MISCELLANEA MAGNA, OR Industrious Collections for the further carrying on, and holding forth, of the great VVork of Mis-understanding, fitted to common Sense as formerly.

The second Century.
1 CUstos Rotulorum 1 CHancery lane Charity
2 Prothonotarius 2 A licenced Flatcap
3 Philizarius 3 File at leisure
4 Chirographer 4 A Fortune-Teller
5 Custos Brevium 5 Pay your groat
6 Vicecomes 6 Thirteen-pence-half-penny
7 Cinque Ports 7 Five-penny-Morrice
8 Garble 8 A secluded Member
9 Aetate probanda 9 Look in's mouth
10 Ambidexter 10 A new Serjeants Coat
11 Apostata Capiendo 11 A gallopping Saint
12 Libertate allocanda 12 An Act of Oblivion
13 Medietas Linguae 13 A Cloven tongue
14 Illoyal Assembly 14 A Conventicle
15 Cornagium 15 A Cuckold
16 Valore Maritagii 16 Jane Puckring
17 Corps Politique 17 An Atheist
18 Champerty 18 A Hector
19 Registarium 19 A Table of Sinnes
20 Denizen 20 Lord Fynch
21 Parva Baga 21 A Snapp-sack
22 Clerk attaint 22 A plundred Minister
23 Clericus Warrant. 23 Vouch the Knave
24 Clericus Thesaurii 24 Ignorance the first
25 Clamatores Curiae 25 Chymney-sweepers
26 Examinatores 26 The Synods Catechism
27 Clericus Coronae 27 Clerk of the Night-cap
28 Cancellarius 28 Prick of Conscience
29 Ordinarius 29 A three-penny Cut
30 Clericus Hanaperii 30 A Pannyer-man
31 Clerici Pipae 31 Three for two pence
32 Breve de Adjurnamento 32 Adjourn the house
33 Clericus Esson▪ 33 Master of delay
34 Clericus Pacis 34 Hold the peace thou Knave
35 Clericus Extractorum 35 Excise-men
36 Rememoratores Scaccarii 36 Repent and be hang'd
37 Clericus Assisarum 37 Destinies Recorder
38 Secundarius 38 A Deputy Cheat
39 Clericus Papirium 39 A paper Kite
40 Mareschallus. Mareschalliae 40 The Rules at Rome
41 Clericus Utlagarii 41 Robin hood
42 Magister Cancellarii 42 A good report
43 Curia Baronum 43 Good morrow Landlord
44 Frank pledge 44 Here good fellow
45 Coronarius 45 A heads-man
46 Constabilarius 46 A heaven-driver
47 Balivus Manerii 47 Packingtons pound
48 Eschaetores 48 Committee men
49 Levant & Couchant 49 Off and on
50 Curia Admiralitatis 50 Hogan Mogan
51 Deodand. 51 Gra' mercy horse
52 Bankrupt 52 Long lane
53 Beaupleader 53 A Tale of a Tub
54 Antient demesne 54 Trunck hose
55 Avocatus 55 Dorislaus
56 Felo de se 56 Alderman Hoyle
57 Burglary 57 Holmeby-house
58 Darren presentment 58 Voted In
59 Oyer & Terminer 59 Hang who you list
60 Mutatis Mutandis 60 Change of Government
61 Quo Jure 61 A womans reason
62 Quia empiores terrarum 62 Bishops Lands
63 Zealous Informers 63 Evesdropers
64 Altum Mare 64 Sea-sick
65 Expensis Militum 65 Monethly taxes
66 Ideota inquirend▪ 66 Diogenes's Lanthorn
67 Scavenger 67 Atkins
68 Parco fracto 68 Maribone Park
69 Approver le Roy 69 High-Treason
70 Terra extendenda 70 Delinquents Lands
71 Summoneas in auxilium 71 Call in the Scots
72 Entry in le per cui & post. 72 Before or Behind
73 Garden del Eglise 73 Spend the poors money
74 Evidence 74 A yard in his Breeches
75 Franches Royal 75 Carisbrook-Castle
76 Feodum Simplex 76 A young Landlord
77 Garden del Spiritualties 77 Ely-house
78 Garnishment 78 Warden of the Fleet
79 Petty Larceny 79 Veniall Sinne
80 Libella 80 Grubstreet-News
81 Pillory 81 Poe or Pryn
82 Ignoramus 82 A grand Jury
83 Cosinage 83 Hugh Peters
84 Dignitas Ecclesiasticalis 84 Nothing
85 Disclamor 85 Self-denyal
86 Curtesy de Angleterre 86 Get what you can
87 Piscarium 87 Hans by'r leave
88 Purleiu 88 The Suburbs Femalls
89 Aliemony 89 A Licenc'd Whore
90 Domo reparanda 90 Build Pauls
91 Treasure trove 91 Last Plate Fleet
92 Cursitarii 92 Two dozen of Mushromes
93 Baubella 93 New Bar-gownes
94 Arreragia 94 Commons pay your Land­lord
95 Nude Contract 95 A naked Wench
96 Non habilitas 96 Come short
97 Incumbent 97 The Night-Maire
98 Breve Rebelionis 98 Prince of Condy
99 Quietum esse de talione 99 Masenello
100 Centurious 100 The Vice-Roy.

LONDON Printed for G. T. 1653.

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