Monarchia transformata in Respublicam deformatam: OR, A Jury of twelve Impossibilities.

1. GIve Generall Tom a Common-Souldiers wit;
2. Cure frantick Mildmay of his whimsey fit:
3. Quench Peter's tongue (which hel hath set on fire)
4. Coole Nol's ambitious thirst of soaring higher:
5. Make Bradshaw bashfull, and false Whitlock true;
6. Un-atheist Lenthall, Corbet too un-jew.
7. Pride's Sword, exchange for Slings; let Ockey haste
8. Back to his Yeast-tub. Hewson to his Last.
9. And Wild (with Law) Sweep treason froĢ„ his bench
10. Hedge Martin (all in common) with one wench.
11. Pack a Committee, without knaves. Let's see
12. A Juncto (not of Rebels) and then we
For light in Englands Chaos will yet hope:
For Charls three Crowns, for Rebels, each a rope.

Numerall Letters are to be considered in these two following lines.

C 100harL 50es, the trV 5e pI 1C 100tV 5re of C 100hrI 1st C 100rV 5C 100I 1fI 1D 500e,
great brI 1ttans V 5I 1rtV 5oV 5s kI 1ng noV 5V 5 gL 50orI 1fI 1D 500e.
These Numerall Letters, All together be
Just sixteene hundred, forty, and thrice three.


These Letters (twenty six) five Cees, two Dees,
Two LLs, eight Ves, and Ies a treble trine,
Make up the number, just as it agrees,
One thousand and six hundred forty nine.
That yeare, the first months thirtieth day, a blow
Laid Charles our King, and Englands Honour low.
But, He is High, grac'd with a glorious Crowne,
And (by His Death) three Kingdomes are cast downe.
The Loafe's inside, and Circle of a Spring,
Was worst of Traitors to a Gracious King.

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