The true State of the businesse of Glasse of all kindes, as it now standeth both in the price of Glasse and Materialls, how sold these fifteen yeers last past, and how formerly, The price of Materialls as they are now bought, and what hath been formerly paid, with a re­port of the condition of all kinds of Glasses.

Ordinary Drinking-Glasses—FOr Beer, sold formerly for 7 s, 4 d. and never under 6 s. per dozen are now, and have been for 15. yeers past sold by me, for 4 s. per dozen.

Ordinary Drinking-Glasses—For Wine, formerly sold for 4 s. per dozen, have been, and are now constantly sold by me for 2 s. 6 d. per dozen.

Mortar-Glasses—Formerly sold for 2 s. per dozen, and are now sold by me, for 1 s. 4 d. per dozen.

The Materialls for the making of these severall kindes of Glasses formerly bought by me for 20 l. per Tun, and many times under, do now, and have for divers yeers past cost, 25. 26. 27. and 30 l. per Tun.

Cristall Beer-Glasses—FOrmerly brought from Venice have anciently been sold for 20. and 24 s. per dozen without Covers, and are now sold by my Merchant for 10 s. per dozen, and 11 s. of extraordinary fashions.

Cristall Wine-Glasses—Formerly made and imported from Venice, were sold for 18 s. per dozen, and are now sold by my Merchant for 7 s and 8 s. per dozen.

Cristall Beer-Glasses—Made by me (which never were before in this Kingdome) and of all fashions that are desired and bespoken, were heretofore sold for 18 s the dozen, and are now sold for 9 s the dearest.

Cristall Wine-Glasses—Made by me, were formerly sold for 16 s. per dozen, and are now sold for 5 s 6 d per dozen, and the dearest being of extraordinary fashions for 7 s per dozen.

Looking-Glasses and Spectacle—Glasse Plates are likewise made by me here in England, being undertaken and perfected by me with great charge and hazzard, and the expence of twenty yeers time, which work I did the rather undergo in that I understood, the State of Venice had restrained the transportation of that Commoditie rough and unpollished upon pain of confiscation, and other heavy punish­ments, in respect the grinding, graving, pollishing, and foyling thereof doth imploy great num­bers of poor people, and afford them maintenance, which benefit doth hereby redound to the Natives of this Kingdome.

Window-Glasse—Is made of English Materialls, as Ashes, &c. And though the price of Ashes, is of late yeers raised from 6. 7. and 8 d. the Bushell to 9. 10. and 11 d. the Bushell: And although the measure of this sort of Glasse heretofore was ever uncertain, And that the number of feet formerly contained in each Case of Glasse, did greatly differ, As sometimes the Case contained 120 feet, sometimes 140 feet, and never above 160 feet; Now each Case in the measure is reduced to a certainty, always containing 180 feet, And the price also certain at 22 s. 6 d. per Case, at the Furnace doore, which containing as before, amounteth but to threehalfpence the foot at the most. All Window Glasse in this Kingdome is sold for the price aforesaid except a small quantity made by me at Woolwich, which work I erected to prevent any scarsety of Glasse that might happen in the Winter time, And notwithstanding I ever sold the Glasse made there to my great losse and hinderance.

Green-Glasses—Of all sorts are made likewise of English Materialls, which works after I had sustained great losse, and undergone great vexation▪ (in the disposing of them) I let to a Gentleman of known honesty, and of experience in Glasse, and a man every way responseable for any errour that can be laid to his Charge, And though I know his Materialls, and Fewell are dearer then in former times, yet I did never hear of any complaint of his carriage, nor of any price raised by him of his Glasse either in the Citie or Country, But that he sold his Glasse at the rates which were many yeers since set down by the agreement of all the Glasse-sellers, and Glasse-makers.

THe whole Manufacture of Glasse with Sea-coale, and Pit-coale hath been perfected and preserved in this Kingdome by me, with the expence of above 30000 l. of my Fortune, whereby the great consumption of Tymber and Wood is prevented, Many thousands of the Natives of this Realm are imployed and maintained, who (if liberty of im­portation of forraign Glasse should be permitted) must of necessity be deprived of their means of livelihood, And many others of the Natives are brought up and in­structed in the Mystery of Glasse-making, besides the great summes of money paid for wages in the severall branches of the Manufacture, are retained in the Kingdome. There are also many other great benefits that accrew to the Common-Wealth from these branches of His Majesties grants to me, All which particulars, received a full and deliberate hearing, and examination in the Parliament held in Anno 21 o. Jacobi Regis. And His Majesties said grant was then priviledged by a speciall Proviso in the Act of Parliament then made, with the generall approbation of both Houses, As by the said Act may appear.

From the consideration of all which reasons I have taken humble boldnesse to ten­der my suite by way of Petition for a speedy hearing and examination of the Premisses which I beseech you, to further, when it shall be presented.

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