IN pursuance of the Order of the Honorable Committee of Parliament It is desired by the Committee of Common-councell of London, That the Minister and Church-wardens, with the assistance of other inhabitants of the respective Parishes within the Province of London, doe on Wednesday next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, make an exact return at the Guild-hall London, of all the Lands, Houses, and Impropriations belonging to Deans and Chapters lying within their severall Parishes, and in what street and Parish the same doth lye, and what rent so neer as they can learn is paid to the said Deanes and Chapters for the same, and to what Deans and Chapters the same doth belong, and who is the immediate Tenant to the said Deans and Chapters, and for what term to come; and likewise, whether their Parsonage be an Impropriation or not, and if it bee, then who hath the inheritance of the Impropriation: To the intent, That the said Committee of Common-councell may give full satisfaction to the said Committee of Parliament, concerning the perticulars aforesaid.
this 9
th. of
November, 1648.
Tho. Lathum Cler.
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