communem sensum sanctorum, neque concilium generalis determinationem, ne (que) etiam rationem adducunt. Peresius Ajala a Popish Bishop, for adoration of Ima­ges, saith he, there is neither Scripture, nor Church tradition, nor con­sent of Fathers, nor good reason to make it good. For saith Gabriel Biel in Can. lec. 49. Gabriel [Page 187] Biel, The image either considered in it self as it is mettall or stone, or as it is a holy signe, is a sensible Creature, to which Latreia, Divine ho­nour should not be given: and the Romish D [...]cret. 3. dist. 3. c. 27. Grego. Decrees saith, We commend you that you forbid images of Saints to be Worshipped: The Doway men, An­not. 2 Sam. 5. 8. The blinde and the lame shall not enter in the Temple. Doway Doctors say, Idols have eyes and cannot see, &c. Now if they have Images of God and Christ which can see, and hear, and speak, we exceedingly desire to know: Alexand. Alens. 3. p. q. 30. art. ult. Alexander Allensis, Durand. l. 3. dist. 9. q. 2. Durandus say, That images in themselves, and properly, are not to be Worshipped.

Cassand. In Consulta­tione ad fer­dinandum & maximi­lianum art. An. 1170. Geo: Cassander wisheth, That they had continued (in majo­rum suorum sententia) in the minde of their forefathers, and that the Superstition of people in, Worshipping images had been suppressed. The Councell convened by Concil. Constantin [...] ­polit. An. 755. of 338. Bi­shops. Yea, this same se­cond coun­cel of Nice, and the seventh Epistle to the Synod, condemneth Nestorius of Idolatry, and condemneth the Arians as Idolaters, who Worshipped Christ whom they believed to be a man onely: And Athanasius, contr. Arian. Orati. 1. And Nyssenus in Laud. Bas. And Nazianzen, Orati. 40. say. To Adore a Creature, though in the Name of Christ or God, is Idolatry. Constantius Capronimus condem­neth Worshipping of Images, or placing them in Churches. 1. Be­cause it is forbidden in the second Commandment. 2. The Picturing of Christ is a dividing of the two Natures. 3. It is against the An­cients, Epiphanius, Nazianzen, Chrysostome, Athanasius, Amphy­locius, Theodorus, Eusebius Pamphili. The Councell of Nice is builded upon lies. Adrian Bishiop of Rome, writeth to the Coun­cell of Nice, That the Emperour Constantine being a Leaper, and labouring to cure his Leprosie by shedding of innocent Babes blood; Peter and Paul appeared to him by night, in a Vision, and bade him go to be Baptized by Sylvester, and that he, to be cured by Sylvesters Baptizing, builded a Temple with the Images of Peter and Paul. This is as true as the Image of Christ spake to Tho: Aqui­nas at Naples, Bene Scripsistti de me, Thoma, Why is not all Evan­gell that Aquinas hath written then? For their own Platina Platina in vita Marci. Papae. saith, The story of Constantines Leprosie is a fable; and Socrates saith, That Constantine was sick when he was 65. years, and he ma­keth no mention of his leprosie; so Hospin. de orig. perogimatio. pag. 381. Hospinianus saith, and our own Symson, Treatise of Images, p. 47. Simson saith, That Sylvester and Marcus his successor were both dead before Constantine was Baptized: Genebrad. in Chron. l. 2. Anno 1794. Genebradus a Papist saith, [Page 188] down right, that the Councell of Frankford condemned the second Nicene Councell; But Bellarm. de Imag. l. 2 c. 14. Bellarmine, Suarez in 3. part. Thom. q. 25. art. 3. dis. 54. Sect. 3. Suarez, Sanderus l. 2. de I­mag. c. 5. Sanderus' Alanus Dial 4. c. 18. Alanus, deny that the Doctrine of the second Nicene Councell for Adoring images, is Condemned by the Councell of Frankford; they say it is onely expounded, and that the right way of Adoring images is made manifest: Yea, saith Naucl [...]. in Chron. Vol. 2. ge­ner. 27. Nauclerus, Sabellicus l. 8. Enead, ad. 8. Sabellicus, and Blandus decad. 2. l. 1. Blandus: The Councell of Frankford reserveth due honour to images, and saith nothing against the Councell of Nice. But this is to de­ny daylight at Noon-day: For Anno­nius in An­nalib. Fran­corum. 794. Anno. Annonius is most clear in it, and Abbot Vspergens. in Chron. Anno 793. Abbot Vspergens. Charles the Great of Images. the Book of Charles the Great saith the same. The Synod of Frankford was convened An. 794. of pur­pose to condemne the second Synod of Nice, called the seventh pretended and false Synod: Aventi­nus, lib. 4. annal. Aventinus saith expresly, Scita Grecorum (in Synodo Nicena decreta) de imaginibus adorandis in concili [...] francofurtensi rescissa & abolita sunt: and Vspergens. in Chron. Anno 793. Vspergensis saith, in this Synod it was decreed, Ʋt septima & universalis Sy­nodus, nec septima nec aliquid diceretur, quasi supervacua ab omni­bus abdica tu est; and the same saith Eginradus in vita Caroli Magni. Eginradus, Cassander in Consul. ad ferdinand. & Maxmilian imp. Geo [...] Cassander: But the very Arguments in the Nicene Councell are set down, and dissolved in the Frankford Councell, as our own Master Simson, Treatise of Images, pag. 48. Simson observeth: As the Nicene Councell reasoneth from the Cherubims, and the brazen Serpent. Frankfoord Answer­eth, These were made at Gods Commandment, images not so. 2. Yea, say they, and with them Lorinus in Art. 17. ver. 25. Serpentem. Conflari [...]jusfit non quod adorari vellet, nam postea con­fregit. Lorinus, The Cherubims and brazen Serpent were not made to be Worshipped; see these and many other Arguments, set down and Answered by the Councell of Frankfoord: As also saith Catol. Test. Verit. lib. 8. pag. 882, 883, 884. the Learned Author of Catol. Test. Verit. The Arguments used by this Councell, proveth that no Adoration is due to Images, as may be hence collected: As also out of the book of Caroli. lib. 1. cap. 2. Charles against the dreames of Tarasius, whose entry to the Priesthood was unlawfull, and was a grosse Idolater, and against the Idolater Pope Adrian; Because 1. There is no holinesse in ima­ges, either as they are figures or colours, or as they are Consecrated. [Page 189] 2. Because to Adore is to glorifie, Carlo. lib. 1. c. 21. but only God is to be glorified. 3. God Commandedus not to love images, but men, and sent his son in the flesh for men, and not for images; and if Caro. lib. 2. cap. 24. Caro. lib. 3. cap. 16. they be not to be believed on, neither are they to be Adored. 4. It cannot be proved that the honour of the image, is the honour of the Samplar: Christ said not, What ye do to images, ye do to me, nor he that receiveth ima­ges, receiveth me. This Argument proveth, that Veneration is not due to the Images, as to books of the Trinity; because that the Venera­tion of the Image, is an honouring of God, there must be an union betwixt the Images and God or Christ, betwixt the Tree and Christ. 1. There is no union lawfull, that can be a Warrant of honouring any thing; but an union Warranted of God, betwixt Crossing in the Air, and Dedication to Christs Service, betwixt Sur­plice and Pastorall Sanctity; There is no union, nor is there a per­sonall union betwixt Christ and the Image: Nor 2. an union of parts, as betwixt the shoulders and the head. Nor 3. is there a Di­vine relative union, as betwixt the mean or the end, the Servant or the Lord: for as White against Fi­sher, p. 224. John White saith well; and Matth. 10. 14, 42. 2 Cor. 8. 4. Gal. 4. 14. Act. 10. 34. Ps. 119. 97. 159. 147. 82. 103. 111. 113. 114. 120. 127. 128. 140. 143. 167. 174. the Scrip­ture proveth, all union betwixt God and the meanes of Worship, which are to be reverenced as meanes of Worship in relation to God, is by divine institution; now certainly if by divine ordina­tion there had been an union betwixt the Image and God, then had it been lawfull to lay the Image in the heart, to say: How love I thy Image? (the painted pictures and wooden portracts of Christ, the wood of the Crosse are my delight) (I hope in the wood) (I have taken images for my heritage, they are sweeter to me, nor the honey or the honey combe) (hovv pleasant are the wooden feet of these dead and senslesse Ambassadors of Christ, who bring to my soul news of God, or of my Redeemer Iesus.)

Ambros. epist. 26. Ambrose, Gregor. in reg. l. 5. cap. 1. Gregorius, Augustine on these words, he that recei­veth you receiveth me. Augustine Chrysos. on these same words Chrysostom saith, The honour of the servant redoundeth to the Master, when he is a servant by appointment of the Master, and he that heareth faith­full Pastors, heareth Christ who sent them: And Athanas. cont. Arria. orat. 4. Athanasius, and Basilus de spir. sanct. cap. 18. Basill, to prove the honouring and adoring of Christ, the substantiall Image of God, to be the honouring of God the Father, say; The hearing of the Image, or of the servant of the King, is the hearing of the King. But the Image is formally made an Image of God, and the saints by mens imagination▪ not by Gods word or his [Page 190] ordination: Their own Peresius Aiala in Trad. 3. de imag. Peresius saith, If the imagination were carried upon the image or samplar with one motion, yet it cannot be concluded, that the same is to be done in Adoration: And August de [...]era re­lig. cap. 55. we are not to worship God by our fantasies, saith Augustine, nor by our Idem e­pist. 85. carnall thoughts. Suarez, Bellarmine, Vasquez, Gretserus, buildeth all their Adoration of images, upon the saying of Aristotle; De memor & remiscen, cap. 2.

Hence the Conc. Trident. Sess. 25. Fathers of Trent, Damasceu. l. 4. c. 12. dreaming Damascene, Nicephor. in dial. constant. de imaginibus doting Nicephorus; if we believe Suarez in 3. part Thom. to. 1. q. 25. art. 3. disp. 54. Sect. 3. Suarez, make this a prin­ciple of their Bible of Idoll worship; That God and the Image are one, but we see not how they be one, nor can we say that God is present in the Image as in a place: for if he be present in the Image, In loco ut sic, as in such a place, then he is there as in a consecrated place, and by promise, and so they must give us the word of God, for Gods presence in Images; but if God be present in Images, as In loco simpliciter, non ut in loco ut sic: As he is in all places, then is he not present in images, as in images, but as in all creatures, and then let us say Amen, to Vasquez in 3. part [...]om. 1. disp. [...]10. cap. 2. God not in the Image as in a place. Vasquez will have all things to be ado­red. Joan. de Lugo pro­veth the same by four rea­sons. Vasquez, who saith, all things which have a being, A Mouse and Frog are to be adored, as having resem­blance with God the first being: And he saith, this is the opinion of Cajetan. 22. q. [...]03. art. 3. ad. 4. Cajetanus, and citeth Leontius in Dialog. 5. cont. Judaeos. Vt r [...]fertur in 7. Synod. falsa act. 4. Leontius the dreamer, who was at the Councell of Nice the seventh false Synod; who saith, all Creatures visible and invisible are to be adored. And the Popes Professor Joan. de Lugo de myster. incarnat. disp. 37. Sect. 1. n. 1. 2, 3. Joannes de Lugo proveth by four great reasons, that all crea­tures should be adored.

1. Because all creatures are the effects, and as it were the hand writing of God.

2. Because we use to kisse and adore materiall places, and the stone, or field where an Angel, or Saint hath been, for the touching and pro­pinquity of the place and that holy thing, but Gods omnipresence san­ctifieth all creatures. Be doing then, Masters, kisse, and adore the sanctified Devil and Hell fire, but take heed you scald not your lips.

3. We kisse and worship a gift of a Prince, but all creatures, even the most abject and contemptible, are the gifts of God the Creator.

4. Man in a speciall manner is the living image of God. But true it [Page 191] is, God is to be praised for all his creatures; but externall Adora­tion before them, and laying a part of Gods glory upon them, for that is forbidden by your own, for Leo. 1. Serm. 7. De nativita ab­stinendum ab ipsa specic offi [...]ij. Leo the first saith the con­trary, and Salmeron in 1 Tim. 2. disp. 8. Salmeron saith; The body of Alex. al [...]n. 3. p. q. 30. memb. 3. art. 3. sect. [...]. Moses was hidden of old for fear of Idolatry, and the use of Images and pictures were by God forbidden to the Iews in the second command, saith [ f] A­lexander Alens. Albertus dist. 9. art. 4. Albertus, Bonavent. art. 1. q. 2. ad 1. in con­trarium. Bonaventura, Martuinus de ajala tract. de trad. 3. par. Martinus de Ajala, Abulens. Deut. 4. q. 4 & 5. Abulensis, who I am sure have with them in this, Albertus and Bonaventura, that the Images of God, because (say they) he is an invisible Spirit, are forbidden by the Law of nature.

But I return to the Synod of Franckeford: 5. Carol. lib. 2. cap. 25. Because ima­ges are void of senses and reason. 6. It cannot be proved by the example of the Apostles, Ibid. Ergo, (say I) Images are neither to be tea­ching books, nor adored creatures: 7. The ancient Fathers Carol. l. 4. cap. 27. were ignorant of this worship. 8▪ Only the rich Carol. l. 4. cap. 27. who are able to sustain Images, should be saved, and not the poor. 9. There Carol. l. 1. cap. 2 [...]. is no profit, but great vanity in adoring Images.

To the Arguments from miracles it is answered, L. 4. c. 10. l. 3. c. 21. that these miracles are lying signes: for, Ea miracula, nulla Evangelii lectio tradit. 2. They deny that all things are to be adored, in the which, or by the which L. 3. c. 2 [...]. God wrought miracles. Gregorius Nyssenus bowed his knee to the Image of Abraham: What then? the Coun­cell saith, these books of Nyssenus are perished.

The fable of Agbarus, to whom the Image of Christs face painted in a cloath was sent, was not in the world till the year of God, 700. It is a counterfeit work ascribed to Athanasius, in stile and phrase of writing not like to him, where it is said, that it was the image of Christ crucified by the Iews in Berythus a Town in Syria, out of whose side flowed blood and water, which being mixed with water, could cure all diseases; Symson treats of the worshipping of Images, pag. 50, 51. so Symson.

The Testimony Concilium Eleherio, cap. 36. Placuit in Ecclesiis picturas, non esse debere, ne quod colitur, aut adoratur, in paric­tibus pingatur. of the Councell of Eliberia is clear, that images should not be in Churches Ca [...]us line 5. cap. 4. Canus, Surjus 1 Tom. of concell. an in can. 36. cont. Eliber. Surjus and your own men say, this Councell condemneth images. For 370. years [Page 192] there were no Images in Churches; in this age Martyrs were ad­mired, and the Grecians first, especially Gregorius Nyssenus the brother of Basilus had Images in Churches; Sozomen l. 5. c. 20. Sozomen saith, Chri­stians took into Churches pieces of Christs image, broken by Iu­lian the Apostat, in the first age, when Religion was born down and holy Pastors killed.

Gregorius Magnus first defended that images should be in Chur­ches. Its like the Apostate Iulian would hate any thing, bearing the name of Christ most falsly, yea, and Antiquity beareth contra­dictions most aparent touching images.

But Nicephor hist. l. 11. cap. 43. Nicephorus saith, the creatures of God are the Lawfull Images of God. But it is more then evident, by what I have said, that ancient Papists and Synods used images to be memorials of God, and not to be adored.



Whither kneeling or sitting be the most convenient and Lawfull ge­sture in the Act of receiving the Sacrament of Christs Body and blood?

1. Conclus. SItting is the most and only lawfull gesture, That ge­sture, that Christ and his Disciples used upon morall and unalterable grounds, which doth not concern the first Supper as first, but as a Supper, and that not upon no occasionall and tem­porary reasons, belonging to that Supper, more then to all the Sup­pers of that kinde, that we are to follow as a pattern, and must be most Lawfull. But the gesture of sitting is such, Ergo:

The Proposition is evident in Scripture, Prov. 2. [...]0. Eph. 5. 1. [...] Thes. 1. 16. 2 Thess. 3. 6, 7. [...] Cor. [...]. Phil. 3. 17. 2. Tim. 3. 4. Sitting the only con­venient gesture..

I prove the Assumption. 1. Sitting was either: 1. Miraculous. 2. Customable. 3. Occasionall; or 4. Morall. None in reason can say the first; that sitting was a miracle: 2. Nor is it customable. For 1. Customes laudable are grounded upon decency and reason, and so morall, or grounded upon no reason at all.

But Christ did nothing in Gods worship, nor did he any humane morall actions for the meer fact and will of others going before, for these were not reasonable humane actions, and if it be customable only, it is not lawfull to put away a customable action out of wor­ship, and to put a morall action of kneeling and Divine significa­tion [Page 193] in the place thereof, for so we might change places, times, per­sons and all physicall circumstances, and make them supernaturall. 2. The action could not be occasionall: for then the occasion of the Supper as first, and because of such persons, such time at night, such place, an upper chamber, should have moved Christ to sitting, ra­ther then to kneeling, or to any other gesture; but kneeling or any other gesture might have consisted well with that first Supper, with the upper chamber, with the time and persons, as well as sitting, except the Law givers will had been a reason of the contrary.

Some object. Christ choosed an upper chamber, not the Temple, twelve persons, not ten, not twenty, at night, for he might have ce­lebrated it at dinner, but we are not holden to imitate Christ in these; Ergo, neither in sitting.

Ans. Occasionall, properly is that which hath a reason, not from What is occasionall in the first supper. the nature of the thing it self, but from such occasionall occurrences of Providence, as God will not alter, and its that which hath no morall nor sacred conveniency with the nature of worship, but hath only a conveniency for such a time and place, as Christs preaching in a ship, when he is at the sea side, and a multitude are to hear him, the ship hath no agreement with the nature of preaching, more then an house hath, time, place, and persons are clearly such as agreed with that supper, as first, not as a sacred worship, and therefore were meerly occasionall, and so not imitable, and though Christ might have altered them, yet had they been occasionall, and they have no sacred conveniency with this Supper, as this Supper; and if Christ had altered these for meer will, upon no reasons that con­cerneth all Suppers, they had not been occasionall, but positive points of worship, and so had obliged us; yea, the upper chamber, and these twelve persons by no possibility, can concern all Suppers, to the end of the world, but sitting agreeth kindly and natively to all Suppers in generall, as kneeling to all praying indefinitely. Christ might have changed bread and wine, in flesh, and milk, or water, will it hence follow, we are not to imitate Christ in bread and wine? And that bread and wine are occasionall? Lastly, Pauls practise in passing from an upper chamber, and from twelve men, to a Church full of men and women, 1 Cor. 11. 23, 17, 18, 22. war­ranteth us to passe from these, we have not the like reason to war­rant us to passe from sitting.

[Page 194]2. That gesture which Christ choosed, and that refusing all o­ther, 2. Arg. even kneeling, having the same Religious reasons, at the first supper as now, that must be most convenient and lawfull. But sit­ting is such; Ergo,

The Proposition is clear: The Assumption is proved from Matth. 26. While they did eat (the Passeover) he took bread, Mar. 14▪ 22. As Christ sate at the first Supper. they did eat, Jesus took bread.

But while they did eat the Passeover, they sate. Ergo, while they took the Supper they sate: I prove the Assumption, Matth. 26. 20. And, when the evening was come, he sate down with the twelve, Mark 14. 18. And as they sate, and did eat, Jesus said, &c. v. 22. And as they did eat, Iesus took bread▪ eating the Passeover, and sitting were co-existent, and taking the Sacramentall bread of the Supper, and eating the Passeover were co-existent; Ergo, Taking the bread of the Supper, and sitting were co-existent.

Paybodie saith, Paul expoundeth, ( as they did eat) after they had Of kneel­ing, part. 2. pag. [...] ended eating, and so after they had ended sitting, and possibly passed to another gesture, 1 Cor. 11. After Supper he took the Cup. Ans. If you wholly remove the Passeover, you remove the Table also. 2. Though the Suppers were not mingled, yet the holy Ghost expresseth the co-existence of sitting, and taking the Sacramentall bread, as Ezech. 8. 1. As I sate in mine house, the hand of Iehovah fell upon me, 2 Sam. 18 14. Ioab thrust three darts in him, while he vvas yet alive, 1 Sam. 25. 16. The men vvere a vvall to us, all the time that vve vvere vvith them, Dan. 4. 3. and Matth. 26. 47. And vvhile he yet spake, Lo, Iudas came, Act. 10. 19. While Peter thought on the vision, the spirit said to him, Act. 22. 6. Rom. 5. 10. If praying interveened betwixt eating and taking the Supper, and the Passeover sitting, to put them to kneeling, this must be true, vvhile they vvere not eating, Christ took bread, a plain contradicting of Christ. 3. After Supper he took the cup, but they say not after Supper he took the bread, for praying, blessing, breaking, distributing, eat­ing, interveened betwixt the Passeover and taking the Communion Cup, and therefore he had reason to say, After Supper he took the Cup, but not that reason, to say, after Supper he took the Bread. It is violent to describe Christs taking the Bread from the adjunct of time, while as they sate and did eate, if sitting and eating were not at this time, but were gone and past by many [Page 195] interveening actions of kneeling, praying, preaching, this were to describe supper from dinner. 3. By this, the gesture of no Table acti­on can be cleared from Scripture, for when it is said, Luke 9. Iohn 6. He made the multitude sit downe and [...]a [...], a cavillator might say, praying and blessing the meat went before, and possibly they sate on their knees, and Christ sate downe and taught the people; it may bee he rose and kneeled before Sermon was ended. The Scripture saith, While Christ and his disciples did [...], and so while they did sit, he tooke bread. This taking of bread, whether it be an Hysterosis as many think, in respect the Evangelists mention but once taking of bread, or if it was preparatorie, and before the act of blessing, it was a sacramentall act performed by Christ, while they were sitting, which is much for sitting.

That Christ passed not from passeover sitting, to Supper knee­ling, I thinke these considerations move me. 1. Because the chan­ges of all in the Passeover, to that in the Lords Supper, as of flesh in bread and wine, is positively set down. 2. No question the change unto an adoring gesture, had been upon the grounds of conciliating more reverence to that Sacrament, then to the Passeo­ver, which must be morall, and tye to the end of the world. 3. Nor would the Holy Ghost have removed an ordinary table gesture into so insolent, and supernaturally significant gesture, as knee­ling, without a grave reason expressed, or his owne will onely, which is onely the essentiall reason, why bread is a Sacrament ra­ther then any other Element, and so would stand of necessary and essentiall use. 4. Sitting at the Idols table 1 Cor. 8. 10. declareth that in religious feasts, sitting was ordinary, and a signe indicant of honouring the spirituall Lord of the Banquet, and a religious com­munion with the Lord of the Feast was hence signified.

But saith Paybodie [...] and [...] Mat. 26. 20. Mark. Part. 2. Page 62. 14. 18. Luke 22. 14. Iohn [...]3. 12. signifieth lying, and M. Li [...]ds [...]y [...]aith, it signifieth prostration on the earth rather then sitting▪ Por Levit. 18. 23. standing and lying are confounded, and Calvin expoun­deth it so.

Ans. 1. Christ▪ his reasoning to prove that [...] to sit at meat is a greater honour, then to stand: Luke 22. 27. were null, if [...] signifie prostration, for religious bowing is alwaies an act of inferioritie. The same I say if [...] signifie falling downe [Page 196] to the ground. 2. Sitting or pitching about a place, and sitting and lying in sackcloath, may well signifie simply to be in a place, but table-sitting and table-inclining on Christs bosome must be more then simply being at the Table. Nor doth Calvin in that place ex­pound sitting at table, for nothing but simply being at table, though elsewhere he doth.

3. Arg. That which representeth the honour of table-fellowship of fellow-banquetters with Christ, that is of necessary use; But sit­ting at the Lords table representeth this; Ergo, Luke 22. 27. The Minor is made good, to teach the Disciples humility, he would stand and have them to sit. Whether is greater he that sitteth, or he that standeth? it is a greater honour to sit at table, then to stand; Ergo it is an honour to sit, for we may well infer the positive from the comparative, Luk. 22. 29. upon the occasion of their striving who should be greatest, and Lord Bishop, he promiseth a sort of fellow­ship in a Kingdome. 2. In sitting on thrones with him, and the meaning that that fellowship should quench the fire of their ap­petite for Prelacy. 3. This sitting in Scripture, as table-sitting, is used to expresse our fellowship with Christ in the Gospell, Mat. 22. 1. 2. Luke 22. 30. Mat. 8. 11, 12. Luke 14. 15, 16, 17. Cant. 1. 12. Cant. 5. 1. Rev. 19. 9. Rev. 3. 20. and our Communion with Christs bo­dy and his blood is sealed up in this Sacrament, 1 Cor. 10. 16. 4. This is confirmed, in that the Sacramentall food is not simply given as food, (though that be a speciall fruit thereof) for then there should be no more required to the essence and integrity of the Supper, but eating and drinking, and on his alone, eating and drinking and using the words of Christ, should receive a Sacrament, and the manner of eating should be accidentall, and in the Churches pow­er; but this food is given as food Table-wise, with the solemnities of a banquet, and of spirituall fellowship, which must be repre­sented of purpose here, and that sitting wayes, so to eat and drink with Publicans is a signe of fellowship, as Christs eating and sitting with Publicans and sinners made him be construed to be a friend to them, 1 Cor. 5. 11. To refuse to eat with a fornicator, is to refuse fellowship with him, 1 Cor. 8. 10. 1 Cor. 10. 20, 21. To sit at the Idols and Divels Table, is to partake of the idoll and Satans wor­ship, as having fellowship with them; Ergo, to sit at the Lord▪ table is to have fellowship with him. 5. The Holy Ghost speak­eth [Page 197] this fellowship, Luke 22. 14. He sate down and the twelve A­postles, [...] with him, see a fellowship, Math. 26. 20. He sate downe, [...], with the twelve. 18. And as they did eate (together at Table) Marke 14. 15. Luke 22. 15. With desire have Sitting a signe of our co-heire­ship. I desired to eat with you, [...], table-wise, as ver. 14. Mat. 26. 29. I will not drinke,—untill I drinke it new [...]. The words carry a resemblance of drinking with them the well of life, so Augu­stine, Hilary, Musculus, Amesius expoundneth them, so (as I take) he draweth them from 1. This materiall wine. 2. From Sacramen­tall tabling. 3. From this old fruit of the Wine. 4. From fellowship here in the Kingdome of Grace, to 1. New wine in heaven. 2. To hea­venly tabling. 3. To new and everlasting wine. 4. In the Fathers Kingdome. Neither am I much moved with what Paybodie saith, that our Saviour led the woman of Samaria, from Iacobs well to thirst for the water of life, yet is not, for that, Iacobs well made a type by divine institution. I answer, this would have some colour, if Christ did speake of common wine, as he did speake of Iacobs Well, as of common water. But all the three Evangelists speake of Sacra­mentall wine consecrated by word and prayer, else Christs calling bread his body should not prove that bread were a signe of his bo­dy by divine institution, but onely we were to make that spirituall use of bread and wine, that we make of ordinary bread and wine at our houses. Formalists then must say that Christ speaketh of wine here as common, not as Sacramentall, which is absurd when Christ is expounding the Elements, in their spirituall signification, Luke 5. 22, 21. But behold the hand of him that betrayeth me is [...] with me, on the table. Mat. 26. 23. Marke 14. 20. If he had been kneeling or standing, (gestures unpossible for them then) he could not have his hand leaning on the table, and if he had not beene sitting▪ table-wise, in a table-fellowship with Christ, then could not our Saviour have conveniently convinced the ingratitude of Iudas, as he doth. Now if Christ aime not to make Iudas his fault the greater, because Iudas and he sate at one table together, and that as an holy and Sacramentall table, he had in this no more argued Iudas of ingratitude, then any of the rest of the house who communicated not with Christ, because Christ and they did eate one materiall and ordinary bread together▪ And in this Achito­phel was a type of Iudas, as David of Christ, and that not onely in [Page 198] this, that Achitophel did eate bread with David, and so had a civill fellowship, but that they went together to Gods house, in compa­ny together, Psal. 55. 14. So had Christ and Iudas fellowship to­gether, at that same Sacramentall table: And as tabling together signifieth civil fellowship, so must fellow-tabling at one sacred Feast signifie Spirituall fellowship together. 6. Giving and not granting that fellow-sitting together were onely a common honour, not a mi­sticall honour by divine Institution, yet since to sit at a table with a Ruler, is an honour, 1 Sam. 20. 5. 2 Sam. 9. 13. Esther 7. 7. Prov. 23. 1. Mat. 8. 11. Luk [...] 16. 23. Luke 22. 30. And the Lords Disciples are admitted to sit with him, as is cleare in that he sate down with the twelv [...], and he sate (Luke 24. 30.) at meat with them, and tooke bread and blessed it. No power on earth should dare to deprive the people of God of this honour, for this honour was bestowed on the Lords Apostles, as communicants, not as Apostles, and the want of Christs bodily presence, diminisheth nothing of the honour, see­ing he is really, but in a spirituall manner present, as the Lord of the feast, with us, as he was with them. Paybodie saith, When Christ sate at table in the Passeover, even then he schooled them from look­ing Part 2. pag. 187. at honour in materiall or outvvard sitting, vvhile as Luke 22. 26. he would stand himselfe as a servant, and vvash his Disciples feet. Ansvv. His non-sitting and washing their feet, being a morall, not a Sacramentall teaching them humility, doth no more schoole them from not looking to sit, then his non-eating, and non-drink­ing while he stood servant-like, doth schoole them from not look­ing to the honour of eating and drinking Sacramentally. Christ teacheth lessons of humility, not to learne us not to seek the spiri­tuall honour of communion with Christ, that were to teach us to be proud, and this man is that bold to insinuate that it was a spece of pride, for the Disciples to sit at table with Christ, and for Iohn to leane on his bosome.

Mr. Paybodie thinketh to crush this argument; Because the ser­ving of God the Father and giving him glory, must be incompatible Paybodie p. 268. 269. Disputer a­gainst kneeling, Arg. 1. c. 6. with a table-fellowship with his Sonne. The disputer (saith he) rea­soneth thus; Kneeling importeth an inferiority, therefore it is contra­ry to the person of co-heirs, which person we act by table-sitting, but do you (saith he) dream of a co-heirship, whereby you stand not in an inferiority to Christ, then when you take on you the person of co-heirs by [Page 199] sitting at Table, it were not lawfull either to esteem, or in a short eja­culation to call Christ your Lord and Superiour; yea so faith must have no working at the Sacrament: for Faith importeth an inferiori­ty and dependance: We respect Christ in his banquet, as a King invi­ting us to eat with him; yea, I may kneel and call God my Father, and in so doing, I actuate the person of a co-heire.

Ans. But in this the disputer and we mean no other thing, then A signe of our coheir­ship may well con­sist with our inferiority in worship­ping Christ that kneeling which is a note of submission, and never used in ban­quets, cannot formally expresse, as an apt signe, the dignity of fel­low-table-ship with Christ: 2. Poor Logitian, it followeth not in sitting at table, which is the expressing signe of the honour of table­fellowship, we may not call Christ, Lord. David sitting at Table with his Prince Saul, might well term him ( my Lord the King) but if▪ David should be put to his knees at Table, and inhibited to eat at the Table, at which his Prince did eat; no wise man will say, that Saul had honoured David with fellow-Tabling with him. For the Act of kneeling, and non-eating were no expressing signes of fel­low-Tabling, but by the contrary of no fellow-Tabling; the Dis­puter hath no minde to make us every way equall with Christ, so as there can be a case, wherein it is not Lawfull to esteem or call Christ our Lord; King and Superiour, this is Paybodies consequence; but take away Table-sitting, an honour put upon us by Christ in this Sacrament, Luk. 22. 27. and substitute kneeling for it, then you take away Gods expressing signe of Table-Fellowship in that ge­sture: for while the world standeth, kneeling shall never be a signe of Table-fellowship: sitting at Table is a signe, as the Scriptures clear, but sitting taketh never away our inferiority to Christ; you may worship and actuate the person of a co-heir, but not worship in an expressing visible signe of co-heirship, and then kneel. Far­ther he reasoneth with us, as if Table-sitting inferred an equality betwixt us, and that Lord who is the head of men and Angels; we reason for an honour of fellowship, not equality. David set at King Saul's Table, is not made equall with Saul, but in Table-sitting, he doth partake of Table-honour to feast with his Prince.

If Christ should have sitten and caused his Disciples rise and wash his feet▪ in that he could not have said, ( I have put the honour of Table-fellowship on you, for you stand and wash my feet, and I sit) this (I say) had been no table-honour, but most contrary to it: It had [Page 200] been indeed servant-honour, Luk 22. 27. and more then sinfull men are worthy of. To kneel to Christ is an honour, but to kneel at Tabling with him, as kneeling, is no more an expressing signe of table-honour, nor standing and serving Christ, while he did eat is an honour of table-fellowship. Now if any shall take away eating with Christ, at that table, he taketh away table-honour, as Papists do in taking away drinking with Christ from the people, yet eat­ing with Christ maketh us not equall to Christ, but take away eat­ing, and you take away Table-honour, so take away sitting at Table, and you take away ( eatenus) in so far the Table-honour.

But by this mean (say they) you make it necessary to sit, and of Divine necessity. I answer, Table sitting is not so necessary, as that the want thereof doth annihilate the Sacrament, and make it to be no Sacrament at all, but it is (as I think) many wayes necessary, as first it is morally or Theologically necessary, as being gesture sanctified by the practice of Christ and his Apostles, upon Morall grounds, and so to be imitated by us: 2. It is necessary, by necessity of expediency, as free from hazard of Idolatry, of which crime kneel­ing in this act, is guilty. 3. It is necessary, sacramentally, for the in­tegrity of the Sacrament, as signifying our honour of Table-fel­lowship. 4. It is by natures grounds necessary, that as this banquet is materiall, having bread, wine, taking, breaking, distribution, eating, drinking, so the externall solemnity of a banquet, such as is table-sitting, requireth the same. And 5. which is our 4. Argu­ment, 4. Arg. it is necessary by necessity of Divine precept ( Do this in re­membrance of me) that this is included in the precept we certainly believe: 1. Because nothing in reason can be excluded, from the precept of the first pattern, but what is meerly occasionall, such as sitting is not.

2. The practise of Christ and the Apostles cannot be a will-action, and therefore must fall under a precept: sitting cannot be occasio­nall, upon the reason that it was continued through occasion of the passeover; for if this be good, then eating and drinking, and the Analogy betwixt the signe and Christ, shall be occasionall, and the singing of a Psalm, as was at the Passeover, shall be occasionall: for Christ retained what did equally belong to the Supper of the Iews, and this Christian Supper, as concerning the common na­ture of sacred Feasts.

[Page 201]5. What is proper to a table of solemn feasting, should not be denyed to this, But sitting was such; Ergo, More of this may be seen in the Nullity of Pearth examination, and the re-examination of the five Articles of Pearth.


Whether humane Laws binde the consciences are not?

OUr Argument against Ceremonies is▪ that they fail a­gainst Arg. 8. Ceremo­nies fail against the authority of Rulers. the fifth Commandment, and the Authority of Rulers.

What the Civill, or Church-Ruler can command must be good, necessary, apt to edifie, and not indifferent, or neither good nor evil; Ceremonies are acknowledged by their Fathers to be indif­ferent, and neither good nor evil; Ergo, They are such as cannot be lawfully commanded. The Proposition is clear; the Ruler must command for good, Rom. 13. 4. He is the minister of God for thy good, and all for edification, 1 Cor. 10, 23. 1 Cor. 14. 3. v. 12, 17, 26. And therefore all means injoyned for this end, good, and Edification must conduce thereunto of their own nature, and not by the will of men, else they edifie not. But that this may be further cleared, it is que­stioned, if humane Lawes binde the conscience: for which consider,

1. Dist. An humane Law is taken in Concreto, when judges com­mand what God commandeth, as when they make a Law against murther. 2. In abstracto, when the judge forbiddeth what may tend to murther, as carrying Armour in a City in the night.

2. Dist. There is some morall equity in right humane Laws.

3. Something positive.

4. Dist. There be four things to be regarded in humane Laws: 1. Publick peace of the society. 2. The credit, honour and Majesty of the Ruler, even when the Law is unjust. 3. Obedience passive, and subjection, by patient suffering. 4. Obedience active by doing, which is now to be considered.

Dist. 5. An humane Law Civill may oblige, Ratione generalis praecepti, In regard of the generall command to obey our superiors, as the fifth Command saith▪ But the question is, if a humane Law, as meerly positive oblige in conscience, as if this which the Captain for­biddeth, [Page 202] as, (not to speak the vvatch-word) be in it self against the sixth Commandment (Thou shalt not murther) if no murther follow upon the not speaking of the watch-word, though it be against the fifth in the generall.

Dist. 6. The question is not, whether we be obliged in conscience to obey superiors in things Lawfull, or whether we be obliged in conscience to obey Superiors, when they are sole authoritative re­laters and carriers of Gods expresse Law to us, for then they bring nothing of their own, to lay upon us, and in these cases their laws are rather Gods Laws delivered by Superiors to us, and binde the conscience. But the question is, if positive laws, in particular mat­ters, negatively only, conform to the word, as in matters of Oeco­nomy, and policy, as not to eat flesh in Lent, for the growth of cattell; in matters of Art, and in ordering of war and Military Acts, commanded by Captains, if these commandments as such o­blige the conscience. Now to oblige the conscience, is, when the not doing of such a thing bringeth an evil conscience; now an evil conscience, as Pareus Pareus Com. in Rom. 13. dub. v. 5. saith, Is the sense of sin committed against God, and the fear of Gods judgement.

Distinct. 7. The conscience i [...] obliged by doing, or not doing, two wayes: 1. Per se, kindly, when the fact of it self obligeth, and for no respect without, as to give almes to the poor at the Commandment of the superior: 2. When the fact obligeth for a reason from publick peace, good example, and order.

1. Conclusion. When Rulers command, what God expresly commandeth, their Laws obligeth the conscience, Psal. 34. 11. Come ye children hearken unto me, and I will teach you the fear of the Lord, Prov. 4▪ 1. Hear ye children the instruction of a Father.

2. Conclus. Publick peace in all the commandments of Superi­ors, in so far, as can be without sin, obligeth the conscience, as Heb. 12. 14. Follow peace with all men, and godlinesse, Psal. 34. 14. Seek peace, and follow after it, Rom. 12. 18.

3. Conclus. Subjection to the censures of Rulers by suffering pa­tiently, is an obligation lying upon all private persons, 1 Pet. 2. 20. But if, vvhen ye do vvell, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable to God, Rom. 13. 2. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God.

4. Conclus. Nothing in non-obeying unwarrantable Command­ments [Page 203] must be done that redoundeth to the discredit of the Ruler or the hurting of his Majesty and honour, 1 Pet. 2. 17. Honour the King, Eccles. 10. 20. Curse not the King: For even when we deny subjection or obedience objective, to that which they command, yet owe we obedience officiall, and all due respect and reverence to the person and eminent place of the Ruler, as Act. 7. 2. Steven calleth them, Men, brethren, and fathers, Act. 7. 51. And yet stiffe­necked resisters of the holy Ghost.

5. Conclus. Humane Laws, whither civill or Ecclesiastick, in that particular positive matter, which they have of Art, Oeconomy, po­licy, and in Gods matters of meer humane coyne and stamp, do not bindes the conscience at all, per se, kindely and of themselves. How civill positive laws binde not the conscience. 1. Nothing, but what is either Gods expresse word, or his word by consequence doth lay a band on the conscience of it self: But not to eat flesh in L [...]nt, upon civill reasons, Not to carry Armour in the night, To wear Surplice, and to Crosse infants in Baptisme, are neither Gods word expresly, nor by consequence. The major is sure; because the word is the perfect and adequate object of mat­ters of Faith, and morall practice, which concerneth the consci­ence, Psal. 19. 7. 8. Psal. 119. 9. Iohn 20. 31. Prov. 8. 9. 2. Because whatever thing layeth a band on the conscience, the not doing of that would be a sin before God, if the Ruler should never com­mand it ( But the carrying Armour in the night (the not wearing Surplice in Divine service) should be no sin before God, if the ru­ler should never command them, as reason, Scriptures, and adver­saries teach. The Proposition I instruct from the diffinition of an obligation of conscience, for to lay a band on the conscience is de­fined, to lay a command on the soul, which ye are obliged before God to do, as you would eschew sin, and obtain eternall salvation: So the learned Pareus Pareus Com. in Rom. c. 13. Dub. 7. so Richard Field on the Church 4. book c. 33. Dr. Field; so Gerson de vita spir. part. 3. lect. 4. Gerson, and so teach Greg. de val. to. 1. disp. 7. punct. 6. Sect. [...]. Gregorius de Valentia, and Suarez tom. de le­gibus lib. 3. cap. 22. Suarez. 3. None can lay on a band of not doing, under the hazard of sin, but they that can remit sins, for the power that looseth, the same bindeth: But mor­tall men cannot binde to sin, nor loose men from sin, but where God goeth before them in binding and loosing, for they cannot be­stow the grace of pardoning sin: But he onely who hath the keys of David, who openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man o­peneth. 4. Whoever can lay on bands of Laws, to bring any under [Page 204] the debt of sin, must lay on bands of obligation to eternall punish­ment, but God only can do this, Mat. 10. 28.

The Proposition is clear, because sin against God, essentially in­cludeth a relative obligation to eternall punishment. 5. In matters of Gods worship this is clear. The School-men, as Aquin. 22 q. art. 1. ad. 3. Aquina [...], Suar. Deoper. 6. dierum Tract. 3. disp. 5. Sect. 1. num. 2. Suarez, Ferra. c [...]. Gente [...] cap. 21. Ferrariensis, Conrad. 12. q. 20. art 1. A twofold goodnesse in things. The will of authori­ty cannot treate goodnesse in things. Conradus teach us, that there is a twofold good. The first is, an objective and primordiall goodnesse, whereby things are agreeable to Gods Law, if rulers finde not this in that good which they command, they are not just, and so not to be obeyed. There is another goodnesse that cometh from the will of authority, & so only divine authority must make things good; the will and authority of Rulers findeth objective goodnes in them, and therefore enacteth Laws of things, but because they enact Laws of things, they do not therefore become good and Lawfull, It is the will of the Creator of all beings which is the measure, rule, and cause of the goodnesse of things, as Adams not eating of the tree of knowledge is good and gratefull obedience, from Gods forbid­ding will, and it should have been as gratefull obedience to eat of that tree, if God had commanded so. Men cannot make worlds; nor can their will create goodnesse in acts indifferent, nor can their forbidding will illegittimate or make evil any actions indifferent, and therefore things must be morally good, and so intrinsecally good without the creative influence of humane Authority, and from God only are they apt to edifie, and to oblige the conscience in the termes of goodnesse morall.

And this is strengthened, by that which in reason cannot be de­nied, to wit, that it is essentiall to every human Law that layeth any obligation on the conscience, that it be just, nor is it to be called a Law, except it be just, and justice and equity humane Laws have from God, the law of nature, and his word, not from the Authori­ty and will of men; therefore Iurists expound that [...]. F. de con [...]i [...]. Prineip. Qu [...]d Prin­cipi placuit, legis babet vigorem, est verum de placito justo. What plea­seth the Prince, hath the vigour of a Law, of just things. Also the School-men, as Carduba in sum quest. 18. part 1. Carduba, Thom. 22. q. 104. art. 6. Thomas▪ Soto de inst. leg. 1. 4. 6. art. 4. Soto, Medin [...] ▪ C. de paenitentia tract. 4. de jujun. c. 7. Medina, Adrian quod. 6. art. 2. Adrianus Navar. in sum. cap. 23. num. 55. Navar Driedo l. 3. De liber Christ. c. 3. ad. 5. Driedo Castro lib. 1. de lege pena▪ c. 4. Castro, as I gather out of their writings, give strong reasons, why Rulers cannot lay an obligation on the conscience, when the matter of the Law is light and naugh­ty, [Page 205] for this were to make a man a trangressor before God, for a word, a straw, a toy, which is unjust: Because the just weight of the matter is the only just ground of the Laws obligation: Ergo, the will of the Lawgiver, except he make a moat a mountaine, cannot lay an obligation of necessity on man. 2. It were a foolish law, and so no law to oblige to eternall punishment, and the offending of 2. God for a light thing, for this were to place the way of salvation in that wherein the way consisteth not. 3. Such a law were not for edification, but for destruction of soules. 4. This was the Phari­ses fault, Mat. 23. to lay on intollerable burthens on mens soules. 5. The law of God and nature freeth us in positive lawes from guilt, in case of necessity, as David did lawfully eat Shew-bread. 6. A Civill law may not take away a mans life for a straw, farre lesse can it bind to Gods wrath. 7. August. De Baptis. l. c. 6. Augustine saith, they be un­just ballances to esteeme things great or small, for our sole will. Out of all which I conclude, that no law as a Law, doth oblige the Conscience, but that which hath from the matter morall equi­ty, and not from the intention of the Law-giver, as Cajet. verbo pra­cepti trans­gressio. Cajetan, Silvest. verbo prae­cept. q. 9. Silvester, Angelus verb. lex. 11. 3. Angelus, and Cordu­ba q. 189. part. 2. rat. 1. 2. Corduba teach, which inten­tion must take a rule from the matter of the law, and not give a rule. Gers. de vit. spir. lect. 4. c. 7. Nulla lex s [...]reuda est tanquam ne­cessaria ad salutem, qu [...] non est de jure Divino. Gerson, No law (saith he) is a law to be called as necessary to sal­vation, (as all good lavves should be) but that vvhich de jure Di­vino, is according to Gods lavv, yea, vve are not (saith Du­rand. l. 2. d. 44. q. 5. numb. 6. Si Papa praeciperet Monacho ea quae sum contra suam professio­nem, non motus aliqua necessitate vel utilitate Ecclesiae, sed sola voluntate, & de hoc constaret, & Abbas praeciperet, contrarium, obediendum esset Abbati, & non Papae. Durandus) to obey the Pope if he command a Monke to doe somthing, vvhen he is not moved to command by the necessity, the profit of the Church, but by his ovvne free vvill, and if this be knovven. If the Pope (faith he) for his ovvne vvill, and vvithout necessity and utility should se­clude vvorkes of supererogation, that command should tend to destructi­on, and vve are to obey Christ, vvho is above the Pope. And therefore his mind is, that all obligation of Conscience, in humane command­ments commeth from Gods will and law, that is, from the just and necessary matter of the law, not from the will of men.

6. Conclus. All humane or Ecclesiastick lawes binding the con­science, have necessarie, and not probable deduction onely, by the warrant of both the M [...]jor Proposition and Assumption from the [Page 206] Word of God, and Law of Nature. This conclusion is against Suarez Tom. de leg. lib. 3. c. 24. Suarez, he seeketh onely a probable connexion betwixt obliging Lawes and the Divine law. And Greg. de valent. tom. 2. disp. 7. q. 5. punct. 6. Sect. 1. Humane lawes ob­lige onely in so farre as they a­gree with the Law of God. Gregorius de valent. is in very deed against Gerson, who teacheth three things of all humane lawes. 1. That they are in so farre just. 2. That they in so farre ob­lige the Conscience, as they have necessary dependance upon na­tures law, or Gods word, and therefore compareth them to these precepts that Physitians give to sicke persons, they oblige the con­science of the sicke, (as I thinke) from the sixt Commandement, ( Thou shalt doe no murther,) for if the patient sleepe at such a time, or drinke wine in such a case, he killeth himselfe, but they have not obliging power from the fift Commandement, not as if the King being sicke were obliged by the fift Commandement to obey the Physitian, as his superiour. 3. He will have all humane laws that pro­perly obligeth, to be onely declaratory, and to manifest onely the Divine law, and to apply it to such and such a matter. The Conclu­sion is clear from what is said before, because all civil laws as meerly positive, in the cafe of non-contempt doe not oblige, and in the case of non-scandall, as Medina tract. De je­junio cap. 7. Medin. Almain. Moral. c. 12. Almaine, Gers. uti supra. Gerson teach. And it followeth from a sure ground, that Vasquez 12. disp. 158 c. 4. num. 32. Praecipient is intentio non facit prae­ceptum ha­bere majo­rem vel mi­norem obli­gandi, effi­caciam, sed necesfi [...]as, diguitas, vel utilitas corum quae praecipiuntur. Vasquez layeth downe, and he hath it from Dried [...] de lib. Christ. l. 3. c. 3. ad 5. Driedo, to wit, that the efficacy of obligation in humane lawes, cometh not from the will of Lawgivers, or their in­tention, but from the dignity or waightines of the matter. If then the matter be not from Gods law, just, the obligation is none at all; for if the law from mans will, shall lay on an obligation of three de­grees, whereas Gods law from Gods vvill, before men inacted this in a Law, laid on an obligation of two degrees onely, tying the Conscience, then the will of man createth obligation, or the obliga­tive power of conscience in the matter of the Law▪ and by that same reason he createth goodnes, which is absurd, for that is proper to God onely.

I grant it is hard, because of the variety of singular actions in mans life, to see the connexion, betwixt particulars of humane lawes and Gods lawes; yet a connexion there is, and for this cause the learned worthy Divine, Pareus com. in Rom. 13. v. 5. Dub. 7. Conclus. 5. Pareus will have humane lawes in [Page 207] particulari, & per se, in the particular and of themselves to binde the Conscience. Whereas Calvin inst. l. 3. c. 19. Sect. 15. 16. Calvin, and Beza in Notis in Rom. 13. A twofold considera­tion of hu­mane laws. Beza, Iunius, Tilenus, Sibrandus, Whittakerus and others deny this: But the truth is, hu­mane civill lawes are two waies considered. 1. As they are meerly Positive & according to the letter of the Law. 2. As they have a con­nexion with 1. The principles of nature, of right and wrong. 2. With the end of the law, which is the supream law, The safety of the people, as the Civill law saith, he who entreth to an inheritance and maketh no Inventory of all his goods, shall pay debts above the-whole heritage, this law according to the letter in the Court of conscience is unjust, and so cannot oblige in Conscience; so as he is guilty before God, and deserveth the vengeance of everlasting wrath, who doth not make an inventory of all his goods, and produce it to the Iudge; so he that goeth up to the walls of a City, may by the Law be com­manded to be put to death, yet is he not guiltie of eternall death be­fore God, and therefore if the presumption which is the ground of the law cease, as this; He that maketh not an inventory with a pur­pose to enjoy the whole inheritance and pay no debts, sinneth before God against conscience, as famous jurists, to wit Iason. Jason, Baldus in rubrica▪ F [...]de acqui­rendis b [...] ­reditatibus nu. 23. & seq. Bar­tolus and others teach: for this Law considered as having connexi­on with a principle of nature, that every man should pay his debts, is a law binding the Conscience, and the truth is, the end of these Lawes oblige the Conscience, they being divine expressions of justice and righteousnesse, but not the Lawes themselves; for whatever obligeth the conscience as a divine truth, the ignorance thereof is a sinfull ignorance, and maketh a man guilty of eternall wrath, but men are not guilty & lyable to the eternal wrath of God, because they are ignorant of all the civill Lawes in Iustinians book; then were we obliged to be no lesse versed in all the civill lawes, that bindeth in foro humano, then of the Bible, and law of God.

The adversaries strive to prove that these lawes oblige the con­science, we may heare Bellarm. tom. 1. cont. 5. l. 3. c. 11. Bellarmine Vasquez tom. 2 in 12. disp. 152. cap. 2. Vasquez, Valent. tom. 2. disp. 7. q. 5. punct. 6. Valentini­an, and the Formalist and Arminian, Doctor Iackson on the Creed, lib. 2. cap. 4 Doctor Jackson say, To resist the Rulers in giving, and making lawes, is to resist God, as 1 Sam. 8. They have not refused thee, but they have refused me, that I should not raigne over them. Suarez [...]aith, An humane law is the neerest cause of obligation of conscience, as the eternall law is the re­mote cause. And [...]ackson as the immediate interposition of divine [Page 208] authority made the killing of Abrahams sonne, holy, which otherwise would have been cruelty; so the interposition of authority derived from God, make some actions that barely considered would be apparently evill, and desperate, to be honest and lawfull; to strike a Prophet would seem sin, but when a Prophet cōmandeth to strike, not to strike is disobe­dience, 1▪ Kin. 20. 35, 36. to rob a Spaniard is Piracie, but to do it upon the Kings letter of Mart for wrongs done to the State, is obedience to the King. Answ. To resist the servant in that wherein he is a ser­vant, and as a servant, is to resist God, as 1 Sam. 8. proveth well. How infe­riour ru­lers are subordi­nate to God in command­ing. But the assumption then is most false, for rulers in making lawes, and creating by their sole pleasure, goodnes morall, in particular matters without the word of God, are not Gods servants, nor is humane authoritie as humane, the nearest cause of obligation of conscience, instamped in these lawes, nor is it the cause at all, and therefore to resist them, is not to resist God. They be Gods instru­ments and Ministers in 1. Propounding and expounding Gods laws. 2. In executing them, and defending them from the violence of men. 3. In making positive and directory civil lawes, for civill go­vernment, that are lawes improperly so called, which bind the conscience as above is said, in so far, as they have dependance upon Gods Law: for Iames saith, There is but one Law-giver. As for Church-canons, all, except Physicall circumstances in them, are to be warranted by the word. Therefore it is a vaine consequence of Valentia, humane lawes oblige, dependenter a lege aeternâ, as they de­pend on the eternall law▪ Ergo, they oblige in Conscience, it follow­eth not. They oblige in Conscience as their Major and Minor proposition, in that which is morall, can be proved out of Gods word, but so, in their morallity they are meerely divine, and not humane and positive, and so the argument concludeth not against us. They oblige in Conscience as they depend upon the eternall law, that is, as they are deduced from the eternall Law of God, in a Major proposition, without probation of the assumption, that we deny, and it is in question now. The people 1 Sam. 8. in rejecting Samuel from being their judge, rejected God, not because Samuel had a power of making lawes, without the warrant of Gods word. Neither Moses, nor Jeremiah, nor Ezekiel▪ nor any Prophet were in that servants subordinate to God, for they vvere onely to heare the vvord at Gods mouth. 3. We could have no more at Bellarmines [Page 209] Bellar cont. Bar­clai. cap. 3. Bon [...] sensu Christus dedit Petro potestatem faciend [...] de▪ peccato non peccatum, & de non peccato pec­catum. Humane authority is not the nearest or instrumen­tall cause of Lawes. hand, then Jackson saith. For Bellarmine saith, In a good sense Christ gave to Peter a power, to make that which is sinne, to be no sin, and that which is no sinne, to be sinne. So Iackson, the interposition of derived authority, maketh that which would be murther other wayes, to bee a good worke; that is, men may doe what God onely can doe. If Isaac then at the commandement of Abraham his father, offer his sonne Iacob to God in a bloody Sacrifice, then Abrahams deri­ved authority maketh that a lawfull sacrifice, as to strike a Prophet of it selfe, is a degree of murther, but when a Prophet commandeth another to strike a Prophet, it is lawfull. But can any blasphemer say, that this was humane derived authority without warrant of the word of the Lord, such as are humane positive lawes, and our humane ceremonies, see the text, 1 King. 20. 35. And a certaine man of the sonnes of the Prophets, said unto his neighbour in the word of the Lord▪ smite me. This was immediate, divine and Propheti­call authoritie, and not humane. Doth the Kings letter of Mart make robbing a Spaniard lawfull? Court Parasites speake so, he refuteth himselfe. The Kings letter of Mart, for wrongs done to the State, maketh that which is Piracy lawfull, then the Kings au­thority doth not here by a nomothetick power, and a law laid upon the Conscience, but the wrongs of Piracy by Spaine, done to the State of England, may make the robbing of Spaniards an act of lawfull warre, and an act of justice flowing from the King as a law­full Magistrate. Now Iackson is speaking of mandates of Rulers in that place, which have no warrant of the word of God. Yea, even Stapleton Staple­ton de sta­tu Eccles. cont. 5. q. 7 art. 2. a Papist saith, as Doctor Field also Field on the Church, booke. 4. c. 33. observeth, That humane laws binde for the utility and neoessity of the matter, and not from the will of the Lawgiver. And so saith Gerson Gerson, Almain oper. moral. cap. 12. Almain, Decius namco [...]upi­scen. lect. 1. Decius, Mencha questionum illustrium l. 1. c. 19. num. 1. Mencha, and our owne Iunius animadv. Iunius saith, The plenitude of power of lawes is onely in the princpall agent, not in the instrument. Doctor Iackson 16. Doctor Iackson saith, unlimited and abso­lute faith or submission of conscience we owe not to rulers, that is due to God, but we owe to them conditionall assent and cautionary obedi­ence, if they speake from God▪ suppose they fetch not an expresse com­mission from Scripture, for if Pastors be then onely to be obeyed when they bring evident commission out of Scripture, I were no more bound to beleeve & obey my governours, then they are bound to beleeve and obey in Bellarm. contr. 3. lih. 4. cap. 6. not. 89. [Page 210] my Governours, then ther are bound to believe and obey me, for equals are oblieged to obey equalls, when they bring a warrant from Gods word▪ and so the povver of Rulers vvere not reall, but titular, and the same do th Sutlu­vius de Presbyter c. 11. 66. Sic non ma­gis Ecclesiae & Synodo log [...]s scribe­re & pro­mulga [...]e li­ceres, quam popul [...] & subditis sibil [...]ge [...] co [...] ­de [...] pr [...] ter sui prin­cipis▪ & Magistra­tus volun­tatem, si ni­mirum Christus es­set exter­n [...] politiae legislator. Sutluvius and Bellar. de interp▪ verbi lib▪ 3. cap. 4. A double obedience due to Ru­lers, obje­ctive and subjective. Bellarmine say.

Answ. We owe to equalls, to Mahomet, conditionall and cau­tionary faith and obedience; thus, I beleeve what Mahomet saith, so he speake Gods word, yea so Samaritans who worshipped they knew not what, John 4. 26. gave saith to their Teachers in a blinde way, so they speake according to Gods word. 2. It follow­eth in no sort, if Rulers are onely to be obeyed when they bring Gods Word, that then they are no more to be obeyed then equalls & Infetiours, because there is a double obedience, one of conscience, and objective coming from the thing commanded; And in respect of this, the word hath no lesse authority, and doth no lesse chal­lenge obedience of Confcience, and objective, when my equall speaketh it in a private way, yea, when I writ it in my muse, then when a Pastor speaketh it by publike authority; for we teach against Papists, that the word borroweth [...]o authority from men, nor is it with certainty of faith to be received as the Word of man, but as indeed the Word of God, as the Scripture saith: 1. There is another obedience officiall, which is also obedience of Conscience, because the fifth Commandement injoyneth it. Yet not obedi­ence of Conscience coming from the particular, commanded in humane Lawes, as humane, so I owe obedience of sub­jection, and submission of affection, of feare, love, honour, re­spect, by vertue of the fift Commandement to Rulers, when they command according to Gods Word, and this I owe not to equals or inferiours; and so it followeth not that the power of Rulers and Synods is titular, because they must warrant their mandates from the Word. But its alwayes this mans hap to be against sound (i) 1▪ Thes. 2. 13. Esa. 1. 2. [...]er. 1. 2. Ezek. 2. 7. Objective obedience no more due to Ru­lers then to equalls. truth. But 3. That I owe no more objective subjection of con­science to this, ( Thou shalt not murther) (Beleeve in Iesus Christ) when Rulers and Pastors command them, then when I read them in Gods word. I prove 1. If this from a Ruler ( Thou shalt not murther,) challenge faith and subjection of Conscience of six degrees, but as I read it my selfe, or as my equall in a private way saith, ( Thou shalt not murther) it challenge saith and subjection of foure degrees onely, then is it more obligatory of Conscience, [Page 211] and so of more intrinsecall authority, and so more the word of God when the Ruler commandeth it, then when I read it, or my equall speaketh it to me. This were absurd for the speaker, whe­ther publike or private person, addeth not any intrinsecall autho­rity to the word, for then the word should be more or lesse Gods word, as the bearers were publike, or private, more or lesse wor­thy. As Gods word spoken by Amos a Prophet, should not be a word of such intrinfecall authority, as spoken by Moses both a Prince and a Prophet. 2. My faith of subjection of Conscience, should be resolved, as concerning the two degrees of obedience of faith to the word spoken by the Ruler on the sole authority of the Ruler, and not on the authority of God, the Author of his own word. 4. I answer to Sutluvius, That Christ in the externall po­licy of his owne house is a Lawgiver, ordaining such and such of­ficers himselfe, Ezek. 4. 11. commanding order and decency, and setting downe a perfect discipline in the New Testament, in all par­ticulars that have influence, religious, morall, mystically significant in Gods worship, and there is reason that Synods and Pastors, should rather promulgate Gods Lawes, then the people. 1. Be­cause God hath given to them by office, the key of knowledge. 2. Because by office they are watch-men, and so have authority of of­fice to heare the Law at Gods mouth, and in Synods to give Di­rectories or Canons according to that word, which people have not, and that their Canons must be according to Gods Word, is said in the word, Nehemiah 10. 32. Also we [...]ade ordinances for us, 34. as it is written in the law of the Lord.

Iackson saith, Of things good in themselves and apprehended so by us, without any scruple of evil, every mans conselence htah sufficient autho­rity Ibid. p. 259▪ 260. to inioyn it, only the alacrity of doing in what time or measure it is to be done, or such circumstances, cometh within the subiect of obe­dience to governours.

Answ. Then because faith in Christ is evidently good by the Doctors learning, the Pastor hath no more authority to command the people to beleeve in Christ, then the people hath to command the same to him. So in preaching all the necessary fundamentals of salvation, the authority of Pastors is meerely titular. There be then little necessitie of a publike Ministery, as Socinians teach us. 2. The ala [...]rity and manner and measure of beleeving, and doing things [Page 212] evidently good is as particularly set downe in Gods Word, as ob­liging the Conscience, as the Mandates themselves, God who com­mandeth us to love him, and to beleeve in his Sonne, hath not left that power to Prelates, that createth wretched Ceremonies, to command us to love God with all our heart, or not, and to serve God with alacrity or not, or to beleeve in Christ with all the heart or with halfe a heart; the sincerity, measure and manner of the loving of God, is no more the subject of obedience to rulers then the loving of God. Rulers doe command both alike, Pari autho­ritate, except the man say that we obey Gods Law perfectly, when we give obedience to it, according to the substance of the acts, though we obey not sincerely. False rules of obe­dience to Rulers proposed by Doctor Jackson re­futed.

The Doctor giveth us Rules in obeying Rulers. ‘We are not to adventure on the action, whereof we are perswaded there be much evil, and no good in it.’

Ans. Then we cannot venture upon Ceremonies, that bringeth adders to Gods word, under all the Plagues written in Gods word.

2. Gods word, not mens perswasions of conscience (except in this also he be an Arminian) is the rule of mens actions. The ser­vants 3. Rule. of Caiaphas may be perswaded there is no good, but much evil in confessing, Christ▪ We are to lay aside the erroneous per­swasion, and obey, if the action be good in itself.

Iackson. Some actions apprehended as meerly evil, may be under­taken with lesse danger, then others which are apprehended, partly as evil, partly as good; the action is evil as long as we fear the evil in it, to be greater then the good we can hope for.

Ans. To do any thing as apprehended evil, of which sort are humane Ceremonies to us, for any respect, is to do with a doubt­ing conscience, and to sin, Rom. 14. 23. 2▪ Gods word, not probabi­lities should lead us in adventuring upon actions.

Iackson. 3. If the measure of the good apprehended, be as great as the evil feared; in private choice, we may adventure upon the action, leaving the event to Gods providence, which favoureth actions, more then privations, works rather then idlenesse, and following of that which is good, rather then abstinence from evil: for vvhere this in­difference of perswasion is▪ authority may cast the ballance, and sway the private choice? so also Hooker Churchpo­licy 5. book p. 197. 198. Hooker.

Ans. This is the Iesuit Suarez de Relig. tom 4. lib. 4. tract. 9. cap. 15. Considerare, [...]rg [...] aporte [...] a [...] secluso precepto res sit, utra (que) ex parte proba­bilis, & tunc uni­versaliter verum erit, adjuncto praecepto, o­bediendum esse. Suarez his doctrine, and so saith the [Page 213] Iesuit of Corduba Thomas Sanches Je­suita Cor­dubensis in Decalog. tom. 2. l. 6. c. 3. n. 3. Quado sub­ditus dubius est an res precepta, sitlicita nec ne tenetur obe­dire & ex­eusatur abpreceptun superioris. Sanches, when the subject is in a doubt, whe­ther the thing commanded by the Superiour be lawfull or not, he is obliged to obey, and he is to be excused because of the command of the superiour: 1. Because (say they) the Commanders condi­tion is better, and for a speculative doubt, he is not to be spoiled of his power of commanding, where reason, saith he, commandeth no­thing against reason: 2. Because the inferiour hath resigned his will to the superiour, Deut. 17. 2. Paral. 19. Ergo, In things doubt­some, God commanded to stand to the determination of the Priest, and it is a truth that the will of the Superiour doth not vary and change the nature of a thing in it self; yet it varieth to the inferi­ours conscience. Now indifference of perswasion is all one to Doctor Iackson with indifferency of the thing, for so he dictates. If one have indifferency of reasons of twelve degrees on both sides, that A­rianisme, or Arminianisme, is truth, if authority determine both to be truth, the weight of authority in indifferency of perswasion should cast the ballance, and to believe this, or not to believe it: where Arguments are of twelve grains of light of truth on both sides, it is to the doubting man, as if the thing were indifferent, so is the doubter to give up his soul, conscience, and faith to believe Arianisme to be truth, not from light of conscience, (for equally as much light of conscience are in either side, as is supposed) but for the meer will of humane authority, without Gods word.

Now though the matter here be indifferent in it self, yet not so to the doubter; for Ceremonies in our perswasion are not indiffe­rent. See here Ignatius Loyola Ignat. loyola. cat. Jesuit lib. 2. cap. 17. & 18. Prudentia non obedicn­tis, sed im­perantis est Item non est dignus no­mine obedi­entis, qui le­gittimo su­periori, non cum volun­tate judi­cum suum submittit. say, Give over your self to your Ruler. Give the Prelate your faith to keep, while ye be in eternity, and at the last judgement he will restore the pawn; And this is ( [...]aith Gregory de Valent. Greg. d [...] Valentia▪ to. 3. dis. 7. q. 3. punct. 2. Subditus non suo ju­dicio at (que) authoritati nititur superioris. to give your two eyes to your guide: I had rather they stick in my own head. To these Iesuits I oppose the minde of Vasquez 12. q. 19▪ disp. 66. c. 9. num. [...]1. Vasquez, and Salas 12. q▪ 21. tract. 8. disp. unic. sect▪ 17. num. 152. Salas, who say in that case the subject should first lay aside his errour, and then obey. 2 God requireth a full perswasion by the Lord Iesus, even in things indif­ferent, Rom. 14. 14, 22, 23. But poor naked humane authority cannot ingender perswasion of faith; and here is doubting▪ 3. It is false, That providence favoureth positive actions, more then privations, for [Page 214] Rom. 14. God loveth better abstinence from meats in themselves lawfull and clean, as the Apostle proveth, ver. 14. Because nothing is unclean of it self, then that the eater doubt, if he be not trans­gressing the Law of God in eating, though a great Apostle say, there is no danger in eating.

And Jackson addeth of the same nature these; ‘The good of obe­dience is not a consequent only of the action, but either an essentiall The good nesse of obedience to Rulers can­not coun­tervalue the evil in the manner of doing with a doubting conscience and so sin­fully. part, or such a circumstance and motive precedent, as bringeth a new essence for its concomitant, whereby the evil, which we out of private perswasions fear, may be countervaled by the goodnesse that is in the purpose of sincere obedience to lawfull authority, as well as we conceit­ed good probably included in the very obiect of the action, he that doth that which in his private opinion he suspecteth to be evil, because in­joyned by lawfull authority, doth not evil that good may come of it, see­ing the goodnesse of obedience is no consequent of the action, but a mo­tive precedent—authority maketh actions indifferent to be good and necessary.’

Ans. He beggeth the question: The goodnesse of sincere obedience to authority (saith he) may countervail the evil, that we in our pri­vate choice fear to be in the action. But first, obedience to authori­ty in things wanting Gods word (whereof he speaketh now) is not obedience, but sinning, because doing without faith. 2. I take the Doctor at his word, refusing obedience to mens will­worship, or to practise even to the ruin of the weak, things indifferent, for fear of the greatest evil, the offending of God, by adding to his worship, Rev. 22. 18, 19. is obedience to God, and not a privation; the purpose (I say) of this obedience to God, may countervail all evil that can be imagined in non-obedience to men, and sure obe­dience to God, though probably obedience is as good and better, then obedience to men, though probably obedience.

Jesuites and Formalists say, Rulers are in possession to command; Ergo, We cannot thrust them out of possession, where we are not perswaded that they command against reason, saith Sanches: So I say, God is in just possession commanding us to venture upon no in­different action, where the conscience doubteth, and shall we not no lesse contend for Gods just possession, as time-servers do for mortall Rulers unjust possession in this? 2. I prove that it were Lawfull then to sin against God: A Iew is alike perswaded, that Maries Son i [...] the true Messiah, and that he is a deceiver: Opinions [Page 215] about a man, might seem indifferent to the Iews, And it is all one (saith Jackson) as if the thing be indifferent. Now the Pharisees in a Councell, determine, that Maries Son is a deceiver; Then it is law­full for the Jew, upon purpose of sincere obedience to Pharisees, who sit in Moses chair, to believe, that Maries son is a deceiver; because the conceit of sincere obedience is an essentiall motive to transubstan­tiate unbelief into sincere obedience, and the Iew may venture up­on the faith, that Maries Son is a deceiver, and crucifie the Lord of glory: being commanded thereunto by his Commanders, because Gods providence favoureth more positive actions, then privations. 3. He saith, He that obeyeth for the sole authority of Rulers, doth not evil that good may come of it: 1. Because the goodnesse of obedience countervaileth the evil of the actions: But 1▪ The question is, if it be obedience; Ergo, If it be no obedience, it cannot countervail the evil. 2. If it be the evil of sin, with a doubting conscience to do what judges commandeth, having no warrant of faith, but the will and lust of men, no purpose of good, though it were to save all the world, can counter-redeem the evil of sin against God. 2. Be­cause (saith he) such a one doth not evil, that good may come of it. Then he that stealeth moneys to give to the poor doth not evil, that good may come of it, by Dr. Jacksons reason, Because the goodnesse of purposing to help the poor is not a consequent, but a precedent motive of the action, and so maketh it good: We all know, the intention of the end goeth in the intention before the action, but not as an essentiall cause to make an evil action good, or make an indifferent action necessary and honest: A good intention doth make a good action good and better, but that a good intention (as Idolators are full of good intentions) can never so season the means, as (this Doctor saith) that it can make evil to be good, Vasquez in 12. [...]om. 1. disp. 68. cap. 2. Vas­quez condemneth the Fathers of ignorance, because they said, Pro­positum bonum excusat malum opus: so Cassianus C [...]ssian. collat. 17. cap. 17▪ said, It was lawfull to lie for a good end, and Chrys [...] ▪ oper. imperf. fi ejus [...]it o­pus, homil. 9. cap. 7. Chrysosto [...], and Ambr. lib. i [...]de of­fic. cap. 30. Ambrose said the same, as Vasquez saith: see Aquin. 12. q. 19. art. 7. Aquinas for this. 3. It is the doctrine of the man of sin, That Pope or Rulers, sole and bare authority can make an action indifferent, and so neither good nor evil, to be indifferent and good, as Bellar. de Pont if. Rom l. 4. cap. 16. Quioun (que) potest pre­cipere, polest etiam actum indifferen­tem suo pre­cepto facere necessarium, & per se bo­num. Bellarmine saith; for God only by his institution createth morall goodnesse in actions; mans [Page 216] will is no creatrix of goodnesse. 4. Neither resolutions nor skill are to be credited or followed, because private or publick, because au­thority of man as such, is no light nor warrant to the conscience to adventure upon moral actions; and the Lord giveth light to private men to obey, Psal. 25. 8, 9. 1 Cor. 2. 14, 15. Ioh. 7. 17, [...]8 Ioh. 7. 27. 2 Cor; 3. 18. 2 Cor. 4. 4. As he doth to Rulers to Command. So Silvest. in voce a­brogat. Sylvester, Tartar. in moral. cap. 5. & 7. Tartaretus, so River. catho. orth. tom. 1. q. 9. tract. 2. q. 2 Rivetus, Field l. 4. cap. 33. Doctot Field.

I proceed to answer other Arguments: As 1. We must not o­bey, Not only for wrath, but for conscience, the violation of a speciall Law, necessarily draweth with it the violation of the generall Law of the fift Commandment; But the violation of the generall, (saith Learned Pareus. Pareus) hurteth the Conscience; and the Magistrate pu­nisheth not for generall Violation, but for the Violation of this speci­all Law; Ergo, this speciall Law obligeth in Conscience. And it seem­eth to carry reason. Every just punishment presupposeth essentially a sin, else it is not a just punishment; but the Ruler doth justly punish the particular Transgression of an humane Law; Ergo, the Trans­gression of a particular Law of Rulers is sin. The Proposition is con­firmed by grave School-men, Soto l. 1. de just. q. 6. art. 3. Soto, Sylvest. Verb [...] in o­bedientia in [...]i [...]c. Sylvester, Jo: E­selius, in ez­pos. Decall. praecept. 4. cap. 36. and Ioan, Eselius, Who thinke that there cannot be a Law obliging to a pu­nishment, and not to a fault; because punishment hath an in­trinsecall relation to a sin, nor can it be a just punishment that is not proportioned to a sin; for the Law Cap. 2. De constit. Rem, quae culpa caret, in damnum vocari non convenit. Other Ar­guments for the ob­ligation of humane Laws An­swered. saith, That cometh not under damage, which cometh not under fault.

Ans. Though the Violation of the generall Law hurteth the Conscience, it being against the fifth Commandment; it followeth not that the Violation of every particular Law, even that that is meerly Positive, hurteth the Conscience before God: For then the carrying of Armour in the Night, Suppose no Ruler on earth make a Law there anent, should be a sin before God, which no wise man can say. 2. The other reason is more important, and draweth with it that School-question agitated by Iurists also and Ganonists, An ulla detur lox pure paenalis; If there be a Law purely Penall, with­out sin in it: And if the Law of Rulers in things meerly Positive, be meerly Penall and co-active, and not formally obliging to sin. But I Answer, Rulers do justly punish the Transgression of a Posi­tive Law, not as particularly humane and Positive: But as 1. It hath connexion with the Morall Reason of the Law. 2. As the par­ticular [Page 217] transgression is scandalous and against order, in which case the formall object of the just punishment inflicted by the Ruler, is in very deed not the simple omission of the positive act of a parti­cular humane Law, but the violation of the morall goodnesse an­nexed to it, and of the scandall given. Now in this meaning, the transgression of the positive humane Law is not kindely, Per se, of it self punishable, but by accident, and so it bindeth the conscience by accident; And in this sense, great Doctors, as Ambros. Ambrose, Anselm. Anselme, Theodo­retus in loc. Rom 13. Theodoret, Chrysos. in Rom. 13. hom. 23. Chrysostom, Navar. in sum. cap. 23. numb. 54. Navarra, Felinus, cap. 1. de sponsalib. n. 18. Fe­linus, Taraqu. Prefat de utroque re­tractu. n. 74. What it is to resist the Ruler. Taraquel say, That humane Laws oblige the conscience. But the most learned of the Canonists aver, that not to obey civill Laws, laying aside the evil of scandall, is no mortall sin, and so doth not involve the conscience in guiltinesse before God.

2. They object. ‘To resist the Laws of the Magistrate, is to resist himself; and to resist himself, is to resist the Ordinance of God.’

Ans. To resist the Laws positive and particular in connexion with the morall reason of the Law, is to resist the Ruler, true. But so the question is not concluded against us: for by accident in that sense, humane Laws binde the conscience; but to resist the particular Laws, as particular Laws, as particular positive Laws, is not to resist the Ruler: A Ruler as a Ruler, doth never command a thing meer­ly indifferent as such, but as good, edificative, profitable, and ex­cept you resist the morality of the positive humane Law, you resist not the Ruler; yea, nor yet is the Law resisted.

3. The Iesuit Lod. Meratius Lodovi Merat. par. 1. tract. de leg disp. 1. Sect. 13. objecteth: ‘Every true Law o­bligeth, either to guiltinesse, or to punishment, but the civill and Cano­nick Laws are Laws properly so called. But they do not ever oblige to punishment only. Ergo, They oblige to sin.’

Ans. It is denied that Laws civill or Canonicall, as meerly parti­cularly positive, do oblige as Laws, or that they are Laws, they be only Laws according to the morality in them, that can promove us to our last end, eternall felicity.

It is also false that the Iesuit saith, If thou wilt be saved, keep the Commandments, doth command the keeping of all Civill and Canonick Laws, or that hence is concluded a Law obliging the conscience, that is, humane and positive, as if a Lent Fast, a Pilgri­mage, and not carrying Armour in the night were commanded by Christ, as necessary to life eternall.

[Page 218]The same Merat. ib. Sect. 2. Meratius striveth to answer the Argument of Al­main and Gerson, which is this; Who ever can oblige to sin mor­tall before God, he can inflict eternall punishment, but no mortall man can inflict eternall punishment.

1. Saith he, This Argument would prove sins against the Law of nature, as homicide, and adultery, not to be deadly sins, for by the Law of nature, eternall punishment is not inflicted for sins against the Law of nature, but by the positive will of God. If any say, God is the au­thor of the Law of nature, because he is the Creator of that humane nature, in the which this law is written: So, if that be sufficient that the law of nature oblige under eternall punishment, so also the civill and Ecclesiasticall lavv shall binde the conscience, because he is the au­thor of that power which maketh Civill and Ecclesiastick laws, for there is no power, but it is of God.

Ans. 1. By the Law of nature, sins against the Law of nature de­serve eternall punishment, and that essentially, laying aside the po­sitive will of God, to whom I grant it is free to inflict punishment, or not to inflict, and this agreeth to all sin. But to carry Armour in the night, laying aside the case of scandall, and the morality there­of, that no murther follow thereupon, deserveth neither temporall nor eternall punishment. And if this Argument of the Iesuits hold good, no mortall sin shall oblige to eternall punishment, because Gods positive will is the nearest cause of actuall punishment eter­nall in all sins. 2. God is not the Author of a propper no [...]othetick power in man, for that is the question.

2. He answereth, Distinguishing the Proposition. None can o­blige to a mortall sin, but he who can inflict the eternall punishment of a mortall sin. It is true (saith he) of the punishment which wholly de­pendeth upon the will of the judge who made the Law: but it is not true of that punishment, which no way dependeth upon the will of the Iudge, such as is eternall punishment, excommunication dependeth up­on the vvill of man, and it obligeth to eternall punishment, yet man cannot inflict that eternall punishment: for a man may command an act, the omission whereof, or the commission whereof, is of such mo­ment, that it serveth much for the good of a community, and there­fore he vvho of knowledge and vvillingly doth such an act, doth sin a­gainst right reason, and so against the eternall lavv of God.

Ans. 1. The distinction of the Jesuit is but a begging of the que­stion. [Page 219] He vvho can oblige to mortall sin by his Lavv, can also oblige to eternall punishment, if eternall punishment depend vvholly on his free vvill, as the Lavv doth; What is that, but the inflicting of eter­nal punishment belongeth to him who maketh a Law obliging to sin mortal, so being the inflicting of eternall punishment belong to him; But our Argument is, he who hath dominion and authority to make a Law, hath dominion and authority to inflict a punishment an­swerable to the transgression of that Law: for it is one dominion Why men cannot make laws that layeth a tye on the Con­science. and power to make the Law, and to inflict the penalty of the Law: Man cannot make the penalty of eternall wrath: Ergo, he cannot make a Law obliging to eternall wrath.

2. Excommunication is not done by mans will, but by the po­wer of the keys for a mortall sin deserving excommunication, and so eternall wrath. If any Excommunicate upon his sole will, as wic­ked Popes have done; in that case the will of a man obligeth nei­ther to punishment, nor to eternall punishment, it is but Brutum Fulmen, and not to be feared. 3. If any Commit an act that hurt­eth a whole Community, and is forbidden by men in Authority, he sinneth against the Law of God, though men had never forbidden that Act: And we deny not but humane Laws agreeing with the Law of Nature, doth oblige the Conscience both to sin and eternall punishment, but then they are not humane Laws, but Di­vine Laws, and in that case two guiltinesses, Duo reatus, are Com­mitted, one against the fifth Commandment, in doing what Superi­ors according to Gods Word forbiddeth, and there is another guilti­nesse against the matter it self, and a Divine Law, which also should stand as a sin before God, thought the Ruler had never forbidden it: But if any carry Armour in the Night, being forbidden by the Iudge, for eschewing of night homicide, if no homicide follow at all, and the matter be not known, and so not scandalous, the car­rier of Armour is involved in no guiltinesse before God.

CAP. III. Of the power of the Magistrate in matters Ecclesiasticall.


That Christ hath a spirituall Kingdom, not only in the power of preach­ing the word, but also in the power of the keys by discipline.

COncerning the Christian Magistrate we are to consider two That Christ hath a spi­rituall kingdom, not only in the po­wer of preaching the word, but also in the power of the keys, by disci­pline. heads, the one negative, what he cannot do in the matters of Christs Kingdom: 2. Positive, What he ought to do, for the opening of the former: We are to cleare whether or no all externall scandalls Ecclesiasticall, as well as civill, are to be punished by the Civill Magistrate; and that as in Civill scandals, that disturbeth the peace of the Common-wealth, the Magistrate hath a twofold power, one to command what is good and just, another to reward and punish; so the Lord Jesus in his Kingdom, hath not onely a directive power to teach and forbid, but also a power, by way of Discipline, upon the external man eccle­siastically to reward and punish, to binde and loose, in an externall Court on earth. It is granted by the Adversaries, that Christ as King hath a power of binding and loosing, but meerly internall, purely spirituall, in regard of the Conscience, by the Preaching of the Word; but for any externall power to take in and cast out of the Visible Kingdom of Iesus Christ his Visible Church, This they de­ny, and so refuse all externall Ecclesiasticall censures of receiving into the bosome of the Church, and casting out by rebukes, or Ex­communication; and therefore that there is no externall Court in the Church to punish Ecclesiasticall scandals, all scandals and externall offences of the Church, are to be punished by the Christi­an Magistrate onely: In opposition to which error, I say,

[Page 221]1. Conclusion. There is not only a rebuking of an offender in the Church, by private admonition, as between Brother and Brother, common to all Christians, Col. 3. 16. Levit. 19. 17. And of the Pa­stor only, he applying the Word by way of Preaching to such and such offenders, and closing the Gates of the Kingdom of Heaven up­on impenitent sinners, which is acknowledged by the Adversaries: But there is also a Church-rebuking by way of censure, which must presuppose an Ecclesiasticall Court, and a rebuking of a Publique sin, put forth by many; whereas one only, not a Church or multi­tude may Preach the Word, and so rebuke by way of Preaching, which I make out from the Word of God, 2 Cor. 2. 6. Sufficient to such a man is this punishment which was inflicted of many: The word [...], a rebuke or punishment, in the old Translation, it is Objurgatio, in the Newer, Increpatio; Piscator Muleta, is a chastise­ment, whether this punishment was actuall excommunication, as ma­ny Learned Interpreters do not improbably gather out of the Text; or if it was a Rebuke of the Church in order thereunto: Certain it included, a rebuking not of one man, but a Church-rebuking inflicted by many, 2 Cor. 2. 6. And by the Representative Church of Corinth, gathered together with Pauls spirit and the power of the the Lord Jesus, 1 Cor. 5. 4, 5. And so presupposeth a Court or Con­vention of many inflicting this punishment. 2. The Adversaries who deny that there is such a thing as Excommunication, say it was onely a rebuke; but if it was Excommunication, it must include a rebuke coming from the many who do excommunicate. 3. It is such a rebuke as must be taken off and pardoned by many, as ver. 7. So that contrariwise, ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, ver. 10. To whom ye forgive any thing, I also forgive. So here is a rebuking put upon an offender by many convened in a Court, who did rebuke by way of judiciall Authority, and the power of the Lord Iesus; Ergo, it was some higher censure which was inflicted by many, and taken off by many; then that which was inflicted by one by way of Preaching, where there is no necessity that many either rebuke, or comfort the rebuked: for one Pastor is to give out the sentence of Death or Life, rebuking and comforting, toward any one offender, or a person Repenting, whether many be convened to consent and joyn or not. Yea, I may, being a Pastor of Iesus Christ, dispense rebukes and comforts by way of Preaching, against [Page 222] the will and minde of the whole flock: But a rebuke, and a for­giving by many, cannot be dispensed, except these many convene to­gether in the Name of the Lord Iesus in a Church way and consent. 2. If the convened Church must be heard and obeyed when she re­buketh a Brother, for a fault done between Brother and Brother, and that upon the Testimony of two or three witnesses, then is the Church a Court that is to rebuke an offender, and so to convene him before her: and that is some other censure then by way of Preaching; but the former is true, Matth. 18. 16, 17. 3. If the Churches of Ierusalem and Antioch, convened in a Synod, do give forth an Ecclesiasticall rebuke on false Teachers, as those that troubled the Churches, and perverted their Souls with false Doctrine; then is there rebuking of offenders by a Church or Churches, beside a Pastorall rebuking by one single Brother or Pastor: But the for­mer is true, Act. 15. ver. 24, 25. The Proposition is clear, in that a select company of Apostles, Elders and Brethren, doth not only Doctrinally conclude against their errour who did hold the neces­sity of Circumcision, but also against the Persons, and their Schis­maticall way, of troubling the Church by a [...] in making a side and Faction in the Church, ver. 2. 24. And this not any one single man could do in an ordinary way, except we say that it was an idle and unnecessary remedy which the Apostles used to quench the sire, as if any one man might have done all this, or as if they had re­buked these men publikely, not having heard and convinced them by the Word of God; or as if an offence touching conversation and against the second Table, had risen betweene Church and Church, no lesse then in the present case of an offence in matter of doctrine, that the Apostles would not have taken the same course, all which are not to be imagined. And in very deed this was not a point of meer doctrine, but also of peace and charity, violated by a Faction, ver. 2. And a scandall in eating things strangled, was raised in the Churches, Acts 15. 24. 1 Cor. 10. 28, 29. Rom. 14. 14, 15, 16, 17. 4. If Timothy be to rebuke publikely, those that sin publikely, and that judicially upon the Testimony of Wit­nesses. Then is there a publike Church-rebuking by way of cen­sure, beside the pastorall rebuking. But the former is expresly said, 1 Tim. 5. 19, 20. This must be a rebuking in a Church-court, except we say Timothy his alone was the Church, and a Mo­narch [Page 223] of the Church, who hath power to lead witnesses against Elders.

2. Conclusion. There is such a censure as excommunication in That there is such a divine or­dinance as Excommu­nication. the hands of the Church, by which scandalous offendors are to be debarred from the society of the Church, and other holy Ordi­nances, that they do not prophane them, which is proved from Mat. 18. 15, 16, 17, 18. Thus, he who is to be of a brother esteemed as no brother, but as a Heathen and a Publican, and whose offence is bound in Heaven, as the Church bindeth on Earth, and that upon the testimony of Witnesses, he incurreth some other censure of reall ejection out of the society of bre­thren in a Church State, then Pastorall rebuking. But he who trespasseth against his brother, and will neither be gained by pri­vate admonition, nor by the Church rebuking him, is in such a case; Ergo, such a one is to be excommunicated, and so Christ must have instituted such a censure.

Divers reasons are alledged against this sense, as not favouring excommunication.

Object. 1. If thy brother trespasse against thee, is, if thy brother Objections against ex­communi­cation re­moved. trespasse against God, thou knowing him to be guilty, art to deal with him, and to bring his fault to publike hearing that he may be pu­nished.

Answ. 1. The same phrase in the same doctrine of scandals is, Luke 17. 3. Take heed to your selves, [...]: If thy brother trespasse against thee, rebuke him, and if he repent forgive him. But it cannot be said that if our brother transgress against God, we knowing of that, we are not to forgive him a sin committed a­gainst God, though he should come to us, and say that he repen­teth, for then might any private brother pardon murthers and sor­ceries, and if this private brother were a Magistrate, by this he is to forgive bloods, and not use the sword against the evill doer, and is to dispence with it seventy seven times, if the offender say, he re­penteth. 2. The text saith expresly, If thy brother trespasse [...] against thee, not [...] against God. It is true, sinnes against a brother, are sins against God, but it is evident from the text, that Christ speakes of such sinnes in a speciall manner, committed a­gainst me, or a particular brother, which are within the verge of my power or his to pardon, as no [...] being yet publikely scandalous. [Page 224] 3. Camero saith, to sinne against any here, is not to sinne against Praelee. in Math. 18. ver. 15. page 144. God with the knowledge of a brother, but it is to sinne in private against a brother, so as the offended brother is in meeknes to la­bour to gaine him, and not bring his fault to publike, if he can be cured in private, and therefore with much lenity we are to proceed, whereas before Christ had exhorted not to contemne our brother, here he teacheth with what loving patience and lon­ganimity we are to labour to gaine him when he is fallen, else Christ should say but the same thing over againe, that he said once.

Object. 2. But by this place of Scripture, I should rebuke any brother whom I know to sinne against God, to the end I may gaine him to repentance, and that before two witnesses? Now this is absurd: my Father, my King and Prince before two Witnesses; And therfore by the Church is meant a number of private Christians before whom I am to convince my brother, and that I am not to rebuke any offender whatsoever, is cleare in that Solomon saith, it is a mans glory to passe by an offence, and we are not to over-heare our servant cursing us, Ergo, We are not to rebuke every one, nor to bring them before any Church Court.

Answ. 1. This argument is against Christ, as well as against us, for it tendeth to conclude that it is not universally true, that I am to rebuke every offending brother, which I will grant in some sense. For 1. If the fault be small, and possibly a matter of goods, with which I may dispence, without lesse hurt to my brothers soule, then the evill of scandall may be, if I complaine to either the Church or Magistrate, I am rather to suffer wrong, 1 Cor. We mayre­buke our brother in a prudent way. 6. 7. But because I am not to rebuke my brother imprudently, may I not conclude from Christs words, I may rebuke him? Or because a meane person may not rebuke a Ruler, or a Prince, or King? Will it follow that a Nathan may not rebuke King Da­vid, and because Ionathan may not rebuke King Saul his Father, shall it follow that no other may rebuke King Saul? Or because I may not rebuke a scorner, though a professing brother, or because I may not rebuke my brother before two or three witnesses, who to my knowledge bear the offender ill will, and so I see my re­buking shall be so far from gaining him to repentance, that it shall provoke him to a greater offence, shall it therfore follow I am to suffer sin in my brother and not to rebuke him at all, which the Spi­rit [Page 225] of God calleth a hating of my brother in my heart, Lev. 19. v. 18. This argument concludeth not that I may not rebuke my brother, but onely that I may not rebuke my brother imprudent­ly, or that any brother may not rebuke any brother, whoever he be, King or Ruler, Negatis modi non negat rem ipsam, so we are to passe by offences and to be willing to forgive them. Ergo, we are not to rebuke an offending brother, it doth not follow, I must be willing to forgive all, friend, or enemy, Ergo, by this reason I am not to rebuke any at all, and Solomon willeth us onely not to be swift, too glad and willing, or too quicke and sharpe eared to heare eve­ry ill word, Eccles. 7. 21. Also Heb. Give not thy heart to all words [...] that are spoken, least thou hear thy servant curse thee. So is the same phrase, Eccles. 1. 13. Prov. 23. 26. Eccles. 1. 17. Not unlike this is the phrase Dan. 6. 14. The King set his heart to deliver Da­niel, But this will not prove we are not to rebuke an offending brother. 2. That by the Church here, is meant a number of private Christians, is against the Text, for then three witnesses should be a Church, being three private Christians, but sure it is Christ as­cendeth in his speech to an higher degree, to the Church who is to heare the Witnesses, the Plaintiffe and the Offender, who hath power to binde, and loose, which is nothing but a Church-court. 2. Thou hast gained thy brother, must be a spirituall gaining of him to repentance, as 1 Pet. 3. 1. That they may be gained by the conversation of the wives, 1 Cor. 9, 20. [...] That I may gain those that are under the Law. Ver. 21. That I may gain those that are without Law. ver. 19. That I might gaine the more. Ver. 20. [...] That I might gain the Iewes, so is the Word used for spirituall gaining, Mat. 2. 17, 20, 22. and Christ in his Sermons never speaketh of civill gaining of brethren: And 2. Be­cause he speaketh of the brother, as he is a member of a society, where there be three or more brethren, and a Church of bre­thren whose helpe he may seeke to gaine a brother; it is cleare he must speake of a Church-gaining, or of a gaining in order to a Church, and not with reference to any civill Sanedrim or Court of Magistrates.

Object. 3.The place (saith Erastus) is to be understood of lighter Erastus. faults, for which one brother may pardon another, and which a pri­vate brother hath power to conceale, it cannot therefore in good sense [Page 226] be extended to weighty scandals that are to be punished with Ex­communication.

Ans. 1. A fault may be light and small in its rise, so long as it is private, which deserveth not excommunication, but if contumacie shall come to the fault, as it is here in its growth and tendencie to scandalize many, it is not small. 2. A private fault is not hence concluded to be small; because a brother may pardon it, and con­conceale it. For Christ saith to scandalize on of the least of these that beleeveth in him, is so great an offence, that it were good for the man so offending, to be cast in the Sea, having a milstone han­ged Mat. 18. about his necke, ver. 6. And yet a brother is to forgive such an offence, Luke 17. 2, 3, 4. 3. In that a brother is obliged to gaine his brother, from this fault, it is cleare; it is not so small a fault, and 2. Because it is a fault to be brought to the Church; and 3. If the Offender remaine obstinate, he is therefore to be esteemed as an Heathen and a Publican, or as no brother, nor any mem­ber of the Church; and 4. This sinne is bound in earth and heaven. 5. The text will not bear that all weigh y faults, such as Mu [...] ­ther, that defileth the Land, or solicitation to follow strange Gods may be transacted betweene brother and brother and concealed. Deut. 13. 8. Though Ioseph be in this called a just man, (as Beza observeth) in that he would not make Mary his wife a publike example, nor reveale her Adultery, which was by the Law to be punished by death, for so Ioseph conceived of her.

Tell the Church, that is, ( saith Erastus) tell the civill Syne­dry Object. 4. of the Iewes, and therefore this place is nothing for excommu­nication, or any Spirituall Church Discipline, and if the Offendor refuse to heare the Orthodoxe Magistrate, then may the offended bro­ther plead his right before the Heathen Magistrate, and deale with the Offendor, as with a Heathen, and a Publican.

Answ. In the Word of God, the word Ecclesia, Church, apply­ed to matters of Religion, (as it is evidently here, where it is The church Mat. 18. is not the Ci­vill Sane­drim. said that the offended brother, is to labour to gaine the soule of his offending brother) doth never signifie a civill judicature and therefore the exposition is insolent, and the words [...] or [...] or [...] or [...] can never beare such a sense, we desire one paralell place in the old or new Testament for it.

2. The scope of the place is the removall of scandals in Christs [Page 227] meek, brotherly and Christian way, ver. 6. [...] &c. Who ever shall scandalize, &c. and ver. 7. Wo to the world because of offences—ver. 8. Wherefore if thy hand or foot [...], cause thee to offend, cut them off, ver. 10. Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones, &c. And then he cometh from active scandals, whereby we offend others, and the way of removall of them, to pas­sive scandals, whereby others offendeth us, and the way of remo­vall of them, ver. 15. Moreover if thy brother shall trespasse against thee, go tell him the fault betvveen thee and him. Now these sins that are to be punished by the sword of the Civill Magistrate, or not such sins as may be transacted between brother and brother, for ho­micide, blasphemy, sorcery, extortion are to be taken away by the publick sword, and this must have place, Thou shalt not conceal it, thy eye shall not spare him, and the Magistrate is the minister of God, a revenger, to execute wrath on him that doth evil, Rom. 13. 4.

3. Christ hinteth not, in any sort, at any word of blood, wrath, vengeance, the sword, evil doing, fear and terrour for the sword, such as are [...], as the of­fice of the civil magistrate is holden forth to us in other places, as Rom. 13. 1 Pet. 2. No man, except he intended violence to the text, can dream of such a latent, forrain and co-acted sense in the words, and if such a sense had been intended by our Saviour, he behoved in this place to erect a throne from a divine institution, for the Magi­strate, which no impartiall interpreter, can with any half side of a shadow perceive in the words.

4. The end of this processe is spirituall: If he hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother to repentance, as is confirmed already from Scrip­ture. But whether the offender be gained to repentance or not, the Magistrate is to use the sword, that others may fear; as a Magi­strate, he is to regard the peace of the Common-wealth, not the salvation of the offender directly.

5. Christs way of proceeding to take away scandals between brother and brother, is spirituall, Tell him, admonish the offender, tell the Church, that they may rebuke and admonish, and this is a Morall way all along: But the Magistrates proceeding is not Morall, by requests, orations, admonitions, but by the reall use of the sword to compell: for he beareth not the sword in vain, Rom. 13. 4.

6. The proceeding here is with much lenity, patience, and long [Page 228] suffering to gain an offender, but having recourse to the Magistrate to use his club and sword, is rather a way of irritation, to make the gap the wider, and therefore Paul, 1 Cor. 6. condemnes this as re­pugnant to love, that they should go to law one with another, before the heathen Magistrate.

7. Such an expression as this, ( Let him to thee as an heathen man and a Publican) is never taken for the civill complaining of him be­fore an Heathen judge, nor doth it expresse the use of the sword by the Magistrate; its so insolent a phrase, that all the Greek Authors that ever wrote, cannot parallel it; for this is a Spirituall and Mo­rall reproach put on the offender, the Magistrates way is a reall in­flicting of punishment.

8. This remedy is contrary to Pauls, 1 Cor. 6. For there the of­fended brother, though the offending party be never so contuma­cious, hath not this remedy of Christs to implead his brother be­fore an heathen Magistrate, that the Apostle taketh for a sinfull scandall, and sin cannot be Christs remedy: Pauls remedy is, Suf­fer rather wrong and defraudation; Paul by this interpretation should have commanded them the contrary.

9. Where is ever the supreame Magistrate (who cannot be excluded, if this exposition stand) called by the name of the Church.

10. How incongruous is it, that Christ should direct the Jews, who were to be dispersed through all the earth; to go up to Jeru­salem for judgement, seeing Ierusalem was to be laid equall with the ground; and the Iews, their state, Church▪ policy, and the Scep­ter now removed from Iudah, let wise men judge.

11. The complaining to an Heathen Magistrate, or the punish­ing of an offender by the sword, by no Scripture, is such a binding on earth, by the power of the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, as this is expounded, Matth. 16. 19. And such a binding as is ratified in Heaven, and that by the joynt Prayers of two or three on earth, as is here spoken, ver. 18, 19, 20. A Heathen Magistrates Sentence, though never so just, should not be valued, except it were confir­med by the Prayers of the Church, as the Sentence of Excommu­nication must be.

12. The Iewish Saenedrim was now to take an end, and expire with all the Iewish policy; it is not to be imagined that Iesus Christ [Page 229] would appoint a perishing remedy for a per [...]etuall and ever-endu­ring disease; now offences and scandals between brother and bro­ther were to be in the world to the end, ver. 15. If thy brother of­fend, &c. And Christ saith, Offences must be, and the remedy here is morall and perpetuall: as 1. That Christ shall have a Church vi­sible on earth, against which the gates of Hell shall not prevail: 2. That we first deal to gain our brother in private, ere to his grea­ter shame, he be brought in publick, before the Church. 3. The Lords ratifying in Heaven, what his servants shall binde and loose on earth. 4. The agreeing of two to pray together, the conv [...]ening of two or three in the name of Christ, with a promise of the presence of Christ, all these are Morall and perpetuall: The Lord never did the like of this, before or after.

13. In all the New-Testament we do not read, that Christ, who was the end of the Law, and the body now come in the flesh to a­bolish all Ceremonials and temporary Laws of the Iewish Church and policy, as Iewish, did institute any old-Testament Law, such as the Sanedrim was for offending brethren: if it be said that this was but the right expounding of an old divine Law, now almost buried through the corruption of men; then must Erastus shew that this was an old Law of divine institution▪ that the Iews were to keep this threefold order in gaining an offending brother, and that this is now abolished, and that the power of the Magistrate in Church-businesse, by this place is not established to the end of the world; both which are contrary to the Principles of Erastus, not to say that there is not in this whole Chapter, or Luk. 17. where the same purpose is handled, any shadow of reason to assert that Christ is restoring any Ceremoniall or Iudiciall Law to its genuine and sound meaning and sense, but by the contrary Christ speaketh of the Morall and perpetuall Doctrine of scandall, and how we are to deal with an offending brother to gain him to repentance, either by our selves or the Church, and to forgive private injuries, even to seventy seven times: Lastly, since Publicans and Romans converted to the Christian saith from Paganisme, even at this time were Bre­thren, who might both give and take scandals, it shall follow that Christ commandeth Gentiles to submit to the Jewish Magistrates, this was against Christian liberty, and to take from Cesar those things that are Cesars, which is unjust.

[Page 230]

But, saith Erastus, Publicans were not in Iuda excluded from sa­crifices, Lu [...]. 18. A Pharisee and a Publican went up to the Temple to How Pub­licans were excluded from the Temple. pray, Christ himself did eat with Publicans and sinners: therefore this phrase (Let him be unto thee as an Heathen and a Publican) cannot expresse this (Let him be excommunicated) except you say, that all heathen and Publicans were so served by Christ, and the Iews, as if they had been excommunicated.

Ans. 1. Publicans, that were by Nation Heathens, were excluded from sacrifices and the Temple, jure, by D [...]u [...]. 23. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I'sa. 79. 1. Lam. 1. 10. Gods Law; but not de facto, because the Iews being under bondage to the Romane Em­perour, and spoiled of their Liberties and Laws, might not put their Laws in execution against Heathen and Publicans; it is sufficient to us, saith Beza, that Publicans were execrable and hatefull to the Iews, and (say I) that Heathen and Publicans remaining such, are without the Church, Lev. 25 44. Lev. 26. 45 2 Kin. 16. 3. 2 Kin. 17. 8. 11. [...] Chro. 16. 35. 2 Chro. 33. 2, 9. Neh. 5. 8, 9 Psa. 9. 19. Psal. 10. 16. Psal. 33. 10. Psal. 44. 2. Psa. 80. 9. Ier. 10. 2. Ezech. 23. 30. Eze. 25. 7. Ioel 2. 7. Obad. v. 15 Mi [...]. 5. 15. Hag. 2. 22. Zach. 1. 15. and not to be reputed as brethren, but e­nemies to the true Church of God, and this is that which to us is Excommunication.

I do not doubt but Publicans went to the Temple to pray, but that is but to Argue, A facto ad jus, not the right way, A jure ad factum: Publicans ought not to have done so. 2. Christ the Supream Lawgiver, who is above the Law, did often dispense with sacrifice and positive Laws, for a work of mercy, and if he touched the dead, and touched the skin of the Leaper, and suffered his disciples to pluck the ears of Corne on the Sabbath day, what marvell then he did eat with Publicans and sinners, contrary to the Letter of a positive Law, Knowing his own, whom the Father had given to him from eternity were to be brought in to himself, by his familiar con­versing with them; why should not the Physitian converse with the sick; the shepheard with the lost sheep; the Redeemer with his ransomed ones? But this is no warrant, that therefore the clean­sed Leaper should not shevv himself to the Priest, or that an obsti­nate offender should not be reputed as a Heathen, and not admit­ted into the Sanctuary. 3. That simple Publicans, or Heathen re­maining such, should sacrifice. I never read, sacrifices were offered for Iobs friends, who were not within the visible Church: But 1. by Gods own speciall and immediate command: as we read, Iob 42. 7, 8. A positive Law for it (which yet was requisite for or­dinary worship of that kinde) we read not. 2. I think Iobs friends [Page 231] cannot in knowledge, Religion, Profession, be esteemed meer Heathens, and therefore as God tied not himself to a positive and standing Law here, so neither was Christ, being the same God e­quall with the Father, so restrained from not familiar conver­sing with Heathen, and Publicans, but he might leap over a Cere­mony to save a lost soul.

Object. 6. But (the adversaries say) Christ here useth words proper to the Iewish Synedry and the Old-Testament, as witnesses, Ecclesia, or congregation, Heathen, Publican, and these are not New Testament words, nor was there such a thing as a New Testa­ment Church on earth at this time, and Christ having not yet as­cended to Heaven, nor sent down the holy spirit, cannot be thought to hold forth the power and jurisdiction of a thing yet destitute of all being, such as was the Christian Church, nor can he here speak of Christs spirituall Kingdom.

Ans. 1. Christ did well to use these words, Witnesses, Church, Congregation, Heathen, Publican, as well known to his hearers, and these same words in use amongst the Iews are used in the New Testament, as 1 Cor. 16. 22. 1 Tim. 5. 19. Act. 15. 7, 17. Revel. 11. 2, 8. 1 Pet. 4. 3. 2 Pet. 1 19. 20, 21. Anathema Mae­ranatha, Witnesses, Gentiles, sinners of the Gentiles, imposition of hands, &c. Indeed in ordinary, the Pastor under the New Te­stament is not called Priest, nor high Priest, nor the Commu­nion Table an Altar: But the words here used are obvious and very significant; and the word [...] or Church is a most ob­vious word in both the Old and New Testament, and doth sig­nifie any Assembly, Religious, civill or prophane, according as the nature, person and use or end of the meeting or Assembly was Religious and Prophane, as is evident by many places of the Old and New Testament; where the seventy Interpreters use the word for a Church-Assembly; for which see the due right of Presbyters, page 349, 350. and page 473, 474. And since the word Church here is cleerely, a company convened to gaine an offending brothers soule, by rebukes and censures, and which hath power to binde and loose on earth, so as their fact is ratified in heaven, it cannot be any other, then a New Testa­ment Church-meeting, seeing we find the Church of Corinth com­manded to conveene and exercise such a power, 1 Cor. 5. 1, 2, 3, 4. [Page 232] And therfore it cannot be expounded of the [...]ivill judge; not to adde, that Erastus, who objecteth this, saith the Syn [...]dre had both ci­vill and spirituall or Eccl [...]siasticall power, and therefore he hath no ground to expound the place of the Civill Magistrate. 2. Be­cause he was not yet ascended to heaven, and had not sent downe the Holy Spirit, it is no consequence to say he speaketh nothing of the Christian Church of the Nevv Testament, for before his Ascen­sion he appointed the Ministery, the Sacraments, the power of Censures, and the keyes given to the Church of the New Testa­ment, Math. 28. 19, 20. Joh. 20. v. 2 [...], 22. Math. 26. 20, 21, 22, 23, &c. Now it is as inconvenient, that precepts, such as ( Do this in remembrance of me,) (take yee, eate yee,) and ( he that heareth you, heareth me,) should be given to the christian Church, which yet had no being, as for Christ to hold forth the power of juris­diction of a Christian church destitute of all being. Yea, this recurreth upon Erastus, who will have Christ here to hold forth the power of the Christian Magistrate, as yet remoter from being, all Magistrates being professed Enemies to Iesus Christ, whereas there was at this time a seed, a bottome of a christian visible Church: There being eleven Apostles, seventy Disciples, and ma­ny others who professed faith in Christ already come. Yea though there be no formed instituted visible Church of the New Testa­ment, yet it became our great Prophet, who taught that Gospell, yea, all that he heard of the Father, Ioh. 15. 15. to his Disciples, which was to be a rule of the Faith of the Christian visible Church not yet instituted, and who erected a Ministery to teach them before his ascension, also to furnish that Ministery with the powerof the keyes & censures, as he expresly doth before his death, Mat. 16. 17, 18, 19. Not to adde what Camero saith, that he spake these words when he was now to offer himselfe on the Crosse, and Math. 2. 16. He mentioneth the edifying of the Church of the New Testament, and the Disciples aske vvho is to be greatest in the Kingdome of God, ver. 1.

Object. 7. Let him be unto thee as an Heathen and Publican, can not meane as much as, Let him bee excommunicated, but onely, let him plead vvith his obstinate brother vvho contemneth the Chri­stian Magistrate, before the heathen Magistrate, and in preser­ving the offendor, vvho is novv obstinate, let him deale vvith him [Page 233] as with a Heathen and a Publican, onely in this matter of pursuit, but otherwise the Publican was not excommunicate. 1. Because the Publicans place and office was good and lawfull and from God, then to repute him as a Publican is not to repute him as a prophane man. 2. When Iohn Baptist is demanded by the Publicans what they shall doe, he doth not bid them lay downe the office of a Publican, but one­ly not abuse it to rapine and extortion, nor is Zacheus compelled by Christ to lay downe his office, but onely to make restitution.

Answ. 1. There is no necessity to condemne the office of the Publican, or the birth and condition of the Heathen as unlawfull. But a Publican went for a prophane man, and for a man who is a stranger to the true church of God, as Mat. 5. 46. If you love them that love you, what reward have you? Doe not even the Publicans the same? Ergo, It is Christs mind to exclude the Publicans from any spirituall or eternall reward, promised to these within the vi­sible Church; and when Christ was slandered by the Jewes, because he went in to be a Guest with a Publican, Luke 19. 7. And be­cause hee did eate vvith Publicans, Mat. 9. 12, 13. Christ taketh it as granted that Publicans were prophane men and sinners. But he saith they were sicke sinners and lost, that is, such as were sensible of their by-past prophanity, and desired the Physi­tian Christ to cure them; and Gentiles or Heathen is taken for these who are without the Church, and are void of Religion, 1 Cor. 5. 1. Such fornication as is not so much as named amongst the Gentiles, 1 Pet. 4. 3. Let it suffice you, that ye have vvrought the vvill of the Gentiles, Eph. 2. 11. Ye vvere in times past Gen­tiles, what is that, but Ver. 2. Ye vvalked according to the course of the World; according to the Prince of the povver of the aire? So a Samaritan, is taken for one that hath a Devill, yet to be a Sama­ritan Theophylact in Math. 18 [...]. by birth and nation is not unlawfull, it is then a distinctive terme spoken [...] to be an Heathen, or counted an Heathen and a Publican, that is, counted a prophane wicked person, not a brother, not a member of the church. Theophylact expoundeth this with us, If he heare not the Church, let him be an out-cast, least he rub any of his vvickednes upon others vvithin the Church.

And these words Let him be to thee, is a word of command, as Mat. 5. 37. [...] Let your speech be yea, yea, Mat. 20. he that vvould be greatest, let him be your servant; and, let him be to thee, [Page 234] is not to exclude the Church, but it is set downe in a Law-man­ner in the second person, for farre more must the obstinate of­fender be as an Heathen and a Publican to the Church.

Ver. 18. Verily I say unto you, What yee bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, and what yee loose on earth, shall be loosed in hea­ven. These words contain a reason why he who contemneth the Church, is to be holden as a Heathen and a Publican. Why? is it such an offence before God to despise the church? Yea, saith our Saviour, with a grave asseveration, Verily I say unto you, they that despise the sentence of you the Ministers of the Gospel, being accor­ding to truth given out, they and their sinnes shall be bound in Heaven.

Erastus saith, he is said to bind, who doth retaine the sinne, when Object. 8. he maketh the obstinate brother unexcusable; and he looseth, who remitteth or pardoneth the injury, and gaineth to repentance his bro­ther by a brotherly admonition, for except he speake of a brotherly composing of private injuries, to what end should Christ subjoyne [...] Again I say to you if two agree, &c.

Answ. 1. Christ doth argue from the lesse to the more, he pro­veth what the Church bindeth on earth, shall be bound in Hea­ven, because if the prayers of two or three gathered together in the name of God, and agreeing together on earth, are not rejected in Heaven, farre more shall that be ratified in heaven, which the whole church of Christ decreeth on earth in the name of the head of the Church, Iesus Christ. 2. When in the chapter going be­fore, Christ had ascribed to the Apostles and Pastors, which are the eyes of the Church, a power of the keyes, and here he ascribeth to them the power of binding and loosing, there was no cause to dreame that he speaketh here of a private forgiving of private finnes betweene Brother and brother, for then he might have said at the first step, Thou hast gained thy brother, that gaining or con­vincing of thy brother shall be bound or loosed in heaven, no lesse then the Churches judiciall binding and loosing in heaven, which yet is set downe as an higher degree of power. But I may here say with Beza in the whole Scripture, the word of binding and Beza de de Presby­terio & ex­com. p. 60. loosing is never spoken of any other but of these who are in publike places, and by a borrowed speech, here it is spoken in regard of Spirituall power. To bind and to loose, is by a judiciall power in [Page 235] subordination to Christ the King, to remit and retaine sinnes. So Joseph de bello Iudai [...] l. 1. c. 4. Pharisaei omnia pro arbitrio ad­ministra­bant, [...] Lucian. di­alo. 1. [...]. Iosephus saith, the Pharisees ruled all, so that they would banish or re­call from banishment, loose and binde whom they pleased, and upon the Authority according to the which Christ sent his Disciples as the Father sent him, so he instructed his Ministers with power to remit and retaine sinnes, Ioh. 20. 23. and Mat. 16. 19. What thou bindest [...], on earth, shall be bound in heaven, what thou loosest on earth, shall be loosed in heaven, [...]. So doth Lucian bring in that prisoner speaking to Iupiter, Loose me, O Iupiter, for I have suffered grievous things, Mat. 22. 13. Then the King said to his servants, take him, [...], binde him hand and foot; binding here (you see) is done by the com­mand of the great King, Acts 21. 11. So shall the Iewes [...] binde Paul, they bound Paul with Law and authority, such as it was, Iohn 18. 12. The Captaine and Officers tooke Iesus, [...] and bound him, they bound him not by private authority, Mat. 27. 2. and Act. 24. 27. Felix left Paul [...] bound; if Lictors binde any Malefactors, they doe it by authoritie and Law. So do the Hebrews speake, Psal. 105. 20. The Ruler of the people loosed So doth the word [...] Num. 11. 28. signifie. him, Psal. 102. 20. The Lord looketh downe from heaven, [...] to open or loose the children of death. Psal, 146. 7. The Lord looseth the Prisoners, Iob 12. 18.

3. It cannot be denyed, but when one private brother pardons another repenting Brother, God ratifieth that in heaven. But it is cleare the pardon here holden forth by our Saviour, is such a loosing, as hath witnesses going before. 2. Such an one as com­eth higher to the knowledge of the Chuuch. Nor doth the parti­cle Binding and loosing acts judi­ciall. [...] again, signifie any thing but pretereà, moreover.

4. And who can say that binding and loosing here, is some o­ther thing then binding and loosing in the Chap. 16. ver. 9. Where the same very phrase in the Greeke is one and the same, except that the Lord speaketh, Mat. 16. 19. in the singular number to Peter, as representing the teachers and Governours of the Church, and here Mat. 18. He speaketh in the Plurall number, relating to the Church. Now Mat. i6. i8, 19. binding on earth, and loosing, which is ratified in heaven, is evidently the exercise of the pow­er of the keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven, I will give to thee the keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven. What be these keyes, he ex­poundeth [Page 236] in the same very verse, and whatsoever thou shalt binde on earth, shall be bound in heaven, whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven; then binding and loosing on earth, must be in these to whom Christ hath committed the power of the keyes: but 1. Christ hath not committed the keyes to all, but to Church-rulers, that are the Stewards of the House, and the di­spensers of heavenly Mysteries. Hence the keyes in Scripture signi­fie authority and officiall dignity that is in Rulers, not in pri­vate men, as Esa. 22. 22. And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder. So Christ is said to have the key of David, to open and no man shutteth, to shut and no man openeth. By which out of doubt (saith Camero prelect. in Mat. 16. Camero,) is pointed forth the kingly au­thority and power of Christ, so saith Vata­blus on E­say 22. Vatablus. And our owne Calvin prelect. in Esay 22, Calvin, Muscu. com, ibid, Musculus, Gual­ther Homil. in loc. Gualther, Piscator shol. in Esa. Piscator, Beza on Mat. 16. Beza, Pareus comment. in Mat. 16. Pa­reus agree, that the keyes are insigne potestatis, an Ensigne of pow­er given to the Steward or Master of a Noblemans house, who is a person in office; The giving of the keyes (sai [...]h worthy Mr. Cot­ton,) is a giving power for the preaching of the word, the admini­string of the seales and censures, by which these invested with pow­er doe open and shut the gates. Now we desire any Word of God, by which it can be made good, that the keyes and pow­er to binde and loose is given to all that are in the house, even private Christians. But we can shew the Keyes, and binding and loosing, and opening and shutting to be given to the Officers and Rulers of the house. Hence I argue that interpretation that confoundeth the key-bearers, and the Chil­dren, with the Servants of the House; and the Governours that are over the people in the Lord, with the governed, and putteth the Characters proper to the Officers and Stewards, con­ [...]usedly (i) Cotton Keyes of the King­dome p. 2. upon all that are in the house, is not to be holden; but this in­terpretation is such; Ergo, &c. also to binde and to loose is expounded by Christ, Ioh. 20. 21. to be a power to retain and remit sins on earth, which are accordingly retained and remitted in Heaven, and that by vertue of a calling, and Ministeriall mission, according to which the Father sent Christ Jesus; and Iesus Christ sendeth his Apostles and Pastors to the end of the world, as is clear, if we compare Matth. 18. 18. and Matth. 16. 19. with Ioh. 20. 20, 21, 22. 23. Mar. 16. ver. 15, 20. Matth. 28. 18, 19, 20. Luk. 24. 45, 46, 47, 48.

[Page 237]5. It is against the course of the Text, that we should restrain this to private pardoning of light injuries between brother and brother: 1. Becase Christ labours to decline this, that one shall be both his brothers judge to put him in the condition of an Heathen and Publican, and binde his brothers sins in Heaven and Earth, and also, that he should be his party and accuser: Now Christ will have the private brother do no more personally, but admonish his bro­ther and gain him. 2. If that prevail not, then he is to admonish him before two or three witnesses: See here, the brother is not both party and judge; but witnesses have place. 3. If that prevail not, the businesse is to ascend higher, even to the Church, which un­doubtedly is an Organicall body, 1 Cor. 12. 28. Rom. 8. 6, 7, &c. Act. 20. 28, 29, 30. Whereas two or three private Christians are not a Church, but an homogeneal body: Now who would believe that Christ is to bring down the businesse which is so high, as before the Church, to the lowest step again, to a private binding and loosing to one brother, who both as judge and party judgeth his bro­ther; yea, and may do this, though there were no Chu [...]ch on earth? What power hath the Church above the offended brother, or the offender, if the one may binde the other under guiltinesse in earth and heaven? 2. Erastus will have light and private offences only spoken of here: Now Christ speaketh of offences that God ta­keth notice of in Heaven and earth. 3. Christs way is a wise and meek way, that that which one cannot do, and the offence that two, three, four cannot remove, the Church shall remove, but Erastus maketh one private man to remove it, and to Excommunicate and Beza de Pres byter, pag. 63, 64. binde in heaven and earth. I might cite, Tertullian, Cyprian, Au­gustine, Chrysostom, The ophylact, Hyeronimus, and all modern in­terpreters both Popish and Orthodox for this interpretation, not any of them dreaming of the insolent opinion of Erastus, who mis­applieth Augustine and Theophylact for his own way, as Be­za cleareth.


Quest. 1.

That the place, 1 Corinthians 5. doth evince that Excommunication is an Ordinance of God.

THE Argument for Excommunication may be thus framed, from That Ex­communi­cation is a divine Or­dinance is proved by 1 Cor. 5. 1 Cor. 5. If Paul command that the incestuous man should be delivered to Satan ver. 5. purged out of the Church, least as leaven he should corrupt the Church, ver. 6, 7. That they should iudge him, ver. 12. And put him avvay from amongst them, ver. 13. So as they vvere not to eat vvith him, ver. 9. 10. Then is there a divine command for Excommunication; for the Commandments of the Apostles are the Commandments of the Lord, 1 Cor. 14. 37. 2 Pet. 3. 2. But the for­mer is true: Ergo, so is the latter.

There is no ground or shadow of reason to expound this expel­ling of the incestuous man by the preaching of the word without any Church-censures, for all that is required in Excommunication is here; 1. This putting out was not done by one single Pastor, as putting out by the preaching of the word is done, but by a company and Church, ver. 4. In the name of the Lord Iesus, vvhen ye are ga­thered together, and my spirit. 2. Paul should have written to any one Pastor to cast him out by preaching; but here he writeth to a Church: 3. He forbiddeth company, or eating with such like men, v. 10. Now this is more then rebuking by preaching. 4. This is a judging of the incestuous man, and a casting of him out of their society, which is another thing then preaching the word.

Erastus and others expound the giving to Satan, of a delivering To deliver to Satan is not mira­culous kil­ling. of the man to Satan, to be miraculously killed, as were Ananias and Saphira, Act. 5. 5. And because at this time there was no Christian Magistrate to use the sword against the man, therefore he writeth to the Church, that they by their prayers would obtain of God, that Satan might take him out of the midst of them.

Ans. This insolent interpretation wanteth all warrant of the word: For 1. To deliver to Satan, hath no Scripture to make this sense of it, to pray that Satan would destroy the man. 2. It wan­teth [Page 239] an example in the old or new Testament, that the whole Church are fellow-Agents and joynt causes in the bodily destruction of any, or in working of miracles, such as was the killing of Ananias and Saphira: The Apostles wrought miracles, and that by their Faith and Prayers, and Christ and the Prophets; but that the Believers, who should have mourned for this scandall, 1. Who were puffed up: 2. Who were in danger to be leavened with the mans sin, and had their consent in Excommunication, should joyn in a miraculous delivering to Satan, is an unparalleld practise in the word. 3. To deliver to Satan, cannot be expounded here: but as 1 Tim. 1. 20. Where Paul saith he had delivered Hymenaeus and Alexander to Satan, now that was not to kill them, but [...], that they might receive instruction and be disciplined, by this medici­nall Church-revenge, not to blaspheme: I know of no instructing of these who are dead; if there be two deliverings to Satan, let E­rastus and his expound it to us. 4. The Apostle expresly saith, he wrote to them, not to keep company with such men, nor with Forni­cators, covetous men, Drunkards, Extortioners, Idolators: Now E­rastus his minde must be, that the Apostles and Churches of Corinth, Philippi, Thessalonica, grievou [...]ly sinned against God, in that they did not miraculously kill all the Drunkards, the covetous persons, the fornicators, whereas they are commauded to admonish them as brethren, 2 Thess. 3 14, 15. and to pray for them, if they sin not a­gainst the holy Ghost, 1 Ioh.. 5. 16. 1 Tim.▪ 2. 3. 5. Paul rebuketh this as a morall fault amongst the Corinthians, such as is not to mourn for this mans fault, and to keep him as leaven in the midst of them, and not to cast him out: Whereas in all the Scripture you finde none ever rebuked, because they put not forth in Acts an extraordinary and miraculous power to work miracles; working of miracles came upon persons called thereunto, by extraordinary rapts, and were in men not as habits under the power of free-will, but as immediate Acts of God, even as fire-flaughts are in the Aire: So I conceive, while I be better informed. 6. And shall it not follow, that now when the Churches have Christian Magistrates, it is the will of our meek saviour, that they kill with the sword all the Drunkards, For­nicators, and all that walketh unorderly; which should make the Church of Christ a Butcher-house, whereas we are to admonish all such as brethren, 2 Thess. 3. 15. And to wait on them with [Page 240] all patience, if God peradventure may give them repentance. 7. The destruction of the flesh must be the destruction of the bo­dy. But the bodies of the godly are saved no lesse then their spi­rits in the day of the Lord. 8. And for many of the former rea­sons, by delivering to Satan, cannot be meant a miraculous tormen­ting of the body by Sathan, with the saving of the life; Such as we read was the case of Iob; for the delivering to Sathan, is to cast out of the Church, and declare such an offendor to be of the number of the wicked world, of which Sathan is Prince, Ioh. 12. 31. Ioh. 14. 30. and God, 2 Cor. 4. 4. and that which we assert as The essen­tials of ex­communi­cation, 1 Cor, 5. the essentials of excommunication, are, 1. Here is a member of the Church, one vvho is within, 1 Cor. 5. 12. one who hath fallen in a foul scandall, and had his fathers wife, ver. 1. who by the Church conveened in the name of our Lord Iesus, with that spirit of the Apostle given to them by Christ, v. 4. was delivered to Sathan, that his soule may be saved, (for that is the genuine and intrinsecall end of Excommunication,) and to be purged out of the Church, lest he should infect the Sheepe, ver. 7. and Christians were not to bear company with him, nor to eate with him, ver. 9. 10▪ and he was judged to be cast out as a Heathen and Publican, ver. 12. 13. and that by a convened court, having the name and authori­ty of him who is King of the Church, ver. 4. and more wee doe not crave. Obj. To deliver any to the power of Sathan, is no mean of salvation. Answ. A morall delivering to the efficacy of error, and a reprobate minde, is not a mean of salvation, nor is excom­munication such a mean, nor in the power of the Church, but a medicinall depriving of an offender of the comfortable commu­nion of the Saints, and of the prayers of the Church, and meanes of grace, such is a means, and mighty through God to humble.


Quest. 1.

Whether the word doth warrant discipline and censures, even to the excluding of the scandalous from the Sacraments, beside the Pasto­rall rebukes inflicted by one.

VVE are not to conceive that there was nothing Morall in the Lawes that God made to his people of Israel, to [Page 241] debar the unclean, from the society of Gods people, and from com­munion with them in the holy things of God, Numb. 5. 1. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying: 2. Command the children of Israel that they put out of the Campe every leaper, and every one that hath an issue, and whosoever is defiled by the dead, Lev. 5. 2. If a soul touch any unclean thing, whither it be a carcase of an unclean beast, or the carcase of unclean cattell, or the carcase of unclean creeping things, and if it be hidden from him, he also shall be unclean and guilty—6. And he shall bring his trespasse-offering unto the Lord for his sin, which he hath sinned, Lev. 7. 20. But the soul that eateth of the sacrifice of the peace offerings that pertaineth to the Lord, having his uncleannesse up­on him, even that soul shall be cut off from the people: 21. Moreover Cutting off not alwaies killing. the soul that shall touch any unclean thing, as the uncleannesse of man, or any unclean beast, or any abominable unclean thing, and eat of the flesh of the sacrifice of peace-offerings, which pertain unto the Lord, even that soul shall be cut off from his people. In the which observe, that here the soul that shall touch any unclean thing is to be cut off; but Num. 5. 2. He is only to be put out of the Campe; now these were not killed that were put out of the Campe, and therefore to be cut off from the people must be a morall cutting off by Excom­munication, not by death; also the word [...] signifieth to make a Covenant, to cut off, either by death or any other way▪ as by ba­nishment, by which a thing leaveth off to be in use, though it be not destroyed, as when a branch is cut off a tree, 1 Sam. 31. 9. Yea, we have Isa. 50. 1. [...] Where is that Bill of cut­ting off or divorce: Now this was not a Bill of killing the wife that was divorced, but putting her from her husband, as our Saviour saith, It is not Lawfull to marry her that is divorced, Matth. 19. 9. A killed and dead woman is not capable of marriage; yet the word is, Deut. 24 1. Ier. 3. 8. from that same Theame, [...]: The He­brews [...] Ab interi [...] ­re popul [...] ­rum sacrum▪ have another more ordinary word to signifie death, as Exod. 31. 14. He that doth any work on the Sabbath, in dying he shall die: And it is expounded, he shall be cut off from the midst of the peo­ple: [...] but Lev. 7. the word [...] is four times used without any such expression, ver. 20, 21, 25, 27. To which may be added, that when zealous Hezechiah did finde that the people were not prepared, According to the purification of the Sanctuary, though they had celebrated the Passeover, the King did not only not kil them, [Page 242] but prayed, God might be mercifull to them, and the Lord killed them not (saith the spirit of God) but healed them, Exod. 12. 15. He that eateth unleavened bread, that soul shall be cut off from Israel: but it is expounded, ver. 19. That soul shall be cut off [...] from the Church of Israel: Certainly, he that is killed is cut off from both State and Church, and from the company of all mortall men on earth, Isa. 38. 11. Then to be cut off from Israel is onely to be deprived of the comfortable society of the Church of Israel, as the holy Ghost expoundeth it: Also Lev. 4. If any commit any sin but of ignorance, and so if he touch any unclean thing, or eat un­leavened bread, forbidden of God, he is excluded from the holy things of God, while the Priest offer for him, according to the Law: Now if he was presently to be killed, either by the Magistrate, or in that act killed by Gods own immediate hand, as Aarons sons were, there was not a journey to be made to the place, the Lord had chosen to sacrifice there, which might have been three dayes journey from his house, who was unclean; yea, when the man that gathered sticks was stoned, and the false Prophet stoned, Deut. 13. there was no sacrifices offered for any of them before they were killed; and I hope, there were no sacrifices in Moses his Law offered for the dead. Hence learn we: 1. That to cut off from the Congregation, was not to kill, but it was the Iewish Excom­munication greater or lesse: 2. That Moral sins, under the Old Te­stament debarred men from the holy things of God, while the Priests sacrificed for them▪ and brought them in a capacity to receive the holy things of God.

Leviticus 10. 10. The Priests were not to drink wine, when they Morall guiltinesse excluded men from holy things amongst the Iews. went into the Tabernacle: That ye may (saith the Lord) put diffe­rence between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean: Now Haggai expresly saith, cap. 2. 11, 12. That it was the Priests part to put this difference, and so to admit to, or exclude from the holy things of God.

Hence for this cause it is said, as 2 Chron. 23. 19. Iehoiada appoin­ted the officers of the Lords house, so he set porters at the gates of the house of the Lord, that none which are unclean in any thing, might en­ter in; so Ezra 9. 21, 22. None did eat the Passeover, but such as were pure, and had separated themselves from the filthinesse of the Heathen of the land; for this cause doth the Lord complain of the [Page 243] Priests, Ezech. 22. 26. Her Priests have violated my law, and have polluted my holy things, they have put no difference between the holy and the prophane; neither have they shewed the difference between the un­clean and the clean, Ezech. 44. 6. And thou shalt say to the Rebel­lious, even to the house of Israel, thus saith the Lord God; O ye house of Israel, let it suffice you of all your abominations: 7. That ye have brought into my sanctuary, strangers uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in my sanctuary to pollute it, even my house, when ye offered my bread, the fat and the blood, and they have bro­ken my Covenant, because of all your abominations: 8. And ye have not kept the charge of my holy things: But ye have set keepers of my Charge in my Sanctuary for your selves. 9. Thus saith the Lord God, no stranger uncircumcised in heart, nor uncircumcised in flesh shall enter into my sanctuary, of any stranger that is among the children of Israel: Here is a complaint, that those that have the charge of the holy things, should suffer the holy things to be pollu­ted: I grant it cannot bear this sense, that none should be admit­ted to be Members of the Visible Church under the New Testament, but such as are conceived to be regenerate; except it can be proved that the Sanctuary was a type of the visible Church: 2. That the Apostles constituted their Churches thus; but we read not in all the New Testament of any admission of Church Members at all: but only of baptizing of those who were willing to be baptized, and from this resulted the capacity of a Church Relation in all Churches visible: Nor, 2. Do we finde any shadow in all the word of God, of tryall of Church Members, by way of electing and choosing of such and such, as qualified by reason of a conceived regeneration in the persons chosen, or of rejecting and refusing others as conceived to have no inward work of grace in them; this I believe can never be made good out of the word of God. 3. They must prove the A­postles admitted into the Sanctuary of the Visible Church Ananias, Saphira, Simon Magus, and others uncircumcised in heart, to pol­lute the holy things of God, and that the Apostles erred, and were deceived in the moulding of the first Apostolick Church in the world, which was to be a rule and pattern to all Churches in the New Testament, to all Ages: I deny not, but they might have er­red according to the grounds of these, who urge the comparison for a Church of visible Saints, but that the Apostles De facto did [Page 244] erre in their Election and judgement, in that wherein the holy Ghost holdeth them forth and their acts to be our rule and pattern, I utterly deny: I grant Act. 15. In that Synod they did Act as men and Elders, not as Apostles, but that it could fall out, that they should uctually erre, and obtrude false Doctrine instead of truth to the Churches in that Synod which is the first rule and pattern of Synods, I shall not believe.

But there is this Morall and perpetuall truth in these Scriptures▪ 1. That there are under the New Testament, some over the people of God in the Lord, some that watch for their souls, and govern them; as here there were Priests, Levites that taught and governed the people: 2. That the Rulers of the Churches, alwayes are to have the charge of the holy things; and to see that these holy things, the Seals and Sacraments and word of promise be not polluted, and that therefore they have power given them to debar such and such profane from the Seals, and so are to discern between the clean and the unclean, and this which the Prophet speaketh, ver. 9. is a pro­phecie never fulfilled after this in the persons of the people of God; therefore it must have its spirituall truth fulfilled under the New Testament, as is clear, ver. 11. Yet the Levites that are gone away The place Ezekiel 44. v. 11. 12. 13. 14. to be fulfilled under the New Te­stament. far from me, shall be Ministers in my Sanctuarie, having charge at the gates of the House, and Ministering to the House—14. And I will make them keepers of the charge of the House, for all the service thereof, and for all that shall be done therein, Ver. 15. And the Priests and the Levites the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of my Sanctuary, when the children of Israel went a­stray from me—they shall enter into my Sanctuary, and they shall come neer to my Table to minister unto me, and to keep my charge—23. And they shall teach my people the difference betweene the holy and prophane, and cause men to discerne between the uncleane and the cleane. 24. And in controversie they shall stand in judgement, and they shall judge it according to my judgement, and they shall keepe my Lawes and my Statutes, in all mine assemblies, and they shall hallow my Sabbaths. Now this Temple was another house, then Solomons Temple, as is evident out of the Text, it having roomes, dimensions, structures, so different that none can ima­gine them one house, and these chapters containe the division of the Holy Land, which after the captivity was never done, [Page 245] for the ten Tribes never returned, and this Temple is clearely a type of the new Ierusalem, and agreeth to that City spoken of, Revelation, chapters 21. and 22. As may appeare especially by the foure last chapters of Ezekiel, and in the last words of the last chapter, And the name of the city from that day shall be, The Lord is there. And the Priests after the captivity as well as before brake the covenant of Levi, Mal. 2. And therefore I see it not fulfilled, except in the visible Church of the New Testament, and in the As­semblies of Christian Churches, Mat. 18. Act. 15. and the rest of the Church-assemblies under the New Testament: As for the Lords personall raigne on earth, it is acknowledged there shall be no Church policy in it, no Word, Sacraments, Ordinances, no Tem­ple, as they say from Rev. 21. 22. And with correction and sub­mission, the Priests and Levites, that Ezek. 44. 15. are said to keep the charge of the Lords House, when others went astray, I take to be a prophecie of these Pastors under the New Testament, to wit, the Apostles of Iesus Christ, and Pastors, and teachers that Christ left in his Church; for the edifying of his body, Ephes. 4. 11. 12. When these Scribes and Pharises did sit in Moses his chaire for a while, Mat. 23. but onely as porters and inferiour Officers in Gods house, yet they were to be heard, while God should cut them off, as he prophecied, Zach. 11. 8.

We cannot say as some doe, that persons were deprived amongst Object. the Iewes, of Church communion in the holy things of God, because of Ceremoniall, not of Morall uncleannes, but now under the new Te­stament only Morall uncleannes can exclude persons from the holy things of God; and therefore to argue from ceremoniall uncleannes in the old, to morall uncleannesse in the new, is no good consequence. I Ceremoni­all exclusi­on from holy things under the old, did ti­pifie exclu­sion for morall un­cleannesse under the New Te­stament. Levit. 5. 2 [...]. answer, the Ceremoniall uncleannesse in the Old, which did ex­clude from the holy things of God, doth strongly conclude that morall uncleannesse under the New Testament doth exclude from the holy things of God, if that exclusion of the Leaper out of the campe seven dayes, and the touching of the dead, though impru­dently, did typifie some other exclusion from the holy things of God, as no question it did, then the consequence must be strong. 2. It is also false that morall uncleannesse did not exclude from the holy things of God under the Old Testament, For 1. what was more ordinary, then that sacrifices should be offered for sins of [Page 246] ignorance, for trespas [...]es, and while this was done, the person was not admitted to partake of the holy things of God. 2. Whence was the Lords frequent complaints of wearying his soule with sa­crifices, solemne assemblies, feast dayes, and new Moones, when they were morally uncleane, and their hands were full of blood, and they had not put away the evill of their doings, did not love judge­ment and justice, Isaiah 10. 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19. And when God complaineth so of them, Ier. 7. 8. Will ye steale, murther and commit adultery, and sweare falsely, and burne incense unto Baal, and walke after other Gods whom ye know not? 10. And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my Name? Ergo, Murtherers and adulterers were debarred from entring into the Congregation of the Lord, and partaking of the holy things of God, while they repented. Let none say by prophecying, or the keyes of knowledge in preaching the Word, they were declared unworthy to enter into the Temple; but that will not conclude that it was the Priests office by power of discipline to exclude them from coming unto the Sanctuary of God. Ans. But if the Porters were set at doores of the Lords house, to hold out the uncleane, and if the Lord charge the Priests with this crime, that they Ezek. 44. 8. set keepers of the charge of the Lords house for themselves, that is, for their owne carnall ends, and not for the honour of the Lord: And that ver. 7. They brought into the San­ctuary of the Lords house uncircumcised in heart, that is, such as were morally uncleane, then had the Priests a power to debarre from the Sanctuary such as were morally uncleane, and if the Priests are said to beare rule by their meanes, Ier. 5. 31. Then the Priests did beare rule and governe, though they abused their Power, and the word [...] signifieth to have dominion over any, Psal. 72. 8. Psal. 110. 2. 1 Kin. 4. 24. Levit. 26. 17. And the Scrip­ture gives a power of judging and governing to the Priests. And 2 Chron. 30. 6, 7. The Posts that Hezekiah and the Congregation of Israel sent through the Land, commandeth a morall prepa­ration to those that were to keepe the Lords Passeover, to wit, that they should turne againe unto the Lord God of Abraham, and should not be like their Fathers, nor like their Brethren, that tres­passed against the Lord God of their Fathers. And ver. 11. divers of Ashur, and Manasseh, and Zebulun humblid themselvs, and came [Page 247] to Ierusalem to keepe the feast of the Passeover. This proveth clear­ly that people under the Old Testament were no lesse to try and examine themselves, by the King and Priests commandment, car­ried to them by Postes before they should eate the Passeover; then they are to try themselves before they eate and drinke at the Lords Supper: onely the adversaries say, the Priests by preaching were to debarre from the Passeover those who were morally unclean, but not to debarre those who were morally uncleane, so they were not typically and ceremonially unclean, by any power of Discipline, or by Porters set at the gates to keepe them out of the Sanctuary. But I an­swer, 1. How are the Priests Ezek. 22. 26. reproved for violating the Law of God, and prophaning his holy things, in that they put no diffe­rence between the holy and prophane, the clean and the unclean? Sure­ly the Priests prophaned in the highest way, the holy things of God, in admitting into the Sanctuary, those who were not onely ceremonially, but morally uncleane, as murtherers, adulterers, Who cryed the temple of the Lord, Ier. 7. And they put no diffe­rence betweene the Holy and Prophane, when they admitted to the holy things of God, and into the Sanctuary the uncircumcised in heart, for they doe more pollute the holy things of God, who partake of them being morally uncleane, and uncircumcised in heart, then those who are onely uncircumcised in flesh.

Object. But the Church under the New Testament can no other The Chur­ches exclu­sion from the Seales declarative, not co­active by violence. way but morally, and by preaching (as it would seeme) onely de­barre scandalous persons from the Seales and Prayers of the Church; for should a scandalous person, or an excommunicate person obtrude himselfe on the Lords Supper, against the will and sentence of the Church, the Church cannot use any bodily violence to hinder such prophane intrusion upon the holy things of God, because the Churches weapons are not carnall but spirituall; bodily violence can be no Remonstrant in Apollo. spirituall weapon, that the Church as the Church can use, so do the Remonstrant Arminians argue, and some other for the congre­gationall way.

Ans. This Argument is against all Church-censures, but though the Church as the Church cannot hinder scandalous intruders upon the holy things of God, by bodily violence, it doth not follow; Ergo, The Church can keep the holy things pure no way, but morally, that is, by preaching only, for we can give a third way: The re­bukes, [Page 248] admonitions and Excommunication, or delivering to Satan Censures applied to some by name. are all transacted without any bodily and externnll violence, Christs Kingdom resigneth all such carnall weapons to the Magistrate, who is the only Governour of the Church of Christ, as the Opponents say, All Church Censures are by way of Declaration, applied to such men by name; and there co-action, though penall, is not by bodily violence, but by acting upon the conscience of men and putting them to shame.

Hence 2. We argue, if beside the preaching of the word, in Arg. 2. which Commandments, Promises and threatnings are proposed to all in generall; there be rebukes of the Church, the sentencing of such and such persons by name, as Hymeneus and Philetus, and other Blasphemers; the Authoritative Declaration, that such a bro­ther is to be esteemed as a Heathen and a Publican, and bro­therly fellowship of eating and drinking with such an one de­nied, that he may be ashamed, if these be, then are some de­barred from the holy things of God, by Church-Censures, beside the preaching of the word of God.

But the former is true; Ergo, so is the latter.

The Proposition is proved, because all wicked persons and heart-hypocrites are excluded from the holy things of God, by the Preaching of the Word: But only these that are notoriously, and by testimony of witnesses, convinced to be scandalous or contumacious in atrocious sins, after they are by name rebuked, and are declared to be esteemed as Heathen and Publicans; and from whom we are to withdraw brotherly fellowship, are ex­cluded from the holy things of God, by Discipline and Church Censures.

The Assumption I prove: Because the word is preached to all by one in office, and that a Steward and dispenser of the myste­ries of God, and he excludeth all unworthy ones known to be such, or invisible only, from the kingdom of God. But the Censure, 1. Is inflicted by many, 2 Cor. 26. by the Church, Matth. 18. 17. conveened together, 1 Cor. 54. (2.) It is applied to such persons by name, 1 Cor. 5. 5. He that hath done such a deed, ver. 2. Hymeneus, Alexander, 1 Tim. 1. 20. Jezabel, Rev. 2. 20. (3) The whole con­gregation is not to eat or Table with such an one, 1 Cor. 5. 11. We are to note and observe him, and to have no company with him, that he [Page 249] may b ashamed 2 Thes. 3. 14. to esteeme him as an Heathen and a Publican, and exclude him from the Seals of the Covenant, so long as he remaineth in that state.

3. Arg. If a person may for not hearing the Church, be judged as an Heathen and a Publican, and his sinnes bound in heaven by the Church; then by discipline he is excluded from the holy things of God in a peculiar way, in the which contumacious persons, uncir­cumcised in heart are excluded, in foro interno Dei, in Gods secret Court; But the former is true, Matt. 18. 15. 16, 17, 18. Ergo &c. Now if there be two Courts, one before God, Rom. 2. 16. Rom. 14. 4. 1 Cor. 14. 25. 1 Ioh. 3. 21. Another of the Church, Mat. 18. 15. 16, &c. 1 Cor. 5. 4, 5, 6, 11, 12. and two sorts of bindings, two sorts of Witnesses, two sorts of Sentences, then can it not be de­denyed but the Church hath a spirituall Court for censures, as well as for preaching the Word.

4. Arg. Exclusion of an offender from the societie of the Saints, and not to eate or drinke with him, is some other reall visible cen­sure accompanied with shame, then any censure by the preaching of the Word; but there is such a censure inflicted by the Church, Ergo, The Proposition is cleare from Rom. 16. 17. Now I beseech you brethren, marke them that cause divisions and offences, contrary to the doctrine which yee learned [...] and avoid them. Here is a reall, visible, and personall note of shame put on Schismaticks, a bodily declining and avoiding of their company, which could not possibly be done by preaching of the Word. But (some may say) this was not done by the Church court, but every one as private christians were to eschew the society of Schisma­ticks, and by this you cannot conclude any Church censure.

Answ. Not to say that it were unjustice to decline any, and re­nounce Eschewing the society of scanda­lous church members must be a church cen­sure. society with him, before he were convinced to be facti­ous according to Christs order, Mat. 18. which to Erastus is a way of common and naturall equity. And so in order to some pub­lique censure before the Church. Paul w [...]i [...]eth to a constitute Church at Rome, in which he prescribeth Rom. 12. the Officers duty, as what Pastor, Doctor, Elder, Deacon, ought to doe in a Church body; We cannot imagine he could command every pri­vate Christian to inflict the censure and punishment, (for a punish­ment it is in order to a publike sin) of avoiding any in Church [Page 250] communion, professing they serve the Lord Iesus Christ, as these doe, verse 18. upon their owne private opinion: Iesus Christ and his Apostles must have left men loose in all order and discipline by this way, howbeit the adversary would deny a church punishment, here is a punishment inflicted by many, 2 Cor. 2. 6. And it is not inflicted by way of preaching, so 2 Thes. 3. 14. If any man obey not our word by this Epistle, note that man, have no company with him, that he may be ashamed, [...] by the learned is to put a publike church note on him that he may be confounded, make him a [...], a publike wonder, that he may be ashamed, as Piscator and P. Baynes ob­serve on the place expounding it of excommunication, and the same word [...] that is here, is used toward the incestuous man, who was to be excommunicated, 1 Cor. 5. 9. I wrote unto you in an Epistle, not to keepe company with fornicators, the word [...] ver. 1. is ascribed to the incestuous man, and here they are not to be mixed [...] with fornicators, vers. 11. But now I have written unto you not to keepe company, if any man that is called a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or an extortioner, with such a one, no not to eate. And that we may know that this is a church censure, he addeth ver. 12. For what have I to doe to judge them also that are without? Ergo, this no keeping company with such, is a Church judging.

5. Arg. The Church of Pergamus is rebuked for having amongst them, such as hold the doctrine of Balaam, and Revel. 2. 14. and Thyatira, that they suffered Iezabel to preach and seduce the servants of God, ver. 20. as the Church of Ephesus is praised v. 2. that they cannot beare with them that are evill, but had tryed such that said they were▪ Apostles, and were not, and had found them liars, Rev. 2. 3. Here is it clearely supposed that these churches were to censure false teachers, if any shall say they were to censure them no other waies, but by preaching against their errors; 1. This would establish a Prelate above the Church contrary to that of Mat. 18. Tell the Church, and 1 Cor. 5. Where the Church gathered together was to excommunicate. 2. The Angel of the Church is taken collectively, for all the Rulers and the whole Church to whom Christ writeth, as is cleare, in that he saith so often; He that hath an eare let him heare what the Spirit saith to the Churches, not to the Pastors only. 2. The re­moving of the Candlestick, is not from the Angel but from the Church; [Page 251] and repentance, and the fighting and overcomming, a reward of the crown of life, and many other things are evidently spoken to the Churches, not to the Angels of the Churches. And therefore the tryall of false Apostles must be by a Church, a Court, a col­ledge of church rulers, as Paul speaketh unto, Act. 20. 17. Where it is said, Paul called the Elders of the Church of Ephesus, and ex­horted them to beware of false teachers, that should not spare the flocke, and should teach perverse things, v. 28. 29. 30. and of this sort were these lying and seducing Apostles, now how can one Angell or many Pastors by preaching onely try false Apostles, and finde them lyars? This trying and sentencing of lying seducers, Rev. 2. 2. must be by a court, such as we find to be the practise of the Apo­stles and Elders at Ierusalem, who in a Synod Act. 15. did finde these who taught a necessitie of Circumcision, to be perverters of soules and liars, saying, They had the Apostles authority for what they taught, whereas they had no such thing, and Schismatick troublers of the people, Acts 15. See what further I have said for Excommunication before, cap. 2. and sect. 7. which proveth also the same thing. The Church of Thyatira would not be rebuked for suffering Jezabel to teach, if they had no power of Church censures to hinder her; It is not enough to say that the Angel of that Church did sufficiently hinder Jezabell to teach, when in publike he declared and preached against her false doctrine, and by the same reason Pastors exoner their conscience, if they preach that such and such scandalous persons are not to eate and drinke their owne damnation, though they debarre them not in a visible court by name from the Lords table, and though they never excommunicate them, and there­fore there is not any censure but Pastorall rebukes by way of preach­ing, not any other by way of discipline.

Ans. The Angel of Thyatira had not sufficiently hindered Jeza­bel The hin­dering of Jezabel by preaching onely not sufficient. to seduce the servants of God, by only preaching against her false doctrine, in regard that Paul and Barnabas not only hindred those that teached, that the Gentiles ought to be circumcised, Act. 14. cap. 16. by Preaching; but also had recourse to the power and au­thority of a Synod, that in a Synod which is a Court essentially consisting of many Pastors and Elders, they might be declared to be perverters of souls, and liars, as indeed they were judicially decla­red to be such, Act. 15. 24. Hence I argue; if the Apostles could not be said sufficiently to hinder Jezabels and Seducers, by only [Page 252] Preaching, and Disputing against their errors, except in case of their persisting in their errors, they should tell the Church convened in a Synod, as Christs order is, Mat. 18. Then the Angel of Thyatira, or any one Pastor do not sufficiently hinder scandals, but may be well said to suffer them by only private rebuking and publick Preach­ing, except they use all these means to hinder Iezabels, false Tea­chers, and all scandalous persons, that the Apostles used, and there­fore the Angel of the Church of Thyatira must be rebuked for not using the Authority and power of the Church against Iezabel. And here by the way, when these false Teachers had sinned against their brethren in perverting their souls, they take not the course that Erastus dreameth to be taken according to Matth. 18. They com­plain not to the Synedrim, or Civill Magistrate, who should use the sword against them, but to the Church Synodically convened at Ierusalem, who used against them the Spirituall power that Christ the head of the Church had given them.

6. Arg. If there be an Ecclesiasticall debarring of scandalous Debarring of the scandalous from the seals pro­ [...]ed. persons from the holy things of God, especially from the Supper of the Lord by Censures, and not by the preaching of the word only, then there be Censures and power of jurisdiction in the word be­side preaching of the word. But the former I make good by these following Arguments.

1. Arg. If the Stewards and dispensers of the mysteries of God, are to cut the word aright as approved workmen, 2 Tim. 2. 15. And are to give every one their portion of bread according to their need, and measure, Matth. 24. 45, 46, 47. 1 Cor. 4. 1. 2. 3. and must not s [...]ay the souls which should not die, by denouncing wrath against the righte­ous, nor save the souls alive that should not live, by lying words, Ezec. 13. 19. by offering mercy to the wicked and impenitent, then as they should not deny the seals of salvation to Believers, hungring and thirsting for Christ; neither should they give the seals of life to those that are walking openly in the way of destruction.

But the former is true; Ergo; so is the latter. The Proposition is clear: As the word should not be divided aright, if wrath should be Preached to believing Saints, and life and salvation offered to the obdurate and wicked, so neither should the Stewards cut the seals of the word aright, if the Supper were given to wicked men: If they should say, This is the blood of the Covenant, shed for the [Page 253] Remission of your sins, Drink ye all of it: They should save alive those that should die, with lying words; for the seals speak to the Communicant, and apply to him in particular, the very promise that in generall is made to him; and this will prove as the Magistrate being no Steward of the word, and not called of God thereunto, as Aaron was Heb. 5. 4. can no more distribute the word and seals It belon­geth not to the Magi­strate to [...] debar from the seals. to whom he pleaseth, Ex officio, then he can Preach and Admini­ster the Sacraments, nor should another man, who is no Steward, but a Porter or Cook, Teach, and that by his office how, and to whom the Steward should distribute Bread: nor is it sufficient, to say, by this one man, not the Church, is to debar from the Sacra­ments, for the seals being proper to the Church, as the Church, he must act here, in, and with the power of the Church. 2. It is ano­ther question, whether by the Minister, or by the Church any ought to be debarred, and whether there be any such Censure as debarring from the Seals; and its another question, by what power, whe­ther by the power of order, or by the power of jurisdiction, Mi­nisters may debar the scandalous from the seals; I conceive by both powers, they may keep the Ordinances pure; and if it belong to the Magistrate to debar any more then to preach the word, and by the way of Erastus: The Magistrate by his office, as he is a Magi­strate only is deputed of Iesus Christ to Steward the seals to whom he pleaseth: Ergo, (say I) to cut the word aright to whom he pleaseth, must be his due.

2. Arg. As the dispensers of the word must not partake of o­ther mens sins, 1 Tim. 5. 22. so neither should they distribute to wicked and scandalous men, such Ordinances, as they see shall cer­tainly be judgement and damnation to them, and as maketh the Communicants guilty of the body and blood of our Lord: Now that the Stewards Communicate with the sins of these manifestly scan­dalous, to whom they administrate the Supper: I prove: 1. Be­cause they that sow pillows under the head of the openly wicked, preaching peace to these who should die, do hunt souls, Ezech. 13. 20. and partake of their presumption, and they that heal the wound of the people with smooth words, are false dealers, and concurreth to the wound of the people, Ier. 8. 10, 11. As the Prophet that preach­eth lies partaketh of the peoples presumption; which believe those lies, Ier. 14. 14, 15, 16. 2. If Eve should but reach the fruit of the [Page 254] forbidden Tree to Adam, and say take and eat, she partakes of A­dams sin, if the mother give poyson willingly and wittingly to a childe, she killeth her childe, though it be told the childe that it is poyson: The Supper to those who knowingly to us, eat unwor­thily, is forbidden meat, and poyson.

3. A third Argument is, from the nature of holy things. It is not lawfull to give that which is holy to dogs, nor to cast pearles be­fore swine, least they trample them under their feet, Matth. 7. 6. But the Sacraments are holy things, saith Erastus, and no man can Thomas Erastus lib. 3. con­firmat. Thesium lib. 3. [...]. 3. pag. 207. Nam et sa­cramenta sub sub [...] nomine comprehendi concedo. deny it; Ergo, we are not to give the Sacraments to the scandalous and openly prophane.

But Erastus answereth, That the Lord preached the word to Pha­risees, and the word is a holy thing, and a pearl, and by Dogs, and swine, he meaneth open persecutors. They that will seem members of the Church, and confesse their fault, and promise amendment, are not such as will trample on the Sacraments, and will turn again to tear you: Et si quis talis reperiatur hunc ego admittendum minime censeo, for such (saith he) Are not to be admitted to the Sacrament.

Ans. These holy things, which prophane men and openly scan­dalous can make no use of, but pollute them to their own destru­ction, and the abusing of the Ordinances, no more then Dogs and Swine can make use of Pearls to feed them, but onely trample on them, are not to be given to the prophane and openly scandalous: But the Lords Supper is such a thing, being Ordained only for those that have saving Grace, not for Dogs. Now the Assump­tion applied to the word, is most false, (as it is applied to the Lords Supper, it is most true) for the Word is Ordained by speciall Com­mand to be Preached to Dogs and Lions, that thereby they may be made Isa. 11. 4, 5, 6, 7. Isa. 2. 3. 4. Lambs and Converts; the Sup­per is not a mean of Conversion; and since Dogs can make no use of it, but trample it under foot, we are forbidden to give such holy things to them. It is true, They'll trample the Pearl of the word; but we are Commanded to offer the word to all, even while they turn Apostates. 2. If Christ Commanded the word to be Preached to Pharisees and Saduces; these were such persecuters as sinned against the Holy Ghost, Dogs in the Superlative degree, Matth. 12. 31, 32. Joh. 9. 39, 40, 41. Joh. 7. 28. Joh. 8. 21. Ergo, Christ Com­manded [Page 255] some holy things, the word to be given to Dogs; and yet his precept cannot be obeyed, if we give them the Sacrament. 3. By what Doctrine of Scripture will Erastus have these that trampleth on Ordinances, and turn again to tear us, debarred from the Supper? For in his Thes. 26. 27, 28, 29. he holdeth it unlaw­full to debar any Judas from the Supper; doth he think there be no Dogs in the Visible Church? Peter saith, There be such Dogs as have known the way of truth, and turn to their vomit; and such may promise amendment, confesse their sin, and desire the Sacra­ment.

4. Arg. Those who will not hear the Church, but doth scandalize, not only their Brethren, but also a whole Church, and are to be esteemed as Heathen and Publicans, are not to be admitted to the highest priviledge, and to feast with Christ, when the Church know­eth they want their wedding garment: But there may be, and are many in the Church of this sort; Ergo, such should not be ad­mitted: For the Major, I set down the words of Erastus granting Erastus, Confi. thes. l. 3. c. 3. pag. 207. Qui mem­bra externae volunt ec­clesiae vide­ri, illi non calcabunt Sacramenta nec offere [...] ­tem laniare tentabunt, & fiquis talis reperi­atur hune ego minime admitten­dum cense [...]. it. The Assumption, both Scripture and experience proveth; for there be in the Visible Church, Dogs, Persecuters, Jezabels, as there be many called, and few chosen.

5. Arg. If the incestuous man must be cast out, lest he leaven the Church, then can he not be admitted to Communicate with the Church, in that which is the highest seal of Christs love; but the incestuous man must be cast out, lest he leaven the whole Church, 1 Cor. 5. 4, 5, &c. Ergo, The Proposition is clear, because none can be put out of the Church, but they must be separated from the Ta­ble of the Children of the Church; the Assumption is 1 Cor. 5 13. [...] Put him out, ver. 7. Purge him out. Now the Church hath no power by bodily violence to attempt a locall separating of him in person from them, as they are men, though they may separate themselves from him; then it must be a declarative casting of him out, as unworthy to Communicate with the Church in such holy Ordinances, as distinguisheth the Church from other Societies, and these be the Seals of the Covenant.

6. We are not to suffer sin in any, Levit. 18. 17. Rev. 2. 20. but to hinder it so far as we can according to our vocation, 1 Sam. 3. 13. As the Priests hindred Ʋzziah to Sacrafice, 2 Chron. 26. 18, 19, 20. And must pull them out of the fire, Jude ver. 23. As the [Page 256] Law of nature would teach the Mother, not only, not to co-ope­rate with her sonne attempting to kill himself; but to hinder and stop him by pulling a knife or sword out of his hand, when he is about to destroy himself; if so, then ought not the Church and her Officers to co-operate so far with those who do Eat and drink their own Damnation, as to exhibite and give to such the seals of the Covenant, to pray that these seals may be blessed to scandalons ones, which is to pray directly contrary to the revealed will of God in his word, and against that which the faithfull Pastors and Paul Preacheth, That every one should try and examine themselves, and so eat and drink: Now a reall and physicall co-operating of the Church, with such manifest impiety, must then be the Churches suffering of sin in a brother, or not hindring him [...]o eat his own Damnation; if the Lord have committed a power of dispensing the seals to Christians, not to Pagans and Turks: Let Erastus show any precept or practise, why we might not admit Jews, Turks, In­dians, though never Baptized, to eat and drink the Lords body and blood, (we are to Preach the Gospel to them, if they were amongst us) except that such as are to communicate according to the will of Christ, are Christians, members of the Church, who doth try and examine themselves; and Jews and Turks though dwelling and born amongst us are not such, yet Erastus would that such should never be admitted to the Lords Supper, though they should desire it: Officers also have a command not to dispense some parts of the word to all, as we are not to rebuke open Scorners: Should any of our Church turn Iew and blaspheme Christ, and pertinaciously after conviction persist in his Apostacy; might not Erastus aske by what command of Christ will ye not Preach the Gospel to such an one? Christ made no exception, but said, Preach to all Nations, why do you make Exceptions? might we not answer, Christ hath given a power of dispensing the Gospel to all; yet hath he excep­ted some, because its against the will of Christ that such can obey the Gospel: We are bidden pray for all, yet are there some that we are not to pray for, because they sin unto death: so is the case here in some kinde.

7. It is for our instruction that the Priests were rebuked, for that they admitted into the Sanctuary the uncircumcised in flesh and heart, that they put no difference betweene the cleane and the un­cleane, [Page 257] and prophaned the holy things of God, Ezek. 44. 9. Ezek. 22. 26. Hag. 2. 11, 12, 13. And this was a shadow of things to come, as was observed before, teaching us, that farre lesse should the Pastors of the New Testament suffer the holy things of God to be pro­phaned.

8. We read that Iohn Baptist and the Apostles baptized none but such as confessed their sinnes, and professed [...]aith in Iesus Christ, it would then appeare to be the will of Christ, that every one should not be admitted to the Lords Supper, though some say, the Apostles baptized single persons not in Church communion, so that Pastors administer the Sacraments by reason of the power of order, as they are Pastors, not by power of jurisdiction, as having war­rant from any Church, in regard Churches at the beginning had the Word and Sacraments before they had any Church Govern­ment, yet I conceive the Lords Supper is a Seale of a Church­communion, 1 Cor. 10. 16. 17. and the like I say of Baptisme typed by Noahs Arke, 1 Pet. 3. 19, 20, &c. and though the Apostles, partly by priviledge, partly through necessitie, the parts existing before the whole, were necessitated first to baptize, and then to plant Churches, yet the Churches being once constitute, these are▪ Church priviledges to be dispensed both by the power of order, and the power of jurisdiction.


Quest. 2.

Some speciall Reasons of Thomas Erastus against Ex­communication, examined.

THomas Erastus a Physitian, who medled not much with Divi­nity, save in this, in which he was unsound, in his reply to Beza laboureth to make Excommunication a dreame, and nothing but a device of Pastors affecting domination. Confirmati [...] Thosium E­rast. Cons [...]. thes. l. 1. c. 1. p. 72.

1. Object. Onely Pet [...]r killed Ananias; onely Paul excommuni­cated Alexander and Hymeneus, onely Paul said he would come to the Corinthians with the rod, and for a long time onely Bishops excommunicated, Presbyters gave advise onely. Ergo▪ This power is not in the Church.

[Page 258] Ans.▪ The consequence is naught, Christ said only to his Disci­ples in person, Go teach and Baptize, Is it a good consequence therefore, that none hath power to teach and Baptize, but only the Apostles? Only Paul exhorted the Corinthians, to mourn for the incestuou [...] mans fall, therefore no Pastors have power to exhort in the like kinde. 2. We grant the Apostles did many things out of their Apostolick power, which in a constitute Church, the Church onely may doe, as Paul his alone disputed against Circum­cision of the Gentiles, Act. 15. 2. What? Ergo, Paul in a Synod, and a Synod hath not power to dispute and determine the same, the contrary is evident, Act. 15. 12, 22, 23. 3. It is false that the Au­thority and rod, with which Paul said he would come to the Coriu­thians, 2 Cor. 10. 8. was proper only to Paul an Apostle, the same he giveth to Timothy, and to all the Elders. 3. If Bishops exer­cised the same power for many ages, Erastus must shew us Bishops who could kill miraculously, such as Ananias and Elimas, and work miracles; now beside that, Erastus must with his new opinion, hold up a new creature called a Prelate, unknown to the Apostles or Ierome and the Fathers, he must parallel Bishops for working of miracles to Paul and the Apostles. Erast. will have no man ex­cluded from the Sacraments pag. 86. Si per sub­ductionem pabuli in­telligis ver­bi aut sacra­mentorum negationem, de tu [...] hoc dicis, non l [...]queris cum scripturis, quae nus­quam jubent pabula haec subducere.

Obj. 2. The Apostles declared many to be excluded out of the kingdom of heaven, and so bound in heaven whom they did not excommunicate from the Sacraments, so also do the Ministers daily, and yet Christ in his word commanded not those to be debarred from the Lords Supper.

Ans. It is very true, the Apostles and Pastors of Christ that now are, denounce eternall wrath, and that authoritatively against those that are invisibly to men heart-hypocrites, who yet before the Church (who know not the heart) go for Saints, and are neither excluded from Sacraments, nor so much as rebuked. But it is a vain collection, that therefore externally scandalous are not to be debar­red from the Supper, and Excommunicated: The Prophets, 1 Cor. 14. did preach that Heathens remaining Heathens were excluded out of the Kingdom of God; yet Heathens cannot be Excommu­nicated; and yet (I hope) Erastus dare not deny, but Christ hath forbidden, that Heathen remaining Heathen be admitted to the Sa­craments: Though I dare provoke any Erastian, and attest them by their new Doctrine, to shew me a warrant from Christs Testa­ment, why the Church should refuse the Seals to a Turke; they [Page 259] will say, A Turk is not willing to receive, and therefore the Seals According to Erastus his way we cannot de­ny the seals to a Turk. may be denied to him, and yet cannot be denied to a member of the Church though scandalous, if he desire it, and professe repentance.

But I answer, Though a Turk be unwilling to receive the Seals; What if he should be willing, and require to be Baptized, yet re­maining ignorant of Christ and the Gospel we should not Baptize him: Now by the Doctrine of Erastus, we have no more re warrant to deny the seals to him, then to deny them to Judas; we desire a Scripture from the adversary, which will not conclude with equall strength of reason against the giving of the seals to any scandalous member of the Church; it is true, a Turk ignorant of Christ, though he should desire the seals is uncapable, and he is unwilling vertually, in regard he as yet refuseth the knowledge of the Gospel, and so is the scandalous professor no lesse uncapable (though we may grant degrees of incapacity) for he is vertually unwilling to receive Christ in regard he is unwilling to part with his idol-sins: 2. Though a Turk should be unwilling (as its like enough he will be) yet we de­sire a Scripture, why we cannot make offer of the Sacraments to a Turk, and yet we may Preach the Gospel and make offer of Christ in the word to him, 1 Cor. 14. 23. And this Scripture shall also con­clude, we are not to admit scandalous persons to the Sacraments, being both uncapable of them, as also because they can but trample on these pearls,, no lesse then the Turk should do; the Argument then is just nothing: We exclude many from the Kingdom of Hea­ven, whom we do not excommunicate on earth; But he should say, we Excommunicate many, whom we do not exclude out of Heaven.

Erastus. These two are not one, to declare a person hatefull in P. 75, 76. Heaven to God, and to be cast out of the visible Church; for if they be both one, then one private Pastor may Excommunicate, for he may declare from Gods word, that an offender is excluded out of Hea­ven: hath not the word of God in the mouth of one as much authority and power as out of the mouth of many? the authority of the word dependeth not on a multitude, also why should this be as good a consequence (God judgeth not this man worthy of the Kingdom of God; Ergo, he is to be cast out of the visible Church) as this (God judgeth not this man worthy of life eternall: Ergo, God will not have him to live in this temporall life) Are we ignorant that God esteemeth many not [Page 260] worthy of life eternall, to whom he hath given power to cast out de­vils Toexclude men from the King­dom of Heaven not one with Excom­munication in his name? Matth. 7.

Ans. All this is but with carnall reason to speak against the wayes of God; for 1. Not every denouncing of a sinner unworthy of Heaven is Excommunication: So Iudas might have Excommuni­cated himself, and when one Pastor declareth an offender unworthy of Heaven; he is not formally excommunicated out of the visible Church; he is cast out of the invisible Church: But that is not Ex­communication, except it be done for a publick scandall that offen­deth the Church: 2. Except it be done by the visible Church. 3. Ac­cording to the rule of Christ, Matth. 18. 4. That he may be asha­med, and repent and be saved: Gods binding of the offender in Heaven, is a part of Excommunication, but not all, nor the very same with Excommunication. 2. The Churches casting out for Christs institutions cause, is of more Authority then the Conscionall casting out performed by one Pastor, and yet the Conscional casting out by one, insuo genere is as valid as the other, subordinata non pug­nant. 3. We are not to take our compasse and rule of Gods waies by his outward dispensation, but the revealed will of Christ is our Rule, God thinketh those who walketh inordinately, and causeth divisions, not worthie of the Christian society of the Saints; and must binde them in heaven to that censure, in regard he expresly so commandeth in his Word, Rom. 16, 17. 18. 2 Thes. 3. 14, 15. 1 Cor. 5. 11. Yet he thinketh them worthy of Salvation, and may give repentance and Iesus Christ to many of these; he may deny sal­vation to the wicked, and upon that feed them to the day of slaughter, dare flesh and blood quarrell this consequence? God hath appointed the wicked for the day of wrath. Ergo, he giveth them more of this life then heart can wish. This consequence dependeth on the meer di­spensation of God, nor is this our Consequence. God judgeth such unworthy of heaven; Ergo, they must be cast out of the visi­ble Church, we never made Excōmunication a necessary consequent of the Lords judging men unworthy of Heaven, for then all these that God judgeth unworthy of life eternall should be excommu­nicated, and only these, which is false; for God may judge some worthy of life eternall in Christ, and yet they are to be excommu­nicated, if they refuse to hear the Church, as many regenerate may go that sar in scandalous obstinacy, and many whom God judges [Page 261] unworthy of life eternall, may so belie a Profession, as they deserve not to be excommunicated, and both these may fall out, and do fall out according to the revealed will of Christ.

Erastus 4. objecteth. Excommunication must exclude men from Pag. 78. only the externall society of the Church, for he only can joyne us to Christ, or separate us from internall and spirituall society of Christ, who can beget lively faith in us, and extinguish lively faith when it is begotten, for by faith only we are made living members of Christs bo­dy, and by only infidelity we leave off to be members of his bodie: But no Church, no creatures can either beget lively faith in us, or extin­guish it in us: or thus, men can neither give to us, nor take from us salvation, therefore Excommunication should not be defined by cut­ting men off from salvation.

Ans. This is the only Argument of Erastus, that seemeth to Excom­municati­on is no reall sepa­ration of one from Christs invisible body. bear weight; But it is false and groundlesse, it supposeth the false principle that Erastus goeth on, that Excommunication is a reall separation of a member from Christs Invisible and Mysticall body, and that the Excommunicated person who may be an Invisible member of Christ, and regenerated, may be an Apostate, and fall from Christ, and leave off to be a member. The contrary of which all our Protestant Divines teach against Papists; whereas, Excom­munication is only a Declarative; but withall, an Authoritative Act or Sentence of the Church, and no reall cutting off of a believer from Christ: But you will say, It presupposeth a cutting off in hea­ven from Christ; and therefore the Excommunicated person is de­clared to be cut off. Let me Answer, I conceive Excommunication hath neither Election nor Reprobation, Regeneration or non-Regeneration, for its object, or terminus, but only it cutteth a con­tumacious person off from the Visible Church on earth, and from the head Christ in heaven, not in regard of his state of Regenera­tion, as if Christ ratifying the Sentence in heaven, did cut him off so much as conditionally from being a member of his body: No, but in regard of the second Acts of the life of God, and the sweet efficacy and operation of the spirit, by which the Ordinances are lesse lively, lesse operative, and lesse vigorous, the man being as the Learned and Reverend Mr. Cotton saith, As a palsie Member, in which life remaineth, but a little withered and blunted, and he in Satans power to ve [...] his spirit, and therefore I grant all, to wit, [Page 262] that Excommunication is not a reall separating of a member from Christs body, only unbelief doth that; but it followeth not, Ergo, it is a separation only from the externall society of the Church: For 1. This externall cutting off, is ratified in heaven: And 2. Christ hath ratified it by a real internal suspension of the influence of his spirit in heaven: But I deny that this universall doth follow from Christs binding in heaven, That whomever God judgeth unwor­thy of heaven, all these are to be cast out of the Church; he cannot prove this consequence from our grounds.

Erastus Argueth thus: If God dam any as a sinner in heaven, he Pag. 79. will have the Elders to cast him out of the Church Visible in earth, so they know him to be such; yet this is not sure.

Ans. It is most sure, so all the Church know him (Elders only Iudicially Excommunicate, the people also by consent, and by Ex­ecution of the Sentence, and avoiding the offender) and if it be Iu­dicially proved, the Church is to Excommunicate. But 1. he must not be without the Church, 1 Cor. 5. 12. Though the Church know Turks and Pagans, and those who live without Christ, to be dam­ned in heaven; yet they Excommunicate them not, for they are without the Church, 1 Cor. 5. 12. and yet damned, Act. 4. 12. 2. They may know many unregenerated, Ioh. 15. 18. Yet they cannot Excommunicate them for non-regeneration, or non▪ electi­on to glory, which they cannot know judicially, except they be ex­ternally scandalous, Matth. 18. 17. 1 Cor. 5. 1. 2.

Erastus, By Preaching, Drunkards are excluded out of Heaven, P. 81, 82. and God declareth by the Preaching of the word, that they are not of the faithfull on earth; but you cannot prove these four from Scripture. 1. That God hath Commanded to cast them out of the Church, whom he hath judged unworthy of life Eternall. 2. That they should not be admitted to the Sacrament, who have polluted themselves with some sin, though they say they repent, except it please the Elders. 3. That it is Gods will that they [...]e debarred from the Sacrament, by the voy­ces of a Court of Elders. 4. That God hath Commanded such a Court of Elders under a Christian Magistrate, who should have a power of jurisdiction, different from the power of the Magistrate.

Ans. 1. Declaring by Preaching, that a Drunkard is not of the number of the faithfull in the Visible Church, is materially Ex­communication: This Erastus saith, We want only a Court of [Page 263] Elders: But how proveth he that one Pastor should cast out of the Church by Preaching, all those that God judgeth unworthy of life eternall. Erastus saith, A Presbytery cannot do this: 1. Because the heart is known to God only, pag. 83. And doth one single Pastor know the heart, and a Senate of Pastors knoweth it not? 2. Must Pastors know the heart, which God only knoweth, 2 Chron. 29, 30. Ier. 17. 10. Otherwise they cannot judicially Excommunicate, and one Pastor may by way of Preaching, Excommunicate, and yet he knoweth not the heart. 3. For the first of his four, we need not prove it, we assert it not. 4. Though a Turk or an Apostate should say that he repents, yet he lyes; and Erastus saith, l. 3. cap. 3. pag. 207. Hunc ego minime admittendum censeo. I think such a one is not to be admitted to the Sacrament. 5. What Christ saith, Matth. 18. we take to be Gods will. 6. If there were no Christian Magistrate, belike a Church-Court might excommuni­cate; and shall the Magistrate, because Christian, spoil the Church of the power she had while she wanted a Magistrate? 7. The power of Excommunicating, and binding and loosing in earth and heaven, must then be principally in the Magistrate: And who gave the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to the Magistrate?

Erastus. If Excommunication be a cutting off from Salvation: then all who are Excommunicated must perish; But many Excom­municated persons are saved, many relaxed are Condemned.

Ans. We define not so Excommunication: Nor did Beza put mens Salvation in hazard, because they are Excommunicated so they repent, if their sins be retained in Heaven, and they never re­pent. Let Erastus see how they shall be saved. 2. Those against whom one Pastor denounceth the just deserved wrath of God, are Conscionally cut off from Salvation: But many of those are saved. Let Erastus Answer this himself.

Erastus. He only can cast out of the Church who seeth the heart; Pag. 83. But men, or the Church, seeth not the heart; Ergo, men can do no more but debar from the Sacraments: It is not enough to say, that whom they cast out, as the Ambassadors of God in the name of Christ, declaring those to be bound on earth, whom Christ hath bound in heaven are ex­communicated: for the Argument is not, whether Pastors may pro [...]ounce on earth, that which God hath ratified in Heav [...]n; but whether they may so cast out of the Church, as they may cut men off from Salvation; and whether one Pastor may not do this, no lesse then a Presbytery.

[Page 164] An [...]. So I may Argue a Prophet cannot warn a wicked man, that he shall dye eternally▪ because a Prophet in ordinary, know­eth not the heart more then a Senate of prophets, yet are all pro­phets to exclude from Salvation, wicked and impenitent men, but conditionally, so they repent not, in which God goeth before them, Ezech. 3. 18, 19, 20. Cap. 33. 6, 7. Act. 20. 20. Nor are we to doubt, but all Prophets to the end of the world must do the same. 2. If men debar from the Sacraments, as having warrant from Christ, they do also exclude men from Christ and Salvation offered in the Word; and is there not need that Pastors see the heart, if they exclude men from Christ and Salvation in the Word and Seals, as from Salvation simply? And how can men know binding in Heaven, more then the hearts of men on earth? The one is as far from our intuitive knowledge, as the other, except that we know both by fruits and effects; otherwise, this is but a Popish Argument, if the Church do binde on earth, as God bindeth in Heaven, say Stapleton, Becanus, Suarez, and other Papists; then must the Church be infallible in judgement: But we deny the Con­sequence in the one, as in the other. 2. It is that which offendeth Erastus, 1. That a Senate, not one man doth this. 2. That the Christian Magistrate doth it not: But I pray you, doth one Pa­stor, or the Christian Magistrate know the heart; but a Presbyte­ry cannot do it, because a Presbytery knoweth not the heart: Is not this too partiall Logick?

Erastus. Many Excommunicated persons have repented in the end Pag. 86. of their life, and dyed devoutly; then he who is cast out of the Visible Society of the Church, is not cast out of the internall and spirituall So­ciety of Christ.

Ans. This is as much against Christs words, as against us; may not many whose sins are bound in heaven, and against whom the Pastors denounce exclusion out of heaven, repent in the end of their life, and die devoutly? Ergo, The very threatnings of the Gospel must be wind▪ and by these, none are excluded from Hea­ven. 2. Excommunication is but a conditionall excluding out of Heaven▪ if men repent, the condition not being placed, Nihil po­nitur in esse, they are saved; though it may fall out that they want the externall relaxation of the Church, not through their own fault, but by some externall providence insuperable to them.

[Page 265]

But it is to beg the Question, to say, Those that are justly Ex­communiated, and seek not to be reconciled to the Church, do repent and die devoutly. Beza saith, Pastors should give food to the hungry sheep, though they know not the moment when they do repent. Erastus Replyeth, Then give Word and Sacraments to those who seek them.

Ans. This is more Charity then the Scripture knoweth, belike Erastus will have all those that seek God daily, and delight to know his wayes, and ask for the Ordinances of Iustice, and take delight in approaching to God, to be all hungry souls, hungring for Righteous­nesse, and so blessed, Matth. 5. 6. Luk. 1. 52. Isa. 55. 1. Whereas I­saiah saith, They may do all that, and be but plaistred Hypocrites, Isa. 58. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Erastus. But if the Excommunicated man repent, whether soon or late, he was never cut off from inward communion with Christ, for then the elect might perish; if David and Manasseh had been ex­communicate, and died, they had been saved, except we deny the perse­verance of the Saints.

Ans. Erastus evidenceth, he hath little skill in Divinity, he thinks a regenerate man not capable of Excommunication, why? and the sad falls of David, Peter and others prove, they may fall in as great sins, as not hearing of the Church 2. If one repent in his death, as the repenting Theef, will that infer he was never all his life separated from Christ? The contrary is true and cleare in the E­phes. 2. 1 [...], 12, 13. Tit. 3. 3. [...] Tim. 1. 13, 14, 15. 3. This is as strong (as it is weake as water) against all the threatnings denounced against such sinners as the Lord gisteth with Repentance, for Excommunication to the regenerated is a sort of Evangelick con­ditionall threatning.

Erastus. To give internall communion with Christ is a spirituall Pag. 88. 8 [...] thing, Ergo, The Church cannot take it from any, and that same pow­er that giveth, taketh away, then the Presbytery cannot by loosing, give salvation, nor by binding, take it away. Excommunication on earth is nothing, except God binde first in heaven, then it is but a declarati­on of what God doth, to shew the sentence that another judge hath gi­ven out, is not to judge; there is a difference between those that by authority give out a sentence, and those who as servants doth promul­gate the sentence. So Luther tom. German. 1. fol. 239. Excommu­nicare non est, ut quidam opinantur, animam Satanae tradere, & pre­cum [Page 266] fructu à piis factarum spoliare. Nam ubi vera fides & charî­tas in corde remanent, etiam vera communio Dei, & precum Chri­stianitatis fructus permanent, postquam aliud est excommunicatio, nec fieri aliud potest, quam privatio externi Sacramenti, ac commercii cum hominibus ac si in custodiam traditus externâ amicorum con­suetudine priver, amore & favore eorum interea non spolier.

Ans. This is but the old argument of Erastus, repeated al­most a hundred times to please the people. We never taught that either Presbytery or Minister can give, or take away inward Com­munion with God. But hence it will not follow, that Excommu­nication is an empty thing, for all we doe is but, a Ministery, Christ doth make the whole Gospel, promises, threatning, Sacraments, effectuall, else, What is Paul? What is Apollo? but the Ministers by whom ye beleeve? And what is the planting of Paul, or the wa­tering of Apollo, except God give the increase? If this anull Ex­communication, because Excommunicators are not properly judges, but onely Servants and Heralds to declare what Christ doth in Heaven, then may Erastus prove that the Word, Promises, threat­nings of the Gospel; The Apostles, Evangelists, Pastors, Tea­chers are nothing, for all of themselves are meere declarations of Gods will. 2. Those who Excommunicate because they judge not, Though Excommu­nication be onely de­clarative, yet it is not empty. but declare the will of Christ, they are not for that void of all authority, for their declaration is authoritative. What did Iere­miah but declare Gods will, yet it is such a propheticall and autho­ritative declaration, as I conceive Baruch or any other not sent as a Prophet of God, could not beare that which God putteth on Ieremiah, c. 1. 10. See, I have this day set thee over the Nations, and over the Kingdomes to root out, and to pull downe, to destroy, and to pull downe, to build and to plant: Hath Ieremiah no Propheticall authority over the Nations and Kingdomes to whom he prophe­sieth in the Name of the Lord, to build and destroy, to root out, and to plant, because he declareth and prophesieth, that such Nations shall be destroyed and rooted out for their wickednes, and such shall be builded and planted? Then meer declaration saith nothing against Excommunication; Paul, saith he, and the rest of the Apostles were nothing but Ministers, 1 Cor. 3. 5. and yet authoritie they had, else he could not say, 2 Cor. [...]0. 6. We have in readinesse vengeance against all disobedience, Verse 8. For though [Page 267] I should boast somewhat more of our Authority, &c. I should not be ashamed, and 2 Cor. 5. 20. Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ, but I pray you 1 Cor. 12. 29. Are all Apostles? Are all Prophets? Are all Teachers?

3. What Luther saith is true, Excommunication can put none out of the state of saving Faith and inward Communion with God, nor doth deprive men of the fruit of the Prayers of the god­ly, for the godly pray that Excommunication may be medicine effectually blessed of God, for the saving of the mans soul, yea, Gods not hearing of the prayers of the godly, praying in a Church way, that he may be humbled, is a mean to humble the cast out man, nor is the man delivered to Satan morally to be hardned; but judi­cially and withall medicinally to be softned, that his spirit may be sa­ved. Nor is the Church to hate him, but to admonish him as a brother, 2 Thes. 3. 15. And he is so deprived of the externall society and meanes, as the operation of the ordinances is suspended.

Erastus. If any should die in their typicall uncleannesse, were they Cap. 2. l. 1. p. 93. so Excommunicated, that their salvation was in hazard?

Ans. Not, so they repented: What then? Ergo, Excommuni­cation was not ratified in Heaven, it followeth not.

Erastus. Beza saith, Those that were morally polluted with hainous sins, were more unclean then those who were typically only unclean: Ergo, They should be far rather excluded from the holy things of God.

Erastus answers, If God had commanded them to be punished with the same punishment, and not with diverse; it would follow, that those that are morally impure, should rather be debarred then the other.

Ans. But the Ceremoniall uncleannesse was punished so to sig­nifie Gods detestation of morall uncleannesse, and how hatefull they were, who would multiply sacrifices, and yet had hands full of blood, Esa. 1. And who would steal, murther, whore, and yet come and stand before God in his house, and cry, The Temple of the Lord are these, Ier. 7. 49. And that God punished the one with heavier plagues then the other, is much for us, that adulterers far more and the un­circumcised in heart were to be holden out of the Sanctuary, as the Lord saith, Ezech. 44. 7, 8, 9. then those who were only uncircum­cised in flesh.

Erastus. Those that morally sinned, were not debarred from the ho­lie [Page 268] things, because they were invited to come and offer sacrifice for their sins.

Ans. And because they might not enter into the Temple, while the Priests offered a sacrifice for them, they were no lesse excluded from the holy things of God, then an Excommunicated person is, while the Church see him swallowed up of grief, and do relaxe and forgive, 2 Cor. 2. 6, 7, 8, 9. Is this a good Argument? The Excom­municate person is invited to come again, that the Church may par­don, then it will follow he was cast out.

Erastus. Paul forbiddeth to eat with fornicators, 1 Cor. 5. It shall never follow that they are worthie of holy convention that are wor­thy of a common Table, and that they are unvvorthy of the Supper, who are unworthie of a common Table, they vvere debarred from a familiar Communion with the godlie: 1. That they might be a­shamed: 2. Least they should infect them; Paul saith, be not mixed vvith them [...] but he saith not, exclude them from the Lords Table, and other holy things: In the Sacrament I must try my self, not others; in my familiar Tabling with others, I am to try them, that I may gain them; yea, 2 Thes. 3. Though we are to eschew fa­miliar conversing with those that walk unorderly, yet are we to keep communion in holy things with them, and to admonish them as brethren.

Ans. Erastus propounds an Argument of his own, 1 Cor. 5. in place of ours; we said never that they that are unworthy of the holy Supper, are unworthy to be Tabled with in common familiarity, as brethren, though that be most true: But we reason thus, Those that are to be delivered to Satan, and cast out, as, 1 Cor. 5. 5, 13. of the Church, and judged, ver. 12. and with whom we may not eat, ver. 11. These are not to be admitted to the Lords Supper, which is the pro­per feast of the Church: But such are all incestuous and scandalous persons, and therefore Paul doth indeed command them to be ex­cluded from the holy feast. 2. To say the Church and her Offi­cers must try themselves, not others, ere they come to the Lords Supper, is to beg the question, for ere they be admitted into the Sanctuary, they are to be tried, whither they be uncircumcised in heart and flesh, or not, Ezek. 44. 7, 8, 9. Ezek. 22. 26. As we have pro­ved. 3. Paul not only useth a passive verb, be not mixed with them, but 1 Cor. 5. 5. he useth four active words, v. 5. [...], 2. v. 7. [...] purge him out. 3. v. 12. He willeth them [...] to judge him▪ 4. He saith, [...], put away that evil one.

[Page 269]Hence I argue, The men whom they convened together were Putting out 1 Cor. 5. Excom­munica­ting. to judge, to deliver to Satan, to purge out, to put away [...] out of the midst of them, ver. 2. or from amongst them, v. 13. This man they did Authoritatively either put from amongst them, as they were Christians, from their common Table, or out of their fellowship, as they were men, to kill him, Or 3. out of their Church-Communion, that they should not keep the feast of the Lords Supper with them: Let Erastus give a fourth: now we can­not dream of the first two: for 1. Would the Apostle command a Church-meeting, to interdict a man of Tabling with them in com­mon eating and drinking? What needeth a Church-court, for they were [...], when they did this? And what needed a judging Court for this? for, not to eat with him, was no censure of the Church, as Erastus saith. 2. It is no Grammar, nor can it bear sense, that the Corinthians could say, we Corinthians gathered together in the name and power of the Lord Iesus, do cast out such a one out of the midst of us, that is, from our common-Table, this would say, they had all one common Table; and that all the Church of Corinth met at this time to some Feast, to cast him out of their love-Feasts; a dream no man ever conceived.

3. The Text speaketh of eating in their houses: could they cast the man out of his own house, and from his own Table? they had no power so to do. But ye will say, they might forbid any brother to go into this mans house to his Table: True, but this was not to put the man out of the midst of them, as Paul saith. Nor fourthly, was Pauls spirit, and the name and power of the Lord Iesus requi­red for eschewing of a common Table with this man.

Erastus saith, Paul commanded this, Rom. 16. 17. 2 Thes. 3. 14, 15. To all and every beleever at Rome, and Thessalonica by them­selves. Nor 2. were they to kill him: Never did a Church conveen to kill a man. This is so insolent that Erastus must give precept for it, or a practise beside the present case: therefore here must be some Church out-casting.

4. Though Paul will have us admonish a cast out man as a bro­ther, 2 Thes. 3. Its private admonition that I owe to all men, Lev. 19. 17. And that one woman is to performe to another, Col. 3. 15. But not any of the holy things of the Sanctuary.

Erastus. The Iews accused Paul of nothing, but that they lied that [Page 270] he brought Greeks into the Temple. The Law bad all the clean eat the Passeover, and excepteth none for their wickednesse, Christ admitted Iudas to the Passeover, and said, Drink ye all of this. Paul reciteth a Catologue of wicked men in Corinth, 1 Cor. 5. With whom we are not to have private dealing, but he commandeth never to exclude any who are willing to come, from the Lords Supper: We are to trie our selves, not one another, nor is it a sin to eat at the Lords Table with wicked men.

Ans. Belike it was a crime then to bring the Greeks into the Tem­ple: 2. It is a begging of the question to say, all were admitted to the Passeover: See how this is before answered. 3. Christ admit­ted Iudas into the Passeover; What then? may Timothie lay hands suddenly on all he knows to be Iudases, that they come in and lap the blood of souls? contrary to 1 Tim. 3. Christ is above the Law, and if his practise in this were the rule, because Christ admitted Iu­das whom he knew to be a Traitor, and did eat ordinarily at Table with him, and committed the flock to such a known wolfe. We are also to eat with covetous extortioners, which Paul forbiddeth, 1 Cor. 5. 11. And we are to commit the flock of God to known Wolves, where we have a precept on the contrary, 2 Tim. 2. 2. Christ would rather teach that we are to admit to the seals all not ignorant and scandalous, and not be too curious in striking up a window in the conscience of others: 4. Pauls practise at Corinth is but a negative ex particulari, and not concludent: The heathen came to hear the word at Corinth, 1 Cor. 14. 23. And Paul doth no where command the Heathen should be excluded from the Sacra­ments: Will Erastus then have them admitted? 5. When Paul saith, that unworthy Communicants were guilty of the Lords bo­dy and blood, and required fidelity in the Stewards, 1 Cor. 4. He taketh for confessed, scandalous persons should not be admitted by the Church; its true, the sin of others who communicate unworthi­ly, is not the sin of another fellow-communicant, who hath not au­thority to debar his fellow-communicant.

Erastus. The Scripture debarred no Iews of old, neither from sa­crifices, Lib. [...]. c. 2. pag. 103. nor other sacraments, but commandeth that all the male children, Iews or Strangers, that were not legally unclean, nor from their homes, should thrice a year appear before the Lord in Ierusalem, for to partake of the holy things of God; Ergo, None were Excom­municated [Page 271] from the holy things of God, for morall wickednesse.

Ans. Erastus counteth this an Argument that cannot be An­swered; but it Answers it self to me: And Erastus proposeth a Whether Erastus doth prove that none were ex­cluded a­mongst the Iewes from the Sacra­ments for Morall un­cleannesse. Law that is Catholick to all the males; yet he maketh it not Ca­tholick himself, but propoundeth a number of males that are excep­ted, as he excepteth those that were legally unclean, those that are from home: and yet, Deut. 16. 16. Exod. 23. 17. Exod. 34. 23. in the Letter of the Law, there is no such exception as Erastus maketh: I hope if he make an exception, so may we, according to the word of God.

Though we should give, but not grant, that there was no Excom­munica [...]ion amongst the Iews, but only for Ceremoniall unclean­nesse; yet it proveth not, there is no Excommunication in the Christian Church, but the contrary; for if for touching the dead by Gods Law, men were separated from the holy things; in that Church, far more, for Morall uncleannesse, are men to be separated from the holy things of God under the New Testament, for un­deniably Ceremoniall separation signified and typed out Morall separation, Col. 2. 21. 2. What ground Erastus hath to except those that were Ceremonially unclean, and so as uncircumcised in flesh, that they were not to appeare before the Lord, (let him shew the Letter of Scripture for it,) the same ground have we to shew that the uncircumcised in heart are not to appeare before the Lord, Ezek. 44. 7, 8, 9. Ezek. 22. 26. Nor shall I thinke God would both command all the male without exception, to compeare be­fore him thrice a yeare, whether they were Adulterers, Theeves, Murtherers, Idolaters, or not such: but truly sanctified and holy; and that he would expresly rebuke the Males that were Adul­terers, Theeves, Murtherers, Idolaters, because they compeared for him in his House, Ier. 7. 8, 9, 10. So then as he commandeth the the Males to compeare, except they be legally uncleane, or Lepers, and would rebuke them, if they should appeare before him being Ceremonially unclean; and therefore in that case God would have them not to come. So also, if they should be Morally unclean, he would have them not to come, that is, it is not their sin, that they appeare before the Lord, quoad substantiam actus, but their obe­dience, but it is their sinne that they appeare [...]ali m [...]do, in their un­repented guiltinesse, yet is it the sinne of the Priests in not diffe­rencing [Page 272] betweene the cleane and the uncleane, that they suffer them to come tali modo, that as Swine they pollute the holy things of God, to the Male it is their sinne, that they come so, and so guilty; and that they come not, it is their sinne, but to the Priests it is their sinne, that they admit the uncleane, and cast Pearles to Dogs. But as God would not rebuke unworthy Eaters at the Lords Table, 1 Cor. 11. if they might eate unworthily by Gods Law, so nei­ther would he rebuke Theeves and Murtherers for appearing before him in his Temple, if they ought not, by Law, not to ap­peare in that state. No doubt (saith Erastus) pag. 106. there were many wicked persons in the time of Ioshua, Iudges, and the Kings, in such a multitude, yet they were bidden all to compeare be­fore the Lord, and none are excepted for their wickednesse, and it is certaine God would not both bid them compeare and not compeare.

Ans. All that sinned in Israel were bidden offer Sacrifice, yet those who are wicked, as Sodom, are expresly debarred from Sa­crifices, except they were morally clean, Esai. 1. 13. Bring me no more vaine oblation, incense is an abomination unto me,—16 Wash you, make you cleane. So say I here, God said expresly, Ier. 7. 9, 10. Except you be washed from your lying, stealing, come not before me to stand in my house, to prophane my holy Name. Ergo, the Mo­rally unclean are excommunicated from those holy things, so all the wicked by the same reason were forbidden, they remaining in their wickednes, without Repentance, to eate the Passeover, yea, to take the Name of God in their mouth, Psal. 50. 16, 17. to Sacrifice, Esai. 66. 3. to touch the Altar of God, except their hands were washed in innocency, Psal. 26. 6. And the Priests had the charge of the house of God, to put difference betweene the cleane, and the uncleane, and the Priests are said to violate the holy things of God, if the wicked as well as the Ceremonially un­clean were not debarred, Hag. 2. 11, 12. Ezek. 22. 25, 26. Ezek. 44. 7, 8, 9. and certainly, the Males that were Leapers were expres­ly excepted, and forbidden to come in the Congregation of Gods people, as is before proved.

Erastus. The Pharisees and Sadduces debarred none from the Sa­craments for their wicked life.

Ans. What? will Erastus make the Pharisees practise our Rule, they killed the Lord of Glory, and then eat the Passeover with [Page 273] bloody hearts and hands: Is such a Practise our Rule?

Erastus. Iohn Baptist refused Baptisme to none willing to bee baptized, and referred the inward Baptisme, by the Spirit and fire to Iesus Christ.

Ans. Iohn baptized those who confessed their sinnes, and pro­fessed their Repentance; and the like we crave of those that are admitted to the other Sacrament. And the instance of Iohn or an Apostles baptizing, cannot warrant the Baptizing of all Mur­therers, Idolatrous persons, or the wickedst living, as Erastus saith, and the vildest on earth, if they should but desire Baptisme, and give no confession of their Faith, nor profession of their Repen­tance.

Erastus. Christ who rebuked many abuses, and cast the buyers and sellers out of the Temple, would have rebuked the pollution of the Sa­craments also; but that he never did: and Christ said that Peter should forgive his offending Brother often in one day, if he but say, It repenteth me: and he saith, This transaction shall be ratified in heaven. Will you be more cruell then God? Do not we often lie to God in our Confession to God? He meaneth well, who desires to come to the Sup­per: Be not Iudges of mens Conscience.

Ans. Christ Commanding not to cast Pearls to Swine, and scourging out those that polluted that Temple that was a type of his body, doth Argue clearly, that the holy things of God should not be prophaned: But that Christ rebuked all abuses in the wor­ship A twofold forgive­nesse. of God, in particular, Erastus cannot say. 2. It is one thing to for­give our brother, by putting away private grudge, and a church-par­doning in the name of Christ is another; in the former sense we are to forgive our enemy, though he repent not, Mat. 6. 12. 14, 15. Rom. 12. 19, 20. Luk. 23. 34. But this forgivenesse, Luk. 17. is not said to be ratified in heaven; for God doth not alway forgive when we forgive, God doth forgive when the sinner repenteth. Erastus will have a lying confession ratified in Heaven. 3. When the Church in Christs Name forgiveth not upon words and lies; but upon Vi­sible Testimonies of repentance, they are no more Iudges of the heart, then Isaiah when he said, Except ye believe, ye shall not be e­stablished: and Paul when he said to the Jaylor▪ Believe and thou shalt be saved: for without more then lying words of mouth, yea, without true lively faith; neither could the one be established, nor the other saved.

[Page 274]

Erastus. When Paul dehorteth the Corinthians to eat things Sacri­ficed Pag. 117. to Idols, in the Idols Temple, because they could not be partakers of the Table of the Lord, and of the Table of Devils; he bids them not forsake the Supper of the Lord, but only not to go to the Feast of Idols; because the Supper, and these Tables of Devils are inconsistant; therefore he saith, I will not have you to have fellowship with Devils; but he saith not, I will not have you to come to the Supper of the Lord; nor deth he bid them approve their repentance [...]re they come to some (I know not what) Presbyters. And in this place he speaketh of an externall Communion, as the purpose and words prove; because he speaketh of Israel according to the flesh. 3. Because those that eat things Sacrificed to Idols, were perswaded there was no difference between those meats, and other meats.

Ans. Erastus his Argument is this, being reduced to form; is, if Paul say not, 1 Cor. 10. I will not have you come to the Lords Sup­per; but only, I will not have you to have fellowship with the De­vil in his Table; then he will have none debarred by the Elders from the Lords Supper: But the latter is true. I deny the Proposi­tion, it is a connexion, that one who taketh on him to refute such a precious and eminent divine as Theod. Beza, may be ashamed of; and yet his book from head to foot standeth most upon a negative Ar­gument from some particular place of Scripture; for he speaketh nothing of the power of Elders, to keep the holy things of God pure.

What if he should say, Moses in the first of Genesis saith not, I will not have you not to come to the Lords Supper; Ergo, there is no authoritative debarring of men from the Lords Supper: Such sandy consequences no learned Divines would ever dream of: 2. Beza, nor any of our Divines never dreamed that God in the Old or New Testament said, Nolo vos ad mensam domini (ad sacramenta) ve­nire, which are the words of Erastus; so his conclusion cometh All are in­vited to the Sacramēts, but not that they come any way they please. not near the controversie▪ Iews and Gentiles are invited, and com­manded to come to Christ, and so to all the Ordinances and Sacra­ments, but I hope this will not infer that all should come to the Sa­craments hand over head, and whether they be clean or unclean, circumcised or Baptized, or not circumcised, not Baptized. God commanded Aarons sons to serve in the sanctuary, and appear be­fore him in their charge: What, Ergo, it is not Gods will, that [Page 275] they come not to the Sanctuary, and before him unwashed; and with strange fire, and without their holy garments▪ this is the very consequence of Erastus: Our question I conceive is, whither all The que­stion whe­ther all should be admitted to the Lords Sup­per perver­ted by E­rastus. Cap. 3. l. 1. p. 117. Lib. 3. c. 3. pag. 207. Et si quis talis (qui caleabit sa­cramenta) reperiatur hunc ego numinè ad­mittendum censeo. must be admitted promiscuously, and whether even those that come immediatly from the Devils Table, without any preparation known to the Church, should be set at Christs elbow to eat the Lords bo­dy and blood? Erastus saith, Paul never said, Nolo vos ad mensam domini venire; then because two negatives make one affirmative, Paul must say, I will that all that are partakers of the table of the Devil, come and be partakers of the Lords body: But the conclusion is contradicent to Erastus himself, who faith right down: I judge, that he, vvho vvill but trample the Sacraments, should not be ad­mitted unto them, and to Paul, 1 Cor. 11. 27, &c. 3. Erastus con­foundeth two Questions; one is, whither all should be admitted to the Lords Supper: ( Erastus saith, every where in his book none are to be debarred;) & another by whom are they to be admitted or de­barred? By the civill Magistrates, saith Erastus; by the Stew [...]rds and Officers of the house of God, the rest of the Church consenting, say we. 4. The Argument will conclude, that not onely the Church or Magistrate ought to admit those that have fellowship with the De­vil to the Table of Christ, but they ought to command them to come, it being Christs will they should be admitted, and that they themselves who are Communicants are obliged, though keeping fel­lowship with the Devil, to come, and eat their own damnation: for Paul saith, by this reason in the place, 1 Cor. 10. No more (I will not have the partakers of the Devils table, to come to the Lords table) nor he saith, (I will not have the Elders to debar them) if E­rastus say, they should try and examine themselves and come: He flees from the controversie, which is not, whether the worthy, but whether the scandalous and unworthy should come; Erastus saith, all should come. 5. Whereas Erastus will have the Apostle to speak of the externall Communion of the Elements onely: 1. It is false. 2. Nothing to the purpose, it is false, 1. ver. 16. It is called the Com­munion of the body and blood of Christ, and that must be more then externall Communion. 2. ver. 17. We many are one body; this is not an externall body only, for it is the unity of the body of Christ sig­nified by one bread. 3. It is not externall only, but internall and spiritual fellowship with Devils that is condemned, ver. 20. 21. Ergo, [Page 276] It must be internall Communion with Christ in his death that is sea­led and commanded. 4. This is meer Socinianisme, to have the Sa­craments only memorative signes, as is clear. 2. It is not to a purpose, for if the Church debar only from externall society, from the Church and externall Seals; this debarring being ratified in Hea­ven, Matth. 18. It is sufficient for our conclusion. 5. Paul his con­demning of eating at the Idols Table, as inconsistent with eating and drinking of the Lords body, he must expresly forbid those who eateth in the Idoll-Temple, to come to the Lords Table, except they repent, and try themselves: Hence it must follow, that if Christ have commanded his Stewards, to dispense the word of promise and threatnings, and comforts, according to the temper of the flock, so must they dispense the Seals, and so by good consequence Paul said ( I will not have the Lord and Satan mingled, nor a partaker of Satans Table admitted to the Lords Table) [...];

Erastus his Arg. 13. 1 Cor. 10. God spared not idolaters and mur­murers; Pag. 118. yet they eat, we, and they of the same spirituall meat, and drinke the same spirituall drinke, and so had the same Sacraments (otherwise the Argument of the Apostle were nothing; if ours and their Sacraments were not all one) if then, those that were idolators, fornicators, were admitted to their Sacraments; then also to ou [...] under the New Testament.

Ans. Beza answereth well to that. Manna and the water ouf of the Rock, as they had a spirituall Relation to Christ, were holy things and types of Christ, just as our Sacraments are signes of Christ already come in the flesh, and so agreed in the kinde of holy signes with our Sacraments: yet Manna, and the water out of the Rock, were also ordained to be bodily food, for the fami­shing and thirsty people, good or bad, holy or unholy, these two, Manna and water out of the Rock were given by the Command­ment of God and the Priests, to the people, both as Gods people in Covenant with God, and to them, as men starving in the wilder­nesse, and dying for thirst; for they had not plowing, earing, har­vest, bread, vineyards, wine, fountains in the wildernesse, and therefore no marvell then such holy things being; also beside that they were holy things, such as were necessary to keep them from starving and bodily death, as the shewbread, which was also a type of the word of life▪ revealed to the Ministers of God, was [Page 277] given to keep David and his men from starving: No marvell (I say) then these bodily helps (though in another higher signification they were Sacramentalls) were by Gods command bestowed on many wicked men, who often partake both of outward Ordinances and temporall deliverance from death and famishing, because they are mixt with the people of God. But Erastus, if he would prove any thing against us, should have proved that circumcision, the Passe­over, and other holy things of God, ordained for the visible Saints to shew forth our spirituall Communion with Christ, and which were never ordained for necessiry helps to sustain the naturall life, were to be administred to those that were openly prophane and wicked; and therefore we deny this connexion: Manna signifi­ed the very same thing; to wit, Christ our food of life, which bread and wine signifies; Ergo, As Manna was given both as a holy signe to figure out Christ our life, and to feed the bodies of openly holy, or openly prophane, to sustain their bodily life, so also bap­tisme and the Lords Supper, which serve for no bodily use, should be administred to those that are openly prophane.

Erastus is put to a poor shift with this solid Answer of that Re­verend, Two sorts of signes, some pure­ly holy some part­ly holy, partly ne­cessary for the bodily life. Learned, and holy Divine, Theod. Bez [...], he saith, Vis dicam quod sentio? Tui ubique similises: The sea and the cloud, saith he, were not necessary to feed the body.

It is true, Erastus the Physician would think the cloud and pillar of fire can neither be Physick for the sick, nor food for the whole, yet Physitians say, Manna is apt for both; not is the dvided Red-Sea, food or Physick: But good man, he knowes the cloud was their guide and convey by night and day through the wildernesse, and appointed by God to convey the Leapers, the unclean, and all those who were Excommunicated from the holy things, and the I­dolators and openly wicked, as well as the clean and the holy, and he knew the s [...]me that the people had no food but Manna a holy signe, that those who were unclean seven dayes, and often many times longer, were not to starve for hunger, but must eat Manna though a holy, yet their only necessary food then, without which they could not live.

But I hope Erastus cannot prove, while they were unclean, or put out of the Camp, or yet extreamly wicked, that they might eat the Passeover which was a meer holy Sacrament, not ordained [Page 278] for the feeding of the body, as Manna and water out of the Rock were.

Erastus may know the dividing of the Sea, was necessary to preserve the life of the most wicked and unclean (God being plea­sed for his Churches cause, to bestow Temporall deliverances on wicked men, mingled with the godly) from being drowned with the Egyptians, and that God, who will have mercy, and not sacri­fice, may well by a positive Law appoint that holy and unholy, clean and unclean, shall have the use of such holy things, as are not meer­ly holy, but mixt, being both means of Divine institution, and also necessary Subsidies for mans life, but it followeth not therefore ho­ly things, that are purely holy, should be prostitute to holy and un­holy, the clean and unclean.

Erastus. God in the Church of the Jews punished wicked men with Pag. 120. bodily punishments, not with Exclusion from the Sacraments, and Paul threatneth death and sicknesse, not Excommunication to those that did eat and drink unworthily.

Ans. Then putting out of the Campe was no Exclusion from the holy things of God, all the world not onely will cry shame on this Divinity: But they will say, Erastus, his Logick is bad. God puni­sheth some wicked men with death, and the sword of the Magi­strate, and stoning; Ergo, he appointed no Ecclesiasticall debar­ring of the unclean from Circumcision: 2. It is false that Paul threatneth death to unworthy Communicants; only he saith, God [...]lew many of them for that sin; and hence it follows well, the Of­ficers should▪ hinder the scandalous to rush into such a sin, as is the not discerning the Lords body, which bringeth death and diseases on the actors: What consequence is this? God punisheth wicked men; Ergo, the Officers should not rebuke them for those sins, nor the Magistrate or Church punish wicked men: God punisheth [...]ub­born Rebels to parents; Ergo, the judge should not stone them, the contrary Logick is the arguing of the Spirit of God.

Erastus. Every one is to try himself, therefore there is no need of P. 120, 121. any other to try him, for Paul speaketh of that which is proper to eve­ry mans conscience.

Ans. It is an unlearned and vain consequence: It is commanded, that every one try if he be in the Faith or no; for the peace of his conscience, and this is so proper to a man himself, and so personall▪ [Page 279] that no man can try, or know certainly, whether be in the state of grace, but he himself, 2 Cor. 13. 5. Rev. 2. 17. None can joyn with him in this, as none can joyn with a man to try if he have faith to discern the Lords body, and eat worthily, but will it follow therefore the Pastor should not watch over him to try in a­nother way in a Pastorall way, by his walking, profession, and practicall knowledge, whether he be in Christ or no.

The contrary is Heb. 13. 17. They watch for the souls of the peo­ple, as they that must give an accompt. And they are so far to try that are Shepherds, that they are obliged in a Pastorall way, to know those of the flock that are diseased, Ezech. 34. 4. Sick, bro­ken, driven away, and lost. And to what end should they try themselves, least they eat damnation to themselves? Ergo, the Stewards should try the stomacks, that they eat not poyson: If then, the Lords Law bid men beware they be not tempted to Sorcery, Sodomy, Murthers; and if every man ought to have personall watchfulnesse over his own conscience, that he be not in­snared to those sins; and Achan was to try if his heart was inga­ged to the wedge of Gold, and to be wary to meddle with it, but it doth not follow that Magistrates, as Joshua should not try out Sorcerers, Sodomites, and other Achans to punish them.

Erastus, 2 Cor. 13. is against this; a person is to try himselfe: Will it follow when he hath tryed himselfe, that he cannot come to the Lords Supper, except he seem meet to the Elders. And this not our consequence, let Erastus owne it, we care not▪ In a constitute Church he should, else Erastus provides no way a­gainst a Pagan, who hath heard the Word, as he may doe, 1 Cor. 14. 23. may without the Elders and Church sit downe at the Lords Supper, for Erastus provides no stop for him, but only his own pa­gan Conscience, and so may one by that rule but trample on the Sa­crament, his owne Conscience is all his rule, contrary to what he saith himselfe, lib. 3. c. [...]. p. 207.

Erastus 1 Cor. 11. Paul forbiddeth none to come to the Supper, but upon supposition that they come as the manner is, he biddeth them come worthily, as all are bidden hear the Word, though they [...]e forbidden to he are it, as if it were some prophane History; nor doth the Lord command sinfull coming, for no act commanded of God is evill.

[Page 280] Ans. 1. Paul then forbiddeth not Pagans, more to come to the All are comman­ded to hear the Word, but not to come to the Supper. Supper, and Children, then he forbiddeth them to heare the Word, which is absurd; he commandeth all to heare, but he commandeth not all to come to the Supper, but those onely that can discerne the Lords body, for to heare the Word, though I be not prepared, is simply necessary, if I would be saved; and to sacrifice, if I would be reconciled; and to pray, if I would obtaine any blessing: though the manner of doing all these be commanded, that I heare, sacrifice, and pray in faith. But to come to the Supper is not comman­ded to all, not to Pagans, not to children, not to the unregene­rated; but onely to the regenerated, and to those who discerne the Lords body: and for a child to come to the Lords Supper, or an unrenewed man, is forbidden, not commanded, and no ill act is commanded, and it is a sinne that they come at all: But Erastus will have it lawfull as it is to heare the Word, then doth Christ command Turks and children to come to the Supper, for he com­mandeth them to heare the Word, and Peter bade Simon Magus pray, Act. 8. 22. but he neither bids give the Supper to him, nor bids he him receive it, but by the contrary, forbids pearles to be cast unto Swine.

Erastus Arg. 16. God will not have fewer Christians to be mem­bers Arg. 16. Page 124. of the Church now, then of Iewes to be members of the Iewish Church. But God would have all circumcised, even the most flagiti­ous, that were punished by the Magistrate, to be members of the Iewes Church, Ergo, God will have all the baptized to be Mem­bers of the Church.

Ans. This will prove, that all baptized, even children, should come to the Supper. 2. I deny the Minor, to wit, that all the most wic­ked remained Members of the visible Iewish Church, jure before God, the wicked Iewes to God, were as Sodom and Gomorrah, Esa. 1. 10. Yea he saith, Amos 9. 7. Are ye not unto me as chil­dren of Ethiopians, O children of Israel, saith the Lord? What they were de facto, and not cast out, was the fault of the Priests, and that the Church does tollerate Iezabels, Wolves, Lions in the flock, and admitteth them to holy things, is their sin.

Erastus. But Repentance was not alwaies commanded to those Page 124. Iewes especially who were unclean, by touching an unclean thing a­gainst their will and ignorantly, and the purging of them depended on [Page 281] their owne will, so they observed the Ceremonies of Moses.

Ans. That is much for us, if those who were uncleane, against their will, and cast out of the campe, it being a trying Type, that far more those that are wickedly scandalous are to be cast out of the Church.

Erastus. The Church is a draw- [...]et, a field, a marriage Supper, there be good and ill in it, and it was not the sinne of the inviters, who are bidden invite all good and bad, Mat. 22. But the man that came himselfe, without the wedding garment, he is cast into utter darkenesse: Ergo, The Officers are to invite all, and forbid none.

Ans. They are to invite all, to all Ordinances, and Seals, even Dogs and Swine, that is false: They are to invite all to some Or­dinances; to heare the Law and Gospel preached, but not the Seales, that were to cast Pearles to Swine. 2. The way of Erastus is, that none are to be debarred, nor to debarre themselves from the Seales, more then from the Word.

The Lords forbidding Adam to touch the tree of Life, and his casting of him out of Paradise, and Cains being cast out from the presence of the Lord, to me are rather Types presignifying Excom­munication, and that God will have wicked men debarred from holy things, then patternes of Excommunications, and so are they alledged by Beza and our Divines.


Quest. 3.

Whether Erastus doth justly deny that Excommunication was ty­pified in the Old Testament?

VVEe take types of uncleannesse in the Old Testament, to be rightly expounded, when the holy Ghost in the New-Testament doth expound them. Now that Ceremoniall uncleannes did typifie Morall uncleannesse is cleare, 2 Cor. 7. 17. Touch no un­cleane thing, and I will receive you, 18. And I will be a Father unto you, and yee shall be my Sonnes and Daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. This is a manifest Exposition of the Ceremoniall ho­linesse and cleannesse, commanded in the booke of Leviticus, for [Page 282] after the Lord hath given them a number of Lawes, about eschew­ing of uncleane things, he saith in generall, Lev. 26. 3. If ye walke in my Statutes, and keepe my Commandements, and doe them. 11. I will set my Tabernacle amongst you, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people. And it is a cleare allusion to Numb. 19. 11. He that toucheth the dead body of any man, shall be unclean seven dayes. 16. He that toucheth one that is slaine with the sword, in the open field, is uncleane. 22. Whatsoever the uncleane person toucheth shall be uncleane: So Paul, Tit. 1. 15. To them that are defiled and unbeleeving, nothing is pure, but even their minde and conscience is defiled.

2. The Prophets expound it so, Ezek. 36. 25. Then will I sprin­kle clean water upon you, and yee shall be clean. From all your filthi­nesse, and all your Idols will I cleanse you. Hath he not a cleare reference to the water of Separation, Num. 19.? With this water the unclean person, and his clothes were washed, yea, the Tents and the Vessels, ver. 17, 21. According to which, saith Paul, 2 Cor. 7. 1. Having therefore these promises (dearly beloved,) let us cleanse our selves, from all filthinesse of the flesh and spirit: Here a cleare Allusion to Ceremoniall filthines bodily, and of the flesh▪ and of Tents and Vessels, Heb. 10. 22. To both these washings there is a reference. Let us draw neere, having our hearts sprinkled from an evill conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. And Heb. 9. 13. If the blood of buls and goates, and the ashes of an heifer (min­gled with running water, Num. 19. 17. which purged vessels that were but capable of Ceremoniall uncleannesse) sprinkling the un­clean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh. 14. How much more shall the bloud of Christ,—purge your conscience from dead works? It is cleare also, that the unclean were separated and the Leper put out of the campe, so as the children of Israel might not touch any thing Ceremonially unclean, and all uncleane persons were put out of the Congregation. Hence the Hypocrites word allu­ding to that separation, Esa. 64. 5. Stand by thy selfe, come not neere to me; for I am holier then thou. So was Miriam removed, and leprous King Vzziah out of the Congregation of the Lord.

Erastus. We deny that the Ceremoniall uncleannes, signified the Confirm. Thes. l. 2. c. 1. p. 130. 131. wickednes of conversation, so that it can be proved that both these un­cleannesses were punished with the same punishment. 1. Because ma­ny [Page 283] against their will were polluted legally, as the night pollutions, the diseases monethly of women, when they were necessitated to be with Children, Parents, Wife, brethren when they died; sometimes they touched unclean things ignorantly, but no man lives wickedly against his will. 2. God could not forbid in every time and place the touch­ing of the dead, onely God commanded the polluted to be purified ac­cording to the Law: God vvould have his people neere their dying friends, but God never gave leave to any to live vvickedly. 3. A holy man not sinning in his thought, remaining holy, might be le­gally unclean, vvithout either his vvill or knovvledge, by touching some uncleane thing, that he knevv not to be unclean. But a vvic­ked man doth not at one time both doe vvickedly, and remaine pure and holy.

Ans. All this is a meere cavilling at the wisedome of God, in making such Ceremoniall lawes, and such punishments against the transgressors of them, as the wise Law-giver of his free-will thought fit, because these Lawes seeme ridiculous. But the foo­lishnes of God is wiser then men. 1. We say not, that the punish­ment of legall and morall uncleannesse is all one every way, and alwayes; it is enough for our purpose that God will have those who are legally uncleane separated from holy things, while they bee purified, and little sinne and guiltinesse seeme to bee in legall uncleannesse, as when bodily Leprosie came on persons against their will, yet when God will have them punished with being removed from the people of God, from the Sanctuary and the holy things, this could not be for it selfe; for as Paul saith, Doth God take care of Oxen? So we, doth God hate bodily dis­eases, which are his owne just actions, not our sinfull doings? since I say God hateth them not, and putteth not punishment on them for themselves; therefore it must be to signifie what detestation and punishment the Lord our God, would have his Church to put upon morall wickednesse: So we thinke Erastus might have spared paper and paines, in proving a difference (which no Divine denieth,) between Ceremoniall and Morall unclean­nesse, and the punishment of the one and of the other, for it can never prove his conclusion. Ergo, Separation for legall unclean­nesse, cannot typifie separation for Morall uncleannesse. I could give eight and twenty differences between Isaac and Christ, as [Page 284] Erastus giveth seventeen or eighteen between Legall and Morall uncleannesse, and the punishment of both: But I hope that should never conclude against the Holy Ghost, Heb. 11. 17, 18, 19. Gal. 4. 28, 29, 30. Rom. 9. 9. that Isaac was not a type of Iesus Christ. 2. Night pollutions are not altogether against our will, they are sinfull pollutions, except concupiscence, and lustfull habituall day lusts, the cause of them, be not sinfull pollutions; yea, and forbid­den in the seventh Commandement.

3. These pollutions Legall caused by invincible ignorance, were types or symbolicall signes of our originall iniquity, and give me leave to doubt, if all actuall touching of things unclean, was no Morall sinfulnesse. I conceive the Iewes, as the Christians also were obliged to walk [...], Ephes. 5. 15. and were to take heed to the outer-man, that they should come neere no uncleane thing, in some cases leprosie and other legall uncleannes came on them without either will or knowledge. 4. If the standing beside the dying friends be all one with touching the dead, I remit to the principles of Physicke, and if the touching of any dead be excep­ted in the Law Ceremoniall, let the learned judge. All the o­ther differences assigned by Erastus I leave, as not concludent a­gainst us, they tend all either to blame God, who should punish some legall uncleannes, that is, altogether against the will of man, with any punishment at all, as the three first differences insinu­ate. Or, 2. that God punished some Legall uncleannes more se­verely then homicide and Morall uncleannes, as the 5. difference doth insinuate, and the 4. difference. And this is to challenge God, to whom I desire to ascribe a Soveraignty, both in punishing, or pardoning as he thinketh good: Or in punishing more severe­ly, or more mildely these same sinnes, or in punishing greater sins with lighter punishment, and with a heavier rod lighter sinnes.

Erastus. Any legally unclean was debarred from the Temple, 133. the difference was onely in the time, but you debarre not all wicked men from the Supper.

Ans. The most that were legally unclean, were also morally un­clean, in that they willingly transgressed a known Law; Ergo, Legall uncleannes, was also Morall uncleannes. 2. Though we debar not all wicked men, but onely the scandalous, yet we have in readi­nesse vengeance against all, and so against latent disobedience, [Page 285] which is a high censure, in debarring hypocrites from heaven; and we conceive Legall uncleannes as the monthly diseases of women, night pollutions, want of Circumcision did typifie much naturall and originall heart corruption, which cannot be punished by men or the Church; but it followes not, because Legall un­cleannesse signifieth some other uncleannesse then that which is scandalous and censurable by the Church; Ergo, it signifieth not sinnes scandalous and censurable by the Church.

Erastus. He that was legally unclean a long time, or all his life, 134. as a Leper; was not esteemed as no Iew, or uncircumcised, or a damned man, he was to keepe the Sabbath; yea, none unclean were exclu­ded from the Sacrament of the generall expiation in the 10. Moneth, Lev. 16. and 23. Yea, every soul under the pain of cutting off, was to afflict his soule that day: then the Lepers were not as Heathen and Publicans and condemned men, yea the Magistrate could not punish a man for Leprosie.

Ans. This is a poor argument, because Ceremoniall Excommunica­tion differeth from Christian Excommunication; Ergo, the former is not a type of the latter, it followeth not. Isaacs blood was never real­ly shed, Christ was really crucified, Isaac was not mocked, spitted on, did not wear a crown of Thornes, Iews and Gentiles crucified him not, between two Theevs. Ergo, Isaac was no figure of Christ offered for our sins, it followeth not. 2. Nor are Lepers no Iews, but in some respect, they might no more come to the Temple. 2. Nor amongst the people of God, nor 3. Eate the Passeover, then Heathens might doe; and so are the Excommunicated with u [...], they are not exempted from faith, repenting, afflicting their soule for the sinnes of the Land, nor are they eternally damned, so they repent. But Erastus hath no ground to say, because the unclean were to afflict their soules, and abstaine from servile worke in the day of atonement, (as our Excommunicants are not loosed from the duties of the ten Commandements wholly, but from some publike Church duties) but I see not how it followes; Ergo, The uncleane were to come to the holy convocation in the day of expiation, and to observe the publike solemnities with Gods people; One Law of God is not contradicent to another, and the Leper and unclean were separated, Ergo, God could not tie them to be mingled with his people. 3. The Leper was not punished by the Magistrate, for he suffered onely for [Page 286] his Leprosie. But it followeth not that the Magistrate should not punish a person obstinate to the Church.

Erastus. When some uncleane persons were debarred from the Ta­bernacle 136. and sacrifices, many wickedmen were admitted: Ergo. Mo­ses both commanded men, at the same time, to come to the holy things, and not to come.

Answ. Moses bade the unclean come, he bade all clean, so they were not scandalously and openly wicked, come; and some came that were not bidden, but rebuked for their coming, as Ier. 7. 8. 9. Psal. 50. 15. Here is no contradiction.

Erastus. There be no figures of things present, but of things to come; morall uncleannesse was present, at least there be no figures of things that incurre in the senses, as theft and homicide.

Ans. Circumcision, the Lords Supper, are signes and Symbols of things present, as of Originall sinne, our present union with Christ, and communion of love amongst our selves, Col. 2. 11. 1 Cor. 10. 16, 17, 18. 2. Scandals, as they are spirituall wickednes, incurre not in our senses, yet other wayes they are visible. 3. Christs dying was both tyipfied to Iohn the Apostle, and Mary, and his death incurred in their senses, they saw him die. So was Christ raised from the dead, typified by Ionas in the belly of the Whale, and with their eyes they saw him, after he rose againe.

Erastus. Houses, cloaths, trees, stones, were capable of legall un­cleannes, 137. men onely of Morall; Legall uncleannes is a qualitie, wic­kednes morall is in actions.

Ans. I am ashamed and wearied to put in Paper such childish things, all this will not prove that Legall uncleannes is no type of Morall uncleannes; Isaac was but a man, Moses a man onely; Ergo, they cannot be Types of Christ who is more then a man; Bread and Wine are some other thing then Christ, then cannot these be symbols of Christ, and our spirituall communion with him. I see nothing here, but a challenging of Gods wisedome, who hath chosen leprosie bodily, to figure out sinnes spirituall Leprosie. E­rastus will say not so, Leprosie is in the category of quality, and sinfull actions in the category of actions.

Erastus. Legall uncleannes, signifieth naturall corruption, not scandals.

Ans. Yea but Leprosie and other uncleannes legall, was conta­gious and infectious, and did relate to wicked actions that infect [Page 287] as a canker; sin originall being common to all▪ is not that conta­gious from one to many; nor did the Lord ever command Se­paration for sinne Originall, but for transgression of Ceremoniall Lawes he did.

Erastus. The Ceremoniall uncleannes does typifie the justification, and washing of a sinner in Christs blood, because no unclean thing can enter in the New Ierusalem, and so the Scripture, Rev. 21. Esa. 4 [...]. Ioel 3. Acts 15. And it shadowes out no such thing as Excommuni­cation out of the Church.

Ans. All the arguments that Erastusmade to prove that legall Ceremo­niall un­cleannes typified Exclusion out of the visible Church for Scandals, not out of the King­dome of Heaven. separation and uncleannes, proveth not Excommunication and Morall uncleannes, will with the same force conclude, that Legall uncleannes is not that which excludes men out of heaven, As for instance; to begin with the last, Legall uncleannesse signifieth sinne originall, not wicked actions, therefore it signifieth not scandals, then by this Legall uncleannes that caused legall separa­tion, is signified mens exclusion out of the high Jerusalem, for one­ly sinne Originall, not for actuall sins. This type must be a lying type, for actuall sins especially deba [...]res us out of the New Jerusalem, Rev. 21. 8. c. 22. 15. 1 Cor. 6. 9. 2. Legall uncleannes and corruption of nature, differ as much as legall uncleannes and actu­all wickednesse. But Erastus said the former cannot typifie the latter. 1. Because Legall uncleannes is often involuntary, 2. It is not universally forbidden. 3. Many godly men may be legally un­clean, but actuall morall wickednesse is not so, even so say I. 1. All naturall or originall uncleannes is voluntary in Adam. 2. Is uni­versally forbidden. 3. It cannot consist with that holines which we must have, or we cannot see God. 3. By Erastus his fourth diffe­rence, legall uncleannes was otherwise punished then naturall corruption, for naturall corruption is punished with the first and second death, Ephes. 2. 2. Rom. 5. 15, 16. the like may be said of all the rest. 4. Numb. 12. 14. Shame was unseparably annexed to Leprosie with contagion, so leavening of others, and shame is an­nexed to [...]oul scandals, and annexed to casting out of the Church, 1 Cor. 5, 6, 7. 2 Thes. 3. 14. Gal. 5. 9, 10. But though a necessity of washing may be holden forth to us in Legall uncleannes, ere we enter into Heaven; yet not so directly as in legall separation, for in it men scandalous are excluded out of the church, least the un­cleane [Page 288] should infect the clean, as is cleare as the light, Num. 19. 22. Hag. 2. 13. Gal. 5. 9. 10. 1 Cor. 5. 6, 7. but wicked men are not exclu­ded out of the New Ierusalem in heaven, for fear they should infect and defile any person in heaven. 2. Separation from the Church is medicinall, Num. 12. 14. that the party may be humbled and pardo­ned, 2 Cor. 5, 6, 7. that the Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord, 1 Cor. 5. 5. and the man shamed for his further good, 2 Thes. 3. 14. But exclusion of men out of the New Jerusalem for their uncleannes, Rev. 21. is not medicinall, that they may be humbled, but for their everlasting shame and destruction; and therfore a sepa­ration from the Church by way of discipline is here intended, not any exclusion out of heaven.

Erastus. All Legall uncleannes is punished with exclusion, but no Page 140. man for corruption of nature is excluded out of the Church.

Ans. We grant all, and therefore legall uncleannes did hold forth actuall scandalousnesse, not naturall corruption.

Erastus. The actions of unclean men were punished by death, Ergo, Not by exclusion out of the Church.

Ans. The Antecedent is not universally true: Capitall faults, as I said before, were onely thus punished; the consequence is null.

Erastus. He that was legally unclean did defile all beside him, Page 142, 143, 144, 145. even vessels, places, garments; but Theeves, adulterers doe not defile, but these that consent to their wickednes; nor did they defile the places; The adulterous women brought to the Priest and temple, did not defile the Priest or Temple, Ioh. 8. Nor did Moses and others abstain from the worship, the Manna, &c. because many wicked men did partake thereof, nor were the vessels purified after wicked men touched them; therefore it followeth not, because God is more offended with the sa­crifices of the wicked, then of those that are onely legally uncleane, that therefore wicked men are no lesse to be debarred from the holy things, then those that are legally unclean.

Ans. This is to dispute with God; God made a law, that he who being legally unclean, should touch men or things legally unclean, should pollute; This Law, God freely made as a positive statute; who can tye God to make the like Law touching those that are morally uncleane? no man: now because God made no such Law, it leaveth not off to be the sinne of the Priests, that they brought the uncircumcised in heart to the Sanctuary, as God complaineth, [Page 289] Ezek. 44. 8, 9. c. 22, 26. And that the Church should hinder the wicked to pollute the holy things of God. 2. The adulterous wo­man was brought to the Priest and Temple to be judged, God had so commanded, and therefore no wonder she polluted neither Priest nor Temple, but had shee not polluted the Passeover Mo­rally, though I say not Ceremonially, if she had eaten without Re­pentance and offering for her sinne? I thinke she would.

Erastus. Though God punish not pollution of holy things, by debarring men from them, it followeth not that he winketh at them, for he puni­sheth them with death, and more grievously.

Ans. But by this that God punisheth the pollution of non-con­verting Page 146. Ordinances with death, we gather that the Church should also hinder the pollutions of them, and punish Swine that trample on Pearles, and not prostitute holy things to their lust. Beza said, those that were unclean, had need of Sacrifices, Ergo, They were guilty of sinne. Erastus saith, that externall uncleannes was not sinne, but because it put us in mind of our naturall corruption, that had need to be purged in Christs blood. Ans. The breach of a Law is sin, a Ceremoniall Law is a Law. 2. It was punished often with cut­ting off from the Congregation, but God did not cut off men from Page 140. At nemo propter in­genitam na­turae corrup­tionem p [...] ­nitur. Page 147. Legall un­cleannesse was sin. the Congregation for naturall corruption, as Erastus granteth.

Erastus. If legall uncleannes were sinne, God would not have com­manded it: But God commanded, or at least permitted the Priests and others to pollute themselves with the dead, Levit. 21. Ezek. 44.

Ans. It is weakly argued, for the father to kill the sonne, then should be no sinne; God commanded Abraham to offer up his son Isaac; it is not properly a defiling, nor a sinne, when God Levit. 21. willeth the Priest to be neer those of his kin when they die, it is Gods owne exception from the Law, though to come neere to o­thers when they are dead be sin. Gods commanding and forbid­ding will is the formall cause and rule of obedience and sinne.

Erastus. Where finde you that the Priests were to judge whether Page 150. any had repented, that so he might be admitted to the Temple?

Ans. It is written, Ezek. 44. 99. c. 22. 26. the Priests should not have admitted the uncircumcised in heart to the Sanctuary; Ergo, they should have tryed if they were such ere they admitted them. Yea, if in the very day of his oblation ere he offer, the sinner must first re­store what he hath unjustly taken away, Lev. 6. 4, 5, 6. Ergo, The [Page 290] Priest except he rule unjustly, should judge whether he have first restored it in the principall, and added the fift part more into it, Le­vit. 6. 5. As Ezra the Priest stood up, and said unto them, yee have transgressed, and have taken strange wives,—now therefore make confession, and separate your selfe from the people of the Land, and from the strange wives, Ezra, c. 10. v. 11, 12. And this they did ere they sacrificed; Ergo, the Priests judged of their repentance, before they were admitted to Sacrifice: and the washing of the hands in Innocency before the person compassed the Altar, Psal. 26. 6. must be tryed by the Priest, if not, the Priest offered to God the Sacrifice of fooles, and did eate the sinnes of the people, in offe­ring for contumacious impenitents.

Erastus saith, the putting away of their wives was a civill busi­nes, and belonged to the Magistrate.

Ans. Ezra was a Priest, and Shechaniah saith, ver. 5. Arise, this matter belongs to thee, and he is ordinarily called Ezra the Priest.

CHAP. 8.

Quest. 4.

How Erastus acquitteth himselfe, in proving that the place Mat. 18. maketh nothing for Excommunication.

ERastus. The scope of the Lord is to teach how great an evill scan­dall Lib. [...]. c. 2. p. 154. 155. The scope and sense of Mat. 18. perverted by Erastus. is, and how without offence scandals of vveake may be re­moved, because vvhen vve referre an injury to the judge, the vveak may be scandalized: he speaketh not here of great injuries to be re­moved by Excommunication, but of lesser, and private ones betvveen brother and brother, before we bring them before heathen judicatures proper to Heathens and Publicans.

Ans. There is no scope of our Saviour to prevent heathen ju­dicatures dreamed of in the Text, nor a shadow thereof, Vel per decimam tertiam consequentiam. 2. He speakes not of small inju­ries onely. 1. Christ must not be straitned in his words; he speaks of scandals in generall, ver. 7. Woe to the vvorld, because of offences, they be not light that bringeth a woe upon the world. 2. He saith [Page 291] indefinitè, If thy brother shall trespasse against thee, this is compre­hensive of all offences. 3. Hee speakes of such offences, from which I am to gaine my brother. Verse 15. But I am to gaine him from Our Savi­our speaks of all, not of private and lesser scandals onely. all, great or small. 4. He speaketh of such as I must bring before the Church, in case of my brothers obstinacy; but that is com­prehensive of all, verse 17. 5. He speaketh of such as are bound in heaven, these be great and small, verse 19. 6. He speakes of such as I must forgive, v. 15. but I must forgive all to seventy seven times as Luke 17. 7. He speaketh of such as being persisted in, maketh a brother no brother, but as a Heathen and a Publican, but great and publike Scandals rather doe this, then small and private ones.

Erastus. The sense is when thy brother, that is, any Iew, doth thee Page 26. in Thes. 41. an injurie, study to reconcile him to thee thy self alone; if thou speed not so, assay the same before two or three Witnesses: but if neither so thou can free thy self of injurie, tell the Synedrie, that is, tell the Magistrate of thy people, or thy own Religion; but if he will not heare the Ma­gistrate, then thou mayest without the offence of any, deale against him, as a Publican, and aninjurious Heathen, who will acknow­ledge onely the Roman judicature, and pursue him there.

Ans. If this be the sense, it is farther from the understanding ma­ny miles then the words; a common reader may come after, and finde a more native sense. 1. If thy brother offend thee, &c. should By the word bro­ther is not meant a Iew onely. not be restricted to the Iews onely, nor the Gentiles onely, the Di­sciples, for the most were Gentiles and neerer Christians then Iewes. 2. Brother is as large as the offender, as those of the Church. 3. As large as the offender, to be gained, Paul was to doe what he could to gaine Iewes and Gentiles, and both may offend. 2. Christs scope is not so much to free the Plaintiffe from injuries, (it is a carnall like glosse) as to remove Scandals and Stumbling blocks out of the way of both; and gaine the offenders soule. Observe that the Exposition of Erastus is so wilde, that sense, scriptures, or Greeke Authors cannot dream that (let him be as a Heathen) can be in sense all one with this, Pursue him for his injury before the Roman judicatures. But the Exposition we give according to the word in its first notion, doth offer it selfe to the understanding: For, Let him be to thee, as an Heathen, is, let him be counted as one that is without the Church, and not of the people of God, as the word Hea­then is t [...]en, Levit. 25. 44. 2 King. 17. 8. Psal. 2. 1. Psal. 44. 2. [Page 292] Psal. 46. 6. Jer. 9. 16. Lam. 1. 3. Ezek. 20. 23. Lam. 1. 10. Act. 4. 27. Cor. 5. 1. Eph. 2. 11. 1 Thes. 4. 5. 1 Pet. 2. 12. Rev. 11. 12.

3. It will be long, ere Scripture make a parallell to this; Tell the Church, that is, Tell the King, tell the civill judge, that is, tell not the Church; For the Church dealeth with spirituall Armour (and the King is not the Church) 2. with no force or violence, but the word and discipline; 3. with the mans conscience, to gain the man to repentance, for so all Christs three steps is to save the soul and to gain him to repentance.

Erastus layes a good Iron club over the offenders shoulders, and Erast. conf. Thes. l. 2. [...]. 1. p. 133. Sive faci­norosos facinoris pae­niteret, sive non paenite­ret, paena non minuebatur. brings the offender to a Civilian, to whom Christ never commit­ted the Gospel: What? shall the justice of peace, preach Christ to the offender, and wield the rod of Christs power out of Zion to him? Is there no way but that to gain a soul? 2. He brings him to one who hath no weapon, to a Magistrate, but a weapon of steel, the sharp sword; or 3. will this Magistrate not labour to gain him, which clearly is Christs intent (O he is greedy in his stairs to have the lost gained, as is ver. 11. 12.) then Christ misseth his end. But whether the man repent or no (saith Erastus) the Magistrate as such, must cudgell the offender. 4. It is admirable that ( Let him be to thee as a publican and a Heathen) must be a new Judicature, and this is to drive him to Cesars Tribunall; a strange glosse: but 1. This will loose him out of hand; will Nero and the Heathen L. 2. cap. 2. page 155. judge, Preach him back a submissive Lamb to the Iews? But. 2. How do you this Citrà offensionem, without scandalizing? Paul cannot advise what Erastus doth; he thinks Christians should rather suffer injuries, then to implead a brother before a Heathen judge, 1 Cor. 6. Yea, but ere you suffer so (saith Erastus) cause him to compear, and answer the highest Heathen judge on earth, to teach him better manners: This is a vindictive-like way: 2. Scandalous heathens will say, See how these Disciples of Jesus agree: 3. Its the highest rupture of love, 1 Cor. 6.

Erastus. By my exposition, I do not, as Beza saith, take away a brotherly pardoning of all injuries, for though Christ teach us how to compose and remove only private iniuries piously, and without the scandalizing of the vveak, it followeth not therefore Christ teacheth that only private injuries are to be pardoned, doth Christ teach no o­ther thing? I never thought that only light injuries are to [...] pardo­ned: [Page 293] when either we chide him, or he vvillingly acknovvledge his fault, vve are to pardon him, for if vve must bring a small injury to the Church, far more must vve bring a greater injury.

Ans. 1. Christ would so many injuries to be pardoned, as is com­prehended in this generall ( If thy brother trespasse against thee, re­buke him) but this comprehendeth great injuries, and all injurie [...]: It being as Erastus saith, parallel to Lev. 19. 18. Thou shalt not suffer sin in thy Brother. What? must we not suffer a small sin in Thes. 41. p. 46. our Brother, because that were to hate him in our heart? But we may suffer great sins in him, and not rebuke him; yet that should not be hatred of our Brother. 2. Christ is not only teaching how to remove scandals; but how to remove them by gaining our Bro­ther, even by telling the Church; If need be, that they may labour to gain him also, if one brother, and if one with two or three wit­nesses cannot gain him to repentance; and so he would have all in­juries pardoned, out of which we are to gain our brother. 3. It is too narrow a compasse, to which Erastus draweth Christ in his words, only to remove the scandall without offending the weak, to labour to remove only petty scandals and not great; yea, and pub­lick to our whole Church: 4. Erastus seemeth to imagine, if we draw our brother before the Church, that is, the Civill Magistrate, we do not then forgive him, it being now a great injury, but he is deceived, we are to forgive our brother, and to pray for his for­givenesse; even when we make the offence publick, and when he repenteth not, as Christ did forgive as man, those that Crucified him, though they did not repent, 1 Pet. 2. 21, 22, 23. Luk. 24. 35, 36, 5. Erastus cannot deny but great injuries should be brought before the Magistrate, and a little injury, when an offender refuseth to obey the Christian Magistrate, must be a great injury, which ma­keth the man, as a heathen and a publican; What is before answe­red, I shall not need to trouble the Reader withall to repeat. Pag. 156.

Erastus. The reason, vvhy Christ speaketh here of the transaction of private iniuries, is because he speaketh alvvaies in the singular numher, if thy brother offend thee, rebuke him betvveen him and thee alone, take tvvo other, [...], tell thou the Church, Let him be to thee, as a Publican; he that is Excommunicated, is not Excommunicated to one only, but to all the Church.

Ans. This shall make the whole ten Commandments, Exod. 20 [Page 294] and the whole Gospel and the profession of it, Rom. 10. 9. which are all spoken to one in the singular number, often in the second person to command private vertues, and forbid private sins only, and not to be Laws obliging the Church in publick duties, and to eschew publick sins.

Erastus Answereth, Let him be to thee vvho art injured, and to all that are injured, as a Publican, not to the vvhole Church, for there be some lawes that agree privatly to the Magistrate, and to none o­ther, some to Parents, not to children, to Masters, not servants, so nei­ther is this precept to all Christians as the Decalogue is, and such like, but only to those that are privately hurt; he saith not, rebuke every brother thou meetest with, but the brother that sins against thee. Christ speaketh not in the third person, nor to the Church, for the Disciples were not the Synedrie, or that Church.

Ans. 1. Its most false, that all the precepts of the Decalogue are Christs speaking in the second person, ar­gueth not the privacy of the scandall. all of them spoken to all and every man: Honour thy Father and mother that begat thee, is one of the Commandments; and it is not spoken to those that are onely Parents themselves, and have their naturall parents dead: but doth it follow that that Command doth injoyne private obedience, and forbid onely private, not publick disobedience to naturall Parents: So the sixth Command saith, If thy brother fall in a Lyons den to the hazard of his life, pull him out; if thou cannot rescue him thy self alone, take three with thee and assay it; if thou can­not so rescue him, tell it to twenty: The man is not to rescue every brother here, but onely the brother that is in danger to be devoured with the Lyon: will any say the Law of the sixth Commandment is given here, to one private man to help another in a private danger? This ( rebuke thy brother) is the Law of nature, and it is under this, Levit. 19. 17. Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thy heart: And if I rebuke him not for sinne, any sinne, and the most publick, and so most offensive and scandalous to many; I hate him; nay, I am not so much to rebuke him and gain his soul, because the sin is an injury done to me, as because it is done against the Majesty of God, and destructive to the offenders soule, and I must labour to gaine his soule. 2. Erastus dreames that that is a private sin, which is done to one man, or one ranke of men; to a Ma­gistrate, [Page 295] not a subject; he is beguiled, an offence and publick stum­bling-block may be laid before one man, and it is often a publick sin. 3. The speaking of it in the second person is nothing, for, If thou be­leeve thou art saved, Rom. 10. 9. is as publike and universall, as Iohn 3. 16. Whosoever beleeveth he is saved. The second person in all precepts of Law and Gospel (and this, rebuke an offending bro­ther, is both,) is as broad as the third person, and as large in ex­tent, except you say the verse Iohn 3. 16. comprehendeth some more beleevers that are saved, then Rom. 10. 9. which is against sense. 4. Christ ought not to have spoken to his Disciples as a Church, be­cause he is directing them as members and parts of a Church, how to deale with an offender: but if he heare not the Church, that is, Page 158. the Christian Magistrate, he should die, saith Beza. Erastus an­swereth, But the Church or Iewish Synedrie had not power of life and death now they were under the Roman Empire.

Ans. Christ here then sheweth not a way to remove Scandals, be­cause the Roman Emperors sword is not Christs Spirituall way, 2 Cor. 10. The weapons of our warfare are not carnall, but mighty through God.

Erastus. By this same place, I cannot prove there is such a thing Page 156. 157. as Excommunication, what is said to one is said to the whole Church; but it is said to one, that he should forgive an offending brother, seven­ty seven times in one day, if he acknowledge his fault; Ergo, there can be no just cause vvhy the vvhole Church should not doe▪ that vvhich every member is obliged to doe, but your Presbyters vvill punish though any one should confesse his fault.

Ans. There is a twofold forgiving, one private, in passing the A twofold forgiving. private revenge of the fault and grudge against the person of the offender: thus the whole argument is granted, for Members and Church both are to pray, Forgive us our sinnes, as vve forgive them that sin against us: I hope the Synedrie, the Roman President, the Magistrate, thus are obliged to forgive those whose heads they justly take from them, so Luke 17. We are to forgive our brother seventy seven times a day, though he neither repent nor crave par­don, but far more, if he crave pardon. But by this Argument the Christian Magistrate should use the sword against no bloody Parra­cide, for he is thus to forgive him, and much more, if he say he re­penteth. 2. To forgive, is to remit all punishment, and so what is [Page 296] said to one Member of the Church, is not said to the whole Church. Private men have not power of Church-punishment to forgive it. The Church hath a power limited by Christ, that is to forgive and open heaven, in so farre as they see Christ goe before, and see the man penitent, and therefore Erastus his consequence is short, it followes not, that the Church should no more excommunicate then one Member. Erastus looks farre beside the booke, in that he thinkes it is all one to forgive an injury, and to remove a scandall in the way of Christ in labouring to gaine a brother. I may for­give one that offendeth me, and not labour at all to gaine his soul.

Erastus. We cannot expound [...] against thee, against the Thes. 42. page 27. Church, because he saith after, tell the Church, then the sense should be, O Church tell the Church.

Ans. It is not denyed by us, but that the Scandall in the rise may be private, but Erastus will have our Saviour to speake onely of private Scandals. 2. If one Church shall offend another, the offen­ded may admonish, and if the Church be not gained, the offended Church is to tell more Churches Synodically conveened, as may be gathered from Christs Scope, to remove all Scandals between brother and brother, Church and Church.

Erastus. Tell him between thee and him, if it be told me conscio, Page 16. I onely knowing, then he hath sinned against me privately; should I not reprove him before others, if he have sinned against others? but Christ will not have me to take any Witnesses at the first.

Ans. 1. I may tell him between me and him, a publike fault: this proveth onely my admonition to be private, when the fault is known to twenty and scandalizeth them, and it proveth not the fault to to be private. But you will say, then I must take these twenty who are offended, no lesse then I am to goe my selfe. I answer, not so; For 1. I may be ignorant that any knowes it, and I am not to un­cover what God hath covered, except it were a sin that bringeth wrath on the whole Land, as blood, and the Canaanites sinnes. 2. Though I should know twenty were offended, charity will bid me try, if I onely can gaine him, and then love maketh the worke easier to twenty.

Erastus. But Matthew and Luke compared together, doe teach that Christ speaketh of such sinnes, as one Brother may pardon another seventy seven times; and the question of Peter to Christ, how oft shall [Page 297] my brother offend, and I forgive him? saith that Christ speaketh not Christ speaketh not of such sins as pri­vate men may for­give as E­rastus drea­meth. of the sinnes, that the Church onely can forgive, for Peter knew well, that he his alone could not forgive these sins, which onely the Church and a multitude can pardon.

Ans. Though it be true, Matthew and Luke c. 17. speake both of scandals and scandalous sins in generall, yet it is evident they speak of two sorts of scandalls; Luke speaketh v. 3. of scandals between brother and brother, which may at first be taken away by re­bukes; but he hath nothing of the Churches part touching these. But Matthew hath it at length, chap. 18. ver. 15, 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. The Luke 17. 4. and Matthew more distinctly, chap. 18. ver. 21. upon the occasion of Peters question, resolveth a case of conscience; how Christians are to passe by in love the faults one of another, even to seventy times seven; they are not scandals of one and the same nature, as Erastus conceiveth: The former is, how we may gain an offending brother from the guilt of active scandall in gi­ving offence to us, and that is by free rebuking; and if that gain him not, then by taking witnesses and rebuking him; and if neither that can do it, by telling the Church, to which Christ hath given a more powerfull way, to binde and loose in earth and heaven, saith Matthew: Luke speaketh onely of simple rebuking, which ten­deth to the other two. The latter way, is how we our selves may be freed from passive scandall, if our brother provoke us seven times, or seventy seven times a day: this must be by a private pardoning, and laying aside all grudge, or hints of revenge toward our brother, and this is a great mistake in Erastus, that he confoundeth those two scandals, which by two Evangelists are distinguished, for Peter upon occasion of the former Church-scandals, proposeth the se­cond, Mat. 18 21. then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Peter asketh nothing of gaining the offender, and Christ answereth nothing of gaining him, having satisfied them fully in that before: But Peter came in with a new question, concerning private forgiving. 2. It is evident in the former, that Christ speaks not of sins, that one brother may forgive another; for then it were free to the offended, after two admonitions ineffectuall to gain the offender, to forgive and desist, as he doth in the matter of forgiving: But it is not free to him to desist; if the offender refuse to be gained, and adde contumacy; [Page 298] the offended cannot pardon the punishment (he ought to remit the private grudge) he is under a command of Christ to tell the Church, that is one punishment, and if he yet be obstinate, he is to be reputed as a Heathen and a Publican, that is another punish­ment, which a private man cannot dispense with: 1. He cannot dispense with Christs command. 2. He cannot omit all Lawfull means of gaining the soul of his brother; for the Law of nature tyeth him to it. Erastus will have it a matter of holding off of an injury, only by complaining to the Roman Emperour, a carnall way. Christ is on a higher and more spirituall strain to gain a soul, as is clear, If he hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother, rest there: But if he hear thee not, go yet on to gain him: Take with thee two or Christs scope spiri­tual, Erast. his way is carnall. three, then if he had been gained at first, a second admonition be­fore two or three were needlesse. But if yet he be not gained, then go yet on, to seek the gaining of his soul; and tell the Church, and if the Church cannot gain him: then let him be as a Publi­can, and cast out: This is also a way of gaining, that his spirit may be saved, 1 Cor. 5. Therefore this is most false, that Christ spea­keth of those sins which we may forgive: Who can believe that it is credible that our Saviour hath a more noble end, and more excellent then to gain a brothers soule? or that he doth teach us in these words to discend from such a spirituall end, as the re­pentance of an offender, to a far baser end, to hold off injuries by fleeing to a heathen Iudicature?

Erastus. Christ speaks of such sins, as the offender cannot deny Thes. 42. pag. 28. before witnesses. But sins to be punished by Excommunication, so hainous, as deserveth to be delivered to Satan, he would deny; Ergo, he must speak of smaller sins.

Ans. This is for us, he speaketh of such sins that the offender will persist in, against the Authority of witnesses, Synedrie, or Church and Magistrates, as Erastus thinketh while he be as a Pro­fane Heathen; Ergo, he may deny them: 2. If we suppose three faithfull witnesses, who have seen and heard, such as will testifie the sin before the Church, it is like to be a grievous and publick trespasse. Nor would Christ have the Magistrate troubled, and the Church offended for such sins as may fall out, in a brother, seven times; yea, seventy seven times in one day, and may be, by pri­vate transactions pardoned, as Erastus saith: How should Erastus [Page 299] his civill throne, sink under threescore and ten scandalls in one day?

Erastus. The Church punisheth not the man for such sins, but dismisseth him as an injurious person.

Ans. True, if we believe Erastus begging the question. 2. To de­clare Lib. 3. c. p. 181. a brother, no brother, but a prophane Heathen, with­out Christ in the world, nad out of the Covenant of Grace, must be the highest Church-censure, & must be more highly punished then so.

Erastus. I call them light faults only compared with crimes puni­shed by the Law.

Ans. Such as contumaciously defended, makes a man none of Christs, but the prophanest living; yea, of a believing Jew, an Apostate, and a Heathen, deserveth to be punished by the judge.

Erastus. If the offended be willinger to suffer the injury then to compeer before a heathen judge, he may.

Ans. There be no smell of an Heathen, or Roman Judge in the Text, Id Erastus adjecit de suo. 2. It is not free to gain, or not gain, my brothers soul, or obey Christs command, or not obey it.

Paul, 1 Cor. 6. forbiddeth us to implead our brethren before Heathen Judges; Erastus saith, Christ commandeth the contrary: Erastus answers, Paul saith in these that are [...] and [...] in smaller matters, as of goods we should not.

Ans. Its true, Paul giveth instance, in those that he calleth things of this life, but in opposition to the great matter of Judging the world and Angels: 2. Paul saith generally; Ye go to law one vvith ano­ther, 1 Cor. 6. 1, 2, 3, 4. And he esteemeth it such a fault, that he saith of it, v. 9. Knovv ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the King­dom of God.

Erastus. Paul himself appealed to a heathen judge Cesar.

Ans. True, but not for small offences falling out seventy seven times a day, for which the Magistrate will not punish, such as these offences be, saith Erastus, pag. 181. pag. 28. Thes. 42. But being ac­cused of a high crime of life and death. 2. He appealed not from a godly Magistracy, such as the Syned [...]y holdeth forth, but from bloody judges: 3. In matters not with Saints, as 1 Cor. 6. And brethren to whom you are to grant pardons, seven, and seventy se­ven times a day, but with Blasphemers, and Murtherers of Christ, Act. 18. 6. 1 Thes. 2. 15.

[Page 300]

Erastus. Christ teacheth how private iniuries may be removed, Pag. 186. 187. vvithout offence by the Magistrate, but not hovv vve may reduce to repentance a brother that giveth scandall.

Ans. Theres not a footstep of injuries, or Magistrate, or sword in the Text: 2. ver. 7. And all along he speaketh of scandalls that may hinder our entring to heaven, and these words; rebuke him, Thou hast gained thy brother, are clear as the Sun, that he inten­deth the offended, in all these steps, is to gain the soul of the offender.

Erastus. This is no Argument at all, he speaketh of gaining an of­fending brother: Ergo, His scope is not to repair any civill losse: But I pray you, a brother argueth an iniurious man, and convinceth him of his error; hath he not first gained him to God, and then to him­self, vvhile he maketh him of his enemy his friend? can there be a better way of compounding private iniuries? if his conscience be hea­led, will he not leave off to be iniurious?

Ans. I may say, as he saith to that Apostolick servant of God, holy Beza, Egregia vero ratiocinatio: The question is now touch­ing the scope of Christ, Matth. 18. Erastus proveth repairing of civill injuries to be Christs scope, and how proveth he it? Because he that is gained to God by repentance, is a made friend, and vvill leave off to do civill vvrongs: Iust as if one should say, the scope of the holy Ghost, in the history of the Creation, in the two first chapters of Genesis, is to make the Reader a good Philosopher: Why? because he that understandeth the works of Creation, the Heaven, Stars, Sun, Moon, Seas, dry Land, Trees, Herbs, &c. Must not this man be an excellent Astronomer, Geographer, Physiloge, &c? So may he say, the scope of the holy Ghost, in the ten Com­mandments, is to make a man an excellent Citizen of London, or Paris, Why? how is that the scope of the ten Commandments? by Erastus his Argument, What better way can there be to make a good sociall Civilian, then if he be well versed in the Doctrine of the ten Commandments? so may I say, the scope of Paul in the first eleven Chapters of the Epistle to the Romanes, is to make a man love his brother, why? Because if he know God, and free justification by faith in Christ, and our freedom from the Law, and the Doctrine of Election by Free-grace, and the like, he cannot but love his brother▪ Now how can that be Christs scope, which is nei­ther [Page 301] spoken In terminis? Nor so much as insinuated? Now to gain an offending brother is In terminis spoken, ver. 15. Thou hast gained thy brother: so Erastus granteth this is Christs scope, but not his last scope; and gaining of his soul he will have, but a scope for a civil end to hold off injuries: How carnall is the glos [...]e of Erastus? Now the scope of Erastus is never spoken, never hinted at: E­rastus cannot deny our scope, onely he will not have it the chief scope of the words; the best ground he hath for his scope is that, Tell the Church, is, Tell the Civill Magistrate.

Erastus to put a good face on the businesse, saith, scanning on the Pag. 188. sense of the words, Christ therefore saith rebuke him, Matth. 18. That we may understand, that he is to be convinced of his error, and iniquity, that he may acknowledge it not onely to us, and before men, but far more to God, and so thou hast gained thy brother, and lost him, if he refuse to hear thee, that is, If he suffer not himself to be convinced, and do not acknowledge his fault, he is bound in Heaven, and this is that which I would say, this gaining of him is the pardoning (of a civill wrong) that he may be received in friendship.

Ans. If Christs inten [...]ion be, that he may rather acknowledge his fault to God then to the offender, as Erastus granteth, then Christs scope in these words, must be his spirituall gaining to God, not a civil depulsion of a civill wrong, but the former▪ Erastus gran­teth: 2. If spirituall gaining be intended in all the steps of our Sa­viours progresse, and when this is obtained, the progresse doth cease; then means rather crossing and thwarting that scope, then suitable spiritually thereunto, are not to be attempted: then is not civill depulsion of injuries our Saviours scope in the words, but the former is true; Ergo, So is the latter; the Proposition is evident, from the nature of a scope, and end in any speech. I prove the As­sumption by parts. 1. If rebuking of an offending brother, gain him to repentance, then it is clear the offended man is to rest there, and not to Tell the Church or Magistrate, for he hath obtained even the end, for which Erastus contendeth, and who goeth about new means to compasse an end already obtained? Christ would never command that; yea, when Christ saith, ver. 16. If he hear not thee, then take with thee one or two more; Ergo, If he had heard him, he was not to take one or two more, and ver. 17. If he should neglect to hear them, he▪ was to tell the Church: Ergo, If he should hear [Page 302] them, he was gained, and was not to tell the Church; Ergo, spiri­tuall gaining must be Christs scope. 2. If to tell the Church, be as Erastus dreameth, to tell the Civill Magistrate, and then the Ro­man Emperour; this was no suitable mean to gain the mans soul; a club was never dreamed of by our Saviour to compasse the spiri­tuall end, or neerest scope of gaining any to repentance; for the end of the Magistrate, as a Magistrate, is to bring no man to repentance, but to take avvay evil out of the land, to cause Israel fear, and do so no more, to be an avenger of evil doing, far lesse is there any shadow of reason to dream that Christ intended by Cesars, or any Heathen Ma­gistrates sword, to gain an offending brother to repentance, and that he commandeth the offended brother to use such a carnal mean so unsuitable to such a spirituall end. Lastly, How a private brother cannot be said to binde and loose, I have cleared already.

Erastus. Least these words (Let him be to thee as an Heathen) should seem to make the offender every way as an Heathen; therefore he addeth a restrictive word, (and a Publican) and he addeth the ar­ticle [...] common to them both, so as he speaketh not of every Heathen and Publican, but of those who were conversant amongst the Jews, and none of those would answer to any Judge, but the Roman Empe­rour or his deputies, being the servants of the Romans, to vex the people of the Jews.

Ans. Here is a groundlesse conjecture, for a Publican was large as odious as a Heathen, being a companion to sinners, and the worst of the Heathen.

2. How proveth he that [...], that Heathen is meant of those A Publi­can most odious to the Iews. Heathen only, that were servants to the Romans, and would acknow­ledge no Iudge but Cesar. 1. The Iews themselves said, We have no King but Cesar: 2. The holy Ghost doth not restrict the Heathen so; What warrant hath Erastus to be narrower in his glosse then the holy Ghost is in the Text. If in these, ( Let him be as an Hea­then) the threatning be perpetuall, to remove all scandals, to the end of the world; when most of the Heathen shall not acknow­ledge the Iudicatures of Heathen Rome, then the word Heathen must be as large as all Heathen, all wicked and all scandalous men, such as Publicans, and so there is no hint at the Heathen Romish Iudge here, which is the way of Erastus. But the former is true; or this Law of Christ is to remove scandals amongst the Disciples [Page 303] when the Roman Empire shall fall as the Lord in his word hath prophecied. The Scripture speaks not so, Mat. 6. 7. Vse no vain repi­tition in prayer. [...], Here is the Article [...]: Can Erastus say none use babling prayers but such heathen as were subject to the Roman Empire? Gal. 2. 9. That we should goe [...], to the Heathen, here is an Article also; belike Paul should preach to no Gentiles but those under the Roman Empire: A frothie dream, Gal. 3. 8. The Scripture foreseeing God would justifie [...], the Gentiles. Here also an Article; belike then no Gentiles are justi­fied by faith, but these that are Officers to the Romans, and vexed the Iewes, Act. 18. 6. Henceforth I will goe [...], to the Gen­tiles, Act. 21. 19. Paul told what things the Lord had done by his Ministery [...], amongst the Heathen, Act. 26. 23. that Christ should shew light to the people, [...], and to the Hea­then, not the Romish heathen onely, except Christ be a Saviour to no other Heathen in the world: I need not weary the Reader to resute these unsolid conjectures of Erastus.

Erastus. Converted Publicans were not scandalous, as touching Lib. 3. c. 3. p. 190, 191. their office; Ergo, A publican signifieth not one that is none of the Church; Zachens after his conversion remained a Publican.

Ans. Converted Publicans left not off to be Publicans, but they left off to be such as went under the name of Publicans; that is, abominable Extortioners and grinders of the Poore: and there­fore it followes well, that to be as a Publican in the common speech of the Iewes familiar to our Saviour, was to be a wretched god­lesse prophane man, without the Church, and without God and Christ in the world, as also the Heathen were, Eph. 2. 11, 12. 1 Cor. 5. 1. 1 Pet. 4. 3, 4. Acts 21. 11. Rom. 2. 24 blasphemers of the Name of God, and 1 Cor. 12. 2. Yee know that yee were Gentiles carried away with dumbe Idols, Eph. 4. 17. That ye walke not as other Gentiles, in the vanity of their minde. 18. Having the under­standing darkned, being strangers from the life of God: These and many other Scriptures confirmeth me much, that in Christs time to be as a Heathen and a Publican, was to be cast out, whereas the man was once a brother, a beleever, and a member of the Church, and in profession in the covenant of God, and a brother to Peter, Iohn and the Lords Disciples, and a Christian and professing Saint, as the disciples of Christ were; but now one who is turned out of [Page 304] that society, and as a Gentile serving Satan, walking in the vani­ty of the minde, as an uncircumcised man, &c. This is as like Ex­communication, as one egge is like another, we have cleare Scrip­ture for this Exposition, but it is good Erastus never gave us one syllable of Scripture for his exposition▪ Nor can it be shewen that to be as a Heathen and a Publican by Scripture, or any that ever spoke Greeke, is to be in subjection to the Roman Empire, or ly­able to their lawes, onely we have [...] of Erastus for it.

Erastus. Who ever by no law of God or command was execrable, Page 191. and could for no just cause be hated, by no Law of God could bee debarred from the Temple and holy things of God. But such were the Publicans; Ergo,

Ans. 1. The Major is false. The Leper because a Leper was by no Law of God cursed, and execrable, nor was he worthy of ha­tred, but of pitty; yet was he by an expresse Law debarred from the Temple and holy things of God.

2. The Minor is false in the sense we contend for, the office of a Publican in abstracto was not execrable, nor worthy of hatred: P. 192. 193. but the thing signified, and that which proverbially went under the name of a Publican amongst the Iewes, to wit, a professed ex­tortioner, a robber, a grinder of the face of the poore, is both ex­ecrable and hatefull: the conclusion in the former sense is granted, and it is nothing against us: But in the latter sense, the Assumpti­on being false, the conclusion followeth not; not to say that in ordinary, none was a Publican, but he that was either an heathen, and so execrable, or then an Apostate wretched leud Iew.

Erastus. But I have demonstrated that no man was debarred from holy things for Morall uncleannesse, then neither should a Publican be counted a separated man, will Christ command him to be cast out whom the Iewes could by no Law cast out?

Ans. If we give the matter to Erastus his word, all he sayes are demonstrations: Let the reader read and judge. 2. All his argu­ment here proceedeth on a false ground, while he contendeth so much to justifie Publicans he presumeth (to be as a Publican) to [...]e in our sense all one with this, (to be excommunicated.) But 1. we lay the least weight on the word ( Publican) and more on this, ( to be as an heathen.) 2. We take them not divisively, but as Christ speaketh them, copulatively. We say, not to be excommunicated, is [Page 305] all one, as, let him be as a Publican, but that to be excommuni­cated, is to be as an Heathen [...] and as a Publican.

Erastus. The article [...] is set before both the word (Heathen) and the word (Publican) by the holy Spirit, which signifies either the ve­ry Pag. 195. 196. nature of the predicate (heathen and Publican) or must put a great Emphasis, and a great edge of difference between the Heathen and Publican here, and in other places, as these be not one, Petrus est, [...], et Petrus est, [...] ( Peter is a man,) and Peter is the man, or that man.) So when we say, pleasure is that good thing, [...], that chiefe happinesse; We say more then when we say plea­sure is good, so [...] that Publican must signifie a Publican, as a Publican, if there be an Emphasis here common to both the heathen and the Publican, now there can be no other thing in the matter of eschewing Scandals common to both, but that both acknowledged no other but the Roman Magistrate, and therefore, except you make (to be a Publican,) & (to be debarred from the Sacraments) all one; you have not another place in all the New Testament for your Excommu­nication, for no Publican because a Publican, was debarred by Gods Law, Jure divino, from the Sacraments.

Ans. 2. All the wits on earth cannot make us see another place for Erastus his explication of this place Matth. 18. and of 1 Cor. 5. But we hope it shall appeare we have more from Scripture, to say for Excommunication then this one place, or then Erastus and all his party can say against it; here is all that Erastus can say against this strong place, builded upon one Article [...]; a poore and ignorant Grammattication. 1. He culleth out the word ( Publican) of lesse weight with us, from the word ( Heathen) and would prove that no Publican because a Publican, and for the office, was de­barred from the Iewish Sacraments, which we grant; for no of­fice or place lawfull in it selfe, debarred any from▪ Christ; Centu­rions were hatefull to the Iewes, and put over them by the Ro­mans, A publican most odi­ous to the Iewes. yet I should conceive the Centurion, whose servant Christ cured, Luke 7. was a Proselite, and a member of the Iewish Church, a lover of the Nation, else I see not how the Iewes would have accepted that he should build them a Synagogue, as he did v 5. and Publicans might have bin Proseli [...]es also, but that which was signi­fied by a Publican to the Iews, was no lesse odious then the name of a hangman or a most wicked and flagitio [...]s man, as Matth. 5. 45, [Page 306] 46, 47. and by Christ decourted from the number of the children of our heavenly Father: Amongst the Iews it was counted abomi­nation to eat with Publicans, Matth. 9. 11. Matth. 11. 19. Luk. 7. 34. And when Christ saith, Matth. 21. 31. of the Rebellious Iews; Verely, I say unto you, that [...], the publicans and harlots shall enter into the Kingdom of God before you: He clear­ly maketh Publicans the wickedst of men▪ shall these two, [...] make us think Erastus were not dreaming, if he should from these words gather that Christ, meaneth only of such Publicans and Harlots as acknowledged no other Magistrate, but the Roman Ma­gistrate? And the Article [...] is doubled in the following verse also. 2. Let us retort this Argument, he that heareth not the admoniti­ons of brethren in secret, and of the Church in publick, is to be re­puted, not as a Iew, or a brother and member of the Church ha­ving right to the holy things of God, but as a Heathen.

Now a Heathen to the Iews was no brother, and had no right to the Sacraments, either of the Iewish, or Christian Church, as is clear by the word of God, therfore he that heareth not a brother in secret, or the Church in publick, is to be reputed as no brother (I mean in that publick visible way he once was) but as a Heathen, who hath no right, Iure divino, by Gods Law to the Sacraments. 3. What means all this trifling about the Article:? Say that the Article; should restrict Heathens and Publicans, to such and such Hea­thens and Publicans: I shall deny, In eternum, this consequence, Ergo, He means no other but only such Heathens and Publicans, as did acknowledge no other Magistrate, but a Roman Magistrate. There is no shadow in the Scripture, or any Greek author for the Word, but rather [...] signifieth the qualitie and spirituall con­dition of any, especially when Christ speaketh of gaining of souls, as here, Mat. 18. 15. so I am sure [...] signifieth Ioh. 1. 14. Ma [...]. 6 [...]0. 1 Pet. 1. 19. so doth [...] signifie Mat. 6. 5. and elsewhere, enough I deny not but it may signifie a civill or naturall si [...]tude, but Christ doth here speake of neither, as is cleare. 4. If here a Publi­can as a Publican be meant, as Erastus saith; Ergo, All Heathens and all Publicans are here to be understood; Ergo, Not these only that had this common to them both, to wit, that they both acknow­ledged no civill Magistrate but the Romans, the contrary of which Erastus asserteth. 5. Yea, this is not emphatick and discretive of [Page 307] Heathen and Publican, Christ acknowledged no civill Iudge as King over the Iewes at this time but onely Cesar, when he said Mat. 22. Give unto Cesar, the things that are Cesars, and to God the things that are Gods. And the Iewes themselves did so when they said, We have no King but Cesar; If then to be as an Heathen and a Publican, bee all one as to acknowledge no King, nor judge but Cesar, then to be as a Heathen and Publican, must be all one with this, to be as Christ and the Iewes, for this was common to Heathens, Publicans, Iewes and Christ, to acknowledge Cesar was their onely King and civill Judge. 6. They were the worst of the Heathens and Publicans, who in a peculiar manner acknowledged no lawfull Iudge but Cesar, and hated the Iewes, the onely Church of God most at this time; Ergo, If the Article [...] inferre that a disobedient brother is most like these Heathen, they must be grea­test enemies to the Iewes, and so remotest from Circumcision, and all right to the holy things of God, being the worst of the Hea­then, and so Erastus hath gained nothing, but lost much by his poore Grammattication. Yea, if the offended brother should repute the offender as the worst of the Heathen, he is to esteeme him who was once a Member of the Church, in that he was obliged to heare the Church, now as a Heathen, and so no brother, no Member of the Church, and here Erastus must grant that one brother may un-church and Excommunicate any other for disobedience to the Church, but the Church may not.

Erastus. They are as absurd who say, by Publicans here are under­stood wicked men, for then by Heathen must be understood also the wickedest of the Heathen, and not all the Heathen dwelling in Judea.

Ans. I deny the consequence, for by Publicans are meant men wicked and unpure by conversation, and by Heathen men un­clean by condition, because without the Church, and strangers to the Israel of God, and without Christ and God in the world. 2. We have proved what is meant by a Publican, by evident Scrip­tures, but that by a Publican is understood one who acknowledged no Magistrate, but a Roman, no Scripture; no Greeke Author war­ranteth us to thinke it, never man dreamed it, but Erastus.

Erastus. The Pharises hindred not Christ and his Apostles to come to the Temple.

Ans. Christ was a born Jew and circumcised; yea, and what can the Practise of the Murtherers of Christ prove? It is no Law. But the Romans never sacrificed in the Temple, but gave Liberty to the Iews to serve God, according to his word, and to hear Christ preach, and that Christ kept the Ceremoniall Law, and taught others, even the cleansed Leapers so to do, Matth. 8. is clear.

Erastus. Private men do forgive, sins. Matth. 18. Luk. 17. Ergo, No private forgive­nesse, Mat. 18. to binde and loose is not a proper judiciall act of a Court, Matth. 16. Christ speaketh not to Peter only, but to all the faithfull, who by teaching one another, may bring one another to acknowledge their sin, and if they do it they are pardoned, if not, their sins are bound in Heaven.

Ans. To these the keys are given, who retain and remit sins, as pag. 198. [...]ed si do­cendo (pri­ [...]atus) ali­quem ad duxcrit, ut peccata sua agnoscat, et ex certa side [...] Dei be [...]gnitate propter me­ritum Chri­sti acquies­cat, an non solutus erit? Si frustrā moneat ac doceat, an non qui [...]sic perti [...]aciter salutem re pudiat, [...] ­gatus. Erastus saith: But these be such as are sent of Christ, as the Fa­ther sent his son, Ioh. 20. 2. Either in this place there is given po­wer to binde and loose by publick preaching the word, or by some other place; but this power to binde and loose by publick preach­ing, is only given to Pastors and Teachers, 1 Cor. 12. 29. Eph. 4. 11. 12. And Erastus granteth elsewhere, that every private man by his office cannot preach, nor administer the Sacraments, and by no other place is this given to Pastors, for I could elude all pla­ces, with the like answer, and say there is a publick Baptizing and Administration of the Supper, by Ministers and sent Pastors only, and a private also performed by private Christians; yea, by a wo­man, and both are valid in Heaven, and the binding and loosing of both ratified in Heaven. 3. Christ spake this to the Disciples, who before were sent to Preach, and cast out Devils, Matth. 10. and saith not, Whom thou bindes on earth, but in the plurall num­ber, [...], What things you binde on earth, shall be bound in Heaven. Erastus saith all this upon the fancy, that binding and loo­sing of the Church, and Peters private forgiving of his brother seven times a day must be all one, which I do prove in another place to be different, and amongst other reasons this is one, because the Church pardoning hath a threefold order: 1. between bro­ther and brother: 2. before two or three: 3. Before the Church, and the end of all is the gaining of the offending brother, Matth. 18, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. But the private forgiving of a brother, of [Page 309] which Peter speaketh, Mat. 18. 21, 22, 23. and Luke 17 4, 5. is of an inferiour nature; for I know not, if you can gain a brothers soule seven times a day, if he but say, It repenteth me, Luke 17. 4. or seventy seven times, Mat. 18. 22. These words, It repenteth me, said seventy times a day to the Church cannot satisfie to the gai­ning of a soule, whereas to the private remitting of revenge, it were enough. We have the Text to warrant us, that Christ spa [...]e to Stew­ards to whom the keyes are committed. Erastus doth but wickedly assert, he spoke to those who were as Christians in that act, but the Text is cleare he speaketh of binding and loosing spiri [...]ually, which Binding and loosing proper to Stewards. is nothing to the holding off of a civill injurie, which Erastus saith is the scope of our Saviour here, and how hungry must that sense be: That you deal with him as with an Heathen, who acknowledgeth no Iudge, but a Roman judge, is a matter ratified in heaven? 4. A private man is to forgive an injury even though the offender re­pent not, Mat. 14. 15. Rom. 12. 19, 20. Col. 3. 13. but that pardon cannot be ratified in heaven. 5. See what we have said of binding and loosing before.

Erastus. Though Christ should speake this onely to Ministers, yet it followeth not that he speaketh this to other Presbyters.

Ans. That dependeth on the proving that there be ruling El­ders in the Church, which I conceived have proved else where, from Rom. 12. 8. 1 Cor. 12. 28. 1 Tim. 5. 17. I conceive when Christ spake this, there was neither a formed Presbytery, nor a formed Church.

Erastus. Christ saith not, if two or three Presbyters, or two or three Page 199. Ministers agree in one, I will heare them, but where two or three Christians agree.

Ans. Nor doe we say, that two or three can make an Excommu­nicating Church, but Christ argueth a minore, if the Lord heare two or three on earth, farre more will he heare a Church, and rati­fie in heaven what they doe in binding and loosing offenders in Earth; But how shall these words agree to the interpretation of Erastus? for he expoundeth two or three and the whole Church, to be but one Christian Magistrate; can he be said to agree to himselfe? Or can one or two or three meet together in Christs Name? And what coherence is here? Two or three conveeneth to pray that he that will not hear the Christian Magistrate may be [Page 310] dealt with as a Heathen man before the Roman judge, how vio­lent and farre off is this glosse, and how unsuitable to the Text?

Erastus. What other thing is it to a private brother, to gain ano­ther Page 199. to himselfe, and to God, then binding and loosing in Heaven?

Ans. To bring him before the civill Magistrate either Christian or Heathen, whose intrinsecall end by vertue of their office, is not to gaine, soules, but to draw the blood of ill doers, is farre from gaining of Souls.

Erastus. Though binding and loosing be judiciall and forinsecall words, they agree not to the Ministery onely, but rather to the Magi­strate, except you say that in the time of Christ amongst the Iewes, there was a Church court beside the Magistrates court.

Ans. That they argue authority judiciall, is proved already by many Scriptures, and judiciall authority Ecclesiasticall it must be, which agreeth to the Church, and it was never heard that the Church especially in the New Testament, doth signifie the Magi­strate. 2. There is no necessity to say there was a Christian Church court in Christs time, because there was not a Christian Magistrate at this time, but the Iewes had then a Church-court, before which Christ was conveened. Caiphas being President, and the blinde man, Iohn 9. who was cast out of the Synagogue, for that he con­fessed Christ. 3. Christ speaketh of that which was to be, though in its frame not yet erected.

Erastus. Christ hath the like words of binding and loosing, Mat. 16. which signifieth also to preach the Gospell, that he who beleeveth may be loosed, and he who beleeveth not may be made inexcusable, and therefore it is no other, but to pray a brother to desist from his in­jury, shewing him that that is acceptable to God: for to binde and loose in all the Scripture, is never to debarre any from the Sacraments; if you divert your brother from doing an injurie, by declaring the will and wrath of God, out of his Word, thou hast gained him, and loosed him, if he will not be perswaded, the wrath of God abides on him, and thou hast bound him.

Ans. If loosing and binding Matth. 16. be preaching of the Word of God, and loosing be Christian forgiving of an injury, then are women who are taught in the prayer of Christ, Mat. 6. to for­give one another, invested with the keyes of the Kingdome of Hea­ven, to preach the Gospell; and why not also to administer the [Page 311] Seals? and so are all private men clothed with the keyes to take in and cast out at their pleasure, and what are Ministers that are over the people in the Lord, and watch for their soules? 2. We never said, to binde was to debarre from the Sacraments, except consequently onely, to binde, is to declare an obstinate man as a Heathen, and so no member of the house of Christ, and consequent­ly to have no right to the bread of the children of the house, nor say we, that to Excommunicate is formally to debarre men from the Sacraments, it is to cast them out of the house: hence it must To Ex­communi­cate is not formally to debarre from the Seales. follow that the priviledges of the house belongeth not to them. 3. You may disswade a man from doing a civill injurie, and never gaine his soule, but the Magistrates club, for which Erastus con­tendeth in these words, cannot reach the soule.

Erastus. None can remit a debt but the creditor, nor pardon an injury but he who suffereth the injurie.

Ans. Then none can binde and loose but private men, and the keyes of heaven are given to all private persons, nor can private persons by forgiving, so remit the person as he is loosed in heaven. 2. The Church is offended at Scandals, and are sufferers; Ergo, The Church must binde and loose: Let Erastus teach us the way except by Church-censures.

Erastus. Casting out of the unclean is not to binde, because to pu­rifie Page 201. is not to absolve, the unclean might be purified by any cleane, and not by the Priests onely.

Ans. The legall purging of the Leper, was onely by pronoun­cing him▪ cleane, and could not be done but by the Priest, and it was a loosing of him.

Erastus. Where Christ instituteth any new ordinance, he omitteth Page 203. nothing that is substantiall, but here he speaketh nothing of publike sins, for which you doe especially excommunicate.

Ans. Christ according to the minde of Erastus does here insti­tute a throne for the Christian Magistrate, how doth he then in­stitute a way how the Christian Magistrate may remove private Scandals and not publike? for publike Scandals hurt the Church ten to one more then private doe. Christ speaks of sins in their rise private, betweene brother and brother, but he speaketh of publike Scandals, of such as will not heare the Church, and for these onely we Excommunicate. 2. Tha [...] is not true, that any one [Page 312] place of Scripture, where an institution is that all the substantials of that institution, should be expresly set down in that place, it is enough that all be held forth in either one Scripture, or other, as in Christs sufferings, Baptisme, Pastors, &c.

Erastus. [...] Again I say unto you, if two of you shall agree on earth, these words must referre to private men, not to the Church, it is cleare that Christ speaketh nothing of two, as hee doth in this verse, but when he saith that one private man is to rebuke and gain another private man; nor is it enough to say its an Pag. 203. 204. argument à comparatis, for if the same thing be not kept in both extreames, it is a vaine comparison if you say a childe understandeth this; Ergo, An aged man understandeth it, it followeth well. But if you say a child understandeth this; Ergo, An aged man is rich and good; who would not laugh? But if God heare the prayer of two; Ergo, farre more will he heare the prayers of the Church, it follow­eth not, except you say, if those things that two or three bindes on earth be ratified, how shall we thinke, that that is ratified which the Church bindes and looses?

Ans. Here is nothing but Grammatications that cannot con­vince: it is true, that Christ speaking of two, he speaketh of pri­vate men, but many will not grant so much, for they say, that by two the smallest number is meant, a Church of the fewest, by a Synecdoche, and two may be taken for a small convention and number which doe literally exceed two, Jer. 3. 14. Rev. 11. 3. I will give power to my two Witnesses; they be more Martyrs who witnessed against Babylon then two literally, and this Exposi­tion seemeth to me as good as the other, and then if the smallest Church doe binde and loose in heaven and earth, so much more the Church; and so all shadow of this unsolid Grammattication is removed. 2. The proportion is well kept, if two praying on Earth be so heard in Heaven, as by their prayers, they may ob­taine that these be ratified in Heaven which they aske on earth; farre more is that ratified in heaven, which the Church in a ju­diciall and authoritative way, doth on earth, in the Name of Christ: for praying of private Christians, and publike and authoritative binding of the Church doe both agree in this, that the Father of Christ ratifieth both in heaven, which is a due keeping of proportion, and not such a crooked comparison [Page 313] as Erastus would make between an aged man, & a rich & good man 3. Though two private men have the same Analogicall binding in Heaven and earth with the Church, it followeth not that the bind­ing of the Church is not a Church-binding, as the binding of the two private men is also a binding, but no publick, no Church­binding. 4. How shall Christs words keep either sense or Logick with the exposition of Erastus? If he will not hear the Christian Magistrate, complain to the Heathen Magistrate; and again I say, if the Lord hear two praying on earth, far more will he ratifie in Hea­ven, what a prophane Heathen Magistrate doth on earth against a Christian offender; judge what sense is in this glosse.

Erastus hath no reason to divide these words, ver. 19. Again I say, if two agree, &c. from ver. 17. 18. Because they are meant of the Magistrate (saith Erastus) against all sense, and joyne them to the words of the. 15. and 16. verses: for there is no mention of bin­ding and loosing by prayer, ver. 15, 16. But only of rebuking, and here Erastus shall be as far from keeping his proportion, of re­buking and praying, as he saith, we do keep proportion between Church-sentencing and praying. To Theophylact Chrisostom and Augustine, Beza answered well, and Erastus cannot reply: 6. If there be binding and loosing between brother and brother in the first and second Admonition, before the cause be brought to the Church, what need is there of binding the man as a Heathen be­fore the Heathen Magistrate? And what need of the Heathen Magistrates prayer to binde in Heaven? Was there ever such Di­vinity dreamed of in the world?

Erastus. These words, Tell the Church prove only that the Church Thes. 44. 29. hath the same povver to rebuke the injurious man, that a private man hath, this then is poor reason: The Church hath power to rebuke an offender; Ergo, it hath power to Excommunicate him.

Ans. All know that Christ ascendeth in these three steps: 2. Erastus granteth the cause is not brought to the Church, but by two or three witnesses which is a judiciall power, as in the Law of Moses and in all Laws is evident: if he hear not a brother, he is not to be esteemed, as a Heathen and a Publican, but if he hear not the Church, he is to be reputed so. 3. We reason never from power of rebuking to the power of Excommunication; but thus, The Church hath power to rebuke an offender, and if he will not hear [Page 314] the Church, then is the man to thee, that is, to all men, as a Heathen and a Publican; Ergo, The Church hath power to Excommu­nicate.

Erastus. Christ speaketh of the Church that then was: How could Thes. 46. pag. 32. he bid them go to a Church that was not in the world; they having heard nothing of the constitution of i [...]? did he bid them erect a new frame of Government, not in the world?

Ans. He could as well direct them to remove scandals for time to come, as he could after his Resurrection say, Mat. 28. 19, 20. Go teach and baptize all Nations, which commandment they were not presently to follow, but Act. 1. 4. to stay at Jerusalem, and not To teach all Nations, while the Holy Ghost should come: I ask of E­rastus, how Christ could lay a Ministery on his Disciples, which was not in the world? What directions doth Christ, Mat. 24. and Luk. 21. give to his Church and Disciples that they had not occasion to Christ might well give di­rections for a Church not yet e­rected. obey many years after? is how they should behave themselves, when they should be called, before Kings and Rulers: 2. Nor were the Apostles who were already in the room of Priests and Prophets to Teach and Baptize (he after being to institute the other Sacrament) to wonder at a new forme already half instituted, and which dif­fered not in nature from the former Government, save that the Ce­remonies were to be abol [...]shed.

Erastus. Only Matthew mentioneth this pretended new institution, Lib. 3. cap. 3. p. 196. Vestra igi­tur excom­municatio nihil aliud est, quam inan [...] sig­mentum ho­minum imperare, aliis cupie [...]tium. not Luke, not Mark, the Disciples understood him well, they aske no questions of him, as of a thing unknown, only Peter asked how often he should forgive his brother.

Ans. This wil prove nothing, Iohn hath much which we believe with equall certainty of Faith, as we do any Divine institutions; shall therefore Erastus call the turning of water into wine, the raising of Lazarus: The healing of the man, born blinde, and of him that lay at the Pool of Bethesda, Christs heavenly Sermons, Io [...]. cap. 14. 15, 16. his prayer▪ cap. 17▪ which the other Evangelists mention not, Fi [...]men [...]a hominum, mens fancies, as he calleth Excommunica­tion? 2. Did the Disciples understand well the dream that Erastus hath on the place, and took they it as granted, that to tell the Church is to tell the civill Magistrate? And that not to hear the Church is civill Rebellion, and to be as a Heathen is to be impleaded before Cesar or his Deputies only? This is a wonder to me; Matthew set­teth [Page 315] up this way, an institution of all Church-Government, which no Evangelist, no word in the Old, or New Testament establisheth.

Erastus. Christ would not draw his disciples, who were otherwise Thes. 48. 34, 35. most observant of the Law, from the Synedry then in use, to a new Court, where witnesses are led before a multitude and sentences judi­cially set up, it had been much against the Authority of the civil Ma­gistrate, and a scandall to the Pharisees, and the people had no power in Christs time to choose their own Magistrate, therefore he must mean the Jewish Synedry: If by the Church we understand the multitude, we must understand such a multitude as hath power to choose such a Senate, but there was no such Church in the Jews at this time.

Ans. That the Church here is the multitude of Believers, men, women, and children, is not easily believed by us. 2. And we are as far from the dream of a meer civill Synedry, which to me is no suitable mean of gaining a soul to Christ, which is our Saviours intention in the Text. 3. Erastus setteth up a christian Magistrate to intercept causes and persons, to examine, rebuke, lead witnesses against a Iew before ever Cesar their only King of the Iews, or his Deputies hear any such thing, this is as far against the only supream Magistrate, and as scandalous to the Pharisees, as any thing else could be: 4. Had not Iohn Baptist, and Christs disciples drawn ma­ny of the Iews and Profylites to a new Sacrament of Baptisme, and to the Lamb of God, now in his flesh, present amongst them? this was a more new Law, then any Ordinance of Excommunication was, especially since this Church was not to be in its full constitu­tion, till after the Lords Ascension.

Erastus. It is known this anedrim delivered Christ bound unto Pi­late, condemned Steven, commanded the Apostles to be scour [...]e [...] and put in Prison. Tertullins saith of Paul before Felix, we would have judged him according to our Law; Paul said, Act. 23. to Anani [...]s, thou sittest to judge me according to the Law, Act. 26. P [...]ul confes­seth before Agrippa and Festus, that he obtained power from the high Priests, to hale to prison and beat the Christians, and Paul for fear of the iniquity of this Church or Sanedrim, dealt with them as Heathen, and appealed to Cesar. Ans. But by what Law of God did they this? It is not denyed but the Iews Synedrim being two courts [Page 316] did inflict punishment; But that Christ establisheth a civill Sanedrim as a mean, Matth. 18. To gain the soul of a brother is now the question; we utterly deny this, and gave reasons before thereof, to which I adde, if any obeyed not the Church, that is, the Sanedrim, as Erastus saith, they might be stoned to death as Steven was: Was this Christs milde way, to cite them onely be­fore the Romane Senate? Were dead men capable of answering to any further Iudicatures? 2. The last step of conveening Hea­thens and Publicans before the Romane Senate, according to Christs order is not to be observed with them, for even Heathens and Pub­licans, are so far forth our brethren: that 1. We are not, when they offend us, to suffer sin in them, but to rebuke them as Christians, Lev. 19. 18. For this is the Law of nature: The Law of nature will teach us not to hate an Heathen in our heart. 2. We are to labour to gain all, even those that are without the Church, 1 Cor. 9. 19, 20, 21, 22. 1 Pet. 3. 1. And this is Christs way of gain­ing all, to rebuke and admonish them: Ergo, it was never Christs meaning to deal with Heathens and Publicans so, as at the first we are to drag them before the Heathen Magistrate, that by his sword he may gain them, or take away their life; yea, and Erastus granteth in Ecclesiasticall crimes, that the Iews had power of life and death, in the matter of Steven and of Paul, if he had not appealed to Cesar to save his head: Josephus de bel. Judaic. Lib. 5. Cap. 26. Antiquit. Lib. 14. Cap. 12. But in things politick, Cesar took all power of life and death from them: Hence only is Christs time the footsteps of the two distinct courts remained, and the Priests, not the civill Magistrate had the power of Church-discipline. But all was now corrupt.


Quest. 5. The 1 Cor. 5. vindica­ted from Erastus his glosse. Lib. 3. c. 4. pag. 211, 212.

The place 1 Cor. 5. for Excommunication, vindicated from the Objections of Erastus.

Erastus. Paul did nothing contrary to the Command of Christ: But Christ excluded no man from the Passeover, not Iudas; Er­go, [Page 317] Neither minded [...]e to exclude the incestuous man; he saith not, 1 Cor. 5. Why debarred you him not from the Sacrament? But why did you not obtain by your tears and prayers, as Augustine expoundeth it, that the man might be cut off by death?

Ans. Christ would not take the part of a visible Church on him, to teachus that none should be cast out of the Church for secret and latent crimes: 2. Paul did nothing without the Command of Christ: But Christ neither in the Old, or New Testament, com­manded his Church to pray for the miraculous cutting off of a scan­dalous person; give an instance in all Scripture, except you make this one which is contraverted, your instance.

Erastus. Paul 2 Cor. 2. absolveth the man from all punishment, Pag. 214. and nameth onely [...] rebuking; Ergo, He was not excluded from the Sacrament.

Ans. Exclusion from the Sacrament, is but one of the fruits of Excom­munication; not formally Excommunication; yet he harpeth on this alway, that to be excommunicated, or to be delivered to Satan, is but to be debarred from the Sacrament. 2. The answer presupposeth he was Ex­communicated, we urge the place for a precept only of Excommuni­cation, if he repented to the satisfying of the Church, there was no need of Excommunication. 3. If the man 2 Cor. 2. was deli­vered from rebuke onely, and if that was all his punishment; Ergo, he was not miraculously cut off, for then he must have been miraculously cut off, and raised from death to life againe, unlesse miraculous cutting off had been no punishment: But if he was not miraculously cut off, because he prevented it, then with what faith could the whole Church pray for the miraculous killing of a brother, and not rather that he might repent and live? 4. In all the Word of God, the intrinsecall end of putting to death a Malefactor, is to avenge Gods quarrell, Rom. 13. 4. That all Is­rael may hear and feare, and doe no more any such wickednes, Deut. 13. 11. To put away the guilt of sinne off the Land, Numb. 34. 33, 34. that the Lords anger may be turned away, and a common plague on the Church stayed, when justice is executed on the ill do­er, Psal. 106. 28, 29, 30, 31. And it concerneth the Church and Common-wealth, more then the soule of the Malefactor, and there is nothing of such an end here. But the intrinsecall end here, is, that the mans Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord [Page 318] Jesus, and this delivering to Satan is in the Name and autho­rity, and by the power of the Lord Iesus, 1 Cor. 5. 4. 5. Now the The prayers of the Church in­terveen not for this particular miracle. Sonne of man came to save soules, not to destroy bodies, and burne cities; and though by the power of Christ, Peter miracu­lously killed Ananias and Saphira, and Paul stroke Elimas the Socererer blinde, yet these being Miracles, we heare not that this was done by any interveening act of the Church conveened, or by their prayers to bring vengeance, by a miracle, on the ill do [...]r. Peter and Paul doe both these not asking any consent, or inter­vention of the peoples prayers, but by immediate power in them­selves from the Lord Jesus. 2. If any such power were given to the Church, by their Prayers to obtain from God a miraculous killing of all scandalous persons, who infecteth the Church, in case the ci­vill Magistrate were an Heathen, and an enemy to Christian Reli­gion and refused to purge the Church; Christ, who provideth stan­ding remedies for standing diseases must have left this miraculous power to all the christian Churches in the earth that are under Heathen Magistrates, or some power by way of Analogie like to this, to remove the scandalous person, but we finde not any such power in the Churches under Heathen Magistrates, except power of refusing to the offender the Communion, and rejecting him as an Heathen and Publican that he may be ashamed and repent. 3. The whole faithfull at Corinth, men, women and children and all the Saints (for to those all, i [...] this power given, as Erastus saith) must Faith of miracles to pray for this mi­racle not in all the faithfull at▪ Corinth. have had a word of promise (if they ought to have prayed in faith as the Prophets and Apostles prayed in faith, that they might work miracles) that Paul was miraculously to kill the incestuous man▪ But that all and every one who were puffed up, and mourned not at this mans fall, had any such word of promise I conceive not imaginable by the Scriptures, for the Proposition I take it as unde­niable; if Paul rebuked the Corinthians all and every one, because they prayed not, and mourned not to God, that Paul wrought not this miracle in killing the incestuous man, they behoved to have a word of God, for their warrant, commanding them to pray: O Lord give power to Paul, to kill such▪ an incestuous man miracu­lously: For such Faith of miracles had Christ, and all the Pro­phets and Apostles, Joh. 11. 41. So did Sampson pray in faith, Judg. 16. 28. and Elias 1 Kings 18. 36, 37, 38. and so did the Apostles [Page 319] pray, Act. 4. 24, 29, 30. and with them the Church of believers, for working of miracles in generall; for the Apostles had a word of promise in the generall for working of miracles, Mar. 16. 17, 18. But that the Apostles had before hand revealed to them all the mi­racles they were to work: I cannot believe by any Scripture, But that it was revealed to them upon occasion only, by an occasi­onall immediate Revelation, Do this particular miracle, Hic & nunc: And this I am confirmed to believe: Because Elisha, 2 Kin. 4. was mistaken in sending his servant with his staffe to raise the dead son of the Shunamite (a Pastor with nothing but a club and naked words cannot give life to the dead) ver. 31. and therefore the working of a miracle in particular Hic & nunc was not al­wayes revealed to the most eminent Prophets, such as Elisha was; and so I beleeve, as working of miracles on this; and this man, came not from an habit in the Prophets and Apostles, far lesse from a habit subject to their free will, but God reserved that liberty to himself, to act his servants immediatly, both to pray by the faith of this miracle, Hic & nunc, and to work this miracle, Hic & nunc. Now to the Assumption: How can Erastus or any of his follow­ers assure our conscience that God had given the Faith of miracles to all the sanctified in Christ Jesus at Corinth, whom Paul so sharp­ly rebuketh, 1 Cor. 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. That this being revealed to them by God, and they having the faith, that it was the will of Iesus Christ, that Paul should kill, or (as some say) deliver to Satan this incestuous man to be miracuously tormented in the body or flesh, as Iob was, that he might repent; is it like Christ would reveal more of his will, touching every particular miracle to be done by Paul, to all and every secure one in the Church of Corinth that were puffed up, and mourned not for this mans fall, then he revealed to the A­postles themselves? But I have proved that the Apostles and Pro­phets knew not, nor had they the particular Faith of this, and this miracle, how then had all and every one of the Church of Corinth this Faith? Now they behoved to have this light of Faith of this miracle revealed to them, that this was Christs will, that Paul should work a miracle for the destruction of the man; else the Corinthians could no more be justly rebuked, because they prayed not to God, that Paul might work this miraculous destruction of the man (which yet he never wrought, as its clear, 2. Cor. 2. he [Page 320] was not killed, but repented, and was pardoned) then because they prayed not, that he miraculously might cure the criple man at Ly­stra, Act. 14. or that he might work any other miracle. Now how was this revealed to all of the Church of Corinth that this was Christs will? If it be said, they were to pray conditionally that God would either by a miracle take him away, or then in mercy Delivering to Satan not mira­culous. give him repentance to prevent destruction: 1. We have no surer ground for a conditionall and dis-junctive Faith of miracles in the Corinthians, then for an absolute Faith: 2. If it was the will of Christ, that the man should by himself be miraculously killed, why did not the Apostle immediatly by himself kill him? Why? It was the Apostles fault as well as the sin of the Corinthians, that the man remained as a leaven to sowre and infect the Church; yea, it was more the Apostles fault then theirs, for he had only the imme­diate power miraculously to purge the Church; some may say, as the Lord Iesus was hindred some time to work miracles, because of the peoples unbelief, Matth. 13. 58. So here Paul was hindred to work this miracle on the scandalous man, because of their un­beliefe.

Ans. Paul could not professe this; for he had not assayed to work any miracle of this kinde, as Christ had done, Matth. 13. But only sheweth them of a report came to him of the fact, and of their security, and not mourning: 2. Paul should then ra­ther have rebuked their unbelief, and not praying that God would miraculously destroy the man; but this Paul doth not. 3. Paul re­buketh them, for not judging him, not putting him out of the midst of them: Must that be Pauls meaning; pray to God that I may have grace and strength immediatly from God, to kill him miraculously, and to judge him. Now they knew the Apostle miraculously thus judged those that are without, as he stroke with blindnesse; Ely­mas who was without the visible Church: I conceive the whole Churches were to pray, as the Apostles do with the Saints, Act. 4. 29. 30. That miracles may be wrought both on those that are with­out and within: But of this judging he saith, ver. 12. What have I to do to judge them also that are without? Do not ye judge them that are within? 4. It is directly contrary to Christs direction, Matth. 18. Which is, that by rebukes we gaine the offending brothers soul: Now Erastus will have him gained to Christ, [Page 321] by removing his soule from his body, and by killing him. Yea, the Apostle writing of the censuring of those in Thessalonica, who walked unorderly, and obeyed not the Apostles Word, which doth include such as breake out in Incest, Adulteries, Murthers, is so farre from giving direction to kill them miracu­lously, that he biddeth onely keep no Church company, nor Christi­an fellowship with them, but yet they are to be admonished as bre­thren; Ergo, they were not to be miraculously killed, for then they should be capable of no admonition at all being killed; And could there be worse men then was amongst the Phillipians, Enemies of the crosse of Christ, whose end is destruction, whose God was their belly? Yet there was no blood in the Apostles pen, he chides not the Phillipians, nor the Galathians who had amongst them men of the same mettall, Gal. 5. 7, 8, 9, 10. Ver. 19. 20, 21. Nor the Ti­mothies who would have to doe with farre worse men, 2 Tim, 3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Nor Titus who had to doe with wicked Cretians, Tit. 1. because they cryed not to God, for Pauls bloodie sword of vengeance, that these wicked men might be cut off by Sa­tan, nor doth the Apostle to the Hebrewes draw this Sword a­gainst those who sinned against the Holy Ghost, c. 10. c. 6. Nor Iames against bloody warriours, Murtherers, Adulterers, Oppres­sors, c. 4. c. 5. Nor doth Peter and Iude use this sword, or com­mand the Churches to use such carnall weapons against the wic­kedest of men, but recommended long-suffering, rebuking, the rod of Church-discipline, to reject Hereticks after admonitions. Hence I argue negatively; in all the Scripture, never did the Lord com­mand that they should pray to God and mourne, that he would inflict bodily vengeance and death, or yet sicknesse on any scan­dalous professor, nor is there promise, precept, or practise in any Scripture of this Church censure. 5. Erastus doth thinke a court of the Church, that hath power to lead Witnesses, judge and cen­sure offenders an extream wronging of the Magistrate, and an incroaching on his Liberties, but here is a more bloody Court, for if the whole faithfull are to pray for bodily death by the Ministery of the Devill, upon one of their own brethren, because he hath lyen with his fathers wife, or fallen in Adultery, or Murther, as David did: Surely they must pray in faith, and upon certaine knowledge that he is guilty; the Law of God and Nature must [Page 322] then have warranted the whole Saints, Women and Children, to meet in a grand Jurie and Inquest, either to have the fact proved by Witnesses, or to heare his owne confession; else how could they pray in faith, if it was not sure to their conscience that the man had done this deed? Here is a Jury of men and wo­men, I am sure unknowne to the Apostolique Church. 2. A grea­ter abridging of the Magistrates power then we teach: The Church shall take away the life of a Subject & never aske the Ma­gistrates leave. 6. It is against Christs minde, Mat. 18. [...]s Erastus expoundeth it, that Christians should go any further against an offending brother, then implead him before an Heathen, though he adde injurie to injurie: But this wa [...] maketh the Holy Ghost sharply to rebuke all the Saints when they are off [...]ded, before the barre of Heaven, by crying miraculous blood [...]e vengeance upon the Offender. 7. It is evident this man repen [...]ed, and that the Corinthians confirmed their love to him, and did forgive him, 2 Cor. 2. 7. 10. Ergo, He was not miraculously killed. But we ne­ver read, where it was Gods will and Law that an [...]ll doers life should be spared, though he should repent, because his taking a­way is for example that others may feare. 2. That evill, and as it is here, leaven may be taken away; if then it had been bodi­ly death, I see not how Paul and the Corinthians could have dis­pensed with it. 8. Erastus doth not, nor can he confirme his un­known Exposition by any parallel Scripture of the Old and New Testament, which I objected to him in his Exposition of Matth. 18. Let the Reader therefore observe how weak Erastus is, in arguing against pregnant Scriptures, for Excommunication.

Erastus. You must prove, that to mourn, because the man is not ta­ken Lib. 3. c. 4. p. 213. away, is all one, as to mourn that he is not debarred from the Sa­craments by the Ministers and Elders.

Ans. That is denyed; to be debarred from the Sacraments, is but a consequent of Excommunication: 2. It is a putting of the man from amongst them, not by death, that we have refuted; not from eating and drinking with him onely, that I improved be­fore: Ergo, it must be a Church ou [...]-casting.

Erastus. Paul might deliver the man to Satan, though he did Re­pent; Page 215. as the Magistrate did punish Malefactors, whether they Re­pented or no [...].

An. Ergo, he repen: ed, and was pardoned by the Corinthians, 2 Cor. 2. 10. after he had been killed, which is absurd.

Erastus. If to deliver to Satan, were nothing but to debar the man from the Sacraments, ever while he should repent; Why should Paul with a great deal of pains and many words, have excused himself to the Corinthians, 2 Cor. 2. and cap. 7. and as it were deprecate the offending of them; for they should know, that this manner of coercing and punishing, was, and ought to be exercised in the Church; if it was but a saving remedy and invitation to repentance, Why were they sad? They should rather have rejoyced, as the Angels of Heaven doth at the Conversion of a sinner, then Paul must have intended ano­ther thing.

Ans. This is a meer conjecture as Erastus granteth most he Thes. 58. p. 44. p. 225. saith against the place is; for he saith, Aliam conjecturam etiam addidi, such a violent remedy of repentance, as is the cutting off of a member from Christs body, being the most dreadfull sentence of the King of the Church, nearest to the last sentence, was to Paul, and ought to be a matter of sorrow to all the Servants of God, as the foretelling of sad Iudgements, moved Christ to tears, Matth. 23. 37▪ Luke 19. 41, 42. And moved Ieremiah to sorrow, cap. 9. 1. And yet Christ was glad at the home-coming of sinners, Luke 15. 6, 7, &c. These two are not contrary as Erastus dreameth, but subordinate; to wit, ( That Christ should inflict the extreamest vengeance of Ex­communication, which also being blessed of God, is a saving, though a violent remedy of repentance,) and ( To rejoyce at the blessed fruit of Excommunication, which is the mans repentance:) And the Apostle 2 Cor. 7. professeth his sorrow, That he made them sad, ver. 8. and also rejoyceth at their gracious disposition who were made sorry: He is far from excusing himself, as if he had done any thing in weak­nesse; this were enough, and it is an Argument of our Protestant Divines, to prove that the Books of the Macabees, are not Dited by the Holy Ghost, as Canonick Scripture is; because the Author 2 Macab. 15. 38. excuseth himself in that History, as if he might have erred, which no Pen-man of holy Scripture can do: And E­rastus layeth the like blame on Paul, as if he had repented that he made them sorry, by chiding them, for not praying for a miraculous killing of a Brother: This is enough to make the Epistles of Paul to be suspected as not Canonick Scripture; yea, Paul saith the [Page 324] contrary, 2 Cor. 7. 9. Now I reioyce, not that yee were made sorry, but that yee sorrowed to repentance, for yee were made sorry after a godly manner, that ye might receive dammage by us in nothing, and 2 Cor. 2. 8, 9. he exhorteth them to rejoycing, at the mans Repentance, and to confirme their love to him, (which demonstrates that he was now a living man, and not miraculous­ly killed,) and commendeth their obedience, v. 9. in sorrowing, as he did chide them that they sorrowed not, 1 Cor. 5. 2. So that Paul is so farre from accusing himselfe for making them sad, that by the contrary, he commends himselfe for that, and rejoy­ceth thereat. And if the matter had been Excommunication, while the man should repent, (saith Erastus) they knowing this ought to be in the Church, they should rather have reioyced, then bin sorry. And I answer, if the matter had been a miraculous killing of him, that his Spirit might be saved in the day of the Lord: should they not reioyce at his saving in the day of the Lord, whether this saving be wrought by bodily killing, or by Excommunication? And so this conjecture may well be retorted. 2. They were not to bee sorry at the mans repentance, but to rejoyce; yet were they to be sorry at the violent mean of cutting him off from Christs body, as a father may be glad at the life and health of his childe, and and yet be sorry that by no other mean his health can be pro­cured, but by cutting off a finger, or a hand of his childe. 3. They knew that miraculous killing (as Erastus dreameth) was also a saving ordinance (the remaining in the Church, or not remaining is all one) because Paul chideth them, (as he dreameth,) that the man might be miraculously killed.

Erastus. What need was there that the Corinthians with such Page 45. diligence should intercede for the man, if they knew when he repen­ted, he was to be received againe into the Church? Now that they interceded for him is clear, for Paul saith, 2 Cor. 2. 10. To whom yee forgive any thing, I forgive also.

Ans. Because there is a great hazard in Excommunication, of an higher degree of obduration and condemnation; if the party be not gained. 2. I see no ground for this conjecture, that the Corinthians interceded for him at Pauls hand, for if he ought to have been miraculously killed, then whether he repented or re­pented not, both Paul and the interceders sinned; Paul in being [Page 325] broken, they in requesting for a dispensation of a Law, in which God would not dispense, as he that would request to spare the life of Num. 34. 31. 32. a repenting Murtherer against Gods expresse Law, should sinne; and Paul should sinne in pardoning upon request, where God would not pardon.

Erastus. How excuseth Paul himselfe that he would try their obe­dience, that c. 7. he would have their care for him made manifest, if he had not commanded a greater thing, then to debarre a wicked man from the Sacraments?

Ans. This is but a shadow of a reason against the Word of God, for to be cast out of Christs body, and not acknowledged for an Isra­elite of God, and that in heaven and earth: and so to be debarred from the Seals, is a higher thing then bodily killing, as to be re­ceived as a Member againe, and to be written amongst the living in Ierusalem, is like the rising from the dead, as may be gathe­red from Rom. 11. 15. and is farre more then deliverance from miraculous killing.

Erastus. These words, ye was made sorry according to God, that 2 Cor. 7. 45. ye might receive dammage of us in nothing, cannot agree with the purpose, they should have suffered no losse by obtaining pardon to a miserable man excluded from the Sacraments, while he should re­pent; but if he was to be killed, they should have lost a brother, and so suffered dammage.

Ans. The hazard of losing his soule, repentance not being so easie, as Erastus imagineth, had been a greater losse, then the losse of a temporall life, the soule being to be saved in the day of the Lord.

Erastus. Paul requireth his Spirit, and the power of the Lord Ie­sus Page 45. to this worke; Ergo, It was more then to debarre from the Sa­craments.

Ans. Erastus should prove; Ergo, It was more then to Ex­communicate. 2. Ergo, It was rather more then bodily death. His seventh reason I hope after to examine.

Erastus. Paul saith, he decreed to doe this, and does not command Page 45. 46. the Church to doe it, or that the Church alone should doe it: We never read that Paul, whether alive or dead, did write to one, or many, to deliver any to Satan, for the destruction of the flesh, that was proper to the Apostles onely, as the gift of healing was, Act. 5. and c. 13. [Page 326] and he writeth, he will come himselfe with the rod, and he himself 1 Tim. 1. delivered Hymeneus and Alexander to Satan.

Ans. This is much for us, you never read that Paul did write The Church, not Paul alone had hand in delivering the man to Satan. to one or many, and did chide them, because they prayed not that he might worke this and this particular miracle; or that without er­ror he might write this or that Canonick Scripture, and there­fore because this delivering to Satan, was commanded to the con­veened together Church, with his Apostolique spirit, and warrant to deliver such a one to Satan, and to judge him. v. 12. And to purge him out, and cast him out, therefore am I perswaded it was no mi­racle proper to Paul onely. 2. How prove you that Paul, his a­lone without the Church Excommunicated Hymeneus? Paul saith that Timothy received the gift of God, by his laying on him hands, 2 Tim. 1. 6. Ergo, By the laying on of his hands onely, and not of the whole Presbytery? It followeth not, the contrary is, 1 Tim. 4. 14. 3. Delivering to Satan, v. 5. is all one with purging out, v. 7. as is cleare by the Illation. I have decreed, though absent, to deliver such a one to Satan. Hence his consequence, v. 7. [...], Purge out therefore. 2. To deliver to Satan, is either all one with judgeing those that are within, v. 12. And so with judging this man, and with putting of him out, v. 13. or it is not all one; if these be all one, then hath the Church a hand in this delivering to Satan, and so it is not a miraculous killing. Erastus granteth the conse­quence, if these be not all one, this is two judgings of the man, one of Pauls v. 5. by miraculous killing, and another of Pauls and the Church, v. 12. This latter must be some Church judge­ing of those that are within the Church, common to Paul and the Corinthians, as the words cleare, and which is opposed to Gods judging of those that are without; and this is so like Excommu­nication, that Erastus must make some other thing of it. Now we cannot say that there was any miraculous judging of this man, common to Paul as an Apostle, and to the Corinthians, the ordi­nary beleevers and Saints, as Erastus yeeldeth. 3. [...] to put [...], [...]st intersiccre. p. 47. away the man, which is expresly commanded to the Church of Corinth, v. 13. must be the same [...] and putting away, [...], in the same word [...], that is, v. 2. But that taking out of the midst of them is a miraculous killing of the man, as Erastus saith, now this cannot be, for then the people must be joyned in the [Page 327] same work of miraculous killing with the Apostle Paul; now both we and Erastus must disclaim this; Ergo, there must be some com­mon Church casting out, common to both.

Erastus. To put away out of the midst of them, is not to debar from the Sacraments, but to kill; if it were but to extrude the man out of the society of the faithfull, what need was there of publick mourning? and if he had been to be cast out amongst the heathen, how could the spirit be saved? as is said, for without the Church there is no sal­vation.

Ans. To put away out of the midst of them, is to put the man out of the Congregation, as the word Careh is expounded before, and is not to kill: were Hymeneus and Alexander delivered to Sa­tan, that they might learn not to blaspheme? what learning or Discipline can dead men be capable of? 2. There's need of mour­ning when any is cut off from Christs body, it being the highest judgement of God on earth. 3. Without the visible Church alto­gether as Heathens are, there is no salvation; But to be so with­out the Church, as the casting out is a medicinall punishment, That the soul may be saved in the day of the Lord, is a mean to bring the soul in, to both the invisible and visible Church, and putteth none in that state, that they cannot be saved, but by the contrary in a way to be saved; so the man periret, nisi periret.

Erastus. It would seem, it may be proved from the Text, that the In Thes. 48. man persevered not in that wickednesse, for the Text saith, [...] & [...]: He that hath done, and that hath wrought this deed, not he that doth this deed; and therefore it seems Paul would inflict punishment as a good Magistrate useth to do (even though the man repent) and he saith, that his spirit may be saved, then the man repented.

Ans. 1. Reconcile these two ( Paul was as a good Magistrate to kill the man, though he should repent) and ( yet at their intercession (saith Erastus) he did forgive him;) durst Paul at the request of men, pardon a Malefactor contrary to the duty of a good Magi­strate? 2. Can Paul intend, in miraculous killing, only the saving of the mans soul, and knowing that he was saved, and having ob­tained his end, yet he will use the mean, that is, he will kill him? or if he intended another end also, that others might fear, how could he not kill for this end? A good Magistrates zeal should [Page 328] not be softned and blunted, for the request of men.

Erastus he saith, He decreed to deliver the man to Satan, for the destruction of the flesh, that the soul may be saved; now [...] is to give over, to permit; here a person given, a person to whom, a person giving, to wit, Paul, and the end; wherefore, that the spirit may be saved; it is, as if I would give my son to a Master, either to be instructed, or chastised, so 1 Tim. 1. Act. 27. 28. Matth. 5. 18. Matth. 24. [...], Mar. 15. The brother shall deliver the brother to death, and the Lord saith to Satan, behold [...], I give him to thee, this is to deliver one afflicted, killed, condemned.

Ans. All this is needlesse; to be delivered over, is to be recom­mended and taken in a good sense also, Act. 14. 26. Commended to the grace of God, Act. 15. 40. [...] and we To be de­livered to Satan. deny not but to be delivered to Satan, is to be delivered to be af­flicted, but the question is, what affliction is meant here; the af­fliction of the flesh say we, or of the unrenewed part, opposed to a saved spirit.

Erastus. It is unpossible that the word [...] destruction, can be Pag. 218. The de­struction of the flesh. shown to signifie the destruction of the desires of sinfull flesh in all the New-Testament, it alwayes signifieth killing, death, destruction; nor doth the thing it self compell us to take it other wayes here, nor for killing and death, as 1 Thes. 5. It is true [...] Rom. 8. [...] to kill, destroy, crucifie, are so taken, but never [...] or [...] in either sacred or prophane Authors.

Ans. I conceive Chrysostom knew Greek better then Erastus, Chrysostom. Homil. 15. in 1 Cor. the man was delivered to Satan, [...]. That he might scourge him (as he did Job) with a hurtfull boyle or some other sicknesse. Hence as that learned and judicious Divine, who hath deserved excellently of the Protestant Chur­ches, Pet. Moli­neus In suo vate opus­cule erudi­tissimo. lib. 2. cap. 11. pag. 108. Hyeronymus in cap. 5. ad Galat. Petrus Molineus saith on the place, Chrysostom, Homo Grece eloquentiae R [...]rum exemplum, A rare example of Grecian eloquence, doth think per [...] by the word destruction, not death, but some heavy torment to be meant; And I am sure Hieronymus, a man in the tongues incomparably skilled said, by destruction here, was meant jejunia & egrotationes, fasting and diseases: 2. Nor need we contend for [...], which in all Authors of the world, signifieth destruction, for [...] is to destroy; the question will rather be, [Page 329] what is meant by the flesh, but certainly it is in prophane Greek Authors as unusuall (I except sacred Greek Authors, such as Basil, Chrysostom, who knew what mortification meant) to speak as Paul doth, Rom. 8. 13. If ye mortifie the deeds of the flesh, ye shall live: Let Erastus finde me a parallel to that in the New Testament, [...] I think Erastus may not deny that this is to mortifie the sinfull works of the body of sin, yet A­ristotle, Plato, Lucian, Plutarch, H [...]siod, Homer, nor any prophane Greek Author ever spake so: We shall therefore deny that [...] signifieth never to Greek Authors any thing but bodily death: for Walens do. discr. Ma­gist. pol. to. 2. Arg. 6. fol. 10. In vate. l. 2. cap. 11. p. 111, 112. Ambrosius lib. 1. de penitentia. Hyeronymus in c. 5. ad Galar. Augusti. l. 6. de serm. domi in Mont. cap. 38. Chry­sostom hom. 15. in 1 Cor. Molineus loc cit. Piscator 1 Cor. 5. Zanchius com. in 2 Thess. 3. citeth these words, 1 Cor. 5. 3. 4, 5. for Ex­communi­cation. 2 Thess. 1. 9. [...] everlasting destruction, is some more then bodily destruction. 3. We say it is unpossible that [...] can be showen to signifie in either Old or New Testament, a miraculous destroying of the body by Satan, we retort this reason back upon Erastus, his Exposition is not tollerable, because it wanteth a pa­rallel place, it is his own reason.

Erastus. The destruction of the flesh must be the destruction of the body, not of concupiscence, because he addeth that the spirit [...] may be saved, here the soul is opposed to the body.

Ans. Though we should grant, that by the flesh is meant the bo­dy, yet it followeth not, it is the miraculous killing of the man, as I observed before. 2. It maketh nothing against Excommunication; for many learned Protestants teach, that though to deliver to Satan were a bodily punishment or conjoyned therewith, as the Learned Anto. Waleus doth observe; yet the Apostle is clear for Excommuni­cation in this chapter; & the learned Molineus denyeth delivering to Satan to be expounded of Excommunication, and will have the de­struction of the flesh to be some bodily tormenting of his body by Satan, & so doth sundry of the Fathers, especially Ambrose, Hyeroni­mus, Augustinus, and Chrysostom; though Augustine be doubtful: Yet Molineus saith, Certum est paulum velle hunc incestum moveri com­munione Ecclesia: sed id vult fieri ab ipsa Ecclesia Cor [...]nthiacâ, di­cens, ver. 13. Tollite istum sceleratum è medio vèstrúm: And that grave and judicious Divine Piscator saith, on the place; That the forme of Excommunication is this delivering to Satan: but the de­struction of the flesh, he thinketh to be the exhausting of the na­turall strength of the body with sorrow for his sin, according to that Prov. 17. 22. A broken heart dryeth the bones: And therefore [Page 344] it is to be observed that [...]rastily, Erastus insisteth most on those points and syllables of a Text, whereon all Divines, Ancient and Modern do place least strength for Excommunication; I might therefore passe all Erastus his force against Excommunication in these, and he shall be not a whit nearer his point. 2. But I shall follow him; when [...] the flesh, and [...] the spirit are put to­gether, I see no reason that the one should signifie the body, the other the soul: I know the contrary to be, Rom. 8. 1. Those that walketh [...] after the inordinate affections, and lusts of the flesh, are opposed to those that walk, [...] after the spirit, and Gal. 5. 17. the flesh, ( [...]) lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit ( [...]) against the flesh, Joh. 3. 6. That which is born of the flesh, [...] is flesh, it is not that which is born of the body as body, and that which is born [...] of the spirit is spirit, so Rom. 8. 9. 13, 14. Erastus should have shewed us such places wherein [...] and [...] the flesh and the spirit signifieth the bo­dy and the soul, when the matter of salvation is spoken of as here, That the spirit may be saved, ver. 5. then [...] the flesh is for the most part, if not alwayes, taken in an evil part, for the corrup­tion of mans nature.

Erastus. How could they desire the Apostle not to deliver him to Sa­tan, that he might ( as Beza expoundeth it) destroy his flesh, that is, bring him to repentance? How could Paul assent to such a Petition? How could the Apostle write that he did forgive him? Did Paul by forgiving him, permit him not to mortifie and destroy his flesh, and sin­full lusts?

Ans. Let Erastus answer, How could the Corinthians beseech Paul not to kill him, that his soul may be saved in the day of the Lord? How could Paul grant such a Petition, as that the man should not be saved in the day of the Lord? How could Paul by pardoning the man, permit, that he should not be saved in the day of the Lord? for the saving of the mans soul, is no lesse a fruit of this delivering to Satan, then is the destroying of the lusts of the flesh. 2. They might well desire that upon the mans repentance Paul would take a milder way and course to effectuate these two desirable ends, the mortification of his lust, and the saving of his soul, then the last and most dreadfull remedy, which is the censure of Excommuni­cation. 3. The destruction of the lusts of the flesh is a Scripturall [Page 341] remedy for saving of the soul in the day of Christ, at is clear, Rom. 7. 7, 8, 9, 10. Gal. 5. 24, 25. But whether miraculous killing be such a mean ordained of God is the question, and ought to be proved by some word of God, beside this place in controversie.

Erastus. These words, that the soul may be saved in the day of Thes. 59. pag. 49. the Lord, do hold forth, that the miserable man was presently to die.

Ans. That they hold forth no such thing, is evidently proved, for how were they to cast him out and judge him? And how was Paul to pardon him, and they and Paul to confirme their love? 2. When Peter saith, 1 Pet. 1. 7. That your faith may be found unto praise, honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ? were all these presently? Because Paul and the faithfull Phi­lippians were waiting for their Saviours second coming, who should change their vilde bodies, were they to die presently? When Paul prayeth, that Onesiphorus may finde mercy in that day, 2 Tim. 1. 18. I pray you, will it follow that Onesiphorus was presently to die?

Erastus. The word [...] rebuke, doth not signifie rejecting from the Sacraments, 1. Rejecting from the Sacraments is never put for punish­ment Thes. 59. 49. in Scripture. 2. It is but a rebuke inflicted by many; and Paul, 2 Cor. 2. absolveth him from this as a sufficient punishment, a re­buke is no punishment.

Ans. 1. To be debarred from the society of the faithfull, as Ha­gar was, as Cain was; as David was, Cast out of the Lords inhe­ritance by Saul; yea, to be rebuked, Ezech. 3. 25, 26. are evils, but they are not evils of sin; Ergo, He speaks not like a Divine, who will not have them punishments; if to injoy the Sanctuary, Church, holy things of God, and the society of the Saints be a rich, blessing of God, as the Scripture saith it is, Psal. 42. 4. Psal. 27. 4. Psal. 84. 10. Psal, 110. 3. Psal. 63. 1, 2, 3. Cant. 1. 7. 8. Cant. 2. 16. 17. Cant. 5. 1. Cant. 6. 1, 2, 3. Rev. 2, 1. and to deny this be a symtome of prophanity, then to be separated from these as a Heathen, must be to the children of God, the greatest evil of punishment and mat­ter of sorrow on earth, it smelleth not of piety to deny this.

Erastus. If the man was only rebuked; How was he to be delive­red Thes. 60. Page 50. to Satan to be tormented and killed? Some Ancients answer, he was but delivered to Satan to be afflicted in his body with sicknesse, and at length delivered by Paul, others say more congruously to the minde of Paul; that Paul purposed not by himself to deliver the man to Satan, but to do it, with the Church congregated together, and [Page 344] [...] [Page 341] [...] [Page 344] [...] [Page 341] [...] [Page 332] when the Church saw him swallowed up with griefe, they deferred while they tryed Pauls minde, and obtained pardon to him, and in the means time threatned him, if he should not repent; and obtained at length, that Paul should pardon him.’ Ans. Many learned Divines hold the former, yet so as they conclude Excommunication out of this Chapter; of this I say no more. But Erastus hath a way of his own. To which I say, 1. There is no Scripture, but this controverted one to warrant that the Apostles who had the gift of Miracles, 1. Suspended the working of Miracles, either on the prayers, or free consent of the whole multitude of beleevers. 2. That the ex­ecution of a miraculous work, was committed to Deputies and substitutes under Paul, who had it in their power miraculously to kill him, or in their free will and Christian compassion, to sus­pend the miracle, and not kill. 3. That the Apostles in acts of miraculous justice, sought advise of any, or might be broken by requests, to desist from miracles as they saw the party repent, or not repent, or friends intercede, or not intercede. 4. So many circumstances of the Text, laying a command on the Church of Corinth, to put him out and judge him, and yet the matter re­maine a miracle. These to me are riddles, if God had told us such a History, I could have beleeved it; but to gather these by uncer­taine conjectures. without any ground of other Scriptures, is a thing I can hardly beleeve. But since Excommunication is an ordinary censure, the Church might well, as they see the man pe­nitent, or contumacious, cast him out, or not, pardon, or not par­don.

Erastus. Paul delivered to Satan Hymeneus and Alexander, that they might learne not to blaspheme, not that the dead are capable to learne, or to be blasphemed; but this be saith as a Magistrate, when he saith he will give an ill doer to the hangman, that he may learn to steale no more, and to rob no more.

Ans. 1 Tim. 1. 20. I delivered them to Satan. [...]. Page 221. Hymeneus and Alex­ander not killed by Satan. It is like to edifying discipline, and agreeable to Pauls use of the rod of discipline, 2 Cor. 10. 8. Though I should boast somewhat more of our authoritie, which the Lord hath given us for e­dification, and not for destruction. Now it were safer to give a sense congruous to the intrinsecall end of discipline, which was not for destruction of the body, but for the edifying of souls. 2. Yea, [Page 333] so Paul had no lesse the Sword, then the rod of the Word, Nero had not so heavy a sword, as miraculous killing: Should not Paul speake rather as a Pastor of Christ, then as a bloody Ma­gistrate?

Erastus. If to deliver to Satan, be all one with debarring from Page 223. the Supper onely, yet it is not all one, with being cast out of the Church, without which there is no salvation, but the Supper is not absolutely necessary to Salvation.

Ans. Nor doe we put that necessity on the Sacraments, but where the man is excluded from the Sacraments, for such a sinne as if he repent not, he is excluded from Salvation; it concerneth him much to thinke it a weighty judgement to be excluded from the Seales.

Erastus. These two are inconsistent which you teach, to wit, that Page 223. he is not debarred from the Sacraments, who desireth them, and that his desire whether it be a right, or a wrong and unlawfull de­sire, shall depend on the judgement of others, to wit, the Presbytery.

Ans. Erastus should have made others see how these two fights together, I see no inconsistencie, no more then to say a childe that desireth food is not debarred from food, and yet his desire of food may be subject to wise Stewards, whether every desire of food be right or no, as whether he should be answered by the Stewards, when he desireth poyson or bread, not to ea [...]e, but to cast to dogs; and this will fight against preaching of the Word, the Professor that longeth for the comforts of the promises of the Gospel is not debarred from them, yet are preachers to try whe­ther threatnings be not fitter for him in his security, then the comforts of the promises.

Erastus. Paul, 2 Cor. 12. and 13. threatneth not exclusion from Page 224. the Lords Supper, to those who had not repented of their schisme, drunkennesse, denying of the resurrection, but he saith he would severely punish them according to the authority and power given him of God, and he did this frequently, but we read not exclusion from the sacra­ments.

Answ. 1. It is true, he threatneth those who had not repented of their uncleannesse, and fornication, and lascivionsnesse, 2. Cor. 12. 20, 21. and c. 13. v. 2. threatneth that he will not spare, but use his authority, but doth Erastus read that he either threatneth, or doth [Page 340] actually, miraculously kill any of the beleevers at Corinth? and let him answer why the Apostle did not write to the Church▪ that they would conveene, and take course with them, as he did with the incestuous man, 1 Cor. 5. 2. when he saith, He will not spare when he comes, he must be expounded according to Erastus, to come as a miraculous Magistrate to kill them. 3. He saith not they were impenitent, but he feareth it should be so. 4. We hold if any should be contumacious, he would not onely deny pearls to such Swine, as his Master commanded, Mat. 7. But also fol­low that rule, Mat. 18. 4. Erastus himselfe granteth, if there shall be found a man that tramples upon the Pearles and holy things of God, as there must be some one or other, which is such as deser­veth to be miraculously killed: By this Argument he granteth (I say) that such a one should not be admitted. Hunc ego minimè admitten­dum censeo, but how shall he be not admitted by this Argument? Page 207. Page 223. 124.

Erastus. There were many amongst the Ancients who deferred their Baptisme to the end of their life, when therefore it is not written, that these are damned, who are excluded from the Supper, against their will, and not those who willingly exclude themselves from Baptisme, why should the one more then the other be delive­red to Satan? for he is in a better condition, who is excluded by the Presbyters against his will from the Supper, then he who doth of his owne free will exclude him selfe from Baptisme.

Ans. That the Ancients in the Apostolique Church, which is our rule, did deferre baptisme till they died, Erastus cannot prove, the Ancients after them is not our rule. 2. That these were ad­mitted to the Supper, a Sacrament of the nourishment of these in whom Christ liveth, before they were baptized, which is the Sa­crament of Regeneration, and our first birth, cannot be defen­ded by Erastus, and so he argues from an unlawfull practise. 3. We reach not that any is damned, because he is excluded from the Supper, that Exclusion is a punishment; men are damned for sins, not for meer punishments, but his sin is bound in heaven, because of a great scandall; such as incest, and that, if he repent not, is the cause of damnation: and therefore Erastus should have compared sinne with sinne, the scandall with sinfull refu­sing of Baptisme, and not have made a halting and lame com­parilon, an argument that concludeth nothing. 4. Though those [Page 337] who deferred baptisme till death, should not have been delivered to Satan, yet will Erastus say, they should not have been other­wise censured? for these behooved with Socinians to hold Bap­tisme but an indifferent rite, and by this many lived in the contempt of a necessary ordinance, (though not simply necessary) and so died with the sinfull want of Baptisme many times.

Erastus.The exclusion of men from the Sacraments did creep into the Church when men did ascribe salvation to the Sacraments, therefore the Supper was given to dying men, though excommunicate; as the deniall of the Supper damneth, Ergo, the receiving of it saveth. And so of Baptisme they reasoned.

Answ. Erastus nameth this his own probable conjecture. But it is to beg the question, he may know how singular Augustine was for the necessity of Baptisme, and how many of the Ancients were a­gainst him in it. 2. He may know this consequence to be a conje­cture, and that it is not stronger, because it is his owne. 3. He granteth that exclusion of the unworthy from the Sacraments is ancient, so much gain we by his conjectures.

Erastus. When the Church wanted a Magistrate and the sword▪ Page 227. 228. 229. Paul commanded that the Corinthians might obtain by their prayers, that the incestuous man might be put from amongst them, that is, that he might be killed; if he command not that the man be killed, but cast out of the Church only, he should say as much as if one should bid preserve the chastity of a Virgin by casting her out of the society of chaste matrons, into a bordell-house; and Paul biddeth not the Corinthians deliver the man to Sathan; but only that they would con­vene, that he might, as present▪ in Spirit, deliver him to Sathan; and that they would deliver him to Sathan, and put him out of the midst of them, by prayers and mourning: for in my corrected Thesis, I said, that this, put away evill out of the midst of you, Deut. 13. was in sillabs Deut. 17. & 19 & 21. 22. [...]er. &c. 24. once, and [...] is in them all.

Answ. 1. That the Church wanted the sword is no wonder; the Church as the Church, hath no such carnall weapons as the Sword, and that Peter in killing Ananias and Saphira, and Paul in striking Elymas with blindnesse, did supply the place of a Christian Magistrate which the Church then wanted, so as it was the Christian Magistrate his place, if there had been any to strike Ananias and Saphyra with sudden death▪ I doe not beleeve upon [Page 336] Erastus his word, because I finde Nadab and Abihu killed imme­diately by the Lord from heaven with fire, Lev. 10. 1. and at that time when there was Moses and ordinary Magistrates to have kil­led them, and God immediately caused the earth to open her mouth and swallow up quick Cor [...]h and his company, and yet there was a Magistrate to doe justice on them, for their [...]reasonable conspi­racie; and I see not how this may not warrant Ministers, when ei­ther heathen or Tyrannous Magistrates refuse to use the sword, to fall to as Pastors, and in an extraordinary manner use the sword a­gainst murtherers in the visible Church. It is true, Peters miraculous killing of Ananias, may possibly hold forth the duty analogically Delivering to Satan not mira­culous. of punishing ill doers in a Magistrate, where he is a Christian mem­ber of the Church. But it is a conjecture without Scripture, that here Paul doth call the Corinthians in to come and be co­actors with him by their prayers in a particular miracle which was never wrought, for Erastus granteth he was never killed. 1. Paul reprehendeth their not mourning, v. 2. And you are puf­fed up, and have not rather [...] mourned. This was an ordinary, Christian, not a miraculous duty, which they should have performed as a Church, though he should not have written to them. Let Erastus cleare how Paul chideth them, for want of an habituall Faith of Miracles, and of a sorrow proportioned thereunto. 2. That Gal. 5. 12. [...] would God they were cut off that trouble you; if this was in Pauls power, by a miracle to cut off the false Apostles, how could Paul wish to doe a Mira­cle and did it not? 2. If he wished these should be cut off by the Galathians, then as Beza de Presbyt. page 82. saith, It was in the Galathians power so to doe; and why should not they have prayed miraculously for the destruction of such? 3. In all the word, to deliver to Satan, is never to kill by Satan; as Beza saith, and Erastus can answer nothing to it. 4. That Paul here tooke the Magistrates Sword, because the Magistrate was a Heathen. 5. That the Church, when a Magistrate doth not his duty, is to pray, that God would by some miraculous and imme­diate providence, supply the Magistrates place. 6. That Paul doth rebuke the Corinthians, not for the omission of an ordi­nary duty, and the want of an ordinary faith, but because of the want of extraordinary sorrow, and of the faith of Miracles, in [Page 337] old and young, and women who could pray for the miraculous kil­ling of this man, all these look beside the Text, for ver. 2. he saith such a hainous sin is committed, and ye are puffed up, [...] blowen up, and have not rather [...] mourned: this is the de­fect of an ordinary grace, and hardnesse and security that Paul re­buketh in them, as the first word signifieth, 1 Cor. 8. 1. [...] [...] knowledge puffeth up, 1 Cor. 13. 4. Love [...] is not blown up, 1 Cor. 4. 6. 1 Cor. 4. 18. Col. 2. 18. and the other word signifieth ordi­nary sorrow, Mat. 5. 4 Blessed are they that mourn, [...], Luk. 6. 25. 2 Cor. 12. 21. Iam. 4. 9. Mat. 9. 15. There is not one word of praying by the faith of miracles in the Text (for such a faith is re­quired to such a prayer) that God would miraculously destroy the man, or that Paul rebuked them for not praying in this miraculous faith: it is the way of Erastus to obtrude Expositions on the Scripture, so unknown and violent, as they are darker and harder to be beleeved then the Text. 5. The Apostle commandeth them to [...], to put away not always to kill. put out the man [...], that is, to kill him: What killing is this? to pray to God that Paul miraculously may put him out, and kill him, give us any word of God, that [...] in the Old or New Testa­ment signifieth any such thing, there is not one word of Prayer in the Text: 6. They were to conveen, not simply, as Christians, to pray, but with the vertue of his spirit, as present in minde, but ab­sent in body; this must put some more in them then a mourning spirit, for the want of which he rebuked them; it is as much as he and they together were to joyn in putting out the man and judging him, as he speaketh, ver. 12. 7. Nor is this all one, as to put a woman out of the company of chaste Matrons to the bordel house to keep her chastity, no more then the wisdom of God in Paul doth, Rom. 16. 17. 2 Thess. 3. 14. 15. put unordinate walkers out of the society of those who walk according to the truth of the Gospel, that they may preserve their sound walking, especially when exclusion from the godly causeth shame, and so humiliation, and this reason is against Gods wisdom, as much as against us: 8. That to put away evil, [...], Deut. 17. and 19. and 21. and 22. is to kill, is not denied, and that in divers places, but not to pray that evil may be miracu­lously put away, as Erastus saith: But we are to see, whether [...] in the Hebrew (of which Language Erastus professeth his ignorance) signifie that alwayes: The contrary I have already [Page 338] shown, the learned Pagnine and Mercer say the contrary, that it signifieth, to cur, devide, or strike a Covenant, Gen. 15. 18. Deut. 19. 5. Jer. 34. 8. Esa. 55. 3. and Master Leigh in his late Critica Sa­cra Leigh in Critica Sacra, pag. 245. on the Old Testament, saith, it signifieth to stay, to cut off by death, by banishment, or any other way, whereby a thing in use before, afterward ceaseth, Joel. 1. 8. Amos 1. 5. Yea, to cut off by divorce, as I noted before, and Exod. 12. 15. To cut off from Israel, is ex­pounded, ver. 19. to cut off from the Church of Israel: Yea, the Law forbiddeth that not only in the time of the Passeover, they should not eat leaven, but it should not be in their houses; Now must they be killed, if it was found in their houses, beside their know­ledge? see Deut. 16. 3. Exod. 13. 7. What Erastus saith to the end of the Chapter; is but repeated reasons before answered.


Quest. 6.

Arguments for Excommunication, from 1 Corinthians 5. vin­dicated.

REverend Beza said, The world is the Kingdom of Satan, and he that is delivered to Satan, is cast out of Christs Kingdom to Satans Kingdom.

Erastus saith, Is it not easier to heal them by remaining in the Lib. 3. cap. 5. p. 233. Church, having the Magistrate to compell them to their duty, then to cast them out of the Church? The world is a kingdom of wicked­nesse and impiety, may you not more easily reforme a wanton and las­civious virgin within the house, then by casting her out of the house into a Bordel? Will not slaves of Satan be more easily healed amongst the children of God, then amongst wicked men?

Ans. Whether, to be delivered to Satan, be to be put formally in his power, that he may vex the spirit, that the man may be hum­bled for sin, or if it be to be given to Satan only, consequenter, and cast out of the Church, that is, Christs office-house of Grace, to live as the world, of which Satan is God and Prince, 2 Cor. 4. 4. Joh. 12. 31. Ioh. 14. 30. It is not much to be disputed: But this rea­son is against the wisdom of God, who hath appointed that the [Page 339] shame, grief and sorrow of being put out of Christs family, should To eschew the scan­dalous a mean to save them. exceedingly humble the spirit of any in whom there is any thing of God.

And Erastus might as well say to Paul, why dost thou command the Saints not to eat and drink with those that are called brethren, and yet are fornicators, covetous, extortioners, 1 Cor. 4. 11. and such as cause divisions and walk inordinately, as Rom. 16. 17. 2 Thes. 3. 14, 15. and to withdraw from their company? they must then converse only with the slaves of Satan, and the wicked of the world, when they are deprived of the society of the godly, and that is the way to loose them; were it not better to command the just contrary, that the godly should eat, drink and converse with inordinate walkers? for they may turn them from their evil way; for will an unchaste virgin be made chaste by being cast out of her fathers house into a Bordel-house? Will not slaves of Satan rather be healed amongst the children of God, then amongst the wicked?

But Erastus seeth not, that Gods aime in this separation, is not only, that the cast out man may be ashamed, 2 Thes. 3. 14, 15. and so humbled and brought to repentance, when he findeth he is depri­ved of the blessings of the Saints, of their society, Ordinances: But also God hath a higher aime, to the end, the whole lump of Christs body, be not leavened and infected with the contagion of one man, 1 Cor. 4. 6, 7. Gal. 5. 9. 10.

Erastus. The similitude of a rotten Member, proveth nothing: Lib. 3. c. 5. pag. 234. for 1. There be no such sinners desperately uncurable, of whom there is no hope so long as they live, except pertinacious Hereticks er­ring in the foundation of salvation, and such as sin against the holy Ghost: 2. It is not necessary that men using reason and free will, be defiled and corrupted by other sinners, as the whole Member is by the rotten Member; for as a Tree cannot but be burnt by the fire that sea­seth on it, so neither can the Members continuated by touching, es­cape corruption. 3. None can be cast out of the Church into The simi litude of a cut off member to hold forth Excommu­cation vin­dicated. the world, as it is the kingdom of Satan, for if they keep the faith, though they were amongst Turks, they are not in the world, that is, in the Kingdom of Satan, nor in the world: 4. Paul would not have him cast out into the world, that his soul may be saved, for this were to make the weak dispair, and make them hypocrites.

Ans. This similitude is the holy Ghosts in the very sense we use [Page 340] it, 2 Tim. 2. 17. Their word shall eat as a canker, a Metaphor (as Calvin, Piscator, Marlorate observe) from a rotten member that corrupteth the whole body, and to say, because a man hath reason and so free-will, that he will not be corrupted; whereas the whole member by necessity of nature cannot but be corrupted by a rotten mem­ber, is to speak not like a Divine, but as Pelagius speaketh; for except we use the remedy appointed of God, to eschew the con­tagion of the wicked, and eschew their company, as we are com­manded, and as the godly have done, and the wicked have not done, and therefore have been infected with the way of other evil men, Prov. 22. 24. Prov. 5▪ 8, 9. Psa. 26. 4, 5. Esa. 2. 6, 7. Psa. 119. 63. Psa. 139. 21, 22. Rev. 18. 4. 2 Chro. 19. 2. (though we should not actually be corrupted) yet we sin and tempt the Lord, in that we seek a temp­tation to our selves; yea, as all the reasons of Erastus are naturall and against the wisdom of God in his Ordinances, so expresly this; God forbiddeth his people to marry with the Canaanites, or to make Covenants with them, Exod. 34. 12, &c. Because (saith the Lord) they will insnare thee, and draw away thy heart after their Gods: May not Erastus say, But men have reason and free-will not to consent to the inticing counsels of the Canaanites, though they be joyned in Covenant, and marriage with them: Preterea non est ne­cesse sic alios a malis contaminari. 3. It is good, that Erastus gran­teth, that pertinacious Hereticks, because uncurable, may infect others, for so the word expresly saith, what shall be done with them? Erastus granteth they be rotten members: Ergo, either they must, by Excommunication be separated from the body, as we teach, or the body must seperate from them; if this latter be said, all that Erastus inferreth against us, shall fall against himself: 1. We shall not need to be infected with the Heresie of such: Ʋti­mur ratione, We have the Armour of reason and freewill, against this rotten and rotting member, saith Erastus: 2. We shall expose He­reticks to the Kingdom of Satan, and the world, by which they shall be hardned in their pernicious Heresies: Beside 3. We make them Hypocrites: 4. I see no warrant Erastus hath to say, That Hereticks erring in fundamentals are more contagious and rotten members then slaves of Satan, failing against the second Table: 5. He that is cast out of the Church, though amongst the Turkes, is in the world, but not of the world: If he keep the faith, and if he do so, he shall [Page 341] repent and come home to Christs visible Kingdom, but because he keepeth the faith, yet he is not a member of a visible Church, ex­cept he professe it, and repent; for even the sound in faith, if obsti­nate in Scandals, may deserve Excommunication. 6. There is no­thing said against Excommunication in the two last Reasons, but what striketh against Timothy his publike rebuking, and threat­ning wrath against those that sin openly, for they may through their owne corruption, so farre abuse publike threatnings, as they may be led on despaire and hypocrisie. Now Erastus as we shall hear, granteth those are to be rebuked openly, who sin openly. 7. We say not to deliver to Satan any man, is to deliver him to the World, but to cast him out of the Church, that consequenter he may be left to the World; but that he should sinne, and be led away with the World, is neither the intrinsecall end of Ex­communication, or of the Church, but an event or end by accident▪ the intrinsecall end is the Salvation of the man.

Beza saith, that Paul speaketh of a spirituall punishment, and not of a corporall.

Erastus saith. When Peter killed Ananias corporally, was not this Page 235. corporall punishment? When Paul gave some to Satan for the de­struction of the flesh, and God punisheth our sinnes with temporall death, how shall you prove that God, and the Apostles punisheth not sinnes with corporall, or politicke punishment?

Ans. The instance of Peters killing Ananias is in vain brought No warrant that the A­postles kil­led any by the mini­stery of Satan. in▪ Its but a begging os the question, for it is not said Peter deli­vered Ananias to Satan, that his Spirit might be saved. Who re­vealed this secret to Erastus, that Peter used the Ministery of Sa­tan in killing Ananias? We have as good reason to say, Peter de­livered Ananias to a good Angell to be killed, as Erastus hath for his dreame. 2. We deny not, but God and the Apostles did punish sinne with corporall punishment, but let him show with­out the bounds of the place in controversie; (for we must ex­pound Scripture by Scripture) where ever the Church convee­ned together in the Name of the Lord Jesus, did judge and mira­culously kill any member of the Church, that the Spirit may be saved in the day of God.

Beza said, This killing by the people, would be ground of a great Calumnie, to make many say, Christians did usurpe the Sword of the [Page 342] Magistrate, and that they were not subject to the Magistrate.

Erastus. We give this power of miraculous killing onely to the Apostles.

Ans. Yea, But the calumny standeth so long as Erastus giveth to all the people the faith of Miracles to conveene and pray that Paul might miraculously kill those that offended the Church, and its probable when the enemies objected to Christians, all they could falsely, they would not have omitted this, that the ve­ry people by their prayers meet in one Church-jury, to kill Cesars Subjects. Beza said, The Christian Magistrate should by this kill all the drunkards, fornicators, and the like with the Sword.

Erastus answereth, 1. All faults deserve not killing, but some Pag. 236. 237. other punishment of a lower degree. 2. The Lord himselfe appointed that the Magistrate should compell men to doe their duty, why then should Beza speake against God, and call this a compelling of men to be Hipocrites?

Ans. If other sins, as drunkennesse, fornication, extortion, doe No mira­culous faith required in the Corin­thians for the killing of the man. infect the Church, and be scandalous to the very Gentiles, as the Apostle saith of incest, 1 Cor. 5. 1. 6, 7. Upon the same reason Paul should have rebuked them, because they did not from the faith of Miracles pray that Paul might inflict some miraculous judgement by the Ministery of Satan, though lesse then death for other sinnes. But I pray you, Paul had either a warrant from God to kill this man, or he had none at all: If he had a war­rant, why did he not that which is the part of a miraculous Ma­gistrate without the prayers of the Corinthians? Did Paul chide them, because they prayed not to God that he might doe his du­ty? if he had no warrant at all, Why should he chide the Co­rinthians, for that they prayed not that he might doe a duty, which was not his duty? For that is not Pauls duty, for the do­ing whereof he hath no warrant from God; if it was his duty onely conditionally; 1. What warrant is there in Scripture, to say, Paul should have miraculously killed the incestuous per­son, upon condition that the Corinthians had by the faith of Mi­racles, prayed that he might worke that miraculous slaughter, which because they did not, Paul was either exonered of that as no duty, or then Paul chided them, because they prayed not to prevene Pauls sinfull neglect? 2. How was this revealed to [Page 343] the Corinthians, that they should pray that God by Paul, as by his Magistrate might revenge this incest, and not revenge their froni­cation, coveteousnes, extortion, Idolatry, especially seeing he saith that, v. 9. He had written to them in another Epistle, not to ke [...]p com­pany with such? Whence I thinke it evident, that Paul in another E­pistle, had ordained separation of Fornicators, Coveteous persons, and the like, from amongst them, and so censures for all scandalous per­sons: And how shal we believe he would not teach them to cast out incestuous persons, that are far more scandalous? And if so, he must have written in another Epistle of this miracle, that they were to pray he might work: Is it not evident by this, that E­rastus his way, is full of Conjectures and groundlesse uncertainties. 2. We deny not that the Magistrate may compell men to do their duty; nor doth Beza deny that: But that the Church hath or had any influence in the blood of an incestuous person, and in working of miracles for the bodily destruction of any, is most false, and can­not be proved by this Text: Nor do we think that the Church (the weapons of whose warfare are carnall) can compell any man by corporall punishment, to duties by the Sword; for so their Spi­rituall way, which is terminated on the Conscience, should lead men to Hypocrisie in profession of the truth, for so reasoneth Era­stus; the Magistrate with the Sword rather punisheth sins com­mitted in Gods Service, then forceth to duties: The fifth Argu­ment of Beza is vindicated already.

Erastus. We say not that Paul was to deliver the man to Satan, that Page 237, 238. he may be saved, but that Paul was to punish this high transgression with the Sword, to the terror of others; but only he set bounds to Sa­tan, that he should only kill his body, but not meddle with his soul; but because the man repented, Paul hoped well of his soul, that his soul should be saved in the day of Christ.

Ans. 1. Here Erastus doth more fully reveal the vilenesse of his opinion, for he granteth the intrinsecall end of this miracu­lous killing, is not the Salvation of the mans soul, but the revenging of the wickednesse of the sin, for the terror of others: Which is 1. Con­trary to the Text, which saith, He was to be delivered to Satan▪ [...], that the spirit may be saved. This noteth that the intrinsecall end of this delivering to Satan, was the Salvation of the mans soul: But the Text saith nothing of Erastus his end, that o­thers [Page 344] may be terrified, though that may be an end. It is a wonder to me, that since Erastus granteth the man repented, even when Paul did in this Chapter chide with the Corinthians, that they delivered him not to Satan: For Erastus saith, [...], He that hath done this deed, not he that continueth pertinaciously in it (saith he:) hence it is clear, that he repented at this time: How doth Paul chide them for not delivering a repenting man to the Devil? that his Spirit may be saved; if he repented, his spirit was saved; Ergo, Paul was in the fault, and chid them without reason; if they say, though he did repent, yet for example to terrifie others he should have been killed, 2 Cor. 2. saith, He was not killed; and Erastus saith it; Ergo, yet Paul failed, and they also. 3. It is against the intrinse­call end of that power which Erastus saith is miraculous: For Paul saith the end of that power is for Edification, not for Destru­ction, 2 Cor. 10. 8. Now the intrinsecall end of bodily killing, is peace, and terror to others, that they may be afraid to do so any more▪ But the intrinsecall end, and finis operis, is not Edification, but finis operantis onely, for acts of Magistrates are not acts of the first Table which kindly, and per se, regardeth edification, but acts of the second Table, if their soules be saved who die, for their enormous crimes by the hand of the Magistrate: It is not from the violent death, as if it were an intrinsecall mean and ordinance appointed of God for conversion: But because God giveth to those who die that way, repentance. Yea, it is no more a mean of saving of the soule, then if they should die in their beds by some disease.

To the examples of Hymeneus and Alexander, that they were not killed miraculously, I answered before. Erastus addeth no new reply to Beza.


Quest. 7.

Of the leaven, 1 Cor. 5. Erastus his sentence in his l. 3. c. 6. and Page 240. 241. [...]. c. 7. Examined.

Erastus. I shall grant (since Beza will have it so) that Paul Of the lea­ven. 1 Cor. 5. expoundeth the Ceremony of leaven, in the celebration of the [Page 345] passeover, and that he doth not only allude to it: Paul compareth the feast of unleavened bread to the pilgrimage of our life in this world, and leaven signifieth wickednesse: Hence as the Iews all the time of the feast might eat no leavened bread, so all our life are vve to leave and forsake the vvorld and journey toward our promised Canaan, we are never to live wickedly, What can hence be collected? but as he that eat unleavened bread, was to be killed, so should every wicked man be killed? He that eat leavened bread in these seven dayes, was not commanded to be debarred from the Passeover: And the Passeover was the beginning of this feast, as faith in Christ was the beginning of our spirituall eating of Christ crucified for us, and of our new Christian life.

Ans. I hold that learned Beza hath well expounded the leaven Beza contr. Erastum de Presbyterie, Pag. 88. here; he compareth the scandals of wicked men to leaven, the ho­linesse of the Saints to unleavened bread, and the publick Congre­gation to the feast of the Passeover, and Excommunication or put­ting away to the removing of the leaven; for a scandalous man cor­rupteth Buxtorfius in Lexico, Rabinco. pag. 2303 in voc. the whole Church: so the Jewes and Rabbines, as Bux­torfius saith, that the Rabbins call naturall concupiscence, [...]. Rabbi Alexander said after his Prayer: Lord, It is known to thee that it is my will to do thy will: But what retardeth me? the leaven in the masse or lump, and Buxtorfius citeth the same place, 1 Cor. 5. [...] 6. and Gal. 5. 9. And least we should think that he meant nothing [...] but naturall concupiscense; he saith in the Targum, They take the word [...] for wickednesse and folly; he citeth Medraseh Kohe­leth, cap. 7. ver. 8. except R. Samuel, had been long suffering, The Buxtorfius in Lex. Rabbi pag. 1413. Persian that he taught, had returned to folly, or his old wickednesse. Paul saith the same, Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump: He speaketh to the Church conveened. 2. The comparison runneth so, that the Corinthians were to purge out the old leaven of wickednesse, and cast out the incestuous man, that they might be a new lump; and this if it must alwayes be done, far more when they are to celebrate that feast that came in place of the passeover: Nor is the Apostle only Teaching what they could not lawfully do, all their life, as they were single Christians, but what was their duty as Christians, [...] conveened together in a Church way, for Paul doth not command one single Christian to cast him out, but he commandeth the Church, gathered together [Page 346] in the name of the Lord Iesus, with Pauls spirit, and the power of What it is to purge out the leaven. our Lord Iesus Christ, ver. 4. 5. To purge out, not the leaven of sin in themselves, but the man, ver. 2. That he that hath done this deed may be put out, and ver. 7. Purge out the old leaven, and that the Apostles precept is to cast out the man, he saith it in expresse termes, ver. 13. [...], Cast out that wic­ked man from amongst you, and ver. 12. They were to judge him, as one that is within: 2. Because without conveening together in their daily conversation, they were to purge the leaven of m [...]lice out of their heart, it were a ridiculous thing for Paul to command them to convene altogether, to lead a godly life: 3. There was no need that they should convene with Pauls spirit, and in the name and power of our Lord Iesus Christ to lead a godly life, and for a per­sonall purging of every man his own soul from this leaven. 4. They were to judge this man, ver. 12. Therefore this cannot be meant of a personall judging every one of themselves, but of a Church­judging of an offender. 5. If Erastus grant that Paul expoundeth the Ceremony of leaven, and putting away leaven in the Passeover: Let him see how he can apply this to killing of every single man that liveth wickedly: We apply it to the casting out of the scandalous out of the Church, as leaven was to be put out of the houses of all who were to eat the passeover.

Erastus. I care not much whither the Lord himself immediatly, or None kil­led for eat­ing lea­vened bread. the Magistrate was to kill him, who eat leavened bread at that time: But I rather think that God killed him; for we finde none killed for this cause: 2. Because Paul writ of those who did unworthily eat, 1 Cor. 11.

Ans. There is no ground that God any way would have them to be killed, that did eat unleavened bread, and that we finde none for that cause ever killed, is much for us: for then God did not exe­cute any such Law, which (as Erastus saith) was broken by many: It is like God never made any such Law: 2. Because it is said, he shall be cut off, who eateth leavened bread, it followeth not that therefore this was done immediately by God; for it is said, Lev. 18. 29. Whosoever doth any of these abominations, even the soul that committeth them, shall be cut off from amongst the people; if that be killing; it is known, the Magistrate was to kill such as committed incest, & did lie with beasts: But Vatablus expoundeth it of Excom­munication, [Page 347] thus, Id est, Deus non agnoscet illum tanquam Israelitam & circumcisum: and Vatablus understood the Hebrew Tongue better, then Erastus who professeth he understandeth nothing of it. 3. That which Erastus saith of Paul, That God himself killed these at Corinth, who did eat and drink unvvorthily; may as well insi­nuate the Magistrate should kill with the sword, all that communi­cateth unworthily (which is absurd) as it can prove, that those that eat leavened bread were immediatly killed of God.

Erastus. Those that eat leavened bread vvere debarred from the Pag. 241. passeover: But leavened bread signified, scelera, vvickednesse; Ergo, vvicked men should by us be debarred from the Sacraments. 1. It is false that those that eat leavened bread vvere debarred from the passeover by Gods command: These tvvo differ much; he that eat­eth leavened bread shall be cut off, and he that eateth leaven shall be debarred from the feast of the passeover, even as these two; the childe that clattereth in time of Sermon, shall be whipt with rods, and the childe that clattereth in time of Sermon shall be ex­cluded from hearing Sermon; when the Master forbiddeth to clatter in time of Sermon, under a punishment, he biddeth them not be ab­sent from the Sermon: so when God forbiddeth to eat leaven, under a punishment, be forbiddeth not to exclude the man from the passeover, the Lord commandeth both to be done.

Ans. 1. This is Erastus his Argument, not the Argument of To eat the Passeover with un­leavened bread a vi­olation of that Sacra­ment. Beza, for eating of leaven signifieth a scandalous and openly wic­ked man; and if this be the Assumption, it is true, but the Syllo­gisme so formed, shall conclude against Erastus: 2. It is certain that God commandeth the Priests not to violate his holy things, Ezech. 22. 26, Hag. 2. 11. 12. Ezech. 44. 8, 9, 10, 11. Else how failed they in keeping the charge of the Lord, in not differencing between the clean and the vnclean? Now to eat the passeover with leavened bread is an expresse violation of the holy things of God, Exod. 12. ver. 8. You shall eat the flesh in that night, rost with fire and vnleavened bread, ver. 11. And thus shall ye eat it—ver. 15. Seven dayes shall ye eat unleavened bread, even the first day, ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: 2. He that is unclean is forbidden to eat the passe­over, Lev. 9. 13. The clean only is to keep it: And he that is clean, and not on a journey, and keepeth it not, that man shall bear his sin; Ergo, the unclean are excepted; and he who is sanctified according to the [Page 348] purification of the sanctuary only by the Law, is to eat, 2 Chro. 3 [...]. 9. Therefore Hezechiah prayed that God would pardon them that were not so cleansed, ver. 18. To crave pardon presupposeth a sinne, Num. 9. 3, 4, 5, 6. But so it is, That he that eateth unleavened bread in any of these seven dayes, was unclean, and to be cut off for his uncleannesse, and transgressed this Ceremoniall Law, Exod. 12. 8. 15. Levit. 9▪ 13. Ergo, he was not to be admitted to the holy things of God, except the Priests and those who had the charge of the Passeover▪ should know him to be purified, Ezech. 22. 26. Hag. 2. 11, 12. And we know it was the Priests part to pronounce any clean or un­clean, & that the passeover was one of the chief of the holy things of God. 3. Erastus his conjecture, That he that did eat leavened bread, was not to absent himself from the Passeover; but to come tali modo, according to the Law: As the childe that clattereth in time of Ser­mon, is not bidden be absent from the Sermon, may prove as well that no unclean, no heathen, or uncircumcised, are forbidden to eat the Passeover; for no Law of God forbiddeth either to eat the Passe­over, except this, that only the circumcised and the unclean were forbidden; when the Lord in his Law putteth an expresse and a differencing, or discriminative character on those that eat, to wit, that they be circumcised and clean who shall eat; Ergo, God, in that putteth an evident inhibition on those that are uncircum­cised heathen and unclean, that they are not to eat, as when God Commandeth every Male to be circumcised; we infer then no Fe­male were to be circumcised. And by this means the uncircumcised Moabite, the Philistine, were not by the Priests and Porters debar­red out of the Temple, or from the Passeover, so they would be cir­cumcised and turn Jews: Even as the childe is not excluded by a command of the Master from hearing Sermon, only he is forbidden to clatter in time of Sermon: But a Iew was both forbidden unclean­nesse Ceremoniall by an expresse Law, and by another Law he was forbidden to come to the Passeover; and a heathen, as heathen, was both forbidden to eat, and the Priests forbidden to admit him.

Erastus. Though we should grant, That those that eat leaven were debarred from the Passeover; yet it shall not follow, that those that live wickedly, shall be debarred from the Lords Supper, for the Feast of unleavened bread, typified not the Supper of the Lord, but the whole time of our life: Otherwise, saith he, (in his Thesis) we may live [Page 349] wickedly all our dayes, except when we come to the holy Supper; as Putting a­way of lea­ven. the Jews might eat unleavened bread at any time, except on those dayes when the Lord forbade them.

Ans. 1. We contend not, that debarring of men from any one Ordinance, was signified by putting away of the Leaven: But that by putting of leaven from their houses and Table, was typified (as Paul here expoundeth it) the putting of a wicked person out the midst of the Church, 1 Cor. 5. 2. compared with ver. 5, 6, 7. 13. If the Feast of unleavened bread, typified all our life that we should be holy; yet it had a speciall relation to our Purification, when we did partake of the most holy Ordinances of God, such as was the Passeover then, and to us the Lords Supper: Else, Erastus might say, God hath forbidden single Christians to live at all, ex­cept they lived holily, which is a vain conceit. It is not lawfull to Erastus to put significations on types, it his will; and therefore that that Feast pointed out holinesse all our life, is utterly denyed; for eating of leavened bread, except in these dayes forbidden, was not a sin, nor any Ceremoniall type at all, no more then our common bread and wine are signes of Christs body and blood. 2. Paul compareth the Feast to the lump of the Visible Church; so as the leaven was to be removed out of all houses of Israel; because it did Ceremonially infect, corrupt, and leaven them, and so was to be purged; so did the in [...]stuons man, leaven the Visible Church of Corinth, and was to be purged out: Nor do I contend, that the Lords Supper here is meant, though I know no solemn Spirituall Feast that the visible Church now hath, but the Supper of the Lord: But rather I understand, Church-Communion in the dain [...]ies of the Gospel, which are set forth to us under the similitude of a Feast, Matth. 22. Luke 14. 16, 17, 18, &c. Prov. 9. 2, 3, 4, 5. Cant. 5. 1.

Erastus. The leaven of the Passeover does not so signifie impurity of life, that Excommunication can be hence gathered: therefore the Apostle alludeth to that place, that or the like way, as the Jews did Celebrate their Passeover without leaven; so it becometh us to Cele­brate our Passeover without the leaven of malice and wickednesse: Leaven simply, may either signifie good or evil, as Matth. 13. and 16. and Potuit, it might signifie our naturall corruption. For God not only forbiddeth to eat leaven, but to have it in the house; and leaven sig­nifieth [Page 350] [...]sse so to be punished, as ye [...] say, even by death.

Ans. The Leaven of the Passeover, signified so impurity, as we are to put out the person that leaveneth the Church, out of the Church, as they were to put leaven out of the house; and not only simply, not to eat it; so are we not only, not to eat and drink with a scandalous man, but he is to be reputed no member of the Church, but a leavening and contagious man; and therefore Paul doth not here, as Erastus dreameth, show what way every one in his own personall practise and duty, as a single Christian is to do, that he may save his own soul; and therefore every one was to celebrate a Christian Passeover in his own soul, laying aside the leaven of malice: Though I grant, That Paul, ver. 8. doth infer and draw a conclusion of a personall purging out of the leaven of malice and hypocrisie out of every mans heart: But Paul doth expresly com­mand the Corinthians as a convened Church, to put out from a­mongst them another man, for the saving of that other mans soul: And what they should do in a Church society toward the man, [...], Who hath done this, to wit, down right they should Iudge him, Cast him out, purge him out as a leavening peece. And the world cannot give any other meaning of the words, then that, as the Iews were to put all leaven from amongst them, when they were to celebrate their Passeover: So the Corinthians were to exercise the like work, upon this incestuous man, and to put him out from amongst them, as one delivered to Satan, as a lump of sowre leaven; and we seek no more for Excommunication. 2. Lea­ven signifieth Matth. 13. good, the Kingdom of God is compared to leaven: But here it is corruption of contagious scandall in this incestuous man; and such leaven as is to be cast out, and purged a­way. Now, I hope, we must not purge out, and cast away the Kingdom of heaven: and Matth. 16. 6. The leaven of the corrupt and false Doctrine of Pharisees and Sadduces, that corrupteth the hearts of men, is meant, and of this leaven we are to beware: But why doth Erastus strive to bring the reader in a good opinion of leaven, which Paul would have us to detest? I know not a reason, but because the place is so evident for the casting out of an in­cestuous man from amongst the Corinthians, lest he should infect the flock, and that by the Church convened together in the name and power of Christ, that his soul may be saved; and this is the very ex­communication [Page 351] that we assert. 3. This leaven, (saith he) may signifie naturall corruption: Now Erastus putteth us to (a may be,) but (a may be) will not do it: For the Text saith not, I hope, by Erastus his confession, that the poor man must be delivered to Sa­tan, that is, miraculously killed, for naturall concupiscence. All the world thus are delivered to Satan, as being heirs of wrath for sin Originall, at least in demerit. 2. The man was not judged, purged out, and cast out, as leaven that sowred the Church, for naturall corruption. 3. Paul offendeth not with them, that they were puf­fed and mourned not for the mans Originall sin, but for his actuall wickednesse, because he had gone in to his fathers wife, an Abo­mination that the Gentiles are ashamed to name.

Erastus. Then the man must be killed, as he that eat leavened Page 244. bread was killed: and though the punishments of Moses Law as such, must not be brought in the Christian Church, yet if God sub­ject men to the Magistrates Sword, men cannot free them from it, though there may be degrees of punishment.

Ans. We denyed that those that eat leavened bread with the Passeover were killed, but onely excommunicated and cut off from the congregation: God never subjected any to the sword, for that cause. 2. We deny that therefore by proportion the incestuous man should be killed; by what consequence will Erastus prove that those that gathered sticks on the Lords day, those that are stubborn to Father or Mother, those who commit fornication now in the Israel of God under the New Testament, must be ste­ned to death by the Magistrate, or miraculously killed by the A­postles? it must be by the same consequence, that Erastus reaso­neth here. But did God kill immediatly any offenders at all for originall sin, some one more nor other? as Erastus dreameth this man was killed. 3. What warrant hath Erastus that the Devill killeth any one of the visible Church now under the New Testament, and any of the children of God, whose spirit are saved in the day of the Lord? proferat tabulas. Erastus saith it, neither Prophet nor Apostle in the Old or New Testament ever said it.

Erastus said, an Anagogicall sense is not concludent.

Ans. Where the Holy Ghost giveth the sense, it is false, saith Beza. 2. Why doth then Erastus conclude miraculous killing from the Types of the Old Testament?

[Page 352]

Erastus. Where I pray you doth Paul say that the punishment of eating leavened bread did typifie your Excommunication?

Ans. The word Excommunication may be by the Church used as the Word, Sacrament, Trinity. But the thing is not ours, but an ordinance of Iesus Christ. 2. Paul saith in this very place, as Is­rael were to put away leaven in their Passeover, so is the con­vened Church of Corinth in the name and power of Christ to put out, judge and purge out a corrupting and leavening incestuous man, and this is all we seeke for Excommunication.

Erastus. I never finde the name of the Passeover in the New Page 245. Testament put for the Supper of the Lord.

Ans. We are not in such need of that interpretation, as to put the name of the one for the other. But let Erastus shew where he read­eth that the thing, to wit, that the one Sacrament succeeded to the other; and Beza may thence inferre his point, if God would have no man to eat the Passeover with leavened bread, and if eat­ing of leavened bread, and bread it selfe was to be put out of all the houses of Israel, thereby signifying that incestuous and scandalous persons are to be cast out of the Church, and so from the Sacraments; let Erastus see what Beza hath said amisse here.

Erastus. God would have the Iewes to eate the Passeover with­out leavened bread, that they might remember of their wonderfull de­liverance out of the hard bondage of Egypt, and of the deliverance of their first borne.

Ans. Reverend Beza saith thesetwo were by-past benefits re­membred De Presbyt. page 92. in that Sacrament: But we have the Holy Ghost ex­pounding that [...]he putting away of leavened bread, did typifie the purging out of the incestuous men, and other scandalous persons out of the Church, which is our point, otherwise let E­rastus shew us what is meant by [...] the whole Masse and lumpe, for it signifieth either one single man; Or 2. The Masse and body of the visible Church, of which the incestuous man was a Member; or some third thing, which Erastus and his What is meant by the whole lumpe; and what by leaven. followers must teach us. Now the whole lumpe can neither signi­fie the incestuous man, nor any other single member of the Church. Not the incestuous man, 1. He was not the whole lumpe in dan­ger to be leavened, for he was the leven, then he was not the lump in danger to be leavened; for the one is the agent infecting, the other [Page 353] the patient infected. The whole lumpe was the thing out of which the leaven was to be removed, the terminus à quo, the incestu­ous man was to be purged out, therefore the leaven cannot sig­nifie wickednesse in abstracto, as Erastus saith, but the wicked man in concreto; for the leaven must signifie that which is cast out, [...], out of the midst of them, v. 2. Now this was not incest, but the man that had his fathers wife, and had done that deed. 2. Again, the leaven was the person to be delivered to Satan, that had a soul to be saved in the day of the Lord Iesus. But wic­kednesse in abstracto is not delivered to Satan, nor hath it a Spirit to be saved in the day of the Lord. 3. The leaven is such a one as is to be judged, as is within the Church, v. 12. and is called a brother, with whom we are not to eat, v. 11. now this cannot be said of wickednesse in abstracto. But neither can the whole lumpe be one single man; 1. One single man needed not the solemn con­veening of the Church in the Name and power of the Lord Jesus, for his personall purging, for his personall purging is not a Church-act, but an act of a mans daily conversation and Christi­an walking. 2. The purging out, and the casting out is [...], v. 2 out of the midst of them, then there was a society to be purged; Ergo, not a single man onely. Much more I said before, which cannot but mist Erastus, or any his followers, except they expound this whole lump to be the body of the visible Church of Corinth. 2. So Gal. 5. 9. he addeth v. 10. he that troubleth you, (the lump in danger to be leavened,) shall bear his judgement, v. 12. I would they were cut off that trouble you. Then the whole Churches of Galatia were the troubled lumpe, & so it must be here, if this truth be so convincing out of the Text, let any Erastian extricate himself, if he can deny, but here is a Church-lump, a Church of Rulers [...] gathered together in the Name and power of the Lord Iesus, that purgeth out of it selfe leaven, not wickednesse, in abstracto, as I have demonstrated, but a wicked man named a brother, lest he leaven the whole Church, to the end his Spirit may be saved; Iudge reader, if this be not name, nature and thing, of that which Erastians deny, to wit, of Ex­communication. I humbly provoke them to make good sense of the 1 Cor. 5. and shew me what is the wicked man. 2. The ca­sting out of the midst of you. 3. The saving of his Spirit. 4. The convened together court, instructed with the Name, and authority, [Page 354] and power of Christ, and if this be not a Church power, effica­cion, and authoritative, being steeled with the power of the Head of the Church. 5. What is the leaven? 6. What is the act of lea­vening? 7. What is the whole lumpe? 8. What is the purging out, putting out, and judging of the man? 3. We know Era­stus denieth any Church Government at all, but some acts of punitive justice in the Magistrate. But the Churches praying, consenting that a scandalous person shall be delivered to Satan, or some other waies punished by the Christian Magistrate, are acts of Church government, so proper to the Church, as the Ma­gistrate as the Magistrate, cannot exercise such Acts.

Erastus. Paul-delivered Hymeneus and Alexander the same Hymeneus and Alex­ander not miracu­lously kil­led by Sa­tan. way to Satan, by miraculous killing of him; and whereas it is said, that they may learne not to blaspheme: Judges speake so when they kill Murtherers and Theeves that he shall teach them to doe so no more by taking the head from them.

Ans. That word of a judge killing a man for Murther, Sirra, Ile teach you other manners then to kill, can no waies be ascribed to Paul, who doth not scoffe so at taking away mens lives. Paul who wished to be separated from Christ, for the contumaci­ous Iewes, and would not kill any by Satan, since his rod and power was for edification, 2 Cor. 10. 8. and that the Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord, 1 Cor. 5. 5. he speaketh more grave­ly and lesse imperiously, and without boasting and jeering in a matter of Salvation. 2. [...] that they may be instructed or disciplined not to blaspheme; cannot be simply that they may blas­pheme no more, because killed by the Devill. For 1. let Erastus in the Old or New Testament produce a parallel place for that Exposition, where the word [...] to be instructed is ascri­bed to the dead; but this is a common fault in all Erastus his ex­positions of Scripture, that they want all ground in Scripture, Erastus his expositions all without ground of Scripture. as let me put upon all the followers of Erastus to give a parallel to this Exposition of Mat. 18. Let him bee to thee, that is, to thee onely, when Christ speaketh of a generall Rule of all that scan­dalizeth. 2. Let him be as a Heathen. Give a place of Scripture for this. 1. Let him be as such Heathen onely as acknowledge Cesar, and his Deputies for lawfull Iudges. 2. A parallel for this we seek, Let him be as a Heathen, that is, convene him before an heathen [Page 355] Iudge. 3. What Scripture expoundeth delivering to Satan for edification, and not destruction, 1 Cor. 5. to be a Magistrati­call killing by the power of the Devill, that others may feare. 4. Put out, purge out, judge those only that are within, are expounded by Erastus, pray for a miraculous destruction by the devill, as the lictor and hangman of the Apostle, that none may be killed miracu­lously for enormous scandals, no not such as Elimas the sorcerer, who was never within the Church; but those that are within: And did the company of the Saints, pray with the Saints, that signes and wonders, and so miraculous killing might be wrought, not on any but on those that are within the visible Church, not on the enemies, and Iews haters of Christ, and without the Christian Churches, when the Apostles miraculously escaped out of their prisons? Act. 4. 29, 30. Act. 5. 19, 20, 21, 22. Act. 12. 7, 8, 9. Act. 16. 25, 26. 27, 28? I might alledge many other such like interpretations of Era­stus. 5. [...] in the New Testament, signifieth to instruct and chastise the living, never any such thing is ascribed to the dead. Gal. 5. 22, 30. Tit. 2. 20. Rev. 3. 19. Heb. 12. 10. Luk. 23. 16, 22. 2. Cor, 6▪ 9. Act. 22. 3. Act. 7. 22. as they that are taught to sinne no more by being killed. 6. Robert Stephan. citeth in the margent, 1 Cor. 5. 5. to expound it of excommunicating of Hymeneus and Alexander, so doth Piscator, so Calvin, Beza, Marlorat, so Vata­blus saith, Quos eje [...]i ex ecclesia et censui magis dignos esse ecclesia Sa­tane quam Christi, si non resipiscant. 7. Beza De Presbyt. p. 87. lear­nedly observeth that it is no Grammer; for if the effect of learning not to blaspheme be suspended upon the miraculous killing of Alex­ander, then he was first killed, & then learned not to blaspheme. But so Paul could have said he was killed, ut non blasphameret, that he might not blaspheme, not that he might learn not to blaspheme.


Quest. 8.

The eschewing of company with the scandalous, vindicated from Era­stus his exceptions.

BEsides other arguments from Mat. 18. and 1 Cor. 5. for ex­communication, we argue thus: Those upon whom the Church [Page 356] is to put such a publike note of shame or a [...], as they are to withdraw from their company, and not to eat and drink with them, those are cast out of the Church, and so cut off from the body of Christ, and excommunicated.

But the Church is to put such a note of shame, as to withdraw from the company of, and not to eat with those that are named brethren, and yet are fornicators, covetous, idolators, extortioners, railers, 1 Cor. 5. 11. and cause divisions and offences contrary to the Doctrine of the Gospel, who serve not the Lord Jesus, but their owne belly, Rom. 16. 17, 18▪ who walk disorderly, are busie-bodies, idle, and obey not the Doctrine of the Apostles. 2 Thes. 3. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Ergo.

The proposition I prove, 1 Cor. 5. 11. he saith, v. 9. I wrote to you in an Epistle, not to keep company with fornicators, the same word that in the abstract is spoken of the incestuous man, v. 1. by which it is clear Paul had forbidden any company with such incestuous men. Now he had not forbidden them to keep company with dead men, if the man was to be miraculously killed, Ergo, it was his will before, that such a one should be judged, and put out, else he could not so sharply rebuke them, for not casting him out, and if now on­ly he had first taught, and written to them to cast him out: as if ex­communication had been in this same very Chapter instituted by Paul, and v. 11. [...] now I have written unto you, not to keep company with one named a brother, who is a fornicator; this must be in the same Chapter, for [...] now I have written, must be in re­lation to this v. 9. I wrote unto you in a Epistle before: now if here at this present he wrote to them, not to keep company with him, it must be when he commandeth to cast him out v. 13. and to judge him v. 12. so that not to keep company with such fornicators, must necessarily presuppose a casting out, and that the fornicator, with whom we are not to keep company in a familiar manner, is a man cast out of the Church, and so excommunicated. 2. Paul would never forbid brotherly familiarity with any remaining a brother, a member of the Church, and of a body with us in visible professi­on of the truth, as partakers of one body and blood of Christ, as all the members of the Church eating at one Lords table are, 1. Cor. 10. 16, 17. 3. The Apostle saith such a fornicator is but [...] named▪ a brother, and so in the esteem of the Church no brother, and so not of the visible body of Christ. 4. Paul [Page 357] bringeth in this as a reason why they should cast out the incestucus man, v. 9. did not (saith he) I write to you before, and do I not now write, v. 11. even now that you are not to k [...]ep intimate familiarity with such titular brethren, who are brethren in name only? Therefore put out from amongst you this man, v. 13. the Apostles argument to infer they ought to judge, and put such a man out of the Church; because they are not to eat with him, were of no weight, if this [...]schewing of familiarity with one who is a brother only in name, did not infer the Churches casting of him ou [...].

Erastus. it is false that Paul forbiddeth to eat with him who is cast L. 3. c▪ 8. p. 247. 248▪ out, for he forbiddeth not eating with a dead man.

Ans. This is to beg the question, Erastus should teach us how Pauls argument cohereth; for the text saith, he must be cast out; why? you must not eat with him; then he supposeth he must be a li­ving man, for Paul needed not fear they would eat with dead men, nor can this be Pauls consequence; you are not to eat with the in­cestuous, Ergo, he must be delivered to Sathan, that he may be mira­culously killed; for that is a false consequence, for then all covetous persons, all drunkards▪ all idolators, all extortioners, should have been killed by Paul, because with none of these we are to eat.

Erastus. It is false that Paul forbiddeth as to eat meat with such; Pag 248. Yea in no place he forbiddeth to eat with heathen, but elsewhere gran­teth it to be lawfull, and in this Chapter he permitteth private com­merce with them.

Ans. 1. Let the reader judge whether Erastus resuteth Paul, or Beza, Paul forbiddeth to eat with a brother; that is a fornicator: Erastus saith, he forbiddeth no such thing. 2. Though I think Christians may eat with heathens, 1. Cor. 10. 27. and that Paul did eat with heathen; yet it is no argument to say, it is therefore lawfull to eat with one cast out of the Church, because we may eat How eschewing intimate fellowship with a scandalous brother, is a Church­censure. with heathens to gain them, and we are not bidden abstain from heathens company, that they may be ashamed of their religion, (though Christians are to use no heathens with intimate familiarity as we do our brethren in Christ;) But we are to eschew intire fel­lowship with a scandalous and cast out brother, to gain him, that he may be ashamed, 2 Thes. 3. 14. and in this a scandalous brother is in worse case then a heathen: But in other respects he is in bet­ter condition, as being under the medicine of the Church.

[Page 358] 3. Though we may have commerce, and buy and [...]ell with heathens, and neglect no dutie [...] of humanity to them, as to receive them into our house, and to be hospitall to them, Heb. 13. 2. Iob 31. 32. Yet this will conclude intire fellowship with neither heathen, or scan­dalous brethren; Yea, we are not to receive a false teacher into our house, 2. Ioh. ver. 10. Yet are we not forbidden to neglect duties of common humanity to false Teachers, though we be for­bidden intirenesse of Brotherly fellowship with them.

Erastus. There is not the same reason of holy things, and of private civill things; for this, not eating, belongeth to private conversing with men, not to publike Communion with them in the holy things of God: One saith, It is in our liberty, Whether we converse familiarly with wicked men, or not, But it is not in our power, Whether we come to the Lords Supper, or not; And Paul will not have us to deny any thing that belongeth to Salvation; and therefore he saith, 2 Thess. 3. Admonish him as a Brother; and none, I hope, can deny, but the Sa­craments are helps of godlinesse and Salvation.

Ans. 1. It is true, that avoiding of the company of scandalous Brethren, hath in it something civill; but it is a censure-spirituall, and a Church-censure, two wayes: 1. Objectively, in its tendency, Respectu termini ad quem. 2. Effectively, in its rise and cause, Respectu termini à quo, it is a spirituall censure Objectively, because it tendeth to make the party ashamed, that he may repent, and be­come a Brother with whom we are to converse; and therefore is destinated for no civill use, but for the good of his soul, that is a member of a Church, that he may return to what he was. 2. This censure, though one private Brother may exercise it upon another, yea, a woman on a man, who yet hath no Authority over the man, is notwithstanding in its rise and efficient cause, a Church-censure. 1. If Christ will not have one Brother to condemne another, while first he rebuke him; and if he be not convinced, while he do the same before two or three witnesses; and if he yet be not gained, one private Brother may not after conviction, before two or three witnesses repute him as a Heathen, or complain of him before an Heathen Iudge, as Erastus saith; How shall we imagine any one single Brother may withdraw Brotherly fellowship from another Brother, by his own private Authority, while he first be sentenced before the Church? And the Church shall convince him to walk [Page 359] disorderly, to cause divisions and offences, to be a Fornicator, a Cove­tous person, and so to be unworthy of the intire Brotherly fellow­ship of another? For if this order were not in the Church, every Brother might take up a prejudice at his Brother, and so break all bands of Religious Communion, and Brotherly fellowship, and dissolve and make ruptures in the Churches: Now certain it is, These Texts, Rom. 16. 17, 18. 2 Thes. 3. 11, 12, &c▪ in the letter, intimate no such order as is Matth. 18. But it is presupposed, as clear by other Scriptures, we are not to withdraw from an offen­ding Brother, but after such an order: Now the places in the let­ter, except we expound them by other Scriptures, do not bear that we are to rebuke our Brother, before we withdraw from him, con­trary to Levit. 19. 17. 2. If I am to withdraw from a Brother, all Brotherly fellowship by these places; then I am to esteem him as a Heathen, and as a Brother in name, not in reality, 1 Cor. 5. 11. Whereas once I esteemed him a Brother, and did keep Brotherly fellowship with him; now this is materially Excommunication▪ I do no more in this kinde to one who is formally Excommunicated; yea, I am not so strange to a Heathen; Ergo, This I must have done upon some foregoing sentence of the Church, otherwise, I might un-Church and un-Brother the man whom the Church neither hath, nor can, un-Church and un-Brother. 3. Eschewing of Bro­therly fellowship to any, is an act of Government distinct from the Preaching of the Word, tending to make a Brother that walketh disorderly ashamed, that he may repent, and of a Brother in name only, may become a Brother in reallity, 2 Thes. 3. 14. But this act of Government belongeth not to the Christian Magistrate; for every Brother (saith Erastus) may exercise it toward his Brother; Ergo, here is Church-Government that the Magistrate hath no hand in, contrary to the way of Erastus, and not in the hands of Pastors, for it is distinct from Preaching; nor is it in a Colledge of Pastors, Doctors, and Elders, for Erastus denyeth any such Colledge; Ergo, here every one must govern another, the man the woman, and the woman the man; the son the father, if he walk unorderly, and the Father the Son; this can be no­thing, but the greatest Confusion on Earth. 4. To put any to shame, especially publikely, by way of punishment for publike sins, must come from some Iudges, or others armed [Page 360] with Authority, Iudg. 18. 7. 1 Cor. 4. 14. 1 Cor. 6. 5. 1 Cor. 25. 34. Then the Apostles sense cannot be, that every one hath power of himselfe without the Church, or any authority there from to put his brother to shame; for when a brother is not to eat with a scandalous brother, he must be convinced by the Church to be scan­dalous, and so cast our, 1 Cor. 5. 11, 12, 13. as we have proved be­fore, and every man here should be his owne judge, and party in his owne cause, except he put his brother to some shame by an higher authority then his owne. The word [...], is to put a publike note or [...] upon the offender. So Stephanus. So Piscator, Nota ignominiosâ excommunicationis. Pomponius laetus de Magistr. Rom. [...]. 21. Censores quinto [...] quo (que) anno creari solebant, hic prorsus cives sic notabantur, ut qui Senator esset ejece [...]etur Senatu, qui eques Romanus equum publicum perderet, &c. Mathaeus Har­nish & Gec. Gabellus, who adde to Zanchius his Commentary in 2 Thes. say, Est not [...] quâdam insignire, et in aliquem animadver­tere; ut censores apud Romanos notare aliquem solebant, they ex­pound it the publike note of Excommunication. Beza saith it is not [...] to signifie and declare, but [...] notate, & veluti inustâ not â compungite. So Calvin, Marlorat.

And I wonder that Erastus can say with any, that it is in our power to converse, or not to converse with wicked men; are we not discharged by Gods Spirit to converse with them? As we are commanded to eat and drinke at the Lords Table, and is it in our power morally to obey, or disobey any Commandement of God? Except Erastus will say with Papists, that God doth here give counsels, not commands, Rom. 16. 17. 2 Thes. 3. 14. 1 Cor. 5. 9, 11.

And whereas Erastus saith, Paul will have us 2 Thes. 3. 15. to admonish this man as a brother; Ergo, In holy things, and in the Sacraments▪ that are helpes of piety and Salvation, we are not to [...]ast him off: It is true, the cast out man is not to be reputed as an enemy, but a brother. Yet a sicke and diseased brother, under the roughest Medicine of the Church, to wit, the rod of Excom­munication, that the Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. But withdrawing of brotherly fellowship, is not a meere civill unbrothering of him, for if the brotherly fellowship of Christians must be spirituall, religious, and for the edifying of one anothers soules, for exhorting one another, to prevent hardning of heart, [Page 361] for provoking one another to love, and to good works, to teach one another, to comfort and support one another, as we are expresly commanded by the Holy Ghost, Heb. 3. 13. Heb. 10. 24. Col. 3. 16. 1 Thess. 5. 11, 14. Mal. 3. 16. Jer. 50. 5. Zach. 8. 22. Psal. 42. 4. I wonder where Erastus learned this Divinity, to say, the denying of this edifying Communion to a scandalous brother, while he be ashamed and repent, Is to deny nothing that belongeth to his salvation: Admonition is but one of twenty comfortable acts of Communion, which we deny not to him, least the man should despaire, and we should cast off all care, hope, or intention to save his soul, whereas the genuine and intrinsecall intention of avoiding him, and casting him out of the Church, is, that he may be saved: Lastly, we deny not admonition, and preaching of the word to the man, thus cast out, because they be converting Ordinances, simply necessary to work the mans humiliation and repentance; but the Lords Supper is a confirming Ordinance, and denied to the excommunicated while he is in that condition upon that very reason, that it is denied to Pagans and Heathens; and though it be an help of piety, it is no help either to a Pagan, or an excommunicate man, but damna­tion: But it may be, the excommunicate man hath faith. I answer, To us in the Court of the Church, in which the Seals are dispen­sed, Sacraments though helps of piety, yet not to be given to all. he hath no more then a Heathen hath; and therefore, in con­firming Ordinances, he is looked on by the Church as an Heathen; and if the reason of Erastus be good, The Church is to deny no helps of godlinesse and salvation to him, though we deny private food to his body, because the Sacraments are necessary helps. Then 1. I much doubt, if the Church be to deny the necessary helps of godlinesse and salvation to a Pagan living amongst us; Ergo, shall we not deny the Sacraments to a Pagan? 2. We are not to avoid his company, Erastus p. 248. [...]erum sa­crament [...] esse admini­cula pi [...]tatis & salutis, nullus [...]gat, proi [...]de non sunt h [...], [...] ­ganda peten­tibus, &c. and deny the edifying acts of Communion, which I named before, for these are necessary helps of salvation. 3. It is not the mans sin by this reason, That he eateth and drinketh unworthily; for if it be not the Churches sin to give him the seals, because the Seals are adminiclees and helps of piety, and saving of the soul; by the same reason, it is not the mans sin to receive the Lords Supper, for it must be equally an help of godlinesse and salvation to the Commu­nicant receiving, as to the Church giving: Now Paul saith, 1 Cor. 11. He that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh to [Page 362] himself judgement. So Erastus teacheth us, that it may be a sin to Swine publikely known to be such, to receive pearles, when it is no sin, but the Churches duty to give these pearls to such known Swine, which is most absurd and impious.

Erastus. I said before, that God doth not exclude sinners from the Pag. 249. Sacraments, but gather them in to them, that they may be more and more invited to repentance, and more easily raised up again; for Sa­craments, and so many Ceremonies also, were for this end ordained, that they might draw men to the love and care of true piety and holy­nesse, as Moses saith, Deut. 14.

Ans. Erastus acknowledgeth this to be no new Argument; there­fore we may passe it, it is the chief pillar of his opinion: But I put it in forme thus, to Erastus.

Those whom God inviteth to repentance, those he will not ex­clude from the Sacraments: But now under the Gospel, he inviteth all, even many Pagans and Heathen to repentance, 1 Tim. 2. 4. God will have all, even Heathen Magistrates, to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth, so Act. 17. 30. God now commandeth all men, every where, even the Idolators, and blinde Philosophers at Athens, who erected an Altar to the unknown God, ver. 23. and who jeered at the Doctrine of the Resurrection, ver. 32. even those God inviteth to repentance; Ergo, God excludeth not Pagans from the Sacraments; but the conclusion is absurd and blasphemous; therefore so must one of the premises be, but the Assumption is Scripture; Ergo, The Major Proposition of Erastus must be blas­phemous. God inviteth scorners to repentance, and rebukes are means of repentance; Ergo, we may rebuke scorners; Gods spirit saith, Rebuke not a scorner, Prov. 9. 7, 8. His Proposition then must be, Those whom God inviteth to repentance, those God excludeth not from any mean of piety and sanctity: It is most false, God inviteth Dogs and Swine to repentance, and commandeth them to be holy, and the pearls of the Gospel are means of repentance, and holinesse: Must we therefore, Cast pearls to dogs and swine? The contrary our Saviour injoyneth, Matth. 7. 6. 2. Moses, Deut. 14. 1. forbid­deth diverse Ceremonies and Sacraments of the Heathen by this Argument: Ye are the children of the Lord your God; and he saith expresly, that the stranger may eat some unclean thing, but the Lord saith to them, You shall not do so, for thou art an holy people to [Page 363] the Lord thy God: Whence it is evident Moses saith poynt blank contrary to Erastus; for Moses saith, that Ceremonies and Sa­craments are for this end, to draw only the holy and sanctified peo­ple of God, to a further love and study of true piety and sanctity; was not the eating of the Passeover a mean of Repentance, as well as the eating of the Lords Supper? no question, but God invited the uncircumcised to repentance, but forbiddeth them to eat the Passeover.

Beza said, Sinners vvere indeed called to the sacrifices, but such as professed repentance.

Erastus saith, Then [...]e agree, for vve dispute only of those vvho Erastus his contradi­ction, in excluding both some and none at all from the Sacra­ments. acknovvledgeth their sins, and promise amendment.

Ans. We are not willing to hold up a needlesse controversie with Erastus; but Erastus saith, and his Arguments conclude in the Old Testament, None for Morall uncleannesse, and impenitency vvere debarred from the holy things of God; Ergo, We are to de­barre none in the Nevv Testament; yea, 2. Paul did never com­mand to debar any, nor did Christ debar Judas, nor the Pharisees debar the [...]ewdest Publicans, nor the Apostles Simon Magus from the Sacraments; Ergo, saith he, we are to debar none at all: now Pag. 249. Nam de illis solis (an ar­cendi sint a Sacramen­tis) dispu­tamus qui peccatum suum agnos­cunt, & [...]e­liora pro­mittunt. here Erastus clearly contradicteth himself, and saith, We dispute on­ly of such as acknowledge their [...]ins and promise amendment: But let Erastus say, Did Iudas acknowledge his [...]in and promise amendment: Did all the morally unclean in Corinth, such as repented not of their uncleannesse, and fornication, and lasciviousnesse which they com­mitted, 2 Cor. 12. 21. acknowledge their sin, and promise amend­ment? and did those that were partakers of the Table of Devils acknowledge their sin and promise amendment? And yet I brought the very words of Erastus, in which he saith right down in a Catholick assertion, without exception, not any of those are to be debarred from the Sacraments: Why? The Sacraments (saith he) are Adminicula pi [...]tatis, et resipiscentiae, are helps to godlinesse and repentance: And I aske of Erastus, doth the Lord invite none to repentance, but those that do acknowledge their sin and promise a­mendment? And will Erastus have helps of repentance denied to all those who acknowledge not their sins? then let him give us Ar­guments in the Old or New Testament, by which he can demon­strate, that those who acknowledge not their sins, and promise [Page 364] not amendment, are debarred in the Old Testament, from all the holy things of God, and in the New, from the Sacraments: Let E­rastus extricate himself if he can.

It is worthy consideration, whether Erastus will have all those only that acknowledged their sins and repent, admitted to the holy things of God in the Old Testament; if not, he must shew a diffe­rence, why pearls might be cast to Swine, and scorners rebuked, and holy things prophaned by the uncircumcised & prophane in the old Testament, not in the New: this he shall not shew, if they were debarred who repented not, how saith he in all his book, that none were debarred from the holy things of God in the Old Testament for Morall uncleannesse?

Erastus. But we impugne this which you say, that God hath or­dained Pag. 249. Presbyters or Elders to be judges and examinators of that bu­sinesse: But we say, that God neither commanded in the Old, or New Testament, that Priests or any other, should examine those who brought oblations for sin, whether they did truly repent, or dissemble only; and ye say there be chosen Elders who should try this in the New Testament.

Ans. 1. Elsewhere I have proved from Scripture, that the Priests did try judicially, those for whom they offered Sacrifice: If the Leaper had not bidden so many dayes as the Law required, if the Priests should offer for him, he should be partiall in the Law, and if the disease be not removed, he cannot offer for him, Matth. 8. 4. Lev. 14. 3, 4 9▪ 10, 11, 12▪

2. Observe good Reader, How craftily Erastus passeth from one question to another: All his Arguments hitherto, both in his Thesis and in his Book, conclude that no man, in either Old, or New Te­stament, ever was, or ought to be debarred from the holy things of God: Because there is neither precept, nor promise, nor practise in Moses, in the Prophets, or Apostles for it: 2. Because, The Sa­craments are helps of repentance. 3. Because all are invited and com­manded to come. Now here Erastus flyeth to another Question: Whether the unworthy should be debarred by Priests in the Old, and by certain select and chosen Elders in the New Testament? This is a far other Question: for let him answer our Arguments, by which we prove that pearls and the holy things of God, ought to be denied to all Dogs, Swine, and prophane men, whereas Erastus saith, all [Page 365] those are invited to come; and then we shall yoak with Erastus, or any other, by whom, or by whose authority these pearls ought to be denied: whether by the Church, that is, by the Elders of the Church, and people consenting, or by the civill Magistrate. Now this latter question to Erastus, is no question at all▪ for if none ought to be debarred from the Sacraments at all; but all must come promiscuously, as their owne good or evill spirit inclineth them, it is a vaine thing for Erastus to make any question at all, by whom they ought to be debarred; for it is all one, as to aske the question, by whom should those who are to be gradued Doctors of Physick, be tryed and examined, whether by the faculty, and Colledge of of Physitians of the place, or by none at all: If you lay downe this ground, that there neither is, nor ought to be any graduated Do­ctors at all in the world, the other of those, who are to try those who are graduated is vaine, if all be invited to a free banquet, poor, and rich, leaper, and clean: it is a vain question, whether be there some Masters of the house who should try who are worthy, and to be admitted to the feast, and who unworthy, and to be debarred.

Erastus. It is madnesse to say, that Paul by forbidding private [...]ating, Pag. 249. 250. doth understand nothing but a debarring from the Sacraments, for 1▪ Cor. 11. he debarreth none from the Sacrament.

Ans. Neither Beza, nor any of ours say, that they are both one How with­drawing from scan­dalous bre­thren, may inferre ex­communi­cation. punishment; but that where we are forbidden to eat with a scan­dalous brother, it is presumed the Church doth cast him out of her society: nor doth Paul 1 Cor. 11. invite all to come to the supper.

Beza said, he to whom lesse is denied, as that we eat not with him, in our private houses, to him more is denied, to wit, that he should not be admitted to the Lords supper.

Erastus saith, that to whom lesse is denied, to him more is denied, is Pag. 250. 251. true in gifts, but not in punishments, and in things of the same kind, but not in things divers, and in things free, not in things of which one is commanded by God, and another thing not commanded; it holdeth not in punishments, he to whom the city is denied, and who is banished, his life is not denied to him, he who is punished in his purse, is not killed; for that a father denieth to his son an unworthy thing, yet he denieth not rayment to him.

Ans. Erastus in this granteth he wrongeth Beza, as if he had [Page 366] said, to deny a private table, and the Lords table, were one and the same punishment. Beza saith, the one is a lesse, the other a greater punishment. 2. If it be true in gifts, that he to whom lesse is given, more is given, then it holdeth here in our case; because private fellow­ship with the Saints is a gift of God, and if the Lords body given for us, and to us in the Lords supper, be not a greater gift, it is nothing: so then if a lesse gift be denied, the Lords supper a greater gift is denied. 2. It must hold in the private punishments, inflicted for an higher punishments cause, private communion with the Saints is denied, because the man is cast out of the Church; Ergo, farre more are the highest priviledges of the Church denied: as liberty is denied to a man, because he is condemned to dye; Ergo, farre more is life denied to him; a mans house is denied to him, because he is banished; Ergo, farre more is his city and countrey denied to him: But a man is not punished in his purse, because he is condemned to dye, it followeth no [...]; Ergo, he should rather dye, because the one punishment is not relative to the other. 3 Be­cause not eating with a scandalous man is a spirituall punishment, as I have proved: therefore it is of that same kind with excommu­nication, and therefore it holdeth here. 4. Abstinence from the private fellowship of a scandalous brother is not free, but comman­ded of God, and so is debarring from the Lords supper, not free, but commanded.

Erastus. when he forbiddeth [...], no not to eat, he forbiddeth, 1. Page 252. Neer communion of familiarity. 2. Not to eat with them, which is to forbid all signes of neer communion.

Ans. It is clear he proveth they should cast him out, because I wrote to you that you should not keep company with such, v. 9. no more to eat with such; Ergo, farre lesse (would he say) should he be a leavening member in the lumpe and masse of Christs body.

Erastus. I wrote unto you, that ye should not keep company with such; then Paul speaketh here of a thing, concerning which he had spo­ken before, though they understood him not: it is like they sought Pauls judgement of their conversing with men: But of delivering the man to Satan, he had not spoken before, as is clear in the Text.

Ans. This is a strong argument for us, if Paul had never spo­ken, nor written to them of the delivering of the man to Satan, that is, of the miraculous killing of him, how could he in reason and [Page 367] conscience chide them, because they prayed not that he might be mi­raculo [...]sly killed? [...]? it is not possible they could mourn for not joyning in a businesse, that Paul had never revealed to them to be Gods will. Yea it is a strong argument to me, that delivering to Satan was excommunication, of which he had taught them before, (else their mourning had been unreasonble) and which he pointed at to them as a limbe of excommunication, to wit, their not famili­er conversing with the scandalous.

Erastus. And when he has show [...]n how they ought to flee the company Pag. 252. of the scandalous, he returneth to his former purpose, commanding the wicked man to be killed: This then he saith, I commanded you to es­chew the company of wicked brethren, not of the heathen, whom the Lord shall judge.

Ans. 1. The Text can bear no such exposition, for the reasons I have given before. 2. The coherence is clear; I wrote before that you should not keep company with wicked brethren: therefore put out that wicked man from amongst you. But by Erastus his glosse, there is neither sense, nor coherence in the words.

Erastus. The end of refusing familiar conversing with the scanda­lous, Pag. 252. 253. is, that he may be ashamed; and you say, that same is the end of de­barring from the supper; then it must follow, as private conversing can do the contrary, to wit, it can soment and nourish sinnes, both in the brother we converse with, and in us, so the frequent use of the Lords supper should nourish vices in us, vvhich vvere vvickednesse to think.

Ans. This presumeth, that to avoyd a scandalous brother, and to debarre him from the Sacraments, must be formally one, which we teach not. 2. Hence it followeth, since they be divers formally, they cannot have the same formall and intrinsecall ends. 3. The frequent eating at the Lords table, in a scandalous man, doth dis­pose him more and more to sinne, as frequently sinning inclineth more to sinne; but this is by the frequent abusing of Gods ordi­nance, and not from the nature of the Sacrament.

Erastus. Paul forbiddeth not ill men of the company of good men, Pag 253. but he admonisheth good men, to flee ill men, that they may be asha­med. But vvhen you deuy the Sacraments to any, you command not the Godly not to come to the supper with the wicked, but you forbid the scandalous to come to the supper.

Ans. There is no solidity in this conjecture, it leaneth upon the [Page 368] perpetuall m [...]stake of Erastus in all this dispute, as if we held, That to be debabred from familiar fellowship with the Saints, and from the Sacrament, were one and the same thing: Else, I see no conclusion that Erastus doth, or can infer against us. 2. It is false, that wic­ked men are not discharged the company of Saints; for in so far as fellowship with the Saints, is a spirituall mean of the gaining of their souls by Teaching, Exhorting, Edifying, Comforting the wic­ked and scandalous, being Dogs and Swine are forbidden to touch such a Pearl; Yea, God layeth a charge on wicked men, while they remain in that case, not to meddle with Confirming Ordinances (with some Converting Ordinances they may,) as Psal. 50. 16. But to the wicked God said, What hast thou to do to declare my Statutes: or that thou takest my Convenant in thy mouth? 17. Seeing thou hatest Instruction, and castest my Word behinde thee. Here the wicked are forbidden to Teach or speak, to the instructing of others, which is a speciall act of Christian fellowship between Brother and Brother, Col. 3. 16. Heb. 3. 13. Heb. 10. 24. 1 Thes. 5. 11. 14. Be­cause they hate to be Instructed of others: And you know how Christ The scan­dalous are forbidden to come to the Sacra­ments. speaketh to the unworthy intruder of himself on the secrets and spirituall marrow and comforts of the Gospel, Matth. 22. ver, 12. Friend, How camest thou here, not having thy Wedding garment? Ezra 4. 3. But Zerubbabel and Joshua, and the rest of the chief of the Fathers came and said unto the Adversaries of Iudah and Benjamin, You have nothing to do with us, to build an house unto our God; But we our selves together will build unto the Lord God of Israel: Doth not God expresly forbid David to build an house to his name? 1 Chron. 22. 8. 2 Chron. 6. 9. And we know it is a typicall dis­charge layed upon men of blood, not to touch the holiest things of God; but that men of Peace must meddle with them, Isa. 1. 13. Bring no more vain Oblations, &c. All which holdeth forth, that not only those who have the charge of the house of the Lord, to see that no Swine and Dogs prophane the holy things of God; but they are forbidden all private Ordinances and publike, in so far as they can make no other use of them, but to defile them.

Erastus saith, They be wickedly forbidden to come to the Lords Supper, who desire to Celebrate the memoriall of his death.

Beza Replieth well, 1. What if he know not what he desireth who cometh? 2. What if there be just suspition or clear evidence that he [Page 369] playeth the Hypocrite? 3. What if it concern the whole Church that his desire be suspended?

Erastus. The first cause is not to purpose, because we speak of those De rect [...] institutis ego me sem per disputa re protesta­tus fui. that are well instructed. 2. The second is bred in the brain of Beza; I am compelled to think that he that publikely professeth he is grieved for his sins, and that he purposeth to live a holy life in time to come, that he thinketh as he speaketh, if he remain not in that purpose: I al­so remain not alwayes in my good purpose; his desire is an Argu­ment of Piety, which should not be smothered and oppressed, but excited and nourished: And this opinion of Beza dependeth on the Iudgement of men; neither hath the Lord committed the Examination of some to Elders: And it is folly to say, It concerns the Church to delay, to do that which the Lord hath Commanded me to do.

Ans. 1. Erastus professeth he standeth for their admission to the Lords Supper, who are Recte instituti, & profitentur dolere se prop­ter peccata sua, who are instructed in the grounds of Christian Religion, and repenteth of their sins, or professeth it: And he said before, as I An evident contradi­ction in Erastus through his whole book. Lib. 3. c. 3. p. 206. 207. observed it, If any shall be found who shall trample on the Sacraments, Ego hunc minime admittendum censeo: I judge such a man should not be admitted to the Sacraments: Whence it is clear, That Erastus professeth that the ignorant and the scandalous should be debarred from the Lords Supper: But, good Reader, Observe that Erastus contradicteth himself in all his Arguments; for he proveth, that not any one Christian in the Visible Church, ignorant, or not igno­rant; who professe their Repentance, or not professe it, can be exclu­ded from the Sacraments; but that all are commanded by Christ to come. But Erastus saith, Scriptura illos, de quibus nos loquimur, nec à sacrificiis arcet, nec à sacramentis aliis ullis: Imò sub penâ ca­pitis mandat, ut universi mares, &c. The Scripture excludeth none from Sacrifices, or any other Sacraments: But commandeth that all the Male Children, Jews and strangers, who are not legally unclean, and from home, should compear at Ierusalem thrice a year before the Lord: And pag. 104. In sacris literis non tantum non inveniri ali­quos à sacramentis propter solam vitae turpitudinem, ab actos esse, sed Lib. 1. c. 4. pag. 112. contrarium potius probari: And Iohn Baptist (saith he) Baptized all that came to him, Pharisees and Sadduces, whom he affirmeth to be a Generation of Vipers, Ex quo intelligimus: Whence we understand, that Ministers are not to deny the Sacraments to those who seek them, [Page 370] and the Iudgement is to be left to God, Whether he who professeth Re­pentance, dissemble, or deal truly and sincerely: Yea, when Erastus saith, That it is not in all the Scripture to be found, Aliquos a Sacra­mentis propter solam vitae turpitudinem abactos esse: That any were debarred from the Sacraments for only wickednesse of life; but rather the contrary may be proved, either ignorance of God, opposed to due instruction, and professed impenitency, is no wickednesse of life, which is most absurd; or then in Scripture, some must be debar­red Whom E­rastus ex­cludeth from the Sacraments from the Sacraments for wickednesse of life only: But Erastus saith plainly, None in Scripture are debarred from the Sacraments, for only wickednesse of life: And so they are not debarred, because they professe not Repentance. And Erastus saith, Christ said, Drink ye all of this and Iudas was not excepted: Christ went into the Temple Pag. 114. 115. with most wicked men: the Pharisees and Sadduces were Baptized with the same Baptisme of Iohn vvith them: Then Erastus will exclude none at all, no not those whom Christ pronounced to sin against the Holy Ghost, and the convincing light of their own minde, Matth. 12. 31, 32. Ioh. 9. 39, 40, 41. and 15. 24. and 7. 28. Yea, pag. 117. He Page 117. will have none excluded in Corinth, not those that are impenitent, and those that vvere partakers of the Table of Devils. Pag. 116. When Page 116. Christ commandeth all to eat and all to drink, he excludeth none that professeth themselves to be Disciples: But many professe no Repen­tance, Who professe themselves Disciples: See pag. 117, 118. and the following pages. 2. Erastus saith, He is compelled to think, That he that publikely professeth sorrovv for sin, doth think as he spea­keth: But to whom shall he professe it? To the Church? Then hath the Church power to accept the confession of scandalous men, ere they be admitted to the Lords Supper: Erastus will stand at this, for it is Government in the hands of the Church; if he must confesse to the Civill Magistrate, who made him a Steward of the Seals, and Mysteries of the Gospel? Nor is the Church to think, as Erastus is compelled to think, manifest Hypocrites, and those that trample the Sacraments under their feet, will make profession of sorrow for sin: and Erastus thinketh such are not to be admitted: Page 207. Erastus saith, they may change their purpose of Repentance, and so may he doe himselfe. Valeat totum, granting all, that is, nothing to us, for any Divinity we have proofe of in Erastus his booke▪ I should humbly conceive when he speaketh so ignorantly of the [Page 371] worke of Repentance, and preparations for the Lords Supper: he hath been a man non rectè institutus, not well instructed, and Some on earth must try who are to be ad­mitted to, or debarred from the Sacrament, who not. so without the lists of the disputation by his owne word, and so not to have beene himselfe to be admitted to the Sacraments.

2. Nor is it in Beza his head onely, that those who desire the Sacrament have true piety, for Christ saith, Wicked men are known by their works; otherwise if tramplers of the Sacrament, and the ignorant desire the Sacrament, as ignorance is neighbour to arro­gance and presumption: let Erastus give us a rule in the Word by which they are to be debarred, all his arguments will prove that they are to be admitted: and if Erastus deny that the judge­ment of men either of Church or Magistrate is to be interposed in the excluding of those who are, non rectè instituti, not rightly instructed, and doe not professe sorrovv for their sin, he must speake against sense, if he grant some must judge, who are ignorant, and openly impenitent; then I say to Erastus what hee saith to Beza, your opinion dependeth on the opinion and judgement of men. 3. If God have not commanded either Elders, or any other (as Erastus saith,) to examine and judge, who are fit for the Lords Supper, who not: Then seeing Erastus saith the prophane, the ignorant, the im­penitently scandalous, knowne to be such, are to be debarred. I aske of Erastus, to whom Christ hath commanded the tryall of this, who are ignorant, and non rectè instituti? Men cannot de­barre Pag. 254. Pendet haec opinia [...]ua, ex opinione & judicio hominum. themselves from the Sacraments in a judiciall way, most of men conceiting well of themselves, rush upon the ordinances of God, not knowing that they doe evill: Workers of iniquity, who cry, Lord, Lord, Adulterers, Theeves, Idolaters, who dare come to the Temple of the Lord and cry, The temple of the Lord, The tem­ple of the Lord are these, Ier. 7. 9, 10, 11. will also fast and professe Repentance, Esa. 57. 3, 4, 5. even when their wickednes testifieth to their face against them in the eies of all, Ier. 2. 1, &c. Ier. 2. 34. Esa. 1. 9. and they will desire [...]o partake of the Lords Supper, as is evident, Esa. 57. 2. Now there are none on earth, neither Elders, or any any others to debarre them; Erastus saith, Taceo jam, quod Deus Page 254. non praecepit vel Presbyteris, vel aliis tale examen. Let Erastus an­swer us in this, and by what charity is Erastus obliged to be­leeve, all that seeketh the Lords supper, do it in truth? God has given to us mens works, not their words, of which hypocrites are [Page 372] liberall, and shall we foment hypocrisie, and mens eating their owne damnation, under Erastus his pretence of incouraging, and not suffocating seeming godly desires? Lastly, Erastus saith, it doth not concern the Church, that the man deferre to do that which Christ commands him to do, this is to beg the question. Doth Christ com­mand a man to eat his owne damnation?


Quest. 9.

Other Arguments for Excommunication vindicated.

Erastus. The Apostle writeth, if any man love not the Lord Jesus, Erastus li. 3. ca. 9. pag. 254. let him be accursed: Ergo, Paul will have the Elders to sit and judge who truely repent, who not, that they may admit the one to the supper, not the other; if this be excommunication, excommunication is grounded on a thousand places: to love Christ is to k [...]ep his comman­dements, Ioh. 13. and 15. then who ever saith those that keep not the commandements of Christ, are cursed of God, he shall this way ex­communicate: then Moses did often excommunicate. But because the false Apostles did strive to make Paul contemptible, therefore Paul saith, God be judge which of us loveth Christ, and let God destroy him who loves him not, this is the true meaning.

Ans. Erastus perverteth the sense of Beza his words, for Beza has no such conclusion as to prove a formall excommunication by the Elders, or Church judicature; this is Erastus sained conclusion. Beza inferreth from these words, that there is here gravissimae ex­communicationis Beza de pre [...]byt. pag 97. species, a kind of heavy excommunication, materi­ally, to be eternally separated from Christ, called the great excommu­nication. And it was to be accursed while the Lord come, and there­fore this may prove there is a kind of lesser excommunication, in the Church, and Moses his cursing by way of preaching, may well inserre, that because there be Church censures, therefore there is a Church cursing heavy, and lesse heavy. But Beza intendeth not to prove excommunication by the Church from this, but only that Christs enemies are cursed, though they be other wayes in the Church; [Page 373] and this kinde of excommunication, of shutting impenitent sinners out of heaven, is in a thousand places of scripture, and nothing can hence be concluded against Beza; and the like excommunication is Gal. 1. And when Ioh. 2. Ep. forbiddeth to receive a fa [...]e teacher into your house, if he be a member of the Church, he is to be farre lesse kept in Christs greater house the Church; but is to be cast out.

Erastus. When Paul saith, Gal. 5. I would they were cut off who Pag. 255. trouble you; he saith not, conveene the Elders, and cast such men out of the Church, or deliver them to Satan, but he wisheth that they were cut off by God.

Ans. 1. The place, Gal. 5. 12. I wish they were cut off that trouble The place Gal. 5. 12. vindicated. you, is expounded by Piscator of cutting off from the visible Church; Yea he saith, conveene the Church, when he saith, v. 9. a little lea­ven leaveneth the whole lumpe, that is, a little false Doctrine in­fecteth the whole Church, and v. 10. I am confident of you, that ye will be no otherwise minded; but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgement, who ever he be: then he hopeth well of the Galathians that they will be of one mind to judge, and cast out the false tea­cher, this is parallel to 1 Cor. 5. though Paul do not so right downe chide them for neglect of Church censures, as he doth 1 Cor. 5.

But saith Erastus, if Paul wished them to be cut off that troubled them, why did he not cut off those false teachers, and deliver them to Satan? Erastus answereth, it was not Gods will so to do, and the Apo­stles Pag 255. 256. could not in every place, and at every time kill miraculously; but when it was profitable, and necessary.

Ans. Then Paul, 1 Cor. 5. farre lesse could rebuke the Corin­thians; because they prayed not that the incestuous Corinthian might be miraculously killed by Paul: for Paul had not power to kill him; because it was not necessary, nor profitable: the man repented, and was never killed. 2. Iudge if it be probable that Paul would wish to work a miracle in killing false teachers, when it was neither profitable, necessary, nor sa [...]e for the Church to have them killed. 3. Paul was confident the man who troubled them should beare his judgement. Erastus saith, it was not Gods will he should be miraculously killed; Ergo, it was not miraculous killing, but some Church censure; or then Erastus must find out another kind of judgement.

[Page 374]And why (may some say) doth not Paul write to Excommunicate him, as he did the incestuous Corinthian? Beza Answereth, Paul would not 1 Cor. 5. take that Authority to himself, but would do it by Pag. 97. de Presbyte­rio, the suffrages of the Church: So here he sheweth what he desireth, but happily it was not expedient that they should be presently cut off: So Beza: Yea, the words do well bear, that Paul thought fit, That they should bear their Iudgement who had troubled them, and that that leaven should be purged out. 2. Yea, if this cutting off be miraculous, it is clear, Paul could not Communicate it to others, for it was Pauls will that the incestuous Corinthian should be deli­vered to Satan by the suffrages of the Corinthians: Nor do we read that the Apostles wished to cut off men miraculously, but were not able to do it.

Erastus. It is false, That Paul willed the man to be delivered to Satan by the suffrages of the Corinthians: For he saith [...], I have already Concluded, Ordained, Decreed, to deliver him to Sa­tan, though I be absent in body: what then would he have done? he would all the Church being gathered together (not some Presbyters only) by his own spirit, and the power of the Lord Iesus granted to him, deliver the man to Satan, that he might strike fear and terror on others, and that the man might bear the just punishment of his wic­kednesse.

Ans. Paul chideth them, that they were puffed up, and mourned not, that the man might be put out of the midst of them: Then, whereas it might be said, we want the presence of the Apostle Paul, and his privity to the businesse: To this Paul saith, ver. 3. [...], Paul did not judici­ally con­demne the incestuous man. For me (saith he) I have, as if I were present in bo­dy when you are Convened together, &c. Iudged to deliver such a one to Satan: Now that this Decree was the judiciall Decree and sentence of Paul as a miraculous Magistrate giving sentence judicially, when Paul himself was absent, and had not convinced the man, nor spo­ken with him, I do not believe; 1. Because, though [...] may signifie such a sentence of a man when the guilty is before him, yet the word doth not necessitate us to this Exposition, Luk. 19. 22. Out of thy own mouth will I judge thee; for it doth as often signifie a simple act of the minde, and the opinion of any not sitting in judge­ment, as Act. 13. 46. Ye judge your selves [...] unworthy of life Eternall, 1 Cor. 2. 2. I determined [...] to know nothing but [Page 375] Christ, Luk. 7. 43. [...], saith Christ to Simon the Pharisee who was not on the bench, Thou hast judged rightly, Tit. 3. 12. I have determined there to winter, 1 Cor. 10. 15. Iudge ye what I say, Act. 27. 1. When it was determined to sail into Italy. 2. We do not read that Apostle, Prophet or Iudge, gave out a sentence of death against any, the person condemned not being present nor heard: the Lord himself did it not to Adam, nor to Sodom; he came down to see, he examined Adam: Moses did not so condemn the man that gathered sticks on the Sabbath day: Joshua convinced Achan, the Prophet convinced Gehazi, ere he smote him with Le­prosie, Peter convinced A [...]anias and Saphira to their faces, ere he killed them, so did Paul convince Elimas the sorcerer in his face, so did Christ in his miraculous purging of the Temple, convince them that His Fathers house should be a house of Prayer. Now Paul here giveth a judiciall sentence of death on a man, he never spake of being at Philippi whence he wrote, and the delinquent at Co­rinth, if we beleeve Erastus. 3. Erastus judgeth that Paul knew this man to be penitent, and how knew Paul this? It must be a miraculous knowledge, by which Paul at Philippi looked upon the mans heart at Corinth, one of the greatest miracles that ever Paul wrought for Paul had the knowledge of the mans sinne only by report, v. 1. [...] it is reported; between Pauls writing the first verse of that Chapter, and his writing the third verse there must interveene a miraculous discovery of the incestuous mans heart, Paul being at Philippi, and the man at Corinth; and Paul knowing the man to be penitent, and because of his penitency (as Erastus saith) Paul did not kill him: Yet Paul so farre absent, must have given out a miraculous sentence, as a miraculous Magi­strate. I (saith he) by revelation as having the sword of God now in my hand, have judged, and given out sentence, that this man shall be miraculously killed by Satan, before your eyes, that all may feare, and do so no more, and yet I know him to be penitent, and that he shall not be killed by Satan; a monstrous and irrationall sentence, if it be said, that by report Paul had knowledge of his sinne, and by report al­so he had knowledge of his repentence, and that his spirit would be saved in the day of the Lord, and that this knowledge came not to Paul by any immediate revelation. I answer, Yet the sentence must stand by Erastus his mind touching [...]. I have judged and [Page 376] condemned him as a miraculous Magistrate to dye upon a report, though I never heard him, and I know he shall not dye for this sault: for can it be said, that Paul retracted a sentence which he gave out as the deputy of God, and he even then, when he wrote the sen­tence, kn [...]w there was so much repentance in the man, as he would for it be moved not to kill him. 4. There is no ground in the Text, why Paul should be said to seek the naked presence of the whole people, to do such a miracle before them, he being himselfe absent; for there is more then a naked presence of the Corinthians, as only witnesses that they might be affraid & do so no more: for they were present as instructed with the spirit of Paul, and the power of the Lord Jesus Christ▪ to deliver such a one to Satan: as the words bear, v. 4. [...]. For to be con­veened in the name of Christ, being spoken, Mat. 18. v. 20. of a Church meeting, or in reference thereunto in the same phrase, and to be conveened with the power and spirit of Paul, and of the Lord Iesus, cannot agree to Paul; nor can it be said, I Paul absent in body, and present in spirit, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and with my spi­rit, and the power of the Lord Jesus, have decreed to deliver such a one to Satan. For, 1. the Grammer of the words cannot beare that, for ( being conveened in the name of the Lord, with my spirit) are constructed together in the Text. 2. It is no sence, nor any Scripture phrase. I present in spirit, and with my spirit have decreed to deliver such a one to Satan. 3. It is evident that Paul would, as it were absent, recompence his bodily absence, with the presence of the spirit, and road of Church censure, which the Lord had communicated to them. 5. Erastus needeth not object, that there was a conveening of the Church, not of some Elders, for as there is no word of the word Elders in the Text, so is there no word of [...] in the Text, and so the debate will be, what is meant by [...] whether Elders, or people, or both; but though every one in their owne place were understood, yet the words beare a juridicall convention, being conveened in the name of the Lord Jesus, and with my spirit, and the power of the Lord Jesus.

Erastus▪ The questions why Paul did not command to excommuni­cate the false Apostles in Galathia? Or why he did not miraculousty kill them? are both urgent; But the latter is most urgent, for the [Page 377] power of miraculous afflicting men, was given to few men, and to Apostles: But it is a wonder, if excommunication was ever, and eve­ry where to be observed in all Churches. Yet Paul neither practiseth it here, nor else where, nor commandeth others to practise it; now here he desireth they may be cut off, but not excommunicated.

Ans. We say the last is no question, you never read in the New-Testament, or in the Old, that Prophets or Apostles consulted, or advised with the people, whether they should work miracles or not: 2. Though Excommunication was an ordinary power, as the power of binding and loosing given to the Church, Matth. 16. 19. and 18. 18. Ioh. 20. 22, 23. Yet the actuall exercise of Excommuni­cation, being the highest and weightiest censure, and the most se­vere of any other on earth, it is no wonder that Paul be as spa­ring and rare in the exercise of it, as the Apostles were in killing mens bodies. 3. It is a begging of the question, to say, Paul nei­ther practised himself, nor commanded others to excommunicate, for he did both.

Erastus. That which is, Rom. 16. spoken for eschewing of those Pag. 256. 257. who cause offences, is that every one single person beware of false Teachers; it is not spoken to the Church to Excommunicate those false Teachers, and therefore there is no such need of such a Presbytery as you dream of, but only of good and diligent Ministers, who may right­ly instruct, and prudently teach their hearers, what Teachers they ought to eschew.

Ans. 1. The eschewing of false Teachers is a generall, and a du­ty To eschew the scanda­lous is ma­terially to Excommu­nicatethem. no question given to all and every one of the Church: But the place doth no more say in expresse terms that a single Pastor should give warning particularly by name, that this man, Iohn, Hymeneus, Alexander, are those false Teachers to be eschewed, then it saith, that the Presbytery, which we assert, doth in expresse termes, shew what false Teachers they be, who by name are to be Excommuni­cated and eschewed; but you see, that Erastus is overcome by truth, so far, as he must say one single Minister may declare that such a false Teacher, by name, is to be eschewed as a Heathen and a Publican, and so in effect excommunicated, and put out of the Church; but he denieth that the Church may declare him a Hea­then, as Matth. 18. and that many Elders, [...] gathered to­gether in the name of Christ, as it is, 1 Cor. 5. may put out a false [Page 378] Teacher, or a wolf out of the flock. 2. We grant that it is spoken to every one, that he should eschew false teachers, yea, and 2 Thes. 3. All that walketh unordinately, all fornicators, extortioners, drunkards, 1 Co [...]. 5. But that every man should eschew those, whom he in his private judgement conceiveth to be such, before he re­buke them, and labour to gain them, and in case of obst [...]n [...]cy, Tell the Church, as Christ commande [...]h, Matth. 18. is not commanded, bu [...] forbidden, Matth. 18. Lev. 1917. Col. 3. 15. For if this should be, that I might immediatly, upon my own private grudge, unbro­ther and cast out of my heart and intire fellowship, every one whom I conceive offendeth me, and walketh unordinately, without observing Christs order, or previous rebuking of him, I make a pathway to perpetuall Schismes: 2. A violation of all Laws of fra­ternity, and Christian Communion. 3. A diss [...]lving and breaking of all Church Communion, and i [...] were strange, if Erastus will have Christs order kept, Matth. 18. in private offences done by one brother to another, and not in publick offences, when a brother offendeth twenty, and a whole Church, as if I were obliged to seek to gain my brothers soul in private and l [...]sse injuries, and not in publick, and more hainous offences.

Hence it is clear to me, If we are to reject an Heretick, after once, Tit. 3. 10. Ioh 2. 10. or twice admonition, and not to receive in our houses false Teachers, and 1 Tim. 6. 3. If any teach otherwise, and consent not unto the wholesome word, even the words of our Lord Iesus Christ, being given to perverse disputing, as men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, 1 Tim. 6. 3, 4, 5. We are to withdraw our selves from such, and to save, with severity and plucking out of the fi [...]e, those that can­not be cured; then certainly the Church of Christ must also turn away from such men, and acknowledge them as no members of the body, whereof Christ is the head; if we say not this, if one hath leave in a constituted Church, to j [...]dge and condemne his brother, and then we shall not take the course of the Apostles in the like case, as Act. 15. which is not Apostolick, for when false Teachers troubled the Brethren, they would not peremptorily, though great Apostles, as Paul and Barnabas, determine against either the false doctrine, or the persons of the Teachers, while the Apostles, El­ders, and Brethren did meet in a Synod, and determine against the Error, and against the men, as such as troubled the Brethren with [Page 379] words, and perverted their souls, Act. 15. Now Erastus is willing to acknowledge a sort of Divine Excommunication, not a humane, as he is pleased to call that Ordinance of separating of wicked men from the Church and holy things of God, which yet was in the Church of the Jews, instituted by Christ and his Apostles, and which no Church wanted, as learned Beza saith, even in the time of per­secution: had Erastus explained to us his divine Excommunication, as he calleth it, it were easie to bring most of his owne Arguments with greater strength of reason against it then against ours, which is the truely divine Excommunication.


Quest. 10.

Whether Erastus doth strongly prove that there is no Presbytery, nor two distinct judicatures, one of the Church, another of the State?

Erastus. I deny not, First, such a Presbytery, as the Evangelists Erastusl. 4. c. 1. c. 2. p. 258. 259. What Pres­byteries Erastus yeildeth. mention, which is called a Presbytery, a Synedry, a Synagogue; this was the civill Magistrate who had amongst the Jews the power of the sword. 2. I deny not a Presbytery, 1 Cor. 6. when the Church wanteth a civill Magistrate. 3. I deny not a Presbytery of learned men, who being asked, may give their judgement of doubts: of which Ambrose, there was nothing of old done sine seniorum consilio, without the Counsels of the Elders. But I deny a Senate, collected out of the body of the Church, to judge who repenteth, and are to be excommunicated, and debarred from the Sacraments, and who not; or I deny any Eccle­siasticall judicature, touching the manners and conversation of men, different from the judgement or court of the civill Magistrate, or that there be two supream Courts touching manners in one Common wealth.

Ans. One simple head in a moment, may deny more then many wise men can prove in a whole day, it proveth they are more cum­bersome in their disputes, then strong; that there was a Iewish Presbytery, [...]hat is, a civill judicature, is con [...]uted by Lev. 10. 10. where there is a Court of Aarons sonnes, whose it was to judge [Page 380] of Church matters only, and to put difference betweene holy, and un­holy, betweene cleane, and uncleane. 2. A Presbytery of arbitrators in matters civill, to keep Christians from going to law one with another, before heathen judges: Is not a Presbytery, 1 Cor. 6. one wise man might do that, and he is no Presbytery. 2. There is no judicatures of Officers there; they were but gifted men arbitra­rily chosen for a certaine businesse, and were not judges, habitu. 3. A Presbytery for Doctrine only is further to seek in the word, I hope, then our Presbytery; Erastus should teach us where it is. 4. He denieth a Presbytery for manners, then all scandals must come before the civill Magistrate. Who made him a Church offi­cer to judge of the affairs of the Church? Who is to be admitted to the seals, who not? For two supream Courts, I shall speak God-willing.

Erastus. There is no Colledge of Presbyters at Corinth, but every Pag. 259. man was to judge himselfe.

Ans. There is a company gathered together in the name of our A Presby­tery at Co­rinth. Lord Jesus with the spirit of Paul, and the power of our Lord Iesus, 1 Cor. 5. 4. 5. who did judge those that are within, and put out from amongst them an incestuous man, v. 12, 13. least he should leaven the whole Church, v. 6. this is a Colledge of judges. 2. There is a num­ber of builders and labourers with God, 1 Cor. 3. 9, 10, 11, 12. Ministers of God, dispensers of the misteries of Word and Sacra­ments of God, 1 Cor. 4. 1. such as Paul, Apollos, Cephas, and o­thers, 1 Cor. 1. 12, 13. 1 Cor. 4. 6. A number that had power to punish, to forgive, 2 Cor. 1. 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 3. A number of Prophets who judged of the Doctrine of the Prophets, 1 Cor. 14. 30, 31, 32. these be ve­ry like a Colledge of Presbyters. O but Paul writeth not to those, but to those who were puffed up, and mourned not, 1 Cor. 5. 2. These were the people and Church. Ans. Yea these were the eyes, eares, and principall parts of the Church, 1 Cor. 12. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. now he writeth to the Church, 1 Cor. 1. 1▪ 2.

Erastus. Before this time, Paul must have instituted this Presby­tery, who seeth not that this is false? for so he would have accused the Presbytery, not the whole Church; but he accuseth not the Elders, be­cause they admitted the man to the Lords supper, and there is no word of excommunication here. There is no mention of one judgement, of one election, of one office, but he chideth the whole Church; because [Page 381] they mourned not: it was not the Elders office to remove this; they dream, who say there is a Presbytery instituted here, and there was none insti­tuted before this Epistle was written; he biddeth them not ask suf­frages, whether he should be excommunicated or no.

Ans. All that Erastus saith against a Presbytery, is to improve excommunication: But there may be excommunication by the people, as many hold, where there be no Elders at all. 2. Let Era­stus point out the time, when a number of preaching Prophets were instituted at Corinth, whether in this Chapter (which to me is a dream) or before. 3. He had cause to rebuke all; All were secure, the Elders who cast him not out, the people who said not to their Elders, as the Colossians are bidden say, Col. 4. 17. to Archippus; and will Erastus say that preaching Elders, who by office, are the eyes of the Church, 1 Cor. 12. 17, 28. were not to be chiefe in mourning to God, and praying that the man might be miraculously killed? and yet he reproveth all equally. 4. He reproveth them all that the man was not cast out of the Church, and this includeth a reproofe, that he injoyed all the Church priviledges, especially the Sacraments. 5. It is false that there is no mention of judgement, v. 12. Do not ye judge those that are within? for election, there is none in the Chapter, nor any Presbytery instituted in this Chap­ter; it was before: Erastus hath the like reason to say, that there was no instituted Church at Corinth, because in the 1. or 2. Epistle to the Corinthians: we reade not where he instituted any such Church; if we finde the thing instituted, we know it had an insti­tution, and let Erastus shew us when Paul received the institution of the Lords supper, from the Lord: shall we deny he received a­ny such thing contrary to 1 Cor. 11. 23. because we finde not where and how he received from the Lord? 6. There is no asking of suf­frages mentioned Act. 1. at the choosing of Mathias, nor Act. 6. at the choosing of the Deacons that we reade of; Ergo, there were no suffrages there; it followeth not. 7. And ought not farre rather suffrages to have been asked before the people should take on their heads the mans blood, by consenting thereunto, and praying for it, as Erastus saith?

Erastus. If these words, v. 3. I verily as absent in body, but present in spirit, have decreed, &c. signifie, choose out of your company, Pres­byters, who are to censure the manners of the people, who shall debarre [Page 380] [...] [Page 381] [...] [Page 382] the unworthy from the Sacraments, I am willing to suffer any thing.

Ans. I know no man but Erastus that dreameth of any such sense, there is no institution of a Presbytery in this Chapter, no calling of Ministers; but it presupposeth a ministery before s [...]led. But if th [...]se words. I have decreed, &c. have the Erastian sense, I have given s [...]e [...]c [...] as a Magistrate, that the man be killed by the ministery of the Devill; and that you shall be my Heralds to pro­claime this sentence: it is a wonder the Text give not any hint of such a sense.

Erastus. v. 12. he speaketh not of the judgement of Presbyters, Pag. 261. but of all the people.

Ans. 1. This Erastus on his word asserteth, without probation: Erastus granteth an examinati­on of such as are to be admitted to the Sacra­ments, but denieth all exclusion. Pag. 261. We deny it, it is but par [...]llel with Gods judging. 2. It is an act of the keys. 3. It is relative to casting out by those that are conveened in the name of the Lord Iesus, with the spirit of Paul, and the po­wer of our Lord Iesus: Was every Girle, and beleeving servant capable of this spirit▪ and power?

Erastus. I grant before any come to age, be baptized, he is to be ex­amined, whether he understand the Doctrine of saith, and assent to it with his heart: I grant it is profitable that young ones be examined, before they be admitted to the supper, but I deny God hath for either of those instituted a Presbytery. But there is no ground that a Presby­tery must try wicked men, ere they be admitted to the Lords supper.

Ans. 1. We owe Erastus thanks for granting this; but what if the aged be sound grosly ignorant, and uncapable of the seals? and some wicked men will trample the seals as swine, and yet they desire the seals. Erastus said before, such should not be admitted; who Pag. 207. should debarre them; either the Church of beleevers, or those that are over them in the Lord, or the Magistrate must debarre them: if the first and second be said, Erastus cometh to finde some use for a Presbytery; if the Magistrate be an heathen, he cannot examine or debarre any from the seals. Let Erastus answer, if he be a Chri­stian, how can it be denied; but if the Magistrate by his office is to steward the bread to one of the children, not to another, but he is a steward to cut and divide the word, and seals both aright; and how could Paul make it one of the properties of the Pastor, 2. Tim. 2. to cut the word, and by the same reason to distribute the seals aright, if it depend upon another officer by his office to com­mand [Page 383] him to divide it to this man, whom he hath examined, and findeth in his mind qualified, and not to this man? We judge the Elders of the New Testament do agree in this common and perpe­tuall morality, that both are to put difference between clean, and unclean, holy, and unholy, though many things were unclean to the Iews, that are not unclean to us, and that the Church hath yet a power to bind and loose, Mat. 16. 9.

Erastus. There was never a wiser common wealth in the world, Page 262. lib. 4. then that of the Iews, Deut. 4 But in the Common vvealth of the Ievves, there vvere never tvvo distinct judicatures concerning man­ners: Ergo, There should not be these tvvo different jurisdictions in the Christian common vvealth. But all should be given to the civill Magistrate.

Ans. Erastus is seldome happy in his Logick, his Sy [...]logismes are thin sowne, all Gods laws are most wise, but if this be a good Ar­gument, was not their Church, their Religion, their Ceremonies, their judiciall Laws, all wise and righteous? Then the Christian Church should be conform yet to the Iewish, we should have those same bloody sacrifices, judiciall lawes, Ceremonies that they had. The Iudicatures and officers are positive things, flowing from the positive will of God, who doth appoint one jurisdiction for them, most wise, and another to Christians different from them, and in its kinde, most wise. 2. We give two judicatures in the Church of the Iews, concerning manners, one civil, acknowledged by Erastus; ano­ther spirituall & Ecclesiastick, ordaining Ecclesiastick and Spirituall punishments upon the unclean, Lev. 10. 10. As to be removed out of the campe, and such like, and Deut. 17. Thou shalt come to the priests, the Levites, and the Iudge, that shall be in those daies, according to the sentence vvhich they of that place (vvhich the Lord shall chuse) The pla­ces Deut. 17. and 2 Chron. [...]9 do prove two diffe­rent judi­catures. shall shevv thee, and thou shalt observe to doe according to all that they informe thee, ver. 12. And the man that vvill do [...] presumptu­ously, and vvill not hearken [...] to the Priest, (that standeth there to minister before the Lord thy God) or unto the judge, [...] even that man shall die, and thou shalt put avvdy evill from Israel. There is here an evident disjunction that clear­ly holdeth forth, that both the Priests and the civill judge judged in matters of manners, and that he that presumptuously despised the sentence of either was to die: a judicature of the Priests is e­vidently [Page 384] here, and a judicature of the civill judge, Erastus can­not deny, and that the Priest judged in subordination to the ci­vill judge, is refuted by the words, which saith the Priest was immediatly subordinate to God, not to the Magstistrate: He that will not heare the Priest ( that standeth to minister before the Lord thy God) shall die: Ergo, He is the Minister of the Lord; and God called and separated Aaron and his sonnes, to stand before the Lord, and to minister, and he did call the Levites, the Magistrate called them not to office.

Erastus. Beza saith, that Moses, Ioshua, David, Salomon, did not Page 262. execute the office of the Priests, and therefore the charge of the Priests, and of the civill Magistrates were different offices, and charges; but I said, before the Lord chose Aaron and his sonnes to be Priests, they were not so distinct charges, but they did agree to one and the same person; for, Moses to omit the rest, did execute the office of Aaron, Levit. 8. But after that it was not lawfull for any to doe the office both of King and Priest; and therefore Saul and Vzziah were justly corrected of God for it. But what is this? It proveth not that the Priests had publike judicatures to punish wickednes of manners.

Ans. Certainly, if Erastus deny the charge of the Priest and the How the Kingly and priest­ly office are diffe­rent. King to be different offices, because once Moses did offer Sacri­fice, (and so was Melchisedeck both a King and a Priest, Heb. 7.) he must say that Moses offered Sacrifices, Levit. 8. not as a Priest. (Sure I am, Moses was a Prophet, and a Prince and Ruler, but no Priest.) But Moses by Erastus his way, must as a civill Magistrate have offered Sacrifices, and not as a Priest or priviledged per­son by a speciall and an extraordinary commandement of God; for to deny the two offices of Priest and King to be different of­fices, because one man discharged some Acts proper to both Offices, as Moses both did beare the Sword of God, as a Prince, and did also discharge some Acts proper to the Priest, as Erastus saith he did, Leviticus 8. is a poore and naughty Argument: undeniable it is that Melchisedeck was both King and Priest, but even then to be a King and to be a Priest, were two distinct offices, in nature and essence, because Melchisedech did not take away the life of a Murtherer, as a Priest, but as King of Sa­lem, Heb. 7. 1. Nor did Abraham pay tithes to Melchisedech as to a King, but as to a Priest. Tithes in Moses Law as tithes, were ne­ver [Page 385] due to any but to the Priests: and therefore even in Melchi­sedeck, the Kingly and Priestly office, were formally distinct Or­dinances of God, just as David as a King and judge took away the head of the man who brought Sauls head to him, and not as a Prophet he did this; so as a Prophet he penned the Psalmes, not as a King: If one and the same man be both a Musitian and a pain­ter, he doth paint excellently as a painter, not at a Musitian, and he singeth excellently not as a Painter, but as a Musitian; and though one and the same man doe acts proper to both, that may prove that Musick and the art of painting are one subjectively onely, that they may both agree to one and the same man, but not that they are not two faculties and gifts of God different in spece and nature. 2. Though Erastus confesse that it was unlawfull that Vzzias and Saul should sacrifice, yet he will have the Kings office, and the Ministers office under the New Testament not so different; for Lib. 3. c. 1. page 175. Erastus de­nieth the Ministery to be a pe­culiar ordi­nance to some one­ly, but common to all under the New Testament. he said expresly, Who knoweth not now when Aarons Priesthood is removed, but we are all equally Priests? Saul and Vzziah sinned when they were bold to sacrifice and burne incense, but the Magi­strate doth not therefore sin, who exerciseth the charge of the Mini­stery, if he might for his businesse performe both, doth Paul make ex­ceptions of Magistrates and Potentates, when he saith, 1 Cor. 14. You may all prophecie? Hence he must grant that the civill Magi­strate now may both preach, baptize, and administer the Supper of the Lord, and therfore not only hath the Church no Senate, nor Ec­clesiasticall court to punish faults, and scandals with Ecclesiastick censures; but there is no Presbytery of Elders to give their judge­ment in matters of doctrine, for the Magistrates and all Christi­ans may as well prophecy by [...] Cor. 14. as Ministers, saith he, yea the faculty of preaching is no more proper to the Ministers of the Church, then to the Magistrates of the city. Now by this nothing is proper to the Magistrate, as the Magistrate, but to the Magi­strate as a Christian, and to all Christians. But Erastus conten­deth that the government of the Church, and punishing of Scan­dals, which we say belongeth to those that are over the people of God in the Lord, and to Church Rulers, doth belong to the Ma­gistrate as the Magistrate, and virtute officii, by vertue of his of­fice: so that if any Iew or Turke, or any ignorant or extreame­ly scandalous should attempt to intrude himselfe upon the Seals, [Page 386] the Magistrate as the Magistrate and virtute officii, is to examine and judge if he be unworthy, & to debar him, or as he findeth him wor­thy, admit him to the Seals. Now any seeth that it is but a deceiving of the Reader, to say that one man may discharge both the place of the Magistrate, and the Minister of God, as Moses did, and Ioshua, & David: For let Erastus and his followers shew us roundly and down-right, whether or no prophecying, debarring the unworthy from the Seals, and all acts of Church government, not proper to the Magistrate as the Magistrate, and virtute officii; And if so, (as indeed Erastus teacheth) it is bu [...] a poore shift to say, that one and the same man may both exercise the part of a Magistrate, and of a Minister.

Erastus. Beza for ever shall not prove that there was a Church judicature, that had power to punish scandalous men. Iehoshaphat Page 263. 264. Two di­stinct Iudi­catures, 2 Chron. 19. 2 Chron. 19. ordained judges in all the fenced cities, and admoni­shed them of their duty. 2. And did the same at Ierusalem. 3. And ordained judges of Levites and Priests, and heads of families, for the judgement of the Lord, and for every cause; and Amaziah the High Priest was chiefe in the causes of the Lord, and Zebadiah in the Kings causes. This Synedrie at Ierusalem was the politick Magi­strate, they judged of stroaks, servitude, deaths. But your Synedrie judgeth not between blood and blood, it judgeth not of every cause, as Deut. 17. Those that are not well versed in Scripture, are to note two things: 1. That the cause of the Lord, where mention is made of judicatures, is not onely a cause of Religion, but any cause proposed in judgement, especially the causes of the widdow, the Or­phan, & oppressed, which the Lord saith he will avenge. 2. The Levites & Priests were no lesse civil judges then others it is known that onely the Levits were Magistrats in the cities of refuge, there was need of men exercised in the Law of God, that the judges might judge righteously.

Ans. If you take punishing for inflicting Church-censure, (as we here take it) then all the places that sayes the Priests pronounced the Leper clean or unclean, to put out of the campe, or take in, to judge of the adulterous woman, of the restitution made by those for whom they offered Sacrifices, to judge between the clean and unclean; to hold out of the Sanctuary the unclean, the uncircum­cised in heart and flesh, Levit. 13. 3, 4, &c. and 20, 22. and 21. 26, and 30. 44. and 31. 50. Ezek. 22. 26. and 44. 8, 9, 10. Num. 3. 6, and 5. 18, 19. Deut, 17. 12. say the Priests had power to pu­nish [Page 387] for transgressing of Gods Lawes, and where the Prophets complaine of the Priests mis-government and unjustice, it is pre­supposed they were to govern justly according to the Law, Ier. 5. 31. 2 King. 12. 4. Ier. 26. 7, 8, 11. Hag. 2. 11, 12. Ezek. 44. 8, 9, 10. 2. For the place 2 Chron. 19. it is evident that Iehoshaphat doth re­forme both Church and State, and brought the corrupted Iudi­catures to that which they should be by Law; and v. 5, 6, 7. He set judges in the fenced cities of Iudah: Here is the civill judicature. And v. 8. Moreover in Ierusalem did Iehoshaphat set of the Levits, and of the Priests, and of the chiefo of the fathers of Israel, for the judgement of the Lord, and for controversies, when they returned to Ierusalem. Now that this second is a Church judicature, I am con­firmed, 1. Because Iehoshaphat appointed civill judges in all the fen­ced cities of Iudah; Ergo, Also in Ierusalem the prime fenced city: Now this civill judicature was not tyed to a place, but was in e­very city, even all the fenced cities; but the Synedrie of Priests, Levites and Elders was onely at Ierusalem, in the place that the Lord should chuse, Deut. 17. 8. Hence a judicature tyed to no city, but which is in every fenced city, 2 Chron. 19. 5. Deut. 17. 8. and a judicature tyed to Ierusalem, the place that the Lord did choose, Deut. 17. 8. 2 Chron. 19. 8. must be two distinct judicatures, but such were these. 2. There is a ( moreover) put to the Iudicature at Ierusalem, [...] and also in Ierusalem did Iehoshaphat set of the Levites, &c. This could not have been said, if this had not been a judicature different from the former, for if Iehoshaphat appointed Iudges in all the fenced cities; Ergo, He appointed them first at Ierusalem, the Mother city and fountaine of justice; now then he should say the same thing needlesly, and with a moreover, if this judicature at Ierusalem were not a judicature Ecclesiasticke and different from the judicature civill, that he appointed at Ierusalem as one of the prime fenced cities, which was common with the civill judicatures in other fenced cities. 3. The persons in the ju­dicatures are different, for v. 5. the members of the court, 2 Chro. 19. 5, 6, 7▪ are called [...] judges; these could not be Churchmen, for of these he speaketh v. 8. & they are expresly distinguished from the Levites, Priests and Elders, v. 8. who are all Church-men, for the fathers of the people were no other thing then our governing Elders, and these were members of the other court, v. 8. 4. The [Page 388] objects of these judicatures are very different. The Spirit of God saith of the one ver. 5. That they judge for the Lord, ver. 13. for▪ [...] all the Kings matters, this must be all civill causes, in which the King, and inferiour judges under the King doe judge; but the ob­ject of the other is higher. The Priests and Levites are appointed by Iehoshaphat for the judgement of the Lord, ver. 8. And in every matter of the Lord, v. 13. Now whereas Erastus putteth a note of ignorance on all that hath been versed in the Old Testament be­fore him, whereas he confesseth he understandeth not the Originall Language, let the Reader judge what arrogance is here, where e­ver there is mention (saith he) of judgement, there is signified not re­ligious causes, but also other causes, especially the cause of the wi­dow and Orphane: It bewrayeth great ignorance. For, 1. The matters of the Lord, and the matters of the King, are so evidently di­stinguished, and opposed the one to the other, by two divers presi­dents in the different judicatures, the one Ecclesiasticall, Ama­ziah the chiefe Priest, in every word or matter of the Lord▪ and the other Zebadiah, the sonne of Ishmael the ruler of the house of Iudah, for all the Kings matters, that the very words of the Text, say that of Erastus which he saith of others, that he is not versed in the Scripture: for then the causes of the Lord, and the causes of the King in the Text, by Erastus should be the same causes, whereas the Spirit of God doth distinguish them most evident­ly. 2. If the cause of the King, were all one with the judgement of the Lord, and the cause of the Lord, yea, if it were all one with all causes whatsoever either civill or Ecclesiasticall, what reason was there they should be distinguished in the Text? and that Amaziah should not be over the people in the Kings matters, though he were the chiefe Priest, and Zebadiah though a civill Iudge over all the matters of the Lord, and causes Ecclesiasticall? 3. The Kings matters are the causes of the widow, and orphan, and oppressed, as is evident, Ier. 22. 2. O King of Iudah, v. 3. ex­ecute yee judgement and righteousnesse, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor, and doe no wrong, doe no violence to the stranger, the fatherlesse, nor the widdow, so Esa. 1. 10. 17. Prov. 31. 4, 5. Iob 29. 12, 13, &c. Then the▪ Text must beare that every matter of the King is the Iudgement of the Lord, and the mat­ter of the Lord; and every matter and judgement of the Lord, is [Page 389] also the matter of the King, and to be judged by the King, then must the King as well as the Priest, judge between the clean and the unclean, and give sentence who shall be put out of the Campe, and not enter into the Congregation of the Lord, no lesse then the Priests. Let Erastus and all his see to this, and then must the Priests also releeve the fatherlesse and widdow, and put to death the oppressour. 2. The different presidents in the judicatures maketh them different judicatures. 3. It is denied, that all causes whatsoever came before the Ecclesiasti­call Synedry at Jerusalem, Erastus doth say this, but not prove it; for the place 2 Chron. 19. doth clearly expound the place, Deut. 17. for the causes of the brethren that dwell in the Cities, between Blood and Blood, between Law and Commandement, Statutes and judgements are judged in the Ecclesiasticall Synedrim at Ierusalem not in a civill coactive way by the power of the sword. 1. Because all causes are by a coactive power judged, as the mat­ters of the King, the supream sword bearer, 2 Chron. 19. 5. v. 13. Rom. 13▪ 4. to eschew oppression, and maintain justice, Ier. 22. 2, 3. But the causes here judged in this Synedrim, are judged in another reduplication, as the matters of the Lord differenced from the mat­ters of the King, 2 Chron. 19. 13. now if the Priests and Levites judged in the same judicature, these same civill causes, and the same way by the power of the sword, as Magistrates, (as Erastus saith) why is there in the Text, 1. Two judicatures; one, v. 5. in all the fenced cities; another at Ierusalem, v. 8? 2. What meaneth this, that the Kings matters are judged in the civill judicature, not by the Priests and Levites? (as Erastus saith) for the Ruler of the house of Iudah was president in these, and the matters of the Lord were judged by the Priests and Levites? and Amariah the chiefe Priest was over them? for then Amariah was as well over the Kings matters, as the Ruler of the house of Iudah, and the Ruler of the house of Iudah over the Lords matters, as over the Kings; for if Priests and Levites judged as the Deputies subordinate to the King, and by the power of the sword, the Kings matters are the Lords matters, and the Lords matters the Kings matters, and A­mariah judgeth not as chiefe Priests, as he doth burne incense, but as an other judge, this truly is to turne the Text upside downe. 2. The causes judged in the Synedrim at Ierusalem, are said to be [Page 390] judged as controversies, when they returned to Ierusalem, 2 Chr. 19. 8. and matters too hard, between plea and plea, between blood, and blood, between stroke and stroke, Deut. 17. 8. and so doubts of Law, and cases of conscience. Now Mal. 2. 7. The Priests lips should preserve knowledge, and they should seek the Law at his mouth; for he is the messenger of the Lord of hostes, and this way only the Priests and Levites judged, not that they inflicted death on any; but they resolved in an Ecclesiasticall way, the consciences of the judges of the fenced Cities, what was a breach of the Law of God Morall or Judiciall, what not; what deserved Church censures, what not, who were clean, who unclean; and all these are called the judgement of the Lord, the matters of the Lord; because they had so near relation to the soul and conscience, as the conscience is under a divine Law. 3. Erastus saith, it is knowen that the Le­vites only were Magistrates in the Cities of refuge, but I deny it; Erastus should have made it knowen to us from some Scripture: I finde no ground for it in Scripture.

Erastus. It is true, that Beza saith, that the Magistrate hath a Pag. 265. supream power to cause every man do his duty. But how hath he that supream power, if he be also subject to the Presbyters? for your Presbyters do subject the Magistrate to them, and compell him to obey them and punish them, if they disobey.

Ans. The Magistrate even King David leaveth not off to be supream, because Nathan commandeth him in the Lord; nor the King of Niniveh and his Nobles leave not off to command as Ma­gistrates, though Jonah by the word of the Lord bring them to lie in sackcloth, and to Fast; all the Kings are subject to the rebukes and threatnings of the Prophets, Isa. 1. 10. Jer. 22. 2, 3. Ier. 1. 18. 2 Kin. 12. 8, 9. 10, 11, 12. 1 Kin. 21. 21, 22, 23. Isa. 30. 33. Hos. 5. 1, 2. and to their commandments in the Lord: If Presbyters do com­mand as Ministers of Christ, the highest powers on earth if they have souls, must submit their consciences to the Lords rebukings, threatnings and Commandment in their mouth: Court Sycophants say the contrary, but we care not. 2. But they punish the Christian Magistrate (saith he) if there be any Church Censure, as we sup­pose there is, this Objection should not have been made against us; because of the Magistrates supremacy; it doth conclude with e­quall strength, that Pastors should use it against no man: Now [Page 391] there be some swine that trample the Sacraments, some not well in­structed in the grounds of Christian Religion▪ and Erastus said, pag. 207. Such should not be admitted to the Lords Supper▪ Now the Magistrate the King is such; Let Erastians say, the Pearles of the Seals of the Covenant are to be given to no swine, except the swine be Magistrates, and that which the Church bindeth on earth is bound in heaven, except it be the Magistrate; Erastus saith, he may go to Hell by priviledge of his place; and that whose sins the Elders of the Church retaineth are retained, except it be the Kings sins, and that we are to put shame upon scandalous persons, and to refuse to eat with them, Romanes 16. 17. 2▪ Thess. 3. 14, 15. 1 Cor. 5. 11. 2 Ioh. 10. Except they be Magistrates; Sure God is no accepter of persons.

Erastus. Whereas you say, it is not lawfull for the Magistrate to Pag. 265. preach and administer the Sacraments▪ (if he might because of his bu­sinesse be able to discharge both Offices) it is not true: God hath not forbidden it; it was lawfull in the Old Testament, for one man to dis­charge both, why is it not lawfull now also? the history of Eli and Sa­muel is known; it is nothing that you say, that the tribunall of Moses, was distinguished from the tribunall of Aaron: for God gave to Aa­ron no tribunall at all, different from the tribunall of Moses, he ne­ver did forbid the Priests to sit in the Civill judicature after the cap­tivity, the Priests judged the people Ezech. 44.

Ans. That it is lawfull for the Magistrate to preach and Admi­nister Magistrates are not to dispense the word and Sacraments as Erastus saith. the Sacraments, 1. Destroyeth the Ordinance of Pastors, and a sent and called Ministry under the New Testament, against the Scriptures, Heb▪ 5. 4▪ No man taketh on him this honour to himself▪ except he that is called of God, as was Aaron: So also Christ glori­fied not himself, to be made an high Priest, &c. [...] 2. God often ma­keth an honour of a calling to the Ministery, that he hath separated them to it, Numb. 16▪ 9. Moses saith to Korah; hear now [...]e sons of Levi, Seemeth it a small thing unto you, that the God of Israel hath separated you from the congregation of Israel to bring you neer to himself to do the service of the tabernacle of the Lord, Deut. 10. 8. At that time the Lord separated the tribe of Levi to bear the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, to stand before the Lord to minister un­to him, Numb. 8▪ 6. 7. 8. 9. But that same honour is put upon the Preachers of the Gospel, Rom▪ [...]. 1. Paul the servant of Iesus Christ, [Page 392] called to be an Apostle, separated unto the Gospell of God, Act. 13. 2. The holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them: If it be an honour, and no man, though gifted as Christ was, can take honour to himself: No Ma­gistrate can take on him to discharge the office of a Minister.

Object. But when he is called to be a Magistrate, he is called to be a Minister, and so being called to the one, he is called by the same cal­ling to the other.

Ans. If being called to be Magistrate, he be also called to be a Minister, then being called to be a Minister, he is called to be a Magistrate, and Hoc ipso that he is a Minister, be may usurpe the sword, and usurpe the Throne and the Bench▪ But Christ being sent to be a Prophet, and to preach the Gospel, Esa. 61. 1. Luk. 4. 20. 21. ve [...]. 43. refused to divide the inheritance, and to be a a Iudge, Luk. 12. 13, 14. He would not take on him to be a judge, except God had made him, and called him to be a judge; If any say the Magistrate, being the supream place, containeth eminently all inferior offices▪ as to be a Minister, a Lawyer, a Physitian, &c. but the inferior does not containe the superior, I Ans. Then the Ma­gistrate being called to be a Magistrate and King, he is called to be a Priest to burn incense, which the Lord condemned in his word▪ in Vzzah; then when Saul is called to be a King, he is called to be an Astronomer, Lawyer, Physitian, Sayler, Tayler: Now God giveth a spirit to be a King, but no gifts to those offices; Ergo, No calling thereunto, for no gifts argue no calling of God. 2. If a man called to be a judge, be also by that same calling, by which he is made a judge, made a Minister, then it is all one to be called to be a judge, and to be a Minister; and so a Magistrate as a Magistrate doth preach and administrate the Sacraments, then 1. All Magi­strates should preach and administrate the Sacraments, and Nero, and heathen Magistrates are gifts, actu primo, given by Christ as­cending on high, for the edifying the body of the Church, Ephe. 4. 11, 12.

Obj. It is not sinne to him to preach and administrate the Sacra­ments; but then he cannot have time for both.

Ans. If God lawfully call the Magistrate to preach the Gospel, woe be to him, if he preach not, he should lay aside all other im­ployments and preach, God never gave a talent and calling to any [Page 393] to preach, but he ought to lay aside other things, and imploy that talent to the honour of God, otherwise he sinneth in digging his Lords talent in the earth, whereas he is obliged to make five ta­lent ten. 2. If he preach as a Pastor not as a Magistrate, then he hath another calling of God to be a Pastor, and another to be a Magistrate, and [...]rtaine it is, as a Magistrate he doth not preach; because there be farre other qualifications required in a Magistrate, as Deut. 1. 12. that he be wise, and understanding, and knowen, and a man of truth, hating coveteousnesse, Exo. 18. 21. But there is farre other qualities required in a Bishop, 1 Tim. 3. 1, 2, 3. Ergo, it is one thing to be called to be a Minister, and another to be called to be a Magistrate. 3. In all the word, Christ never commanded the Magistrate to preach and baptise▪ this negative Argument Era­stus useth often against us, to prove that none ought to be excluded from the Sacraments, because Priests, Prophets, Christ, Apostles never excluded any: But Christ commanded the Ministers to preach and baptise, and gave them the Holy Ghost for that effect, and sent them as the father sent him, as having received all power from the father, Math. 28. 18, 19, 20. Mark. 16. 15, 16. Ioh. 20. 20, 21, 22. and least we should think this charge was given to Apostles as Apo­stles, he teacheth that it is given to all faithfull Pastors to the end of the world, Math. 28. v. 20. Lo I am with you, even unto the end of the world, Amen. Not to say, that if it be peculiar to Apostles to preach and baptise, neither Pastors, farre lesse Magistrates can do it, or then Pastors and Magistrates are Apostles sent to preach to all the world, and can work miracles, which is absurd. 4. Christ ascen­ding to heaven, left Apostles, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers, for the perfecting of the Saints, and work of the Ministery; not Kings and Magistrates. 5. How shall they preach, except they be sent? Magistrates as Magistrates bear the sword, and have car­nall weapons, and are not sent; the weapons of Ministers are not carnall, 2 Cor. 10. 4, 5. For Erastus his Argument, God has not forbidden Magistrates to preach; Ergo, it is lawfull for them to preach, it followeth not▪ for such positive ordinances as preaching Ministers, must be appointed by a positive command, for where hath God forbidden women to baptise? Ergo, they may baptise; is not the Lords commanding the Apostles to go teach and baptise all Na­tions, and his not giving any such commandement to others, as [Page 394] good as a forbidding of them? But I hope this is examined already suffi [...]ientl [...]. 2. For Samuel his being both Iudge and Prophet, I grant it; but as an extraordinary dispensation of God, which Christ would not take on him to do, Luk. 12. nor is it left to us as a rule. 3. That Aarons sons had no tribunall of their owne different from the tri­bunall of Moses, is proved to be false from 2 Chr. 19, 8. 4. That the Priests were Magistrates having the power of the sword, cannot be proved by any word of God, the pl [...]e Ez [...]. 44. is every way for us, all the power given in that Cha▪ is Ecclesiasticall, none Civill, as to k [...]ep the charge of the Lords holy things, to exclude the uncircumcised in heart and flesh, out of the sanctuary, to come near to the table of the Lord and Minister, v. 16, to enter into the gates of the inner courts, clothed in linnen, &c. and many the like, did no more agree to a Magistrate then to burn incense, which to do, Erastus granteth was unlawfull in King Vzziah; yet he would prove that it is law­full under the New Testament to exercise both, so the Magistrate were able to do both; because Samuel exercised both. But might not King Vzziah exercise both without impeachment of his busi­nesse? and where was he forbidden? but in this God made choise of the tribe of Levi, and of no others, which also he has done un­der the New Testament▪ as is proved.

Erastus. Nor is that true, that whose part it is to preach and dis­pense The Ma­gistrate is not to judge who are to be admitted to the Sa­craments, who not. the Sacraments, it is his part to judge of those that prophaneth the word, and seals, so as he has power to punish any that desires the Sacraments, with the want of the Sacraments; and though it were true, it should prove that Pastors, not a Presbytery of Pastors and Ru­ling Elders have any power to debarre from the seals.

Ans. 1. Well, then Erastus granteth that the Ministers are to preach the Word and dispense the Sacraments: But not to judge of those that prophane the holy things of God, nor to debarre from the Sacraments any who desire them; if Erastus did mean a bodily debarring by the power of the sword, if any openly pro­phane shall violently intrude himself, we should yeeld that to the Magistrate as the keeper of both Tables. But Erastus is of that minde, that as the Magistrate may preach and dispense the Sacra­ments, he may by that power also Ecclesiastically cognosce, and judge of the scandals, for which the openly prophane are to be debar­red, and accordingly debarre. Now Erastus saith he may preach [Page 395] as a Christian, because that all Christians now under the New Testament may preach and prophecy, all are Priests and Prophets, so saith he, page 175. So the Magistrate by this as a Christian, and L. 3. c. 1. ex equo n [...]s omnes esse sacerdotes. so all Christians women and children, may try and examine all that are openly prophane, and unworthy of the Seals: this can be nothing but popular Anarchy; yet that the Magistrate, as a Magistrate, and not as a Christian, is to examine and try who are unworthy communicants, I conceive is the minde of Erastus, as I have proved before: Which though it be a plaine contradiction, yet it is the pillar of all the Erastian doctrine, that the Magi­strate as the Magistrate hath the supream power of all Church governement. Therefore (saith he, page 171.) they doe wickedly who Erastus ib. 171. take from the Magistrate that part of the visible jurisdiction in governement of the Church which God hath given to him, and sub­ject the Magistrate to some other jurisdiction,—Magistrates are Gods.

Ans. If to preach, dispense the Sacraments, and to judge who are unworthy of the Seals, and debarre them, be taken from the Magi­strate as he is a Christian, this power of visible jurisdiction over the Church is no more taken by us from the Magistrate, then it is taken from all Christians as Christians, and in regard of any such power Magistrates are no more Gods and Nursefathers in the Church, then all Christians are Gods and Nursefathers of the Church: for by the reason of Erastus, p. 175. that all Christians now are Priests and Prophets, and so may examine who are worthy of the seals, who not, then the Civill Magistrate can be, by us, spoyled of nothing that God has given him, as a Magistrate, except Erastus say that he doth all these as a Magistrate & virtute officij; which when he or any of his Disciples shall assert, beside that it is contradictorious to his way, we are ready to demonstrate that it is blasphemous & con­trary to the word of God. But that Erastus does take from the El­ders of the Church, and give to the Magistrate a power to judge in an Ecclesiasticall way, who are to be debarred from the seals, I argue on the contrary thus; those who are to cut the word, and distribute it aright, are also to distribute the seals a right, to the worthy, not to dogs and swine, not to heathens and publicans, for it is evident that the right stewarding and distributing of ordinances doth essen­tially include the stewarding of them, with judgement and discer­ning, [Page 396] to those that are worthy, not to those that are unworthy. But Elders, not Civill Magistrates are to do the former, Ergo the latter also. 2. Those to whom Christ committed the power of the keys to open and shut, to bind and loose, to those he hath given the use and exercise of the keys. But Christ gave the power of the keys to the Apostle Peter, as representing the Rulers of the Church, Mat. 16. 19. & to the Church, Mat. 18. 18. and not to the Magistrate as to the Magistrate; Ergo, The proposi [...]ion I prove from the Texts, Mat. 18. 18. What ye sh [...]ll bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven, &c. and Cha. 16. 19. the same is repeated: now actuall binding is the use and exercise of the keys given to Peter and the Church. But it is presumed the power is given, when Christ saith, v. 19. I will give unto thee, the keys of the Kingdome of Heaven. 2. We read not that God giveth a power, a gift, a talent, or an office, but he judgeth it a sinne in those to whom he giveth it, not to put forth in acts and in exercise that gift, talent, and office, either by themselves, or his deputies; which latter I speak for the King, who in his own person, and in the person of inferiour judges sent by him, do put forth in acts of justice, the Royall power that God has given him. The assumption is Scripture.

Erastus has no answer to this, but the keys were given to Peter as representing all the faithfull, not the Elders, and that all private Chri­stians do bind and loose.

Ans. Besides, this is answered fully above, and is a meer anarchi­call Democracy; it, 2. concludeth well that Christ gave not to the Magistrate as the Magistrate, the keys, but to the Magistrate as he is a Christian, making that same Christian confession of faith with Peter, Mat. 16. and as he is an offended brother, who may bind and loose in earth and heaven, so Erastus Thes. 54. p. 42. and so by this the Magistrate hath no more power to debarre from the seals, then all other Christians have. 3. If Christ give the key of knowledge to the Elders, then he cannot give the power of study­ing Sermons, and preaching the word to another; so if Christ give the power of breaking the bread of life to the children of the house, then he cannot give the power of judging, who are the children of the house, who not, to another.

Ob. But the Magistrate is only to examine the fact, & to punish adul­tery, incest and the like, that deserve to be punished by the sword, but not [Page 397] whether it be a scandall that deserve exclusion from the Sacrament, or not; Ministers are to take the probation of the scandalous fact by witnes from the Magistrate, & so to exclude from the Lords supper, and to deal with the mans conscience to bring him to repentance, so do some argue.

Ans. If the Church be to try the penitency, or impenitency of the fact, and not to cognosce and try whether he hath done the fact, upon the same ground the Magistrate is to try and punish the di­sturbance of the peace of the Common-wealth, that adhereth to the fact, and not to try the fact. 2. It is not possible that the Church can know whether the man be penitent, or no, except by witnesses they know the fact, for they shall run a preposterous way, to work the man to a godly sorrow, for that sinne which possibly he never committed; now that of which the Church is to convince the man, and from which they are to gain his soul, that they are to find out. 2. This is against the way of Erastus, who will have the Magistrate to exclude from the Sacraments, and none other. 3. The word knowes no such thing, as that Ministers should be led in the acts of their Ministeriall duties, to whom they should dispense the myste­ries of the Gospel, and to whom they should deny them; by the Magistrate? by a good warrant the Magistrate is to lay a tye on the consciences of Elders, what they should dispence, as to whom they should dispense; sure if the Magistrate as the Magistrate must pre­scribe to Ministers, to what sort of persons they must dispence word and Sacraments, he must upon the same ground as a Magistrate pre­scribe what Doctrine they should preach to this man, not to this, whether Law or Gospel; and so the Magistrate as the Magistrate must be a Pastor to cut the word aright, 2 Tim. 2. 15. Eze. 3. 18, 19, 20. Eze. 13. 19. to command to preach life to this man, death to this man. 4. If the Church must cast him out, and judge him who has done this wickednesse, 1 Cor. 5. 2, 12. and 4. 5, 6. 7. then must they judge of his scandall; that according to the quality of the scandall, they may proportion the measure of the punishment; Er­go, a pari they must judge whom they debarre from the seals. 5. The debarring any from the seals, must be proportioned to the end of all spirituall censures, that the man be gained, and his sinne loosed in heaven, Mat. 18. 15. 18. that his soul may be saved in the day of the Lord, 1 Cor. 5. 4. That he may be ashamed, and so humbled, 2 Thes. 3. 14, 15. 2 Cor. 2. 6, 7. that he may learn not to blaspheme, 1 Tim. [Page 398] 1. 20. But the Magistrates excluding of any from the Sacraments is no mean congruous to such an end, for he can command nothing, but the disobedience of which he can and ought to punish with the sword; now a carnall weapon cannot be congruous and proportion­able to a spirituall end. 6. If the Magistrate as a Magistrate must so farre have the keys of Discipline, then as a Magistrate he must catechise, examine, and try the knowledge of the Communicants, and so watch for their souls, as those that must give an accompt to God. 7. The Magistrate must have a Negative voyce in all the acts of the Church, and the man must be bound in heaven, but not ex­cept the Magistrate will, and loosed in heaven, but not except the Magistrate will, for all must depend upon the consent of him to whom Iesus Christ has committed the supream▪ and highest and on­ly power of governing the Church; now this is the Magistrate as the Magistrate to Erastus. 8. The Magistrate as the Magistrate must forgive sinners and relaxe them from excommunication, 2 Cor. 2. 7. and restore those that are overtaken in offences, with the spirit of meeknesse, Gal. 6. 1. and rebuke publikely those that sin publikely, 1 Tim. 5. 20. and so be a spirituall man, and a Pastor. Neither doth it follow that the Pastors as Pastors only, should de­barre from the Communion, though virtute potestatis ordinis as Pa­stors, they are to keep themselves pure, and not to give pearls to swine, nor to communicate with other mens sins; yet because the Sacraments are Church ordinances, they are to be dispensed by the Church, that is, by the Elders with consent of the people: it is one thing to dispense ordinances to those that receive them, and another thing to dispense them ce [...]o ordine after a Church way, the former is from power of order, the latter from power of jurisdiction, and from the Church only.


Quest. 11.

Whether Erastus do validly confute a Presbytery.

Erastus. What consequence is this? Lev. 10. God commandeth Answer to the l. 4. c. 3. of Erastus. p. 266. 267 how Era­stus confuteth a Pres­bytery. Aaron and his sonnes to put a difference between the holy and pro­phane, the cleane and the unclean, this difference they were to teach the people out of the Law; Ergo, God hath ordained a Colledge of Ecclesiasticall Senators to exercise the power of the Civill Magi­strate? it is like this; God commanded the Pastors to teach the people, and dispense the Sacraments; Ergo, he instituted a Presbytery in place of the Magistrate.

Ans. This consequence is so strong (though the consequent be not ours) to prove a Synedrie, that Erastus shall never be able to refute it; for that the Priests might teach the people, they were to judge and governe the people, and w [...]re to judge between the holy and prophane, not onely that the Priests might informe the p [...]oples minds, but that the Priests and Levites might, 2 Chron. 9. 8▪ 9 10. Deut. 17. 8, 9 give judgement between blood and blood, be­tween plea and plea, between stroake and stroake, being matters of controversie, and hard to be judged by the inferiour judges; these concerned not the instruction of the people as matters of opi­nion, as Erastus imagineth; but they concerned the governing of the people in justice, that v. 12. the man that will doe presumptu­ously, or will not hearken unto the Priest or the judge, shall die the death? Was not this to governe the people and to judge them? Cer­tainly Erastus in the same Chapter saith so, to wit, that there was one common Synedrim of civill judges, Priests and Levites at Jerusalem, that the Priests and Levites were Iudges in capitall matters, and gave out the sentence of death, de capite & sangui­ne, Page 27 [...]. Page 269. 270. and he proveth page 270. 271. that the Priests were civill judges, and did give s [...]tences of blood, of life and d [...]ath: Ergo, the Priests did not discerne between the clean and the unclean, between blood and blood onely, that they might teach the people, but that they might regulate their owne practise in judgement, and govern the people; yea that the Priests might pronounce some unclean, and to be put out of the Campe so many dayes, that they might debar out of the Sanctuary the uncl [...]an, the uncircumcised, the strangers, and Lev. 10. the end of judging and governing is expresly set down, v. 10. and so a judicature, and the other end, v. 11. that they may teach the children of Israel all the Statutes which the Lord hath spoken by the hand of Moses. 2. From the Elders preaching the Word and dispensing the Sacraments, simply we inferre no judi­cature A Church judicature in the Iew­ish Church Deut. 17. at all, farre lesse a politick judicature, which we doe not ascribe to the Priests, for Iohn Baptist both preached the Word and baptized, and yet was no judge, nor did he erect any Church judicature, but from the power of the keyes given to the Church, and exercised by the Church, Mat. 16. 19. Mat. 18. 15, 16, &c. 1 Cor. 5. 1, 2, 3. &c. Revel. 2. 1, 2, 3, &c. we inferre a Church judi­cature, we never placed a Presbytery in place of the Magistrate; [Page 400] for it is no more the Magistrates place, then to sacrifice is the place of the Magistrate.

Erastus. J wonder that you seeke your Presbytery in Moses Law, Page 267. all yours, say the Synedrie, Christ speaketh of did rise after the capti­vity, at least when the sword was taken from the Iewes. They say Da­vid and Solomon did punish vices, they approve August. 39. quest. in Deut. that Excommunication doth now what putting to death did of Old, and deny any Excommunication to have beene in the Church of the New Testament.

Ans. Erastus declares himselfe to be a childe, not versed in Pro­testant Divines, for we except Musculus, Gualther, Bullinger, some except Aretius, all our Protestant Divines goe the way Beza goeth. 2. Let him produce any of ours, who say that the Synedry that Christ speaketh of, was Iewish, and ours say that Christ alludeth to the Iewish Synedrie: But all (few excepted) that Christ Mat. 18. speaketh of the Christian Church to be erected. 3. The Kings of Israel punished scandals, but that is not enough, did they go­verne the Church, pronounce who were clean or unclean? or middle with the charge of Ecclesiastick Government committed to Aaron and his sonnes? 4. We say with Augustine, that some that were killed of old, are to be Excommunicated now, Au­gustine speaketh not of all, and what is that against us?

Erastus. Not any but your self (Beza) say that Moses speaketh Page 268. of th [...]se same persons, things, and office, Levit. 10. and Deut. 17. in Levit. 10. he speaketh onely of the Priesthood, and Deut. 17. of the Iudges or Magistrats.

Ans. Beza expoundeth the one place by the other, but he saith not these persons, things and office are in both places. 2. Erastus onely contradicteth Beza, and saith Moses speaketh of the Ma­gistrates, Deut. 17. But he is refuted by the Spirit of God, 2 Chron. 19. 8, 9. who repeating the very words of Deut. 17. saith the Iudges here were Priests, Levites, and heads of Families, whom all men deny to be Magistrates.

Erastus. You say Deut. 17. mention is made of blood, of the cause of Pleas, not because the Synedrie judged of the fact, but because they answered the true sense of the Law; I say, whether they answered of the fact, or of the Law, they sentenced judicially of life and death, so that there was no provocation from them to the civill judicature, for [Page 401] he was put to death, who would not stand to their sentence, but you deny that any politick causes or matters of blood or death, belongs to your Presbytery.

Ans. 1. Beza said well the fact, and the putting of the man to death, which is the assumption and conclusion belonged to the civill judge, not to the Priests; But the questio juris, the question of Law belonged to the Ecclesiasticall judicature of Priests, Levites and Elders; and it is evident, that it was a case of conscience, con­cerning a matter, or an admirable cause that cannot be determined by the judges in the city, they not being so well versed in the Law as the Priests, whose lips should preserve knowledge, Mal. 2. 7. There­fore it is not a fact, that may be cleared by Witnesses, there is not such difficulty in facts, except in adultery, or secret Murthers, the word commeth from [...] to admire, or to be separated from sense and reason, Lament. 1. 9. Gen. 18. 14. Is there any thing hard to, or [...]id from Jehovah? 2. They are called [...] causes or matters of contention, Vatablus causa insolita & difficilior: Our tran­slation hath it, matters of controversie. 3. It is said, thou shalt come [...] and inquire or diligently search out. 4. The Priests and Levites shall shew thee the sentence of judgement, so it is evident that the Priests and Levites did not so much judge, as declare and resolve the law-part of which the inferiour judges did doubt, for the difficul­ty of the question, as Saul came to Samuel the Seer, to aske con­cerning his fathers asses, and it is true bloods and stroakes came un­der the cognizance of the Priests, but as bloods comes before Law­yers, and those that are expert in the civill Law, in the Parliament of England and Scotland, the Lawyers as Iudges put no man to The Priests put no man to death. death, the King could say, fall upon such an evill doer, and kill him, and the judges and Princes might put to death. But you never read that the Priests, yea or the High Priest said, fall upon such an ill doer and kill him, nor was this any Law of God, that the Ecclesi­astick Sanedrim, should put to death and politically condemne any man to die, or command any mans blood to be shed, they but declared and resolved a case of conscience to the judges, and a plea, and said, This is a matter of blood, and deserveth death by the Law of God, and he that hath done such a fact in point of Law, ought to die. But there were two things left to the civil [...] Iudges. 1. Whether this man hath done such a fact. 2. A sitting in the Tribunall, and [Page 402] saying, I or we command and decree such a man who hath shed such blood, hath inflicted such a stroake on this woman who is with childe of living birth, to be stoned to death, to be hanged. Era­stus hath not proved, nor never shall prove that the High Priests, Priests or Levites, by Gods Law did thus judge any: That Ana­nias commanded Paul to be beaten, and the lictors of the High Priest smote Christ on the face at the command of the Priests, was against Law, they had no power so to doe by Law, yea, and our Presbyteries that judge of sorceries, witchcrafts, incests, adulteries, and other capitall crimes, and of bloods in point of Gods Law, what is witchcraft, what is incest, that the husband that striketh his wife being with quick▪child, and killeth the birth is a Murtherer; but that they judicially say, such a woman is a Witch, and so ordain her to be hanged and burnt, and such a husband is a Murtherer, and de­cerne him to die, is utterly unlawfull, therefore this is an ignorant speech of Erastus: This synedrie of Priests and Levites, whether in point of Law, or in point of [...]act, did give out sentences of death, therefore they were politick judges, it followeth not; and that the Priests said, this man deserveth to die, and therefore they gave out, as civill judges, sentences of death, (for the civill judge draweth not the sword with his owne hand,) is a foul consequence; for lawyers do say such a man is worthy to die, but it followeth not that Lawyers are civill judges to condemne a man to die; for the Priests said, this man deserveth to die in point of Law, not absolutely, as this man, but upon supposition that he hath committed the fact, deserveth to die, and their meaning is, any man whosoever he be, though they never hear, nor see the man who hath committed such a fact, ought to die. Now Gods Law never appointed any judge to condemn a man to die, whom the judge never did accuse, heare, or see, this were extreame unjustice: Now this supposition is, and was to be proved and judged by the civill Iudge; and whereas Erastus saith, the judge draweth the sword with his owne hand against no man; 1. It is not to purpose, for the hangman is in Law the hand and instrument of the judge, but he is neither hand nor instrument of the Lawyer, of the Priests and Levites, who in matters criminall of life and death, judge of the Maior proposition, and of the Law, ex­cept Erastus would have a Major proposition to prove an Assump­tion, which were to shame all Logick: For the Priest never com­manded [Page 403] this or this man, because he had done this fault, to be sto­ned by such & such executioners. 2. It is doubtful whether the judge did never with his owne hand, cast a stone at any stoned to death. Lastly, there was no provocation from the great Sanedrim at Ierusa­lem, true, in matter of Law, what then? Ergo, they were politick judges? it followeth as the like consequences of Erastus doth fol­low. Yea, for the fact and the judiciall condemning of the man, they were neither the highest judicature, nor any judicature at all, the civill Iudges of the high Sanedrim did that onely. It is true, he was to die who would not stand to the sentence of the judge or Priest in the matter of Law, the man being judged to be guilty of the fact by the civill judge, but this shall never prove that the Priests were civill judges.

Erastus. The late Iewes referre to this Sanedrim at Ierusalem Page 269. questions of making warre, or consecrating the Priest, of tributes, of charges of the Temple, of judging of Tribes, of the censuring of false Prophets, and of Soothsayers, &c. How then is it not a politick judi­cature in which all causes belonging to worship, Ceremonies, civill po­licy, bloods, and capitall punishments were handled? for when Moses had spoken of the punishing of Idolaters, he presently addeth Deut. 17. If any thing be hard for thee, &c

Ans. It is like enough, the Iewes referred such as these to the Sanedrim, but we contend for two Sanedrims, one civill, and a­nother of Priests, Levites and Elders, who judged of matters one­ly of Ecclesiasticall cognizance, and of bloods, and punishing I­dolaters and false Prophets with death, onely in a spirituall way, in point of Law; and I judge the holy Ghost Deut. 17. hath so fra­med the words that it is evident, as I have proved that capitall crimes belonged to them in point of Law; for he saith not, he that refuseth to die when the Priests and Levites condemne him to die, hee shall surely die, and have the benefit of appeal to no higher judicature, Now this he should have said by Erastus his way; but he that will not stand to the sentence of the Priest or judge shall die. Hence it is clear, he speaketh of things in matters of Law, in which the guilty might dis-assent, and alledge the Priests had not judged according to Law. But how was it the minde of the holy Ghost that any could refuse the Sentence of death given out by the Priests? for the meaning must be by Erastus his way, he that refu­seth [Page 404] to die, when the Priest condemneth him to die, he shall surely die. 2. He saith not that the Priests and Levites shall give out senten­ces of death and blood against any man, but they shall shew and teach thee when thou shalt inquire, the sentences of judgement, even of Idolaters, blasphemers, of Murthers, and blood, accor­ding to the Law of God, the knowledge of which the Priests lips should preserve.

Erastus. Moses instituted no other publike judicatures for punishing Page 270. of wickednes, but those he maketh mention of Exod. 18. Numb. 11. Deut. 1. 16, 17. But all th [...]se were onely civill, not Ecclesiasticall Iudges. The seventy that were indued with the spirit of prophecy were given to helpe Moses and [...]ase him, not to be assistants to helpe Aaron, and it cannot be doubted but Moses his government was civill.

Ans. Both the Major & the Minor is false, the Major is from some particular places, negativè, he should argue from all the Old Te­stament, and he argueth from some places onely, he leaveth out Levit. 10. and all the places where the Priests were onely to judge the Leper, the uncleane, which are spirituall judicatures, not civill. 2. The Assumption is false; Deut. 17, saith the contrary. 3. Though we could not shew a place for the formall institution of an Ordi­nance, yet if we show the thing instituted, it is sufficient. 4. Era­stus much doubteth himselfe, if Moses his government was altoge­ther civill, especially before the Lord separated Aaron his sons and the Tribe of Levi to teach and governe the people in an Ec­clesiasticall way, for Erastus said before that Moses prescribed Lawes to Aaron, sacrificed and did that which was proper to the Priests, though after that God forbad the Kings to usurpe the Priests office, and punished Saul and Vzziah for so doing, (though I never read that Saul usurped the Priests office, you may take it upon the word of Erastus) and we all know that Moses was a Prophet of God, Deut. 18. 18. I will raise them up a Prophet from amongst their brethren like unto thee, Deut. 34. 10. And there a­rose not a Prophet in Israel since, like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, Heb. 3. 5. Moses verily was faithfull in all his house as a servant: Now those that will say Moses his government of the Church was all civill and politicall, as a civill judge and King, and that he acted not in the governement of the Church, as in writing and delivering Laws, and in doing many things, yea in [Page 405] commanding the will of God, as a Prophet to Aaron, to his sons, and the whole tribe of Levi, to me speakes non-sense.

Erastus. That judicature to the which the inferiours appealed, as to Page 270. 271. the supreame, is politick.

Ans. It is denied, they appealed to it, as the supreme Ecclesiastick in point of Law and Conscience: Ergo, It was not politique, all the rest are answered before, yea, Iehoshaphat 2 Chron. 19. putteth this as a thing peculiar to the Priests, v. 12. What cause soever shall come before you of your brethren,—between blood and blood, between Law and Commandement, Statutes and Judgements, ye shall even warne them that they trespasse not against the Lord; that is, as Erastus yeeldeth, ye shall teach them what is just and agreeable to, and what is unjust and repugnant to the Law of God. Civill judges lips were not to preserve knowledge, as the lips of the Priests, Mal. 2. 7. and Deut. 17. 11. According to the sentence of the Law that they shall teach thee, and according to the judgement that they shall tell, thou shalt doe. Hence it is clear that this judicature in civill things was a teaching, a telling, a declaring and resolving judicature, and that in blood they resolved of causes of blood, of stroakes, but judged not persons, nor bloody men, nor violent persons.

Erastus. Moses and Iehoshaphat speake of one and the same judi­cature. Page 272. Moses doth not give teaching and commanding divisibly to some, but joyntly to all the Synedrie. Though the Priests were more skilled in the Law, for Moses commandeth to teach the sense of the Law by judgeing, as he saith himselfe, Exod. 18. 16. I judge be­tween one and another, and I doe make them know the statutes of God and his lawes; Moses putteth them all joyntly together, they shall tell thee, thou shalt doe what they shevv thee, according to the Lavv that they shall teach thee shalt thou doe, not declining to the right-hand, or to the left-hand.

Ans. 1. That Iehoshaphat speaketh of the same judicature that Moses speaketh of, is clear, 2 Chron. 19. 8, 9. 10. The very words of Moses Deut. 17. 8. are the same, both the same judges, and the same causes, compared with v. 5, 6, 7. But Iehoshaphat maketh two judicatures, as I have proved, and Iehoshaphat reformed according to Moses his Lavv, as Erastus granteth. 2. I cannot be induced to beleeve that the judges here teached by judging, it is spoken con­trary [Page 406] to Theology: The end of teaching is to informe the consci­ence, Teaching and judge­ing not one. and Teachers as Teachers watch for the soule; and the end of civill and politick judging, is a quiet and peaceable life, 1 Tim. 2. 2. the vveapons of teachers are not carnall, but spirituall, 2 Cor. 10. 4, 5. the weapons of civill Iudges are carnall, for the civill Iudge beareth not the svvord in vaine, Rom. 13. 4. then these same civill judges did not both teach and judge at once, they taught not as civill judges, but as Priests; they judged not as Priests, but as civill Iudges; and therefore there is no ground to say that Moses ascribeth these same acts to civill judges, and Priests and Levites, as if they made one Synedry; for in both Texts not one word of teach­ing, which is proper to the Priests, Mal. 2. 7. Ier. 2. 8. Hos. 4. 6. is ascribed to the civill Iudge; and not one word of judging and condemning to death, which is proper to the civill Iudge, Num. 35. 24. Deut. 22. 18, 19, Deut. 17. 2. 3, 4, &c. and 21. 19, 20. 1 King. 21. 11. 2 Sam. 14. 15. 1 Kings 2. 28, &c. Rom. 13. 4. Luke 12. 13. 14. &c. is ascribed to the Priests and Levites; but the Priest or the judge are set downe by way of disjunction, Deut. 17. 12. which could not be if they made one and the same judicature, and therefore Ieho­shaphat 2 Chron. 19. clearely distinguisheth them in two judica­tures, one v. 5, 6, 7. Another v. 8, 9, 10. having two sundry presi­dents, and two sundry objects to treat about, to wit, the matters of Iehovah, and the matters of the King. 3. The place cited Exod. 18. 16. confirmeth much our opinion, for Moses as a Iudge saith, vvhen they have a matter, they come unto me, and I judge between one & ano­ther. This he spake as a civill Iudge; and when he saith, And I make them knovv the statutes of God and his lavves: This he spake as a prophet, for Moses was both a Iudge and a Prophet. Now if all civill Iudges be such mixt persons, as to teach the Stautes and Laws of God, they doe this either as civill judges, or as Prophets, then there was reason why Malachie should have said, the civill judges lips should preserve knowledge, and they should seeke the Law at his The civill Iudge as a Iudge can­not teach. mouth; for if a civill judge, as a Iudge teach the people, and watch for their souls, what marvell then he beare the sword to preserve their bodies, as a Prophet, and not as a Iudge; and if he beare the sword as a Prophet and Teacher, all Teachers must beare the sword: which is against reason and Scripture, and what reason is there, if Moses teach as a civill judge, but he may as properly be [Page 407] obliged in conscience to teach, and so he should sin if he imploy not his talent that way, as he is obliged to exercise the sword as a judge? and by the contrary, a Prophet as a Prophet should be obliged in conscience, as kindly and per se, to exercise the Sword as to preach the Gospel, for nothing agreeth more kindly to the subiect, then that which agreeth to it [...] under that reduplica­tion, as it is such; Now this is against sense and reason, and con­foundeth all callings on earth: but if Erastus grant that Moses judgeth as a civill judge, and teacheth the people the Law of God as a prophet, then to make this Sanedrim a mixt company both to judge civilly, and to teach as spirituall men by office, must all the Priests and Levites in this Sanedrim be both Priests and Levites, and also civill Iudges? And all the civill Iudges must be both civill judges, and also Priests and Levites, which is expresly against the Text, that speakes Deut. 17. of the Priest, or the Iudge, as two distinct offices, and so God must have chosen the Iudge no lesse, then the Priest to minister before him. So, it is false, that teaching and judging are copulatively ascribed to these same persons, and to the same judicature, as Erastus saith.

Erastus. He saith Deut. 17. he shall die who standeth not to the sen­tence Page 272. of the Priest or judge, by way of disjunction, in regard of divers times, for the Princes or Iudges were not alwayes the same, for often onely the Priests governed, and for the same reason he saith not, Deut. 17. ascend to Ierusalem, but to the place which the Lord thy God shall chuse, for the Arke was not alwayes in one place, or city; So Deut. 19. when he speaketh of the false witnesse, he saith, and they shall stand before the Lord, that is, before the Priests and Iudges that shall be at that time. Who vvould thinke that there are here distinct and di­vers Iudicatures?

Ans. It is a conjecture of Erastus, that Moses speaketh Deut. 17. of the Priest or the Iudge by way of disjunction, because of divers times, not of divers and distinct Tribunals, for all Moses his time, and Io­shua's time, and for the most part, there were both Iudges and Priests, and we had rather beleeve the Spirit of God then Erastus, for 2 Chron. 19. under Iehoshaphat at one and the same time, there were both civill Iudges, and Priests and Levites, and these two Judicatures had two different sorts of causes, and two different Presidents; if then at one and the same time the man was to be put [Page 408] to death, who did not stand to the sentence of the Priest, though he should stand to the sentence of the civill judge; and so if hee was to be put to death, who should stand to the sentence of the Priests, and give an outside of obedience to the Ceremoniall Law, if he should not stand to the sentence of the civill Judge, then were there at the same time these two sentences in these two judicatures: but the former is true by the expresse Law of God; Ergo, so is the latter: when God saith, Goe up to the place that the Lord shall chuse, he meaneth Ierusalem, and one determinate place at once, and if Moses had said, Goe up to the place that the Lord shall chuse; or to some other place that the Lord shall not chuse, then could I in­ferre well, that at one and the same time, they might have gone to either places, or to both places, having two sorts of causes, as there be ever two sorts of causes in the Church, some Civill, some Ec­clesiasticall. 3. Erastus should have shewen a time when onely the Priest as the Priest did governe, and there neither was a civill Iudge, nor was that Priest who governed the civill judge: If E­rastus shew not this, he sheweth nothing for his owne cause, which is to make one confused Judicature of civill and Ecclesiasticall Iudges and causes, which the Scripture doth carefully distinguish. 4. In the place Deut. 19. nothing is said against us, but that onely the civill Iudge put to death the false Witnesse; which is much for us, that though the false witnesse was to stand before the Priests, and incurre an Ecclesiastick censure, yet the Priest as Priest had no hand in putting him to death.

Erastus. Sometime the Priest vvas president in this Sanedrim, Page 272. 273. as Eli and Samuel, vvithout a judge; therefore vvhen it is said, the chiefe Priest vvas [...]ver them in all the matters of the Lord, and Ze­badiah in the Kings matters, they made not tvvo different Iudicatures; and the high Priest and Zebadiah vvere both over the same Iudica­ture. Iosephus excellently versed in the Ievvish lavvs, saith, antiq. lib. 9. c. 1. they vvere [...] fellovves or companions; then they vvere not in divers Senats. The Levites vvere equally servants to both, though it may be the Priests were more diligently to goe about the can­ses of God, and the Iudges the causes of the King.

Ans. Were Eli and Samuel presidents in the Sanedrim without a Iudge? that is as much as to say, Eli and Samuel, who undoubt­edly by the Testimony of the Spirit of God were civill Iudges [Page 409] of Israel, 1 Sam. 4 18. and 7. 15. and 8. 1. 7. were Judges with­out Iudges: I conceive Eli was both a Priest and a Judge; and Sa­muel both a Prophet and a Iudge; whether Samuel was a Priest or not, let Erastus determine. Samuel was of the Tribe of Ephraim, Erastus maketh the Magistrate and the Priest or Pastor formally one. not a Priest, though he sacrificed by an extraordinary Priviledge; nor was Moses a Priest. 2. I see no reason to say, Eli was a Priest without a Iudge, more then to say he was a Iudge without a Priest, for he was both. But this may shew the Reader, that Erastus al­wayes confoundeth the office of the Priest, and the Civill judge, so as he maketh them not only subjectively one, which God him­self did in the person of Eli, but also one formally; for as I shew before Erastus must say, Eli sacrificed as a Iudge, and he condem­ned Clar. Vir. Antonius Wale [...]s, Tom. 2. pag. 27. Wtenbo­gardus. Auraonem subijci Mosi. Ma­gistratus esse instaurato­res, & di­rectores cultus Dci, secundum verebum Dci, sc [...] Doctores esse tantum religion is Ministros, & Magi­stratum po­pulum do­cere per [...] ­cl [...]s [...] Mi­nistrum; Ministros autem hec facere à et sub Magi­strate. ill doers to die & exercised the sword as a Priest; & Samuel pro­phesied as a Magistrate, & Samuel did judge Israel as a Prophet; for the Magistrate as the Magistrate to Erastus, doth both the part of a Iudge, of a Priest and Prophet of old, and now of a Pastor and Tea­cher. 3. It is enough to us that Amariah and Zebadiah were over di­verse causes, in divers Courts, and differenced, 2 Chro. 19. in that the one was, for the kings matters, the other for Gods matters. Erast. saith right down, they were both for these same matters. But the one was to care more for the Kings matters, the other more for Gods matters: so Erastus is forced to make a difference: But he maketh it in the com­parative degree, and the spirit of God maketh the difference in the positive degree: But 1. Erastus saith without the Text, Amariah was to care for the matters of the King, but more for the matters of God: The Text saith no such thing, but the contrary: he saith, Zebadiah the Civill Magistrate was to care for the matters of God, but more for the matters of the King: 4. This is against Erastus his his way; which is that the Magistrate hath a supreame principall and only care of Church-Government, and the Priests and Le­vites, and Pastors and Teachers only, as the servants of the Magi­strates, A & sub Magistratibus, as Vtenbogard speaketh, from and under the Magistrate, as the Vicars, Deputies, and Ambassadors of the Magistrate; yea, that Magistrates teach the people by the Pa­stors, as by their Vicars, then Zebadiah should more diligently care for the matters of God, then Amariah as the Lord and Master should more care his own businesse, then his servant should do: 3. More or lesse doth not vary the nature of things; then must [Page 410] the Magistrate Sacrifice, Teach, judge between the clean and the unclean, minister before the Lord as the sons of Aaron, and the sons of Levi, but lesse diligently. But what calling hath he to any of these Acts at all? Hath the Lord chosen the Tribe of Iudah, or the Tribe of Levi to minister before him? And by the same reason, the Priests, Levites should do these same things, but more diligently. And again Amariah is to use the sword, and to condemne ill doers to death: But lesse diligently, these be pleasant dreams. 5. The Priest and Judges are companions, as Moses and Aaron: Ergo, the one is not Master and the other servant and Deputy, [...] Erastus drea­meth, and they are the rather of that in divers Senats. 6. But how proveth Erastus, That the Levites were common Servants both to Priests and Judges? For though it were so, this will never sub­ject the Priests to the Civill Iudge, nor confound these two Iudi­catures: David 1 Chron. 26. divided the Levites, and set them in their courses for service; Ergo, They were King Davids servants as King, it followeth not, except Erastus prove David did not this as a Prophet, and that the Lord did not choose the Tribe of Levi. But David did it as a King, and so all Magistrates may appoint of­fices in the House of God, and call men to the Ministry, by vertue of the Magistrates place: But David, 1 Chro. 24. distributed the Priests as well as the Levites; Ergo, the Priests are servants to the King, as well as the Levites. But the Levites are expresly, 1. Chron. 26. given by office, to wait on the sons of Aaron, for the service of the house of the Lord, for the purifying the holy things, for the shew bread, for the fine flour for meat offerings, and for the un­leavened Cakes, and that which is baked in the pan, and for that which is fryed, and for all manner of measures and size, to praise the Lord at morning and night; to offer all burnt sacrifices to the Lord, &c. In all which no man can say, they were servants to the King: For then the King sacrificed by them, as by his servants; no Divinity is more contrary to Scripture.

It is true, 1 Chron. 26. 30. some of the Hebronites were Officers in all the businesse of the Lord, and the service of the King. But that is because, ver. 26. they had the oversight of the spoile, that the King dedicated to the house of the Lord, for the building of the Temple, and that is called the Kings businesse.

Erastus. Jehoshaphat, 2 Chron. 19. did not depart from Moses Page 274. [Page 411] his Law: But we read not, that there were two distinct Iurisdictions commanded and instituted by God.

Ans. If this be a good Argument; all that David and Solomon did for, and in the building of the Temple in the structure, forme, length, breadth, Cedars, gold, Altars, &c. of the Temple shall be without Warrant; Solomon and David departed not from Mo­ses: But Moses spake nothing of the Temple, and a thousand things of Divine institution in the Temple.

But this is our Argument, Jehoshaphat did erect no new Iudica­tures, but restore those that had their Warrant from Moses his Law. But so it is that Iehoshaphat re­instituteth two distinct Iudi­catures; Ergo, The Lord by Moses at the beginning did institute these two distinct Iudicatures.

Erastus. We are not anxiously to inquire what be the matters of Pag. 274. What are the matters of the Lord and of the King, 2 Chron. 19. God; it is all one with what he said before; ye judge not for men, but for the Lord. The Rabbines, the judgement of Capitall causes is the judgement of souls, the scripture nameth all judgements most frequently, the judgements of the Lord, Deut. 1. Ye shall not fear men; for the judgement is the Lords, Exod. 18. The people come to me to inquire of God, that is, to seek judgement: Therefore are the Judges, Exod. 22. Psal. 82. called Gods, The matter of God, is any cause expressed in the Law of God, and proposed to the Judges to be judged; and the Kings matter, is that which properly belongeth to the King.

Ans. Erastus his anxiety to inquire is little, because he can­not Answer: 1. The matter of the Lord cannot be all one with this, Ye judge not for men, but for the Lord: For the matter of the King, or a point of Treason to be judged, is to be judged not for men, but for the Lord. But the Text differenceth between the matters of Lord, and the matters of the King. 2. In the former, 2 Chron. 19. 5. he speaketh of civill businesse; but the matters of the Lord are such as concern the Law of God, and the true sense and meaning thereof to be proposed to the conscience; and 3. That is a common thing to all causes, that in the manner of Iudging, Iudges are to look that they do as men in the place of God, so then as God, if he were judging, would do no iniquity, nor re­spect persons, nor take gifts, as he saith, ver. 7. So neither should men do iniquity, or respect persons in judgement; and so is it taken, [Page 412] Deut. 1. 17. Now this clearly is the manner of righteous judgement, and Modus judicandi, but the matter of Iehovah is Res judicata; the thing to be judged, which may be unjustly Iudged: and this matter of Iehovah is not common to all causes, but is contradistin­guished in the Text, from the matters of the King, which in the manner of judging is no lesse to be judged according to the judge­ment of the Lord, then the matters of Jehovah.

4. The Chalde Paraphrast, Vt inquir at instructionem, Vatab. Vt consulat deum. This is a false interpretation, That to inquire of God, is to seek judgement from God: For it is to ask the Lords minde in doubtsome cases; and this they asked from Moses, as he was a Prophet, not as he was a civill Iudge: except Erastus will have the Magistrate of old to give responses, and to have been O­racles by vertue of their Office: which is a clear untruth, Saul, David, Solomon, Joshua, though Kings, did not give responsals, and answers when they did go to War, or were in doubtsome per­plexities. But did ask Counsell at the Priest and Oracle of God and the Ark, 1 Sam. 15. 37. Iosh. 9. 14. Iudg. 20. 27. 1 Sam. 30. 8. and 23. 2. 4. And by this the Magistrate as the Magistrate should re­solve all doubts of conscience now to perplexed consciences, un­der the New-Testament. 5. The Iudges are called Gods, be­cause they are under-Deputies in the room and place of the great God, not because every judgement of theirs is the judgement, and very sentence of God, and according to that the cause they judge is nothing but the cause of God, for they are to judge the Kings matters, no lesse then Gods matters. 6. For what end Erastus speaketh of the Rabbines here I know not, I think he knoweth not himself; the man was ignorant of them, and innocent of their language.

Erastus. I am not against, that the things of God be things belong­ing Pag. 274, 375. to the Worship of God, and the matters of the Kings Civill busi­nesse. The Priest must especially take care, that there be no error in Faith and Ceremonies: and this belongeth also to the King, as is clear, Deut. 17. So Zebadiah is not excluded from Gods matters: Nor A­mariah from the Kings businesse.

Ans. This interpretation is fully refuted: Zebadiah is in the Text, excluded from judging Ecclesiastically, in the matters of God, as a Priest, Levite or Elder. For if he must judge so, he must either [Page 413] judge as a Priest or Levite, which he was not, or as a Civill Iudge; if as a Civill Iudge, then is he no lesse over the people in the matters of God, then in the Kings matters: Now the Text could not ex­clude him from these things which belongeth to his office, and put him in another Sphere, in the businesse of the King, and put such a wide difference between the object of the two men, as the Kings matters, and the matters of the King of Kings. The like I say of Amariah. 2. The King Deut. 17. as King, is to Iudge according to the Book of the Law, that he may be a godly King, and fear God, and keep the words of the Law; Ergo, he is to teach the people no lesse then the Priest, and to judge between the clean and unclean, and that as King: This no way followeth.

Erastus. If you please by the matters of God, to understand the Page 275. causes of appeals, and by the Kings matters, other judgements, I con­tend not: And because the Priest was better accustomed with the Law of God, then others, therefore the High Priest was set over these, yet so, as Zebadiah was over the Kings businesse: But I think the two first, especially the first, the best Exposition: But 1 Chron. 26. These same persons are set over both the Kings and the Lords matters.

Ans. Consider how dubious Erastus is in his three Expositions to elude the force of the place. If it was the Magistrates place, vir­tute officii, by vertue of his office to command the Priests, and to di­rect them (as Erastus and Ʋtenbogard say) in the internall and specifick acts of Sacrificing, Iudging between the clean and the unclean, teaching the people: then the King and the Civill Iudge were by office, to be more skilled in the Causes of God, then the Priests, because the Commander and the directer, who may by his office exercise those same acts that he commandeth his servants; yea, and is by office, to command him to do thus, in these inter­nall Acts, and not thus, he ought, by his office, to be more skilled in these then the servant. I grant, the King Commandeth the Painter, all the morall equity requisite in Painting, that he endamage not the Common-wealth by prosuse lavishing of Gold; and in this, it is presumed, there is more Iustice and morall equity by office in the King Commanding, then in the Painter Comman­ded: But if the King should take on him to Command, virtute of­ficii, that the Painter regulateth his actions of art, thus and thus, and direct and Command by his Royall office, as King, that the Painter [Page 414] draw the face of the Image with more pale and white, and lesse red and incarnate colour; in such a proportion according to art, and not in such a proportion: Then by office the King as King, might paint Pourtraict [...] himself; and behoved by office to be more skilled in Painting then the Painter. Now Erastus presupposeth, Whatever the Priests do as Priests, in an Ecclesiasticall way, (he excepteth Sa­crificing and burning incense, but for a time) that the King as King may do the same also; so the King as King may teach, give responses in matters of God, and now under the new Testament, Preach and dispense the Sacraments, and judge as King, whether Priests and Pa­stors do right or no; and that not only in order to Civill, but also to Ecclesiasticall punishments, as deprivation from their offices, and debarring from the Sacraments; Hence it must follow, that Zebediah should, by office, be better skilled in the matters of God then Amariah, or any Priest; and by office he should rather be over the matters of God, then any Priest in the world. 2. Now its clear that these same things, to be over men in the matter of God, and in the matters of the King, 1 Chron. 26. proveth nothing, except they be over these same matters, by one and the same power of the Sword, as Erastus saith; Amariah the High Priest, and Zebediah the Civill Iudge, promiscuously were both of them, without exclusion of ei­ther, over the people in the matters of the Lord, and in the matters of the King; and in the same judicature, & by the same coactive po­wer of the sword, as Erastus saith, Priests and Civill Iudges were in the same judicature, by the same Civill power, Iudges to give out joyntly, in a judiciall way, the sentence of a bloody death, and to inflict a bloody death by the same power. 3. It is Erastus his ignorance of the Originall Text, to say these same words that are 2 Chron. 19. 11. are also, 1 Chron, 26. ver. 30, 32. for 2 Chron. 19. 11. it is said, Amariah is over you in all the matters of the Lord: Hence the matters of the Lord, were the formall object of his judging: But 1 Chron. 26. 30. the Hebronites were officers in the businesse of the Lord, or, to the businesse of the Lord, and [...] Levites sometime imployed in Civill businesse. to the service of the King. Levites might have been imployed in both Ecclesiasticall and Civill businesse in the Temple, and in the over­seeing of those spoiles, that David in Wars had taken from the E­nemies, and Dedicated for building the House of the Lord, which are called the Kings businesse; and the construction, ver. 32. is va­ried, [Page 415] where it is said, The Hebronites mighty men of valour, and so fit for war, were made by King David, Rulers over the Reu [...]eni [...]es, Gadites, and the half Tribe of Manasseh for every matter; not in every matter pertaining to God: The affixum [...] is here, and the affaires of the King. These Levites seem to be imployed in the war, and are called valiant men, which must be some extraordinary case: But otherwise, when God commanded to number the Children of Is­rael for War, Numb. 1. 3. 45. The Levites were not numbred, God did forbid Moses to number them, because they were appointed for another service, ver. 48, 49, 50. Yet it seemeth in Davids time, when there were ex [...]raordinary warres, that they were not ex­empted from the warres, for 1 Chron. 21. David commanded to number all Israel from Dan to Beersheb [...], and v. 6. Levi and Benjamin Ioab counted not, for the Kings word was abominable to Ioab; Whence to me it would seem, that in some cases they were counted for warre, so 2 Chron, 23. 7. The Levites shall compasse the King, every man with his weapons in his hands, and Iehoiada the High Priest was their leader, to establish Ioash in his Throne; but the case was not ordinary. Otherwise the Levites were separated from warre and civill judicatures to the service of the Sanctuary, Numb. 1. 47, 50. and 2. 33. and 3. 9. 12. and 3. 41, 45. and 8. 6. and 9. 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19. and 18. 23. Deut. 31. 25. Iosh. 14▪ 3. 4. and 18. 7. 1 Chron. 15. 15. 2 Chron. 8. 14. and 20 19. and 29. 5, 16, 25, 26. Ezra 3. 9, 10. c. 6. 18. c. 8. 29. Ne [...]. 8. 7, 9. and 9. 4. Ezek. 44. 10. All which places must be answered by Erastus.


Quest. 12.

Whether Erastus proveth validly the power of the Civill Magi­strate in matters Ecclesiastick?

BEfore I proceed further, it is needfull to examine Erastus his do­ctrine Erastus l. 3. c. 1. Page 160. The pow­er of the civill Ma­gistrate. of the civill Magistrate.

Erastus. As there is a twofold governing, so of necessity there must be two supreame Governours. God is the governour of the inward man, the Magistrate of the outward man, it is absurd there should [Page 416] be two supream Governours of the same Government, so as the one neither be a part of the other, nor Administer all in the name of the other.

Ans. 1. Because a man consisteth of a spirituall part, a conscience and soul, and of an externall visible part; in which he exerciseth visible and externall acts of worship; yet spirituall, another, as he is a civill Agent, therefore there is a necessity there be no supream externall Governours under the one supream Lord of Heaven and earth; one that teacheth and informeth the minde, and ruleth by the sword whole man, as he is a part of a civill society, in all his civil actions, and this is the Magistrate; another that governeth him, as he is a member of a spirituall and supernaturall society, and exerci­seth externall spirituall actions, in reference to God & in the sub­jection of his conscience to him, and this is either a Priest, Levite or Prophet in the Old Testament, or Pastor, Teacher or Elder in the New Testament: and it is absurd, that there should not be two Governors; one over man in relation to his conscience and walk­ing with God, and his brethren as Members of a spirituall society, called a Pastor or Teacher; another in relation to his civill actions of Peace and justice to his brother, as he is a Member of a civill society, called a Magistrate.

2. It is an absurd thing, for Erastus to fancie God, and the Men have need of two sorts of Gover­nours. Magistrate, two supream Governors, when the Magistrate is not supream, but a meer Minister and vassall subordinate to God, the only most high. 3. It is as absurd to imagine God hath given no Ru­lers, Teachers, and guides to govern a man as he is a spirituall Agent obliged to worship God, and to be edified in the faith, but only the civill Magistrate; then hath Christ left no shepherd to his re­deemed flock but the Civill Magistrate, and ascending on high he hath left no gifts, no Pastors and Teachers, for the gathering of the Saints to the end of the world, when we shall meet all in the unity of the Faith; but only the Magistrate contrary to Christs end, in as­cending to heaven, Eph. 4. 11. Act. 20. 28. 1 Pet. 5. 1, 2. and contra­ry to Christs compassion to souls, who is moved, that his sheep want shepherds; for there souls, rather then Magistrates, Matth. 9. 36, 37, 38. therefore the opinion of Erastus is like the Divinity of Epicures or unchristian Moralists, who appoint Magi­strates to Governe the externall man, but no Teachers to [Page 417] take care of their souls, or to lead them to heaven.

Erastus. As there is one measure by which we measure things of Magistracie and Mini­stery, both supream in their on we kinde. divers natures, as cloath of linnen, of silke, of silver, of gold, and there is one weight by which we measure things weighable, though of most divers natures; so is there one visible dispensation and governing of all visible things, though there be some Lawes for the City, some for the Countrey, some for the Schooles, as there be no necessity of divers rulers, and Law-givers, to the City, to the Countrey, to the Schooles; so is there no necessity that there should be any other then the Magi­strate, who should guide things civill and prophane, things of Schooles, and things sacred.

Ans. This man speaketh rather like a Morall, or a naturall Physitian, then a Divine; the argument were good, if men had no souls, for then they should not need any to watch for their souls, as the spirit of God saith they do, Heb. 13. 17. and he with one stroak, taketh away Pastors and Teachers, and maketh the King the onely Pastor and Teacher in all his Kingdomes. 2. We know similitudes, especially not warranted with Scripture, proveth no­thing, and this may well conclude there should be no ruler at all, nor any Lawgiver on earth, but God only, and let every man do what seemes good in his owne eyes, for Gods will is the only mea­sure and rule of all things. And 3. If all men were to be ruled the same way, it might have colour. But it is knowen, that all Chur­ches, as members of a Common-wealth, are ruled one way, in giving to every man his own, & in not doing violence one to ano­ther; But in keeping peace and policy, as all men do in all societies on earth, and so they have need of Magistrates. 2. Another way they are considered as Members of a society, called from the state of sinne, to Grace and Glory, and so they have no lesse need of tea­chers for the guiding of their souls, Mat. 9. 36, 37, 38. Eph. 4. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Act. 8. 31. Heb. 13. 17. 1 Thes. 5. 12, 13. 1 Tim. 5. 17. Act. 20. 28, 29. Math. 28. 19, 20. Phil. 1. 1. and by name of the Elders of the Church, Act. 4. 5. 23. and 11. 3. and 14. 23. and 15. 2, 4, 6, 22, 23. and 16. 4. and 20. 28. and 21. 18. and 22. 5. Tit. 1. 5. and that the Magistrate should rule the house of God, is against the word.

Erastus. One Common-wealth can have but one supream Magi­strate, Pag. 160. 161. 162. a body with two heads is monstrous, therefore Papists almost by [Page 418] this argument, doe appoint one Pope head of the Church. There can­not be two powers of two swords, both supream and of equall power: But the Church power must be subject to the more excellent, the power of the Magistrate. But because he cannot do all by himselfe, he Gover­neth Erastus al­loweth no Govern­ment, but Popedome and Mo­narchy. the Schooles by Doctors, the Cities by inferiour judges, the Church by Pastors, and all according to right and justice, and the word of God, and that where the Magistrate and subjects are Christi­ans; but where the Magistrate is of a false Religion, two different Governments are tollerable.

Ans. 1. This argument destro [...]eth all Aristocracy, Parliaments, and Senates, where many good men have equall power, and so the Common-wealth may not have 70. Heads and Rulers of equall power, which is against the Scripture, which commandeth subjecti­on to every Civill ordinance of man, as lawfull, Rom. 13. 1, 2, 3. Tit. 3. 1, 2, 3. 1 Pet. 2. 13, 14. Deut. 1. 16. It maketh no Govern­ment lawfull, but Popedome and Monarchy in both Church and state. 2. It is to beg the question, that there cannot be two su­pream powers, both supream in their owne kinde, for they are both supream in their owne sphere: as Pastors dispense Sacraments and Word, without subjection to the Magistrate as they are Pastors, and Magistrates use the Sword without dependence on Pastors, and yet is there mutuall and reciprocall subjection of each to other in divers considerations: Pastors as subjects in a Civill relation, are subject to the Magistrate, as every soul on earth is, and Ma­gistrates as they have souls and stand in need to be led to heaven, are under Pastors and Elders. For if they hear not the Church, and if they commit incest, they are to be cast out of the Church, Mat. 18. 1 Cor. 5. Rom. 16. 17. 1 Thes. 3. 14. 15. If they walk in­ordinately, we are to eschew their company, if they despise the Mini­sters of Christ, they despise him who sent them, Math. 10. 40. Luk. 10. 16. God respecteth not the persons of Kings, and we finding them not excepted, if the preachers of the Gospel be to all beleevers [...] over them in the Lord, 1 Thess. 5. 12. 1 Tim. 5. 17. call it authority, or no Authority, they have some oversight over the Christian Magistrate; and here be two supreams, two highest powers, one Ecclesiasticall, another Civill; nor should any deny Moses to be above Aaron, as the supream judge; Aaron not having the power of the sword, as Moses had, and Aaron must be above [Page 419] Moses, in sacrificing, in burning incens [...] ▪, in judging between the clean and the unclean, which Moses could not do. 2. The excellen­cy of the Civill power in regard of earthly honour and eminency in the fifth Commandment, above the servants of God in the Ministry of Christs spirituall Kingdom, which is not of this world, we heartily acknowledge. 3. That the King Preacheth and dis­penseth the Sacraments by Pastors, as by his servants, is wilde Di­vinty: Pastors then must have Magistraticall Authority and power of the sword committed to them, as the Deputies and inferior judges of the Lords of the Gentiles, which Christ forbade his Dis­ciples, Luk. 22. 25, 26, 27. For the servant must have some power committed to him from the principall cause in that wherein he is a servant. 4. What reason is there, that where the Magistrate is a Heathen, two Governments, and so two heads in one body should be? for then there is and must be a Church-Government, where the Magistrate is a Heathen, and that in the hands of the Church: if then the Magistrate turn Christian, must he spoile the Church of what was her due before?

Erastus. The Lord Jesus changed nothing in the New Testa­ment p. 162. 163. of that most wise Government in the Iewish Church, now there all Government was in the hands of Moses: I say not, that the Magistrate might sacrifice, or do what was proper to the Priests, but he did dispose and order what was to be done by the Priests.

Ans. Yea, but Erastus saith, the Magistrate may dispense word and Sacraments in the New Testament, if he had leisure: Why might he not sacrifice in the Old Testament also? 2. Pastors do by their Doctrine and Discipline, order and regulate all callings in their Moralls of right and wrong, of just and unjust; yet is not the Pastor the only Governour in all externals. 3. If Christ chan­ged nothing of the Iewish Government, we have all their exclu­sion of men out of the Campe, their separating of the un­clean, and their politick and Ceremoniall Lawes, which is un­sound Divinity.

Erastus. Moses Ruled all before there was a Priesthood instituted. Pag. 164. 165. 167. God, Exod. 4. Numb. 12. calleth Aaron to his office and maugurateth him by Moses; nor doth he command him to exercise a peculiar judge­ment, when he declareth his office to him, and when Aaron dieth, [Page 420] Moses substituteth Eleazar in his place. Ioshua c. 3, 4 teacheth the Priests what they should doe, and commanded them to circumcise Isra­el: so did Samuel, David, Solomon, and in the time of the Macca­bees it was so.

Ans. Moses was once a Prophet and Iudge both; Ergo, so it may be now, it followeth not, except Moses as a Magistrate did re­veale what was the Priesthood: What Aaron and Eleazer his sonnes might doe, by as good reason Moses, David, Solomon, Io­shua, as Magistrates wrote Canonick Scripture and prophecied. Then may Magistrates as Magistrates build new Temples typicall to God, give new Laws, write Canonick Scripture, as these men did by the Spirit of prophecy no doubt, not as Magistrates; for why, but they might sacrifice as Magistrates, and why should Moses ra­ther have committed the Priesthood, and the service of the Taber­nacle due to him as a Magistrate, so to Aaron and his sonnes, as it should be unlawfull to him as a King, and unlawfull to Vzziah to burn incense, and to sacrifice, and to doe the office of the Priest? If the Magistrate as the Magistrate doe all that the Priests are to doe as Priests, and that by a supream principle, and radicall pow­er in him, he ought not to cast off that which is proper to him as a Magistrate, to take that which is lesse proper, he casteth the care and ruling of souls on the Priests, and reserveth the lesser part to himself, to rule the bodies of men with the Sword, all these are sufficiently answered before.

Erastus. The King of Persia, Ezra 7. appointed Iudges to judge the people and teach them, but there is no word of Excommunicati­on, or any Ecclesiastick punishment, but of death, imprisonment, fines; nor did Nehemiah punish the false Prophets with any other pu­nishment. Iosephus speaketh nothing of it, nor Antiochus.

Ans. I shew before that there is for [...]eiting, and separation from the Congregation, Ezra 10. 8. [...] he shall be se­parated from the Church. 2. If the King of Persia appointed men to judge and teach the people, why should he deny any judica­ture at all? 3. Where ever Iosephus speaketh of the judging of the Priests, as he doth antiq. l. 11. c. 7. ant. l. 11. c. 8. l. 12. c. 9. he hinteth at this.

Erastus. Christ dischargeth his Disciples to exercise dominion. Page 171. Christ would not condemne the adulterous woman, nor judge between [Page 421] the brethren, Luke 12. Paul calleth Ministers dispensators, stewards, Peter forbiddeth a dominion.

Ans. Let Erastus be mindfull of this himselfe, who yet saith, that the Magistrate may both judge, also (if he have time) dispence the Word and Sacraments; if then the Magistrate by his office may preach and dispense the Sacraments, who made him a judge and a Ruler? Will this sati [...]fie mens conscience; The Magistrate as the Magistrate may play the Minister; but the Minister may not play the Magistrate: Now as Erastus saith, the Minister in holy things, is his servant called by him; may not the Minister be called by him to the Bench also? E­rastus; Eli and Samuel, were both Priests and Iudges, and so to E­rastus they are not inconsistent. 2. Ministers ought not to usurpe the civill sword; Ergo, they have no power of governing by the sword of the Spirit, it followeth not, the contrary is evident, 1 Thes. 5. 12. 1. Tim. 5. 17. 1 Cor. 12. 28. Rom. 12. 7, 8.

Erastus. Peter Martyr saith, Com. 1 Sam. 8. Those that live wickedly, may be corrected by the Magistrate. But Papists give one civill Ecclesiastick power to the Pope, and another to the Magistrate, whereas the civill Magistrate is sufficient enough.

Ans. Pet. Martyr 1 Cor. 5. expresly asserteth Excommunicati­on, and acknowledgeth a Presbyterie of Pastors and Seniors, or Elders, Peter Martyr condemneth the use of both swords in the Pope, and saith it is sufficient that the Magistrate have the Sword. Page 173.

Erastus. Christ saith, my Kingdom is not of this world, that is, it is not pollitick, externall, visible, for Christ reigneth in the world, but his Government is invisible, and spirituall in the Word, and the Spirit.

Ans. Christ denieth only that his Kingdome is of this World, in Christs Kingdome how not of this World. regard it is not holden up by the civill sword of men, or Magistrates, as Erastus doth dreame, who maketh the Magistrate with his club to be the onely Catholick and principall Ruler in all Christs courts; which Christ refuteth, when he saith, If my Kingdome were of this world, mine owne would fight for me. Now Erastus will have no weapon, but the Magistrates sword to hold out, and cast out all offenders out of Christs Kingdom; but it is false, that Christs Kingdom is not politicall, externall and visible; this is to deny that Christ hath a visible Church: Sure exhorting, re­buking, censuring, withdrawing from the scandalous, excommuni­cation, are visible externally, and in a politick spirituall way ex­ercised [Page 422] by Christ in his Ambassadors: for externall and spirituall are not opposed, nor are politicall and spirituall opposed, as Erastus dreameth, and therefore this is a non sequitur of Erastus: His Kingdom is not of this world; Ergo, it is not externall.

Erastus. When Pompeius invaded and possessed Iudea, and Gabi­nius Cap. 2. l. 3. 176, 177, 179. having overcome Alexander, had changed the state of Iudea, the Pharisees did reigne wholly at Ierusalem. The Kingly power was removed and Aristocracy set up, Ioseph. bel. Iud. l. 1. c. 6. Io­seph. antiq. l. 14. c. 10. [...]: The Synedrie for the most part, had its owne autho­rity vnder Hyrcanus, and under Archilaus it was more fully restored, as is cleer by the Evangelists and Iosephus. Claudius in the tenth year after Christs death, setteth forth an Edict, [...]; Ioseph. Ant. lib. 19. Titus Vespasianus promised the same thing to them.

Ans. Will then Erastus have Christ, Mat. 18. to restore the power of the Sanedrim, in gaining a lost brother; that is to cite him be­fore the Roman Iudges: But 1. the Romans made high Priests from yeere to yeere, did Christ acknowledge the Sanedrim to be a re­stored Iudicature in this? 2. Say that the Sanedrim in sacris, in in the holy things of God, had its full power, the Romans not im­peding them; hath any man a face to deny, but Pharisees corrup­ted both Law, Gospell, Sanedrim and all, and doth Christ establish their most corrupt government; especially when they set themselves against the Messiah? Cesar or Pompeius could give the Sanedrim no more then it had before they were subdu­ed; but before they were subdued, the Sanedrim was changed and corrupted. 3. This is to beg the question, to say they kept the power of the Sword: For 1. We utterly deny that by Gods Law they ever had any such power, and forsooth, because the High-Priests servant smote our Saviour on the face, and they scourged and imprisoned the Apostles; What then? therefore the Sanedrim had the Law of God for it, and Aaron and his sonnes might beat, scourge, imprison, and kill, as they killed Steven, without Law or warrant, (except the Law that they had from the Roman Empe­rours, for which cause I judge their Sanedrim was then a mixed Judicature,) surely this is a vaine consequence. 4. It is like enough [Page 423] Claudius and Tiberius both, gave them liberty of their own Reli­gion, Ceremonies and customes at their pleasure, and that is much for us, the adversary so do reason from a corrupt, unjust and wic­ked practice to infer a Law.

Erastus. I have solidly proved, there were not two distinct juris­dictions; Pag. 179. but that the Magistrate Governed all. I deny not that the Ma­gistrate took counsell at those that were skilled in the Law. And I have proved that the Sanedrim in Christs time, when he spake these words, had the power of the sword, in things pertaining to Religion.

Ans. Let another man praise thee, solidity of the probation to most of Protestant Divines, is plain emptinesse. 2. That the Magi­strate took advice of Divines and learned men skilled in the Law, is not like the first pattern of Moses, David, Solomon, who as Moses, Da­vid, Solo­mon, ap­pointed to the Priests nothing in Gods wor­ship as Kings. Magistrates (saith Erastus) did rule all in the Church, gave the Law to Aaron his sons, directed and commanded the Prophets from the Lord, as nearest to him, what they should do, what Laws they should teach the people: Shew us one precept, practise, or pro­mise in the word, where Moses, David, Solomon asked Counsell at Aaron, the Priests, Gad, Nathan, or the Prophets; saying, O sons of Aaron, O Prophets advise us Magistrates, what Laws we should command you, touching your office, your holy garments, your washing, your beasts clean and unclean, your l [...]per, your putting men out of the Camp, touching the forme, dimensions, structure, mate­rials of the Arke, Tabernacle, Temple, &c. that we may know what to command you from the Lord; for we are nearer to the Lord, and have a more eminent place, as Church-Officers, then you who are but our Vicars, Deputies, and servants to be directed by us.

Now 1. Moses received all Laws immediatly from God, and never consulted with any man, either Aaron, Priest, or Prophet; David and Solomon had the forme of the Temple, given to them by the Lord in writing, and advised with none at all; & therefore received from God, and delivered to the Church, what they received of the Lord.

2. What warrant the Magistrates should advise with Ministers; what they should command-Ministers, to preach and do in their Ministery, if by vertue of their Office they command Ministers.

3. So like as Christ referreth men to the Civill sword on their bodies to gain their souls, which is the scope of Christ, Matth. 18.


Quest. 13.

Whether Erastus can make good that the Synedry was the Civill Magistrate?

Erastus. When the Priest accused Jeremiah, Chap. 26. of blas­phemy, Erastus l. 4. cap. 4. pag. 275, 276. he sate not amongst the Judges, but stood as an accuser be­fore the Magistrate: So Beza. Erastus replieth, Your Synedry had no Civill jurisdiction, because it is a dream: 2. Should Pashut the Priest be both accuser and judge? 3. In Ieremiahs time, there was De Presb. p. 106. a Monarch, in whose hand was all power; in Christs time there was an Aristocracy, the Government being in the hands of some cho­sen men.

Ans. Certainly, Ier. 26. 10. the Princes sate down in judge­ment, but that the Priests sate with them, we have not one word, only the Priests accused him as worthy to die in the question of Law, and so the people, ver. 8. Now the people undeniably can­not have been Iudges. 2. Nor do we say, the Priests were both judges The Priests in matters of death, judged on­ly De que­stione iuris, of the que­stion of Law. Civill to condemn Ieremiah to die, and accusers: that doth not hinder, but they in an Ecclesiasticall way were Iudges, touching the question of Law, whether he had spoken blasphemy or not, and also Accusers before the Civill Iudges. 3. It is to beg the que­stion to say, that all power even of Church-censuring was in the hand of the King. 1. The King might exclude none of the Lepers out of the Camp, the Priests only could by the Law of God do this, and excluded Ʋzziah the King, as a Leper out of the Con­gregation: The King could not judge who were clean, who un­clean. 2. That all power was in the hand of the Kings, as if the Kings of I [...]dah were by Gods Law absolute, can never be proved, but the contrary is evident, Deut. 17. And that inferiour Iudges were es­sentially Iudges, and the Lords immediate Deputies, is clear by Scripture, Deut. 1. 16. 2 Chron. 19. 5, 6, 7. Exod. 18. 21, &c. Numb. 11. [...]6, 17, 18. Psal. 82. 6, 7. Rom. 13. 1, 2.

Erastus. You ask how Caiaphas, and the Pri [...]sts had power against Pag. 276, 277. [Page 425] Iesus: I ansvver: 1. From God: 2. From the Kings of Persia. 3. From the permission of the Romans: They apprehended him, and bound him, which was a part of Civill power, nor was this some of the confusion under the Maccabees: Hovv can this be proved? Christ never rebuked it, nor his Apostles; the contrary is clear in Iosephus.

Ans. A permissive power from God, can prove no Law-power. 2. Persians and Romans could not give to Priests and Levites the power of the sword, to do what the Law of God had exempted them from doing, they were not so much as numbred for the war, but set apart for the service of Gods house, Num. 1. 3. 45, &c. they might in some extraordinary cases judge in civill businesse with the Civill Iudges in the same Iudicature, but this was no standing Law, 2. Erastus seeketh we would prove that the practise of bloody Pharisees was not against Law: He knoweth, it is his own Argu­ment, Affirmanti incumbit Probatio. 3. Christ and the Apostles re­buked not particularly many other sins. Pilate might have accused them for binding one of Cesars Subjects, of whom he had said, he found no fault in him. 4. That Ioseph was a Priest, or a Levite, I reade not, he was an Honourable Councellor, some think of Pilates Councell. 5. That they had any Law of God to apprehend Iesus, or that Ioseph had any hand in either condemning, or doing any thing in the Sanedrim, but shewing his judgement, as a Iudge in the question of Law, what was blasphemy, we must deny, let Erastus prove it, if so be Erastus make him either Priest or Levite? Ioh. 18. 31. The Iews expresly deny the power that Erastus giveth them: Pilate therefore said unto them, take him and judge him according to your Law, which was a salt mocking of them. I knovv, if you had povver, you should not have brought him to me; therefore if ye have povver, use it: The Ievvs therefore said unto him, It is not lavvfull for us to put any man to death, and the Evangelist addeth, ver. 32. That the saying of Iesus might be fulfilled, which he spake, signify­ing what death he should die, that is, God had taken power of life and death from the Iews, in his admirable providence, that Ie­sus might die a Roman death, due for treason, that is, that he might be crucified; Ergo, the Iews had no power to put him to death. It is weak and empty that Erastus saith, They had not po­vver to put him to death, for saying he vvas King, because that [Page 426] was a civill crime: But they had power to put him to death, and to stone him for blasphemy; for the Iews say universally without distinction of causes, with two negations, which in the Greek Lan­guage is a strong and universall negation, [...], We have not power to kill any man, Ergo, the place will never prove that the Church men might not kill him, because the Iews might kill no man: you will say, Hovv had they povver vvith svvords and staves to take the Kings free subject and binde him, which yet they The Priests and Levites had no Law-po­wer by Gods Law or from Cesar, to put Christ to death. did? I answer, it was an usurped power, for by Erastus his doctrine, they had no more power to take him and binde him for Treason, which was a civill crime, then they had to kill him for Treason, both was alike unlawfull by the Roman Lavv, and Pilate being a man willing to please the people, as the event of the businesse sheweth, did not in a legall way challenge them for binding him; but he durst not be answerable to his Prince Cesar, if he had past by such a high point, as their putting Christ to death: But we desire any Law of God (for practises especially of wicked men are no binding rule) that Priests or Levites, in the Old-Testament, might either binde a Iew or put him to death, and when Pilate did stand so much to put Christ to death, they would have used their own power, malice so necessitating them, if they had had any, and might well have said to Pilate, It is lavvfull for us to put him to death for blasphemy, but vve vvill not use our povver, vve so love to be loyall to Caesar; but they say the contrary, We have no povver to put any man to death. They say indeed, that by their law he ought to die. But that they had no power to put him to death, for the Common people said, that, as may appear, if we compare, Ioh. 19. ver. 5. with ver. 12. with Matth. 27. 25. and with Act. 2. 36. Act. 3. 12. &c. and yet Erastus will not say that the common people were Members of the Sane­drim, or had power of life and death, as the Civill Magi­strate had.

Erastus. Steven was stoned by the Sanedrim, not by tumult, for pag. 279. there vvere vvitnesses, as the lavv required, Act. 7. The vvitnesses (vvho by the lavv vvere to cast the first stone at the man condemned) vvere here, therefore there vvas Lavv-povver to stone him, though they did it unjustly.

Ans. Beza meant, that Steven was stoned by tumult, that is, without any Law-power, except usurped, when the Iews were [Page 427] now riper for destruction, and had taken on them the blood of the The Sane­drim had no Law­power a­gainst Ste­ven. Lord of glory, and so growing more daring and insolent against the Roman povver, to their own just desolation, that came on them under Vespasian. That they used witnesses, will not prove they had Law to stone Steven, for Timothy had no power of life and death over Elders, one brother hath no power of life and death over a­nother, as Erastus will grant, yet with both there is use of wit­nesses, 1 Tim. 5. 19. Matth. 18. 16. This I hope concludeth but weakly, any lawfull civill power, so all this is from a naked practise of those that alvvayes resisted the holy Ghost: And the like I say of The like is true of Paul. Paul, who saith Act. 26. 10. of himself, Many of the Saints did I shut up in prison, having received authority from the high Priests, [...]; suppose it were true that Saul had Law and Authority from the high Priests to imprison the Saints, and to murther the Saints, no high Priest can make over a Law­power to another, which he hath not himself; now certain this Law-power of the Pharisees and High Priests by Gods Law, is the question. Let us see Law or institution, where the High Priests (for of these only the Text speaketh) did imprison and put to death, ei­ther blasphemer or false Prophet, or, if by Moses his Law, which must be a rule to all the High Priests in the time of persecuting Saul, it was either Law or practise, that the High Priest had power to imprison, or scourge, or put to death any man, and this was most proper to the King, and the Civill judge, and the Elders and Iudges in every City, 2 Sam. 1. 14. 15, 16. 1 Kin. 2. 9. & 2. 6, 7. Isa. 1. 23. Ier. 22. 1, &c. Ier. 22. 27. Numb. 35. 12. 24. Deut. 22. 18. & 7. 5. & 19. 12. 13. ver. 18, 19, 20, 21. & 21. 19. 1 Kin. 21. 11. Hos. 6. 8. Zeph. 3. 1, 2, 3. Rom. 13. 4. We know undoubtedly the King, the Civill Iudge, had power of all bodily punishments, as of scour­ging, death, stoning, strangling, crucifying, hanging; But shew meany Vestigium, or the least consequence where the Priests or High Priests had such power, or did execute such power in any one man: it is true, Deut. 17. the Priests might determine in Law what was blasphemy, and so what deserved the punishment of blasphemy, which is death: But so the written Law of God, the very letter of it could in many cases clearly resolve the Civill judge, even though there had been no controversie about the fact, whether it was condemned in the Law of God, or not: we know Samuel not [Page 428] being judge, but Saul being King & supream Magistrate, & not exe­cuting judgement on the Amalekites, he killed Agag, certainly, all Divines, even Popish not excepted, say, Saul the Civil Magistrate ought to have killed Agag, & that Samuel not by vertue of his place, as a prophet, or as a Priest or a Member of the Sanedrim (as Erastus would say) but excited by an extraordinary motion of Gods spirit, killed him, as Phineas the son of Aaron slew, Num. 25. Zimri and Cosbi, 7, 8. And Elijah slew Baals Priests, 1 Kin. 18. 40. 2 Kin. 1. 10. If Phineas by office, and Elias by office killed those ill doers, as E­rastus would dream, The Prophets and Priests by their office were Civill Iudges, and had power to put to death evil doers. Now Erastus denyeth, and with good reason, that the Lords disci­ples should bear civill dominion over men, as the Lords of the Gen­tiles, Luk. 22. 24, 25, 26. and that Christ though both a Prophet and a Priest could not take on him, to be a Iudge and a Ruler, Luk. 12. yet here Erastus will have the High Priest, by a Law-power, to imprison and put to death. 2. Erastus may with as good reason say, that the high Priests had a Law-power by Gods institution to punish and to compell Christians to blaspheme God, and to persecute them to strange Cities, and to murther the Saints that believed in the Lord Iesus; for he went to Damascus for this effect, Act. 26. 12. [...], with povver and Com­mission from the chief Priests, This was not a Law-power in gene­rall, to punish such as the Law of Moses discerned to be blasphemers, but a limited particular Commission to murther the Saints, who should hear and obey the Prophet, like unto Moses, whom the Lord should raise up, Deut. 18. What Law had the High Priests for this? Had they not a Law on the contrary? Deut. 18.

Erastus. Paul confesseth ingenuously, before the Roman Pag. 280. Judges, that he persecuted the Saints, and that he had au­thority and power from the Priests and Elders so to do, Act. 22. & 26. and we read not that the Priests or Paul were censured for these things, as having done any thing against the Laws or will of the Romans, Act. 5. They send their Officer, the Captain of the Temple, they imprison the Apostles, they convene a Councell, give out a sentence, and agitate the kil­ling [Page 429] of the Apostles amongst them, while Gamaliel impede them.

Ans. It is true, the Romans heard that the Sanedrim exercised Civill jurisdiction, and inflicted bodily punishment. But for false Doctrine, the Romans I conceive took as little care as Gallio did of any of Gods matters, and whether the Sanedrim kept the rule of the Lords first institution, Deut. 17. yea, they looked not much whether the Priests might put to death false Prophets, or if the Civill judges only might do it; and Erastus said before, that the Romans gave the Iews liberty of all their own laws and customes in matters of Religion. 2. What care would the Romans take, whether the Iews killed and oppressed Iews, for questions of their owne Religion, so they remained loyall and true to Cesar? 3. We know Herod, Felix, Festus, Agrippa, being willing to pleasure the Iews, did oversee many breaches of Law in them, especially in mat­ters of the Gospel, Act. 12. 3. and 24. 27. and 16. 36, 37, 38, 39 40. Ioh. 19. 15 16, 17. 4. How doth he prove that the Romans did not take this for a breach of their Lawes? Because they accuse not the Sanedrim for this? surely it followeth not: We read not that the Romans challenged them for a manifest breach of Law, when they scourged and cast in prison Paul and Silas, who were Romans and had not condemned them, Act. 16. 38, 39. 5. We deny not a law­full judicature of the Sanedrim, Act. 5. But that they had any Law of God, to scourge, and imprison, and put to death the Apostles, is the question; we say, they neither had Gods law, nor durst be an­swerable to the Romans Laws, for that fact, and so this is a fact brought to prove a Law.

Erastus. If this was insolencie in the Jevvs which rose from the con­fusion Pag. 280. 281. of the two jurisdictions; hovv say some of yours, none can be ex­communicated without the consent of the Magistrate? Where did Christ divide the externall Government of the Church in Civill Go­vernment and Ecclesiasticall, as you distinguish them?

Ans. 1. That it is expedient, that the Christian Magistrate How the Christian Magistrate is to be ac­quainted with ex­communi­cation. should be acquainted with the Excommunication of any under his jurisdiction, that he may satisfie his own Conscience in punishing him civilly, it is like some of our Divines do teach: But that the Magistrate have a negative voice in Excommunication, none of ours teach. 2. We make no such division as that of the Civill and the Ecclesiasticall Government of the Church. Erastus may dream of [Page 430] such a distinction: We know, all Government of the Church, as the Church, to us is Ecclesiasticall: There is a Government of men of the Church that is Civill; but we dreamed never of a Civill Go­vernment of the Church: All the Government of the Church, as the Church, though externall, is Spirituall, Heavenly, and subordi­nate to Jesus Christ as Lord and King of his own house, as the Go­vernment of a house, a Kingdom, an Army, a City is subordinate to the Lord of the house, to the King, Generall Commander, and Lord Mayor, and it is no more a Civill Government subordinate to the Magistrate and his Sword, then Christs Kingdom visible and externall, or invisible and internall is of this world.

When therefore Erastus denyeth that there is any Church-Go­vernment, he meaneth there is no Spirituall Church Government in the hands of Presbyters; but because we know no Government of the Church as the Church, but it is Spirituall, and the Govern­ment of the Church by the Christian Magistrate, is a Civill Go­vernment of men as men, and that by the power of the Sword, and so it is no Church-Government at all; and therefore we justly say, that Erastus denyeth all Church-Government.

Erastus. When Paul saith, Act. 23. Thou sittest to judge me ac­cording Page 281. to the Law, Doth he not acknowledge the High Priest to be his Judge? Paul denieth that he had done any thing contrary to the Law: And Tertullus saith, We would have judged him according to our Law, if Lysias had not without Law violently taken him from us.

Ans. Ananias was to judge him only in an Ecclesiasticall way; and when Paul saw that they went beyond their line, to take his life, he appealed from their inferior judicature to Caesar, who only had power of his life. 2. Lysias had Law to vindicate an innocent man accused on his life, before a most uncompetent judicature. Tertullus knew the Iews had favour and connivence in many Law­lesse Facts.


Quest. 14.

Whether Erastus do strongly confute the Presbytery of the New Testament.

BEza saith, there vvas need of same select men in the Apostles time Erastus l. 4. c. 5. c. 6. Beza de presbyter. p. 110. to lay hands on Ministers, to appoint Deacons, for there vvas no Jevvish Synedrie, no Magistrate to do it; and vvhen Paul forbiddeth Christians for things of this life to implead other before the heathen Magistrate, would he send them in spirituall businesse to such? or must that, Tell the Church, have no use for a hundreth years after Christ? So Beza; yea if the Lord ascending to heaven left Officers for the A colledge of church­rulers in the N. T. building and Governing his Church, Eph. 4. 11. and some to be over the people in the Lord, 1 Thes. 5. 12. 13. some to watch for their souls, whom they were to obey, some to feed the flock, and to drive away the wolves, Act. 20. 28, 29, 30. some to Govern the house of God, no lesse then their owne house, 1 Tim. 3. 4. a Pres­bytery in generall Erastus cannot deny, only he denieth such a pa. 284. Presbytery, and saith, that it is like this, such a one is a living crea­ture; Ergo, such an one is a dog. But if I can demonstrate, there is a Presbytery and they were not all Bishops, as is clear, Rom. 12. 89. 1 Cor. 12. 28, 29. 1 Tim. 5. 17. and if, Tell the Church, by no Grammer, can be, Tell the Bishop, except you make the Queen the Bride, and the servant or friend of the Bridegroome all one; It must follow there is both a Presbytery, and such a Presbytery in the Church, nor do we argue from a generall to specials.

Erastus. The Church may not kill men, but she may pray that God Page 285. would destroy them, or convert her enemies.

Ans. To pray that God would destroy him, whom we are to ad­monish as a brother, is a strange discipline; Erastus will never make good from Scripture, that God hath appointed praying for the destruction of men to be a saving ordinance, appointed of Christ for gaining of souls, (such as we take rebuking, admonishing, ex­communication, eschewing the company of scandalous brethren, which have for their intrinsecall end, the repentance of a brother [Page 432] under these censures) and therefore this of Erastus his killing of men, is a new forged censure.

Erastus. Whereever the Scripture speaketh in the New Testament Pag. 286. of a Presbytery, there is no other understood, but that of preachers; therefore it is false, that the Apostles have commanded any other Elders beside those that labour in the word.

Ans. The antecedent is false; 1 Tim. 5. 17. as I have demon­strate in another place, I repeat it not here, let any disciple of Erastus answer if he can. 2. The consequence is vaine, for if in every place of the New Testament, where mention is made of an Elder, the Holy Ghost mean only a Preaching Elder, it followeth only that any other officers, as Deacons, and those that labour not in the Word, & yet Go­vern well, are not called with the name of Presbyters: And so the Argument is against the name, not against the office and thing. What if the Presbytery be named from the most principall part, as is ordinary in Scripture, doth it follow that there be none members of the Presbytery, but only Preachers of the Word? In no sort. Paul saith of the visible Church of Corinth, Ye are bought with a price, ye are justified, ye are sanctified; Ergo, none were mem­bers of the visible Church, but those that are redeemed, justified, and sanctified, it is like the consequence of Erastus. 3. I retort this vaine argument thus; none in Scripture have the name of Apostles, But the Eleven, and Mathias, none are called the witnesses of the Lord but they, 1 Ioh. 1. 1, 2. Ergo, there be no preaching Mini­sters, neither Timothy, Titus, Epaphroditus that are to be called witnesses of the Lord, but the twelve Apostles; so where doth Era­stus finde that [...] a deaconrie or office of labour in the Mini­stery is given to any, but to those that labour in the word? Rom. 11. 13. Ergo, must there be no deaconry, but labouring in the word, the plaine contrary is Act. 6.

Erastus. Beside Levites and Priests, there belonged to the pa. 287. Synedry of the Iews other heads of families; Ergo, beside Mini­sters there must be Prophets and Doctors in the Presbytery, it followeth not.

Ans. Erastus fancies a conclusion of an Argument that Beza Beza de presbyt. p. 112. 113. saith not; for he saith; Ergo, beside Ministers there must be some chiefe men, which we call ruling Elders, to represent the people, [Page 433] that there may be (as all our Divines and Scripture teach) a three­fold government in the Church: A Monarchy, in regard of Iesus Christ the onely head and King of the Church, as the Iewish Church had their High Priest a Type of him; and Aristocracy, in Pastors and Teachers, as the Iewes had their Priests and Levites; and a Democracy in the ruling Elders, as the Iewes had their Ze­kenim, and their Heads of families and Elders in the Ecclesiasticall Sanedrim, and we in the Presbytery to represent the people: and of these three the Iewish Ecclesiastick Sanedrim is made up 2 Chron. 19. 8. of the Levites and the priests [...] of the heads of Fathers, or Masters of families. Now Erastus yeeldeth that good Iehoshaphat departed not from Gods institution in his refor­mation, all this Erastus passeth over in silence, being ignorant of the Iewish Church government, and not able to answer, and he addeth something of Doctors not to a purpose, and saith there be no Doctors but Pastors onely in the Word; contrary to Rom. 12, 7, 8. Ephes. 4. 11. where they are clearly distinguished.

Erastus. Some chosen men must be in the Presbytery to re­present Page 288. the people; Ergo, these must be Doctors and Prophets, but there is no need of that, for Bishops of old represented the whole Church.

Ans. Beza hath not any such argument, he contendeth for Ru­ling Beza de Presbyt. p. 112. 113. Elders, not for Prophets and Doctors to represent the people. 2. Where doth the Scripture speake of such an office as a Bishop having Majority of power above Presbyters? (for since E­rastus denieth all Ecclesiasticall Government in Teachers, he must deny all Majority of Ecclesiasticall Governement also, he that denieth the positive, denieth also the comparative degree) now this is a Bishop that neither Scripture, nay nor popish Antiquity drea­med of. 3. In what is a Bishop the representative Church? The like is Erastus his third Argument.

Erastus. 1 Cor. 12. How is Government a Presbytery? how are Over­seers Page 289. & governments, Doctors & Prophets? There be many kinds of Go­vernours. I wonder that by [...] Miracles, you understand not the power of Excommunication, that hath terrified all the World; how are Doctors & Prophets added to Pastors, are they not teachers as well as Pastors, but that they administer not the Sacraments? & how doe you [Page 434] prove that? how prove you Overseers to be [...]ther then Ministers?

Ans. Governements to us are but a part of the Presbyterie. 2. There be many kinds of Governours, but he durst not venture to shew what is signified by governments, lest he should say, his Magistrate must be the onely Church Governour, but he knoweth that a Magistrate as a Magistrate is no member nor part of the Church, but as he is a Christian; for then Cesar, Herod, Pontius Pilate, as Magistrates must be set in the body of Christ, as Apostles, and Teachers and Prophets, which all the World will cry shame on. 3. Beza said never that Teachers and prophets are cast to Mi­nisters to make a Presbyterie, for by Teachers he meaneth Pastors. 4. Because Paul setteth downe Governments different from Apo­stles, Prophets, and Teachers, they must be some Officers different from them, we can finde none else, but such as rule well, and yet labour not in the Word, 1 Tim. 5. 17. let Erastus shew us what they are, he dares not open his minde: for he meaneth a Justice of Peace, or a King, or a heathen judge must be in the wombe of this, 1 Cor. 12. 28. let himselfe be mid-wife.

Erastus answering to 1 Tim. 5. 17. saith [...] to labour is to page 290. 291. labour diligently, the meaning is like this; I wish well to all Pastors, but especially to those who with great industrie, fidelity and paines feed the flocke committed to them, as I love all inclined to studie, but especially such as watch night and day upon studies, for some are more diligent in teaching then others, heres no Tautologie to say, I love all that sincerely and soundly teach the Word, especially those that dili­gently teach it.

Ans. I cannot particularly discusse this place, I have done it else Due right of Presby­teries, qu. 7. c. 7. sect. 7. page 141, 142, 143. se (que) where fully [...] with two Articles noteth two species of El­ders, as Tit. 1. 11. 1 Tim. 5. 8. Gal. 6. 10. Phil. 4. 22. 2. This is a Tautologie, I love all well governing and faithfull Elders, especially those that labour in the word; they may be well and painful feeding Pastors, who are not painfull in preaching the Word, and this is Tautologie; I love all that are studious, and studie excellently, and especially those that studie night and day, as Erastus must say if he make the phrase agree to the purpose, to feed [...] well in a feed­ing Pastor includeth labouring in the Word, since Erastus expoun­deth the place, 1 Tim. 5. 17. of Church officers, he cannot deny but the place holdeth forth a Government, and a [...] of Church [Page 435] Officers, for beside labouring in the Word and doctrine, which is preaching, here is well governing, it is a shame then to Erastus to expound this place so, and yet deny all Church Government, except in the hands of the Magistrate.

Erastus. Ancient and moderne Doctors deny two sorts of Elders.

Ans. I have made the contrary appear in the place cited; I will not weary the Reader with reasons set downe at full in another place.

Erastus. Shew where the Church hath a judicature, to punish sins different from the Magistrates judicature, as the Lord made a power of burning incense to the Lord, to be different from the Kings royall power.

Ans. Mat. 18. Mat. 16. Ioh. 20. Mat. 28. 19, 20. Eph. 20. 28. 1 Cor. 5. 1, 2▪ &c. Rev. 2. 1, 2. and 20. 21. Ministers are no lesse separa­ted under the New Testament to all ministeriall acts of feeding, by the word and rod of Discipline, then Priests were of Old.

Erastus. Nathan did not Excommunicate David. page 293.

Ans. Nathan had assurance from God that his sin was pardoned; 2. That the Sanedrim did not cast David out is a fact, and proveth not they had no power; for 80. Priests cast Vzziah out of the house of God for a lesse fault, that carried in its face lesse scandall.

Erastus. The Prophets never accuse the Priests, that they admitted the unclean to the sacrifices and holy things of God.

Ans. The contrary is evident, Ier. 5. 31. Ezek. 22. 25, 26. and 44. 8, 9, 10. contrary to their Office, Deut. 17. 11, 12. Levit. 10. 10.

Erastus. David Psal. 51. sheweth he would have given Sacrifices, page 294. but God craved a broken heart; Ergo, he had power to sacrifice.

Ans. Not except withall he had offered a contrite heart to God.

Paul (saith Erastus) speaketh of coming to them with the rod, of Erastus l. 4. c. 7. p. 295. 296. delivering to Satan, of his comming with the authority God had given him, of his coming to them mourning.

Ans. Where saith Paul that he his alone did use the rod? doth he not ascribe judging and casting out to the Corinthians? 1 Cor. 5. 12. &c, and forgiving of the incestuous man 2 Cor. 2. to them Be­za saith, this power is necessary to purge the Church, lest it be infected; even to the end of the world, and therefore must be left with the Church. page 296.

Erastus. To be gathered in the Name of the Lord is not re­ferred [Page 436] to the congregations meeting together, but to Pauls act of delivering to Satan, the Corinthians and Pauls Spirit in­structed thus with the power of Christ, might have delivered others to Satan as they did this man, if the Apostle had not pardoned them, but they had not Pauls spirit with them in their convention afterward, because in no place he biddeth them be gathered together with his Spirit, as he doth here.

Ans. Paul doth construe the words v. 4. in the Name of Christ with the Participle [...] ye being conveened, and the words [...], are separated from the word [...] ( I have judged) by the interposition of these words, [...] so Erastus his grammar will be a little confused. 2. What nee­ded the Corinthians be gathered together with the Spirit of Paul, and the power of the Lord Jesus to pray that the man might be mira­culously No mira­culous kil­ling 1 Cor. 5. or tor­menting of the mans body. killed? for when they were not gathered together in a Church meeting, but were all separatim in their own houses and closets, they had power to judge the man, that is, to pray that he might be miraculously killed, else Erastus cannot make Paul, in any reasonable manner to rebuke them because they prayed not that he might be killed, for Erastus must suppose the power of pray­ing; for this, in faith, was tyed to this publike convention of the Church, and Erastus saith, in no place he biddeth them be gathered together as here. This Spirit of Paul and power of the Lord Jesus that was in them, was not given to elevate them to any higher or more supernaturall acts of miraculous co-operating with Paul, then their naked act of consenting that the man should be cut off, and this act of consenting, they could not want, in their private praying at home, that the man be miraculously killed, and so this spirit of Paul, and the power of the Lord Iesus shall be brought so low, as I know not what to make of it.

Erastus. If they had prayed that God would punish this enor­mous sinne, whether God had heard them or not, they had dis­charged Page 296. their dutie.

Ans. But it is evident he rebuketh them not onely, for not mour­ning for the mans fall, and not praying that he might be punished; but for that they conveened not, and did not judge, and put away [Page 437] the man; Ergo, they had alwayes an ordinary power to judge and cast out scandalous persons, and Paul rebuketh them for not impro­ving this power; then it was not any miraculous power not ordi­narily in their hand, as powers of that kinde are supposed to be.

Erastus saith, [...] is to be construed with [...]; pa. 297. as the meaning may be; note such a one in an Epistle, and write to me, that I may censure him.

Ans. This is throwne Grammar, which the Greek doth not bear without violence, for Paul saith, If he obey not our doctrine, writ­ten by Epistle, marke such a one, and he commandeth them to in­flict a censure on him, by eschewing his company.


Quest. 15.

Of the use of Excommunication toward the Magistrate especi­ally. Lib. 5. c. 1. Erast. 298.

Erastus. How many thousands of men have been killed by occasion of Excommunication in Germany? it hath subjected Kings and Scriptures, and all to the Pope.

Ans. All this may be said of the Gospell and of Christ, that hee is appointed for the fall and ruine of many, and that he came not to give Peace, but the Sword, 1 Pet. 2. 8. Luke 2. 34. Mat. 10. 34, 35. But the cause is not in the Gospell, or in Christ, but in mens cor­rupt nature: Excommunication is the Rod of the King out of Zion, and we know how impatient men are of the yoke of Christ; Ex­communication abused by the Pope doth all this.

Erastus. Excommunication cureth not wounded consciences, but be­getteth page 299. Hypocrites.

Ans. So publike rebuking of those that sin publikely, 1 Tim. 5. 20. being abused doth beget Hypocrites, Esa. 57. 1, 2, 3. Ezek. 31, 32, 33. 1 King. 21. 27. 28, 29. so doth the Rod, the Word, the giving of almes, praying, being abused to wicked ends, make hy­pocrites, Mat. 23. 14, 25. Mat. 6. 1, 2, 3, 4. Psal. 78. v. 34, 35, 36. Hos. 7. 14. Excommunication is innocent of all these.

Erastus. I thinke it not amisse that the Magistrate chuse godly and page 29 [...]. [Page 438] prudent men, and joyne to them godly Ministers, who in place of the Magistrate may inquire in the life and manners of men, and convene before them loose livers, and rebuke them, and if need be, deferre them to the Magistrate; But this is unjust, that such a Senate be chosen by the Church, which hath no power to chuse them. 2. That they are not chosen in the Name of the Magistrate, but against his will. 3. That they subject the Magistrate to them.

Ans. Erastus is willing there be a Presbytery: 1. Of mixed men, prudent men, and godly Pastors. 2. Chosen by the Magi­strate. Erastus yieldeth there is a Presbytery. 3. That they judge and rebuke Murtherers, Extortioners, Oppressors, Thieves, &c. But 1. he should give us Scripture for this his new Presbytery. He condemneth ours, because it wanteth (as he saith) the Authority; and the like of his Presbytery in the Old or New Testament you finde not. 2. That Ministers should judge of bloods, thefts, treasons, paricides (for all these are loose li­vers) and of goods and inheritances, and give an account to the Civill Magistrate, is all one as if the Ministers of the Gospel should be Iudges as the Lords of the Gentiles, such as Pilate, Foelix and the rest, so they do it at the Command of the Supream Magistrate; then the King may warrant Ministers to go against the Command and practise of Christ, Luk. 22. 24, 25, 26. and 12, 13, &c. 2 Tim. 2. 4. For this is a Civill Judicature. 3. Then the Ministers rebu­king in the name of the Civill Magistrate, may make him to Preach & exhort in the name of the Civil Magistrate. So Ministers, are they to hear the word at the Magistrates mouth? I thought Ministers had been the Ambassadors of an higher King, Ezech. 2. 7, 8. and 3. 3. Speak with my words to them, Rom. 1. 1. 2 Cor. 5. 20. 4. If the Ministers rebuke as Ambassadors of Christ: Those to whom they Preach the word of reconciliation, those they are to rebuke with Authority, and all hearers are subject to them: Magistrates or o­thers, The Magi­strate un­der Church discipline. high or low: This is clear by 2 Cor. 5. 19. 20, &c. 2 Tim. 4. 1, 2. For rebuking in way of Preaching, or in way of censure, is a part of the Gospel. But Pastors are to Preach the Gospel to all, to great and small who stand in need of Reconciliation, 2 Cor. 5. 20, Act. 9. 15. He is a chosen vessel to me, to bear my name before Gentiles and Kings, and the Children of Israel.

Erastus. It is false that the Sword of the Magistrate is not [Page 439] sufficient to coerce sins, Psal. 101. Kings have put to death those that seek not God: It is nothing that you say, the Priest judged those same sins in a spirituall manner, that the Magi­strate judged politically; for it is false, that the Priests judged in a Judicature separated from the Civill Judges, as your Presbytery sitteth. See Levit. cap. 4. 5. 6. God seemeth to have given no Laws of punishing offenders by themselves, as with us, least we should imagine two distinct Judicatures.

Ans. We deny not, but the Sword is sufficient to punish offen­ders, in its own kinde, in order to the peace of the Common-wealth. to remove evil; to cause others fear, to pacifie Gods wrath, as the Scriptures speak: so David and good Kings purged the city of God, but Erastus cannot deny but God ordained spirituall means of re­bukings, putting out of the Camp, eschewing the company of of­fenders, that they may be ashamed, and those spirituall means have a spirituall influence on the soul to remove offences, to gain the offenders, Matth. 18. 15. Psal. 110▪ 2. Isa, 11. 4. Psal. 141. 5. 2 Thess. 3. 14, 15.

2. The word maketh the Priests separated from Civill Iudges, Zach. 3. 7. The Angel of the Lord protested unto Ioshua the high Priest, if thou wilt walk in my wayes, and keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and thou shalt keep my courts. The Civill Magistrate judged not the house of God, the way that the High Priest did. The Divines that noteth on the place, say, The chief part in Ecclesiasticall affairs was upon the High Priest, Deu [...]. 17. Annot. on the Bible, An. 1645. in Zach. 3. 7. 12. 2 Chron. 19. 11. The word [...] that is given to the Priest is to judge, to give out sentence in judgement, the very word that is given to King Iosiah; He judged the cause of the poor and needy, and Ier. 5. 28. They judge not the cause, the cause of the fatherlesse, and Ier. 21. 12. O house of David execute judgement in the morning, and the sons of Aaron the Priests, 1 Chron. 24. 5. are made some of them Governors of the sanctuary, and Governors of the house of God: It is the word that signifies Princes, 2 Kin. 9. 5. A word to thee O Prince [...], 1 Sam. 22. 2. 1 Chro. 11. 6. Ier. 17. 25, Num. 23. 3. 10. All the princes of Moab, Isa. 30. 4. Isa. 10. 8. Are not my princes Kings? and Lev. 4. 5, 6. chapters, judiciall acts are given to the [Page 440] Priest that are proper to him as Priest, which none do but he, nor have the Civill ludges any part in it, more then they can offer sa­crifices A judica­ture pro­per to the priests as priests. which none do but the priests, for he was to judge of the quality of the sins, and might not offer any sacrifice for every sin, nor dip his finger in the blood of the bullock seven times, for every sin, this spirituall judicature was the Priests. And neither Moses the Prince nor any Civill Iudge on earth could share with the Priests in judging this: all the world will say the judge may use the sword against the Murtherer, and Elders or Pastors have not to do with the sword at all: and the Pastors are to convince, re­buke and work upon the conscience of the Murtherer to gain him to repentance, and no civill judge as a civill judge hath to share with him in this: here be distinct punishments, one corporall and civill, another spirituall, why then must they not flow from two distinct Iurisdictions? or if it displease any man, that we call Church­censures with the name of punishment, we can forbear the name, for rebukes, suspension from the Sacraments, Excommunication, be­cause they are intrinsecally, and of their own nature such as tend not to the hurt, but to the gaining and saving of the souls of the per­sons censured; they are unproperly punishments, as the power and court they come from is unproperly a rod a Iudicature, a Court, and those that inflict the censures improperly Iudges, yet can it not be denied to be spirituall Government, and that there is a spiritu­all sword, the word of God, and a spirituall coaction, flowing from Heralds, or servants in the name of the King of Kings and Head of the Church, who reigneth in his own Ordinances, and Ministers.

Erastus. The priests bade Uzziah not burn incense, because it was Page 300. their part only to sacrifice: But vvhere is it vvritten that the King vvas condemned by the sentence of the Priests?

Ans. The Priests were a Colledge of Elders, who not only ju­dicially condemned the Kings fact as against the Lavv of God, but 2 Chron. 26. Azariah and eighty priests vvith him vvithstood him, and resisted him, yea, they gave out sentence against him, ver. 18. It pertaineth not unto thee, Vzziah, to burn incense to the Lord, but to the Priests the sons of Aaron, that are consecrated to burn incense; go out of the sanctuary, for thou hast trespassed, they give out the sen­tence of the Law of God, Numb. 16. 40, Nor might any come in to [Page 441] the Holy place, but the Priests and Levites, Num. 18. 6, 7. here is a sentence judiciall by the voyces of 80. Priests in an externall court, given out against the supream Magistrate: for they gave not out this sentence as private men, but as Priests, judging according to the Law, and in this the King was subject to Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction.

Erastus. It is a vaine thing to say, they Excommunicate not the Page 301. Magistrate as the Magistrate, none but Kata-baptists and such as deny Magistracy to be an Ordinance of God, can say that: Every man might excuse rebellion so, and say, I persecute not the Magistrate as he is a Magistrate, but as he is a tyrant: But I say you may not re­proach the Magistrate, Exod. 22. farre lesse may you punish him. How can I obey him, whose whole life and actions, I may by Power, and coaction limit? The Magistrate so is but a servant to the Pres­bytery.

Ans. Erastus scorneth this distinction, to say, the Magistrate not as a Magistrate, but as a scandalous man is Excommunicated: Yet we can make him receive the distinction whether he will or not: For Erastus saith, that Pastors may rebuke, convince, and threaten the Magistrate? Good man, may Pastors threaten and rebuke the Page 300. Erastus, Quis un­quam dubi­tavit, an Ministris li­ceat impro­be age [...]tes, Magistra­tus, ex verb [...] Dei, objur­gare, argue­re, repre­hendere, in­crepare, ade­oque solvere & ligare? Magistrate as the Magistrate? or may they only threaten, and re­buke him as an offending man? Erastus dare not say the first, for so he were a grosse Kata-baptist, for then Pastors were to rebuke the very office, and to condemne it; if he say the latter, as he doth in expresse words, then he acknowledgeth that Pastors may bind the sinnes of wicked Magistrates in heaven, is this, good Thoma, no Ecclesiasticall coaction, no jurisdiction? and this is to receive the distinction whether you will or not. 2. The rejecting of this di­stinction is a tenet of Royalists, for certainly we use no defensive armes against the King as King, but as he is a misled man; and I think the King will say, he useth not offensive armes against the Parliament as the Parliament, but under another very undeserved notion, as Rebels. 3. It is lesse that we may not rail on rulers, which is a sinne, (for to rail upon any cursing-wise is unlawfull) then that we cannot punish the ruler, which is more? To punish the ruler as a sinfull and wicked man, is a work of justice, and so lesse unlawfull then sin. Erastus taketh for confessed (as his custome is) that which we deny, that to punish rulers with an Ecclesiastick censure is a sin, as to rail on them, and curse them is a greater sin. [Page 442] But to binde the rulers sinnes in heaven, is a punishment, and this the Elders may lawfully do, and to eschew the company of a ru­ler, if he be a fornicator, an extortioner, and idolater, is either to punish him, or put shame upon him, 2 Thes. 3. 14. But one pri­vate Christian, farre more a Church may do that, Rom. 16. 17. 1 Cor. 5. 9, 10. 2 Thes. 3. 14. except Erastus except the Magistrate from being under a Divine and Apostolick command; this he must say, and so we have the Apostles meaning; withdraw from those that cause divisions, and walk unordinately, and are fornicators, coveteous, extortioners, least they infect you, and that they may be a­shamed, and repent, except they be Magistrates, though in the lowest rank; if they be Magistrates, they are gods, and you their subjects, and you may in no sort shame them. I should think God both accep­ted persons, and would not have us to indeavour the repentance and gaining of the souls of Magistrates, because they are above Gospel-rules by this way of Erastus; and because the Presbytery may not rail on Magistrates, for that is sinne, it followeth not, the Presbytery may inflict no Ecclesiasticall censure on them; Yea, let me retort this, The Magistrate may not rail on, or curse and revile the Priests; So Paul expoundeth it, Act. 23. 5. against reviling of Priests, nor may the Magistrate revile or curse any subject, for I conceive reviling to be sinne, Mat. 5. 11. and 27. 39. Joh. 9. 28. 1 Cor. 4. 12. 1 Pet. 2. 23. 1 Cor. 6. 10. Isai. 51. 7. Zepha. 2. 8. 1 Pet. 3. 9. Jude 9. and the Magistrate is under the Moral Law. Hence I inferre by Erastus his reasoning, that the Magistrate may not pu­nish, Priests, Prophets, Pastors, or any subject, though they most hainously trespasse against all Lawes, which is absurd. 3. That the Magistrate is made a servant, not a Magistrate, if the Elders may use the rod of Christ against him is a vaine consequence; Paul prea­ched himself a servant, in a spirituall Ministery, to all the Christians in Corinth, 2 Cor. 4. 5. and all Elders are thus servants to Magi­strates and flock; Yet Erastus knoweth that Paul had a rod of miraculous killing the disobedient, as Erastus expoundeth, 1 Cor. 5. & 1 Cor. 4. 21. What will ye? shall I come unto you with a rod, or in love? Suppose there had been a Christian Magistrate at Corinth that should fall in incest, as one did, 1 Cor. 5. 1. Paul could not come to him with the rod; or suppose the Roman Emperour had been a Christian and within the Church, and should have his Fa­thers [Page 443] wife; Paul could use no rod against him, and should he not have in readinesse revenge against all disobedience? 2 Cor. 10▪ 6. and authority, [...], given him by the Lord for edification, v. 8. against all offenders within the Christian Church? in regard that Christ is head and King of the Church; but he should have neither rod nor revenge in readinesse against the disobedience of the Em­perour? why, is not the rod of Paul the rod of Christ? 2 Cor. 10. 8. yea certainly, is not then the Christian Emperour the subject of Christs Kingdome? and subject to the King Christ, and his rod? No but (saith Erastus) Paul, Is the Emperour subject to thee? and if Paul should have a rod to punish the Emperour, then the Apostle could not be the Emperours subject, nor obey him as a God on earth: for (saith Erastus,) no subject may punish the Magistrate. This is downe right to make God an accepter of persons, nor can Erastus deny but sharp rebuking was a punishment, Tit. 1. Rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the [...]aith; And this the Apostle urgeth all Ministers and watchmen to do, not being afraid of the faces of Kings, Iere. 1. 17, 18. Joh. 2. 1, 2, 3▪ 4. 2 Tim. 4. 1, 2, 3. Era­stus teacheth Magistrates to break Christs bounds, and to say, we will not have this man to reigne over us, he needed not employ a wicked pen for this, they need no teacher, vitia discuntur sine Ma­gistro.

Erastus. Some of yours say, there is need of the Magistrates consent Page 302. 303. How the Magistrates consent is requisite in Excommu­nication. to Excommunication, but certainly he will never consent to be Ex­communicated himself, Theodosius was not willing, nor will good Magistrates consent, when they see the danger on themselves, you would not bring in again the Church-penances of the ancients.

Ans. 1. We all think the Cumulative consent of the godly Magistrate, is necessary to Excommunication: Because he is ob­liged to joyne his sanction and authority to all Christs Ordinan­ces, but we think not the privative, or negative consent is requi­red; so as no mans sinnes should be bound in heaven, except the Magistrate say Amen. 2. Put Erastus his Arguments in forme, and you shall see their weaknesse as thus: He whose consent is required to Excommunication, cannot be punished with Excommunication him­selfe, because no man will consent, not Theodosius, nor the godliest man, that he be punished himselfe: But the Magistrates consent (say the Presbyterians) is to be had to Excommunication; Ergo, the [Page 444] Magistrate cannot be punished with Excommunication himselfe.

Ans. I retort it, he whose consent is required for threatning wrath [...]o, and rebuking of offenders and scandalous men, he is not to be threatned with wrath, and rebuked for his own offences and scandals; because no man, no Theodosius, no godly Magistrate, when he seeth the present danger, will consent, that he be threatned with the wrath of God and rebuked himselfe; We know Nathan was afraid to rebuke a Magistrate according to Gods heart, but in the third Person. But Erastians teach that the Magistrate, when he scandalously of­fends, should be threatned and rebuked; Ergo, the Magistrates consent is not requisite to threatnings and rebukings of Pastors. But the conclusion is against Erastus, for the Pastors preach, and re­buke, and threaten as the deputies and servants of the Magistrate, and as sent by him; and the Magistrate preacheth, rebuketh, threat­neth all offenders, and himselfe also in and through Pastors as his servants, as Erastus teacheth; then he must consent, that they threaten and rebuke himselfe. 2. The proposition is false, it is pre­sumed, all the subjects do consent to lawfull penall Lawes against sorcery, murther, incest in the generall, and virtually, that they shall be put in execution against themselves: yet the Sorcerer will never formally consent, that he himselfe be put to death, though he once, as a subject, consented to the Law, that all Sorcerers be put to death: For when the penall Law against sorcery was enacted, he consented to this. 3. He whose consent accumulative is requisite, that scandalous offenders in generall be Excommunicated, but not that this or this man, possibly the Magistrate himselfe, he is not to be Excommunicated, is most false; he whose consent negative, is requi­site for Excommunication, he is not to be Excommunicated himself, the proposition is true; But I assume, the Magistrates consent nega­tive, is requisite to Excommunication, there is nothing more false: For shall that which the Church bindeth on earth, not be bound in heaven, except the King, the Iustice, or Master Constable say Amen to it on earth? We say not that the Magistrates consent as a Ma­gistrate, is requisite, for the Excommunicating of himselfe. For though as a Magistrate he ought to give his consent to Excommu­cate all offenders, and adde his civill sanction, as one of the seven wise men of Greece said, Patere legem, quam ipse tuleris. Yet he is not Excommunicated as a Magistrate (except with Kata-baptists, [Page 445] you condemne the Office of Magistracie as an unlawfull Ordi­nance) but as a scandalous man. 3. The old penances, as they do us that service to make good that Excommunication was in the anci­ent Church, and that Erastus wanteth the authority of the Fathers, and upon his ingenuity should have been ashamed to cite them for his way, so we condemne them as introductory to Popery; but let Erastus forme an Argument from this, and logick shall his [...]e at it. That which bringeth in old satisfactions and penance, is not to be holden. But Excommunication, or the Excommunicating of Magi­strates doth this; Ergo, The assumption must be proved.

Erastus. It hath no more truth which you say, that the Magistrate, Page 302. The Magi­strats sword no kindly mean to gain souls, as Erastus dreameth. while he punisheth, cureth not the conscience, for God calleth many by tribulations to himselfe, and farre more then by your Excommuni­cation.

Ans. I would Erastus had drawen up an Argument, which sel­dome he doth, for this it must be:

That which is a saving mean to gaine scandalous offenders to Ie­sus Christ, and better then Excommunication, is an Ordinance of God, and the other no Ordinance; But the Magistrates punishing with the sword the scandalous offenders, is a saving meane to gaine scandalous offenders, and better then Excommunication; Ergo,

Ans. Neither Major nor Minor proposition hath any truth at all. 1. Though the Magistrates sword were a better meane to gain souls, it followeth not that Excommunication is no mean. The Law is lesse powerfull for gaining souls, The Gospel more power­full. But the Law is not for that no Ordinance of God. 2. Era­stus his reason to prove, that the Magistrates punishing cureth the conscience, as a saving Ordinance, no lesse then Excommunication, must be this; That, by which God calleth, and draweth many to him­selfe, is a saving mean, to cure the conscience; but by the Magistrates punishing of scandalous men, God doth this as by other tribulations. The proposition must be, a propositio per se; That by the Magistrates heading, and hanging, scourging, and imprisoning of themselves, as kindly and intrinsecally saving means, such as rebukes, promises, commands, excommunication are, the Lord calleth men, and con­verteth them, that is false, God no more useth the Sword of the Ma­gistrate, as a kindly mean of gaining souls, then the sword of an oppressing Tyrant; so Nebuchadnezzars oppressing of the Church [Page 446] of God, and the Assyrians unjust wasting of the people of Israel, shall be kindly means of gaining of souls; because God blessed the rod to many to humble their uncircumcised heart; but this is accidentall to, and beside the nature of the rod: but it is not accidentall to re­buking, threatning, promises to the preaching of the Gospel, nor to Excommunication to save souls and gaine them to Christ. The Gospel, and all the parts of it, are kindly, and of themselves the Rom. 1. 16. power of God to salvation: The Magistrates sword to Erastus must be the power of God to salvation, and Christ, Matth. 18. in his order of gaining an offending brothers soul, by this reason must descend, not ascend, contrary to the order of Christ, for Christ ma­keth the rebuking between brother and brother, to be the first step of gaining an offender to Christ. 2. The rebuking before two or three. 3. Before the Church. 4. Excommunication: Now all these are spirituall means and more efficacious, the second then the first, the third then the second, the fourth then any of them. But Erastus maketh Christ in the fourth step, to descend from three spirituall steps of gaining the mans soul, to a fourth, which is carnall, to wit, let him be as a heathen, &c. this is Caesars sword, which cer­tainly is a carnall weapon, proper to the Kingdomes of this world, Ioh. 18. 36. whereas rebuking, exhorting, promises, and Excommu­nication, are the spirituall weapons of the warfare of the Ministers of Christ, 2 Cor. 10. 4, 8, 9. Rev. 1. 16. Esai 11. 4. Psal. 45. 4. Rom. 1. 16. The exercise of the sword is a mean of edifying consequen­ter by removing false teachers, that hindreth edification; but no man can say it is a mean of it self, and kindly in regard of the man against whom the sword is used; Farther, that which is a common mean of conserving peace in all societies and corporations, even without the Church, where the Gospel was never heard, cannot be a kindly mean of gaining mens souls that are within the visible Church.

Erastus. Ambrose following the example of Azariah, cannot be de­fended L. 5. c. 1. p. 302. 303. in debarring Theodosius from the Sacraments; Yea, it was ty­ranicall and damnable to debarre a man desirous to hear the word, who otherwayes repented and acknowledged his fault, from the means of salvation. It was like the Popes proud fact in trampling [...]on the Empe­rours neck▪ he had no cause of wrath against Theodosius, but as Nice­phorus saith, the Emperour hated Ambrose.

Ans. 1. If Erastus had come to Logick, he refuteth here but a Law by a fact of Ambrose. 2. What if Ambrose debarred Theodo­sius from hearing the word; Ergo, there is no Excommunication, it followeth not. 3. That he debarred Theodosius from the Sacra­ment, after he gave evidences of his repentance to the Church, is an untruth. 4. That after such a cruell fact of murthering so many innocent persons of Thessalonica, Theodosius should have been ad­mitted to the Sacrament, or remained a Member of the Church, to eat and drink his owne damnation, and not be cast out, as 1 Cor. 5. no man but Erastus could say: so it is cleare, that Ambrose did no more then a faithfull Pastor, and Amariah and the 80. valiant Priests did, in not suffering the holy things of God to be polluted; Lipsius, no religious man, saith, l. 2. c. 24. de Constantia, quo facto ni­hil magis impium omnis ve [...]us impietas habuit. Beza, Bucer, P. Mar­tyr, Melancton, Calvin, Anto. Waleus, Gomaras, commend Am­brose. And truly to kill seven thousand Citizens of Thessalonica, of which the most part were innocent, deserved more then Excom­munication, if more could be inflicted by the Church. See Ambrose, Epist. 5. 28, 29. Erastus had no reason to compare so laudable a fact to the proud fact of an abominable Pope trampling on the Em­perours neck, and abusing the word of God, Psal. 91. to defend his devilish pride.


Quest. 16.

A vindication of other Arguments for Excommunication, as from sa­crificing, offering of gifts, &c. with bloody hands.

Erastus. Esay 1. c. 52. c. 66. Ier. 6. 7. Ezech. 23. and 33. Page 303. 304. Psa. 50. are alledged for Excommunication, to which I an­swer, 1. The Lord doth not condemne sacrificing, for he com­manded it, but the abuse thereof, as he that commendeth mo­desty to one that eateth undecently, doeth condemne unmannerly eating; but commandeth not abstinence from eating; so Christ Mat. 6. removeth not fasting and praying, but the abuse of [Page 448] them. When the Hebrews propound two just and right things, of which they approve the one, and deny the other, there is on­ly a comparison understood, as Hos. 6. I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, that is, rather mercy then sacrifice, Prov. 8. Re­ceive my instruction, and not silver, that is▪ receive rather my instruction then silver: so this is no good consequence. God hateth the sacrifice of the wicked; Ergo, Presbyters are to be chosen, who should hinder wicked men to sacrifice: it followeth not, for then this should be as good a consequence; God hateth the prayers of the wicked; Ergo, Presbyters are to be chosen, who should hinder men to call upon God, to praise God, to rest on the Sabbath, to give almes, except these Presbyters judge them worthy.

Ans. In the following books, Erastus refuteth some Treatises of Authors without names, the books I cannot have, and if he doe them right in repeating their minde faithfully, I know not; but I know in many things, and in this very argument Erastus fancied arguments on Beza, which he would reject as none of his. 1. Sa­crificing seemeth to be a confirming ordinance, as eating the Passe­over, and the Communion of the Lords bodie and blood; and as there was some examination of the persons for whom sacrifices were offered required in the Priests, as I said before, from Mat. 8. 4. Levit. 14. 3, 4. 9, 10, 11, 12. So there is Morall cleannesse required in all that are to partake of the Sacraments, that presup­poseth conversion; and I grant the first and native consequence of these is, that it was the sin and hypocrisie of the persons themselves who sacrificed first and principally. But that it was not the sins of the Priests who admitted those that were no better then Sodom and Gomorrah Esa. 1. 10. and had hands full of blood, ver. 15. is now the question; I conceive that it is a taxing of the Priests and Church Rulers, that is, Esa. 1. 10. no lesse then of civill judges and the people, yea, that he rather taxeth the Priests called Ru­lers, v. 10. and that that is not as Socinians say, a new comman­dement of Christ, but an old, Mat. 5. 23. Therefore if thou bring thy gift unto the Altar, and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee? What if the Priest should know that he had [Page 449] killed an innocent man, and beside the guilt of innocent blood, that the sad hearted widow, and the weeping Orphanes had any blood to charge him withall, was the Priest either to offer or sa­crifice for him, while he were reconciled to the widdow and fa­therlesse? Christ addeth v. 24. Leave there thy gift before the Altar, and goe thy way, first [...] be reconciled to thy Brother, and then come and offer thy gift: I offer it to the consideration of the Reader, if as the offerer of the gift was to leave his offering, knowing himself to be under blood, and to have offended his brother, he was to leave his offering at the Altar, so if the Priest who offered the same should also know that the same day he had offered his childe to Molech or the Devill; if the Priest in this case should offer for him, and if the Priest should not eat this mans sin, and communicate with the bloody impenitent man in offering with him, and for him the sacrifice of fools; if he should not leave offering for him till he went and was reconciled with his brother, for the Priest by of­fice was to forbid such a bloodie man to offer; Ergo, he could not by office, also offer for him. Here an order prescribed that is mo­rall, perpetuall, and common both to the ordinances of the Old and New Testament, for Christ doth here expound the Law, which was corrupted by the Pharisees. 2. He doth not set down a rule concerning the Ceremoniall Law, which was shortly to be abrogated, but sure he hath an eye to the worship of the New Testament. What if he that is come to the Table to eat and drinke with Christ, and both his owne conscience and the Elders re­member the widdow & orphane have a just accusation against this man of late, yesterday, he killed their husband and father, should either this man eat and drinke at this time with Iesus Christ? or should the Elders give these holy things to him? I thinke no [...]. And to come to the argument, it is true, Isa. 1. sacrificing is not condem­ned, but sacrificing by such Princes of Sodom and tali modo, by men of bloodie hands; Ergo, they were not to abstaine from sacri­ficing, but at that time and in that condition; nor doe we forbid ei­ther coming to, or debarring from the Lords Table by the El­ders, but onely haec vice, and onely while [...] first he be recon­ciled to his brethren, and testifie that he repenteth, we never heighten Excommunication to such an extremity, as it doth totally un­church the man, and exclude him from the Seals simpliciter and ab­solutely, [Page 450] but according to Christs [...] and his order, and there­fore the Elders are to exclude for a time just as this, God will have mercy and not sacrifice, that is, rather mercy, first mercy, and first faith and repentance; then sacrifice, that is, then afterward ex­ternall worship, afterward receiving of the Passeover, the Lords Supper, and offering of gifts at the Altar: And secondarily even in the second place, in regard of time, he will have all these ex­ternalls, whence the man is to debarre himselfe, and by the same reason the Elders as the 80. Priests did to a King, 2 Chron. 26. are to debarre the man while he repent: And 2. This also; I will have mercy, and not Sacrifice, or, I will have mercy rather then Sa­crifice, doth imply that both mercy and Sacrifice are lawfull, and acceptable to God in their owne order and way. But where saith God, I will have sacrificing rather then sacrificing with bloody hands, so as both sacrificing, and sacrificing with bloody hands, shall be lawfull and acceptable to God in their owne order? for Sa­crificing with bloodie hands was never lawfull, never acceptable to God in any order. Nor said God ever he would chuse the com­ing of those to his Sanctuary, who the same day they came in had slaughtered their sonnes to Molech: God alwaies hated it, and never chose it, if at the same time both mercy and sacrifice can­not be, as David starving cannot both abstaine from eating shew­bread, as the Law in its letter required, and shew mercie to his life; and the life of his followers, and eate, yea, he is to eate, and the Priests knowing his case, doe give him the Shewbread to eat, & forbid abstinence, as they would forbid selfe-murthering, and self­starving, so here, where at one time eating at the Lords Table, and reconciliation with the widow and fatherlesse, cannot be co-ex­istent together at one time and place, an exigence of divine pro­vidence forbidding both, the bloodie man is to debarre himselfe from the Lords Supper, it being as sacrificing and lesse necessary if we speake comparatively; and the Elders are not to give those holy things to the bloodie man, while [...], first he be reconci­led to the widow and Orphane, which now comparing the one with the other is mercy, whereas eating and drinking at the Lords Supper is but Sacrifice, but it should be as sacrificing with bloodie hands, which God condemneth and forbiddeth, and the Priests and Elders knowing it to be such a sinne, ought to forbid and to [Page 451] hinder it: Hence as this, I will have mercy and not sacrifice, hath this sense, I will have you to omit Sacrifice, when it cannot be done without neglect of mercie, vvhich is more acceptable to me then all Sacrifices; so I vvill have reconciliation to the offended widdow and Orphanes, and not coming to the Lords Supper vvithout the former; for the former is more acceptable to me, and should be to you and the Elders in your practice, then the latter; and therefore the comparison of eating, and eating undecently halteth; for eating undecently before another, which would procure deadly sicknesse to your brother, ought to be forbidden by the Ruler, it being known to be so, and ought to be abstained from hic & nunc, as a sinne, and a hurting of your brothers health, and yet the Ruler can­not forbid totall abstinence from meat to him that eateth unde­cently, as the Elders cannot command totall abstinence from the Sacraments [...] alwayes and in all cases. 2. We draw no conclusion of erecting a Presbytery from those places, but those two we draw; Ergo, 1. It is a sin to the people themselves to sa­crifice with bloodie hands, because God condemneth such a man­ner of sacrificing. 2. Ergo, they are to be debarred by some who hath the charge of the holy things of God, but from the Antecedent, we neither inferre; Ergo, Presbyters, nor, Ergo, the people, nor, Ergo, the Prince should debarre them. 3. Calling on God is not to be forbidden, nor giving of almes, because they are abused, but the manner of the abusing those ordinances are forbidden by God, and may be hindred by the Church, and forbidden under the pain of Excommunication. The Church cannot forbid men of totall absti­nence from the Lords Supper, but they can command him that is not reconciled to his brother, and visibly under the guilt of blood, to leave the Table, as Christ Mat. 5. 23. commandeth the unreconciled man to leave his gift at the Altar, and goe first be reconciled with his brother, and then at the next occasion, come to the Lords Sup­per; so the Church of the Iewes could not forbid the Pharisees to pray, but they could passe such an act, as is, Act. 15. 22. We forbid Pharisees or any other to bring their private prayers to the Markets and streets, and when they are to give almes, we for­bid them with sound of Trumpet to make proclamation to all men that they are the onely holy and charitable men in the earth. Nor doe we thinke that the Church can debarre men from the Sa­craments [Page 452] for inward and and invisible unworthinesse; but onely for visible and professed uncleannesse; and Levit. 9. 13. it is clear, the man that is uncleane is forbidden to keepe the Passeover. Will Erastus say, O he is not forbidden to eate the Passeover, but onely he is forbidden to eat it tali modo being unclean? and therefore it is not the Priests sinne if he should give the Passe­over to the uncleane man, and forbid him to eate tali modo, in his uncleannesse? see Erastus himselfe against this, lib. 1. c. 3. page 103. 104. where he confesseth that the unclean are debarred, and yet uncleannes in the eaters of the Passeover, was an abuse onely, and made not eating of the Passeover unlawfull in it self.

So the Lord complaineth, Ezek. 23. 38. Moreover this they have done unto me, they have defiled my Sanctuary in the same day, and have prophaned my Sabbaths. 39. For when they had slaine their children to their Idols, then they came [...] in the same very day into my Sanctuary to prophane it; and loe this they have done in the midst of my house. Will Erastus now say, It was Ceremoniall uncleannes, not Morall, to kill their seed to Molech; and that Morall uncleannesse and bloodie murthering of their seed in the same day when a person is to come to the Lords sup­per, known to be such a Murtherer to the Elders who have po­wer to judge the scandalous and to cast him out, 1 Cor. 5. did not sinne, if they should be instrumentall to lead Murtherers in­to the Temple? and say to them, Take yee, eate yee, this is the body of the Lord that is broken for you?

Erastus answereth, The Prophet Ezek. 23. accuseth not the Priests page 305. or Elders, that they debarred not those Murtherers from the Tem­ple and Sacraments, if there had been any precept for this, some footstep should have appeared in Gods rebuking of them.

Ans. The Lord doth not particularly reprove the Priests by name in every place, in which he reproveth the people: But ex­presly for this same very sinne, the Lord reproveth the Priests, The Mo­rally un­clean de­barred out of the tem­ple. Ezek. 44. 7. Let it suffice you, that ye have brought into my sanctuary strangers uncircumcised in heart, and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in my sanctuary to pollute it - 8▪ And ye have not kept the charge of my holy things; but ye have set keepers of my charge, in my sanctua­ry, for your selves. 24. And in controversie they shall stand in judge­ment (he had spoken of their teaching the people to discerne be­tween [Page 453] the clean and the unclean, v. 23.) and they shall judge it accor­ding to my judgements, and they shall keep my Laws and my Statutes in all mine assemblies, and hallow my Sabbaths, so 2 Chron. 23. 19. And Iehojada set the porters at the Gates of the house of the Lord, that none which was uncleane in any thing should enter in. And shall we concelve that porters, that is, Levites, would hold out those that were only ceremonially unclean, and receive in murtherers who had killed there Children to Molech that same day? there was not to enter in [...] the unclean in any matter; the text is generall, excludes idolaters and murthers, and such as should refuse to enter in Covenant with the Lord, of which the Text speaketh. As for Erastus his consequence, which he unjustly imputeth to us, to wit, Israel sinned in coming to the Lords temple to prophane it, in the very day that they slew their Children to Molech; Ergo, there ought to have been Priests, and now there must be Presbyters and sele­cted overseers in a Church judicature to debarre murtherers, and the like scandalous persons from the Sacraments. 1. This is not our con­sequence. But this we say, if the Priests knew that same day, that they came to the Temple, they slew their Children to Molech, the Priests should have debarred them from coming to the Temple, and from eating the Passeover, as their office and duty was by the Law of God, Num. 9. v. 6, 7. Num. 19. 11, 12. Lev. 22. 6. The soul that hath touched any such (unclean) shalbe unclean till even, and shall not eat of the holy things, unlesse he wash his flesh with water, 7. and when the Sun is downe, he shalbe clean, and shall afterward eat of the holy things, because it is his food: Now it was the Priests office, Lev. 10. 10. that he put a difference between holy and unholy, and between clean and unclean; so if Eli knew that his sonnes made themselves vile before the people, and committed furnication with the women at the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation; Ergo, Eli should as a judge have restrained them, 1 Sam. 3. 13. But from this antecedent, we draw not this consequence, Elies sonnes do publike­ly make themselves vile; Ergo, there ought to be such an Ordinance as a judge, with Civill power to punish them, and Ergo, there ought to have been no King to punish them, but a judge like unto Eli and Samuel; this consequence followeth not from this antecedent, but only hoc posito, that Eli hath the sword, and be the Civill judge; Ergo, he ought to punish, from scandals in the Church, and propha­ning [Page 454] the holy things of God, we inferre not; Ergo, there must be such a judicature erected, as if the antecedent were the cause of the consequent. But this only followeth; Ergo, supposing there be a Church and Presbytery invested with this power, they ought not to admit murtherers, or any unclean persons to come and partake of the Sacraments, and so defile the holy things of God: as for the place Ezek. 33. I undertake not from thence to conclude debarring of any from the holy things of God by the Priests, what may fol­low by consequent is another thing.

Erastus. Whereas it is said, Deut. 23. the Lord would not Page 305. have the price of a whore offered to him; Ergo, far lesse would he have a whore admitted to the sacrifice: it followeth not, but a penitent, or a whore, professing repentance, may be admitted to the sacrifices. 2. He forbiddeth only the price of a whore to be offered to him as a vow, or a thing vowed, it may be that a­gree not to all sacrifices: For God forbiddeth a living crea­ture, that is unperfect, in a vow; But Lev. 22. he forbiddeth not such imperfect living creatures to be offered to him, in a free will sacrifice, so God forbiddeth honey to be offered in an offering by fire, but not in all other oblations. But will not the Lord have a whore to offer to God that which is lawfully purcha­sed, or which is her patrimony? or may not a whore offer her first borne to the Lord, or circumcise him? We find not that for­bidden. From things to persons we cannot argue; we may not of­fer a lame beast to God; Ergo, doth the Lord so abhor a lame man, that he may not come to the Temple? God alloweth not tares amongst the wheat, yet he will not have the externall Mi­nisters to pluck up the tares while harvest.

Ans. If the hire received for a whores selling of her body to No price of a whore to be offe­red to God; what it meant. uncleannesse, must not be applyed to the service of God, farre more cannot a whore as a whore be admitted to partake of the holy things of God, for the price or money is called abomination to God, Deut. 23. for the whore, not the whore for the money; and so we may well argue from the things to the persons. 2. It is false that God forbiddeth the price of a whore onely in vows, and [Page 455] not in sacrifices; he forbiddeth it because as Moses saith, Deut. 23. 18. it is an abomination to the Lord, and as Erastus saith, it is money unjustly purchased; Yea, Davids practise teacheth, that what we bestow on sacrifices, as well as in vows, it must be our own pro­per goods, and not so much as gifted to us, 2 Sam. 24. 24. Nei­ther will I offer burnt offerings unto the Lord my God of that which cost me nothing; farre lesse would he offer the price of a whore in sacrifices; and the Divines of England say on the place, hereby is forbidden that any gaine of evill things should be applied to the ser­vice Annot. an. 1645. an. ou Deut. 23. 18. Vata. in loc. que injustè par­ta sunt, nul­lo modo of­ferri de­bent Deo. of God, Mich. 7. 1. Vatablus saith the like. 2. For the Lords forbidding to offer in a vow, Bullock or Lambe, or any thing that is superfluous, or lacking in his parts, and permitting it in a free­will offering, by a free will offering, is meant that which is given to the Priest for food, of a free gift; but otherwise, what is offered to the Lord in a vow, or a free will offering must be perfect: for the blind, broken, maimed, having a wenne, scurvy, or scab, can in no sort be offered to the Lord, Lev. 22. 20, 21, 22, 23. There is no word of the Lord in the free will gift that Erastus speaketh of, but only the word [...] is liberall, free, from [...] to give freely to God or man. 3. A whore repenting or professing repentance, was not debarred from sacrifices; but that is without the bounds of the question, an heathen could say, Quem penitet facti is pene innocens est. Senec. in Traged, We debarre none that professe repentance from the seals of the Covenant. 4. When a whore as a whore did offer her first borne being a bastard in the Temple, I conceive nei­ther she nor her childe were accepted, Deut. 23. 2. Abastard shall not enter into the Congregation of the Lord: if the childe was born of Married Parents, the woman repenting, the question now must be far altered. 5. For a lame man to be a Priest, we can say something, but that all the lame in Israel were debarred from the Temple, and the holy things of God, we dare not say; and a difference of things and men we acknowledge, but that is nothing to weaken the argu­ment. 6. How proveth Erastus the tares are not to be plucked up by men? Mat. 13. will bear no such thing: ill men are to be cast out of the Church before the day of judgement, both by the Magistrate and miraculously by the Apostles, and by Excommunication say we, Mat. 18. 1 Cor. 5.

Erastus. He that possesseth the price of the whore, is not to be [Page 456] debarred out of the Temple, though the money could not be of­fered to God. The Pharisees would not have the price of blood cast in the treasure of the Temple; yet they cast not Judas out of the Temple, which these patrons of Ceremonies would have done, if there had been any Law for it.

Ans. This is to beg the question, the whore who sold her body for a price was unclean, and more unclean then the innocent mo­ney, and so in that case excluded from the holy things of God. 2. They admitted doves, oxen, and money changers into the Tem­ple and prophaned it, and why should they cast Judas out of the Temple? will their practises prove any thing, they used all divine ceremonies and Lawes of God to their owne carnall ends.

Erastus. Heathens vvere not admitted into the Temple, Page 307. But a scandalous man is a heathen, Ezech. 16. Your Father was an Ammorite; also, if thou be a transgressour of the Law, thy circumcision is become uncircumcision, Rom. 2. he is vvorse then an Infidell, 1 Tim. 5. Erastus ansvvereth, but if vve look to Gods estimation, vvicked brethren are vvorse then pa­gans. But if vve consider the externall face of the Church, there be many things in vvicked men that agreeth not to hea­then, vvicked circumcised men might go in to the Temple. Gentiles might not; so the assumption is most false. 2. A cir­cumcised man and a Baptisedman, can never turn non-circum­cised, or non baptised.

Ans. I say nothing to the cursing and blessing Deut. 27. Nor do I owne that Argument; it is not ours. 2. Those which are (so our argument runneth) as Heathens and Publicans, as Pa­gans, Ammorites, whereas they were sometimes Brethren and Mem­bers Our chiefe argument for excom­municati­on not an­swered. of the Church, are not to be admitted to the Sacraments, nor to be acknowledged as members of the Church more then Heathen, Ammorites, Pagans are to be be admitted to the Sacra­ments and Members of the Church. But wicked men amongst the Iewes, and amongst us Christians, who will not hear the Church and are fornicators, idolaters, railers, drunkards, and extortioners, and walke inordinately, and cause divisions contrary to the [Page 457] Gospell of our Lord Iesus, are to be esteemed as Heathens, Pa­gans, Amorites, and worse then Infidels; therefore such amongst the Iewes were not admitted to the Temple and holy things of God, and amongst us not to be admitted to the Sacraments, nor to be acknowledged as members of the Church. Erastus an­swereth not to this Argument, either Major or Assumption, but propoundeth an Argument of a namelesse Author, as he knoweth best to answer and remove himself. 2. Many things (saith he) agree to Pagans and Turks which agree not to scandalous Chri­stians. True, scandalous Christians are not Amorites and Pagans simpliciter, they differ in profession, the one being baptized, not the other; and once being baptized, they can never be unbap­tized; but that is not our Argument, but they agree in this, that they are no more really Christians, being fornicators, railers, drun­kards, extortioners, &c. then Pagans, but have the onely name and title of such, and are to be esteemed so by us, and are to us quoad hoc, in regard of Church priviledges, as heathens and pub­licans, and so the Lord of old termed his Apostate people So­dom and Gomorrah, Esa. 1. 10. and as the children of the Ethiopians and Philistines, Amos 9. 7. and as uncleane and uncapable in a Church way of the Passeover, and now of the Lords Supper to us, as Ethiopians, Sodomites of old, and this day Turks and Pagans are to us. 3. That the wicked that were circumcised might go into the Temple amongst the Iews, de facto, they might, but de jure, by Law, they might not, Ier. 7. 9. Ezek. 23. 39. Esa. 66. 3. no more then by Law they might prophane the holy Name of God, or kill a man, or sacrifice a dog to God, or offer swines blood, or blesse an I­doll, The argument from sanctifying the Sabbath I passe, it hath no sense nor reason as Erastus propoundeth it.

Erastus. Christ Mat. 5. commandeth him who is to offer a Page 308. 309. The place Matth 5. When thou bringest thy gift, &c. discussed. gift, to leave his gift at the Altar, and first to be reconciled to his brother; Ergo, he will have us not to use the Sacraments while we be first reconciled to our Brother. But so (saith E­rastus) we should not pray to God, nor seeke forgivenesse of sinnes, while we first forgive those that have wronged us; Christ doth not here speake of the externall governing of his [Page 458] Church, but of the perfection of a Christian man, else wee could doe nothing that is good and just, and we were all to be Excommunicated, he saith not, if the Presbyters shall command; leave thy gift, but if thou shalt call to minde thy selfe; he spea­keth not of a prohibition of others discharging an instituted vvorship, but of that which a mans owne minde doth enjoyne him, you may as easily prove the Papists Masse from this, as Excommunication.

Ans. Surely this is to me convincing, if I be discharged by the Holy Ghost to meddle with the holy things of God, or offering a gift, to God at his Altar, while I first be reconciled to my bro­ther; then those who have by office power to steward those ho­ly things, in wisedome, and fidelity, putting a difference betweene the precious and the vile, knowing that I am at wrath wi [...]h my brother, and having convinced me before two or three Witnesses that I have highly trespassed against my brother, are to deny to Steward or dispense any such holy thing to me, while I be first reconciled to my brother; and the like I say of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. 2. To Erastus his Argument, I answer, it is not alike here as in praying, for praying is so absolutely ne­cessary, that it obligeth by a command of God, even a Simon Magus to pray, while he is in the gall of bitternesse, that the thoughts of his heart may be forgive [...], Act. 8. 22. But Erastus, as if he had set himselfe to contradict Christ, would insinuate as much, as Christ were not to be obeyed, for his Exposition hol­deth forth this sense, When thou bringest thy gift unto the Altar, and remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee, leave not thy gift, depart not, goe not about to be reconciled to thy Brother, but first offer thy gift; But Simon Magus, though he should remem­ber that he was in the gall of bitternesse, should not delay to pray till he were first delivered from the gall of bitternesse, and then pray: Sure if Peter had said to Simon Magus, First labour to be freed of the gall of bitternesse, and to have thy thoughts pardoned, and then pray that the thoughts of thy heart may be pardoned, as Christ saith, First bee reconciled to thy brother, and then offer; and (as Paul saith) First, Let a man try and examine himselfe, and so let him eate and drinke, the reply of Era­stus [Page 459] should have nerves. 2. It is true, Christ speaketh not of the externall government of the Church; but it is as false that he speaketh of the internall acts of the minde; but he speaketh of the right ordering of the externall acts of divine worship, which are regulable, though not quatenus, as regulable by the Church, and draweth an argument from the words by necessary consequence, which consequence Erastus cannot elude. 3. But how doth E­rastus prove this consequence, if our Exposition stand, and if we were to doe nothing in offering gifts at the Altar, except we bee first reconciled to our brother, and if God approve nothing which we doe, which deviates from this perfection, we should doe nothing that is good and right, and so all must be excommunicated. 1. Is Christ here injoyning a work of perfection, and of superero­gation? Is Erastus popish in this? 2. As it is impossible not to offer gifts aright, so is it not to eate and drinke worthily, while first we be reconciled to our brother: Erastus was so surfetred with charity, as we heard before, that if any but desire the Sacra­ment and professe repentance, he thinketh he is obliged to beleeve he is fit for the Lords Supper; and here, if Christ require, but that the partie be reconciled to his brother, ere he offer his gift and come to the Sacrament, this is too great strictnesse, it should ex­communicate us all, and we shall so never doe any thing that is right and good. 4. It is false that Christ speaketh here of inter­nall acts onely, and of that which our minde injoyneth, for the Lord speaketh of three externall visible acts; 1. Of offering a gift at the Altar. 2. Of delaying and suspending of the offering. 3. Of a previous visible reconciliation to an offended brother. 5. He saith not, if the Presbyters bid you, (saith he) leave your offering; true, he saith not that in words; but supposing this, that the Pres­byters know that the same very day that he bringeth his offe­ring, he had beene killing his owne sonne to Molech, as Ezek. 23. 38. 39. Whether were the Presbyters to forbid him to come and offer, while he should testifie his repentance; and finding him impenitent; whether should they not judge him both to be debar­red from the holy things of God, and to be cast out of the Church, as 1 Cor. 5. Certaine this is Christs order, Be first reconciled to thy Brother, and then offer; try thy selfe first, and then eate; and if the Church see this order neglected, whether are they to suf­fer [Page 460] clean and unclean to come and eat, and holy things to be pro­phaned?

Erastus. He shall expede himselfe out of this doubt easi­ly, Page 309. 310. who can distinguish the internall governing of the Church, which is proper to God onely who knoweth the thoughts and can judge them without error, from the externall go­verning of the Church, in qua falli infinitè omnes possu­mus in the which we may all infinitely erre, and in which we can doe nothing, nisi quod mandatum expessè nobis legi­mus, How men doe judge of inward actions. except what vve read to be expresly commanded, for here he vvho is not against us is vvith us, Marke 9. and no man ought to forbid those which God hath commanded, so they bee externally done, all externall actions quoad nos, to us are good vvhich are done according to the prescript of Gods Word, though to God vvho judgeth the heart they be not good every vvay; many to day, the Pharisees of old; many in Pauls time preach for gaine, many are ambitious, and some out of envy preach; Christ never for bad them to teach, nor Paul but re­joyced, Phil. 1. that Christ was preached; hovvever since no man can understand the internall actions or thoughts, and without error judge them▪ there is no punishment by mans Law for them; onely God, vvithout error, judgeth and punisheth them.

Ans. There be many untruths here, 1. If this distinction of internall and externall governing of the Church, remove most of the doubts here, he that eates and drinkes unworthily, which is an act of externall worship, which may be regulated and ordered by the Church, (for the Church may not administer the Sacra­ments to Pagans without the Church) is no sinne to the unworthy eater, because God commanded that externall act expresly, as E­rastus saith, and so it is a good action, quoad nos, even to the un­worthy eater, for he knoweth not his owne thoughts, nor can he judge them without error, especially being unregenerated. 2. If Erastus himselfe acknowledge this his owne dis [...]inction, he must acknowledge an externall Church-government, and who then are the Governours, especially in the Apostolick-Church, [Page 461] where heathen Magistrates are? Pastors and Teachers no doubt, what meaneth this then? my Brother trespasseth against me and will not be gained? I tell the Church; ( Erastus saith) I tell the Christian Magistrate, but there is no Christian Magistrate, then there was no externall Government in the Church the first hun­dreth, nay, nor three hundred yeers in the Church, or then it must follow, that the Apostles and Pastors were the deputies of heathen Magistrates: Ergo, the heathen Magistrates should with imposition of hands have been ordained the officers, [...], in every Church. And that they were not; it was their owne fault; for the principall officer must be more principally called to office by Christ, and given by him as a gift, when he ascended on high, to edifie the body of the Church, Eph. 4. 11. 3. Erastus will have men debarred from judging the inward actions, because God only can judge them, sine errore, without error: But so God only should judge all things internall and externall, and there should be no Magistrates, because men may erre in judging the externall actions of men, and Page 310. Solus deus ut sine erro­re cogitatio­nes judicat, ita easdem quoque pu. nit. Ib. in recti­one e [...]terna eccles [...]e in­finite falli omnes possu­mu [...], quam­obr [...]n s [...]cc­r [...] bio nihil debemus, quam man­datum ex­presse nobi [...] l [...]gimus. will not this gratifie the Papists, who say in this; Tell the Church, that is, the Pope who cannot erre. Then the Synod cannot erre, Protestants deny the consequence; Synods may judge, as Act. 15. and yet Synods may erre. 4. Erastus will have us lyable to infinite er­rors in externall actions: therefore (saith he) we should do no­thing in externalls, but what is expresly commanded; but first may we not infinite falli, infinitely erre in internall actions and thought, and acts of beleeving? are we more infallible in in­ternall, then in externall actions? New Theologie: and are we not as well tyed to what is expresly commanded in internall, as in exter­nall actions? I think the word is as strict a rule, and the Law of the Lord as perfect in the one as in the other. 5. The great error is here, that Erastus being sleeping when he wrote, thinketh that to eat and drinke unworthily, to offer a gift at the Altar, the offerer being unreconciled to his brother, is an action internall and known to God; and that can no more be known to man, then the thoughts of the heart: A palpable untruth! is not worshipping of Baalim, murthering, stealing, whoring, killing the Children to Mol [...]ch, and coming to stand in the Temple of the Lord, which are called a pro­phaning of Gods holy name, Ier. 7. 9, 10, 11. Ezek. 23. 38, 39. are not these actions visible, externall, and as feazable to be judged by [Page 462] man, as murther may be judged by a Magistrate? Yea, by this, let a Pa­gan come to the table of the Lord, we are not to hinder him, why? it is an internall action knowne, citra errorem, to God only, and we cannot then judge whither he have examined himself or not; if he be not against us here, he is with us saith Erastus, Quod deus Page 309. Lib. 3. c. 3. A contra­diction in Erastus frequent. facere jussit, ab eo revocari aut retrahi nullus ab hominibus debet: si modo externe sic fiat, ut precepit deus; Yea, so the Magistrate can­not hinder either Pagan or the open enemy, and persecutor, who will trample upon the Sacrament, from the Sacraments; the con­trary whereof Erastus said, pag. 207. hunc ego minime admittendum censeo, and let Erastus give us Scripture, either expresse, or by con­sequence, where a Pagan or a persecutor may be impeded by Church or Magistrate from externall receiving of the seals, except that we are not to give pearls to swine? But was it not as hard to judge whether Saul persecuting the Church out of blind zeal, was a swine, or a dogge, as to judge whether he that killeth his sonne to Molech out of blind devotion, and cometh the same day to the Temple of the Lord, doth prophane the Name of the Lord? 6. If we must do nothing in externalls without the expresse commande­ment of God, nor may we without Gods command, either expresse, or a necessary consequence, admit dogs and swine to the Lords ta­ble. 7. Paul indeed rejoyced that Christ was preached, though out of envy, Phil. 1. but by men called and gifted of God to preach, and therefore ought not to be forbidden to preach, while the Church, for their scandalous life do cast them out; say they are called Ministers once, the Church is not to cast them out, for this or that particular sinne, if they be not contumatious, and Paul, saith he, Rejoyceth that Christ was preached; but he saith not, he rejoyced that they preached Christ, tali modo, out of contention, thinking to add affliction to his bonds. Yet God forbiddeth the externall act of preaching in those that hateth to be reformed, Psal. 50. 16, 17. and forbiddeth the Church to lay hands on, or to call to the Ministery, wicked men that hateth to be reformed, or to keep them in the Ministery; and this hindreth not, but Paul might rejoyce at the consequent of their Ministery, to wit, at the preaching of the Gos­pel, so long as they remained in the Ministery: as we may rejoyce in that Christ was crucified for sinners, and not allow that Herod and Pilate did with wicked hands crucifie the Lord of Glory, nor yet [Page 463] are we to rejoyce in their sinne. But all this hindreth not, but he that is at wrath with his brother, and knowne to be so by the Priests, should be hindred to offer his gift while he be reconciled to him. 8. We are not to hinder acts of externall worship, as pray­ing, praising, preaching; nor can the Church forbid them, except where God by his Commandement require that we do them wi [...]h a speciall visible qualification and order: As first, be reconciled to your brother, first examine your selfe, and then of [...]er your gift, and come and eat and drinke at the Lords table: and in Negatives, Come to my Temple, but come not that very day you killed your sonnes to Molech, while ye repent and be humbled for that sinne.

Erastus. The godly Kings compelled the people to observe the rites Page 311. ordained of God, at least externally, and 2 Chron. 15. killed those that sought not the Lord, then they sinne who punish sinnes by debar­ring men from the Sacrament: for beside that, they forbid a thing com­manded of God, and as it falleth under mens judgement, that is, as it is externall and good, so they cast their sickle in another mans field, be­cause the correcting of sinnes in so farre as they are externall belon­geth to the Magistrate, and in so farre as they come from a depraved will, they belong to God onely.

Ans. Here is one palpable error, that all externall scandals are punished, either by the Magistrate as the Magistrate, so he must be understood, else he saith nothing, or by God onely, contrary to 1 Cor. 5. 11. Rom. 16. 17. 2 Thes. 3. 14, 15. For we give a third, they are punished by the Church, but only in a Ministeriall way. It is false that the godly Kings could compell the unclean Jewes, though cir­cumcised to come to the Temple, or the murtherers of their Chil­dren that same day, to come with bloody hands to the Temple: Yet the very locall and personall presence of a Iew in the Temple, and the very posture of his body in looking with his face toward the Temple while he prayed, was an externall lawfull Ordi­nance of God: They could not then lawfully compell the Iews to these rites, except with such and such previous qualifications; they could not compell the Priests unwashed, and having drunk wine to go to the Sanctuary, 2 Chro. 15. It is not said, they were to be put to death that should omit any Ceremony, (though every Religi­ous observance be a seeking of God) but they that would not seek God by entring in Covenant to renounce idols, and serve the Lord, [Page 464] or should prove apostates from the sworne Covenant, were to be put to death. 3. If that be a punishment (we contend for things, not for names) which is a privation of good inflicted for a sinne: then let Erastus s [...]e, if the Priests punish not, who debarred men from the holy things of God (by Erastus his grant) for Ceremoniall omissions against a Law of God, And if the Priests should not suf­fer an unreconciled man to offer gifts, and if the Church should de­ny pearls to apostates, if this be not punishment? and if the Magi­strate be to cast out, or inflict Ecclesiasticall censures, shall he not punish in so doing?

Erastus. To be cast out of the Synogogue is not to be Excommuni­cated: Page 311. 312. 313. What it was to be cast out of the syna­gogue. For the Synagogue signified sometime all Iudea, sometime a particular Congregation, or the place of meeting, or the sermon. By no Law could a circumcised Iew be cast out of all Iudea, and sent to the Gentitles, or be compelled to say they were not Iews; Yea, they were killed who denyed Iudaisme. 2 Maccabees so the cast out of the Synagogue, were not debarred from the Temple. The Church of the Iews was tyed to one certaine place, but every particular Church hath alike power: To be cast out of the Synagogue then with the Iews, must be another thing, then to be Excommunicated now, for he that is cast out of one particular Church, is cast out of the whole Catholick Church. But it was not so in Iudea, for Sacrifices and Sacraments (except circumcision and expiation) were only at Ierusalem, not in Synagogues: how then could they deny Sacraments, which they wan­ted themselves? they could not deny what was not in their power to give: Moses was read in their Synagogues every Sabbath, No man could be forbidden to heare the word read, this had been against a ma­nifest precept: It is like they admitted heathens to the Synagogue, Act. 13. 14. c. 12. c. 18. But it was not lawfull for heathen to enter into the Temple: And when Moses commanded all the clean to go to Ierusalem, no Synagogue could forbid them to go.

Ans. That the Synod might have divers significations, I deny not, but that to be cast out of the Synagogue had divers significati­ons, we deny; Yea, it signified no other thing but to be cast out of the Church, and the Lord Iesus speaketh of it, and the Evangelists as of a standing censure in the Jewish Church, which the spirit of God condemneth no where, except when it was abused, Ioh. 9. 22. Ioh. 12. 42. Ioh. 16. 2. Luk. 6. 22. Ioh. 9. 35. so is the word [...] Na­dah, [Page 465] to Excommunicate as an unclean thing, Esay 66. 5. Your Bre­thren that cast you out. Pagnin and Mercer expound it of casting out of the Synagogue, and they cite Ioh. 9. and 12. and 16. to make it signifie Excommunication. 2. That a circumcised Iew could by no Law be cast out of Iudea, seemeth to say, that banishment was not a lawfull punishment: Surely David against all Law then did banish Absolon, 2 Sam. 14. 13. and when the King of Persia, Ezra. 7. 25, 26. commandeth Ezra to restore judicatures, as at the beginning; It would seem that banishment was an ancient punishment amongst the Iews: Therefore Erastus craftily saith, that no born Iews were so cast out of Iudea, that they were compelled to say they were not Iews. Surely we never dreamed of such an Excommunication, that the excommunicated should be compelled to lie, and say that though they were Iews and Christians, yet they should say they were not Iews or Christians. 2. When the people was in Egypt, 2 Mac. they were killed who denyed themselves to be Iews, and deservedly, for they denied their Religion and their God. What is this against Excommunication? We plead not for such an Excommunication, as was a locall extrusion of a person out of the land of Iudea, nor for such a one wherey they denyed their Nation, that was a sinfull lying. But such, whereby Church priviledges were denyed to some for scandals. 3. Nor do we expound casting out of the Synagogue literally, as Erastus doth, to be a casting out of the Synagogue or from the Ordinances there, and from hearing the word or the Law of Moses: for the Synagogue is the Church, and it was to be de­barred from the Temple, Passeover, and other Holy things, though these should be tyed to one certaine place, to wit, to the Temple; and I doubt, if the excommunicated be to be debarred from hea­ring the word; 1. Because the excommunicated is to be admoni­shed as a brother, 2 Thes. 3. 15. and the word preached is a mean simply necessary for the mans gaining. 2. Because heathens were not excluded from hearing the word, 1 Chron. 14 23. Act. 17. 16. 17, 18, 19, 20. &c. Act. 14. v. 15, 16, 17. But from the Temple and Sacra­ments they were excluded: We have often answered, that all the Morally unclean, though they were ceremonially clean, are not only not commanded to go up to Ierusalem, that is, to the Temple and holy things, that they are rebuked, and accused, because they stood in the Lords Temple with their bloods and idolatries, and [Page 466] other abominations in their skirts, Ieremiah 7. verse 9. 10. Ezekiel 23. 38, 39. Esay 1. verse 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Erastus. They call Christ a Samaritan, Ioh. 8. Those of Page 313. 314. Nazareth not onely cast him out of the Synagogue, but out of the town, and strove to throw him over the brow of a mountain: Who d [...]ubts then but they cast Christ out of the Synagogue, when they made a Law, that if any should confesse him, he should be cast out of the Synagogue: Yet never man objected to Christ, (It is not lawfull to thee to go into the Temple, for thou art cast out of the Synagogue.) Ergo, to be cast out of the Synagogue was not to be excommunicated.

Ans. All these are poor conjectures, for Erastus granteth there was such a censure as casting out of the Synagogue, But he sheweth not what it is. But I retort this argument; if Christ had been cast out of the Synagogue, those that called him a Samaritane, and cast out of their Synagogues, such as confessed him, would have some­time said, ( it is not lawfull to thee to go into the Synagogues and teach, for thou art cast out of the Synagogue.) But by the contrary, Christ till the day of his death, openly taught in the Synagogues, Ioh. 18. 20. I spake openly to the world, I ever taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple, whither the Iews alwayes resort, Luke 4. 15. he taught in their Synagogues, Luke 4. 16. as his custome was, he went into the Synagogues▪ Mat. 4. 23. Mark 1. 39. Mark 3. 1. Luk. 6. 6. Mat. 9. 35. Luke 13. 10. and therefore it is a demonstration to me, that they ne­ver cast Christ out of the Synagogue; what hindred them, saith Erastus? I answer. Let him shew me what hindred them to stone him, Ioh. 10. and not to put him to death till his houre came. Erastus speaketh not like a divine, who scoffeth at the secret Counsell of God: For God had the sufferings of his owne sonne Christ, in a speciall man­ner, determined and weighed, in number, weight, and measure. And therefore though they made a Law, that all that confesseth Christ should be cast out of the Synagogue, and though those that sin­ned against the Holy Ghost, Matt. 12. called him a Samaritane, and out of a sudden passion, those that wondred at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth, would cast him over the brow of a Mountaine; Yet I hold, they never made any Law, no [...] [Page 467] did execute any Law, nor did cast out of their Sgnagogue, or ex­communicate the Lord Iesus. I leave Erastus to his conjectures.

Erastus. Act. 4. and 5. The Apostles were scourged and page 31 [...]. cast out by the high Synagogue summa Synagoga, yet present­ly they teach in the Temple, and use the Sacramen [...]s, Act. 21. When Paul Act. 21. was to go to the Temple to sacrifice, the Apostles who counselled him so to do, do not object, that he was excommunicated, and so could not by Law do so; His adversa­ries accuse him that he taught against the Law, and that he profaned the Temple, by bringing in the Gentiles, he openly saith, he had done nothing against the Law. Then to be cast out of the Synagogue is not to be excommunicated, for one cast out of the Synagogue, could not but do against the Law, if he should go to the Temple and sacrifice.

Ans. If Erastus would argue logically (as to me in my humble apprehension, he is still weak in all his book in this) we should find frothy grounds: as thus, If those who were scourged and cast out of the Synagogue (to wit, unjustly and against all Law of God for preaching Christ Iesus) were never accused for going into the Tem­ple and using the Sacraments, and say, truly they did nothing against The Apo­stles not cast out of thy Syna­gogue, that we can read. the Law, then the cast out of the Synagogue might lawfully go to the Temple and partake of the Sacraments; the proposition is the greatest untruth that can be. 1. Erastus must prove that the Iews accused the Apostles of all and every thing, which they conceived to be against the Law. I conceive this is a conjecture, and false. 2. The other part of the proposition is as false as to say, light is darknesse; if Paul cast out of the Synagogue, and excommunicated against all Law of God and Moses, yet go to the Temple and sa­crifice, and partake of Sacraments, say he doth nothing against the Law; then casting out of the Synagogue and Excommunication doth not exclude any from the Temple, sacrifices and Sacraments: this is as much as Paul should say, unjust Excommunication against all Law of God and of Moses for righteousnesse sake, doth exclude no man from the Temple and the sacrifices and Sacraments; Ergo, casting out of the Synagogue and Excommunication rightly admi­nistred, doth exclude none from the Temple, sacrifices and Sacra­ments: [Page 468] Surely [...] is abominable to ascribe as much to unjustly admi­nistred ordinances, as to the j [...]st ordinances of Christ. Erastus must lay downe the Popish ground of Navar and Gregory, that Excom­munication Navar. in Ench [...]rid. c. 27. 11. n. 13. Greg. q. 3. c. 1. sive de justa, sive de i [...]justa causa, either for a just or an unjust cause is to be feared, and hath force. Might not Paul though he had been unjustly excommunicated, go to the Temple and Sacra­ments, and yet say he had done nothing against the Law? might not the man whom Iesus found after he was unjustly cast out of Temple and Synagogue, Ioh. 9. 39. say, I have done nothing against the Law, nor do against it, though I go to the Temple? 3. How will Erastus prove that the Apostles, Act. 4. and 5. or Paul were c [...]st out of the Synagogue or excommunicated? I never could read it: They commanded them neither to preach in Temple or Sy­nagogue any more in the name of Iesus; But that they cast them out of the Synagogue, or cast Paul out of the Synagogue, where is it to be read? let Erastus teach us.

Erastus. It is hard to say, what it is to be cast out of the Synagogue, Page 315. it was not Excommunication, it seemeth to be some note of infamy, Ioh. 12. or a particular banishing them out of a towne, and Iesus see­meth, Luk. 4. to be banished by the Nazarites, and it seemeth to be a de­nying of right of the City; so as the cast out of the Synagogue shalbe no more esteemed for a true Iew, but as a prosylite; Prosylites dwelt amongst the Iews, and had right to those same holy things with them, yet were they distinguished from the Iews: so it seemeth to be that which is Ezra 10. to be separated from the Crongregation of those that had been carried away captive. It agreeth with that Deuteronomy 23. where the Children of Edom were admitted [...] enter into the Con­gregation Page 316. of the Lord in their third generation. Its absurd to think [...] that God who is no accepter of Persons, will not have one cut off, a Bastard, an Ammonite, a Moabite received into his Kingdome: So the Lord refused not that they should be circumcised and admitted to the Sacraments; but he would not have them counted for true Iews; He would have Egyptians and Edomites received in their third generation: so their Father, Grand-father, and great Grandfather had been circumcised, otherwise to the thousand generation they were [...]ot received, and [...], and [...] to cast out, or to be cast out of the Synagogue are meeker words then to con­demne, cast out, excommunicate; and though the Pharisees should de­barre [Page 469] from the Sacraments those that are cast out of the Syna­gogue, we are not to imitate the examples of ill men.

Ans. 1. If it be hard to determine what it is to be cast out of the Synagogue, it is hard to deny it to be Excommunication; for to be a Member of the Synagogue, as an Elder or a Ruler of the Synagogue, was to be a Member of the Church, and a Church pri­viledge; Ergo, to be cast out of the Synagogue must be to be un­churched, and made no Member of the Church, and this is very like Excommunication: however, Erastus cannot deny it to bee some Church censure like to Excommunication as any thing can be. 2. That it was a civill banishing out of a Towne, or that Christ was banished by the Nazarites out of Nazareth leaneth upon Erastus his ita videtur, so it seemeth; To which I crave leave to say, non ita videtur, it appeareth to be no such thing, Christ came againe to Nazareth, and till his death was never banished from Synagogue or Temple, Iohn 18. 20. They should rather have been said to cast Christ out of the Temple and banish him from Ierusa­lem, for Ioh. 10. 22, 23, 31. They took up stones to stone him, v. 39. then to banish him out of Nazareth, or cast him out of the Synagogue. 3. Prosylites had all the right that Iews had by Gods Law, what men denyed them, is not the question. Erastus spake nothing from Scrip­ture or Gods Law, that was one and the same to the born Iew, and the stranger that came in and was circumcised, and gave his name to the Israel of God. 4. To be deprived of the priviledge of a city is a ci­vill punishment; Ergo, to be cast out of the Congregation or Syna­gogue, which was a spirituall and Church punishment was no such thing. 5. The separating from the Congregation, Ezra 10. 8. was Ex­communication; the Annotation of the English Divines say it was Excommunication, such as casting out of the Synagogue, Ioh. 9. Annot. an. 1645. on Ezra 10. 8. 22. 6. If it agree with Deut. 23. 8. To enter in the Congrega­tion of the Lord, is to be a Member of the Church of God, and therefore the Hebrew readeth it, [...] into the Church of God. The Chalde Paraphrast [...] erint mundi ut in­grediantur Ecclesiam Domini, They shall be cleane that they may enter into the Church of God. Sure this was not Physicall or civill cleannesse, but cleannesse spirituall according to the Law of God: so the seventy translate it, [...] Hieronym. intrabunt in Ecclesiam Domini. Vatablus in Not. erint de consor­tio [Page 470] populi Sancti. The English Annotators cite for this Nehe. 13. Annot. an. 1645. on Deut. 23. 1. 1, 2. the Law is, that the Moabite and the Ammonite should not en­ter into the Congregation of the Lord for ever, It is said v. 3. They separated from Israel all the mixed multitude, so that cleare it is, to enter into the Congregation is to become a Member of the Church; then to be separated from the Congregation, must be to be cast out of the Church, and deprived of the holy things of God, as heathens and strangers were, according to that Levit. 22. 10. There shall no stranger eate of the holy thing: What is this but Excommunication? call it with another name▪ we care not, it is really to be separated from the Church. 7. It is admirable to me to heare Erastus say, It cannot be that God who is no accepter of of persons, will not receive into his Kingdome a Bastard, an Am­monite, a Moabite? Is not this to reason against the Law of God, and the wisedome of God? Deut. 23. 1. 2, 3. who saith, that he will not receive such into his Church, which is his Kingdome, and a company of Kings and Priests unto God, which he hath freely loved, Exod. 19. 5, 6. Psal. 149. 1. Deut. 7. 7. Deut. 26. 16, 17, Erastus ib. 315. Non igitur nolu­it Deus ho­sc [...] circum­cidi, & in Templum atque ad Sacramenta admitti, sed noluit pro­veris Judae­is [...]os haberi. 18. as [...]o [...] the rejecting of men from his heavenly Kingdome ac­cording to Gods decree of eternall Reprobation, I deny Excom­munication to be any such rejection of men; it being onely a casting them out from the visible Church, and the speciall Church priviledges, that their Spirits may be saved in the day of the Lord; and what can be more contrary to the Word, then that Erastus should say God declared not, that it was his will that Moa­bites, Ammonites should not be circumcised, an [...] admitted to the Sacraments. Why then did hee not chuse Moabites and Am­monites for his people, and make a covenant with them, and give Circumcision a Seale of the Covenant, as he dealt with the Iewes? if he mean God will not exclude Moabites and Ammonites from the Sacraments, so they repent and turne to him: but now Erastus fights with his owneshaddow. Who denieth but Iewes and Gen­tiles, so they call on him, are welcome to all the holy things of God, and not to be cast out of either Church or Synagogue. 8. To say, to cast out of the Synagogue, is a meeker word then to Ex­communicate, is but to beg the question. Yea, but saith Erastus it is lesse and a milder thing then to destroy, and pro deplorato habe­re, to esteeme a person lost, we say Excommunication is not to de­stroy [Page 471] or to give for lost, but though it be the most violent, yet it is a saving remedy that the man may be ashamed, humbled, and his Spirit saved. 9. We reason not from the fact of Pharisees, if they cast any out of the Synagogue for a just cause, they ought also by Gods Law to debarre them from Temple and Sacraments, and therefore if they did not debarre, it was their sinne, not our Rule.


Quest. 17.

Divers other Arguments vindicated, as from Communion with the Church, subjection of Magistrates and Ministers: The Ceremo­nially unclean from Matth. 18. Tell the Church.

Erastus. Christ hath given a power to his Church to loose, Erastus. l. 6 c. 1. p. 317. Ergo, also to binde: The Church admitteth Believers into Communion; Ergo, they cast out the impenitent. Erastus Ans­wereth, Such a power as they have to Ioose and to admit; such and no other have they to binde and to cast out; but it follovveth not, Ergo, it is a povver to debar from the Sacraments, and to Excommunicate: it is à Genere, and Speciem affirmativè.

Ans. Erastus is mistaken, and formeth the Argument as he pleaseth. The Church pardoneth as a Church, and receiveth into her body believers to participate of Church-priviledges and Sa­craments in a Church Communion; Ergo, the Church hath power to binde and cast out from this same Church-Communion, those that leaveneth the whole lump; as a City may admit a stranger to all the City priviledges; Ergo, the same City may for offences a­gainst the City, cast out and deprive of City priviledges offen­ders: is this a Genere ad speciem affirmativè? If the Church have a power to cast out [...] from amongst them a Member, we shall Page 318. Ministers subject to the Magi­strate. not contend for the name of Excommunication.

Erastus. The Ministers have none, by whom in their office they can be corrected: But saith Erastus, If every soul be subject to the higher po­wers, how are Ministers excepted? if Ministers correct Ministers, [Page 472] they play to others hands, spare thou the nails, and I shall spare the teeth.

Ans. The Author doth not except Ministers from civill subje­ction to Magistrates: But only he saith, In Ecclesiasticall censures, the Magistrate is not to judge the Ministers; because a Ministery be­ing an Ecclesiasticall office, as such, it is not liable to the civill po­wer, only the Ministers as they erre and sin in their persons, are liable to civill punishment, but not to Ecclesiasticall, to be inflicted by the Magistrate. 2. Through the corruption of mens nature, eve­ry one may wink at anothers faults: It is true, But consider if this slow from the nature of Gods Ordinance, to wit, that the Citizen obey the Laws of the City whereof he is a member. This is an Argument against any Senate, Parliament, Counsell of State, or War, or Aristocracy on earth: if of an hundreth Lords of the States Generall, one or ten play the Traytor to the State, who shall take order with them? Their Collegues and fellow-Senators. Par­tiall judging falls out here through mens corruption: spare thou the nails, and Ile spare the teeth: and from Erastus his way, (if you Argue from mens corruption) the same will follow: May not the Magistrate say to the Minister, Honour me before the people, and Preach not against the sins of King and Court, and I will oversee and wink at thy Pluralities, non-residencies, soul-murthers? And may not the Minister say to the Magistrate, Let me be above all Civill Laws, and be Lord Prelat, and sit on the necks of my Brethren, and defraud, oppresse, and I shall be silent and preach nothing against the idolatry, oppressions, Sodomy, uncleannesse of Magistrate and court.

Erastus. The Ceremonially unclean were excluded from the P. 318. 319. Sacraments; Ergo, far more the Morally unclean; But how (saith he) doth this follow? You Excommunicate none but the obstinate; for those that were Ceremonially unclean against their will, were excluded from the holy things; Ergo, far more he that is Morally unclean is to be debarred, though he be not obstinate: How could Paul Excommunicate the incestuous man, 1 Cor. 5. he was never admonished; or Peter Excom­municate Annanias, as you say?

Ans. All Types or comparisons hold only in that for which the spirit of God doth bring them: Now the Ceremonially unclean [Page 473] were debarred from holy things, to signifie how much God detests filthinesse. 2. Filthinesse, polluting and leavening others: Now the lesse will in any sin, the lesse sin, and so the lesse contagion to others, and therefore, where there is much infirmity, lesse will, and no contumacy, it rather followeth, Ergo, there should be no casting out, no Excommunication.

Erastus. The Ceremonially unclean were not counted as Page 318. condemned and lost, as your Excommunicated persons were; they were admitted to Sacraments and the yearly expiation.

Ans. This is Answered fully: The Excommunicated, because Excommunicated, are to us in a way to be saved under Medicine, and not given for lost, no more then those to whom the Pastors do threaten eternall wrath, or those with whom we will not eat, be­cause of their inordinate walking are given for lost, though condi­tionally they are in danger of damnation if they repent no [...]. 2. It is denyed that the Ceremonially unclean were admitted to the Sa­craments. Philo Judaeus, no lesse well versed in Jewish Antiqui­ties then Josephus, Tract. de sacerdotum honoribus, saith, Nulli homi­cidae licebat introire Templum: and Josephus, l. 19. c. 7. saith, He­rod Agrippa who beheaded James the brother of Christ▪ accused one Simon, who being a wicked man, went into the Temple, Q [...]ia Tem­plum non nisi puris & dignis pateret: he witnesseth the same, De Bel. Jadaic. l. 4. c. 13.

Erastus. The comparison holdeth not between two sins, P. 319, 320. which have both of them their own appointed punishment, but when both is punished vvith one punishment: for it is like this, He that killed any imprudently, vvas compelled to flee to the Ci­ty of Refuge, vvhich vvas a lesse sin; Ergo, he that vvitting­ly and vvilfully▪ killeth, should rather flye to that City; or▪ a drunken man is to pay a fine; Ergo, a bloody Robber is far ra­ther to pay a fine.

Ans. When the comparison is made between a Ceremoniall breach, which is punished with a punishment Ceremonially, or my­stically significant; the comparison to a morall sin punished with punishment reall, signified by that Ceremoniall punishment, is incon­sequent: But when both sins have the same punishment in the ge­nerall, in genere, it followeth not, that both should have the same, [Page 474] in spe [...]i [...], in nature, as a drunkard ought to be punished with stripes; Ergo, parricide ought rather to be punished with death; but not Ergo, a parricide ought rather to be punished with stripes only: And so the consequence is nought, the leper was punished with being put out of the Camp seven dayes. It followeth not, Ergo, he that is defiled with the soul-leprosie of murther, sorcery, should far rather be punished only with being put out of the camp seven dayes: Because there is a higher punishment ordained for morall, then for a Ceremoniall transgression, Ceteris paribus.

Erastus. If Peter Excommunicated Ananias, as you say for a Page 321. private, far more should Christ have Excommunicated Iudas for a more haincus private sin.

Ans. We say not that Peter Excommunicated Ananias, but that his killing of him pointed at the punishment of wicked men in the bosome of the Church. 2. Gods punishing of sinners both in the time when, and in the manner, with what kinde of punishment, is no rule to the Churches or Magistrates punishing. If God spare Joab all Davids time, it followeth not, Ergo, David the Magistrate ought also to spare him. If God command to kill the man that ga­thereth sticks on the Sabbath: it followeth not, Ergo, the Church or Magistrate may do the like now, if any should gather sticks on the Sabbath.

Erastus. Let every man try himself, he speaketh of the secrets of Page 321. Conscience. Erastus. That is (saith he) false, he speaketh of open sins of Schismaticks, of those that came drunk to the Table, and eat things Sacrificed to Idols.

Ans. Erastus mistaketh close the Authors meaning, which is to speak of the private and personall self-examination that every Com­municant is to enter in before he eat, not of the publike trying, 1 Cor. 5. men are to make a secret tryall even of publike sins; so though the sins were publike, yet was the tryall secret and per­sonall, but did not exclude a publike examination by the Church, if need were.

Erastus. Though those that come to the Supper professe Repentance, Page 321. yet many hypocrites come: So Isa. 1. those Hypocrites might have said, We testifie by our sacrificing, that we have hands full of blood; If we deal Hypocritically or sincerely, God who knoweth the hearts only must judge, men must judge the best. Erastus saith to the place, Isa. 1. we [Page 475] have Answered before: But (saith he) if they had said, It is true, our hands are full of blood, but we repent and are sorry, O Prophets, pray to God to have mercy on us, and we shall pray? They could not be debarred.

Ans. The man that was unreconciled to his brother might say all that at the Altar to the Priest. Yet Christ seeketh some more of him, he will not have him admitted to offer his gift, but he must leave it there, and give more then words to both God and the Priest; he must go and humble himself to his offended Brother, and be reconciled to him: And so the Prophet, Isa. 1. seeketh more of them, ere he will have them to Sacrifice: Wash you, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings, cease to do evil, learn to do well: All this is not done in a moment at the Altar.

Erastus. Tell the Church, that is, Tell the Magistrate, if he be not Page 322. a defender of a wicked Religion: For I suppose, 1. That Christ spea­keth of the Church in Iudea, which the Disciples understood where to finde it: Now the Disciples understood so well the Church, that they put no Question to Christ of the matter. 2. Peter only saith, How oft shall my Brother offend and I forgive him? Now Peter and the Disciples knew nothing of the spirituall Fraternity of the Gentiles before his Resurrection: For they knew only Jews were their Bre­thren, and they were forbidden to preach to the Gentiles or Samari­tans now. 3. Let him be to thee as an heathen and a Publican; that is, Let him be as a man most opposite to the Jews: Heathens and Pub­licans did grievously oppresse them, and made the Roman yoak very burdensome to them.

Ans. 1. Erastus doth suppose, (which is most false, as I have Though there were no framed Christian Church, yet Christ might say, Tell the Church. Answered before) that Christ speaketh to Paul from heaven and Ananias also, of bearing the Name of Christ to the Gentiles: and Paul neither knew Name nor thing, Act. 26. 15, 16, &c. and 9. 15, 16, &c. He speaketh to his Disciples of the promise of the Father, and of the Testimony of the Gospel they were to Preach, Luk. 24. 46, 47. &c. which they knew not till afterwards. And what was the use of the holy Ghost to be powred on them? Was not this one of the chief? Joh. 14, 26. He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you: Then Christ spake many things to them that they bothforgot, & knew not till the holy Ghost came upon them. And their not asking [Page 476] Question, will not prove they understood all he spake, sometimes they were afraid to ask him. 2. The Jewish and Christian Church have not such essentiall differences, but they knew by the ordinary notion of the word Church, a Convention that professed the Do­ctrine of the Prophets, and of the Law and Gospel. And what such great difference is there between a brother, and a brother Iew and a Brother Gentile, as they behoved to understand the one, and be ut­terly ignorant of the other? And what necessity to restrict it to Iews only? Christ had often spoken to them of the incoming of the Gentiles, as Matth. 8. 11. Joh. 10. 16. Matth. 10. 18. Did the Dis­ciples know the Kings, Councels, Indicatures of the Gentiles, that Christ said they should be convented before? Matth. 10. 17, 18, 19 And because Erastus is so confident that the word Church here is the Civill Magistrate: Let any Erastian teach me, what is meant by [...] Church, Matth. 16. 19. Is it the Civill Magistrate? Is the Civill Magistrate built on a Rock? Shall the Ports of Hell ne­ver prevail against the Civill Magistrate? Can no Magistrate make defection from the truth? And doth Erastus or his believe in their conscience, that the Disciples understood Christ, Matth. 16. (for he spake of both to the Disciples) to speak of the stability and strength, and perseverance of the Christian Magistrate: And that the Ports of Hell should never prevail against the Iewish Sanedrim and Church, which crucified the Lord of glory, and persecuted his Apostles, and all professing the Name of Iesus to the death? 3. Hea­then and Publican in generall, were names as opposite to Christian Brethren as to Iewish Brethren, as I have proved before.

Erastus. The vvord Church to the Hebrevvs, signifieth either P. 323. 324 a multitude, or the Senate, or Magistrate, as Num. 35. Church is four times, Josh. 20. Tvv [...]ce, Psal. 82. Once: and it signifies the Magistrate. So vve say, the Empire hath done vvhat the Emperour vvith the States of the Empire hath done. So the Church or Convention think so, because the chief amongst them think so, the Common Wealth hath done this, because the Senate hath done this.

Ans. The word [...] is Num. 35. 12. But in all that Chapter [...] is not, but [...]: Now how this signifieth one Magi­strate, which ever signifieth a collection or multitude of rulers, I [Page 477] leave to the learned: so Erast. faileth yet in his probation. 2. Suppose the word Church signifie the heads of the people, how shall Erastus prove that [...] signifieth the senate of Civill Magistrates, for in this Congregation were the Priests and Levites, especially, that judge be­tween blood and blood, voluntary or involuntary homicide, Deut. 17. [...]2, 13, 14. 2 Chr. 19. 8, 9. It is true also that the man that killed ano­ther unwittingly, was to be protected in the City of refuge, while he should stand before the faces [...] of the Congregation, But let Era­stus, and all who will have the Bishop or the Pope the representative Church, know that [...] the Congregation, ever, and alwayes be a Pagninu [...], Merc. in Thesaur. p. 994. collective word, as populus the people, signifieth a multitude, & never by Grammer, one single man, hoc nomen (saith Pagnine) certum con­ventum▪ sive cetum significat, certum Collegium, it alwayes signifieth a soc [...]e [...]ie: as the Princes of the Congregation Num. 16. 2. all the Princes [...] in the Congregation, Exo. 34. 31. here is a number and a socie­tie, [...] saith Aristotle can be atributed to no fewer then to three at least. Speak to all the Congregation of Israel [...] Exodus 12. 3. and the Congregations of peoples [...] shall compasse thee about, Psal. 7. 8. Nor shall sinners stand [...] in the Congregation of the just, Psal. 1. 5. Thou hast made desolate all my Congregation, Iob. 16, 7. 2. The word is from a root that signifi­eth to conveene and gather together [...] Therefore Iud. 14. 8. a swarme or a Congregation of Bees, is called [...] a Congregation. And that the word [...] Church since the world began, never signified one single man, either King, Magistrate, Pope, or Prelate, But alwayes a multitude either of rulers or people, I appeal to De­mosthenes, Homer, Pho [...]illides, Hesiod, Lucian, Pluto, Aristotle, to Suid [...], Stephanus, Scapula; or for the word, Cetus, Cong [...]egatio, to all Latine Authors, to the seventy interpreters in the Old Testa­ment, to Hy [...]ronimus, all the Greek Fathers, and to the Evange­lists and Apostles in the New Testament, to Act. 19. 32. Eph. 5. 23. Act. 8. 13. Rom. 16. 5. 1 Cor. 1. 2. 2 Cor. 1. 1. Gal. 1. 2. 1 Thes. 1. 1. 2 Thess. 1. 1. Act. 15. 3, 4, 22. Act. 16. 5. Act. 14. 23. Rev. 1. 20. Rev. 2. 1. and for Psal. 82. [...] there is a Congregation of Gods or Ma­gistrates, and v. 6. All of you are Children of the most high, he spea­keth evidently of a multitude of Iudges. 3. Suppose the Empire be said to do what the Senate, Parliament, or great Councell of the Em­pire or Kingdome doth: This will not prove that the word Church [Page 478] in either of the Originall Tongues Hebrew or Greek, doth signifie one man, so as Tell the Church, must be all one with, Tell one single Magistrate, or, Tell one Prelate or one Pope, and he that will not hear the Magistrate, that is, the King, or one single Magistrate alone, without any fellow Magistrates, he being a Christian, is to be dealt with as an heathen, and a publican, and not as a Christian brother: For what the King doth alone without his Senate, is never called the deed of the Senate, farre lesse the act or deed of the whole Ecclesia, of the Kingdome, produce any shaddow of Grammer for this: Now to Erastus, Tell the Church, is all one with, Tell the single Chri­stian Magistrate alone separated from Fellow-judges, or Councell, Senate, Parliament, Ecclesiasticall Assemblies, and if he hear not and obey not this one single Christian Magistrate, let him be to thee as a heathen and a publican: For Erastus will have the Civill Magistrate, though the whole Church and Pastors should judge the contrary, to have power by vertue of his office to determine against Pastors and Elders: Yea, by his office he is to command them to preach, and synodically to determine this and this, and what they determine they do, à et sub Magistratu, under, and from this one single Magi­strate as his servants, instruments, Vicars and deputies, and there­fore the Magistrate cannot sentence in the name of Pastors, Elders, when they are but his servants: And, 2. When he may by his of­fice, do contrary to what they judge in conscience ought to be done: So Tell the Church, to Erastus is, Tell the one individuall single Magistrate, who by office may judge without, and contrary to the ad­vice of all the Church Pastors, Doctors, Elders, yea, people and all: Now though we grant, that what the Emperour doth as Empe­rour, and the Magistrate as Magistrate hath done, that the Empire, City, and Incorporation doth, (which yet is never true in the Church, which hath no King as a Church, save onely the head and King Iesus Christ) yet Erastus hath not proved, what the Emperour doth without, and contrary to the advice of all the Empire, that the Empire hath done that.

Erastus. Christ either understandeth by the Church the whole mul­titude Page 324. 325. of Ierusalem, or then the Magistrates: But he understandeth not the multitude, 1. Because Christ would not change the Govern­ment of heathens, farre lesse of that which his Father had appointed in Iudea, in which the people did never Governe: Yea, the Apostles to [Page 479] their death did nothing against Moses his Law, and how they take Christ to speak of a Church to be founded of new after his resurrection who beleeved not he should die and rise againe; and after his resurre­ction knew not what a kingdome, whether worldly, or spirituall, he was to [...]ave, cannot be conceived.

Ans. 1. Many will deny the Major, for he understood the ru­lers of the Christian Church, not excluding the consent of the Christian Church of beleevers in the matter of Excommuni­cation. 2. I deny that Christ doth here re-establish a Synedry, and bid them Tell the Scribes and Pharisees, and those that were to crucifie himselfe, and to persecute the Apostles to the death. Christ knew those to be miserable healers of scandals betweene brother and brother. 2. He knew this Sanedrim to be the Disci­ples of Christs capitall enemies, he warned the Disciples to beware of the leaven of their corrupt Doctrine, he prophecied this Sane­drim should be destroyed as a degenerated plant, that his heavenly father had not planted, and was it like Christ would direct them a perishing and degenerate remedie against scandals, that he would have removed by his Church, even till the end of the world? 2. It is most false, that the Apostles did keep to death the institu­tions and ordinances of Moses, Act. 15. They abrogated all the ceremoniall Law, except that of blood and things strangled, and Paul said, he that would amongst the Galathians be circumcised, was fal [...]e from Christ, see Col. 2. Gal. 4. Heb. 13. and elsewhere the contrary. The Government was now to expire with Christs death and ascension, in so farre as it was pedagogicall. 3. Christ spake often of his Kingdome to them, and they understood nothing but an earthly and temporall Kingdome; and that they understood perfectly: All this time the Church of Pastors, Teachers, Elders, Deacons, beleevers in Christ, is denied; Let Erastus answer, when Christ said Mat. 16. He would build his Church on a rock unpregna­ble and insuperable to hell: If the Apostles understood a Church to be founded after the resurrection, and when Christ said, Loe I am with you to the end of the world, if Christ meant not he would give his presence to the Christian Church, not then founded, for even after his resurrection they dreamed of an earthly Kingdome, Act. 1. and that our divines do rightly expound that place, I am with you, All the faithfull Pastors, Doctors, Church-officers and beleevers to the Lords second appearance, is clear.

[Page 480]

Erastus. Christ bade, Tell that Church which hath power to con­veene Page 326. the offender before it, examine Witnesses judicially, cognosce and give sentence, but in Christs time the multitude could not doe this.

Ans. Ergo, the Church hath a spirituall judicature: This is for There was no more a right con­stituted Sa­nedrim in Christs time, then a Christian Church. u [...]. 2. Nor had the Sanedrim the power in all offences, as Erastus would make the world beleeve, for it was but a shadow at this time void of power, and used what power they had against Christ and the Gospel. Nor needeth Erastus to prove that by the Church the multitude cannot be understood; though he cannot exclude them from their owne part in Church Government, both in con­senting, and in withdrawing from the Excommunicated.

Erastus. But, Tell the Church is all one vvith this, Appoint Page 327. some who in the name of the Church may mannage the busi­nesse; but how prove they this? Then Christ bade, Tell the Elders that then were, else he did not accommodate himselfe to their understanding to whom he spake; when he was to teach hovv our sacrifices pleaseth God, be biddeth us first be reconciled to our brother, and then sacrifice, yet he knevv that sacrifices vvere to be abolished, but by Analogie he vvould teach us, vvhat he requireth vvhen he saith, he vvill have mercy, and not sacrifice; Ergo, by your ovvn confession to tell the Church is to tell the Sanedrim, for there vvas then no Church but the multitude.

Ans. 1. (Tell the Church) cannot in any sense, have such a mea­ning, as Appoint Elders and tell them; for then ( Tell the Sanedrim) must have this meaning, set up a sound Sanedrim, according as Moses appointed, and tell the Sanedrim. The Sanedrim in its right constitution and due power as the Law of Moses required it, was not to be had at this time: Herod had killed the Sanedrim, the Romans made High Priests from yeere to yeere against the in­stitution, the power of life and death in the civill Sanedrim was now none at all. The Scepter was departed from Iudah, those that sate in Moses Chaire corrupted all, so the right Sanedrim was no more now to be had, then a Christian Church not yet e­rected. Again, Tell the Church, presupposeth a constituted Church, and therefore cannot include a command to erect a new mould▪ [Page 481] 2. Tell the Elders of the Christian Church, may as well be meant in these words, Tell the Church, as the Iewish Church can be understood. 3. The word Church, and to conveene offenders, hear Witnesses, give out sentence, were all plaine Language to the disci­ples, though they knew not the frame of the Gospell Church, as yet, Christ being now teaching an ordinance of a Church, and the censure of Excommunication that was not to fall under practise, while Christ should ascend to heaven; and therefore though this Church was not, yet it followeth not, that the Lord Iesus speak­eth of the Sanedrim. 4. Say that he meane the Sanedrim; Ergo, say we, he speaketh nothing of the Christian Magistrate. 1. Because there was no Magistrate now, but Iewish Magistrates as Erastus cannot deny. 2. Because this Sanedrim that gained soules of of­fending brethren, was Ecclesiasticall, not civill. 3. By proportion, and Analogie Christ must understand the Church of Christians, though the Sanedrim was to be removed shortly.

Erastus. It is a great controversie, vvho are to be chosen Page 328. out of the bodie of the Church to excommunicate judicially.

Ans. The controversie was moved partly by Erastus, partly by Morellius, not in the reformed Churches.

Erastus. Some say the Magistrate should chuse the Elders page 329. at least at the first, even though the Church doe not consent. But how can they sit in place of the Church and judge, who were against the will and minde of the Church chosen to be Judges? for though the Magistrate be a chiefe Member of the Church, yet to Tell the Church, is not to Tell the Magistrate (as you say) but to Tell the whole Church, and it is no [...]xcuse that the Magistrate doth but once chuse the Elders, for if hee have no right nor Law from God to doe it, he can never doe it, and if he have Law from God to doe it, he ought alwayes to doe it.

Ans. Here Erastus reasoneth against some Au [...]hor that incli­neth to the way of Morellius.

If there bee no formed Church endued with knowledge and discretion to chuse their owne Elders, if there be godly men fit to be chosen, they are to convene and chuse from amongst them [Page 482] Elders, the godly Magistrate is to joyne his Vote and Power, be­cause Iunius [...]ni­m [...]. in Bel­lar. d [...] [...]o [...] ­ci [...]. l. 1. c. 12. Not. 18. de­ [...]iente conjunctione Magistra­tus, potest a liquid Ec­clesia extra ordi [...]em [...]a­ce [...]e, quod ordinario non potest, & contra deficiente Ecclesià à suo officio, potest Ma­gistratus ex­tra ordinem procurar [...] ut Ecclesia ad officium r [...] ­de [...], id [...] ­nim juris communis est, extraordinariis ma­ [...]is remedia etiam extra ordinem ad­hiberi posse. Page 329, 330. there is a Church not yet constitute, it is now Perturbatus aut corruptus Ecclesiae status, and I ever judged it a golden saying of that great Divine Fran. Iunius, that when the Magistrate will not concurre, the Church in that extraordinary case may doe somewhat, which ordinarily they cannot doe; and againe when the Church doth not their duty, the Magistrate in that case may doe something more then ordinary, to cause the Church doe their dutie; for its a common La [...], to ills out of order, remedies out of the road way may be apply­ed. So if the Priests and Levites be corrupt, Iehoshapaht and Heze­kiah and Iosiah may reforme: And therefore though the godly Ma­gistrate, jure communi, by the common Law of Nature, imploy his power to appoint Elders, all Errors and confusions in the Church are in some measure out of order; yet it followeth, that jure pro­prio, and ordinarily he should alwayes doe this. 2. Elders are not properly Representators of the Church to me, while I be bet­ter informed, for power of feeding and ruling is immediately given by Iesus Christ to the Elders, and not by the interveening mediation of the Church, but onely by their designation to the of­fice; th [...]s power is given by the people. 3. The Magistrate as the Magistrate, and by vertue of his place, is neither a Member, farre lesse a chiefe Member of the Church, for then all Magistrates should be Members of the Church, even Heathen Kings and Ru­lers, which no man can say. The Christian Magistrate as a Chri­stian is a Member of the Church. But that is nothing to helpe Erastus.

Erastus. Because the multitude can doe nothing in order, therefore (say they) they have power to choose Elders to whom belongeth the power of Excommunication. But how prove they this? Though a company vvanting a Magistrate have this power, shall it follovv, that a company to vvhom God hath given a godly Magistrate should have this povver? But because confusion vvould follovv, therefore Elders are to be chosen; Ergo, Such Elders as make up your Presby­terie, à genere ad speciem affirmativè nulla est conse­quutio.

Ans. 1. Not only from necessity of eschewing confusion, but from the positive Ordinance of God, we infer Presbyters; we do not own any such consequence: Prela [...]es and Papists argue for a Monarchy in the Church, from order: we know no creatures of the like frame: Erastus is for a Bishop, he may so argue, not we: We finde Christ hath placed such organs in his body, as Eph. 4. 11. 12. 1 Cor. 12. 28. 1 Tim. 5. 17. 1 Tim. 3. 1, 2, &c Act. 6. 1, 2, &c. and 14. 23. Ergo, they ought to be, for we think the Church can­not govern it self. 2. If the Church wanting a Magistrate as the A­postolick Church did, have power to chuse Presbyters, and by a Divine Law: how dare Erastus say, That it followeth not, when the Church hath a godly Magistrate, she should keep the same power? Can the godly Magistrate when he cometh into the Church, take any Divine power from the Church? Is the Magistrate given to the Church as a Nurse-father to preserve that power that Christ hath given to his Spouse? or is he given as a spoiler at noon▪day, to take to himself the power, and make the Ambassadors of Christ, his Ambassadors and Servants to preach in his Name; whereas be­fore when they had no Magistrate, Pastors did preach only in the Name of Iesus Christ?

Erastus. Sure the Lord hath concredited to the Magistrate, the Page 330. Command and all power of externall Government, so as he hath sub­jected not only Civill, but also Sacred things to his power, that he may manage the one according to the Word of God, the other according to Iustice and equity, which since it is Commanded in the Old Testament, and practised by all holy Iudges and Kings, and we finde it not changed in the New Testament; We justly say that the Church that hath a godly Magistrate, cannot by Gods will chuse a new Senate or Presby­tery, to exercise publikely Iudgement; for God hath not armed▪ sub­jects against their Magistrates: Nor hath he Commanded them to take any part of their power from them and give it to others, and to subject them to externall Dominion.

Ans. Sure the Lord concredited to the Priest, not to King Vzziah to burn incense, and to the Priests to rebuke Vzziah and command him to desist; and this is no lesse externall Governing of the house of God, quoad hoc, in this particular then Excommunication: for to Excommunication on the Churches part, as Excommunication, is no more required, but that the scandalous and murthering Ma­gistrate [Page 484] should not come to the Table of the Lord, or remain in the society and Church-fellowship of the Saints as a Member of the Church. Now if the Magistrate obey not, the Church as the Church can use no bodily coaction or restraint to hinder the Ma­gistrate to obtrude himself upon the holy things of God: though other, either fellow-Magistrates, or the inferior Magistrates, (if the party [...]xcommunicated be the supream Magistrate) or, the Par­liament may and ought to use their power as Magistrates, by the sword to hinder the holy things of God to be prophaned; for I think it easie to prove, if this were a fit place, that inferior Magistrates are essentially Mag [...]strates, and immediatly subject to the King of Kings for the due use of the sword, as the supream Magistrate or King: And therefore there is no more externall dominion used in Excom­municating a bloody and scandalous Magistrate, then in rebuking and threatning him: Now Erastus granteth, That Pastors may re­buke and threaten according to the Word of the Lord, even Magi­strates and Kings. 2. If because Iudges in the Old Testament, as Eli and Samuel Sacrificed, and we finde this not changed in the New, and nothing extraordinary in this, Ministers in the New Te­st [...]ment may do the same: Then the Iustice of Peace, and Mayors of Cities, and every constable, may by vertue of their office Preach the Word and dispense the Sacraments, which is against the word, Heb. 5. 7. Mat. 9. 38. & 10. 5. & 28. 19, 20. Joh. 21. 20, 21. Rom. 10. 14, 15. 3. Where doth Erastus reade in the New Testament, that Kings may not write Canonick Scripture, as King David did, and build a Typicall Temple to the Lord as Solomon did, and give out Laws of Divine institution as Moses did? Kings in the Old Testa­ment did these, and he can finde the contrary no where written. 4. If the Church as the Church cannot chuse a Senate of Elders to Rebuking of Princes argue no lesse juris­diction, then all that the Presbytery doth. Govern themselves without wronging the Magistrate; how did the Apostolick Church without so much as asking advice of the Civill Magistrate, set up a new Gospel, new Sacraments, new officers, a new Government: Did the Lord Iesus and the Gospel teach them to spoil Cesar? Christ had said the contrary, Give unto Cesar those things that are Cesars. 5. To subject Magistrates to Excommunica­tion, is no more to subject them to externall dominion, then to subject them (as Erastus doth) to rebukes, warnings and threatnings; for the former hath no more of coaction, of dominion, or of coercive [Page 485] power, then the latter: yea, if to subject Kings to the rebukes of the Ministers of Christ, be nothing but to subject them to internall and spirituall dominion; no more is suspension from the Sacraments and Excommunication, any thing but internall and spirituall domini­on. In this sense, that neither of these two are bodily dominions, no more then rebuking of Kings. 2. Yet both these work upon the conscience in a spirituall way, for the humiliation of the King, and putting him to shame and fear, 2 Thes. 3. 14, 15. that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord, as rebukes do work, 1 Tim. 5. 20. Gal. 2. 11. 1 Cor. 5. 6. Iude ver. 23. Yea, to say to a King, He shall be buried with the buriall of an Asse, as Ieremiah did, cap. 22. And to call the Rulers, Princes of Sodome, Isa. 1. 10. And King Herod a Fox, and Rulers and Princes Dogs, Psal. 22. ver. 16. and Bulls and Lyons, ver. 12. 13. and Wolves ravening for the prey, Ezek. 22. 27. putteth no lesse shame upon Magistrates before men, and so ex­ternall dominion on them and over them, then Excommunication and debarring from the Seals of the Covenant doth. Now Erastus subjecteth Magistrates to rebukings, threatnings and reprehensions no lesse then we do. Well, Erastus will have one single Minister to exercise externall dominion over the Magistrates, because this is manifest out of the Word: but because he would flatter Princes as much as he can, he denies that a Colledge of Elders may rebuke the Magistrate, or convene him before them, though he were the most flagitious Prince that lived; and yet one man may summon him before the Tribunall of Christ, and charge him to come to hear a Sermon, and rebuke him in the face of the Congregation, and de­nounce the Iudgements of God against him openly. Is not this the Lord arming one single man against the Magistrate, to put shame and confusion on him for his sins? And if many Pastors convened should do this, This were to arm the subjects against the Magi­strate, and to take the power from him that God hath given to him, as Erastus talketh.


Quest. 18.

Of exclusion from the Sacrament, of profession of repententance, the judiciall Law bindeth not Christians. The sword not a mean, of conversion, Of Idolaters and Apostates in the judgement of Erastus.

IN this Chapter Erastus disputeth against a Treatise written in Erastus l. 6. c. 2. p. 331. 332. the German Tongue, in which he acknowledgeth, there is more learning and truth then in the other writtings. All the opinions that Erastus ascribeth to this Author, (justly or unjustly, I know not, but Erastus his faith may be justly suspected) I cannot defend.

Erastus. Touching those to be admitted to the Sacrament, we speak alwayes, de illis solis, &c. of those only who rightly understand the Doctrine of the Gospel, and do approve and imbrace the same, and who desire with others to use the Sacraments aright, in regard of the externals, of which only the Church can judge, for the heart is rightly knowne to God only; so the Author and we agree.

Ans. The agreement is but poore by your owne relation: But 1. Let Erastus answer, what if the Christian Magistrate as Achab be a dog, and sell himselfe to do wickedly: What if he understand not the Doctrine of the Gospel? Magistrates as Magistrates by vertue of the throne, or place, are not priviledged to be Orthodox and holy. Let one Iulian once a Christian, yet turning a sow, an enemy to the Gospel be witnesse, if we descend to the Iustices, and to Master Constables; it may be we finde even of those dogs and swine in their conversation, though their place be a power, lawfull, and ordained of God; We thinke (saith Erastus) the custome of the Church should be observed: What? by the custome of the Church onely, by no precept or command of Christ should the holy things of God, the pearls of the Gospel be denied to dogs and swine con­trary to Christs command, Mat. 7? 2. Erastus must exclude the Magistrate out of the lists of his disputation in six books, and say, If the Christian Magistrate be ignorant and scandalous, and yet desire to use the Sacraments right, and professe he will learne to know God, and [Page 487] to beleeve soundly, and walke holily, Yet the Sacraments are not to be denied to him. Tell Erastus, in sincerity who should debarre the Magistrate? For in all your six books, you by these words, de illis solis, &c. professe that you plead not that he should be admitted to Magistrates if scanda­lous are to be debarred from the Sacrament. the Sacraments; who shall exclude him? not he himselfe; for his credites sake he shall desire to come to the Sacraments, as many for gaine and loaves follow Christ, Ioh. 6. will they not follow him also to be seen of men, as the Pharisees prayed in the streets? 2. Let Erastus say, when our Saviour said, Give not holy things to dogs? Did he mean to accept the persons of Kings and Iudges, and pro­fesse, though Kings and Iudges be dogs and swine▪ yet deny not holy things to them? 3. Hath Christ appointed no way in the New Testament, as he did in the Old, to debarre unclean men from our Passeover? Or shall there be no Government, no charge in the Ministers of the New Testament to keep the holy things of God from pollution? If Master Iustice be an incestnous man, a drunkard, a dog, shall he not be cast out of the midst of the Church? Ʋzziah though a King, yet for bodily leprosie was separated from the people of God, and men of high places, though doggs and swine shall be admitted to all the holy things of God under the New Te­stament?

2. Erastus will have all admitted who desire to use the Sacraments right; As touching all externalls, of which onely the Church doth judge: But, 1. Where did we assert that the Church judgeth of internalls? and that they may debarre men from the Sacraments, for only heart-unbeleefe knowne to God only? This must lye on Erastus, as a calumnie, while he make it good from our writings and Doctrine, that we thus teach, exclude those that are visibly scandalous and prophane, and we are satisfied. 2. He that brings his offering to the Altar, and hath done a knowne offence to his brother, (for it is a sinfull and visible scandall, which scandalizeth one brother) He useth not the holy things of God right, even as touch­ing externals; He that comes to the Lords supper desiring, and as­king the ordinance of righteousnesse (as Isaiah speaketh) and pro­miseth amendment; and yet is openly ignorant and not sound in the faith, he useth not aright the Sacraments even in externals, of which only the Church judgeth rightly: as he that in the same day com­meth to the temple to worship (now the very personall presence of [Page 488] a Iew in the Temple which was a Type of Iesus Christ, was a worship and a holy thing of God, whereas our presence in the place of meeting for worship is no such thing) when he hath killed his sonne to Moloch, prophaned the Temple, and the name of God, even in externals; for the Priests of old who were to put differences between the clean and the unclean, no more were to judge the inward thoughts and heart-dispositions of men knowne to God only, then we can now judge them in the New Testament, 1 Chro. 29. 17. 1 King. 8. 39. 1 Chro. 28. 9. Prov. 15. 11. Hence, that is an igno­rant speach of Erastus, Quistatuit malus esse, non prodibit in ecclesiae faciem, ut se poenuere prioris vite testetur, ac meliorem promittat. P. 331. 332 That man shall never come before the face of the Church, to testifie that he repenteth of his former wicked life, and promise amendment, who purposeth to be wicked: Will not men purpose not to be reconciled to their brethren, and suffer many suns to go downe in their wrath and malice, who come and bring their offring to the Altar; why did then Christ forbid offring at the Altar, without being recon­ciled to an offended brother? Mat. 5. might not the offending bro­ther offer his gift? and were not the Priests to except his offring? He could say all that Erastus requireth: I acknowledge I have of­fended my brother, I promise to crave him pardon, and I desire to of­fer according to the Law. Then the Priest was obliged to beleeve he dealt sincerely, and lay his gift upon the Altar, though he should not obey the command of Christ, and go and leave his gift at the Al­tar, and not offer while he were first reconciled to his brother; and the like I say of one that hath killed his brother, and cometh with hot blood to the Table of the Lord, and goeth not to the Widdow and Orphanes, whose Husband and Father he had killed▪ to be re­conciled: Surely the man that should thus offer, should not come to offer, nor to eat at the Lords table rightly; even in regard of ex­ternals, which the Church may judge: for he should omit this ex­ternall, Be first reconciled to the Widdow, and then offer, and eat as Christ commanded. 3. It is against Scripture and experience, that a man that hath a purpose to kill his Father, and in the highest point of treason to invade King Davids throne, as Absolon did, to say he will not professe to pay his vows at Hebron. And might not Judas by his very eating the Passeover, professe he beleeved in the Lambe of God that taketh away the sins of the world, and that he [Page 489] would serve Christ, and yet purpose in his heart to sell his Master Christ for 30▪ peeces of silver; They seeme to be little acquainted with the mysterie of the hypocrisie naturally in men, who put in print such a position: The Author against whom Erastus wri­teth saith, We have reason to rejoyce, if we finde any such, who will not professe faith and repentance, though they be Hypocrites; and therefore there is need of Excommunication, and his mean­ing is, that there is need of Excommunication alwayes, and therefore there will be many who professe Repentance in words, whose life and conversation belie their Repentance; and Erastus cannot deny this, if he know what it is [...]o have a forme of godlinesse, and deny the power, which forme many have who are to be debarred from the Sacraments, and to be Excommuni­cated, in regard they are lovers of their owne selves, covetous, boa­sters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankefull, with­out naturall affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, headie, high minded, &c. 2 Tim. 3. 1, 2, &c. and such they are in the eies of men, other­wise Paul would not forbid to withdraw from such.

Erastus. The Author I thinke would yeeld that the Sa­craments Page 332. should not be denyed to those who seeke them, and desire to use them aright, and are not excommunicated, for the writeth that the deniall of the Sacraments, is onely a Testi­mony of excommunication; So when we give not a Testimony of a thing for example of learning, to any to whom the thing it selfe, to wit, learning doth not agree, we cannot deny the Sacraments to those who are not Excommunicated, for hee should not be blotted with a Testimony of a banished man, who is not declared to be banished.

Ans. 1. The Author I thinke would never yeeld, but the Sa­craments ought to be denied to those who aske for them, and de­sire to use them aright, if they be otherwise Truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, traitors, for those have, and may have a forme of godlines, and aske the Sacraments and desire to use them aright; I meane they may say they desire to use them aright, for of their inward desire, God onely can judge, who knoweth the heart; yet the [Page 490] Author cannot, he will not say, that such are to be admitted to the Lords Supper, all tha [...] Erastus goeth on i [...], That the Church is ob­liged to beleeve that those doe repent, and use the Sacraments a­right, who say in word of mouth, they doe so, and therefore are to be admitted to the Sacraments, though they come but an houre before out of the Bordell house, and have hands and sword hot and smoking with innocent blood. Now Dogs, and Swine, C [...]in; Iudas, known to be scandalous, may give faire words, and cry, Lord, Lord, and professe all this, as is cleare, Isa. 58. 2. Mat. 7. 21, 22. Rom. 16. 18: Mat. 23. 13▪ 14, 23, &c. 2. Exclusion from the Sa­craments is a Testimony of Excommunication, but not testimonium proprium quarto modo, for some that are not excommunicated, are to be debarred from the Sacraments as the thing it selfe will force us to acknowledge; should any come with his sword hot in blood, from killing his father and Pastor to the Lords Table, I hope the Church knowing this would not admit him to the Sa­crament, and yet he is not yet excommunicated, and I hope they would not presently in the same moment that they debarred him from the Lords Supper, excommunicate him. There must be some time required to pray for him, to rebuke, convince, and lay open his sinne before he be excommunicated, which mo­ved me to thinke that there was necessity of expresse Scripture to prove Excommunication; but that abstention (as Divines calleth it) or suspension from the Lords Supper, may well be sufficient­ly proved by Analogie, by consequent and by the nature of the holy things of God, and Pearles that are not to be given to the prophane. 3. A visible scandall is a sufficient ground of the lesser excommunication, or debarring from the Lords Supper, and so we put a Testimony of one banished from the holy things of God on him who hath committed a scandalous offence, which is a suffi­cient ground thereof, though the offender be not formally excom­municated. This Author saith, without the consent of the Church, no man, though contumacious, should be excommunicated; What this is against us, or for Erastus, I see not, we say the same.

He saith, The Magistrate may chuse some of the congregation to Excommunicate; which if he say, I consent not to him, and see no warrant for it in Scripture: But I rather believe his sense to be, That the godly Magistrate may command the Church to Excommu­nicate [Page 491] and punish them, if they be negligent in this. But hence it followeth not, that the Magistrate may Excommunicate them, as Erastus inferreth, no more then of old; it followeth, King Vzziah might command the Priests to burn incense to the Lord, and punish them; if in this they should neglect their duty: Ergo, King Vzziah might lawfully in his own person burn incense to the Lord: Erastus himself will deny this consequence.

Erastus saith, It is evident this Author meaneth, That God com­manded Page 334. not a Presbytery to be, but that it is necessary for orders cause. But I had rather that he had proved it from the Authors words: And so I deny it, while Erastus bring his own words to prove it: I believe he fancies many things of this worthy Author, as that he subjects not the Magistrate to the Presbytery: And why? Because he saith, None ought to be Excommunicated without the consent of the Magistrate. Truly it is a weak reason; for if the Magistrate be a godly man, and a Member of the Church, it is necessary that his positive consent be had, that he may in light and faith use the sword against him, as against other evil doers. But I give him no negative voyce, nor any authoritative or Ecclesiastically judiciall voyce in Excommunication, which can be due to him as a Magistrate: So the Author doth not at all disagree from us; Erastus is mistasten.

Erastus. God hath Excommunicated Drunkards, Hypo­crites Page 335. from the Sacraments except they repent: But where hath God commanded such, being Circumcised and Baptized to be excluded from the Sacraments? especially if they professe that they repent of their former wayes: for it is one thing to be excluded of God, another thing to be cast out of the visible so­ciety of the godly.

Ans. God hath Excommunicated Drunkards and Hypocrites, who are not known openly to be such to the Church, and therefore the Church cannot debar such from the Sacraments, and so we grant all, That it is one thing to be Excommunicated of the Church, and another to be Excommunicated of God. 2. He asketh, where hath God commanded to debar such from the Sacraments being cir­cumcised and baptized? I Answer then, If they be uncircumcised and unbaptised, God will have the Church to debar them. But let Erastus shew any Scripture for their exclusion, but such as warrant­eth [Page 492] us to exclude the openly scandalous, though circumcised and baptized. 3. What warrant hath the Church or Magistrate, if E­rastus so will, to debar all the uncircumcised and [...]nbaptised from the Sacraments; Job, the Eunuch, are not Excommunicated of God▪ Ergo, if the Lords non-Excommunication be our rule, we cannot Ex­communicate all the uncircumcised and baptized as such. 4. Erastus addeth, They cannot be excluded from the Sacraments, Presertim s [...] p [...]nitentiam vitae anteactae prae se [...]erant, especially if they professe re­pentance. But this presertim▪ especially, seemeth to infer, though they professe no repentance, but be dogs and swine, they ought not to be debarred from the Seale▪ Is this piety, or rather prophanity? But only he would say, they are far lesse to be debarred if they professe repentance. But we know, to professe repentance in Erastus his Every pro­fession maketh not men capable of the holy things of God. way, is to say by word of mouth, they repent: Now this saying so, may consist with being openly dogs and swine. Hence we see the contradicent of Erastus his saying, to wit, that the most openly scandalous are not to be excluded from the Sacraments, especially if they say they repent, that is, especially if they lye and dissemble before the Sun, yea, though they mock God and repent no [...]. I should think their saying they repent, when their flagitious and im­pure conversation doth belye their profession, maketh them so much rather worthy to be debarred, being both dogs and Hypo­crites▪ So far I am from Erastus his presertim, especially if they pro­fesse that they repent.

Erastus. I grant it [...]ighteth with Gods will, that pardon Page 335. 336. should be denied to any by the Word, and yet pardon▪ sealed to those same men in the Sacrament: But when the Word denyeth remission of sins absolutely to those, the Sacraments are not due to them; but the Word denieth not remission to them upon con­dition they repent, and so neither should the Sacraments be de­nied to them.

Ans. But the word denyeth absolutely remission of sins to dogs and swine, so long as they repent not; and that so much the more, that they say they repent, and their life belies their words, and testifies to their face, and before the Sun, that they are pla [...]stered Hypocrites, Ergo, the Sacraments should be denyed to them.

Erastus. But it followeth not that the Sacraments belongeth not to Page 336. [Page 493] him who is not a member of the invisible Church, so he be a member of the visible Church; but as he partaketh only of the externall Commu­nion, so he receiveth but the externall elements, from an externall Minister.

Ans. But if he be visibly no Member of the invisible Church, but in the eyes of the Church visibly a dog or a swine, neither ought the externall symbols, that are even externally the holy things of God to be given to him: for otherwise, this Argument shall con­clude, if one be baptised, and a member of the Church, though a dog, yet the pearls of the Gospel are to be cast to such a dog, which Erastus himself denieth: And so this Argument hurteth Erastus as much as us.

That this Author saith, God commanded those that transgressed his Page 336. 337. holy Law with an high hand, and presumptuously to be killed, lest they should live and prophane his holy things; I defend not: But sure E­rastus erreth, who will have all such to be killed by the Magistrate under the New Testament, because they were killed in the Old: Then are we to stone the men that gathereth sticks on the Lords day; the childe that is stubborn to his Parents, the Virgins, daugh­ters of Ministers that committeth fornication are to be put to death. Why, but then the whole judiciall Law of God shall oblige us Christians as Carolosladius and others teach? I humbly concieve that the putting of some to death in the Old Testament, as it was a punishment to them, so was it a mysterious teaching of us, how God hated such and such sins, and mysteries of that kinde are gone with other shadows. But we read not (saith Erastus) where Christ hath changed those Laws in the New Testament. It is true, Christ hath not said in particular, I abolish the debarring of the leper seven dayes, and he that is thus and thus unclean shall be separated till the evening; nor hath he said particularly of every carnall Ordinance and judi­ciall Law, it is abolished. But we conceive, the whole bulk of the judiciall Law, as judiciall, and as it concerned the Republick of the Iews only, is abolished, though the morall equity of all those be not abolished; also some punishments were meetly Symbolicall, to teach the detestation of such a vice, as the boaring with an A [...]le the ear of him that loved his Master, and desired still to serve him, and the making of him his perpetuall servant. I should think the pu­nishing with death the man that gathered sticks on the Sabbath was [Page 494] such; and in all these, the punishing of a sin against the Morall Law by the Magistrate, is Morall and perpetuall; but the punishing of every sin against the Morall Law, tali modo, so and so, with death, with spitting on the face: I much doubt if these punishments in particular, and in their positive determination to the people of the Iews, be morall and perpetuall: As he that would marry a captive woman of another Religion, is to cause her first pare her nailes, and wash her self, and give her a moneth, or lesse time to la­ment the death of her Parents, which was a Iudiciall, not a Cere­moniall Law; that this should be perpetuall, because Christ in par­ticular hath not abolished it, to me seems most unjust; for as Paul saith, He that is Circumcised becomes debter to the whole Law, sure to all the Ceremonies of Moses his Law: So I Argue, à pari, from the like, He that will keep one judciciall Law, because judiciall and gi­ven by Moses, becometh debter to keep the whole judiciall Law, under pain of Gods eternall wrath.

We do not teach that men are to be Excommunicated, for what­ever scandalous sins deserve death at the hand of the Magistrate, whether they openly repent or not; if any give evident significa­tion of their repentance for murther, they are not to be Excommu­nicated, for the end of Excommunication, being once obtained, which is the visible and known repentance, and saving of the offen­ders soul, the mean is not to be used, which is Excommunication. But if any commit murther, whether he repent or repent not, the Lord hath made no exception of regenerate or not regenerate, of men repenting or not repenting, he should die by the sword of the Magistrate, Gen. 9. 9. It is true, some are to be Excommunicated for the very atrocity of the sin, it being parricide; but that is, because he giveth no positive signes of repentance to the Church, which is contumacy added to his parricide.

Erastus would prove, That God would not have men de­debarred [...] 340. from the Sacraments, because they commit hay­nous sins to be punished with death by the Judge: 1. Faci­nora saepe sunt occulta, such crimes are often unknown to the world.

Ans. That which is denied, is not concluded a fault in Logick; for only scandals as scandals to the Church, and so known [Page 495] to the Church are to be censured with Excommunication.

Erastus. He thus would prove the same, often these crimes cannot be punished, as David durst not punish the murther of Ioab, 2 Sam. 3. Often for other causes they are neglected by the Magistrate, as Da­vid neglected to punish the incest and murther of Absolon, but shall we think such were not to come to the Temple and Sacraments? so Psal. 14. David saith, There was not one that doth good, those were not all punished by the Magistrate; yet were they not removed from the Sacraments.

Ans. Let Erastus argue here, and we shall see his logick; Those that commit parricides, sorceries, and do trample the holy things of God under feet, whom yet the Magistrate dare not punish, because of their power and greatnesse▪ those are not to be debarred from the Sacraments. But there be many scandalous persons in the Church, such as Ioab, whom the Magistrate dare not punish, for their greatnesse; Ergo,

Ans. The Major is manifestly false, and a begging of the question: For Erastus saith, pag. 207. He thinketh such ought not to be admit­ted to the Sacraments who will trample on the Sacraments and pro­phane them. For though the Magistrate dare not punish them, which is his sinfull neglect, if they be dogs and swine (as often they are) and bloody men, such as Ioab, they ought not; yea, they never were by any Law of God, admitted to the Temple and Sacraments, what they did, de facto, or the Priests permitted, is not the question. It was Davids sinne that he took not away the head of bloody Ioab when he killed Abner and Amasa. 2. How doth Erastus prove that David neglected to punish the incest of Absolon (his sinfull neglect in not punishing his murther I yield) for Absolon was ne­ver in Davids power to punish after he committed that incest; possibly he neglected to punish his owne Concubines, that is but a conjecture. It is as like Absolon forced the Concubines to that in­cest as any other thing. 3. For that Psal. 14. There is none that doth good; it is spoken of the naturall corruption of all mankind, who therefore cannot be justified by the works of the Law, as Paul ex­poundeth it, Rom. 3. 9, 10, 11, 19, 20, 21. and not of scandals pu­nishable by the Magistrates; and where this corruption did break out, in bloods within the Church, it ought to have been punished, both by the Magistrate and Church: so it is an argument yet, a fa­cto ad jus, and a great inconsequence. 4. I aske for what cause doth [Page 496] the Spirit of God rebuke killing of the Children to Molech, and coming that same day to the Temple? Because it was a sinne and particularly a prophaning of the Sanctuary, which was one speciall holy thing to God, Ezek. 23. 38, 39. Ier. 7. 8▪ 9, 10, 11. It was no sin to come to the Temple: Sure it was commanded of God in his Law, as Erastus yieldeth. What was the sin then? to come with their hands full of blood, and of the unnaturall blood of their owne Chil­dren was the sinne; and yet if they had repented, to come after they had killed their Children, was no sinne, nor any prophaning of the Sanctuary of God. Then all their sinne was, that being Morally un­clean, they came to the Sanctuary; Ergo, God forbade such bloody men to come to his Sanctuary; because God forbiddeth all sinne in his perfect Law; Ergo, those that deserved to dye by the hand of the Magistrate for open murther, deserved for that open murther to be debarred from the holy things of God, what ever Erastus say on the contrary.

Erastus. The adversaries contend, that some are to be excommuni­cated Page 341. who deserve not to dye; as if any to a light injury, adde contu­macy; But they should have a warrant for this, for this is a contra­diction. (Every one who is clean according to the Law, should keep the Passeover) and this (some who is clean according to the Law, (to wit, who liveth wickedly and scandalously, and yet is Ceremonially clean) should not keep the Passeover.)

Ans. We finde no distinction made by Christ, Matth. 18▪ and therefore we make none; He that offendeth his brother, (Christ maketh no exceptions of light or small offences) if he cannot be gained by admonitions, and be contumacious against the Church, he is reputed as a heathen and a publican; and this is our warrant. 2. Let Erastus answer this contradiction according to his owne way. Every one who is Ceremonially clean should come to the Temple. Some who are Ceremonially clean, (to wit, who the same day have slaine their sons to Molech) should not come into the Temple. The af­firmative is holden as a truth by Erastus. The negative is the word of the Lord, Ezech. 23. 38, 39. 3. It is no contradiction which Era­stus proposeth: For every one who is Ceremonially clean, should not keep the Passeover, except also he be Morally clean: For he that discerneth not the Lords body, should not eat; and the Lambe was no lesse Sacramentally the Lords body, then the Bread and Wine is his [Page 497] body, so the former is false, in rei veritate. The latter, to wit, Eve­ry one Ceremonially cleane should not keepe the Passeover, to Erastus is false: Now of two propositions contradicent, both cannot be false, Erastus may know this is bad Logick.

Erastus. The Prophets rebuked the abuse and prophaning Erast. l. 6. c. 2. p. 341. of the Sacraments, but they interdicted none circumcised of the use of the Sacraments, they said the sacrifices of the wicked were no more welcome to God, then if they offered things for­bidden (dogs and swines blood) to God, but they never say the Priests are to be accused for admitting such into the Sacra­ments. They accuse and rebuke the Priests that they transgres­sed, and taught not the people aright, but never that they ad­mitted such into the holy things of God: The Prophets say alwayes those things are wicked before God, but not in the face of the Church.

Ans. If the Prophets rebuked the prophaning of the Sacra­ments, then they also forbade prophane men to use the Sacraments, could the Prophets rebuke any thing but sin? Ergo, they for­bade the sinne which they rebuked: Ergo, they forbade the man that had murthered his sonne to Molech, to come to the Sanctu­ary while he repented, for they could not rebuke but what they forbad. 2. If the bloody mans comming to the Sanctuary in that case, was nothing more acceptable to God, then the offering of a dog to God; then as the offering of a dog to God, was both for­bidden to the people and to the Priest, so was the people and Priest both accused for the bloody mans comming into the Tem­ple, the one should sin in comming, the other in admitting him to come. 3. The Priests are expresly accused for this, Ezek. 22, 25, 26. and 44. 23, 24. Hag. 2. 11, 12, 13. 4. Those were not onely sinnes in foro Dei, before God, for so when they were secret, they were sinnes before God, but when openly knowen, as Jer. 7. 9, 10, &c. Ezek. 23. 38, 39. they were the Priests sins: The bloody are forbidden to come to the Sanctuary; what then? were not the Porters whose calling it was to hold out the uncleane, to debar all whom the Lord forbade to come? Certainly, they excluded to their knowledge all whom God excluded, else how had they the [Page 498] charge to keepe the doores of the Lords House? and the Priests are not onely rebuked for not instructing the people, but for er­ring in governing, Ier. 5. 31. they are not Prophets, but Priests and Governours both Ecclesiasticall and civill, that the Prophet complaineth of, who did rule with rigour & cruelty over the people, beside that they feed not the flocke but themselves, Ezek. 34. 1, 2, 3, &c. Ier. 23. 1, 2, 3, 4. and 10. 21. and 22. 22. and 50. 6. Micah 2. 11. Hos. 4. 18. Micah 7. 3.

Erastus. Though ill doers be not killed by the Magistrate, Page 341. yet it followeth not that God for any such cause (deserving death) would have them debarred à recto usu, from the right use of holy things by some that are not Magistrates, nor are manifest Idolaters, Apostates, and Hereticks, though they be not put to death by the Magistrate, to be debarred by these fancied or imaginary Presbyters.

Ans. 1. Erastus taketh ever for confessed, without any pro­bation, that it is rectus usus, the right use of the holy things of God, that men with bloodie hands use them, which is [...]: a most false principle, for he that killeth his children to Molech, and that same day cometh into the Sanctuary of God, is so farre from the right using of the holy things of God, that the Lord saith expresly, his comming in in that condition to the Sanctuary is, (saith the Lord,) the prophaning of my Sanctuary, Ezek. 23. 39. is this rectus usus Ceremoniarum? the right use of the holy things of God? It is not: 1. It is a forbidden use of holy things, Isa. 1. 13. Mat. 7. 6. Mat. 5. 23. 2. It is a rebuked use of holy things, Erastus 341 sequitur (si faci [...]orosi sint arcendi [...] Sacramen­t is) eligen­dos esse qui malis inter­dieant ora­tione, lectio­ne, Elcemo­synarum di­stributione, &c. Ier. 7. 9, 10, 11. Isa. 66. 3. 3. It is a prophaning of holy things, Ezek. 23. 38, 39. 4. It is such a use as bringeth damnation to the party that useth it, 1 Cor. 11. 27, 29. and it is all these quoad exter­na, in externall things. 2. Erastus could yeeld they be debarred, but by the Magistrate, not by Imaginary Presbyters. But all his Ar­guments, (as I shew before) doe prove they should be debarred, à recto usu, from the right use of holy things by no man, no more then they should be debarred from giving of almes, or reading the word, this is Erastus his owne Argument; I pray you may the Magi­strate, or any on earth by any authority inhibite a Malefactor, or a Murtherer, who ought to die by the Magistrate, to read the Word, [Page 499] to give almes, to pray for mercy to God, because he hath killed a man? 3. If hereticks, apostates, open idolaters are to be debarred, by whom shall they be debarred: Erastus, pag. 207. thinketh they ought The Magi­strate can­not admit, to, and de­bar from the Sacra­ment. not to be admitted to the Sacraments, who shall debar them? The Magistrate, (saith he) But the Magistrate himselfe is the apostate, the heretick, the idolater. 2. He that may debarre from the seals, may admit to the seals; he that may do both, Ex Officio, is the formall dispenser of the seals by office, that the Magistrate is not: He that may put out, or take in into the house by supream power, is the Lord of the house: He who by office may admit some to the Table, and debarre other some, is the Steward. But the Magistrate is nei­ther the lord of the Church, nor the steward of the house, by of­fice. We do not hold this consequence; the Lord commanded ill doers to be killed; Ergo, He ordained in that same commande­ment, that they be Excommunicated? Nor do we say all those who were to be Excommunicated, were to be killed, as Erastus saith: Nor that Excommunication in the New Testament succeedeth in place of killing in the Old Testament; we see no light of Scripture going before us in these.

Erastus. It is a wonder that you say, that the godly Magistrate Page 346. doth procure the externall Peace of the Common-wealth, but not the salvation of the subjects, that the Presbyters do only care for.

Ans. The Sword is no intrinsecall mean of the saving of any The sword no intrin­secall mean of gaining souls. mans soul: It is true, the godly Magistrate may procure a godly life; but as a cause removens impedimentum, removing idolatry, he­resie, wolves and false teachers from the flock, and commanding under the paine of the Sword, that Pastors do their duty. But Christ ascending on high, gave Pastors and Teachers to gather a Church; but not Magistrates armed with the Sword.

Erastus. The Magistrates Sword is a most efficacious mean to bring Page 347. men to the knowledge of God, nothing more effectuall then affliction, and the crosse, when right teaching is joyned therewith; examples teach us that in danger of death, men have seriously turned to God, who before could be moved by no exhortations. But you say all die not in the Lord, nor repent; nor (say I) do they all die in the Lord, who are taken away by diseases, or are excommunicated; yea, Excommuni­cation maketh many hypocrites.

Ans. 1. Erastus here extolleth the Sword of the Magistrate, as [Page 500] a more effectuall mean to salvation, then exhortations or the Gos­pel: But I read that Pastors are the Ministers by whom we be­leeve, and that they are workers with God, and fellow-builders; and Fathers to convert, edifie to salvation, and beget men over again to Christ, 1 Cor. 3. 5, 9. 1 Cor. 2. 4, 15. Ambassadors of God, 2 Cor. 5. 20. Friends of the Bridgroome, 2 Cor. 11. 2. Ioh. 3. 29. An­gels, Rev. 2. 1. But I never read any such thing of the Magistrate, and that the Gospel is the power of God to salvation, Rom. 1. 16. The arme of the Lord, Esay 53. 1. Sharper then a two edged sword, lively and mighty in operation, Heb. 4. 12. You never read any such thing of the Sword of the Magistrate, the rest are before answered.

Erastus. Some may be changed in a moment, as the publican, Luke Page 348. 349. 18. Z [...]cheus, The repenting woman▪ Luke 7. If therefore they pro­fesse repentance, they are not to be debarred from the Lords supper.

Ans. Put it in forme thus; Those who may be changed and trans­lated from darknesse to light in a moment, and say, that they repent, are to be admitted to the Lords supper: I assume, But doggs and swine, and doggish and furious persecutors▪ who are to be debar­red from the Sacraments: As Erastus saith, pag. 207. may be chan­ged in a moment, and say they repent; Ergo, those are to be admitted to the Sacraments, who are not to be admitted to the Sacraments▪ let Erastus prove the Major proposition. 2. We finde no such sudden change in the Publican, Zacheus, or the repen­ting woman, as Erastus seemeth to insinuate. 3. Christ who know­eth the heart, and can change men in a moment, can at first wel­come persons suddenly converted; Ergo, Must the stewards and dispensers of the mysteries upon a (may be) or a (may not be) reach the pearls of the Gospel to doggs and swine, whom they see to be such? It is a wide consequence, He that bringeth his gift to the Al­ter, may in a moment be changed; Ergo, He should not leave his gift at the Altar, and go and first be reconciled to his brother; He is presently without more adoe to offer his gift, his heart is straighted in a moment, if we beleeve Erastus. But the rather of this; that the man is in a moment changed: He is to be debarred, least his scandalous approaching to use the holy things of God, make the work of conversion suspitious to others. 4. This argument presup­poseth that unvisible conversion, giveth a man right in foro Ecclesi [...] in the Churches court, to the seals of the Covenant, and so there [Page 501] should be no need of externall profession at all, which is absurd.

Erastus. Shall not then idolaters and apostates be debarred? as w [...] (saith he) deny an idolater▪ and an apostate to be a Member of th [...] Church of Christ; so we thinke the man that defendeth his wickednesse, is not to be reckoned amongst the Members of the Church; An [...] as we think the former are to be banished out of the society of Christians, so we think the latter are not to be suffered in that society.

Ans. The Idolater that maketh defection, and the apostate were once Members of the Church; what hath made them now no Mem­bers? Who should judge them, and cast them out? the Magistrate? I answer, there is no Christian Magistrate: If the Church must do it, here truly, is all granted by Erastus, that he hath disputed a­gainst in six books, even this very Excommunication. But if there be a Christian Magistrate; what Scripture is there to warrant that he should cast out a Member out of Christs body? Here is an Ex­communication without precept, promise, or practise in the word; we read that the Church of Corinth congregated together, hath a command to judge, and cast out a scandalous Member, 1 Cor. 5. 4, 5, 11, 12, 13. out from amongst the midst of them: Let Erastus say as much from the New Testament, for his Magistraticall ca­sting ou [...]. 2. What reason is there by Erastus his way, for casting out an idolater, and a man that defendeth his owne wickednesse? 1. May not God convert those suddenly; as he did the thiefe on the crosse, and Saul? Ergo, They should not be cast out. 2. The Magistrate cannot more cut off those from being Members of Christs body; then he can remove their faith and internall com­munion with Christ. Now for this cause Erastus saith, the Church cannot Excommunicate, pag. 1. 2 Thess. 3. and 4. 3. Christ and the Apostles did neither cast out Iudas, nor Scribes, Pharisees, or Pub­licans out of the Church, though they were worse then idolaters. 4. No helps of salvation are to be denied even to idolaters, and to men that defend their owne wickednesse, but their remaining in the Church amongst the godly, is a helpe of their salvation; and God inviteth them to repentance, and the staying in the Church; And the Sacra­ments are to Erastus means of repentance, and this casting out must be to save them: for no power is given of God to the Magistrate or Church for destruction, but for edification▪ Now to put them out of the Church, that they may be saved, is as Erastus conceiteth, [Page 502] to cast a lascivious Virgin out of the company of chaste Matr [...]ns, to the end she may preserve her chastity: I speak here all in the language of Erastus, who useth all those against casting any out of the Church, by Presbyters; but they stand with equall strength, against his casting out of idolaters and apostates out of the Church, and so do the rest of his Arguments: Therefore this conclusion of Era­stus is a granting us the whole cause; after in six books, he hath pleaded none should be Excommunicated, he falleth on Bellar­mines Tutissimum igitur, &c. when he had written six books against justification by faith▪

Lastly, why should idolaters, apostates, and obstinately wicked men be excluded from the dispute of Excommunication and suspen­sion from the Sacraments: for he knoweth that Beza, and Prote­stant Divines do make these the speciall, though not the whole sub­ject of the dispute: Now Erastus concluding his six books, doth here­by professe he hath never faithfully stated the question, when he excludes those from the subjectum questionis, who especially heareth not the Church, and ought to be Excommunicated. Thus have I given an account, as I could, of the wit of Erastus, against the free­dome of the Kingdome of the Lord Iesus.

CHAP. XXIII. Of the power of the Christian Magi­strate in Ecclesiasticall Discipline.


Whether or no the Christian Magistrate be so above the Church in matters of Religion, Doctrine and Discipline, that the Church and her Guides, Pastors, and Teachers, do all they do in these, as subor­dinate to the Magistrate as his servants, and by his Authority? Or is the spirituall power of the Church, immediately subject to Iesus Christ only?

VVEE know that Erastus who is Refuted by Beza, The Church as the Church not subor­dinate to the Magi­strate. Vtenbogard, whom Ant▪ Walens Learnedly Re­futeth, Maccovius opposed by the Universities and Divines of Holland, Vedelius Answered by Gu. Apolonius and others; and the Belgick Arminians in their Petition to the States, and Hu. Grotins against Sibrandus Lubert. Divers Episco­pall Writers in England do hold, That the Guides of the Church do all in their Ministery by the Authority of the Christian Magistrate: I believe the contrary: And 1. We exclude not the Magistrate who is a keeper of both Tables of the Law, from a care of matters of Religion. 2. We deny not to him a power to examine Here­sies and false Doctrine: 1. In order to bodily punishment with the sword: 2. With a judgement not Antecedent, but Subsequent to the judgement of the Church, where the Church is constituted. [Page 504] 3. With such a judgement as concerneth his practise, lest he should in a blinde way, and upon trust, execute his office in punishing He­reticks, whether they be sentenced by the Church according unto, or contrary to the word of God as Papists dream. 3. We deny not, but the Prince may command the Pastor to Preach, and the Synod and Presbytery to use the keys of Christs Kingdom accor­ding to the Rules of the Word: But this is but a Civill subjection, though the object be spirituall: But the Question is not▪ 1. Whe­ther the Christian Magistrate have a care of both Tables of the Law. 2. Whether he as a blinde servant is to execute the will of the Church, in punishing such as they discern to be Hereticks; we pray the Lord to give him eyes and wisdom in his Administration. 3. Nor thirdly, Whether he may use his coercive power against false Teachers, that belongs to the controversie concerning Liberty of Conscience. 4. The Question is not, Whether the Magistrate have any power of jurisdiction in the Court of Conscience, they grant that belongeth to the Preaching of the Word: But the Que­stion is, touching the power in the externall Court of Censures. 5. The Question is not, Whether the power of exercising Disci­pline be from the Magistrate, I mean in a free and peacable manner, with freedome from violence of men: we grant that power, and by proportion also, that exercise of Discipline is from him: But whe­ther the intrinsecall power be not immediately from Christ given to the Church; this we teach, as the power of saying peacably from danger of Pirats and Robbers is from the King; but the Art of Navigation is not from the King. But the Question is, whether the Magistrate by vertue of his office, as a Magistrate, hath Supream power to Govern the Church, and immediatly as a little Monarch under Christ above Pastors, Teachers, and the Church of God, to Iudge and determine what is true Doctrine, what Heresie, to cen­sure and remove from Church-Communion the Seals and Church­offices, all scandalous persons, and that if Pastors, or Doctors, or the Church, Teach or dispense censures, they do it not with any immediate subjection to Christ, but in the Name and Authority of the Magistrate, having power from the Magistrate as his servants and delegates?

To this we answer negatively, denying any such power to the Arg. 1. Magistrate, and doe hold, that the Church, and Christs courts and [Page 505] Assemblies of Pastors, Doctors, and Elders, hath this power one­ly and immediately from Iesus Christ, without subordination in their office, to King, Parliament, or any Magistrate on earth by these Arguments. 1. Because in the Old Testament, the Lord di­stinguished two courts, Deut. 17. 8. If there arise a matter too hard for thee in judgement, 10. Thou shalt come unto the Priests, the Le­vites, and unto the Iudge that shall be in those dayes, and inquire, and they shall shew thee the sentence of judgement. And thou shalt doe according to the sentence, which they of that place (which the Lord shall chuse) shall shew thee, &c. There be here two Courts clearly, one court of Priests and Levites that were Iudges; ano­ther of the Iudge: Now the King by vertue of his Kingly office, might not usurpe the Priests office. 1. Vzziah was smitten with Leprosie for so doing. 2. It is evident in Moses his writing, that Aaron and his sonnes the Priests and Levites were separated for the service of the Tabernacle, to teach the people, to carry the Arke, to sacrifice, to judge the Leper, and to judge between the clean and Ezek. 44▪ 15. the unclean, to put out of the campe, out of the congregation the un­clean, and to admit the clean, Lev. 1. 7, 9, 12, &c. and 5. 8. and 7. 7. and 13. 3, 4, &c. 23. Numb. 5. 8. &c. and 18. 4, 5. 2 Chron. 29. 11. You hath the Lord chosen to stand before him, 1 Sam. 21. 1, 2. Lev. 21. 1. Iosh. 3. 8. 1 Kin. 8. 3. 1 Chron. 8. 9. 2 Chron. 5. 7. and 7. 6. and 8. 14. Zeph. 3. 4. Hag. 2. 11, 12. Mal. 2. 7, Deut. 10, 9. and 21. 5. Num. 1. 29. Deut. 10. 8, 18. Numb. 1. 50. and 3. 9, 12, 41. and 8. 10. Psal. 122. 5. In Jerusalem there were set thrones of judgement, the thrones of the house of David, Mat. 22. 21. Christ commanded to give to Cesar the things that are Cesars: and he in his own person refused to usurpe Cesars place, Luke 12. 14. Man, who made me a Iudge? and interdicted his Apostles thereof, Luke 22, 24, 25, 26. and yet appointed for them a Judicature of another kinde, Mat. 18. 15. Mat. 16. 19. Ioh. 20. 21. 1 Tim. 5. 17. Heb. 13. 17. 1 Cor. 5. and if any should deny that the Civill Magistrate had another Court in which he judged, the Scriptures will refute him. 3. It is evident that Iehoshaphat did not institute, but restore those two courts, 2 Chron. 19. 11. And behold Amariah the chiefe Priest is over you in all matters of the Lord, and Zebadiah the son of Ishma­el the ruler of the house of Iudah, for all the Kings matters; never any Erastian could satisfie either themselves or others, to shew us [Page 506] what were those two courts, so distinguished by their two sun­dry Rulers. Amariah and Zebadiah, the one a Priest, the other a Magistrate. 2. By the different formall objects, the matters of the Lord, the matters of the King, and confounded they must be; if the King and Ruler be a judge in the matters of God, except God make him both a civill judge and a Prophet, as were Moses and Samuel, which yet were differenced when the God of order esta­blished his Church in Canaan. The Church convenes for a Church businesse, Iosh. 18. 1. to set up the Tabernacle, but for a civill businesse, to make war, the State conveneth, Iosh. 22. 12. 15. 16. Iudg. 21. 12. and Ier. 26. 8. there is the Church judicature discerning that Ieremiah was a false Teacher, and they first judge the cause, and v. 16. The Civill Iudicature discerneth the contrary, and under Zorababel, Ezra, and Nehemiah, they indured different judica­tures; Iesus Christ was arraigned before Caiphas the High Priest for pretended blasphemie, before Pilate the civill judge for trea­son, but Caiphas was to determine onely by Law, in questione ju­ris whether it was blasphemie which Christ had spoken, but he had no power by Gods Law to lead Witnesses or condemn Christ. Nor is it true, that the Priests had their government onely about Ceremonialls, for they were to judge of Morall uncleannes also, which even then debarred men from the holy things of God, as is cleare, Hag. 2. 12. Ezek. 44. 9. 10, 23, 24. and if any say that the Magistrate amongst the Iewes did judge of Ecclesiasticall things, and reformed Religion: We answer extraordinarily, the Magi­strate might prophecie, and did prophecy, as did Samuel, Da­vid, Solomon: Why do not Erastians bring those examples to prove that Kings, Provasts, Iustices, may now preach the Word, and administer the Sacraments, which yet is unlawfull to them by grant of Adversaries, for the examples of the Kings amongst the Iewes, is as strong for preaching, as for governing; and because Prophets did judge the people of old, yet no Protestant Divine Governe­ment pe­culiar to the Officers now, as to the Priests and Levites of old. will say, that now Pastors may also usurpe the civill Sword.

Now least any should object the case is not alike in the Jewish and Christian Church, surely the King of the Church hath no lesse separated such men as Paul and Barnabas for the Ministery now, then at that time, Rom. 1. 1, 2. Act. 2. And sent labourers to his vine­yard, Luk. 10. 2. Matth. 20. 2. & 9. 37, 38. And Ambassadors to [Page 507] Preach in his Name, 2 Cor. 5. 20. Ministers of Christ, and Stewarts of the mysteries of God, 1 Cor. 4. 1. Men sent of God, whose feet are pleasant for their good News, as were the Prophets of old, who were not only gifted to preach, but instructed with Divine Authority, as is clear Rom. 10. 14. 15. Isa. 52. 7. & 40. 9. Nahum 1. 15. Yea, and men that feeds the flock, not only by Preaching, but also Go­vern the Church, so that they must take heed, that Ravening Wolves creep not into the Church, who shall not spare the flock, Act. 20. 28. 29. Men who must be obeyed because they watch for our soules, Heb. 13. 17. And can govern the Church, as well as they are apt to teach, 1 Tim. 3. 5. 2. Men that labour amongst us, and are over us in the Lord, 1 Thes. 5. 12. And men who are to call to the work other faithfull men that are able to teach others, 2 Tim. 2. 2. Such as are separated from the affairs of this life, such as Magistrates are not, 1 Cor. 6. 3. such as Rule well, 1 Tim. 5. 17. and are not to receive ac­cusations, but under witnesses, and are to lay hands suddenly on no man, not to call them to the holy Ministery till they be sufficiently tryed, 1 Tim. 5. 19, 20, 22. all which import teaching and governing. Now if all these directions be given to Timothy and other Pastors till the The Epi­stles to Ti­mothy and Titus must chiefly be written to the Empe­rour and Magistrate, if Pastors be but Ser­vants of the Magistrate. end of the world; then must all these directions be principally writ­ten to the Magistrate as the Magistrate; and these Epistles to Ti­mothy agree principally to the Christian Magistrate, and to Pastors and Doctors at the by, as they be delegates and substitutes of the Magistrates; and that, by office, the Emperour of Rome was to lay hands suddenly on no man, and commit the Gospel to faithfull men who could teach others, and was not to receive an accusation against an Elder; and certainly, if the Magistrate call to office those that are over us in the Lord, and if those who watch for our soules, especially, be but the curates and delegates of the King and Parliament, then the King and Parliament behoved in a more eminent manner to watch for our souls; for directions and commandments of God in this kinde, are more principally given to the Master, Lord, and chief Governour of the house of God, (if the Magistrate be such) then to the servants & delegates▪ But where is there any such directions gi­ven to the Emperour, King, or Christian Magistrate, by any shadow of ground in the Word? It is not much to say, The Magistrate was an heathen & an enemy at this time, and therefore those could not be writ­ten to him. For 1. No force can strain these two Epistles to Timothy, [Page 508] and the other to Titus, which contain a form of Church-policy to any Christian Magistrate; for then the qualification of the King, if he be the supream Governour of the Church should far rather have been expressed, then the qualification of a Bishop and a Deacon, which is no where hinted at. 2. All these directions, notwithstan­ding this, do and must actu primo, agree to the Mag [...]strate: for his office who is chief governour, & what he should be is described in the Word. 3. When Christ ascended on high, he gave, as a fruit of his ascension, sufficient means for his intended end, The perfe­cting of the Saints, the gathering of his Body the Church, and the edi­fying thereof, even till we all meet in the Ʋnity of the Spirit, and the knowledge of the son of God unto a perfect man, Eph. 4. Now nei­ther in that place, nor in any other place, did Christ give a Magi­strate for the edifying his Body the Church; but only those that are but his Delegates, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, i [...] the Magistrate be the only Governour of the Church, and he who sendeth into the Vineyard those who edifie the Body; the King should have been first in this Role, as the only supream gatherer, edifier and builder of the Church: It cannot be said, The Ruling El­der then, because he is omitted here, should not be the gift of Christ, given to Edifi [...] the Church; and by this it must be denied, that the King the Nurse father of the Church who is to take care that the Children be fed with the sincere milk of the Word, is given of God to edf [...]ie the Church, because he is not name [...] here.

Ans. Our Divines, as Calvin, Beza, Marlorate, do strongly Argum. 4. gather from this place, that because the Pope pretended to be the Catholick edifier of the Church, is not here in this Text, nor in any other scripture, that therefore he is not the head of the Church; and the King, being pretended to be the only eminent gatherer of the Church, and Supream Governour in all Causes, Civill and Ec­clesiasticall, he should especially have been set down here, he being a mixed person, and more then half a Church-officer in the minde of the Adversary: And there was no colour of reason, why the su­pream and only Head, and principall Governour of the Church, should be omitted, at least the Magistrate should be in some other Scripture as the only Church Governor; seeing the Adversaries make Pastors, Doctors, Elders, and Deacons, only the Delegates and Servants of the Magistrate. 1. As God calleth the King to governe [Page 509] the people, by the free election of the people; so if the Magistrate be called of God to teach and govern the Church, this calling of his should be in the Scripture, as his calling to the Throne or Bench is, Deut. 17. 14. 15, &c. & 1. 15, 16. Rom. 13. Tit. 3. 1, 2. But in nei­ther the Old nor the New Testament finde we any Prince or Ruler separated for the holy things of God, to be ` Priest, Apo­stle, Pastor, Prophet, Teacher by vertue of his office, as if he were a mixed person (as the Adversarie say.) No David is called to Sacrifice, no Constantine to preach and Administrate the Sacraments by ver­tue of the Magistrates place. 2. If any Reply, that the Christian Magistrate is a means ordained for that spirituall end, the gathering and edifying the Church, in regard the keepeth not only the second Table of the Law, and so promoteth not only the Temporall good of the State in promoting mercy and Justice only, but also in pro­curing spirituall good to the people in preserving the first Table of the Law. I Answer, That the Christian Magistrate doth both; but 1. Not directly by being the intrinsecall means, in actibus elicitis, in elicite and intrinsecall acts, promoting edification in both Ta­bles of the Law, of which the Scripture speaketh, Eph. 4 11. but a far other way: 1. In imperated and commanded acts extrinsecally, as he doth command with the sword for Peaces cause in all calling [...], in sailing, trading, painting, &c. promoting it by carnall means by the sword, which belongeth not to the officers of Christs Kingdom. 2. Not necessarily, as the Pastors and Elders, without which Christ hath no externall visible Kingdom on earth, whereas he hath had, & often hath a compleat flourishing externall visible Kingdom without Magistrates: yea, where Magistrates have been open enemies to the Gospel. 3. Not directly the Magistrate doth this, but in so far as he admitteth (as Triglandius saith) the Church of Christ within his State, which he may, and often doth refuse to do, and yet be a com­pleat Trigland. de civi. & Eceles. po­test. disser. Theolo. c. 4. p. 80. Magistrate; and therefore the Magistrate may two wayes procure the spirituall good of the Church: 1. By procuring that the Nurses give good and wholesome milk to the Church, 2. Per­modum removent is prohibens, which is also a cause, for he may save the flock from great temptations, when by his sword he driveth away the Wolves from the flock▪ But not any of these bringeth the Magistrate within the lis [...] of the number of these intrinsecall, 2. Ne­cessary, 3. Spirituall gifts, which Christ ascending on high, [Page 510] gave for the Edifying of his Body the Church.

Two powers so different as spirituall and temporall: 2. As po­wers Arg. 3. carnall of this world, and spirituall not of this world: And 3. Both immediatly subject, the one to God the creator, the other to Christ the Redeemer and Head of the Church, and so co-ordi­nate, and supream both of them in their own kinde, cannot be so subordinate, as the temporall should be the supream in the same kinde, the spirituall the inferiour and subordinate. But these two powers are so different, as spirituall and temporall, carnall of this world, spirituall not of this world, the one subject as supream im­mediatly to God creator, the other supream immediately subject to God the redeemer; Ergo, Those powers of Governing are not so subordinate as the Temporall should be supream, the spirituall sub­ordinate to it.

The Major is undeniable, for it involveth a contradiction that two supreame co-ordinate powers should be two, not Supreame, Civill and Ecclesiasti­call powers immediatly from God. but subornidate powers: The same way I prove the Assumption. 1. The Magistrates power is supreame from God, Rom. 13. 1. The Powers that are be of God, Prov. 8. By me Kings reigne, for no Ecclesiasticall power, nor any power on earth, interveenes be­tween God the Creator, and the power of the civill Magistrates; But God who giveth being to a society of men, hoc ipso, because they are a society of reasonable men, hath given to them a pow­er immediately from▪ himselfe, to designe such and such to be their Rulers: Shew us any higher power above the Magistrates, but God the creator making the civill power. Never man dreamt that the Spirituall power of the Church doth interveen as an instru­mentall cause of the politick power. 2. By order of nature, a po­litick power is first: men are first men in naturall and politick society, ere they be in a supernaturall pollicy, or a Church; and Christ did not make a spirituall power by the intervention of a civill power. 2. The power of the two Kingdoms are distinguished by Christ, Iohn 18. 36. Iesus answered, my Kingdome is not of this World, (then the power thereof is not of this World,) if my King­dome were of this World, then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Iewes. The one power is coactive by the Sword, the other free, voluntary by the Word. Erastus had no reason to infer thence that Christs Kingdome is onely internall and [Page 511] invisible, not externall and visible, because Christ opposeth his King­dom to a fighting Kingdom, using the sword to defend him from the Iewes, that he should not be taken and crucified, as is clear in the words, but he opposeth not his Kingdome to an externall visible Kingdom, for his Church visible consisting of visible Officers is his Kingdom, Eph. 4. 11, 12. 1 Cor. 12. 13 &c. The Word of the Kingdom is audible, and it is visibly professed, and Ministers are visibly and externally called to the holy Ministery, by the laying on of the hands of the Elders and voices of the People; but he opposeth his Kingdome to a Kingdome fighting with the Sword, and using the coactive power of the sword to save him from being apprehen­ded and crucified by the Iewes: Now this is the Magistrates King­dome, for he beareth not the sword in vain, Rom. 13. 4. and so Christ evidently proveth in these words, that the power that beareth the sword, which is the very essence of the Magistrates office as a Magistrate, is not a part of his Kingdome, for his Kingdome is of another World, and Spirituall; but the Magistrates power is of this World, and useth worldly weapons, as the sword. Then it is evident that the Magistrate as the Magistrate, 1. Is not subordi­nate The Magi­strate not subordi­nate to Christ as Mediator. to Christ as Mediator and head of the Church. 2. That when it was said, All power in heaven and earth is given to the Mediator Christ: The sense cannot be, the power of the sword was given to him as Mediator, to be a judge and a Ruler on earth, which he refused, Luke 12. 13, 14. (though as God he hath the power of the sword.) 3. That the supream Magistrate as Magistrate is not the onely Deputie, Delegate, and Vicar of Christ as Mediator; for if Christ as Mediator have a substitute and Deputie, such as the Magistrate as the Magistrate, who beareth his bloodie sword to cut off the enemies of the Church, and to fight for Christ: then 1. Christs Kingdome surely should be of this World. 2. By the same reason, since as Mediator he is Priest, and a High Priest to of­fer a sacrifice to God, as all Priests must doe that are proper Priests Heb. 8. 3. c. 9. 7. c. 10. 14. c. 10. 1, 2, 3. &c. there must be Priests under Christ properly so called, to offer some bloodie sacrifice satisfactorie for sinne, which is blasphemie to say, I meane proper Priests; for otherwise in a figurative and borrowed sense, all be­leeevers are Priests to offer themselves to God, Rom. 12. 1. Revel. 1. 5. 6. 1 Pet. 2. 9. but not the Deputies of the High Priest Iesus [Page 512] Christ, and by the same reason he must have Prophets under him that are Vicars and Deputies, which is unpossible for Christ as Prophet and great Prophet, is essentially Lawgiver, and the Au­thor of Cannonick Scripture, and he who really by a supernaturall power teacheth the heart, but so he hath no Deputies, nor any Mi­nisters or Prophets, nor any under Law-givers, or under Pro­phets, which by an action or any active power communicated to them, can as under Lawgivers devise any part of Law or Gospell or any other part of Cannonick Scripture, or have any active in­fluence supernaturall to make a new heart: Hence all our Divines say, Christ as Mediator and King of the Church hath no Deputies, neither King, nor High Priest, nor Pope, nor Saint. 4. It must fol­low, that the Magistrate who as Magistrate beareth the Sword, is not the head officer of the Church under the Mediator; for as Magistrate he must act with the sword, upon the Church as the Church, and the Ministers of the Gospell as they are such; where­as when the Magistrate doth act as Magistrate on the Ministers with the sword, he doth it on them as men erring and sinning: But onely so he procureth as a Magistrate the spirituall good of the Church as the Church, indirectly and by the sword, in driving a­way Hereticks and wolves from the flock.

That Church which is the pattern and rule to all the Churches un­to Argum. 2. the end of the world, in those things that belongeth to a Church, as a Christian Church, must be our rule and paterne in Govern­ment: But in the Apostolick Church of Jerusalem, Antioch, Ephe­sus, Thessalonica, Corinth, Galatia, Philippi, Colosse, the seven Churches of Asia, planted and framed up as perfect Christian Churches, by the Apostles, the Magistrate was not the only supream Governour of Churches; nor did the Apostles, Elders and Teachers in those Churches, nor the Church, act, preach, dispence the Sacra­ments, rule, governe as servants, under, and through, and from the Authority of the Magistrate or King, as his Vicars, deputies, and servants; But by immediate Authority from Iesus Christ placed in them without the interveening mediation of Magistrates; Ergo, that Church should be the patern of our Church, though the adver­saries deny the proposition, to wit, that the Apostolick Churches as Apostolick, should be our patern in all things in regard that the Ma­gistrates were then heathens & enemies to the Church and Gospel, [Page 513] and so de facto, actually, and by accident could not be the supream officers and Governours of the Church; yet now, when we have The patern Church of the Apo­stles not ruled by the Magi­strate. Christian Magistrates, that are nursefathers to the Church, and be­leevers professing the Gospel, such as David, Solomon, Iosiah, Ieho­shaphat, and Ezekiah, and other godly Princes of Israel and Iudah were, and therefore that the Church, as it is a Generall, both to the Iewish and Christian Church, should be our paterne in Go­vernment; yet we have (though I say, they deny this Major) a great advantage of the adversaries in these. 1. We have the first Christian Church to be our paterne, and the New Ierusalem that came downe from Heaven, from God, Revel. 21. 10. The mother of us all, Gal. 4. 26. Which is builded upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himselfe being the chief corner stone, Ephe. 2. 20. to be our rule and paterne, and all that was prophecied, though not compleatly in all the degrees of the Church of the Apo­stles, was then fulfilled, as touching the essence of a Church. 2. Yet here the Magistrate was no chief officer. 3. The adversaries must prove Moses, David, Solomon, and those godly Kings, as Kings and Magistrates, and virtute officij, were supream rulers and Church-officers, and so that Constantine, and all the godly Princes and Emperours, were, by vertue of their office, as Magistrates, all such Prophets, as were Moses, David, Solomon: for certainly, they as Prophets wrote Scripture, had the form and structure of the Temple revealed to them of God, received Laws from God for the Priests: if our Kings as Magistrates now can do the like, we shall then say something to their Headship over the Church. 4. And if they reformed Religion in the time of the defection of the Priests, when they were holy and zealous, and walked with God, and did right in the sight of the Lord like unto David, such as Jehoshaphaet, Josi­ah, when the Priests were corrupt: we shall grant the like to Parlia­ments made up of Josiahs and Ezechiahs; when the Assembly of Di­vines are corrupt, Heterodox, and all the Pastors have corrupted their wayes. 5. Civill punishing of Church-men when they are Erast. and Mr. Pryn grant, that there is such an or­dinance as excommu­nication. Hereticall and scandalous, we heartily yield to Magistrates. But that Magistrates as such should Excommunicate and admit such to the Sacrament, and reject other such, and rebuke, or, that the Ma­gistrate as the Magistrate, did of old judge between the clean and the unclean, cast out from the congregation and camp, and receive [Page 514] in, and so governe the Church, is altogether unwarranttable. Now the adversaries, as Erastus, grant that Idolaters, Apostates, and Confirm. Thes. l. 6. c. 2. p. 349. Sane ut [...] ­dololatram & apostatam nega [...]us membram esse Eccle­siae Christi sie etiam ne­quit [...]am s [...] ­am defen­dentem, inter membra Ec­clesiae censen­dum esse. Et quemadmo­dum illes ex Christiano caetu judi­camus exter­minandos, sic hos quoque putamus in eo catu non esse ferendos. Erastus con­firm. Thes. l. 3. c. 3. p. 207. Mr. Pryn in his vin­dication of four serious questions, p. 30. 31. Vindicati­on of four serious questions page 52. extreamly prophane men, are to be cast out of the Christian society, and not to be suffered there; and also that Dogs, and Swine, and Apostates, & persecut [...]rs, are neither to be admitted to hear the Word, nor partake of the Sacraments: So also Mr. Pryn, if Magistrates must cast them out of the Church by vertue of their office, and judge as Ma­gistrates who are prophane, and who truly feare God, and who are dogs and Apostates, who not, surely then Magistrates as Ma­gistrates must discerne between the cleane and the uncleane, as Priest▪ of old, and must separate the precious from the vile, as the Prophets did of old, and so were the mouth of God, and must stand before the Lord, le [...]. 15. 19. Then must Magistrates as Magistrates be Pastors called in the Pulpit as well as in the Throne, and the Bench, and that by vertue of their calling, which neither Erastus, nor the reverend Mr. Pryn will owne. Now if the Elders of the Church with the consent of the people, must cast such out of the Church, and from communion in the holy things of God, here is in expresse termes the very Ecclesiasticall Excommunication which Mr. Pryn denieth to be an Ordinance of God, and yet it must be commanded by Iesus Christ in these words, Mat. 7. 6. Give not holy things unto dogs, and therefore keep not in Church commu­nion the prophane, and (by the way) Mr. Pryn to me yeeldeth the cause, and granteth that Excommunication and suspension from the Sacraments, doe both fall under this precept of Christ, Mat. 7. That which falleth under a command of Christ, to me is a Divine Ordinance. 2. He saith also, reasoning against are suspension from the Sacraments, Obstinate scandalous sinners make no conscience at all of receiving the Sacrament, and voluntarily suspend themselves there-from, in case they be freely admitted to other Ordinances, it be­ing onely the totall Exclusion from the Church, and all Christian society (not any bare suspension from the Sacrament,) which worketh both shame and remorse in excommunicate persons, as Paul resolveth 1 Thes. 3. 14. 1 Cor. 5. 13. compared with 1 Cor. 1. to v. 10. 3. This is, in terminis, excommunication proved from divers pla­ces of Scripture, for it is a totall Exclusion from the Church, and all Christian society, working shame and remorse as Paul resol­veth: We seeke no more, Pauls resolution to us is a Divine right. [Page 515] Those words of that Learned and Reverend man have (give me leave by the way to say, for I hope worthier then I am, do answer fully all he hath said in this subject) all that we crave. For 1. ob­stinate men will voluntarily suspend themselves from the Sacra­ment: Ergo, the Church should not suspend them onely, but also Excommunicate them; I grant all, if they be obstinate, they are to be not only suspended, but also excommunicated; Ergo, they are not solie and onely to be suspended, Pro hac vice, for this time; it followeth no waies, all that this Reverend Lawyer saith a­gainst sole suspension from the Sacrament of an obstinate offen­der, is nothing against us; if he be obstinate, he is not onely to be suspended from the Sacrament, but also if he goe on in refu­sing to heare the admonitions of brethren, and of the Church, he is to be excommunicated; Ergo, he is not first, hac vice, to be sus­pended from a confirming Ordinance given to those onely who are supposed to have the life of faith, and can onely eat and drinke spi­ritually and by faith the body and blood of Christ; It follow­eth not. I thinke Mr. Pryn would not have Hereticks and Apo­states suddenly and at the first totally (as he saith) excluded from the Church, and all Christian society, sure we owe some gentlenes and patience even to them, If God peradventure may give them Repentance to scape out of the snare of the Devil, 2 Tim. 2. 24. 25, 26. yet if an Heretick and Apostate that same day that the Lords Sup­per were to be celebrated should deny the Resurrection, and Ie­sus Christ to be God blessed for ever, and not equall with the Fa­ther, nor consubstantiall with him, and withall should that same day have offered his childe to Molech, and yet professe his desire to come to the Lords Supper, professing he had tryed and exami­ned himselfe, and his desire to come to eate and drinke with Iesus Christ the great Prophet of his Church; Would not Mr. Prynne thinke he should not be admitted to the Lords Supper, and yet that he should not totally be excluded from the Church, and all communion from the Church and holy things of God? I should think if he cannot be presently excommunicated, yet he should not be admitted to the Sacrament, for sure he cannot but be in a dog­gish and swinish disposition in one degree or other: And my reason is, he is as Erastus saith, non rectè institutus, not rightly in­structed, but heterodoxe, and so cannot try and examine himselfe, [Page 516] while he be better principled in the faith: so a suspension for a time from the Lords supper, and ex natura rei, without totall exclusion from the Church and all Christian society, were as necessary, (whether the Magistrate or Church suspend, I dispute not now) as a degree of punishment, or a preventing of eating of damnation is necessary hi [...] & nunc: O, but saith Master Prinne, Christ knew that Iudas was worse than an heretick, and yet he denied not to admit him to the Supper; Ergo, though we knew such a one, the Sacra­ment being a converting Ordinance, it followeth not that we should debarre him from the Sacrament.

Ans. Whether Iudas did eat the Supper of the Lord, or not, I think nothing of the matter; only Master Prinne hath duram provin­ciam, and a very hard task to prove it from Scripture, If I were to examine his book, I should deny his consequences from the Evan­gelists, for not any of them can prove that Iudas did communicate at the last Supper. But, 1. Christs example in this being an act of Christ, as God, permitting the greatest hypocrisie on earth, is no rule to the Church to give the Lords Supper to Iuddasses; First, Iudas was visibly and infallibly to Christ, a man who deserved to be totally excluded out of the Church and all Christian societie, and to Christ a knowne traitor, a Devill, an hypocrite; Ergo, as Christ did not exclude him out of the Church; neither should the Saints now exclude from their society; nor should the Christian Magistrate (as Erastus and Master Prinne thinketh) exclude Iudasses and knowne traitors, and knowne Devills, and knowne children of the Devil out of the Church; this is to Erastus and Master Prinne both absurd. 2. Christ did eat and drink with Iudas knowing him to be all these; Ergo, we may eat and drink with knowne traitors also, the contrary is a truth, 1 Cor. 5. 9, 10. 11. 2 Thess. 3, 14, 15, Rom. 16. 17. evident enough. 3. Christ preached the Gospel to those that he knew sinned against the Holy Ghost, to the Phari­sees who persecuted Christ to death and others, Math. 12. 31, 32, 33, 34. Ioh. 15. 22, 23, 24, 25. Ioh. 7. 28, 29. Ioh. 12. 35, 36, 37, 38. Ioh. 10. 31, 32. Ioh. 11. 47, 48. and this is by the exposition of Erastus l. 3. c. 3. pag. 307. 308. and Master Prinne his vindication, pag. 38, 39. To give holy things to dogs: so Mr. Prinne saith, that by doggs and swine, are meant only such infidels and heathen, who refuse to im­brace and beleeve the Gospel, or harbour or entertain the preachers of [Page 517] it, (of which the text is principally intended) as well as the Sacra­ments, or of such open contemners, persecutors of the Gospel and Mini­sters, who runne upon and teare the preachers thereof, trampling the pearls of the Gospel, and the tenderers of them under their feet, as the Text resolves in terminis, Mat. 7. 6. Mat. 10, 14, 15. Luk. 9▪ 5. Act. 13. 46. or open Apostates. 2. Pet. 1. 2, 21, 22, &c: hence by this we may give the pearls of the Gospel to such dogs as the Pharisees, for to them Christ tendred the pearle of the Gospel. 4. Christ might have hindred, being God equall with the Father, the Pharisees and Iews to malice him; Ergo, he being above the Laws that he gives to us, doth not in this example warrant us to cast the pearls of the Gospel to such as we know to be Iudasses, Pharisees, and malicious haters and heart-murtherers of Christ. 2. There is not the like rea­son The Gos­pel preach­ed to those to whom the Sacra­ments can­not be dis­pensed. of preaching the word, and dispensing the seals, 1. Because the word is a converting ordinance out of question, and preached to heathen and to the non-converted, though they refuse to imbrace and beleeve the Gospel, and refuse to entertaine the preachers of it: as is clear, Act. 19. 22, 23, 24, 25. Tit. 1. 10, 11, 12, 13. 2 Tim. 3. 25, 26, 27. The Texts that Master Prinne alledgeth, that the Gospel should not be preached to heathen who refuse to imbrace and be­leeve the Gospel, to wit, Mat. 10. 14, 15. Luk. 9. 5. Act. 13. 46. are to no purpose, for Mat. 10. Luk. 9. is but a Temporary Commande­ment, given for a time, that the Disciples should depart from those houses of Iudea (there is nothing of the heathen; But by the con­trary the Apostles are forbidden to go to Samaritanes or Gentiles at all, Mat. 10. 5, 6.) who would not receive the peace of God in the Gospel, which precept the Apostles in the story of the Acts, did not observe; but preached the Gospel to many heathen who refused to imbrace and beleeve the Gospel: As Act. 16. and 17. and 19. 2. The place, Act. 13. 15. is meant of the blaspheming Iews, to whom Paul preached long after they persecuted and stoned the Prophets, and had killed the Lord of life, Act▪ 2. and 4. and 8. and 9. Mat. 23. 37, 38. 3. Those places, are to better colour of purpose brought by Armi­nians, and Socinians to prove, that the Gospel is preached to peo­ple for their good entertainment thereof, and denied to others for their unworthinesse, and because they will not welcome it; So the Arminians in the conference at Hague, pag. 87, 88, 89. God sendeth the Gospel not according to his absolute will, sed ob alias causas in ho­mine [Page 518] latent [...]s, for secret causes in man. Arminius against Per­kins. p. 199. The will of God in sending the Gospell, hath causes in the will of man according to that, habenti dabitur: So Corvinus ad Wallachros, p. 44. Socinus Comment. in 1. Epist. Ioh. c. 4. p. 307. saith the same: and Mr. Pryn is pleased in the same sense to cite them, I conceive imprudently, for I beleeve that Reverend and learned man doth hate those impious Sects, the Enemies of the grace of God; but truly if this be a rule to Pastors to spread the Gospell, that they are to offer and give the pearle of the preached Gospell to those that willingly receive it, and harbour the prea­chers, and presently to depart and preach no more the word of the Kingdom to those who refuse it, as the places Mat. 10. 14. & Luke 9. 5. carry that sense, because they are Heathens who refuse to embrace and beleeve the Gospell, and harbour the Preachers, as (the worthy Divine saith,) conceiving that to be a casting of Pearles to Dogs and Swine; I see not how the Preachers & spreaders of the Gospel to the Heathen, are to beleeve that God out of meer grace, & the good pleasure of his will, without respect to good or bad deserving, sen­deth the Gospel to some, and denieth it to others. 3. Though the Sa­crament of the Supper be a converting Ordinance in this sense, that it corroborateth faith and conversion, where it was once, and so ap­plyeth the Promises to one who before beleeved, yet it is not a con­verting ordinance, that is to be administred to one dead in sins and trespasses, as the word is, for then at the first Sermon that ever is preached to a Heathen, if he should say, though for base & worldly ends known to the Church that he desired to have the Sacraments, we are obliged to beleeve that he sincerely desireth these Seals, and The Sacra­ment a confirming ordinance. instantly at the same sermon to baptise him, & administer the other Seal of the Lords Supper to him; for how can we deny converting Ordinances to those who desire them? say our adversaries. 4. An ordinance that cannot be dispensed to a Heathen, remaining a Hea­then, and to an unconverted man knowne to be an unconverted man, is not an Ordinance that ought to be dispensed, as the ordi­nance of the Word, and as the first converting ordinance, to so ma­ny as we may safely dispense the Word unto, and if it be first a con­verting ordinance, as the preaching of the Word is; then it is to be dispensed to all those to whom we are to preach the Word. But Erastus and Mr. Pryn grant, we may preach the Word to Hea­then [Page 519] remaining Heathen, and if they deny it, (as they yeeld it) the Apostles did preach the Gospel to the Heathen remaining Hea­then, but they never admitted, nor can we admit to the Lords Sup­per Heathen remaining Heathen, nor could the Iewes upon the same ground, admit to the Passeover the uncircumcised: now then the preaching of the Word to some cannot make the Church and prea­chers guilty of casting pearles to Swine, and of partaking of their si [...], whose hearing is not mixed with faith; and yet if the Church and Ministers should admit to the Sacraments Heathen remai­ing Heathen, they should prostitute holy things to Dogs, and be guilty of an Heathen mans eating of his owne damnation; Hence this Assertion of Mr. Prynne must be a great mistake, That Vindicati­on p. 35. Ministers may as well refuse to preach the Word to such unex­communicated, grosse, impenitent, scandalous Christians, whom they would suspend from the Sacrament, for feare of partaking with them in their sinne, as to administer the Sacrament to them, because (saith he,) unprofitable hearing is as damning a sinne, as unworthie recei­ving of the Sacrament: 1. Because there is and may be discovered to bee in the congregation, persons as unworthy as Heathen, such as Simon Magus, yea, latent Iudasses, Parricides, who are in the visible Church while God discover their hypocrisie; but we may lawfully preach the Word to men as uncapable of the Word as Heathen, and as unworthie; as Christ and the Apostles did, who did not contravene that, Cast not Pearles to Swine, yet we cannot give the Sacraments to men knowne to be as scandalous, unca­pable, and unworthy as Heathen; but we must prostitute holy things to Dogs, and partake of their sinne; for this is non causa pro causa, that Mr. Prynne bringeth, to say we may as well refuse to preach the Gospell to scandalous impenitents, as to administer the Sacrament, without partaking of the sinnes of either, because unpro­fitable hearing is as damning a sinne, as unworthy receiving the Sup­per; This Because is no cause: it is true, they are both damnable sinnes, but how proveth he that Preachers partake equally of both▪ I can shew him a clear difference which demonstrateth the weak­nesse of this connexion. 1. Vnprofitable hearing of the Gospell in a Heathen is as damning a sin, as hypocriticall receiving of the Sa­crament is a sinne, they are not equalia peccata, but sure they are [...]què peccata; but I may preach the Gospel to a Heathen, and [Page 520] not partake of his sinne of unprofitable hearing, for I may be com­manded to preach to a Heathen remaining a Heathen, as Paul preached to Felix, to the scoffing Athenians, to the persecuting Iews, We partake of the sins of many in dispensing to them the Sacrament, and not in preaching to them the Word▪ and giving obedience to the command of God, freeth me from partaking of his unprofitable hearing; But I cannot administer the Lords Supper to an Heathen remaining a Heathen, without sha­ring in his sin; and suppose a Heathen remaining a Heathen would croud in to the Lords Table, as of old many Heathen fained them­selves to be Iewes, desiring to serve the time, 1 Sam. 14. 21. yet I should partake of the Heathens unworthy receiving, if knowing him to be a Heathen serving the time, and crouding in amongst the people of God, I should administer the Lords Supper, because I have no command of God to administer the Lords Supper to a Heathen man, nor could Paul administer the Sacrament to the scoffing Athenians, or to Felix, without taking part with them in their prophaning of the Lords Table. 2. The ne­cessity of preaching the Word, it being simply necessary to the first conversion of a sinner, putteth Pastors in a case that they may, and ought to preach the Gospell to Heathen, and to thousands knowne to be unconverted without any participation of their un­profitable hearing, and the non-necessity of the Lords Supper, or the Seale of the Covenant, and the nourishing of their souls to life eternall, who visibly and to the knowledge of those who are dispensers of the Sacrament, prophane, and abominably wicked, putteth those same dispensers in a condition of being compartners with them in the prophaning of the holy things of God, if they dispence the bread to those that are knowingly dead in sinnes, so the Gospell may be taught in Catechisme to Children, Deut. 6. 6, 7. 2 Tim. 3. 15. Exod. 12. 26, 27. Gen. 18. 19. Prov. 22. 6. because there is a necessity they be saved by hearing, Rom. 10. 14. 1 Cor. 1. 23. but there is no necessity, but a command on the contrary, that the Lords Supper be dispensed to no children, nor to any that cannot examine themselves, and they may be saved without the Sacrament, but not ordinarily without the Word; nor were it enough to for­warne Apostates, and persecutors, and Hypocriticall heathen, and children, that if they eate unworthily they eate their owne dam­nation, as Mr. Pryn saith, and yet reach the Sacrament to those, Vi [...]d. p. 36 for the dispensers then should [...]ast Pearls to some Dogs and Swine [Page 521] contrary to Mat. 5. 6. and they should be free of the guilt in pol­luting of holy things, if they should give them a watch-word, say they were about to prophane the holy things of God, before they committed such wickednesse. Nor doe we as Mr. Pryn saith, nor know we, or the Scriptures any such distinction, as sealing exter­nally to the senses of any receiving the Lords Supper, lawfully di­vided, (sinfully it may be divided, but there is no Law for sinne, no print, no authority of men for it,) from the internall sealing, nor heard we ever of two sorts of conversion, one externall from Vindicati­on p. 40. 41. Paganisme to the externall profession of the faith, wrought extra­ordinarily by Miracles without the Word, and ordinarily by Bap­tisme in Infants▪ and another internall from formall profession, to an inward imbracing of Christ and his merits. 1. Because the Stew­ards and Ambassadors of Christ, may notdare to play with the Sa­craments as children doe with nuts, to seal to mens senses and fan­cies Christ and spirituall nourishment in him, and part in his bo­dy broken and blood shed, in those who visibly have nothing of faith to their discerning, and of the life of Christ, but onely senses and fancie, such as all visibly and notoriously scandalous walking after the flesh, all Herericks, Apostates, knowne and unwashen Hypo­crites have, and no more. 2. All heathen and unbaptized have senses, and are capable of externall washing, and externall and Sacra­mentall eating, as well as others are, but are they capable of the Seals, because they have bodies to be washed, and teeth and sto­macke to eat Sacramentally? And have Ministers warrant enough to dispense the Sacraments to all that have senses? But they must be within the visible Church also, ere they be capable of Sacraments, Mr. Pryn will say; but I aske by what warrant Mr. Pryn alledgeth that the Supper of the Lord is a converting ordinance as well as the Word, and that Pastors may without sinne dispense the Sacra­ments to those to whom they preach the Word, but they may preach the Word to Heathen remaining Heathen; Ergo, may they dispense the Lords Supper to Heathen remaining Heathen? What more absurd? yet, remaining Heathen, they are as capable of Mr. Pryn his sense-sealing, and sense-converting Sacraments, as any sound beleever. 3. A sealing to the senses cannot be divided from the inward sealing by the Spirit; neither in the intention of God, for the externall sealing without the internall is Hypocrisie, and [Page 522] God cannot intend Hypocrisie, nor can this division be in regard of the nature of the Sacrament, for it doth seal to us our spirituall nourishment in Christ, except we sinfully separate the one from the other, and sin is no ordinance of God. 4. What word of Christ hath Mr. Pryn for extraordinary conversion of men by Miracles We know no extra­ordinary conversion by Mira­cles with­out the Word. without the Word? He must conceive with Arminians and Soci­nians, that many are converted that never heard of that precious name of Iesus, without which there is no salvation, Act. 4. 11. or of a faith in Christ, as Moses Amyraldus dreameth, with­out the knowledge of Christ, and may write books de salute Eth­nicorum, for this externall conversion doth lead of its owne na­ture to internall conversion and salvation: This may make us fancie somewhat of the salvation of Aristotle, Seneca, Cicero, Ari­stides, Scipio, Regulus, without the Law or Gospell, this way of extraordinarily saving men by Miracles without the Gospell, is the doctrine of Arminians and Socinians; so say the Arminians at the Synod of Dort▪ pag. 334, 335. Those whom God hath deprived of the Gospell, he hath not precisely rejected them from a communion of the benefits of the Gospell. Adolphus Venator. adver. Drace­nos p. 84. saith, The heathen are saved without the Gospell, if they [...]n but pray, Ens Entium miserere mei, Socinus praelec. Thelo. c. 3. telleth us of an inspired word that saveth us, called verbum interius. You may please Schoolmen thus, such as Granadus Contr. 8. de grat. tract. 6. disp. 1. numb. 43. did. Ruiz. de Prede­sti. Andrad. de­fens. fidei, Trid. l. 2. p. 239. fal­sa sunt haec plerunque, plerunque infirma eti­am Ec [...]lcsiae verae judi­cia. Maldonat. in▪ Mat. 7. v. 22. Greg. de Va­l [...]n. t [...]m. 3. dis. 1. p. 4. sect. 3. se. 8. numb. 7. Alexand. Alens. 8. p. q. 69. memb. 5. art. 3. De bonis Philosophis sic credo, &c. Roa. lib. 1. De Provident. quest. 7. n. 50. Vega lib. 13. in Trident. cap. 12. Enriquez Tom. 2. De ultimo fine, c. 14. num. 6. quod lib. 8. quest. 5. Vasquez 1. par. disp. 97. and c. 5. Soto lib. 1. de nat. & grat. c. 18. ad. 2. Francis. Sonnius in demonstrat. Tract. 12. de consiliis c. 8. Camerarius lib. 1. de grat. c. 8. & lib. 7. c. 8. who doe all of them send all the good Philosophers and white Morallists to hea­ven by Miracles, inspirations, extraordinary workes of providence, and that without any rumour of Christ and the Gospell; famous Papists to their owne shame, yeeld that Divine faith cannot be pro­duced by Miracles. Andradius saith often they may be false. Mal­donatus saith, That no necessary argument of faith can be drawn from Miracles. Gregorius de Valen. saith, Miracles give us no infallible [Page 523] certainty of Doctrine. Bellarmine saith, Miracles cannot convince Bellarm. de lib. arb. lib. 6. cap. 1. Durandus quest. 1. in Prolegom. Sent. Sect. 46. the minde. Durandus giveth a sure reason why miracles cannot produce faith; Because (saith he) suppose it were known of it self, that this miracle of the raising e. g. of Lazarus were true, yet it is not known by it self, that it testifieth that this is a true Doctrine which he preacheth who worketh the miracle. Mr. Prynne then hath put the salvation of those who never heard the Gospel upon extraordinary Pillars, when he bottometh them on miracles without the word, which are extraordinary rotten Pillars.

5. The Lords Supper, of which we now dispute, is not the mean of The Sacra­ment of the Supper not a first con­verting or­dinance; ye [...] a confir­ming one it is. our first conversion, from formall profession, to inward embracing the Gospel: For the word must go before, and not simply the externall letter of the word; but the word first believed and received by the efficacions working of the holy Ghost: And so the word is indeed the first converting Ordinance; and so the Lords Supper is given to one who already believes, and the Sacrament concurreth as a mean to make good, corroborate, and increase the conversion which was before. Mr. Prynne might have spared his pains in pro­ving, That the Lords Supper is a converting Ordinance, because it ap­plieth Christ [...]o u [...]: we grant it to be a converting, and quickning, and lively applicatory Ordinance: But how? He may know that what ever Ordinance addeth a new degree of Faith of conversion, of saving application of Christ and the Promises, must be a converting Ordinance: But it is so converting, that it is a confirming Ordi­nance, The Lord [...] Supper pre­supposeth faith and conversion in the wor­thy receiver in Church­profession. and necessarily it presupposeth Faith and conversion already wrought by the word; it is not a first-converting Ordinance, such as is the word; but as nourishing or accretion is a sort of vitall ge­neration in the body of a growing childe, so as Physicians make nu­trition in children to be Aggeneration, or, Congeneration, or a vi­tall generation with, or in the body, and it presupposeth the first generation, by which life is given to the childe; now nourishing doth not give life, things void of life are not capable of nourishing; therefore nourishing is the continuing of life, and as it were pro­rogated and continued generation: so here, Sacramentall eating by faith, is a spirituall feeding and nourishing of the soul on the cruci­fied Lords body broken, & his blood shed, it is not the act of our first conversion: Regeneration is sealed in Baptisme, and Christ given as sealing and confirming Regeneration; but the Lords Supper is [Page 524] that which exhibiteth Christ to us as food, and sealeth our spirituall growing and coalition in Christ: I say not this, as if the Church could give the Supper of the Lord to none but such as are inwardly and really Regenerated, but to shew that the Church taketh such as are externally called, to be internally called when they dispense this Supper to them; & that they are nearer Christ then those that hear the Gospel (which Heathen may do) ere they can be admitted to the Supper. And this Erast. every where, and Mr. Pryn, in terminis teach Vindicat. pag 2. 3. when they say, That those that are recte instituti, rightly instructed, who earnestly desire the Lords Supper, professe sincere Repentance, and promise amendment, are only to be admitted to the Sacrament, and those only excluded who are convicted to be grosse and scandalous, and obstinate offenders. Whence it is clear they professe Repentance, and to the Church they are converts, who are to be admitted to the Supper before they come to the Lords Supper: Now this must be done by the word Preached, and received by faith in profession; Ergo, this Supper in the Church-way, cannot be dreamt to be a mean of their first conversion, far lesse in foro Dei, in Gods court, can men first receive the Lords Supper having never heard the word, and then be converted in foro Dei, really and inwardly, by receiving the Lords Supper; then might the Sacrament, before and without the word, be given, if it be a converting Ordinance be­longing to all to whom the word belongeth: For Mr. Prynne saith, It can be denyed to none within the visible Church. And what rea­son, if it be no lesse the first converting Ordinance, but that it may be administred to those that never heard the word, and are Mem­bers of the visible Church? And by this Mr. Prynne cannot deny, but the Lords Supper should be dispensed to infants and children, who cannot try themselves, nor yet discern the Lords Body: Yea, those that are convicted of obstinacy in scandalous sins, are Mem­bers of the Church; for how could they be judged, convicted and sentenced, if they be not within? 1 Cor. 5. 12. Ergo, their being Members of the Church, is not enough to admit them to the Lords Supper, except they be to the Church otherwise qualified and fitted for it. And this doth clearly evidence, That the word of the King­dom may, & ought to be Preached to many within the Church, that they may be converted to whom the Supper is not to be dispensed, that they may be cōverted, which is enough for our point to exclude [Page 525] promiscuous admission of all to the Supper; and to prove some o­ther qualification must be requisite, in those that come to the Supper before the Ministers, (without violation of the holy things of God, and being guilty of not distributing aright) can administer the Sup­per to them▪ and this is another visible qualification then is requisite in those that hear the word: For Erastus and Mr. Prynne require, That all that come to the Supper be rightly instructed. 2. That they promise amendment of life: But they cannot say, none are to be ad­mitted to hear the word, while they be qualified thus; you exclude the ignorant from the Sacrament, do you exclude the ignorant from hearing the word? Farther, I desire to be resolved, why Erastus and his require any qualification at all in the one, more then in the other, according to their way: For suppose persons Baptized be only negatively blamelesse, and not visibly scandalous; yet Erastus and Mr. Prynne cannot deny the Supper to such. Suppose they know not whether they be as ignorant of God as Indians, and sup­pose they promise no amendment, and do positively professe no re­pentance at all: 1. Ministers can deny no converting Ordinances to persons, because ignorant; for if the Supper of the Lord be a converting Ordinance, it shall convert men from their ignorance; and an Indian ignorant of Christ, ought to be Baptized, to the end, that Baptisme may convert him from his ignorance. Now I think our Brethren cannot say this, and therefore they must yield, that Mini­sters dare not admit all within the Church to the Seals, except they would be guilty of their sin, in eating to themselves damnation; and yet they dare not debar the ignorant within the Church from hea­ring the word, and so are no way compartners with them in the sin of unprofitable hearing. 2. Mr. Prynne may here see some igno­rants debarred from the Lords Supper; yet I hope he would not be so rigid as to Excommunicate all ignorants, because ignorant: the most rigid Novatians would condemne that: and here is sole suspension without Excommunication, which Mr. Prynne saith is not to be found in all the word of God.

I wondred much when I read those words of the learned and Vindicat. page 41. reverend Master Prynne: That God, who bestoweth no Ordinances on men in vaine, must intend in instituting the Supper, that visible mo­rall unregenerate Christians, may be converted thereby, as well as reall Saints be confirmed: to which I reply: 1. Neither word nor [Page 526] Sacraments, nor any thing on the part of the Almighty can be in­tended in vaine, though the end of the Ordinance be not obtained, I should have expected some such divinity from the pen of Armini­ans and Socinians, who make God to intend the salvation of all, and every one in both the promises of the Gospel, precepts and Sacra­ments, and yet he falleth from this end: so you may read, in Ar­minius Anti-Perkins, pag. 60. that God is disappointed in his end, in both Law and Gospel, and God shooting beside his mark misseth the salvation of many, say the Remonstrants at the Synod of Dort, pag. 216. and in their confession, c. 7. sect. 3. and because Socinus thought it hard thus to take from God wise intentions; he did no lesse then blasphemously deprive him of his omniscience: So Soci­ans contra puccium, c. 10. and in prelectionib. Theolog. c. 11. made all things that are contingently to come, uncertaine to God: But if you speak of intentio operis, non operantis, that the Supper, in its nature, is ordained (this may rather be your meaning) that morall men like Cicero, and Seneca, and Iudas, and the like, (for all are alike in regard of the nature of the ordinances, and of that which is the genuine intention not of God, but of this Sacrament) then you speak not of the supper as divided from the word, but as the word going before the Sacrament hath converted the man, and the Sacra­ment following doth adde to and confirme in grace. So, Sir, you depart from the question, for we grant that the Sermon going be­fore in the same day of the celebration of the Supper, may, and doth convert; and thus if an Indian heare a Sermon, to which the cele­bration of the Supper is annexed, if he be converted by that Ser­mon (as you teach the heart in those, is only knowne to God, the Church is not to judge) he may forthwith, ere he be baptised, come at the same time to the Lords supper, which were much pre­cipitation, little speed, and so the word formally converteth, not the Sacrament; But if you mean that the Sacrament formally, as the Sacrament is of its nature a mean of converting a morall Seneca, you mistake the nature of the seal, very farre, God never inten­ded that food as food should give life to the dead, the Supper as the Supper is spirituall food, and presupposeth the eater hath life, and how gate he life but by the word of God? 2. Doth the Sacrament as the Sacrament humble or speak one word of the Law? doth the Sacrament say any thing here, but Christ died for thee, O Seneca, [Page 527] and there is a pledge of his love in dying for thee; and the like it speaketh to Iudas, as Master Prinne thinketh, and can this convert a morall man never yet humbled for sinne? But I have gone thus out of the way in this purpose, I returne and desire pardon for this digression, not (I hope) fruitlesse at this time.

If the Magistrate be the chiefe Church-officer, how is it that the Church was without Christian Magistrates in the Apostles time? then is there no exact paterne of a Christian Church, what it should be, de jure? hath Christ in the New Testament not moulded the Church, the second temple in all the dimensions of it, as Moses, David, Solomon, did by immediate inspiration shew us the measure of the first Tabernacle, Sanctuary, and Temple? finally should Ce­sar, suppose he had been a Christian, have received imposition of hands from the Elders, a [...] his deputies the Ministers do? and be over the Church in the Lord as King? and receive accusations against Elders, ordaine Elders in every Church, put out and cast out the unworthy? only for the iniquity of the time, Ministers were forced to do these? Erastus and his have not one word of Scripture for this, or were the keys of the Kingdome of heaven given to Ce­sar? and because Cesar was without the Church, therefore Peter received them, Matth. 16. while Cesar should be converted, what Scripture have we for this? for to rule the Church as the Magi­strate doth, is an act of the Magistrate performed by power of the sword: Whether the Magistrate do rule in his owne person, or by his deputies and servants; Ergo, the Apostles governing the Church medled with the sword, which Christ forbade, Luk. 22. 25, 26. Rom. 13. 4. Luk. 12. 13, 14. and all the Pastors and teachers now in the exercise of discipline do usurpe the sword; Yea, if they be the deputies of the Magistrate in dispensing word and Sacra­ments, they must use the Magistrates sword as Ministers of the Gos­pel; for what servants do in the name of the supream swordbearer, that the swordbearer must principally do by the servants, so Mini­sters by this use both swords.

5. That the Magistrate cannot be the chief officer of the Church Arg. 5. is thus proved, he who is subject himself to heare the Church, and to submit to those that watcheth for his soul, and to be put out from amongst the midst of the Church; if he be scandalous, is not the principall Governour and head of the Church to command all: [Page 528] But all Christians, and so the Christian Magistrate is such, for if God accept not the persons of men, those places, Matth. 18. If he hear not the Church, &c. Heb. 13. 17. and 1 Cor. 5. 1, 2, 4, 12, 13. must tye the Christian Magistrate, except God have excepted him; but God hath no where excepted the Magistrate, But as David had The Magi­strate sub­ject to the Church. Gad, Nathan and other See [...]s; so the Magistrates now have some to watch for their souls. The proposition is proved, because if the Magistrate be supream to command Elders as Elders, both in Do­ctrine and discipline, and in all Ecclesiasticall censures, then the Magistrate as the Magistrate cannot be under the Elders and Mini­sters as such, for that involveth a contradiction; that Pastors as Pastors should watch over the souls of Magistrates that they erre not, and oppresse not in judgement, and that the Magistrate as Ma­gistrate should be over the souls of Pastors to watch for them in the same kind; if any object that the Pastors as Pastors have souls, and therefore they must have some to watch for their souls; and therefore can neither be supream, nor excepted in those places, Mat. 18. Heb. 13. 1 Cor. 5. It is answered by granting all of this or this single Pastor, but not of the whole company; for when they erre, we know not a whole communitie over them, but those of the Catholick visible Church; and if they erre, the Kings of the earth here may command them to do their duty under paine of bodily censure, and punish them: But none are above them to watch for their souls, that we know; but they by office, watch both for their owne souls, and for the souls of others, even as the King governeth himselfe and the people both politically.

6. Whatever power in matters of Christs Kingdome or the Go­vernment Argum. 6. thereof, the Magistrate hath, that must be given of Christ, who only can appoint Elders and officers over his owne house, but no where in Scripture find we any such power given to the Magi­strate; Ergo, we are to beleeve he hath not any such power. The proposition is true, because Christ being a perfect Lawgiver and King, doth give Lawes for his owne house, as particularly as Moses did for every severall pinne in the Lords Tabernacle, and David and Solomon for the Temple: the assumption I prove; because the Government of Christs house is spirituall, as the weapons of their warfare are not carnall, 2 Cor. 8. 5. and it is in binding and loosing, forgiving and retaining sinnes, by the power of the keys of the [Page 529] Kingdome of God given to the Church, and to such as are sent, as the Father sent his Son Christ, Matth. 18. 18. & 16. 19. Ioh. 20. 21, 22, &c. But Magistrates as Magistrates do punish sinnes with the sword, Rom. 13. 4. but not forgive sins, nor binde and loose in earth or heaven, nor exercise any spirituall power, nor deal with the consciences of men, no more then they cure the diseases of the body, though indirectly and externally they take care that there be Physicians who can cure diseases.

The power of governing the Church is the supream power un­der Christ, which can say to the Magistrates power, We must obey God, rather then men: But no such supream power agreeth to the Magistrate as Magistrate: For Ministers as Ambassadors of Christ, can and may preach, binde and loose, Rebuke, Excommunicate a­gainst the will of the Magistrate, though he command the contrary, as Prophets have rebuked Kings, Jer. 1. 18. & 22. 1, 2. 2 Sam. 12. 7, 8, 9. 1 King. 21. 18, 19. Mark 6. 17, 18. The Magistrate as the Magistrate can do none of these: nor hath he power to command the Ministers of Christ by way of privation; but only by way of accumulation he may command them to do their dury, and to preach the Gospel soundly, and forbid and punish the preaching of false Doctrine the same way.

Whatever power Christ hath given to his Church, that the Arg. [...]. The church a perfect society without the Magistrate. Christian Magistrate, when he becomes Christian, cannot take from the Church: But Christ gave to the Churches of Jerusalem, Antioch, Ephesus, Corinth, to the seven Churches of Asia, &c. a full power to dispense the word and Sacraments, to govern the Churches, to cen­sure Wolves and false Teachers, who draw Disciples after them, in Synods to condemne perverters of Soules, and refute their Doctrine, to put out incestuous persons, to Excommunicate such as will not hear the Church, and a power to reject a Heretick after twice admo­nition, and to rule well the Church, as they should rule their own house, and to rule well, and to labour in the Word and Doctrine, &c. when they had no Magistrates at all to rule and govern them as a Church. Now if the Church be a perfect visible body, society, house, city, and Kingdom of Jesus Christ, in esse & operari, in being and all Church-operations; then the Magistrate, when he cometh to be Christian, to help and nourish the Church, as a father he cannot take away and pull the keys out of the hands of the stewards, and [Page 530] throw the rod, authority, power to rule, govern, binde, loose, con­vene in Christs courts and Assemblies from the Church, and inthrall the Church: This evidenceth how falsely some say, That the Church as the Church is without a Magistrate, as an Army without a Com­mander or Vtenbogard. Leader, a Ship without a Pilot, a body without a head. When the Church in the Apostles times wanting a Magistrate, was a perfect spirituall body, gathered, edified, attaining to the unity of faith, Eph. 4. 11, 12, &c. 1 Cor. 12. 28. Rom. 12. 4, 5, &c. Builded upon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles, Eph. 2. 20. Feed by their own Pastors, Act. 20. 28. Sufficiently secured by Jesus Christ from Wolves, 29. 30. Golden Candlesticks perfect and intire, Christ walking in the midst of them and praised and commended of Christ, Rev. 1. 20. & 2. 1, 2, 3. ver. 8, 9, 10. cap. 3. 8, 9, 10. Coming behinde in no gift, 1 Cor. 1. 7. In Covenant with God, casting out the incestuous, 1 Cor. 5. Separated from Idols, 2 Cor. 6. 16, 17, 18. Espoused to one husband Christ, 2 Cor. 11. 2. Established in the faith, and increasing in number daily, Act. 16. 5. Yea, the Churches had rest throughout all Judea, and Galile, and Samaria, and were edified, wal­king in the [...]ear of the Lord, and in the comforts of the holy Ghost, and were multiplied, Act. 9. 31. Now if the Christian Magistrate be their only Head and chief Feeder, and all Elders but his servants, E­difying à & sub Magistratu, from and under the Magistrate: How were they edified, and the compleat house of God, the house wan­ting a head, and the Church of the living God, without the chief feeder and shepheard the Magistrate, when all this time the Lord set spirituall Pastors and watchmen over them? It is true, it might be some defect, that they wanted a Christian Magistrate, who was their Nurse-father and keeper, and avenger of both Tables of the Law: But this defect was 1. A defect of the Church, as men who may be injured, and do violence one to another as men, if they want one who beareth the sword to be avenged on evil doers: But it is no defect of the Church as the Church. 2. There might be some de­fect in the Church as a Church, in this regard, that without the Ma­gistrate his accumulative power, the edification of the Church ex­trinsecally might be slower, Church Laws lesse vigorous extrinse­cally without the sword, and evil doers might infest the Church more; but there should be no privation or intrinsecall defect, or want in the Church, either of an officer, or integrall part of the [Page 531] Church, because they wanted the Magistrate. 3. When the first [...]; Eusebius, de vita constant. l. 4. c. 24▪ Hyeronimu [...] in chron. an. 366. Genebrard. in liberio. Niceph. l. 4. c. 24. Socr▪ l. 3. c. 21. Hyeronim. chron. an. 367. Barron. an. 366. Arg. 9. three hundreth year, the Churches wanted Christian Magistrates▪ afterward Constantinus convocated the Councell of Nice against Arrius, yet professing that he was Episcopus, without. After him the Empire being divided into three, Constantinus, Constantius, and Con­stans, the second adhered to Arrius & oppressed the godly. Constans and Constantinus lived not long: Though Jovianus, Theodosius, elder & yonger, Gratianus, Martianus, were favourers of the Church, yet most of the Northern Kings were persecuters. In the sixth hundreth year, they began to be obstinate favourers of Heresie. In the West Antichristianisme, in the East Mahumetisme rose; for the most part the Church wanted godly Magistrates, and alway hath wanted.

Whatever power or means of life Christ hath given to his Church or pastors for the edifying of their soules, either in Doctrine or Discipline; by these is the holy Ghost efficacious on the hearts and conscience of the people of God, as immediatly given by Iesus Christ, without the mediation or intervention of any other means. But Christ hath given power and means of life to preach the word, to admonish, rebuke, Excommunicate to the Church and Pastors, by which the holy Ghost worketh efficaciously on the hearts of the people of God, which God hath given immediatly to the Church and Pastors, especially in the Apostolick Church, when there were no Magistrates; and the holy Ghost is no wayes efficacious in the hearts of the children of God, by the Laws, Statutes, and sword of the Magistrate; Ergo, God hath given to his Church and Pastors, & not to the Magistrate, power and means of life, in which the holy Ghost is effectuall, and that immediatly and not to the Magistrate. Or thus: Whoever is the supream officer and head of the Church, having under him all Church-officers as his servants, by such God is effectuall in the consciences of men: But Pastors, Teachers, Elders are such, and no wayes the Magistrate: Ergo,

The Proposition is thus made good by the word of reconciliation, and the rod of the Lords power in the hands of men: The holy Ghost worketh efficaciously in men: Now the question will only be, to whom this word of reconciliation is committed, and the rod of God; the Scripture saith to the Ministers, never to the Magistrate, 2 Cor. 5. 18. And hath committed to us the word of Reconciliation▪ ver. 20. Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ, 2 Cor. 10. 8. [Page 532] Though I should boast somewhat more of our Authority which the Lord hath given us for edification, 2 Cor. 2. 13. If I come again I will not spare, 1 Cor. 4. 21. What will ye? Shall I come unto you with a rod, or in love? 1 Tim. 5. 17. Act. 20. 28. 29. 30. 1 Cor. 5. 12. Do not you judge them that are within? Matth. 16. 19, & 18. 18. Ioh. 20. 21, 22. This word is no where committed to the Magistaate, nor is the holy Ghost efficacious by the Laws and sword of the Magi­strate to convert souls; we know not Magistrates to be Ministers by whom we believe, but Ministers only, 1 Cor. 3. ver. 5. Nor is the sword a kindely and intrinsecall mean of conversion. This Argu­ment may be further confirmed by all the notable differences that the Scripture holdeth forth to be between the Magistrate and the Ministers and Church: As 1. The Church judgeth only those that are within the Church, 1 Cor. 5. 11, 12. The heathen Magistrate Differences between the Magi­strate and Ministers of the Gos­pel and Church. may [...]udge both those that are within and without the Church, and every soul is under his power, Rom. 13. 1, 2, 3. Tit. 3. 1, 2. 1 Tim. 2. 1, 2, 3. 1 Pet. 2. 13, 14, 15. Matth. 22. 21. And by these same Scrip­tures, the Christian Magistrate being a lawfull Magistrate, having under him both believers▪ and heathen, may and ought to judge both; Ergo, the Magistrate as the Magistrate cannot judge those that are within, by the word as the Church doth, but only in some common coactive way, by the sword, to compell them to do their duty. 3. The Magistrates Kingdom is of this world, and he may fight with his sword to defend his own subjects, and his sub­jects may fight for him: But the Church and Kingdom of Christ, are not of this world, nor can the Church as the Church, and the Ministers thereof fight or use the sword, as is clear, Joh. 18. 36. Rom. 13. 4. The Magistrate beareth not the Sword in vain: but he beareth the sword in vain over the consciences of men, or to judge those that are within; for the Church judgeth those that are with­in, with no such weapon as the bloody Sword; There is neither sword nor dagger, nor any weapon of War required in the Church of Ephesus, their censuring of grievous Wolves or false Teachers, Act. 20. 28, &c. Nor in the Apostles and Elders de­termining truth against perverters of souls, Act. 15. 21, 22, &c. and 16. 4. Nor in the Church of Thyatira, their not suffering Jeza­bell to teach, Rev. 2. 20. Nor in Pergamus, their not suffering those that held the Doctrine of Balaam, Rev. 2. 14. Erastus l. 4. c. 6. p. 285. [Page 533] saith, The Church can kill no man with the Sword. There was no sword ever dreamt of in rejecting an heretick after the first and se­cond admonition, Tit. 1. 10. Let our Adversaries shew what influ­ence the Magistrates sword hath here: yea, (say they) The Magi­strate may banish the heretick ou [...] of the Church. True.

Ans. Not out of the Church as the Church, but out from amongst his subjects as his subjects, whom he is to defend in peace and god­linesse. 2. It is evident Titus had no power of the sword, but was an Evangelist: Paul wrote not to Titus to banish the heretick, the rejecting here is a spirituall censure performed by previous admo­nitions. 3. What can the Magistrate as the Magistrate do to this? 4. The Magistrate is a Lord, and hath by Gods appointment a Lordly dominion over those that are under him; the Minister is only a Minister, a Servant, a Preco, or Herald, and hath dominion in the Church, Luk. 22. 24, &c. Now those over whom the Magi­strate hath a civill dominion as a Magistrate, over those he may ex­ercise that Lordly dominion of the sword: But the Magistrate as the Magistrate, may use no Lordly dominion of the sword over the Church as the Church, to Preach, Exhort, Rebuke, Admonish, Ex­communicate, to judge those that are within, as the Church may do, 1 Cor. 5. 12. Ergo, the Magistrate as the Magistrate, cannot be the supream and highest Church officer, having under him Church officers, as his servants and deputies to Preach and censure as, à & sub, under and from him, because as a Magistrate he carrieth not that which hath any power over the conscience, that is, he carrieth no [...] the word of the spirit, as a Magistrate, but the sword bodily to pu­nish evil doers. 5. He who by office is chief overseer and watch­man in the Church, he must by office keep his own vineyard, and not be put to keep the vineyard of others, Cant. 1. 6. He must watch for the souls of those, whom by office he keepeth as one that must give an accompt, Heb. 13. 17. He must as a speciall watchman by his office, Take heed to grievous Wolves not sparing the Flock, speaking perverse things, Act. 20. 29. And, as a watchman he must blow the Trum­pet, and give early and seasonable warning to the people of the sword, Ezek. 34. 1, &c. Yea, he must watch for the souls of ministers and teachers, and by office, rebuke, admonish, censure, and punish them, and by office judge of their Doctrine and Discipline, and is over the people in the Lord, and to admonish them, as [Page 534] 1 Thes. 5. And worthy of Honour for well Ruling, 1 Tim. 5. 17. But these the Magistrate as the Magistrate cannot do. 1. He kee­peth another vineyard of the Civill state, he is not Pastor to the Church as the Church, over which the Holy Ghost hath set him, Act. 20. 28. 1 Peter 5. 1, 2, 3. he is not to give an accompt for the soul [...], and for the souls of Pastors by his office, he may as a Chri­stian be his brothers keeper, to teach, admonish, Col. 3. 15. and ex­hort, Heb. 3. 13. he is not by office to blow the trumpet, as Ezekiel was, Ezek. 33. 7, 8. Ezek. 3. 17, 18, 19, 20. he is not over the people in the Lord to admonish them as a Magistrate, as a Magistrate he only is either to praise and reward well doing, or take vengence on evill doing, Rom. 13. 4. nor doth Paul think Nero, 1 Tim. 5. 17. wor­thy of double honour, all those are proper to Church-officers, the pro­position is necessary; because if the Magistrate be the eminent and supream watchman over the Pastors, as his under deputies and ser­vants, then must the Magistrate more eminently keepe the vine­yard, and watch for the souls, both of Pastors and people, feed the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath set him, be over the people in the Lord, be worthy of double honour, as one that ruleth well, and is wor­thy of double honour; and that by office: Now 1. The word never warranted him in the Old Testament, to sacrifice, to burne incense to Minister before the Lord, to carry the ark: But God separated the Priests and Levites for this only; and was it such a sinne for Ʋz­ziah to burne incense; and for Ʋzziah to touch the Ark, and for any to bear the Ark but the Levites? and are not these things writ­ten for our instruction? are we all now to bear the Ark? and are we all to dispense the word and Sacraments? When Paul will not have women to teach in the Church, and when God hath no lesse in the New Testament separated some by the laying on of hands, and appointed a Ministery in the New Testament then he did in the Old? 2. Where hath God in Old or New Testament set downe, that all those qualifications, in an eminent manner, and as principal­ly due to the Magistrate, as he hath described the qualification of the officers of the New Testament in the Epistles to Timothy and Titus, and the Ephesians, Ch. 4. v. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 1 Tim. 2. 1 Cor. 12. Rom. 12. 3. Did Christ put upon Church-officers in the New Testament, all the proper titles, priviledges and peculiar Characters of their calling, as they are the deputies of Claudius, [Page 535] Tiberius, and Nero; so they had been Christian Princes? this the adversaries must prove, and must all the Epistles of Paul to the Churches of Christ, and of Iames and Peter, Iohn and Iude, which concern Church-officers be written: First and principally to the heathen Emperours, as they be Church Magistrates, and Church­officers jure, though they be in very deed enemies of the Gospel, de facto? It must put Erastus and all his to paines to prove, that Magistrates as Magistrates were separated in the Old Testament to sacrifice, to burne incense, to bear the Ark of the Lord, and Priests and Levites, and Prophets, were only the under servants and instruments of Kings, and the like they must do in the New Te­stament: But this is carefully to be observed; that the adversaries, though they speake of Government, and some yield, as Master Prynne doth, that there is such a thing as Excommunication, espe­cially, 1 Cor. 5. yet the truth is, they deny all Church-government: for I desire to know, why they give to Ministers of the Gospel a power to try who are hereticks, apostates, and unworthy partakers of the holy things of God; Yea, such as may ordaine Ministers, and reject hereticks after admonitions; if Iesus Christ hath given this power of Government beside preaching the word, I aske, quo jure, by what Scripture, if by no warrant of Christ: then it is un­justly given to them, and the Apostles and Teachers then had no right to it; if there be a right, that by office Pastors should know what is soundnesse in the faith, and integrity of conversation; and so who are to be called to the Ministery, who not, who are to be excluded totally from the Church, as Erastus and Master Prynne say, who not; Then what warrant hath the Magistrate to limit the The Magi­strate can­not limit the pastor in the ex­ercise of his calling. Ministers of the Gospel in this Government, such as it is, more then in dispensing the word and Sacraments? Surely except the Magi­strate put his hand to the Arke without warrant in the one, he can­not in the other. They answer, the Magistrate may limit the Pa­stors in preaching, no l [...]sse then governing, because he may command the Pastor to preach this and this, and if he preach not sound Doctrine, he may punish him; but I answer, this is no limitting of Pastors in preaching; Because this the Pastors may in the name and authority of God, exhort the Magistrate to execute righteous judgement, Ier. 22. and if he crush the poor and needy, and turne a tyrant, an heretick and an apostate; the Pastors may not only denounce wrath [Page 536] from the Lord against them, but also judge them dogs and swine, See Henr. Salcobrig. in Becano. Bac. p. 140. Ait regem esse prima­tam Eccle­sia Angli­canae, and rege [...] s [...]cro olc [...] uncti capaces sunt spiritualis jurisdictio­nis, Rex propri [...] au­torite creat. Episcopus. See Cald. [...]u altar. Dam. p. 14, 15, 16. seq. That Magi­strates are more hot against pu­nishing of sin by the Church, then a­gainst sin­full omissi­ons, which argueth that they are unpati­ent of Christs yoak, ra­ther then that they desire to vindicate the liberty of the sub­ject in this point. and not dispense to them the pearls of the Gospel, yet this is not the Pastor limiting the Magistrate as the Magistrate doth limit the Pastor, as his Ambassadour and Deputie, though the Magistrate take care that Physitians, Painters, Shoomakers, Professors in Aca­demies and Vniversities doe their dutie in their calling, and pu­nish them, if they therein doe amisse, yet he limiteth not the pain­ter to draw this way, not this way, nor hath he a negative voyce in acts of Art, as he pretendeth a negative voyce in Church-discipline. 2. Nor can the Pastor so command the Magistrate in the name of God, to execute justice, as if he become a tyrant, an heretick, an apo­state, he will not only remove him from the Throne, and the Bench, but he will set himselfe downe in the place of the erring Magistrate, and judge righteous judgement for him, or in his place: for Erastus saith that the Magistrate may dispence word and Sacraments (if he had time and leasure) as lawfully as the Pastor; and I have in ano­ther place observed, that many so make the King head of the Church (and the like must be said of the little heads of inferior Magistrates, as of the great head) as he is a mixed person, partly Civill, partly Ecclesiasticall and sacred, that is, by office, Ruler and Pope. 3. The Magistrate doth limit the Pastors only in positives, and in punishing and inflicting Church censures, as they command to censure scandalous persons in such and such scandals, but in no other scandals more hainous; yet in all the challenges moved by Magi­strates against Pastors, The Magistrate never made any challenge against Pastors or Synod, for their sinfull omissions and want of zeal in not censuring drunkards, adulterers, hereticks, court para­sites, who injoy many benefices, and leave the flock, and I give in­stance, in the disputes of the Divines of England making the King the head of the Church; court-divines accused never the Pastors that they exceeded their limits in not censuring corrupt Prelates, non-residents, pluralists, idle and unpreaching Pastors, or idol­shepherds. 4. In the contests of Holland, when the Synod of Friz­land gave in a declinature to the Senate, justifying the deposition of Poppi [...] an unsound and scandalous Minister, in all contests with Arminians there, the controversie was ever for positives, that the Church condemned and censured hereticks, never that the Church had been slack in the matter of discipline. 5. In Scotland in Master [Page 537] Blackes declinature, and when the Ministers condemned to death and then banished, such as the godly and zealous servants of Christ, Master Iohn Welch, Master Iohn Forbes, and others appealed to the assemblies of the Church, for their standing for the liberties of the Church and Kingdome of Christ. King Iames did never quarrell with them, Thus you have not done in your Ministery, and Assemblies, you have not excommunicated the Marquesse of Huntly a bloody man; but it was for positives, Thus and thus you have done against the mind and Majestie of the King and Authority. Now corrupt Pastors need as much to be limited in wicked omissions, as is clear: You are dumbe dogs and barke not, Isai. 56. 10. And the dis­eased ye have not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, &c. Ezech. 34. 4. as in exorbitances, in their positive zeal; And this saith, that Magistrates intend to intrude upon Christs liberties, in this plea, rather then indeed to procure that the house of God may be builded and edified, or the liberty of the subject vindicated. And therefore the godly ought the rather to stand for the freedom of the Kingdome of the Lord Iesus, which owe not this tribute to earthly Princes; since Christ only is King, and raigneth in his owne Church.


Quest. 20.

Of the reprocation of the subordination of the Civill and Ecclesiasti­call powers to each, and their supremacie and independencie each from other.

FOr the clearing of the question, I humbly offer these considera­tions to the Reader.

1. There is subordination of the power, and a subordination of the person indued with the power, here to be considered.

2. So is there a supremacy of power, and a supremacy of the person.

3. There is a foure fold judgement here considerable; 1. The first is apprehensive (apprehensivum) and common to both Magistrate, [Page 538] Christian, Pastor, and all which must be given to all to whom we can ascribe conscience. 2. (Discretivum) the knowledge of discretion, the connaturall guide and principle of every mans beliefe and obedi­ence. 3. (Definiti [...]um) of those that are in Authority, and do com­mand in the Lord. 4. Peremptorium et infallibile, the supream judge­ment of the King of the Church, who cannot erre. The first is common to all, Rom. 15. The second proper to Christians, and is a judgement of faith, 1 Thess. 5. 2. 1 Ioh. 4. 1. and it must be builded on the first. The third is the Authoritative judgement of the Church, Act. 15. 28. Mat. 18. 17. and of judges, and it must be swayed by the second, both in the commander and the commanded. The fourth is Iesus Christs on­ly, Rom. 14. 4. 1 Cor. 4. 5.

4. It is one thing, that the power of the Ministers be subject to the Not any power or office sub­ject to any, but to God immediate­ly, subje­ction is properly of persons. Magistrate as the Magistrate, and another thing that the persons of the Ministers should be subject: Not any office at all in their power, seems to me to be subordinate to either Magistrate or Minister; be­cause all Lawfull power, and Lawfull and profitable offices, and Arts, in abstracto are from God, some of them immediately; As the the gift of prophesying, healing, speaking with tongues, working of mi­racles, and the offices of Apostle, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher, Ephe. 4. 11. those be [...], gif [...]s and graces above Nature, that God without the interveening of human reason, hath devised for a supernaturall end, the edifying of his body the Church; mens will and reason may interveen in the designation of persons to some of those offices, as that Iohn, Thomas, qualified as 1 Tim. 3. be Pastors, or teachers. But if we speak of the power of the Ministery, in ab­stracto, without connotation of the persons in concerto, then the power, or the office it selfe is not subordinate to the Ministers of the Gospel as Ministers; far lesse to the Magistrate as the Magi­strate, because it dependeth upon none on earth, Minister or Magi­strate; but the only good pleasure of him, who when he ascended to heaven, gave gifts unto men, that there is such an office as Minister, Pastor or teacher; And the Church cannot create a new office of a Prelate; because of its nature it tendeth to a supernaturall end, the governing of Christs body, in a way to life eternall, purchased by Christ: Now the question in this sense, whether the power of the Ministery be subordinate to the Magistrate in its constitution, it is a­like in its subordination to Magistrate and Minister; certain it is [Page 539] subordinate to neither. Other lawfull and profitable offices and Arts are from God, mediately, possibly by the intervening acts of rationall nature, though Magistracy be from God, Rom. 13. 1. yet it would seeme, God by the naturall reason of men, might devise and constitute the very office of Magistracy in abstracto, and the Art of sayling, painting, &c. yet is there no subjection of power to power here, by way of dominion: Hence the question must be of the subordination of the power, quoad exercitium, whether Mi­nisters in the exercising of their Ministeriall calling be subordinate to the Magistrate as the Magistrate?

5. Dist. A judge is one thing, and a just judge another thing, so here are we to distinguish between a Magistrate, and a Christian Magi­strate. As 1. a husband is one thing, and a Christian husband ano­ther thing, a Captaine is one thing, and a Christian, and a beleeving Centurion or Captain, such as Cornelius, Acts 10. is another; a Physitian is one thing, and a gracious Physitian is another thing; sure a heathen Husband hath the same jus Maritale, the same Hus­band power in regard of Marriage union, that a Christian and be­leeving Husband hath. 2. A Magistrate and a Christian Magistrate may be one and the same Magistrate, with one and the same Ma­gistraticall power, as being first heathen Magistrate, as Sergius Paulus, Act. 13. 7, 12. and there after converted to the faith. Pau­lus A Magi­strate and a Chri­stian dif­ferent. was no lesse a civill Deputie, when Heathen then when Chri­stian, and not more a Deputy as touching the essence of a Magi­strate, when a Christian beleever, then he was before when a Hea­then; yet to be a Magistrate, and to be a beleeving Magistrate, are two different things, even as Christianity is a noble ornament, and a gracious accident, and to be a Magistrate, is as it were the Sub­ject, even as a man, and the accidents of the man, are two diffe­rent things.

6. There be two things here considerable in the Magistrates office. 1. There is his jus and [...] Magistraticall power, or the authority Two things in a Chri­stian Magi­strate, jus authoritie, aptitudo, habilitie. officiall, the power of office to beare the sword. 2. There is aptitudo, [...], a speciall heavenly grace of well governing; this is [...] a gift or grace of God, to use that power for Christ. These two make one Christian husband, one Christian captain, Physitian, Master, in re­lation to to the wife, souldiers, sick, servants: Now the Magistrate heathen as Magistrate, even Nero, when the Church of God is in his [Page 540] court and dominions, hath the same jus, the same Authority and Officiall power, to be a keeper of both Tables of the Law, and to defend the Gospell, and to command the Preachers and Synods to fulfill their charge, and to see that the officers doe their dutie, and to punish dumbe dogs, Idolaters, excommunicated persons, to drive away with the sword false Teachers from the flock, he hath I say the same Magistraticall power, while he is a Heathe [...], and when he is converted to the Christian faith, and he is equally head of men that professe Christ, when Heathenish as when Christian; but in neither States, is he the Head of the body the Church, and you give not to Cesar the things that are Cesars, if you make converted Nero, because a Magistrate, now the head of the Church, and deny non-converted and heathenish Nero to be the Head of the Church; for he is a Magistrate with compleat power of the Sword, in the one case, as in the other, that he neither doth, nor can use the sword for the Church, it is from Nero his state of in­fidelity that he is in as a man, and not the fault of his office, for when Paul saith, the Husband is the head of the Wife; doth hee meane a Christian husband onely, and exclude all heathen Hus­bands? No, for then the wife were not to be subject to the Hus­band, if a Heathen and an unbeleever, which is against Pauls mind, 1 Cor. 7. and the Law of Nature. But the converted Magistrate, who was before a heathen Magistrate, hath a new aptitude, facul [...]y and grace to keep both Tables of the Law, and to govern in a civill way, and indirectly the affaires of Christs Kingdome: Hence the adversaries clearly contradict themselves by confounding those two, a Magistrate and a Christian Magistrate, one while they give su­pream power over the Church to the Magistrate as the Magistrate, sometime to the Magistrate as Christian. So Vtenbogard in his book De officio, & authoritate supremi Magistratus Christiani in rebus Ecclesiasticis p. 7. and p. 8. hoc addo, ut intelligatur Magistratum, cum religionē Christianam amplectitur, non acquirere novam autho­ritatem, sed quod eam authoritatem, quam ante etiam in rebus religi­ [...]nis & [...]ultus divini, habebat authoritatē,—rectè utitur: If the Magi­strate when he becommeth a Christian, acquireth no new autho­rity as a Magistrate, but onely useth well his old Authority, in mat­ters of Religion and of Gods worship, which he had before, while he was Heathen, as he saith, then the Heathen Magistrate as a [Page 541] Magistrate hath a supreame power in Church matters, and yet in the same place he draweth the state of the question to a Christian Magistrate. De solo Christiano Magistratu acturus. The Armi­nians in their Apologie, fol. 297. (as saith their Declaration) speake onely of the Christian Magistrate, and yet page 298. pote­stati enim supremae, sive Architectonicae, qua potestas suprema est, jus hoc ut competat, ratio ordinis, sive boni Regiminis, natura sua po­stulat,—si Magistratui qua tali jus hoo competit, [...]rgo multo magis competit Magistratui Christiano. Sure, if the Magistrate, in ge­nerall▪ and as the Magistrate, have a supream Authority in the Go­vernment of the Church, such as the Adversaries contend for, then the Christian Magistrate farre more must be Head of the Church, and so the Magistrate as the Magistrate must be supreame Governour, and judge in all Ecclesiasticall causes, and in these same causes, he must not be Iudge as a Magistrate, but as a Christian.

Nor can they make a Christian Magistrate, à medium per partici­pationem utriusque extremi, a middle betweene a Magistrate and a Christian. 1. For where is there such an office in either Church or state? for so a Christian Magistrate as a Christian Magistrate should be Ens per aggregationem, a thing composed of Magistra­cy and Christianity, as a Christian Physician, a Christian Painter; and then the question should be, whether judgeth he as a Magi­strate, or as a Christian? as we may aske whether a Christian painter painteth as a painter or as a Christian: not as a Christian, Pare [...] Com. in Rom. 13. dub. Iac. Trig­landius de potest civ. & Ecclesiastica c. 10. 207, 208. Vbi nam in­ju [...]xit Chri­stus Magi­stratui Christiano ut oves Christi quae [...]ales Regat. for then all Christians should be Painters; and a result of both should neither be a Magistrate nor a Christian, but middle between both, which fighteth with reason and sense. Some say, The power of the Magistrate in a Christian Magistrate who knoweth the do­ctrine of the Gospell, and hath help of the counsell and light of god­ly Pastors and Teachers, is perfecter then in Heathen Magistrates, and therefore this power as not Christian or heathenish, governs men as men, but as Christian, it governeth them as Christian m [...]n. But the learned and worthy professor Jac. Triglandius saith this is said without probation, for (saith he) men as Christians are members of the Church, and so are not governed but in an Ecclesiasticall way▪ and where hath the Lord commanded the Christian Magistrate to go­verne the sheep of Christ, as the sheep of Christ? Then (say I) 1. The magistrate must governe the Church as the Church, and so rule [Page 542] over the conscience of men in relation to eternall happinesse, by promising to them temporall rewards, and by compelling them by the sword, to be carried toward eternall beatitude; for to rule the Church as the Church, is to direct and lead them by spirituall means, Word, Sacraments and Discipline, to heaven, which the magistrate as a magistrate cannot do by the sword; and what he doth as a Christian▪ that he must do in a spirituall way, not with a secular Christiani­ty maketh no new po­wer of, or to Magi­strates. arm and power as magistrate; and the two powers of a magistrate and of a Christian, cannot coalescere, grow together in one office which is made up of both, as of two parts, being in nature and spece different, no more then of a Horse and a Lyon you can make a third living creature. It is true, by Grace and Christianity, the power of the magistrate is perfected, and an excellent lustre added to it, but not one degree of Magistraticall power is added to it, by which the magistrate doth rule men as Christians, and as a Church: For as the office of a magistrate doth not promote the man one step nearer to saving Grace; so Christianity maketh not the Heathen magistrate more a magistrate, nor giveth him a new sword over the Church as the Church, which he had not before; nor doth it take any magi­straticall power from him, no more then a heathen Husband, Ma­ster, Physician, being converted to Christ, is more a husband, more Jac. Trig. land. di [...]er. Theo. de potest. civ. c. 8. p. 174. A fourfold considerati­on of the exercise of Ministerial power most necessary, upon which & the for­mer Di­stinctions, followeth ten very considera­ble Asser­tions. a master or Physician, then he was before: The former power is only spiritualized, and graciously facilitated in its acts, but not one whit augmented in its entitative degrees of power over the wife, the souldiers, the servants, the sick. Triglandius excellently: The Christian magistrate converted, is sanctified, but he acq [...]ireth no new right over the Church: So meat is sanctified by the Word and Prayer, but it is not more meat, nor doth more nourish, because sanctified.

7. Distinct. The exercise of the Ministeriall power in dispensing Word, Sacraments, Discipline, falleth under a fourfold consideration, which, because it cleareth a necessary point, I desire may be carefully ob­served by the Reader: 1. The simple exercise of that power is conside­red sine modo, without any qualification, good or evil, Orthodox, or Heterodox, as the Christian Magistrate procureth by his care, that there should be a Ministery to dispense Word, Sacraments, and Disci­plin [...] ▪ 2. The second Consideration of this exercise, is, The exercise of power soundly and painfully, in the fear of the Lord, the Magi­strate exhorting them thereunto for conscience. 3. The third Consi­deration [Page 543] is the exercise of the same, in a corrupt and wicked way and manner, either negligently or wickedly, or for evil ends. 4. The fourth Consideration is the free and peaceable exercise of this power without bodily violence.

Hence I intreat the Reader to carry along in his [...]ye, 1. The simple exercise of the Ministeriall power. 2. The just and godly, sound and laudable exercise. 3. The wicked and corrupt exercise, or the abuse thereof. 4. The peaceable exercise.

Hence, our 1. Assertion: The Magistrate as the Magistrate is to 1. Assert. procure that there be Preachers and Church-officers to dispense Word, Sacraments, and Discipline: For 1. his end is, That people under him may lead a quiet and a peaceable life in godlinesse and ho­nesty, 1 Tim. 2. 2. And the Magistrate attaineth his end as a Magi­strate, if there be simple exercise of Religion in the quiet and peace­able way, that may consist with the subjects indempnity, and immuni­ty, from rapine, injuries, and violence. 2. The difference between the Magistrates and other callings, is, that the Magistrate was to take care of old, That there were Levites who bare the Ark, and, Priests who should burn incense before the Lord, and Sacrifice; and yet it was unlawfull for the Magistrate to bear the Ark on his own shoulders, or in his own person to burn incense or sacrifice; so the Phy­sicians hinder that diseases rage amongst the subjects, and the Magi­strates do also hinder that they should rage: But the Physians hinder them by curing diseases, and the Magistrate hinders them not by cu­ring diseases; for then he should as a Magistrate also be a Physici­an, but by procuring that there should be Physicians in the Com­mon-wealth. The Magistrate hindreth ignorance, and losing Ships by Tempests, not by professing and teaching Sciences and Arts in Academies in his own person, nor by steering Ships, and guiding them himself to their Ports, for so a magistrate as a magistrate should be a Schoolm [...]ster, a professor of Arts and Sciences in the Universities, and a Pilot or Shipmaster, which were a confounding of all callings; but by procuring that there should be Universities and Professors of Arts and Sciences, and by providing honorable sti­pends and wages for them, and procuring that in the Common­wealth there should be Sailers who are skilled in Shipping: and so doth the magistrate by his office take care, that the Word, Sacra­ments and Discipline, be dispensed. 3. But the magistrate as the [Page 544] magistrate doth no [...] command sincere, hearty, zealous, and affecti­onate dispensing of Word, Sacraments a [...]d Discipline: But only the dispensing of those without the qualification of the spirituall, The Magi­strate as the Magi­strate com­mandeth the exercise of Mini­steriall power, but not the spi­rituall and sincere manner of the exer­cise. or sincere exercise of the power; Because, 1. The Magistrate cannot command that as a magistrate, which he cannot judge of, whether the thing commanded be consonant to his command, or not: But the magistrate as the magistrate cannot judge of the spi­rituallity, sincerity, zealousnesse, affectionatenesse of that obedi­ence, which the Church yieldeth to his command: for if the Pa­stors dispense word and Sacraments, and binde and loose by the keys following the rules of the word, the magistrate cannot judge the heart or intention, whether they do those with conscience to God, and reverence and subjection of spirit to his holy Law, nor can the manner of doing be proved by witnesses to the magistrate. 2. The Magistrate as Magistrate doth not command what he doth not praise or reward, for well doing is the object of the Magistrates praising and rewarding power, Rom. 13. 3. But as a Magistrate he doth not praise and reward the qualification, or spirituality, or since­rity of Pastors dispensing of word and seals; if they feed the flock, the Magistrate is to take care they be rewarded with wages, no [...] can the Magistrate as the magistrate withhold praise or wages from labourers in the vineyard, because they preach Christ out of envy, as some did Phil. 1. 15. or because they feed not the lambs out of a love to Christ, as they ought to do, Ioh. 21. 15, 16, 17. it is true, magistrates as godly men, may love and commend sincerity in faithfull labourers, and hate the contrary; but this they do as Christian men, not as magistrates, not by their office, and authori­tatively. 3. Magistrates command that as magistrates, the not do­ing of which they can a [...] magistrates punish with the sword, for the object of their vindicative and revenging power is ill doing, Rom. 13. 4. But if Pastors feed the flock and rule them, the magi­strate cannot use the sword against the feeders, for that they want sincerity, love, cheerfulnesse in the manner of doing these things, for the sword of the magistrate doth only reach men for their ex­ternall facts, not for opinions in the mind, not for crooked inten­tions, not for hollow-heartednesse, hypocrisie, infidelity in the manner, or inward principles of the actions.

II. Asser. when magistrates command Churchmen to do their [Page 545] duty, and to feed the flock, sincerely, and in the fear of the Lord, they do it not as magistrates; but as touching the manner, they may Magistrates as godly men, not as Magi­strates command sincerity and zeal in the manner of the exercise of ministe­riall power. exhort them to do their duty sincerely, cordially, and zealously as godly men; hence that charge that King Iehoshaphat gave to the Priests and Levites, 2 Chron. 19. 9. This shall ye do in the fear of the Lord faithfully, and with a perfect heart, is a mixt command, as touching the judging of the people in all causes and controversies that should come before them; the King as King commanded them to do this: But for the manner of the doing of it, that they should do it faithfully in the feare of the Lord, and with a perfect heart; this he commanded them not as a King, but exhorted them to it, as a godly & religious man: for 1. any godly man might have said this, and the King might have punished the Levites and Priests, if they had not judged the causes according to the Law. But though they had not judged in the fear of the Lord, and with a perfect heart; yet could not the King as King have punished them therefore, nor can any say, that the spirituall exhortation of Hezekiah, 2 Chron. 29. to the Priests and Levites, came from him as King, but as from a graced and religious man; as King he might command them to Sanctifie them­selves legally, for so they were to do by office; and he might use the sword against them, if they failed in that; and as King he may command all externall duties, not only to Church-men, but to all others; only he cannot punish them for failings in the spirituall manner of doing externall duties▪ 2▪ A spirituall and Christian ex­hortation ex conditione operis, and intrinsecally, hath influence on the conscience to turne the soul to God. But nothing that the ma­gistrate can do as a magistrate, hath such an influence on the con­science, all that he doth as a magistrate and directly, is toward the outward man, by rewards and punishments; if the magistrate re­move false teachers and wolves, which would devour the flock, and if that work upon the conscience, it is indirectly and by acci­dent, for, quoad actus imperatos, he can command that the Gospel, which hath a kindly and intrinsecall power to work upon the con­science, be preached; if the magistrate convince the conscience of a murtherer, that he hath failed against the Law of God, he doth not that as a magistrate, but as a godly and religious man▪ he may convince him as a magistrate, that he hath failed against the Lawes of the State, and bands of humane society, and externall peace, [Page 546] and scarce that, for ignorantia juris nemime [...] excusat.

Obj. 1. It may be objected against this: If the Elders not only omit to do their duty, but also if they erre in the nature and quality of what they do, the Magistrate is to punish; Ergo, the Magistrate not only commandeth the Church to do the externall facts▪ but also commands the facts with such and such qualities: the Antecedent is proved be­cause the Magistrate not only punisheth the omission of a Church duty, as if Pastors preach not; but also if they preach not [...]al [...] modo, Ortho­dox and sound Doctrine.

Ans. We never denied but the Magistrate commandeth both the exercise of Church power simply, and the man [...]er and such qua­lifications as are externall and obvious to the knowledge of the Magistrate, such as blasphemous and false Doctrine is; But we de­ny that as a Magistrate he doth command those things that ar [...] in­ternall and invisible, that is, the spirituallity of the actions; he can exhort and stirre men up to the spirituallity and sincerity of doing as a godly and Christian man.

Obj. 2. The Pastors and guides of the Church as such, do only com­mand externall obedience, for they can onely in [...]oro Ecclesiae, in the Court of the Church censure externall disobedience before men, the heart and sincerity thereof is no more obvious to the eye of Elders, then of Magistrates.

Ans. 1. I deny the connexion of the Antecedent; for Elders may command as Elders, more then the not doing of which they can censure, which the Magistrate cannot do; for Elders have com­mitted to them the word of reconciliation, as the Ambassadors of Christ. Now the word hath an immediate influence on the conscience, on the thoughts and intents of the heart, 2 Cor. 5. 18, 19, 20. 1 Cor. 3. 5. 1 Cor. 4. 15. Ps. 19. 7. Heb. 4. 12, 13. And therefore their Mi­nistery hath action on the thoughts; yet can they not in the exter­nall court of the Church, censure the thoughts, as not being able to see them, but the Gospel which they preach can arraigne the conscience and thoughts▪ 2 Cor. 10. 4, 5. But the Magistrate carri­eth not such a message, and therefore his Magistraticall command can reach no farther then his temporall praise and reward, and his sword; and that is commensurable and of equall latitude with those.

Obj. 3. The Object of the Magistrates power, is well doing, and ill [Page 547] doing, both civill, and also supernaturall; both for the first table, or as well for the spirituall acts of worship and Religion in the first table, as for acts of Iustice and mercy in the second table, Rom. 13. 3, 4. Isai. 49, 23. and you said elsewhere, that externall peace is too narrow an object for the Magistrate, for the intrinsecall end of a Magistrate is also a supernaturall good, and not only a peaceable, but also a godly life, 1 Tim. 2. 2.

Ans. It is true, the Magistrate as the Magistrate doth care for the supernaturall good of subjects, and the duties of Religion, and the first table, but how? intrinsecally and as a magistrate, that is, that men worship God according to his word: But, 1. The magistrate as such hath nothing to do with the spirit, nor can he command the sincerity of the worship; his care is that there be a divine worship, that is, materially and externally right and consonant, externally to the rules of the word; and for this cause learned divines make the externall man the object of the magistrates office; but not the externall man as doing the duties of the second table only, but al­so as serving God in the duties of the first table: for which cause Augustin. contr. liter­as petilian. l. 2. c. 92. & contr. Cres­coni. l. 8. c. 5. reges serviunt D [...]o in quantum sunt homi­nes, & in quantum sunt reges. I said Augustine meant the same, when he said, that Kings serve God as men and as Kings. 2. Magistrates as magistrates are to ex­tend their power for Christ; that is, that not only there be Iustice and Peace amongst men, but also that there be Religion in the land, yea, that the Gospel be preached; so all our Divines make the King to be custos [...]t vindex utriusque tabule: Yea, I think he is a keeper and preserver of the Gospel also, and is to command men to serve Christ, and professe the Gospel, and to punish the blaspheming of Iesus Christ: and this is royall and magistraticall service that the King as King performeth to God, and to Iesus Christ the media­tor, ex conditione operis, in regard that good which he procureth as King, materially and externally, is consonant to the supernaturall Law of the Gospel, but it is not magistraticall service to Christ ex intentione operantis.

Obj. 4. When its required that the Magistrates be men fearing Exo. 18. 21 Deu. 1. 16. 17. D [...]u. 17. 19 20. God, hating coveteousnesse, &c. is not this an essentiall ingredient of an King as a King, that he read in the book of the Law, that he may feare God, Deut. 17?

Ans. There is a twofold goodnesse here to be considered, one of the magistrate as a magistrate, another as a good and Christian [Page 548] magistrate. The former is an officiall goodnesse, or a magistrati­call prudence, justice, and goodnesse; this is required of all magi­strates as such, to judge the people: so the acts of an heathen ma­gistrate done according to common naturall equity, by Nebuchad­nezzar, Pilate, Cesar, Felix, Festus, are to be acknowledged as acts of a Lawfull Magistrate, valide and no lesse essentially Magi­straticall, then if performed by King David; and of this goodnesse the Scriptures speak not as essentiall to a Magistrate as a Magi­strate: But there is another goodnesse required of Magistrates as A two fold good in a Christian Magistrate, essentiall, accidentall. they are Members of the Iewish Church, and as they are Christians, and of these the Scripture speaketh; and so Magistrates not as Ma­gistrates, but as good and Christian, are to be such as feare God, hate covetousnesse, respect not the face and favour of men; so its de­nied that the fear of God, hating of covteousnesse, are essentiall ingre­dients of Kings as Kings: For Kings as Kings intend justice, peace, godlinesse, materially considered, both ex conditione operis, and ope­rantium. But for justice and righteous judgement in a spiritu­all and an Evangelick way, that belongeth not to the essence of a Magistrate nec ex conditione seu ex intentione operis, nec ex conditione operantis: The Holy Ghost requireth it of judges, as they would approve themselves as truly Holy and Religious, and would be ac­cepted of God, and in this sense Kings as Kings do not serve God, nor the mediator Christ, nor yet as men; only they serve God and the mediator Christ as Christian Kings, or as Christian men rather.

III. According to that third member of our seventh Distinction; Asser. 3. The unjust and evil exercise of the Ministeriall power, is obnoxious to the magistrate as the magistrate, thus, in that he beareth the sword against all evil doers, Ro. 13. 1. The magistrate as the magistrate doth only command well doing, in order to praise and a good name, or temporall reward amongst men, Rom. 13. 3. Do that which is good and thou shalt have praise of the power, 1 Tim. 5. 17. Matth. 10. 10. Nor can the magistrate as the magistrate promise, or command the Elders to feed the Flock, with the promise of the reward that Pe­ter promiseth, 1 Pet. 5. 4. to wit, That when the chief shepheard shall appear; they shall receive a Crown of glory that fadeth not away. The magistrate as a Preacher (if he be one, as David and Solomon were both) or as a godly religious Christian man, may hold forth such a promise, but not as a Magistrate, and upon the same ground the [Page 549] Magistrate as the Magistrate cannot forbid careles, unsound preach­ing, and rigorous and tyrannicall ruling or rather domineering over the Flock, under the pain of death eternall: for he can but kill the body, and hath but the carnall and temporall sword, Rom. 13. 4. and so he can inhibite ill doing only in order to temporary punishment, and though the duty of the former be spirituall, and the sinne of the latter also, yet the externall man is capable only of the Magistrates promises and threatnings, as they respect evill or good temporary; so that it is a wonder to me, that M. Pryn or any learned man can say that magistrates can make Lawes to binde the conscience, sure it is ill divinity. 2. If there never had been sin, there should have been no The Magi­strate as such com­mandeth only in or­der to tem­porary re­ward, and punisheth, and layeth no com­mands on the consti­ence. government but of Fathers and Husbands, there should have been no magistraticall dominion, not any magistraticall allurement to weldoing by temporall rewards, not any terrifying from evill do­ing, from fear of the sword, death, stripes, or bands, and God go­verned the Apostolick Church, and they attained the Crowne and supernaturall end of life eternall, without the accessory hire of a a temporary reward from the magistrate, and the subsidy of his sword; Ergo, it is evident that the magistrate is neither an essenti­all, nor an integrall part of the visible Church as the visible Church, injoying all the Ordinances of God, Word, Sacraments, Discipline, Censures, Rebukes, Admonition, Excommunication, Prayers, Mu­tuall edification, in as great perfection, as is happily attainable in this life without, yea, against the will of the civill magistrate: Though it be a great incouragement to have the King a Nurse-fa­ther; yet hath not Christ counted it simply necessary to his visible Church injoying all the Ordinances of God to the full. 3. If the magistrate do only command the teachers and Pastors to preach and determine synodically, in order to a temporall reward, and forbid them to abuse their ministeriall power in order to temporary punishment, by the temporary sword; then surely the Pastors and Teachers are not subjected to them in conscience, after any Eccle­siasticall way, for the power of commanding in magistrates as ma­gistrates must be commensurable to the power of punishing the transgressors of the command; if the one be in order to a tempo­rary good, the other cannot but be in order to an eternall ill; if ministers command in the name of Christ, in order to an eternall reward, they cannot threaten the transgressors in order to a tempo­rary [Page 550] punishment, but it must be in order to an eternall punishment: Nota. so that it is most clear, that the magistrate though he be in some sense a little God, and invested with the authority and Majesty of God, in that he commandeth and threatneth upon proposall of temporary reward, and temporary good, the very same duties that God injoy­neth, and forbiddeth the same evills of sinne that God forbiddeth; yet he holdeth not these out to the soul and conscience of the sub­jects, as the Ambassador of Iesus Christ, upon condition of eternall life, if they obey, and of eternall death, if they disobey; but he holdeth out to the external man these that are materially divine com­mandements & divine inhibitions, but in another consideration▪ but formally only they are the mandates of the Magistrates in order to temporary reward and temporary punishment. Then the Ministers as Ministers in preaching and Synods, forbid adultery, incest, mur­ther; but they propose them to those that are within the visible Church; And that, 1. to their consciences, 2. Under the paine of eternall wrath. 3. As the Ambassadors of Christ craving spirituall subjection of conscience, and divine faith to those charges: But Magistrates as Magistrates hold forth in their Law-abstinence from those same sinnes of adultery, incest, murther; But, 1. Not to the Nota. Magistrates as Magi­strates for­bid not sin as sin un­der the paine of eternall wrath. consciences of their subjects, but to the outer man as Members of the common-wealth. 2. Not under the paine of eternall wrath and condemnation, before the judge of quick and dead: Magistrates as Magistrates have neither calling, office, place nor power to threa­ten or inflict eternall punishment; if Magistrates do perswade the equity of abstinence from adultery, incest, murther, in their Sta­tutes, or Acts of Parliament, from the word of God, from the sixth and seventh command of the Decalogue, from the judgement and eternall punishment that followeth these sinnes, they so perswade not as Magistrates, but as Divines, and as godly and Christian men; yet my sense is not that the Magistrate can Lawfully command obe­dience in matters of Religion not understood or knowne by the subjects, that were to exact blind obedience; but my meaning is, that the Magistrate as the Magistrate holdeth not forth his comman­dements to teach and informe the conscience, as Pastors do, but he presupposeth that his mandates are knowne to be agreeable to the word of God, and proposeth them to the subjects to be obeyed. 3. Magistrates as Magistrates hold forth in their Law, abstinence [Page 551] from these sinnes, not as the Ambassadors of Christ, craving sub­jection of co [...]science and divine faith to those charges, but only ex­ternall obedience: for though Ministers as Ministers crave faith and subjection of conscience to all commandements and inhibitions, as in Christs stead, 2 Co. 5. 19 20. yet the Magistrate as the Magi­strate doth not crave either faith or subjection of conscience, nor is he in Christs stead, to lay divine bands on the conscience, to sub­mit the soul and conscience to beleeve and abstaine, he is the de­p [...]y of God as the God of Order, and as the Creator, and foun­der, and another of humane societies, and of Peace, to exact exter­nall obedience, and to lay bands on your hands, not to shed inno­ceat blood, and on your body not to defile it with adultery, or in­cest, nor to violate the ch [...]st [...]y of your brother; hence it is evi­dent, that the adversaries are far our▪ who would have Ministers who do hold forth commands, that layeth hold on the conscience and craveth faith and soul-submission under the paine of eternall wrath, to do and act as the deputies and Vicars of those who have nothing to do with the conscience, and have neither office nor au­thority to crave soul submission, or to threaten or inflict any punish­ment, but such as is circum [...]cribed within the limits of time, and which the body of clay is capable of; yea, when the Magistrate punisheth spirituall sinnes, heresie, idolatry, he punisheth them on­ly with temporary punishment.

Obj. 5. When a Minister speaketh that which is treason against the Prince in the Pulpit, by way of Doctrine, the Church only doth take on them to judge him, and censure him, and he will not answer the civill judge for his Doctrine, but decline him, and appeal to a Sy­nod; and yet if another man in private speak these same words of trea­son, he is judged by the civill judge, and can give no de [...]linature against this civill judicature, this must be unequall dealing, except the civill judge may by his office, judge whether the Minister spoke treason or not.

Ans. It cannot be denied, but that which is spoken by way of Doctrine by an Ambassador, speaking the word in publick, and that which is spoken in private, although the [...]ame words, are very different: for a private man in private to slander the Prince may be treason, he hath no place, nor calling to speak of the Prince, but a Pastor hath a calling as the watchman of the Lord of hosts to re­buke▪ [Page 552] Herod for incest, and in a constitute Church, the Church is to try whether Iohn Baptist preached treason or not. 2. If it be a slander of the Prince and treason indeed, the Prophet who prea­ched it, is first subject to the Prophets, who are to condemne and censure him, and then the magistrate is to inflict bodily punishment on him for it; but the Church should labour to gaine the slanderers soule, before the civill judge take away his life.

IV. Assert. The Magistrate de jure is obliged not only to permit, but also to procure the free exercise of the ministery in dispensing Word, Sacraments, and Discipline, and owe his accumulative power, to convene Synods, to adde his sanction to the lawfull and necessa­ry constitutions and ordination of worthy, and to the Deposition of unworthy officers in the Church. 1. Because he is a Nurse-father in the Church, Isa. 49 23. 2. And by office, as a Publike father, to procure the good of the soules of the subjects in his coactive way, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlines and honesty, 1 Tim. 2. 2. 3. He is not onely to permit, but also posi­tively to procure all peace, in the exercise of all lawfull and profi­table trades and Arts; Ergo, farre more that glory may dwell in the Land, and that the Peace thereof may be as a River, Isa. 48. 18. by the presence of Christ walking in the midst of the Golden Can­dlesticks.

V. Assertion. When the Magistrate commandeth painfull and sound administration in preaching and governing, with provision of the praysing and rewarding of well doing, he doth not subor­dinate to himselfe the Ministery in its exercise. 1. Because this promise is accumulative, and of a temporall reward, for the Ma­gistrate as the Magistrate cannot promise that which Peter promi­seth; that 1. 1▪ Pet. 5. 4. When the chiefe shepheard shall appeare, they shall receive a crowne of glory that fadeth not away, he may as a Christian promise that, but for a temporall reward for men, no man for being faithfull in the house of God, hath that unsepara­bly annexed to his labours, by a literall promise in Scripture, and therefore it is onely accumulative. 2. Right and sound preach­ing and governing in Gods house, cannot from this be said to bee subjected to the Magistrate as a Magistrate, in regard that this is an accidentall hire, and an externall and accessorie good, which the Church as the Church, and the most faithfull Prophets, Apostles, [Page 553] and Pastors have wanted, and yet have attained the end of a Church as a Church visible, nor is this a promise made to the Church as the Church or the Ministers thereof as such, for the Apo­stolick church that was most poor, had neither thing, nor name, nor promise, but by the contrary, the Kings and Rulers did conspire a­gainst the Kingdome of the son of God.

VI. Assertion. Though the Magistrate may both threaten to inflict, and actually inflict the ill of temporall punishment on Ministers, if they be either idle or unsound in their administration; yet thence can onely be concluded that the male administration of the mi­nisterie is subjected to the Magistrate as such, but not the Ministe­ry it selfe, or the exercise thereof. 1. The male administration of any office is accidentall to the office. 2. This subjecteth the erring person, not the teaching Minister to the civill Magistrate. Nor doth this make the Ministers in the exercise of their office, properly sub­ordinate to the Ministers, but onely so farre as the spirits of the Pro­phets are subject to the Prophets.

VII. Assertion. There is a twofold subordination of the exercise of Male administration of Ministers; one civill, another Ecclesiasti­call: These two differ, so as the former must be subordinate to the Magistrate who is to inflict bodily punishment, but the latter is onely subject to the Church. The Judiciall determination accor­ding Two sorts of subordi­nations Ci­vill, Eccle­siastick. to the Word of God, for the informing of the conscience and gaining to the truth the erring Ministers, is proper to the Colledge of Ministers; and in this if the colledge of Ministers erre, they are also punishable, and the Magistrate is to command them to judge and determine, de novo, over again: The Magistrate in a constitute church is to determine civilly, and sentence, and civilly punish the Ministers that either are dumbe dogs, and will not barke, or that perverts the souls of people with false doctrine, and where the Church is constituted, it is presumed that the Priests, whose lips should preserve knowledge, have determined in an Ecclesiasticall way, the very same which the Iudge civilly is to determine, not be­cause Ministers not the Ambassa­dors of an earthly King, but of the King of Kings. the Church hath so determined, but because he judgeth in his conscience it to be according to the Word of God.

VIII. Assertion. The Ministers are in no sort the Ambassadors or servants of the Magistrate, but of Iesus Christ, and immediately in their ministeriall acts subordinate to the King of Kings. 1. They [Page 554] declare the truth in the Name of Christ, their master and Lord, not in the name of the Magistrate, as the Arminians make the steps of the subordination. 1. The Word of God. 2. The Magistrate carrying Gods sword. 3. The Preachers of the Gospell; for then the Preachers should hear the word of the Magistrate first, and have the minde of Christ spoken and revealed to them immediately from the magistrate, but mediately onely by the mediation of the Ma­gistrate, the minde of Christ. 2. There should be in every Christi­an Kingdome, where there is a King, a civill Pope, having directly both the Swords, not with the distinction of Iesuites, of dixectly and directly, and as they say, the Pope hath the temporall sword, indi­rectly and in ordine ad spiritualia, in order to spirituall things, and and how many inferiour Magistrates, so many civill Popes, onely they shall not be infallible. Arminians say that this collection is from envie, Because we (say they) deny a headship and supremacy of power of Governement, to your Pastors and Elders in all your Pa­rishes, which maketh the Church a Monster with many heads; there­fore you put this, for envy upon the Magistrate, who yet hath the word of God above him, which the Pope hath not, who setteth himself above the Word of God.

Ans. 1. If we give a supremacy royall, and princely to the Mi­nisters, which they call Archi [...]ectonica, as the adversaries doe to the Magistrate; multitudes of Popes behoved to be in the Church; but we make them meer Heralds, Trumpeters, and Messengers to re­late the will of God, void of all royall power, and having neither earthly majesty, power, nor Sword. 2. It is not our Argument, that in which they conceive we repose, to wit, that we thinke the ad­versaries resolve all ultimatè, and last which concerneth the go­vernment of the Church, in the will of the Magistrate, as on an infallible rule, we grant they teach that the Word of God is to rule the Magistrate in the matters of the first Table, and justice and equity in the things of the second Table, but they say this in words onely, but the Magistrate as Magistrate may mould Church Officers as such not subordi­nate to the Magistrate. out of his high dominion what Church government he will, and this by consequent resolveth all in the Magistrates will; and that they teach, that when the Magistrate doth command against the Word of God, then it is better to obey God then men. And 2. This we infer as an absurdity that they cannot shun that there is such a [Page 555] new officer, a new Church head, a creature most like a Pope in e­very Christian Kingdome brought in the Church, who is above Bi­shops, Pastors, Doctors, who by office must carry the minde of God to Pastor and people, who hath the keyes of the House to make and unmake, call and send, recall and exantorate ministers as his Servants and Heralds. 3. Looke what power the Magistrate as a Magistrate hath in civill affaires, the same hath he in dispensing Word, Sacraments, admitting to, or rejecting from the Sacra­ments, calling of ministers, excommunicating by this way, and so by office, he is no lesse essentially a Pastor to watch for the soule, then he is a civill Judge. 4. How doth this confound the two King­domes? the Kingdome that is of this world, and fighteth with the Sword; and the Kingdome that is not of this world, and fight­eth not with the Sword? if the magistrate as the magistrate and armed with the sword, be the supream Head over both, and as he beareth the Sword have a carnall dominion over the Church as the Church? 5. If God have made the subordination of ministers as ministers, and servants of the magistrate as a magistrate, then the visible Church hath no ordinary right, to Ordinances, Word, Sacraments, discipline, but by the magistrate; and all that the Churches did in the Apostles times, or the first three hundred yeers after Christ, being contrary to the magistrates will, must be either seditious, or then it was by no rule of the Gospell, but by an extra­ordinary dispensation; and we shall have no warrant for any dis­pensing of the Word, and of Seals, or Government from the Apo­stolique Church, because all that must have beene beside the rule and extraordinary. 6. From this pretended subordination, as the supream magistrate may doe all that the inferiour magistrate may doe, because the King is eminently all that the inferiour Magi­strate is, and something more; so may he dispense the Word and Sacraments, in regard that the King is by the same officiall power over the Church as the Church, in sacris, in all matters of Reli­gion, as in civill things, and containeth in him, in a high and emi­nent manner, all that the Church and Pastors can doe, as they are such, and because the King hath the same power, in all Arts and Trades, then by his Royal power he might (if he had time and lea­sure) build houses, because of his royall Eminency over all Trades, he might sit at the helme of any ship, and steer and rule it, he might [Page 556] paint Images, he might plow the ground, because he hath the like Royall power over masons, Sailors, Painters, Husband-men, car­penters, and the like, as he hath over the common-wealth, and the Church; we must then say that God hath called the King to all these to be a minister, a mason, a Sailor, a Painter, and if he had leasure, he hath Gods calling to be a Preacher, a Sailor, as to be a King, yea, and that as King he is all these: Now the Apostle clearly distin­guisheth between him who exhorteth and teacheth in the Church, Rom. 12. and him who is the Minister of God, and beareth not the sword in vaine, Rom. 13. and clearly insinuateth a distinction of calling, so that God never called one man to all callings, as it is 1 Cor. 7. 17. But as God hath distributed to every man, as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walke, ver. 20. Let every one a­bide in the same calling wherein he was called: And it is clear, if the King be a Head in the body▪ 1 Cor. 12. then he is not the feet, though he have need of the feet, for then the eye should be both eye and eare, and hand, and therefore the King cannot be all. Pareus in Rom. 13. saith, the King cannot doe some things ob defectum ju­ris ex Dei limitatione, He cannot preach. Ans. Ergo, Preaching be­longeth by Divine right to another, and its not subordinate to him, jure Divino. 2. Saith Pareus, he wanteth law to use the wi [...] of a­nother man as his owne. Ans. Then the right of Husband and Wife is not subordinate to the King, so as he may use the right of a Hus­band, because it is against the seventh Commandement, nor can he invade the right of Pastors to dispense Word and Sacraments, it being against the second Commandment, he not being called there­unto. 3. Other things (saith he) he cannot doe for want of skill, as to teach in a Colledge, and others he cannot doe, because they are for­did, as to sew shooes. Ans. If God have not called the Prince to these, it is not onely sordid, but unlawfull for him to thrust his sickle in another mans field, for God must call to a lawfull calling, else men use a lawful thing unlawfully, so it is sordid and unlawfull for him to judge those, and the like. Erastus I know roundly grant­eth that the King or any Magistrate may lawfully dispence the Word and Sacraments, nothing hindereth him, but want of time, which is a better Answer then others give, who hold the same prin­ciples with Erastus, and that the King hath the same Royall pow­er in things civill and Ecclesiastick, except the adversary flee to our [Page 557] distinction of power and persons, and of things civill and sacred, they shall never expede themselves. But the King (say they) is See the Ar­minian Re­monstrance in Apol. c. 25. fol. 299, 300. What po­wer Erasti­aus give to Magistrates in Church matters▪ not capable of 1. The power of Order, he cannot be a Pastor, or a Doctor. 2. He cannot as King be capable of internall power of juris­diction, he cannot preach, he cannot dispense the Sacraments, but he is (say they) capable of externall power of jurisdiction, to governe the Church, excommunicate, to debarre Apostates and Hereticks from the Sacraments, to create Prelates, Primates, Metropolitans, and such cattell, to call and ordaine, make and unmake Ministers, to make all Canons and Ecclesiasticall Lawes, and appoint religious Cere­monies, as holy Surplice, crossing, oyle and spittle in Baptisme, to create holy dayes, to command men to kneel to bread, and to order all the externall worship of God, and beside the Word, to order many little and smaller things in the borders of worship externall, such as is some little Idolatry, and Superstition: And (for ought I know) by their way, who hold there is no certaine forme of Government of Gods House in the Scripture, some harmelesse and innocent golden The minde of Armini­ans touch­ing the Magistrates power in Church matters. Remonstrant Arminian c. 25. p. 304 Calves, as lawfull as religious symbolicall Ceremonies. This power is no more due to the Magistrate as the Magistrate, then to dis­pense the Sacraments, as I have said before: Nor doe the Armi­nians much honour the Magistrate, who walking in the steps of Era­stus doe hold, that the Magistrate having power of publique places, Preachers are obliged not to preach in publike places, if the Magistrate forbid them, but they may preach in private places. But 1. These same Arminians hold that Pastors are to preach whatever in their con­science seems to be the truth of God; a principle of those who are for tolleration of all Religions; though Iudaisme & Turcisme, a way (I am perswaded) most abominable, and which the Lord of his Church will crush, when he shal bring down other Antichristiā un­truths to the ground; Now it seems to the conscience of Papists and many Hereticall teachers, that they are obliged to preach Turcisme, & Iudaisme in the Temple, and in publike, & that distinction is false & vain, as it is in very deed contrary to the truth of God, to preach what they think the truth of God, & to preach it in publike or pri­vate, or in any place is indifferent as touching the place. 2. The Lord hath no more given to Magistrates power of places, or acti­ons religious in places, then he hath given to them power of truths: Ergo, they must be obliged in conscience, rejecting a [...]i [...] [Page 558] and saplesse distinction, to preach in publike places: for as that ju­ditio [...]s [...]c. Trig. de potest. [...]. & Ec­celesiastica diss [...]tatio, Th [...]l. p. 123 T [...]m [...]lorum usus & s [...]i­pe [...]iorum publ [...]orum [...] in re ni­hil potest. ille enim­extrins [...]us accedit ad res Ecclesiasticas, eo­rumque na­turam at­que indolem nihil im­mutat. A three­fold consi­deration of the magi­strate in relation to the Church and learned professor Iac. Triglandius saith, The place is accident all to the worship, and changeth not the nature of it; and truly as that learned professor saith, it is a poor honour that they put on the Magistrate, to limit all his power to places and stipends. 3. The Apostles knew not this distinction, for they not only preached truth, the Scribes and Pharisees forbidding them; but in publick places, and at all occasions, and dayly in the Temple, and in every house, they c [...]sed not to teach and preach Iesus Christ, Act. 6. 2, 4. & 4. 1. 20. & 5. 20, 21. The Magistrate being Antichristian forbiddeth not preaching of saving truths, because of the place, be it private or publick▪ but he forbiddeth them, because they are saving, and if Iesus Christ have called a man to preach in publick, in the house tops, the Magistrate hath no power from God to silence him in publick more then in private; the Magistrate forbiddeth that any teach false Doctrine, not for the place, but because it is injurious and hurtfull to humane societies that men should be principled in a false Religion, and cannot but disturbe the publick peace.

IX. Asser. The Christian magistrate must here come under a threefold consideration. 1. As the Object of that high office is meerly and purely civill, and positive relating only to a civill end of Peace: as in importing, or exporting of goods, of wooll, waxe, moneys for the good of the common-wealth, the crying up or cry­ing downe of the value of coyned Gold or Silver, the making of Lawes meerly civill; as not to carry Armor in the night in such a City: So in Warre, Commanders, Captains and Colonels are Ma­gistrates to order the Battle, lay stratagems, the way of besieging Townes, of fortifying Castles, of issuing out mandates for the Na­vy; The Parliaments power in disposing of Fouling, Fishing, Hun­ting, Eating of Flesh, or not eating at such a time: all these▪ as the Word of God doth not particularly warrant the one side more then the other, are meerly civill and positive▪ It is sure the Ma­gistrate hath a supremacy, and an independency above the Church or Ministers of the Gospel in all these; and as these prescinde from all Morality of the first and second Table, I hold that neither the power nor person of the Magistrate is subordinate to the Church and Church-assemblies, and Ministers of the Gospel should [...] and exceed the limits and bounds of their calling, if they [Page 559] should meddle with these; as the Church should exceed their bounds, if they should make Canons touching the way of sayling, painting, tilling the earth according to such and such principles of Art, for these are without the sphere of the Churches activity; in this con­sideration that learned and grave Divine Doctor Andrew Rivetus in Decalo in c. 5. saith well, pag. 204. That as we beleeve a man well skilled in his owne Art, so that his judgement is a supream rule; so the supream authority of the Magistrate to us in things positive, is a rule; for indeed it cannot be denied but there be Arcana Imperi [...] secrets of State that are not to be communicated to Pastors or to any, in which the Rulers have a supremacy. The Magistrate falleth under a second consideration, as he giveth out Lawes just or unjust, and executeth judgement in the morning, or suffereth the eyes of the poore, the widdow and Orphane to faile for went of justice; and in these he is not subject to the Church and Pastors so, but only as if he sinne in making Lawes, the Pastors may humbly supplicate that he would recall those unjust Lawes, and judge over againe righteous judgement, and this exhorting of the Pastors is a subje­cting of the Magistrate to the Pastors quoad actus imperatos; so have Generall assemblies in the Church of Scotland humbly supplicated the King and Parliament to retreat Laws made against the liberties of the Church, in savour of Antichristian Prelates and Ceremonies; but quoad actus elicitos: The Church and Pastors themselves can­not usurpe the throne, and give out civill Lawes that are righteous, and judge righteously: for the poor in the place of King, Parlia­ment and Iudges; for in this also the judges are supream and inde­pendent, and subject only to God the Creator, as his Vicars and Deputies in Gods universall Kingdome of power called universale regnum potentiae, by Divines; they are Gods, and the shields of the world, and here only as they erre, not as they iudge, are they subject to rebukes and threatnings, and admonitions of the Church and Ministers of the Gospel: Even as the Magistrate may com­mand the Pastors to preach and dispense the Sacraments aright, but the Magistrate himselfe can neither preach nor dispense the Sacra­ments: Course of conformi­ty, part 3. pag. 146. so the Schoolmen say, that the actions of the understanding depend on the will, quoad excercitium, the will may set the mind to think on this or that truth; but not quoad specificationem. The will it selfe can neither assent, nor dissent from a truth, nor can the will [Page 560] command the mind to assent to a known untruth, or dissent from a known truth; the mind or understanding naturally doth both, and this distinction holdeth in acts of the civill power, and in acts meer­ly Ecclesiasticall▪ The third consideration of the Christian Magistrate is as he is a man, and a member of a Christian Church who hath a soul to be saved, and in this, he is to submit to Pastors, as those that watch for his soul, Heb. 13. 17. as others who have souls to be saved.

X. Ass. Hence I am not affraid to assert a reciprocation of subor­dinations, Reciproca­tion of subordina­ [...]ns be­tween Church and Magi­strate. between the Church and the Magistrate, and a sort of col­laterality and independent supremacy in their own kind common to both, for every soul, Pastors and others, are subject to the Magistrate as the higher power, in all civill things, Rom. 13. 1, 2, 3, 4. Tit. 3▪ 1. 1 Pet. 2. 13, 14. Mat. 22. 21. and all members of the common-wealth, being members of the Church in soul-matters, are subject to the Church and Pastors in their authoritative dispensing of Word, Sa­craments and Church censures: Nor are any Magistrates or other A [...]t. Walens, p. 2. de quatenus pastor sub­jiciatur ma­gist. pag. 15, 16. Iac. Trig. disser. Thel. de potest. civ. & Ec­clesi. c. 5. pag. 124. profess. Ley­den in Syno. purioris. Theol. dis. de disc. Ec­clesi. & de magistrati. Zipperus de p [...]lit [...]a Ec­clesiast. l. 3. c. 13. Calvinus Insti. l. 4. c. 11. Pet. Cabel Iavins in apol [...]g [...]tico Rescript pro libert. Ecelesi. c. 6. p. 79. M. Cot. in a Model of Church and civill power. P. Matyr. loc. Communi. l. 4. c. 13. D. Pareus in prefat. ad h [...]seam. Epist. ad langravi. August. confess. Artic. de pot [...]st. Ecclesi. Helv. confess. Anno 1566. Art. 18. Suevica confess. Art. 13. Saxonica Art. 12. Anglic. fol. 132. Scotic▪ confess. who have souls excepted, Heb. 13. 17. Mat. 16. 19. Mat. 18. [...]8. Joh. 20. 21. Act. 15. 20, 21, 22, 23. Mat. 10. 4 [...], 41, 42. So Protestant writers who have written on this subject Teach: As the learned Walens, ju­dicious Trig. that most learned Divine, And. Rivetus; the grave and learned professors of Leyden, Zipperus, Calv. Petr. Cabel Javi [...], reverend and pious M. Iohn Cotton, judicious P. Mar. D. Pareus, all the Protestant confessions. The Augustine confession distinctly of Helvetia. The confession of Sweden, the Saxon. The English con­fession and that of Scotland, all our Divines; while Erastus, Ʋten­bogard, Hu. Grotius, Vedelius, (Bullinger, Gualth [...]rus, going before them; yet not every way theirs) did teach the contrary. The Ar­minians in Holland did thus flatter the Magistrate for their owne politick ends, and some Court Divines made the King of England Head of the Church, in the place of the Pope, which P. Mar. excu­sed and expounded benignly; some say it is against reason that there should be two supream collaterall powers, and especially in a mutuall subordination. But can we deny this reciprocation of subordinati­ons? it is evident in many things; if the King be in an extream fea­ver, [Page 561] one of his own subjects, a skill'd Physitian forbiddeth him to drink wine, the King is to obey him as a Physitian, by vertue of the sixth command, as the King would not kill himselfe: And yet by vertue of the fifth command, the Physitian being the Kings subject, is subject to the Laws of the King. The Queen of Scotland as a wife, was to be subject to her Husband in the Lord, as the Word of God commandeth, Ephes. 5. 22. and her owne Husband not be­ing King, but a subject, was to obey his Wife, the Princes and su­pream Magistrate according to the Word of God, Rom. 13. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 13, 14. Tit. 3. 1. Yea, all Arts have a sort of collaterall and co-equall dignity, and we are to believe a skilled Artist in his owne Art, though this Artist be a servant, a vassal, a slave to those who do yeild to him in his owne Art.


Quest. 21.

Objections touching the subordinations of Magistrate and Church removed.

THere is nothing more hated by the Adversaries then the pre­tended emulation of those two superlatives and highest pow­ers: Some Object, 1. Are not all powers on earth subject to the Magistrate? Ministers of the Gospel not excepted; doth not the Ma­gistrate command the Pastors to preach the Word?

Ans. All power deviating offensively, and to the disturbance of societies in Morals, is subject to the Civill power and the Sword; and every power failing against the Law and Gospel within the bo­some of the Church, is subject to the Word of God, in the mouth of the Ministers, who are nothing but Servants and Heralds; so that the subjection is to God, not to the Church, and in a spirituall and Ecclesiasticall way: See P. Martyr. Lo. Com. l. 4. c. 13. & seq; Its but a poor evasion of Vedelius, to say, That the Magistrate is sub­ject to the Church Catachrestice & abusive, unproperly and abusively. 1. Because the Ministers as the Ambassadors of Christ do properly and not abusively preach the Gospel to Magistrates. 2. Magi­strates are not unproperly the sheepe of Christ; yea, they are to [Page 562] the adversaries chief Members of the Church; Ergo, they are that way subject as other Members, as Pareus saith, Com. Rom. 13. Nor, 3. Will that prove any thing that the Pastors are Ministers, not Lords: for to people and Prince as they have souls to be saved, they are Ministers, and by this people should abusively be subiect as well as Magistrates: But Vedelius freeth Magistrates from subjection to Pastors; because they are subject to the Word of God, not to Pastors, but so are the people subject also the same way.

Obj. 2. Then may the Church censure all sinnes, even those that are most proper to the civill judge, such as sorcery, parricide, sodomie, for the which the Magistrate is to draw the sword, and for which the Lord made the land to cast out seven great Nations.

Ans. The case is one within the Church, and another without the Church. 2. It is one in the case of a confused, or backs [...]ding Church, another in the Church rightly constitute and pure; with­out the Church, God intendeth nothing, either in the intention of the worker or the work; but the externall peace of humane socie­ty: Then, I grant the Magistrate is at the first without any pre­vious labours of religious men, to save the soul of the offender, to take care of peace and the conservation of humane society; But within the visible Church, where the Gospel is preached, it is pre­sumed, that God intendeth salvation in regard of the intention of the work, the Gospel being preached to all within the visible Church; if therefore any within the visible Church, fall in horri­ble scandals, and such as are capitall, in the intention of Gods dis­pensation, without the Church, God intendeth nothing but peace; But in regard of the intention of Gods dispensation, within the Church, where the Gospel is preached, he intendeth both peace by the godly Magistrates care and eternall life, by the preaching of the Gospel; Because therefore life eternall is more necessary then externall peace, it is necessary that the Church first labour to try, cognosce of, and cure the mans soul by rebukes, threats, convicti­on; and (if need be) by excommunication, that the souls of many may be saved from the contagion of scandal, before the Magistrate punish either to death, (if the scandal so deserve) or by any co­active way by the sword, the genuine fruit whereof is not repen­tance and gaining of the mans soul, except by accident and through the co-operation of a higher hand, above nature even of free grace) [Page 563] but the externall peace of the common-wealth; hence in a consti­tute Church, the Magistrate is not to proceed with the sword a­gainst the body of any Member of the Church, while the Church first try and attempt how to save his soul; therefore the Magistrate is to sentence none as punishable by the sword, while first he be la­boured on by the Church, and upon a previous sentence of the Church; then must the Magistrates judging of a scandalous Church-member be subsequent, and the Churches judging antece­dent: But, 2. If the Church be remisse, this is a defect▪ and some­what extraordinary; if the Magistrate command the Church to do their duty, and they neglect to do it, the Magistrates cognizance then may be antecedent and not consequent, and the case of a Church erring in a fact, is, as if, in that fact, there were no Church.

Obj. 3. Those are subordinate to the Church, whose judgement and sentences are subjected to the Church, to be tryed or condemned by the Church, but the judgement and sentences of the Magistrate are subjected to the Church; Ergo, and by the like they prove, Pastors to be subjected to the Civill Magistrate, because their preaching, their dispensing of the seals, their sentences in their Presbytery are subjected to the Magistrate, so as he may absolve, or condemne.

Ans. Vedelius shall never prove the Major, as touching the sub­jection or subordination in question; he is subject to the Magistrate, whose sentence or judgement is subject, in an antecedent cognizance, and in a coactive corporall way, it is true: But now the assumption is false, in a constitute Church, the sentence or thing sentenced or judged by the Church, is subject to the Magistrate in a subsequent cognizance, and in a corporall coactive way only: But not in an an­tecedent cognizance, and by a way of Ecclesiasticall censuring; we acknowledge a subordination of the Churches sentence to the Ma­gistrate, in regard of the Magistrates externall care to punish ini­quity in any; not in regard of intrinsecall judging and dealing with the conscience, the Church is to give a reason of their sentence from the Word of God, to the Magistrate when he demandeth it.

Obj. 4. Ministers as Ministers are subjects of the King; Ergo, the King judgeth them as Ministers.

Ans. I deny the antecedent: The Ministery as such is an Ordi­nance of God, and cannot be judged; nor are Ministers, nor Pain­ters as Painters, nor Musitians as Musitians, nor Saylors as Saylors [Page 564] subjects; these reduplications be consening and deceiving notions▪ painters as painters are regulated by Art, & subject to be judged by painters; but as men they are subjects, & so are Ministers as men sub­ject to Cesar; as Ministers they are the servants of Christ, & not sub­jects. Ob. As Ministers they are either Magistrates or subjects; but Mi­nisters as Ministers are not Magistrates: He that is not with Christ is against him, M. Coleman in his Brotherly examination, p. 21. saith, He that doth not manage his office under Christ, and for Christ, must manage it under the Devil, and for the Devil; if therefore the Chri­stian Magistrate do not manage his office under, and for Christ, he must manage it under, or for the Devil, which were blasphemous. Ans. I deny the Major proposition: Ministers as Ministers are neither Magistrates, nor subjects; but formally the separated servants of Christ, set a part for the work of gathering the Saints: Now to be The Mini­sters as Ministers neither Magistrates nor sub­jects. The Ma­gistrate as such nei­ther mana­geth his of­fice under Christ as mediator, nor under Satan, but under God as creator. subjects, is to be judged by the Magistrate in those things, in which they are subjects, that is, in all Civill businesse they are, and false teaching discerned by the Church to be false teaching, or in case the Church corrupt themselves, then are Ministers obnoxions to bodi­ly punishment to be inflicted by the Magistrate; But this is proper­ly to be a subject of the Magistrate, to be lyable to the civill cogni­zance, trying, and bodily punishment inflicted by the Magistrate, and to be a subject; and a member of the other Kingdome, is to be subject to the Ecclesiasticall cognizance, tryall, and censure of the Church, as a matter that concerneth the soul; hence the former con­cerneth the body and outward man, the latter the inner man, and the soul. 2. The former concerneth peace with men and edification, to be procured by a mean extrinsecall to edification, to wit, by the sword; the latter concerneth peace with God, by a spirituall sword, the Word of God. 3. The former is carnall, and of the Kingdome of this world; the latter spirituall and of Christs other Kingdome, that is not of this world, Ioh. 18. 36. 4. The former worketh by coaction and bodily violence; the latter by removing unwillingnesse and making a rebellious soul obedient. 5. The former is an act of justice not terminated on repentance, or the mans turning to God, as an end; for whether this end be obtained, or no, the Magistrate is to use the sword, the other is terminated on repentance, as its end: He that is not with Christ, is against Christ, and with the Devil; Its true, in all professors of the Gospel▪ as professors, no man, but he must [Page 565] be either on the one side, or on the other, either for, or with Christ, or against him: But it is not true with every reduplication; thus Ministers as Ministers are subjects of, or to the King, and to obey him in the Lord, and so with Christ, hath this sense, Ministers essen­tially and formally are subjects of, or to the King to obey him in the Lord; so as Ministers do lose the essence and formality of the office of the Ministery; if they be not the Kings subjects, and with Christ; this is most false, for Iudas should not be a Minister of Christ then, in that he was not subject to the Law of Cesar, that is, that the ser­vant and disciple should be for, and under his master and Lord, it only followeth; Ergo, Iudas was not a godly Minister, but under the Devil, not under Christ; Magistrates do neither essentially as Magistrates cleave to Christ, nor [...]ight against Christ; but as holy men they cleave to Christ, as sinfull men they fight against Christ. 2. Master Coleman knoweth that we speak of the office of a Magi­strate as a Magistrate, not under the accidents of Christian, or hea­thenish; there was no reason he should apply his Argument to the Parliament, except to make us odious, as if we did not as much ho­nour or pray for the Parliament and King, as himselfe: But it con­cludeth equally against all Magistrates, and let him see it in a hea­then Magistrate as a Magistrate: for a heathen Magistrate as a Ma­gistrate, doth either manage his office under Christ, and for Christ, or under the Devil, and for the Devil. This I and Master Coleman also shall deny, for a heathen Magistrate as a Magistrate, doth not manage his office under, or for Christ, as mediator; because he is utterly ignorant of Christ, for he hath no more, but what God as creator and nature gave him, saith Master Coleman, pag. 20. and the other horne of the Argument, is as weak for this, The heathen Magistrate as such manageth his office under, or for the De­vil, is blasphemous, for so Magistracy and the office should be in­trinsecally unlawfull, and for the Devil: But it is intrinsecally the Ordinance of God, Rom. 13. and apply this to God as creator, it shall appear of force. The Magistrate as the Magistrate, doth ei­ther manage his office under, and for God creator, or under, and for the Devil. The former part is true, because God creator and nature made the office of Magistracy, apply it to a heathenish hus­band, Father, Master, Musitian, Painter, under these reduplications and it shall make the relation of Husband Devilish, or this propo­sition, [Page 566] (a Husband, a Father as a Father, and a Husband, manage their office, under, and for Christ the mediator, or under, or for the De­vil) is most false and blasphemous: the former part is false; for there should have been, and was Father and Husband which did manage the duties of these relations, for God creator, not for Christ mediator; though Christ had never taken on our nature, never been mediator, never been King and Priest of his redeemed Church. The latter part is blasphemous, for then Adam had managed the part of Husband and Father under the Devil, and for the Devil, even before he fell in sinne, and in the state of Innocency. 3. Mr. Colemans meaning is, that the Magistrate as the Magistrate, and by office is under Christ mediator, as his supream and immediate vicegerent as mediator; now in this sense, Christs saying ( he that is not against us, is with us) shall not prove the truth of the proposition, which must be this, and is most false, to wit, that (The Magistrate as the Magistrate, by office, is either under Christ mediator, as the supream and immediate vicegerent of him as mediator, or he is by office under the Devil.) This we deny, for one might argue thus of the Apostle Paul, who was either as an A­postle for Christ, or against Christ; Paul as an Apostle is either under Christ the mediator, and his supream and immediate vicege­rent, having power of both Swords, or he is under the Devil: The proposition is most false; for Paul is neither of them, so say we here; the Magistrate doth neither manage his office, as a Magistrate under Christ mediator, as his Vicar, and a little head of the Church; nor yet doth the Magistrate manage his office under, or for the De­vil, God save the Magistrate, datur tertium, he is for Christ as a Christian, and as a Christian; but as a Magistrate he is not for Christ as mediator, that is, as having his office of Christ as medi­ator, and being from Christ a Magistrate, that is, as M. Coleman expoundeth it an officer, having power of both the Swords: for Mr. Coleman saith, p. 20. Christian Magistracy is an Ecclesiasticall admi­nistration; Ergo, he hath the power of the Spirituall Sword, and Paul, Rom. 13. saith, he hath from God the power of the other Sword: Yea, we cannot say that a Magistrate as a Magistrate, or a Minister as a Minister, are either redeemed and saved in Christ, nor no redeemed, or no saved in Christ, but in another reduplica­tion: The Magistrate as a Magistrate, is not redeemed, but as an [Page 567] elected man; nor is he damned, or not redeemed as a Magistrate, but as a reprobate and an unbeleeving man; and the like▪ I say of a Minister, he that is not with Christ, as his immediate and supream swordbearer, is not against Christ, for so all the world except the Prince, should be against him.

Obj. 5. The Magistrate as he defendeth the body, and goods, so also the the fame of men; hence what is a matter of good or ill report is judged by the Magistrate, who may put ill doers to shame, Iudg. c. 187. But Church scandals, blasphemy, heresie, apostacy, are matters of ill report, and of shame; Ergo, they are to be judged by the Magi­strate.

Ans. Non concluditur negatum, We deny not but the Magi­strate may judge and put to shame offenders, but it is civill shame, by which the Magistrate judgeth any offender to be an evill Citi­zen and hurtfull member of the common-wealth, Iudg. 18. 17. The Church hath no power thus to judge, or thus to put to shame: But there is an Ecclesiasticall shame, in which the Church judgeth, whe­ther such a man be a sound and faithfull subject of the Kingdome of Christ, or a hurtfull Member of the Church, and of this shame spea­keth Paul, 2 Thess 3. 14. keep no company with him, that he may be ashamed; and the same way we are to distinguish, a good name for it is an honour, that it be said of any man, as Psal. 87. This man was borne in Zion.

Obj. 6. What the Magistrate as a Magistrate punisheth, that as a Magistrate he judgeth; but as a Magistrate he punisheth Idolatry and heresie; Ergo, as a magistrate he judgeth it.

Ans. What the Magistrate punisheth, that he judgeth distinguo: What he punisheth, that he judgeth, the way that he punisheth, for as he punisheth civilly and with the sword; so he judgeth in a ci­vill way, not as a Church scandal, but as a civill disturbance. 2. In a constitute Church, by a subsequent judging after those whose lips should preserve knowledge, have judged it to be Idolatry, and here­sie; he is to judge it, and in order to corporall punishment, its true, and thus the Major is granted: But the assumption is false, for the Magistrate judgeth nothing as scandalous, no Idolatry, or heresie, with an antecedent judgement, and with order to Ecclesiasticall pu­nishment to gain the soul. Obj. But there is no other judging or pu­nishing required, but such as the magistrate inflicteth. Ans. This is [Page 568] a false principle, and everteth all Church Government.

Obj. 7. But so you make two supream magistrates, the King and the Church, two collaterall supremacies; yet so as the magistrates conscience lyeth under the feet of the Church.

Ans. The Church hath a Ministery, no dominion of Magistracy. 2. There is a collaterality without equality. The Magistrate is highest and worthiest, the other hath no dignity, no supereminency, but to be authoritative declarers of the mind of Christ. 3. The Ma­gistrate is no more tyed to the judgement of a Synod, or Church, then any private man is tyed in his practice▪ the tye in Discipline and in all Synodicall acts and determinations, is here as it is in preaching the Word, the tye is secondary, conditionall, with limita­tion in so farre as it agreeth with the Word, not absolutely obli­ging, not Papal, qua or because commanded, or because determi­ned by the Church, and such as Magistrates, and all Christians may reject, when contrary to, or not warranted by the Word of God.

Obj. 8. But Pastors have authority equally immediate and inde­pendent under God, as the magistrate hath, and what more can they have except the Crowne and Scepter? is not this an emulous and odi­ous equality, beside a collaterality? hence they cry the liberty, the li­berty of the Kingdome of Christ, the right, the power of the Church is taken away, so often as the magistrate punisheth scandals.

Ans. Non-subordination can never inferre equality, who deni­eth that the Magistrate may command the Husband and Wife to do a duty to each other, the father not to provoke the son, the sonne not to disobey the Father, the Pastor and People, the Master and Servant, the Captaine and Souldier, to do a duty each, one to ano­ther. And there is a proper right and liberty, and power immedi­ately given by God, without the King or Magistrates interposing of their authority: to all these, the Kings authority maketh not the man a Father, nor the Sonne subject to the Father, nor the Ser­vant to the Master, nor the Souldier to the Commander. God im­mediately made those powers, and God in the Law of nature hath given a power to the Father over the sonne, without the Magi­strate; yea, though there had never been a Magistrate in the world: so the Pastors and Elders by divine institution, have a power and liberty to feed and governe the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made them overseers, and set them over as those who must [Page 569] give an account to the great Shepherd, Acts 20. 28, 29. 1 Thes. 5. 12, 13. Heb. 13. 17. 1 Tim. 5. 17. now it no more followeth that all Fathers are equall to the Magistrate, all Masters, all Captains to the King, then that the Church or Pastors are equall to the King, for Fathers, Masters, Captaines, Husbands have immediately from God in the Law of Nature, a supream, a high and independent Authority as the Church hath, without any intervention of the will or authority of King or any earthly Magistrate, and without any subordination as they are such to the Prince. 2. The emulation be­tween the Magistrate and Pastors is no more in point of govern­ment, then in point of preaching, exhorting, rebuking even of Kings and all that are in Authority; now we have both demon­strated from the Word, and have the grant of Adversaries, that in point of preaching and rebuking, the Pastors have an immediate supremacy and independency under Iesus Christ; and all emu­lation here, is from men who will no [...] submit to the yoke of Christ. 3. If the Magistrate should usurpe over Husbands, and Masters and Fathers, their jus maritale, herile, Paterum, and spoil them of Husband-power, and masterly and fatherly power, as our Adversaries counsell the Magistrate to take the spirituall right and power of the keyes of the Kingdome of God, from the Church and Pastors, the former should complaine, as do the latter.

Object. 8. But if the Kingdome be heathenish, and the heart of the King be first supernaturally affected, then Religion beginneth at him as a Magistrate, and he may appoint gifted men after they are con­verted to preach the Gospell; Ergo, The first rise of Religion is from the Magistrate as the Magistrate.

Ans. If the King be converted first as a Christian, not as a Ma­gistrate, he may spread the Gospell to others, and preach himselfe but not as a Magistrate, as Iehoshaphat commanded the Levites to do their dutie, so might he command those of the house of Aaron, who had deserted the Priests office, to take the office on them, to which God had called them, so here gifts and faithfulnes appea­ring to the new converted Prince, he is to command those so gifted, (for their gifts and faithfulnes is as evident a call as to be borne the sonnes of Aaron,) to take on them the calling of preach­ing and of dispensing the Seals. But▪ 1. he ordaineth them not [Page 570] Pastors as a Prince, but commandeth them to follow the calling which now the Church not constitute, cannot give. 2. He can preach himselfe as a gifted beleever, in an extraordinary exigence, A Prince as a gifted Christian may preach and spread the Gos­pell to a land where the Gospell hath not bin heard be­fore, but not as a Magi­strate. but he cannot doe this as a Magistrate, yea, Moses did never pro­phecy as a Magistrate, nor David as a King. 2. All the rise that Religion hath from the Prince as the Prince in this case is civill, that men gifted may be commanded by civill Authority, to dis­pence Word and Sacraments, but nothing Ecclesiasticall is here done by the Prince as the Prince. 3. The highest power in the Church as the Church, and the highest amongst men, as men, are much different. The Magistrates power in commanding that this Religion that is true and consonant to the Word of God be set up, and others that are false be not set up in his Kingdome, is a ci­vill power, and due to him as a Magistrate, but a highest Church power, to dispense Word and Sacraments agreeth to no Magi­strate as a Magistrate; but it followeth not, that when the true Religion is erected by his power as a Magistrate, that he may as a Magistrate dispence Word, Sacraments, and Synodicall acts and censures; except God have called him to preach the Word, and to use the sword of the other Kingdome, as a Member of the Church joyned with the Church.

Object. 9. But the Magistrate is unproperly subject to the Pastor, who is but a meer Herald, servant, and Minister, who hath all his Ità videlius Ep. Const. quest. 11. authority from the word of another, and so it is but imperium alie­num, a borrowed power, he is subject properly to Christ speaking in his Word. Titius is subject to the King properly, but unproperly to the Kings Herald.

Ans. 1. Let the subjection be unproper, there can no conclusion from thence be drawn against us, If 1. The Pastors as Pastors have their commissions from Christ and be his immediate Servants, and have no Commission Pastorall from the Magistrate, as the po­wer of the Herald floweth immediately from the royall power of the King, and he is the Kings immediate servant; then to obey him in those acts which he performeth in the Kings name, is to o­bey the King; and in those acts subjects doe properly obey the Herald; and so here Heb. 13. Obey those that are over you in the Lord, according to that, He that heareth you, heareth me, he that despiseth you despiseth me. 2. It is enough for our purpose that Ma­gistrates [Page 571] are so to obey Pastors in the Lord, and Pastors are so su­preame under Christ as the Magistrate is not above them, and they have their Ambassage, calling, and commission immediately from Iesus Christ, without the intervention of the Magistrates Au­thority.

Obj. But the obedience of the Magistrate to the Pastors, is not ab­solute, but conditionall, if they command in the Lord; Ergo, It is no kindly obedience and subjection.

Ans. It followeth not, for so we should give no kindly obedi­ence to Kings, to Parents, to Masters, for we obey them onely conditionally in the Lord, as they warrant their Commandement from the Word. Yet Vedelius will not say, it is unproper subjecti­on we owe to the King, nor can he say that the Royall power is imperium alienum, a begged power, all obedience to men this way is begged, and if we come to Logick, if I should say the nature and definition of obedience agreeth not univocally to obedience to God, and to obedience to the creature, Vedelius should hardly re­fute me. It is enough Ministers of the Gospell discharge an Am­bassage in the roome and place of God, 2 Cor. 5. 20. God com­mandeth in his Ministers, a limited obedience, is kindly obedience.

Obj. 10. The keeping of the booke of the Law is given to the King, Deut. 17. and 2 Kin. 11. v. 12. Iehoiada the Priest gave the booke Vtenbogard cont. Ponti­fic. primat. p. 71, 72, 73 Anto. Wal. p. 2. p. 30, 31. Cabcl Iavius apol. disser. de l. Eccles. c. 6. p. 82. Iac. Trig. Des. Thho. of the Testimony to King Iehoash, when they made him King, the Priests indeed kept the booke of the Law in the side of the Arke, but as servants of the King, and custodes Templi.

Ans. You may see solid answers to this, in Walens, Cabel Iavius, and Iac. Triglandius. 1. The booke of the Law was given to the King for his practise, that he might feare the Lord his God, and his heart not be lifted up above his brethren, Deut. 17. 18, 19, 20. and this was common to him, with the Priests and all the people of God, but to the King in an exemplary and speciall manner, that 1. The people might follow his Example, and therefore these same words which concerne the practice of the King, Deut. 17. 19. are also given to the people, Deut. 6. 2. and 10. 13. and 111, 2, 13, 22. and 12. 1, 2, 28. and 13. 4. and 27. 1. and 28. 1. with a little change, sure no change that by any consequent will make the book of the Law to be delivered to the King to this end, that his lips by his Royall office, should preserve knowledge, and that the people [Page 572] should require the Law at the Kings mouth, which was the speciall The King and the Priest kept the book of the Law, but in a farre diffe­rent way. office of the Priest, Mal. 2. 7. as proper and peculiar to the Priest, as the Covenant of Levi, ver. 8. and that they should not be par­tiall in the Law, but should teach the people the difference between the cleane and the unclean, the precious and the vile in Iudgement, not accepting the persons of father and mother, Ezek. 44. 23, 24. and 22, 26. Lev. 10. 10, 11, Ieremiah▪ 15. 19. Deut. 33. 9. Yea, it was no lesse peculiar to the Priests, then to offer Sacrifice to the Lord, Leviticu [...] 10. 10, 11, 12, 13. Mal. 2. 7, 8. compared with v. 2. and with c. 1. v. 6, 7, 8. Now the King as King was not a confederate in the Covenant of Levi, to burne incense and teach the people, but in a farre other Covenant, [...] Kin. 11. 17, 18. 2. In which the King was to use the sword in defence of the Law and punish­ing Idolaters: for 1. the King is neither commanded to teach Priests and people out of the booke of the Law; Nor 2. rebuked for his neglect in this: both these we may read of the Priests eve­ry where in the Prophets, Deut. 33. 10. Mal. 2. 7. Lev. 10. 10, 11. Ier. 2. 8. and 6. 13, 14. Hos. 4. 6, 7, 8. Deut. 17. 11, 12. yea the booke of the Law is put in the keeping of the Priests and Levites, Deut. 31. 25. And Moses commanded the Levites, which bare the Arke of the Covenant of the Lord, saying, 26. Take this book of the Law, and put it in the side of the Arke of the Covenant of the Lord your God. Now if the Priests had been onely the Kings servants immediately subordinate to the King, and mediately onely to Iesus Christ, the Arke, all the holy things, the booke of the covenant, the burning of incense before the Lord, had been principally and first injoyned to the King. Ezra the Priest read the book of the Law, not Nehemiah; nor was it ever commanded that the King should read it in the hearing of the people, and give the sense of it, as the Priests were to doe by their office; Hilkiah 2 Kin. 22. found the booke of the Law that was lost, and Shaphan the Scribe read it before the King, that they might see their Apostacie, and Iosiah might accordingly reforme, 2 King. 22 9, 10.

Object. 11. Isai. 49. Kings shall be thy Nurse-fathers: Ergo, Kings were Fathers and heads of the Church.

Ans. This text is brought for the Popes Supremacy, but it is Isai. 60. 10. Their Kings [...] shall serve thee, this is no domi­nion. And the breasts of Kings, which the Church is to suck, [Page 573] is not the sincere milk of the Word, which the King preacheth by himself or others, but the externall strength, dignity, that the King shall adde by his Authority to the Church, but the Tutor cannot [...]ob the Pupil of the Law and priviledges of the inheritance. 2. The Prince is not a father spirituall of the second birth of the Church, as Paul was, 1 Cor. 4. 15.

Object. 12. He for whom we are to pray, that under him we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinesse and honesty, and procureth the good of the Church as the Church; to him as the supream Officer and Shepherd, is the Church as the Church subject; but the Magistrate is such, 1 Tim. 2. 1, 2. Ergo.

Ans. The Major is false, and the Assumption untrue also, and all that the conclusion can bring forth, is, that the Prince hath 1. An ex­ternall coactive care by way of dominion to procure the remo­vall of Wolves from the fold. 2. To procure the good of the Church, in order to a naturall and civill good. 3. To procure good to the Church as the Church in a coactive way, by the sword, in punishing Idolators. 2. The Church as the Church is not subor­dinate to the Prince, but as Subjects of the common wealth, be­cause he by a coactive power may procure the good of the Church as the Church; for indirectly and by the sword, the Magistrate defending godlines, and procuring the good of souls, doth not prove that his dominion and sword extendeth to their soules, or that he watcheth for their soules, as Heb. 13. 17.

Obj. 13. The Kings of Israel and Iudah have reformed Religion.

Ans. I cannot trouble the Reader, to adde here what I have answered elsewhere, but let the Reader see Triglandius, Ant. Walens, Gabel Iavius in the cited places, they have in the defecti­on of the Priests, which is extraordinary, Reformed Religion. 2. They did many things as Prophets, not as Magistrates. 3. They have done much in Religion, quoad actus imperatos, non elicitos, by their civill power commanding Priests to doe their dutie.

Object. 14. Its true in severall respects, he that is a Governour, may be a subject, but in one and the same spirituall respect, to judge Bloody Tenent, Cap. 82. page 119. and to be judged, to sit on the Bench, and stand at the barre of Christ Iesus, is as impossible as to reconcile the East and the VVest together, so The Bloodie Tenent, I demand if the Church be a Delinquent, who shall judge? It is answered the, magistrate. Again if the magistrate [Page 574] be a delinquent, I ask who shall judge it? It is answered, The Church. Whence I observe (which is, in most cases of the world monstrous) that one person, to wit, the Church or the Magistrate, shall be at one time C. 65. [...]a. 123. the delinquent at the Barre, and the judge upon the Bench: for the Church must judge when the magistrate offends; and yet the magi­strate must judge when the Church offends, whether she contem [...] civill authority, in the Second Table for thus dealing with him, or whether she hath broken the rules of the first table of which (say they) God hath made him a keeper and preserver, what blood, what tumults hath been, and must be spilt upon these grounds? Ib. so C. 85. pa. 124. the Church calleth one of her members to office, and ordaineth him an officer: The Magistrate opposeth him as an unworthy officer, and accor­ding to his conscience suppresseth him; upon this the Church complaineth of the Magistrates violation of her priviledges, and that he is turned persecutor, and not prevailing with admonition, She excommunicateth the Magistrate: The Magistrate again not induring such violation of or­dinances, he cutteth off with the sword, such prophaners of ordinances.

Ans. All this is but wind, devised against the Magistrates pu­nishing The Pa­stors and the Iudges do recipro­cally judge and cen­sure one another. of Idolaters, and I shew the same followeth upon the Ma­gistrates, or Church erring, the one in abusing civill authority, or the other in prophaning ordinances, or preaching the word; for instance, The Iudges of a land, or of Ierusalem, make grievous and bloody decrees against the poor, the widdows and the Or­phane: A faithfull Isaiah, a zealous preacher by authority from the Lord, judgeth and condemneth according to his conscience, these judges, and cryeth out, as Isai. 10. 1 in the name of the Lord▪ before all the Congregation: Woe be to you who decree unrighteous decrees, and write (in the Bench) grievousnesse, to turne aside the needy from judgement, and to take away right from the poore: Now the Magistrate that decreed those decrees, judgeth in his conscience they are righteous decrees, and he according to his conscience no [...] induring that Isaiah or any preacher should thus abuse and pro­phane so holy an Ordinance of prophecying, and preaching: as to preach lies in the name of the Lord, he proceedeth in his civill court, and cu [...]teth off with the sword such false Prophets, because they [...]lander the Lords annoynted, and preach lies of him: is not here a reciprocation of judging in the same cause? What will the Author say to this? O saith he, the Magistrate ought not to use his sword [Page 575] against those Prophets, for they preach according to their consci­ence the truth of God: But say that Shimei were a Prophet, and he calls David his Prince a bloody murtherer; and saith, this evill is come on him, for rising up against Saul his Master; The Magi­strate may not punish him with the Sword, for railing against the Lords anoynted. 2. And if the Magistrate ought not to strike with the sword any Prophet, for preaching according to his conscience, for that is persecution to this Author; how shall the Prophets judge and condemne the Magistrate, for those same decrees which he hath given out according to his conscience? for this is a persecuti­on with the tongue, Mat. 5. 11. Iob 19. 22. and it is one and the same spirituall cause, saith this Author. 3. The same very Author and the Parliament, do reciprocally judge and condemne one ano­ther; for the Parliament make warre against Papists, for drawing the King on their side, and causing him make warre against the Lambe and his followers, that is, against godly Protestants: Now suppose Priests and Iesuits, preach this to the Queen and other Pa­pists, and they according to their conscience make warre against the flock of Christ, and the Parliament according to their conscience make warre against them: this Author sitteth downe, and judgeth and condemneth both sides as bloody persecutors, for point of con­science: Now though the Author in his Bench with his penne con­demneth and judgeth both according to his conscience; yet if the Papists or possibly the Parliament, had this Author in their fingers, might not they reciprocally judge and condemne him? I think he cannot deny; how justly they should reciprocally judge the Author, I cannot say. 3. This Author would have a contradiction, such as is to make East and West both one, that one and the same man both sit in the Bench, and stand at the barre, that the Church judge the Magistrate, and the Magistrate judge the Church: But I hope con­tradictions were no more under the Old Testament to be admitted, nor under the New. Now in the Old Testament the King might put to death the Prophet, who should prophecy blasphemies, and again the Prophet might judge the King, by denouncing the judgement of the Lord against the King; let the Author say how the King, both did sit in the Bench, and stand at the ba [...]e in divers respects: I think A [...]hab might judge and punish Micaiah unjustly, for pro­phecying that he should dye at Ramoth Gilead, and Micaiah might [Page 576] in prophecy give out the sentence of death justly against him▪ but here be two contrary sentences, the like may fall out in Synodicall constitutions. 2. To answer to his reasons. 1. It followeth not that in one and the same spirituall respect, one and the same person judgeth on the Bench, and is judged at the Bar; for the Churches judging is in a spirituall respect, as the officer ordained, may pro­mote the building of Gods House, the Magistrates suppressing him is no spirituall respect; but as it disturbeth the peace of the State, that so unworthy a person is an officer in Gods House, and is hurt­full to the Church of God in their edi [...]icatio [...], which the Magistrate is to promote not in spirituall, but in a civill coactive way, by the power of the sword. 3. That one judge on the Bench, and the same stand at the Barre and be judged, at divers and sundry times, is not so impossible, by farre, as to reconcile East and West toge­ther; A [...]b may judge Naboath to be condemned and stoned for his vineyard to day, and immediately after Elias the Prophet may arraigne him before the Barre and tribunall of God to be condem­ned, and adjudged to dye in the portion of Iezreel, where the dogs may lick his blood: It is true Elias is not properly a judge, but a declarer, in a propheticall and authoritative way of the judgement of God; but this is all the judiciall power which we ascribe to Church, or Presbytery and Pastors; they are meer Ministers or servants to declare the will and sentence of God: When the Mini­ster preacheth wrath against the King for his sins, he judgeth the King in a Pastorall and Ministeriall way, which is all we contend for, in many officers united in a Church way, and at that same time, the King hath power after that, to judge him for preaching treason for [...]ound Doctrine; if it be found to be treason by the Church, and this reciprocation of judging we maintaine as consistent and ne­cessary in Ministers of Gospel and Magistrates: But such a distance betweene them, as between East and West, we see not. The Au­thor should have shewne it to us by his owne grounds: The Church may excommunicate a Magistrate as a persecutor, who cut­teth off Idolaters for their conscience; yet the godly Magistrate may judge and punish them with the sword, for abusing the ordi­nance of Excommunication, so as to excommunicate the godly Ma­gistrate, because he doth punish evill doing with the Sword, Rom. 13. 4. 4. The Author infers that tumults and bloods do arise from [Page 577] these two▪ But that will not prove these two to be inconsistent and contr [...]dictorious; tumults and blood arise from preaching the Gospel, what then? Ergo, the Gospel is a masse of contradictions, [...] followeth not: The [...]umul [...]s and blood have their rise from mens lusts, who are impatient of the yoak of Christ, not from these two powers to judge Ecclesiastically in the Church, and to be judged ci­villy by the Magistrates: The Author draweth his instance to the actuall judging of the same thing contradictory wayes; for exam­ple, the Church ordaineth one to be a preacher, and this they do Ecclesiastically, and the Magistrate actually condemneth the same man civilly as unworthy to be a preacher: It is one thing to say, that the Church hath power to judge righteously in an Ecclesi­asticall way any matter, and another (that the Christian Magistrate hath power in a civill way, to judge righteously the same matter) and a [...]ar other thing it is to say, The Church hath a power Ec­clesiastically God hath not given a power to the magi­strate and Church and to judge contrary wayes, just­ly and un­justly in one and the same cause. to judge a matter righteously, according to the word, and the Magistrate hath power to judge the same matter civilly in a wrong and unjust way; the former we say, God hath given a power to the Church to ordaine Ecclesiastically, Epaphroditus to be a preacher of the Gospel, because these graces and gifts are in him that are requisite to be in a faithfull preacher; and God hath also given a power to the Christian Magistrate to adde his civill sancti­on to the ordination and calling of the same Epaphroditus: But we do not teach that God hath given to the Church, a power to call Epaphroditus to the Ministery in an Ecclesiasticall way, and that God hath given a power to the Christian Magistrate to anull this lawfull ordination of Epaphroditus: Now the Author putteth such a supposition, that Church and Magistrate have two lawfull powers toward contrary acts; the one of them a power to give out a just sentence, the other a power to give out an unjust sentence in one▪ and the same cause, which we teach not: God gave to none either▪ in Church or State a power to unjustice, ad malum n [...]la▪ est po­testas.

Obj. 14. How can the Magistrate determine, what the true Church and ordinances are, and then set them up with the power of the sword? and how can he give judgement of a [...]alse Church, false Ministery, false Doctrine, and false Ordinances, and so pull them down by the sword? and yet you say the Magistrate is to give no spi­rituall [Page 578] judgement of these, nor hath he any spirituall power for these Bloody Te. c. 84. p. [...]22. ends and purposes. Bloody Tenent.

Ans. The Magistrate judges of these as a Magistrate, not in a Pastorall way or Ecclesiastically; for then by office, he should be a preacher of the Gospel, but civilly as they are agreeable, or con­trary to the Laws of the Common-wealth made concerning Reli­gion, and in order to the civill praise and reward of stipends, wa­ges, or benefices, or to the bodily punishment inflicted by the sword, Rom. 13. 4, 5. So, though the object be spirituall, yet the judging is civill, and the Magistrates power in setting up true, or pulling downe false ordinances, is objectively spirituall or civilly good, or ill (to speak so) against the duty, or agreeable to that which men owe as they are members of a civill incorporation, a City or Com­mon-wealth: But the same power of the Magistrate is formally, essentially in it selfe, civill, and of this world.


Quest. 22.

Whether appeals are to be made from the Assemblies of the Church, to the civill Magistrate, King or Parliament? and of Paul his ap­peal to Cesar.

FOr the clearer explanation of the question, its possible these considerations may help to give light, 1. There be these opini­ons touching the point: Some exclude the Magistrate from all care Bellarmine de laicis c. 17. c. 18. of Church-discipline, [...]. As Iesuits and Papists will have Princes not to examine what the Church, the Pope and the cursed Clergy of Rome decrees in their Synods. To these the Sorbonists of Paris oppose, and the Parliament of France cause to be burnt by the hand of the hang­man, any writings of Iesuits that diminisheth the just right of the Magistrate. 2. Those who in the Low-countries did remonstrate under the name of Arminians, as they are called, hold, that the Ma­gistrate ought to tollerate all Religions, even Turcisme and Iu­daisme not excepted, because the conscience of man cannot be compelled: Some of them were Socinians▪ as Henry Slatius, who [Page 579] saith right downe, he that useth the sword, or seeketh a Magistra­cy▪ Slatius i [...] aperta de­claratione. p. 53. Ma­gistratus non valet sub pena [...] ­terne con­demnation is gladio uti, aut domi­natum pete­re, quisquus id facit, Christianus non est. Welsing. lib. de offici [...] homi. Chri­stiani. p. 1. Sim. Epis. dis. 13. c. 18. 19. Divers o­pinions of the Magi­strates po­wer in causes Ec­cle [...]iasticall. is not a Christian; yea, war is against the command of Iesus Christ, or in any tearms to kill any; saith Henry Welsingius, Episco­pius their chief man will have the Magistrate, going no further then reall or bodily mulcts or fines, Ioan. Geisteranus pronounceth it un­lawfull to be a Magistrate to use the sword: But all say the Ma­gistrate ought not to use the sword against Hereticks, Blasphemers, Idolaters, or against any man, for his conscience or Religion. 3. Those that think the Magistrate bear the sword lawfully, yet do confine him to the defence of the halfe of Gods Law, the duties of the second Table, and not to these all, but to such as border not directly on conscience; for if some should sacrifice their children to Molech and Devils, as some do, the Magistrate were not to punish them, it being a joynt of their Religion and a matter of conscience: and all these will be found to give to the Magistrate as the Magi­strate, just as little as Iesuits do in the matters of Religion, and that is right downe nothing, except possibly the Magistrate be of their Religion only, whom he Governs only as a Christian man; the Ma­gistrate hath more with these, then with Papists. 4. Erastus giveth all in Doctrine and Discipline, both in power and exercise to the Magistrate, even to the dispensing of Word and Sacraments. 5. Others forsaking Erastus in a little, But following him in the main, deny power of order. 2. Power of internall jurisdiction granteth to him all the externall government of the Church. 6. We hold that the Magistrate keeps both Tables of the Law, and that he hath an inspection in a civill coactive way, in preserving both Ta­bles of the Law; but that he is not as a Magistrate a member of the Church, but as a Christian only.

2. The exercise of Discipline is one thing, and the exercise of it, (as the modus) the way of exercising of it, either in relation to Eccle­siasticall constitutions, or in relation to the politick and civill Laws of a Common-wealth, is a far other thing.

3. As the Church is to approve and commend the just sentence of the civill judge in punishing ill doers, but only conditionally in so far as it is just, so is the magistrate obliged to follow, ratifie, and with his civil sanction to confirme the sound constitutions of the Church: But condi­tionally, not absolutely, and blindely, but in so far as they agree with the Word of God.

[Page 580]4. Hence there is a wronging of the Church as the Church, and a civill wronging of the Magistrate as the Magistrate, or of the mem­bers of the Church as such, or of the members of the Common-wealth as such, the former and the latter both cannot belong to one judicature: No more then the failing of a Painter against the precepts of Art, because he hath drawn the colours, proportion, and the counte­nance beside the samplar, and the failing not against Art, but a­gainst the Lawes of the King, in that he hath lavished out too much gold in the drawing of the image, doth belong to one judgement; for the Painter as a Painter, according to the Law of Art, must judge of the former, and the Magistrate as a Magistrate of the latter.

5. An appellation is one thing, and the complaint of an oppressed It is one thing to complain to the Ma­gistrate, another thing to appeal. What an appeal is. man is another thing; or a provocation to a competent judge is one thing, and the refugium, the refuge and fleeing of an oppressed man to a higher power, is another thing; if the Church erre and fail against the Law of Christ in the matter, and decree, the man to be a he­retick, who is none, and that to be heresie which is truth; the op­press [...]d man in a constituted Church may have his refuge to the godly Magistrate and complain, but he cannot appeal, for an appel­lation is from an erring judge to an higher judge, in eadem s [...]rie, in the same nature and kinde of judicatures, as from a civill Court to a higher civill Court, and from an Ecclesiasticall Court to a higher; as suppose the Church of Antioch judge that the Gentiles must be circumcised, the godly there may appeal to the judgement of Apo­stles and Elders, in a Councell conveened from Antioch and Ie­rusalem both: and therefore because the Magistrate can no more judge what is heresie, what truth, as a Magistrate, then he can dispense Word and Sacraments; an appeal cannot be made to him, who is no more a judge, ex officio, nor he can dispense the Sacra­ments ex officio, but a complaint may be made to the Magistrate; if the Church fail in their judging, the Magistrate is to command the Church to judge it over againe, but the Magistrate cannot judge it himself; as there is a complaint made to the Magistrate that the P [...]inter hath not drawn the image exactly, according to the samplar, the Magistrate judgeth not of the Art of the Painter, nor can the Magistrate as the Magistrate draw the image himselfe; But the Ma­gistrate may judge of the Painters breach of promise, who did [...]a­ction [Page 581] to draw it exactly according to the samplar, and hath not kept faith to the man who payeth him wages; and therefore the Magi­strate may either punish his▪ morall error, his breach of promise, not his error of Art, (the faculty or company of Painters must judge of of that) or then command the Painter to paint the same image a­gain, according as the Painter convenanted: But it may be objected, You then make the Magistrate to meddle no more with matters of faith, and preaching truth or falsehood, and giving out Ecclesiasticall rules in Church government, as Act. 15. then he meddleth with pain­ting according to the principles of Art; now painting according to Art belongeth not at all to the conscience of the Magistrate, but sound preaching; right ruling in Gods house, belongeth in a far nearer rela­tion to the conscience of the godly Magistrate. I Answer, As touching the formall judging Ecclesiast [...]cally, and as concerning this, that the Magistrate should say, it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to me▪ or his dispensing of Word and Sacraments, or his burning incense before the Lord, it no more belongeth to him as a Magi­strate, to do these in his owne person formally; because God hath not called him to act these, then it belongeth to him to paint an Image, to sew shooes, to si [...] at the helme of a Ship, and stir and guide her to such a Port, as is clearer, Heb. 5. 4. 1 Cor. 7. 17. 21. Rom. 10. 14. 1 Tim. 5. 17. and 3. 1, 2, 3. Act. 13. 23. and 20. 28, 29, 30. Heb. 13. 17. 2 Chro. 26. 18, 19, 20, 21. But in another consideration, as sound or unsound dispensing of Word and Sacraments, as right or unjust ruling in the house of God, may more or lesse hurt, or be­nefit the souls of men, which he is to care for indirectly, in ordine ad penas vel premia civilia et corporalia; it belongeth more to the Magistrate, to take care of the Church, of Religion, of preaching and, governing Gods house, then any painting or Arts in the earth: Refuge to the Magi­strate, is not an ap­peal. Again, the Church proceeding in these things, that are against com­mon iustice in all judicatures, no lesse then in the Church, as to condemn the party never heard, or not convinced, either by confes­sion, or under two sufficient witnesses, or to do manifest unjustice in the manner of proceeding, leaveth a clear place to the wronged party, by the Law of nature▪ if not to appeal▪ yet to flee and have re-course to the Christian Magistrate, who is Par [...]ns Patrie▪ the father of the Common wealth▪

6. The question may▪ either be of any really▪ wronged by the [Page 582] Church whether he may appeal to the Magistrate, or whether he who either beleeveth, or thinketh, or falsly lyeth, and saith that he was wronged, may appeal to the Magistrate.

7. An Appeal is different from a Declinature, a Declinature is properly a refusing to be judged, because the judge is incompetent, and the businesse belongeth not to him; those who follow Erastus, and deny all power of censures to the Church, doe decline, but not appeal from the Church, thinking the Church hath no power at all to judge or censure the scandalous. An Appeal is properly from the same inferiour judicature, to a superiour judge, in eadem A twofold appeal. serie, in the same kind, and it is either proper or unproper: Pro­per it is, when a particular Church doth appeal to a Synod of ma­ny Churches in the same place: Unproper, when either a wron­ged person hath recourse to one or many Pastors of Authority, as Chrysostome, Flavianus, Athanasius appealed to the Bishop of Rome, that he would request the Church to proceed orderly: Or, 2. The godly Magistrate would command that the Church would unpartially proceed to right an oppressed man, as Cabeljavius saith. Or, 3. When there is no Synods to be had, then as Triglandius De Lib. Eceles. c. 9. p. 134, 135. Iac. Trig. de civili & Ecclesiastic. potest. [...]. 20. p. 420. 421. saith well from Beza, the Christian Magistrate may provide [...]it meanes of releeving the oppressed.

8. This would ever be remembred, that in case of the Churches erring in judgement, which must be thought of as a sort of extra­ordinary case, the godly Magistrate may do more, then what or­dinarily he can doe; and so may the Church, when the Magistrate oppresseth in judgement, as great Iunius saith.

9. We grant when any complaineth to the Magistrate, that they are oppressed in judgement by the Church, that the Church is ob­liged to give an account of their doings, but that from common charitie to remove the scandall, and that they owe to all Christians, as may be evidently collected from 1 Pet. 4. 15. but this will not prove a subordination to common Christians as to Iudges, nor yet to the Magistrate. 2. The Magistrate, when his judging is dee­med scandalous, is to give an account to the preachers of the Gos­pel, who watch for his soul: as King Saul gave an account to Sa­muel, (with a false Apologie, I grant) that he had obeyed the Com­mandement of the Lord; but if Saul had been faultlesse in sparing [...]gag and the cattell, yet was he obliged to give an account to Sa­muel. [Page 583] But that will not prove that King Saul was subordinate to Samuel to be judged of him, because Prophets are but servants and Ministers to declare Gods will, yet is it all the subordinati­on that we require in this, according to that, And the people be­leeved the Lord and Moses. Now all the Arguments before alledg­ed to prove that Pastors as Pastors are not subordinate in their pastorall acts to the civill Magistrate, do also prove that there is no appeal from the Church in an Ecclesiasticall businesse to the ci­vill Magistrate: For 1. If two Painters contend touching any con­troversie in the mysterie of their Art, they cannot appeal to the King as Iudge; the King then should formally be a painter, and which is absurd, not by accident; but as a King and so here, if the King were the judge, to whose determination we might appeale from the Church in a Church controversie, sure the King as King should be a Church Officer: if the Priests in controversie touching burning incense, or offering strange fire to God, should appeal to the decision of the King as the King; sure the King in that as King should be an eminent High Priest, and right of burning incense to the Lord, should belong to him, in as farre as the Kings lips in that controversie should preserve knowledge, and they should seek the Law from his mouth, which is proper to the Priests, Mal. 2. 7. Ezek. 22, 26. and 44. 23, 24. Deut. 17. 11.

2. The Church of Antioch should have appealed to Cesar, if he had been a Christian, in the controversie touching circumcision; he should have determined who were perverters of souls, who not, and should have said by his office, as Emperour, It seemed good to the holy Ghost and to me. 3. We have not any practise, or pre­cept or promise in the Old or New Testament, for any such ap­peal, except they say, all hard questions belonging to the Priests office were to come before Moses as a civill Magistrate, and not as the great Prophet to whom God revealed his minde. 4. If so, then all Church controversies in doctrine and discipline, should be ultimately resolved into the will of the Magistrate, speaking according to the word, and faith in most points should come by hearing a Magistrate determining against Arrius, that Christ is God consubstantiall with the Father, and all binding and loosing in Earth as in heaven, should be from the Magistrate as the Ma­gistrate, he should forgive and retaine sins, and Christ should have [Page 584] given the keyes of the Kingdome of Heaven to the Magistrate as the Magistrate, certainly we should have the doctrine of the Church of Christ, and the building and edifying thereof most ob­scure in the New Testament, in which there is not one word of such a supream and chiefe officer as the Magistrate. 5. The Par­liament, colledge of civill judges, as they are civill Magistrates, should be the Church assemblies, and determine all doctrines, de­barre the ignorant and Hereticks, and Apostates from the Sacra­ments, and totally cast them out of the Church and excommuni­cate them; I see not but then the Parliament as the Parliament is the Church, and the two Kingdomes, Ioh. 18. 36. must be con­founded, and no difference at all made between the civill state and the Church, because the Magistrate as the Magistrate is made by the adversaries the chiefe officer over the Church, the Ecclesiasti­call head, the mixt Governour, halfe civill, whole Ecclesiasticall, in whose power all Pastors, Elders preach, dispense Sacraments, make Church-canons, as his Ministers and Servants; Christ when any brother trespasseth against a Christian brother saith, Tell the Church, never, Tell the christian Magistrate. But truly it is a great mistake in the learned Mr. Pryn to call them Anti-Monarchicall, Anti-Parliamentary, and Novators, who deny that the Parliament hath any Nomothetick power in Church-canons. Nor hath hee in any measure answered the Arguments of those Learned and godly Divines, Mr. Iohn Goodwin, and Mr. Hen: Burton; he is pleased to cite the practise of many Parliaments of England, who laudably impatient of the Popes yoke, have made Church-ca­nons, when the man of sin sate upon the neck of the Christian church; but these numerous citations of Parliaments and Coun­cels in time of Popery conclude nothing against us, who grant when the Church is not her selfe, the christian Magistrate may extraordinarily reform and take from the man of sin his usurped power, but in a constituted Church the case must be otherwise: and 1. Whereas he proveth Emperors and Kings to have a power to Mr. Pryn his Truth Triumph­ing sect. 2. and 3. p. 7, 8, &c. convocate Councels; It hath not strength against us, all our Di­vines teach so. But how, 1. an accumulative civill power, so Iewel, Alley, Bilson, Whitaker, Willet, White, Roger, he might have cited more; but no privative, no Ecclesiasticall power, so as Synods may not lawfully conveen without the command of the civill Ma­gistrate; [Page 585] our Divines say many Synods and Church meetings were in the Apostolique Church without the consent and against the will of the civill Magistrate; our Divines oppose the Pope, who claimeth the only accumulative, civill, privative, and Ecclesiastick power to convocate Synods, and that no Synods are lawfull with­out the consent and mandate of the holinesse of such a Beast. 2. Master Prinne saith, The Magistrate hath power to direct, for 16. Sect. 13▪ 14, 15, 16. time and place, and to limit for matter and manner, the proceedings, liberty and freedome of all Church Assemblies: But, 1. he asserteth this in the most, from corrupt practises. 2. He proveth, Laymen should have hand as well in Synods, as Clergymen, the one having inte­rest Prinne. Truth Triump. p. 31. The Magi­strates pu­nishing, or his interest of faith proveth him not be a judge in Synods. in the faith, as well as the other. Ans. Then must all the peo­ple be members of Synods, for all have alike interest of Faith: but this proveth not interest of defining, which is the question; in dis­pensing Word and Sacraments, they have interest of trying all things, as well as Pastors: but it followeth not; Ergo, they may dispense Word and Sacraments, no lesse; yea, more principally then Pastors, as Erastus saith, the Magistrate more principally de­termineth Synodicall constitutions: Hence this is easily answered, we may appeal in Church businesse to him as to the supream judge, who may punish the erring Church and Pastors; but the Magistrate may in Church businesse do this: For answer, 1. I retort it, the Ma­gistrate in making civill Lawes, that must in their moralitie be de­termined by the Word of God, may appeal to Pastors, whose lips by office should preserve knowledge; Ergo, the Magistrate in ma­king civill Lawes, may appeal to the Pastor, which is absurd. 2. If men in Church-constitutions may appeal to the Magistrate, as to one who may in his person determine Synodically in Assemblies above all the Pastors, 1. Because Magistrates may punish the Pa­stors erring and oppressing in Synods. 2. Because the Magistrate and all laymen have interest in the faith, as well as Pastors, then may people in hearing the Word and receiving the Sacraments, and in all Pastorall rebukings and threatnings, in believing of all Gos­pel promises and threatnings, and fundamentall truths, appeal from Pastors to Magistrates as Magistrates, and Magistrates as such may determine all fundamentall truths, all conscionall promises and re­bukes; and that is, formally they may preach, (for he that can di­stinguish these hath a good engine) Because Magistrates may punish [Page 586] hereticall preaching, and superstitions, and idolatrous abusing of the Sacraments by preachers, and Magistrates and all Laymen have interest of Faith, in Word, Doctrine, and Sacraments, as in Disci­pline; yea, the Magistrate may punish the Priest that offered strange fire to the Lord, offered bastard incense; and the people had their interest of saith, in sacrifices offered for their own sins: but can it follow, therefore the Magistrate might sacrifice and burne incense in his own person, as Mr. Pryn will have him to make Church­laws in his own person: Other Arguments of Mr. Pryns are light; Truth tri­umphing, sect. 2. 31, 32. as, that there were brethren, and Lay-men that had hand in the Councell at Hierusalem, Acts 15.

Ans. This is nothing for Magistrates as Magistrates, but all Christi­ans as Christians so must have hand in Synods, which I grant in so far as concerneth their faith and practise, that they try all things, and try the Spirits whether they be of God or not; but will it follow, Ergo, Magistrates as Magistrates are those only who govern the Church, and make all Ecclesiasticall constitutions, as having in them all power of Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction, and deriving it to Bishops and Pastors at the second hand, as Mr. Pryn saith in the same booke.

Obj. But the King is head of the Church; Ergo, he maketh lawes Page 31. to regulate the Family.

Ans. The Antecedent is false, if not blasphemous; it is proper to Iesus Christ only, Col. 1. 18. Eph. 1. 22. The King is the head of men, who are the Church materialiter, he is not formally as King, Head of the Church as the Church; and therefore we see not how this Statute agreeth with the Word of God, Henric. 8. Stat. 37. c. 17. The Archbishops, Bishops, Arch-deacons, and other Eccle­siasticall persons have no manner of Iurisdiction Ecclesiasticall, but by, under, and from the Kings Royall Majesty, the onely and un­doubted supream head of the Church of England and Ireland, to whom by holy Scripture is given all authority and power, to hear and determine all manner of causes Ecclesiasticall, and to correct all vice and sin whatsoever▪ for neither is the subject, the Archbishops, Bishops, &c. lawfull, nor is the limitation of the subject lawful, for Ecclesiasticall officers are the Ambassadors of Christ, not of the King.

Obj. All Christians are to try the Spirits▪ Ergo, Much more Magistrates.

Ans. This proveth that Christians as Christians, and Magistrates as Christians, may judge & determine of all things that concerneth their practise, and that they are not with blinde obedience to re­ceive things; Mr. Pryn cannot say, that 1 Iohn 4. 1. is meant of a Royall, Parliamentary, or Magistraticall tryall, Iohn speaketh to Christians as such: But this is nothing to prove the power of the Magistrate as the Magistrate, for thought the man were neither King nor Magistrate, he ought to try the Spirits, 1 Iohn 4. 1. Of Pauls appeal to Cesar, that it proveth not that in Ecclesiasti­call contro­versies we may appeal to Hea­then or Christian Magistrates as to Iudges of matters Ecclesi­astick, from the Church.

The speciall objection moved for Appeals is, that which Paul did in a matter of Religion, that we may do in the like case, but Paul, Acts 25. did appeal from a Church Iudge to a civill and a heathen Iudge, in a matter of Religion, when he said before Festus Acts 25. I appeal to Cesar; Ergo, so may the Ministers of Christ far more appeal to the Christian Magistrate, and that Paul did this jure, by Law, not by Priviledge, but by the impulsion of the Holy Ghost, is clear, in that he saith, He ought to be judged by Cesar; so Maccovius, so Vide­lius, so Vtenbogardus, so Erastus.

Ans. 1. This Argument, if it have nerves, shall make the great Turk, when he subdueth people and Churches of the Protestant Religi­on, to be the head of the Church; and as Erastus saith, by his place and office as he is a Magistrate, he may preach and dispense the Sacraments, and a Heathen Nero may make Church constitu­tions, and say, It seemed good to the holy Ghost and to me; and by this, Nero by office is to excommunicate, make or unmake Pa­stors and Teachers, judge what is Orthodoxe Doctrine, what not, debarre hereticks, Apostates and mockers from the Table, and admit the worthie; and Paul the Apostle must have been the Ambassador and Deputie of Nero in preaching the Gospel, and governing the Church, and Nero is the mixt person, and invested by Iesus Christ with spirituall jurisdiction, and the keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven. This Argument to the Adversaries cannot quit its cost, [...]or by this way Paul appealed from the Church in a controversie of Religion, to a Nero, a Heathen unbaptized Head of the Church, and referred his faith over to the will, judgement, and determination of a professed Enemy of the Christian Church; and Paul must both jure by the Law of God, and the impulsion of the Holy Ghost, appeale from the Church to a Heathen without the Church, in a matter of Re­ligion [Page 588] and Conscience; then Nebuchadnezzar was head of the Church of Iudah, and supreame judge and governour in all cau­ses and controversies of Religion, how can we beleeve the adver­sarie, who doe not beleeve themselves? and shall we make Do­mitian, Dioclesian, Trajan, and such heads of the Church of Christ?

2. It is not said that Paul appealed from the Church or any Ecclesiasticall judicature to the civill judge; for Paul appealed from Festus who was neither Church nor Church officer, and so Paul appealeth from an inferiour civill judge, to a superiour or civill judge, as is clear, Acts 28. 6. And when Festus had tarried amongst them more then ten dayes, he went downe to Cesarea, and the Paul appea­led from an inferiour civill judge to a superi­our civill and hea­then judge, in a mat­ter of his life, not in a matter of Religion. next day sitting in the judgement seat, commanded Paul to be brought, vers. 10. And Paul said, I stand at Cesars judgement seat, where I ought to be judged; he refused, v. 9, 10. to be judged by Festus at Ie­rusalem, but saith, v. 11. I appeal to Cesar: Now he had rea­son to appeal from Festus to Cesar, for the Iews laid many grievous complaints against Paul, which they could not prove, vers. 7. And it is said vers. 8. That Festus was willing to doe the Iewes a pleasure, and so was manifestly a partiall Iudge; and though the Sanedrim at Ierusalem could have judged in point of Law, that Paul was a blasphemer, and so by their Law he ought to die, for so Caiphas and the Priests and Pharisees dealt with Iesus Christ, yet his appeal from the Sanedrim, 1. corrupted, and having ma­nifestly declared their bloodie intentions against Paul. 2. From a Sanedrim in its constitution false, and degenered far from what it ought to be by Gods institution, Deut. 17. 8, 9, 10. it now usurp­ing civill businesse, which belonged not to them; Paul might also lawfully appeal from a bloodie and degenerating Church judi­cature, acting according to the bloodie lusts of men against an in­nocent man, to a more unpartiall judge, and yet be no contemner of the Church; this is nothing against our Thesis, which is, that it is not lawfull to appeal in a constituted Church, from a lawfull unmixt Church Judicature to the civill Magistrate in a matter of life and death. 3. Paul appealed from the Sanedrim, armed with the unjust and tyrannicall power of Festus, a man willing to please the bloodie accusers of Paul, as is clear, v. 9. And Festus willing to doe the Iewes a pleasure, answered Paul and said, Wilt thou go up to Ierusalem, and there be judged of these things before me?

[Page 589]3. The cause was not properly a Church businesse but a crime of bodily death and sedition; I deny not but in Pauls accusation, pro­phaning of the Temple, teaching against the Law of Moses was ob­jected to him. Materialiter the enemies made the cause of Paul a Church businesse, but formally it was sedition. 1. It was a businesse for which the Sanedrim sought Pauls life and blood, for which they had neither authority nor Law by divine Institution, there­fore they sought the helpe of Felix, Festus and the Roman Depu­ties; so Lysias vvrote to Felix, Act. 23. 29. I perceived Paul to be accused of questions of their law, but to have nothing layd to his charge worthy of death, or of bonds: Now it is clear the Roman De­puties thought not any accusation for the Iewish Religion a mat­ter of death and bonds, and therefore Gallio the Deputie of A­chaia, Acts 18. 14. saith to the Iewes, if it were a matter of wrong and wicked lewdnes, O yee Iewes, reason were that I should bear with you. 15. But if it be a question of words and names, and of your Law, looke yee to it, for I will be no judge of such matters; Ergo, to the Romans, all the blasphemies of the Iewish law was not a matter of wicked lewdnesse, nor of death: Now the story is clear, they were seeking Pauls life, and for names and words, the Iewes should not reach Paul, nor move the Romans to put to death a Roman, except they could prove sedition or treason against him; and Acts 25. Festus saith to Agrippa, That the Priests and Elders desired to have judgement against Paul. 18. But against him they brought no accusation of such things as I supposed. 19. But had certain questions against him of their owne Superstition, and of one Iesus, who was dead, whom Paul affirmed to be alive: Here it is clear, all are but words, nothing worthy of death, which the Iewes chiefly intended; therefore they accuse him of treason, as we may collect from Pauls Apologie, Acts 25. 8. Neither against the Law of the Iewes, neither against the Temple, nor yet against Cesar have I offended any thing at all. Therefore Act. 24. Tertullus a witty man burdeneth Paul with that which might cost him his head, v. 5. For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, a mover of sedition amongst all the Iewes, throughout all the world, see Acts 21. 38. of all which, though blasphemy according to the Iewish Law was something, yet sedition to the Romans, who only now had power of Pauls life, was all and some; and when the Deputies counted so little of Religion, the [Page 590] Iews knew sedition and treason against Cesar behooved to do the turn, and Paul, seeing they pursued him for his life, appealed to Ce­sar to be judged in that. Now, except the adversaries prove that Paul referred the resurrection of Iesus, and of the dead, and his preaching Christ, and the abolishing of sacrifices, the Temple, the Ceremoniall Law, to be judicially determined by Nero as by the head of the Church, they prove nothing against us: Hence their chiefe argument is soone answered; in what cause Paul was accused of the Iews, in that he appealed to Cesar: But he was accused not for his sedition, but for his Doctrine, Act. 26. 18. Ergo, Paul appealed to Cesar in the cause of Doctrine, not of sedition: For, 1. The Major is dubious, for in what cause he was accused of his head, which was the intent of the Iews in that he appealed, true; but in what cause he was accused, in all and every Article of the points of his accusa­tion and challenge, I deny that; for as touching doctrinals, and his being judged by a lawfull Church, and rightly constituted, he ap­pealed neither from the Sanedrim, nor from Festus, but declined Festus, nor in these did he appeal to Cesar; he only appealed in all cases, which might concern his head and blood. 2. The assump­tion is false, for he was accused of sedition, as is evident from Act. 25. 8. and 24. 5. 3. Though the Priests and Elders were most cor­rupt men; yet that they believed, that Cesar, or bloody Nero his lips should preserve knowledge, and that the Law should be sought from the mouth of Nero, as the head of the Church, can never be proved, which must be proved to justifie Pauls appeal in the tearms of the adversary.

Obj. But may not Nero accuse Paul, that he dare preach his Ie­sus Christ in the Emperours dominions?

Ans. If his dominions be the Christian Churches conquered by his sword, he may accuse as he conquered, that is he may oppresse the consciences of men in accusing, as he oppressed them in their bodies and liberties in the conquering of them: But he may not What po­wer a con­querour hath to set up a religi­on in a conquered nation. as a conquerour accuse them for their conscience, he may if he con­quer those that worship Sathan, cause instruct them in all meek­nesse and lenity: But this he doth by the sword as a Christian ru­ler, to inlarge the dominions of Christ; for when [...] conquereth their bodies, it is not to be thought that he conquereth their souls, or acquireth any new dominion over their cons [...]i [...]nces: But though [Page 591] he do as a Magistrate command them to be instructed, I doubt if he have a negative voice in imposing any Religion that he will, though they be heathens, though some learned Divines say be have a definitive voice, in setting up what Religion he will or tollerating it; I conceive, though he have a definitive voyce in erecting the only true Religion in his heathenish dominions, when there be no Ministers of the Gospel there; yet not for any false Religions, that being of perpetuall truth, God never gave authority or power of the sword to do ill, ad malum non est potestas: what other things Vide­lius and Vtenbogard have on the contrary, are answered: Hence Videlius de Episcopat. Constant. p. 77. Vtenbogard. p. 33. we ask, 1. If the intrinsecall end of judging and censuring Ecclesi­astically, be not the inlightning of the mind, the gaining of souls; and if Nero, or Christian, or Heathen Magistrates, be appointed for that spirituall end? 2. If Paul aymed to refer the judging of the Gospel to Nero? 3. If Paul knowing the Sanedrim sought his blood, not the gaining of his soul, might not appeal to the Magi­strate to save his life? 4. If it was not the Law of natures dictate in Paul so to do, and not any positive constitution of the Magi­strates Headship over the Church and Gospel? 5. If the Ecclesiasti­call judicature will swell without its sphere of activity, to dispose of the life and blood of the Saints; if then the state of the question be not changed; and if then it be not lawfull to appeal and decline, and provoke to the civill Magistrate?

4. Moreover Paul appealed not to Cesar, in ordine ad censuram au [...] pen [...]m Ecclesiasticam▪ in order to a Church censure, as if he thought Cesar should principally excommunicate and cast him out of the [...]ynagogue, or judge him in an Ecclesiasticall way, whether he had done or preached against the Temple, and Law of Moses or not, which must be proved, if the adversaries will prove a proper appeal from the Church to the Prince, which is now our question. All this which is our mind is well explained by our Countryman Ioh. Camero. prelectio, in Mat. 18. 15. p. 151. Christiani principes sunt precipui in Ecclesia in sensu diviso, sunt precipui et sunt in Eccle­sia, non in sensu conjuncto, non sunt prec [...]pui Ecclesiastici: Non enim obtinent principes directe authoritatem Ecclesiasticam, sed indirectè▪ non quod velimus ulla in causa ullum eximi jurisdictione principis, sed quia ejus jurisdictio non nisi per media Ecclesiastica pertinet ad consci­entiam, nempe, princeps non predicat Evangelium, non ligat et solvit [Page 592] peceatores, at de officio principis est dare operam, ut sint qui predicent Evangelium, ut sint qui ligent et solvant peccatores, uno verbo perinde principis est curare salutem animarum, ac eiusdem est saluti corporum prospicere, non est enim principis providere ne morbi grassentur directè, esset enim medicus, at indirectè princeps id studere debet, Itaque Col­legium Magistratuum nullo modo Ecclesia dici potest, imo quatenus Magistratus est de Ecclesia, subjicitur hac in parte Collegio Ecclesi­astico neque tamen ista inter se pugnant, idem ut imperet Collegio Ecclesiastico, et pareat idem, imperat enim quemadmodum medi [...]o imperat Rex, paret ut medicao, nam si medicum facientem officium morte multet, non faciet quod decet sapientem principem, sed quod fa­ciunt furiosi et insani, sin veneficum assiciat extremo supplicio, faciet quod jus et fas, et quod non facere ne [...]as esset. Sic imp [...]reges et insani prophet as jusserunt interfici, pius Rex et idem sapientissimus David Nathanem exosculatus est, Ceterum accipiatur Caute parendi ver­bum, Rex enim cum senatui Ecclesiastico paret, non paret illi obedi­entia civili quae Collegium respiciat, sed obedientia Religiosa que deum respiciat. Sic qui lictori misso a senatu parebat non parebat lictori, sed senatui. Yet it cannot be denied, but the same Camero ascribeth more to the Magistrate then is due, for there is no rea­son why he saith the Prince obeyeth the Church unproperly, more then the people; for it is the same obedience that Prince and peo­ple Camero. prel [...]ct. in Mat. 16. v. 18. 19. Tu es p [...]trus. p. 17. yield, 2. He denieth that the Magistrate and Pastors differ in their end and object, but only in the way and means leading to the end; and in the same doth that learned Divine Dav. Pareus, though both be against the Erastian way: for they say the Ma­gistrates end and object, is not only peace and the good of the bo­dy, and of the externall man, but also of the soul even a super­naturall good, the externall salvation of men, because the Kings of Israel and Iud [...]ls were to read the book of the Law, and they only did reform Religion: Ans. This doth prove that the Church-teachers and Magistrate differ not in the materiall object and end, (of the Iewish Kings I adde nothing to what I have an­swered before) but in the formall end and object they differ: Its Due right of Presby­teries. p. 435 436. 437 438. &c. true, I have said that the intrinsecall end of the Magistrate is a su­pernaturall good: But, 1. That I speak in opposition to the Au­thor of the bloody Tenent, to Socinians, and such as exclude the Magistrate from all meddling with Religion, or using of the sword [Page 593] against Hereticks, Apostates, and Idolaters. 2. That I understand on­ly of the materiall end, because the Prince punishing Idolatry, may per accidens, and indirectly promote the salvation of the Church, by removing the temptations of Hereticks from the Church; but [...]e doth that, not in order to the conscience of the Idolater, to gain [...]is soul, (for Pastors as Pastors do that) but to make the Church quiet, and peaceable in her journey to life eternall: but all this is but to act on the externall man by worldly power.

But saith Camero, it is not true that the Church must meddle with Camero, 16, 17. 18. every sin that is scandalous; because for the circumstance it may be so hid, that the Church cannot judge it, especially in a matter of fact: A Physitian killeth a man either of temerity or negligence, there is no question but it is a great sin; yet the tryall of this belongeth not to the Church: so the Pastor may exhort the Magistrate to do his duty, but to give judgement what way the King should do this, and when he sinneth in this, belongeth to him who governeth the Common-wealth; for this must be true, eredendum est artifici in sua arte, You must be­lieve every man in his owne Art and calling, otherwise great confu­sion should follow.

Ans. Observe that Camero doth liberate the Magistrate from being subject to the rebukes of Pastors, but by accident; because the sins of Princes are hidden in the dark obscurity of intricate causes which they judge: But so the sins of Painters and tradesmen are hid, because judges see not the mysteries of trades. This is no Argument, but such as will equally prove, that the poysoning of a Kings son, belongeth not to the King and Parliament; for a me­dicinall and physicall trying, how the Physitian killeth a man, doth properly belong to the Colledge of Physitians; and if it be­long not for this physicall reason to the Church court, because it is not their Art to judge of medicinall potions, no more shall it be­long to the civill judge to try this murther by poyson: for as Pastors as Pastors are not Physitians, and so cannot judge of the fact; so Kings and civill judges, as such, are not Physitians, and cannot judge for circumstances of a fact of incest, murther, parricide, and of all sins acknowledged to belong to both Church and Magistrate, in divers respects, may make the fact equally dark to all. 2. It is true Pastors cannot prescribe what way the Magistrate should judge; but if the Pastors cannot determine in hypothesie, that this is a fact [Page 594] of unjustice in a judge, and so rebuke, but credendum artifici in sua arte, we must believe the judge in his owne Art, he saith this is an art of justice: then Isaiah and Ieremiah should not cry out against unjust decrees, against crushing and oppressing the poor in the gate; because the wickedst judges say, all their decrees are just, they defend the fatherlesse and widow, and do not crush them, and Pastors cannot rebuke the sins of unjust judges, but you must be­lieve they do just and right in their owne art; yea, many villanies and scandals are carried so mysteriously, and in the clouds, that we must believe the sinner in his owne art and trade of sinning, and be­lieve the harlot, who wipeth her mouth and saith, I have not sin­ned. For the practice of Constantine the Great, in the cause of Do­natus There were no appeals made to the godly Emperors of old. [...]. and Cecilianus I remit to Eusebius l. 10. c. 5. to Optatus Meli­vitanus who wrote the History of the Donatists carefully, to Au­gustine Epistle 162. and for the determination of the question, see what the Emperour writeth to the Councell of Nice, Zozome l. 1. c. 16. Ruffin. l. 1. c. 2. Eusebius in vita Constant, Deus vos constituit sacerdotes et potestatem vobis dedit de nobis quoque judicandi et ideo nos a vobis recte judicamur, vos autem non potestis ab omnibus judi­cari, propter quod Dei solius inter vos exspectate judicium, &c.

That Nectarius was chosen and ordained Bishop of Constanti­nople by Theodosius Socrates l. 5. c. 8. saith not, but by the contrary a centum et quinquaginta Episcopis qui tum aderant ordinatus. The­odoretus l. 5. c. 8. saith he was designed Bishop by the Synod of Con­stantinople: Antiquity seemeth dubious in it, for Nicephorus l. 12. c. 12. Zozomen. l. 7. e. 8. Theodoretus. l. 5. c. 9. Historia tripartit. l. 9. c. 14. say that the Emperor ordained him, the Synod named him; the truth is, the Bishops were devided in judgement; and its like they referred the matter to the godly Emperour: In the mean time Athanasius Epist. de solit vita, Ambros. l. 5. orat ad auxentium, and l. 5. Epist. 32. ad valentinianum. Zozomen l. 6. c. 7. Concilium Tole­tanum. III. Concilium milevitanum. and divers others which I have cited elsewhere, make the Emperor a Son of the Church, not a Head and Lord, intra Ecclesiam, filium Ecclesiae, non judicem, non dominum supra Ecclesiam: I might adde Augustin, Epist. 48. 50. 162. l. 1. de doctr. Christ. c. 18. Cyril. Alexandrinus in an Epistle to the Synod of Antioch, all Protestant Divines of note and lear­ning.


Quest. 23.

Whether the subjecting of the Magistrates to the Church and Pa­stors, be any papal Tyranny; and whether we differ not more from Papists in this, then our adversaries? The Magistrate not the Vicar of the mediator Christ: The Testimonies of some learned Di­vines on the contrary answered.

IT is most unjustly imputed to us, that we lay a Law upon the To lay bands on the consci­ence of the Prince to tye him to blind obe­dience, Po­pish, not our Do­ctrine. Platina. in Bonifac. 3. Baronius an. 602. n. 18. Baronius. an. 606. n. 3. Baroni. an. 1085. conscience of the Magistrates, that they are bound to assist with their power, the decrees of the Church; taking cognizance only of the fact of the Church, not inquiring into the Nature of the thing.

This Doctrine we disclaim, as Popish and Antichristian: It hath its rise from Bonifacius the III. who obtained from Phocas a bloo­dy tyrant, who murthered Mauritius and his Children, as Baro­nius confesseth: and yet he saith of this murtherer optimortum im­peratorum vestigia sequutus, he made an Edict that the Bishop of Constantinople should not be called Oecumenick nor universall Bi­shop; but that this should be given only to the Bishop of Rome: So Baronius yieldeth, this tyranny was inlarged by Hildebrande, named Gregorius the seventh, a monster of tyrannicall wicked­nesse, and yet by Papists, he is sanctitate et miraculis clarus, Baro­nius extolleth him, these and others invaded both the swords: Bi­shops would be civill judges, and trample first upon the neck, then upon the consciences of Emperors, and make Kings the hornes of the beast, and seclude them from all Church businesses, except that with blind obedience, having given their power to the beast, as slaves they must execute the decrees of the Church. Paul the III. the confirmer of the order of Iesuits, who indicted the Councell of Trent, as Onuphrius saith, up braideth Charles the V. for meddling Onuphorius an, 1527. 1540. with Church businesse: They write that Magistrates do not see in Church matters with their owne eyes, but with Bishops eyes, and that they must obey without examining the decrees of Councels; and this they write of all subject to the Church, Toletus in In­struct [Page 596] Sacerd [...]t. l. 4. c. 3. Si Rusticus circa articulos fidei credat suo epis­copo proponenti-aliquod dogma hereticum, mor [...]tur in credendo, licet sit error▪ Card. Cusanus excit. l. 6. sermon. obedientia irrationalis est consumata et perfectissima obedientia sicut Iumentum obedit domino. Ib. sententia pastoris ligat te, pro tua salute, etiam si injusta fuerit: Envy cannot ascribe this to us, Calvin, Beza, yea, all our writers condemne blind obedience as brutish: But our Adversaries in this are more Popish, for they substitute King and Parliament in a head­ship Mr. Prinne Truth tri­umphing. Remonstr. in apolog. p. 299. esse papatus cor­culum, esse id ipsum in quo [...]i [...]a est f [...]rma papa­tus, five pa­palis hierar [...]bi [...]s. over the Church, giving to the King all the same power in causes Ecclesiastick, that the Pope usurped. 2. They make the King a mixed person, to exercise spirituall jurisdiction, to ordaine Bi­shops, and deprive them; and Mr. Prinne calleth the opinion of those who deny Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction, legislative (a high word proper to God only) coercive power of Christian Emperors, Kings, Magi­strates, Parliaments, in all matters of Religion, (what, in fundamen­tall Articles of salvation?) Church-government, Discipline, Cere­monies, &c. Anti-monarchicall, Anti-parliamentarie, Anarchicall, as holden by Papists, Prelates, Anabaptists, Arminians, Socinians, &c. Its that which Arminians objects to us, and calleth the soul, heart, and forme of papall tyranny.

But that the Magistrate is not obliged to execute the decrees of the Church, without further examination; whither they be right or wrong, as Papists teach that the Magistrate is to execute the de­crees of their Popish councels with blind obedience, and submit his faith to them; because he is a layman, and may not dare to ex­amine, whether the Church doth erre, or not, is clear; 1. Be­cause if in hearing the word, all should follow the example of the men of Berea, not relying on the Testimony of Paul or any prea­cher; try, whether th [...] which concerneth their conscience and faith, be agreeable to the Scriptures or no, and accordingly receive or reject; so in all things of Discipline, the Magistrate is to try by the word, whether he ought to adde his sanction to these decrees, which the Church gives out for edification, and whether he should draw the sword against such a one as a heretick, and a perverter of souls: But the former is true, the Magistrates practise in adding his civill sanction, and in punishing herericks concerneth his con­science, knowing that he must do it in faith, as he doth all his mo­ral actions; Ergo, the Magistrate must examine what he practiseth [Page 597] in his office, according to the word, and must not take it upon the meer authority of the Church; else his faith in these moral acts of his office should be resolved ultimaté on the authority of the Church, not on the word of God, which no doubt is Popery; for so the warrant of the Magistrates conscience, should not be, Thus saith the Lord, but Thus saith the Church in their decrees. 2. The Ma­gistrate and all men have a command to try all things; Ergo, to try the decrees of the Church, and to retain what is good, 1 Thes. 5. 21. To try the spirits even of the Church, in their decrees, 1 Joh. 3. 1. 3. We behooved to lay down this Popish ground, that 1. The Church cannot erre in their decrees. 2. Its against Scrip­ture and reason, that Magistrates, and by the like reason, all o­thers should obey the decrees of the Church with a blinde faith, without inquiring in the warrants and grounds of their decrees, which is as good Popery, as, Magistrates and all men are to be­leeve as the Church beleeveth with an implicite faith, so ignorance shall be the mother of Devotion; who ever impute this to us who have suffered for non-conformity, and upon this ground that Synods can erre, refused the Ceremonies, are to consult with their own con­science whether this be not to make us appear disloyall & odious to Magistracy in that which we never thought, [...]ar lesse to teach and professe it to the world. 4. Their chiefe reason is, the Magistrate by our doctrine, by his office, is obliged, 1. To follow the judge­ment of the Church, and in that he is a servant or inslaved, Qui enim judicia aliorum sequi tenetur, is non regit, sed regitur, adeoque Remonstr. in apolog. servus est, & mancipium brutum eorum, quorum judicium sequi ob­ligatur, and the Magistrate (say they) as such, is neither to judge nor try what the Church decrees, but as a Burrio, or Hangman to execute that which the Church hath decreed. But 1. I put it in forme, and retort it thus, They are servants and slaves who are ob­liged not to despise, but to hear and obey, and so to follow the judgement of the Prophets, the faithfull Pastors of Christ, preaching the Word of God soundly and Orthodoxly.

But not onely Magistrates, but all within the visible Church are obliged, not to despise, but to hear and obey, and so to follow the judge­ment of the Prophets, the faithfull Pastors of Christ preaching the Word of God soundly and Orthodoxely; Ergo, Magistrates and all within the visible Church are slaves and servants.

[Page 598]But the conclusion is absurd; Ergo, some of the premises, but the Assumption is the word of God, Iudah was carried captive, be­cause they would not hear the Prophets rising early in the morning and speaking to them: Also in the New Testament, this is true to the second coming of Christ, He that heareth you, heareth me, he that despiseth you, despiseth me. And this, He that will not obey the servant of the supream Magistrate, in that wherein he is a servant, and holdeth forth the Lawfull commands of the supream Magistrate, he will not obey the supream Magistrate: The Major proposition is the adversaries, the assumption is expresse Scripture; let them see then to the conclusion. 2. When the adversary shall answer this argument with equal strength made against preaching and hea­ring the word, they will answer their owne argument made a­gainst Church-government. 3. This argument is made against Sy­nods Popish, that cannot erre▪ as our Protestant Divines object; and therefore the adversarie is Popish here, not we: Thus they are servants and slaves who are obliged to follow the judge­ment of Councels absolutely, without limitation; and because they say it, whether they warrant their decrees by the word of God, or not, that is a true Major proposition: But now the assumption is most false, for neither Magistrates nor any other, are to follow the judgement of the Church absolutely without limitation, and because they say it. The other part is, they are servants and slaves, who are to follow the judgement of the Church and Councels, with a reserve, and a condition, and limitation, in so far as they agree with the word; now the Major is false.

2. He that is obliged to follow the judgement of another, does not rule, but is ruled, true, in that in which he followeth the judge­ment of another; the Magistrate in so far as in matters of Religi­on, that concerneth his conscience, faith, and practise, he follow­eth Pastors; he is not a ruler formally to those whose judgement he is obliged to follow: But in civill matters he may be, and is a ruler to those same; for we answer to Papists who by this same argument would prove, that Churchmen are not subject to the Ma­gistrate, nor to civill Laws: He that is a sheep, is not to rule and So Staple­ton, Bellar­mine and other Pa­pists argue. command his shepheard; but the Magistrate is a sheep and a member of the Church, and Pastors and Doctors are shepheards: We answer, in divers considerations a Magistrate as a Magistrate in civill things, [Page 599] is not ruled by Pastors and Doctors, but he is to rule them: But a Magistrate as a member of the Church, as a Christian in things that concerneth his conscience, is a sheep and to be ruled, not a ru­ler to Pastors and Doctors, and so here; and therefore, non conclu­ditur quod est [...].

3. The adversaries are to answer this also; for if Pastors and Doctors be as such, but servants under the Magistrate; and if he have that same Architectonica potestas, that same supremacy and headship in Ecclesiasticall matters, as in civill matters, to command alike in both by the same power: Then, 1. The Pastors and Do­ctors are obliged to follow his judgement, without appeal or ex­amination, and they are servants and slaves, and ruled, and not [...] not over the Magistrates as Christians, neither over the people in the Lord. 2. The Elders as Elders, are not to ex­amine what the Magistrates as Magistrates command in Ecclesiasti­call matters or in Religion, they may possibly not as Elders but as as Christians, judge with the judgement of discretion, as all other Christians may do; For Videlius, Erastus, and other Adversaries say, the Magistrate may not command what he pleaseth; for in Church matters he may command but according to the rule of the word, and in civill matters according to equity, justice, and prudence. True: But, 1. The Magistrate as supream head of the Church, is by office, to judge what government of the Church is most agree­able to the word, what is sinfull, Antichristian, and tyrannicall; and the Magistrates lips in thus judging, as he is a Magistrate, and not the Pastors are to preserve knowledge; and both Pastors as Pa­stors, and the people as members of the Church, and as they may worship and serve God in this government, or may sin, are to seek the Law at the Magistrates mouth, and directions for their consci­ence from him, as from a Magistrate, and not as from a Christian, not from Pastors as Pastors that handle the Law. And if the govern­ment as a way of serving God, may be prescribed and held forth to the consciences of all by the Magistrate as the Magistrate; by the same reason all the wayes of God, in which the Church of Ephesus, Pergamus, Thyatira, may so approve themselves to Christ, and as he is to walk in the midst of the Golden Candlesticks, and as a Magistrate, he is to forbid such sins in Government, as may procure the removing of the Candlestick; and why may he not by the same [Page 600] reason, hold forth to their conscience all the other parts of the Gospel? If any say, who can deny but the Magistrate as the Magi­strate may command that which is obedience to Christ, and reward it, and forbid sin and punish it?

Ans. But the Magistrate as such, forbiddeth not sin as sin, for The Magi­strate as a Magi­strate can­not forbid sin as sin. then as a Magistrate he should forbid sin under the punishment of eternall wrath, which he cannot do as a Magistrate, he onely can forbid sin under the pain of his temporary punishment, which he can inflict, and as it disturbes societies, and incorporations.

Obj. The Magistrate as the Magistrate shall not serve Christ as Mediator, if he doe not command the dispensing of Word and Sacra­ments, as they are spirituall meanes leading us to a supernaturall end, and if he forbid not Idolatry and blasphemie against Christ as they are sins, and Gospel sins done against Christ, as Mediator.

Ans. I utterly deny this consequence: For 1. the Magistrate The Magi­strate as the Magistrate promoteth Christs mediatory Kingdom materially, not direct­ly and for­mally. may serve Christ as Christ, and promote and advance the King­dome of Iesus Christ as Mediator, when he contributes his pow­er to those things that materially conduce to a supernaturall end, though he doe not contribute any thing that formally conduceth to such an end. 2. So you may say a Christian Husband as a Hus­band; a godly Physitian, as a Physitian, a Printer who printeth the Bible, do nothing serviceable to Christ as Christ, and in pro­moting Christs Mediatory Kingdom, when the one begetteth children, that being borne in the visible Church are made heires of the Kingdome of Christ; and the other when by his Art and skill he preserveth the life of a godly and zealous Preacher: The third, when by his Art he publisheth in print the Testament of Christ; the Physitian doth somewhat as a Physitian that is service­able to Christ as Mediator, yet (I hope) it is no Ecclesiasticall businesse to restore to health a godly Minister; nor to beget a child who is made an heir of Grace, nor to print the Bible; so a Phi­losopher as a Philosopher doth convince one that worshippeth bread, that the man leaveth his error, and this is materially ser­vice to Christ, and a promoting of Christs Mediatory Kingdom; but neither Husband, Physitian, Printer or Philosopher, are in these acts, the Vicars and Deputies of Iesus Christ, as the Magistrate is holden to be by the Adversary: Nor 2. do they as Ecclesiasticall persons formally advance the kingdom of Christ as do the preachers [Page 601] of the Gospel, far lesse more principally do they advance Christs Kingdom, as the Magistrate is supposed to do. Nor 3. hath their thus promoting of Christs Kingdom any influence upon the con­science as the Magistrate must have, if he forbid sin as sin; now the Magistrate as such, doth nothing to promote formally the mediatory Kingdome of Christ, for he may doe, and doth all hee doth as a Magistrate; yea suppose he were a Turk set over▪ Chri­stians as their Magistrate granting that Christ was a true Prophet, yet may he as a Magistrate, punish those who shall teach that Christ was a false Prophet and an impostor, and though his Magistraticall acts be serviceable to Christ materially, yet not formally. 1. Be­cause this Magistrate denieth Christ to be the Saviour of the world, and yet as a Magistrate he justly punisheth the man that blasphe­mo [...]sly calleth Christ a deceiver, and an impostor. 2. Because as a Ma­gistrate he believeth him not to be God, and so ex intentione ope­rantis, he punisheth him not for a wrong done to Christ as Christ, The Magi­strate as such not the Vicar of the Me­diator Christ. The adver­saries in the doctrine of the Magi­strate Po­pish, not we at all. Andreas Rivetus Ie­suit. Vapul. in Castiga­ti Notarum in Epist. ad Balsacum Edit. 1644. c. [...]1. page 40. Christus neque Reges neque principes instituit in Ecclesia, sed neque successores habet, neque vicarios quibus competat jus dominatus, ministros tantum instituit, nomine principis unius legatione, legati [...] autem neque legatos, neque reges, neque principes, constituit legatos, sed mi­nistros qui serviunt, non regnant. In regno Christi solus ille spiritualiter regnat; servi summi Re­gis, regnum sui principis promovent, nec unquam sibi usurpa [...]t regalia jura. and as the Saviour of mankind, but as a wrong done to the com­mon wealth, and as a disturber of the peace thereof; Hence these Propositions touching the Magistrates relation to the Mediator Christ and his Church.

Propos. 1. The Magistrate as a Magistrate is not the Vicar nor Deputie of Iesus Christ as Mediator; 1. Because this is the heart and soul of Popery, that the Papists teach that Christ as Mediator hath left a temporall, an earthly and visible Monarch as his Vicar on earth. Now that learned and singular ornament of the Pro­testant Churches, Andreas Rivetus hath well said, Christ hath in­stituted neither Kings nor Princes in the Church as his successors, nor any Vicars with a domination, but onely Ministers and Ser­vants, who are to discharge their Embassage, in the Name of the onely Prince Christ; for an Embassage cannot institute other Am­bassadors, either Kings or Princes, but onely Ministers, who do serve, not reigne in the Kingdom of Christ, he himselfe onely reignes; the Servants of this great King promote the Kingdom of their Prince, [Page 602] nor do they ever usurpe the royall power. Yea, all the arguments of Protestants that are brought to prove that the Pope, a Bishop, and a Church man▪ because he is a Bishop and a Steward in the Church, and in Christs spirituall Kingdom that is not of this world, cannot be an earthly Prince and Monarch having power either directly or indirectly in ordine ad spiritualia, to dispose of King­domes and crownes, and enthrone and dethrone Kings, doe also prove that the King cannot be head of the Church, nor the Magi­strate Cardinall Bertrandus tract. de O­rig. jurisd. q. 4. n. 5. Non vide­retur dis­eretus domi­nus (ut cum reverentiâ ejus loquar) nisi unieum post se talem vicarium re­liquisset▪ qui haec omnia posset, Ar­macan, l. 4. quest. Ar­men. c. 16. Becan. tom. 2. opuscul. Suarez tom. de incarnat. Christi diso. 48. sect. 2. Aegid. Conninck. de incarnat. disp. 23. dub. 5. [...]. 43 p. 697. Communior itaque doctorum sententia, Christum etiam q [...]â hominem habere veram potestatem regi­am, ac directum dominium in omnia regna mundi, &c. August. de Ancona, de potest Papae, q. 1. art. 1 quia est eadem jurisdictio delegantis & delegati, Coninck. tom. de incarn. disp. 23▪ dub. 5. Vas­quez tom. de incarnat: disp. 87. c. 2. &c. 6. Pet. Wald. de incar. dis. 11. de adop. & dominio Christi, dub. 5. n. 50, 51. an Officer of the Church. Doe not Protestant Divines con­demn that blasphemous speech of Cardinall Bertrandus, that Christ who was a temporall Lord on earth, should not seem a discreet and wise Prince, if he had not left a Temporall Vicar be­hinde him in the Church, and that of Armacanus to be false; that Christ by birth was the true King of Iudea, and so a Temporary Prince, hence (say they) there should be a temporary Prince, and an earthly Monarch, the successor of Christ as King and Mediator. This Becanus the Iesuite maketh a speciall ground of the Popes Headship of the Church, and for this Suarez disputeth; yea, the Iesuite Aegid. Conninck saith, It is the common and received opi [...]n of all the (Romish) Doctors, that Christ as man hath a true Kingly power, and a direct dominion over all the Kingdomes of the world, to give them lawes, and to exercise all Kingly power over them, though de facto he abstained from it; and is not upon this pillar builded the Popes Supremacy? and that which Augustinus de Ancona saith, Idem esse dominium dei & Pap [...], it is the same dominion which God and the Pope hath, because it is the same jurisdiction of the Am­bassador, and of the Lord who sent him? I deny not, but many Papists give to Christ an indirect Kingly power, and to the Pope they give the same indirect power in ordine ad spiritualia, as Vasquez, and Pet. Waldingus and others; but this we say; if Iesus Christ forbid a preacher of the Gospell remaining a preacher to be a ci­vill Magistrate or temporall Lord, as he doth both by precept and and practise, Luke 22. 24, 25, 26. and 12. 13, 14. Ioh. 18, 36. and 6, 15. then upon the same ground he must forbid the civill Magi­strate [Page 603] to be a Church Governour, as if God should forbid a Physi­tian to be a Painter, (because the two callings cannot lawfully con­sist in the person of one man) he should also forbid a Painter to be Pastors are made infe­riour Magi­strates by the adversa­ries in their whole Mi­nistery. a Physitian; then the Arguments against a Monarchy and Magistraticall power in the Bishop of Rome, must fight a­gainst any Ecclesiasticall power in a Magistrate, if then the Pa­stors doe as Pastors, rebuke, exhort, excommunicate, and censure, as directly subordinate to the Magistrate, then Pastors as Pastors discharge their office as inferiour and under Magistrates, and so they partake in so farre of a temporall dominion, being direct in­struments under Temporall Lords; and if the Magistrate as the Magistrate doe command them to dispense Word, and Sacra­ments and discipline, and make and unmake Pastors, and regulate and limit them, and make Lawes to them, then the Magistrate as the Magistrate doth partake of an Ecclesiasticall jurisdiction, and both are forbidden by Christ in the places cited. 2. If the Magi­strate be the onely supream Church Governour under Christ, the government of the Church must be a visible Monarchy, and the Magistrate must have both the Swords, Temporall and Spi­rituall, and Christs Kingdom must be of this world, and the wea­pons thereof carnall to fight for Christ, and the supream Church­officer as such must bear the Sword, be a valiant man of warre by office, and Christs Kingdome must be not of this world, and the weapons thereof not carnall, but spirituall, Joh. 18. 36. 2 Cor. 10. 4, 5. and the supream Church-officer must be no striker, no fighter, no man of war, no sword-bearer by office, which are contradicto­ry. 3. We prove the Pope to be no Vicar of Christ, because we read not in the Word of any such Vicar, nor do we read any thing of a supream Church-officer, who is the Vicar of Christ. 4. No spirituall Ambassador as such, can substitute other Ambassa­dors with Majority of power, that he hath in his Name to dispense Word, Sacraments; and Discipline; nor can one great Ministeriall Church-head create lesser Ministeriall Church-heads, such as Ju­stices, Majors, Sheriffes, Bailiffes, Constables, no more then the High Priest could substitute in his place other little High Priests, if he were sick and absent, to goe into the Holy of Holiest with blood once a yeere, no more then the Apostle Paul immediately called of God can substitute other lesser Apostles immediately [Page 604] called of God to act as lesser Apostles, but limited by the higher, in the exercise of power; nor can these lesser Apostles create other Apostles yet lesser, and these in a subalternation yet lesser, while you come as low as a Constable, as the King doth send lesser Kings indued in part with his Royalty or Iudges under him, and those Iudges may appoint other Iudges under them; and because the whole visible Catholick Church hath an externall visible policy, if Oecumenick councels have any warrant in the word, then ought Christ to have instituted one civil Emperour over all the Churches on earth, to conveen Oecumenick Synods, to preside in them, to li­mit and regulate them, to make Lawes to all the world; and that this is not, it falleth out through mans corruption, but it ought to be according to divine institution, no lesse then every single Magi­strate is by institution the head of every particular Church, indued as our adversary say with that supream power under Christ the me­diator, that they call Potestas Architectonica, the headship of the Church.

Proposi. 2. The Magistrate as such is not a Vicar of Christs me­diatory The Magi­strate as such not the vicar of the media­tory king­dome. Kingdom, 1. Because then as the Magistrates are called Gods [...] in Scripture, Exod. 21. 6. Psal. 82. 1 Ioh. 10. 34, 35. so the Magistrates should be called little Mediators, or submedia­tors, between God and man; little Kings of the Church, little Priests, little Prophets of the Church: for God giveth his name to Magi­strates, because he communicateth also to them some of his Maje­sty and power; now what mediatory, what Princely, Priestly, o [...] Propheticall power hath Christ communicated to Magistrates as Magistrates: Erastus saith, they may dispense word and Sacra­ments, Brotherly re-exami­nation, pag. 20. if they had leasure: But if they be by office, little mediators, and Pastors under Christ, they should take leasure; for every Ma­gistrate ought to say, woe be unto me if I preach not: And Master Coleman saith, that Christian Magistracy is an Ecclesiasticall admi­nistration; Christian Magistra­cy no Ec­clesiasticall administra­tion. he must speak of Christian Magistracy formally, as Christian Magistracy, otherwayes a Christian Tentmaker, a be­lieving fisher was an Apostle; if he mean that Christian Magistra­cy is a Church officer formally, he might say, it is a Mediatory office, and a Princely and Kingly office under Christ, to give repentance to Israel and forgivenesse of sins instrumentally; would Master Coleman teach us how the Magistrates sword openeth the eyes of the [Page 605] blind, converteth men from the power of Sathan to God, begetteth men through the Gospel to Christ, as Pastors do; and that formally as Magistrates, we should thank him. 2. Christian Magistracy, if it be a Church or Ecclesiasticall administration, then is it formally so either as Magistracy, or as Christian; not as Magistracy, for then all Heathen Magistrates must formally, ho [...] ipso, that they be Magi­strates, be Ecclesiasticall persons: so Nero when Rome makes him Emperour, they make him formally a Church-officer, and invest him with power to dispence Word and Sacraments, and Discipline, if he might find leasure for killing of men, and such businesse, so to do; for quod convenit [...] convenit [...] where doth the Old or New Testament hold forth such an office given by Christ, as a fruit of his ascension to heaven? Where do the Apostles who shew us the duty of Magistrates, Fathers, Masters, Pastors, Teachers, Rulers, Deacons, Husbands, insinuate any such office? If as Christi­an, Christian Magistracy be an Ecclesiasticall office and administra­tion: Christianity, 1. Is common to the Magistrate with all other professors, Painters, Merchants, Seamen, Lawyers, Musitians; and no more can Christianity make a heathen formally a Church-of­ficer, then it can make a Painter formally a Church-officer? can faith in Christ, and professing thereof make any to be formally Church-officers? then must all be Church-officers that are Mem­bers of the Church, for posita causa formali ponitur effectus forma­li [...]: Now Master Coleman saith, The heathen Magistrate as a Ma­gistrate is an Ecclesiasticall administration; because (saith he) he Mr. Cole­man re-ex­amination, pag. 1 [...]. should, and ought to manage his power for Christ; as the heathen and uttermost parts of the earth are given for Christs possession and inhe­ritance, and Christ hath given no liberty to a great part of the world, to remaine infidels and enemies to him and his Government: I suppose Christ hath all Nations given to him, and all Nations ought to re­ceive Christ, though as yet actually they do not; God and Nature hath made Magistrates, and these Magistrates thus made, God hath given to Christ: But, 1. The title of Christian added to Magistracy, by this is superfluous, and put in only ad faciendum populum, for Christianity maketh no man formally a Magistrate by M. Cole­mans way; yet saith he pag. 17. a Christian Magistrate as a Chri­stian Magistrate, is a Governour in the Church: he should say by his way, a Magistrate Christian as a Magistrate, is a Governour [Page 606] not only in the Church, but a Governour of the Church.

Arg. 2. If the Magistrate as the Magistrate be the Vicar and de­puty of Christs mediatory kingdom, then all and every Magistrate as Magistrate by his office, is obliged under the pain of Gods wrath, to command that the Gospel be preached, and that men believe and obey Christ as mediator, in all his dominions; that so he may man­age his office for Christ: But the latter is utterly false, and con­trary Heathen Magistrates as such are not obli­ged to pro­mote Christs mediatory kingdom. to the Gospel; Ergo, so is the former. The Major is unde­niable, all service that Magistrates by office do, they sin before God, if they do it not; and so must be obliged under the pain of sin, and Gods wrath to do it: And therefore are obliged to command that the Gospel be preached, and that men believe and obey Christ, if by office they be the Vicars and deputies of the mediatory King­dom. I prove the assumption, These Magistrates amongst the Ame­ricans and other Heathen, who never by any rumour heard of Ie­sus Christ, are essentially and formally Magistrates: But neither are they obliged to command that the Gospel be preached, nor their people they are over, obliged to believe and obey Christ as me­diatour; because only those to whom Christ and the Gospel com­meth, can be guilty of not receiving Christ the mediator, and of not promoting the mediatory Kingdome: Such Magistrates are obliged only with their sword to glorifie God the creator, and to punish sins against the Law of Nature, nor are they guilty for not punishing the not receiving of the Gospel, or for sins against the mediator, of whom they never heard; for this is invincible and in­superable ignorance, and can make no man guilty, who never heard nor could hear of the Gospel, according to that, Ioh. 15. 22. If I had not come and spoken to them, they should not have had sin, but now they have no cloak for their sin, Rom. 2. 12. For as many as have sin­ned without Law, shall also perish without Law, and as many as have sinned in the Law, shall be judged by the Law; Ergo, they that never heard of the Gospel or the mediator, cannot perish, nor be judged for refusing the Gospel; and it were strange, if Magistrates were invincibly ignorant of their office, which is to set up the mediator Christ and his Church and visible Kingdom, if yet they never heard, nor ever could hear of the Word of the Kingdom; for then to do and performe the duties of their office, should not only morally, but invincibly and physically be impossible, and so they should not be obliged to do the duties of their office.

[Page 607]

Obj. 1. When the Heathen Magistrate is converted to the faith, and becometh a Christian Magistrate, he is obliged by his office as a Magistrate, to command his people to honour and receive the Lord Jesus, and the Ministery of reconciliation, and to punish such as blas­phemeth the mediator Iesus Christ, such as Arrians, Antitrinitarians, and others; Ergo, that officiall obligation lay on him before as a Magistrate: for you say that the heathen Magistrate turning Chri­stian, acquireth no new Magistraticall power by turning Christian, which he had not before while he was a heathen Magistrate; onely Christianity maketh him use the officiall power of a Magistrate, which he had before, while he was a heathen ignorant of Christ, now for the honour of the mediator Christ, and the promoting of his mediatory Kingdome.

Ans. 1. The Antecedent is denied, for when the heathen Ma­gistrate is converted to the Christian faith, he is not obliged by his office, as a Magistrate to command his people (whom we suppose now to be hearers of the Gospel, and possibly converted also) to believe and prosesse Christ, nor is he obliged as a Magistrate to pro­mote the mediatory Kingdome of Christ, as his mediatory and spi­rituall Kingdom (he or his sword have nothing to do with spirits or consciences as they are such, nor with the subjects of a spirituall Kingdom) nor can he punish blasphemers of Christ as such: nay, nor can he punish such as sin against God the creator, as they sin against God the Creator, by vertue of his office of a Magistrate, for so for­mally he commandeth obedience to Christ mediator, or to God creator, and punisheth sins and blasphemies against the mediator, or against God the creator only as such obedience and such blas­phemies, may promote the externall safety, prosperity, and peace of the civill society, whereof he is head, or may dissolve the sin­nues and nerves of that society. What he doth to uphold that socie­ty which is a part of Christs redeemed Kingdome, [...]e doth it as a Magistrate in a far other Notion then the Pastors and reachers, who by office as spirituall watchmen, are to promote Christs medi­atory Kingdom, as such a spirituall incorporation professing union with Christ the head of the body the Church.

Obj. 2. But yet it will follow that the heathen Magistrate re­maining heathen, is invincibly ignorant of his office; for in so far as he remaineth a heathen, he cannot promote the mediatory Kingdom [Page 608] of Christ in any Notion; nay, not so much as it is a mean conducing to the externall safety and peace of that civill society, whereof he i [...] head; Ergo, he must, while he remaineth an heathen, and never by ru­mor heareth of the Gospel, be by office a promoter of Christs Kingdom, and by office a punisher with the sword, of all such as blasphem the mediator Christ, though through his owne sinfull ignorance he can­not put forth in acts or exercise the very officiall and Magistraticall power, which he hath by office, and actu primo, while he remaineth an heathen Magistrate.

Ans. 1. It followeth not that the heathen Magistrate, being ig­norant (while he remaineth in that state) of some acts, which would conduce to the peace and externall safety of the State, if the state were Christian, that he is invincibly ignorant of his office; to be unable to exercise some acts of an office not consistent with an heathenish state, can never argue invincible ignorance of the office. 2. The consequence is nought, that because he is ignorant of some acts, and cannot exercise them; that therefore the heathen Magi­strate remaining heathen, is by office, and actu primo, an officer and vicegerent of Christs mediatory Kingdom: for at no time, and in no state, hath the Magistrates sword any influence in the mediatory Kingdome at all, but in so far as the sword may procure externall peace to the society of that Kingdome as they are a civill body, which peace he might by office procure by other means then by commanding the Gospel to be preached, or by punishing such as blaspheme Christ: for though the materiall object of the Magi­strates sword be the spirituall Kingdom of Christ, yet the formall object is the naturall and civill peace of this Kingdome as a civill society, for to promote spirituall means, and to punish spirituall sins, such as heresie and blaspheming of Christ, do often conduce very much for civill peace. 3. It is false that the heathen Magistrate is unable to exercise his magistraticall power for the mediator Christ through his owne sinfull ignorance, his not knowing Christ of whom he never heard, is not any sin at all, nor is he obliged to know or believe in him, of whom he never heard, Rom. 10. 14.

Arg. 3. Every Magistrate is [...] an humane Ordi­nance, Magistracy from the Law of na­tions. 1 Pet. 2. 13. and is appointed by God the creator, and by a rationall Nature, yea saith Mr. Coleman, God and Nature made [Page 609] Magistrates, he must mean God the Creator and Nature, but I Suarez to. 1. de legi l. 5. c. 3. qui dat formam, dat consequenti [...] ad formam. l. 2. in prin­f [...]de instit. & jure cod. tit. c. jus [...]at. 1. disp­itemdomini­um est jus quoddam l. fin. ad med. c. de long. temp. prestit. l. qui usum fert. F [...]rd. Vasq. illust. quest. l. 1. c. 41. [...]. 28, 29. D. cl. Sal­masius de primatu Pa­pae par. 1. cap. 14. page 60. eam (juris­dictionem Patriarcha­lem) omnem haud mi [...] quam ipsi Metropoli­tani, aut re­scriptis prin­cipium, aut sanctionibus patrum Sy­nodalibus, acceptam re­fer ant opor­tet, non ulli institutioni divinae. hope God as creator, and Nature made not the Magistrate the head of the Church, the Vicar of the Mediator Christ, this must have its rise from a higher fountain then Nature; Ecclesiasticall Offices tend to a supernaturall end, Magistracy and humane Laws (saith Suarez) is from Nature, and the Law saith, de jure genti­um est omnis principatus. That excellent and learned Lawyer, Ferd. Vasquius saith, That all Princedome hath its rise from the secondary Law of Nature, to wit, à jure gentium, from the Law of Nations: Hence Kings, Princes, Parliaments, Iudges, Lord justi­ces, Majors, Sheriffes, Constables, &c. in their root are naturall, but in particulars, Rulers are from the prudence of humane societies, there is a higher institution for Church▪ officers, Eph. 4. 11. they have not their rise from Nature, and therefore that Cele­brious and renowned Antiquarie, D. Salmasius in that learned work of his, De primatu papae condemneth the dignity and jurisdiction of Patriarchs above Metropolitans, as flowing from the writs of Princes, and Synodical constitutions of Fathers, not from any Divine Institution, the highest was as Theodoret saith, [...] ▪ Now God as creator and Nature doth not, sure Nature cannot appoint a Vicar of the Mediator Christ, for if the Magistrate be an Ecclesiasticall administration, then it must be an office intrinse­cally supernaturall, and intrinsecally and directly tending to a su­pernaturall end; now the Papists for shame doe build their head of the Church upon a divine institution, and on Christs words, Thou art Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and I will give to thee the keyes of the Kingdom of heaven; Christ never said any such thing to a Magistrate; and if the Magistrate be an Ecclesi­asticall administration, and the head of the Church, and the Vicar of Christ as Mediator, he must have more then this, and the keyes of the Kingdom of God must be given to him above Peter and all the Apostles, for all Church-officers act their part as such, à & sub Magistratu, from and under the Magistrate, as his Vicars, so as the Magistrate in America who lived and died never hearing of the Gospel, nor of his Lord Mediator, is yet by office the Vicar of the Mediator, and obliged as a Magistrate though a meer heathen to beleeve in him of whom he never heard, if the adversary say right, which is unpossible, Rom. 10. 14. But saith Mr. Coleman, If Christ [Page 610] be rightfull King of the whole earth, where did Christ grant a liberty to a great part of the world, to remain Infidels and enemies to him and his Government?

Arg. 4. In Answer to which, I draw a fourth Argument; All the Heathen Magistrates who never heard of the Mediator Christ and the Gospel, cannot by office be the Deputies and Vicars of the mediatory Kingdom, for they are not the professed subjects of The Ad­versaries must teach universall Redempti­on. Christ as Mediator, nor given to him as his possession and inheritance, neither actually, nor in Gods decree; for thousands of them lived and died without Christ or any obligation to beleeve in, or serve the Lord Iesus as Mediator, for if Christ be not their rightfull King as Mediator, nor their King at all as Mediator, they cannot be his subjects as Mediator, far lesse can they be his Deputies and Vicars by office of his Kingdome; but Christ is not King as Medi­ator in any sort or title of such as are Heathen Magistrates, for as Mediator he is neither King, titulo & jure acquisitionis, nor effi­caci applicatione, neither merito, nor efficacia, he neither gave a price as Mediator to buy them, because the adversaries then must say, that Christ is so King of the whole earth, as he hath died for all and every one of mankind: nor are they his subjects so much as in the profession of the word of his Kingdom, for they never heard it; if the Adversaries can say that Christ died for all and every one of mankinde, and so for these Heathen Kings, I can refute this Article of Arminianisme; and though Christ had died for them, yet are they not subjects in so much as in profession, and so in no capacity nor obligation to serve with their sword, Christ as Mediator, for they are not in that state obliged to beleeve in him, nor to know him as Mediator; how then are they obliged by of­fice to serve him as Mediator, except he had revealed himself to them in the Gospel? Hence I need not prove that Christ is their King by efficacious applying of the merits of his death to them, nor can any say this Argument may prove that Pastors by office are the Ambassadors of Christ, because they are not all the sub­jects of Christ given to him as Mediator, either in the decree of Election, nor actually redeemed; for many Pastors who are by of­fice the Ambassadors of Christ as Mediator, are Reprobates, as was Iudas and others; for the Argument is not drawn from any saving claime that heathen Princes who never heard of Christ [Page 611] hath to Christ, but it is drawn from no claim at all, no not so much as in profession; now this claim in profession all Pastors have, else they cannot be Pastors.

It is doubtsome that Master Coloman saith, and not to a purpose, That Christ granteth not a liberty to the greatest part of the world, to remain infidels and enemies to him and his Government: For thus he giveth them a liberty negative, so as they are not obliged to believe a Gospel that they never heard, nor is their negative in­fidelity a sin, for which they are condemned: they are condemned, Because they glorifie not the Creator as God, Rom. 1. 21. And do not the things of the Law, that are written in their hearts, Rom. 2. 12. 14. Mat. 25. 42, 43, 44. And in this sense God giveth to them liber­ty to remain infidels, but he giveth them not liberty positively to remain infidels and enemies to Christ, that is, he willeth not volun­tate signi; that they should live in a sinfull course of unrenewed na­ture; but they are not positively enemies to Christ and to his Go­vernment, who never by the least rumour heard of Christ or his Kingdom or Government: Hence all our Divines say, that priva­tive unbeliefe of those that hear the Gospel, doth condemn, but not the negative unbeliefe of those who never heard the Gospel: Thus the adversaries must say, except they with Arminians, and especi­cally with Moses Amyrald teach, That there be two wayes of prea­ching Christ, and two sorts of faiths in Christ, one of those that hear the Gospel, and another of those who are to believe in Christ, though they never hear of, or know any letter of the Gospel, who yet by the book of creation and providence are obliged to believe in Christ, which were an irrationall obligation, Rom. 10. 14.

Arg. 5. All power mediatory in Heaven and in earth, that is given to Iesus Christ as Mediator, is all spirituall, all Ecclesiasticall power; and therefore Christ upon this receipt of all power, Mat. 28. 18. draweth a conclusion, v. 19. [...], &c. Go [...]ye therefore and teach all Nations, &c. but a Kingly power of this world by carnall weapons, and by sword to fight, is not given to Christ me­diator; for he denieth expresly, Ioh. 18. 36. that he hath such a Kingdom as Mediator, or that he was instructed with the sword as Mediator, Luk. 12. 13. Now as God and Creator of the world, Christ could not deny but he had a Kingdom worldly, and that he hath a regnum potentiae, an universall Kingdom of power, as Lord of [Page 612] Hoasts; to dispose of all the Kingdoms of the world, and to rule amongst the children of men, and to rule over the children of men, and to give them to whomsoever he will, Dan. 4. 25. & 8. 18. [...]er. 27. v. 6, 7, 8, 9. Psal. 24. 1. Psal. 50. v. 12. Nor is this Kingdom and Power given to Christ, nor is he made Prince and a King as God; but as Mediator to give repentance to the House of Israel, and for­givenesse of sins, Act. 5. 31. I grant it is said, Phil. 2. 9. God hath highly exalted Christ, and given him a name above every name, that at the name of Iesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and of things in earth, and things under the earth. What? doth not this (say the adversaries) comprehend a royall power given to Christ? and hath not Christ from this power to substitute Magistrates in his place, as his vicars under him, and as little mediators? I answer, it doth in no sort follow: for that is a spirituall power, as is clear, Rom. 14. v. 9. For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of dead and living, v. 11. For it is written, as I live saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue Cl. Salmasi­us de prima­tri pape, 1. Part. in ap­paratu, p. 148. 149. nullum jus in corpora [...]abuernat ut Magi­stratus civi­les, sad ani­marum cu­ram gere­bant ut veri pastores do­cere, pascere munera fue­re spiritua­lia longè diversa ab imperio, potestate & jurisdictio­ne Magi­strat [...]um. shall confesse God: So it is clearly expounded of Christs exalting at the right hand of God, Act. 5. 31. for spirituall and supernaturall ends, I grant as Mediator and King he breaketh his enemies, De­vils, and men, Psal. 2. 9. With a rod of yron, and dasheth them in pieces like a potters vessel, and maketh his enemies his footstool, Psal. 110. 1. But that is no carnall power, such as earthly Kings useth, it is a spirituall power, for the reason is given, ver. 2. The Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Sion: By which v. 5. as a great Anti-royalist, He strikes through Kings in the day of his wrath: Now Christ as Mediator sendeth not out Kings and Prin­ces to conquer souls to him with their sword: Renowned Salma­sius saith, When Christ sent his Apostles first to preach the Gospel, and to lay the foundation of the Christian Church, did he send out with them lictors, pursevants, men of war with a bundell of rods, and with axes to compell men to come in to his Kingdome? Commanded he to smite them with swords and axes, who would not receive the Gos­pel? No, yea he would not have them to take with them a staffe, a scrip, or shoes: But though Christ subdue all his enemies, Devils, and wicked men, it shall never follow that Christ is for that, King and head of Devils, and wicked men: For Christ is as Mediator King and Head, or mediatory King and Head of those that are the sub­jects, [Page 613] and redeemed conquest of this King, and of those who are members of the body of which he is Head, now this body is his Church only, Col. 1. 18. He is the Head of the Body the Church, Eph. 1. 22, 23. And gave him to be Head over all things to the Church, Which is his Body, the fulnesse of him that filleth all: The Body of Christ to be edified, Ephesi. 4 12. Till we all (all that body of the Saints to be perfected, v. 11.) come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulnesse of Christ, v. 16. from whom the whole Bo­dy fitly joyned together, and compacted by that which every joynt sup­plieth, according to the effectuall working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the Body unto the edifying of it selfe in love: Now never Divine can say, that Devils and wicked men, who shall bow to Iesus, are the subjects of this Kingdom of Christ, who have right to the fruits of the Kingdom, Righteousnesse and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, Rom. 14. 17. far lesse that they are of the Bo­dy; that is, Christs Body, Christs fulnesse, Christs Body to be per­fected, edified, to Come in the unity of faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, into a perfect man, &c.

Arg. 6. These Megistrates that are the mediatory vicars, de­puties, and heads of the Head Iesus Christ and his Kingdom, these are of his Body, and subjects under the King and Mediator Christ, Magistrates as such not members of the Church. the chiefe Head and King: For it is not to be presumed, that Christ will appoint these to be heads and vicars of his Body, and little Kings over his Kingdom, as he is Mediator, who are not members of his Church, nor subjects of his mediatory Kingdom: But Ma­gistrates as Magistrates, are not members of his Church, nor sub­jects of his mediatory Kingdom: no more then Husbands as Hus­bands, Fathers as Fathers, are members; and their should have been Husbands and Fathers, though the Lord Iesus never had been Mediator, advocate, and Priest of a redeemed Church.

Obj. But are Pastors and teachers, and Elders as such, members of the Christian Church?

Ans. If eyes and ears be members of the body, and watchmen members of the city, then are they, ex officio, by their office mem­bers of the Church▪ But if the Magistrate as a Magistrate be a member of the Church, then all Magistrates, Heathen, and Turkish are members of the Christian Church, ex officio, by vertue of their office.

[Page 614] Arg. 7. That opinion is not to be holden which layeth ground, that Christ Mediator is a temporary King, hath under him Magi­strates, even heathenish, who have nothing to do with a Mediator Christ Me­diator, not a tempora­ry King. to bear a temporall sword: for a supernaturall and spirituall end as Christ [...] under heires, he himselfe being the first heir of all such▪ and so maketh heathens within the verge of the mediatory King­dom; as if Christ were as Mediator, a King to Heathen, and all and every one of mankind, who must have Magistrates, and so ma­keth the Kingdome of men as men, and the Kingdom of Grace commensurable, and of alike latitude and extension, and maketh na­ture and grace of equall comprehension: But such is the former opinion, the proposition cannot be denied, except by Arminians, Socinians, Papists, who do maintain an universall redemption, a grace universall, a Catholick Kingdom of Grace comprehensive of all and every man, of Pharoah, Evil▪merodach, Belshazer, all the Kings of Romans, Persians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and of Turk, In­dia, and such as worship the Sunne and Moon, the Devil, and the work of mens hands: The assumption is granted by Master Cole­man who saith, Christ is the rightfull King of the whole earth, he meaneth Christ as Mediator, to whom the Father hath given a Kingdom.

Obj. Doth not Christ as King make all his enemies his footstool, and subdue all things to himselfe? Ergo, his Kingdome is as large as all things.

Ans. The Lord Iesus Christs power Kingly, and his power me­diatory, which includeth a power as God (for he is Mediator and a mediatory King, according to both natures) doth no way make him King of Devils, of Hell, of sin, of the reprobate, and damned, no more then Davids power over Ammonites, and Moabites, makes him King and feeder of the Ammonites and Moabites: Never Di­vine said, that Christ was King of Devils, and King of Hell; though he subdue Devils and Hell, and make them his footstool, Col. 2. 15. But as hability and gifts was not sufficient to make Christ a Priest, but he behooved to have [...] authority and a lawfull calling, Heb. 5. 4, 5. so he behooved to be called, set, and established on the Holy-hill of Zion, as a King of the Fathers making, Psal. 2. 5, 6. Psal. 89. 26, 27, 28, 29. Luk. 1. 32, 33. ver. 68, 69. 54, 55. And therefore though as King and an eternall King, he subdue all things, even his [Page 615] enemies; yet it followeth not, he is King and Mediator, and Head of his enemies.

Arg. 8. All those whom Christ maketh officers, Legats and Ambassadors of his mediatory Kingdom, they have either the word of the Kingdom committed to them, as Pastors and Doctors, and of old, Apostles, Evangelists, Prophets, that they may make work on the consciences of men to make them Kings and Priests unto God, or they are by the word of admonition and rebuke, to deal for the same end, as governours and Elders, 1 Cor. 12. 28. 1 Tim. 5. 17. for the officers of the Kingdome, and sword or scepter of the Kingdome, the Word of God, Psal. 45. 4. Rev. 19. 15. Heb. 4. 11. Rev. 1. 16. which are the means, are congruously proportioned, to the end, the gathering of the Saints, the perfecting of his body, Eph. 2. 11, 12. But never did Christ appoint the Magistrate with his sword, and his temporary rewards, and praise of well doing, to have any action on the conscience of men, or to co-operate for so high an end directly and kindly; for sure the sword cannot reach that end, except indirectly and by accident, in some imperated acts: He may procure that there be such means as word and seals, and So the Bel­gick Armi­nians, apol. fol. 302. Grotius in picta [...] ordi. Hol. p. 113. Vte [...]b. p. 28. Church-officers, and so be an intrinsecall mean to set up those which are the spirituall and truly intrinsecall means, and this is all.

Object. 1. Was not this the first step of papal tyranny, that the Church-men would be exempted from the power of the Magistrate, and s [...]t themselves up as supream, collaterall, Independent powers in all Ecclesiasticall affairs, as the Magistrate was supream in all politick businesse?

Ans. It is a calumnious consequence, Pastors and Teachers will not be judged by the Magistrate in things meerly Ecclesisticall, [...]o stand to his Ecclesiasticall decision, as if his lips, ex officio, should preserve knowledge; Ergo, Pastors and Doctors do exempt them­selves from the Lawfull power of the Magistrate in his civill judg­ing by the sword; it is as if they would say, Church-men refuse to submit to an usurped and unlawfull power of the Magistrate; Er­go, they refuse to submit to their lawfull power. 2. They bring not one word to prove, that this was the first step of papal tyranny; now a supremacy▪ and independency in doctrinals and civill things, the adversaries deny not: If King Ahab finde the Priests of Ieho­vah turn Priests of Baal, and the Prophets prophesie lies, we and [Page 616] the adversaries agree that King Ahab hath a supream independent power, to judge and punish them with the sword, and if King A­hab will take on him to burne incense to the Lord, the Priests and Prophets of the Lord have an immediate supream independent power, to rebuke King Ahab for usurping that which is inde­pendently and incommunicably proper to the Priests onely, and they may refuse to bee judged by King Ahab, when he would judge them for giving out this sentence, It belongeth not to King Ahab, or King Vzziah to burne incense to the Lord, but to the Priests, the sons of Aaron, 2 Chron. 26. Will they say this su­premacy of the Priests is a step to papall Tyranny? 3. This is ra­ther papall Tyranny it selfe that the Magistrate as head of the Church, and as an Ecclesiasticall person may as a Magistrate go­verne, in all externalls, the Church, as he pleaseth, with a royall, supream, independent power; and because the Magistrate may send others to rule for him, 2 Chron. 19. 8, 9. 1 Pet. 2. 13, 14. Ergo, he may commit this royall power to a creature called a Prelate as to his Deputie, in his name to judge; as Phocas gave first a supre­macy to Boniface the third, which no Bishop of Rome had before; and judge if this be not the first step to Papall Tyranny? They possibly may say, The Magistrate can commit no Magistraticall power to any Churchman, for Christ for bad them to take on them the civill domination of the Lords of Gentiles, Luke 22. 26, 27.

Ans. But this is an Ecclesiastick, not a civill administration; and if it be a lawfull Ecclesiasticall supremacy, why may not the Ma­gistrate who hath power to send Deputies to act in his name, de­pute a lawfull Ecclesiasticall power, to Ecclesiasticall persons, Pa­stors and Doctors, who in the mind of the adversaries are all but the Deputies of the Magistrate in all that they doe.

Obj. 2. But is it not Popery that the Magistrate shall be obliged as a Lictor to execute the decrees of the Church? The Magi­strate not the servant of the Church.

Ans. I know not, if the Lictor with blind obedience be to behead Iohn Baptist, or if Doeg should kill the Lords Priests, because King Saul commandeth him. 2. This Argument concludeth that neither Magistrate nor people should beleeve Articles of faith, because the Church and Pastors saith so, but because Iehovah saith so, nor is the Ruler to beleeve or execute what the Church decrees, because they decree it, but because he beleeveth it is the will of Christ, [Page 617] what they give out in Name of Christ. 3. Is it not Popery that the Pastors and Teachers should execute the lawes of the Magi­strate both in dispensing Word, Sacraments, and Discipline? for they may not as Pastors and Doctors judge whether the Ecclesi­asticall decrees of the Magistrate be the will and minde of Jesus Christ or no. The Magistrate in doctrine and discipline is the one­ly supream judge here, as in all causes civill, as he exerciseth a [...] and a dominion in the on Luke 22. 27. so also in the other, except the Adversaries shew us a difference. Yea as Mr. Pryn with the Erastians say, Because there is no certain form of the go­vernment of the Church in Scripture, he hath an Arbitrary power as Magistrate to appoint any government in the Church not con­trary to the Word, any Officers, Prelates, and Cardinals, any ce­remonies as pleaseth him, and may impose them on the conscien­ces of Pastors and people, which is the highest Papall Tyranny on earth.

Obj. 3. If the Magistrate be therefore subject to the Church not as a Magistrate, but as he scandalously transgresseth the Law of God, so that the Church may not rebuke and censure him, as either a Magistrate, or as a Magistrate doing his duty, but onely as a Transgressor: Then neither 1. one particular Pastor as a Pastor is sub­ject to the Church, yea no man in a lawfull calling or relation as such is subject to the Church, for the Church cannot rebuke or cen­sure a Husband as a Husband, a father as a father, a Painter as a Painter, no more then the Church can censure a Magistrate as a Ma­gistrate; for then should the Church censure and condemn all these re­lations and callings, as husband, father, painter, Magistrate as in­trinsecally unlawfull. Nor can the Church censure and rebuke hus­band, father, painter, musitian, &c. when they do right, and doe but fulfill their relations and callings, in doing the duties of husband, fa­ther, painter, no more then the Church can censure and rebuke the Ma­gistrate when he doth his dutie.

Ans. 1. This is not the totall, compleat, and adequate cause, The ade­quate and compleat cause why the Magi­strate is subject to the Church why the Magistrate in spirituall things is subject to the Church, but the halfe of the cause onely; you must take in the other con­sideration, he is in spiritualibus, subject to the Church, not only as he doth sin; but 1. As he may sin scandalously. 2. As he may be di­rected, informed, and swayed with precepts, promises, counsels, [Page 618] threatnings toward a supernaturall end to eternall life; take in all these three, and we grant all. The Magistrate and all in other re­lations and professions and callings are equally in spirituall things subject to the Church, as the Ministers of Christ, and in all other relations and callings, as fathers, husbands, painters, musitians, are in civill things equally subject to the Magistrate, according to the three former cases in a civill consideration.

Obj. 4. But then you must prove solidly from the word, that the Ma­gistrate is subject to the Church in spirituall things?

Ans. It is enough if I prove that the Magistrate is subject to the Church, to Pastors and Doctors in things belonging to his soule, and as a man and a Christian in civill things are subject to him, That the Magistrate is subject to the re­bukes and censures of the Church proved from the Word. which to me is clear in the Word of God, as 1. Because Timothy and all watchmen in their person are commanded to rebuke them that sin before all, and that in the sight of God, and the Lord Iesus, and the elect Angels, without preferring one before another, or doing any thing by partialitie, 1 Tim. 5. 20, 21. 2 Tim. 4. 2. And if Levi must not know his father or his mother, in the Lords cause, Deut. 33. 9. and Ieremiah in rebuking not be dismayed of Kings, Princes, and Prophets, Ier. 1. 17. neither must Ministers accept the per­sons of judges, Christ rebuked his mother to whom otherwise he was subject, Ioh. 2. 4. Luke 2. 51. 2. There is the practise of the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles, that they have rebuked Kings, Rulers, Magistrates, Priests, Prophets, every page almost of the Old and New Testament saith this. 3. God hath no whit exemp­ted the Rulers from rebukes, as they be men, they can and do sin. 4. Princes are the sheep of Christ, and redeemed as a part of the flock for the which Christ gave the blood of God; Ergo, they are to be fed and watched over, lest they also as grievous wolves prey upon the flock, Acts 20. 28, 29, 30. then there must be some over them, and those who should speake the word of the Lord to them, and so the word of rebuke, and who should watch for the souls of Magistrates, as those who must give an account, whom the Magi­strates must obey as others in the same condition who have souls, Heb. 13. 7, 17. 1 Pet. 5. 1, 2, 3.▪ 1 Thes. 5. 12, 13, 14. 5. All the censures of the Church are for the good of soules, that the Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord, 2 Thes. 3. 14, 15. 1 Tim. 1. 19, 20. 1 Cor. 5. 5, 6. and for edification, 2 Cor. 10. 8. Iude v. 23. Ergo, the souls of [Page 619] Magistrates should not be defrauded of this mean of edification. 6. Pastors as Ministers, Stewards, Ambassadors, Watchmen, are in­trusted with the word of reconciliation, 1 Cor. 4. 1, 2. and 1 Cor. 3. 5. and 4. 15. 2 Cor. 5. 19, 20. 1 Tim. 3. 1. 2 Cor. 4 7. Ergo, they must divide the Word aright to all within the family, 2 Tim. 2. 15. and rebukes and censures are a part of the word of reconciliation, no lesse then promises, and they are to prophecy death and life, as God in his word commandeth, Ezek. 3. 17, 18, 19, 20. and 13. 19. and 33. 7, 8, 9. 10.

7. The power of the Lord Jesus in censuring, is extended to men as [...]ll doers, not as Magistrates, or not Magistrates, 1 Cor. 5. 2. Gal. 5. 10. the power of binding and loosing is extended to a trespassing brother, who will not hear the Church, Mat. 18. 15, 16. and 16. 19, 20. The Magistrate is a brother, Deut. 17. 15. one of the Israel of God, as Saul was of of the Tribe of Benjamin, David of Iudah.

8. The Church may judge such as are within the Church, 1 Cor. 5. 12. but such is the Christian Magistrate.

9. Correction is a priviledge of sons and Members of the fami­ly, Heb. 12. 6, 7. Rev. 3. 19. Ergo, the Magistrate should not be deprived of that wherein all Christians share, Gal. 2. 28.

10. Discipline is a part of Christs Kingly government, if the go­vernment be on Christs shoulders as King, as it is Mat. 28. 19, 20. Ephes. 4. 11, 12. Esa. 22. 22. and if the Gospel be the Word and Scepter of his Kingdome, Mark. 1. 14, 15. and 4. 11. Matth. 21 43. Luke 4. 43. and 8. 1. Acts 1. 3. and 8. 12. and 20. 25. and 28. 31. Psal. 45. 3. Rev. 1. 16. Then if Magistrates be the subjects of Christ as King of the Church, they must be subject to those who preach the Kingdome, carry the Scepter, and rule under Christ as King.

11. Upon the same ground, if they decree grievous decrees, Isa. 10. 1. Micah 3. 1. and be wolves ravening the prey, Ezek. 22. 27. let them have either Royall or Parliamentary power, they are to be rebuked, debarred from the holy things of God, excommu­nicated, and their sins bound in earth, as in heaven, Mat. 18, 18. Mat. 16. 19. Nor should Courts or Parliaments or Thrones, be cities of refuge to unjust and scandalous men.

12. Upon the same ground Magistrates are not to be deprived [Page 618] [...] [Page 619] [...] [Page 620] of the good of private rebukes, and admonitions, except we hate the Magistrate in our heart, and strive not to gain his soul, Levit. 19. 17. Mat. 18. 15, 16. Luk. 17. 3, 4. Psal. 141. 5.

13. Erastus himself granteth, that Magistrates may be rebuked; Erast. l. 5. c. 1 p 299, 300. Erast. l 6. c. 3. p 349. Sanè ut Idololatram et Aposta­tatam ne­gamus mem­brum esse Ecclesiae Christi sic etiam ne­quitiem suam defen­dentem ne­gamus inter membra Ec­clesiae cen­sendum esse et quem ad­modum illos ex Christia­no caetu ju­aicamus ex­terminan­dos, sic hoc putamus in [...]o caetu non esse feren­dos. Arminiani in apolog. The su­pream and principall power of Church af­fairs not in either Ma­gistrate or Church. and when he granteth that Apostates and Idolaters are not mem­bers of the Church, and that they are to be cast out of the Church, as he doth also; he must either grant that Christian Magistrates cannot turn Apostates and Idolaters, which is against Scripture and experience, or that if they turn Apostates and Idolaters, they remain no longer members of the Church, but are to be excommu­nicated; or then Christ must have made some speciall exception, that Kings though Idolaters and Apostates, do yet remain mem­bers of the Church, and are not to be cast out of the Church, which (beside that Erastus cannot shew) is contradictory to his words: Hence it is clear, the Magistrate if he turn as Saul did, a wicked man, he is to be excommunicated: But 1. By whom? by the Church? Erastus will deny he can be judged by the Church, be­cause he is above the Church: by himselfe? that is against reason: By other Magistrates? he is the only supream in that Church, and by what reason he is above the Church, he is above the other Ma­gistrates, and other Magistrates are guilty of the same fault.

Obj. 5. The supream and principall power (called Architectonica of governing the Church in externals, either agree to the Magistrate, or to the Church; not to the Magistrate (as they say) if to the Church: Then 1. The universall care and inspection over the Church is taken from the Magistrate, and given to the Church; Ergo, 2. Then the Christian Magistrate not indirectly only, but di­rectly must be obliged to follow the judgement of the Church, in or­daining, depriving, punishing of Ministers, or of any excommunicated. 3. The subjects must be obliged not to obey, yea, to disobey the Magi­strate, if he decern any thing contrary to the Church; and the Magi­strate as a lictor and servant must execute all.

Ans. 1. There is no reason to say, that the supream and princi­pall power by way of royall dominion (as the argument supposeth) in Church matters, should agree to either Magistrate on earth, or Church; it is a Rose of the Crown of him who is the only King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and so the Major is false: Nor is that care and inspection which is due to the Magistrate, taken from him [Page 621] when we ascribe to Christ what is his due. 2. Neither doth it fol­low, that the Magistrate is directly obliged to follow the judge­ment of the Church, except we did make the judgement of the Church supream and absolute, and armed with such a dominion as the adversaries give to the Magistrate; in which case it followeth, that the Church is directly and absolutely obliged to follow the judgement of the Magistrate, according to the way of the adversa­ries; and that if this argument be good, they must ascribe blind obe­dience, either to the Church or Magistrate, not to the Magistrate they say; Ergo, to the Church: Nor can they take it off by say­ing that the Magistrates dominon is limited by the Word of God; for they know that we teach, that all the constitutions and decrees of Synods made by the Church as the Church, is limited by the Word of God; yet they cease not to object to us, that we make the Magistrate a servant, and a lictor to the Church, and obliged by his place to give blind obedience to the Church, and therefore they are obliged to answer the argument, and remove papal do­minion from their way, according to their owne argument, if they will be willing to take in to themselves, with the same measure, that they give out to others: But if they give a ministeriall power of judging to the Church, (the argument is easily answered) which they cannot give to the Magistrate, except they make his office to oblige the conscience, and his commands as magistraticall to be given out under the pain of the second death: Now his sword is too short to reach to this, I hope, except you make the vengence that he executeth on evil doers Rom. 13. to be eternall fire, and his sword to be no materiall nor visible sword, but such as com­mandeth Devils and Hell, which is absurd; for the Magistrates power of judging and commanding, is commensurable to his power of rewarding and punishing, that is, both is temporary, within time, on the body of this world: The Pastors have a power of commanding, though only ministeriall, but free of all domination, or externall coaction, which is spirituall, and the punishment is ac­cordingly spirituall, a binding in earth and heaven; I borrow on­ly the word of punishment, it being no such thing properly.

Obj. 6. If the end of the Church be a spirituall, and of the Magi­strate be a temporall good; and if the Magistrate have no spirituall power to attain to his temporall end, no more then the Church hath [Page 622] any temporall power to attain to her spirituall end; is not this a con­tradiction, that the Magistrate should determine what the true Church and Ordinances are, and then set them up with the power of the sword? for the Magistrates power to judge and punish in spirituall causes, must be either spirituall or civill, or then he hath none, and so acts without commission: Now for civill power, the Magistrate hath it only over the bodies and goods of men, and hath it not over the soul, nor can he have it (say [...]) in soul cases: It is confessed that the Magistrate hath no spirituall power to attain a temporall end, and therefore those who provoke the Magistrate, without either civill or Blood Ten. c. 84. p. 122, 12▪ spirituall power to punish, or prosecute, in spirituall causes, are to fear that they come too near to those frogs that proceed out of the mouth of the Dragon and Beast, and false Prophet, who with the same argu­ment stirre up the Kings of the earth to make war against the Lambe and his followers, Rev. 17. Bloody Tenent.

Answ. 1. All this argument is builded on a great mistake, and a And. Riv. in decal. in Mand. 5. pag. 206. Though the Magi­strate pu­punish Ec­clesiasticall scandals, yet his po­wer to judge and punish is not Eccle­siasticall and spiri­tuall▪ as the Church rebuketh and censu­reth civil breaches of the second table, and yet their power is not civill. conseqence never proved, except by this one word of the Author. (Therefore say I) and it is this: The Magistrate hath no civill po­wer over the soul, therefore (say I) he hath no power in soul matters, and cannot judge and punish in spirituall causes. Sir, this is a non sequitur, The learned Divine Rivetus saith well, The Magistrates power in spirituall things to judge and punish, is formaliter, and in it self and intrinsecally civill, but objective in regard of the object and extrinsecally, it is spirituall. 1. I ask when the Author and his take a professor into Church-communion, they judge whether he be just, mercifull, and peaceable, when they excommunicate any mem­ber, for murther, for unjustice in taking away the goods of his bro­ther? whether the Church doth judge and punish in the causes of justice, mercy and peace, which properly belongeth to the civill Magistrate, not to the Church properly; but only ratione scandali as they are offensive in the Church of God: I ask (I say) if the Churches power in judging and punishing be civill, or spirituall; not civill, for this Author will say, that the Church hath no power over the lives and goods of men, those belong to the Magistrate, and to his civill power: Yet he cannot deny, but the Churches power in judging and punishing here, is formally spirituall, and ob­jectively and unproperly civill; so say I the Mgaistrates power in spirituall causes, is formally civill and objectivel [...] only spirituall, [Page 623] and he neither hath, nor needeth any spirituall power formally to attain his temporall end, nor needeth the Church any power for­mally civill to attain her spirituall end: The reason is, because powers have their specification and nature from their formall ob­ject, not from the materiall; because the Magistrate punisheth he­re [...]ies and false Doctrine as they disturbe the Peace of the civill State; therefore his power is civill, and because the Church censu­reth unjustice, incest, 1 Cor. 5, 1, 2. and sins against the second Ta­ble, because they are scandalous in the Church, and maketh the name of God to be ill spoken of, though materially those sins be punishable by the Magistrate, yet is the Churches power spirituall, because it judgeth those as scandalous and offensive to God; and therefore the power is spirituall, because the object, to wit, as scan­dalous to the Church, and as offensive to God is spirituall, even as destructive to civill Peace, is formally a civill object. 2. The Magistrate without any spirituall power judges what is the true Church and true ordinances, setteth them up by his sword; he doth set them up only for a civill end, because they conduce most for the peace and flourishing condition of the civill state, whereof he is head, not that the members of his state may attain life eter­nall; for the Magistrate intendeth life eternall to his subjects in set­ting up a true Church, and true Ordinances, not as a Magistrate, but as a godly man: As the woman of Samaria brought out the Samaritanes, that they might receive Christ in their heart by saith, as she had done: But as a Magistrate he intendeth not life eternall to his subjects; so a Master as a Master, hireth a man to serve who is a believer, and as a Master he judgeth such a one will be most faith­full, and active in his service; now the Master judgeth him not to be a Saint, that he may be a fit member of the Church: The Church only as the Church is to judge so of this servant, nor doth he judge him a believer, that he may obtain life eternall, nor doth he love and chuse him as his servant, that he may obtain life eternall; Christians as Christians, judge and love one another that way: So the Husband as a Husband doth chuse a believing woman for his Wife, judging she will perform the duties of a Wife, better then an unbelieving Wife, he judgeth her to be a believer as a Husband, and loveth her with a Husband-love as a Husband; but if he love her because the image of God is in her, and as an heir of life eter­nall, [Page 624] then he loveth her as a Christian man, not as a Husband, and it is a Christian love he hath to her, such as he hath to other godly women that are also co▪ heirs with himself of life eternall; and this is a lawfull and a Christian love: But if this Husband should bear a Husband-love, such as he doth to his own Wife, to all other god­ly Wives, it should be an adulterous and unlawfull love: So the Magistrate as a Magistrate, judges, loves, chuses, and setteth up true Ordinances, a true Church, as means of a flourishing King­dom, and of externall Peace, and pulleth down the contrary as means destructive to the peace and safety of his subjects: But he judgeth not in a spirituall manner, and with any spirituall power of the sword, of those as fitting and conducing to life eternall, and inward peace of conscience with God; but as a justified and belie­ving Saint, he judgeth, chuseth, and loveth Ordinances, and the true Church in this consideration, and no wise as a Magistrate: If those Relations of Magistrate and Christian had been considered by the Author, he had not compared the Magistrate punishing ido­latry to the Dragon, and the godly Pastors who exhort the Magi­strate to punish false teachers to the Beast, and the false Prophet, who maketh war with the Lambe: For the godly magistrate who advanceth the throne of the Lambe, is praise worthy; he doth cut off all wicked doers from the city of the Lord, Psal. 101. 8. and doth this as a Magistrate, that his Kingdome might have peace and well grounded prosperity; but as a man according to Gods heart he doth it formally set on high the throne of the Lambe, nor would he have compared those worthy and dear brethren of New Eng­land the Saints of the most high, especially reverend Master Cot­ton to the frogs that proceeded out of the mouth of the false Pro­phet, Rev. 17. 3. Nor do the Papists use this argument at all, but another argument, and for a contrary conclusion; for the Pope as the Pope is an earthly Monarch, and as Pope hath power to trans­late Crowns and Kingdoms, and as Pope the Holy Ghost in him commandeth the Kings of the Earth, to make war with the Lambe and his followers, as Papists teach; do we ascribe any such power be the Church or Churchmen? are Malignants, Prelates, and Pa­pists, the followers of the Lambe?

Obj. 7. If the people may erect what government they will, and seems most fit for their civill condition; then governments by them so [Page 625] erected have no more power, nor for no longer time then the civill power or people consenting and agreeing shall betrust them with; for people are not deprived of their naturall freedom by the power of ty­rants: And if so, that Magistrates receive their power of governing the Church from the people; Then a people as a people naturally con­sidered (of what Nature or Nation soever in Europe, Asia, Africa, America) have fundamentally and originally as men, a power to go­vern the Church, to see her do her duty, to correct her, to redresse, to reform, to establish, &c. And this is to subject God, Christ, heaven, the spirit, to naturall, sinfull, and unconstant men: Indian and Ame­rican governments are as true and lawfull governments as in the world; and therefore their governours are keepers of the Church and of both Tables (if any Church should arise or be amongst them) and therefore (if Christ▪ have betrusted the civill power with his Church) they must judge according to their Indian and American consciences, for others they have not.

Ans. 1. No doubt the power that makes Magistrates, because Blood Te­nent. c. 93. pag. 137, 138. of vertue and dexterity to govern, may unmake them when they turn tyrants, and abuse their power; and upon the same ground, as men create Magistrates, so Christian men as Christian men, act to chuse Christian and gracious Magistrates: as if a Husband as a man chuse a Wife (as grace perfumeth and spiritualizeth all the common actions of men) so Christian men are to chuse Christian Wives, Christian Masters, Christian servants; so is a Church to chuse a Christian, not an American Magistrate, Deu. 17. they are not to chuse a stranger, but one from amongst their brethren, and men fearing God, and hating coveteousnes, Exo. 18. 21. Deu. 17. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. and 1. 16. and that a Christian Magistrate receive People as people may give power to a Magi­strate to adde his auxiliary power to defend the Church, judge and punish of­fenders in the Church power to govern in the Church (I deny him to be a Governour of the Church) from Christian people, I see no inconvenience: Sup­pose that a Christian woman chuse a Pagan Husband, she sins in her choise; and as a sinful woman chuseth a Pagan who hath no other then a Pagan conscience, to be the guide of her youth, and her head, and to love her, as Christ loved his Church, and to rule her according to his marital and Husband-power in some acts of her Christian conversation: Yea, when Christians did fight under Hea­then Emperours, they gave power as all souldiers do to their Commanders, to those Heathen Captains, to command Christians [Page 626] according to their Pagan consciences, for other consciences it can­not be supposed Heathen have as this Author speaketh; nor do I see such an inconvenience, that men as men chuse a Magistrate who is a Heathen, to see not the Church as the Church; but men of the Church do their duty, and to punish them civilly when they omit Church duties, when providence compelleth Iudah: Yea, when God commandeth Iudah to submit to a Babylonish or Persian King, who according to his Babylonish conscience is to command them to keep the oath of God, to abstain from murther▪ yea, to build again the house of God, and is to punish the men of Iudah, if they do the contrary: Here evidently the Church is to chuse Heathen Kings, who according to their Heathen consciences, are to judge and punish sins against both Tables; but they chuse them to adde there auxiliary power to help and desend the Church, not any pri­vative or absolute power to set up what ordinances they will: Nor is it supposed that men as men may give to Indian and American Ma­gistrates, power to judge, by rule of Indian consciences; what is blas­phemy against Iesus Christ, what is apostacy from the Christian saith, to Iuda [...]sme, and to punish it: For in that fare, the Indian Ma­gistrate is uncapable of Magistracy in those acts, though essentially he be a lawfull Magistrate in other acts; just as Christian men and Saints by calling may make a Christian Corinthia [...] amongst them­selves, their Magistrate; and yet he cannot judge whether Ti [...]ius the Physi [...]ian in Corinth hath poysoned Sempronius, as he hath a Chri­stian conscience, but not a medicinall conscience (to speak so) or the skill and art of a Physi [...]ian to know what is poyson, what not; yet did men as men create this Christian Magistrate, to judge & punish murthers, and poysoning of Christians. 2. Let us also turn the Tables: the Author cannot deny, but Ten thousand Christians and Indians, half of each side, may come to be one civil incorporation; they create with common consent a Christian Magistrate over themselves, this they do as a society of men. The Indians worship their God in that society, by offering their children to the Devil, and this is their Indian conscience; for it is not to be supposed that an Indian can worship his God with other then an Indian conscience: By this Authors way, Indians and Christians gave to this Christian Magi­strate, to judge of this Indian and bloody worship, with a Christi­an conscience, for it is supposed he can judge with no other con­science: [Page 627] I demand whether or not this Magistrate be obliged to pu­nish such horrid shedding of innocent blood? If he be, he is set over this incorporation to bear the sword of the Lord, and with a Christian conscience to judge and punish Indian consciences: Is not this as great an inconvenience as what he objecteth to us? Be­sides that, according to this way, he must not punish the killing of the children to the Devil; why? this is against the will of the meek Saviour in whom the Christian Magistrate believes, to persecute an Indian for his conscience, as this Author thinketh: Now it is no lesse an Indian conscience worship, and no murther to offer an in­nocent child to the Indian God, then it was to the Jews to offer an innocent Bullock or a Ram to Jehovah.

Obj. But God hath forbidden in the Law of nature to kill infants to God upon any pretence.

Ans. In the Law of nature God hath forbidden all false wor­ship. 2. The Law of nature hath forbidden to offer any blood to God, that is, the Law of nature will never warrant us to offer in a whole brunt offering an innocent Beast to God, created for the use of man, and it should be against the Law of nature, to kill Beasts for any religious use, or for any use, except to be food or medicine for man: Except God in a positive Law, had commanded whole burnt offerings, and offering of Beasts to God: so the Law of na­ture forbids Indians to kill infants; but they tell you, there is a posi­tive Law of their God, and in conscience they are obliged to kill their children to this God, and you must convince their conscience, that this is murther, not right worship, by reason and light of truth, not with a club and force of sword, which hath no influence upon the conscience.

3. It followeth not, that God hath subjected God, Christ, Hea­ven, the Spirit to naturall men; for an Indian Magistrate remaining an Indian, never received power from mem as men, nor from God, to judge of Christian worship: yea, Indian Magistrates as Indians are uncapable of judging or punishing what is against Christ, Heaven, the Spirit, and yet they are Lawfull Magistrates; for their igno­rance of Christ excludeth them from having any such formal po­wer; what Magistraticall power they have which they cannot put forth in acts, is not to a purpose for this power, which they cannot exercise, shall never subject, Christ, Heaven, the Spirit to the [Page 628] consciences of naturall men, or Indian Magistrates: this consequence therefore should have been proved▪ not presumed as a truth. 4. He saith, If any Church should arise amongst those who have Indian Magistrates, Christ should betrust the Indian civill power with his Church. I answer, This is non-consequence also, for the state of heathenship in the Indian, should exclude him from any such trust; if a Church arise they are to be under the Indian Magistrate, while God in his providence free them from under him, that they may chuse a Christian Magistrate, who may be a nurse-father to them? 5. The Lord be trusteth his Church to the civil power as an auxiliary power, not to exercise any magistraticall power over the Church, and over their conscience; but only for the Churches good, and for their conscience.

These would be distinguished, a governour of, or over the A governor of, or over the Church, a governor in the Church, a governor for the Church, are differen [...]. Church. 2. A Governour in the Church. 3. A Governour for the Church; neither Christian nor Heathen Magistrate is a Governor of the Church, or over the Church: An Heathen Magistrate may be a Governour in the Church, giving to the Church in his domi­nion leave to live under him, as Nebuchadnezzar did to the Church in captivity. The Christian Magistrate is a Governour for the Church; 1. Men are governed as men politically by Ma­gistrates though Heathen. 2. Men are governed as Christians and Citizens of Heaven, and Members of Christs invisible body, by the inward government of the Spirit and Word. 3. Men are governed as Members of Christs visible Body in Church-society Ecclesiasti­cally, by Church-officers called [...], Heb. 13. 7. 13. who watch­eth for our Souls, and are over us in the Lord, and must give an ac­count to God, whom we are to obey in a Church-society: so Pilate is called, Mat. 27. 2. it is given to Kings and Rulers, 1 Pet. 2. 14. [...], Act. 23. 24. so it is opposed to [...] to one that ser­veth, Luk. 22. 26. no question it is a word borrowed from the se­venty interpreters who use it, Iosh. 13. 21. Mich. 3. 9. Ezech. 44. 3. Dan. 3. 2. the words [...], 1 Tim. 5. 17. [...], Rom. 12. 8. 1 Thes. 5. 12. are ascribed to Church-officers: Yea, the word [...] Pag [...] dijs non malc­dices. [...] a Ruler or a Commander, Act. 23. 5. is ascribed to the High-Priest, who was but a Church-officer, and the stile given to Rulers, Exod. 22. 28. from which these words are taken, is Gods: so Ioh. 10. 35, 36. compared with Psal. 82. 1. Exod. 21. 6. and proveth the [Page 629] same, though Church-officers be onely Ministers, not Lords, not Princes, having any dominion over the Lords inheritance.

Obj. 8. But is not this an easie way to extricate our selves out of Mr. Cole­mans re­examinati­on. p. 15. all doubts, if we say in Church-government, that the doctrinal and declarative part is in the Ministers of Christ, as Mat. 28. Go teach, &c. and the punitive and censuring part in the Christian Magistrate, Rom. 13. according to that for the punishing of evill doers, as Mr. Coleman saith.

Ans. This Erastian way will intricate us not a little, and is de­structive The di­stinction of an do­ctrinal or declarative, and of a punitive part of Church-govern­ment, of which the former is given to Pastors, the latter to the Ma­gistrate, a heedlesse and sense­lesse no­tion. of the Covenant of both Kingdoms. 1. Its a distinction void of Scripture and reason, for the Apostolick Churches by it must have no Government as Churches at all: for to publish the Gospel which is made the one half; Yea, all Church-government (for this punitive part is a dream) is not Church-government, nor any part thereof.

1. Master Coleman desires that the Parliament would give to preachers Doctrine and power of preaching and wages, learning and competency: as for Governing of the Church, let the Magi­strate have that, Ministers have other work to do, and such as will take up the whole man. Sermon, Pag. 24, 25. Then preaching the Word to the Church, cannot be any part of Governing of the Church.

2. Because Church government is properly acted by the Church, with the power of the keyes, to bind and loose in earth, as in Heaven by Church-censures, and pardoning of an offender, and committed to many, to the Church, to a society gathered to­gether, Mat. 18. 18. 1 Cor. 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. But publishing of the Gospel is done by one single Pastor, even to the end of the world, even where there is no Church, even in the hearts of the Atheni­enses, Act. 17. 33, 34. of Felix, Act. 24. 25. of the Iayler not Bap­tised, Act. 16. 29, 30, 31. of the woman of Samaria, Ioh. 4. 28, 29, 30. The Gospel exerciseth a doctrinall and externall government on thousands, the like without the Church visible: yea, and who ne­ver are members of a visible Church; is this any Church-govern­ment of which we now speak? and in all the Scripture a power of the keyes to govern the visible Church, was never committed to any one single man by Iesus Christ; if an Apostolick-priviledge of Pauls excommunicating his alone be objected, I can easily answer, [Page 630] Apostles continue not to the end of the world. 2. This doctrinal publishing of the word, is the plants and flowers of the Gardens but Church-government is the hedge, and those two are not to be confounded. 3. Paul differenceth them as two distinct qualities of a Preacher, 1 Tim. 3. while he will have him apt to teach, ver. 2. and v. 4, 5. one that can rule the Church of God well; and 1 Tim. 5. 17. ruling well, is distinguished from labouring in the Word and Doctrine as a charge worthy of lesse honour, from a charge worthy of double honour. 4. All Protestant Divines distinguish Doctrine and Government, the former belonging to the being and essence of a visible Church, as an essentiall note thereof, I mean the publike and settled publishing of the Gospel; the other is only a thing belonging to the well being of the visible Church, and an accident thereof; so it is a heedlesse tenent to make the former a part with the latter. 5. When we swear a conformity of Doctrine and worship in one Confession, one Catechisme, one Directory, we do not swear the same over again, when we swear to endea­vour the nearest uniformity in Church-government, &c. which we cannot but do, if the Doctrine and Worship be nothing but a part of Church-government; or if it be all Church-government: n [...]w if Mr. Colemans punitive part be but his own dream, as I hope is easily proved, there is no Church Government at all. Now how Mr. Coleman did swear to indeavour the nearest uniformity of a Chimera, and a thing that is just nothing, let himself consider.

As for Mr. Colemans punitive part of Church Government by the Magistrate, this by his way is done by the power of the sword of the Magistrate, saith he, and therefore citeth Rom. 13. He beareth not the sword in vain, &c. Hence either the Apostolique Church had no censures at all, and so no visible government and order, but preaching of the Word was all; and except we would adde to our pattern, and be more wise then the Holy Ghost and the Apostles, we ought to have no Church Government, but onely preaching the Word; or then the Apostles, Pastors, and Teachers medled with the sword of the Emperour Nero in discharging the punitive part, for with no other instrument doth the Magistrate punish ill-doers, but with the sword, Rom. 13. 4, 5. This text Mr. Coleman citeth to make bloody Nero a Church-governour: But no ground is for this in the Word, that Paul, Peter, Timothy, Archippus meddled with the Emperours sword, or that the weapons of their warfare [Page 631] were carnal; or that Paul was the Minister of God, bearing the sword for the punishment of evil doers: I think Paul speaketh That the Magistrates punishing with the sword, seandalous persons should be a part of Church-govern­ment, a rea­sonlesse conceit. of civil bodily punishing, Rom. 13. and no violence greater can be offered to the Word of God; for if that power be an Ecclesiasti­cal administration, every soul, and so the Christian Magistrate, is to be subject to this Ecclesiastical and Church power; and if so, then to the Church: If Mr. Coleman deny the consequence, I con­ceive to be subject to the Magistrate, is Rom. 13. to be subject to the power civil, that is, of God: If the Magistracy be an Ecclesiasti­cal ordinance and a vicegerent power of the mediator, as they say it is; then to be subject to the Magistrate, is to be subject to this Church power, and to be subject to the Church. 2. The punishing power of the Magistrate as such, doth not bind and loose on Earth, and open and shut Heaven; for then hoc ipso, because the Magistrate doth judge and punish evil doers, the mans sin should be bound in Heaven; now so the judging and punishing power should take hold of the conscience: But it is certain, the Magistrate as judge may take away the life of a Capital Delinquent, when he knoweth the man repenteth and believeth, and findeth mercy with God; Ergo, this magistratical power is not Ecclesiastical; for if the man to the knowledge of all repent, the Church hath no power to bind his sin on Earth, nor will God bind his sin in Heaven; but yet the Magistrate as a Magistrate is to punish; Ergo, this punishing power is no Ecelesiastical power, nor any part of Church-go­vernment.

3. The punitive power of the Magistrate hath influence on men as ill-doers, whether they be within the Church or without the Church, and worketh on men as Members of the Common wealth, whether Christians, or Heathens, Indians, or Americans: But no punitive power of the Church, is or can be extended to those that are without the Church, but Pastors and the Church leaveth them to be judged of God, 1 Cor. 5. 12. nor can they be cast out of the visible Church, who were never within it.

4. The punitive power of the Church as such, floweth from Christ as Mediator, Head and King of the Church; because Christ as Head and Mediator, hath appointed a shepheards staffe, disci­pline, or rebukes, Church-censures, and Excommunication for his sheep, his redeemed ones, family, and people, for whom he is Medi­ator, [Page 632] his Scepter and Rod must be congruously and sutably propor­tioned to his Crown, and spiritual Royal power: But the puni­tive power of Magistrates floweth from God the Creator, as the whole world is the family of God; so for the preservation of hu­mane society, the Lord hath been pleased to appoint Magistrates, and the punitive power of them by the sword, to correct ill-doers for the peace, good, and safety of humane societies.

5. All punitive Church-power is for edification, 2 Cor. 10. 8. That the mans spirit may be savdd in the day of the Lord, 1 Cor. 5. 5. that the party may be gained by private and publike Church re­bukes, Mat. 18. 15. If he hear thee, thou hast gained thy Bro­ther, v. 18. If he neglect to hear the Church, let him be to thee as an Heathen, &c. Ergo, if he hear the Church his soul is gained, 2 Thess. 3. 14, 15. 1 Tim. 1. 19. but the intrinsecal end of punishing an evil doer, is not the gaining of his soul, but a political civil sa­tisfaction of justice for a wrong done to humane society, that o­thers may fear, and do so no more; the Magistrate in using his sword as a Magistrate, looketh not to this as the intrinsecall end of the sword, to convert a soul, to augment the number of the subjects of Christs mediatory Kingdom; nor doth he as a Magistrate propor­tion the measure of the stroke of the sword according to the re­pentance aud godly sorrow of the man who hath sinned; but in justice his eye is not to pity or spare the blasphemer, though as dear to him as a father and friend, Deut. 13. 6, 8, 9. 10. Deut. 33. 9. whether he repent, or not repent; but the Church censure, respe­cting intrinsecally the gaining of the soul, is proportioned to the offenders sorrow for his sin, that he be not swallowed with over much sorrow, 2 Cor. 2. 7, 8, 9, 10. There is neither co­action, nor properly so called pu­nishment in the Church. Trigland. dis. The [...]lo. de potest. civil et Ec­clefiast. c. 13. p. 257.

6. This punitive part of Church Government, is neither in name, nor in thing: in Scripture Triglandius denieth that there is any Ecclesiastical, co-active, or compulsive power properly so cal­led in the Church; there is no violence used by Christ as King of his Church; this shepheard carrieth the Lambs in his bosome▪ Isai. 40. 11. Hyeronimus said well, The King or Magistrate ruleth over men that are unwilling, he meaneth in punishing them; but the Pastor doth it to men that are willing: And renowned Salmasius citing this, addeth that of the Apostle Peter to the Elders, Feed the flock [...]; It is not pena a proper [Page 633] punishment that the Church doth inflict, nor doth the Scripture Hyerony­mus in Epi­taphio N [...] ­potiani, Rex [...]olentibus preest, episco­pus volenti­bus. Cl. Salm. in apparatu ad libr [...]s de primati. part. 1. p. 154. 155. adeo autem vole [...]tibus p [...]nitentia dab [...]tur ut negata pro paena esset, et pro beneficio peteretur atque acciperetur, a delinquentibus, ut ex multis Canonibus concili [...] ­rum constat, Epistolis Canonicis, et scriptis aliis patrum. speak so, nor is the thing it self punishment, or any punitive power here; indeed all co-active power of the Magistrate as the Magi­strate, and all punishment issuing from it, is against the will of the punished, and is inflicted with the dominion of the sword; we know how the Adversarie side here with Papists who make all Church censures to be pennances inflicted upon penitents against their will: Therefore saith Salmasius, Of old, censures were so vo­luntary, that to deny them was a punishment, and they were desired and sought as a Benefit, as the ancient Canons of Councels, and Ca­nonick Epistles, and writings of Fathers bear witnesse; and this doth prove, if Iesus Christ have a willing people, Psal. 110. and if re­bukes and censures be to the Saints as medicine that will not break the head, Psal. 141. 5. no medicine is received unwillingly by wise men, and no medicine is a punishment; then the punitive power of the Magistrate hath no place in the Church as the Church.

7. The Magistrate dispenseth no Ecclesiasticall censures as a Magistrate: For 1. He rebuketh not as a Magistrate, for rebukes as rebukes intrinsecally tend to the gaining of the soul; so as to re­ceive rebukes willingly, is a Character of a child of God, and to hate it a signe of a wicked man, Ecclesi. 7. 5. Prov. 28. 23. and 6. 23. and 1. 23. c. 13. 18. c. 15. 5. 10. 31. 32. Prov. 5. 12. and 10. 17. and 15. 10. and 9. 8. and 13. 1. so the sword cannot inflict this censure, nor can the Magistrate cast out of the Synagogue or Church; he can banish, which is a locall casting out; but not excommunicate, if he be said to be an Ecclesiasticall person exercising punitive power in the Church, because he judgeth and punisheth sins a­gainst the Church, 1. This is nothing, except he inflict spirituall punishment of rebuking and excommunication, which he cannot do, because he hath not to do with the conscience, or the converting of a sinner. 2. If he be a Church-governour, because he punisheth sins against the Church, but in so far as they disturb the Peace of the State, then Pastors may be civil Governours, and use the sword, which Christ forbiddeth, Luk. 22. 26, 27. and 12. 13, 14. because they inflict spirituall punishment, such as publike rebukes on mur­therers, [Page 634] parricides, but in a spirituall way, to gain souls to Iesus Christ; and they rebuke murthers, thefts, thought not as commit­ted against the State and Peace of humane societies, but as offen­sive to God, scandalous to the Church, and destructive to the souls of those who commit such offences: All the punishment Ecclesiasti­call which we plead for (though we borrow only the name, it be­ing unproperly so called) is spiritual rebukes, debarring of wicked men from the society of the Saints, and the holy things of God, that they pollute not such pearls. Bullinger is alledged by Erastus as a favourer of this way, and some private Epistles of Bullinger written to Erastus cited, but nothing of the publike writings of Bullinger: It is true he saith, he is pleased with Erastus his Theses, but 1. That he was not of Erastus his mind wholly, is evinced from these Epistles. 1. Bullinger strove with the Anabaptists of his time, That Bul­linger is not of the mind of Erastus. Bulling. Epis. privat. ad Erastum. who contended for either a Church of regenerate persons, or none. Bullinger. Diu cum Anabaptistis nostris contendimus hac de re, et osten­dimus veram Ecclesiam posse esse, et dici Ecclesiam, quae excommu­nicatione hâc careat. 2. He saith, he himself, D. Wolphius, Lavater, Hallerus, Zwinglius, Gualther, never condemned the Church of Geneva; Ergo, they never condemned Presbyterial Government. 3. He saith it will be for the edification of the Churches of the Pa­latine, that this excommunication be. Now we know divers there ascribed to the Magistrate plus aequo, and said that the tythes belon­ged jure divino to the Magistrate: The truth is these Divines were too obnoxious to the lust of Christian Magistrates. Calvin, Farel, complain much of the Magistrates usurpation in this. 4. They thought hard to exulcerate the minds of Princes to ex­communicate the Magistrate, and longè magis abalienatos reddere, inferiores gradus conscendere, superiores vero intactos reddere: But was it not an abuse to excommunicate the poor people, and spare the Magistrate?

3. Bullinger would not have the question of excommunication Bul. Epis. ad Erast. to come in publike; why? cum hoc tempore aliâs satis afflicta sit Ecclesia.

4. He seems to incline that none should be debarred from the Lords Table, that acknowledgeth their sins, coena sit libera omnibus peccata sua agnoscentibus et veniam a Christo petentibus; we say Amen, so they be truly penitent to the Church, and not such as [Page 635] Paul speak of, 2 Tim. 3. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. to whom confession of sins before the Church is a manifest form of godlinesse.

5. Bullinger and Gualther writ to the Prince Elector to punish scandalous persons: But with all quanquam arbitramur illust. Principem admonitionem nostram sibi soli reservaturum, qua dun­taxat dissidia manefesta in Ecclesia praevenire voluimus: Hence this ( tecum sentimus) of Bullinger written to Erastus was; 1. His pri­vate opinion, that he desired not to be known to the Churches; therefore Erastus wronged Bullinger, who left his secret letters to be printed. 2. Many learned men in these Churches beside Ana­baptists, and the Palatinate Catechisme were against Erastus.

6. He saith Zwinglius was the chief man to have excommunica­tion Epist. ad Erastum. brought in inductam cuperet.

7. He desired Beza not to answer Erastus, for peaces cause, and the same he wrote to Erastus.

A learned and holy preacher to the Prince Elector, wrote thus Petr. Dathe­nus. to Bullinger. Queror (fr. m. d. dilecte) quod approbaris Theseis D. Erasti, contra disciplinam Ecclesiasticam scriptas, quae non tantum impiae sunt, sed viam sternunt ad Atheismum; hortor et obsecro ut publicè testeris te novas illas Theseis improbare, Quod nisi seceris, futurum est ut videaris dissentire non tantum a doctâ illa vetustate, sed etiam a Zwinglio, et Oecolampadio aliisque, adeoque et cum teips [...] pugnare.

Bullinger in 1 Cor. 5. Excommunicatio non est exercenda, ut Ana­baptistae volunt, a toto Ecclesiae coetu, sed a dilectis ad hoc hominibus.

Excommunicatio apud veteres est exclusio a communione Sacra­mentorum.

Excommunicatio est supplicium temporale, disciplina externa ad medendam instituta.

Bullinger in Mat. 18. esse Ethnicum et publicanum significat esse et haberi inter facinorosos, quibus nihil neque officij neque sinceri com­mittas.

Idem. Hortor ut salutare hoc pharmacum (excommunicationis) e caetu Sanctorum pontificis avarit [...]a eliminatum reducatur.

Idem in Mat. 18. finis consilij domini est, (in negotio disciplinae) ut corrigantur scelerati in Ecclesia, et auferantur scandala.

Bullinger in 2 Thes. 3. hic habemus abstensionem sen exclusionem, qua a tribuum societate et publicorum pascisorum usu-fructu exclu­dimus [Page 636] [...]on [...]maces et omnes admonitiones contemnentes; aliter etiam locus potest interpretari. These be contradictory to Erastus his ex­positions, and way which maketh excommunication nothing, and putteth all Church-discipline on the point of the Magistrates sword. I cannot say but that saying did too little prevail with Bullinger, Amicus Socrates, Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas: for Era­stus was his intimate and too dear friend, etiam er [...]ores amicorum et n [...]i sunt nobis pergrati.

Bullinger in Mat. 18. in illa: Dic Ecclesiae. Excommunicatio est dis­ciplina [...]xterna sanctorum in Ecclesia conversantium, quâ ex commu­nione abii [...]iuntur sanctorum, aut commodè alioqui corriguntur, coer­cent [...]ve qui scandalizant Ecclesiam,—hae particulares Ecclesiae de­ligunt sibi quoque veluti Senatum Collegiumve optimorum virorum qui juxta Canonem sacrism disciplinam hanc exerceant: What is this but a Presbytery? Ceterum qualis fuerit Ethnicorum et publica­norum reputatio facile est colliger [...] ex Evangelio et Paulo ad Ephe. 2. Certe alieni sunt a gratia, nihil Communionis haebentes cum sorte sanctorum.

Bullinger, Ser. 5. decad. 10. pag. 384. Sicut autem dominus pri­vatim voluit admoneri et corripi praevaricantes Ecclesiae Ministres, ita ejusdem admonitions et correctionis bonum extendit ad universam Ecclesiam: Ergo, h [...]buit vetus Ecclesia sanctum Presbyterorum senatum, qui delinquentes in Ecclesia diligenter admonebat, corripie­bat graviter, adde et consortio excludebat Ecclesiastico, si nihil emen­dationis expectari posse videretur,—1 Cor. 5. decrevi ut is qui hot seelus patravir, &c.

Musculus in locis Commun. de Ministris verbi, pag. 204. disciplina Ecclesiastica includi [...] morum correctionem, tum privatorum, tum pub­licorum, deinde et judicia Ecclesiastica—hisce quoque de rebus non constituet Minister suopte arbitratu, sed erit ad institutionem earum director, et ad [...]ib [...]bit suffragia et consensum suae plebis, ne quid in­vitae Ecclesiae imponatur; denique curabit ut plebs ipsa viros graves, ti­mentes. Dei ac boni Testiomnij deligat, quorum cur [...] et vigilantiâ Ecclesiae disciplina administretur, et si quid gravioris momenti accidat ad Ecclesiam ipsam referatur.

I grant it was the error of that worthy instrument of Reforma­tion that he referreth all to the Christian Magistrate: and so he saith, haec omnia—pertinen [...] ad illas Ecclesias tantum quae Christia­num [Page 637] Magistratum non habent; non potest hic certi quiequam praescri­bi, sed fideles et prudentes Ministri pro conditione temporum, publici status et necessitatis Ecclesiasticae disciplinam hanc sic attemperabunt, ut omnia fiant decenter, honestè et in aedificationem Ecclesiae in Mat. 18. Habendi sunt pro hominibus prophanis et a Rep. Christianorum alienis, qui excommunicati sunt.

He favours not a little the Erastian way; for he maketh Moses the institutor of Religion to Aaron, and the Ministers the servants of the Christian Magistrate, loc. de Magistratu. Wolfangus Mus­culus 16 de Magist. pag. 630. penes Magistratum est locorum Ec­clesiasticorum constitutio; defendere leges possunt Inferiores, sed con­stituere non possunt nisi Superiores, pag. 631, 632.— Respondet ad illud dic Ecclesiae. Ecclesiae Dei magistratui pio ac fideli tunc distribueban­tur ut ecclesiis ab apostolis plantatis usu uenit: Yet he goeth not with Erastus, for he saith, pag. 634. Neque docet Magistratus, ne­que administrat Sacramenta, sed haec faciunt Ministri, pag. 628. Moses primus Catholicus Israelis Magistratus—omnem in populo Dei religionem constituit ipsique Aaraoni et Levitarum ordini facienda et vitanda praescripsit—adeo ut cura instituendae ac moderandae religio­nis pertineat ad Magistratum, administrandae vero ad sacerdotem; porro si peccaverit formam praescribit—quomodo procedendum sit cum impaenitentibus.

Lucratus es fratrem; fructus est laboris tui. Dic Ecclesiae. Tertius gradus habet provocationem ad totam ecclesiam h. e. ad coetum fide­lium cujus vos estis membra; est autem Ecclesiae hic cetus fidelium in quo verbum Christi et Sacramenta recte administrantur; hanc for­mulam post secuti sunt apostoli, ut est 1 Cor. 5. 3. et 2 Cor. 2. 6. sit tibi h. e. quo loco aperti hostes Christi et aperti peccatores habentur; sic illum habeto; nihil sit tibi cum eo negotij, separa te ab illo, satis jam cognovisti hominem, constat eum induratum et reprobum esse; hic est authoritas finalis sententiae Ecclesiae.

Aretius Coment. in 1 Cor. 5. propositio. Homines Christum pro­fessi, quoad fieri potest, flagitiosos vitare debent. Corinthiis omni studio laborandum ut incestuosum suo et Ecclesiae bono ad tempus excludant.

Finis excommunieationis alter vt salvus sit totus homo in di [...] mor­tis, vel in novissimo judicio—alter finis respicit Ecclesiam, sic omnibus vitanda est vobis contagio.

[Page 638] In Matthew 7. Sanctum canibus non dandum. Vult Christus ostendere doctrinam Evangely et mysteria pietatis non esse Com­municanda ingratis et contemptoribus—persecutoribus et volup­tuarijs hominibus. Gualtherus in Matthew 18. homili. 220. Sit tibi volut quispiam Ethnicus et quispiam publicanus, id est, hoc judicio agnosce eum non esse civem aut membrum germanum Ec­clesiae, et quia ipse sese a societate Ecclesiae segregat, dum hujus ju­dicio refragatur, sit tibi Ethnici et publicani loco, cum quo nihil p [...]r­ro consorty habeas, sed Dei judicio illum permitte, qui tantam con­tumaciam inultam minimè sinet; but he addeth, hunc ordinem ob­servarunt olim Christiani homines dum nullos haberent Magistra­tus Christian [...]s.

Interdum etiam Satanae tradebant tales, quod non ex paucorum ar­bitrio fiebat, sed cum publico Ecclesiae consensu, 1 Cor. 5.

Quod autem hoc omne ad suam excommunicationem Anabaptistae The error of Gualther to please the usurp­ing Magi­strate. detorquent nimium inepte et ridicul [...] (ut alia omnia) faciunt; nam primo insolenter vendicant quod apostolis datum fuit, et Satanae trade­re volunt homines excommunicatione suâ, quâ ne culicem quidem pos­sunt occidere; deinde etiam in coenam invehunt sine Christi instituto et exemplo: To which I must say the Anabaptists were right, and Gualther in an error in this point.

Gualther. in 1 Cor. 5. accusat Eccl [...]siam propter incestum, quod incestuosum non sine publicâ totius Eccl [...]siae infamiâ nimis diu tole­rarint—propter unius hominis scelus totam Corinthiorum Ecclesiam, et imprimis hujus praefectos et doctores (quid hoc aliud est quam Col. legium pastorum et Seniorum) tam graviter accusat; sed ita illi mere­bantur, quod indulgentiores fuissent hactenus erga eum, quem punire poterant, et cujus libidinem coercere jam pridem debuissent.

Tota Ecclesia excommunicat—erant in Ecclesia tunc constituti Seni­ores, at horum arbitrio causam non permittit apostolus`—quotquot ergo rem tanti momenti ad paucos referunt, vel etiam sibi soli vindicant excommunicandi potestatem, ij Ecclesiam jure suo spoliant, & Ty­rannidem affectant piis intolerabilem.

Nec enim mihi necessarium videtur, ut Ecclesiae Christi [...]nae ist a ad se trahant, quae principes habent vere Christianos, quorum authoritate, morum disciplina constitui & conservari potest, urgent quidem-Excommunicationem Anabaptistae, & quia hanc improbamus, nos Ecclesias impuras habereclamant; sunt etiam alii qui etsi principes [Page 639] habeant verè Christianos, neque leges desint quibus morum licen­tia coercetur, ad hoc tamen senatu Eccl [...]siastico opus esse aiunt, qui in quorumvis mores animadvertat, et cui in principes quoque jus sit, et eos qui scandalum aliquod publicum dederunt, a caenae dominioae com­munione arceat, et eosdem non nisi suo judicio probatos, et praestitis prius satisfactionibus publicis ad Ecclesiae societatem et caenae usum rur­sus admittat—quasi vero non alia disciplinae forma institui posset, quam quae ipsis conficta est. Distingunt illi inter jurisdictionem Eccle­siasticam et politicam quoad meram disciplinam et scelerum poenas, at distinctio ista ex pontificorum officina deprompta est; in sacris vero scripturis nusquam habetur.

In Lucam. c. 12. in illa (quis me constituit judicem) docet ut singuli se intra metas suas contineant neque res aggrediantur a sua vocatione alienas: He speaketh against Anabaptists of that time who prea­ched without a calling.

The Reader may perceive that Bullinger, Gualther, and Muscu­lus 1. Do acknowledge, that the place Mat. 18. and 1 Cor. 5. do clearly prove an Ecclesiastical excommunication, which Erastus denieth. 2. That Erastus expoundeth these two places against the Bullinger Gualther and others differ much from Era­stus. mind of those his friends: And never Divine in the world, Prote­stant, Papist, Lutheran, never Councel, Father, Doctor, Ancient, or Modern, expounded the place Let him be to thee as a Heathen, as Erastus doth. 3. These Divines difference the Magistrate and the Church, in censures, power, function. Erastus confoundeth them, and saith as the Anabaptists of old did; against whom, Lu­ther, Bullinger, Gualther, Lavater, Musculus, Wolfius, Aretius, Simlerus, disputed, that the civil Magistrate may lawfully dispence the Word and Sacraments. 4. They never condemned the Disci­pline of Geneva; Erastus doth. 5. They acknowledge there was in the apostolick Church, an Ecclesiastical Senate or Presbytery: Erastus saith, this is a devise wanting Scripture. 6. They denied Excommunication to be exercised by all the Church, as a devise of the Anabaptists: Bullinger saith, 1 Cor. 5. a dilectis ad hoc homini­bus. Erastus saith, it must be exercised by the whole Church, if there be any such thing. 7. Bullinger and Gualther, think that Dis­cipline is necessary in the Church: Erastus refuseth any such thing.

2. Bullinger and Gualther do think, that the Lords Supper, which is an action of publike thanksgiving and communion, should [Page 640] not be turned into a punishment, which is a Use that Christ and his Gual. in Ep. ad Theod. Bezam an caena á. in­servire de­beat excom­municationi, atque adeo in alium usum con­verti, quam qui nobis a Christo monstratus, & ab apo­stolis tradi­tus est. Apostles hath not taught us: But this is easily answered, 1. The pearls and holy things of the Gospel are not turned into another Ʋse then Christ hath ordained; because they are denied to dogs and swine as a punishment of their swinish disposition; and if these pearls were given to swine, should they not be turned to ano­ther Use then is ordained by Christ? Is not the union of mem­bers in a Church-body a sweet bound? is this communion tran­slated to a bastard end, unknown to Christ and the Apostles? because the incestuous man is cast out of that Communion? This is as who would say, the Table of the House is a symbol of a sweet Communion of all the children of the House; Ergo, the Table is turned from its native Use, and is abused, if a flagitious and wicked son be turned out at the doors and removed from the Table. I think the contrary is true; the Lords Table ordained for children, is converted into an Use not known to Christ and his Apostles, when the Table is prepared for dogs and swine; and this argument is against Christ, Mat. 7. as much as against us. 2. By this the ex­communicated cast out of the House, is not debarred from the Ta­ble of the House. What sense is here? the offender is cast out from amongst the children of the Lords family, and yet is admitted to the Table of the family?

3. These great Divines teach, that in the dayes of Christ and the Apostles, there was such an ordinance as excommunication, and that the Church who worketh not miracles, for any thing that we read, and received a precept from the Holy Ghost for Excommu­nication, as a moral and perpetual mean to remove scandals, to The Chri­stian Magi­strate can­not supply the place of Excommu­nication. humble and shame an obstinate offender, to preserve the Church from contagion, and to edifie all, as is clear, Mat. 18. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 1 Cor. 5. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 2 Thes. 3. 14, 15. Rom. 16. 17. 2 Cor. 10. 8. that the Church (I say) or men must be wiser then Christ, and remove this mean of edification, and substitute the sword of the Magistrate that hath no activity or intrinsecal influence for such a supernatural end as edification: this cannot but be a condemning of the lawgiver Christs wisdom. Whereas Mr. Prinne and others say, that by the preaching of the Word, not by Church-discipline, men are converted to Christ, as witnesse the many thousands of godly people in England where there have been no government, [Page 641] but prelatical: I answer▪ 1. This is to dispute against the wisdom of Christ who ascribeth to private rebukes and Church censures, the gaining of souls, the saving of the spirit, repentance, and humi­liation, Mat. 18. 15, 16. 1 Cor. 5. 5, 6. 2 Cor. 2. 6, 7, 8, 9. 2 Thes. 3. 14, 15. Rom. 16. 17. 2 Cor. 10. 8. because preaching is more effectu­al; Ergo, is the Discipline not effectual? 2. Consider if thousands more would not have been converted if Christs Government had been set up for which Mr. Cartwright, Mr. Ʋdal, Mr. Dearing, and the godliest did supplicate the Parliament. 3. Consider if there hath not been in Scotland as many thousands, comparing the num­bers rightly, when the Church was terrible as an Army with Ban­ners. 4. Consider how the Tigurine Churches and others, for want of the hedge, have been scandalously wicked. 5. The Magistrate by punishing drunkennesse, or fornication or extortion (for he can­not take away the life for these) doth not keep the lump of the whole Church from being leavened and infected with the conta­gion of such: The Church by removing and casting out such an one, must do that; and the personal separating from such as walk inordinately, cannot be an act of the Magistrate, and yet can­not but be a perpetual and moral mean or ordinance that the Church is to use, not only when they have not a Christian Magi­strate, but perpetually; for we are to withdraw from those that walk inordinately, and are not to be corrupted with having intire fellowship with wicked men, whether the Church have a Chri­stian Magistrate or no: I am to gain my brother by rebuking, and by telling the Church, and to esteem one that heareth not the Church, as an Heathen, or a Publican, that I may gain him: Whether there be a Christian or an Heathen Magistrate in the Church, ex­cept it can be proved, that the Magistrate as the Magistrate, is to gain souls to God: Yea, Musculus, Bullinger, and Gualther, have alike reason to say, there is no need that we rebuke privately a trespa­sing brother, and that we forgive him seven times a day, when the Church hath a Christian Magistrate, as they can say there is no need of Excommunication: for if the sword can supply the room of one spiritual ordinance of God, why not of another also? and the text will bear us out as well to say, we are not to eschew the company of a scandalous brother, for shaming of him, and for the danger of being leavened by him, because the Magistrates sword [Page 642] may supply the want of that mean of edifying, as well as it may supply the want of Excommunication: Yea, they may say there is no need of publike rebukes by the Word, the sword may sup­ply these also. C. 18.

The Helvetian Con [...]ession is approved by the Tygurine Pastors, by the Divines of Berne, Basil, Geneva. Deus ad colligendam vel constituendam sibi Ecclesiam eamque gubernandam et conservan­dam semper usus est Ministris—Ministrorum virga, institutio, fun­ctio vetustissima ipsius Dei est, non nova, non hominum est ordina­ti [...]—cumque omninò oporteat esse in Ecclesia, disciplinam, et apud veteres quondam usitata fuerit excommunicatio, fuerint que judicia Ecclesiastica in populo Dei, in quibus per viros prudentes et pios (ipsi­simum presbyterium) exercebatur disciplina, Ministorum quoque fuerit ad edificationem disciplinam moderari, &c. Magistratus offi­cium praecipu [...]m est pacem et tranquillitatem publicam procurare et C. 30. conservare—Gallica Confessio. the 29. Credimus veram Ecclesiam gubernari debere eâ politiâ, sive disciplinâ quam D. N. I. C. sancivi [...], ita ut, viz. in ea s [...]nt pastores, presbyteri sive Seniores et diaconi, &c. Anglicana, Art. 33. Qui per publicam Ecclesiae denunciationem rit [...] ab unitate Ecclesiae praecisus et excommunicatus is ab universa fideli­um multitudine—habendus est tanquam Ethnicus et publicanus.

Art. 37. Cum Regiae Majestati Summam gubernationem tribui­m [...]—non damus Regibus nostris aut verbi Dei, aut Sacramentorum administrationem—sed eam tantum praerogativam quam in sacri [...] scripturis a deo ipso, omnibus piis princibus semper fuisse attributam, hoc est ut omnes status atque ordines fidei suae commissos, sive illi Eccle­siastici sint, sive civiles, in officio contineant, et con [...]umaces ac delin­quentes gladio civili coerceant.

Scoticana, Art. 18. postremo loco (nota verae Ecclesiae est) disci­plina Ecclesistica rectè administrata, sicut Dei verbum praescribit, ad reprimendum vitium, et vertatem fovendam. 24. Insuper Regum, principum, gubernatorum—esse potissimum et imprimis Re­ligionis purgationem et conservationem affirmamus adeo ut non tan­tum propter civilem politi [...], sed et propter conservationem verae re­ligionis, ut Idololatria et superstitio quaevis supprimatur, a deo sint or­dinati. The Belgick confession hath the same, Art. 30, 31, 32. and 36.

Confessio. Augustana. nonnulli incommodè commiscue runt po­testatem Ecclestasticam & potestatem gladii. It distinguisheth well [Page 643] between the power of the keyes in the Church, and the power of the sword in the Magistrate.▪ To this agreeth Confessio Swevica, Art. 13. and Confessio Bohemica, Saxonica, Basiliensis, Tetrapoli­tana.

Amongst our late writers, I should conceive that renowned Cl. Salmasi. de primatu papae, Part, 1. in appa­ratu, pag. 288. 289. Hyeronicus Monstra mihi quis­nam impe­ratorum ce­lebrari id concilium iusserit. Salmasius, that rich treasure of Antiquity, can stand as one for all to speak for us in this point. The Emperours (saith he) had of old a suffrage in chusing of Metropolitans, Patriarchs, and Popes, and of convocating General Councels: So as Ierome maketh it a Mark of a General Councel, that it was indicted by the Emperour; and there was reason, because, it concerned the consciences of the Magistrate as the Magistrate, what Pastors, Popes, and Doctors there were in their dominions to watch over their souls, and the souls of their subjects. It is true, de facto, Honorius the Emperour did ordain Marcellinus moderator of the conference at Carthage between the Catholicks and the Donatists, The Emperours added the force of a civil Law to the Councels: So Iustinian. Constitut. 130. sanxit ut quatuor conciliorum Canone [...] pro legibus haberentur; Ergo, the Councels had the force of Ecclesiastical Lawes, without the Emperours; But they had not the force of civil Lawes, having civil penalties annexed to them, without the Emperours; Ergo, the confirmation of Councels made by the Emperours, were poli­tick and civil confirmations: for the decrees of the Councel of Ierusalem, were Ecclesiastical decrees, without the will, Law, and Authority of any Emperour on earth, and laid an Ecclesiasti­cal tye on the Churches, without the Emperour, Act. 16. 4, 5. So is that of Salmasius to be expounded, as he expoundeth himself. Salmasius in apparatu, pag. 292. Principis est leges de Religione condere, de fide Catholicâ, de Episcopis, de Clericis, deque aliis huiusmodi que externam potestatem spectant, five [...] circa res et personas Ecclesiasticas, eaque fe­cere Christiani Imperatores in Ecclesia sui temporis, haeo enim est [...] sive [...] potestas qua principles legum sanctioni­bus non uni generi sibi subditorum consulere debent, sed in universum, omnibus tam laicis, quam Ecclesiasticis, quatenus Ecclesia est in Re­pub. et Reip. pars, non Respublica Ecclesiae.

Now that Emperours appointed time and place of Synods, which were external circumstances, is clear: But that the Emper­ours nominated the persons, who should come, appointed an Eccle­siastical [Page 644] president in the Synod to moderate, and that they defined the number of Bishops, is denied: Except 1. That they did this in a great schisme, and when the Church could not agree amongst themselves: Or 2. In such a general defection, as was under Arrius, which was an extraordinary case. 3. That the Emperour requested by Letters, that such and such godly Bishops [...]ight come to the Synod, not such: But whereas, d [...] facto, he as a Magi­strate commanded such to come, and did discharge others under pains to come (except they were other wayes incarcerated and known parties, and so could not be judges) is against the liberty of the Church and the freedom of Synods.

So Salmasius, Non igitur leges tantum facere d [...] religione ac fide In ap [...]atu pag. 293. 294. omnibus observandas, dummodo verbo divino rei contraveniant, potest princeps Christianus, vel summus Magistratus, sed etiam suos subdi­tos ad decreta Synodalia observanda quae verbo Dei conformia sunt, obligare, et Cogere: ubicunque sane imperio opus est per vim agente ac jubente, aut jurisdictione cogent [...], et [...]er [...]e [...]te, nihil istic habent qu [...]d agant verbi Ministri, neque jus agendi ullum, etiamsi de re aut per­sona Ecclesiasticâ questi [...] sit, aut de religione agatur, sed ad principes aut Magistratus ea vis coactiva oe illud jus imperativum et co [...]i­vum pertinet.

There is a Law making (unproper I grant, because declarative in Mortal men, constitutive in the head Christ only) touching Faith and Religion which is politick; but it is when there is a constitu [...]e Church, subsequent, not antecedent, and in order to bodily co­action by the sword which is due to the Magistrate▪ O [...] this Law­giving doth Salmasius speak as his words clear, and because bodily and externall co-action is not the Churches, therefore the Magi­strate as the Magistrate according to Salmasius, hath no proper Ecclesiastick power.

The reciprecation of subordination of Pastors and Magistrates In appar. p. 298. is clearly taught by Salmasius Minister, Ecclesiae principem Chri­stianum ligare et solvere id est, suspendere et excommunicare aque po­test ut alium quem libet de grege per illam internam potestatem et [...] quam a deo acc [...]pit. At princeps rursus potest Episcopum per illam suam exteriorem [...], quae no [...] animam, sed corpus curat, cogere, coercere, ad officium comp [...]ere, si exorbitet, etiam de­ponere, et abijcere, et exilio punire, vita quoq [...], si meruerit, s [...]nt [...]ntiam, [Page 645] dicere, privare—a principe abjectus Episcopus Ministerij tantum at­que officij functionem amittit, atque exercitium intra limites jurisdi­ctionis duntaxatvel ditionis quae principi subjecta est—at non potestatem, quam in ordinatione accepit, per impositionem manuum, potest eripere princeps, cum nec eam possit dare.

Cum sit duplex potestas Ecclesiastica, altera interna, externa al­tera, tam peccant qui utramque principi vel Magistratui civili tri­bunt, quam qui utramque denegant ministro Ecclesiastico. And he proveth that the Pastors have received immediately from Christ, and not from the Magistaate, their internal and external power of governing the Churches.

Josias. Simlerus professor Tigurinus comment. in Exod. 20. in p. 303. Mand. 5. Magistratuum officium est tollere idola, vi et armis—conciona [...]orum vero ut error [...]m ostendant, Idololatriam damnent, verbi gladi [...] jugulent, et Magistratum sui officij admoneant in rebus ex­teruis tollendis ut Can. 15- Concil. Carthagi. 5.

Lavater in Ezech. c. 44. Dominus dicit repellend [...]s a ministerio incircumcisos carne, hoc est, indulgentes libidinibus et incircumcisos corde, hoc est, imbutos pravis opinionibus; collige quanta cura et dili­gentia requiratur a sacerdotibus, conformiter enim custodibus.

Lavater in Ezech. 22. 26. reprehendit in sacerdotibus quod san­cta sua violarint, non enim tractarint quemadmodum ipse instituerat. Nam in templo prostabant Idola, sacrificia non legitime offerebantur—an non hodie Sacramenta ab adulteris, ebriosis et aleatoribus ad­mistrantur?

Idem in Ezech. 23. 38. et quum immolassent filios idolis. Si adul­tera de adulteri stratis surgens rectâ ad maritum suum veniat, et amorem coniugalem simulet, judicium est magnae impudentiae—redeun­tes a valle Hinnon et cultu daemonum, tanquam re bene gesta, cruentis manibus templum ingrediebantur citra conscientiam oraturi.

Ioan. Wolphius in Nehemiam ait, c. 2. v. 20. aedificatores Ecclesiae nihil agere debere quam quod in mandatis divinitus datum sit.

Idem in Ezram, c. 10. hoc enim exemplo V. T. discimus quae facto opus sit in N. T. nempe ut crebris synodis in vitam, in doctrinam et mores, in vocationem Ecclesiastorum inspiciatur.

Hence it is clear that Simler, Lavater, and Wolphius, do clearly 1. Difference between the two powers of the Sword and Church. 2. That the Priests in the Old, and Ministers in the New Testa­ment [Page 646] are not to prophane holy things. 3. That by Assemblies and Synods Church-censures are to be dispensed.

Yea, even Robert▪ Burhillus de primatu Regio contra Becanum Iesuitam. c. 10. sed neque in exteriore jurisdictione, aut excommu­nicationis aut ordinationis potestatem regi facimus, aut cultus divini novas formulas procudendi, aut dispensandi—adde quod nec [...]s [...]itribuimus, leges suâ solius authoritate ferendi quae canonum Ecclesi­asticorum vim obtin [...]ant.

The mind of D. Pareus and P. Martyr may be known by what is said, and is cleared in that learned dissertation of Iac. Trig. Nor shall I need to burden the Reader with citations of Fathers, Greek and Latine, Doctors, Councels, with all our Protestant Di­vines, Luther, Calvin, Beza, Farel, Marlorat, Piscator, Sibrandas, Iunius, Gomaras, Trelcatius, Bucanus, &c. which were easie to do if not needlesse, and acknowledged by the Adversary. I have also in answering Erastus (I hope) answered all that Mr. Prinne hath said, either in his questions, or vindication; because most of all he hath (I speak it not to diminish or detract from the learning of that reverend man, [...]r [...]sse to irritate) is fully to be seen in Era­stus: so that in answering Erastus, I hope, that ingenuous, zealous, and learned Divine will Acquiesce. The Lord establish Ierusalem and make her a peaceable habitation.


AN INTRODVCTION To the Doctrine of Scandal.

Whether or no things indifferent can be commanded because indifferent?

WHat ever things are commanded under the tenor of things indifferent, and yet are not indifferent, are not lawful, nor can be in reason commanded: for so should they be of their nature both indifferent, and not indifferent: But humane Ceremonies are sush; Ergo, they are not lawful.

Indifferent things Basilius calleth them [...] Nazianz. [...]; so Laertius, and Gellius saith the same of them. Things indifferent cannot be good, but essentially neither good nor ill, and if they be not good, they cannot be apt to edifie, and so fall not within the compasse of things which can be commanded by Rulers.

There is a twofold matter of a Church constitution, the one remote, the other nearer: The remote matter of Church constitutions are things indifferent, to wit, mens actions and the circumstances thereof; and so they are the matter of Gods Laws; for all our actions Physi­cally [Page 648] considered to know, believe, will, love, joy, fear, speak, walk, Course of conformity pag. 115. Indifferent things as such not the matter of a Churrh constitu­tion. laugh, &c▪ are indifferent in themselves▪ but God in the Law of Na­tu [...] ▪ and his positiv [...] Div [...] Law [...]th [...]d [...] [...]m [...]d [...]i [...] [...] put [...]is d [...] [...]gal upon th [...] [...] a [...] it is such, can be the nearest matter of any Church-constitution: No wise man would say that the Church might make a Law, that all should cast stones in the water; yet▪ God might make a Law thereof. For what actions hath no good, nor lawfulnesse, nor aptitude to edisie in themselves, these th [...] will of man can never make good, lawful, and apt to edifie, because onely God, whose will is the prime rule of all goodnesse, can create moral goodnes in actions: not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, is only good, because God hath so appointed in his Law▪ and to eat of the fruit of that tree, had been as law­ful and just, as not to [...]a [...], if God had commanded eating thereof, under [...]r [...]mises and threatnings▪ 6. Hence [...] followeth that all acti­ons and circumstances of their nature indifferent, must lose that indif­ferency, and receive from God some goodnesse, and aptnesse to edifie, before they can be the reasonable and nearest matter of any Civil or Ecclesiastical constitution; because what rulers can in Law and rea­son command, that they must will as good and apt to edifie▪ before they can bind others to will it. But neither the will of a ruler▪ nor the will of any other can lawfully will a thing indifferent, as it is such: for a thing indifferent as it is such, is neither good nor evil, and the ob­ject of the will is alwayes good. 3. Rulers commandeth as Gods Ministers for our good, Rom. 13. 4. Ergo, the means and actions injoyned for the compassing of this end must be good, for if the end be good, the means as the means must be good; Ergo, they cannot be indifferent.

Things indifferent cannot be enacted as a L [...]w, except they were indifferent to all, to both weak and wilful; for remaining evil to some they are scandalous, and cannot be commanded, except rulers would command sinful actions.

The Apostles would make no Laws at all of things indifferent, except in the case of scandal, neither can our Ceremonies be indif­ferent. 1. Because they are sacred mystical signes teaching us some duties to God. 2. They are worship, and means tending to the honour of God, and being used for the honour of an Idol, as they are used by us, they should be the religious honour of an Idol. 3. They are pre­tended [Page 649] to be means apt to edifie. Ergo, They are not in their use indiffer­ent. 4. The use of Ceremonies are Moral actions of man, not warrant­ed by Gods Word. Ergo, They are unlawful, and so not indifferent. If then nothing be good, because Rulers command it; but, by the contrary, they do lawfully command it, because it is good. The Churches power, is one and the same, in things indifferent, and necessary in matters of Doctrine, Dis­cipline, and Order; for in both, the Church doth not create goodnesse, but doth by the Light of the Word, or (which is a part of the Word) by na­tures Light, finde pre-existent goodnesse in Doctrine, Discipline, and mat­ters of Order. Therefore Will of Authority, as Will, hath no power to dis­pose of the least Circumstance of time, place or person; but the Churches power is Ministerial, and determined to what is good, expedient, and con­venient.

Object. Humane Actions according to their specifice nature may be indifferent Doct. For [...]. in Ireni. l. 1. c. 12. num. 13. in Gods Worship: For example, to pray to God in the morning, in your Bed, or out of it; in the House, or in the Fields; to Preach the Word in thi [...], or that habit, in a Gown, or in a Cloak; these are actions in their kinde indifferent, because they are neither commanded, nor forbidden; for that is according to the kinde of action good, which is so commanded of God, that it is unlawful to neglect it, or to do any thing repugnant to it, as to love God and our Neighbour; and that is evil according to its kinde, which is so forbidden by Gods Law, as it is not lawful to do it, or command it in any sort; so it is evil to blaspheme God, to commit adul­tery. So Forbs.

Ans. In the Field, or in the Bed, Cloathed with Gown or Cloak, when Actions are not indiffer­ent, be­cause their cir­cumstan­ces are indiffer­ent. we Pray or Preach, are meer Accidents and Circumstances of praying and preaching, and we grant them to be variable and indifferent; howbeit, they admit of Regulation Moral, and so are not simply indifferent; for to pray in the Fields and Streets, to be seen of men, is vain glory. But I hope they are not indifferent in your meaning, as are Surplice, Holydays, &c. For you will not say the Church may make Laws that no Prayers be but in the Fields, no Preaching except the Preacher be cloathed with a Cloak. 2. It is not good Logick to say, `To pray in House or Field, is an action according to its kinde, neither good nor evil; when as it is an individual action, contracted to such a place, House or Field, because Field or House are in­different in Prayer. To pray is not indifferent according to its kinde; be­cause Accidents of Actions are indifferent; it followeth not that the action is indifferent, for then the Doctors Opinion, maketh an Act of loving God, and beleeving in Christ, indifferent in its kinde; for it is as indifferent to love God in the Field, as in the House, and to love him while you are cloathed with a Gown, as with a Cloak: As it is indifferent to pray, in House or Field, cloathed with Gown, or Cloak; so to love God, and the most necessary actions in the world hic & nunc, in this time or in this place, shall [Page 650] be actions according to their nature, neither good, nor evil, but indifferent, which is against the Doctors own Distinction. 3. Place or habit doth not constitute Praying, and Preaching in their specifice nature; that were a wonder; for their Objects do constitute their nature, and their Objects are God and Gods Word; and if they be indifferent according to their nature, it shall be indifferent to pray to God, or to some other thing, possibly an Idol. Nay, if Actions good of their own nature, such as to Pray, or Preach, be made indifferent according to their kinde, because cloathed with indif­ferent Circumstances of time and place, and habit; then by that same reason, Actions of their own nature evil, as to murther, commit adultery, should also become indifferent, from these Circumstances; then should it be indifferent to kill in House, or Field, and indifferent according to its kinde, which is most absurd.

Object. Howbeit it be objected, that every voluntary action is either honest, or D. For­besius in Irenic. l. 1. cap. 1. 3. fig. 15. not honest, yet there are some things honest, that are indifferent and free▪ For there are two kindes of honest things, 1. Some honest and necessary things, as all the duties commanded in Gods Law, the contrary of these polluteth a man before God, and they are formally, positively, and inclusively laudable, and commendeth men before God, and are rewarded. This way every voluntary action is not either honest, or unhonest; for there is a middle betwixt these two, to wit, something honest and lawful, but not necessary, but morally free, as Marriage, which com­mendeth not a man to God, so that he is therefore rewarded; neither doth the contrary, to wit, non-marriage pollute a man before God, or is blame-worthy, because marriage is onely negatively honest, Honestum irreprchensibile, honestum ex­clusive, & honestum per compossibilitatem cum honesto formali & positivo. So marriage is neither positively honest, nor unhonest, but free morally. Neither is marriage necessary by absolute necessity, or necessity that toucheth the action; for men may marry, and not to marry is no sin, onely marrying is necessary by a conditional necessity, 1 Cor. 7. 39. A Widow is free to marry whom she will, but with this condition, That she marry in the Lord; the necessity toucheth not the action, but the manner of the action. And this necessity of the manner or goodnesse of the action of marriage, doth not make the action necessary, but leaveth it as free to men to marry, or not to marry; and so there are some actions according to the spece or nature, that are indifferent, and not unhonest, yet lawful. So Doctor Forbs.

Answ. 1. Marriage hath something in it natural, even before the Fall. It was naturally good, that man should not be alone, and this way, Marry­ing not indiffer­ent, as the Do­ctor sup­poseth. before, and after the Fall, Marriage in the ground that maketh it neces­sary, which is an aptitude and inclination to procreation, is most necessary; and so now, after the Fall of man, all that burneth and marr [...]e [...]h not, de­spiseth Gods remedy of lust, and sinneth; and so by necessity of Gods com­mand in the Law of nature, and repeated by the Apostle, 1 Cor. 7. 2, 9. it is necessary in individuo: And although, that which is meerly natural in marriage, as the Act of marriage according to the substance, be not formally laudable, and rewarded, because of the naturality thereof; yet [Page 651] it is not for that free or indifferent. 2. And when the Doctor saith, That marriage is indifferent in its nature▪ and free; so that there is no ne­cessity of the action, but onely of the goodnesse of the action, he speaketh wonders: For howbeit, marriage be indifferent by a Metaphysi­cal Indiffer­ence Me­taphysi­cal and Theolo­gical. indifferency of contrahibility to such and such persons, because marri­age may be in some, without sin, and no marriage may also be in other some, without sin; and so praying is indifferent; it is in some without sin, and not praying is in some also without sin, when the man is necessitated to some other action, either Civil, Natural or Supernatural; yet marriage is not Morally or Theologically indifferent: So as to marry, or not marry, is a matter of a mans free choice, and of his own free▪ will not obnoxious to any binding Law, as is kneeling, not-kneeling, crossing, not-crossing, in the minde of our Adversaries. 1. If it were morally indifferent to marry, or not to marry, Rulers might make Laws either commanding all to mar­ry, or none to marry, or some to marry; some not to marry, which were no small tyranny, and the very doctrine of Devils. 2. The gift of Continency, is to some a commandment of God, that they marry not, and burning is to some a commandment, obliging them in conscience to marry, else they sin; therefore to marry, or not to marry, is necessary to all men, or then unlaw­ful, and so not indifferent, as our Divines teach against Papists, their Supererogatorie Works. The Lords calling of any to suffer for his Truth▪ is instead of a command of God; though the man might be saved, though he suffer not for the Truth. 3. If there be no necessitie in marrying, but onely conditional in the manner o [...] marrying, then all mankinde without sin might abstain from marrying, which it most absurd. 4. The place 1 Cor. 7. 39. saith not, that a Widow is under no necessitie of marrying, but onely under a necessity of well and spiritual marrying. For the libertie that the Widow hath there, is not, that it is indifferent to her to marry, or not to marry; for since our Adversaries teach, That Rulers may make Laws in things indifferent; they might then make a Law that no Widows shall marry, which were vile tyrannie. But the libertie that the Widow hath to marry whom she will, is opposed onely to a Law and Obligation Matrimonial, that she was under, while her Husband did live. And the words clearly speaketh onely of thi [...] freedom, not of Moral freedom of indifference, from all Law of God necessitating her to marry: The Wise is bound by the Law, as long as her Husband liveth; but if her Hus­band be dead, she is at liberty to marry whom she will, onely in the Lord. But there are no smal oddes betwixt libertie to marry this or that man, because the Husband is dead, of which libertie onely the Apostle speaketh; and liberty, and indifference without all restraint of Gods Law [Page 652] to marry at all, or not to marry: This latter libertie, the Scripture speak­eth not of, onely the Doctor alleageth it.

Object. Kneeling at the Sacrament, howbeit, antecedente and immediately it be Doctor Forb. 16. num. 17. necessary by Gods Law; yet consequently, and by the mediation of lawful Authority, it is now necessary to us, not by necessity of the thing it self, but by necessity of obedience, order, and peace; and so according to the practice, it is for the time necessary by Gods Law, and cannot be omitted without sin. So Forbes.

Answ. Necessitie of obeying the Church can make nothing necessary Necessi­ty of o­beying the Church, in things onely necessary for the Churches Com­mand­ment, is neither a lawful, nor an oblig­ing ne­cessity. and good, for the Church commandeth it, because it is necessary and good, and it hath not goodnesse, necessitie and aptnesse to edifie from mens will, and the Churches commandment. 2. I ask if no kneeling, now in Scot­land laying aside the respect of Authority and Law, be in it self undecent, and unapt to edifie; if not, then the Church hath no more ground and rea­son for order and decency in our Ceremonies (for what I say of one, hold­eth true in all) then there is for the want of Ceremonies; and if that be true, the sole will and lust of Authority maketh our Ceremonies lawful: What can Romish impudence give more to the Man of sin? But if there be unorderlinesse and indecency in our Ceremonies, then kneeling now must be sin, even laying aside the respect of Humane Laws. 3. It is strange Divinity, That that which is no sin, of it self, cannot be omitted with­out sin, for the sole will and pleasure of men. Humane Authority then may make it sin, not to rub our Beards, not to claw our Heads, when we come to the Church to hear Gods Word. If Humane Authority can make an indifferent Act lawful, and the omission of it, sinful; they may make all the indifferent Acts in the World lawful Acts, they might then make piping, leaping, laughing Acts o [...] Divine Worship, and might make a Decalogue of their own: And if they may make an indifferent Act to be sin, if it be omitted, they may by as good reason, make sinful Acts, as Adulterie, Incest, Murther, Robbery, to be lawful Acts; For if mans in­hibiting will be the formal reason of sin, then his commanding will must be the formal reason of obedience: And so Rulers might command Mur­ther, Robbery, Incest, Blasphemy.

Object. We may perform an individual act coming from deliberate will, and that Doctor Ferbes. without sin, and we may omit the same without sin: Whether we practise these in­different actions, or omit them, we should refer both practice and omission to Gods glory; and these actions we call indifferent or free, (as indifferent and free is op­posed to that which is morally necessary) which are either necessary to be done, or necessary to be omitted, by necessity of a Divine Law▪ Howbeit, every action that is not of Faith be sin, Rom. 14. 23. Yet the faith whereby I beleeve this action is necessary, and must be done, is not necessary to the eschewing of sin. But if I do it, that I do it in Faith, and for Gods glory, is necessary; but the necessity of the goodnesse of the action doth not make the action necessary; for it were to lay a yoak of continual doubting upon mens conscience, if they should beleeve every [Page 653] individual act, that they do, to be necessary; for whether should they turn them, while they think of doing, or not doing these actions, that they know to be com­manded by no Word of God? That a Widow marry in the Lord, if she marry, is necessary; but it is not necessary, that she marry, but it is indifferent to her, to marry, or not to marry. Doctor Forbes.

Answ. It is a contradiction, that an action individual, should be indif­ferent, Actions indivi­dual meerly indiffer­ent, can­not be done in Faith. and so neither good, nor evil, and yet done in Faith, and referred to Gods glory: For the ground of doing, which is Faith, and the end, which is Gods glory, are individual properties necessarily concurring to the in­dividuation of the Action Moral. 2. An action individual, that is meer­ly indifferent, and so without sin may be performed, without sin, or omitted without sin, cannot be an action of Faith referred to Gods glory: For what may be done without sin, and may not be done without sin, is a will-action, and wanteth all necessitie of reason, and so is an idle and sinful action; but a sinful action may be done in fancy, but in Faith it cannot be done; it may, in the vain intention of the doer, be referred to Gods glory, In in­tentione erronea operantis, but ex conditione operis, according to the nature of the work it serveth not for Gods glory. This way to cast stones in the water, should be of Faith, and referred to Gods glory: But shall I beleeve I am doing in Faith, and glorifying God, when I am casting stones in the water, and I have as good reason not to cast at all? If one wil­action that may be done, and may not be done, may be of Faith, and referred to Gods glory, then may they all be of Faith, and referred to Gods glory: This is a laughter, rather then Divinitie. 3. I cannot be­leeve that an action that hath as good reason to be omitted, as to be done, can be acceptable to God, because I have no ground for my Faith; for my Faith here leaneth neither on Scripture, nor on Reason, but there is no reason why the action should rather be, nor not be, because it is indifferent; yea, crossing and kneeling of themselves shall be of Faith, because I be­leeve them to be of Faith: But it is a vain thing to say, that Faith maketh its object. 4. There are no actions in the World, but they have all their Moral necessitie from their intrinsecal goodnesse: For from whence is it necessary to love God, but from the intrinsecal goodnesse, that the love of God hath from Gods command? For there is no necessitie an action to be at all; yea, it is idle and superfluous, if there be no goodnesse in it at all. If then crossing and kneeling, (laying aside the respect of Humane Laws commanding them) have no necessitie Moral, from any Commandment of God, why they should be at all, their necessitie must be all from mans will: this is tyranny in Rulers, for their sole pleasure to command, under the heaviest pain, things that have no necessitie at all, but their will. 5. Neither is it any yoak to mens conscience, to square all [Page 654] their Moral Action by Gods Word, and so to see (according as it is Written) before they vanture upon any Action Moral. It is libertie to keep Gods way accuratel.

Object. In general, no particular action is necessary, the goodnesse whereof that Doct. Forbes. I­ren▪ [...]. [...] c. 13. hg. 11. is commended and rewarded of God, may [...]s well be had by the omission of that action, or by an other action, as by the doing of it; but such an action in the in­dividual use is true, and indifferent; but i [...] the goodnesse necessary cannot be had at all, without that particular action, then the action in the individual use is neces­sary, although according to its nature, it be possibly indifferent. So to us now to kneel at the Supper, is necessary, that we may obtain the necessary good of due Obedience, and decent Vniformity, and eschue the contempt of Anthority, Schism, and Confusion. Forb [...].

Answ. 1. By goodnesse here, the Doctor meaneth, Concomitant and general goodnesse, which maketh not the action necessary to be done, and so it hath no goodnesse intrinsecal, but is an idle action, and yet it may be done, or not done without sin; and when it is done, it is done upon no other motive, but the meer will and pleasure of the doer: We have hereby the Doctors learning, Such an idle action done in Faith, and done for Gods glory. 2. All our Ceremonies in their use, crossing, kneeling, wearing of Surplice, have no intrinsecal goodnesse, no internal moral equity of Order, Decency, and aptnesse to Edifie, wherefore it is necessary they should be done; the doing of them in Faith, and for Gods glory, may be obtained as well by no [...]-kneeling, none-crossing, none-Surplice. This is no small dash to the credit of Pearth Assembly; for they saw no goodnesse in the Articles, but that which as well might have been obtained without them. Hence except the goodnesse of pleasing King James, they had no more reason for the Ceremonies, then to make an Act that all Ministers shall go to the Foot-Ball, the third day of May. 3. Then the meer pleasure of the King hath made kneeling necessary; and good obedience to the fifth Command­ment, mens will as will so is the onely formal reason of obedience to the ten Commandments, or disobedience. 4. Then we may of Faith, and for Gods glory, refuse the Ceremonies, if it be the Kings Will; and in that point, the fifth Commandment standeth or falleth at the nod of the Kings Will. Such Mercenary Divinitie becometh not the lovers of Reformation.

Object. There is a twofold maline in actions, One thar layeth a moral impedi­ment Doct. Forbes. on the act, so that it cannot be performed without sin: So to eschue the ma­lice that is in adultery, we must eschue the act of adultery; this malice polluteth the act, and should binder the act: There is another malice that polluteth the act, but doth not morally hinder the act, As when one feedeth the poor for vain-glory, vain glory polluteth the act, but hindereth it not: Vain-glory should be laid aside, and the poor fed. If one kneel at the Supper, thinking it not lawful to kneel before Creatures, his kneeling is evil; but the evil in it doth onely pollute the act, and make it finful, but doth not morally hinder kneeling, because contumacio [...]s ignor­ance, [Page 655] pride, and contempt of Authority should be laid aside: Men should be docil, Forbes. ib. n. 13. The un­lawful­ness even insepara­bly ad­hering toactions that are indiffer­ent, maketh them un­lawful. and see the law fulnesse of it, and obey the Church. Forbs.

Answ. In things indifferent, the very malice adhering to the practice of them, howbeit, it adhere not inseparably to them, maketh the practice damnable: For eating Rom. 14. before a weak Brother, whose weaknesse might have been removed, if he would be docil, and know that their is no creature now unclean, is murther, Rom. 14. 14. Therefore, suppose all the Kings and General Assemblies on Earth, should command one to eat in that case, before the weak Brother, they were to be disobeyed; and so the Doctor freeth us, that we cannot kneel at the Lords Supper. 2. Rulers may not make laws of things having no necessitie of Goodnesse, Decency, and aptnesse to Edifie, and onely good, because they will, when they see of necessitie, these laws shall inevitably ruine many souls; for that is to have more regard to their own will, then to the salvation of peoples souls, whereas even Christ pleased not himself. 3. Many weak are uncapable of all Reasons or Arguments that can free our kneeling of Idolatry. Ergo, They should abstain, and not kneel with a doubting conscience; better not eat as eat, with a doubting conscience, Rom. 14 23. 4. Pride and contempt are onely seen to God: Prelates have no place to punish heart-acts, they are to prove by two Witnesses, the Malice, and Pride, and Contempt of Authoritie; but this is invisible to mens eies, refusal of obedience to Ca­nons touching indifferent things, the necessitie whereof (as the Doctor must say) cometh onely from mans will, cannot be contempt: The neglect of a command of God, is indeed a virtual contempt of the Majestie, Authoritie, Power, and Justice of God, because a command of God hath Essentially, Equitie, and Justice in it, from Gods commanding Will: But a command of a thing indifferent, that may as well, without sin be left undone, as done, (as our Doctor saith of our Ceremonies) can never have equitie or good­nesse from Humane Authoritie; and I never contemn Humane Authori­ti [...], except I contemn the just Laws made by Humane Authoritie Suarez, tom. de legib. l. 3. c. 18: Forma­liter au­tem cō ­mittitur hoc vitiū (con­temptus) quando ex▪ dire­ctâ in­tentione ad hoc a­liquid­fit, ut al­ter despi­ciatur, aut despi­ci osten­datur. Vasquez, tom. 2. disp. 158. cap. 4. Con­temptus est in so­là directâ intentione non parendi, in qua est speciale mandatum inobedientiae, qua quis directo animo non obedit superiori, ut ei directe opponatur ex dedignatione quadam, quam habet, quod ei subditus sit. Aquinas 22. q. 168. art. 9. 3. Contemnere est nolle subjici legi ex superbia..

Object. Of things alike lawful and convenient; for example, sitting at the Lords Table, or not sitting, we are bound to the one rather then to the other, for lawful Authorities command; for conveniency and goodnesse in external circunistances standeth not in such an indivisible point, but there may be circumstances good, bet­ter, and best; a gesture, a day, a habit, may be so good and convenient, as another gesture, another day, another habit, are as good and convenient▪ in which case, either no habit, no day, no gesture at all, shall be in Gods Worship, which were impossible; else of two Circumstances, both of three degrees of goodnesse, one shall be chosen by the sole Will of Authority; and so people must follow one or­der, [Page 656] rather then another as good, for the sole Will of Authority, without any pre­valent reason in the thing commanded.

Answ. 1. In such a case as that, where two Circumstances, both of three degrees of How ex­superan­cy of ne­cessity of goodness is to sway the will of Rulers and peo­ple. goodnesse occurreth, Rulers can reasonably tie people to neither, but leave it alternatively, to their liberty; for why should liberty be restrained, where necessity of order, and deceney, doth not necessitate the Rulers will? 2. In such a case the Rulers will, as will, should not be the formal cause, why one is enacted rather then another; but the Rulers will led by a reason from conveniency, and so there were a prevalent reason, for the one rather then the other. 3. I deny that such a Metaphysical case of two things every way of alike conveni­ency can fall out, as the matter of a grave and weighty Church-constitution; For na­tures Light, rules of Prudence, Prety, Charity, and Sobriety shall ever finde out, and dis­cover an exsuperancy of goodnesse and conveniency, of one above another. 4. Granting there be three degrees of▪ goodnesse and conveniency in fitting, and two degrees of goodnesse and conveniency in kneeling, in this case the object necessitateth the Rulers will to com­mand fitting, and refuse kneeling. 1. Because good being the formal object of a reasonable Will, in both Rulers and people; that which partaketh more of the nature of Good, is first to be chosen. Ergo, The Rulers will is determinated and morally necessitated to a cir­cumstance of three degrees, before a circumstance of two degrees; and we obey for the good­nesse of the thing commanded, and not for the will of the Rulers. 2. If people obey, and so embrace a Circumstance of two degrees, and refuse a convenient circumstance of three degrees; they either make this choice for the goodnesse and conveniency of the Circumstance, or for the meer Will of Authority; the former cannot be said, because of two Goods, known to be so, the one of three degrees, and the other of two degrees; the Will cannot rea­sonably choose the lesse good, because a lesse good known as a lesse good, is evil, and the Will cannot reasonably choose known evil: A lesse good is a good with a defect, and so morally evil; if then Rulers cannot choose evil, they cannot reasonably command others to choose it; if the latter be said, the choice of people is reasonlesse, and their conscience resteth upon the meer Will of▪ Authority, which is slavish obedience. How are we then bidden, try all things? 1 Thes. 5. 21. 1 Ioh. 4. 1.

Object. In matters plainly determined by Scripture, Rulers are to follow the Word of God; but in matters circumstantial or indifferent, where Scripture saith nei­ther for the one side, nor for the other, what Rulers thinketh good, is to be follow­ed, there being no evil nor impiety in that which they command.

Answ. 1. This is to make Rulers in matters of Salvation lyable to the Scriptures of God; The will of Rulers not a law to us in things indiffer­ent. but in matters which men call indifferent to make them Popes, and to hang our con­sciences upon their sleeve, which is most absurd. 1. Because Paul in matters most indiffer­ent of dayes, and meats, would not have the Romans to hang upon his judgement, but will rule both their practice, and his own, by the Law of nature. Murther not, Scandalize not. 2. What Rulers thinketh good is not a rule for Constitutions, and for peoples obedi­ence in matters circumstantial; but the rule of Rulers here in making Laws, and of people in obeying Laws, is goodnesse it self, Order, Decency, aptitude to Edifie, in things that they command; for it were strange, if in matters, that they call of salvation, not thoughts, but the Word of God should rule and square Canon-makers, but in matters indifferent, their thoughts should be a Law. 3. Scripture and the Law of nature, and right reason, which is a deduction from Scripture, is able sufficiently in all Canous and Constitutions to regulate both Rulers and people, and to determine what is conventent in Circumstances; and the Lord here is an infallible Judge, speaking in his Word, as he is in all matters, which they call Fundamental; yea, the Scripture shall be imperfect in the duties of the second Table, if it do not determine what is active scandal, or soul murther, as it doth determine what is Idolatry, what is lawful Worship.

A Dispute touching Scandall and Christian libertie.

Quest. I. Concerning Scandall.

Whether or not Ceremonies, and the use of things not necessarie in Gods worship, when they Scandalize, be unlawfull?

I Doe the more willingly enter this Dispute, and with reverence to the more learned, shall exa­mine the Doctrine of the late Doctors of Aber­dene in their Duplyes. Because I occasioned their thoughts touching Scandall, by a private dispute of the nature of Scandall, which I undertooke while I was confi­ned in Aberdene, with one of the chief Doctors.

Our 10 Argument. Ceremonies and things not necessarie in Arg. 10. Gods worship fail against Charitie, by the grievous cryme of Scandall.

The practice of things indifferent, and not necessarie, is then unlawfull, when from thence ariseth the scandall or occasion of the ruine of ou [...] Brother.

But from the practice of Ceremonies and things not necessa­rie ariseth Scandall, and occasion of the ruine of our brother. Ergo, the practice of such is unlawfull. Observe our Argu­ment leaneth on a ground given, but not granted that the Ce­remonies be indifferent, though to us they be evill: I prove the Proposition, 1 Rom. 14. 14. I know and am perswaded by the Lord Jesus, that nothing is unclean of it selfe; but to him that esteemeth anything unclean, to him it is unclean. V. 15. But if thy brother be grieved (weakened in his Christian race) Now wal­kest thou uncharitably, destory not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. 20. For meat destroy not the worke of God. Then for crossing, kneeling, holy dayes, destroy not him for whom [Page 2] Christ died, 1 Cor. 8. 9. 1 Cor. 10. 28. So the brazen Serpent must be removed, when it is a scandalous object of Idolatrie, Ezra 8. 22. Ezra for feare of Scandall, will not seeke a band of men of the King, lest the King should believe the hand of God would not bee with his people, as he had said, Yet a band of men had been more necessarie then the Ceremonies. So 2 King. 23. 10 Josiah is commended for defiling Tophet, to prevent occasion of offering Children to Molech: for this cause God iudgeth an house without Battlement, and the sending abroad a goaring Oxe to be murther, Deut. 27. 28. Exod. 22. 28. 29. 33. Exod. 23. [...]. Deut. 7. 3. and Levit. 19. 14. Thou shalt not lay a stumbling block before the blind. Marrying with the Canaanites was forbidden, for the ruine occasioned by that, to the soules of Gods people. I prove the Assumption, Gretser in sum. cos. consci­ent. q. 23. pag. 173 Cal­vinistae Catholi­corum Sim [...]. Gretzer saith, In Cere­monies Calvinists are the apes of Catholicks. 2. If such a worship had been in the Temple or Synagogue, so as the Jewes in the same act might, have worshipped Jehovah and the Canaanites Baall or Dagon, as at one table the Papists may kneele and adore bread, with the Protestant, receiving the Sacrament, it would be a raigning scandall. 3. Atheists have mocked Religi­on, for the Surplice, and other Masse-toyes. 4. Papists say Pro­testants are returning to their Mother Church of Rome▪ 5. Wee cannot in zeale preach against Popish traditions, and practise Popish Ceremonies. 6. Lascivious carousings, drunkenness, har­latrie, come from observing of holy dayes. That this may be more cleare. 1. The nature of a scandall would bee cleared. 2, The Doctrine of the Apostle Paul about Scandall proponed.

A Scandall is a word or action or the omission of both, inordi­nately spoken or done, whence we know, or ought to know, the fall of weake, wilfull or both, is occasioned to th [...]se, who are within or without the Church. 1. It is a word or deed seene to others▪ Sin­full thoughts not being seen, are not publick scandalls, though to the man himselfe they occasion sinne. Hence non-conformi­tie simply to a thing indifferent, must onely be scandalous, as joyned with contempt, formall contempt in things indifferent, is inward and invisible to men. 2. Omission of words and deeds scandalize. Silence in Preachers, when God▪ matters go wrong is scandalous: So Sanches Sanches in Decal t [...]m. 1. lib. 1. c. 6. n. 1. 3. Not every word & deed doth scan­dalize, [Page 3] but such as are done unorderly. Sanches, ib. Sanches saith these words and deeds, Quae carent rectitudine, which want some mo­rall rectitude; o [...] as Aquinas Aquinas 22 q 23 art 3. Quod de sui ra­tione habet, quod sit inductivum ad peccandum, vel habet simili­tudinem pecca­ti. saith, of themselves are in­ductive to sinne, doth scand [...]lize: or that Spalatens. de rep. Ecclesiae, lib. 1. c. 11▪ n. 18. M. Anton. De Dominis Archiep. Spalatens. saith, which is indictive to sinne, or the cause of great evill, or hindereth good, as our faith, zeale, love, &c. that scundalizeth. For though none of these fall out, if the work or word, or omission of either be such, as of it selfe, is apt to scandalize, it is an active scandall. Hence every little scandall is a sinne, either in it selfe, or in the unordinate way of doing [...]. But what objects are properly scandalous, shall be discussed. 3. When we know such words and deeds doe scan­dalize, and they be not necessarie to be done, yea, and if wee ought to know; for though the pronness and procliviti [...] of our brethren, or others to sinne, be in some respect, questio facti, yet is it also questio juris, a question of Law, the ignorance where­of condemneth when the things themselves are doubtsomely evill, but not necessary to be done; Hence the practice of a thing indifferent, when there be none that probably can be scandalized, and hath some necessitie, is lawfull: as Colos. 2. 16. Let no man therfore judge you in meat [...]r drinke, &c. yet in case of scandall it is unlawfull to cat. See 1 Cor. 10. 27. Eat whatsoever is set before you asking no question for conscience sake. 28. But if any say, this is offered in sacrifice, to Idolls, eat not for his sake who shewedit, for conscience sake—Conscience, I say, not thine owne, but of others. Therefore practising of things indifferent, or non-practising, are both lawfull, according as persons are present who may be scandalized, or not scandalized; but this is in things though in nature indifferent, yet in use having some necessitie, as eating of meats, but the case is otherwayes in things altogether indifferent, as our Ceremonies are, which are suppo­ned to lay no ty on the conscience, before God, o incline to ei­ther side, as they say, to crosse, or not to crosse, laying aside the Commandement of men. For if no-crossing be all's good, as crossing, then though there be non-scandalized, yet because it is such an action in Gods worship, as is acknowledged to be in­different, and hath appearance of adding to Gods word and worship, it is inductive to sinne, and scandalous, though none [Page 4] should hence be actu secundo, ruinated, and made to stumble. But if any in Pauls time, as the case was, in the Church of Co­rinth should eat meates at a table, forbidden in the Law, he not knowing that a Jew was there, this may seeme invincible ig­norance, because ignorance of a meere fact, not of a law, if that Jew should be scandalized through his eating, it should seeme to me, to be scandall taken, but not culpably given. 4. It is said in the definition, That these inordinate words or deeds occa­sioneth the fall of others. 1. Because the will of the scandalized, or his ignorance is the efficacious and neerest cause, why he is scandalized, that is, why he sinneth; actions or words are oc­casions onely, or causes by accident, for none ought to be scan­dalized, as none ought to sinne, ad peccatum nulla est obligati [...]. 2. Because, as to be scandalized is sinne, so to scandalize active­ly is sinne, though actuall scandall follow not, as Peter scanda­lized Christ culpably, when he counselled him not to die for sin­ners, though it was impossible that Christ could be scandalized▪ 5. It is said, (whereby weake or wilfull, within, or witho [...]t the Church may be scandalized) For I hope to prove that it is no lesse sinne actively to scandalize the wilfull, and malicious, then the weak, though there be degrees of sinning here, and we must eschew things scandalous for their sake who are without the Church.

For the Second I set down these Propositions 1. from Rom. 14.

1. Proposit. The weake are not to be thraled in judgement, or practice in thornie and intricate disputes, in matters indifferent. This is cleare Rom. 14. v. 1. Ergo When people know not mi­stie distinctions of relative and absolute adoration, of worship essentiall or accidentall, they are not to be here thraled by a Law to practice Ceremonies humane.

2 Proposit. If a weake one eat herbs, fearing the practice of things forbidden by Gods law, he is commended, and his absti­nence praise-worthy, as Rom. 14. v. 2. 3. and he ought not to be judged, and so ought not to be a wed by a Law. Then abstinence and non-conformitie is lawfull in such a case.

3. Proposit. He that eateth, he that eateth not; he that pra­ctiseth, he that practiseth not indifferent things, is not to be judged. 1. God hath received the eater. 2. You are not to judge [Page 5] another mans servant. It is against the Law of Nations. 3. If the weake fall, God is able to raise them. Ergo, if he be not to be judged, as a contemner of Gods law in things indifferent, farre lesse should he be judged, by the Church law.

4. Proposit. Observers of dayes, or non-observers of dayes should have certaintie of Faith in these indifferent things; Ergo, the light of the Word should lead Rulers, and People here, v. 5. in things indifferent.

5. Proposit. The observer of indifferent things, as dayes in that case at Rome, and the non-observers of dayes should not trouble one another▪ because both are to observe, and not ob­serve indifferent things, for Gods glory. 1. Both gives thankes. 2. Both liveth and dieth as Christs, for Gods glorie. 6. 7. 8. 9. Therefore Gods glorie is the end that ruleth the use of Ceremo­nies, as they are indifferent.

Proposit. 6. v. 10. 11. 12. a Christian should not condemne a Jew▪ no [...] one brother another, in things indifferent. 1. Because we are brethren. 2. Because it is Christs place to judge; and con­demne. 3. Because every man must give an account for himself. Ergo. Lawes of Rulers to condemne or punish, are not to be made in such cases.

Proposit. 7. v. 13. When the use of things indifferent is a stum­bling block and scandall to our brethren they are against cha­ritie and unlawfull.

Proposit. 8. v. 14. there is a Prolepsis. Meats clean, or not clean, may be eaten, but all meats are clean; and Paul is per­swaded of that by Iesus Christ. Ergo, The Apostle answereth, 1. by denying the major Proposition in two cases, and setteth downe a distinction. All things are clean in themselves, but they become unclean, in two cases. 1. If one weake in the faith be­lieve▪ that the meat, that he eateth, is against the word of God, the me at to him is unclean. 2, If he eat before, one that believeth it is forbidden in Gods Law, to eat such meats, his eating is a stumbling blocke to the weake. But one might say, It is a taken Scandall, and not given: for it is lawfull to eat, thy brother deemeth it unlawfull out of ignorance of Christian libertie, so say Formalists Ceremonies be indifferent; if any offend at the use of them, it is ascandall taken, not given. O but Paul forbiddeth to scandalize, or to eat.

[Page 6]Hence the 9. Proposit. The use of things indifferent, as Cere­monies, before any Law [...]e made of them▪ by confession of Formalists, is indifferent▪ and may be done▪ and not done, but if they scandalize, Paul proveth by eight arguments they are unlawfull▪ 1. If fighteth with Charitie, that for meat, so l [...]tle a thing, for the knot of a straw, a Ceremonie, thou slay thy brother▪ for whom Christ died, v. 15. Where these reasons be. 1. It is uncharitable walking. 2. It is murther, slay not him. 3. It is contrary to Christs love, who died for thy brother. 4. It maketh Religion and Christian libertie, to be evill spoken of, v. 16. 5. From the nature of these things▪ which are indifferent, these in which the Kingdome of God consisteth not, as Meats and Surplic [...] crossing kneeling, &c. when they scandalize, ought to be omitted, as being against righteousness, and being sinnes of murther. 2. Against Peace, sinnes of contention, 3. against joy of the Holy Ghost, making sad, and discouraging thy brother in his Christian [...]ace, and he that serveth God in peace and righte­ousnesse, and joy is acceptable v. 18, 6. The use of things indif­ferent in case of scandall conduce not to peace and edification, v. 19. 7. It is a destroying of the worke of God▪ v. 20. illustra­ted by a repeated prolepsis, but the meat is clean; [...]ea, but (saith Paul) it is evill, and so morally unclean to him that eateth with offence, v. 20. 8. Ab equo & [...]ono, we are to doe good, but to eat and drink with the scandalizing of our brother, and to practise Ceremonies is not Good▪

Proposit. 10. The practising of things indifferent, or Ceremo­nies for the very [...] [...]ing of the [...]aith, that we have Christian libertie to practise, or no [...] practise in the case of scandall, is not lawfull, v. 22. set downe by a pro [...]epsis, Keep the faith of thy Chri­stian libertie (in case of scandall) to thy selfe, and to God.

Proposit 11. In the use of things indifferent, we are to allow our selves, that is to have the approbation of our Conscience, that what we doe is lawfully, v 22.

Proposit. 12. He that practiseth indifferent things, with a doubting conscience, and not in faith, sinneth, and is condem­ned, v. 23.

1 Cor. 6▪ v 12 All things (indifferent) are lawfull in themselves, but they are not expedient. If we be brought under the [Page 7] power or band of them by law. Ergo, in the meanes of wor­ship, not onely must we see what is lawfull, but also what is profitable and conducing to the end. He reasoneth upon a given, but not granted hypothesis, that Fornication is indifferent, as the Gentiles taught, as we doe in the matter of Ceremonies.

1 Cor. 7. v. 6. But this I speake by permission▪ not of Comman­dement. Ergo in things, in which God hath granted us libertie, to doe, or not to doe, permission hath place, not obliedging necessi­tie, or penall lawes.

13 Proposit. There cannot be commanding Lawes in things that are polltickly good, or evill, according to the individuall complexion▪ temperature, or gifts of singular men, to marry, or not to marry, cannot be commanded, for where God looseth, no power on earth can bind▪ v. 33.

1 Cor. 8. v. 7. Paul condemneth them in the use of their liber­tie Christian, Howbeit there be not in every man this knowledge, then that Rulers may make lawes in things indifferent, with­out scandall, they must remove ignorance. 2. If there be but one person weake ( there is not in every man that knowledge) in knowledge, a Law obliedging all, in things indifferent cannot be made.

Ʋ. 8. There is a definition of a thing indifferent. It is a thing that commendeth us not to God, which neither helpeth, nor hinde­reth pietie, nor maketh a man better, or worse before God. Then Ceremonies pretended to be for order, decencie, edification, to stirre up the dull minde to spirituall duties, cannot be things in­different.

Hence observe 1. The materialls of worship, as linnen, cloathes, habites, gestures may be in their physicall considera­tion indifferent, but as applyed by formulistes, they cannot be indifferent, for in their use, kneeling appropriated to sacramen­tall bread, linnen appropriated to the body of a Priest, while he officiateth, cannot be but religious or prophane. 2. If God com­mand gestures he commandeth this gesture, hic & nunc. If in generall, [...]ealing be forbidden, then for Achan, to steale this Babylonish garment, must be forbidden. 3. It seemeth to have been after-noon with Henry Lesly ( Pretend­ed Hen. Lesly, B [...]sho [...] o [...] Doun autho­ritie of the Church, pag. 144.) of after cuppes, when he saith, if Papists and Protestants be two divers kindes [Page 8] of worshippers then their actions of worship must be indifferent, as be their agents, for actions are distinguished by their objects and ends, Papists in kneeling worship their God of bread, we in kneeling at the Sacrament worship the true God. For when a Turk and a Christian doe both worship Dagon, it is the same Idolatrie, though [...]urcisme and Christianisme be different reli­gions. Though kneeling to an Image, the similitude of God, and that same kneeling to Jehovah, represented in that simili­tude, Es▪ 40. v. 8. make one formall object, the Image the mate­riall, Jehovah the formall object▪ yet is it idolatrie. 4. Our cir­cumstances of time and place, cannot properly be called indif­ferent, for they may be considered two wayes. 1 Physically. 2 Religiously. Physically. The Commandement injoyning a thing, injoyneth also time and place convenient, he that saith ( th [...] shalt not kill) in that same very Commandement said ( Cain, thou shalt not kill Abel in this place of the field, at this time,) so to believe, and to believe in this time and place, falleth both under one, and the same Commandement; And it is true, the lawfulness of Worship may be marred by bad Circumstan­tiating of the worship, If one shall pray, when the Pastor doth preach; But Circumstances must be convenient, and so commanded, and so not indifferent, but Circumstances have no religious respect put on them by God, and therefore in that state have no roome in Gods worship,

V. 1 [...]. If any man see thee, who hast knowledge, sit at meat in the Idols Temple shall not the conscience of him that is weake, [...]e emboldened, to eat these things that are offered to Idolls. Hence a naked sight of that which is ordinarily exponed to be a Com­munion with an idoll, as kneeling religiously to bread is, must be a scandall. 2. The supposed knowledge of one, who saith, an Idoll is nothing, but directeth his worship to God, when ex­ternall gestures are used in an idolatrous way, doth not free the practise of such a worship, from scandall.

V. 11. 12. 13. Scandalizing in eating things, otherwise poore and cleane, is a scandalizing of a weake brother, against the price of Christs blood, &c. 1 Cor. 10.

V. 16. 17. 18. Communion in Rites and Cerimonies o [...] a raise worship, is a communion with the Idoll, and Satan.

[Page 9] V. 22. Though you keep your heart to God, ye provoke the Lord to jealousie.

V. 23. Rulers are not to seeke their owne, in things in­different.

V. 25. Things sacrificed to Idol [...], yet in no religious state, are clean meates, and may be eaten. Surplice on a Noblemans por­ter is no Masse habit, and so not scandalous.

29. 30. In things indifferent, I must abstaine from [...]sing my libertie, where I am in danger to be evill spoken of, and that our liberty be called licentiousnesse.

Quest. II.

Whether or no the Ceremonies and things indifferent com­manded by humane authority be objects scandalous, and what rules are to be observed in eschewing scandalls.

FOrmalists object, That Ceremonies be not no [...]ent agents in giving scandall, but men doe unjustly take scandall, whereas innocent Ceremonies give none.

But observe that a scandall is given two wayes. 1 Physically. An object scandalous two wayes. 2. Morally. Physically, when the object hath an influence meerely physicall in raising Scandall, in this meaning, as there be no passion, but it hath an action; so there is no scandall ta­ken, but it is some way given. The Pharisees are scandalized at Christs preaching. The preached Word had some influence on their corruption to scandalize it, but physicall, not morall: but sinfull and inordinate actions, scandalize morally by contribu­ting, a morall influence culpably to the scandalizing of others. Hence the question is, wherein standeth this morall and culpa­ble influence.

The objects in Generall from whence commeth scandall be Somethings may be scan­dalous ob­jects. foure. 1. Things good. 2. Things sinfull and evill. 3. Things indifferent, inordinatly, or unseasonably done. 4. Things that have appearance of evill.

A thing good of it selfe is not scandalous, but there be two Goodthing [...]. 1. Some simply necessary▪ [...]s to love God, not to steale, not to forsweare, these be never scandalous. 2. Some [Page 6] [...] [Page 7] [...] [Page 8] [...] [Page 9] [...] [Page 10] good duties positive of affirmative precepts, as not necessarie, hic & nunc, may be omitted to eschew scandall. School men move a question. If it be lawfull to omit workes commanded of God, or of the law of nature to eschew the scandall of our brethren? I answer, a naturall commandement to eschew the scandalizing of my brother, obliedgeth in some Circumstances, but not simply, for it obliedgeth not when there occurreth a Commandement naturall of greater obligation, whether it be naturall or positive, if I cannot decline the transgression of the law of God, in the declining of scandalizing my brother, Cer­tainly the Commandement of not scandalizing doth not ob­liedge, for I am more obliedged to have a care of my owne sal­vation, then of my brothers, and so to prevent my owne sinnes, the [...] the sinning of my brother: yet Coeteris paribus, if all other things be alike, as Becauus p. 2. de Charit. c. 21. quaest. 5. nu. 5. Becanus saith. A naturall command, such as is, (not to scandalize) that is, (not to commit soule­murther) doth oblige more, then a positive Commandement, as to heare the Word hic & nunc. I am obliedged hic & nunc, to omit hearing of the Word to keep my brother from killing himselfe, and to preserve my brothers temporall life. because, the Lord will have mercie, and not sacrifice. Though I be not obliedged universally to omit the hearing of the Word▪ and re­ceiving of the Sacraments, to eschew the scandall of my bro­ther. 2. Sinnes publickly committed, are of their owne nature culpably scandalous.

3. In things indifferent, from whence ariseth a Scandall there be two things. 1. The use of the thing it selfe. 2. The use of it, with the non-necessitie of existence in it. As the causey stones are not scandalous, if any fall on them, nor the layer of the causey to be blamed therefore, because causay stones be ne­cessarie, but if any lay an huge block in the way, which hath no necessary use there, he who doth so is the cause of the fall, be­cause he contributeth to the fall, that which is the occasion, and so the cause of the fall, for every occasion is a certaine cause. 2. Because he contributeth such an occasion as hath no morall necessitie of existence, so the brazen Serpent having lost its vertue of curing and being adored as God, is formally a scanda­lous object, and the Prince suffering that to remaine, when it is [Page 11] not necessarie, and withall occasioneth the idolatrie of many, doth culpably scandalize, and so these who for sole will com­mandeth such things as the worship of God may want, doe also scandalize. They object, Christ might have healed on another day, then the Lords. Ergo, the non-morall necessitie maketh not the object formally scandalous, nor doth the contributer thereof culpa­bly scandalize.

Answ. That Christ should cure on the Sabbath, was moral­ly necessary. 1. If it were but from his owne will, but mens will cannot make things necessary. 2. It was necessarie to shew, that the Sonne of man was Lord of the Sabbath. 3. That the Sabbath was made for man. and not man for the Sabbath. 4. To shew, that workes of mercy are to be preserred to workes of Ceremonies, and that God loveth mercie, rather then Sacrifice,

When the dutie is onely possible, and the good lesse necessary, then the good of non-scandalizing, then we are not, for hope of a possible dutie, and lesse necessarie, to doe that from whence a Scandall doth arise. So it was not lawfull for Paul to take stipend, which should have hindered the promoving of the Gos­pell, though he might have imployed that stipend upon chari­table uses, because that Charitie was a dutie onely possible, and incomparably lesse necessarie, then the promoting of the Gospell. So 1 Cor. 6. 7. Why suffer ye not rather losse? yet by that suffering losse, they were lesse able for workes of Charitie, and to provide for their Familie and Children, but the gaine was temporall, and not to be compared with a good fame upon Christian religion, which was slandered by heathen, when they went to law, Christian against Christian, before an Heathen Judge.

The fourth scandalous object, is that which hath appearance of evill. Not every thing is such, for good hath the appearance of evill. Paybodie of kneeling, par. 3 pag. 410. Paybodie to elude this, sheweth a number of things which have appearance of evill, but [...]are good, and he nameth among them, Hushaies abiding with Absolon in his conspiracie, which was plaine dissimulation, but that properly hath appea­rance of evill. 1. Quod plaerum (que) fit malo fine, as the Schoole­men define it, that which ordinarily is done for an evill end, as [Page 12] to ly in bed with another mans wife, to sit at the Idols table, to bow to an Image. 2. That which being good in it selfe, yet be­cause of the circumstances is exponed vain-glory, as to pray in the streets, its ordinarily exponed to be for this end, to be seen Silvius in 22. g. 43. 4. Fa­cere coram aliis id quod habet speciem mali, tune solum est peccatum scan­dali, quando non subest causa legittima presen­tibus manefesta­ta. - Satis notum erat quod Na­maam non se fle­cteret pro cultu idoli, sed pro obsequio regis. of men. These who expone that place, 1 Thess. 5. Abstaine from all appearance of evill, to be, abstaine from that which seemeth evill to the conscience, and judgement of the doer, or onely of doctrine reach not the Apostles minde: for to sit at the Idols table, to bow to an Image, and keepe the heart to God, are out of doubt ap­pearances of evill forbidden in the text, yet are they not do­ctrines seeming evill alwayes, to the judgement of the practi­sers. They object, to looke up to the beavens and Sunne may have appearance of praying to the Sunne and heavens, for in the exter­nall fact, no more could be done by a person adoring the Sun. Ergo, such appearances cannot be scandalous Objects. Answer, lifting up of the eyes in prayer, are naturall adumbrations and expres­sions of the elevation of the heart, required in prayer, Psal. 25. v. 1. and so commonly exponed by all Nations, and therefore cannot be appearances of evill. Hence these rules.

I. Suppose all be strong, in whose presence I practise, a thing indifferent, yet if it have no necessitie, no aptitude to edifie, and Rules touch­ing scandal. have onely all its goodness from the will of commanders, in practising, I scandalize, 1. Because the strong are apt to sinne, and so apt to be scandalized, and the action is idle, and not rea­sonable, having no other reason but the meere will of Rulers. 2. If I probably know my practice, shall come to the know­ledge of these, who shall be scandalized, I scandalize them in such an action.

II. Rule. Though the practice of things indifferent, having some necessitie, be lawfull, as 1 Cor. 10. 27. Eat what is set be­fore you▪ asking no question for conscience sake▪ Yet the [...]aith and conscience of things indifferent, is never indifferent, we are ne­ver to judge a thing indifferent, necessarie, nor a thing necessa­rie, indifferent, and practice in that judgement, so erroneous is finfull, and not of faith, Rom. 14 [...]. 22.

III Rule. An universall omission of good, of obeying affir­inative precepts, for the eschewing of scandall, cannot be lawfull for it is 1. necessarie for my salvation to obey affinnative pre­cepts, [Page 13] though not in all differences of time. In this meaning August. Epist▪ 199 Non est cessandum ab operibus bonis, pro quocun (que) scandalo. Augustine said, We are not to abstaine from good workes, (he meaneth a totall abstainence) for any scandall. And Ter­tullian Tertul. Res bona neminem offendit, nisi ma­lam mentem. good offendeth non, save a wicked minde, But at sometime an obedience to an affirmative precept, hic & nunc may be omitted, when we see that from the doing thereof, the ignorant and weake will commit great sinnes. So Aquinas▪ in 22. q. 43. and Aquinas, Bannes tom. 3 m 22. q 43 art 8 cap 4 Propter scandalum quod vel ex imbecill [...] ­tate, vel ex ig­norumi [...] nasci­tur, decl [...]dae omnes quan [...]m­cun (que) rectae a­ctione at (que) ut­les, & que ad animae salutem non su [...]t neces­sariae, praeter mittendae & oc­cultandae, out s [...]l [...]em in aliud tempus differendae. Bannes. Sanch [...]z in decal. l. 4 disp 32. Dub 6 n 66▪ con 3. Quan­do ex aliquo opere quantumvis bono, crederetur magna hominum multitudo, ex infirmitate aut ignorantia inducend [...] in gravià peccata, illud omittendum etiam cum jact [...]ra vitae & bono­rum spiritualium ad s [...]tem non necessariorum. Sanches for affirmative precepts of the law of nature (saith Bannes to 3. 22 q 43 art. 8 conclu. 2. Praecepta affirmativa juris naturalis aliquando propter scandalum sunt dimittenda—quia praecepta affirmativa obligant, quando, & quomodo opo [...]tct. Bannes) must sometime be omitted, for the eschewing of scandall, for they doe not obliedge, but when, and after such a manner, as is convenient.

V. Rule. To doe any good action, or lawfull, or indifferent, when I probably foresee a scandall will follow, is an active scandall, for I preferre my owne will, to my brothers salvation (saith Antoninus 2 p. to. 1 cap 9▪ sect. ult. tit 3. cap 4 Verereus est pecca [...]i proximi qui abs (que) ullâ just [...] causâ non impedit scandalum, quod ex suo opere est f [...]turum, quia videtur contemnere vitam spiritualem fratris Antoninus, and Navarr. in sum. cap 4. [...] 13. Navarret,) and therefore saith (i) Antoninus; A virgin going abroad, without just necessitie, where her beautie shall be a snar [...] to young men, or to goe out up­on a necessary cause with a whorish attire, is an active scandall, her feet▪ abideth not in her house, saith Proverb 7. Solomon. And Navar [...]. in sum. cap 4. n. 13▪ Mortaliter peccat, qui ita parvi aestimat salutemproximi, ut abs (que) justa necessitate, & utilitate, ex [...]ola sua voluntate ali­quid facit, unde fra [...]er est scandalizandus. Navarr, saith, It is to sinne mortally and Silvester in summa in verbo, obedientia, n 5. Si Papae mandatum sapiat etiam peccatum veniale Item si ex obedientia praesum [...]retur sta [...]us Ec­clesiae perturbandus, vel aliud malum aut scandalum futurum, etiamsi praeciperetur sub soe [...]â Ex­communicationis—non est ei obediendum. Silvester saith, If the Popes commandement doe but smell of veniall sinne, and if by giving audience thereunto, it be presumed that the state of the Church shall be troubled, or a scandall shall arise, though the commandement goe out under the paine of Excommu­nication, it is not to bee obeyed. Vasquez tom. 4. in 3. [...] 43. art. 7 Dub 2. Vasques, and [Page 14] Suarez de tripl. v r. The­olo. disp 10. De Scandalo. sect. 4 Res indif­ferentes vende­r [...], donare, aut alicui proponere, quando prasci­tur, alterum ijs male us [...]rum, est scand▪ lum com­mittere. Suarez say, to sell, gift, or dispose of any things indifferent, when we foresee they shall abuse them, is to commit the sinne of active scandalizing. Yea, the forme of an Idol, though he ne­ver adore it, doth highly scandalize, and Antoninus 2 p. to▪ 7. cap. 4. [...] 4. Antoninus Silvester verbo scanda­lum q 2. Sil­vester, Corduba sum. q. 5. fol. 30. Corduba, Metina 12▪ cap. 74 [...] ▪ 6. ad▪ 3. fol. 677. Metina, Sanch z in Decal to 1. lib 1. cap 6. nu. 16. the Jesuit Zanches teach, That to contribute to that which we see, shall induce any to sinne, is to be guilty of scandalizing. And the reasons be these; 1. We are not to preferre our will to the salvation of our brother. 2. Things lesse necessarie, then our brothers salvation, in that case become not necessarie, and so fruitlesse and idle. 3. Charitie infer­ferreth, that we hinder so far, as we can, the ruine of our brothers soul, Scandaell is spirituall homicide. 4. To contribute any morall help, and influence to our brothers fall, and soul-ruine, is to be ac­cessarie to his sinne▪ Hence Ceremonies and things not ne­cessarie to salvation, may be omitted altogether in their speciali­ties, when the practising of them doth scandalize, and so though kneeling in Gods worship cannot well be universally omitted, yet kneeling appropriate to such an act of worship may be omitted, and ought to be omitted, if it scandalize, and Ceremo­nies which scandalize universally, seeing they are not in their very kinde necessarie to salvation, are to be abolished.

Yet I may adde one caution here. To contribute helpe for the doing of that, which of it selfe is necessarie, which I know, an other in respect of humane frailtie, will abuse to sinne is no active scandall. So to lay hands on a qualified Pastor is not sinne, though I foresee through humane frailtie, he will abuse his power in some things to sinne. So, for an Artificer to make swords, though he know some shall abuse them to murthering the innocent, is no scandalous work. I take not on me to pre­scribe rules for eschewing scandall in all occurrences of provi­dence. The godly learned can see more then I can doe in this matter, where love should be warie to lay a straw in the way of any weake traveller.

Quest. III.

Whether or no we may deny obedience to the lawes of our Superiours, for feare of Scandall causleslie taken.

THis is not my question, but a question of the Do­ctors of Aberdeen, yet it conduceth for the times, and because one of the learnedest of these Doctors did agitate the question of scandall with me in pri­vate, before the writing of that book, I desire liber­tie to vindicate my selfe, by discussing two chapters of this purpose.

And first the question seemeth to me many wayes vaine. 1. They aske about denyall of obedience, which is not proved, but presumed to be obedience. 2. They presume that the Ma­sters, the Lord Prelates of Pearth faction are our Superiours, by no law of God, or our Church was ever any superioritie confer­red upon them. 3. They say for scandall causlesly taken: if they meane that there be no just reason indeed why any should take scandall, they say nothing against us, for we thinke to take scandall, is to sinne, if they know any just reason or cause of sinne, except Satan and mens free-will, we shall be taught of them. If they meane scandalously taken, that is, not culpably given by the practisers of Ceremonies, this is a Chimera, and to us no question, for we are not to denie obedience to lawfull lawes, for eschewing Scandall, when obeyers doe give no cause culpably of Scandall, they would have formed the question to our reverend and learned Brethren if they had dealt plainly. Whether or no, we may desist from practising Coremonies, which, setting aside the law of Superiours, are indifferent, when from the practising of them ariseth the ruine of many soules, for whom Christ died. In things necessarie commanded and forbidden of God, we cannot deny obedience, but the matter of the lawes is silenced in the question to deceive the reader.

Duplyers. Doctors of Aberdeen. If the scandall arising from Pearth Articles come, ex con­ditione operis, from the irre­gularitie of the fact, you say, we should forbeare them forever, yet this you gain­say in the next Chap. nu. 44. pag 67. We say that the lawfull command of our Superiours may make that scan­dall of our weak brethren, not to beimputed to us, as a matter of our guiltinesse, which other­wayes would be imputed to us as a matter of our guiltinesse. Now (I say) no scandall but that which is scandall ex conditione ope­ris, from the enormitie o [...] the p [...]actice can be impu­ted to us as guiltiness or sin, for passive scandall is un­justly impu [...]ed to us as sin.

IF the Scandall arising from the Articles of Pearth come, ex conditione operis, from the very enormitie in these Articles, then are we to forbeare these [...]rticles ever, and not onely while they be tryed in a lawfull▪ Assembly for such are either sinne, or have a manifest show of sinne. But if the scandall arise not from the Articles themselves, but from malice or weaknesse, we deny that we are totally to abstaine from obedience to lawfull Superiours, for eschewing Scandall causlesly taken, and we marvell from whence ye have learned this strange and harsh doctrine.

Answ. 1. Your enumeration is weake, for we know no Scandall justly taken, but proceeding from both these, weak­nesse or wickedness of nature, is the neerest cause of all Scan­dall taken, because it is the cause of all sinne, and to be scanda­lized is sinne. Also it is here taken from the enormitie of the deed, in that practising of things indifferent, if a scandall taken either weakly or maliciously thence arise, there is enormitie in the deed, yet totall abstinence is not hence concluded, because, cessante ratione scandali, when the ground of the Scandall is re­moved, there is no enormitie in the fact. 2. You define to us, or rather divine, that then there is an irregularitie in the fact that justly scandaliz [...]th, when either the fact is a sinne, or then hath a manifest shew of sinne. And we wonder where you learned this strange Divinitie, for 1 Cor. 10. 27. To eat meat at a Feast that you are invited unto▪ is neither sinne, because v. 23. 25. it is lawfull: The earth is the Lords, nor is it such as hath a manifest shew of sinne, as all having sense knoweth. One of your prime Doctors defined to me, these onely have manifest appearance of sinne, Quae pl [...]rum (que) fiunt malo fine, which for the most part are done for an evill [...]nd, such as is to lye in bed with another mans wife, to kneele before an Idoll. The form [...]r, in the exposition of all is done for adulterie, the latter for Idolatrie. I am sure to eat meats at an Infidels feast, is not of that nature which is done ordi­narily for an evill end, it is ordinarily done to refresh nature, and to sol [...]e it, which hath no manifest shew of sinne, and yet if there be a weake one beside, who saith, that meat is offered [Page 17] to Idols, in that case to eat, is to scandalize 32. and is against the glory of God, v. 31. 3. You aske from whom we learned this strange doctrine to deny obedience to the lawes of Superiours for scandall causlesly taken; And we answer, we learned it from the Apostle Paul, who saith 1 Cor. 8. 13. If meat offend my weake brother, I will eat no flesh (I will abstaine totally and absolute­ly) while the world standeth. This abstinence for the date of the worlds standing, God be thanked, is longer then the time to a lawfull Generall Assembly was at that time: yet the Apostle proveth, Rom. 14. That to eat, or not to eat, was at that time as indifferent, as to practise, or not practise Ceremonies, also who ever offended at Pauls eating of fleshes, were offended out of weakness, v. 7. and it was in that sense, scandall causlesly taken.

Duplyers pag. 59. n. 34.

The Author of the popish English Ceremonies, saith that both Ca­jetan Duplyers Doct. Aberdeen. and Bannes affirm, that we should abstain a spiritualibus non necessariis, from spirituall duties not necessarie to salvation, when Scandall ariseth from the doing of them, but none of the Schoole­men euer taught to abstaine totally, and altogether from any spiri­tuall dutie, for eschewing the scandall of either weake, or wicked.

Answer. What the author of the English Popish Ceremo­nies saith in that subject, all your learning shall never be able to Answer, for our brethren, required but abstinece from these Ceremonies, till they be tryed in a lawfull Generall Assemblie, for they never were yet tryed in a lawfull Assemblie, till the late Assemblie at Glasgow, anno 1638. 2. That Author argueth a Majore, and we desire an Answer, if we may abstaine from spirituall duties commanded by the most high Superiour the Lord our God. hic & nunc in case of Scandall. Ergo, farre more are we to abstaine, from practising of dead Ceremonies voyd of all spirit of life, in the case of scandall, yea and univer­sally, and totally we are to abstaine, because the Superiours have no power to make lawes in materia scandalosa, when that which they command is scandalous; and in the very matter soule-murther.


Thomas and his followers say, Bona spiritualia non necessaria Nu. 35. [Page 18] sunt dimittenda propter scandalum, in ijs quae sunt sub consili [...], non vero sub praecepto▪ We may omit spirituall duties for eschew­ing scandall which fall under counsell, but not under comman­dement.

Answer. We conceive you not to be Papists, to hold this distinction, then farre more things indifferent for a time, in case of scandall may be forborne, when Counsells the performance whereof merit a greater degree of glorie in heaven▪ may be su­spended. 2. It is false, for Aquinas 22. q. 43. Aquinas saith, Actiones quan­tumcun (que) rectae at (que) utiles omittendae. So Bannes 16. a [...]. 8. ca. 4. D. Bannes.


The most accurat Casuists and Interpreters of Thomas, deny, that we can deny obedience to civill and Ecclesiasticall lawes▪ for [...]schewing scandall of the weake. So Navarrus in man [...]ali cap 19. sect. 44. Vasquez to.5. Tract▪ de Scandalo, dub. 1. sect. 5. Becanus to. post. part. 2▪ tract 1. cap 27. q. 5. Ferdin. de Castro Palao oper. moral. tract. 6. disp. 6▪ p [...]nct. 16. Duvall. 22. tract. de Charit. q. 19. art. And they [...]ite Thomas, Duranaus, Almain, Anton▪ [...]lorent.

Answer 1. Aquinas 16. Aquinas saith, Excommunication may be omitted in the case of scandall. Now the Churches precept of Excommunication is no counsell, but a precept. And it is law­full saith Thomas to rebuke our brother, and an act of Mercy and Charitie commanded (saith Aquinas 22. q. 33. art. 1. he) in the law of nature, and so not a Counsell. Yet saith Thomas, in case of scandall it may be omitted. Navar. in sum. cap. 4. n [...] 13. Navar. doth contradict you, read when you please. And Ferdin [...]d▪ de Castro Palao, you thought we had not these authors to find you out [...] and give [...]o Vasquez Vasquez 22. q. 43 art. 8 dub▪ 1. n 13. Quoti [...]scun (que) scandalum p [...]ssi­v [...]m futurum e [...]t ex passione & ignora [...]tia scandalizatio­pus utile tempo­raliter [...]t spiri­tualiter, qued n [...]c est malum, n [...]c b [...]b [...]t spcci­cm mali, nihil omn us [...]st omit­tendum, aut dif­ferendum, d [...]ncc [...]ssat. scanda­l [...]m. right play, Wee may omit the [...]aring of a Masse which is no Counsell, but command to save the temperall life of our brother. Becanus to. post. part. 2. q. 6. c. 27. Ad vitandum scandalum alterius passiv [...]m ex infirmi [...]ate vel ignorantia tenemur omittere [...]us utile. Becanus, Duvallius to. post. m▪ 2▪ q 43. tract. de Charit. q▪ 19 a [...]t 5. Potest aliq [...]a [...]do contingere, ut quod exse praeceptum [...]st, & cons [...]quente [...] [...]cc [...]ssarium est ad salutem, des [...]at in casum graviss [...] scandali—Tyrannus [...]surpat bena Ecclesi [...], constat prae­ccptum quantum fieri potest repetere, s [...]d s [...] minaretur populum abducere à [...]ide, non obliga [...] praecep­tum repetitionis. And [...]n that same place, Opera quae s [...]nt indiffere [...]tia, id est; quae in se, ne (que) bonan [...] (que) [...]ala sunt, debent omitts quando conciicimus valde probabiliter ea futura [...]sse inscand [...]lume. Duvallius may be seen to crosse you. (i) Bann [...]s 22. c. 43. art 7. [...]essandu [...] à spiritualibus, quande quis ex ignorantia v [...]l insirmitate scandelizatur. (k) Sua [...]z de Tripl. vj [...]t de Charit. disp. 10. de Scand. sect. 4 n 7. 8 Predicatio veritatis per accidens potest interdum habere rationem scandali activi, unde non [...]unquam vita [...]da est, ut vitetur scandalum passivum (Pharisaeorum) seu ruina proximi—item praecepta positiva non obligant cum tanto rigore, at praeceptum de procuranda vita spirituali proximi est naturale & di­vinum—praecepta affirmativa non obligant and semper. (l) Gregor▪ de valent. tom. 3. disp. 3. q. 18. de scandalo hath the same. Adde to these Augustine lib 3. contra Parmenian. cap 2. Gregor. hom. 7. in Ezechiel. And of School-men, Albert 4 distinct. 17. art. 48 Durand 4. 38. q. 3. Angel. in sum. verbo scandalum, n 5. Cajetan tract 3. disp 7 [...]e [...] 8. Richard 4 d. 38. Adrian. quodlibet 1. art. 3. Pete de Soto lect▪ 5. de confess. Gabr. 4. d [...]st 38 q 2. art. 2. Al­phons de Castro lib. 1. de justa punit. haeret. par. 20.


The School-men well us not to forbeare obedience, with a quite disclaiming of the authoritie of the Law, as you doe. Ans, Lawfull authoritie of Prelates lawes we know none. 2. School-men say more, that the obligation of lawes doe cease in case of scandall.


This kinde of forbearance for eschewing of scandall we improve. 1. Arg. The author of English Popish Ceremonies, part. 1. cap. 4. sect. 4. Not to obey the lawes of the Church in things whereof we are certainly perswaded they are not unlawfull and inexpedient, is a contempt and a scandall. But we are perswaded the things here, to wit, Articles of Pearth be neither unlawfull nor inexpedient. Ergo▪ The major is yours, the Assump. we prove by the light of our conscience.

Answer. The author sayth so indeed, but withall he sayth, that Church lawes bind not the conscience, because they are Church lawes, Sed propter rationem legum, for the reason of the lawes; and such you cannot show to be in your Ceremonies. 2. The Assumption is badly proved, for your consciences are not transparent glasse; except that light come out in arguments founded upon the law and testimonie, and where this is not, there is no light, Es. 8. 20. an erring conscience proveth nothing, so you beg the question.

Duplyers 2. arg. n. 37.

That which may be removed by information and instruction, can­not be awarrand to us of a totall abstinence, from the obedience of the lawes, or which is all one, of an avowed disclaiming of the au­thoritie of them. But the scandall of the weake taken by Pearth Articles, may be removed by information, or instruction. Ergo.

I must crave here leave for a pause, and aske the question. [Page 20] 1. If information and light given to beware of the scandall of Ceremonies and things indifferent, can make them the lawfull object of Church Canons, D. Forbes and other say so. But 1. This D. Forbes. Iren. is that which Papists say to our Divines, who object that Ima­ges are pits and snares to Idolatrie. This danger (saith Ioannes de Lugo de myst. [...] ­ [...]arn. [...] i p 36 sect 1. n 3. Hoc periculum facile praecave­tur doctrina & cura Proelato­rum, qui d [...]cent frequ [...]n [...]er ima­gines non habere in se, nec prop [...]r se aliquam dig­nitatem, nisi quam accipiant ab exemplari. Jo­hannes de Lugo) the Popes Professor at Rome, is easily prevented by the instruction and care of Prelates, who are to teach, that Ima­ges have no dignitie of themselves, but onely from the samplar. And so Bellarm. 1 2. de rel. sanct. c 4. ad 2 Nec desunt in Eccles [...] qui do­ceant literis, & s [...]rmonibus, quis cultus reliquiss (formulist [...] ele­mentis sacra­mentalibus) de. beatur. Bellarm. the Jesuit, Vasquez in 3 part. 10. 1. disp 105. 5. n. 3 Quare nec aliquid periculi in ipsarum (ima­ginum) adora [...]i­one, si populus tudis, ju [...]ta sin­ccram fidem & religionean, mediocriter instituatur. Ʋasquez. Estius, lib. 3 dist. 36. sect 7. Ecclesia diligenter & do­ctrina, & opere distinguit inter honorem Deo proprium, & eum qui Divinis ac Dei amicis homi­nibus tribuitur. Estius. Concil Moguntinum, cap. 41. Pastores nostri populum accuratè moneant, imagines non ad id proponi, ut eas adoremus - Sed ut per imagines recordemur. The Councell of Magountine helpeth the matter. Let our Pastours (say they) carefully teach the people, that Images are not set up, that we should adore them, but that they should be helps for our memorie. 2. Paul gave strong reasons for lawfulnesse of dayes, and meats, that weake Jewes should not be scandalized at the eating thereof. yet he would neither passe them in a Church Canon, nor practise them himselfe, while the world stand­eth, 1 Cor. 8. 13. yea, he proveth Rom. 14. by eight strong Ar­guments, that it was not lawfull to practise them. Ergo, he pre­suproseth that information of Pastours should not take away the scandall of the weake, as Rom. 14. 14. There is nothing un­cleane of it selfe. Ergo, It is lawfull to eat all meats, 1 Cor. 10. 26. The earth is the Lords. Ergo, eat what is set before you, v. 23. all things are lawfull, and yet he saith, eat not, give no of­fence, if meat offend my brother, I will not eat to the worlds end. 1 Cor. 8. 13. 3. This vaine argument presupposeth that the want of literall information, is the adequat cause of falling in scandall, a vaine reason. Peter actively and culpably scandali­zed Christ in his carnall counsell, Master, pitty thy selfe, Mat. 16 21. 22. 23. yet Christ was sufficiently inlightened, that he could not be scandalized. But certaine it is, that the will and depraved inclination is the cause why we fall in scandall, even when we know that others who publickly sinneth, doth sinne, and that we should not be scandalized. Now no reason in Pa­stors preaching, or in Church-Canon, can take away the inclina­tion [Page 21] of the heart to evill, and therefore no information of Pastors can remove the scandall of the weake; For then David in committing adulterie, Noah in drunkenness, Lot in his ince­stuous folly with his owne daughters, Peter in denying his Sa­viour, should not have caused others within, or without the Church to stumble, nor have culpably scandalized them; So David. Noah, Lot, and Peter, had preached to all that heard of their fall, that adulterie, drunkenness, incest, and denyall of Christ, were grievous sinnes to be avoyded, and that it was sin for any to be scandalized thereat, for such information should have given sufficient literall information to beware of the like sinnes. Yea, a father might inclose in a chamber, his sonne and a beautifull virgin, and if he should sufficiently informe his son of the guiltiness, and punishment of harlotrie, he should not lay a stumbling-block before his sonne. Yet we all know, a stumbling-block may be layed before the inclination no lesse, then before the blind minde, yea suppose, to warne a Traveller of a pit, in his way, might be sufficient, to make the digger of the pit free of laying a stumbling-block in the way (as it is not) seeing to make a pit is not indifferent, yet it shall not free the Commanders of Ceremonies and the acts of Pearth Assemblie of active scandall, because men naturally loving life and health, hate to fall into pitts, which may indanger their life, and so have no inward morall inclination to fall into a pitt; but men though informed of spirituall falls, and warned to beware of them, yet love and incline to Idolatrie, and therefore to warne them to beware, and yet set the powder neere the fire, is but to scorne the craft, and to mock men. Yea, in that they desire and require, that the people beware of the Ceremonies, and require that Pastours informe them of the danger; they grant that Ce­remonies are powder amongst the pitchers, and yet they be in­nocent, and indifferent creatures, as if they would call them in­different pitts, indifferent whoores to allure, beware of them; indifferent pest-cloathes, see that your inclination touch them not. Yea, then Ezechiah had given no scandall, if he had com­manded the brazen Serpent still to stand, and had commanded the Priests to preach that the Serpent was not God, and there­fore warned the people of their Idolatrie in burning Incence to [Page 22] it, onely let it stand as a memoriall of Gods power in curing the people, who were stinged with Serpents in the Wildernesse. So if the Israelites should give their sonnes and daughters to marry strange women of the Canaanites, if they should ordaine the Priests to teach carefully their married children, to beware, that they were not drawne away, by these idolatrous marriages, to serve the Gods of the Canaanites, they should not lay a stum­bling-block before their sonnes and daughters. Yea, these who excell in light, may be weake in grace, and in hazard to be in­snared, by the idolatrie and superstition of Ceremonies.

4. The law of nature provideth all possible and lawfull meanes for the removall of every thing, that may rnine his soule, for whom Christ died, but not onely information of the danger of Ceremonies, but also the removall of the pitts themselves, to wit, the Ceremonies are possible and lawfull meanes.

5. 1. This were an idle Sabbath work to expound such theams as these Sacramentall bowing is an humble adoring of God, not of bread, (and as it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save beleevers, so it pleased Prelates, by the foolishnes of holy dayes and Saints dayes, to teach the people articles of faith, and by the Surplice to teach pastorall innocencie, and by confirmation to blesse children▪) 2 Calvin. Iusti▪ l. 4. c 8. sect. 8. Calvin, and Luthercom in Gal 1. neque alia doctrina in Ecclesia tradi, aut audiri de­bet, qu [...]m pu­rum d [...]i ver­bum. Luther teach, that no word should be heard in the Church, nisi purum Dei verbum, but the pure word of God. Surplice humane and Saints dayes, cros­sing, kneeling, cannot be a text that Ministers can preach on, and expound, for they are commanded to speak Gods word, Ezech. 7. To read Gods law, and give the meaning and sense thereof, Nehem. 8. 8. and to expone the Scriptures, Luk. 24. 27. not to teach the meaning of wretched Ceremonies, for in that they should not be the Pastours of Christ, but speak with the mouth of Anti­christ, and Exod. 12. 26. 27. If the children ask the fathers, what mean yee by this Passeover, they were to answer, It is the Sacri­fice of the Lords Passeover. So if they ask what meaneth your kneeling to Bread, your Saints dayes, your Surplice and Cros­sing, you must answer, they are the Ceremonies of the Lords Sup­per, and Baptisme; What uncouth bleating were this? 6. Shall people (saith D. Ammes D. Ammes fresh fuit. be fedde with this East wind, the ver­tue of Surplice, when there be so little time, to learne the maine [Page 23] things of the Gospell? also some preach none, some studie never Ceremonies, some blush to speake of such toyes. Yea▪ and al­as often saith, Bannas, tom. 3. m 22. q. 43. art 8. Nota posse con­tingere ut pu­silli non sirt ca­paces rat [...]onis redditae, & tunc quamvis sit reddita illis ra­tio tâmen ab hujusmodi spiri­tualibus cess [...] ­dum, quia tunc non ex mali­cia, sed ex ig­norantia sco [...] ­dolizantur, c 4 sect. 1. q 10. Bannes the weake are not capable of distincti­ons, it is hard to draw the wits of rude people along the untwi­sted threed of distinctions, that the elements are objectum adora­tionis à quo significative and objectum adorationis relativae mate­riale, non adorationis formale. I conceive the Doctors of Aber­deen have adoe with their wits to understand them, they must be taught of D. Mortounes essentiall and accidentall worship; of Bellarmines additions perfecting, and additions corrupting the word of God. And whereas D. Forbes saith; It is a shame for Ministers, and teachers of others to pretend weaknes, though the flock might be ignorant. Answer. Weakness, is weakness of faith, Rom. 14. 1. and weaknesse of grace, not weakness in literall light. And I thinke Ministers may pretend this upon too good grounds, and weaknes of faith is often a great inclination to superstition. 2. Though the Ministers refusing the Ceremonies, should understand them as well as these who writ bookes for their defence, yet it will not follow that they should practise them, for their forbearance is for feare of scandalizing the weak. Paul had perfect knowledge of his Christian libertie, as any man, yet he would not eat meats to the worlds end, which should offend his brother. The stronger should not scandalize the weak, because they are stronger.

Duplyers pag. 63. n. 38.

Thirdly, if for Scandalls taken, especially by the malicious, we may disclaime the authority of a Law, then we may ever disclaime the authoritie of all lawes of Church and State, for there is no­thing commanded by lawes, but some, either through weaknes, or through malice, may take offence at it.

Answer. 1. For scandalls taken, and also given, by either weak, or wilfull, when the matter is indifferent, and hath evident conformitie with Jewish and Popish rites, and is not necessarie, we may disclaim the authoritie of all such lawes, true. Ergo, we may for scandall maliciously taken, deny the authority of all lawes, it followeth not. Ex affirmatione sp [...]ciei male colligitur negatio generis. It is not for taken scandall, but for given scan­dall, [Page 24] that we disclaime the authoritie of these lawes. 2. The Doctors will have us believe, upon the sole light of their consci­ence, n. 36. that they thinke the Ceremonies lawfull and expedient. But for us, they will not credit us in that, but out of malice we are soandalized, and not out of weaknesse.

Duplyers n. 39. 4. arg.

Fourthly, We ought not for eschewing scandall causlesly taken, to injure or offend any man, by denying to him, that which is due to him, and therefore we ought not, for eschewing scandall causlesly taken▪ to offend and injure our Superiours. The Antecedent is pro­ved▪ for if a man be excomm [...]nicated, shall his wife, children, and servants flie his company, and so deny these duties which they owe to him, for feare that others be scandalized? and if we may not for scandall causlesly taken abstaine from these duties, that we owe to private persons farre lesse may we abstaine from obedience, which we owe to Superiours, &c.

Answer. Against the Law of disputing, you lay downe a ground, which is a principall part of the question that is practi­sing these Ceremonies be obedience due to Superiours, and none practising for a time an injuring of Superiours in their due, though Gods affirmative precepts be omitted for a time, as the not hearing the Word, the not receiving the Sacraments, in case of Scandall, Gods due is not taken from him. If you will be more zealous for the honour of Prelates and men, then for the honour of God. Answer the Argument your selfe: I am not to re­prove a scorner because of the scandall, he shall but trample, as a sow, upon any word of reproofe, yet the scandall were causle [...]ly taken if we should doe so, The good word of God should fur­nish no just cause to him, yet am I not taking from God his due, and your bare word, that this is disobedience to Superiours, not to practise Pearth Ceremonies is not enough to us. 2. Your probation is weak, That children and wife keep company with the Excommunicate father, is a commandement of the law of nature, and Gods necessary law, and to deny this to an husband and father is such a sinne, as the eschewing of a scandall can ne­ver legitimate, but I hope kneeling to Bread, and Crossing, and Surplice (commanded in our Canons and Service-book) are at [Page 25] the best commanded by a positive law, and not commanded in the law of nature, and so very unlike to naturall duties that wife and children owe to father and husband. 3. I retort this Argument. We may not wrong men in that which is their due. Ergo, We may not wrong God in his due, but it is his due; ( Murther not him for whom Christ died practise not Ceremonies before the weake who shall be scandalized thereat.)

Duplyers 5. arg. n. 40.

What if the thing be commanded by the Civill Magistrate under paine of death, and by Ecclesiasticall authoritie under paine of Ex­communication, shall we for feare of scandall causlesly taken, which may be removed by information, or for the scandall of the maliti­ous, abstaine from a thing lawfull and expedient injoyned by autho­ritie, and incurre these grievous punishments of death▪ temporall and spirituall? We believe your selves, who speake most of scandall, would be loath to take such a yoake upon you.

Answer. The first part of this Argument is Logick from a sore▪ skinne▪ That which we are bidden doe under paine of death, that we must doe, the just logick of the King of Babylon, to prove it is lawfull to worship the Kings golden Image, Dan. 3. 15. I have scarce heard Papists for shame presse to conclude the equity and lawfulnesse of a Law, from the penaltie of a law, Suffering (as your Jesuits and Arminians teach you) falleth not under Free-will, and is not culpably evill, nor is Excom­munication except you be Papists, death of the soule, when the cause of Excommunication is not just, and deserveth no censure, but it may be some of you think (Mr. Sibbald I know doth it) that Navarrus, and their Gregorie said true, that unjust Excom­munication is valid, and to be feared: but if this argument (as I see not head nor feet in it) be founded upon the lawfulnesse and expediencie of Ceremonies commanded, then not to practise them at all. So first they be lawfull. 2 Expedient▪ 3 Comman­ded by lawfull authority, is sinne, and all sinne is a death of the soule, and then you may put your Argument from grievous punishments of body and soule in your pocket, for it is of no use here▪ for whether punishment Civill or Ecclesiastick follow up­on disobedience to Superiours, it is sinne. 3. That none of us [Page 26] would die or be Excommunicated for eschewing Scandall, is no good argument, though many have suffered as hard as death, banishment, and proscription of all, and Excommunication al­so. But the truth is, you might have said; Shall we incurre for scandall the losse of our st [...]pends, and (one faire before the wind, qualification) for a Bishoprick?

Duplyers 6. arg. pag. 64. n. 41.

Sixtly, The denying of obedien [...]e to the lawfull commandements of our Superiours is forbidden in the [...]i [...] commandement, and con­sequently it is sinne▪ shall we then for a scandall causlesly taken, de­ny obedience to our Superiours, and so incurre the guiltiness of sinne? Ye commonly answer to this, that the negative part of the fift Commandement, w [...]ch forbiddeth the resisting of the power, Rom. 13▪ 2. is to be understood with the exception of the case of any scandall taken by others. For [...] we say (say [...]) that any may, or will take offence, at the [...]ing of that which is commanded by our Superiours, we are not holden to oby them 42. But first, we a [...]ke, what [...]arr and ye have [...]o say, that the negative part of the fift Commandement [...] to be understood w [...] the exception of the case of Scandall▪ more then other negative precepts in the second Table?

Answer [...]. To fill the field, an Argument already answered, is brought again to make the figure of fi [...] up▪ The refusall of the Ceremonies till they be tryed in lawfull Assembly, is not for­bidden in the fift Commandement, prove that▪ and take it with you. 2. You bring an Answer as commonly given [...] us, that is neither ours, commonly, nor rarely▪ but it is good, build a straw­ [...]astle, and you may soone cost a fire-ball at it, and blow it up▪ We never taught that the negative part of the fif [...] Commande­ment is to be understood with the exception of the case of any scandall taken by others. For this includeth all scandalls, both passive and active. Who of ours ever dreamed such a thing, if Superiours command, what God commandeth before them, doe we teach that, because others take scandall at that Command, therefore we are not holden to obey? that is scandall taken, not given. We teach no such thing▪ Rulers command to honour father and mother, if any take offence at this commandement [Page 27] and obedience to either the affirmative or negative part of it, we are not to esteeme that scandall the weight of a feather, the Commandement obliedgeth. But this we teach, if when the matter of the Commandement of Rulers is indifferent, as you plead Ceremonies to be, if from obeying of these any weake or wicked be scandalized, then the Rulers doe command spirituall murther, and then their commandement is no commandement, no [...] is it the fift Commandement. It is just like this, You shall not refuse obedience to your Rulers, commanding you to rubbe your beards when you come to the Church, or to draw a crosse line with your thumbe in the aire above a baptized infants forehead, though many soules, by obedience to these Commandements▪ be induced to love Poperie; many be made sad thinking zealous Rulers, love popish toyes better then the simplicitie of the Gospell. Now such is the Commandements of Pearth-articles, and these suffer no exceptions, for we judge them no Commandements at all, and if any such be injoyned upon pretence of any other of the nine Commandements, we hold them to be impious commande­ments, and no obedience to be given to them at all. So if ac­cording to the sixt Commandement, and the seven and eight, Rulers command to run Carts amongst a multitude of young Children, whence killing of some might fall out; If they should command a young man, and a faire virgine to chamber together, and command Paul in the case he was at Corinth to take stipend, though it should hinder the progresse of the Gos­pell, as 1 Cor. 9. 23. all these were to command culpable scan­dalls, and were unlawfull, as the Canons of Pearth faction. 3. You say, the negative part of the fift Commandement forbid­ding the resisting of the power, Rom. 13. 2. by us, is to be under­stood, with exception of the case of scandall taken, whereby you insinuate, that not to obey the acts of Pearth Assembly, is a resisting of the power of Rulers, Rom. 13. 2. It is ignorantly spoken, to resist every law of the Rulers, is not to resist his power, when the lawes are such as commandeth scandall: yea, by your own doctrine it is lawfull to flie when a Ruler unjust­y, commandeth & persueth his subjects▪ pag. 3. n. 19. And to [...]ie I am sure, is to refuse subjection to the Lawes of the Ruler, from whose tribunall we [...]li [...], ye [...], and to flie so, is to resist his lawes, [Page 28] but I hope it is not to resist the power, for to resist the power, bringeth damnation, and guiltinesss before God, Rom. 13. 2. But to flie from his legall Citations, is to resist his lawes, but doth not, I hope, bring damnation before God, and sinne upon the conscience, as you grant.

Duplyers n. 43.

Men are ready to stumble, and to be scandalized at our refu­sing obedience to the lawfull Commandements of our Superiours: for they will take occasion by our cariage, to doe that, unto which by nature they be most inclined, to wit, to vilipend Lawes and Au­thoritie.

Answer. If any stumble at our non-obedience to Pearth Ar­ticles, and thence be induced to vilipend Lawes and Authori­tie, it is a scandall meerely taken, no wayes given, as is cleare, because they stumble at our obedience to God, in that we refuse to kill one for whom Christ died. 2. It is no wayes true, that men are naturally inclined to vilipend Laws in a matter indifferent, (as you hold Ceremonies to be) from whence ariseth Scandall, yea, we are by nature much bent to extoll and love-lawes com­manding soul-murther, and all lawes inductive to Poperie, which is but a masse of carnall propositions of heterodox Di­vinitie, every way sutable to our flesh. The third exception is answered already, the fourth is to be discussed in the following Chapter.

Quest. IIII.

Whether the Precept of obedience to Superiours, or the precept of eschewing scandall be more obligatorie?

Dupliers pag. 65. n. 43.

LAst of all, when a man is perempt [...]rily urged by his Superiours, to obey their lawfull Commandements, and in the meane time feareth▪ that if he doe the thing com­manded by them▪ some, through weaknesse, shall be scan­dalized▪ by his carriage; in this case he is not onely in difficultie and strait, betwixt the Commandement of men, and the Comman­dement [Page 29] of God, who forbiddeth us to doe that whereby our weake brother may be offended. But also he seemeth to be in a strait be­twixt two Commandements of God, to wit, the precept that for­biddeth us to doe that, whereby our weake brother may be scandali­zed and the other, which forbiddeth, the resisting of Authoritie.

Answer. 1. The question of purpose is perversly set do [...]ne, for they should say, whether the precept of obedience to Supe­riours, in a straw lifting, in things indifferent, and meerely po­sitive, and not necessarie to salvation, be more obligatorie, then the precept of God, in the law of nature, in a matter necessarie to salvation, as a Commandement of God forbidding soul-murther, and scandalizing him for whom Christ died? Or thus; Whether am I obliedged rather to obey God, forbidding me to murther my brother, or to obey man, commanding me to kneele towards Bread and Wine, and to crosse the aire with my thumbe upon the face of a baptized infant. Tannern▪ to 3. in 22. dis. 2. q. 6 dub. 9. con­currentibus d [...]o­bus praeceptis quorum utrum. que servari non potest, obligare desinit al [...]erum quod [...]im obli­gandi minorem habet. Ita Su­arez. to. 3. di [...]. 66. sect. 4. Gregor. de Valenti [...] in. 22. q. 18. pun­cto 4.

2. The question seemeth to make a collision of Commande­ments, as if God could command things contradictorie, and certainly, if the not obeying of Pearth Articles be a scandall given, as you say, it is▪ I shall undertake to prove, that the pra­ctice of these Ceremonies is a Scandall given, and so it is not a seeming strait as you say, but a reall strait by your doctrine. There be cases wherein, whether Rulers command things, or command the contrary, a passive scandall doth arise, but because a passive Scandall, is the sinne of the scandall taker, and not of Rulers giving, the Church is not to regard it, as Matth▪ 11. 18▪ 19. The Jewes are scandalized, at Christs eating and drinking, and are scandalized at John the Baptists not eating and drinking. But neither Christ, nor John doe culpably give scandall. But there can be no such exigence of providence wherein non­practising of your commanded Ceremonies, is a given scandall, and the practising of them is also a given scandall. Because (as D. Bannes [...]o. 3. in. 22. q. 43. art. 8. con. 3. Talis per­plexitas est ab­surdum quid. Bannes, and our owne Amesius de Cons. lib. 5. [...]p. 11 thes 18 Nulla datur ta­li [...] perplexita [...], &c. Am [...]sius saith▪ There is not such a perplexiti [...]. 1. God should have brought a man then in some cases under an absolute necessitie, by way of contradiction to sinne, and murther his brother, whether he doe such a thing or not doe it. 2. Twentie Jewes are scandalized, Rom. 14. Because Paul eateth such and such meats, which they conceive are for­bidden [Page 30] by Gods law. And twentie Christians are scandalized, because Paul eateth not such and such meats, then we suppose, and its very casuall, for seeing, to be scandalized ariseth from the knowledge or ignorance of the minde, and divers men may have contrary opinions about one thing. Some thinke it un­lawfull for Paul to eat, some thinke it unlawfull not to eat. Hence upon the use of a thing indifferent, twentie are scandali­zed, and upon the non-using of that same indifferent thing, twentie are also scandalized. What shall Paul doe in this strait. I answer, he taketh Rom. 14. 1 Cor. 8. the negative. I will not eat flesh, if meat offend my brother. Then the twentie that are scandalized by the non-practice of the thing indifferent, doe take scandall onely, whereas Paul giveth no scandall actively. Also, the othet twentie who are scandalized by Paul his pra­ctice of the thing indifferent, are justly scandalized, & it is both a scandall taken, and active, and a scandall given and passive. Some object, but if either of the sides be indifferent, to wit, either to use a thing indifferent, or not to use it. If ten take of­fence at the use of it, and ten take offence at the non-use of it, there is a necessitie of scandalizing either of the sides, for the twentie weake Christians are scandalized at Pauls abstinence from such meats, conceiving that he Judaizeth, whereas the Profession of his Christian libertie in eating would edifie them, and not scandalize them.

Answer. The use of a thing indifferent is not Gods lawfull mean of edification, God hath appointed his Word, Workes, the holy and blamelesse profession of his children to edifie, and not the using of actions indifferent, yea, actions indifferent as they are such, and separated from necessitie, and morall reason, are not lawfull, and so the cessation from that action is lawfull and necessarie, and if the use scandalize, non-using of things indif­ferent, is not indifferent, but necessarie, as non-scandalizing, and negative precepts alwayes binding, abstinence, with Paul is necessarie. It is vaine that Paybodie saith, that Peter was Gal. 2. in danger of a double scandall, for (saith he) he was in danger to scandalize the Gentiles, in refusing their companie, as if they had been no brethren, which was the greater scandall, and in danger to scandalize the Jewes in eating with the Gentiles, which was a lesse [Page 31] sinne, and lesse scandall. But I answer, Paul did not then justly rebuke his Judaizing, Galat. 2. which doth gratifie Barronius, Bellarmine, and Papists, who will have Peter, an Apostle who could not erre. 2. It should follow that Paul rebuked Peter, be­cause that of two evills of sinne, he choosed to commit the lesser sinne. Whereas of two evills of sinne, neither is to be chosen. One might then lawfully commit fornication to be free of adul­terie. and so fornication should be lawfull, which is absurd. And Paul should call Gal. 2. 14. it upright walking according to the truth of the Gospell to choose a lesse sin. 3. Peter by eating with the Gentiles, should not have scandalized the Jewes, but edified them, in showing the Christian libertie they had in Christ, as is cleare, v. 5. To whom we gave no subjection, no not for an houre (by practising Jewish Ceremonies) that the truth of the Gospell might continue with you.

Duplyers pag. 66.

It is certaine we are freed from one of these precepts, for Gods precepts are not repugnan [...] one to another. Ye commonly say, the precept of obedience to humane authoritie, must give place to the precept of eschewing Scandall, though it be causlesly taken, be­cause the command of a Superiour cannot make that fact to be free of scandall, which otherwise would be scandalous. But it is certaine, that (laying aside the case of scandall) to denie obe­dience to the ordinance of our Superiours, injoyning and perempto­rily requiring of us▪ things lawfull and expedient, is really the sinne of disobedience. Ye will say, that the scandall of weake brethren, may make that fact or omission▪ not to be disobedience, which otherwise would be disobedience; because we ought not for the Commandement of man. doe that whereby our weake brother may be offended: and so the precept of obedience bindeth not, when offence of a weake brother may be feared. On the contrary we say▪ that the lawfull commandement of Superiours, may make that scandall of our weake brethren, not to be imputed unto us, which otherwise would bee imputed unto us, as a matter of our guiltinesse. No scandall [...]f weake brethren causlesly taken, can make that fact, not to be the sinne of disobedience, which other­wayes, that i [...] extra casum scandali, if it were not in the [Page 32] case of scandall, would bee the sinne of disobedience.

Answer. 1. This is right downe worke. But 1. I Answer, Both the precepts are not obligatorie, you say true. We common­ly say (saith the Doctors) that the precept of obedience to hu­mane authoritie, must give place to the precept of eschewing scan­dall, although it be causlesly taken. We say not that Commonly, nor at all, if by Scandall causlesly taken, you mean scandall passive, onely taken, and not given, for we are not to regard such scandalls. But here the scandall is given in that, we must practise base Ceremonies, indifferent knots of straws for mens pleasure, though from thence many soules for whom Christ died, be destroyed. 2. It is good reason that the precept of obedience to humane authoritie in things which you call indifferent, and might well be sent away to Rome (were it not the Lord Pre­lates pleasure to command them, for their owne carnall▪ ends) should yeild and be gone, and lose all obligatorie power, be­cause it is but a positive precept, and 2. affirmative, that obliedg­eth not ad semper, as Cross [...], kneele, weare Surplice. And 3. In a thing indifferent, and that this Divine Commandement of God, (scandalize not) (kill not one redeemed by Christ) should stand in force. 1. Because it is a naturall precept. 2. It is negative, and obliedgeth eternally. 3. It is of a necessarie matter, because no man-slayer hath life eternall, 1 Jh. 3. 15. But our Doctors will have the Commandements positive of men to stand, and the Commandements of God, which are expresly of the law of na­ture to fall before their Dagon, and to lose all obligatorie power, whereas Gods owne positive law yeildeth, and loseth obligato­rie power, when Gods naturall Commandement of mercy com­meth in competition with it, as is cleare as the noon-day, in David famishing, who eat the Shew-bread, which by a positive law, was not lawfull to any save the Priests onely, to eat, yet must mans law stand, and Gods law of nature fall, at the pleasure of these Doctors. 3. Wee say justly, you erre in saying it is reall disobedience to deny obedience to the ordinance of Superiours, when the matter of their law is indifferent, and when it is scan­dalous, and obedience cannot be given to it, but by s [...]aying him for whom Christ died, yea, to give obedience to Superiours in that case, is reall murthering of soules, and reall disobedience to [Page 33] God. Yea, and if there be murthering of a weake brother in the fact, it cannot come under the compasse of the matter of an humane law, and the Scandall maketh it no obedience to men, but disobedience to God. 4. You retort bravely, but Po­pishly, the argument back upon us; But we bring our argu­ment from the law of Nature ( Thou shalt not murther, nor scan­dalize) and we bring it not so much against the obedience to the Commandement of Superiours, as against the law and Commandement of Superiours, and this Argument is against the Ceremonies, as if they had not been commanded, and as they were before the Assembly of Pearth, and therefore the con­sideration of a lawfull Commandement to take away the scan­dall, is not to any purpose. And so 5. I may invite Papists, Je­suites, and all the Patrons of the Pope, to thanke you, and kisse your pen, for these words we say that the lawfull Commande­ment of Superiours (of Prelates commanding things indiffe­rent) may make that scandall of our weake brethren not to be im­puted unto us, which otherwise would be imputed unto us, as a matter of our guiltiness. What ever (my brethren) may be imputed to you otherwise, & before the law of Pearth Assemblie was made, as the matter of your guiltiness, was your sinne, for nothing can be imputed to Men or Angels, as guiltiness, but fin. But if the Commandements of Prelates may make that not to be imputed to you, which otherwise and before, or without that law of Superiours, would have been imputed as the matter of your guiltinesse, then the law of Superiours and Prelates may make that, which without that law, would have been sinne, to be no sinne at all. I know no more said by Bellarm. contra Barcla. cap. 31. In bono sensu Christus dedit Petro (Papae) potesta­tem faciend [...] de peccato non pec­catum, & de non peccato pecca­tum. Bellarmine of the Universall Prelate of the world, but that he can make sin to be no sinne, and no sinne to be sinne. And Bellar. de Romano Pontif. l. 4. cap 5. that the Pope cannot command vertue as vice, and vice as vertue, for if he should doe so, the Church should be obliged to believe vertue to be vice, and vice to be vertue. But much good doe it you, Masters of Arts. Yet Bellarmine in his recognitions, saith not so much of his great Pope-Prelate, as you say of your little Prelates, for Bellarm. in Recognit o [...]i­bus. L [...]quuti sumus de actibus dubiis viriu [...]um & vitiorum, nam si percipe­ret manifestum vitium, aut pro­hiberet manife­stum virtutem dicendum esset cum Petro, Act. 5. Obedire oportet magis Deo, quam h [...]minibus—dicimus posse jubere ut tali die non jejunetur,—non potest autem jubere ut non colatur Deu [...]. he will not give the foresaid power to the Pope, but in doubt­some [Page 34] acts, and in acts of positive lawes about fasting, you give to Prelates more, to wit, that their commanding will, may make sinnes forbidden in the law of nature, to be not imputed, as the matter of our guiltinesse, and to be no sinnes; We cannot want dispensations and indulgences at home, ere it be long, if happily we pay well for them.

Yet Bernardus Epist. 7. Quo­modo ergo vel Abbatis jussio vel Papae per­missio, licit [...] facere potuit, quod purum ma­lum fuit. Bernard will not have the Popes commandement to make that which is simply evill to be lawfull. Toletus in [...]nstruct. Se­cerdo [...]. lib 5. cap▪ 3. cum cau­sa rationabili a­liquid praecipitur— [...]os debe­mus audire, nec Pap [...] pro suo li­ [...]ito excusat. The Popes pleasure make not things good (saith Tolet) yea, a subject (saith Alphonsus de potest legis Civil. cap. 5. Conclus. 5. Potest subd [...] [...] sin [...] peccato le­gem aut precep­tum superioris▪ contem [...]re, ju­dicando ill [...] ma [...] & contra r [...]ionem. Alphonsus d [...]astro) may without sinne contemne the law of his Superiour, judging it to be evill, and contrary to reason.

But I reason thus; It is the incommunicable power of the Supreame Law▪ giver to make the killing of Isaac, which other­wayes would have been imputed to Abraham as a matter of guil­tinesse, and crueltie, to be no sinne. Ergo, Prelates have not power to make an act of soul▪murther, to be no sinne, to scan­dalize a weake brother is to destroy him, for whom Christ died, Rom. 14. v. 15. 1 Cor. 8. v. 11. yea, and by the same law Rulers may make an act of Adulterie, an act of Chastitie, an act of lying, an act of truth speaking.

2. If Rulers, even the Apostle Paul, be tyed by the law of Nature, to Charitie to their brethren, as Rom. 14. 15. Not to stay him for whom Christ died, not to se [...]ke their owne things, but the good of their brethren, 1 Cor. 10. 24. Not to eat things sacrificed to idols, before the weake, v. 29. To doe all for the glory of God, v. 32. Then is it sinne in the Ruler himselfe to scandalize the weake. Ergo, Rulers cannot command to others that as obe­dience, which they cannot doe themselves without prodigious disobedience to God. What Paul forbiddeth in Canonical Scrip­ture as murther, that he cannot command in Church Canons as obedience Canonicall to Superiours.

3. Prelates shall have immediate Dominion over our con­sciences to bind us to obedience by doing acts that otherwise should be imputed to [...]s as the matter of our guiltinesse; and be­cause the same power that bindeth the conscience, may also loose, so they may dispense with all the ten Commandements, and coyne to us a new Decalogue, and a new Gospell. They may legitimate murthers, paricides, and illegitimate Godlinesse▪ [Page 35] and right [...]snesse and sobri [...]ti [...], by this Divinitie.

4. That must be false ( It is better to obey God nor man, Act. 5.) but to abstaine from scandalizing a weake brother, is an act of obedience to the sixt Commandement. Ergo, the contrary can­not be done at the command of Prelates. 6. Gods positive lawes yeildeth (Thou shalt not kill) to wit to the law of nature. Da­vid may eat shew bread, when he is famishing. Ergo, the Pre­lates law farre more must yeild to the sixt Commandement (thou shalt not scandaliz [...], nor kill the soule of him for whom Christ died.) 7. Rulers must all be infallible law-makers. 8. Rulers might command bodilie murther, and it should not be murther, they may command to digge pitts in the way of Tra­vellers, To marry with Infidel [...], to send abroad a goaring Ox, to give knives to little children.

They object. A Master a father, may command a servant and a son to do that, which if the servant or son refuse to do, their disobe­dience scandalizeth. And again, a Master, a Father, may com­mand the contrary, and if they disobey, they scandaliz [...] culpably. Erg. The commanding will of a Master and a Father, and farre more of publick Rulers, may make that to be active scandall, which is no active scandall. A Carpenter may command his servant to remove a tree from the East end of his house, to the West end, and againe, he may for his sole will, to try his servants obedience, com­mand him to remove it againe to the East end of his house.

Answer. 1. The Master, Father, Carpenter, command either these things as artificiall agents, from reason of art, and then the question is not touched, for in scandalls men are considered, as morall agents, or they command them as morall agents, and that either for their sole will and pleasure, and so they be idle and unreasonable actions, and cannot be lawfull commande­ments, and so are they scandalous both to Commanders and o­beyers, but they may well command upon just reasons, that which if servants and sonnes obey not, they give Scandall, and they may command the contrary of that same, at another time, when now contrary reasons maketh it lawfull and expedient, and if servants and sonnes obey not the contrary, they also give Scandall, but here the change is not from the will and authori­tie of the Commanders, but from the things themselves, which [Page 32] [...] [Page 33] [...] [Page 34] [...] [Page 35] [...] [Page 36] are changed, so that which is an active scandall at some time, the contrary of it may be an active scandall at another time, as in the ease, Rom. 14. To eat meats before the weake, which they conceive to be forbidden, by Gods law, is to slay him for whom Christ died, and an active scandall, because then the Ce­remonies were mortall and indifferent, nothing essentially con­stituteth an active and a given scandall, but these two; 1. That The essence of an active or given scandall. it may be left undone, as the author of the course of conformitie, Course of conformitie, pag 147. saith well out of Hieronimus, Without hurting of the truth of a sound life, and a sound faith and righteousnesse. 2. If upon the practice of a thing indifferent, and not necessarie, any of the foresaid three wayes, we see some shall be scandalized, though (b) Dimitten­dum est, propter scandalum, [...]om [...]e quod potest prae­termitti, salvâ triplice veri­tate vitae doctri­nae & justi [...]iae, Hierony. Gl [...]ssord. tom. 9. they take scandall upon an unjust ground, it is an active scan­dall, as to eat such meats before the weake, Rom. 14. is in ano­ther time and case, as Galat. 2. when the Ceremonies are now deadly, and upon just reasons not necessarie, the practising (I say) of the same, is an active scandall and so if any be scan­dalized at the eating, Rom. 14. it is scandall both taken, and also culpably given, and if any be scandalized at the not eating, as the case is, Galat. 2. That is only a passive scandall, and so not given, because the times of the expyring of the dutie of Cere­monies, and the full promulgation of the Gospell, varieth the case now, and the sole will of Rulers maketh not the change; So if any offer Incence to the Brazen Serpent, so long as it hath vertue, as Gods ordinance to cure the stinged persons, he is scan­dalized by a passive scandall onely, for Gods institution maketh it now the necessary ordinance of God, And the Magistrates suf­fering of the Brazen Serpent to remaine now, is no active scan­dall, and the passive scandall is onely taken away, by informa­tion, and the sound exponing of the right use of a necessary or­dinance of God. But after that the Brazen Serpent loseth its vertue, and is not now an ordinance of God necessarie, if any burne Incense to it, these who are by authoritie obliedged to remove it, and doth not remove it, they doe morally and culpa­bly scandalize.

Hence we see it is foolish and vaine, that some say, such as Hooker of Eccles [...] Policie, l. 4▪ pag. 157. Hooker. D. Forbes in Iren. lib. 2. c. 20. n. 19. D. Forbes. Sandersons Sermon, Rom. 14 pag. 22. 23. D. Sanderson, and Lyndesay his defence of Pearth Assemb. in Prafat Pay­bodie. Lynde­say, pretended Bishop of Edinburge, and Mr. Paybodie. That as [Page 37] Rome and Corinth the Church had not past her determination upon eating, and not eating, nor made any Church lawes upon these things indifferent, and therefore to eat, or not to eat, were matters of every private mans choise; But it is not the like case with our Ceremonies, for they remaine no longer indifferent, but are necessa­rie to us, after that the Church hath now made a commanding law upon them, and so the scandall that ariseth from our dutie of obedi­ence, to lawfull authoritie, is taken, and not given.

I answer, it is most false, that eating and not eating, in case of scandall was under no law in the Church of Rome and Co▪ rinth. For these most indifferent acts in their use, and cloathed with their Circumstances, when, where, and before what per­sons, were under the unalterable law of nature, as ( destroy not him, with thy meat for whom Christ died) a law which as the Course of Conformitie, pag. 146. course of conformitie saith well, cannot be dispenced with by no power but Gods. And Paul proveth by stronger arguments, to eat in the case of Scandall, was not indifferent, but simply evill, Then all the Prelates Canons on earth can afford, as Rom. 14. by eight Arguments, as we have seen, that it fighteth against Charitie, v. 15. Now walkest thou not charitably. 2. It is a destroying of him for whom Christ died, and so murther. 3. Contrary to Christs love, who died for that weake brother. 4. It maketh Religion and Christian Libertie to be evill spoken of. v. 6. &c. It is a sham then to say, that eating, or not eating, was indifferent, because free from any ty of a Church Canon, see­ing eating before a weake brother is under the ty of unanswera­ble Arguments taken from the law of nature, and Gods Canons written in the heart, forbidding under the pain of Goa's anathe­ma, and curse, (heavier then the Church anathema,) that we should, for meat, destroy him for whom Christ died, and so are the Canon-makers, and Lords of Ceremonies under a curse, if they for crossing, kneeling, surplice, destroy him for whom Christ died, or command him to be destroyed, by the practice of Cere­monies. 3. If this be a good reason the Church of Rome, and Corinth might have made such Ceremonies as these.

Notwithstanding the eating of meates, which some suppose to be forbidden by Gods law, be a killing of him for whom Christ died, and against Charity▪ and a reproaching of our Christian li­ber [...]ie, [Page 38] yet it seemed good to the holy Ghost, and to us, the Prelates of Rome and Corinth, to command eating of such meats, before weake ones, for whom Christ died. But certainly Paul would ne­ver have command [...]d, in a Canon, that which he writeth in Canonicall Scripture, to be a murthering of him for whom Christ died, and that which he would not practise himself, to the worlds end, so long as it standeth in the case of indifferencie, as he saith of eating of fleshes, conceived by some weake ones to be against Gods law, 1 Cor. 8. v. last, The Pope himselfe would, nor dare in conscience, to practise any of his owne Canons, even though they were yet not Canonically commanded or forbidden. Paul would not dare to put a law upon the Romans or Corinthians, to eat, or not to eat meats, before the weake, but commandeth not eating in the case of scandall. 4. Idolatrie is ever idolatrie, (saith Pag. 143. the course of conformitie) and so scandall being sinne it cannot cease to be sinne, because superiours commandeth it. 5. Though Apostolick authoritie being meerly divine, should command that which is in it self murther, and was [...]urther, before it be Canonically commanded, (which I think also is a false hypothesis) yet it shall never follow that humane autho­ritie, or Ecclesiastick authoritie can command scandall, which is spirituall murther; For if Ecclesiastick authoritie may com­mand murther, they may command idolatrie, for active scan­dalizing is as essentially murthering of one for whom▪ Christ died, as to worship an idoll, is essentially idolatrie. Therefore Master Sydserfe pretended Bishop of Gall [...]way being straited with this argument, sayd, Though humane authoritie cannot in­vert the nature of things, or make spirituall murther, to be no murther, yet they can by a Church Canon put the mindes of people in such a change, as now they are not in the hazard to be justly scandalized▪ for a scandall (sayd the Prelate)▪ is ens rationis, no reall thing but a fiction of reason, the nature of it being in the ap­prehension of the ignorant and blind, who are scandalized, and a law may remove this ignorance, when it giveth light, and sheweth the expediencie of things indifferent. To which I answered, you may, call idolatrie, if you please, and all sinnes, fictions of rea­son, but not only doth scandall given proceed from ignorance and blindnesse of the apprehension of the partie scandalized, but [Page 39] also from the unseasonable practising of a thing, which is no wayes necessarie in the worship of God. The course of Course of Conformitie. pag. 143. con­firmitie saith well, He that denieth that there is any scandall, is like one who could not see the wood, for the trees—the walking of Diogenes is meetest for a Zeno, who against all reason denyeth that there is any motion. We may hence judge what to say of Forbes Iren. l. 2. cap. 20. n. 6. D. Forbes his Answer to the place, 1 Cor. 9. Who saith that Paul was under no Ecclesiasticall law, not to take wages, and therefore in not taking wages, he was not a contemner of Ecclesia­sticall authoritie, but we are under a Church law to practise the Ceremonies, and yet we refuse them. I answer; If then the Church of Corinth had commanded Paul in their Canons to take stipend, for preaching, he was obliedged to take stipend, yet he proveth that it was not lawfull for him, as the case of scandall then stood, to take wages, v. 18. he should abuse his power in the Gospell, and v. 19. 20, 21. he should not have becommed all things to all men to save some, and these things had been sinfully scan­dalous, if (as the case was then) Paul for a penny of wages, which he might have wanted, having no familie to provide for, should have layd a stumling block before many. And the Do­ctor Forbes, lib. 2. cap. 20. n. 19. Non potest hu­mana potestas te cogere ad facien­dam illud quod facere non possis abs (que) inevitabilidatione scandali. [...]aith No humane power can compell a man, to doe that, which he cannot doe, except inevitably he give scandall. The Do­ctor addeth; The Apostle teacheth not that to take stipend was unlawfull, or of it selfe scandalous, yea he taught it was lawfull, and that they should not be scandalized thereat, because Christ hath ordained, that he who serveth at the altar, should live upon the Altar, but you teach that the Ceremonies are unlawfull. I Answer 1. In this argument of Scandall, we give, but doe not grant, that they are not unlawfull, but indifferent. 2. Though to take wages be lawfull, yet it followeth not, that it is not in Pauls ca [...]e at Corinth of it selfe scandalous; for to eat all meates is lawfull, Rom. 14. and 1 Cor. 10. 23. All things are lawfull, v. 26. The earth is the Lords, yet to eat before the weake, was in it selfe scandalous, Rom. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1 Cor. 10. 28. 29. 3. It is a most weake reason to prove that to take wages was not scandalous, because for [...]ooth the Corinthians should not have been scandalized: for to be scandalized is to sinne, and there is no reason in sinning, [...]. If this be good, [Page 40] adulterie and murther in David, is not of it selfe scandalous, for as no man hath reason to sinne, so no man hath reason to be scandalized, at Davids sinne. Pauls taking wages at Corinth should have been a sinfull hindering of the Gospels progresse, and therefore of it self sinfull; and so of it selfe scandalous. But I return to the Doctors.

Duplyers pag 67. 68. n. 46 47.

As for that which yee say, that when Scandall may be taken at the doing of the thing commanded, then the thing commanded becommeth inexpedient, and so ought not to be obeyed; that yee be not more deceived with this errour, we pray you marke, that a thing commanded, by our Superiours, in Church or Policie, m [...]y be two wayes inexpedient, to wit, either in respect of some particular Persons, who th [...]ough weaknesse, or mali [...]e, doe stumble at it, or else in respect of the body in generall, because it is contrary to Or­der, Decencie and Edification. If the thing commanded be inex­pedient, the former way, we may indeed, in such a case, for eschew­ing the Scandall of the weake, forbeare the practice of the thing commanded, Hic, & nunc, in some particular places, and times: provyding alwayes we doe this without offence of our Superiours, and without the scandall of others, but we cannot totally forbeare practice, for we are to looke more to the utilitie, which the body of the Church may receive, by the thing commanded, and by our obe­dience to our Superiours, then to some particular persons. 47. But if the thing commanded be in our private judgement inexpedient, the other way, we ought not for that, to deny Obedience to the lawes of the Church; for when the inexpediencie of a thing is questio­nable, and probable arguments may be brought, pro and contra, concerning the expediencie of it, wee have sufficient warrant to practise it, if the Church inact it as expedient. Otherwayes your way is so dangerous, that there shall never be peace, nor unitie in the Church, for men ordinarily are divided in judgement, concerneing the expediencie of things. Suppose a Synode consisting of one hundred Pastours, threescore shall think this particular Ceremonie expedient, for the good of the Church, and in respect of pluralitie of voyces▪ make an act to be concluded for the establishing of it, shall the remnant fourty, who are of the contrary judgement, deny obedience to the acts of the Synode?

[Page 41] Answer. 1. This distinction of inexpedient in the matter of indifferent Ceremonies is Popish and vaine, for if the Ceremo­nie be indifferent, and may be wanted in the worship of God (as these Ceremonies be) if one soule, for whom Christ died, shall be murthered thereby, it is hoc ipso, to be judged inexpedient and scandalous in it selfe, and so cannot fall under the object of a Church Canon, as 1 Cor. 8. 13. If meat make my brother to stum­b'le (he saith not the whole Church) I will not eat. Ergo, he cannot command others to eat. 1 Cor. 10. 28. But if any man, [...], say to you, this is offered in sacrifice to Idols, eat not, [...], for his sake that shewed it. Ergo, if it seem expedient, and so be scandalous to one, let alone to a whole Church, we are totally to forbeare it, and Paul would, while the world standeth, 1 Cor. 8. 13. forbeare it. 2. You will not have us to forbeare a thing indifferent, that actively (for the passive scandall, I hope, you regard not as a scandall) doth scandalize, but with a provision that we doe it without offence of Superiours, and without the scandall of others. But I aske, Doctors, what you meane by Offence of Superiours, if you meane without dis­pleasing and inciting our Superiours to anger. 1. You ignorant­ly confound displeasing and Scandalizing, When a Pastor re­buketh Superiours, as Jeremiah, Elias, and John Baptist, in the good old world did, they did displease Superiours, but not scan­dalize them; yea, they did edifie their Superiours, while as they did offend them. It is wicked Divinitie, to mean, that we are not to eschew the murthering of a weake brother for whom Christ died providing we offend not, that is, displease not our Superiours. Will you to please men displease the God of hea­ven, and commit spiritual homicide? This is worse then Poperie.

But if you meane, that wee are to forbeare the thing commanded for eschewing the scandall of the weake, providing we doe it without the offence of Superiours, that is without the active scandalizing of Superiours, then 1. your distinction is vaine, for if we scandalize culpably our superiours by our for­bearance, though it be inexpedient to all private persons, we are not to forbeare, because in no case can we breake the sixt Commandement, and scandalize our Superiours. 2. You shall be forced to give [...] case, wherein we are necessitated by Gods [Page 42] providence, and that by way of contradiction, whether we for­beare, or forbeare not, to murther either the soules of some weake ones, or the soules of Superiours, by our forbearance of the practice of things judged expedient by Superiours, you make us to murther the soules of Superiours by the non-for­bearance, or you will have us to murther the soules of weake breathren, if we practise. This is a wronging of Providence, and a Ma [...]ichean tenent, that we can be under such a necessitie of sinning. Yea, there must be two centra [...]y revealed wills in God, commanding, by forbearing the Ceremonies, not to mur­ther Superiours, and commanding by not forbearing, not to murther weak brethren; and so God commandeth both to for­beare, and also not to forbeare. If you say, the weake may be informed, and then it is a passive scandall onely, and practising is lawfull at the commandement of Superiours. I answer, 1. Then your distinction hath no use here. 2. I answer. Let the Superiours, who have more knowledge, be informed, that to abstaine from a practice, that may murther any one redeemed by Christ, is Christs commandement ( Thou shalt doe no mur­ther) then it is but a passive scandall, and not an active, or cul­pably given scandall. Ergo, we are to forbeare the thing com­manded for eschewing of the scandall▪ (hic & nunc) of the weake, even though with the offence, that is the passive scandall of Su­periours and others, which is contradictorie to the Doctours. 3. If we may forbeare obedience to Gods positive Commande­ments, hic & nunc, for esehewing of Scandall, farre more may we, hic & nunc, not crosse, not kneele, hic & nunc, when cros­sing and kneeling murthereth one for whom Christ died, even though it offend our Superiours. Ergo, this provision of the Do­ctors is vaine; and Superiours are unjustly offended, if our non­murthering of weake brethren offend them, nor are we to care for the Doctors provision here. 4. No utilitie can truly redound to the whole Church by practising of an indifferent thing which culpably occasioneth the murthering of a weake brother, Ex­cept our Doctors meane, that sinne may edifie the whole Church. 5. They say, if the things in our private judgement be inexpedient the second way, that is to the Church, the Church cannot Command them, except the Church command against [Page 43] her conscience. 6. If matters in their expediencie be questiona­ble and probable on both sides, the Churches determination should end the controversie (saith the Doctors) this is the Do­ctrine of the Jesuites, Suarez de Rel. to. 4. l 4▪ tract▪ 5. cap 15. Si, sec [...]us [...] prae­cept [...], res ex [...] ­tr [...] (que) [...]a [...]te sit probabilis tunc universaliter ve­rum erit adjun­cto praeceptoobe­di [...]dum esse. Suarez. Thom. San­chez [...]n Deca­log▪ to. 2. lib 6. cap. 3. n. 3. Thomas Sanches, and Greg. de Val. [...] 3. disp 7 q 3 punct. 2 Gregor de valent. as I shew before Supra q. 6. of this Trea­tise. when a thing is pro­bable, and I be resolved in conscience against neither of the sides, and feare the one side be murthering him, for whom Christ died, which is against Gods commandement, and know that humane authoritie commandeth the contrary and am per­swaded it is indifferent, and a positive commandement of men, if the Churches determination be here to sway my conscience; to practise, is to me blind obedience, for humane authoritie as it is such, giveth no light. Ergo, it cannot remove my doubt­ing, and beget faith; and also the conscience is so much the bolder to venture on a sinne, against God, for feare of eschewing a sinne against men, which is questionable, and in a matter in­different, this is also the stout conscience of Bonaventura 2 sent. dist. 39. plus est standum praecepto Praelati quam conscientiae. 7. Our Doctors say, our way is against the peace of the Church: But I answer, their way is Popish, and against the truth of God, in commanding our consciences to rest upon the wicked will of men. And their instance of a Synod of a hundred Pastors may be brought aswell to prove the Synode of Trent is to be obeyed, as for the present purpose,

Duplyers, pag. 69.

Yee will say this argument is Popish, and leadeth men to acqui­esce. without tryall, upon the determination of the Church. But we answer in matters of faith the truth, whereof may be infalli­bly concluded out of the word of God▪ we ought not, without tryall to acquiesce unto the Doctors of the Church, and in this respect we dissent from Papists, who ascribe too much to the authoritie of Councells, as if their decrees were infallible. But in matters of Po­licie, if we be certaine, that in their owne nature, they are indiffe­rent, and if the expediencie of them onely be called in question, see­ing no certaine conclusion, concerning their expediencie, can be in­fallibly drawn out of Gods word—we are to acquiesce to the de­crees of the Church. 1. Because otherwise it is impossible to agree [Page 44] in one conclusion, in matters of this kind. 2. Disobedience shall prove more hurtfull then obedience.

Answer 1. This is a wide step, to make all things in Scrip­ture, either matters of faith, or matters indifferent. That there were eight persons in Noahs Arke, and that Sampson s [...]ew a thou­sand with the jaw bone of an asse, are not matters of faith, as mat­ters of faith are contradistinguished, from things indifferent, many are saved, who neither know nor believe many things of this historicall veritie in Scripture, yet are they not matters in­different. But the Doctors are reconcilers with the Belgik Ar­minians, who deny all the things contraverted betwixt Papists and us, and betwixt us and Arminians, and Anabaptists, at least the most part of them to be fundamentall▪ and that either side may be believed, and holden, without hazard of salvation, and therefore we are to leane to the Churches determination in these without farther inquirie. 2 They mean, that in matters contra­verted, and in all things indifferent; as whether in this, or that fact, we doe murther him for whom Christ died; Wee are to give our faith and conscience over to the Church without further tryall. 3. What if wee be▪ not perswaded of the indiffe­rencie of the things commanded but doubt whether they bee commanded or forbidden in the Word, as is now the present case of Ceremonies to us, for we cannot be perswaded of their indifferencie, and the Doctors saith they are not matters of faith. Ergo, by their own doctrine their distinction is defe­ctive. 4. Scripture is also perfect in resolving us, what is scan­dall and murthering of our brother, as what is Idolatrie and Blasphemie, and therefore we are not to hang our faith here up­on the Churches Canons without farther tryall, as you say. 5. That the Scripture is perfect in matters of faith, but imperfect in matters of Policie, that is in matters wherein we may kill him for whom Christ died, is no better then the Papists distin­ction, who teach us that the Scripture is perfect in the articles of faith, not in traditions, so Scotus Scotus prol. in sent. q. 3. ad art. 3. saith. True Theologie according to Divine revelation is onely of things in Scripture, or which may be deduced out of Scripture. And Suarez Suarez 10. [...]e leg. cap. 1. & de trip. vi [...]. Theologie, Tract. 1. disp. [...]. q. [...]. saith, Things that belong to accidentarie rites are left to the Churches determination, but the Scripture implicitly containeth all articles of feare [Page 45] faith. And so saith Banne [...], tom. in q 1. [...] 10. dub 2. Bannes, and Duvallius, 2 tract. de le­gib q 5. art. 1. [...]d ar [...] 2. Duvallius. 6. Your feare is vain, that we shall have no order nor peace, if Scripture be judge, and not the authoritie of the Church, in matters which you call indifferent, for the Church giveth out Canons concerning things strangled, & blood, which were matters indif­ferent, and that from the word of God, Act. 15. and that in great unitie and peace. Gods word maketh unitie, and not mens au­thoritie. 7. Disobedience to Church Canons in case of given Scandall, is neither disobedience, nor hurteth at all; It possibly offendeth men who will tyrannize over the Conscience, and if any be induced thereby to sin, it is a scandall taken, not given. Abstinence from murthering a weak brother, is obedience to God, and so no active Scandall.

In the 48 Section▪ The Duplyers doe but redouble over again the arguments already brought and answered by me divers times to D▪ Robert Barron in private, while he was silenced, and (as I conceived) satisfied. Especially, they say our disobedience to superiours in things lawfull and expedient, is most scandalous to others, and that because we, by nature, are most unwilling to be curbed, and to have our libertie restrained. Therefore Calvin Calv. in In [...]. [...]u [...]. 2 cap. 8. sect. 35. saith, God, that he may allure us to obedience to [...]riours, called, superiours, Parents.

I answer. 1. The Doctors are too hastie to call that obedi­ence to Superiours which is in question, We say it is disobedi­ence to the [...]ixt Commandement, because it is a scandalizing of our brother. Ergo, it is not obedience to the fift Commande­ment to practise indifferent Ceremonies, when they doe scanda­lize. 2. Our argument is made against the practise of Ceremo­nies, before they be enacted in a lawfull Assemblie, if they be murthering of the weak, before Pearth-Assemblie, the will of Prelates, yea, and all the authoritie of men or Angels, cannot make the practise of them, to be no murther, for mens will can­not make that which is sinne and guiltinesse before God, to be no sinne, but due obedience to the fift Commandement, though the Doctors expresly say this.

Duplyers, pag. 71. Sect. 44.

But we with good warrant [...]oe averre, that the precept which fobiddeth the resisting of the civill power, and in generall the de­nying [Page 46] of obedience to the lawfull commandements of our Superiors, is of greater obligation then the precept of not scandalizing. Their first reason I put in forme to them thus. That is of greater obliga­tion which commandeth acts edificative to all, then that which com­mandeth acts edificative to some only, for the good of all is to be preferred to the good of some particular persons, and we are to have a greater care of the salvation of all, then of some. But the precept of obedience to Superiours is universall, and commandeth the act of edifying all to wit, obedience to Superiours, and an act to eschew the scandall of all to wit, disobedience. But the precept of eschewing the scandall of some, doth but edifie some only, and not all Ergo &c.

Ans. 1. It is soon proved by your learning, for the precept of Gods law to eschew scandall, to you is no precept, and so of no obligation, when Superiours command to scandalize, so you may prove that snow is whiter then the raven, when as the ra­ven is not white at all.

I answer. 2. That precept is of greater obligation that com­mandeth acts edificative to all, then that which commandeth acts edificative to some. It is true, 1. if it be a lawfull command of God, but the [...]ssumption applyed to your purpose is most false, the command to obey Prelates, when they command things in­different, the obedience whereof doth culpably occasion the murthering of him, for whom Christ died, is not a commande­ment edificative to all, yea, it is a Commandement of acts destructive to the soules of all. This Argument would have some colour, if it were not a vaine begging of the question, for they lay downe as, confessed, that the practise of Ceremonies, from whence many soules are ruined, is obedience, and obedi­ence to the fift Commandement. This is to be proven, and con­stantly denyed by us, because disobedience to the sixth Com­mandement, and murthering of our brother, cannot be obedi­ence to the fift Commandement.

Duplyers pag. 72. n. 50.

The fift Commandement commeth neerer to the nature of pietie Ames. M [...]dull. l. 2 c. 17. sect. 13. and religion contained in the first Table, and the honouring of pa­rents (as your owne A [...]sius saith) by prophane authours, is [Page 47] called by the name of religion and pietie. 2. It is the ground of obe­dience (sayeth Pareus) to be given to all the rest of the precepts of the second Table. 1. Because all societies Oeconomicke, civill, and Ecclesiasticke doe consist, and are conserved by the subjection of [...]nferiours to superiours. 2. Our superiours are set over us, to the end, we may doe our dutie to all others. Hence saith your owne Amesius; Crymes which directly procure the perturba­tion, confusion, and eversion of societies, are more grievous then the violation of the singular precepts: and Dyonisius Bishop of Alexandria, writing to Novatus saith, Martyrdome suffered for eschewing of schisme, is more glorious, then Martyrdome for es­chewing Idolatrie.

Ans. You said before matters of Policie are not matters of faith. Amesius is a Protestant writer in matters of faith, by grant of all, it is like then you terme [...]mesius our owne, not yours, because he wrote against Arminians and Papists, and so that Arminians and Papists are yours, and Protestant Divines ours. 2. We grant the precedencie and dignitie to the fift Com­mandement above the rest, but your Ceremonies that break the sixth Commandement, shall find no roome in the fift Com­mandement. Cause the fift Commandement speak thus, if you can; Notwithstanding, that crossing, kneeling, surplice, humane holy dayes occasion the soule murther of him for whom Christ died, yet we the Prelates command the practise of the foresaid Ceremo­nies as good and expedient for edification, for our Commandement maketh the murthering of our brethren, to be obedience to the fift Commandement. But if Prelates may command that which would be otherwise, without, or before the Commandement, spirituall murthering and scandalizing of our brother, they may command also, that which would be otherwise without, or be­fore their command, adulterie against the seventh, and theft a­gainst the eighth, and perjurie and lying against the ninth Commandement, and concupiscence against the tenth; for the fift Commandement hath the precedencie before the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth Commandements, no lesse then before the sixth, which forbiddeth the killing of our brothers soule. 3. What Amesius and Parens saith, doe well prove the dignitie of the fift Commandement, above all the Commandements of [Page 48] the second Table; but this is not to our purpose, but every commandement of the fifth Commandement; yea, every com­mandement of the first Table, is not above every commande­ment of the second Table. The love of God, is more then the love of our neighbour, and the love of God should, and doth, command obedience to all the ten Commandements, Deut. 30. 6. 7, 8. & Deut. 10. 12. Yet every duty and commandement that the love of God requireth of us, as to offer sacrifice, is not for that a greater commandement then every commandement of the second Table, yea, the taking of a sheepe out of a ditch on the Lords day, commanded in the sixth Commandement, is more then sacrifices commanded in the second Commandement, as our Saviour saith, Math. 12. v. 11, 12. and though the fift Commandement be laid upon us as the fountaine and cause, yea to this end, that we should keepe all the rest, as Divines say well. Yet it followeth not that every commandement of the fift Commandement, as when my father commandeth me to preach in a linnen Ephod, and to cast a Character with my thumbe in the aire, as crossing is, shall be of more obligation then this commandement of God (Thou shalt not destroy his soule for whom Christ died) 4. It is false, that denying of obedience to Pearth-Assemblie, commanding indifferent straws and feathers as (kneele to consecrated Bread, the Image of Christ crucified) doth directly procure the perturbation and confusion of humane societies, as the Doctors saith. There is great difference betwixt subjection to superiours, and obedience to superiours; When private men, as the three Children will not bow to Nebuchad­nezzars Image, there is no confusion brought in for that, if they had risen against the King in armes, as Papists doe in Ireland against our King, that is confusion, and subverteth directly hu­mane scocieties, but to suffer punishment by Superiours, is sub­jection to superiours, as is cleare, 1 Pet. 2. 17. Honour the King. 18. Servan [...]s be subject to your Masters with all feare, not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward. 19. For this is thanke-worthy (this subjection) if a man, for conscience reward God▪ enaure griefe, suffering wrongfully. 5. What Dionysius said of the ill of schisme is for us, for schisme is against love to our brethren, and a renting Christs body. 1 Cor. 1. 13. and a grea­ter [Page 49] evill then non-obedience to Prelates, when they command indifferent Ceremonies, occasioning the r [...]ne of him for whom Christ died. To say nothing that the Doctors of Aberdeen are the Schismaticks who have now separated from the Church of Scotland, and our Nationall covenant with God.

Duplyers pag. 37. n. 51.

Thirdly, these offices or duties, which we owe to others by way of Justice, are more strictly obligatorie, then these which we owe to them, only by way of charitie. But we owe the dutie of obedience Melul. Theol. l. 2. c 16. s. 58 59. 60. 61. 62 63. to our Superiours, by way of justice, and therefore it is more obli­gatorie, then the duty of eschewing scandall causlesly taken, which is a duty only of charity. 1. The major is a maxime not only of Scholasticks▪ and of Popish casuists, but also of our Divines. So Amesius, The major is cleare for the duty of obedience which wee owe to the publicke Lawes of the Church and Kingdome is▪ Justi­tia legalis, a generall legall Justice, and as it is in subjects, it is a vertue inclining them to the obedience of all lawes made for the benefit of the Common-wealth, as Aristotle saith. 2. It is debi­tum obedientiae, the debt of obedience which we owe to our Supe­riours, grounded upon the proper right which our Superiours have to exact this right of us, so that they may accuse us of injurie, and censure us, if we performe it not. Debitum justitiae fundatur in proprio jure alterius; and also it is debitum morale, a debt of dutie unto which we are tyed by morall honestie in Gods comman­dement. There is a great difference betwixt these two debts; As for example, a man oweth moneys to the poore by a morall debt, but to his creditours he oweth them by a legall debt, or debt of ju­stice: and therefore he is more strictly obleiged to pay his creditour then to give almes. Such like by morall honestie, and Gods pre­cept also; a man oweth to his neighbour, a pious carefulnesse, to imped sinne in him, by admonition, instruction, good example, and by omission even of things lawfull, when he seeth that his neighbour in respect of his weaknesse, will be scandalized by them. But his neighbour hath not such a right to exact these duties of him, nei­ther can he have action against him, for not performing of them, as our lawfull Superiours have for our due obedience?

Ans. 1. Here be the white shifts of Mr. Sanderson, Paybodie, [Page 50] Downham, who place Loyaltie above Charitie. We owe to our brother love, but to the Ruler (say they) love and justice. 1. Why doe they not extend Loyaltie to its utmost, even loyal­tie to the King of kings? whose royall law saith▪ ( Thou shale not scandalize (Thou shalt not murther) they draw in loyaltie to Rulers who shall die as men, and to their commandement of things indifferent, which God hath not commanded. 2. It is true, these duties which we owe to others by way of justice, are more obligatorie then these which we owe only by way of charitie, caeteris paribus, When duties of the law of Nature, and mo­rall Law, are compared together, then indeed the duties which we owe, both by the tye of Justice and Charitie, are more obli­gatorie, then the duties that we owe only by the tye of Charitie. As for example; My father is in danger, before my eyes, to be drowned, in one deepe water; and before my eyes also, my neighbour and friend is in danger of the like kind; the two tyes and bands of Justice and Charitie, both by the fifth and sixth Commandements are more obligatorie, hic & nunc, and doe more strictly obliege, that I run to succour, and preserve the life of my father, then the life of my neighbour, for the obligation to my neighbour, is only charitie, by the obligation of the sixth Commandement, which obligation ceaseth, hic & nunc, at this time, when my fathers life is in hazard; and thus farre the Do­ctors argument goeth for strong, as Schoolemen, Casuists, and Divines teach. But it is not to a purpose for the Doctors; For all offices and duties generally, and universally, of what ever kind, which we owe by way of Justice, are not more obliga­torie, then duties which we owe, only by way of Charitie, as when duties of a positive commandement of God, enjoyned by our Superiours, and duties which we owe by charitie only, are compared together, then the Doctors major Proposition is not cleare of it selfe, as they dreame, nor doe Casuists or Amesius, or Divines say with them, but truth, and all our Divines say a­gainst them. Let us suppose that the King, and Convocation, and Assembly of Priests and Prophets of Israel make a Canon according to Gods Word. That no manner of man presume to eat shew-bread, save the Priests only. All men owe obedience to this, both because it is Gods expresse Law, and by the band [Page 51] of Justice, the Elders and Assembly of the Ancients have for­bidden it. But if our Doctors argument stand strong, David at the point and hazard of famishing for hunger, sinned in eat­ing shew-bread, yet Christ acquiteth him of all sinne, and saith Math. 12. 5. he and his followers are [...], blamelesse. Now Davia was under a dutie by mercy, and love to his owne life, and he lives of his followers, to eat shew-bread, and he was under the band of Justice, by the law of the Ancients of Israel, and Gods law, not to eat. Therefore in some cases, when our Superiours commandements are only positive Lawes, they are not more obligatorie, then duties of Charitie, only commanded in the law of nature. I cleare it further thus, I see my neigh­bour in danger before my eyes of drowning, and my father commandeth me to goe and labour, or sowe his farme in that time, while I am to preserve the life of my neighbour in pre­sent danger, to lose his life, in a great water. By the Doctors maxime I am under the higher obligatorie tye of Justice, to obey my father, who commandeth a thing both lawfull and necessarie by vertue of the higher Commandement, to wit, the first of the second Table, then I am obliged by the sixth Com­mandement, and of charitie only, to give present succour and help to my dying neighbour, so I must let my neighbour die in the waters, to give a dutie of justice to my father, of farre lesse necessitie. I would not commit my conscience to such Casuists, as are the Doctors of Aberdeen. But if the Doctors would see with some new light of reason; it is cleare, that not only the tye of Justice maketh the precept more obligatorie, but also the weightinesse of the thing commanded; Yea, and if the positive Commandements of the Lord our God, who of Justice and king­ly soveraigntie▪ hath right to aske obedience of us above all earthly Superiours doe yeeld and cede as lesse obligatorie, then commandements of love only, that are commanded in the law of nature. What doe our Doctors clatter and fable to us of a right of Justice, that mortall Rulers have to command in things indifferent, from which the destruction of soules doth arise? for these commandements of Rulers, (kneele religiously before bread, the vicegerent image of Christ crucified) (keepe humane holy-dayes) Crosse the aire with your thumb above a baptized [Page 52] infants face) at best, are but positive Commandements, not warranted by Gods word. But shall they be more obligatorie by a supposed band of Justice that Prelates have over us to command, such toy's then this divine law of God and Na­ture, Rom. 14. For indifferent dayes, meats, surplice, destroy not him for whom Christ died? All the Casuistes, and Schoolemen, Navarra, Sylvester, Sanchez, Raphael de la Torre, Meratius, Duvallius, Thomas, Scotus, Bonaventura, Suarez. Ʋasquez, Grego. de Valentia, Albertus, Richardus, Biel, Corduba, Ange­lus, Adrianus, Alphonsus, Becanus, yea, and all the hoast of our Divines cry with Scripture, that Mercie and the precepts of Love, and of the Law of nature, are more obliga­torie then Sacrifice, burnt offerings, and Gods owne positive lawes, yea, and that positive lawes lose their obligatorie power, and cease to be lawes, when the lawes of nature and necessarie duties of mercie and love (as not to murther our brother) (not to scandalize) standeth in their way. I might wearie the reader here with citations, and bewilder my selfe also, but it is a point of Divinitie denyed by none at all. 3. What we owe of Justice to our Superiours, is indeed both a morall debt of obe­dience, and a debt of justice, and law which Rulers may seeke by their place, and ex jure, as Aristotle saith, but this right is limited, Rulers have no right to seeke absolute obedience, but only in the Lord, not against charitie. And though the place of Rulers be authoritative, yet their commanding power, as touch­ing the matter of what they injoyne is only Ministeriall, and they cannot but in Gods place exact, that which is Gods due, and seeing God himselfe, if he should immediatly in his owne person command, he would not urge a positive commandement, farre lesse the commandement of light and vaine Ceremonies, against and beyond the precept of love, not to destroy a soule for whom Christ died. Ergo, Superiours under God, who bor­row all their right from God, cannot have a higher right then God hath. 4. The comparison of a man who oweth moneys to a Creditor, and oweth moneys to the poore, is close off the way, for he is obliged to pay the Creditour first, but the case here is farre otherwise; The debt of practising indifferent feathers and straws, such as kneeling, crossing, wearing Surplice, is neither [Page 53] like the debt owine to the poore, nor to the creditour; For na­tures law, and Gods word, 1 Cor. 10. 18, 19. maketh the non­practise, non-murthering obedience to God, when the practise of indifferent things, is a soule-stumbling to the weake, and the practising is but at its best obedience to a positive Law, and ought to stoope, and goe off the way, and disappeare when na­tures Law (Murther not) doth come in its way. When the Doctors put Loyaltie above Charitie, they suppose obedience to commandements commanding scandalizing of soules to be loy­altie to Superiours, which is questioned, it being treason to the Soveraigne of heaven and earth, to destroy his Image, it is ta­ken as loyalty by our Doctors, but not proven to be loyaltie, and so a vaine question here, whether Loyaltie be above Cha­ritie or not. But I dismisse the Doctors till another occasion. Other things as Popish tenents, in their booke are a thousand times answered by us.

Quest. V.

Whether or not in every indifferent thing are we to eschew the scandall of all, even of the malicious?

IT is knowne that many take offence at tolling of Bells, at a Ministers gowne while hee preacheth, at the naming of the dayes of the weeke, after the Hea­then style from the seven Planets, as Sunday, the day of the Sunne; Moonday, the day of the Moon, &c. It is true, Bells are abused by Papists, while as they be consecrated, bap­tized, used to chase away devils. But these be scandals taken, and not given, for we read not of scandals culpable in Gods word, but there be some apparent morall reason in them. 2. The ob­ject scandalizing hath no necessitie, why it should be. Now there is a necessitte of Bells to give warning to convocate the people to Gods worship, and they are of meere civill use, and have no morall influence in the worship, for the same tolling of bells is, and may be used to convocate the people to a Ba [...]on­court, to heare a declamation, to convocate Souldiers; there is [Page 54] no apparent morall reason why the tolling of a Bell should scandalize, and the toller of the Bell for warning of the bodily and personall convocation of the people, is not a morall agent properly; the action of tolling remaineth within the sphere of an acti [...]n physical [...]in lineà Physicâ, non in lineâ morali aut re­ligi [...]sâ aut Theologi [...]â, for so here I must contradistinguish a Physica [...]l action from a Religious action. 2. The tolling of bels have a necessitie of expediencie, I mean necessity in specie, in the kind, though not in in lividuo, in the particular, and no parti­cular can be more fit and convenient: people must have some publ que signe for the dyat of meeting▪ else the worship would be wearisome to those who met long before the time, and it would be scandalous and inconvenient, to others to meet after the publick worship is begun. If any say, tolling of Bells is not necessarie, sounding of Trumpets, beating of Drummes may be civill signes of convocating people; touling of bells be­ing so fouly abused by Papists to superstition, and so being not necessarie ought to be removed. But I answer, beating of Drummes wanteth the necessitie of conveniencie, as in raynie weather it could not be, nor can they give warning so conve­niently: blowing of Trumpets might seeme as Jewish, Joel cap. 2. v. 15. as tolling of Bells seemeth Popish, and the degrees of necessitie of conveniencie should sway the Chu [...]ches deter­mination in these cases, and this exsuperancie of necessitie of conveniencie is in all things, though we cannot see it alwayes; 2. The instamped civill gravitie in a Gowne, maketh it neces­sary with the necessitie of expediencie, being in it selfe a grave habit fit for an Oratour who is to perswade. 3. The names of dayes to signifie civill times and things, out of a religious state is necessary now: and the Holy Ghost doth use for civill signi­fication such termes, as Mars-street to signifie civill and meere­ly historically such a place. And the Ship whose signe is Castor & Pollux, yet these were heathen names, and most superstitious, and cannot be used in a religious state. I grant, we may not term our Jehovah, Jupiter or Baal; nor Christ, Mercurius, though he be the word of Gods mind to us, for God teacheth us other words and language in his Word. The truth is, that Robert Lord brooke, in a discourse of nature of Epis­copacie, cap. 5. pag. [...]6. learned noble Lord said well and judiciously, all the indifferencie (in the [Page 55] world) lyeth in our understandings, and the darkenesse thereof—but there is none in the things themselves, or actions, which are still either unlawfull or necessarie. And this is most true in a­ctions morall and humane. The Church putteth indifferencie on nothing, there a necessitie in respect of our darknesse, many be scandalized at things which seeme not necessarie to them, yet are they in re, in themselves necessarie. But conformists object, That the very will of the Church, Act. 15. made things indiffe­rent before the act now to become necessarie, if then the Church may take away indifferencie, she may give also. But I answer, The antecedent is most false, Junius, Calvin, Beza, Bullinger, Brentius, Pomeranus, Marloret, and the text clearly saith, by the law of Nature these were scandalous. So Origen cont. Celsum, l. 8. Origen think­eth to eat bl [...]oà was scandalous. And Strabo, l. 15. Strabo saith, the hea­then in their sacrifice dranke blood; Yea, Tertull. in 2 pol. ca 9. bibe­bant sanguinem humanum. saith Tertullian, the heathen dranke mens blood, and August. e­pist 19. Vt ve­tus synagoge hoc pacto cum hono­re sepaliretur. Augustine saith, they forbade these for a time in the case of scandall▪ that the ancient Synogogue might be buried with honour; Yea, Ireneus. lib. 2 cap 12. Ireneus, Tertullian de pudicit, c. 12. Tertullian, and Cyprian ad Quirinum, l 7. Cyprian will have these drawne to a spirituall sense, that they should abstaine from Idolatrie, shedding of blood and fornication; And Lorinus com. in act 15. ait esse legem mere positivam, quae r [...]moto, contemp­tu scandalo & alio peccato, non videtur arctè obligare. the Jesuit Lorinus saith this was a positive Law, which without the case of scan­dall, doeth not strictly abolish. Cajetan, vitare fornica­tionem est divini juri [...], reliqua [...] Canone erant ut mor [...]m gererent [...] Iudaeis quibus conviverent. Cajetanus, Fornication by Gods law was forbidden, the other things in the Canon were forbidden to gratifie the Jews. Philip. Gameth. in. 12. q. 104. 105. c [...]. 2 ad fovendum inter Iude [...]s & Gen [...]es mutu [...]m concordiam propter infirmitatem Iudaeorum. Philippus Gamethaeus a Sorbe­nist saith, they were forbidden to nourish concord betwixt Jew and Gentile, for the infirmitie of the Jewes. 2. That the will of the Councell made them not necessarie, whereas before the act they were indifferent, is cleare. 1. It had then been needlesse to discusse the matter by Scripture. 2. To alledge the holy Ghost as author of the Synod; It seemed good to the Holy Ghost, &c. if the bare will of men had made them necess [...]rie.

But saith Paybodie, par. 3 pag. 413. 4 [...]4. Paybodie, Any good thing may become an occa­sion of evill by accident, and through our fault, the Word con­demneth not occasions of ill by accident, but such only as are [Page 56] occasions of evill, and in themselves evill things, indifferent are not in themselves evill.

Ans. All occasions whether ill in themselves or indifferent, are occasions of sinne by accident, and through our fault who abuse them, but all occasions because occasions, and not because evill are forbidden, when as they are not necessarie, and this is Gods argument to prove that the Jewes are not to marry with the Canaanites for (saith the law) they will turne away your heart, after their Gods, to send abroad a goaring oxe, to seeke his food, hath no sinne in it, save only it may occasion the kil­ling of men; and the building of houses without battlements, and the going by the doore of the whoore, or comming neere her house, are not of themselves ill, but only forbidden under this reduplication, because they are occasions of ill: sinnes, as sinnes are forbidden, and as occasions of sinnes, they are also new sinnes, having a distinct illegalitie and guiltinesse in them, from this that they occasion sinne: and Gods law (as all Divines reach) forbiddeth sinne, and all occasions of sinne. Drunken­nesse is both forbidden as intemperancie, and also as an occasi­on of lust, and of speaking perverse things, as is evident, Pro. 23. 33. For then the spirit of Gods argument were null to dis­swade from drunkennesse, as he doth in these wo [...]ds, Thine eye shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things. Now we can shew that many wayes Ceremonies oc­casion sinne, as 1. they trimme and decore a Church for harlot lovers, from Rome, forbidden, Jer. 2. 33. Suarez, Franciscus de sancta clara, Gretserus, and other Papists, for these, werein love with the Church of England. 2. They occasion dissention in Gods house, and are contrary to peace, Ps. 34. 14. Heb. 12. 19. Rom. 12. 18. and so to be rejected. 3. They beare false witnesse of Poperie, which we disclaime. 4. They are against the spiri­tuall worshiping of God, and lead us backe to the carnall com­mandements, and beggerly rudiments of the law, from the Gospell, against the word of God, Joh 4. 24. Gal. 4 9, 10. Heb. 7. 16. Heb. 9. 8. 9. Gal. 3. 25. 26. Gal. 4. 1. 2. Coll. 2. 20. They are torches in day light, and vaine and uselesse. 5. They bring us under bondage to men, contrary to the Apostle, Col. 2. 20. and to the ordinances of men, and under the power of things, [Page 57] 1 Cor. 6. 12. 6. They are against our Christian libertie. They answer, especially Paybodie. Paybodie, and D. Forbes in Irenic [...]. D. Forbes, that Chri­stian libertie is not restrained by doing, or not doing a thing indiffe­rent, for so there should be no lawes made at all by the Church, con­cerning things indifferent, but Christian libertie not hurt, if 1. the Ceremonies be free to the conscience, and not made necessarie. 2. If they be not made necessarie to salvation. 3. If they be holden al­terable by mans authoritie. Ans. The question is perverted▪ for we question not if the use of things indifferent lay a bond on Christian libertie, but if the will of authoritie can make a law of things indifferent; when there is no intrinsecall necessitie in the things themselves, when necessitie of edification layeth on a tye, Christian libertie is not indeed restrained, for God then layeth on a bond. 2. Externall eating of meats, and observing of dayes, is a part of the libertie, wherewith Christ hath made us free, Coll. 2. 21. Eat not, touch not, taste not, men eat not meat with their minde or conscience, but with the teeth of their bo­dy, and to such externall eating, men are dead with Christ, as touching externall observation thereof, and Paul, Gal. 2. 19. as dead to the Law, living to God, and crucified with Christ, is freed from such Judaizing, as Peter fell into, but that Judaizing did not bind Peters conscience, neither was it repute of him, as necessarie to salvation, as he had taught, Act. 10. And the false Apostles pressed Circumcision, not, as tying the conscience, or as necessarie for salvation, but Gal. 6. 12. [...], &c. only, that they may not suffer affliction for the crosse of Christ, and yet to be circumcised externally without necessitie of conscience before God, crossed directly the libertie wherewith Christ had made them free, Gal. 5. 1. and 1 Cor. 9. Have we not power to lead about a wife, and sister aswell as others? Yet if the Prelates at Corinth should have made an act, forbidding Church-men to marry, though they had esteemed not marry­ing, both free to the conscience, and also not necessarie to salva­tion, they had laid bands upon Pauls libertie. 3. We see not how the Ceremonies are left free to the conscience, because they are alterable by the Church, for the reason of kneeling to bread, of humane dayes, of Surplice, is morall, not Nationall; there is no reason why prophaning of the Lords Supper, should not be [Page 58] eschewed, in all the world, and at all times, as in Britaine, and at this time; and Crossing and Surplice doth signifie dedication to Christs service, and Pastorall holinesse in all the world, as in Britaine, and therefore they cannot be nationall rites and altera­ble, but must be universall, and at all times, and in all places doctrinall. 4. The very externall Washings, Feasts, New-Moones, Offerings, though they should be thought free toward the conscience, are externall burdens against Christian libertie, as our Divines, Calvin In­st [...]t. l 3. c. 19. sect. 7. t [...]rtia (pars libertatis) ut nu [...]la rerum ext [...]n [...]r [...]m quae per s [...]siunt, [...], [...]lig [...]ne▪ cor [...]m D [...]o tan­g [...]remur quin eas nunc usurpare, nunc ind [...]ff [...]ren­ter liceal uti. Calvin, Ch [...]mnit. Exam. p [...]rt. 2. de rit. sacra. p. 33. Chemnitius, Polan. Syn­tag Th [...]ol. lib 6. ca. 9. Polanus teach­eth, and B [...]ll, de [...]ffi­cac Sacram, 1. 2 ca. 32 Bellarmine answereth, the places alledged speaketh of Jewish servitude. But our Divines especially Iu [...]ius in B [...]ll co. 3. l 4. [...]a 17. [...]. 19 20 Junius and Whitt [...]ker de pontif. R [...]m. q. 7. c. 3. ad 5. Whittakerus answer Bellarmine, that Paul, Coll. 2. speaketh against all Commandements of men, yea, hee speaketh against Angel▪ worship, which is not a Jewish shadow, whereof Christ is the bodie. But they say it is a wide rule, that all things that may be wanting in Gods worship, are to be omitted in the case of scandall. I answer, there be three sort of things here consi­derable. 1. Things not commanded of God, as all religious ob­servances, these are utterly unlawfull, when the using of them scandalizeth. 2. Things that fall under an affirmative precept, and these cannot be totally omitted, for eschewing scandall: for what ever God hath commanded is some way necessarie. Ergo, it some wayes, and in some cases, may be done, though offence be taken at it, but branches, or parts of affirmative precepts may be omitted, for eschewing of scandall, as such a particular kneeling in prayer, in such a place: but Gods affirmatiue pre­cepts leave not off to be alwayes scandalous actively though information be given, for where the use hurteth, the abuse and scandall is not taken away by teaching, to teach how Images should not be abused, make not Images to leave off to be scan­dalous objects. 3. There bee some things of meere civill use, as Bells, Gownes, Pulpits, preaching on Tuesday or Thurs­day. These be considered two wayes. 1 As necessarie with ne­cessitie of conveniencie simply. 2. With necessitie of convenien­cie. secundum prevalentiam graduum, as convenient in the high­est degree of necessitie, or that morall, maximum quod sit, in the first degree, what scandalizeth▪ is to be rejected; in the last re­spect they oblige, and if any be scandalized thereat, it is taken [Page 59] and not given. It may be the Church sees not alwayes the highest and superlative conveniencie, in these Physicall circum­stances, but they oblige not because of the Churches authoritie, no more then the word of God borroweth authority from the Church, but they have an intrinsecall necessitie in themselves, though right reason in the Church see not alwayes this necessi­tie, therefore that a signe be given for convening the people that the Preacher officiate in the most grave and convenient habite is necessarie, Jure divino, by Gods law, and that tolling of Bells, and a Gowne, a Pulpit bee as particulars most convenient for these ends, the Church Ministerially doth judge, so as the obligatorie power is from the things themselves, not from the will of humane Superiours. No necessitie of peace which is posterior to truth, no necessitie of obedience to authoritie, no necessitie of uniformitie in these externals, simply, and as they are such, are necessities obliging us to obedience: for things must first in themselves be necessarie, before they can oblige to obedience. I must obey Superiours in these things of conveni­ent necessitie, because they are convenient, and most convenient in themselves, and so intrinsecally most necessarie, but they are not necessarily to be done in themselves, because I must obey Su­periours, and because I must keep uniformitie with the Church. The will of Superiours doe find in things necessitie, and good of uniformitie, but they doe not make necessitie, nor the good of uniformitie: We should be servants of men, if our obedi­ence were ultimatè resolved, in the meere will of Superiours, in any the least circumstance of worship: and what I say of acti­ons, holdeth in matters of meere custome also.

But Master Sanderson, D. Forbes, M. Paybodie, teach that we are not to regard the scandall of the malitious, as of Pharisees. To which I answer, We are to have alike regard, in case of scandall, to wicked and malitious, as to weake and infirme. For we are not to regard the passive scandall of the weake more nor of the wicked, for who ever stumble at the necessarie ordi­nances of God, they take a scandall, which is not culpably gi­ven. But that we are to regard the active scandall of all, even the most malitious, I demonstrate thus, 1 Rom. 14. 15. Paul proveth that we are not to scandalize our brother, 1. because it [Page 60] is against charitie. 2. Because we are not to destroy him, for whom Christ died: but we owe love to the malitious, even to our enemies, and must not walke uncharitably toward him, as the law of God requireth. 3. A malitious man is one for whom Christ died, very often, as is cleare in Paul before his con­version.

2. 1 Cor. 10. 32. Wherefore give no scandall, neither to the Jewes, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the Church of God. 33. Even as I please all men in all things, not seeking mine owne profit, but the profit of many, that they may be saved. Here be many ar­guments for our purpose, All men; whether weake or wilfull, are either Jewes or Gentiles, and none more malitious against Paul, and the Gospell, then the Jewes, yet must we take heed that we give them no scandall.

3. If we must please all men, in all things indifferent, Ergo, Fran. Silvius Duacens Profes. in 22. q. 43. [...]. 7. concl 3. Charitas dicat ne absque omni causa [...]ff [...]ramus proximo, eti [...]m ex▪ malitia pec­caturo, occasio­nem peccati. Ita Tannerus, in 22. to. 3. ais. 1. q 6 duc. 9. asse [...]. 3 bon [...] conqued [...]m [...]bia [...]lavandis ad vitandum scan­dalum malitio­sorum. also malitious men. 4. If we must seeke the profit not of our selves, but of all men, and seeke to save them, and so seeke the salvation even of the malitious, as Christ prayed for his maliti­ous enemies, so must we not scandalize them. 5. I argue from the nature of scandall, scandall is spirituall murther, but the sixt Commandement for biddeth murthering of any man, either weake or wilfull, for no murtherer can have life eternall, 1 Joh. 3. 15. Now weaknesse or malice in the scandalized is acciden­tall to the nature of scandall active, for active scandalizing is to doe inordinately and unseasonably, that which hic & nunc may be omitted, from which any is scandalized, either weake or wilfull, to lay a snare to kill a wicked man (except it be, by the authoritie of him, who beareth the sword under God) is murther, no lesse then to kill an innocent man. 6. To scanda­lize actively, is to be accessarie to the sinne of the partie scan­dalized, but we may not be accessarie to the sinne of either wil­full, wicked, or weake, for it is against the petitions, that we are taught to pray, Hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdome come, Thy will be done, in earth, as it is in heaven. They love not the comming and enlargement of Christs kingdome, who doe not, what they can to hinder sinne, farre lesse is Gods honour their care, who doe that unnecessarily, by which any may fall in sin. 7. It is against the gentlenesse required in Preachers, and by [Page 61] proportion required in all, who are with patience to wait upon these who oppose the truth, if God peradventure will give them repentance, to the acknowledgement of the truth. 2 Tim. 2. 24. 25. 8. It is contrary to the example of Christ, and his Apostles, who as the learned Parker on the crosse, part 2. sect 8. Math. 17. 2 [...]. Parker saith, eschewed the active scan­dalizing of the malitious, Christ payed tribute, [...], lest we should scandalize the malitious Pharisees, for it could not but of malice be taken by Pharisees, who sought no­thing more then to bring Christ within the compasse of disl [...]y­altie to Caesar.

Quest. VI.

A further consideration of things not necessary, and how they be scandalous objects.

1. Dist.

SOme things are necessarie physically, as to eat flesh, Of the neces­sitie of things which remove scandall. and some things are necessarie morally, either be­cause of a law of nature, or a positive or divine command.

2. Dist.

The same way, Some things are not necessarie physically, and that either simply, as wee may live simply without some rare meats, that our Land and soyle doth not afford, or in some respect only, as without such and such flesh for­bidden by the law of God. Or things are not necessary Morally or Theologically, as to eat forbidden-meats befor a weake Jew.

3. Dist.

Some things Physically necessarie, as to eat fleshes being apt to nourish my body, may be Morally or Theologically not necessarie, being stambling blocks to my weak brother.

4. Dist.

Some things may be necessarie, in specie, and that morally, as to heare the Word, to Pray. But, in individuo, clothed with such and such circumstances may be not necessarie, as to goe to heare the Word, when my brothers house is on fire, that hearing is not neces­sarie, but may be scandalous, and the like we may say of praying in the streets.

5. Dist.

Some things may be necessarie Physically in private▪ as to eat for health some fleshes, which publickly before weake Jews, as the case was Rom. 14. is Morally not necessarie, but scandalous.

6. Distinct.

Some things are not necessarie, because of the mere positive will of God. As the temple of Baal, and therefore was to be [...]e­stroyed, Some things necessary from the only posi­tive will of God, Some things necessa­rie from some thing in the things them­selves. not for the abuse of it for a house has alwayes some ne­cessary use to man now in the state of sin. And of this kind were the cattell of the Amalakites, which were as necessarie of themselves for food, and sacrifice, as other cattell▪ and the Babylonish garment, and wedge of Gold, to which Achan's slimie hands did cleave, and therefore ehey were not necessarie, but to be abstained from by Saul and the Israelites. because of the sole positive command of God, Other things are not necessarie, both because God forbiddeth them and because of the scandal and sinfull consequences, that are pos­sible to fall out, as for Gods people to marry with [...]he idola [...]rou [...] Canaanites, was not necessarie▪ both because Gods forbidden will made it not necessarie morally, and also because they might draw away Gods people to serve their Gods, which was a fea [...]able, and a very possible snare, thought some idolatresses being married to the Jews, might have been drawne from their idolatrie, and gained to the faith of the God of Israel.

1. Concl. Monuments, or instruments of idolatrie, are of two sorts, either such things as have no other use at all, but to con­tribute Two sorts of monuments of idolatrie. sorne subservient influence in, or unto idolatrous wor­ship, and because these have all their warrant from a meere commandement of man, they are simply not necessarie, as the graven image, the idols themselves, all positive observances in Gods worship destitute of any command of God, and the use of these in any case must be scandalous, and so unlawfull, be­cause, if the Brazen Serpent now losing its primitive divine effect, which was to cure the stinged people, if it be but the passive object of robbing God of his glorie, in that Incense is burnt to it, have no use at all▪ but to be, as it were, a robbers Den to receive the stolne-away glory of God, it must be abo­lished. It is true things necessary abused in regard of our cor­ruption, are to be purged, and restored to their own use, but if [Page 63] they be uselesse, and of themselves have no fruite, but only, that they are fit to be abused, as useless pittes by the way side, and the Brazen Serpent, and a Razor put in the hand of a childe, and images, they are to be removed, both subject and accident, for that they be uncapable of purgation, therefore they are ca­pable only of abolition. It is not enough to say that wee may We cannot de­vise the use of any thing in worship, when we cannot de­vise the thing it selfe. devise a good use for them, as we may use Images to put us in re­membrance of God, for we may never devise the use of a thing not necessarie in Religion, when as we cannot devise the thing it selfe. But here we cannot devise the thing it selfe. Yea, if the thing it selfe be good, and lawfully usefull. As the eating of flesh, yet if it be lesse necessary, for the life, then the edificati­on of my brother. The Apostles excellent rule, Rom. 14. v. 15. must stand as a law discharging my eating▪ No man for this or this m [...]at, which is lesse necessarie, ought to hinder the salvation of his brother, which is more necessarie, by destroying his brother for meat. For cleare it is, this or that meat, without which I may live, is of fa [...]re lesse necessitie comparatively, then the sal­vation of one for whom Christ died. True it is also, if my bro­ther be scandalized, and so his soule in hazard, if I eat any at all, in that case, the scandall is meerly passive, for though my brothers salvation be of greater consequent and necessitie then my temporal life, yet my totall abstinence from meat is a killing of my selfe and heynous murther, and so forbidden in the sixt Commandement, and so a destroying of my own soule. And eating for conscience sake is necessarie, though eating of this or this meat be not necessary.

But there be other things that are instruments of idolatrie and subservient thereunto, in a Common and Physicall influ­ence, as a Temple builded to the honour of a Saint, and for the adoring of Images, and for the reading and opening the word of God in the New and old Testament, though in a cor­rupt way, these are not properly monuments of Idolatrie. Now the house or Church, as such is no monument, nor uselesse instrument in worship, such as is a Surplice, a humane holy day, for it hath, as such, being a thing of walls and timber, no other, then that very same physicall influence in worshipping either the true God, or a Saint, that it hath in civill use, in our [Page 64] ordinarie dwelling, to wit, to fence our bodies, in religious, in naturall, in civill actions, from injuries of heaven, clouds, and sin. The adjuncts of the Church, as Crucifixes, Images, Altars, Ravels, Masse-clothes, and the like, are properly Monuments, and instruments of Idolatrie, because these are not necessary, as is the materiall house, nor have they any common and physicall influence in the worship, as the Temple hath, yea all the neces­sitie or influence that they have in the worship, is only religi­ous and humane flowing from the will of men, without either necessitie from our naturall Constitution of body, or any word of Scripture, and therefore they are to be removed upon this ground, because they are unnecessarie snares to Idolatrie.

Object. This particular Temple or house builded for Saint Pe­ter, S. Paul, S. Cutbert is not necessarie for the worship of God, be­cause other houses of as convenient use, and necessitie may be had, for the worship of God, and this particular house ought to be de­molished as Jehu 2 King. 10. 27. destroyed the house of Baal, and made it a draught-house, as the law saith expresly, Deut. 7. 25. The place Deut. 7. 25. The graven image of their God shall ye burne with fire dicleared. The graven Images of their Gods, shall yee burne with fire, thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that (is on) them▪ nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination un­to the Lord thy God. v. 26. Neither shalt thou bring an abomi­nation unto thy house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it, but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhorre it, for it is a cursed thing. Or at least these Churches may be imployed for some other use, then for the worship of God, where they may bee snares.

Ans 1. We are carefully to distinguish betweene a law of Nature, or a perpetuall binding Morall law, which standeth for an eternall rule to us, except the Law-giver himselfe by a superven [...]ent positive law, which serveth but for a time, doe loose us from an obligation thereunto, and a positive tempo­rarie law. God saith in an exoresse law, of nature▪ that obligeth us perpetually (The sunne shall not be put to death for the sins of the father) no Magistrate on earth can lawfully take away the life of the son, for the sin of the father, for this eternally obligeth. Yet Saul was to destroy the sucking children of the Amalekites for the sinnes of their fathers, but he had a positive temporarie command of God to warrant his fact, 1 Sam. 15. 2. 3. [Page 65] none can inferre that we are from this law, which was a par­ticular exception, from a Catholick perpetually obliging mo­rall law, that Magistrates are now to take away the lives of the sucking infants of Papists. So this is perpetuall and morall, and warranteth us for ever to use all the creatures of God for our use. 1. Tim. 4. 4. Gen. 1. 27. 28. then we may lawfully use Gold, Silver, Houses, all creatures for meats, except some par­ticular positive law, or some providentiall emergent necessitie How houses and Temples builded to Saints are no [...] to be de­molished. forbid us, as the Ceremoniall lawes of the Jewes forbidding the eating of swines flesh, and some other meats, were no other thing, but Divine positive exceptions from the law of nature and creation, in the which God had created swines flesh, and all these other forbidden meats for the use of Man, and so by the same reason, God hath ordained Church and houses to fence off us the injuries of Sunne and Aire, in all our actions civill and religious, except that by a peculiar Precept, he forbid the use of the house of Baal, to the Jewes, to be a typicall teaching to us of Gods hating of Idols and Idolatrie, but not of our de­molishing and making uselesse all houses builded to the honour of Idols and Saints under the New Testament, except wee had the like Commandement that the Jewes had.

These who oppose us, in this, can no more inhibite us by any law of God, of the [...]se of a creature granted to us by the law of the creation, then they can interdyte us of the use of another creature, nor are we more warranted to demolish Temples and materiall houses which have only a physicall and common use alike in all our actions, Naturall, civill, and Ecclesiasticall or Religious, then of eating swines flesh, or of other meats forbid­den in the Cerem [...]nial Law, and to answer to the Argument, this or that materiall house builded to the honour of Paul and Peter is every way as necessarie in the worship of God▪ as a Temple builded of purpose for the worship of God, though another house may conduce as much for the worshipping of Temples and houses have a like physicall use in Gods worship, as out of Gods wor­ship. God▪ as this, yea it hath the same very necessarie Use, and Phy­sicall conveniencie, for the serving of God, that any other house hath, which was never builded for the honour of a Saint, which I prove, 1. because no creature of God▪ that is usefull to us, by the law of creation, is capable of any morall contagion to make [...] it [Page 66] unlawfull to us, but from the mee [...] will of God as the Gold and Silver, and Idol houses of the false Gods, and Images of Canaan are in [...]secally, and by the Law of creation, as pure, and mo­rally clean, as the Gold and Silver and Synagogues of the Jewes, and had their Physicall and civill necessitie, the one, as the other had. But from whence was it that the Jewes might make use of their owne Silver and Gold, and houses, and not of the houses, or silver and gold of the heathen Gods and Idols? Certainly this was from Gods meer positive will and command, fobidding the Gold and houses of the Idols of Cannan, and not forbidding the other, the Adversaries can give no other reason: therefore they must give us the same positive Commandement, for not making use of the Gold and Silver, and Temples of the Popish Idols, and Saints under the New Testament, that the Iewes had for refusing the Gold and Silver, and demolishing the Tem­ples of the heathenish Idols of Canaan. And if they say, Th [...] the very command that warranted the Iewes to abstaine, from the Deut. 7. 25, 26. use of the heathe [...]s Gold and Idol-temples, doth warrant us to ab­stain [...] from the use of the Gold and Idol-temples of Papists. It is answered, we have no warrant from the Word, but it shall warrant us as well to abstaine from swines flesh; if it be replyed, every creature of God eatable i [...] Good, and may be recei­ved lawfully▪ 1 Tim▪ 4 6 Rom 14▪ 14▪ I answer, so all gold, all silver all houses serving to [...]nc [...] off the injuries of heaven, and aire, are good, and fit for Mans use, and now blessed in Christ under the New Testament, except you say, that it is not lawfull to make use of the Gold and Silver of a Papis [...] Image, no [...] of crees of the Papists fields that b [...]aret [...] [...] fruit, for these also were discharged to the Iewes, Deut 20. v. 19▪ 20▪ and the reason why they [...]ight not cut downe the t [...] ▪ th [...] be [...] fruit, because these trees were mans life, Deuter. 20 19 whereas t [...] that beare no fruit were to be cut down, as not so necessarie for mans life. Now this reason is morall and perpetuall, and so are houses to sence off the injuries of the clouds a Manslife; except they bee forbidden by a positive law of God, and so necessarie as without the [...]se of houses no worshipping of God can be or­dinarily; And therefore in the second place, as we use Gold Sil­ver, Tamples▪ and materiall houses (though abused to Idolatrie) [Page 67] because the Lord hath created them for our use, his law of Crea­tion warranting us to use them, so can we not refraine from No Houses, no Temple, no creatures, are now uncleane [...]er the New Testament. the use of them, though abused by Papists, except wee have a speciall positive law to warrant us to refraine from the use of these necessarie creatures of God, so usefull for the life of man; For according to the grounds of these against whom we now dispute, the Garments of silke or cloth of Gold, that hath co­vered Popish Images, the Gold and Silver of the Popish Images, though melted and dissolved into innocent mettall, the Materiall Temples builded to the honour of Saints, are to be cast away and utterly abolished, as unlawfull to be used in any sort, for the Deut. 12. 1, 2. Jewes according to the Law, Deut. 7. 19. 20. might make no use of the gold or silver of the Heathen-Image, and Achan brought a curse on himselfe, for the simple taking for his use, the wedge of Gold, and the Babilon [...]sh Garment. Now we have no law in the New Testament to abandon the use of the creatures, for as Cornelius was not to count that meat uncleane, which God [...]ad cl [...]nsed, Act. 10. 15. So neither are we to count Silver and Gold, and houses uselesse, which God in the Creation made Good, and usefull for our life, and therefore no morall conta­gion can adhere so to these creatures, as we are utterly to disuse them, as creatures cursed, because they were abused, except it can be proved that the abuse of them hath deprived us of the necessarie use, that they have by the law of Creation; for cer­taine it is, as the killing of the sucking infants of the Amala­kites was typicall, and tyeth not us to kill the young children of Papists so was the disusing, or not using of Gold, Silver and Houses, abused to Idolatrie, typicall.

And before I come to the second Conclusion, An house for the worship of God is amongst the things that are necessarie, by way of dis-junction in speciè, not in individuo; that is, a house is necessarie, in its Physicall use, to fence off our bodies, the in­juries of Sunne, Aire, and heaven, but not this house, for ano­ther How things not necessarie are to bee ab­stained from, or used, in the [...]ase of Scan­dall. house may serve the turne as conveniently. But some ob­ject Then this, or this house Dedicated superstitiously to the re­ligious honour of a Saint ought to be removed out of the worship of God, 1 because by your owne confession. Th [...] individual house so abused is not necessarie. God may will be worshipped, without [Page 68] this house, though it never had been, in rerum naturâ. 2. From the worshipping of God in so Superstitious a place, many truly godly are so scandalized, that for worshipping God in such Superstiti­ous and Idolatrous places, they have Separated from your Church, conceiving that in so doing you heale the wounds of the Beast; It is true, it may be their weaknesse, yea but be it so, that it were their wickedness, that they are scandalized, yet by your doctrine, in things not necessarie you are not to doe any thing by which either the weake, or the wicked may be scandalized; as is cleare in the eating of meats, Rom. 14.

Ans. This argument may 1. be retorted against these who hold with us the same doctrine of Scandal, for, without eating of Swines flesh, my life may be preserved, and a malitious Iew may be, and necessarily is highly scandalized, that I, who pos­sibly am a Iew converted to the Christian faith, doe eat Swines flesh before him, for he conceiveth me to be an Apostate from Moses his law, therefore I should abstaine from eating Swines flesh before a Iew, who out of Malice is scandalized, by my do­ing a thing not necessarie, hic & nunc. But the conclusion is ab­surd: nor doe I think that many truly godly of the Strictest Separation doe stumble at our Churches out of wickednesse. Many truly Godly and Sincere refuse to come to our Churches, whereas many scandalous, well lustered hypocrites, who know­eth nothing of the power of godlinesse, but are sitten downe in the Scorners Chaire are admitted to the Lords Supper, and as the former cannot be excused, so I pray God, that the latter draw not downe the wrath of God upon both Kingdomes. 2. Things not necessarie which actively produce scandall must not be only indifferent Physically in their naturall use, as This or this house, but they must be indifferent both Physically and Mo­rally, for the Meats spoken of, Rom. 14. at that time, were both wayes indifferent. 1. They were not necessary but indifferent Physically in an ordinarie providence, both then and now, for ordinarily my life may be preserved, and suffer little losse by not eating Swines flesh, or such meats, in case of extreame necessitie of sterving, if any could have no other meat, they might eat then, as the case was, Rom. 14. because Mercie is better then Sacri [...] at alltimes. 2. These things Rom. 14. were indifferent [Page 69] Theologically or Morally in their owne nature, 1. v. 3. Let not him that eateth, despise him that eateth not: and let not him which eateth not, judge him that eateth, for God hath received him. 2. Because v. 17. The kingdome of God is not meat and drink. Sure, in Moses his time, to abstaine from such meats, and eat such, as the Lambe of the Passeover, the Manna, to drinke of the water of the Rock, was worship, and so some part of the kingdome of heaven, but it is not so now, saith Paul. 3 Paul clearly maketh them Morally indifferent. 1 Cor. 8. 8 But meat commendeth us not to God, for neither if we eat, are wee better (morally and before God) neither if we eat not, a e we (Mo­rally) theworse. Now this Temple or House Physically is indif­ferent, and not necessarie for the worship of God, for men may be defended from the injuries of Sunne and aire, Though this house had never been in rerum naturâ. But this Temple or house though dedicated to a Saint is not Morally indifferent, but Morally necessarie, so as if you remove it from the worship, because abused to Idolatrie, and give it in no use in the defending of our bodies from the injuries of the Wind, Raine and Sunne, you Iudaize, and doe actively scandalize the Iewes, and harden them in their Apostasie, and so this house though abused to Idolatrie, is not indifferent Morally, as the meats Rom. 14. But the using of it is necessarie and an asserting of our Christian libertie, as to eat blood, and things strangled, and Swines flesh even before a Iew, so to use all houses for a physicall end to defend our bodies from heat and cold, is a part of the libertie wherewith Christ hath made us free. But Cere­monies have no naturall and physicall use. The crossing of the aire with the Thumbe, the keeping of a day religiously with­out warrant of the Word, are not taught in the Schoole of Na­ture, and so are naturally not necessarie as This or this house, though abused to Superstition is, and the Adversaries that say they are Morally indifferent, as good, and as Spirituall Cere­monies in kind and nature, may be devised in their place. But in all this dispute of Scandall, we give, but doe never grant that the Ceremonies are indifferent, wee dispute here that they are scandalous, and so unlawfull in their use, upon the principles of Formalists; whereas we judge them in their nature, because [Page 70] they have not God, but the will of men to be their father and author, to be unlawfull, and repugnant to Scripture, because not warranted by either command, practice, or promise in Scripture.

Conclus. 2. As some things Physically necessarie must be ab­stained 2. Conclus. from, when the unseasonable using of them is a stum­bling block to our weak brother, in the case of the morall in­differencie of the thing, as it was in the eating, or not eating of meats once forbidden by Gods law, but then indifferent. Rom. 14. 14. 1 Cor. 8. 8. for then it was true, ( But meat commendeth us not to God▪ for neither if we eat are we the better, neither if we eat not, are we the worse▪) So in the case of physicall indifferen­cie, but of Moral and Theologicall necessitie, when an Evange­like law of Christian libertie has passed a determination upon eating, or not eating; Then to abstaine from eating upon a pretended feare of not offending a weak Iew, is actively to [...]ay a sinfull stumbling block before a weak Iew, and to harden him in Iudaisme, and here using of such meats, and the affirma­tive, to wit, to eat is lawfull and necessarie, the things being now morally necessarie, not morally indifferent, where as be­fore▪ the negative, to wit, not to eat was lawfull and necessarie. Hence to eat▪ Rom 14. 1 Cor. 8. before a weak Iew, was unlaw­full and an active scandall, the eating or not eating then of the owne nature being morally indifferent, and to abstaine from eating before a weak Jew, Col. 2. 16. 17. Gal. 2. v. 5. 11. 12. Gal. 5. 1. 2. 3. is unlawfull and an active scandall, because now eating is morally necessarie, and a standing in, and an asserting of the libertie wherewith Christ has made us free. And upon the same ground, for the Iewes, when the Ceremoniall law stood in vigor, to make use of Baals Temple, for a Synagogue to the worship of the true God, was unlawfull and against a Ceremo­nial Command of God, as was the sacrificing of the Amala­kites cattell to the Lord, and the using of the Silver and Gold of the Ca [...]ites Idols, Deut. 7. 25, 26. [...]6. 1 Sam. 15. 1, 2, 3▪ But when these things forbidden were in the case of morall indifferenc [...], as were certaine meats, Rom. 14. 1 Cor. 8. and c. 10. they were not unlawfull▪ by reason of any▪ such Ceremoniall positive Commandement▪ only by the unseasonable using of them▪ [Page 71] before weak Iewes, they were scandalous; But these same Idols houses, Silver and Gold now, when we are f [...]lly possessed in that libertie▪ wherewith Christ has made us free, Are so to be used as the good creatures of God given to both Iew and Gentile now under the Gospell, by the ancient Law of creation, that now to abstaine from the use of houses, Gold and Silver abused to ido­latrie and worshipping of either Popish Saints or Idols, and the Idols of Pagans, upon any pretence of a Ceremonial Command, were to Iudaize, and to betray our Christian libertie, and the highest scandalizing and hardening of the Iewes. For that is a mere Ceremonial Commandement which depriveth us of the use of things or creatures, that are naturally usefull to us, such as are houses, cattell, silver, and Gold, upon the meere will of the supreame law-give [...]; And upon this ground to disuse Churches builded to Saints by Papists, is Iudaizing, for the thing is not morally indifferent, as meats were in the case Rom. 14. 1 Cor. c. 8. c. 10. but the use is morally necessarie for the asserting of Christian libertie; Christ having made every creature of God good in its native use, for man, both Houses, and Gold and Sil­ver, as all meats are 1 Tim. 4. 4. 5. Genes. 1. 28. 29. and having made all things new, Revel. 21. 5. and given us a new spirituall right to them, 1 Cor. 3. v. 21. 22. 23. and therefore to take them from us, by any Ceremoniall law, is to put us againe under the old yoake, from which we are freed through Iesus Christ, Acts 15. v. 10. 11. And the houses, and Gold and Silver, though abused to Idolatrie, doe now returne to their physicall uses▪ of which the Iewes, by a temporarie positive law, were interdyted, for the time of their in [...]an [...]i [...], yea▪ if we were interdyted of any creature of God, by such a law we might not eat of oxen and sheepe, that had belonged to Papists, who are Idolaters, for Saul was never to use the Cattell of the Amalakites for common use, nor for food, nor for sacrifices to the Lord: And it should bee unlawfull to melt the Silver-Images of Papists, and convert them into money▪ for the poore, or cups them into silver bowls or cups, for the lawfull use of the Lords Supper. I grant to sell Images of Gold or Silver to these who use them, as formall Idols is unlawfull; as to sell a whore for money to these that should prosesse the buying of her for [...]lo [...]i [...], were to be [Page 72] accessarie to that harlotrie, especially seeing Idols formally re­maining so are, ex naturâre [...], for no other end but for Idolatris; they have no necessarie physicall use for the life of man, sarre more, if they be the portraictures of the Father, Sonne, or holy Spirit▪ if they be of stone, or of any thing, that cannot be usefull for mans life, then must they be defaced and broken, le [...] we lay the stumbling block of our iniquitie before others. Now, if from any law of the Iewes, or practise of Moses, and Ezechiah, houses builded to the honour of Saints, Silver and Gold of Idols, were to be made uselesse, in their physicall use, in the worship of God, or for our civill use, then were we, upon that ground, to dissolve the stones and timber of such a house, and to bray and stampe the Silver and Gold into powder, as these holy Rulers did. People here fleeing from Antichrist fall evidently in Iu­ [...]ais [...]e, and make themselves, with the Galath [...]ans, debtors to Circumcision, and all the Ceremonies of Moses, which thing we condemne in the Anti-Christ.

Object. If we must abstaine from the use of no creature gran­ted to us, by the law of creation, except we have the warrant of a positive Ceremoniall law for it, then the Romans were not to for, beare eating of such and such meats, before a weake Iew, for feare to scandalize him for whom Christ died, But this later is untrue: for by the law of nature, and a perpetuall law, Paul would ne­ver, for meat, offend his brother: the law of naturall Charitie will dictate this to us, without any positive mandate, we are not for a m [...]thfull of meat▪ the losse whereof is so small, to put the soule of our brother to so incomparable a hazard, as to be losed.

Ans. These meats▪ Rom. 14. and 1 Cor. 8. 10. were then in­different, but they are not so now, when the Gospell is fully promulgate, for we may not now to abstaine from Meats for­bidden in the Ceremonial law, for feare to offend a weake Iew, for our abstinence should harden them in their [...]beliefe, that Christ is not yet come in the flesh. To make Temples and houses dedicated to Saint [...], as indifferent now as meats were then▪ and the argument were concludent▪ But to demolish Churches and remove their physicall use now were as Iudaicall, as to forbeare to eat Swines flesh. We are not to deprive our selves of the physicall use of [...] of this▪ or this meat as thinking [Page 73] we are bound by any law of God to forbeare the use thereof, and especially we are not to doe it, as conceiving we are under the tye of a law given to the Iewes, whereas we are under no such tye, or law, at all. But the disusing of Temples dedicated to Saints, that the Adversaries plead for, Deut. 7. is a totall re­nouncing of all use of them, & the places they alledge from the Ceremoniall law doth conclude it: for the Temples, silver and gold of the Idols of Can [...]an were altogether uselesse to Israel. It was Achan's sinne, that he tooke the Babilonish garment, and the wedge of Gold; for any use civill or religious, though he should have bestowed these for any religious use, or the reliefe of the poore and indigent: yea, though it was scandalous to none, he having taken these privately and by theft, yet the very taking of them was a curse to him, and the whole Camp of Israel, for the totall abandoning of all use whatsoever of these houses, Gold and Silver, which in themselves, and by the law of Crea­tion were physicall, and in regard of that naturall use they had from their Creator to supply our necessitie, can have its rise from no other totall and compleat cause, but from the sole positive Things scan­dalous under the N▪ Testa­ment are for­bidden in a farre: other sense, then m [...]a [...], dayes and other things in the Ceremoniall law. will of God, discharging his people of the whole use of these creatures at all, as if they had never been created for the use of man, whether their use should be scandalous to others, or not scandalous. But by the law of nature, which, I grant, saith ( Thou shalt not scandalize nor murther the soule of him, for whom Christ hath died.) The Romans, Rom. 14. and the Corin­thians, 1 Cor. 8 were forbidden the eating of fleshes forbidden in Moses law▪ But with these two restrictions 1. they were for­bidden not all eating of these meats in private, but only in the presence of a weak Iew, and for the conscience of others, in the case of scandal, 1 Cor 10 28, 29. (2) They were not by the law of nature that inhibites scandall, forbidden the totall use of these meats, in any case, so as they should make these meats ut­terly uselesse to themselves, or to any others. As the Iewes were forbidden to make use of the Canaanitish Idols, Gold and mo­ney: And of the Cattell of the Amalekites, either secretly or openly, either in the case of scandall given to others, or not gi­ven. And Achan payed deare for his Babilonish garment, and his wedge of Gold, though he tooke it by theft.

[Page 74]

Ob. 2. But the reason of the law, is the soule of the law. Now the reason of the Law, Deut. 7. 25. why God forbade his peo­ple to take the Gold or Silver of the graven image, is l [...]st thou be ensnared therein. But this reason holdeth under the Now Testa­ment, and is moral and perpetuall. The very mat [...]riall house de­dicated to Saints and Idol [...], by Papists, is a snare to our soules; if we shall worship God in them, or if we shall name the Church from Cutbert, Giles, or the like, except we would say, as Papists doe, that we are not now, under the New Testament, so much [...] ­clined to Idolatrie, as the people of the Iewes were of old.

Ans. The halfe-reason or incompleat morall ground of the How far a mo­rall and per­petuall reas [...]n maketh a law perpetuall. law is not the soule of the law: But you must take in all the reasons, the words of the text are these. Thou shalt not desire the silver and gold that is on them, nor take it to thee, lest thou be in­snared therein: for it is an abomination unto the Lord thy God. v. 26. Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it. Now what made that Gold an abomination to the Lord, more then all the gold of the earth? it is of it selfe the good and usefull creature of God, no lesse then all the gold of the earth: nothing made it an abomination to God, but, if we look to the originall cause, there was a positive, free command of God forbidding Israel to covet, or use that Gold. The Canaanites themselves, by the law of nature might lawful­ly have melted that same very Gold, and made use of it, with­out sinne. 2. It is not a good reason, Such a law had a mor [...]ll and perpetuall reason. Ergo, the law it selfe is perpetuall and mo­rall. It followeth only: Ergo, the moralitie of that law is per­petuall. For all the Ceremoniall laws had a morall and perpe­tuall reason: As the shadows had a moral substantiall ground in Christ the bodie of all shadowes: but it doth not follow there­fore the shadows and Ceremoniall law in the letter must bee perpetuall: Very often in the booke of Leviticus, there is no Levit. c [...]. 11. reason given of the Ceremoniall laws. But, be ye holy, I am the Lord, that sanctifies you. This is a morall and perpetuall reason, that endureth to the end of the world, yet it is no due consequence: therefore all these shadowes and Ceremonies shall indure to the end of the world, The reason is, because it is the sole positive will of God that maketh a temporarie concatena­tion [Page 75] between not eating blood, and not being cruell, and be­tween sacrificing and being holy, and yet not being cruel is per­petuall, not eating blood temporarie. (3) If things indifferent, as the eating of flesh, before a weak Jew, Rom. 14. be a snare to my owne soule and to the soules of others: I am to abstaine from these and the like. But that I must abstaine from the totall use of any creature that God has made usefull for the life of man, by the law of creation, as Israel was to abstaine from the cattell of the Amalakites, and to stamp in powder, and make altogether uselesse the Gold and Silver of the heathen Idol-Gods, is altogether unlawfull, and a very Judaizing, and its to make, as Paul saith, Jesus Christ of no effect.

Object. 3. But at least we are to abstaine, for scandalls sake, from worshipping the true God, in these Temples, and houses abu­sed to idolatrie lest we lay a stumbling▪ block before others, even as the Romans and Corinthians were to abstaine from meats, before such weake Jews, as conceived these meats to be unlawfull; seeing the losse of such meats and abst [...]nence, for a time▪ was nothing com­parable to the losse of one soule for whom Christ died, so the losing of the use of a materiall house in a religious use▪ so it be imployed to some civill use, and be not totally lost, is nothing comparable to the scan [...]alizing and i [...]sn [...]ring of the soules▪ both of Jewes and weake Christians, which will certainly follow▪ if we use Tem­ples dedicated to Saints in Gods worship.

Ans. It is true, the losse of the use of a materiall Temple, is nothing comparable to active scandall, which is the destroying of any soule. But the refusing to worship God in these mate­riall Temples because abused to Idolatrie, were not only a dis­using Disusing of houses because abused to ido­latrie, a Iudai­sing. of the creature, without any warrant from God, but an open Judaizing and an active scandall both to Jewes and Chri­stians, though we should imploy the houses to civill use, for a­ny externall conformitie with the Iewes, when the thing is not indifferent, in religious acts, such as is the disusing of the Churches, is Iudaising: for should we now use Circumcision and the Passeover▪ with an open, printed and professed intenti­on to signifie Christ already come in the flesh, and should make an open declaration against the Iewish intention in these ordi­nances; we should no lesse Iudaize, then Peter, who Gal. 2. [Page 76] did only practise an externall conformitie with the Iewes, with no Iewish intention, sure he was perswaded that Christ was al­ready come in the flesh: yet was he justly rebuked, by Paul, for Iudaizing. For the losse of an house in a materiall or physi­call use of it, I grant it is not comparable to the losse of a Son. But the losing of it on a religious ground, is another thing. When the religious losse of the house is not indifferent, as was the Abstinence from some meats indifferent then, but sinfully scandalous before a weak brother.

Ob. 4. But if the worshipping of the true God in these mate­riall temples, be no lesse an ensnaring of us in popish Idolatrie, then the using of the Gold and Silver of the Canaanites Idols, then we are to disuse all worshipping of God in these houses, as well as they were: But the former is true, for we may be no lesse insnared with materiall houses, then they.

Ans. I deny the major Proposition▪ for the eating of blood, the taking of both the young bird▪ and the damme in the nest, was an insnaring of the Iewes to crueltie, through their abuse of the creatures, the use whereof God▪ had made both lawfull and necessarie to them in the Creation. The blood was the life of the beast, and the Lord requireth in us mercie▪ to our beasts life, whereas the tender mercies of the wicked are cruell▪ Prov. 12. 10. yet is it not lawfull for us to devise any way, we please, to keepe us from being snared in crueltie, for then upon the same ground, it were unlawfull for us to eat blood, contrary to the expresse word of God, Rom. 14 14. 1 Cor. 10. 25. 26. 1 Tim. 4▪ 3. 4. God by a positive and Ceremoniall Command hedged in the people of the Iewes, from being insnared in Idolatrie, and, by some Ceremonies, taught them to detest all Idolatrie: but it doth not follow, that we Christians are to inure our hearts, from being insnared with Idols, and to a detestation of Idolatrie, by these same Ceremonies that they were commanded, for then we were obliged to stampe the Golden and Silver idols, to dustand powder: and to cast the powder into the river as Moses did the Golden Calse, Deut. 9. 21. and behoved to drinke of that water, Exod. 32. 20. 1 Chro. 15. 16. 2 King. 18. 4. so it followeth no wayes, though the physicall use of a materiall Temple, should insnare us to Idolatrie, that we are therefore to disuse that house; [Page 77] except we had the same Ceremoniall command to warrant us, that the Jewes had, and by this argument, you may bring us backe to observe all the Ceremonies of Moses his law, Because all these Ceremonies were appointed in the wisdome of God, ei­ther to keepe us from being insnared in some sinne, and to raise, in our heart, a detestation thereof, or to teach us somewhat of Christ, of whom we be naturally ignorant and forgetfull.

Ob. 5. But at your first reformation of the Church of Scot­land, your Reformers, such as M. Knox, and others▪ demolished most of the fairest Churches in that Land, and for no other reason, but because they had been nests of popish idolatrie.

Ans. That Churches in so farre as their use extendeth, far­ther then to the commodious propulsation of injuries of Sunne and Ai [...]e, be demolished, we can well allow, for these that were demolished by our Reformers of blessed memorie; nor so spacious and inconvenient for hearing the word of God and celebration of the Sacraments, being ordained for Masses, Idols, for blind superstition, that the very length, breadth, height, beauty, and glory of them might redound to the glory of Saints and Idols, that it was reason they should be demo­lished in so farre as they conduced nothing for the physicall and necessarie end, for which Churches are ordained under the New Testament; And thus farre we allow of the breaking of Images, Crosses, Crucifixes, and all Monuments of Idolat [...]ie, so as the matter of all these, whether Timber, Marble stones, Mettall of Gold, Silver, Brasse, or the like to be imployed, for the necessa­rie use of mans life, but that all their superstitious forme and Bells for the convening of the people to publick wor­ship not to be abolished, [...]ough they have been a­bused to super­stition. religious use be utterly abolished. As for the abolishing of Bels abused in time of Poperie; because they have a necessarie and Physicall use to give warning for the seasonable conveneing of the people of God, to the publick worship, I see no ground, for it, from Deut. 7. or other places, but we must be necessitate to stampe to powder the very Mettall of Bels, and to render them not only uselesse in Churches, but any other way tending to the good of mans l [...]e.

Object. But Num. 31. 21, 22. rayment and skins▪ and vessels of wood taken from Midian, though taken as spoyle were purifi­ed, and the Gold and silver, brasse, yron, &c. were purified by fire, [Page 78] and not made uselesse, so the Churches dedicated to Mary, Peter, and to Angels, and Sains, are not to be made uselesse, they may be imployed for the poore to dwell in▪ but they can have no religious use in the worship of God, except we would heale the wounds of the daughter of Babel.

Ans. I deny not but Churches dedicated to Saints, and in regard of their vaine and ostentive spaciousnesse unprofitable for hearing the Word, may be imployed to civill uses for ordi­narie dwelling; But I see no ground how this can be according to the places cited by our godly Brethren of the contrary minde except the Churches were first purified, in some Ceremonial way, as God prescribeth that the spoyle of Midian be purified, which our Brethren cannot say, except we would make our selves deb­tors to the whole Law, for so the law was, Num. 31. and so Paul doth reject Circumcision, Gal 5. 3. and if it be said the necessitie of the poore requireth that these Temples be not loo­sed, but imployed for the poore, as David in point of necessitie eat the Shew-bread. I answer 1. The poore, as the case was, Rom. 14. might eat Swines flesh, and so ruine him, for whom Christ died, which is absurd for their necessitie might require it. But certaine it is, Davids necessitie was layd on him by the sixt Commandement as an act of mercie in the point of star­ving, and if any poore Iew were in the like case, I conceive it should have been scandalizing to that Jew to eat Swines-flesh, before another weake Iew. Providentiall necessitie may make that which is a sinfull scandalizing to bee obedience to the sixt Commandement, but the will of Superiours can make no such providentiall change as the D▪ of Aberdeene doe dreame▪ But if the necessitie bee lesse then the Necessitie in point of sterving, it could justifie the poore Iewes eating of meats con­ceived to be against the law of God, as the case was, Rom. 14. But that the Church or house dedicated to a Saint, should have no physicall use in the worship of God, to defend us from the injuries of Sunne and Heaven, and yet have the same use▪ in common, for the poore to dwell in, wanteth all shadow of rea­son, for how can it be proven that the same physicall use in the worship is unlawfull, and yet out of worship is lawfull▪ except there intervene some Ceremoniall and religious purging of the [Page 79] house, by fire or some other way, which were Iudaical under the New Testament, for the necessity of the poor, is not like the neces­sity of Davids eating of Shew-bread: Its certain, that the necessity of disusing the creature in a Physical usage, in the worship, must have a warrant in Scripture, as well as the using of the same, in the same usage, must have the like warrant.

Object. 5. But Bels are more hurtful to the souls of Gods people, who are scandalized by them, then they are useful for the tymous and seasonable convening of the people, and therefore they may well be aboli­shed, being lesse necessary, and necessary onely ad melius esse, for the bet­ter ordering of the Worship of God, and not simply necessary for the be­ing of the Worship. Now as the Lord our God will have a lesser necessity to yeeld to any greater, a bodily necessity to give place to a soul-necessity (the soul being more excellent then the body) as is clear in that God would have his people to dispence with the lesser losse of the spoyl of the Amalakites of their Idols, gold and silver, that the greater necessity may stand, to wit, their not being allured, nor their teeth put a water­ing, and their heart to a lusting after the Idols of Canaan; so would he have us to abolish the Saints Temples, the gold of Popish Images, the Bels that are lesse necessary (seeing the Sun may teach as well as the Bell) for eschewing soul-dangers in laying stumbling blocks, both before our own souls, and others.

Answ. 1. It is denyed, that Bells which have a necessary use, though onely for the better ordering of the worship of God, are any active objects of scandal, and the meer passive scandal taken at any thing not indifferent, but physically necessary, and so neces­sary, that without it sinful inconvenients of either wearying in the service of God, or sinful neglect should follow, is no sinful scandal given, but meerly taken.

2. There be two necessities of things, one natural, and first in that regard, another religious, and in that regard secondary; the former necessity doth alwayes stand, except God remove it by some posteriour commandment. Its necessary, that Adam and Evah eat of all things that God created for eating. God (I grant) may remove this necessity in some, and command either Adam to fast for a time, or not to eat of the tree of Knowledge: So say I, warning by Bells hath a physical necessity, the use of the Temples in worshipping hath the like necessity, so have Gold and Silver a [Page 80] necessity. god onely, either by a Commandment, or by an exi­gence of providence that standeth to us (as in the case of a scan­dal) for a command can remove the physical necessity, and inhibite Israel to use such and such Gold, as have been in use in the Heathen Idols, and may forbid to perform an act of obedience to an affir­mative command in the case of scandal▪ as he may forbid Paul to take wages for Preaching the Gospel, though Paul have some na­tural necessity of taking wages. But the Church without a higher warrant from God, hath no power to restrain us in the necessary use that God hath given us. Make Bells and Temples as indiffer­ent and unnecessary as some meats were, Rom. 14. and I shall yeeld the Argument.

3. That the Lord our God will have a bodily necessity as the smal­ler, to yeeld to a soul-necessity as the greater, is a ground not so sure, but it ought to have been proved, except by a soul-necessity, you mean a necessity of saving the soul, and not sinning against God, and oppose it to a mee [...] bodily necessity, including no sin in it▪ then I shall grant the Assertion, That the one necessity i [...] greater then the other. But otherwise, Cateris paribus, other things being alike, I conceive it is contradicted by Iesus Christs saying, Matth. 12. cited out of Hosea, Chap. 6. I will have me [...], and not sacrifice: And here we must determine the case of scandal to the soul from the exsuperance of necessity to the body and life. The case falleth out, David and his followers are at the point of starving for hunger (it may be a question if the pre­sen [...] necessity be so great) there being no bread for them, but the Shew-bread, which by a Ceremonial Law of God, onely the Priests should eat: If any of the followers of David out of a groundlesse scrupulosity of conscience should have taken Pauls Argument, Rom. 14. and said to David▪ I will starve rather ere I eat this bread; for a divine law forbid [...] me; and if▪ thou eat of it, it shall be a scandal to [...], and wilt thou for bread destroy him for whom Christ died? The Apostle Paul would not, for so smal a thing, as to eat swines flesh before a weak Jew, in the case, Rom. 14. destroy the soul of one for whom Christ died, by laying before him a stumbling block, by his unseasonable and scandalous eating. I think (if Scripture cannot possibly be contrary to Scripture) this doubt might easily be removed, by answering the case was [Page 81] not alike with David in his hunger, and so in a Physicall and naturall necessitie to save his owne temporall life, that by all probabilitie was in great danger, and these who being in no such necessitie, did eat such meats scandalous, and so distructive to the soules of weake ones, and having varietie of other meats to keep them from sterving, and so a meere necessitie of preser­ving the bodily life, if we compare one affirmative command of God, with another, may remove that which may be suppo­sed a soule necessitie. And the reason is, because in the doctrine of scandall, which is more intricate and obscure then every A most neces­sarie rule to be observed in the doctrine of scandall, that emergent pro­vidences of na­turall necessi­tie are to us in place of divine commands, in some cases. Divine conceives, God placeth acts of providentiall necessitie as emergent significations of his approving will, which are so to us, in place of a divine Commandement of Gods revealed will, and these providentiall acts of necessitie doe no lesse oblige us to morall obedience, then any of the expresse written Commandements of God. I cleare it thus. There is an expresse law. It is s [...] and unlawfull for David, or any man, who is not one of the Lords Priests, to eat shew-bread. But God commeth in, and putteth David in such a posture of divine providence, that if he eat not shew-bread, he shall be sinfully guiltie of violating a higher morall law of God, who saith, I will have mercie and not sacrifice. Then Da­vid shall be cruell to his owne life, and sinne against the sixt Commandement. Thou shalt doe no murther. If he eat not, for not to eat, when you are in a providentiall condition of sterving, if you may have it, is to kill your selfe, and this providentiall condition doth no lesse oblige you to the Morall obedience of the sixt Command, then if God in the letter of the Law should command you to eat. This fact of David was not done by any extraordinarie impulsion of the Spirit, but by a constant chanell that Providence ordinarily runneth in, according to which I, or any Professor must be obliged to preferre a worke of Mercie to Sacrifice, that is, by which we are to give obedi­ence to the sixt Command, which is not to kill, even as with­out extraordinarie impulsion, I may absent my selfe from hea­ring the Word, when I find going to Church may indanger my life, for non-obedience to affirmatives, in a greater necessi­tie▪ is ordinarie. And therefore Christian prudence, with which the Wisdome of God keeps house, Prov. 8. 12. doth determine [Page 82] many things of scandall: And prudence is a vertue commanded in the word of God, for a wise man observes times, and so will he observe all other circumstances, yet there be rules here which standeth alwayes, and they be these. 1. Comparing a physicall Considerable rules [...]ou hing the kindes and degrees of ne­cessitie in es­chewing scan­dall. and meerely naturall necessitie with a morall necessitie▪ if we yeeld to the physicall necessitie, and neglect the moral, we sinne against God, and may lay a stumbling blocke before others; as to eat such meats, where the losse is small, and the necessitie of eating meerely physicall, and the eating be a scandall to the weake, we sinne and give scandall, the case is cleare, Rom. 14. for eating, 1. Rule. (the case being indifferent, as it was, Rom. 14.) is a meere phy­sicall necessitie, and not scandalizing a weake brother, is a mo­rall 2. Rule. necessitie. 2. Rule, if we compare a greater morall necessitie with a lesse morall necessitie, the lesse necessitie must yeeld to the greater, a necessitie of mercie must yeeld to a necessitie of sacri­ficeing; if David then should not have eaten the shew-bread, in his providentiall necessitie of samine, he should have been guiltie both of active scandalizing the soules of others in kil­ling himselfe, and should have killed himselfe, and the lesse mo­rall necessitie ceaseth, and is no necessitie, when a greater moral 3. Rule. necessitie interveneth. 3. Rule▪ Where there is a physicall necessi­tie of the thing, yet not extreame, and a morall necessitie of absti­nence, we are to abstaine; The Jewes had a physicall necessitie of the Babylonish Garments, but not so extreame, in point of pe­rishing, through cold, as David had of Shew-bread▪ in point of sterving for famine, therefore Achan should have obeyed the morall necessitie of not touching the accursed thing▪ and neg­lected the physicall necessitie, which if it had amounted to the degrees of necessitie of mercie, rather then obeying a Ceremoniall Command, such as was ( Touch n [...]t the accursed spoyle) Ach [...] might, without sinne or scandall, to himselfe or others, have 4. Rule. medled with the spoyle. 4. Rule. That which is necessarie, in speciè, in the kind, as to goe to Church and heare the Word, to come to the house of God and Worship, may be, in individuo, in a par­ticular exigence of providence, not morally necessarie, but the con­tradicent thereof morally lawfull. David doth lawfully forbeare to come to the Lords house, if he knew Saul may kill him, by 5. Rule. the way. [...]The things which we are to forbeare only for neces­sitie [Page 83] of scandall, and upon no other ground, these I may doe in pri­vate, if I know they cannot come to the notice of these who shall be scandalized, upon the ground of lesse physicall necessi­tie; as Rom. 14. beleevers, for their necessitie ordinarie, and for nourishment, might eat fleshes in private, though before a weak Jew they could n [...] ▪ because the sinne is not in the act of eating, but wholly in the scandall, and in the manner of the unseaso­nable doing of it. But these things which are morally not neces­sarie, because t [...] [...]bstance of the fact is against a law we are to forbeare, both in private, because they are against a law, and in publick before others, for the scandall. as Achan sinned in taking the Babilonish Garment, though in private, and his sinne should have been more scandalous, if he had done it publickly; Now these we are upon no ordinarie necessitie to doe, but such as may incroach upon the hazard of the losse of life, in which case an exigence of providence, does stand for a Command of non­murthering, had Saul and his Army been reduced to a danger Tannerus, to. 3. in 22 disp. 9. de [...]ide sp [...], &c. q 6. dub. 9. In magn [...] casu necessitatis que valdè prae­ponderat futuro scandalo, non est illictum facere rem haben [...]em speciem mali, [...] e [...] similatio Pe­tri, Gal. 2. Tu rian de virt [...] & vitiis, par. 1. c. 39. dubio 16. Quindo quis para us est mag­num [...]urtum committere, non so [...]m [...]citum est minus futurum consulere, sed e­tiam co-oper [...] ad illud. of starving in a wildernesse, and could have no food, except they should kill, and eat the Cattell of the Am [...]l [...]kites, [...] con­ceive, The Lords preferring of Mercie before Sacrifice, should warrant them to eat of the Amalakites Cattell, yet would this providentiall necessitie be so limited, as it may fall out, that it stand not for a divine Command; for it holdeth in affirmative commands only, and 2. so positives as there must be, yea there can be no sin eligible by such and such a case, as Lot sinned in exposing his daughters to the lust of men, to redeeme absti­nence from Sodomie.

Hence it is cleare; we may not doe a lesse, nor counsell ano­ther to commit a lesse sinne, to eschew a greater; as the Jesuites wickedly teach. So Tannerus, so Turrianus and others who make a scandalum permissum, a scandall that a Christian may hinder another to fall in, and yet he permitteth him to fall in it. But God hath a prerogative to permit sinfull scandals, men have no such power, when they are obliged to hinder it. The divinite of others seemeth better to me, who deny that the least veniall should be committed to eschew a greater sinne.

6. Rule. There is a principle obligation, a lesse principle, a least principle. Hence these three degrees issue from love, 1. God▪ 6. Rule. [Page 84] 2. Our selves, 3. Our Neighbour: The love of God is most prin­ciple, and is the measure of the love of our selves: the love of our selfe is lesse principall, then the love of God, and so the ob­ligation lesse. I am to make away, life and all things, yea eternall glory as devided from holinesse, and as it includeth on­ly happinesse, rather ere I sinne against God▪ The obligation to care for my owne salvation, is more principall, then my obligation to care for the salvation of my Brother: for the love of my selfe is the measure and rule of the love of my Neigh­bour. Now because the obligation of caring for the soule of my brother is only secondarie, in compare of the obligation of caring for my owne salvation, I am not to sinne my selfe, or sinfully to omit any thing that is commanded me in a positive precept, to prevent the sinne of my brother▪ Yet hence it doth not fol­low, that a positive Precept is more excellent, then the law of Nature, which is ( Thou shalt not murther, nor scandalize him for whom Christ died.) Because though to care for the soule of my brother be of the law of nature simpliciter, yet is a secon­darie obligation▪ and may cease and yeeld, to a stronger obli­gation that tyeth me more principally to care, for my owne soule▪ for though the Command be positive, yet knowingly to sinne, by a sinfull omission, is no lesse a destroying of my owne soule, and so of the law of nature, in a higher obligation, then the other is.

7. The Jesuits, and Popish Doctors, as they are of a large 7. Rule. conscience in many things: so in the doctrine of scandall, to A scandal may flow from ig­norance and corruption, and so be ta­ken, when it al­so kindly issu­eth from the sinfull or un­seasonable fact of another, and so is also kind­ly given. extoll obedience to men so high; as we may doe things in themselves not necessarie, yea that hath no necessitie, but from the will of Commanders; And Formalists in this conspire▪ with them, even though from this doe flow the ruine of many soules: and though the sinfull scandalizing and ruine of these soules, flow from sinfull corruption of either ignorance or frail­tie, or wilfulnesse or malice, yet the scandall ceaseth not to flow kindly▪ from the pretended obedience to an unlawfull com­mand, for the thing commanded having no Necessitie▪ but the will of man is unlawfull, and it is no good reason to say, Men are scandalized through their owne ignorance and Malice. Ergo the scandall is taken, and not given, for these who were ene­mies [Page 85] to the Truth, and were so scandalized at Davids murther­ing of Uriah, and Adulterie, 2 Sam. 12. 14. as they were by him occasioned to blaspheme. Certaine their actuall scandall was from their owne corruption. But what? Ergo, it was not also from Davids murther and adulterie? and ergo it was a scandall Caspensis, tom. 3. Curs Theolog. Trac. 27. de Cha­rit. Sect. 2. disp. 8. num. 19. only taken by the enemies, not given by David? Surely it sol­loweth not. You may hence judge of the Rule of Lodo Cas­pensis, a Capucean. These (saith he) that doe a worke of it selfe indifferent, for a weightie cause, and use their owne right, [...]tuta [...] ­tur suo jure, are excused from mortall sinne, as these who lett a house to Whores, and publick Usurers, that are not strangers, though they may commodiously lett it to others, they doe not co­operate with sinne, because the house it but a place, and extrinse­call and remote to the sinne. So Christians taken by Turkes for danger of their life, (which is a weighty necessitie) may furnish in­struments necessarie for warre against Christians because they doe a worke indifferent of it selfe, for a just cause: so may a servant convey his Master to a Whore, yea and make the Bed for a Concu­bine▪ and open the doore, and if his Master be to climbe in at a window to a whore he may lift up his foot, or reach him a ladder. Why? the servant (saith he) useth his owne right in doing a worke of it selfe indifferent, U [...]itur suo jure faciens opus exse in­differens, modo non placeat ei peccatum.

A. But sure, all out jus and right that men have over their A false rule of Papists, that men may co­operate a sin­full act, and be free of scan­dall because of s [...]me necessi­tie. houses, and that Captives and servants have to their Masters and Lords, is jus limitatum, a right ruled, limited▪ bounded by the word of God, nor is the worke they performe morally indiffe­rent, (physically it is) and Captive Christians, if for danger of their life, they may prepare necessary instruments of warre against Christians, they may kill Christians also: for what power the conquering Lords have over Captives to command them to prepare fire and sword, against the innocent witnesses of Jesus Christ, because they are such, the same jus right have they to command to kill the innocent. But for no cause the most weighty, can we choose either to shed innocent blood, or to co-operate with the shedding of it, nor to co-operate with the works of darknes, for it is shamefull that a servant may law­fully co-operate with, and thrust his master in at a window, to goe▪ [Page 86] to a whore, the jus or dominion of Masters to command, and the right of servants to obey is only in the Lord. Yea to kill a man is Physically indifferent, for that is physically, yea moral­ly without relation to any law indifferent, which is capable of lawfulnesse, or unlawfulnesse, according as it shall bee com­manded of, or forbidden by God. But for a man to kill his son, is of it selfe such, certaine, if God command a Judge to kill his son, it is lawfull for the father to kill his son, if the Lord forbid Abraham to kill his son, it is unlawfull for Abra­ham to kill his son. And therefore Caspensis hath no more rea­son to use the Instance of captives preparing warre against in­nocent Christians and of a servant thrusting his Master in at doore or window to a whore, then of captives killing the innocent, or of servants breaking a house, and taking away the goods of a man in the night▪ or of servants committing whoredome at the command of their Conquerors or Lords, the one kinde of action in it selfe is as indifferent and susceptible of morall law­fulnesse, and unlawfulnesse, as the other. And if the Master doe co-operate to commit harlotrie in climbing in at a window to a whore, and to robbing, in digging thorow an innocent mans house in the night, to kill the Master of the house, and to steale his goods, then the servant that co-operateth in these same physicall actions, and also diggeth thorow the innocent mans house and kills himselfe, is the harlot, and the robber, by co­operation and participation, no lesse then the Master. The na­ked No relation of servant or cap­tive can render it lawfull to co-operate with sin. relation of a captive, and of a servant, cannot make the cap­tive and servant innocent and guiltlesse co-operators, for then to sinne at the command of any Conqueror and Master, because I am in the condition of a captive and servant, were lawfull, though God forbid and inhibite me to doe, what I doe, by the command of my Master and Conqueror, for in so doing, Utor meo jure, I use my right as a servant. For God forbiddeth me in what relation I be in, servant, or Captive, to sinne, at the com­mand of any, or for declining any ill of punishment▪ Though as weightie as the torment of hell separated from sinfull dispai­ring and blaspheming of God. Now to co-operate with that which I know to be a sinne, is to partake in other mens sinnes, which is forbidden, as a sinne, 1 Tim. 5. 22. Eph. 5. 11. But to [Page 87] runne with the theefe, and to helpe an Arch-robber, Prov. 1. 13. 14. is a consenting to his robberie and bloodshed. And to help any to digge thorow a house, or to climbe in at a window to Incest, Sodomie, Buggerie, to fetch a beast to the Master who rageth in the sinne of Beastialitie, or to setch a young man to the Master or Conqueror to the sinne of abominable Sodomie, knowing the Master and conquerors minde is to co-operate to Beastialitie and Sodomie, is as high a measure of sinfull co­operating in these abominations, as for the servant to helpe up, or life up his Master, to goe in, at a window to an harlot, for this is a consent to these sinnes, and a consent in the highest de­gree; so to give a knife to a Master, who seeketh it from his servant, to kill his Father, Mother, Prince, Pastor, is to consent formally to such horrible paricides, and therefore Caspensis should have brought instances in Bugrie, Sodomie, Parricide, when as he used softer Names of fornication and harlotrie.

8. The non-necessaries, or such things as need not be in the 8. Rule. What things non-necessarie are to be re­moved from the worship of God, as scand lous. worship of God, which do bring scandall, Must 1. be such as are neither necessarie in speciè, nor in individuo, in kind, or in spece or nature, or in their individuals and particulars, as the whole Categorie of Mens devises, as

  • 1. Unwritten traditions—not necessary, not written.
  • 2. Humane mysticall, symbolical signes and Ceremonies—not necessarie, not written.
  • 3. Humane holy dayes, crossing, kneeling to Elements, Altars, Crossing, Surplice, Rochets, &c,—not necessary, not written.
  • 4. This and this humane holy day, this crossing—not neces­sarie, not written.
    Ceremonies n [...]t so much as necessarie by way of dis-jun­ction, which necessitie a­greeth to many circumstances of worship in the Directory.

2. These things are judged not necessarie, that are not neces­sarie by way of dis-junction, as Surplice is not necessarie by way of dis-junction, for neither is Surplice necessarie, nor any other white or red habit, that hath some mysticall religious sig­nification, like unto Surplice; So kneeling to the Elements is neither Necessarie, nor any the like religious honouring of them, by prostration before them, o [...] kissing them.

[Page 88]But, the things of the Directorie for the publick worship, as many of them are necessarie, and have expresse warrant in the Word, as Praying, Preaching, Sacraments, Praising, &c. So 2. some things that are non-necessaries in the individual or par­ticular words, or things, yet are they not to be removed in their alternative necessitie, either this or the like though some be ther­by scandalized. Because though they be not necessarie simply, yet are they necessarie by way of dis-junction, as that the Minister say, either these, or the like words, for words to that sense are necessarie. So the order that the Directorie prescribes in citing such and such acts of Divine worship is necessarie ei­ther this way, or a way as convenient not different from this, for some order of necessity there must be. So the Liturgie or Ser­vice Booke, what ever Jos. Hall say on the contrary (as it is little that he doth, or can say) though it should containe ma­ny things necessarie in speciè, in the kind, sit for the externall publick worshipping of God, yet because these words in Indivi­duo, in their particulars are not necessarie, is to be re [...]oved, be­cause though all the matter were good (as much of it is Popish) yet that booke in its structure, frame, style, Grammer, methode, and forme is popish, and framed after the model of the Roman Missale, especially performed with the cursed Authoritie of the Councell of Trent, under Pius the fift, in all the Masses, Rubricks, Epistles, Gospels, &c. is scandalous, and a Directorie in Scripture words is better, and is therefore justly layd aside by the Reve­vent Assemblie, and honourable Court of parliament, because there is scandall in words, in style and language, in divine wor­ship. And these who will abstaine from practising of some things in the Directorie, for feare of scandalizing others, must give reasons from the Word that these things they forbeare, are neither necessarie simply, nor by way of dis-junction. Because as I conceive, Things neither necessarie in the same individuals, nor by way of dis-junction, are such Non-necessaries as are to be removed out of the worship of God, for feare of scandall. And that any such non-necessaries can be found in the Directorie, I doe not see as yet.

Ob. The people had the more opinion of Dietie in the thing they adored the baser it was. None hath any such opinion of the crosse. [Page 89] Ergo, it is no scandalous object. Ans. All our Divines hold, that Heathens of old, and Papists of late, worship Images, as religious memorative signes of God, Hooker with one dash of his Pen, against the Prophets and Scriptures, acquiteth them of Idolatrie, therefore the Crosse may be adored, without any opinion of Dietie in it.

Obj. Be it true, that crosses were purposely appointed to [...] adored, yet not so now. The Jewes would not admit of the Image of Caesar in the Church, yet they abolished it not, but admitted it in their coyne. The adored cross differeth as farre from this, as the Brazen Serpent that Salomon made to beare up the Cisterne of the Temple, and that which Israel adored in the wilderness, And the Altars that Josiah destroyid, as being meere Instru­ments Hooker. Ibid. of Idolatrie, and that which the Tribe of Reuben [...]rected beyond Jordan. Salomon distroyed not the Temple and Idols framed only of purpose for the worship of forrains Gods, because Religious Mo­numents of Idolatrie are to be removed. they stood now as forlorne, and did no harme. Josiah afterward razed them for some inconvenients, yet God saith both these Kings, in religion walked straightly.

Ans. 1. Though the Cross were first framed for no adorati­on; yet we plead against the Images and Crosses of Lutherans as not necessarie, in divine worship, and therefore to be remo­ved, though never adored.

2. The people thinke Baptisme incompleat without the Crosse, Ergo, to them it has the like necessitie, as water.

3. How will Hooker prove never any burnt Incense to the Brazen Serpent, but beleeved it really to be God? that is his dreame, beside the Text.

4. By this Luther [...] have their desire; for actuall intention that Images be lawfull remembrancers of Christ, without inten­tion of adoration, shall make Images as lawfull teaching Cere­monies, as Hooker will have the sigue of the Crosse.

5. We remove not crosses from coyne, no more then the Jewes did the image of C [...]s [...]r. But wee agree with them. Hooker being judge, in Banishing them from the worship.

6. Ezechiah then might have broken the old, and made a new Brazen Serpent, for a memoriall of the miraculous cure, so [Page 90] they had not burnt Incen [...]e to it; The remembrance of the old mercie should have been as good in the new, as in the old. But Wolphius, who addeth to P. Mar [...]yr, Com­men [...]. in 2 King. 23. speaking of Io­s [...] zeale Et h [...]c illius fides, & industria nos quoque excita­bit, [...]t in odium & f [...]stidium ea­rum, quae pug­nant, cum D [...]i verbo, rerum, bomines qu [...]quo modo induca­mus. certainly the Brazen Serpent was not destroyed as Brasse, but in all its religious use. It was not purged, but abolished.

7. If we may make Images and Orasses alike in shape, but dislike in use, in Gods worship, we may bring in Golden Calves to the Temples, and the Image of Dagon, and the Sidonian Gods, and Altars such as Josiah destroyed, so at their first moulding we imprint on them, chaste and innocent religious intencions and signification, and make them alike in shape, but dislike in use to heathen worship. But sure the Calfe of Egypt, and the Calfe that Aaron made, though like in shape, yet were dislike in use.

8. We read of no new Inconvenients that the Images and Temples that Salomon erected to strange Gods, did in Josiahs time, which they did not in [...]ekiahs time, but that they were Monuments of Idolatrie in both; It seemes that Nooker would commend Ezechiah, for not demolishing the Images of Salomons outlandish Gods; But then it was Josiahs zeale without know­ledge, that he demolished them. 2. We then might well suffer the Images of Jupiter, Dagon, Ashtarosh to stand before the people publickly, so they doe no harm [...]: and Papists and Luthe­rans say the Images of Christ and the Saints do [...] no harme, when the Pastors carefully teach the people, that there is no Dietie [...] nor God-h [...]ad dwelling in them. 3. Wee say the signe of the Crosse is a meere instrument of Idolatrie and Superstition, and what ever good intention, or pious signification was stamped on it, at the first, by mens carnall wisdome and will zeale, it no more made it good, then if upon the Image of Dagon, you would found the like good intention and pious signification.

9. Though Ezechiah was commended by God, it no more followeth his omission in not demolishing Salomons outlandish Idols must belawfull, and a part of his upright walking in [...] matters of religion, then because David is commended, as walk­ing uprightly in all things, save in the matter of Uriah, that his numbering of the people, his revengefull attempt to destroy Na­bal and all his, must also be a part of Davids walking uprightly before God.

[Page 91]10. Salomon had a warrant for the Brazen Image in the Temple, not to abolish it. But Ezechiah had no warrant not to Abolish the Brazen Serpent, after the people burnt Incense to it, even suppose the People should, upon the exhortation of the Priests, have desisted from burning Incense to it. I see not, if Images may be lawfull Remembrancers to us, so we adore them not; But the Golden Calves, the Images that Salomon made to outlandish Gods, the Image of Diana, and all the heathen Images that the Word speaketh against should be brought into the Christian Churches, to teach us to flee, and eschew the ado­ring of these abominations, for we have as great need of Cere­moniall and Historicall remembrancers to teach us to eschew evill, as to admonish us to follow good. But the truth is, ex­cept we will be wiser then God, we need neither.

Obj. Some things are of their owne nature scandalous, and Hooker Eccle. Policie, [...] l. 5. 349 350. 2 King 23. 7. cannot choose but breed offence as those sinkes of execrable filth which Josiah did turne out: Some things though not by nature generally, and of themselves, are generally turned to evill through a corrupt habit growne, and uncurably settled in the mindes of men, without the removall of the thing, as was the worshipping of the Brazen Serpent. But some, as the Crosse though subject ei­ther almost, or altogether to as much corruption, are yet curable with more facilitie and ease.

Ans. Objects sinfull and so intrinsecally scandalous are to be removed, as the Image of Jupiter, Molech, both because sins, and and so not necessarie. 2. Because scandalous, for the truth is, even sins (if we speake accurately) are not scandalous actum secundo, in regard of our corruption, our sinnes may sad the Angels, but they are not properly scandalous to Angels, and therefore every thing actively scandalous, as scandalous is to be removed. 2. How doth Hooker prove that the Vessels made for Baal, are in their own nature more incurable then the signe of the Crosse? You may remove the superstitious intention and Idola­trous use of any vessell, and turne it to a good use; Yet Josiah burnt them to ashes. The like may be said of the Groves which he stamped to powder, and cast in the brook Kidron, And of the Chariots five of the Sunne, which he burnt with fire, and of the [Page 92] bones of dead men, not any of these, being of their owne na­ture more indifferent, and innocent creatures of God, were of their owne nature more scandalous, and more uncurable then the signe of the Crosse. The like may be said of Altars, and I pray are reasonable men, the Priests of the high places of their own nature uncurable? are they not capable of repentance, and curable by doctrine? yet 2 King. 23. 20. Josiah slew all the Priests of the high places. 3. Teaching may remove evil customes, other­wise how should the Gospell convert sinners, that are accusto­med from the wombe to doe evill? Jer. 13. 23. Jer. 22. 21. E­phes. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. Tit. 3. 3. 4 5. therefore scandalous objects of the second kinde, are no more to be removed, then the Signe of the Crosse. 4. It is false, that scandalous objects of the third sort are more easily cured, except they be removed, for no humane prudence, when the signe of the Crosse, and the Brasen serpent, are sure, not necessarie in Gods worship. And when men have, and so still may abuse them to Superstition and Idolatrie, can make these being now actively scandalous, to be not actively scanda­lous, as no ar [...] can make a pite to be no pite. Indeed Gods or­dinances, because necessarie, may bee cured, from scandall by teaching. But it is Gods only prerogative, by his commanding will to make a thing, not necessarie in his worship, to be neces­sarie, and to alter the nature of things, so as his command could have made the Brazen Serpent, to remaine a lawfull teaching Signe, and no scandalous object, and only he might have for­bidden the burning of Incense to it. The Ancient Ignatius, or any had no warrant to make confession of Christ before ene­mies and mockers, by gestures or crossing, Paul did it not, Peter commandeth confession to be verball, 1 Pet. 3. 14. 15,

There be many ancient lawes, yea Divine and Apostolike con­stitutions Hooker, 198. acknowledged to be good, that the Church hath layd aside. Some things cannot be removed without danger of greater evils to succeed in their place. Wisedome must give place to necessitie. Seneca, Necessitas, quicquid coegit, defendit.

Ans. 2. We know no necessitie to have, nor any danger to want such wares, as Surplice, Crossing, bowing to Altars, to elements, which sure the Apostolike Church wanted, both in [Page 93] speciè, and in individuo. The like Papists say for adoring of I­mages, that Hooker here saith, for Surplice, and the like Scan­dals. So doth the Jesuit Tannerus say, in. 22. to. 3, dis. 5. de reli­gione. q. [...]. dub. 3. Quando dicitur Adorationem imaginum non esse licitam, qui non est scripta. Respo. (inquit) apostol [...] fami­liari Spiritus instinctu quadam Ecclesiis tradider [...]nt Servanda que non reliquerunt in scriptis—inter hujusmodi Traditiones est Imaginum Christi adoratio.

Quest. VII.

Whether or no to use the indifferent Customes of heathen and Papists, in the worship of God, be scandalous,

WE are altogether of this mind, that a mate­riall What Confor­mitie with I­dolaters is un­lawfull. Similitude between the truee Church and the false, is not scandalous. Because Rome holdeth that there is one God, it followeth not, therefore it is unlawfull for us to hold there is one God. 2. There is a formall Similitude, as because the heathen kill their children to Molech, er­go, the Children of Israel should not doe so to the Lord their God. M. Hooker granteth there should be a dis-similitude betweene the true Church and Heathens in this, and the Similitude (say they) is unlawfull. But 3. the Adversaries draw us to a third dis-similitude betweene the true Church, and the Popish, and heathenish Church, and this is a mixt Similitude, that we should use indifferent R [...]tes and Customes in Gods worship, as Crossing, new devised dayes, Surplice &c. which are used by Papists, and Heathens. This say our Adversaries, is not an unlawfull Simi­litude, yea with edification and profit (say they) we may thus farre conforme with them.

2. This conformitie doth gaine them, not Scandalize them▪ say they.

[Page 94]But we hold that this conformitie is unlawfull and a dis­similitude commanded.

1. It is expresly said Levit. 18. 3. I am the Lord your God, after the doings of the Land of Egypt, wherein [...]e [...] dwelt, shall yee not doe: And after the doings of the Land of Canaan, whi­ther I bring you, shall ye not doe; Neither shall yee walks in their ordinances. 4. Ye shall doe my judgements, and keep min [...] ordinan­ces, to walke therein, I am the Lord your God. Hence if God bee a Conformitie with Idolaters in things, in Gods worship, not necessarie, unlawfull. God, in a peculiar manner, in covenant with his Church, then may not his Church take a rule of worship, and walking from other prophane Churches and people, such as Egypt, Canaan, and whorish Rome. There is an Instance given in things of their owne nature indifferent, Levit. 19. with the same Argu­ment. 27. Ye shall not round the corners of your heads,▪ neither shalt tho [...] marre the corners of thy Beard. 28. Yee shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, I am the Lord. Certaine a greater scandall cannot be, then that those who are in Covenant with God, should borrow significant Ceremonies of sorrowing for the dead, Levit. 19. 19. Yee shall keepe my Statutes? Thou shalt not let thy cattell gender with divers kinde: Thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: Neither shall a garment mingled of linnen and wooll come upon thee. Hence there is a cleare opposition made betweene Gods statutes. Yee shall heepe my statutes, and the statutes of Canaan. The Can [...]tes might weare Garments of linnen and wooll, and and [...]owe mingled seed. But Deut. 2 [...]. 9. Thou (the Israel of God) shall not sowe thy Vineyard with divers seeds: Why? le [...]t the fruit of the seed which thou hast sowen, and the fruit of thy vi [...]yard be defiled. The seed of the Nations was not defiled, though they did sowe mingled seed, Ergo, the Lord put­teth some peculiar Character on his people, by this, to distin­guish them from other Nations by giving these lawes to them, which did not oblige other Natio [...].

3. Wee make the Papists and the Heathen that have used white Garments, in the worship of God▪ and crossing in the Sacraments, and the like to be our fathers▪ where as wee are to disclaime them, and not to harden them so, as Israel did Egypt▪ [Page 95] who said, Yee cannot serve your God, except in our golden Calves, by Gods argument Levit. 19, Israel, and Canaan, Pro­testants, and Idolatrous Papists have one God, they have the same externall statutes,

4. What [...]ve [...] is a professed way of being infected and sna­ [...]ed with the false religion of those who are at our doores, as Egypt and Canaan was to Israel; and Papists to us, must be scandalous conformitie with them, and this argument is cleare, Levit. 18. 3. Yee shall not doe after the doings of the Land of Egypt▪ wherein ye [...] dwell, nor after the doings of the Land of Canaan, whither I bring you; Ergo, the danger is the greater, that we dwell beside Idolaters, and the publick practising of their rites, the more scandalous.

5. Wee sadden the spirits of the Godly, and lay a stumbling­block before the blind and weak, in that wee build Jeriche a­gain, and with our tongue we lick, and heale the wound of the daughter of Babel, where as with our teeth we should byte it.

6. Learned and godly Cartwright, the Author of the booke of Discipline; Amesius and others have cited Councels, as Concil. Braca. 73. decreed, That Christians should not deck their houses with Bay leaves, and greene boughs, that they should not keepe the first day of the moneth, because the Pagans did so. And another Councell, Concil. African. c. 27. forbade Christians to Celebrate Feast [...], on the Birth day of the Martyrs, because Pa­gans did so▪ Tertullian would not have Christians to sit after they had prayed▪ because Pagans did so.

7. The mark and Character of the Beast is an externall dis­criminating note, of its owne nature, indifferent. Yet to re­ceive it, is a matter of Plague [...] and wrath from God, Rev. 13. Ecclesiast. Po [...] licie, l. 4. p. 138. 15 1 [...]. To these they reply. 1. Those same Ceremon [...]es▪ because the sa [...], which the heathen used, were not forbidden the Jewes. But, th [...]se things (saith M. Hooker) are not indifferent being used as signes of immederate and hopelesse lamentation, for the dead, and in effect, it is that which Paul saith, 1 Thess. 4. [...]3. Sorrow not as they doe, which have no hope. as Deut. 14. 1. Yee are the children of the Lord your God, ye [...] shall not cut your selves, nor make you baldnesse between [...] your eyes for the dead, nor i [...] [...] [Page 96] hence proven (saith Hooker) That God did frame his people of set purpose, unto any utter dis-si [...]ilitude with either Egyptians, Pag▪ 13 [...]. or other Nations.

Ans. 1. Ceremonies may be either the same. 1. in number. The s [...]me Ce­remonies in I­dolaters, and in the true Church may be judged the some three wayes. or 2. materially. or 3. formally and Theologically. The first iden­titie and samenes is most proper. And whereas Morton, and M. Burges, would insinuate that God forbade these same Cere­monies in number, it needeth no refutation. God never forbade things, physically, and by way of contradiction, unpossible. The same murthering of our brother forbidden to Cain, the same in number, is forbidden in number, and individually to no mor­tall man, except the Jewes had had the same heads, haire, beards, browes, that the Canaanites had, the same (I meane) in number, this were to make the lawes of God a matter of laughter to men. 2. Where as Hooker would have God to forbid, not the same Ceremonies Materially, or an utter dis-similitude, but the same Ceremonies of the Heathen, with the signification which the Heathen did put on them, contrary to Scripture, as upon the cutting of their flesh, they did impose this signification, that they should sorrow for the dead, as those that have no hope. 1 Thess. 3. we see then 1. all the Ceremonies of the Heathen, as the cutting of the flesh, the killing of their Children to Molech. So they be formallized, and charactered with a signification according to the word of God, shall be lawfull. Put then Scrip­turall and lawfull significations, either of faith in Christ alrea­dy incarnate, or of Christian conversation, as of moderate mourning for the dead, such as was in Abraham, who mourned for Sarahs death, and in our Lord Jesus, who wept for the death of Lazarus; And so the Sacrificing of Bullocks, Sheep, Rams, Formalists grant Confor­mitie with heathen and Idolators in Ceremonies clothed with a Scripturall signification. yea, Circ [...]cising and Sacrificing of children to Molech, shall not be condemned as a complyance, and Symbolizing with the Jewes and Idolaters. Nor can any say that shedding of blood to God, and killing of men must be now forbidden, I answered before shedding of blood, with this Scripturall and lawfull signification, and as an indifferent means of the worshiping of God, is no other way forbidden in the first 7. bl [...], then be­cause it is not commanded in Scripture. But this is no forbiding [Page 97] at all of worship, or of new positive meanes of worship; So you 1. make it not a part of the word of God, and necessarie worship. 2. So it be materially indifferent, and be instamped with a lawfull and Scripturall signification, as we suppose it to be. 3. Nor doth the Word any where condemne killing of men as a worship, except that i [...] commandeth it not as a worship, which we say, as it is a breach of the sixt Commandement, it is forbidden as man-flaughter, but not as unlawfull worship. But then how will Morton and Burges justifie. Circumcision which they say is lawfull, yet, so it have not a Jewish intention, nor any necessitie or efficacie imposed on it? it is a degree of murther, and why may not, upon the same ground cutting the flesh for the dead, launcing of the body with knives, the Popish selfe­scourging be lawfull? Now the text signifieth no allowance at all of the rounding of the corners of the head, and the cutting of the body▪ and how shall Hooker prove that only heathenish and Pagan-rounding of the haire, and cutting of the flesh, as they betoken mourning in a hopelesse manner for the dead were forbidden, 1 Thess. 3. divers of the Pagans, amongst whom is Phocyllide [...], [...]. Phocillides and many others taught the resurrection of the dead, They might then sow their land with divers seeds, cut their flesh for the dead, yea, and observe times, be dismayed at the signes of the heaven, as the heathen. And what ever the Pagans did in their worship, they might doe so to the Lord their God, and doe all the judgements, ordinances, and lawes of Egypt. Canaan, Turkie, of Rome materially, even to the falling downe before Bread, sacrisicing of Beasts, cutting of the haire, &c. 3. What Hooker meaneth by a dis-similitude, with the heathen of set pur­pose, Pag. 13 [...]. is easily knowne. Only in things wicked and unlawfull (saith he) or Idolatrous, or against the law of God, we are to be dislike to the heathen, because it is said, Yee shall doe my judge­ments, for he expresly denyeth that there was any danger of in­fection by reason of nearnesse to the Egyptians, and Canaanites, in these indifferent things, or that they were forbidden, because the Pagans used them, they were unlawfull, though the Pagans bad ever used them.

Ans. Tannerus the Jesuite saith, tom. 3. in 22. disp 9. de fide, [Page 98] spe. q. 6. dub. 9. abstinendum est ab omni speciè male pr [...]pter scandalum, ratio, quia scandalum tali cas [...] oritur ex vi actionis ip­sius, non aliter f [...]r [...] quam si mala esset, then though the Nations heathenish rites were not ill, yet being not necessarie to the Jewes, and having appearance of ill, in that they are Chara­cters of the worship of strange Gods, scandall must ref [...]e from the using heathenish Ceremonies, vi actionis, from the nature of the using of them, as if they were intrin [...]ecally ill. 2. If it were no more but this, they were so much the worse, and more scandalous▪ that beside that they are intrins [...]cally evill, yet they are the Statutes of Egypt and Can [...]a [...], and not the Statutes of the Lord. So either these words must bee idly set downe, amongst whom yee dwels, and to which the Lord bringeth you. Or they must adde a degree of wickednesse to the sinnes that they were the sinnes of Egypt, and of Canaan, and so they are forbidden, both as sinnes, and also for the bare Similitude, as the words imply, for God will not only have them to walke in right judgements, but also in his righteous judgements, because [...]aith hee, ( I am the Lord) and ye shall not doe after such and such a way, because such are the doings and wayes of Egypt, and Canaan. Ergo, Though all were intrinsecally evill, that are forbidden of this kinde, they partake also of a farther degree of morall evill, in that Egypt, Canaan, and Idolatro [...]s Papi [...] doe these same things to their Idols.

Hooker addeth. Wee must be unlike to Rome, not only in Do­ctrine, pag. 132. l. 4. but in Ceremonies and Govern [...], and especially Govern­ment not commanded in the Word, for all is Papish▪ though law­full and agreeable to the word of God, whatsoever Rome h [...] received without commandement of Gods word.

Ans. The [...]e is not required properly a conformitie in us with Rome in doctrinals, as if Rome were our Rule, nor is the word of God properly conforme to the Protestant religion, but the Protestant religion must be conforme to the Word. Wh [...]nesse is not properly like to Snow or Milke, but Milke or Snow are like to whitenesse. Nor have we properly a [...] with Papists in doctrine, they are not our patterne, nor wee theirs. 2. We do not plead for a Government in all things to be com­manded [Page 99] in the Word, but to be warranted by the Word, either according to command or promise, or morall practise, fo [...] the How the Scripture is a Rule. Scripture is our Rule, but 1. not in miraculous things. 2. Not in things temporarie, as Communitie of Goods. 3. Not in things Literally exponed, as to cut off our hands and feet. 4. Not in things of Art and Science, as to speake Latine, to demonstrate conclusions of Astronomie. 5. It is not properly our Rule in Circumstances, which are but naturall conveniences of time, place, and person, and such like. But it is our Rule 1. in fundamentalls of salvation. 2. In all morals of both first and second table. 3. In all institutions, and wee conceive the Go­vernment Church Go­vernment pro­perly an In­stitution. of the Church to be a proper institution, to wit, it is a supernaturall ordinance, or helpe above nature to guide the Church to a supernaturall happinesse, nor can the Church be governed by the light of nature, or by the rules of morall Phi­losophie, or civill prudence or humane lawes, as Cities, Com­mon-wealths, and Kingdomes, are. 4. It is a rule in Circum­stantials of worship: because some time some thing, as the Lord, day is both worship, and a Circumstantiall of worship; but not properly a Circumstance, in all these the Church, as the Church must [...]ir by the Word of God. 3. What ever is in Rome in physicall or natural circumstances is not by us judged Popis [...]. But what ever religious observance Symbolicall signe, new worship, such as [...]renging to Bread, Altars, humane Festivals, Surplice, and the like, that are neither things of nature, nor 2. things of prudence and civill policie, nor 3. Miraculous things, nor 4. Things of art and science, nor 5. meere Circum­stances, and yet are added to the worship of God▪ not necessa­rie in themselves, not warranted by Precept, practice, or pro­mise in the word of God, we take to be devised by the wil of men, and if by Papists, so much the more unlawfull, and may well be tearmed Popish, as Popish is contradistinguished from that which is [...]ound and warranted by the Word, and that which is not thus agreeable to the Word, is repugnant thereunto, and either Popish, or worse, or heathenish.

Hooker. The question is, whether wee may follow Rome in 133. l. 4. orders, Rites and Ceremonies, wherein we doe not thinke them [Page 100] blamable, or else ought to devise others, and to have no conformitie with Rome, no not so much as in these.

Ans. We never dreamed of such a Question, it is as if one The worship of God ne [...]o­eth no rel [...]gi­ous Ceremo­nies, [...]ut what God hath him­selfe prescri­bed. should have formed such a question to debate with Moses, Whi­ther may we follow Egypt and Canaan in rounding the corners of our head, and cutting our flesh for the dea [...], in sowing o [...]r land with mingled seeds, &c. or ought we to devise others the like, and have no Conformitie with them, no not so much as in these? Now Moses gave never leave to Israel to devise either these, or any other the like. The Question supposeth two things for granted, which are plainly false. 1. That if we may refuse Po­pish Ceremonies as scandalous, because Papists devised them, that therefore the worship of God hath need of other Symbolical and religious signes of the like nature, which we ought to de­vise. But the worship of God neither needeth these nor any Phy­lactaries of that kind. 2. It supposeth, we doe not thinke the Rites of Rome blamable, this is a begging of the question, for both we blame them as positive religious Rites beside, and so contrary to the Word, and because Romish, and so in a high de­gree scandalous.

Hooker. When Reason evicteth that all such Ceremonies are Hooker, pag. 134▪ not to be abolished they answer, they doe only condemne Ceremonies unprofitable, or Ceremonies in stead whereof as good, or better may be devised, so they cannot get out of the Bryars.

Ans. 1. Who answereth so? Hooker should have knowne, that if the Testament of Christ warrant not Ceremonies, they and all their kind are unprofitable, and to be abolished, whi­ther they lay in the wombe of the mother of [...]ornications, or be bastards of any other Mother. 2. Yea, we condemne all such Ceremonies, because unnecessarie, as devised by the will or lust of men, for all necessatie and usefulnesse of positive, religious, and teaching observances is from the will of God. And when he saith, we condemne only all unprofitable Ceremonies, wee are not in the briars, for he saith, his owne Ceremonies are un­profitable briars, for we condemne them as unprofitable. Chartwright, that godly and learned witnesse of Jesus Christ. from whom Hooker would bring this answer, saith, Popish Ce­remonies [Page 101] are not to be used to adorne the worship, when as good or better may be established. But he meaned never that as good positive Symbolicall rites, without the word of God, can be law­fully devised at all, this should have been proven from Cart­wrights words.

But (saith he) we retaine these, because we judge them profi­table 134. 135. yea so good, that if we had either simply taken them cleane away or else removed them, so as to place others in their stead, wee had done worse. But who authorized them to sit judges? the burden of proving them inconvenient lyeth on them.

Ans. 1. It is a proud Reply. Wee retaine popish Ceremonies, because we judge them profitable, where as the question is not what the Prelates (who must bee called the Church) judge them to be, but what they are, for it is a farre other question, who should sit Judges (though we can prove Christ never made Prelates at all, and so he never made them judges) and whether the Ceremonies be profitable or not? When Prelates say, we re­taine Popish Ceremonies, because we judge them profitable, it is to say, We judge Popish Ceremonies to be profitable, because we judge them profitable. For we say to retaine them, is to passe a law and a judgement that they are profitable. But our▪ argu­ment is against their judgeing them to be profitable and against their retaining them. Might not Pharisees say as much? Wee retaine the precepts and traditions of men used by our fathers, because, we judge them profitable: and who authorized Christ and his Disciples to judge the Church? the burden of proving them inconvenient, lyeth on the Disciples. Christ said their Cere­monies were the doctrines of men, and so unlawfull: and the like argument bring wee against the Ceremonies, and so they must be unprofitable. 2. If the Church make, or retaine lawes beside, and without the Word, they are under the burden of pro­ving them to be profitable, for they affirme, and▪ affirmanti in­cumbit probatio, for they ought to give another reason, of their lawes, then we judge; We affirme, it is Gods prerogative to say that. 3. If Prelates should doe worse to have cleane removed these, or brought others in their place▪ Then must the Prelaticall Church be better then the Apostolike Church, for they neither [Page 102] had these, nor any in their stead, except they make us see that Peter and Paul dispensed the Word and Sacraments clothed either with lineing Rochets, and crossing the aire with the Thumbe, or then they adorned Word and Sacraments, with other the like mysticall Rochets, or some merry toyes like cros­sing the aire with the Thumbe, and if not, they did worse then our Prelats, who raise bloody warr [...]s in three Kingdomes, for such fooleries, and for an office, which of old, for shame, had no kinred nor house, but mans law, jus humanum, by their owne grant. But that (saith Hooker) wherein the Israelit [...] 138. might not be like to the Egyptians and Canaanites, was such as peradventure as had beene no whitlesse unlawfull, although those Nations had never been, I would know what one thing was in these nations, and is here forbidden, being indifferent in it selfe, yet for­bidden only because they used it.

Ans. This is not our argument, I am not to say, the only reason, why the Lord forbade these rites, was because the Egyp­tians and Canaanites used them. But it is enough for our pur­pose, that God useth this reason, Ye [...] shall not doe so to the Lord We need not say that con­formi [...]ie with Idolaters was the only cause, why God for­bade his peo­ple, heath [...] ­nish rites. your God. Yee shall not doe after the doings of the Land of Egypt, or of the Canaanites, Deut. 12. 30. 31. See that then in­quire not after their Gods, saying how did these Nations serve their God? even so will I doe likewise, Levit. 18. 3. 4. This is enough to prove that it is a strong argument, and Gods argu­ment to prove that a worship, that Heathen useth to their Gods, though in it owne nature indifferent, can not lawfully be given to the Lord, it wanting all warrant in Gods word, because hea­thens doe so to their Gods and it is cleare to me, Deut. 12. 2. Yee shall utterly d [...]stroy all the places wherein the Nations, which ye possesse, served their Gods, upon the high Mountaines, and under every greene tree. 3. And you shall breake downe their Altars, and breake their Pillars, and burne their Groves with fire, and you shall hew downe the Graven Images of their Gods, and de­stroy the Names of them out of this place. 4. Yee shall not doe so to the Lord your God. 5. But unto the place which the Lord your God shall choose out of all your Tribes, to put his name there, even unto his habitation shall yee seeke, and thither shall [Page 103] you come. There is nothing more indifferent, then the place of worship▪ yet doth the Lord in these words Yee shall not doe so to the Lord your God, forbid to worship God in the place, where the Canaanites worshipped their Idols. And this proveth our point that Rites used by heathen indifferent in their owne nature, as, place, stone-altars, hils, are not to be used, as positives with a new signification (as our Ceremonies have) to the Lord our God, because Heathens have done so to their Idol-Gods. Wee know the Lord may have, and hath other reasons in the depth of his unsearchable wisdome, why he forbiddeth some things of their owne nature indifferent, then because heathen and wic­ked men doe so, as he forbade the eating of the tree of know­ledge, a thing in it selfe indifferent, not for any such conformi­tie with wicked men. And Hooker yeeldeth our argument to be concludent, when he saith, Notwithstanding some fault un­doubtedly pag 139. thire is in the very resemblance with idolaters. Then notwithstanding all that Hooker saith on the contrarie, our ar­gument is good. The rest of this subject is more fully and learnedly discussed by others, and therefore no more of this. Peace bee on the Israel of God, and to the most high Dominion and Glorie.



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