[...] OR, The true Interpretation and Etymologie of Christian Names, composed in two Books; the first, of Mens names; the se­cond, of Womens names; with so plain derivations of each name, whether Hebrew, Chaldee, Sy­riack, Greek, or Latin, &c. that any ordinary Capacity may un­derstand them. Together with two Alphabetical Tables, con­taining all their Interpretations.

By Edward Lyford, Philoעbraeus.

In all labour there will be increase.
Prov. 14.23.

London, Printed by T. W. for George Sawbridge, at the Sign of the Bible on Ludgate-hill: 1655.


Edm. Calamy.

To the Reader.

Christian Reader,

ALthough there be many Vo­lumes flying abroad in the World (to what good purpose many of them tends, they can best tell who have experimen­tally perused their profit) yet I do aver, that this small Manual can do more to thee (in its kind) then any, or most of them all. For 1. (Though I am onely able to call thee by thy general name, Christian, and to suppose or wish thee (as I wish my self) to be what that name bespeaks, that is, really cordial, and sincere in Christianity, yet) it can call thee by that very name by which thou hast been called since thy Baptism. And 2. it can tell thee (that which perhaps thou never hither­to couldst tell thy self, nor thy Parents before thee, who gave it unto thee, viz.) what that name of thine doth import and signifie; to the end thou mayst shun it, if evil, and follow it, if good. 3. It can set also before thee the names of all thy Friends and Acquaintance, [...] Male or Female) and make thee able to [Page] judge whether they walk worthy of their names, or not: 4. It can reckon up unto thee the names of all the Patriarchs, and Holy Men mentioned in the Scriptures; and so mind thee of them as patterns, to imitate their Virtues. 5. Lastly, it can set all those names (and many more, even all the used names of Christians) with their significations in order before thee, that so, if either thou dost already, or hopest to enjoy the blessing of that condition which carrieth in it the capacity of building thy name, and the name of thy Family, by the names of the Children coming out of thy loyns; thou mayst then make choyce of them all, and pitch upon some of the best, by which to mind thy follow­ing generation, of their obedience to God, and duties to Men, bespoken so clearly in the names by thee imposed upon them.

And here, the truth is, I cannot but open­ly bemoan and lament what I have often and much resented in my thoughts; to wit; that most irrational custome crept in upon the Christian World, of using so much those Hea­thenish and Paganish names entertained a­mongst us; (especially since we know not well their meaning, nor what they did import in the Language of our Ancestors; for in our own, most of them do signifie nothing but flat nonsense, as to most of us) leaving and lay­ing aside those most significant Scriptural [Page] names imposed upon Children of old by their holy Parents, to put them in mind of the waies they should walk in, all along their life in the daies of their Pilgrimage; I say, that although in the times of (our Ancestors) ignorance, God may be said to have winked at this (as at many other things in them, and in those dark times:) yet now, when know­ledge doth (begin to) abound, and to fill and cover the Earth, as the Waters do the Seas; and when the original words of God, and the names contained in them, do (begin to) fall under our clearer knowledge; That Christians, forsaking those pure Fountains of Shiloh, should content themselves with those impure Streams of Atheism, viz. the names of people living without God in the world, and without the true knowledge of him, is no less than a reproach to Christianity; yea not onely so, but an intolerable and irrational ab­surdity, when we know not certainly what those Heathenish names do import and signi­fie: for what? is it not a shame for any ra­tional man to speak nonsense, that is, to speak any one word (like a Parrat) which he doth not know what it meaneth? what a shame then is it (not onely for Christian, but even) for rational Parents, to impose upon their Children names (of nonsense (to them) which they do not understand themselves what they mean; and so to call them, and make them [Page] to be called all their life long by names which they know not; is not this to call them (whom they love best) and they know not what? I profess, I do think that the very thought of this, may have such sharp reflecti­ons upon those who cannot help it, having thus named their Children already, that I do therefore forbear to speak any thing more of it here, having spoken thus much, to prevent the disease in them who have not, as yet, past the remedy. And thus far for the little work it self ensuing; now for the Author of it. I shall onely speak a few words, and that by way of encouragement to all young Gentle­men, in his, or the like condition, viz. to all Apprentices, or others; who although they have not wholly given themselves to be Scho­lars, yet they do not desire to spend their va­cant hours from their other chosen employ­ments, in idleness; I say, for the encourage­ment of all, or any such, I would onely shew them, that the Youth, who is the Author of this Manual, about three years ago, did leave the Grammar School, and shortly after did come to be an Apprentice in London; about which time, his genius leading him to industry about his Book, although he had left the Schools, he did at spare hours from his undertaken employment, make a collection of those Christian names, and their significati­ons, in so far as the Greek or Latin Langua­ges [Page] could lead him: But finding that many of the most pretious Scriptural names had their Original from the Hebrew, he was very desirous to wait for an opportunity to be in­structed in the grounds of that first and chief of Languages. Wherefore about eight or ten months ago, he, with another young Gen­tleman, an intimate acquaintance of his, of the same condition with him, the Author of the first Versed Lines following (who from the same disposition of abhorring idleness, after he left the Schools, did become like­wise desirous of knowledge in the Hebrew Tongue) hearing of some facile way to make a progress in the knowledge of that Language; did come to me, and in the space of six or eight weeks, thrice in the week, being with me for an hour at a time, and sometimes two, were such Proficients in their studies, that afterwards they both needed me no more to perfect them; and the Author hereof, with­in two or three months after, had transcribed this Copy, deriving from his own knowiedge all the names that were originally Hebrew, from their own proper roots; and so did make it, as it is now put in thy hand, ready for the Press; which (as) I am very hopefull that it shall be usefull and profitable, upon several considerations, unto the Perusers of it, so I shall be alwaies ready, to my power, to encou­rage all who shall have serious thoughts this way.

William Robertson. M. A.

To his worthy and much re­spected Master, Mr. Robert Bax­ter, Citizen and Grocer of London.


THat I might shun that mon­strous Vice, which before God and Man is account­ed most Hatefull, in which (as Tully saith) is contain­ed all Wickedness, name­ly, Ingratitude; and that which when the Persians, Macedonians, or Athenians found that any man was guilty of, they condemned him to death by their Law; so odious and abominable was it unto them; and hence the saying is, Ingrato homine nil pejus, and Si ingratum dixeris, omnia dixeris. Therefore, Sir, I that have in no small measure tasted of your good­ness and clemency, as in many other things, so in countenancing this small Work of mine (for not onely the Foun­dation thereof hath been layed) but the whole Structure thereof hath been rear­ed, in my (as yet) so short being with you. [Page] And fearing that as soon as it shall ap­pear to the publick view, it may need some favourable aspect over it, to shelter it abroad in the World, from evil and ma­levolent eyes, I hope, Sir, it will not be offensive, that I do pitch upon your worth and virtue for that effect; since I offer it as a testimony of my heart (and not onely eye) service unto you. As also, Sir, seeing that you do very well know, how that Mens inoccupata mox evadit corrupta, sicut deses aqua, the Mind unoccupied will quickly be corrupted, even as standing water sooner corrupts and purrifies, than that which hath its course to run with a full Current; and that hence Seneca, that Christian-like Pagan (as one of the Fa­thers term'd him) saies, In mille facinorum furias mens otiosa discurrit, the Mind that is idle, or unoccupied, runs into a thou­sand villanies; and that that of Cicero is most true, Nihil agendo homines meleagere discunt, by doing nothing, Men learn to do evil; Idleness (as St. Bernard saith) is the sink and receptacle of all filth. Therefore, Sir, setting before me, as a pattern, your own industrious virtue, I do hereafter alwaies resolve (God willing) to remember that saying, Non minus est virtus, quam quaerere parta tueri, it is no less a virtue to keep than to get; and [Page] there is no way to keep (the little) things gotten, and to get a little more, but by diligent practice; for hence our Proverb is, Solus usus facit Artifices. These Ex­pressions, Sir, and the thoughts they flow from, arising from the experience of your humane Ingenuity, I am confident shall not displease you; as I also am very hope­full that you will not refuse to accept of these my present weak endeavours in this Work, and the publishing of it, after your name prefixed unto it, considering it doth proceed from a gratefull mind. And therefore, Sir, praying and wishing you [...] shalom shalom, all peace and happiness, not onely now, but especially for ever hereafter, I shall en­deavour to approve my felf,

Your faithfull Servant, Edward Lyford.

The Preface to the Reader.

THis small Treatise (Christian and Courteous Reader) of the Interpretations or Ety­mologies of Christian names, which by Divine Assistance is brought to this conclusion, I suppose needs no large Apologie; Especially if thou lookest on the pleasure, profit, nay absolute necessity of the imposition of names, and of knowing their Interpretations or Ety­mologies. For the first, consider, that the im­position, or giving of names, was not barely (as some impertinently think) of humane in­vention, for God himself was the first ( [...]) viz. Giver or Imposer of names; hence he called the first Mans name [...] Adam (from the substance or mat­ter whereof he was made) i. earthly Man, or Man made, as it were, of the red earth, (for the root is [...] Adam, he was red) quod ( [...] meada­mat haaretz) i. ex terra rubra illum crea­vit Deus. i. because God formed him of the [Page] reddish earth, Gen: 2.7. hence also Adam, not without divine instinct, called the name of his wife (which was the first woman) Eve, in the Hebr: [...] Chavah, i. living; and he gives the reason of it in the same place, namely, in Gen: 3.20. because she was the mother ( [...] Kol Chai) i. of all living. Were it not for the imposition of Names, the world would be a [...] Babel, or a Confusion; how should we be distinguisht one from another, but by our Certain Names? hence a name in Latin is nomen, as it were notimen, i. a mark, from the verb nosco, to know, quod nomi­nibus dignoscamur, i. because men are known by their names; and there cannot be a surer mark to know one from another, than their Name; In the Greek it is [...], which Plato derives [...], ab inqui­rendo ente, i. from looking into the being and continuance of any thing: but without Names this could not be done; in the He­brew it is [...] shem, which as some think comes from the root [...] shum, posuit, i. he put, as if a name were positum, a thing put to distinguish between one and another; hence the woman of Tekoah, (be­ing suborned by Joab) in a parable speaks thus to David, So shall they quench my Coal which is left, [...] lebilti shim leishi shem, i. by not [Page] putting a name to my Husband, see 2 Sam. 14.7. that is (as we render it) and shall not leave to my Husband neither name, &c. where it is implyed, that names are of absolute necessity, not onely to the up­holding of a mans family, but also to the keeping of things in order and union, for God is the God of order, and not con­fusion; and therefore in Gen. 2.19. God is said to bring every Beast of the Field, and Fowl of the Air unto Adam, to see what he would call them (taking delight, as it were, not onely to see Adam name them, but also to see every thing in order) and whatsoever Adam called every living Creature, that was the name thereof. [...] shem, a name, is also often by In­terpreters translated famous and renowned; so in Gen. 6.4. it is said, which were [...] Anshe hashshem, i. viri nominis) i. men of Name, which we translate, men of renown, or famous men; for by our names, our actions of fame or in­famy, of praise or dispraise, are upheld to the following ages; whereas, if there were no names, there could be no remembrance or upholding of them; how should a man up­hold or remember the deeds of those men that have no names? indeed he knows not whom, or what to remember.


[Page]As for the knowing the Etymologies of names, I think it as usefull, as the for­mer is necessary; would it not be a great encouragement and enducement to all youth, when they know the sweet (for so I account it) Etymologies of their happy and hopefull names, to make them walk answerable thereunto, that they may be found worthy thereof? If a youth be nobly descended (as men term it) then perhaps his name may in­duce him to be humble and meek; if de­scended of a meaner stock, it may encourage him even to exceed himself in actions of virtue. And here, Reader, we might not onely lament the sinfull blindness of the for­mer age (in which the right names of most of the holy men named in the Scripture, have been brought into obscurity and oblivi­on, and now seem strange unto us) but also blame the wilfull forgetfulness, or rather ne­glect of this Age (to which there's none, (that ever was) comparable, for its Mul­titudes of by professors of Religion in words, but few Confessers of their own weaknesses, or (at least) few Actors of that which they do profess in deeds) in not imitating the examples of so many godly Patrons and Ma­trons in the Scriptures (yea God himself (if I mistake not) and hence he changed Abram his name (i. an high Father) to Abraham, [Page] i. a Father of great multitudes, because of his promise; for the Lord said, Gen. 17.5. A Father of many Nations have I made thee. Hence also he called Solomons name Jedidiah, i. beloved of the Lord, for it is said, 2 Sam. 12.24. the Lord loved him, &c.) who thought it needfull and requisite (else surely they would not have done it) to give their Children such names, whose In­terpretations or Etymologies were suitable to the estate and condition they were in, when they named them; that so when they should for the future remember this, they might glo­rifie and praise the Lord, and think on his benefits. And hence we find Eber in Gen. 10.25. named his son Peleg [...] which signifies Division, from [...] in pihel, [...] pilleg, i. he divided, for in his daies (as the text saies) the earth ( [...] n [...]ph­legah) was divided; and this name his Father gave him, from the general estate and condition they then were in. Now for more particular, Joseph (who was a holy and just man, in the sight of the Lord) when he was in Egypt, begat two Sons, the name of the first he called Manasses ( [...] Menash­sheh) which signifies forgetting (from [...] nashah, he was forgetfull) for he said ( [...] nashshani) God hath made me forget all my labours, and Fathers [Page] house, Gen. 41. v. 51. and this name he gave him from the particular and present estate was then in; for those troubles and labours wherein his soul was wrapt up in, (as his being cast into Prison, his Brethrens cruelty to sell him into a strange Land from his Fathers house) through the length of time, was by him almost forgotten, and therefore he named his son Manasses; the name of the second he called [...] Ephraim, that is, fruitfull, (from [...] parah, he was fruitfull) for Joseph said ( [...] hi­phrani) God hath made me fruitfull in the Land of my affliction, see Gen. 41. 51, 52.

I should be too prolix if I should here shew thee how Leah and Rachel gave their sons the Patriarks such names, whose Interpretations or Etymologies were sutable to each of their particular and present estates and conditions they were in when they named them, Gen. 29.31. to the end; and how Jacob their Father, in blessing them, doth paraphrase on those Interpretations or Etymologies, Gen. 49. v. 3. to v. 22. see their names in the Book it self according to their proper places in th [...] Alphabet.

I wish therefore, that all Christians wer [...] more seriously exhorted, not so much to us [...] those Barbarous and strange names, as Saxon, [Page] Sabin and German names, which are now introduced amongst us; but rather, that as we are Christians, so we would use such names that become Christians (I mean) those Scripture names, whose Interpretations and Etymologies might be sutable to our se­veral estates and conditions.

Moreover, the consideration of our names, if seriously pondered, should lead all of us, as often as we shall hear of them, to think on our beginning, medium, and end. The first, (because our names were given us at our beginning to be in the World, and at our first entrance into the visible Church by Baptism) will make us to confess with the Psalmist, Psal. 119.73. thy hands have made me, ( [...] vojechonenuni) i. filled and prepared me) that God is our Creator (see Psal. 71.6. Jer. 43.7.) And if so, then as the Wise Man saies, Eccl. 12.1. he is to be remembred in the daies ( [...] be­chrotenu) i. of our choyce, that is, in the daies of our youth, for youth is tempus se­lectum, a choyce time, and no time better to remember our Creator in, yea it is a time cho­sen for that purpose; he gave us our first being, and shall we not give him our first service? The second should pu [...] us in mind of all those benefits and mercies w [...] God hath been pleased to bestow upon us all the [Page] time we have been called on by such a name; and the thought of the last, namely, of our end, ought to admonish us, why we had such a name in the World, viz. that we may please and serve him, by faith and obedience to his Commands, during all the time that we shall enjoy such a name to the end, when we shall have a new name written in a white Stone for Eternity given to us.

And further (Christian Reader) by a blessing from above, which I do not onely (but desire thee also to) pray and wait for, this Manual may be no small help unto thee (as to me it hath been) for thy understanding of some (yea many) places of Scripture in which these names occur more fully and clearly than be­fore; and hoping that it shall be so, I bid thee farewell, and wish thee as much plea­sure and profit in reading this, as he had in composing it; who is

Thine to serve thee, Edward Lyford.

A Postscript to the Preface.

FOR directions in the use of this Book, there is need of little to be said that way, the Book it self for the Names, and the Tables for their significations, being both Alphabetical; so that any may ea­sily in the Book seek for any name, and there see its signification, and Etymologi­cal derivation; or in the Tables any may seek out, and make choyce of any signi­fication that pleaseth them best, and ac­cordingly may make use of the name that hath such a signification (for which pur­pose especially the Tables were painfully and dil [...]gently composed) alwaies prefer­ring Scriptural Names, and the choyce of them, before Saxon or German names, &c. which we can scarce be able to know what they mean. More than this, there is very little to advertise the Reader of; Ex­cept it be that German, Saxon, Sabin, French, Latin, and Greek derivations of names, are for brevity written and im­ported thus; Ge or Ger. for German, Sa. for Saxon or Sabin, Fr. for French, La. for Latin, and Gr. for Greek; to [Page] shew that the names are such and such Originally.

And that this mark. i. is put for i. e. id est, that is; or for viz. videlic [...]t, to wit, &c. which any intelligent Reader might have conjectured of himself: Onely thus far further the Readers are to be desired, that if as yet they have learned nothing of the Hebrew, they may consult the He­brew Grammar and Dictionary lately published, and sold where this Book is to be sold.

[...] To his much respected and intimate Friend, Edward Lyford, Fellow-Student in the Holy Tongue, upon his Etymological Ana­lysis of Christian names.

THe times are prone to mutability,
And with these times so mutable are we,
That Times, and we, do cross that stream most pure,
Which gave those names that now be­come obscure.
From God most holy, to an holy end,
In th' holy tongue, our names did first de­scend:
But now disguised with so much Cor­ruption,
They seem estranged from their first con­struction.
But, Friend, thou hast in this thy little Book,
Worthy all praise, a labour undertook,
[Page]To stop those Cataracts, through which might run
Our primitives to base Oblivion.
For what can be more pleasing to a man,
Then th' Allegory of his name to scan?
To antient purity thou dost restore
Our names, as they first breath'd in time of yore;
Which with such order are inserted here,
And each ones derivation made so clear,
That whosoe're shall doubt his names descent,
In any part o'th' Christian Continent,
Hebrew, Chaldean, also that Jews be,
Jehova's people once, each one by thee,
Our faithfull'st Etymologer, from hence
May truly know, both what's his name, and whence.
Tempora mutantur nos, nostraque nomina. Edward Probee.

To his Quondam Pupil, Edward Lyford, on his Book of the Etymo­logies of Mens and Womens Names.

NO spurious off-spring is thy Book,
Men know it by his Fathers look.
He that henceforth shall know thy name,
Will doubtless with me say the same,
Confessing that Edward Lyford,
Blessed Keeper, doth life afford.
For names, whose meaning was not known,
And dead (as it were) are now shown,
And laid up to be kept in store,
By this blest Keeper evermore.
Henceforth th [...] Ignorant shall know
What name he had best to bestow
On's Son or Daughter, and not fear
The mockage of the common jear:
His Sons he may call Sans Abuse
Nathanjah, Gods gift Th'odorus;
His Daughter eke, without disgrace,
He may call Hannah, Charis, Grace:
So may, Lyford, thy name long live,
As thou the truth of names dost give.
Paul Solomeau, Schoolmaster at Moreclake.

In Etymologicon charissimi sui Con­discipulo, Edwardi Lyford.

Dum populo pandis incognita nomina, dignus
Es, ut fama tui nominis aucta siet.
Josephus Edwardus, Alumnus Scholae privatae Moretlaciensis.

Charissimo suo Condiscipulo Edwardo Lyford, de Etymologico suo.

Barbara dum Claro declaras nomina sensu,
Fama micans fulget nominis aucta tui.
Gulielmus Ferrars, supradictae Scholae Alumnus.

Both which are thus in English:

Whil'st thou the names of others dost explain,
Thou mayst thy self a name immortal gain.



AHaron, [...] Exod. 4.14. v. Some derive it from [...] (which is hyphil, of [...]) i. he taught, hence a Teacher; others from [Page 2] [...], Aron, i. an Ark: or from both, because the Priests Office is to keep the Law in the Ark of his heart, and thence to teach it to the People. Others from [...] he sung. But some from [...] a Mountain, and so make [...] and [...] heemantick let­ters at the end and beginning.

2. Abba, Rom. 8.15. v. [...], i. Abba, Father. [...] Abba in the Syriack is a Father, from the Heb: [...], which comes from [...] i. he was willing, he desired, denoting, that a Father wils and desires all good to his Children; and hence comes the word Abbot.

(a) Abaddon, Rev. 9.11. v. in the Heb: [...] which sign: destruction, or the place of de­struction, Prov. 15.11. v. [Page 3] Est. 8. v. 6. Some say that the word [...] Ruach, i. a spirit, is understood, and that it should be [...] a spirit of destru­ction, that is, a destroying spi­rit, from the root [...] Abad, he perished or destroyed; indeed the Greek word [...], i. de­stroying, and so it may em­phatically be understood.

3. Abda, 1 King. 4. v. 6. [...] gnabda, a servant, from [...] gnabad, he served, or a work, or workman, from the Chal: [...] he did work.

4. Abdeel, Jer. 36. v. 26. [...] gnabdeel, (but our translation reads it abdeel, and leaves out the letter [...], gnajin, or gn.) i. the work or servant of God, (the strong God) from the former root [...] he served, [Page 4] and [...] El, i. God, the most strong God, from [...] i. strength, denoting his infinite power and strength.

Abdiah, see Obadiah.

5. Abednego, [...], i. the servant or work of light, Dan. 1.7. from [...] as before, he served, and [...] he shined; hence [...] or [...] splendor or light.

6. Abel, [...] i. grief or mourning, from [...] he grie­ved or mourned; the name of a City, 2 Sam. 20.14. But

7. Abel in the Heb: [...] Habel, Gen. 4.2. the name of a man, signifies vanity from [...] he was vain.

8. Abiathar, [...] 1 Sam. 22. v. 21. i. an Excellent Fa­ther, [Page 5] or a Father of Excellency, from [...] in Abba, and [...] Ex­cellent, or [...] Excellency, from [...] in hiph: [...] i. he made Excellent.

(b) Abiasaph, [...], Exod. 6.24. i. my, or the Fa­thers gathering or gleaning. Of [...] Ab, a Father, and with the Affix [...] Jod, my Father, from the Root [...] Abah, he was willing. See more in Abba and [...] Asaph, he gathered.

(c) Abida, [...] Abidang, Gen. 25. v. 4. as it were [...] Abi deang, i. a Father of know­ledge, or my Fathers know­ledge, of Abi as before, and [...] deang, knowledge, Job 37.16. from [...] Jadang, he knew.

(d) Abidan, [...] Numb. 1. [Page 6] v. 11. as it were [...] Abi­dajan, i. my Father (is) Judge, of Dajan; a Judge, from [...] dun, he judged.

9. Abiel, 1 Sam. 9. v. 1. [...] i. my Father (is) the strong God, of [...] ab, as be­fore, and with the affix ( [...] Jod) it is my Father, and [...] el, see it in Abdeel.

10. Abiezer, [...] Josh. 17. v. 2. i. the Father of help, of, [...] and [...] help, from [...] he helped.

11. Abijah, [...] 2 Chron. 13. v. 1. my Father (is) the Lord, of [...] i. my Father, in abiel, and [...] a name of God importing his absolute essence, from [...] he was.

12. Abihud, [...] 1 Chron. 8.3. i. a Father of praise, of [Page 7] [...] a Father, and [...] praise, from [...] in hiph. [...] he prai­sed.

13. Abimael, [...] Gen. 10.28. as if [...] i. my Father (is) from, or of God, of [...] i. my Father, and [...] mem, sign: of or from, being put before a word.

14. Abimelech, Gen. 20. v. 3. [...] i. my Father (is) a King, or the Father of a King, of [...] (A) or, the Fa­ther, also, my Father, and [...] i. a King, from [...] he reign­ed.

(e) Abinadab, [...] 1 Sam. 1 Sam. 16. v. 8. as if [...] Abi nadib, i. my Father (is) free, or liberal, or my Father (is) a Prince, of Abi, [...] as be­fore, and [...] nadib, free, li­beral, [Page 8] or a Prince, 2 Chron. 26.31. and 1 Sam. 2. v. 8. from [...] nadab, he gave liberally.

(f) Abiram, [...] Numb. 16. v. 1. my Father is high, or exalted, of [...] high: exalt­ed, Is. 6. v. 1. from the Root [...] rum, he was high, or lifted up, Deut. 8. v. 14.

(g) Abishua, [...] Abi­shuang, 1 Chron. 6. v. 4. This name may refer to two Signi­fications or Etymologies, ei­ther it may be the Father of crying, or a rich, noble or li­beral mans Father, of Abi and [...] shuang, crying, Is. 22. v. 5. also rich, noble, liberal, Is. 32. v. 5. from [...] shuang, he made a noyse, or else [...] Ab-jeshang, ( [...] Vau being cast [Page 9] away) i. the Father of salvati­on, i. a saving Father, of Ab. See it in b. and Jeshang, sal­vation, Psal. 18. v. 36. from [...] in hiph: [...] hoshiang, he saved. but I confess the for­mer interpretation to be more clear than this latter.

15. Abner, [...] 1 Sam. 14. v. 5: i. the Fathers candle, or lamp, i. one that upholds his Fathers name and family, from [...] a lan­thorn, a light, or lamp, and [...] a Father.

16. Abram, [...] Gen. 11. v. 3. i. an high Father, of [...] and [...] high, from [...] he was high. But

17. Abraham, [...] i. a Father of multitudes, for so God changed his name, insert­ing the letter [...] he, (before the [Page 10] final [...] mem) the first letter of [...] a multitude, in con­firmation of that promise which he had made to him, to wit, that his Seed should be like to the Sand of the Sea for mul­titude, Gen. 17. v. 5. and ( [...] on, the servile termination de­tracted) which comes from [...] he was tumultuous.

18. Abshalom, [...] 2 Sam. 3. v. 3. or [...] Abishalom, i. the Fathers peace, or Father of peace, of [...] peace, from [...] he was per­fect, and at rest.

19. Acephalus, [...], i. without head or beginning, of α Alpha, privative, signifying as much as without, and [...], i. caput, the head, from the Heb: [...] i. he doubled, quod o­mnia [Page 11] in capite sunt ferè dupla, i. because all things in the head are almost double, as the two eyes, two ears, &c.

20. Achab, [...] but in our Translation Ahab, 1 Kings 16.1. Ah! Father, or the Fathers Brother, of [...] ah! alass! also a Brother, and [...] a Father.

21. Achan, [...] i. a trouble or troubler, from [...] he trou­bled, for indeed he troubled Israel; see Joshua 7. v. 25. by changing [...] in [...].

22. Achaz, [...] 2 Kings 16. v. 1. he possessed, or a pos­session, from [...] he laid hold on, or possessed.

23. Achitophel, or Ahitophel, [...], i. a foolish, un­tempered, or unsavoury Bro­ther, a Brother of folly, for so [Page 12] his counsel proved in the end, 2 Sam. 17. from [...] a Brother, in Achab, and [...] unsavou­ry, untempered, foolish, or [...] folly or foolishness.

(h) Adajah, [...] Gnada­jah, i. the witness of the Lord, 1 Chron. 6. v. 41, &c. and

(i) Adiel, [...] Gna­diel, 1 Chron. 4. v. 36. i. God the strong God (is) my wit­ness or testimony, of [...] Gned, a witness, Deut. 17. v. 6. and [...] Gnedi, my witness, with the affix, Job 16. v. 19. from [...] in hiph. [...] hegnid, he wit­nessed, and [...] a name of God; see it in Abijah. and [...] El, God the strong God, see it in Abdeel.

24. Adam, [...] i. man, red, or earthly, from [...] he [Page 13] was red, because God created him [...] meadamat haaretz) i. of the red earth, Gen. 2. v. 7.

25. Adelphus, [...], i. a Brother, of α, which comes from [...], and in composition signifies simul, i. together, and [...], i. uterus, i. the womb, because Brothers were in one womb.

26. Adonijah, [...] 2 Sam. 3. v. 4. i. the Lord (is) God, or God (is) the Lord, of [...] a Lord, or [...] Adonai, i. the Lord, from [...] a Base, Ground, or Foundation; denoting Gods absolute dominion and power over all; and [...] another name of God, importing his simple essence and existence, from [...] he was.

[Page 14]27. Adonikam, [...] Ezek. 2. v. 13. i. the Lord, or my Lord ariseth, of [...] my Lord, or [...] the Lord, and [...] and [...] he ariseth, or did arise.

28. Adonizedek, [...] Adoni-tzedek, i. the Lords Ju­stice, of Adonai, as before, and [...] Justice, from [...] he was Just, for on him the Lord exe­cuted his Justice by Joshua. See Josh. 10.1, 23, 26.

29. Adrian, or Hadrian, i. rich or wealthy, from the City Hadria, or from [...], i. multus, copiosus, much, wealthy.

30. Aegistus, or Aegysthus; so called because he was nou­rished with Goats.

31. Aegyptus, Etym. from [Page 15] [...] i. Capra, i. a Goat; hence Egypt took its name.

32. Aeneas, from [...], to praise, hence Etym. [...], i. laus, praise, Act. 9. v. 33.

33. Aeolus, [...], i. uncon­stant, mutable, taken by Poets for the God of the Winds.

34. Aesopus, [...], Etym. from [...], i. ardeo, to be hot, or burn, because he was born in a hot Country. Gr.

35. Affable, affabilis, i. gentle, kind, curteous in speech. Lat.

36. Agabus, Act. 11. v. 28. some derive it from [...] i. a Grashopper or Locust, others from the Chal. [...] i. juxta.

37. Agastus, [...], i. worthy to be esteemed, loved or estee­med, from [...], Gr.

[Page 16]38. Agatharchus, as if [...], i. a good Ruler or Governour, of [...] good, qu. [...], i. to be admired. from the the former [...] in praet. [...]; hence [...] to be admired, and by taking a­way σ, changing it into θ, it is [...], for every ( [...]) i. good, honest, and just man, is ( [...]) i. worthy to be admi­red, and [...], i. to govern.

39. Agrippa, Act. 25. v. 13. as it were aeger pedibus, i. lame in his feet. See Gellius, lib. 16. cap. 16.

(k) Ahaziah, [...] A­chazjahu, 1 King. 22. v. 40. i. the apprehension or possessi­on of the Lord, of [...] Achaz, he possessed, [...] Jahu, for Je­hovah. See it in J.

[Page 17] (l) Ahiah, [...] Achijah, i. the Lords Brother, of [...] Ach, a Brother, and Jah, as before, 1 King. 4. v. 2.

(m) Ahiezer, [...] A­chignezer, Num. 1. v. 12. i. my, or the Brothers help, of Ach, a Brother, and with affix [...] Jod, [...] Achi, my Brother, Gen. 20. v. 5. and Gnezer, [...] Gen. 2. v. 18. from [...] Gnazar, he helped.

(n) Ahimaaz, 2 Sam. 18. v. 19. [...] Achimagnatz, i. the, or my Brothers counsel, of Achi. See it in Ahiezer and [...] Gnetzah, counsel, from [...] Jagnatz, he counselled. [...] Mem is heemantick.

(o) Ahimelech, [...] Achimelech, 1 Sam. 22. v. 9. i. my Brother (is) a King, [Page 18] of [...] Melech, a King, Ezra 7. v. 12. from [...] he reign­ed; or according to the Chal­dee, my Brothers counsel; for [...] Melech in the Chaldee signifies counsel. See Dan. 4. v. 24.

(p) Ahinadab, [...] A­chinadab, 1 King. 4. v. 14. i. a willing Brother, or my Bro­ther (is) a Prince, or liberal. See the root in Abinadab.

(q) Ahitub, [...] Achi­tub, 2 Sam. 8. v. 17. i. my Brother is good, of Achi and [...] tub, he was good.

40. Albanus, i. white, from albus. Lat.

41. Alberic or Averic. i. All-rich. Ge.

42. Albertus, i. bright all over. Ge.

[Page 19]43. Aldred, i. all reverent, or holy fear. Sa.

44. Alfred, i. all-peace. Sa.

45. Alexander, 2 Tim. 4. v. 14. as if [...], i. a helper or succourer of men, from [...] to help, hence [...], a helper or succourer, and [...], from [...], a man, which some derive from the Heb: [...] robur, i. strength; others, [...], i. because he is above the Woman.

46. Alpheus, Mat. 10. v. 3. perhaps from [...] Aluph, i. a Leader or Captain, from [...] he learned.

47. Alphonse, i. our aid. Ge.

48. Alwinus, i. winning or getting all. Ger.

[Page 20] (r) Amasa, [...] Gna­masa, 1 Chron. 2. v. 17. some make it sparing the people, of [...] gnam, a people, from the root [...] gnamam, he co­vered. See it in Amelek; and from [...] nasa, he pardoned, or forgave, he spared.

(s) Amaziah, [...] Amat­ziah, 2 Chron. 24. v. 27. i. the strength or power of the Lord, from the root [...] Amatz, he was strong, and [...] jah, a name of God.

Amashiah, 1 Chron. 4. v. 34. See Amaziah.

49. Amelek, Gen. 36. v. 12. as it were [...] i. a lick­ing people, from [...] people, which comes from [...] he covered, because by a multi­tude of people the earth is co­vered, [Page 21] and [...] he licked.

50. Amariah, Zeph. 1. v. 1. [...] i. the word of the Lord, of [...] or [...] a word from [...] he spake, and [...] a name of God; see it in Adonijah; or else the Lamb of the Lord, of [...] in the Chald. a Lamb.

(t) Amram, [...] Gnam­ram, Exod. 6. v. 20. i. a high people, of Gnam, a people. See in Amalek, and [...] Ram, high, from [...] Rum, he was high.

(u) Aminadab, i. a willing, free, or liberal people, Luke 3. v. 33. of Gnam, as before, and nadab. See it in Abinadab.

51. Amasiah, [...] Gna­masiah, 2 Chron. 17. v. 16. i. the burthen of the Lord, of [...] he burthened, and [...] jah, [Page 22] as before, the name of God.

52. Ambrose, [...], i. Di­vine or Immortal. Gr.

53. Americ, i. alwaies rich, able, or powerfull. Ge.

54. Amias, i. beloved, from aimiè. Fr.

55. Ammiel, 1 Chron. 3. v. 5. as it were [...] i. the strong God with me, of [...] (the strong God) See it in Ab­deel, and [...] with or [...] i. with me, Dagesh in ( [...]) Mem being doubled because of the affix Jod.

56 Amon, [...] 2 King. 21. v. 18. i. nourished or brought up, from [...] he nourished, or else faithfull, firm, sure or sta­ble, from Niphil, [...] he was faithfull, firm, sure or stable, or else as it were [...] i. a cun­ning [Page 23] workman, from the same root.

57. Amminadab, [...] i. a Prince of the People, of [...] and [...] a Prince; or my People is free, willing, or bountifull, from [...] he offered freely.

58. Amos 1. v. 1. [...] i. burthened, or a burthen, from [...] in Amasiah, he burthened.

59. Amoz, [...] Amotz, Isa. 1. v. 1. i. strong, strength­ned, or strength, from [...] he was strong.

(w) Anan, [...] Gnanan, Nehem. 16. v. 26. i. a Cloud, or a prophecy or divination. (with Aben Ezra on Levit. 19. v. 20.) See Goodwins Jewish Antiquities, lib. 4. pag. 189.

Ananias, see Hananiah.

[Page 24]60. Anaraud from honora­tus, i. honoured. Lat.

61. Anaxarchus, i. one that hath a double power, or one that rules as King, of [...] a King, and [...], from [...], to rule.

62. Andrew, [...], Math. 10. v. 2. i. manly, valiant, or stout, from [...], manliness, or strength.

63. Andronicus, as if [...], i. a man of victory, h. e. victorious.

64. Anselm, i. the Helmet or defence of Authority. Ger.

65. Anthony, qua: [...], i. flourishing, from [...], floreo, to flourish. Gr.

(x) Antichrist, [...], 1 Joh. 2. v. 18. i. for or a­gainst the Anointed, i. Christ. one who though there is none [Page 25] that pretends to be more for Christ in words than he, yet in actions there is none more a­gainst Christ than himself, and therfore fitly termed Antichrist, of [...] pro, and contra, i. for, or against, and [...], i. unctus, the Anointed, from [...], ungo, to anoint, & à tertia person: praet: pass: [...] fit [...], i. Christ, or the Anointed.

(66) Antipas, Rev. 2.13. i. for or against all, of [...], which signifies for or against, and [...], omnis, i. all.

(y) Asaiah, [...] Gnasajah, 1 Chron. 4. v. 36. i. the Lord hath wrought, from [...] Gna­sah, he made or wrought, and [...] jah, a name of God, from the root [...] hajah, he was.

[Page 26] (z) Azaziah, 1 Chron. 15. v. 21. [...] Gnazaziahu, i. the strength of the Lord, or the Lord hath made strong, from the root [...] Gnazaz, he strength­ned, or made strong.

Azriel, see Ezriel.

67. Antipater, as if [...], i. for, or against his Father, 1 Macchab. 12.16.

Antonius, see Anthony.

68. Apelles, [...], i. expel­ling or driving out, ab [...], Gr. Rom. 16. v. 10.

69. Apollo, [...], Acts 18. v. 24. i. a Destroyer, [...], à perdendo.

70. Aquila, i. an Eagle (ab acute volando) 1 Cor. 16. v. 19.

71. Archelaus, [...], Mat. [Page 27] 2. v. 22. qu. [...], i. Prin­ceps populi, a Prince of the people, of [...], see it in 38. & 61. and [...], the people, which some derive from [...], a stone, denoting the common peoples stonie and hard-heart­edness. Others from [...], to enjoy, for we are all born to enjoy one anothers company, counsel, and help. But Eusta­thius derives the word [...] of [...], i. exceedingly, vehemently, and [...], to make a noyse, be­cause the vulgar people do of­ten make great noyse, and hence are called ( [...].)

72. Archeptolemus, as if [...], i. a Prince of War, of [...], i. Bellum, War, [...], so cal­led [Page 28] for that it decreaseth and diminisheth many Cities, and many men, it is called [...] & [...], cutting down many.

73. Archibald, or Erchen­bald, i. powerfull, bold, quick or speedy Learner. Germ.

74. Archippus, 2 Col. 1.17. qu: [...], i. Master of the Horses, of [...], a Horse.

75. Aretas, 2 Macch. 5.8. [...] qu: [...], i. a Lover of Virtue, h. e. Virtuous, ab [...], placeo.

76. Arfast, i. a goodly man. Sa.

77. Aristarchus, Col. 4. v. 10. [...], i. optimus prin­ceps. See Agatharchus.

78. Aristippus, [...], i. optimus equus, i. the best, or a good Horse. Gr.

[Page 29]79. Aristobulus, [...], Rom. 16. v. 10. a good Coun­sellour, of [...] and [...], con­silium. Gr.

80. Aristomachus, [...], i. a good Warriour, of [...], to fight.

81. Arnald, i. honest. Ger.

82. Arnolphus, i. honest counsel. Ger.

83. Arthur, Etym. ab [...], a Bear, i. Arcturus, the fixed Star in the tail of the great Bear?

84. Asa, 1 King. 15. v. 8. [...] i. Health, Medicine, or Physician, from the Chald. [...] he cured properly by Medi­cine.

84. Asael, [...] Gna­sahel, 2 Sam. 2. v. 18. i. the work of the strong God, or [Page 30] the strong God hath made or wrought, of [...] he did work, and [...] the strong God, from [...] strength.

85. Asher, [...] i. blessed, from [...] he went with a right foot, in Piel, [...] he blessed, for Leah said [...] i. the Daughters will call me Blessed, Gen. 30.13.

86. Astyages, Dan. 13. v. 65. Etym. ab [...] i. urbs, a City, and [...], i. to lead or go­vern, as if [...], i. Go­vernour of the City.

87. Athanasius, [...], i. immortal, from (α) which sign: without, and [...], i. death.

88. Augustine, i. increasing, ab augendo. Lat.

[Page 31]89. Augustus, Luke 2. v. 1. i. Majestical. Lat.

90. Azaniah, [...] Nehem: 10. v. 9. i. the ear or heark­ning of God, of [...] an ear, and [...] a name of God.

91. Azariah, or Azarias, [...] 2 King. 14.21. i. the help of the Lord, from [...] he helped, and [...] self-subsistence, one of the names of God.


92. BAal, [...] Bagnal, 1 Chron. 8. v. 29. i. a Lord, Husband, or Ruler, from [...] he ruled or go­verned.

[*] Bildad, qu: [...], i. no [Page 32] friend, for he was no friend to Job that was his friend, Job 2.11.

93. Baalzebub, 2 King. 1. v. 2. but in the N. T. it is Beel­zebub, i. a Lord or Master of Flyes, of [...] a Lord, and [...] a Fly, Mat. 12.24.

94. Babel, [...], i. con­fusion, from [...] he con­founded, [...] i. because the Lord did there confound the Language, &c. Gen. 11.9.

95. Bacchus, [...], i. a Drun­kard, a [...], ab ululando, quod ebrii plus sobriis clamare soleant, because Drunkards are wont to keep more noyse than those which are sober.

96. Baldwin, i. bold winner, or Conquerour. Ge.

[Page 33]97. Baptista, [...], i. Bapti­zer. Gr. from [...], to baptize.

(a) Barachel, [...] Job 32. v. 2. i. God (the strong God) hath blessed, of [...] ba­rach, he blessed, and [...] El, God. See it in Abdeel.

98. Barak, [...] i. Light­nings, from [...] he light­ned, Judges 4. v. 16.

99. Barachiah, [...] i. the blessing of God, from [...] he blessed, and [...] God, Zech. 1. v. 1.

100. Bardulph, i. fair help, à Bertulph. Ge.

101. Barjesus, Acts 13. v. 6. in the Syriack it is [...] Barshuma, i. a Son of name, i. i. a famous Son, i. a Son [Page 34] of renown. See Shem, of [...] Chald: a Son.

102. Barjonah, [...] i. the Son of oppression, or of a Dove, of [...] Chald: a Son, for [...] Heb: and [...] a Dove, from [...] he oppressed.

103. Barnabas, Acts 4. v. 36. i. a Son of a Prophet, or Consolation, of [...] a Son, and [...] a Prophet, from [...] he prophesied.

104. Barsabas, Acts 1.23. [...] i. a Son of rest, of [...] a Son, and [...] he rested.

105. Bartholomew, Mat. 10. ver. 3. in the Syriack, [...] i. the Son of him that hangeth up the waters, of [...] as before, and [...] he that hangs [Page 35] up. The particle Benon: from [...] he did hang up, and [...] for [...] the waters.

106. Bartimaeus, perhaps a perfect son, of [...] a son, and [...] perfect, from [...] he was perfect, Mar. 10. v. 46.

107. Baruch, [...] i. blessed, from Barach. See it in 99. Jer. 32.12.

108. Basilius, [...], i. Kingly, Noble, Royal, from [...], Rex, a King, qu: [...], i. fundamentum populi, for a King is as it were the base and foundation of the people.

109. Beavis, i. Beautifull, Fr. as some will have it.

110. Belus, i. a Lord, from Bel, signifying the Sun. Assyr.

[Page 36]111. Belial, [...] Beli­jagnal, Judg. 19. v. 22. i. a naughty man, properly a man of no use or profit, of [...] not, and [...] profiting, or profit, from the root [...] he profit­ed; or else, as if [...] i. a man without yoke, impati­ent of discipline, qui jugum pie­tatis excussit.

(b) Benajah, [...] 2 Sam. 23. v. 30. i. the Son, or the building of the Lord, of [...] ben, a Son, or [...] binjah, Building, from the root [...] banah, he builded, and [...] Jahu for [...] Jehovah.

112. Benet, i. blessed, from benedictus. Lat.

113. Benjamin, [...] i. the [Page 37] Son of my right hand, of [...] a Son, from [...] he builded, (for Children are as it were those corner stones whereby Parents do build their Fami­lies) hence the Psalmist in the 144 Psalm, and the 12 verse, excellently paraphraseth on it, That our Sons may be as plants grown up in their youth, and our Daughters may be as corner stones, &c. and [...] the right hand.

114. Bernerd, of a Child­like, or kind disposition towards his Parents. Ge.

115. Bertran, i. fair, and pure, from Bertrand. Ge.

(c) Berujah, [...] 1 Chron. 8. v. 21. i. the choosing of the Lord, from [...] in peh. [...] [Page 38] bera, he chose, and [...] a name of God.

116. Bias, forsan, à [...], i. life, vita seu victus, vel à [...], i. vis, robur, strength.

117. Blasius, i. budding, or sprouting forth, à [...].

118. Bonaventure, i. good adventure.

119. Boniface, one that does good, or a well doer, from bo­nus, good, and facio, to do. Lat.

120. Boaz, [...] Bognaz, i. strength, or in strength, qu. [...] of [...] in, and [...] strength, from [...] he was strong, Ruth 2. v. 2.

121. Brutus, without wit or reason, qu. brutus, brutish, or beastly, vel à [...] Heb. Bagnar, brutus, Bardus, brutish.

[Page 39]122. Bryan, i. a shrill voyce. Fr.

123. Boanerges, Mar. 3. v. 17. in the Syriack it is [...] i. Sons of Thunder, of [...] Sons, in Syriack, for [...] in the Heb: and [...] to thunder, which in the Heb: signifies, to rage, Psal. 2. v. 1. or to meet tumultuously, Dan. 6. v. 7.


124. CAdwallader, i. a Soul­dier. Brit.

125. Caecilius, that hath a kind of dimness in his sight, or that is gray eyed. Lat.

126. Caesar, Etym. from caedo, to cut, for Julius Caesar was cut out of his Mothers womb; or [Page 40] born with a bush of hair, or gray eyed, or else of killing an Elephant, which the Moors in their tongue call Caesar. This name was common to the Ro­man Kings.

127. Caius, qu. [...], i. earth­ly. Gr.

128. Caleb, [...] Numb. 13. v. 7. it may be rendred as an heart, for [...] is the note of simi­litude, signifying, as, or like as, and [...] is the heart.

129. Callisthenes, [...], i. strong and beautifull. Gr.

130. Canaan, [...] Kenag­nan, Gen. 9. v. 18. i. a Mer­chant, from [...] because the Inhabitants of Canaan being near the Sea, were much given to Merchandise.

[Page 41](*) Carpus, [...], i. fruit. Gr. 2 Tim. 4. v. 12.

131. Cephas, [...] i. a Rock, or Stone; it is a Chaldee word, Matth. 16.18.

132. Charles, from Kerl. an antient word, whereby the Germans use to call strong and stout men by. Some make it as if [...] i. God the strong God hath called, of El, God. See Abdeel, and [...] he cal­led.

133. Christopher, as if [...], i. Christum, i. unctum gerens, carrying Christ, h. e. the Anointed, nam [...], i. unguo, i. to anoint.

134. Chrisippus, [...], i. Equus aureus, Gr. i. a golden Horse.

[Page 42] (a) Chenaniah, [...] Che­nane jahu, 1 Chron. 15. v. 22. i. the Lord (is) my pillar, base, or foundation, for the root is [...] in Niph. [...] Nachon, he was established or confirmed, and [...] for Jehovah.

135. Chrysostome, [...], i. a golden mouth, Etym. à [...], i. aarum, and [...], os, qu. [...], i. os aar [...]um, so called for his Eloquence Gr.

136. Cicero à cicere, so cal­led of a wart on his forehead like a Chirpeese. Lat.

137. Clearch [...], qu [...], i. a Prince of honour.

138. Clemens, Phil. 4. v. 3. meek, or gentle, à claritate & clementia mentis.

139. Cleopas, Luk. 24.18. qu. [Page 43] [...], all Glory, of [...], Glory, and [...], all.

140. Cleobulus, i. famous for counsel, Etym. of [...], Glo­ry, and [...], counsel.

141. Conrad, i. able coun­sel, or advised valour. Ger.

142. Constantine, i. constant, firm, or sure, from Constans. Lat.

143. Cornelius, Acts 10. v. 1. from Cornu, i. a Horn. Lat.

144. Crassus, i. thick, Lat. vel à Crassitie Corporis, from the grossness of his body.

145. Crates, forsàn, à [...], i. power or strength, from [...], impero, to rule. Gr. 2 Tim. 4. v. 10.

146. Crescens, i. increasing. Lat.

[Page 44]147. Crispus, Acts 18. v. 8. crisped or curled, perhaps from his hair; it seems to be com­posed of crinis and pilus, Hair. Lat.

148. Critobulus, as if [...], i. an Arbitrator or Judge in counsel, Etym. of [...] à [...], judico, and [...], con­silium, counsel.

149. Critolaus, qu. [...], i. a Judge of the people.

(b) Cushi, [...], Jer. 36. v. 14. or [...] Cush, Gen. 10. v. 6. i. Black; from him the Arabians and Aethiopians took their name, and hence Aethio­pia is called Cush, 2 King. 19. v. 9.

150. Cuthbert, i. famous, or bright skill or knowledge. Sa.

[Page 45]151. Cyprian, so called from the Isle Cyprus.


(a) DAlajah, [...] 1 Chro. 3. ult. i. the poor of the Lord, of [...] dal, poor, small, from the root [...] he was made little, or small (but according to the Chaldee use of the word) he was impoverish­ed, and [...] a name of God. See it in the name Benajah.

(b) Dalphon, [...] Est. 9. v. 7. i. regarding the poor, of [...] dal, poor, as before, and [...] phon, for [...] phoneh, as it were the part. Benoni Kal ( [...] being omitted) from the root [Page 46] [...] panah, he looked or re­garded.

152. Daedalus, [...], for [...], i. ingeniosus artificio­sus, an ingenious Artificer. In­deed he was said to be so.

153. Dan, [...] i. Judgement, or a Judge, from [...] he judged; for Rachel said ( [...]) God hath judged me, Gen. 30. v. 6. So Jacob, in Gen. 49. v. 16. Dan shall judge his people as one of the Judges of Israel.

154. Daniel, [...] i. the Judgement of God, or a Judge of God ( i. a righteous Judge) or else the strong God (is) my Judge, from the former root, and [...] God. See in Abdeel.

Dannet, dim. à Daniel.

155. Dathan, [...] may be [Page 47] rendred a Decree, or Law, or Statute, from the primitive noun [...] Chald. the same, Numb. 16. v. 10.

155. Darius, [...] Dariosh, Dan. 5. v. 31. seeking or en­quiring diligently, from [...] he sought diligently.

156. David, [...] i. beloved, amiable, or a friend, from [...] the same, for he was beloved of all men.

157. Denus, i. ten, or the tenth, from Decem. Lat.

158. Demarchus, the same with Archelaus, onely of [...], the people, from [...], to bind or tye, [...], for the people are tyed or bound to the Laws.

159. Demas, Col. 4. v. 14. [Page 48] Some make it sparing the peo­ple, but I think it may be rather popular, from [...], the people.

160. Demetrius, 1 Maccab. 8. v. 1. belonging to Ceres, from [...], i. Ceres, qu. [...], or, Earth the Mother.

161. Democrates, i. one that rules the people, of [...]. See it above; and see Crates, num. 145.

162. Democritus, the same with Critolaus, the Judge of the people.

163. Demosthenes, [...], i. the strength of the people.

Denis, see Dionysius.

164. Deodatus, i. given of God. Lat.

Deric, see Theoderic.

(c) Deu-el, [...] deg­nuel, Numb. 1. v. 14. i. know [Page 49] ye God (the strong God) it is the 2d pers: plu: imp: of Kal, from the root [...] jadang, he knew, and [...] el, the strong God, from [...] ejal, strength, the people shall be strong ( [...] Jodegnu) that know their God, Dan. 11. v. 32. and I think his counsel was not amiss who said, ‘— Numen cognoscere disce. But the question may be, who hath known him in his begin­ning? I answer with Job, cap. 36. v. 26. Behold the Lord is ( [...]) i. large, or ample, and ( [...]) we shall not know (him.)

165. Dicaearchus, qu. [...], i. a just Ruler, of [...], a Prince, see it in Archelaus, [Page 50] and [...], just, see in Laodice womens names.

166. Didymus, Joh. 11.16. [...], i. Gemellus, a Twin.

167. Diodorus, qu. [...], i. Jovis donum, i. the gift of Jupiter. Gr.

168. Diogenes, [...], i. born of Jupiter, qu. [...].

169. Diomedes, i. Joves counsel.

170. Dionysius, i. belonging to Bacchus, Act. 17. v. 34.

171. Diotrephes, Joh. 3.5. i. nourished of Jupiter, of [...], Jupiter, and [...], to nourish.

172. Doeg, [...] i. carefull, or sollicitous, from [...] he was carefull, or sollicitous; indeed he was so, for accomplishing his wicked design, 1 Sam. 22.9.18.

[Page 51]173. Dolon, [...], i. a Decei­ver, or Sycophant, à [...], to deceive. Gr.

174. Dru, i. lively, Fr. or subtil. Sa.

175. Duncan, of a high Hill. Sa.

176. Dunstan, i. most high.

177. Dositheus, see Deodatu [...]


178. EAdulph, i. happy help. Sa.

179. Eadwin, i. happy Con­querour. Sa.

180. Ealred, i. good coun­sel, or all counsel. Sa.

(a) Ebedmelech, [...] Jer. 38. v. 7. i. the Kings ser­vant, from [...] gnabad, he [Page 52] served, and [...] Melech, a King, from [...] Malach, he reigned; or according to the Chaldee, the Servants Counsel, for [...] in the Chaldee signifies Counsel.

181. Esbert, or Egbert, i. famous, properly bright for ever. Sa.

182. Eber, [...] i. a passage, or passing over, Gen. 10. v. 23. from [...] he went or passed over; and hence comes the name of the Hebrews.

183. Eden, i. [...] i. delight, pleasures, or dainties, Psal. 37. v. 91.

184. Edgar, i. happy or blessed honour or power. Sa.

185. Edom, red, earthly, see Adam.

[Page 53]186. Edmund, i. happy, or blessed peace. Sa.

187. Edward, i. happy kee­per. Sa.

188. Eldad, Numb. 11.26. [...] i. beloved of God, or a friend of God, of [...] God, and [...] a friend. See David.

189. Eleadah, 1 Chron. 7. v. 21. [...] as if [...] i. God (is) witness, or the testi­mony of the strong God, of El, God; see it often before, and [...] a testimony, from [...] in hiph. [...] he witnessed.

190. Eleasah, 1 Chron. 2. v. 39. [...] i. God (the strong God) hath made, or done, of El, God, and [...] Gnasah, he made.

191. Elchanan [...] 2 Sam. [Page 54] 23. v. 14. i. the grace or mer­cy of God, of El, God, and [...] Chanan, he was gratious.

192. Eleazar, [...] i. the help of the strong God, or the strong God hath helped, Exod. 18. v. 4.

193. Eliab, [...] i. my God (is) the Father, of Ab, a Fa­ther, see Abba, and El, God, and with the affix [...] jod, it is my God, Numb. 26. v. 8.

194. Eliah, or Elijah, [...] i. the Lord (is) my strong God, 1 Chron. 8. v. 27. or the 1 King. 18.2. it is [...] as if [...] i. the Lord he (is) my strong God.

195. Eliakim, [...] 1 King. 18. v. 18. i. the strong God will arise or establish, [Page 55] of [...] God, and [...] the 3d pers: sing: futur: of [...] he arose, in hiph. [...] he esta­blished.

196. Eliam, [...] i. the people of the strong God, of Gnam, a people, see it in A­malek, numb. 40. 2 Sam. 23. v. 34.

(b) Eliashib, [...] 1 Chr. 3. v. 24. i. God (the strong God) shall or will bring back, or restore, for it is the 3d pers: sing: futur: of hiph. from the root [...] shub, he returned, and [...] God, see it often before.

(c) [...] 1 Chron. 5. v. 24. i. God (is) my God, or my God (is) strong, of [...] God (the strong God) from [...] ejal, strength, and with [Page 56] the affix [...] jod [...] Eli, my God, Psal. 18. v. 3.

(d) Elihud, [...] i. the praise of my God, of Eli, and from [...] in hiph. [...] hodah, he praised.

(e) Eliphal, [...] 1 Chr. 11. v. 35. it may perchance signifie, my God is admirable, or wonderfull, as it were [...] of Eli, my God, and [...] pele, wonderfull, Isa. 9. v. 6. from [...] in niph. [...] he was wonderfull.

(f) Eliphalet, [...] 2 Sam. 5. v. 16. i. my God (is) deli­verance, from the root [...] in pih. [...] pillet, he delivered.

197. Elihu, 1 Chron. 12.20. [...] i. he (is) my God, of [Page 57] [...] he, and Eli, my God.

198. Elihud, i. the praise of my God, of Eli, my God, and hud. See it in Abihud, Matth. 1. v. 14.

199. Elisha, [...] Elishang, as if [...] i. my God (is) salvation, or [...] i. the God of salvation, of [...] El, God, & [...] in hiphil, [...] he saved, 1 King. 19. v. 16.

200. Elishaphat, [...] i. my God (is) Judge, of El, God, and the affix, my God, and [...] he judged, or else [...] i. my God judgeth, for [...] shophet, is the particip. Benon. and is often used for the present tense, 2 Chron. 23.1.

201. Elimelech, [...] i. [Page 58] my God (is) King, of El, God, and [...] he reigned, hence [...] a King, or else the counsel of God, for [...] in the Chaldee signifies counsel, Ruth 1. v. 1.

202. Elkanah, [...] 1 Sam. 1. i. the purchase or possession of God, of [...] kanah, he pur­chased, and [...] El, the strong God.

Ellis, corrupt from Elisha.

203. Elmer, i. noble and re­nowned, from Ethelmer. Sa.

204. Elnathan, [...] Jer. 26. v. 22. i. the gift of God, of [...] as before, and [...] he gave.

205. Elymas, Acts 13 v. 8. some [...] i. the Counseller of God; others derive it from [...] Arab. i. wise from the [Page 59] Heb: [...] to lye hid; hence a Scorner.

206. Enion, i. just or up­right. Brit.

207. Enoch, [...] i. begun, instructed, taught, or dedica­ted, from [...] to begin, to in­struct, &c. Gen. 5. v: 25.

208. Enosh, [...] Gen. 4.26. i. man, properly mortal man, or man subject to many mise­ries, diseases, and calamities; perhaps so called from the deadly sickness, grief and mi­sery which he fell in after his sin; or else because when Enosh was born (for then they began to call themselves by the name of the Lord, Gen. 4. v. 26.) they were sensible of their mi­serable condition, from the [Page 60] root [...] Anash, i. he lay de­sperately sick.

209. Epainetus, [...], i. laudable, or praise-worthy, from [...], i. laudo, to praise, Rom. 16. v. 5.

210. Epaphroditus, Phil. 4. v. 18. [...], i. merry, plea­sant, fair, Etym. from [...] & [...], veniunt, [...], à spu­ma.

211. Epicurus, Acts, 17.18. [...], i. a help, properly one that helps them that are oppres­sed with war.

212. Ephraim, [...] i. fruitfull, from [...] he was fruitfull, he brought forth fruit, he made to fructifie, for Joseph said, God ( [...]) hath made me fruitfull in the Land of my af­fliction, [Page 61] Gen. 41. v. 52. hence it is said, Ephraim is a fruitfull Vine.

213. Erasmus, [...], i. a­miable, or beloved, from [...], to love.

214. Erastus, [...], Acts 19. v. 22. ab [...], amiable, &c. the same with Erasmus.

215. Ernestus, i. severe. Ge.

Esay, or Esaias. See Isaiah.

216. Esau, Gen. 25. v. 25. [...] i. working, from [...] he made, wrought, or did work.

217. Eteocles, [...], i. true praise, honour, or renown, of [...], true, and [...]. See it in Cleopas.

218. Evaenetus, i, [...], i. truly laudable, or fitly wor­thy of praise, of [...], well, or [Page 62] rightly. Adverb. and [...], lau­dable, or worthy of praise, from [...], to praise, commend, or extoll.

219. Evangelus, [...], i. one that brings good tidings, properly a good Messenger, of [...], bene, i. well, from [...], good, and [...], a Messenger, from [...], to declare, to tell.

220. Eubulus, [...], 2 Tim. 4. v. 21. Etym. a good Coun­seller, or prudent, well coun­selling, of [...], as above, and [...], consilium, counsel, from [...], to consult, to give coun­sel.

221. Eugenius, i. nobly born, of [...] and [...], to beget, or descended of a good stock.

222. Eupolemus, [...], i. [Page 63] a good Warriour, Etym. of [...], from [...], good, and [...], War. See the Etym. of it in Archeptolemus. 72.

223. Euphorbus, [...], i. a good Shepherd, of [...], and [...], a Shepherd, so called, ( [...]) because a Shep­herd brings food to his Sheep; a fit name for a Minister. Gr.

224. Everard, i. well re­ported, or of excellent toward­ness, from Eberard. Ger.

225. Eusebius, [...], i. pi­ous, or religious, Etym. from [...], and [...], to worship, or adore, it belongs properly to the wor­ship of God.

226. Eustace, or Eustathius, [...], from [...], firm, con­stant, stable.

[Page 64]227. Eutropius, [...], i. mannerly, or well manner'd, of [...], as before, and [...], a man­ner, or custome.

228. Eutychus, [...], is fortunate or happy, one that lives above sorrow, Etym. from [...], well, and [...], to happen; hence [...] happy, Acts 20. v. 9.

229. Euthalion, [...], is flourishing, properly flourish­ing excellently, Etym. of [...], and [...], to flourish. Gr.

Ezekiah, or Ezechias. See Hezekiah.

(g) Ezriel, [...] Gnaz­riel, Jerem. 36. v. 26. i. God (the strong God) (is) my help, of [...] Gnezer, help, and with the affix [...] Gnezri, my [Page 65] help, from the root [...] Gna­zar, he helped, and El, God, as before.

(h) Ezeliah, [...] Etze­liah, 2 Chron. 34. v. 8. i. near, or nigh to the Lord, of [...] Etzel, near, or nigh to, and [...] for [...] Jehovah, the Lord. See it in J.

(i) Ezri, i. my help, 1 Chr. 27. v. 26.

230. Ezekiel, [...] Je­chezkel, i. the strong God shall prevail, of [...] El, God, often before, and [...] Chazak, he was strong, or prevailed, and with [...] jod put before, is a note of the 3d pers: sing: futur: tense, or else the strength of God.

231. Ezra, [...] Gnezra, [Page 66] i. a helper, or succourer, aider or assister, one that holds up that which is falling, from [...] he helped, succoured, or held up, &c. for he was a great hel­per towards the building of the Temple. See it in his Book.


232. FAbian, i. a Bean, from Faba, a Bean. Lat.

233. Fabricius, perhaps from Faber, a Smith. Lat.

234. Faustus, i. fortunate, or happy. Lat.

235. Felix, Acts 24. v. 25. [...]. happy, which some do take from [...], age, or stature, be­cause a man is said to be happy in his flourishing age.

[Page 67]236. Festus, Acts 25. v. 1. i. joyfull, solemn. Lat.

237. Flamineus, i. fiery, or flammy, from flamma, a flame Lat.

238. Florence, i. flourishing, from florens. Lat.

239. Fortunatus, 1 Cor. 26. ult. fortunate. Lat. See Faustus and Felix.

240. Ferdinando, i. pure peace. Ge.

241. Francis, i. free, from Franc, Ge. or free born, libe­ral.

242. Frederic, i. rich in peace. Ge.

243. Fulbert, i. very bright, or famous. Sa.

244, Fulcher, i. a Lord of people, of fulk, people, and her, [Page 68] from heros, as it were, a Lord, or from vollg, brave, or gal­lant.


245. GAbriel, [...] Dan. 8. v. 16. i. the strong God (is) my strength, of [...] Gabar, he prevailed, he was strong, and El, the strong God, from [...] strength, or else a man of God, of [...] a man from the same root, so called from strength, as the Latins call a man Vir, à viri­bus, or else by transmutation of the letters [...] resh and [...] jod, it is made [...] i. a Lord or Master, as if, the strong God (is) Lord and Master.

[Page 69]246. Gad, [...] i. a Troop, from [...] Gadad, to come in Troops; for Leah said, [...] i. a Troop comes, for [...] Gen. 30. ver. 11. also Jacob said, ( [...] &c.) Gad, a Troop shall overcome him, &c. Gen. 49. v. 19.

247. Galenus, [...], i. chear­full, quiet, and peaceable. Gr.

248. Gamaliel, [...] i. God is my reward, God hath rewarded or recompenced me; or as if [...] i. my reward (is) God, of Gemuli, my re­ward, [...] jod at the end being the affix of the first pers: I, or my, or me, from [...] he reward­ed, &c. and El, God, see it of­ten before, or else [...] [Page 70] i. the recompence of God, Jer. 51. v. 56.

249. Garret, i. all toward­ness. Ge.

250. Gawinus, i. victorious. Ge.

251. Gedaliah, [...] i. the magnificence or greatness of the Lord, of [...] Gadal, he was great, hence [...] great­ness, and [...] a name of God, from [...] he was, Jerem. 38. v. 1.

252. Gedeon, [...] Gedeg­non, i. a cutting down, from [...] Gadang, he cut down, for he cut down the Grove by Baals Altar, Judg. 6. v. 26.

253. Geffrey, i. joyfull peace, from Gawfred. Ge.

254. Gehazi, [...] Gechazi, [Page 71] as it were [...] i. the valley of visions, from [...] a valley, and [...] chazon, a visi­on, from [...] he saw, 2 King. 4. v. 12.

255. Gemariah, [...] as if [...] i. God hath brought (it) to pass, or perfected, from [...] he brought to pass, &c. and [...] a name of God, as be­fore, Jer. 29.3.

256. George, i. a Husband­man, of [...], i. a Tiller of the Earth, or a Husbandman, from [...], to till, as it were from [...], the earth, and [...], to work, nam [...], Agricola, for a Husbandman is a labourer and worker of the earth. Gr.

257. Gerastus, i. honorable. Ge.

[Page 72]258. Gerald, or Gerard; see Garret.

259. Germanus, i. of the same stock, no Bastard, Etym. qu: Germen est, i. it is the Seed, which groweth from the Bran­ches of Trees, unde & Germani, qu: eadem stirpe geniti. Fest. vel eadem genitrice manantes.

(a) Gersham, [...] Exod. 2. v. 21. i. a stranger there, for Moses said ( [...] Ger hajiti) I have been a stranger in a strange Land, Exod. 2. v. 21. of [...] Ger, a stranger, from [...] Gur, he was a stranger, and [...] sham, i. illic. ibi. i. there.

)b) Gibbar, [...] Ezra 2.20. i. a man, or strong, so called from his strength, from the root [...] gabar, he prevailed, or was strong.

[Page 73] (c) Gera, [...] Gen. 46. v. 21. perhaps a stranger, from the root [...] Gur, he was a stranger.

(d) Geuel, [...] Numb. 13. v. 16. as if [...] gee­vah el, the exaltation of God.

(e) Giddel, [...] Ezra 2. ver. 20. he magnified, made great, or educated, for it is pi­hil, of [...] gadal, he was great.

260. Gervasius, or Gerfast, i. all-firm, sure, or fast. Ge.

261. Gilbert, i. a noble or bright pledge, from Gisle-bert. Ge.

262. Giles, or Aegidius, from [...], i. a little Kid, Gr. or, with some, from Julius, i. soft haired, or mossy bearded. Gr.

[Page 74]263. Glaucus, [...], i. gray eyed, one that hath a default in his sight, à [...], obtuse video, to see dimly. Gr.

264. Godard, i. godly dis­position and towardness. Ge.

265. Godfrey, i. Gods peace, from Godfred.

266. Godrich, i. rich, or powerfull in God. Ge.

267. Godwin, i. victorious in God.

268. Goliath, [...] i. ca­captive, or captivity, from [...] galah, he was carried captive, 1 Sam. 7.4.

269. Gorgias, i. swift, fierce, terrible, à [...], Gr. 1 Macchab. 3.38.

270. Gregory, [...], i. vigi­lant, or watchfull. Gr.

[Page 75]271. Griffin, i. red. Brit.

272. Griffith, i. strong faith'd.

273. Grimbald, or Grimoald, i. one that hath power over his passion or anger; an excellent Virtue.

274. Guy, or Guido, i. a Guide or Director to others. Fr.

275. Guischard, i. a crafty Shifter, or Wanderer. Norm.


276 HAbakuk, [...] Cha­bakkuk, i. an embra­cing, or folding, from [...] he embraced; others derive it from [...] niphil, he wrestled, and so make it a Wrestler.

[Page 76] Habel, see Abel.

Hadrian, see Adrian.

277 Haggai, [...] Chaggai, as if [...] my festival day, or my solemnity, from [...] chagag, he celebrated, or kept a Feast; hence [...] chag, a festival so­lemnity, and the affix [...] jod, [...] my festival day.

278. Haggiah, 1 Chron. 6. v. 30. [...] i. the feast of the Lord, of chag, as before, and [...] jah, a name of God.

(a) Hamul, [...] Cha­mul, Gen. 46. v. 12. i. merci­ful, pitifull, from [...] Cha­mal, he spared, or used cle­mency.

Haram, see Ram.

(b) Harhajah, [...] Cha­rah [Page 77] jah, Nehem. 3. v. 8. as it were [...] i. the anger of the Lord, of [...] Chori, Anger, from [...] Charah, he was an­gry, and [...] a name of God, signifying Self-subsistence, from [...] he was.

(c) Hasadiah, [...] Cha­sadiah, 1 Chron. 3. v. 20. i. the mercy, bounty, or favour of the Lord, of [...] Chesed, mer­cy, &c. and [...] jah, as before.

(d) Hashabiah, [...] Cha­shabiah, as it were [...] i. the Workman of the Lord, of [...] Chosheb, a Workman, from [...] Chashab, he thought, re­puted.

278 Harhold, i. love of Arms. Sa.

[Page 78]279 Hazael, [...] Cha­zael, 1 King. 19. v. 17. i. the vision of God, or as it were, [...] i. a Prophet of God, or one that sees God, from [...] or [...] he saw, or beheld, and [...] El, the strong God.

280 Heber, [...] i. a Com­panion, from [...] i. he was joyned, Gen. 46. v. 17.

281 Hananiah, Jerem. 37. v. 13. [...] Chananiah, i. the grace of the Lord, or as if [...] i. the Lord (is) gra­tious, or mercifull, from [...] he was gratious, or mercifull, and [...] a name of God, from [...] he was.

282. Hananeel, Nehem. 31. v. 7. and Elchanan, i. the grace [Page 79] of God, from [...] he was gra­tious, and [...] El, God.

283. Hector, [...], i. a De­fender, or Keeper, from [...], to have, keep, or defend, [...], for he defended the City against the Enemies, and so saved his Country, as Plato writes.

284 Helkiah, [...] 2 King. 18. v. 18. i. the portion of the Lord, of [...] Chelek, a part, or portion, from [...] he divided, or distributed, and jah, a name of God.

285 Henoch, see Enoch.

286 Henry, i. ever rich, from Ein-ric, or rich Lord, from Her-ric. Ge.

287 Herbert, i. bright or fa­mous Lord, or glory of the Army. Ge.

[Page 80]289. Hercules, [...], i. glo­ry, or illumination of the Air, [...]; some say this name was given him from the Oracle; [...].’ others because he was famous in the Earth.

290 Hermes, [...], i. an In­terpreter, also Mercury, from [...], nuntio. Gr.

291 Hermogenes, [...], 2 Tim. 1. v. 15. born of Mer­cury, of [...], to beget, and [...], Hermes, Mercury.

292 Herod, Matth. 2. v. 19. perhaps from Heros, a Noble­man, a man excelling in Vir­tues, [...], quod sapientes & cloquentes Heroes fuerint. Plato.

293 Heth, [...] Cheth, i. ter­rour, [Page 81] fear, breaking, or a breach, from [...] Chatath, he was broke, he was in great fear, Gen. 23. v. 3. and hence comes the name of the Hit­tites.

294 Hezra, see Ezra.

295 Hezekiah, [...] Che­zekiah, 2 King. 18. v. 1. i. the strength of God, from [...] Cha­zak, he was strong, and [...] the name of God.

296 Hierome, [...], as if [...], i. nomen sacrum, a ho­ly name, from [...], holy, and [...], a name ( [...], ab inquirendo ente. Plato.

297 Hilarie, i. merry, or pleasant, from hilaris. Lat.

298. Hipparchus, see Ar­chippus.

[Page 82]299 Hildebert, i. bright, or a Nobleman. Ge.

300 Hippocrates, [...], i. overcoming by riding, of [...], Equus, an Horse, and [...], to get the mastery, to overcome, Grae.

301 Hippodomas, [...], as if [...], i. Tamer of Horses, h. e. a Warriour, from [...], a Horse, and [...], to tame. Gr.

302 Hippomachus, i. fight­ing on Horseback, of [...], to fight, and [...], a Horse.

303 Homer, as if [...], i. he which is blind, or which seeth not, of [...], the relative which, or he which, and [...], the negative article not, and [...], seeing, from [...], to see, Suidas [Page 83] writes, it was not that he was deprived of the sight of his eyes, for he could see: but be­cause he blinded his mind from his Lusts; a happy Blindness.

304 Horace, [...], i. wor­thy to be beholded; or with some, of a good eye-sight, from [...], as before, to see, to be­hold.

(e) Hiel, [...] Chiel, 1 King. 16. v. 34. as if [...] Chai-el, i. God (the strong God) liveth, from [...] Chajah, he lived, and [...] El, the strong God, from [...] ejal, strength.

(f) Hodajah, [...], i. the praise or thanks-offering of God, from [...] in hiph. [...] ho­dah, he confessed, or praised, and [...] see Jehovah.

[Page 84](g) Hosanna, in the Syri­ack, [...] Oshagnana, in Matth. 21. v. 9. but in the He­brew, [...] Hoshignah na, see Psal. 118. v. 25. which signifies, Save now I pray thee, or, Preserve now I beseech thee: This was that Acclama­tion which so many People and Multitudes used, when they fol­lowed our Saviour riding to Jerusalem. The word is com­pound, of [...] which is im­perative hiphil, of [...] ho­sheang, he saved, and [...] he, pa­ragogick at the end, and [...] na, now, or, I pray thee.

(h) Hoshajah, [...] Ho­shagniah, Jerem. 42. v. 1. i. the salvation of the Lord, from the former root [...] in hiph. [...] [Page 85] he saved, and [...] jah, a name of God, &c.

305 Hosea, [...] Hosheang, i. Salvation, or, he saved, from [...] in hiphil, [...] he saved.

306 Howel, or Hoelius, i. the Sun bright, from [...], i. the Sun.

307 Hubert, i. that hath a fair and bright form of hope. Ge.

308 Hugh, Hugo, i. com­fort. Fr. or a Slasher. Ger.

309 Humfrey, i. houshold-peace, from Humfred. Ge.


310 JAbin, [...] i. intelligent, prudent, or understand­ing, from [...] he understood, or [Page 86] else they shall undestand, the 3d pers: plur: fut: from [...].

311 Jacob, [...] Jagnakob, i. a Supplanter, from [...] Gna­kab, he overturned, supplanted, or held by the heel; and he took hold ( [...] Bagnakab [...] Gnesau) on Esau's heel, there­fore his name was called Jacob, Gen. 25. v. 26. and Esau said, Gen. 27. v. 36. was he not just­ly named ( [...] Jag­nakob vajangkebeni) Jacob, for he hath deceived or sup­planted me, &c. and in Hos. 12. v. 3. ( [...] Babbeten Gnakab) he took his Brother by the heel in the womb.

312 Jambres, [...] i. Re­bellious, or Rebellion, from the root [...] he rebelled, for he [Page 87] rebelled against Moses; some by transmutation of letters derive it from [...] Sarab, re­fractory.

313 James, the same with Jacob. Jacobus.

314 Japhet, [...] fair, or comely, perhaps from [...] to be fair or comely, one of the sons of Noah.

315 Jared, [...] Gen. 5. v. 15. i. he shall command, rule, or govern, from [...] radah, he ruled.

(a) Jasiel, [...] Jag­nasiel, 1 Chron. 11.47. as if [...] Jagnaseh el, i. God (the strong God) will work, of [...] El, God, from [...] strength, and [...] Jagnaseh, [Page 88] the 3d pers: sing: futur: of Kal, from the root [...] Gnasah, he did work, he made, or he did make.

316 Jason, [...], i. healing, or curing, from [...], to heal, and cure, Acts 17. v. 9.

317 Jasper, forsan à Jaspide, perhaps from the Jasper-stone.

(b) Jaziel, [...] Jagna­ziel, 1 Chron. 15. v. 18. i. God (the strong God) will strength­en me, as it were the 3d pers: sing: fut: from the root [...] Gna­zaz, he strengthned, and jod at the end is the affix of the first pers: sing: me, or I.

(c) Jasher, [...] i. righteous, upright, from [...] Jasher, he was upright, or righteous, Judg. 10. v. 13.

[Page 89]318 Ichabod, [...] as if it were [...] or [...] i. where (is) the Glory? or there (is) no Glory, of [...] (for [...] where) or [...] not, and [...] Glory, from [...] he was heavy, for she said ( [...]) the Glory is departed from Israel, 1 Sam. 4. v. 21.

319 Jeconiah, [...] i. the Lord will establish, of [...] he established; it is the 3d pers: fut: sing: masc: and of [...] God, as before, 1 Chron. 3. v. 16.

320 Jedajah, [...] Jedag­niah, 1 Chron. 4. v. 37. as if [...] i. the Lord knoweth, or the knowledge of the Lord, of [...] jadang, he knew, and [...] a name of God.

[Page 90]321 Jehoahaz, [...] Je­hoachaz, 2 King. 23. v. 24. as if [...] i. the Lord doth hold or possess, or the possessi­on of the Lord, of [...] he pos­sessed, and [...] the Lord.

322 Jehojada, [...] Je­hojadang, 2 King. 11. v. 15. i. the Lord knoweth, see Jeda­jah.

323 Jehoash, [...] as if it were [...] i. the fire of the Lord, of [...] esh, fire, 2 King. 11. v. 21.

324 Jehojakim, [...] as if [...] i. the Lord shall or will arise and establish, from [...] the Lord, and [...] he a­rose, in hiphil, [...] he esta­blished, 2 King. 23. v. 34.

[Page 91]325 Jehoshaphat, [...] as if [...] or [...] i. the Lord judged, or (is) Judge, of [...] he judged, 1 Chron. 3. v. 10. and Jehovah.

326 Jehozadek, [...] as if [...] i. the Lord (is) righ­teous, or the righteousness of the Lord, of [...] tzadak, he was righteous, 1 Chron. 6. v. 24. and [...] a name of God.

Jenkin, see John.

(d) Jehoram, [...] 1 Chr. 21. v. 1. as if [...] Je­hovah-ram, i. the Lord (is) high, or exalted, from [...] rum, he was high, hence [...] ram, high, or exalted.

327 Jehovah, [...] a proper name of God, Isa. 42. v. 8. [Page 92] [...] Ani Jeho­vah hu shemi, i. I am the Lord, that (is) my name; the word Jehovah [...] signifies Being, Essence, simple Existence, or Self-subsistence, from the root [...] havah, or rather [...] hajah, he was, onely [...] vau and [...] jod being changed, which is ordi­nary among the Hebrews; so that Jehovah imports Gods most simple, absolute, eternal, and independent Being, Exi­stence, or Subsistence. And here God appears infinite in all, having his Being in, of, and from himself, as from him all other Creatures have their fi­nite being in all. This great name Jehovah also compre­hends in it self the three He­brew [Page 93] tenses, as here [...] hajah, hoveh, jihjeh; hajah, [...] i. he was, it is the praeter tense, signifying time past; [...] ho­veh, the participle Benoni, which the Hebrews use for the present tense, signifying he who is, or one being; and jihjeh, [...] i. he shall be; it is the fu­ture tense, signifying time to come. And hence St. John's Theol. in Revelat. 1. ver. 4. [...], i. from him which is, and which was, and which is to come. Deus scilicet Jehova est primus sine principio, & ultimus sine fine, So that God is the first without beginning, and the last without end: So in the 8 and 11 verses of that Chapter.

[Page 94]328 Jephihah, [...] Jiph­tach, i. an opening, loosing, or an enlarging, from [...] patach, he opened, loosed, or enlarged, for he enlarged Israel, and freed them from the oppression of the Children of Ammon, Judg. 11.

329 Jeremiah, [...] as if [...] i. the Lord will exalt, or make high, or the exaltation of the Lord, of [...] he was exalted, or lifted up, in hiphil, [...] he did exalt, and [...] a name of God.

330 Jeroboam, [...] Je­rabgnam, i. the strife or con­tention of the people, but more fitly [...] i. one that contends, or rather breeds strife among the people, of [...] [Page 95] in hiph. [...] he contended, and [...] people, see it in Amalck, 49. Indeed he caused the Chil­dren of Israel to strive against the Lord, 2 King. 14.23.

Jesus, see Joshua.

Jerome, see Hierome.

331 Joab, [...] i. willing, or desiring, or the will or desire; it may be either derived from [...] or [...] Abah or Jaab, he willed or desired, 1 Chron. 2. v. 16.

332 Job, [...] Jiob, as it were [...] Ijub, the particip: Pa­hul, i. hated or oppressed with Enemies, from [...] Ajab, he hated, or was an Enemy.

333 Immanuel, [...] Gnimmanuel, and [...] [Page 96] Gnimmaniel, i. the strong God with us, or with me, of [...] El, God, the strong God, for El signifies strong, from [...] Ejal, strength; hence God is said to be Deus fortis, i. the strong God, from his infinite strength and power, and [...] Gnimmanu, with us, or [...] Gnimmani, with me, of [...] Gnim, with, and [...] nu, of [...] us, or [...] ni, of [...] Ani, I, or me, Mat. 1.23. Isa. 7.14.

334 John, [...] Jechunan, i. gratious, it seems to be con­tracted for Jehohanan, [...] as that, for [...] Jehovah Chanan, i. the Lord (is) mer­cifull, or hath dealt gratiously, or the grace or mercy of the [Page 97] Lord, of Jehovah, see before, and Chanan, he was gratious, see it in Hananiah.

335 Joel, [...] i. willing, desiring, or acquiescing, the partic: Benoni from [...] jaal, he willed, or he acquiesced.

336 Jonadab, [...] Jeho­nadab, as if [...] Jehovah nadib, i. the Lord (is) free, or liberal, 2 Sam. 3. v. 5. from [...] he gave liberally, and Je­hovah, the Lord.

337 Jonah, [...] i. a Dove, see Barjonah.

338 Jonathan, [...] Jeho­nathan, as if [...] i. the Lord hath given, or the gift of the Lord, of [...] Nathan, he gave, and Jehovah, the Lord.

[Page 98] Joscelin, dim. à justus, just.

339 Joseph, [...] i. adding, or increasing, the partic: Beno­ni, or else the 3d pers: m: fut: he shall adde and increase, from [...] Jasaph, he added or in­creased, because Rachel said, ( [...] Joseph Jehovah) i. the Lord shall adde to me an­other Son, for she took him as pledge from God, Genes. 30. v. 25.

340 Josiah, [...] perhaps from [...] esh, i. fire, the fire of the Lord, see Jehoash.

341 Joshua and Jesus, [...] and [...] Joshuang and Jeshu­ang, i. a Saviour, or Salvation, or the Lord a Saviour, for [...] jod at the beginning doth as it were [Page 99] point out the name [...] Jeho­vah, for indeed the Lord was our Saviour, from [...] in hiph. [...] he saved, Mat. 1. v. 21. for he shall quicken, as the Syr: or, save his people from their sins.

342 Jotham, [...] as if by transmutation of the letters [...] i. an Orphan; or it may be rendred perfection, or inte­grity from [...] he was per­fect, 1 King. 15. v. 32.

Jobaniah, see Benajah.

343 Isaac, [...] Iitzchak, or [...] Iishchak, i. laughter, or he shall laugh; it is the 3d pers: sing: fut: from the root [...] or [...] tzachak or shachak, he laughed, for Sarah said, All [Page 100] who heare me ( [...] Jitzchak) shall laugh with me, Genes. 21. v. 6.

344 Isaiah, [...] Jeshagni­ah, as if [...] i. the salvation of the Lord, of Jeshang [...] salvation, see it in Joshua, and Jah, a name of God, Isaiah 1. v. 1.

345 Ishboseth, [...] i. a man of shame, h. e. a shame­full man, of [...] ish, a man, and [...] bosheth, shame, from [...] he was ashamed, 2 Sam. 2. v. 12.

(e) Ishmajah, [...] Jish­magniah, 1 Chron. 12. v. 4. i. the Lord shall hear, see Ish­mael.

(f) Ithiel, [...] Neh. 11. v. 7. it is God (the strong [Page 101] God) of [...] Chald. it is, Dan. 5. v. 21. and [...] El, God, see it in Jasiel.

346. Issachar [...] Jishsa­char, as if [...] Jesh sachar, there is a reward, of [...] jesh, i. there is, and [...] a reward or hire, from sachar, he hired, or gave reward, for Leah said, God hath given me ( [...] se­chari) my reward, Genes. 30. v. 18.

347 Ishtob [...] i. a good man, from Ish in Ishboseth, and [...] tub, good, from [...] tob, he was good, 2 Sam. 10. v. 8.

348 Iscariot, in the Syriack [...] Ishkerijoth; some think he was so named, for that he was a man of Kerijoth, a Town in Judaea, Josh. 15.25. [Page 102] Fr. Junius writes, he was so named from receiving and car­rying the Purse, from the Syr: ( [...]) secar, is formed escartuta (marsipium) others derive it from [...] sacar as in Issachar, he hired, or he rewarded.

349 Ishmael, [...] Jishmang [...]el, i. God shall hear, for [...] Jishmang, it is the 3d pers: sing: fut: he shall hear, from [...] shamang, he heard, and [...] God, as before; And thou shalt call his name Ishmael, because ( [...]) God hath heard thy affliction, Genes. 16. v. 11.

350 Israel, [...] Jis­rael, a name that was given to Jacob after he had wrestled and prevailed with the Angel (but [Page 103] by strength given him from God) and 'twas the cause why this name was given him; it signifies a Prince of God, or prevailing with God, of [...] sar, a Prince, or one who behaveth himself Princely, and so by power prevaileth, which comes from [...] or [...] Sarah or sur, he was a Prince, he behaved himself Princely, he had Do­minion and Power, and of [...] God (the strong God); 'Tis worth our observing, that this name, Israel, is not composed of any other name of God, but [...] El, which imports Gods infinite power and omnipo­tence, from [...] ejal, strength; so that Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel) had power [Page 104] from, to prevail with the strong God; ( [...] ki sarita) for thou hast behaved thy self Princely, or as a Prince hast thou power with God and Men, and so prevailed, Gen. 32. v. 28. And in Hos. 12. ver. 3. [...] ki sarah & elohim, for he was a Prince, or he behaved himself Prince­ly, or had power, and so pre­vailed with God.

(g) Jubal, [...] Gen. 4. v. 21. i. bringing, as some, or, as others, a Trumpet, or a Rams horn, as if it were [...] Jo­bel, for he was the Inventer of Musical Instruments; and hence (as Marbachius thinks on Lev. 25.) came the Jews Jubile, be­cause there was wont to be in [Page 105] that Feast the noyse of Trum­pets made of Rams horns. See Josh. 6. v. 4.

351 Judah, [...] Jehudah, i. praise, or thankfulness, from [...] jadah, in hiph. [...] to praise, or give thanks; for his Mother said ( [...] odah Jehovah) i. I will praise the Lord, therefore she called his name Judah, Gen. 29. ver. 35. hence Jacob his Father said, Judah ( [...] Joducha Achecha) thy Brethren shall praise thee, Gen. 49. v. 8. and hence also comes the name of the Jews.

352 Julius, Etym. from [...], i. soft haired, or mossy bearded. Gr. Acts 27. v. 1.

353 Jupiter, as it were ju­vans [Page 106] pater, i. an helping Father. Lat.

354 Justus, i. just. Lat.

Iustin, dim. from Iustus.


355 KAin, [...] i. a pur­chase, or possessi­on, from [...] he purchased, he got or acquired, for Eve said, ( [...] kaniti) i. I have gotten a man from the Lord, Genes. 4. v. 1.

Kainan, see Kain.

(a) Kamuel, [...] Gen. 22. v. 21. i. God (the strong God) hath raised him up, or e­stablished him, of [...] El, the strong God, from [...] ejal, strength, and [...] kam, or [Page 107] [...] kum, he arose; [...] vau is the affix of the 3d pers: m: sing: i. him.

356 Kenard, i. a Defence or Ward to kis Kindred. Sa.

357 Kenhelm, i. of a kind disposition towards his Kin­dred.

(b) Kolajah, [...] Neh. v. 7. i. the voyce of the Lord, of [...] kol, a voyce or sound, and [...] jah, a name of God, signifying Self-subsistence, from the root [...] hajah, he was.


358 LAban, [...] i. white, or whiteness, from [...] in hiph. [...] he was white, or [Page 108] made white. Genes. 24. ver. 29.

359 Laius, i. unfortunate. Gr.

360 Lancelot, i. a Lance. Span.

361 Laodamas, [...], i. bringing the people in subjecti­on, of [...], people, see it in Ar­chelaus, and [...], to tame, or bring in subjection.

362 Laomedon, as if [...], i. a King or Governour of the people, of [...], a King, or Ruler, from [...], to rule, or go­vern, and [...], people.

363 Laurence, i. flourishing like the Laurel, or Bay-tree, from Laurus, the Laurel, or Bay-tree.

364 Lazarus, Luk. 16.20. some make it the same with E­leazer; in the Syriack it is [...] [Page 109] and hence Drusius notes it should be written [...] but there is no certain Etym. of the word, unless from the root [...] gnazar, he did help.

365 Leander, i. a man of a Lion-like courage, of [...], a man, and [...], Leo, a Lion.

Legar, see Leodegar.

366 Lentulus, Etym. à lentè, i. tedious, or slow. Lat.

367 Leodegar, i. a Gatherer of the people, (or with Lipsius) altogether populous. Ge.

368 Leodpold, i. a Defender of the People. Ger.

369 Leofstan, i. most be­loved. Sa.

370 Leofwin, i. win, or gain, love, or to be beloved. Sa.

[Page 110]371 Leonard, i. of a churlish disposition; a name fit for an­other Nabal.

372 Levi, [...] i. a joyning, or an adhering unto, from [...] lavah, he joyned, adhered, or cleaved unto; so called because his Mother Leah did hope that her Husband Jacob would joyn, adhere, and cleave more close to her in the Bonds of Amity than before, for Rachel her Si­ster was then most loved by Jacob, Gen. 49. v. 5.

373 Lewis, i. the refuge of the People. Brit.

374 Lewellin, i. like a Lion. Lat.

375 Linus, 2 Tim. 4. v. 21. rete, i. Net.

376 Livinus, i. beloved. Ge.

[Page 111]377 Livius, perhaps from liveo, to be black. Lat.

378 Lodowick, see Lewis.

379 Lot, [...] i. covered, or a covering, from [...] lut, he co­vered; also [...] Lot signifies sweet Gum, or Mastick, Gen. 11. v. 27.

Lotan, see Lot.

380 Lucas, or Luke. Some make it a rising, or lifting up, as (J. P.) see Lucius following.

(a) Lucifer, Isa. 4. v. 12. lucem ferens, i. bringing light, so called (eo quod inter omnia sydera plus lucem ferat) i. be­cause he brings more light than all the other Stars, of lux, the light, which some derive from [...], i. albus, i. white, (quod sit qu. colore albo) because light is as it were of a white colour, [Page 112] and fero, to bring. This is the name of that Arch-Devil, or fained Morning-star, mention­ed in Isa. 14. v. 12. as before, which in the Hebrew is written [...] helel, and signifies the same as Lucifer; for it is in the conjugat: hiph. which signifies, he made to shine, from the root [...] halal, he was mad; and the Greek Version renders it, (not amiss) [...], ibid. and hence is that saying, Phosphere redde diem

381 Lucius, Rom. 16. v. 21. so called (à prima luce) from the morning light, because he was then born. Lat.

382 Luke, see Lucas.

383 Lysander, [...], i. quitting, or setting men free, [Page 113] Etym. à [...], dissolvo, libero, i. to discharge, quit, and free, and [...], a man.

384 Lysanias, [...], Luk. 3. v. 1. Etym. à [...], futur: [...], sol­vo, to loose, and [...], tristitia, troble, grief, qu. tristitium dis­solvens, i. dissolving trouble or grief.

385 Lysias, Acts 21. v. 23. perhaps from [...], i. dis­solving, or loosing.

386 Lysimachus, i. dissol­ving the Battel, Etym. of [...], to dissolve or loose, as before, and [...], a Battel, or Fight, from [...], to fight.


387 MAcareus, [...], i. blessed, happy, for­tunate, or rich. Gr.

(a) Maasiah, [...] Mag­nasihu, 1 Chron. 15. v. 18. as if [...] magnaseh Jehovah, i. the work of the Lord, of [...] magnaseh, a work, from [...] gnasah, he made, and Je­hovah, see it in the letter J.

(b) Maaziah, [...] Mag­nazihu, 1 Chron. 24. v. 18. as if it were [...] or [...] magnuz, or magnuzi Jehovah, i. the strength of the Lord, or the Lord (is) my strength, or Tower, of [...] magnuz, strength, or a Tower, or Ca­stle, [Page 115] and with the affix [...] jod, my Strength or Tower, from the root [...] gnazaz, he was strong.

388 Macrobius, [...], i. long-liv'd, of [...], long, and [...], vita, i. life. Gr.

389 Madoc, i. good, from mad. Brit.

390 Mahalaleel [...] i. praising God, as it were [...] Mehallel el, the particip: Be­noni in piel, from [...] in piel, [...] to praise, and [...] God, see it often before.

391 Malachie [...] i. my Ambassadour, Legat, or Mes­senger, from [...] hence [...] an Ambassadour and Messen­ger, and with the affix ( [...] jod) my Ambassadour, &c. Mal. 1. v. 1.

[Page 116]392 Malchus, Joh. 18.10. perhaps a King, from [...] Ma­lach, he reigned.

393 Malchiel, [...] Gen. 46. v. 17. i. my King (is) the strong God, or the strong God (is) my King, from the former root Malach; or it may be, my counsel (is) God; for [...] Melech in the Chald. signifies counsel; but in the Heb: a King, and with the affix [...] jod, my counsel; Happy is that man that hath God (the strong God) for his counsel, as David, Psal. 119. v. 24. Thy testimonies are my delight, and the men of my counsel.

394 Malchiah, the same, i. the Lord (is) my counsel, or King.

[Page 117] Mallet, see Marcellus.

395 Manasses, [...] Menash­sheh, properly forgetting out of measure, for it is the partic: Piel, from [...] nashah, he for­got, for Joseph said, ( nashshani [...]) God hath made me to for­get all my labours, and my Fa­thers house, Gen. 41. v. 51.

396 Manoah [...] Manoach, i. rest, from [...] nuach, he rest­ed, Judg. 13.2.

397 Marcellus, dim. from Mark.

398 Mark, or Marcus, i. Martial, or Warlike (with Plu­tarch) from Mars, Lat. or born in the month of March (with Varro) or (with Festus) a Mal­let or Hammer, a name given in hope of future Valour: But I [Page 118] rather think (with Stephen) that it is [...] marak, i. garnished, polished, deck'd, clean, or trim.

399 Martin, i. stout, mar­tial, warlike, Etym. from Mars, the God of War.

400 Marmaduke, i. more mighty, from Mermachteg. Ge.

401 Matthew; in the Syri­ack it is [...] Matthai, i. a Gift, or given, from [...] he gave, Matth. 9. v. 9. also Matthan, Matth. 1. v. 15. and Matthat, Luk. 3. v. 24. signifies a Gift, from the former root nathan, he gave.

402 Matthias, Acts 1. v. 23. [...] i. the Gift of the Lord, of [...] mattan, a Gift, from the [Page 119] former root nathan, he gave.

403 Maugre, some make it as it were malgerius, i. bearing evil.

404 Melatiah, as if [...] Malat Jehovah, i. the Lord hath delivered, or the deliver­rance of the Lord, of [...] ma­lat, he was delivered, and Jah, or Jehovah, the name of God.

405 Melchizedek, [...] Malchi tzedek, i. a King of righteousness, i. a righteous or just King, or the righteousness of my King, from malach, he reigned, see it in Malchus, and [...] tzedek, righteousness, from [...] he was righteous, just, or upright, Gen. 14. v. 18.

[Page 120]408 Menander, as if [...], i. the strength of men, of [...], strength, and [...], a man.

407 Menelaus, [...], i. the strength of the people, of [...], strength, and [...], people.

408 Mercurius, as if medius currens, i. a mediate Runner or Interceder (between God and Men) Lat.

Merick, see Morrice.

409 Meredith, but rather Mere ductus, for Mereducius, i. brought together without mix­ture. Lat.

(c) Meshelemiah, i. the peace of the Lord, 1 Chron. 9. v. 21. See more in Shelemiah.

(d) Messias, John 4. v. 25. and Psal. 2. v. 2. [...] Mashi­ach, i. the Anointed, Christ; [Page 121] so called, for that he is the true King, Priest, and Prophet, of whom, other Anointed Kings, Priests, and Prophets, were Types and Figures, from the root [...] mashach, he anointed.

410 Methusael [...] as if [...] Maveth-shaal, i. he asked death, of [...] maveth, death, and [...] sha­al, he desired, Gen. 4. ver. 18. But in Gen. 5. v. 25, 26. it is [...] Methushelach, of [...] maveth, death, and [...] she­lach, a dart, from [...] he sent.

411 Metiochus, i. a Coun­sellor, Etym. à [...], consilium, counsel.

412 Metrocles, as if [...], i. the glory, grace, or ho­nour [Page 122] of his Mother, of [...], mater, i. a Mother, and [...], decus, gloria, grace, glory, ho­nour, &c.

413 Metrodorus, as if [...], i. the Mothers gift, of [...], a gift, and [...], a Mother.

414 Micah, [...] i. smitten, Isa. 53. v. 4.

415 Michael, [...] i. who is like the strong God? of [...] Mi quis, who? and [...] caph, a note of similitude, as, like as, &c. and [...] El, God (the strong God:) Some observe, that the names of Angels are wont to end in ( [...]) El, as Gabriel, Dan. 10. v. 13.

416 Midas, as it were [...], i. not seeing, or one that is blind, not perceiving, foreseeing, [Page 123] knowing or considering, of [...], not, and [...], to see, &c. perhaps a name given him from the E­vent; for the Poets fain, that Midas having entertained the Gods, they promised to grant him what he should ask for his Reward; he requested of them, that whatsoever he touched, (not any thing excepted) might be turned into Gold; having turned a great many Houses in­to Gold (as they say) he came to eat his Meat, and turned that into Gold also, so that he was like to famish for his Golden desire. The Fable points at such Fools as have no more foresight in them than this dol­tish Midas is feigned to have.

417. Midian, [...] as it were [Page 124] [...] i. contention, or strife, from [...] to strive or contend, [...] mem in the beginning is an heemantick letter. Genes. 25. v. 2.

418 Moab, [...], as it were [...] i. of or from a Father, of [...] mem, which being put before a word, signifies of or from, and [...] Ab, a Father, see Abba: But the Septuagint express it thus, And she called his name Moab, ( [...]) saying, he is of, or from my Father, Gen. 19. v. 37. So Josephus renders it, lib. 1. fol. 16. in his Jewish Antiquities.

419 Moderatus, i. temperate, or modest and moderate. Lat.

420 Morgan, i. a Seaman. Brit.

[Page 125]421 Morrice, but rather Maurus, i. a Moor. Lat.

422 Mnason, [...], Acts 21. v. 16. i. a Perswader or Coun­sellour, from [...], to per­swade, futur: [...], partip: [...], Dorice, [...], i. hortator, one that exhorteth or perswa­deth. Gr.

423 Moses, [...] Mosheh, i. drawn out, from [...] Mashah, he drew out; And Pharaoh's Daughter called his name Mo­sheh, because, said she, ( [...] Mashi tihu) i. I have drawn him out of the Waters, Exod. 2.10. Josephus in his Jewish Antiqui­ties, lib. 2. cap. 5.9. gives an­other Etymologie of this name, for he sayes he was called Moy­ses, because he was saved from [Page 126] the waters in which he was cast; for (as he writes) they call the waters of Egypt, Mo: in their tongue, and yses signifies saved, as it were saved from the wa­ters. Indeed it is very likely that Pharaoh's Daughter spake the Egyptian, and not purely the Hebrew Tongue. But the thing it self, and the sense, ren­ders it almost alike.


424 NAaman, [...] Nag­naman, Gen. 46.21. i. fair, pleasant, beautifull, from [...] nagnam, he was pleasant.

425 Naariah, [...] Nagna­riah, 1 Chron. 3. v. 22. i. the [Page 127] Child of the Lord, of nagnar, [...] a Child, from [...] nagnar, he shook off; for a Child or Infant is as it were (excussus ex utero materno) shaken out from the Mothers belly.

426 Nabal, [...] i. a Fool, a wicked and ungratious Fel­low, from [...] he fell, failed; perished, or decayed, properly of the withering of Flowers; so that the word [...] Nabal, signifies one, in whom Reason, right Wit, Understanding, and the Mind (which is the highest and chiefest part of the Soul) doth fall into utter decay, wi­thers, and perisheth. Therefore Abigail, speaking to David of his folly, saith thus, 1 Sam. 25. v. 25. ( [...] [Page 128] Nabal shemo unebulah gnimmo) i. Nabal (or one whose reason and judgement hath failed him) is his name, and folly is with him. Hence also some derive the Latin word Nebulo, a foolish Knave.

(a) Nadab, [...] 1 King. 15.25. as if it were [...] Nadib, i. a Prince, or liberal, from [...] na­dab, he gave freely.

427 Naggai, i. light, clear­ness, or shining, Luk. 3. v. 25. from [...] Nagah, to shine, see it in Abednego.

428 Nahum, 1. v. 1. [...] Nachum, i. comforted, from [...] pihel, he comforted.

429 Naphtali, [...] Naph­talli, i. my wrestling, or rather the Son of my wrestling, [...] jod [Page 129] at the end is the affix of the Pronoun, I, or My, from the root [...] in niphil, [...] Niphtal, he wrestled, or was froward, for Rachel said, ( [...] Naphtule Elo­him) with the wrestlings of God, i. With mighty wrestlings have I wrestled with my Sister, and have prevailed, Gen. 30. v. 8. therefore she called his name Naphtali.

430 Narcissus, [...], Rom. 16. ver. 11. i. a white Daffodil, Etym. à [...], i. stupor, torpor, because the smell of it (as Plu­tarch writes) makes one drow­sie, heavy, and unapt to do any thing.

431 Nathan, [...] 2 Sam. 7. [Page 130] v. 2. it is the root it self, he gave, or perhaps a Gift.

432 Nathaniel, [...] i. God hath given, or the Gift of God, John 1. v. 46. See El­nathan.

Neale, see Nigellus.

433 Nearchus, as if [...] for [...], i. a young Empe­rour, or Governour, of [...], new, and [...], from [...], to bear rule.

434 Nehemiah, [...] Ne­chemiah, as if [...] i. the Lord hath comforted, or the comfort or consolation of the Lord, of Nachum, see it in Nahum, and [...] a name of God, Isa. 49. v. 13.

435 Ner, [...] 1 Chron. 9.36. i. a Lamp or Light, in the [Page 131] Chaldee it signifies a Fire. See it in Abner.

436 Neoptolemus, [...], Etym. of [...], and [...], see it in Archeptolemus, as if a young Souldier.

(b) Neriah, [...] Jer. 32. v. 12. i. the Light of the Lord, of [...] ner, a Light, and [...] jah, a name of God.

437 Nero, in the Sabines tongue it signifies strength and fortitude, which the Graecians term [...], i. the bands or stay of the members: But the Latins call it nervos, i. the sinews, 2 Tim. 4. ult.

438 Nicander, or Nicanor, Acts 6. v. 5. as it were [...], i. a Conquerour of men, or [...], i. a man of [Page 132] victory, i. a victorious man.

439 Nicodemus, [...], Ioh. 3. v. 1. a Conquerour of the people, of [...], i. victorie, and [...], i. the people. See 158.

440 Nicolaus, [...], Act. 6. ver. 5. a Conquerour of the people, of [...], victory, and [...], the people. See the Etym. of it in num. 71.

441 Nigellus, dim. from ni­ger.

442 Niger, i. black, Act. 13. v. 1.

(c) Nimrod, [...] Gen. 10. v. 8. i. a Rebel, from [...] ma­rad, he rebelled; [...] nun at the beginning is heemantick. It is judiciously observed by some, that this Nimrod was a Rebel to God, and used such Tyran­nie [Page 133] and Oppression, that it came into a Proverb, namely, that he was mighty in the Earth. See Gen. 10. v. 8.

443 Noah, [...] Noach, i. rest, from the root [...] Nuach, to rest, in hiphil [...] Henich, he made to rest; For doubtless Lemech (who was the Father of Noah) foreseeing what his Son Noah should be, gave him this name from the effect, saying, ( Gen. 5. v. 29. [...] Jenacha­menu) he shall comfort us, i. he shall afford us rest, namely, from the cruelty of those Giants wherewith the first Age was oppressed, Gen. 6. v. 4. hence comes [...], nox, and nuit, the night, for the night is appoint­ed for rest.


444 OBadiah, [...] Gno­badiah, i. the servant of the Lord, of [...] gnobad, a servant, from [...] gnabad, he served, and [...] jah, a name of God; the name of a Prophet; and a fit name for a Minister.

445 Obed, [...] Gnobed, Judg. 9. v. 26. i. serving, or he who serveth; the participle Benoni, from the former root gnabad, he served.

446 Octavius, from octo, eight. Lat.

Odan, see Othes.

447 Oedipus, [...], i. lame, or that hath a swelling in his feet; for Seneca writes (tumore [Page 135] nactus nomen, ac vitio pedum) that he took his name from the swelling and default of his feet, of [...], tumeo, to swell, and [...], pes, the foot, which some de­rive from the Chald. [...] pe­sang, incedere, to go.

448 Olympas, Rom. 16.15. [...] is heavenly, from [...], Olympus, a high Mountain in Thessalia, as it were [...], i. totus lucens, i. shining all o­ver, because they say the top of it can never be obscured with the Clouds, and hence by a me­taphor it is put for Heaven.

449 Oliver, called so from the Olive tree, which is (as some think) a sign of gladness or joy.

450 Onesimus, [...], i. help­full, [Page 136] or profitable, from [...], to help, or be profitable, fut: [...]; hence [...], profit, and [...], profitable, Philem. v. 18.

451 Onesiphorus, quasi [...], i. that brings profit, hoc est, profitable, from [...], to bring, and [...], profit. Gr.

452 Orestes, [...], so called for his montanous and solitary life, from [...],, a Mountain, which comes from the Heb: [...] har. ibid.

453 Origen, as if [...], i. born in good time, of [...], an hower, or time, from [...], to define, because time defines of things, and puts an end thereto.

454 Orthosias, i. rectified, or set upright, confirmed, or [Page 137] lifted up to dignity, from [...], to direct, lift up, rectifie, &c. aor 1 us, [...], hence [...], e­levatio, a lifting up, and [...], lifted up.

455 Osberne, i. house-child, of Os, a House, and berne, a Child. Sa.

456 Osbert, i. Houshold-brightness, or the light of his Family.

Osea, see Hosea.

457 Osmund, i. House (hold) peace. Sa.

458 Oswald, i. House-ruler, or Steward. Sa.

459 Othes, or Otho, perhaps from [...], i. care; some make Ottey and Ottwell the same.

460 Owen and Ogdoenus, by some from [...], i. Octavus, i. [Page 138] the eight; some again think it to be the same with Eugenius; I shall leave it to the Learned to judge thereof.

Ozaziah, see Azaziah.

461 Ozias, or Oziah, [...] Gnuziahu, 2 Chron. 26. ver. 1. i. the strength of the Lord, of [...] gnoz, strength, from [...] gnazaz, he strengthned, and [...] Jahu for [...] Jehovah. See 327.

462 Ozziel, [...], Gnoz­ziel, i. my strength (is) the strong God, of Gnoz, strength, and Gnozzi, my strength, from the former root, and [...] El, God (the strong God) from [...] ejal, strength, 1 Chron. 27. v. 19.


463 PAlmerin, from the Palm-tree, which is a sign of Victory and Renown, (as some say.)

464 Paltiel, [...] Numb. 34. v. 26. i. my deliverance (is of) the strong God, of [...] palat, he delivered, and [...] El, God, as before.

464 Pamphilus, as it were [...] or [...], i. a Friend to all men, Gr. of [...], a Friend, and [...], all.

466 Paschal, Etym. from [...], i. the Passover. Gr.

467 Pasiteles, qu. [...], i. perfect, compleat, or well ac­complished in every thing, [Page 140] of [...], all, and [...], to accom­plish.

468 Patrick, or Patricius, as if patrem ciens (ad sublimia) i. promoting his Father to ho­nour.

469 Patroclus, it may be [...], i. the glory or ho­nour of (his) Father, of [...], a Father, which some derive from the Heb: [...] Ab, by mutation of Letters; for where the He­brews put [...] beth, the Graecians put [...] pi, being of the same sound almost; and [...] is the termina­tion that is put to the noun; and [...], glory, honour, or re­nown, from [...], claudo, to shut.

470 Paul, i. little, low, or humble, from Paulus, Lat. [Page 141] some take it to be the same with [...] Gen. 46.9. Phallu, i. wonderfull, from [...] in ni­phil, [...] Niphla, to be wonderfull, and indeed by him the wonderfull (but excellent) things of the Gospel was prea­ched. This name was given him from the event, for it was chan­ged from Saul to Paul. So A­bram was called Abraham, from the effect, Gen. 17. v. 5. Hence Jacob was called Israel, for his strength, Gen. 32. v. 28. So Si­mon was called Kephas by Christ, 1 Joh. v. 42.

471 Peleg, [...] i. division, from [...] in pihel, [...] pilleg, he divided, for in his daies ( [...] niphlegah) the earth was divided, Gen. 10. ver. 25. [Page 142] [...] Peleg also signifies a River, Psal. 1. v. 3. as it were the di­viding of the Fountain into Streams; hence comes the word Pelagus, the Sea.

472 Pedah el, [...] Num. 34. v. 28. i. the redemption of the strong God, of [...] padah, he redeemed, and El, the strong God.

473 Pedah-zur, [...] Pe­dah tzur, Numb. 10. v. 10. i. a strong, mighty, or puissant Redeemer, or Redemption, a Redeemer abiding danger more stronger than the Rock, of Pa­dah, as before, and [...] he op­pressed, or straitned, hence [...] tzor, a Rock. This name should belong to none but Christ, who is our ( [...] Pedah tzur) [Page 143] mighty, strong, and invincible Redeemer, for he it is (alone) that hath trodden the Wine­press of Gods wrath, his might was so great.

(a) Penuel, [...] 1 Chron. 4. v. 4. i. seeing God, as some, or, as others, the sight of God, from [...] panah, he beheld, and [...] El, God, from [...] ejal, strength.

(b) Philologus, [...], Rom. 16. v. 15. i. a Lover of Learn­ing, of [...], a Friend, and [...], Learning, from praet: med: [...]. Or else it may be a Lover of the Word, or of Christ, who is the Word ( Joh. 1. v. 1.) for [...] also signifies a Word.

(c) Phygellus, [...], it seems to come from [...], in praet: [Page 144] med: [...], and hence [...], i. fu­ga, i. a flight, and [...], i. oculus, an eye, as it were he that with­draws himself from our eyes; and indeed Paul complained, that he was turned away from him, 2 Tim. 1. v. 15.

474 Perceval, from Perche­val, a place in Normandy.

475 Peregrine, i. strange, outlandish, Lat. from Peregri­nus, of per, i. through, and a­ger, a field, qui multos agros pererrat, i. he that wanders through many Fields, i. through many Countryes.

476 Permenas, Acts 6. v. 5. as if permanens, i. abiding, per­severing to the end.

477 Perses, some derive it from [...] fut: of [...], i. to de­stroy, [Page 145] others from [...] paras, he divided, and hence comes pars, a part, or portion, or di­vision.

478 Peter, [...], a Stone, or Rock, Matth. 16. v. 18. But in Joh. 1. v. 42. it is [...], i. thou shalt be called Kephas, in the Syriack, i. [...] Kipha, i. a Stone. Now as St. Augu­stine writes in his Tract on Matthew, The Church is found­ed, or built (super petram) on a Rock, and hence Peter, or [...], a Stone, from petra, a Rock, Non autem à petro petra; This name was given him from the event by our Saviour, for in that Matth. 16. ver. 15. Jesus having asked his Disciples who he was, Peter answers in the 16 [Page 146] verse, [...], i. Thou art Christ (i. the Anointed) the Son of the living God; and in the 18 verse Christ saies, Upon this Rock, not (su­per hunc Petrum) upon this Peter, but upon this faith of Pe­ter, will I build my Church.

479 Pharoah, [...] Pareg­noh, i. a Revenger, from [...] parang, he revenged. Josephus in his Book of Jewish Antiqui­ties, lib. 8. cap. 2. writes thus; ‘The name of Pharoah signi­fies as much as King with the Egyptians: But I think they had other names from their Childhood; but being made Kings, they were called Pha­roahs: so the Kings of Alex­andria were Ptolemies, of [Page 147] Rome Caesars. So far Jose­phus. And now the Kings of Portugal are called Don Johns.

480 Pharez, [...] Paretz, i. a breach, from [...] paratz, he broke forth, or made a breach; so called, because he broke forth out of his Mothers womb be­fore his Brother Zarach, who put forth his hand first; for the Midwife said ( [...] mah paretzta gnalecha pa­retz) How hast thou broken forth? this breach be upon thee, Gen. 38.29.

481 Pharisaeus, i. a Pharisee, some derive it from [...] parash, he expounded, explained, or o­pened, because the Pharisees were Expositors of the Law; others from niphil [...] niph­rsah, [Page 148] he was scattered, or sepa­rated, or from [...] he divided, because they were separated from others by a more religious life; hence St. Paul in Acts 26. ver. 5. After the most straitest sect of my Religion I lived a Pharisee.

482 Philadelphus, [...], i. Brotherly love, but rather one that is endued with Bro­therly love, of [...], i. a Friend, and [...], a Brother, which is compounded of α alpha, which comes from [...], i. simul, toge­ther, and [...], i. uterus, the womb, because Brothers were in one womb.

483 Philagathes, [...], as it were [...], i. a Lover of (things) or men that are [Page 149] good, just, and honest, of [...], i. he that loves, and [...], good, see 38.

484 Philarchus, [...], as it were [...], i. he that loves to bear, rule, of [...], as above, and [...], from [...], to rule.

485 Philbert, i. very famous and renowned. Ger.

485 Philemon, [...], i. kis­sing, from [...], to love, or kiss; hence [...], a kiss.

487 Philetus, or Philesius, [...], i. beloved, from the 3d pers: sing: praet: pass: of [...], to love, is made [...]; hence by taking away the Augment, comes [...], i. beloved, or wor­thy of love.

488 Philip, [...], qu. [...], i. a Lover of Horses, [Page 150] i. Warlike, of [...] from [...], as before, and [...], i. Equus, an Horse, Luk. 6. v. 14.

489 Philolaus, as it were [...], i. a Lover of the People, of [...], a Friend, and [...], People, see it in Arche­laus.

490 Philoxenus, [...], i. a Lover of Strangers, of [...], a Stranger; also [...] signifies one given to Hospitality, 2 Tim. 3. v. 2. for in Heb. 13. v. 2. it is, Be not forgetfull ( [...]) of entertaining of Strangers. How many are willingly for­getfull of this now adaies? And 1 Pet. 4. v. 9. [...], i. Use Hospitality one to­wards another; but when will the Rich be ( [...]) [Page 151] and use Hospitality towards the Poor: For now their word is, Charity begins at home.

491 Phlegon, [...], Rom. 16. v. 14. i. burning, from [...], to burn.

492 Phoebus, [...], i. Sol, i. the Sun, as it were [...], of [...], i. Lux, Light, and [...], Vita, i. Life, that is, Lux vitae, i. the light of life; for the Sun in the Spring time (in which he re­turns to us) causeth all things to flourish, wax green, and as it were makes them to revive; and so instrumentally is that Light which causeth Life; or else it may come from [...], purgo, i. to purge, clense, &c. for in the time of the Suns a­bode with us, which is in the [Page 152] Summer, the Air is purged and clensed from all thick mists and foggs, and made serene and clear; others from [...], inusitat. [...], gradior, to go, because the Sun shines in going his circuit in the Heavens.

Pierce, used for Peter for­merly.

493 Pygmalion, Etym. à [...], i. Cubitus, i. a Cubite, quod unum cubitum altus non fuit, be­cause he was not a Cubite high; and from hence were the Pyg­maei so called.

494 Pilatus, qu: pilo seu telo armatus, Mat. 27. v. 2.

495 Posthumus, qu: post hu­matum patrem natus, i. born after the death of his Father, of post, after, and humus, the ground.

[Page 153]496 Polybius, see Macro­bius.

497 Priscas, i. antient, from priscus. Lat.

498 Ptolemaeus, i. a Warri­our, from [...], i. bellum, war, see the Etym. of it in 72. [...] be­ing inserted, which they call Poeticè, for such is usual among them, 1 Maccab. 5. v. 15.

496 Publius, qu: publicus, Acts 28.8.

500 Pyrander, as it were [...], i. a Man of Fire, an Hebraism, that is, a fiery, hasty, angry man, of [...], ignis, fire, and [...], a man.


501 QUartus, Rom. 16.23. i. the fourth. Lat.

502 Quintus, i. the fift born, from quintus, ab ordine nas­cendi.


503 RAamiah, [...] Rag­namiah, Nehem. 7. 7. i. the Thunder of the Lord, of [...] Ragnam, Thunder, from [...] Ragnam, he thun­dered, and [...] a name of God, from [...] he was.

504 Ragau, [...] Regnu, 2 Sam. 15. v. 7. i. a Friend, from [...] Ragnah, he fed, [Page 155] hence [...] Reang, i. a Friend.

505 Ram, [...] i. high, or exalted, see it in Abram.

506 Ramiah, Ezra 10.25. i. the exaltation of the Lord, see Jeremiah.

507 Ralph, i. help, counsel, contr: for Radulph. Sa.

508 Randal, or Ranulph, is beautifull or fair help.

509 Raphael, [...] as it were [...] i. God the strong God hath healed or cu­red, of [...] Rapha, he healed or cured, and [...] El, God, the strong God, see it in Israel, 1 Chron. 26. v. 7.

510 Raymund, i. quiet peace. Ge.

(a) Reajah, [...] 1 Chron. 4. v. 2. i. the vision of the [Page 156] Lord, of [...] Rei, a Vision, from [...] Raah, he saw, and [...] Jah, a name of God.

511 Rehoboam, [...] Re­chabegnam, i. enlarging the people, of [...] Rachab, he en­larged, and [...] Gnam, the people, see it in 49.

(b) Rehum, [...] Rechum, Ezra 2.2. i. mercifull, com­passionate, or pitifull, Exod. 34.6. from [...] Racham, in pi­hel [...] Richem, he pitied, or shewed mercy.

512 Reuben, [...] i. See ye, behold ye a Son (and not a Daughter) therefore now I know ( [...]) my Hus­band will love me, Gen. 29. v. 32. or see ye (such) a Son that is the building of our Fa­mily, [Page 157] of [...] Reu, see ye, it is the 2d pers: plur: imper: from [...] Raah, he saw, and [...] Ben, a Son, see it in Benjamin. 113. or else a Son of Visions, for Leah called his name Reuben, ( [...] ki raah Jehovah) because the Lord (said she) hath looked on my affliction, Gen. 29. v. 31.

(c) Reuel [...] Regnu­el, Exod. 2. v. 18. as if [...] Rogni-el, i. God (the strong God) [is] my Shepherd, Psal. 23.1. of [...] Rogneh, a Shep­herd, and with the affix [...] jod, [...] Rogni, i. my Shepherd, from the root [...] ragnah, he fed, and [...] El, God, from [...] ejal, strength.

[Page 158]513 Reynfred, i. pure peace. Sa.

514 Reynhold, i. sincere or pure love.

514 Rhese, or Rhesa, Luk. 3. ver. 27. perhaps a Giant, Ge. from Rhesus King of Thrace, of a Giant-like stature; others de­rive it from [...] rasas, he sprin­kled, or dropped, and contract­ed, it is [...] ras; hence comes the Latine word Ros, the Dew.

516 Rice, an abridgement of Mor-rice.

517 Richard, i. of a potent disposition, Sa. or (with Aven­tius) Treasurer of the King­dome.

518 Robert, i. famous for counsel, of bert, famous, and ro, counsel. Ge.

[Page 159]519 Roger, i. quiet, but with others, all strong coun­sel.

520 Roman, i. strong from [...]; but some derive it from Romulus, qu: [...], i. robustus, strong.

521 Rowland, i. counsel (for) the Land. Ge.

522 Rufus, i. of a yellow colour. Lat.


523 SAdoc [...] Tzadok, 2 Sam. 8. v. 17. i. just, upright, from [...] tzadak, he was just, upright.

524 Salathiel, 1 Chron. 3. v. 17. in the Heb: it is [...] Shealthiel, i. I have asked (of) [Page 160] God; of [...] shaalti, I have asked, first pers: sing: praet: of kal, from [...] shaal, he ask­ed, and [...] El, God, see it before, Haggai 1. v. 1.

525 Samson, [...] Shim­son; some derive it from [...] sham, ibi, illic, i. there, and [...] secundus, i. the second, as if there the second time, for the Angel appeared there the se­cond time at the prayer of his Father Manoah, Judges 13. v. 8. others derive it from [...] shemesh, i. the Sun, and so make it a little Sun.

526 Samuel [...] She­muel, as it were [...] shaul meel, i. that is asked or lent of God, for his Mother said, 1 Sam. 1. v. 27. the Lord [Page 161] hath given me my petition ( [...] asher shaalti megnimmo) which I asked of him. In the 28 verse ( [...] hu shaul lai hovah) he shall be lent to the Lord. Shaul is the particip: pahul, from shaal, in Salathiel; in kal it signifies, he asked, but in hiph: he lent; so in the beginning of that 28 v. Therfore also ( [...] hishiltihu) have I lent him to the Lord. viz. him that I re­ceived of God by prayer, now again do I consecrate to God, to be his Servant and Minister; [...] signifi: from, and [...] El, God, from ejal, strength. This name Samuel may also referr to another Etymolog. as it were ( [...] Shamuang el) i. [Page 162] heard of God, and so the last radical [...] gnajin is left out for Euphonie or better pronouncing of the word; for Hannah in the 20 v. called his name Samuel, because I have asked him of God, where it is to be under­stood, [...] Shamang el, i. God hath heard; also ap­pointed of God, of [...] i. he put, or appointed.

527 Saul, [...] Shaul, i. ask­ed, from Shaal, as above.

(a) Sanballet, [...] Neh. 2. v. 19. as if [...] seneh ballat, i. a Bush hid in secret, of [...] seneh, a Bush, and [...] beth signifies in, and [...] lat, a hi­ding, from [...] lut, he hid; and hence comes the Latine word lateo, to lye hid: But as some [Page 163] deriving it from Hebrew and Syr: an Enemy hid in secret: And it is most certain, that he was a secret Enemy to Nehe­miah, and the Jews, when they were building the Temple, as you may see at large in Nehem. Chap. 2, 3, 4.

(b) Satan, [...] Job 1. v. 7. i. an Accuser, Enemy, or Ad­versary, the Devil, that great Adversary to Mans happiness, welfare, and salvation, from [...] Satan, he hated, accused, or was an Adversary.

528 Sebastian, i. majestical, or honourable, from [...], i. venerandus, worshipfull; [...] was a title given to the Caesars of Rome, Acts 25. v. 21. When Paul had appealed to be reser­ved [Page 164] ( [...]) to the Judgement of Sebastus, which the Latin renders Augustus, i. Majestical.

529 Secundus, i. the second; also by a metaphor it is put for prosperous, successfull, Act. 20. v. 4.

530 Segismund, i. victorious peace, or peace with victory. Ge.

531 Sechem [...] Gen. 34. v. 2. i. a shoulder, tomb, or heap of Stones, also a part or portion, from [...] in hiph. [...] hishkim, he rose early; hence comes the Latine word seco, to cut or divide.

532 Septimius, i. the se­venth, from septimus. Lat.

533 Seth [...] Sheth, i. one [Page 165] put or appointed; so called by Eve, because he was put in the room of his Brother Habel, Gen. 4. v. 25. And she called his name Sheth ( [...] ki shath) because God hath put me another seed in the place of Ha­bel, from [...] shuth, he put. [...] sheth also signifies a but­tock, or haunch, from the for­mer root, quod homo sessurus, se in eam partem ponat, i. because a man when he sits down, puts himself on that part.

534 Sextus, i. the sixt, Lat. Shealtiel, see Salathiel.

535 Shelemiah, [...] i. the sacrifice or peace-offering of the Lord, of [...] shelem, a peace-offering, from [...] shalam, he was at peace, he ac­complished, [Page 166] payed, or recom­penced, and [...] Jahu for [...] Jehovah, see it in 327.

536 Shemuel, see Samuel, 1 Chron. 7.2.

Sedecias, see Zedekiah.

(c) Shecaniah, [...] 1 Ch. 3. v. 22. it may be the habita­tion or abiding of the Lord, from [...] shacan, he dwelt, and [...] jah, a name of God.

537 Shem, [...] Shem, i. a name, as if it were (thou shalt be) [...] ish hashshem, i. a man of name, that is, a man of renown, a famous man. So in Gen. 6. ver. 4. which were ( [...] Anshe Hashshem, viri nominis) i. men of name, that is, famous and renowned men, for this is the Hebrews [Page 167] manner of speaking. See Gen. 11. v. 4.

538 Shemariah [...] Ezra 10. v. 32. qu. ( [...] or [...]) i. the Lord hath kept, or the keeping of the Lord, of [...] shamar, he kept, and [...] a name of God.

539 Shephatiah, [...] 2 Sa. 3. v. 4. i. the Lord judgeth, or is Judge. See Jehoshaphat.

(d) Shiloh, [...] Gen. 49. ver. 10. one of the glorious names of Christ the Messias, manifesting him to be the only Author of our eternal welfare, peace, and happiness, and our alone Peace-maker, for it signi­fies a Saviour, blessed, happy, peaceable, or a Peace-maker, from [...] shalah, he was safe, [Page 168] happy, quiet, or in peace; and hence it is said, that the cha­stisement of our peace was upon him, Isa. 53. v. 5. yet some of the Rabbins do dissent from this exposition of the word, as Aben Ezra, R. Salom, R. Be­chai, and others, and say it is the same as [...] beno, i. his Son; But we know that all the Jews deny that Christ the Messias is come, and therefore their ex­position is little to be regarded. See Buxtorf: in Lexico Hebraeo, p. 812.

(e) Shemajah [...] She­magniah, 1 Chron. 3. ver. 22. as if [...] Shamagniah, i. the Lord hath heard, of [...] sha­mang, he heard, and [...] a name of God, or as some, obeying [Page 169] the Lord, from the former root shamang.

(f) Shemida [...] She­midang, 1 Chron. 7. v. 19. as it were [...] Shemi-deang, i. my name (is) knowledge, or the knowledge of my name, or as some, a name of knowledge, of [...] shem, a name, and with the affix [...] jod, [...] shemi, my name, which some derive from the Syriack [...] or [...] shammi, or shammah, i. he na­med; others (not amiss) derive it from the root [...] shum, posuit, he put, qu: positum, as it were put to distinguish one from another, and [...] deang, knowledge, from [...] jadang, he knew.

540 Serajah, 1 Chron. 4. v. [Page 170] 24. [...] i. a Prince of the Lord, of Sar, a Prince, see it in Israel, and [...] Jah, a name of God.

(g) Shomer [...] 1 Chron. 7.32. i. a Keeper, the partic: Benoni kal from [...] shamar, he kept.

541 Simeon [...] Shimg­non, i. hearing, from [...] sha­mang, he heard; for Leah said, Because the Lord ( [...] sha­mang) hath heard that I was hated, Gen. 29.32.

542 Simon, Matth. 27.32. i. obedient, from the former root shamang, he heard, or harkned, hence he was obedi­ent.

543 Silas, 1 Cor. 1. ver. 19. perhaps from sileo, to be silent, [Page 171] qu: silens, i. silent, making no noyse. Festus thinks that the Letter S is a note of silence, be­cause when we would have any man to keep silence, we pro­nounce the Letter S.

544 Sophron, [...], as it were [...], i. mentis compos, i. sound of mind, endued with a right understanding, wise, mo­dest, or temperate.

545 Solomon, [...] Shelo­moh, i. peaceable, from [...] shalam, he was perfect, he was peaceable, 2 Sam. 12. ver. 25. He was afterwards named Je­didiah, i. beloved of God, be­cause the Lord loved him, 2 Sa. 12. v. 25.

546 Sosipater, as if [...], i. healing his Father, or [Page 172] the conservation of his Father, Rom. 16. v. 21. of [...], i. salvo, to heal, and [...], a Father, see it in Patroclus, 469.

547 Sopater, [...], Act. 20. v. 4. i. a safe Father, of [...], for [...], safe; hence [...] seems to have affinity with the Heb: [...] i. salus, salvation.

548 Sosthenes, [...], i. safe and sound strength, of [...], strength, and [...], sound, or as others, a mighty or powerfull Saviour.

549 Stephanus, or Stephen, [...], i. a Crown or Garland, 1 Cor. 1. v. 16.

550 Sylvanus, i. God of the Wood, 2 Cor. 1. v. 19.

551 Sylvester, i. one that dwels in the Woods. Lat.

[Page 173]552 Sylvius, from Sylva­nus.

[†] Symmachus, [...], i. a Fellow-souldier. Gr.

553 Swithin, i. very high. Sa.


554 TErtius, i. the third. Lat.

(a) Tebaliah, [...] 1 Chr: 26. ver. 11. as it were [...] or [...] tabal-jah, or Jehovah, i. the Lord hath baptized, or as some, the baptism of the Lord, of [...] tabal, he dipped, and [...] jah, a name of God.

555 Thales, Etym. à [...], floreo, to flourish.

556 Themistocles, as it [Page 174] were ( [...]) [...], i. gloriae decus, i. the glory or grace of Justice, of [...], Justice, and [...], Glory, Grace.

557 Theobald, i. potent over people. Ge.

558 Theoderic, i. rich in people, or of a great generati­on for multitude.

559 Theodorus, qu: ( [...]) [...], i. Dei donum, the gift of God, of [...] Deus, God, which is de­rived several waies, either from [...], for which we now use [...], i. pono, to put, as it were: [...], i. qui (omnia) posuit, for God hath (put, i.) made all things, or from [...], or [...], i. to be­hold, and hence it shews us one of the glorious Properties of God; which would be an ex­cellent [Page 175] thing to keep us (by his grace) from sinning, if we did but seriously weigh it in our hearts, namely, that God is Omnivident ( Prov. 15.3.) and sees and beholds every action and deed, nay the hidden thought, or the conception of thought in the heart; and some by changing θ theta into δ delta, make it [...], i. timor, fear, be­cause God is to be feared of us all, and so perhaps it may come from the Heb: word [...] dai, that is, sufficiency, because he is the All sufficient God, wanting no­thing, the fountain of every good thing, Jam. 1. v. 17. and [...], a Gift, from [...], Eph. 2. v. 8.

560 Theodosius, i. given of God.

[Page 176]561 Theomnestus, [...], i. mindfull of God, or the Spousal of God, of [...], Spon­sus, from the 3d pers: praet: pass: [...], and [...], God, as be­fore.

562 Theophilus, [...] qu. [...], i. a Friend of God, of [...], a Friend, from [...], to love, or a Lover of God, Luke 1. v. 1.

563 Theopolemus, [...], as it were [...], the Ene­my of God, Etym. from [...], i. bellum, war, see it in 72. and [...], God.

564 Theopompus, qu: [...], one that is sent of God, or the Embassadour of God, from [...], mitto, to send; thus are the Ministers of God, they are (as God said to Moses) in his stead.

[Page 177]565 Theudas, [...], Acts 5. ver. 36. as it were [...], i. currens aqua, a running or flow­ing water.

566 Thomas, in the Syriack it is [...] Thaumo, in the Heb: [...] Thaom, and [...] is a Twin, and hence Thomas is translated in Greek Didymus, [...], i. a Twin, Matth. 10. v. 3.

Tibald, see Theobald.

567 Tiberius, so called be­cause he was born by the River Tyber; he was at first a mode­rate and temperate man, but afterwards was called Biberius Mero for his Drunkenness, in­stead of Tiberius Nero, Luk. 3. v. 3.

568 Timaeus, [...], Mar. 10. [Page 178] v. 46. i. honourable, pretious, from [...], to honour, or from [...], honour, worth: but as o­thers, polluted, defiled, impure, from [...] tame, ibid. from the root [...] he was defiled, &c. for in the Syriack it is [...] Timai.

569 Timon, Acts 6. v. 5. see mqus at the beginning of it.

570 Timothy, [...], as if [...], or [...], i. honouring God, or he that ho­nours or worships God, or the honour of God, of [...], from [...], to honour, and [...], see it in Theodorus; [...] also signifies re­venge, punishment.

571 Titus, i. a Defender, Lat. or, as others, [...], honour­ed, esteemed, from [...], to e­steem, [Page 179] to be in great repute, Tit. 1. v. 4.

572 Tobiah, [...] i. the Lord (is) good, of [...] good, from [...] tub, he was good, and [...] a name of God.

Trinian, see Tristinian.

573 Trismegistus, [...], i. ter maximus, thrice the great­est, or one that is often in Au­thority.

574 Tristian, i. sad or sor­rowfull, from tristis, Lat. qu: tritus moerore, i. bruised with sorrow.

575 Trophimus, [...], i. he that nourisheth, or is nou­rished, from the praeter: med: [...], of [...] to nourish, Acts 20. v. 4.

576 Turstan, aliàs Trustam, [Page 180] i. most true and trusty. Sax.

577 Tychicus, [...], i. for­tunate, from [...], i. chance, from [...], to happen, in praet: med: [...], hence (by taking away the augment) [...], fortune, and [...], fortunate.

578 Tyrannus, [...], i. a Tyrant, a wicked King, for the name is become Infamous in these latter times, Acts 19. v. 9. it is thought by some, to have affinity with, yea to have its Original from the Chaldee noun [...] Tira, i. a Palace, in the Hebrew [...] the same, also a Tower or Castle, for the Chal­dee instead of the Hebr: [...] he put [...] aleph.


579 VAlens, i. mighty, powerfull, and strong, from valeo, to be able.

Valentine, ibid.

580 Uchered, i. high coun­sel. Ge.

581 Vincent, i. conquering, overcoming, from vincens, the partic: praes: from vinco, Etym. à vi, as if vim cio, i. facio, to make strength, or from vincio, to bind, quod victus vinctus, i. because he that is overcome is bound as it were.

582 Viriatus, i. strong, mighty, from vis, strength, power, which some derive from [...], others from the Hebr: [...] [Page 182] ish, a man, quod viribus praestat vir, because man excels in strength.

583 Vital, i. lively, or likely to live, from vita, life, à [...], seu [...].

584 Vivian, the same, from vivo, to live, Lat.

585 Ulysses, [...], Etym. because his Mother was deli­vered of him in the by-waies. Gr.

586 Urbanus, Rom. 16. v. 9. i. courteous, civil, mannerly.

587 Uriah, [...] 2 Sam. 11. v. 10. i. the fire or light of the Lord, of [...] ur, fire, Chald: or [...] or, light, Heb: and [...] a name of God.

588 Uriel, [...] i. the fire or light of the strong God, [Page 183] of [...] as before, and [...] El, God, from [...] ejal, strength, 2 Chron. 13. v. 2. hence comes the Latin word uro, to burn; and the word Urim, mentioned Exod. 8. v. 30. sic dict. quia il­lustrant & explicant verba ipso­rum, ut scribit Aben Ezra.

589 Uranius, or Urian, [...], i. heavenly, or high, from [...], i. coelum, heaven, as it were [...] (as St. Ambrose saith) from [...], to see, quod sit visui pervium & minimè densum, ut aqua & terra, because it is easy to see through, being not very thick, as water and earth. O­thers derive it from [...] or, [...] orah, light, Heb.

590 Uzzah, [...] Gnuzza, i. strength, from [...] Gnazaz, [Page 184] he was strong, 2 Sam. 6. v. 3.

591 Uzziah and Uzziel, see Ozziah and Ozziel in the Let­ter O.


592 WAlgamus, or Wal­win, i. victorious. Ger.

593 Walter, i. a Pilgrim, or Stranger; also a General of an Army, from Waldher, Ge.

594 Warin, i. a Conqueror, from Gerwin, Ge.

595 William, i. a willing Defender, or a defence to ma­my. Ge.

596 Wilfred, i. much peace. Ge.

597 Willibald, i. much po­wer. Ge.

[Page 185]598 Wimund, i. sacred peace. Sa.

Wischard, see Guischard.

599 Wulpher, i. a helper. Sa.

600 Wulstan, i. decent, or comely. Sa.


601 XEnarchus, i. a Prince of Strangers, of [...], i. a Stranger, and [...], see it in Agatharchus.

602 Xenophilus, see Philoxe­nus.


YBel, see Eubulus.

Ythel, see Euthalius.


603 ZAbdiel, [...] 1 Chro. 27.2. i. my Dowry (is) God, the strong God, of [...] zabad, he endowed, hence [...] zebed, a Dowry, and with the affix [...] jod, [...] zabdi, my Dowry, Gen. 30.19. and [...] El, see it in Uriel.

604 Zachariah, [...] Ze­charjahu, 1 Chron. 5.7. i. the memory of the Lord, of [...] zecher, memory, from [...] za­char, he was mindfull, and [...] for [...] the Lord, see 327. also Zacharias and Zacharie, Mat. 23.35. the same.

605 Zaccheus, Luk. 19.2. But in Ezra 2.9. it is [...] Zac­chai, [Page 187] i. pure, clean, undefiled, from [...] zachah, he was pure; also to deserve, or to be held worthy; see Buxtorfius in his Rabbinico Philosophicum Lexi­con. In the Syriack it is [...] hence some make it [...] i. just, from [...] zecha, Syr: he made himself just.

Zadok, see Sadok.

(a) Zaphnath paaneah [...] Tzaphnat-pagnaneach, Ge. 41.45. i. a Reavealer of Se­crets; Joseph so called in the Aegyptian tongue by Pharoah King of Aegypt after he had in­terpreted his Dreams; of [...] pagnaneach, an Aegyptian word, signifying a Revealer; Hence R. Bechai cites in this place, [...] qui revelat [Page 188] abscondita, i. he that reveals hidden things, and [...] tzaph­nat, a secret, from the Heb: root [...] tzaphan, he hid, see more in Buxtorf. Lexicon, pag. 657, 658. Robert F. Herry in his Ta­ble of Interpretation of names annexed to some antient Bibles, and made Anno 1578. saies, that it signifies in the Aegyptian tongue, A Saviour of the world: But upon what ground he so in­terprets it, I know not, unless it were because Joseph (having interpreted Pharoahs Dreams of the seven plentifull, and the se­ven barren years) counselled Pharoah to lay up store in the plentifull years for the dearth; which had they not done, doubtless their Land had been [Page 189] destroyed with Famine; and so Joseph was as it were a Sa­viour of their Land by his counsel, and Gods providence; and hence Joseph said in Gen. 41.25. God hath shewed Pha­roah what he is about to do, &c.

606 Zarah, or Zara, [...] Za­rach, it is the root it self, he a­rose, or an arising, Genes: 38. v. 30.

607 Zeba, [...] Zebach, i. a Sacrifice, from [...] zabach, he sacrificed, Psal. 83.12.

608 Zebadiah, [...] or Ze­badee, i. the dowry of the Lord, 1 Chron. 8.15. of Za­bad, see it in Zabdiel, and [...] in Zechariah: But in the Syriack it is [...] Zabdai, i. my Dowry, Mat. 4.21.

[Page 190]609 Zebulun [...] i. a habi­tation or dwelling, for [...] ze­bul is an habitation, and [...] may be the termination for distincti­on sake, to know the name from a noun, from [...] zabal, he dwelt, for Leah said, Now at length ( [...] for [...] Jizbeleni for Jizbol Gnimmi) will my Husband dwell wlth me, because I have born him six Sons, therefore she called his name Ze­bulon, i. a Son of dwelling, as it were, Gen. 30.20.

610 Zedekiah, [...] Tzid­kiahu, i. the justice or righteous­ness of the Lord, from [...] tzadak, he was just or righte­ous, and [...] put for [...] the the Lord, 1 King. 24.20.

611 Zeeb [...] i. a Wolf, Judg. 7.25.

[Page 191]612 Zenas, [...], Tit. 3.13. i. Jupiter, who was so called, [...], à vivendo.

613 Zephaniah, [...] Tze­phaniahu, 2 King. 25.8. i. the hiding of the Lord, from [...] tzapan, he hid, and [...] see it above.

614 Zerajah, [...] Zera­chajah, 1 Chron. 6.4. i. the ri­sing of the Lord as it were in glory, for [...] zerach, arising, is properly said of the Sun, from zarach, see it in Zara.

615 Zerubbabel, [...] Hag. 1.1. i. a Stranger at Babel, or strange, from confusion, of [...] zar, a Stranger, from [...] zur, he was a Stranger, or he estran­ged himself, tam à cohabitatione quam etiam à conjunctione san­guinis [Page 192] & religionis (sicut Pere­grini) or else dispersed, from [...] zarah, he scattered, and [...] babel, i. confusion, from [...] balal, he confounded, Gen. 11.9. Jerome composeth the word, of [...] zeh, that, or he, and [...] rab, a Master or Prince, and [...] Babylon, as it were, he (is) Prince or Ruler of Babylon; o­thers make it [...] zaru for [...] i. born, and [...] in Babylon.

(b) Zurishaddai, [...] Tzurishaddai, Numb. 1.6. i. the Almighty (is) my Rock, of [...] tzur, a Rock, and with the affix [...] tzuri, my Rock, from the root [...] tzur, he oppressed, and [...] shaddai, the Almighty, from [...] shadad, i. he wasted, for [Page 193] no man can resist him: But he onely is able to lay all things wast; by that power which he created all things, he is able to bring them back to nothing; and hence the LXX do often render it [...]; or else as it were from [...] shad, i. Mamma, Uber, i. a Breast, or Dugge, qu: mammeus, i. plentifull or a­bundant, for he gives us all things plentifully; but R. Sa­lom, and most of the Hebrew Doctors, compose the word of the particle [...] she, the middle letter of [...] Asher, signifying which, or he which, and the primitive word [...] dai, All-sufficient, or All-sufficien­cy, i. he who is sufficient, or all-sufficient ( [...]) in himself, or [Page 194] he who is sufficient, or all-sufficiency in himself, neither standeth he in need of any thing; And all we (his Crea­tures) have every good thing that we enjoy out of this in­exhausted Fountain, 2 Cor. 3. v. 5.

616 Zuriel, [...] Tzu­riel, Numb. 3.35. i. God, the strong God (is) my Rock, of [...] tzur, a Rock, from [...] tzur, he oppressed, and [...] jod at the end is affix of the pronoun I or My, and [...] El, God, the strong God, from [...] ejal, strength; the Psalmist hath the same expression, [...] eli tzuri, i. my God (my strong God) my Rock, Psal. 18.2.

The end of the first Book, namely, of the Etymologies of Mens Names.



1 ABigail, [...] 2 Sam. 25.40. i. my Fathers joy, or the rejoycing of my Fa­ther, [Page 198] of Ab, a Father, see it in Abba in Mens names, and [...] jod, the affix of the pronoun I, or my, and [...] gil, joy, from [...] gul, he rejoyced; or it may be rendred, my Fathers like­ness, as from [...] gil, likeness, similitude, &c.

2 Abishag, [...] 1 King. 1.3. i. my Fathers ignorance, or errour, of [...] Abi, my Father, as above, and from [...] shagag, he erred.

(a) Acsah, [...] Gnaksah, Josh. 15.16. perhaps decked or trimmed with tinkling Or­naments, such as formerly Women wore about their feet, see Isa. 3.16, 18. from the root [...] gnekes, Fetters; hence R. Levi Gersom writes, [...] [Page 199] Gnakasim, Sunt sicut ornamen­ta quas gestant (mulieris) in pe­dibus suis, i. that is, That those (Fetters) were like those Or­naments which (Women) wore in their Feet. See Buxtorf. on the root [...] fol. 551.

(3) Adelin, i. Noble, or de­scended from Princes. Ge.

Agar, see Hagar.

(4) Agatha, [...], she that is good or honest, see the Etym. of [...], in 38. Mens names.

(5) Agnes, i. pure, holy, chast, undefiled, from [...], which seems to be so called from [...], i. veneratio, i. honour or worship, quod eam possidentes veneratione & laude dignos red­dat castitas, i. because Chastity renders them that have it wor­thy [Page 200] of honour and praise, so the Latin word Castus, in Greek [...], i. adorned, from [...], to adorn; ‘For as ( Solon saith) pure Chastity is beauty to our souls, Grace to our bodies, and Peace to our de­sires; so contrariwise, if Cha­stity be once lost, there is no­thing left praise-worthy in a Woman (as Nicephorus saith.)’

(6) Alethia, [...], veri­tas, i. truth, of α alpha, nega­tive, and signif: not, and [...] for [...], lateo, to lye hid, quod ve­ritas latere non possit, i. because truth cannot lye hid; though it may be pressed down for a time, yet at length it shall escape as Victrix, for our common saying is, Magna est veritas, & praevalet.

[Page 201]7 Alexander, see Alexander in Mens name.

8 Alice or Alse, i. Noble, abridged from Ade-liz, Ger. or a Defendress. Fr.

9 Amata, i. she that is be­loved, the partic: praet: from amo, to love, which some derive from [...], i. Sanguis, Blood, Amor is enim causa, for it is the cause of Love; Or, as others, from [...], i. simul, i. together, quod Amantes simul esse cupiunt, because Lovers desire to be to­gether. Others derive it from the Hebr: [...] gnamam, he covered, and some from [...] em, a Mother.

10 Aimie, i. beloved, from aimié, Fr.

11 Anastace, Etym. ab [...], [Page 202] i. resurrectio, a resurrection, in memoriam enim Christi resur­rectionis datum, a name given in memory of Christs resurrecti­on. Gr.

12 Anchoretta, one that lives solitarily, Gr.

13 Angelletta, dim. from Angelus, i. a Messenger, from [...], to declare.

13 Anne, see Hannah.

14 Apphia, [...], Phil. 2. it signif: with them that make Co­medies, a Mistris, Gr. in the Syriack it is [...] which some think comes from [...] Apah, pinsuit, he painted.

15 Arbella, i. God hath a­venged, Heb.

16 Areta, [...], i. virtus, vir­tue, from [...], placeo, to please. Gr.

[Page 203]17 Athaliah, [...] Gnata­liahu, 2 King. 8.26. as if [...] Gnet la hovah, i. time for the Lord, of Gnet, time, from [...] Gnatat, he spake in time, and [...] lamed put before a word, signif: to, or for, and [...] for [...] see Jehovah in Mens names.

18 Audrie, i. noble advice. Ger.

19 Avice, i. Lady in de­fence.

20 Aureola, i. little pretty golden Lady, dim. ab Aurum, Gold, which Festus derives from [...], or [...], to keep, quod praecipue custoditur, because it is principally and chiefly kept; others from the Heb: [...] Or, the Light; and hence the E­gyptians [Page 204] worship the Sunne.

(b) Azubah, [...] Gnazu­bah, 1 King. 22.24. i. forsa­ken, from the root [...] Gnazab, he forsook; it is the part: fem: the same word ( [...]) is in that Isa. 62.4. where it is said, Thou shalt be termed no more forsa­ken.


21 BArbara, i. she that is sa­vage, inhumane, or of a strange tongue, and unknown, from [...] bar, or [...] bura, which in the Chaldee or Arabick tongue signifies a Field untill'd, and that which grows wildly, or a place deserted, hence strange: But the syllable [...] bar [Page 205] being doubled after the manner of the Hebrews, is very empha­tical, and signifies, exceeding strange (in speech properly) so the Apostle in 1 Cor. 14.11. Those also were termed Bar­barous by the Greeks, who were ignorant of their Tongue.

22 Bathsheba, [...] Bath­shebang, 2 Sam. 11.3. i. the Daughter of an Oath, of [...] Bath, a Daughter, contracted as it were for [...] benet, from [...] banah, he builded, see it in Benjamin in Mens names, and [...] shebang or [...] sha­buang, an Oath, from [...] in niph: [...] nishbang, he swore.

23 Bathshua, [...] Bath­shuang, 1 Chron. 3. v. 5. the Daughter of crying, or a Rich, [Page 206] Noble, and Liberal Mans Daughter, of Bath, as before, and [...] shuang, crying; also Nobility, Liberality, a Noble or Rich Man; some make it the Daughter of salvation, but then it should be [...] Bath jeshang.

24 Baucis, perhaps plea­sant, from [...], ibid. Grae.

25 Beatrice, i. blessed, from beo, to bless, which some derive from [...], i. to live, or to give life.

26 Benet or Benedicta, see Benet in Mens names.

27 Benigna, i. kind, cour­teous, bounteous, à benè gig­nendo. Lat.

28 Bertha, i. bright, or fa­mous. Ger.

[Page 207]29 Bilhah, [...] Gen. 29.29. i. old or fading, for [...] he at the end may be redundant, to di­stinguish the name from com­mon words. But [...] signifies trouble, terrour, Isa. 17.14. from [...] in niph: [...] to trou­ble, terrifie.

30 Bethiah, [...] may be rendred the Daughter of the Lord, as it were [...] or the House of the Lord, as it were [...] 1 Chron. 4.18. of [...] bath, a Daughter, see 22. and [...] beth, a House, from [...] banah, he builded, and [...] jah, a name of God, from [...] hajah, he was.

31 Blanch or Blanchia, i. white or fair, from blanc. Fr.

32 Bona, i. she that is good, [Page 208] favourable, or affable. Lat.

33 Bridget, from Bride. Irish.


34 CAssandra, i. inflaming Men with Love, of [...] or [...], heat or burning, and [...] a Man. Gr.

35 Chara, i. she that is dear beloved, favoured, or pretious, from the Hebrew [...] jakar, he was esteemed pretious, &c.

36 Charites, i. Charity, Love, Bounty, à [...], gra­tia, vel [...], à laetitia, from joyfulness or chearful­ness, quod laetum datorem amat Deus, Prov. 11. v. 25. because God loves the chearfull Giver. This name was more in use for­merly [Page 209] then now it is, and the thing it self too.

37 Chloris, forsan à [...], i. viridis, i. green. Gr.

38 Christian, given from our Christian profession, from [...], i. the Anointed, i. Christ.

39 Cicilie, see Caecilius in Mens names.

40 Clare, she that is fair, bright, or clear, also manifest. Lat.

41 Cleobulina, dim. for Cleo­bulus, see it in Mens names.

42 Cleopatria, qu: [...], i. the Glory of her Father or Country, of [...], glory, and [...], a Father, see it in Patroclus in Mens names.

43 Constance, i. constant, firm, alwaies one. Lat.


44 DAmaris, Acts 17.34. perhas a little Wife, from [...], Uxor, a Wife, from [...], domito, to tame, quod sit domita à suo Domino, i. because she is tamed by her Hus­band. Gr.

45 Danae, [...], i. Laurus, i. the Laurel or Bay-tree.

46 Dalilah, [...] Judg. 16. 4. i. poor impoverished, from [...] dalal, he was poor, small, impoverished.

47 Deborah [...] may be rendred a Bee, word, speech, praise, or praising, from [...] Dabar, he spake; and indeed she was a Prophetess, and so [Page 211] spake the word of the Lord, Judg. 4. v. 4, 5, 10.

48 Denis, see Dionysius in Mens names.

49 Dido signifies a Man-like or stout Woman. Phoenician.

50 Dinah, [...] i. Judge­ment, from [...] dun, he judged, Gen. 30.21.

51 Dorcas, [...], i. a She-Goat, (or with Polit.) a Roe-Buck, see Tabitha, Acts 9.36.

52 Dorothie, the Gift of God, or given of God, the same with Theodorus in Mens names.

53 Dousabella, i. sweet and fair Maiden. Fr.

54 Douse, i. sweet. Fr.

54 Drusilla, [...], Acts 24.25. G. P. composeth it of [...], [Page 212] i. Ros, the Dew, from [...], Rore conspergo, to sprinkle with Dew, and [...], oculus, an eye, qu: dic: whose eyes are sprinkled with the Dew; or others make it diminutive from Dru in Mens names.


56 EAde for Eadith, i. hap­piness. Sa.

57 Eleanor, i. pitifull. Gr. Ellena, ibid.

58 Elizabeth, [...] Eli­shebang, as it were [...] i. the Oath of my God; or else it may be [...] Eli shebeth, i. the peace or rest of my God, of [...] shabuang, an Oath, from [...] in niph: [...] nish­bang, [Page 213] he swore, and [...] El, God: But with the affix [...] jod, my God, from [...] ejal, strength, and [...] shebet, rest, from [...] shabat, he rested, Exod. 6.24. Luke 1.

59 Emmet, i. a Giver of help. Norm.

(a) Ephrah, [...] 1 King. 2.19. i. fertility or fruitfulness, or rather the 1 pers: fut: sing: I will be fruitfull, from [...] pa­rah, he was fruitfull.

60 Esther, [...] i. hidden, from [...] sathar, he lay hid. Heb:

61 Ethelburg, i. a Noble Keeper. Ge. and Sa.

62 Etheldred, or Ethelred, i. noble advise. Ge.

63 Eve [...] Chavah, i. li­ving, [Page 214] or giving life; so called by her Husband Adam, because she was the Mother [...] kol chav, i. omnium viventium, of all living, Gen. 3.20. from [...] Chajah, he lived.

64 Eugenia, she that is nobly born, see Eugenius in Mens names.

65 Eupheme, i. she that is well spoken of, and hath a good name and report, of [...] benè, well, and [...], dico, to say.

66 Eutychia, [...], i. feli­citas, i. happiness, see Eutychus in Mens names.


67 FAbia, see Fabian in Mens names.

[Page 215]68 Faith, a name commonly used.

69 Felice, i. happy, see Fe­lix in Mens names.

70 Florence, i. flourishing, or prosperous, à floreo.

71 Florida, i. deck'd with Flowers.

72 Flaminea, see Flamineus in Mens names.

73 Fortune, as if vortuna, à vertendo, so called for her mu­tability and inconstancy.

74 Frances, see Francis in Mens names.

75 Frideswid, i. very free, or truly free. Ge.


76 GErtrud, i. truly amia­ble. Ge.

77 Gilian, see Julian.

78 Gillet, dim: from Giles in Mens names.

79 Glauce, see Glaucus in Mens names.

80 Glycera, [...], i. dulcis, sweet. Gr.

81 Grace, commonly used.

82 Grishild, i. grey Lady. Ge.

83 Grimfrid, i. of a fair countenance. Brit.


84 HAgar [...] in the Ara­bick signifies to flee, perhaps a name given her from the event, because she fled from the face of her Mistris Sarah, Gen. 16.6. or as others, a Stranger.

85 Hannah [...] Channah, i. gratious or mercifull, from [...] Chanan, he was gratious or mercifull, 1 Sam. 1.2.

Hawis, see Avice.

86 Helena, à pulchritudine sua sic dict: so called from her Beauty.

(a) Hephzi-bah [...] Chephtzi-bah, 2 King. 21.10. i. my delight, or properly will [Page 218] (is) in her, of [...] Chephetz, delight, or the will, and with the affix [...] jod, [...] Chephtzi, my delight or will, from the root [...] Chaphatz, he willed or desired, and [...] beth, which signifies in, [...] he is the note of the feminine.

Hester, see Esther.

Hevah, see Eve.


87 IEane, i. gratious or mer­cifull, or the grace of the Lord, see Joane.

88 Jennet, dim: from Jeane.

89 Joane or Joanna, Luk. 8.3. the same with John in Mens names.

90 Joice, i. merry or plea­sant, [Page 219] from Jocosus, ibid. Lat.

(a) Jael [...] Jagnel, Judg. 4.21. perhaps [...] Jagnalah, a Roe, or Goat, from the root [...] Jagnal, he profited.

91 Isabella, or Jezebel [...] 2 King. 9.30. i. Woe to the dwelling, or the Province of dwelling, of [...] woe to; or a Province or Island, and [...] Ze­bul, a Dwelling, from [...] Za­bal, he dwelt. Parker makes it the same with Elizabeth.

92 Julian, see Julius in Mens names.

93 Judith or Judah, i. prai­sing, or confessing, see Judah in Mens names.


94 KAtharine, perhaps pure, chast, undefiled, from [...], Gr.

(a) Keturah [...] Gen. 25.1. as it were [...] Ketorah, i. sweet Perfume, or Incense, Ps. 141.2: from the root [...] ka­tar, in pih: [...] kitter, he per­fumed.

95 Kinburga, i. the strength, or a Defendress of her Kindred. Sa.

96 Kinulpha, i. the help or stay of her Kindred.


97 LAis, i. Lascivious, lust­full; and indeed she was a notable Harlot of Corinth, as it is storied.

98 Laodice, ( [...]) [...], i. the justice of the people, of [...], the people, see it in Archelaus in Mens names, and [...], justice, from [...] tzaddik, the first syl­lable tzad being taken away, remains dik; or from the Chal­dee [...] deka, in the Heb: [...] zakah (for the Chaldee chan­ges the Heb: 1 zain into [...] da­leth, and [...] he into aleph) to be pure, just, or upright.

99 Laurana, dim: from Lau­rus, the Laurel or Bay-tree.

[Page 222]100 Laurentia, see Lawrence in Mens names.

101 Laureola, i. a little Bay-tree. Lat.

102 Leah, [...] i. wearisom­ness, or weary, from [...] laah, he was weary, Gen. 29.56.

103 Letice, à laetitia, i. joy­fulness or mirth, quod à latitu­dine mentis. Lat.

104 Lois, [...], qu: [...] me­lior, better, 2 Tim. 1.5.

105 Lora, i. Discipline or Learning, Sa. or a Bridle, Lat. for (as Cicero saies) Learning or Discipline is the Bridle or Tem­perance of youth; or else from the Heb: [...] Cutis, the skin.

106 Lucie, or Lucia, see Lu­cius in Mens names.

107 Lucreece, or Lucretia, [Page 223] from lucrum, gain, foeminae frugi haud ineptum est hoc no­men, a name fit for a good Hus­wife. Lat.

108 Lydia, Acts 16.14. i. born in Lydia. Lat.


109 MAbella, i. my fair Maiden. Fren. or perhaps lovely or amiable, from amabilis. Lat.

110 Macaria, [...], i. e. beata, blessed, as it were [...], i. fato seu morti non obnoxius, because a man is not blessed till after death.

111 Macrobia, long-lif'd, see Macrobius in Mens names.

112 Magdalene, Luke 8.2. [Page 224] in the Syriack it is [...] Magdeletha, i. magnified, ex­alted, flourishing or increasing, from the root [...] gadal, he was great, &c. [...] is heeman­tick.

Marcella, dim. à Marca.

113 Marca, see Marcus in Mens names.

114 Margaret, from [...], i. a Pearl, or precious Stone so called, found (as some write) in the belly of a little Shell-fish.

115 Margerie, from the herb called Marjorum.

116 Marie, in the Hebrew [...] Miriam, Exod. 15. v. 33. Mat. 1.18. some make it the Sea of bitterness, of [...] mar, bitterness, and [...] jam, the Sea, or the Lady or Mistris of the [Page 225] Sea, of [...] Mar, in the Chaldee [...] Mare, a Lady or Mistris, and jam, as before. But I think [...] Marah signifies rather bit­ter, ( i. very sad, by a metaphor) in the fem: gend: from [...] mar, masc: from [...] marar, he was bitter; for Nahomi said, Ruth 1.20. Call me no more Nahomi, ( i. pleasant or beautifull) but [...] Mara, i. bitter, or one that is imbittered in her spirit, one that is very sad; hence comes the Latin word Amarus, bitter.

117 Martha, Joh. 11.1. it seems to come from the former [...] Marah, i. bitter; for in 1 Sam. 1.10. it is said [...] Marath naphesh, i. amara animo, i. bitter in soul.

118 Maud, i. Noble or Ho­nourable [Page 226] Lady of the Maids. Ge.

Maudlin, see Magdalin.

119 Medea, i. counsel, from [...], counsel. Gr.

120 Mehetabel [...] Gen. 36. ver. 39. as if it were [...] Mehtob-el, i. how good (is) God? of [...] meh, how? an interrogative parti­cle, and [...] tob, he was good, and [...] El, God, see it often before.

121 Melicent, i. sweet Ho­ney. Fr.

122 Meraud, perhaps by con­traction from the pretious Eme­raud stone.

(a) Milchah [...] Gen. 11.29. as it were [...] Malchah, i. a Queen, from the root [...] ma­lach, he reigned.

[Page 227]123 Modesta, i. modest or temperate, modum enim mode­stia semper statuit, for modesty hath alwaies appointed a form or rule.


124 NEst, contracted for Agnes, chast, or holy, see 5.

125 Nichola, see Nicholas in Mens names.

126 Niphe, i. fair, Etym. from [...], i. Nix, Snow. Gr.

127 Nahomi, [...] Nagno­mi, i. beautifull, pleasant, from [...] Nagnam, he was pleasant, or beautifull, Ruth 1.20.


128 OLive, from the O­live-tree.

129 Olympia, i. heavenly, see Olympius in Mens names.

130 Omphale, i. lascivious, and wanton, Etym. ab [...], i. umbilicus, pro libidine etiam po­nitur. Gr.

131 Orabilis, i. easy to be in­treated, from oro, to pray. Lat.


132 PArnel, contracted for Petronella, i. a little Stone, dim: à [...], saxum, a Stone, Gr.

133 Penelope, so called from [Page 229] certain Birds she fedd.

134 Philadelphia, i. brother­ly love, see the Etym. of it in Philadelphus in Mens names.

135 Phil, or Philip, see it in Mens names.

136 Phillis, à [...], i. folium, a little leaf. Gr.

137 Phillida, dim. à Phillis.

138 Phoebe, Rom. 16.1. i. Moon, see the Etym. of Phoebus in Mens names.

139 Polyxena, she that en­tertains many Strangers, of [...], much, and [...], a Stranger. Gr.

140 Prisca, i. antient, or old. Lat.

141 Priscilla, Acts 18.2. dim. à Prisca, i. antient or old. Lat.

142 Prudence, i. wisdome, [Page 230] knowledge, a name commonly used.


143 RAchel, [...] Gen. 29.9. i. a Sheep, properly the female, notatio est à simili.

144 Radegund, i. favourable counsel or advice. Sa.

145 Rebecca, [...] Ribkah, Gen. 24.15. i. fat, full fed, à radic. inusit. [...] hence [...] saginarium, Amos 6.4.

146 Rhode, Acts 12, 13. sic dict: à [...], Rosa, a Rose, and [...], sign: a Shrub bringing forth Roses.

147 Rosamund, in the Sa. the [Page 231] Rose of peace, or as it were Rosa mundi, i. the Rose or Flower of the World, Lat. of Rosa, a Rose, from [...], recrea­tio, confirmatio, quod ejus oder hominis spiritus recreat & con­firmat, i. because the smell of it doth strengthen and refresh the spirits of a man; vel ex [...], or from the Heb: [...] ra­sas, he sprinkled, and mundus, the world, à munditie & orna­tu, (ut Graeci) [...], à [...], from its adorning.

148 Rose, Rosa, commonly used.

149 Ruth, [...] Ruth 1. v. 4. perhaps watered or filled, from [...] ravah, he watered, &c. or as others, [...] i. brembling, Hosea 13.1.


150 SAbina, i. religious, or chast, from the Sa­bines, seu à [...], venerari, to worship. Gr.

151 Sanchia, i. holy pure, from Sanctus. Lat.

152 Sarai, [...] i. my Lady or Dame, from [...] sar; but God changed her name, Gen. 17.15. by taking away [...] jod, and adding [...] he, it is [...] Sa­rah, i. a Lady or Princess, be­cause of the promise; see the root of it in Israel in Mens names.

153 Scholastica, from [...], i. otium, leasure, from [...] sha­lah, he was at rest, as some de­rive it.

[Page 233]154 Sebaste, see Sebastian in Mens names.

(a) Shelomith [...] Lev. 24.11. i. peaceable, from [...] shalam, he was perfect, or had peace, a fit name for the femi­nine sex, to admonish them to be so, I mean, peaceable.

155 Sybil, or Sibule, quasi [...], i. the counsel of God, of [...], i. God, and [...], coun­sel. Gr.

156 Sisley, see Cicely.

157 Sophia, [...], i. wisdom. Gr.

158 Sophronia, [...], i. mo­desty.

159 Susan, [...] Shoshan, Heb: a Rose or Lilly, Cant. 2.16.


160 TAbitha, Acts 91.36. in the Syriack [...] Tabitha, i. a Roe-buck, hence she is translated [...], so Jacobs wife was named [...] so Davids wife [...] 2 Sam. 7.5.

161 Tace, i. hold peace, hust! be silent, the imperat: mood sing: from taceo, to be si­lent; and indeed it is a fit name to admonish that sex of silence.

(a) Tamar, [...] 2 Sam. 13.1. i. a Palm-tree, Psal. 92.13.

162 Thamasin, or Thomasin, from Thomas in Mens names.

163 Temperance, i. modera­tion, soberness, or refraining [Page 235] from sensuality, from tempero, to govern, qu: temporis ratio­nem habere, i. to take an account of ones time. Lat.

164 Theodosia, see Theodosius in Mens names.

165 Theophila, see Theophi­lus in Mens names.


166 VEnus, qu: ad omnes veniens, i. coming to all; a fit name for a Harlot. Lat.

167 Verosa, i. true, from ve­rus, which is composed (as Pe­rot: writes) of ve, an intensitive particle, and res, the matter, vel potius ex vi rei, i. of the strength of the matter. Lat.

[Page 236]168 Ursley, or Ursula, i. a little Bear, dim: abursus, so cal­led, quod ore suo formet fortus, Isiod: vel qu: hursus, quod horret pilis. Lat.


169 WAlburg, or War­burg, i. gratious. Ger.

170 Winifred, i. win or get peace. Germ.


171 XAnthe, of a yellow complexion. Gr.

172 Xenophila, she that loves Strangers, see Xenophilus in Mens names.

[Page 237]173 Zebiah, [...] Tzebiah, 2 King. 12.1. i. a She-Goat, or Roe, Cant: 4.5. from the root [...] tzabah, he swelled, or else as it were [...] Tzebi-jah, i. the glory or honour of the Lord, of [...] tzebi, glory or ho­nour, from [...] tzabah, as be­fore, he swelled, for honour doth as it were swell and puff up the mind with pride, and [...] jah, a name of God, being as it were contracted from [...] Je­hovah, see it in Mens names in the Letter J.

The end of the second Book, namely, of the Etymologies of Womens Names.

An Alphabetical Table of the Etymologies and Inter­pretations contained in the first Book, namely, of Mens names.


  • ABiding, persevering to the end. Name 476
  • Able counsel, or advised va­lour. Name 141
  • well Accomplished, compleat, perfect in every thing. Name 467
  • [Page]Acquiescing, willing, desiring. Name 339
  • Adding or increasing. Name 339
  • An adhering or joyning. Name 372
  • worthy to be admired. Name 37
  • good Adventure. Name 118
  • Aider or Assister. Name 231
  • Amiable or beloved. Name 156, 213, 214
  • Against or (for) all. Name 66
  • Against or (for) his Father. Name 67
  • Ah! Father. Name 20
  • A friend to All men. Name 465
  • All firm, sure, fast. Name 260
  • All glory. Name 139
  • All or good counsel. Name 180
  • All peace. Name 44
  • All rich. Name 41
  • Altogether populous. Name 367
  • bright All over. Name 42
  • [Page]All reverent or holy fear. Name 43
  • winning or getting All. Name 48
  • Alwaies rich, or powerfull. Name 53
  • All towardness. Name 249
  • All strong help. Name 519
  • Ambassadour, or one that's sent of God. Name 564
  • my Ambassadour. Name 391
  • Antient. Name 497
  • An Angry man. Name 500
  • Appointed or put. Name 533
  • Arising of the Lord in glory. Name 614
  • he Arose, or an Arising. Name 606
  • the Lord shall Arise. Name 324
  • strong God will Arise. Name 195
  • Arbitrator or Judge in Councels. Name 148
  • Ark or Teacher. Name 1
  • ingenious Artificer. Name 152
  • As an heart. Name 128
  • Asked. Name 527
  • [Page]Asked or lent of God. Name 526
  • I have Asked of God. Name 524
  • often in Authority. Name 573


  • no Bastard. Name 259
  • Band or stay of the members. Name 437
  • Baptizer. Name 97
  • Beautifull, fair, pleasant. Name 424
  • Beautifull, strong. Name 129, 109
  • Beautifull or fair help. Name 508
  • Bearing evil. Name 403
  • a Beane. Name 232
  • flourishing like the Bay-tree. Name 363
  • Begun, instructed, taught. Name 207
  • without Beginning. Name 19
  • Being, essence, simple existence, or self-subsistence. Name 327
  • mossy Bearded. Name 262, 352
  • [Page]Belonging to Bacchus. Name 170
  • Belonging to Ceres. Name 160
  • Behold ye a Son. Name 512
  • Beloved, Name 54, 487, 165, 213, 376
  • most Beloved. Name 368
  • to be Beloved. Name 370
  • Beloved of God. Name 188
  • Beloved of the Lord. Name 545
  • Black. Name 442
  • Blessed. Name 85, 107, 112, 387
  • Blessing of the Lord. Name 99
  • Blind, not seeing. Name 303, 416
  • nobly Born. Name 221
  • Born in time. Name 453
  • Born by the River Tyber. Name 567
  • Bold, powerfull, quick or speedy Learner. Name 73
  • Born of Jupiter. Name 168
  • Born of Mercury. Name 291
  • Born after his fathers death. Name 495
  • [Page]Born with a bush of hair. Name 126
  • Born in a hot Country. Name 34
  • Bold winner. Name 96
  • Brave or gallant. Name 244
  • Breach, or breaking. Name 293, 480
  • Bright, or Nobleman. Name 299
  • very Bright or famous. Name 243
  • Bright, or famous for ever. Name 181
  • Bright or famous Lord. Name 287
  • Bright or famous skill or know­ledge. Name 150
  • houshold Brightness, or light of the Family. Name 456
  • Sun Bright. Name 306
  • that Brings good tidings. Name 219
  • Bringing the people in subjecti­on. Name 361
  • that Brings profit. Name 451
  • a Brother. Name 25
  • a foolish Brother. Name 23
  • Brothers Father. Name 20
  • [Page]Brought together without mix­ture. Name 409
  • endued with Brotherly love. Name 482
  • Brought up, nourished. Name 56
  • Budding or sprouting. Name 117
  • Burthen or burthened. Name 58
  • Burthen of the Lord. Name 51
  • Burning. Name 491


  • CAptain or Leader. Name 46
  • Captain or Captivity. Name 268
  • Care. Name 459
  • Carefull, sollicitous. Name 172
  • Carrying Christ. Name 133
  • Chearfull, quiet, peaceable. Name 247
  • Child of the Lord. Name 425
  • house-Child. Name 455
  • Clean, pure, undefiled. Name 605
  • [Page]Clearness or light. Name 427
  • of a Churlish disposition. Name 371
  • Comfort or slasher. Name 308
  • Comfort or consolation of the Lord. Name 434
  • Companion. Name 280
  • Comfortod. Name 428
  • Confusion. Name 94
  • Conquering, overcoming. Name 581
  • a Conquerour. Name 594, 438
  • Conquerour of the people. Name 439, 440
  • of a Child-like or kind dispo­sition towards his Parents. Name 114
  • strange from Confusion. Name 615
  • not Considering. Name 416
  • happy Conquerour. Name 179
  • Constant, firm, sure. Name 142
  • Contention, strife. Name 417
  • Contention of the people, or one that contends and breeds strife [Page] among the people. Name 330
  • Conservation of his Father. Name 546
  • God or the Lord my Counsel. Name 393, 394
  • Counsel of Jupiter. Name 169
  • good Counsel. Name 180
  • help, Counsel. Name 507
  • famous for Counsel. Name 518, 140
  • Counsel for the Land. Name 521
  • high Counsel. Name 580
  • Counsellor. Name 411
  • Counsellor of God. Name 205
  • good Counsellor. Name 79, 220
  • Courteous in speech. Name 35
  • Courteous, civil, mannerly. Name 586
  • Covered, or Covering. Name 379
  • Crafty shifter, or wanderer. Name 275
  • Crisped or Curled hair. Name 147
  • Crown or garland. Name 549
  • Cubit. Name 493
  • Cunning workman. Name 56
  • [Page]Cut out of his Mothers womb. Name 126
  • Cutting down. Name 252
  • from the Isle Cyprus. Name 151


  • a Deceiver or Sycophant. Name 173
  • a Defender. Name 571, 283
  • a Defence to many. Name 595
  • a Defence or Ward to his kin­dred. Name 356
  • a Defender of the people. Name 368
  • Defiled. Name 568
  • my Deliverance (is from) the strong God. Name 464
  • a Destroyer. Name 69
  • Decree, Law, or Statute. Name 155
  • Delight, pleasure, or dainties. Name 183
  • Decent or comely. Name 600
  • [Page]the Lord hath Delivered. Name 404
  • Dissolving. Name 385
  • Dissolving trouble. Name 384
  • Dissolving the battel. Name 386
  • Dimness in sight. Name 125
  • Divine, Immortal. Name 52
  • Division. Name 471
  • he Divided. Name 477
  • a well Doer. Name 119
  • Drawn out. Name 423
  • that hath a Double power. Name 61
  • a Dove. Name 327
  • my Dowry (is) God. Name 603
  • the Dowry of the Lord. Name 608
  • Driving out. Name 68
  • a Drunkard. Name 95
  • a Dwelling. Name 609
  • that Dwelleth in the Woods. Name 551


  • an Eagle. Name 70
  • Ear, or hearkning of the Lord. Name 90
  • Earthly. Name 127, 24, 185
  • Eight. Name 446
  • of killing an Elephant. Name 126
  • an Enlarging. Name 328
  • Enlarging the people. Name 511
  • an Embracing. Name 276
  • Enemy of God. Name 563
  • Essence, or simple Existence. Name 327
  • the Lord will Establish. Name 319
  • Esteemed. Name 571
  • Ever rich, or rich Lord. Name 285
  • Exaltation of the Lord. Name 329, 506
  • an Excellent Father. Name 8
  • [Page]of Excellent towardness, or well reported. Name 224
  • Expositors of the Law. Name 48


  • Famous in the Earth. Name 269
  • Famous for Counsel. Name 518
  • very Famous and renowned. Name 585
  • a Famous man. Name 537
  • a Famous son. Name 101
  • a Father. Name 2
  • my Father (is) the strong God. Name 9
  • Father of help. Name 10
  • my Father (is) the Lord. Name 12
  • Father of praise. Name 11
  • my Father (is) from God. Name 13
  • my Father (is) a King. Name 14
  • a high Father. Name 16
  • [Page]Fathers Candle, or one that up­holds his Fathers family. Name 15
  • a Father of multitudes. Name 17
  • a Father of peace. Name 18
  • Father of excellency. Name 8
  • Fathers brother. Name 20
  • Fair help. Name 100
  • Fair, pure, Comely, beautifull, pleasant. Name 115, 314, 424
  • Fair and bright Form of hope. Name 307
  • my Festival day. Name 277
  • Feast of the Lord. Name 278
  • a Fellow-souldier. Name 552
  • Fifth. Name 502
  • Fighting on Horsback. Name 302
  • Fire of the Lord. Name 323, 340, 587
  • Fire of God. Name 588
  • Firm, constant. Name 226
  • Fixed Star in the Tail of the Bear. Name 83
  • [Page]Flame. Name 237
  • Flourishing. Name 238, 65
  • Flourishing excellently. Name 229
  • Flourishing like Laurel. Name 263
  • Forgetting. Name 295
  • Fortunate. Name 234, 577, 239, 228
  • Free born, or liberal. Name 241
  • a Fool. Name 426
  • a Friend. Name 504, 156
  • a Friend of God. Name 562, 189
  • From a Father. Name 418
  • Fruit. Name 132
  • Fruitfull: Name 212


  • Garland. Name 549
  • Garnished, polished, deck'd, or trim. Name 398
  • a Gatherer of the people. Name 367
  • a Gift, or Given. Name 401, 431
  • [Page]Gift of God. Name 204, 432, 559
  • Gift of the Lord. Name 402, 338
  • Mothers Gift. Name 413
  • Gift of Jupiter. Name 167
  • Given of God. Name 164, 560
  • Gentle, meek. Name 138
  • General of an Army. Name 593
  • Glory or Illumination of the Air. Name 289
  • where is the Glory? or there is no Glory. Name 218
  • the Glory, Grace or honour of his Mother. Name 414
  • Glory or honour of his Father. Name 469
  • Glory or Grace of Justice. Name 556
  • a Goat. Name 31
  • my God (is) the Father. Name 193
  • my God (is) King. Name 201
  • God (the strong God) with me. Name 55
  • or with us. Name 333
  • [Page]God (the strong God) is my strength. Name 245
  • a man of God. ibid.
  • God hath rewarded or recompen­ced me. Name 248
  • God hath brought to pass. Name 255
  • Gods peace. Name 265
  • God shall hear. Name 349
  • God of the Wood. Name 550
  • my God (is) Judge. Name 200
  • my God (is) salvation. Name 199
  • God (the strong God) my Rock. Name 616
  • God hath made. Name 190
  • God hath healed or cured. Name 509
  • God hath called. Name 132
  • God (is) witness. Name 189
  • Golden horse. Name 134
  • Golden mouth. Name 135
  • Good. Name 289
  • a Good man. Name 247
  • [Page]a Good Ruler or Governour. Name 77, 38
  • a Good Warriour. Name 80, 222
  • a Good horse. Name 78
  • a Good Counsellor. Name 79, 220
  • a Good shepherd. Name 223
  • a Goodly man. Name 76
  • Goodly disposition and toward­ness. Name 264
  • Governour of the City. Name 86
  • Governour of the people. Name 362
  • Grace or mercy of God. Name 191, 282
  • Grace or mercy of the Lord. Name 281, 334
  • a Grashopper or Locust. Name 36
  • Gratious. Name 334
  • Greatness of the Lord. Name 251
  • Grief or mourning. Name 6
  • Grey eyed. Name 125, 126, 263
  • Grossness of body. Name 144
  • [Page]Guide or Director to others. Name 274
  • a Gyant. Name 515


  • an Habitation. Name 609
  • Happy. Name 235, 377
  • Happy Help. Name 178
  • Happy Conquerour. Name 179
  • Happy or blessed Honour or power. Name 184
  • Happy or blessed peace. Name 186
  • Happy keeper. Name 187
  • Hated or oppressed with Enemies. Name 332
  • Healing or curing. Name 316
  • Healing his Father. Name 546
  • Health or Medicine. Name 84
  • Heard of God. Name 526
  • Hearing. Name 541
  • Hearkning of the Lord. Name 90
  • [Page]Heavenly. Name 448, 589
  • Help or succourer of men. Name 44
  • a Helper. Name 211, 231, 599
  • He (is) my God. Name 197
  • Help of the strong God. Name 192
  • Help of the Lord. Name 91
  • Helping Father. Name 353
  • Helmet or defence of Authority. Name 64
  • Hiding of the Lord. Name 613
  • High exalted. Name 505
  • High counsel. Name 580
  • Holy name. Name 296
  • Honest. Name 81
  • Honest counsel. Name 82
  • Honourable. Name 257, 328, 568
  • Honoured. Name 60, 571
  • Honouring. Name 570
  • Houshold peace. Name 309, 457
  • House Ruler. Name 458
  • Horn. Name 143
  • [Page]Husband, Lord, or Ruler. Name 92
  • Husbandman or Tiller of the Earth. Name 256
  • Humble. Name 470


  • Jasper stone. Name 317
  • Jehovah. Name 327
  • Illumination of the Air. Name 289
  • Immortal. Name 52, 87
  • Increasing. Name 88, 339, 146
  • Ingenious Artificer. Name 152
  • Inquiring diligently. Name 155
  • In strength. Name 129
  • Integrity. Name 342
  • an Interpreter. Name 290
  • Joyfull, solemn. Name 236
  • Joyfull peace. Name 253
  • Joyning. Name 372
  • Jove's counsel. Name 169
  • [Page]Judge or Judgement. Name 153
  • Judge in counsel. Name 148
  • Judge of the people. Name 149, 162
  • the Lord Judgeth. Name 325, 539
  • Judgement of God. Name 154
  • Just or upright. Name 354, 523, 206
  • Just Ruler. Name 165
  • Justice or righteousness of the Lord. Name 610


  • Keeping of the Lord. Name 538
  • Keeper. Name 383
  • Kerl, what it signifies. Name 132
  • of a Kind disposition towards his Kindred. Name 357
  • a King. Name 392
  • King or Governour of the people. Name 362
  • King of righteousness. Name 405
  • [Page]King the foundation of the peo­people. Name 108
  • Kingly, Noble, Royal. ibid.
  • a Kissing. Name 486
  • Knowledge of the Lord. Name 320, 322


  • a Labourer or Husbandman. Name 256
  • Lame in his feet. Name 39, 447
  • Lamp or Light. Name 435
  • Lance. Name 360
  • Laudable or praise-worthy. Name 209
  • truly Laudable. Name 218
  • Laughter. Name 343
  • Leader or Captain. Name 46
  • Lent of God. Name 526
  • a Licking people. Name 49
  • Light or clearness. Name 427
  • Light of Life. Name 492
  • [Page]Lightning. Name 98
  • morning Light. Name 381
  • Like a Lion. Name 374
  • who is like the strong God? Name 415
  • a man of a Lion-like courage. Name 365
  • Little, Low, humble. Name 470
  • a Little Kid. Name 262
  • Lively, or like to Live. Name 584
  • Lively, subtil. Name 174
  • Long Lived. Name 496, 388
  • a Lord. Name 110
  • Lord (is) Master. Name 245
  • Lord of people. Name 244
  • Lord doth help or possess. Name 321
  • Lord (is) righteous. Name 326
  • Lord judged, or (is) Judge. Name 325
  • Lord, Husband, or Ruler. Name 92
  • the Lord (is) God. Name 26
  • the Lords justice. Name 28
  • [Page]the Lord ariseth. Name 27
  • the Lord (is) good. Name 572
  • Lord (is) free or liberal. Name 336
  • Lord (is) gratious or mercifull. Name 281
  • Lord hath delivered. Name 404
  • Lord hath kept. Name 538
  • Loosing or enlarging. Name 328
  • a Lover of Virtue. Name 75
  • a Lover of Horses, or War­like. Name 488
  • a Lover of the people. Name 489
  • a Lover of Strangers. Name 490, 602
  • one that Loves to bear rule. Name 484
  • a Lover of things, or men, that are good, just, honest. Name 483
  • Love of Arms. Name 278


  • MAgnificence of the Lord. Name 251
  • Majestical, honourable. Name 528, 89
  • Man, red, earthly. Name 24
  • Man, mortal man, or man sub­ject to many miseries. Name 208
  • Man of victory. Name 63
  • a Man of fire. Name 500
  • Man of shame. Name 345
  • Man excelling in virtues. Name 292
  • Man of no use or profit. Name 111
  • Manly, valiant, stout. Name 62
  • Mannerly. Name 586
  • Making no noyse. Name 543
  • Martial, stout, warlike. Name 398, 399
  • Master of Flyes. Name 93
  • Master of the Horses. Name 74
  • Mastick. Name 379
  • [Page]a Mediate runner. Name 408
  • Memory of the Lord. Name 604
  • a Merchant. Name 130
  • Merry, pleasant, fair. Name 210, 279
  • Mighty, powerfull, or strong. Name 579, 582
  • more Mighty. Name 400
  • Mindfull of God. Name 561
  • Modest, moderate. Name 419
  • Montanous and solitary life. Name 452
  • a Moor. Name 421
  • Most high. Name 176
  • Most true and trusty. Name 576
  • Mourning. Name 6
  • Much peace. Name 596
  • Much power. Name 597


  • NAughty man. Name 111
  • a Net. Name 375
  • [Page]a Nobleman. Name 292
  • Noble or bright pledge. Name 261
  • Noble and renowned. Name 203
  • Nobly born. Name 221
  • No friend. Name 92
  • Nrurished. Name 575, 56
  • Nourished of Jupiter. Name 271
  • Nourished by Goats. Name 30


  • OBedient. Name 543
  • Of or from a Father. Name 418
  • Olive tree a sign of gladness. Name 449
  • Oppressed with enemies. Name 332
  • an Opening. Name 128
  • Orphan. Name 342
  • Overcoming. Name 581
  • Overcoming by riding. Name 300
  • Our aid. Name 47
  • Outlandish. Name 475


  • PAlm tree a sign of victory and renown. Name 463
  • Passeover. Name 466
  • Passage. Name 182
  • that hath power over his Pas­sion. Name 273
  • Peaceable. Name 545
  • Peace offering of the Lord. Name 535
  • Perfect son. Name 106
  • Perfect, compleat in every thing. Name 467
  • Perfection, integrity. Name 342
  • Perswader or Counsellor. Name 422
  • Physician. Name 84
  • Pilgrim or Stranger. Name 593
  • Pious, religious. Name 225
  • People of God. Name 196
  • Portion of the Lord. Name 284
  • [Page]Possession of the Load. Name 321
  • Potent over people. Name 567
  • of a Potent disposition. Name 517
  • Power, strength. Name 145
  • Praise. Name 32
  • true Praise, honour, or re­nown. Name 217
  • Praise or thankfulness. Name 531
  • Praising God. Name 390
  • Praise of my God. Name 198
  • Prince of God, or Prevailing with the strong God. Name 350
  • a Prince of the Lord. Name 540
  • Prince of strangers. Name 601
  • he is Prince of Babylon. Name 615
  • Prince of war. Name 72
  • Prince of honour. Name 137
  • Prince of the people. Name 71, 57, 158
  • Profitable. Name 450
  • Prudent. Name 310
  • [Page]Promoting his Father to honour. Name 468
  • Prosperous, successfull. Name 529
  • Purchase or possession. Name 355, 22
  • Purchase or possession of God. Name 202
  • Pure, clean, undefiled. Name 605
  • Pure peace. Name 513, 240


  • QUiet peace. Name 510
  • Quiet. Name 519
  • Quitting or setting men free. Name 383


  • one whose Reason fails him. Name 246
  • Rebellious. Name 312
  • Red. Name 271
  • [Page]Red, earthly. Name 185
  • Redemption of the strong God. Name 472
  • Refuge of the people. Name 373
  • Religious. Name 225
  • Rest. Name 443, 396
  • Revenger. Name 479
  • there is a Reward. Name 346
  • Rich or wealthy. Name 29
  • Rich in peace. Name 242
  • Rich or powerfull in God. Name 226
  • Rich Lord. Name 286
  • Rich in people. Name 558
  • Righteousness of the Lord. Name 326
  • Rising or lifting up. Name 380
  • a Rock or stone. Name 478, 131
  • one that Rules the people. Name 161
  • Running water. Name 565


  • SAcred peace. Name 598
  • a Sacrifice. Name 607
  • Sad, sorrowfull. Name 574
  • Safe and sound strength, or a mighty or powerfull Saviour. Name 548
  • a Safe father. Name 547
  • Salvation. Name 305
  • Salvation of the Lord. Name 344
  • Saved from the waters. Name 423
  • Saviour, or Salvation. Name 341
  • a Seaman. Name 420
  • See ye, behold ye a Son. Name 512
  • Seeking or inquiring diligently. Name 155
  • Severe. Name 215
  • Seventh. Name 532
  • Shrill voyce. Name 122
  • [Page]Shoulder, tombe or heape of stones. Name 531
  • Shamefull man. Name 345
  • Servant of the Lord. Name 444
  • Serving, or he who serveth. Name 445
  • a Servant, work, or workman. Name 3
  • Servant, or work of the strong God. Name 4
  • Servant, or work of light. Name 5
  • Silent. Name 543
  • Sincere or pure love. Name 514
  • Sixth. Name 534
  • Smitten. Name 414
  • Smith. Name 233
  • Soft haired. Name 352
  • Son of oppression, or Dove. Name 102
  • Son of a Prophet, or Consolation. Name 103
  • Son of Rest. Name 104
  • [Page]Son of him that hangeth up the waters. Name 105
  • Son of my right hand. Name 113
  • Sons of Thunder. Name 123
  • Souldier. Name 124
  • Sound of mind, modest, wise, temperate. Name 544
  • a Son of visions. Name 512
  • Sparing the people. Name 159
  • Spousal of God. Name 561
  • Strange, outlandish. Name 475
  • Stranger at Babel. Name 615
  • Strength. Name 12, 590
  • Strength of God. Name 295, 462
  • Strength of men. Name 406
  • Strength or fortitude. Name 437
  • Strength of the Lord. Name 461
  • Stout, martial, warlike. Name 399
  • Strong, mighty. Name 582
  • Strong, mighty, puissant redem­ption or redeemer. Name 473
  • [Page]Sun Name 492
  • Sun bright. Name 306
  • little Sun. Name 525
  • Supplanter. Name 211
  • Swift, fierce, terrible. Name 269


  • a Tamer of Horses. Name 301
  • a Teacher. Name 1
  • Tedious. Name 366
  • Temperate. Name 419
  • Ten. Name 157
  • Testimony of the strong God. Name 189
  • Thrice the greatest. Name 573
  • Thick. Name 144
  • Third. Name 554
  • There the second time. Name 525
  • Thunder of the Lord. Name 503
  • Troubler. Name 21
  • Troop. Name 246
  • Tombe. Name 531
  • [Page]Twin. Name 566, 166
  • Tyrant, or wicked King. Name 578


  • VAnity. Name 7
  • Very high. Name 553
  • Victorious. Name 592, 250
  • Victorious in God. Name 267
  • Victorious peace. Name 530
  • Victorious man. Name 438
  • Vigilant, watchfull. Name 270
  • Virtuous. Name 75
  • Unfortunate. Name 359


  • VVArlike. Name 309, 488
  • a Warriour. Name 498
  • Wart on the forehead. Name 136
  • White. Name 358, 40
  • [Page]White Daffodil. Name 430
  • Willing, desiring. Name 331
  • Willing defender. Name 595
  • Without wit or sense. Name 121
  • Wolf. Name 611
  • Wonderfull. Name 470
  • Working. Name 216
  • Worthy to be beholded. Name 304
  • my Wrestling, or the son of my Wrestling. Name 429


  • YOung Emperour or Gover­nour. Name 433
  • Young Souldier. Name 436

An Additional Table to the former.

  • the Abiding of the Lord. page 166. (c)
  • an Accuser, or Adversary. page 163. b.
  • Against or for the Anointed. page 24. x.
  • the Almighty (is) my Rock. page 192. b.
  • the Anger of the Lord. page 76. b.
  • the Anointed, i. Christ. page 120. d.
  • the Apprehension or possession of the Lord. page 16. k.
  • the Baptism of the Lord. page 173. a.
  • [Page]Black. page. 44. (b)
  • Bounty of the Lord. page 77. c.
  • the, or my Brothers counsel. page 17. n.
  • my Brother (is) good. page 18. q.
  • the, or my Brothers help. page 17. m.
  • my Brother (is) a King. page 17. o.
  • my Brother (is) a Prince, or liberal. page 18. p.
  • Bringing. page 104. g.
  • Bringing light. page 111. a.
  • the Building of the Lord. page 36. b.
  • a Bush hid in secret. page 162. a.
  • the choosing of the Lord. page 137. c.
  • a Cloud, prophecy, or divina­tion. page 23. w.
  • Compassionate. page 37. c.
  • Decked with tinkling ornaments. page 198. a.
  • [Page]my Delight (is) in her. page 217. (a)
  • Destruction, or the place of De­struction. page 2. a.
  • an Enemy hid in secret. page 163. a.
  • the Exaltation of God. page 73. d.
  • my, or the Fathers gleaning. page 5. b.
  • a Father of knowledge. page 5. c.
  • my Father (is) Judge. page 5. d.
  • my Father (is) free, or libe­ral, or a Prince. page 7. e.
  • the Father of crying. page 8. g.
  • my Father (is) high, or exal­ted. page 8. f.
  • the Father of salvation. page 9. g.
  • a Fellow-souldier. page 173. [...]
  • Fertility, fruitfulness. page 213. a.
  • Forsaken. page 204 b.
  • [Page]For or against Christ. p. 24. (x)
  • a Free or liberal people. 21. u.
  • Fruit. 41. *.
  • a Goat or Roe. 219. a.
  • Glory or honour of the Lord. 173
  • God (the strong God) hath bles­sed. 33. a.
  • God (the strong God) liveth. 83. e.
  • God will bring back. 55. b.
  • God (is) my God, or my God (is) strong. 55. c.
  • my God (is) admirable, or wonderfull. 56. e.
  • my God (is) deliverance. 56. f.
  • God (the strong God) (is) my help. 64. g.
  • God will work. 87. a.
  • God (the strong God) will strengthen me. 88. b.
  • [Page]God (the strong God) hath raised him up. p. 106. (a)
  • God (is) my Shepherd. 157. c.
  • God (the strong God (is) my wit­ness. 12. i.
  • the Habitation of the Lord. 166. c.
  • my Help. 65. i.
  • a High people. 21. t.
  • It is the strong God. 100. f.
  • a Keeper. 170. g.
  • the Kings servant. 51. a.
  • Know ye God. 48. c.
  • the Light of the Lord. 131. b.
  • the Lord (is) my strength or tower. 114. b.
  • the Lord shall hear. 100. c.
  • [Page]the Lord hath heard. p. 160. (e)
  • the Lord (is) high. 91. d.
  • the Lords brother. 17. l.
  • the Lord hath wrought. 25. y.
  • the Lord (is) my pillar, base, or foundation. 42. a.
  • a Lover of Learning. 143. b.
  • a Lover of the Word, i. Christ. ibid.
  • a Man, or strong. 72. b.
  • Mercifull. 76. a. 156. b.
  • the Mercy of the Lord. 77. c.
  • my Name (is) knowledge. 169. f.
  • Near or nigh to the Lord. 65. h.
  • a Palm-tree. 234. a.
  • Peaceable. 233. a.
  • [Page]a Peace-maker. p. 167. (d)
  • a Prince, or liberal. 128. a.
  • the Poor of the Lord. 45. a.
  • a Queen. 126. a.
  • a Rams horn. 104. g.
  • a Rebel. 132. c.
  • Regarding the poor. 45. b.
  • a Revealer of secrets. 187. a.
  • Righteous. 88. c.
  • the Salvation of the Lord. 84. h.
  • Save now I pray thee. 84. g.
  • a Saviour. 167 d.
  • Seeing God. 143. a.
  • the Sight of the Lord. ibid.
  • the Son of the Lord. 36. b.
  • Sparing the people. 20. r.
  • a She-Goat or Roe. name 173
  • [Page]Strength or power of the Lord. page 20. s. 26. z. 114. b.
  • a Stranger. page 73. c.
  • a Stranger there. page 72. a.
  • Sweet Perfume or Incense. page 220. a.
  • the Thanks-offering of the Lord. page 83. f.
  • a Trumpet. page 104. g.
  • the Vision of the Lord. page 155. a.
  • the Voyce of the Lord. page 107. b.
  • Upright. page 88. e.
  • he that Withdraws (himself) from our eyes. page 144. c.
  • a Willing Brother. page 18. p.
  • the Witness of the Lord. page 12. h.
  • the Work of the Lord. page 114. a.

An Alphabetical Table of the Etymologies and Inter­pretations contained in the second Book, namely, of Womens names.


  • AFfable. 32
  • truly Amiable: 76
  • Amiable or lovely. 109
  • Antient or old. 140
  • Alwaies one. 43
  • coming to All. 166
  • favourable Advice. 144


  • BArbarous. 21
  • Bay tree. 45
  • a Bean. 65
  • a Bee. 47
  • Beautifull. 127
  • Belonging to Bacchus. 48
  • Beloved. 9, 10, 35
  • Better. 104
  • Bitter, very sad. 116, 117
  • Blessed. 25, 26, 110
  • Bridle. 105
  • Bride. 33
  • Bright or famous. 28
  • Bright, fair, clear. 40
  • Brotherly love. 134
  • Born in Lydia. 108
  • Bounty. 36


  • CHast, undefiled. 5
  • Charity, love, bounty. 36
  • Christian profession. 38
  • Clear, manifest. 40
  • Coming to all. 166
  • Conqueror of men. 125
  • Constant, firm, sure. 43
  • Counsel. 119
  • Counsel of God. 155


  • DAughter of an Oath. 22
  • Daughter of crying. 23
  • Daughter of the Lord. 30
  • Dear, beloved, favoured, pre­tious. 35
  • Defendress. 8
  • Dimness in sight. 39
  • Discipline or learning. 105


  • EAsy to be intreated. 131
  • Emeraud stone. 122
  • she that Entertains many strangers. 139
  • whose Eyes are sprinkled with the Dew. 55


  • FAir, bright, or clear. 40. 126
  • Fair countenance. 83
  • my Fair maiden. 109
  • Faith. 68
  • Fathers joy. 1
  • Fathers ignorance or errour. 2
  • Famous for counsel. 41
  • Fat, full fed. 145
  • Favourable counsel or advice. 144
  • Flame. 72
  • Flourishing like the Laurel. 100
  • Flourishing, or prosperous. 70
  • Fortune. 73
  • [Page]very, or truly Free. 75
  • Free born. 72


  • GAin. 107
  • Gift of God. 52
  • Given of God. 164
  • Giver of help. 59
  • a she Goat. 51
  • the Glory of her Father or Country. 42
  • God hatd avenged. 15
  • Good or honest. 4
  • Grace. 81
  • Grace of the Lord. 87, 89
  • Gratious or mercifull. 85, 87, 169
  • Good, favourable. 32
  • that hath a Good name and re­port. 65
  • Green. 37
  • Grey eyed. 39, 78, 79
  • Grey Lady. 82


  • HAppy. 69
  • Happiness. 56, 66
  • Heavenly. 129
  • Help or stay of her kindred. 96
  • Helper of men. 7
  • Hidden. 60
  • Hold, peace, bust! 161
  • House of the Lord. 30
  • How Good (is) God? 120


  • INcreasing, flourishing. 112
  • Inflaming men with love. 34
  • Impoverished. 46
  • Joyfulness or mirth. 103
  • Judgement. 50
  • Justice of the people. 98


  • KInd, courteous, bounti­full. 27


  • LAdy or Mistris of the Sea. 116
  • my Lady, and a Lady or Prin­cess. 152
  • Lady in defence. 19
  • Little, pretty golden Lady. 20
  • Lascivious, lustfull, wanton. 97, 130
  • Leisure. 153
  • Laurel or Bay-tree. 45, 99
  • a Lilly or Rose. 159
  • Little Kid. 78
  • Little Bear. 168
  • a Little Wife. 44
  • a Little Bay-tree. 101
  • a Little Stone. 132
  • Little Leaf. 136
  • Living or giving life. 63
  • Long Lived. 111
  • one that Lives solitary. 12
  • [Page]Lovely, or amiable. 109
  • a Lover of Horses. 135
  • a Lover of God. 165
  • a Lover of Strangers. 172


  • MAjestical. 154
  • Magnified or exalted. 112
  • Man-like or stout Woman. 49
  • Margarite, a pretious Pearl. 114
  • Marjorum. 115
  • Merry, pleasant. 90
  • Messenger. 13
  • Mistris. 14
  • Modest, temperate. 123
  • Modesty. 158
  • Moon. 138
  • Morning light. 106


  • NOble, or descended from Princes. 3, 8
  • Noble advise. 18, 62
  • Noble keeper. 61
  • Noble born. 64
  • Noble or honourable Lady of the Maids. 118


  • the Oath of my God. 58
  • Olive tree. 128
  • Old, antient. 140


  • PEace or quiet rest of my God. 58
  • Pitifull. 57
  • Pleasant. 24, 90
  • Polished, deck'd. 113
  • Poor, impoverished. 46
  • Praise, or Praising. 47
  • [Page]Praising or confessing. 93
  • Pretious. 35
  • Pretious Pearl. 114
  • Pure, chast, undefiled. 94


  • REjoycing of the Father. 1
  • Religious, chast. 150
  • Rich, noble, and liberal mans daughter. 23
  • a Roe-Buck. 51, 160
  • Rose. 148
  • Rose or Lilly. 159
  • Rose, or Shrub. 146
  • Rose of peace, or Rose or Flower of the world. 147


  • SAvage, inhumane, of a strange tongue. 21
  • Sea of bitterness. 116
  • a Sheep. 143
  • Soft haired. 92
  • [Page]Strength or Defendress of her Kindred. 95
  • Sweet. 54, 80
  • Sweet and fair Maiden. 53
  • Stranger. 84
  • Sweet honey. 121


  • TEmperance, moderation. 163
  • Trembling. 149
  • True. 167
  • Truth. 6
  • Time for the Lord. 17


  • Virtue. 16


  • VVAnton, lascivious. 130
  • Waterd or filled. 149
  • Weary, or wearisomness. 102
  • Well spoken of. 65
  • White, or fair. 31
  • [Page]Wisdom, knowledge. 158, 143
  • Win or get peace. 170
  • Woe! to the dwelling. 91
  • Word or speech. 47


  • of a Yellow complexion. 171

The Conclusion.

Si quod in hocce meo jam restat quod tibi cordi est,
Haud mihi reddatur, Gloria tota Deo,

That is,

If in this Work here any thing remains,
That pleaseth thee, the praise to God per­tains.
E. L.

Additions to the first Book.

PAg. 34. lin. 2. &c. Adde to the name Barjesus, Or else as it were [...] barjeshang, i. the son of salvation, of [...] bar, Chald. a son, and [...] jeshang, salvation; see the root p. 9. l. 5. Adde also to the name Bartimaeus, p. 35. l. 7. Jerome saith it should be written Barsemeus, which in the Syriack signifies a blind son, or the son of blindness, and that he was so called because he was born blind, see Mark 10. v. 46. Pag. 168. l. 4. &c. Yea some of the Rabbies do not dissent from this exposition of the word; and others, as Aben Ezra, R. Bechai, &c. say it is the same as [...] beno, i. his son, which exposition is not lightly to be re­garded (for they acknowledge the place to be spoken of the Messias) although the Jews generally do de­ny that our Christ is the Messiah that was to come. See Buxtorfius Lexicon, pag. 812. Basileae. 45.

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