MARTIN'S ECCHO: OR A REMONSTRANCE, FROM His Holinesse reverend Young Martin Mar-Priest, responsorie to the late Sacred Synoddicall Decretall, in all humility presented to the reverend, pious, and grave consideration of the Right Reverend Fa­ther in God, the Ʋniversall Bishop of our soules, his superlative Holinesse Sir Symon Synod.

WHereas his Holinesse, Reverend Young MARTIN-MAR-PRIEST, taking into his Grave and Learned consideration, the insufferable Arogancy of our Ambitious aspiring Presbytrie, their super-Prelaticall Supremacy, their ravenous blood-thirsty malice against the poore Saints of the most High GOD, their inordinate insatiable covetousnesse after the fatt things of the Land, their unparalel'd hypocri­cy, their plausible pretences, their incomprehensible policy, craft and subtilty, their cunning insensible encroachments upon the Pri­viledges of Parliament, the just Liberties and freedome of the Peo­ple, their enchanting delusions, wherewith they bewitch both Parlia­liament [Page 2] and multitude, the cruell Thraldome, inhumane Slavery, in­sufferable bondage they would Reform us and our Children into from Generation to Generation, their powerfull endeavours to make the Parliament betray their Trust, break their Oathes, pull downe Old Courts of Tyranny and Opression, to set up new; free us from Episco­pall Persecution, to devour us with Presbyterian cruelty, convey our native Rights and Freedome to the Pontificall usurpation of the Cler­gy, that neither wee nor our Children after us, ( notwithstanding the expence of our Estates, ruine of our Families, effusion of our Blood to redeem them) may live in the Land, without the hazard of Imprisonment, losse of goods, banishment▪ hanging, &c. except wee be Presbyterian, these and many other things of high concernment, reveren'd Young MARTIN taking into his serious and deliberate consideration, and seeing this eminent irrecoverable ruine, ready to devour both Parlia­ment and people, hang over their Heads, threatning certain destruction to us and our Posterity, if not timely and suddenly prevented; Hereup­on his Holinesse, reverend Young MARTIN, out of sincerity to God, and naturall love unto his distressed Country, most willingly became servant to your superlative Holinesse, to ease your burthen in this your toylsome time of Classicall Exaltation, of a little State-Ambition, and spirituall Supremacy, and as much as in him lyeth, to vindicate the Pri­viledge of Parliament, our Birth-rights and native freedome from your divine Spirituallity, ehat you might have the more time to stuffe your guts, extend your panches, cram your bellies, farcinate your ventricles, snort out Directories, blurt out Ordinances, grin at Christ, and snerle at his Sectaries, and for his meritorious pious endeavours, MARTIN ex­pected a reward, as very justly he might; but to cloake your covetous­nesse and ingratitude, you pick Quarrells against him for some small failings in his Treatise; I hope you will deale better with Mr. Prynne for his mid-night Dreames, his distracted subitaine apprehensions, I can tell you▪ he expects it, but MARTIN might have considered your in­gratitude to the Lord Bishops, from whom formerly you received the Holy Ghost, with all your spirituall Preferments, and were first put in­to a capacity of Lording it, as you now doe, over the people, whom, like ungra [...]ious children, viperous vermine, inhumane Caniballs, notwith­standing their grace and favour, you have devoured up, and share their [Page 3] inheritance amongst you; ( O divine pillage! gratefull children!) Or if he had considered your pious providence to make sure the Ordinance for Tithes, before you could be inspired with the Directory, hee would first have had his 400l. per annum, with the Deane of Pauls house, con­firmed by an Ordinance of Parliament, upon him during his naturall life, like as our Brother Burges hath ( a super-Episcopall Induction!) or else dedicated his labours according to your antient practise, to some great Lord or other in the Kingdome, in whose hands was the despo­sall of some good Church Livings, and then doubtlesse, the spirit of his Lord ( like as it was wont to doe with you,) would have moved npon Dr. MARTIN▪ to lift up his hands, and elevated his eyes unto the skies for his Lordship, his most honoured Lord and Patron, or rather have done, as now in your divine Wisedomes, you find it expedient to give us example, all Livings being fallen into the hands of the Parliament, to have Dedicated my Book, To the Honourable House of Commons, &c. But forasmuch, as instead of a considerable gratuity, you threaten to deal with him as ill or worse then your bloody Fathers did with those Worthy and Faithfull Servants of God and their Countrey, Barrow, Greenwood, Penry, and others, hee is resolved to deal with you accor­ding to your Iniquity, yet that you might have nothing against MAR­TIN, and that his Holinesse ( like yours) might appeare immaculate and Infallible to to the whole World, MARTIN Proclaimeth and Remonstrates to all persons Ecclesiasticall, by what Name or Title soever dignify'd or distinguished, whether Archbishop-Calamies, or other inferiour single-sol'd Presbyters, That his Holinesse, Reverend Young MARTIN MAR-PRIEST, freely offereth plenary Pardon and full Remission to that Trayterous blood-thirsty Man-eater, Sir Symon Synod, for his foule ingratitude, his malicious, mischievous, murtherous Debates, Con­sultations and Conclusions, to shed the innocent blood of His Holinesse, Reverend Young MARTIN MAR-PRIEST, and deliver him as a Prey to the monstrous, Psal. 58. 6. huge Iron Fangs, and venomous Boarish Tusks of his son Jack, and his bloody Crue, (* Break their Teeth, O God, in their mouth: breake out the great Teeth of the young Lyons, O LORD:) if the said salvage barbarous Caniball, Sir Symon Synod, the next day of Humiliation, after the publishing hereof, shall very penetentially, ( as if hee were to Preach a Fast Sermon) come in unto Reverend MARTIN, [Page 4] and humbly submit himself to his Holinesse at his Sanctuary in Tolera­tion-street, right opposite to State-opression, and Synodian Tyranny, and there humbly before Reverend Young MARTIN, confesse his evill, ac­knowledge his errours, and be heartily sorry for the same, live sociably and quietly amongst his Neighbours, never molest or injure any man for Conscience, suffer his Teeth and Nayles to be pluck'd out and pared by an honest Independent Barber, that hereafter hee may never bite nor scratch, and then peaceably returne to his Parochiall Charge, render up all the goodly fat Benefices in the Kingdome to supply the necessities of the State, pay their Arreares in the Army, gratifie their Sicke, Lame, and maimed-Souldiers with a Reward more honourable ( according to their deserts) then a Ticket to Begge, supply the calamity, poverty and misery of poor Widdows and Orphans, whose dear Husbands and Fa­thers have been slayen in the service of the State, and not ( out of Syno­dean State-policy) to save their Charity, subject the innocent Babes to be led by the Spirit into Indian Deserts and Wildernesses, and under pre­tence of Authority, rob the tender Mothers of the fruit of their wombs ( a wickednesse insufferable in a Common-Wealth) and to send the Free­borne out of their native Protection, to Forraign Destruction, least the Cry of the Fatherlesse and Widdows should call for reliefe out of their fat Benefices, Pontificall Revenues, &c. O the Civetousnesse of the Priests, and the Mercy of God (as the Germaine saith) endure for ever, If hee shall hereto assent, renounce the Ordinance of Tythes, be content with the good will of the vulgar, lay downe his State-Ambition, and usurpa­tion of the Civill Power, suffer the Commons of the Land ( both rich and poor) which are a free-born people, to enjoy quietly their own native freedome, that we may freely & unanimously engage our lives, fortunes and estates in the just defence of the Parliament, whom we have ho­noured, and are still ready to honour with the sacrifice of our hearts blood against their Enemies in all fidelity, uprightnesse and syncerity, for their just Priviledges, and redemption of the Common Liberty of the Com­mon people of England, &c. and that as wee have been faithfull, and done better service for the State then all the English or Scotch Presby­ters in the Kingdome have done, that in justice and honour to the Par­liament and Kingdome of England, wee may equally enjoy our Free­domes and Protection with them, and be numbred amongst the Free­borne [Page 5] of the Land: If Sir Symon shall hereunto freely assent, and hum­bly accept of this grace offered, Reverend Young MARTIN-MAR­PRIEST poclaimeth unto the whole world, that after the assure­ment thereof, he will not deride you any more, but will as freely ingage his life and fortunes for honest mild Presbytry, without any grutch or heartburning for by-past injuries, as for any other Sect of people what­soever. But if Sir Symon shall reject this grace and favour freely offered to him, and to all the Sir Johns in the Kingdome by his Holinesse, re­verend young MARTIN MAR-PRIEST, out of his divine Clemency thus gratiously extended from his Holinesse, that the said MARTIN ( with reverence be it spoken) Remonstrates and Proclaimeth to the whole Assembly of Sir Johns, and to the whole Kingdome, that come Bondage, come Liberty, come life, come death, come what come will, by the grace of God, Young MARTIN is resolved to unmaske your villany to Posterity and lay a foundation for a future, if not for a present recovery of the Priviledge of Parliament, and Liberties of the common People from your Synodicall Classicall Presbyterian pre­dominancy, and therefore Sir Symon be advised betime, accept of this Grace and favour offered, harden not your hearts, as in the dayes of the Bishops, least the fierce wrath of the Lord, even sudden destruction fall upon you, as it did upon them, for be assured, swift and fearfull destruction and ruine does attend you, and the Lord will avenge his Quarrell at your hands, and as it is done unto your Fathers the Bishops, so shall it be done unto you, and if your rising ambition be not suddenly repell'd, your rise, reigne and fall will be terrible to the King­dome, you may delude the people a while, but the time hastneth, that the people will call you to an account, the Lord grant, it be not as I fear, by the sword.

As for your 400l. (Sir Symon) thy many perish with thee, thou art in the gall of bitternesse, and in the bond of iniquity, &c. And MARTIN must have a 1000. Tyth Goose-egges per annum forsooth, well said Sy­mon Suck-egge: I thought somthing was the matter, that made you so lusty, Sir Symon, you have such good store of Egges, 'tis true indeed, the holy Tribe's as venerious as venerable, but Martin, for the honour of his cloath, will whist there a little.

Well Sr. Simon, if you wil not mend your manners, Martin wil observe [Page 6] heares all your Postures, and tells you plainly, that hee'l not only fall upon your bones himself, but hee'l set his Celestiall Brother, Christopher Scale-Skie, his Chatachisticall brother Rowland Rattle-Priest, his di­vine Brethren, Martin Claw-Clergy, and Brtholmew Bang-Priest, all upon your back, and amongst us all, we shall in time turne up the foun­dation of your Classicall Supremacy, and pull downe your Synodean Spheare about your eares; Behold a Troope commeth Sir Simon, MARTIN is of the Tribe of God, though an Hoast of Sir Johns over­come him, yet hee shall overcome at last, yea, hee'l jeare you out of your Black Cloaks, and make you asham'd of King Henry the Seventh Chap­pell, and be glad to worke with your hands, or to be content with the good will of the vulgar, and then it will be too late to compound with Reverend MARTIN and his Divine Brethren, therefore consider with your selfe, Sir Simon, before the Mighty Acts of the House of Mar­tin come out against you, wee doe not intend to dally with you, wee'l handle you without Mittins, thwack your Cassocks, rattle your Jack­ets, stampe upon the Panch of your Villanny, and squeeze out the filth and garbidge of your Iniquity, till you stink in the nostrills of the Com­mon-People, yea, wee'l beat you and your Son Jack, gutts and all in­to a Mouse-hole, ther's not one of the MARTINS Tribe, but's a man of mettle, and hates a Tyth-devouring persecuting Priest, as he hates the Devill, scornes their bribes, and bids defiance to their malice: These are to advise you Sir Symon, turne ye to MARTIN, into Toleration­street, ye stiffe-necked generation of Priests, least the fierce wrath, and fore displeasure of Mighty MARTIN fall upon you, confound you and your whole Sir John generation, Root and Branch; hearken ye rebel­lious Assembly unto MARTIN, persecute no more, take no more Tythes, be content with the good will of the Vulgar.

But to leave off jeasting, on the sudden I am struck with compassion over you, to remember the great complaints made of divers of you, that the hedge of your Vinyard is broaken downe, all Government and Discipline of the Church laid in her grave, Burges, Serm. Nov. 5. 1641. pag. 60. and all the putredinous vermine of bold Schismaticks, and frantick Sectaries glory in her ashes, making their fall their owne rising to mount your Pulpits, &c. and alas ( as old Ephraim saith) your poor Church is oppressed, and who layeth hand to help, the plague of Heresy is among you, and you have no power to keep the sick from [Page 7] the whole; The Wolves that were went to lie in the woods, are come into your sheepfold, and roare in the holy Congregations. Oh thou Shepheard of Israel, why hast thou broaken downe the HEDGE of this thy Vinyeard, which thy right hand hath planted? The Bore of the wood, and the wilde boast out of the field doe devoure, &c. Heresiog. pag. 41.

I cannot but very much deplore your grievous losse thereby sustained; But why did you your selves put to your hands with such violence to break down the HEDGE by pulling up the Hedge-stakes thereof, the Lord Bishops, &c. as was evident by your Petitioning and Preach­ing against them, and therefore if the Wolves, or the wild Beast of the field, or the Bullock MARTIN roare in your Congregations, waste and devour your Vinyeard, yet doe not you blame the Parliament for it; what would you have them alwayes to attend you, that as soon as you, at your pleasures have pluck'd up the Bishops, the Old stakes, that they be ready with their Hedging-Betles to knock downe the new stiffe Presby­ters into their Holes? such hath been their good service to the Church and State, that for my part, it should not much trouble me to see them all well knock'd downe; I mean to see to Dr. Burges, and a competent number of his Brethren, set downe upon their Presbyterian Thrones, judging the Tribes of this our Israel; Oh then our Church would shine most gloriously in their Sattin doublets, and cloakes lin'd through with Plush, their Wives and Children Flourish like young Princes, their spits fill'd with Pigges, Geese and Capons, their Caldrons with beefe, their barnes with Corne, their Pastures with sheep, their Prisons with Hereticks; Widowes, Orphanes, and Lame Souldiers, standing with their Pitchers, begging Pottage at others doores, and the Independants, Brownists and Anabaptists driven into Augure-holes, as it was in the Primative times—we have forgot the Chapter and Verse, and so cannot quote the place, wherefore dear Brethren, for the accomplish­ment hereof, let me advise you in good sober-sadnesse, to take MAR­TINS Counsell: for I have seriously considered your indefatigable industrie, to wrestle through this Great Worke of Church Reformati­on from Episcopacy to Presbytry, and your difficulties, lets, and in­conveniences to be innumerable, your enemies inexpugnable, despe­rate and factious, yet ( Good Sym) be not discouraged, let not your hands be feeble, your tongues remisse and silent, or your inventions [Page 8] slow and unactive, for a great part of the people of the land, besides our Scoth Brethren, advanced lately as far into the South, as from Brampton­Mo [...]re to Westmerland for your assistance, are all yours, by vertue of the Holy League and Covenant, which they may in no wise falsefie, untill they see it convenient for them so to doe, as in your most sacred Ex­hortation to the taking of the said League and Covenant you have taught them, pag 4.

The Churches Reformation, as hath been often declared by our Re­verend Brother, the new Dean of Paules, by Mr. Sedgewick and others in their learned Sermons, hath ever proved a difficult Worke: Nehe­miah and the Jewes with him at the re-building of the Wall of the Citie of Jerusalem was so assaulted by Sanballet, Tobiah, &c. that in one hand they were faine to hold a weapon, whil'st they wrought with the other; doe you every man of you the like, be ye mounted upon your great Coach-Horses, which trundle you too and fro from London to Westminster; mount all your New Canons, and advance like mighty men of Valour, the horsemen and Chariots of Israel, even whole black Regi­ments of you into the fields, under the conduct of your Generallissimo Wil. Twisse Prolocutour, and fire all your new cast Ordinances at once in the face of your enemies, and so finish your Good Worke your selves, and trust your Sacred Cause no longer in the hands of the Profane, nor yet rely upon the help of your Enemies the Brownists and Anabaptists, (those white noone Devills, as Mr. Edwards in his Antipol. very vertu­ously calleth them, which now will hardly ever doe you any good, though formerly they intruded themselves into your service) but ob­taine an Ordinance to expell them especially, and all their Tub-preach­ing out of the Cities of Strength, Garrisons, and severall Armies, yea forth of the Kingdome, to the depopulated Cities in Munster in Ire­land, and so wash your owne hands ( Pilate-like) from their blood, by delivering them to the Rebells, to slaughter them for you, and then there is no feare but your Worke will prosper and goe forward, if that withall you be but carefull to continue your zealous course of Fasting, Long Prayers, &c. and in the mean time, cease not to possesse both Par­liament and People, that all that oppose you by word or writing, ( though never so conformable to Truth) are unnaturall enemies and Reb­bells to their Countrey, and insufferable in a Common-wealth, and [Page 9] that it is not against your Sect and faction they onely strike at, but through your sides all Persons, Lawes and Government, both Magiste­riall and Ecclesiasticall, even utterly to confound all, and reduce all to confusion and community, and leave us neither the face of a Church or Common-wealth, as in your various Sermons and Writings you have in a good measure already performed; these are onely to put you in remembrance of these things; I know you are not ignorant hereof, let not their writings come into the publike against you, and if they chance like MARTINS, to steale into the world, be sure to blast them with Non-sense, Ignorance, Blasphemy, Heresy, &c. to prejudicate the people against them, and make those Sectaries, and all, who like the men of Su [...]eoth, and the Inhabitants of Meroz, refuse to come into your as­sistance against the mighty, seem odious and contemptible in the affe­ctions and estimations of your hearers, with infamous reproaches, lies, slanders and calumnies, as if they were the monsters of men, the most vile, blasphemous, and wicked under the whole heavens, overshadow their good actions with an esteeme of Hypocrisy, Vain-glory or the like; if they propose any Course ( though never so considerable and ho­nest) unto the Parliament, for their Assistance, blast it with Sedition, brand it with conspiracy, be sure to anticipate their acceptance, for should they be inclined to their fidelity, it would be very prejuditiall to your Pollicy, you know what you have to doe, deale wisely with them, so that they neither see nor perceive it, if any Petitions for re­dresse, or Remonstrances of their miseries from them be presented to the House, let them have a courteous and compassionate acceptance, and a friendly compliance in some trivialls to keepe them in hope, and deferre their businesse through the urgency of present occasion to ano­ther time, and like humble moderate men, they'l depart with much con­tent and gratitude for your favourable respect, and thus suspend the businesse; and it will bury it selfe in a small processe of time: But if they shall further persist, and renew their addresses to the Parliament, be sure to traduce the Promoters and Presenters of such matters, as too furious and heady, and reward their sticklers and chief men in the bu­sinesse with a Prison, and then the poore innocent soules will easily let the suit fall, and you may tread upon them most triumphantly, like mire in the street.

[Page 10] Further, you must be very vigilant in their conversations, and if you catch them in any failings or transgression, remember them in your Pulpits, draw them out to the full length, set them upon the Tentures, aggrevate them to the utmost; As for their Tenents, sift them, and cull out those that the Vulgar distaste and speake ill of, and thereon be sure to lay load, so shall you more easily grind to powder the credit of their faction, and worke your wills over them.

For their opinions that are generally received, and reputed as Or­thodox, christen them with other Names, such as is contemptible and ridiculous in the vulgar acceptance, and under that Banner you may render them and all that they hold wicked and intollerable in a Com­mon-wealth, and conquer them as you please.

And in your dealing with them, take your advantage at their sever­all and various opinions, their controversies and dissentions among themselves, make their divisions greater, if you can possible, but be sure to present them in a Multiplying-glasse to the People, that the people may conclude, there's nothing but madnesse and confusion a­mongst them, and be afraid to come neer them, thus maugre their In­nocency and uprightnesse, your designes will be carried on the more smoothly against them through the people.

These my Instructions and such like chiefly relate unto your Predica­tory practise, wherefore I would have you, according to your lawdi­ble custome, before you devote them to the Presse, pare off such passa­ges as too grosly betray your pollicy, or may incite them to a just vin­dication of themselves, and a discovery of your knavery, as passages which only in speaking had their use, the more to inculcate, and the better to set on the matter, Cor. Bur­ges, Serm. but would not have been so gratefull in wri­ting, &c.

I speake not this to undervallue you, Nov. 17. 1640. for I know you are most ex­pert thereat; If you have any Designe against them, conceal your purpose, Epist. Ded. p. 2. and face your intentions with some shew of lenity, or tender respect over them, be sure of substantiall pretences in the procurement of Lawes and Ordinances against them, observe the temper and humour of the Parliament, which way it runnes, and be sure to comply there­with, magnifie them, as if they were so many Gods, buzze into their ears things sutable to their natures, and so you shall make them your [Page 11] owne, incense them against those that oppose your Ambition and Co­vetousnesse ( as I know you can easily doe it) and then they will Vote for you against them, and an Ordinance will be quickly dispatch'd to en­joyne all men under the paine of a Fine, Imprisonment without bayle or Mainprise, and Banishment (except MARTIN) not to speake or write against the Directory, to engage every one in the forfeiture of— that abstaineth a moneth from his Parish-Church, and the like; such like Ordinances, if you'l be but wise, you shall have at your pleasure, and Brethren, I doe not blame you of folly, only as a Brother I advise you: You must not respect what your Adversaries say against you, you must be instant in season and out of season, never leave undermining and suggesting with plausible specious pretences, if one Project faile, set up­on another, never give out, till you obtaine your just desires, your new intended High-Commission, I know I miscall it, but you must pardon my weakness, lapsus linguae non est error mentis, you can never long en­joy the inheritance of your Fathers without it; What though your Adversaries say, such Courts are unlawfull and destructive to their Li­berties, you must not regard what they say, tell them, Burges, Serm. these Whips of Scorpions, the back-breaking, heart-sinking Courts, which are now broken downe and dissolved, Nov. 5. 1641. were unlawfull for the Bishops, but not for the Presbyters, that know how to use them; you must be carefull that your Directory, pag. 54. and all other your Ecclesiasticall Acts, be with great sanctity and reverence ador'd amongst the People, or else your esteem will goe downe, and this cannot be done without some severe Lawes, Ordinances, and the like to that end, which you must put the Parlia­ment upon, you know your Power, and Influence upon them, they'l gratifie you with such toyes, it may be the Sectaries will tell you, that while they have hearkned unto you, to deale evilly with them, the Lord hath delivered their strength into the hands of the enemy.

While they were in debate how to suppresse the Anabaptists, &c. Exeer became a prey to the enemy.

Another time consulting upon your motion, to send them out of the Land, the Besiegers at Newark upon Trent were routed, all their Armes ta­ken; &c.

[Page 12] And when you had over-powred the Parliament, and had procured an Or­dinance to be drawn up to suppresse them in the Armies and elsewhere, the day before it was to be drawn up, Newes came that his Excellency was wholly routed in the West, bagge and baggage, all their Armestaken, and forced to composition for their lives.

And now being busied to satisfie your cry to fortify your Directory, &c. in the meane time Lecester is taken, thousands put to the sword, &c.

The Sectaries will tell you these are tokens of Gods wrath to forewarne them from hearkning longer to your delusions, but doe not beleeve them what ever they say, or can make out against you with unanswerable proof, steel your hearts against them, make to your selves faces of Brasse, and out-brazen them in your Pulpits, though they ma­nifestly make it appeare, that you have been the fomenters, and are the proroguers of this Warre, that you intend to enslave the Kingdome in greater bondage then the Bishops, &c. to confute them before your hearers, Newcom. and regaine and retaine your esteem, cry to the LORD, if wee have done this, Serm. if there be such iniquity in our hands, then let the ene­my persecute our soule, Craft & Cruelty. and take it; let them tread downe our life upon the earth, and lay our Honour in the dust, &c. and the people will beleeve you; N [...]v. 5. 1643. I need not tell you, you know it by experience, you can wipe off a thousand of these infamies with a wet eye; you see, I improve my witts for your advance above the State and People, pag. 39. but doe not thinke evilly of me for my loving advise, as some unhappy Varlets would make me beleeve, who say that you are intended for a reserve to the City, least their fatt Beefe and Mutton should putrifie in the Butchers Shambles, I heare that you have more mind to eat then to fight, and I partly beleeve it, I would it were otherwise; if you thinke it not yet convenient to restraine the wicked Anabaptists, Brownists and Indepen­dants from spilling their blood, and ruinating their families, to helpe forward your Reformation, be carefull to keep them from all places of Command, as you did in the new moulding of your Army, that so you may be able to crush them at your pleasure, least according to your practice and Principles for the Preservation of Religion and Liberties, as dear to them as to your selves, they should having power in their [Page 13] hands, scramble for a share amongst you. Knit your browes against them, thunder them in your Pulpits, and especially when you are Vi­ctorious against the Kings party, otherwise be somewhat silent, as if you meant to suffer them to inherit in the Kingdom their native Birth-Rights with your selves, keep them in suspence, least they should be too soone wholly discouraged, and so in your greatest need desert you, as you know not what may come to passe. Yet neverthelesse, accor­ding to your usuall customes, in Lords, Knights, Aldermen, and Gentle­mens houses, you may privately sollicite against them, declare them to be the only disturbers of the Kingdomes Peace, and so keep them un­der contempt and ignomie, and though their valour and fidelity be never so prosperous and successfull, yet possesse them, That God useth the wicked for his own ends, and often effecteth glorious things by them, yet he will destroy them, and those that are competitours with them in the end, so that though they suffer some of them to venture their lives in their behalves, yet they must be wary, that in the end, when the Cavaliers are all kill'd, holy Presbytry established, and our Seotch Brethren gone home againe, that according to their Covenant taken for that entent, they conscionably and piously recom­pence the remainder of them, with the Gallowes, Prison, or banish­ment.

But some happily will say, that this will be very hard measure, thus to requite your friends, you may be sure that they are none of your owne faction that so say, and consequently destitute of the Spirit, and so not able to judge in cases of this nature, for it is the spirituall men, such as your selves, that judgeth all things, and these themselves are to be judged of no man, 1 Cor. 2. 15. if of your own party, as why not? for it is an evill Rot, where no sheep escape; in that tyrant Nero his owne family, some were found enemies to tyranny, then you are to tell them, that you have taken a Covenant, which according to our dear Brother Ed­wards his interpretation, bindes you thus to doe, as you will as swer it at the last day; and the spirit of all the Prophets must be subject to the spirit of this Prophet, 1 Cor. 14. 29. according to the obedient example of Mr. Prinne, in his second dosen of Queries, the last page, as I take it, and Old Ephraim Pagett, in his Epist. Ded. to his Heresiogr.

And in the mean time, you are also to move, that Order may be ta­ken, [Page 14] that the Supervisers, whom the Malignants blasphemously and ig­norantly call the Heaven-drivers, because ( as they conceive) by their practise, they drive whole heards to heaven against their wills, which otherwise (as the Arminians say) would have run headlong to hell; that they be very zealous in their places, make diligent search and en­quiry after all Conventicles and private meetings, &c. for they are very dangerous and destructive to your proceedings, for truly their pra­ctise and obedience of Christ, will make your Law and Gospel, your Ord for Tithes, and your Directory, the two Great Commandements, the fulfilling of the Law, and the Prophets your Fathers, of none effect.

Wherefere be ye sure, to prepare an Ordinance against all such pri­vate Meetings, to be published after your next great Victory over the King, that being judged by you, as I conceive by your former procee­dings, the most convenient time, to attempt their totall suppression; un­till which time, seeing they are a great party, and some of them silken ones too, as was lately observed by Dr. Bastwick, who perchance have yet some money left, let that be scraped out of them under one pre­tence or another, and when they have nothing left, they are easily sup­press'd, make them poore, and you may doe what you will with them, Poverty will humble a stout spirit, so that if happily they chance to begger, or lie in the streets, the Spirits as happily may steale them away from you, for your Wisedomes cannot thinke it safe, to car­ry your selves too insolently against them, untill first triumphantly you have set your feet upon your Fathers necks, the Lord Bishops, as the Israelites Captaines did upon the necks of those five wicked Kings. Josh. 10. 24.

One thing I had like to have forgot, which I must needs trouble your patience with, or else all my Instructions will prove dangerous and prejuditiall to you, you must not forget to make all the pulpits in London, to ring against MARTIN, and perswade the people, that he is a Jesuite, and under that notion you'l easily prejudice them a­gainst his writings, but you must doe it cunningly, with powerfull perswasions, and all Presbyterian subtilty that may be, forewarne them of him, as of a Serpent, tell them, That wherein hee is most rationall, and hath the greatest shew of truth, therein hee is most delusive, latet anguis in herba, beleeve him by no meanes, his seeming Reasons [Page 15] are but wiles to entrap you, to delude and seduce your understandings, so that you shall perswade them not to beleeve their owne eyes though they see it never so plainly, tell him that his immitation of your pra­ctise, prosecuting your steps through the Society of JESƲ, the villany of Machiavell, and the taking your sayings into his mouth, to discover your Hypocrisy, subtilty and Pollicy is Blasphemy, and brand him for an Incendiary and a divider of the Two Nations, when 'tis but of your villany from the Parliament and people.

Tell them hee's an Agent sent from the Kings Quarters, to foment Principles of division amongst our selves, to divide us one against ano­ther, &c. when as indeed it is your selves that are the Originall of all our Divisions; You first divided the Kingdome into two desperate Parties, each resolved to devour other, old soaking Episcopacy, and new upstart frisking Presbytrie, wrestling for mastery, and now least any beside your selves should reap the benefit of purchase in this quar­rell, you have, as neer as you can, made a third party, in labouring by your Jesuiticall Machiavilian subtilty to devide the Parliament, con­trary to the trust reposed in them from the godly party, who have assi­sted them with their Estates and blood, and to deny those their faith­full friends of their just deservings, their purchased freedomes, which should they doe, they would be branded as infamous to posterity, even unfaithfull, ungratefull, &c. at meliora spero, I hope better of them, if your wicked Machiavillian Assembly were but taken from them, and sent to their particular Charges. Yea, tell the people, that MARTIN is a Conjurer, and deales with the Divell, and the Spirit of JESUS CHRIST is not in the least measure to be found in his Writings, but are stuffed with nothing but profanenesse, hypocricy, blasphe­my, &c. when by your favour, good Sym, mutatio nomine de te fabula narratur, they are your owne, which in the personating of your Wor­ship forsooth, hee useth, to make a discovery thereof, that the people might not longer be fed with Glosses, Pretences, shaddows, &c.

Thus you may see, MARTIN is very jealous over you, even with an holy jealousie ( and well he may, that hath got such a payre of Reve­rend Hornes,) yet notwithstanding this his pure Advice, elabourately gathered from you forth of the Schools, the venerable examples of the men of your owne Cloath, as also from a dilligent observation of [Page 16] the course of the present Times, hee shall hardly finde either accep­tance with you for the same, or any considerable Reward, the Gal­lowes excepted, &c.

I have many other things to write unto you, which by Pen and inke are not fit to be revealed, which I shall suspend for the present: for it may be, shortly I shall see you, and wee shall speake face to face, and that of mine owne accord I should have endeavoured it, and ere this have come unto you ( even I MARTIN) once and againe, but Satan ( with your Foure Hundred Pound) hindred mee. Wherefore I shall leave you for this time, and commit this my Pure Advice to your sacred Perusall, and apply my self in a word or two to the Common People, as you call them, and so conclude.

REjoyce! Rejoyce, good People, for this blessed Reforma­tion; which is ready, like an Evening Wolfe, to cease upon you, and your loving Friends and Neighbours, stand still gaping with your mouthes, and quietly bow downe your backs, whilst you are bridled and sadled, and let the holy, humble, and gentle Presbyters get up and ride, they will doubtlesse deal very meek­ly with you, and not put you out of your pace, though the Proverbe be, s [...]t a begger a hors-back, and hee'l ride to the Devill, though they have spurs, yet they will not use them; you remember how the Bishops poast­ed you furiously too and fro like Jehu the son of Nimshy, untill with foundring and surbates they had even wearied you of your lives, the gen­tle Presbyters will in no wise ride you so hard, though some Malig­nants would make you beleeve, that Sir John will never be off of your backs, because it is intended hee shall have his holy spirituall Courts in every Parish in the Kingdome, but this benefit you are like to have, that if by his continuall riding, he so gawle your backs and shoulders, that you can no longer endure, but cry out by reason of your soare op­pression, you shall have Liberty granted you, to leap out of the frying-pan into the fire, by making your appeal to the Common-Councell of Presby­ters forsooth, where when you shall come with this complaint, Your Fathers the Bishops made our yoak grievous, and our Parochiall Pres­byters, (those Lyons Whelps,) doe adde thereto, now doe you ease some­what [Page 17] the grievous servitude, and heavy yoak put upon us. You may expect from this Honourable Court, an Answer like unto that of Rehoboams to those distressed people that cryed unto him, Our Fathers made your yoaks heavy, but wee will adde thereto; Our Fathers chastised you with whips, but wee will chastise you with Scorpions, and mend your selves as you can, for we are the divine Power, and consequently the Law-givers both of Church and State, and therefore you are to be content, and submit your selves to your Superiours: your severall Presbyters, in your severall Parishes, that have the rule over you, must in no wise be resisted, but as it is meet, be humbly obeyd in all things, that they shall command you, and their Power is not to be questioned, for the same Power which lately was resident and confind to the breast of one man, to wit, an Archbishop, is inherent, and of divine Right in the body of the Presbytry, and convey'd equally to every particular Presbyter, therefore if their Episcopall Power be offensive and obnoxious to you, never expect to have it otherwise, for your Parliaments themselves cannot lawful­ly help you.

Now have you not cause to rejoyce for this Jubilee, this Yeere of deliverance from your Antichristian servitude to Egyptian bondage? yes sure; therefore, I say, Rejoyce and be glad, & again rejoyce, lift up your heads, for doubtlesse your Redemption draweth nigh, the Righteous shall be delivered out of trouble, and the wicked shall come into his stead. Prov. 11. 8.

But in plain termes ( loving Freinds, Neighbours and Countrey-men,) let us a little reason together seriously: Have not you borne the brunt and heat of this unnaturall Warre? Is it not you that pay all the Taxes, Cessments and Oppressions whatsoever? Is not the whole Burthen laid upon your backs? burthen after burthen, even till your backs breake? How many thousands of you, who were of great estate, are even redu­ced your selves, your dear Wives and Children to misery and extream Poverty? How many Thousands and Millions have you exhausted; yea, hath not your hands been liberall beyond your abilities? how freely have you brought in your Gold, your Silver, your Jewells, Rings, &c. which in London, Midlesex, and Essex, amounted to above 11. Millions, besides Threescore Millions extracted out of the Coun­ties, with the innumerable summes otherwise raised, and spent in this service? Hath not your blood, the blood of your deare Children and Friends, been only engaged and spilt, and is it not daily shed in this [Page 18] quarrell, while the Presbyters clap you on the backs, animate, encou­rage and Preach out your very Lives and Estates, and involve you in all these miseries, and themselves touch it not with the tip of their little finger, you have your Husbands, your Sonnes and Servants impress'd from you, and forsooth, a Priest must not be medled withal, under sacra­lidge, blasphemy or profanesse at least; they are freed from all Char­ges, a [...]d Taxations, and all is laid upon you, and notwithstanding your insufferable misery, your unsupportable charge and oppression under which you groane, and are fit to expire, those greedy wretches are not ashamed to exact their Tythes, though they pluck it out of your Childrens mouthes, there had been more need of an Ordinance to have Cess'd the Priests, and Impress'd them to the Warres, for that would have been more conducent to the Kingdomes good; for should but the King set his Episcopall Clergy, and the Parliament their Presby­terian Clergy in the fore-front of their Battells, forlorne Hopes, and put them in stead of other honest Innocent harmlesse soules, upon all their desperate Attempts, without doubt they would as zealously preach for Peace, as they doe now for warre, they would quickly agree, and turn as they were, rather then loose all, I am confident, this would prove the most effectuall meanes for our reconsiliation, then any that hath yet been attempted; consider this I beseech you, call to mind all your former Expences, Ventures and Cessements for this present War, and the miserable condition you and the whole Kingdome strugleth in, as it were for life, and are now all ready to be devoured, your estates are wasted, your men slayne, your hands weakned, and the Kingdome is fit to be over-runne, your strength decayeth, and your enemie en­creaseth, and all your assistance hath been convey'd through the hands of the Presbyterian Party, they have borne all Offices, and have had all in their owne disposing, but what is become of it? wise men say, that the Treasures and wealth that hath been spent for the man­naging of this Warre, would have maintained a greater Warre seven yeeres longer, some body have feathered their Nests, though yours are bare; now how think you it is otherwise possible, but the Kingdome must be ruin'd, if this course be con [...]inued, and to adde more certaintie of destruction to it, these men now in this our greatest extremity, la­bour to divide the Parliament Partie in twaine; Before the Synod was [Page 19] Assembled, the cryes of the people were heard, their Petitions answered, miseries redress'd, Monopolies removed, Oppression eased, tender Consciences respected, the servants of God delivered out of Prisons, Courts of Tyranny and Oppression suppress'd, &c. But since their Session the case is quite altered, nothing but Jesuiticall and Machiavillian Pollicy hath been on foot, thousands of Peti­tions of poor Widdows, Orphans, and all manner of distressed, oppressed per­sons, who Cry daily, and cannot be heard, and these fatt Priests can have Ordinance upon Ordinance for their ends, they can have the sweat of other mens browes confirm'd upon them by an Ordinance, whiles others cannot have their just requests for their owne Rights answered, though their wives and children perish, our Prebyters wives must goe like Ladies, with their silkes and Taffety, some with their Fans, and silver Watches forsooth hang by their girdles, to please the Pretty sweet-fac'd lovelie Mopphets withall; prittie Things, 'tis pittie there's not an Ordinance al this while for them to weare Rattles: consider this with your selves, and for what your Estates and blood hath been engag'd, The Liberties of the Subject, and the Protestant Religion, now how much, after this vast expence, this sea of blood, of the Subjects Liberties, have you attain'd? even thus much; Hee that shall open his mouth freely for the vindication of your Native Liberties, cannot doe it without the hazard of his owne, yea of his life; I know that the Priests thirst after my blood; but I call the GOD of heaven to witness, would it quench their thirst, and be a ransome for our Posterity, I would freely offer it to the common good: and as for the Protestant Religion, hath it not been lock'd up in the breasts of the Assembly? hath not your faith been pin'd upon their sleeve? your estates spent, and your blood shed for the result of their minds, right or wrong, and so have fought for you know not what? but it may be you'l say, you have engag'd for the suppression of Prelacy, High-Com­mission, &c. you have indeed beat the bush, but the Presbyters have caught the Hare, in stead of one High-Commission, in the whole Kingdom, you shall have one in every Parish under the name of a Parochiall Sessions, besides the generall High Commission call'd the Common Counsell of Presbyters, now have you not, to shun the smoak, skipt into the fire? is the matter any thing amend­ed; sure you have got a worthy Reformation, but it may be you have a better esteem of these new Courts, then of the Old High Commission; let me aske you? doe you thinke that they'l be better then their patterne? let me give you a glance of the Proceedings of our Scotch Brethren in Ireland, and I think you may discerne a Bear by his paw: One Timothy Miller, and Adam Lease, Englishmen of Belfast in Irel being chosen to the eldership there, but through [Page 20] their ignorance of the Office, and inability to performe their duties therein, they refused the place, whereupon they were summoned to appeare before the Presbyters of the Scotch Nation at Newtowne, Aug. 7. 1644. Mr. Macke­leand Minister being Moderatour, where after many eatching Intergatories to entrap them, Mackeleland demanded, if they had taken the Covenant; their answer was yea; Mackeleland said, you shall fare the worse for it, and we will deal worse with you, then with him that hath not taken the Cove­nant: They answered, We desire to be dealt by as the Covenant was read and explained unto us, it is not yet determined by the Parl. of England, that the Kirk of Scotland is to be a patterne to the Church of England and Ireland, we now joyn with you in hearing, &c. Mackeleland. We will not let their Church alone till the Parliaments determination, but see to correct and doe what is fitting for present, and the Parliament is bound to give us thanks for so doing. And all that will not joyn with us, and doe as we doe, shall pack and be gone, &c. and in the conclusion they were banished, and could not obtaine a copy of their Censure, Thus you may see what you are to rely upon, if in conscience you cannot submit to any thing they command, you know your wages, you must be banished; and doe not our Presbyters not only labour for the banishment, but for the lives of the contrary minded to them? and is not this think you, as evill measure as ever was measured out of the High-Commission? wherefore I beseech you freinds, consider what you doe, consider the fruit of your bodies, into what slavery you are fit to en­thrawl them, I know you wou'd be loath your children after you should be deprived of trading or living in the Kingdom, though they should differ a little in opinion from others. I could wish wee might lay down this Con­troversy about opinions, and not thus devour, rend and tear one another a­bout them, every one with violence labouring to exalt himself, & his own, but with patience bearing one with another, unanimously to joyn together against the common Adversary, for the generall purchase of our freedomes, &c. for never was there greater need, we are weakned, and divided, and the enemy is strengthned; I may be bold to presage certaine & sudden destruction to the Kingdom, if this breach be not healed, & our differences amongst our selves composed, for how is it possible in all humane judgment, to conquer, or de­fend our selves, when our strength is departed? I beseech you therefore, save your selves from this wicked generation, who have spent your estates, your blood and all, and you are now worse then ever you were hitherto, all hath been in their disposing, and you are betray'd and daily delivered as a prey to the enemy: The Lord deliver us, Amen.

Young Martin Mar-Priest.

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