
THE Second Part of MENE TEKEL: Treating Of the Year MDCLXXXIX.

And modestly shewing what may probably be Conjectu­red to succeed in the Affairs of Europe in General, and of England, Holland, Scotland, and France in Particular; with something also about the Affairs of Ireland, and the French King's Forces there.

To which is added, a Treasonable Paper dispersed among the Papists, by J. Gadbury, with some Reflections thereon, and also on his Almanack for 1689.


Licens'd May 23, 1689. J. Fraser.

London, Printed for Awnsham Churchil at the Black-Swan in Ave-Mary-Lane, MDCLXXXIX,

To the Honest Reader.

SInce Heaven and our good Stars have been so kind to give me an opportunity to kiss your hand in this nature again in my Native Country, without danger of being whipp'd or Jail'd for affronting Popery, &c. or being indicted for Sedition for writing against it in my way; so I hope these Lines will find you also in a better and a more satisfied Condition than formerly, and your Jugulars more free and safe from Po­pish Knives and Halters, a Curse too common within a few Months foregoing; but God be thanked, the case is altered, and to our Advantage the Tables are turned, and the Nation is in a very fair way to retrieve its ancient Peace and Grandeur again under his present Majesty. But this by the way; the Errand of my Epistle is to acquaint you with three or four things before I come to the thing in hand.

First then; It may perhaps seems strange to see a thing of this nature come from me at this time, the Year being now half spent; and indeed for that reason I did not intend to have wrote any thing this Year [my Almanack for 1690 excepted] it being not my custom at this Season to do it: But finding by Reports from divers of my Acquaintance that there was a very ill use made of my Silence, not only by Papists and Tories, but also by true honest Englishmen, Friends to the King and Government, who have reported and believed, because I had not writ this Year as I use to do, that from thence they judg'd it was my Opinion that the late Abdicated King would return again to his former Power and Dignity in England; therefore to undeceive them, and let the World know it is not my Opinion nor any thing like it, I have published these few Sheets following.

Secondly; I have often been asked by my Friends since my Return to England, if I had writ any thing, Prophecies being cried about the City and Country in my Name, and many of them bought, and indeed I have heard them cryed my self? This there­fore I will tell you ance for all, That I never did write any thing by the name of Prophecy, nor never will; and therefore you may be sure if any such thing shall be published at any time under the Notion of Prophecy, or any other Title in a single Sheet in my Name, it is not mine; but an Abuse upon me, and a Cheat upon you, done and managed by some of the little People that cheat by Retail.

Thirdly; Perhaps it may seem a little rough and hard to some modest Readers when they hear or consider what I have said of John Gadbury, especially he and I having been very intimate for­merly, and he one that pretends to have been my Tutor in these Studies. 'Tis true the Man was civil to me when I began to study, but I own no Master but Dr. Francis Wright. But to undeceive the Reader, I must give a short account of the Affairs betwixt him and I.

We first came acquainted in 1665, and from thence as often as we had opportunity we continued it in the usual ways of Conver­sation and Fellowship till the Year 1680, at which time he took occasion to differ with me about Popery, and then we began to be strange one to the other till I left England in 1685; and from our first Acquaintance to that time, I can speak it with a safe Conscience in the Presence of God, that I never let fall an un­seemly word concerning him in any Company, for I had a respect for the Man because of our long Acquaintance, neither was I willing to give any ground for a Quarrel. But in the Year 1687, about the time that he went to Mass openly, and declared himself a Papist, he wrote a Book against me, which he called a Reply, printed by Nat. Thompson, in which Treatise he abused me in such undecent and ungentile Expressions, that it would have been a Scandal for any one to have used them at Billingsgate it self, [Page] Rogue, Rascal, Traitor, Villain, and Renegado being the Subject of his Book, and the lively Touches of his Pen, and all this without any Cause or Occasion given to him on my side; and I challenge him to tell the World if he can, when, or where I ever gave him the least occasion imaginable for it.

So that now I leave it to the World to judg between us, and whether I am not justly provoked to do what I have and shall do; for I do assure you I take no delight in Controversies of this na­ture, neither is it a peevish passionate Humour that moves me, but really to shew the World how unjust and unsteady a Man he is in his Morals and Divine Things, that hath abused me; and also how ignorant he is in his Profession, his principal Skill and Art being his Cant and Hypocrisy: But let me tell him that this is but the beginning of our Difference.

Fourthly; I find some peevish People are apt to exclaim against Astrology, because the late King did not dye in October or November 1688, pretending that I had said in Print he would then die, but I would very fain have them show it to me where I have so said: Indeed I did think he would have died, and yet his not dying is no Injury to Astrology, unless among those that are malicious and something worse: However I shall say but two things in the case,

1. To those that understand Astrology, or pretend to it, [for I hear a double-sighted Man hath talked more than came to his share] what I predicted was fully verified, for it happened within a Month of the time mentioned; and now the thing is over, I will defy them to give any reason for it, that shall have the same Effect in another Nativity, or something like it: Let them out­do it if they can.

2. To those that know nothing of Astrology, there is no blame to be laid on the Art, nor indeed I cannot see how they can blame me; for the Effect is so like Death, that it doth as well for the Deliverance of the Nation, and I hope they cannot say but it happened at the same time I had predicted it too. It is [Page]indeed a Civil Death, and to him I think worse than Death: however there are some that would have quarrelled with it too if he had then died at the time exactly, and said it was predicted by chance; so that I shall leave every Man to think and judg as he pleaseth, being satisfied my self that theirs are no Arguments against Astrology to ingenious Men, nor any but those who are as ignorant and as idle as themselves, I could name them and their Vices, if I pleased without Charge to their Purses, &c.

Thus Reader, I have done in as short words as I can, being unwilling to detain thee longer: if I have trespassed, excuse the trouble, and it shall be an Obligation to,

Your Humble Servant, JOHN PARTRIDGE.

The Fable of the Owls.

BEtween two Hills, by a sweet River stood
[Compos'd of well-spread Trees] a stately Wood;
Whose Boughs, by Night, to soaring Fowls gave rest,
And on the Earth beneath there lay the Beasts:
To this sweet Grove resorted divers Fowls,
But the chief Dwellers there were Doves and Owls:
There did they breed, and likewise feed and prey,
The Owls by Night, but the poor Doves by Day.
The Doves were harmless, and had no defence,
The Owls ('tis true) had Claws, but little Sense.
But yet they govern'd, and were publick Owls,
Such as that State thought fit to use for Tools.
Thus here they liv'd, and sometimes unopprest,
The Owls with Doves, the Doves with Owls converst:
'Till there at last, by a strange Fate arriv'd
A Rav'nous Hawk that prey'd on every side:
He knew no Limits, nothing scap'd his Claws,
Nor were his Actions sway'd or bound by Laws;
Pull'd down all Order they could call their own,
And by his Lawless Will he set up none.
When he abroad had mist his daily Prey,
At Night he'd fetch a Dove or Owl away:
Take here a Head, perhaps a Limb with it,
And their Heart-Blood too if he thought it fit.
Pull down their Nests, destroy their Breed, and when
They durst rebuild, he'd pull 'em down agen.
By Rage and Rape this was their Misery,
And his Attendance were as bad as he.
A Neighbour near seeing what spoil was made,
And fear'd both Doves and Owls would be destroy'd
Drove thence the Tyrant Hawk: and by his Care,
Free'd them at once from Danger, Death and Fear.
The Doves were glad to see such help arise,
And paid his Care with Thanks and Sacrifice:
But the dull Owls, curst with their old Disease,
Had neither Sence to thank, nor know their Ease;
They sullen grew, and their Deliv'rance scorn'd,
Because themselves were not to Hawks transform'd:
They growl'd, and swell'd, and pouted as they flew,
And to compleat their Crimes they murmur'd too;
They soon forgot their old preceeding Curse,
And from their own curst Bosoms form'd a worse.
Ʋnder false Notions knavishly complain,
Spew up their Rage, then swallow it again.
They sought Advice amidst this Discontent,
And to the Jugling Rooks these Owls were sent:
There 'twas agree'd, and by Debate 'twas sway'd,
The Counsel given them must be obey'd.
So they agree'd [observe these sensless Tools]
To shew indeed they were no more but Owls.
Grave Owls (quoth they) be rul'd and ask no more,
Since you our Counsel and Advice adore,
Return and dwell in Egypt as before.
Freedom's a Bubble, should you that once know,
Perhaps your Worships will remove us too.
So they obey'd, and all the Passive Throng
Took this Advice, from whence their Curses sprung:
Then 'twas resolv'd, and all in Crowds they came,
And in these Words they begg'd their Hawk again.
Dread Sir!
Above all Laws that ever yet were made,
Your Will's most just, and ought to be obey'd;
And who refuseth, and will not comply,
Nay, or but questions it, he ought to dye.
Return and make us happy as before,
For what you've done was Justice and no more;
We now are Yours, and you our Sovereign Lord,
Bring all the Hawks the Forest will afford;
For we your humble Slaves before you bow,
Tendring our Heads, Hearts, Limbs, and all to you,
And when you please pray take 'em as your due.
Sic dixere Ululae.

UPHARSIN, OR The second Part of MENE TEKEL: Treating of The Year MDCLXXXIX.

PTOLOMEY the great Master of Astrology hath in divers places of his Quadripartite, and in the ninth Chapter of the second Book in particular, given Direction to judg Mundane Affairs, by considering the Figures of the Sun's Ingresses into the four Cardinal Points, together with the preventional and postventional New and Full Moons, and the rather if any Eclipses happen then or near them: by which Accident they are rendred the more Eminent and Re­markable, which the Learned Placidus de Titis in his Ephemeris, Part 1. Chap. 5, 6, and 7, &c. hath taken Pains to shew the Reasons of the Author, and the thing he commanded, and that there is no Method so consentaneous to Nature for a Foundation of Judgment, as that which is laid down by the Great Ptolomy; and according to this Method I shall endeavour to inquire into the Affairs and Actions likely to be the Subject of this Year; and therefore I will begin with the Sun's Entrance into the Sign Aries, according to the Caroline Tables, which this Year is March the 9th, at 35 Minutes and 49 Seconds past 9 of the Clock in the Evening, in the Meridian of London. And here let me intreat my pious good Friend Mr. J. Gadbury, among the rest of his Popish Vertues, not to be angry with me if I, or rather Mr. Street, differ from those Ta­bles which that Impostor falsly calls his: For the Author of the Felsinean Ephemeris makes the Ingress of the Sun into Aries this Year 1689, to be at 38 minutes past Ten of the Clock at Night; and his Ephemeris is [Page 2]deduced [he tells us] from the Hypothesis of Lansberg, Bullialdus, Kepler, and Cassinus. Now this Gentleman hath been so generous to tell from whence he hath wrought his Ephemeris, but our Popish Impo­stor J. G. would not do so in his: I suppose he durst not for fear of being hist at: but, according to our Caroline Tables, thus did the Hea­vens behold the Earth at the time mentioned, as you may see by this Figure following.

The Sun enters ♈ March the 9th at 35 min. 49 seconds after 9 at Night, 1689.

☽ a △ ♄ ad ⚹ ♀

Sub. Lat. Lond.

Lat. Planet.
2 14 No.
0 40 So.
0 27 So.
1 30 No.
3 10 No.
3 5 So.
Declin. Planet.
11 14
15 24
21 35
17 23
9 33
10 52
00 00

In this Figure we find no considerable Positions to give Wars and Confusions as are now approaching; neither doth the preventional Full Moon, nor the postventional New Moon shew any thing material; But if we please to consider the time of the postventional Full Moon, we shall find as great an Eclipse of the Moon as can be; for in the middle of the Eclipse the Center of the Moons Body passeth exactly almost through the Center of the Shadow, or that Point vulgarly called the Dragons Tail; the middle of this Eclipse, or the greatest Obscuration, happens in the twelfth House of Heaven, the House of Sorrow, Imprisonment and Trouble; and the Sun, who is the real Significator of Kings and great Men, is under the Earth in the sixth Angle of Heaven, lately afflicted by the Mundane Parallel of Saturn, and so was the Moon too; also we may observe that Saturn and Mars are both Angular and in Square; and [Page 3]the Moon also at that time is in a Mundane Square of Mars, and he in Opposition to the Mid-Heaven, the Ascendent of Kings. And what is yet further to be observed, both Sun and Moon are applying to the Zo­diacal Parallels of Saturn; and Saturn also in Square to the Mid-Heaven, the House of Honour. And lastly, observe that there are none Angular at the time of this Eclipse but Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, and they in Square and Opposition to the places of the last great Conjunction; all which considered are Arguments of Trouble and Mischief to ensue after such a Position that is so near the vernal Figure, and so aggravated, as you have here heard, by those many Malevolent Positions and Configurations, which shall be in order discoursed and explained, what they signify and when their Effects may be expected; for these Configurations will not appear before the Solstitial Ingress.

As a Foundation to the rest, let us first consider that the great Con­junction in the Year 1682, is now beginning to shew its Effects in ano­ther nature and way than what it hath done yet; for upon every Aspect made by the Superiors Saturn, Jupiter and Mars, to the place of that Conjunction, you will find different kinds of Violence and Effects in the World, as you may observe by what is past in this Conjunction, and those of former times. In 1686 Jupiter came to the Square of that place, and what Inventions were from that time used to build up a new Tyrannick Form of Government, I suppose most People remember: And now Jupiter is come to the opposite Point, and Saturn to the Square of it; which Aspects usually give Hurries and Confusions in the World, as you may see it is now like to do; and it may be remem­bred that in 1639, Saturn came to the opposite place of the Conjuncti­on in the Year 1623.

The Eclipse of the Moon in March happened just upon her rising, and therefore the Effects thence depending will begin soon after: The Eclipse falls in 15 degrees of Libra, an Aery Equinoctial Sign, which Junctine says, gives Inter Ecclesiasticos Schismata; and indeed Ptolomy says it concerns things sacred, and the Mutations of such things as be­long to those Persons and Places, Lib. 2. Cap. vi. And Cardan seems to render a Reason for it when he says that the Eclipses of the Lumi­naries operate more upon Cities, Provinces and Kingdoms than upon Kings or particular Persons, because they signify the Multitude, Seg. 5. Aphor. 45. And in another place he says Eclipses in Aery Signs move Sedition in those Kingdoms concerned under the Effects of them. And that is very natural to the eclipsed part of Heaven, because it falls in the twelfth House of Heaven; for Eclipses that fall in the twelfth and eighth [Page 4]Houses of Heaven, says Cardan, are far weaker than those that fall in the Angles; and there seems some reason for it, because those parts of Heaven are dark and obscure, and bear no manner of Ray to the Ascendant; from whence the Effects of this Eclipse will be spent in whispering, suggesting, &c. such things as are to do Mischief rather than Good.

Saturn is in the Ascendant Retrograde, and in Square to Mars, who is in Opposition to the Tenth; This, according to the Opinion of Haly, gives Discontent, and signifies People of a dissatisfied Principle. It likewise, says he, gives a sort of Thieves and Robbers, or rather Out-lyers, that live on the spoil of others, such as the Irish Tories, or the French Booted Apostles; and something of the same Nature in England of late, known by the Name of Regulators, or Destroyers of the Government; and the Effects according to its Nature will work effectually, because they are both Angular, but yet these can give no Action, but are Preparatives.

Another thing is the Sun and Moon hastning to the Zodaical Parallel of Saturn, and both of them but just separated from his Mundane Parallel; which two Positions will have as great a share in the Effects that attend this Moon's Eclipse, and this Quarter also, as any in either Figure: And the ra­ther, because the Moon in the Vernal Figure it self is exactly in a Zodaical Parallel with Saturn; these give various and different kinds of Remora's, grumbling and dissatisfaction among all sorts, but especially the Common People, because the Moon is most afflicted: And Bonatus adviseth in all Revolutions to consider the Application of the Sun and Moon, for upon their Rays with the next Planet, doth depend much of the Affairs of that Quarter: So that the Moon being afflicted, seems to usher in those kind of Effects given by Haly in these Words, Si Luna jungitur cum Saturno, signi­ficat in rebus multos Labores, Tristitias & damna quae accedent hominibus ratione Carcerum & similium, & depopulationem Villarum & Civitatum a quibus decedent gentes, & ibant ad alia loca. If the Moon (says he) is joined to Saturn, it shews great Sorrows, Labours, and loss that shall happen to Mankind by reason of Prisons, &c. and Depopulation of Cities and Towns, from which they shall depart and go to other Places. And how much of this hath been verified in this Quarter, I leave to all and any of those that have read or heard what is of Truth reported, and I sear too ma­ny have found true to their Cost and Sorrow: I do not intend to spend much time on this Quarter, because it will so soon expire after the Publication of these few Sheets, and because this Quarter and its Effects are but an Intro­duction to the rest of the Year, the latter part of which will be the most remarkable. And so I come to consider the Summer Quarter, which begins June the 10th at 52 min. and 49 sec. after 10 of the Clock in the Evening, [Page 5]1689, Ex Tab. Caeroli. And to that time this Figure following is set.

☉ Enters ♋ die 10. Junii hor. 10. min. 52. Scrup. 49. P. M. 1689. ☽ a vacuo ad ⚹ ♄. ⚹ ☉. ☍ ♃.

Lat. Lond.

Lat. Planet.
2 23 No.
1 2 So.
2 36 So.
1 17 So.
1 43 No.
4 12 No.
Declin. Planet.
9 16
12 00
2 19
22 10
24 13
23 32
19 27

If we look back to the Preventional New Moon, we shall find both the Sun and Moon in Square to Mars, from the Signs Gemini and Pisces; Mars being in the Ninth House, and the Sun and Moon in the Eleventh, and Saturn in the end of Libra, in exact Opposition to the Tenth, the House of Honour, and what is observable he is there almost Stationary on the Radical Place of the Sun in a certain Persons Nativity, who is now in Tri­bulation.

At the Postventional Full Moon we find there the Moon to be separating from the Square of Mars, and applying to the Body of the Sun, and next after that to the Square of Saturn; the Sun is in Domo Octava, and the Moon in Secunda: and she in that part of Heaven having (at the Full Moon) five degrees of South Latitude, made her within Rays of the Square of Saturn: so that we may conclude both the Preventional New, and Postventional Full Moons do exactly agree with the Figure of the Ingress here before us, and do really agree in describing the Circumstantial Adjuncts likely to attend this Quarter, which is indeed like to be ushered in with Violence, and violent Actions; and therefore let those that are like to suffer therein take care how they manage their ticklish Fortune, for here is such Work approaching that [Page 6]is not to be dallied with; and he that once plays and loseth, seldom or ne­ver comes to his Stake again.

Having already said how the Preventional and Postventional New and Full Moon agree with the Figure of the Ingress, I come now to insist on the Figure it self, and the various Positions, Aspects, &c. therein contained. And the first thing to be considered is, what is like to be the Effects of this Quarter in the general, for here we find (as perhaps some will say) no Extraordinary Positions to give Violence, because the Sun is in Trine to Ju­piter and Saturn; and the Moon in no evil Aspect, except by her Latitude in Opposition to Jupiter, from the first and seventh houses. And now going to the Sextile of Saturn and the Sun: all that is (may they say) is the Sun in square to Mars in the Ascendent. Alas they that expect to find Causes in Mundane Ingresses to predict or forshew Actions of that kind of quality that we must now expect, are extreamly deceived and cheated; for in all things of this Nature we must first consider the Motion of the Su­periors Saturn and Jupiter, for they are the Salt or Leaven of the World, and from their Motion proceeds the variety of those Causes which Mankind of­tentimes so severely feels: and indeed it is that, and that only (which is equal in another branch of this Study) to the primary Directions, and these In­gresses are but like Revolutions that may either abate or aggravate the Di­rection in its time and quality of Operation: but whether the Revolution or Ingress concur or not, the Direction certainly works without it, and therefore we are not beholden to the Figure of the Ingress for discovering to us the Cause of Mutations, Wars, &c. but the time when God and Nature think fit to obtrude them upon us.

Hence therefore be pleased to consider that there have been three Squares of Saturn and Jupiter, and the last of them was last January, Saturn being then in Square, and Jupiter in Opposition to the last Con­junction in ♌ in the year 1682/3: and this also on the place and square to it of the Conjunction of Saturn and Mars in October preceding; and in the end of March last there was also a Square of Saturn and Mars, the latter of which was then in Opposition to the place of the last Conjunction, and to the Ecliptical place of the Moon in this Figure: and you see that altho mat­ters and things have been working, yet they have not produced any thing material more than preparation for Action and Things of a greater Nature: and this not only in this part of Europe, but also in Spain and Germany, and the parts adjacent. There are other things that are to be considered in this Judgment, but because they will occasionally fall in with other matters in this discourse, therefore I omit to mention them, for these are the principal that I have already noted, and according to the Method I, and all others that [Page 7]pretend to Astrology, do or ought to proceed in their judging Mundane Revolutions concerning Wars, Plagues, Mutations of Government, Abdica­tion of Kings, Plenty, Famine, &c.

Therefore in the first place we shall confider what may be the Conse­quence of this triple Square of Saturn and Jupiter, of which the two first were from Libra and Capricorn, the one an Equinoctial, and the other a Tropical Sign, but the last was from Scorpio and Aquary two fixed rough succedent Signs; from whence I draw this Judgment, that the first two thirds of their Effects shall be quick, noble, and glorious, mighty things soon dispatch'd and done, and the reason is, because they were from Cardi­nal Signs; but the last part will be slow, tedious and full of labour, apt to go sometimes backwards and sometimes forward; and variety of success attend it. Now for a proof of this let us look back to the Conjunction of the two Superiors in 1623 in Leo: and observe when they made their Square which was but a single one, and that from the Ends of Libra and Capricorn in the Month of February in the year 1629; and compare that and its Effects then, with these three now, and the prospect of things likely to attend us at this time, and then say whether like Causes have not like Ef­fects: for in 1629 the Hollanders took the Hertogenbosch stom the Spa­niards, and also many of their Ships; the Janizaries quarrel with the Grand Signior: the Polanders make peace with the Sweeds: A Great Diet at Prague: the Kings of England and France make peace, having together de­stroyed the poor Protestants at Rochel; The French make great preparati­ons of War against Italy: and in the beginning of the Next year the King of Swedland did Invade the Empire, and took Francfort upon Odor, and Lantsberg, &c. How England stood affected at that time, and what the Designs of the then King were, your own Histories will inform you; I have onely given you those that were forreign. Thus you see the same Kingdoms and Countries were concerned in Action at that time, as are now, but the Quarrels and pretences different; yet the Popish Crew then in Spain, France and Germany were for rooting out the Protestants and the Protestant Religi­on; and yet we, even we, are for succouring and defending them, tho I thank God I am of another perswasion. These things considered, are sufficient to prove the Position that I laid down before, that like Causes have like Effects, and that the Motion of the Superior Stars are to be considered in the publick Affairs of the World, &c. But I must turn into my way again, this discourse being not exactly pertinent to the Affairs in Hand.

Haly an old Arabian, and one well acquainted with this kind of Doctrine, tell us, Significat quod existant rebelles qui adversabuntur regie, & qui quaerunt regnum; Etian significat Mutationes. & res multas in negotiis regis▪ simili­ter [Page 8]& in Lege: says he, the Square of Saturn and Jupiter signifies that people shall rise against their King, and endeavour to take the Kingdom; and that it shews various and many Mutations in the King's Affairs, and also in the Law. So that it seems in those Eastern Countries, even there too where their Kings are really Arbitrary, such Accidents do use to happen upon such Configurations, as well as in these Northern parts where Government is by Compact and Agreement. His word Rebels, is a term used in those Coun­treys as well to those who regulate the abuses of Government, that prevent the subversion of Kingdoms and the ruine of Religion, as to those that in­deed are so: and no doubt but that Man that calls himself King, or rather Tyrant of France, would look upon it as a great Injury done to him, to be called to an account for all his Villanies, Murders, Perjuries, breach of Oaths, Promises, destroying of his Subjects, disturbing the peace of Europe, burning Towns without any Cause, hanging his Subjects, sending others to the Gal­leys, while others of them are starving in Jailes, and all for being Prote­stants: I say, perhaps this Man would think himself injured, and would be apt to call them Rebels that should doe it, when indeed it would be a good Service, and a work of merit to ease the groaning Slaves of their Burden, the Earth of a Tyrant, and the Princes of Europe of a Perfidious and treache­rous Neighbour.

This Square of Saturn and Jupiter was attended by a Conjunction of Sa­turn and Mars in October last, of which Haly says thus, Si quando Mars Junctus fuerit cum Saturno, struet qui liber alteri fraudes & deceptiones, & erunt inter homines percussiones & vulnera: that when Saturn and Mars shall be conjoined, it shews much Fraud and Deceipt, and that there shall be fighting and wounds, especially if they meet in a humane Sign. And this Conjunction was succeeded by a Square of them about the end of March, from the Signs of Scorpio and Aquary, and also at the very time of that great Central Eclipse of the Moon in Libra, which was near the place of Saturn at the time of the second Square of Saturn and Jupiter in July, 1688. All Authors do agree, and indeed Experience can plead for it, that such Crowds of Malignant Positions do naturally give mischief and trouble to Mankind, Effusion of Blood, Destruction of Great and Noble Men, Wars, Pestilence, and all Manner of Violence that attends such kind of Af­fairs and Transactions, as you that please may read more at large in Guido Bonatus, pars quart. cap. 57. and cap. 77. and also in Origanus de effecti­bus. And thus much for those things that are passed by, and yet in force to produce something to come. I come now to the Figure it self, and where I left off.

The Moon is at this Ingress upon the place of the last Conjunction, and in the seventh House, and by her Latitude in Opposition to Jupiter. This shews the Common sort not to be pleased with some things done by those that are signified by that Star: but Jupiter is in trine to the Sun, he hath secured himself from what can appear from thence.

But here we also find the Sun and Mars in an exact Square from Aries and Cancer, and this not only Zodiacal, but a Mundane Square likewise, and from two of the most principal Signs in the whole Zodiack, and from Angles besides. This can be construed to give nothing more proper to its Nature then Action and Hostility both by Sea and Land; and therefore a­bout the time of the Ingress we may hear of some considerable Action per­formed by the Dutch or Germans, or both, against the French Tyrant; and also about the same time expect the same Success of the English and Dutch Fleets by Sea, against him and his wicked Accomplices, that are endea­vouring to dip the World in Blood, and also to make Slavery and Tyranny hereditary. If you will believe our Friend J. Gadbury, he tells us in his Al­manack for 1689, that it promiseth Tempests and Hurricanes; but the Fel­low will so lie, especially since he turned Papist, that he is not to be believed. However perhaps it may, by inverting his Notion, prove true, by appearing in Hurricanes & Storms among the Papists, and that Cursed Faction, of which he is believed to be a worthy Member to his Reputation, and their Advantage.

We also find here that Mars is in the Ascendent, and of such a Position when he is afflicted, as here Haly says, (speaking of Man­kind before) Crescent inter eas rixae, & discordiae, & se vulnerabunt, & percutient, & sanguinem fundent, & propter hoc accident eis magnum damnum & malum. That there shall be Quarrels and Discords, from whence shall arise Blows and Wounds, and the Effusion of Blood; and for this reason there shall happen to them (meaning Mankind) much damage and loss. A Planet Angular hath indeed much more Power to perform what he signifies by being in an Angle than in the other Houses, and of the Angles the first and tenth is the chiefest, and therefore he may be allowed by his Position there to give both speed and violence to his Effects.

If we consider the Moon, we shall really find her in the seventh House, separated from the Sextile of the Sun, and applying to the Opposition of Jupiter and the Sextile of Venus. The Moon is Lady of the fifth House the Angle of Embassies, &c. and in the seventh the House of Wars and Con­tests. Jupiter is Lord of the Tenth, and just turned Retrograde in his own House Pisces, and is in a Zodiacal Parallel with Saturn likewise. This seems to shew some new thing on Foot, about making some League, or entering into, or upon some new Project of War, which is at present wholly un­known: [Page 10]but the advantage in the Consequence of it will be considerable, and it seems designed for the mighty States of Holland and their Confede­rates; and this seems to be managed under some other kind of pretences then what is intended, perhaps it may be some Affairs that may concern the King of Denmark: for the Moon here is on the Radical place of his Jupi­ter; and Mars here on the Radical place of his Venus; and both Sun and Venus here on the Cusp of his Radical Mid-Heaven. But this I am sure will be considerable, for so many Planets do not use to be Angular and in Cardinal Signs for nothing, and especially when such Applications and Po­sitions attend them. And this brings me to the Consideration of what Coun­tries, and Nations, are like to be concerned in the Transactions of this Year, and who are like to be the Sufferers thereby.

In the Figure we find this Square is from Aries and Cancer: under Aries are England, France, Germany, Denmark, &c. under Cancer are Scotland, Holland, Zealand, &c. and from these Kingdoms and Countries will be the first appearance of the Action of this Summer; in Cancer we find the Sun in Trine to Jupiter, in Sextile to the Moon, and in Conjun­ction with Venus; now all allow that Scotland and Holland are under Can­cer, then are their confederates very well signified by Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon, who are all strong and in a good Condition. Mars is in Aries the Ascendant of France, and there in friendly Rays with none, but stands singly alone: this considered with the two Oppositions of Saturn and Mars [of which more hereafter when I come to particulars that happen within the Compass of this Quarter] do plainly shew that those that espouse the French Quarrel, are like to feel the fury of this Year's Action with a Witness.

And so I come to consider the Sun's entrance into Libra, which is this Year on September the 12th, at 25 minutes, and 25 seconds, After­noon, per Tab. Carolin.

Sol in Libra Sep. 12. hor. 0. min. 23. sec. 25. P.M. 1689. Luna vacua.

Lat. Lord.

Lat. Planet.
2 40 No.
0 58 So.
4 22 So.
1 17 So.
0 59 No.
5 16 So.
Declin. Planet.
10 34
14 46
9 52
15 17
0 25
28 30
0 00

The Preventional New Moon is not much to be taken notice of at this Ingress, altho an Eclipse of the Sun at the same time, but the Postventional Full Moon is remarkable, because attended with a Retrograde Opposition of Saturn and Mars, and a Central Eclipse of the Moon at the same time in Aries, both which will much influence the Affairs of this Quarter; for if we please to look back we shall find that Saturn and Mars came to an Opposition from the beginning of Taurus and Scorpio, in the beginning of August last, and this upon a New Moon, and at such a time when the Sun and Moon were upon the place of the Last Conjunction, going to the Op­position of Jupiter; and now Mars falling Retrograde, comes to a second Opposition, upon the 20th of September, by the Felsinean Ephemerides, and on the 19th by Argol: And they also make a third Opposition by their direct Motion again from the same Signs in the Month of January next; and of the three that will be the most pernicious, especially to the Kingdom of Ireland [the Judgment of which I shall refer to my next Year's Alma­nack, as the most proper place for it]: but these two to the now unsuccess­ful Deputy-Governour of it, they both being upon the place and opposite place of his Radical Sun, and also in Square to his Radical Moon.

It hath been the Custom, or rather the Fashion, of some of our Profes­sion, when they were to give a Judgment on such a Position, to pretend to [Page 10] [...] [Page 11] [...] [Page 12]give the exact Time of the Conjunction or Opposition, and then set a Figure to that Time, from whence they were used to give their Opinions of its Ef­fects. But how irrational and improbable this is, all Men know that un­derstand Calculation, and know the difference of Tables that give the Moti­ons; and that it is impossible to expect any two of them to agree to two or three hours in the Motions of the Superiors: which if so, then it is a piece of folly to pretend to set a Figure for the time of the Opposition, &c. Therefore I shall give my Judgment of it from the Figures of the Lunations preceding, as the most probable and rational way in my Opinion; and I am sure it is the certainest way that can he propounded, and the rather because it is at the Time of the Postventional full Moon, according to the Direction of the Great Ptolomy. Lib. 2. cap. 9. and his Authority is sufficient for me.

The time of the Lunation preceding this Opposition being calculated, happens on September the 19th at 44 min. past 2 of the Clock in the morn­ing; so that any one that pleaseth to set the Figure, may make use of that Time without further trouble, and it is the time also of a very great Eclipse of the Moon: so that the Eclipse tells the World there are great things of Ruine and Destruction to be done, and the Opposition of Mars and Saturn tells us where and what.

The First thing I shall observe in the Figure, is, that all the Planets are op­posed; for Jupiter is in Opposition to Venus, Mars to Saturn, the Moon to the Sun and Mercury, and Jupiter and Venus do both behold Saturn and Mars by a Mundane Square. Hence you see the Superior Bodies and Motions seem to have fitted out this Time for some strange Catastrophe in the Affairs of the World, and to turn up by the Roots the Tyranny and Opres­sion which the Son of Perdition, by help of his dark Lanthorn Councils, and booted Apostles, hath endeavoured to plant and propagate not only in his own Land, but in ours also, by the help of his Friends: But blessed be God for their Disappointment, and the Ruine of that Cut-Throat Design, by which we must all have fell, or else declared for that Villanous Lying Doctrine, which is blasphemously term'd Religion, Popery I mean.

The Eclipse falls in the eighth House, called the House of Death; it is an obscure Angle, and hath no Affinity with the Ascendent, and the place of it is governed by Mars who is in the terms of Venus, and she Lady of the Angle following the Eclipse, and upon the place of the great Conjunction in Leo: This Eclipse falls in Aries an Equinoctial Sign, and its Governour is in Taurus an earthly fixed Sign, in Opposition to Saturn, which makes its Effects rugged and also durable, and will be managed according to the nature of Saturn and Mars. Junctine says an Eclipse of the Moon in the first ten degrees of Aries, Febres futuras, [Page 13]aedium ineendia, combustiones nemorum; ac aeris siccitatem ostendit; that it gives Feavers, burning of Houses and Woods, and a great Drought.

But Ptolomy tells us, that it signifies the Change and Alteration of Religion and Religious Customs. And it is my Opinion that the Effects of this Eclipse will be spent chiefly on the Kingdom of France, and the Dominions thereunto belonging; for all the Configurations of this Year have more or less to do in the Nativity of that King, and he at this time under the Effects of a malicious Revolution. But more of these things when I come to speak in particular to Persons and Things under the Influence of these Motions.

At this Lunation all the Planets are Peregrine except Mercury, who is in his own terms, and not one of them in an Angle, but all either in Cadent or Succedent Houses, but Mars and Saturn in particular are Cadent in the ninth and third Houses, si fuerit in nona, significat de­trimentum Religiosorum, Largarum Religionum, ut sunt Episcopi, Ar­chiepiscopi Cardinales, & similia. Bonatus speaks thus of a Conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the ninth, and you may expect the same from an Opposition with very little rebate.

Messahala, speaking of such an Affair, commands us to observe Sa­turn and Mars; for, says he, if Mars applies to Saturn, and commits his Rays and Disposition to him, it signifies that there shall be strange, grievous and durable Afflictions upon the Earth and among Mankind. Multiplicabuntur Latrocinia & Contentiones, &c. Cap. xxxvii. de Revolut. Annor. Mundi. The Intent of Messahalah in that place, is to shew that when Mars is applying to Saturn, they being the only two Corrosive Stars, stir up a violent and an unusual Ferment not only in the Minds and Passions of Men, but also in all things of Nature, because Mars hath the Power of acting or agitating in a peculiar manner on those condens'd, compact, and acid Principles of old Saturn; it is like the Effect of Salts and Acids being put together, which cause a violent Ebu­lition, and after that's over, it produceth a Tertium Neutrum, something that is like neither of them. The nature of Mars is well described by P. J. Faber, who saith, Mars veluti Sol alter Calorem summum rebus impertit, & suo intestissimo Caloro vitali perficit, & maturat crudum omne & frigidum. So that we are not to believe this kind of Effect that Messahalah speaks of, to proceed from an empty Ignote Notion, but from a real and rational Philosophick Principle and Quality; and then this Application, if we consider it, is by Opposition the worst of Aspects; and by Retrograde Motion, which doth much increase the Maligne Effects of the Aspect, the Application and whatsoever doth depend there­on, [Page 14]which are Devastations and Ruine of Countries, Pleets and fighting by Sea Armies and Destruction by Land, Deceit and Treachery one with another; and besides all this, private Murders when violent Aspects happen upon Lunations, &c. But there is one thing more to be observed, and that is, the Parts of Heaven that they are in, which are violent, for they both culminate with violent fixed Stars [perhaps there may be some that may carp at the word both culminate, and therefore let all such know it is a proper Expression, and can be vindicated with a very little Labour and Trouble] and also in violent Parallels: both which do aggravate and increase the Malignant Quality of these two Superiors, Sa­turn and Mars; the one in Taurus culminates with the Jaw of the Whale of the nature of Saturn, the Head of Medusa of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter, and also the Pleiades; and the other with the Stars in the beginning of the Scorpion, as the Lucida Corona, the Stellae Nebulosae, the Lanx Australis & Borealis. And thus much in general for the malig­nant part of the Effects of this Eclipse of the Moon in September.

As for the Benefick Influence thereof I can say very little to it, for the two Fortunes from whom all the Balsam is expected to heal, and also corroborate, are not only in Opposition one to another, and in a Mun­dane Square to Saturn and Mars, but also upon the place and the Op­posite Point of the last great Triple Conjunction in Leo, in active parts of Heaven, and in violent Parallels likewise: From whence, and all which considered together, I can see but little Rebate from what the Opposition of Saturn and Mars in fixed Signs promiseth at the time of this Eclipse.

I shall now speak a word or two to the Ingress it self, and so come to Particulars, &c. But before I enter on that, you must give me leave to put you in Mind of that Opposition of Saturn and Mars from the be­ginning of Taurus and Scorpio by direct Motion in the beginning of August, the Sun and Moon at that time being upon the place of the last Conjuction of Saturn and Jupiter. At the time of this New Moon, which is the fifth so August, at 24 minutes past 3 of the Clock in the Morning, the two Lights are appproaching the Horoscope in Leo, and the two Malevolents in the tenth and fourth Houses, all Angular, and in­deed so are all the Planets except Venus. The Effects of this Oppositi­on will have the same tendency that the other before mentioned will have, and the one will increase the Force and Vigor of the other, and therefore I have given my Judgment on the second only, because at that time the force of both will be in operation. And Bonatus in par. 4. cap. 87. speaking of a Conjunction of Saturn and Mars in the tenth, says, Si fuerit in decima significat detrimentum Regum & Magnarum & De­structionem [Page 15]esses eorum & Mortem Magni Regis; if, says he, it was in the tenth, it signifies the Detriment of Kings and Great Men, and their Destruction, and also the Death of a great King. And it is certain that as the Affairs of Europe now appear, these things are probable to happen in divers Countries and Kingdoms of Europe. And tho our Author speaks of a Conjunction in that part of Heaven; yet we shall find that this Op­position will be attended with such like Effects ad unguem. And there­fore you shall hear what the same Author says of Mars unfortunately placed in the tenth House, as we have in the 85 Cap. Et si fuerit in deci­ma significat Tribulationem venturam Rusticis, atque popularibus ex parte Regis, & Divitum ac Potentum; & significat vulnera & percussiones gladio­rum at (que) flagella & Angustiam ex eis, atque Carcerem & penuriam seu indigentiam victualiam, & significat Bella, & Contentiones de rebus quae non sunt [...] illorum qui petunt eas, nec pertinent ad eos: if (says he) it is in the tenth, as here, it signifies Sorrow and Tribulation shall come to the common People by reason of their King and great Men; and it also sig­nifies Wars and Contentions for things that are not theirs, neither do belong to them. So that we see it is not only from the Rays those two there are conjoyn'd, but from Mars also in that Angle ill placed, or rather purely malefick; for Mars cannot be worse placed then in Opposition to Sa­turn, and both of them Peregrine, and neither of them in Signs really agreeable to their own Natures.

But besides all this, Mars doth more immediately signify some King or other (or at leastwise one that thinks himself to be so) because he is Lord of the tenth House, the Horoscope of Kings and great Men in gene­ral; and in the Genethliacal Part of Astrology it is observed that Mars in the Ascendent Peregrine and afflicted, always signifies a Man that is bold, angry, quarelsom, and yet a Coward, and with these Qualifications he is generally poor and needy. And so I have done with the Oppositions of Saturn and Mars in general; only observe,

First, That all the Effects of these two Oppositions, and also the third, will wholly be directed and guided by the same Rule, and to the same End as the Conjunction of them in November 1688 was intended; and upon every remarkable Aspect in these Signs, or Leo and Aquary, which are in the same Quadrangle, you will see or hear something remarkable done or acted in order to the great Work till it is over and ended, which will not be quickly.

Secondly, Observe, That it was after a Conjunction of Saturn and Ju­piter in Leo, Anno 1623, that the Papists used all their Endeavours to bring in that most abominable Perswasion into England under the Noti­on [Page 14] [...] [Page 15] [...] [Page 16]of Religion, and to set it up by the Power of Law, upon which En­deavours of theirs, there began and continued so cruel a War in this Na­tion between two Parties, the one to bring in Popery, and the other to keep it out, that the like had not been known in many Ages; and now under such a Conjunction as that was, we have the like thing attempted over again, and it had succeeded too had not the Almighty appeared for us in a wonderful manner.

Twit us no more about your Forty One;
For they that twitted us, have us outdone.

Again, observe, that when Saturn and Mars came to a Conjunction in Aquary in 1640, in Opposition to the place of that Conjunction in 1623, [there was indeed three Conjunctions of Saturn and Mars then, as now three Oppositions] immediately after the next Opposition that most horrid Murder of the Protestants in Ireland was acted, which be­gan on the 23d of October 1641, and lasted a Month; in which Action the Bloody Papists used such Barbarities, that one would think it could not enter into the Heart or Mind of Mankind to think or contrive; but it is such a Religion, that if the Priest says they must murder their Fathers, Mothers, Brothers or Sisters, being Protestants, they think their disobeying him will incur Damnation, such is the Ignorance and Folly of those who are Bigots to Priests. I say in this Massacre they ripped up Women with Child, and cruely murdered the Infants; set Men up to the Neck in Earth, and play'd Bowls at their Heads, and when they had done, leave them to die at leisure; strip Men and Women and drive them naked into the Field being Winter, and there let them starve with Hunger and Cold; take fat Men and kill them, and with their Fat make Candles to say Mass by; murder the Parents before the Children to terrify them, and the Children before the Parents to do the like: go into Cities and commit all the Villanies and Outrages imaginable, and then take with them what number of both Sexs they pleased to hang, murder, torture, or otherwise to use them, as they according their Irish Sense, Discretion and Mercy thought convenient; and in this Condition were the poor Protestants in that Kingdom at that time for the space of a Month and more, till they had murdered about two hundred thousand. And this is the Condition that poor Nation is now in again at this time, being fallen into the Hands of a merciless Enemy, full of Rage, Barbarity and Revenge, till God in his Mercy and good time will deliver them, I hope by the same Hand that he hath delivered us. And assure your selves that [Page 17]if ever you permit Popery to enter into this Nation again [for I see some are whining after it] you must expect no other Favour, Mercy nor Kindness from their Priests and Governors [bind them never so secure by Oaths and Promises] but Fire, Fagot, Gibbet, and all other kind of Tor­tures, Ruins, Dragooning, and whatever the Irish Papists gave the Pro­testants in 1641: so that if you like it on those terms, you may as soon as you please submit, fetter your selves, and lay your Throats to the Knife, for that must be the Effect and Consequence of bringing in Popery, a Po­pish Government and Papists into England; tho perhaps many may believe that they can bring it in so far as they please and no farther; but let none trust to that, for we have of late seen a large and almost a dear-bought Experiment.

I come now to the Revolution and Ingress of the Sun into Libra, to speak something to that, and so hasten to what I have promised and design'd. In that Figure we may observe that the Moon is separated from the Square of the Sun and Mercury, and Sextile of Saturn and Trine of Mars, and is now by her Latitude in exact Mundane Square to Saturn and Mars: which shews the Position to be violent, and something agreeable to the other Figures that we have before considered, and Jupiter upon the opposite place of the last great Conjunction in 1682, and in this Figure in an exact Mundane Parallel both with Saturn and Mars; and in Opposition to Mars, who is on the Cusp of the second in a certain Persons Nativity, and the Sun here in Opposition also to his Part of Fortune; hence we may judg,

First, The Breach of some private Treaty, because Saturn and Mars are in the Houses of Embassies, Leagues, and Ambassadors; the Sun and Mercury in the ninth House the Angle of Journeys, and the Moon on the Cusp of the second in Capricorn, a Moveable, Tropical, Cardinal Sign; it also may as probably be the discovery of some Traiterous De­sign that hath been going on for some time: but this I dare assert, that about the time of the Ingress, or a little after it, you will certainly hear of the Dissolution of some Treaty, or the end of some Debate without Effect, that was carrying on in order to some great Affairs: or else some Treachery and Villany discovered about the Affairs of Ireland, that hath been long in Agitation and contriving, and now at last proves Abortive and of no Service to them that did endeavour and attempt the effecting of that precious Work; and all this seems the rather probable, because the Moon did last of all separate from Mars in the fifth House Retrograde and afflicted. Besides, this will divide the Councils and confound the Pro­jects of an evil sort of People, that are restless and contriving the Ruin of [Page 18]all those that are not of their wicked Perswasion, and this seems to attend them as a Curse intailed on their Endeavours and Attempts in general, and is like to continue; for the Sun, who is here in a particular way a Significator of them, is in Conjunction with Mercury, and they both going to a Zodiacal Parallel with Saturn and Mars.

Secondly, We may judg that a certain Prince his Affairs go on very evil, his Treasure very low, and his Friends grow fewer than ever; for Saturn in the eleventh House hath Signification of the Treasury an Ex­chequer of Princes, their Council and Assistants, Supplies of Mony, and those Noble Men that attend their Courts; now Saturn is here their Sig­nificator and in a very ill Condition, for he is Perigrine in Opposition of Mars and Square to the Moon; these Positions shew as ill things to attend him as possible can be; for it doth not only shew him poor, but also like to continue in that Capacity and Condition; it makes their Councils treacherous and divided, and what is worse, the best of their Councils and Advice will be in the general frustrate and fruitless, and divers of those Noble Men and Gentlemen about the time of the Ingress, or soon after, will either desert and leave them, or else forbear to act as they had done before; in short, the Effects of this Revolution will frown on their Affairs, and the Conclusion of all will be sharp and fatal, notwith­standing there may be much Blood spilt, and a great deal of Confusion, Destruction and Ruin; but let this be our Comfort, that it will be the Ruin of those that began it, and the Destruction that they intended will fall upon themselves, and the Snare they laid will catch their own Feet.

Thirdly, We may observe that Mars is just before the Ingress turned Retrograde in Taurus his Detriment: this shews that the Arms and War­like Affairs of some Prince or other are grown scandalous by their ill Success and the Fate that attends them, their Reputation declines, and themselves grow diffident of their own Courage and Conduct; and yet this is but the beginning of it to the purpose, we shall hear more here­after.

In the Figure we find the Moon in exact Trine to the tenth House, a popular Position, and will be of good Consequence in whose Nativity it shall have a proportional one like it: But for the rest of the Positions I see none good, they all being according to the principal Motion; inclined to what is violent and troublesome. I might have spoke of the Square of Mars and Venus in the Zodiack, the Mundane Parallel of Jupiter and Mars, the Mundane Square of the Moon and Mars, and the Moon and Saturn, but the Effects of them being couched in the Judgment of the other Rays and Motions▪ it would have been but so much time protracted [Page 19]in my Writing, and your Reading, and therefore omitted as needless and inconvenient.

Honest J. Gadbury in his Judgment of the Scheam of this Ingress [which is indeed very short.] gives the same Judgment as he did of this Sum­mer Quarter before it, that it will be attended with very bad weather. I doubt his head was full of Vapors when he wrote that, and that he had the sound of the Confusion of Popery in his Cranium, which it seems he mistook and thought it had been nothing more but the Concussion of the Elements, and a fit of an Ague in the Air. Ah John, what pity it was that your Catholick Soul should be thus deceived, what Pennance must you under­goe for it? why really I think instead of keeping one Whore as you used to do formerly, for this offence you ought to keep half a dozen; remember the Nosegay.

The whole considered together and applyed to particulars of Men and Things, &c.

IN the preceding discourse I have given you the General of their Effects according to the Order and Course of Nature that may be expected in those Countrys where the God of Nature hath designed them to spend their Power and Influence; this perhaps might suffice, it being the Common Method that is used by those who call themselves Astrologers: but I will endeavour to come nearer to the Agent and Patient, and give it more particular as to Countrys, Princes, People and Things, where these Ef­fects before mentioned may probably terminate, and who they are that are like to be passive under them.

The Eclipse of the Moon which was in March, was celebrated in the 16 degree of Libra: under that Sign is some part of Germany, and also some parts of Turkey, which may expect to feel some of its Effects; but it more immediately concerns the Kings of Spain and Denmark, for it falls in the Mid-Heaven of the King of Spains Nativity, and Saturn at the same time on his Radical Horoscope, in Square to his Mid-Heaven, these Positi­ons will give some Disturbance either to his Health or Government, perhaps both. In the King of Denmarks Nativity this Eclipse falls in his Horos­cope, and Saturn at the same time in Opposition, and Mars in Square to his Radical Sun, this shews rather Injury to his Subjects, and Commotion in some of his Territories than Sickness to his Person, because neither Sun nor [Page 20] Horoscope are Givers of Life in his Radical Figure. But it will certainly give some Commotion in the Dominions of the Grand Signior, for, ac­cording to Ptolomy's Doctrine, part of his Dominons are under Venus and Libra, and more also of those Eastern Countreys: the Eclipse also particular­ly concerns the late King for Evil and not for Good, for Saturn is there on the place of his Radical Sun, and also the Moon is in Opposition to his Mid-Heaven and Hileg.

At the Solstitial Ingress we find the Sun and Mars in Square, from the beginning of Aries and Cancer: under these two Signs are England, Hol­land, Scotland, France, and also some parts of Germany. These Countrys according to their General Capacities and Qualifications for War, seem to approach toward Action, and that considerably too, the English, French and Dutch for Sea Action, the Germans and Scots for Land. At the New Moon preceding the Ingress the Sun was in the Eleventh, in a Western Sign, and in a South-East part of Heaven, Mars was in a South-West quarter; this shews some Action by Sea, West or South-West from Eng­land, and this about the time of the Ingress, and also about the middle of July when the Sun comes to the Square of Saturn, so likewise in the South-West part of Germany by land, about those times; neither will the King­dom of Scotland be idle: This Aspect happening from Cardinal Signs will make the Action and Effects the more famous and considerable, and the ra­ther because the Sun and Mars are Essentially strong; Mars in his own House, and the Sun in Cancer, in reception with the Moon in Leo: and to shew it will be something of Violence, the Moon at the same Time is on the Ecliptical place of the last Conjunction 1682, &c. and for an Argu­ment of the French Tyrant being concern'd, be pleased to consider that Mars is in Conjunction with the Sun in his Revolution, and Saturn exactly on the place of his pars fortunae, and now stationary on the place of his Sun by Direction; at the time of this Square the Sun is on the King of Den­marks Mid-Heaven, and Mars on his seventh House in a Mundane and Zo­diacal Square, which may also give him some Action either by Sea or Land, or both. On July the 12th the Sun comes to a Square of Saturn from the be­ginning of Leo and Scorpio; this doth particularly Affect the late King, and gives disturbance to his Mind as well as Opposition, and want of Success in his Affairs, because Saturn is on the Radical place of his Sun, and the Sun on the Radical place of his Moon in the Ecliptick.

In the beginning of August there is an Opposition of Saturn and Mars from the beginning of Taurus and Scorpio, the Sun, at the same time, in Op­position to Jupiter from Leo and Aquary: This doth particularly concern that King last mentioned, now in Ireland; for Saturn is on the place of his [Page 21]Radical Sun, & Mars in Opposition to it; this gives all the disadvantage to his Honour that can be; Disappointment in his Expectation Loss in his Affairs, and all Things that depend either upon his Courage, Conduct, or Council go on at this Time but ill and untoward: but if we mind the two Malevolents, they are both in Square to his Radical Moon, and in Parallel to his pars For­tunae, this gives illness of Body, so far as to be crazy, and out of order, perhaps really Sick; it gives loss by Enemies, and that to some consideration; it also gives Disturbance to the Brain and Mind, with Disorder of that Nature; and whatever is signified now will be with Violence, because of the Sun on the place of the last Conjunction of Opposition to Jupiter, and the Sun on his Radical Mars his place. This, if I make a right Judgment, signifies Crosses and want of Success: And now expect to hear of some brisk Ingagement.

About the end of September the two Malevolents come to another Oppo­sition by the Retrograde Motion of Mars, and this at the time of the great Lunar Eclipse in the Sign Aries, in the seventh degree thereof; This E­clipse falls exactly on the place of his Radical pars Fortunae, which gives loss of Health and Estate; the Opposition gives all the trouble that Loss, Dis­content and want of Success can give. Jupiter is here in Opposition to his Radical Mars, as if some thar were formerly his Friends, signified by Jupi­ter, did now turn Tail and prove his Enemies. But this Opposition seems also directly to point at the French Tyrant, for it falls in exact Square to his Moon and Venus, this gives Disappointment and Loss in his publick and forreign Affairs; treachery in his Councils, and perhaps a re­turn of his old fulsom Disease in Ano; and that the rather, because Mars is in the fourth House of his Radix, and Saturn of late Stationary on the place of the Sun by direction, and this considered with his Revolution; The Eclipse also will have some Influence on his Country, and People, as well as England: in a word, this Month of September, and also October, seem to be times of great Action, and also of great Destruction among Men and Things; neither will August be free therefrom.

In October we have an Opposition of the Sun and Mars, and a Conjun­ction of the Sun and Saturn, from the aforesaid Signs and Places; but that which makes it remarkable is, that it falls just upon the Suns return to his own place, in that Gentlemans Nativity we mentioned before; that is, it falls at the beginning of his next Years Revolution, which is like to give a very pleasant Year to one in his Condition, to say the Truth, a worse Revo­lution cannot be, for all sorts of Mischief, except Life: because the one falls just before the Revolutional Point, and the other after it, and both so near, that the Sun is afflicted by each of them to a great degree; neither is the Moon and Radical part of Fortune free at the same time from the Affliction [Page 22]of the Malevolents; which considered together, do not only promise a ba [...] end of this Year, but a very evil beginning and continuance of the next; and who ever they are that expect his Return, build their Hopes and Wishes on very bad Grounds and Foundations; for if we consider his directions that he is now under, together with his Revolutions and Transits, he is so far from returning, that they will still heap up more Plagues, Crosses, and Vexations on his perishing Fortune, than they have yet done: or to speak more plainly, they will still increase and multiply the Misfortunes he is now un­der: And therefore let all honest Men be incouraged to use their endeavours, both by Counsel and Arms, to defend their Laws, Lives, and Liberties a­gainst the Tyranny of France, Rome, and those Confederated with them, to destroy all that stand in their way; for the Heavens favour their Under­taking with Success, and have given an Opportunity to them to make themselves a free and a happy People; and therefore if they are not so, it is their own faults; for God is not bound to save them against their will. The season is approaching, let every Man set his Hand to the Plough, and the Work will be easy, and we are in more Danger from an unworthy Generati­on in the midst of us, that endeavour our Ruin, than of the Abdicated King, who you have little or no reason to fear; and therefore expect him no more.

But I find there are some discontented Spirits abroad that desire to have their Popish King again, and others that encourage them to expect his Re­turn, and that by Force of Arms. First then consider what People these are that wish it; for when he was made King, and swore to the People to main­tain their Laws, Liberties and Religion, Did he not break thro all, and invade every Mans Propriety therein concern'd? and do ye believe he is grown more Just now? did he not raise and impose upon you a Cut-Throat Army, who threatned daily to Ruine, Destroy and Dragoon ye, according to the French Method? and do ye think he is grown more Merciful now? Did he not bring in Sholes of Priests, prefer all those persons that would turn Pa­pists, incourage Popish Chappels all the Nation over? and did his endeavour to give you all to understand that he was taking the best and most speedy way to bring in Popery, and when that was settled, to destroy the Protestants [for Popery and that can by no means dwell together, witness France:] and do you think he is now grown less a Bigot to his Religion, and more free from the Government of his Irish and his Priests than he was before? Did not the Papists over the whole Nation threaten you what they would do, how they would use you, who they would Hang and Jaile, &c. when their King had setled Popery, and given them the power [which you saw was very near, doing?] and do ye believe, that he, or they either are grown better-natured people now than they were before, or that they will [Page 23]use you more kindly? No, No, never cheat your selves to believe Papists will be any more kind to you now, then they have been to the Protestants formerly in Piedmont, at Rochel in France, at Paris, in Ireland, and many other places where they murdered them by thousands, and hundreds of thou­sands: and of late under that Tyrannical Monster in France, where the Jailes, Gibbets and Galleys were their Doom, and the merciful Censures they received from the Papists their Protectors and Defenders, and this for no other Reason, but because they would not be Roman Catholicks, and change their Religion. And assure your selves, if ever you suffer the Ab­dicated King to return again, he will use Rehoboam's Expression, that he did indeed chastise you before with Whips, but now he will do it with Scorpions? he only perswaded you then, but now he will Compel you? Be­fore he sent out among you his Apostatical whining Regulators, but now he will Court you by his Dragoons, &c. Before he gave you your selves leave to look after your Estates, but now he will take Care of them him­self, left you should do your selves an Injury, buy Arms, and offend the good Catholiks, and so come to be Hanged for Rebels: Before he desired and intreated you to take off the Penal Laws and Test, but now he will take them off himself; and make such too in their rooms, as shall [according to the French Manner] make your Hearts ake and your Estates too: in his Brothers time he delivered you over to the Devil, and Dr. P--ld, to be buffet­ed, but when he was on the Throne himself he stopt all that, to shew you that he was a good-natured Gentleman, but now he will pay you for the New and the Old; and really I should think it would be a Comfort to any one to be brought before half a dozen fine grave old Men sitting in their Jesuitical Formalities, and receive Sentence, to be sent, either to the Galleys or to Tyburn.

In short, if you desire him again, you must take him with Thanks to him for all the Oppression, Trouble, Ruine, and Destruction that he hath brought upon the whole Nation in general, and every Man in particular; and lay your Necks at his Feet, and beg of him to make you Slaves of what Quality and Degree he pleaseth; to set up what Religion he likes best, to protect you according to the Irish and French Modes, and to de­stroy all your antient Laws, Rights, and Priviledges: For I hope you have more Sense, with your Experience, than to believe he is to be bound by Laws, Oaths, or Obligations. Yet this is not all, for we must expect to have our Oppressions and Chains wrought upon the French Anvil; for you see plainly now, by the Affairs in Ireland, that the French King is his Tutor and Master, and that he is wholly under his Guide and Management; and therefore at the same time you take James for your King, you must take the [Page 24] French Tyrant for your Governour, and expect all the Oppression and Ty­ranny that the poor Protestants in France have suffered, and indured, these last six or seven Years. I say, under these Considerations, what People must these be that desire or wish him here again, or hinder and obstruct the Regular Ways and Methods, taken for the Safety and Setling of the Nati­on upon its antient Basis of Peace and Liberty? Why it is soon answered, Let their Circumstances be what they will, and let them be under what Character soever of Distinction, either of Laity or Clergy, they will in the end prove very dangerous to the Government. As for the Pa­pists we know what their End is, in all they endeavour; and therefore there is nothing expected from them but our Ruin, if they carry their Point, which is to establish Mother Church.

As for the Dissatisfied Party, they are a sort of People, many of them, that care neither for Nation nor Religion; if they can but turn the Penny they will overturn both, or either, according as they are hired; or at least-ways do their endeavour for it: as we have seen in our Time, when there was a large Crew of Pensioners paid to pervert the Nation, &c. and made no Scruple of it. These People, at this Time, are not Guiny-men, nor such as deal with Angels, but they are Pistol-Proof; they are equipt of the French Mode, and so well learned in that Language, that they can write an Acquittance, without mistaking either Method or Matter; they are a sort of Catterpillers with soft Skins, and in curious Colours, but their Work and Nature, is to destroy the Fruits of the honest Country-Man's Labour, and are a Curse to any Kingdom where they are sent, and come; they are ex­cellent Casuists, that never want Arguments, which perhaps sometimes may seem against themselves, but like the Serpent in the Fable, that last no longer than they have an Opportunity to shew their Endeavours bare­fac'd; in short, they are like Water-Men, that look one way and row ano­ther, and will be very angry too if you will not take them for honest Men; they are Serviceable to all Governments, and their Pay prevailes before their Conscience, and like a Spaniel they will be wrigling their Tails till they get into Business.

Now you may know this sort of unhappy and Disaffected Men by their Language and Carriage, for they always either talk in favour of their Abdi­cated King, drink Healths to their old Master, thank God they had no Hand in driving him out, nor bringing in his present Majesty, do all they can to shelter Papists and ill Men from Justice; or else when any thing is to be done, they raise doubts and difficulties, lay Bears and Lyons in the way if it is for the Service of his Present Majesty, but remove Mountains if it be for the other side. Others cry out, For the Lords sake take Care of the Church, [Page 25]Oh the Church will be destryed! when there is not the least Ground to sus­pect it; for, God be thanked, we have a King that is a Gentleman, and will not break his Word and Oaths, as others have done before him, he his one that hath promised, and also sworn to defend the Church of England, and to maintain it as by Law established, and we have no reason to doubt it; and therefore this Noise is but to amuse the Ignorant, and disturb the Waters, that the Jugling Authors thereof, may with the more ease catch the Silly Gudgeons. So that if these kind of Symptoms appear, you may be sure they are not Men that wish well to the Settlement of our Religion, the Peace and Honour of the Nation, nor the Good and Welfare of their Majesties, the Savers of our Nation and Religion; but are in the French Interest, and by his Pistols purchased to poison the Nation, raise Differences, hinder Business of the greatest Consequence, alienate the Hearts of their Majesties Subjects; and if possible to put the Nation into a flame, that their Master may the better accomplish his ends now on Foot:

Secondly consider that these very People, that now use all their endea­vours to divide the Nation, were the only People most possessed with Fear and Terror, about 10 or 12 Months agoe; and with Passion used to say as the Jailor in the Acts did, what shall we do to be Saved? when will the Prince of Orange come? Oh why doth he delay so long, will he let us be a Prey to our Enemies? Pray God send an East Wind, that we may be deli­vered: and more such Expressions to this purpose they often used. And now they are delivered, the Note is changed, and they Cry, Why do they not prove the Child an Impostor? why do they not prove the Earl of Essex his Murder? and why do they not prove that Charles the Second was poy­soned, &c? Why what is this to us, whether they do or not? Suppose they cannot prove any one of these, what must we revert into Popery, and put our Lives into our Enemies hands again, to give them an Opportunity to try their good Nature, and see whether they will Cut our Throats or not? possibly it may pass upon, and among, Passive-Obedience-Men, but never upon me, and I hope many more. However I doubt not but these Things will be proved when it is convenient. In the mean Time, God bless them that take care to secure the Nation against Popery and Tyranny; and assure yourselves they that will not believe the pretended Prince of Wales to be Supposititious before 'tis proved, will as much doubt it then, and so of the rest; for they are certainly Favorers of that pious Cause. These were good humble People before, and then the Prince of Orange was an Angel to them; but now I hear that they talk so unreasonable as if they seem'd to long to be sent to Prison and Secured; and indeed they do not stick to say the Government dares not meddle with them. But I shall say no more to [Page 26]these ungrateful Persons but this, that their present Majesties are our Law­ful King and Queen, that they are Protestants, and have promised, and sworn, to defend our Liberties, and Religion; and all that are Protestants, are bound by the Laws of God, and Nature, to stand by, and defend, them to the utmost of their power; and he that is not of this Opinion, neither deserves their Protection nor their Permission to live in their Dominions, but like Cain to be driven forth, and be a Vagabond on the Earth as he was.

Now the God of Heaven preserve King William and Queen Mary, our Lawful Soveraigns, and give them plentifully of his Spiritual Wisdom, that they may govern us according to his Will; let them live long and happy, and become a Terror to all their and our Enemies; and as God hath given a signal Testimony to us by them, and the great Miracle they have wrought in our Deliverance, so let us always sincerely implore the Throne of Grace to defend them all their days, and when this Life shall end, to make them partakers of his Eternal Bliss for ever and ever.

So wisheth J. P.

A Copy of a Malicious Paper given forth among the Papists, by that grand Impostor and Apostate, J. Gadbury, a litele before the Prince landed, in these words following.

1. THe Prince of Orange hath an Effeminate Geniture, and therefore can never prove a Conqueror.

2. He is under a most malicious Revolution at the present, as having a Square of Mars and Mercury therein as in his Radix, denoting much Treachery to be acted, not only by but against him. I conceive the Dutch are weary of him, and also of the English Renegado Rebels, and therefore make use of him as the Munkey did of the Cats Foot, viz. at once to disembogue themselves of the said Rebels, whose Company renders them obnoxious to so great a Prince as the King of England, and likewise to be totally rid of Him without Dewitting him.

3. His Hylegical Directions are pernicious, he hath lately passed M. C. to the Square of the Moon, a Direction of fixed Malice, but could not work his Ruine, because the Moon delights in Taurus the place of the Direction: But he is under at present his Horoscope to the Square of Jupiter and the Sun, of a violent Influence and Import in earnest, as [Page 27]happening in Opposition to the Pleiades a turbulent and violent Con­stellation.

4. At this very time when his Maritine Busse and Preparation is at the greatest, the Moon (his own and Nations Planet) is eclipsed in Aries, an Equinoctial Sign and the Horoscope of England, viz. under the Do­minion of England's Soveraign.

5. And if he go on Ship-board on Monday next, the Moon will be in Taurus in Opposition to the Sun and Jupiter in his own Geniture, and this among the Pleiades also, and likewise in Opposition to a powerful Mars in Scorpio, in a Figure of Heaven that greatly favours England, and all its present Affairs: which seriously considered, with the Revolutions, Di­rections, and Eclipses before noted, is an absolute Prodromus of his Ruine, according to natural Causes, and in little time (in case of Invasion) we shall hear of his and his Party's total Overthrow and Destruction. Pro­bably some of his great ones [and perhaps Himself] will be brought against their Will to make Speeches at Tower-hill and at Tyburn, &c.

6. England was invaded by the Spaniard in 1588, but what did they get by it? their Armado was ruined, and this Noble Nation was quickly rid of its pestiferous Enemies; and so I doubt not, by God's Blessing, but 'twill be so again in 1688: the English Nation is wise, tho stubborn, and will sooner submit to a merciful pious Prince they know, than come under the Yoke of a Conqueror.

Some short Animadversions thereon.

HIS first Paragraph is needless, for the Prince (now our King) did not come to Conquer, but to Deliver the Nation from Popery and Tyranny, and also to preserve the Peoples Throats from being cut.

In his second, the King is mightily beholden to him for his modest Si­mily of comparing him to the Cats Foot; do but observe the Malice of the Fellow in what scandalous Terms he useth one of the greatest Princes in Europe, and how he licks the Popish Fops up with Oil of Fool: for the Dutch were not [as he calls it, obnoxious] afraid of the then King of England, and the reason was because they knew him better than to fear him: But pray you John why the Cats Foot? is it a Popish Witticism, or hath the Cat deserved ill of Mother Church? for I see you use it out of Contempt, because you gave it to the then Prince of Orange, and I suppose you thought by giving the Prince ill Names, your then Client the Popish Lady, to whom you gave that Lying Paper, would more wil­lingly [Page 28]part with her Mony; but this is no News, for it shews you to be Honest John Gadbury still; let what Religion will come, thou wilt be sure to be on the rising side. You know at that time you could give no Prote­stant a good word, and I wonder you used the Prince so kindly: and you know John when it was the fashion to whip honester Men than your self for less Crimes than this.

His third Paragraph shews not only his Malice, but his Ignorance also in Astrology; for the first Direction he speaks of hath been over this 20 Years; and the second will not come up these 20 Years yet to come; but suppose it were true, where is the violent Effect he so idly talks of? This is like his Story of Sir Frechvil Holles, and just as true; for he pro­mised him he should live 20 Years, and he was kill'd within six Months after: Ah Jack, thy Astrology is as true as thy Religion! thou art an In­fallible Tool.

In his fourth he hath strain'd his Nonsence to a Miracle; for none but J. Gad. did ever give that Judgment of an Eclipse in Aries, as you may read in Cardan. Seg. 5. Aphor. 45. where he tells us that it signifies the Multitude, i. e. that Captain Tom should do the Nation Justice upon Popish Offenders; was it so or not John? Lying is an inherent Faculty, and thou canst not leave it.

But in his fifth there he hath shewed himself to a hair; for first he falsly imagines a Cause to build his malicious and bloody Prediction upon without Cause, and what was this for? why it was to support and in­courage his treasonable Party and Popish Crew in their further Attempts to destroy the Protestants and Protestant Religion: And pray observe how confidently the Fellow tells his Party, that in case of Invasion [for he and they too knew there was no danger without that] they should certainly hear of the Prince and the rest of the Peers and Gentlemen being beaten, taken, and brought to make Speeches at Towerhill and Tyburn; this was not spoke by Chance, or in Discourse, but with premeditated Malice against his Majesty and the Protestants, and with his earnest Hopes desires and wishes to see it accomplished, for in all Times, and under all Govern­ments, he is certainly a Villain to the height, and always of the same Reli­gion that the chief of the Government are of: And do you but count how many Changes there have been in the English Government, in point of Worship especially, since the Year 1645, or 6, and just so often hath honest John changed his Perswasion in Religion, and once more, that was when he turned Ranter; and should the Great Turk come he would take up his old Topick, i.e. That God always sends a King of that Religion which he expects the People should be of. Now the Question is, whether John Gad­bury, [Page 29]the Parson of Putney, and Harry Hills ever intend to dye Martyrs? These are three special Fellows. But now John, suppose his Majesty should turn the Tables, and as you have doom'd him to make a Speech at Towerhill, he should send you to make a Speech at Tyburn; or what is according to your late Mode, let you walk from Aldgate to Tyburn, having a Man go behind you to brush the Dust and the Flies off from your Back on your way; and this I am sure you deserve, if not for that, yet for your now preaching up Sedition to amuse his Majesties Subjects, and carry on the Popish Cause; for there are divers Ladies that I have spoke with, that say they have heard you tell it confidently that the Abdicated King would be here by Midsummer, and you advised the Papists to use their In­terest accordingly; nay, I have heard the same from some Papists also, and I can bring them to your Face, but they are People of more Honour than to turn Evidences; you know who you have told it to, tho perhaps not how many: Ah John! thou art not only an Ill, Perfidious, Traiterous, Syco­phantizing Scorpionist, but a notorious Liar also, thy very Nativity bespeaks thee to be all this, and from your own Rules too: But prithee John why Towerhill and Tyburn, you see your cursed Crew are not so dealt with, tho you deserve it far more, but indeed Whipping-posts, Jailes and Gibbets were the common Favours you Papists did use to bestow on the Protestants at that time, and we know it will be the same again, if ever they get the Power, and for that reason John I am for your having a taste of it now to try the Experiment.

In the last Paragraph he draws a Parallel between the Invasion in 1588, and 1688, and tells you he doubts not but to see the last prove as the first did. Now John are you not ashamed? how can you look any Gentleman in the Face without blushing after all this Trick, Cheat, and Lying? But prithee John consider, that the Invasion of 1588, was to bring in Popery, and this of 1688, was to kick it out; in both which you see the Judgment of an angry God against their Idolatry and Lying, which you blasphemously call Religion. Again John, prithee how did you look when you call'd James your King a merciful, pious Prince? I confess Cabinet Jones gave him that Character when he wrote to us at Amsterdam, but no body be­lieved him, because we knew him better. Honest John, thou hast suffi­ciently shewed to the World that thy whole Life hath been a continued course of Villany and Knavery: And this little Paper, hadst thou never been guilty, would have made thee suspicious, but now it is a Confirma­tion of all the rest, and helps to make thee a compleat —. And this leads me to consider thy Almanack this Year, in which thou hast been extravagantly idle and impudent, which I refer to every ones Judgment in the reading what follows.

IN Page 7. speaking of the Spring Quarter, he says, it speaks better things to Great Britain than the English Libelling Renegado's in Hol­land dream of: Query, whether he means the Abdicated Lords and Bishop now at Amsterdam or not? for I know no Renegado's else in Holland: there are divers besides in France and Ireland.

In January, in his Rime doggerel over the Month, he begs the place to be the Prince of Wales his Vassal: Thus you see there can never be a good place vacant but one Knave or another is always ready to beg it. Well, let him take it, and pray take care that Honest John may be entered down in the Book of Honour for the Prince of Wales his Slave. There is a pair of them [like Master like Man.] In this Month he hath taken a great deal of care to put down King Char. the Martyr; but if you observe No­vember he hath quite forgot Gunpowder-Treason, and yet a very good Pro­testant; why really he did tell me long since that there never was any such thing, and that it was only a Trick of King James the First; this gave me the first suspicion of his being a Papist.

In the Month of April he tells us that Dr. Oates was to stand in the Pil­lory at Tyburn on the 24th day, and so to do every Year on that day as long as he lives; Query, who saw it, and whether Jack was not mistaken in the Point as he used to be? risum teneatis.

But in May he makes a long Harangue about his unjust Trial, and tells us that on those days there mentioned, he was to be punished, and after­ward to remain in Prison during his Life: But Honest John hath lived to see himself prov'd a Liar, and the unjust Judges to see their unjust Sentence and Judgment called in Question by their Superiors. Was there ever such a base and barbarous Sentence given before? no, nor would now by any but Dispensing Judges, nor none but a Traiterous Scorpionist would so triumph over a poor Gentleman's Sufferings.

In August and September John hath impudently repeated his former Folly, and tells us that Dr. Oates is to stand in the Pillory again on those several days, and so to do as long as he lives. What way could this Fellow have taken better than this, to let the World know his Malice, Impudence and Folly? Now I will venture a Wager of five to one with John Gadbury, that there is not a word of this will prove true; if so our Popish Oracle is quite out of biass, and his Cant of this kind quite out of date. Now the Question is, Whether John can find a Salvo for this Mistake? for if he had known that Popery would have kick'd up its heels, I dare say he would not have declared himself a Papist so soon, nor when he did, nor have wrote so much fulsome stuff about his Master, the supposed Prince of Wales, which is nauscous to every Mans Palate, nor yet have writ this about Dr. Oates, as [Page 31]a Record of his Folly and Ignorance: Besides, this calls his pretended Skill in Astrology extramely in question, and is an assured proof that Honest John knows no more of the Mystery lodged in the Stars than his Master the Prince of Wales knows, or the Ancient and famous Tom. Thum. However so long as he can coin new Aphorisms, impose Palladiums of Cities on those that will believe him, and tell the World that the Cardinal Signs upon the Angles of a Nativity signify great things, it is enough to give some ground to the Ignorant to believe his canting Bounces that he yearly prints under the Notion of Astrology, when I dare assure you he is very little acquainted with it, as you shall see further proved upon him when I come to examine his several impertinent Treatises that he hath imposed on the Worsd. But suppose any one should go to those places on those days he speaks of to see whether it be so or not, for John is of a Religion that can work Miracles, why truly it will but add so much pains to your credulous Folly; for now the Fellow believes himself to be a Liar, and they say a Liar is worse than a Thief, but he knows best whether he is or no; yet a Remnant must be saved. Ah John!

In November he tells us when Father Petre was sworn of the King's Council and took his place; I wonder the Fellow is not ashamed to let the World know what a Crew of Traitors that King caused to be sworn of his Council, as Butler and divers others which you may read in his Observati­ons; yet the grand obnoxious Person Jefferies he hath omitted, I doubt he had forgot him, for he was a Privy-Councellor also: What can this shew but that he was and is a Papist, and did approve all their Actions; and if you question his being a Papist, look but into December, where he endeavours to justify the Lord Stafford, and brings in this Expression; Say Anti-Catholick is not the Truth discovered, &c. by this he challenged all that were not Papists, himself being out of the number, and yet I hear he hath already had the Impudence to say, by Heavens I am not a Papist! I wonder People should say so! By which we may see he can change his Religion when he pleaseth, and finds occasion.

In the Page before his Advertisements he calls all those perjured that were concerned in the Popish Plot as Evidences. Now there is no Man but can see through this Villany of his, for we have all lived to see what they swore and did endeavour to prevent upon us, and a great deal more: I per­ceive this zealous Gentleman would have these Perjuries understood only a­gainst those that died Papists, yet not a word of those wretched Persons that swore many honest Protestants out of their Lives: Nay I my self was offered by a Papist when I was in trouble, that if I would hang half a dozen Fanaticks [for so they termed them] I should have my Pardon, and I promised to [Page 30] [...] [Page 31] [...] [Page 32]do it, thereby to get an opportunity to make my Escape; and this Man was an Intimate of Honest John Gadbury's. Now what think you of Perjury, for they never asked me if I knew any thing of them, but if I would hang them.

In his Advertisments he tells us of a Full Reply to a Treasonable Alma­nack printed in Holland; in which he gives me such base Language, and so much of it, that it is a shame to mention it, his common Complement be­ing Rogue, Rascal and Traitor, with more such stuff; but that which I would remind him of is, to tell us by the next where it is to be bought, for Honest Nat is gone to Purgatory, and the Book is very much wanted. And so I have for this bout done with my old Friend John Gadbury, James the Second's Jugler, and Astrologer in ordinary to the next Popish Plot, where I shall leave him in a very fair way to be —; and conclude with these few wise and zealous Sayings of this pious Proselyte.

This is the Gentleman that in my hearing said in 1685, that now the true Religion was coming in again, having been long excluded.

This is that Person that said, the first time he was at Mass, there were also twelve English Peers at Mass at the same time.

This is the Proselyte that told Mr. C. (meeting him as he came from Mass) that Popery was the only true Religion, and right way to Heaven.

This is Honest Jack that said, no Man should be preferred but Roman Catholicks, and such as would be So when the King pleased.

This is he that carried Mr. B. to several Papists to be converted, and when they could not prevail upon him, he said he must be forced to have him to Father Petre, and Father Ellis.

This is that Impudent Fellow that said it would never be well till the King [that was James] laid by Parliaments, and ruled by his Absolute Power.

This was that corrupt Fellow that perswaded Dangerfield to murder Charles the Second.

And this is that Villain that said, he hoped to see the Prince of Orange [now our King, whom God preserve] brought Prisoner to London, and to make a Speech at Tower-hill or Tyburn.


I Am ordered to acquaint the World, That there will be shortly a most Excellent Treatise published, wherein 'tis proved, by Mathematical Demonstration, how many Minutes a Candle of sixteen to the Pound will burn; together with divers Rules of good Husbrandy: Collected for the good of all frugal Men, by a Person of Quality in his late Travels.


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