It is humbly proposed on the behalf of the PURCHASERS OF BISHOPS, and DEANS and CHAPTERS Lands.

WHereas his late MAJESTY of blessed memory, in his Concessions upon the Treaty at the Isle of Wight, did grant, That the Purchasers of Bi­shops Lands should hold the same for 99 years; and did also declare his Judgement and Condescention for the alienating Deans and Chapters Lands in Fee, for such uses as should be afterwards resolved on:

It is humbly proposed, That the Purchasers of the said Lands respectively, may hold the same for 99 years, paying one fourth part of the first Purchase-money; or to be confirmed to them in Fee, paying one third part of the said purchase-money; one Moiety thereof within two moneths after an Act of Parliament shall be pass'd for that purpose; and the other Moiety within six moneths then next following: which is conceived will amount to about six hundred thousand pounds, for that the said Lands were sold for about three and twenty hundred thousand pounds; and paying a twentieth part of the present improved Rent to his MAJESTY, or such other use as by Act of Parliament shall be appointed; which, with the Remainder of the Possessions un­sold, will raise a greater yearly Rent then formerly.

Hereby, a considerable sum of money for his MAJESTIES service, will be speedily raised; the Kingdom so much eased, and discharged of so great a debt as three and twenty hundred thou­sand pounds, for which the said Lands were sold; the Honour of Parliaments, and the Publick Faith given for the same, repair­ed; as great a Revenue as formerly to his MAJESTY, or the Church, continued; the Purchasers satisfied, their Possessions quieted; Industry and Improvements encouraged; no Sales, Settlements or Securities disturbed, and infinite Suits pre­vented.

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