Memorandums for London In the choise of their COMMON-COUNCEL-MEN.

Viz. What they are to doe 1 Before the election of them.
2 In
3 After

Observations before Election.

PRay (as Christ all the night before he chose his Apostles, Luk. 6. 12, 13. And as the Apostles Acts 1. 24. lest they should chuse another Judas,) Or as we upon & at every Ordination of Ministers, for Num. 10. 31. they are the Cities eyes; and Math. 6. 22. &c. If the eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light, but if thine eye be evill, thy whole body shall be full of darknesse, and then, how great is that darknesse.

2. Get as good intelligence as you can, who did best of the last years Common-Councelmen, and who worst; for Nahum 1. 11. There is one come out of thee that imagineth evill against the Lord, a wicked Counseller.

3. To examine if there be any fitter and more to be confided in. For first, Nothing passes as the Cities motion, but by them. Secondly, This is like to be the year of Londons Jubilee, or Captivity.

4. See that none that have not taken the Covenants may neither be chosen, nor suffered to have their Votes in the choise of others, as by an Order of Parliament December 20. 1643 it was appointed.

5. That none well affected be absent from election.

Observations in the time of choosing.

1. That Malignants cunningly by naming good man do not make them to go out from the place of ele­ction, and so their voices under pretence of modesty be lost in the choise of others. But let them stay, and not leave Malignants (when they are sent away) to chuse Malignants in their absence.

2. That there be a meer chusing without accusing, or excepting against any nominated, for people come not to indite, but to elect.

3. That there be no continuance of the former, but a free election of all, without setting as many new ones against the old (as in a Cock-pit) but that of old and new there be a meer new choise.

Chuse not such as these.

1. Those that love not London more then Constantinople, but as it is a place of gaine only.

2. Not a Gallio, Acts 18. 17. carelesse of Londons honour.

3. Not a Foelix, Chap. 24. that hopeth for money. Prov. 28. 21. Such an one will transgresse for a morsell of bread, much more for hope of a good Office, or more.

4. Nor such as be so bashfull, that they will suffer impudences to ravish their understandings; and rather then cry out against them, too easily hold up their hands, because they cannot else get the other to be quiet, and to hold their tongues.

5. None that cannot or will not attend the Office. Rom. 12. 7, 8.

6. None that gaine more by Warre then by Peace (in Armie or Office) for they will be of Demetrius his minde, Acts 19. 25. Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth.

7. No Cowards, for they will not counsell to conquer Canaan: but to make a Captain and to returne in­to Egypt.

8. No Issachar, no strong Asse, that will couch down between two burthens, Gen. 49. 14.

9. None proud nor pertinacious, wise only in his own conceipt; for there is more hope of a Foole then of him.

10 None of Rehoboams Young men, nor Old men grown Children again, if ever they were other.

11 None too great with Malignants; for Nehemiah chased away one of the High Priests Sonnes, because he was son in law to Sanballat, Nehem. 13. 28.

Chuse such as these.

1. Nehemiahs, such as are godly, wise, and publick spirited men.

2. Such as Ioshuah, that was brought up under Moses, and knew the businesse which was to be done.

3. Like Matthias, Acts 1. that had been with the Apostles from the beginning, men of experience.

4. Mordecaies, those that have been discoverers of former dangers.

5. Davids, such as have been deliverers from former dangers.

Duties after Election.

1. Pray as Daniel 2. that the secret may be revealed unto them.

2. Praise God when it is. Ibid.

Imprimatur Ja. Cranford.

London printed by G. M.

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