THE Compleat HUSBANDMAN AND Gentleman's Recreation: OR, The whole Art of Husbandry; Containing

  • I. Directions to Cure all Diseases in Horses, which are almost 300, with 12 Medicines on­ly not of 12d cost. Also to Cure Oxen. Kine. Bulls. Calves. Sheep. Lambs. Goats. Swine. Dogs. Conies, Hares. Poultry. Geese. Ducks. Swans, &c. Pigeons. Singing Birds. Hawks. Deer, &c. To teach Dogs.
  • II. Directions to Improve Land. Arable and Pasture. to Order Flax. Hemp. Saffron. Liquorice. Bees. Silk-Worms. and to make some new Invented Plows.
  • III. To Brew Pale Ale and Beer, make Cyder equal to Canary, and not stand in 4d. charge per. Quart, and to make Mead and Me­theglin.
  • IV. Of Planting and Raising Trees for Tim­ber and Fruit, Grafting and Gardening, to order Clover and St. Foin.
  • V. To destroy Moles, Foxes and other Vermin.
  • VI. To Heal all diseases in Men or Women with Chew'd white Bread. Also a Pleasant and wholesome Drink for a Family, which will not cost a Farthing a Gallon, best for Young and Old, Rich and poor Sick and Well.
  • VII. Directions in Angling. Fowling. Hawking. Hunting. Ringing, &c.

By G. Markham Gent.

LONDON, Printed for G. Conyers, at the Gold Ring in Little Brittain. Price. 1 s.

The Preface.


IN my Book Intituled Markam's Master-piece, I have set down every disease and Medicine, so full that any Farrier in the Kingdom, may find Medicines for all diseases, which are true and good. But the Price being 3s 6d. deprives Poor Men of the Benefit, therefore with much Labour and Experi­ence, I have found out 12 Medicines and not of 12 Pence Charge, and to be had any where, that will cure all dis­eases in Horses, and other Cattle and in this Impression, I have added Husbandry and Gardning, Hawking, Hunting, Fishing, Fowling, Bees, Silk-worms and other curious matters the Observance of which will In-rich the Practiser thereof considerably.

G. M.


THe Caracter of a Horse, Page 1. To prevent distempers in Horses 2. To feed them without Hay, Corn, or Grass 3. To feed old Cattle in a short time 4. To cure all Infirmi­ties in Horses with 12 Medicines, and all will not cost 12 Pence, and common to be had 5. to the 14.

To cure all diseases in Oxen, Bulls, Cows or Calfs with 7 Medicines only 14. To cure all diseases in Sheep with 6 Medi­cines 15. To cure all diseases in Goats with 2 Medicines 24. To cure all diseases in Swine with 3 Medicines only 24. To cure all diseases in Dogs with 3 Medicines 25. To cure all diseases in Cows and Horses 27. To cure all diseases in Poultry with 4 Medicines only 28. To cure all diseases in Wild Fowl 30, and to fatten them. To cure all diseases in Singing Birds with three Medicines 31. To cure all diseases in Hawks with 6 Medicines 32. A Strange Account of the Nature of Fallow Deers 35. Secret of Horses and Cattle as to make them follow you 37. To have Foals of divers Colours, To fat lean Horses 38. Farce to cure 28. Of the Second Part. To Improve Land to 100 Pound per Acre Page. 1. To Improve Land by draining and Floating, &c. 2. To Improve Land by Flax, Hops, Saffron Liquorice, &c. Some Experiments in Gardning, &c. 8. To make Trees grow much, To make much Butter 9. St. Foin and Clo­ver, to Improve 10. To order Bees 11. To order Silk-worms 12. To know what Weather will happen 16. To destroy Virmin 17 To Brew Ale 18. To make Cyder 20. To make Mead 22. To make Metheglin 23. To make Punch 24. To make Mum 25. The Art of Ringing, a cheap Family drink 26. Virtue of Che [...]ed Bread 28. Of Angling the best and choicest method for making Tackle, knowing the Haunts of Fishes, Baits and other matters relating to Angling. Of Fowling and how to take all sorts of Birds with Bird-lime, Nets, Stalking Horse, Snaring, Low-belling and to order setting Dogs, &c. of Haw­ [...] [...] tricks [...]

The Compleat Husbandman: AND, The Gentleman's Recreation.

HORSES are of the greatest Understanding, ha­ving in them (as the School-men affirm) a cer­tain natural Instinct, not only of the knowledge of their Riders and Keepers, but also of their own Generation and Descent, knowing their Sires and Dames, in such wise that they will refuse (as Pliny saith) to couple or ingender with them: they are also of all Creatures the aptest to learn any Motion, and the readi­est to obey their Teachers, having a greater Love to exer­cise than any other Beast. They are of great Courage and Valour, delight in Wars; and (as some School-men affirm) have a certain fore-knowledge of Battel, and will pre­pare themselves for the same. A Horse lives to 50 Years, tho' commonly but to 30.

The Mares are less lived, as till twenty, or five and twenty at the most; they are fit for the Saddle at four Years of age, for the Wars at six, for the Race at eight, and for Hunting, or for extream Matches at ten or eleven: The Females bear their Foals full eleven Months and Foal in the twelfth, or twelve Months and ten Days: The best time for their ingendring is March, at the increase of the Moon, or in the Middle part thereof, and the Mare foaleth her Foal standing: they are supposed to be so loving and kind [Page 2] to their Generation, that if a Foal lose the Dam, yet the other Mares which are Milch, will of their own accord, lend their Teats, and feed or nurse up the Orphan Foal. Horses are subject to more Diseases than any other Beast, for they have full as many as belong to a Man; and yet notwithstanding, all those Diseases may be cured by twelve Medicines only, not twelve Pence charge, as you shall find by reading what followeth.

Rules to manage your Horses so that no Distempers shall seize them.

  • 1. IN the Morning drive them moderately.
  • 2. When they have done Labour rub them well down.
  • 3. Then tye them to the Rack from Meat an Hour or more, and between whiles keep them rubing till their tired Spi­rits be refresh'd.
  • 4. Then give them a moderate quantity of Meat and Drink.
  • 5. Let the Stables be open to the Air and very clean swept, and keep the Horses clean.
  • 6. Let not your Horses, especially your Sadled ones, have constantly Hay in the Rack, nor Provender in the Man­ger, but tye them from the Rack 5 or 6 Hours toge­ther.
  • 7. Let them have but such a quantity of Meat as they may eat up clean.
  • 8. When your Horse has been hard rid or work'd much you may conveniently give him a little Water about one Hour before you give him Meat, and let him be well rub'd down and stand an Hour or Two before you Water him. Rubing down Horses is better then walking them when hot.
  • 9. If you give your Horses Grains as many do about Lon­don, put a little Salt into them, which prevents rot, and watry, and windy Distempers.
  • 10. Let your Mares with Fole, and their Colts run in the Fields for a Year.

Observe but these Rules, and your Horses will seldom want Drenching or Bleeding, but if you find they prove two fast, the best way to cool their Blood and keep them from Diseases, is to give them moderate Labour, and alter the quality of their Food.

The best Food for Horses is good Rick Hay about three quarters of a Year old, which is much better then Hay out of the Barn, and Corn in the Straw is much better and cleansing then that that is thrash'd, or thrash'd and clean­sed [Page 3] from Chafe; and Beans, Fitches, Barly, Oates and Pease in the Straw is the most hearty Food and cleanseth the Stomach from all superfluities. But Thresht Corn of any sort is good Food for working Horses that go to Grass, especially in Winter, giving it them Morning and Night. Put your Stable Horses to Grass from May to July, which will cleanse their Bodies and cure their Feet and Legs of Diseases contracted by standing in the Stable all Winter, Rain, River, and Spring-water is best for Horses and other Cattle, much better then Pond-water. To allay burning with Shot, Gun-powder or Wild-fire: Take fresh Butter, and the whites of Eggs, of each as much as is sufficient; beat them well together to an Unguent or Salve, and an­noint the Place burnt and it cures speedily. probatum est.

To feed Horses well without Hay.

CHop half a Peck of Straw small and mingle a handful of Oats amongst it, and put in the Manger several times a Day, and let them drink often, or you may put in the Paste of Turnips instead of Oats, which will do full as well, make the Paste with the coursest Corn ground; or cut, shred, and chop Fur Tops, and give them your Horses, and they will exceedingly thrive therewith; this I had from a great Lord. A great Traveller us'd to give his Horse a Half penny worth of Carrets, either boil'd or raw, which will answer half a Peck of Oats.

In Kent and Hartfordshire, they cut Beans and Oats small, and give their Horses with Chaff or cut Straw, and they thereby eat up all and thrive exceedingly. Parsnips are excellent likewise for all sort of Cattle, and will seed them fat in a small time; they will feed Calves and Lambs very fat, and being boiled will feed Swine to the height of fatness in a Fortnights space, and the Liqour will feed them better than the best Whey. Cows are very greedy for the Liquor of Turnip boiled, and I have seen them feed them without any other Food, and become fat there­with: Turnips boiled will feed all sorts of Poultry fat, and make them lay Eggs constantly without any Corn at all; whereby may be kept Pheasants, Turkeys, Geese, Pa­tridg, Coots, Moor-Cocks in abundance without any charge; I have known Horses kept fat by sliceing them, and casting them into the Manger; and of all Food what­ever, nothing is more wholsom nd healthful for Cattle. You may keep all sorts of Poultry (and Rabbets) by a Paste made of Beasts Liver, the coursest ground Corn and Bran with a Competent even Mixture, but I have left out the Livers, and made a Paste with the Rest compounded with [Page 4] Turnips. But in Conclusion, Turnips of themselves are the only food for Poultry and Swine, probat. est: Turnips boil'd and mingled with Bran will feed hunting Dogs very highly without other relief.

If you would have a Spot on any part of a Horse: First, shave off the Hair, and with the flower of Brimstone make the Place bare, and white Hair will grow thereon.

If you would make a black Star in a white Horses Fore­head, take an Earthen Pan seeth it well with Water, and bray it in a Mortar very well. Then bind this to the Horses Forehead a Night and a Day, and in a few Days the white falls of, and black grows instead thereof.

In Hartfordshire they feed Swine with Elm Leaves, ga­thering them in Bags.

To feed old Cattle fat in a short time.

MAke them first as Poor as you can, then put them into fresh Grass, and you have your desire.

If you would make Heifers as large again as their Dames, and as formal as the fairest Oxen, only Spay them when they are young, and they will sell at the price of Oxen.

How to cure all the Infirmities in HOR­SES, either inward or outward, with twelve Medicines only, and all not cost Twelve-pence.

1st Med.To cure all Fevers in general. The Pestilence, A Horse Taken, The Falling-evil, The Palsie, or Sha­king-evil, The Night-mare, Hide-bound, All Con­sumptions, The Brest-grief, The Anticor, All Tir­edness, The Loathing of Meat, Casting out of Drink, All Surfeits, The Hungry-evil, Sick Liver, Sick Gall, Sick Spleen, Sick Kidneys, The Yellows, The Dropsie, Costiveness in the Body, The Bots, All Worms, Pissing Blood, The Mattering-yard, Shedding of the Seed, Falling of the Yard, Eating of Hens Dung, The Falling of the Crest.

IF the Horse have been brought weak by sickness, and that you find it proceedeth from some inward Infecti­on or Corruption of Blood, give him in the Morning fa­sting two Spoonfuls of the Powder of Diapente, well brew­ed with four Spoonfuls of Honey, and toss'd to and fro in a pint of sweet Wine, as Muskadine or Malmsey; and then ride or walk him up and down in the Sun an Hour after: then set him up very warm in the Stable, and let him fall an Hour, and then give him such Provender as he will eat, and his Hay sprinkled with a little Water: But if his sickness proceed from any cold cause, or from over-riding, and too sudden cooling, or from washing when he was hot, or such like, then you shall give the same quantity of Di­apente and Honey in Sack, or other hot Wine, in the same manner, as aforesaid: But if his sickness be less contagious, or that Wine is not ready to be had, then you shall give the same quantity of the aforesaid Powder and Honey, ei­ther in a Quart of strong Ale, or a Quart of strong Beer, observing all the Instructions formerly declared. Now for this Powder which is called Diapente, or (of some) Horse-Mithridate, because it is a general Antidote or preser­vative against all poysonous Infection, make it in this manner, Take of Aristolochia rotunda, of Gentiana, of Myrrh, of Bacchi laures, and of Ehori, of each a like [Page 6] quantity, beat them all together in a Mortar to a very fine Powder, and then searse it till not any grosness be left, and then keep it either in a close Pot, or in a Bladder, and use it as beforesaid, when you have occasion, and ob­serve to do it divers Mornings together, if the Sickness be violent. Now for as much as this Powder may many times be wanting, or at least hard to come by on the sud­den, therefore in case of such extremity, take a good Handful of Celandine Roots and Leaves and all, and ha­ving pick'd and cleansed them, take of Wormwood, of Rue, of each half a Handful, boyl these in a Pottle of strong Ale or Beer till a full half be consumed, then strain it, and press the Herbs exceedingly, and then dissolve into the Drink almost half a Pound of sweet Butter, and an ounce and a half of the best Treacle, and being no more but lukewarm, give it the Horse to drink in the Morning fasting, and ride or walk him an Hour after it, then set him up warm, and let him fast another Hour, then give him, Meat as aforesaid: and do this divers Mornings ac­cording to the greatness of his Sickness. Now in this cure you must by no means forget to let the Horse blood in the Neck-vein, an Hour or two before you give him the first Drink, and let him bleed till you see the corrupt Blood change and begin to look pure: to know which, save the first Blood, and the last Blood, in two Saucers, and as they cool, they will easily shew you the difference. Now if your Horse happen to fall suddenly Sick under you, as you travel, when there is no Town nor help near you, then presently light from his Back, and with a sharp-pointed Knife, or Bodkin, or for want of both, with a strong pointed Tag, prick him in the Roof of the Mouth amongst the Bars, somewhat near to his uppermost Teeth, and make him bleed well; walking him forward, and suffering him to champ and eat his own Blood, which is very whol­som, and almost a present cure: now if the Blood stanch of it self, (as commonly it will) then presently Piss in his Mouth; and so ride him with all gentleness and ease home­ward, and being set up warm, wash his Mouth and No­strils with Vinegar, and the next Morning let him Blood in the Neck-vein, and give him either of the Drenches be­fore prescribed, and no doubt but you may hold on your journey without danger. Now if in the Pricking of the Horse in the Mouth, you either strike your Knife too deep, or else cut the Vein in sunder, whereby you cannot stanch the Blood, (as it many times hapneth) in this case, put some big round piece of Wood into the Horses Mouth (to keep him from biting) and then take a little of the fine Down of a Hares-skin, or a Conies-skin, or (for want of them) the fine Lint of any Wollen Cloth, and hold it [Page 7] hard to the Wound, and it will stanch it; neither will it be lick'd away with the Horses Tongue.

To cure all Head-ach, All Frenzie, The Lethargy, The Staggers, The Poss, All Colds, All Coughs, wet or dry, All Shortness of Breath, Broken wind, Rotten Lungs, The Glanders, Mourning of the Chyne, Lax, or Looseness, The Bloody-flux. 2d Med.

FIrst let the Horse blood in the Neck-vein, and let him bleed exceeding well, that is to say, till you see the Blood change, and that Corruption come to pureness; then stanch the Vein, and take of Assafoetida as much as a Hasel-nut, and dissolve it in a Saucer full of strong Wine-vinegar, and then take fine Flax-hurds and dip them there­in, and then stop the same hard into the Horses Ears, and with a Needle and a Thred stitch the Tops of the Horses Ears together, to keep the Medicine in from shaking forth: then take of the white cankerous Moss, which grows upon an old Oake-pale, or other Oak-wood, a good Handful or more, and boyl it in a Bottle of new Milk and a Root or two of Elecampane till one half be consumed; then strain it, and press the Moss exceedingly, and being luke-warm, give it the Horse to drink fasting in the Morning, and ride or walk him an Hour after it gently; then set him up warm; and having stood an Hour, then offer him such Meat as he will most willingly eat, and in any wise sprinkle his Hay with Water; and thus do divers Mornings toge­ther, according to the greatness of his Sickness: But if you shall perceive that he casteth foul and filthy matter at his Nostrils, then you shall every Morning as soon as you have given the Drench, take of Auripigmentum two Drams, of Tussilago or Colts-foot made into Powder as much; then with Turpentine work them to a stiff Paste, and make lit­tle round Cakes or Troches thereof, the Compass of a Groat, but much thicker, and dry them a little: then take a Chafing-dish of Coles; and laying one or two of these Cakes thereon, cover them with a Tunnel, such as you tun Wine or Beer into Bottles with, that the smoke may ascend thorow the same: then having made the Hor­ses Head fast, put the smoke to his Nostrils, and perfume him well with the same: and though at the first he be somewhat coy to take the Smoke, yet having once felt the Smell thereof, he will take such delight therein, that he will of his own accord thrust his Nose to the same. As soon as you have perfumed your Horse, you shall ride him forth till he begin to sweat, and then bring him home, and [Page 8] set him up warm; and having so stood an Hour or more, then give him Meat as aforesaid; but by no means let him drink any cold Water, either in his sickness or out of his sickness, but when you may ride him after it; which if either weakness, leisure, time or place do hinder you to do, then you shall heat a Pottle of Water on the fire scalding hot, and put it into a Gallon or two of cold Wa­ter, so that it may only take the coldness away; and then cast a Handful or two of ground Malt or Wheat-bran into the same, and so give it the Horse to drink.

To cure Imposthumes in the Ears, The Vives, Ʋlcers in the Nose, All Wens whatsoever, The Colts-evil, Swell'd Stones, Incording or Bursting. 3d Med.

TAke a penny-worth of Pepper beaten to fine Powder, a Spoonful of Swines Grease, the Juice of a Handful of Rue, two Spoonfuls of strong wine Vinegar, and mix them well together: then if the Swelling be about the Horses Head, Face, or Throat, you take Flax-hurds and steep them therein; and stop it hard into the Horses Ears, and stitch the Tops together with a Needle and a Thread, as in the second Medicine, renewing it once in two Days, till the swelling go away. But if it be in any other part of the Body, then with this Ointment, you shall anoint the grieved Place twice a Day, till the Infirmity consume away. Now for the Swelling about the Cods or Privy Members, it shall be good before you anoint them with this Ointment, to bath them well with cold Water, as either by trotting the Horse into some deep Pond, or else by ta­king a Pail of cold Water, and dipping a Cloath into the same, to bath, clap and wash the Cods therewith; then drying them with another clean Cloth, lay on the Oint­ment, which is a present cure.

To cure the Poll-evil, Swelling after Blood-letting, The Withers hurt, All Gal'd Backs, All Sitfasts, The Navel-gall, The Strangle, The Botch in the Groyn, All Fistulaes, Biting with venomous Beasts or Worms. 4th Med.

FOr any of these filthy Imposthumations, Galls or Swel­lings, take the Earthlome of a Mud-wall which hath no Lime in it, but only Earth, Straw, or Litter; and you shall boyle it in strong wine-vinegar till it become very thick, like a Poultess; then being very hot apply it to the Sore, renewing it once in twelve or four and twenty [Page 9] Hours, and it will not only ripen it and break it, but also draw it, search it, and heal it most perfectly; proba­tum.

To cure Manginess in the Main, Manginess in the Tail, The Mallander, The Sellander, The Pains, The Scratches, All Kyb'd Heels, The Leprosie, The Farcel, The general Scab, All Lice or Nits, or other Vermine. 5th Med.

FIrst let the Horse blood in the Neck-vein, and suffer him to bleed very well (because Corruption of Blood is the only breeder of these Infirmities:) then having with a Knife, Launcet, Curry-comb, Hair-cloth, or such like, opened the Knots or Pustules, and rub'd away all Scurf or Filthiness, laying the Sores open and raw, and as it were ready to bleed, then you shall take of Yellow Ars­nick, or white Mercury beaten to fine Powder, or Besalgar and clarified Hogs-grease, of each a like quantity, and beat them well together till they come to a perfect Ointment; then having tied the Horses Head up fast to the Rack, in such wise that he can neither lick nor bite himself, with this Ointment anoint all the Sores and other offended Pla­ces very well over, holding some hot Bar of Iron, or Fire­shovel heated, against the same, that the Ointment may the better and speedier enter into the same; and being thus anointed, let him stand the space of two or three Hours at the least, tied as beforesaid: which done, take of the strongest Urine you can get, and with the same wash away all the Ointment wheresoever it was laid, and then untie the Horse, and put him to his Meat: and thus do once a Day, till the Sores dry up and begin to shell away.

To cure all Wounds in general, All Sinews cut, All Wounds with Shot, Burning with Lime, Mad Dog biting, Foundring, Fretizing, Surbaiting, All loose Hoofs, Casting of the Hoof, Hoof-bound. 6 Med.

TAke of Turpentine, Bees-wax and Hogs-grease, of each a like quantity, first melt the Yellow-wax and Hogs-grease upon a soft Fire, then take it off, and dissolve the Turpentine into it, and stir it very well together; then put it into a Gally-pot, and let it cool; and with this Salve tent or plaister any Wound or Sore, and it will heal it. [Page 10] Also with the same anoint the Cronets of your Horses Hoofs; and putting Wheat-bran unto it, being boiled hot, stop your Horses Feet therewith, in case either of Poun­der, Frettize, Surbait, or such like Infirmity.

To cure all old Ʋlcers, The Shackle Gall, The Crown­et hurt, Gravelling, The Canker, The Anbury, All Bruises broken, All Over-reaches, The Crown-Scab, Prick in the Soal, A Retrait, Cloying, The rotten Frush. 7th Med.

All these Infirmities are cured by Whey, only contained in the 7th Med.

The Bloody-rifs, The Bladders, The Lampas, All Mouth Cankers, All hurts in the Mouth, The Tongue hurt, The Paps, The Tooth-ach, Shedding of Hair, The Felter-worm.

TAke of new Milk three Quarts, a good Handful of Plan­taine, let it boyl till a full Pint be consumed; then take six Ounces of Allom, and one Ounce and a half of white Sugar-candy, both being made into a very fine Powder, and six Spoonfuls of strong Wine-vinegar, and put them into the Milk; then let it boyl a little till it have a hard Curd; then strain it, and save the Whey, wherewith you shall first bath the Sore, the Whey being made warm: then with a clean Cloth dry the Sore, and then apply this Salve: Take of Turpentine, Yellow-wax and Hogs-grease an Ounce and a half; mix all these together on a soft Fire, and then put it into a Gally-pot and let it coole: but in case where the Bruise is not broken, yet likely to break, there only apply the fourth Medicine, mentioned before in Page 8th.

To cure all Convulsions of Sinews, All Cramps what­soever, The Neck-crick, Shoulder Splat, All swell'd Legs, Over-reach on the back Sinew, All Wind­galls, Wrench in the nether Joynt, All Bruises unbroke, All Strains whatsoever. 8th Med.

TAke strong Wine-vinegar and Patch-grease or Piece-grease, of each a like quantity, and boyl it on the Fire. Then with Wheat-bran make it into a hot Poultess; and being so warm as the Horse may endure it, apply it twice a Day to the grieved Place: but in case the Soreness be where you cannot bind any Poultess unto it, then you shall only take Patch-grease, or Piece-grease; and being melted very hot, with the same Bath the Horse twice or thrice a Day, and give him very moderate Exercise before and after his dressing: and that not only takes away all Pain and Aches, but removes all Swellings, Gourdings of any other Eye-sore whatsoever.

To cure all light Galls, To skin Sores, To dry up Hu­mours. 9th Med.

FIrst, bath the sore Place with hot melted Butter; then strow upon it the Powder of Rosin for a Day or two: lastly, take a Spoonful or two of very thick Cream, and with the Soot of a Chimney bring it to a very thick Paste; then spread it also upon the Sore, and it will heal, dry, and skin it, in a short space.

To cure all watry Eyes, All Blood shotten Eyes, All dimness of Sight, The Pin and Web in the Eye, All Pearls or Spots, All Lunatick Eyes, All Cankers in the Eyes, All Fistulaes in the Eyes, The Haw in the Eye. 10th Med.

TAke true ground Ivy, which some call Alchoof, or the ordinary ground Ivy, and beat it well in a Morter; and if it be very dry, drop a little white Rose water into it, or a little of the Water of the herb Eye-bright; then strain it well into a clean Glass, and with that Juice wash, anoint, or tent the Sores in the Eyes, at least three or four times a Day: as for the Haws or Hags in a Horse Eye, every common Smith knows in what sort to cut them away, and that easily

To oure all Splents, All Spavens, All Curbs, All Ringbones, All Quitterbones, All Bony-excre­tions. 11th Med.

TAke white Arsnick or Mercury, ground to Powder, and make a little slit upon the Head of the Excretion, the length of a Barly-corn, and down to the Bone; then raise up the Skin with a fine Cornet, and put in as much of the Arsnick or Mercury as will lie upon a three-halfpence, and then bind upon the Sore a little hard Flax-hurds; which done, tye up the Horses Head to the Rack, so as he may not bite the sore Place, and let him stand the space of two or three Hours; for in that time the Anguish will be gone, and the Medicine will have done working: then put the Horse to his Meat either in the house or abroad, and the Excretion will rot and fall away of it self; which seen, you may heal up the Sore, either with the sixth or the ninth Medicine, specified before. This being the 11th Med.

To cure all broken Bones, All Bones out of Joynt, Swaying of the Back, Weakness in the Back, Horse Hipped, Horse Stifled. 12th Med.

THe Bones being placed in their true and proper Places, according to the Form of the Member, first bath the grieved Place with warm Patch-grease or Piece-grease: then clap about it a binding Plaister of pitch, Rosin, Ma­stick, and Sallet-oil, well mixt together, and molten on the Fire: then fold the Limb about with fine Flax-hurds, and then splint it with broad, flat, strong, and soft Splents, and remove not the Dressing for the space of fifteen Days, except you find the Rowlers to slacken, which is a very good Sign, and then you may straiten them again; or if you find the Member increase in Swelling, and that the Row­lers grow as it were straiter and straiter, then you may give the Member ease; for it is a Sign it was rowl'd too strait before: and thus you shall dress it but twice in thir­ty Days, or thereabouts; in which time the Bones will be knit: but if through the Breach or Dislocation, you find any gross substance to appear about the grieved Place, then you shall twice or thrice a Day bath it with hot Patch-grease; and that will take away the Eye-sore in a short space.

The chief of all Medicines concerning Horses.

TAke of Wheat Meal six Pounds, or as much as will bring all the other Simples following to a stiff Paste: of Anniseeds two Ounces, of Cumminseeds six Drams, of Carthamus one Dram and a half, of Fenugreekseed one Ounce and two Drams, of Brimstone an Ounce and a Half, of Sallet Oyl one Pint and two Ounces, of Honey one Pound and a Half, of White-wine four Pints; and all this must be made into a very stiff Paste, the hard Simples be­ing pounded, and searsed to a fine Powder, and so mixt with the wet Simples: After this Paste is thus made, it must be kept in a very clean Cloth; and when you have occasion to use it, you shall take thereof as much as will make a round Ball as big as a Man's Fist; and this Ball by continual washing, laving, and squeezing, dissolve into a Gallon or two of fair running Water, and so give it the Horse to drink, either after his Heats, or after any violent Labour or Exercise, or when he is sick, poor, lean, or in­wardly diseased, and full of foul Surfeits; and then you shall suffer him to drink thereof as much and as oft as he pleaseth. Now it may be at the first that partly through the Colour thereof, and partly through the Smell, the Horse will be coy to taste it, but care not you therefore, but be sure to keep him from all Water else but it only: And that he may the readier take it, you shall do well at first to offer him this Water in the dark, that the Colour may not offend him; of which when he hath but once tasted, he will then forsake all Water whatsoever to drink of this Water only, as I have often known by Experience. Now touching the Vertues which appertain to this Medi­cine, they are these: First, if your Horse be never so poor, lean, surfeited and diseased, if you give your Horse of this Water with the Ball dissolved in it as aforesaid, it will in fourteen Days, not only cleanse and scower him from all Infirmity, but also feed him and make him fat with good and sound Flesh; so as he shall be fit either for the Market, or for present Travel; Secondly, if your Horse be inwardly foul and fat, and have either by order­ly or disorderly riding, had his Grease molten within him, then this Medicine used as aforesaid, is a most Excellent and Soveraign Purge or Scowring, and maketh the Horse not only avoid all such filthy and ill matter as lies molten in his Body, and would breed most dangerous and mortal Sickness, but also it comforteth and strengthneth the in­ward Parts, and breeds great Courage and Spirit in the Horse: Whence it comes to pass that it is of special and [Page 14] great use for hunting Horses, and running Horses to be given after their Heats, because it doth cleanse the Body, prevent all inward Sicknesses, keep a Horse cool and so­luble in his Body, and adds more Courage and Mettle than any other food whatsoever: Lastly, the use of this Me­dicine one Fortnight, is as good as a Quarter of a Years feeding at Grass at any time of the Year, and worketh as many and more good Effects, especially in this, that this Medicine is to be had at all times, and Grass is to be had but only in Summer-season: but whereas at Grass (if it be rank and sweet) a Horse is in danger of many Sicknesses, as the Yellows, Staggers, Anticor, and many others, which proceed from the Corruption of the Blood, or the Heat of the Season; by the use of this Medicine all these Infirmities are taken away, and the Horse reco­vereth Flesh, Strength, and livelihood of Spirit, without any danger, as proof shall testifie much better than my Writing.

How to cure all Diseases in Cattel, as Ox, Bull, Cow, or Calf, with seven Medicines only.

Of the Ox, Bull, Cow, or Calf.

THE Ox, Bull, Cow, or Calf, are Beasts naturally of a slow and heavy Disposition, yet fit for the Draught, being temperately handled, and especially the Oxen, or Bulls: the Cows may be, and are sometimes employed in the same Work, but they are more fit for the Pail, or for yeilding Milk, The fat of these beasts is soft, and apt upon any violent exercise to melt, Whence it proceeds that in their labour they may not be driven above an ordinary foot-pace: of this kind of Cattle with us in this Island of great Britain, are four sorts: the first and best, are those which are bread in the West parts, as in Somersetshire, Gloucestershire, Dorsetshire, and the Counties adjoin­ing: these are for the most part of a bloodred Colour, with great, large, and long Bodies, tall of Stature, and slenderly cast downwards: their Horns are little and crook­ed: and the Milk which the Cows give, is the very best and wholsomest of all other, The second sort are bred in the [...]ountries of Darbyshire, Cheshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire, and the Counties adjoyning: these are for the most part of [Page 15] a cole black Colour, with large Bodies, and short Legs, stately, large, and white Horns, and the Cow most fruit­ful of all other for breed. The third sort are bred in Lin­colnshire, and the Countries adjoining, and are of a pyed Colour, very tall and large of Body, only slender and long legged. The fourth sort are bred in the extreamest part of the North, as in Northumberland, and beyond the Tweed; they are the least of all the other, with short low Bodies, and very little Horns, yet in their Flesh most excel­lent, and the sweetest Beef of all other: whence our Anci­ent Herdsmen conclude, that the West Country Beasts is best for the Pail; the Yorkshire best for the Hide and Tal­low; the Lincolnshire best for Travel, and the Northumber­land for the Shambles: they have almost as many Diseases as the Horses, yet all may be cured by seven Medicines only.

To cure all Fevers. The Pestilence. The Gargil. The Murrain. All misliking. All leanness. The pissing of Blood. All Fluxes. Hide-bound. The dry Skin. The Lung-grown. Swallowing of all Poison whatsoever. All Worms. Vomiting of Blood. Milting. To provoke Ʋrine. The overflow of the Gall. A Cow wethered. All Faintness. How to breed Milk. The Pantas. The loss of the Cud. The Rot.

First, as soon as you perceive your Beast to droop, let him Blood in the Neck-vein, and let him bleed well (that is to say) till you see Alteration in the Blood; then take of Plantain, of Rue, of Wormwood, of Housleek, of Woodrose, of Shepherds purse, of Smallage, and of Gal­wort, of each of these (or of so many as you can conveni­ently get) half a Handful; beat them well in a Mortar, and then mix therewith a pint of Urine, and a Handful of Hens-dung strained all together exceeding much, then put this Juice so strained to a full Ale quart of strong Beer or strong Ale and so set it on the Fire, and boyl it till a full half be consumed: then take it from the Fire and dissolve into it half an Ounce of the best Treacle and a Spoonful of the Juice of Garlick, then take of Myrrh, of Ivory, of Bayberries, of Cinamon, and of Anniseeds beaten to a fine Powder, two good Spoonfuls, and brew very well with the Ale: then being sufficiently well cooled, give it to the Beast to drink with a Horn, early in the Morning fasting, and chase the Beast up and down half an Hour af­ter, [Page 16] then put him where he may come to no Meat for an Hour and half after: and thus do two or three Morn­ings together, according to the greatness of his Sickness: But if you find his Dew-lap begin to swell, then with a sharp Knife slit it, and opening of the Skin, thrust into it half a Handful of Spear-grass and Salt chop'd together, and then stitch it up again, and anoint it with Butter and Tar mixt together, and so put the Beast to a fresh Pasture but by no means let the Grass be too Rank, for that is most dangerous.

To cure the Belly-ake. All Colds in general. Dropping Nostrils. All Costiveness. All Coughs or Hausts. All shortness of Breath. A general purge for Cattel.

First, let the Beast blood, as in the former Medicine, then take a quart of strong Ale and boyl it on the Fire, and Scum it well, then take it off, and dissolve into it a Spoonful of Tar and a Spoonful of the Juice of Garlick: which done, take of Sugar-candy, of Fenugreek, and of Brimstone, all being beaten to a fine Powder, the quan­tity of three Spoonfuls, brew them well together with the Ale till it be sufficiently well cooled: then put to it a Quarter of a Pint of Sallet-oil, and so give it the Beast to drink fasting, and Chase him and Use him as was before prescribed in the former Medicine.

To cure the Sturdy. The Neck gall'd. The Neck bruised. The Neck sweld. The Closh. All Swellings in general in any part. All Impo­stumes. All Boyls. All Botches. The Dew­bouln. Cattel Goared. All Wounds what­soever.

FIrst, in any case of the Sturdy, you shall open the Skull upon the Forehead, and take out the Bladder, then Heal the Sore with the Salve following; but in case of Dew­bouln, where the Blean riseth upon the Tongue, or in the Mouth, there you shall first break the Blean, and thrust out the Filth, then rub the Sore with Salt and Earth, and after apply the Salve following, which is this. Take the green Leaves of Aristoloch, of fresh Grease, of Tallow, of the Ashes of an old burnt Shooe, of Turpen­tine, of Tar and Lilly-roots, of each a like Quantity, [Page 17] beat them all in a Mortar till they come to a perfect Salve; which if it prove too lenwick or moist, then you shall take as much yellow Wax as will soften it; and with this Salve anoint the Sore places, and it is a present Remedy.

To cure the Barbs. The Blean. The Canker in the Mouth. Loose Teeth. The Tongue venomed. The falling of the Pallat.

FIrst, thrust your Hand into the Beasts Mouth, and if there be any Blister risen, or the Pallat fallen, rub the one away, and put up the other; then take of Wood­bine Leaves, of Sage, of Plantain and of Salt, of each half a Handful, boyl them well in a Quart of running Wa­ter, a Pint of Vinegar, and half a Pint of Honey, then with the Water wash the sore Places very well, and it is a present Remedy.

To cure all Sore-Eyes. The Haw in the Eye. The Pin in the Eye. The Web in the Eye.

FIrst, let the Beast blood in the Temple-veins, and cut out the Haws if they offend him, which every ordinary Smith can do: then take an Egg and open it in the Crown, and put out half the White, then fill it up again with Salt, and then roast it in the hot Embers so long and so hard that you may beat it to a fine Powder: which done, dissolve some of that Powder in a Spoonful of the Water of Eyebright, and a Spoonful of the Juice of Housleek, and with the same wash the Beasts Eye twice or thrice a Day, and it is a present Remedy.

To cure the Worms in the Tayl. The general Scab. The party coloured Scab. The Itch or Scurf. The biting of a mad Dog. The biting with vene­mous Beasts. All Lice or Ticks. All pricks with Thorns or Stubs. To be Shrew-run.

FIrst make a strong Lye with old Urine and the Ashes of Ash-wood; then take a Pint of this Lye, and add to it of Tar or black Sope, of Coperas, of Bores-grease, of Brimstone, of Pepper, of Stave [...]- [...]ke [...], and of Plantain, of each a like quantity, as much as will bring the Lye to a thick and stift Salve, then with the same anoint all the [Page 18] sore Places: but in case the Beast be Shrew run only, and have no other Infirmity, then take a Bramble which groweth at both ends, and with the same beat all over the Body of the Beast, and if you can conveniently; you shall also draw his whole Body under a Bramble which groweth at both ends, as aforesaid.

To cure all Strains whatsoever. All soreness in the Sinews. All stiffness in the Neck. The Gout. All broken Bones. All griefs in the Hoves. The Foul.

TAke Mallows, Chickweed, and Galingale, and boyl them in Urine, Butter, Burgundy-pitch, Tallow, and Linseed-oil, till they be so soft that you may beat them to a Salve; which done, apply the Salve to the grieved Place very hot, either as an Ointment, or as a Poultess, and it is a present Remedy, as hath been often proved.

How to cure all Diseases in Sheep, with six Medicines only.

The Character or nature of the Sheep.

SHeep are naturally of a hot Disposition, weak and ten­der, they will live with less food than any other Beast of their bigness: every thing about them is of good use, the worst of which are their Hoves, and yet the very tread­ings of them upon the Cround are a good Manuring and Enriching of the same: The Rams and Ews are sit for Ge­neration from two Years of Age till ten; and after that, they are only for the Shambles: the Ews carry their Lambs in their Bodies a hundred and fifty Days, accord­ing to common Computation. Sheep in our Island of great Britain (which is not inferiour to any Kingdom in the World for the excellency of good Sheep) are of sundry Natures, according to the Alteration of the Climates: for where the Ground is most Fertile, there the Sheep are large of Body, and deep woolled, yet is the Staple but of an indifferent fineness,, rather inclining to some course­ness, than yielding the best Thread: others are bred of a more barren and wild Earth; yet if the lear be cold, [Page 19] then is the Staple most course, and the Wool both short and hairy, and the least that are bred on the most barren Earth: though the Sheep be the least of Body, and the least of Burthen, yet if the Lear be warm and well co­loured, the Wool is of all the Finest, and the Staple of a Fine and Silk-like handling. To conclude, it is better and more natural for a Sheep to be bred abroad in the Fields amongst the Flock, than Domestick at home in the House; for so shall both his Flesh and Fleece be better both for the Taste and other Service.

To Order and Preserve Sheep from Rot, Scab, Mange and all Distempers.

YOur Sheep is disorder'd and their Health wounded, if they are driven too hard, or coursed with a Dog, or the like; and if they be suffer'd to lye down whilst hot, and this often, they will break out with the Scab or Mange: When about Michaelmas, you put them into fresh Pasture if they are close folded it will do the same: If in hot Weather they be often removed from Place to Place it will hinder their thriving and make them Scabby, much wet likewise makes them rot. In the Morning betimes drive your Sheep into fallow Fields, or Downs where Grass is scarce, and take notice of the Situation of the Field; then walk your Sheep gently on the dryest and highest Parts: If there be Corn Fields let them feed about 2 or 3 Hours by the Hedges, about 11 a Clock turn them from the Edge of the Corn Feild or Pasturage into the lowest Clay ground or Valleys you have, and let them lye at ease, and as scat­tering as you can, use them at all times tenderly, and less food will serve, observe the Method from May till August if the Weather continue warm, and it will prevent Scab and Mange, when they come into fresh posture, in May or June. I think is the best time for shearing, if the Sum­mer prove wet about June or July, let your Sheep conti­nue in the Fold till 8 in the Morning, if the Morning be­moist, and again let them be folded before the Dew fall, observe these Rules, and you will prevent many Diseases, as Choler, Flegm, Stoppages, Red-water, Coughs, Pains in the Joints, Lameness, and the like; you ought to be more careful of Sheep from Midsummer till Michaelmas, therefore keep your Sheep till 9 a Clock, or till the Sun hath dryed the moist Vapours and Humidity from the Earth, and then let them out, and keep them on the high and dry Grounds, if the Day prove dry, feed them 3 Hours in lower Grounds, and about Evening, put them in, higher Places, and besure, fold them before the Dew falls [Page 20] and fold them on dry Ground; from July to September, Sheep are most subject to Rot, and is occasioned chiefly by two much moisture at the Season, and not from licking up Snails, &c. as I omit for Brevity.

If wet weather happen about July, August, or Septem­ber, or when it is generally a wet Summer, and continues till Michaelmas, a Rot is greatly to be feared; in wet Weather, give your Sheep Hay at Night and Morning, or give them three times a Week Oats or other Grains, mix­ing a little Salt with it, and this will prevent the Rot; low wide Houses like Barns, open on all sides to house Sheep in wet Weather, preserve them from Rot: This is a gene­ral Rule in Flanders. Those that live where the Rot is often, ought to change their Sheep; for hill Country Sheep, which will thrive and prove less subject to this Disease.

For the Rot in Sheep, put them into a large Barn set about with wooden Troughs, and therein feed them with Oates a Day or two, then put in some Bay Salt stamp'd small and after that a greater quantity till such time as they be­gin to distaste it, then give them clean Oats a Day or two more, and after serve them with Salt as before, and thus do till they are well.

To prevent Rot in Sheep, feed them on dry Lands and keep them late in the Folds in the Forenoon, and feed them with Hay, mixing Salt with it and other dry Meats, and nothing is better than Parsley, and also to feed them on salt Marches and brakish Grounds.

To cure all Fevers. The red Water. The Lung-sick. All Coughs. All Colds. All Diseases of the Gall. The Jaundies. All sickness coming of Choler. All tough Flegm. The Pox. The Wood-evil. The Cramp. All licking of Poison, To cause easie deliverance. To increase Milk. All Worms inward. The loss of the Cud. The Staggers. The general Rot. Water in the Belly.

TAke of Wormwood Flowers, of Rue, of Colts-foot, of Lung wort, of Plantain, of Lettice, of Rosemary, of Cinquefoil, of Horsemint, of Dill, of Sage, of Tansey, and of Holy-thistle, or of so many of these as you can con­veniently get, of each a like quantity, and beat them ve­ry well in a Morter: then strain forth the Juice thereof; and to a Pint of very sweet honied-Water made with the [Page 21] best Honey and running Water, put five or six Spoonfuls of this Juice: then set it on the fire; and boil it with two Spoonfuls of the Powder of Annis-seeds, Licoras, long Pep­er, and Bay-berries made of equal quantities: then be­ing taken from the Fire, put in as much sweet Butter as a Wall-nut, and two Spoonfuls of that Salt which is called Adraces, or Adarces, which is Salt gathered (and made by the Violence of the Suns heat) upon the salt Marshes after the Tide is gone away; or for want of it, because it is scarce, you may take as much of the best Spanish Salt, and all being well stirred together, so soon as it is luke­warm give it the Sheep to drink with an Horn, and Morning and Evening rub his Mouth very well with the Salt aforesaid, and it is a certain cure, and hath been of­ten proved.

To cure the Scab or Itch. All Maggots whatsoever. The Worm in the Claw. All Wild-fire. The Sturdy. The turning Evil. The More-found. Sheep tagg'd. Sheep Belted.

FIrst, let the Sheep blood in the Eye-veins, then take Tar and fresh Grease of each a like Quantity, and mixing them well together with a little Brimstone and the Juice of Chervile, bring it to a Salve, and with the same (after you have bared, cleansed, and made all the sore Places raw) anoint all the grieved Place: or in ease of the Stur­dy, after you have opened the Skull and taken out the Blad­der, plaister the Sore therewith, and it is a certain cure.

To cure all Bones out of joint. All broken Bones. Pain in the Joints.

FIrst, after you have placed the Member right (which you may do by the Example of the found Member) then bath the grieved place well with Butter and Beer: then make a Sear-cloth of Patch-grease and Yellow-Wax, and warming it very hot, lap it about the Member, and if need require, then splint it, and in case the Member be broken, renew it not till fifteen days be past, otherwise once in three days.

To cure all griefs in the Eyes. All dimness of Sight.

FIrst, let the Sheep blood in the Eye-veins, then take of the Juice of Celladine, that is, of the Leaves in Summer, and the Roots in Winter, with the same Wash the Sheeps Eyes, and it will help them.

To cure all griefs in the Mouth. All loseness of Teeth.

FIrst, let the Sheep blood in the Gums, then take of Earth, Sage and Salt, of each a like Quantity, and beat them well together, and with the same rub the Mouth of the Sheep very well, but especially where it is grieved, and it helpeth.

To cure all sickness in Lambs. Lambs that are yeaned sick.

FIrst, take up the Lamb, and breath into the Mouth thereof, then suckle or feed it with Mares Milk and a little Water mixt together, and make it luke-warm, and in any case during the Sickness keep it very warm, for that is the greatest Nourishment that can be given unto them, and best agreeth with them.

How to cure all the Diseases in Goats with two Medicines only.

GOats in many Countries are preserved, as our Deer, Wild, and for the Chase; and they make excellent sport in Hunting: They bring forth their young Kids in more abundance than Sheep do Lambs, seldom bring forth under two, often three, and sometimes four; they carry their Kids in their Bodies five Months as Sheep do, and seldom grow barren but through extream fatness: they go to the Buck, in the first Year, whence it comes that they continue not long in bearing, as not above three [Page 23] or four Years at the most; their greatest and best food is the brozing upon young Trees, and therefore they shall so go to the Buck, that they might bring forth their young ones in the Month of March or April, when every Tree begins to bud. They are naturally good Physicians for themselves, and when they find any Imperfection, will seek out cures for the same, as by letting themselves Blood upon Briers, Thorns, Bulrushes and such like: They are much subject to cast their young ones, especially in extream cold Seasons; so that they should ever have a Shed provided for them in the Winter. Their Hair in some Countries is yearly Shorn, and a course Stuff made thereof, where­with they cloath the meaner sort of People. They natural­ly see as well by Night as by Day, and their Ages are best known by the Knots and Round risings about the nether part of their Horns. To conclude, their Teeth are very dangerous for the spoiling of young Trees, especially the Olive-tree, which if they but chance to lick on, the Tree never beareth any Fruit after it.

To cure the Pestilence. The Dropsie. Hardness to Kid. The Staggers.

FIrst, let the Goat blood under the Eyes, and in the Tayl, then you shall take of Celladine-leaves, and Rushes, of Reeds green, and of Worm-wood, of each a like Quanti­ty, beat them in a Morter, and strain out the Juice: then take four or five Spoonfuls of that Juice, and mix it with a Pint of Salt, and half a Spoonful of Cloves beaten to fine Powder, and being luke-warm, give it the Goat to drink fasting, and let it fast two Hours after it.

To cure all stopping in the Teats. The Tuel stopt. The Tetter. The dry Scaeb. The Itch. All Maggots. All-Fly-blowings.

FIrst, take and cleanse away all the Filth and Scurf which any way stopeth or offendeth the grieved Place; then take of Honey, Capons Grease, of Black [...]ope, of Tar, of Brimstone, and of the Soot of a Chimny, of each a Spoonful: mix them all very well together till it come to a perfect Oointment; then with it anoint the sore place very well, Morning and Evening; and if the stopping have been very long, or that the Goat be much inwardly dried, then you shall take two Inches of a small Candles end, and thrust it up into the Goats Tuel, in the manner of a Suppository, and it will not only cleanse the Bag and give the Goat great ease in his Body, but also keep the Place from stop­ping ever after.

How to cure all Diseases in Swine, with three Medicines only.

SWines are abundant in their breed; for they bring forth their Litters three times in the Year, and will bring forth ten, twelve, fifteen, and twenty sometimes in a Litter; yet they will never bring up more Pigs then they have Teats to give suck with: such Pigs as are pigg'd in the Beginning or the Last of December, have Teeth imme­diately; the other have not. Swine of all other Beasts, do soonest shew their sickness: for if you pull but a Bristle from their Bodies, and find it bloody at the nether end, or if he carry his Neck on the one side, you may be well assured of present sickness. Swine are to be used three se­veral ways in the House, that is, for Brawn, for Bacon, and for Pork: for Brawn the Bore is only in use, and he is to be fed at large, and not sty-fed for the Frank hard­neth the Flesh best: The Hog is best for Pork, most tender and sweet, and fittest for present Service: and the Spaid gilt, or Spaid, or gelt Sow is best for Bacon, feedeth soundest. taking Fat soonest, and hangeth by the Walls uncorrupt longest. To conclude, they are a good and wholsom Meat, having nothing in them or about them useless.

To cure all Fevers. All hide sickness. The Mur­rain. The Pestilence. The Catarrh. The Gall. The Meazles. The Pox. The Lake. All Vomi­ting. Sleeping evil. All pain in the Milt.

FIrst, let the Swine blood in the Tail, and under the Ears, then bind up the sore with the green Bark of Oziers; which done, you shall take of Barley-meal two or three Handfuls, of red Oaker and Hens-dung of each a Handful, and of the Juice of Liverwort, Gall-wort, and Worm­wood, half a Pint, of Treacle an Ounce, mix all these well with a Pottle of Honey and Urine blended together; then put it into a Gallon or two of sweet warm Wash or Swil­lings, and so give it the swine to drink, and anoint all the sore Places of his Body with Brimstone and Bores-grease mix'd together; and during the time of his sickness, let his food be only dry beans spelted on a Mill.

To cure All Imposthumes. All Leanness or Mislike. All Scurf or Manginess. Swine that are lugg'd. All Maggots in the Ears.

FIrst let the Swine blood in the Tail as aforesaid; then if the Imposthume be ripe, lance it, and thrust out the filth; then heal the sore with Tarr and Butter mixt to­gether: but if the Imposthume be hard, then only rub it with Wheat-meal and salt till it dissolve; but if the infection be universal, then anoint the Swine all over with Swines-grease, brimstone, vinegar, black sope and Honey mixt together, each a like quantity, and having formerly rub'd all the scurf and filth away with a Wooll-card.

To cure all unnaturalness in Sows devouring their Birth.

IF your Sow be given to much unnaturalness, and that she will devour her pigs so soon as she hath pig'd them, you shall watch her piging, and take them away as they fall; then take the wreckling or worst pig, and anoint and bath it all over with the juice of the herb Stonecrop, and then give it the Sow to devour: which so soon as she hath done, it will immediately make her so exceed­ingly Sick, and cause her to vomit so exceedingly, that she will never after do the same again.

Of Dogs.

How to cure all the diseases in Dogs, with three Me­dicines only.

OF Dogs there are divers kinds, first the Grayhound which exceedeth in swiftness, and is preserved for the Chase, as either to course the wild Dcer, the Hare, the Bore, the Woolf, or other Vermine: he is a beast of infinite valour and spirit yet tender, and apt by his fierceness to much casualty; and his only vertue consisteth in the swiftness of his foot. Then there is the Hound, which is of a more dull temper, whose only glory is in his smell, hunting and finding out by his scent the tracts and Foot-steps of all sorts of wild beasts: In which he sheweth so much cun­ning, that not any winding, turning, or artful double can prevent his search: he is both valiant and industrious, [Page 26] and so unparallel'd with labour, that only by the continu­ance of his toyl he maketh himself master of what prey soever he hunteth. Next is the Spanniel, which also is singular for his smell upon birds: as the Hound upon beasts; whence it comes that neither Partridge, Pheasant, Rail, Quail, Peacock, nor any other Bird can escape their search: they are of all other Dogs the most loving, hum­ble, and most familiar with the Man. Then there is the Water-Spanniel whose scent is also his only glory; yet that scent is taken aloft from the Air, and upon the Water; whereby it comes to pass, that no Water-fowl is safe from his search: he is also of a most exceeding strong constitution, being very able to endure the cold, that no sharpness of Winter nor Frost troubleth him, but the Water is as familiar with him as the Air. Then there is the Mastiff, whose vertue is only in his courage, strength, sharpness of Teeth, and aptness to encounter with any fierce wild beast, as Lyons, Bears, Wolves, Tygers, and such like, against which they are so apt, willing and so cunning in their fight, that they seldom or never part but victors. To conclude, for your Tumbler or Lurcher, whose delight is only in killing the Coney: for the Licesces, which only envieth the Fox; and for your general Mongrils whose uses are either for chasing away vermine, or defence of the Husbandmans yard, they were and are in their special natures and qualities with the other fore­named Dogs. And touching their diseases, they are cured by one and the self-same Medicine.

To cure all worms inwardly. All colds or stoppings. The Stone. Costiveness or belly Bound.

MAke a strong decoction of Worm-wood and of Southern­wood; then take a pint of the decoction, and dissolve into it as much Aloes as twice an hazel-nut, and a good spoonful of the Powder of Ivory and Brimstone mixt to­gether; then being luke-warm, give it the Dog to drink, and administer at his tuel two inches of a half penny Candles end, in manner of a suppository.

To cure all Lice or Fleas. All Worms outwardly. All Serpent bitings. All mad Dogs bitings. All Galls or Tetters. All Itch, or Scab or mangy. All hurts by wild beasts. All galling of feet. All freetizing in the feet. The Canker.

MAke a strong decoction of Rew, Sage, Mints, and a hand­ful or two of Salt; then with the decoction wash over [Page 27] all the Dogs body; then take Treacle, Hogs-grease, yel­low wax, Turpentine and Coperas, of each a like quantity; melt and mingle them together, and with that Ointment anoint all the sore places, especially those which he can­not come to lick, or else scratcheth most, and it will speedily cure him.

To cure all tiredness. All worms whatsoever. All Bruises. All pain in the Ears.

FIrst, if the wound be wide and gapping, or in any fleshly part, you shall stitch it up with a needle and a little red Silk: then take the yolk of an Egg, and as much Soot of a Chimney, and twice so much of the juice of green To­bacco, and the juice of Melilot, with as much fresh Butter as will bring all these to a Salve, being molton and ming­led well together on a soft fire; then with this salve either tent or plaister the grieved place, and it is a present re­medy for all the former grievances, as hath been often by me and others experienced.

Of Conies and Hares.

How to cure all the diseases in Conies or Hares, with one Medicine only.

HAres or Conies are small Beasts, of much more Melan­choly disposition than other beasts; whence cometh the hardness of their living; for as it is written, they will feed fat with the white rind of the Frost, or the Snow: certain it is that in the Frost and shrapest time of Winter they feed best, because then the Frost biting the foggy grass, maketh it most sweet, upon which they delight most to feed. Conies are abundant in their increase, bringing forth their broods once every Month, and of those broods not under three or four at the least; neither doth she so soon disburthen one brood; but she presently runneth to the Buck, and ingendereth for another. The males of these kinds are very unnatural; for if they can find where the young ones are kindled, they presently devour them: whence it comes to pass, that the Female at her time compleat with­draweth her self, and hideth her young, daubing and dam­ming up the hole till they be able to run and shift for them­selves: and then she opening the hole by little and little, giveth them liberty to take the Air, and use their own exercise. As for the profit of them, besides their flesh, [Page 28] which is an excellent food, their skins are of great price and are a most excellent Fur, and little inferiour, for warmth, sweetness, and goodness, to any other. Again, the Wool or Hair of them is very good to make Felts of; and indeed, is so soft and fine, that it is but a little in­feriour to the Beaver; with which Wool if it be mixed, it maketh a most perfect and good Felt. To conclude, they are beasts of much hardness, and therefore of no long life; and they take delight in hard and sandy grounds, which are dry; for they have no greater Enemy than the wet; whence it proceedeth that their greatest infirmitie is rottenness: yet such Conies as do live and delight in the clay earths, are even the greatest, fattest, stoutest and best, either for the dish, or any sport whatsoever.

To cure the Rot. Madness.

TAke the finest, sweetest, and dryest Hay you can get, and mix it very well with the herb Hare-thistle, and therewith feed your Conies and Hares, especially in the Winter-season; and it will not only prevent the infirmities, but also recover and cure the sickness when at any time they are insected.

Of Poultry.

How to cure all diseases in Poultry, as Cocks, Hens, Capons, Chickens, Turkies, Peacock, Phesant, Par­tridges, Quails, Rails, Doves of all kind, and such like, with four Medicines only.

THe Cock, is a Proud, Valiant, and Couragious Bird. Of all beasts whatsoever, none but he rejoyceth after the act of generation. The Hens are no less Valiant than the Cocks, if they be true bred; and will with their op­posites sight to the last drop: they are exceeding loving and natural to their young, and will not only fight in their defence, but also strive themselves, to give the Chickens sustenance.

Your Turkey is not unlike unto these Birds; for the Cock is Proud, Valiant, and apt to fight; only the Hens are much less natural, though some what more doating: for, from her too much love, she will draw her Chickens abroad, and by her wandring will lose them, never [Page 29] respecting her number; but so long as she hath one to follow her, so long she respecteth not what hapneth to the rest. Of this nature also is the Peacock, who for Beauty, Pride, and understanding, exceedeth all other Birds, yet only are careless of their Young. The Peacock is a Bird of long life, ordinarily living to the years of five and twenty, or upward: he is a dish much used at Ban­quets, for shew, more than for taste; for his flesh is not held exceeding wholesome, it being certain, that if he be never so well and dry roasted over Night, yet he will be blood raw the next Day following. Now contrary to the Peacock, the Pheasant, Partrige, Quail, and Rail are excel­lent Birds for the Table, and more dainty and wholesome than any other: They are also excellent for flights, and make rare sport before the Hawk: they flie not high, but near to the ground; and though not very nimble of wing, yet yet swift after they are on wing. They love not to flie long, by reason of their much earnestness; but must have many rests: but being slain by the Hawk, they are the best, tenderest, and most pleasing Food. They bring forth their broods in great abundance; and having once disclos­ed them, the young ones are able to defend themselves, by flight, even when their shells are on their crowns: so strong and wily they are by nature, as house Doves are of an innocent nature, and very chast, and neither Male or Female change their mate, but keep together, one true to the other, living as coupled by the Band of Marriage, keeping their own Hen continually, never visiting the holes of others, unless they be single by the death of their mates: the Male and Female are both careful of their young ones; nay, you shall have the Cock oft-times chastise the Hen if she keep not the nest well; and yet kind they be to them when they are about to build, lay, and set, as may be seen by their readiness to them in that case: when the Hen cometh off the nest, the Cock goeth on presently. The Cock will go abroad and first feed him­self well, and gorge himself, and when he commeth home will disgorge himself again, feeding his Hen or his young ones. Stock-doves live ordinarily (as Pliny affirmeth) thirty years. The Turtle Doves of all the rest are the lovingest to their mate: for you shall see them always fly together, unless one of them be kill'd, then the other will not live long after, but pine away.

To cure the Flux in the Belly. Drowsiness in the Brain

TAke Pease bran, and scald it either with Water or sweet Whay, and give it the Poultry to eat, and it will stop [Page 30] any scouring in these House-fowl whatsoever, as hath been often experienced.

To cure the stopping of the belly. All molten grease. To avoid bruised blood.

TAke either Bread made of Wheat, or Wheat Corn, but Bread is the better, and put it into a small trough; then put to the same a good quantity of mans Ʋrine, new­ly made and warm, and let the Poultry eat the Bread or Corn out of the Ʋrine, and it will cure them.

To cure the Pip. The Roop. All Lice. The sting­ing by Worms, or venemous things.

FIrst, pull away the scale from the Pip, and the black scurf from the Roop, and lay the sore raw and bare; then take of Salt, Rue, Pepper, and sweet Butter, of each a like quantity, and beat them together in a Mortar till it come to a Salve; then with the same anoint the sores, and it healeth.

To cure all sores eyes. All dimness of sight.

TAke a leafe or two of ground Ivy, or as some call it, Alehoof, or ordinary Ground-Ivy, and chaw it well in your mouth; then sucking the juice thereof hard, spit it into the eyes of your Poultry; and thus do twice or thrice a Day. It is a most certain cure, and often proved.

Of Wild Fowl.

How to cure all the diseases in Water-foul, as Geese, Ducks, Swans, Teals, Widgeons, Sheldraks, Plovers, Hens, Puets, Bytters, Guls, and such like, with one Medicine only.

WIld Fowl, though they differ much in name and pro­portions, yet in their general natures there is small variety: they all love to live together in flocks and herds, and in like manner they flie together; yet not in rout, [Page 31] but like Soldiers, either in single or double files; and for the most part they fly triangle-wise, one as it were lead­ing the way, and the rest in two wide branches following, by which means they gather more wind under them, and are more able to mount their flights higher, which is that in which they most joy, some write they flie so close on [...] after another, that the hindmost resteth his head on him that flieth before him: however, it is most certain that they flie in a most decent and comely order. They do for the most part keep one nest, and in nourishing their young are very diligent, hiding them in holes and in the bushes, and never discovering them till they be able to save them­selves by flying. They are of all creatures most watchful, seldom sleeping, but when they are garded by some of their kind. They bring forth their brood commonly once a Year, yet sometimes twice: yet those Fowls are ra­ther Domestical than wild; for such Fruitfulness ever Springeth from some extraordinary keeping.

All Water-fowls for the most part are subject but to one infirmity only, which is cured by this one Medicine following. The Gargill.

TAke Clove of Garlick pill'd, and bruise it a little, and role it up in sweet-Butter, in fashion of a Capons cram, and so give it to the Fowl, and thus give about three Cloves of Garlick at a time and no more; and it is a present cure for this disease, or for any other inward sickness that shall offend your Water-fowl at any time whatsoever.

Of Singing Birds.

How to cure all the diseases in singing Birds, as the Nightingale, Linnet, solitary Sparrow, Gold-finch, Myskin, Spinke, Canary-bird, Cordial, Lark Col­lander, Black-bird, Robin, Throstle and such like, with three Medicines only.

ALL singing Birds generally do once a Year change their Colours in Feathers, and alter their voice in singing, [Page 32] that of a sudden a Man would say they are other Birds; which is a thing which happeneth not unto the greater Fowls, unless it be only the Crane, for they will at some­times of the Year grow blacker than at other some, e­specially in their old Age: so likewise the Black-bird will grow reddish, and in Summer he singeth clear and tunable, and in Winter he stuttereth and stammereth, but in De­cember commonly he is clean mute, and dumb altogether: also if the Black-bird be a Year old, and especially the Males bills turn white like Ivory, so likewise the Throstles all Summer are painted about the necks with sundry Co­lours, but in the Winter they are all of one Colour. The Nightingale also singeth almost fifteen days together in the highth of the Spring, and will learn easily to whistle: and so generally all other singing Birds sing more at one time of the Year than at another, except it be such Birds as are altogether Domestical and tame used only to hear Musick, the Voices of men and continual clamours, Candle­light, and Torch-light, such I say will not only sing all the Year long, but also all Day and Night without ceasing, as may be daily discerned in many Noblemens and Gentle­mens Houses. These singing Birds seldom sing the first Year: only in the Winter time they will a little record, and then when the Spring approacheth, they will break forth with their Voices, and sound their notes full and perfect. And of all these singing Birds, the Linnet, Robin, Bulsinch, Star, is most docible, and aptest both to be tame, and learn all several Tunes: they take delight in their Cages and servitude, only they are apt to feed suddenly; and with their too much fatness, often corrupt and dye suddenly; therefore it is not good at any time to let them be without Chalk, Sugar, or Chickweed, which is a great preservative and present help against the disease of fatness; and you must shift them in a fresh Cage every Month, and take their dung from them every morning, and then blow their meat; and when you shift their Cages, put the two doors together and blow on them, and they will shift themselves, for to handle them is dangerous; and and when they moult or cast their Feathers, spout a lit­tle Wine on them, and it will the sooner make them moult their old coat: and for those Birds that you would teach and bring up to whistle, you must hang their Cages in such a place where they shall not hear the chirping of Sparrows; for naturally they will take the wild note, as I have known by Experience, and have heard some Birds Crow like a Cock, and counterfeit notes of Birds of other kinds contrary to their own kind. The Star of all other Birds is very apt, ready and tractable to be taught to whistle, to speake any thing without cutting or cliping [Page 33] the Tongue as I have heard many speake as plain as any Parrot; but you must keep them covered all over, saving a place where they may see their meat and Water; and as you would teach a Parrot, so teach them. And for the dieting of Birds, the Star feedeth chiefly on raw Beef, and Bread soaked in Water, both mixt together, and small minced; the Black-bird and Thrush feed on raw Beef be­ing whole, and stickt on a stick in their Cage; the Bul­sinch and Linnet feed on Rapeseeds; but you must take heed of Mustard-seed, for they are like to Rape-seeds, and will make them pine away: the Canary-bird doth feed on Canery-seed and Rape-seed mixt together, the Robin and Nightingale feed on Oatemeal or raw meat: but if you get them now and then some of the worms that do breed among the flour at the Bakers, it will much avail them.

To cure all Melancholly. Leanness or mislike. Strangling of the breast. The Apoplexie. To To bring the Voice again. Mouting. All Lice. The Roup. The Ptisick. The Pip. All costive­ness. The privy sickness.

TAke Sugar, Saffron and Figs, of each a like quantity, and either chaw them, or beat them in a Morter, till they come to a past, and then give it to the Bird to eat during the time of her sickness; and into her Water put Mel­lon-seeds bruzed and chopt very small, provided ever that you forget not in case of the Pip, or Roup, first to pluck off the scale or scab, and then to give the Medicine after.

To cure all sores or wounds. All Imposthumes. All Gouts.

TAke of butter and of Hens grease of each a like quan­tity, and melt them, and mix them well together upon a soft and gentle Fire; then with a Feather dipt into it when it is reasonable warm, anoint the sore places, and if the wound be very deep, then with a fine needle and a little red silk stitch it up, and then anoint it; and thus do twice a Day at the least, and it will help them.

To cure all blindness. All sore Eyes. All dimness of sight.

TAke half a spoonfull of clear running Water and a full spoonful of the juice of Beets, and mix them well to­gether; then with a Feather either anoint the Birds Eyes, or taking a little of it into your mouth spit it into the Birds Eyes, and thus do twice or thrice a Day at the least, and it will help them presently.

Of Hawks.

How to cure all the diseases in Hawks, of what na­ture or quality soever they be, with six Medicines only.

THere are sixteen kinds of Hawks, or Birds that live upon prey; and though every one have in them a special note or Character of much Valour, yet some are much more Valiant than other some; as the Eagle, the Vulture, the Gerfaulcon, Faulcon, and such like. The Valiant Hawk ever trusseth her pray in the Air, the least Valiant taketh her pray near unto the ground. The Valiant Hawks always build upon the highest Rocks and on the steep Cliffs, against which the rage of the Sea and Water con­tinually beateth; and the less Valiant Hawks build in tall Timber Trees, where they have some shelter and re­fuge: as for those which build in some Walls, or upon the ruins of old Houses, as the Kestrils and such like, they are most base and cowardly, and neither fit for use nor im­ployment. The Long-wing'd Hawks are fittest for the River, and kill both the Hern, and the other smaller Fowl, as is the Mallard and Teye: and the Short-wing'd Hawks will kill them and the Hare also. The Merline and Hobby take most delight in killing the Larks: the Spar­rows-hawks in killing the Black-bird, and the Musket in killing the Sparrow only. Many other flights there be, as of the Pie and Jay, and such like, but they are to be measured according to the mettle of the Hawk, for they are flights of danger and force, and therefore it behoves the Hawk to have much cunning and much exercise before she be brought to such flights, lest that her mettle and rashness become her own ruine as many Faulconers find by daily experience.

The well ordering the Hawk is the chiefest matter to bring him to perfection, and therefore observe when you have taken him from the Cage or Mew, to bath him that then you do it in warm Water and ground Pepper, to kill the Knits and Lice for he is subject to them; feed him high that he may gather Strength to overcome any Di­stemper incident to him; and after every flight give him casting of Flannel or Plumage, weathering abroad in the Evening, unless in his bathing times not feeding him up on two several Meats at once, and when he makes a flight at the Field cast him off upon the first Spring of the Game, and when he comes to make his flight at the Ri­ver you must before he comes near the Fowl cast him off, nor must he see it till becomes to his full pitch, crossing the said Fowl, after twice or thrice enduring and when he has killed her give him the Gizzard and Liver.

If you would Man your Hawk well, keep him from sleep­ing, and make him familiar with you by jumping on your Fist, and then to the Lure, and often staring in his face cherishing him with your Voice and Bounty, that he may perfectly obey your Call, on all occasions, suffering him if he be sullen and stubborn at any time to fast, and having lur'd, man'd and ensnar'd him, that is, managed him and cleansed him from his foulness, then bring him to flight, which if it happen to be at a Pheasant or Partridge in a Woody Close Ground, then upon luring him you must cast your lure into some Bush or Tree, so to bring him to a stand, making him seize thereon, and when you first fly him, let it be at young Game, that he may Conquer with­out difficulty, but if you fly a long winged Hawk in a Champain, keep him by any means from his stand main­taining till the Game be sprung upon the Wings so that it being under him he may stoop with more Advantage, and the easier take it, yet be sure he miss not the Game, which may occasion his being baulked whilst he be more perfect, mount him to the height of his Gate and Re­trieve the Partridge under him by casting in your Spaniels, and in this manner you may fly all sorts of long wing'd Hawks, and seldom miss your Game: And thus much for the Princely Recreation of Hawking.

To cure all inward and privy sickness of body. The Pantas. Casting of the gorge. All sorts of worms. Purging of glut. Costiveness in the Body. To cause digestion.

TAke as much Agarick as a pease, and wrap it either in a warm Pigeons heart, or Chickens heart, or any o­ther [Page 36] warm and bloody flesh, and give it the Hawk to eat fasting in the morning, and it is a most ready and certain cure.

To cure all privy griefs in the head. All Rheums. The Rie. All Apoplexies.

TAke as much Mustard seed bruis'd as will lie upon a Three-half pence, and wrap it as aforesaid, either in a warm Pigeons Heart, Chickens Heart, or other warm flesh, and then dip it in the juice of Rosemary and Sage well mixt together, and so give it the Hawk to eat fasting in the morning, and it will not only purge and cleanse her, but also comfort and strengthen the brain exceeding­ly, as by proof you shall find.

To cure all diseases in the Eyes. All dimness of sight. All blood-shotten Eyes. The Pin and Web.

TAke of the juice of Ground-Ivy or Ale-hoof half a spoonful, and put to it as much fine sears'd Ginger, as will lie on a Three-half-pence, and being well mixt together with a small soft feather, anoint the Hawks Eyes therewith, Morning, Noon, and Night, and it is a most certain cure, and often approved.

To cure all diseases in the mouth. The Frounce. All Cankers.

TAke rough Alome and beat it to as fine a Powder as you can possibly get it, then take a spoonful or two of the strongest and best Wine-vinegar, and mix your A­lome with the same till it be as thick as puddle; then take a fine rag of Cambrick or Lawn, and dip it therein, and with the same rub the sores well till they be ready to bleed, both Morning, Noon, and Night, and it will cure it in a short space.

To cure all Imposthumes. All bruises whatsoever. All Excretions. All wounds whatsoever. The Formicas. To stanch bload.

FIrst, where there is any excretion of horny or bony sub­stance, you shall cut it away, and lay the sore open and bare, and then apply the Salve which followeth. But in case of wounds, if the wounds be great or deep, you shall first stitch it up with a fine needle and a little red Silk, then take twenty Raisins of the Sun, and having pickt out the stones, boyl them in half a pint of Wine till it be thick like pap, then beat it well together, and being very warm, apply it to the sore places, renewing it once in four and twenty hours till the sores be healed; but if the Flux of Blood be great, then you shall take Merchants Wax, and drop it upon the Vein which bleedeth, and it will presently stanch it.

To cure the pin in the foot. The broken pounce. Bones broken. Bones out of joynt.

FIrst, you shall place the member right, if there be ei­ther breach or dislocation; then take of Galbanum, of White-Pitch, of Turpentine, of each a like quantity, and melt them together on a soft Fire; then plaister-wise spread it upon a Linnen Cloth, and so fold it about the sore; then splint it if need require, otherwise only rowl it up with a fine Linnen rag, and the remedy will soon be effected, as hath been often by me and others seen, and proved by experience,

The nature of Red and Fallow Deer.

DEer, by a secret instinct of nature, and the providence of God, are their own Physicians, and need not the help of Man; yet because they are so serviceable I will shew their Character or nature.

The Hart loveth to hear Musick, and marvelleth at all things that he seeth, and taketh great pleasure to be­hold them, as hath been often seen by their gazing at the Bow and Arrows of the Hunter, or at a Carter, and the like; They are at mighty enmity with Serpents, and renew their strength by eating of them; they have also [Page 36] a strange property, that if they go to feed in young Springs or Copices, they go against the wind, and so can tell whet [...]r there be any Person or not: and if any man chance to spit or piss upon any sprig or branch in the Copices, they will find it out presently, and utterly aban­don that place. Being hunted and ready to be taken by the Hounds, they will for their last refuge fly to houses and places of resort, rather yield to Man than to Dogs: and as Pliny saith, they can endure to swim thirty Miles End-ways: and when they are to pass any great River to go to Rut in some Isle or Forest, they assemble themselves together in herds; and knowing the strongest and best Swimmer, they make him go foremost, and then he which cometh the second, stayeth up his head upon the back of the first, and all the rest in like manner even to the last: the foremost being weary, the second taketh his place, and he cometh backward, They go to Rut about the midst of September, and bear their young ones eight Months: sometimes they bring two Calves at once: their, little ones they practise and exercise to use their Legs from the very beginning, leading them up to high Rocks teaching them to leap, run, and fly away, acquainting them with their Dens and secret places of harbour; the Males are horned, and they above all other living Creatures cast them every Year once, at a certain time of the Spring; and to that purpose a little before their mewing they seek out the most secret corners, and most out of the way to hide themselves: when they are Pollards, they keep close hidden, as if they were disarmed; and all this they do, as if they envied that men should have good of any thing that they had. Their age may be known by their heads, (for every Year they have one more branch than they had the last Year before) untill they come to six, after which time, they come new ever alike, so that their age cannot be discerned any more by their head, but their mark is taken by their Mouth and Teeth: for as they grow in age, they have few or no Teeth at all: yet the branches grow out of the root, whereas all the while they were younger, they used to have them break forth and standing out at the very forehead. At the first when they break out again, they be like to the glandules or kernels of dry skin, that are new put forth; then grow they with tender stalks to retain round and long knots, covered all over with a certain plume down like Velvet: so long as they be destitute of their Horns and perceive their Heads naked, they go forth for relief by Night; and as they grow bigger and bigger, they har­den them in the hot Sun, often making proof of them a­gainst Trees: and when they perceive they be tough and [Page 37] strong enough, then they go abroad boldly. The Harts and Hinds are said to live an Hundred Years and up­ward.

Secrets of Horses and Cattle.

To make Beast follow a Man.

ARristotle in his Book of living Creatures saith if, one put common Wax upon the Horns of the Cow, that hath a Calf, she will follow, him whither he will. J. Lambley.

Against all sorts of diseases of Cattle.

AN Excellent Remedy against all diseases in Cattle, is made thus, take Myrh, Male Frankinsence, Pom­granate Shells beaten, of each one Pound, Saffron three Ounces, Pepper three Ounces, May Butter, Acacia, Roman Wormwood, burnt Rosin, Wild Betony in Powder, Century, ordinary Betony, Saxifrage, Sagapenum, Dog Fennel, of each half a pound, Powder all these well and sift them, and mingle them with three Pints of the best Honey, and boyl them gentely a little on a Cole Fire, afterwards, put it in a Tin or Glass Vessel, then when you have occasion, give to your Cattle, that have a Feavor or are diseased, every Day a great spoonfull of that Confection with an Hemina of warm Water and Oyl Lees three Ounces, but if they are sick without a Feavor, or also begin to recover give this Confection with Wine and Oyl, for several times untill the Beast is well, this is an approved Remedy, Vegetius.

For a Horse that Neighs to much.

BInd upon his Head a Stone, with a hole in it, so he will leave off. I add that a Horse that casts his Ears Backward, is often times deaf Foaled, and he will never neigh in the company of other Horses. Simoneca Cardi­nal, is the Author,

Horses may be foaled of divers Colours.

PUt a Cloth of divers Colours on the Mare, for what Colours the Horse then behold, such Colour will the Colt certainly be, and you may try the same of other Cattle, Absyrtus.

For Horses that are Prickt, a sure remedy.

LEtt the shoo presently be pulled off, and the place Pricked be presently washed with Wine, when you have done this, take the middle Skin of Elder, and lay upon the part affected, then drop upon the Skin some drops of Tallow with a hot Iron, and sett on the Iron Shoo handsomely, and Ride as you please; out of a Manuscript, by J. K.

For a Horses Cough.

STeep five Eggs at Night in the strongest and sharpest Vinegar you can get, and in the morning when you find the outward Shell consumed, take the Horses Tongue out of his mouth, and, thrust this Egg down his Throat, an Infalliable remedy, the Secrets of J. B. an old Farrier.

To Fat Lean Horses.

IF a Horse grow lean, give him parcht Wheat, or Barly Baked, a double quantity, let him be led to Water thrice a Day, if his leaness continue. Mingle Bran with the Wheat, and Ride him gently, if he will not Eat pour into his Nostril Water that is fit to drink, wherein were bruised Nightshade, and Poley, Barly and Vetches are to be set before him, some grind two small Cups of Gith, and with this they mingle three small Cups of Oyl, and with an Hemina of Wine they pour it down his Throat, you may cure a Horse that loath his meat with bruised Garlick, infused in an Hemina of Wine and poured down his Throat: If he cannot make Water Mingle the white of 10 Eggs with the rest, and give it him with a Horn down his Throat. Constantinus.


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