In Memoriam Thomae Rainsbrough, Pro Populo, & Parliamento, Chiliarchae Fortissimi.
The Epitaph or Engravement on the Tombstone.

HE that made King, Lords, Commons, Judges shake,
Cities and Committees quake;
He that sought nought but His dear Countries good,
And seald their Right with His last blood;
RAINSBROUGH, The Just, the Valiant, and True,
Here bids the Noble Levellers Adiew.

The Enlargement upon the Epitaph dedicated to all His Friends; in Parliament; Army, City, and Country.

SOund sound a Call with speed, beat loud the Drum,
Back from the North brave RAINSBROUGH is come
A butcher'd martyr'd Saint, whose gallant Hand
Aw'd once the Sea, and twice hath aw'd the Land.
Let Justice mourn, and Freedom ring his Knell,
For in their Quarrel, he both fought and fell:
Basely betray'd He fell; ten times through's brest
(Unarm'd, unwarn'd) the Coward's sword was thrust.
Drag'd from his bed, nor friend, nor weapon nigh him;
Twenty to one, with hacks and thrusts they ply him.
Lend, lend a sword he cries; will none? then I
With naked Arms, the armed dogs defie:
Nor would He yeeld, till in the street he dyes,
With twice ten wounds, the Armies Sacrifice.
Never in Field yet beat; nay whilest that breath
Gave limbs he stood, a Victor at his death:
Up then, brave souls born for your Countries Good:
Mount him to's Grave, and next avenge his Blood.
For though intomb'd with honor RAINSBROUGH lies,
To you his blood for Satisfaction cries.
Now Cholmly laugh, and ye Malignants grin:
Yet know, from hence your Reckoning must begin.

Anno salutis Christianae 1648. Novemb. 14. Summo cum amore Londinensis Mi­litiae in humatus fuit honorabiliter Thomas Rainsbrough Justitiae pugil militaris, libertatis vindex legalis.

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