M rs. PARLIAMENT Her Invitation of M rs. LONDON, TO A Thankesgiving Dinner.

For the great and mighty Victorie, which M r. Horton obtained over Major Powell in Wales.

Their Discourse, Desires, Designes, as you may heare from their owne mouthes.

Munday 29 of May, in the eight yeare of the Reign [...] of our soveraigne Lady Parliament.

Mrs. PARLIAMENT, her Invitation to Mrs. LONDON.

Deare Sister know, this is the Day,
On which wee ought to Feast and Pray;
Because the Welsh-men wee did slay
the cleane contrary way.
Now shortly wee must Pray ag [...]n,
Because wee kill'd the Surrey men;
Who did assault us, you know when
the cleane contrary way.

Printed in the year, 1648.

Mrs. PARLAMEENT, her Invitation OF Mrs. LONDON, to a Thanksgiving Dinner.
FOR The great and mighty Victory, which Mr. Horton obtayned over Major Powell in Wales.

Enter Mrs. London, and Mrs. Common-Councell.
Mrs. London.

NOW, our good Lord be thanked for this great Vi­ctory, which the Righteous under the Command of that holy Saint Morton, have obtained over the wicked, under the Command of those Reprobates, Poyer, Powell and Langhorne.

Mrs. Com. Couns.

'Twas a happie Providence my dear Si­ster, and much to be admired amongst the Saints, for this will prove the animation of our owne party, and the discouraging of our enemies those pagan Cavaliers, who now begin to take armes, and to fall foule on the people of the Lord.

Mrs. Lond.

Very true Sister, who would have thought of this new distemper, or that our honourable Sister Mrs. Par­liament, who was arrived to the very highest pitch of honour and said to her selfe, J sit like a Queene, and shall know no sor­row, should on the sudden become wretchedly miserable, she whom a Nation courted, offering their lives and estates at her feet, and maintained her for the space of seaven yeares, in open Rebellion and Disloyalty against her head and Husband, she that imagined her selfe so sure, that no humane strength could shake her, is now become in a manner desolate.

Like to a Whore, both old, and evill growne,
Shee hated is, and pittied by none.
Enter Mrs. Militia a Malignant.
Mrs. Mil.

Hell take this everlasting Parliament, or rather, this incorrigible Iunto, what a tossing to and fro they make of me; the King my true and onely Master must not Com­mand me, (because forsooth) like another Minerva, the fate of new Troy, as once that of the old consists in me, Mrs. Par­liament who hath commanded me this seaven yeares (the De­vill take her for it) is now woed by Mrs. London to part with me, and let her another while injoy me; this she hath (but to her great cost) obtained, and now;

As at the first, a Royall Prince did owne me,
His Power layd by, seaven yeares the world hath known me.
A three pil'd Bawd, to Mrs. Parliament;
Now Mrs. Londons; Cuckolds bee content.
Mrs. Lond.

Looke Sister, yonders that malignant Dame, Mrs. Militia, muttering to herselfe against Mrs. Parliament, O 'tis a notable Scold and of such force, that shee is able to breake open yron barri [...]ado'd gates, to stand an Army and tosse huge Cities in the Ayre, but J have purchas'd her of Mrs. Parliament, with a round summe of money, and the truth is, that godly woman, is altogether swayed by Gold, she will do nothing for me without greating i'the fist.

Mrs. Com. Coun.

Tis very true, experientia docet, for my part had I the money once J freely parted with, mov'd with my sister Parliaments pious words, I'de be advised ere I gave it away, but I hope well of her, and that with us, she is a Saint by calling; how does Mrs. Militia.

Mrs. Mil.

Sick sick at heart, of the very same disease, that is now so catching, the Pox, the Plague, and all those cruell malladies Pandora brought on earth to ruine men though all conjoyn'd in one, are not so mischievous.

Mrs. Coun.

What disease Mrs. Militia.

Mrs. Mil.

Why? Its called Parliament, the same that hath murdered so many thousands of loyall English subjects, this [Page 3] Mrs. Truth, her Speaker (pro Tempore) well knowes, who for her honour hath busied himself, to raise an Anagram, on her name, and to anex an Epigram thereto, 'tis this.


A Trap they are, a Snare unto their Nation,
Having undone them, by a Reformation;
A Trap that Sathan set, as since wee find,
To fetter Kings, and ruine all mankind:
A Snare, a Trap, a Pit, wherein wee fall,
And if they live, then must wee perish all.
But yet there's hope, it so, may shortly hap,
These Traytors, shall be tane in their owne TRAP,
Ill men, yea such a vile Rebellions crew,
No History records, no Age ere knew;
Men meerly made of mischiefe, blood, and error,
Men borne to bee their owne, and the worlds terror.
Devils yet cloath'd in Flesh, cursed Projectors,
Good Mens sure ruine, evill mens Protectors,
Haters of sacred Peace, damn'd Regicides,
Horsleaches, Canibals, and Patricides:
Who place their thrones on Immolated men,
Have banisht Justice, hoping shee agen
Will never more returne, by Furies nurst,
Gotten by Devils, in their Cradles curst:
VVhom all the powers of Hell, this seaven yeares
Have ayded; Slaves that joy to drinke our teares.
But the time now will shortly happen when
Treason must terminate, in those, Ill men.

[...] [Page 6] it printed is sufficient to make the people out of conceit with Mrs. Parliament, while the world stands. Mrs. Co [...]; t'is this same witch Mrs. Truth that hath undone us, but who comes here. Mrs. Parliament, Mrs. Thanksgiving. Mrs. Humiliation.

Mrs Lon.

O Mrs Parliament, I much joy to see you never was woman of your ranke so contemned and abused, here was, Mrs Militia the Malignant but even now, who shewed mee and my sister Common counsell, an Anagram, which the Traitoresse Truth had framed on your names, wherein shee taxes you of I know not how many crimes, and sayes you are worthy to bee hangd, as an enemie to your Country.

Mrs Parliament, no matter what Truth reports, you know I care not for her, but for Mrs. Militia and the rest ò the Malignants, I have given order for their removall, twentie miles from thy presence Mrs. London, Mrs Common counsell, you are to publish the order, reade it Mrs Thankgiving. Mrs. Thanksgiving Reads.

I Mrs Parliament, by the permission and assistance of Pluto, of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Supreams Governesse, doe de­cree and ordaine that al Papists by whom I meane al those that are for Monarchicall government, for the Booke of Common Prayer, for Archbishops, and for order and decencie in the [...] Church of God, that all souldiers of fortune and all other persons whatsoever, that have borns Armes against mee, that is to say, all such, as have according to their oath of Allegiance the Law of God the Law of the Land, and the Law of nature, been in Armes and fought for the honour of their Soveraign Lord King Charles to pull dow [...] my usurped power, to put a period to my Rebellions shall at or before the five and twentieth of this instant May 1648 depart the cities of London and VVestminster, and all other places within twentie miles, and if any of the said persons aforesaid, shal continue within twentie miles as aforesaid, after the five and twentieth day of May, they shal bee apprehended, Imprisoned and proceeded against as Traytors.

Mrs Com. co [...]

I like the order well, wee will have none [Page 7] to converse with as Mrs. London; but those that are Righteous what fellowship ought thereto bee betweene us Iewes, and those saweie Samaritans of the Royal parti [...], verily none, Mrs. Lond; Jnsooth you speake like a most godly Saint, my deare sister, and for my owne part I would have none to re­side neare mee, but the good people of the Lord.

Mrs. Parl.

Mrs London, and Mrs Common Counsel, you both know that the wicked ones of the Land are now com­byning together against us; therefore a little to protract the time; I have devised a way for to amuse the people, Mr, Horton whom I sent with a partie for the reducing of Poyer, hath late­ly ceaz'd on divers Countrey fellowes, who met with an In­tent to list themselves under the command of Poyer, Powel, Langhorn and the rest, this ile have noised to bee a victory a great and mighty victory, which news will cramp the Roy­allists Designes, keepe back the Scots a while, incourage our owne partie and cannot chuse but bee an helpe unto us; you therefore Mrs Thanksgiving, proclaime throughout the Cittie, that every man praise God in his owne parish, those that have money feast and make good cheare, for this most great and mighty victory.

Mrs Thanks.

I shall forsooth, but who shall Preach before you on that day.

Mrs. Parl.

Who but my bonnie Bulehin Marshall I have not amongst al my Priests not so fit, the B [...]lli [...] God Vi [...]s, is a meere Barrel and yeilds no noise without you taber on him, Ni [...] sqeaks so low a new shoe trod on by a sickly woman, makes better mellodie, but Marshal bellowes out my tryumph, in such a tone, not all the bulls that at Geneva thunde [...], when they exclaime against Episcopacie, yeild the like musick, goe you Mrs Thanksgiving to him, and carry these good Angels which will increase the vigour of his [...]gs Mrs Th [...]nks▪ good Mrs Common counsell, See that a Saint-lik [...] [...] bee prepared, and store of wine, that we may [...]eat our Zeale, you know wee can­not heave our eyes to heaven til wee have often elevated cups, Mrs. Common coun, Wee wil abound in al things, the creatures [Page 6] [...] [Page 7] [...] [Page 8] none ought to enioy but wee, b [...]asts of the field, the fowles, of the ayre, the fishes that flock in the tumid deepe were made for us and for our use alone.

The most ungodly Caval [...]irs are dam'nd
Not fit to have their gut [...] with Pull [...] [...]d,
They must bee fed, with creatures of low rate.
Least that they doe increase and propagate,
To eat large Oisters Lobsters, and high fare,
Onely is meat for us that Righteous are.
Mrs. Parl.

But my good sisters what shall, wee doe to please the Surry men, who are incenst against us, and sweare to bee our deaths men to prevent which and pacifie their furie, you Mrs. Humilliation proclaime abroad, that all bee sorrowfull and mourne in ashes, for those good mens fall: Ha, ha, ha, I laugh to thinke how my souldiers felld the Rogues, who durst d [...] ­s [...]re a King.

Mrs. Humuliation.

I will not faile in my hypocrisie, I can lie downe and crie and wring my hands, strow slowre upon my face, and looke as mongerly, as when us'd to mourn during the warre when as the Saints were beaten by the wicked ones Mrs Parl; Now let us each unto our severall charge, you Mrs London, stand fast to mee as I will doe to you, I am resolv'd that you shall not out live mee, you Mrs Common counsel, bee sure you smel out more plots and stratagems each day, it makes for our advantage, thus take wee hands, thus sweare to fall to­gether, when as the house where I so long have voted shall bee pull'd downe and levell'd to the earth, t'will doe mee good to see thee Mrs London, consume in flames, a sacrifice to Treason, to conclude, stand unto your [...]kling stoutly, when wee fall, all the land shall taste of ruine.

T'Wil bee my joy, when as I needs must fall
For to behold a ruine generall;
This is the period of my Reformation.
To kill my King, and under my Nation.

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