QVAESTIONS to be disputed in the Counsell of the Lords Spirituall, after their Return from their Ʋisitation.
I. WHether the Canons (or Prebendaries, as they are called) comming to sit in the Queeres and Churches, for the gaine they have thereby, doe receive their reward in this world?
II. Whether the singing they make every day, may rather be called labour and toyle of Asses, and a travaile of the body, rather then of the Mind?
III. Whether Resignations, Permutations, chopping & changing and such comming to Benefices, as now is daily used be Simony?
IV. Whether it be perilous, and not to be suffered by Citizens, that the fat and well fed Priests, and such as are full of idlenesse, and lascivious living, should dwell so neare them without wives of their owne?
V. Whither it be needfull in any City to have so many thousand of Masse-mumbling Priests, of which, few or none, teach or can teach the Gospell, sith Christ commanded his Apostles, as their very duties and office; Saying, Goe ye preach the Gospell, &c.
VI. Whither such as doe not instruct the People, that is to say, which doe not the very true Office that belongs to the Church, may receive, and enjoy the goodes of the Church, or are to be called Theeves and Robbers?
VII. Whither there be in all Europe, any one Bishop that doth his Office in such sort, as was prescribed by the Apostles?
VIII. Whither the Bishops that are carelesse of their flock, and fall onely to flaying of their sheepe, may be called true Pastors, or Hirelings, is Christ calls them?
IX. Whither the greasing of Priests hands; be the Beasts marke, spoke of in the Apocalypse?
X. Whither the Doctors, that take no paines with their Doctrine, but are up with the Angels, ought to be called Speculators, rather then Practitioners?
XI. Whither such as would not have the holy Scripture to be read by the people, do fret, and rage within themselves: that such bookes are abroad?
XII. Whither the 1.3. Chap. of Matthew may be applyed to the Popish Clergy, and Arminia [...] Priests of our time?
XIII. Whither the Persecutors of the Gospell, and the truth in our time, may be compared to the Pharisies, which sought the death of Christ, and his Apostles?
XVI. Whether the like matter doe not now in these dayes, stir up the Popish affected People against the truth of the Gospell, as is recited in the Acts of the Apostles, concerning Diana of Ephesus?
XV. Whether that saying of the Gospell, Beware of false Prophets, Mat. 7. and that also of Peter, 2 Peter 2, That through Covetousnesse they shall make Marchandize of you, with faigned words, and many other like places of Scripture doe rightly belong to the whole swarme of the Prelates?
XVI. Whether that which Christ speaketh, Mat. 24. Of many false Prophets that shall come, may be understood to be of sundry of our Clergy?
XVII. Whether the Prelates, having bin so often taken with the manner to use deceit, and to mocke the people, be therefore any more to be trusted afterwards, according to the old rule: He that is once a false knave at is marved if ever he be an honest man?
XVIII. Whether that saying of Daniel of the abomination of desolation, standing in the holy place, may be aptly applyed to the Churches of our time? In which the Clergy preferre themselves before the Kingdome of Heaven?
XIX. Whether it be expedient for the Christian Commonmor-weale, to take away from the Prelates their Dominions, and Dignities, that thereby it may be seene, whether they will returne to the antient Office of the Church?
XX. Whether the Prelates would not rather that England: yea, all Christendome, should be destroyed by warres, then that their Tyranny and power should be destroyed, or any whit diminished?
XXI. Whether it may be doubted that the Papacy, and the great Beast, will not shortly have an overthrow, as the Scripture saith, sith long time since Germany, Denmarke, England and Scotland, have fallen from her, and France and Italy, also secretly?
XXII. Whether the Prelates dispensing all things for money, may not be called Spirituall penny Fathers; & therfore be suspected of Covetousnesse?
XXIII. Whether there may be any hope of goodnesse conceived of their Recovery: sith Christ denyeth, that Blasphemers, and such as withstand the Truth against their Consciences can be healed?
XXIV. Whither their Primacy be lawfully come by, sith it was gotten of Phocas the Emperour:who was a Murtherer, and secretly, and with great Treason slew the Emperour Moritius his Lord?
XXV. Whither the Pope, and all Bishops, be or ought to be called Christs spouse, sith they keepe athome, so many Whores and Boyes?
XXVI. Whither it be to believed, that either the Prelates wish heartily the Concord of Nations, being that their Forgeries are ever the beginnings of warres, or whither they wish any good to the Common-weale, over which to their power, they have alwayes tyrannized?
XXVII. Whither any ought in these dayes to be offended, because the Doctrine of the Gospell seemeth to bring Dissensions, and alterations, sith that Christ faith that the same is a singular token, and most plain Demonstration of his Word, which came to send the sword, and not peace, and to set the Son against the Father, and the Daughter against the Mother?
XXVIII. Whither the Decre [...]s of Fathers, and of the Councils ought to be referred and examined, by the prescript rule of the Gospell, sith Paul so plainly said, that other Foundations that was already, ought not to be laid, and yet should it come to passe, that many thereupon would build, some gold, some stubble, some wood?
XXIX. Whither such as in these dayes do confesse that there are Errours, and in the meane time doe not onely contemne, but also condemn such as doe shew them those Errors, be like unto the Pharisees that said to him, that was born blind, and had received his sight of Christ, we know that God spake to Moses, but who this is (meaning Christ) we know not, nor whence he commeth?
XXX. Whither that saying of the Gospell. Lest happily the Romanes come and take away our place, Iohn 11. Doe hit just, such Kings and Princes, as will be born in hand, that if they receive the Gospell, it will come to passe, that their people will rebell, and not be obedient?
XXXI, Whither that which Paul speaking of the Doctrine of Divels, which he in spirit foresaw should arise, doth serve right for our Prelates: who for their Traditions have tormented men, which is the very nature of Satan, who is delighted with Murther and Bloud; and whither [Page]the Hon: Assembly in the High Court of Parliament, who prosecute not their Enemies, are not much to be preferred before them: especially, seeing they have such power and love of the whole Kingdome, wherwith they might shew violence and cruelty? But like Pillars of our Nation they stand to hold us up, and not to throw us downe? Laut Deo.
XXXII. Whether it be to be believed, that a true and godly Reformation can be found out, whilst they sit in Counsels, and Deliberations: who for many Causes are the Popes own Darlings, & that they will rather suffer any thing, then either to lose any jot of their Riches and Commodities: or to have their wickednesse and knavery discovered?