IT is desired that all Ministers in London, the Liberties, and within the Lines of Communication doe this Sabbath day blesse God that hee hath beene pleased to heare our Prayers in the behalf of our Army; and hath given the Parliament a glorious Victory, killed many, taken many Prisoners, the Standard with the Ramping Lyon in Gold, with the Crown upon it taken, and Colonell Crumwell pursuing; the Fight began on Saturday the 14. of Iune, about 12 a clock at noon, and held a terrible fight for about half an houre: and it is reported in the pursuit Prince Rupert is taken.
15. June, 1645. It is desired that all the ministers in London, the liberties, and within the lines of communication doe this Sabbath day blesse God that hee hath beene pleased to heare our prayers in the behalf of our army ...
Author: City of London (England). Lord Mayor.1645
Iune, 1645.
Tho. Atkin Major.