The chief ARTICLES of the PEACE, concluded betwixt the Em­peror, Empire, and France.

I. THat there shal be an Universal and Everlasting Peace betwixt them, and their Heirs and Successors; so that the one shal not Assist the Enemies, or Rebellious Subjects of the other. II. An Amnesty for ever. III. The Treaties of Westphalia and Nimeguen being the founda­tion of this Treaty, they shal be faithfully executed in every thing, but what is here altered. IV. All places taken during the War, and all the Re-unions out of Alsace, shal be Restored; but the Romish Religion shal remain in the Places where it now is. V. Trier is to be restored, with Cannon, &c. as it is at present. The Elector of Brandenburg, and all his Dominions are in­cluded, according to the Treaty in 1679. VI. All shall be restored to the E­lector of Palatine, the Duches of Orleance's Pretentions being left to the Arbi­tration of the Emperor and the King of France; the Pope to be Umpire if they can't agree, and the Elector mean while, to pay her 100000 Florens per Annum. VII. The Duchy of Deuxponts is to be restored to Sweden, with its Artillery, Records, &c. VIII. The Principality of Veldentz, and the Pals­grave of Lodowicks Lands in the Principality of Lautern, to be restor'd. IX. All Lands, Revenues, and Commendams, to the great Master of the Teuto­nick Order in France and else where, to the Bishop of Worms the like. X. The Town and Castle of Dinant, to the Bishop of Liege, with its Cannon and De­pendencies, and the Re-unions. XI. All shall be restored to the House of Wirtemberg; and particularly, to Duke George, the County of Monbeliard, and all his Possessions in Burgundy, whithout paying Homage to France, except for the Village of Baldenheim. XII. The House of Baden shall have the bene­fit of the Treaties of Westphalia and Nimeguen. XIII. The Counts of Nas­saw, Hanaw, and Leiningen, shall have all restored them. XIV. Strasburg, and what belongs to it on the Left-hand side of the Rhine, shall remain to France; and the Inhabitants, and other belonging to the Empire, shall have liberty to remove themselves and Estates elsewhere in a Years time: The Ec­clesiastical Jurisdiction to remain as it was, without any further molestation. XV. Fort-Kyel restored to the Emperor and Empire; and the Forts on the Rhine, and in the Islands, demolished at the charge of the French. XVI. The Towns and Castle of Friburg, the Forts of St. Peter and Star, and all those in the Black-forrest, Brisgaw, and the Vallies of Lehen, &c. restored to the Emperor as they are. XVII. Brisack, with all its Dependencies, the like; and the Forts on the Left of the Rhine dimolished. XVIII. All those shal be restor'd to the Emperor in 38 days after the Ratifica­tion. XIX. Philipsburg, with the Forts on the Right of the Rhine, and the Cannon formerly belonging to the Emperor, shal be restor'd. XX. The Forts over against Hunninguen, and the Bridge there, demolish'd. XXI. The like at Fort-Louis. XXII. The Forts by the Castle Traerbach and Montroyal de­molish'd. XXIII. The Kurburger Fort the like; and the Prince of Salm, and the Rhingraves and Wildgraves, shal be restor'd to Kirn, and their other Pos­sessions. Eberenburg, after the new Works are demolish'd, shal be restored to the Barons of Sickingen. XXIV. The Duke of Lorain is to be included in the Treaty, and put in full possession of all that Duke Charles had in 1670 Old and New Nancy, with the Cannon that was in them, restor'd; but the Walls of New-Town demolish'd. Bitch and Homburg are to be dismantled [Page 2]and restored. The Duke shal have all the Re-unions in the 4th Article. Sa ar-Louis, with half a Mile round, is to be left to France, as also Longuick for an Equivalent., The French are to have a free passage through Lorain to the Frontires. The Church Benefices to be enjoyed by the present possessors All past Judgments in Law in Lorrain are to be Ratified. All the Archives of Lorain and Bar restor'd. The Duke is to send Commissioners to take the Government immediatly after the Ratification. The Agreement in 1678. a­bout the Tolls shall stand. There shall be a free Commerce betwixt Lorrain, Mets, Toul and Veaduin. All former Agreement 'twixt the Kings of France and Dukes of Lorrain shall stand good, The Duke and his Brother may pur­sue their former pretensions by Law, nothwithstanding any former Sentences against them while they were dispossessed. The Duke and his Subjects may take their own Methods for restoring their Vassals. XXV. Cardinial Furstemburg shall be restored to all that belonged to him, as a Prince of the Empire, and Bishop of Strasburg, on the French side the Rhine, and have a General Amnesty for himself, and the Cannons that follow'd him, but the latter are not to be restor'd. XXVI. The Landtgraves of Hesse-Reinfelt, are included in the Peace, and to be restor'd to Rhinfelt and Lower-Catznellebogen, with a Salvo for the Rights of the Landtgrave of Hesse-Cassel. XXVII. The Sub­jects on both sides, Ecclesiasticks and Laiks, Universities, &c. are to be re­stored to all they enjoyed before the War; and Church Benefice, are to re­main to the present Possessors. XXVIII. The Treaty betwixt France and Sa­voy in 1696. is Ratify'd; and all that was agreed to Savoy by the Peace of VVestphalia and Nimeguen. And France shall be obliged to pay the Duke of Mantua 494000...... notwithstanding the restitution of Pignerol. XXIX. No new Right shall accrue to any Person by the Restitution of any thing by France. XXX. All Hostilities shall cease immediatly on the Signing of the Treaty, Prisoners be restored, the Troops on both sides retire, and all Archives and Papers, especially those of the Chamber of Spires, restor'd. Contri­butions are to cease, and Trade open as before the War. XXXI. Every thing in this Treaty shall be faithfully executed, notwithstanding any thing that may be alledged to the contrary. XXXII. Either Party is at liberty to raise Forteresses in their own Dominions, except as here excepted, and to make Alliances without breaking the Peace. XXXIII. The Crown of Swedden is by Name included in this Treaty. XXXIV. On behalf of the Emperour and Empire, are included all other Electors, Princes, States, and Fiefs of the Empire, particularly the Bishop and Bishoprick of Basel, the 13. Swiss Can­tons and their Allies, Geneva, and Newfchatel by Name, the three Grison Leagues, &c. XXXV. On the behalf of France, the 13. Swiss Cantons and their Allies, and the Voltoline. And all those whom both sides shall think fit to Name, in six Months after the Ratification. XXXVI. The Ratifications is to be exchanged in six Weeks: And by a separate Article is is agreed, That if the Emperor and France cannot agree about the Duchess of Orleance's pre­tensions to the Palatinate, then the Popes Decision shall be put in Execution.

There remain several things still to be adjusted, as to the Affairs of Religion, for which there are six Weeks time allowed. Conferences are held upon that Subject every Day, and divers Princes of the Empire have deferr'd Signing till they see the Issue of that Affair.

Re-printed at Edinburgh by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His Most Excellent Majestie, 1697.

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