More happy and joyfull NEWES FROM IRELAND: OR, The victorious Proceedings of the Protestants in that Kingdome, from the 28. day of March, to the 6. day of Aprill, 1642.

SHEWING, In a most reall, and exact Relation, how these four famous Pillars of Protestant Religion, the Earl of Ormond, the Lord Iones, the Lord Moor, Sir Henrie Titchburn, and Sir Richard Grenvile, with 4000 men, and 6 Field-pieces, gave Battle to the Rebels, neer Corke, kild 5000. men, took some of their Comman­ders Prisoners.

The Rebels being in number 13000. conducted the great Rebell Donmadoff, and the Lord Mountgarret; who after a long and tedious Battle were forced to fly, leaving great store of Ammunition behind them, such a tryumphant Victory the Protestants ne­ver had, since the Rebellion.

Whereunto is annexed the Copy of a Letter sent from Mr. Hunt in Ireland, which was read in the Honourable House of Com­mons, and commanded immediatly to be Printed.

Hen. Elsing, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

LONDON, Printed for H. Lundon, 1642.

Another famous Battell fought by Sir Richard Grenvile, Captain Barrowes, and Captain Ogle, April the 3. 1642.

VPon the 3. day of Aprill, Sir Richard Grenvile, &c. marched towards, the City of Kildare, with 1000. men; but they had Battell given them by 300. Re­bels, and after a long and tedious fight, the Rebels fled; in this Battel were slain 1400. of the Rebels, with very little losse of our side.

The Earl of Cork and Collonel Monro hath given given the Rebels another great Overthrow, hard by Kingsaile, and hath taken two Castles from them, but the Rebels increase in abundance, and receive Aid and Ammunition from for­reign Parts daily, and commit most wild [Page] and cruell Out-rages upon the poor Protestants, whersoever they come.

We want both men and money; for we can hardly get any to pay our Soul­diers: Yet are they well content with what they have behaving themselves ve­ry well, and fighting against our Foes with most puissant Courage, the like were never known; The God of Heaven send us many such Victories, that the Rebels may be suddenly subdued.

The Lord President of Munster, and 1500. English hath given the Rebels a great Overthrow before Kildare, and slew two thousand of them.

It is this Day Ordered, that this Letter be forthwith Printed.

Hen. Elsing, Cleric. Parl. D. Com.

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