[Page] Multum in parvo: OR, A SUMMARY NARRATIUE (Not hitherto revealed to pub­lick view) on behalfe of Prisoners captived for Debt, and of all concerned Natives: Faithfully extracted out of the Fundamentall Common-law of this Nation, as well in its Originall unaltured­puritie and genuine sence, as in recytall of and relating to the abusive practise of divers Innova­ted Lawes since repealed, repugnant to the Great Charter (being the Abstract or Compendium of the Common-law, and of the peoples Birth-rights, Liberties, and Priviledges) confirmed by above 30 subsequent Acts and Statutes, Parliamentall in force and unrepealed (which unfold (velamine le­vato) the misprision and illegallity of arresting, outlawing, & imprisoning the Body for Debt. Now in these opportune Times, (professing Reformation and Re­gulation of the Lawes and generall Grievances) presented (for timely redresse) to the clement propitious consideration of His Excellency the Lord Generall CROMWELL, His Right Honourable the Counsell of State; and others in Au­thority; in the pensive Vanne and mournfullest March of publick grievances and calamities, no sorrowes being equi­valent to these.

LONDON: Printed for J. H. and are to be sold at the Royall Exchance in Corn-Hill.


To His Excellency the Lord Gen. CROMWELL, the Right Honourable Counsell of State, and others designed for regulation, redresse, or abolution of publick Grievances. The submissive Petition of prisoners captived for Debt, some upon feigned, false, and unjust Actions and pretences; many willing to pay their just debts, according to their abi­lity without fraud; and others miser­ably poor & altogether insolvent.

Humbly sheweth and remonstrateth as by their motives an­nexed, they have shewed and remonstrated.

THat by the Fundamentall Common-Law, and the cleare intendments thereof, and of Magna Charta re-confirmed and re-established by above 30 subsequent Parliamentall Acts or Edicts in force and unrepealed, the body or person of man is exempt from Arrest, Outlawry, or Imprisonment for Debt, inrespect of the provisionall priopitious lawes and reasons in the said motives or inducements expressed further, which may be more amply illustrated by additionall motives and reasons in refutation of any opposition or obstruction: In which Case the peti­tioners beseech that by themselves, their Counsell or Agents, they may be heard viva voco in humble defence and maintainance of their proposulls and requests: the said grand and gracious Charter con­taining the breviary or Abstract of the indulterate Lawes and Sanctions, being relative to and recipro­call [Page 12] betweene the Prince and people, Creditor and Debtor, plaintiffe and defendant, signifficantly and exactly differencing and distinguishing the legall regent dignity, power, preheminence, and preroga­tive, by what stile of apellation soever; as also, the peoples protection, priviledges, innumities, and per­sonall freadome, the benefit whereof and of the just laws and respective powers and qualifications of the same, being the prisoners and peoples inseperable inherent legall right and birth-right, as by the said motives is more fully explained.

That the petitioners crying cares and calamities doe still still seem more and more to encrease rather then be diminished and alleviated, representing to their dismayed mindes, and disconsolate apprehensi­ons, those dangerous woes of the desolate Jews when designed to sudden slaughter and destruction, un­heard and unredressed, untill faithfull discerning Mordecay, sensible of the generall desolation & ruine intended, did bewaile, unfold, and impresse the true sence thereof, into the intelect of gracious Hester, and that she upon mature-perpensation of the sad conse­quencies which might befall, despising all dangers & dissiculties, resolved to intercede and did prosper­ously prevailed with the Persian Justice, clemency, & benignity, (though a pagan) to redresse and recall that cruell bloody Edict, which otherwise had ex improviso, become inconsideratly and fatally de­structive to the entire classe or race of the Jewes, wheresoever dispersed throughout his ample Domi­nions.

That the pensive petitioners, in like manner hum­bly hope and implore, that their ceslant sights and [Page 13] ecchoes of their moanes, lamentations, and lowly intercessions for timely redresse of inexplicable sor­rowes, may become a like prosperous and prevalent with your publick Spirits and intendments, like de­serving mordecaies and patriots of your countery, and of the peoples birth-rights and personal priviledges and immunities; to avert, rectifie, and redresse these grievances, you having the apt opportunity under God, to propituate them, and exchange this their sad condition to that which may render them happy and you famous to all posteriry.

That in their just and humble confidence and expectations, the petitioners pray as by their humble motives they instance and beseech.

That it may seem meet to your Excellency and all concerned, (in relation to the present Government, regulation of the Law, and redresses of crying Griev­ances) forthwith to settle and secure the premises and the prisoners and peoples pristine rights and pri­viledges as to your Wisdomes shall seeme meet, by means whereof the originall authenticke course and proceedings punctually prescribed and intended by the Law & law-makers on behalfe of Creditors for recovery of their just debts, may be hereafter ob­served and prosecuted against the Estate reall and personall of the debtor, in pursuance of the said warrantable provisionall circumspect laws ordained for the creditors satisfaction, & not against the body.

And finally, that the Petitionary prisoners for debt, may be speedily enlarged and discharged from their personall imprisonment, and none hereafter impri­soned and enthralled concerning debt, under colour or pretence of any repealed, cruell, illegall, void, or [Page 14] voidable Act or Statute, or of any abusive innovated custome or practise thereof, or thereunto relating or deriving, or of any other recent or new-devised or invented arbitrary fancy or proposall, sinisterly con­trived or insinvated by cruell malevolent Creditors for debt, for the most part not due or justifiable; such Creditors esteeming slander and calumination (for their owne ends) against the oppressed Debtor, with what cruelty and injury else their malice can multi­ply against them neither to be sin or injurious, albe­it the same is odious and abhominable in the sight & light of Truth, Nature, Reason, Equity, Sence, Con­science, and all lawes Divine and Humane.

And the opportune extending of this Justice and Benig­nity for alleviating the cares of the concerned; and the rectification and reformation of this important grie­vance, and restoring the prisoners, and concerned Na­tives, birth-rights, liberties, and personall priviledges and protect will be indelibly impressed in their grate­full memorie, untill time cease to be, which is the unfeined prayers and invocations of the petitioners.


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