[Page] [Page] SIR Benjamin Rudyerd HIS SPEECH IN THE HIGH COVRT OF PARLIAMENT The 17. of February, for a speedy Treaty of PEACE with His Majestie.

LONDON, Printed for MICHAEL YOUNG, 1643.

Sir Benjamin Rudyerd his Speech in the High Court of Parlia­ment, the 17. of February, for a speedy Treaty of Peace with his Majesty.

M r Speaker.

I Doe verily That the Vote we have already pass'd, For the Dis­banding the Armies the first and tenth of March, will finde us no farther on our way, then where we now are, be­sides the ill Accidents that may hap­pen, [Page 2] and so much precious time spent, as till then.

Sir, The Main Businesse is, whe­ther we shall have a present Treatie or no? and this concerns us in all that we Have, and Are Since we Re­fused a Treaty at Nottingham, I doe not find that we have gotten much ground, although our Army then was fresh, full, and full paid; the Peo­ple erect, bountifull, and forward to the warre. Now, the Disposition of the Kingdome, for the greatest part, stands bent towards a Peace: so that wheresoever the Refusall, or Delay of the way to it shall be fixt, the Dis­advantage will fall on that side. How cleare soever the Jntentions of the House are, yet abroad it will be ta­ken but as a shew without Reality, [Page 3] and so it will be returned upon us.

For the Propositions, J have not known, nor heard, that all the Pro­positions in any Treaty of Jmpor­tance, were ever swallowed whole. Jf some be harsh and rough, they may be wrought and suppled by wise Trea­ters, made fit for an acceptable agree­ment. Jf other be unpassable, they may be totally rejected. Those that are our unquestionable Rights, may be so claim'd, and held.

M r Speaker, We have already ta­sted the bitter bloudy fruits of warre, we are growne exceedingly behind­hand with our selves since we began it: if we persist, there will such a conflu­ence of Mischiefs break in upon us, as I am afraid will ruin the King, the Kingdome, the Nation; unlesse God [Page 4] be mercifull to us, and doe step in with a great Miracle, for a little one will not serve our turne.

I have long and thougtfully expe­cted, that the cup of trembling which hath gone round about us to other Nations, would at length come in amongst us Jt is now come at last, and we may drink the Dreggs of it, the worst; which God divert.

There is yet some comfort left, that our Miseries are not likely to last long. For, we cannot fight here as they doe in Germany, in that great, large, vast continent: where although there be warre in some parts of it, yet there are many other remote quiet places, for trade and tillage to support it. We must sight as in a Cock-pit, we are surrounded with the sea. We have [Page 5] no stronger Holds, then our owne Sculls, and our own Ribs, to keep out enemies; so that the whole Kingdome will suddenly be but one flame.

Jt hath been said in this House, that we are bound in conscience to pu­nish the shedding of innocent bloud: but Sir, who shall be answerable for all the innocent bloud which shall be spilt hereafter, if we doe not endea­vour a Peace, by a speedy Treaty? Certainly, God is as much to be tru­sted in a Treatie, as in a warre: it is He that gives wisdome to treat, as well as courage to fight, and successe to both, as it pleaseth Him. Bloud is a crying sinne, it pollutes a land: why should wee defile this land any longer?

[Page 6] Wherefore M r Speaker, Let us stint Bloud as soon as we can. Let us agree with our Adversaries in the way, by a present, short, wary Treaty. God direct us.


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