[Page] SEVERAL PETITIONS ANSWERED, That were put up by the Priests of WESTMORLAND, Against James Nayler and Geo. Fox, Servants of the most High God, persecuted by the Priests of the world, as Jesus Christ and the Apostles were persecuted by the Jewish high Priests for the wit­nessing of the truth, and testifying against the deceits of the world.

With the answer to an Order given forth by the justices at Appleby Sessions, contrary to the Law of God, and the Laws of the Land.

Also, an exhortation to the people, to mind the light of God in them, the teachings and leadings of the Spirit of Truth; the which if it be obeyed, will lead and guide them into all truth.

This is the condemnation, That light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather then light, because their deeds are evill: He that loves the light brings his deeds to the light, that the light may prove them; but he that doth evill hateth the light, neither cometh he to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that loveth the truth, and doth that which is righteous, cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God, John 3. 19, 20, 21 verses.
Little Children, let no man deceive you, he that doth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous; he that committeth sin, is of the Divell: In this the children of God are mani­fest, and the children of the Divel, whosoever doth not righteousness, is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother, 1 Iohn 7, 8, 9, 10.
Marvell not if the world hate you, it hated me before it hated you, Iohn 1 [...]. 18.
Blessed are you when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evill, for the Son of Mans sake, rejoyce ye in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, great is your reward in heaven, for in the like manner did their fathers unto the Prophets, Luke 6. 22, 23.

London, printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black spread Eagle at the West end of Pauls. 1653.

An Epistle to the Reader.

Christian Friends,

REmember the words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who said, the servant was not greater then his Lord, and saith he, if they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also; and saith he marvell not if the world hate you, it hated me before it hated you, if ye were of the world the world would love you, but because I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you, but these are the fruits of darkness, that ariseth from Cains genera­tion; they that are after the flesh, t ey persecute them that are after the Spirit, it is the world that persecutes, and as they are in their naturall state and condition, they know not God, but are enemies both to him, and His, where he is made manifest in Spirit; they that are in the corrupt nature are ignorant of him, according as it is written in the Epistle to the Corinthians, the naturall man knowes not the things of God, because they are spiritually discerned, and no man knowes the Father but the Son, neither know­eth any man the Son but the Father and he to whom the Son reveals him; there is no knowing of God, but by the Revelation of his Spirit: but naturall men such as the [Page] Priests of the world who are ignorant of God and are one­mies to him, being guided by the spirit of error, standing up in actuall Rebellion against God, now that he is Reveal­ing his Son in the hearts of his people, and leading them by the Divine light of his holy Spirit out of Egypt, out of bondage and darkness wherein they have been held in the time of the fall, while the mystery of iniquitie hath been working, and Antichrist sitting in the Temple of God, as God, shewing himself to be God, and the Priests of the world have been casting a mist before the eyes of the understand­ings of the people by their Greek, Latin, and Hebrew, which is but dung, and drosse, earthie, and ayrie, hath driven the people into earthly conceivings & imagination, having no other knowledge of God but by conceiving and imagining of him, & are of those whom the Lord complains of by his servant the Prophet saying, This people draweth near me with their mouth, and with their lips do they honor me, but their hearts is far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precepts of men, therefore thus saith the Lord, I will gather those that have been scattered in the Cloudie and dark day, and I will teach them my self, and write my Law in their hearts, and put my Spirit in their inward parts; then shall ye know that I the Lord have spo­ken it, and I will take you from among the hearthen, and gather you out of all Countries, and sprinkle clear water upon you, and cleanse you from all your uncleanness: a new heart also will I give you, and a new Spirit will I put with­in you, and I will cause you to walk in my statutes to do them, Ezek. 36. Chapter. Now the Lord is fulfilling his Promises made of old to the seed of Abraham after the spirit the Immortall seed that is begotten not by the will of man but by the will of God, and born again of water and the spirit, being separated from all uncleanness, and they that live in the filth of the flesh, fulfilling the lusts [Page] thereof know them not that are born again, washed and cleansed, sanctified and justified, and are taught of God and made pertakers of the Divine nature, but are enemies to them, it is the same generation now that persecuts, that persecuted from the beginning, but it is but that the Scriptures may be fulfilled, the Beast shall make War with the Saints, God and Magog joyns together in Battle against the Lamb, the Priests of the world are the greatest persecutors of the truth of God. Now as the High Priest was when Jesus Christ came in the flesh, the chief Priests were the greatest persecutors of him then, stirring up the Rulers, and Elders, and the rude multitude against him, calling him A deceiver and A blasphemer and they spued forth their envie against him in raising false witnesses against him, and every way incensing the People against him to cry out to have him put to death, Saying, Crucifie him, Crucifie him, and let us have Barabbas let loose which was a murderer, and if thou do but Read this little ensuing treatise thou shalt finde something worthy of thy labour being single eyed, thou wilt be brought to see Antichrist or the man of sin in A high measure, the mystery of iniquitie acting in the Priests of the world, that do professe themselves to be the Ministers of Christ, but are of the Synagogue of Satan, and are enemies to Jesus Christ where he is made manifest and raised up in the spirits of any to testifie against their deceits wherein they do deceive the people, and are in the same state and condition that the Jewish High Priests were in, that put Christ to death: as thou readest keep thy eye single and be not Partiall, and thou shalt see that the battell is begun betwixt Michael and the Dragon, & the Dragon he casteth forth floods of revil­ings and reproaches, and persecutions after the man childe Christ Jesus as he is arising in the spirits of his people, to [Page] stifle him in the birth that he may not come forth to raign, and where he is Born up into the understandings of any ruling by the Divine Power of his Spirit in any, the Dragon with his seven golden heads, or the Priests under sever all Colours being the painted Beast that is gilded with their glorious notions, having painted themselves over with the words of the Prophets and Apostles, that suffered by such as they are of the same generation, whose heart is deceitfull and that above measure, being full of subtiltie, the Serpents head being unbruised in them, they labour every way as the Jewish High Priests did, to destroy those who are brought to walk in the same state and condition that the holy men of God did. In former ages, men that were blameless and harmless in their lives and conversati­ons were guided by the holy spirit of God that ruleth in them, I know it by experience, being acquainted with them in their godly conversation, which those Cainish and Jewish spirited Priests goes about to cast dirt upon, making them odious to the world stirring up the people in envie and ma­licionsness against them, if it were possible to take away their lives, and the Jewish high Priests stirred up the rulers and Elders of the people against both Jesus Christ and the Apostles who were his true Ministers, to persecute, Impri­son and put them to death, so do these stir up not onely the rude people in envie and malice, but they stir up the Par­liament and Rulers of the people by their false petitions to incense them against a harmless and an innocent people to take away if not their lives, yet their liberties, but where the Lord doth appear in any of the Rulers of the people they will see into the wickedness of the Priests that they are those that persecute the Lord of life in his Saints and servants, and they do openly manifest themselves that they are none of the Ministers of Jesus Christ, for they [Page] did never persecute nor imprison, but on the contrary were both persecuted and imprisoned, and so are those to whom Jesus Christ is made manifest in spirit, now the Lord is setting up the Kingdom of his Son in the spirits of his people, and the Kingdom of Antichrist, Babylon, the mystery of iniquity must be thrown down: take heed of holding up that which God will not have to stand, he is setting up the ministery of his Son in the spirits of his People, and throw­ing down the ministery of Antichrist, which is the mini­stry of the world, as it is made manifest hey do openly appear to those that have their eyes in their head. Now friend if thou do but read this with thy understanding thou shalt see that these persecuting Priests knowes nothing of God but are enemies to him, and are guided by the Spirit of error walking contrary to Christ and his Apostles, who were his true ministers and were guided by his holy Spirit, and suffered by the ministry of the word, as those dear hearts do that are guided I am sure by the Spirit of the Lord: and are as dear to him as the Apple of his eye, and if thou do but give thy diligence in reading to Read by the same guide that those are led by that write the ensuing treatise, it will bring thee to see the innocency and upright­nes of their blomeles lives and conversation that they are made to suffer willingly for Righteousnes sake according to the command of Jesus Christ and walkers in his obedience, knowing that their reward is in Heaven, having their conversation in Heaven according to that of the Apostle in the third to the Philip. 20. And their affections being set on things above and not on the earth seeking a King­dom but not of this world, for were they of this world, the world would love its own, but because they are chosen out of the worlds ways and worships, customes and fashions, being dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, [Page] are brought to worship God in spirit being born again of water and the Spirit as John 3. and having their souls purified in yielaing abedience to the commands of the Spirit as the Saints had which more obedient to the same spirit, which purified their souls, as in 1 Pet. 1. 22, 23. Who were born again as these are, Children of the most High God whom the world and the persecuting envious Friests know not; for the spirit that is in them, is not of God. because it Iusteth to envy bontrary to the Spirit of Jesus Christ, which is pure and holy, and is loving, as it is raised up in any to rule and guide them, it beareth all the worlds Judgements, Re­proaches, Revilings, and Persecutions, and suffereth with Joy, having the promise of this life, and that which is to come, thus saith the Lord, woe to the wicked it shall be ill with them, and they shall be rewarded according to their doings as in Isaiah the 3. 10. But say unto the righteous it shall be well with them, v. 11. and saith Jesus Christ blessed are you when men revile you, and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falfly, as the Priests do by those innocent and harmless ones who are dear and precious in the sight of God, and may rejoyce, for their reward is great in Heaven, according to that of our Saviour in Mat. 5. 10. 11. 12. And that of Peter: who saith if ye be reproached for the name of Christ happy are you, for the spirit of grace and of glory Resteth on you, Rejoyce and be exceeding glad: all ye that love the Lord, Blesse ye the Lord, praise him and magnifie him for ever, for the Lord is glorifying himself and making his power known, and all the Crowns, of pride and vain glory, and fleshly exaltation must be thrown down, and the Son of his Love Raised up and exalted in the hearts of his people to sit upon his Throne, Rejoyce for evermore.

A Friend to the Truth of God, where it is made manifest. Richard Farnworth.

To the Right Worshipfull the Justices of the Peace for the County of WESTMORLAND.
The Humble Petition of divers Ministers and other Inhabitants in the said County who earnestly desire the Glory of God, and the Peace of his Church, and this Common-Wealth.

Humbly Sheweth,

THat James Nayler, and George Fox, men whose Coun­try, habitation, profession, and condition, is to us generally unknown, meerly of their own accord, without any Pasport, Licence, or Authority what­soever, that they can shew, or we ever heard of, have entered in to the County, and together with some others their companions and Proselytes, who are risen up among our selves in it, have filled it in some parts with very sad divisions and distractions, stirred up much hatred, wrath, and strife, even between the nearest relations; and powerfully seduced multitudes of People from the Truth, and true worship of God, to imbrace their own corrupt and dangerous Doctrines, and fol­low their pernicions wayes; which things are so notoriously known to all men, that live in these parts, that we need not here say any thing to acquaint your selves with it.

And though these men tell people where they come, that they are sent to them from God, to declare what he hath revealed in them, and labour to perswade them that they come to them with the Authority of [Page 2] the Apostles of Christ, yet our selves do confidently believe and know them to be wicked men, deceivers, and the very Ministers of Satan, as may appear,

  • 1. By the Horrid Blasphemies which they have uttered.
  • 2. By the damnable Heresies and dangerous Errors which they have avouched.

All which they tend not onely to the disturbance of the publique Peace, and safety of the Common wealth, but to the subversion of all Government, we do in all Humility addresse our selves,

Humbly and earnestly praying, as you tender the Glory of God, and the good of so many souls as are or may be iudangered by their impious principles and practices, that you would be pleased to make use of that Authority where with the Lord hath Invested you, speedily to provide for the safety of true Religion and the publique Peace, by checking the wicked endeavours, and proceedings of these men, which we humbly conceive may be at least by ordering James Nayler, and George Fox, &c. being strangers to depart out of this County, and to return to their own homes. Francis Howgill to be of better deportment, specially to­wards the Magistracie and Ministry of England, And by enjoyning John Ayrey, Alexander Dixon, and the rest of the speakers and followers that live in this County, to abide at their own Homes, study to be quiet, and do their own business, labouring in their own calling, which is the Apostles rule, and not to wander up and down the Country, as Se­ducers, to draw Disciples after them, save only in a way of Travell as private men about their own occasions; and the Lords Gracious guidance of your selves in the affairs of so great concernment, we shall ever pray, &c.

This is a true Coppie of the pretended Ministers and professors in this County given up at the Court at last Sessions at Appleby.

Severall Petitions answered, that were put up by the Priests of WESTMORLAND.

Priest. TO the Right Worshipfull the Justices of the peace for the County of Westmor­land.

Answ. Them that are right, deny Acts 19. 27. John 5. 44. John 4. 22. Prov. 20. 3. Rev. 14. 7. all worships, and worship God, and ho­nor the Lord, All honour and glory be gi­ven unto the Lord. Now Man where is thy honour? Yet I honour all men in the Lord.

Priest. Obj. The humble Petition of divers Ministers, and other inhabitants in the said County, who earnestly desire the glory of God, and the peace of his Church, and this Commonwealth.

Answ. The Ministers of God never put up a Peti­tion Gal. r. 1. John 18. 35. to an outward Magistrate to maintain the Church of God. Here you shew your Ministery is of man, and must be upheld by an earthly power: and here you shew that Church is carnal, and must be maintained by a carnall weapon, as the Jews did, which came against [Page 4] Paul, and said he was a pestilent fellow, who did witness Acts 24. 5. Acts 17. 6. Col. 2. 17. forth the substance, Jesus Christ, of all these types and figures which the Jewes lived in, therefore his do­ctrine did overturn them, to the letting forth of the Gal. 3 13. 1 Pet. 3. 19. seed: for that Mind that held up the Figure, did not own the substance Jesus Christ, when he was come. Now all you pretended Ministers of Christ, Jesus 2 Tim 3. 5. Mark 3. 22. Christ is come and made manifest in his Saints; you who have the form deny him, and the power, and some call it witchery, some of the Divell; but that Na­ture can do no other, for it is the same naure that was in the Jewes, who would maintain their way, and hold up their customes, and persecute him that was the sub­stance, and called him Divell: But the Church Jesus Christ is the head of, and the Church is the pillar and 1 Tim. 3. 15. Col 1. 24. Rev. 5. 9. ground of truth, and Christ hath redeemed his Church with his blood, and who are redeemed by the pretious blood of Iesus Christ, are of the Church, and them I do witness, and not one of them shall be plucked out of John 10. 29. his hand, whom the Father hath given me, saith Christ, John 10. 28, 29, 30, 31 My Father which gave me them is greater then all, and no man is able to pluck them John 18. 36. out of my Fathers hands. I and my Father are one. Then the Iews took up stones to stone him, Christ hath no carnal weapon to maintain his Church, for his king­dom is not of this world.

Pr. Obj. Humbly sheweth, that James Nayler and George Fox, men whose countrey, habitation, profession and condition is to us generally unknown.

Answ. It is true, our habitation is with the Lord, and our Countrey is not of this world, neither are our conditions known unto the world; for who had the power of truth was never known unto the world, where [Page 5] the same power is made manifest, 'tis so now, the world John 15 19, 20 Heb. 11. 14, 15, 16. John 15. 18. knows them not, therefore they hate you, and persecute you, the Scripture's here fulfilled, As they have done unto me, so will they do unto you, saith Christ. Here the Scripture is fulfilled.

Pr. Obj. Merely of their own accord, without any pasport, or license, or authority that they can shew, or we ever heard of, entred into the County, and together with some others their companions and proselites risen up among our selves.

Answ. The Ministers of God never were sent forth Mat. 23. 24. Gal. 1. 1. Jer. 23. 31, 32. by the authority of man: Here you shew your selves to be blind guides indeed, Paul an Apostle, not of man, nor by man, but by Iesus Christ; neither was the Go­spel he preached, according to man: and this do we witness, that our authority is not from man, neither our call from man; for he that speaks of himself speaks a lie; and all you who speak, & not from the mouth of the Lord, are fals Prophets, and there you shew your selves to be no Prophets of the Lord, no Ministers of the Go­spel; for if you were the Ministers of the Gospel, and had not received it of man, nor your Gospel according to man, then would ye witness us; for that which we preach, is not after man, neither according to mans will, but by the will of God: For we are not made Ministers by Oxford and Cambridge, for that we deny. Gal. 1. 21, 12. Gal. 1. 1. We stand condemned by you who are Ministers of the Letter, and not of the Spirit, who are Ministers by the will of man, and your Call and Authority is by the will of man.

Obj. Hvae filled it in some parts with very sad di­visions.

Answ. Truth did make division when Deceit was at [Page 6] peace: For Christ said, I come not to send peace on the Mat. 10. 34, 35 earth, but a sword, for I am come to set a man at va­riance against his Father, and the daughter against her mother, the daughter in law against the mother in law, and here is the Scripture fulfilled.

Pr. Obj. Stirred up much wrath and strife, even be­tween the neerest relation.

Answ. It seems hatred, wrath and strife were within, now truth hath stirred it up. When the strong man ar­med keeps the house, all the goods are at peace, till a Mat 3. 27. Luke 17. 20, 21. stronger come and dispossesses him and spoyls his goods: and here is the Scripture fulfilled, where the 1 Cor. 6. 19. 1 John 3. 8. power of truth dwels, and the Kingdom of God is come, who are indeed the Temples of God; the works of the Divell destroyed, hatred, malice, wrath, strife, heresie and blasphemy, pride, hypocrisie and dis­sembling, where the truth rules, these are destroyed; and where these rule truth rules not, and consider all you pretended Ministers what you have been doing all this while, that there is so much wrath and strife to be stirred up, when the truth comes, for that is it that sets at variance. O all people consider what blind guides you have been led withall, why spend you your mo­ney for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which satisfieth not? Ho every one that thirsteth, Isai. 55. 1, 2, 3. come freely, without mony and without price, hearken diligently unto me saith the Lord, that your souls may live.

Pr. Obj. And powerfully seduced multitudes of people from the truth.

Answ. Whereas we are accused, as seducing people from the truth, it is false: for how can they be in the truth who live in malice, cnvy, strife, and wrath? for [Page 7] they that live in that nature are turned from the truth; which according to your own words much of that is Mat. 15. 9. Col. 2. 22. 1 John 2. 26, 27. stirred up. The Lord hath sent us, and made us to come into this County, to draw up people unto him­selfe, from the Doctrines and Worships of the world. John 11 7. All people are seduced by you whom God hath never sent; for I will prove by the Scriptures that you are se­ducers, and draw people from the teaching within them, to follow your imaginations, what you can study out of the letter which the holy men of God spoke forth freely, the which now you make a Trade of. And Iohn 1 Joh. 2. 26, 27. said, These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you, you need not that any man teach you, but as the anointing teaches you all things. Now if an hundred, or a thousand people should come and deny all you Priests, and witness they had this anoin­ting within them; then this Scripture being fulfilled, John 15. 25. and you denied, such you go about to persecute which witness this anointing within them, and need no man teach them. Herein you shew that you have not the same spirit that was in them that wrot that Epistle, but the spirit of the world; the world did not know them then, which were taught by that anointing, but hated them, as you do now, them that witness the same an­nointing ye hate; ye are the Antichrists of this world, and hate them who are not of this world, and seek to bring them from their teacher within, to follow you who go in the way of Cain to envy, and after the error Jude 11. of Balaam. Here you shew your selves to be seducers, and such we do deny, but to every mans conscience do we look to be made manifest; and we do not seek to draw any one from the anointing within them, but do exhort all there to wait and abide for the promise, [Page 8] which is eternall life to them that abide in the anoin­ting; 2 Cor. 4. 2. 1 John 2. 25. 2 Tim. 3. 3. but you false accusers are without, which the Scripture speaks of.

Pr. Ob. And from the worship of God.

Answ. That is false, to say we draw any from the truth; for we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth, as the Apostle saith: but all corrupt wayes we deny and abhorre, and the worship of the wicked we deny, who have not their names written in the Lambs Book of life, and God is not worshipped with mens hands, neither dwels he in Temples made with hands; and for witnessing this, Steven was stoned to death when the high Priests examined him; which ge­neration you shew your selves to be, in the same nature, holding up outward Temples and Synagogues, which we deny, and seek to draw people from these things. God is a Spirit, and he that worships him must wor­ship him in spirit and in truth, and this worship we own, Rev. 13. 8. Ioh. 4. 22, 25. Acts 19. 27, 24 and draw people to it up to God from all beastly wor­ships, outward Customes imitated of man, which is an abomination unto the Lord.

Pr. Ob. To imbrace their corrupt and dangerous do­ctrines, and pernitions ways; which things are so noto­riously known to all men that live in these parts, that we need not here say any thing to acquaint your selves with it.

Ans. Corrupt Doctrines & pernicious ways we deny, which are all your ways you proud Baals Priests, for 2 Pet. 2. 2. 15. 2 John 1. 9. Luke 7. 9. he that doth abide in the Doctrine of Christ, hath God, and he that doth not abide in the Doctrine of Christ, is of the Divell: Iesus Christ is made manifest, who witnesses forth the eternall truth to poor souls, who have lived in darkness and blindness these many [Page 9] hundred years have the dark ministery reigned, but now the God of power is uttering his thunders, and Rev. 10. 34. making his power known, and the eternal word of God is made manifest in us, this we witness, which we preach forth, to the glory of our Father, Praises, praises be un­to thee alone Lord God Almighty, who art now set­ting up thy own Kingdom. And the same judgement do ye give upon us as the Jews did upon Christ and the Apostles; for the Apostle while he was in the Jewish Religion, in their outward worship, as you are now, they looking for a Christ coming without them, as you do now (at which time) Paul was at peace with them; but when he did preach Iesus Christ that was revealed Acts 21. 27, 28, 30. in him, then they haled him out of the Temple, and persecuted him, & could not own nor beleeve what was revealed in him: so if any should come amongst you now, and tell you that God dwels not in Temples made Acts 17. 24, 25. with hands, neither was he worshipped with mens hands, ye would hate them, beat them, or stone them, as they did the Apostles. This ye do that the Scripture might be fulfilled, The time shall come, when they shal John 16. 2. put you out of their Synagogues, and shall hale you be­fore Magistrates, and who shall kill you will think he doth God good service: And do not you shew your selves openly to be of this generation? Will you have another meaning for the Scriptures? There are but two ways, the one is pure and leads up to the Father; the other stands pretending God and Christ, which way you are in, persecuting us who posses the truth. Here's John 8. 41, 33. Luke 13. 24. the stand.

Pr. Ob. And though these people, tell people where they come, that they are sent to them from God to de­clare what he hath revealed in them, and labour to [Page 10] perswade them that they come to them with the Au­thority of Christ and of the Apostles, yet our selves do confidently beleeve and know them to be wicked men, deceivers and the very Ministers of Satan, as may ap­pear.

Answ. Our call we witness is of the Lord, not by man, that makes you whose call is by man so persecute Mat. 23. 33. 34. Gal. 1. 1. 1 Cor. 1. 26. 27. 28. us; your own will is standing, you rage against any that come contrary to the will of man, if ever you witness that call whereby all the Prophets and Apostles were and are sent, you will not question our Authority, the Lords work is spirituall, 'tis him alone that fits them, and furnishes them with power from on high to bear witness to the Truth: and whereas you say before, that you know not our Country nor condi­tions, yet here you say that we are wicked men and deceivers, yea the Ministers, of Satan, it seems you care not what you say, but say and unsay any thing to root out the innocent, you are lyars, and are with­out Rev. 22. 15. Isa. 54. 17. Mat. 26. 65. among dogs, murderers, sorcerers, whoremongers, whose portion is in the lake your weapons that you form against the truth will not prosper, but the Lord hath discovered you to some, and is raising up a light, whereby your deceits will be laid open, with evill Jam. 2. 4. thoughts ye judge, who are the Ministers of Satan, and by the wicked imaginations of your own hearts, counts truth blasphemie, and puts light for darkness, as ever the Priests did.

Pri. Obj. 1. By their horrid blasphemies, which they have uttered, secondly by their damnable Heresies and dangerous errours, which they have avouched.

Ans. Blasphemy and Heresie whereof we are accused we do deny, that which is false and errors we deny, for [Page 11] they are without God, and that is your own conditions Gal. 2. 12. and there ye live without God in the world, and who are Acts 4. 32. in the truth are of one mind and one heart, now all the Priests see, which pretend Gods and faith, whether you be in one faith, which if you do consider, (faith which is the gift of God) ye know it not, it cannot be bought and Eph. 2. 8. Act. 8. 19. 20. 21. sold for monie, And shew me in the Scripture that ever the Prophets, or Apostles had a set way of the world, or seeked to the world for augmentations or tithes, do Mat. 10. 8. not ye shew here the spirit of error, erring from the way of the Apostles, And do ye not shew your selves in the same generation of them that Peter spoke of who live in wickedness, and go after the error of Baalam and 2 Pet. 2. 13. 14. 15. in the way of Cain to persecute the righteous seed where it is come: here thou makest but a rod for thy own back who liveth in uncleanness, sporting in the day Pro. 26. 3. Jude 10. 2 Pet. 2. 13. time, feasting, rioting, and such are as naturall bruit beasts, and what they know they know naturally, whose Judgement lingers not, whose damnation slumbers not, wo unto you, for you go in the way of Cain, and the Lord is coming in power, to pour his plagues upon the beast, you beasts who doe not abide in the truth.

Pri. Obj. All which tends not onely to the disturb­ance of the publique peace, and fafety of the Common­wealth, but to the subversion of all government.

Answ. That is false, it is not our intention to destroy the Commonwealth of Israel, for a Commonwealth Eph. 2. 12. is to bring up all into purity and Justice, righteousness we set up, own and honour in our souls for conscience sake; And Justice is to keep peace, and that we own, Justice is not to make strife, nor debate, but to keep peace, and he bears not the sword in vain, but he that doth pretend Justice, and is partiall, and hath an evil [Page 12] eye, and rules with his own will and tyrannic, that we Jer 25. 10. Hosea 4. 2. 2 Tim. 3 4. Prov. 21. 22. Prov. 28. 9. Prov. 15. 8. 9. Rom. 8. 22. Psal. 146. 9. Rom. 13. 12. deny, for the Commonwealth is destroyed for want of Justice, the Land mourns because of Oathes, the Land mourns because of wickedness, drunkennes, fight­ing and wrangling carding and diceing, shovelbord and bowling, all these filthy pleasures ye lustfull ones which holds them up we deny, for this cause the Creation grones, but Justice we own, let every soul be subject to the higher power for all power is of God, that soul is subject to the power of God, all these works are de­nied, and this Justice which keepes peace, and righte­ousness we own, honour and set up in our souls.

Pri. Obj. We do in all humility adress our selves humbly and earnestly praying as you tender the glory of God.

Answ. The prayers of the wicked are abomination to the Lord, and your humility is fained, it crouches Prov. 12. 22. Prov. 28. 9. Col. 2. 18. Psal. 146. 9. to one and persecutes another, here you shew your selves to be no Ministers of Jesus, Christ, for your weapons are carnall ours spirituall sayes the Apostle casting down spirituall wickednesses in high places, which we wit­ness: and here you shew not the same spirit that was 1 John 4. 6. in the Apostles, but of error.

Pr. Obj. And the good of so many souls as are, and may be indangered by their impious principles and practises, that you would be pleased to make use of that Authoritie wherewith the Lord hath invested you speedily to provide for the safety of true Religion and the publique peace.

Answ. If you be Ministers of God, ye are to watch Heb. 13. 17. for the souls, tell me how many souls ye have led out of death, but you are in the flesh, and your Ministry is carnall, Cain is alive in you, and the soul ye know [Page 13] not, for it is in the death, therefore dissemble not thou deceiver, telling people of a soul, for thou art him that keepes in the death, and shuts the Kingdom of Heaven Mat. 23. 13. Jam. 5 6. Acts 7. 52. from against men and knowes not the soul, for that is shut up from thy understanding, that minde shall never know it, thou art a murderer of the just, and watchest for thy means, and if meu will not give it thee, thou fues them at the law, therefore dost thou use carnall weapons to maintain thee, in thy carnall Ministry it shewes thy weapons to be carnall and not spirituall, shewing thy Kingdom to be of this world, And here doth, not thou shew forth damnable doctrines; for shame blush.

Impious principles, and practises we deny, they are your own, which keepes poor souls in death; your preaching the carnall Letter to the carnall minde, and your carnall weapons will not maintain you, but you seek to a Magistrate, here you shame your profession, for where the truth is springing, the pure seed arising, you cannot suppress it with your carnall weapon the Letter; then you run to a Magistrate without to suppress it, while we all lived under your Ministry, and what you spoke we took it for truth as being naturally blind, hearing you blind then you owned us, but God now Mat. 15. 14. of his infinite love and mercy according to his promise hath gathered us, who have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day, following such shepherds as you which fed your selves, and cloathed your selves with the wooll, made a prey upon us and sought for the Fleece, Ezek. 24 12. 13. 14. 8. 10. but God as he hath said, he hath fulfilled, I will ga­ther my sheep from their mouthes, and my sheep shall be a prey no longer unto them, and will feed them in a good pasture, and we witness the Scripture fulfilled, [Page 14] therefore do you hate us, and seek to persecute them in whom Jesus Christ is made manifest, but it is that the Gal. 4. 29. 2 Tim. 3. 12. Scripture might be fulfilled, he that is born after the flesh persecutes him that is born after the spirit, and if any man live godly in Christ Jesus he must suffer per­secution; here the Scripture is fulfilled, you shew your selves to be carnall indeed you must have an outward Authoritie to rule your Religion, for shame give over your profession, for pure Religion he that lives in it, and walkes in it, hath power over his own tongue, and is kept unspotted from the world, and doth visit the fa­therless, Jam. 1. 26. 27. widowes and strangers, and this hath not an outward power to order it, but is guided and ordered by the spirit of the Lord, to the Lord himself, to whom be praises for ever, and such we own in our souls, and such ye seek to persecute, and instead of relieving and Rev. 8. 14. receiving strangers, you give them a report or scandall, as wanderers, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, who preached the everlasting Gospel, the world knew not, and who forsook their own country and sought for another, whom the world was not worthy of, and you Heb. 11. 38. Heb. 13. 1. 1 Tim. 5. 10. shew your selves to be of that generation, he that was a minister of God did exhort to receive strangers, by that means some received Angels, and the same eternal word hath God made manifest, and sent his servants to witness it forth, and to warn you all of wo and misery that will come upon all uncleanness, and ungodliness, and some of them you prison, some of them you beat Mat. 10. 17. Mat. 27. 1. 20. Mat. 26. 3. 4. and mock, and scourge in your Synagogues, and some of them you hale before Magistrates; And the chief Priests were ever the ringleaders to slay the righteous seed where it was born, wherein the Scriptures come to be fulfilled, and you shew the fulfilling of them upon [Page 15] the children of the Lord, and the words of Jesus Christ true, but he is coming who bears the government upon Isa, 9. 6. Psal. 23. 1. Col. 1. [...]8. 1 Thes. 1. 1. his shoulders, he alone will rule them, who rules all nations with a rod of iron, he alone will be their teacher, and their Shepherd, he alone rules his Church, who is the head, but this Church is not of this world, nor maintained by any weapon of this world, the true Church is in God, yours vvithout vvho maintain it with a carnall vveapon, you vvould have a speedy sup­pressing of the truth, vvhere it is risen, here you shevv your selves to be of that number vvho call evil good Isa. 5. 20. Acts 13. 50. Acts 22. 22. and good evil, and even the generation of them, that vvould ever have had truth suppressed, when it was ri­sen, Amos 7. 12. as they said to Christ depart out of our coasts, as they said to Paul, 'tis not fit such a fellow should live upon the earth, as to Amos, go thy way into Judah pro­phecie there thatvvas the Kings chappell, and he told them the songs of the Temple should be turned into Amos 8. 3. pla. 119. 120. howling, so shall that nature, which hath turned Davids quakings and trembling into meeter, when ye read them, hats ye keep on, and vvhen ye sing them hats ye put off, and worship the vvorks of your own hands, shewing the spirit of error.

Pr. Obj. By the checking the vvicked endeavours and proceediugs of these men.

Answ. That is the blasphemer indeed vvhich vvould have the truth chect, and be limitted, It is vvritten the beast shall blaspheme God and his Temple, And Rev. 13. 6. God hath raised up a light in many that are Justices to reprove that nature in you vvhich is fawning and flat­tering, and you will fawn upon them, vvhile they vvill Mica. 3. 5. give you means, but if they give you no means, then you prepare vvar against them.

Pr. Obj. Which vve humbly conceive may be at [Page 16] least by ordering James Nayler and Geo. Fox, being strangers, to depart out of this County, and to return unto their own homes.

Ans. You pretended Ministers of Christ, which do but conceive with an earthly power to hinder the pro­ceedings of that which you conceive to be error, which is the eternall truth; and which conceivings arise out of pride: Here it shews that you have not an infallible judgement, and as it is written, God will scatter the Luke 1. 15. proud in their imaginations: and there is your por­tion. All people though you now despise us, and cast reproches & slanders upon us, ye shal eternally witness us; but it is that the Scripture may be fulfilled, There shall be false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of them that are good, having a form of godliness, and 2 Tim. 3. 3, 4, 5, and so on. denying the power thereof, vvhich the Apostle saw then creping into houses, leading silly women captive, always learning, never able to come to the knowledge of the truth, and this doctrine hath spread abroad, and ye are in it, having the form are not the people yet lear­ning silly vvomen, indeed some thirty years learning, some fourty, some fifty, some sixty years learning, yet must be taught still, therfore you and your doctrine we utterly deny: For as the Apostle saith, ye need not that 2 John 2. 20, 27. 1 John 3. 13. any man teach you, you know all things; but these vvere not of the vvorld, nor are they of this vvorld, vvho vvitness this teaching, nor the Teachers.

Pr. Object. Francis Howgill to be of better de­port, especially towards the Magistracie and Ministe­rie of England.

Answ. Would you have Francis Howgill to be like unto the World your selves? Is he going from the power and prince of the air, which rules in you, the [Page 17] children of disobedience, therefore you hate him. Ephes. 2. 2. Iohn 15. 19. Justice he owns, which cuts down corruption, which brings all into an upright carriage and righ­teous way towards God and man: this he owns and honors in his soul; the Ministers of God he owns, and such as bear rule by their means, as Ie­remy cried out against, so do I, and such as are gre­dy dumb doggs, which seek for their gain from Ier. 5. 30. 31. Isai. 56. 10, 11 their Quarters, which Isa. spoke against I speak a­gainst; and such as are hirelings, which Micah cried out against, I cry out against; and such as seek for the fleece, and cloath with the wooll, and feed themselves with the fat, and kill Exck. 34. 2, 3. them that are fed, Ezekiel cried out against such, and fo do I, the pure seed being made manifest in me, lets me see you to be such now, see if you can excuse your selves. And all such as who lay heavie burdens upon the people, and say they are Mini­sters of Christ, and act those things which Christ forbids, I deny: For, saith Jesus Christ, they are called of men Masters, and have the chiefest places in the Assemblies, stand praying in the Syna­gogues, Matth. 23. 4, 5, 6, 7, 14. Matth. 6. 5. whose prayers are heathenish, and love the uppermost rooms at feasts and love greetings in the market: and under a pretence make long prayers, devouring Widows houses. A Widow hath no husband, and Christ cryed woe against all such, woe was their portion, they painted them­selves with other mens words; painted sepulchers, full of poyson within; woe was their portion, and there you are, woe is your portien; he that upholds that which Christ cried out against, is an Antichrist, and would you have him uphold An­tichrist, [Page 18] and deny Christ? the world never received Christ, but Antichrist. The Apostle saith, They go in Iude 11. the way of Cain, and run greedily after the error of Balaam, wo unto them: Are not all the Priests here? And would you have this set up, which all 1 Iohn 4. 1, 2, 3 the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles cried out a­gainst? Where the same Spirit is made manifest, it sees you all in error, blaspheming God and his Temple.

Pr. Obj. And by enjoyning Tho. Ayrey, and A­lexander Dixon, and the rest of the speakers and fol­lowers, that live in this County, to abide at their own houses, study to be quiet, and do their own business, labouring in their own calling, which is the Apostles Rule, and not to wander up and down the countrey as seducers, to draw Disciples after them, save onely as privat men in way of travell about their own occasions.

Ans. Tho. Ayrey, and other friends, whom you would have to abide in their own callings, according to the Apostles Rule, and study 1 Cor. 7. 20. 2 Thess. 2. 3. to be quiet, that they own, but the witnessing forth of the truth doth disturb the man of sinne, which makes it now appear; he that is called of the Lord being a servant, is the Lords freeman; like wise he that is called being free, is Christs ser­vant; ye are bought with a price, but be not ye the servants of man. Brethren, let every one wherein he is called of the Lord, there abide with the Lord. This call is a holy call, which calls into 1 Cor. 7. 22, 23, 24. holiness and righteousness, without which none shall see the Lord; and this call is not of man. And the Apostles Rule we do own and witness; but as [Page 19] for seducing people we deny, it is your own pra­ctice, we were all seduced by you, till God did en­lighten 1 Pet. 2. 9. Iob 33. 30. us, & bring us out of darkness into his mar­vellous light, by which we testifie against all the works of darkness; and all who are brought into this light, are one in unity, & as the Apostle saith, 1 Iohn 1, 7. Iude 20. Isa. 54. 13. exhort one another daily as the light doth appear, building up one another in the most holy faith; and all the children of God shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of them.

And the Saints went from house to house, who were as one soul, and met together in singleness of Acts 4. 32: Acts 2. 46. heart; here you shew your selves to be deniers of the practices of the Apostles, and of the Saints, and would tread it under foot, and shew forth a beastly nature, under the pretence of humility, which is meer hypocrisie, and no good at all to poor souls, nor for Justice, nor for the Common-wealth, nor for pure Religion, nor for the Church of God, nor for godliness; but onely for your carnall states, and for fear of losing your carnall means, doe you rage; for they that own pure Religion, own us, the Church of God owns us, and they that own justice own us; and who owns the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles, own us; but you who have their forms, and not their power, persecute us, so shewing your selves to be haters of the truth. The Apostles Rule and use was, to go up Matth. 28. 19. and down the countrey, who were Ministers of God, and rejoyce in them whom he had made Mi­nisters to witness forth the truth, and did plainly declare they had no certain dwelling place. How dare you take the Apostles for your cloke, and [Page 20] their words, and act contrary to their life, they were guided by the Spirit of the Lord, and they did draw Disciples after them, out of the world and earthly mindedness, in whom the substance of all Types and Figures was made manifest, they Acts 4. 32. 2 Tim. 4. 10. had one heart, one minde: some indeed did for­sake them, and imbraced the present world, as Demas: so would you have us to forsake the power of truth, and imbrace the present world; then we should not abide in the calling, wherein we are called of the Lord. See what a confusi­on is in your words.

Object. And for the Lords gracious guidance of your selves in the affairs of so great concernment, we shall ever pray.

Answ. You are blinde without the truth, and Prov. 28. 9. your prayers are an abomination unto the Lord, and they who have the gracious guidance of the Tit. 2. 11, 12. Lord will witness us; for the free grace of God that brings salvation, you have turned into wan­tonness, it teacheth them to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, them we own; where this grace doth guide, we have unity with them; but where this free grace hath appeared, and is turned into wantonness, them we deny, and there is your conditions: the grace of God hath ap­peared in many of the Justices, which hath brought them from under your bondage, which will not be your Executioners, to execute your wrath and malice upon the harmless, innocent people: It hath been of late, that they who lived under your Ministry, the Lord alone was pleased to manifest himself in them, so that they [Page 21] are brought to deny you, and declare what was freely revealed in them; presently you cryed out against them, and had them before Magistrates to suppress the truth, praised be the Lord who hath enlightened many by, and with his own light, and is setting up his own Kingdom to his own glory; praises, praisesbe unto the Lord God Rev. 11. 15. Almighty: never did the Apostles go to any Ma­gistrate to suppress people, strangers, who wit­nesse forth the power of truth in any; where it appears, that you have not the same Spirit that was in them: It is the evil in you which would have the truth it self suppressed. It is of great concernment for you to stand up to maintain your Kingdom; for if truth rise, ye shall lose your Kingdom, eternally shall you witness us to be no Seducers, be ye witnesses against your selves, Mat. 23. 31. that ye are witnesses against the power of truth.

Another Petition put up by the Priests in Westmerland.

Priests Petition. TO the Right Honorable, the Justices of peace for this County of West­merland.

Answ. That which is Right Honorable, is that which is pure, which is of God, which worships the Father of heaven and earth; now all people fear John 5. 41; 44. the Lord Jesus Christ, and see if there be not cor­ruption within, that would be honored and wor­shipped, [Page 22] as ye read in all the Scriptures; they who honored the Lord Iesus Christ, cryed against deceits; and Iesus Christ testified against the works of the world; and the Apostles testified against the same; but that which was pure, they John 7. 7. set up in their souls, and so do we, and honor in our souls.

Priests Petition. The humble Petition of seve­ral Gentlemen, Ministers of the Gospel and others, friends and servants to Iesus Christ, his Gospel truths and Ordinances, and the general wealth of this Commonwealth and Nation.

Answ. Never did the Gospel Ministers put up a Petition to a Magistrate to maintain the Gospel, nor the servants of Iesus Christ, wherein it ap­pears Mat. 10. 10. 2 Cor. 10. 14. 2 Cor. 3. 6. 1 John 3. 12. John 4. 21, 22, 23, 24. that you are Ministers of the Letter, which is carnal and death, and you must have a carnal weapon to hold you up; for shame give over your Profession: and you profess humbleness, your humbleness is to persecute; here you shew forth the nature of Cain, and void of the knowledge of Iesus Christ; and the Ordinances of Iesus Christ was never set up by man, but man who lived in his own will was ever against them; and you know not his Ordinances, for they that knew his Ordinances, were not persecutors; but Paul before he was a Minister of Iesus Christ, and knew his Ordinances, he came with Letters from the Priests, to persecute the Saints who be­lieved in Iesus Christ, and were of one soul, and Acts 9. 2. Acts 22. 4. Acts 20. 7. Acts 4 32. met together, yea in the night time, all night, where it shews you have but the form, not the power, which must be turned away from, accord­ing to Scripture.

[Page 23] Priests Petition. Sheweth, that in the late wars, we, or the most of us, did expose lives, liber­ties, estates and relations, with all other per­sonal advantages, in the just defence of Religion and Liberty, in concurrence with, and main­tenance of the just proceedings of our Parliament; after the prosperous effects whereof, we expect­ed the settlement of the grand ends of our En­gagement, and so much the more, as being the promise of the Parliament, the vows of their af­fections, the price of our prayers, purses, hazards, losses, banishments, and the blood of many thou­sands our fellow servants in the work of God, freely sacrificed in the quarrel of this Nation: what hath been done in the settlement of our Civil Rights, Peace, and wholsom Law, we bless God for; and the Parliament as his Instruments; nor can we but acknowledge, what hath been done by them in the cause of God, as their Acts against Adulteries, Fornication, Swearing, Drun­kenness, Sabboth-breaking, Ordinances against Promoters of Heretical Doctrines, Acts against Ranters or Blasphemers; may the Lord increase the number of these things.

Answ. If ye will own the wholsom Law, ye will own us, but this is but a pretence, for who owns the wholsom Law, denies all corruption; this is but a pretence, whereby ye make a colour to make them that live in the truth, to appear odi­ous unto the world, setting forth your selves unto the world, Pharisee like, and there to make the pure truth odious, through your envious mindes; but the day doth declare all things, your end will 1 Cor. 3. 13. [Page 24] make it manifest, though you pretend your selves to be Ministers of the Gospel, yet your ends will 1 Cor. 3. 13. shew you to be bloody Cains, and it doth now be­gin to appear, the second birth is brought forth, which doth not own your sacrifices, this birth you 1 Cor. 15. 47, 48, 49. seek to slay.

Pr. Obj. Yet so it is, that in this County, severall persons proselytes of one Geo. Fox, and James Nay­ler, do in the time of our Assemblies, ordinarily in a way of contempt and scorn, come in anong us, with their hats on; at time of our prayer or singing used in our Gongregations, some of them shew violent actions in time of Sermon or prayer, or singing, and cry out aloud with horrible clamors, slanders, abuses, reproaches against our Ministers.

Answ. That is false, for our friends shew no violent actions, but are against them, but come peaceably in; and if they be moved by the Lord to cry aloud, who art thou that wilt withstand the Lord? Do not you read in the Scripture, that the Lord sent his Prophets, and bad them cry aloud and spare not. And as for clamors Isa. 58. 1. we utterly deny, it is your own: and as for slan­ders, abuses, reproaches, we utterly deny, it is your own, we are against all filthy minds, that give forth reproaches, but we speak the same language the Scripture doth from the same Word that gave it forth; and your Ministers which go in that path, which all the holy men of God cried out a­gainst, Isa. 56. 10. 11. we speak the same language against them that they did, and by the same spirit, we see them take all people to record to judge, who have a light in their understandings, and the fear of the [Page 25] Lord to judge, do not your Priests bear rule by your means; and was it not a horrible filthy thing Ier. 5. 30, 31. Ier. 10. 21. in the time of Jeremy? and is not the same held up in this age now? and do they not seek for their gain from their Quarters, greedy dumb dogs? Do not they take money for that which is not bread? And do they not now seek for the fleece &, cloath with the wooll, and make a prey of the people, which Ezekiel cryed wo against.

And are you not Hirelings, which Micah cried Micah 3. 11. against, and them that put not into your mouthes, you prepare warrre against them, sue them at the Law, and are you not called of men, Masters? Mat. 23. 6, 7, 8. Have not ye the chiefest places in the Assemblies? Stand praying in the Synagogues? And do you not lay heavy burdens upon the people, which Jesus Christ cried wo against such? Are not you in the same steps here? Let the Scripture it self judg you; and do not you draw people to those things which there is no Scripture for, telling them of a Sacrament, for which there is no Scripture, tel­ling them of sprinkling infants, which there is no Scripture for, telling people they are Ordinances; all such Ordinances we deny: but the Ordinances of God we own. And doth not the Scripture say, He that addes or diminishes, the plagues are ad­ded Rev. 22. 18. Gal. 3. 1. unto him? And were not the Galatians be­witched who were drawn from the anointing within them, which God had commanded? And do not you draw people to the things there is no Scripture for, telling people they are Ordinances, and are not you in the same generation, bewitch­ing people, drawing them from the Spirit of the [Page 26] Lord within them, to follow your imagination and them that do not, you persecute them who obey the commands of God, and the Ordinances of Jesus Christ, to walk in the truth in the inward man, which is unknown to you in the world; but Mat. 10. 22. it is that the Scripture might be fulfilled, They shall be hated of all men for my names sake; and they through fained words, shall make merchan­dize of you, saith the Apostle, who go in the way 2 Pet. 2. 3. 13, 14, 15. of Cain to murther, who love the wages of un­righteousness, who have the Spirit of error, and causes people to erre, for the minde that goes from the pure within is erred, and that sets up Baal without, before God; but all whose mindes are guided by the Spirit of the Lord up to God, deny all Baals Priests, now do not say this is railing or false accusing; in these steps are you, which the holy men of God cryed out against, read your selves, and let all men judge; and as for coming into your Synagogues with hats on when ye are singing of Psalms, thou Priest, hast not thou one or two caps on, and when ye read Psalms hats must be on, and when ye sing them hats must be off: here ye worship the works of your own hands. As Davids tremblings, quakings, wastings, weep­ings, roarings till his sight grew dim, and watered his bed with his tears, and roared all the day long, Psal. 6. 23, 6, 7. prophesies, praises, prayers, these you sing, having turned them into Rime, crying, Let ussing to the praise and glory of God, which is all to his dishonor: if one should see one of you lie in Da­vids condition weeping and roaring, and turn it into Metre, and go among a deal of ignorant peo­ple, [Page 27] and cry, let us sing to the praise and glory of God, would you not say we made a Ryme of you? as you have made of David: All such practises and singings we deny, but we will sing with the Spirit, and with Grace and Understanding: The Apostles which you profess in words, you do not read that when they went into the world, they gave Davids Experiences in Metre to sing, but 1 Cor. 14. 15. Mark 7. 13. Col. 2. 8. was against all Traditions of men; and so are we now, with the same Spirit.

Priests Petition. To the stirring up of woful tu­mults, evident disturbance of the work, and the turning of the peaceable Assemblies of the Church of Christ into the grossest confusion.

Answ. For shame never mention your Churches to be the Churches of Christ, which will so soon be turned into confusion, do not so dishonor the Lord Jesus Christ, and so little esteem his Chruch, which is the Pillar and Ground of Truth; and can the Pillar and Ground of Truth be shaken? 1 Tim. 3 15. A Church must be that which is the Ground and Pillar of Truth; the Church of Christ needs not have a carnal weapon to maintain it, but it is now as it was; they who had received the substance came into the Assemblies, witnessed forth the sub­stance, and were haled forth, and bruised, and Acts, 7. 48. Acts 21. 30. abused, stocked and stoned, so do you us now, almost smothered in your Assemblies; how dare you say, ye are peaceable, when ye are so in rage against a peaceable people, who come among you for your souls good, that ye may be directed un­to the Lord, when eternally ye shall witness us, though now you would devour us.

[Page 28] Priests Petition. That their deportent is such, and with so continual violence against the most godly of our Ministers, in all places in their travels, in the streets, abusing them with railing language, scornful behaviours, walking in the Markets with such great numbers together.

Answ. As for violence, we deny it, it is your own, you shew it daily, and in this Petition you make it appear: As for godly Ministers, such we set up, who are made Ministers by the will of Gal. 1. 1. God, and not by the will of man; but such as are made Ministers by Oxford and Cambridge, such we deny; they who are made Ministers by the will of Godwill not persecute any, but here you make your selves manifest not to be such; for if ye were, ye would own us. As touching railing language, scornful behaviour, it is false, it is your own, and herein you do abuse us; such practises we deny, which are according to the course of the world: Was it not the practise of the Apostles to dispute Ephess. 2. 2. Acts 19. 8. Acts 17. 17. Mat. 24. 34, 35 dialy in the Markets, in the Schools, in the Sy­nagogues, and their practise here you do deny, and shew your selves to be in that generation that persecuted the Apostles, who now persecutes us, where the same power is made manifest, but it is that the Scripture may be fulfilled, for every jot and tittle must be fulfilled.

Priests Petition, And scarce passing by any not of their judgement, without abusing words, that it cannot but shew us, as no small Symptomes of bad designs, so no small reason to provide for our security.

Answ. As for abusive words, it is false, it is the [Page 29] abusive minde that speaks, which now appears to scandal the truth: Several of us, who be of one heart, meet together sometimes in the Market, and sometimes in other places; and if we see pride and drunkenness, and be moved to reprove and exhort; see and hear cursed speakers, swearers, moved to reprove and exhort them; or men fight­ing and brawling, cozening, cheating, deceitful marehandizing, lying and disembling, which we say wo is upon, do you call this abusive? and we bid them repent, and turn unto the Lord while they have time, and now to prize it, for the great day of the Lord is coming, wherein every one Rom. 14. 12. shall give an account: And the Apostle warned all, small and great, to turn unto the Lord and repent, which we cannot but do the same, who have found mercy of the Lord, who brought us to repentance, and changed our lives; and this is it which you call abusive: And poor creatures, ye need not seek for security, for there is none of them who are friends of the truth, and in the truth that will hurt you: Now do you shew your selves to walk in the Apostles practise, or quite against it: here you openly shew your selves to be men who would uphold iniquity and vice, and would not have it reproved, but persecute such who reprove the wicked; whose righteous souls are vexed, as 2 Pet. 2. 8. Prov. 10. 24. Jer. 17 5. just Lots was, with your filthy Conversation, who uphold iniquity, and live in it: Tis written, The wicked shall fear, where there is not fear; and did not the true Prophet say? Cursed is he that makes flesh his arm and outs his strength in man.

Priests Petition, That it is their great design to stir [Page 30] up the spirits of people against the Ministers of England in general, without distinction, setting forth and sending abroad daily, almost Libels and slanders against the Office as needless.

Answ. The Spirit of God, if it be raised up, Rom. 8. 10. we do witness it will testifie against you, and all your practises; and whereas we are moved to write abroad, shewing forth the errors and de­ceits of you, which as a scandal you call to be Libels: but if ever you own the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles, ye will own them, which are given forth by the same power and Spirit: and all your Offices which are made by man, and are of man, we deny, and slanders we deny, they are your own, and now you vent them forth.

Priests Petition. Terming them as or under the names of Antichrists, Antichrists Merchants, Tythe Mongers, Robbers, Deceivers, Ministers of the world, Priests, Murtherers, Conjurers, Devils, and attempting to make Proclamations in the open markets to the said effect.

Ans. Are you not Antichrists? do not you act those things Christ forbids, and upholds that which Christ doth forbid, shewing your selves to be An­tichrists? do not you mount up into the highest places in Assemblies, are called of men-Masters? Mat. 23. 2 Pet. 2. 3. which Christ forbids, and said to his, be ye not called so: And do not you buy and sell the Let­ter, make merchandize of it; when as the Minister of God said, that the gift of God could not be Acts 8. 18. 23. 19, 20. bought and sold for money; and said he was in the gall of bitterness who thought to buy it: and here you shew your selves to be in the gall of bit­terness, [Page 31] repent, repent, that the thoughts of your hearts may be changed: and Job said, that Job 28. 15, 16. the wisdom of God cannot be bought and sold for money, nor gold, nor pearls, nothing is to be compared unto it; and do not you shew your selves to be merchants of the Letter, for the gift of God cannot be bought and sold: And do not you openly shew your selves to take Tythe of people, and do not walk according to the Law: Levi, who received Tythes, the strangers, father­less Deu. 26. 12, 13 Deut. 14. 29. and widows were to come within his gate and be filled, which ye do not so, shewing the spirit of error, and yet would be maintained in your deceit, but God in his infinite love hath raised up Luke 1. 79. a light, gathering his people from you, discover­ing your deceit.

Are ye not Robbers? do not you steal the words of the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles, and sell them for money; and so are Theives and Robbers which Iesus Christ spoke of, which goes not in at Jer. 23. 30. Iohn 10. 1. the door, but climb another way; and that Gene­ration persecuted Christ, and here you shew your selves to be persecuting them in whom he is risen.

Are ye not deceivers? when as you draw peo­ple to those things God never commanded, and tell people they are Ordinances of God; As sprinkling of infants, and saying the Steeple-house Col. 2. 22. 20. 21. is the Chruch, and the house of God, and tells people ye are the Ministers of God, when he ne­ver sent you, but studies a Devination of your own brain, and not from the mouth of the Lord: here you shew your selves to be Conjurers, and [Page 32] hold up outward Temples, Traditions and Cu­stoms, Tythes, Formal Singing, Praying; do you not here shew your selves to be Ministers of the world; for what is acted outwardly is worldly, your original is worldly, your Hebrew, Latine and Greek is worldly, your Church is worldly; but the Saints Church is in God, as Paul, Silvanus 1 Thess. 1. 1. 1 John 3. 15. and Timotheus to the Church of the Thessalonians which was in God: Do not you shew your selves to be murtherers, in the generation of the Priests Cain like? do you not shew it openly, do not ye seek to persecute and put in prison: some you have imprisoned, some you have haled out of your Assemblies, some ye have stoned and buffet­ed: do not you shew your selves to be of the ge­neration with the Priests, whose Ministry was worldly, and so ever the Ministry of the Letter persecuted the Ministers of the Spirit: so it is now; here the Scripture is fulfilled.

And are not you of the Devil? they that abide not in the truth, are of the Devil: and do not 2 John 1. 9. you shew your selves to be Devils, of the Devil, Murtherers; he was a murtherer from the begin­ning, and which of you can say, you come to the beginning, but are seeking now to destroy the in­nocent, a peaceable, harmless people, to bring them into prison, and into bondage; do not you shew your selves to be murtherers, seeking to de­vour; as the Iews, who said God was their Fa­ther, when they went about to kill Christ, and were of their father the Devil, doing the lusts of their father; which generation you shew your John 8. 44. selves to be in, envying the righteous seed, where it [Page 33] is brought forth, but God of his infinite power and love, doth preserve his little ones from your hands, from devouring them, to him be all honor, and glory, and praise, who maintains his own truth, and sets up his own Kingdom, whose sword is his Word, and to it shall all Nations bow; though you and many others, who are now fighters against Heb. 4. 12. God, and would have the Magistrates to help you, tis hard for you to kick against the pricks; but Acts 9. 5. God hath raised up a light in many of the Magi­strates to see your deceits, and your envy is made appear.

Priests Petition. That their main drift is, to en­gage the people against the Ministry by reason of Tythes, crying out with open clamor against Tythes, as Unlawful, Antichristian, to the neces­sary overthrowing of the Laws, to that purpose bringing an odium upon the Government, and tending to stir up sedition in the people, to with­draw their due obedience from the Laws and Go­vernment of England.

Answ. The receiving of Tythes is Antichristian: Are ye all blinde? did ever any of the Apostles or Christ receive Tythes, or commanded any such thing? was not he the end of the Law? and where the Spirit of Jesus Christ is, it testifies a­gainst you, who neither walk according to the Law nor Gospel: for whom he made Ministers, Mat. 10. 10. 8. he sent them forth freely, without a bag, or stick, or scrip, without two coats, freely ye have re­ceived, freely give, the workman is worthy of his meat; but here's no Tythes, no Augmentati­ons: now you are not here in the steps of them [Page 34] whom Christ sent forth, but shews that you run before you be sent; and where the Spirit of the Lord is stired up in any, it cries against all such un­righteous wayes.

Whereas you speak of a necessary overturning the Law, there in you shew forth your weakness, and a mingle-mangle of your mind. As for bring­ing an Odium upon the government, it is false; for the righteous Law of God we honor, and set up in our souls, and that is to govern that which is un­ruly and unjust. As for stirring up sedition, as for drawing people from the righteous Law of God, that is your own condition under a pretence of making people believe we deny government and the law; that is false.

If you vvere as carefull and vvatchfull in your own Kingdom, over drunkards, blasphemers, swearers, fighters, liars, if you were as watchfull over them, then you might say you vvere friends of the government, and of the righteous law; but if any come into the markets, and reprove such things, or read a paper in the market against un­cleanness, such you hale out, stone and persecute; herein you shew there is no friendship with the Law; but if a man bring a sieve of Ballads, or Jest books, Rimes or Theames, and sing these in the markets; those are suffered, these Libels are not minded; which shews now your venome against the truth, and against them that speak from the mouth of the Lord.

Pr. Petition. That besides what others perhaps may know of the blasphemies of them, we do plainly see and know, that their practises do ex­ceedingly [Page 35] savour of Sorcery, the quakings, swel­lings, roarings, foamings, and such as we never Gal. 3. 1. Jam. 2. 4. heard of, but such as were possessed of the Divel, of persons at their meetings, and especially of young children.

Answ. You can judge no otherwise, be­ing of the generation of them that perse­cuted Christ, calling truth blaspnemy; but blas­phemy we do deny, sorcery practices we deny, and we see you in that geeration, in witchcraft and sorcery, drawing people to follow your in­vention, who have painted your selves with o­thers words, mystery, witchcraft, all who are drawn from the Spirit of the Lord within, to fol­low your imaginations, are bewitched by you with evill thoughts.

An as for quakings, roarings, tremblings, you say you never heard of, and before you professed your selves to be Ministers of the Gospel, and yet are ignorant of the Scriptures, you are blind, and do you make your selves so openly blind and ig­norant, as not to hear of quaking? Moses when he heard the Lord speak unto him, he trembled, and durst not behold; and Moses quaked and excee­dingly feared, and the whole mount quaked. And Acts 7. 32. Daniel when he heard, trembled, and his breath and strength was gone. And Habakkuk he trem­bled, Dan. 10. 11. Habak. 5. 16. Acts 9. 6. 1 Cor. 2. 3. Poil. 2. 12. Job. 4. 14. & quivered, his belly shook, that he might rest in the day of trouble. And Paul he trembled when he came among the Corinthians, he was with them in much weakness and trembling, and he bade the Saints work out their own salvation with fear and trembling. And Job he trembled, [Page 36] and David he quaked and trembled, his bones did Psal. 119. 120. Isai. 66. 2. 5. quake. And Isaiah said, Hear the word of the Lord, all ye that tremble at his word. And Christ said, Your brethren that hated you, and cast you out for my names sake, said, Let the Lord be glo­rified; but he shall appear to your joy, but they shall be ashamed. And do not you cast us out in your mouthes, as the filth and off-scouring of the world? Is not here the Scripture fulfilled? Jer. 5. 22. And Jeremy which was sent to speake unto the people the word of the Lord, said, Hear this, a foo­lish people without understanding, will ye not fear me? will ye not tremble at my presence, who have placed the sand for the bound of the sea, and such a people then upheld Priests that bare rule by their means, so doe you now. And David he roared, and watered his bed with his tears, and his flesh wasted till he could number his Psal. 6. bones; will you say that all these were possessed with the Divell? The same power of God we witness now, as was then, and we witness the Scri­pture fulfilled, and have a cloud of witnesses, which are recorded in the Scriptures, it shews that they have not heard his voyce which shakes the Heb. 12. 1. Psal. 2. 19, 20. earth; who denies the Letter, are not Ministers of the Letter.

Pr. Pet. And Giving too sad a suspition of it, and the more by reason of the known suspitions upon Geo. Fox to deal with the Divell before ever he came to us in these parts.

Answ. Whereas you speak of a known suspition, you have a suspition and know nothing; he that knows doth not suspect, but hath an infal­lible [Page 37] judgment to judge truth from error (with evil thoughts ye judge, as they did of Jesus Christ, Jam. 2. 4. Mat. 10. 15. who called the Master of the House Beelzebub; which generation it appears you are of. And as for dealing with the Divel, it is your own; for I do witness the works of the Divell destroyed: for where Iesus Christ is made manifest, the works of the Divell are destroyed; therefore do you per­secute me, because I testifie against you, that your deeds are evill. And dealing with the Divel I ut­terly deny, and the works of darkness; for he that is born of God sins not, neither can he, because 1 John 3. 8. 9. the seed of God remains in him, and the evill one cannot touch him: but if they call the master of the house Beelzebub, what will they do unto the children? So it was, Jesus Christ, Lord and Ma­ster, had that portion of the world, it is the same now where he is made manifest in any, the same generation, persecutes, it is no strange thing. Mat. 10. 25.

Pr. Petition. That we know the Principles of some of their followers, are against subjection to Magistrates, against distinction amongst men, and the practices of the most is such, that there is a de­nying of relations, children professedly refusing subjection to their Parents, and servants to their masters.

Answ. Whereas you say we are not subject to justice, that is false; for conscience sake let every soul be subject to the higher power: for all power is of God, and he that resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: So for conscience sake, we honor justice, and all men in the Lord; but as for respecting persons, we deny, for the Scripture Rom. 13. 1, 2. [Page 38] denies the same, he that respects persons commits sin, and is a transgressor of the Law; He that was a minister of Iesus Christ, said this, Here you James 2. 9. Rev. 22. 15. shew your selves to be without, and no ministers of God, but would have others to transgress the law of God. O false accusers! where do any walk stubbornly against their parents but for consci­ence sake they cannot yeeld to those things which carnally they would have them act, as follow the worship of the world without them, and not wor­worship God in Spirit, and set up your teachers of the world. God hath raised up a light in many John 4. 23. Luke 1. 79. Mat. 21. 16. Mat. 11. 25. young children, draws them to himselfe, and you spue forth your venom against them servants and children, because they will not hold you up, and now when you are like to fall. If Christs words should be fulfilled where he saith, Call no man fa­ther upon earth; and he that loves Father or Mat. 23. 9. Mat. 10. 37. mother more then me, is not worthy of me, what would you say to that? Fathers and mothers pass away, and that love that is in the flesh; but the Father, the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, is for ever, and who owns him, will not walk in disobe­dience to any thing, but the evill; and if God put into the mouth of any servants to speak, that doth Acts 2. 18. not take them from faithfulness in the outward to their masters where they are: But you accusers, which have the form of godliness, but deny the power, ever shew forth your selves; Where do any of the servants masters go to complain to the Magistrates? But you Priests shew your selves 1 Tim. 5, 13. busie about other mens matters, only to hold up your own profits, and accuse the just with many false and scandalous slanders.

[Page 39] Pr. Petition. That we are sensible what confu­sions, divisions, tumults and parties are made by these mens disturbances, and cannot but with sad­ness of spirit, remember that such small begin­nings have in other nations grown to eat out their peace, and stagger the foundation of their States, as also to lay it before you, what advantage it gives for the common enemy, weakens the Parlia­ments interest in the peoples hearts.

Answ. Truth ever stirred up confusion where it was though it lay close till truth came, Luke 12. 49. as you read in the Scriptures, Christ came to put fire in the earth; and the Apostles where they came in the markets or Synagogues, who witnes­sed forth the substance, to draw people to it, to serve the Lord in newness of life, to come up into the everlasting truth and peace, then every one stood up in his own imagination and thoughts, as you do now to oppose the truth, and said they would turn the world up side down.

Pr. Petition. To see such persons unrestrained, creats discontents, and laies a clear foundation for civill wars, or at least advantage to the Hollanders, or French now in arms against us, to carry on their wicked intentions with greater facility.

Answ. The intention of your mind is to have truth restrained, which takes away the occasions of all wars, and brings into love and true hear­tedness, and there is nothing discontent with us, but that which doth not abide in the truth. And wheras thou speakest of weakning the Par­liaments interest, and laying a foundation of new war: This is hatched in your own minds, so to [Page 40] incense ignorant people, it is your own interest that you fear; for if the Parliament should take a­way your Tythes and your means, little love would appear to them; for it hath been already said by you, that the Parliament hath opened a gap for all blasphemings, but the hands of evil do­ers we do not strengthen; and you are the men that raise up civill warres against them that live peaceably and love peace, and go about to take a­way the ocasions of all warres. For the world raises up a persecution and a civill warre against a peaceable people, whose intents are to bring up all to God, to live in unity one with another, to be of one heart and one mind, and one soul to seive God in newness of life, whom Christ Iesus hath set free from the Traditions and Rudiments of the world. Now who are set free from the world, you bring under your bondage, and perfe­cute them, if they will not obey you, shewing forth the nature of Pharaoh, not letting Israel go to serve God.

Priests Petition. Therefore as you are Christi­ans and English Magistrates, vve are freemen born of England, and desiring somthing more as instru­ments under God with others of your present peace, do beg an chalenge from you.

Answ. Now you shew your complements: we are no breakers of peace, who owns the peace, owns us; and he that bears this sword that cuts Rom. 13. 4. down all corruption and filthiness, owns us. For there is no peace to the vvicked saith God, and this you shall all find vvho vvould have peace to that vvhich must die, it is your eternall peace, and [Page 41] eternal souls good, that we are moved of the Lord to speak unto you for, which eternally you shall witness.

Priests Petition. 1. Your timely looking unto the Peace of England, that it seems too evidently to be endeavored to be rent asunder.

Answ. Justices that keeps peace, we honor and set up, and wait all for the peace; but your in­tention in this, is to have truth suppressed, and wickedness flourish, and the works of darkness not discovered: here is Justice weakned, and the hand of evil doers strengthened against the inno­cent, which ever the chief Priests did; for they asked to release Barabas, and crucifie Jesus the innocent, and gathered the Elders against him, to seek to put him to death; so do you now, where he is made manifest, who are of the same gene­ration.

Priests Petition. 2. The protection of our selves, and our Ministers from violence, or disturbance in our worship of God, and suppression of of­fenders.

Answ. Where did the Saints or Ministers of God seek to a Magistrate to protect their worship? but Acts 24. 5. on the contrary, they were persecuted of such, which the Jews and Priests did incense them to, which is the same you do now; as the Jews who came against Paul, and said he was a pestilent fel­low, a mover of sedition, a stirrer up of heresie, a Ring-leader of the Sect of the Nazarens, turn­ing the world up side down, and teaches contrary to our Custom, and this holy place; he told them, God dwelled not in Temples made with hands, [Page 42] neither was he worshipped with mens hands, Acts 17. 24, 25 which outward custom you are upholding now, in the same nature that they were in; when the Jews brought Paul to Felix, holding up their own customs by an outward Law, as imprisoning him, Paul had no Law to maintain him, but the Law of God, and the eternal Word to guide him; and Mat. 23. 4. Gal. 1. 1. Isaiah 33. 22. the same we do witness, against all the powers of men, but the power of God let every soul be subject too.

Priests Petition. 3. Execution of the Statute a­gainst Sabboth breakers, and such as under pre­tence of Religion, are in no Religious Assemblies that day.

Answ. All that live in pretence of Religion, and not in power, is nothing; all that owns pure Re­ligion, owns us; and all that owns the Sabboth, the eternal Rest, the eternal day, owns us; but while people have met together to set up you, who in the week day invented fashions, and on that day put it on, so the eye goes out looking at new fashions, and in the week day follows oathes, drunkenness, prophaneness, pleasures, and such practises we deny; but to live righteously, sober­ly in this present world, this we own; and whom you finde wrangling, walking in uncleanness, cursed speaking, fighting, drunkenness, upon such you should lay the Law: for the Law was made for the Lawless, but you pretended Ministers, seek to bring upon us bounds, who are redeemed from these ways, through the love and power of God; if you were the Ministers of God, you would go about to bring people from under all Law, up to [Page 43] God, but you shew your selves to be of that ge­neration which shut the Kingdom of heaven from Mat. 23. 13. men, which Kingdom is a Kingdom of peace, this we witness.

Priests Petition. 4. Charge to all differing judge­ments, to meet together each Lords day peace­ably, and not to spread themselves to several places for disturbance.

Answ. If any be moved by the Lord to come in­to your Assemblies, to speak the word of the Lord unto them, for your souls eternal happiness, would you have this limitted? this is your intent, to limit the Holy one of Israel: As for disturbance, we all deny, and to draw people up to God, that we do, out of all carnal ways; for God is a Spi­rit, and will be worshipped in spirit, and in truth, and this worship we own; and who are here, de­nies all your Temples and Priests; herein is one Priest, Jesus Christ, the Biship of our souls; for they who received the Substance, denyed the Priests, and they met together the first day of the week, and when any was moved to go forth, they went and witnessed forth the Substance to them that lived in the Shadows: this we do, and now to deny you Priests (being ye cannot witness your call) the Temple which God never commanded, they that are in the Temples of God do: This dark Ministry hath long reigned over people, and kept them in bondage, underimitated forms, but Luke 1. 79. now God is raising a light in his people, to gather them up to himself, to live in love and unity one with another.

Pr. Pet. 5. Suppression of persons living without any calling.

[Page 44] Answ. Then this suppression must come upon your selves; for you cannot witness that ever you were called of God, or sent forth by Jesus Christ to preach the everlasting truth; for if you were you would not raise up persecution against them that witness a call from the Lord: who of you receive whipping, stocking, stoning, prisoning, buffeting, and haling us out of your Assemblies, who do pretend your selves to be Ministers of Christ: wait to have that suppressed in your selves that persecutes, then you will not seek to oppress the just for your own ends, that ye might be main­tained in your beastly worship, and your Antichri­stian ways.

Priests Petition. 6. And your witnessing against all blasphemers of the name of God, especially such as are contained in the Acts of Parliament.

Answ. If you would have them witness against all Blaspemers, then they must witness against you, who calls evil good, and good evil, and vents forth so many Blasphemies against them who live in the power of truth.

Priests Petition. And if the application of any effectual remedy, lie not within your power, that you will dlease to joyn with us in this desire, and transmit this cause to the knowledge of the Right Honorable the Councel of State, as a cause so nearly concerning the peace of England, and we shall ever pray, &c.

Answ. You would have a Law or an Act forth, under a pretence to suppress the truth, under the name of Blaspemy, because it doth shake your Kingdom, who live in your self ends: for ranting [Page 45] ways and blaspemy, we utterly deny, and takers of Gods name in vain, which you do in every word you speak, because ye know him not: he is merciful to the just and unjust, but you shew your cruelty against the just, and persecute them.

Here you shew forth your serpentine nature, and would beget others in the same envy to joyn with you, to be the stronger to tread down the truth; as it is written, The Beast shall make war against the Lamb but the Lamb get the victory, praises, praises for ever, be to the Lord God Almighty; you say the Lords Prayer, Forgive us, as we forgive them that trespass against us; but you persecute them that seeks your souls health, seeking you, and not yours, their prayers are an abomination to the Lord. And what is Right and Honorable, will Prov. 28. 9. Iohn 5. 44. Prov. 20. 3. Rev. 14. 7. deny all you, and your Petitions; for they who owns God and Christ owns us; who owns peace owns us, and we them in our souls; but all the pre­tenders of God and godliness, who live in un­cleanness and ungodliness, denying the power that cuts down iniquity, which we own and set up: Therefore all people whose mindes are now bent to raise up persecution, and Priests who stands railing in your Pulpits, incensing ignorant people against harmless innocent people: Are not you laying here a foundation for a new war? and so digging a pit for your selves to fall into; you need never fear them who live in the power of truth, to raise up an outward war, but it is your false suggestion, to incense people to make them be­lieve lies; but God hath raised up alight in peo­ple, and in Magistrates, which discerns all your intents.

An Order that was ordered at the Sessions at Appleby in Westmerlrnd.

ORdered, That whosoever shall hereafter disturb any Minister in the Publike Exercise of his Mini­stry, within this County, or give any scandalous, oppro­bious terms against any of them, shall be apprehended by the Constables or Church wirdens of the place, where the offence shall be committed, and brought before the next Justice of the peace, to finde Sureties for his or her good behaviour, and upon refusing to finde such Sureties, to be committed to the common Goal, till willingly they shall do the same or be from thence delivered by due course of Law: And likewise, all such persons as me t in great numbers and Assemblies in the night time, within this County, shall be apprehended, and bound to good beha­viour as aforesaid.

Priests. Order. ORdered, That whosoever shall here­after disturb any Minister in the Pub­like Exercise of his Ministry within this County.

Answ. The Law of the Land doth give free­dom to speak, after the man hath done: and here you seem to make a new Parliament, and new Laws, contrary to the Law of the Land; and here you shew your selves not to do Justice, not act­ing according to the Law of the Land, and the 1 Cor. 14. 30, 31. Num. 11. 28, 29 Num. 12. 7. Heb. 3 2. 1 Law of God: Moses said, who witnessed forth the Law, and was Ruler in the Law, he wished that all Gods people were Prophets: now he was faith­ful in the Law of God, which God had command­ed [Page 47] him: and here thou shewst to act contrary to the Law of the Land, and turn'st thy self out of thy justice: And the Minister of God said, that all might speak in the true Church, and if any thing were revealed to him that fate by, let the first hold his peace; for you may all prophesie one by one, that all may be edified, and God may be glo­rified; for the spirits of the Prophets are subject 1 Cor. 14. 30 31. 32. to the Prophets: and here you do shew your selves to be no Prophets, nor no Ministers, and your Church no Church; if any should come in­to your Assemblies, and sit by, and something be revealed to him, and he say, Let the other hold his peace; and you say, he disturbs the Minister: 1 Thess. 5. 19. Mat. 10. 17. 23 Heb. 11. 36, 37. Acts 7, 58. 59. here you would quench the Spirit, and limit the holy one: And here is the Scripture fulfilled up­on you; If they should speak you would scourge them in your Synagogues, nay, stone them, beat them, and imprison them, and mock them: and is not Jesus Christs words fulfilled here? And they shall persecute you: and now you shew it forth; blush for shame, and never take him for a cloak, Gen. 48. Mat. 23. 33, 34, 35. Acts 21. 30. 2 Pet. 2. 12. for you are in the same Generation of them that persecuted them who lived in the truth; be ye witnesses unto your selves, that you are in the same nature that they were in, that hailed Paul out of the Temple; how darest thou then take his words into thy mouth: O brazen face beast, that doth not abide the truth!

Priests Order, Or give any scandalous, opprobi­ous terms against any of them, shall be apprehend­ed by the Constables or Church Wardens of the place, where the offence shall be committed.

[Page 48] Answ. That which you call scandalous terms, is the truth upon the deceit, according to Scri­pture: Gal. 3. 1. For Paul said, they were bewitched, them that were drawn from the Spirit of the Lord within them, to carnal circumcision without them: so do you bewitch the people now, as sprinkling of infants, and telling them of a Sacrament, which there is no Scripture for, and drawing them from Jer. 5. 30, 31. their Teacher within them; for Jeremiah said, they bear rule by their means, and held up the horrible filthy thing that was committed in the Land; and Isa. 56. 10, 11. Isaiah said, they were greedy dumb dogs, which could not bark, which never had enough, seek­ing for their gain from their quarters: And all people consider, do not all the Priests of the world bear rule by their means, and seek for their gain from their quarter: we speak the truth, we have a cloud of witnesses: and Micah said, the Priests Micah 3. 5. preached for hire, and he that did not put into their mouthes, they prepared war against him: Do not you Priests sue men at the Law, if they do not put into your mouthes? nay, of your own Church: And yet professes your selves to be Teachers of Christ: O for shame blush! Paul 1 Cor. 6. 1, 5. that was a Minister of Christ, said to the Saints that went to Law, there was not a wise man a­mong them: and here thou shewst thy self to be no Minister of Christ, no not to walk according to the Letter, no not a wise man. Jesus Christ said, Wo unto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypo­crites, them that were called of men Masters, and so are you, them that had the chiefest places in the Assemblies, and so have you; stand praying [Page 49] in the Synagogues, and so do you; and vvith a Mat. 23. 6, 7, 8, 10, 23. pretence make long prayers, devouring Widows houses, and Iesus Christ cried vvo against such, and you hold up those things which Christ doth forbid, and you do make men believe you are Mi­nisters of Christ, and that Christ hath sent you, and act those things vvhich Christ doth forbid, and the same wo is upon you that was upon them, that held up those practises; and the Apostle said they had forsaken the right vvay, vvo unto them, for they have gone in the vvay of Cain, and run greedily after the error of Balaam. Are not 2 Pet. 2. 15. 3. Iude 11. you in envy like Cain, do not you shew it forth, and run after the vvages of Balaam, for gifts, re­wards, and covetousness, vvho make merchandise upon the people, and as Ezekiel said, they seek af­ter the Fleece, and eat the Fat, and cloath vvith the Wooll, and kill them that were fed, and made a prey upon them, and devoured them. But as the Ezek. 34. 23: 10. 14. Lord said, I vvill gather them from their mouths, and feed them upon the mountains. And this Scri ture we witnesse to be fulfilled, praise and honor be to the Lord. And you Priests do not you seek after the wooll? Will you make a lye of Scripture? Friends, do not say this is railing, for I speak the truth, and have a cloud of witnesses, the prophets and Apostles which spoke from the same Word which is made manifest, and lets us see the de­ceits as they saw them, and cry against them; and Isai. 62. 1. for Sions sake we cannot hold our peace.

Order. And brought before the next Iustice of the peace.

Answ. The Prophets and the Apostles that [Page 50] witnessed forth these things, were haled to pri­son, and before the Magistrates, as you read in Acts 21. 34. Acts 12. 4, 5. Acts 16. 22, 23, 24. the Scripture; so here is the Scripture fulfilled, by the same generation, Paul was haled out of the Temple, and was had to prison, who witnessed forth the substance of all Types, sigures, and sha­dows. And though you have gotten Pauls words, you shew your selves to be of the same generati­on, Act. 21. 30, 31 haling them out of the Temple. Be witnesses against your selves, that you are persecuters of the power of truth.

Pr. Petition. To find sureties for his or her good behaviour; and upon refuse to find such sureties, to be committed to the common Goal, till willing­ly they shall do the same, or be from thence deli­vered by due course of Law.

Answ. Who are redeemed by the pretious blood of Jesus Christ, from their vain conversa­tions, Mat. 23. 31. 1 Pet. 1. 18, 19 Phil. 3. 20, Rom. 8. 14. who live up to God, who are the Ministers of God, guided by the Spirit of God, need not not have a law laid upon them, which is made for the lawless, to bind them to good behaviour. The end of our ministry is to bring all men from Rom. 7 6. Gal. 3. 19. Iam. 4. 1. under the occasions of all laws into good behavi­our, to serve God in newness of life. For the law is made to bind them to good behaviour, who walk in drunkenness, swearing, and fighting, and this is at liberty, where there is misbehaviour, and you lay your law upon us, which you cannot accuse; so Barabbas is set at liberty, and Matth 27. 26. Acts 13. 10, Christ is persecuted and prisoned; and here you would lay your law upon them whom you can­not accuse: therfore wo unto you liars, who per­vert the counsell of God.

[Page 51] Pr. Petition. And likewise all such persons as meet in great numbers and assemblies in the night time within this County, shall be apprehended and bound to good behaviour, as aforesaid.

Answ. This law it seems is made new, while we met together, to card, to dance in Alehouses, to vain pleasures, we were not accused; but now all these practises are denied, who are gathered by the spirit of the Lord, to exhort one another day Heb. 3. 13. Acts 20. 7, 8, 9 Iude 20. 1 Pet. 4, 10. and night, both which is according to the Saints practice, and Rule; Paul preached untill midnight, and they met together and did exhort one ano­ther, and preached one to another, and builded up one another in the most holy faith; and herein we witness the Scripture fulfilled amongst us, praised be the Lord: by this you would not have us to walk according to the Scripture, wherein you bring us to misbehaviour, and we see and wit­ness you are the same generation as they were in that persecuted Paul and the Saints then which met together in the night time. If Paul and the Saints were here now, you which have got the form of words, you would do it unto them, as you do unto us; for all is one.

Some Pleadings that passed between Justice Benson, and some of the Bench con­cerning James Nayler.

AT the Sessions of the peace holden at Appleby the 11 day of Ianuary 1652. upon the com­mitment [Page 52] of James Nayler, it being alledged that the words by him spoken, were not within the Act against Blasphemy, nor against any Law. It was replied by two of the Iustices, that rather then the said James Nayler should go at liberty, and abroad in the County, they would stand to the hazard of a fine to be imposed upon them by the Iudges of the Assizes, or words to the same effect; and another of the Iustices said openly, That they rather committed him upon the Mini­sters petition, (though no oath of the truth of any particular therein contained was made) then upon the Indictment, and upon making the Order a­gainst the people of Gods meeting peaceably in the night season, it being urged that the Parlia­ment had given liberty of meeting: it was repli­ed, that it was no matter, they would in their dis­cretions restrain their meetings on the night time, or words the same in effect. Another Iustice who gave the charge, who was formerly in arms a­gainst the Parliament, the most part of his charge was composed of nothing else but railing against the people of God, whom by way of reproach he called Quakers: the truth of these particulars will be attested upon oath. Likewise Iustice Pearson when I parted with him, told me, that he must give an account at Newcastle to the Mini­sters and others, of their proceedings.

Jervis Benson.

It was ordered by the Justices at Apoleby, That Iames Nayler and Francis Howgill should stay in prison [Page 53] till the petitions be answered, I was moved to answer them, and we could not have a Copy of the petitions from Tho. Kilner the Clerk of the Peace, but we must pay four shillings and six pence for them, which we know was oppression.

An Exhortation to the People.

FRiends, do not call this railing, because we use plainness of speech, and not with fained words, nor sow pillows under your elbows, as the false Prophets did, as you read in the Scripture; but we use the same language of the Prophets, Christ and the Apostles, who spoke against fained humbleness, as it is as the Scripture saith, They go on in the way of Cain, and run greedily after the error of Balaam, and many shall follow their pernicious ways, of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of: O all friends and people, see if there be not something within you, which shews you sin and evil, and the deceits of your own hearts; which if you do hearken to it, and love it, you will love Christ: for he is the light, and hating this light, you hate Christ, because your deeds are evil, and will not bring your works to the light, least the light should reprove them: and here i [...] your condemnation, the light within you, and it is not a Chapter nor a Verse without you: And loving this light, it will bring you off all the worlds ways and worships, to worship God: for they walked in their own ways, which spent their money for that which was not bread, and there you are in your own ways; and it will draw you out of all the worlds Churches, into the Church in God: and wait in this light, and it will gather all your hearts together, to live in unity one with another; and it will lead you to the everlasting day of the Lord; and walking in that light, there [Page 15] will be no occasion of stumbling: for being dis­obedient to the light, there will be stumbling at noon day: Therefore all people prize your time, this is the day of your visitation and salvati­on; and if ever you own a clean & pure conscience you will own us; and if ever you come to know Jesus Christ, you will own us; and if ever you own the Lord God of heaven and earth, and come to know him, and worship him, you will then own us, and know us; and if ever you own the life of the Prophets and the Apostles, you will then own us to be sent of God, and of God; and we seek not yours, but your saving health, and souls good, and your eternal peace and happiness, and eternally shall you witness us, to that which doth convince you: I speak that which will wit­ness with me in the end, when the thoughts of every mans heart shall be revealed, and the book of Conscience shall be opened; therefore below in heart, and consider where you are, and learn the lesson of Christ, and put him on, and forsake all your blinde guides without you, and minde the guide within you; they are the sons of God, that are guided by the Spirit of the Lord; they are not the Sons of God, who can profess and talk of the Letter, and persecute them which are contrary to their opinions, but shew forth to be the children of the Devil, and not of God.

[Page 60] MY name is covered from the world, and the world knows not me, nor my name; the earthly name the earthly man knows, and he is afraid of reproach, and cannot bear it upon the earthly name; he that overcometh, hath the new name, and knoweth it; he that is not come into the War, knows it not; he that overcometh, sit­teth in his throne, he that overcometh is crowned, he that is judged, and judgement, is brought into victory, and then it is set in the earth; he that overcometh, eateth of the hidden Manna; he that overcometh, shal inherite all things: he that is without, hath the old name, and wants all things, and cannot judge any thing; for the natural man knows not the things of God, but the spi­ritual man judgeth all things; he that hath an ear to hear, let him hear; and blessed is he that reads, and doth understand what he reads.

G. F.

TO THE Parliament of this Common­wealth, and the General, and Major General of the ARMY.
A Declaration of the present condition of several Inhabitants in Westmeriand, and some part in Lancashire, whose names are subscribed, who have been faithful to the Parliament, and serviceable in their places to this Commonwealth, to the hazard of their Lives, Liberties and Estates.


THat the Lord hath made known him­self, and manifested his love to us, in letting us see the deadness and em­ptiness of all the outward Ministry of the world; and hath according to his own [Page 10] promise, led us forth of the barren Wilderness of outward carnal Worships, and is his him­self become out Teacher, and hath made us wil­ling to wait alone upon him for Teaching: By the power and vertue of which, we deny all the Teaching which stands in the will of man what­soever; and so meeting together to wait upon the Lords unlimitted power, exhoring and build­ing up one another in our most holy faith, ac­cording to the practice of all the Saints before us; Not onely spending the First day of the week in such Exercises; but several other days and nights, as the Lord gives us opportunity, to the great refreshment of our souls, and uniting of our hearts to the Lord, and one to another, to his everlasting praise and glory; and having oc­casion to praise the Lord for that Freedom which the Parliament doth allow us, for which the Priests much maligns us, and stirs up the ignorant people in their Publique Assemblies, to execute their rigour upon us, fomentinglyes, and accusing us to the Magistrates falsely, cau­sing some to be Endicted, some Imprisoned, and some bound over for no just cause at all: And hath done all that in them lies to deprive us of that Liberty which the Parliament hath afforded: As may appear, by several Orders made at a late Sessions at Appleby in Westmer­land; wherein they have Ordered, That we shall not meet together in the night time, which hath been the practice of the Saints in former ages, and hath been our practice, because there are [Page 11] many Servants and young labouring people, which cannot come on the day, which comes at the night, because we would not give an occa­sion of offence: Wherein we do witness, that while we did meet together on the night to sport and spend the time in vanity, we were not medled withal; but now we do testifie against all such practices: and who lives now in the same na­ture hates us: But Justice which cuts down fil­thiness, and gives way for truth to rise, we own. But there are several got into Commission of the peace, formerly Malignants, and some that have been actually in Arms against the Parlia­ment, contrary to the Act of Parliament, and are utter Enemies to the Truth, as doth appear, not onely here, but likewise in Yorkshire, where there hath been ten of our Brethren and Sisters kept in Prison in York Castle, some of them the most part of a whole year, and since the last Assizes were kept in close Prison, until one of them dyed, and so continued in close Prison, un­til it pleased the Lord to move the hearts of some to procure them more Liberty. And whereas we are a people accused to deny Ma­gistracy, it is not so; For Justice we own in our souls, which cuts down corruption, which keeps the soul in the death; For let every soul be subject to the higher power: For all power is of God, and that we set up, own and honor for Conscience sake, and all men in the Lord. Likewise our dear Brother James Nayler lies in Prison in Appleby, who served the Par­liament [Page 64] under the Command of Major General Lambert, betwixt eight and nine years, as we believe some of the Army can witness: All that we desire is, that Books may be printed whereby the Truth may be manifested: And if we transgress or offend, we are willing to suf­fer.

This Petition was signed by Three hundred and twenty nine of the Inhabitants of Lancashire, and part of Westmerland.


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