Country Astrology IN THREE BOOKS. BEING The many years Astrological Ex­periments and Painful Collections of JOHN POOL of the County of GLOCESTER, Student in Astrology and Physick. A Work very useful for all such as are Lovers of Astrology, and do delight in the serious Study of calculating NATIVITIES.

Non me sed opera.

LONDON, Printed for LAVVRENCE CHAPMAN, next door to the Fountain-Tavern in the Strand. 1650.


HAd Providence assigned unto me in mine infancy such Education as my Genius thirsted after, thou hadst re­ceived the following Treatise better garnished with words then now it is: but such is my now natural rudeness, and such is the rustical homeliness of those people with whom I dayly converse, my practise being wholy with rural persons, that thou mayst not expect the work it self to be better, or any o­ther, then a plain piece of Country Astrology, rude Collections, or indigested and wholy unpolished Experiments: yet I promise thee thou shalt find truth all along in every book attending thy reading hereof: I have been a long time in gathering my Observations to­gether, the work it self is the Production of time and years, and the fruits of many nocturnal watchings; it had come out sooner, and appeared more glorious, had not some snarling Presbyterian Priests both in publique and private, impedited my Studies, and endeavored to blast my reputation (such as it is) by babbling in their Pulpits such things against Astrology, as God knows they understand not: maliciously they thunder out their Censures against me, poor man, and I as patiently undergo them, knowing very well, that their Kingdom is declining, it being no other then earthly, and they themselves of all sorts of Priests the most raging and malicious that ever the world produced unto the day hereof, and this is April 25. 1650.

[Page] But to the matter it self of the ensuing Discourse, I have divided the work into three Parts or Books.

The first Book contains 54. Pages, and doth instruct the Learner how to verifie a Nativity, then how to judg exactly of every one of the 12. Houses of Heaven, wherein I am very copious; as also in instructing how to take the several Parts in every Nativity, a thing which I perceive was omitted by Mr Lilly in his Introduction, and also by some other or all of our late Authors, and which I could willingly my self have omitted, but that some young Students desired me to insert them; and truly, though I do not very much attribute unto these Parts, in regard I am not well satisfied of the Reason why the ancient Arabians so collected them; yet have I found in many Experiments of mine own, that they have given singular light unto me for all those purposes for which they were framed, and by me collected: I am also in the Judgment of every House more copious then Mr Lilly, by means whereof, the young Student carefully ob­serving my precepts, will much inlarge his conceptions, when he judges the general felicity or infelicity depending on every House of the Zodiacks.

The second book most delightfully handles that Subject which was yet never in the English Tongue, viz. what every Planet signi­fieth in each others House, what occupation or profession every Planet, either by himself, or as joyned with another by any aspect, doth declare; as also the diseases subject to such Configurations: It also acquaints you what occupation or magistery doth properly belong to every sign of the Zodiacks, that so the provident Artist, by mixing the signification of the Planet together with that of the sign, he may give a very sober and solid Judgment what profession the Native will naturally most encline unto; and this is of excellent use for parents, whereby they may most properly fit their children with such a profession as they naturally love: Besides, I there deliver the natural as well as accidental signification of every Planet; as also what naturally every Planet is the significator of, as posited in any House of the Radical Scheam of the birth.

The third and last Book containeth eleven Chapters, full of many Curiosities, and such as you shall not find extant in any English Au­thor: And although many things herein, in this third Book, doth smell more of the vulgar Arabian learning, then Grecian; yet what [Page] I have experimented by the space of near these twenty years, I could do no less then publish for thy benefit, and wish thy favorable ac­ceptance hereof, until I be more able to furnish thee with other Curiosities, now lying by me, not in this our English language, which excellent Pieces were communicated unto me by a person of quality and learning.

Unto the Noble Professors of this Art I have a few lines to write, and I do most heartily implore those which generally practise in the City of London, that with much wariness they handle or undertake Questions concerning Theft, for it's a most difficult and laborious task, as I my self by my great experience have found; for though we describe the party or Thief never so exactly, yet if the Goods be not presently retaken with the Thief, or if the party so accused or descri­bed by us do complain to an ignorant Justice of the Peace, (as now there are many, as well as in former time,) and pre­tend themselves injured, either the simplicity of the Master, or covet­ousness of the Clerk, will causlesly bind over the Artist to answer the fact at the next Sessions, though there do no party appear to make complaint against the Astrologer; which silly act of some Justices is no other then an encouragement unto Thieves, and a disheartening to every honest Artist for endeavoring the discovery of Knaves, and be so scurvily rewarded: I would willingly know, whether a Justice of Peace his Clerk doth not more offend in taking 2. s. 4. d. to bind a man over to the Sessions, then the poor Artist, who had perhaps little or nothing for his pains, for his endeavoring by lawful Art to discover the Thief: Of this manner of dealing in London, I hear, there are frequent examples, and one also I have known in North­ampton-shire of late committed by S. J: D: Kt, until the Assizes; but the Artist at the Assizes was as freely discharged by an honorable Judg of this Kingdom, as he was maliciously bound over by the aforesaid simple Justice; the truth is, the Justice was a Presbyterian, and the Astrologer a great Parliamenteer, and Lover of the Army, &c. But I hasten.

I would wish the Divines of this Nation, or whoever are offend­ed with this Study, to argue it fairly with us, or with Love and Charity, and to read over Mr Lilly's Works, and not condemn them, him, or us all, or Astrology it self, unheard, or not at all understood: What a Barbarism is this in those who pretend themselves the Mi­nisters [Page] of Jesus Christ to be thus uncharitable? But such were the Priests in the old Law, such the Pharisees in Christs time, such at pre­sent the Presbyterian violent Priests.

But seeing the God of Heaven discovers more Truths unto us now living every day, then our forefathers were sensible of, shall we like beasts be mute, and not magnifie his holy Name therefore? Or shall we refuse to study Astrology, Divine Astrology, Celestial Astro­logy because it hath been very little understood formerly, or abused by some former Artists? God forbid that the abuse should take away the pious use of any creature; No: Let us magnifie the Lord God of Heaven, and admire his wonderful Works in the Heavens; let us fear to offend his holy Name: Let us love and obey this Par­liament, this Councel of State, and this Army, this Power which now governs; and let us say, A Fig for all their Enemies: So saith,


The Contents of the first Book.

  • HOw to erect a figure of Heaven. Page 1.
  • How to verifie the Nativity by Accidents, or Animodar, or Trutine of Hermes. 3.
  • Of the several Parts in a Nativity, and by what means to find them out, and their use. 6.
  • Of the Planets Latitude. 10.
  • Of the Fortitudes and Debilities of the Planets. 11.
  • If the child born shall live long, or not. 15.
  • Of Hyleg, and its signification. 16.
  • Of Alcocodon, the meaning of the word. 18.
  • Of the Planets who give or diminish the number of years. 21.
  • The Almuten, or Lord of the Nativity, who he is. 22.
  • Of the wit, manners, and natural inclination of the child. 24.
  • Of his estate and fortune. 28.
  • By what means attain it. 30.
  • The time thereof. 32.
  • Of Brethren and Kinsfolks. 34.
  • Of Father and Mother, Lands, Tenements. 35.
  • Of Inheritances. 36.
  • Of Children. 37.
  • Of Servants, and small Cattel. 37.
  • Natural inclinations of every Planet. 38.
  • Of Sicknesses. 39.
  • Of Marriage. 41.
  • The estate of Wife or Husband. 43.
  • Of the death of the Native, and who is Significator. 43.
  • Of Journeys by Land or Sea. 47.
  • Of Religion. 48.
  • Of the Trade or Profession of the Native. 48.
  • Of Honour and Preferment. 50.
  • Of Friends and Friendship. 51.
  • Law-suits, open and private Enemies. 52.
  • [Page] Restraint of Liberty, or Imprisonment. Pag. 53.
  • Of Horses, Oxen, and small Cattel. 54.
Contents of the second Book.
  • The several natures and significations of the seven Planets. 55.
  • The twelve Signs, and their proper signification. 60.
  • Signification of the Planets in their own Houses, and the Houses of others. 65.
  • Signification of their several aspects each to other. 68.
  • Several significations of every one of the twelve Houses. 76
  • Of the several Trygons or Triplicities of the Planets. 78.
  • The signification of every Planet in any of the twelve Houses. 79.
  • The length or shortness of life by the Position of the Planets in Houses. 91.
Contents of the third Book.
  • Of Directions, what they signifie. 99.
  • Of the signification of the word Algebuthar. 101.
  • Of the several Lords of the Triplicities. 102.
  • Of Revolutions, or the Return of the ☉ to his proper place in the Radix. 102.
  • How to judg a Revolution. 102.
  • Of the Fridaries, or Government of the Planets by years. 104.
  • Of Profections. 107.
  • Of Eclipses, and great Conjunctions, and how to make use of them in any Nativity. 109.
  • Of the Transit of the Planets. 110.

The first Booke.

Chap. I. Of the Celestiall figure of a Nativity.

FOr to judge of Ascendants, and Nativities, after the Traditions of the Ancient and learned Astrolo­gians, it is convenient first to ex­plaine the Celestiall figure, and in the same, to apply the seaven Pla­nets, with the head and taile of the Dragon Lunaire together with the part of Fortune, and the part of the spirit, and others, more appertaining to the high, and notable significations of the Starres: then to set downe plainly the Celestiall figure, you must in the first place, note the yeare, the day and the houre, with the most nearest minute of time of the Nativitie that you have un­dertaken. The number of the houres, and minutes, you must set them downe after the manner of the numbring of the Astrologians, within their Tables: alwayes set downe the houres after-noone, as well by day as by [Page 2] night, and never say, one houre, two houres, three houres after midnight, but number 13. houres, 14. houres, 15. af­ter noone. This done, search in the Ephemerides, in the Table of the yeare of your nativity, in the right month & day proposed, the degree of the signe wherein the Sun is: looke afterward in the Table of houses, which serve for the latitude of your Country, and search there the said degree of the Sun under the line of the tenth house. And having found in the same place, the same degree of the Sun, you shall find directly upon the left hand of the same Table a number of houres and minutes, the which write apart. To which number you must adde the houres and minutes that have beene given you of the same nativity, and that which resteth by your addition, you must seeke in the table of houses; and there where you find the same number of houres, and minutes, comming of the same addition, you must take to a right line the points and beginnings of the six houses which you shall finde marked: the which you shall direct upon your figure, be­ginning at the point of the tenth, and continuing to­wards the left hand.

The beginning of the other sixe houses, you must take the opposite signes; and if it happen that the number of houses and minutes, come to more than twenty foure houres, it is then convenient to substract twenty foure houres of the same time, and the residue seeke out, as wee have aforesaid. If the [...] of the [...] nativitie be upon the point of twelve houres of noone, you must take the houses in a right line of the degree of the Sunne, in the Table of your Latitude, without making any other addition, or substraction, and that when in the figure esti­mative: within the which, it is needfull by all meanes to apply the moving of the Moone exactly calculated, ac­cording to the vulgar Canons of the Ephemerides, for to verifie afterward your nativity by the houre of the con­ception; as followeth.

Chap. II. Of the verification of the houre of the Nativitie.

LEaving the Animodar of Ptolomie, and the meetings of Schoner, and all other uncertaine waies (although they have their Authors) to verifie the houres of Nati­vities, I will presently follow the method of Hermes, ap­proved by long experience, and confirmed by Ptolo­mie in his Centiloque, and by Abraham Avenesrus, by Alphonse, Leopold, Holy, and other most expert Astro­logians. Hermes saith, that the ascendant of a nativitie hath beene the place of the Moone at the time of the con­ception; and that the ascendant of the conception is the place of the Moone at the houre of the Nativity. Who would be more neere certified of the houre and minute of a nativity, and of the true ascendant, it is convenient that you follow the doctrine of Hermes, by the method following. First of all that you looke into the figure esti­mative, whether the Moone be above the Horizon or be­neath. If shee be above the Horizon, count the distance that is betweene the point of the seventh house, and the Moone: if shee be beneath the Horizon, count the di­stance which is from the first house unto the Moone, which distance of signes and degrees, you must search in the Table that followeth, under the title of the Moone, above the Horizon or beneath, as truely you have found in the said figure. In a right line of the said distance, you shall find the time that the infant hath remained within the wombe of his mother, in a certaine number of dayes, the which you must reckon from the day of your nativi­ty backward, and there where the number endeth, you must marke the day of the conception, if the Moone be found in the signe of the ascendant estimative. If you find her not in the same place, goe backward or forward cer­taine daies of your account, untill you have found the Moone within the said signe, not farre from the degree ascendant in the said figure. The day considered, and in [Page 4] what houre, go forward to the East point, the place where you have found the Moone in the figure estimative, and at that houre you must calculate the moving of the Moone. For this degree and minute in the which you found her, you must place it in the ascendant of your Nativitie.

And to know the houre in the which the place of the Moone of the nativity rose to the East point at the time of the conception, take first the overthwart ascension of the said place of the Moone, within the table of the dire­ctions of your country, in the booke of Iohn de Regio mon­te, of the same ascension take away 90. degrees (and adde to the whole circle, which is of 360. degrees, when the substraction cannot be otherwise made) the residue shall be the right ascension of the height of the point of the Meridian circle, take afterward the right ascension of the Sun, & take out by the substraction of the right ascension of the said point of the Meridian, and adde 360. degrees if it be necessary, and turne that which is left into houres, & minutes, in giving to 30. degrees two houres, to fifteene degrees one houre, to one degree 4. minutes of an houre, to fifteene minutes one minute of an houre: by this meanes you shall exactly come to the houre of the con­ception, to the which you must calculate the place of the Moone, and the same well calculated, put it to the point of the first house, in the figure of the Nativitie.

Divers for this verification do dresse and garnish the motions of the Planets foure figures. One of that houre estimative of the nativitie, the other of the precedent con­junction or opposition of the brightnesse: the third, of the verification by the Animodar: the fourth of the concepti­on. The which besides the unprofitable and superfluous labour, erre greatly, thinking to find out the time of the conception by the Animodar of Ptolomy, the which ex­perience from day to day sheweth to be false, and that it hath no ancient Author to maintaine it, or hath made mention of this new doctrine being full of contention and disproved veritie.

[Page 5]

The Table of the time that the Child doth remaine within the wombe of his Mother.
The Moone being under the Horizon, reckon from the As­cendant. The Moone being above the Horizon, reckon from the sea­venth.
fig. degr. daies.      
0 0 273 Indifferent abiding. 258 Little abiding.
0 12 274   259  
0 24 275   260  
1 6 276   261  
1 18 277   262  
2 0 278   263  
2 12 279   264  
2 24 280   265  
3 6 281   266  
3 18 282   267  
4 0 283   268  
4 12 284   269  
4 24 285   270  
5 6 286   271  
5 18 287   272  
5 29 288 Long abiding. 273  

Chap. III. The manner to set downe perfectly the said figure verified.

HAving put to the point of the first House, the degree and minutes of the Moone of the time of the con­ception, take the overthwart Ascensions of the said de­grees and minutes: take out afterward 90. degrees of the said Ascensions, and adde thereto 360. degrees, if other­wise the substraction cannot be made: that which remai­neth shall be the right Ascensions of the highest point of the circle Meridian, the which search in the table of the right Ascensions, in the booke of Alphonce, or of John de Regiomonte, &c. & put to the point of the [...] house, the degrees and minutes of the signe you find, answering to [Page 6] the right number of the said right ascensions. The point of the fourth is alwaies against the signe & degree of the tenth: likewise the point of the seaventh, to the point of the first. The other houses sufficed, take the Ephemerides, because they do not desire exact calculation, seeing that the most part of the Astrologians, desire more to take of the equall portion of the eclipse, than of the horizontall sect.

For to know the exact houre of the said figure, verifie first the said right ascensions of the Meridian, and take from them the right ascensions of the Sunne; that which remaineth turne into houres and minutes, giving to 15. degrees one houre, to every degree foure minutes of an houre, &c. as we have said before. At this houre you must newly count the moving of the Moone, and of the Sun, and of the other Planets: and upon this figure you must ground the parts and judgements Astronomicall.

Chap. IV. Of the parts of Nativities.

AFter you have well sought the Planets in the said figure verified, you must consider their above cer­taine proportions of the Planets, and parts of the heaven, taken of their distances, as followeth.

The parts concerning the significations of the first House.

The part of the quality of the life, is taken by the di­stance of Jupiter from Saturne, counting as much [...] from the ascendant, as when the Nativitie is by day: for when it is by night, they take it to the contrary, the di­stance of Saturne unto Jupiter, following the naturall order of the signes, counting likewise as much space since the ascendant.

The part of life by day and by night, is taken of the degree of the precedent conjunction, or opposition of the [...] unto the [...] counting from the ascendant.

The part of the Spirit (many do call the part of earthly [Page 7] things & secrets, the other, the part of things to come, the others, the part of the Sun) in the day, frō the Moon unto the Sun; from the ascendant, in the night to the contrary.

The part of the understanding, by the day, is from Mer­cury unto Mars, from the ascendant, at night to the con­trary.

Of the second House.

The part of Fortune by the day, is from the Sunne un­to the Moone, from the ascendant, at night to the con­trary. Ptolomy doth take it as much by day as by night, from the Sunne unto the Moone.

The part of the goods as well by day as by night, is from the Lord of the second house, unto the said second house, taken upon the quality of the Eclipse, from the ascendant.

Of the third.

The part of brothers by the day, is from Saturne unto Jupiter, from the ascendant, at night to the contrary.

The part of the love of brethren, by the day, is from the Sunne unto Saturne, from the ascendant, at night to the contrary. If Saturne be under the beams of the Sunne, take Jupiter in his place.

Of the fourth.

The part of father, by the day, is from the Sun unto Sa­turne, from the ascendant, at night to the contrary. This same is like the love of brethren: then if Saturne be un­derneath the beames of the Sun, in his place take Jupiter.

The part of inheritances and possessions, by day and by night, is from Saturne to the Moone, from the ascendant.

The part of fortune in tillage and sowing, by day, and by night is from Venus unto Saturn, from the ascendant.

Of the fift.

The part of Infants, is as the part of the quality of the life.

The part of male children by day & by nighe is from the Moone unto Jupiter, and is numbred from the ascendant.

The part of daughters, by day and by night, is from the Moone unto Venus, and is taken from the ascendant.

Of the sixt.

The part of diseases inseparable, in the day, is the di­stance of Saturne unto Mars, and it is cast from the de­gree ascendant, and in the night from Mars, which is con­trary.

The part of servants, by day and by night, from Mer­cury unto the Moone is from the ascendant.

The part of prison & captivity, by day, from the Lord of the place of the Sunne, unto the Sunne, and is reckoned from the ascendant. By night, from the Lord of the place of the Moone, unto the Moone.

If the Sunne by day, or the Moone by night, be in their proper houses or exaltations, they shall be signifiers of this part.

Of the seventh.

The part of the marriage of men, by day, and by night, from the Sunne unto Venus, is from the ascendant.

The part of the marriage of women, by day and by night, from Venus to Saturne, is from the ascendant.

The part of marriage common to men, and to women, by day, and by night, is from Venus unto the point of the seaventh house, accounting from the ascendant.

The part of kindred, by day and by night, from Saturn unto Venus, is from the ascendant.

The part of discord & agreement, by day, is from Mars to Jupiter from the ascendant: by night to the contrary.

Of the eighth.

The part of death, by day and by night, from the Moon unto the degree of the eight house, taken upon the equa­lity of the Eclipse, accounting from the place of Saturne.

The part of the mortall Planet by day, is from the Lord of the ascendant, unto the Moone, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of the perilous yeare of death, or poverty, or of any other misfortune by day, and by night, is from Saturne unto the Lord of the foresaid conjunction, or opposition of the light, from the ascendant.

[Page 9] The part of all envies, by day, is from Saturne unto Mars, by night to the contrary, accounting from the place of Mercury.

Of the ninth.

The part of faith, and of religion by day, is from the Moone unto Mercury, from the ascendant by night to the contrary.

The part of waies by land, by day, & by night, is from the Lord of the ninth unto the ninth, taken upon the e­quality of the Eclipse, from the ascendant.

The part of travell by water by day, is from Saturne unto the fifteenth degree of Cancer, from the ascendant, at night to the contrary.

If Saturne do meete in the said fifteenth degree of Can­cer, he shall be signifier of this part, with the ascendant.

Of the tenth.

The part of Nobility by day, is from the Sun unto the nineteenth degree of Aries, accounting from the Ascen­dant, by night, from the Moone unto the third degree of Taurus. If the Moone by night be in the said degree of Taurus, or the Sunne by day, in the said degree of Aries, they shall be signifiers of the said part.

The part of government by day, is from Mars unto the Moone from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of Magistrates, as the part of the understan­ding, written upon the first house.

The part of conquest and victory, as the part of father.

The part of suddaine advancement, by day, is from Saturne unto the part of fortune, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary; If Saturne be burned, take in his place Jupiter.

The part of estimation, by day, and by night, is from Mercury unto the Sun, accounting from the ascendant.

The part of governments, and feates of warre, by day, is from Mars unto Saturne, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of the profession and action, by day and by [Page 10] night, is from Saturn unto the Moon, from the ascendant.

The part of honour proceeding of the profession, by day and by night, is from the degree of the Sunne, unto the degree of the tenth house, from the ascendant.

The part of the industry of the hands, by day, is from Mercury to Venus, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of the feat of Merchandize, by day, is from the part of the spirit, unto the part of fortune, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of felicity and profit, by day, is from the part of fortune unto Jupiter, from the ascendant, by night, to the contrary.

The part of the mother, by day, is from Venus unto the Moon, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

Of the eleventh.

The part of friends, by day and by night, is from Mer­cury to the Moone, from the ascendant.

The part of praise, by day, is from Jupiter unto Venus, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

The part of honourable companies, by day, is from the part of fortune unto the Sunne, from the ascendant, by night to the contrary.

Of the twelfth.

The part of enemies by day, and by night, is from the Lord of the 12. house, unto the said 12. taken upon the equality of the Eclipse, from the ascendant.

The second part of enemies, as the part of diseases in­separable, written in the sixt house.

The part of paine, travell, and affliction, by day and by night, is from the part of the spirit, unto the part of for­tune.

Chap. V. Of the latitudes and aspects of the Planets.

HAving applyed the planets in the said figure, and ordained as wee have said in the former Chapter, the parts proceeding of the proportions of the said Pla­nets, [Page 11] you must consequently draw out of the Ephemerides their latitudes, and put apart all the aspects which is among them, and towards the said parts and 12. houses; also the radiations, after the last proposition of the booke of Directions of John de Regiomonte: upon the which note, that the aspects opposites have alwayes divers la­titudes to them of their Planets, although they keepe the same number. As if Saturne had two degrees of lati­tude septentrionall, his opposition hath two degrees of la­titudes meridionall. The quadrant aspect hath no lati­tude, for it falleth alwaies upon the Eclipse.

The Trine aspect retaineth the halfe of the number of the latitude, in contrary part: for if a Planet have one degree of latitude Meridionall, his trine shall have thirty minutes of latitude septentrionall. The Sextile retaineth the same side, with the halfe of the number. You must al­so note, that these aspects of Saturne, and of Jupiter, doe not extend but unto nine degrees, or for the most longest unto twelve: those of Mars unto eight, or for the most part to tenne. The Sunne extendeth his beames to 15. degrees; Venus and Mercury almost to eight. The Moone unto twelve, the head and taile of the Dragon, likewise extend their forces unto twelve degrees.

Moreover it is to be noted, that the opposition is a plaine aspect, and perfect enmity: the quadrate of lesse enmity: the trine of perfect love: the Sextile of imper­fect love. That which alwaies receiveth exception in Ju­piter and Venus, (of the which opposites, and quadrate aspects) profit the Sunne and the Moone with reception, or without reception, & to others also with reception.

Chap. VI. Of the fortunes and infortunes of the Planets, and parts of Heaven.

AFter this you must consider the forces and weaknesse of the Planets, parts and houses, and conferring the ones significations with the other, you must collect the fortunes and infortunes of every place, as followeth.

Here followeth the infortunes.

The planets and other places of the Heaven, be called unfortunate, when they be burned under the beames of the Sunne. Burnings are called Saturne and Jupiter, when betweene them and the Sun, they have lesse than twelve degrees. Mars when he is burned of the Sun, hath at the least 11. degrees and a halfe. Venus and Mercury, when they be neere the Sunne 11. degrees. The Moone when she is not burned, by 13. And yet you find other termes, when you will take a Planet for to give the yeares. Then the three superiours are esteemed burnt, because they are neere the Sunne by 15▪ degrees, and if they be occidentall. For when they be orientall unto ten degrees, they are burnt from the 10. unto 15 under the beames. Venus and Mercury occidentall, neere to the Sunne by seaven de­grees, or orientall by five, be burned, from thence unto twelve under the beames. The Moone neere by twelve degrees is burnt, from thence unto 15. under the beames. And you must note, that the said accidents are not hurt­full when they fall in the signes of Aries, and of the Lion.

Unfortunate also are the Planets, when they go back­ward, and when they be joyned with Saturne, or with Mars: or when they receive evill aspects of them.

When they are joyned with any fixed Starre of violent nature.

When they are in their detriments or fallings (that is to say) in places opposite to their houses or exaltations.

When they are in their declining houses.

When they are first standers, (that is to say) when they be in the degree and Minute, wherein incontinently they begin to goe backward.

When they are in the way of burning, which begin at the 19. degree of Libra, and end in the third degree of Scorpio.

When they be with the taile of the Dragon.

When they are joyned with a backward Planet, or o­therwise unfortunate.

[Page 13] When they are Peregrines, without beeing received. They are called Perigrines, when they have no dignity or place where they be. Of the reception wee will speake af­terwards.

When they be Meridionall discendants.

When any of the three superiours are occidentall, or Venus and Mercury orientall, when they be in evill aspects of the Sunne.

When they do not regard any other Planet.

When they be opposites to the Lord of the signe where they be.

When they be set, (that is to say) betweene two evill Planets, although they have 30. degrees of distance.

When they be in evill houses or termes.

When they be in the twelfth signe of their principall houses.

When they be under the Horizon in the day, or a­bove the Horizon in the night: if they be Diurnes, as Saturne, Jupiter, and the Sunne.

When they be above the Horizon, in the day, and be­neath at night. If they be Nocturnes, as Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the Moone.

When they be in signes and degrees feminine, they be masculines, or in signes and degrees masculine, they be feminines. Feminines are Venus and the Moone, Mer­cury and Androgine, the other are masculines.

When they be in degrees which are called Azemenae, or in degrees stinking, darke, or smoakie. That which is marked in the Ephemerides, in the Table of the digni­ties of the Planets.

Infortunes particular to the Moone.

When she decreaseth.

When she is within the eight house, out of her prin­cipall dignities.

When shee is within the seaventh, and that as to the life. And as for any other significations, she is not infor­tunate in the seaventh.

[Page 14] When shee is in the 19. degree of a signe.

When she is slack in her course, (that is to understand) when shee goes in twenty foure houres, lesse than thir­teene degrees and 11. minutes.

The fortunes of the Planets.

Fortunate be the Planets, and other places of Heaven, when they be in angles, or at the lest in houses succeeding.

When they be in a good aspect of Jupiter, or of Venus, or at the least in evill, with reception.

When they be joyned to the Sunne within sixteene minutes.

When they be in a good aspect of the Sunne, of the Moone, or of Mercury fortunate.

When they be joyned with any fixed starre, of a loving nature.

When they be directs, or at the least in the second sta­tion, (that is to understand) when they be in degree and minute, in the which beginneth incontinently the dire­ction.

When they be within their proper houses or exaltati­ons.

When they be in their triplicities and termes together, or triplicity and face together.

When they be in houses, wherein they naturally take pleasure, as Mercury in the ascendant, the Moone in the third, Venus in the fift, Mars in the sixt, the Sunne in the ninth, Jupiter in the eleventh, and Saturne in the twelfth.

When they be in any of their dignities, or if they be peregrines, when they be received. Received, that is, the Planets, which receive aspect of him, which in their place hath at the least foure dignities, the which reception is fortunate, when she is made of a good aspect.

At all times the receptions of Jupiter and Venus be al­waies favourable, although they be not made of good aspects.

When they mount to the highest part of their Circles.

When they be Septentrionals, principally ascendants.

[Page 15] When any of the three Superiours is orientall, or Ve­nus and Mercury occidentall.

When they begin to go from the beames of the Sun.

When they be in houses or terms of favorable planets.

When they be above the Horizon in the day, or under the Horizon in the night, if they be Diurnes.

When they be under the Horizon in the day, or above the Horizon in the night, if they be nocturnes.

When they are in signes and degrees masculine, they be masculine, or in signes and degrees feminines, they be fe­minines.

When they be in degrees fortunate and cleere degrees, which are called Lucides.

Particular fortunes of the Moone.

When she increaseth.

When she is within the house or exaltation of the Sun.

When she is very swift in her course, (that is to under­stand) when she goes more than 13. degrees, and 11. mi­nutes in 24. houres

Chap. VII. If the Child shall live or no.

ALl this above considered, you must first looke, whe­ther hee that is borne, is for life in this world or no. That which principally will shew us the light of the time, (that is to say, the Sun by day, and the Moone by night) are the Lords of the triplicitie of him, and the ascendant with his Dominator.

When the Dominator of the ascendant shall be un­fortunate, by the Lord of the eight house, the child can­not live: and lesse, if the Lords of the triplicitie of the temporall light be unfortunate.

When within the first house shall be any fixed starre of violent nature, or any ill fortune (that is to say, Saturne or Mars) without having at the least foure dignities, and the temporall light shall be unfortunate, the child shall die quickly; if you find not any fixed starre of amiable [Page 16] nature, or if Jupiter and Venus, or the Sun, or the Moon do not communicate unto him their beames. For if the aspects be of love, or of enmity with reception, the child shall live.

If the Dominator of the ascendant be burnt, the child shall die before 9. daies be accomplished, and more sooner if he be burned within the eight house, or in this estate, if he be joyned with the Lord of the eighth. Except when he is burned in his owne house or exaltation, or within the house or exaltation of the Sunne.

When the Moone, being the temporall light, shall be unfortunate within the first house, without any aspect of the fortunes, & without the conjunction of any fixed stars of amiable nature, the hope of life shall not be great.

When the Moon shall be unfortunate within the fourth house, & he that hath the misfortune, shall be also unfor­tunate, and out of his principall dignities, the infant can­not live, and the mother shall be in great danger of death at her deliverance, and principally if the ascendant be the house or exaltation of the Moone.

When the infortunes are conjoyned within the eighth house, it signifieth very short life: except when Mars and Saturne be in Capricorne.

Many joynt Planets within the first house, bring not good testimonie of life, although they be all fortunate.

When the Dominator of the ascendant, and the tem­porall light, and the Lords of their triplicities be not al­together unfortunate, the child may easily live.

Chap. VIII. Of the giver of life, called of the Arabians Hyleg.

THe giver of life is taken out of the principall places of the Figure (that is to say) of the Sunne, of the Moone, and of the Ascendant, of the part of fortune, and of the degree of the last conjunction, or opposition of lights; the which having well noted, we consider first, if the nativity be diurnall or nocturnall. For if shee be di­urne, wee begin at the Sunne, the which within the first, [Page 17] tenth, or eleventh house, in a masculine or feminine signe, shall be fit to give life, if it have any giver of time that doth regard it: if it be in the ninth, eighth, or seaventh house, it may also be the giver of life, if it be in a Mascu­line signe, and not in a feminine; in other places it can­not be the giver of life, but by constraint. It is alwaies ne­cessary for such an act, that the giver of time regard the giver of life, otherwise, the said giver of life shall be as a person that hath good will to do his friend good, & hath not wherewithall; and so when the Sunne shall be with­out aspect of any giver of time, you must leave it there, and go to the Moone, which may give the life within the first house, in the signe Masculine or Feminine, and within the tenth, eleventh, seventh, fourth, fifth, second, and third house, in signes Feminines and not Masculines, receiving aspect of any giver of time. If the Moone have not all the said conditions, you must come to the degree ascen­dant, if the nativitie be conjunctionall, (Conjunctionall is said the nativity, before the which lastly the lights have beene conjoyned) and if the said degree receive aspect of the giver of time, he shall be giver of life: other­wise not. Wherefore you must examine the part of Fortune, the which shall give life in the Angles and houses succeeding, with the aspect of the giver of time, o­therwise you must come to the degree, to the which lastly the lights have beene conjoyned: the which within the Angles or houses succeeding shall be giver of life, if hee receive aspect of his giver of time.

It is here necessary that the giver of time have digni­tie of house, or of exaltation in places of the part of For­tune, and of the said degree conjunctionall. By this order you must seeke the giver of life, when the nativitie is conjunctionall. When she is preventionall, (Preventio­nall is said, afore the which lastly the lights have beene opposites) after you have considered the Sunne, and the Moone, you must consequently contemplate the place of Fortune, more than the degree ascendant, and lastly the [Page 18] degree of the oppositions of the lights, & see that it have two degrees in the opposition, one of them of the Sun, & the other of the Moone. The Astrologians command to consider it, that at the time of the opposition it hath been in the first house, or elsewhere above the Horizon.

When the Nativity is nocturnall, we follow the same order, (except that first we consider the Moone, secondly the Sunne, &c.) this giver of life, when either by directi­on, or by profection, or by other way, meete any evill a­spect of the infortunes, or of the starres fixed of violent nature, or any of the notable conjunctions, or Eclipses of the lights, it causeth then some sicknesse, and very sudden­ly bringeth death, when the fortunes do not intermingle the favourable beames.

Chap. IX. Of the giver of yeares, called of the Arabians Alcocoden.

THe giver of time, or giver of yeares, is the same that hath dignitie of house, exaltation, triplicity or terme in the place where is the giver of life. As if the Sunne were in the 11. in the signe of Sagittarius (there where he may be a giver of life) and Jupiter were in the signe of Aquarius, he shall regard the Sunne of the Sextile aspect, and looke that he have dignity of the house in the signe of the Sunne, hee shall be giver of yeares. It is then necessary, that these two things concurre together, to the end that one Planet be giver of yeares, that is to say, that he hath dignities neverthelesse of terme (for the dig­nity of face is not sufficient enough for one so great ef­fect) in signe and degree, in the which shall be the giver of life, and that he regard the said giver of life, of one aspect or other.

This giver of time, well lodged upon the point of An­gles, giveth him old yeares, in point of the houses suc­ceeding: is meanes, is Cadents, is smalnesse, and for as much as hee shall be long from the beginnings of the said [Page 19] houses, so much the more or lesse hee must diminish the number of his old yeares, meanes, and smalnesse, after the difference taken of the next houses with the difference of yeares. And first of all if it be within any angle of heaven, not alwaies to the first point, you must proceed also, and take in the first place the distance of the said an­gle, and of the next house succeeding. Note afterward, how many degrees the said giver of years is frō the point of the angle. Then take the difference of his old yeares, and meanes, multiply this difference by the number of the said elongment, and part it by the distance of the said angle, & of the house succeeding; that which resteth take for the exact number of the yeares of life, promised by the said giver of yeares. If he be within any house, succee­ding out of the points and beginnings of the same, you must first take the distance of the house succeeding, and of the next cadant: then note how many degrees the said giver of yeares shall beelonged from the point of the said house succeeding; afterward take the difference of yeares, meanes, and smalnesse, the which multiply by the second number, and part it by the first: the residue shall be the time of life which was promised by the said giver of years. If it be in Cadant houses it shall be upon the points of them, or after, he giveth but onely small yeares: Except when he is within 5. degrees neere to the point of the said angles, & then you must reckon as it followeth. Take the difference of the old yeares, and smalnesse of the Planets that giveth the years, and divide them into 5. parts; after­ward looke in which of the said 5. degrees shal be the said Planet. For if it be in the first and most neere the point of the angle, (that is to say) if he be elonged from the said angle one degree onely, then is it convenient to take out of his old yeares, one of the said 5. parts: if he be elonged by 2. degrees, you must take out 2. parts: if he be elonged 3. degrees, you must substract 3. parts, &c. You must note that the Moone in the 8. gives but small yeares. And that the Sun within the 9 and Jupiter in the 11. and Ve­nus [Page 20] in the 5. and Mercury by the whole ascendant, and the Moone in the 3. give their old yeares as perfectly, as if they were upon the points of the angles: For they be places wherein principally they do rejoyce. Jupiter, Ve­nus, and Mercury within the 9. give their yeares indiffe­rent: & the Moone in the 11. gives them old. Mars in the 6. and Saturne in the 12. they are indifferent, because in the said places they greatly deight themselves: wherefore if they were not evill, they would there give old yeares.

Upon this purpose it is also convenient to note, that one burnt Planet cannot be a giver of yeares: and the Moone in the prime of the beames of the Sunne, cannot give life nor time. If a Planet, which otherwise may be a giver of years, be burnt in his proper house or exaltation, receiving there the Sunne causeth the Sunne to take the charge to be the giver of yeares. If it come to passe that the Sunne or the Moone be in their proper houses or ex­altations, they may be givers of life & time together, with­out need to desire aspect of any other Planet. If one place being significator of life, have many givers of years, wee will take him that hath most dignities in the same place, and if they be equall in dignities, we will take him that hath his aspect most whole, and his beames most neerest the said giver of life. If they find two or three, or many givers of life, that have their givers of yeares, they must alwayes consider and direct, as the first and princi­pall, following the yeares of the Planets.

Old yeares. Meane yeares. Small yeares. Of
57 43 30 Saturne.
79 45 12 Jupiter.
66 40 15 Mars.
120 69 19 Sol.
82 45 8 Venus.
76 48 20 Mercury.
108 66 25 Luna.

Chap. X. Of them that augment and diminish the number of the said yeares.

THey which augment the number of the said years, are Jupiter, Venus, the Sunne, the Moone, and Mer­cury fortified; the which fortunately regarding the gi­ver of yeares, with an amiable aspect adding to their small yeares, (that is to understand) the Sunne 10. and 9. Venus 8. the Moone 25. &c. Likewise, if the giver of time be conjoyned with any fixed starre of amiable na­ture, it taketh of the said starre the number of the small yeares of the Planet, of the which the said starre holdeth his nature. If the said planets regard the giver of time with an evill aspect with reception, they adde as before, which they do not when they have no reception. Except Jupiter and Venus, that in every sort of aspects, with reception or without reception, alwaies adding to their small yeares, for to see that the giver of time be not Sa­turne or Mars, towards the which the reception is ne­cessary, if the aspect be of enmity.

The said planets evill placed and infortunate, in the place of the whole small years, in adding the halfe, or the third, or fourth part, or certaine number of moneths, of weekes, or of dayes, according to the greatnesse or smal­nesse of their infelicity. The amiable aspects of ill for­tune, with reception, give their yeares small: without reception, they do neither good nor evill. If the giver of yeares be retrograde or meridionall descending, or in his fall or detriment, or in the way burned, that taketh from it the fift part of that which hee had given being other­wise disposed. That which happened also to the 3. superi­our Planets, when they be occidentall, and to the Moone when she decreaseth, and when shee is in the 20. and 9. degree of a signe, and when she is slacke in her course. The Sunne rgarding the Moone with the aspects of enmity without reception diminished. Saturne, Mars, or Mer­cury [Page 22] deprived, looking to the evill aspect of the giver of light, they take away the number of their small yeares: except they recover; for then by opposition they do but halfe the evill: by quadrate aspect they diminish but the fourth part. The taile of the Dragon taken from the Moone 12. yeares. I have found it often by experience, that the fortunes (that is to understand, Jupiter and Ve­nus) or the Sunne and the Moon, and Mercury fortunate in the first house, or neere to the giver of life, adding to their small yeares, although they do not regard the giver of time: and to the contrary, that the infortunes in the said places, take away the small yeares, without regar­ding the said giver of time. Except when they were well honored in the said places, or when they were Lords of th Nativities.

Chap. XI. Of the Lords of the Nativitie.

YOu must take the Lord of the Nativity out of the places of the which wee have taken the giver of life, (that is to understand) of the place of the Sunne, and of the Moone, of the degree ascendant of the part of Fortune, and of the degrees of the precedent conjunction or opposition of lights. Of all these places likewise it is to be considered what Planet hath most dignities, for he shall be Lord of the Nativity, that which the giver of yeares shall signifie the time of our life, according to the scituation and felicity or infelicity, as wee have before said of the giver of yeares. And if the one give more than the other, you must take the difference of both, and the halfe adde or diminish: according as shall be necessary.

[Page 23]

6 The Signes. 5 The house of the Planets. 4 Exaltation. 3 The tri­plicitie of the Planets. 2 The termes of the Planets. 1 The faces of the Planets. Perigren. The hurts. The falls.
        D N P   G   G   G   G   G   G   G   G When the Planets have no dignities.    
D 6 12 20 25 30 10 20 30  
N 8 14 22 27 30 10 20 30    
D   6 12 17 24 30 10 20 30    
DN 7 13 19 26 30 10 20 30  
DN   6 11 18 24 30 10 20 30    
N 7 17 21 28 30 10 20 30  
D 6 14 21 28 30 10 20 30  
N   7 11 19 24 30 10 20 30  
D   12 17 21 26 30 10 20 30  
N 7 14 22 26 30 10 20 30    
D   7 13 20 25 30 10 20 30    
N 12 16 19 28 30 10 20 30  

Chap. XII. Of the understanding and manners of a man.

HOw to know the felicity or infelicity of the spirit, & the nature of the same, you must look in the place of Mercury and of the Moone, the Planet that in these two places hath most dignities, shall be signifier of the spirit. The which if it be Saturne well disposed, shall signifie the man of a great & profound knowledge, of good counsell, & of good gravity, or a strong opinion: close, secret, soli­tary, dissembling his good and evill, a lover of just men, & of good age: rejoycing upon the treasures, heritages and labourings; holding discourse of antiquities, and of great affaires, admirator of buildings. Sometimes a little merry, incontinent, sad, sometimes laughing or murmuring by himselfe alone, a little sloathfull, a little envious, and not alwaies keeping his promise. If hee be unfortunate, he shall be noted envious, sad, solitary, fearfull, melan­cholie, faint-hearted, a railer, jealous, a malefactor, evill, a blasphewer, a lyer and deceiver, an-usurer, and holder of opinions: rejecting the counsell of others: fearing that all the world doth deceive him: uncivill, a villaine, a slo­vin, dishonest, flying the company of men, unlesse it be to deceive them, and to draw any profit, having no other friend but his villainous gaine, using sometimes sorcery.

Jupiter signifier of the spirit, well disposed, shewes the man sweet, curteous, honest, gracious, amiable, faithfull, pitifull, liberall, of good behaviour, of good heart & good love: following noblenesse and all honesty: loving God abounding in friends, dreaming alwayes upon some ver­tuous thing, and withdraws himselfe, sometimes solitary, to think upon some goodnesse: using in all and by all his affaires, a great equity, prudence, and modesty, having great courage to accomplish. If he be unfortunate of him­selfe, and not to meet with other starres in the place of good love, he will give sometimes foolishnesse in the place of honesty, pride in the place of liberality, prodigality in the place of loving good will, doth yeeld him an hypo­crite, [Page 25] seeming to follow noblenesse, when indeed he will dispraise all the world: in the place of honesty, it will make him dreame of tyranny.

If the said Jupiter be unfortunate of other Planets, and not of himselfe, he taketh all their vices, and covereth them with his said vertues in manner of an evill hypo­crite. If Mars well fortunate be the said significator, he shall cause the man to be of a high courage, hardy, irefull, furious, a hazarder, conductor of warres, and the first in businesse, and only in deeds, and cogitations given to armes: strong, stubborne and mighty, trusting too much to his owne puissance, not fearing any perill, and blessed in all his deeds. If he be unfortunate, it maketh the man timerous, a theefe, a lyer, blasphemer, mutinous, cruell, a murtherer, hardy, proud, arrogant, not to be borne withall, despising his owne proper goods, and the goods of other, using force and violence against his Parents, and against all the world; a devillish man, without shame, without counsell, without vertue, without love, without any feare or reverence of God, furious, seditious, given and prompt to all mischiefe.

If the Sunne be significator in his good disposition, it makes the man mannerly, wise, prudent, of good counsell, a lover of noblenesse, following glory, and honour, given to justice and governments of Townes and Cities, loving hunting, worthy, and of great estimation. If it be unfor­tunate, it sheweth great pride, excessive ambition, and ty­ranny, and doth nourish the thought.

If Venus signifie the quality of the spirit, and good disposition, it maketh the man pleasant, merry, dauncing, laughing content, amiable, gracious, of good conversati­on, and a little jealous. If unfortunate, it maketh the man frowning, and too merry, of evill maintenance, using dishonest words, given to voluptuousnesse, and jealous of that which belongeth not unto him.

If Mercury be fortunate, it gives good understanding, good memory, great perseverance, great subtiltie of spirit, [Page 26] good discourse of reason, full of wit, very apt to know the Mathematicals, & the secrets of nature; it makes the man a Poet, an Orator, well spoken, writing well, and a great trader. If it be evill disposed, it makes him presumptuous, of little knowledge, with great estimation of his person, inconstant, a lyer, a mocker, a deceiver ordinarily, fine, fantasticall, and vicious.

If it be the Moone that is fortunate, shee maketh him that is borne, pacified, modest, of good heart, or good will, and easie to endure any thing that one will do. un­fortunate doth shew inconstancie, lightnes of spirit, faint­hearted, prodigall, faithlesse. If the said fignifiers, are not greatly fortunate or unfortunate, it is convenient to re­bate the said significations good and vicious, after the quality of their good and evill dispositions.

If any Planet be participant in the signification of the manners, or if it have great communication of aspect with the principall significator, then considering the vices and vertues of him, that (according to his good or evill disposition) we do joyne them to him which giveth the principall, as if Saturne well disposed, be principall signi­ficator, and Mars unfortunate be participant, or regard Saturne of one whole aspect with reception, then it is convenient to mingle some little of the nature of Mars unfortunate, with the significations of Saturne fortunate.

The Astrologians do advertise us, that if the Lord of the ascendant be well placed, and the said significator of manners evill disposed, you must more consider upon that which the Lord of the ascendant signifieth, than upon that which the said significator doth promise. Moreover, they consider more particularly, the place of Mercury, & of the Moone, and the aspect which they receive. If Mer­cury be in the ascendant, it maketh the man ingenious, and of great and profound knowledge, a great Philoso­pher, a Mathematician, an Orator, a Poet, a Divine; prin­cipally when he is in the place in the which Saturn hath at the least 4. dignities, or when he receives aspect of Sa­turn.

[Page 27] Mercury in the twelfth, receiving aspect of the Moon hath very neere as great force for to give wit, and know­ledge, as if he were in the first. And where that Mercury is, if he regard the Moone, and both two, or the one, or the other, regard the ascendant, or the Lord of the ascen­dant, this is signe of a good and subtile spirit. And if Saturne, Jupiter and Mars, or other Planets, do commu­nicate to him their favourable beams, if they mingle their good vertues, if they regard the evill aspect, they inter­mingle their vices: except Jupiter & Venus, which of evill aspect do never anoy them, & lesse when he hath reception.

If the Sunne be temporall light, it may signifie the qua­lity of the spirit with the Moone, and Mercury in the forme abovesaid. If Mercury be occidentall within the house or exaltation of the Sunne, having aspect of the Moone or of the ascendant, or of his Lord, it is the sove­raigne signe of good & high spirits, of men of all know­ledge, given to great enterprizes and vertues, as Poets, Orators, Mathematicians, Counsellers, Administrators of Common-weales, and Governours of Realmes: prin­cipally when he is fortunate in every angle of Heaven.

Mercury within the seaventh house fortunate, giveth good understanding, and ripe judgement: it maketh the man subtile, watchfull, and of Good counsell, with great craft to governe his affaires. Mercury in the ninth or third house, giveth knowledge and contemplation. The part of the understanding of the spirit with their Lords fortunate, signifieth good spirits and good manners.

Mercury in the signe of Pisces, doth not any way love learning: the contrary happeneth, when he is in the figne of Virgo, and of Gemini, by all the places of the sigure of Heaven. Saturne within the houses of Mercury, is alwaies contemplative: Mars, a little deceiver. Mercury within the houses of Saturne fortunate, is alwaies studious, within those of Mars, he is full of evill words, and often false.

When the lights and significators of manners shall be oppressed with ill fortunate, the child shall be of a very [Page 28] strange and perverse nature. The Moone opposite to the Sunne, makes him hate all men. If the Sunne and the Moone with the ascendant and his Lord, be all in femi­nine signes, the manners of him shall be feminine, and he shall be a man of little heart. If they be in signes masculine at the nativity of a woman, her deeds shall be manly, and she shall be a woman of great enterprise.

If Venus be in the signe of the Lyon, or under the beames of the Sunne, or in conjunction or other aspect of Mars, she maketh that the man shall be suddenly stri­ken in love. And if in that estate she be within the first or tenth house, without any aspect of Jupiter, he shall be vo­luptuous without having shame; and when she shall be in the signe of Scorpio, the aspect of Jupiter towards Venus, giveth alwaies chastity and love of vertue.

Chap. XIII. Of riches and poverty.

FOr the riches and poverty, it is convenient first that you looke to the second house, for if she and her Lord be fortunate, we say that child shall be rich, and if they be unfortunate, he shall be poore on that side. Then after­ward you must consider the part of Fortune, the which with his Lord well disposed, promiseth great store of goods, without other witnesse. If they be evill disposed, you must come to the part of goods the which with his Lord fortunate enricheth, unfortunate giveth nothing. Likewise you must judge of the part of felicity and of his Lord. And that things which the other places signi­fie, you must alwaies have recourse to the naturall signifi­cator of riches, which is Jupiter, the which well placed, & fortunate, giveth goods in abundance: principally if he be Lord of the Nativity, or Lord of the houre, or of the ascendant, or of the second house, or of the part of fortune, or of the part of goods, or of the part of felicity, or of temporall light, or of the tenth house, otherwise he giveth nothing.

When the abovesaid Significators shall be unfortunate, [Page 29] the child cannot be rich, if the tenth house (of the which we will speake hereafter) do not promise him some good luck. Men find also oftē by experience, that when a planet is within his own house or exaltatiō, or in his joy, (with­out being unfortunate, or else where environed with the fortunes or their beames) that he giveth goods, although he be not Significator of riches. If in the fourth house be his Lord, or other fortunate Planet, he promiseth inheri­tances. If any fixed starre of the first or second greatnesse be joyned to the temporall light, or to the degree ascendant, or to the points of the other angles, or to other Planets in the said places placed, she doth raise the man of base estate, to great authority, and honour: and if he be of the race of Princes, it will make him a puissant Lord & King.

When a like planet shall be Lord of the ascendant, and of the second house, the child shall be covetous of money and gaine, as that which happeneth when Capri­corne is ascendant. When the Lord of the second house shall be within the first, the goods come without labour. Likewise when the Lord of the second house giveth strength to the Lord of the ascendant. When the Lord of the ascendant shall be in the second, the goods shall not come without travell; nor when the Lord of the ascendant shall give strength to the Lord of the second. Saturn, Mars, Mercury depraved, the Sunne and the taile of the Dragon Lunary, within the second, destroy the man, and disperse his goods: except when they have at the least foure dig­nities, or when they be received. When the Lord of the ascendant shall regard with evill aspect the second house, or the part of goods and of fortune, or their Lords, the child of his owne proper will shall disperse his goods. If the Lord of the ascendant be unfortunate in the second house, the child shall be too large a giver, and prodigall. If any misfortune have domination upon the ascendant, and in the second, the child shall be destroyed by others, which shall destroy his goods, and rob him. When the said significators of goods shall be unfortunate, the [Page 30] child shall be all his life in paine and travell, without any advancement or profit.

Abraham Avenesre saith, that if the Lord of the second be burnt, and Jupiter evill disposed, that the child shall be alwayes poore. And Hermes saith, when the Lord of the profession (of the which we shall speake in the 27. chap.) shall be burnt, or retrograde, or in the 6. or 12. house, and not any planet regarding the Moone, the child shall seeke his living from doore to doore like a begger. Jupiter, Venus, and the head of the Dragon in the second, all­wayes enrich. Venus in the fifth promiseth some good. The Sunne in the ninth fortunate, giveth benefices, or o­ther goods of the side of the men of the Church. Mars in the sixt well disposed, giveth good or nourishment to Beasts, and exercise of Physicke. The Sunne in the signe of Leo, will never suffer the child to be poore.

Chap. XIV. By what meanes riches and poverty come.

HAving well noted the places which promise, and bring riches, in regarding the situation of the said significators, wee will know by what meanes ought to come the good and the evill. For if the significator be in the first house received and fortunate, it easily inricheth the person by his industry and proper labour: and if hee be in the said place unfortunate, it is that his industry, and labour doth profit him nothing; and the sooner from thence to losse and damage.

If he be in the second house well disposed, it profiteth to talke with Merchants, and lend merchandize and mo­ney, and of them make gaine. And if he be there evill di­sposed, the said businesse bringeth great damages. If he be within the third house fortunate, it bringeth the goods from the side of brothers and sisters, and cousins, & allyes, or from the side of the men of the Church in taking charg of their affaires: or to traffique here and there about his Country. If he be in the 4. well placed, he is inriched of inheritances, & goods of our fathers and predecessors, of [Page 31] laboring and tilling of ground, of houses, & oftentimes doth meet with treasure. If it be within the fift, it profits to be a good dancer, a good Player, to be brave, gracious, pleasant and delightfull, and sometimes to be voluptu­ous: alwaies well, because of God-fathers, and God-mo­thers, and of their proper children; or because of gifts, or to make some voyage, and do some embassage. Those things that come appertaining to bravery and voluptu­ousnesse, and making ready delicates, odours & perfumes, of this house they very suddenly draw their profit. If the said significator be in the sixt well placed, he shall make his profit in nourishing, and buying and selling of sheepe, muttons, and other small beasts, or shall become rich by the diligence and faithfulnesse of his servants, or shall gaine by the exercise of Physicke. The Gaolors, and others, which have the charge of prisons, draw often­times their profit from this house.

If the significator be in the seventh fortunate, it promi­seth great good of the side of women, by marriages, or like agreements; and oftentimes to have pleaded, and gay­ned his suite in the law, or having beene in the warres, & pilled the enemies. If it be in the eight well disposed, it giveth great dowry and great good, because of women, and sometimes heritages, of the which he shall not great­ly thinke of. If it be in the ninth fortunate, he shall be enriched of the goods of the Church, or by traffique and travelling in strange Countries.

If it be well in the tenth, he shall have his profit of the side of Kings, Princes and Lords, and be made of them governours of Townes, and honourable Officers; or be enriched by their owne vocation and profession.

If it be within the eleventh, in good disposition, he profi­teth by reason of friends, & by favor of men in authority.

If it be in the twelfth fortunate, it giveth gaine by nou­rishing, and selling of horses, mares, oxen, kyne, cammels, and other great beasts: or to have charge of prisoners: or of the persecution of enemies, with profitable victory in [Page 32] the end; As oftentimes it happeneth to some, which accu­sing others, & cannot prove the crimes intended, be con­demned to make a good amends to the party: after all which persecution, the party doth find himselfe content.

Saturne by himselfe, enricheth by heritages & labours, nourishing of all cattell, & with trading with auncient men, or with country-men, mariners, and other vild men: in corne, wines, oyles, fish, oade, rosen, allum, leather, tyles, stones, plaister, chalke, lyme, and such merchandize.

Jupiter, by offices, benefices, and businesse of men of the Church, and all gaines that are made without deceit. Ex­cept when he is infortunate, for then under the shadow of vertue, he doth his affaires craftily.

Mars, by warres, suites, or thefts, or by slaughter, & sel­ling of cattell: or if it be in aspect of Venus, by physicke.

The Sunne by honourable offices, dignities and Lord­ships, by great credit, by charges to keepe and gather the money of Princes and Common-weales.

Venus by musicke, pleasure, grace and vertue, by brave­ry, by play, and sometimes by voluptuousnesse, and some­time to serve some great Ladie.

Mercury, to speake well and write well, and to be very skilfull, to be a Secretary, a Register, a Poet, an Orator, & a good advocate, to be a Geometrician, Arithmetician, Astrologian, and a good trader. The Moone for voyages, navigation, wandring, and trading in far Countries, to have the charge of small affaires of the common-wealth.

If the said Significator be unfortunate in the same places, they bring dammage and interests, and if they be within the houses of Saturne, Jupiter or other Planets, we judge the profit and interest after the nature of Saturne, Jupiter, & other planets which shall be Lords of the same places.

Chap. XV. Of the time when the riches & dammages shall come.

THe said riches shall come, when the Significators of good shal meet by direction, in body, or in aspects of amity. As if Venus in some nativity promise goods, they [Page 33] shall come when Venus by direction shall touch the place of Jupiter, or the degree of the second house, or the part of fortune, or their good aspects: Likewise you must judge of damages in goods. For when a significator of damages, & interests doth meet by direction a significator of goods, or his aspects of enmity, then certainly comes the losse, & damage. As when Saturne or Mars meet Jupiter in the part of fortune, the part of goods, and other places which signifie riches, the which also you must direct to the said ill fortunes, or to their evill aspect signifying alwayes some losse.

By the revolutions also you may know the time of good and evill fortune. For when Jupiter in the nativi­ty shall be in the signe Libra well disposed, alwaies and as many times, as you shall find him in the revolution in the signe, in the same fortune, certainly he shall then bring the goods that he promised, at the houre of the Nativity.

To the contrary, if he be unfortunate by Saturne or Mars in the Nativitie, alwaies, and as many times as hee shall be in the revolution over against the said unfortu­nators, then the said damage shall come in the sort, and manner as was signified in the Nativitie.

If the significator of goods be Orientall, the goods come in youth, if it be Occidentall, in age. If it be in the first house, he shall be rich in his first age, if it be betweene the first and the tenth, upon the time of twenty, and seven yeares. If it be in the tenth, betweene thirty, and five and thirty. If it be betweene the tenth, and sea­venth, about forty and forty eight. If it be in the seventh, he shall be rich in his old age. You must also looke to the three Lords of the triplicity, and to every significator of Goods. For the first Lord signifieth the first age, the second of the time of thirty of forty yeares, the third the last age. Wherefore if the first Lord of the triplicitie of one significator of riches be fortunate, the said goods signified shall come at the first time: or if he be unfortu­nate, the damage then shall sticke, by this meanes you [Page 34] may apply the other Lords, to the ages following, and according to the good or evill disposition you must judg of the fortune of every one.

Chap. XVI. Of Brethren.

MArs and Saturne within the third house out of their principall dignities and not received, signi­fieth that the child shall have no brother norsister. And if they be in their principall dignities, or if they be for­tunately received, they may then give some brethren, but by reason of the which he shall alwaies be in sorrow, strife, and contentions. The taile of the Dragon or Lu­naris, maketh him see the death of his brethren, when she is in the third house. That doth the Lord of the said house also, when he is in the tenth or eighth, and when he is burned, or otherwise evilly disposed.

If in the ninth be any Planet well dignified; and the Lord of the third house be unfortunate, his brethren shall dye before him, if he do not find in the same house some favourable planet, or if the Lord of the said house be not amiably regarded of fortunes.

Jupiter, the Sunne, Venus, the head of the Dragon, the Moone, and Mercury, fortunate in the third house, do give many brethren, happy, pacified and fortunate. Mars regarding the said house, or his Lord of evill aspect, signifieth strife and debate among the brethren. That which signifieth also the Lord of the said house, in the 7. and 12. And Mars opposite to the ascendant, or to the Lord of the ascendant, and to the temporall light, and when a like planet is Lord of the 3. and 7. or 12. house. The part of the amitie of brethren with his Lord fortunate, signifieth concord: unfortunate, discord a­mong brethren. The part of brethren, and the third house, with their Lords in watry signes, denoteth many brethren and sisters: and if they be fortunate, they signi­fie concord and good love together▪ unfortunate deno­teth the contrary.

Chap. XVII. Of the Father and Mother.

THe Lords of the fourth, and of the part of the Fa­ther, burnt out of their proper houses and exaltati­ons, signifie that the Father cannot long live. The ill for­tunes within the 4. signifie that the father shall die pre­sently after, if within the said house they be not digni­fied, or if the fortunes do not enterlace their favourable beames: Likewise you must judge of the mother, when the said Constellations shall be in the 10. The fortunes in the 4. signifie long life to the Father, and happy for­tune: and likewise of the mother, when they be within the 10. The Sun unfortunate within the 4. or 8. house, testifieth that the Father shall not live long: likewise you must judge of the mother when the Moone shall be so di­sposed. If the Lord of the 4. be in the 11. the child shall see the death of his Father. If the Lord of the 10. be in the 5. he shall see the death of his Mother. Venus or the Moone in the 4. unfortunate, giveth perill to the mo­ther at her deliverance. The Lord of the 4. in the 7. or 12. house, or in evill aspects of ill fortunes, signifieth strife and quarrels betweene the Father and the Sonne. Likewise you must judge of the mother, when the Lord of the 10. shall be in the same disposition. The part of the Father fortunate, denoteth long and happy life to the Father: unfortunate, he shall dye very quickly. The part of the mother signifieth as much of the mother, after her good or evill disposition.

Commonly the Astrologians have regard to the Sun and to Saturne for the Father, and to Venus and the Moone for the mother; if the Nativity be by day, they take the Sun for significator of the Father: if it be by night they take Saturn, if the Sun be not in any angle of heaven: for if it be in the 1. or 4. they preferre him alwaies to Saturne. If the Sun be in the 1. in the nativitie of the 1 child, the figure of the nativity of the Father and of the Sunne shall be both one. The significator of the Fa­ther, [Page 36] joyned to the Fortunea, or receiving their amiable a­spects, denote good fortune & long life to the Father: the cōtrary you must understand when they be unfortunate.

If the Lord of the ascendant, and the Lord of the 4. do looke with an evill aspect, the Sonne and the Father shall be in discord, principally if Mars intermedle with his pernitious beames. For the mother you must looke principally to Venus, if the Nativity be by day: or to the Moone, if it be by night. And after their good and evill dispositions, you must judge the good, or contrary for­tune of the mother.

Chap. XVIII. Of heritages and goods of the earth.

THe Fortunes, or other Planets fortunate, within the fourth or eighth house, denoteth inheritances, and possessions: the ill fortunes do deny or despise them. Sa­turne, naturall significator of heritages, lands, and pos­sessions, well disposed, doth give great goods and lands, and maketh the man happie in labouring and tillage; That also signifieth the significators of riches, when they be well disposed within the houses of Saturne. And the part of heritages, and the part of fortune in sowers & til­lers when they be fortunate, with their Lords. If the said significator be unfortunate, you must judge the contrary.

When one selfe Planet is Lord of the first and fourth house, the child shall have inheritances which shall en­rich him, if the said Lord be fortunate: and if he sell and disperse them, he is unfortunate. The Lord of the ascen­dant, or the Moone within the fourth fortunate, and a­miable by Jupiter or Venus regarded, denote that he shall find some great summe of money under the earth, prin­cipally, if Saturne cast his Trines or Sextile beames: or that of Mines of gold and silver he shall be made rich.

The taile of the Dragon in the fourth, maketh him to sell and disperse his goods. That doth also the head of the Dragon, when she is in a signe earthly or watrish: in [...]erie signes, or fiery, she giveth great goods, and lands.

Chap. XIX. Of Children.

THe fortunes in the fist, give the children: the unfor­tunes denie them. Except when they be in their proper house or exaltations, for then they give evill chil­dren; that which they do also, when regarding the said house, or the Lord of the same, with evill aspects. If the Lord of the first be burned, he giveth the children abor­tives, or which presently after their birth die. If the said Lord be in the 12. he shall see the death of his children. If he be in the 7. or 12. or if a like Planet be Lord of the 5. 7. or 12. he shall have suits and questions with his children. The Lord of the ascendant, in evill aspect of the Lord of the 5. denoteth as much. Before you give judgment of the children, you must consider the 10. and the 7. house, & the parts of children with their Lords. The significators of the children in Masculine signes, signifie Male children; in feminines, denote daughters: Likewise you must judge when they be coupled with planets, masculines, or femi­nines.

Chap. XX. Of Servants.

THe significations of servants must be taken of the place of Mars and Mercury, of the sixt house of the part of servants, and of their Lords. The which fortunate give faithfull servants, unfortunate give them evill. When the Lord of the ascendant, and the Lord of the sixt shall be in good aspect together to the significators of riches, the child shall become rich by the industry, and faithfulnesse of his servants. Likewise when the fortunes be within the sixt house: to the contrary, when the signi­ficator of riches shall be unfortunate in the sixt house, hee shall be undone by his servants. Likewise when the ill fortunes shall be in the said house. If the Lord of the 6. be in the 10. he shall yeeld his servants more greater mai­sters than himselfe. If the Lord of the 6. house be in the signe of a humane figure, his servants shall beare him reve­rence, and be at his commandement.

What kind of conditions every Planet doth yeeld.


Sad, and of a deepe cogitation, secret, solitary, labour­some, painfull; a heaper of goods, patient, sparing, care­full of his owne preferment.


An abject. A fugitive. Base minded. A vile man. Negli­gent. Fearfull. Sadde or pensive. Covetous. Envious. A Witch. Stubborne. A rogue. Suspicious. Superstitious. A deceiver.


A lover of God. Religious. Honest, and vertuous. Stout. Couragious. Just. Upright. Authority. Modesty. Boun­tifull.


A lover of himselfe. High minded. Proud. Superstitious. Fearfull. Faint-hearted. Carelesse or negligent. Prodigall. Nothing so good as when he is fortunate.


Gentle. Manly-minded. Full of courage. Stout. Irefull. Earnest. Fearing no danger. Patient. Delighting in warres and manly exercises.


Quarrelsome. Cruell. Angry. Tyrunnicall. Unjust. Un­faithfull. A blood-shedder. Theevish. A make-bate. Hasty. or rash. A boaster. Very proud.


Pleasant. Merry. Faire. Gentle of speech. Of comely jesture. Good. Mercifull. Given to pleasure both of body and mind. A lover of dainty and delicate things.


Womanish. Fearfull. Weake of nature. Slothfull. Leche­rous. A slanderer. Not caring for his good name. Given to filthy lust. Sodomiticall.


Of an excellent wit. Studious. Of a quicke capacitie. Of a good and sound judgement in every thing. Poeticall. Grammaticall. Mathematicall. Finding out many things untaught.


Unstable. Malicious. A lyer, chiefly if he be with the Dragons taile. Privily sowing deceit. A slaunderer. For­getfull. Foolish. Full of wicked counsell and malice.

Thus may you gather the naturall disposition of any man, either present or absent: according to the nature of the Planets, as is above specified. As for the lights, the ☽ from her ☌ to her ☍ doth make their manners most apparant, from her ☍ to her ☌ more obscure.

Chap. XXI. Of Diseases.

YOu must first of all consider the places of Saturne and of Mars, and of the Lord of the sixt house. And accor­ding to the signe in the which they be, you must judge the sicknesse to be in the place marked by the said signe. As if Saturne were in the signe of Libra, it denoteth that the sicknes is in the reins of the nature of Saturn; because that Libra is the signe that hath government over the reines, as shall be declared in the second Booke. Likewise you must judge of other significators, after the government of the signe in the which they be.

The sicknesse and accidents comming by Saturne, Mars and other Planets, shall be explained in the second booke. Mars in the ascendant, giveth alwaies some notable hurt upon the face, or upon the head, and often neere the eyes, when he is neere the lights. Saturne in the first house, yeeldeth the man to be very sadde, and melancholy, and vexeth the mind, causing horrible ill, and fearfull imagi­nations. The taile of the Dragon in the first, darkneth much the sight, and often yeelds the men blind, when the Luminaries or the fortunes do not intermingle their fa­vourable [Page 40] beames. Saturne and Mars in the tenth, signifie sicknesse in the necke, in the seventh, in the buttockes: as Fistulaes, Emrods, Ulcers, and hurts, &c. In the sixt, dis­eases in the feet: in the twelfth, hurts, and griefes in the legges, as I have often tryed. Saturne infortunate, signifi­eth diseases in the parts appertaining to Saturne. Jupiter and the other, signifie as much, when they be evill dispo­sed. Of the parts which belong to the Planets we will speake of in the second Booke.

They which have the Luminaries, or any of the princi­pall places in the figure unfortunate in the signe of Scor­pio, are subject to the French-pox. The ill fortunes in the signe of Gemini, give alwayes some great and violent blowes upon the shoulders, legges and armes. The Moone unfortunate in the signe of Aries signifieth great paine in the head. Saturne and Mars joyned to the Luminaries, or to the Lord of the ascendant, trouble the sight, and spoile the eyes with some blow. The Sunne in the Nativities Diurnes, signifieth the right eye, the Moone the left: in the Nocturnes, to the contrary. If the degrees of the first house, or the Luminaries be joyned with any trouble­some starre, the eyes shall be darke, and the sight trou­bled; likewise if they be in the signes which the Astrolo­gers call Azemenae, and filthy dregges, &c.

Saturne in the sixt house burned in a watry signe, de­noteth some forme of leprosie. Saturne in the ascendant, maketh some notable deformity in the face, when hee is neere the Moone. The ill fortunes and the Moone, and Venus in watry signes, signifie leprosie, ulcers, and cankers on the body, and villainous spots in the face. Saturne in the ninth, and the Moone in the eight unfortunate, de­note trouble of mind and folly. Venus joyned to Mer­cury unfortunate by Saturne or Mars, without aspect of Jupiter, or of the Sun, signifie notable griefe in the parts of generation. If Venus and Mercury be under the beams of the Sunne, they signifie as much. Saturne with the Moone burned, causeth palsies and impostumes. Mer­cury [Page 41] unfortunate, giveth alwayes some impediment in the tongue, and so doth Saturne also, when he is unfor­tunate in the temporall lights. The Sunne unfortunate, denoteth weaknesse of the heart: principally when he is Lord of the 6. house, or Lord of the part of sicknesse. The ill fortunes with the taile of the Dragon, cause loosnesse, and the flixe of the belly. They that have the Sunne, or Mars in the signes of Aries or Gemini, be subject to the Stone. The retrogradation, and burning of Saturne, and Jupiter, spoyle the hearing and the teeth.

When the Moone, and Mercury do not looke between them, and do not regard the ascendant, nor the Lord of the ascendant, the child shall be troubled in his under­standing. The retrogradation of all the five planets, sig­nifieth the falling sicknesse. The ill fortunes joyned in the ascendant in evill aspects of the Moone, or the Lord of the ascendant, denote entire folly. The part of sicknesses with his Lord fortunate, preserveth from sicknesse, unfor­tunate, give many evils.

Chap. XXII. Of Marriage.

FOr the marriage you must looke the seaventh house and his Lord, the places of Venus and the Moone in the Nativities of men, and in the places of the Sunne and of Mars in Nativities of women: and the parts of mar­riage, and the place of Jupiter. If the said significators be fortunate, the marriage shall be happy, if they be unfor­tunate, it shall be full of envies, reproaches and evils. If some be fortunate, and some unfortunate by certaine times, now happy, and then unhappy, it shall be mani­fest. Many planets in the seaventh house, give many women: likewise when many planets regard the said house or his Lord. If Venus, and the Lord of the seaventh house be burned, or otherwise of Saturne oppressed, the child shall never marry. Jupiter and Venus within the 6. or 8. signifieth that he shall marry a widow. Jupiter burned signifieth as much. Otherwise if Jupiter behold [Page 42] Venus, and the other significators of marriage, it promi­seth maids and virgins. If Venus or Jupiter, or the Lord of the seaventh house be joyned to Saturne, or if Saturne be within the seaventh house, the woman shall have some note of infamy, (that is to understand) she shall be of a strange religion, or shall be a bastard, or shall be of the race of Lepors, or of some other, by whom the Pa­rents have received some shame, or she shall be deformed, and her Parents shall be of a very weake condition. Mars in the said house, or beholding with evill aspect the Sig­nificators of marriage, intermingle strife and contenti­ons betweene the man and the wife: the same doth also Venus in the seaventh or twelfth house.

Mars in the ninth, asmuch in the nativities of women as of men, denoteth some manner of separation of marri­age. And Venus in the ninth, signifieth that the man shall hate his wife, not so much for the vice which he shall find in her, but of a desire to be solitary. The Significators of marriage unfortunate, or within the the houses Cadents, signifieth the woman to be of a sinple race, or the hus­band in the Nativitie of women.

If Venus and the Lord of the seaventh house, joyne with the significators of riches, beholding the Lord of the ascendant with an amiable aspect, shee gives much goods by reason of women. The significators of marriage within the third or ninth, or else where Peregrines, signi­fie that he shall marry out of his Country. The fortunes within the seaventh house, denote happy marriage, the ill fortunes unhappy. The Lord of the seaventh within the second, denoteth that hee shall see the death of his wife. The significators of marriage occidentall, witnesse that he shall marry late, or in his youth take a wife older than himselfe. Orientall, denoteth that he shall marrie in his youth, or in his age marry a young wife. Likewise you must judge of husbands in the nativity of women.

Chap. XXIII. Of Dowrie, & other Goods by the means of marriage.

BEcause the 8. house is succeeding to the 7. by good rea­son it signifieth the profit of the significations of the 7. (that is to say) of marriage. If then in the eight there be any fortunate Planet, or any part fortunate, the child shall have great dowry by his wife, and of that side shall meet with great inheritances, and great goods. To the contrary, if Saturne and Mars be unfortunate in the said house, he shall have small dowry, and the same shall never be fully paid.

When the fortunes be in the said house unfortunate, he hath hope of great goods the which in the end he shall not enjoy. The Lord of the said place unfortunate deno­teth as much; and if he be fortunate and coupled with the significators of riches, it denoteth great goods, and great profit on that side. It happeneth well sometimes when the seaventh house is fortunate, and the eighth un­fortunate. As that which signifieth a little dowrie, and desperation of other goods towards his wife, and that alwayes he shall be enriched by the diligence, industry, and faithfulnesse of his wife.

Chap. XXIV. Of the death.

YOu must first consider if there be any Planet in the eight house, for it is convenient to take it for Signi­ficator of the death. If within the said house there be ne­ver a planet, take them for Significators that be in the seaventh, preferring him alwayes that is best dignified. If within the seaventh you find none, draw the Significator of the death from these places which follow.

Of the ascendant, and of his Lord.

Of the eight house, and of his Lord.

Of the part of death, and of his Lord.

Of the eight signe, from the place of the Sunne, and of his Lord.

[Page 44] Of the eight signe, from the Moone, and of his Lord.

Of the place of the first Lord of the triplicitie of the fourth angle.

Of the place of the Planet which hath dignity of terme, to the degree of the seaventh house.

The Planet which in all these places shall be most dig­nified, shall be principall Significator of death.

If Saturne being in the eight or seaventh house, or o­therwise more dignified in the above-said points of the figure, he is principall significator of the death. If he be well disposed, it witnesseth that the same party shall die of the Dropsie, of some great stopping of the liver, and of the Spleene, or of a quartane Fever, of the flixe of the belly, of Pthisicke, or of some burning Fever, and of Im­postumations of the eares, &c. If it be greatly unfortunate, and together with the Lord of the ascendant, and the Lu­minaries temporally be evill disposed, it denoteth violent death by impostumes, Palsies, falling downe of humors, suffocations, over-flowne with water. When it is in wa­try Signes, by some fall or ruine: when it is in earthly Signes, by great blowes: for to be hanged, when it is in ayerie signes.

If Jupiter be significator of the death, it denoteth that hee shall die of a Plurisie, of a Squinance, or of some hot apostumations of the liver, or of the lungs, or of other sicknesses comming of wind or of blood; and that if he be fortunate. For when hee is evill disposed and unfortu­nate, it maketh him die by the hand of justice, by the commandement of the Prince, by sentence of the Judge, or of the Marshall, by overflowing in waters, to be whipped, and scourged, by long imprisonment.

If it be Mars well disposed, by continuall tertian Fe­vers, by flixe of blood, by Carbuncles and pestilences, by impustumes comming of cholericke matters, burnings by too much using of women. If he be very evill disposed, it maketh him to be hanged and strangled, or smothered, or otherwise killed in his be [...]de, or on his horse. When [Page 45] he is an aierie signe or partaker within the water, when he is a watry signe or fallen from on high, or of some rui­nous murtherer. When he is a terrestriall, or burned: when he is a fiery signe: principally if the Lord of the ascendant, and the luminaries temporally be unfortunate by Mars. If it be the Sun well disposed, he shall die of some hot dis­ease. If it be unfortunate, by the commandement of the Prince, or by sentence of the Judge, or he shall die among a great company of men, subject to death, or in prison, or in a Dungeon, or in some other stinking and filthy place. If it be Venus well disposed, he shall die of too much ea­ting fruits, or with too much continuing his voluptuous­nesse, or of some Fistula, or Impostume. If she be unfortu­nate, it denoteth death by venome, principally when she is burned, or joyned to Saeurne, or of too much burning affection of love, or of great griefes of the French poxe. If it be Mercury fortunate, it maketh him die by sadnesse, by great apprehensions, by the yellow jaunders, by pthisicks, by the burning Fever, or by too much watching. If he be greatly unfortunate, it signifieth that he shall die by mad­nesse, the falling-sicknesse, by violent coughs, with brea­king in sunder the veines, by foolish melancholie, by jea­lousie.

If it be the Moone well disposed, with too much eating moyst meats, by drinking water, by too much continuing his pleasure; If she be unfortunate, you must consider the nature of him which is unfortunate. For if it be Mars he shall die by fire, or by hurt: or by abortisement, if it be a woman. If it be Saturne, by ruines, falls, pestilences, and like accidents.

Before concluding of what death the party shall die, you must consider the disposition of the Lord of the a­scendant, and of the Luminarie [...] temporall: For if they be well disposed, the death shall not be violent, although the principall significator be greatly unfortunate. If the said Significator be unfortunat [...] tog [...]her with the [...] ­ries temporall, or the Lord of the ascendant evill dispo­sed [Page 46] wee esteeme certainly that the death shall be violent, if Jupiter or Venus do not intermingle their favourable beames, and then the said person shall fall in great danger of the said violent death, and from the which he shall al­waies escape miraculously.

If one of the ill fortunes be in the signe of Cancer, and the other in the signe of the Lyon, the death shall be vio­lent; Likewise if any of the said ill fortunes be in the signe of the Lyon, and the luminaries temporall, or the Lord of the ascendant be unfortunate, & one of the ill fortunes be in the first house, and the other in the seaventh, or fourth, or one of them in the tenth, and the other in the fourth.

The Sunne or the Moone, or the Lord of the ascen­dant, joyned with Mars, have right in one fixed starre, which the Astrologers call the head of Meduse, or other­wise the head of the devill, maketh him by the hand of the Executioner to lose his head.

When the Sun, and the Moone, and Saturne, and Mars, occupie the 4. angles of heaven, or at the least 3. the person shall die a horrible death: for he shall lose his head, or be cut in 4. quarters, or be drawne with foure horses: prin­cipally, if in the said angles be the signes of Gemini, Pi­sces and Aquarius. Mars in the ninth or eighth in the signe of Aquarius, or of Gemini, opposite to the Moone, or the Lord of the ascendant, without good aspect of fortunes, maketh him perish by Sulpher or fire from heaven. Saturn in the the twelfth, sixt, eight, or fourth house unfortu­nate, the Lord of the said houses maketh him die in pri­son, or else where in great paine and travell: principally when the luminaries temporall, or the Lord of the ascen­dant be unfortunate in any of the said houses.

The taile of the Dragon, being joyned to the Significa­tors of death, denote poysons, venomes, & violent medi­cines, or ill applyed, and flixe of the belly. Mars within the fourth, eight, twelfth, or sixt unfortunate, their Lords & the luminaries temporall, or the Lord of the ascendant, witnesse violent death, by the shedding of blood or other­wise.

[Page 47] The Significators of death within the ninth or third house, signifie that the person shall die by the way, or in a strange Country: except they be in their owne proper houses or exaltations, for then he shall die in his house, and bring his evill from the high waies. The said signifi­cators in their proper houses or exaltations, make him die in his house, if they be Peregrines, they make him die out of his house.

The Moone joyned to a fixed starre, named the Claire of the ballance meridionall, denoteth violent death. That doth she also when she is joyned with other starres that have the nature of the luminaries. Mars in the 8. house with the head of the Dragon, maketh him to be hanged and strangled. Many Planets within the seaventh house, make him die of some strange and terrible kind of death. Saturne, Mars, and the head of the Dragon in the first, Venus and Mercury with the taile in the seaventh, make the body in a thousand peeces.

If the principall Significator be burned in his owne proper house or exaltation, without being otherwise un­fortunate, it maketh him die suddenly, of some feeblenes, or other suddaine and secret accident, without other vi­olence. The fortunes well disposed in the eight house, preserve him alwayes from violent death.

Chap. XXV. Of voyages by Land and by Sea.

IUpiter, Venus, the Sunne and Mercury fortunate in the ninth house, denote that he shall be happy in viages by Land and by Sea. Saturne and Mars signifie to the contra­ry; and principally Saturn doth hinder the viages by wa­ter, & Mars the wayes by land. If within the ninth house there be never a planet, you must consider the Moone, and the Lord of the ninth, & the parts of the wayes and via­ges by land and by water, with their Lords, the which fortunate, give profitable navigations: unfortunate, de­note the contrary. Likewise you must judge of the third house and of his Lord when they be well or evill dispo­sed. [Page 48] The head of the Dragon in the ninth, favoreth great­ly to the fortune of viages, and the tayle to the contrary.

Chap. XXVI. Of the constancie in his religion.

ALso as the head of the Dragon, the luminaries, and Mercury in the ninth house well disposed, denote entire faith, and consTancie in his Religion, Saturn, Mars, and the taile of the Dragon do hinder it. Saturne of his nature is most enclined to the Law of the Jewes: and Mars to the Law of the Turkes and Mahometists; the taile of the Dragon, causeth him alwayes to erre from the truth of the Law. The Lord of the ninth, and the part of the faith, with his Dominator fortunate, yeeldeth a man constant in his faith: unfortunate maketh him variable.

If the part of the spirit be in the signe of the Lion at the birth of a Christian, he shall be very constant in his religion, if the Sunne be fortunate: if he be unfortunate by Saturne, to goe from his faith, and to addresse it to that of the Jewes. If he be unfortunate by Mars, it ma­keth him more to incline to the law of the Turkes, and Mahometists. If the said part be in the houses of Saturne at the nativity of a Jew, or in the houses of Mars at the nativity of a Turke, they shall deny their Law: if the said Lords of the said part be retrogrades, or otherwise ill disposed. Saturne in the ninth at the nativity of a Jewe, doth nothing diminish his faith. Saturn in the said house when he is fortunate, signifieth dreames to be true. Mars, and the taile of the Dragon signifie them vaine and false. The other significators do assure them to be true.

Chap. XXVII. Of the Action and Profession.

HOw to know of what profession the Child shall be, you must chiefly consider if any Planet be in the tenth house, for he shall be Significator of the profession: otherwise you must come to the part of Fortune, and to his Lord, to the part of the profession, and to his Lord, to the tenth house, and to his Lord, and to the places of Mars, Mercury, and Venus.

[Page 49] The Planet that upon these places shall have the most dignities, shal be significator of the profession. The which if it be Saturne it shall signifie a Husbandman, a good house-keeper, a receiver of rents, and many times a Go­vernour of Townes, when he is in angles fortunate. Jupi­ter denoteth the Officers, Judges, Benefices, Prelates, Bi­shops, Governours of the goods of the Church. Mars sig­nifieth Captaines, Men of Warre, Coyners, Forgeours, and others that use to work with fire and Iron: and Phy­sitians when he is in the aspect of Venus.

Sol representeth Princes, Lords, Magistrates, Hunters, Treasurers, and Archers. Venus Players, Dauncers, Per­fumers, Apothecaries, and in aspect of Mars Physitians. Mercury, Advocates, Notaries, Registers, Poets, Rymers, Philosophers, Mathematicians, Diviners, Writers, Mes­sengers and Traders.

The Moone, Embassadors, Counsellers, Consuls, Ru­lers of Common-wealth, Travellers, Hunters. If there be Many Significators, or if the principall be coupled with many Planets, you must mingle the significations of the one and of the other, and of the said mixture, gather to­gether the profession comming of the concurrence of the starres. You must also consider in what house the said Significators be, if they be within the second, the profes­sion shall be of feates of merchandize and traffiques: if within the third or ninth, of feats of religion, or gathe­ring the goods of the Church. If in angles, of Domina­tions, and governments. If in the fift of Embassages, legati­ons, and other things of pleasure. If in the sixt, of feates of diseases, of servants and of Cattell, &c. If the part of the honour comming of the profession, be with his Lord for­tunate, the infant shall obtaine great credit and honour because of his profession. If they be unfortunate, if he do never so well, he shall never gaine to himselfe honour in the feates of his profession.

XXVIII. Of Dignities, Offices, and Honours.

FOr the dignities, offices, charges, and honours, you must have respect to the tenth house, to the luminaries temporall, to the part of noblenesse, to the part of go­vernment, to the part of Magistrates, and others, appertai­ning to the tenth house, with their Lords. The Planet that in the said places shall have most dignities, shall be Significator of the said considerations in good or evill, ac­cording to his good or evill disposition: particularly also you must follow the said places one after another, to know of what side principally the said dignities, offices and honours ought to come.

Saturne in the tenth house, or in the ascendant in nati­vities by day, signifieth great advancement and honour after thirty yeares, when he is not evill disposed: in nati­vities by night, it denoteth continuall feare, to receive da­mage of Princes and Kings. Mars in the said places in nativities by night, signifieth also great advancement, and by day more than Saturne.

The part of government, and his Lord within any of the angles, witnesse great favour of Kings. Likewise you must judge of the other part that wee have deducted upon the tenth house. Mercury in the tenth well disposed and fortunate, promiseth dignities, offices, and honours, by reason of knowledge. Venus and the Moone because of women. Jupiter for his vertue. The Sunne and the head of the Dragon in the same house, denoteth as much. The two Luminaries in their houses or exaltations placed in the figure of heaven, do denote great advancement and honour.

That which Jupiter doth also when hee receiveth the vertue of all the other Planets, & communicateth his own to Saturne and the Sun; and the fortunes, and the lumina­ries, when they be in the angles of heaven. Many Planets in the fourth house, denote great honour after death. If in the points of the angles by any fixed star of the first [Page 51] or second greatnesse, or other having the nature of lumi­naries, it is a signe of incredible advancement. That which happeneth also when the said starres be joyned to the lu­minaries temporall, or to the part of Fortune, or to his Lord, or to the Planets and parts that be in the angles.

They which have Saturne in the tenth burnt, or the Lord of the tenth burnt, or be by Saturne oppressed, or that have the taile of the Dragon in the tenth, receive commonly some forme of dishonour, and often be de­prived of their estate, when the fortunes do not inter­mingle their favourable beames: except when they be al­so unfortunate in their proper houses or exaltations, or in the signes of Aries and the Lion.

You must note that Saturn and Mars hinder greatly the good fortunes, untill that the man hath passed the number of yeares correspondent to the number of the small years of the said Planets: and if they hinder any more time, it shall be untill that the man shall accomplish the number of yeares answering to the number of degrees, of the over­thwart ascensions of the signe, in the which they shall be at the nativity.

Chap. XXIX. Of Companions and Friends.

YOu must for the Companions and Friends, have re­spect to Jupiter, the eleventh house, the part of friends, the part of honourable companions. The Planet having most dignities in the said places, shall be princi­pall Significator of friends: the which after his good or evill disposition shall denote honourable, faithfull, and profitable friends: or unprofitable, disloyall, and of base condition. Jupiter and the Sun in the said house, signifie honourable companies and profitable: so doth Venus, the Moone and Mercury also in the said place. Saturne in the eleventh fortunate, witnesseth grave friends, ancient, and honourable. Mars, Men of warre, Captaines, & Lords.

Saturne or Mars in theeleventh out of their principall dignities, deprived of the beames of the favourable Pla­nets, [Page 52] signifie some great sute against his friends, or some great evill by reason of them: as it happeneth commonly to the Answerers and Suerties. The parts of honourable companions and of praise, with their Lords fortunate, signifyeth profit, & honor on the side of friends: unfor­tunate denoteth the contrary. The part of friends deno­teth as much.

The head of the Dragon in the eleventh house giveth favour of friends: the taile denoteth a thousand mis­chiefes by reason of them.

XXX. Of Suites, and enemies.

THe fortunes in the seaventh and twelfth house, give victories against enemies, when they be in good a­spect to the Lord of the ascendant. And commonly those which have these 2. houses with their Lords fortunate, be happy in their suites: the contrary you must judge, when they with their Lords be unfortunate. The ill for­tunes in the said places, signifie much strifes and enemies. That doth also the parts of enemies, and of discord, and accord, whey they and their Lords be evill disposed.

The Lord of the twelfth house fortunate, it denoteth little puissance of enemies: unfortunate denoteth the contrary. If one of the two ill fortunes be in the twelfth, and the other in the sixt, in evill aspect of the lumina­ries temporall, or of the Lord of the ascendant, the child shall be killed by his enemies. They which have Saturne, or Mars or the Moone opposite to the Sun in the Signe of Cancer, be commonly contrary to all the world. Mars in any of the foure angles, ingendereth naturally strife, suites, debates & enmities against all the world: except when he is in a good aspect of Jupiter and Venus. For then hee doth expell his ire and anger against the vices, and of great zeale maintaineth the right of every one.

The Lord of the ascendant, or the Moone, or the Sun unfortunate in the twelfth house, denoteth great persecu­tions and calamities of the enemies. The Lord of the [Page 53] ascendant by the Lord of the twelfth oppressed, testifieth that he shall die by the hand of his enemies.

The Lord of the twelfth, and the Planets that be in the seaventh and twelfth house, signifie the quality of ene­mies (that is to understand) the Sun signifieth the Princes, and great Lords, the Moone all the world, and Mars the men of warre, &c.

Chap. XXXI. Of Imprisonments, and Captivities.

THe Lord of the ascendant, or the Moone or the Sun greatly unfortunate in the 12. 6. 8. and 4. house, do signifie imprisonments, and death within the prisons, or in captivitie: principally when they be burned out of their principall dignities, and out of the signes of Aries, and the Lion, and when they be oppressed by Saturne Lord of one of the said houses. Saturne and Mars in the angles of Heaven, signifie alwayes some imprisonment: and princi­pally Saturne. Mercury in the angles under the beames of the Sunne, receiving an evill aspect of ill fortunes, signifi­eth as much. If Mercury or the Lord of the ascendant give his vertue to Saturne being in the 8 house, it signifi­eth that the child shall dwell long in prison & captivity.

If the Lord of the ascendant be in the 12. in a signe of a humane figure, without aspects of fortunes or of lumi­naries, he shall be captive and a slave in his youth. If the Lord of the 9. be burned in any of the angles of Heaven, he shall be taken by the high-wayes, and put in prison.

The parts of prison, and of paine, travell, and affliction with their Lords burnt, or otherwise unfortunate, signifi­eth imprisonment, and captivity. That doth also the un­fortunes when they be well dignified in the said places.

The parts of all envies, and of the perilous yeare doth signifie as much, when they with their Lords be greatly unfortunate.

The said parts with their Lords fortunate, preserveth from prison, and from captivity.

Chap. XXXII. Of Horses, Muttons, and other Beasts.

THe Fortunes, and Planets fortunate within the 6. and 12. house, yeeld the men happie in horses, and nourishing of beasts. The Lords of the said houses fortu­nate, and coupled with the significators of riches, signifie as much. Naturally the 6. house denoteth Sheepe, and Goates, and other small beasts, the 12. Horses, Oxen, Kine, Camels, and other great beasts. The ill fortunes within the said houses, or the Lords of the said houses unfortu­tunate, signifie losse and damage of the said beasts.

Saturne and Mars in the 12. make the horses to fall with notable losse. The which they do also when they be elsewhere in the signe of Sagittarius. The Lord of the nativity in the 12. house in evill aspect of the Lord of the 12. maketh him fall from his horse in great perill of death, when the fortunes and luminaries do not yeeld their amiable aspects.

If the 12. be of Sagittarius or the Lyon, and the Lord of the ascendant, or the Sun, or the Moone be unfortu­nate, he shall fall from his horse and die, if the fortunes within the eight house do not hinder the evill.

The end of the first Booke.

OF THE ASTRONOMICALL judgements upon the Nativities, con­taining particular considerations.
The second Booke.

Chap. I. Of the significations of the Planets.

SAturne having regard over the right part of Septentrion, over the earth, and the water, over the melancholy, and sometimes over the phlegme, grosse humors, over the eares, the spleene, the bladder, the mawe, the sinewes, & the bones. And signifieth pale men, or black, leane, pensive, solitary, fearfull, raylers, grave, contemplators, labourers, Masons, buyers of rents, Usurers, Carpenters, Fishers, Mer­chants of oyles, Leather, Fish, Tyles, stone, Allome, &c. Of diseases it signifieth leprousnesse, cankers, rottennes, quar­tane-fevers, oppilations, dropsies, flixe of the belly, collick, burstnesse in the coddes, misconception of women, the gout in the legs, gout in the wrists, Sciatica, Deafnesse, the falling sicknesse, foolish melancholy, very difficult in fet­ching breath, and others, ingendered of grosse humors, or of wind, which endure long. Of ages, oldnesse: of parts of the yeare, Autumne: of colours, the black, cleere, tawny, dark: of favours, the sharpe and abstringent, pricking with sharpnes: of daies, the Saturday: of Regions, Bavieres, Saxo­ny, Romanie, Constance, and the first Clymate. Of parti­cular places, caves, lakes, ponds, close places, old & ruinous houses, solitary places, obscure desarts, & stinking places.

[Page 56] Jupiter regarding the occident, the aire, the blood with the vitall spirits, the lungs, the sides, the liver & the veines: and signifieth men of good stature, & full faced, bald, cur­led, white with a pleasant rednesse intermingled, having the eyes indifferent great, the nostrils reasonable short, the fore-teeth reasonable great, honest men, gracious, blessed, religious, Abbots, Bishops, Prelates, officers, Judges, Magi­strates. With copulations of Saturne it signifieth Negro­mancers; Enchaunters, Sorcerers. With Mars, Physitians. With the Sun, appeasers of quarrels, cotroversies, & dispu­tations. With Venus, Musitians. With Mercury Mathema­ticians. With the Moone, Geometricians, Geographers, & Hidrographers. Of Diseases, it signifieth burning Fevers, Quincies, Plurifies, Swellingr, Impustumes, Phlegmes, and other comming of blood. Of ages, between age and youth. Of the parts of the yeare, the Spring time. Of colours, as clear as a Saphire, as yellow as a Cittern, green, and a little drawing upon the red. O ffavours sweet and amiable. Of daies, the Thursday. Of Countries, Babylon, Persia, Hun­gary, Spain, and the second Clymate. Of particular places, Churches, Palaces, priviledged places, cleane, honest, and religious.

Mars looking towards the South, the fire, cholericke humors, the rey nes, the pain in the nostrils, the gaule, the genitories. He denoteth men with red faces, and the skin red, the face round, the eyes yellow, horrible to behold, fu­riousmen, cruel, desperate, proud, seditious, souldiers, Cap­tains, Smiths, Colliers, Bakers, Alcumists, Armourers, Fur­nishers, Butchers, Chirurgions, Barbars, Sargeants, and hangmen, according as they shall be wel or evill disposed.

With Saturne it commonly signifieth Chirurgians. With Jupiter, Naturall Philosophers, & Physicians. With the Sun, healers of eyes. With Venus, Barbars, and Shere­men. With Mercury, men of skill to let blood. With the Moone, Tooth-drawers, & clensers of the eares. Of disea­ses, it denoteth tertian Fevers, and continuall impedi­ments, pestilences, megrams of the head, carbunckles, [Page 57] ring-wormes, blisters, cholericks, and burnings, madnes, phrensies, issues of blood, vomiting of blood, cholericke passions, the yellow Jaunders, the bloody flixe, & others, comming of cholericke humors & burnings. Of ages, the flowre of youth. Of the parts of the yeare, the Sommer.

Of colours, red, flame-colour, sanguine, and drawing to an yron colour. Of savours, the bitter and sharpe. Of the dayes, Tuesday. Of Regions, Getuly, Lombardie, and the third Clymate. Of places particular, houses of Smiths, Coyners of money, slaughters, furnices, all places dedica­cated to fire, yron and blood.

The Sun having domination over the East and South, over the fire, over the pure blood, and over the vitall spi­rits, over the eyes, over the braine, over the heart. And it signifieth wise men, prudent, discreet, covetous of glory, & of honour: of an indifferent stature, browne of colour, great bearded, yellow eyed, the face marked, a great voyce & very ill favoured. Honorable men, Officers, Magistrates, Lords, Princes, Kings, and governours of Countries, and great hunters. And with Saturne, denoteth principall Meaters, Renters, and labourers honourable. With Jupi­ter, Beneficed men, Priors, Abbots, and Prelates, or Judges and Officers of Justice. With Mars, Captaines, and Con­ductors of warres. With Venus, governors of the goods of Princes, and Officers of the same. With Mercury, Coun­sellers, Secretaries, Chauncellors. With the Moone, Le­gates, Embassadours, and honourable messengers.

Of diseases, hot rheumes upon the face, & upon the eyes, rednesse of the face, tympanies, palpitation of the heart, dolour of the head comming of too much blood, or with carrying long in the beames of the Sunne. Of ages, youth. The parts of the yeare, the beginning of Sommer. Of co­lours, the yellow, the cleare red, colour of Gold.

Of savors, sowrenes, & sweetnes agreeably intermingled. Of dayes, Sunday. Of Countries, Italy, Sicilia, Bohemia, & the 4. Clymate. Of particular places, houses of Princes, Palaces, Theaters, & other large places excellent & cleare.

[Page 58] Venus Dominatrix over the right part of the East, upon the aire and water, upon the mixtion of phlegme, blood and spirits, and seed of generation. Upon the reynes, belly, navill, liver, backe, and other parts dedicated to generation. And signifieth white men or browne, with some rednesse intermingled: faire faced, pleasant lookes, hawke nosed, full of haire joyfull, laughter, liberall, plea­sers, dauncers, entertainers of women, players, perfumers, Musitians, messengers of love. With Saturn, it signifieth Preachers, and others that sing, and joyfully assist at de­ceases and burialls. With Jupiter, musitians, and others, which sing the praise of God in solemne hymnes. With Mars, trumpetters & drumslades in Warre. With Mercury, fingers of rymes and Poetry. With the Moone, fingers of common songs. Of diseases, impostumes, and of moyst matters, fystulaes, imbecillity of the stomach, of the reines, & of the part of generation, folly comming by too much love, the French poxe, with the supporters, and other, comming of cold and moist matter, and of venomes.

Of ages, young yeares: of parts of the yeare, the be­ginning of the Spring-time: of colours, the white, greene, red, and a little yellow: of savours, the sweet, delectable, & savourliest. Of dayes fryday: of Regions, Arabia, Austria, Sweecharlard, and the fift Clymate. Of particular places, neere gardens, fountaines, chambers well decked, halls hanged with Tapestry, beds well adorned, and others, de­dicated to playes, daunces, songs, and all voluptuousnesse.

Mercury being chiefe over the Septentrion, over the water and earth, and of the spirits of beasts, and over the confusion of humors. Over the hands, feet, armes, shoul­ders, tongue, mouth, and teeth. And signifieth men nei­ther white nor blacke: leane: of small stature: long finge­red, long faced: high forheaded: the nose straight and long: little beard: full of haire: the eyes little and quicke: subtile men: ingenious: unconstant: Rymers: Poets: Ad­vocates: Orators: Philosophers: South-sayers: Arith­meticians: Merchants: and busie fellowes.

[Page 59] With Saturne Geometricians: Architects. With Jupi­ter, Lawyers: Canons: and those that keepe the Registers of the benefits of Churches and sutes. With Mars, Sarge­ants of the band, Archers of the Gard, &c. With the Sun, Maisters of the houses of Princes and great Lords: and their Secretaries and Stewards. With Venus, Musitians: Apothecaries, and Perfumers. The Moone, travellers, mes­sengers, and traffiquers. Of diseases, vertigo, or turning of the head: lightnesse of the braine: like to folly: foolish imaginations: lets of the tongue: pthisickes: issues in the legges, feet and hands: and other, that have causes hidden, and that come by certain times. Of ages, the time between seaven and fourteene years. Of the parts of the yeare, Au­tumne. Of colours, the strangest, diverst, and mixtuous. Of savours, the strangest, and of new tast. Of dayes, Wednes­day. Of Countries, Egypt, Greece, England, Flaunders, Paris, and the 6. Clymate. Of particular places, shops: fayres: common-markets: schooles: hals of Lawyers.

The Moone doth governe over the right part of the West: over the water: over the phlegme: sweatings: monthly flowres: and like superfluities. Over the stomach: the belly: the braine: the lungs: the brest and the eyes. And signifieth men of faire stature, white, and the face round and spotted: the eyes a little blacke, and a little lowring: long bearded: his eye-browes knit together: amiable men, peaceable: Travellers: Pilgrims: Hunters: Embassa­dors: Legates: Consuls: Atturneyes: Benchers: Governours of Townes▪ principall in deeds of policie.

With Saturne, it signifieth Carters and vile Workers. With Jupiter, Geometricians, and Geographers. With Mars, Drawers of teeth: Alchumists and Blowers. With the Sun, honourable messengers. With Venus, Carriers of packs. With Mercury, Poets, Rymers, Messengers, Travel­lers, and traffiquers. Of diseases, gowts of the feete, and wrists: sciatica: dropsies: lethargie: palsies: rheumes: shaking of the members: drowsie sicknesses: flixe of the belly, vomi­tings: fistulaes: wormes: and other causes of cold and [Page 60] moystnesse. Of ages, the infancie: of the parts of the yeare, Winter: of colours, white: yellow: greene: of savours, the saltish: fresh: or without savor: of daies, Munday. Of Coun­tries, Flaunders: Affricke: and the seaventh Clymate. Of particular places, fields: fountaines: mountaines: havens of the Sea: woods: high-waies and desert places.

Chap. II. Of the significations of the twelve Signes.

ARies doth governe over the heart of the Orient, o­ver the fire, over the cholericke humors, and hot: over the beginning of the Spring: over the head, the nose the face, the eares and the eyes. And signifieth leane men, red coloured, flat nosed, cholericke, strong, and right men of Warre, Captaines, Souldiers, Alchumists, & other mar­tialists. Of diseases, it denoteth lithargie: madnesse: issues of blood: rednesse of the face: fil thinesse: falls: hurts: and all sicknesses violent and continuall.

Of colours, red, yellow, and sanguine colour: Of sa­vours, the sweet. Of Countries, Britany: Almany: Inde: Juda: England: Naples: Florence: Favence: Imole: Capne: Ferrara: Venice: Verone: Pavie: Cracony: Marsell: Sara­gosse; and the third Clymate.

Of particular places, fields, pastures, houses of For­gers of money, and places of blood, and justice.

Taurus governeth over the left part of the meridies, over the earth, over the melancholy humors, over the middle of the spring, over the necke, & throat. And signifi­eth little men, well fleshed, with great shoulders, great eies, large bellied, painfull men, liberall, trusty, voluptuous, messengers of love, dancers, players. Of sicknesses, the Kings evill, Caterches, Squinances, & other sicknesses of the neck. Of Colour, the green, and white. Of savors, the sweet, with adstriction. Of Countries, the sea coasts of Asia the lesser, Cyprus, Media, Campania, Rhetia, Sweathland, Lorrain, Bologne, Sene, Montory, Tarrante, Parm, Panorm, Capne, Salerne, Verone, and the 6. Clymate. Of particular places, Fields, Tillages, Vines, very neere green, Gardens, and o­ther pleasant & odoriferous places.

[Page 61] Gemini governeth over the right part of the Occident, over the aire, over the blood, and other end of the spring time; over the shoulders, armes, and hands. And signifieth men of middle stature, faire faced, and bodied, store of haire, little eyes, labouring men, subtile, ingenious, prudent teachers, fraudulent, Arithmeticians, Geometricians, A­strologians, Orators, Poets, Advocates, Witches, Sooth­sayers, Busie fellowes, Weavers. Of sicknesses, Phlegmes, Foroncles, and others comming of blood in the said part. Of Colours, the mixtures. Of Savour, the sweet. Of Coun­tries, Hircany, Armeny, Montiane, Syrenianque, Marma­rique, Low Egypt, England, Sordign, Brabant, Flaunders, Lombardie, Viterbie, Vercell, Norrenberge, Lovaine, Ma­gonce, Brudges, London, Paris, Cordube. Of particular places, Faires, Schooles, Shops, places of high mountains, places of hunting of birds, places garnished within with instruments of Musique.

Cancer governeth the heart of the Septentrion, over the water, over the hollow humours, and Phlegmatiques, over the breast, sides, and lungs, and over the dugges, and stomach. And signifieth amiable men, peaceable, modest, white, full faced, the nose indifferent long, large shoulders, little bearded, slowthfull, unconstant, and effeminate. Na­vigators, Strangers, Consuls, Atturnies, &c. Of diseases, Le­thurgie, Leprosie, darknesse of the sight, galling of the skin, & evill sicknesses, of the face & body. Of Colors, the white and yellow. Of savours, the salt, and his contrary freshnesse. Of Countries, Bythinie, Phrygia, Affrica, Car­thage, Scotland, the Kingdome of Grenade, the County of Burgony, Prusie, Holland, Zeland, Constantinople, Thunis, Venice, Millain, Genes, Luques, Pise, Treves, Made­bourge, Berne. Of particular places, ponds, lakes, rivers, the sea, and ports of the sea.

Leo governeth the left part of the Orient, over the fire, over the choler, over the heart, stomach, liver and back. And signifieth faire men, straight, the nose broad and lit­tle, great eares, with a little strong looke, the face browne, [Page 62] the body reddish, hairie, couragious and of great heart, Princes, Officers, Magistrates, Governours, Kings. Of disea­ses, shaking of the heart, swoundings. Of Colours, the yel­low and red as gold. Of savors, the bitter, and the strong. Of Countries, Italy, France, Apulie, Sicilia, Chaldea, Bo­hemia, Rome, Ravenna, Prague, Ulme, Mantove, Cremo­ne, Syracusa. Of particular places, noble lands, Lordships, Castles, Townes, Palaces, and royall buildings.

Virgo governeth over the right part of the Meridies, over the earth, over the melancholy, over the guts, belly and diaphragme: And signifieth men of indifferent great­nesse, the body straight, the face faire, good voyce, shining haire, little eyes, prudent, learned, ingenious, covetous of glory and honour, Scriveners, Arithmeticians, Geometri­cians, Boat-men. Of diseases, the collique, (the disease which causeth the patient to vomit his excrements at his mouth called Iliaque) &c. Of Colour the white, and pur­ple: of savors the astringnt: of countries, Greece, Achaia, Crete, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Cicilia, Athens, Rodes, Ale­xandria, Hierusalem, Corinth, Tarrant, Benevent, Farrare, Pavia, Basle, Paris, Lyons, Tholose. Of particular places, faires, shops, schooles, and arable grounds.

Libra governeth over the heart of the Occident, over the aire, over the blood, over the beginning of Autumne, & over the reins: and denoteth simple men, honourable, faire faced with whitenesse over all the body, the eyes a little troubled or spoyled, players, dancers, musitians, hun­ters, Judges. Of diseases, suppression of the urine, issue of blood in the lower parts, stones in the reines, and dark­nesse of the eyes. Of colours, the greene: of savours, sweet: of Regions, Bactriane, Caspie, Thebes, Trogloditique, Ethiopia, Tuscia, Austria, Savoy, Danphina. Gaiete, Plai­sance, Argenton, Vienna in Austria, Franckford, Spire, August, Arles, Lisbone. Of particular places, where suites be judged upon, all high places and mountaines bearing corne, grapes, or other fruits.

Scorpio governeth over the left part of the Septentri­on: [Page 63] over the water: over the phlegmatique humors, and aquosites, over the parts dedicated to generation. And sig­nifieth men very deformed: broad breasted: the head de­formed: great speakers: bablers: mockers: lyers: gluttons: voluptuous: traytors: spies: poysonners. Of diseases, dark­nesse of the eyes, scabs, scurses, cankers, leprousnesse, falling of the haire, and deformed diseases in the face: and all the body impoysoned by violence of medicines, &c. Of colours, the red, and tawny. Of savours, salt and fresh. Of Regions, Syria, Cappadocia, the land of the Moores, Catalogne, Bavaires, Trapezonce, Saxonie, Pa­dua, Urbin, Brixie, Valence in Spain, Vienna in Danphin­na. Of particular places, vineyards, and gardens evill trim­med, desert places, stinking, infected, abounding in wormes, snakes, and scorpions, &c.

Sagittarius governeth over the right part of the Orient, over the fire, over choler, over the end of Autumne, over the thighs: and all superfluous parts; as a sixth part of the finger, &c. And representeth men of right and high sta­ture, the face yellow or reddish, the breast large, Cattes eyes, just men and pittifull, and ceremonious, Judges, Ma­gistrates, Prelates, beneficed men, Merchants, Hunters. Of diseases, darknesse of the eyes, falls from high places, hurts by horses, agues and wounds. Of colours, clear, yellow. Of savours, strong and sharp, with some sweetnesse intermin­gled. Of Countries, Tuscan, Spain, Arabia the happy, Por­tugall, Hungary, Slavonia, Volterre, Mutine, Bude, Casco­nia, Narbona, Avignon, Tolete. Of particular places, Gar­dens, Wayes, Mountaines, or where men keepe horses.

Capricorne governeth over the heart of the meridies, over the earth, melancholie, the knees, over the beginning of the Winter. And signifieth little stature, a little round head, the face browne, faire nose, faire eyes, cholericke, and sad, subtile, secret, prudent, painfull, shepherds, fishers, mariners, carpenters, buyers of Rents. Of diseases, scabs, gaules, infirmities of the skin, hinderances of the hearing, of the voyce, of the eyes, issues of blood in the lower [Page 64] parts. Of colours blacke, and earthly. Of savours, the bit­ter, and astringent. Of Regions, Macedonia, Thracia, In­dia, Brandebourge, Anchone, Favence, Torton, Ausburge, Constans, Gand, Malnies. Of particular places, Gardens, Fountains, Rivers, Fields tilled, Land plowed, Prisoners, Caves, Obscure places, deeps, and full of fumes & vapors.

Aquarius governeth over the left part of the Occident, over the aire, over the blood, over the legges, over the middle of Winter. And signifieth faire men, faire, and somewhat long faced, & the face somewhat red, the breast or the elbows marked, & men courteous, sociable, cove­tous, prudent, given to the acts of Saturnines. Of diseases, quartane fevers, the blacke jaunders, &c. Of colours, the greene and darke yellow. Savours, sweet. Of Countries, Arabia, Ethiopia, Sarmacia, Oxione, Tartaria, Denmarke, Piamount, Mountferrat, Pisaure. Of particular places, Lakes, Ponds, Close places, Caves, Sepulchers, and in­famous houses.

Pisces governeth over the right part of the Septentri­on, over the water, phlegme, aquintes, and over the feete, and over the end of winter. And signifieth men of whitish colour, delicate, faire foreheaded, faire breasted, faire bearded, the eyes open and indifferent great, and indiffe­rent sickly; Fishers, and Navigators. Of diseases, gaules upon the skin, ulcers, and deformed spots upon the skin, paine in the feete. Of colours, the greene, white and mix­tures. Of savours, salt and fresh. Of Regions, Lydia, Lycia, Sicilia, Pamphilia, Calabria, Normandie, Ratisbone, Roane, Compostella. Of particular places, ports of the sea, heads of rivers, Ponds and watrish places.

Chap. III. Of that which the Planets signifie in the said Signes.

SAturne in his signes of Capricorne, and Aquarius in Nativities by day giveth knowledge, and love of No­ble men: and of credit and great riches, principally in the Ascendant with the part of Fortune, & maketh the man grave, prudent, proud, and melancholy, and first of all his [Page 65] brethren, or most advanced. In Nativities by night giveth great paine and travell and many diseases. Jupiter in the said signe, maketh the man of little courage, unfortunate in the goods of the Church, otherwise of small riches, or alwayes poore.

Mars maketh him bold, a great enterpriser of matters, & not in vain, & maketh him see the death of his brethren.

The Sun in the Nativity by day signifieth that he shall be perfect and happy in all his enterprises. In nativities by night, that hee shall have unconstant fortune.

Venus maketh him an adulterer and effeminate, and de­noteth that his wives shall not live long.

Mercury causeth him to have impeachment in his tongue, and maketh the man ill spoken otherwise, and which haunteth the company of men of knowledge, and of Religion.

The Moone maketh the man too slothfull, and one of evill estimation: and his mother also, and signifieth im­bicillity of the eyes, and great coughs.

In the houses of Jupiter. ♐ ♓

Saturne in the houses of Jupiter, which be Sagittarius and Pisces, maketh the man faire, rich, mighty & faithfull in nativities by day: in nativities by night, strife against men of authority, and neere the death of his father.

Jupiter signifieth riches, honour, great credit and offices.

Mars yeeldeth the men noble, governors in warres, and friends of Princes.

The Sunne maketh them beneficed men, Prelates, offi­cers, and more advanced than any of their familie, they shall be alwaies greatly covetous.

Venus giveth them goods of the Church, or of the side of women, and maketh them discreete, honest, among the which they shall have great strife against their pa­rents, families and friends.

Mercury maketh them just men, of good estimation, which by their proper vertue shall come to the know­ledge, and love of great Lords and Kings.

[Page 66] The Moone yeeldeth them chiefe and most honoured among their friends: maketh them also covetous, sound, and of long life.

In the houses of Mars. ♈ ♏

Saturne giveth great anger, and cruell malice.

Jupiter maketh the man happy, and a friend of great Lords, and a Conductor of wars, principally in the signe of Aries.

Mars within his houses signifieth Captains, Governors in warre, and great Lords.

The Sun, hot diseases, in the signe of Scorpio, in the signe of Aries great advancement.

Venus denoteth luxurie, and all voluptuous villany, but against nature, and evill dealing to women. Alwaies in the Signe of Aries she maketh him hate women, princi­pally if the Moone be in the same signe, and if the Sun be in a masculine signe.

Mercury maketh the man a lyer, an evill person, a de­ceiver, a babler, and a demander of unjust things: other­wise eloquent, subtile in his affaires, diligent, suspitious, a negromancer, a little false, or a theefe.

The Moone denoteth evill companions, in perill of be­ing drowned, and short end by the sea.

In the house of the Sunne.

Saturne in the signe of Leo, being a house of the Sunne▪ signifieth good fortune, and long life to the father.

Jupiter maketh the man wise: of good spirit: of good nature, amiable, which by vertue shall come to the know­ledge and love of great Kings and Princes.

Mars denoteth violent death, great sicknesses, losse of goods, infirmities of the eyes, and of the Stomach.

The Sun in his said house signifieth great and incre­dible advancement, in Angles or Houses succedent, when the Nativity is by day. When it is by night, signifieth sadnesse, envies, and a short end of the father.

Venus, great love, great covetousnesse, and impudent life, when Jupiter doth not regard her.

[Page 67] Mercury, good writers, men of knowledge, good me­mory, and of great counsell.

The Moone, honourable companions, and vivacitie of the spirit.

In the houses of Venus. ♉ ♎

Saturne denoteth impudent life, love of maids, and wo­men of small discretion, diseases by reason of lechery.

Jupiter, honourable companions, love of great Lords, profit by the side of women, or Ecclesiasticall goods, or comming by the men of the Church.

Mars, furious men, ravishers of women, shamelesse in their lechery, unto the constrainings of their parents and friends.

In the signe of Taurus, maketh the man, false and tray­terous.

In the signe of Libra denoteth some hurt by iron, or fire.

The Sun maketh him eontemplati [...]e, just, interpreter of dreames, curious in the secrets of nature, and a lover of pilgrimages.

Venus signifieth joyfulnesse, great prosperity, happy in effecting his enterprises, but he shall love women repre­hended. Mercury giveth many good, & profitable friends: and yeeldeth the man pleasant, joyfull, and a musitian.

The Moone giveth profit by women.

In the houses of Mercury. ♊ ♑

Saturne maketh the man very skilfull, wise, and of great judgement, which hath envious men, pursuing him, an impediment in his speech, his anger violent.

Jupiter maketh him also skilfull, or a merchant, a man of good faith, and more rich than his parents.

Mars, slowthfull, prudent, subtile, men of warre.

Sagittarius, busie fellowes, counterfeiters of letters, and forgers.

The Sunne giveth abundance of knowledge, as well in matters of judgements, as in mathematickes.

Venus companies and love of men of the Church, o­therwise [Page 68] she doth yeeld them very lecherous.

Mercury in his proper houses signifieth men of all knowledge, Philosophers, Mathematicians, Orators, Ad­vocates, Poets, Rimers, Southsayers, & skilfull in knavery.

The Moone, good life and long, great understanding in affaires which he [...]aketh in hand, good fortune in mer­chandises, and in love of young maidens.

In the house of the Moone.

Saturne, great sicknesse, losse of goods, hurt in the eyes, voyages from the which hee shall never returne, or very late with great paine.

Jupiter, love of honourable men, good renowne and good fortune.

Mars, swiftnesse of spirit, rash, bold enterprisers, blind­nesse of the eyes, losse of goods by his mother.

The Sunne, good renowne, and if he be joyned to the taile of the Dragon, or to Saturne, or Mars, blindnesse of eyes, perill of drowning, frequenting voyages.

Venus signifieth inconstancie, and shamelesse lecherie.

Mercury, good will, chastity, fidelity, and happy for­tune in deeds of merchandise.

The Moone, holly, and profitable in voyages, Traf­fiques and merchandise when she is fortunate, or when she is unfortunate, continuall sicknesses, hurts in the eyes, perill of death by land and water.

Chap. IV. Of the Aspects of the planets betweene them.

THe Conjunction of Saturne, and Jupiter giveth faire possessions, farmes, rents, houses, and charges of the affaires of the King, profitable if Mars do not behold them.

The conjunction of Saturne and Mars, signifieth that the child shall be trusted: but he shall not accomplish his enterprises without great difficulty, and shall die sooner than his father and mother, and yet his brethren shall die before him.

The conjunction of Saturne, and of the Sunne, losse [Page 69] of patrimony, great travell to get goods, and most in the nativities by night.

The conjunction of Saturne and Venus, denote that the man shall have no male children, that he shall espouse some old woman, or some widow, or some of evill con­dition, or a bastard: or other staine of his honour, or by the which his parents have had some discredit.

The conjunction of Saturne and Mercury, doth yeeld him a poore vagabond, needy, of no mistery, the which hath an impediment in his speech.

The conjunctions of Saturne and Luna, weaknesse of body, losse by the side of his Parents.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Mars, signifieth riches, rule, and government of warres, and of good renowne.

The conjunction of Jupiter and the Sunne, poverty, and need if it be not Orientall, for then it promiseth good fortune to the father, to him, and to his children.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, good instituti­on, amity of honourable men, and profit of them, and of the wife and children.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury, signifieth Lawyers, Secretaries, and Chancellers.

The conjunction of Jupiter & the Moone great riches.

The conjunction of Mars and the Sunne, losse of pa­trimony, damage of goods, and short life to the father, and great perill of the child to be burnt.

The conjunction of Mars and Venus, sutes, strifes, de­bates by reason of women, adulterers with women of in­famous condition.

The conjunction of Mars and Mercury, lyers, deceivers, eloquent, diligent, and bablers.

The conjunction of Mars and the Moone, short life, wounds, blows, danger of violent death by yron or by fire, or by falls and ruines.

The conjunction of Sol & Venus, praise, good renown, favour of the common people, especially of women.

The conjunction of Sol and Mercury, wisdome, science, [Page 70] great advancement, and estimation to be very skilfull.

The conjunction of the Sun, and of the Moone, short life, government, and honourable company.

The conjunction of Venus and Mercury maketh the man pleasant, joyfull, a player, a dancer, musitian, well furnished, and bringeth him damage by the side of wo­men. If they be conjoyned under the beams of the Sun, they make great hinderance in the parts of generation.

The conjunction of Venus and the Moone, maketh the man faire, pleasant, proud, an adulterer: and of whom his wife is an adulteresse, if Mars do cast his beames without aspect of Jupiter.

The conjunction of Mercury and Luna, denoteth good renown, science, & unconstancie of manners & of fortune.

The trine aspect of Saturne and Jupiter, signifieth in­heritances, possessions, faire houses, riches, meetings with treasures, great gaines, when they be in fortunate places of the figure.

The trine of Saturne and Mars, great advancement, dignities, great credit rule and government of townes, and Countries, and death of brethren.

The trine of Saturne and the Sunne, rule, offices, digni­ties, great renowne, in nativities by day: in the night it maketh the dispersing of patrimony goods, & afterwards by his deeds and vertue shall recover and obtaine more greater.

The trine of Saturne & Venus maketh the man trustie, mild, honest, shamefaced, of good conversation, of good renowne, the which by men of base condition shall be pursued with envie, and shall marry late.

The trine of Saturne and Mercury, maketh the man prudent, subtile in all his affaires, a man of good and great knowledge, ingenious, industrious, an Arithmetician, Geometrician, Astrologian, and a Geographer, President in matters of accounts and calculations: Chauncellors, Secretaries and Registers.

The trine of Saturne, and of the Moone, favour of [Page 71] great Lords and Kings, glory, honour and government.

The trine of Jupiter and Mars, signifieth audacity, ho­nour, victory, favour of Kings, government of townes, and great credit.

The trine of Jupiter and Sol being greatly favourable, to glory, honour, government, credit, and giveth great riches, faire possessions, and faire children.

The trine of Jupiter and Venus, denoteth beauty, grace, faithfulnesse, honesty, and profit of wives and friends, dignities and inheritances by their meanes.

The trine of Jupiter and Mercury, maketh the man ingenious, subtile, forward, of good judgment and advise, happy in his enterprises, a Judge, Officer, great Lord, Se­cretary, well understanding the secrets of nature, and A­strologie.

The trine of Jupiter with the Moone, signifieth no­blenesse, honor, glory, good renowne, love of vertue, fide­lity, principality and government.

The trine of Mars with the Sunne, great advancement, great credit, dignities, governments, administrations of Commonwealths, and conductors of warres.

The trine of Mars with Venus, gaine, riches, goods of women, proud, arrogant, brave and lecherous.

The trine of Mars and Mercury, prudent, crafty, sub­tile of spirit, and maketh the man to study secretly: a good Advocate, President in matters of account, & rich.

The trine of Mars with Luna, maketh him happy in all his affaires: President in matters of account, an hono­rable Officer, and a great Lord, with great renowne.

The trine of the Sun with Venus, signifieth the same that the trine of Mars and Venus signifieth, with great honour of the said significations.

The trine of the Sun with Mercury, and Luna, likewise as of Mars, with great honour and profit.

The trine of Venus with Mercurie, brave, pleasant, grave, beauty, and happie enterprises with profit.

The trine of Venus and the Moone, beauty, grace, bra­very, pride, and adultery.

[Page 72] The trine of Mercury with the Moone, maketh the man greatly esteemed in his profession: be it in musicke, painting, or other pleasant industry; or in all knowledge, or in merchandise or office.

The Sextile aspects make the same effects which the trines make; except that the Sextiles be not of so perfect vertue.

The Quadrate aspect of Saturne and Jupiter signifieth losse of patrimoniall goods, great adversities, hinderan­ces in all enterprizes, vaine cogitations, principally when Saturne is elevated over Jupiter, without receiving him.

The quadrate of Saturne and Mars signifieth asmuch, and further maketh known the death of brethren.

The quadrate of Saturne and the Sunne out of the said significations, bringeth great damage to the honour, and spoyleth the body with cold diseases, & contractions of the sinewes; and maketh the father die before the mother, and yeeldeth the child not agreeable to his father.

The quadrate of Saturne with Venus, denoteth losse of goods, poverty, miserable fortune to women, uncivi­lity, when Saturne holdeth the right part of the aspect. For when Venus holdeth it, the child shall be shamefa­ced and of good manners, and his wives shall love him effectually, although they dissemble their love and will governe in the house.

The quadrate of Saturne & Mercury, maketh the man laborious, a servant, of poore counsell, deafe, or of ill hea­ring, stutting or evill spoken, pursued of envie.

The quadrate of Saturne and of the Moone, maketh the man slothfull, sickly, evill graced, full of care, without friends, a disperser of the goods of his mother, and of his wives.

The quadrate of Jupiter and Mars, if Jupiter be migh­tiest, it signifieth that the child shall be esteemed, praised and honoured of Princes, and Kings, and that he shall have perseverance in all his enterprises with profit: al­waies hee shall lose and disperse his inheritances and [Page 73] possessions, and shall see the death, or destruction of his children. If Mars be most elevate, he signifieth sutes, de­ [...], and losses by meanes of great Lords, and a trouble­some life.

The quadrate of Jupiter with the Sunne, if Jupiter be the superiour, honour, profit, and good fortune to the Fa­ther. If the Sunne be superior, the child shall disperse his goods, and shall not be beloved of his neighbours; and shall goe out of his Country.

The quadrate of Jupiter and Venus, profit by women, faithfulnesse, honesty, civility, when Jupiter is most high­est. When he is inferiour, lust, deceit by women, incon­stancie, joy incontinently turned into sadnesse, when Venus is not received by Jupiter.

The quadrate of Jupiter and Mercury, signifieth the man skilfull, a Mathematician, a Sorcerer, Sooth sayer, abounding in servants, very faithfull and very rich, prin­cipally when Mercury is received by Jupiter.

The quadrate of Jupiter and the Moone, of good re­nowne, great honours, in knowledge and love of great Lords, with a little unconstant of Fortune, and of maners.

The quadrate of Mars with the Sunne, signifieth ma­ny evils, losse of goods, darknesse of the eyes, and in great danger of violent death, or publique.

The quadrate of Mars with Venus, great troubles and tribulations by reason of women of base condition, or im­pudent, and some wayes defamed, when Mars is in a moveable signe.

The quadrate of Mars with Mercury, weaknesse of all the body, prisons, pursuits, accusations, false nature of the child, with malice and iniquity.

The quadrate of Mars with the Moone, signifieth the Mother to be weake, and of a very short life, and the child an evill boy, prodigall, unconstant, poore, and which shall die miserably; and of the which, the wives shall be proud, arrogant, and terrible.

The quadrate of the Sunne and Venus, signifieth that [Page 74] which the quadrate of Jupiter and Venus signifieth.

The quadrate of Sol and Mercury, signifieth that which the quadrate of Jupiter and Mercury signifieth.

The quadrate of the Sunne with the Moone, augmen­teth the dignities and the honors, and giveth enviousnes.

The quadrate of Venus and Mercury, maketh the man diligent, and industrious in his office, and well renowned, but he shall receive some infamy by reason of women.

The quadrate of Venus and Luna maketh him very rich, and happy in his profession, eloquent, gracious, very happy in wives and children: but he shall have some losse of goods and honour by reason of women.

The quadrate of Mercury with Luna, maketh him skil­full, ingenious, unconstant of manners, and of fortunes, which in a common sedition shall betaken, or shall be ac­cused by many of his conspirators.

The Opposition of Saturne and Jupiter, signifieth great troubles, a thousand mischiefes and tribulations, deprived of children. If Saturne be in the ascendant, and Jupiter in the seventh house, the beginning of his life shall be with paines, tribulations and torments, and the end with repose, profit, and honour.

The opposition of Saturne and Mars without aspect of Jupiter and Venus, denote great troubles, common sedi­tions and conspirations against the said man: many dis­eases intolerable, ruines, falls, perils by water, violent death, or pestilence, and a miserable father.

The opposition of Saturne and Sol without aspect of Jupiter, maketh the man sickly, sad, full of thoughts, full of tribulations, with great losse of goods, and daunger of violent death.

The opposition of Saturne and Venus, maketh him evill disposed, deprived of beauty and of vertue, lecherous, infamous by reason of women.

The opposition of Saturne and Mercury, an imperfect speech, separation of brethren, knowledge and science.

The opposition of Saturne and Luna, dispersion of his [Page 75] mothers goods, griefes happening to the mother, trou­bles, and tribulations, with great danger of violent death, according to the nature of the signe wherein Luna is.

The opposition of Jupiter and Mars, rashnesse, disper­sion of goods, enemy to them which have beene friends, unconstant fortune.

The opposition of Jupiter & Sol, maketh him disperse his Fathers goods, and sell his offices and his honour.

The opposition of Jupiter and Venus, signifieth uncon­stant friends, ungratitude of them where he hath done good; otherwise sufficient fortune.

The opposition of Jupiter and Mercury, common se­ditions, envies, conspirations, strifes, sutes, enmities of bre­thren, of the which he shall see the death.

The opposition of Jupiter with Luna, sufficient for­tune after long travell.

The opposition of Mars and of the Sunne, spoyle of the eyes, maketh him to be killed, or fall frō on high, ma­keth him disperse his patrimony, & his father die quickly.

The opposition of Mars and Venus, yeeldeth the man voluptuous, and a little vitious, weake, unconstant, & ma­keth his wife & children to die in signes tropiques, maketh him marry wives of base condition, or otherwise defamed.

The opposition of Mars and Mercury, without aspect of Jupiter, maketh the man a falsifier, of evill conscience, accompanied with evill children, accused of many crimes, for the which he shall be a fugitive or banished: princi­pally if Mercury be in the houses of Saturne.

The opposition of Mars and the Moone, signifieth spoyle of the eyes and the body, by blowes and hurts, and other sicknesses, and giveth great adversities, maketh him hate marriage, and causeth violent death, and often Ca­non: principally when the Moone increaseth in the an­gles, with sufficient aspect of fortunes.

The opposition of the Sun, of Venus and of Mercury, signifie that which we have said of Jupiter.

The opposition of the Sunne, and of the Moone, chan­geth [Page 76] the fortunes of goods and honour, poverty after ri­ches, dishonour after honour, weaknesse of body after health, mutation of good to evill, and great unconstan­ [...]ie of manners.

The opposition of Venus and Mercury, envies, quar­rels, enmities by reason of women; otherwise grave elo­quence, beauty and bravery.

The opposition of Venus with the Moone, unfortunate marriage, injuries by women, deprivation of children.

The opposition of Mercury and of the Moone, conspi­rations against him, envies, treasons, feare and lecherous.

Likewise you must regard the part of Fortune, the part of the Spirit, and of their Aspects with the said Planets; you must judge as of the Aspects of the Planets, with the Sun and the Moone. For if the part of fortune be part of the Moone, & part of the Spirit, & part of the Sun, which would consider the Aspects towards the other parts, and houses of heaven, he may judge as of the Planets of the which the projections of the said parts shall be made, &c.

Chap. V. Of the significations of the twelve Houses.

THe first house signifieth the life, nourishment, and di­sposition of the body, of the spirit, and complexion, and representeth the head, face, braine, eares, and nose, and [...]s called Horyscope angle, adorning and ascending.

The second house signifieth goods, traffique, riches, gaine, companies to get profit and gaine, men that helpe to gaine. It signifieth also gold and silver, and all moveable goods, and is called, The house succedant to the Ascen­dant, and beneath the earth, and raigneth over the neck.

The third house denoteth the brethren, sisters, cosins, and allies, and little voyages, and the liver, and divinati­ons of dreames, and is called, The house cadant of the ascendant, otherwise goodnesse [...] and hath government o­ver the shoulders, legs, and armes.

The fourth house signifieth the Fathers, and Parents possessions, inheritances, houses, fields, orchards, vine­yards, [Page 77] labouring, wood, and other goods, & moveables: treasures, and goods hidden, and mynerall matters, pri­sons, and obscure places, and in the end all things; & that which commeth after death, as the grave and good report, &c. and is called, The angle of the earth, and the depth thereof: and raigneth over the breast and lungs.

The fifth house signifieth infancie and daughters, ne­phewes, gifts, presents, pleasures, voluptuousnesse, orna­ments, bravery, dancing, playes, banqueting, messages, gold and silver, and the riches of the Father, the profit of inheritances, possessions, tillage, and is called, The house succedant to the fourth, and otherwise good fortune: and raigneth over the heart and stomach.

The sixt house denoteth servants, sicknesse, wild beasts, ryding, hunting of and by dogs, sheepe and muttons, goates and pulleine, and hath some signification over prisons, unjustice, and false accusations, and is called, The house cadant of the fourth, and otherwise ill fortune, and hath government over the belly and bowels.

The seventh house denoteth marriage, wives, sutes, quarrels, strife, debate, knowne enmity, and men apper­taining to gaine and profit, and signifieth agednesse, and strange places, and is called, The angle of the occi­dent, and raigneth oves the reines.

The eighth house signifieth sadnesse, envie, long tor­ments, the quality of death: dowry with wives, inheri­tance, and other benefits provided by parents, and those that belong to gaine, riches, of the which one hath not greatly thought, and is called, The house succedent to the angle occidentall, and otherwise is entred on high, and governeth the parts of generation.

The ninth, long viages, long pilgrimages and naviga­tions, faith, religion, sacrifices, ceremonies, science, wis­dome, divination of dreams, prodigious interpretations, new sects, paradoxes, signes of heaven, divine punishment, and is called, The house Cadant of the angle occidentall, & otherwise, the house of God, & governeth the buttocks.

[Page 78] The tenth signifieth honour, dignities, offices, magi­strates, administratious, government, rulers, conductors, good renowne, estimation, profession, action, and the mo­ther: and is called, The middle and heart of heaven: the Meridian point and angle Meridian. It gardeth and go­verneth the knees.

The eleventh house signifieth friends, companions, hope, confidence, favour, helpe, succour, praise, estimation, and renowne, counsell of friends: and is called, The house succedent to the angle Meridionall, and otherwise called the good angle, and governeth the legges.

The twelfth house signifieth hidden enemies, prison, captivity, bondage, sadnesse, torment, complaint, lamen­tation, teares and hate, treasons, villanies, horses, and great beasts of like and just proportion: and is called, The house cadent of the angle Meridionall, and otherwise an evill spirit, and governeth the feete.

Chap. VI. Of the Lords of the Triplicities of the said houses.

THe first Lord of the Triplicitie of the first angle, de­noteth the nature and life of the child, and his cogi­tations and will: that which hee loveth and hateth, and that which is to come, health or sicknesse: good or evill entertainment, perill of his life in the first age. The second Lord of the triplicity of the said angle, signifieth force and strength of the body, and the midst of the life. The third, the end of the life.

The first Lord of the triplicity of the second house, be­tokeneth riches; the second, the manner of the same riches; the third, the intent and confidence in getting.

The first Lord of the triplicity of the third house, deno­teth the most ancient and first brethren, the second the middle, the third the least.

The first Lord of the fourth, denoteth the Parents: the second, lands, possessions, and houses: the third, impri­sonment and end of things.

The first Lord of the fift, denoteth children: the second, [Page 79] love, pleasure, grace, bravery: the third, messages, and em­bassages.

The first Lord of the sixth house denoteth sicknesse, trouble: the second, servants: the third, cattell, prison, and the profit of the significations of the said house.

The first of the seventh house, women: the second, strife and suit: the third, division.

The first Lord of the eight house, death: the second, an­tiquity: the third, inheritance.

The first Lord of the ninth house, denoteth pilgrima­ges, long viages, navigations: the second, faith, religion, and devotion: the third, science, divination, dreames, pro­phecies, sorts of crosse, and prodigall sects.

The first of the tenth denoteth profession, honour, dig­nitie, and advancements: the second, audacitie, and the meanes to worke in his profession: and the third, preser­vation in such fortune.

The first of the eleventh house, denoteth constancie, hope: the second, friends: the third, the profit of the ele­venth house.

The first of the twelfth house, denoteth enemies: the se­cond, paine and travell: the third, beasts of like proporti­on, and other that be appointed to charge and labour.

Chap. VII. What the Planets signifie in the twelve houses.

IN the first house, Saturne out of his principall digni­ties, signifieth that the child shall have short life, unfor­tunate, deformed, evill favoured: and shall die because of other lands and possessions: neverthelesse he shall be first of his brethren.

Jupiter in the said house signifieth long life, good for­tune, beauty, honesty, love of vertue, feare of God, honour, and favour, and makes him the first of his brethren.

Mars in the said place signifieth hurt alwaies in the head or face, & maketh him dispend a part of his goods, and maketh him intermedle in many discords, and con­tentions: if he be in his house or exaltation, it maketh [Page 80] him a mighty, and valiant man, hardy, fortunate in armes, out of his principall dignities, it doth yeeld him evill, mischievous, furious, seditious, mutinous, and quar­relsome: principally when the fortunes do not intermin­gle their beames.

The Sunne giveth honour, and praise, and estimation, credit and great advancement: fovour of great Lords, riches by the meanes of Princes, and maketh the child first borne, or most advanced of all his brethren.

Venus giveth him grace, beauty, bravery, civility, love of women, healthfull, and prospercus: and yeeldeth the man lecherous, joyous, loving musicke, dancing, and something unconstant.

Mercury maketh him ingenious, skilfull, diligent, ap­prentice, of good judgement, of good memory, a good Reader, a good Writer, a great Mathematician, and apt to all knowledge.

The Moone yeeldeth him unconstant, vagabond, which taketh divers affaires, and given to many viages, a man healthfull, fortunate, faire, and something spotted in the face, and shall be numbred among great Lords.

The head of the Dragon lunarie, honour, dignitie, and favour of great Lords and Prelates. The taile of the Dra­gon, losse of goods and honour, deformity, obscurenesse of eyes, and great danger of the losse of life.

In the second house, Saturne out of his principall dig­nities, destroyeth the man, and maketh him spend, and scatter his goods, and yeeldeth him poore and unprovi­ded of succour. And in his house or exaltation maketh him rich, proud, and with all his goods miserable.

Jupiter giveth great riches by honest meanes.

Mars maketh him spend his goods, and in the end doth yeeld him poore many waies.

Sol maketh him honourable, a great man, liberall, brave, which in his magnificence shall spend his goods.

Venus giveth aid and succour, and greatly enricheth by women, and men of the Church.

[Page 81] Mercury, profit in merchandize, and in Scripture, and very industrious in the Mathematiques, and a thousand meanes to become rich.

Luna, riches, advancement by embassages, messages, and imployments when she is fortunate; unfortunate, sig­nifyeth paines, and travels for the goods of the world, without going forward, and hinderance in whatsoever he doth.

The head of the Dragon, riches, great gaines, profit, in­heritance, or goods of the Church.

The taile of the Dragon, destruction, prodigality, fol­lie, dispense in playing, and falling from on high with­out expectation.

In the third house, Saturne destroyeth brethren, and maketh them see their death, and intermedleth strifes, and suites among brethren. Yeeldeth a man unfortunate in small viages, an hypocrite, superstitious, rash, fearfull, astonied at prodigious dreames.

Jupiter signifieth peace and concord amongst brethren, not without profit, maketh a man prudent, happy in viages neere hand, and that his dreames shall be true.

Mars signifieth great injuries, strifes, and suites among brethren, and causeth the brethren to die quickly: and yeeldeth the man a terrible blasphemer, forsworne, a de­ceiver, not fearing God, which shall be unfortunate in all his waies, and after in danger of theeves and robbers, and shall be tormented in many terrible and vaine dreames.

Sol, honour, dignities, offices, out of his Country, long pilgrimages, honourable brethren, and true dreames.

Venus, love among brethren, happy viages, feare of God, and true dreames.

Mercury, profit in traffique, and viages, in faire mar­kets, and giveth good fortune at all times and places, concerning the good of the Church.

In the signe of Gemini or Libra, it maketh the man a good Musitian, and a sounder of musicall instruments, principally in conjunction, or good aspect of Venus.

[Page 82] The Moone maketh him given to go here and there on pilgrimages, so that he resteth not long in a place: ne­verthelesse in his deeds he shall be honoured and praised, and meete with good fortune, & friends, and great Lords, that shall imploy him in Embassages, in messages and o­ther voyages: and hee shall be loved and praised of his brethren.

The head of the Dragon signifieth, that his brethren shall be of greater estate and authority than he: neverthe­lesse, it denoteth some Ecclesiasticall goods.

The taile of the Dragon destroyeth the brethren, and maketh them die quickly.

In the fourth house, Saturne out of his principall dig­nities, maketh him scatter his patrimony, and yeeldeth the man poore and unfortunate in unmoveable goods, as in houses, lands and possessions, plowing, and sowing: and signifieth that the mother shall be of an infamous condition, and shall not live long.

If he be within his house or exaltation, hee giveth in­heritance, houses, lands, possessions, and signifieth the mo­ther honourable and of long life.

Jupiter yeeldeth him happy in unmoveable goods, & giveth him great store of inheritance, and sometime cau­seth him meete with treasure and goods, of the which he never greatly thought. And signifieth the Father of long life and happy: and signifieth his child shall be esteemed after his death: and hee shall be honourably laid in his grave.

Mars, losse of goods by fire and wind, and houses, lands, and possessions, destruction of trees, dispending of his goods, evill end by wounds, effusion of blood, evill re­nowne after death, and short life of the father.

The Sunne denoteth faire possessions, Lordships, go­vernment, inheritance and faire houses, praise, honour, and good fortune in his old yeares, and good renowne after death, an honourable sepulcher, and maketh him gi­ven to divination, and prevent things to come.

[Page 83] Venus denoteth the same that Jupiter doth.

Mercury fortunate, yeeldeth the man industrious, pro­viding, and foreseeing things to come: a buyer of rents, houses, and possessions: a planter of trees, and curious in husbandry affaires: inclined to gather gold and silver.

If it be unfortunate, it yeeldeth him quarrelsome, stri­ving, and hated of his neighbours, alwaies angry and full of dispites, and little esteemed.

Luna signifieth that which is said of Mercury, except that she is given to mills, ponds, and watry places, and yeeldeth the man in the beginning unfortunate, and in the end happy, principally when the nativity is by day.

And when the head of the Dragon is in airie and fiery Signes, it signifieth that which Jupiter doth, and in earth­ly, and watry, that which the taile of the Dragon doth.

The taile of the dragon maketh the father die quickly, and scatter his goods unmoveable.

In the fift house, Saturne signifieth sadnesse, necessity, rudenesse, uncivill, evill-faced, evill entertainment, depri­vation of death of children unnaturally, going in evill and filthy clothing.

Jupiter giveth grace, honesty, prudence, civility, brave­ry, riches, profit in messages and embassages, abundance of faire children, well nurtured, and well instructed, and beloved, good fortune by Church-men, gifts, and a dealer for gold, jewels, precious stones, sweete and precious sa­vours.

Mars destroyeth, and maketh the children die, or whol­ly depriveth them of children: maketh a man happy in all significations of the fifth house, when hee is out of his principall dignities; Within his house or exaltation, he yeeldeth him very lecherous and impudent, timerous, a scoffer, abounding in bastards, and evill children.

The Sunne denoteth faire children, honourable com­panies, good renowne, messages, gifts of great Lords, and a dealer with Jewels, and precious stones, and sweet per­fumes and savours.

[Page 84] Venus maketh a man pleasant, delectable, joyfull, dan­cing, vaunting, playing, and laughing, Gentleman-like, a Musitian, happy in children, lecherous, and jealous.

Mercury maketh him a merry jester, a mocker, brave, to write well, a good painter, industrious with his hands, [...]ngenious, a musitian, voluptuous, not caring greatly for his affaires, or tribulations, indifferent happy in children, and given to embassages and messages, and to goe on viages.

Luna maketh him an Atturney, and of counsell, a Ben­cher, a Legate, an Embassador by election of the people, and had in great account with the people, abounding in banquetting, and happy in children,

The head of the Dragon signifieth as Jupiter doth.

The taile signifieth what Mars and Saturne signifie, for children.

In the sixt house, Saturne signifieth paine of the belly, and teeth, much sicknesse, an ill servant, unluckie to sheepe and like beasts.

Jupiter, good servants, health of the body, good fortune in bringing up beasts.

Mars within his house or exaltation, good servitours in warres, profession of physicke. Out of the same places, hot sicknesses, pestilence, evill impediments, and evill ser­vants to be rebels, and theeves.

Sol, sicknesse of the heart imbecillity of the body, hurts by his servants.

Venus, imbecillity of the reines, and parts of generati­on, otherwise soundnesse of body, good and faithfull ser­vants, good fortune in nourishing beasts, and commonly impudent love of Maids, and in nativities of women ma­keth him love servants, and signifieth perill of death in child-bearing.

Mercury signifieth him to be a deceiver of women, and to be deceived by them and his servants, and yeeldeth him a deceiver, a dissembler, a detester, of evill memory. If he be with Saturne or Mars, hee threatneth death by [Page 85] prison, a conspiracie of servants or in prison.

Luna denoteth weaknesse in the eyes and braine, great and fervent sicknesse, strife against parents, enmity of wo­men, a company of men ill conditioned, when shee is un­fortunate. When she is fortunate, giveth health and profit in nourishing young beasts and good servants.

The head of the Dragon preserveth from sicknesse, gi­veth good servants, and good lucke in keeping beasts.

The taile, unfaithfull servants, losse of cattell.

The seventh, Saturne out of his principall dignities signifieth marriage of an evill wife, blotted with some in­famie, proper to himselfe or parents, ruine of enemies, and perill of evill death. In watry signes it denoteth Emrods, Fistulaes, Constitution of the sinewes, and diseases of the backe.

In his house or exaltation, he signifieth the woman to be rich, and enemies mighty.

Jupiter, happy marriage, the woman honest, shamefac'd, vertuous, faire, rich, victory against enemies, and fortu­nate in age.

Mars in his house or exaltation, or out of his digni­ties, alwaies signifieth mighty and terrible adversaries, bruite of women, or husbands in Nativities of women, impudencie of the man, timerous, lecherous, in danger to be killed, to have blowes on the feet and hands.

Sol, mighty enemy, rich, wise, well brought up, and ho­nourable age.

Mercury, lecherous, strife and debate between man and wife, evill by reason of impudent desire, crafty knowledge in numbring, love of vertue. If hee be with Saturne or Mars he shall kill his wife, and shall be killed or put in prison, and put in exile, or condemned to die by sen­tence of a Judge.

Luna, profit of wives, thousand strifes and suits, desire of change of countries. If she be fortunate, she signifieth all well in all significations of the said house; and unfor­tunate the contrary.

[Page 86] The head of the Dragonsignifieth as Jupiter.

The taile maketh the woman die quickly, and destroy­eth the enemies.

In the eight, Saturne out of his principall dignities, sig­nifieth strange death, sorrows, complaints, lamentati­ons, long torments, sadnesse, anguish, and Poverty, in his house or exaltation, inheritance and goods unlooked for, death by flixe or plague, or of some cold or long sicknes.

Jupiter, long life to 72. yeares, inheritance, goods by women, happy death.

Mars, out of his principall dignity, signifieth hastie death, pestilence, impediment, slaughter, and other sorts of violent death.

If he be with the head of the Dragon, he shall be han­ged, if in his house or exaltation, he giveth goods, not without great strifes and suits.

Sol causeth death presently after honour, short life to the father, inheritance to the child, losse of goods by vio­lence of great men, except when he is oppressed with evill fortune, for then in any airie signe it signifeth strangling by force, burning in fire, and kild, and buried in the earth, death by a fall, ruine, drowning in water. Except in Scorpio, where it often causeth death by poyson, mad dogs, or of venimous beasts.

Venus, good death, inheritance, riches, long life, short life of mother and Nurse, and his wife more ancient than himselfe.

Mercury, enmity of neighbours, vaime hope of inheri­tance, death by over study of his affaires and businesse.

Luna, inheritance, riches by women, long life of she be fortunate, short life, imprisonment, slaunder by false wit­nesse, strife, suites, quarrell, and vexation of spirit, as mad or distract of wits.

The head of the Dragon, inheritance, riches, honour, liberality, prodigality, and good death.

The taile, horrible death, small endeavour, no goodnesse in the signification of his house.

[Page 87] In the ninth, Saturne betokeneth horrible dreams, ter­rible visions, hypocrisie and superstition, ceremonies, prea­chers, Friers, men of Religion, and a thousand troubles, by the way and perturbation of spirit.

Jupiter giveth faith, constancy in his religion, profita­ble journies, feare and love of God, and knowledge of di­vine mysteries, interpretations of dreames, revelation and profit in the state Ecclesiasticall.

Mars, out of his principall dignity, danger by the way, unfaithfulnesse, shaking of the faith, and terrible opi­nions, and more than an hereticke, timerous, violent, im­pudent, horrible dreames, and false dexterity in armes, and valiantnesse, when he is otherwise fortunate in his house or exaltation, it maketh the man very terrible, a negromancer, happy in his journey or pilgrimages, hardy ventrous, and of great courage.

Sol, Benefices, Abbies, Bishoprickes, Ecclesiasticall dig­nities, Cardinalls, Popes, Legates, principally in a mascu­line signe, good faith, constant, religious, a reverencer of holy things, a lover of God and vertue, true dreames, profitable journeyes, and honor in his profession.

Venus, true dreames, except in the imagination of wo­men, Ecclesiasticall dignities, constant Religion, love and reverence of God, long pilgrimage by the World, profi­table journies, honour in profession, which taketh away the desire of marriage.

Mercury, goods Ecclesiasticall, high knowledge, divine mysteries, admiration of justice, and providence of God, cogitation of God and Angels, and of spirits, profitable journeyes, great knowledge in Divinity, Astrologie, and & in all other Philosophie, interpretation of dreams, ora­cles, and strange things, profit in traffique, infarre Coun­tries good renowne.

Luna, long pilgrimage, perverse cogitations, uncon­stant in manners, and fortune, true dreames, knowledge of starres: When the 9: house is the house of Mercury, or of other things answerable to the nature of the Lord of the 9. house.

[Page 88] The head of the Dragon, variable dreams, honour, and profit in travell, Ecclesiasticall goods.

The taile, lacke of faith, terrible dreames, perillous journies, and full af envie, and little honour in his pro­fession.

In the tenth house, Saturne out of his principall digni­ties signifieth short life of the mother, many ill fortunes, sighs, plaints, and imprisonments. If the the tenth house be in the signe of Leo, and any of the Luminaries be with Saturne, he shall die in prison. If Saturne be with Jupiter, in the houses of Jupiter, he shall be condemned of wrong: if he be with Mars in the houses of Mars, he shall be con­demned according to his crime. If he be with Mercury, he shall die a very shamefull death by false witnesses: If with Venus and Mars, he shall be whipped, and racked, and condemned to die. Saturne in his house, or exaltati­on in the tenth house, doth licence dignities, prehemi­nence, and government.

Jupiter great honour in profession, Ecclesiasticall digni­ties, and great renowne.

Mars out of his principall dignities, maketh a man terrible, cruell, seditious, quarrelsome, arrogant, a despi­ser of his goods, usurper of the goods of other, hated of father, mother, brethren, and others, and many times to be imprisoned and punished by justice. In his house or exaltation, it maketh him valiant, hardie, couragious in feats of armes. In the houses of Jupiter well disposed, and regard of furtunes, maketh him a President, Counsellor, or soveraigne Judge.

Sol giveth honour, offices, dignities, preheminencies, rules, governments, great credit and favour of many great Lords, in estimation of the common people, honour in profession, with riches and great goods, principally if he be in fiery signes, & if the child be poore, and of base condition, he lifteth him up to honour and great digni­ties.

Venus, honour in his profession, goods of Princes, and [Page 89] great Lords, great credit, & long life of the mother, with prosperity and honour.

Mercury maketh him a Chancellor, Secretary, Coun­seller, President put in great dignities, skilfull in Arith­meticke, Geometry, and Astrologie, well renowned, rich and abounding in goods. If he be unfortunate by Mars, hee shall come to an evill end, for having taken too much upon him, or for taking quarrells against his betters.

Luna signifieth praise & honour of great Lords, & shall be happy in all enterprises, and esteemed in all the world.

The head of the Dragon signifieth as Jupiter.

The taile maketh him receive dishonour, and losse of his calling, and falling from an high, and denoteth the short life of the mother.

In the eleventh house, Saturne out of his principall dig­nities betokeneth acquaintance, and to be a companion with men defamed, and of base condition, mischievous: sadnesse of friends, vaine hope to come to things under­taken: difficulty in affaires: losse of friends, if he be in his house or exaltation, he giveth love of Saturnities, as by great and ancient Lords.

Jupiter maketh him happy in all his devoyers: giveth favour of great Lords, great credit, abundance of friends: advancement by friends: riches, and faire children; of the which the first shall be a Major.

Mars in his house or exaltation, love by men of warre and fortunate in feats of armes, and out of those places signifieth despaire, unhappy enterprises, losse of friends, & enmity with his friends, he shall not be loyall to his Lords and friends, by which shall ensue great damage.

Sol, happy enterprizes, goods, honour, dignities by meanes of friends, which shall be men of authority, and great Lords.

Venus giveth good friends, which shall be honourable men: and of good authority: and of good will, signifying good fortune, happy enterprises, and many children.

Mercury knowledge and company: and love of men [Page 90] of knowledge and vertue, and good renowne among friends, happy enterprises.

Luna giveth good riches, honour, good renowne, good friends, which shall be great Lords, & happy enterprises.

The head of the Dragon, that which Jupiter signifieth.

The taile, that which Saturne and Mars signifieth.

In the twelfth, Saturne out of his principall dignities maketh unhappy in horses and other great beasts, from the which he shall fall & receive hurt, and signifieth feare of Justice, imprisonment or exile. In his house or exal­tation, victory against his enemies, good fortune in hor­ses, and other beasts, fit for burthen, and labour.

Jupiter out of his principall dignities, mighty ene­mies and adversaries of men in authority, imprisonment, exile, condemnation, poverty, well dignified he signifieth the contrary.

Mars the fall from horses, hurt or other damage by beasts, abundance of enemies, imprisonment, slanders, and a thousand persecutions, great evill in legges and feete.

Sol, good fortune in horses, and other great beasts, great persecution by enemies, great Lords, and mighty confiscation and losse of goods, imprisonment, exile, slander, false witnesse, evill report, condemned to a great fine, deprivation of his estate, by perverted traiterous, and houshold servants.

Venus giveth good fortune to horse, strife and en­mity to woman, disprayse in marriage, mischievous and evill renowne because of women: principally if they be evill conditioned and defamed: an impudent lover of wo­men defamed, for the which he shall be imprisoned, and suffer great dishonour. If she be in the signe of Virgo o [...] Capricorne, or of Aquarius, joyned with the Sunne and Saturn, or to Mars signifieth great perill of death by love.

Mercury giveth great knowledge, principally in scien­ces that shall bring small profit, maketh a man a Philoso­pher, Mathematician, and ready in all knowledge, a little foolish by reason of the lightnesse of the spirit, having [Page 91] many enemies, given to voluptuousnesse, evill fortune, ha­ted by men of knowledge, likely to be slandered and im­prisoned. If Saturne be well disposed he giveth good for­tune in horses and other beasts.

Luna giveth many enemies which daily shall grow, and increase, if she be unfortunate, signifieth imprisonment, & exile, if she be burnt and joyned with Saturne or Mars, the child shall be ever miserable, and of a short life, which shall receive hurt by beasts of like proportion: and dyeth by plague, to be killed or drowned: If she be fortunate it betokeneth escape from all these evills.

The head of the Dragon betokeneth that which Ju­piter.

The taile, damage by beasts of like proportion and ru­ine by enemies.

And generally when a Planet is well dignified or other­wise well disposed, and regarded of fortunes within the said houses, it signifieth good lucke in all significations of the said houses, but when it is unfortunate, it yeeldeth mischiefe in all the said significations.

Chap. VIII. The significations of the Lords of the Houses, by the places of the figure.

THe Lord of the first house within the first fortune, betokeneth long life, health of body, goods, and riches by his owne proper meanes, honour of his pa­rents. In the second, riches: In the third often voyages, a­greement, and concord with his brethren. In the 4. inhe­ritances, houses and goods unmoveable. And it noteth that he shall be a great builder, a planter of vines and trees, a medler with mines of gold and silver, and other things, according to the nature of the said Planet: in the 5. betokeneth many children which he shall love greatly, to be given to banquets, playes, dancing, bravery and to all voluptuousnesse and pleasure, and shall have many friends to enrich him. In the 6. a buyer of small cattell, abounding in servants, the which hee shall teach, and [Page 92] make diligent, he shall be sickly. In the seventh, quar­relsome, given to strife, and suits in matters of marriage, unfortunate in all his acts. In the 8. sad, fearfull, and of short life. In the 9. an interpreter of dreames, of Ora­cles, secret things and visions, given to know divine mysteries, to travell, and to abide in strange Countries. In the 10. goods, riches, dignities, and honour by the meanes of Princes and great Lords, good fortune in his profession. In the 11. happy enterprises, good friends, honourable companies, prosperity, few children. In the 12. evill manners, perverse nature, great enmity, good fortune in cattell. If he be unfortunate in the first, the child shall not live long, if in the second, he shall be destroyed and poore. If in the third, hee shall receive great evill by his brethren. If in the fourth, he shall be un­happie in lands, inheritances, labour, and possessions, and die in prison. In the fifth, it denoteth sadnesse, and tri­bulation, because of children, and of messages and gifts, and shall many times die by too much drinke, or by too much pleasure. In the sixth, signifieth great sicknesses and piteous death. In the seventh, by meanes of the wife by poyson, if he be in the signe of Capricorne, by [...], if he be in a fiery signe, by fall from on high, if in an earthly. In the eight, short life, danger of death in travell. In the ninth, in perill to be slaine by theeves. In the tenth, imprisonment, wracke, condemnation, & death by meanes of Princes. In the eleventh, a thousand evills, and mischiefes for friends. In the twelfth, death in pri­son. The Lord of the second, in the first house signifieth much gaine and to be rich: In the second, that he shall have much goods and be very rich and avaricious. In the third, losse by brethren, and profit in small voyages. In the fourth, innumerable inheritances, augmentation of patrimony. In the fifth, profit in all things of pleasure and magnificence, children to come to honour, and shall be rich givers. In the sixth, profit by meanes of servants, and of keeping beasts. In the seventh, goods of women; and by sutes. In the eighth great dowries: some in­heritances, [Page 93] otherwise scattering of goods. In the ninth, goods of the Church, fortunate in long pilgrimage. In the tenth profit, profit in his profession, goods by great Lords, and offices, and dignities. In the eleventh, goods, riches and honour by friends. In the twelfth, profit in horses and beasts, otherwise losse and injustice, by the meanes of gaining. The Lord of the third house in the first signifieth greater riches, and praise than his brethren, that he shall make many voyages. In the second, he shall have suit with his brethren for goods. In the third, he shall often goe abroad for pleasure, and his brethren, and friends accompany him. In the 4. he shall go oft to visit his lands and possessions, and his brethren shall leave him, and with-hold part of his right. In the 5. his bre­thren shall be brave, pleasant, and gracious, and given to voluptuousnesse, and make agreement with his chil­dren. In the 6. that he shall hold question of injuries with his brethren, and that they shall not answer him. In the 7. suit against brethren and friends, a voyage to be married. In the 8. short life to brethren flying for feare of plague or murther. In the 9. pilgrimage of friends, and voyages to obtaine pardons. In the 10. voyages by rea­son of profession, and for dignities and death of bre­thren and friends. In the 11. good friendship among brethren, voyages to meete with good fortune. In the 12. enmities of brethren, and voyages because of enemies.

The Lord of the fourth in the first house, signifieth good disposition and honour, richer than other of his kindred, a great man in building and possessions, & shall build houses, plant vines, trees, and a diligent husband in his grounds. In the second, a good traffiquer in corne, oyle, wine, and fruits, a deare seller, and a good cheape buyer, and a buyer and seller of lands and houses. In the third, he shall have the goods and inheritance of his brethren. In the fourth, he shall have great fortune in goods, lands, Houses and labours, and happen upon trea­sure. In the fifth, the riches of the father, children happy [Page 94] in their inheritance. In the sixt, signifieth no great estima­tion of the Father, but physicke, surgery and government of sicke folkes, and a nourisher of beasts: in the seventh, inheritance by women, enmity betweene the father and children, a good huswife of his wife: in the eight, the fa­ther of short life, inheritance, death out of his countrie: in the ninth, lands. and possessions joyned to the Church or in subjection to the Church-men, and the father a stranger: in the tenth, the father to be knowne of great Lords, by the which shall come great profit to the child, and shall have Lordships, lands, and possessions by meanes of great Lords. In the eleventh, short life to the father, inheritance by friends: in the 12. the father a stran­ger, and of base condition, and shall hate his sonne, and shall have some moveable goods of his enomies, not with­out long suit and great difficulty.

The Lord of the fifth, in the first house signifieth feasting, banqueting, dancing, voluptuousnesse, and faire children. In the second, rich children, and joy of their gaining. In the third voyages for pleasure: In the 4. goods of parents and allies. In the 5. feasts, banquets, playes, bra­very, dances, pleasure, and faire children. In the 6. wit­nesse that hee shall be a peace maker, and not greatly given to pleasure: but in servants, and keeping cattell. In the 7. the children shall hate the father, and shall have suits one against the other▪ yet alwayes contentment by his wife & rejoyce in her. In the 8. joyfull, because of unlooked for inheritance, and short life to children. In the 9. joy in pil­grimages, vowes, holy religion, good children that feare and love God. In the 10. pleasure in honour. In the 11. pleasure in friends: and many children. In the 12. short life of children, enmity betweene the father and the children, pleasure in horses.

The Lord of the sixth in the first signifieth many sick­nesses of the said Lord, and that his servants and beasts shall die quickly. In the second that he shall be rich by keeping of cattell. In the third, sicknesse, and going [Page 95] here and there from home, a poore kindred. In the 4. that his father shall be of very base condition. In the 5. sicknesse by overmuch pleasure, children of more base condition than their father. In the 6. health, if the Lord of the ascendant do not regard him, otherwise sicknesse by over labour. In the 7. sicknesse by women, of strifes, and suites and strife betweene his servants and him. In the 8. death by reason of servants. In the 9. sicknesse out of his Country by travell. In the 10. sicknesse by over-travell in his profession, or by over-labouring for honour. In the 11. acquaintance of men unknowne, and sicknesse by meanes of friends. In the 12. sicknesse by means of enemies and of imprisonment, and enemies of his owne servants.

The Lord of the 7. in the 1. signifieth gaine by traf­fique, peace and agreement, by exercise of physicke, and Astrologie, and that he shall be well loved of his wife, and have goods with her: but he shall be quarrelsome, and have suits. In the 2. short life of his wife, suites for her goods and riches. In the 3. strife and suits against friends, kinsfolkes, and they shall love his wife impudently. In the 4. inheritance by women, suites against parents. In the 5. a young wife, honest, and vertuous, beloved of her husband, and suit against his children. In the 6. strife for cattell and servants, marriage with some woman of base condition, or noted of some infamy proper to himselfe and parents. In the 7. suits for women, houshold-strife, profit, and to agree and communicate his goods. In the 8. strife for inheritance, great goods by women. In the 9. strife and accusations for matters of faith, marriage with strange woman. In the 10. trouble for offices and honour, an honourable wife, and dignity by the wives friends. In the 11. suits against friends, or by their means, and shall be married by his friends. In the 12. controversie a­gainst enemies, marriage with women of base condition, and not long love together.

The Lord of the 8. in the first signifieth i [...]e, sadnesse, angry for that he cannot bring to passe, and shall not [Page 96] be of long life. In the 2. inheritance. In the 3. death of brethren. In the 4. death in his house, and shall see the death of his parents, and shall have inheritances. In the 5. death of children. In the 6. death of his family before him, and shall be unfortunate in cattell. In the 7. death of wife by whom he shall have inheritance, and thereby become rich. In the 8. that he shall thinke suddenly to die, and yet sound of body, trouble in spirit, & shall have dowrie by his wife, and inheritance and other goods. In the 9. that hee shall have evill courage, and shall die out of his Country. In the 10. honourable death, or other­wise by the meanes of great Lords, and of Judges, or be­cause of his honour. In the 11. death amongst his friends. In the 12. death amongst his enemies, or by reason of themselves.

The Lord of the ninth in the first signifieth prudence, religious, vertuous, divine, a lover of Church-men, and shall make many voyages. In the 2. that hee shall make many voyages, by the which he shall become rich. In the 3. marriage out of his Countrie, or take a stranger, and shall make journeyes because of his brethren. In the 4. death from home, pilgrimage by perswasion of parents. In the 5. have children from home out of his Country, and shall make journeyes for them. In the 6. marriage of a maid or woman of base condition, sicknesse from home, and shall travell for his servants and cattell. In the 7 voyages, and suites by reason of women and their goods, and signifieth the woman to be devout, moderate and well mannered. In the 8. desire of riches, travell for his wives goods. In the 9. good understanding, a lover of vertue, fearing God, knowledge in divine mysteries, oracles, se­cret things, and true dreames, travell for devotion. In the 10. travell for profession and honour. In the 11. good friends from home. In the 12. evill courage, and enemies out of his Country, travell by reason of enemies.

The Lord of the tenth in the first signifieth that by his industry he shall come to great honour, and shall have [Page 97] dignitie, offices, and governments. In the 2. honour for his wealth. In the 3. honour by his brethren, or by tra­vell. In the 4. unmoveable goods, sumptuous houses. In the 5. honour by his children. In the 6. little honour, except of his houshold and servants, or in governing of the sicke. In the 7. honourable marriage. In the 8. goods by marriage, inheritance, and perill of death to the mo­ther at the time of her travell and delivery. In the 9. Ec­clesiasticall dignitie, honour in strange countries, and esti­mation by his travell. In the 10. dignities, offices, and great honour by his owne meanes, and favour of Princes. In the 11. prosperity, honour, and favour of friends. In the 12. honour by his enemies, honour and estimation of men of evill condition.

The Lord of the eleventh, in the first signifieth good fortune, happy enterprises, good friends, and many chil­dren. In the 2. goods and riches by friends. In the 3. amitie of brethren, journies, and travels for friends. In the 4. good fortune in unmoveable goods. In the 5. a­bundance of children, banquets joy, and good fortune. In the 6. fortune in good husbandry. In the 7. rich and fortunate marriage, and good friends, strife and debates against friends, and that he shall be poore in his youth, and rich in his age. In the 8. inheritance, death of friends. In the 9. profitable journies, friends out of his Coun­try, and good fortune in strange places. In the 10. goods and honour by meanes of men of authority, and dignity in youth. In the eleaventh, aboundance of friends, and children, great goods, and honour, and favour of men in authority, good renown and prosperity. In the 12. small friends, few goods, and debate with his friends.

The Lord of the twelfth, in the first signifieth poverty in youth, sadnesse, long travell enmity and conspiration against him. In the second evill manners, quarrels for goods. In the third, quarrels with friends and kindred. In the fourth, strife and suits for inheritance and move­able goods, and discord with the father. In the fifth, re­bellious [Page 98] children to the father, and strife among them­selves. In the sixth, strife and anger among the familie. In the seventh, that he shall take wives of base condition, and not love them long, and by their meanes shall have great paine and travell, and shall be in griefe for them, a [...]d his friends shall conspire against him, and his ene­mies shall take away part of his goods, and in the end of his daies be poore and miserable. In the eight, hatred and treason for livelihood and goods of women, death of ene­mies. In the ninth, quarrell with Church-men, and mis­chiefes by the way: In the tenth, quarrell with great Lords, persecution by reason of his profession, of his of­fices and honour. The eleventh, signifieth that his friends shall be his enemies, and shal have great mischiefe for his friends. In the twelfth, many envies and enemies that shall imagine many mischiefes against him.

Likewise, you must judge of all the parts of the 12. houses, as the part of fortune in the first signifieth: that he shall be rich and fortunate by his industry. In the second, that he shall become rich in all that is signified by the second house, &c.

All these be the foundations and rootes of the judge­ments Astronomicall, from the which you may not swarve or depart: except in as much as be mitigated, pro­hibited, or augmented by the concurrences, and aspects of the planets, and conjunction of the fixed starres.

The end of the second Booke.

OF IVDGEMENTS ASTRONO­micall upon Nativities, containing the directions and revolutions.
The third Booke.

Chap. I. Of Directions.

THe art of Directions so diligently entreated upon by John de Regiomount, that there is no more place fitly to speake of the same. Ex­cept, that with the aid of God, we have pur­posed to translate into French, his problemes and documents appertaining to the said matter. Never­thelesse we will here touch the principall point. To direct (which terme I use, being most commonly used, and of long time received, although it be not proper) it is no o­ther thing than to stay the meeting of one place of the heavens with another consequently following, according to the naturall order of the signes, and that the moving of the first mobile. The first place is named the significator, the second the promittor: as if the ascendant were in the 20. degree of Sagittarius, and Saturne in the 10. of Capri­corne, one might direct the ascendant to Saturne, and the ascendant shall be significator of life, and Saturne promit­tor of death or sicknesse, and then the judgement shall be danger of death, there is another forme of direction at­tributed to the parts and planets, retrogrades, which do make following the naturall course of the first mobile, to the contrary of the consequence of the signes, of the which the craft is like to the first, & there is no difference but that we have called Significator, which is here pro­mittor, [Page 100] and the Promittor is here significator.

The point meridionall of the tenth house, you must di­rect by the right ascensions. The point of the ascendant, by the ascensions obliques, found in the Table of the la­titude of your Region. The points and starres that shal be betweene the Meridian and the Horizon, by the oblique ascentiōs under the circle in the which they be, the which you call, The circle of Position, the which for to find, & likewise to have the ascensions of every place, having la­titude or no, you must follow the method following.

First, you must take the longitudes of Planets, fixed stars, and other places that you would direct, (that is to say) the signe, degree, & minute that they hold in the Zodiack, & in the Ephemerides, or other tables Astronomicall, &c.

Secondly, you must calculate their latitudes, in degrees and minutes placed in the Ephemerides.

Thirdly, their declination by the f [...]rst probleme of the booke of directions of Regiomont.

Then, their right ascensions by the third probleme of the said house.

Then againe, the distances of the circle Meridionall by the 19. probleme.

Incontinent, the circles of their positions, by the 20. probleme, consequently the differences ascentionall by the Table expressed.

And finally, the oblique ascensions by the tenth Canon, if the said starres be betweene the point meridionall of the tenth house, and the point of the fourth, or the di­scentions of obliques by the eleventh probleme, if they be betweene the point of the fourth and the tenth.

This done, take out the number of the oblique ascen­sions of the Significator, of the number of the oblique ascensions of the Promittor, take to the Table of the po­sition of the Significator, or the contrary, if you direct the parts and Planets, retrogrades; that which resteth of de­grees & minutes, turne into yeares, months; & dayes: and by this meanes, you shall have exactly the time of good or [Page 101] evill that shall happen unto you by direction, intending that one degree is here signified a yeare, five minutes a moneth, one minute, 6. dayes, and some odde houres, he that would helpe the seconds he shall touch the end more perfectly.

For to know the sicknesses and danger of death, you must direct the five vitall places that wee have considered, searching the giver of life, in sixed starres of violent na­ture in the point of the fourth, sixt, seaventh, and eighth, and the taile of the Dragon, to the ill fortunes, and their evill aspects in the parts of death, and by and by to the Sunne, and to the head of the Dragon. Likewise for the same consideration, you must direct the said pernicious places to the five vitall places. And they meeting, they judge that the man is in great danger of death, when the fortunes do not shew forth their favourable beames.

For the goods, honor, dignities, friendships, and other considerations, you must direct the one significator of goods with the other, and the one significator of honour with the other, of the which we have made mention in the first Booke, following the particular judgements of the Nativities.

Chap. II. Of the Separator or Burner, called of the Arabians Algebuthar.

THe Separator or Burner is the Planet which hath dignitie of terme & degree, to the which the yeare is answerable, multiplyed with the ascensions of one signi­ficator.

For to find the Separator of the like, you must take the oblique ascensions of the ascendant, and adde unto the same the yeares of your age, and search it all in the Table of the latitude of your Region, to looke to which signe & degree the said number answereth, for unto that point shall come the perfection of your life. Looke afterward which is the Planet which hath dignity of terme in the said degree, for of the self same shal be the Separator of the life.

[Page 102] By the same means you may seeke the Separators of the honour, goods, gains, friends, and of other-like, upon the circles of their positions. The which is convenient to seeke, following the aforesaid method of directions.

Chap. III. Of the Lords of the Triplicities.

YOu must also note all the Lords of the Triplicities, in places which signifie good and evill, as well in signifi­cations of life, as of goods, friends, honour, marriages, pilgrimages, &c. If they be well disposed in the revolution, they shall signifie well, touching the signification of the place of the which they be Lords. If they be unfortunate, they signifie evill. That is to understand, the Lords of the Triplicities of vitall places, will signifie of the life: of the places of fortune, riches and profit: of places of honour of the honour: good or evill, according as they be fortunate or unfortunate at the houre of the revolution.

Chap. IV. Of Revolutions.

THe Sunne returning to the same point in the which he was at the houre of the Nativity, maketh the re­volution every yeare. He therefore that would know the houre and minute of the revolution, he must looke in the Ephemerides, at what houre and minute the Sunne began to enter into the degree, minute, and second, in which hee was at the houre of the Nativity.

If the Ephemerides do not suffice you for this matter, go to a Table made for the same purpose, by Peter Pitat, in the begining of the same Ephemerides, by him corrected and augmented. Jerom Cardin useth another, which I find very exact: the which he hath written in his book, Of the resti­tution of times, and celestiall motions, in the 5. Chapter.

Chap. V. Of the judgements upon the revolutions.

FIrst, looke how the Separator of life is disposed in the figure of the revolution, for if he be unfortunate, hee denoteth sicknes, and other dangerous accidents: If he be [Page 103] fortunate he holdeth him healthfull & glad all the yeare. So likewise you must judge of the Separator of goods, friends, dignities, & other effects. It is to understand, that they give good fortune in the said significations, if they be well disposed: or else losse and evill fortune if they be unfortunate.

In the second place, looke if the Lords of the Triplici­ties of the vitall places be well disposed, & of places which signifie riches, honour, travels, brethren, Parents, wives, & children, do so much. For in the same significations the man shall be happy or unhappy, according as the said Lords shall be well or evill disposed. And principally you must consider the Lord that shall raigne over your age; for the 1. Lord of one triplicitie governeth the first age; the 2. the middest of the life; the 3. the latter yeare.

Thirdly, you must consider which is the Planet which governeth over the yeare of your age, that which the Ara­bians call Fridaie.

Fourthly, the Lord of the signe, in which shall come the same yeare of perfection.

In the fifth place, the Lord of the circulation, accoun­ting by the Lord of the houre of the Nativity.

Then the Lord of the circulation, accounting by the Lord of the ascendant of the nativity.

And if in the ascendant of the nativity there be any Planet, you must likewise make circulation.

Furthermore, you must looke if any Planet returne to the same signe & house in the which it was at the nativity; for then it intendeth the same effect which it hath signifi­ed in the nativity, principally-when it returneth to the same signe. You must also have regard to the aspects which are made in the revolution, if they be like to them of the nativity; for that shall be a renuing of the effects of the said aspects. And you must not forget the changing of the places. For if a happy planet be in the revolution in the place where an evill Planet was in the nativity, the evill signified by the said evill Planet in the nativity, shall be deferred that yeare by the presence of the happy Planet. [Page 104] To the contrary, if a Planet promise any good fortune in the nativity, and in his place in the revolution be any un­fortunate Planet, the same good signified in the nativity, shalbe diminished in th revolution, or lost by reason of the said ill fortune. The mis-fortune in the places of mis­fortune augmenteth the evill: the good fortunes in the places of good fortune, augmenteth the good fortune.

For to judge of the said considerations, you must have recourse to that which we have said in the two former Bookes of generall and particular significations of the Houses, Signes, Planets, Aspects, and particular situations of the Planets in Signes and houses: having alwaies before your eyes, the disposition of starres in the figure of the Nativity. For if a Planet be in the Nativity greatly unfor­tunate, and in the revolution well disposed, it cannot much profit because of the first infelicity.

Likewise, you must judge of those which be fortunate in Nativities, which being unfortunate in revolutions, do no great damage. There be some that contemplate here­upon, many other things, the which by experience I have often found unprofitable, false and superfluous.

Chap. VI. Of the yeares governed by the Planets, called of the Arabians Fridarie.

IF the Nativity be by day, then the Sun governeth the first 10. yeares, Venus 8. yeares following, Mercury 13. years after that: then the Moone the 9. following, Saturne 11. yeares, Jupiter 12. Mars 7. the head of the Dragon 3. the taile of the Dragon 2. When it is by night, you must begin at the Moon, the which governeth the first 9. years. then Saturne, Jupiter, Mars, Sol, Venus, Mercury, the head of the Dragon, and the taile, the numbers by order as we have said before.

Many by great curiosity, have added to this company o­ther Planets to every government, the which I find by good reason to be reprehended by the Chaldeans. For experi­ence hath often taught mee, and other very expert in this Science, that this subtilty is too curious, vaine, & superflu­ous.

[Page 105]

The Table of the Fridaries by Day.
  Years. Months. Dayes.
1 5 5
☉♀ 2 10 9
☉☿ 4 3 13
☉☽ 5 8 17
☉♄ 7 2 22
☉♃ 8 6 26
☉♂ 10 0 0
11 1 22
♀☿ 12 3 13
♀☽ 13 5 4
♀♄ 14 6 26
♀♃ 15 8 17
♀♂ 16 10 9
♀☉ 18 0 0
19 10 9
☿☽ 21 8 17
☿♄ 23 6 2
☿♃ 25 5 14
☿♂ 27 3 13
☿☽ 29 1 22
☿♀ 30 0 0
32 3 13
☽♄ 33 6 26
☽♃ 34 10 9
☽♂ 36 1 22
☽☉ 37 5 5
☽♀ 38 8 17
☽☿ 40 0 0
41 6 26
♄♃ 43 1 22
♄♂ 44 8 18
♄☉ 46 3 14
♄♀ 47 10 16
♄☿ 49 5 6
♄☽ 50 0 0
52 8 17
♃♂ 54 5 4
♃☉ 56 1 21
♃♀ 57 10 8
♃☿ 59 6 26
♃☽ 61 1 22
♃♄ 63 0 0
64 0 0
♂☉ 65 0 0
♂♀ 66 0 0
♂☿ 67 0 0
♂☽ 68 0 0
♂♄ 69 0 0
♂♃ 70 0 0
73 0 0
75 0 0

[Page 106]

The Table of the Fridaries by Night.
  Years. Months. Dayes.
1 3 13
☽♄ 2 6 26
☽♃ 3 10 9
☽♂ 5 1 22
☽☉ 6 5 5
☽♀ 7 8 18
☽☿ 9 0 0
10 6 26
♄♃ 12 1 22
♄♂ 13 8 18
♄☉ 15 3 14
♄♀ 16 10 9
♄☿ 18 5 6
♄☽ 20 0 0
21 8 17
♃♂ 23 5 4
♃☉ 25 1 21
♃♀ 26 10 8
♃☿ 28 6 25
♃☽ 30 3 13
♃♄ 32 0 0
33 0 0
♂☉ 34 0 0
♂♀ 35 0 0
♂☿ 36 0 0
♂☽ 37 0 0
♂♄ 38 0 0
♂♃ 39 0 0
40 5 50
☉♀ 42 10 10
☉☿ 43 3 15
☉☽ 44 8 20
☉♄ 46 1 25
☉♃ 47 7 0
☉♂ 49 0 0
50 1 2
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Chap. VII. Of Profections.

FOr the Profections you must resolve the twelve hou­ses of your Nativity in equall parts upon the Eclipse, so farre as the ascendant is in the first degree of any signe: the second house shall be in the first degree of a signe fol­lowing, and the third, in the first degree of a third sgine: and to conclude, that every house begin by the first degree, as the first house.

Also every house will containe thirty degrees, and the first thirty degrees of the first house, shall appertaine to the first yeare wherein the infant is borne: the thirty of the second, to the second yeare: the thirty of the third, to the third yeare, and so consequently untill twelve. Twelve yeares passed, you must begin againe at the first, and then come to the second, third, fourth, &c. and so from twelve to twelve you must renue the same circuit.

If you find the revolution within the thirty degrees serving to your yeare, it signifieth some good or evill, ac­cording to his nature, or good or evill disposition, & sig­nification of the place, of which shall be the said profecti­on; that is to say, of the places of life, sicknesse, death, or good health; of the places of goods, riches, losse, or po­verty, &c. Commonly they seeke the profection of five places of one nativity, that is to say, of the place of the Sunne for honour; of the place of the Moone for the qua­lities of the spirit, towards the body and externally goods; of the place of the part of fortune, for gaine, and profit; of the tenth house for the actions; of the ascendant for the life.

If the Sunne be giver of life, it must be considered as giver of life, and giver of honour likewise, the which you must do also in other places, when they import many significations. If then you find any planet within the thirty degrees of your profection, & would know what moneth or day the accident by him signified shall happen▪

Looke what distance you have betweene the first point [Page 108] of your profection, and the faid Planet, if there be 15. degrees betweene them, the said accident shall happen out in the end of sixe months: if there be twenty five de­grees, at the end of ten moneths, for here two degrees and an halfe, value one moneth, one degree valueth twelve daies, and foure houres, thirty minutes value sixe daies, five minutes one day.

Of this there is a very exact Table among the docu­ments of Peter Pitat upon the Ephemerides. Example of the profections. Suppose that the ascendant of a nativity was the fifteenth degree of Scorpio, I would know where the profection shall light of the ascendant at the end of ten yeares after the child borne. I account tenne signes from the ascendant, after that, I find the fifteenth degree of Virgo serving after ten yeares, accomplished to 11. currant. I say then that in the said time, the profection of the ascendant is come in the fifteenth degree of Virgo, & shall end that yeare in the fifteenth degree of Libra: and also shall contain thirty whole degrees, within the which if any Planet be found, it shall signifie good or evill of the life, according to the nature and disposition, as if in the said time.

Mars being in the fifth degree of Libra, I would say that the infant should be troubled that yeare at the end of eight months, because that Mars was in the place profe­ctionall of life, distant from the first point twenty de­grees. We have shewed before, that two degrees and an halfe value one month, five degrees two months, and fifteene degrees sixe months, and by course, twenty de­grees eight moneths. You must note, that the profecti­ons ought to fit to the yeares currant or compleat. It is to be understood the tenth signe, as for incontinent after nine yeares compleat, which is ten yeares currant, &c.

Chap. VIII. The Lord of the Circulation, from the Lord of the houre of the Nativitie.

THe Babylonians hold for a great secret, the Circu­lation of the Lord of the houre of the Nativity. It is to be understood, that the Lord of the said houre signi­fieth of the life, as the ascendant: and the Lord of the houre following, of goods as of the second house: and the Lord of the third houre, of brethren as the third house, and so consequently of others.

In revolutions, they give the Lord of the houre of the Nativitie to the first yeare, the planet following to the second, and so consequently following the naturall or­der of the Planets. As if one were borne in the houre of Venus, that Planet should raigne the first yeare, the se­cond yeare Mercury, the third the Moone, the fourth Saturne, the fifth Jupiter, the sixth Mars, the seventh Sol, the eighth Venus, the ninth Mercury, and so by order. And you must note, that we take here the yeares currant, and not compleat, for to fit the said circulation of the Planets.

Chap. IX. Of the circulation of the Lord of the Ascendant, and of the Planets, which be in the Ascendant.

THe circulation of the Lord of the Ascendant, and the Planets and parts which be in the ascendant, they be even as we have said of the Lord of the houre of the na­tivity, and by the same order you must place them. The yeares of the age of the child, by judgement, we have made mention and proofe of Revolutions.

Chap. X. Of the Eclipses, and great Conjunctions apper­taining to the Revolutions of Nativities.

THe Eclipse of the Sunne, and the conjunctions of the superiour planets, causeth commonly many evils, after the congruence of the starres, and nature of the signes and planets raigning in the said places, to men cau­seth [Page 110] sicknesses, when they be within the five next degrees of the Ascendant, or to the giver of life: if they touch the other parts, Planets or Houses, they pronounce evill for­tune, appertaining to the significations of the same places; principally, if in the same time of the nativity any such constellations were in force. If they touch the places pro­fectionals, they do almost the same effect as in nativities.

Chap. XI. Of the particular meetings of all the yeare.

COncerning the particular meetings of all the yeare, Ptolomeus, John de Regiomonte, Ganrique, and many others, do rest hard upon the Profections, Mensturnes, and Diurnes, of the which you have a perfect Table in the Booke of directions of John de Regiomonte, having more subtilty and curiousnesse than truth, as I have often found by experience. It answereth better my opinion Schonor, which every day considered, if any planet touch the places of the Planets, parts & houses, of the nativitie, or their good or evill aspect, that I do apply to the places profectionall. As for example, let the ascendant of a na­tivity, or the place of his profection be the twelfth degree of Libra, the Sunne in the fifteenth of Gemini, Mars in the fifteenth of Leo: alwayes, and as often as the Sunne, or the Moone do passe over the 15. degree of Leo, the man shall be moved by angry accidents, as of displeasure, of some alteration, paine of the head, fevers, hot impo­sthumes, tetters, &c. Likewise when it toucheth the fifth degree of Scorpius, or of Taurus, there where the qua­drate aspects be within the place of Mars, or the fift of A­quarius, which is the place opposite to Mars. If any Planet touch the fifth degree of Libra, or of Gemini (there where the Sextile Aspects be) or the fifth of Sagittarius, and of Aries, (which make the Trine Aspects of the said Mars) it shall signifie some favourable meetings of Captaines and men of warre.

If the ill fortunes touch not the said twelfth degree of [Page 111] Libra, as we have said in the Ascendant, that shall be signe of some evill meeting, as well to life as to the body. Like­wise you must judge of other attouchments, according to the nature of the aspects by us explained, in the second Booke. You must contemplate the places profectionals. For I do apply every degree and minute to the dayes in the which their signification fall, and regard the good and evill aspects of the Planets every day, if they touch the degree profectionall. As for example, of the said nativity in the which was the Ascendant Libra, suppose that the profection was come to the twelfth degree of Cancer, in the ninth yeare compleat, and the tenth currant; The thirteenth degree of Cancer, serveth to the twelfth day after the proper day of the revolution.

Wherefore I consider then the Aspects of the Planets towards the said thirteenth degree. Likewise, so I do of other degrees and minutes, fitted to those dayes in the which they governe. And so much for Revolutions.


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