Sions Rock Exalted Over all the Earth to Raign: And the Worlds Foundation disco­vered, which he will overthrow, with all its Builders and Buildings.

Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold I lay in Zion for a foundation, a Stone, a tried Stone, a pretious Corner­stone, a sure foundation, he that beleiveth shall not make haste: And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken, but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder:

Isai. 28.16. Mat. 21.44.

Moved of the Lord, and given forth (by a sufferer for the Righteous Seed sake, in the common Goal of Edmonds-Bury in Suffolk, who is scornfully called a Quaker) for the manifesting the true foundation of our Religion, and the laying open deceit, and deceivers, to all that desire to know the Truth, and to be delivered out of deceit, and the snare of the wicked one, in which the deceivers and deceived are held captive.

And to all you Priests, that you may see your deceit, and co [...] from it, and deceive the people no longer.

And all people cease from deceivers, and let no man deceive you with feigned words: For God is Light, and in him is no darkness at all; and if you come to know the Truth, the Truth shall make you free,

1 John 1.5. John 8.32,

London, Printed for Giles Calvert at the Black Spread-Eagle at the west-End of Pauls, 1656.

Sions Rock exalted over all the Earth to Raign: And the worlds foun­dation discovered, which he will overthrow with all its Build­ers and Buildings.

CHRIST JESUS the same that ever was the beginning and end of all things, Rev. 22.13 the first and the last, he I am, and there is none else besides me; this is the Rock of ages, Christ Jesus the word of God, who changeth not, the same yesterday, to day, Heb. 13.1. and for ever; Rev. 13.8. the same was slain from the foundation of the world; the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world; John 1 29. the same upon whom all the holy men of God in all ages were builded, Psa. 48.14. and [...].24. L [...].79. he that ever took away the sins of all that fol­lowed him, he was before the foundations of the earth was laid; he was a guide to all the holy men of God in all ages, and upon him they were builded; and he was their foun­dation, and rock of defence, 2 Sam. 22.2. Rev. 14.3. to guide and strengthen them in all Righteousness; he was their Redeemer and redeem­ed them from the earth, he dwelt in the Saints, and com­manded them and the Prophets in allages, to do according to his will, and as he moved them, so they spoak, or went and declared his messages in his power; and he was their defence in all Righteousness; and he is the same and [Page 2]changeth not; John 1. the same word of God that ever was, the same that moved the holy men of God to give forth the Scriptures; Rev. 19.13. 2 Pet. 1.21. and he is the Life of the Scriptures; and they are a declaration of him; Christ Jesus the word of God; who is the Saints foundation, Luke 1. 1 Pet. 2.6.7. Ephes. 2.20 21. the rock of ages, the head of the Church, and cheif Corner stone of the building, build­ed by God with stones elect and pretious fitly framed for the Masters use; and this Word of God in due time was made flesh, and dwelt among the Disciples; and they be­held the glory of him, Joh. 1.12, 14. as of the onely begotten of the Fa­ther, full of grace and truth; and they received him, and received power to become the Sons of God, the same Christ Jesus that ever was, is the same and changeth not; he is the Light of the world, John 1.4. 7, 9. and 8.12. and 12.46. and lighteth every man that cometh into the world, that all men through him might believe and be saved: And this is the foundation of our Religion, the same that ever the holy men of God were builded upon, Mat. 7 25. and 16.18. Christ Jesus the Rock of ages (he who hath bought us with a price, and ransomed us by his bloud) in whom we believe, and by whose Light we have received power to become the Sons of God; and all that believe in this light, and walk in this light, Christ Jesus, they receive the Light of life; this is he that knows the Father, and none knows the Father but him, Mat. 11.27 and them to whom he reveals him; and by the Revelation of this Son of God, do we know the Fathers voyce, and obey his Commands, and by his power are led according to his will in all Righteous­ness; and this is the Rock on which we are builded, and the foundation of our Religion, before whom no worker of iniquity is able to stand, but he that worketh iniquity is by him condemned, 1 John 3, 5, 8. and this is he Who is now made manifest, and condemns sin in the flesh, and redeems all them that believe in the light of himself, into himself, and in him there is no sin; and this holy One is our Redeemer, and redeems us into himself; and this is the head of us all, who walk in the light; and we are Members of this holy Body, where there is neither male nor female, but all one in Christ, and him all in all: and here the world is destroyed, and the will [Page 3]and lust of the flesh denied, and here flesh and bloud can­not enter; but the flesh, the vail is to be done away, and all that live in the lust of the flesh, they crucifie him the Lamb of God; and all that live in the delight of sin, Joh. 3.19. they love darkness better than light, and such the light condemns; and all that will sollow him, must take up the cross and de­ny themselves, and he that loves any thing better than him, is not worthy of him: and he that hates not Father, and Mother, and Wife, and Children, and all that he hath, Mat. 10 37 &c. Luke 14.27, 28. and his own Life also, doth not follow him, and cannot be his disciple: and they whose love stands in earthly things, and therein have a life, their part is not in him; and here they that will save their lives shall loose them, and they that lay down their lives for Christs sake shall save them: and this is their assurance, who follow the Lamb through great tri­bulation, and love not their lives unto the death; Rev. 7.14. and 13 4. these are they which suffer with Christ, and have part in his death, and bear about the dying of the Lord Jesus Christ, until the enmity be fully slain upon the cross, and these suffer with Christ, and shall raign with Christ, these have part in the Resurrection, and are redeemed from under the power of the Lake, which is the second death, Rev. 20.14. Mat. 7.23. and 25.41. in which all workers of iniquity are to have their part: and here all you that live in wickedness may see, that you are not come to the death and resurrection of Christ, nor have any part herein, but live in the world, from which foundation the Lamb was slain, and do yet in you lie slain, and the Covenant of God, the light in your Consciences, is hated, Isal. 42.6. and the bloud of the Covenant trampled upon, by the powers of darkness, with which you joyn, whereby the Lamb is slain: and here you may see that you are guilty of the bloud of the Son of God; and how can you escape the death, who are in such bloud guiltiness? seeing that if man sheds mans bloud he is to die; and how much more will God be avenged for the bloud of his onely begotten Son, Rev. 11.8. who is crucified in you, and by you spiritually? and you are spiritually in So­dom and Egypt, and are builded upon another foundation than the Lamb; and your foundation is upon him, who [Page 4]slew the Lamb at first, and led man into the transgression: Man was created upright, Eccles. 10.29. but he found out many inventi­ons, and run into them, and followed not the Lamb, and for this cause came the Curse upon man, and in the curse do the world live in wicked inventions, and follow the imagina­tions of their evil hearts, which are subjected to the Devils will; and here is the foundation of the world, the Serpent the subtle beast, Rev. 13. who causeth all the world to wonder af­ter him, and worship him, and leads them captive at hiis will, and the world seeks out many inventions, and are in many wayes, and sects, and forms, and opinions, all in the fall; and invent and imagine many wayes to find out the way of God, and conceive many things from the Scrip­tures, which is a book sealed from them, and in the world is the many meanings, and many judgments, and opinions of the words, which were never spoken by such as they are, who according to the imaginations and conceivings of their own hearts pretend to worship the living God, who is not known by such as are in the wicked inventions, and there live after the deceitfulness of their own hearts; and thus all the world lives in pretences of worshipping the true God, some in one way, and some in another way, and strive particularly to maintain each his way, which are all in unrighteousness, Mat. 11.25 26, 27. and none of them are come to know the Father by the revelation of the Son, nor to know the Son, Gen. 10. who reveals the Father, but are all as the builders of Babell, in great confusion, though but one foundation they build upon, the Serpent, he who slew the Lamb, and now hath all the world to worship him, who are builders and build by his power, and all along reject the Lamb, who in the Church is now become the head of the Corner, Mat. 21.42. Rev, 19.18, 20, and 20.8.10, who will overthrow Gog and Magog, and beat down the world and its foundation, and overcome the Beast, and cast the false Prophets, and Priests, and worlds Teachers, (who all live in wickedness) into the Lake together, and dash down their foundation of unrighteousness, the Serpent, who lodges in the Schools where the false Prophets learn their divina­tion, and to divine for money, for gifts and rewards, the [Page 5]wages of unrighteousness. And you Priests may see the foundation of your Priesthood, and buildings, to be the Serpent who leads you day by day to study Divination, and to follow after the inventions of your own hearts: In the beginning man was made upright, but he found out many inventions: and here you may see your buildings to be upon the Serpent, the inventer of all evil, with whom you are at agreement, and are fully swallowed up in your foundation of unrighteousness, the Serpent, who hath led you long to deceive the people, and to make a prey upon them, and some you have begotten by your ministry to be one with you, and your strength, the Prince of darkness, who over-shadoweth you, and many of your ignorant people that follow you, he leads you all in wickedness, and ignorance, and unbelief, so that you are resolved to go on in wickedness, so long as you live upon the earth, and in your unbelief, judge, that none can live without sining, Rev. 12.17 and so blasphemes against the seed of the woman which keeps the Commands of God, and against the Saints who are born of God and cannot sin, because the Seed of God remaineth in them; and he that saith he knoweth God, 1 Joh. 3.9. and keepeth not his Commandements, is a liar, 1 Joh. 2.4. and 2.6. and the truth is not in him; and he that saith he abideth in Christ, ought he him­self to walk, even as he walked; and he that transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God; and Christ said to his, be ye perfect, 2 Joh. 9. Mat. 5.48. as your Father in hea­ven is perfect: and here you Priests may see in the Scripture, that you are far from having God, who are resolved to go on in wickedness, and would have people to believe, that none can be freed from sin in this life, and so strive to keep people all their time in wickedness, and you your selves know not that birth, wherein sin is not committed, and how can you lead any into the new birth, Joh. 3.3. without which none can enter into the Kingdom of God: and when Paul was in the travel to the birth of the righteous Seed, that the war was great in him, he cried out, O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death; and with this you blind the people, and tell them, that Paul cri­ed [Page 6]out of the body of sin so long as he lived, and so feeds the people with the inventions of your own hearts; for Paul witnessed a deliverance from the body of sin in this life, Gal. 2.19, 20. and said in his Epistle to the Galatians, that he was dead to the Law, and that it was no more he that lived, but Christ that lived in him; and where none but Christ liveth, there cannot be evil committed, neither did he then complain of the body of sin, but was come to the birth of the just: and he wrot to Timothy, that he had fought the good fight, and kept the faith; 2 Tim. 4.7 and then he did not complain of the body of sin, but was compleat in Christ, in whom there is no sin, and he spoak wisdom among them that was perfect, and said, 1 Cor. 2.6. Phil. 3.15. 2 Cor. 13.11. Let us therefore as many of us as be perfect be thus minded, and bad the Corinthians be perfect; and yet with Pauls words you blind guides blind the people, and make his complaints, while he was in the war, a cover for your er­rors and heresies, wherein you lead the people in blindness, and you blind guides will lead the blind, till you fall into the ditch of perdition. And further to cover your deceit, you tell the people, that John sayes, if we say we have no sin, we deceive our selves, and the truth is not in us; this is no ground nor warrant for you to tell people, that none can be freed from sin in this life, [...] Joh. 1.7. for he said, if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the bloud of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin; here John witnessed, that the bloud of Christ cleanseth from all sin, and did not write, that they should all their life time live in sin, though then some of them had sin, and were not cleansed, but he exhorted them to the light, and that therein was their fellowship one with ano­ther, and that the bloud of Christ cleanseth from all sin: and yet you priests dare tell the people, that none can be freed from sin in this life, and so manifests your selves to be ig­norant of the bloud of Christ, which cleanseth from all sin; but by his power, who is the Author of sin, do you in your sins rail against them, who witness forth the light and life of Christ, which leads into the birth, wherein there is no sin; and by the light do they know the bloud of Christ, [Page 7]which cleanseth them from sin, 1 John 3.6.9. and see him manifest in them, in whom there is no sin. And these you call deceivers and deluders, and call it an error to hold forth the truth of perfection in this life, or that they witness the birth where­in sin is not committed; and you make your ignorant peo­ple believe, that such are deceivers, because they hold forth the life of the truth, wherein they live and differ from you, who have got a form of godliness to trade with, 2 Tim. 3.5. without the life & power, who are to be turned away from; & with the Scriptures you blind the people, and tell them, that in the last times deceivers and salfe Prophets shall come, and tell them, that we are the false Prophets, though in life and do­ctrine we utterly deny the practises of them, who were foretold to be the false Prophets; the true Prophets cried against such as sought for their gain from their quarters, Isai. 56.11. Ezek. 34. Mic. 3.11. Mat. 23. and 5.6. Luk. 11.43 Phil. 3.19. and sought for the fleece, or preached for hire, and divined for money; and Christ witnessed against such as was called of men masters, as stood praying in the Synagogues, had the cheifest places in the Assemblies, and the greetings in the Markets; and the Apostle Paul cried against such, whose God is their belly, whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things, and such who by good words and fair speech­es deceives the hearts of the simple, and witnessed, Rom. 16.18. 2 Tim. 3. that such should come in the last dayes, as should be lovers of them selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers; and here you may see your selves to be the false Prophets, and that you are them that preach for hire, and divine for money, and such as Christ cried against; and none are more covetous than you, nor more proud than you, your Wives and Chil­dren; and here you may see, that the Apostle prophesied of your coming; and the Apostle Peter cried against such as through covetousness with faigned words make mer­chandize of the people, having eyes full of adultery, 2 Pet. 2. and that cannot cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls; an heart they have exercised with covetous practises, cursed children, which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosar, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; and Jude cried against [Page 8]such as went in the wayes of Cain and Balaam, Jude 11.16 and had mens persons in admiration because of advantage: and here all that reads this, and knows the Scriptures, the light in their Consciences will let them see, that you are the false Prophets, who are found in such practises as the Scripture speaks against; and all that own the life of the Scriptures cannot own you, who are manifested by the Scriptures to be deceivers, you live in covetousness, and you use feigned words, and make merchandize of the people; you feign your selves to be Preachers of Righteousness, and yet tell people, that none can live here and not sin; and here you manifest your deceit, and that you are strengtheners of evil-doers, that they should not forsake the evil of their doings; and thus you go on in your wickedness, and are exalted upon your foundation, the Serpent, with whom you are joyned, and upon him you are builded, and therein preach to continue in sin all your life time, and many have builded with you, and many you have dawbed with un­tempered morter, and tell them of a perfection in another life, which they that live in sin all their life time will never be able to find, for their reward will be according to their works, Rev. 22.12 and all workers of iniquity are to have their part in the Lake, and all that build with that which they conceive and imagine to be of God, great will be their fall when Christ Jesus the Rock of Righteousness appears in his Ma­jesty to reward every one according to their deeds done in the body. 2 Cor. 5.10

By George Rofe.

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