THE over-ruling hand of God having so wonderfully brought your Sacred Majesty to Reign over us, after so long and so unjust detaining of your Rights, we cannot but express our re­joycings in a thankfull acknowledgement of his mercy for so great a blessing, especially being accomplished without effusion of bloud; and because we cannot conceive any thing can so well provide for the continuing safety of your Majesty and People, as the restitution of Religion, un­der the ancient apostolical Government by Bishops, according to the undoubted Laws of this King­dom, so highly asserted by Your Royal Father of blessed Memory; and the enjoyment of the civill Rights in the due execution of the Law;

We Therefore humbly implore your Majesties Piety and Justice, for the full attaining these great Ends in the settlement of Church and State, in which your Majestie shall not want the Prayers and subservient endeavours of,

Your Majesties most loyal Subjects of the County of Northampton.
  • Northampton.
  • Westmerland.
  • Peterborough.
  • Thomond.
  • Jo. Mordant.
  • Chr. Hatton.
  • Ch. le Despencer.
  • Rokingham.
  • George Fane.
  • Chr. Hatton.
  • Will. Hatton.
  • John Norwich.
  • Edw. Griffin.
  • Henr. Yelverton.
  • Will. Fleetwood.
  • Sam. D'Anvers.
  • John Bernard.
  • William Montague.
  • Brian Cokaine.
  • William Wilmore.
  • Richard Ransford.
  • Jeffrey Palmer.
  • Ol. S t. Johns.
  • Bobert Browne.
  • Thomas Cave.
  • George Clerke.
  • Charles Compton.
  • William Farmer.
  • John Robinson.
  • Thomas Catesby.
  • William Stafford.
  • Maurice Tresham.
  • Walter Kirkham.
  • Sam. Clerke.
  • Jo. Mathew.
  • Richard Elmes.
  • Francis Lane.
  • George Tresham.
  • Henry Robinson.
  • Richard Kinsman.
  • Edmond Bacon.
  • Chr. Pickering.
  • William Coo.
  • Coniers Griffin.
  • John. Lynn.
  • Francis Kirkham.
  • William Tate.
  • Miles Fleetwood.
  • Francis Crane.
  • Richard Naylor.
  • Edw. Palmer▪
  • Brian J'anson.
  • Thomas Chibnale.
  • Roger Norwich.
  • Edward Langham:
  • William Holford:
  • Hum. Orum
  • William Downhall:
  • Henry Downhall:
  • L. Palmer.
  • William Whalley.
  • John Wiseman:
  • John Holman.
  • William Lisle:
  • John Colly.
  • Robert Clerke:
  • Charles Breton:
  • John Metford.
  • Ch. Thirsby:
  • Tho. Dove:
  • William Thirsby:
  • Henr. Robinson.
  • John Smith.
  • William Lane.
  • John Syers.
  • Francis Orum.
  • Rob. Barker:
  • John Bourne.
  • Alex. Eakins.
  • Jo. Trist.
  • Law. Manley:
  • Nath. Wheatley.
  • Jo. Willoughby.
  • Rich. Willoughby.
  • Will. Breton.
  • Fran. Furnice.

This was presented to his Majesty, the 20 th. of June; at White-Hall.

LONDON, Printed for John Martin, James Allestry, and Thomas Dicas, at the Bell in S t. Pauls Church-yard,

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