THE CHIEF GROUNDS OF Christian Religion, Set down by way of Cate­chizing.

Gathered long since for the use of an Honourable Family.

By EZEKIEL ROGERS, Minister of Gods Word, sometime of Rowly in York-shire, now in New-England.

GEN. 18.17, 19.

Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do? for I know him, that he will com­mand his sons and his houshold after him, that they keep the way of the Lord.

LONDON, Printed by I. L. for Christopher Meredith, at the sign of the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, 1648.

THE CHIEF GROUNDS OF Christian Religion.

Question. WHerefore hath God given to man a reasonable, and an im­mortall soul?

A. That he above all other creatures should seek Gods glory, and his own salvation. Eccl. 12.13.

Q. Where is he taught how this is to be done?

A. In the Scriptures, or Word of God. Io. 5.39. Scriptures.

Q. What are the Scriptures?

A. The Canonicall books of the Old and New-Testament. 2 Pet. 1.21.

Q. What do the Scriptures teach us?

A. The true knowledge of Io. 17.3. God, and of Reve. 3.17. God. ourselves.

The first generall head; of God.

Q. What is God?

A. God is 1 Cor. 8.6 one holy Io. 4.24. Spirit, having Exo. 3.14. being of himselfe.

Q. How is the nature of God further made known to us?

A. By his Exo. 34.6. properties Rom. 1.20. and workes.

[Page 2] [...]roperties. Q Which be his chief properties

A. [...] Kings 8.27. Infinitenesse, Psal. 90.2. Eternity, Psal. 90.2.27. Unchan­geablenesse: To which may be added his Understanding, Will, and Power.

Q. How many persons be there in the God­head?

[...]rsons. Joh. 5.7. A. Three, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Q. If every person be God, then there be three Gods?

A. Every person is that one, and the same God.

[...]orks.Q. Which be the works of God?

A. His Decree, and the fulfilling thereof.

[...]ecree.Q. What is the Decree of God?

[...]h. 1.11. A. His purpose or appointment with himself, how all things should be, before any thing was made.

Q. What is his Decree concerning Angels and Men?

[...]edestination. A. That which the Scripture calleth Pre­destination.

Q. Which be the parts of it?

[...]ction. [...]robation. [...]m. 9.13, 22. A. Election and Reprobation.

Q. How hath God fulfilled this Decree?

A. By creation and providence.

Q. What was the Creation?

[...]ation. [...]l. 1.16. A. The makeing of all things of nothing, very good.

Q. What is his Providence? [...]ovidence.

[Page 3] A. The Joh. 5.17. Math. 10.29. upholding and b governing of that which he had made.

Q. Concerning the reasonable Creatures, First, how did God govern the Angels? Angels. 2 Pet. 2.4.

A. By teaching them all; by leaving the evill to themselves, and confirming the E­lect. 1 Tim. 5.21.

The second generall Head, of Man.

Q. What doth the Scripture teach us con­cerning Man? Man.

A. His fourfold estate, of innocency, His fourfold estate. misery, grace and immortality.

The first Estate,

Q. VVherein consisted mans innocencie? Innocency. Gen. 1.27.

A. That he was created in Adam accor­ding to Gods Image.

Q. VVhat was this Image of God? Image of God Col. 3.10.

A. A likenesse to God in his holy pro­perties.

Q. What priviledge had man hereby? Happinesse.

A. All inward and outward happinesse.

Q. How did God govern man in this estate?

A. By Gen. 2.26. teaching him, and making a Co­venant with him.

Q. What was that Covenant? Covenant of Nature. Gal. 3.12.

A. Do this and thou shalt live.

The second estate, of misery.

Q. Did man continue in this happinesse and Covenant? Misery.

[Page 4] Fall. A. No, for he fell away from God.

[...]om. 3.23.Q. How came this to passe?

A. Being left of God to the liberty of his will, [...]en. 3.1. [...]dams sin. [...]en 3.7. through his own weaknesse, he was overcome by Satans temptation.

Q. What was Adams sinne?

A. Disobedience against God, in eating the forbidden fruit.

Q. What followed hereupon?

[...]unishment. [...]om. 8.20. A. A miserable condition on himselfe, and all the creatures.

Q. What upon himself?

A. Rom. 3.23. Losse of Gods Image; Gen. 3.8. guiltinesse of conscience; Rom. 5.12. death temporall, and eter­nall.

Q. Came this only from Adam?

[...]om. 5.18. A. No, all we being in his loyns, were partakers of his sin and punishment.

Sin.Q. Shew now what is sin?

Ioh. 3.4. A. Every transgression or swerving from the Law.

Q. How many sorts of sins are there?

A. Two, Originall and Actuall.

[...]riginall sin.Q. What is Originall sin?

A. The corruption or stain of our nature, wherein we were born.

Q. What else is contained in it?

A. [...]sal. 51.5. Heb. 7.9. Guiltinesse of Adams sin, Rom. 7.14. Rom. 7.7. prone­nesse to all evill, and concupiscence.

Actuall sin.Q. What is actuall sin?

[Page 5] A. The fruit of originall, in evill thoughts, Iam. 1.15. Mat. 15.19. words, and deeds.

Q. Are we able to beare or avoid that fear­full punishment of sin?

A. No, nor any meer creature for us. Acts. 4.12. Grace.

The third estate of Grace.

Q. Is there no means to come out of this mi­sery, and to be reconciled to God?

A. Yes, Iohn. 3.16. God of his mercy hath found out a meanes, by making a Gal. 3.17. Covenant of Grace. Col. 1.20. new Covenant with us, in Iesus Christ.

Q. Is it the same Covenant in the Old and New Testament?

A. The same for substance, Heb. 1.1. but divers for manner of revealing.

Q. What was this Jesus Christ? Christ.

A. Both Rom. 14. His Natures. God and man, in one Person.

Q. Why must he be both God and man?

A. Man, that in Rom. 1.3. our own nature he might Col. 2.9. suffer; and God, that he might Heb. 2.16. overcome death for us. Prov. 14.

Q. What is his office? Heb. 7.25, Office.

A. To be Heb. 9.15. Mediator between God and Man.

Q. Which be the parts of his office?

A. That he is our Prophet, Priest, and King.

Q. How is he our Prophet? Propheticall. Joh. 15.15. Heb. 1.2.

A. By revealing to us the will of his Fa­ther.

[Page 6] Priestly. Rev. 5.9.Q. How is he our Priest?

A. By working the merit of our Re­demption.

Q. How wrought he it?

A. In the two-fold estate of his humili­ation and glorification. [...]hil. 2.7.8 9.

[...] his humilia­ [...]on.Q. What were the degrees of his humiliation?

A. Three, his incarnation; poor life, death and passion.

[...]il 2.8. [...]om. 8.3.4.Q. What did Christ in this estate?

A. He suffered and fulfilled whatsoever our nature was bound to.

[...]orification.Q. What were the degrees of his glorification?

A. Three also; Acts 1.31. his resurrection, Acts 1.9. ascension. and [...]ph. 1.20. sitting at the right hand of his Father.

Q. What hath Christ wrought by all these?

[...]demption. A. Our full Redemption, and doth still make intercession for us. [...]eb. 7.25.

[...]ngly office.Q. What doth Christ as he in our King?

[...]. 3. 35. [...]urch. A. He governs the Church, both visible and invisible, and shall be judge of the world.

[...]ible.Q. What is the visible Church?

[...]t. 13.47. A. A company of men professing the worship of God.

[...]isible. Q. What is the invisible Church?

A. The number of the [...] Pet. 2.9. Elect, who have Joh. 13.7. communion together; whether Mi­litant or Triumphant.

Q. How doth Christ govern the visible Church?

[Page 7]A. First, by a Mat. 20.16. generall calling of all; Calling. Secondly, by an Job. 14.6. Preaching of the Word. effectuall calling of the Elect, whereby the benefits of his mediation are applied to them.

Q. By what means doth he apply these be­nefits to the Elect?

A. Ordinarily, by the outward Rom. 10.17. preach­ing of the Law and Gospel, Acts 16.14. and the in­ward working of the Spirit.

Q. What doth the Spirit work in them, Law. by the preaching of the Law.

A. A. Rom. 3.20. Rom. 7.7. sight of their sinne and misery, and Rom. 7.10. Acts 2.37. trouble of heart for it, whereby they are brought to Gal. 3.24. Gospel. see need of Christ.

Q. What worketh it by the Gospel?

A. An earnest and constant Luk. 15.19. Mar. 9.24. desire of Christ, even till they can apply him.

Q. What is that grace whereby we apply Christ?

A. Justifying faith or believing, which is the first and main thing in the Gal. 3.17. Acts 16.31. Faith. Joh. 1.12. 1 Joh. 5.10, 11. Covenant on our part.

Q. What is this faith?

A. It is such a receiving of Christ, who is offered in the promises of the Gospel, as whereby I come to be perswaded, that all he hath done, is for me.

Q. Which be the chief lets of faith? Lets of it.

A. Mat. 4.16. Want of the means, or 2 Cor. 4.4. Luk. 14.18, 19. error in the use of them.

[Page 8]Q. Is the greatest measure of faith wrought at the first?

Degrees. Luk. 17.5. Mat. 8.26. Companions. A. No, but by degrees.

Q. Which be those graces or affections that accompany Faith, more or lesse, as it is stronger or weaker?

A. Rom. 5.1. Peace of conscience, Luk. 7.47. love, Acts. 8.39. joy, Psal. 116.12. thankfulnesse, Phil. 1.23. desire of Gods presence, Rom. 5.4. Priviledges. hope, &c.

Q. What are those benefits or priviledges that we receive by Faith in this life?

A. Three especially; Iustification, Adop­tion, and Sanctification.

Iustification. Q. What is Justification?

2 Cor. 5.21. A. It is that whereby God accounts us righteous through Christs merits.

Q. How is that done?

Rom. 5.19. A. By laying our sin and punishment on him, and imputing his righteousnes to us.

Adoption. Q. What is Adoption?

Rom. 8.17. A. That whereby we are made the chil­dren of God, and heirs with Christ.

Sanctification. Q. What is sanctification?

A. The purifying of our whole nature.

Tit. 3.5. Q. Which be the parts of it?

Rom. 6.11. A. Mortifying and quickning.

Q. How is our nature purified?

1 Thess. 5.23. Of the soul, A. Both in soul and body.

Q. How the soul?

A. In the faculties of the Eph. 4.23. imagination. [Page 9] Pro. 2.5 9.Understanding, Acts. 24.16. Conscience, the Heart (which is the Rom. 7.18. Will and Gal. 5.21. Affections) and the Psal. 19.16. Bodie. Rom. 6.13. Memory,

Q. How the body?

A. The members thereof are made wea­pons of righteousnesse.

Q. But what is that grace that necessarily followeth all these in the beleever?

A. Repentance; Repentance. Mark. 1.15. which is the second part of our Covenant.

Q. What is Repentance as it is here taken?

A. Gal. 5.6. 2 Cor. 5.14. It is a fruit of faith, which from the feeling of Gods love, and 2 Cor. 6.9. New life. sorrow for sin, bringeth forth a 2 Cor. 5.17. new life.

Q. Wherein doth it consist?

A. Esay. 1.16.17. First, in the hatred and forsaking of all evill. Secondly, in an earnest desire to please God in all things, alwaies: which is our doing of Acts. 26.20. Good workes. Exo. 30.36.37. good works.

Q. Can we then do good works?

A. Not perfectly, but God accepts of them through Christ his intercession.

Q. What rule have we to teach us, Rule of godlines what e­vill to leave, and good to do?

A. The Law of God in the ten Comman­dements. Law Exod. 20.1.

Q. How many Tables is the Law divided into?

A. Two, the first, Two Tables. containing four Com­mandements, the other six.

[Page 10] Com. 1.Q. What is the sum of the 1. Commandement?

A. That we chuse the true God for our God, and set our hearts upon him.

Q. What is the sum of the second?

Com. 2. A. That we worship him only, and that with his own worship.

Q. What the third?

Com. 3. A. That we use his Name reverently at all times, as well as in his solemn worship.

Q. What the fourth?

Com. 4. A. That we worship him more specially on the Sabbath.

Q. What is the sum of the second Table?

Com. 5.6, 7, 8, 9, 10. A. That we maintain our neighbours and our own, 5. Dignity. 6. Life. 7. Chastity, 8. goods, 9. good-name; yea, even in our, 10. first thoughts.

Helps of godli­nesse.Q. What helps and means have we to grow in godlinesse?

A. Many both publick and private.

Q. Which be the publick?

Publick. A. Either extraordinarie, as holy Hest. 4.16. Fast­ing and 2 Chr. 20.26. Feasting, or ordinary, as the use of the Word preached Deu. 31.11. and read, the Sacra­ments, Neh. 8.4. prayer and Mat. 18.15, 16, 17. discipline.

Q. What are the Sacraments?

A. The visible signs and seals of the Co­venant, ordained of God to represent and confirm the same unto us.

Sacrments. Rom. 4.11.Q. How many Sacr. are there in the Gospel?

[Page 11] A. 1 Cor. 11.2, 3. Two only, Baptisme, and the Lords Supper, as under the Law were Gen. 17.10. Circum­cision and the Exod. 12.11. Passeover.

Q. What is Baptisme? Baptisme. Cal. 3.23.

A. A Sacrament of our new birth, or entrance into the state of Grace.

Q. What is the Lords Supper? Lords Supper. 1 Cor. 10.16. 1 Cor. 1.26.

A. A Sacrament of our growth and in­crease in Grace.

Q. What is Prayer? Prayer. 1 Joh. 5.14.

A. It is a calling upon God only, in the Name of Christ.

Q. How many parts of prayer are there?

A. 3. Confession, Petition, & thanksgiving.

Q. What pattern of prayer have we?

A. The Lords Prayer. Lords Prayer. Math. 6.9.

Q. How many things are to be considered in this prayer? Parts of it.

A. Three, the Preface, the Prayer it self, and the conclusion.

Q. For the Prayer it self, Petitions, how many peti­tions are in it?

A. Six, three concerning Gods Glory, and three for our own necessities.

Q. What learn we by this Prayer?

A. Both what we should pray for, & how, namely, with preparation, faith, love, Private helps. reve­rence, zeal, confidence, and continuance.

Q. Which be the private helps?

A. Gen. 21.63. Private prayer, Deut. 17.19. reading, Gen. 18, 7.1. family-exercise, [Page 12] and the rest.

Q. Which be the lets of a godly life?

Lets of godlines. A. They are many: but for the most part, they are either from the Rev. 2.4, 5, Falls. weakening of faith, or the neglect of the meanes.

Q. But what if a true Christian fall into sin after he hath repented?

Renewed repen­tance. 2 Cor. 7.8, 9, 10.11. Perseverance. Phil. 1.6. A. He must then renew his Repentance, and Covenant with God.

Q. But may he not fall finally?

A. No, for he hath promise of perseve­rance,

The fourth estate of immortality?

Death. Ecc. 12.9. Iudgement,Q. What becomes of a man at his death?

A. The body goeth to the grave, the soul to the place therof, till the Iudgment.

Iudge. 2 Tim. 4.1. 1 Cor. 15.25.Q. Who shall be the Iudge of the world?

A. Christ, for it is the last part of his Kingly office.

Q. What shall be the preparation to the Judgement?

Resurrection. Acts. 24.15. 1 Cor. 15. A. The Resurrection of the dead, and change of the living.

Q. What shall then be the estate of the godly?

Mat. 25.48. Eternall life and death. Math. 25.46. A. Eternall life in Glory.

Q. What shall be the estate of the wicked?

A. Everlasting damnation.

Reve. 20. [...].

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first Resur­rection: for on such the second death hath to power.


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