Mr. Knight, Strange and Amazeing Prophesys, for three Years to come.
ACcording to the Documents of the great Masters in this Doctrine, we are to account the Planet chief Ruler of an Eclipse, that hath most essential Dignities in the place of the Eclipse, and Angel succeeding.
This Eclipse is in Virgo, wherein the Planet Mercury hath 5 Dignities, for it's being in his House, 4 Dignities for Exaltation therein and 1 Dignity for being in his Face; which in all makes 10 Testimonies for him.
[Page 4] The Angle succeeding this Eclipse, is the ascendent, wherein Venus hath 5 Dignities, for it's being in her House, and Saturn hath 4 Dignities, for having Exaltation therein; and so we find by these Rules, those 3 Planets concerned in the Government of this Eclipse, according to whose several Significations, it's Effects will be But according to my Judgment, we must admit Jupiter for a Co- [...]artner, he being exalted in the 10th, beholding both the Luminaries, and disposeth of the Sun in Pisces.
From the Regnancy of Mercury, we may expect to hear of much Subtilty, and Craftiness, among Men, many cunning and underhand Projects in the World busy Sects and Schisms, much Writing, Printing and Prating, for which many will suffer; because Mercury is very weak, being in Detrement and Fall: Bad Trading, many Losses and Crosses by Sea and Land, much windy and wet Weather.
From Venus we may hear of many great Marriages and Courtships; and so much the more, she being in Sextile to Mars, Lord of the Seventh, it also s [...]gnifies much suing for Peace, and good Correspondence where there are appearances of Breaches.
From Saturn we may look for many cold bleak Storms and Tempests this Summer, dark and cloudy Gusts, many Agues and lingring Diseases Want and Pe [...]y in several Places, by reason of Ingrosing and Fore-stalling Commodities.
From Jupiter we expect many Law suits and Religious Controversies, strong and sturdy Debates among High and Low, great Thwartings, and Contradictions in Counsels▪ 'twill be well if all Places keep from Mutinies and Publick Breaches: many fierce Storms of Hail and Rain; also much Thunder and Lightning in many Places.
From the Position of Mars in the Eclipse, we expect much Drought, violent Heat, great Fires and Fevers, furirus Routs, Tumults, and Commotions.
But we may well hope from the Sextile of Mars and Venus, and also the strong Sextile of Saturn and Jupiter; that whatsoever Mischiefs may be Hatch'd, [...]omented or Design'd to amuse, amaze, and Disturb the Repose and Quiet of Europe in General, or any particular Kingdom, State, or Republick therein, they will be counter-mined and counter-manded by the sage and solid Advice Care and Castigation, of the more Honest and Faithful Patrons and Patrons of their Countrey they Live in, and in which they have good Propriety, and honourable Settlement, well minding, that a change will be for the worse, and not for the better; (as some vainly imagine) for when Saturn and Jupiter change their Signs, they both get on the worse side of the Hedge.
This Eclipse began in the Ascendant, the Moon rose decreasing in her Light, she received her greatest Obscuration in the 12th. House and recovers her Light in the 11th. House: Thus much then may be inferr'd from the Premises, that it's effects will begin with distrubing the Bodies and Miads of the common People, go on unto Arrests and Imprisonments, secret Plots and Projects against Princes and Principal Men; for the Moon is Lady of [Page 5] the 10th House; much Sorrow and Trouble to great Ladies, great Contrivances against true Religion and it's Professors; but it stands firm maugre the Malice of Men and Devils, and Justice notably Retaliates upon great and small their just Demerits; let all Plotters therefore be quiet.
As this Eclipse is in an Earthy Sign it signifies Earth-quakes. Barrenness of the Earth, and Breaches in such Banks and Mud-walls as are made to keep out Water.
As it is in a Humane Sign, it threatens damage to Men.
As it is in a Winged Sign, it denotes 4 Destruction of Birds, and especially Tame Fowl, and such as Men feed on.
As it is in the 12th House, it signifies damage to the greater sort of Cattle.
As it is near the East, it signifies hurt to Youth, and youthful things.
And Authors say. That an Eclipse of the Moon Vespertine, doth much augment it's effects; which I believe, will prove true.
As for the Countries most subject to the influence of an Eclipse, it will be wheresoever the Eclipse is Visible; and also to those Countries, Cities, and Towns, under the Sign wherein the Eclipse is; and to those places under the Eclipse's Circle of Position.
According to the mind of the Ancients, this Eclipse should not begin to manifest it's influence, until about three Months from the time of the Eclipse, which will bring us to the 5th day of June; from whence, if we account three Months for the Duration of it's effects, we shall find that June, July, and August, are the Months allotted for the manifestation of of it's Influence: Therefore, from a sickly and troublesome Summer, Good Lord deliver us.
But most modern Artists that I have Converst with by Sea or Land do believe, that Eclipses do operate from the very time of the Eclipse; and, that if an Eclipse be in a moveable Sign, it's Influence does then hold out but so many Months for the Moon, and so many Tears for the Sun, as they are eclipsed Hours; but in a fixed Sign so many 2 Months, or so many 2 Years; and in a common Sign so many six Weeks, or Yerrs and half.
In the Lunar Eclipse, the Angles were all moveable; but in this they are all fixed: So that as that signified much Celerity, Haste, and Expedition, this imports much Tediousness and Tergiversation; but as this Eclipse is in a moveable Sign, it will stimulate many sudden and hasty Evils; and as the other signified unsteddy and uncertain Conclusions, this implies much Constancy and firm Resolution either to good or Evil.
We here find Mars and Saturn Governours of this Eclipse, and a good Goverment it alwtys proves when two such prime Steers rule the Roast, but the best on't is, they can't agree about the Business.
Mars is sole Ruler of the Angle succeeding the Eclipse; he having 5 Dignities for it's being his House, 3 for having his Triplicity therein, and 1 for his Face, whlch in all makes 9 Testimonies.
In the Sign wherein the Eclipse is, Saturn hath 4 Dignities for having his Exaltation, 3 for his Triplicity, and 2 for his Term, which in all makes 9 Testimonies; also for his share in the matter.
From Mars we expect much Drouth, Thunder, and Lightning, Fiers, and Fevers, Fiery and thundering Passions in the minds of Men, intestine Broils, and Discords, the Wrath and Fury of Kings and Princes, sudden Deaths, and Dangers, many Violations, and Combustions, many Impieties and Impurities in use among Men.
[Page 7]From Saturn we look for much cold Weather, many Frights, and Fears, Fewds, and Annimosities, long lasting Diseases, Exiles, and Deaths, Scarcity, and Want, dark Air, and dark Actions, much Sorrow, and Sadness, cruel Servitude, and Poverty, grievous Tempests, and Ship-wracks, damage to Springs, and Fountains, many mournful aad sad Calamities.
During the whole time of the Eclipse, Mars boldly abides in the 10th and 9th Houses; and Saturn lurks in the 4th and 3d Houses. Governments will find their foreign and domestick Enemies Active; and Religion will find it's foreign and domestick Enemies very Vigilant too.
This direful and ireful Opposition of the two malevolent Planets, imports many dismal and furious Actions, and Accidents, strong Surmises, and great Surprizes, great Routs, and Rumors, violent and treacherous Counsels, and Consults, deep and dangerous Conspiracies against Governours and Governments, insolent Insults, and Insurrections, a great Propensity to the breach of Articles, and Leagues of Friendship, great Plots, and Counter-Plots, mighty Fatiegues, and Harrasings, very audatious and fatal Commotions, foul and turbulent Weather.
But blessed be GOD, there is much Honey to be mixed with the Gall; for we have honest Jove casting his Powerful Trine to Mars, and his Sextile to Saturn; good and able Men will be doing their utmost to moderate all Differences, and compose Disorders, not denying the use of their Counsels, Persons, and Purses for such good Purposes; many therefore, will be the Treats as well as Threats among Princes, and Persons of the Superior Order, much Business, and Bustles.
Much business I say, there will be among both good and bad Men: Bad Men will be mighty active in disturbing the peace and quiet of those Countries they live in, and troubling the Government they live under, and that with mighty hopes of success: But alas, Clubs and Cabals made by an Opposition, rarely prove successful; for they are always fearful of each other; and when the matter comes to a pinch, happy is he that can first betray the rest, and save himself. Indeed Oppositions are good Aspects for fair Fighting, but stark nought for foul Plotting. Good Men will also be vigilant in foreseeing those evils, and Fishing out thei dismal effects.
From the Position of Mars in the 10th in Leo, and near co [...] Leonis, we may expect to hear of many great Spirits rampant, Grandees vexed with imperious Subjects, and many such poor Subjects, as much perplexed with the severity of their Princes; grievous complaints of Hostilities, Impositions, and hard Usage; much Thunder in the Air, also very bold and thundering expressions among Men.
From the Position of Saturn in the 4th in Aquary, we may look for deep and dark Contrivances against Governours, strong and sturdy means used to undermine Governments, the ruine and downfal of Buildings, Earthquakes and cold Blasts, doing much mischief to Corn in the Ground when there are great porspects of a good Crop; much damage to Springs, Fountains, asd Water-courses, Conduits and Decoys.
New for my threefold Repitition of the signification of Saturn and Mars [Page 8] in this solar Eclipse, I do not hold my self guilty of any needless Totoligy; for they are necessarily so to be considered; first as they are the Ruler of the Eclipse, secondly as they are in Opposition and thirdly as we are to mind the Signs and Houses they are in, according to all which, they [...] much Malice, and mutual Hatred among Men in such Families where there are different perswasions, and different Relations, there will be more than usual strife, and debate; so likewise in such Kingdom [...], and Republicks where there are different Religions, or People of different Interests and Customs there will be sturdy struglings and [...] among them; many furious and malicious debates.
Venus Lady of the Sign wherein the Eclipse is being [...] [...]all, and in square to Jupiter, denotes some difference and discord among the more religious and civiliz'd sort of People, and that too many will be more intent upon trivial discents, than in minding the Intreagues and Machinations of the common Enemy of them all.
Mercury in the 12th House Peregrine and Retrograde, signifies [...] and Imprisonment to many forward and over nimble witted Scribes, Clarks, and Accountants, and users of false Weights and Measures.
The Luminary Eclipsed, is Lord of the 10th House; and therefore is a doeble Significator of Grandees, among whom there will be many and fact Disorders and Disasters, both to their Persons and Authorities.
As the Eclipse is in an Airy Sign it signifies vehement Winds, a Sea [...] city of Provision, and Apparitions in the Air.
As it is in the Sign Libra, it imports a declertion of Justice, small Piety and little Piety, and it being Matutine, it's effects is much Augmented; so being in an equinoctial Sign, it's Influence will be Universal; it troubles the Church, and spoils Seeds and Herbs.
As it is in a Humane Sign, it implies much trouble among Men.
As it is in the Astrism of the Virgin, it signifies a barrenness of the Earth, and barrenness among Women, many Miscarriages, and abortive Births.
Because this Eclipse begins in the 12th House of Heaven, receives it's greatest obscurity in the 11th, and ends in the 10th: Hence follows Conspiracies, a great decay of Friendship, and troubles in most States and Governments.
From the great Strength and good Aspect of Jupiter in this Eclipse, I do heartily believe also, that there will be many good Moseses to stand in the Gap, and good Abrams to plead with God for averting the gross of those evils.
I know well enough, that there are great differences among the Astrologers of different Religions in applying the difference and Signification of Jupiter: Protestant Religion; Popish Astrologers make him to signify their Religion, and Pagans will have him to patronize their Devorcem; there Reasons all are the same, because every one of them accounts their Religion the best; they will therefore have the best Planet for it's Significator.
[Page 9] But undoubtedly, that is the best Religion that worships the one only living and true GOD after the best manner; which must needs be that which most nearly agrees to his own Institution, and meddles least with the Precepts of Men; for GOD, who requires Men to worship hem, though fit to prescribe him a Rule for his Direction, and least that Rule should be forgotten or corrupted, he commanded it to be written in a Book, which Book can be no other than that which contains the Old and New Testament, and is called the Bible. That Religion then that most strictly obliges Men to keep close to the dictates of this Book, is truly accounted the best Religion.
But forasmuch as Jupiter is the general Significator of all Religion and Laws, he therefore signifies that Religion which is uppermost in any Kingdom or State, and which is established by Authority, and the Laws of that Nation, whether it be Protestant, Papist, or Pagan; so Saturn, Mars, and Mercury, are the common disturbers of Religion, and the constant troublers of States.
November the 7th, there is a Conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Mercury all in square to Saturn, and also in square to the places of Saturn and Mars in this solar Eclipse; this will put the Eclipse upon Action, and set the opposition of Mars and Saturn at work too: Some notable business now on Foot, wherein a Woman or Women are much concerned, great Counsels and Consults how to Confront the riged Impulses of a sturdy old Senior; much bustle and baseness, foul and turbulent Weather.
About the 11th or 12th of November there is a quartile of Jove and Mars, Mars being then on the very place of the Eclipse, and Jove in square to it; disputes arise about civil and military Matters, Rights and Priviledges warmly debated in some Places, the Religious are like to be molested, many Duels, Law-suits, and pecunary Controversies, Fevers, and Plurisies: But the Sun, Venus, Mercury, all in Conjunction, and in Sextile to Mars, will by great Good and wise Counsel, mightily moderate those matters.
December the 11th, the Sun beholds the place of his Eclipse by a square, which signifies some small disgusts among Persons of Quality, and some Bickering between Rulers and their People; but the Sun soon lighting with the Conjunction of Jupiter, sets all to rights again after a little Consultation and Blustering.
January the 15th 1700, there is a square of the Sun and Mars, and tho' they behold not the place of the Eclipse, it will be worth Observation, by reason Mars is Lord of the Assendant, and the Sun Lord of the 10th in the Eclipse; Mars being now near cusp of the Ascendent in his own House, and the Sun in his detrement, Some Grandees meet with notable business and bustle about this time from their own Subjects and Servants.
The 12th of February, there is a Conjunction of the Sun and Saturn [Page 10] in Pisces, the Sun Lord of the 10th in the Eclipse, and Saturn Lord of the 3d and 4th. Sickness and molestation to Grandees succeeds, many die with Agues, Dropsies, and Consumptions; much Snow or Rain, dark wet and slabby Weather.
March the 9th, the Sun comes to the opposite place of the Eclipse, and the New-Moon happens near the same time, which will make the Ingress very significant: It will be a time of much Consultation, Congratulation, and Condoleance too in some places; to which purpose, there will arrive many Agents and Ambassadors in the Courts of Princes; for there is also a Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury soon after the Ingress, besides the Trine of Mars and Mercury, and the Sextile of Jupiter and Mercury. March the 30th, there is an Opposition of Mars and Venus, from the Signs on the Ascendant and 7th Houses in the Eclipse; and both Planets beholding the places of Saturn and Mars in the Eclipse with a square: This Imports much noise and bustle in several Places, as Poland, Loraine, Swizerland, and Ireland; cold and blustering Weather.
April the 12th, there is also an Opposition of Mars and Mercury in the like manner, which will import much News of much Knavery acted both by Sea and Land. The Merchants suffers greatly by Storms and Pirates; the Roads are now more than ordinary infested with Padders, and the Town with Shop-lifters, and such like Creatures. April the 27th, we have an Opposition of the Sun and Mars from the same Signs, i. e. Taurus and Scorpio. More noble Gamesters now mount the Stage, and more notable Exploits are Play'd; but there is no nobleness in the use of Punniards or Poyson, nor is it a noble Death to come to the Ax or Halter about it; nor does every one that falls in a Duel die in the Bed of Honour. We expect much Thunder and Lightning,
In Mars there is no material bad aspect that has any regard to the Eclipse: Therefore, we are only to expect those evil Influences we have mentioned, to be manifested in this Month. Mighty endeavours will be also used herein to moderate Disorders, and bring things into a better posture.
June the 10th, the Sun comes to the square of the Eclipse, and near the same time there is a square of Saturn and Mercury; some dislikes arise among high and low; the Ears of Merchants grated with bad News; some cold gusts of Wind and Rain; and yet the Month affords much good Intelligence too.
July affords us 4 Opposition to be considered, though neither of them much affects the Eclipse. The Opposition of Jupiter and Mercury signifies Law-suits, Religious Disputes, scribling Controversies and hasty Showers. The Opposition of the Sun and Jupiter signifie, discord among Princes and Prelates, Grandees and their Trustees;s Eighty proings and connings in Counsel; high Words, high Winds, and fierce Showers. Opposition of Saturn and Venus, signifies much [Page 11] detrement to Women, and Fruits; cool and wet Weather The Opposition of Saturn and Mercury, signifies many sly and deceitful tricks among Men, malicious and suttle Projects, Lies and Libels, Fears and Jealousies, Colds and Gripes, Storms and Ship wracks.
August the 7th, the Sun transites the place of Mars in the Eclipse, and the 9th day he passeth by the Opposition of Saturn therein too, and soon after lights with the actual square of Mars, and Opposition of Saturn; and before the Month ends, there will be a square of Saturn and Mars: great Calamities are hereby signified both to great Persons and great Places; fiery meatures in the Air, and fiery Passions in Men; great Fires and Fevers are much to be feared; many Deaths and Dangers insident to many about this time; much Cruelty and hard Usage both by Sea and Land; violent Plots and Projects; in some Places the Harvest suffers by bad Weather.
September the 12th, the Sun returns to the very place of his Eclipse; after which, the virtue of the Eclipse will dwindle; but other bad Influences are still in Operation.
October the 30th, there is a Conjunction of Jupiter and Mars in 26 degrees of Capricorn, which usually operates upon Religion and Law, many times violent Preaching, and violent Practice; military Impositions, and military Executions; much boldness and blustering.
November the 6th, the Sun comes to the squate of Mars in the Eclipse, and the 8th, to thk square of Saturn therein; this will stir up a troublesome Ferment among Grandees, much Spleen and Annimosity among them, vexatious Counsels and Consults.
December the 28th, there is a Conjunction of Saturn and Mars in 10 degrees of Pisces; much holy Hipocrisy is thereby signified; many angry Pulpit Peals, Scism and Sedition zealously urged; Law debates, and Pecunary Troubles; great Ship-wracks, and many Men drowned; great Rains, or much Snow; Floods, and overswelling of Riverss
It is vvorth Observation, that the Planets Mars has been no less than 7 Months this Year in Scorpio; during vvhich time, he variously Disputes all the rest of the Planets; many and great Marshal Consultations are thereby signified, and much military Povver imposed upon several Places under Scorpio, and it's opposite Sign, besides other Places. All sorts of Christians that are at War vvith the Governments of Algler, Tunis, or Tripoli, vvill be too often Kidnab'd by those Rovers.
Observing no formidable Configurations a [...]ending this Eclipse, I was once in the mind not to concern my self with it: But having considered the Time, and erected the Figure (you here see) for the same, I found the Position so remarkable, that I resolved not to omit its Interpretation according to the best of my mean Skill, which with as much freeness of Mind as I dare use, my Reader shall have in the Sequel.
Had Astrologers the liberty to write what they may well deduce from the Stars, a mean Artist might easily shame the most obstinate Antagonist out of his ill Humour against Astrology; but our Pens are Padlock'd, and we dare not force their Freedom.
The Rulers of this Eclipse are Jupiter and Mercury, the latter being Lord of the Sign where the Eclipse is, and the former sole Governour of the Angles succeeding: 'Tis well when Religion and Law guides the Helm of Government, provided they are in a Capacity to hold it; we find both those Planets in a pale and sickly Condition; Jupiter in the 12th House in his Fall, and Mercury between the Square of Mars, and Conjunction of Saturn, also hastening into his Fall: Hence comes much Sorrow and Perplexity to many that wear the Long Robe, from [Page 13] the Highest to the Lowest Degrees among them; behold Mars in the 9th House, Saturn in the Ascendent, and the Eclipse in the 7th.
All Eclipses of the Moon moves Tumtlts and Commotions: but most of all when in the [...]th House, then Wars and Rumours of Wars, Riots Routs, and Re [...]sions are much to be feared; I mean, a cautionary Fear, not in L [...] [...]usilanimity.
The Moon is [...] the 6th House; Servants and Subjects will be apt to rise up and [...]tend with their Masttrs and Rulers, joining force with their Enemies against them, though they suffer severely for it.
I am sorry to see Jove so weak and helpless, he lately slighted Mars, and now Mars will as much slight him; but the Sun makes hast to his Assistance, and to perswade Mars into a better Humour, that more [...]ar [...] may be taken to support a feeble Authority, so made by their own Remisness.
Saturn and the Dragon 's Tail in the Ascendent, signifies much Sorrow and Discontent to the People in several Countries and Places; much murmuring and muttering at their Superiors, great and grievous Complaints of Poverty and hard Usage; a Sickly Season is much to be feared, and many Dismal Accidents; Cold and Dark Air, Fewds and Fears many suffer by Hunger and Cold; great Ship-wracks, Floods, and Inundations, doing abundance of harm.
Mars in the 9th House, and in a watery Sign and strong, signifies grea [...] Preparations for Sea-force, and Sea-Actions; many stout Men of War at Sea on all sides, to watch the motions and Designs of each other. The Moon applies to the Sextile of Mars, and the Trine of Jupiter; many long and dangerous Voiages made in expectation of great Advantages; but if it prove not otherwise, it will be well; for the Sea looks grim and angry in this Face of Heaven.
Maximae Eclipsis & maximae Operantus: The greater the Eclipse is, the greater are it's Effects; this is a great Eclips, and therefore it will be of as great Signification. Significantit Eclipsis decreta sunt ejus quae proprius cardines: Those Eclipses which are Visible had near unto an Angle [...]o most powerfully manifest their Influence. This is in the [...]th House, and therefore will strongly stir up Wars, Contentions, Strife, and Debates among Men. Maxime illustres effectus sunt Solis & Luna: Great and Famous are the Effects signified by the Sun and Moon; therefore, great and famous are the significations of their great Eclipses.
The greatness of all those three Eclipses we have here treated on, and the great and stupendions Effects likely to succeed them, will make abundance of Admiration in the World.
Ex Eclipsibus magni proveniunt: From Eclipses great Effects always succeed. Eclipsis Luminarium supper reivitates. Provincias & Regna magis quam super privatae conditionis homines antetiam super Reges respiciunt enim multitudinem: Eclipses pour down their Influences upon Men of mean Condition, or upon Kings themselves; for they principally respect the multitude.
[Page 14]But we are not from hence to conclude, Princes too great, or Peasants too little for the cognizance of Eclipses; for since the Sun signifies the Nobility, and the Moon the Mobily; Eclipses of the Sun surely affects the one, and Eclipses of the Moon the other accordinly; for as we may compare the Nobility to one Body, and the Commonality to another, so [...]ch Prince we account a Member of the one Body, and each Peasant a Me— of the other; and we say, that Eclipses do not only concern those Bod [...] [...] [...]eral; but also more specially mind such particular Members whose rad [...] [...]minaries are touched by the Eclipse.
I know two or three Grandees in the World menaced by these Eclipses; but Potlomy's Nemo Perticularia Predicit shall be my Rule in that matter; for though I know a Man may prodict many Particulars; I do also believe he ought not at all times no do it.
But this let me mind my Reader, that these three Eclipses much concerns Governours and Governments, as he may see by the Schemes themselves; for in the first Lunar Eclipse the Moon is Lady of the 10th, and besides her Eclipse, she is otherways much afflicted: So in the Solar Eclipse the Sun is Lord of the 10th, and the 10th House much afflicted; and here Jupiter Lord of the 10th is much debilitated.
This Eclipse falling in the West Angle, we must allow it 9 Months repe of before it starts up into Action, and that will bring us to the 23d day of November; unto which, if we add 3 Months and a half for the duration of it's Influence, we shall find December 1700 January, Feburary, and part of March 1791, are assign'd for the manifestation of it's Effects; but that an Eclipse should be in one Winter, and not operate untile the next, our modern Artists do scarcely believe; but we hereing adhere to the dictates of the Antients, though we do also believe what we know to be true, that no Eclipse is guilty of Idleness in the mean while; so that an Eclipse of the Moon falling in the 7th House, it will be a compleat Year in Operation, especially when great: but will most vigorously manifest it's Effects in the latter past of time assign'd.
From the long transite of Mercury in the Earthy triplicity much News may arrive from the Southern parts of the World; many Southeon winds, Chappings and Trembling, of the Eath, a Scarcity of Provision and deterement to young Cattel: many hasty showers of Hail and sudden Frosts.
February the 11th. 1701, there is an Eclipse of the Moon in the First decanate of Virgo, which signifies redition and discord, sterility and Cold Weather, an aptness to Tumults and Commotions, The latter part of the same Month there is a Conjunction of Saturn, Sol and Mercury in Pisces: Serious and Subtile consultations are thereby signified about matters of no mean Importance: it also denotes Storms and Shiq wracks, Cold and dark Air, much Snow or Rain.
About the middle of June 1701 all the Seven Planets will be in Watery Signr: Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon, in Pisces: Mars, Sol, Venus and Mercury in Cancer: Sure some mighty show is now made, and much business don upon the great Waters: great Fleet at Sea, both men of War [Page 15] and Merchant-men; great counsels and Consults in Watery places and about Watery matter; many showers, swelling Seas and Ship-wracks.
July the 24th 1701, there is a considerable Eclipse again of the Sun Visible to most parts of Europe: It falls in the Second decanate of the Regal, fiery, and Fixed Sign Leo.
It creates much trouble in the Courts of Princes and molests Grandees with mighty mutation fixed and fatal evils: the luminaries being then near the Body of Mars, Barrenness of the Earth may be feared and so many great Fevers and Epidemical disceases: Rome and other places in Italy will be much sublect to fire and Faction, fie [...]ce Thunder and Lighting in many places.
Octtober the 2d 1701, there is another opposion of the two infortunes from Virgo and Pises, which creaters much discension between People of different Religions, intrests and customs; or if you would have it more plain, it moves the old leaven of sploun and Anger between Turk and Christian, Papist and Protestant; such as are established by the Authority of nations, and those that conferm not to their modes of Governmene and Worship; it also Pesters Governmedts with Plotters, the Roads with Padders, and the Sea with Pirates; Cold and Blustring Weather.
And now a litrle Application, and so we'll Conclude.
It is so, that Eclipses when Great have so great Influence and effects; then let all People Nations and Languages unto to whom these three Great Eclipses are Visible, look about them: but more particularly, such places whom they affect by the Signs of the Heavens they fall in, by the Eclipse's Circle of Positions, and by the Circles of Position of the infortunes.
Turky, all three Eclipses of the Moon are in Virgo: great ore the Troubles and molestraoions thou must share in; many will be the Tumults and Commotions in thy territories or Confines.
France, thy Great City Paris is much conce [...]ned, and some other places within thy Limits thou art stell Vexing thy Poor Protestant subjects, and Heaven is preparing a vexation for thee, and those that puts thee upon such Measures.
Italy, much Trouble houers over thy Head; sume of thy Princes cant agree with each other, thy Pontifical see will be Troubling, and must look to be Troubled.
Savoy, thy severity to the Poor Mondovites will be [...]etali [...]ed e'er long with intrest.
Spain, some Clandestine Overtures attend thee, and much in a little time will accrew, thou hast much more weighty matters to dispute then the disturbing of the Scots at Darien who will not easily be Bang'd from their Post if their Friends fail them not of timely supplys, and they agree among themselves
Portugal, thou hast been a great while fiuiet and modefately thriving: But if these to Lunar Eclipses in opposition to thy Palladium and the Transite of Saturn thro' it, Produce thee no Trouble and Toyl, it will be well: but I doubt the Contrary.
[Page 16] Germany, many places within thy confines afe concerned, matters of much moment fall on the Fronteers of Austra, and Subburbs of Vienna.
Poland and Muscovy look well to the Tartar and let your Christian Neighbours alone, so they begin not with ye: But take the best care you can to prevent intestine Discord, that no detrement come from thence: nor be not to forward to fall out with erch other, for that will be good for neither.
Sweedland and Denmark, you have Enjoy'd Peace many Years while your Neighbours have invvlved don't be so eager for Trouble as to (Rather then Fail) design the disturbance of each other, look well to your Confines, and live Ffindly together; but if you cannot, or will not, I can't help it.
Holland, thy great Trade and industry is envied, Clandestine designs are forming against thee, look well to insurrecteons, and inundations.
Hybernia Both the Infortunes in the Sun's Eclipse, squares thy Ascendant, which imports thee some Trouble, and bids thee take what care thou canst to prevent it; seditious Spirits will strive to disturbe thee; the Rapparees will be busy, both open and clandestine Projects will be acted about thee, and in thee.
Brittannia, thou art the land of my Nativity, I dare not Item thee, but I hope I may Pray for thee, and for thy Mighty Monarch King WILLIAM God send him a long Life, and a Prosperions Reign over thee, and bless thee from Tumults, Gires, Fevers, and Furious Commotions.
Thus have I fathfully and truly (according to Art) related the signification of these three Visible Eclipses that are great and remarkable in themselves, and falls out under as great and remarkoble Positions of the Heavens; and therefore will have as great and remirkable Effects in the World.
I could (but for brevity's sake) have courted my Authours; however, I have written nothing without Art, nor without the Authority of the best Artists; nor do I intend hereby to amaze the World with those Coelestial Persages; but to let them see the dangers impending, that all possible care may be taken to prevent them.