SOME RETURNS TO A LETTER Which came from a General Meeting of Officers of the Army of England, Scotland, and Ireland, sitting at Jame's Westminster.

ALSO A blast from the Lord, OR A VVARNING TO ENGLAND, By way of Exhortation to take heed, and not run upon their own destruction; which will be speedily, without true repentance.

By a Lover of the Truth, and a Prisoner for declaring Truth abroad BEN: NICHOLSON.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the Black-spread-Eagle, near the West end of Pauls. 1653.

Some Returns to a Letter which came from the General Meeting of Officers of the Army of England, Ireland, and Scotland, sitting at Jame's Westminster.

Dear Friends,

1. WHereas you say, that, By seeking the Lord and humbling your selves before him, he hath convinced you of your slothfulness in his Service, and that your hearts have been looking after the things of this world, and your own privat Affairs more then the things of Jesus Christ and his peo­ple.

Then consider, that God which giveth light to discover them gross darknesses in the which you have lived in, doth likewise require a departing from those evils, and a walking up to what he hath made manifest in you: For, they that con­fess their sins and forsake them, shall find mercy; but if you again hide your sins, you shall not goe unpunished.

2. That, A slothfull spirit hath overtaken you, and you grew weary of the work of the Lord, and were ready to say with Baruch, that the Lord had added grief to your sorrow, that you fainted in your sighings, and found no rest. Jer. 45 3.

Then take heed and seek no longer great things for your selves; for the determination of the Lord is to bring evil up­on [Page 2]all flesh speedily, and to pull down whatsoever it hath built, and to pluck up whatsoever it hath planted, and to establish truth and righteousness in the earth by his spirit.

3. That, Those who feared the Lord both in Army and else­where, have not in this time of peace so improved their Interest, (or rather imployed their talent) to the edifying each other, as did the Churches in the primitive times, boldly witnessed forth the truth in all places where they went, Acts 9.27, to 32. then had the Churches rest, &c.

Then be carefull for the time to come, that like the sloth­full servant, you hide not your Talent in the earth (lest the Lord take it wholly from you) but improve it only to his use, that he may establish peace amongst you, that you may walk in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the ho­ly Ghost, that you be not cut off with the unprofitable ser­vant, &c.

4. That, The people of this Nation are subject to grie­vous oppressions, through the obstruction of Justice, and that the Lord might say to you, What could I have done more, &c. as he said to his Vineyard, Isa. 5. And he looked for grapes, judgement and righteousness, but behold wild grapes, oppressi­on and crying, &c.

Therefore beware that iniquity be no longer lived in, nor oppression upheld by you, nor any thing that may cause a cry or complaining of iniquity, oppression, or unrighteous­ness among you; but bring forth the true grapes, judgement and righteousness, lest the Lord take away the hedg which he hath set about you, and let you be eaten up (as all they that have brought forth wild grapes are) and troden down, laid waste, and not digged, but there come up briars and thorns, and he command the clouds that they rain no rain upon you, as Isa. 5.5, 6, 7. verses.

5. That, Through the corruptions of many in places of Au­thority, some good men have been made to suffer for conscience sake, and many bad men have taken encouragement to act in their licentious principles, and prophane practises, by reason whereof wickedness doth very much abound amongst us.

Then let it be a warning to all you who see these things in [Page 3]others, that you live not in them your selves, lest now you shall judge your selves afterwards; and take heed that the corruptions which you speak against in others, be not upheld by you, that good men suffer not under you; that by your injustice none take encouragement in any licentious princi­ples, or prophane practises and wickedness abound amongst us as now it doth, being rather countenanced then truth to speak openly and reprove it, &c. Therefore like men of truth, fearing God, and hating covetousness, be what you seem, that in all things righteousness may be acted by you according to the will of God, who made man only to serve him, &c. that as it is written, Our Iudges may be restored as at the first. Isa. 1.26. to end. That our Officers may be peace, and our exactors righteousness. Isa. 60.17, 18, &c. That Kings and Queens (all in Authority) may be nursing fathers and nur­sing mothers of truth and Godlyness, that all oppression may be taken off from the poor, and all cruelties cease, and that crying may be no more heard in the land, nor complainings in the streets. Isa 46.33. Psal. 144.14.

And seeing that upon all these considerations forenamed, you are strongly convinced that it is a duty very much in­combent upon your spirits to awaken your selves, and by all lawfull means endeavour the procuring of these things fol­lowing, and surely to prevent the forenamed grievances.

Then be carefull, if you be convinced, to obey the Lord in all things you are convinced of, and take heed of smothering any thing the Lord hath made known unto you, for that is a strangling of the righteous one Jesus Christ, which is forbid­den Act. 15.20. but be valiant for the Lord, and execute true judgement and righteousness every one in your place, and let mercy be over all your works, that mercy may be shown upon you, I am. 2.11. to end: and take heed of judging for men, but stand up for the Lord, and judge for him, that he may establish truth, peace, and righteousness amongst you.

The second Conviction as to duty.

1. You say, that, For the many inconveniences apparently arising from the long continuance of the same persons in Supream [Page 4]Authority, that there may be successive Parliaments, consisting of men faithfull to the Interest of the Commonwealth, men of truth, fearing God, hating covetousness.

Then it will follow, that no untrue man, no wicked nor covetous persons can have any right in the election or choice of, or being in any place of authority; for those only are fit to rule for the Lord, that are ruled by the Lord in all things, which power is ordained of God, and is to be honoured; and he that resists shall receive to himself damnation.

2. That, The Laws may be regulated, that all things whatsoever is good in them may be maintained, and whatsoever is really burthen some may be taken away, &c.

Then whilst there is any Law made or upheld by the wis­dom and policy of man, or whilst there remaineth any evil principl'd, or covetous person in any place of authority, it cannot be but burthens, vexations, and grievances will be up­held; for he that cannot rule his own house well, (or rather is not ruled by the Lord) and all his passions subdued, can never be fit to rule for the Lord.

3. That, Liberty and protection may be given by a Law to all the truely Godly, though of different iudgements, to worship God peaceably, without imposing upon, or molesting one another; but no encouragement be given to such as are Popish or prophane in the exercise of their superstitious forms, and licentious practi­ses.

Know that the worship of God is spiritual: for, he is a spirit, and will be worshipped in spirit and truth. And where there is a Government by the spirit of God living and ruling in those that Govern, there will be unity with the wor­shippers and Governors in that one spirit where they both live; and there will need no outward Law to protect the worshippers from being persecuted by the Governors▪ for none ever hated their own flesh, and surely the spirit of the Lord ruling in the Rulers, cannot hate or persecute the spiri­tual worshippers; neither was it ever known to persecute a­ny, but overcame all things with goodness; nor since the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh, it was never read nor known that any of the Saints or servants of God did impose [Page 5]any corporal punishment in any manner upon any one, but by exhortation, reproof, and correction, with spiritual wea­pons beating down all the strong holds of sin, and bringing into subjection every evil thought and imagination of the carnal heart. 2 Cor. 10.4, 5. which stands up in opposition a­gainst the truth of God, which is the sire the Scripture spea­keth of which shall burn up all the old earth and heavens (the carnal parts of man) it is that love that shall overcome all things, and place it self only: But we look for new heavens and earth, wherein shall dwell righteousness. 2 Pet. 3.10, 11, 12, 13. ver. Behold therefore what manner of persons ought we to be in all godlyness and holyness of conversation of life?

4. That, The Gospel of Iesus Christ (you say) may be di­spenced to all the people in this Land, and that all those that la­bour faithfully in that work, may receive all due countenance and encouragement.

Those who are faithfull labourers in the Gospel of Christ, dare trust Christ for maintenance, though they be sent out without bag or scrip, shoes or two coats, Luk. 22.35. For God that clothes the lillies of the field, and feeds the ravens when they cry unto him, will not let those that trust in him want any good thing. Mat. 6.26. For he cares for all those which cast their care upon him, and if he spared not his only Son Iesus Christ, but delivered him up to death for us, will he not with him freely give us all things richly to enjoy. Rom. 8.32. And all the Scriptures beareth witness with these things, and I am sure that those who are the Ministers of Jesus Christ, have faith to believe that their Master will provide for them in all things, and so takes care for nothing but how to ad­vance the Gospel of Jesus Christ, wholly doing his will, and can tell how to abase, and how to abound, Phil. 4.12, 13. and are content with imprisonment as wel as liberty, with wants as well as fullness, and in all things shew themselves approved as the Ministers of God, and Messengers of the everlasting Cove­nant. 2 Cor. 6.4. to 10. As there is many now adays, and not a few tryed, ever praised be the Lord for it.

Further you say, What the Lord shall set upon your spirits by way of Conviction, either as to sin or duty, if you communi­cate [Page 6]the same to us, we shall take the same as a signe of your ac­ceptance of this our brotherly freedom towards you. But whe­ther you mean to all, or to the Souldiery onely, I know not.

I as one who have obtained mercy from the love of God living in me, and love all men without respect of persons, see the Lord stepping towards Sion, and he will speedily be in his Temple, and I see the walls of Babylon falling, and they will speedily be all thrown down (at which the Inhabitants of the earth shall mourn, but the Saints shall be exceeding glad and rejoyce. But to the words as convicted as to sin or duty, you mean what sin is to be punished, and how, and what du­ty is to be used, and how.) I answer,

And guides my light forth, or sets it upon the top of the Candlestick, that if the Lord will, all that read may see white from black, light from darkness, love from cruelty, and saith thus,

All sin is to be punished with fire, for Tophet is prepared of old for high and low; the pile thereof is fire and much wood, the breath of the Lord like a river of brimstone doth kindle it. Isa. 30.33. and the man of sin, or all sin in man, shall Jesus Christ destroy with the breath of his mouth, and the brightness of his coming (as experience doth plainly declare) when God doth manifest himself to the creature, then is the time of Christs coming, and the time of the destruction of sin in eve­ry man; yea he is that happy one that shall dash in pieces all the brats of Babylon, every sin is a brat of Babylon; and eve­ry Saint of God is a living stone, with the which Jesus Christ shall dash in pieces all the children of Babylon, and those li­ving stones ere long shall be so common in every street, that a brat of Babylon shall not look out, but by them be dasht in pieces. Thus the stream of righteousness shall run down our streets like mighty rivers, and cleanse every corner from fil­thiness, and the glorious Lord God shall be unto his people a place of broad rivers and streams, wherein shall go no gal­ly with oars, nor gallant ship shall pass there; thus shall the presence of the mighty God of Iacob cause the earth to fly away, and the mountains to remove out of their place: all [Page 7]the earthly powers and buildings of men, the great men and Rulers of the earth are the mountains which shall be remo­ved, and the pillars that shall be shaken, and all carnal actings of man is the earth that shall fly away when God appears, as he hath already begun, whose appearance is as the mor­ning, and there need no borrowed lights there; this is new Ierusalem that the lamb shall be the glory of, and there shall be no need of any outward Law to direct to walk; but the inward Law of righteousness which the Lord will place and write in the tables of every mans heart, and the Lord alone shall be the teacher and sole ruler of his people, for I am God Almighty saith the Lord, all in all, all over all, and will presently dispose of all things to his own praise and glory, he will cause to walk uprightly to speak righteously, to despise the gain of oppression, and to shake all hands from taking bribes, and all ears from hearing bloud, and all eyes from seeing evil, then shall we need no Scribe nor Receiver, nor counter of the Towers; none to write our accusations one a­gainst another, nor to receive money for the same, neither will there need any taking account of men, or numbring of Armies (the Towers or strengths of Nations;) but we shall dwell safe up on high, even in the munition of rocks, in the Lord God Almighty, our bread shall be given us, and our waters shall be sure, and we shall see the King in his beauty, and we shall dwell in the Land which we have seen afar off, (Jesus Christ the spiritual Land) and Ierusalem (spiritual Ierusalem) shall be a quiet habitation that shall not be taken down, nor one of the stakes (never a Saint of God) shall e­ver be removed, neither shall any of the cords thereof be broken, for the Lord will be there; the Judge, Law giver and King, he will plead for us, and save us from the hands of all that hate us. Isa. 33.21, 22. and we shall need no steering in the filthy waters of the light of natural or carnal man, by the Powers of the earth the rotten Gallies, nor with the hu­mane learning and policy the sore crackt Oars (and will pre­sently be broken) to carry us over the poluted, above the carnal, and through the corrupt ways of faln man; nor need we any fighting to defend us from them; but the Lord will [Page 8]only save all that trust in him, his name is a strong Tower, the righteous shall fly thither and be safe, this is the strong Tower which the Lord God hath ordained for his people, salvation is the walls and bulwarks thereof, eternal safety and happiness is in the Lord Jesus; and though fear lay hold upon the wicked, yet the Godly shall neither fear nor be a­fraid: Thus the righteous shall be as bold as Lyons, but the wicked shall fly when none pursues, as may be instanced by many (though nameless) who runs to the powers of the earth to help them, and climbs up to the tops of the ragged rocks to save themselves, yea and cals to the mountains to fall on them, and to the hils to cover them; but they all cannot save them from the presence of the Lord, for the breath of the Lord, and the brightness of his appearance in his Saints, shall consume all the whole body of Antichrist, whereof they are members (the Town-Clarks of England which shall cease ere long) for behold the great day of the Lord is near at hand, and will consume every evil doer, there­fore come out of your Idol worship, and be ye separate from your iniquities (out of the Coasts of Babylon, lest ye perish with the evil doers, and know that the carnal man hath no right (though he take power to himself, Cain-like) to judge the Saints; neither is it sitting that a Lyon should judge a Bear, nor a natural man a natural man, for God is Judge of the whole earth, and a natural man knows not the things of God, nor can he do any good thing; neither is it any reason that a Wolf should judge a Lamb, every natural man is a Wolf, and every spiritual man a lamb, as it is writen, The spiritual man can be judged of none, but he himself judgeth all things, and the Saints shall judge the world, and the Kingdoms of the world shall be given to the Saints of the most high, and they shall reign and rule in righteousness for ever, &c:

Ob. But may some say that is after death.

Ans. It is true: for whilst men live in sin and iniquity, they can­not deal righteously, nor do justly; for he that committeth sin, is the servant of sin, and no man can serve two Masters, &c. And untill the corruption of the natural man be taken [Page 9]away, and incorruption placed in the stead, and the vile bo­dies be changed, no good thing can be brought forth, for an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit (the which every natural man is) man being in honour considered, if not be­come like the beasts that perish, every man in his first nature is a beast, and what reason is there that a beast should judge of any thing; and for the Saints of God, they cannot smite any but by love; for as they have put on Christ, so walk they in him, as patterns and examples, servants to all; the which none can do whilst they are alive in (or unto) sin, for they are dead unto Christ, and untill Christ live in them they can do no good thing. John [...]5.5. to end. and this is the re­surection the Scripture speaketh on, and the Saints are made partakers of, and all they who have part therein, the second death hath no power over; this is the true resurrection of the invisible or spiritual body of Jesus Christ, in this Taber­nacle or visible body; but it is a great mysterie, for we shall not all die, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, &c. but none knows these things, but those who are taken into the being of them, and lives in them. (I desire from the very bottom of my heart) you were all so changed▪ &c. Again, the Scriptures holdeth forth (and the Saints knows a day of judgement within, and the King­dom of heaven to be within, which are so hard to be under­stood, that they who are unlearned or) undisciplined cannot understand, but wrest to their own destruction, as in 2 Pet. 3.16. likewise saith St. Paul, Reckon your selves dead unto sin, but alive unto righteousness. As Rom. 6. cap. And whilst we were dead in trespasses and sins, hath he quickned us toge­ther with him. And again he said, I was alive without the Law, but when the Commandment came (the Law written in his heart) sin revived and he died (to sin;) he was alive in sin, untill the righteous Law which came forth of Sion, met with him, and for sin condemned sin in the flesh, but made him alive to the Law of righteousness, that Law is quick and powerfull, wherever it meeteth with any, it kils sin in them, but giveth life in God: and how can they which are dead unto sin, live any longer therein? Rom. 6.2. They who have [Page 10]passed from death unto life, can testifie this resurrection (and none else) for they know that they are translated from death unto life, because they love the brethren, and they know they know they love them indeed, because they love God and keep his Commandments, for the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus li­ving in them frees them from the Law of sin and death, and thus the same power that raised up Jesus Christ from the dead, quickens their mortal bodies, and this is the resurrection, that whosoever liveth in, and believeth, shall never die more. (This will dazel some of your eyes, &c.) as saith the Scripture: The carnal man cannot discern the things of God, because they are spiritually discerned. Thus in plainness the Scriptures beareth witness with me, and offer in figures, as that of La­zarus and of the grains of corn cast into the earth, and of the prodigal Son, &c. and before ever any can know perfect­y that they are found, they must know themselves lost; and dead before they can know themselves alive. This my son was dead, but is now alive, &c. but none knows the things of God, but the spirit of God. Oh that you all tasted with me, that you might feell how good the Lord is: For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, and except a man be born again of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter in no wise into the Kingdom of heaven, which is within in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost. Dear friends, the time is come that many that were dead have heard the voice of the Son of God, and are made alive; and the time is still going on, that all that are in the graves shall hear and come forth, some to life, and some to death: Sin shall arise and be condemned; but Christ which lay dead (the seed) shal live every natural man is a grave where Jesus Christ lyeth dead, a new Sepulchre where never dead came but he: So Christ called the Scribes and Pharises painted Sepulchres, whited Tombes, and graves that men goe over and cannot tell: filthiness did bear all sway in them, and smothered the good seed, yet their out­sides were so fair, that none knew it but the spirit.

Nor doth any Naturall man know, that he is a Grave, and [Page 11]that Christ lyeth dead in him: yet know that the seed is sown in all grounds, and that the Light is come into all the world, though it he did in the earth, and darkness cover the Waters; (the light is put under a Bushell, &c.) Lord open your eyes, and consider what good will it doe you to believe in a Christ come to take away the sinns of the world, and yet you live in sin; for know assuredly that he came not to take away part of our sins, and leave the other untaken away, here you count the blood of the Covenant an unholy thing, wherewith you were sanctified, Heb. 10.29. for I am sure he perfecteth for ever all that come unto him; and the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sinn, and he will save to the ut­most them that believe in him; therefore where sin is lived in, there is but a dead faith and a false light, which is the Egyptian Seas, that must be dryed up: False light put forth, and dead faith made alive before the true faith, true light, and clear Christall waters, flow into the soul to purifie, en­lighten [...]nd cleanse it of all corruption, for faith purifies the hear, and true light guideth into the paths of righteousness, and true Righteousness will like mighty streams runn down our streets, (all hath gates and goings) and cleans them from all filthiness, &c.

As for duty, they that worship the Lord, must worship him in Spirit and Truth, for he seeketh such to worship him, John 4 23, 24. And they that Judge for the Lord must judg righteous Judgment; as it is written, He hath shewed th [...]e O man what is thy duty, and what the Lord requireth of thee, for to doe Justice, to love Mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God, Micah 6.8. And this is the whole duty of man, Fear God, and keep his Commandments; all which is, to love God above all, and our Ne [...]ghbour as our selves: This Love is the Tree whereon groweth leaves that will Cure all Nations, and whose Pruit will be meat for all People: the Sha­tamits two Armies, Love to God and love to Neighbours, which overcometh all things both within and without; this is the F [...]re of the Lord that will consume and bu [...]n up the whole World of Sinn and Corruption; this is the destru­ction [Page 12]of the world that now is, which is reserved for Fire, untill the destruction and day of ungodly men; this exceed­ing great Love of God shall overcome and burn up all the Heavens and Earth, which now is all false rests whereon the the World doth center, and they shall be swallowed up in this Love, which is Heaven it self; He that liveth in Love, liveth in God, God is Love, and the Center of all Joy and Happiness; whosoever shall abide therein, shall have all ha­tred taken away, and all things become new unto him: New Love that shall last for ever, New God, and all the old Gods of the earth shall be famished, the God of this World shall be served by him no longer (Money:) New Christ, newly risen from the dead, or newly made manifest, which had been often talked on; New Life, and the name written in the book of Life, (Righteous and true holiness the Lives thereof:) New Heavens and new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness, and then shall Judgment be esta­blished in Truth in the Earth; untill which time hee that Judgeth his Brother is a transgressor of the Law; for they that judge their Brethren of any thing, and are guilty of the same, are vain men, and have nothing to doe to judge any, they are inexcusable: As the Lord liveth that searcheth the hearts and tryes the reines, if any Ruler or Judge of this Nation live in any of the seven Abominations spoken of, Prov. 6.17, 18, 19 ver. Or if any of them be set up in their hearts, they can be no fit Judges to judge of Abomination in others; and the Naturall man judging the Saints, is but Esau warring against Jacob; and untill the Lord shall throw down all Esaus forth of places of Authority, there shall be no true judging of the Brethren, nor true Judgement set up.

But least I should seem to you wholly to obstruct your proceedings, or to set difference amongst you, I shall come home to you in particulars:

Then know, that after the Lord brought the Children out of Egypt, they had a great way to pass before they came into the good Land: which thing was a true, and perfect figure of the spirituall Israels deliverance from the Egiptian bon­dage [Page 13]of sinn and corruption, and all bondages of services whatsoever; at whose deliverance they shall finde no less troubles in the spirit, then the naturall seed of Israel did in the flesh (which condition you are now in) and shall find the Sea before, the Egyptians behinde▪ and great Mountaines on each hand: The Red sea of persecutions before, the Egyp­tian bondage of Sinn and corruption behinde (ready to de­vour you:) and on each hand great Mountains; on the right hand Carnall Worships, and on the left hand Carnall Laws, that incloseth you in that you cannot goe either back­ward or forward, nor to each hand; therefore take heed that like the Israelites you doe not murmure against the true Moses, nor tempt God; but know that as their strength were to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, so is yours now, and then he will divide the Sea of persecution, that you may pass through, and you shall pass through the Mountains, and leave them behinde you, and the Egyptians will the Lord drown in the Sea, which they thought to have driven you into; but being got over the Red sea, and all the Egyptians lie drowned on the shore, yet but in the wilder­ness, and great tryals and distresses is there; and a mixt multitude now begins to lust for flesh, and murmuring gets up, and a great slaughter from the Lord destroyes the migh­tiest of the murmurers; so that where God giveth the hearts desire, if it be not only used ta his Glory, it brings the greater Condemnation. Thus going on to Mount Sinah, and behold there is a Fire upon it, blackness and darkness, and sore tempests, and fear and much dread overcomes them who look upon it, and thunderings, and loud voices, and great Earthquakes there make the people tremble; (all those things are plain to him that runs the righteous Race, and are all seen within, and there the Law of God is written in the heart, and added because of transgression; and the guilt of Sin, and punishment for the same doth appear: now the Law of God being written in the heart, doth judge and con­demn all sin there, and there the day of Judgement is come, and there is a separation of the precious and vile, Sheep and Goats, good and evill, which good is by God received into [Page 14]rest, and cherished, but the Evill is punished and cast into torments, as plain example will shew in the children of Is­raels progress, for they that believe not cannot enter into the good land: But dear hearts be carefull of turning back again into AEgypt in your hearts, but go on with courage for all the difficulty; for they that endure to the end shall be sa­ved: Hearken to Moses the servant of the Lord, the mani­festations of God within, that which doth convince of sin and evill, and direct to or in truth; and this true Prophet of the Lord will not only lead you into the Mount, but into the good Land, though now but at the side of the Red sea: but if you will not hear this Moses, you shall be cut off from amongst the people of God: therefore, dear Friends, as the Lord hath manifested himself to you, be faithfull, and as yee have put on Christ, so walk ye in him in faithfulnesse accord­ing to what ye have received, for the Lord accepts of that which a man hath, and not of that which a man hath not, and he requires no more then he gives; so he that is faithfull in little, shall be Ruler over much; being faithfull of a little manifestations of God, begets a rule over much sinn and cor­ruptions, though they be never so strongly placed in the affe­ctions, therefore take heed of backsliding; for if any set their hands to the Plough and look back, they are not fit for the kingdom of Heaven; and know, that it were better for them never to know the wayes of God, then after they know them to return back from them, &c. And whereas you say, The Lord hath strongly convinced you of the great evils you lived in, and of the great good you ought to doe which you have omitted: That which doth so convince, is the true l [...]ght, which being obeyed will lead into all Truths.

Therefore harden not your hearts against the Lord, which hath discovered himself so largely unto you, for he discover­eth not sin to be lived in, nor duty to be neglected; for that light which discovereth these things being obeyed, giveth strength to forsake sin, and to perform duty: this is the piller of fire which God lead the children of Israel by through the plain of the read sea, or by the way of the Wil­derness of the read sea, and over the read sea (or thorough) [Page 15]the which their enemies pursuing were a cloud that they could not see them; This is the light of God that enlight­neth every one that cometh into the world (without end) but is darkness to the carnal heart, and called evil by every natural man; this light doth discover sin and iniquity in the heart. O enter into the secrets of your hearts and wait up­on the Lord there for the manifestations of his love me­diate and pray there in secret, and the Lord which seeth in secret will reward you openly: by abiding in the house, it will appear you are the vertuous woman, (and all will fol­low and seek after you) whose price is above Rubies, and that you are the bride, the lambs wife, married to him in truth and righteousness, and he will take care for you in all things, and direct you in all ways how to walk; for the woman is to be in subjection to her husband, as also saith the law (of righteousness) but if you gad abroad for councel, you will declare to all you are the harlot whose feet abide not in the house, whose paths go down to death, and all that follow you shall taste thereof. O take heed; for every one shal give an account unto God for the deeds done in the body, whether they be good or evil: Therefore O ye heads of the people which judge and rule over them, beware of taking gifts and rewards, they blind the eyes, they will wholly put out the light of God within you: and take no bribes, for as the Lord liveth, for those things hath the Lord cast down all out of the place of judgement that have acted in them; and be sure, if you still continute the same work, you shall have the same wages: for if ye judge for hire or rewards, or take gifts or bribes, the Lord will utterly consume and cast you ou [...] as he hath done all before you: The children of Israel was a perfect figure of this, for the which offences the Lord scattered them abroad amongst the heathen, and they drave them forth of the land (as might be witnessed in our days.)

Ob. But may some say, Though the Lord be to be wor­shipped in spirit and truth, yet he hath left the Civil Govern­ment to man, for man is a reasonable creature, by the which he ought to Govern at his own discression.

Ans. No man is reasonable but he which hath faith: For, all are unreasonable men that live upon sence, (and it is the property of a beast to live upon sence) as all our Judges, Ru­lers, and Town Clarks do now all, judging and preaching for hire, taking gifts and rewards, which is contrary to sound reason because the Lord forbids it, surely the potter should have power over the clay to make it, and then to use it at his plea­sure for his own use, and not the po [...] please it self: True rea­son ought to guide every one. God made man a reasonable creature, but man being not content with that condition God had placed him in, but acted in his own reason, became like the beasts that perish; thus pure reason was destroyed, and corrupt reason took place, as it doth this day in every na­tural man. God made Adam innocent, and placed him in a happy condition, and gave him a Commandment that he should not do such and such things, if he did, he should die; but Adam aspiring to be wise in himself, disobeyed the Lord, and followed his own wisdom, which was against all pure reason, that he being made by God, should forsake the Commandment of God, and follow his own will and wis­dom: for, surely God that made man only for his own glo­ry, and made all other things for his use and service, ought to have served God in all things, as all things was to serve him, and no man ought to rule contrary to the Record of the spirit, the Scriptures, which are written for our instruction, and as the testimony of the word of God within shall teach and direct; the which if it had been obeyed, Adam had not faln, nor Cain kill'd his brother Abel, nor Ishmael scoffed Isaac, nor Esau hated Jacob, neither had the children of Is­rael murmured and tempted God in the wilderness, and there faln, but that they lived upon sence; neither had Saul the King of Israel any reason to save alive Amalekes King, or to spare the best of the sheep and oxen which he had com­mand to slay; for which disobedience the Lord rent his Kingdom out of his hands, as be hath done all that disobey­ed his word, and will do all that ever disobey him, before which he ever gave warning, and still doth, complaining a­gainst the Rulers which rule with force and cruelty, and a­gainst [Page 17]oppressors, saying, Oppressours rule over my people, and with force and cruelty do they rule over them, and they that lead them cause them to err, &c. Love is the fulfilling of the Law, then sure it is good reason that the Law should be used in love; and great reason that man should rather live in honour then like a beast, as every natural man is; every man being guided and governed by God, and that walks ac­cording to what he commandeth, is in honour; but being guided by his own will is a beast; but the beast and the false Prophet which deceiveth the people with their lying won­ders, shall be shortly taken and cast into the lake which but­neth with fire and brimstone.

Dear hearts, if our faith were stedfast, our hope firm, and our Love perfect, then should we be established in everla­sting peace; for faith is powerfull and subdues Kingdoms; hope is upright and will keep stedfast to the Lord, to walk in holyness with boldness and love, being lived in, will over­come all things, and establish eternal peace, these are the Saints heavens wherein they dwell, or the three heavens of rest, whereof two shall cease, but the third shall abide for e­ver. Search and examine your selves where you are, try whe­ther you be yet in the faith or no; faith purifies the heart from all dead works, hope keeps firm to the Lord in true holyness and righteousness, nothing can remove it: per­fect love casts out all fear, and overcometh all torments; faith is a valliant Champion, hope is an upright judge, and love an everlasting King of glory that shall reigne for ever. If you know the ways of God, happie are ye if you walk in them; for he that followeth righteousness and mercy, fin­deth life, righteousness, and honor. Pro. 21. ver. 21. Thus farewell dear hearts, and the God of peace establish you in peace for ever, which is the hearty desire of him who dearly loves all appearance of truth, though now a prisoner for truths sake.

Benjamin N [...]chelson.

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